File Name,Title,Description,"Creator (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)",,,"Copyright holder (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)",,,Period of Creation,,Language,Software used,Software version,Supporting documentation file name(s) (this should be enclosed separately),, ,,,First Name,Last Name,Organisation,First Name,Last Name,Organisation,Start Date,End Date,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_bflint01.xlsx,Burnt flint register,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,MOLA_spreadsheet_conventions_EX-PRO03.rtf,, EX-PRO03_borehole01.xls,Borehole Summary,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,,, EX-PRO03_bulk01.xlsx,Bulk Finds inventory,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,,, EX-PRO03_ecov01.xlsx,Ecofact inventory,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,,, EX-PRO03_enviro_reg01.xlsx,Environmental Sample register,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,,, EX-PRO03_iaa01.xlsx,Index of Archaeological Association,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,,, EX-PRO03_image_reg01.xlsx,Image register,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,,, EX-PRO03_plan_reg01.xlsx,Plan register,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,,, EX-PRO03_section_reg01.xlsx,Section register,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,,, EX-PRO03_biblio01.xlsx,Bibliography,,,,MOLA,,,MOLA,,,English,MS Excel 2010,v.14,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sheet Name,Sheet Description,Number of rows,,Field name (Please start a new cell for each row),"Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_bflint01,Burnt flint register,53,,Site Code,Unique identifier for each site,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Context,Number assigned to a context,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Method of Collection,Was the object recovered from Wet Sieved samples or was Hand collected,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Sample No,"A single context may produce one or many samples, each of which will get a unqiue number within the site",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Material,The material the object is made from,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Object ,The name of an object (or object type),,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Weight (g),Weight of the object in g,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Bags,Number of bags present,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_borehole01.xls,Borehole Summary,20,,Trial Pit/Borehole,Number assigned to the trial pit or borehole,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Ground level,Height in m OD at ground level,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Depth of deposits,Thickness of deposits in m,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Natural OD,Height in m OD of the natural deposits,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Natural,Type of natural deposit,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Comments,Any other useful information about the trial pit/borehole,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Burial/Remains,Identifier for the burial or type of other remains,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Find Number,Unique number given to a particular find,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Depth ,Location of remains below the surface recorded in ft,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Approx. OD,Approximate level in relation to Ordnance Datum,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Date,Recorded date of remains,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Comments,Any other useful information about the burial/remains,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_bulk01.xlsx,Bulk Finds inventory,156,,Sitecode,Unique identifier for each site,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Context,"Context number from which find was recovered, text, imported from Oracle",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Material,"The material the object is made from, text, imported from Oracle",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Object name,"The name of an object (or object type), text, imported from Oracle, if not applicable field marked with a hyphen",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Period / Century,"Period or century the object has been dated from, text, imported from Oracle, if not applicable field marked with a hyphen",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Registered find no,"The registered find number for an object or designation as bulk, text/number, imported from Oracle",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Complete,"Whether a registered find is complete or more than half remains or in the case of bulk objects whether there are whole objects in the context, text, registered finds info imported from Oracle, bulk info manually imported, if not applicable field marked with a hyphen",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Displayable,"Whether an object is suitably preserved/complete to be displayable, text, registered finds info imported from Oracle, bulk finds info manually updated, if not applicable field marked with a hyphen",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Xray No,"The number of the plate on which the X-ray of a find is on, text/number, registered finds info imported from Oracle, bulk info manually updated",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Comments,"Any info that has been inputted into the notes field on registered and bulk find sheets also any additional info manually entered after checking, text, if not applicable for bulk field marked with a hyphen, if not applicable for registered finds field left empty",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Discarded,"Used only to record if bulk objects have not been retained, usually only applies to building material, text, only applies to contexts where all of a type of material has been discarded, if not applicable field left empty",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Box id,"The number of the box that the object is in designated at finds archive checking stage, number, if not applicable: discarded objects - field left empty, small objects in multi-site box ? multi shown.",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Num of bags,"The number of bags of the type of material for the context that record applies to, number, only used for bulk finds, for registered finds field left empty",,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_ecov01.xlsx,Ecofact inventory,176,,Context,Context number in which sample was recovered,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Sample No.,Number assigned to a sample,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Method of Collection,"Whether material collected by hand, wet sieved or flotation",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Mesh Size (mm),Size of mesh used for flotation,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Category of Sample,The category of material resulting from the sample processing,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Type of Ecofact Remains,The type of material resulting from the sample processing,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Box No.,Number assigned to the box at finds archive checking stage,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Box Size,The size of the box in which the material is stored,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Bag Count,Number of bags of processed samples for relevant context and sample number,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Phial / Crystal Box,Number of phials/crystal boxes of processed samples for relevant context and sample number,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Hazard,Designation as hazardous,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Discarded,Whether the material has been discarded prior to archiving,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Comments,Any other useful information about the material,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_enviro_reg01.xlsx,Environmental Sample register,36,,Context No,"Context number in which sample was recovered, see context register for cross referencing",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Sample No,Number assigned to a sample,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Trench/ Area,Trench number or area (usually arbitrary grid reference) in which sample was recovered,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Sample Type,Description of sample type,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Litres,Volume of sample ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Name,Person who created register entry; field found only on Excel version,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Date,Date of creation of entry; field formatted as Date and found only on Excel version,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_iaa01.xlsx,Index of Archaeological Association,242,,Sitecode,Unique identifier for each site,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Context,Number assigned to a context,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Subgroup,Subgroup number (a subgroup is a collation of contexts (i.e. actions) that together form a single event that will have one applicable date,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Basic Int,"Code representing context interpretation, see FIELD_VALIDATION_TABLES.xls",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Plan,Plan(s) on which context is depicted,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Basic proc int,"Code representing the basic process to which the context belongs (Construction, Use, Disuse or a combination of these)",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Sections,Section(s) on which context is depicted,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Group,"Group number (a group will unite subgroups on more interpretative criteria, i.e. date, location, function)",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Landuse Int,"Code representing landuse interpretation (land use bundles together groups to form the evidence for a spatially and functionally meaningful interpretation of the use of the site in the period in question), see FIELD_VALIDATION_TABLES.xls",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Landuse Proc,"Code representing the basic process to which the landuse belongs (Construction, Use, Disuse or a combination of these)",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Period,Period number (period is defined by archaeological evidence for site-wide change),,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Context,Narrative description of the context,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Subgroup,Narrative description of the subgroup,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Group,Narrative description of the group,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Period,Narrative description of the period,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_image_reg01.xlsx,Image register,307,,Image Ref No,Unique reference number for image,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Description,"Description of image, including facing, and context numbers/ registered finds numbers, if applicable",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,B&W Neg No,Range of numbers of black and white images,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,B&W Contact,No. of Contact Card produced (as applicable),,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Slide No,No. of slides per image,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Slide Master,Slide Master included?,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Other print,Hard copy prints,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Digital ? Archival Master,Digital image file name,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Digital - Edited,Edited digital image file name,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Copyright,Copyright holder,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Publications,Reference to where image appears in reports and/or publications,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_plan_reg01.xlsx,Plan register,7,,Plan No.,"Number assigned to a plan, either single-context numbering or arbitrary numbering for multi-context plans ",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Location,"Location of the planned area, usually a trench number or arbitrary grid reference",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Scale,"Scale of the plan (e.g. 1:20), formatted as text field",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Description,"Description of plan, including any context and section numbers, if applicable",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Name ,Person who created register entry; field found only on Excel version,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Date,Date of creation of entry; field formatted as Date and found only on Excel version,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_section_reg01.xlsx,Section register,11,,Section,Number assigned to section,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Trench,Trench number in which section is found,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Scale,"Scale of the section (e.g. 1:10), formatted as text field",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Datum Level,"Level of the datum for section, in mOD if not explicitly stated",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Description & facing,"Cardinal direction the section is facing and description, including context numbers if applicable ",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Name ,Person who created register entry; field found only on Excel version,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Date,Date of creation of entry; field formatted as Date and found only on Excel version,,,,,,,,,,, EX-PRO03_biblio01.xlsx,Bibliography,35,,SiteCode,Unique identifier for each site,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Author,Author(s) of the report/publication,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Year,Year the report/publication was submitted/published,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Subject,Short description of report/publication or applicable period,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,FileName,Name of the digital file if applicable,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Reference,Title of the report/publication,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Type,The type of work,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,Month,"Month in which report was submitted/published, if applicable",,,,,,,,,,,