Packing/fill,Plaster floor,Impact on surfaces,Accumulated deposits: plant diversity,% plants,% bone,Components,Deposition,Post-depositional alterations,Interpretation of sequence,Site area,Thin section,Flot. no.,Horizontal context Within building,,,,,,,,,,,,, Few or no prepared surfaces,,,"pseudomorphic vegetal voids, some charred plant remains",27,2,"building material aggregates, grindstone frags",,"reprecipitation of salts, some bioturbation",vegetal voids and building material aggregates from street mixed with periodic accumulation of sweepings including debris from grinding and some FI rake-out,HS5,"402, 439",540,I Few or no prepared surfaces,,lens of salts,trampled dung and discontinuous lens of ash,7,2,,lenses,salts,?stabling and occasional discard of ash in courtyard,HS1,423,4162,F/L: unroofed area/room unoriented aggregates,,,"1) mashed plant remains with yellowish organic staining, 2) charred dicot. wood fragments and heterogeneous aggregates",3,none,grindstone fragment,,"10% bioturbation, except where there is a lens of ash where there is very little disturbance",domestic activities ?food preparation and cooking ,HS5,400,538,H unoriented aggregates,,,"1) charred cereal grain, seeds, dung ash, yellowish organic lens",3,1, burnt and unburnt plant fragments and rounded aggregates with 1% burnt bone splinters ,,"gypsum salts, occasional calcareous spherules",periodic accumulation of sweepings including debris from grinding and some FI rake-out,HS5,"401, 436",540,H unoriented aggregates,with anthropogenic debris,subhorizontal cracks,"charred ceral grain and seeds,",2,2," oven plaster frags, wall plaster and ?organic aggregates, burnt bone",,extensive bioturbation,remains from food preparation/cooking/consumption burnt on floor,HF1,347,8006,H unoriented aggregates,with anthropogenic debris and discontinuous lenses of gypsum,subhorizontal cracks,"finely fragmented charred plant remains,",,1, loose aggregates,loose dust and aggregates in collapse,,cleaner area of room,HF1,348,8012,H mudbrick packing,,reworked boundary,"pseudomorphic vegetal voids, charred diverse woods coniferous and dicotyledonous, twigs, stem, seeds, sparse siliceous remains and ashes",34,2,subrounded aggregates,,,domestic hearth rake-out and sweepings from trampled areas,HN,431,264,F/L: unroofed area within building/room packing,,,charred grasses and dung,>45,2,burnt aggregates and sparse bone,dumped,,FI rake-out and food preparation debris,HS1,420,4167,X thick packing,,,"charred wood, cereal grain, seeds and grasses, fine siliceous grass, ashes",75,2,"burnt and unburnt aggregates and oven plaster frags, salt aggregates",single dump,"bioturbation, repreceipitation of salts",dumped mixture of sweepings and FI rake-out,HS6,433,815,L ,poorly prepared,,"not well preserved charred flecks and seeds, ashes",4,1,heavily burnt bone,,,refuse deposits,HS1,422,4108,L ,poorly prepared floor,compacted and trampled,wood,11,1,"burnt aggregates, ?obsidian chips, fresh bone",unoriented and trampled,"bioturbation, salts, sparse brown and orange organic staining",doemstic occupation debris ,HS1,422,4108,L ,plaster floor,dislodged and depressed aggregates,"dense layers of siliceous plant remains, principally grasses",69,2,burnt aggregates from collapse,,,storage of straw/bedding/collpased roof,HS4.2,325,1185,X ,Fine orange silt loam plaster floors,?covering,,4,1,heterogeneous subrounded aggregates,thin accumulations of plaster floors and compacted sediments,some bioturbation,well maintained room with fine orange floors and thin compacted accumulations of fine swept deposits,HN,430,240,L ,"Fine floors (grey, orange and white)","penultimate surface burnt, and replastered",smooth,11,0,few microscopic traces,,,,HS4.1,427,6079,L/K