archaide_term,URI,note Arched,,"The handles form high arches, without coming to a point." Bowed,,"The handles form a broad, curving sweep away from the body and neck of the amphora. They are generally longer than the 'curved' handles." Curved,,The handles gently curve from the neck to shoulder. Ear-shaped,,"These handles are similar to the 'curved' variety, but are more reminiscent of the shape of a human ear." Long vertical,,"These handles generaly appear on long-necked amphorae, attaching near the top of the neck progressing vertically downwards to the shoulder." Peaked,,"The distinctive profile of these handles rises to a peak, often above the rim of the amphora. They are especially characteristic of the Rhodian type." Ring,,"These handles are generally smaller than the 'curved' handles, forming a small semi-circular profile." Short vertical,,"These handles travel upwards vertically from the shoulder, but only a short distance before turning inwards to the neck." Bifid,,"This is a distinctive feature of the Dressel 2-4 type. The handle is formed from two rods, appearing as a figure-8 in section." Grooved,,The handle has one or more grooves distorting its shape in section. Ovoid/Elliptical,,The handle appears to be ovoid or elliptical in section. Ridged,,The handle has one or more ridges running down it. Round,,"The handle is circular, or nearly circular, in section." Semi-circular,,The handle appears semi-circular in section.