Field,Group,Context,Find no.,Sample code,Material,Object type,Count,No. of bags,Weight (g),Comments 201,11495,11943,,,Fired clay,,1,1,5, 202,,6062,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,4, 214,7513,7407,,,Fired clay,,1,1,2, 214,7513,7408,,,Fired clay,Burnt,8,1,10,Burnt. Industrial residue 220,11060,11053,,,Fired clay,,3,1,25,Small fragments of fired clay – no obvious evidence of metals production on surface 214,,7571,,,Fired clay,,7,1,18, 220,11060,10925,,AA,Fired clay,,52,1,64,Small fragments of fired clay – no obvious evidence of metals production on surface 220,,10956,,None given,Fired clay,,1,1,12,No sample code given. Small fragments of fired clay – no obvious evidence of metals production on surface 220,10950,10968,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,Small fragments of fired clay – no obvious evidence of metals production on surface 223,,30126,,,Fired clay,,2,1,1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30132,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30201,,,Fired clay,,2,1,13,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,30884,30258,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,30883,30264,,AB,Fired clay,,27,1,26,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,30883,30264,,AA,Fired clay,,4,1,4,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30289,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30407,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,3,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30417,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,3,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30440,,AB,Fired clay,Burnt,,1,475,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,30897,30468,,,Fired clay,,9,1,20,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30475,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30530,,,Fired clay,,36,1,263,Heavily fired. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,30897,30548,,AA,Fired clay,,7,1,9,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,30882,30552,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30578,,,Fired clay,,12,1,50,Extracted from CBM by CA. Possible lining of hearth/kiln/oven/flue; no metallurgical residues indicative of metal production 223,,30578,,AA,Fired clay,Burnt?,36,1,14,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30643,,,Fired clay,,1,1,4,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,30873,30671,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30679,,,Fired clay,,4,1,2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30812,,AA,Fired clay,Plant impressions,33,1,13,Plant impressions. Heavily fired. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30812,,,Fired clay,Burnt,18,1,19,Extracted from CBM by CA. Burnt. Possible lining of hearth/kiln/oven/flue; no metallurgical residues indicative of metal production 223,,30813,,,Fired clay,Burnt + plant impressions,21,1,39,Extracted from CBM by CA. Burnt + plant impressions. 1 undet grass culm impression. Possible lining of hearth/kiln/oven/flue; no metallurgical residues indicative of metal production 223,,30840,,,Fired clay,Animal imprint?,30,1,159,Extracted from CBM by CA. Animal Imprint? Possible lining of hearth/kiln/oven/flue; no metallurgical residues indicative of metal production. One fragment has possible pawprint in surface of clay 223,30869,30852,,,Fired clay,,2,1,19,Possible fragments of hearth/kiln lining; no surface residues indicative of metal production 228,28435,27633,,,Fired clay?,Vitrified,7,1,90, or CBM? 228,28435,27633,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,28434,27637,,,Fired clay,Vitrified,6,1,196,Potential hearth/kiln/furnace lining. Fired clay with slag surface. Vitrified. 228,28434,27637,,AA,Fired clay,,30,1,43,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,28434,27637,,,Fired clay,,1,1,30,Potential hearth/kiln/furnace lining 228,28434,27637,,,Fired clay,,2,1,10,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,28445,27657,,,Fired clay,,1,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,28459,27750,,,Fired clay,,1,1,0,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,28434,27801,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,28456,27969,,,Fired clay,,5,1,27,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,28456,27969,,,Fired clay,,9,1,265,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Clay and compacted earth 228,28450,28378,,AB,Fired clay,,18,1,16,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,28450,28381,,AA,Fired clay,,7,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,,28398,,,Fired clay,,7,1,53,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 228,,28398,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,0,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 229,,33722,,,Fired clay,,3,1,41,Possible fragments of hearth/kiln lining; no surface residues indicative of metal production 229,,33723,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,Possible fragments of hearth/kiln lining; no surface residues indicative of metal production 229,,33723,,,Fired clay,,3,1,9,Possible fragments of hearth/kiln lining; no surface residues indicative of metal production 229,,33749,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,19,Carriage way. Burnt. Possible fragments of hearth/kiln lining; no surface residues indicative of metal production 229,33803,33795,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,Possible fragments of hearth/kiln lining; no surface residues indicative of metal production 246,,15502,,,Fired clay,,4,1,10,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31257,15510,,AA,Fired clay,,44,1,16,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,15523,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,3, 246,,15592,,AA,Fired clay,,15,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31251,15601,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31216,15627,,,Fired clay,,120,1,385, 246,31284,15632,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,6,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,15639,,AA,Fired clay,,25,1,23, 246,,15647,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,2,Burnt. no morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,15647,,AA,Fired clay,,4,1,2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,15650,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,0, 246,31284,15654,,AA,Fired clay,,9,1,4, 246,31284,15654,,AA,Fired clay,,81,1,40,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31284,15654,,,Fired clay,,14,1,48,"Extracted from CBM assemblage by Chrystal Antink. Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production, could be from domestic hearth or oven" 246,,15671,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31284,15765,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,5,Burnt. Undiagnostic 246,31284,15765,,AA,Fired clay,,186,1,51,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,15787,,,Fired clay,,11,1,18,Iron concretions on some fragments. 246,31218,15807,,,Fired clay,Plant impressions,1,1,5,Plant impressions. 1 undet grass culm impression. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31218,15807,,,Fired clay,,8,1,3, 246,31220,15836,,,Fired clay,,3,1,5, 246,31218,15838,,AB,Fired clay,,12,1,27,Subsample. Possibly relates to production of metals 246,31218,15838,,AB,Fired clay,Burnt,349,1,170,Met debris. Burnt 246,,15846,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,4,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,15896,10158,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,7,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 5a 246,,15896,,,Fired clay,,1,1,5,"Extracted from CBM assemblage by Chrystal Antink. Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production, could be from domestic hearth or oven" 246,,15897,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,41,"Extracted from CBM assemblage by Chrystal Antink. Burnt? Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production, could be from domestic hearth or oven" 246,,15897,10157,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,1,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 25a 246,,15897,10157,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,1,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 25b 246,31208,15899,,,Fired clay,,1,1,32,"Extracted from CBM assemblage by Chrystal Antink. Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production, could be from domestic hearth or oven" 246,31208,15899,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,2,Burnt. Possible hearth/kiln/oven lining 246,31208,15899,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,8,"Bag has '2' written on it (?); extracted from CBM assemblage by Chrystal Antink. Burnt. Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production, could be from domestic hearth or oven" 246,31208,15899,,AA,Fired clay,,9,1,4, 246,31208,15899,,,Fired clay,,1,1,7,"Extracted from CBM assemblage by Chrystal Antink. Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production, could be from domestic hearth or oven" 246,31252,15913,,,Fired clay,,37,1,163,Flat surface on most fragments. Orig. down as daub 246,,15943,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31218,15981,,,Fired clay,,2,1,3, 246,,15992,,,Fired clay?,,1,1,207,Reduced. Flat surfaces 246,,16020,,AA,Fired clay,Thumb impression,1,1,47,"Impression of thumb/finger, but no residues indicative of metal production" 246,31257,16023,,,Fired clay,,36,1,11,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31257,16023,,,Fired clay,Burnt – mould?,19,1,29,Burnt. Heavily reduced. Possible fragment of clay mould for metal casting 246,31284,16024,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,22,Burnt. no morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31284,16027,,,Fired clay,,1,1,8, 246,31284,16028,,,Fired clay,,2,1,10,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31217,16106,,AA,Fired clay,Burnt,9,1,18,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31217,16141,,AA,Fired clay,,28,1,72,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31283,16147,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31218,16180,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,2,1,11,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,16272,,,Fired clay,,1,1,5, 246,,16302,,,Fired clay?,Burnt,1,1,38, Or CBM? 246,31263,16399,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,1,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,16411,,,Fired clay,,2,1,9,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,16463,,AA,Fired clay,,96,1,35,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,16491,,,Fired clay,,1,1,6,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24004,10161,,Fired clay,Burnt,10,1,32,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 43. Burnt. Natural geology? 246,,24004,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24004,10161,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,3,1,3,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 42. Natural geology? 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,8,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 104a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,13,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 70. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,13,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 73. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,12,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 71. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,9,1,11,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 95a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,10,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 72. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,9,1,15,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 75b. Possibly relates to metal production 246,31225,24015,,AA,Fired clay,,37,1,24,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,8,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 93. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,7,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 107a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,7,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 75a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,7,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 77. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AA,Fired clay,,48,1,218,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,181,1,51,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 76. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,10,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 82. Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,29,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 91. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,9,1,14,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 74a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,13,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 92. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,,Fired clay,,69,1,977,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,28,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 81. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,3,1,26,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 105a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,8,1,23,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 82b. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,9,1,20,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 80b. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,19,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 98a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,17,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 94. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,15,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 108a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AB,Fired clay,Industrial waste,10,1,16,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 78. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31225,24015,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,13,Possibly from CPM? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24052,11466,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,17,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 115a. Natural geology? 246,,24053,10177,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,6,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 131a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24082,10182,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,8,1,22,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 139b. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24084,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,10, 246,,24084,,,Fired clay,Burnt,3,1,22, 246,,24085,,,Fired clay?,Burnt,5,1,154, Or CBM? Burnt. Reduced – flat edges 246,,24086,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1, 246,,24086,10183,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,3,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 159a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24086,10183,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,22,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 166a. One small fragment of possible casting mould 246,,24086,10183,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,3,1,28,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 165a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24086,10183,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,0,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 153a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31286,24092,,AA,Fired clay,,43,1,32,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31286,24093,,AA,Fired clay,,8,1,22,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31286,24093,,,Fired clay,,2,1,3,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31286,24093,,AA,Fired clay,,39,1,25,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24110,10185,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,12,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 174a. Possible fragment of casting mould 246,,24125,10188,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,4,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 181a. Possible fragment of casting mould 246,31207,24146,,,Fired clay,,6,1,41,"Extracted from CBM assemblage by Chrystal Antink. Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production, could be from domestic hearth or oven (two fragments have smoothed surface)" 246,31207,24146,,,Fired clay?,,32,1,44,Mostly reduced 246,31261,24147,11496,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,8,1,17,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 193. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31261,24147,,,Fired clay,Burnt,13,1,125,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31261,24147,,,Fired clay?,Burnt?,1,1,9,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31261,24147,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,4,"Burnt. Possible fragment of hearth lining, but no residues to suggest metallurgical use" 246,31261,24147,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,7,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31261,24159,,,Fired clay?,,22,1,108, 246,31261,24159,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,18,"Burnt Possible fragment of hearth lining, but no residues to suggest metallurgical use" 246,,24160,10191,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,49,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 197a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24160,,AA,Fired clay,,19,1,16,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24201,10194,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,3,1,6,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 205. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31283,24214,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31283,24214,10199,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,19,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 214b. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24216,11482,,Fired clay?,,3,1,387,Heavily reduced with fossiliforous inclusions – fired clay? 246,31206,24217,,,Fired clay,Burnt,4,1,27,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24218,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,3,"Burnt. Possible hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present on surface" 246,,24222,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24238,11453,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,3,1,11,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 248a No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24238,11453,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,13,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 236b No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24238,11453,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,4,1,15,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 257b. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24238,11453,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,4,1,17,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 244g. Possible fragment of casting mould 246,,24238,11453,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,3,1,73,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 236a. 2 fragments possibly relate to metal production, but no surface residues present" 246,,24238,11453,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,4,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 244a No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31286,24240,,,Fired clay,Burnt – crucible?,3,1,15,Burnt. Crucible or mould? 246,,24247,,,Fired clay,,9,1,4, 246,31285,24254,,AA,Fired clay,,16,1,25,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31286,24267,,,Fired clay,,3,1,9, 246,,24298,,,Fired clay,Plant impressions,6,1,164,Plant impressions. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24303,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,3,"Burnt. Possible hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present on surface" 246,31286,24347,,,Fired clay,,3,1,34,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24368,11516,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,4,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 294a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24409,,,Fired clay,,1,1,4,From CPM? 246,,24409,,,Fired clay,,2,1,12,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24413,,,Fired clay,,2,1,16,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24429,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,7,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24429,11483,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,8,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 317a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24435,11525,,Fired clay?,,1,1,831,Lumps of compacted clay rich earth/dried mud – natural or daub? 246,,24562,,,Fired clay?,Burnt,2,1,7,Burnt. Possible hearth/kiln/oven lining 246,,24571,,,Fired clay,,7,1,21,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24571,,,Fired clay,Vitrified,1,1,10,Vitrified. Undiagnostic 246,,24575,,,Fired clay,,1,1,0, 246,,24575,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,6,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31276,24640,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,4,burnt No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31276,24641,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,2,1,9,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24659,,,Fired clay,Burnt,3,1,21,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24659,,AA,Fired clay,,7,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31224,24664,11580,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,8,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 380. Possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,31224,24664,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,2,"Possible fragments of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metalliferous surface residues present" 246,31224,24664,11579,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,15,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 379. Possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,31224,24664,,AB,Fired clay,,12,1,7,At least 2 fragments of possible casting mould(s) 246,31224,24664,11565,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,3,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 365. Possible fragment of casting mould, but no metalliferous surface residues present" 246,31224,24664,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,32,"Burnt. Possible fragment of casting mould, but no metalliferous surface residues present" 246,31224,24664,11589,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,8,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 389. Possible fragments of casting mould, but no metalliferous surface residues present" 246,31264,24695,,AA,Fired clay,,15,1,4,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24720,,,Fired clay,,15,1,11, 246,31271,24728,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,6,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24757,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24757,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,"2 possible fragments of casting mould/hearth lining, one with possible slag residues present" 246,,24759,11593,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,4,1,11,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 394b 2 possible fragments of casting mould/hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,24759,,,Fired clay,,6,1,22,"Possible fragments of casting mould, crucible or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,31206,24769,11594,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,11,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 398a Possible fragments of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,24776,11599,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,10,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 402a Possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,24776,11599,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,5,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 402b Possible fragment of casting mould, but no obvious metallurgical residues present" 246,,24776,,,Fired clay,,1,1,2,"Possible fragments of casting mould, crucible or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,24790,12905,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,4,1,15,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 408a Possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,24825,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,10,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24852,,,Fired clay,,25,1,90, 246,,24852,,,Fired clay,,10,1,28,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24852,,,Fired clay,Vitrified,1,1,8,Slightly vitrified. Undiagnostic 246,,24856,,,Fired clay,,2,1,1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31215,24878,,,Fired clay,,1,1,18,"Possible hearth or kiln lining, but no metallurgical residues present on surface" 246,31262,24884,,,Fired clay,,6,1,51,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24936,,AA,Fired clay,,,1,4,"1 possible fragment of casting mould, but no metalliferous residues on surface" 246,,24972,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,8,1,33,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31206,24977,,,Fired clay,,3,1,2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31271,24984,,,Fired clay,Burnt,3,1,7,"Burnt. Possible fragments of casting moulds or crucibles, but no metalliferous surface residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,3,1,40,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 559a. Possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,40,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 414. At least one fragment of possible casting mould/hearth lining 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,37,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 569. 2 possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Burnt,5,1,35,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 574. Burnt 2 possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12916,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,33,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 511a. Burnt 2 possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,28,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 411. One fragment of possible crucible or hearth lining with slag-like residues 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,4,1,46,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 418a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,89,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 430. One fragment of possible crucible or hearth lining with slag-like residues 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,30,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 425. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,48,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 490b. Possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,48,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 427. Possible fragment of casting mould or crucible, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,51,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 570. At least one fragment of possible casting mould/hearth lining 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,53,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 409. Two possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,54,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 577. At least one fragment of possible casting mould/hearth lining 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,66,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 417. Two fragments of possible daub, other fragments have no morphology or residues to suggest metallurgical use" 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,87,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 410. At least two fragments of possible casting mould/hearth lining 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,103,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 431. Possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,4,1,23,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 558a. Possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,72,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 566. At least one fragment of possible casting mould/hearth lining 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,9,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 428. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,,AC,Fired clay,,3,1,4,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,,AA,Fired clay,,400,1,263,"Includes some possible fragments of used casting moulds, but no obvious metalliferous surface residues present" 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,2,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 416. Possible fragments of casting moulds, but no metallurgical residues" 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,3,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 419. Possible fragments of casting moulds, but no metallurgical residues" 246,,31000,13162,AA,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,4,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 605a. Two possible fragments of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,13162,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,4,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 600.b Possible fragment of casting mould/crucible, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,5,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 564c. Possible fragment of casting mould/crucible, but no metallurgical residues present " 246,,31000,,AB,Fired clay,,137,1,103,"Found to have 10 frags of HM pot in; weight emended. Includes some possible fragments of used casting moulds, but no obvious metalliferous surface residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,7,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 551. At least one fragment of possible casting mould, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste?,5,1,22,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 575. Some Industrial waste in this bag? 2 possible fragments of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,10,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 563. One possible fragment of casting mould, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,3,1,17,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 423a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,11,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 567a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,12,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 572. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,13162,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,12,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 609b. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,13,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 568. Two possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,15,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 582. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,13162,AA,Fired clay,Industrial waste,4,1,16,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 606a. At least two possible fragments of casting mould, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,11,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 571. Possible fragments of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,2,1,22,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 573. Possible fragments of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,,31000,12911,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,6,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 415. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,12916,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,5,1,18,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 510. One fragment of possible crucible or hearth lining with slag-like residues 246,,31000,12926,,Fired clay,Vitrified?,5,1,18,"Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 576. Vitrified? Possible fragment of casting mould or hearth lining, but no metallurgical residues present" 246,31264,31047,,,Fired clay,,10,1,14,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31069,12925,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,7,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 623. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31069,12909,,Fired clay,Industrial waste,1,1,3,Extracted from CPM assemblage by Mark Landon. ML Cat no. 217a. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31275,31139,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,5,Burnt. Undiagnostic 246,,31147,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,4,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31807,,,Fired clay,,4,1,20, 246,,31807,,AA,Fired clay,Burnt,4,1,19,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31807,,,Fired clay,,1,1,8,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31809,,,Fired clay,Burnt,5,1,4,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31811,,AA,Fired clay,,27,1,52,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31811,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,6,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31817,,,Fired clay,Burnt,3,1,44, 246,,31817,,,Fired clay,,1,1,2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 258,,15001,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,5,1,11,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt? 258,,15001,,,Fired clay,Plant impressions?,1,1,15,Burnt 258,,15001,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,2,1,77,Burnt 258,,15001,,,Fired clay,,53,1,239, 258,,15002,,,Fired clay,Burnt,3,1,48,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28161,15028,,AB,Fired clay,,42,1,151,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28161,15028,,,Fired clay,,6,1,76,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28161,15028,,AB,Fired clay,Burnt,6,1,116,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,,15078,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,9,1,49,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt? 258,,15078,,,Fired clay,,2,1,17,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15111,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,15,1,49,"Includes 1 possible fragment of crucible, but no metalliferous residues present; other pieces are not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt?" 258,,15111,,AA,Fired clay,,11,1,13,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15113,,,Fired clay,,65,1,199,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15113,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,5,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,,15113,,AA,Fired clay,Plant impressions,46,1,189,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Plant impressions 258,28167,15135,,,Fired clay?,Burnt + plant impressions,29,1,294,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt + plant impressions 258,,15163,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,5,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15163,,,Fired clay,Burnt,5,1,107,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28156,15178,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,15178,,,Fired clay?,,1,1,2, 258,28156,15178,,AA,Fired clay,,5,1,18,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,15178,,,Fired clay,Burnt + plant impressions,1,1,2,Possible hearth/kiln/oven lining. 1 grass kernel impression 258,28156,15178,,AA,Fired clay,,9,1,12,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,15182,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28161,15186,,,Fired clay,,2,1,4,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15191,,AA,Fired clay,,34,1,85,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15192,,AA,Fired clay,,42,1,79,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15192,,,Fired clay,,19,1,87,CPM fragment? 258,28156,15194,,,Fired clay,,3,1,5, 258,28156,15194,,AB,Fired clay,,154,1,145,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,15194,12590?,,Fired clay,,72,1,83,Associated with RF 12590? Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,15194,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,23,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,15195,,AA,Fired clay,,39,1,21,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15210,,,Fired clay,,9,1,28,One fragment is potentially sooted on one side 258,,15210,,AA,Fired clay,,24,1,33,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15210,,,Fired clay,,38,1,102,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,15221,,,Fired clay,,4,1,11,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,15224,,,Fired clay,,16,1,138,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,15224,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,2,1,45,One piece lime mortar/plaster? Not related to metal production. Burnt? 258,28156,15224,,,Fired clay,,4,1,39,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15227,,AA,Fired clay,,14,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15236,,,Fired clay?,Burnt,1,1,51,Burnt. Undiagnostic 258,,15242,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,4,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15242,,AC,Fired clay,,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15242,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,48,Conglomerate – possibly natural that has been unintentionally fired. Burnt 258,,15242,,AB,Fired clay,,20,1,28,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15242,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15242,,,Fired clay,,1,1,5,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15249,,AA,Fired clay,,357,1,284,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15260,,AA,Fired clay,,153,1,73,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15282,,,Fired clay,,8,1,5,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15293,,,Fired clay,,2,1,7,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15294,,,Fired clay,,2,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15297,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15297,,AA,Fired clay,,4,1,2,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15299,,AA,Fired clay,,144,1,247,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15300,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,22,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt? 258,,15308,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,23,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,,15308,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28150,15314,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,4,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 246,28150,15314,,,Fired clay,,1,1,55,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 258,28151,15316,,,Fired clay,,1,1,0,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15328,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28131,15350,,,Fired clay?,,4,1,32,Reduced 258,28131,15350,,AA,Fired clay,,116,1,62,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15350,,,Fired clay,Burnt,5,1,34,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28131,15351,,AA,Fired clay,,8,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15356,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15360,,AA,Fired clay,,5,1,4, 258,28131,15363,,,Fired clay,,1,1,42, 258,28131,15363,,,Fired clay,,3,1,33,Two fragments are heavily reduced 258,28131,15363,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,7, 258,28131,15363,,AA,Fired clay,,4,1,77,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15366,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,2,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15369,,AA,Fired clay,,15,1,8,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15372,,AA,Fired clay,,40,1,25,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15372,,,Fired clay?,,1,1,55,Reduced. Fired clay? Flat surfaces 258,28131,15403,,AA,Fired clay,,20,1,13,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15407,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,4, 258,28133,15409,,,Fired clay,Plant impressions,5,1,65,Plant impressions 258,28133,15409,,,Fired clay,,6,1,30, 258,28133,15409,,,Fired clay,,31,1,466,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28133,15409,,AA,Fired clay,,299,1,384,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15418,,AA,Fired clay,,39,1,12,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15424,,,Fired clay,Burnt – crucible?,2,1,13,Burnt. Crucible or mould? 258,28131,15424,,AA,Fired clay,,29,1,21,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15432,,,Fired clay,Burnt,11,1,23,Burnt. Undiagnostic 258,28131,15432,,,Fired clay,,1,1,4, 258,28131,15436,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,2,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15436,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,18,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28131,15453,,,Fired clay,Plant impressions,3,1,24,Plant impressions 258,,15457,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,15467,,,Fired clay,,1,1,9, 258,28131,15472,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15487,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15487,,,Fired clay,,4,1,12,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15487,,,Fired clay,,13,1,15, 258,,15487,,,Fired clay,,5,1,36,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15488,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,4,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28131,15494,,,Fired clay,,1,1,2,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,15499,,AA,Fired clay,,11,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26003,,,Fired clay,Burnt,6,1,13,Burnt. Undiagnostic 258,28131,26004,,AA,Fired clay,,21,1,37,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26004,,AB,Fired clay,,2,1,0,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28165,26015,,AA,Fired clay,Burnt,15,1,76,"Five pieces have blackened areas, but not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt" 258,,26020,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,26020,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,44,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,,26024,,AA,Fired clay,,100,1,448,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28165,26031,,AA,Fired clay,Burnt,4,1,62,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,,26040,,,Fired clay,,2,1,9, 258,28131,26054,,,Fired clay,,5,1,10,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26058,,,Fired clay,,1,1,4, 258,,26107,,,Fired clay,,2,1,0,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,26126,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,26128,,AA,Fired clay,,65,1,65,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28166,26164,,,Fired clay,,8,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26183,,AA,Fired clay,,,1,0,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26183,,,Fired clay,,2,1,5, 258,28131,26195,,,Fired clay,,2,1,1, 258,28131,26200,,AA,Fired clay,,12,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26204,,AA,Fired clay,,61,1,26,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26204,,AB,Fired clay,,5,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26205,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,9,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28131,26205,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3, 258,28131,26207,,,Fired clay,Plant impressions,4,1,30,Plant impressions. Fossil mollusc impression 258,,26226,,AA,Fired clay,,14,1,7,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28132,26227,,,Fired clay,Burnt,24,1,44,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28131,26229,,AA,Fired clay,,40,1,17,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28133,26231,,,Fired clay,,2,1,43,"Possible fragment of hearth, kiln or mould, but no metallurgical residues on surface" 258,28164,26234,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,4,"Possible fragment of hearth, kiln or mould, but no metallurgical residues on surface. Burnt" 258,,26252,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,"Possible fragment of hearth, kiln or mould, but no metallurgical residues on surface" 258,,26277,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,9,"Possible fragment of hearth, kiln or mould, but no metallurgical residues on surface. Burnt" 258,28161,26294,,,Fired clay,Burnt,3,1,14,"Possible fragment of hearth, kiln or mould, but no metallurgical residues on surface. Burnt" 258,28135,26330,,,Fired clay,,7,1,16, 258,28135,26330,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,2,Burnt. Undiagnostic 258,28161,26377,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,3,Burnt? Undiagnostic 258,28156,26378,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,10,Burnt. Undiagnostic 258,28131,26404,,AA,Fired clay,,200,1,706,"Possible fragment of hearth, kiln or mould, but no metallurgical residues on surface" 258,,26406,,AA,Fired clay,,40,1,50,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,26408,,AA,Fired clay,,50,1,146,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,26437,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,4,"Possible fragment of hearth lining, but no residues to suggest metallurgical use. Burnt" 258,28156,26437,,,Fired clay?,Burnt,1,1,10,Burnt. Pot frag? 258,28156,26437,,,Fired clay,,4,1,27,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,26437,,AA,Fired clay,,40,1,57,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,26437,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,5,1,70,Burnt? Undiagnostic (note: abraded edges) 258,28156,26437,,,Fired clay,,1,1,13, 258,28156,26437,,,Fired clay,,9,1,24,One fragment is heavily reduced 258,28158,26441,,,Fired clay,Burnt,3,1,25,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28158,26441,,AA,Fired clay,,11,1,25,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28149,26444,,,Fired clay,,2,1,1,Pottery? 258,,26472,,,Fired clay,Burnt – mould?,11,1,20,Burnt. Possible mould fragment? 258,28131,26504,,AC,Fired clay,,10,1,7,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26504,,,Fired clay,,1,1,63,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production? 258,28131,26504,,,Fired clay,,12,1,26,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,26522,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1, 258,,26522,,,Fired clay,Vitrified,1,1,1,Possible fragment of slagged hearth lining. Vitrified – hearth lining? 258,28152,26546,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,2,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,26558,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,3,1,42, 258,,26564,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28148,26583,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,34, 258,28158,26617,,,Fired clay,,14,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28158,26617,,AA,Fired clay,,32,1,27,"Possible fragment of hearth, kiln or mould, but no metallurgical residues on surface" 258,28158,26617,,,Fired clay,,6,1,39,"Possible fragment of hearth, kiln or mould, but no metallurgical residues on surface" 258,28167,26622,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,2,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,26646,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26661,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,9, 258,28131,26661,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,4,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28155,26685,,,Fired clay,,3,1,1, 258,,26715,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,2,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,26768,,,Fired clay,,1,1,38,Extracted from CBM assemblage by Chrystal Antink 258,28136,26821,,,Fired clay,,42,1,175,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,26827,,AA,Fired clay,,30,1,67,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,26852,,AA,Fired clay,,11,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,26852,,,Fired clay,Burnt,16,1,153,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28156,26852,,,Fired clay,,2,1,21, 258,28156,26852,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,17,"Possible hearth, oven or kiln lining. Burnt – hearth lining?" 258,28135,26853,,,Fired clay?,,2,1,4, 258,28158,26862,,None given,Fired clay,,6,1,7,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28139,26883,,,Fired clay,,9,1,68,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28158,26943,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,5,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt? 258,28158,26943,,AA,Fired clay,,19,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,26959,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1, 258,,26959,,,Fired clay,,2,1,4, 258,,26996,,AA,Fired clay,,5,1,2,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28131,27006,,,Fired clay,,3,1,23,Reduced 258,28131,27006,,,Fired clay,,14,1,84,Mostly reduced 258,28131,27016,,,Fired clay,,1,1,24, 258,28131,27016,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,10,Burnt. Undiagnostic 258,28131,27016,,AA,Fired clay,,240,1,323,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27044,,,Fired clay,,5,1,13, 258,,27044,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27045,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,18,"Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production, but some discoloration to suggest hearth/kiln/oven lining. Burnt" 258,,27045,,AA,Fired clay,,2,1,4,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27045,,,Fired clay,,6,1,14,Mostly reduced 258,,27045,,AA,Fired clay,,4,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27046,,,Fired clay,,5,1,0,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27046,,,Fired clay,,21,1,48, 258,28131,27054,,,Fired clay,Burnt,6,1,26,Burnt. Reduced 258,28131,27063,,,Fired clay,,4,1,33,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27073,,AA,Fired clay,,4,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 246,,27073,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,9,1,13,Burnt? Undiagnostic 258,,27076,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,5,Burnt. Reduced 258,28167,27082,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,4,Burnt. Undiagnostic 258,28167,27082,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,3,Burnt. Undiagnostic 258,,27083,,AA,Fired clay,,10,1,45,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27083,,,Fired clay,Plant impressions,2,1,14,Plant impressions 258,,27084,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28162,27091,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28133,27098,,,Fired clay?,Burnt,1,1,133, 258,28133,27098,,,Fired clay,,34,1,63, 258,,27113,,,Fired clay,Burnt + plant impressions,5,1,37,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt + plant impressions. 1 undet grass culm impression 258,,27157,,AA,Fired clay,,6,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28139,27179,,,Fired clay,,2,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28140,27181,,,Fired clay,,1,1,12,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27189,,AA,Fired clay,,62,1,42,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27189,,,Fired clay,,3,1,14,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27189,,,Fired clay,,1,1,2, 258,28128,27193,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,7,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28136,27205,,,Fired clay,,1,1,2,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28129,27221,,,Fired clay,,4,1,8,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28147,27240,,,Fired clay,,2,1,1, 258,28136,27250,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt? 258,,27261,,,Fired clay,,4,1,7,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27261,,,Fired clay,,3,1,4, 258,28145,27263,,,Fired clay,,4,1,61,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28141,27294,,AA,Fired clay,,13,1,86,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28156,27299,,,Fired clay,Burnt,4,1,14,Burnt. Undiagnostic 258,28156,27313,,,Fired clay,,5,1,8,two frags. reduced 258,28156,27313,,AA,Fired clay,,12,1,12,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,,27342,,,Fired clay,,3,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Abraded edges 258,28154,27368,,,Fired clay,,3,1,5,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Abraded edges 258,28162,27378,,,Fired clay,,2,1,1, 258,28170,27412,,,Fired clay,Plant impressions,1,1,45,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Plant impressions. 1 undet grass culm impression 258,28151,27460,,,Fired clay?,Vitrified,5,1,38, or CBM? Slightly vitrified. Possible hearth/kiln/oven lining 258,28174,27472,,,Fired clay,Burnt,54,1,120,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Abraded edges. Burnt 258,28174,27472,,,Fired clay,Burnt,6,1,93,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Abraded edges. Burnt 258,28174,27472,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,6,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,,27483,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28164,27502,,,Fired clay,Burnt,6,1,15,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28164,27502,,AA,Fired clay,,20,1,42,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28174,27508,,,Fired clay,Burnt,3,1,30,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt 258,28178,27530,,,Fired clay,,8,1,27,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28178,27538,,AA,Fired clay,,50,1,12,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28178,27538,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,7,1,47,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Burnt? 258,28151,27572,,,Fired clay?,Vitrified,1,1,1,Vitrified. Possible hearth/kiln/oven lining 258,28178,27589,,,Fired clay?,Burnt,21,1,129,Burnt 258,28178,27589,,AA,Fired clay,,18,1,7,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28178,27589,,AB,Fired clay,,22,1,9,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production. Abraded edges 258,28178,27599,,AA,Fired clay,,46,1,17,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 258,28178,27599,,AB,Fired clay,,64,1,30,Not necessarily related to non-ferrous metal production 265,,31501,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,19,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31501,,,Fired clay,,1,1,6,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31501,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,22,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31501,,,Fired clay,,1,1,0,"No context number given, assigned subsoil number by specialist. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production." 265,,31501,,,Fired clay,,2,1,8,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31537,,,Fired clay,,5,1,56,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31537,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay?,Burnt,3,1,35, 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,33,"Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production, one piece has smoothed surface" 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,176,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production. One relatively large fragment has a flat surface and possible discolouration 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,19,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay,,5,1,13,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,9,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay,,1,1,5,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay,,3,1,5,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31539,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,34,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31798,31546,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,9,Burnt? no morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31799,31548,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3, 265,31799,31553,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31555,,,Fired clay,,1,1,2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31570,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,3,Burnt? Undiagnostic 265,,31570,,,Fired clay,,1,1,2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29971,31580,,AB,Fired clay,,40,1,143,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29971,31580,,,Fired clay,,24,1,32,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31586,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31591,,,Fired clay,Burnt,4,1,15,Burnt. Undiagnostic 265,,31591,,AA,Fired clay,,4,1,10,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31595,,,Fired clay,,2,1,14,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29974,31608,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31611,,,Fired clay,,5,1,86,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29973,31617,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,7,Burnt. no morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29971,31619,,,Fired clay,Plant impressions,77,1,1213,"Plant impressions. Possible daub or CBM, no morphology or residues indicative of metal production" 265,29971,31619,,AB,Fired clay,,73,1,58,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29973,31626,,AA,Fired clay,Burnt,33,1,26,Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29974,31630,,AA,Fired clay,,8,1,54,"CA assessed as not CBM. Possible daub, no morphology or residues indicative of metal production" 265,29974,31630,,AA,Fired clay,,112,1,57,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29974,31632,,AA,Fired clay,,5,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29955,31663,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29971,31665,,,Fired clay,,7,1,78,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31677,,,Fired clay,,2,1,11,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29957,31695,,,Fired clay?,,4,1,120,Flat surface on one side. Possibly a heated stone? no morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29955,31704,,,Fired clay,,1,1,16,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29955,31704,,AA,Fired clay,,37,1,16,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29955,31704,,,Fired clay,,4,1,6,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29959,31709,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,9,Pulled from Animal Bone by LW. Burnt. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29959,31709,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,8,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29959,31709,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,3,1,105,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29955,31710,,,Fired clay,,4,1,33,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29955,31710,,,Fired clay,Burnt,4,1,4,Burnt. Undiagnostic 265,29964,31716,,,Fired clay,,15,1,17,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31733,,,Fired clay,Burnt,2,1,38,Burnt. no morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31733,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29959,31742,,,Fired clay,,8,1,53,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29959,31742,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,10,Burnt. Undiagnostic 265,29959,31742,,AA,Fired clay,,22,1,7,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29959,31742,,,Fired clay,Vitrified,1,1,20,Vitrified. Possible hearth/kiln/oven lining 265,29969,31761,,AA,Fired clay,,4,1,2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29969,31761,,,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29961,31774,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,6,Burnt. Possible hearth/kiln lining but no morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31779,31778,,,Fired clay,,5,1,12,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31779,31778,,,Fired clay,,9,1,169,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,31779,31778,,,Fired clay,Burnt,1,1,8,Burnt. Undiagnostic 265,29963,31788,,AA,Fired clay,,3,1,17,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29972,31790,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,5,Burnt? no morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29972,31790,,,Fired clay,,1,1,12,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29972,31790,,,Fired clay,,1,1,25,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,,31791,,AA,Fired clay,,70,1,45,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 265,29973,31796,,,Fired clay,,1,1,8,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production but unusual surface markings 267,32643,32205,,,Fired clay,Burnt?,1,1,7,Burnt? No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 267,32647,32248,,AA,Fired clay,,50,1,189,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 267,32646,32333,,AA,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 267,32648,32391,,AA,Fired clay,,5,1,7,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 267,,32449,,AA,Fired clay,,14,1,5,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 267,,32520,,,Fired clay,,3,1,10, 267,,32543,,,Fired clay,,3,1,5, 267,,32574,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 267,,32591,,,Fired clay,,2,1,20,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 267,,32591,,,Fired clay,,2,1,27,"Extracted from CBM assemblage by Chrystal Antink. No morphology or residues indicative of metal production, but one fragment has unusual surface residues (not necessarily metallurgical)" 199,11063,25565,,AB,Fired clay,,6,1,1, 223,,0,,,Fired clay,,1,1,0,No context number given 202,,6062,,,Fired clay,,,1,4,"Metalworking or other high-temperature process, orange-fired" 201,,11943,,,Fired clay,,1,1,5,"Metalworking or other high-temperature process, greyer towards surface" 201,,11944,,,Fired clay,,,1,16,"Metalworking or other high-temperature process, iron rich natural, ?roasted" 246,,24757,,,Fired clay,,1,1,16.9,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production. Reduced 258,28131,27006,,,Fired clay,,1,1,8,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 258,,15001,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3.5,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 258,28135,27004,,,Fired clay,,1,1,10,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production. Possibly from a vessel as has a flat surface on one side 223,30883,30261,,,Fired clay,,1,1,4.2,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 267,,32543,,,Fired clay,,1,1,18.7,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production. Reduced on 'inner' surface 246,,24929,,,Fired clay,,2,1,5,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,30898,30188,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3.4,"Metalworking or other high-temperature process, iron rich and heavily fired" 223,30898,30188,,,Fired clay,,2,1,1.4,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24085,,,Fired clay,,1,1,6.9,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30052,,,Fired clay,,1,1,12.1,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production. Reduced 258,28156,26828,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3.3,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production. Reduced 223,,30415,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1.4,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30125,,,Fired clay,,4,1,2.3,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 228,28434,27637,,,Fired clay,,2,1,16.7,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,24852,,,Fired clay,,1,1,3.4,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production. Likely related to CPM material 223,,30417,,,Fired clay,,10,1,12.7,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 258,28158,26441,,,Fired clay,,13,1,79.6,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,31283,24265,,,Fired clay,,12,1,75,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 258,28154,27093,,,Fired clay,,1,1,1.5,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31000,,,Fired clay,,2,1,31.9,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 246,,31003,,,Fired clay,,1,1,4.6,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production 223,,30798,,,Fired clay,,31,1,44.7,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production. Heavily fired 197,11063,25565,,,Fired clay,,4,1,7.6,No morphology or residues indicative of metal production