"GENERAL PATHOLOGY, NEOPLASMS & SINUSITIS: Farmer's Avenue",,,,, ,,,,, Skeleton No,Sex,Age,Neoplasm,Sinusitis,General Pathology ,,,,, 11650,C,c.12,,Bilat., 11773,C,c.3,,,"Long bone frags all show signs of pitting and thickening (may all belong to 1-2 bones). Nothing on skull, ribs or verts." 22051,C,c.3-4,,,"Fibre bone endocranially, esp. on L. parietal. Could be normal growth? (or meningitis???)." 60501,C,15-18,,,"Most bones, including skull, have fibre bone on surface - may have been exposed by erosion?" ,,,,, 11560,F,MA,,Both sides., 11577,F,MA-Old,"Poss. osteochondroma R. tib prox at jt with fib, c.5mm long.",, 11578,F,MA,Small osteoma on inf. margin mandible (R.) 9mm long.,Bilat. due to abscess breakthrough.,V. slight hyperostosis frontalis interna along central line. 11659,F,MA,,L. due to periodontal disease and large abscess.,"Formation of ""channel"" on prox border and inf L. zyg. facet of T9. Pitting and some thickening on inf edge. Large erosion of palate by abscess (see teeth)." 11669,F,Young,,Bilat. new ?woven bone., 11689,F,MA+,,,"New bone endocran on frontal (""plates"" of bone), hyperostosis frontalis interna? Partial spread along sagittal suture." 11723,F,MA-Old,,Prob. R.,"Inflammation R. side of palate with pitting and ""spiky"" new bone." 11775,F,Y-MA,"Large ?osteoma R. side occipital close to suture, 14x16mm.",, 22031,F?,Old,,"Bilat, not severe.","Incisive foramen enlarged, reactive ""spiky"" bone growth to posterior around it." 22072,F,MA?,,"R., above M2.",Frag of something which may have been a parasitic cyst? 60381,F,MA-Old,,,"Pubic tubercle present on L. Ischial bursitis L. ischium, OP & porosis, also slight craggyness on R." 60437,F,Old,,,"Acetabuli appear v. shallow, signs of remodelling on inner surface of pelvis where acetabuli are thinnest. Deformation L. mand cond, flattened and pushed towards lateral (not complete)." 60444,F,Y-MA,,Prob. bilat?,Bones of cranial vault seem v. thick. Mandible also shows signs of bilat thickening below the 432|234 areas. 60458,F,MA-Old,,,"Prox. end L.MT4, ?cyst, 2mm deep, rounded, pitted inside. MT2-4 abnormally bent towards medial." 60466,F,MA-Old,"?Osteoma sup. shaft L.MT2, 6x4mm.",Bilat due to abscesses., 60502,F,35-40,"Small round osteoma on mentum, 6mm diam.",, 60572,F,MA,Osteoma on R. humerus just above coronoid fossa (10x7mm).,R. (L. not assessable).,Pubic tubercle R&L. 60632,F,Young,,,Pre-auricular sulci v. large (R. 4mm deep x 9mm wide). ,,,,, 11011,M,Mature,,"Both sides, new bone, L>R.","Abnormal curvature (concavity) of R. & L.MT5, possible partial metatarsus adductovarus? Also possible hallux valgus." 11305,M,Old,,,"Small rounded deposits of new bone on parietals and frontal (like nettle rash) max 2mm diam., poss scalp infection? Ischial bursitis both sides? Prob. scoliosis/kyphosis lower back." 11535,M?,c.16-18,,,"Coxa valga both femora R>L. Both femora narrow with thin shafts, suggests possible paralysis." 11570,M?,MA-Old,,"Bilat., L>R.", 11667,M,Old,,R. sinus.,V. large incisive foramen (8x15mm). 11770,M?,MA,,L. due to abscess., 11806,M?,Young,,,Slight wedging of T11-L1 suggests kyphosis. 60415,M?,MA,,No, 60424,M,16-20,,No, 60541,M,MA-Old,V. small osteomata on 2 finger phals.,Gross on R. due to abscess.,"Kyphosis on L5-S1 (S1 wedged to R), large OPs on R. Slight twist in sacral neural arch S1-2." 60639,M,MA?,,"L., new bone.",