STANDARD MOTIFS, 110,Separate bones 111,Crossbones 112,Skull and bones 121,Skull facing forward 122,Skull facing sideways 125,Winged skull 130,Skeleton 135,Bell 140,Hour glass 145,Winged hour glass 147,Sundial 148,Candles 150,Coffin 152,Spade 154,Pick 160,Scythe 162,Father Time 170,Torches pointing downwards 171,Torches pointing upwards 172,Time's dart 173,Death (figure) 174,Memento Mori text 176,Serpent 177,Serpent eating its tail 180,Scale 187,Broken column 191,Star 192,Moon 193,Sun 194,Sun rising/setting 210,Cherub head and wings only 212,Two cherubs 213,Three cherubs 220,Cherub with body 230,Cherub with trumpet 250,Angel 260,Angel kneeling 270,Angel flying 300,Flower(s) 310,Rosette/marigold 311,Rose 312,Tulip 313,Lily 315,Yorkshire rose 316,Thistle 317,Daffodil 320,Flower with stem broken 325,Flower with sickle 330,Leaves 332,Stylised leaves 333,Shamrocks 335,Vine 337,Ivy 340,Fruit 345,Grapes 350,Tree 355,Willow 357,Palm 360,Sheaf of wheat 370,Wreath 400,Cross 405,Cross with expanded terminals 410,Celtic/ringed cross 420,Maltese cross 430,Gothic cross 440,Cross of Lorraine/2-barred cross 450,Chi Rho 500,Figure 505,Jesus 506,Madonna 507,Virgin Mary full figure 508,Justice with scales 509,Head of Jesus 510,Portrait of deceased 511,Head of Mary 515,Saint 520,Full figure of deceased alive 530,Full figure of deceased dead 540,"Classical figure, unknown" 543,"Classical figure, Hope with anchor" 545,"Classical figure, mourning" 547,"Classical figure, mourning, with altar/urn" 550,Anchor 580,Other mourning 610,Book closed 611,Trinity 612,"""Gloria in excelsis deo"" text" 613,Line of Bosses 615,Book open 620,Bible closed 625,Bible open 626,Scroll (not pattern or text panel) 627,Banner 630,Crown 631,Crown with radiance 633,Triangle with radiance 635,Eye with radiance 637,Cross with radiance 640,Crucifixion 641,Crucifixion - complete scene 642,Crucifixion - church interior 645,Symbols of the Passion 650,Crown of thorns 655,Lamb 656,"Lamb of God with cross, banner" 657,Lamb of God - no banner 660,Heart 661,Heart pierced by Time's dart 662,Sacred Heart 663,Sacred heart with radiance 664,"""Squirting"" heart" 670,IHS 672,IHS interwoven 673,HIS with cross on bar of H 674,IHS in radiate circle (often dog tooth pattern) 680,Adam and Eve 685,Day of Judgement/Resurrection 686,Day of Judgement/Resurrection with radiance 688,Alpha and/or Omega 690,Other Biblical 695,Chalice 710,Altar 713,"Altar, Christian" 715,"Altar, Classical" 720,Tomb 730,Urn 735,Draped urn 740,Romanesque tracery 750,Gothic tracery in relief 755,Gothic window 760,Ecclesiastical building 761,Gate of St. Peters 770,Interlace (Celtic) 780,"Vine scrolls with animals, birds" 800,Hand 810,Hand pointing up 812,Hand pointing down 820,Hands clasped/shaking 833,Trefoil 834,Quatrefoil 850,Birds 851,Bird and bush/flower 852,Feathers 855,Dove 860,Animals 861,Dog 870,Scrollwork (pattern) 880,Shell 883,Palmette 885,Cornucopia 890,Fan 895,Swags of cloth - central 896,Canopy 897,Curtains 900,Masonic symbols 901,(Set) Square and compass 902,Compass 903,(Set) Square 909,Horse 910,Fleur-de-lys 920,Shield 921,Diamond 922,Circle 924,Full formal heraldic arms 925,Shield with design on it 926,Lion 927,Crossed swords 928,Helmet 929,Military regimental insignia 930,Transport scene 931,Horseback/cart 932,Ship 933,Train 934,Bicycle 935,Car 936,Motor cycle 937,Lorry/bus 938,Aeroplane 939,Gun/Cannon 940,Occupation (other) 941,Ploughing 945,Blacksmiths tools 946,Horseshoe 947,Weaver's tools 948,Carpenter's tools 950,Hobby 955,Toys 956,Cartoon character 960,Rural scene 961,Hunting 970,Urban scene 980,Pews 990,Portrait photograph 991,Portrait etched