Burial Ground Code,Memorial no.,Language,Inscription text,Type of Quote,Quote Source (if known),Condition of Inscription,,Letter style 1,,Letter style 2,,Letter style 3,,Letter style 4, ,LOCAL_MEMORIAL_ID,LANGUAGE,EP_TEXT,QUOTE_TYPE,QUOTE_SOURCE,,CONDITION,,STYLE (1),,STYLE (2),,STYLE (3),,STYLE (4) 0,1,0,,0,0,4,Traces,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,2,0,,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,3,0,?..John K?..T Summer,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,4,0,"SACRED to the memory of John Dilworth of Wavertree//// IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARY ELIZABETH the beloved daughter of Isaac and Sarah A. Dilworth, who departed this life October 13th 1894 Aged 12 Years The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away. Also SARAH ANN, the beloved wife of Isaac B. Dilworth, who departed this life June 15th 1899. Aged 57 Years. ""Until the morning dawn and the shadows flee away."" ALSO Isaac Bateman Dilworth who died March 10th 1909, Aged 63 years Now the labourer's task is o'er. The burial place of Isaac Dilworth",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,5,0,Under this stone lie deposited?the remains of children of Robert and Elizabeth Brereton viz Tho Died Febry 17 1754 Egidius Died Jan 12 1755 Robert Died July 10th 1758 and Henrietta Daughter Died august 15 1758 Sacred also to the memory of Wm Brereton their son who was wounded in doing his duty as an officer in the conquest of Quebec on Sept 18th 1759 and died abroad with?,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,6,0,William?.died?.9th?..1911?.Year,0,0,4,Traces,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,7,0,(6 lines of fairly illegible writing) ? with memory of M?.mb 18th 18 (rest unknown),0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,8,0,IN MEMORY OF Anne M'ox of W.. On 28th? 1836 aged 69 years ALSO in Memory of Mary Webster wife of William Webster Married ? who died?. September 1861 Aged 70 years William Webster born 1801 died 1875 (very bottom of stone).. William Webster burial place,0,0,3,Mainly legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,9,0,M?.William??T??A?..,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,10,0,November Aged 51 Years ?.who departed July 27th 1837 Aged 64 (??) Also our dearly beloved Mother Susannah Edney who died Feb 22nd 1896. Aged 51 years. Also Jessie Jones thebelove daughter of the above who died June 16th 1908. Aged 32 years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,300,Clarendon,950,Other,0,,0, 0,11,0,Samuel Smith o?. Place,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,12,0,In Memory of??.1810 Aged ?. Mary Wife of?. Thomas?. 16 of Aged ?.Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,13,0,The burial place of Henry Brownbill 1789???????.William Pendleton,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,14,0,[Here] lieth the body of Edward the Son [of] Edward V Sarah Baldwin who departed this life Octr. 1ft 1816 aged 13 years. Afflication fore long time I bore Phyficions were in vain Till God was pleased to give me eafe And freed me from my pain. Sarah Baldwin Died Feby 18th 1855 Aged 75 Years. The burial place of Henry Pendleton,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,15,0,1834 Aged 2?. Also William Baldwin who departed this life on the ? October 1861. Aged 11 Years. They will be done O Lord (italic). Also George Houghton died 21 January 1865 Aged 61 Years Mary wife of the above George Houghton died 8th December (1861) Aged 64 Years. Also Alice Hignett Grandaughter of the Above who died 17th January 187(8) Aged 11 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,16,0,Here lieth the body of ??? Wife of Edward??. 11th 1814 aged 77 Year??.John Vofe died?..1811 [Aged 1?],0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,17,0,,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,18,0,William Wainwright Died Ja ry the 28th 1739. Mary his wife Died Mar. 8th. 1743 Joseph Wainwright Died Feb. the 6th. 1745 Jonathen Wainwright Died Novr the ?th. 1746 Susanna the wife of John Hall,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,19,0,Here Lie the REMAINS (italics) WILLIAM ELLISON of Childwall who departed this life 6 March 1785 in the 85th Year of his Age. Mary his Wife who died 9th Sept 1783 Mary their Daughter the Wife of Joshua Frodsham who died 11th Octr 1779. Aged 45. Joshua Frodsham who died at Ecclefton Hall on the 11th June 1797. In the 58th. Year of his Age. Harriet Frodsham died September 11th 1838 aged 15 Years Ellison Frodsham died January 21st 1840 aged 45 Years. The burial place of Ellison Frodsham (at foot of,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,20,0,[Here] lieth the Body of [G]eorge Wainwright of Much Woolton who departed this Life 10th February 1763. Aged 55 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,21,0,"Here lieth the Body of Michaeel Williams son of Edward & Hannah Williams who departed this Life February 15th 1771 Aged 1 Year v& 11 months. Also James son died February ? 17?? Aged 19 Years and 6 months. Also Joseph his Son died April 29th 1795 Aged 11 Years and [4] months. Also Mary his Daughter died 23 [May] 1795 Aged 21 Years. Edward Williams [interred] Sepr 27th 1798 aged 70 Years. Hannah Williams interred Jany []the 180[0] aged [62] Years. Also Hannah Williams, who died Feby I 1852 aged 68 Years. Joseph Williams burial place",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,22,0,"Here Lyeth Interrd the Body of Thomas son of William and ann Gill of Liverpool who died [3] rd of March 1765 In the 4th. Year of his Age. Here lyeth Interrd the Body of Mary Gill who departed this life the 11th of June 1785. Aged 28 YearsHere lies Interrd the Body of Ann Gill, mother to the above. Thomas and Mary Gill who departed this life the 27th of April 1789. Aged 67 Years. Here lies the body of Frances Holden (daughter of the above Ann Gill) who departed this life the 18th of January 1840. Aged 72 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,23,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY of SARAH beloved Wife of John HALL. Schoolmaster and Organist of this Parish. Born at S??UFFORD GROUNDS OXON on the 22nd JAN [1830]. And DIED on the ??th NOV 1855 at GATEACRE in this Parish. DEATH is swallowed up in VICTORY. IN MEMORY OF Henry son of George and MARY MEADOWS who died on his passage home from INDIA January 17th 1862 Aged 19 Years. George Meadows burial place,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,24,0,IN MEMORY OF Ann the Wife of David Hague who departe[d] this life the 17th of May 1810 [a]ged 18 Years. Also ??? [a]ged [1???] [s]on nDavid and Ann Hague. Ch[I]ldren of the above - all died in [t]heir infancy. Also Harriet [Glover] departed this life the 3rd Day 0f (Fe)b 185(3) Aged 61 Years Also M[argeret] Wife of Tho[mas] Glover died Jany 6th 1??0 aged 79 Year[s]. Also David Hague Father of the above [Children] [died] July 8th ??????? Year. H[ague] burial place,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,25,0,IN MEMORY OF Su[sanna] D[aug]hter ??? And M??? Web??? the ??? Thom[as] Web[ster] who died ???? Th??? [William] Aged [6 Years],0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,26,0,Thos. Copple Died 1728 Aged 88. William son of William Copple Died April ye 29th 1751,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,27,0,[front elevation] TO THE GLORY OF GOD AND IN LASTING AND GRATEFUL MEMORY OF THOSE MEN FROM THIS PARISH WHO FELL IN THE GREAT WAR THIS CROSS WAS ERECTED BY THE PARISHIONERS OF CHILDWALL. THEY SERVED FOR LIBERTY THEY DIED FOR LIFE [side elevation] IN THANKFUL AND EVER LIVING REMEMBRANCE OF THOSE WHO DIED ON ACTIVE SERVICE 1939 1945,0,0,1,Mint,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,28,0,Here lieth the Bodies of William [&] Elizabeth the Son and Daughter of Thomas & [Ellen] [Apple[ton]] who [departed] this life the [?]th M[ay] [1787] ??? Aged ??? Children H?/ of [March] [who] [1703] who [1790,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,29,0,The burial place of Thom??? And Ann Web???? Their Daughter who died ???th April 18?? Aged ?? Months. ???? & ??? Their Daughter who died 9th May 18?? Aged ???? And 4 months.Also ????? Son of the above who departed this life October 17th 1847 Aged 8 Years and 9 months Mary Ann Webster died May 30th 1855 Aged 25 years. Robert Varley son in law to the above who died March 5th 1854 Aged 25 years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,30,0,William Tun??all ???? Aged ???rs ??? The above ??? In her,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,31,0,Here lie the re?? Edward P??r ??? Halewood who ??? This life in the v? year his ??? Elizabeth wife of ?? Appleton parted this life 26th Jany 17?? Alfo Nathan Appleton ?? The 19th Novr 17??,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,32,0,Sacred (gothic) TO THE MEMORY OF THOMAS ASHTON OF WAVERTREE who departed this life ?? Day of October 1824 aged 57 Years. Also Lydia Ashton Wife of the above who departed this life on the 27th Day of May 1813 Aged 86 Years Also of ANNIE TROTTER of HUYTON [niece] of the above who died December 21 1874 Aged 71 Years Also LYDIA HORMBY JONES of HUYTON niece of the above ANNE TROTTER who died May 2nd 1886. Also ELLEN TROTTER sister of the above ANNE TROTTER who died January 5th 1891 in her 80th Year. Also ANNE MARY TROTTER niece of the above died 16th July 1905. Also Elizabeth RICHARDS who died 26th February 1925 Aged 89 Years. Also ELIZABETH TROTTER HILL niece of the above who died 24th Dec [1964] Aged 83 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,150,Roman italic,0, 0,33,0,Here lie[s] the Body of ???? Comn ???? [of] ???? Lyon who Depart[ed] [this life] May the 6th 17[59] Aged 88. Also ??? W[ife] [who] de[parted] ??? [wife of the above] [who departed] 4th ???? [Aged 84 Years],0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,34,0,[Burial p]lace of [Thomas Byron] St Helens,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,35,0,"SACRED to the memory of JOHN PHILIPS, Lieut. R.N. eldest son of the late JOHN LEIGH PHILIPS Esq of MAYFIELD near Manchester who after having resided some years in this PARISH, died at his residence BELLE VUE WALTON on the HILL, June 2nd 1835, Aged 45 Year s. ALSO ANNE, relict of the above JOHN PHILIPS and eldest daughter of the late GILBERT HENDERSON Esq. Of ST ANNE'S HILL WALTON on the HILL, who died March 24th 1858 aged 59 Years. ALSO Jane the eldest daughter who died Dec [7th] 1820, Aged 2 Years and 6 months. ALSO JOHN LEIGH the eldest son who died MAY 14th 1828 Aged 2 Years and 10 months ALSO CAROLINE, relict of the late JOHN LEIGH PHILIPS Esq. Of MAYFIELD who died Sept 1834, Aged 66 Years. ALSO NATHANAEL GEORGE youngest son of the late JOHN LEIGH PHILIPS Esq who died August 1st 1831 Aged 34 Years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,36,0,"Ledger: IN MEMORY OF John Son [of] Thomas & Janet who [departed] All ???? Thomas ??? 19th ??? Aged 27. West Kerb: ??? THEIR DAUGHTERS North Kerb: LILLY, WHO DIED JUNE 18th 1899, Aged 7 Years and AMY who died May 19th 1890 Aged 3 weeks. East Kerb: [Gothic] In loving memory of SARAH PYE who died March 2nd 1913 Aged 62 Years South Kerb: In loving memory of my dear husband JOHN PYE who died April ?? 1884 aged 62 years",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,37,0,IN MEMORY OF Ellen Daughter of Henry & Alice Webster who died Aug [9] 1835 Aged 10 Years. Mourn not for me Parents dear I am not dead but sleeping here. The sore afflictions which I bore now removed for evermore. ALSO Thomas son of the above who departedthis life 2nd June 1841 Aged 4 Years & 9 months. Also in sacred remembrance of the above named Henry Webster who departed this life 15th May 1871 Aged 79 Years. Them also which sleep in Jesus Will God also bring with him. His end was peace. ALSO Margaret Webster daughter of the above who died on the 7th December 1871 Aged 40 Years. ALSO Alice wife of the above Henry Webster who died on the 7th April 1876 Aged 77 Years. Also Ellen Webster youngest daughter of the above died 1st October 1903 Aged 63 Years. Also Mary Anne wife of Capt. R. Curwen Died 24th Jany 1927 Aged 68 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,38,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,39,0,IV ???? Life ????? Hannah ??? Above departed ???? 15 ????? [Base] Henry Gr?.no?..gh Burial pl,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,40,0,,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,41,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,42,0,IN MEMORY,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,43,0,above (italic)...????? Mother of the above ??? Who departed this life on the 11th day of ??? Aged ??? Years. Elizabeth Lightfoot daughter of above. ?? James Peer,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,44,0,?? Son who ???? Di[ed] July 10th,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,45,0,????? [ood] ??? Mother of ???? Grandson,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,46,0,IN MEMORY OF Edward Webster of Childwall who died ??? 183[6] aged 47 years also Margaret wife of the above who died Nov 12th 18[?] aged 66 years also Ann wife of John Webster and daughter in law of the above who died March 23rd 1871 aged 49 years Also John Webster husband of the above who died August 2nd 1906 Aged 82 years also John the beloved husband of Mary Webster and son of the above who died 18th December 1914 aged 59 years. At rest. Also the above Mary Webster who died 5th February 1930 aged 76 years At base: Edward Webster Childwall 183[?] (Clarendon),0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,300,Clarendon,0, 0,47,0,. . . . William . . . . Departed this life the 31 . . . Of . . . . 1??? Aged . . . .,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,48,0,. . . . David their son departed this life Aug 17 . . . . Also Thomas Owen father of the above died April 1? 1810 aged 50 Years . . . Also Elizabeth wife of the above died April 1 . 1??7 . . . Aged 60 Years . . . . Owen's Grave,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,49,0,Entrance to Vault,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,50,0,"Here lieth, interr'd Jane Abigail & Ellen the ??? Dauthters of Chriftopher & Elizabeth Hayes ??? Chriftr, Hayes departed this life October the 23rd 1774 in the ..th Year of his Age. Elizabeth Hayes departed this life April 25th 1794 aged 72 Yrs",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,51,0,". . . . Who . . . . In il , , , , alli who . . . . Departed this . . . . The 50th year . . . . Alli who . . . . Wife of . . . L . . . Wh . . . 1829",0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,52,0,,0,0,4,Traces,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,53,0,,0,0,4,Traces,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,54,0,In memory of . . . A wife of Peter . . . Who died Aged 62 years . . . Daughter of Peter and M . . . Aged . . Years and 7 months,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,55,0,In Memory of Mar . . .,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,56,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,57,0,Here lieth the remains of (Elizabeth?) . . . . 7 . . .,0,0,4,Traces,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,58,0,. . . To the memory of H - ward Jones of . . .wood . . . Departed this life on the 3rd day of January 1813 ages 67 years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,300,Clarendon,0,,0, 0,59,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,60,0,,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,61,0,SACRED to the memory of Mary the wife of Joseph [?] who departed this life April 28th 18?2 Aged ? Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,62,0,In memory of Richard Davies who departed th(is) life Dec 26th 1850 aged 15 years . . . Julia & Anna Al(g)ood,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,63,0,In memory of (italicised) Elizabeth wife of James Rigby who died Sep 6th 1816 aged 32 years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,64,0,? the burial place? Harp(e)r,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,65,0,"In memory of Mary wife of Thomas Pearson of Liverpool, who departed this life April the 15th 1838 aged 34 years. Afflicsions sore long time bore Physions were in vain, Till god was pleased to give her ease and free'd her from her pain. Thomas Pearson departed this life May 11th 1850 aged 49 years. Sacred to the memory of Jane wife of John Sumner who departed this life July 2?th 1854 aged 39 years . . . . Thomas Sumner's burial place",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,66,0,In memory of Mary daughter of John and ? Oakes of Wavertree who departed . . . April ?th 1833 aged 6 years . . . Pray shed no more . . . Your child is gone before . . She lived in peace she died . . . Is denied Also of John their son who departed this life June 22nd 18?? Aged 6 years. Also Elizabeth their daughter who departed this life Dec 18th 18?8 aged 6 weeks,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,67,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,68,0,Sacred to the memory of Nancy Parker who died 25th of Dec 1838 aged (8?) years. Also Susan Nai? Daughter of the above and wife of William Gore who departed this life June ?th ? Aged ? Years Also Mary Anne Wigg daughter of the above who died Feb . . . 1816 in her 21st year also the above William Gore . . . The 3rd of January 1860 aged 65 years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,69,0,Sacred to the memory of Nancy Parker who died 25th of Dec 1838 aged (8?) years. Also Susan Nai? Daughter of the above and wife of William Gore who departed this life June ?th ? Aged ? Years Also Mary Anne Wigg daughter of the above who died Feb . . . 1816 in her 21st year also the above William Gore . . . The 3rd of January 1860 aged 65 years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,70,0,"IN MEMORY OF Frances Swift, wife of Richard Swift of Little Woolton, died March 9th 1839 aged 72 years. Also Richard Swift (of) Stanley late of Little Woolton, died March 28th 1816 aged 64 Years. Also Catherine Isabelle Stanley widow sister of the above Frances Swift died April 12th 1818 aged 79 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,71,0,IN MEMORY OF The Father and The Children of John Alex Wilson M.A. Curate of this ?from 1826 to 1841 Robert Wilson Borin March 12. 1776 Died ?.. 1862. Alfred ? Wilson Born July 1 1853 died Feb 20 1854. Arthur Joshua Wilson Born May 23 1836 Died Nov 8. 1854,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,72,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,73,0,In this vault are deposited the remains of Roger Hesketh MA minister of St Paul's Church in the parish of Liverpool and sometime resident at Woolton Grove in this Parish. [ ] died on the 6th of October 1842 in the 47th year of his age,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,74,0,In Memory of John ? who died March ? 18? Aged?,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,75,0,In Memory of,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,76,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,77,0,ret Crosby daughter of William and Elizabeth Crosby ?. Died 1817 aged 20 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,78,0,To the ?. Of John ?. This life ?. Nov,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,79,0,Here lieth the body of Margaret wife of Pattison Ellames Esq of Allerton Hall in this County who died on the second day of January 1837 Aged 42 Years. Also of Anne Mother of the above Margaret Ellames and Relict of Joseph Bradish Esq who died at Allerton Hall the fifth day of June 1852 Aged 79 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,80,0,?.. Daughter and niece ?.. Daughter of the above Alice died ?.. 1853 Aged 10 Years. Also ?.. Wife of the [above] died ?? 17 aged [?.Years],0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,81,0,?..and?..died June?.. Aged 11 years?. Son of?.. Died on Jul?. Aged ?? Robinson?..,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,82,0,William Son of Joseph and Ma.. Wood died ?.. Joseph Wood husband of the?.. Died March 17th 185.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,83,0,"Here lieth the body of Charles Taylor who departed this life on the 10th of Sept in the Year of our Lord 1833 aged 72. Blessed are the dead Who die in the Lord. Also the body of Capt John Sailsbury Son in Law of the above Charles Taylor who was lost in the Brig Grecian of Liverpool on the 31st Decr 1833 aged 31. Though Boreas's blast on Neptune's waves Have cast me to and fro, In spite of all by God's in decree, I harbour here below. Though anchor(ed) (her)e I lie. With many of our fleet Yet once again I must set sail Our Saviour Christ to meet. Also George A. Still, died March 20th 1872 Aged 2 Years and 3 months. Also Agnes Annie Still, died August 5th 1878 Aged 2 Years and 6 months. ALSO George Alfred Still brother of the above, who fell asleep October 21st 1885 Aged 4 Years and 7 months. The burial place of Tho.s Brockbank",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,84,0,Here lieth the body of Mary the Wife of Thomas [Ga]llon who departed this life 16th of April 1837 aged 40[?] years. Also Thomas son of the above departed this life 20th of March 1831 aged 1 year,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,85,0,??? Wilson ?.. Died March ?? years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,86,0,??. Years ?? depart ??.. Year,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,87,0,Timothy Wai?.'s? place wh? son died Oct 23rd 1836 ...ed 17 Ma?. Elizabeth his daughter died Aug 24th 1851 aged 11 weeks ?. His son died Jan 21st 1855 aged 2 years 8 months John his son died March 11th 18[5]6 aged 20 months,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,88,0,William Hig?.'s Burial place,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,89,0,The burial place ?. H ??.. And Elizabeth???William (Lynch)???this life Dec 25th??aged 77 years??????..(aged)?. Also beloved son ??. William and Elizabeth ??. Who departed . life May 2nd 1886 aged 1(3)??? years also Mary wife of Robert Brown who died October 3rd 1895 Aged 56 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,90,0,Burial place of John ?..on Burial place of Thomas and Jane Ashton,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,91,0,Charles Edward Stead departed this life February 7th 18?6 aged 3? Years 1 month. Also John James Stead who died June 7th 1851 aged 5 years 10 months. Also George Abraham Stead who died February 2(4?) 18(58?) (Aged 4 Years) ?? The Burial place of John Stead,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,92,0,?March?18?Homer de?July?Homer departed this life Mar?1838 Aged 81?,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,93,0,Sacred to the memory of James Walker Son of John and Ann Hislop who died February 16th 18?? Aged 1 Month. Also of John?who died January 30th?Aged 9 months. Also Lilly their daughter died July?18?6 Aged?Months. Also Ann?John Hislop died October?Aged 50 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,94,0,The burial place of Henry and Mary Nye of Much Woolton Jane Daughter of the above died Decr 20th 18_0 aged 4 Years. Also Martha Daughter of the above died Decr?. Aged?(3 or 5 Years),0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,95,0,INTERRED HERE Martha the daughter of John and Ellen Rushton of Much Woolton departed this life Jan ? 1828 Aged 14 Years and ? Months,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,96,0,SACRED to the Memory of Jane Wife of James Ambrose who departed this life September 3rd 1827 Aged 19 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,97,0,Here lieth the Body of Ann Tealor the Daughter of Charles and Elisabeth Tealor who Departed this Life December 10th 1829 ? Aged ?1 Years Here lies the body of Thomas Taylor son of the above Charles and Elisabeth Taylor who died Decr 22nd 18.. Aged 3 years . Also Charles Taylor father of the above who dep-arted this life June 11th 187? Aged 7? Years ALSO Elizabeth Taylor who died Octr ? 187_ Aged 73 ? Years Also in Memory of John son of the above who died March 5th 1876 in the ?0th year of his age.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,98,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,99,0,IN Memory OF Jane Daughter of Thomas and Jane Smith who departed this Life Sept 1st 1848 Aged 20 Also of Thomas Smith father of the above who departed this life July 11th 1863 in the 80th year of his age.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,100,0,Here lieth the Body of Richard (Grace) who died March the ? 1__7 Aged ? 6 Months ? Also ? (Grace). Departed This Life February the 11th 183/51 Aged 36 Years Also ? died April ? Years Base.. The Burial Place of Richard Grace of Halewood,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,101,0,SACRED To the Memory of John Irving who died the 9th July 1812 aged 76 Years Thou who knows him ? Must re?,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,102,0,QVIETI ELISABETH ROSKELL QVAE AN AGENS XXXIII DECESSIT PRID NON AVG AN MDCCCVII ROBERTUS CONIVGI B M IN PACE,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,103,0,SACRED to the memory of Thomas Smith who died the 23rd day of Novr 181? Aged ?7 Years. Also Joseph Smith who departed this life Decr ?th 18?1 Aged 30 Years. The Burial Place of John Smith,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,104,0,IHS In memory of Jane Wife of James Leech who died Octr 2?_th ?? 18?? aged 68 Years. Also in memory of ... James Leech who died ?? ? 1838 aged 61 Years. James Leech's burial place.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,105,0,Buried within this tomb are interred the remains of Elizabeth the wife of James Lawrenson of Much Woolton who departed this life on the 29th day of May 1827 Aged 60 years. Also the above James Lawrenson who departed this life September 11th 1832 Aged 56. Also James Lawrenson son of the above parents who departed this life May 31st 1850 Aged 58 Years Also Sarah Fitzsimons daughter of the above James and Elizabeth Lawrenson who died on the 1st of August 1877 RIP.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,106,0,John W... (Carr?) ? Esquire of ? Woolton ? diligent faithful ? S ? Lord ?. He lived a truly (honest?) ? Man and died respected ?.. On the ?.. Day July 1823 ?.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,107,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF William Ritson who died an infant March 9th 1830 Also (italic) Mary Ritson His Mother and wife of Thomas Ritson of Much Woolton who died Sept. 4th 1831 aged 21 Years. A dutifull Daughter a tender and an affectionate Mother a loving wife and a kind friend Dear friends remember time is short Eternity is at hand Make Christ your aim and firm support When Death alarm you'll stand. Also Elizth. daughter of the above Thos & Mary Ritson died Sept. 11 1831 aged 15 months. Also John Marsh who died April 22nd 1881 aged 55 years. Also Elizabeth Brown Who departed this life June 22 1894 aged 81 years. Also William Brown Husband of the above died 14th day of April 1895 Aged 89 years. Thomas Ritson Burial Place,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,108,0,Here lye the remains of Henry Wilson who departed this life 9th July 18?? Aged 12 years John Wilberforces burial place,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,109,0,In Memory O? Andrew Dodson of Berwick Ma.v.eston? in the county of Salop who departed this life November 24th 1792 aged 61 Years. Mary his wife departed this life June 16th ? 1793 Aged 59 years? Andrew son of Andrew and Martha Dodson of Liverpool & grandson of the above Andrew and Mary Dodson departed this life Octover 7th 1809 aged 8 months. Mary wife of William James Calcott of Liverpool and daughter of the above Andrew & Mary Dodson departed this life August 15th 1808 aged 46 years. William son of William J and Mary Calcott departed this life 26th June 1811 aged 18 years ?. Elizabeth Linehales The faithful servant of the above family obit. January 14th 1816 aged 52 MargaretCalcott daughter of the above Mary Calcott Calcott departed this life 6th March 1818 Aged 23. Lydia Calcott departed this life 7th Febryuary 1825 Aged 36 Years. Burial place of William James Calcott,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,110,0,In Memory O? Andrew Dodson of Berwick Ma.v.eston? in the county of Salop who departed this life November 24th 1792 aged 61 Years. Mary his wife departed this life June 16th ? 1793 Aged 59 years? Andrew son of Andrew and Martha Dodson of Liverpool & grandson of the above Andrew and Mary Dodson departed this life Octover 7th 1809 aged 8 months. Mary wife of William James Calcott of Liverpool and daughter of the above Andrew & Mary Dodson departed this life August 15th 1808 aged 46 years. William son of William J and Mary Calcott departed this life 26th June 1811 aged 18 years ?. Elizabeth Linehales The faithful servant of the above family obit. January 14th 1816 aged 52 MargaretCalcott daughter of the above Mary Calcott Calcott departed this life 6th March 1818 Aged 23. Lydia Calcott departed this life 7th Febryuary 1825 Aged 36 Years. Burial place of William James Calcott,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,111,0,Beneath this stone is interred the Mor[tal remains] of Ann the wife of James Daniels who departed this life January 7th 18[38?] aged ? Years. Also of Mary Ann Daniels Daughter of the above who departed this life August 25th 18[45] in the 8th year of her age. Also Arthur Wright who died December 8th 1882 aged 21 years Also Alice Wright mother of the above who died July 18th 1906 aged 70 years. Until the day break and the shadows fade away. James Daniels Burial place,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,112,0,"Hic Ja: Ro:et Ma: Crompton, et Tho: Cr: eorum filius. Qui obijt etat 67 A:D. 1699",0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,113,0,Here reft the remains of Mr John Marfden who died Febry. 16th 1778. (Italic) Aetate Sua 67. An Honeft man's the Nobleft work of God,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,114,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,115,0,Henry Bufhel's burial place John Son of Henry & Jane Bufhel died Augft. 11th 1844 aged 4 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,116,0,Hannah Prior interred 31st October 1790 aged 49 years. Also William Brownbill Prior son of Richard and Ann Prior who died on the 26th of June 1820 aged 17 years. Margaret Prior died 21st September 1821 aged 8[3?] years. Alfo of Anne Prior who departed this life the 19th Augt 1827 aged 56 yrs. Also of Richard Prior B.A son of the above who died the 11th Octr 1830 aged 21 years. Also Richard Prior Senr who departed this life the 1st March 1835 in the 6[8?]th year of his age. Also of John Dwerryhouse Prior B.A son of the above Richard and Ann Prior who departed this life the 18th of May 1841 aged 29 years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,117,0,Remains of John ?. Ed the 30th of Dec?.. ?9 years near thi?. Remains of ?liza?? ghter of the above ?.. Who died the ? of June 1797 in the 19th year of her age. Elizabeth ?. Died on the 5th of September 180? Aged ?. Months,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,118,0,Here lieth the remains of John Dunb ?. Who died March 14th 1818 ?. Years. Here ?. Children ?. John Dun? ?.. Augu ?.Sarah who died ?. 4 months. Also H?.. Widow of the above aged 89 years. Dunbabin ? died April 11th 18(62?). Also John Dunbabin son ... above who departed this life 179(1) ?.. Dunbabin who ?.. Feb ?.. Departed this life aged 80 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,119,0,Here lieth interr'd the body of John Rice late of the Cuftoms of LIVERPOOL who died on the 11th of February 1803 aged 60 years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,120,0,Ann Aiken wife of William who died ??.. Elizabeth Aiken ?.. Died 19th ?.. Aged 12 years ?. Aiken the daughter of ??.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,121,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF John Dean of Much Woolton who departed this Life Decr 4th 1825 In the 54th Year of his Age,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,122,0,Joseph Owen of Crabtree House Little Woolton departed this life the 11th of April 1831 Aged 59 Years. Also Betty Owen Wife of the above Joseph Owen who departed this Life the 26th day of September 1846 Aged 76 Years. Also of Nelly Owen Daughter of the above Joseph and Betty Owen who departed this life on the 19th day of November 1854 [?] Aged 54 Years. Also of Ellen the beloved Wife of Richard McPherson who departed this life 8th Jan. 1905 Aged 74 Years. Also Richard McPherson husband of the above died 6th Oct. 1907 Aged 79 Years. [Footer] John Houlgrave The Burial place of R and B McPherson.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,123,0,To the memory of (italic) Joseph Son of Thomas and Mary Gore of Little Woolton (italic) who departed this life June ? ? Aged 5 Years Also (italic) of Jane the daughter of ? ? Thomas and Mary ? Departed this life on the 21st day of Januar? 1844 aged (italic) ? years Also (italic) of Mary Daughter of the above Thomas and Mary Gore who departed this life on the ? day of September 18?? Also (italic) Mary Wife of Thomas Gore Mother of the above (italic) Children who departed this life on the 12th ?? January ? Year of our Aged ? Years (italic) ???? Thomas ? ???? Gore who depart?? the ?? ??? of the above on the ?? November ???? M??y daughter of the ??? Gore who died 1872 Aged 16 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,124,0,"Sacred to the memory of Helena Elizabeth Lace died 1st Aug 1841 aged 27. Josephine Frances Lace died 16th Aug 1841 aged 3 weeks. Elizabeth wife of Lt. Colonel Cameron, died 22nd July 1848 aged 71 In Loving memory of her brother William Henry Lace, born 26th Aug 1834, died 3rd Sept 1875. Constantia Margaret Lace, Eldest daughter of Joshua Lace died 30th June 1929 aged 96 Joshua Lace deid 24th March 1851, aged 46. Jane Lace, died 29th December 1866, aged 63. Ambrose Lace died 30th January 1870 aged 77. Isabelle Elizabeth de Steiger 2nd daughter of Joshua Lace died 1st Jan 1927, Aged 50",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,125,0,"Here lieth the body of Ann Hornby who departed this life 21st March 1797 aged 22 years. Also Betty Hornby who departed this life 11th September 1797 aged 24 years. Lydia Hornby departed this life October 4th 1800 aged 23 years. Alos Isabella Hornby sister to the above who departed thos life August 30th 18(5?)1 aged 51 years. Also Elizabeth Ann wife of H.T Aiken who died November 6th 1882 aged 30 years. Also Elizabeth Ann Aiken daughter who died Janurary 7th 1887 aged 13 years. Also Annie Boundy daughter who died February 20th 1900 aged 28 years. Also Henry Thomas Aiken, justice of the peace for Liverpool 26 years who died 30th of March 1923 aged 74 years. Burial place of H T Aiken",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,126,0,"Margaret wife of George Gore, of Woolton departed this life December 30th 1?0? Aged 50 years",0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,127,0,"[her]e lieth the body of James son of John Slater ? who died Dec 13th 1?0? Aged 7 years ? Months. Also John their son who died July 1st 180? Aged 6 years. Also the remains of John Slater father to the above who died April 25th 1839 aged 71 years. Also the remains of Nanny Slater daughter of the above who died Sept 11th 1839 aged 38 years. Also the remains of Ann Williamson who died July 27th 18?? Aged 59 years. Also Mary the wife of Henry Nye of Much Woolton, died on the 5th December 1876 in her 81st year. Also Henry Nye formerly of Edberton, Sussex who died August 10th 1885 aged 83 years. Elizabeth Nye died 1st July 1915 aged 84. The burial place of Henry Nye",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,128,0,Here lieth the remains of John Debes who departed this life June 16th 1789 aged 67years. Also John ? Davies ? Otherwise Debes son of the above who departed this life ? 1832 aged ? years. Here lieth the remains of Ellen daughter of Thomas and Ellen ? who departed this life the 12th day of Aug 181? Aged 16 years. Also the above named Thomas Davies son of John Davies (Debes) born Oct 2nd 1802 Died Sep 21st 1887 And Elizabeth Lunt his wife died March 1853 aged 43. Stephen Davies died May 1885 aged 74.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,129,0,? Daughter of ?? April ?th 18?? ?. Years,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,130,0,In memory of William Son of Thomas and Mary Caive who departed this life the 11 Sept. 1811. Aged 16 Months. Margaret Wife of James Caive died April 19th 1857 aged 52 Years. ALSO James Cave died December 16th 1865 Aged 55 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,131,0,?? April 2 Also John Grand?. Sept? 18? Also Joseph Son of the above died on the .. aged 11 Y? Also Jane Owen the beloved daughter of the above who died on the 12th day of January 1881 Aged? Also in Loving memory of Elizabeth wife of the above James Owen who departed this life December 1835 aged 75? Lo I am with ?.. Unto the end.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,132,0,the remains of? this life?. Also?. Who departed this life?. Aged???? John & Elizabeth Owen of Liverpool,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,133,0,"In memory of Ellen wife of William Webster who departed this life Oct. 7th 1865 in the 46 Year of her age. Unto thee O Lord I commit my spirit. Also of William the only son of the above who departed this life March 5th 1876 in the 29th Year of his age. Thy will be done. Also William Webster who died Dec 27th 1891 Aged 72 Years ""His end was peace"" Also Elizabeth Webster only daughter of the above William and Ellen Webster died 5th January 1928 Aged 82 Years. William > Ellen Webster",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,134,0,Memory?. Son of William?.. Years?.. Lyon? aged 11 Years William Lyon Father of the above ? Sep 17 1844 ? Aged 71 Years Robert Lyon son of the ?. Aug 20 184? Aged 32 Years Mary Lyon Mother of the above buried Dec 10th 184? Aged 68 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,135,0,SACRED to the Memory of Mary Rufsell Dexter Daughter of the late Honble Samuel Dexter of Bofton United States of America who departed this life 26th December A.D. 1821 AEtate 23 Years,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,136,0,THE BURIAL PLACE OF WILLIAM AND SARAH BLA? Here lie the Remains .. William Blay? who de? this life May 18th ?. 18? Aged 28 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,137,0,The burial place of John and Alice Hale James hund died 24th July 1851 aged 75 Years Also Ann Aspinall intered 5th May 1867 Aged 87 Years The beloved son of William Henry and Ann Dunbell who departed this life Nov 2nd 1867 Aged 1 Year and 6 Months,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,500,Copper plate,0,,0, 0,138,0,Here lies interred the Remains of John Dunbabin late of Liverpool Stationer who departed this life the 26th day of April A.D. 1799 aged 59 Years. Hannah Dunbabin died 4th February 1806 Aged 70 Years ?? The burial place of Sarah Smith of Liverpool,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,139,0,In Memory of Ann Wooldridge who departed this Life 8 of December 1792 Aged 17 Years. Also the body of Samuel Watt Son of John and Margaret Watt who Departed this life the 22nd of August 1795 Aged 7 Yeasr and 10 Months. Sacred to the memory of John Watt ofLiverpool who departed this life on the 7th day of April 1821 Aged 5 Years. ALSO Emma the infant Daughter of James and Elizabeth Watts and Grand Daughter of the above John Watts who departed this life on the 28th Day of April 1822 Aged 18 Months. Also Margaret Watts died September 21 1825 Aged 18 Years. Elizabeth Watts mother of the above died February 18th 1827 Aged 38 Years. ALSO of James her husband who died February 28th 1832 Aged ?6 Years. Margaret mother of the above died March 2nd 1833 Aged 62 Years. Anne Croft their daughter died April 11th 1846 Aged 28 Years. The Burial place of John Watt.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,500,Copper plate,0,,0, 0,140,0,Henry Rigby,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,141,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,142,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,143,0,Sacred to the MEMORY of Mary Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Makinson who departed this life February 7th 1811 Aged 18 Years. In the midst of life we are in death. ALSO of Elizabeth wife of the above who departed this life February 28th 1877 ???In death we???.. ALSO Thomas Makinson who departed this life August 6th 1877 Aged 75 Years. I Know that my redeemer liveth. The burial place of Thomas & Elizabeth Makinson of Little Woolton.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,144,0,Sacred to the memory of Betsy Spakeman who died December 29th 1859 Aged 74 Years Also of Sarah Spakeman who died September 9th 1861 Aged 76 Years Also Fanny Spakeman who died on 27th May 1864 Aged 84 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,500,Copper plate,600,Gothic,0, 0,145,0,Mary Bell Daughter of Abraham Bell of Chester departed this life July 9th 1815 Aged 22 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,146,0,Here lieth the remains of Adam son of William and Elizabeth ?.. Of Childwall abbey who departed this Life September 19th 1817 in the 31st Year of his Age. Also the remains of Ellen Jackson who Departed this Life Sept 23rd 18.. Aged 10 months. Also the remains of John Jackfon Father to the above Ellen Jackfon who departed this Life June 11th 1830 aged 26 Years. Also James brother of the above John Jackson who departed this Life February 28th 1858 Aged 60 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,147,0,Sacred to the memory of William Jackson Childwall Abbey who departed this life and ?. April 1782 ?.. Also of Lilly wife of the above William Jackson who departed this life the 12th September 1823 in the?.. Year of her age. Also the remains of William Jackson son of the above who departed this life Jan 22nd 1850 Aged 59 Years Also Margaret daughter of William and Ellen Jackson who died Dec 12th 1850 aged 53? Years. Also Thomas Jackson died Oct 11th 1853 aged 52 Years. Also Ellen daughter of the above William and Ellen Jackson who died September 11th 1861 Aged 62 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,148,0,William son of Thomas and Ann Olver of MUCH WOOLTON who died November 12th 1831 Aged 7 Years Also William their son died May 6th 18?6 Aged 2 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,149,0,The burial place of John Woods Jun Mary Burgefs departed this life Dec 16th 1830 aged 28 years. Mary Burgefs departed this life April 22nd 1831 aged 10 months. Richard Burgefs departed this life Nov 13th 1831 aged 29 Years Hnery Woods son of Hnery & Ann Woods departed this life Aug 31st 1835 aged 5 Years. Also Edward their son died Sept 9th 1835 aged 18 months. John Woods departed this life Sep 19th 1846 aged 59 Years. Also Hnery Wood departed this life June 24th 1860 Aged 56 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,150,0,? RED to the memory ?homas Smith who departed this life January 25th 1869 Aged 62 Years. ? eneath this stone doth lie ? much good nature as could die a loving husband a father dear? friendly neighbour lies here. Also Thomas son of above and beloved husband of Elizabeth Smith died March 9th 1896 Aged 62 Years?.. Base: The Burial Place of Thomas Smith,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,151,0,In Memory of Ellen Wife of Thomas May who died Sept 12th 1855 aged 38 Years also of the above Thomas May who departed this life on the 30th of July 1855 Aged 36 Years He lived beloved and died rever d,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,152,0,In Memory of George Garnock Wainwright who died on the 18th Sept 18?? Aged 5? Years. Also George Beckham Wainwright father of the above who died on the 3rd May 1850 aged 58 Years. Also Ellen wife of the above Goerge Beckham Wainwright who died January 16th 1881 aged 60 Years. Also Georgina their eldest daughter died 29th October 1856? Aged 17 Years. Also Lizzie their youngest daughter died 21st August 186? Aged 11 years and was buried at Barrow. Also James Garnock their youngest son lost at sea in the wreck of the ship Wolfville March 1871 Aged 18 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,153,0,Sacred to the memory of John Bradshaw Taylor who departed this life the 6th of November 1853 aged 29 years. Also Robert Ramsey Smith who died at sea the 21st August 1862 Aged 23 Years Beloved and remembered,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,154,0,"In Memory of Peter Smith who died Dec 22nd 1853 aged 25 years. Also Thomas Smith father to the above who died July 17th 1854 aged 65 Years. Also Mary wife of the above. Thomas Smith died Jan 14th 1858 Aged 61 Years Also Susannah Read daughter of the above Thomas Smith who departed this life October 2nd 1876 Aged 57 Years. Also Mary the beloved wife of William Smith who departed this life May 10th 1878 at Manchester Aged 60 years. Weep not for me my husband dear I am not dead but sleeping here my end you know, my grave you see ? so now prepare to follow me William Smith burial place",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,155,0,"Here Lieth the body of Mark Nelson who departed this life March 17th 1813 Aged 45 Years. A loving husband and father ? A friendly neighbour lies Sleeping here Also Thomas Nelson son of the above who departed this life 30th of March 181(7) Aged 19 YearsAlso Elizabeth Bridge daughter of Henry and Maria Bridge who departed this life 3rd September 1820 aged 11 months also Maria wife of Hnery Bridge who departed this life 19th of November 1831 aged 33 years. Also Henry Bridge Jun. Who departed this life Jan 25th 1851 aged 28 years, son of the above. Maria and her husband Henry Bridge. Also Henry Bridge father of the above died 26th March 1864 aged 68 years. Also George Bridge who died September 8th 1883 Aged 32 Years grandson of the above Henry Bridge senior",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,156,0,"Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, & William Holmes children of Edward and Sarah Holmes of Much Woolton who died young. Also Catherine, wife of John Holmes son of the above Edward Holmes who departed this life August 31st 1841 aged 51 years. Also Mary daughter of the above John and Catherine Holmes who departed this life August 20th 1846",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,157,0,In memory of William Peak who died July 9th 1857 Aged 53 years. In the midst of life we are in death. Also Hannah Peak wife of the above who died Feb 14th 1870 aged 65 years. Also Ann daughter of above and beloved wife of Joseph Russell who departed this life Feb 26th 1878 aged 44 years The burial place of John Peak 1866,0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,158,0,Here lies interred Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas and Anna Maria L? of Much Woolton who died the 2nd of August 1818 aged 11 months. Also of the above Thomas Lo(tt) who died 22nd December 1831 Aged 72 Years Also Jane daughter of Philip and ElizabethL(ott) who died Dec 12th 1845 aged 7 weeks. Also Thomas son of the above Thomas and Anna Maria L(ott) who died Sept 22nd 1850 aged 37 years also Jane daughter of John and Anna Maria Hankey who died 12th July 1852 aged 16 months. Also the above Anna Maria Lott who died May 22nd 1873 aged 95 years also Charlotte Mary daughter of James & Margaret Lott she died November 4th 1894 aged 2 years & 3 months. Also Elizabeth eldest daughter of the above James and Margaret Lott who died 11th of February 1876 aged 6 years and 3 months,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,159,0,"Here lies the remains of Esther, the wife of Richard Spakeman of Little Woolotn who died Nov 20th 1802 in the 55th year of her age. Also of Richard Spakeman who died March 3rd 1830 aged 89 years. Also of Rachel their daughter who died Aug 29th 1854 aged 59 years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,160,0,Here rests the remains of Andrew Dodson late of Berwick Mavilion in the County of Salop who departed this life 21st August 1795 Aged 61 years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,161,0,Here reft the remains of Mary Dodson wife of Andrew Dodson late of Berwick Mavilion in the County of Salop who departed this life 16th June 1793 Aged ?0 years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,162,0,The burial place of William and Mary Hanley of Garston. James Hanley died Nov 25th 1844 aged 52 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Also James son of William and Mary Hanley died July 22nd1850 aged 18 years. Also the above named WilliamHanley died Oct 8th 1856 aged 60 years. Also to the memory of Mary Hanley wife of the above William Hanley who departed this life on the 6th of April 1861 aged 57 years. Also Jonathon Hanley son of the above who departed this life December 24th 1887 aged 41 years. Also in memory of William Hanley son of the above who died July 30th 1900 aged 69 years. His end was peace. Also Susannah Hanley daughter of the above who died February 10th 1926 aged 85 years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,163,0,In the vault beneath this stone lie the remains of Elizabeth Williams wife of George Williams Esq of Little Woolton who died Dec 20 1820 aged 51 years. Also the above named George Williams Major of the 20th Regt of Foot afterwards Lieutenant Col of a Regiment of Volunteers in Liverpool and for 10 years a most active Magistrate. He died Dec 19th 1850 aged 85 years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,164,0,"In memory pf Elizabeth the beloved wife of Henry T Edwards Architect who departed this life on the 29th Sept. 1845 ged 27 ears. Fair was her form, more fair her gentle mind where virtue, sense, and piety combin'd to wedded love gave friendss highest zest Endear'd the wife and made the husband blest now widow'd grief erects this sacred stone to make her virtue and his sorrow known. Reader if thines sympathetic tear, o stop and drop the tender tribute here.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,165,0,James and Ann Owen ?. Of this Parish ?. Owen their daughter died September 9th 1819 age 1 year.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,166,0,"The burial place of Cuthbert Simpson who departed this life 8th Sep 1815 aged 62. Cuthbert Joshua his son died Dec 9th 1808 Aged 16 years Mary his wife died April 6th 1809 aged 59 years. Elizabeth, his aunt died March 20th 1822 aged 81 years Maria Louisa O'Connell his daughter died Dec 26th 1856 Aged 51 years. Here also rest the bodies of Mary Johannah and Johanna Simpson daughters of the above Maria Louisa Also of Mary Johanna daughter of the above Cuthbert Simpson who departed this life on the 8th day of September 1859 aged 65 years RIP",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,167,0,In memory of Mary Pendleton died March 13th 1893 aged 60 years. Also Thomas husband of the above died September 22nd 1897 aged 70 years also Henry son of the above died June 27th 1910 aged 37 years. Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away. Edward Pendleton the burial place of Thomas Pendleton,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,200,San serif,0,,0, 0,168,0,In Memory of John Macquillin of Liverpool who departed this life 21st of July 1826 in the 18th Year of his (life?) The Burial place of John Macquillin,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,169,0,Here lies the remains of Ann Do?ing wife of Joseph Dorning who departed this life 12th Feb 179?. Aged 27 years. All inflictions fore long time I bore physicians were in vain till death did seize and God did please to ease me of my pain. In memory of John Dorning who died (5?) December (1861?) aged 61 years. Also Sarah his wife who died 12th April 1852 aged (55?) years also of their children Thomas B ???. Son who died `12th December 1843 aged 5 years (Lorna?) Mar the second daughter who died 27th July 1811 aged 10 years. Robert Octavius of ?.. Son who died 29th May 18(15?) aged 5 years 9 months,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,170,0,Morecroft Kinkes of Liverpool Merchant died 9th April 1783 aged 33 years. Elizabeth wife of the above Morecroft Kinkes and afterwards relict of William Wilkinson Esq died May 5th 1808 aged 45 years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,171,0,"John Watkins burial place. John his son died Feb 22nd 1821 aged 2 years. Also a second Son John died Aug 22nd 1821 aged 8 months. Also John Powell Burrows grandson of the above who departed this life on the 5th day of July 1850 aged 1 year also Mary Watkin mother of the above and wife of John Watkin who departed this life 9th March 1855 aged 72 years. Also John Watkin, husband of the above born July 12th 1781, died 20th May 1861 aged 80 years. Also Ann Watkins daughter of the above who departed this Life Dec 31st 1872 aged 54 years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,172,0,"James Wilson died August 30th 1816 Aged 61 years. Martha Wilson his wife died 11th September 1824 Aged 78 years. Also Sarah, widow of James Goffey who died 12th March 1870 aged 67 years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,173,0,"And in memory of Thomas Goffey, who died at Gambia Africa September 1812 aged 28 years. Also of Mary Goffey, youngest daughter of James and Martha Wilson and widow of Thomas Goffey who died 12th June 1864 aged 80 years. Also James Goffey their son who died at New Calabar Africa 16th January 1856 aged 18 years. Also Martha Goffey their daughter who died 12th February 1885 aged 75 years. In Loving memory of Anne Maxwell Goffey beloved wife of Colonel James Goffey V.D.J.P. who died February 12th 1912. And of Colonel James Goffey V.D.J.P. husband of the above who died April 24th 1912. Also Edith second daughter of the above who died Nov 13th 1919. Also Bertha their daughter who died March 23rd 1943.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,174,0,In Memory of Catherine daughter of William and Sarah Woods who died April 20th 1851 aged 31 years. Also Timothy Woods who died November 17th 1856 aged 50 years. Also of the above William Woods who died Dec 11th 1865 aged 75 years. Also Sarah wife of the above William Woods who died Dec 15th 1866 aged 70 years The burial place of Thomas Woods,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,175,0,The burial place of William and Anne Ockleshaw the above William Ockleshaw departed this life April 20th 1831 aged 31 years a loving husband a father dear. A faithfull Neighbour lies sleeping here In loving rememberance of Hannah the wife of Jacob Ockleshaw who departed this life May 27th 1895 aged 61 years I became dumb and opened not my mouth: for it was thy doing The Burial Place of Jacob Ockleshaw,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,176,0,Will(m) Daniel departed this life 11th of December 1795 aged 50 years and Mary his Wife died February 26th 1805 Aged 59 years ?. John Fetherstone,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,177,0,Who ? d ? 1785 ?. Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,178,0,"Here ? the remains of Alice the wife ? R C?Low, Collector of the Customs at ? of Liverpool. She died the 23rd of October ? aged 78. ?.. October 26th 1807 in the 81st year of his age",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,179,0,"Sacred to the memory of Henry Littledale Esqr. Of Eton House Wavertree late of Whitehaven who died the 9th of Feb 1796 aged 54 years & lies buried here. Sarah Littledale his wife who died at Baldock, Hertfordshire, 18th May 1807 aged 60 years. Thomas Littledale their son, died at Whitehaven, January 1779 aged 3months Sarah Jane Littledale their daughter died 11th August 1792 aged 11 years and lies buried here. Henry Littledale their son died in the Island of St. Vincent 10th March 1795 aged 19 years. Alfred their son died in Demerara 9th November 1805 aged 23 years. Anthony Littledale their son died at Baldock 16th of January 1820 aged 42 years. Isaac Littledale their son died 31st May 1828 aged 52 years and his remains are here interred. Johnson Littledale their son was killed in the Hurricane in the Island of St. Vincent August 1831 aged 53 Years.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,180,0,"Sacred to the memory of Mary, daughter of John and Mary Myers Esq. Of Wavertree who departed this life the 27th December 1809 Aged 28 years. Also of Catherine Monkland, another of their Daughters wife of George Monkland Esq (of Donnington in the County of Berks) who departed this life the 22nd January 1819 Aged 39 years. Also of Mary, wife of the above John Myers Esq who departed this life the 13th April 1819 in the 69th Year of her age. Also of John Myers Esq of Wavertree who departed this life on the 2nd day of June in the Year of our Lord 1835 aged 90 years. Also of John Myers Clerk son of the above who after suffering illness borne with resignation to the divine will died in the hope of divine mercy thro Jesus Christ March 12 1835 aged 50. Elizabeth Babington, last surviving child of John and Mary Myers who departed this life the 20th of December 1859 Aged 76 Years",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,181,0,"Sacred to the memory of John Banks Junior, eldest son of John and Mary Banks of Liverpool. It pleased Almighty God to call this loved and much lamented youth to a happier state on the 27th of February. 1820 at the early age of 19 years. Dear affectionate youth farewell ""Fear no more the heat of the sun Nor the furious winter's blast thou thy worldly task hast done and thy dream of life is past."" Also to the memory of John Banks Esq. Of Liverpool Father of the above who departed this life on the 7th March 1825 Aged 70 years. Dear to their family, beneath this stone, here sleep in peace the father and the son, the son fair rising, knew too short a date! But oh! How more severe the Parent's fate he saw him took untimely from his side felt all a father's anguish, wept and dy'd! Also to the memory of Mary, relict of the above John Banks Esq. Who departed this life on the 7th April 1826 in the 60th Year of her age She was an exemplary wife and a most affectionate Parent. East end panel: In memory of Francis infant son of Francis & Mary Banks and Grandson of the above named John & Mary Banks who departed this life on the 8th May 1832 at the early age of 8 months & 19 days Sacred to the memory of Francis Banks Esq of Liverpool son of the above John and Mary Banks.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,182,0,Harriet Tyrer died August 9th 1837 Aged 16 years. Arthur Jolley an infant died June 1st 1857 Ida Salmon Jolley deied May 23rd 1858 aged 21/2 years. Also Elizabeth Salmon died november ? 18?? Aged 60 years. Also of Wilfred Christian Jolly who died on the 27th of October 1864 aged 10 months John Salmon died October 3rd 1867 aged 62 years John Salmon's burial place,0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,0,,0,,0, 0,183,0,?. Backhouse of Wavertree Gentleman departed this life July 7th 1811 aged 81. Mary wife of John Backhouse departed this life January 20th 1839 aged 83. Mary their daughter died March 11th 1781 aged 9 months. Jane their daughter died March 8th 1787 aged 5 years. William their son died an infant on the 14th November ?. Mary Ann their Granddaughter eldest child of ??? & Mary Backhouse died October 31st 1820 aged 18 years. Also Rebecca daughter of the above John and Mary Backhouse died December ?? 1870 aged 88. Reverend Thomas Henry Backhouse M.A their el?. Son died September 22nd 1828 aged 39 interred at St Peters Church Blackburn. Benjamin Backhouse HMS their second son died at Greenwich January 1st 1832 aged 4? Years interred at Christs Church London John Backhouse H.M.C.S their eldest son died in London November 13th 1845 aged 61 years interred at Kensall Green Cemetery,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,184,0,Here lieth the body of John Nelson who departed this life the 10th March 177? (broken) aged 6 years. Also Mary Nelson who departed this life in February 1779 aged 8 years. Also Margaret Nelson the Wife of William also who departed this life the 5th April Aged 38 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,185,0,"In memory of Elizabeth Leather died Nov 18th 1836 aged 1 year. James Hart died September 1861 aged 1 month. Edward Hart died August 1864 aged 1 month Mary the beloved wife of John Hart died Sep 27th 187- aged 30 years. Also Mary Elizabeth Hart daughter of the above died Feb 14th 1871 aged 1 year 7 months. Also James Mckenzie died May 15th 1871 aged 2 years 3 months Also Rachel Leather the beloved wife of James Leather mother and grandmother of the above died April 17th 1872 aged 73 years. Also James Leather husband of the above died Nov 26th 1884 aged 83 years. Also Rachel Gibson the beloved wife of T.A. Gibson died Feb 1st 1886 aged 39 years. Also Ellen Thomas beloved wife of John Thomas who departed this life February 4th 1894 aged 42 years ""we all do fade as a leaf""",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,186,0,Here rests Elizabeth daughter of John and Margaret Leather of Gateacre died March 12th 1869 aged 5 years also the above named Margaret Leather died April 22nd 1892 aged 61 years also John Leather died March 25th 1904 aged 70 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,187,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,188,0,"Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth, wife of Mr John Wild of Wavertree; who died January 1th 1853 aged29 years. Also of John Wild husband of the above who died May 4th 1891 aged 71 years.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,189,0,"The burial place of James & Ann Barker, of Halewood in memory of William BARKER. Died Dec 23 1859, aged 7 months. In memory of James Barker of Little Woolton, who departed this life April 14th 1861 aged 63 years. Farewell dear husband! A long farewell for we shall meet no more: till we are rais'd with thee to dwell, on Zion's happier shore. Also Joseph B Barker. Died May 9th 1866, aged 2 months Also Ann wife of James Barker, who departed this life the 7th December 1882 in her 85th Year. Heaven is my home",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,190,0,The Burial place of John and Ann Mercer their infant buried October 17th 1832. Emma Ann Mercer daughter of the above born January 23rd died October 11th 1836. Edwin Mercer Son of the above born January 6th 1851 died March 25th 1857. Also John Mercerfather of the above children born January 21st 1801 died August 23rd 1871 Also Ann Mercer wife of the above John Mercer died August 10th 1883 aged 71 years. Also John William son of the above died April 21st 1905 aged 65 years. Also Elizabeth Daniels Mercer eldest daughter of the above who departed this life Sept 11th 1905 aged 67 years. At Rest,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,191,0,Sacred to the memory of Eliza daughter of Jacob and Frances Brooks who died August 16th 1806 aged 1 year and 8 months. Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of heaven,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,192,0,Entrance to the Vault,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,193,0,Robert Ruffley for many years an honest attached and indus trious servant to J Macher? Of Allerton who buried him here. He died of consumption [April 10th 1856 aged 52 years] Also Isabella McClellan who died May 25th 1851 aged 50 years. Also Ann Roughley daughter of the above who died March 12th ?. Aged 51 years. Also ?.beth Roughley wife of the above who died May 30th 1861 aged 66 years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,194,0,Mary wife of Henry Foster died July 5th 1841 aged 32 years. Henry their son died August 2nd 1841 aged 2 months. Roger their son died Aug 20th 1844 aged 5 years. Also Maria Foster died July 12th 1845 aged 2 years. In loving memory of Margaret wife of Henry Foster who died September 23rd 1860 aged 56 years. Also Henry Foster husband of the above who died september 7th 1874 aged 83 years. In memory of my beloved husband Richard Taylor of Wavertree who died September 27th 1888 aged 31 years. Thy will be done.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,195,0,"John Melling buried ?? July 1783 aged 91 years. Tho the son of William and Ann Melling Buried the 12th of December 1787 aged 3 months. Jane daughter of William and Ann Melling buried 22nd of August in the year 1789 aged 8 months. John son of William and Ann Melling intered October 9th 1801 aged 10 years. Here lieth the body of Jane Melling, widdow of the above John Melling intered the 1st of September 180? Aged 102 years. William Melling died 10th of June 1811 aged 61 years. Elizabeth Melling died February ?? 1818 aged 26. William son of William Melling aforesaid died April the 10th 1821 aged 25 years. Ann Melling Widow of the late William Melling died 11th february 1832 aged 77 years.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,196,0,SACRED To the Memory of John Rogers son of Richard and Eleanor Rogers of LIVERPOOL Who departed this life November the 7th 1808 ? Aged 22 years Sacred to the MEMORY of Eleanor Rogers wife of Richard Rogers of Liverpool who departed this life 29th of Janry 1826 aged 79 years Sacred to the Memory of Richard Rogers Husband of the above who died augst 6th 1827 aged 69 Years.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,197,0,IN Memory of William Son of John and Susann(a?) ??erry ? who died March 27th 1811 Aged 15 Months Also Robert their son died July 28th 18 months,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,198,0,(Top line missing)?of Liverpool who departed this life the 19th June 1792 Aged? Here lieth the Body of John B--ster Esquire who departed this life the 16th of May 1800 Aged 85 years Here lieth the body of Thomas Clarke Esqr of Pepl---Hall in the country of Salop and of Stand Houfe in this parish who departed this life the 10th of September 1813 Aged 60 years Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Banister Daughter of the above John and Elizabeth Banister who died August 19th 1819 Aged 69 years Here lieth the body of Sarah Clarke Daughter of the above John Banister Esqr and Relict of the late Thos Clarke Esqr who departed thus life on the eight day of April 1828 Aged 79 years Catherine the youngest daughter of the above John & Elizabeth Banister died on the eight day of December in 1829 Aged 69 years ALICE BANISTER the last surviving decendant of the above JOHN and ELIZABETH BANNISTER d?..ed this life 30th January 1842 in the 88th year of her age,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,199,0,Sacred to the Memory of Mabel? The Wife of JAMES HARRISON interred 3rd of April 1798 Aged 66 years ? above named James Harrison ? Interred Jan 2nd 1800 ? Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,200,0,"O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee He trusteth on the Lord. Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. Sacred to the memory of EDMUND MOLYNEUX Born June 12th 1791. Died at Childwall Hall March 9th 1854. ANNIE MACHELL, wife of Edmund Molyneux Esq.re Born March 1st 1823, Died at Allerton Hall December 3rd 18_7.",0,0,1,Mint,600,Gothic,0,,0,,0, 0,201,0,Sacred to the Memory of Margaret Daughter of George and Thomasina Cunningham of Weft Derby who died April 8th 1823 aged 18 Years. Alfo of Ann their eldeft Daughter who departed this life on the 31ft of March 1836 aged 40 (correction) Years and of George Cunningham Father of the faid Margaret and Ann who died on the 11th of July 1836 in the 79th Year of his Age. Also of Thomasina his Wife who died on the 4th? of December 1838 Aged 75 Years ALSO (italic) Eliza daughter of the said George and Thomasina Cunningham who died on the 12th January 1864 Aged 65 Years (italic). Also (italic) of Rebecca Cunningham wife of George Cunningham of Oak Vale son of the above named George Cunningham who died on the 23rd September 1868 Aged 57 Years (italic) Also George eldest son of the above George and Rebecca Cunningham who died on the 2nd of November 1878 Aged 37 Years ALSO Helen sister of the above George Cunningham who died on the 15th of February 1881 Aged 51 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,202,0,IN MEMORY OF The late Charles Gandy who departed this life the 8th day of May 1838 Aged 63 Years Also Mary Ellen Gandy died 23rd May 1935 Aged 67 Yrars. Also Elizabeth Gandy 20th January 1920 Aged 24 Years Also John Charles Gandy died 25th April 1958 Aged 88 Years base James Gandy's burial place.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,203,0,Underneath lieth the Remains of Thomas Ditchfield who died Novr 12th 1818 Aged 19 Years Henry Ditchfield died Decr 1st 1814 Aged 15 Years Remember me as yo pafs by As you are now so once was I As I am now You will be Prepare yourself to follow Me,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,204,0,SACRED To the Memory of Annabella wife of John Deane Case of Liverpool and youngest Daughter of the late Henry Littledale Esqr of Eton House in the Parish. She died the 18th day of February 1855 Aged 42 Years and her remains are here interred ALSO John Deane Case Esqr Husband of the above who departed this life at his residence Poulton Hey Cheshire (italic) on the 11th day of April 1859 Aged 75 Years ALSO John Bolton Case Esqr Son of the above who departed this life on the 7th day of April 1898 Aged 70 Years ENTRANCE,0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,950,Other,150,Roman italic,0, 0,205,0,Here lie interred the remains of WILLIAM AUGUSTUS HAMILTON Esqr. Who departed this life 22nd January 1825 Aged 37 Years Also The remains of James Arden Clegg Nephew of the Above and son of John Arden and Eleanor Jane Clegg of Everton who died April 13th 1843 Aged 2 Years Also the remains of Emma relict of the above named William Augustus Hamilton who died at Silverdale in the County on the 19th of May 1866 Aged 67 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,206,0,Here lie interred the remains of John Hamilton Esqr of Liverpool Who died at Greenock on the 12th of June 1825 Aged 30 Years Also Marianne Henrietta Hamilton Daughter of the above John Hamilton Esqr Who died the 10th of July 1854 Aged 31 Years ALSO Caroline widow of the above JOHN HAMILTON Esqr who died May 21st 1882 Aged ?3 Years,0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,950,Other,0,,0, 0,207,0,"IN MEMORY OF POTTER 1860 Also Elizabeth Potter wife of the above died January 10th 1861 Aged 86 Years Also Mary Anne, eldest daughter of the above who died on the 27th December 1879 Aged 79 Years Also Elizabeth second daughter of the above who died on the 28th March 1883 Aged 81 years Also Claude Richard Ashcroft Potter 1883 - 1962 great grandson of the above H A Potter and cremated remains of his wife ETHEL JANE POTTER 1883-1966 and son John Ashcroft Potter rest within this church yard",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,208,0,"Thomas Rawson died June 20 1818 Elizabeth Rawson July 27th 1807 Elizabeth Rawson March 3rd 1802 Anne Rawson June 26th 1805 Charles Rawson June 13th 1826 Richard Pillfold Esqr ? Liverpool died June 15th 1827 in the 59th Year of his Age When the ear heard me, then it blessed me and when the eye saw me, it gave witness to me. Because I delivered the poor that cried and the Fatherless and him that had none to help him. The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me and caused the widow's heart to cry for joy Job xx|x Chapter 11,12,13th verses",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,209,0,"The Ground under this stone Purchased as a burial place by William Miller Woollen Draper Liverpool March 10th 1790 IN MEMORY OF Mary Miller who died in 1790 Aged 7 Years Also William Miller who died on the?Sept 1826 Aged 74?also Elizabeth daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Miller who departed this life January the 4th 1812 Aged 6 years. Here also the mortal remains of Elizabeth, Wife of the late Joseph Miller who died at Funchal in Maderia on the 30th October 1847 aged 55 years. She departed this life on 1st January 1852 aged 57 years. George Miller died Dec 1st 1854 aged 54 years Margaret Hope the beloved wife of Thomas Lewis surgeon Liverpool died May 23rd 1855 aged 24 years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,210,0,GEORGE The Son of I.T & S.M Kofter of Liverpool born at Lifbon 10th Jan 1785 died at Mofsley Vale in this Parifh 1st May 1808 EMMA their fourth daughter was born at Lisbon 13th February 1797 died at Liverpool on the 14th May 1817 HARRIET their eldest Daughter was born at Lisbon 27th of November 1780 died at Liverpool 31st May 1819,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,211,0,Sacred to the Memory of Hannah Wife of Alexr Armstrong Day who departed this life on the 16th Day of December 1826 Aged 45 Years. Also Thomas Maragret and William Day their Children who died young. Also Elizabeth Potter Copeland died 24th August 1909? Aged 76 Years. (Foot of slab - Burial Place of Alexr A Day) Left Side: To The Memory of ELIZABETH POTTER COPELAND FROM HER SONS Right Side: FROM ADAM in affectionate Remembrance of a loving mother.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,200,San serif,0, 0,212,0,SACRED to the Memory of Elizabeth Mercer late of Liverpool who Departed this life the 18th July 1816 Aged 91 Years Also Tabitha Waters Daughter of the above of Liverpool and late of Forest House Nere Prescot who departed this life January 24th 1833 Aged 74 Years A tender and Affectionate mother A Humble Follower of Christ whose lofs will be long lamented Also Elizabeth Glover who died June 8th 18... aged 45 Years. Also Sarah Ann Carter who died July 18th 1854 aged 7 Years. Also Tabitha Woodfine the Wife of Mr Robert Woodfine who died Sept 26th 1848 aged 53 Years. Blefsed are the dead who die In the Lord.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,213,0,"If we believe Jesus died and rose again, ?so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Sacred to the Memory of Ruth wife of Archibald Sinclair Born December 9th 1797 died July 25th 1845. Also Mary Harrison infant daughter of Archibald and Ruth Sinclair Born June 21st died October 30th 1825. Sacred to the Memory of Archibald Sinclair Born January 27th 1795, died July 19th 1867. Also Archibald Barnes only son of Archibald and Ruth Sinclair Born October 21st 1825 Died August 7th 1831.",0,0,2,All legible,600,Gothic,0,,0,,0, 0,214,0,Under lieth Inter'd the Body of Sarah Hardman Wife of John Hardman of Wavertree who departed this life July 19th 1767 in the 57th Year of her Age. John Hardman departed this Life December 14th 1772 in the 64 Year of his Age. Alfo William Hardman Son of John Hardman died January 28th 1781 Aged 33.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,215,0,BENEATH This Stone are deposited the Remains of Mary Hand Widow of the late Enoch Hand Esq.r of Uttoxeter in the County of Stafford. She died July 20th 1835 in the 59th Year of her Age.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,216,0,"IN MEMORY OF MARY Daughter of SAMUEL POOLE of WAVERTREE who de-parted this Life on the 7th day of May 1818 aged 30 Years. Alfo of SAMUEL POOLE of WAVERTREE, who departed this Life on the 18th day of May 1820 aged 73 Years. Alfo of Martha daughter of the above Samuel Poole, who departed this Life at Clapham near London, the 30th April 1836.- Interred at Kennington Church Surrey. Alfo of James Son of the above Samuel Poole who departed this life on the 5th day of November 1846. Interred at the old Church Liverpool. Alfo of Elizabeth Wife of the above Samuel Poole who departed this life on the 30th day of June 1847 aged 85 Years. Also of Ellen daughter of the above Samuel and Elizabeth Poole of Wavertree who died July 7th 1861 Aged 72 Years. Also of Elizabeth France Leech widow of the late Rev.d John Langton Leech and eldest daughter of the above Samuel and Elizabeth Poole died January 7th 1862 Aged 75 Years. Also of Richard Hayhurst son of the above Samuel Poole who dpearted this life on the 2nd day of May 1865 in the 68th year of his age and Interred at St James Cemetery Liverpool. Also Sir James Henry Poole Died 15th July 1905 Aged 76 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,217,0,"IN MEMORY OF ELIZA WIFE OF THOMAS CROWDER WHO DIED SEPTEMBER 25TH 1842 AGED 55. AND OF THEIR CHILDREN FRANCES ANN DIED 28TH APRIL 1824 AGED 5. THOMAS DIED 20TH MARCH 1828 AGED 16. ELIZA DIED 18TH DEC.R 1831 AGED 19. HARRIET DIED 13TH AUG.ST 1836 AGED 16. JULIA DIED 29TH SEP.R 1836 AGED 17. HENRY DIED 4TH DEC.R 1836 AGED 14. THOMAS CROWDER DIED MAY 17TH 1847 AGED 61. JOHN CROWDER, DIED 21ST SEPTEMBER 1857, AGED 40 YEARS & 3 MONTHS. WILLIAM CROWDER DIED 15TH SEPTEMBER 1871 AGED 55 YEARS. JOHN CROWDER DIED 21ST SEPTEMBER 1857 AGED 40 YEARS & 3 MONTHS. Ann AGNES ELIZA CROWDER HIS WIDOW BORN JUNE 25TH 1831 DIED SEPTEMBER 22ND 1906. COME UNTO ME ALL YE THAT LABOUR & ARE HEAVY LADEN AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,218,0,Sacred to the memory of Mary the wife of Edmund Fazakerley who died Nov 20th 1831 aged 19 Years. ALSO Edmund Fazakerley who died Dec 12th 1846 aged 62 Years. Also GEORGE son of the above who departed this life May 16th 1837 aged 16 Years. Also Edith widow of the above Edmund Fazakerley who dided Nov 21st 1869 Aged 74 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,219,0,IN MEMORY OF George Son of Joseph and Martha Speed who died September 20th 1836 Aged 6 weeks. Also of Ann their Daughter who died August 31st 1845 Aged 2 Years & 8 months. Also William Speed who died April 27th 1863 aged 12 Years. Also Mary Prescott daughther of the above who died April 25th 1872 Aged 27 Years. Also Joseph Speed father of the above deceased 16th January 1877 Aged 66 Years. Fatihful servant for 42 Years of John A Tinne Esq Briarley Aigburth. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. ALSO Martha wife of the above who died March 4th 1884 Aged 76 Years. Burial Place of Joseph Speed.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,220,0,"SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN PITCAIRN CAMPBELL SON OF THE REV. EDWARD AND HARRIET CAMPBELL, BORN JUNE 22 DIED JUNE 23 1860. ALSO EDW.D A.P. THEIR SECOND SON BORN JULY3RD DIED JULY 4TH 1861. ALSO AUGUSTUS CAMPBELL M.A. RECTOR OF LIVERPOOL AND FOR 46 YEARS VICAR OF CHILDWALL BORN APRIL 4 1786 DIED MAY 15 1870. ALSO TO THE MEMORY OF HIS WIDOW ELIZABETH; WHO DIED AT BURTON HALL WIRRAL CHESHIRE MARCH 17 1872 AGED 78 YEARS. ALSO ROSE PITCAIRN CAMPBELL YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF THE REV EDWARD A.P. AND HARRIET CAMPBELL WHO DIED AT ASTON LODGE PRESTON BROOK CHESHIRE BORN APRIL 21 1863 DIED DECEMBER 20 1874 ALSO EDWARD AUGUSTUS PITCAIRN CAMPBELL M.A. CURATE OF CHILDWALL 1852-1870 AFTERWARDS OF VICAR'S CROSS CHESTER. BORN SEPTEMBER 29TH 1817, DIED NOVEMBER 22ND 1892. ALSO HELEN PITCAIRN CAMPBELL ELDEST DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE NAMED REV.D EDWARD A. PITCAIRN CAMPBELL AND HARRIET CAMPBELL. BORN MARCH 28TH 1859. DIED AT NAPLES DECEMBER 24TH 1900. ALSO HARRIET CAMPBELL WIFE OF THE REV.D EDWARD A. PITCAIRN CAMPBELL, DIED 5TH SEPTEMBER 1924, AGED 88 YEARS. The Family Burial Place of The Rev.d Augustus Campbell, Vicar of Childwall.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,221,0,"The burial place of William and Sarah Cowley John their Son died April 30th 1837 aged 4(?) Years. Edward Rigby died Novr 12th 184_ Aged 21 Years. Also ELIZA the wife of THOMAS COWLEY who departed this life on the 18th day of February 1863 Aged 31 Years. Also of the above Sarah Cowley Mother of the above child who departed this life February 13th 1861 Aged 68 Years. Also Susannah second wife of the above Thomas Cowley who departed this life April 11th 1863 aged 33 years. Also William Husband of Sarah Cowley who departed this life July 9th 1865 Aged 68 Years. Also James Cowley, Born April 11th 1825 Died June 28th 1897 Aged 72 Years. Also Arthur Cowley, son of the above Born July 31st 1869, Died Oct.r 31st 1897 Aged 28 Years. Also Catherine Cowley beloved wife of James the above, Born May 7th 1824 Died Nov.r 30th 1898, Aged 74 Years. Also George beloved husband of Louise Hillsdon Died January 1st 1936, Aged 76. Also the much loved Louise Hillsdon Died June 2nd 1939, Aged 74. Burial place of William Cowley. The burial place of James Cowley.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,222,0,Sacred to the memory of JAMES MOORE who died June 15th 1816 AGED 7 YEARS.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,223,0,The Burial place of Thomas Afhton 1701. ENTRANCE. Also of A and E Trotter.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,224,0,"Sacred to the memory of George Cunningham WHO ENTERED INTO REST THE 25TH OF FEBRUARY 1891 IN THE 91ST YEAR OF HIS AGE ""UNTIL THE DAY DAWN""",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,225,0,(west facing side) Henry S. Wyke's Henry Ditchfield 1741. Allso Ester his Daughter. Died 1749 Henry grandson to henry Ditchfield died Jany 17th 1759 Efther Wyke died M? (east facing side) IN MEMORY OF ANN ASHCROFT who died Jany 11th 1860 Aged 18 Years. Dear Uncle and Aunt For me not weep For in this grave I'm in silent sleep. Henry Stamford Wyke Uncle to the above died April 12th 1865 Aged 63. (Across top) The Burial Place of Ann Wyke.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,226,0,Rachael The Daughter of Benjn and Rebecca Sandford was buried her. On the 4th of June 1783 Aged Nine Months.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,227,0,ENTRANCE,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,228,0,ANN DAUGHTER OF THOMAS SMITH DIED 6TH JUNE 1768 THOMAS SMITH INTERRED 25TH MARCH 1791 AGED 51 YEARS. ALSO THE REMAINS OF ELIZABETH SMITH WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE APRIL 2ND 1819 AGED 83 YEARS. ALSO RICHARD SMITH OF WAVERTREE DIED MAY 19TH 1861 AGED 64 YEARS. WINIFRED SMITH DIED 3RD MARCH 1905 AGED 16 MONTHS. CAROLINE HANNAH SMITH DIED 20TH OCTOBER 1937 AGED 74 YEARS. RICHARD SMITH HUSBAND OF CAROLINE HANNAH SMITH DIED 6TH OCTOBER 1939 AGED 73 YEARS.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,229,0,Abraham the Son of Abraham and Mary Low. Interred Jany 6th 1802 Aged 4 Years. Abraham Lowe.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,230,0,Here lieth the Body of Richd Brownbill Son of Richd Brownbill of ? who departed this life on the 27th day of September in the Year 177_ in the ? Year of his Age. ? Brownbill who departed this life (?3rd) of Sep 1776 in the Twen? his Age.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,231,0,"The Burial place of Richard Smith. Sarah Smith Daughter of Thos & Margaret Smith Died Dec.r 24th 1828 aged 26 Years. Alfo Margaret Smith Mother of the above died June 18th 1838 aged 73 Years. Alfo John Smith, Son of the above died Novr 20th 1840 aged 45 Years. Also Margaret Anna the beloved Wife of James Smith who died June 23rd 1893 Aged 53 Years. Rock of ages cleft for me Let me hide myself in thee. Also James Smith husband of Margaret Anna who died Aug 19th 1920 In His 87th Year. Come Thou Fount of every blessing Tone my heart to sing Thy Grace. Also Benjamin Dear husband of Marjorie Smith and Son of above died Nov 1st 1943. The Burial Place of James Smith.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,232,0,The Burial Place of (A.W?). N. HILL,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,233,0,Hannah Daughter of Robert Johnson buried March 25th 1765 Ann Johnson Died November 1 1781 Here lieth the body of John Johnson who died August 21st 1799 Aged 47 Years. Also Mary Johnson Wife to the above John Johnson who died June 21st 1832 Aged 80 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,234,0,Here Lieth the Body of John Johnson died August the 21st 1799 Aged 47 Years. Ann Johnson died November the 1st 178?,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,235,0,"The Burial Place of Thomas Johnson of Hale. SACRED To the Memory of Margaret Johnson the Wife of John Johnson of Liverpool Died Aug.st 11th 1842 aged 38 Years. Also to the Memory of JOHN JOHNSON husband of the above who died Feb.y 15th 1851, Aged 50 Years",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,236,0,Hannah Daughter of Rob(ert) Johnson. Buried March?,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,237,0,"Here lie interred the Body of Marg. The wife of James Allanfon who died in 1762 aged 26 Years. Alfo the Body of the faid James Allanfon who died on Feby 10th 1803 aged 72 Years. Also James Allanson. Son of the above who died June 21st 1840 aged 84 Years. Also Mary Allanson. Widow of the above, died Novr 20th 1845 aged 91 Years. ALSO of Nancy Dumb-ll died 26th May Aged 81 Years. ALSO Jane the wife of Joseph R Sergeant who died December 27th 1877 Aged 45 Years. ALSO Mary Huddleston who died December 4th 1877 Aged 51 Years. ALSO Thomas Slater Huddleston who died June 2nd 1884 Aged 28 Years. ALSO W Huddleston died March 13th 1881 Aged 75 Years. ALSO Joseph R Sergeant died Decr 30th 1899 Aged 71 Years. ALSO Mary A Huddleston died Octr 10th 1902 Aged 45 Years. The burial place of John Sergeant.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,238,0,Here lieth the Body of William Holmes. Who died june 11th 1812 Aged 68 Years also Al___ Holmes Wife of William Holmes Waver____ died March 14th 1813 aged 71 Years. Also John Holmes Grandson of the above. Died Nov 18th 1849 Aged 4 Years 9 Months John Holmes died Nov 18th 1857 Aged 49 Years. John Holmes son of the above died April 19th 1868 Aged (1)6 Years. Sarah Jane wife of the above died May 23rd 1873 Aged 54 Years. William Henry Holmes son of the above died November 14th 1884 Aged 27 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,239,0,IHS Sacred to the Memory of Ann Wife of James Molyneux who departed this life November 22nd 1812 Aged 44 Years. MY life is done and past My love to you so long did last So now no more sorrow For me? Take But love my children For my sake. Also of the above James Molyneux who departed this life October 20th 1817 Aged 46 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,240,0,Here lieth interrd the Body of John Westhead the Son of Thomas Westhead who departed this life on the 13th May 1787 Aged ?Years. Alfo Thomas Westhead Son of the above Thomas Westhead who departed this life 17th Jan.y 1790 Aged 11 Days. Alfo Ann Smith Whodied Aug.t 25th 1814 aged 28 Years. Alfo Thomas Wefthead Father of the above who died Dec.r 1ft 1816 aged 65 Years. Also SARAH WESTHEAD Wife of the above who died on the 21st of January 1842 Aged 83 Years. Also Sarah Westhead who died on the 3rd of June 1867 Aged 72 Years. The Burial place of ^ Tho.s & ^ Sarah Westhead.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,241,0,"Thomas Turner 1747 Aged 76 Years. Ann his Wife 1762 Aged 78 Years. Alfo Elizabeth Hornby their Daugh/ter who died April 11th 1792 aged 71 Years. Alfo Thomas Hornby her Son who died Feb.y 17th 1793 aged 44 Years. Also Abraham Hornby of Woolton died Sept13th 1889 Aged 61 Years. Also in memory of Edger Joseph Hornby marine engineer and grandson of the above who died and was buried at sea the 30th Jany 1900. Aged 25 Years. Also Harriet Jones died Nov 29th 1924 Aged 63 Years. Also John, husband of the above died July 31st 1926 Aged 68 Years. Also William son of the above (killed in Action in France 1916) This stone not to be removed. Arthur Hornby burial place.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,242,0,SACRED (gothic) To the Memory of JOHN LEIGH BRINT of WARRINGTON who departed this life 13th of June 1828 Aged 58 Years. Lydia Wife of John Leigh Brint died 19th of May 1837 Aged 73 Years. (Base) This tomb is not to be opened by any one neither one of the railings to be taken out. James Kelshaws. burial place.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,243,0,"(South gable) Also Thomas Dutton of Garden Lodge Little Woolton died 28th March 1870 Aged 69 Years. (s chest panel) Also John Dutton of Lee Park, Little Woolton, son of above. died 23rd April 1893/ Aged 68 Years. (west chest panel) Also ? Dutton of LeePark died 15th August 1859 Aged 2 Years. (North gable) ? Mary Dutton of the Lee in Little Woolton died on the 27th day of December 1864 Aged 66 Years. (N chest) ALSO William Henry Dutton, son of John Dutton, Lee Park, Little Woolton and grandson of the above who died 7th May 1875 Aged 13 Years. In Loving Memory of Henrietta Hamer. Born Oct. 8th. 1854. Died Nov 2nd 1913. (west end) John Dutton 1870. Also Mary Dutton Widow of above died 27th. September 1903 Aged 77 Years.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,600,Gothic,0,,0,,0, 0,244,0,???. ???. vault.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,245,0,Here lieth???.of Richard???. The Burial Place of Richard Hain of Wavertree.,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,246,0,Here lieth the Body of Richard Hain??.his life???.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,247,0,"SACRED to the MEMORY of Elizabeth Kelshaw Daughter of Thomas and Mary Kelshaw died May the 10th 1820 aged 7 weeks. Also James Kelshaw, Son of the above died August 24th 1828 aged 5 months. Also Mary Kelshaw Mother to the above died Decr 10th 1839 aged 43 Years. Also Thomas Kelshaw Husband to the above died June 18th 1842 aged 45 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,248,0,Edward Son of jas Revell Buried ?of may 17?Here lieth the body of Martha?.Buried?????.Buried??Isobelle Daughter of James and Ann Revell died March 20th 1771 Aged 7 Years. Willm Son of??Revell?..Aged?..Maria their Daughter died 5th Jany 177_ Aged (3?) Years. Alfo James Alexander their Son died March 17th(?) Aged 2 Years. Alfo Mary their daughter died 30th May 177_ Aged ?.Years. James Revell died ?th Auguft 1784 Aged 71 Years. Ann Bin? Wife of Mr John Bin? of Liverpool died 30th April 1787 Aged?.Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,249,0,IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF John Kelshaw who departed this life May 11 1875 Aged 70 Years. ALSO Mary Melvin Kelshaw sister of the above who departed this life February 9th 1887 Aged 85 Years. ALSO Ellen Kelshaw who died July 11th 1889 Aged 89 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,250,0,"Arthur Hornby. Died, Janu.y the, 27th. 1734/5 William Hornby Brother to the above who departed this life July 4th 1795 Aged 83 Years. Also Arthur Hornby who died January 27th 1905 Aged 74 Years. Also Ellen wife of the above who died Oct. 28th 1908 Aged 76 Years. Also Florence Franklin Grand-daughter of the above who died March 6th 1916 in Her 23rd Year. Arthur Hornby's burl place.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,251,0,"Children of John & Jane Okill of Wavertree buried here. George Leigh died 13th March 1776 aged 16 Mon. Hugh Hindley Leigh "" 26th March 1786 "" 9 Years. James ? 14th Oct.er (er underlined) 1803 "" 25 Years.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,252,0,"HERE LIE The Remains of Hannah third Wife of John Okill who died on the 14th.. (th underlined) January 1792. Also of John Okill, who died 14th.. (th underlined) December 1817 aged 74. William, last surviving son of the above John Okill who died the 29th day of March 1867, Aged 76 Years, And was interred at Trinity Church Wavertree.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,253,0,"Children of Charles & Jane Okill of Bootle buried here. John died 1st Febry 1802 aged 3 Months. Samuel "" 2nd Febry 1813 "" 12 Months.Charles Hamlet "" 7th March 1815 "" 11 Years. Hindley Leigh "" 4th July 1817 "" 11 Years. Jane Okill Mother of the above, died 27th. (th underlined) May 1832, aged 57. Also Charles Okill Husband of the above and Father of the above Children died June 15th 1847 aged 68 Years. Also Jane Ann daughter of the above Charles and Jane Okill, who died at Ableside on the 23rd. of May 1866 Aged 49 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,254,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,255,0,"IN MEMORIAM William Whitehurst Died March 1875 Elizabeth wife of the above Died December 10th 1896 Mary Whitehurst Died November 27th 1894 Joseph husband of the above Died May 8th 1903 In Loving Memory of Thomas Alfred (master mariner). the Dear Husband of Hannah Gray Died Jan 12th. 1924 aged 60 yeas ""At Rest"" Also the above Hannah Gray Died April 27th 1928 So he bringeth them into their desired haven. The Burial Place of Joseph and Mary Whitehurst.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,256,0,"SACRED to the MEMORY of MARY BIBBY, Wife of JOHN BIBBY who died Sepr the 10th 1846 aged 77 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,257,0,"Sacred to the Memory of George Littledale Esq. OF Liverpool (Youngest Son of the late Henry Littledale Esq. of Eton House) Who died at Sandown Wavertree, On the 26th July 1826. In the 43rd Year of His Age And whose Remains lie Here interred. Also of George Henry Littledale (Late Lieutenant in the First Royal Dragoons) only son of the above who died in London on the 15th September 1861 in the 57th Year of his Age.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,258,0,ENTRANCE,0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,0,,0,,0, 0,259,0,"BENEATH THIS STONE Rest the beloved remains of Eliza Daughter of Stanley and Elizabeth Percival of Harthill Allerton. She died April 10th 1836 aged 20 Years. In humble assurance of a blessed immortality, Through the merits of her Saviour and Redeemer. Also of Maria their infant Daughter She died July 14th 1825 Also of Edward Franc(o?) Percival their Second Son who died in Dublin on Septr 12th 1849 aged 27 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,260,0,Hannah the Daughter of Tho.s & Hannah Molyneux died June 19th 1821 aged 16 Years. Tho.s their son died March 3rd. 1823 aged 16 Years. Also Thomas Molyneux Father of the above died December 24th 1846 aged 81 Years. Also Hannah Molyneux wife of the above Thomas Molyneux departed this life the 13th November 1853 Aged 86 Years. Also Mary Molyneux daughter of the above departed this life June 9th 1866 Aged 63 Years. The burial place of Thomas Molyneux. Ditton 1866.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,261,0,"SACRED to the MEMORY of Jannet Wife of William Spencer who died 3rd March 1812 aged 84 Years. Also William Spencer, their Grandson died the 26th July 1814, aged 19 Years. Also Alice Spencer died the 2nd Novr 1828 aged 88 Years. Also William Spencer, died the 20th of Jany 1830 aged 92 Years. Also Mary Wife of John Spencer died the 6th of June 1833 aged 64 Years. Also of the above John Spencer who died the 21st of Dec.r 1852 aged 88 Years. Also John Spencer son of the above named John Spencer died the 30th May 1856 aged 54 Years. Also, William Spencer Grandson of the above died June 14th 1857 Aged 16 Months. Also of Hannah Spencer Grand-daughter of the above who died on the 18th November 1857 Aged 1 Year and 8 Months. Also Mary Ann Reynolds, Grand daughter of the above John Spencer, who died 25th October 1860 Aged 2 years, and 3 Months. Also Hannah Reynolds died 29th Day of November 1860 Aged 8 Months. Also Amelia Spencer died on the 22nd of January 1861 Aged 10 Months. Also Thomas Reynolds, who departed this life 20th Nov.br 1865 Aged 3 Years, & 7 months. The Burial Place of John Spencer of Liverpool.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,262,0,IN MEMORY OF JAMES LUCAS WHO DIED FEBRUARY 14th 1841 AGED 34 YEARS. ALSO HENRY LEADBETTER WHO DIED MAY 17 1848 AGED 8 MONTHS. ALSO GEORGE LEADBETTER WHO DIED FEBRUARY 7 1855 AGED 41 YEARS. ALSO MARY LEADBETTER WIFE OF THE ABOVE WHO DIED NOVEMBER 30 1885 AGED 72 YEARS.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,263,0,"In remembrance of Sarah relict of Captain Christopher Baitson late of Liverpool who departed this life on the 20th January 1768 Aged 51 Years. Also of Hannah Wife of Thomas Baitson of Liverpool who died Octr 19th 1775 Aged 19 Years. Also Christopher their son who died an infant. Also of Alice Wife of the above Thomas Baitson who died 23rd March 1783. Aged 26 Years. Also of Thomas Baitson of Wavertree who departed this life on the 20th day of April 1821. in the 71st Year of his Age. Alfo of Sarah Fecond Daughter of the above Thomas and Alice Baitson who died at Wavertree on the 12th of November 1828 aged 48 Years. Piety went hand in hand with her and Morality was the Companion of her way. Also of Mary Taylor of Rainford Sifter of the above Alice Baitson who died December 22nd 1830. Aged 76 Years. Also Mary Eldeft Daughter of the above Thomas Baitson, who died July 2nd 1847 Aged 68 Years. (side) Also to the memory of Sophie(?) Gaskell second daughter of Peter and Sarah Gaskell and grand daughter of the above Thomas Baitson who Departed this life September 6th 1845(?) Aged 3(?) Years and 10 Months. Also in Memory of Catherine Gaskell (seventh?) Daughter of the above named Peter and Sarah Gaskell who departed this life April 11th 1868 Aged 15 Months. Also in memory of Henry youngest son of Peter and Sarah Gaskell who died Novr ? 1881(?) Peter Gaskell eldest son of the late George Gaskell of Upholland and Grand. (note- text continues below reachable ground level)",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,264,0,..I..F?.P?.1? RIP,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,265,0,"In Affectionate Remembrance of THOMAS GORE WHO DIED JULY 11th 1877 ALSO MARTHA WIFE OF ISAAC GORE BORN JUNE 29th 1813 DIED AUGUST 25th 1883 ALSO ISAAC THE BELOVED HUSBAND OF MARGARET GORE DIED AUGUST ? ?GED 74 YEARS IN LOVING MEMORY OF ELIZABETH GORE WHO DIED MAY 8th 1908 AGED 52 YEARS ""PEACE PERFECT PEACE""",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,266,0,Here lieth the Body of Nathan Nelfon who died July 30th 1779 Aged 11 Years and 10 Months. Though young in Years with Innocence his guide patiently bore his lingering pain and of human fence he died.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,267,0,Jane Coulquit Departed This Life September 12 1780 Aged 26 Years. Here lies the body of Ann the Wife of Joseph Farrington of Liverpool who departed this life Jany 1793 Aged 45 Years. The Burial place of Ann Lunn.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,268,0,In Memory Of William Spencer who died the 25th of Decr 1844 aged 70 Years. ALSO Mary Ann Spencer died 8th March 1874 Aged 74 Years. Also Ann Agness Spencer died 15th August 1875 Aged 43 Years. Also John Spencer Husband of the above died 26th March 1891 Aged 62 Years. Burial Place of John Spencer of Liverpool.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,269,0,IN MEMORY OF William Jennions who died 15 March 1862 Aged 51 Years. William Jennions Grave.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,270,0,(headstone) Samuel Hardman Here lied the Remains of Mary the Wife of John Ireland Who was interred March .Y.29. 1737. Here lieth the Body of John Ireland who departed this life November .Y. 16. 1744 Aged :86: (ledger) Sacred to the memory of Mary Wife of Samuel Hardman who departed this life the 7th.. December 1854 Aged 66 Years. Also Samuel Hardman Husband to the above Died Sept.r 19th 1857 Aged 64 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,271,0,The burial place of Willm Ashcroft. Here lieth the body of Ellen Wife of William Ashcroft who departed this life 7th of Octr 1817 aged 66 years. Also William Ashcroft who departed this life the 1st Jany 1825 in the 78th Year of his Age. Also Elizabeth Wife of John Ashcroft who died Jany 5th [?] 1849 aged 74 [?] Years. Also John Ashcroft died 11th April 1865 Aged 88 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,272,0,Ann Brown died 26th Septr 1805 Aged 37 Years. Margaret Brown Wife of William Brown died May 23rd 1825 aged 77. The Burial place of William Brown.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,273,0,"Here Lieth The Remains of John Hallsall. Departed this Life the 15th of Augt. 1733. In the, 60, Yeare, of His Age. Here also Liethe of Margaret. His Wife who was Interred March, ye 23. 1736. In the 61 yeare of Her Age. Here lieth the body of Mr. William Hallfall of Wavertree Gentleman who Departed this life June 4th 1758 in the 52d of his Age.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,274,0,The burial place of John Afhcroft. IN Memory OF William Ashcroft. Son of the above who died Feby 20th 1813 Aged 50 Years. Also Mariam Ashcroft wife of James Ashcroft of Wavertree who departed this life Octr. 16th 1873 Aged 40 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,275,0,The burial place of William Afhcroft Here lieth the body of Ellen Wife of William Afhcroft who departed this Life the 7th. Oct 1817(?) Aged (?)6 Years. Also William Afhcroft who depart/ed this life the (1st)? Jany 1825 (?) in the 78th Year of his ? Also Elizabeth Wife of John Ashcroft who died Jany 5th 1819 aged 71 Years. Also John Ashcroft died 11th August 1865 Aged 88 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,276,0,Here lieth the Body of Mary Daughter of William & Ellen Afhcroft who departed this life the 2d day of Decembr. 1784. Alfo Charles Afhcroft who de/parted this life 19th July 1788 aged 14 years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,277,0,"TO THE MEMORY OF James Afhcroft late of Childwall House Farm who departed this life on the 5th day of October 1859 aged 51. Years. Also (it). Ralph Allen who died the 6th May 1871 aged 62 Years. ALSO of Catherine wife of the above Ralph Allen who died Nov?ber 17th 1887 Aged 79 Years. ALSO Catherine Allen daughter of the above, who died March 15th 1900 Aged 52 Years. Elizabeth Ashcroft died Jan. 7th 1916 Aged 86 Years Wife of David L Cargill (Interred in Necropolis) The burial place of William Getley",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,278,0,???Late Clerk of??Departed this Life?.March 1762 in the?..of his Age???Wife De-??..1762?..her Agd?.Dyed???and Elizh??.departed this life the??Aged??Months?..Late?.October 1789 Aged?.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,279,0,The burial place of Francis + Eunice (?) Smith John their son died 1st Feb 1844(?) aged 8 Years. Also Eunice their daughther died 3rd August 1869 Aged 27 Years. Also Francis their son died 18th Sept 1869 aged 30 Years. May they rest in peace (it). ALSO Francis Smith Father of the above died March 25th 1877 Aged 75 Years. ALSO Eunice Smith died November. 25th. 1879 Aged 79 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,280,0,Cath?rin.. T??Di???.174????.Francis Smith 1867,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,281,0,"THE BURIAL PLACE OF Thomas & Mary Leadbetter. William Son of the above died April 1.ft 1850 Aged 1 Year. Also Thomas Son of the above died Sept.r 19th 1850 Aged 5 Years. Also Ann, their Daughter died Novr 1st 1854 aged 7 Months. Also Thomas Leadbetter Father of the above, died Sep.t 3rd 1894, Aged 78 Years. Also Mary, Wife of the above Thomas Leadbetter, died May 18th 1900, Aged 85 Years. Also John Leadbetter, Son of the above, died Sep.t 16th 1904, Aged 60 Years. Mizphe M.S.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,282,0,"Sacred to the memory of JOHN ALEXANDER WILSON MA. Curate of this Parish from 1826 to 1841 born March 13th 1800, died Good Friday, March 29th 1861. Also MARY ANN STEWART WILSON, his widow. Born June 24th 1808 died at Tunbridge Wells March 18th 1866. If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. I Thess ch IV v 14",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,283,0,Here lieth the Body of Anne Unf_worth who departed this Life March 31st 1807 aged 81 Years. Mary Daughter of Benjn and Alice Lythgoe Inter'd April 23rd 1809 Aged 1 Year and 8 Months. Alfo the above Benj.n Lythgoe who died Sep.r 26th 1829 aged 59 Years. Also Alice Lythgoe Widow of the above who died May 29th. 1845 aged 79 Years. The burial place of Benj.n Lythgoe.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,284,0,In Memory of (gothic) James Blundell died October 1st 1840 Aged 57 Years. Also Mary Blundell Relict of the above died August 1st 1860 Aged 74 Years. The burial place of Mary Young.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,285,0,The burial place of James Brown. William son of James & Ann Brown died Nov.r 5th 1821 aged 12 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,286,0,Here lies Interrd the Body of Gamaliel Wood Gent: the Son of Robert & Frances Wood of Monk Brinton. Alias Burton in the County of York. Who Departed this Life Sep11th Anno Dom. 1770 in the 30th Year of his Age.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,287,0,IN MEMORY OF Wm GEO GREENSHIELDS MERCHANT MONTREAL BORN AT GLASGOW 4TH FEB 1820 DIED AT LIVERPOOL 25TH APRIL 1862,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,288,0,"Here lieth Interr'd the Body of Mary Parry who departed this life Decr. 18th 1779 Aged 7 Years 11 M. Alfo the body of Fanny Parry who departed this life Dec 16th 1780 Aged 10 Years and 2 Months. And alfo the Body of Robert Parry Gent: and Father of the above Children, who departed this life June 23d. 1784 Aged 44 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,289,0,"Theobold Tetlow Ob Oct 1785. John Tetlow of Liverpool Surgeon (it) Obii 1st June 1789 Anno Etatis 31 Gaudian amicum ?.jam Ann Relict of the Revd William Tetlow B.A. Obiit 22nd September 1798 (?) E Eati Suae ..74(?) Mary. Wife of the Revd John Richd TetlowM.A. Obiit 27th December 1823. Etati Suae 31. John Richd Tetlow late of Liverpool Solicito who died at Rock Ferry Cheshire on the 28th of February 1886 Aged 71 Years and was the last surviving son of the late Revd J.R. Tetlow M.A. of Liverpool and Pontesbury, Salop. (side) Margaret Sarah Tetlow widow of the above John Richard Tetlow died 24th March 1906.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,290,0,Lin?. Hale Wife of Tho: Hale died?June 1769 Aged 59???died Nove 27th 17?.Aged 79 Years???..and Wife died??.Aged?.Years???..Thomas son of??.Jane Hale?.departed this life?..Aged 78 Years.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,291,0,The burial place of John & Elizath Lowe of Much Woolton Ja.s their son died May 29th. 1845 aged 6 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,292,0,Here lieth the Body of Susannah the Daughter of John & Rachel Dutton Aged 3 Years who departed this life May the 29th 1795. Also James Dutton their Son died August the 9th 1817 aged 13 Years. Also John Dutton their Son died Febry the 9th 1818 aged 21 Years. And Joseph Dutton their Son died July the 7th 1818 aged 12 Years. Alfo Eleanor Dutton their Daughter died Sepr. 5th 1820 aged 10 Years. Alfo Samuel Dutton their Son died May 8th 1826 (?) aged 25 Years. John Dutton departed this life 21st January 1831 aged 63 Years. Also Rachel wife of above named John Dutton who departed this Life 15th November 1831 aged 70 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,950,Other,0, 0,293,0,In MEMORY of (it.) Mary Evans Wife of John Evans who departed this Life the 2d of May 1817 Aged 42 Years. Alfo of P.P. Edward Father of the above who departed this Life the 18th of Novr 1817 Aged 68 Years. Also Thomas Edward Son of the above P.P. Edward who departed this life on the 29th day of January 1832 aged 65 Years. The burial place of John Evans.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,294,0,THE BURIAL PLACE of John and Martha Peers Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Holden only daughter of the above who departed this life on the 12th day of January 1855 aged 30 Years. Also of John Peers Father of the above who departed this life on the 19th day of April 1860 Aged 60 Years. The Memory of a kind Father still is Cherished. Also Martha wife of the above John Peers who departed this life on the 29th day of October 1862 Aged 62 Years. Burial place of James Peers.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,295,0,Here lieth the Body of James Son of John and Catherine Peers who died 12th April 1777 in the Firft Year of his Age. Alfo Jofhua their Son who died 30th of March 1783 in the Firft year of his Age. Alfo Catherine their daughter who died Decr 20th 1787 Aged 16 Years. Alfo Catherine Peers Wife of John Peers of Allerton & Mother?..Children who died??,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,296,0,"J, K",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,297,0,"The Burial place of James and Margaret Kelfall of Liverpool George their Son Interred the 29th day of June 1757 Aetatis Suae 7 Years Elizabeth their Daughter Interr'd the 14th Day of March 1758 Aetatis Suae 4 Year 7 Mths. Mrs Margaret Kelfall Wife of Mr James Kelfall of Liverpool Gentleman 4th January 1791 Aged 67 Years. Likewife the above named Mr James Kelfall who depart-ed this life the 4th of July 1792 Aged 76 Years. Alfo Richard Kelfall Gent Son of the above James & Marg.t Kelfall who died, respected & lamented on the 25th day of Spetember 1795 Aged 34 Years. The sweet remembrance of the Juft Will floweth though he sleep in Duft. ( west panel) Here lays the Body of Sarah K? (daugh)ter of the above James and Margaret Kel-fall. She exchanged this World for a better on the 5th of December 1808, in the 61ft Year of her Age - The accomplishments of Mind the Sensibilities of Heart with the Most amiable Disposition were ever conspicuous of her Society. (East panel) Here lays the Body of Peggy Kelsall, Daughter of the above James and Margaret Kelsall who died 7th of March 18 (3)6 in the 81st Year of her age.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,298,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,299,0,The Burial place of Anthony Fre-eman.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,300,0,"Ann Spencer died ye 1ft of October 1761 In ye 33d year of her Age Edward Spencer, Son of Lawrence and Ann Spencer died ye 7th of October 1772. In the 17th Year of his Age Lawrence Spencer Son of Lawrence and Ann Spencer died the 27th day of October 1778 in the 19th Year of his Age. Here alfo lieth interr'd the Body of [erased section] Lawrence Spencer Efqr. who departed this life the 7th of September 1779 in the 57th Year of his Age Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is Peace. Sarah Spencer Daughter of Lawe & Ann Spencer died June 7th 1780 aged 19 Ye.s Here lieth the Body of Dorothy Spencer Daughter of the above Lawrence & Ann Spencer died Sept. 19th 1781 in the 24. Year of her Age Here also rest the remains of Ann Spencer eldest daughter of the late Lawrence & Ann Spencer, who departed this Life on the 29th Day of Octr. 1818. In the 72nd Year of her age.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,301,0,"[Top surface] Here rest the Remains of Elizabeth Colquitt who departed this Life August 7th 1761 in the 15th Year of her age. Daughter of John Goodwin Efqr. Of Liverpool and Wife of Scrope Colquitt Efqr. Whofe Remains are alfo here interred having died on the 11th day of June 1782 in the 65th Year of his age. Son of John Colquitt Efqr. Collector of the Cuftoms at the Port of Liverpool And here are depofited the Remains of Bridget Colquitt who departed this Life March 15th 1807 in the 52nd Year of her age Daughter of Samuel Martin Efqr. Of Whitehaven in the County of Cumberland, and Wife of John Colquitt Efqr. Whofe Remains are also here interred having died on the 26th day of April 1807 in the 61ft Year of his age Son of Scrope Colquitt Efqr. And 26 Years Town Clerk of Liverpool",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,302,0,Here lyeth the Body of Elizabeth late Wife to Tho: Smith of Liverpool Merchant who departed this life the 12th day of March 1764 Aged 25 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,303,0,Here lieth the Body of William Rofedale of Liverpool departe? this life Novr. 10th. 1781 aged 32. Alfo Jonathan Whifson who depart? this life the 20th March 1795 Aged 45 Yea?s Alfo Efter Whifson who departed this life Decr. 12th 1803 Aged 66 Yrs.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,304,0,John Son of Joseph Deceased Jany 13th 176? Here lies interred the ? of Joseph Dutton of Liverpool Ironm? departed this life January 1787 Aged ? Mary Dutton his ? departed this ? 1797 Aged ? Catherine the Wife of ? above John Dutton Died ? January 1800 Aged 69 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,305,0,"Here Lieth the Body of Margret Dutton wife of ? Dutton who Departed (This) Life Septr.5th 1760 in the [?] Year of her Age. Also Ann and Margaret Joseph and Samuel there children who all died young. (Also) Rebecca Daughter of (James) & Martha Grierfon who died 2 July 1784 Aged 5 years and 4 months. Alfo Martha wife of James Grierfon of Liverpool Merchant & Daughter of Samuel & Margret Dutton who departed this life the 22 March 1789 in the 38 Year of her Age, Also the above Samuel Dutton, who departed this (Life) on the 11th November 1813 aged 97 years. A virtuous honest man.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,306,0,Here lies interr'd the Body of Eleanor Mann who departed this life on the 17 December 1792 Aged 76 Years. Also Sacred to the Memory of Sarah Grierson who departed this Life on the 26th Day of September 1857 Aged 72 Years. Daughter of Martha Grierson and Grand-daughter of Samuel Dutton whose Bodies are interred in the adjoining grave. Also Elinor Grierson Elder sister of the above Sarah Grierson who departed this Life at Edge Hill on 3rd May 1867 Aged 84 years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,307,0,IN MEMORY OF Mary Webster who died April 1st 1879 in her 76th Year. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Also George Webster husband of the above who departed this life May 7th 1885 aged 83 Years. Also Ann daughter of the above who died Nov 1st 1905 Aged 65 Years. Burial place of George and Mary Webster. Late of Huyton.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,308,0,Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Wife of John Webster of Little Woolton who departed this life on the 26th day of Febr 1810 in the 76th Year of her Age (?) the Memory also of the above John Webster who departed this life on the 21st day of December 1811 in the 74th Year of his Age. Also of Nancy wife of John Junr who departed this life November 24th 1850 [1830?] aged 71 years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,309,0,Fanney Daughter of John & Elizabeth Webfter throfle Neft little Woolton Died Jan' 10th 1784 Aged 15 Years. ALSO Edward K. Lawrenson Died January 4th 1882 Aged 27 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,310,0,Here lieth the Body of David Hough who departed this life January 17 1776 Aged 52. January 2 Elizabeth Hough wife to David Hough departed this life Aged 63,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,311,0,Charles Potters Burial Place,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,312,0,Henry Lawrenson departed this life Feby 3rd 1803 aged 61 Years. Also Mary his wife who Departed this Life Jany 1th 1811 AGED 72 Years. William Lawrenson died May 30th 1821 aged 17 Years. Henry Lawrenson his son died Sepr 10th 1826 aged 21 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,313,0,James: son of Henry Lawranson (inter--d) July 25th 1781 aged 3 years. Also Mary Died March 30th 1789 Aged 17 Years. Also Margaret Lawranson who died Jany 6th 1859 Aged 65 Years. Also Arabella Lawranson wife of Thomas Lawranson who died April 24th 1865 Aged 44 Years. Also Thomas husband of the above Arabella Lawranson died 18th November 1889 Aged 75 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,314,0,The burial place of Charles Hickson. Joseph his son interr'd Novr 14th 1801 aged 21 years. Charles Hickson Father to the above was buried the 9th day of Octr 1807 aged 61 years. Alfo Mary Wife of Charles Hickson was buried 19th Decr 1817 aged 72 Years.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,315,0,Rebecca Houghton died July 16th 1778 Aged 22 Years. Ellen Houghton died May 14 1784 Aged 32.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,316,0,Here lyth the remains of Sarah Wife of Richd Dobb of Much Woolton Who died March 18th 1777 Aged 53 years. Alfo their three Daughters. Sarah's all died young.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,317,0,"The burial place of Richard Roby. Here lie the remains of Richard Roby who departed this life Octr 11th 1818 aged 17 Years. Here alfo lie the children of Richard and Elizabeth Roby. Henry who died May 1st 1801 aged 7 months. James who died Octr 6th 1810 aged 10 months And Mary who dies March 4th 1829 aged 31 years. Alfo Henry who died Augst 31st 1834 aged 51 years. Alfo Richard who died July 13th 1836 Aged 50 Years. Alfo Thomas who died July 1st 1837 Aged 30 years. Also Elizabeth Roby mother of the above died July 1st 1838 aged 67 years. Also Jane wife of William Roby Died 30th November 1859 aged 65 years. Also William Roby husband of the above died Jany 9th 1860 aged 64 years. Also James Roby who died Aug 29th 1885[3] aged 54 years. Also Ann wife of the above James who dies Aug 15th 1906 aged 75 years. Also John Roby who died July 25th 1915 aged 58 years. Peace, perfect peace.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,318,0,Sarah the Wife of Evan Evans departed this life Novr 20th 1811 aged 56 Years. Evan Evans Husband of the above departed this life Septr 9th 1812 aged 58 Years. M (?) Evans departed this life March 1st 1814. John Evans the Son of Evan and Sarah Evans died January 19th 1815 Aged (?) Years. Also William youngest Son of Evan and Sarah Evans who departed this life August 1st 1817 aged Thirty six Years. Also Mary Evans youngest daughter of the above Evan Evans died the 26th November 1863 Aged 51 Years. ALSO of Elizabeth Evans daughter of the above who died 19th February 1876 Aged 67 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,319,0,Jane the Daughter to Alexander Speares departed this life Octr 5 1773,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,320,0,In Memory of WILLIAM Son of John and Mary Lees who departed this life January 4th 1851 Aged 5 months.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,321,0,"William the Son of William and Elizabeth Holland of Smithdown Lane Toxteth Park, died the 24th October 1805 aged 27 Years. Elizabeth the Wife of William Holland died the 30th December 1813 aged 70 Years. William Holland died the 2nd August 1819 aged 77 Years. Also James Holland, son of the above William Holland, who died May the 30th 1839, aged 66 Years. Also John Holland, Son of the above named William and Elizabeth Holland, who died on the 8th September 1855 Aged 84 Years.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,322,0,SACRED to the Memory of Thos Son of John and Eleanor Wreg of Wavertree who departed this life 30th Novr 1792 Aged 5 Years. He's gone to dust just as he did begin. Sorrow he knew before he knew of sin.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,323,0,"(?) lieth the remains of Robert Unfworth (?)oxteth Park who departed this life on the 2nd (?)une 1830 aged 43 Years. Also Mary Wife of John Cain and daughter of the above died August 17th 1834, aged 23 Years. Also Sarah Wife of the above who died August 24th 1834 aged 46 Years. Also Mary the beloved wife of Robert Unsworth of Liverpool born May 7th 1819 died Feby 11th 1878 ALSO the above ROBERT UNSWORTH born June 1816 died November 24th 1881. The burial place of Robert Unsworth",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,324,0,Jane the wife of Robert Unsworth Died Novr 30 1790 Aged 40 Years,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,325,0,In Memory of Eliza Helen fifth daughter of Weir Anderson Esq. Who died 9th March 1862 aged 3 months. The Burial Place of Weir Anderson.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,326,0,The Burial Place of William and Ann South 1787. Ma(?)tha South died May 13th 1804 aged 21 Years. William South died May 21st 1804 aged (?)1 Years. Ann Wife of William South who departed this Life Aug 6 1822 Aged 71 Years.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,327,0,"Here lieth the Body of Mary. Wife of Daniel Pendleton, who departed this life the 22nd March 1791 Aged 77 Years. She has been a Mother to the Motherless. Likewise the Poor she did regard. I hope in heaven she will find reward. Alfo the Body of Daniel Pendleton who departed this life the 4th of October 1791 Aged 81 (84) Years. He became father to the fatherless. Likewise the widow he did regard. I hope in heaven he will find reward. Sacred to the Memory of Rowland Spencer who departedthis life the 13th Septr 1850 Aged 12 Years. The sweet remembrance of the just Shall flourish when he sleeps in dust. Margaret, Daughter of John & Ellen Spencer of Liverpool. Died December the 23rd Aged 17. Ellen, his Wife, Died on the 26 of December 1856. Aged 51. The burial place of John Spencer.",0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,328,0,"The burial place of Wm Hickfon. James Hickfon Son of Wm & Ellen Hickfon died 27th Febr 1827 aged 58 Years. Alfo Wm Hickfon Father of the above died 21st Novr 1827 aged 79 Years. Alfo Ellen Hickfon his Wife died Jany 10th 1851 aged 86 Years. Also William Hickson. Son of the above died Sepr 19th 1846 aged 68 Years. Also ELLEN Wife of the above who dies Decr 10th 1849 Aged 69, William Hickson, Liverpool",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,329,0,Here lieth the Body of Jofeph Hickson who departed this life the 26th October 1808 Aged 62 Years. Elizabeth Hickson who died Feby 10th 1825 aged 30 Years. William Hickson died July 8th 1838 aged 11 Years. Cecelia Hickson died March 22nd 1841 aged 43 Years Joseph Hickson died January 5th 1845 aged 44 Years. Betty Hornby died June 22nd 1855 aged 75 Years. John Maudsley 1867.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,330,0,Thomas B.Wright's burial place. IN LOVING MEMORY OFThomas B.Wright OF WAVERTREE who died October 7th 1882 Aged 78 Years. ALSO Elizabeth wife of the above who died May 14th 1887 Aged 82 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,331,0,Sacred to the Memory of Joseph Moss who departed this life April 25th 1832 Aged 25 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,332,0,"Here lieth the Body of Thomas Case of Wavertree Esquire who departed this life the 2nd of April 1790 Aged 59 Years. Also (italic) Anna his Wife who departed this Life 24th October 1851 in her 59th Year. Also (italic) J. Ashton Case Esqr of Woolton their Son who died the 3rd of July 1856 Aged 57 Years. Also (italic) J. Ashton Case Esqr of Thingwall Hall who died 25th July 1845 Aged 69 Years. Also (ialic) Jane Sarah, Widow of Thomas Case Esqr. Born at Liverpool Septbr 29th 1778 died at Prestbury Cheltenham July 25th 1855. Also (italic) John Ashton Case Son of the above Thomas and Jane Sarah Case born at Liverpool Feby 9th 1804 died at Scarborough September 20th 1855. Also (italic) Henrietta Elizth Daughter of Caroline & J. Ashton Case Jnr who died the 6th June 1836 Aged 5 Months",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,333,0,"Sacred To the MEMORY of Ann, Wife of James Simm who departed this life Septr 15th 1828 Aged 34 Years. Also Elizabeth their Daughter died March 11th 1850 Aged 17 months. Also of MARY the Wife of James Simm, Who departed this life January 7th 1854 Aged 59 Years. Also of Margaret Cave Sister of the above Mary SimmWho died June 29th 1883 Aged 15 Years. She sought for GLORY and found REST in the bosom of the LAMB.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,334,0,The burial place of John Lunt. In memory of Sarah Wife of John Lunt of Wavertree who died Novr 18th 1834 aged 60 Years. John Lunt Died March 21st 1838 Aged 55 Years. James Lunt Died Septr 17th 1858 Aged 15 years. Also Margaret Oakes died March 11th 1862 Aged 57 Years. Also Sarah Duerden died April 11th 1870 Aged 34 Years. Also John Oakes died June 24th 1871 Aged 70 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,335,0,"Sacred to the memory of Thomas Kelshaw of MUCH WOOLTON who departed this life on the 28th day of June 1805 in the 62nd Year of his Age. Also of Sarah Ward, his Grand Daughter who died August the 12th 1809 Aged 11 months. Also Sarah wife of the above Thomas Kelshaw who departed this life February 11th 1820 Aged 74 Years. Also of Eliza Ward their Grand Daughter who departed this life July 3rd 1827 Aged 16 Years. Also of Thomas, their Son who departed this life June 28th 1831 Aged 50 Years.",0,0,1,Mint,300,Clarendon,0,,0,,0, 0,336,0,"IN MEMORY OF George Tippin Son of Thomas and Ann Tippin who departed this Life 15th of February 1846 Aged 22 Years. When blooming youth and beauty is most brave, Death plucks us up and plants us in the grave, Take care young folks your precious time to spend, In living mindful of your latter end.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,337,0,Alice Wife of John Tipping Departed this Life the 18th of January 1789 in the 68th year of her age. The burial place of Richard Tipping,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,338,0,"The burial place of Wm & E.Hunter of Halewood. Ann Hunter died March 25th 1813 aged 1 Year & 9 Months. Elizabeth Hunter, Mother of the above died Septr 2nd 1834 aged 51 Years. Also Ann daughter of the above, died Octr (?)1834 Aged 8 years. Also Elizabeth Helsby died Aug 9th 1839 Aged 52 years. Also John Hunter who departed this life April 12th 1858 Aged 49 years. Also William Hunter who died May 28th 1865 in the 84th year of his age.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,339,0,"Her lies the body of Ann Chadwick daughter of John and Elizabeth Chadwick who departed this Life February 24th 1826 Aged 26 years. Refrain your fears pray shed no more, Because your Child is gone before, In love she lived in peace she died, Her Life was ask'd but was denied. IN LOVING MEMORY of George Henry Hague of Mossley Hill who died 3rd August 1891 Aged 28 Years. Thy will be done.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,340,0,TO THE MEMORY OF John Parsons of Wavertree Son of William and Jane Parsons died March 10th 1833 Aged 19 Years. Also Jane Wife of Thomas Rogerson of Liverpool Who died April 7th 1869 Aged 33 Years. Also William John infant son of William Lamble and Ursula Parsons of Wavertree who died December 2nd 1871 Aged 15 months. Also ANN the beloved Wife of William Parsons of Woolton who departed this life October 24th 1880 Aged 73 Years. Also William Parsons of Woolton who departed this Life October 8th 1881 Aged 73 years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,341,0,"Beneath this stone Lie the remains of Richard son of Richard and Elizabeth Low of Much Woolton who departed this Life Septr the 11 1831 aged 26 years. Also James Low (e) died May 1(3..6) 1831 aged 25 years. Also the above Elizabeth Low died Octr 29th 1839 aged 60 years.Al(..) Richard Lowe the husband of the above died Dec 6th 1811 aged 71 years. Also Catherine loving wife of Thomas Lowe, son of the above died Decr 26th 1816 Aged 1(8) years. A loving wife and mother dear, A dutiful friend sleeping here. Also Elizabeth Lowe Daughter of the above died March 16th 1851 Aged 19 years. Weep not for me my parents dear, I am not dead but sleeping here. Also Richard Lowe who died 6th of April 1877 aged (5/3) years. Also Catherine daughter of the above who died 14th of November 1860 Aged 11 months. Also John son of Thomas and Esther Lowe died Febr 15th 1921 Aged 70 years.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,342,0,Richard Lowe died June 11th 1808 aged 72 Years. Margret Lowe died June 12th 1809 aged 77 Years. Affectionate Remembrance of John Lowe son of Thomas and Catherine Lowe who died 7th of September 1871 Aged 17 Years. (?it urn with God who it?) ALSO Thomas (?) died October 21st 187(?) died Aged (?) Years. ALSO Richard Lowe grandson of the above died July 29th 1886 aged 52 years. In the midst of life we are in death. ALSO Thomas William brother-in-law of the above died November 22nd 1887 aged 51 years. At rest. ALSO THOMAS FATHER OF THE ABOVE THOMAS LOWE DIED DECR 21st 1890 AGED 63 YEARS. ALSO ESTHER WFE OF THE ABOVE THOMAS LOWE DIED AUGUST 19th 1892 AGED 73 YEARS. The burial place of Thomas Lowe.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,343,0,CATHERINE WIFE OF THOMAS WILLIAMS DIED 1ST DEC 1928 AGED 78 YEARS,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,344,0,In Memory Of Isaac son of ISAAC and ANNE MILBURN of Rose Place Liverpool who departed this Life on the 24th August 1800 Aged 3 years and 9 Months. Also to the Memory of MARY MILBURN of SEBERGHAM IN CUMBERLAND who died at her son's House in LIVERPOOL on the 10th March 1801 Aged 75 years. Also of Isaac son of the Above ISAAC and ANNE born 17 July 1801. Baptized and died the same Day.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,345,0,SACRED to the Memory of THOMAS KELSHAW of MUCH WOOLTON who departed this life on the 28th Day of June 1803 in the 62nd Year of his Age. Also of Sarah Ward his Grand Daughtr who died August the 12th 1809 Aged 11 Months.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,346,0,SACRED to the MEMORYof James Charles Fairclough who departed this life Augst 21st 1813 Aged 30 Years. William Butler Fairclough who departed this Life March 21st 1813 Aged 7 Months. Henry Fairclough who departed this Life Septr 7th 1815 Aged 77 years. Thomas Fairclough who departed this Life Apl 20th 1825 Aged 16 Years. Ann Fairclough departed this Life Apl 13th 1829 Aged 87 Years. Also Ann Fairclough who departed this Life July 17th 1838 Aged 30 Years. Elizabeth Fairclough who departed this Life Jany 30th 1842 Aged 36 Years. Also Mary Fairclough who departed this Life Decr 18th 1857 Aged 75 Years. The Burial Place of Henry Fairclough of Liverpool. Also Mary Fairclough who departed this Life May 16th 1865 Aged 50 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,347,0,Here lieth the body of Mary Smith Wife of John Smith who died Decr 1[1] 18[?] years. Elizabeth the second wife of John Smith of Gateacre died Augr 9th 1879 Aged 80 Years. Also John Smith died Aug 18th 1880 Aged 86 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,348,0,"James Peers dep[arted] 1801 December Aged [?]. James Peers [?] departed this life [?] of June [1815] Aged [?3] years. John Peers their father departed this Life [?] 1816 aged [?] Years. IN LOVING MEMORY of Alice Peers who dies July 16th 1870 Aged 71 Years Also John Peers, husband of the above who died September 5th 1881 Aged 72 Years. Also Ellen Peers daughter of the above who died November 2nd 1887 Aged 54 Years.",0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,349,0,In Memory of WILLIAM RYLANDS who departed this Life on the 30th May 1854 Aged 37 Years. Also Josiah Beverstock who died April 25th 1856 Aged 34 Years. The burial place of Jane Rylands.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,350,0,"Here lie, Wim & John, &, Elin, the Sons & Daur of Ralph Holland. All Died in 1734. Hear lieth ye BoDy of Ralph Holland Who Departed this Life Jenewerey. Ye 14th 1744. Adged 48:",0,0,1,Mint,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,351,0,SACRED to the MEMORY of Margaret Daughter of James and Jane Fraser who departed this life Jany 31st 1812 aged 16 Months.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,352,0,HERE lieth the remains of Sarah wife of John Mawdsley who died February 19th 1867 aged 79 Years. In Memory of James the beloved husband of Ann W.Mawdsley who died March 28th 1914 in his 74th Year 'Peace Perfect Peace.' Ann Ward Mawdsley died 2 February 1916 Aged 73 Years. Sarah H.Mawdsley died 27 May 1921 Aged 47 Years. Burial Place of James Mawdsley.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,353,0,William Son of Thomas & Catharine Shepherd depd this life the 11th of April 1765 Aged 23 Years. Alfo Mary their Daughter depd this Life the 26th of October 1788 Aged 27 Years. Alfo Thos Shepherd Father of the above dep'd this Life the 10th of October 1796 Aged 63 Years.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,354,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,355,0,Here lieth the Body of John Ellam who departed this life on the 8th of Sept 1797 Aged 62 Years. Catharine Taterfon departed this Life May 20th 1805 Aged 80 Years. The Burial Place of John and Martha Widowson of West Derby 1820,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,356,0,In Memory of John Son of Edward and Mar[y] Lowe of Allerton who died on the 11th Sept 18[??] Aged 1 Year 6 Months. Also Richard Son of the above Parents who died March 25th 1850 Aged [3 or 5] Years 8 Months.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,357,0,"Here lyeth the Body of Mary Brownbill Wife of Jno Brownbill who departed this life Sepr 28th 1773 in the 40th Year of her Age Alfo William Brownbill their Son departed this Life Octr 29th 1774 in the 9th Year of his Age. Alfo Alice Brownbill his Daughter departed this Life the 3rd of March 1775. Alfo Here lyeth the Body of John Brownbill who departed this life Sepr 12th 1783 Aged 52 Years. Alfo William his Son was Interr'd 287h. Septr 1792 Aged 14 Years. All you that come my Grave to fee As I am now, to you muft be; Prepare in time, make no delay I, in a bleft moment was call'd away. Alice Mayor died Augft 19th 1819 aged 77 Years. The Burial Place of Edward and Mary Lowe of (italic) Allerton 1820",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,358,0,William Parr Interr'd the 1th day of March 1782 Aged 76 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,359,0,Elizabeth the Daughter of William Parr Died ye [?] 1741. Thomas Farrington who [? Buried epitaph],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,360,0,John Brownbill Departed this Life the 13th of Januy 1761 in the 63 yr of his Age. Martha his Wife was interr'd 15th April 1788{?] Aged 82 Years. The Burial Place of Thomas and Hannah Widdowson of West DERBY 1820.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,361,0,Elinor Pilkington Iter'd August 20th 1762. Mouldsley Buriing Place,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,362,0,Here Lyeth ye Body of M.Faustin Fernandes of the Ifland of Maderia Mercht who departed this Life ye 12th day of June A:D: 1744 in ye 25th Year of his age. A Gentleman most amiable in his Difpofition & Strictly just in his Principle. Tho Young in Years had Experienced many Vicilsitudes in Fortune. Yet was always Constant & Equall in his Duty to God & Firm & real in his Friendship & affection to his Neighbour. A good Chatholick in perfect Charity with all Men. Here then let him reft till Calld upon to arife By that Great Supreme Eternall Being that Made Redeemd & Sanctilyd him. To whom Be all Honour & Glory for Ever & For Ever More. Amen.,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,363,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,364,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,365,0,Here Lyeth the Bo[dy] of Mordecai Coc[k]ett of LIVERPOOL who died decr 8th 1765 Aged 57 years. Alfo Jane Cockett Widow of the above Mordecai Cockett who departed this life 20th August 1790 Aged 76 Years. Alfo Hannah Nelfon Daughter of the above Mordecai and Jane Cockett and Widow of Captain George Nelson who departed this life November 4th 1793 Aged 48 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,366,0,The Burial Place of William S[later] of Liverpool Joiner. Richard Sl[ater] Brother of the above died 9th Aug 1786 aged 3[?] Years.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,367,0,In hopes of joyful refurrection. Departed this life Octo 14 1788 KATHERINE MARKLAND in the 81st Year of her Age. Elizabeth Dwyer departed this life the 21st July 1790 Aged 95 Years.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,368,0,"..and ..ing the ..e thus lived ..so he died ..ented. Remains of Mary... January the 13 1735....the Body of Edward ..nd who was buried Decemb 1760?.us Defender oF his Laws his domeftic Life a most affection hufband, a tender Parent, a kind Mafter?ouing and by his wholw Houfehold his publick Capacity as a Minifter of Christ he was found Faithful being exceeding vigilant over his Flock truly careful to defend then From Secret & Open Afsaults of Error and Superftitious. His equall and ingenerous Temper raifed him many Friends his honest Franknefs in [?]. Fault left him none: and as generally efsteemed univerfally [loved?]. Here Also Lyeth He..His Wife who Died?Here lyeth?",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,369,0,?enry Fairc ..eparted th.. 1709? Aged ..years Also Capt: Thos Fairclough his Son a Commander in the Jamaica trade departed this Life Novr 26th?.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,370,0,Mary Milburn who departed this life,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,371,0,Alfo Lenena Aged 7 Month. Ann 9 Months. John 2 Years & 6 Months. (..) 4 Months. Likew?Alfo J?of the?this I?,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,372,0,Here lieth the Body of William Atherton who departed this Life Decr [?] 1816 Aged [?] Also (?.)d this Life (?) Alfo of Hannah Wife of William Afhcroft who departed this Life June 2(..)th 18(..) aged (..) Years. William Atherons's burial place.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,373,0,"IN THE MEMORY OF WILLIAM WALKER Mason Son of John & Sarah Waker of Gateacre who departed this life on the 1st March 1851 aged 22 Years. All you who pass my grave, A moment stop and think, That I am in Eternity, And you are on the brink.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,374,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,375,0,(?) lieth the body of Ann Lee. Also of Henry L(?) who depart (?) life October (?) 1803 Aged [63]. Here also lies the remains of Henry L(..) who died (?)1811 Aged 70 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,376,0,Here lieth the Body of James the Son of Henry and Ann Lee who departed this life June 29th 1780 Aged 15 years. Also three children who died young. John Lee died 3rd May 1792 Aged 7 Years also Elizth Lee died (?),0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,377,0,Sacred to the memory of GEORGE GASKELL In Hope of (?) departed this life (?) October [1806]?of ALICE his Wife who departed this life on the 8th day of Feb 18(..) Aged [62] Years.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,378,0,Here lies the remains of Mary the Daughter of Thomas and Sarah Guy who dies Octr 21st 1870 aged [17] Years. Also Ellen Daugher of the above Parents died Decr 21st 1850 aged 10 months. Also Sarah the Wife of Thomas Guy died Octr 12th 1856 Aged [51] Years. Also William their Son died March 18th 1857 Aged 2 Years and 10 Months. Also (?)Wife of the above Thomas Guy died March 27th aged [1..] Years. Also Elizabeth Guy who departed this life November 10th 1881 Aged 10 Months. Burial Place of William Jones Guy.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,379,0,Wife of Gerrard Hardman Departed this Life the 30th of December 1759,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,380,0,"Mary Lawrenfon the Daughter of Thomas Lawrenfon died Dec 20th 1778 Aged 1 Year. Alfo Mary Lawrenfon, Wife of William Lawrenfon who departed this Life December 8th 1792, Aged 83. In Memory of ELLEN Daughter of THOMAS & JANE LAWRENSON OF TARBOCK who died the 28th of Oct 1808 in the 25th Year of her age. Could mortal grace of corp'ral charms, Secure a soul from death's alarms. Thou ne'er hads't known decay, Death's a path that must be trod (?) that lead the good to GOD(?) to endlefs day. Here rest the Remains of the Above Thomas Lawrenson who departed this life on the 1st day of (?)Years (?) Lawren (?) this life.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,381,0,"Sacred to the Memory of Ellen, the Wife of Willaim Lawrenson of Tarbock who departed this Life in her 28th Year on the 11th day of June AD 1819. Sarah their Daughter died June the 23rd 1819 aged 3 weeks.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,382,0,,0,0,4,Traces,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,383,0,The burial place of Joseph Lee. Margaret Daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Lee died April 13th 1796 aged 7 months. Isabella Wife of Joseph Lee died July 23rd 1799 aged 67 years. Joseph Lee died Feby 15th 1805 aged 55 Years. Ralph Lee died Novr 5th 1804 aged 3 weeks & 5 days. William Son of William Lancaster died June 7th 1808 aged 15 Months.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,384,0,SACRED To the memory of Mary wife of Robin Webster who departed this life (?)1821 aged 20 Years. The burial place of James Webster,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,385,0,"Here lieth the body of Mary Webster who departed this life September 15th 1800 Aged 2 years. Also Elizabeth Webster departed this life Feb the 24th 1806 Aged 9 Years. E,er sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care, The opening bud to heaven convey'd, And bid them blossom there. Also here lie the mortal remains of Christopher Webster Father of the above who departed this life Jany th 28th 1811[14] Aged 70 Years. A tender Husband - loving Father Much respected through life And Greatly lamented at his death. An honest man the Noblest son of GOD. SACRED TO THE MEMORY of Catherine Webster wife of the above Christopher Webster who departed this life on the 18th of Febry.ry 1831 aged 60 years. Farewell vain world I have seen enough of thee, And careless am of what thou say's of me. Thy smiles I count not nor thy frowns I fear, Say what thou will my head lies quiet here.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,386,0,"East Face :- Sacred to the Memory of Ellen Young late of Liverpool, who died 11th March 1791 Aged 41 Years Here Let die [sic] mortal body rest Till Jefus did it rife In bright immortal glory dreft To meet him in the Skies. West Face :- John : Young. Di?. Nove?. 2nd 1728 Mary : Young : Did ('d' is superscript) Mah ('h' is superscript) 22d ('d' is superscript) 1739",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,387,0,Phebe Makin Oct 17 1720 Thomas Makin Died Nov 10th 1758,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,388,0,"Here lieth the Body of Ruth Harrifson the Wife of John Harrifon who departed this life the 8th of September 1763 Alfo the Body of John Harrifon the Son of John Harrifon who departed this life May 29th 1773 Aged 27 Years. Alfo the Body of Thomas Harrifon who departed this life March 3d 1784 Aged 42 Years. Alfo the Body of Samuel Harrifon, who departed this life Augst the 6th 1786 Aged 37 Years. Alfo the Body of John Harrifon who departed this life July 1ft 1793 Aged 86 Years. Alfo Eliza-beth Harrifon Wife of Samuel Harrifon who departed this life March 23rd 1820 aged 65 Years. Alfo Samuel Harrifon grandson of Saml. & Elizabeth Harrifon who departed this life June 27th 1827 in his 17th Year. Text Panel : Sacred to the memory of Ann Harrifon Reeves who departed this life Feby 24th 1828 in her 24th Year",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,389,0,To the Memory of William Cross who died Jany 16th 1823 aged 50 Years Foot of ledger :- The burial of William Cross,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,390,0,Jonathon Norris Interred ??? W??.. 1,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,391,0,Thomas Foster Aged 31 Died August 16 1752. ROBERT PINNINGTON died December ?. Aged 70 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,392,0,Foot of ledger : - The Burial place of Thomas Balmer,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,393,0,J G?.WG ??. 1702,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,394,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ANN Wife of EDWARD WALKER of Gateacre who departed this life Jany15th 1852 aged 24 Years. Time swept by its o'erwhelming tide My Faithful partner From my side And you of yours deprived may be As unexpectedly as me,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,395,0,Tho ?. Son of William Berry?. died April ?. Aged. Alf? William C ?. father to the above died ? March ? aged ? ye ?,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,396,0,HO ?.. MERCER,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,397,0,Here lieth the Body of Thomas Son of William Carter who departed this life Jan 20th 1777 aged 16 Years. Alfo Henry h (?) Son of William Carter departed this life March 1ft 1777 aged 20 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,398,0,Here lies the Body of Elizabeth the wife of John Turner. Interr'd Decr.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,399,0,Here rest the Remains of John Lawrenson of Much Woolton who departed this life on the ? day of October 18?6 in the 1? Year ?. Also ?.the Remains of Ellen Lawrenson his Sister who departed this life on the 2nd? day of Septr 1820? aged 11 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,400,0,In Loving Memory of (gothic)Margaret Corkhill (Roman) who entered into rest (italic) January 21st 1915 in her 94th year (Roman),0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,401,0,"IN MEMORY OF Henry Robinson Coyle who departed this Life November 30th 1839, Aged 63 Years. Also of Margaret Coyle Wife of the above who departed this Life the 3rd of January 1841, Aged 68 Years. Also Henry Coyle Son of the above who departed this Life on the 13th of January1843 in the 31st Year of his Age. Also Margt Ann Corkill who died Decer 18th 1848 Aged 3 Years and 5 Months. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Thomas Kneen Corkhill died Nov. 15th 1895 Aged 45 Years. ""Thy will be done"". ALSO IN LOVING MEMORY OF William Gibson Corkhill son of the above died June the 10th 1906 Aged 32 Years. ""So He giveth His beloved sleep"" Foot of ledger :- The Burial place of Thomas Kneen Corkhill 1895..he burial place of John Fisher",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,402,0,On main face of :- Here lies Inter'd the mortal Re-mains of Jane Wife of Robert Charters who departed this life on the 12th Sepr. 1820 aged 55 Years. On top edge of headstone :- The burl. place of Robt. Charters,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,403,0,The burial place of Henry Sherwo?. Elizabeth his Wife Interr'd Feby. 17th 1795 Aged 50 Years William their Son Interr'd Augft. 19th 1796 aged 18 Years James their Son Interr'd Sepr 4th 1796 Aged 26Years. Henry Sherwood Interr'd May the 10th 1807 aged 66Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,404,0,IN MEMORY OF James Kelshaw Son of James and Frances Kelshaw departed this life 25th August 17?? Aged 17 Months. Also Edwar Kelshaw Son of James and Frances Kelshaw departed this lif.. 28th of December 178? Aged 6 Yr. Also Frances the Wife of James Kelshaw was buried ?.. of March 1792 Aged 38 Y? Also the body of William B?. ley of Wh?ven Cumberland Commander of the ship Gipsy of Liverpool died May the 6th 18(5/3?)7 Ag.. 31 Years Also Ann wife of James Kelshaw of Liverpool died the 11th of January 1844 Aged 6? Years Also James Kelshaw Husband of the above who died the 30th of January 1849 Aged 64 Years Also Sarah Tilsey who died 24th Decr 1849 Aged 68 Years Also Alice elder daughter of the late Thomas Eglin who died 4th of Sept 1904,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,405,0,HERE ?ieth the Body of James Kelshaw ?ho departed this Life March 15th 1765 Aged 45 Years Also Mar/ Appleton died June 30th 1818 Aged 57 Years Also James Kelshaw of Liverpool who died 25th November 1846 Aged 26 Years Also Sarah Roberts who died ?th March Aged 71 Years. Also William Kelshaw who died 5th June 1902 Aged 77 Years Also Alice widow of the above William Kelshaw died July 22nd 1910 Aged 79 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,406,0,IN MEMORY OF Mary Kelshaw who died July 20th 1859? Aged 45 Years Also Mary Halsall Kelshaw Who died August 16th 1861 Aged 46 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,407,0,IN MEMORY OF .. hn Donbayand who died Nov 17th 18?7 aged 62 Years Margaret his Wife who died April 27th 1??? aged 3?9 Years Sarah Wife of Wm D ?? d died March ?th 1812 aged 37? Years Also William D?.. d Husband of the above died M?. 1816 Aged 3?1 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,408,0,Here lieth the Body of ?. Robinson widow of Willm Robinson who departed this life 1802 Aged 29 Years Base of Ledger :- The Burial place of Willm Robinson,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,409,0,Side facing church :- In Memory of Almond Houghman who died 25th of October 1861 Aged 80 Years Side facing road :- Here lieth the Body of Thos. Ellis who departed this life May the 27 1782 Aged 82 Years Alfo the Children of Thos & Ann Ellis of Garfton. Viz; John their Son departed this life Sept 9 1778 Aged 18 Hours Alfo Ellen their Daughter de.. Top of Headstone :- The burial place of Emond & Sarah Houghman,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,410,0,Beneath Are deposited the Remains of Jane Smith Daughter of Tho: Smith & Fran? who departed this life 22:nd of May 1804? Aged 15 Months,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,411,0,IN MEMORY George Smith Block Maker of Liverpool who departed this life 2nd day of Jany in the year of our Lord 1810 Aged 30 Years Thomas Smith Father of the above died Augft 12th 1824 aged 88 Years. Mary Ambrose died Feby 5th 1826 aged 1? Years Sarah Ambrose died Jany. 1ft 1828 aged 18 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,412,0,Lawrence Smith Burial Place 1822. Ellen his daughter died Octr 11th 1821 aged 7 months. Also Ann his Daughter died June 7th 1833 aged 21 Years. Also Sarah the Wife of Joseph Broughton and Daughter of the above died Febr 19th 1837 Aged 25 Years. Also John his Son died Sepr 18th 1838 aged ? Also Lawrence Smith Father of the above died July 31st 1812 Aged 66 Years. Also Mary his Wife died April 17th 1815 aged 56 Years. Also Susannah Slater Smith who departed this life November 23rd 1894. Aged 86 Years. The Burial Place of Thomas Smith.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,413,0,William and Susanna Smith.. Burial place of James their Son died March 1835 Aged 1 Year. Also Henry their Son died 21st September aged 8 months- Also Sarah Ann their Daughter died April 1st 1830 aged 6 Months. Also William Smith Father of the abovedied Jany 26th 1861 Aged 42 Years. Here rest in peace till angels bid thee rise to join thy Saviour's Concert in the skies. Also Elizabeth Daughter of the above who died December 21st 1863 Aged 24 Years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Also Fannie Smith Powell grand daughter of the above died December 16th 1890 Aged 17 Years. Blessed are the pure in heart.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,414,0,"William F(?) buried the (?) of Sept (?) his Widdow Buried (?)of March 17 (?) Daughter of Willia (?) buried the 6th (?) of February (?) ha Daughter of William Tatlock Buried the (?) of February. William (?) their Son Buried the 2(9?) of July 17(3?)1. William Pendleton Died 14 of Jany 1832. Aged 60 years. Also William Henry son of William Pendleton Junr who departed this Life Feby 20th 1860 (?) Aged 8 months. Sweet Little (?)er thy bloom has fled And thou art numbered with the dead. Short was thy stay with us below, And grieved we were to let thee go. Also William Almond died May 9th 1868 (?). Aged 89 Years.",0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,415,0,IN MEMORY OF ANN WIFE OF JOHN WEBSTER departed this life Jun 2 1830 Aged 34 Years and 6 months Also JOHN WEBSTER who departed this life on the 11th January 1866 Aged 53 Years. ALSO of Sarah wife of the above JOHN WEBSTER born July 19th 1818 died January 1882 Aged 64 years. Her end was peace.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,416,0,Here lieth the remains of (?) Allen (?) who departed this life (?) Air the remains of Alice his Wife who departed this life (?) aged 29 (?) years. In affectionate remembrance of William Abraham Phythian eldest son of Joseph and Eliza Phythian born February 10th 1872 died June 17th 1874 aged 2 Years. Also Joseph Phythian died A(?) 18th 1889 Aged 40(?) Years. And Eliza Phythian his wife died Feby 19th 1895 Aged 43 Years. Also Fanny the beloved wife of Frederick Phythian died Febr 2nd 1924 Aged 48 Years.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,417,0,The buriel place of Thoman Sumner. SACRED To the Memory of THOMAS SUMNER who died October 17th 1859 Aged 85 years. Also SARAH SWAIN daughter of the above died June 12th 1862 Aged 50 year.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,418,0,The buriel place of Thoman Sumner. SACRED To the Memory of THOMAS SUMNER who died October 17th 1859 Aged 85 years. Also SARAH SWAIN daughter of the above died June 12th 1862 Aged 50 year.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,419,0,ELIZABETH: WIFE OF IOHN PLOMBE 1680. ANN THE DAVGHTER OF WILLIAM PLOMBE 1682. ALSO Frances Mary Plumbe died November 28th 1861 Aged 83 Years. RIP ALSO Martha Griffiths died October 25th 1879 Aged 48 years. ALSO Elizabeth Gibney died August 5th 1890 Aged 75 Years. Also Ann Smith died June 16th 1896 in her 73rd year. RIP.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,200,San serif,0,,0, 0,420,0,IHS. Here lieth the remains of Ellen the beloved wife of John Smith Woolton who departed this life June 22nd 1867 aged 79 years. May she rest in peace. Also Thomas Henry their son died August 8th 1869 aged 43 Years. Also Mary Roughley daughter of John Smith died April 1st 1875 Aged 64 years. Also John husband of the above Ellen Smith died June 22nd 1876 in his 90th year.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,421,0,Here lies the body of John Griffith who departed this life the 28th of May 1811. Aged 27 Years. Also Joseph Seddon who departed this life March 16th 1831 aged 37 Years. Much and deservedly lamented. Also James Son of the above Joseph and Ellen Seddon who departed this life March 11th 1833 aged 3 years and 10 months. also Ellen Widow of the above Joseph Seddon who departed this life Oct 16th 1836 aged 31 years. The burial place of Rowland Lowe.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,422,0,Sacred to the Memory (gothic) of Margaret Wife of John Holding who departed this life June 10th 1828 aged 39 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,423,0,William Pe(?)on's burial place.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,424,0,Top edge: (Thos?) Eaton Son of E?Eaton died (?) February 1774 Aged 20 Years. Facing Church: Margt Eaton died July 25th 1731 aged 12 years. Henry Eaton died young 0 years. John Eaton died March 9th 1734 aged 42 years. Ellen Eaton died Feby 26th 1748 aged 20 years. Elizth Eaton died June 7th 1759 aged 70 years. Wm Son to Thos Eaton died July 20th 1758 Aged 5 months.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,425,0,Top: The burial place of William Mawdsley of Speke. Sacred to the Memory of EDITH ANNIE daughter of the above who departed this life the 19th December 1879 Aged 2 Years and 8 Months. Also ELLEN wife of the above William Mawdsley dies August 31st 1881 Aged 52 Years. ALSO the above WILLIAM MAWDSLEY who entered into rest march 30th 1901 aged 71 years. North side: Sarah died 13th November Aged An(?) of the 18(?) aged,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,426,0,TO THE MEMORY of Ellen Youngest Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Guy who died 11th March 1817 Aged 18 Years. And of Elizth their Daughter who died July 2nd 1820 aged 25 years. Alfo of Thomas Guy who died Novr 17th 1825 Aged 75 Years. He was Gamekeeper Childwall 39 Years. And of Elizth Guy who died April 3rd 1824 aged 69 years. The Burial place of J.Houghton. The Burial place of Ellis Guy.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,427,0,Harriet Daughter of Thomas and Ann Thompson died an infant Feb 22nd 1837. Also the above Ann Thompson died June 12th 1851 aged 50 Years. IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARY the beloved wife of EDWARD THOMPSON who died April 4th 1885 Aged 56 years. THY WILL BE DONE. The Burial place of Edward Thompson.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,428,0,William Son of William and Ann Fogg of Speke died March 24th 1768 aged 3 years. Sleep on dear Babe and take Thy rest. God takes those first whom he loves best. Ann Fogg departed this life Novr 10th 1798 Aged 63 years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,429,0,"(?)ODY of Thomas Guy (?)ed this life (?) aged 31 Years. Also Annie the daughter of James Oswald and Emma Clarke died Oct 8th 1897 Aged 26 Years. Isabella Guy wife of Frederick Guy, died 29th May 1901 Aged 78 Years. Ald Frederick, husband of the above who died 5th Oct 1901 Aged 76 years. Burial place of Joseph Houghton. The Burial place of Ellis Guy. The burial place of Thos. Guy Junr.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,430,0,"Epitaph. The burial place of James and Frances Fillingham. Ann their daughter died Dec 17th 18(3)5 Aged 16 Years. Also Henry their Son who died July 15th 1817 Aged 15 Years. Also James Fillingham, Father of the above who died on the 22nd of August 1862Aged 70 Years. Also Fanny Fillingham who departed this life on 23rd of December 1879 Aged 75 Years. James Smith the grandson of the above died Decr 5th 1904 Aged 42 Years. Robert Smith father of the above died Feb 8th 1906 Aged 70 Years. 'Thy will be done'. Also Mary wife of the above Robert Smith who died Jan 4th 1907 Aged 73 Years. Also Henry son of the above who died Feby 1st 1922 Aged 56 Years. 'IN THE MIDST OF LIFE WE ARE IN DEATH'.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,431,0,"IN MEMORY OF John Mitchell (A Native of Banffshire, Scotland) who Departed his life on the 30th November 1846 Aged 34 years. Life how short.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,432,0,David Mafon died 29th of July 1783 Aged 83 Years. Also David Mason his son who departed this Life Novr 24th 1822 Aged 75 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,433,0,SACRED (italic) TO THE MEMORY OF ROBERT RIMMER (gothic)of Childwall Abbey (italic) died Septr 3rd 1856 aged 45 Years. ALSO his third son RANDAL who died on Whit Sunday May 20th 1877 Aged 30 Years. Also JANE wife of the above ROBERT RIMMER who fell asleep on the 23rd March 1892 in the 81st year of her age. Blessed are the pure in heart.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,434,0,Here lieth the Body of K(?)th(?) the Wife of Iohn C(?)n(?)ll of M(?)ch wo(?) Who departed this life the 2(7?)th March 1757 in the (?) Year of her Age.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,435,0,(?) Robert Son of Robert G(?). Both departed This Life the 22nd of February 1750. Earth hath Po(?) ThereAfter Clay and Duft. And Heven Cont (?) Their Souls Amongst the Just.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,436,0,(?) Margaret Hayes Wife of Thomas Hayes departed this life (?) March 1791 Aged 67 Years. Alfo here lieth the Body of Thomas Hayes who departed this life on the (?) of January in the Year of our Lord 1812 Aged 7(?) Years. Sarah Ellison died July 3rd 1840 Aged 19 Years. Philip Formby died Novr 6th (1841?) Aged 27 years. William H.Formby died May 17th 1855 Aged 18 Years. Ann Formby died Augst 29th 1862 Aged 21 Years. Ann Formby died July 4th 1876 Aged 65 Years. The Burial place of J.W.Martindale. The Burial place of Philip Formby.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,437,0,Sacred to the Memory of Sarah Smith who departed this life on the 28th day of May 1822 in the 69th Year her Age. Also to the Memory of her sister MARTHA NORRIS the wife of EDWARD NORRIS of HALEWOOD who departed this life on the 15th day of November 1822 in the 81st Year of her age. Also the above EDWARD NORRIS who departed this life Sepr 30th 1837 aged 85 Years. Also John Norris son of the above who departed this life Oct 12th 1852 aged 67 years. Also Ann Norris daughter of the above died 23rd March 1862 Aged 81 years. Also Margaret Norris departed this life on the 25th September 1871 Aged 92 Years.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,438,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY of Thomas Lea who died November 30th 1813 Aged 39 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,439,0,"The Burial Place of Thomas and Mary Eaton. Thomas Eaton died May 19th 1808 in the 88th Year of his Age. Christ was my Guide on Earth, And Death to me was Gain, In him I plac'd my truft, Salvation to obtain. Mary his Relict died May 1 1813 aged 87 Years (italic).",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,440,0,"John Guy died November 19th 1824 Aged 3 weeks. Abigail Slater Guy died Dec 5th 1830 aged 1(4?) years. Also James Guy father of the above died April 28th 1833 aged 43 years. Also Edward Rylands Son in Law to the above died May 22nd 1840 aged 21( 4?)Years Ann, daughter of Edward & Ellen Rylands died Sepr 19th 1840 aged 15 Months. William John Walmsley died Jun 29th 1846 aged 51 Years. Also Isabella Guy died April 29th 1850 aged 61 years. James Guy's burial place.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,441,0,The burial place of William and Jane Webster. Joseph their son died 13th of September 1852 aged 2 weeks.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,442,0,"SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF Edward Lawler Son of Peter and Lydia Lawley whofe Remains lieth inter'd beneath this Stone was fummons'd by Death on the 19th day of July 1813 in the 20th Year of his age. How hard it is to part with thofe we love to dear, A tender loving and dutifull son fincere, In youthfull bloom to be thus fnatch'd away, By cruel Death who would no longer ftay. But ceafe to weep we hope his foul's at rest, In thofe Divine abodes amongst the bleft. Alfo Lydia Lawler Mother to the above died Decr 28th 1826 aged 57 Years.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,443,0,William Wright burial place 1820. Thomas Son of William & Martha Wright died July 23rd 1820 aged 7 months. William Wright died Octr 6th 1833 aged 32 Years. Margaret Wright died Augft 18th 1831 aged 3 months. Thomas Wright died May 29th 1839 aged 19 Years.John Wright died Decr 15th 1810 aged 16 Years. William Wright died Decr 15th 1810 aged 11 years. Joseph Hampton died Decr 21ft 1810 aged 57 Years. Also Martha Wife of the above died Octr 28th 1813 Aged 51 Years. Also Martha their Daughter died Septr 8th 1819 Aged 18 Years. The burial place of Edw. Wright.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,444,0,IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE OF Margaret Louise infant daughter of Wm Myles and Mary Houghton. Born August 22nd 1870 Died July 13th 1871. Also of Mary the beloved wife of the above Wm Myles Houghton and grand daughter of Rowland Lowe who died on the 4th May 1880 aged 49 Years.Also of the above Wm Myles Houghton who died on the 1st August 1881 Aged 50 years. Akso Anne daughter of the above Myles and Mary Houghton died March 30th 1951 aged 86 Years.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,445,0,Wm Whitfield: Bur. Aprill / 1734 Deborah ye Wife of Wm Whitfield Bur. March ye 7th 1755 Also William Whitfield departed this life Jan 3rd 1851 Aged 76 Years Also Ann Whitfield died November 6th 1852 Aged 77 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,446,0,Here Lierh Thomas The Son to John Balmor Who Was Interred May the 26th:1733:Aged 3 Years,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,447,0,"Here lies the remains of Robert Rimmer, late of Childwall Abbey, who departed this life March 9th 1839 aged 68 (or 68?) Years Also Elizabeth Rimmer Widow of the above who departed this life Now 16th 1845 aged 77 Years Eustace, the second son of Robert and Jane Rimmer accidentally drowned Now 1st 1849 aged 5 (?) years (Footer) The burial place of Robert Rimmer",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,448,0,Here Lies the Body of Elizath Wife of Iohn Smethurst who Departed this Life ye 16th Novmr 1759,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,449,0,Here lieth of John (?) d this life Sept (?) in (?) Ann (?) Burial place of (?),0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,450,0,"IN MEMORY OF Ann, Wife of William Green who Departed this Life Decr 11th 1847 aged 25 Years. William Green's burial place",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,451,0,The Burial Place of George FazaKerley William FazaKerley Died Febry 9th 1821 Aged 13 Months Ann FazaKerley departed this Life August 7th 1832 Aged 53 Years Also (italic) George FazaKerley died January 29th 1865 Aged 65 Years R.I.P. (top edge has traces of writing),0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,452,0,Here lieth the Body of Lydia the Wife of Robert Lion of Torbuck who departed this life March the 13th 1774 in the 53rd Year of her Age. Robert Lyon died Decr 9th 1824 aged 78 Years. Ann his Wife died April 4th 1835 aged 76 Years. William Lyon died Novr 8th 1842 aged 51 Years.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,453,0,James the Son of James & Hannah Worral Interr'd 10 of Octr 1771. Hannah the Wife of James Worral Departed this Life 30th of January 1785 Aged 61. (On the bottom) The Burial Place of Tho mas Unsworth.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,454,0,Here lie the Remains of Thomas Peters who departed thii life Decr 12th 1811 aged 27? Also Ann Peters 1829 aged 75 Years Also William Peters Husband of the above died Octr 6th 1857 aged 82 Years The burial Place of William Peters,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,455,0,"In Memory of Jane (gothic) Thompson Wife of James Thompson of Liverpool. Daughter of Robert Lyon who departed this LifeApril 15th 1703 also of the said James Thompson who departed this life October the 1st 1721in the 86th Year of his Age.Also (italic) of James Thompson Son of the avove. Grandson of Rober Lyon. Of Liverpool (italic) who departed this Life June the 2nd 1812 in the 75th Year of his Age. Also (italic) of Many relict of the above James Thompson who departed this Life February 17th1828 [?3] in the 83 [?5] year of her age Also of William Thompson Son of the above who depart-ed this life Decr. 23rd 1843 in the 71st Year of his age. Also (italic) Robt Thompson Son of the above who departed this Life March 6th 1845 in the 72nd year of his Age. Also Of Jenny Thomp-son,Daughter of the above who departed this life April 4th 1841in the 71st year of her age",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,456,0,Mary Wife of Tho. Belfhaw of Torbuck departed this life 12th of April 1778 Aged 30 Years Alfo Willm their Son departed this Life 11th July 1778 Aged 16 months.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,457,0,Here Lyeth the Body of John Rice who was Interred January The 28th 17? Here Lieth the Body of [Jo]hn? Rice Who Departed this Life November y 11 1761 Aged 5? Also Rachel the Wife of John Rice departed this life Augusto 14 1782? Aged 81 Years Here Also rest the Remains of William Rice of SPEKE who departed this life the 29th of November 1820 aged 82 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,458,0,(?..) R (?.) I (?.) I (?.) CC (?.) \ (?.) d (?.) Fo (?.),0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,459,0,I H S (??)red(?.) memory [Line 2 is gothic] of JOHN RICE of SPEKE who departed this life on the 10th day of January 1800(?) in the 67th Year of his Age,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,460,0,George Lawrenson's burial place,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,461,0,Blessed [decoration along inner line] are the dead which die in the lord SACRED to the MEMORY OF JOHN THOMPSON who died June 14th 1826 Aged 61 Years,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,462,0,IN FOND MEMORY OF LYN WHO BROUGHT LIGHT AND LAUGHTER TO EVERYONE. [This etched round perimter of sundial SILAS HIGGON,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,463,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,464,0,Here Lieth the Body of Elizabeth Wainwright of Liverpool who departed this life the 6th day of Decr 1798 Aged 65 Years,0,0,2,All legible,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,465,0,"Here lieth the Body of Margaret wife of Thomas Dannett may 2oth 1719 in the year Here lieth the Bodies of Henry, and Margaret Children of John and Alice Dannett of Wavertree John Dannett Their Father died 10th of July An. Dom. 1700 and in the 59th year of his age. Alice Dannett wife of John Dannett Elquire Died March 11th 1794 Aged 80. Eliz: Wife of the Revd Wm Mariner and daughter of the late Mr Tho. Dannett of Wavertree died Nov. 27th 1769? (?)",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,466,0,To the Memory of the Revd Thomas Dannett Rector of Liverpool who died on the 9th of May 1796 aged 51 Years Alfo of Ann his wife who died on the 17th of Novr. 1799 aged 56 Years Alfo of Sarah their infant Daughter Also of Margaret Wi -dow of Louis William Boode Efqr who to the regret of all who knew her worth was killed by a Fall From her Poney Chaise on the 21st of Arpil 1826 aged 51 Years Alfo Mary the eldest Daughter of the above Thos and Ann died the 26th day of Septr 1837 aged 65.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,467,0,(?)in hopes of joyful re -surrection here lies the remians of Thomas Fearns of Wavertree Also of Ann his wife Daughter of John Smith Esqr of Stomin Green in this country who left this life March the 20th (??)00 (?) left issue Eliz (?) Tho (?)a merch.. in Liverpool and James Fearns now British consul of the Az(..) Islands. Also Thomas the ? Son of Thomas Fearns departed his life Jan 13 1786 aged 37.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,468,0,Henry Dannett 1637 Henry Dannett 1680 Henry Dannett 1689 Thomas Dannett 1710 Sarah Daughter of the Revd Thos Dannett Febr 1(?) 1777. Ann the Wife of Benj B. Cazneau died July 4(?) 1810 Benjamin Belcher Cazneau di-ed the 7th May 1820,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,469,0,Joseph Dannett Buried on the 29th of November 1704 Anne Dannett Buried the 2nd of September 1718 Jane Dannett Buried the 11th of September 1729 Here lieth the Body of Jane wife of John buried the 20th of February 1740 William (?) son of Benjamin (?) & Ann Cazn(eau) was buried 28th May 1792 Aged 3 years Ann Darcy Cazneau died September 1792 aged 7 months Margaret Cazneau died 1797 Isaac (?Cazneau) died June 17th 1821 Anne Cazneau (?died) September 1831,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,470,0,"The Burial Place of John and Ellen Chamberlain (italic, whol of both lines) Ellen Daughter of the above departed this life May 31 1836 aged 12 years. Also (italic) Ellen Chamberlain who (italic) died on the 11th July 1864 Aged (italic) 76 Years (italic). Also (italic) John Chamberlain Husband of the above who died (italic, whole line) on the 10th February 1865 Aged (italic) 78 Years (italic) In affectionate rememberance of John Chamberlain the beloved husband of Jane Chamberlain who died January the 30th 1882 aged 56 years. In the midst of life we are in death and blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. John and Jane Chamberlain.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,471,0,The Burial Place of M? M Meer,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,472,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,473,0,In loving memory of Margaret The beloved wife of Thomas Young died September 1st 1930 Aged 64 years Also of the above Thomas Young Died Febuary 15th 1946 Aged 82 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,474,0,Here lieth the body of John Son of George v Mary Guest who departed this life June 10th 1802 Aged 4? Years v 8 Months Alfo the Remains of Mary Wife of George Guest and Mother to the above who departed this Life 17th of March 182? Aged ?7 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,475,0,Top edge: Burial Place of James Roby Headstone: In loving memory of Annie Sophia daughter of James and Annie S. Roby who died August 12th 1895 Aged 14 Months The Lord Gave and the Lord taketh away Left side of kerb: Also James beloved Husband of Annie Sophia Roby died 16th August 1940 Aged 79 years Reunited Right side of kerb: Also Annie Sophia beloved wife of James Roby died 27th May 1925 Aged 63 years. At Rest Reverse of headstone: Here lieth the Body of Samuel Hill Died 7th of Augsut 1799 Aged (?) years Also James Hill Died 4th February 1895 Aged 81 years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,476,0,Here lieth the Body of Margaret Wife of James Hickson who was Interr'd January 2nd 1810 aged (?)2 years. Also here lieth the Remains of the above James Hickson who departed this life on the 6th day of August 1841 in the 67th year of his age Likewise here lieth the remains of James Hickson infant son of the above James and Margaret Hickson who departed this life on the (?) day of September 1821 in the 2nd year of his age. Here also rest the remains of Joseph Hickson son of the above James and Margaret Hickson who departed this life on the 8th day of December 1822 in the 22nd year of his age Also Margaret eldest Daughter of Ann Webster who died September 25th 1934 in her eighteenth year Also Ann Elizabeth Webster sister of the above who died May 22nd 1938 in her 77th year. The burial of John Webster,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,477,0,Ralph Jarvis Died May 21 1804. Aged 62 The Burial Plce of Ralph & Alice Jarvis,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,478,0,In affectionate memory of (gothic) Margaret (Nee Halliday) the dearly loved Wife of Arthur Tarbuck who died 20th Dec 1911 agedn 36 years ''Thy will be done'' also Arthur Tarbuck who died 15th March 1939 aged 65 Years Also Joseph died 17th Nov 1883 aged 67 years Eliza died 8th Nov 1896 Aged 76 Years John died 12th May 1846 Aged 7 Months John died 13th Jan 1879 aged 22 years John died infant son Also Frederick beloved husband of Jessie Tarbuck died 17th June 1908 aged 61 years also the above Jessie Tarbuck died 3rd Nov 1913 aged 63 years Harold Joseph died 19th Nov 18 agerd 2 years & 9 months son of above,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,479,0,Sacred [Gothic] To the memory of Frances Wife of JOHN WASTON Gatcacre [Italitic] who feell asleep in Jesus october 27th 1851 in the 55th year of her age waiting for the coming of our lord Jesus Christ Also [Italic] the above named John Watson who departed this life March 16th 1856 in the seventy first year of his age.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,480,0,In Memory [Italic] of mary Wife of John Johnston Watertree [italic] died may 2nd 1841 Aged [italic] 39 Years. Also [italic] John Johnston who departed this life September 7th 1852 Aged [italic] 53 Years Also [italic] John Johnston son of the above who departed this life the 23rd of december 1861 Aged 26 Years Also [italic] Christian Johnston wife of the above died the 8th August 1877 Aged [italic] 38? Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,481,0,"SACRED to the MEMORY of Thomas Broughton who departed this life June 16th 1848 aged 37 Years. Also [Italic] Thomas son of the above who departed this life Augst 27th 1848 Also Mary relict of the above who departed this life September 29th 1887 aged 76 years. Also of Mary daughter of the above who departed this life Febr15th 1897, aged 58 years. Also William case son of the above Thomas Broughton who died April 14th 1902 Aged 65 Years ""Thy will be done"" [Italic]",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,482,0,IN MEMORY of Caroline Wife of George Gibson of Liverpool [italic] who died at Wavertree [Italic] on the 12th July 1842 aged 29 years AND of her sister Magaret Green the beloved Wife of the Rev J.R. Conor M.A. Incumbent of S.Simons Parish in Liverpool she fell alsep in Jesus on the 10th of December 1849 aged 38 years AND also of Benjamin Bradford Connor aged 21 days,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,483,0,SACRED to the memory of Caleb Grayson. Who departed this life March 1st 1841 aged 42 Yars. Also [Italic] June wife of the above Caleb Grayson died June 17th 1841 aged 32 Years Also [Italic] Caleb their infant son who died march 11th 1842 aged 1 Year. Also [Italic] Elizabeth their Daughter died June 11th 1846 Aged [italic] 10 Years. Thomas and Annie Pye,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,484,0,Beneath this stone lies interred the Body of Margaret daughter of Samuel Woods later of London [Italic] who died at Wavertree [Italic] the 3rd of Dec? 1840 in the 23rd year of her age,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,485,0,IN MEMORY OF Robert Davies who died July 31st 1840 aged 66 years Also Sarah Davies daughter of Robert Davies died Januray 1st 1847 aged 32 Years (?) Also of Elizabeth Davies daughter of the above who died August 21st 1847 aged 35 year.Also Elizabeth Wife of the above Robert Davies died December 1st 18?9 Aged (?.) Years Also Mary Davies died August 16th 1862 Aged ?11 Years IN LOVING MEMORY OF Joseph William Edwards beloved husband of Anne E.Edwards died 9th June 1933 Aged 65 Years Also Anne Elizabeth Edwards beloved wife of he above died 24th Novemeber 1938 Aged 68 Years Also Thomas Alfred Bond beloved brother of the above died 11th December 1942 Aged 61 Years The day must dawn and the Darksome night be past The burial place of Elizabeth Davies,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,486,0,SACRED to the Memory Of Catherine the Wife of Thomas Taylor who Departed this life Nov 22nd 1839 aged 29 Years Also Catherine daughterof the above died Decr 2nd 1839 aged 11 Days. Also (italic) Thomas Taylor husband (italic) of the above who departed this life Febr 15th 1865 Aged 50 Years. Past his suffering past his pain Gentle to weep for tears are vain Calm the tumuls of thy breast He who offered it at rest (italic) Also Betsey Alice Byrom died Sebtember 21st 1884 Aged 21 Years Also Sarah (?)or died May 27th 1887 aged (?) Burial place of John Byrom the burial pplace of Samuel Taylor,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,487,0,"IN MEMORY OF ANN Wife of HENRY S. WILLIAMS who died June 30th 1852 Aged 31 Years. Also HENRY S. WILLIAMS husband of the above who died April 11th 1870, in his 50th year. In the midst of life we are in death. Also RICHARD, son of the above who died June10th 1879 Aged 24 Years. He sleepeth in Christ Also MARY, wife of the above HENRY S. WILLIAMS, died Febry. 15th 1888, Aged 72 Years. Also ELIZA, daughter of JOHN and MARTHA WILLIAMS died May 12th 1876 Aged 9 Months. Also FREDERIC, son of the above died Febry 27th 1889, Aged 14 months. Also ERNEST, son of the above died Now. 25th 1889, Aged 4 months Also MARTHA (SISSIE) daughter of the above died June 2nd 1894, Aged 23 Years. The Burial place of Mary Williams.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,488,0,IN MEMORY OF Sarah Rushton Wife of Thomas Rushton of Much Woolton who died March 12th 1858 aged 67 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,489,0,In memory of [italic] Mary the Wife of John Catheral who died Augst 29th 1839 aged 62 years (?) lefsed are they Dead that die in the Lord. Also [italic] John Catherall Husband of the above Mary Catherall who dided Octr 8th 1846 aged 70 years. The burial place of Catherine Catherall,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,490,0,"IN Memory OF[italic] John Davies who died Sep 3rd 1847. Also [italic] Sarah Davies, Wife of the above who died Jan 28th 1848 aged 46 Years. ALSO John Alcock who died Spetember 2nd 1867 Aged 52 Years. ALSO Ann Alcock who died January 29th 1881 Aged 71Years. ALSO Annie Bond youngest daughter of the above John and Sarah Davies who died the 19th of August 1893 Aged 47 Years ALSO Thomas Bond husband of the above who died the 9th of April 1907 Aged 61 Years. Also John Davies 2nd son of the above Thomas John and Annie Bond who died 25th Feb. 1919 Aged 45 Years. Also Elizabeth, daughter of the above John and Sarah Davies died 3rd September 1921 Aged 87 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,491,0,FRANCES SEPHTON. The burial place of M. N. Lawrenson,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,492,0,The burial place of James Ratcliffe. Joseph his son died June the 10th 1840 aged 16 Years. Mary Wife of the above James Ratcliffe died Octr 31st 1845 aged Years. Also Elizabeth Ratcliffe Daughter of the above James and Mary Ratcliffe who died Decr Ist 1860 Aged 33 Years. Also Maria wife of the above James Ratcliffe who died Novr 16th 1873 aged 72 Years. ALSO the above James Ratcliffe who died May 15th 1876 aged 72 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,493,0,"SACRED to the memory of Alice Youngest Daughter of James Mawdsley who departed this life the 12th day of August 1850 Aged 16 Years. Afflictions sore long time & bore. Physicians aid in vain. Till God was pleased to give me ease. And freed me from my pain.Also [italic] Jane Lowe sister of the above died June 1st 1861 Aged 39 Years.Also [italic] Thomas Henry Maudsley born March 4th 1857. died April 9th 1889. Also [italic] Richard Maudsley born March 31st 1815, died July 8th 1889. Also [italic] Emma Maudsley born June 5th 1852 died Oct. 19th 1892. Also [italic] Margaret beloved wife of Richard Mawdsley who entered into rest Aug. 3rd 1895 Aged 77 years. Richard [Recessed panel - ie recut] Mawdsley Allerton.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,494,0,IN MEMORY OF James Mawdsley of Allerton [italic] who departed this life January 18th 1871 Aged 75 Years. Also [italic] Elizabeth wife of the above who died March 10th Aged [italic] 80 Years. Richard [Mason's correction?] Mawdsley Allerton.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,495,0,"IN MEMORY OF John, son of Thomas and Martha Dodson of Wavertree: departed this life August 28th 1836 aged 3 years. Also [italic] Mary Ann daughter of the above departed this life June 23rd 1840 aged 2 months Also [italic] Martha Wife of Thomas Dodson, departed this life June 10th 1851 aged 51 Years. An affectionate wife A tender and loving mother. How lov'd you liv'd, how much lamented fell None but your husband's sorrowing heart can tell She was- But words are wanting to say what Say all that's good and just and she was that",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,496,0,"IN MEMORY OF Elizabeth wife of John Fulford of Wavertree [italic] who died September 1st 1851 Aged 54 Years. She believed with her heart in JESUS CHRIST and obtained salvation and then walked through life in obedience to his law. Also Sarah Jane thebeloved daughter of Edward and Sarah Eborall who dies June 18th 1870 Aged 6 Years [italic]. Also John Eborall who died September 4th 1886 Aged 57 Years. Thy will be done. Also Elizabeth daughter of the above who died December 24th 1860 Aged 2 Years. IN LOVING MEMORY OF our dear mother Elizabeth Washington, who died November 1st 1893 aged 38 Years. The Burial Place of Edward Eborall of Wavertree [italic]",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,497,0,Mary G(?) departed this life Decr 2nd 1813 aged 27 Year. [on face of headstone]. Isaac Richardson's burial place [on top edge],0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,498,0,In this Vault Lie the Remains of Margaret Topham Wife of Richard Topham Esqre died April 2nd 1826 Aged 28 Years. [last three words copper plate]. Also of (copper plate) Alice Topham Wife of John Topham Esqre of Woolton (copper plate) died January 8th 1833 Aged 55 Years (last 3 words copper plate) Also of [copperplate] John Topham Esqre died July 24th 1834 Aged 60 Years [copperplate] Also of [copperplate] Elizabeth Fischer eldest Daughter of the above John and Alice Topham and Wife of Maximilian Fischer Esqre of Liverpool [last word copperplate] died August 5th 1839 Aged 41 Years [copperplate] Augusta Frances Tomlin daughter of the above John and Alice Topham and wife of the Revd A.J Tomlin B.A. died August 18th 1869. Aged 55 Years [last three words copperplate].,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,500,Copper plate,0,,0, 0,499,0,"Sacred to the Memory of Marian Adams Widow of the late Thomas Adams of CONGLETON. (Surgeon) died at Briarley Aigburth on Friday the 20th (?) March 1840 Aged 5(0) years. Also IN LOVING MEMORY OF ALICE LEATHER ELDEST DAUGHTER OF THE LATE WILLIAM AND MARYLEATHER OF TOXTETH PARK LIVERPOOL WHO DIED FEB. 1ST 1904 IN HER 86TH YEAR FOR NEARLY 50 YEAR A DEVOTED SERVANT OF THE LATE J.A. TINNE ESQ OF BRIARLEY AIGBURTH. BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHO DIE IN THE LORD FOR THEY SHALL REST FROM THEIR LABOURS AND THEIR WORKS DO FOLLOW. Burial place of John A Tinne Esqre, Briarley, Aigburth. [note Tinne- a noted Liverpool family].",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,200,San serif,0, 0,500,0,George Ross died the 13th of April 1826 aged 13 Months son of Henry Williams Ross. SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF Henry Williams Ross who died at Southsea [last word italic] Hampshire [italic] January 19th 1862. Aged 79 Years [last three words italic].,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,501,0,"HERE LIETH THE Body of Sarah Wife of Scrope Colquitt who departed This life the 4th of June 1785 in the 25th Year of her age. Here lies the Body of caroline Daughter of Scrope & Frances colquitt who died the 18th of january 1800 aged 8 months & 17 days. Here lie the lamented remains of Scrope Milner Colquitt AB and Fellow of Brazenose College Oxford Only son of the above named Scrope & Frances Colquitt who terminated his short Career in this world on the 17th April 1820 in the 23rd Year of His Age with the utmost tranquility & serenity of mind and devoutly inspired with a lively hope and a humble expectation of happiness in the inheritance of a blessed immortality. Here lieth the beloved remains of scrope Colquitt (of Greenbank in the Parish of Walton) Father of the above caroline and Scrope Milner Colquitt who suddenly departed this life in the 82st Year of his Age on the 13th March 1833.Be ye also ready for such an hour as ye think not the sun of man cometh.Also Frances second Wife of the above Sorpe Colquitt who died Dec 21st Dec.1837 aged 78.Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god.Also of Mary 5th Daughter of Scorpe and Frances Colquitt who died at New Brighton on 16th june 1840 aged 42.Blessed are the dead which die in the lord. Also of Elizabeth second Daughter of Scrope and Frances Colquitt who died july 6th 1859 aged 65. ""Thanks be to god who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Also of Lucy 4th Daughter of Scrope and Frances Colquitt who died February 4th 1861 aged 65.Also of Susan the last surviving child of Scrope and Frances Colquitt who died june 4th 1867 aged 71 years.""These all died in the faith ?. And confessed, they were all strangers and pilgrims on the earth"" Heb XI 13?NOTE: the mason apears to have missed out the year 1861 and corrected it later in small letters under the 'th' of February 4th",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,502,0,Here rest the remains of John Smith who died July 20th 1812 aged 6 months. Also[italic] of John Smith who died April 16th 1814aged 7 months. Also[italic] of Jane Smith who died August 8th 1821 aged 15 years. Also[italic] of James Smith of Halewood[italic] Father of the above who died September 24th 1844 ages 60 year. Alice widow[italic]of the above[italic] departed this life May 23rd 1865 in the 84th year of her age[italic]. ALSO of Henry second son of the above who died on the 27th April 1876 aged 66 years Also Mary Smith who died February 11th 1897 aged 76 years. JAMES SMITH HALEWOOD,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,503,0,"Here lieth the body of Thomas, son of Thomas and Grace Nixon of Allerton Inter'd Dec 26th 1811 aged 1 year & 6 months Alfo of Ellen their Daughter who departed this life Dec 22nd 1826 aged 19 years. Alfo of Grace Nixon the wife of Thomas Nixon of Allerton who departed this life July 31ft 1830aged 49 years. Also[italic] the above Thomas Nixon who departed this life on the Janry 7th 1839 aged 60 years.Also[italic] James Nixon son of the above who departed this life on the 25th of May 1846 aged 57 years Also[italic] Ann Nixon who died April 14th 1865 aged 48 years.Also[last 4 words in italic] Thomas Nixon died January 27th 1867 aged 44 years. Also Lousia Mary, Wife of William H. Nixon died July 22nd 1904 aged 24 years. Also[italic] Albert Nixon, died September 15th 1906 aged 23 years. Also[italic] Ada Nixon, died October 7th 1911 aged 36 years. Burial place of Thomas Nixon.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,504,0,Here lies the body of James Lowe son of James and Elizabeth Lowe of Wavertree who departed this life December 11th 1845 aged 20 years Also William Lowe. Died Jan 15th 1855 aged 29 years Also James Lowe Father of the above who died August 17th 1869 Aged 72 years Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,505,0,"CASE Here lies the body of Sarah James who departed this life 29th March 1803 During a life of 72 years 50 of which were spent in the service of Mrs Case, she proved herself as a servant honest indefatigable as a friend faithful and as a woman virtuous",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,506,0,John Son of Richard Welsh died Sept 3rd 1790 Aged 11 days Richard Welsh departed this life Dec 19th 1798 Aged 47 Years Mary Harper departed this life July 31st 1810 Aged 33 Years |John Harper Welsh departed this life 9th March 1815 aged 9 Months and 10 Days Sarah Welsh Widow to the above Richard died 22nd July 1821 aged 72 Years Sarah Daughter in Law to the above died 22nd March 1825 aged 56 Years. Burial Place of Richard Welsh,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,507,0,"The Burial place of Thomas &[symbol] Sarah Heyes. Sarah their Daughter departed this life the 2nd of May 1819 ages 10 years. Mourn not For me, my Parents dear I am not dead I'm sleeping here The sore Affliction which I bore Is now removed For ever more THOMAS HEYES died 4th February 1862 Aged 75 years. Sarah wife of the above died 1st April 1856 Aged 68 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,508,0,INTERR'D THE? Son of Ifaac and..died June 2 ..in the..Redemption..1801 ..8 Years.. Daughter of ..the ..July 4th..in the.. 3 Years..their son died..8 Years Eaton..ctionate ?rance Arthur Eaton who 28th March 1865 from? Also Jane Eliza ?of the above who..4th June 1863.. They that sleep.. Shall God bring (i 1861 Aged 61 Yearstalic) Here lies Interrd the Body.. Arthur Eaton of West Derby who departed this life the 5th day ..uary 1807 in the 43rd Year of his ..Also Nancy wife of Henry Eaton died 18th Nov 1861 Aged 61 Years (italic) Also (italic) Henry Eaton who died on the 21st Novr 1867 Aged 63 Years (italic) Also Francis Henry Eaton died November 13th 187.. Aged 3 Years. The burial place of ..& Robert..,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,509,0,"Mary Clarc Niece of John Bates departed this life November the 4th 1799 Aged 14 Years Here lies Interred the Body of Mary Bates, wife of John Bates of Liverpool. She departed this life the 10th day of August 1802 Aged 42 Years. She was Affectionate wife a Sincere Friend and Charitable Benefacturess Here also lies the Body of Benjamin Ward who departed this Life Feb 29th 1806 aged 38 Years. John Bates died 24th November 1816 aged 54 Years. Ann Penn died June 13th 1841 aged 60 Years. The Burial place of John Bates of Liverpool",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,510,0,"[North sloping face] In Loving Memory of [gothic] MATTHEW STORR, BORN SEPTEMBER 20th 1803 DIED NOVEMBER 25th 1865 ALSO MARY HIS WIFE BORN MAY 5TH 1800 DIED AUGUST 21ST 1874 [South sloping face] ALSO THEIR TWO CHILDREN SARAH JANE WHO DIED IN INFANCY HENRY BORN MAY 10TH 1834 DIED MARCH 12TH 1854",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,511,0,Here lie the remains of Elizabeth Wife of Robert Crowther of MUCH WOOLTON who departed this life March 15th 1812 aged 16 years ALSO William born February 10th 1836 and died the same day and Richard born April 10th 1837 and died March 23rd 1842 grandchildren of the above. ALSO Ethel daughter of Joseph Crowther of Wavertree born October 23rd 1876 died May 21st 1878. And Emily her sister who died November 2nd 1885 Aged 21 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,512,0,IN MEMORY OF Margaret Anderson wife of George Anderson who died November the 29th 1844 Aged 57 Years Also George Anderson died February 16th 1865 Aged 62 Years Also Elizabeth Relict of the above died January 22nd 1880 Aged 66 Years It is the Lord Also SARAH ANN Beloved wife of George Anderson Junr died Sept 22nd 1892 Aged 33 Years until the day break and the shadows Flee away Also George Anderson dearly beloved husband of H M Ander son who Fell asleep Sept 23rd 1914 Aged 59 Years He giveth his beloved sleep Also Hannah Mary beloved wife of the above died October 20th 1945 Aged 76 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,513,0,Here lieth the remains of Ellen Nixon wife of Thomas Nixon of Allerton who died April 25th 1831 aged 85 years also of the said Thomas Nixon who died Dec 28th 1835 aged 85 years also James Nixon son of the above who died Dec 18th 1838 aged 61 years Williamand Sarah Nixon's burial ALSO ELLEN daughter of (?) above died Nov 11th 7th 1aged 2 years and 8 months also John their son Died M(?) 3rd 1860 aged 1 year and (?)th also William Nixon Died April 18th 1879 aged 55 years also Sarah widow of the above William Nixon died November 18th 1908 aged 84 years also Sarah Ellen Nixon died October 23rd 1925 Aged 80 years also Thomas Nixon Husband of the above died Oct 27th 1927 aged 81 years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,514,0,In Memory [gothic?] of Betty t(?) wife of Henry Pye who depar(?)d this life march 27th 1813 ag(?)d 38 Years [italic] ALSO Betty the daughter of the above who depar(?)d this life Oct' 7th 1816 aged [?] Years [italic] ALSO Henry Pye died March 5th 1811 [41?] aged 58 Years [italic] ALSO Ann Wife of the above wh(?) died Feb' 15th 1841 aged 69 Yea(?),0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,515,0,John Briscomb,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,516,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,517,0,"Here lie the remains of Mary the Wife of Joseph Faulkner who died Novr. 17th 1831 aged 21 years. Also of Robt. their son who died young Also [italic] of John son of. Joseph and [italic] Elizabeth Faulkner who departed this life on the 3rd day of [italic]Septr. 1818 aged 8 years & 7 months [start of italic] Weep not dear parents but dry up your tears For I am far beyond this world of fears: Dear parents God in Christ will hence display To meet you on the borders of eternal day. [end of italic] Also Elizabeth Faulkner Died Decr. 23rd. 1890, Aged 87 Years. Lillie Wedlock Who departed this life June 11th 1920 Aged 39 Years. Granddaughter of the above. Elizabeth Faulkner, who died April 30th 1931. Aged 88 Years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,518,0,"IN MEMORY OF George Son of Richard & Ann Holebrook who died March 1st 1811 aged 4 Months. Also [italic] the above Richard Holebrook, died May 11th 1813 aged 5[?]2 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,519,0,"Here lieth the Remains of MARY GROVE who departed this life 16th Dec. 1819, Aged 75 Years. SACRED To the Memory [italic] of John Williams who departed this life July 4th 1846 aged 74 Years. Also [italic] Jane Williams, relict of the above who died March 23rd 1852 aged 81 Years. Also [italic] Mary Jane Herbert died 11th November 1861 Aged [italic] 23 Years Also of Cecilia daughter of the above John and Jane Williams who fell asleep 18th of April 1892 in the 85th Year of her age. [start of italics] ""She rests from her labours and her works do follow her."" [end of italics] Also Ellen Williams died 4th July 1907, Aged 87 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,520,0,IN MEMORY OF our dearly loved son ALFRED MORRISON BRAMLEY died June 1st 1935 aged 28 Years ALFRED HENRY father of the above and beloved husband of MARIA BRADLEY died Nov 26th 1944 aged 76 Years Also dear mother the above MARIA died Aug 17th 1955 Aged 82 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,521,0,Loving Memory of ELGAR PAGDEN Born Jany. 16th. 1820. DIED [AT WOOLTON WOOD] MARCH 21ST. 1883 THY WILL BE DONE,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,522,0,"In Loving Memory of [Gothic] MARGRET WIDOW OF RICHARD DAVIES OF WAVERTREE BORN MAY 9TH 1800 DIED JUNE 25TH 1887 Also MARY DAVIES DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE, BORN MARCH 29TH 1841 DIED NOVEMBER 14TH 1908 Also ESTER DAVIES BORN OCTOBER 18TH 1830 DIED NOVEMBER 1ST 1917 Also AGNES JONES BORN FEBRUARY 6TH 1836 DIED FEBRUARY 14TH 1919 Also ANNE ELIZA DAVIES BORN DECEMBER 4TH 1833 DIED FEBRUARY 9TH 1922",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,523,0,"(?)o(?)ing mem(?)r(?) of [Gothic] (?)I(?)EL(?)NE HETHER(?)NGTO(?) who died Jan 30 1884 Aged 19 Years (?)or MARY HETHERINGTON MOTHER OF THE ABOVE WHO DIED ON THE 3(?) MARCH 1895. AGED 67 YEARS. Also WILLIAM HUSBAND OF MARY HETHERINGTON DIED DECEMBER 5TH 1899, AGED 73 YEARS. ""HE GIVETH HIS BELOVED SLEEP"" Also MARY A.E. DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE, AND WIFE OF THE LATE W. BELLIS DIED 20TH MARCH 1923. AGED 77 YEARS.",0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,524,0,,0,0,0,#N/A,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,525,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,526,0,"""ASLEEP IN JESUS"" ""TILL HE COME"" MARY THE DEAR WIFE OF THE RT REV BISHOP ROYSTON DIED 4 MAY 1904 AGED 62 PETER SORENSEN ROYSTON DD BISHOP OF MAURITIUS 1872-1891. ASSISTt BISHOP OF LIVERPOOL 1891-1905, VICAR OF CHILDWALL 1896-1908 who died 28th Jany 1915 aged 84",0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,527,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,528,0,"[east panel] In Loving Memory Of [other font] THOMAS HALE WHO DIED 28TH OF APRIL 1877, AGED 46 YEARS. ALSO ELIZABETH, WIFE OF THE ABOVE, WHO DIED 23RD MARCH 1915, AGED 79 YEARS [sans serif] [west panel] In Loving memory Of [other font] ALICE ANN SPEED BORN 9TH DECEMBER 1858, DIED 10TH APRIL 1930. ALSO ELIZABETH ELLEN HALE, TWIN SISTER OF THE ABOVE, BORN 9TH DECEMBER 1858, DIED 18TH AUGUST 1933 [sans serif]",0,0,1,Mint,200,San serif,950,Other,0,,0, 0,529,0,"IN MEMORY OF Ann wife of William Jones of WALTON on the Hill, died December 23rd 1876 Aged 56 Years. ALSO William Jones husband of the above, who departed this life January 11th 1879 Aged 73 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,530,0,[?] [MEMORY?] [?] FREDRICK WIILIAM [?] S DUNCAN ENTERED [INTO DEATH?] APRIL 26TH 1877 AGED [?] [sans serif],0,0,4,Traces,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,531,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,532,0,"In Affectionate Remembrance of [gothic] SARAH, THE BELOVED WIFE OF HENRY CARTER, WHO DIED APRIL 18TH 1878 AGED 57 YEARS. ALSO OF ELIZABETH EVELYNE DOE, GRAND DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE, WHO DIED JULY 5TH 1878, AGED 13 MONTHS. [sans serif]",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,533,0,"In Loving Remembrance of [gothic] ELIZABETH, WIFE OF HENRY WEBSTER WHO DIED 5TH MAY 1883 AGED 57 YEARS. ""THY WILL BE DONE."" ALSO THE ABOVE HENRY WEBSTER, WHO DIED 25TH MARCH 1899, AGED 75 YEARS. ""PEACE, PERFECT PEACE."" ALSO GEORGE, THE DEARLY BELOVED SON OF THE ABOVE WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE JUNE 2ND 1901 AGED 39 YEARS. ALSO THOMAS, ELDEST BELOVED SON OF THE ABOVE, WHO DIED DECEMBER 6TH 1913, AGED 62 YEARS. ALSO EDWIN, YOUNGEST BELOVED SON OF THE ABOVE, WHO DIED JANUARY 23RD 1915, AGED 40 YEARS. ALSO ANN, BELOVED DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE, DIED DECEMBER 29TH 1939, AGED 76 YEARS. J. DUDSON SC [sans serif]",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,534,0,[south elevation] RODOLPH ZWILCHENBART DEPARTED THIS LIFE ON S[T?] MATHIAS DAY FEBY 24th A.D 1870 AGED 83 YEARS. [east elevation] JESV MERCY.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,535,0,"[east face] IN LOVING MEMORY OF THOMAS LITTLE. BORN JUNE 12. 1811. DIED AUG. 9. 1880. ALSO OF JANE, WIDOW OF ABOVE BORN DEC. 14. 1816. DIED SEP. 25. 1885. [south face] ALSO OF THOMAS SHEPHERD LITTLE STIPENDIARY OF LIVERPOOL SON OF THE LATE THOMAS & JANE LITTLE, BORN JULY 7. 1846. DIED JUNE 28. 1910. [north face] ALSO OF JOHN FLETCHER LITTLE, MB SON OF THE LATE THOMAS & JANE LITTLE, BORN AT KILKENNY JUNE 14. 1843. DIED IN LONDON AUG. 9. 1914.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,536,0,"IHS WHOSO DWELLETH UNDER THE DEFENCE OF THE MOST RICH SHALL ABIDE UNDER THE SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY I WILL SAY UNTO THE LORD, THOU ART MY HOPE, AND MY STRONGHOLD; MY GOD IN HIM WILL I TRUST. IN LOVING MEMORY OF SARAH, WIDOW OF THE REV. ANDREW WILSON M.A.WHO ENTERED UNTO REST 28. AUG. MDCCCLXXX. AGED 80 YEARS I LOOK FOR THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD, AND THE LIFE OF THE WORLD TO COME O LORD, SAVE THY PEOPLE AND BLESS THINE HERITAGE. MAKE THEM TO BE NUMBERED WITH THY SAINTS IN GLORY EVERLASTING. ALSO OF ANDREW WILSON, ONLY SON OF THE ABOVE AND FOR 18 YEARS INCUMBENT OF ST. MARYS, EDGE HILL, DIED AUGUST 3RD MDCCCCV AGED 78 YEARS ALSO OF MARY WILSON, WHO ENTERED INTO REST 30. SEP. MDCCCCXVII. AGED 87 YEARS SHE LIVED FOR OTHERS.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,537,0,[side A] In Loving Memory of SARAH WIFE OF [Charles?] [?] [GADE?] Of [?] December 23rd 1880 Aged 34 Years [side B] ALSO OF [?]S[?]E[?] [G/Lade?] died 15 December 1888 Aged 18 years,0,0,4,Traces,600,Gothic,0,,0,,0, 0,538,0,"[south face] HERE LIETH THE BODY OF STUDLEY MARTIN, OF LIVERPOOL. [north face] BORN 18th DECEMBER 1811, DIED 7th DECEMBER 1888.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,539,0,,0,0,2,All legible,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,540,0,"JA[C?]OB[INA?] REID EAR[L?]E WIFE OF [JOH?]N CREVI[LLE?] [E?]ARLE, [BORN 29?] T[H?] [S?]EP[TE?]MBER 1895 D[IED 7?]T[H?] JULY 1970",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,541,0,IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF JANE THOMPSON WHO DIED ON THE 17TH OF FEBRUARY 1879 AGED 42 YEARS ALSO OF JOSEPH BENNETT WHO DIED ON THE 8TH OF MARCH 1879 AGED 69 YEARS ALSO OF ANN WIFE OF THE ABOVE JOSEPH BENNETT WHO DIED ON THE 15TH OF AUGUST 1883 AGED 67 YEARS ALSO ELIZABETH TAYLOR SISTER OF THE ABOVE ANN BENNETT DIED MARCH 30TH 1886 AGED 57 YEARS [foot] BURIAL PLACE OF JOSEPH AND ANN BENNETT,0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,542,0,AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF GEORGE THOMSPON DIED JANUARY 9TH 1880 AGED 8 YEARS AND 9 MONTHS ALSO JOSEPH BENNETT THOMPSON WHO DIED DECEMBER 22ND 1880 AGED 17 YEARS AND 10 MONTHS BURIAL PLACE OF JOSEPH AND ANN BENNETT,0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,543,0,IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF MARY DAVIES WHO DIED MARCH 21ST 1882 AGED 81 YEARS ALSO MARY WIFE OF JOHN GODDARD DIED DECEMBER 10TH 1886 AGED 73 YEARS ALSO ANN HUGHES SISTER OF THE ABOVE WHO DIED JANUARY 21ST 1896 AGED 80 YEARS ALSO THE ABOVE JOHN GODDARD WHO DIED FEB 8TH 1911 AGED 88 YEARS ALSO JOHN THE BELOVED HUSBAND OF SARAH A HUGHES DIED JULY 8TH 1919 AGED 37 YEARS THE BURIAL PLACE OF JOHN GODDARD,0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,544,0,"In Loving Memory of JOHN SCOTSON WHO DIED AT HOLT HALL GATEACRE APRIL 8TH 1882, AGED 62 YEARS ALSO JOHN WILLIAM HIS SON WHO DIED SEPTEMBER 20TH 1882 AGED 9 YEARS ALSO LEONARD HIS YOUNGEST SON WHO DIED AUGUST 7TH 1885 AGED 10 YEARS ALSO MARTHA SCOTSON WIDOW OF THE ABOVE WHO DIED APRIL 11TH 1929 AGED 95 YEARS ALSO ELIZABETH SCOTSON DAUGTER-IN-LAW OF THE ABOVE WHO DIED DECEMBER 5TH 1923 AGED 56 YEARS ALSO JAMES EDMUND ELDEST SON OF THE ABOVE AND HUSBAND OF THE ABOVE ELIZABETH WHO DIED 28TH APRIL 1937 AGED 71 YEARS ALSO MARY HANNAH SCOTSON YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE CREMATED AT ANFIELD CEMETARY 23RD OF FEBRUARY 1945 AGED 65 YEARS.",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,545,0,"In Loving Memory of [gothic] JOHN HALE (OF CHILDWALL) DIED 26TH MARCH 1926 AGED 72 YEARS ""AT REST"" [sans serif] Also [gothic] ISABELLA WIFE OF THE ABOVE DIED 3RD DECEMBER 1933, AGED 77 YEARS [sans serif] Also [gothic] JANE M FERGUSSON DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE DIED 1ST MAY 1935 AGED 47 YEARS [main headstone] ALSO NORAH I WALKER DIED 12-1-78 AGED 61 YEARS DEAR WIFE AND MOTHER [incised roman, separate slab]",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,200,San serif,0, 0,546,0,"[side A] IN LOVING MEMORY OF THOMAS MAKIN WHO DIED OCTOBER 8TH 1898 AGED 79 YEARS [side B 1] In Loving Memory of ELIZABETH Wife of THOMAS MAKIN of Anfield Third daughter of EDWARD ARDEN of MORETON GRANGE Lincolnshire WHO departed this life August 23rd 1882 in her 61st year [side B 2] WILLIAM KENNY MAKIN [side B 3] ELDEST SON OF WILLIAM AND JESSIE ARDEN TYER OF STOCKTON HOUSE WARWICKSHIRE, WHO DIED MAY 26TH 1883 AGED 3 YEARS",0,0,3,Mainly legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,547,0,"IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF SARAH WIFE OF H W HAMMAND OF WAVERTREE, WHO DIED 3RD FEBRUARY 1883 AGED 43 YEARS ALSO OF EMILY THEIR DAUGHTER WHO DIED 31ST DECEMBER 1885 AGED 19 YEARS ALSO IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF THE ABOVE HENRY WILKINSON HAMMAND BORN JANUARY 13TH 1841 ENTERED INTO REST JUNE 15TH 1891",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,548,0,[A1] IN LOVING MEMORY OF GEORGE SAUL IRVEN OF LIVERPOOL [B1] WHO DIED 19TH NOVEMBER 1892 AGED 55 YEARS GOD'S FINGER TOUCHED HIM AND HE SLEPT [A2] TO CHERISH THE MEMORY OF ANNIE [B2] THE BELOVED WIFE OF GEORGE IRVEN OF THE CITY OF LIVERPOOL WHO DIED 28TH OCTOBER 1882 AGED 39 YEARS [B3] IF SO BE WE SUFFER WITH HIM THAT WE MAY BE ALSO GLORIFIED TOGETHER,0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,549,0,"IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF [curved line in decorative serif style] JEMIMA WILSON WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE AUGUST 18TH 1882, AGED 71 YEARS [sans serif] ""BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHICH DIE IN THE LORD"" [italics]",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,200,San serif,0,,0, 0,550,0,"IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF JOHN BAINES OF BROADGREEN WHO DIED 5TH AUGUST 1882 AGED 38 YEARS ""GOD IS THE STRENGTH OF MY HEART AND MY PORTION FOREVER"" P'S IXXIII.26 ALSO CHRISTOPHER JAMES SON OF THE ABOVE AND DEARLY LOVED HUSBAND OF MARTHA BAINES DIED 25TH JAN 1906 AGED 40 YEARS ""THY WILL BE DONE"" ALSO OF MARTHA (CISS) WIFE OF THE ABOVE NAMED CHRISTOPHER DIED 9TH AUGUST 1921 AGED 56 YEARS ""PEACE PERFECT PEACE"" ALSO HANNAH WIFE OF THE ABOVE JOHN BAINES WHO DIED 23RD JAN 1924 AGED 81 YEARS HER END WAS PEACE",0,0,1,Mint,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,551,0,IN MEMORY OF THOMAS ALFRED DAVIES WHO DIED FEBRUARY 27TH 1877 AGED 28 YEARS ALSO ALFRED TH[?] WHO DIED AT [?] JULY [?] AGED [?],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,552,0,"IhS IN Affectionate Remembrance of [gothic] JANE MORRIS DAUGHER OF DAVID THOMAS AND MARGARET CUY WHO DIED 22ND OCTOBER 1877 [sans serif] ""As we have borne the image of the earthy we shall also bear the image of the heavenly"" [roman] ALSO DAVID THOMAS CUY DIED February 22ND 1893 AGED 62 YEARS. ALSO MARGARET, WIDOW OF THE ABOVE DIED APRIL 1ST 1900 AGED 71 YEARS [sans serif]",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,200,San serif,600,Gothic,0, 0,553,0,IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE OF ADA EMILY THWAITE WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE 15TH AUGUST 1878 AGED 18 YEARS ASLEEP IN JESUS ALSO OF MARTHA THWAITE DIED JULY 5TH 1888 AGED 52 YEARS ALSO OF WILLIAM THWAITE DIED FEBRUARY 15TH 1890 AGED 56 YEARS,0,0,3,Mainly legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,554,0,"IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE THY WILL BE DONE OF ELIZABETH GRANT, WHO DIED JANUARY 21ST 1879 AGED 80 YEARS ALSO OF ELIZABETH BAILEY WHO DIED JANUARY 11TH 1882 AGED 76 YEARS ALSO OF ELLEN BAILEY WHO DIED JANUARY 17TH 1887 AGED 84 YEARS ALSO OF JANE BAILEY WHO DIED APRIL 25TH 1895 AGED 86 YEARS",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,100,Roman,0,,0, 0,555,0,"IN LOVING MEMORY OF [gothic] MARIA WIFE OF FRANCIS WILLIAM WHO DIED FEBRUARY 21ST 1879 AGED 73 YEARS ALSO FRANCIS WILLIAM SON OF THE ABOVE WHO DIED AT CALCUTTA APRIL 9TH 1857 AGED 16 YEARS ALSO FRANCIS, HUSBAND OF THE ABOVE MARIA WILLIAM WHO DIED AUGUST 15TH 1888 AGED 83 YEARS ALSO THOMAS MILLINE WHO DIED AT NICE APRIL 7TH 186[8?]5 AGED 41 YEARS",0,0,1,Mint,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,556,0,"IN SACRED AND LOVING MEMORY OF JANE WATERSON BORN AT PORT ERIN, ISLE OF MAN, MARCH 12TH 1827 DIED AT HER RESIDENCE 20 BELVERDERE ROAD, PRINCES PARK LIVERPOOL MAY 1ST 1879 AGED 52 YEARS. ALSO OF ARTHUR J WATERSON ONLY SON OF THE ABOVE WHO DIED AT BONNY WEST COAST OF AFRICA AFTER A SHORT ILLNESS OF FEVER FEBRUARY 7TH 1874 AND WAS THAT DAY INTERRED AT ROUGH CORNER CEMETERY AGED 24 YEARS [painted] ALSO EDITH WATERSON DIED 27TH JANUARY 1945 AGED 93 YEARS [unpainted]",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,557,0,,0,0,0,#N/A,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,558,0,"IN LOVING MEMORY OF [gothic] GEORGE FYFE WHO DIED MAY 29TH 1912 AGED 82 YEARS, ALSO MARY ANNE (STEWART) HIS WIFE. WHO DIED DECEMBER 29TH 1908 AGED 78 YEARS ALSO OF THEIR SONS ROBERT, WHO DIED MARCH 16TH 1881 AGED 27 YEARS AND GEORGE WHO DIED AUGUST 4TH 1911 AGED 52 YEARS AND OF MARTHA HIS WIFE WHO DIED AUGUST 12TH 1911 AGED 41 YEARS AND WAS INTERRED AT ANFIELD CEMETARY ALSO OF GEORGE ERNEST WHO DIED FEB 16TH 1880, AGED 4 1/2 YEARS. AND ROBERT WHO DIED JUNE 28TH 1885 AGED 5 YEARS SONS OF THE ABOVE ROBERT FYFE",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,200,San serif,0,,0, 0,559,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF EMILY SLEEMAN THE BELOVED DAUGHTER OF JOHN AND MARY JOHNSTON WHO DIED 8TH JANUARY 1881 AGED 37 ALSO MARY WIFE OF JOHN JOHNSTON WHO DIED 19TH OCTOBER 1886 ALSO JOHN JOHNSTON HUSBAND OF THE ABOVE MARY JOHNSTON WHO DIED 8TH SEPTEMBER 1890 AGED 79 YEARS ALSO MARY GEORGINA PEARSON DAUGHTER OF JOHN AND MARY JOHNSTON DIED 15TH FEBRUARY 1943 AGED 94 YEARS,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,560,0,,0,0,0,#N/A,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,561,0,"IN LOVING MEMORY OF [gothic] GEORGE SMART WOOD WHO DIED ON SUNDAY JULY 2ND 1882, AGED 65 YEARS ""all is well"" [sans serif] I was so long oppressed with pain It wore my strength away It made me think of heavenly rest, Which never can decay [italics] ALSO OF SUSANNAH WIFE OF THE ABOVE NAMED WHO DIED ON TUESDAY APRIL 30TH 1901 AGED 86 YEARS ""The Lord is Shepherd"" [sans serif]",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,562,0,"ROBERT MILLINGTON SING BORN 10TH AUGUST 1881 DIED 27TH SEPTEMBER 1881 ""ALIVE FOR EVERMORE"" ROGER MILLINGTON SING BORN 4TH NOVEMBER 1888 DIED 7TH NOVEMBER 1888",0,0,1,Mint,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,563,0,The Burial Place of J Houghton,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,564,0,here [large gothic script] lie the remains of Maria Potter the wife of Thomas Potter of Much Woolton who departed this life on the 26th October 18[?]8 aged 32 years JHS Also Thomas Potter son of the above who died Dec 4th 18[?] aged 19 years Also of Ann Dohanty who died 11th Feb 1838 aged 18 years Also the first named Thomas Potter who died 7th March 1867 aged 75 years The Burial Place of John Potter of Everton,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,565,0,John Daw th[?] I Thomas Heyes of Halewood died on the 22nd day of May 1838 Aged 73 years Also Mary Heyes wife of the above departed this life 15th March 1840 aged 80 years. Also Mary Heyes who died May 17th 1862 aged 66 years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,566,0,Eliz Wife of Isaac Grace of Speke died March 10th 1708 aged 60 years In Memory of Elizabeth Relict of the late John Grace of Much Woolton died the 14th of January 1864 aged 64 years Margaret Grace wife of Joseph Grace died March 3rd 1904 aged 79 years,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,567,0,Eliz Wife of Isaac Grace of Speke died March 10th 1708 aged 60 years In Memory of Elizabeth Relict of the late John Grace of Much Woolton died the 14th of January 1864 aged 64 years Margaret Grace wife of Joseph Grace died March 3rd 1904 aged 79 years years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,568,0,"IN MEMORY OF Elizabeth wife of William Webster who departed this life March the 15th 1841 aged 50 years. Also of William Webster husband of the above who died March 4th 1850 aged 62 years. Also Jane the wife of Thomas Webster of Woolton and daughter ofthe above who died January 20th 1885 aged 59 years. Also Thomas Webster of Woolton husband of the above who died July 27th 1890 aged 67 years Also Ann Ellen wife of Thomas F Webster of West Derby and daughter in law of the above, who died 11th Nov 1896, aged 43 years. Also Thomas Frederick Webster, husband of the above, who died 17th Dec 1920 aged 65 years. William Webster of Garston.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,569,0,"Here lieth interred the body of Sarah the daugher of Richard and Elizabeth Grace, who departed this life the 20th January 1792 aged 1 year and 5 months. Also Betty their daughter who departed this life the 25th January 1792 aged 7 years and 5 months. Also Nanny their daughter who departed this life 21st Feb 1792 aged 5 years and 6 months. Here innocence and beauty lie whose breath was snatch'd by early not untimely death. Hence did they go just as they did begin sorrow to know before they knew no sin death that does sin and sorrow thus prevent in the next blessing to a life well spent. The burial place of Richard Grace.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,570,0,Sacred [gothic] To the memory of Mary Ann Grace daughter of Robert and Catherine Grace who departed this life December 10th 1809 aged 5 months also two boys who died young. Catherine Grace mother to the above died 9th July 1855. Also Robert Grace husband of the above died Dec the 20th 1859 aged 69 years. The burial place of Henry Grace.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,571,0,Here lieth the Body of Charles the son of Thomas & Esther Grace of Allerton Who departed this life 10th of September 1801 Aged 2 Years. Sleep on dear child and take thy Rest. God takes them first which he loves Best. Here lieth the body of Esther Wife of Thomas Grace of Halewood who departed this life Octr 28th 1845 aged 80 Years SACRED to the Memory of Thomas Grace of Halewood who departed this life Novr 17th 1844 Aged 84 Years. The Burial Place of Thomas Grace.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,572,0,Ann the Daughter of John and Shusanna Hall of Much Woolton died 28th April 1783 in the thirty first year of her age. James Hall died April 6th 1799 in the fifty second eyar of his age. Also Deborah Hall wife of the above James Hall died July 12th 1823 in the eighty fourth year of her age.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,573,0,Here under lieth the body of Henry Watmough late of Much Woolton who departed this life the eight of August in the seventy eight year of his age 1746.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,574,0,In Memory of [gothic] Catherine Wainwright of Little Woolton who died May 10th 1864 Aged 70 Years Blessed are the dead which die in the lord. ALSO MARY WAINWRIGHT died May 26th 1885 Aged 70 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,575,0,IN LOVING MEMORY OF ELIZABETH EVELYN second daughter of Henry Wainwright of Liverpool born 9th January 1878 Also RICHARD WAINWRIGHT Born 30th September 1874 Died 11th May 19[?] Also HENRY WAINWRIGHT father of above Born 27th June 1846 Died 9th June 1933 Also LIZA CURREY WAINWRIGHT wife of the above Born 21st August 1850 Died 10th March 1939 MAY M WAINWRIGHT daughter of the above Born 18th May 1885 died 27th August 1950 ELLEN MAWDSLEY WAINWRIGHT died 17th May 1957,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,576,0,RW 1686 MW 1726 [top] EW 1727 [side],0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,577,0,IN MEMORY OF Henry Wainwright of Liverpool who died 5th March 1837 Aged 54 Years Also of Elizabeth Ann his wife who died 31st May 1829 Aged 51 Years Also of four of their Sons and one Daughter who died in infancy Also of Henry their eldest Son who died 26th January 1833 Aged 26 Years Also Mary Catherine Johnson daughter of the above who died March 23rd 1898 Aged 87 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,578,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,579,0,Deborah Wainwright Was Intrd September Ye 30th 1724. Here Lyeth The Body Of William Wainwright Departed This Life The 12th January 1741,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,580,0,IN MEMORY OF Robert second son of Richard Wainwright who died at Fairfield Liverpool 15th January 1857 Aged 9 years Also the above named Richard Wainwright of LIVERPOOL who died 5th January 1884 Aged 75 years Also Betsey Pye Wainwright wife of the above named who died 27th August 1897 Aged 82 years Also ELIZABETH WILLEN WAINWRIGHT only daughter of the above who died 6th January 1934 Aged 80 years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,581,0,SACRED to the memory of ELIZABETH wife of William Wainwright of Wavertree who departed this life on the 17th day of May 1837 Aged 25 years Also Elizabeth Wainwright wife of William Wainwright senr died May 31st 1810 Aged 75 years Also William Wainwright youngest son of Richard and Betsey Pye Wainwright died November 13th 1924 Aged 72 years William Wainwright's burial place.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,582,0,John Almond Departed This Life Nov [?] Aged [?] Years [italic] The Burial Place Of Edward Almond of Much Woolton,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,583,0,Ann Almond departed this Life the 11th January 1829 Aged 82 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,584,0,,0,0,0,#N/A,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,585,0,"Here lieth the Remains of the Children of James and Nancy Kirkham John died 16th Decr 1794, aged 11 Months Maria died 7th June 1799 Aged 3 Years James died 17th April 1800 Aged 2 Years 11 M Henry died 8th Septr 1803 aged 3 Years Alfo James Kirkham died August 15th 1808 Aged 5 Years (italic) Alfo James Kirkham, the Father of the above Children died Jany 30th 1810 Also, Ann, wife of the above James Kirkham, Died April 4th 1814 Aged ?? Years Also Tho. Marsh Kirkham, died Decr 1818 Aged (italic) 12 Months",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,586,0,"SACRED To the memory of ELLEN RIDING, who died 19th February 1833 Aged 87 years Also THOMAS, son of John Harper and Martha Kirkham who died 22nd August 1830 Aged 5 Years ALSO John Harper Kirkham who died 11th May 1845 Aged 40 Years the burial place of Martha Kirkham",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,200,San serif,0,,0, 0,587,0,Ellen daughter of Isaac and Ellen Grace of Speke departed this life 10th January 1803 in the 13 year of her life. Consider well my sudden fall you thought less of blooming people you little think who reads this stone how soon the case may be your own. Also the remains of Isaac Grace father to the above who died May the 2nd 1831 aged 67 years Also Ellen grace wife of the above who departed this life 7th day of April 1838 in her 74th year. Watch therefore for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the son of man cometh Also Mary Grace daughter of the above who died August 11th 1850 aged 61 years the burial place of Isaac Grace [on the side below] The burial place of Joseph Grace,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,588,0,"Beneath this stone is buried the Body of Ellen the Daughter of William and Ann Grace of Speke, who departed this life the 18th day of October 179? Aged 10 Months Alfo the Body of Henry, son of the faid William and Ann Grace of Speke aforefaid who departed this life the 12th day of May 1797. Aged 10 Weeks. An infant's fate may make a Parent fad An infant's fate fhould make a Parent glad. Crept out of life are cares and woes begin They know no sorrow for they know no fin Death has no fting for those who dies fo young Reader repent fince thou haft liv'd fo long Ann the daughter of Wm and Ann Grace departed this life July 20th. 1829 Aged 40 Years Also Ann Wife of the aforfaid Wm. Grace departed this life july - 21st. 1829 aged 68 Years Also William Grace Departed this life May 8th 1836 Aged 71 Years",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,589,0,Here Lieth the Body of Isaac the Son of Thomas v Elizabeth Grace of BOLD wh.. Departed this Life July 24th 1717 (?) Aged 2? Months. Stephen Grace who departed this Life March the 17th 1801 Aged 77 Years Alfo Margaret wife of the Above Stephen who departed this Life July ?? Aged 7? Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,590,0,Ann Hodkinson died November 7th 1815 aged 3 years. Also Henry Hodkinson died April 27th 1830 aged 12 years. Also Matthew Hodkinson died March 12th 1833 aged 30 years Also Ann Hodkinson died August 13th 1838 aged 22 years. Also of John Hodkinson who died July 28th 1865 in the 73 years of his age. Also of Mary Hodkinson his wife who died Feby 5th 1866 in her 83rd year.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,591,0,Peter Hodskinson son of Peter Hodskinson departed May 25th 1795 aged [?] years Peter Hodskinson died June 25th 1799 aged 53 Ann Hodskinson died August 15th 1825 aged 73,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,592,0,"HERE LIETH THE BODY OF MARY, DAUGHTER OF JOHN N ALICE GRACE OF HALEBANK WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE FEBY 9TH 1811 AGED 3 YEARS ALSO JOHN THEIR SON WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE MARCH 9TH 1815 AGED 33 YEARS ALSO ALICE WIFE OF JOHN GRACE, WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE MAY 1ST 1841[?] AGED 70 YEARS ALSO EDWARD THEIR SON WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE DECEMBER 18TH 1852 AGED 16 YEARS ALSO JOHN GRACE HUSBAND OF THE ABOVE ALICE GRACE WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE SEPR 12TH 1854 AGED 80 YEARS HENRY GRACE 1873",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,593,0,Here lieth the Body of Mary Lake who departed this life April 21st 1797 aged 12 Years Also Robert Wright died May 4th 1797 aged 10 Years and James the son of Charles and Mary Gore Died March 22nd 1812 aged 27,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,594,0,Here lies the body of Mary Clarkson Who died Decr 30th 1817 aged 6 Years William Young,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,595,0,,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,596,0,IN MEMORY OF William Stockall who departed this life on the 6th June 1861 Aged 81 Years Also Mary Relict of the above who departed this life on the 12th September 1863 Aged 81 Years Also James Stockall son of the above who departed this life on the 11th December 1861 Aged 59 Years Also Eliza widow of the above James Stockall who departed this life on the 15th August 1887 Aged 76 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,597,0,SACRED [gothic] TO THE MEMORY OF JOHN son of WILLIAM & MARGARET BRUCE who departed this life May 16th 1851 Aged 1 Year ALSO of ANN JANE BRUCE who died January 18th 1856 Aged 7 Months ALSO ELIZABETH BRUCE died October 26th 1862 Aged 3 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,598,0,Here lieth the Body of Matthew Currie who departed this life the 7th day of Feby 1783 Aged 42 Years Farewell my loving wife I am gone before To pave the way And to pay kind (natures score?) We met to part. We part to meet again. [?]h[?] enjoyment now. A longer then. Also Jane Currie wife of the above who departed this life 10th of Jany 1797 Aged 54 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,599,0,"Sacred [gothic] To the Memory of Joseph Ball who Died 2nd February 1820 Aged 56 Years Also George Ball son of the above died Jany 6th 1836 42 Years. Also of Francis Ball son of the above Joseph Ball died Decr 12th 1856 aged 56 Years Also Mary Ball relictof the above Joseph Ball died Jany 24th 1855 aged 79 Years Also of Martha Barber grand daughter of the above Joseph and Mary Ball who departed this life 24th Feby 1870 [roman] Aged 30 Years Also [italic] Edward Barber who departed this life o the 28th November 1873, [roman] Aged [italic] 79 Years ALSO Jane Barber died June 26th 1877 Aged 80 Years He giveth his beloved sleep The burial place of Robert Barber",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,600,0,Here lieth the Body of Margret. Wife of Richard Williams who departed this life March the 20th 1774 aged 50 Here also lieth the Body of Richard Williams who departed this life 11th March 1807 aged 86 Years. [headstone],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,601,0,Here lieth the Body of John Ockleshaw who died March 29th aged 28 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,602,0,The [?] Edw[?] G[?] He[?] L[?] body of Eli[?]nd Died [?] of April 17[?] Aged 8[?] Also near this place lie the ye Body of Mary wife of [?]ame Grace who died [?]1 of Octbr 1760 Here also lie the body of James Gr[?]e son of the a[?] who departed this life the [?] March 17[?],0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,603,0,Entrance to Vault J. N. W.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,604,0,"William W[?] In LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR FATHER HENRY WEBSTER WHO PASSED AWAY 17TH MAY 1906 AGED 63 YEARS AT REST ALSO IN LOVING MEMORY OF OUR DEAR MOTHER ANN CLARK SISTER OF THE ABOVE WHO FELL ASLEEP 16TH DECEMBER 1915 AGED 82 YEARS BLESS THE LORD O MY SOUL ALSO OF OUR SISTER MARY WHO PASSED AWAY 26TH JULY 1917 AGED 61 YEARS IN DEATH, NOT DIVIDED ALSO JOHN WEBSTER GRANDSON OF THE ABOVE DIED DEC 28TH 1941 AGED 52. ALSO NANCY WEBSTER DEAREST MOTHER OF THE ABOVE JOHN DIED SEPT 10 1949 AGED 81 REUNITED [roman] John Webster William Webster [italic]",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,605,0,Ann the daughter of Edward and Elizth Davies departed this life 1st of January 1798 Aged 7 Months,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,606,0,IN MEMORY OF THOMAS HUNTER WHO DIED ON THE 7TH OF DECEMBER 1865 AGED 75 YEARS [side a] IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM HUNTER SON OF THOMAS AND MARY HUNTER WHO DIED ON THE 25TH OF AUGUST 1855 AGED 35 YEARS [side b] ALSO IN MEMORY OF ELIZABETH HUNTER WHO DIED ON THE ?4TH MARCH 1883 AGED 88 YEARS [side c] IN MEMORY OF SARAH DAUGHTER OF THOMAS AND MARY HUNTER WHO DIED OCTOBER 22ND 1797 AGED 4 MONTHS ALSO OF THOMAS HUNTER WHO DIED AUGUST 25TH 1809 AGED 55 YEARS AND MARY HUNTER HIS WIDOW WHO DIED SEPTEMBER 6TH 1831 [side d],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,607,0,"Robert Gore of Allerton died July 7th 1782 Aged 80 Years, also Nathaniel Gore of Allerton departed this life April 15 1856 aged 42 years.[roman] Also [italic] Ellen wife of John C Gore Wavertree who departed this life Jan 6th 1875 Aged 61 Years Also John Casson Gore husband of the above died August 14th 1895 Aged 83 Years Also Elizabeth Gore daughter of the above died October 21st 1900 Aged 54 Years Also Robert Gore died December 12th 1929 Aged 72 Years [roman] ""I LEAVE HIM HERE MY LOVED ONE SLEEPING"" [italic]",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,608,0,Here lie Interrd the Body of Mary Wife of James Grace of Halebank who departed this life May 25th 1809 aged 35 years. The Burial place of Henry Grace.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,609,0,"Thomas the Son of Robert Rufhton Interr'd July 11th 1806 aged 12 Years Here lieth the Remains of Robert Rufhton who departed this Life 3rd December 1809 aged 46 Years Alfo of Alice his wife who departed this Life Febr 5th 1821 aged 55 Years. [roman] Alfo [italic] James Rushton died 18th May 1853 aged 64 Years [roman] Alfo [italic] William Son of Alice Rushton who departed this life December 21st 1864 [roman] Aged 8 Years. ALSO Robert Rushton who departed this life May 30th 1887 Aged 67 Years ALSO James Rushton Born 5th March 1847, Died 22 Feb 1915",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,610,0,John Chew died Decr 24th 1812 aged 47 Years. John Chew Junr burial place.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,611,0,,0,0,5,Illegible/destroyed/face down,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,612,0,Here lies the Body of Sarah the Daughter of Richard and Mary Spufford She departed this life August 11th 1816 aged 42. Long life and health are temporal blessings all And all uncertain not our own to call. Also Ellen Spufford who departed this life October 23rd 1841 aged 70 years.,0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,613,0,"John White Burial Place Elizth his daughter died Jany 29th 1831 aged 9 Years. [roman] Also [italic] John son of John White Junr who died Novr 2nd 1848 aged 7 Months, John White Departed this Life January 13th 1866 Aged 75 Years [roman] Also [italic] James White son of the above who departed this life April 11th 1868 Aged 35 Years [roman] Also [italic] Jane Wife of the above John White who departed this life May 21st 1869 Aged 73 Years [roman] Also [italic] William White, died March 9th 1909 Aged 89 Years [roman] Also [italic] Hannah, wife of the above died June 2nd 1920 Aged 95 Years ""Thy will be done""",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,614,0,Sacred to the memory of Joseph Need Walker of Calderstone. Died March 15th 1865 aged 74 years. Sacred to the Memory of Charles Edward Walker late Captain Queen's (Batts)? Died December 14th 1856 aged 32 years. [south panel] Catherine wife of J. N. Walker of Calderstone died December 7th 1859 aged 59 years. [north panel],0,0,2,All legible,600,Gothic,0,,0,,0, 0,615,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF [gothic] ELIZABETH [capitals] the beloved Wife of Herman E. FALK died at Gateacre 31st October 1851 aged 26,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,616,0,Margaret Rose daughter of William and Margaret Rose departed this life Sept 2nd 1821 aged 6 Months William Rose Father of the above departed this life Novr 8th 1825 aged 35 Years Ilso William James Rose his Son departed this life Jany 25th 1826 aged 6 weeks. Ilso Mary Routledge who died Octr 16th 1842 Aged 8 months [roman] Also [italic] Elizabeth Routledge daughter of the above who died July 17th 1855 Aged 32 Years. Ilso Margaret Leather relict of the above who died Jany 22nd 1871 Aged 75 Years [roman] Also [italic] William Routledge who departed this life May 4th 1885 aged 32 Years. Also George Routeledge who departed this life December 13th aged 37 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,950,Other,0, 0,617,0,In memory of Thomas Son of William and Hannah Laidlaw of Wavertree who died on the 8th of August 1828 in the 6th Year of his age. Likewise of Anthony Tyson son of the above who died April 18th 1834 aged 14 Months. Their bodies in this clay cold bed Awaits the judgement day Their souls are gone to meet their God In realms of (lasting?) day. Likewise David Son of Thomas Laidlaw Brother to the above who died Feby 6th 1844 in the 24th Year of his age. Sweet (idol?) I'm doomed in early life to fade And the neglected in the gloomy shade Yet thou shall spring again in beauty rise To grace the flowery scenes of Paradise,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,618,0,HERE lieth the Body of Robert Brownbill died the 18th day of April 1812 Aged 73 Years Also on the body of Martha Brownbill wife of the above who departed this life the 8th August 1826 Aged 88 Years Also on the Body of Gerard Nelson who departed this life the 11th July 1830 Aged 68 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,619,0,Henry Spencer Died April 20th 1790 Aged 54 Years Betty Spencer Relict of the above Inter'd Sept 15th 1801 Aged 71 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,620,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,621,0,In Loving Memory Of OUR DEAR MOTHER EMILY MOORE DIED MAY 27th 1929 AGED 71 YEARS ALSO JANE MARGUERITE DEARLY LOVED DAUGHTER OF THE ABOVE DIED JUNE 19th 1935 AGED 49 YEARS,0,0,2,All legible,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,622,0,Here lieth the remains of Henry son of THOMAS and MARGARET WEBSTER of MUCH WOOLTON who died 6th of April 1834 aged 17 months Also of the above Thomas Webster who died the 10th of November 1835 aged 35 Years Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Also SARAH WEBSTER mother of the above Thomas Webster who died the 6th of January 1861 Aged 88 years (she died in?) peace Also HENRY WEBSTER Husbandof the above who died June 9th 1861 Aged 88 years Also Jane the wife of John Webster who died the 19th of July 1868 aged 44 Years My dear children love each other For the sake of your dear Mother Also JOHN WEBSTER Husband of the above who died 24th September 1897 aged 79 years Rest for the weary [roman] ALSO OF ROBERT MOORE SON IN LAW OF THE Above who died July 13th 1900 Aged 40 Years [sans serif] Burial Place of Robert Moore BURIAL PLACE OF HENRY WEBSTER,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,200,San serif,0, 0,623,0,The Burial Place of John Hodfon,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,624,0,"Here lies the Body of Richard Spufford, who departed this Life Octr 13th 1812 [roman] Aged 83 Years Also [italics] Mary his Wife, departed this Life April 2nd 1827 [roman] Aged 93 Years [italics]",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,625,0,Mathew Owens [top edge] Mathew Owens departed this life 25th March 1800 Aged 79 years [?] R [?] Mathew [?] departed this life [?] 1808 Aged 86 Years [..],0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,626,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,627,0,James son of James Frad ChamBur Novr ye 18 1734 John son of James Friad ChamBur Apri ye 2 1741,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,628,0,"The burial place of Samuel and Ann Pope of Little Woolton [italics] Thomas, their son died jUly 31st 1856(?) Aged 2 Years. Ester their daughter died Sepr 14th 1856 Aged 5 Months.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,629,0,"IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF WILLIAM CURRY RUSHTON WHO DIED SEPTEMBER 1ST 1879 IN HIS 51ST YEAR ALSO ELIZABETH WIDOW OF THE ABOVE WHO DIED MARCH 30TH 1901 AGED 67 YEARS [roman] ""Thy will be done"" [italic] ALSO DAWSON STABLES BORN 13TH NOVR 1839 DIED 16TH APRIL 1904",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,630,0,"In Memory Of [gothic] Charles Winters who died June 28th 1865 Aged 52 Years. Also Alice wife of the above who departed this life March 2nd 1876 Aged 55 years. James Winter the beloved husband of Mary Winter died August 14th 1907 Aged 59 Years. I know that my Redeemer Liveth Also Mary Winter, dear wife of the above died 16th Sept. 1939 Aged 86 Years. Also their dear children Alice, Abraham, Agnes, Jane, died in infancy. [roman] The burial place of Alice Winter [italic]",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,631,0,Here lieth the Body o? Ann the wife of Robert Venibles who departed this life December 1[3?] 179[3?]. Aged ?? Years. HENRY EDLISTON died on the 15th day of April 1822 aged ?.. Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,632,0,"In Memory of [italic] Priscilla the Wife of Thomas Phythian who died on the 8th of May 18?? aged 57 years. Also [italic] Ann Daughter of the above died on the 10th April ?. ?? Years. ?..cilla Daughter of the ?. ho died on the 6th Day of Novr 1815 aged 26 Years.Charlotte Phythian Daughter of the above died April 22nd 1856, Aged 51 Years. Also of the above Thomas Phythian who died October 31st 1857 Aged 69 Years. Also Thomas Phythian son of the above died August 14th 1881 Aged 61 Years.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,633,0,"IN Memory [italic] OF Betty Wife of Henry Helsby who died Decr 20th 1841 aged 35 Years, John their Son died July 11th 1837 aged 4 Months. Elizabeth their Daughter died young. Ann their Daughter died Jany 8th 1818? aged [6 or 8?] Years. Sarah Daughter of Henry and Jane Helsby, who died Jany 6th 1848 aged 4 Years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,634,0,t?. Burying Place of B. Steve?.. The burial place of James Butler,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,635,0,"Mary Wife of William Owen departed this life 3d. Septr. 1805 Aged 60 Years. Here lie the remains of William Owen Hus-band to the above who died Auguft 15th 1832 Aged 83 Years. Also Frances Owen died December 5th 1859 Aged 76 Years. Also Margaretta her twin sister daughters of the above died 11th June 1862 Aged 79 Years. ALSO Margaretta Owen who died 18th January 1881, niece of the last two named above, Aged 59 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,636,0,"Here lies the Body of Ellen the wife of Henry Davies Jnr, who departed this life May the 11th 1795 Aged 29 Years. Alfo the Remains of Henry Davies Fufband to the above who departed this Life Octr. 12th, 1810 aged 57 Years. Alfo the Remains of Ellen Davies his Daughter who departed this Life 19th. of Novr. 1811 aged 13 Years. Alfo the remains of Margaret Davis his Daughter who departed this life Auguft 12th 1832 aged 42 Years. Also Thomas Davies his Son died May 15th. 1838 aged 32 Years. Also Ann Davies, Widow of the above Henry Davies who died March 27th 1849 aged 72 Years.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,637,0,"IN Memory [italic] OF Robert Son of John & Elizabeth Hatton, died Octr. 1st [?] 1846 aged 2 Years & 10 Months. Also [italic] of Richard their Son who died Octr. 19th 1847 aged 1 Year 11 Mons. Elizabeth their daughter died July 9th 1853 aged 6 weeks. Also Elizabeth Beloved wife of John Hatton who departed this life February 11th 1859 aged 53 [or 33?] Years. Also George the son who died April 2nd 1862. Aged 24 Years.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,638,0,"In Loving Memory of [whole line gothic] CISSIE,ONLY DAUGHTER OF J.J. AND A.M. DARLINGTON, of CRESSINGTON, WHO PASSED AWAY 23rd MAY 1906, AGED 45 YEARS. ""PEACE, PERFECT PEACE"". ALSO OF THE ABOVE NAMED J.J. DARLINGTON, WHO PASSED AWAY 11th MARCH 1911, AGED 73 YEARS. ALSO ANNE MEACOCK, WIDOW OF ABOVE, WHO PASSED AWAY 30th APRIL 1930, AGED 88 YEARS. ALSO WILLIAM SON OF ABOVE, AND BELOVED HUSBAND OF ANNIE DARLINGTON, DIED 22nd OCTOBER 1935.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,639,0,IN MEMORY OF Margaret Wife of James Yates who Died January 1st 1861 Aged 25 Years. Also of Esther daughter of James Yates who departed this life February 11th 1870 Aged 10 Months. Likewise the above named JAMES YATES who departed this life June 12th 187[3] Aged 40 Years. Also Peter only son of the above who died October 18th 1889 Aged 24 Years. Also MARGARET wife of the above James Yates who died February 24th 1894 Aged 58 Years. AT REST. Burial place of James & Margt Yates.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,640,0,"George Son of Charles and Elizabeth Simpson died 1st June 1828 aged 8 Years. Also the above, Charles Simpson died DECr 12th 18..4?Years. Dinah Simpson died March 25th 1853? Aged 9 Years George Greaves departed this life on 4th September 18?? Aged 91 Years",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,641,0,"Mary Morrison died Jan.23rd 1835 Aged 62 Years. John Morrison died Jan.22nd 1837 Aged 72 Years. John Morrison grandson of the above died Feby 29th 1841 Aged 4 Years. Mary Morrison granddaughter of the above died Jan 17th 1847 Aged 6 Years. ALSO Janet Morrison mother of the previous two children, died Feby 7th 1880 Aged 66 Years. ALSO Robert Morrison died January 3rd 1888 in his 75th Year.ALSO Margaret Morrison died June 6th 1898 Aged 64 Years. ALSO David Irvine Morrison husband of the above died August 21st 1903 Aged 64 Years. ALSO Robert Morrison only son of the above died June 17th 1935, Aged 66 Years.ALSO Elizabeth Agnes Morrison beloved wife of the above died April 24th 1937, Aged 65 Years.",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,642,0,"The Burial Place of Daniel Pendleton. Here lie the Remains of Daniel Pendleton who departed this life Octr 12th 1813 aged 64 Years. Here also [italic] rest the Remains of Daniel Pendleton of West Derby [italic] son of the above, who departed this Life on the 18th day of April 1818 In the ?? Year of his Age. Also [italic] here lie the Remains of Henry Pendleton his Son who died on the 10th day of May 1819 In the 6th Year of his Age.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,643,0,"IN MEMORY OF John Davis who died August 1st 1880 Aged 76 Years. Also of Ellen third believed daughter of Henry and Ellen Davis grandaughter of the above who died February 17th 1887 aged 16 Years THY WILL BE DONE Also of Maud who died April 3rd 1895 Aged 9 Years and 10 Months. Also of Jane (Jinnie) who died September 21st 1895 --ged 17 Years and 6 Months, --so Henry, died October --th 1906 Aged 34 Years and was buried at Spring Bank Cemetery, Hull Also Ellen, Widow of Henry Davis and Mother of above died December 9th 1920 Aged 75 Years. J.D (at foot of ledger)",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,644,0,T Challinor burl. Place,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,645,0,Here-----rest the Remains of Mary the Wife of John Hurst of Little Woolton (italic) who departed this Life June the 1st 1809 (?) Aged 41 Years ALSO of James Hurst their Son who departed this Life Septr the --th 1812 aged 20 Years --al place of Richard Smith (at foot of ledger),0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,646,0,"IN MEMORY OF Thomas Son of William & Ann Blackburn of Wavertree who died April 26th 1841 aged 4 Years & 6 Months Also Ann Blackburn Daughter of the above who died Novr 21ft 1848 aged 6 Years. Also (italic) George Thomlinson who (italic) departed this life May 5th 1868 Aged 5 Months. Also Joseph (whole line italic except for ""Joseph"") thomlinson died 23rd July 1870 Aged 39 Years. Also William (whole line italic except for ""william"") Blackburn died 17th August 1870 Aged 64 Years. (italic, all line to this point). ALSO Mary Tomlinson eldest daughter of the above William Blackburn who died February 18th 1882 Aged 48 Years Also Ann Blackburn wife of the above William Blackburn who died January 31st. 1885, Aged 74 Years.",0,0,1,Mint,300,Clarendon,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,647,0,SACRED to the memory of Sarah Shaw wife of John Shaw of HALEWOOD who departed this life January 13(?)th 1811. Aged 61 Years. Husband weep not or Children dear I am not dead but Sleeping here My glass is run as here you see Prepare your selves to follow me. ALSO of Stephen Shaw Son of the above who died December 11th 1820. Aged 34 Also John Shaw Junr died April 3rd 1829 Aged 19 Years. Also John Shaw Senr died Jany 19th. 1831. Aged 76 Years Also Thomas Shaw died Augft. 11th. 1832. Aged 56 Years. Charles Pownall died June 11th 1846 Aged 65 Years Also Charles Pownall son of the above who died on 31st January 1859 aged 44 Years The Burial Place of Iohn Sha?.,0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,100,Roman,950,Other,0, 0,648,0,"The Burial Place of John & Alice Ock-leshaw William Ocklefhaw Their Son. departed this life June 9th 1809. Aged 9 Days. Also William Ockleshaw, who departed this life the 5th day of February 1885 Aged 75 Years. Also John Ockleshaw son of the above who departed this life february 24th 1901, Aged 65 Years. Also Arthur Ockleshaw, departed this life September 28th 1934 Aged 32 Years. Also John Ockleshaw, father of above departed this life jan 17th 1947, Aged 79 Years. ALSO Mary Elizabeth beloved Wife of above departed this life 23rd Feb 1949 Aged 85 Years. Burial place of John Ockleshaw The Burial place of William Ocklesh?(broken)",0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,0,,0,,0, 0,649,0,Here lieth the Body of Robert Evans Interr'd November 27 1796 Aged 66 Years. A Good Father A true Companion and A sincere Friend. John Evans departed this life March 5th 1800 Aged [3?]2 Years. SACRED to the MEMORY of John Ockleshaw who departed this life 25th day of September 1850 aged 48 Years. Also [Other lettering] Robert Son of the above John Ockleshaw who died 9th day of March 1851 aged 4 Years & 9 months. Also [Other lettering] Joseph son of the above John Ockleshaw who died 20th December 1871 Aged 27 Years. Burial place of John Ockleshaw Burial place of John Ockleshaw & Catharine Ockleshaw.,0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,950,Other,0,,0, 0,650,0,"Ralph Sutton of Halewood, was buried, September the 30th. 17.37.",0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,651,0,Here lieth the Body of Margaret the daughter of Joshua & Jane Bates who departed this life May 2nd 1835 Aged 6 Months [last 3 words italic] . Also [italic] Joshua Bates son of the above [italic] who died on the 10th day of February 1865 Aged [italic] 15 Years [italic],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,652,0,THE BURIAL PLACE [italic] of Thomas and Mary Ann GREENOUGH Elizabeth Chadwick died 6th of July 1855 aged 5 1/2 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,653,0,Sacred to the memory of THOMAS HENRY who departed this Life July 3rd 1854 aged 38 years Also ANN HENRY who died on the 27th of February 1893 aged 72 years Also THOMAS HENRY who died 8th November 1932 aged 80 years Also ESTHER LE. HENRY His Wife who died 20th January 1933 aged 76 years. Also ARTHUR ALLISON HENRY who died 3rd March 1918 aged 35 years Buried in Australia The burial place of ANN HENRY.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,654,0,D:L: 1620: D:L: 1694: Rob Lake 1720: E.L: 1730 Dauid Lake Interred 1737 Eliz Relict of Wm Lake died the 23rd of April 1778 In her 74th Year Lydia Lake died July 24th 1806 Aged 67.,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,655,0,Here under Lyeth the Remains of Robt. Son of Wm. Lake Who Dyed ye. 31st. Octr. 1745 In the 17th. year of his Age Wm. Lake dyed the 16th. Of Febry: 1768 in his 76th. Year. Henry Halfell Lake died the 30th. Of October ^ 1801 in the Sixty 7th.Year of his Age,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,656,0,The Burial place of Isaac and Sarah Helsby; Ellen their Daughter died Feby 25th 1851 aged 5 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,657,0,"Sacred to the Memory of William Woods who departed this Life October 6th 1831 Aged 16 Years. Also of Ann Woods Mother of the above named William Woods who departed this life February 1st 1878 Aged 82 Years. ALSO IN MEMORY OF MARY GLOVER who died 15thNovember 1816 Aged Seventeen Years. JAMES GLOVER who died 18th May 1847 Aged Twenty-eight Years JOHN GLOVER who died 25th October 1850 Aged 10 Years. GEORGE GLOVER Beloved Father of the above Children who died 20th September 1861 Aged Seventy-Five Years The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord. JOB. 1. 21. The burial place of George Glover [last line in Clarendon]",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,300,Clarendon,0,,0, 0,658,0,The Burial place of Edward E?.. E.d.w. fon of jas Reuell buried May ye 12th 1756,0,0,3,Mainly legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,659,0,Here lieth the remains of Thomas Naylor of Tarbock who died April 25th 1816 aged 79 Years. Alfo of Ann Naylor Wife of the above who died December 20th 1818 aged 79 Years. Alfo of John Naylor Son of the above who died December 3rd 1828 aged 53 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,660,0,"IN MEMORY OF (gothic) William Greenough who died May 14th 1856 Aged (other) 64 years. Also (other) James his Son who died August 22nd 1859 Aged (other) 16 Years. ALSO (gothic) Richard Greenough son of the above who died Oct (italic) 29th 1863 Aged (other)44 Years (italics). Also (other) Joseph son of William and Phoebe Greenough who died August 18th 1871 Aged 12 Months ALSO Phoebe wife of William Greenough, died 26th June 1879 Aged 49 Years. Also Louisa Greenough wife of the above who died June 16th 1892 Aged 47 Years. Also William Greenough, Husband of the above, who died 30th March 1897, Aged 58 Years. Also Mary A. Greenough, died 16th May 1934. Aged 69 Years. William Henry Greenough. The Burial Place of William Greenough Junr. (italic)",0,0,2,All legible,600,Gothic,950,Other,0,,0, 0,661,0,Sacred (Gothic) to the Memory of Martha Daughter of William & Martha Greenough who departd this Life Sept 6th 1828 Aged 2 Years & 3 months. Also (italics) Alice Greenough their daughter departed this life August 21st 1831 aged 3 Years (italic). Martha Greenough Mother to the above departed this life April 11th 1837 aged 51 Years (italics) Also (italic) Mary Greenough their daughter died 11th of July 1839 (italic) aged (italic) 12 years Also (italic) Elizabeth their daughter died April 6th 1815 aged 21 Years. Also (italic) Thomas their Son died June 28th 1845 aged 27 Years. Also (italic) Ann their daughter and wife of George Fazakerley who died Sepr 4th 1851 aged 57 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,662,0,S.T. 17.32,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,663,0,L[?] 1727,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,664,0,?u?in?en?,0,0,4,Traces,150,Roman italic,0,,0,,0, 0,665,0,Here lieth the remains of Samuel Whitfield who departed this life the 7th of April 1811 Aged 65 Years Also [italic] Elizabeth wife of the above died 19th May 1821 Aged 72. Also [italic]Mary daughter of John and Elizabeth Whitfield died Jany 15th 1845 aged 25 Years Also [italic] Elizabeth Jackson their daughter died Octr 18th 1852 aged 48 Years. Also [italic] William their Son died May 31st 1854 aged 40 Years.The burial place of William Whitfield of Liverpool [italic],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,666,0,The Burial place of John Dakin,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,667,0,"(Roman) Here lieth the Body of Jane Wainwright who was Interr'd the 6th of Feby 1755 Aged 66 Years. (Sans Serif) IN LOVING MEMORY OF FRANCIS HITCHMOUGH THE BELOVED HUSBAND OF SYLVIA GRACE OF MOSSLEY HILL, WHO DEPARED THIS LIFE DECEMBER 25TH 1889, AGED 38 YEARS. The Burial placce of Wm Wainwright",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,200,San serif,0,,0, 0,668,0,Here lieth the Body of Elizabeth Wife of John Wainwright who departed this life 27th April 1812(?) Aged 30 (?) Years. Alfo the Body of John Wainwright Who departed this life 11th March 1813 Aged 55? Years. Alfo the body of William Wainwright Son of John & Elizabeth Wainwright who departed this Life 10th August 1820 Aged 20? Years. Here lieth the Body of Mary Ellen Scotson the Wife of James Scotson of Garston who departed this life March 2nd 1813 aged 23 Years. Also Robert Scotson their Son who departed this life Septr. 27th 1812 aged 4 months. Also Richard Son of F.H. Grace who died on the 25th May 1850 Aged 29 Years. Francis H. Grace's. The Burial Place of John Wainwright Junr.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,669,0,"Here lyeth the body of Sarah Nugent Esqr Daughter of Walter Nugent Esqr of Antigua who Dyed Ye, 30th July, 1738. Aged 14 yrs",0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,670,0,"SACRED to the memory of Mary Wife of Charles Hewitt who died 1st of October 1852 Aged 31 Years Also CHARLES HEWITT of Wavertree husband of the above, who died May 10th 1859 Aged 40 Years Now loving wife since --- life is past Thy love to me so long did last And now no sorrow for me to take But love my children for my sake (all italic)",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,671,0,"Here lie interr'd the Body of Lydia Ann Harrifon Daughter of Luke & Elizabeth Harrifon who died October 31ft 1811 aged 3 Years. Alfo Luke Harrifon who died May 5th 182(5)? Aged 43 Years. Alfo Elizabeth Daughter of John & Elizabeth Wainwright & Wife of Francis Hichmough Grace of Mofsley Hill who died oct 9th 1833 aged (16)?46? Years. Edward Ernest the dearly beloved Husband of Eliza E. Ellis, who died Dec. 6th 1904, Aged 43 years. Francis H. Grace's.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,672,0,Aaron Williams of Liverpool departed this Life Augft 15th 1815 aged 35 Years. Ellen his Daughter departed this Life Novr 16th 1815 aged 5 Years. Also [italic] FANNY WILLIAMS died December 16th 1857 Aged 3 Years [last 3 words italic]. Also [italic] JAMES ALFRED WILLIAMS died December 2nd 1861 Aged 9 Years [last 3 words italic]. Also Thomas Williams died 9th December 1865 Aged 14 Years [last 3 words italic]. Aaron Williams burial place.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,673,0,"died 28th of December 1857 Aged 76 Years [last 3 words italic]. Also [italic] MARGARET the affectionated wife of AARON WILLIAMS and daughter of the above who departed this life January 23rd 1872 Aged 53 Years Deeply regreted beloved and respected by all who know her. Also [italic] AARON WILLIAMS, the Affectionate husband of the above who departed this life March 7th 1894 Aged 78 Years. And Aaron Williams [last 3 words italic]. Wm Caton's Family burial place.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,674,0,"Here lie the remains of Robert Naylor. Son of Richard and Ann Naylor of Little Woolton [last 2 words italic] who died Janry 15th 1830 aged 29 Years Also [italic] James Naylor son of the above who died May 24th 1839 aged 23 Years Also [italic] Richard Naylor Father of the above who died Novr 11th 1845 aged 85 Years Also Ellen Naylor Sister to the above who departed this life the 9th Day of Feby .... in the 90th Year of her age Also [italic] Ann wife of the above Richard Naylor died Sepr 5th 1852 aged 75 Years. Here lie the remains of Elizabeth Naylor wife [italic] of Richard Naylor Junior who departed this life November 12th 1867 Aged 60 Years [last 3 words italic] Also [italic] Richard Naylor, died June 13th 1900, Aged [italic] 92 Years Also [italic] Richard Naylor died April 20th 1902 Aged 67 Years The Burial Place of Richard Naylor",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,675,0,"Alice the wife of William Naylor departed Septr 22nd 1789 also Joseph, Thomas, and Alice Died young. A Loving Wife, A Mother dear, A Friendly Neighbour, Lies Sleeping here,",0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,676,0,Here l--eth the Body of John Bo--- Son of Thomas & Mary Bolton ---Weft Derby who departed this li-- -- 9th of March --,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,677,0,Here lieth Interr'd the Body of John Carter who departed this life 17 of April 173[?]1 Aged 5[?]0 Years Betty Carter Obit December 11th 1790 Aged 80[?] Years. Sarah Williams died Feby 12th 1826 aged 89 Years. Alfo Charles Williams who died Sepr. 6th 1835. Aged 55 Years. Alfo Mofes Carter Williams died July 19th 1836 aged 22 Years. Also [italic] Jane Williams mother of the above died 5th March 1862. Aged 75 Years [last 3 words italic]. The Burial Place of Aaron Williams [last 6 words italic] The Burial Place of John Williams,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,678,0,"In Memory of [last 3 words italic] Caroline Daughter of John and Alice Foxley who died February 25th 1830 aged 15 Mos Also [italic] John Foxley Father of the above who died July 3rd 1839 aged 39 Years [last 3 words italic]. Also [italic] William Foxley Son of the above who died August 1st 1839 aged 17 Yrs. Also [italic] Alice wife of the above John Foxley died February 14th 1864 Aged 77 Years [last 3 words italic] The weary body resteth here The dust earths dark bosom laid Shall at the Saviour's voice appear In beauty and in strength arrayed. [all 4 lines of verse italic]. Also [italic] Eliza, eldest daughter of the above, who died on the 29th of November 1896 in her 78 Year.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,679,0,Here lieth the Remains of Edward Mofs of Halewood who departed this Life March the 9th 1817 in the 62nd Year of his age. Alfo the Remains of Ann Mofs Wife to the above who departed this life May the 16th 1817 in the 62nd Year of her age. Also [italic] the Remains of Thomas Moss their Son who died April the 8th 1824 Aged 42 Years [last 3 words italic]. The Burial place of Ifaac Mofs,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,680,0,Mary Surrup Died 5th February 1819 Aged 11 Years IN MEMORY OF HERE lieth the Body of William Aldred Cleworth late of [italic] Waterloo Road Liverpool [italic] whose Death was greatly lamented by his relatives and much Respected and regretted by a large Circle of [italic] Friends & his acquaintances. He Departed this life on the 18th day of October [last 2 words italic] 1859 Aged 31 Years. Also William Son of the [last 2 words italic} above William Aldred Cleworth who died on the 27th day of June 1850 Aged 2 Years. Thomas S?? 22nd .. 1854 Aged 78 Years [last 3 words italic] The burial place of Joseph Cleworth.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,681,0,"William John son of John & Esther Rogers died Decr. 2nd 1817 Aged 2 Years. Thomas Rogers Bibby died July 30th 1842 Aged 6 Months John Bibby died Augst 19th 1849 Aged 34 Years. ALSO Sarah Rogers, died February 8th 1863 Aged 55 Years. ALSO Thomas Rogers, died January 28th 1875 Aged 71 Years. ALSO Jane Ann Bibby, died June 17th 1883 Aged 71 Years. ALSO Thomas Bibby, died April 23rd 1887 Aged 42 Years. Burial place of John Bibby 1902",0,0,1,Mint,300,Clarendon,0,,0,,0, 0,682,0,"Here lieth the Body of Mary Daughter {Richd.?} William Gore who died 16th Decr 1806 aged ? Months. Alfo the Remains of Richard Gore who died Septr. 20th 1821 ? 51 Years. Also the Body of Mary Ann Gore Daughter of William & Ann Gore who died March 22nd 1833 aged 6 Years. Also the Remains of Ellen Gore Daughter of the Above Richard and Ellen Gore who Departed this life April 12th 1834 Aged 22 Years Mary Ann daughter of Richard & Mary Gore. Died June 17th 1857 Aged 7 Years. Harriet their daughter Died June 29th 1857 aged 9 weeks. Also Richard Gore father of the above. Died Jany. 25th 1860 Aged 35 Years [last 3 words italic] Also Mary Wife of Richard Gore who died September 21st 1895 Aged 72 Years [last 3 words italic] Also Sarah, Wife of William Gore who died December 3rd 1917 Aged 73 Years [last 3 words italic] Also William Gore husband of the above who died Sept. 5th 1926 Aged 76 Years William Gore.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,683,0,The Burial place of Thomas Owen,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,684,0,"IN MEMORY OF [other - version of copper plate] Mary Ashton, relict of James Holbrooke Ashton of Huyton [italic] who died suddenly on the 13th day of Novr 1846 aged 62 Years. Emma Ashton daughter of Samuel and Caroline Ashton of Liverpool [italic] died September 22nd 1851 aged 2 Years. Also in Loving Memory of my dear wife Mary Elizabeth Ashton, died May 29th 1946, aged 83 Years. Peace, perfect peace. [Last 3 words italic] Also Ernest Herbert, beloved Husband of above died September 13th 1948, aged 83 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,500,Copper plate,0,,0, 0,685,0,John Platts Burial Place. The burial place of John Platt of Hale 1813,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,686,0,J.Platts Burial Place. Richard Fowler Buried February The 24th 1749 The burial place of John Platt of Hale. 1813,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,687,0,The Burial place of John Wainwright 1791,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,688,0,IN MEMORY OF John Houlgrave who died Decr. 9th 1873 Aged [italic] 71 Years. John & Elizth Houlgrave's burial place,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,689,0,"H ?ams of Jo? son of? who died November 22 Also Mar.. Sank..y who died Novr 5th 1860 Aged 64 Years. ALSO Elizabeth E?.nson ..ughter of the above ?o died February 28th 1882 Aged 49 Year Also P.... , son of William Ellinson died July (?) 6th 1901, Aged 43 Years. IN LOVI..G MEMORY OF Sarah Ellinson died January 21st 1929, Aged 63 Years. Also William Ellinson husban.. of the above. Died Febru? ..931(?) Aged 71 Years",0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,690,0,"??hn Son of Joseph ?unstall departed this life April 27th 1785 Ellen Daughter of Joseph Tunstall departed this September 3 1787 Alfo the remains of Ellen Tunftall Daughter of Joseph ?.II? .eparted this life 12th of January 1811 aged 18 Years. Alfo Ellen Tunftall Mother of the above, Wife of Jofeph Tunftall who departed this life 14th of November 1811 aged 58 Years Alfo the Remains of Jofeph Tunftall Father & Hufband. of the above who departed this life 24th of June 1815 aged 61 Years. Wm ?ftall Bl Place (italic)",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,691,0,To the memory of Ellen Daughter of wm S Cicely Tunstall of Liverpool (italic) died on the 1ft of Feby 1819 Aged 18 Months. William Tunstall Father. of the above died on the 28th of April. 1833 Aged 42 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,692,0,"Here lyeth the Body of Mary the wife of John Lawrenson who Departed this life April 6th 1789, Aged 57 Years. Ellen Lawrenson's Bl place",0,0,3,Mainly legible,300,Clarendon,0,,0,,0, 0,693,0,"Here lieth the Body of James Son of William [&] Ann Foxley. who departed this life the 14th of June 1806 ag-ed 18 Years. (Gothic) Here also rest the remains of the above William Foxley who departed this life on the 26th of February 1819 aged (5)?2 Years. A loving Husband , a father dear, A friendly Neighbour lies sleeping here.(last two lines in italic)Here also rest the remains of Ann Wife of the above William Foxley who departed this life Septr 27th 1832 aged 68 Years. Also Ellen Foxley, daughter of the above died Feby 7th 1854 aged 64 Years. Also of Ann Foxley Grandaugh-ter of the above who departed this life May 8th 1855 aged 35 Yrs Also of William Father of the last named Ann Foxley who departed this life July 29th 1856 aged 59 Years. (italics)Also Margaret, widow of the above who departed this life February 13th 1858 Aged 58 Years. (italics) Also James son of the above William and Margaret Foxley who died January 1st 1869 Aged 44 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,950,Other 0,694,0,(gothic decorative script) In Memory Of (Roman)Thos Broadbent who died 28th August 1805. Also of Sarah Broadbent who died Jany 30th 1812 Aged 16 Years. Also of Char Broadbent who died 25th April 1813 Aged 1 Year and 8 months Also Mary Broadbent who died 15th August 1832 Aged 32 Years. Also Alice C Norbury who died 26th Feby 1864. Aged 19 Years. Also of Marg. Hill Norbury who died 20th Jany 1870 Aged 62 Years Also of John Norbury who died January 8th 1876. Aged 64 Years And of William Son of the above John Norbury who died March 28th 1903 Aged 62 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,695,0,"JOSEPH MAKIN IN LOVING MEMORY OF ELIZABETH MAKIN, THE BELOVED WIFE OF PETER MAKIN, WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE APRIL 2ND 1890 AGED 82 YEARS BURIAL PLACE OF PETER MAKIN",0,0,1,Mint,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,696,0,Here lieth the Body of Willm Ledfham who departed this life 17th of July 1801 Aged 49 Ys. Also Deborah Ledfham Wife of the above who departed this life June 25th (italics) 1811 Aged 63 Years. Also (Italics) of John Holland Ledsham Son of the above Parents who de-parted this life Novr. 22nd 1823. Aged 38 Years. (Italics)Also(italic) William Ledsham son of the above who departed this life June 15th 1860 Aged 67 Years (Last 3 in italics)Also (italic) Elizabeth Helen Matthews Great Granddaugher of the above who died August 19th 1866 Aged (italics) 3 Years. Also (italic) Elizabeth Ledsham who Departed this Life April 9th 1867 Aged 70 (Last 2 italics) Years. (italic),0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,697,0,"(Gothic) In Memory (roman) of Martha Deborah Daughter of Peter and Ann Hall of (italics) Much Woolton (roman) who died on the 8th of Feby 1823 Aged 10 Months. Also the above Peter Hall, departed this life the 3rd of May 1837 aged 48 Years. Also Martha Eliza Blackburn Grand-daughter of the above departed this life the 11th of July 1837 aged 13 Months. Also Peter Hall Blackburn Grand son to the above who departed this life 13th December 1838 aged 7 Months. (italics) Also (Roman) Ann wife of the above Peter Hall who Departed this life November 14th 1868 (italics) Aged 80 Years. (San Serif) ALSO (roman) Elizabeth Hall died May 12th 1879 (italics) Aged 56 Years. (Sans Serif) ALSO Deborah Holland, Wife of Thomas Matthews, who Died February 12th 1905 (italic) Aged 74 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,200,San serif,600,Gothic 0,698,0,"IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF CHARLES FIFTH SON OF PETER AND ANNE DICKENSON, OF LIVERPOOL WHO DIED 2ND FEBRUARY 1853 AGED 14 MONTHS ALSO OF ALFRED, THEIR SIXTH SON, WHO DIED 6TH APRIL 1859 AGED 6 WEEKS THE BURIAL PLACE OF PETER DICKENSON MASTER PILOT OF LIVERPOOL",0,0,1,Mint,200,San serif,0,,0,,0, 0,699,0,The Burial Place of George and Elizabeth Ockleshaw Ellen their daughter departed this life the 22nd Jany 18[48?] Aged 2 Months (Italic) Also (italic) Sarah their daughter who departed this life the 20th Jany 1852 Aged 13 Years. ( italic) Also (italic) Martha Bramhill died January 11th 1877 Aged 62 ( italic) Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,700,0,"John Son of James and Mary Rushton died Sepr 17th 1836 Aged 22 Months. Mary Rushton died August 10th. 1872 Aged 75 Years. Thou art gone to the grave but we will not deplore thee whose God was thy ransom, thy guardian, thy guide He gave thee, he took thee, and he will restore thee and death hath no sting, for the Saviour hath died. ALSO the above James Rushton who died November 4th 1882 Aged 87 Years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,701,0,(Gothic) Sacred (roman) TO THE MEMORY OF JAMES TIPPIN who departed this life the 3rd day of Novr. 1852 Aged 84 Years (italic) Also (roman) Betty Tippin wife of the above who departed this life on the 10th of May 1860 in her 88 Year The burial place of Joseph Grace,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,702,0,Hre lieth the body of Tabitha Wife of John? Harvey who departed this life Novr 25th 1770 In the 66 year of her Age. John Harvey departed this life Jany (4th)? 1778 In th 7(3)? Year of his age. When the Shrill Trump shall (hear?)the Sounding A?.. the Lon? Dead revive Each though We hope (in life?) (Redeam Chrift) to shine In JOYS Eternal and might Divine. Henry Swift Burial place.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,703,0,Ellen Daughter of Henry Swift died May 2nd 1732 in the 9th? Year of her age Ellen the Wife of Henry Swift died Jan 1st 1761 in the 6(?)0th Year of her age Henry Swift died Decr. 19th. 1768 in the 73rd Year of his age. Ann the Wife of Joshua Swift died June 26(?) th 1775(?) in the 31st Year of her age. Joshua Son of Jonathan Swift died August 17th 1802 aged 3 Years Also JOSHUA SWIFT son of the above (last 2 word in italics) Henry who died on the 12th day of February 1820 in the 78th Year of his age. He was a man of kind and friendly Disposition sincere in his Professions and honest in his Dealings and a constant Frequenter of the public wor-ship of GOD. Mary Swift died May 11th 1811 aged 61 Years. Jonathan Swift died May 15th 1811 aged 68 Years. Henry Swift's burial place.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,704,0,Here lieth th Body of Jofhua Son of John Harv- who departed this life Septr. 19 1739 in the 13? Year of his Age. Alfo Two sons & Three Daughters who died very Young,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,705,0,Samuel Trow's Burial Place IN LOVNG MEMORY OF THOMAS DAVIES TROW who departed this life Febuary 14th 1875 Aged 27 Years MARY HARRIET WRIGHT sister of the above who died 3rd August 1921 Aged 62 Years. At Rest.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,706,0,"Jane, Wife of James Ockleshaw, of Speke departed this life the 29th October 1812, Aged 32 Years. A loving Wife A mother dear A friendly Neighbour Lies sleeeping here. Also James Ockleshaw husband of the above who departed this life February 5th 1845, in the 69th Year of his Age. Also William Ockleshaw, Son of the above died June 9th 1846, aged 46 Years A loving Husband A father dear A friendly Neighbour Lies sleeping here Also Elizabeth Ockleshaw, who departed this life the 28th January 1873, Aged 66 Years. Come unto meall ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,707,0,Sacred to the memory of John Greenough Son of John and Mary Greenough who departed this life 19th May 1815 aged 32 Years Here lieth the remains of John Greenough father to the above who departed this life 15th May 1817 aged 63 Years Sacred to the Memory of Mary Wife of John Greenough who departed this life August 7th 1824 aged 47 Years.In Memory (italics) of Peter Son of James and Barbara Greenough who departed this life FebY 17th 1840 aged 17 Years Also (italics) Mary their Daughter who departed this life the 29th of Oct 1840 aged 25 Years Also( italics) James Greenough Father of the above who departed this Life JanY 6th 1847 in the 70th Year of his age Also (italics) of Barbara Wife of the above James Greenough who departed this life March 16th 1853 aged 67 Also (italics) Grace Greenough died May 9th 1864 Aged 57 Years (last 3 words in italics).,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,708,0,(top) Thomas Webfter's burial place. Here lieth the remains of Thomas Web-fter of Childwall who departed this life on the 20th of November 1828 aged 77 Years. Also Mary Relict of the above Thomas Webfter who departed this life on the 3rd day of March 1830 Aged 78 Years. Also Mary the wife of Joseph Webster of Little Woolton (last two in italics) who Died on the 29th day of Sepr. 1859 Aged 78 Years. Also Joseph Webster Husband of the above who died Octr. 11th 1863 Aged 84 Years. Also Thomas Webster of West Derby who departed this Life March 7th 1890 Aged 78 Years. Also Betty Webster Sister of the above who died September 1st 1890 Aged 75 Years. Also William Webster Brother of the above died December 17th 1890 aged 73 Years. (east face) Also Mary Webster Sister of the above Died January 30th 1891 Aged 81 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,709,0,(North side in stone relieved text box) Also Elizabeth Emily Owen Died 24th 1942. (East Panel) ALSO IN MEMORY OF MARY ELLEN daughter of the above WILLIAM OWEN who died July 7th 1887 aged 31 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,710,0,"Here lies interred the Mortal Remains of Ellen the Wife of Thomas Glover of Little Woolton (last two words are italic) who departed this life March 13th 1826 Aged 70 Years (last 3 italic) Also (italic) Thomas Glover, Husband, of the above who departed this life March 10th 1837 Aged (italic) 81 Years. (Italic) Also (italic) John son of Joseph and Elizabeth Gore who died March 14th 1860 Aged 17 Months (last 3 italics) Also (italics) Jane Gore died Jany. 4th 1862 Aged 2 Months, (Last 3 italics) Also (italic) Joseph Gore father of the above (italic) children who (italic) died February 18th 1865 Aged 56 Years (last 3 italic) Thy will be done. (whole line italic) The burial place of Joseph Gore",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,711,0,"[East face, Roman] John Wiswall Departed this life 19th day of June. 1783. in th. 73 Year of his Age. ?nn Wiswall his wife Departd this life th. 11 day of Auguft 1783 i? th. 78 Year of her Age. [West face, other] Jane the Wife of John Wiswall was Buried December ye 10th 1713 John Wiswall Buried September ye 18th 1730 in the 70th year of his age John the Son of John Wiswall Junior Buried the 23 day of July 1734 Thomas the Son of John Wiswall Buried September the 22nd 1735",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,712,0,"Here [other] lie the Remains of William Birch who departed this Life on the 7th day of Febry. 1817. Aged 64 Years [last 3 words italic]. Also the Remains of Alice Birch his Wife who departed this Life on the 27th day of March 1822 aged [italic] 66 Years. Here also lies interred Thomas Gore Son of Joseph and Mary Gore of Much Woolton [last 2 words italic] who died on the 24th day of Decr. 1817 aged [italic] 7 months. Also [italic] William Gore their Son who died on the 23rd day of Octr. 1819. Aged 6 Years. Also Alice their Daughter who died Sepr. 11th 1831 Aged 10 Years. Also Joseph their Son who died Feby. 15th 1835 Aged 25 Years. Also Joseph Father of the above Children who died Feby. 7th 1839 Aged 50 Years. ALSO James Gore son of the above who died August 22nd. 1884 Aged 69 Years. ALSO Catherine wife of the above James Gore, who died December 13th 1887 Aged 68 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,950,Other,0, 0,713,0,"Here lieth the Body of Elizabeth the Daughter of William and Elizabet Naylor of Speak who departed this life January 22nd 1787 aged 10 Years Alfo Ellen their Daughter who departed this life May 6th 1810 aged 30 Years. Also Elizabeth Naylor died the 9th October 1811 aged 88 Years. Also William Naylor died the 11th October 1811 aged 91 Years Also Ralph Welsby who departed this life March 6th 1850 aged 50 Years Also the Body of Charles Naylor who died December 5th 1865 Aged 42 Years. Also Esther wife of the above Ralph Welsby died March 5th 1877 Aged 83 Years Also John Naylor son of William Naylor, died February 17th 1878 Aged 75 Years",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,300,Clarendon,500,Copper plate,0, 0,714,0,Here lie the Remains of Martha Daughter of William and Mary Naylor of Halewood who departed this life November 12th 1805 aged 9 Months Alfo Martha Daughter of the above departed this life January 28th 1810 aged 1 Month Also Mary the Wife of William Naylor who departed this life April 19th 1812 Aged 27 Years Husband weep not or Children dear I am not dead but sleeping here My glass is run as here you see Prepare yourselves to follow me. Also [italic] William Naylor Husband of the above Mary Naylor departed this life Decr 23rd 1828 aged 51 Years. Also [Clarendon italic] Gerard Naylor son of the above [Clarendon italic] who departed this life the 19th April 1869 Aged [Clarendon italic] 63 Years [rest of this sentence in Clarendon]. Also Margaret Naylor wife of Gerard Naylor died August 22nd 1878 Aged 74 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,300,Clarendon,0,,0, 0,715,0,Here lieth the Body of Isaac Naylor who departed this Life November 12th 1826 aged 31 yrs. Also Elizabeth Naylor Wife of the above departed this Life December 4th 1826 aged 31 Years. The Burial place of Isaac Naylor of Speke [this whole line italic],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,716,0,"Here lieth the Body of John Molyneux who departed this Life May 29th, 1805 aged 49 Years. Alfo two children who died young. SACRED to the memory of [4 words italic] Sarah Wife of John Molyneux who departed this life Feby. 4th. 1849 Aged [italic] 42 Years. ALSO of John Molyneux Junr who departed this life November 9th 1853 Aged 49 Years. Also [italic] Elizabeth Rigby who [italic] died August 10th 1866 Aged 54 Years [italic]. The Burial place of Wm. Molyneux Junr.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,717,0,"Mary the Wife of Gilbert Molyneux departed this life Auguft 15th 1766 Aged 50 Years. Gilbert Molyneux departed this Life Jany. 3rd. 1800 aged 80. Margrett Molyneux departed this Life Jany. 13th. 1800 aged 69. Jane Molyneux, died June 10th 1847 aged 66 Years. Elizabeth Wife of Charles Molyneux died March 19th 1852 aged 37 Years. Also Charles Molyneux husband to the above died june 15th 1866 aged 54 Years. Also Charles Granbdson {carving error on stone} of the above Elizabeth and Charles Molyneux died Sepr 25th 1869 aged 3 years and 9 months. ?urial place of John Molyneux Junr",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,718,0,Sacred to the Memory of [5 words other] MARGARET RICHMOND who departed this life at Druids Cross August 26th 1819 Aged 54 Years. Burial place of Robert Richmond,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,719,0,THE BURIAL PLACE of James and Maria Lydiath James Husband of the above [italic] Maria Lydiath departed this life on the 25th of December 1849 Aged 56 Years [last 3 words italic],0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,0,,0,,0, 0,720,0,Elizth Davidson Inter Dec (8?)?.. Mary Davidson Was Intrd Feb: The 18th 1723 Jvly the 1st Margrett Davidson Departed This Life in the Year 1747 Alice Davidson Was Intered the 7 day of December 175(5) Mary Davidson Was Intered the 31st day of January 1756,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,721,0,Here lieth the Body of William Mozeley of Liverpool who departed this life on the 31ft day of March 1800 Aged 40 Yrs An indulgent Hufband and a tender Father. Here lieth the Body of Mary Leivefley wife of James Leivefley who departed this life April 1ft 1808 Aged 63 Years Here lieth the Body of John Roberts died 2nd April 1810 Aged 31 Years Alfo John Livefey who died Jany 10th 1833 aged 39 Years. The Burial place of James Livefey.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,722,0,IN MEMORY OF Lydia Wife of Thomas Webster who departed this life June 18th 1815 aged 55 Years. Also [italic] the above Thomas Webster who departed this life April 16th 1819 aged 62 Years. Also [italic] Joseph Webster departed this life 12th May 1866 aged 45 Years. Also [last 4 words italic] Jane wife of the above [last 3 words italic] Joseph Webster departed this life on the 16th September 1866 aged 42 Years [last 3 words italic]. Jane Webster burial place of Childwall,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,723,0,Here lieth the remains of ?? Bond Daughter of John and ?.hel Bond who died Sepr. 23rd 1830 aged 26 Years. Alfo of Catherine Bond their Daughter who died June 9th 1831 aged 21 Years. Also [italic] Rachel the Wife of John Bond and Mother of the above Children died Jany. 5[?]th 1837 Aged 6[?] 9 Years. Also [last 4 words italic] ?hn[?] Bond who died April 11th 18.. ?? 77[?] Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,724,0,"IN MEMORY OF Elizabeth Ockleshaw who died June 18th 1839 Aged [italic] 5 months Also Mary Ockleshaw, Mother of the above who died March 16th 1846 Aged [italic] 51 Years Also [italic] William Ockleshaw son of the above who died Sept 22nd 18??, aged 6months. Also [italic] Thomas Ockleshaw son of Thomas & Ann Ockleshaw Grandson of the above Mary who died May 4th 1869 Aged 1 Year Also [italic] Lawrence Ockleshaw who ???. Died Novr 15th ?.. Aged 5-? Years Also Joseph Ockleshaw who died Feby [13?] 1871 Aged 4 Years ALSO Ann the beloved wife of Thomas Ockleshaw who departed this life the 16th day of July1877 in her 41st Year ALSO Henry died October 15th 1877 aged 4 months ALSO Elizabeth the wife of the above William Ockleshaw, who died the 26th day of February 1880 Aged 66 Years The Burial Place of William Ockleshaw",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,725,0,"IN Loving Memory Of {4 words in Gothic script] FRANCIS JOHN INFANT SON OF WM & ELIZABETH ANN OCKLESHAW BORN 9TH DECR 1906, DIED 16th NOVR 1907 ALSO WILLIAM NORMAN {SON} DIED 27TH FEBY 1912 AGED 3 YEARS & 5 MONTHS ALSO JOSEPH {SON} DIED 29TH NOVR 1930 AGED 20 YEARS ""FOR JESUS CHRISTS SAKE"" [last 4 words italic} ALSO ELIZABETH ANN BELOVED WIFE OF WILLIAM OCKLESHAW AND MOTHER OF THE ABOVE DIED 28TH NOVR 1935 AGED 64 YEARS ALSO WILLIAM OCKLESHAW, OF ""BROOK SIDE"", MOSSLEY HILL, DIED 5TH MAY 1946 AGED 82 YEARS ""RE UNITED"" [italic]",0,0,2,All legible,200,San serif,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,726,0,The Burial place of James & Jane Ockleshaw. Sarah their Daughter departed this life May 31ft 1851 Aged 5 Months & 20 Days. This lovely Bud Fo Frefh & Fair Call'd hence by early doom Just come to Fhow how Fweet a Flower In Paradife to bloom. Also [italic] Robert Son of the above died 1ft day of March 1854 aged 13 Months.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,727,0,"[Top:] The Bridges of [West face:] George Bridge died the 24th of March 1755. aged 55. years. Mary, the Wife of Geo. Bridge Interr'd Aug. 23rd, 1766. ALSO Elizabeth died July 13th. 1829 Aged 74 Years. ALSO George Bridge husband of the above, died August 19th. 1834 Aged 81 Years. [East face:] The Burial place of George Bridge Margaret Bridge wife of George Bridge Born 8th. Decr. 1831 Died 17th May 1889 Also of George Bridge. Born 14th. Feb. 1824 Died 27th. May 1907. Aged 83 Years. ""At Rest""",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,728,0,"[Top:] Speke and Liverpool [West face:] Here lieth the Body of Henry Bridge of Speke who died October 13th, 1786 Aged 57 Years. Alfo Ann Bridge the Wife of the above who died Augft 24th, 1800 Aged 71 Years. Go home dear friends and fhed no tears here muft we lie till CHRIST appears. Ellen Bridge died Decr. 28th 1793 aged 2 Years James Bridge died April 30th. 1795 aged 16 Mos. James Bridge Father of the above Children died 15th. of Decr. 1812 aged 44 Years. Much lamented by his difconfolate Widow and regreted by all that knew him. [East face:] In Loving Memory of Elizabeth [other] who was for 49 Years the Good wife of Mark Nelson Bridge and died December 14th 1890 Also Mark Nelson Bridge, husband of the above, who died Nov. 27th 1892, aged 72 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,729,0,"[South kerb] ALSO JOHN J.E.BRIDGE THIRD SON OF THE ABOVE AND DEARLY BELOVED HUSBAND OF ANNIE J. BRIDGE, DIED 2ND. DEC. 1920, AGED 57 YEARS.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,730,0,[Top face:] Erected by George O'N Bridge.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,731,0,Underneath lieth the Remains of William Pendleton of Halewood who departed this life 25th of August 1808 Aged 81? Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,732,0,Sacred [other] TO THE MEMORY OF Eliza the daughter of Thomas and Ann Richardson who departed this life November 9th 1822 aged 20 Years. Also [italic] Thomas Richardson Father of the above who departed this life May 15th 1839 aged 61 Years Also [italic] of Ann daughter of the above who departed this life 22nd of April 1842 aged 16 Years. Also [italic] on the 7th day of April 1845 William Edward Son of the above Thomas Richardson departed this life aged 35 Years Also of the above Ann Richardson who died June 13th. 1858 Aged 75 Years. D.W.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,733,0,Sacred [Gothic] To the Memory of George Richardson of Halewood [italic] and late of Liverpool [italic] who departed this life September 14th 1824 Aged 65 Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,734,0,"Underneath is interred the Remains of William Woods late of Halewood who departed this Life 11th April 1780 in the 78 Year of his Age. Elizabeth Woods Relict of the above named William Woods died the 28th of March 1783 aged 77 Years. Here alfo lieth the Remains of Samuel Wefton of LITTLE WOOLTON who died the 1ft of October 1802 aged 70 Years. Also [other] of ALICE Relict of the above named [last 2 words italic] Samuel Weston, who departed this Life on the 11th day of May 1824 in the [italic] 86th Year of her Age [last 3 words other]. Alfo Richard Wefton Son of the above died Jany the 8th 1832 aged 66 Years. Watch therefore : for ye know not What hour your Lord doth come.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,950,Other,0, 0,735,0,,0,0,2,All legible,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,736,0,?.air to ?.Son of ?.4th of Febru.. ?part with ?band a?,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,737,0,?.rrall who ? who ?Mary Worrall ?life ?.life ?. 1777 ?.d ..th? departed this life the ? 1782? ?orge Worrall departed ?. Departed this life ? 1799 ?.departed this life the ?. Aged 38? Years ?. Meet thy God ? the above George & Mary ?.ry 1801 Aged 25 Years. ?we love so dear ?nd a friend sincere ?. would no longer stay ? his Souls at reft. Bleft. Robert Worrall Junr.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,738,0,"The burial place of Thomas & Mary Greenough Diana Dixon Greenhough their Grand-daughter died May 5th 1850 aged 2 Years. Also Ann Greenough died October 5th 1853 aged 74 Years Also Alice Greenough died January 8th 1856 aged 70 Years. Also Alice Greenough daughter of the above died August 6th 1857 aged 37 years Also Thomas Greenough died April 19th 1860 Aged 76 Years. Also Mary Greenough died May 26th 1863 Aged 78 Years (italic) ALSO Amy Greenough, who died March 4th 1888 aged 20 years ALSO Thomas Greenough, who died 25th April 1896, Aged 64 Years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,739,0,IN MEMORY OF John Williamson who died Augst 21st 1850 aged 17 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,740,0,? D[?]arcey all : departe? This ?ife july the 12 1758 in The 63 year of her Adge [sic] Elizabeth the Daughter of Ioseph Stockton Buried The 17th March 1767 Ellen the Wife of Joseph Stockton Departed this life October 21 1769,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,741,0,[3 lines of illegible inscription in other script] lies interred the Body of Elizabeth the Wife of Joseph Walker of Halewood [last 2 words italic] who departed this life on the 6th day of April 1817 Aged 20 Years [last 3 words italic]. ? by his ?.hide My Faithful Partner from my Side And you of yours deprived may be ?.. as me!! In Memory of Ann Daughter of Joseph and Mary Walker who departed this life December 31st 1835 aged 13 Years. Also [last 4 words italic] George Son of the [italic] above who departed this life May 11th 1846 aged 20 Years. Also [last 4 words italic] of John Son of the above [italic] who departed this life Novr 4th 1846 aged 26 Years. Also [last 4 words italic] Emma Wife of George Walker. Died April 12th 1902 Aged 59 Years [last 3 words italic]. Burial Place of George Walker 1895,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,950,Other,0, 0,742,0,"SACRED [other] to the Memory of Thomas Wainwright late of Liverpool [last 3 words italic] who departed this life on the 10th day of August 1821 in the [last 2 words italic] 17th Year of his age [last 3 words italic]. Sacred to the memory of Robert Wainwright of Liverpool who died Augft 28th 1830 aged 53 Years. Elizth his Wife died July 28th 1830 aged 50 Yrs. Three of their children lay by them. The fweet remembrance of the juft Shall Flourifh when they drop in duft Also [italic] Elizabeth eldest daughter of Henry and Jane Wainwright died June 1st 1861, Aged 88 Years. The Burial Place of Henry Wainwright",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,950,Other,0, 0,743,0,Here lies intered ye Body of Martha Weanwright died 23d Septr 1749 in ye 54th year of her age Richard Wainwright died November the 10th 1825[?] aged 40 Years Also [italic] Joseph Wainwright died the 22nd May 1864 Aged 56 Years [last 3 words italic] ALSO Ann wife of the above Joseph Wainwright died 17th September 1881 Aged 74 Years The Burial Place of Henry Wainwright,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,744,0,Here lieth the Body of ?eter the Son of Robert and ?.. departed this life ?. Latham ?aged ? Years Also Henry Latham departed this life the 3rd of Febr 1810 Aged 82 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,745,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,746,0,Sacred to the M?.. Of John l?. of ?Mili?.ia who departed this life ?. 21st ? aged 32 Y? A? John l?. ?ed? .. Departed,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,747,0,M W..A Margaret the Daughter of William & Ann Morley who departed ???.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,748,0,Sacred [Gothic] TO THE MEMORY OF [italic] Elizabeth daughter of William and Elizabeth Serjeant died 18th Feby 1860 Aged 2 Years. Also [last 4 words italic] of Eliza daughter of above died 1st Sepr 1860 Aged 7 Years. Also [last 4 words italic] of Agnes Mary daughter of above died 30th Augt 1864 Aged 9 Years [last 3 words italic]. Also of Fredrick Albert son of above died 14 Sepr. 1864 Aged 3 Years. Also [last 4 words italic] Louisa Ann daughter of above died 20th Oct. 1867 Aged 4 Years [last 3 words italic]. Also of William Sharp Aged 11[?] Years. Also of Fredrick George aged 1 Year and 11 Months. Sons of the above who died 21st August 1870. Also of Elizabeth mother of the above children who died 6th March 1879 Aged 52 Years. ALSO William Sergeant Born June 26th 1823 Died March 27th 1884.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,749,0,"(West Face) Here lyeth the body of Sarah Whitlow who Departed this life the 23d March 1757. Daughter to James Allanson. Here lieth Interred ye Body of Edward Whitlow of Great Woolton Died Novr 8th 1722 Aged 68th Years Alfo Margaret Wife of the Said Edward Whitlow died July 20th 1777 Aged 51 Years. (East Face) The Burial Place of William Mofley and Alexander Blair. Sarah Whitlow died June 4th, 1795, Aged 32 Years. Alfo Ellen the Wife of Willm Mofley departed this life 3d of February 1794 Aged 26 Years. Afflictions fore long time I bore, Phyficians were in vain, 'Till GOD was pleaf'd to give me care, and free me from my pain, [italic] She was an affectionate Wife, a tender Mother and a sincere friend",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,750,0,The burial place of James Lyon of Halewood [italic] In Memory of William Lyon who departed this life of the 3rd of February 1848 aged 37 years Also of [italic] Ellen Lyon who departed this life on the 28th day of May 1864 Aged [italic] 4 years. Also of [italic] Thomas Lyon who [italic] departed this life on the 6th of June 1864 Aged 6 years. Also [italic] of James Lyon Father of the above [italic] children who [italic] departed this life on the 14th of October 1865 Aged [italic] 40 Years [italic]. Also of [italic] Margaret Lyon the mother of James Lyon who [italic] departed this life on the 11th of December 1867 Aged 69 Years [italic] Also Ellen widow of the above James Lyon who departed this July 3rd 1860 Aged 60 Years. Blessed are the dead which lie in the Lord,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,751,0,"Sacred [Gothic] To the Memory [italic] of Catherine Wife of Bernard Kelly, who departed this life March 9th [fullstop under th] 1841 Aged 45 Years. Here lies the ashes of a Wife, sincere and good was she She led a just and virtuous life God grant, she happy be. Also [italic] Margaret Catherine the daughter of Bernard & Jane Kelly who died Jan [superscript y] 26th [two fullstops under the th] 1851 aged 6 Years. Refrain those tears and weep no more, Because your child is gone before, In love she liv'd, in peace she died Her life was she wished for, but was denied. Also [italic] James Richardson Son in Law [italic] of the above who departed this life June 28th [fullstop under the th] 1862 Aged 34 Years. ALSO Catherine Smith died August 20th [two fullstops under the th] 1890 Aged 62 Years. ALSO Jane Vaughan who died 25th Sep [superscript t] 1905 Aged 79 Years. Bernard Kelly Woolton.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,752,0,"In Memory of Alice Mason who died 18th of Sep 1855 aged 5 Months James Garrard died July 8th 1869 [italic] Aged [italic] 39. Also James Lang who died Aug 6, 1873 Aged 61 Years [italic] ALSO Thomas Edward Lang eldest son of the above, who died December 20th 1885 Aged 49 Years Thy will be done [copper plate] In Loving Memory of Mary J Banister daughter of the above James Lang who died Sep [superscript t with a fullstop beneath it] 3rd [fullstop beneath the rd] 1894 Aged 54 Years Rest comes at length though life is long and dreary [italic] Also Alice wife of the above Thomas Edward Lang died October 7th 1902 Aged 67 Years With Christ which is far better [italic] The burial place of James Lang",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,500,Copper plate,0, 0,753,0,Edward Young's burial place ALSO (other) ROBERT YOUNG son of the above who died January 15th [placed in a box] 1871 aged 48 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,754,0,"Here lies the remains of Thomas Freeman who departed this life on the 28th [two fullstops below the th] of June 1848 Aged 57 Years. Also of Margaret wife of the above who departed this life April 29th [two fullstops below the th] 1849 Aged 57 Years. Thomas their Grandson died Feb [superscript y] 7th 1855 aged 4 Years. Henry Freeman died Nov. [superscript r] 19th [fullstop below the th] 1865 [italic] Aged 2 Years. [italic] George Freeman died Feb [superscript y] 20th [fullstop below the th] 1886 [italic] Aged 42 Years. [italic] Also of Henry Houghton who departed this life December 3rd 1868, Aged 24 Years. [italic other] Mourn not for him whom God has blest. And taken to his Heavenly rest Free'd from all sorrow, grief and pain Your loss is his eternal gain [italic other] E. Freeman [superscript s with a fullstop beneath it] burial place",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,950,Other,0, 0,755,0,Chriftopher Croft died March 18th 1779 I faid I will take heed to my ways that offend not in my tongue Rachel Croft departed This life 12 [superscript th] of Dec 1782 Aged 55 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,756,0,CROMPTON ROBERT:73:166? MARY:87:1684,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,757,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,758,0,Here lies interred [other] Nanny Houlgrave the Daughter of Charles & Mary Houlgrave who departed this life in her 29th Year on the 5th day of August 1822. Also [italic] the remains of Mary Houlgrave Mother of the above died Dec [superscript r] 22nd 1835 aged 70 Years And in Death lamented As in life respected Also Ellen Houlgrave daughter of the above died March 30th 1846 Aged 55 Years Also [italic] Sara Houlgrave daughter of the above [italic] died Sep [superscript r] 2 [superscript nd] 1851 Aged [italic] 51 years Also Mary Lawton daughter of the above died March 3 [superscript rd] 1858 Aged 65 Years Also [italic] Betty Houlgrave daughter of the above died August 30 [superscript th] 1865 Aged 79 [italic],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,759,0,The Burial Place of Robert Quick,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,760,0,Sacred to the Memory of Benjamin Hallows of Liverpool who departed this Life October 13th [two fullstops beneath the th] 1838 Aged 55 Years Also Sarah Hallows Relict of the above who departed this Life on the 24th [fullstop below the th] March 1866 Aged 82 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,761,0,"[gothic] Here [gothic] lie the Remains of James Molineux of Liverpool Cooper, and son of Thomas and Alice Molineux of Halewood, who departed this life Sunday Feb [superscript y] 11th [underlined th] 1810 aged 44 Years. Thomas Molineux of Halewood Father of the above, departed this Life January 26th [fullstop below the th] 1815, aged 93 years. Thomas, son of the above Thomas Molineux, departed this life [d?cor motif] January 24th [fullstop below the th] 1823 [italic] aged [italic] 64 Years. Elizabeth Molineux Departed this life August 25th 1835 Aged 74 Years. Robert Molineux Departed this life December 28th [fullstop below the th] 1835 aged 67 Years. Mary Molineux, neice of the above died 24th [underlined th] March 1846 [italic] Aged 49 Years [italic] Also the Remains of Mary Molineux, who departed this life March 18th [underline under th] 1852 aged 78 Years.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,762,0,Here lieth I?.rd the Body ?.. J ?. Son of Thoma?.. Molineux of HAI..V?D who departed ?.ife ?. Day of ? A?. In 30t [superscript t] ? Age ??.. Daughter ???? of March ?? 19 years ?. Ife of Thomas ? eux and Mother ?. Departed ? 1791 ?.ars.,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,763,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,764,0,Ann Wife of Edward Fazakearley departed this life on the 30th of April 1780 in the 35th [superscript] year of her age,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,765,0,"Here lie the Remains of James Houldgrave of Leeds Street [italic] Liverpool [italic] who departed this life on the 24th [superscript] day of July 1837 [italic] aged 55 Years. Also [italic] the remains of Mary Houldgrave his daughter who who departed this life on the 22nd [superscript nd] November 1840 in the 17th [superscript th] Year of her age. [italic] Also [italic] the Remains of Mary Houldgrave relict of the above James Houldgrave who departed this life on the 11th [superscript th] this life on the 11th [superscript and two fullstops below the th] day of May 1842 aged 55 Years. [gothic] Sacred To The Memory of Thomas Cross [gothic] who departed this life 4th [superscript th] of December 1845 in the 48th [superscript and two fullstops under th] Year of his Age. ALSO Ellen Cross the beloved wife of the above, who died August 25th [superscript and two fullstops below th] 1885 Aged 82 Years. The Burial Place of James Houldgrave. THE BURIAL PLACE OF PHOMAS CROSS (tiny, squashed at the bottom of the stone)",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,766,0,The burial place of Robert and Ellen Southern Elizabeth their daughter died March 17th [superscript th] 1847 aged 1 Year& 10months. Also Robert South..rn who died February the ? 18?1 aged 6? Also Ellen Southern wife of the above who died Augu? the 31st [superscript st] 1873 [italic] aged 59. A? Mary the beloved wife ?.ohn Molloy & daughter ?.the above [italic] who died August the 14th [superscript] 1868 aged [italic] 20. Also Rose Ellen Molloy who died ?.ay the 4th [superscript th] 1868 Aged [italic] 1 Year.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,767,0,Here lieth the Body of [decorative motif] Mary the Wife of Geo. Southern. Who departed this Life Oct 25th [superscript th] 1770 Aged 44 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,768,0,Sacred To the Memory of Lydia Houlgrave the wife of Henry Houlgrave of Much ?. the???Year???Houlgrave?departed?the 2?..day of December 18??..Year ?.of?..,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,769,0,"(top panel) Deborah the Wife of [decorative motif] William Hulgreave was [decorative motif] Buried September 10 1722 William Hulgreave was Buried June Y, 30th [superscript th] 1725 William Hulgreave died the 12th [superscript th] of Oct. 1769 in the 71st [superscript st] Year of his Age [decorative motif] Jane Daughter of William Houlgrave departed this life July Ye [superscript e] 12th [superscript and fullstop under th] 1781 Aged 29 years. Jane Houlgrave died Aptil 26th [superscript th] Aged 72 Years 1790 [gothic] Here [gothic][italic] also [italic] rest the remains of William Houlgrave [italic] of Speke [italic] who departed this life on the 28th [superscript th] day of March 1819 in the 74th [superscript and fullstop beneath the th] Year of his Age. Alfo the remains of Sarah Houlgrave Wife to the above who departed this life Jan Y[superscript and fullstop beneath y] 15th [superscript and fullstop beneath th] 1832 aged 86 Years. (East Panel) Thomas Houlgrave son of the above Wm [superscript m and fullstop below it] & Sarah died 28th [superscript th] April 1865",0,0,1,Mint,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,950,Other 0,770,0,John Meadows's [subscript fullstop below the apostrophe] Burial Place 1831,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,771,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF Sufanna Wife of John Meadows of Childwall whofe Remains lieth interr'd beneath this Tomb. She was fommonf'd by Death on the 9th [superscript th] day of October 1815 in the 34th [superscript th] Year of her age. Alfo of Ellen the Daughter of John and Margaret Meadows who died May 24th [superscript th] 1825 aged 2 Years. Alfo of Margaret Meadows Wife of the above John Meadows who departed this life Novr [superscript and fullstop below the r] 6th [superscript and fullstop below th] 1830 aged 47 Years. Alfo Elizabeth their Daughter died Augt [superscript and fullstop below t] 19th [superscript and fullstop below th] 1837 aged 18 Years. HERE also lieth the remains of the late JOHN MEADOWS for forty eight Years CLERK of the [italic] Parish [italic] who departed this life on the 6th [superscript and fullstop below th] day of April 1852 aged 71 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,772,0,Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth Buckley died 24th July 1837 aged 75 Years. The burial place of Robert Richardi.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,773,0,The Burial Place of William Holland No 1,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,774,0,"[Gothic] SACRED. TO THE MEMORY OF Mary, relict of Daniel Bradshaw, and daughter of James Holland, Pilot of Liverpool (italic) who departed this life Feby the 10th 1863 Aged 64 vYears. Also (italic) William Holland brother to the above who died at Huyton on the 8th of August 1874 Aged 70 Years. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace Psalm 37th verse 37th Also [italic] Mary Eleanor Bradshaw daughter of the above Mary Bradshaw who died at Liverpool on the 28th of December 1874 Aged 50 Years. Her end was peace.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,775,0,"Here rest the mortal remains of Thomas the infant Son of Thomas and Ann Blackburn of Liverpool (it) who departed this life on the 28th day of June 1811 aged one week. Also Ann daughter of the same who died the 19th, of May 1815 aged 14 months. Also Joseph son of the same who died the 10 of Septr, 1816 aged 2 weeks. The burial place of Thomas Blackburn of Liverpool.(it)",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,776,0,In Memory Of (Gothic) John Nicholson Brass moulder (it) of Liverpool who departed this life of the 9th of February 1864 in the 64th year of his Age and lies here interred. Thomas Nicholson No 6,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,777,0,"Here Lie interred (Gothic) the Remains of Henry Grace late of Much Woolton (Italic) who departed this life on the 22nd day of September 1821. In the 60th Year of his Age. (whole line italic except for ""year"") Also the remains of Jane widow of the above mentioned Henry Grace. She died Novr 5th, 1846 at her house in Much Woolton in the 89th.. Year of her age. She was the daughter of Thomas and Mary Easthope and was born at Broseley in the County of Salop and came to Much Woolton in early life. The burial place of Henry Grace",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,778,0,Here lieth the Body of Richard Bibby who departed this life Octr 11th 1833 Aged 72 Years Also of Margaret Widow of the above Richard Bibby who departed this life on the 3rd day of February 18[44] Aged 78 Years Richard Robinson Bibby died March 24th 1923 Aged 68 Years James Robinson Bibby died 18th August 1901 John Robinson Bibby died 27th March 1903 Aged 50 Years Elizabeth Robinson Bibby Wife of Richard Robinson Bibby died 22nd November 1939 Aged 80 Years Lifes work well done (it.) John Robinson Bibby Jame R Bibby The Burial place of Richard Bibby,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,779,0,"THE BURIAL PLACE of Joseph and Alice Huson IN MEMORY OF the above Joseph Huson, who died Sepr 30th 1822 aged 33 Years. Also Esther Alcock, daughter of the above who died Feby 2nd 1849 aged 27 Years. Also Alice Huson wife of the above who died on the 27 of April 1859 Aged 74 Years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,780,0,Robert Son of George and Sarah Southern of Halewood died Decr 24th 1798 aged 18 Year [Y]ou that are young prepare to die [I] was young though here I lie [p]repare to die for it is good The Rofe may die within its bud [S]arah [Cha]dwick died Jany 20th ? aged ?6 Years William Chadwick died Jany 23rd 1821 aged 84 Years. Elizabeth Chadwick died Sepr 29th 189? Aged 11? Years Also Esther Wife of Thomas Chadwick who departed this life 5 Sepr 183(9) Aged 18 Years. Here lies...[8 lines of inscription illegible]...Thomas Chadwick,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,781,0,The Burial Place of John Pye Halewood Thomas Pye died January 8th 1807 Aged 2 Months. Also Betty who died April 9th 1862 Aged 81 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,782,0,"in MEMORY of Margaret Daughter of Davied and Ellen Harper who Departed this life 18th of January 1788 aged 9 months. Also Margaret Harper who Departed this life 28th October 1793 aged 14 months. Henry Harper who Departed this life 22th of April 1808 aged 23 years. Ellen Harper who Departed this life ..3th of March 1811 aged 5 years. Also David Harper, father of the above died 11th of July 1838 Aged 78 Years.",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,783,0,"Here lies [gothic] interred John Gore Son of John & Catherine Gore of Much Woolton [it] who departed this Life March 22nd 1820 aged 2 Years & 1 Month. Dear lovely [it] Child farewell Thy parents mourn for thee. But thou in Heav'n shall dwell, Through all ETERNITY Here lies Intered Catharine Daughter of John & Catharine Gore who departed this life January 22nd 1848 Aged 15 Years. No more confined to graveling scenes of night No more a tenant pent in mortal day Now should we rather hail thy glorious flight And trace thy journey to the realms of day. Ellen Daughter of the above John & Catharine Gore died 7th November 1853 aged 30 Years. Also [it] Elizabeth Gore Daughter of the above named John and Catharine Gore who died June 12th 1860 Aged 39 Years. Also [it] Catharine Gore wife of John Gore who departed this Life Janry 19th 1863 Aged 73 Years [it].",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,950,Other 0,784,0,"SACRED [gothic] TO THE MEMORY OF [it] John Gore husband and Father of the above named who departed this life September 27th 1864 Aged [it] 73 Years [it]. Also Thomas Gore son of the above who departed this life December 4th 1867 Aged 53 Years [it]. Ann daughter of John and Catherine Gore died Jan 16th 1869 Aged 12 Years. Thou art gone to the grave but we will not deplore thee Whose God was the ransom, thy guardian and guide He gave thee, he took thee and he will restore thee And death has no sting for the Saviour has died. [all small it.]",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,950,Other,0, 0,785,0,Here lieth the Body of William Stockton who departed this life March 11th 1809 Aged 50 Years. Also three of his children,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,786,0,"SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF Margaret Potter who departed this life on the 7th day of August 1866 Aged 56 Years ALSO Amy Margaret Booth grandaughter of the above who departed this life on the 23rd day of November 1866 Aged 15 Months. ALSO Anne Mary Booth departed this life on the 18th day of October 1881 Aged 14 Years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. ALSO Ann Booth, mother of the above children who departed this life on the 9th day of December 1911, Aged 69 Years. ALSO Edwin, husband of the above Ann Booth who departed this life 3rd April 1919 Aged 78 Years Edwin Booth William & Margaret Potter. Burial place.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,787,0,"Here Lyeth the body of mary, the wife of George Appleton who departed this life Octr ye:23. in ye 41 yr of her age 1745 Here Alfo lieth the Body of the above George Appleton who Departed this life on the 8th day of May 1777 in the 72nd Year of his of his age. Here alfo lieth the Remains of five of Thomas and Margaret Yates s Children",0,0,2,All legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,788,0,"Top. Here lieth Interr'd the Body of Geo Son of George and Mary Wainwright of Halewood who departed this life the 21ft of June 1776 Aged 16 months Alfo Mary Wife of George Wainwright who departed this life the 22nd of May 1792, In the 56th Year of Her age Few years she passed and then resigned her breath Beloved when living lamented much at death Hence Reader learn how few the Years we have Improve them well to Live beyond the Grave Likewise George Wainwright Husbd to the above Mary Wainwright who departed from this Life on the 1st of October 1805 aged 60 Years South Side. IN MEMORY OF JOHN SUTTON, WHO MARRIED TRYPHOSA DAUGHTER OF WILLIAM AND MARY WAINWRIGHT OF HALEWOOD AND DIED AT HIS RESIDENCE OAKFIELD NEAR WAVERTREE ON THE 22ND JULY 1868 AGED 52 YEARS ALSO OF THE ABOVE NAMED TRYPHOSA SUTTON, WHO ENTERED INTO REST AT TORQUAY 7TH OCTOBER 1893, AGED 79 YEARS until the day break and the shadows flee away [it]",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,789,0,East Side. Totally illegible. North Side. SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ELEANOR THE BELOVED WIFE OF GEORGE JOHNSON WAINWRIGHT ESQ OF LIVERPOOL AND RUMSHAW HALL EUXTON IN THIS COUNTY WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE ON THE 15TH OF DECEMBER 1850 AGED 50 YEARS.[one line of verse in itallics illegible]. ALSO TO THE MEMORY OF THE ABOVE NAMED GEORGE JOHNSON WAINWRIGHT WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE ON THE FIFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1869 AGED 69 YEARS West Side. SACRED To the Memory of WILLIAM Wainwright ?husband who departed this life July Aged ?8 ALSO ?.y his Wife who died ?..1855 Aged Years.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,100,Roman,0,,0, 0,790,0,Mary Mercer daughter of Joseph and Catherine Mercer of Parkside West Derby died March 28th 1787 Aged 12 Years. Foot- E J Bradshaw No 5,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,791,0,Jofeph Mercer of Allerton Buried 12th Feb 1771 Aged 68 Years. Ann Mercer his wife Buried 16th Octr 1776 Aged 75 Years. Allice Mercer Daughter of Robert & Margaret Mercer Buried 20th May 1783 Aged 8 Mons Robert Mercer Son of Jofeph & Ann Mercer Buried 4th June 1783 Aged 42 Years. Catherine Mercer their Daughter Buried 24th June 1783 Aged 56 Years. Margaret Mercer Wife of Robert Mercer Buried Decr 15th 1783 Aged 40 Years Elizabeth Bradley Wife of Thos Bradley & Daughter of Jofeph & Ann Mercer Buried 3rd March 1795 Aged 69 Years. Foot - William Holland No 1,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,792,0,"Here lie the Remains of Mary Wife of Joseph Mercer and Daughter of the late JOHN JORDAN Esq. of Knotty Ash who died at Grove House ALLERTON [other] 28th Novr 1806 Aged 23 Years Also Joseph Mercer, her husband late of ALLERTON [other] died at Kensington near LIVERPOOL [other] 9th January 1822. Aged 45 Years. Foot EJ Bradshaw No 5",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,950,Other,0,,0, 0,793,0,"Margaret Daughter of William & Sarah Potter died April 10th 1844 aged 8 Years. The lovely bud so young and fair Called hence by early doom, Juft came to thow how sweet a flower In paradise would bloom Sacred to the Memory of William Potter who departed this life January 12th 1861. Aged 57 Years. Also Sarah wife of the above who departed this life March 11th 1865(?) Aged 69 Years. In Affectionate Remembrance of Elizabeth Potter, who departed this life Dec. 24th. 1896 Aged 50 Years. At Rest. Also Rachel Potter died 16th October 1912, Aged 85 Years. Until the day dawns.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,300,Clarendon,0,,0, 0,794,0,Here lieth the body of James Langford who departed this life the 25th of march 1814 aged 66 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,300,Clarendon,0,,0,,0, 0,795,0,Here lieth the Remains of Sarah Houlgrave who departed this life the 22nd of June 1812 aged 25 Years Also the Remains of Charles Houlgrave who died May the 15th 1821 aged 25 Years. Judith Dean departed this life June 2nd 1822 aged 75 Years. Alfo William Dean Hufband to the above died Sept 24th 1824 aged 68 Years John Houlgrave departed this life Decr 28th 1854 aged 75 Years. Foot - The burial place of John Houlgrave,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,796,0,The Burial Place of William Ireland. William Ireland died Sepr 9th 1856 Aged 79 Years Also Mary Ireland wife of the above who died Octr 2[7]th 1860 Aged 83 Years Also [it] Elizabeth wife of George Story daughter of Charles Ireland who died 3rd Decr 1867 Aged [it] 87 Years. Also [it] John Story who died 19 June 1869 Aged 60 Years. Also George Story husband of the above Elizabeth Story who died 31st May 1878 Aged 59 Years. HIS END WAS PEACE Foot - The Burial Place of George Story,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,797,0,IN Memory OF Peter Hill who died Jany 17th 1838 aged 43 Years. Here lies a faithful Husband A loving Father and a Peaceable Neighbour. It was God's pleasing to Take him to everlasting peace Also Mary Ann daughter to the above died Jany 10th 184[1] aged 11 Years. In Memory of [it] Ann Adelaide Sloggett Grandaughter [it] of Peter Hill died May 15th 1864 Aged [it] 2 Years [it] Also [it] Ann Hill Grandaughter of [it] Peter Hill who [it] died Jany 16th 1866 Aged [it] 2 Years [it],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,798,0,In memory of Sarah Wife of Thomas Afhcroft who died May 11th 1844 aged 20 Years. Also John Ashcroft Son of the above who died April 11th 1855 aged 11? Years Also Mary Ann Wife of Thomas Ashcroft who died July 14th 1855 aged 37 Years. Also Thomas Ashcroft died Nov 21st 1871 aged 56 Years Also William Ranson son in law of the above who died Nov 22nd 1917 aged 72 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,799,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF WILLIAM RANSON WHO DIED NOVEMBER 22ND 1917 AGED 72 YEARS ALSO SARAH RANSON HIS BELOVED WIFE [it] WHO DIED DECEMBER 10TH 1938 AGED 94 YEARS REUNITED [it],0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,800,0,"Here lieth the body of Mary Daughter of Henry and Mary Greenough who departed this Life March 21ft 1831 aged 2 Years. Also[it] the above Henry Greenough departed this life Feby 22nd 1839 aged 50 Years Also[it] Mary Wife of the above who died July 24th 1852 aged 62 Years Also[it] of William Greenough who died 17th Decr 1856 aged 2 Years Also[it] of Bryce Walker Greenough who died 2nd Decr 1866 Aged 20 Years. Also of [it] John Greenough who died 10th June 1869 Aged 54 Years. ,,His end was Peace,, Elizabeth Greenough, died April 1883 Aged 32. Mary W. Greenough, died 12th Sept 1883 Aged 69. Maria Greenough, died 14th Nov 1912 Aged 64. Alfred Greenough died 22nd May 1920, Aged 78.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,801,0,"IN MEMORY OF Jane Simon daughter of [it] Thomas and [it] Jane Wright who departed this life Augst 29th 1866 Aged 3 Years and 7 months [it]. ALSO John Wright who died November 9th 1883 Aged 40 Years. ALSO Alice eldest daughter of Thomas Wright, who died April 6th.. 1887 Aged 47 Years. ALSO Jane wife of the above Thomas Wright, who died May 20th.. 1887 Aged 62 Years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,802,0,The burial place of Thomas and Ann Wright of Childwall (It). John their son died April 18th 1841 aged 11 days. Also Eliz their daughter died Nov 1_th 1842(?) aged 7 months. Also John their son died Feby 19th 1845 aged 1 week. Also Thomas their Son died July 6th 1846 aged 1 day. Also (It) Thomas their Son died Novr 20th 1849 Aged 2 Weeks. Also Margaret Ellen their daughter who died on the 18th of February 1859 Aged 3 Years (last 3 words italic). Also Ann Wright Mother of the above children who departed this life the 1st day of June 1860 Aged 43 Years. Also Emma Wright died died 2nd day of January 1861 Aged 2 Years. ALSO Thomas Wright father of the above children who died September 17th 1887 in his 65th Year.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,803,0,IN MEMORY OF THOMAS WHITTLE who departed this life January 22nd 1850 Aged 45 Years The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away Blessed be the Name of the Lord. Also (It) Margaret daughter of the above(It) who departed this life July 31st 1865 Aged 28 Years (It) Also (It) Sarah Sinclair daughter of(It) the above (It) who departed this life September 17th 1867 Aged (It) 24 Years (It) Also (It) Elizabeth wife of the above died May 14th 1871 Aged 62 Years. Elizabeth Whittles's Burial Place,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,804,0,Here (gothic) lieth interred the Body of Ann Langford the Wife of John Langford who departed this Life 22nd May 1815 Aged 37 (or 57) Years ALSO here lieth the Body of James Langford Son of John and Elizabeth Langford who departed this Life 11th of June 1822 aged 3 Years Also here lieth the Remains of Elizabeth Langford Wife of the above John Langford who departed this Life on the 23rd of Novr 1824 or 1821 Aged 41 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,600,Gothic,0, 0,805,0,The Burial Place of Henry and Margret Shaw,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,806,0,Here lieth the Body of Robert the Son of Thomas & Ellen Garnet Interr'd October 20(?)th 1792 (?) Aged 3 (?) years Henry Garnet died April 26th 2847 Aged 5(?)1 Years Also in Affectionate Remembrance of Jane widow of the above Henry Garnet who died May 12th 1876 Aged 69 Years ALSO Mary Jane Garnet daughter of the above who died August 24th 1878 Aged 40 Years. Entered into rest. Jane Garnets burial place,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,300,Clarendon,0,,0, 0,807,0,SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF James Langford who departed this life Septembr 7th 1857 Aged 74 Years Also Margaret Mary wife of the above who died November 18th 1869 Aged 86 Years The burial place of James and Margaret Langford,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,808,0,Samuel Parker Son of Samuel Hilton Parker of Liverpool Merchant died the 4th of Nov ber 1775 Aged 2 Years and 6 months Alfo Samuel Parker Son of the Above Samuel Hilton Parker died the 11th of Septem' 1777 aged 1 Year and 5 Months Ann Parker daughter of the above deceae'd 10th Novr 1777 Aged 2 Months Samuel Parker Son of Samuel Hilton Parker died 11th January 1780 Aged 1 Year 1 Month and 3 Days Willm Parker Son of the above died 28th Decr 1780 Aged 5 Years Samuel Hilton Parker departed this ?? ?th of Novr 178? In the 40th Year of his Age Alfo Mary Parker Widow of the above died Feby 17th 1819 aged 68 Years. Also Elizabeth ?rker daughter of the above ?. ?d Decr 15th 1841 aged 70 Years,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,809,0,The Burial Place of John Haukfey of Liverpool Inter'd Nov. 11th. 1801 In Memory of Catherine the beloved Wife of John Harper who departed this life on the 24th day of April 1860 Aged 57 Years. She lived beloved and died lamented (all it.) In Memory of Frances F. Robinson. daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Robinson died March 8th 1889 Aged 2 Years and 10 Months. Also Elizabeth the beloved wife of James Robinson died May 30th 1931 James R. Bibby John Robinson Bibby,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,300,Clarendon,0, 0,810,0,The Burial Place of John Houghton He departed this Life May 24th 1800 aged 56 Years Hannah Houghton Widow of the above died July 2nd 1821 aged 79 Years It was the Will of Hannah Houghton that this Grave would not be again opened John Boote 1870,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,811,0,,0,0,9,Never inscribed,0,,0,,0,,0, 0,812,0,"IN MEMORY OF Ellen Houlgrave who died Augt 11th 1810 aged 53 Years Also [it] William Houlgrave The Husband of the above who died June 8th 1815 Aged 71 Years Also William Houlgrave who died Aug 10th 1830 aged 9 Weeks Also [it] Elizabeth Houlgrave who died Decr 31st 1835 aged - Year and 9 Months Also [it] John Houlgrave who died April .. 18 ? aged 9 Months Also John Houlgrave who died July ? 18.. Aged .. Week Also Henry Houlgrave who died Septr 1. 18.. Aged .. Years Also Dorothy Houlgrave who died March 31st 1878 Aged 72 Years ALSO John Houlgrave who died September 1. 1878 Aged 73? Years Also William Houlgrave son of the above, died July 26th 1885 Aged 51 Years ALSO Ann wife of the above who died Octr 23rd 1915 in her 81st Year The Burial Place of John Houlgrave",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,813,0,William Son of Edward Houlgrave died the 3rd of August 1763 Aged 1 Yr & 7 Months Catharine Houlgrave died April the ?th 1827 aged 69 Years. Alfo Thomas Holgrave Husband to the above died July the ? 1831 Aged 79 Years Also [it] John Houlgrave died on the 1st of March 1865 [?] Aged 29 Years [it] Also [it] Nathan Houlgrave who died on the 29th January 1866 Aged 16 Years [all it.] The burial place of John Houlgrave 1861 Also [it] Maria Houlgrave who [it] died November 25th 1867. Aged [it] 58 Years [it] Also [it] Thomas Houlgrave died July 10th 1918 Aged 73 Years [all it.],0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,300,Clarendon,0, 0,814,0,Here lieth the Remains of John Houlgrave who died July 30th 181? Aged 77 Years Alfo of Ellen Wife of the above who died Feb ?th 1800(?) aged 70(?) Years. James Robinson's burial place,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,300,Clarendon,0,,0, 0,815,0,Here lie the remains of Henry Challinor who died Augst 5th 1822 aged 48 years. Jame.. Challinor died Jany 8th 1824 aged 12 Years Thomas Challinor died Jany 13th 1824 aged 10 Years. Alfo of Ann Challinor widow of the above who died March 12th 1833 aged 61 Years. Alfo Henry Woods died Feby the 1st 1834 aged 5 Months ALSO James Fairclough Son of Luke and Ann Fairclough who died 10th Decr 1834 aged 2 Years Alfo Mariah Woods Wife of John Woods died Decr 14th 1835 aged 30 (50) Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,816,0,??Remains?.this?departed?..the ? of October?ed. ..acred to the memory of Richard W? who departed this life June ?. 1799 Alfo Ric?. Of Mar? departed this life July 1? 1799 Aged 11 Mont.. William ..son of the ? parted this l? ? died ? Thomas?? May 17th 180.. Aged .. ?9 Years,0,0,4,Traces,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,817,0,Here lies the Body of Henry Challinor who Departed this life may 16th 1754 aged 44 Martha Challinor .. Wife intered 1745 Also John Challinor who departed this life ?,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,818,0,Here lie the Remains of Alice Cross of Little Woolton (it) who departed this life on the 12th day of December 1831 Aged 72 Years (it). Here lie the Remains of Elizabeth Sankey who departed this life on the 12th Day of December 1842 Aged 53 Years (it). Here lie the remains of John Cross of Little Woolton who (it) died on the 16th January 1845 Aged 86 Years. Ellen Cross who departed this life the 2nd of May 1876 Aged (it) 62 Years (it). Also John Cross died March 20th 1889 Aged 79 Years. The Burial Place of John & Alice Cross of Little Woolton,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,819,0,"The burial place of Edward Williams. Mary Daughter of Edward & Catharine Williams died Jany 12th 1811 aged 3 Mo s. Alfo two other of their Infants lie here. Also (it) the above Edward Williams died on the 20th of Decr 1846 aged 66 Years. Also (it) Catherine, relict of the above died on the 13th.. Of June 1850 aged 72 Years. Also (it) Rebecca Williams, Grand-daughter of the above died on the 26th of Jany 1846 aged 2 Years. Also John Williams died on the 12th of Feby 1854 aged 12 Years. Also (it) of Ann the Wife of Robert Williams and Mother of the said Rebecca and John Williams died July 27th 1862 Aged 48 Years (it). Also of Robert Williams, Husband of the above, who died April 7th 1878 Aged 64 Years. His end was peace?? Rt Williams Feby 1854' written over 'July 1833'",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,820,0,Ralph Houghton died 30th Augft 1817 Aged 45 Years?.. Burial place of Wm Houghton 1818 'Wm' is a correction,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,821,0,Here lies the Body of Serah Owen who departed this life the 26th day of August 1807 Aged 52 Years Also William Mc Clellan Grand son of the above who died 4th April 1871 Aged 62 Years.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,822,0,"Here lie the Remains of Rofey Hunter, who died 16th, February 1797 Aged 63, James Son of James & Prudence Hunter died 14th, March 1797 Aged 2 Years 3 Mos.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,823,0,"Eliz. Wife of Wm Barrow of Grange in Little Woolton died Dec 1 1766 aged 53. Alfo William Barrow of Grange died Octr 24th 1791 aged 81 Years. Respected as an honest Man and an useful Member of Society. Here lie the Remains of Elizabeth Barrow Daughter of Edward and Alice Barrow of Grange in Little Woolton who departed this Life July 20th 1808 aged 5 Years. Alfo the Remains of Edward Barrow of Grange in Little Woolton, who departed this Life Sepr 17th 1816 aged 59 Years Alfo the Remains of Edward Son of Edward & Alice Barrow of Grange in Little Woolton, who departed this Life Octr 7th 1816 aged 10 Days. Also (it) Alice the wife of the above Edward Barrow of Grange in Little Woolton (it) who departed this life 30th September 1861 Aged 79 Years (it) (All this section - Clarendon)",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,300,Clarendon,0,,0, 0,824,0,John Son of William Barrow of Grange in Little Woolton died 10th July 1791 Aged 37 Years Also (it) James son of Edward and Alice Barrow of Grange Farm Little Woolton (it) who (it) departed this life May 29th 1861 Aged 46 Years (it).,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,825,0,Sarah Wife of John Barrow Son of Wm Barrow of Grange in Little Woolton died 5th Decr 1790 Aged 40 Years William Barrow died Feby 21 1860 Aged 55 Years,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,826,0,"Naney Nevitts Burial Place IN Affectionate Rememberance of Geaorge Nevitt who departed this life September 17th 1863 Aged 42 Years. For bear dear wife to mourn and weep sweetly? In the dust I sleep Mourn not for me sorrow take. (it). But love my children for my sake. Also Mary and Ann Nevitt who died young Grand children of the above Also Mary Wife of the above George Nevitt who departed this life May 29th 1891 Aged 72 Years. There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God (it). Also George Nevitt, Son of the above, who died November 10th 1908, Aged 47 Years. Also George son of the above who died August 19th 1910 Aged 24 Years",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,827,0,Here lieth the remains of Ellen Eastwood the Wife of Edward Eastwood who departed this life May 13th 1810 Aged 20 Years. Also James Eastwood their son departed this life 4th of April 1811 Aged 11 Months Here lieth the remains of Mary the beloved Wife of Edward Eastwood who departed this life the 30th day of January 1842 aged 56 Years To the Memory of Edward Eastwood who departed this life the 13th of September 1849 Aged 65 Years A pleasing mind a just and generous heart. Just in his dealings faithful to his friends. Beloved through his life Lamented in his end. Also the remains of Elizabeth Ann Sullivan Wife of the late William Sullivan of Portsmouth (it) who departed this life on the 30th Novr 1847 aged 55 Years?.. The burial place of Wm and Hannah Peters,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,828,0,"SACRED (ot) TO THE MEMORY OF (it) Marion Cooper wife (it) of Wm Williamson and daughter (it) of Robert Barr who departed this life August 16th 1853 Aged 24 Years (it). Also (it) her daughter Jane Aged 5 Months (it). Also (it) Archibald Andrew Barr who died June 14th 1863 Aged 22 Years (it). Also (it) James Barr who died September 7th 1867 Aged 32 Years (it). Also Robert Barr who died at Busby near Glasgow July 10th 1874 aged 71 years Also (it) Jean Barr who died at Woolton April 22nd 1888 aged 81 years. Father and Mother of the above. Also Sarah Barr Wife of the above James Barr who died Dec 21st 1909 aged 73 years. Also Frank Ernest Barr son of the above And was buried at sea August 13th 1915 Aged 49 Years In Loving Memory of Robert Archibald, husband of Rachel Barr who died 30th June v1917 Aged 54 Years?. Rachel Barr burial place.",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,950,Other,0, 0,829,0,"EDWARD RYLANDS WHO DIED 4th JANUARY 1916 AGED 44 YEARS (dedication on middle block) ?., Me.. (Gothic) Top block (broken)",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,600,Gothic,0,,0, 0,830,0,Here lieth?.of?..of?.Edward?..Also(it) George Rylands their Son died Feb 11 1822 aged 2? Years Also (it) to the Memory of Elizabeth Wife of John Rylands who died Decr 21st 1831 aged 50? Years. Thomas Son of ?.. Rylands died May?.. Aged 37 Years. Mar?. Of the above Edward Rylands died Decr 8th 1848 aged ?Years Also(it) the above Edward Rylands died Sepr 23rd 1849 aged 75 Years Also of John Rylands son of? above who departed this life.. 2..th 18?? Aged ? Years MARGARET RYLANDS DEPARTED ?LIFE JANUARY 31st 1875 AGED 60 YEARS GEORGE RYLANDS HER GRANDSON DIED? DECEMBER 1874 AGED 3 MONTHS JAMES HUSBAND OF THE ABOVE MARGARET RYLANDS DIED FEBRY 24th 1881 AGED 75 YEARS ? The burial place of ?.,0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,831,0,"SACRED To the Memory of Judith Wife of Joseph Gore died Octr 1?th 18?? Aged 32 (or 52) Years Also Mary their daughter died Jany 18?? Aged 20 Years Also Susanna their daughter died Augt 11 1837 Aged 21 Yrs Also Robert Gore died Augt 18th 1855 Aged 10 weeks Also Mary Gore died October 17th 1856 Aged 17 (11?) months. Also Joseph Gore Grandfather of the above who died May 13th 1860 Aged 87 Years. Also Joseph Gore father of the above children died August 28th 1877 Aged 55 Years Also Jane wife of Thomas Ashton, and widow of the above Joseph Gore who died March 28th 1895 Aged 70 Years",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,832,0,The Burial Place of THOS and(it) Mary Lyon Lydia wife of Thomas Lyon Died the 19th January 1789 Aged 50 Years Mary Wife of the above Thomas Lyon departed this life on the 20th of Novr 1847 aged 63 years (it) Also of Jane daughter of Isaac and Jane Lyon Died July 22nd 1879 Aged 19 Years. Also Jane Lyon mother of the above died March 17th 1876 Aged 53 Years. The burial place of Isaac and Jane Lyon,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,833,0,"The burial place of Thomas Pearfon. Catherine Pearson died May 3rd 1796 aged 6 months. John Pearson died May 21st 1811 aged 7 Days. Ann Pearson died July 8th 1814(11)? Aged 11 Years. Margaret Pearson died Sepr 24th 181(4?) aged 21 (24?) Years. James Pearson died June 27th 1818 aged 17 Years. Margaret Pearson died Jany 29th 1819 aged 2 Years 7 Months. Mary Pearson Mother of the above died Decr 28th 1823 aged 51 Years. In Memory of Mary, the Wife of John Holding and daughter of the above Thomas and Mary Pearson died Decr 5th 1839 aged 40 Years. Thomas Pearson Husband to the above Mary Pearson and Father to the above Children died Feby 7th 1841 Aged 75 Years. Also (it) Ann Pearson died Sepr 16th 1854 Aged 61. Also (it) Robert Pearson died July 7th 1862 Aged 70 (it)?. The burial place of Thomas Pearson",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,834,0,The Burial Place of THOMAS WOOLFALL Late of THINGOE (it) Who departed this life ??th of December in the Year of our Lord 1779 Aged 66 CATHERINE Wife of THOMAS WOOLFALL who departed this Life 15th of March in the year of our Lord 1790 Aged 80 Robert Son of James and Catherine P..arfon departed this life 21ft March 1791? Aged 9 Years James Pearfon departed this life Mar 12th 1803 aged 66 Years Betty Woolfall Daughter of Thomas & Catherine Woolfall died Feby 12th 1814 aged 61 Years. Catherine Pearfon departed this life Feby 13th 1820 in the 79th Year of her Age Also Elizabeth Pearson departed this life on the 20th March 1836 in the 42nd Year of her Age. Also Catherine Pearson died 4th June 1894 Aged 78 Years Also Robert Pearson died January 14th 1898 Aged 74 Years. The burial place of Thomas Pearson.,0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,835,0,? W 16 ? 6 R.W. 1690 E W 8 ? Here Lyeth the bo of John Chaddock who departed this Life ye 22 February 1744 HIS,0,0,3,Mainly legible,950,Other,0,,0,,0, 0,836,0,"IN MEMORY OF William Calland who departed this life July 2nd 1819 (1849?) Aged 80 Years Thus saith the Lord, he that believeth on me though he be dead yet shall he live Also James Mercer son in law of the above who departed this life March 9th 1862 Aged 56 (36) Not Lost but gone before? Ruth Calland's burial place",0,0,3,Mainly legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0, 0,837,0,"SACRED to the Memory of Sarah the Daughter of Samuel and Ann Thorpe, who died May 25th 1841 Aged 8 Months (it).",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,150,Roman italic,0,,0, 0,838,0,"The burial place of Thomas & Ann Burrows. Mary their Daughter Died October 10th 1823 aged 5 weeks. Also Ann Wife of the above who died Auguft 27th 1844 Aged 53 Years. A careful wife a tender mother dear A friendly neighbour lies sleeping here. Weep not for me husband & children dear I am not dead but sleeping here. My glass is run as here you see Prepare yourselves to follow me.Grand Sons of the above. Edward Burrows died Sepr 17th 1846 Aged 11 Months. John Burrows died Sepr 18th 1852. Aged 2 Years. Also the above named Thomas Burrows, who died March 26th 1857 Aged 72 Years. Beneath this stone doth lie As much good nature as could die A loving husband and father dear A faithful neighbour lies here. Also Peter son of the above died July 28th 1867 Aged 42 Years. Also Mary Burrows Great Grand Daughter of Thomas & Ann Burrows died December 2nd 1935 Aged 37 Years. J Reginald Burrows 1922",0,0,2,All legible,100,Roman,0,,0,,0,