"ContextNumber","Sub-division","Type","DatePeriod","Length","Breadth","Diameter","Depth","Method","Description","Interpretation" 4001,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of linear feature to NE corner of site. This fill overlies a number of post-holes cut into the bedrock below it.","This fill covers two distinct areas, the ditch and the small semi circle of post-hole cuts, -see sketch. These two are differentiated by the nature of their cuts. The trench has no wear on the chalk- the semi circle is very weathered." 4002,"10","Fill",,,,,0.10,"Trowel","Part of the upper fill at a linear feature running NE-SW across area 10. The fill contained few inclusions and was particularly smooth to excavate. The section is 2mx2m and is 5.1 from the eastern edge of excavation. The southern side of the feature is cut by the plough furrow.","Upper fill of ditch." 4003,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of post-hole (4010).", 4004,"9","Fill",,3.45,3.20,,0.15,"Trowel","Irregular shaped dark feature cut by later plough furrows, however, due to similar colour these furrows cannot be distinguished in the feature. The plough furrows may also be the reason for a sherd of post-medieval pottery being found. A very small presence of charcoal was noted. The top of the feature had been machined off. NB was indistinguishable from cleaning area 4165 to East.","Upper fill of oval-shaped pit." 4005,"9","Fill",,0.49,,,0.13,,"Packed with small angular stones.","Fill of the post-hole (4028)." 4006,"5/8","Fill",,22.00,0.20,,0.07,"Trowel","Fill of plough furrow, running east north east.","Plough furrow." 4007,"5/8","Cut",,22.00,0.20,,0.07,"Trowel","Plough furrow (cut) u-shaped, shallow. runs east north north.","Plough furrow (cut)." 4008,"5","Fill",,2.00,0.13,,0.04,"Trowel","Fill of plough furrow running north north-west.","Plough furrow." 4009,"5","Cut",,2.00,0.13,,0.04,"Trowel","Plough furrow (cut) running north north-west, u-shaped, very shallow.","Plough furrow." 4010,"9","Cut",,,,0.46,0.18,"Trowel","Post-hole, roughly rectangular at the top narrowing down into a v-shape. The western side is sloping at a 40 degrees angle and appears to be cut into natural chalk or is packed with stone. The eastern side is straight, cut into pea-grit chalk.","Posthole cut." 4011,"5/7","Fill",,19.00,0.17,,0.06,"Trowel","Fill of linear groove, running NNW-SSE across site.","Plough furrow." 4012,"5/7","Cut","Modern",19.00,0.17,,0.06,"Trowel","Linear groove running NNW-SSE, with u-shaped cross section.","Plough furrow, from deep ploughing episode." 4013,"9","Cut","Modern",10.14,0.15,,0.08,"Trowel","Linear groove with rounded bottom running NNW to SSE diagonally across area 9.","Plough furrow" 4014,"9","Fill","Modern",,,,,"Trowel","Fill of 4013. It is difficult to discern a difference between the fill and the adjacent plough soil. The fill took on a red/brown colour as the feature cut the feature 4004.","Fill of plough furrow." 4015,"5","Fill","Modern",1.74,0.09,,0.07,"Trowel","Plough furrow, running North- North-West.","Plough furrow." 4016,"5","Cut","Modern",1.74,0.09,,0.07,"Trowel","Plough furrow cut, running North, North-West, u-shaped base, shallow.","Plough furrow." 4017,"5","Fill","Modern",10.40,0.11,,0.07,"Trowel","Fill of plough furrow running NNW.","Plough furrow." 4018,"5","Cut","Modern",10.40,0.11,,0.07,"Trowel","Plough furrow (cut) running NNW, u-shaped base, shallow.","Plough furrow." 4019,,"Fill","Modern",47.40,0.18,,0.07,"Trowel","Plough soil","Plough soil in ploughshare scar." 4020,,"Cut","Modern",,0.18,,0.07,"Trowel","Linear cut, running NNW-SSE.","Plough furrow." 4021,"8/10","Fill","Modern",21.60,0.15,,0.06,"Trowel","Linear stripe of darker soil crossing site from NNW-SSE.","Plough furrow fill." 4022,"8/10","Cut","Modern",21.60,0.15,,0.06,"Trowel","Linear cut running diagonally from NNW-SSE; shallow u-shaped cross section.","Plough furrow cut." 4023,"9/10","Fill","Modern",5.15,0.12,,0.03,"Trowel","Linear stripe of dark soil running diagonally from NNW-SSE.","Plough furrow fill." 4024,"10","Cut","Modern",5.15,0.12,,0.03,"Trowel","Linear cut running diagonally from NNW-SSE; shallow, u-shaped cross section.","Plough furrow cut." 4025,"7","Layer",,8.00,4.00,,,"Trowel","Dark brown silty clay loam layer.","Plough soil." 4026,"5","Fill","Modern",3.95,0.08,,0.03,"Trowel","Plough furrow fill running North-North West.","Plough furrow." 4027,"5","Cut","Modern",3.95,0.08,,0.03,"Trowel","Plough furrow (cut) running North-North West, u-shaped base, shallow.","Plough furrow." 4028,"9","Cut",,0.49,,,0.13,"Trowel","Oval-shaped, packed with large angular chalk stones. Very shallow, with small chalk fragments on bottom.", 4029,,"Fill",,8.80,0.15,,0.07,"Trowel","Dark grey brown silty clay loam.","Plough soil." 4030,,"Cut","Modern",8.80,0.15,,0.07,"Trowel","Linear cut running NNW-SSE.","Ploughshare scar." 4031,"5","Fill",,1.63,0.12,,0.09,"Trowel","Plough furrow running NNW (fill).","Plough furrow." 4032,"5","Cut",,1.63,0.12,,0.09,"Trowel","Plough furrow cut running NNW, very shallow, u-shaped base.","Plough furrow." 4033,"9","Fill",,0.35,,,0.23,"Trowel and spoon","Packed by large, angular and rounded chalk stones.", 4034,"9","Cut",,0.35,,,0.23,"Trowel","Oval shaped, packed by large angular and rounded chalk stones, shallow to begin with, then gets quite steep at bottom.", 4035,"5","Fill",,1.79,,0.12,0.05,"Trowel","Plough furrow (fill) running North-North West.","Plough furrow." 4036,"5","Cut",,1.79,,0.12,0.05,"Trowel","Plough furrow (cut) North-North West.","Plough furrow." 4037,"8","Fill","Modern",11.20,0.10,,0.05,"Trowel","Possibly same as 4036. Fill of linear groove running WSW-NEE across site.","Plough furrow fill." 4038,"8","Cut","Modern",11.20,0.10,,0.05,"Trowel","Possibly same as 4036. Plough furrow cut, u-shaped, shallow (non-evident in places) crossing site WSW-NEE.","Plough furrow from subsoil-line work." 4039,"9/7","Fill","Modern",13.90,0.20,,0.06,"Trowel","Plough furrow fill NNW-SSE diagonally across site.","Plough furrow fill." 4040,"9/7","Cut","Modern",13.90,0.20,,0.06,"Trowel","Plough furrow cut NNW-SSE running diagonally v-shaped across section.","Plough furrow cut." 4041,"5","Fill","Modern",1.90,0.29,,0.06,"Trowel","Fill of plough furrow, running ENE.","Plough furrow." 4042,"5","Cut",,1.90,0.29,,0.06,"Trowel","Plough furrow (cut) shallow u-shaped running ENE.","Plough furrow." 4043,"8/9/10","Fill","Modern",20.10,0.15,,0.03,"Trowel","Dark stripe of soil running diagonally NNE-SSW across site of variable depth.","Plough furrow fill." 4044,"8/9/10","Cut","Modern",20.10,0.15,,0.03,"Trowel","Linear plough mark cut running diagonally from NNE to SSW.","Plough furrow cut." 4045,"9","Fill",,0.52,,,0.08,"Trowel","Quite shallow, packed by medium-sized chalk stones.","Fill of post-hole (4046)." 4046,"9","Cut",,0.52,,,0.08,"Trowel","Quite shallow, packed by medium to large angular chalk stones within a cluster of 4-5 post-holes.","Cut of post-hole." 4047,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","The fill was more stony than (4002) with clear edges within the larger feature. It was noted the increase of charcoal flecks within the fill. There was evidence of thin, modern roots. The feature produced 1 find very coarse pottery. The alignment is the same as the larger feature it cuts (NE-SW).","Fence line or later feature cut into (4086) or re-cut. Very shallow gully/ track-way." 4048,"9","Fill",,0.45,,,0.17,"Trowel and spoon",,"Fill of post-hole (4049)." 4049,"9","Cut",,0.45,,,0.17,"Trowel and spoon","Very shallow at edges, but very steep towards the bottom. On NE side, lined with medium-sized angular chalk stones, but on SW side, lined with much smaller chalk fragments. Dark soil of fill provides sharp rectangular profile surrounding by area of chalk fragments in packing in profile appears as if might be a plank set vertically rather than a post.", 4050,"9","Fill",,0.30,,,0.06,"Trowel",, 4051,"9","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Very shallow, 'lined' with medium -sized angular chalk stones which are also on the bottom.", 4052,"9","Fill",,3.20,2.50,,0.10,"Trowel","Distinguished from (4004) by an increase in the density and size of the chalk fragments. Again as with (4004) a small amount of charcoal was noted.","Pit-fill." 4053,"9","Cut",,4.15,3.26,,0.65,"Trowel","Edges defined by large chalk fragments and by compressed weathered chalk. Base defined by natural rock. Very little weathering and rounding of chalk blocks suggests was fairly rapidly back-filled.","Massive pit visible on magnetometer survey, appears to have been back-filled quickly as no evidence of natural silting; all fill are also sparse with finds. Purpose is unclear-water hole, unlikely lack of silting; quarry hole appears most likely interpretation." 4054,"7","Fill",,,0.60,,0.12,"Trowel","Dark grey brown/silty clay loam containing large and small sub-angular chalk fragments, growing shallower towards W of excavated section. Intersection of 4054 and 4102/3 examined by removing 0.05m shows line of chalk blocks in 4102 clearly continuing across the intersection.","Shallow gully, truncated by ploughing, running W-E across areas 7,8 and 10." 4055,"7","Cut",,,0.60,,0.12,"Trowel","Shallow cut with near vertical sides and flat base, running approximately E-W across site; edges are distinguished by chalk blocks, many set vertically or on edge.","Cut for shallow gully, demarcating boundary of an exposure?" 4056,"5","Fill",,2.70,0.10,,0.08,"Trowel","Plough furrow running East South.","Plough furrow. Fill." 4057,"5","Cut",,2.70,0.10,,0.08,"Trowel","Plough furrow, u-shaped, cut, running East South East.","Plough furrow. Cut." 4058,"8","Fill",,9.60,0.20,,0.04,"Trowel","Linear stripe of darker soil standing out against chalk and earlier features, running NNW-SSE, disappearing as enters area 10.","Plough furrow. Fill." 4059,"8","Cut",,9.60,0.20,,0.04,"Trowel","Linear groove running NNW-SSE, disappearing in area 10, very shallow, u-shaped profile.","Plough furrow. Cut." 4060,"5","Fill",,0.96,0.12,,0.04,"Trowel","Plough furrow fill running North North West.","Plough furrow." 4061,"5","Cut","Modern",0.96,0.12,,0.04,"Trowel","Plough furrow (cut) running North-North West, u-shaped base, shallow.","Plough furrow." 4062,"8","Fill",,0.20,0.25,,0.18,"Trowel","Roughly round patch of darker soil standing out against chalk.","Possibly post-hole fill." 4063,"8","Cut",,0.20,0.25,,0.18,"Trowel","Round hole with stones lined around the inside edge (stones made of chalk). Bottom of hole compacted.","Possible post-hole." 4064,"9","Fill",,0.50,,,0.11,"Trowel",,"Fill of post-hole (4065)." 4065,"9","Cut",,0.50,,,0.11,"Trowel","Quite shallow at ends, gets steeper towards bottom, and packed with medium to large angular chalk stones. It is in a cluster of 4-5 post-holes.", 4066,"9","Fill",,0.51,,,0.13,"Trowel","Quite shallow. Packed with large, slightly larger than (4064-5) and (4045-6), within a cluster of 4-5 post-holes.", 4067,"9","Cut",,0.15,,,0.13,"Trowel","Relatively shallow, packed with large, slightly larger than (4064-5) and (4045-6) within a cluster of 4-5 post-holes.", 4068,"9","Fill",,1.60,1.12,,,"Trowel","Natural silting of a dark brown silty clay with a limited amount of small to medium chalk fragments.","Natural silting." 4069,"9","Cut",,0.84,0.76,,0.20,"Trowel","Amorphous depression in a natural sub-soil periglacial? Hole with a flat base stone surrounded by medium to large chalk fragments connected to another hole to the South which had less distinct edges.","Animal burrow." 4070,"9","Fill",,0.65,0.45,,0.28,"Trowel","Padded by (very) large angular chalk stones, with bits of charcoal on both sides of the profile. Small bit of bone found.", 4071,"9","Cut",,0.65,0.45,,0.28,"Trowel","Quite (relatively) steep, padded by (very) large angular chalk stones. It is within a group of 4-5 post-holes. Bits of charcoal found on both sides of the profile.", 4072,"9","Fill",,0.54,,,0.20,"Trowel","Quite steep, packed with medium-sized angular chalk stones.","Fill of post-hole (4073)." 4073,"9","Cut",,0.54,,,0.20,"Trowel","Quite steep, packed with medium-sized angular chalk stones, one of 5 post-holes in a cluster.", 4074,"7","Fill",,0.88,0.70,,0.30,"Trowel","Circular patch of darker soil, oval-shaped, packed with medium to large angular chalk stones.", 4075,"7","Cut",,0.88,0.70,,0.30,"Trowel","Oval-shaped, packed with medium to large angular chalk stones.", 4076,"8","Fill",,0.23,0.17,0.17,0.13,"Trowel","Circular mound of darker soil standing in contrast to lighter chalk sub-soil.","Fill of possible post-hole." 4077,"10","Fill","Modern",,,,,"Trowel","Dark grey brown silty clay loam -same as plough soil (4000).","Plough soil in modern plough scar from deep ploughing." 4078,"10","Cut","Modern",,,,,"Trowel","Linear cut running NNW.","Modern scar caused by deep ploughing." 4079,"8","Cut",,0.23,0.17,0.17,0.13,"Trowel","Chalk stone lined hole.","Possible small post-hole." 4080,"8","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Amorphous depression found in possible conjunction with two others.","Natural silting." 4081,"8","Cut",,0.96,0.50,,0.12,"Trowel","Amorphous depression (natural).","Natural feature-Periglacial?" 4082,"8","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","An orange brown silt clay fill containing occasional sub-angular chalk fragments.","Natural silting." 4083,"8","Cut",,0.70,0.55,,0.18,"Trowel","Amorphous depression (Natural).","Natural depression." 4084,"10","Cut",,,0.38,,0.10,"Trowel","A shallow u-shaped gully with evidence of worn/weathered chalk at the base. The base does appear to consist of bed-rock. The cut is in the larger feature of (4087) and cuts (4086) and is in same alignment.", 4085,"5","Fill",,,,0.64,0.24,"Trowel","Faces East South East. Red brown silty clay soil. Deep with side packing of medium sub-angular chalk stones.","Post-hole (fill)." 4086,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Mattock and trowel","The fill may be cut by (4084). There was a difference between the fill cut by (4084). The N side contained more inclusions (see above) while the S side contained less inclusions (common/sub-angular/medium), possibly different fills. N side is 6 buckets and S side is 7 buckets.", 4087,"10","Cut",,,1.65,,0.05,"Mattock and trowel","A wide yet shallow feature cut- which is probably the primary cut. On the N side it might be over-cut as it is u-shaped or may be a natural hollow or a result of feature cut (4084). After (4086) was removed possibly 3 features are cut into it.","Form of boundary i.e. fence-line." 4088,"8","Fill",,0.56,0.36,0.46,0.14,"Trowel","Darker soil of fill contrasted against lighter chalk surface material.","Fill of possible animal burrow" 4089,"8","Cut",,0.56,0.36,0.46,0.14,"Trowel","Hole with some chalk stone and small stone fragments. Around the edge extends under the natural surface in the form of an underground circular burrow diameter 0.06 to SSE.", 4090,"5","Fill",,0.80,0.50,,0.14,"Trowel","Fill of possible post-hole, few inclusions, smooth to excavate.","Post-hole." 4091,"9","Fill",,3.32,2.68,,0.23,"Trowel","Distinguished from (4052) by an increase in density and size of stones. The bottom of 4091 is distinguished from (4148) by the presence of large horizontal stones. Charcoal was present in very small amounts.","Pit fill." 4092,"7","Fill",,,0.35,,0.15,"Trowel","Dark brown soil (humic) in stripe running E-W across site; variable in depth and in some places appeared to have been removed by ploughing.","Fill of boundary feature, clearly cut by N-S gully 4103." 4093,"7","Cut",,,0.35,,0.15,"Trowel","Approximately E-W shallow cut of variable depth and sloping sides and generally flat base. In places appeared to have slot in base?","Boundary feature?" 4094,"5","Fill",,0.80,0.50,,0.14,"Trowel","Fill of possible post-hole . On excavating this fill it concealed another cut of another post-hole. On excavating the entire feature this context appears to be packing around post-hole void.","Post-hole." 4095,"10","Fill",,0.64,0.34,,0.13,"Trowel",,"Natural feature filled with natural sitting." 4096,"10","Cut",,0.60,0.50,,,"Trowel","Amorphous depression into natural.","Natural feature-animal disturbance or periglacial." 4097,"8","Fill",,0.40,0.30,,0.15,"Trowel","Darker fill soil of approximate circular appearance standing out against background of lighter chalky surface soil.","Fill of possible animal burrow." 4098,"8","Cut",,0.40,0.30,,0.15,"Trowel","Hole with half circular extension diameter 0.06 towards SSW of the site.","Possible small animal furrow." 4099,"9/10","Fill",,0.58,0.94,,0.15,"Trowel","Dark brown silty clay with few sub-angular chalk fragments-natural silting.","Amorphous depression, natural or periglacial/animal burrow. Natural silting." 4100,"9/10","Cut",,0.58,0.94,,0.15,"Trowel","Amorphous depression-animal scrape or periglacial.","Natural feature." 4101,"5","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Cut of post-hole roughly square. Similar to (4111) post-hole cuts.","Post-hole." 4102,"5/7/9","Fill",,,,,0.42,"Trowel","Dark red brown soil with abundant chalk fragments. Few finds, mainly bone.","Fill of gully which runs along W edge of main N-S track-way." 4103,"5/7/9","Cut",,,,,0.42,"Trowel","U-shaped gully running N-S with steeply sloping sides and narrow flat base. Intersection of 4103 and 4027- quadranted cut of 4103 clearly visible as cut into 4126-similarly different fill of 4103 visible in section.", 4104,"8","Fill",,0.40,0.28,,0.23,"Trowel","Dark roughly circular patch of soil which contrasts against the lighter chalk surface.","Fill of possible small animal burrow." 4105,"8","Fill",,0.40,0.28,,0.23,"Trowel","Circular hole, chalk stone lined to the South. Small circular fragments stone lined to the West and North subsurface tunnel running to the North diameter 0.08. Tunnel chased to a length of 0.1m.","The subsurface tunnel was chased to a length of 0.1m and this showed evidence of extending further. This showed that this feature was possibly a small animal burrow." 4106,"8","Fill",,0.70,0.55,,0.22,"Trowel","Generally fairly clean soil, small find number (62) just recovered from surface -may be from overlying layer.","Probable natural feature -caused by animals?" 4107,"8","Cut",,0.70,0.55,,0.22,"Trowel","Oval-shaped cut with possible tunnel on SW side -natural burrow? Sloping base lined with packed chalk gravel surface.","Natural feature likely." 4108,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","A soft fill with inclusions consisting of weathered chalk.","Fill of post-hole." 4109,"10","Cut",,,,0.13,0.10,"Trowel","A small circular cut located on the ridge between (4087) and (4084). It is located 0.69m from the western section. There is a possibility of two more similar cuts upon the same alignment.","Post-hole, part of fence line?" 4110,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of small strata hole, the hole for this only makes up part of the feature to S. Rest of the hole filled with chalk packing material. In plan the hole is ovoid and N-S in orientation. Is under 4001 so it does not show on area 10 feature plan. No charcoal visible in fill unlike 4001.","Possibly a fill of small stake hole." 4111,"5","Cut",,,,0.64,0.24,"Trowel","Faces ESE, flat square bottom with steep sides.","Post-hole (cut)." 4112,"9","Fill",,0.48,,,0.27,"Trowel","Fill of a relatively steep cut packed with small medium chalk stones.","Fill of possible post-hole (4113)" 4113,"9","Cut",,0.48,,,0.27,"Trowel","Relatively steep, packed with small to medium chalk stones.", 4114,"5","Cut",,,0.60,,0.32,"Trowel and mattock","Cut running N-S, steep sides, flat base. Cut into natural.","Ditch boundary line." 4115,"10","Cut",,0.40,0.23,,0.23,"Trowel","Cut of small stake hole under 4001, it was not visible on original area plan for 10, but was with removal of layer 4001.","Cut of small post-hole, most probably a stakehole." 4116,"5","Layer",,,,,0.02,"Trowel","Layer masking a series of features (ditches)- from which many finds including bone, teeth recovered,. Possibly layer accumulated by natural slump around features.","Slump deposit (layer) around features." 4117,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Very similar fill to (4108).","Post-hole fill." 4118,"10","Cut",,,,0.13,0.12,"Trowel","A circular cut-very similar to (4109) located next to the Eastern section on a NNE alignment from (4109).","Post-hole of palisade/fenceline." 4119,"8","Fill",,0.75,0.41,,0.24,"Trowel","Roughly circular darker fill contrasts with lighter chalky surface.","fill of possible tree root disturbance or animal burrow." 4120,"8","Cut",,0.75,0.41,,0.24,"Trowel","Hole of irregular shape, walls contain small chalky fragments, side steep on western edge.","Possible animal burrow or tree/root disturbance." 4121,"9","Fill",,0.55,0.48,,0.27,"Trowel","Very steep, packed with medium to large irregular chalk stones. Small fragments of charcoal on edges of profile.","Fill of possible post-hole (4122)." 4122,"9","Cut",,0.55,0.48,,0.27,"Trowel","Very steep profile, packed with medium-sized irregular chalk stones. Small fragments of charcoal on edges of profile (W side).","Possible post-hole." 4123,"10","Fill",,0.57,0.40,,0.10,"Trowel","The layer was lying under (4086) and overlay (4087) which consisted of decomposed chalk. It is possible that it represents a lens of fill within a natural hollow.", 4124,"10","Fill",,,0.84,,0.27,"Trowel","Dark brown silty clay resulting from natural silting.","Silting into a feature." 4125,"10","Cut",,,0.84,,0.27,"Trowel","Linear feature with u-shaped cross section. One metre section excavated.","Man-made linear feature." 4126,"7","Fill",,,0.60,,,"Trowel","Linear speed of darker material extending from W edge of excavation and narrowing to 0.2m at E end. Void from small in centre of fill.","Possible boundary feature." 4127,"7","Cut",,,0.60,,0.21,"Trowel","Steeply sloping sides with fairly flat base 0.4m wide- appears to grow shallower to East until disappears. 4127 clearly cut by 4103 at intersection. This quadrated cut and different fill of 4102/4103 visible as above in the section.","Possible boundary feature." 4128,"8","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Orange brown loam with plastic texture -possible fill of animal burrow; one snail shell recovered from base.","Likely natural root or animal hollow." 4129,"8","Cut",,0.50,,,0.20,"Trowel","Irregular cut, animal burrow? Partly in E edge of site; therefore not fully excavated.","Possibly animal/root burrow." 4130,"10","Fill",,0.40,0.57,,0.20,"Trowel","Darker fill contrasts with lighter chalk surface.","Fill of natural context possibly root or animal disturbance." 4131,"10","Cut",,0.40,0.57,,0.20,"Trowel","'L' shaped hole, one leg running NNE open to surface. Other leg of 'L' running sub-surface in a tunnel diameter 0.08m to NNW of site, some medium size chalk stone around the edge of the context.","Possible animal or root disturbance." 4132,"10","Fill",,0.44,0.50,,0.10,"Trowel","Dark silty loam fill contrasts against lighter chalk surface. Medium and small irregular chalk fragments found throughout fill.","Fill of possible natural context probable animal or root disturbance." 4133,"10","Cut",,0.44,0.50,,0.10,"Trowel","Irregular shaped hole with medium shaped chalk fragments on the base. Fragments laid in various planes.","Probable natural disturbance caused by roots or animal activity." 4134,"8","Fill",,2.00,0.96,,0.15,"Trowel","Part of linear feature running NE-SW with orange brown soil mixed with small and medium sub-angular chalk.","Natural silting." 4135,"8","Cut",,2.00,0.96,,0.15,"Trowel","Part of a linear feature running NE-SW.", 4136,"9","Fill",,1.74,0.65,,0.39,"Trowel","Long oval ditch, packed with all sizes of angular chalk stones, also found in fill. Small flecks of charcoal near surface and halfway down fill.", 4137,"9","Cut",,1.74,0.65,,0.39,"Trowel","Long oval shape, quite shallow, packed with all sizes of angular chalk stones. Flecks of charcoal found in fill. Steep sided with flat base.", 4138,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Upper fill-dark brown silty clay containing number of chalk fragments.","Possible post-hole fill." 4139,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Lower fill yellowy-brown silt clay loam with many chalk fragments.","Possible post-hole fill." 4140,"9","Cut",,0.34,0.27,,0.23,"Trowel","Steep sided hole surrounded by small chalk fragments.","Possible post-hole." 4141,"8","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Orange brown loam with few charcoal flecks and piece of possible worked flint.", 4142,"8","Cut",,0.33,0.25,,0.17,"Trowel","Sub circular cut.","Possible post-hole but probably natural." 4143,"10","Fill",,0.33,0.27,,0.14,"Trowel","Appears to be natural silting into a small oval depression.","A natural feature? Animal scrape or periglacial, into which fill has silted." 4144,"10","Cut",,0.33,0.27,,0.14,"Trowel","A small oval-shaped depression-chalk lined.","Appears natural-animal scrape or periglacial- slight possibility of a stake hole, possible packing as per above plan (look for correspondence to other features)." 4145,"9/10","Fill",,1.22,0.52,,0.37,"Trowel","Dark browny orange silty loam of firm consistence containing small to medium sub-angular chalk fragments.","Natural silting." 4146,"9/10","Cut",,1.22,0.52,,0.37,"Trowel","Amorphous natural depression -animal or periglacial, surrounded by small sub-angular chalk fragments.","Natural feature." 4147,"5","Fill",,,0.60,,0.32,"Trowel and mattock","Fill of linear feature running N-S very similar to layer above (4116). Eastern side of cut beneath (4147) leads straight onto natural whereas western side much less convincing. Very few inclusions.","Possible fenceline or re-cut ditch." 4148,"9","Fill",,4.15,3.26,,0.35,"Trowel and mattock","Very similar to (4091) separated only by large horizontal stones. Lower part appeared to contain fewer finds.","Primary pit-fill." 4149,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Red brown silty loam with some small chalk fragments.","Post-use silting into a small post-hole." 4150,"10","Cut",,0.27,0.23,,0.15,"Trowel","Small circular cut into surrounding sub-soil, chalk packing around cut.","Small stake-hole." 4151,"10","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Cut of ditch filled by 4001. This context is in close association with 4152 which it cuts. The evidence for this, as both features have the same fill, is based on the nature of their cuts. 4151's cut is into very angular chalk which is not weathered. 4152 has suffered severe weathering. This means that 4152 is the primary cut. This was left open to weather. The cut of 4151 was then made and both 4151 and 4152 were filled before weathering could affect 4151.","4151 is a small trench which cuts 4152 and was rapidly filled due to the fact it has suffered little weathering." 4152,"10","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Cut of semi circular feature filled by 4001. 4152 contains at least one stake-hole (cut no.4115) and it is heavily weathered. This feature is cut by 4151 also with which it shares fill 4001. As already stated for 4151, 4152 is the earlier feature due to its heavily weathered state.", 4153,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of possible stake hole.", 4154,"10","Fill",,0.29,0.23,,0.09,"Trowel","Darker fill contrasted against lighter chalky surface. Small and medium chalk deposits throughout fill.","Probable natural context (e.g. animal or root disturbance)." 4155,"10","Cut",,0.29,0.23,,0.09,"Trowel","Roughly circular lined with chalk stone of various sizes and in varying planes.","Probable natural cause (e.g. animal or root disturbance)." 4156,"10","Cut",,0.30,0.30,,0.33,"Trowel","Cut of small stake hole in semi circular feature 4152.","Small stake hole cut into circular feature with unclear relationship." 4157,"1","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark spread in SW corner of site with clearly diagonal edge to East. In the surface of this large quantities of fuelash slag were apparent. Cut continue below surface. Below the surface, in the matrix are small flecks of yellow clay. 4157 is one ditch of the context, and is under a later recut, number 4266 which is then filled by 4265 and is under 4000. The fuel-ash-slag was largely confined to this earlier fill.","This context is the fill of a small linear ditch running N-S along the side of the balk. This ditch is later re-cut on the same alignment, but further to the east with context (4265) and (4266)." 4158,"10","Fill",,0.27,0.46,,0.17,"Trowel","Darker fill of context contrasts against lighter chalk surface. Small and medium chalk deposits found throughout fill.","Fill of possible post-hole which may have been disturbed by animal or roots." 4159,"10","Cut",,0.27,0.46,,0.17,"Trowel","Round shaped to the west with small and medium sided chalk stone on internal wall. Context carries on towards the east in a trench style shape. Height of eastern part of context approximately half than of rounder section.","Possible post-hole on western side of context. With possible animal or root contamination/disturbance causing the longer (trench) to the west." 4160,"8/10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Orange brown friable silty clay containing occasional sub-angular small chalk fragments.","Natural silting into a linear cut." 4161,"8/10","Cut",,85.00,0.45,,0.12,"Trowel",, 4162,"10","Fill",,0.34,0.23,,0.17,"Trowel","Red-brown silty loam with some small chalk fragments.","Fill resultant from silting into a post-hole." 4163,"10","Cut",,0.34,0.23,,0.17,"Trowel","Small man-made cut, circular in plan, chalk packing around edges.","Small post-stake hole." 4164,"5","Fill",,,0.82,,0.29,"Mattock","Very rubbly context. Directly under 4116 being cut by 4147 (fill) and 4114 (cut).", 4165,"9","Layer",,,,,0.05,"Trowel","Cleaned surface. This context allocated to general cleaning to E of (4004) to reveal features.","Could be spread from top of pit I.e. fill (4004) which has spread to east." 4166,"9","Fill",,0.83,0.58,,0.13,"Trowel","Very shallow lined with medium to large irregular chalk stones.","Fill of shallow scoop, may be natural." 4167,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Red brown silty clay loam with unsorted chalk fragments.","Natural silty into a depression." 4168,"10","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Shallow amorphous depression -kidney shaped in plan.","Natural feature probably periglacial." 4169,"9","Cut",,0.83,0.58,,0.13,"Trowel","Very shallow, packed with irregular small to large chalk stones. Oval-shaped, gently sloping sides.","Shallow scoop may be natural." 4170,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark orange brown friable silty clay fill containing occasional small sub-angular chalk fragments.", 4171,,"Cut",,,,0.30,0.23,"Trowel","A flat chalk stone 10cmx10cm in the bottom of the hole and against approximately one half of its circumference. Two other pieces of chalk, 2-3 cm higher than the first made up the remainder of the base. The sides of the almost circular hole were nearly vertical until widening at the top. The sides were composed of in the main medium sub-angular chalk fragments closely jammed together. In any gaps were granular chalk pieces. At the top edge was a fine chalk matrix below the cleared topsoil.", 4172,"5","Fill",,0.50,0.26,,0.15,"Trowel","Very shallow irregular edges, uneven base.", 4173,"5","Cut",,,0.82,,0.29,"Mattock and trowel","Cut running North-South. Relatively deep recut by cut (4114) flat slightly sloping base steep sided.","Ditch." 4174,"8/10","Fill",,,0.70,,0.10,"Trowel",,"Natural silting." 4175,"8/10","Cut",,,0.70,,0.10,"Trowel","Linear feature running NE-SW shallow u-shaped cut.","Southern boundary of trackway." 4176,"8/10","Layer",,3.70,1.40,,0.05,"Trowel","clearance of lower level of (4000) to reveal relationship between fill (4124) and fill (4002). Small bone remains found throughout clearance on a regular basis. Also to establish relationship between fill (4124) and fill (4160).","Found that fill 4124 cuts both fills (4002) and (4160)." 4177,"5","Fill",,,,,,"Mattock and trowel","Very clean fill with few inclusions fill of ditch.", 4178,"4","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Red brown silty clay. Clean fill- forms roughly E-W spread on line of S enclosure ditch.","Natural silting in upper level of E-W southern enclosure ditch." 4179,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark orange/brown friable silty clay with occasional small sub-angular chalk fragments.", 4180,"9","Cut",,0.30,0.20,,0.18,"Trowel","Shallow depression with deeper, 0.08m diameter hole to south/eastern side. Probable animal burrow.","Probable animal furrow." 4181,"5","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Rubble layer over lying a much cleaner fill. Possibly a slumpy deposit.","Deposit overlying a ditch." 4182,"5","Fill",,0.61,0.28,,0.12,"Trowel","Light brown patch against W edge of excavation.","Probable animal/root disturbance hole." 4183,"5","Cut",,0.61,0.28,,0.12,"Trowel","Irregular shallow hole cut into gritty chalk and some larger blocks.","Possible animal/root burrow." 4184,"9","Fill",,0.87,0.55,,0.28,"Trowel","Very shallow, lined with large chalk stones.", 4185,"9","Cut",,0.87,0.55,,0.28,"Trowel","Very shallow, lined with large chalk stones.","Possibly natural." 4186,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark orange brown friable silty clay with occasional small sub-angular chalk fragments. Small amount of charcoal fragments throughout fill.","Definite post-hole fill." 4187,"9","Cut",,,,0.27,0.20,"Trowel","Almost circular (in plan) hole the bottom and sides of which is made up entirely of chalk fragments. Most of medium size (20-60mm) and some larger (up to 150mm). The eastern side is vertical and he remainder steeply sloped.","Post-hole." 4188,"9","Fill",,0.74,0.43,,0.23,"Trowel","Quite shallow, uneven base, lined with large chalk stones.", 4189,"9","Cut",,0.74,0.43,,0.23,"Trowel","Very shallow, uneven base, lined with large chalk stones.","Possibly natural." 4190,"4","Layer",,0.08,0.06,,0.05,"Trowel","Superficial dark layer-plough soil?","Plough soil in a slight depression." 4191,"4","Fill","Modern",,0.10,,,"Trowel","Linear cut running diagonally from NNW to SSE.","Plough furrow fill." 4192,"4","Cut","Modern",,,,,"Trowel","Shallow linear feature running NNW-SSW.","Plough furrow cut." 4193,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Circular post hole? Stone inclusions around the edge. Circular patch of darker soil.","Fill of natural hollow?" 4194,"9","Cut",,,,0.40,0.12,"Trowel","Circular scoop with sloping sides and possibly racking stones set vertically on S edge and cut into pea grit elsewhere.","Possible post-hole, but rather irregular shape and may be natural." 4195,"1","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","A soft brown fill with few inclusions. It was noted the existence of flecks of charcoal.","Fill of post-hole." 4196,"1","Cut",,,,0.18,0.12,"Trowel","A small circular cut into the chalk bedrock with well defined edges and flat chalk slabs in base.","Cut of a post-hole." 4197,"5","Fill",,,,,,"Mattock and trowel","Fill of linear feature possibly ditch. In this context found a circular patch of charred grain. This was sampled.", 4198,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Small dark square with vertically set stones around edges.","Possible post-hole- very small." 4199,"9","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Vertically sided shallow circular cut with chalk fragments around edge and at base.","Possible post-hole with packing around edge." 4200,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark fill in circular patch.","Possible post-hole fill." 4201,"9","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Small cut with steep sides and pointed base.","Possible small post-hole paired with 4199." 4202,"9","Fill",,0.34,0.29,,0.11,"Trowel","Very shallow, uneven base.","Possibly natural." 4203,"9","Cut",,0.34,0.29,,0.11,"Trowel","Very shallow, uneven base.","Possibly natural." 4204,"4","Fill",,,,,,"Mattock","Massive fill layer in E-W ditch, varies in width, virtually sterile of finds- very little bone, sieving only a sample of buckets.","Back-filling in ditch." 4205,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark orange brown friable silty clay containing small sub-angular occasional chalk fragments.","Fill of cut 4206." 4206,"9","Cut",,0.30,0.17,,0.14,"Trowel","Small shallow hole cut through the natural chalk crumbs.","Excavated as possible post-hole, because of its alignment but subsequently appears to be an animal burrow or natural depression." 4207,"4","Cut",,,6.00,,0.75,"Mattock and trowel","E-W ditch of enclosure.","Enclosure ditch." 4208,"8","Fill",,,0.50,,0.07,"Trowel","Linear feature running NE-SW.","Natural silting." 4209,"8","Cut",,,0.50,,0.07,"Trowel","Linear feature running NE-SW, shallow u-shaped cut.","Southern boundary of a trackway." 4210,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Orange brown silt loam (excavated as feature 4174).","Linear depression filled with natural silting." 4211,"10","Cut",,,0.15,,0.05,"Trowel","Butt end of a NE/SW feature.","Butt end of a linear feature in NE/SW alignment with 4171 and 4208-but no stratigraphic relationship on ground." 4212,"9","Fill",,0.47,0.40,,0.22,"Trowel","Quite shallow at sides, relatively steeper at bottom. Fairly uneven base.","Possibly natural." 4213,"9","Cut",,0.47,0.40,,0.22,"Trowel","Quite shallow at sides, relatively steeper at bottom. Fairly uneven base.","Possibly natural." 4214,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark brown silty clay loam with chalk fragments inclusions. Traces of a cleaner inner fill with a sharp point and an outer chalk packing.","Post-hole fill and packing." 4215,"10","Cut",,,,0.25,0.31,"Trowel","Post-hole cut -almost perfectly circular at top with vertical sides and rough chalk lining, with flat chalk base. Post-hole/steep sided with single flat stone at bottom.","Post-hole." 4216,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Orange brown silt clay loam.","Natural silt." 4217,"10","Cut",,0.15,0.12,,0.22,"Trowel","Small circular cut with chalk packing around northern face.","Small stake hole." 4218,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Friable dark orange brown silty clay with occasional sub-angular small chalk fragments.","Fill of 4219." 4219,"9","Cut",,,,0.26,0.18,"Trowel","Almost circular hole with broken chalk base and steep sides. The eastern side is adjacent to context 4010.","Probable post hole. Very similar to context no. 4187." 4220,"9","Fill",,0.18,0.16,,0.10,"Trowel","Small but steep.", 4221,"9","Cut",,0.18,0.16,,0.10,"Trowel","Small but steep.","Most probably natural." 4222,"9","Fill",,0.20,0.12,,0.09,"Trowel","Small but steep.", 4223,"9","Cut",,0.20,0.12,,0.09,"Trowel","Small but steep.","Most probably natural." 4224,"9","Fill",,0.35,0.30,,0.08,"Trowel","Uneven base, quite shallow.", 4225,"9","Cut",,0.35,0.30,,0.08,"Trowel","Uneven base, quite shallow.","Most probably natural." 4226,"9","Fill",,0.45,0.40,,,"Trowel","Uneven base, lined with medium to large chalk stones.", 4227,"9","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Uneven base, lined with medium to large chalk stones.","Most probably natural." 4228,"9","Fill",,0.37,0.30,,0.13,"Trowel","Very shallow, uneven base","Most probably natural, although flattish chalk block at base and near vertical sides on S and E side." 4229,"9","Cut",,0.37,0.30,,0.13,"Trowel","Very shallow, uneven base.","Most probably natural." 4230,"10","Fill",,0.13,0.65,,0.44,"Trowel","Dark brown silty loam, with sub-angular chalk fragments, small to medium which were suggestive of packing stones as located.","Natural silting into a feature." 4231,"10","Cut",,0.65,0.13,,0.44,"Trowel","Feature which disappears into northern baulk of trench.","Feature disappears under this baulk but as visible. May be a post-hole, sub-angular cut with packing stones around edge." 4232,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark orange brown friable silty clay with occasional small sub-angular chalk fragments.","Fill of 4233." 4233,"10","Cut",,0.30,0.20,,0.12,"Trowel","Small shallow depression (probable animal hole) dug through the natural chalk crumbs.","Probable animal hole." 4234,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark orange brown friable silty clay with occasional small sub-angular chalk fragments.","Fill of 4235." 4235,"10","Cut",,0.04,0.03,,0.01,"Trowel","Shallow depression, the base of which is made up of medium chalk fragments. The sides contain some large (<60mm) fragments which could be packing stones.","Possibly a natural depression or a truncated post-hole." 4236,"5","Fill",,,,0.40,0.20,"Trowel","Loose fill of feature.","Likely post-hole structure to W of trackway boundary." 4237,"5","Cut",,,,0.40,0.20,"Trowel","Circular feature 'packed' with stones.","Likely post-hole." 4238,"1","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Shows as dark rectangular slot of material in diagonal line NW-SE.", 4239,"1","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Narrow rectangular slot with fairly regular sides sloping in at 70-80 degrees cut with irregular base -tapering at NW end. Aligned NW-SE.","Fence slot -too regular for natural but too irregular for a building beam slot." 4240,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Friable silty clay, dark orange brown in colour with darker patches. Containing occasional sub-angular small chalk fragments.","Fill of 4241." 4241,"10","Cut",,,,0.30,0.15,"Trowel","Almost circular bowl shaped pit. The base of which is made up of one large and several medium chalk fragments. The sides are medium chalk fragments infilled with chalk crumbs.","Probable post-hole." 4242,"3","Fill",,,,,0.10,"Trowel","A clearance level excavated to try and establish the relationship of features between area 1 and area 3 and the nature of the entrance way to the north in area 5 I.e. (4177)/(4181). The layer was noted for containing large pieces of Fe and fuelash slag and fragments of bone comb-relative to rest of site; lots of bone -some burnt.","Fill (s) of ditch." 4243,"9","Fill",,,0.40,,,,"Plough soil in a plough scar.","Plough soil, 5m in length as visible. The fill was not excavated." 4244,"9","Cut",,,0.40,,,,"Linear feature running NNW.","Plough scar cut into subsoil and (4004)." 4245,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of plough furrow.","Plough furrow fill." 4246,"10","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Plough furrow.","Plough furrow." 4247,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of plough furrow.","Plough furrow fill." 4248,"10","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Plough furrow.","Plough furrow." 4249,"5","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of linear feature-ditch. This fill also had charred grain patches in it. Possibly this shows that this is a deliberate fill- rather than it being the result of a natural silting.","Re-cut ditch. Charred grain may be result of re-deposition of 4197 which also contained grain." 4250,"5","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Possible re-cut of a much larger ditch-although the cut is hard to detect in section. Has a flattish -slightly sloping base- with a steep side on the west - rather gradual slope on the east.","Re-cut ditch." 4251,"5","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of re-cut ditch.","Re-cut ditch." 4252,"9","Cut",,0.50,0.26,,0.15,"Trowel","Very shallow, lined with large angular chalk stones.","Natural disturbance?" 4253,"4","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of post-hole 4282.", 4254,"9","Fill",,0.34,0.22,,0.16,"Trowel","Quite shallow, uneven base.", 4255,"9","Cut",,0.34,0.22,,0.16,"Trowel","Quite shallow, uneven base.","Natural-perhaps? Although on an E-W line and same possible packing on S side, although uneven base." 4256,"9/10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark orange brown friable silty clay with occasional small sub-angular chalk fragments.","Fill of 4257." 4257,"9/10","Cut",,0.20,0.20,,0.10,"Trowel","Small shallow hole the base of which is made up of medium chalk fragments. The steeply sloping sides have several large chalk fragments with their long axis in the vertical. Probably the base of a truncated small post-hole.","Probably the base of a truncated small post-hole." 4258,"10","Fill",,,,0.12,0.18,"Trowel","Dark brown soil fill of probable post/stake hole.","Fill of post-hole." 4259,"10","Cut",,,,0.12,0.18,"Trowel","Probable post-hole, small, not perpendicular.","Post-hole." 4260,"1","Fill",,0.67,0.17,,0.08,"Trowel","Kidney-shaped slot with orange brown silty loam.","Natural silting." 4261,"1","Cut",,0.67,0.17,,0.08,"Trowel","Kidney-shaped depression.","Natural depression- animal or periglacial." 4262,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Friable dark orange brown silty clay with occasional small sub-angular chalk fragments and rare large fragments.","Fill of 4263 - natural silting." 4263,"10","Cut",,,,0.36,0.17,"Trowel","Bowl-shaped depression the base of which is made up of large sub-angular chalk fragments (up to appox. 150mm). The sides contain occasional medium chalk fragments in a chalk crumb matrix.","Probable post-hole." 4264,"4","Fill",,,,,,"Mattock","Layer of fill in E-W ditch (4207), sterile.","Back-filling in ditch." 4265,"1","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","4265 is the fill of a negative linear feature 4266 which runs N-S about 1 metre from the western bulk. This fill was only visible in section, but the cut 4266 was detected during excavation. The section shows this fill overlies (4157). Excavated as 4157.","This is the fill of a small trench 4266. Fuel-ash slag probably not from this fill." 4266,"1","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","4266 is a u-shaped ditch cut running N-S about 1 metre from the W bulk. According to the section this ditch is a re-cut of 4262 and cuts 4157.","This is a re-cut of 4267 as is clearly visible in the N section." 4267,"1","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","This is the cut of a N-S ditch which runs to the W bulk and under it. This is the first cut of the ditch, its later recut is context 4266.","This context is the first cut of a N-S ditch which is later re-cut on the similar alignment." 4268,"1","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Yellow/orange fill with small amounts charcoal and burnt daub in upper fill- very irregular cut probably animal burrow.","Probable animal burrow." 4269,"1","Cut",,1.04,0.28,,,"Trowel","Irregular cut -probable animal burrow. Appeared as 2 circles on surface but merged when excavated.","Probable animal burrow." 4270,"10","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Dark orange brown friable silty clay with occasional small and medium sub-angular chalk fragments.","Fill of 4271." 4271,"10","Cut",,0.30,0.25,,0.20,"Trowel","Flat bottomed hole lined with large sub-angular chalk fragments. These fragments make up approx. 80% of the walls of the hole and some are situated on edge.","Probable post-hole." 4272,"9","Fill",,0.70,0.48,,0.35,"Trowel","Very steep, packed with medium to large angular chalk stones.","Fill of post-hole (4273)." 4273,"9","Cut",,0.70,0.48,,0.35,"Trowel","Very steep, packed with medium to large angular chalk stones.","Post-hole." 4274,"5","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Shallow flat based cut, cutting straight down into natural- possibly primary cut of a ditch re-cut later by (4250).", 4275,"5","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Fill of shallow groove running N-S.", 4276,"5","Cut",,,,,,"Trowel","Shallow flat-based cut running N-S.","Possible groove due to drainage? cart ruts?" 4277,"1","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","The fill of a small rectangular cut.","This is most probably a natural feature as the fill contained no packing stones." 4278,"1","Cut",,0.35,0.22,,0.14,"Trowel","Small rectangular cut into bedrock.","This is most probably a natural feature although the chalk is slightly weathered, and the fill was relatively clean." 4279,"9","Fill",,0.82,0.67,,0.30,"Trowel","Relatively large cut, lined with large angular chalk stones.","Definite feature. Pottery is probably Roman in date." 4280,"9","Cut",,0.82,0.67,,0.30,"Trowel","Relatively large cut, lined with large angular chalk stones.","Definite feature? Pottery is probably Roman in date." 4281,"3","Fill",,,3.05,,0.43,"Mattock and trowel","Overall number given to fills of ditch section in area 3- equivalent to series of fills in area 5.", 4282,"4","Cut",,,,0.34,0.11,"Trowel","Circular cut feature-through 4309, a possible wall foundation within 4207.","Post-hole within the line of a chalk wall foundation." 4283,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Merged with 4301 on surface; appeared after second clearance of plough soil in this area.", 4284,"9","Cut",,,,0.30,0.45,"Trowel","Circular cut with near vertical sides and fairly flat regular circular base with chalk packing on sides; adjacent to 4300- which it is deeper than; appeared as one feature on surface and may have been filled together as fills indistinguishable ; finds separated.", 4290,"9","Fill",,0.17,0.07,,0.08,"Trowel","Very small-defined as possible feature by presence of upright chalk stones.", 4291,"9","Cut",,0.17,0.07,,0.08,"Trowel","Very small-defined as possible feature by presence of upright chalk stones.","Probable tip of post-hole or stake hole." 4292,"9","Fill",,0.24,0.22,,0.12,"Trowel","Quite small -defined by sloping chalk stones.", 4293,"9","Cut",,0.24,0.22,,0.12,"Trowel","Quite small -defined by sloping chalk stones.","Possible small post-hole." 4294,"9","Fill",,0.30,0.23,,0.10,"Trowel","Quite shallow, uneven shape. Defined by sloping chalk stones.", 4295,"9","Cut",,0.30,0.23,,0.10,"Trowel","Quite shallow, uneven shape. Defined by sloping chalk stones.","Possible post-hole; paired with 4296/7." 4296,"9","Fill",,0.19,0.15,,0.12,"Trowel","Quite shallow. Defined by sloping and upright chalk stones.", 4297,"9","Cut",,0.19,0.15,,0.12,"Trowel","Quite shallow. Defined by sloping and upright chalk stones.","Post-hole packing left upstanding after removal of plough soil." 4298,"3","Cut",,,3.05,,0.43,"Mattock and trowel","Terraced series of cuts into chalk bedrock -flat base and gently sloping sides.","Number given to section of entrance ditch as turns out to west." 4299,"9","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Group of 8-9 sloping or upright chalk stones indicating a feature. Left after plough-soil clearance.", 4300,"9","Cut",,0.45,0.38,,0.40,"Trowel","Circular feature, adjacent to 4284.","Post-hole cut." 4301,"9","Fill",,0.45,0.38,,0.40,"Trowel","Circular pit feature.","Possible post-hole (smaller one of two)." 4302,"4","Fill",,,,,0.39,"Trowel","A fill consisting largely of sub-angular chalk fragments into which a dark red-brown soil has silted.","Appears to be a chalk dump- presumably from excavated feature 4207 (cut)." 4303,"3","Fill",,,,,,"Trowel","Excavated as 4281.","Post-hole fill." 4304,"3","Cut",,,,0.40,0.21,"Trowel","Regular circular cut with steeply sloping sides on edge of ditch chalk base and sides of medium sub-angular chalk fragments.","Post-hole on edge of W trackway ditch." 4305,"3","Fill",,,,,,"Mattock and trowel","Excavated as 4281 - but more silty area identified over area of post-hole.", 4306,"3","Cut",,1.00,0.70,,0.50,"Mattock and trowel","Large roughly circular cut into chalk bedrock with flat base and sloping sides; may be contemporary with 4298.","Massive post-hole at W side of entrance-way; cut into side of ditch." 4307,"4","Fill",,0.55,,,0.22,"Trowel","Red-brown silty clay fill with chalk around edges of cut- packing?","Possible post-hole packing." 4308,"4","Cut",,0.55,0.50,,0.22,"Trowel","Sub-circular cut with chalk packing around edge.","Large post-hole within 4207- possibly part of a gateway complex." 4309,"4","Foundation",,,0.35,,0.23,,"Linear structure/foundation using above natural and made up of weathered chalk fragments- cut through by a post-hole -all within 4207.","Chalk wall foundation?" 40102,,"Layer",,50.00,20.00,,0.30,"Machine/mattock","Clearance layer. Bone-hard collected only; all finds from cleaning allocated to this context, unless clearly from top of features. General deposit from N-S of fairly constant depth.","Plough soil"