File Name,Description,Creation date,"Supporting documentation file names (this should be enclosed separately and include any abbreviations, codes or notations used)",Software used,Software version FN92-95,"List of finds from excavations carried out at Falerii Novi (Fabrica di Roma, FR - Italy)",22/02/2018,,Microsoft Excel,2016 ,,,,, Sheet Name,Sheet Description,Number of rows,Field name (Please start a new cell for each row),"Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).", BASE,Database of collected finds,2881,ID,Unique identificator for each find, BASE,Database of collected finds,2881,Year,Year in which each find was collected, BASE,Database of collected finds,2881,Context,Identifier of the excavated context of origin, BASE,Database of collected finds,2881,Class,"Class of find: A (amphorae), ARS (African Red Slip), BG (black gloss), BM (building materials), CW (commonware), D (dolia), FP (figured pottery), FW (Forum Ware) GL (glass), IRSC (Internal Red Slip Cookingware), ITS (Italian terra sigillata), L (lamp), LM (lithic material), LW (loomweight), MET (metal), MG (medieval glazed), SR (spacer ring), TW (thin walls)", BASE,Database of collected finds,2881,Part,The part of the object which the fragment belongs to (if applicable), BASE,Database of collected finds,2881,Reference,Closest comparison (if applicable) [see forthcoming publication for list of references], BASE,Database of collected finds,2881,Chronology,Chronology,