NAME,PLACE AND NGR,DATE,PURPOSE,STRUCTURE,MATERIAL OTHER THAN USED IN SPECIFIC TYPE,OFFICERS,WOS & SGTS,ORS,USE IN 1950 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED,COMMENT,PRIORITY FOR PERMANENT REBUILD AFTER 1950,REFERENCE Dungoyne Camp,?,?,,,,,,,Squatted,,,WO 163/348 Bendarroch no 2 Camp,?,?,,,,,,,Squatted,Being taken over by local authority in 1950,,WO 163/348 Aberdeen Camp,Aberdeen,1939,Militia Camp,Nissen,Wooden,,,,,"Cost ?10,000",,WORK 46/2 Aberdeen South Camp,Aberdeen,1940,Training Camp,,Wooden,,20,240,,"Two Training Camps were built during 1939 and 1940 at a cost of ?160,000 each. ",,WO 163/349 WORK 46/2 Aberdeen North Camp,Aberdeen NJ 947100?,1940,Training Camp,,Wooden,,20,240,,Presumably identical,,WO 163/633 Achnasheen Camp,Achnasheen NH 165585,1942?,Transit Camp,,,,,90,,,,WO 199/1089 Dalmore Camp,Alness NH 665705,,,Nissen temporary,,,,,Squatted,Originally RAF,,WO 163/349 Arbroath Camp,Arbroath NO 623406?,"Begun 1939, not complete in 1940",Training Camp,,,,,,,"Cost ?170,000",,WORK 46/2 Ferrybrae Camp,Beauly NH 532455,,,Nissen temporary,,,,,Squatted,,,WO 163/349 Dalmonach Barracks,Bonhill NS 405795,Training camp portion 1944?,,,,,,,,Training Camp for Port Operating Company in 1944,,WO 199/2319 Buddon Camp,Carnoustie NO 521326,1930,,Nissen temporary,Wooden temporary,16,15,190,TA weekend training,Land purchased in 1892. TA Summer camp,,WO 163/349 WO 107/276 Cultybraggan Camp,Comrie NN 767200,1944,,Nissen temporary,Wooden temporary,12,20,1331,Mostly vacant,TA Summer camp,,WO 163/349 Crail Camp,Crail NO 616091,,,,,,,All ranks 800,Joint Services School of Linguists 1956-1960,"On loan from Admiralty, closed after JSSL discontinued",,WO 166/633 Secret Classrooms St David's Camp,Donibristle NT 164888,"1939, 1940",,"Nissen temporary, Tarran","Militia type, Wooden temporary",14,12,170,Vacant,Alienate after 1956,,WO 163/349 WO 163/633 Dumgoyne,Dumgoyne NS 525835,,,Nissen temporary,,,,,Squatted,,,WO 163/349 Crossfords Camp,Dunfermline NT 105875,,,Nissen ,Wooden,,,73,Vacant,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/349 WO 163/348 Bogs O'Main no.12,Elgin NJ 192570,,,Nissen,"Wooden, felt & plasterboard",,,150,Married families,Required as HQ until 1955,,WO 163/349 WO 163/352 WO 163/348 Pinefield Camp,Elgin,1940,,Nissen temporary,Brick and wooden temporary,12,32,787,RE Training,,,WO 163/349 Bogs O'Main no.8,Elgin NJ 192570,?,,,,,,,,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/348 Cullerne Camp,Findhorn NJ 045645,1940,,Nissen temporary,,3,7,90,Watermanship Camp,,,WO 163/349 Stanger Camp,Flotta ND 374926,,,CI sheeted,"Wooden, concrete ancillaries",10,20,200,Vacant,,,WO 163/349 Fort George Camp,Fort George NH 763567,1938-1939,Militia Camp & general building,,CI and wooden temporary,20,5,308,Highland Brigade Training Centre,"Cost ?61,000",,WO 163/349 WORK 46/2 Oxan Point Camp,Graemsay,1944,,Nissen,,2,8,,Vacant,,,WO 163/349 Grantown-on-Spey Camp,Grantown-on-Spey NJ 035275,,,,Wooden,,10,56,Workshop in 1956,Terminate lease when reprovided at Inverness,,WO 163/633 WO 163/352 Neb Camp,Hoy,1940,,,"Corrugated asbestos, concrete",6,8,80,,,,WO 163/349 Meadowbank,Huntly MJ 525405,,,,Wooden temporary,,,,Squatted,,,WO 163/349 Market Muir Camp,Huntly,,,,Wooden temporary,,,,Squatted,,,WO 163/349 Kilbride Camp,Inveraray NN 095085,,,,Brick & wood,,,318,Vacant,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/349 WO 163/348 Castle Camp,Inveraray,,,,Wooden ,,,400,Vacant,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/349 WO 163/348 Dukes Camp,Inveraray,,,,Wooden,,,,Vacant,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/349 WO 163/348 Quebec Camp,Inveraray,,,,Wooden,,,,Vacant,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/349 WO 163/348 Invergordon Camp,Invergordon NH 706694,1941?,,,,,,,,Reception Camp to supply Shetland,,WO 199/1032 Cameron Barracks,Inverness NH 665455,1940,Militia,,Wooden,,15,331,,In 1941 Reception Camp for north Highland Area. To be demolished after 1956 when reprovided at Cameron Barracks,2,WO 163/349 WO 163/633 WO 199/1032 Inverurie Camp,Inverurie NJ 775215,1941,,,,,,,,Reception Camp to supply 51st Division,,WO 199/1032 Pettycur Camp,Kinghorn NT 265865,"1940, 1941",,,Brick,,,160,,,,WO 163/348 WO 163/349 Turfhills Camp,Kinross NO 099030,,,Nissen,Wooden,,,,Vacant,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/349 WO 163/348 Lairg Camp,Lairg NC 585065,1941,,,,,,,,Reception Camp to supply 227 Ind Inf Bde,,WO 199/1032 Lynn Park,Maryculter,1943,,Nissen temporary and MOS timber,,4,30,254,Vacant,,,WO 163/349 CSD Camp,Muir of Ord,?,,,,,,,,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/348 Hatston Main Camp,Orkney HY 435125,1942,,,"Wooden, steel & corrugated iron, iron, concrete",144,60,350,Only married quarters still in use,Originally RAF,,WO 163/349 Hatston Farm Camp,Orkney,1942,,Nissen,Wooden,,18,90,Vacant,Probably Reception Camp for Orkney,,WO 163/349 WO 199/1032 Howton,Orphir,1942,,,Concrete,,,,Vacant,,,WO 163/349 Balhousie Camp,Perth NO 115235,1938-1939,Militia ,Nissen,,7,44,200,,"Cost ?12,000. Also in stone building of 1800. In 1941 Reception Camp for South Highland Area.",,WO 163/349 WORK 46/2 WO 199/1032 Queens Barracks,Perth,1939,,,Wooden,,,120,,Retain for useful life then demolish,,WO 163/349 Cardross Camp,Cardross NS 345775,,,Nissen,,,,,Vacant,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/349 WO 163/348 Primrose Camp,Rosyth NT 101842,,,,,,,All ranks 150,,Retain after 1956 as Cadet Camp,,WO 163/633 Galtness Castle,Shapinsay,1943,,,"2 wooden huts, concrete ancillaries",1,1,15,Vacant,,,WO 163/349 Back O'Hill Camp,Stirling NS 795935,1939/1940,Militia,,Wooden,,17,191,REME,"?155,000 spent on Stirling and Falkirk (no breakdown given)",,WO 163/349 WORK 46/2 Forthbank Camp (also known as Forthside),Stirling,1939/1940,Militia,,Wooden temporary,,,,,,,WO 163/349 Drip Bridging Camp,Stirling,,RE Bridging Camp,,,,,,,Retain on lease ,,WO 163/633 Polmaise Camp,Stirling,1941,,,,,,,,Reception Camp to supply 52nd Division,,WO 199/1032 Watten Camp,Wick ND 361491?,,,Nissen temporary,,,,2079,Vacant,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/349 WO 163/348 North Head,Wick ND 381509,,,Nissen temporary,,,,,Squatted,,,WO 163/349 Watten REME Camp,Wick,,,Nissen temporary,,,,202,Vacant,Being derequisitioned in 1950,,WO 163/349 WO 163/348 ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,