"Access"|"AssLand"|"BldgType"|"BUNo"|"BUSum"|"CatChk"|"Ceil"|"ChipSt"|"CurrUse"|"Date"|"Desc"|"East"|"Eaves"|"Elev"|"EntBy"|"EntDate"|"ExtPlast"|"Floors"|"Found"|"GrdSt"|"Habit"|"Hgt"|"IntPlast"|"ISZ"|"Level"|"LevNo"|"Lgth"|"Local"|"Locat"|"ModAlt"|"North"|"Occ"|"Open"|"OralInfo"|"Own"|"Ownshp"|"PastUse"|"Period1100"|"Period1601"|"Period1701"|"Period1801"|"Period1851"|"Period1901"|"Period1951"|"PlotCad"|"PlotVill"|"POSIChk"|"POSINo"|"Pott"|"RecBy"|"RecDate"|"Roofs"|"SEAnal"|"ShtMap5000"|"ShtMapCad"|"ShtPlanVill"|"SIANo"|"SketchChk"|"Slag"|"Source"|"SpecFeat"|"Stab"|"StrucName"|"StrucType"|"Tile"|"TitleDeedNo"|"Veg"|"Vill"|"Walls"|"Width" "Village streets, corner building"||"SH"|"BU0001"|"Seasonal house, abandoned, located in Phlasou. Mudbrick makrinari with stone foundations and single pitched reed roof.Building has loggias and bays, and is currently being used to store hay."|1|"Reed matting round beams"|"Unclear"|"Store - hay"||"Mud brick makrinari on 5 course stone foundation. Single pitched roof. North side - 5 bays, 2 loggias. South side - 7bays with windows of the sanidoto type. This structure is surrounded by mainly ruined structures, built around a perimeter to form a courtyard - used now for storage -mainly derelict."||"0.30 m eaves, beams & reed matting"||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00|"Peg marks, but plaster gone"|"Not visible"|"Masonry with stone & tile chinking"|"Unclear"||3.50||"Karkotis"|"Single"||28.00|"Kato Phlasou"|"Athens Street, south edge of village"|"4 phases of extension clearly visible in the main building - many more phases represented by structures extended around court yard."||"Yes"|"Sanidoto"|"Spoke to local man who said the building had been servants quarters and a silk worm factory. He said it belonged to Nitsa and that her house was next door. He said the whole neighbourhood belonged to one family."|"Nitsa"||"Sheep fold, silk farm?"|0|0|0|0|1|1|1||342.00|0||"Abundant"|"TJI"|3/7/2000 00:00:00|"Half round tiles on mud"|0|"28-XX"|"XXVIII-45"|"Kato Phlasou I"||1|"Some"|"GPS"|"Not aligned to street (west). It is apparent that the building has gone through many phases of use, through the structural changes. Central part appears to be oldest, has been most recently used as an animal barn - has trough (stone) and bales."|"IV"||"Makrinari"|"Abundant"||"1 fig in courtyard, grass and weeds"|"Phlasou"|"Mud brick"|3.00 "On the Linou-Katydata road"|"In olive groves next to road"|"WM"|"BU0002"|"Abandoned water mill, Linou; penstock and mill race built of ashlar and river cobble masonry mix. White plaster lines the inside of the penstock chute. Millrace 14m long, penstock 6m high."|1||"None"|"abandoned"||"Interior of shaft white/grey smooth plaster. Quern on top of water race and tile in wall; Some whitewash on exterior - dressed ashlar courses on NE penstock face. - changes half way down to river cobble masonry. Only part of stone race and tower of water mill surviving. Channel goes under the road in a culvert. Stone channel 14 m long to tower 6 m high. Report by SEZ.Leat has capping stones of grey river boulders, most of which have been quarried. The corner quoins of the penstock have also been quarried especially from the south side. Water led to this mill from 'Deimma Asprallou-Linopsa' (BU0105) from the Karkotis river"|490497.00||291|"LHS"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"Lime wash on top of lime and brick mortar"||"Unknown"|"Some"||6.00|||||14.00|"Kapati"|"In olive groves"|" Water race appears to have been widened by applying one row of unattached stones to the older (smaller?) race. Stabilising plaster on top of later water race walls. Exterior south wall has crumbled at the base revealing inner plastered wall. "|3881818.00||"water chute in arched opening on base of penstock"|"Mr Andreas Shizas from Katydata pointed out the location of this mill and ones below to IJE and SEZ. Name of owner as told by Mr. Styllis, Evrichou miller. He said that the mills belonging to Ahmed Agha, from Petra were seven in all. He never remembers them working. On water from Karkotis river: Mr.Petros Evthimiades, Linou mayor"|"Ahmed Agha"|"Turkish Cypriot"|"Water Mill"|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|163.00||0||"Some"|"SEZ"|5/7/2000 00:00:00||0|"28"|"XXVIII-29-W2"||"TS05"|1|"Some"|"GPS"|"Quern and pottery in walls"|"IV"|"Mylos tou Ahmed Agha"||"Some"||"Olive trees, pine, reeds"|"Linou"|"Masonry"| "On a driveable road - not far from Linou-Katydata road"|"Olive groves"|"WM"|"BU0003"|"Water mill, associated with BU002. Construction is stone, with rubble & mortar, and some lime and mud. Pink lime plaster covers penstock. Putlog holes throughout masonry of penstock and leat, possibly for scaffolding."|1||"None"|"None"||"Ruins of substantial water mill and associated elevated mill race. Mill race 3 m wide; external skins of roughly coursed stone in-filled with rubble, mortar, mud and some lime. Pink plaster on water tower, white plaster associated with demolished rooms and mill race interior channels. Race from 1-10 m in height - Water tower approx 10 m high. Wall or race penetrated by network of square holes for timber scaffolding - also wall stubs, niches, groins, arch base. Sketch in field book of SEZ, Sketch & report by SEZ. See also BU 002. Tail of leat is on XXVIII.37.W1. Water led to this mill from 'Deimma Asprallou-Linopsa (BU0105) from the Karkotis river."|490593.00||276|"LHS"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"Pink overlaid with thin white lime."||"Masonry on bedrock"|"None"|"No"|110.00|"White"||"Multiple"||90.00|"Dhendropalloura"|"In olive groves"|"Signs that water tower heightened at one time. Associated buildings demolished. Trace of springer arch on east elevation of penstock."|3881901.00|"No"|"Penetrations for beams"|"According to Mr. Styllis, mill owner of Evrichou, this is one of the seven mills of Ahmed Agha."|"Ahmed Agha"|"Turkish Cypriot"|"Mill, other"|0|0|1|1|1|0|0|47.00||0||"Some"|"TJI"|5/7/2000 00:00:00||0|"28-XIII"|"XXVIII-29-W2"|||1|"None"|"GPS"|"Evidence of attached buildings on both sides of mill race. Pottery sample taken from water tower. Sample of pink lime plaster taken from south penstock side base wall - see plan"|"IV"|"Mylos tou Ahmed Agha"||"None"||"Hawthorn, olives, poplar & reeds in creek"|"Linou"|"Roughly coursed masonry"|3.00 "Track through olive groves"|"Olive groves, some crops"|"WM"|"BU0004"|"Water mill, associated with BU002&3. Masonry on bedrock foundations. Pointed arch present in leat behind penstock. Pink plaster covers penstock. Putlog holes present in masonry, as BU0003."|1||"Unclear"|"None, ruin"||"A length of mill water race and water tower extant, similar to BU0003. i.e. pink plaster, evidence of associated walls/structures which have been demolished. Pointed arch intact behind water tower. Slots through wall for scaffolding beams. Report by SEZ. Water led to this mill from 'Deimma Asprallou-Linopsa' (BU0105) from the Karkotis river."|490755.00||269|"LHS"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"Pink plaster"||"Masonry on bedrock"|"Unclear"||5.00||"Atsas"|||20.00|"Kokkinorotsos"|"In olive groves"||3882060.00||"Penetrations for scaffolding"|"According to Mr. Styllis, mill owner of Evrichou, this is one of the seven mills of Ahmed Agha."|"Ahmed Agha"|"Turkish Cypriot"|"Mill"|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|249.00||0||"Unclear"|"TJI"|||0|"28-XIII"|"XXVIII-29-W2"|||0|"Unclear"|"GPS"|"Pointed arch behind mill holding tank penetrating, evidence of associated walls, pink plaster. Plastered channel and race"|"III"|"Mylos tou Ahmed Agha"||"Unclear"||"Hawthorn, lantana, poplars, olives"|"Linou"|"Roughly coursed masonry"|3.00 ||"SH"|"BU0005"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular structure with basalt and limestone chinking for foundation, and mudbrick walls. Niches in walls."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form.High stone socle topped with mudbrick, stone socle using dark basalt boulders with white limestone chinking. Niches in stone wall. Rectangular structure. Site has been bulldozed around house."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP018"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0006"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular stone structure with mud roof and reed ceiling. Niches in walls. Small domed structure probably an oven."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. 2 dwellings? Rectangular structure; All masonry walls; Flat mud roof; Reed ceiling; Stone niches on outside of building; Round domed stone feature to west of house, probably an oven which has lost mud/plaster coating; Large depression (for water?) to west; Site has been bulldozed around house"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP018"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|"Stone"| ||"SH"|"BU0007"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Single room rectangular structure with stone foundations and mudbrick walls. Mud roof and reed ceiling. Hearth in corner. Built in furniture of mudbrick."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form.n Rectangular house - socle at rear (W) approx 1 m - but only 0.30 m at front (E) of house, topped with mud brick, 1 room, corner hearth, mud brick built-in furniture, mud roof, reed ceiling, small high windows"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"||||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP028"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0008"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular structure with basalt blocks and limestone chinking as foundation, and mudbrick walls. Two shelves, one niche. No roof."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. High stone socle - well made - basalt blocks with white chinking, topped with mud brick - high windows. Square form, no roof extant, 1 niche, 2 corner shelves inside."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP026"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||"II"||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0009"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. All stone rectangular structure made of basalt blocks and basalt chinking. 2 corner shelves inside."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Square house; All stone basalt blocks with basalt chinking; 2 corner shelves inside"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP026"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0010"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Small rectangular structure with stone foundation, and basalt masonry combined with white chinking. Threshing floor to the south."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Small rectangular form; High stone socle, rough basalt masonry with some white chinking; Threshing floor to south."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"||||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP026"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0011"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Two-unit rectangular structure with stone foundation at different height. Threshing floor across road."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. House in 2 units: Western side - low socle, rectangular; Eastern side - low socle at front, higher at back (S), rectangular. 1 niche. Threshing floor across road."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"||||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||0|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0012"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Two-unit rectangular structure with basalt and pottery chinking as foundations. Two rooms. No roof."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. House in 2 units: Southern rectangular unit with high stone socle, masonry with much pottery chinking; 2 rooms, no roof."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||0|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0013"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Large square structure with stone foundation and mud brick additions. Threshing floors to north and west."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Large square structure, high stone socle on western portion, rectangular, low stone socle and mud brick addition. Threshing floors to north and west."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"||||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP008"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0014"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Eroded mudbrick on stone foundation, with limestone interior wall and 2 niches."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Very eroded mud brick with low stone socle; limestone interior wall; 2 niches; much use of limestone"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP008"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0015"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular structure with stone foundations and eroded mudbrick walls."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Rectangular house; socle higher at back, lower at front; mud brick top almost gone. Threshing floor on aerial, but gone now."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP008"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0016"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular all-stone structure of rough masonry. No roof. Threshing floor intact."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Square house; all stone; rough masonry; high small windows; no roof; 2 small penetrations at base of west wall. Threshing floor intact."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP027"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0017"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Two-unit rectangular building with all stone walls and possible mudbrick addition to the rear."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Much altered complex. 2 rectangular all stone units; internal divisions in stone. Probably mud brick additions at rear, now just mounds."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||0|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0018"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular building with stone foundations built into hill. Threshing floor to north intact."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Rectangular house; built into hill; low stone socle. Threshing floor to north in good condition."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||0|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0019"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Structure with stone foundation of basalt and white chinking. No roof."|0|||"None"||"Rectangular? Corner destroyed by road; high stone socle; basalt with white chinking; no roof remains."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| "Dirt road"|"Rural land"|"SH"|"BU0020"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Two-storey building with stone foundations and mudbrick walls overlooking gully and open area. Fireplace and shelf intact inside. Roof collapsed."|0|"Collapsed"||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Pottery sample from here. Lower level store? An abandoned ruinous house overlooking an open area sloping down to a gully; the house on two levels - the uppermost containing a fireplace on the side wall; upper room provided also with a corner shelf and round peg for hanging domestic utensils, hats, coats etc"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00|"None"|"Collapsed"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||5.00|"Mud"|"Mandres"|"Multiple"|2.00|7.00|"Mandres"|||||"Door & windows"||||"Domestic (seasonal)"|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"|"Abundant"|"IJE"|10/7/2000 00:00:00|"Collapsed"|0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1|"None"||"An imposing structure on two levels with views to the west. The lower level probably for animals; .... Nice shelf in corner of room. "|"IV"|||||"Wheat/barley fields, olives in gully along stream"|"Kato Koutraphas"|"Mud brick"|6.00 ||"SH"|"BU0021"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular unit with stone foundations and mudbrick walls."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Square house (unit) Low stone socle with mud brick"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0022"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular unit with stone foundations, adjoining BU0021."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Square house (unit) High socle, adjoins BU021"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||0|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0023"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular structure with stone foundations, 3 stone walls; 4th adjoins BU0024."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Rectangular unit (house?) 3 walls - all stone 4th wall (adjoining BU024) - low socle and mud brick."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0024"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular all-stone structure. No roof."|0|||||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Rectangular all stone unit; door on north face; no roof; two stones protruding from wall to hold a bench or something"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"||||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0025"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Large rectangular structure with stone foundations. Partial roof spanning 3 rooms."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Large square unit; High stone socle; Partially roofed (over three rooms)"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0026"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Freestanding rectangular two-room structure with stone foundations and mudbrick walls. Fragment of roof remaining."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Freestanding house; low stone socle, with mud brick; small fragment of flat mud roof surviving. 2 rooms, domed stone feature to west."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0027"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Three-unit rectangular structure with stone foundations adjoining BU0025."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Adjoins BU0025. 3 rectangular units all high stone socles"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0028"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Stone foundations with mudbrick walls adjoining BU0025 and BU0027."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Adjoins BU0025 and BU0027. High stone socle with mud brick"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0029"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular structure with stone foundations and 3 stone walls. 4th wall mudbrick. Adjoins BU0027."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Adjoins BU0027. 3 walls all stone; 1 wall high stone socle with mud brick; square form."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0030"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Two-room structure with stone foundations.Two walls stone, two walls mudbrick."|0|||"None"||"Square unit. 2 rooms - 2 walls all stone - dark boulders with white chinking - 2 walls with low socle and mud brick"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0031"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Large square structure with stone foundations and mudbrick walls."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Large house unit, square.Low stone socle with mud brick"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0032"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Large square unit with stone foundations. Two rooms stone, two rooms mudbrick."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Large, square house unit. 2 rooms all stone walls, 2 rooms low stone socle and mud brick"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0033"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Square two-room structure with stone foundations and mudbrick walls."|0|||||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Square unit - high stone socle with mud brick - 2 rooms"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0034"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Three square rooms with partial galvanised metal roof; some mud roof left."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. 3 rectangular rooms; partial galvanised iron roof; also a bit of mud roof left."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0035"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Two-room rectangular structure with stone foundation and mudbrick walls."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Rectangular unit; 2 rooms; low stone socle with mud brick"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0036"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Large square structure with stone foundations and mudbrick walls. Threshing floor intact."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Large square house unit; high stone socle with mud brick. Threshing floor intact"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0037"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Large, square all-stone structure with flat mud roof and fireplace."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Large square house unit; flat mud roof; all stone; fireplace on long wall - stone base with mud hood."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0038"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. All-stone rectangular structure with one missing wall."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. All stone rectangular unit - one wall missing"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0039"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular structure with stone foundations and eroded mudbrick walls."|0|||||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Square unit; low stone socle - mud brick mostly gone."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| ||"SH"|"BU0040"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Square structure with stone foundations and mudbrick walls."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Square unit - high stone socle with mud brick"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1||||||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| "Dirt road"|"Open farmland"|"SH"|"BU0041"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Two ruined houses with stone foundations and mudbrick walls. Ceiling collapsed."|0|"Collapsed"||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Abandoned ruinous pair of mud brick houses constructed with stone foundations and the rear wall cut from the hill slope at the rear. Foundation stone is rough cut and in courses."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"Not visible"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||2.50|"No"|"Mandres"|"Single"||19.00|"Mandres"|||||"Doors and Windows"||||"Housing (seasonal)"|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"|"Abundant"|"IJE"|10/7/2000 00:00:00|"Collapsed"|0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1|"Some"||"An attached pair of houses with the back wall cut from the hillside, associated threshing floor."|"IV"|||||"Grain, olive trees, eucalyptus"|"Kato Koutraphas"|"Stone/Mud"|8.00 "Dirt road"|"Open farmland"|"SH"|"BU0042"|"Seasonal house, Mandres.Two mudbrick houses with stone foundations. Fireplace intact. Roof collapsed."|0|"Collapsed"||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Abandoned ruinous pair of mud brick houses constructed with stone foundations and the rear wall cut from the hill slope at the rear. Foundation stone is rough cut and in courses. ... detailed corner fire place in house - low stone socle, rectangular form."||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"Not visible"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||2.50|"No"|"Mandres"|"Single"||19.00|"Mandres"|||||"Doors and Windows"||||"Housing (seasonal)"|0|0|0|1|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"|"Abundant"|"IJE"|10/7/2000 00:00:00|"Collapsed"|0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1|"Some"||"An attached pair of houses with the back wall cut from the hillside, associated threshing floor."|"IV"|||||"Grain, olive trees, eucalyptus"|"Kato Koutraphas"|"Stone/Mud"|8.00 ||"SH"|"BU0043"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Large rectangular structure with stone foundations and iron and timber frame roof."|0|||"None"||"For all Mandres buildings see sketch plan attached to SIA (TS07) Recording form. Large square unit. High stone socle with galvanised iron and timber frame roof. Stone domed circular feature - storage/oven?"||||"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00||||||||"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"||||||||||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP021"||"TJI"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-39"||"TS07"|1|||"Domed stone feature"|||||||"Kato Koutraphas"|| "Adjacent dirt road"|"Olive terraces, river (Ayii Saranta Creek)"|"WM"|"BU0044"|"Water mill, located in Katydhata village. Masonry is mix of river boulders and limestone masonry, covered in pink plaster. Wooden wheel in wheelhouse extant, and millstones intact above. Pointed arch present in millrace behind penstock, also putlog holes."|1|||"abandoned"||"Cadastral number cannot be located, it appears that mill is in between cadastrals. Abandoned and ruined watermill, possibly 18th c. White lime plaster finish. Rectangular openings 15x20 approx. going through construction (as in other mills along this route) used as openings for scaffolding during time of construction. keystone to arch. Structure mainly of river boulders, some of which are expressed through the plaster finish. Large ruined wheelhouse in brambles beneath mill with wooden turbine wheel in situ. Millstones in situ above wheelhouse. Cavity in penstock intact with grille on top. Dimensions: race & penstock: 29m. long, race 3m. wide (probably penstock, not race.SEZ). Outflow does not flow into river but leads into channel. Five springs shown on Cadastral, 4 to the west and one to the north. Also 1 deimma."|489334.00||254|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"lime"||"stone"|"Some"|"No"|6.70||"Karkotis"|"Multiple"||29.00||"East bank of Karkotis river, W of Katydata village on Mylos locality"||3882064.00|"No"|"pointed arch under leat"|"Owner as specified by Mr. Styllis, Evrichou miller. According to Mr. Styllis, mill owner of Evrichou, this is one of the seven mills of Ahmed Agha. Not verified."|"Ahmed Agha"|"Turkish Cypriot"|"corn grinding mill"|0|0|1|1|0|0|0|||0||"Some"|"IJE"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-28"||"TS07"|1||"GPS"|"Race constructed over ruins of previous structure. Plaster finish of penstock"|"III"|"Mylos tou Ahmed Agha (?)"|"Watermill"|||"Olive trees, hawthorn, carob"|"Katydhata"|"rubble in rough courses"|3.00 "On the road"|"olive terraces, orchard, river w/ steep gully walls"|"BR"|"BU0045"|"Abandoned bridge with pointed arch and buttressess, located near a ruined water mill in Evrykhou."|0||"None"|"abandoned"||"Abandoned bridge and road section, adjacent to a ruined water mill. Pointed arch, buttressed on south side only. North face of bridge is earlier, as the earlier voussoirs are visible on the underside of the arch, inside the newer construction on the southern side. Bridge meets an abandoned portion of road with a lime and gravel pavement to the west side, some evidence of tar on the east side. Road and bridge made redundant by new concrete bridge and subsequent new road alighnment. Concrete sentry box on eastern side of bridge. extensive modern concrete additions to approaches and river channel to stabilise and strengthen the structure for modern traffic loads. Further description in report. More detailed reports prepared by TJI and SEZ.Mill, road on the alignment of abandoned section and a bridge shown on Kitchener's 1885 map.Extension of bridge and road construction described in Nicolls 1901, Report on Nicosia-Troodos Carriage Road, State Archives, Nicosia."|490447.00||408|"TJI"|12/7/2001 00:00:00|"white/grey"||"bedrock"|"None"||6.00|||||||"Junction of Tembria/Korakou/Evrykhou roads, where it crosses the Karkotis R."|"To increase the width of the bridge to serve a modern road this earlier stone bridge was roughly doubled in width, construction technique similar but distinctively different."|3877164.00|"No"||"Informant, Maria, Kindergarten teacher at Tembria said that the sentry box was used to protect this area from Turkish Cypriots marauding at night down from Lefka during bi-communal violence in the 60s."|||"bridge and road"|0|0|0|1|1|1|1|||0||"Some"|"TJI"|26/6/2001 00:00:00||0|"28-XXIX"|"XXVIII-53"|||1|"None"|"GPS"|"Pointed arch stone bridge, extended in width in 1900."|"III"|"Deimma Kousoulioti"|"bridge and road"|"None"||"blackberries, wild bamboo, fig, myrtle, oak trees"|"Evrykhou"|"rubble masonry, basalt"|4.57 "On the road"|"Olive terraces, orchards, river gully"|"WM"|"BU0046"|"Water mill, located in Evrykhou. Basalt masonry with limestone quoins.Vaulted wheelhouse still extant. In use until 1936 when it was partially destroyed by the river."|0||"None"|"abandoned"|"Abandoned 1936"|"Penstock of ruined water mill. Race extant but demolished directly adjacent to the penstock to allow a new road to access the bridge. Basalt masonry with white quoin stones, a three tiered buttress on the east face. Last tier extends 3 m to river channel. A vaulted wheel house below with pointed arch to the entrance. Abandoned in 1936 when river carried away a part of the water channel on the 5th of December. Sketch and report by SEZ. Described as the ruined Mill of Kaliana in Nicholl's road report of 1901, State Archives. On Kitchener's map.Penstock 3 metres high from the upper ground level, about 6 metres from the outlet to to top of Penstock but this not measured propoerly. Sketch on file."|490427.00||403|"TJI"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"white/grey"||"stone"|"None"|"No"|3.00|||"Multiple"||3.00|"Deimma Kousoulioti"|"Junction of Tembria/Korakou/EvrykhouRoads next to bridge"||3877177.00|"No"|"pointed arch, to wheel house"|"From Mr. Styllis, Evrichou miller, owner's name and date/cause of ruin."|"Koumnas"|"Greek Cypriot"|"mill"|0|0|1|1|1|0|0|||0||"Some"|"TJI"|26/7/2001 00:00:00||0|"28-IX"|"XXVIII-53"|||1|"None"|"GPS"||"III"|"Mylos tou Koumna (Koumnas mill)"|"penstock"|"None"||"Blackberries, nettles, figs"|"Evrykhou"|"masonry, basalt"|2.94 "Track from main road."|"uncultivated fields, steep valley walls, spurs, distinctively levelled areas for threshing floors."|"VH"|"BU0047"|"Village house, Asinou. Stone, mudbrick and earth construction with flat reed roof."|1|"reeds"|"Some"|"abandoned"||"Agglomerated village showing several phases of rebuilding/reuse. Stone, stone/mudbrick, flat earth roofs, earth floors. Some ruined buildings converted into mandres. Associated threshing floors, to north and south."|497120.00|||"TJI"|12/7/2001 00:00:00||"earth"|"Stone"|"Unclear"|"No"|||"Asinou"|"Single"|||"Platanoudhi"|"On ridge looking north east to Asinou church"|"A series of rebuilding phases is evident. Some ruined walls have been converted from dwellings to goat folds."|3877975.00|"No"|||||"dwellings"|0|0|1|1|1|1|0|||0||"Abundant"|"TJI"|28/6/2001 00:00:00|"mud"|0||"XXVIII-55"|"Asinou"|"TS03"|1|"None"|||"II"||"makrinari"|"Abundant"||"Almond trees, wild barley."|"Asinou"|"Stone/mudbrick"| "track from village"|"ploughed fields, olive groves"|"OT"|"BU0048"|"Abandoned railway station, Evrykhou. 2-storey ashlar and sandstone construction with multiple bays and windows. The roof is missing. Possible construction dates 1914 to 1931."|0|"missing nth bay: beam and concrete;entry bay: timber"|"Unclear"|"Abandoned"|"1914-1931 (?)"|"2 story, ashlar masonry, margined and chiseled around openings. Ashlar with rusticated face and margin on foundation. 1st storey ends with sandstone stringcourse. roof missing but indication of two pitch, n-s axis. 6 bays. 5th bay from north is main entrance. Windows north and west. Bays 2-3 entered from main entry with pointed arch and fireplace; 2 windows east and 2 west. 6th bay office and wc. 2nd floor,terraces at north and south 5th modified. Railway closed in 1955. Photograph exists of station, reprinted in Evrichou community calendar, for 2001. Mr. Styllis, Evrichou miller, said that in 1931 when Governor was visiting, rioters annoyed him by shooting onto tin cans, as a consequence of which he shut the railway station. Sketch by SEZ.G.S. Georghallides, A political and administrative history of Cyprus 1918-1926, Cyprus Research Centre Nicosia 1979 notes that the railway was built in 1914, p.35-36."||"missing- concealed traces of gutters"||"TJI"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"none"|"cement on ground, first floor missing"|"Dressed ashlar"|"Unclear"|"No"||"gypsum (traces) on cement base"||"Multiple"|||"Balioes"|"Evrykhou village ---->>>>> NO COORDINATES GIS APPROXIMATED MAY NEED COORDINATES"|||"No"|"large rectangular windows and timber shutters"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Railway Station"|0|0|0|0|0|1|0||860.00|0||"Unclear"|"SEZ"|27/6/2001 00:00:00|"missing traces of ottoman tiles"|0||"XXVIII-53"|"Evrykhou I"||1|"Unclear"||"No trace of rail line or platform. Fire damage evident to some interior timbers. North balcony made with 2 railway tracks used as metal beams. Named as station & letter box on cadastral map. Also fountain, OL (?), railway lines. 2 storey buildings east."|"II"|"Evrykhou Railway Station"|"railway station; 2 storey stone"|"Some"||" olive groves."|"Evrykhou"|"irregular local brown stone, no chinking"| "up steep drive"|"Small farm allotment, area not known"|"WM"|"BU0049"|"Water mill, still in use. Built 1878, renovated 1926. Rubble masonry with limestone quoins. Mill also has domestic quarters for miller. Wheelhouse has metal wheel, and milrooms several grinding installations, including diesel power turbine."|1|"yes"|"Unclear"|"grinding grain"|"1878/1926"|"Well-maintained stone-built mill with associated domestic quarters for the miller and his wife. Construction is the usual rubble stone, plastered, and with limestone quoins flush with the surface of the wall. Penstock height 16 metres, base 7.5m x 3m, top 2.6m x 3.75. Date '1926' on plaque inside arch behind penstock. Turbine room of stone with barrel vault serves as foundation for the mudbrick workroom. Workroom dimensions are 7.7m x 7.1m. Walls are approximately .6m thick. The concrete floor was originally of stone and the roof of terracotta tiles is now supported by two rolled steel girders. The engine, installed to boost efficiency of a seasonal operation in which water flow was sometimes uncertain, is in an engine room of stone, earth floor and corrugated steel roof. Engine room dimensions are 3.4m x 2.1m. The engine sits on a concrete base. Sketch of mechanism and report by SEZ (2001). Further sketch of millstones, description of how mill works and report by SEZ (2002)."|490778.00|"timber"|441|"IJE"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"yes"|"concrete"|"stone"|"Abundant"|"Yes"|5.40|"yes"||"Multiple"||19.00|"5 April First St."|"Top of ridge"|"Original timber penstock of 1878 replaced in 1926 with stone. Timber water wheel replaced with a steel turbine in 1950. Present millstones brought from France in 1950. Madison-Kipp 14hp diesel engine installed in 1961 to increase efficiency."|3877206.00|"Yes"|"arch, doors, windows"|"Stelios the Miller. Phone 93 2425. Born in 1918, Stelios will probably be the last member of his family to run the mill. His aunt was wife to the owner of Koumis mill (BU 0074)."|"Stelios (Styllis or Stylinaos) Alexandrou"|"Greek Cypriot"|"grinding grain"|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|735.00|735.00|0||"Unclear"|"IJE"|4/7/2001 00:00:00|"tile"|0||"XXVIII-53"|"Evrykhou III"||1|"Unclear"|"GPS"|"Probably the last working water-powered grain mill in Cyprus. In the ownership of the same family since construction in 1878."|"V"|"Stylianides Mill- Mylos Tou Stylli"|"Penstock"|"Abundant"||"Lemon trees, apricots, oranges, olives"|"Evrykhou"|"rubble stone"|7.53 ||"SH"|"BU0050"|"Seasonal house, part of Mandres.Building is mudbrick with stone foundations and cane ceiling."|0|"cane"|"Some"|"abandoned"||"This Building Unit is described in detail on the BU0034 ABUSE Report. This building unit is an addition to BU0034 and is constructed of a low stone socle topped by mud brick, type A4 in the Mandres villageAnalysis report."||||"TJI"|12/7/2001 00:00:00|||"stone"|"Some"|||"mud"|"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Mandres"|"Approximation of location in GIS as no coordinates were recorded"||||||||"house/animal pen"|0|0|0|0|1|1|0|||1|"TP021"|"Abundant"|"TJI"|11/7/2001 00:00:00|"mud"|0||"XXVIII-39"|"Mandres "|"TS07"|0||||||"makrinari"||||"Kato Koutraphas"|"mud brick"| ||"SH"|"BU0051"|"Seasonal house, part of Mandres. Rectangular mudbrick building with stone foundations. No roof."|0|"absent"||"abandoned"||"See detailed ABUSE Report for Building BU0031, to which this building unit is an addition. It has a low stone socle, topped by mud brick in a rectangular form. Type A2 in the Mandres Village Analysis Report."||||"TJI"|12/7/2001 00:00:00||"not visible"|"stone"|||||"Mandres"||||"Mandres"|"Coordinates in GIS based on BUPoly relationship"||||||||"house"|0|0|0|0|1|1|0||65.00|1|"TP021"||"TJI"|11/7/2001 00:00:00|"absent"|0||"XXVIII-39"|"Mandres"|"TS07"|1||||||"house"||||"Kato Koutraphas"|"mud brick"| ||"SH"|"BU0052"|"Seasonal house, Mandres. Rectangular mudbrck construction with stone foundation and missing ceiling."|0|"absent"||"abandoned"||"See detailed ABUSE Report for BU0031, to which this building unit is an addition. It has a low stone socle topped by mud brick and a rectangular form. Type A2 in the Mandres Village Analysis."||||"TJI"|12/7/2001 00:00:00||"not visible"|"stone"|||||"Mandres"||||"Mandres"|||||||||"House"|0|0|0|0|1|1|0||65.00|1|"TP021"||"TJI"|11/7/2001 00:00:00|"absent"|0||||"TS07"|1||||||"house"||||"Kato Koutraphas"|"mud brick"| "dirt road from Katyhdata"||"WM"|"BU0053"|"Water mill, Katydhata. Ruined penstock and millrace of rubble basalt and cobble construction, basalt chinking and lime plaster finish."|0|"n/a"|"Unclear"|"abandoned"||"Ruined penstock and part race, partially demolished to enable construction of a road which appears to have gone through an arch behind the penstock. Penstock rises with two tiers on the north-east and south- west sides and four tiers on the south-east face. The second tier of the front face has a steep sloping front face.Construction is of basalt irregular rubble with some coursing with large stones as edgeing at the top of each step. Chinking is of basalt and limestone. Finish is in plaster, possibly originally pink with some stones expressed through the plaster (on north-west face under where the arch was.) There are indications of an arch in the demolished area. Penstock base measures 4.20 x 7.9 metres. Race is 11.50 in length x 1.45m wide and with a channel 0.55m wide. The gap from the severed end of the race to the severed end of the penstock is 9.50m. Leat curves and is wider at the highest gradient of the hill (plot no. 18 & 19) before straightening out to approach penstock. Updated by SEZ and measured sketch & drawing."|491158.00|"n/a"|239|"IJE"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"traces of plaster"|"n/a"|"basalt masonry"|"Unclear"|"No"|0.00|"n/a"|"Atsas"|||11.50|"Skouriotissa"|"Adjacent to Skouriotissa Mine waste dump, NW of'Argaki Aloupotrypes or Ayii Saranta creek. S of Tria Vounarka locality."|"Dirt track has been bulldozed through the pointed arch carrying the leat."|3882602.00|"No"|"scaffolding penetrations"|"Mr. Styllis, Evrichou miller. According to Mr. Styllis, mill owner of Evrichou, this is one of the seven mills of Ahmed Agha."|"Ahmed Agha."|"Turkish Cypriot"|"corn grinding watermill"|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|47.00||0||"Unclear"|"IJE"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|"n/a"|0||"XXVIII-29"|||1|"Unclear"|"GPS"||"II"|"Mylos toy Ahmed Agha"|"watermill penstock and race"|"Unclear"||"olive groves, shrubby bushes"|"Katydhata"|"rubble with some coursing"|1.45 "On foot along steep and rocky hillside, visible from main road"|"steep abandoned terraces, forest"|"WM"|"BU0054"|"Possible water mill, Nikitari. Rubble basalt construction with crushed brick and lime plaster covering leat. Chute diagonally sloping; front of penstock demolished exposing channel. May be related to a former tannery nearby."|1|"n/a"|"Unclear"|"not used"||"Possible penstock of water-powered mill for grinding grain. There is some doubt about this and the structure may have been an intermediate building to bring water down to a lower level for entry to a penstock. The water flowed in a channel which falls in a steep slope through the interior of the structure. Demolition at the front has exposed the channel. There is a short length of channel on top of the structure but elsewhere the race is no longer extant - although vegetation may conceal some evidence. The width of the structure is 2.1m and the channel is 1.1m wide. The channel inside the structure measures .65 x .55m and there is evidence of a metal grille at the top to catch debris as water flowed in from the race. Gilles Grivaud, historian, says a tannery was located here. Leat floor- lime crushed brick & soot plaster (waterproof), surviving on floor only with eroded sides. Shute- pink plaster on sides, sloping at about 15-20 degrees; square section; surviving sandstone roof ca. 5m long surviving.Tannery could possibly have been located beside the mill,according to toponym. Updated by SEZ.Note: Sloping penstock shute appears in 2 other mills: At Koumis mill it is a more recent version with cement, at Rotsos mill the shute was probably of wood."|497850.00|"n/a"|445|"IJE"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"some traces remain"|"n/a"|"Basalt rubble"|"Unclear"|"No"|5.00|"n/a"|"Asinou"|||7.00|"Palaeomylos"|"1 km downstream from Panayia Phorviotissa"||3878392.00|"No"|"channel for water"|"Informant was Panayiotis AlexandroLoppas, phone 09 467 600. Tannery information by Gilles Grivaud"|||"Corn mill-Grinding grain"|0|0|1|1|1|0|0|||1|"TP098"|"Unclear"|"IJE"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|"n/a"|0||"XXVIII-56"|||1|"Unclear"|"GPS"|"Located 100m from white-painted conical concretemarker numbered '52'."|"III"||"Penstock ??"|"Unclear"||"Pine trees and scrub, almonds, hawthorn and riparianvegetation, reeds and poplars"|"Nikitari"|"coursed basalt; basaltchinking; pink mortar; no pinting"|2.10 "Coming in from the North: follow the road, church is on the right"|"Building enclosed within a compound"|"CX"|"BU0055"|"Church, Tembria. Construction is enclosed, stone and plaster walls on concrete platform. Tiled roof with pine eaves.."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Church"||"Concrete platform. In the centre is a rectangular plan. The apse is not visible; rather, it is incorporated within the rectangular plan. External wall has stone and plaster - it has been recently whitewashed. Stones are still visible. There are two doors - one facing West and the other facing South. Halfway up the wall, there are support beams running across. There is an icon niche on the left of the main door that faces West. The roof tiles are rectangular. On the four corners of the gate surrounding the compound are floodlights focused on the church. Remains of olive mill below the church on S."|490102.00|"Pine"|470|"EAS"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|"Yes"|"n/a"|"Stone"|"None"|"Yes"|7.00|"n/a"||"Single"||15.00||"On a prominent hill coming from the North"|"External wall has been plastered and whitewashed. Building has been reroofed. A concrete platform has been added around the building."|3876411.00|"Yes"|"8"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|1|1|1|1|1|||0||"Some"|"EAS"|7/7/2001 00:00:00|"Pine"|0||"XXVIII-60"|||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Semi-detached bell tower. Icon display niche"||"Timiou Stavrou"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"Gum trees, weeds, young pines"|"Tembria"|"Stone"|5.00 "Two access routes from road: one from East and one from West. "|"Building enclosed within a compound"|"CX"|"BU0056"|"Church, Tembria. Rectangular plan of possible concrete construction and pine roof, bell tower with timber roof. Building enclosed in compound."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Church"||"Rectangular plan. Apse is in the shape of half a decagon. West side of church appears to be newer, with modern marble window-sills. Bell tower has been topped by a pine roof. Appears to be made of concrete that has been shaped into bricks. On the two outer corners of the bell tower, the bricks have been raised and painted yellow. There are concrete steps descending from the road, around the church and tower into the compound. To the right of the main door (located on the North side of the Church), there is an icon niche. There are six buttresses facing North and seven facing South. On the South side of the apse is an electric-outlet box; has been painted white and the cover has two arches carved on the surface. There are also loudspeakers on the church."|490002.00|"Timber"|480|"EAS"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|"Yes"|"n/a"|"n/a"|"None"|"Yes"|8.00|"n/a"||"Single"||22.00||"Terraced hill slope in a residential area"|"West side of church has been extended to the west + bell tower added. Possible roof renovation"|3876101.00|"Yes"|"10"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|||0||"None"|"EAS"|16/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber with tile"|0||"XXVIII-60"|||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Icon niche Plaster frame around door + dedication with cross above it. Buttresses + gutter sluices"||"Agia Paraskevi"|"Concrete"|"Abundant"||"Potted plants, evergreens, palm trees, olives, roses"|"Tembria"|"Plastered and whitewashed"|8.00 "Take road from North - church is on the left."|"Building enclosed within a compound"|"CX"|"BU0057"|"Church, Evrykhou. Concrete construction of rectangular plan, enclosed in compound. Modern bell tower of concrete made to look like sandstone. Date 1810 above door inside."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Church"||"Rectangular plan. Apse is in the shape of half a decagon. Main bbb on either side form medieval arches. Bbb corners on the North facing the road have red reflectors. Door leading to apse on the South side is made of metal and painted blue! Gutter sluices and loudspeakers. Narrow double steps at door on North side; there is a plaster cross above with the date 1810. There are steps descending from the compound, around the apse towards the road. The bell tower is new - made of concrete. The base has been shaped into bricks and whitewashed. The upper part has been painted yellow (to look like sandstone). At the top is a two-layer hexagon surmounted by a cross."|490832.00|"None"||"EAS"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|"Yes"|"n/a"|"Concrete"|"None"|"Yes"|8.00|"n/a"||"Single"||25.00||"Centre of village"||3877641.00|"Yes"|"11"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|||0||"None"|"EAS"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|"Tile"|0||"XXVIII-53"|||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Icon niche Sculpture + inscription above main door Ornate frame of door facing North"||"Agia Marina"|"Concrete"|"Abundant"||"Potted plant"|"Evrykhou"|"Plastered and whitewashed"|10.50 "Take road from North, coming from Nikitari towards Asinou"|"Building enclosed within a compound, ground stone walkway towards entry of compound"|"CX"|"BU0058"|"Church, Asinou. Building enclosed in compound; stone, tile and pottery foundation. Timber and tile roofing. Two buttresses support outside walls. There are remains of paintings inside the church. Church dated to 1105."|1||"None"|"Church"|"1105"|"Stone platform with pottery and tile. The apse is semi-circular with a tiled roof. The main door is on the West side of the church - there are two other doors, one on the South and the other on the North. On the North side, near the apse, is a flying buttress. There is a buttress on either side of the church. On both sides of the narthex, there are two semi-domes surmounted by tiles. On the North side, there is a door on the semi-dome. There used to be a door on the Southern semi-dome but it has been walled up. The central door facing North has the remains of paintings on its right and above it. By looking into the space between the roof and the semi-domes, one can see the central dome. The roof is made of tile and timber."|497562.00|"Timber"||"EAS"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|"Some"||"Stone, tile, pottery"|"None"|"Yes"|7.20|"Yes"|"Asinou"|"Single"||18.00||"South of Nikitari village"|"Stone wall enclosing compound renovated in 2000. Roof also renovated."|3878159.00|"Yes"|"6"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|||0||"Some"|"EAS"|21/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber with tiles"|0||"XXVIII-56"||"TS08"|1|"None"||"Exterior painting on plaster Walled up door"||"Panagia Tis Asinou"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"Conifers, eucalyptus trees"|"Asinou"|"Stone, tile, pottery"|6.50 "no track visible"|"barley south, river, north."|"WM"|"BU0059"|"Water mill, Katydhata. Basalt and lime construction, with tile and sandstone chinking. Millrace collapsed, partially ruined penstock chute."|0|||"abandoned"||"Stone and lime construction. Mill race: side walls have crumbled, leaving canal floor as highest level of the construction, 0.80 m above penstock height. Walls of irregular coursed basalt, chinking of tile (some) & mostly white sandstone. Also 1.57 wide as penstock. Penstock: upper chute decayed, but could have been hopper type. Lowest penstock yet encountered 1.57 X 2.3 high. Outflow buried in earth. Mill house about 10m. further NW, only SW corner of river boulder courses visible as well as scant outline of west wall. CAS found two stone wells about 150m further into green line (TAESP 2002)."|491426.00||217|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"lime"||"irregular coursed basalt"||"No"|2.30||"Atsas"|"Multiple"||10.00||"Moussides (Ayii Saranta stream), ca. 50 m down from Skouriotissa mine mill"||3882699.00|"No"||"Name from Mr. Styllis Evrikhou mill owner. According to Mr. Styllis, mill owner of Evrichou, this is one of the seven mills of Ahmed Agha."|"Ahmed Agha"|"Turkish Cypriot"|"wheat grinding mill"|0|0|0|1|1|0|0|66.00||0||"Some"|"SEZ"|||0||"XXVIII-29"|||1||"1:5,000"|"quern on NW side of water race, 8m from penstock. Niche on N face of penstock, irregular half-sphere. Incised basalt stone on front face of penstock, NE corner. Fragment modern of clay bowl with painting of a wing."|"V"|"Mylos tou Ahmend Agha"|"watermill, stone and lime construction"|"Some"||"mespilia, sklinitzia reeds in river bed, wild mint 1.60m high, barley"|"Katydhata"|"irregular coursed basalt"|1.57 "Tarred road towards village center"|"Houses east and west, side-road east and north."|"WM"|"BU0060"|"Water mill, Kalliana; used for grinding fish meal. Irregularly coursed basalt and lime construction, with limestone quoins. 3 machines in millhouse powered by single turbine. Date of construction"|0|"cement slab"||"to grind fish meal"|"1947-1990"|"3 machines housed in mill house, moved by only one wheel turbine situated in vault under mill house floor. This rotates the axle placed along the mill room against the south wall. Metal wheels on axle are thus rotated and canvas belts adjusted around the metal wheels rotate the mill stones (or in the case of the cotton machine, over the metal vertical wheel). Thus with only one blade and only water-power, 3 machines could function simultaneously. Kopsa:Takes water from main aqueduct to the south, at a much higher ground level (approx. 5.50m higher). Stone cemented channel leading from the main 1953 cemented aqueduct reaches drop in ground after about 20m where it branches, beside disused mill (BU0061). Western branch leads water into a cement leat which travels over the road and towards the penstock which is to the north of the road. Penstock (hopper type) has sloping base and sits onto the mill house roof-slab. Penstock built of irregular courses of rough basalt with lime pointing and dressed limestone quoins on inner sides bordering on road, same as base of water canal. 7 stepped corbels in limestone & cemented over support cement leat agianst penstock and canal base opposite penstock. Mill-house is a corner building built of courses of rough basalt, unplastered, with concrete lintels over openings. Pointed arched outflow situated under mill house at west end. Outflow leads into main channel which turns westwards and which branches into two about 100m at Moirasia of Kalliana.Miltis also owned 2 paternal mills at Kato Amiantos. The millstones of the mill by the bridge, (according to present day owners of mill in Kato Amiantos) were transferred to the mill in Kalliana.Sketch on file , simple dimensions, as per the table above not very meaningful as this is a mill complex."|490417.00|"cement"|528|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"lime on penstock base"|"cement"|"irregular basalt courses"||"Yes"||"cemented trough"||||||"cadastral XXVII.5 W2"|"Cement trough of leat over road. Made by British (according to Mrs. Shizas) when road was widened. This road was the main Troodos road (1901?). Tiered corbels under leat, in dressed limestone ashlar & similar quoins at butressed walls under leat added"|3874555.00|"No"|"5"|"Disused 8-9 years. Mill built by owner himself, without help of engineers. Machinery from Kythraea (Tchirk'a) where there were also lots of mills. Mill set up in 1947-50, with wheat-grinding mill stones from France (The first to be imported). Cost CP 500 to set up. Myltis was good with all types of machinery. Mill was also 'havrikas' ie cotton factory. But the first cotton mill (now in ruins) was the one adjacent and to the north of this mill, fed from same water source but easternmost branch of secondary canal. Information from MR. Nicos Shizas (tel 02 922497) who also knows about water rights. Also, Eirene Damianou. Information on mill stones from Mr. Styllis Stylianides, owner of Evrichou mill."|"Myltiades Mylonas (builder, died). Now Pambos Mylonas, fish breeder. "|"Greek Cypriot"|"wheat, barley, cotton, beans, peas, sesame grinding mill"|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|||0|||"SEZ"|24/7/2001 00:00:00|"cement slab"|0|||||1||"GPS"|"3 grinding machines - 2 horizontal mill stones for grain and cereal grinding, 1 metal vertical wheel for cotton cleaning wheel. Inscription on Miltis mill weir on metal plaque: 'Michanougeion (foundry) O 'Atlas'E- ChagapakouLefkosia'"|"III"|"Mylos tou Mylti"|"stone walls and cement slab"|||"fruit trees, beans and crops"|"Kalliana"|"irregular basalt courses"| "Public road towards village center borders north. According to oral accounts, it was main Troodos-Evrichou colonial road."||"WM"|"BU0061"|"Water mill, Kalliana; cotton mill. Penstock irregular coursed river boulders with tile chinking. Turbine room below. Dated to 1947 at latest."|0|||"Abandoned"|"until 1947"|"The first cotton mill in the area, now a ruin. Became disused by 1947, according to oral accounts when newer cotton and grain mill was built by Myltiades Mylonas just north of this mill, on the other side of the Evrykhou-Troodos road (BU0060). Situated at the top of 3 terraces, and mill house was on second while turbine room was at the lowest (third). Koftousa situated on upper level branching east off main water channel at a right angle, leading into earth filled, disused penstock at same level, along short leat (about 3m). Penstock of irregular river boulders and tile chinking. Main water channel flow continues northward for about 4m to bifurcate distribution node (BU0071) with waterfall ourflow of eastermost fork and overhead to leat of Mylonas mill on the westernmost fork. Waterfall of channel outflow drops about 4.5m in height to the second terrace-level down and flows into earth and stone walled channel which flows in front of remains of mill house on lower terrace. The penstock (koudouka) is 2.9X2.50m and 1.20m high, with a round vaulted outflow (with dressed ashlar limestone quoins) is set under a terrace and visible on the east-facing terrace wall, 4m lower. The water chute of the penstock thus appears to be 6.20m high while the round vault is about 4 m. long, from penstock to outflow, under the terrace and about 2m high. The mill house was 'L-shaped', only the north porch (approx. 5 X 4m) surviving. The porch leans against the north wall of the penstock and has an opening the full width of the room facing north. The foundations are of four irregular courses of basalt and river boulders with basalt chinking, with 17 rows of baked solid bricks (east facade). Two more rows have been added to support irregular wooden beams and corrugated roofing. The interior of the porch has been subdivided by nailing old hand-hewn wooden planks 0.28 X 0.04-5 cm thick along the middle of the room onto old doors. Inside the porch is a brick firepace (niskia) with rectangular niches (thyroudes) symmetrically placed high above. Next to the fireplace is a drystone low wall and a cemented water trough. A pithari is placed on its side and used as a dog kennel. Water flow of main channel flows alongside front of porch. Access to porch and access to where mill house used to be is made over water channel on two humped bridges of dressed limestone ashlar quoins set into basalt stone supporting walls, topped with earth. Photos in personal archive. Photos in private archive.TAESP 2002 Photos by Chris.This apears to be the mill referred to by Nichols in 1901 the mill of Papa Milona, where the channel had to be carried over the new road on an arch.Detailed sketch by Sevina on file."|490430.00||521|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|||"irregular coursed basalt"||"No"||||"Multiple"||||"On side road from Galata to Kalliana."|"Koftousa leading to penstock now cemented, penstock disused, mill in ruins, house does not exist. Roof of porch has been renewed with odd wood rafters and corrugated sheeting. Front lime hood of fireplace is missing."|3874535.00|"No"||"Mill belonged to the father of Mrs. Eirene Damianou from Kalyana, lives across the street. Andreas, husband carpenter. Mrs. Eirene remembers the owners placing a wooden raft over the water canal at the eastermost boundary and sitting on it in the afternoons in the shade of the trees, with the water flowing underneath. The house on the upper level was never completed ' en to eportisan', ie no doors or windows were put in, meaning it was never finished. Gypsies would camp in the field across (now site of Mr. Andreas's carpentry shop). Mill termed as 'havrikas' by Mrs Eirene (tel. 922 483). (O harikas fkallei pampatchi)."|"Spyros Hadjivangellis (died)"|"Greek Cypriot"|"cotton mill"|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|||0|||"SEZ"|||0|||||1|||"Dressed ashlar carved right door jamb. Brick fireplace, humped bridges in front of door of mill store-room, arched ashlar vaulted outflow."|"V"|"'O Mylos tou Spyrou', or 'Havrikas tou Spyrou' (ie, Spyros's mill, or Spyros's factory)."|"cotton mill and havrika"|||"beans, fruit trees, citrus trees, poplar trees, pine."|"Kalliana"|"solid brick with large limestone ashlar corner stones"| ||"WM"|"BU0062"|"Water mill, Phlasou. Two-tiered penstock in dressed ashlar with limestone quoins; archway in millrace. Two-tiered millhouse with beams and cane ceilings."|0|"beams and cane"||"abandoned"||"Water enters stone channel (interior cemented) from a diversion in the village center, beside the public water fountain and storage tank and emerging from under house from stone arched opening of house on plot no. 289. Race bends at obtuse angle and leads water into penstock (hopper type) with rectangular water opening in dressed ashlar. Cemented stone overflow spout on left of channel before penstock. Race is 0.62 m wide and 0.48 m high. Water volume 0.62 x 0.48 m. Penstock in two visible tiers, but continues into back (east millstone wall). Dressed quoins in limestone ashlar at penstock edges and around arch enhance its lofty bearing. Mill house in two tiers. Upper tier north of penstock was flour mill. Millstones in place. Oblong openings in wall dividing flour mill from oil press allowed canvas belts to enter lower millhouse which has distinctive industrial early century machinery and brass and turquoise painted metal olive press. Thus, appart from flour mill it was also a 'piestirio'. Four lines of illegible writing on plaque below arch. Photos in private archive."|489641.00||339|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"white lime traces under arch"|"cement"|"irregular basalt andlimestone chinking."||"Yes"|10.00|"corner quoins gypsum"|"Karkotis"|"Multiple"||41.00||"Kato Phlasou village center"|"It became an olive press (piestirio) when Papapetros sold it. Concrete retaining walls of house around penstock. cemented upper edge of water channel and penstock interior.Corrugated metal on roof."|3879871.00|"No"|"round arch under leat"|"Mr. Styllis, Evrichou miller. Mrs. Evroulla Hadjidemitriou of Phlasou. Krommidos owned one of the three alonia in the area, together with the other two related mills, Shaban Bey and Molos. She also said that the mill name came from their family planting a field of onions which they used the money from to buy the mill.TJI had a conversation with Mr Solon Hadjidemetriou in Phlasou on the 28 July 2003. He also said the Krommidhos Mill was bought by his great great grandmother from the profits of an onion field. He said the mill had already been very old. He also stated that he remembered the Molos and Shaben Bey mills in operation when he was a boy (he is 67 years), so they probably operated until after the WW2. He said that the Shaban Bey mill was famous aas the most productive and best mill in the area. He said that the voufa next to the mill stones of the Molos mill is unusual for the area, most millers raised their stones and caught the flour in a sack. (NB there is also a voufa in the Pano Koutrafas BU0096.)"|"Papapetros, but he sold it"|"Greek Cypriot"|"wheat grinding but also 'piestirio' - foundry?"|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|||0|||"SEZ"|24/7/2001 00:00:00|"ottoman tile"|0|||||1||"GPS"|"Inscription over north upper millhouse door. Lower west pillar of penstock arch has inscribed basalt stone. Krommidos church north of Phlasou, and field localities may denote church ties at some time."|"II"|"Krommidhos mill"|"basalt stone and limestone"||||"Phlasou"|"irregular basalt, river boulders, limestone chinking and quoins of limestone"|3.26 "Path through orchard"||"WC"|"BU0063"|"Water channel, Tembria. Retaining wall irregular courses of river boulders, irregular coursed basalt, and basalt and lime chinking. Currently used for irrigation."|0|||"irrigation"||"Original retaining wall of irregular courses of river boulders with irregular basalt and basalt chinking. Earth canal dug out into soft fertile earth, with compressed earth sides, about 0.30m -0.40 cm deep. One w side abuts stone/cement wall. 'Kopses' (water diverters) fashioned out of big river boulders, used to stem water flow from/to side channels. To cut off side channel, river boulder is secured with piling up rubble probably brought with the water flow, eg. limestone chinking from retaining walls along embankments further away, pebbles, tile, hollow brick. Photos in private archive."||||"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00||||||-0.40|||"Single"||8.00||"South of Drakos Argakin"|"Cement retaining wall over part of field wall at SE & E leaves only a fraction of the original retaining wall exposed."||||"Mr. Panayotis the Neoroforos of Tembria said that older channels were of earth and that kopses were made with shovelfulls of dirt, before they were cemented."||"Greek Cypriot"|"irrigation"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0||523.00|0||"Some"|"SEZ"|3/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||"Tembria"||0|||"""Kopsa"" or water diverters of stone/earth/ pottery"|"II"|"avlatchi"|"earth water channel"|"Some"||"brambles, fruit trees, wild grass (arkasti)"|"Tembria"|"earth"|0.40 "dirt road "||"WM"|"BU0064"|"Water mill, Tembria. Penstock and millhouse ruined. Construction is irregular courses of basalt. Wooden log may have been used as a chute."|0|||"abandoned"||"Ruined watermill. Ruined mill house, stone only outflow and traces of wooden sloping leat visible. Stone race is overgrown with brambles. water leads into it from left diversion of 'moirasia' the right hand side of which , according to Mr. Georgios the Neroforos, gives one 'gronthos' (fist-width) of water to Tembria. Water from here leads down to the triplewater diversion in Tembria-III (Pera Geitonia - BU 0065). The penstock abruptly stops at about 12 m in length, at a vertical smoothly plastered north face, leaving the canal exposed. A wooden trough might have been supported into the water channel and this would then have led to the turbine chamber under the millhouse. The remains of the mill house and outflow appear to be a further 11m or about one leat length to the north. The outflow is round arched on the face with dressed limestone quoins, 1.50m high and with a vaulted ceiling. Traces of the wooden leat may be present. A large piece of wood about 50 x 50 x 50 cm is embedded into the south face of the millhouse, slightly to the east of the race. A further piece of wood is found lying on its side, about 1 m long, in the space between the millhouse and the stone race. The millhouse foundation walls are irregularly coursed river boulders similar to the constructions at Mandres, and with similar basalt corner quoins on the building's edges. The millhouse is a single 'makrinari' type. The entry is not visible due to overgrowth of tall grass. To the east side of the leat there is a retaining drystone basalt wall about 1.5 m high."|490270.00||508|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"white lime traces"||"Penstock & millhouse:irregular courses of basalt"||"No"|3.00|||"Multiple"||12.00||"Rotsos hill, south of Pera Geitonia,Tembria"|"Traces of fire."|3875427.00|"No"|"arched limstone dressed outflow"|"Georgios Herodotou, Neroforos for Kaliana-Tembria. Polikseni Achilleos from Tembria, living in Limassol. Mrs. Polykseni's father was one of three owners. The second owner was Papanikolas who has the mill at BU0123."|"3 owners:Christos Papanikolaou psalmist,Georgios Demitriades,Loukas Demitriades"|"Greek Cypriot"|"corn grinding water mill"|0|0|0|0|1|0|0||514.00|0|||"SEZ"|2/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||"Tembria III"||1||"GPS"|"leat terminating in vertical plastered face. Part of penstock leat missing, possibly was built in some perishable material eg. wood."|"IV"|"Mylos ston Rotso"|"water mill- stone construction"|||"Almond trees,blackbery brammbles, barley"|"Tembria"|"penstock:basalt river boulders and limestone chinking"|1.20 "public road"|"houses in plot nos. 391, 544, 543"|"WC"|"BU0065"|"Water channel, Tembria. One of three channels side by side; currently used as a water distributor. Metal sluices control flow of water. Dated to 1951. Near Rotsos mill, BU0064."|0|||"water distributor"|"1951"|"Three water canals side by side (moirasia') taking water in from one main channel descending from the southermost entry point of diversion near mill on 'Rotsos' location plot no.514 (BU 0064). Situated on east side of main village road in front of plots 319, 544, 543. From entry channel south, 0.50m wide, water flows into a 2X 1.5 approx.'bed' where it is slowed down by means of intercepting low wall with opening 0.50 wide just in front of channel. Water then flows into 'bed' 2X4m just before three canal branches. Metal sluice gates (kopses) 1m in from canal walls, suspended on metal beam, control rate of water flow into each individual canal. Westernmost leads off onto higher level. 2 channels out of 3 take water to Korakou & Evrichou while one takes water to Tembria. Photos in private archive. Water flows under cement slab 'bridges' leading into houses on east side, of 1950 ties design, while houses on west side of road are of the continuous built type. Possibly this was original village edge, that water flowed by and village expanded eastward in the early fifties.TAESP 2002 - Photos by Chris"|490171.00||503|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00||"cement"|||"Yes"|-0.50|||"Single"||10.00||"Pera Geitonia, neighborhood center"|"Cemented canals, previously earth and stone canals."|3875695.00||"metal sluice gates"|"Georgios Herodotou, Neroforos (Tel. 02 932313), Appointed Neroforos (water superintendent). Before being cemented in 1951, channels were made of earth walls and 'kopses' were fashioned out of earth, stones, sacks."|"communal irrigation system (Koinotiko Ardeftiko)"|"Other"|"water distributor"|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|3/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||"Tembria III"||1|||"1951 'GR' cement plaque at south of structure."|"I"|"'Gronthos Pera Geitnoias, Tembria', also 'diachoristiras'"|"cement construction"|||"Geraniums, Jasmine, garden potted plants in fifties houses on east side of road. Traditional houses against roadside on west side of road wiith no gardens in front."|"Tembria"|"cement"|2.00 ||"OT"|"BU0066"|"Other; Tembria neighbourhoods. These are Kato Geitonia (lower), Mesa Geitonia (middle) and Pera Geitonia (furthest)."|0|||||"Tembria is known to locals as consisting of three neighborhoods: Kato Geitonia (=Tembria-I), ie, Lower Neighborhood, Mesa Geitonia (Tembria-II), ie, Middle neighborhood and Pera Geitonia (Tembria-III) ie, Furthest Neigborhood. Kato Geitonia has Timios Stavros church, and ruin of live mill (just wood posts and stone of olive press SW of hill on which church stands). Mesa Geitonia has Ayia Paraskeyvi church and vanished oil mill. Pera Geitonia had church of St. George, according to Mrs. Polikseni, (church was on plot 44) she remembers ruins of apse, since built over by neighboring house of plot No. 666. This house also had an oil mill. The mill was gutted and the room became a kitchen. The oven was kept, with the opening looking into the mill house-kitchen. Of the mill mechanism, only a beautiful pink marble mill stone remains in the couryard of the house. "||||"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|||||"Yes"|||||||||||"Yes"||"Polikseni Achilleos, of Tembria-III, living in Limassol. "||"Greek Cypriot"||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|2/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||||1||||||||||"Tembria"|| "Public village road"|"On road in front of plots no. 636"|"WC"|"BU0067"|"Water channel, Tembria. Currently used as secondary tertiary water distributor. Date of construction: 1951."|1|||"secondary triple water distributor"|"1951"|"Triple tertiary water distributor. Water from secondary channel enters square 'node' at acute angle with inflow and exits with outflow in same axis of flow. Tertiary channel leads off at right angle to square node. Tertiary channel and outflow each have sluice gate, secondary channel inflow does not. Each channel is 0.40x0.4m. approx. square channel is 0.75X0.75 m approx. (photo in private archive). See diag."||||"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00||||||-0.40|||"Single"||0.75||"in Mesa Geitonia neighborhood of Tembria"|"Cementing done in 1951 according to cement plaque."||"Yes"|||"Koinotiko Ardeytiko"|"Other"||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||"Tembria III"||1||||"I"||"cement"|||"associated front gardens"|"Tembria"||0.75 "public road"|"fruit and bean orchards, river (name?)"|"WC"|"BU0068"|"Water channel, Kalliana. Double water distributor associated with BU0061."|0|||"double water distributor"||"Cementing of previously earth channels with metal sluice gates. Main water channel of stone walls leading out of Myltiades mill, branches into two channels which turn southward. This kind of branching is called a 'koftousa'. Older name, according to Mrs Demetra Zacharia is also 'krevathikia' which was made of stones piled up to stall the water flow. The westernmost channel leads water to Linou, the eastermnost leads water to Tembria-Korakou-Evrichou. This point is one of the important fords of water re-distribution, where one branch leads water to Linou while the other to Tembria-Evrichou. Just before branching begins, then channel acquires cement sides 0.10m thick and 0.60m high. Just before the turn, the side walls become lower by 0.30m and the vertical sluice gates are accomodated into U-shaped metal jambs embedded into canal walls. On the lower canal sides sits a metal grille. When the sluice gates are lowered a trickle of water escapes into the canal but the main body of water allowed to continue to flow through, flows down into a fist-sized opening in the canal floor. In this case this is a 'gronthos', according to the Neroforos, but the diameter varies and it can be termed a 'tsappa', a 'stelifi' or a 'thilia'. Photos in personal archive. Multiple level water channel. Bifurcate channel (described TASP 2001 above) crosses underneath dirt road in a westerly direction and continues in a cement channel which bridges the river. The 'bridge' is about 12m long and leads into a 'node', a rectangular water basin, with inflow from the channel and outflow at right angles in a northern direction. The southern exit of water into the field by a similar metal sluice gate has been blocked due to raised ground levels."|490350.00||250|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"cement"||||"Yes"|-0.50|||"Multiple"||2.00||"North end of Kalyana village"|"Cementing of previously earth channels with metal sluice gates. TAESP 2002-metal sluice gate was missing and waterflow was blocked wih bamboo reeds matted together. Photo by Chris."|3874577.00|"Yes"|"2"|"Georgios Herodotou, Neroforos of Tembria. Demetra Zachharia"|"Koinotiko Ardeftiko"||"double water distributor"|0|0|0|0|1|0|1|||0|||"SEZ"|2/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|"One of important stops on the Neroforos's rounds. The metal gate at the channel was missing this year & the water was stopped by a more traditional manner, with bamboo canes matted together."|"I"|"Moirasia at Kalliana"|"cement water channel"||||"Kalliana"|"irregular coursed stone basalt & cement"|1.00 "in field (approx 6m east) of tarred road leading to cemetery"|"lives, barely"|"OT"|"BU0069"|"""Koumnes"", round bottomed clay jars, embedded in earthen embankment. 6 in a row."|0|||"abandoned"||"Koumnes, round bottomed clay jars about diam. 0.40-0.50m and 0.40m deep. Embedded into earth embankment, facing northwards. 6 jars in a row, all broken. Large basalt stones in front of jars 3 & 6 could have been used to seal opening. Photos in personal archive."||||"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|||||"No"||||"Single"|||"Ayios Loukas Church"|"Approximately 100m west of Ayios Loukas church"|"Newer row of jars embeded in concrete, 50m. west of church entry."||"No"||"2 Korakou ladies walking by said that these were 'koumnes' for cooking 'kleftiko' for the 'panayiri' of Ayios Loukas. Nearly embarassed myself big time for I had thought that they were the mysterious 'vouppes'."|"Ayios Loukas church"|"Greek Cypriot"|"'koumnes' for roasting meat in."|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|457.00||0||"Abundant"|"SEZ"|25/7/2001 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-52-E2"|||1|||"Jar no. 4 has zig-zag pattern on the exterior."|"V"|"koumnes"|"tile"|||"olive grove, zuccini patch, barley"|"Korakou"|| "dirt road"|"barley fields, olivegroves.Ay.Nicolaos shrine in nearby (SE) concrete retaining field wall."|"WM"|"BU0070"|"Water mill, Evrykhou. Constructed of basalt and tile. Winding millrace supported by several buttresses. Wheelhouse extant with wooden wheel in situ; partially remaining millhouse with window intact above wheelhouse."|1|||"abandoned"||"4-tiered water channel (0.53 X 0.64m deep) with supporting buttresses every 3m, height about 5.60m beside penstock. Lower rows built of flat tile, dimensions of about 0.045 X 0.45 X0.38m (sizes vary, see field notes). First part of channel (about 15m) takes water from a primary water canal (width about 0.70m) flowing in a N-S direction. Channel then makes a 45 degree turn for 1m then continues perpendicular to first part again for 15m. 5 buttresses along north face of channel, 3 on south face. South side has adjacent primary water channel lowering water down a sloping chute flowing parallel to mill channel. Whole channel width is 1.75m and leads to penstock. Penstock is built in courses of varying materials, with horizontal courses well defined. Lower courses appear in basalt boulders with tile quoins. At irregular intervals, tiles are half the width, placed to cross over the bigger tiles, possibly for structural 'tie' reasons. The penstock is about 5.60m high, with courses in smaller and larger boulders of basalt, with tile chinking and tile is also used on the topmost channel layer to tidy up edges. Water downshute is the larges seen yet, with a diam. of 2.17m. set into rectangular floor with 0.80m high perimeter walls. Penstock has narrow 0.15m tier around its base. Mill house is partly destroyed, south side still survives, with pointed arched outflow facing west, visible under mill house remains. Outflow appears to have been shorter by about 1m. Earlier dressed stones of vaulted outflow are visible behind dressed voussoirs of later outflow vault. The stones of the earlier outflow vault seem to have moved and slipped out of position. Total height of penstock measured to eastern lower side at springers of outflow is about 8.60m. Photos in personal archive and photos by Michael Given. 2002-Photos by Chris, sketch by CAS showing turbine, break, turning block and paddle of wood."|490054.00|||"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"2 layers: coarser lime and fine lime wash"||"clay tiles"||"No"|9.00|||"Multiple"||36.00|"Lachisto"|"Lachisto (Mrs Machi also called it 'k'arres)"||3877967.00|"No"||"Mr. Styllis, Evrichou miller: 'Lachistos' name alludes to mill being really low down in the river, in a latchia or ravine. Machi Antoniou and Panayiotis Antoniou, Evrichou carpenter. Machi, b. 1934, remembers owners as a child, 'during the war'. Name is so because owners may have bequeathed it to one of the churches, to avoid paying taxes during Ottoman rule."|"Vassilis and Elpida"|"Greek Cypriot"|"wheat grinding"|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|824.00||0||"Some"|"SEZ"|25/7/2001 00:00:00|"Ottoman tile"|0||"XXVIII-52-E1"|||1||"GPS"|"4 tiered penstock with buttresses in tile and basalt corbels on top. Abundant Roman (?) tile used as chinking.Largest diam of penstock encountered. Limestone water overflow channel on south side of channel, 6.95m from penstock."|"III"|"Lachistos. Also Mylos tis Panayias(ie, Mill of the BVM)"|"stone and tile and masonry"|"Abundant"||"barley, olives, vines, beans, citrus, wild mint"|"Evrykhou"|"irregular basalt boulders set in courses of similar sized boulders"|4.87 "tarred road beside BU0061 field"||"WC"|"BU0071"|"Water channel, Kalliana. Bifurcate primary water channel associated with BU0061."|1|||"primary water channel"||"Bifurcate primary water channel about 0.65m wide. Fork leads to Myltiades water leat, and main ouflow continues down 4.5m drop beside penstock of Myltiades mill and into channel in front of Spyros mill (BU0061). Water flows down drop just before sluice gate and cascades into lower channel, leads east for about 30m, under two humped bridges leading to Spyros mill, then turns north under road for Kalyana. This is the channel that leads water to Linou-Tembria-Korakou-Evrichou at 'kopsa' BU 0071. Channel walls after Spyros mill are built in stone, 2m wide and 2m approx. deep. Vaulted arch with dressed limestone quoins under tarred road. Water emerges north of road and heads on under south elevation of house and under chamber which used to be a wax workshop for candle-making and votive dolls. Water flows directly under front door of house , accessed by stone steps ending just above the water. Water emerges at an angle on the west side of the house, and in a slope. It continues under the side-street and north of the Myltiades mill along a stone channel 2m deep and 1m wide which leads to the Linou-Tembria double water distributor of (BU0068). Photos in personal archive. Photo by Chris TAESP 2002. Inscription on metal sluice gate: Mikhanopoieion o Atlas. E. Khasalakou, Lefkosia. Put in place by Miltis"|||528|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"lime mortar"||"irregular coursed river boulders"||||"lime/cement plaster"||||||"Between Spyros and Miltis mills, beside Galata Kalliana road. Cadastral as for BU0060 , BU0061 cannot be entered."|"Modified by Myltiades the miller, in 1950, channel cemented in 1953 (plaque. scetch of BU0060)."|||"sluice gate with inscription"|"As for BU0068. Mr Andreas, the carpenter under whose house the water flows remembers that children used to jump into the water on the south side and slide down the shute under the house and and street and into the channel on the west side, for fun, a precedent to water-parks."|"Koinotiko Ardeftiko"|"Other"|"gave water to Spyros and Miltis mill and to BU0068"|0|0|0|0|1|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|26/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|"screw and wheel metal sluice gate to raise gate over waterflow diversion. Inscription of foundry 'Atlas' in N/sia, E. Hasapakou owner."|||"bifurcate water channel"|||"beans, agricultural"|"Kalliana"|"irregular coursed river boulders and basal chinking"| "Next to road"||"WC"|"BU0072"|"Water channel, Kalliana. Main water distribution channel associated with BU0071. Constructed in 1953."|0|||"main water distributor"|"1953"|"Main water distributor branching off possibly from river 'Deimma', traversing under main Kalyana-Galata road and emerging south of branch of road leading to Kalyana. Point of warter entering survey area (which I have extended to include Kalyana & Tembria, for water-rights reasons). Bifurcate branch. One arm leads along higher gradient towards BU 0071 stretch. Secondary water channel, leads parallel to main channel on west side which curves to get to point of BU 0071. secondary channel also turns but leads into courtyard of neighboring house on west side. Dry right hand side (east) branch leads towards lowermost canal of BU OO71, enclosing Spyros' mill (BU 0061) into a triangular 'island' surrounded by water channels on all sides. The outflow of Spyros's mill led water into this branch of the water channel which would explain why it is now dry. Plaque of 1953 beside the road on the uppermost level documents date of cementing. Original stone and lime construction visible on curve. Newer penstocks appear sloped. The newest mill is Myltiades mill completed in 1950. Photos in personal archive."||||"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"cement"||"irregular courses of basalt"||"Yes"|-0.50|"cement"||"Single"||50.00|||"Cemented in 1953."||"Yes"|"cement secondary side ourflow & metal sluice"||"Kointoiko Ardeftiko"|"Other"||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|25/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||||0|||"0.20m cement side channel with sluice gate at right angles, typical side channel outlet."|"I"|"deimma"|"cement"|"Some"|||"Kalliana"||0.65 "On road"|"Olives and unused batha"|"WM"|"BU0073"|"Water mill, Nikitari. Penstock and millrace of rough rubble masonry, with courses of river boulders covered in lime plaster."|0||"None"|"abandoned"||"NB: also recorded by Luke as SE053. Shaft- 4.7 m deeppenstock- 5.85mParapet on leat walls- 46cm highlength of leat to penstock- 24.30 mPenstock diameter- 1.36 mConstruction:-rough rubble masonry with courses on top layers-mostly river boulders-faced with lime plaster-two distinct lines in the construction may represent additions to heighten the leat-softer lime plaster on the penstock-no evidence of turbine house or milling house or shoot exit-a rough rubble foundation to the NE on the river bank"|500397.00||248|"SEZ"|17/7/2002 00:00:00|||"on bedrock"|"Some"||5.85|||"Multiple"||30.15|"Mersinia"|"Detour road from Nikitari to Vyzakia"||3882536.00||||"Unknown"|"Turkish Cypriot"|"mill"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"Some"|"TJI"|17/7/2002 00:00:00||0|"29-IX"||||1|"None"|"GPS"||||"water mill"|"None"||"Cereal, olives, batha"|"Nikitari"|"masonry"|3.46 "dirt track"||"WM"|"BU0074"|"Water mill, Korakou. Ruined penstock and millhouse. Penstock built of basalt with oildrums extending shaft; millhouse is mudbrick makrinari-style, with collapsed roof.Millrace overgrown and not visible. Fell into disuse in 1970."|0|||"abandoned"||"On outskirts of Korakou village and away from other dwellings. Ruins of house separate from millhouse, penstock, leat, millhouse and outflow. One of the smaller mill types, situated SE of Korakou village, on the east bank on Karyiotis river. Abandoned 1970. The water channel is overgrown and not visible. The penstock is only half-constructed in stone, situated west of the mill house of which the roof has collapsed. The lower tier or base of the penstock is built with a slope, in irregular coursed basalt and lime. On top there is a sloping cylindrical drum of smooth concrete, topped with two rusted oil drums placed on top of the other to elongate the vertical shaft of the penstock downflow. Mr Styllis (BU 0049) said that his father built this mill (the miller's wife was his aunt) and that the owners had run out of money, so that the penstock was finished in a cheaper way, but it still worked. Of the mill house, a makrinari built in mudbrick and irregular courses of basalt, gypsum plastered inside, only the walls and the north double door remain. The lower sill of the window over the outflow is visible. Inside on the floor among broken roof tiles is the lower millstone with a circular metal brace, while a metal brace of the upper millstone is leaning against the south wall. The outflow has rounded arch dressed in limestone, ca. 3.5 m from river's edge which has well-aligned man-made rock hewn bank from bottom of the outflow. Height of arch ca. 1.4 m, up to windowsill 2.7 m. Height of doorway 2.05 m, whole height ca. 3.05m.The dwelling of the owner is higher up and adjacent to the millhouse, further west on the hill slope. It is three bayed, with a central iliakos closed towards the street with a double door, and facing the river with an open loggia. One of the owners of the property was district commissioner of Nicosia, now retired (called Zografos).Detailed sketch on file by SEZ."|490202.00||391|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|||||||||||||"On west bank of Karkotis river, beside Kousouliotis weir"||3877523.00|||"Mr. Styllis, Evrichou miller:; 'Athropos en o topos, tchai o topos yerimos' Man is the place and the place is desolate (without the presence of man, the meaning of the place is nought). Owner's name was provided by the miller of Evrykhou, Mr. Styllis, in 2001. The mill is also known as Mylos tou Zografou."|"Angeliki Christodoulou and children."|"Greek Cypriot"|"wheatgrinding"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|26/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|"Lower mill stone in situ."||"Mylos tou Koumi (mill of Christodoulos Koumis)."|"water mill"|||"Eucalyptus, bamboo cane,Prickly pear, pomegranate, Florentine Iris"|"Korakou"|| ||"WM"|"BU0075"|"Water mill, Phlasou. Basalt and lime construction, with triple-arched millrace. Millhouse remains are irregular courses of river boulders and chinking, topped with courses of adobe mudbrick."|1|||"abandoned"||"Water channel, penstock and mill situated just west of Krommidos mill, on the east banks of the Karkotis river, and on the west edge of Kato Phlasou. Water race begins at zero level beside road and continues in a straight line for about 18m. The arch springers sit on bedrock which is crumbling, possibly becuse of exposure to air. On the south side there abuts an earth water channel about 2m wide, against a southern retaining wall of river boulders, about 1.5m high, in a very good drystone construction. The water channel is a slim construction with a cemented interior of the waterflow, leading towards two tiered steps about 50cm wide each, just before the penstock. The water downflow of the penstock is round, about 55 cm with a metal grille, and set into two rectangular stepped frames. The actual penstock top is rectangular, with a balustrade about 50cm high. The penstock walls are four tiered, with a pronounced slope facing west and the penstock face, and towards the mill house. The mill house has collapsed and is overgrown with brambles, but parts visible reveal it to have been built about 14 courses of irregular river boulders of basalt, with basalt chinking, and topped with 6 rows of adobe bricks, upon which the wooden beams of the roof rested. Poem by Mr. Styllis in Selides article (See report on summary of Stylianides mill)."|489717.00|"none"|320|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|||||"No"|||"Karkotis"|"Single"||18.00||"Adjacent to ford on road to Agroladhou"||3879852.00|"No"||"Mr. Styllis, Evrykhou miller: Shaban Bey mill was the model for the penstock of his mill in 1926. Shaban Bey mill would work all right when it had water."|||"flour mill"|0|0|0|1|0|0|0||293.00|0|||"SEZ"|27/7/2001 00:00:00||0|||"Kato Phlasou"|"TS06"|0||"GPS"|"three arches support water channel, easternmost two are pointed, arch just next to penstock is round"|"II"|"Shaban Bey mill"|"basalt and lime"||||"Phlasou"|| "tarred ring road of Phlasou"|"abandoned farmland"|"WM"|"BU0076"|"Water mill, Phlasou. Restored in 2000. Construction is irregular basalt with limestone quoins in penstock and millhouse. Top layers of millhouse rebuilt with mudbrick. Crude arch in millrace wall, which is blackened by fire. Date of 1690 on penstock."|1|"n/a"||"disused"||"On east banks of Karyiotis, NW of Shaban Bey mill. Water race leads water from canal beside road into curved water leat which goes over a pointed arch just before the canal enters the penstock. A stone pathway crosses under the arch. North face has traces of fire. Penstock is two tiered and vertical, with dressed ashlar quoins on all four sides (it is in a bad state and leaks water). Mill house abuts penstock and appears to have had adobe courses to raise roof, which means that in older times it may have had a flat earth roof, then adobe was added to the north and south side to create a slope for the roof, which was subsequently redone with stone. Limestone ashlar quoins on SE corner of mill house (and penstock?). Poukatostegi, vaulted chamber under mill house floor ends in pointed-arched outflow with dressed limestone quoins and into outflow channel taking water into the Karkotis river. Mill stones in mill house, together with 'statis'."|489556.00|"none"|305|"SEZ"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"yes"|"n/a"|"irregular basalt boulders and chinking"||"no"||"n/a"|"Karkotis"||||"Molos"|"Molos locality, situated on east bank of Karkotis river."|"Renovated 2000-2001."|3880093.00|"no"||"Mrs Evroulla Hadjidemitriou of Phlasou (ex mayor's wife): Molos had one of three alonia belonging to the other two related mills (Krommidos and Shaban Bey). At the 'honi' or 'cone' at Molos mill, water for Linou and Katydata is separated. One other favourite spot was 'o Lantos', favoured by swimmers."|||"milling grain"|0|1|1|0|0|0|0||258.00|0|||"SEZ"|28/7/2001 00:00:00|"On restored millhouse"|0|||"Kato Phlasou"||0||"GPS"|"limestone plaque with inscription on north wall of penstock. Date on plaque appears to be 1690. Limestone plaque on fountain with relief letters chiseled off."|"IV"|"Mylos ou Molou (Molos Mill)"|"water mill"|"Some"||"Clump of eucalyptus by river"|"Phlasou"|"water rounded basalt and limestone quoins"| "Before tree in middle of road, turn left. Turn left towards school - dirt road on left."|"Chicken wire fence compound"|"CX"|"BU0077"|"Church, Galata. Stone structure with timber beams supporting timber and tile roof, and timber eaves. Main door is carved wood. Metal bell tower. Dated to 1502."|0|"Timber beams"|"None"|"Church"|"1502"|"Indoor - main door opens into a space. In front is the church itself, with a carved door. Pews around the walls. Curved arch on either side. White-washed walls. Icons of St. Peter and St. Paul on either wall. Semi-arch on either side until icon screen (intricately carved and gilded). Paintings of Virgin Mary and Christ on either side of inner door. There are beams on either side of the inner door - is the arch pointed or curved? Outdoor: stone platform. On N and S side, timber roof is quite low - gives appearance of being a small church. Semi-circular apse with a semi-dome; timber beam across top of apse to support roof. Above main entrance is an equilateral triangular window of glass and wooden panes. Metal bell tower with a metal roof."|490542.00|"Timber"||"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"Stone flagstones"|"n/a"|"None"|"Yes"|8.00|"Yes"||"Single"||18.00||"To SW of Chapel of Panagia Theotokou"|"From wall of apse, appears that outer church wall added later. Outer doors are new. Roof renovated - 1956."||"Yes"|"15"|"Church custodian: Andreas Alexandrou (02-922393). Church used to be part of a monastery. In the 1940's, the land was leased to the British as a ""fytorio"". Worked by animals - buildings eventually destroyed. In his opinion, the inner church and outer walls were built at the same time as the inner timber roof is continuous. Also, all the surrounding land (fields, orchards) belongs to the Metropolitan See of Morphou."||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|||0||"Some"|"EAS"|25/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber, tile "|0|||||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Inner church has only 2 paintings on walls Painting above inner door of Virgin and Child in benediction"||"Panagia tis Podithou"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"Olives, wild oats, ploughed fields, orchards"|"Galata"|"Stone, tile, concrete"|11.50 "Before tree in middle of road, turn right. Turn left towards school - dirt road on left"|"Fields and orchards owned by Metropolitan See of Morphou"|"CX"|"BU0078"|"Church, Galata. Stone structure with timber beams supporting renovated roof with timber eaves.Inner walls plaster and covered with paintings. Dated to 1514."|0|"Timber beams"|"None"|"Chapel "|"1514"|"Indoor: Undergoing renovation by Department of Antiquities. Inner walls covered with paintings on plaster. Semicircular apse with Virgin Mary on inner wall, arms outstretched. Painting above N door shows donors: Polos Zacharias and Magdalen with their daughters. Magdalen depicted in Catholic dress with a rosary in her hands. On N wall is a depiction of St. George (scratched Star of David?). On either side of apse, the walls have strange designs that look like the Star of David in black paint. Also, some of the stone flagstones have incised wavy lines and small regularly-spaced holes. Outdoor: semicircle niche above main door, with a colourful depiction of the Virgin with Child. The outer border of the semicircle has an inscription in the Byzantine script. Stone platform around the chapel. Semicircular apse with a semi-dome. Outer wall on South side slants inwards. "|490445.00|"Timber"||"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"Stone flagstones"|"Stone"|"None"|"Yes"|6.00|"Yes"||"Single"||10.50||"Bottom of valley - to NE of Panagia tis Podithou"|"Roof renovated - 1986. Walls covered with concrete"||"Yes"|"5"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Chapel"|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|||0||"Some"|"EAS"|25/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber, tile"|0|||||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|||"Panagia Theotokou/ Archangelos Michail"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"Olives, cyppresses, ploughed fields, orchards"|"Galata"|"Stone"|5.00 "Main road into Galata from Tembria - chapel on the left."|"Building enclosed within a compound, surrounded by a redbrick wall"|"CX"|"BU0079"|"Church, Galata.Stone structure with concrete foundations, timber beams supporting timber and tile roof,and timber eaves. Inside walls painted with iconic images. Main door carved wood."|0|"Timber beams"|"None"|"chapel"||"Indoor: North wall has a painting of 3 saints - SS Andronicos, Bechianos, (third name not visible). Carved icon screen, with a carved beam above. Outdoor: Timber support beams encircling the building in the centre. Rectangular plan - apse covered by timber roof. Metal bell tower with metal roof. Both doors are low - one must bend down to enter. Carved door frames."||"Timber"||"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"Yes"|"flagstones of concrete(?)"|"Concrete"|"None"|"Yes"|6.00|"Whitewashed"||"Single"||9.50||"On the outskirts of the village, coming from the North, on ground level."|"Roof renovated"||"Yes"|"6"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Chapel"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"Some"|"EAS"|25/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber, tile"|0|||||1|"None"||"Painting on N wall of 3 saints Donation box to right of main door semicircular niche above main door"||"Agios Nicolaos"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"Cypress, oleander, sycamore (platonos)"|"Galata"|"Stone, tile, mud with chaff"|5.00 |"Building enclosed within a compound"|"CX"|"BU0080"|"Church, Phlasou. Rectangular plan, sandstone walls. Belltower dates to 1930.Plaster ceiling and tile roof. Four pillars support four pointed arches."|1|"Plaster"|"None"|"Church"|"1900"|"Rectangular plan; apse is half of a hexagon. On the N and S sides there are four columns that support pointed arches. There are four corner columns that support arches, two on either side of the apse. The windows of the church have carved frames that form pointed arches. The N and S doors have a large outer, middle and inner frame (Gothic), forming pointed arches. While the walls appear to be stone, the columns seem to be made of a chalky stone. The main door has a single frame with a pointed arch. On the W wall there are three curved arches. Above these is the triangular W side of the roof surmounted by a stone cross. Small concrete-paved platform around church. Compound has cracked concrete floor. On roof, individual tiled triangular roofs, 5 on each length and 3 above each wall of the apse. The date 1906 is in wrought iron in the fanlight above the southern door. The belltower has an inscription which indicates that its construction dates from 1930. The text reads: 'Expenses of the respectable donors of the village of Efrosinis and Sofokleous during the time of the Bishop of Kyreneia Mr. Makarios. Constructed in 1930 by Phil. Loizoy, architect of Galata.' Local belief is that there has been a church on this site since the 12th century."|489891.00||316|"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|||"n/a"|"None"|"Yes"|12.00||"Karkotis"|"Single"||30.00||"Adjacent to the schoolhouse"|"Addition of bell tower in 1930."|3880316.00|"Yes"||"Pater Michail: Agios Demetrianos was from Kithrea. The stone of the church is mined at the base of Skouriotissa mine - probably the Phoukasa quarry."||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|0|0|0|1|0||499.00|0||"None"|"EAS"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|"Tile"|0||"XXVIII-37"|"Kato Phlasou"|"TS04"|1|"None"|"GPS"|"Above each door is a tall, rectangular niche. On right of main door is an icon niche, more than 1m high."||"Agios Demetrianos"||"Abundant"||"Firs, palm trees, eucalypts"|"Phlasou"|"Sandstone"|11.00 "Take road into village -cross bridge"|"Compound"|"CX"|"BU0081"|"Church, Kalopanagiotis. Stone and tile walls supported by curved buttresses. Inside, stone slab floor, vaulted ceiling with arches and columns, and paintings on walls."|0|"Plaster"|"None"|"Church"||"Outdoor: Walls made of stone and tile. On W side there are two curved buttresses, one on either side of the door. There is a stone platform and a stone compound. The S side opens into the monastery. Indoor: weathered stone slabs on the floors. The ceiling is vaulted with curved arches and columns - there are many wall paintings in decent condition (due to recent restoration). NNW of church roof has timber beams. Central apse has very elaborate iconostasis. On either side of central apse, there is a pointed arch that separates it from the other 2 ""churches"". The iconostasis as one enters the South door is older and has the Lusignan lion painted on it."|484495.00|"Timber"|673|"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"Stone"|"Stone"|"None"|"Yes"||"Yes"||"Single"||16.00||"Village is on hill terraces - monastery/church is on other side of hill"|"n/a"|3872216.00|"Yes"||"Georgios Christodoulou: Used to be three separate churches. The section furtherst South was the Latin chapel, and the other two were Orthodox."||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"Unclear"|"EAS"|28/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber, tile"|0|||||1|"None"|"GPS"|||"Agios Ioannis Lampadistis"|"Stone"|"Abundant"|||"Kalopanagiotis"|"Stone, tile"|20.00 |"Enclosed within a compound - concrete wall, whitewashed. Adjoins Metropoloitan See of Morphou"|"CX"|"BU0082"|"Church, Evrykhou. Stone structure, possibly limestone. Belltower built with sandstone blocks. Tile roof and tile eaves."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Church"||"Corners of walls have limestone slabs. Main entrance has limestone-slab icon niche on left (1m high +). Windows have rectangular limestone frames. Floodlights and speakers. Door on S side (on top in metalwork is date ""1886""). Bell-tower - to left of apse when facing West. Bell tower has sandstone blocks - curved arches but with inlaid frames (Gothic). S side of bell tower has inscription and Byzantine double-headed eagle with a crown and the Greek cross in its centre."|490917.00|"Tile"||"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"n/a"|"n/a"|"None"|"Yes"||"n/a"||"Single"||26.00||"On an elevation , N of village"|"n/a"|3877473.00|"Yes"|"27"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|1|1|1|1|1|||0||"None"|"EAS"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"Tile "|0|||||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|||"Agios Kyriakos"|"Stone(?)"|"Abundant"||"Olives"|"Evrykhou"|"Stone(?)"| "Take main road to Linou from Phlasou and turn left on small road - church is on right."|"Enclosed within a compound"|"CX"|"BU0083"|"Church, Linou. Constructed of modern slabs, limestone slabs inside supported by buttresses. Arches. Inscription over door dates to 1905. Bell tower of sandstone blocks. Roof of curved tiles."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Church"||"Modern concrete flagstones in compound. Large icon niche to right of main door (1m+). Main door has inner and outer frame (Gothic) with curved arch. On each length, there are six ""buttresses"" that support pointed arches. Doors on W and N side- wooden and painted red. Door on S side - modern aluminium with gold-coloured panels with a cross on each. Metalwork above S door has date of 1905. Walls have modern slabs but ""buttresses"" have limestone slabs. Bell tower to left of apse when facing West - sandstone blocks (carved design similar to that of Panagia Odigitria in Galata). Apse is half of a hexagon. Above each arch on N and s sides is a tiled triangle with a window."|490014.00|"Curved tiles"|280|"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"n/a"|"n/a"|"None"|"Yes"||"n/a"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||25.00||"West of village, near fields and orchards."|"n/a"|3881078.00|"Yes"||||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|||0||"None"|"EAS"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"Curved tiles"|0|||||1|"None"|"GPS"|"Niche above door on S side"||"Agia Marina"||"Abundant"||"Olives, palms, lemons"|"Linou"|"modern slabs"|8.00 |"Enclosed within a compound"|"CX"|"BU0084"|"Church, Phlasou. Stone structure with some limestone blocks in walls inside. Roof is curved tile."|1|"n/a"|"None"|"Church"|"1722"|"Sandstone blocks on the wall corners and on the frames around the doors. The frames form curved arches. Similarly to Agios Mamas in Korakou, there are pottery sherds within the compound: porcelain, Kornos ware, sgraffito. Concrete base. Windows on S and E walls have red-brick frames (the plaster around these is whiter and appears more recent). S wall of compound facing road has a small buttress. Dated to 1722(according to Megali Kipriaki Encyclopaedia s.v. Plasou)"|489937.00|"Curved tiles"||"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"Yes"|"n/a"|"n/a"|"None"|"Yes"|7.00|"n/a"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||17.00|"Koutroullis tou Ayiou Yeoryiou"|"Adjacent to cemetery on a small elevation (Village Plan: Kato Phlasou No. II)"|"n/a"|3880186.00|"Yes"|"7"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|1|1|1|1|1||391.00|0||"Some"|"EAS"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|"Curved tiles "|0|"28-XX"|"XXVIII-36"||"TS04"|1|"None"|"GPS"|||"Ayios Yeoryios"|"Stone"|"Abundant"|||"Phlasou"|"Stone"|6.00 "Take main road to Korakou from Tembria - church is in the right"||"CX"|"BU0085"|"Church, Korakou. Stone structure with timber beam ceiling, timber eaves and timber and tile roof. Sandstone blocks with carved colums, curved arches and carved animals on walls. Two buttresses supporting walls. Inscription in Greek/Byzantine above door."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Church"||"Foundation not visible. Stone platform added on South and West sides (4/7/1993). Concrete platform level with road. Sandstone blocks with carved columns, curved arches and carved animals (?). Two buttresses, one on North wall and one on South wall. Frame around main door. Inscription above main door (in Byzantine script - possible date is ""Alpha Omega Omicron Ni""). Semi-circular apse with a half-dome - timber roof erected over it. On either side of apse, walls appear split and may have been added on at a later date. At base of apse is a long slab of yellow sandstone."|489642.00|"Timber"||"EAS"|28/7/2001 00:00:00|"Yes"|"n/a"|"n/a"|"None"|"Yes"|8.00|"n/a"||"Single"||14.50|"Panayia Eleousa"|"At edge of village"|"n/a"|3877708.00|"Yes"|"8"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"Some"|"EAS"|22/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber, tile"|0||"XXVIII-52"|||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"North wall: stone spring Stone icon niche: right of main door Carved sandstone belltower Roof not aligned with main door"||"Panagia Eleousa"|"Stone"|"Abundant"|||"Korakou"|"Stone, tile"|11.00 "Take main road through Korakou from Tembria - chapel is on right."|"Semi-open compound"|"CX"|"BU0086"|"Church, Korakou. Stone structure with timber beams supporting ceiling, and timber and tile roof. Inside, white plastered walls and carved beams. Timber belltower."|0|"Timber beams"|"None"|"Chapel"||"Indoor: white, plastered walls (cracked). Carved beams, doors and icon screen. Through S door, there are marble flagstones; through W door, floor level lower: stone flagstones covered by marble. Pews at walls. Inner height: 7m. Outdoor: Chapel built on bedrock. Support beams encircling the chapel above the doors. In places where the bedrock is lower, there is a platform out of stone, tile, pottery. Stones leading to steps were of stone: have been covered by concrete and roughly shaped. Bell tower of timber at centre of apse wall. Main door has two sculpted corbels at either side."|489632.00|"Timber"||"EAS"|28/7/2001 00:00:00|"Yes"|"Marble + stone flagstones"|"Stone, pottery, tile"|"None"|"Yes"|7.50|"Yes"||"Single"||15.00||"On a promentary - edge of a ridge"|"1996 - timber roof renovated"|3877568.00|"Yes"|"6"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Chapel"|0|0|0|1|1|1|1|||0||"Some"|"EAS"|22/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber, tile"|0||"XXVIII-52"|||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Icon of Christ crowned and enthroned Sgraffito found within compound"||"Agios Mamas"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"dry weeds"|"Korakou"|"Stone, pottery, tile"|6.00 "Main road to Panagia Eleousa square - turn left, take dirt road and chapel is on right"|"Stone wall level with ground"|"CX"|"BU0087"|"Church, Korakou. Stone structure of rectangular plan, with timber and tile roof and timber eaves. Inside, some plaster on walls supported by wooden beams. Rusty belltower."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Chapel"||"Rectangular plan. Apse similar to that of Timiou Stavrou at Tembria - flat wall, exposed space between roof and apse. Beams in midsection of walls for support, some with concrete. 2 windows are rectangular slits. Walls have been plastered and in some places whitewashed but mostly cracked and peeling. Doors are fairly level with the walls - wooden frames around them with undercoat. To right of main door is a large mill stone, possibly made of limestone (?). Also, at lower section of main door, there is a protruding stone on either side. Rusty bell tower supported by concrete."|489387.00|"Timber"||"EAS"|28/7/2001 00:00:00|"Yes"|"n/a"|"n/a"|"None"|"Yes"|5.00|"n/a"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||12.00||"To the North of Korakou - on elevated hill to the East"|"n/a"|3878721.00|"Yes"|"5"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Chapel"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0|"TP253"|"Some"|"EAS"|23/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber, tile"|0||"XXVIII-52"|||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Right of main door - mill stone. Cartridges around chapel"||"Ayia Varvara"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"Olive trees"|"Korakou"|"Stone, pottery, tile"|5.00 |"Stone wall level with ground"|"CX"|"BU0088"|"Church, Phlasou. Rectangular limstone structure, with timber and plywood ceilings, timber and tile roof and timber eaves. Pottery and tile inclusions in walls, and some sandstone blocks. Roof extends to form timber roof porch. Dated 1842."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Chapel"|"1842"|"Rectangular plan. Walls of stone, with pottery and tile inclusions. Interspersed also some sandstone slabs. Each corner of chapel has chalky slabs. Apse is exposed at the top and covered by timber roof. Apse has concrete semi-dome, with spaced out tiles on the diameter. May have been window above semi-dome. At base of wall facing North are limestone slabs - may be foundation (?). Roof extends beyond outer doors to form porch, 2 m outwards from chapel. Porch is tiled with timber support beams. At the four corners, curved tiles are used (others are square). Excluding the four corner columns, there are 5 from West to East on either side along the length and 2 in the front. No porch above the apse. (TP139)"|489278.00|"Timber"||"EAS"|28/7/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"n/a"|"Limestone slabs"|"None"|"Yes"||"n/a"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||17.00|"Ayios Yeoryios"|"On a prominent hill to the north of Korakou and west of Phlasou"|"Extensive renovation. Half of roof facing West has been retiled. Modern gypsum slabs around chapel on W, S and N sides.Surrounding this is a stone platform on which there are red-brick columns for the porch. Doors replaced."|3879357.00|"Yes"|"5"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Chapel"|0|0|0|1|1|1|1|||1|"TP139"|"Some"|"EAS"|23/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber, tile"|0||"XXVIII-52"|||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Right of north door: semi-circular shelf partly broken with opening into church. Timber porch supported by brick columns. North wall: long piece of pottery with red wavy line under support beam. North corner of apse wall: slab has an incut square."||"Agios Georgios"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"Cypresses, gum trees, pine trees"|"Korakou"|"Stone, tile, pottery"|6.00 |"Rough concrete wall level with church ground"|"CX"|"BU0089"|"Church, Korakou. Stone construction with timber and tile roof, and timber eaves. Porch extends north, south and west. Inside, roof supported by arches. Dated to 1697."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Church "|"1697"|"Similarities with Chapel of Agios Georgios. Modern slab platfrom. Porch extending on North, South and West of church. Supported by a portico. Columns appear weathered: curved arches on W side and pointed arches on N side. On S side, columns replaced by timber columns. Porch covered by curved tiles on interwoven bamboo canes. Apse is semi-circular with a concrete base and a concrete semi-dome. Timber support beams encircling the walls. Steps into church - modern slab. On N and S sides, there are 2 curved buttresses on each side. Edge-runner olive mill stone cut in half and both sides built into S wall. Main door surrounded by curved arch of limestone slabs. Rusty metal bell tower - 6m S of apse. Right of apse is a concrete platform with a hole at each corner (10/10/1979). Indoor: ceiling has pointed arches stretching across the width of the church supported on N and S walls. Pews against the N and S walls. Floor made of modern stone tiles (poss. early 20th century).Inscription (Gunnis 1936: 283): 'This Holy Church of the Apostle Luke was founded on the 27th September 1697 by the expenses of the priest Jakovos built by the hands of Constantine and Dimitri Gavriel'"|490028.00|"Timber"||"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"n/a"|"Stone"|"None"|"Yes"||"n/a"||"Single"||13.00||"To NE of Korakou village on a prominent hill"|"Porch timber replaced; roof renovated: tiles replaced. Stone platform added. Doors replaced."|3877721.00|"Yes"|"5"|"Xenia Christodoulou: Key Custodian of Agios Loukas (lives next to the church)."||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|1|1|1|1|1|1|||0||"Some"|"EAS"|24/7/2001 00:00:00|"Timber, tile"|0||"XXVIII-52"|||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Window above apse shaped like cross. Inscription in Byzantine script at top of main door"||"Agios Loukas"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"Cypress, eucalyptus"|"Korakou"|"Stone, pottery, tile, concrete"|6.00 ||"CX"|"BU0090"|"Church, Ayios Epiphanios. Rectangular structure of concrete harled walls, with timber and plywood ceiling and tile roof. Inscription over door. Metal bell tower. Floor modern marble slabs."|0|"Plywood(?), timber beams"|"None"|"Church"||"Rectangular plan. N side of church steps down into small concrete compound with bench. North door has inscription at top. Metal bell tower. Above apse wall is a cross. South of church - stone bounday garishly painted. Faint lines on apse wall. Inner wooden cover of apse window appears old. Akrotynon on either side of roof. Indoor: small inscription on S wall. Individual icon paintings hung on walls. White-painted pews facing apse. What looks like black-white prints on icon screen above Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ (on his right are SS Andronicos and Athanasia). Fourth print from left shows a soldier dressed in late medieval armour with helmet and sword beheading John the Baptist. In front of the screen are two tall candle holders (possibly weathered limestone?). "|489092.00|"No"||"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"modern marble flagstones"|"Concrete"|"None"|"Yes"|2.50|"Yes"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||10.00||"Corner of village"|"n/a"|3880418.00|"Yes"|"3"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|||0||"None"|"EAS"|24/7/2001 00:00:00|"Tile"|0||"XXVIII-36"|||1|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Icon of Agia Mavri, flanked by icons of St. Prodromos and Archangellos Michail."||"Agia Mavri"|"Concrete"|"Abundant"||"Weeds"|"Ayios Epiphanios"|"Harled"|4.50 "Main road coming from North, turn right after last coffeehouse - church is on left"|"Building enclosed within a compound; modern slabs"|"CX"|"BU0091"|"Church, Galata. Concrete structure with tiled roof and two belltowers. Curved arches, carved columns and sculpted fa?ade. Inscription above door. Dated to 1930."|0|"n/a"|"None"|"Church"|"1930"|"Wall is concrete - whitewashed and incised to look like bricks. Imposing architecture - curved arches, carved columns, sculpted facade. Apse appears to be half a hexagon. Bell towers have 2 levels. Inscription above main entrance. Inscription above N entrance: church built from 2/1/1929 - 30/10/1930. Architect - Philippou Loizou"||"Curved tiles"||"EAS"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"No"|"n/a"|"Concrete"|"None"|"Yes"|13.00|"n/a"||"Single"||26.00||"Centre of village on a prominent rise"|"n/a"||"Yes"|"16"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Church"|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|||0||"None"|"EAS"|25/7/2001 00:00:00|"Curved tiles"|0|||||1|"None"||"Two bell towers on either side of main entrance"||"Panagia Odigitria"|"Concrete"|"Abundant"||"None"|"Galata"|"Concrete + whitewashed"|15.00 "Tembria-Galata road"||"OT"|"BU0092"|"Khan, Kalliana. 2 storey building with 7 bays and arches, and a covered verandah. Stable in back of building. Being restored by Departmen of Antiquities."|1|||"Being restored"||"1906 Wooden panel upstairs (though may be brought in) 1921 Fireplace in lower room 1923 on upper arch column 1932 North room downstairs 1970s Restored 2001 Being restored by Dept of Antiquities. Dept. of Antiquities 'A' category monument. 2 storey building alongside the road, consisting of 7 bays with arches (six) and covered veranda on the fa?ade. The 4th and 5th bays are 'olichoro' typology both downstairs and upstairs. A stable has been restored in the back, with oven, stone paving in the courtyard and a new stone staircase base has been built to support the wooden steps leading to the upstairs 'dichoro' from the north side. Some of the ground floor rooms functioned as coffee-shops (the downstairs dichoro) which has a 'mishia'. Other single ground floor rooms were grocery stores. There are no foundations to the builing and it rests on 'ammotchiakhilo), ie. Sand and river boulders. Some boulders were at least 70 x 150 cm. Perhaps the river bed was initially located where the mill now is. The river is now directly east of the khan. The lintel of the north door of the ground floor dichoro is from wild olive. The central column and beam has been restored. The column drums of the porch arcade are from white sandstone from Koronia locality and have a plinth, a short drum and a capital upon which rest pointed arches executed in solid brick. Ian asked and Panicos confirmed that the bricks might be from the early 20th c., as are the porch tiles. 2/3 of the building (the southern part) were restored badly by the Department of Antiquities in the 1970s. The northernmost 1/3 was acquired by the Department of Antiquities which now employs more advanced methods of restoration. Ceilings are in tied bamboo cane with a perpendicular tie usually postioned parallel in the openings among the beams."|490530.00||500|"MJG"|8/9/2001 00:00:00|||||||||"Multiple"||||"Valley bottom, on old Troodos road, near bridge."|"1970s Restored 2001 Being restored by Dept of Antiquities"|3875150.00|||"Panayiotis Neofytou (Linou, now lives in Kakopetria) and Pantelis Karamani, from Vaylas, Kyrenia, now lives in Astromeritis. Also contact Lina Pissaridou, Dept. of Antiquities, 22 865857"|||"Kalliana Inn"|0|0|0|0|1|1|1|||0|||"MJG"|17/7/2001 00:00:00||0|"37-V"||||0||"1:50,000"||||"Khan"||||"Kalliana"|| "By permission & escort from UN"||"CX"|"BU0093"|"Church, Skouriotissa. In UN camp. Built 1716 and restored several times. Frescoes possibly dating from 15th c inside church. Used as CMC Staff quarters and hospital in the past."|1||"None"|||"Chance visit by MJG, ESG, LHS, CMP on 4 August 01, with Roberto. Need to return and document it properly. Very interesting cut blocks lying at W end - from chancel screen? Icon of Panayia Skouriotissa is 1959 (painted in Stavrovouni). Gunnis says 'probably restored in 1845, which is also the date of the principal icon of Christ' (p. 259). 1716 Monastery building built by Makarios Bisho of Kyrenia and parents, and by Marios from Galata, on south of church (half-destroyed document). This section preserved western section with columned portico till recently (Papayeoryiou, MKE) Church: icons mainly 18c; some half-destroyed ones might be 17th century. West section of S wall: fresco of Ipandis which could date to 15c, so could be original date of church. (Papayeoryiou, MKE) 1735 Barsky's visit ?, 1845 Built. 1912 Abandoned, except church. 1913 CMC Staff Quarters (Lavender 1962). 1914 Hospital; tile roof (Lavender 1962). "|489462.00||220|"MJG"|24/9/2001 00:00:00||||"None"||||"Karkotis"||||"Vasilika"|"Within UN San Martin Camp"||3883221.00|||||||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|185.00||0||"None"|"MJG"|4/8/2001 00:00:00||0|"28-XX"|"XXVIII-28-E1"||"TS01"|0|"Abundant"|"1:50,000"|||"Panayia Skouriotissa"||"Abundant"||"Built up area"|"Skouriotissa"|| "Track up from new Linou-Evrykhou road"||"CX"|"BU0094"|"Church, Phlasou. Small stone structure, with round roof. Surrounded by Eucalyptus trees used for offerings (or target practice). Visited by Basil Barsky in 1736-38."|1||"Unclear"|"Church"||"This is presumably the church & monastery visited by Basil Barksy in 1734-36 (Barsky 1996: 40-41): small, unfinished;'On a level plain amongst high mountains, on a small stream'; olives & 8 date palms; church very small, round roof & entrances on N & W (a 3rd being made on S); not independent, but ruled from bishop's palace. Eucalyptus tree with offerings-rags tied on it. Another eucalyptus tree which has been shot dead.?"|490692.00||360|"MJG"|26/9/2001 00:00:00||||"Unclear"||||"Karkotis"|"Single"|||"Kousoulia"|"Flanks of Karkotis Valley"||3880081.00|"Yes"||"Panayia Kousouliotissa cures babies. "|||"Church & Monastery"|0|0|1|1|1|1|1|4.00||0||"Some"|"MJG"|26/9/2001 00:00:00||0|"28-XXI"|"XXVIII-45"||"TS11"|0|"Unclear"|"1:50,000"|||"Panayia Kousouliotissa"|"Stone"|"Abundant"||"Eucalypts planted round church. Fields round about. "|"Phlasou"|| ||"WM"|"BU0095"|"""Paleomylos"", site of disappeared water mill, Evrykhou."|0||||||490500.00||||||||||||||||"Paleomylos"|"Paleomylos locality"||3875900.00|||||||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|16/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||0||"GPS"||||||||"Evrykhou"|| "Adjacent to dirt road on northern side of sealed road from Nikitari to Pano Koutraphas; road entry point is adjacent to 1950s concrete water fountain."|"Wheat farm on northern side of abandoned village."|"WM"|"BU0096"|"Water mill, Pano Koutraphas. Construction is field stones and lime. Penstock is five-tiered, with partially extant millhouse at bottom. Three arches remain, but no roof. Wheelhouse extant, but no turbine present. Near demolished mosque."|0|"None"|"Some"|"Abandoned"|"Not known"|"A substantial water mill, probably of Turkish-Cypriot origin; located close to the site of a demolished mosque in the abandoned and destroyed village. Reasonably intact; five-tiered penstock with substantial mill room at base. Broken wheels 1.30m in diameter in corner of room; 'basin' lined with plaster and smooth stone set into floor; niches in southern wall measuring 25cm x 20cm x 15cm and 28cm x 18cm x 15cm; door aperture on northern side, also window above water outlet with timber lintel. Race length 11m, width of race 1.55m, size of top of penstock 4.25 x 3.65, diameter of water 'funnel' 1.75m, depth of water fall in penstock 5.70m. Turbine absent; well-formed arch at opening to turbine area. Race has overflow on eastern side operated by closing flow through race and opening side. Heavy water flow indicated by eroded area adjacent to race. Good access to this mill as a result of a lack of thick vegetation or trees."|499486.00|"None"|229|"IJE"|14/7/2003 00:00:00|"Some"|"Stone paving"|"Field or river stone"|"Unclear"|"No"|4.60|"Some"||"Multiple"|2.00|14.90||"On outskirts of abandoned and ruinous Turkish village"||3883357.00|"No"|"window and door"|"Nil"||"Turkish Cypriot"|"Water mill"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0||71.00|1|"TP140"|"Some"|"IJE"|13/7/2003 00:00:00|"Missing"|0|"28"||"Pano Koutraphas"||0|"None"||"Rectangular building (16.30 x 4.90 x 2.0) at base of penstock; four arches to carry roof, 'basin' 1.5 x .5 set into floor; fan-shaped entry point to race."|"III"|"Not known"|"Water mill"|"Some"||"wheat field"|"Pano Koutraphas"|"Field or river stone"|4.50 ||"WM"|"BU0097"|"Water mill, Evrykhou. Stone foundations with mudbrick and redbrick additions. Corn mill, then Olive mill."|0||"Unclear"|"Abandoned;possibly used as warehouse."||"Mill house has stone foundations with mudbrick walls. There is no sign of a penstock at south end of millhouse. Channel runs NWS past mill house under bridge (see BU0124). Redbrick addition as SE end of mill house which may once have been part of the penstock. Mudbrick walls on N side have modern plaster covering and corrugated metal shutter as door. Small mudbrick structure to SE of mill."|490760.00||428|"CAS"|29/7/2002 00:00:00|||"Stone"|"Unclear"|"No"||||"Multiple"||||"Right on junction coming from Tembria to Evrykhou - on corner of road going up to Stylianos Mill."||3877244.00|"No"||||"Unknown"|"Corn Mill, then Olive Mill"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0||1085.00|0||"Unclear"|"SEZ"|16/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||"Evrikhou III"||0||"GPS"|"No visible sign of penstock"|"III"|||"Unclear"||"Brambles"|"Evrykhou"|"Mudbrick"| "Access to plot of land from tarred village road"|"Eucalyptus hedge and citrus groves North and South east. Abandoned fields north and wouth west. Plots 190 and 191"|"WM"|"BU0098"|"Water mill, Phlasou. Penstock, millrace, millhouse (demolished), and residence. Penstock is irregular coursed riverstones, residence has stone foundations with mudbrick walls. Roof is plastered bamboo cane with wooden eaves."|0|"house: plastered bamboo cane"||"abandoned"||"On village outskirts, and away from other dwellings. A two storey residence, a penstock and short leat survive, but millhouse which appears to have linked the two (as seen from the cadastral plan) does not. See sketches for separate 2-storey residence. The miller's residence is in plastered mudbrick, without any visible stone foundation. A loggia facing SW is located on the second floor facing south-west and is accessible by a wooden exterior staircase. The second floor of the millhouse is a later extension as can be seen by the pitched line of mudbricks showing where the original roof of the ground floor used to be.The ground floor is a square room with mudbrick walls, a buttress on the west side and small square windows high up. A narrow door with a domed lintel opens onto where the millhouse used to be while a larger door to its side has been blocked up with mudbricks. Only the loggia and the frame of the domed doorway is plastered. The penstock is four-tiered and executed in irregular coursed river boulders, with limestone chinking and with dressed limestone ashlar quoins on the corners of the penstock tiers. The steps of each tier are well pronounced and finished with an edgeing of irregular river boulders. The rather short leat has been eroded under the foundations by the growth of a tree."|489800.00|"house:wood lined, 60cm overhang"|296|"SEZ"|28/7/2002 00:00:00|"house: lime on 2nd floor loggia. Penstock: farasani overlaid with cement"|"house: wood cemented over"|"house: mudbrick (visible). Penstock: irregular river boulders"||"No"||"house: gypsum"|"Karkotis"|"Multiple"|||"Mylaria"|"On west village outskirts, Mylaria locality, facing Ayios Epiphanios."||3879951.00|"No"|"house: urban typology"|"Mr. Petro Evthimiades, Linou mayor."|"Gregoriou family (of Grammer School)"|"Greek Cypriot"|"mill and separate residence"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0||190.00|0|||"SEZ"|16/7/2002 00:00:00|"house: pitched with Ottoman tile"|0|||"Kato Phlasou"||1||"GPS"|"Good quality woodwork on mill house. Details that are usually found on wood in staircase, eaves wooden ceiling of upst. Loggia."|"V"|"Mylaria (many small mills)"|"penstock and house"|||"Bamboo, eucalyptus, brambles"|"Phlasou"|"house: mudbrick. Penstock: river boulders with limestone chinking and limestone quoins"| "Lower dirt track to mill house, formerly known as 'Kamilostrata', which veers into hairpin bend further south and leads on a second higher track upto the level of the leat."|"Karyiotis river- west bank, cultivated fields"|"WM"|"BU0099"|"Water mill, Evrykhou. Irregular coursed river boulders with basalt and tile chinking. 500m from BU0070;possibly Venetian date as construction technique different from other mills in area."|0|||"abandoned"|"Venetian?"|"Located 500 m from BU0070 (Mylos tis Panayias-Lachistos) NNW. Varvara mill possibly belonging to Ayia Varvara Church. Beside weir. Mill house, penstock and leat. Irregular coursed river boulders with basalt 1/3 and tile 2/3 chinking. Totally different building techniques to those witnessed in other mills of the area. Building type as in Fikardou village. Sketch in fieldbook.The millhouse is composed of a dichoro built in river boulders in irregular courses with tile and basalt chinking. Some limestone chinking also present. The interior contains a wooden column supporting a wooden beam which divides the ceiling into two parts, to enable the use of shorter roof beams spanning the room and supported into the walls and onto the midway beam. The lower tier of the penstock is separated by the mill house for about 70 cm. The penstock is four-tiered at the face and supported on three-tiered fan-shaped buttresses north and south of the penstock. A further buttress supports the penstock on the south-west side. The penstock is a square hopper-type with sloping plastered walls on either side. The orientation is 214 degrees. The length of the leat, constructed in irregular courses of river boulders, finished with a capping of river boulders, is 12 m. On the upper level of the leat there apears to have been a building unit anexed to hhe leat on its southern side. Of this only the SE corner survives, in similar building technique."|489747.00||364|"SEZ"|31/7/2002 00:00:00|"Addition of later plaster face"||"3-tiered buttress plinths in irregular river boulders and chinking"||"No"|5.33|"penstock: smooth plaster"|"Karkotis"|"Multiple"||17.00|"Varvara"|"Next to 'Deimma tou Roudkia'on west bank of Karkotis river"||3878342.00|"No"||"'Kamilostrata' term for road provided by Mr. Stillis, millowner of Evrichou."||"Unknown"|"corn grinding mill"|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|16/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|"Ayia Varvara church in locality, NW of mill."|"IV"|"Mylos tis Varvaras"|"watermill"|"Abundant"||"Fig, Eucalyptus clump, brambles at mill outflow"|"Evrykhou"|"irregular river boulders with clay and basalt chinking"|2.61 "pathway off dirt track on west river bank"|"Plots no. 661, 545"|"WR"|"BU0100"|"Weir, Phlasou. Earthen channel leading in northerly direction."|0|||"abandoned"||"River bed overgrown with reeds, possesses one earth channel leading water of at an angle to the main river bed, and off to the North-east. A separate channel leading water off to the North-west appears on the cadastral about 50 m. downstream, just south of the tarred 'touristikos' road"|489465.00||271|"SEZ"|30/7/2002 00:00:00||||||||"Karkotis"||||"Kounergatis"|"Along Karkotis river in Phlasou territory"||3880797.00|||"Mr. Petros Evthimiades, Linou mayor. The lands watered by the Kounwergatis channel are being watered by the Karidi weir since the former's abandonment."|||"Channel for water diversion to Katydata (?)"|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|16/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||0||"GPS"|||"Deimma Kounergati"|"Weir"|||"Eucalyptus, bamboo reeds"|"Phlasou"|| "Along dirt track, the same 'kamilostrata' as leading to Koumis mill"||"WR"|"BU0101"|"Weir, Evrykhou. Channel diverting water from river to the east and west. Possibly pre-Ottoman."|0|||"Diversion of water from river to east and west of river"|"Pre-Ottoman ?"|"Located on Evrikhou soil but leads water into Phlasou. The river narrows and flows between a steep rocky embankment on the east and a lower rock cut (man made) embankment on the west. At its point of entry the weir is the narrowest and it fans out to a trapezoid shape to its northernmost edge where the water flows out from two canals (koftouses) at the corners while the river bed continues down the center. As the flow of water enters the weir, (deimma) 3 trapezoid shaped tiers have been formed. From the first and southernmost tier a canal(koftousa) about 1m. wide leads off at an angle to the west, off the main river bed. This is known as deimma Aouroulaitis. Where this aligns to the second tier, an opening has been formed to allow water to return to the river bed (via a low trapezoid cement embankment) when the Aourouliatis flow is cut off by a 'koftousa'. The second tier has a canal (koftousa) leading off to the opposite bank and this is the Kousouliotis weir. The third and northernmost tier down the center of the river allows the flow of water in the river bed proper."|490212.00||365|"SEZ"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|||||||||||||"Just east of Koumis mill along Karkotis river"|"Rock channels carved by water flow into bedrock. Some channels have been cemented. Older bedrock cut steps in igneous black basalt located near plaque and from millhouse entry down to river."|3877552.00|||"Mr. Petros Evthimiades, Linou mayor"|||"same"|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|16/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|"Cement plaque on west bank with inscription 'WSID 1951' (water supply and irrigation Department)"||"Deimma Kousoulioti"|"Weir"|||"Eucalyptus, river bushes (pourple flowers, anti-mosquito shrub - ask Neil)"|"Evrykhou"|| ||"WM"|"BU0102"|"Wheel well and water tank, Vyzakia."|0|||||"Wheel well and water tank"||||"CAS"|16/7/2002 00:00:00|||||||||||||"Vyzakia"|||||||||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|7/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||0||||||||||"Vyzakia"|| "on road, road goes through the ruins"|"Orchards, disused fields"|"CX"|"BU0103"|"Church, Ayios Epiphanios. Ruined church of rubble masonry. Pottery and ground stone walls faced with plaster and pottery fragments."|0|"n/a"|"Unclear"|"Ruin"||"Ruined, demolished church. Plaster faces with impressed pottery fragments. Identified on maps as ruined Byzantine Church. Pottery and ground stone in walls, road has been driven through the ruin.Alleged to be the site of the houses of 'The King of Ayios Epiphanios' who lost his water rights to the 'Queen of Linou' in local folklore. See report by SEZ on water myths. Also possibly POSI from T?SP 2001."|489113.00|"n/a"|302|"TJI"|22/7/2002 00:00:00|"Plaster as above survives"|"n/a"|"Stone"|"Some"|"No"||"Plaster with pottery survives"|"Karkotis"|"Single"|||"Paleokklishia"|"Close to Ayios Epiphanios- road access."||3880951.00|"No"|"n/a"|"Mr. Petros Evthimiades, Linou mayor on the folklore."||"Unknown"|"Church"|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP002"|"Abundant"|"TJI"|22/7/2002 00:00:00|"n/a"|0|||||0|"Some"|"GPS"||"II"|"Ayios Epiphanios"||"Abundant"||"Batha, orchards around"|"Ayios Epiphanios"|"Rubble masonry"| "from road"|"Almond grove"|"WM"|"BU0104"|"Water mill, Vyzakia. Irregular coursed basalt with lime plaster finish, and rough basalt blocks as quoins in penstock. Leat partially destroyed.Penstock five-tiered. Millhouse has mudbrick courses, partially extant. Metal wheel in situ in wheelhouse."|0||"Abundant"|"abandoned"||"Sketch in field book. Corn mill. Penstock, interrupted leat, mill house ruin, vaulted water chamber with metal horizontal wheel. Large square shoot with bottom opening obscured. 5 tiered penstock, irregular coursed basalt masonry, with smooth white lime plaster face. Corner quoins in irregular basalt blocks. Some limestone quoins in lower tiers. Turbine and mill house ruin extant. Metal turbine, 274cm across is present. Turbine house constructed form irregular basalt masonry with calcrete chinking. Half of mill house repaired in mud brick. Water exit from turbine house bears 221 degrees. Turbine chamber partially carved out of rock."|501097.00||276|"CAS"|17/7/2002 00:00:00|"lime & white marble gravel"|||"Unclear"|||"lime & crushed brick"||"Multiple"|||"Village"|"On the Madharis Potamos at Vyzakia"||3881278.00||"hopper"||"Unknown"||"water mill"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0||228.00|0||"Unclear"|"SEZ"|7/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||"Vyzakia II"||1|"Unclear"|"GPS"|||||"Unclear"||"Almond grove nearby, and river vegetation."|"Vyzakia"|| |"Cultivated fileds"|"WR"|"BU0105"|"Dheimma, Evrykhou. Two-tiered diversion channel used as landmark for cadastral mappers."|0|||"diversion channel from river"||"Located between E1 and E2 on the cadastrals. Appears to be used as signifier or landmark to cadastral mappers. The weir is two tiered, and overgrown with bamboo reeds. The flow of water down the main river bed has been blocked and a stagnant green pond has formed. All the water flows into the 'koftousa' which is a well maintained cemented canal. From somewhere along the koftousa canal there is a black water pipe taking water down to the 'Karidi' weir which is close by. The plastic pipe is used instead of an open canal."|489628.00||318|"CAS"|16/7/2002 00:00:00||||||||"Karkotis"|||||"Vryses and Khalospitia along Karkotis river. South of Shaban Bey mill along dirt trach leading south from mill house and through cultivated fileds."|"The river flow has been totally blocked and water has been diverted into the koftousa chanel leading water away from the river on the east bank."|3879442.00||||"Communal"|"Greek Cypriot"|"weir and diversion channel"|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|11/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|"Water frlows from here to Ahmed Agha mills east of Katydata (BU002)"||"Deimma Asprallou Linopsa"|"weir"|||"Bamboo canes, Eukalyptus clump"|"Evrykhou"|| "'Kamilostrata'"|"cultivated terraced fields"|"WR"|"BU0106"|"Weir, Phlasou. Weir and water diversion channel leading water along west bank of Karkotis river."|0|||"weir and water diversion channel"||"'Koftousa' leads water along the west bank of the Karkotis river and is separated by main river bed with an earth embankment. The earth channel then continues alongside the river bed on its west bank but at a higher gradient to the fall of the river bed, separated by the main river bed with an earth embankment. The sluice to the channel (also called koftousa) is of earth and river stones."|489688.00|||"CAS"|16/7/2002 00:00:00||||||||"Karkotis"|||||"North of Ayios Epiphanios bridge, along Karkotis river and beside 'Kamilostrata'"|"Low cemented bridge over river flow, on road towards Ayios Epiphanios. Will soon be 'restored'"|3878551.00||"irregular"|"Mr. Petros Evthimiades, Linou mayor"|"communal"|"Greek Cypriot"|"as above"|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|11/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|||"Deimma Agiou Epifaniou"|"weir"|||"Eucalyptus in locality, pink Oleander bushes, purple flowering shrub and anti-mosquito shrub (ask Neil)"|"Phlasou"|"earth"| "'Kamilostrata' dirt road"|"cultivated terraced fields"|"WR"|"BU0107"|"Weir, Phlasou. Two-tiered weir with water diversion channel leading water off east bank of Karkotis river."|0|||||"Two tiered weir with water diversion channel leading off along the east bank, while the river veers westwards towards 'Deimma Ayios Epifanios'. The river bed approaching the weir is divided into two sections, an westsection and an east section. The west section possesses the weir in the form of a cemented drop placed at an angle to the riever bed, allowing the river flow to turn westwards. The eastern section is cemented on both sides to form a canal. At its starting point, beside the weir, there are koftouses or sluice gate openings on all four sides. All are of the same size. On the southernmost, the gate may block the river flow into the channel and divert it only into the river (1). Koftousa no. 2 parrelel to no. 1 and about 1m north of it allows water to enter upto that point, blocks its flow further on, but may allow the flow to be diverted to the east, towards Phlasou and into the river bed at the same time (for the flow of the 'polyi' or surplus overflow). There is presence of only one metal gate, which may imply that only one opening at a time is blocked."|489737.00||355|"CAS"|16/7/2002 00:00:00||||||||"Karkotis"|||||"Just north of 'Deimma Roudkias'along Karkotis river"|"Cemented canal."|3878424.00||"regular"|"Mr. Petros Evthimiades, Linou mayor. '?egeirizen tous mylous tou Shaba'mbey tchai ton Krommi'a?'"|"Communal"|"Greek Cypriot"||0|1|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|11/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|"Takes water to Shaban Bey mill and Krommidos mill in Phlasou."||"Deimma Selloshis"|"weir and water diversion channel"|||"Bamboo reeds, Eucalyptus clumps, Oleander bushes, river vegetation (ask Neil)"|"Phlasou"|"cement"| "'Kamilostrata'"|"teraced plot 637 on west side, plot 747 on east side."|"WR"|"BU0108"|"Dheimma, Everykhou. Two-tiered weir and water diversion channel, located near BU0099."|0|||"as above"||"Adjacent to Varvara mill, located in the river bed. The whole area has many important water diversion units, such as weirs, a water channel on raised arched bridge, a mill, and springs. The koftousa is placed along an earth channel which is separated by the river with an earth embankment."|498914.00||364|"CAS"|16/7/2002 00:00:00|||||||||||||"Along Karkotis river, NE of Varvara mill and on road leading north of (name ?) old Korakou church"||3878197.00||"irregular"|"Name of road from Mr. Styllis, Evrichou miller. Taken to locality by Mr. Petros Evthimiades, Linou mayor"|||"as above"|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|11/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|"Adjacent to 'Varvara' mill"||"Deimma tou Roudkia"|"weir and water diversion channel"|||"Clump of Eucalyptus"|"Evrykhou"|"earth"| "On road"|"Olive groves"|"WM"|"BU0109"|"Water mill, Vyzakia. Five-tiered penstock of rough rubble masonry and plaster finish. Leat channel also plastered. Wheelhouse extant, with arched opening."|0||"Unclear"|"Abandoned"||"Penstock built in 5 stepped tiers, of roughly coursed rubble masonry. Plastered exterior surfaces, plastered leat channel. Small circular shoot with a metal grid leading from a square chamber at the top of the penstock, 95cm deep.Extant turbine chamber, of roughly coursed rubble masonry with arched opening. Water Spout present in chamber.Corn mill - on cadastral."|501736.00||400|"TJI"|17/7/2002 00:00:00||||"Unclear"||5.80|||||11.50||"On road to Xyliatos from Vyzakia"|"Possible rubble masonry extension to the top of the mill penstock and leat"|3880484.00||||"Unknown"||"Mill"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"Unclear"|"CAS"|17/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1|"Unclear"|"GPS"|||||"Unclear"||"Olive groves"|"Vyzakia"||7.10 "Not far from Linou-Katydata Road-20m"|"Olives"|"SX"|"BU0110"|"Shrine, Linou. Metal box with cross on top.Near BU002."|0||"Unclear"|"Shrine"||"Small shrine in olive grove- metal box, with cross on top. Oil, soft drink bottle, lamp inside, but no icons.In olive grove, 20 m from Linou-Katyda road on a bank/terrace wall. List of dates(of visits?) recorded on a tree trunk nearby.Near ruined mill BU0002."|490513.00||282|"MLL"|24/7/2002 00:00:00||||"Unclear"||||||||"Kapatha"|"In Olive Grove"||3881782.00|||||"Unknown"|"Shrine"|0|0|0|0|0|0|1||246.00|0||"Some"|"TJI"|22/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||0|"Abundant"|"GPS"|||||"Unclear"||"Olives"|"Linou"|| "On road"|"Olive groves"|"SX"|"BU0111"|"Shrine, Linou. Brick, tile and cement construction, with sliding glass door.4 icons present. Near fountain."|0||"Unclear"|"Shrine"||"Brick, tile, cement shrine with sliding glass doors.Three icons of St. George, 1 of Ayios Xenophon.Ceramic vessels.Adjacent fountain. Well-used shrine.Oil underneath shrine."|490477.00||301|"MLL"|24/7/2002 00:00:00||||"Unclear"||||||||"Kapatha"|"Linou- Katydata road - across from abandoned army camp"||3881719.00||||||"Shrine"|0|0|0|0|0|0|1||247.00|0||"Unclear"|"TJI"|22/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||0|"Some"|"GPS"|||||"Unclear"||"On road side - Olives"|"Linou"|| "On road"|"River, road"|"SX"|"BU0112"|"Shrine, Evrykhou. Brick and tile construction. Near bridge and army barracks."|0||"None"|"Shrine"||"Shrine on road near bridge and army barracks. South side of river. Made from brick, tile stucco and paint."|497783.00||186|"TJI"|29/7/2002 00:00:00|"Stucco"||"Brick"|"None"||||||||"Vouphas"|"Shrine near south side of bridge on the turn off at Kato Koutraphas"||3884685.00||"Glass door"||||"Shrine"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"None"|"TJI"|22/7/2002 00:00:00|"tile"|0|||||0|"None"|"GPS"|||||"None"|||"Evrykhou"|"Brick"| "on road"|"river bed , road"|"SX"|"BU0113"|"Shrine, Kato Koutraphas. Cement structure with tile roof.Hinged glass door. Near army barracks and bridge."|0||"None"|"Shrine"||"Shrine near bridge. Cement rendered structure, with a tile roof. A hinged glass door. Unpainted."|497789.00||184|"TJI"|29/7/2002 00:00:00||||"None"||||||||"Vouphas"|"Shrine near north side of bridge at the Kato Koutrafas turnoff."||3884791.00|||||"Greek Cypriot"|"Shrine"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"None"|"TJI"|22/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||0|"None"|"GPS"|||||"None"|||"Kato Koutraphas"|| "on road"|"River bed, roads, village"|"BR"|"BU0114"|"Bridge, Kato Koutraphas. Four-arched buttressed bridge, constructed of sandstone."|0||"None"|"Bridge"||"Four arched sandstone bridge with 3 water breaking pointed buttresses on the west face. 2 arches have stepped or ""joggled"" voussoirs, while the other two have even voussoirs. All constructed from margined sandstone, ashlar blocks. Three pointed buttresses on the east face as well as stone spouts for draining the road surface."|497790.00||186|"TJI"|29/7/2002 00:00:00||||"None"|||||"Single"|||"Vouphas"|"Turn off to Kato Koutrafas"||3884711.00|"Yes"|||||"Bridge"|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|||1|"TP020"|"None"|"TJI"|22/7/2002 00:00:00||0||"XXVIII-24"|||0|"None"|"GPS"||"V"|||"None"||"River bed, some reeds,dry"|"Kato Koutraphas"|| "side track from the Mandres road"|"cereal fields"|"OT"|"BU0115"|"Chicken coop, Kato Koutraphas. Stone and mudbrick makrinari with rubble and masonry foundation, converted into chicken coop."|0||"Some"|"Abandoned"||"A derelict low stone mud brick makrinari which has been converted into a chicken coop, now also abandoned.This building was not numbered in 2001 as it was assumed to be a recent addition and not related to the village. Closer inspection shows it re-uses older elements."|495620.00||160|"TJI"|31/7/2002 00:00:00|"-"|"earth"|"rubble masonry"|"Unclear"|"Yes"||"mud"|"Mandres"|"Single"|||"Kaphkalla"|"Associated with Mandres Village - 100m to the west"|"Appears to have been 2 stone and mud brick makrinari which has been converted into a chicken coop now also abandoned."|3881720.00|"No"|"multiple"|||"Unknown"|"Chicken coop"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP026"|"Some"|"TJI"|15/7/2002 00:00:00|"C.I."|0||||"TS07"|0|"None"|"GPS"|"2 makrinari, low stone socle with mud brick ie Mandres type B2"|"IV"||"House"|"Some"||"Cereals, Eucalyptus"|"Kato Koutraphas"|"mud brick and C.I."| "on track from Asinou"|"terraces, village"|"VH"|"BU0116"|"Village house, Nikitari. One and a half storey house with stone foundations and mudbrick walls. Reed ceiling. Part of village of Asinou."|0|"reed"|"Unclear"|"Abandoned"||"Measured drawing prepared by CLTSheet 1 Item 1.1 1/2 storey house- stone socle 1.2m. Topped by mudbrick - with mandra adjoining - part of village of Asinou"|497101.00||501|"TJI"|1/8/2002 00:00:00||"earth"|"rubble masonry"|"None"|"No"|||"Asinou"|"Multiple"|2.00||"Asinou"|"Built on a steeply sloping gully wall"|"ruined structure incorporated into mandra"|3877833.00|"No"|"2 doors, 2 windows"|||"Unknown"|"house and goat fold"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP082"|"Some"|"TJI"|10/7/2002 00:00:00|"earth"|0||||"TS03"|1|"None"|"GPS"||"III"|||"None"||"Batha"|"Nikitari"|"mud brick"| "On road"|"Village"|"SX"|"BU0118"|"Shrine, Skouriotissa. Possibly former sentry box. Table inside has several icons of Christ and Virgin Mary."|0|"chipboard"|"None"|"Shrine"||"Shrine in Skouriotissa Village- appears to be re-using a sentry box. A small blue cross on the chipboard gable, small table inside with lamp, candles. Several icons of Christ, 1 of the BVM, 1 of St George plus several more"|488996.00|||"TWI"|29/7/2002 00:00:00|"camouflage paint"|"cement"|"cement"|"None"||||"Karkotis"|"Single"||||"At Junction of roads in Skouriotissa mining village"|"Change of use from a sentry box to a shrine is assumed by the form of the structure."|3883330.00|"Yes"|"1 door way"|"Local informant said that this area belongs to the bishop again and had been rented to the mining company."|"Church"|"Greek Cypriot"|"Sentry box"|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|||1|"TP107"|"None"|"TJI"|24/7/2002 00:00:00|"pitched, asbestos cement"|0|"28-XII"||||0|"Some"|"GPS"||"IV"|||"None"||"Near a gully, with tree of heaven, figs. Cypress lining road."|"Skouriotissa"|"cement blocks"| "on road"|"alluvial fields - mine to E, foothills to W."|"VH"|"BU0119"|"Village house, Skouriotissa. Mudbrick on stone foundations, with tiled roof.Painted white."|0|"lathe and plaster"|"None"|"Abandoned"||"Village House in Group 2, mud brick on low stone socle - heavy cement render with decorative string courses or dado lines. Skillion roof, Italian tiles, lathe and plaster ceilings. House painted white with red barge boards, eaves and architraves. Associated with the house - retaining wall of slag to the East and beyond that a shared pit toilet. Electricity wires present, sink has a drain but no ev of running water. Some of the houses in this group have bars on the windows."|488980.00|"timber"||"TJI"|2/7/2002 00:00:00|"heavy cement render"|"cement"|"rubble masonry"|"None"|"Yes"||"lime/cement plaster"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||8.90||"Skouriotissa Mining Village - single dwelling in House Group 2, west side of main road north"|"Red brick used to enclose a verandah some time after original construction in mud brick."|3883361.00|"No"|"4 windows, 4 doors"||"Cyprus Mines Co. now owned by the Bishopric"|"Other"|"dwelling"|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|||1|"TP107"|"Some"|"TJI"|23/7/2002 00:00:00|"skillion with Italian tiles"|0|"28-XII"||||1|"Abundant"|"GPS"||"IV"|||"Abundant"||"palms, figs"|"Skouriotissa"|"mud brick, some red brick"|5.90 "On road"|"alluvial fields, mine to east"|"VH"|"BU0120"|"Village house, Skouriotissa. Mudbrick on stone foundations, with cane ceiling. Associated with BU119."|0|"plaster"|"None"|"Abandoned"||"Same as House Group 2 (BU119) except does not have decorative plaster and has a cane ceiling in the local style while BU119 has lathe and plaster."|489020.00|"timber"||"TJI"|29/7/2002 00:00:00|"lime/cement"|"cement"|"rubble masonry"|"None"|||"lime/cement"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||8.85||"Skouriotissa Mining Village, single village house in Group 3 - east of road to the north"||3883357.00|"No"|"5 windows, 4 doors"||"Church now, previously Cyprus Mines"|"Greek Cypriot"|"dwelling"|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|||1|"TP107"|"Some"|"CAS"|23/7/2002 00:00:00|"Italian tiles"|0|"28-XII"||||1|"Abundant"|"GPS"||"IV"|||"Abundant"||"Grapes, figs"|"Skouriotissa"|"mud brick"|6.28 "on road to NW"|"foothills rising to west, alluvial terraces and mine to east"|"VH"|"BU0121"|"Village house, Skouriotissa. Mudbrick with stone foundation. No roof extant. Outside covered in mud plaster; inside in lime plaster."|0|"none"|"None"|"Abandoned"||"Single dwelling in House Group 1, a mud brick house on a low stone socle. Skillion roof not extant but some Italian tiles lying around (These have mostly been collected for re-use). Mud plaster on exterior walls with evidence of paint or whitewash. Interior has a lime plaster. House notably larger than Groups 2 and 3."|488830.00|"none"|225|"TJI"|29/7/2002 00:00:00|"mud plaster"|"not seen"|"rubble masonry"|"None"|"No"|3.45|"lime plaster"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||10.62||"Single House in House Group 1 at Skouriotissa village (Cyprus Mines Co.)"|"Re painting and re plastering has ocurred"|3883261.00|"No"|"3 doors, 4 windows"||"Church now but previously Cyprus Mines Co."|"Greek Cypriot"|"Dwelling"|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|||1|"TP107"|"Some"|"TJI"|23/7/2002 00:00:00|"none extant"|0|"28-XII"||||0|"Abundant"|"GPS"||"III"|||"Abundant"||"Cactus, figs, pine, eucalyptus"|"Skouriotissa"|"mud brick"|6.26 "on road"|"Village and agricultural land"|"OT"|"BU0122"|"School, Skouriotissa. Rectangular two-room structure with rubble masonry foundations and cement floor. Mudbrick and redbrick walls. Pitched roof with wooden beams and slats, and wooden eaves. Roof corrugated iron.Currently used for farm storage."|0|"pitched wood beams"|"Unclear"|"Farm storage"||"Rectangular building, 1 large room and 1 smaller room to right of entrances. 2 entrances on each side of 2 windows in middle. Pitched roof with wooden beams and slats.Building appears to be constructed over an older road way. This is indicated by surviving lines of cobbles running North from building and also running underneath building from the east. Some electric wiring obvious. Smaller room now used as a store and locked, may have been kitchen or office."|489074.00|"wood"|211|"TJI"|29/7/2002 00:00:00|"white cement"|"cement"|"rubble masonry"|"Unclear"|"Yes"|4.39|"white cement"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||17.10||"Skouriotissa Mining Village"||3883207.00|"Yes"|"large windows and doors"|"Local farmer informed us that this building was the school for the village."|"Church, previously Cyprus Mines"|"Greek Cypriot"|"School"|0|0|0|0|0|1|1|||1|"TP107"|"Some"|"CAS"|24/7/2002 00:00:00|"corrugated iron"|0|"28-XII"||||1|"Abundant"|"GPS"||"III"||"School"|"Some"||"Cypress, pine, eucalypt"|"Skouriotissa"|"mud brick, red brick"|7.70 "tarred road"|"on tributary of Drakos Argakin"|"WM"|"BU0123"|"Water mill, Tembria. Site of former water mill, marked on the cadstral."|0|||||"On the south side of the road there is a cavity in the bedrock denoting where a penstock may have been. The indentation is roughly 1m wide. If of stone, it has been quarried away for there are no signs of any built stone. It may have been of a sloping 'koudouka' or wooden type trough-leat, lowering water from the channel along plot. No. 136. The mill house according to the cadastral was on the north side of the road, and is now overgrown with brambles so that it is completely obscured."|490143.00||492|"SEZ"|30/7/2002 00:00:00||||||||||||"Mesa Geitonia"|"On NW outskirts of 'Mesa Geitonia' & east of tarred road from Tembria to Kalliana. Near to houses of 'Ellinas'"||3875780.00|||"From Mr. Savvas Protopapas of Tembria (Tel. 22 932230). The son of the original owner (Christos Papanikolaou) is now very old and lives in Tembria. He used to be a chanter (psaltis) in the church of Stavros of Tembria."|"Christos Papanikola"|||0|0|0|0|0|0|0||632.00|0|||"SEZ"|15/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||"Tembria III"||1||"GPS"|"cadastral plan shows the leat and penstock separated from mill house by road"||"Mylos tou Papanikola"|"site of water mill"|||"brambles, fig"|"Tembria"|| "Main road, right at junction. On left before the road up to Stylianos Mill."||"BR"|"BU0124"|"Bridge, Evrykhou. Small limestone construction with defined decorated keystone. Near BU0097"|0||"Unclear"|"Bridge"||"Small bridge with arches of limestone and defined keystone with decoration (see drawing). Bridge covers channel coming from Corn/Olive mill (see BU0097) leading into adjacent olive groves. Stone masonry well worked in bevelled style."|490748.00||430|"CAS"|29/7/2002 00:00:00|||"Stone"|"Unclear"|||||"Single"||||"Tembria-Evrykhou road, edge of Evrykhou."||3877253.00|||||"Unknown"|"Bridge"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"Unclear"|"CAS"|28/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1|"Unclear"|"GPS"|"Keystones in arches decorated with ""X"" marking."|"V"||"Bridge"|"Unclear"||"Olive groves"|"Evrykhou"|"Limestone"| "Road"|"Game reserve, small garden plots"|"SX"|"BU0125"|"Shrine, Katydhata. Modern metal shrine with several icons. Possibly associated with nearby ancient tombs."|0||"None"|"Shrine"||"Modern metal shrine with icons of St Panteleimon, Prophet Elijah, St Irini. Associated with (possible) ancient tombs."|488906.00||256|"TJI"|29/7/2002 00:00:00|||"cement"|"None"||1.50||"Karkotis"|"Single"||0.25|"Pikrosykia"|"Beside road , west side of Karkotis Valley"||3882240.00||"1 door"|||"Unknown"||0|0|0|0|0|0|1|||1|"TP092"|"Some"|"NFU"|28/7/2002 00:00:00|"galvanised iron"|0|||||0|"Some"|"GPS"|"Glass door (top) ? Below"|"V"|||"None"||"see NU"|"Katydhata"|"galvanised iron"|0.50 "on road"|"river, olives, orchards"|"BR"|"BU0126"|"Bridge, Linou. Basalt cobble and sandstone construction. Ottoman and Colonial features. Bridge incorporates earlier, smaller structure."|1||"None"|"Bridge"||"Four arched stone bridge which incorporated a smaller, earlier bridge into a larger, later one. Phases of construction are evident. North and south facades show different construction. Basalt cobbles and sandstone blocks are used. Ottoman and colonial features."|489447.00||291|"TJI"|31/7/2002 00:00:00|||"stone"|"None"||||"Karkotis"||||"Potamous"|"Ayios Epiphanios - Linou Road"|"Many phases of construction - 1. Single pointed arch, 2. Arches added, 3. Doubled in width, 4. Parapet repaired"|3880602.00|||||"Other"|"Bridge"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"None"|"TJI"|10/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1|"Some"|"GPS"|||||"None"||"Reeds, eucalyptus"|"Linou"|| |"Village, forest, agricultural terraces"|"VH"|"BU0127"|"Village house, Ayios Theodhoros. Stone foundations, with basalt masonry and basalt and tile chinking. Building terraced into hillside."|0||"Unclear"|"abandoned"||"Stone building remains - terraced into hill. Walls about 58 cm thick. Basalt masonry. W. basalt and pottery chinking. 1 central dividing wall. Looks like 1 phase of construction."|493373.00||713|"JJP"|5/8/2002 00:00:00|||"rubble masonry"|"Unclear"|"No"|2.35|||"Single"||6.10|"Karterouni"|"South side of village"||3873321.00|"No"|"2 doors"|||"Unknown"|"dwelling"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP067"|"Some"|"TJI"|30/7/2002 00:00:00||0||||"TS14"|1|"Unclear"|||"III"|||"Some"||"Brambles, thistles, grass - almonds, figs, pine around"|"Ayios Theodhoros"|"rubble masonry"|6.70 "To the E of Agios Theodoros of Kourdhal Rd, 415m S of Agios Theodoros."|"Villiage, Forest, Steep Agricultural Terraces."|"VH"|"BU0128"|"Village house, Ayios Theodhoros. Single-storey structure of basalt, pottery and tile. No roof visible. Multiple rooms present."|0|"none visible"|"Unclear"|||"Small single story house with only stone masonry surviving, room added to SE, no surviving roof or evidence of roof composition, 2 spaces of rooms, additional room constructed to the south.Construction made of basalt, pottery, tile.Fireplace located at SE wall of structure. NE was used both as back wall structure and as retaining wall for slope. (Thus, sediment accumulation along back wall)."|493346.00||699|"JJP"|5/8/2002 00:00:00|"no"|"none visible"|"rubble, masonry"|"Unclear"|"No"|1.70|"no"||"Single"|0.00|7.85|"Karterouni"|"This structure is situated to the SW of structure 1, it is also 100m E of Agios Theodoros Kourdhal Rd."|"Appears that small room was added later to the SE side of the structure."|3873333.00|"No"|"1 door, 1 window"|||"Unknown"||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP067"|"Some"|"ERC"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|"none visible"|0||||"TS14"|1|"Unclear"|"GPS"||"II"|||"Some"||"Close to the pine forest/hawthorn, cistus, wild grasses, cereals"|"Ayios Theodhoros"|"rubble, masonry"|6.60 "from Ayios Thedoros - Kourdhali east of the road"|"village, forest, steep, agricultural terraces"|"VH"|"BU0129"|"Village house, Ayios Theodhoros. Two-storey structure with stairs and porch. Tile roof and reed ceiling. Basalt and tile construction."|0|"reed"|"Unclear"|||"Small 2 storey house with porch and stairs up to porch, single level room added to west. 3 interior spaces/rooms, grape arbour towards north west and intact tile roof. -construction with mostly basalt and pottery chinking"|493360.00|"no"|700|"CLT"|4/8/2002 00:00:00|"no"|"earth, timber, concrete"|"rubble masonary"|"Unclear"|"No"|3.53|"no"||"Multiple"|2.00|7.10|"Karterouni"|"The structure is situated at the east side of the village. 200m east of Ayios Thedoros - Spilio road. 4.5 km south of Ag. Theodoros"|"The west room has been added, mud brick represents repair or later phase."|3873778.00|"No"|"2 doors and 1 window"|||"Unknown"||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP067"|"Some"|"ERC"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|"italian tiles, CI"|0||||"TS14"|1|"Unclear"|||"III"|||"Some"||"close to the pine forest/hawthorn cystus, wild grass + cereal"|"Ayios Theodhoros"|"rubble masonary + mud brick"|7.50 "to East of Agios Theodoros of Kourdhali road, 4.5km South of Agios Theodoros"|"village, forest, steep agricultural terraces."|"VH"|"BU0130"|"Village house, Ayios Theodhoros.Two-room structure of rubble masonry. Evidence of fieplace.Oven built into wall. Reed ceiling."|1|"reed"|"Unclear"|||"2 room structure with oven attached to the SE room, wooden beams and doors still present. No mud brick present. N structure has Italian tiles scuttered on the floor. One window and one door on N structure, windows in S room difficult to identify. Oven appears to be built into the wall in NE wall. Evidence of a fireplace and a ventilation window, 2 dwellings between 1 structure"|493341.00||700|"ERC"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|"na"||"rubble masonry"|"Unclear"|"No"|1.88|"na"||"Single"||786.00|"Karterouni"|"the structure is situated to the West of the structure No 2, its also 100m East of Ag. Theodoros"|"NW room older occupation, represents older phase"|3873390.00|"No"|"3 windows, 2 doors"|||"Unknown"||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP067"|"Some"|"ERC"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|"italian tiles"|0||||"TS14"|1|"Unclear"|"GPS"||"II"|||"Some"||"close to the pine forest, hawthord, cystus, wild grasses, cereals"|"Ayios Theodhoros"|"rubble masonry"|5.70 "concrete path between houses"|"yard at side of house"|"OT"|"BU0132"|"Hammam, Katydhata. Ruined and abandoned hammam with stone foundations and stone and limestone walls. Stone roof. Mudbrick structure at rear of building."|1|"not known"|"Unclear"|"none"||"Abandoned and ruinous complex associated with a hamam. Collapsed mudbrick room on southern side 2.8m x 2.8m. This room has octagonal (?) ceiling timbers, hooks hanging from roof timbers and a tjivouri resting on top of the walls at the SW corner. Chicken coop at base of western wall. Collapsed stone-built room on western side. Stone-built oven, now partially collapsed, on western side of hamam, has dimensions of 2m diameter x 2m high.Hamam has stone dome on top with pottery vent, now partially closed with rag and earth."|489773.00|"none"|249|"IJE"|21/7/2003 00:00:00|"yes"|"presumed stone"|"stone"|"Unclear"|"no"|2.10|"not known"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||3.90||"village, close to school shown on 1926 village plan. Hamam not shown on this plan so is presumed post 1926 and probably pre-1951 but with some later additions."|"Arch on western side infilled with presumed lining and other material at some date after construction. Associated buildings/structures are presumed later additions."|3882347.00|"no"|"entry door, now unusable"||||"Turkish bath/hamam"|0|0|0|0|0|1|1||251.00|0||"Some"|"IJE"|20/7/2003 00:00:00|"stone with stone dome"|0|||"Katydhata"||0|"Some"||"One of the only two surviving hamams in the Survey area."|"II"|"not known"|"Turkish bath/hamam"|"Some"||"weeds and grass"|"Katydhata"|"stone with limestone quoins"|2.90 "on road"|"oliove groves"|"SX"|"BU0133"|"Shrine, Evrykhou.Metal box sunk into concrete retaining wall. Multiple icons present. Concrete surround with handwritten inscriptions and cross."|0||"None"|"Shrine"||"Shrine built into concrete retaining wall. Metal box sunk into wall Icons of Christ, Panaya, St Nickolaos. Concrete surround with low relief cross and hand written inscription to Ayios Nickalaos. Cut tree trunk preserved in the wall next to the shrine and surrounded by offerings of wine bottles and ceramic vessels."|490167.00|||"TJI"|1/8/2002 00:00:00||||"None"||||||||"Pittidhes"|"On road juction in fields to w. of Evrychou"||3877928.00|||||"Other"|"Shrine"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"Some"|"TJI"|28/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||0|"None"|"GPS"|||||"Some"||"Olives"|"Evrykhou"|| "Dirt road from millhouse of Shaban Bey mill, along diverted pathway from Asprallou-Linopsa weir"|"cultivated fileds, plots no. 169, 445."|"WR"|"BU0134"|"Weir, Phlasou. Earth channel leading off to the west bank from the main river."|0|||"same"||"Earth canal (koftousa) leading off to the west bank from the main river bed. One single low tier visible. On cadastral and further north, there appears a substantial canal diverting water off from the river to the east and then re-joining and flowing back into the river, thus creating a little 'island' in the river, composed of plots 138 and 170 (Shabanbey locality). Needs further research."|489512.00||313|"SEZ"|31/7/2002 00:00:00||||||||"Karkotis"|||||"Between Karidis and Shaban Bey localities, along Karkotis river. North and very close to 'Asprallou-Linopsa' weir"|"Black plastic water pipes re-direct flow from Roudkias canal to here, and for intensive irrigation, letting the river dry out in between Asprallou-Linopsa and Karidi weirs."|3879372.00|||"Mr Petros Evthimiades, Linou mayor"|"communal"|"Greek Cypriot"|"same"|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|||0|||"SEZ"|11/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||||1||"GPS"|||"Deimma Karidi"|"weir and water diversion channel"|||"cultivated fields"|"Phlasou"|"Earth channel"| "beside tarred road"|"cultivated fileds"|"WC"|"BU0135"|"Water cistern, Phlasou. Low square structure constructed of six rows of ashlar masonry."|0|||||"Low stone square water tank in 6 rows of dressed ashlar with square protruding buttresses at the corners. Probably built during colonial period but copies water tanks built during Venetian times (?) located in other parts of the island eg. Potamia, Nicosia district, and having to do with sugar plantations. (see Inventory ?Potamia Manor?S. Zesimou 1996). According to colonial title deed, the owners were allowed two 'massouria' of water from this water tank, as well as rights to undergroundwater from 'laoumia' or chains of wells present in the same field bu not indicated on the Cadasral. See report of interview"|489800.00|||"SEZ"|31/7/2002 00:00:00|"no plaster"||"Dressed ashlar"||"No"|1.37|"lime"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||7.30||"Kato Phlasou, in field named as 'Krommidos' by wife of owner"||3879951.00|"No"|"no openings"|"From wife of Mr. Solonas Hadjidemitriou, Mrs. Evroulla. She showed title deeds to this tank, from Colonial times."|"Solonas Hadjidemitriou"|"Greek Cypriot"||0|0|0|0|0|1|0||378.00|0|||"ERC"|10/7/2002 00:00:00||0|||"Kato Phlasou II"||1|||"Communal Phlasou water tank built to provide drinking water to the village"|"II"||"water tank"|||"grainfield"|"Phlasou"|"Dressed ashlar"|7.30 "Road through Evrychou, take signed road to Morphou Bishopric."||"CX"|"BU0136"|"Church, Evrykhou. Single nave stone structure; stone walls with chinking, timber and tile roof and timber eaves. Dated to 15th century."|0||"None"||"15th centuary onwards."|"Single naved, no dome, plain apse in sanctary. Double recess on N side of sanctuary. Simple shef roof. Extention on Eastern half of north wall is very prominent from the outside. Three fragments of possibly medieval column capitals are located outside the N. wall. A modern cemetery surrounds the church."|490560.00|"Timber."|510|"TNF"|2/8/2003 00:00:00|"plaster"|"tile"||"None"|"Yes"|7.00|"Plaster"||"Multiple"||17.00|"Ayios Kyriakos"|"Small spur on E\side of valley overlooking Korakou."|"New roof. Pared surrounding walkway. Mostly newly plastered on inside."|3878010.00||"6"|||||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||0||"Some"|"JMC"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|"Timber and tile."|0|||||1|"None"|"GPS"|"Arched extention on N wall with plastered brick sarcophagus with spuare opening 50cm across. Plastered inside.Extension framed by surviving painted plaster panel."||||"Abundant"||"Eucalyptus and Cypress trees."|"Evrykhou"|"Stone and chinking"|5.00 "Village street."||"CX"|"BU0137"|"Church, Katydhata. Simple concrete structure with tile floors, tile roof and timber eaves. Structure built into hillslope."|0|"Presumed"|"None"|"CX"||"A very small plain church with blue doors and a blue cross above the western door. Built into hillslope. Bell on concrete pole at SW corner."|43973.00|"Timber"||"TNF"|2/8/2003 00:00:00|"Cement render"|"Tile"|"Concrete"|"None"|"Yes"|3.00|"Not seen"|"Karkotis"|"Single"||10.50||"Near edge of village on western side."|"Later cement rendering to the exterior wall surfaces."|3882089.00|"Yes"|"Front and side doors"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"CX"|0|0|0|0|0|1|0||167.00|0||"None"|"AJG"|28/7/2003 00:00:00|"Tile"|0|||"Katydhata"||0|"None"|"GPS"|"Very small church."|"V"|"Ayia Paraskevi"|"CX"|"None"||"Surrounded by concrete and earth."|"Katydhata"|"Concrete"|4.20 "Village streets."||"CX"|"BU0138"|"Church, Katydhata. Stone foundations, limestone with plaster panel walls. Tile roof. Belltower of limestone construction. Dated to 1870."|0|"Yes"|"None"|"CX"|"1870"|"Late 19th century Greek Orthodox church (1870) of worked limestone construction with bell tower in limestone, decorated at the top with cornices and acroteria. Side walls of church have arched panels infilled with plaster. Apparent re-use of early carved stone pieces, possibly from previous church, Church of St Joihn the Evangelist. These are on south side, above the two doors and window. Also one above western door. Fence around concrete slab which surrounds church."|489842.00|"None"|235|"TNF"|2/8/2003 00:00:00|"Yes"|"being redone in marble."|"Stone"|"None"|"yes"|9.00||"Karkotis"|"Single"||15.80||"In centre of village"|"New floor (marble) about to be installed."|3882272.00|"yes"|"7"||"Greek Orthodox Church"|"Greek Cypriot"|"CX"|0|0|0|0|1|0|0||149.00|0||"Some"|"AJG"|28/7/2003 00:00:00|"tile"|0|||"Katydhata"||0|"None"|"GPS"|"Recycling of stone carvings (5 on S side), possibly from previous church. Decorated limestone bell - lower with acroterion (8) in a different coloured stone. Inscription above door on S side."|"V"|"Ayios loannis o Theologos."|"CX"|"Some"||"Concrete surrounding church."|"Katydhata"|"Limestone with plaster panels."|8.00 "village street"|"space around church"|"CX"|"BU0139"|"Church, Kalliana. Rectangular stone church, with stone foundations and stone floors. Tile roof with timber eaves. Mid/late Byzantine church with modern belltower (1924)."|0|"Not known"|"Unclear"|"Worship"||"Mid- to late-Byzantine Church with early 20th century (1924) belltower. Interior frescoes and icons are described by Gunnis but not seen by us as the Church was locked and the key was not available."|489408.00|"Timber"|600|"IJE"|4/8/2003 00:00:00|"Some"|"Presumed"|"Stone"|"Unclear"|"Yes"||"Not known"||"Single"||||"Village"|"Doors on northern and southern sides converted to windows."|3874437.00|"Yes"|"2 doors, 2 windows"|||"Greek Cypriot"|"Same"|1|0|0|0|0|1|0||192.00|0||"Some"|"IJE"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|"Tile"|0|||"Kaliana"||0|"None"|"GPS"||"V"|"Agia Anna"|"Rectangular church"|"Some"||"Fruit trees and olives"|"Kalliana"|"Stone"| "Off highway"|"Hill leading up to village"|"CX"|"BU0140"|"Church, Sina Oros. Stone foundations with stone walls, tiled roof and eaves. Possibly late Byzantine."|0|"Not seen"|"Unclear"|"Worship"||"Late Byzantine (?) church, heavily restored some two years ago after being left in a near-ruinous state for some time."|490755.00|"Yes"||"IJE"|7/8/2003 00:00:00|"No"|"Not seen"|"Stone"|"Unclear"|"Yes"||"Not seen"||"Single"||15.00||"On highway at edge of village"|"Restoration of about two years ago included new roof."|3874153.00|"Yes"|"2 doors on W, 2 ditto on S"|"Mrs. Iakovou, who lives in a house adjacent to the Church."||"Greek Cypriot"|"Worship"|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|||0||"Some"|"IJE"|5/8/2003 00:00:00|"New tiles"|0|||||0|"None"|"GPS"|"Faint traces of painted figure/s in niche above door on Northern side. Carved stone above tiny window on Eastern end has the inscribed date 6 May 1794."|"V"|"Ayios Iannis Theologou"|"Church"|"Some"||"Eucalypt"|"Sina Oros"|"Stone"|4.70 "By arrangement with National Guard"||"LK"|"BU0141"|"Lime kiln, Kato Koutraphas. Limestone foundation and walls. Structure built into slope; no roof."|1|"None"|"Unclear"|"Not used"||"Massively constructed lime kiln, built into south facing slope close to the peak of Koronia. An access road leads past the top of the kilns and, if contemporary with the kilns, may have been used to transport the quicklime. There is no sign of a firing hole at the base of this kiln. Walls are constructed in concentric skins of limestone chunks. Thickness of wall 1.5m at top, then 2.2m from the interior face of the kiln to the first exterior face. The structure is weathered and degraded at the top but in good condition towards the base. There is an apparent point of access to the pot at the top close to the mountainside. This opening is 1.2m wide at the pot.Interior depth of pot is 3.8m. A deposit of rubbish inside the pot made it impossible to check the contents or condition of the bottom of the pot."|496082.00|"None"|311|"IJE"|7/7/2003 00:00:00|"None"|"Not visible due to fill"|"Limestone"|"Unclear"|"No"|8.00|"Plastered"||"Single"|||"Koronia"|"South facing slope on Koronia"|"None observed"|3883068.00|"No"|"Open at top plus apparent entry point on side close to mountain"||||"Burning limestone"|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|||0||"Some"|"IJE"|7/7/2003 00:00:00|"None"|0|||||1|"None"|"GPS"||"III"|"Not known"|"Lime kiln"|"Unclear"||"Wild grass, pine trees, acacia, thorns"|"Kato Koutraphas"|"Weathered limestone"| "By arrangement with National Guard"||"LK"|"BU0142"|"Lime kiln, Kato Koutraphas. Limestone foundation and walls. Kiln built in two steps."|0||"Unclear"|"Not used"||"Interior height 1.65m, Interior diameter 3.45m, width of entry channel 1.6m, thickness of wall at top of kiln 2.1m (preceding measurements taken at weathered top of structure). Kiln built in two steps - dimensions of top step - diameter 2.4m, height 2.4, dimensions of second step - height 2.2"|496106.00||314|"LHS"|8/8/2003 00:00:00|"No"||"Limestone"|"Unclear"||4.60|"Yes"||"Single"|||"Koronia"|"South facing slope on Koronia"|"None apparent"|3883064.00||||||"Burning limestone"|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|||0||"Some"|"IJE"|7/8/2003 00:00:00||0|||||0|"None"||"A smaller kiln than BU0142; built against large boulder or bedrock outcrop on outside edge of the kiln"|"III"||"Lime kiln"|"Unclear"||"Grass, pine trees, acacia, thorns"|"Kato Koutraphas"|"Weathered limestone"| "East of Ayios Theodhoros to Kourdhali road"|"Village, Forest, Agricultural terraces"|"VH"|"BU0143"|"Village house, Ayios Theodhoros. Single room structure of basalt masonry and basalt chinking with mud bonding. Possible fireplace."|0|"None"|"None"|"Abandoned"||"Single roomed rectangular structure - face basalt blocks with basalt chinking and mud bonding. Alcove in south east wall - fireplace? Raised 'bench' in north corner (c.f. Nikitari Mandres tous Jerenides, TP038). Situated on end of spur above gully - overlooking central group of buildings. Spur roughly, but extensively terraced up slope behind it. Structure cut into slope so that surviving back wall extends above ground level to a maximum of 0.5m at the corners."|493381.00|"None"|707|"LHS"|10/8/2003 00:00:00|"2"|"None"||"None"|"No"|1.10|"None"||"Single"||6.80|"Karterouni"|"South of central group of structures, across gully on tip of spur"||3873296.00|"No"|"None"||||"Dwelling"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP067"|"None"|"LHS"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|"None"|0||||"TS14"|1|"None"|"GPS"|"Two stones protrude from wall on south side of door way (see sketch) - something to do with door fixture/mechanism?"|"V"|||"None"||"Wild grass, almond tree"|"Ayios Theodhoros"|"Basalt block"|5.10 "To the east of Ayios Theodhoros to Kourdhali Road"|"Village, steep agricultural terraces"|"VH"|"BU0144"|"Village house, Ayios Theodhoros. Non-rectangular rubble masonry structure, divided into at least seven areas. Abundant chinking in masonry."|0|"None"|"None"|"Abandoned"||"Stone structure divided into at least seven different areas. Western wall has been built at a significant angle so that structure is not in the least rectangular. For the most part walls are quite clear although the eastern side is slightly collapsed and rubbley. Chinking is clearly visible. On the southern side are the remains of a small oven approximately 2.2m in diameter."|493345.00||702|"LHS"|10/8/2003 00:00:00|"None"|"None"|"Rubble, Masonry"|"None"|"No"|1.50|"None"||"Single"||16.20|"Karterouni"|"On southern side of village"|"A later wall seems to have been added to the eastern side."|3873316.00|"No"|"6"||||"Dwelling"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP067"|"Some"|"CLT"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|"None"|0||||"TS14"|1|"None"|"GPS"||"II"|||"Some"||"Pine forest, cistus, wild grasses, cereal"|"Ayios Theodhoros"|"Rubble, Masonry"|9.40 "From Ayios Theodhoros to Kourdhali - east of road"|"Village, forest, agricultural terraces"|"VH"|"BU0145"|"Village house, Ayios Theodhoros. Structure of igneous, faced rocks, with only two walls visible. System of check dams 20m from structure."|0|"None"|"None"|"Abandoned"||"Only two walls are visible since the east wall is dug into the bank due to sediment fill and the northern wall appears to have collapsed. The masonary appears to be of lesser quality to that of BU0144. It consists of angular igneous, faced rocks. There is a system of well built check dams 20m North of the structure. There are also several terraces west of the structure."|493416.00||702|"LHS"|10/8/2003 00:00:00|"None"|"None"|"Rubble, Masonry"|"None"|"No"|1.10|"None"||"Single"||7.50|"Karterouni"|"South east of BU0129 and north east of BU0143"||3873302.00|"No"|"None"|||||0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP067"|"Unclear"|"CLT"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|"None"|0||||"TS14"|1|"None"|"GPS"||"V"|||"Unclear"||"Pine forest, cistus, wild grass, fig and cereal"|"Ayios Theodhoros"|"Rubble, Masonry"|5.10 "To the east of Ayios Theodhoros to Kourdhali road"|"Village, steep agricultural terraces"|"VH"|"BU0146"|"Village House, Ayios Theodhoros. Rectangular stone structure, heavily overgrown."|0|"None visible"|"None"|"Abandoned"||"Rectangular structure relatively obscured by overgrown wild grasses. Eastern wall is dug into a bank, approximately 1.6m high. The north eastern corner is well preserved. It is impossible to tell how thick the walls actually are. On the west is a path supported by a retaining wall a couple of metres high."|493339.00||704|"LHS"|10/3/2003 00:00:00|"No"|"None visible"|"Rubble"|"None"|"No"||"No"||"Single"||9.90|"Karterouni"|"The structure is situated NW of BU0129 above a gully"||3873778.00|"No"|"None visible"|||"Unknown"|"Dwelling"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP067"|"Unclear"|"CLT"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|"None visible"|0||||"TS14"|1|"None"|"GPS"||"V"|||"Unclear"||"Close to the pine forest/hawthorn, cistus, wild grasses, cereal"|"Ayios Theodhoros"|"Rubble, Masonry"|7.20 "Next to Road"||"OT"|"BU0147"|"Estate house, Xyliatos. Two-storey four-room structure with basalt foundations, brick and mudbrick walls in second storey. Structure in decay."|1|||"Abandoned"||"Two-storey house. Lower floor of main bujilding constructed of basalt boulders with small rubble fill. Second storey consists of bricks to a height of approx. 19 courses topped by mud brick with corner brick work. Two rooms flanking main structure to the south are constructed mud brick with a basalt boulder wall based and abut the main structure- sharing its south wall. Room to the north of main structure also shares a wall with its other three due south of main structure and the house is surrounded by a terrace wall on its western front. A second vine is situated north of complex. Possibly associated with POSI # TP015.Condition is poor- floor of second storey removed, walls badly eroded, particularly the mud brick."|502910.00||360|"CAS"|8/7/2004 00:00:00||"Collapsed"|"Basalt boulders with small rubble fill"||"No"|||"Xyliatos"||2.00||"Athasin"|"Xyliatos"||3878800.00|"No"|||||"Estate House"|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|||1|"TP014"||"ESP"|28/6/2001 00:00:00||0|||||0||"Aerial"||||"Four-room house with second storey"|||"Almond trees, cactus variety (looks like Aloe Vera) grasses, thistles"|"Xyliatos"|"Second storey- brick topped with mud brick"|