Period,Field,Trench,Context,Context description,Fabric type,No.,Weight (g),ENV,Diameter (cm),%Rim,Part,Form,Decoration,Date range,Notes, 5,172,Main,25215,Fill of pit 25216,H2 Fine quartz,1,6,1,,,Body sherd,Hollow ware,Burnished exterior,Late Pre-Roman Iron Age – Roman,A hard fine black fabric with abundant fine quartz up to 0.4mm; black deposit internally, 8a,172,Main,25119,Metalled surface,H2 Fine quartz,1,7,1,,,Body sherd,Hollow ware,Smoothed interior and exterior,Pre-Roman Iron Age – Roman,"A pale grey fabric with a darker grey-brown external margin; moderate fine quartz up to 0.5mm, occasionally up to 0.8mm; fresh break", 8a,172,Main,25128,Layer,H2 Rock,1,5,1,,,Body sherd,Hollow ware,Smoothed interior and exterior,Pre-Roman Iron Age – Roman,"A hard, dull red fabric with common, sub-angular rock fragments up to 2mm", 8a,172,Main,25130,Occupation deposit,H2 Quartz and rock,1,13,1,Unidentified,Unidentified,Rim,Funnel-rim Jar,Smoothed exterior,Pre-Roman Iron Age – 3rd/4th century AD,"Grey core with dull orange margins; abundant fine rounded quartz and rock up to 1mm and finer; short, angular FRJ rim", ,,,,,Total,4,31,4,,,,,,,,