File name,Title,Description,"Creator (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)",,,"Copyright holder (if more than one individual/organisation, add on a new row)",,,Period of Creation,,Software used,Software version,Language,Entity relationship diagram file name(s) (this should be enclosed separately),Supporting documentation file name(s) (this should be enclosed separately),, ,,,First Name,Last Name,Organisation,First Name,Last Name,Organisation,Start Date,End Date,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ArchaeologyDatabaseTablesForArchive,Database for medieval small finds recovered by excavation,This is the archaeology database for the Living Standards project. It contains information on objects dating between 1300 - 1600 retreived though excavation. The information provided includes the sites and the contexts where the objects were found. ,Alice,Forward,Cardiff University,Ben,Jervis,Cardiff University,28/11/2016,09/10/2020,Microsoft Access,version 10,English,ArchaeologyEntityRelationshipDiagram,,, ,,,Ben,Jervis,Cardiff University,,,,28/11/2016,09/10/2020,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Table Name,Table Description,Primary Key,Foreign Key,Row Count,,Field Name,"Field Description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).",Field Data Type,Field Length,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ArchaeologySite Info,Table containing a list of all sites considered to be of potential to the project,SiteName,,2760,,ID,Automatic number assigned to new entry,AutoNumber,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,SiteName,A name assigned to the excavation work.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,NGR,National grid reference,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Easting,National grid reference,Number,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Northing,National grid reference,Number,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,CurrentCounty,The name of the current county the site is within today (2020),Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,HistoricCounty,The name of the county the site was in at the time of its being a place within our project data parameters (AD1300 - 1600).,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,HER,The Historic Environment Record office where the record for the site is held,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,HERNo,The unique number assigned by the Historic Environment Record Office.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,SiteType,This labels and describes the type of archaeology found at the site.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Parish,The civil parish within which the site is located. For London we used modern borough (because the parish info wasn't on the HER record),Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ReportAccess,This documents how the report of publication for the excavation was accessed. Where a digital publication was used the link to this is provided.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ADSIdentifier,Where given this is the OASIS number or any other identifier applied by the Archaeology Data Service. ,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ExcavatedBy,The name of the organisation or person responsible for the exacavtion.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ExcavationDate,The dates during which the fieldwork took place.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,DateRange,The archaeological dates between which the archaeology on the site dated to. ,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,MuseumAccNo,The accession number is the number under which the archaeological archive is catalogued within the museum.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ExcavationAreaM2,The total area excavated in square meters when this could be ascertained.,Number,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,GoodPot,If the site had over 100 sherds of medieval pottery retrieved then this box was ticked.,Yes/No,Yes/No,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Publication,"Reference to the report, article or monograph used in collecting the data for this project.",Long Text,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,SiteDescription,The description given by the Historic Environment Record office for the site. Where a description was not available a brief explanation of the site was given either by Alice Forward or Ben Jervis.,Long Text,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ObjectsRecorded,Box checked if finds were recorded from the site,Yes/No,Yes/No,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ArchaeologySiteContextInfo,Table containing details of where objects were retrieved from on site,ID,,3051,,ID,Automatic number assigned to new entry,AutoNumber,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,SiteName,A name assigned to the excavation work.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,PropertyOrBuilding,Where a context is directly related to a particular building or plot the name or number assigned within the publication is recorded here.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ContextNo,The number assigned on site to the feature from where the find/s were retreived. In order for the number to be identifiable to the particular site the HER site number prefixes the context number.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,CutNo,The number assigned to the physical action of creating a feature like a pit which is subsequently filled by the context number. This has been included here as in some cases multiple contexts will relate to one another fot example as they are all 'fills' of a pit the same pit cut.,Number,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,SitePhase,"When a site has mulitple phases of activity, the excavated features are grouped together within phases or periods in order to organise and understand the activity on site. The phase given will be an inter-site phase and unique only to that excavation. ",Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,FeatureType,The name given to the type of feature within the report,Long Text,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Date,The archaeological date assigned to the feature,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ArchaeologyObjects,Table containing details of individual and groups of objects found during excavation,ID,,7861,,ID,Automatic number assigned to new entry,AutoNumber,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,SiteName,A name assigned to the excavation work.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,SmallFindNo,The number assigned to the object within the report. This number is prefixed here by the context number.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ContextNo,The number assigned on site to the feature from where the find/s were retreived. In order for the number to be identifiable to the particular site the HER site number prefixes the context number.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,MuseumAccNo,The accession number under which the object is catalogued within the museum. (This is slightly different to the overall accession number for the total archaeological archive).,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,FISHObjectType,The name of the object as outlined by the Forum on Information Standards in Heritage (FISH) thesaurus.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ReportObjectType,The name of the object given within the report,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Typology,Where paralleled to a published example this is named.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Function,Each object has been assigned within a functional category,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Material,The material from which the object is made. This is also a restricted category,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Quantity,Total count of objects,Number,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,EarliestDate,"Where known, the earliest date that can be ascribed to the object",Number,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,LatestDate,"Where known, the latest date that can be ascribed to the object",Number,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Decoration,Desciption of decoration on the object,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,ReportAuthorSpecialist,The name of the specialist who wrote the report.,Short Text,255,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,DatePublished,The date the finds report was published,Number,Long Integer,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,Notes,Direct copy of the notes provided within the finds report on the object. Where Alice Forward carried out the recording for the project this is a description created for this project,Memo,,,,,,,,,