SF no,Context,Context description,Material,Identification 6039,10447,"Open Area 3, accumulation, Period 1",cu-al,cavalry harness strap-mount 5153,8420,Period 2 dump deposit adjacent to Period 2 building,cu-al,female end of a cavalry harness strap-fastener 5184,8453,Period 2 dump deposit adjacent to Period 2 building,cu-al,fragment of a cavalry harness strap-loop with transverse mouldings at the junction of plate and loop 7756,17580,"accumulation, may contain Periods 2-4 material due to baulk erosion",cu-al,upper part of cavalry harness strap-loop 3474,4523,"dumps and gravels, Period 3",cu-al,phalera from cavalry harness ,,"CIT, 106, fig. 57.33",, 4691,0,-,cu-al,"cavalry harness strap-plate with vegetal design, tinned and nielloed "