"File Name","Description","Creation date","Supporting documentation file names (this should be enclosed separately and include any abbreviations, codes or notations used)","Software used","Software version" "A9_Pottery.xlsx","List of pottery from House A9","01/06/2017","","Microsoft Excel","2007" "","","","","","" "Sheet Name","Sheet Description","Number of rows","Field name (Please start a new cell for each column)","Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).","" "Sheet1","List of pottery from House A9","1441","Pot No","Pot No","" "","","","Grid Square","Grid Square","" "","","","weight","weight in grams","" "","","","Pot part","potpart","" "","","","Diameter","Rim Diameter in millimetres","" "","","","Fabric","fabric","" "","","","SHAPE TYPE","shape type","" "","","","Colour EXT","exterior colour of sherd","" "","","","Colour INT","interior colour of sherd","" "","","","Dec Y/N","Dec - Decoration; Y/N - Yes/No","" "","","","DEC TYPE","Decoration Type","" "","","","EXT dec MOTIF","decorative motif(s) type(s) (interior)","" "","","","EXT dec MOTIF","decorative motif(s) type(s) (exterior)","" "","","","MOTIF TYPE","type of decorative motif","" "","","","Burning","burning","" "","","","PHOTO CAPTION","A9_XX_ZZZZ - House A9_Square_sherd number (single square); A9_XX - XYa - b_ZZZZ - House A9_Square - Square _sherd number (multiple squares)","" "","","","PLATE NO","Plate Number","" "","","","Comments","Comments",""