"ID","fabric_ref","series_name","series_description" 1,"A","coarse grit-tempered","Medium hard sandy fabrics tempered with angular ifint inclusions averaging 1—4 mm in size with occasional larger pieces. Other temperings of crushed chalk or shell may also occur. Firing was usually carried out in an oxidizing atmosphere giving rise to ochre or light red colours but the core is usually grey. The surfaces were left untooled or were roughly wiped." 2,"B","fine grit-tempered","Medium hard fabrics of differing degrees of sandiness tempered with well-sorted angular flint grits usually not exceeding 2 mm in length. The quantity of temper varies but is usually dense. Other occasional inclusions are grog and haematite. Usually fired to an even grey colour but sometimes with a red core. The surfaces are burnished." 3,"C","shell tempered","Medium hard fabric of varying degrees of sandiness tempered with crushed shell usually added in large fragments up to 5 mm in length. In some varieties the shell is more finely crushed. Other inclusions may include quartz grits. Unevenly fired reddish-brown to black. The surface is usually untreated." 4,"D","sandy fabrics","Hard to medium sandy fabrics sometimes containing rare inclusions of chalk, crushed ifint, haematite, or grog. Firing varies considerably as does surface treatment but smoothing or burnishing is common. There is a consider able variety within this series but clear cut subtypes are difficult to define macroscopically." 5,"E","fine smooth fabrics","Medium hard fine micaceous slightly sandy fabrics some with occasional inclusions of subangular flint. Usually fired black or dark grey. The fabric is commonly used for scratched-cordoned bowls which are finely finished and coated with an external haematite wash." 6,"F","chaff-tempered","Medium hard, friable fabric tempered with chaff. Other inclusions may include grog or shell. Fired red-brown with a grey core. Roughly wiped exterior." 7,"G","grog-tempered","Fine sandy fabric densely tempered with grog. Well-smoothed surfaces." 8,"H","limestone-tempered","Medium hard, fine sandy fabric tempered with crushed limestone and shell among which distinct ooliths can be made out. Fired brown to black. The outer surface is wiped."