"File Name","Description","Creation date","Supporting documentation file names (this should be enclosed separately and include any abbreviations, codes or notations used)","Software used","Software version" "3_6_3_3_master_record_of_animal_bone_identifications_spreadsheet.csv","full record of animal bone identifications",17/03/2019,,"Microsoft Excel",2007 ,,,,, "Sheet Name","Sheet Description","Number of rows","Field name (Please start a new cell for each column)","Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).", "Sheet 1","full record of animal bone identifications",3167,"BONE_ID","ID number for individual bone", ,,,"TST_NUMBER","Total Station number (mega-structure only)", ,,,"SOURCE-FILE","Site of record", ,,,"YEAR","year of excavation", ,,,"ANALYST","person analysing the item", ,,,"GROUP","persons analysing the item", ,,,"TEAM","team excavating the area (Ukrainian or British or joint)", ,,,"AREA","area excavated", ,,,"TEST_PIT","test pit under excavation", ,,,"TP_ID","number of Test Pit", ,,,"Depth","depth of item", ,,,"PHASE","stratigraphic phase of item", ,,,"NEW_CON_ID","revised Context number", ,,,"OLD_CON_ID","old, unrevised Context number provided by Sekerskaya", ,,,"CONTEXT_COMMENTS(1)","old, unrevised Context information provided by Sekerskaya", ,,,"WET_SIEVE_NUM","number of wet sieved sample", ,,,"SHURF","Ukrainian ID for Test Pit number", ,,,"SF/AMS#","number of AMS sample", ,,,"SAMPLE_NO","number of area sample", ,,,"BAG_NO","number of Bag", ,,,"number","number assigned by analyst", ,,,"HOUSE","number of House A9", ,,,"SQ_1","Excavation Square, House", ,,,"SQ_2","Excavation Square, House", ,,,"FEATURE","excavated feature within Area", ,,,"COMMENTS_CONTEXT","comments on finds circumstances of item", ,,,"BONE_ID","unique bone identification number", ,,,"TAXON","taxon of item", ,,,"TAXON_GROUP","taxonomic group of item", ,,,"ID_STATUS","whether diagnostic or non-diagnostic", ,,,"ELEMENT","bone element", ,,,"REGION","part of body of item", ,,,"PORTION","part of the bone of the item (e.g., shaft, proximal end)#", ,,,"TEETH","which tooth (teeth) have been identified", ,,,"PROX_F","F U Fg", ,,,"DIST_F","F U Fg", ,,,"SIDE","side of the item", ,,,"AGE","age of the item", ,,,"SEX","sex of the item", ,,,"N_FR","number of fragments found", ,,,"BURNT","burnt or unburnt", ,,,"COMMENTS","comments on item", ,,,"MEASUREMENTS","measurement(s) of item", ,,,"FUSION_DATA","Presence/absence of fusion data", ,,,"MANDIBLE_DATA","Presence/absence of mandible data", ,,,"COORD_X","Total Station X coordinate (Mega-structure only)", ,,,"COORD_Y","Total Station Y coordinate (Mega-structure only)",