?Database Short Code,Meaning,Database Used In 2Bur,Second burial,2 Ab,Above,2 Amu,Amulet,2 AnB,Animal bone,2 Ang,Angon,2 Ar,Arrow,2 A-R,Arm-ring,2 Ax,Axe,2 Bag,Bag,2 Bal,Balance,2 BB,Spear: Barbed head,1 Bd,Bead(s),2 Beh,Behind,2 Bel,Bell,2 Bel,Below,2 Bes,Beside,2 Bkt,Bucket,2 BNut,Sword: 'Brazil nut' pommel,1 Bos,Spear: Bossed head,1 Bos?,Spear: ?Bossed head,1 Br,Brooch,2 Brd,Braid,2 Bte,Bracteate,2 Bth,Both hands,1 Buc,Buckle,2 But,Button(s),2 Bwl,Bowl(s),2 Bx,Box,2 Byz,Byzantine material,2 C,Coin,2 C,Central,2 Cau,Cauldron,2 CG,Sword: Curved guard,1 CGPr,Sword: Curved guard w/ protrusion,1 Ch,Chainwork,2 Ch,Sword: Chape,1 Chis,Chisel,2 Clsp,Clasp,2 Cmb,Comb,2 Cr,Cross,2 Cr,Cradled,2 D,Destroyed,1 DH,Spear: Double-headed,1 Disc,Sword: Disc pommel,1 Dog,Dog equipment,2 DrH,Drinking horn,2 Dsh,Dish,2 E,Early period (500-700),1 El (A),Elite - Authority,1 El (H),Elite - Hunter,1 El (R),Elite - Royalty,1 El (Ret),Elite - Retainer,1 El (WB),Elite - Weapon-bearer,1 Em,Embassy,1 Ent,Enthroned Ruler,1 Fem (A?),Female - Authority?,1 Fem (My),Female - Mythological,1 Fem (P),Female - Personification,1 Fem (W),Female - Warrior,1 Fl,Flint,2 Fl,Flat,2 FLP,Sword: Five-lobed pommel,1 FS,Firestone / fire-steel,2 Full,Sword: Fuller,1 GB,Gaming board,2 Gl,Glass,2 GP,Gaming piece(s),2 H,Helmet,2 HB,Hanging bowl,2 HFwd,Horizontally forward,1 Hi,High,2 Hnt,Hunting equipment,2 Hors,Horse equipment,2 HP,Sword: Hemispherical pommel,1 HRev,Horizontally reversed,1 Hzt,Horizontal,1 and 2 InFr,In front,2 J,Jewellery item,2 K,Knife,2 Ket,Kettle,2 Key,Key,2 L,Left / left hand,1 and 2 L,Late period (900-1100),1 LB,Spear: Leaf-shaped head,1 Ldl,Ladle,2 Lea,Leather,2 Lmp,Lamp,2 Lo,Low,2 LozB,Spear: Lozenge-shaped head,1 Lug,Spear: Lugs,1 Ly,Lyre,2 M,Mail armour,2 M,Middle period (700-900),1 Man,Man,1 Mid,Spear: Mid-ribbed head,1 Mir,Mirror,2 Misc,Miscellaneous,2 N,Nail,2 N,No ,2 n/a,Not applicable,1 and 2 n/v,Not visible,1 Ndl,Needle,2 None,None other than sword,2 None,None,1 On,On,2 P (C),Passive - Carried,1 P (H),Passive - Held,1 P (W),Passive - Worn,1 Peb,Pebble,2 Pin,Pin,2 PMt,Purse Mount,2 Pot,Pottery,2 PotH,Pot-hanger,2 Pyr,Pyramidal mount,2 R,Right / right hand,1 and 2 R,Ritual,1 Rev,Reversed,1 and 2 Rng,Ring,2 RP,Sword: Rounded pommel (unidentifiable type),1 Rvt,Rivet,2 ScB,Scabbard boss,2 Sep,Separated,2 SG,Sword: Straight guard,1 SGPr,Sword: Straight guard with protrusion,1 Sh,Shield-boss,2 SH,Sword: Single-headed,1 Sh,Ship,1 Shl,Shell,2 Shr,Shears or Scissors,2 Skl,Sickle,2 Skt,Spear: Socket,1 SLS,Spear: Single-line shaft,1 SMt,Strap-mount or strap-end,2 SpH,Spear-head,2 Spn,Spoon,2 SpWh,Spindle whorl,2 St,Stud,2 SwBd,Sword bead,2 Sx,S(e)ax,2 T,Tool,2 T,Touching,2 T,Tool / Domestic,1 TBx,Tool-box,2 ThH,Thor's Hammer,2 ThS,Spear: Thick shaft,1 TLP,Sword: Tri-lobed pommel,1 Toi,Toilet equipment e.g. ear scoop,2 Tr,Treasure,1 TriB,Spear: Triangular head,1 TrP,Sword: Triangular pommel,1 TS,Touchstone,2 TucA,Tucked under arm,2 TucL,Tucked under leg,2 Tvt,Trivet,2 Tw,Tweezers,2 Txt,Textile,2 U,Unrecorded/unknown,1 and 2 Un,Unaccompanied,1 Up,Upright,1 and 2 Ut,Utensil,2 V,Violence,1 V (Ex),Violence - Execution,1 V (H),Violence - Hunt,1 V (Sac),Violence - Sacrifice,1 V (St),Violence - Stripped,1 V (Su),Violence - Suicide,1 Ves,Vessel,2 Vtl,Vertical,1 and 2 W,Warrior,1 Wh,Whetstone,2 Wk (Ex),Worker - Executioner,1 Wk (G),Worker - Guard,1 Wk (M),Worker - Messenger,1 Wk (S),Worker - Servant,1 WkBx,Work box,2 Wt,Weight,2 XO (An),Extraordinary - Animal,1 XO (G?),Extraordinary - God?,1 XO (My),Extraordinary - Mythological,1 XO (My?),Extraordinary - Mythological?,1 XO (P),Extraordinary - Personification,1 Xtn (A),Christian - Angel,1 Xtn (BF),Christian - Biblical Figure,1 Xtn (Chr),Christian - Christ,1 Xtn (D),Christian - Demon,1 Xtn (G),Christian - God,1 Xtn (St),Christian - Saint,1 Y,Yes,2