Project Title,Hardware/Operating System,Software ,Software Version,Date of Creation,,Location (each locational term should be added on a new row),"Creator (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)",,,"Copyright Holder (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)",,,Scale of Data Capture,Scale of Data Storage,Assessment of Data Quality,Method of Data Capture,Purpose of Data Creation,Filename(s) (each filename should be added as a new row),Description,Projection Type,File Type,Source ,Table Attribute (each new attribute/notation should be added as a new row),,"Supporting documentation file name(this should be enclosed separately and include an abbreviations, codes or notations used)" ,,,,Start Date,End date,,First Name,Last Name,Organisation,First Name,Last Name,Organisation,,,,,,,,,,,Code,Description, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Verderers of the New Forest Higher Level Stewardship Scheme,PC - Microsoft Windows XP,ESRI ArcGIS,10.XX,01-Mar-11,31-Jul-11,UK,Peter,Crow,"Forest Research, Forestry Commission",,,Cambridge University Technical Services,50cm cells,50cm cells,None,Aerial survey,Identification of heritage sites in New Forest,NF1n_aspect.img,Raster image of Lidar Aspect imagery,OSGB36 ,Raster,"Lidar Point Cloud ASCII data, part of Remote Survey captured by Network Mapping in March 2011",,,aspect_location_extents.doc ,,,,,,England,,,,,,New Forest National Park Authority,,,,,,NF1s_aspect.img,Raster image of Lidar Aspect imagery,OSGB36 ,Raster,"Lidar Point Cloud ASCII data, part of Remote Survey captured by Network Mapping in March 2011",,,aspect_location_extents.doc ,,,,,,Hampshire,,,,,,Forestry England,,,,,,NF2n_aspect.img,Raster image of Lidar Aspect imagery,OSGB36 ,Raster,"Lidar Point Cloud ASCII data, part of Remote Survey captured by Network Mapping in March 2011",,,aspect_location_extents.doc ,,,,,,New Forest,,,,,,Forest Research,,,,,,NF2s_aspect.img,Raster image of Lidar Aspect imagery,OSGB36 ,Raster,"Lidar Point Cloud ASCII data, part of Remote Survey captured by Network Mapping in March 2011",,,aspect_location_extents.doc ,,,,,,,,,,,,New Forest Verderers Court,,,,,,NF3n_aspect.img,Raster image of Lidar Aspect imagery,OSGB36 ,Raster,"Lidar Point Cloud ASCII data, part of Remote Survey captured by Network Mapping in March 2011",,,aspect_location_extents.doc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NF3s_aspect.img,Raster image of Lidar Aspect imagery,OSGB36 ,Raster,"Lidar Point Cloud ASCII data, part of Remote Survey captured by Network Mapping in March 2011",,,aspect_location_extents.doc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NF4s_aspect.img,Raster image of Lidar Aspect imagery,OSGB36 ,Raster,"Lidar Point Cloud ASCII data, part of Remote Survey captured by Network Mapping in March 2011",,,aspect_location_extents.doc