File Name,Title,Description,"Creator (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)",,,"Copyright holder (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)",,,Period of Creation,,Language,Software used,Software version,Supporting documentation file name(s) (this should be enclosed separately),, ,,,First Name,Last Name,Organisation,First Name,Last Name,Organisation,Start Date,End Date,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, England_and_Wales_Precipitation_1201-2000CE.xlsx,"Summer Precipitation for the England and Wales region, 1201 - 2000CE, from Stable Oxygen Isotopes in oak tree rings.","Oxygen isotope data and reconstructions of Summer (May-August) precipitation sum for the England and Wales region, 1201 - 2000CE from oak latewood tree rings.",N. J.,Loader,"Department of Geography, Swansea University",N. J.,Loader,"Department of Geography, Swansea University",01/06/2020,22/06/2020,English,Microsoft Excel,2010,"Loader, N.J., Young, G.H.F., McCarroll, D., Davies, D., Miles, D. and Bronk Ramsey, C. (2020), Summer precipitation for the England and Wales region, 1201–2000CE, from stable oxygen isotopes in oak tree rings. J. Quaternary Sci. doi:10.1002/jqs.3223",, ,,,D.,McCarroll,"Department of Geography, Swansea University",D.,McCarroll,"Department of Geography, Swansea University",,,,,,"Loader, N.J., McCarroll, D., Miles, D., Young, G.H.F., Davies, D. and Ramsey, C.B. (2019), Tree ring dating using oxygen isotopes: a master chronology for central England. J. Quaternary Sci., 34: 475-490. doi:10.1002/jqs.3115",, ,,,G. H. F.,Young,"Department of Geography, Swansea University",G. H. F.,Young,"Department of Geography, Swansea University",,,,,,,, ,,,D. ,Davies,"Department of Geography, Swansea University",D. ,Davies,"Department of Geography, Swansea University",,,,,,,, ,,,C.,Bronk Ramsey,"Research Laboratory for Archaeology, Oxford University, 1 South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK. ",C.,Bronk Ramsey,"Research Laboratory for Archaeology, Oxford University, 1 South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK. ",,,,,,,, ,,,D. ,Miles,"Research Laboratory for Archaeology, Oxford University, 1 South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK.",D. ,Miles,"Research Laboratory for Archaeology, Oxford University, 1 South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK.",,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sheet Name,Sheet Description,Number of rows,,Field name (Please start a new cell for each row),"Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).",,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DATA,Oxygen isotope data and reconstructions of May-August precipitation sum (mm) 1201-2000CE for the England and Wales Precipitation region.,811,,Raw oxygen isotope timeseries (Latewood alpha-cellulose),Delta18O (per mille VSMOW),,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,May-August Precipitation Sum Variance Scaled Reconstruction (England and Wales Precipitation (EWP) Region),mm,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,"May-August Precipitation Sum Composite Reconstruction (Figure 3: Loader et al. 2020) (EWP 2000-1766, Variance Scaled Reconstruction 1765-1201)",mm,,,,,,,,,,,