"Access"|"Aerial"|"Archit"|"BotChk"|"BrdgChk"|"BuildChk"|"ChchChk"|"ChDmChk"|"ChipSt"|"Cond"|"DescEnv"|"DescPOSI"|"East"|"Elev"|"EntBy"|"EntDate"|"ExtChk"|"GeoChk"|"GrdSt"|"HRChk"|"IAChk"|"ISZ"|"KilnChk"|"LithChk"|"Local"|"MineChk"|"MOChk"|"ModChk"|"North"|"OthChk"|"PlotVill"|"POSINo"|"Pott"|"PottChk"|"PreHChk"|"RecBy"|"RecDate"|"Refs"|"RoadChk"|"RockChk"|"SettChk"|"ShriChk"|"ShtMap5000"|"ShtPlanVill"|"SIANo"|"SketchChk"|"Slag"|"SlagChk"|"Source"|"Summ"|"TeamLead"|"TFChk"|"Tile"|"TombChk"|"Topo"|"Veg"|"ViewChk"|"Vill"|"Visib" "Dirt road following to Xyliatos (on right hand side of road) when travelling from north"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Partly preserved. 2/3 of slag has been removed"|"Geomorphology recorded at AVB (alluvium basalt) on paper form.- located west of spoil heap. ?Terraces - agricultural"|"Sketch plan and section drawn 11/7/00) Pottery - pieces late Hellenistic-Roman in slag heap, mixed historical, probably; Tile - modern tiles; Chipped stone - 1 piece chert, possibly worked. SLAG HEAP; Copper slag, undated, gravel to 30 kilos in size; Running slag (ie. tap slag?) with occasional green stains; No ores or obvious metals; Not much furnace material; Secondary deposit of cobble sized stones and gravel with pottery."|503260.00|390.00|"LHS"|25/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mavrovouni"|0|0|0|3878020.00|0||"TP006"|"Some"|0|0|"ESG"|1/7/2000 00:00:00||0|1|1|0|"29-XXV"||"TS02"|1|"Abundant"|1|"GPS"|"Slag heap, extensive Roman pottery, rubble piles"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"River Terrace"|"Pinus brutia (1), Crataegus (1), Capparis (1 large), Rhamnus (2), Pistacio (1), Inula (general), Echinops (scattered), Hypericum (scattered), Asparagus (scattered), Bromus (ground cover), Pine needles"|0|"Ayia Marina"| "Relatively easy. access through a road from the village"|"63-48-131"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Still standing. slighlty sagging roof and windows. Building in general is sagging and in disrepair."|"In an agricultural field. A substantial cactus next to it, now growing across the building roof. This factor may help in dating. Building is currently storing old irrigation materials."|"Brick/tile and concrete building. 6 x 4 m. Has a wooden door and wooden window frame with a corrugated iron roof. There is a water pump on the west side on the building. Inside apart from irrigation materials remain old clothes, old oil cans and other disused rubbish."|490080.00|318.00|"CJA"|23/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Tenekidhes"|0|0|1|3879990.00|1||"TP013"|"None"|0|0|"CJA"|27/6/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"|||0|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Modern brick structure (storage?)"|"HFJ"|0|"None"|0|"Flat unnatural terraced flood plain"|"Today being used as an agricultural field - possibly potatoes."|0|"Phlasou"|100.00 "Next to track to Xyliatos Mavrovouni"|"63-35-026"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0||"POOR - floor of the second storey removed, walls badly eroded; particularly the mudbrick."|"House site situated next to road on lower slopes. There is a terrace below the house on the southwest side, along the road. Almond orchard west of house site on opposite side of road and olive trees in front of the house. Refer to GU0607 and the GI Notebook.Grivaud: Athassi is mentioned from 1440 to 1565, abandoned before 1825 (1998: 200). It appears in all three village lists from c. 1550, and 1565 had 5 francomati (free peasant farmers) (1998: 468). Another isolated threshing floor is marked on the cadastral plan 550 m to the SW."|"Two storey house. Lower floor of main building constructed of basalt boulders with small rubble fill. Second storey consists of bricks to a heights of approx 19 courses, topped by mud brick with fired brick corners. Two rooms flanking the main structure to the south are constructed of mudbrick with a basalt boulder wall base (foundation), and abut the main structure, sharing its south wall. The room to the north of the main structure also shares a wall with the main house with its other three walls being constructed of mudbrick. A vine terrace is situated due south of the main structure and the house is surrounded by a terrace on the western front. A second vine is situated to the north of the complex. TP014 possibly associated with the threshing floor TP015."|502910.00|360.00|"ESP"|28/6/2001 00:00:00|0|0||0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Athasin"|0|1|1|3878800.00|0||"TP014"||0|0|"ESP"|28/6/2001 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||1||0||"Abandoned 4-room house with a second storey (not preserved)"|"AGR"|0||0|"Base of foothills near river"|"Almond trees, cactus (looks like aloe vera) grasses and thistles, grape vines."|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Along East-West beaten path and East-West dirt road leading to main track to Mavrovouni"|"63-35-026"||0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"The centre of floor is in good condition; north and western edges are eroding down into terrace. South/ Southeastern edges raecut by bulldozing activity."|"In a gully system, near roads and river; built into terracing. Refer to GU0607 and the GI Notebook."|"Built directly on top of bedrock and terracing. Some marks on stones from threshing sledges. Its terrace is built up about 60cm and set back about 40cm from the flat area below. Just up the road (eastward) of the abandoned house, POSI TP014, about 25m away. Approximately 7m North - South x 4.5m East - West. Surface of large, flat paving stones not indigenous to area, on top of terrace."|502915.00|365.00|"ESP"|28/6/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Athasin"|0|1|1|3878806.00|0||"TP015"|"None"|0|0|"ATB"|28/6/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Threshing Floor"|"AGR"|1|"None"|0|"Base of terraced foothills."|"Almond Grove, wild grasses."|0|"Xyliatos"|40.00 "Accessible by way of paths and roads."|"63-35-036"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"TF 1 is very well preserved, others unknown due to poor visibility."|"Numerous plateaus at different elevations. Area still used by settlers (evidence in clear roads and newly planted almond trees). Surrounding fields have not been cultivated for many years."|"Threshing Floor 1- paved, level, 11.40m W-E, 7.70m N-S, perhaps flat along one side and circular along the other. Coordinates: Easting 497075, Northing 3877865. Threshing Floor 2- Coordinates: Easting 497075, Northing 3877825. Unpaved, rubble inclusions, looks as if bulldozed, has circular shape. Threshing Floor 3- Coordinates: Easting 497100, Northing 3877935. Circular, unpaved?, large flat stones in the vicinity (possibly taken out to make room for grove of almond trees). All placed in prominently windy places (environmental advantage to threshing process)."|497075.00|530.00|"EDV"|28/6/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Alonia"|0|1|1|3877825.00|0||"TP016"|"None"|0|0|"EDV"|28/6/2001 00:00:00|"Aerial image/print IP0016"|0|0|0|0|||"TS03"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"3 threshing floors: 1 paved and 2 possible others"|"ESG"|1|"None"|0|"Along ridge with steep slopes on either side."|"Abundant barley fields scattered with almonds and hawthorn trees."|0|"Nikitari"|10.00 "Fairly gentle slope to the SE, sheer slope to the S and W; abuts two dirt roads at Memi mine"|"63-35-026"|"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Quite good. Some erosion in rock-cut holes."|"""Rock of Ayios Kyriakos"", west of Memi mine spoil heaps, SE of Ayios Kyriakos slag heap. Good vantage point for supervision of activities in surrounding area."|"Prominent rock position above Ayios Kyriakos mining area. With small section of stone-and-pottery wall. A number of anthropogenic rock-cut holes. Two iron anchor points on highest part of outcrop. Small slag heap on SE near base on the level of the modern dirt road. Evidence of modern use: cartridges, tin foil, sardine tin. Accumulation along W base of iron manganese; its collection and the manner of its use seem to be anthropogenic. Some river rocks on top, which GI reports would not have been naturally deposited; they are about the size of small boulders."|503300.00|415.00|"ATB"|7/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mavrovouni"|0|0|1|3877790.00|0||"TP017"|"Some"|0|0|"ATB"|7/7/2001 00:00:00|"Alexis's field report. 2001 Field Report"|0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|1|"Abundant"|0|"Aerial"|"Rock of Ayios Kyriakos. Basalt outcrop with evidence of modern use and possible ancient use"|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"Rock outcrop of pillow basalt"|"Spiny burnet, thyme, wild grasses, asphodel, thistle, possible hawthorn, extensive lichen"|1|"Ayia Marina"|40.00 "Immediately E of road leading to UN Argentine Task Force San Martin Camp, Skouriotissa"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Slag heap on western face has been bulldozed by road area; northern end appears bulldozed; southern end intact with slumping from above."|"Paper Form - Geomorphology recorded as AVB (alluvium basalt); Modern Land Use QM (?)Western face of slag heap faces river valley and river terraces. Located on flat terrace with modern mine to the east and south east. Modern UN base immediately to the west of unit 1 (western face)"|"ENUMERATION. TS01 is the slag heap and its surrounds. TP007 is the actual slag heap. TP007-AU01 to AU06 are the most significant faces of the slag heap. TP007-PU01 is the talus and surface immediately below TP007-AU01. SLAG HEAP: Layers of crushed gossan and furnace material (several); 1000 tonnes slag approximated in TP007-AU01; Furnace lining area 0.20-0.25 m thick; Gossan layer 0.50 m approx thick; below furnace lining - change in orientation of the slag cakes; 16 m high x 50 m (western face). POTTERY: 1 late Roman cover tile in slag heap (TP007-AU01-P1 Collected) Other late Roman material in talus at base of slag heap, eroded from main slag heap at base of slag heap (west facing) - lamp stand and amphora foot and another cover tile; some modern pottery further west of slag heap in pile beside road with other pottery Cypriot red slip; more present than other material. (Collected as grab: TP007-PU01). Surface - Angular Grave/Sand; Aspect - North."|489560.00|220.00|"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Vouppos"|0|0|0|3883500.00|0||"TP007"|"Abundant"|0|0|"ESG"||"Cadastral plot (?) E1"|0|0|0|0|"28-XII"||"TS01"|1|"Abundant"|1|"GPS"|"Large slag heap with remains of workshop floors. "|"ESG"|0|"Abundant"|0|"River Terrace"|"Scrub, sparse, wild grasses, pine tree"|0|"Skouriotissa"|100.00 "Immediately south of track from Mandres"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"Some"|"Stone wall relatively good condition, but mud brick deteriorating in places with some collapse."|"Centre of cultivated field; River course 200 m East; Outlying building on East edge of Mandres. Geomorphology recorded as AVB (alluvium basalt) on paper form"|"2 architectural structures 2 threshing floors - 1 of which was collected (pottery/chipped stone) Some evidence of recent military use (bullet holes, paint grenades)Surface - Clay/Silt; Slope - 6-10 degrees; Aspect South East."|495860.00|280.00|"LHS"|20/5/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|1|3881540.00|0||"TP008"|"Some"|0|0|"HPS"|10/7/2000 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS07"|1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Two threshing floors with two associated buildings"|"MJG"|1|"None"|0|"Hillside-Soil/Plant Cover"|"Grasses, Christ's thorn"|0|"Kato Koutraphas"|60.00 "through lower gully system from the road"|"63-35-026"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Good but upper courses starting to tumble."|"Dry, terraced foothills surrounding the gully. Next gully to the east also has a check dam system as seen 23/6/01 - no records"|"Three check dams - see sketch."|503005.00|350.00|"ESP"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Athasin"|0|1|1|3878980.00|0||"TP009"|"None"|0|0|"ESP"|26/6/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Series of three (possibly four) check dams"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Gully system"|"No vegetation particularly associated with the check dam series or check dam walls. The walls are ""continuations"" of basalt dykes across creek line, but do not have the vegetation of the dykes. Arable land built up behind dams is currently sown to barley. Drainage line(s) now beside triangle of accumulated soil behind each dam and almond trees, Zysiphus and hawthorn occasionally grow here. (NFU)"|0|"Xyliatos"| "From village, take the road from the mill. Before the river, turn right."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Series of river terraces, several bulldozer cuts, overgrown with bamboo"|"Stream and flood deposits. Few bits of pottery in the lower deposits. 1 sherd with vitreous glaze found in lowest flood deposit. Length: 8.5 m. Width: 1.5 m"|489610.00|302.00|"EAS"|1/7/2001 00:00:00|0|1|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Shaabanbeys"|0|1|1|3880010.00|0||"TP010"|"Some"|0|0|"EAS"|29/6/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Sediment profile showing flooding episodes"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|||0|"Phlasou"|80.00 "Through back yard of houses"|"63-48-131"|"Unclear"|1|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Good condition for age. Oldest tree yielding up to 200 kg in a good year. Averaging 40-60 kg/tree overall. "||"Series of olive trees 300-650 years old along upper terrace level adjoining village. Landowner(s) report trees planted under edict of 'Venetians'. This includes revetted tree. Two trees in this category measured at 22ft circumference and 17ft (main trunk) plus 5ft8ins (dominant secondary). One tree reported by landowner as datingfrom the 'Frankish' period; this tree 31 ft in trunk circumference.One olive tree surrounded by a 5 meter in diameter revetted circle of large stones. It is raised by about 30cm. Stones = 15cm to 30cm long. Landowner reports that it marks an old boundary. Distinctive in landscape as seems raised above todays terrace.MJG, 11/9/01: Needs revisiting, locating properly, and matching with GU."|489588.00|318.00|"LAM"|23/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Limnes"|0|1|1|3880415.00|0|"I"|"TP011"|"Unclear"|0|0|"LAM"|26/6/2001 00:00:00|"Village Plan, Kato Phlasou I"|0|0|0|0|"28-XX"|"Kato Phlasou"||1|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Series of 4-5 very old olive trees on terrace"|"HFJ"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Gently sloping field. Top terrace level adjoining built-up area of Phlasou"|"Cultivated and managed for olive production"|0|"Phlasou"|80.00 "Through high grass and brambles"|"63-48-131"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Externally pretty good"|"Uncultivated edge of a cultivated field"|"The structure is seven meters square. Walls are 20 cm thick and 1.5 m high, with metal posts spaced, four on each wall, each is surrounded by chicken wire. The structure is empty. There is one interal crack which has been fixed possibly with tar, and one crack not fixed. The structure is a water reservoir. Sluice not visible. Local inhabitant said that it was disused because of the lack of water. It is probably related to the brick structure in the same field."|490155.00|318.00|"CJA"|23/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Kalophlitidhes"|0|0|1|3880005.00|1||"TP012"|"None"|0|0|"EAS"|27/5/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Cement water reservoir"|"HFJ"|0|"None"|0|"Sloping cultivated field, bottom of terrace."|"Weedy with grass"|0|"Phlasou"|50.00 "Accessible via road to Memi mine"|"63-35-026"|"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Stable but loose surface"||"Rubble piles usually related to field boundary walls and/or corners. One surrounds a tree, another is located at the end of a built wall but does not meet the end of a field boundary. A third is situated in the middle of an abandoned field. Height 1-3 m. These piles are believed to be evidence of field clearance. The material ranges from cobbles to large boulders up to 1 m in diameter. Location of the 11 rubble piles are: PU01 503315E 3877760N; PU02 503295E 3877750N; PU03 503285E 3877730N; PU04 503275E 3877725N; PU05 503280E 3877750N; PU06 503245E 3877765N; PU07 503275E 3877845N; PU08 503280E 3877860N; PU09 503250E 3877775N; PU10 503260E 3877910N; PU11 503245E 3877925N NB: PU03 is considered to be the remains of the church of Ayios Kyriakos; now = TP047"|503300.00||"ESP"|11/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mavrovouni"|0|1|1|3877750.00|0||"TP025"|"Some"|0|0|"KWJ"|11/7/2001 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|0|"Some"|0|"Aerial"|"Rubble piles"|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"Series of alluvial terraces"|"Among cultivated and abandoned fields"|0|"Ayia Marina"|100.00 "Immediately south of track running west from Mandres to main road"|"63-48-112"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0||||"About 4 structures (1 modern) in a cluster about 100 m outside Mandres. On west side of the gully - BU0009, BU00010, BU0008"|495620.00|280.00|"EAS"|17/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0||0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|"Kaphkalla"|0|1|1|3881720.00|0||"TP026"||0|0|"HFJ"|16/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XXIII"||"TS07"|0||0|"Aerial"|"Outlying structures approx 100 m west of Mandres centre"|"HFJ"|0||0|"Sloping towards gully"|"Long grass"|0|"Kato Koutraphas"| "Next to track"|"63-48-112"|"Some"|0|0|1|0|0||||"One building BU0016, with associated threshing floor"|495995.00||"EAS"|17/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0||0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|"Vromoneron"|0|1|1|3881605.00|0||"TP027"||0|0|"HFJ"|16/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXIII"||"TS07"|0||0|"Image Print"|"Outlying structures and threshing floor 300m east of centre of Mandres"|"HFJ"|1||0|||0|"Kato Koutraphas"| "Just beside access road to Mandres"|"63-48-112"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|||"Structure BU0007 and threshing floor"|"The vicinity of the ruined low front, high back socle and mud brick house with remains of a threshing floor. "|495660.00|280.00|"HFJ"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0||0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|"Lakxies tis Korphis"|0|1|1|3881410.00|0||"TP028"||0|0|"HFJ"|16/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXIII"||"TS07"|0||0|"Image Print"|"Outlying structure 200 m SW of Mandres centre"|"HFJ"|1||0|"Sloping side of gully"|"Edge of cultivated fields, weeds."|0|"Kato Koutraphas"| "Beside road"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Roadside, recent looking road surface, tarmacked. Open fields in the vicinity."|"Service trench is 60 m long and up to 2m deep and about 1.5 m wide. PU01 is the most southerly end of the trench, 5 m in length drawn in section. Layers Y01 to Y07. The basal layer (Y01) is an alluvial deposit with some pottery, sealed by cobble road fill (Y02). This is sealed by a layer of slag (Y03) carbonate road surface (Y04) and further road fills (Y05, Y06 & Y07)."|490032.00|281.00|"HFJ"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|0|1|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Chankarena"|0|0|0|3881444.00|0||"TP029"|"Some"|0|0|"HFJ"|11/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"|||1|"Abundant"|0|"GPS"|"Road trench with stratigraphy and pottery & slag inclusions."|"HFJ"|0|"None"|0|"Flat field beside road"|"Orange orchard with olive grove on the other side of the raod."|0|"Linou"| "Road from Nikitari"|"63-35-036"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|0|"None"||"Located on bedrock spur with 2 gullies on either side. Overlooking river. Located in forested area (to the north of forest cairns as well as south). Immediate area cultivated with almonds and olives (100 m away)."|"Rectangular building with traditional alpine roof covering domes. Recess at east end. Several phases of construction (2 in body of church). Additional buttresses added on north wall (structural problems?). Frescos on outside walls of building (northeast side); supporting arch on north wall; north and south wall have 2 supporting blocks with inside niches. Blocked doorway on north wall. Fragmentary paintings on plaster on all walls - painting on north wall probably hidden from outside). Enclosure wall shows evidence of different phasing - old wall with large ashlar blocks with lichen. Wall on church: re-used stone (worked limestone, tile). Buttress has water pipes in construction material (look Roman). Walls made of different materials: ashlar blocks, mixture of rounded stone and pottery. Church is sitting on a stone built platform. Rubble located in NE portion of enclosed area, as well as on other side of enclosure. Door on NE side of church may have been moved."|497575.00|445.00|"SED"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Kapsalia"|0|1|1|3878280.00|0||"TP030"|"Some"|0|0|"ESG"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|"Church: Stylianou & Stylianou 1985: 114-140."|0|0|0|0|||"TS08"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Panayia Phorviotissa church and enclosure; geophysics"|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"Located on spur overlooking river - on bedrock"|"4 eucalyptus trees and 1 cypress"|0|"Nikitari"|100.00 "Spur leading down from lower Asinou-Mandres forest road"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|1|0|"None"|"Very ruinous and heavily lichenated (including the lime-green Rizocarpin tinei). cf. Mavrovounos in SCSP area (floruit 16c, abandoned 17c). "|"Prominent spur leading north from Moutti tou Dhia range. Settlement lies in saddle of spur-ridge; view north obscured by hill at north end of spur.Areas of wild grass/oats; may once have been cultivated. Pleasant breeze from NNE"|"Series of about 10 ruined rectangular structures, house platforms and rubble piles. Very little pottery, as very overgrown: about 5 pieces, all of Med-Mod red ware. Discovered 16 July 01 by spotting spur, exploring it, and spotting the rubble piles. The next day Panayiotis Alexandrou Loppas gave MJG instructions on how to get there, including this info: the church was Ayios Yeoryios, and can still be seen with its apse; the village was called Vouni (the same name is on the cadastral). 16 July 2001. Ruinous structures to east and west of road along top of spur. 1 well defined, 2-room, out-lying structure to west of road. Also to west of road terracing below structural remains. One or two river boulders that didn't get onto spur on their own. One piece of red jasper, several copper rich rocks. Drawing No. ERC-01-01. 8 July 2002"|497820.00|423.00|"MJG"|17/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|0|0||0|0|"Vouni"|0|1|0|3879970.00|0||"TP031"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|16/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Abandoned settlement with church"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"Ridge/saddle"|"Hawthorn, wild grasses & oats, cistus, spiny burnet. Some scattered pine. Thyme. Domesticated olive, Mock olive."|0|"Nikitari"|30.00 "Dirt track"|"63-48-131"|"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"One section of bank clearly visible - the rest vegetation covered."|"Cadastral Plot number 461??This POSI consists of a small level terrace surrounded by a raised bank. The vegetation consists of olive and mixed fruit trees. Originally this seems to have been a small raised hill or terrace which has been deeply (1.5 m) cut through the centre leaving a raised bank on either side. The cut on one bank is clearly exposed, revealing a clean surface with a variety of pottery inclusions."|"This clean cut section is c. 1.5 m tall by 4 m long. There is a variety of pottery within the section, but without cleaning of the surface, no distinct stratigraphy is visible. The GI agrees that the entire 1.5 m depth revealed is likely to be a single deposition event."|489410.00|298.00|"PLP"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|0|1|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Kangelia"|0|0|0|3880485.00|0||"TP032"|"Some"|0|0|"PLP"|18/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Artificially cut terrace within small hill/original higher terrace revealing 1.5 m bank section with pottery inclusions."|"HFJ"|0|"None"|0|"Artificially cut terrace within small hill"|"Olive, mixed fruit trees"|0|"Ayios Epiphanios"| "Gully access, Hillslope trails"|"63-35-036"|"Some"|0|0|1|1|0|"None"|"Poor, rubble, ruins, foundation walls remaining."|"Situated on a hilltop. Overlooking Nikitari to the north and valley to the south. Has a prominent postion in the landscape. Located very high up in the landscape.Easiest climb to the hilltop is via eastern ridge."|"Low foundation walls. The southern wall has 3 courses of construction. The north wall has up to 2 courses of construction. The church is roughly rectangular in shape and contains a curved apse on its east wall. The western church wall contains one entrance and the northern wall possibly contains one entrance. Wall width is c. 70 cm. The walls of the church contain limestone/water mortar. The walls are not made from riverstones. A pit that is lined with stones has been located 3 m from the churches eastern wall."|497900.00|568.00|"CAT"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paleolinos"|0|1|0|3878350.00|0||"TP033"|"Some"|0|0|"CAT"|18/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Ruins of Stavros Church located south east (above) Panayia Phorviotissa"|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"On an spur/hilltop surrounded by deep gullies"|"Pine, grasses, hawthorns, wild garlic"|0|"Nikitari"|40.00 "Path/gully to Panayia Phorviotissa church parking lot"|"63-35-036"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"||"Gully system-drainage off mountains drain west eroded slopes"|"POSI consists of at least 5 gullies on the SE portion of mountain where Stavros church is located. Check dams made of stone approx. 1.5 m across, 10-40 cm high. Frequency of check dam dependent on the slope of the gully (between 7 m and 2 m). No build up of sediment (minimal) behind check dams. Possible use of gullies during dry season as path. Perhaps built by Forest Department in early 20th century for erosion control (MJG, 11/9/01). POSI incorporated into SIA TS19 in 2003."|497820.00|500.00|"SED"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paleolinos"|0|1|0|3877930.00|0||"TP034"|"None"|0|0|"ESG"|18/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS19"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Check dam system covering at least 5 gullies"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Check dams and gullies some more steep than others"|"Pine forest, wild grases, wild garlic"|0|"Nikitari"|40.00 "Road"|"63-48-119"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Visibilty poor due to overgrowth"|"Ploughed harvested field leading up to pillow lava hill - access via a road. Edge of hill shows some sign of quarrying/disturbance."|"Interface between field and beginning of hill produced quantities of Bronze Age pottery and bone, including teeth and skull fragments (?). Marked drop-off in concentration further up slope. (See SU0073 and SU0074)."|489981.00|300.00|"CAT"|24/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3882029.00|0||"TP035"|"Abundant"|1|1|"PLP"|19/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XX"||"TS09"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Concentration of bone and Bronze Age pottery at foot of pillow lava hill."|"HFJ"|0|"None"|1|"Level harvested field rising into pillow lava hill."|"Harvested field - wild oats/spiny burnet."|0|"Katydhata"| "From a dirt track to the west, which passes through a locked gate."||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Very good where visible. Southern end where cut by cement wall is looser and deteriorating somewhat."|"Above irrigated garden, acts in part as a riser for alluvial terrrace. Right above spring/well that connects to Katydhata. Runs into modern dirt bank around garden.Partially covered by thick roots."|"4.64 m wide x 2.84 m tall x 1.27 m wide = dimensions of visible part of wall. ""Wall"" composed of small boulders cemented together, with limestone, cobbles and tiles as chinking. Abuts and seemingly cut by modern cement wall/riser (1.5 m tall) that owner says protects the irrigation system below in the gully. 14 courses of stones. One pot handle collected"|489630.00|345.00|"CAT"|24/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Phinikia"|0|0|0|3880330.00|0||"TP036"|"Some"|0|0|"ATB"|21/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"High revetting wall near well."|"HFJ"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Gully that heads towards nearby river."|"Walnut trees, herbs, many rushes."|0|"Phlasou"|60.00 "10m east of paved road in town."|"63-48-119"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Fairly stable."|"Toward the bottom of a gentle sloping back yard. Across the street (east of) school where we determined 1918 excavators' camp was located."|"Main chamber is 1.4 m high on average; side chamber is 0.8 m high. Chambered tomb cut out of easily fractured, very friable rock. Side chamber is smaller, set up high - possible chisel marks at its base. Rock fall litters tomb floor, and modern dirt and rubble has entered through opening. Actual tomb floor is likely at least 30cm below present accumulation.NB with side chamber and rectangular shape, it's more likely to be Roman than Bronze Age (MJG, 11/9/01)"|489758.00|270.00|"LHS"|24/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3881828.00|0||"TP037"|"None"|0|0|"ATB"|24/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"||"TS09"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Rock-cut tomb, possibly related to 1918 Markides excavations."|"HFJ"|0|"None"|1|"On edge of an alluvial terrace."|"Almond trees, russet grass."|0|"Katydhata"|90.00 "Take dirt road from Asinou settlement, following lower routes until reaching other side of valley. From forest road starting from Asineon Caf? along North side of valley."||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|1|"None"|"Fairly good. In some places, the walls have tumbled down but the basic structure seems solid. Overgrown with wild oats.Very ruinous to not-quite-so ruinous."|"Relatively clear patch in the forest between the forest road and Argaki ton Rotson / Potamos Rotson. Steep slopes covered in dried grass, wild oats, scattered pines, cistus, capers and other sharp shrubs."|"Appears to be a single structure from South to North. Divided into three rooms. Entering the first room from the south, its outer dimensions are: length is 11 m and width is 4 m. The second room has a length of 6 m and a width of 4 m. The third room has a length of 7 m and a width of 3.5 m. Walls are made out of ground stone [ie. river cobbles?] with pottery and tile. On the inner North wall of the first room is a niche/shelf. Further West up the slope towards the road is a wall that starts at the middle of the second room and turns around. Also, to the West is a possible well and maybe a threshing floor. Also a replica of the building aforementioned. After having consulted the cadastral it can be seen that the POSI functioned as a sheepfold. A circular oven is also recorded as well as 3 other sheepfold structures nearby.(Full description in TAESP 2002 Team Settlement Notebook. Measured ground plan: Drawing No. RJM-01-01)Four clusters of structures marked on cadastral plan as 'sheepfolds' (this is possibly a secondary use). The two North clusters are generally well-built with square stones with pottery and stone chinking and mud bonding. The two South clusters are less well defined, consisting of bays duginto the hillside with partial stone reinforcing walls. Raised areas and earth platforms may be the result of decayed mudbrick.Possible paths cross the gully between North and South areas. These could be forestry planting terraces (maybe re-used paths).Two gullies, 1 between North and South areas of structures and 1 North of structures contained a considerable number of check dams, probably built by the Forestry Department in the 1950s.Pater Kyriakos of Nikitari said that this, and Ag. Yeorgios (TP125), was the winter settlement for the shepherds of Spilia. 1 August 2002.The following coordinates will tie the drawing grid into the UTM grid and will become useful when GIS becomes involved:E50/N0 - 495295/3876494/589mE0/N0 -495242/3876497/618mE0N/30 - 495246/3876525/599mW50/N0 - 495200/3876497/609mE0/S30 - 495247/3876466/605mE0/S70 - 495244/3876433/611mE30/S60 -495266/3876443/606mW40/S60 - 495208/3876449/613m"|495242.00|618.00|"EAS"|21/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Mandres tous Jerenides"|0|1|1|3876497.00|0||"TP038"|"Some"|0|0|"EAS"|21/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Tumbledown structures: two sets of three rooms adjoining each other, a possible threshing floor, a possible well and check dams. Four clusters of ruined structures on two ridges separated by a gully."|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"Buildings are aligned North-South. On two noses with East aspect separated by a gully."|"Pine trees and wild oats. Alium, 1 domesticated olive, terebinth, curry plant."|0|"Nikitari"|0.00 |||0|0|0|0|0||||"NB: Nicolaou's note doesn't give any cadastral plot, so 199 is a guess. We've heard from people in Katydhata etc about these tombs; someone may even have been taken to see them (Jay, Georgia, Lina?). There are clearly lots more there. Evrykhou Panatsas (= Pano Atsas) Tomb 1XXVIII/38. 3 miles E of EvrykhouCyprusMuseum inventory 1963/XII-10/1 (M.P. 72/38)Cypro-Archaic ? Cypro-ClassicalNicolaou I. 1984: 234, n. 2Evrykhou Panatsas (= Pano Atsas) Tomb 2 XXVIII/38. 3 miles E of EvrykhouCyprus Museum inventory 1963/XII-10/2 (M.P. 72/38)Cypro-Archaic ? Cypro-ClassicalNicolaou I. 1984: 234, n. 2"|493445.00||"MJG"|6/1/2005 00:00:00|0|0||0|1||0|0|"Pano Atsas"|0|0|0|3880710.00|0||"TP101"||0|0|"MJG"|6/1/2005 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0||0|"Image Print"|"Excavated Archaic and Classical tombs (Evrykhou Tombs 1 and 2)"||0||1|||0|"Evrykhou"| "Adjacent to tarmac road on W side of Karkotis Valley"||"Some"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"Eroding"|"SIA overlies low-sloping (c. 6 degrees) E-facing Holocene (active) pediment apron along base of N-trending basalt hills/ridge of western valley wall. Sediment native to site is thing (< 25 cm) and composed of basalt and calcareous fragments of vein K3 + petrocalcic soil horizons in the pillow lavas. Local concentrations of 30-80 cm thick deposits of SCL to L textured soils (tilled) and deposits (section at TP119). In section, at TP119, there appear to be aligned stones and 'muddier' deposits below a 25-40 cm thick thin-bedded pebble to gravelly SL-LS deposit; and infilled channels (one is a rill, the other is a c. 0.8 x 3 m channel) with accretionery beds of pebbles and finer grained beds. Gully is located to S and is seasonally flowing. Water source is likely the Karkotis Valley c. 100 m away."|"Section cut by bulldozer, c. 25 m long. On western edge of newly cut field, directly under northern group of beehives. Mujch of Western part of field is cut out of bedrock; only occasional sherds. Above (W of) terrace is fairly level terrace, then gully, then thin-soiled hillslope. Rubble wall (c. 2 courses high), with layer of melted mud brick above it, then 30-40 cm of slope wash. Lots of Roman pottery eroding out. 6 organic PUs collection from section: PU01-PU05 (strata 1-5) and PU06 (surface). Material includes lots of pottery, 1 chipped stone, 1 ground stone, 2 mortars. NB: this used to be TP119, but on 7/1/05 MJG created it as a separate POSI to distinguish it from the grid (which remains TP119)"|488840.00||"MJG"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Pano Limna"|0|0|0|3882085.00|0||"TP252"|"Abundant"|1|0|"MJG"|30/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|||"TS15"|0|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"LR architecture and pottery appearing in bulldozed section"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"Pediment (slope) cut by Hht"|"Batha above (to W); plough soil below (to E)"|0|"Katydhata"|90.00 |||0|0|1|0|0||"Nothing visible"|"Survey Units: 2062-2065Geomorphological Units: 2063Nearby Building Units: BU0087 (Ayia Varvara church), BU0099 (Mylos tis Varvaras mill)"|"Informal scouting by the survey team failed to produce any extant architectural remains of Agroladhou?they seem to have been obliterated by modern construction. However, the four survey units conducted along the transect in this area (SU2062-2065) produced a concentration of pottery from the Medieval-Ottoman and Medieval-Modern categories, including Glazed and Monochrome Painted Wares.In this vicinity, we also noted a row of 4 aged olive trees planted along a drainage gully running eastward from the base of the ridge toward the Karkotis river. After being bisected by a modern road, the line continued with 2 olive trees in a ploughed agricultural field, and then extended onto the next two lower terraces. This planting strategy (i.e., along a gully, perpendicular to the Karkotis river) is not uncommon on the west side of the valley, as it permits maximum utilization of water run-off and sediment from the slope. We noted rows of stones placed at base of the trees to trap water and sediment, and tree-roots exposed by soil erosion where the stones had been removed (to facilitate recent grain cultivation). The substantial diameter of these olive trees suggests that they were planted in the 17th-18th centuries CE, so there is a good chance that they are a remnant of Agroladhou.Visit with MJG & YHD 13 July 2005. Now completely bulldozed. Yiannos remembers one building on E of road, by junction to big new house. Rest above the road (where currently an orchard is). Mainly shepherds; still there in c. 1935, as one of them worked for Yiannos' grandfather. Used as mandres etc till c. 1963. Originally a mixed village, but mainly Turkish Cypriots towards the end."|489365.00||"MJG"|25/4/2005 00:00:00|0|0||0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Agroladou"|0|1|1|3878400.00|0||"TP253"||0|0|"MJG"|25/4/2005 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||"Agroladhou"||0||0|"GPS"|"Agroladou village"|"MJG"|0||0|||0|"Korakou"| "Cross Atsas at Lemonas"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Looted; clear holes."|"Uncultivated shallow spur, with gently sloping ploughed fields on W and steep incised gully on E. Spur slopes NNW. Prominent hill with National Guard post to S; otherwise clear view of Skouriotissa and Morphou Bay."|"About 25 tombs (at least), cut into fossiliferous limestone. Clearly looted some time ago, presumably before 1974 (as in Buffer Zone). One example has a clear dromos and collaposed chamber. Scatter of Archaic pottery of fine quality, some with relatively fresh breaks. Collected grab of 27 sherds as PU01. Kristina and Luke want tomb looters' children to be born with bald heads and hairy feet."|493430.00|282.00|"MJG"|6/7/2004 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|1|"Atsas"|0|0|"Kamilaries"|0|0|0|3882340.00|0||"TP248"|"Abundant"|0|0|"MJG"|6/7/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Archaic cemetery"|"MJG"|0|"None"|1|"Spur above incised gully"|"Thyme, genista, spiny burnet, hawthorn, zizyphus"|0|"Evrykhou"|50.00 "Climb up spur from Aspri"||"Some"|0|0|1|1|0|"None"|"Linear rubble piles marking wall lines; half of apse preserves the face."|"Prominent ridgeline running NW/SE. Church is just below the ridge, below a small peak. Clear artificial platform. Below to the NE is a 32-degree slope. It is directly above Aspri (570 m at 34 degrees). Wider view from Morphou Bay to Kriadhis."|"Ruined church with half of apse clearly visible, and three very rough lines of rubble indicating position of walls. Clearly very small. Tile fragments (Med-Mod lugged church tile). No obvious pottery, but ground very obscured by pine needles. Rubble and tile scattered down steep hillslope to NE. Aspri is very central in the view (similarly, the church would have been very obvious from Aspri). Hence its position just off the spur? Though this also puts it clearly into Ayios Yeoryios Kafkallou territory, as the ridgeline is the boundary. Clearly long ruined; very plausible that it is contemporary with Aspri."|496832.00|1118.00|"MJG"|10/7/2004 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Ayia Paraskevi"|0|1|0|3873678.00|0||"TP249"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|9/7/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Church of Ayia Paraskevi"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"Artificial platform just below ridgeline"|"Pine, cistus, golden oak"|0|"Ayios Yeoryios"|20.00 "From spur above; forest track comes near it"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|1|"None"|"Rubbly, but wall lines still clear with some faces intact"|"Near bottom of Rotson valley, on spur. East of spur, the ground climbs steeply up Muti ton Kaliphon to watershed 900 m to E which marks Nikitari village boundary."|"Discovered by LHS during his survey project (SE0029). Main concentration of walls and rubble (to E) seems to represent a 2-roomed rectangular structure, each room measuring c. 7 x 4 m. Further structures down the spur suggest another similar structure with 3-4 rooms. Road has cut along southern edge of eastern structure, in one place exposing a stretch of walling with pottery and stone chinking. Pithos fragments throughout, and in road, including two bases. Lots of pottery in cut section, mostly Late Medieval/early Ottoman. In lower, western structure and in the road below it there were 3 rim fragments and one cover tile fragment of Roman tile (Corinthian). Very little pottery from the Late Ottoman and Modern periods (one piece of coarse brown glazed ware was the only definite one). The structures sit near a junction of at least four tracks and roads, all now rough or derelict. Below the road that bordered the spur on which TP250 sits was a short stretch of very wide track (1m+), with substantial retaining walls in places (examined by ESG). Just across the stream to the S is a long and solid retaining wall of large stones and boulders. The slopes on both sides of the stream to the South show remains of smaller-scale terracing."|496020.00|898.00|"MJG"|11/7/2004 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0||0|0|"Khalospita"|0|1|0|3873308.00|0||"TP250"|"Abundant"|1|0|"LHS"|9/7/2004 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"2 ruined structures with Med-Mod pottery and pithos"|"LHS"|0|"Some"|0|"S flank of small E/W spur, above (E) upper reaches of Rotson. Extreme slopes above"|"Pine, cistus, asphodel"|0|"Nikitari"|30.00 "Just south-west of Katydhata mining museum"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Not extant. Possibly looted in antiquity."|"Covered by modern road leading north out of Katydhata. To the west is an overgrown olive grove and associated drainage channel."|"Domed, circular chamber. Pottery suggests repeated usage from late Middle Cypriot to early Late Cypriot. Wares include transitional Base Ring, Base Ring I, White Slip I, late Red Polished, Plain White Wheelmade. Forms include jugs, bowls, and cooking pot. Three bronze objects, including spearhead. Remains of multiple disarticulated humans. Excavated by Yiannis Violaris in June 2004; to be published in BCH by Giorghos Giorghiou."|489770.00|262.00|"ATB"|11/7/2004 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Village"|0|0|0|3882290.00|0||"TP203"|"Abundant"|0|1|"ATB"|27/6/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS09"|0|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Middle-Late Bronze Age chamber tomb - Katydhata Village Tomb 1"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"Under the road"|"n/a"|0|"Katydhata"|100.00 "Dirt road east off Kykko road"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|0|"Unclear"|"Demolished. Soil from site taken by bulldozer to built up adjacent road."|"Alluvial terrace with a great view to the N, E, S. NNW of Ayios Epiphanios village"|"Very low rectilinear and curvilinear foundations still traceable - made of small boulders, a few flagstones, and large cobbles bound with mortar. Walls seem to have collapsed inward - evidence of painted plaster. Modern garbage and burning. Reportedly tombs on terraces below (E) of it -- pottery could either be from tombs or church. Pottery looked at by Joanita, -- collected by YHD from top of plateau. Lots of sgraffito from small open bowls (drinking chalices). Most of it dates to 14th and 15th centuries. The latest is early 16th century. Also some coarse ware vessels - plates, open bowls. There is a possible late 13th/early 14th century piece from Paphos - there appears to be mortar remnants on it (built into walls) - would provide a terminus post quem for construction of church Probably associated with the Medieval village and church of Ayios Epiphanios (TP002)"|488954.00|308.00|"ATB"|11/7/2004 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Paleoekklishia"|0|1|0|3881042.00|0||"TP251"|"Abundant"|0|0|"ATB"|11/7/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Medieval Panayia church - demolished"|"ATB"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Flattened low spur"|"Overgrown with asphodel, spiny burnet, thistle, wild oats"|0|"Ayios Epiphanios"|50.00 "Behind Mayor's house; take a right at the InterAmerican sign off the main road"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Deteriorating"|"Toward base of ridge, just above modern houses. Ca. 6 m north of TP166, northeast of TP127 and TP128"|"Dromos roof has collapsed; it faces northwest. At 2.0 m wide, the dromos seems wider than the other dromoi on the ridge. The chamber is still roofed, 1.6 m high; its floor is roughly circular, 2.2 m in diameter. No visible niches. Roof is approx. 1 m below the surface of the bedrock. Entrance to chamber is supported by modern wooden scaffolding. Modern roof made of corrugated tin and metal rebars used to cover dromos; also remnant of hose in dromos - was this used to pen goats? No - we spoke to the sculptor who lives below - he used it for a greenhouse. Says it's been collapsed for at least 10-20 years."|489828.00||"ATB"|24/6/2004 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3882147.00|0||"TP111"|"None"|0|1|"ATB"|23/6/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXVIII"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Chamber tomb with dromos"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"Toward base of ridge"|"batha"|0|"Katydhata"|70.00 "Behind Mayor's house; take a right at the InterAmerican sign off the main road"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Deteriorating"|"ca. 6 m south of TP111. Northeast of TP127, TP128"|"None of chamber is visible; probably still contained within rock. Dromos is very wide and very overgrown; its floor most likely has not been reached. Faces northwest. Walls of dromos are low and crumbling."|489826.00||"ATB"|24/6/2004 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3882138.00|0||"TP166"|"None"|0|0|"ATB"|23/6/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXVIII"||"TS09"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Collapsed dromos"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"Toward bottom of Katydhata park ridge"|"batha"|0|"Katydhata"|50.00 "Gravel road from north leading to homestead, tractor trail from homestead to terrace cut"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Stable"|"Modern agricultural terrace on steep river bank. The cut was exposed, within the last two years, by bulldozing to flatten land for farming. Total height of section c. 2.25 m Elevation at base of section c. 323 m asl (GPS)Elevation of modern stream channel c. 311.5 m asl (GPS)Total width of section = at least 40 ms. The stratigraphy is clearest in the middle 9 meters, and is described below."|"Sequence of flood deposits (11.5 m above modern stream channel) visible in bulldozed terrace cut above the Karkotis river, containing small isolated pieces of charcoal; animal bone fragments; and abundant pottery sherds. Pottery sherds are present throughout the section above Unit I (PU01), but most notably in the basal lag deposits of the upper four units. Stratigraphy (described from base to ground surface).Note: This fill-terrace sequence occupies the center of a paleo-topographic low. Cross-cutting relationships between units are evident near the channel margins, but are obscured by pedogenesis and erosion.0- 63: Unit I (PU01) : Gravelly alluvium and colluvium; carbonate-cemented channel deposits 7.5YR4/6 dry; hard; massive; gravelly carbonate-cemented silt; 20% angular fine gravel-sized and cobble-sized clasts; percent gravel increases slightly upwards. Pedogenic carbonate present throughout the unit as thin, horizontal streamers (K46), generally thicker (up to 2 cm) in the lower 20 centimeters of the unit and varies to complete saturation (Ku) towards paleochannel margins. Manganese stains common along cracks and pores throughout the unit. Smooth, very abrupt upper contact (erosional unconformity). Near the channel margins, this unit grades into mixed alluvium and regolith - clasts consist largely of angular, slightly-weathered basalt.63-117 Unit II and III: Channel and overbank alluvium; flood deposits.63-77 Unit II (PU02) Channel lag deposit. 10YR4/3 dry; massive; SCL; 30% subrounded, coarse(65mm) gravel-sized clasts, including, bone, ceramics, and charcoal; clast lithology includes basalt and also dunite, graniodiorite, and gabbro; inclusions of channel cobble lag deposits; clear wavy upper contact.77-117 Unit III (PU03) overbank flood deposits, subsequent pedogenesis and burial = 3ABb. 10YR4/2 dry; weak medium subangular blocky structure; Gravelly SiCL; 10% fine to medium poorly to well-rounded gravel-sized clasts; many very fine pores; poor sorting (mixing) of clast sizes suggest possible agricultural use or extensive pedoturbation; abrupt, smooth upper contact (erosional unconformity). Laterally, this unit tapers out along paleochannel margins; pedogenesis obscures contact with Unit I.117-207 Unit IV (PU04): Small channel and overbank alluvium; flood deposits.thin carbonate coatings (K1), few fine roots, 20% very fine gravel throughout; basal 3 cm = lag of very fine gravel containing pottery sherds and manganese stains. upper 10cm = 7.5YR 4/6 dry; massive reddish sand; abundant redoximorphic features (diffuse irregular iron masses/mottles) throughout upper 10 centimeters; possible lateral channelform morphology; clear, wavy upper contact (erosional unconformity). This unit is not laterally extensive, and pinches out near channel margins.207-244 Unit V (PU05): Recent colluvium and anthropogenic fill sediments.Upper 20 cm are 2.5Y 5/3 dry; weak soil profile development (A, 0-20 cm; AC 20-37 cm); Carbonate rip-up cobbles (similar to saturated portions of Unit I) demarcate basal channel lag; near paleochannel margins, continual pedogenesis blurs the contact between these sediments and the lower, incised strata. Soil Profile Interpretation (measured from surface down)A 0 - 20 cmAC 20 - 372C 37 - 1193ABb 119 - 1643Cb 164-1734Crk 173-2375R depth variable"|489662.00|323.00|"ATB"|4/7/2004 00:00:00|0|1|"Some"|0|0||0|1|"Langouphes"|0|0|0|3879422.00|0||"TP246"|"Abundant"|1|1|"CRR"|30/6/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS06"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Section showing sequence of flood deposits with artefacts"|"JSN"|0|"None"|0|"Steep alluvial terrace proximal to river"|"Fallow plowed field"|0|"Phlasou"|90.00 "Track 20 m away"|"63-38-037"|"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"Some"||"FIRST VISIT (HPS, LHS, ESG, DWJ, SEZ, EJI, 26/6/00). Water 500 m to east Arable fields 150 m to east. Topography: terraced hill east face. Army exercises (abandoned) - furrowed army trenches dug against retaining slopes (edge of terraces) with many empty cartridges. 'Scooped' depression - fairly circular across much of top terrace.SECOND VISIT (ERG & co, 28/6/00): Geomorphology recorded on paper form as AVB (Alluvium Basalt). Alluvial deposited plateau (old river bed). Arid soil with little 'holding' capacity. Unusual vegetation, 'desert-like' dominance of genista. Prominent position overlooking current river Karkotis, Linou, Flasou, Kato Flasou. Visibility - north, east and south east and south"|"FIRST VISIT: 3 course boulder constructed cemented with mud gravel visible in place - some lime plaster around - some huge boulders. Surface - Round Gravel/Clay-Silt; Slope - 6-10 degrees; Aspect - East.SECOND VISIT: Pottery: semi coarse, mostly small pieces; 1 piece tile. Chipped stone: 2 pieces - 1 possibly worked, 1 unknown. Surface character: large cobbles some over 0.30 m. Aspect: good visibility with slope facing east. Visibility: light grass and moss. Terrace: Alternating large boulders and smaller cobbles facing east; 60 m long following contour with 'kink' in middle; some 1 & 2 course wall. Depressions: 10 m diameter average; 3 circular; most southerly depression outlined with large and small boulders; 1 rectangular (eastern-most, nearest to terrace) - 50 long x 7 m"|489228.00|344.00|"LHS"|17/5/2001 00:00:00|0|1|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Apatoes 1"|0|1|1|3880226.00|0||"TP001"|"Some"|0|0|"ESG"|28/6/2000 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Shallow depressions, terrace wall of large boulders"|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"Mesa / Plateau"|"Spiney burnet, tetragonia, wild barley, centaura"|0|"Ayios Epiphanios"|60.00 "Along unpaved track directly from new road to Kykko, west of Katydhata"|"63-38-038"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|0|"Some"|"Most walls of church still standing"|"Built into the edge of a fallow alluvial terrace which is now split by a gravel road. Its northern foundations are built into the earthen terrace riser itself. Below (north) of church are alluvial/anthropogenic terraces cultivated with grain."|"CHURCH (BU0103)Part of south eastpart of apse preserved. It may have had a vaulted stone roof. Walls are thick: 1-1.5 m. Extensive use of sherds in interior plaster: pottery, glazed Byzantine (brown); tile, dark red 'cover and pen' tiles; chipped stone and ground stone in walls bound with thick lime/ash mortar.Wall - south corner of possible enclosure wall is preserved. Circular grindstone, probably for cereal, to northwest of church. Modern garbage and burning on its terrace. VILLAGE (recorded by YHD; information given July 2005)Cadastral plots:135: BVM church331-2: Northern part, sherds247: Ayios Epiphanios church251: few sherds; close to church250: sherds in eastern part; western part mainly Greco-Roman224: substantial number of sherds, especially southern corner. Including sugar mould (D-458-22.jpg, D-458-23.jpg; cf. Brigitte-Poree 1995: 496-7; Papanikola-Bakirtzis and Solomidou-Ieronymidou 1998: 264 (from Sarayia)). Mould found in bank along edge of road at 489130/3880921 (plot 250?). 223: few sherds258: building foundation on hillside under lone pine tree. Sgraffito pottery from here: D-458-26.jpg (= TP254)213:substantial number of sherds(Note also the ruined Panayia church (TP251): Cadastral Plot 135Visit with YHD & MJG, 13 July 2005. Tombs c. 40 m NW of Ayios Epiphanios church; lots of Roman tile in field with large basalt outcrop on eastern side of it. Church: unclear structure immediately across road; otherwise a clear gap of little or no Medieval pottery for 50-100 m away from it towards south."|489103.00|300.00|"LHS"|17/5/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Paleokklishia"|0|1|0|3880948.00|0||"TP002"|"Abundant"|1|0|"ESG"|26/6/2000 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ruined church and Medieval village of Ayios Epiphanios"|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"On eastern face of spur north of AyiosEpiphanios village"|"Grain - wild oats, scrub. Vegetation of waste ground, but characterised by a high proportion of 'domestic' and medicinal plants. See report in 'Reports - Geobotany'"|0|"Ayios Epiphanios"|20.00 "20 m S from track coming up from Panayia church"|"63-48-132"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Geomorphology recorded as DI on paper form. Identified from Aerial photograph. Surface - Angular Gravel/Loam; Slope - 11-20 degrees; Aspect - South."|"Bedrock close to surface at S end. Scatter of used military (7.62 mm) cartridges at S end - very weathered"|490833.00|374.00|"LHS"|17/5/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Kourtellolaona"|0|0|0|3880332.00|0||"TP003"|"None"|0|0|"HPS"|27/6/2000 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ovoid mound with defined edges. Appears man made. Approx. 10 x 15 m"|"HPS"|0|"None"|0|"Hillside-Soil/Plant Cover"|"No cereals actually on POSI - but in surrounding area, arable fields 30 m away. Vegetation very sparse, major bare areas but with clumps of thyme, asphodel, grasses (tussocks)"|0|"Phlasou"|80.00 "Small section of old road to south of modern road"||"Abundant"|0|1|0|0|0|"None"|||"Two spans. Rectangular cut stone blocks; some stone robbed from upper courses of parapet.Wall retaining bank constructed from river boulder - some dry stone, some mortared. 25 x 4 m. Long axis NE/SWBuilt under supervision of Edward Nicolls (Divisional Engineer) in 1900, as part of the Nicosia-Troodos road. See Nicolls' report dated 22/2/1901, in State Archives SA1/1922/1899. (MJG, 5/6/01)"|492712.00|312.00|"LHS"|17/5/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|0|1|3880646.00|0||"TP004"|"None"|0|0|"LHS"|29/6/2000 00:00:00|"State Archives SA1/1922/1899"|0|0|0|0|"28-XXI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Stone bridge on stretch of disused road"|"LHS"|0|"None"|0|"River channel/bed"|"Various trees and shrubs in river channel and on banks; bamboo"|0|"Evrykhou"| "Via very steep and unmaintained gravel road"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Geomorphology described as PL on paper form (pillow lava?)"|"Photographs taken/owned by ABK - Print/Colour. WSW face very eroded (photo) - possible ancient adits (??) but completely eroded."|502100.00|600.00|"LHS"|17/5/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|1|0|1|3877000.00|0||"TP005"|"None"|0|0|"ABK"|30/6/2000 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||0|"None"|0|"1:50,000"|"Modern open-cast, with acid lake. Ruined remnants of mining operation. "|"ABK"|0|"None"|0|"Hillside-Bedrock"|"Pinus Brutia"|0|"Ayios Yeoryios"|100.00 "Near to track heading south from Mandres"|"63-48-112"|"Some"|0|0|1|0|1||"Buildings fairly complete - some damage due to military exercises, outer structures destroyed"||"Vicinity of BU0006 and BU0005. These buildings have some terraces still visible but not as detailed enclosures as seen on the aerial photographs. These have been ploughed through."|495820.00|280.00|"EAS"|17/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0||0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|"Mnimata"|0|1|1|3881310.00|0||"TP018"||0|0|"HFJ"|17/7/2001 00:00:00|"2001 Field Report"|0|0|0|0|"28-XXIII"||"TS07"|0||0|"Image Print"|"Outlying buildings approx. 300 m south of Mandres"|"HFJ"|0||0|"Gently sloping to north"|"Surrounded by cultivated crops, grass"|0|"Kato Koutraphas"| "Beside road to Ayios Theodoros"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Kiln in good condition; fairly recently fallen into disuse"|"Bulldozed terrace above road (though probably bulldozed after construction of kiln). Water cistern immediately opposite road, and river 50 m NE. Faces NE"|"Tile kiln made of fired brick, with mud plaster and lime plaster on outside. At least 3 layers of (fired) mud plaster on inside. Floor pierced by 22 holes, each c. 15 x 25 cm, supported on brick arches with fire chamber below. No signs of roof. Collapsed structure to S with corrugated iron roof and wood frame. Samples taken by MJG (8/7/01) and LHS & Ian Evans (several days later)"|492335.00|380.00|"MJG"|8/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||1|0|"Vatherou"|0|0|1|3879155.00|0||"TP019"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|8/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Tile and brick kiln"|"MJG"|0|"Abundant"|0|"River terrace"|"Wild oats and grasses"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|70.00 "By road from North, heading South to Mandres"|"63-48-112"|"Abundant"|0|1|0|0|0|"None"|"Well-preserved, although top of the bridge walls have been partially robbed of stone"|"Bridge crossing small valley, surrounded by agricultural fields and an almond grove. North side of dried stream bed rises steeply to agricultural land. Above fields on Southern side of stream are rocky hillslopes with basalt dykes and small gullies."|"Three-arched road bridge, from colonial period. Made from pale yellow sandstone blocks - irregular blocks except around the arches which are shaped and and regular. Keystones distinct. Wall of bridge is partially plastered. Base of bridge is obscured by sediment buildup. River channel does not seem to be active, judging by amount of dumped material in channel. Bridge crosses channel from NE to SW. Road surface is tarmac.Bridge Width: 5.1 m. Width of road crossing bridge: 4.3 m. Bridge height: approx. 2.8 m. Bridge length: 18.3 m"|495800.00|260.00|"EAS"|8/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|1|3882360.00|0||"TP020"|"Some"|0|0|"SED"|8/7/2001 00:00:00|"Kitchener map. Nicolls' 1901 report (SA1/1922/1899)"|0|0|0|0|"28-XV"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Three-arched single-track colonial road bridge "|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"Drainage Channel"|"Pine, scrub, cultivated wheat"|0|"Kato Koutraphas"|90.00 "On unsealed road"|"63-48-112"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"Some"||"Deserted village, terraces of the gorge ""Argaki ton Mandron"""|"The central area contains the majority of the buildings and threshing floors. Some new cutting of roads have taken place, cutting through threshing floors."|495720.00|280.00|"EAS"|17/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|1|1|3881570.00|0||"TP021"|"Some"|0|0|"HFJ"|16/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XXIII"||"TS07"|0|"Some"|0|"Image Print"|"Mandres, central village area, including houses, streets, etc."|"HFJ"|0|"Some"|0|"Shallow alluvial terraces"|"Built up, village area has some eucalyptus trees and grass"|0|"Kato Koutraphas"| "Dirt track, running east of building, North-south direction."|"63-35-026"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"South and west walls (bottom few courses) are surviving. the rest collapsed inwards and outwards. where the walls have survived they are roughly at the same level, suggesting a different unpreserved material for the upper courses."|"On dirt track leading from slag heap, approximately 50 m north. To the south and west are uncultivated fields and to the north there are cultivated fields. Backs on to a concrete irrigation channel, also elevated 0.5m from the level of the dirt track. SW of POSI obscured by wild olive and briar. Several very large boulders have been bulldozed up against the side of the POSI, probably during dirt track construction."|"A partially collapsed stone built structure. 3.30 x 4.70 m. Building materials consist of pottery, tile, slag, limestone (not local). These are used as chinking ie. used as filling between small boulders and cobbles. Two stone built niches in south western wall: 1) 40 x 35 cm; depth 35 cm. 2) 40 x 40 cm; depth 30 cm. Aesthetic use of tile to fill between stones; preferential use of tiles. Part of the foundation is dirt and boulders where possible."|503200.00|365.00|"CJA"|31/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mavrovouni"|0|1|0|3878010.00|0||"TP022"|"Some"|0|0|"CJA"|10/7/2001 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|1|"Some"|0|"Aerial"|"Small, stone built structure, two niches in west wall"|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"Set on the edge of an alluvial terrace."|"Wild grasses, wild barley, asphodel, wild olive trees."|0|"Ayia Marina"|10.00 "Set 5m back from dirt track on eastern side,running north from slag heap"|"63-35-026"|"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Heavily disturbed possibly due to constuction of irrigation channel."|"South-west at rear of TP022. 45 m north from slag heap. On dirt track leading from slag heap, approximately 50 m north. To the south and west are uncultivated fields and to the north there are cultivated fields. Backs on to a concrete irrigation channel, also elevated 0.5m from the level of the dirt track. SW of POSI obscured by wild olive and briar. Several very large boulders have been bulldozed up against the side of the POSI, probably during dirt track construction."|"Possible remains of boulder built enclosures. Adjacent/attached to POSI TP022. Heavily overgrown and cut by a modern irrigation channel to the west. Probably integrated to POSI TP022.(NB: MJG & KWJ unconvinced that there is a structure here; the rubble piles are very irregular, and there are no clear patches of face surviving)"|503195.00|365.00|"CAT"|31/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mavrovouni"|0|0|0|3878005.00|1||"TP023"|"None"|0|0|"CJA"|10/7/2001 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Possible stone built enclosure adjacent to structure TP022"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Alluvial terrace east of uncultivated fields"|"Wild grasses and barley, wild olive and hawthorn trees"|0|"Ayia Marina"|10.00 "North end of wall/pathway starts behind (west) of large slag heap."|"63-35-026"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Southern section - reconstructed and maintained. Northern section - dilapidated and collapsed."|"All areas to the east are cultivated plots. To the west; uncultivated alluvial terrace. This terrace has several large rock heaps and walls. POSI wall situated on border between the two areas, flanked by new type pipe irrigation system to the east, and older concrete irrigation channel to the west. Wild grass along possible pathway heavily trampled indicated probable use on a regular basis. Next to Cadastral Plot 628"|"Stone built wall 1.32 m wide comprising of river boulders with slag and cobble infill of varying sizes. The pathway is visible from 503255E/3877615N to 503243E/3877930N (c. 115 m). The pathway/wall appears divided into two sections at 503245E/3877870N. The southern section has been raised in order to support the now abandoned concrete irrigation system and provide necessary height for gravitational water flow. he northern section, which ends at the slag heap, is 0.9 m lower than the southern section, and may be nearer to the older land surface. he question that arises from this is: is there a relationship between this wall/pathway and the slag heap? The wall on the west side of the southern section is up to 1.13 m high and the path on the wall is 41 cm below highest point of the wall."|503240.00|365.00|"ATB"|31/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mavrovouni"|0|0|0|3877915.00|1||"TP024"|"None"|0|0|"PLP"|10/7/2001 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|1|"Some"|0|"Aerial"|"Stone built wall (large boulders) associated with possible pathway."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Situated on broad uncultivated terrace between river and olive grove."|"Wild grasses, spiny burnet, thistles and nettles."|0|"Ayia Marina"|10.00 "Road"|"63-35-036"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|1|"None"|"Only 10m maximum is visible from the wall. Wall is currently used as both terrace for grapes as well as the northern part of the river bank. Sediment is built up at least 70 of a metre on the outside of the wall due to river deposition. South western port"|"Wall of church (runs south east) is located on north side of the Asinou River / Potamos. Wall has been used as a means of terracing. Olive grove and small terraces are located to the north of this wall."|"POSI consists of an ashlar wall that runs 46 degrees off north. The wall is very well built - 4 courses high on average with 5 high in some areas. Width of wall is unknown, but from the rubble that is visible it seems at least 1 m. Maximum length visible is 10 m. Width of rubble filled with what appears to be mortar. Ashlar blocks interspersed with square cobbles. Tile in mortar."|496955.00|400.00|"LAM"|23/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Pera Yitonia"|0|1|0|3877890.00|0||"TP039"|"Some"|0|0|"ESG"|20/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS12"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Ashlar wall belonging to ruins of church of Ayios Ioannis."|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"River bank"|"Grape, poplar, rushes, brambles, olive grove, bamboo."|0|"Nikitari"|40.00 "Track to top of ridge."||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"At top of a north/south ridge. Tomb located at northern end. Picnic area at south of ridge. Overlooks mine to the north. Lots of young trees have recently been planted all over the entire ridge. Bulldozing has occurred."|"Rectangular shaped depression with narrower entrance channel coming in at angle. Cut into rock. Current bottom is approximately 1m from surface of ground. Charcoal and metal debris on bottom. 5m in length from start of entrance channel to back wall of tomb. 1.6m in width. Entrance channel 2m long, 90cm width...Actually, it turns out these are foxholes."|489917.00|314.00|"LHS"|24/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|1|3882083.00|0||"TP040"|"Some"|0|0|"JLH"|19/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"||"TS09"|1|"None"|0||"Fox-hole, originally thought to be a tomb"|"HFJ"|0|"None"|0|"Hilltop"|"Very young conifers, urtica, spiny burnett"|0|"Katydhata"| "via ford at point close to where the two river channels meet."|"63-35-026"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Excellently maintained"|"Cadastral Plot number 593-594?An olive tree sits just south of the platform. To the west is a flat tilled field. Immediately adjacent is a lower terrace on same line with dead wild grass on and three almond trees. To east of platfrom the riser is sloped with no retaining wall."|"The platform is c. 9m across and 3.5m deep. The platform's north edge with retaining wall follows the same line as the lower retaining wall of the next terrace. The construction seems to be of the same date. It is unusual in that the wall is not at the lower level of the adjacent terrace. Constructed from river boulders."|503190.00|360.00|"CJA"|27/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kato Kremasha"|0|1|1|3878245.00|0||"TP041"|"None"|0|0|"AGR"|22/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|0|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Platform with 2.5 m high retaining wall."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Highest terrace of steep terraces down to east channel "|"Almond trees and tree on terrace below barley ( 2 rows) on the platform"|0|"Ayia Marina"| "Just above dirt road off main dirt road near beehives at TS02"|"63-35-026"|"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Totally collapsed"|"Situated below terraced orchards, rocky outcrops just to north of structure. Young pines dotted around the area. Hillslope = c.20 degrees, aspect west.Predominantly colluvial hillslope with some evidence of rilling. in area around structure thyme is zero, spiny burnet is dominant."|"Totally collapsed structure. Appears to have two rooms, one is c. 5m (N-S) x 3m (E-W) the smaller room is approx. 3m (N-S) x c. 1.90m (E-W). the area above to the east is flat and it is possible that the structure wall have acted as a retaining wall and collected sediment. JSN has suggested that the lichenation on the stones of the structure those on the terrace walls to the east are similar and suggest a link. A few tiny sherds are visible just downslope. Both AGR and PCB debated as to whether this was a structure at all. The extent of the smaller one is very unclear and the faces of the larger structure are also unclear. 20m downslope of the structure is a riser (walled) (collapsed) and just down slope of this are some potsherds."|503460.00||"CJA"|27/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kato Kremasha"|0|0|0|3878235.00|1||"TP042"|"Some"|0|0|"AGR"|23/7/2001 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Possible collapsed structure"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Situated in QCA, on hillslope (non-terraced), GU0656"|"Spiny burnet, no thyme, wild oats, short wild grass, pine"|0|"Ayia Marina"|40.00 "Road to Ayios Epiphanios village from Mesa Yitonia"|"63-48-131"|"Some"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"||"Overlooking valley from top of hill. Situated on top of terraces."|"Foundations of building and two smaller buildings. Remains of east wall socle. Socle contains chinking of pottery and tile. Foundations include large boulders. Some plaster facing remaining. Sgraffito pottery and animal bone in mudbrick wall."|489210.00||"CAT"|23/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Village"|0|1|1|3880525.00|0||"TP043"|"Some"|0|0|"CAT"|23/7/2001 00:00:00|"Ayios Epiphanios, Village Plan"|0|0|1|0|"28-XX"|"Ayios Epiphanios"||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Ruined building foundations"|"HFJ"|0|"Some"|0|"Hill crest"|"Grasses, spiny thorns, thistles"|0|"Ayios Epiphanios"| "Road alongside olive grove."|"63-48-119"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Hillslope beside harvested field. Various bulldozed cuts and dugouts around the area. Landuse - Garrigue (Jay)"|"Bulldozed cut into side of hill reveals infilled excavation. See sketch attached - North rock cut bearing 200 degrees; profile in excavation 155 degrees."|489970.00|287.00|"LHS"|24/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3882037.00|1||"TP044"|"None"|0|0|"PLP"|24/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"||"TS09"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Shaft (?) truncated by modern cut, back-filled in antiquity."|"HFJ"|0|"None"|1|"Rectilinear bulldozed cut into foot of hill."|"Inside cut = nil. Surrounding = grass and thistle."|0|"Katydhata"| "Easily accessible, next to dirt road."|"63-35-026"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"||"On unmaintained anthropogenic terraces with aspect east. Almond grove terraces. "|"Two-roomed structure built into riser incorporating bedrock into rear north west corner of larger room. All stone wall comprising basalt (angular) and river boulders with angular basalt, limestone, river pebbles and cobbles, tile and pottery all used as chinking. Wall is informally coursed. Rear wall of larger room capped by flat stone, possibly used as a support course for a mud roof. Currently supporting corrugated iron roof on northern third of larger room. Three niches on east wall and two on west wall of larger room. West and south walls of smaller room in ruins. Small window in east wall of smaller room. Form and function of smaller room unclear due to visibility of only two extant walls. Larger room possibly living space while smaller room may have housed animals. Fair amount of wall collapse in smaller room probably from rear wall (west). This may be due to dirt road immediately behind room. [Is this the possible structure next to the threshing floor marked on Cadastral XXIX/50 plot 70-71?]"|502750.00|360.00|"ESP"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Athasi"|0|1|1|3878800.00|0||"TP045"|"Some"|0|0|"AGR"|24/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"1:50,000"|"Two room, rectangular, all stone structure"|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"Sited on anthropogenic terrace"|"Wild oats, hawthorn, spiny burnet, thistle, almond."|0|"Ayios Yeoryios"| "Dirt road through Memi spoil heap"|"63-35-026"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Collapsed, abandoned"|"Located just off the dirt road in amongst the Memi spoil heaps. Just to south east of 'rock' at TS02. Vegetation is found either side of the spoil fan. No thyme visible."|"Collapsed adit with only top 30cm of adit visible and a sloping fan of spoil in front of it. With limonite at base. Calcium leeching out of bedrock, various rock types within spoil including chalcopyrite. The bedrock has been removed anthropogenically and the adit would have extended northwards through the original slope"|503500.00|380.00|"ESP"|31/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mavrovouni"|1|0|0|3877670.00|0||"TP046"|"None"|0|0|"AGR"|24/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Collapsed adit"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Pillow lava bedrock, with spoil above adit."|"Spiny burnet, pine, olive, hawthorn, thistle and rock rose."|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Dirt track to north"|"63-35-026"|"Some"|0|0|1|1|0|"Some"|"Poor. Major collapse, followed by revegetation."|"Immediately east of Memi spoil heaps; pathway down valley toward river. Across dirt track, south of BOP outcrop (TP017). Bordered on south-east, south and south-west by concrete irrigation channel. South-west corner of rockpile has been forced into blunt triangular shape by the channel."|"A large pile of boulders, cobbles, plaster chunks, many with lichenation. Identification as church based on 1925 cadastral map. Some of the stones appear to have been bulldozed to create nearby field boundaries. Stone boundary to west could possibly have originally functioned as a wall related to the church. One piece of painted plaster found in SU0639 is possibly related to the church. Two pieces of painted plaster found in field east of the ruins immediately adjacent to the rubble pile in SU0639.Originally = TP025.PU03"|503295.00|365.00|"AGR"|27/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mavrovouni"|0|1|0|3877730.00|0||"TP047"|"Abundant"|1|0|"ATB"|26/7/2001 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|||"TS02"|1|"Abundant"|0|"Aerial"|"Ruins of the church of Ayios Kyriakos"|"AGR"|0|"Abundant"|0|"SW corner of ploughed terrace"|"Olive orchard to north, almond trees surrounding rockpile"|0|"Ayia Marina"|50.00 "Asinou - Ayios Theodhoros nature trail"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"Only wall stub remains, with much tumble; only 2 short stretches of original facing visible. "|"Distinct raised knoll on spur running SE down into Argaki ton Rotson valley. Reasonable view to SE, though rather obscured by pines. 20 m from path. Some small clearings"|"One clear rectangular room; adjacent one is irregular and apparently open-ended: porch, apse, or oddly collapsed small room? Faces 160 degrees. Heavily lichened with grey lichen. Would need to clear pine needles to find pottery. Main room is 4 x 6 m; extra room extends a further 3 m. Rubble walls c. 60 m high.(This was combined with TP101 by MJG on 28/8/04, as they both described the same POSI)"|495555.00|655.00|"MJG"|21/3/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Palaeomandraes"|0|1|1|3877690.00|0||"TP048"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|21/3/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Two-room ruin on spur"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Knoll on spur between two gullies"|"Pinus brutia; cistus, tall-stemmed dandelion, wild grasses"|0|"Nikitari"|10.00 "Forest track from Asinou; one tapped tree is clearly visible right on edge of road"||"None"|1|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Steep spur running east down to Argaki ton Rotson. The pines which have been tapped are perhaps 100-150 years old, clearly older than most of those round them. "|"Tapping scars are all on the west (uphill) side. Two show burning. Typical one was measured: scar is 90 cm high, and from 21 to 10 cm wide. Clear cuts in the wood: adze striking downwards.NB: 200 m along track to N is a gully full of feral olive trees."|495450.00|635.00|"MJG"|21/3/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Jenerides"|0|0|1|3877175.00|0||"TP049"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|21/3/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Five adjacent pine trees with resin tapping"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Hillslope/spur"|"Pinus brutia, cistus, wild oats"|0|"Nikitari"|10.00 "Just east of dirt road"|"63-35-026"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"The entrance of the adit has been altered by collapse and the adit itself is filled with rubble so the original shape is not preserved."|"Pillow lavas covered by a layer of conglomerates. Terrace wall to the south west creates a platform in front of the adit. An olive tree and an almond tree and cistus bush grow around while pine trees line the sides and the top."|"This is an ancient adit, the roof of which has started to collapse. It is cut in the contact between the conglomerates and the pillow lavas. The roof of the adit is covered with bright red and yellow iron oxides as well as cavities where large boulders use to be cemented. Because of the collapse it is hard to know how deep the adit is but at the moment it is 3.2 m wide and 1.2 m high at the highest point. Measuring with a cane the depth is at least 5 m. Aspect NW. "|503263.00|391.00|"ATB"|31/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877229.00|0||"TP050"|"None"|0|0|"LIK"|25/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS10"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ancient adit"|"LIK"|0|"None"|0|"Cut into NW-facing cliff; partially filled by terrace"|"Pines, olive, almond, cistus"|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Just east of dirt road"|"63-35-026"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Unknown as it is almost completely full of rubble."|"Cadastral Plot number 122?Pillow lavas covered by a layer of conglomerates. Terrace wall to the south west creates a platform in front of the adit. An olive tree and an almond tree and cistus bush grow around while pine trees line the sides and the top."|"Ancient adit, the top roof of which is visible. It is 1.7 m wide at the very top. It is filled with rubble so it is impossible to see its exact shape. With the help of a measuring rod, the depth has been measured to at least 1 m. Similarly to TP050 which lies about 10 m. to the west, it is cut at the contact between conglomerate and pillow lavas. Aspect north. Preserved height: 40 cm Width: 1.7 m"|503269.00|391.00|"ATB"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877231.00|0||"TP051"|"None"|0|0|"LIK"|25/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS10"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ancient adit"|"LIK"|0|"None"|0|"Cut into NW-facing cliff; partially filled by terrace"|"Pines, olive, almond, cistus"|0|"Xyliatos"|10.00 "Just east of dirt road"|"63-35-026"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"The top of the entrance is visible quite nicely, but a lot of conglomerate rubble has filled in the areas further back."|"Cadastral Plot number 122?Pillow lavas covered by a layer of conglomerates. Terrace wall to the south west creates a platform in front of the adit. An olive tree and an almond tree and cistus bush grow around while pine trees line the sides and the top."|"Ancient adit with wide entrance (probably because of collapse). The bedrock platform in the front is preserved and could be the original working surface. Yellow iron oxides line the ceiling. Again the cut is in the contact between conglomerates and pillow lavas. It lies about 10 m north of TP051. Aspect east. Width 2.1 m Height 1.2-1.25 m Depth: 1.5 m"|503273.00|389.00|"ATB"|25/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877219.00|0||"TP052"|"None"|0|0|"LIK"|25/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS10"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ancient adit"|"LIK"|0|"None"|0|"Cut into NW-facing cliff; partially filled by terrace"|"Pines, olive, almond, cistus"|0|"Xyliatos"|50.00 "From terrace where POSIs TP050-054 are located"|"63-35-026"|"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good condition"|"Cadastral Plot number 122?The terrace built on the west edge of the shaft creates a nice terrace which is supported by the terrace built along the road (see TP050). Pine trees, hawthorn, almond trees and olive trees grow on this terrace as well as cystus."|"Almost perpendicular shaft which starts at the terrace where TP050 and TP051 are and goes down to the gully. It is partly filled in and the floor surface is covered by pine needles. A small terrace wall lines the west end of the shaft. Clearly later construction. The walls are almost perpendicular on the south side while the north side curves. There is a small hole at the bottom. 2.4m - 1.7 m wide. Length = 4.8 m north side, 5 m. south side. Aspect east. "|503273.00|386.00|"ATB"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877234.00|0||"TP053"|"None"|0|0|"LIK"|25/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS10"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Almost vertical ancient shaft"|"LIK"|0|"None"|0|"Cut in the west rock face of the gully"|"Pine trees, olive trees, cistus, hawthorn"|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Difficult -- you have to slide down the shaft TP053"|"63-35-026"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good -- probably the best preserved of the ones recorded up to now"|"Cadastral Plot number 122?Cut in the pillow lava, along the west face of the gully. The gully is full of vegetation including pine trees, oleander and others. There are hawthorn bushes in front of the adit. Some collapsed basalt blocks lie in front."|"The adit is just at the bottom of the rock face by the gully -- it is very well preserved as it is not filled in with rubble. It is trapezium shaped (wider floor -- rounded roof). The ceiling has evidence of burning. It is uncertain whether it is fire setting or later use of the ""cave"". Well within the pillow lavas. Yellow and red iron oxides line the ceiling. Aspect east. Width: 1.24 m. Height: 1.7 m at the front. Depth: 1.5 m."|503275.00|384.00|"ATB"|29/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877229.00|0||"TP054"|"None"|0|0|"LIK"|25/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS10"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ancient adit"|"LIK"|0|"None"|0|"Cut on the face of a sheer rock face of pillow lava"|"Hawthorn, pines, canes, bamboo, rushes"|0|"Xyliatos"|100.00 "Crossing the gully and walking along the cement irrigation channel"|"63-35-026"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Cadastral Plot number 122?This is the east side of the gully, the rock face which is the back wall of Memi open cast. The gully is overgrown with vegetation. Large pillows some of which have become detached and fallen off creating cavities which could be mistaken for exploitation"|"Small adit filled with very fine sediment. In front of it runs the cement irrigation channel. This is one of the smallest and not that well shaped adits-could be a pillow that has fallen out as explained above. Aspect SW. "|503291.00|384.00|"LIK"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877230.00|0||"TP055"|"None"|0|0|"LIK"|26/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS10"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small ancient adit"|"LIK"|0|"None"|0|"Cut on the face of a sheer surface of pillow lava bedrock"|"Pine, hawthorn, eucalyptus, oleander"|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Crossing the gully and walking along the cement irrigation channel and climbing up a very steep slope"|"63-35-026"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good"|"Cadastral Plot number 71?This is the east side of the gully, the rock face which is the back wall of Memi open cast. The gully is overgrown with vegetation. Large pillows some of which have become detached and fallen off creating cavities which could be mistaken for exploitation"|"Rock cut shaft with parallel walls perpendicular to face. Approximately 5 m deep at most and 3-4 m at the shallowest point. Floor level is covered in plant matter aand so cannot be identified. A tree is growing in the rear left hand corner of the shaft approximately 2 m from the top. No major features besides the shaft itself could be identified, although the right wall has a large circular dent in it, but this may be the result of natural forces as much as by human agency. Aspect NW. 7 m above the irrigation channel and about 5 m long, 1.1 m wide at the lower end and about 0.8 m at the top."|503296.00|390.00|"LIK"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877227.00|0||"TP056"|"None"|0|0|"ESP"|26/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS10"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ancient shaft"|"LIK"|0|"None"|0|"Cut on the face of a sheer surface of pillow lava bedrock"|"Pine, hawthorn, eucalyptus, oleander"|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Difficult! Cimbing up from the irrigation channel on east side of gully"|"63-35-026"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good"|"Set on same side of the gully as TP055 and TP056 cut on the bare and steep cliff of pillow lavas. It is about 20m south of TP056 but the same level. Near the contact of spoils spilled from the mdern open cast mine"|"A horizontal cut into inter pillow lava material. It is 40 cm wide at the opening, 5 cm high and about 20-30 cm deep. No spoil material in front. At northern side it has a vertical cut into the adjacent pillow above and below and inter pillow material continues beyond this cut which leads to the conclusion that it is anthropogenic. Given the small volume it is interpreted as a prospection cut"|503340.00|395.00|"LIK"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877320.00|0||"TP057"|"None"|0|0|"JSN"|29/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS10"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ancient prospection cut"|"LIK"|0|"None"|0|"Cliff face, bare pillow lavas"|"Pine, hawthorn, cistus"|0|"Xyliatos"|100.00 "Difficult! Cimbing up from the irrigation channel on east side of gully"|"63-35-026"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good"|"Set on same side of the gully as TP055 and TP056 cut on the bare and steep cliff of pillow lavas. It is about 20m south of TP056 but the same level. Near the contact of spoils spilled from the mdern open cast mine"|"A horizontal cut very similar to TP057. About 30 cm wide, 30 cm deep, and 10-15 cm high. Some spoil material in front of the cut. Vertical cut on both sides. The cut goes through pillows and inter pillow material There is salt efflorescence at the back wall. All this supports the idea that again this is an anthropogenic cut and because of the size it seems to be a prospection cut."|503340.00|395.00|"LIK"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877320.00|0||"TP058"|"None"|0|0|"JSN"|29/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS10"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ancient Prospection Cut"|"LIK"|0|"None"|0|"Cliff face, bare pillow lavas"|"Pine, hawthorn, cystus"|0|"Xyliatos"|100.00 "Forest track from Asinou"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good"|"Major saddle in ridge which blocks SW end of Asinou basin (between Hills 774 and 765)"|"ON SW side of saddle, road zigzags down the steepest part, then traverses down the east side of the gully, heading west. c. 1 m wide. Clearly cut into side of hill. Well overgrown with grass and cistus. On NE side of saddle, it traverses down the slope to the NE. Where it crosses the saddle it is obliterated by modern forest track, which is deeply cut into the diabase ridge. I followed the path to the NE about 300 m: mostly quite clear, though there seem to be contouring tree-planting trenches which can be confused with it, and there are various unused bulldozed forest tracks which have destroyed it. Then lost it?"|494815.00|700.00|"MJG"|21/3/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Kapsalia"|0|0|0|3876370.00|0||"TP059"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|21/3/2002 00:00:00||1|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Track crossing saddle"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Saddle/side of gully"|"Pinus brutia, cistus, grass, assorted purple and yellow flowers"|0|"Nikitari"|20.00 "Walking across gullies from dead-end road going south from Nikitari"||"Some"|0|0|0|1|0|"None"|"Unrecognisable as architecture"|"Smoothly sloping piedmont (?), aspect NE, slope c. 8 degrees. Thickly planted with barley. A few terrace walls, but mostly bulldozed terraces; hawthorns in banks and walls. Piedmont bounded by gullies on each side. Mountains start c. 400 m to south. "|"NB 1:50,000 map puts ruined church of Ayios Theodhoros at 500100/3879850 Rubble pile, partly overgrown by hawthorn, and partly buried by more recent field clearance. Some tile in it. Scatter of pottery extending c. 50 m downslope NE-SE, where good visibility. Seems to extend to SW and W as well, but visibility very bad.Mostly Med-Mod, including 14-15th century sgraffito, and more recent brown glaze. One piece sigillata. Lots I didn't recognise... Pithos fragment with chi-rho motif.Lots of tile: square-rimmed, with very light orange-cream clay, and creamy yellow slip. Lots of jasper, though none worked that I could see. Possible plaster fragments.Also visited by LHS as part of his survey in 2003"|500020.00|425.00|"MJG"|16/3/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|0|1|1|3879710.00|0||"TP060"|"Abundant"|1|0|"MJG"|16/3/2002 00:00:00||0|1|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Rubble pile, marked as ruined church of Ayios Theodhoros, with tile and scatter of Medieval-Modern pottery"|"MJG"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Piedmont"|"Grass, hawthorn, asphodel, barley, spiny burnet"|0|"Nikitari"|50.00 "Dirt track road."|"63-35-036"|"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"Unclear"|"Ruined, some reuse of houses."|"Two gullies on either side. River is to the south. Gullies colluvial and alluvial."|"Situated on TT496800E. Grid reference refers to centre of settlement (taken from new aerial, 11/8/04). One threshing floor 12m (l) x 6m (w) running east-west, possibly another as well. Circular track of paving around earthern centre. Located to the north of village. ""HOUSE 1"" is a one room structure 9m (l) x 4m (w). Walls are 1/2m thick. One hearth. Doorway opens south. All aligned SW-NE. Interesting terrace south-east of House 1 with division down centre.""HOUSE 2 Complex"" (Luke's SE0033) consists of five rooms not joined by doors. Entrance from the south of rooms. Situated against embankment. Some modern additions to House 2 Complex: an iron corrugated/aluminium roof. Two fireplaces, both on north west wall. Room one 9.5m x 3.8m, room two 3.8m (l), room three 3.8m (l), room four 6m (l), room five 10.5m (l). All are 4.3m (w). Room one is half mudbrick, half stone. Between rooms two and three a mudbrick wall has been built to fill in doorway connecting rooms. Roof held down by large pottery and rocks. Big pine tree behind complex has several big branches sawed off...building seems to have large timbers for roof. Bamboo reeds used as well. ""HOUSE 3"" is a one room structure, same dimensions as house one. Positioned south-east in the settlement. Houses consist of large stones, some mudbrick mortar, some pottery in walls. Luke also records SE0034, a long 2-roomed house 110 m NE of House 2."|496800.00||"JLH"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Pera Yitonia"|0|1|1|3877925.00|0||"TP061"|"Abundant"|0|0|"JLH"|26/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||1|"None"|0||"Abandoned village to the north of Asinou River"|"ESG"|1|"Abundant"|0|"Situated on natural/anthropogenic terraces. "|"Wild oats, almond tree, hawthorns."|0|"Nikitari"| "From Asinou-Jerenides road, cross river at new field house, turn right and up"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Half has collapsed; lower half mostly preserved"|"Steep flank of the ridge on the N side of Asinou, heavily dissected by steep-sided gullies leaving narrow spurs. Cairn is in the centre on one such spur. A cast whitewashed concrete cairn (No. 35) is 20 m to the ENE, on the edge of the spur. Pines stretch c. 50 m downhill (ie. outside the forest): most are 20-50 years old; no older ones; quite a few saplings and poles (good regeneration?)"|"Masonry forest cairn. Diameter at base 76 cm. Diameter at preserved top c. 71 cm. Height at E (downslope, highest side) 30 cm. c. 40 stones (bigger than c. 15 cm) lie scattered round it in a ring of 1-2 m. This is perhaps twice the volume of the surviving portion, so the original height was probably 60-70 cm. Sides taper inwards c. 16 degrees from the vertical. Quite carefully built: angular basalt rocks placed so that their faces are relatively flush with each other. Some chinking with smaller pieces of basalt. Traces of plaster on E, N and S: soft & white with hard yellowish crust. Core: some rubble, packed with lots of earth. Angular stones: no outcrop in immediate vicinity; but bad visibility with soil/vegetation cover. Measured plan by Sophie, 30 July 01"|497000.00|490.00|"MJG"|31/7/2001 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Ambelia"|0|0|1|3878300.00|1||"TP062"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|29/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"1:50,000"|"Masonry forest cairn"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Steep narrow spur with steep gullies on each side. Aspect SE"|"Pinus brutia, cistus villosus, wild oats, grasses"|0|"Nikitari"|10.00 "(East) up dirt track off main Katydata road"|"63-48-119"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Stable"|"Amidst water tank systems and farm. Cut into BOP outcrop, which was formerly more steeply sloping, but now is less so because modern dirt and gravel road build-up. Next to heavily vegetated gully."|"Narrow pathway about 0.7 m wide, cut into bedrock, leading to roughly circular chamber, with a sloping roof to one side. Chamber is about 2m in diameter, its maximum height is about 1.5m. The top of the chamber is missing and it has been covered over by modern bricks, cement, a corrugated tin roof and river boulders for support. Water pump electric meter inside.8/7/04 ATBThe mayor has confirmed (via Marios) that this structure is a tomb. The aspect of the tomb is SSW and the dromos opens toward the SW. The outcrop/protrusion through which the dromos is cut, and the slant of the east side of the chamber's roof, suggest that it may have been cut by exploiting a dyke. Ceiling was once domed. Previous measurements are accurate. GPS 489801E, 3882040N."|489885.00||"CAT"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3882005.00|0||"TP063"|"Some"|0|1|"ATB"|27/7/2001 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-xx"||"TS09"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Rock-cut tomb"|"HFJ"|0|"None"|1|"On BOP outcrop midway down west side of ridge"|"Capers, globe thistle [artichoke?], wild barley"|0|"Katydhata"|50.00 "Visible from paved road going from opposite Koutroullis to Korakou"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"Walls extant; roof collapsed."||"Small square house c. 4 x 4 m and 3 m high, with door on North looking onto track. Lower half is built of river stones, packed with cobbles and tile. Top half is mud brick. Collapsed roof of beams and half-round tiles. Some rubble around, mainly built into retaining walls; also large rectangular hole (c. 1.5 x 3 m) with spoil heap; everything very overgrown, so hard to see if any of this represents more ruins; probably not."|489625.00|335.00|"MJG"|10/7/2005 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Amaxostrata"|0|0|1|3878730.00|0||"TP064"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|10/7/2005 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small isolated building"|"MJG"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Anthropogenic terrace, one level above Karkotis flood plain"|"Orchard, brambles, thicket"|0|"Korakou"|20.00 "On slope north of new Evrykhou-Linou road; car scrap heap immediately to south"|"4900h"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Only posterior portion remains - emptied."|"Toward top of slope with S-facing aspect. Tomb opens to the south, with good view southwards up the valley and south-west to west across it."|"Roman tomb. Exposed during road construction. To be published by Yeoryios Yeoryiou, Danielle Parks, Kristina Winther Jacobsen. 10.3 m long, with niches. 3 identical limestone sarcophagi in situ; clay lids. Hellenistic I to Antoninus (AD 282-3). Worn limestone stele with 2 standing figures. (this information from Georghios Georghiou's CAARI talk in 2002 - MJG)Perhaps associated with this record: Evrykhou Varkakes; Roman settlement; 2 objects: Cyprus Museum inventory 1955/IX-2-2/2-3; Nicolaou I. 1984: 234, n. 2"|490263.00|403.00|"ATB"|11/7/2004 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Varkakioes"|0|0|0|3878635.00|0||"TP065"|"Abundant"|0|0|"ATB"|11/7/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Hellenistic and Roman tomb - Evrychou Tomb 5"|"ATB"|0|"Abundant"|1|"Hillslope above modified alluvial terrace, cut through for new road."|"Cut bare; grass etc, a few pines"|0|"Evrykhou"|100.00 "Forest track heading to Kapoura from saddle south of Kakos Anemos"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|0|"None"|"Long ruined (not unlike Vouni/TP031 or Mitsero Mavrovounos)"|"Slopes above and around the spur covered with pine and Quercus alnifolia. No obvious views across the landscape - but the trees are large and old on the spur. Huge amount of Quercus alnifolia on hillslopes all around - especially to south. Large amount of rhizocarpentinae (green lichen) on stones of church - especially east facing tumble beyond apse."|"Taken there by Panayiotis Loppas. This is what he told us about it; needs revisiting and recording properly. People went from Aspri to work at Foukassa. Houses partitioned (like those of Mandres tous Jerenides and Pera Yitonia (TP038, TP039)) and divided to separate inhabitants from the animals (goats). Water can be found on the mountain top. His father spent 6 months a year with his goats at Aspri. It was ruined then, though the walls were rather higher; it's probably 400 years old. His father laid pine logs and branches over the walls as a roof. The goats grazed; they liked the urtica leaves. Then they would move on to Asinou or Karterouni; once the goats had eaten the food there, they would move on again. They spent 6 months in each place. The whole area had grapes, figs, and ????fa (zizifa; Zizyphus spinochristi?): with the zizifa they would eat the fruit, cut the stone on each side, put a hole through for string, and use it as a worry bead. He was here in 1941-42. There were lots of old sherds, with colours [like a 15-16c sgraffito base we found]: they put oil and a wick in them, and used them for lamps. His father told him, 'Don't break them, leave them here for next year.' The church was full of coloured glazed vessels [like the sgraffito base, which came from the same place]. Now they've bulldozed it totally, to make the water tank and the bulldozed terrace it sits on. It had a paved floor. The apse was on the east side, on the edge of the bulldozed terrace. It was the church of Ayios Efxivios. The icon of Ayios Efxivios was taken to the church at Astromeritis. 100 year old pine in middle of settlement; grew up since the settlement. [Ribbed pithos from church site] His grandfather, from his grandfather, remembers that there used to be 8,000 people at this settlement. [Water trough by tank has '19/7/91 ???T? ?????' inscribed in concrete27 July 2003.Returned after two years to record Aspri more fully - LHS with SMJ, CSA & AKR. Whether anything ever stood where the water tank now stands (See 2001 POSI Record, above) I don't know, but the ruins of a church sit at the NE end of the spur. The walls of the church stand 2-3 courses high - several good stretches of face on interior and exterior and at least one good corner. No signs of current religious activity. An area of settlement is spread along the middle section of the spur, on both sides of the ridge. Nowhere is this area as clear as the church. Toward the road, the settlement area is truncated by the bulldozed platform now graced by the water tank and a partridge cage."|497170.00|959.00|"MJG"|8/9/2001 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Aspri"|0|1|0|3874160.00|0||"TP066"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|30/8/2001 00:00:00|"Northing 3874160"|0|0|1|0|"37-VII"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Abandoned late Medieval village with church"|"MJG"|0|"Abundant"|0|"High spur-ridge"|"Pine, terebinth, asphodel, cistus, Quercus alnifolia, rhizocarpen tiniae"|0|"Ayios Yeoryios"| "Spilia-Ayios Theodhoros road; stop by cistern/old bend in road"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"One structure still has most of a roof on its upper floor; rest are mostly walls standing to 1-2 m. "|"Cadastral Plot numbers 79-117, 166-182.East side of Kourdhali Valley, on steep west-facing slope. Spur on north; gully then high spur on S. This facet of the hillslope (caused by old landslide?) has lush green vegetation, with an abrupt line between that and the thin-soiled forest floor on S, E and N. Lower of this 'facet' is intensively terraced; plus a few more areas down nearer the river. So very restricted arable land to exploit."|"Central cluster of structures, with a few outliers. Impressive and complex terracing. Access from the west is awkward, involving scrambling up terrace walls; note the path skirting round the spur on the south. Terrace continue further to the west, as far as the river. Forest cairn on spur to south is very visible from the settlement (though I couldn't see any others). Some mapping in 2003."|493360.00|730.00|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Karterouni"|0|1|1|3873340.00|0||"TP067"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|||"TS14"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Karterouni abandoned settlement"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"Hillslope"|"Thick grass, ?fennel, fig, terebinth, almond, olive, eucalypt"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|10.00 "Spilia-Ayios Theodoros road"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Excellent: almost entirely complete"|"Cadastral Plot number 143 or 145Halfway up end of spur, overlooking Kourdali river. West-facing. Remains of built terraces below, on river terrace 40 m across and 60 m long. Rough ground and pine above. No sign of modern cairn in area (though didn't look very hard)."|"Square in plan, tapering to irregular top. Large chunks of gabbro, some extending across entire width. Thickly plastered inbetween rocks. Creamy yellow whitewash, surviving best on plaster."|493234.00|686.00|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Philanti"|0|0|1|3873740.00|1||"TP068"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Masonry forest cairn"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Steep hillslope"|"Pine, cistus, asphodel, moss, grass, hawthorn"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|10.00 "From Spilia-Ayios Theodhoros road (or track on west side of valley)"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Top broken off"|"East-facing slope, just above abandoned terraces"|"Fairly squat, square in plan. Traces of creamy-yellow whitewash, mainly but not entirely on plaster"|493033.00|726.00|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Teratsia"|0|0|1|3873166.00|1||"TP069"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Masonry forest cairn"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Hillslope"|"Pine, cistus, asphodel"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"| "Spilia-Ayios Theodhoros road, or just above track on west side of valley"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|0|"None"|"Walls survive for most of the way round, up to about 60 cm high. "|"Classic position on end of spur looking across valley to E, and up valley to S (Spilia not visible). N obscured by the next spur. cf. the spur churches in the Karkotis valley"|"See plan. Apse filled in by rough wall. Stack of stone and tile in NE corner. Extra room on S. Approx 12 x 4 m. Bottles: brown & green beer bottles, clear brandy bottles, plastic oil bottles. Apparently for oil and dedication, rather than partying... Relatively recent; certainly deposited well after the abandonment & collapse of church. 15 March 2002.Surviving walls of church stand between 0.5 and 1m tall. There is some evidence of repair/rebuilding, especially on the internal/dividing wall.Overlooks Karterouni on the far side of the valley. 26 July 2002"|492925.00|752.00|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Ayios Yeoryios"|0|1|1|3873325.00|0||"TP070"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ruined church of Ayios Yeoryios"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"End of spur"|"Cistus, glorious asphodel, white pea/vetch, pine, grass"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|10.00 "Ayios Theodhoros-Spilia road; above track along west side of valley"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Ruinous"|"Higher up on the same spur as church of Ayios Yeoryios. NB this spur stands out from all surrounding ones by lushness of vegetation, above all the incredibly thick asphodel (the pea/vetch is everywhere). No arable land, other than that down by river"|"Jumble of very overgrown rubble piles and walls. It'll be a challenge to map it so it's meaningful... Some rooms and structures still discernible. Very similar in situation and survival to Aspri. Healthy amount of pottery around. One relatively recently broken kouza, in large pieces: presumably deposited well after the abandonment of the settlement. Buried pithos, with intact rim c. 25 cm below surface level; 3/4 full of earth. 15 March 2002.Located on spur extending south from main spur running into valley. Marked on 1:50,000 as 'Church of Ayios Yeoryios' and on Cadastral plan as 'Ayios Yeorgios Church (In ruins).' Cadastral shows a possible enclosure (Plot 149), marked as a Christian cemetery, around a building. On the ground identified two separate clusters of structures, a road and the church (TP070).Cluster 1: 3 adjoining rooms in L-shape and 1 outlier. Buried pithos and broken kouza are to south of L-shape, also part of circular grinding stone made marine terrace rock.Cluster 2: Located halfway down spur toward church. 5-7 rectangular and ovoid structures, some of which are segmented. Poor preservation. Possible goat folds in north-west of cluster. Some pottery on the ground around the structures. Weathered, sawn pine stumps in southern structure. Tree rings unclear, but stumps may give ideas for the date of abandonment.Road: Located to north of Cluster 1 at 492886/3873465, elev. 744m. Associated with clusters 1 & 2 and possibly church. May connect to Karterouni. Runs north/south. 26 July 2002."|492880.00|760.00|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Ayios Yeorgios"|0|1|0|3873420.00|0||"TP071"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ruined settlement on spur above Ayios Yeoryios church"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"Spur"|"Asphodel, white-flowered pea/vetch; hawthorn, pine, cistus"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|20.00 "Spilia-Ayios Theodhoros road"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Excellent, apart from a couple of small hawthorns growing up through them. Could easily be cleaned up. "|"Below main part of village and the 'middle terraces'; seem to be sited down here so that they're not sheltered from the wind by the big spur to the north of Karterouni."|"Three threshing floors dug into spur, with dry stone retaining walls above them. Upper one is paved. Not fully audited as no paper form. Grid reference comes from GIS."|493255.00||"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Karterouni"|0|1|1|3873335.00|0||"TP072"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS14"|0|"None"|0||"Threshing floors at Karterouni"|"MJG"|1|"None"|0|"Hillslope"|"Grass; pine; hawthorn"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|50.00 "Spilia-Ayios Theodhoros road"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|||"Easy place to cross stream, presumably made into a ford: clear track on E; relatively clear path on W. Connects the western terraces to the eastern ones and Karterouni. Stream has deposited some very worn pottery right on the ford, c. 20 pieces in a 5 m stretch. Just on outside of bend. Where's it come from?Track winds pleasant up through the terraces on the east, about 2 m wide. Seems ot peter out in gully just before main Spilia - Ayios Theodhoros road.Not fully audited as no paper form"|493130.00|700.00|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Karterouni"|0|1|1|3873320.00|0||"TP073"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|||"TS14"|0|"None"|0||"Ford and track at Karterouni"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"Bottom of steep V-shaped river valley"|"bramble"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|50.00 "Close to Ayia Marina Road"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good"|"At the base of earthen terrace on terraced field. Rubbish on top of terrace and rusted buckets, drum next to well and plastic bucket with string. Stone built terraces. In valley with numerous terraces close to base of hillslope. Jasper outcrop. Fig tree indicative of source of water - aquifer running down hill? Manky water!"|"Pottery: 19th / 20th century - recent glazed piece, recent Kouza (water jug) coarsewareDepth: 450cm to bottom; 250cm to water. Opening: approx 47cm squaredLining: dry stone with chinkingSmall amount of jasper in constructionBasalt"|503940.00|402.00|"RJM"|4/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Tholos"|0|0|1|3878800.00|1||"TP074"|"Some"|0|0|"RJM"|4/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Stone lined well"|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"Base of terrace on terraced field"|"Cistus, Pinus brutia, hawthorn, thyme, thorny burnet, fig, almond"|0|"Ayia Marina"|70.00 "Easily accessible between back road from Ayia Marina and Memi mine"||"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Bulldozer backfill in the adit"|"Bulldozed terracesAlmond grove"|"Deep: 100cmHorizontal: 150cmVertical: 50cmBasaltCopper oxide staining prominentPhotos: 3 from E by JSN in D-028"|504015.00|463.00|"RJM"|4/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Motis"|1|0|0|3878370.00|0||"TP075"|"None"|0|0|"RJM"|4/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Adit in bulldozed terrace"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"In series of bulldozed terraces"|"Capers, almonds, wild oats, wild thyme, young pine"|0|"Ayia Marina"|40.00 "Backroad from Ayia Marina to Memi mine"||"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Poor (lower one in quite bad state of collapse)."|"A broad gully narrowing to the south which has been left to go wild."|"Upper dam is in the broad part of the gully with the lower one in the steeper part. Lower Check dam: 7 courses of rough stones at the centre with 3 courses at each end forming the shape of a lense. Larger basalt blocks on outer facing with a fill of smaller more angular blocks (down to very large pebble size). NW part has collapsed providing quite a useful view of the core. Width: 2.6m. Height: 0.9m. Thickness: 0.8mUpper Check Dam: Width: c. 11mConstructed of small basalt boulders, blocks smaller and more angular than in the lower check dam."|504025.00|442.00|"ASM"|7/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Sykia tou Kaiserili"|0|1|1|3878035.00|0||"TP076"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|7/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"2 check dams in a gully"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"In a gully"|"Wild thyme, young pine, wild barley, hawthorn"|0|"Ayia Marina"|10.00 "Back road from Ayia Marina to Memi mine"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Surface still intact but overgrown; reinforced cut collapsing in places"|"Between almond grove and terracing below with younger pine on the upper part of the terracing and older pine further down. Hawthorn along the pathway on either side, wild thyme on path surface in places."|"Section of path through transect line runs SW/NE. Cut into hillside and reinforced with angular basalt. This cut is up to 60cm in height; width of path up to 130cm.Hard packed surface with bedrock visible in places. Embankment is up to 80cm in height on transect line - enough width for 2 donkeys (according to JSN but disputed by SED). The path surface narrows and erodes badly to NE."|504000.00|449.00|"ASM"|7/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Sykia tou Kaiserili"|0|0|0|3877920.00|0||"TP077"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|7/7/2002 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Path/roadway"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Hillside"|"Pine, spiny burnet, wild barley/oats, hawthorn. Almonds, wild thyme."|0|"Ayia Marina"|10.00 "Back road from Ayia Marina to Memi Mine"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Poor - collapsed"|"Concentration of spiny burnet below the house and wild thyme above and to the sides. Young pines creeping up the hill. Dry stack terracing above it and check dams below it (TP075)."|"Across back wall -- 4.20 metresAcross the front -- 6.20 metresDepth across middle -- 2.40 metresCollapsed field house cut into hillside with a stone lined back and side walls. Front wall has collapsed into back wall. A number of the stones are heavily lichenated suggesting it has been collapsed for some time. JSN mentioned he had never seen one at such a low elevation before - it is a typical mountain field house construction."|504060.00|477.00|"RSB"|8/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Sykia tou Kaiserili"|0|1|1|3878045.00|1||"TP078"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|8/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Collapsed field house"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Hillside"|"Wild oats, wild thyme, hawthorn, spiny burnet, young pine"|0|"Ayia Marina"|50.00 "Agricultural road off back road between Ayia Marina and Memi Mine"||"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Good"|"Check dam between two basalt dykes within a series of check dams in a gully (4 check dams noted including this one).Some red and green jasper, with more green than red."|"Height at highest point -- 3 metresLength and longest point -- 7.20 metresDry stone construction of numerous different igneous rocks (iron and copper rich). Larger construction at the base with smaller more angular blocks above. Larger blocks up to 55cm across. Smaller blocks down to approx. 10cm across on upper layers.Appears to be 2 possible phases of construction, second one mainly of smaller blocks."|504060.00|407.00|"RSB"|8/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Lovarkatis"|0|1|1|3877690.00|0||"TP079"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|8/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Check dam below within a series of check dams in a gully"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"In a gully crossed with two dykes with inweathering between them"|"Almonds, wild oats, spiny burnet"|0|"Ayia Marina"|50.00 "Agricultural road off back road between Ayia Marina and Memi Mine"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Collapsed"|"Terraced hillside -- dry stack and chinkingCheck dam is on second order gully coming from SSE leading into large third order gully with check dams (TP079)."|"Front -- 4.80 metresWidest point -- 2.8 metresDistance to terraced wall -- 0.9 metresThe collapsed structure is situated within the curved check dam 0.9 metres behind it."|504050.00|409.00|"RSB"|8/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Lovarkatis"|0|1|1|3877680.00|1||"TP080"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|8/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"20-XXVII"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Possible field shelter/pen"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Behind a track on an anthropogenic terrace"|"Spiny burnet, wild oats, almonds, capers, centurion thistle"|0|"Ayia Marina"|70.00 "On road"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"Derelict uninhabited village with one new housing unit, locked and habitable"|"Cadastral Plot numbers 181, 180, 77, 75, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 179Village just below forest boundary, surrounded by steeply sloping gully walls"|"Abandoned agglomerated village showing several phases of re-building/re-use. Stone, stone/mudbricks, flat earth roofs. Described as BU0047, related to TP082 and TP083 and BU0116. See plan TJI-001-01, TJI-002-01."|497088.00|514.00|"MLL"|23/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|1|1|3877846.00|0||"TP081"|"Abundant"|0|0|"TJI"|13/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|||"TS03"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Abandoned village, architectural remains."|"TJI"|0|"Some"|0|"Located on the saddle of a spur extending east into the Asinou valley, overlooking Asinou Panayia church"|"Cereals, orchards, batha to sparse forest"|0|"Nikitari"| "On a track to Asinou"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"Unclear"|"Preserved to roof height. No roof and first floor."|"Close to abandoned village of Nikitari-Asinou occupying slopping land to the SE of the village."|"One and a half storey 'makrinari' style house. Mudbrick on top of stone socle (1.2m high NW face, 2.3m high SE face).Evidence of a flat mud roof supported by timber beams with reed ceiling. Entrance to first floor through door in the NW face. Entrance to the ground floor through SE door. Windows in the first floor on the N and S faces. A 'mandra' (goat fold) adjoins the house to the E. A 'mandra' is constructed from the ruined remains of a stone building, as well as some timber, gorse and corrugated iron.Measured drawing: CLT-001-01.Pottery samples taken from walls (BU0116)"|497102.00|513.00|"MLL"|24/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|1|1|3877839.00|0||"TP082"|"Some"|0|0|"CLT"|10/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS03"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Two-storey house (dhipato) with attached goatfold (mandra)"|"TJI"|0|"None"|0|"Built into steeply slopping (20deg) gully wall"|"Batha"|0|"Nikitari"| "on graded track"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Spur extending into Asinou valley surrounded by orchards and patches of forestry. Clear view to church, to the east of the village. Completely levelelled pad at the tip of the spur."|"Possible 'aloni'or threshing area.Threshing area slightly encroached by wild barley.29 meters in length and 15.90m in width.Access to POSI would not have presented any problems due to clear path between the two locations.No evidence of purpose built round retaining wall but a lot of loose rubble.Village just below forest boundary. Local woman later informed us that the area was not used for threshing as far as she knew. Area has been graded recently, purpose unknown"|497167.00|515.00|"MLL"|24/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|1|1|3877916.00|0||"TP083"|"None"|0|0|"TJI"|13/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS03"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Potential threshing floor area to the east of the abandoned village"|"TJI"|1|"None"|0|"Located at the very tip of the spur to the north east of the abandoned village"|"cereal, hawthorn"|0|"Nikitari"|80.00 "Road to Kykko monastary 500m away"||"None"|1|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Fairly good"|"Ploughed agricultural fields surrounding POSI. POSI is situated within an orchard. Irrigation channel infront of POSI."|"Four risers with three treads. First riser is roughly half a meter tall. First tread is roughly half a meter wide, this the irrigation channel, directly west at base of the tree. Channel exploits natural processes. Olive tree is growing into second tread, which is roughly half a meter wide. Risers two and three roughly one meter tall. Olive tree is possibly surrounded by two other other olive trees. Some broken branches, some cut off. Olive tree has split and now has at least three parts. Tree still sprouting shoots. Tree is hollow, showing that it is very old. The rock used to build terrace are from a river, these consist of cobbles and boulders. These boulders hindered the discovery of ground stone in the area"|489446.00|222.00|"AJG"|9/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Lymnoes"|0|1|1|3881663.00|0||"TP084"|"Some"|0|0|"AJG"|9/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Very old olive tree with 3 terraces cut into risers of larger terrace."|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"Flat alluvial terraces going down to Karkotis river"|"Olive trees, orange trees, fig trees and lots of wild vegetation."|0|"Katydhata"|80.00 "immediately east of main Katydhata road, across street from school"|"72cy_38038"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Destroyed/disappeared"|"An anthropogenic terrace; land is built up by bulldosed fill, probably to level and raise ground for house consrtuction and possibly in conjunction with fairly recent renovation and widening of the main road."|"Currently under house and modern lemon orchard. Pottery/stone scatter reported by Cyprus Survey may have been reported during the construction of this terrace and/or during renovation of the road. TP037 (tomb) is approximately 30 meters to the North East on an adjacent cadastral plot. The owner of TP037's land reported that several tombs were discovered on this segment of road when it was widened. The potential proximity to these tombs may explain the pottery/stone scatter.CS 2755. Shelf no. III-K-17. File no. 48/57/A/3, 13/7/93. Surface survey"|489725.00|271.00|"CLT"|3/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|1|"Karkotis"|0|1|"Kouglides and Appithkies"|0|0|0|3881815.00|0|"II"|"TP085"|"Some"|1|0|"ATB"|2/8/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XII"|"1:1250"|"TS09"|0|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Stone and sherds from an Archaic-Roman settlement and from Kaminia"|"ATB"|0|"Some"|0|"Now covered by modern houses and probable fill"|"orchard-citrus"|0|"Katydhata"|20.00 "The ford to the South of 'the rock of Ayios Kyriakos'"||"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Good in places, poor in others. Deteriorates to South but generally neglected."|"Within a series of terraces of olives and almonds. Well pollarded olives. Towards the East near the river there are more fruit trees (vines, figs and other orchards).Some vines upslope to West. Lagoudhera river is 3 terraces downslope to East."|"(Above information is for on the path)On terrace below: Pottery: some; Tile: some; Chipped Stone: none; Ground Stone: none; Slag: none; Arch: none. Visibility 80%.SU1625 is on next terrace upslope to West. Some pottery was visible in a collapsed section. Path surface where intact is hard and compact with small stones.Avery compacted A Horizon (that is indistinguishable from the B Horizon) suggests that it is a path.There appears to be a water channel on top of path along the westedge that is covered over by river boulders and concrete (channel is not visible as it is under the boulders). Boulders of terrace construction are between 2080cmhorizontally and between 10-60cm vertically. The path itself is approximately 150cm wide. Width of lower terrace wall is approx. 50cm wide and is approx110cm high at point where POSIed. Upper terrace is approx. 170cm high.At the end of the lower terrace where the bedrock starts to become a cliff above theriver the path splits: the lower part goes down towards the river; with the upper path circling its way up and around the cliff. Overgrown and not visible on other sideofriver. Some collapse of path just below SU1625 also some damage due to construction of water pipes above and bellow as well as some naturalcollapse/damage. South end of path comes out at the road leading to the Adits in TS10.The riser below the path reaches up to 4m in places while the terracedriser above is consistently approx. 2m high (much more variation below.COMMENTS:This path is easily identified on Cadastral map with a dashed line.Cadastral Plot 332 (on Cadastral Plan XXIX50) is the North end of the section on West of the River; Cadastral Plot 268 is South end of the section POSIed"|503225.00|381.00|"ASM"|11/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|0|0|0|3877415.00|0||"TP086"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|11/7/2002 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path between two terrace walls"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Within a series of dry stone terraces"|"Olives, almonds, wild oats, capers"|0|"Xyliatos"|10.00 "Newly cut ford from 'The Rock of Ayios Kyriakos'"||"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Good"|"This is on the riser above the Laghardera River that holds up the tread of the path."|"Just to the south of where TP086 splits, the construction of the path running to the river and the presumed ford shows signs of repair in basalt sill. Some columnar blocks have fallen out of basalt sill and the gap has been blocked up. The southern gap in the sill has been filled with heavily lichenated angular basalt blocks. These blocks have also been used in the construction of the terrace to the east. The northern gap in the sill has been constructed of similar material for upper two-thirds. The lower third is constructed of basalt blocks and river boulders which are not lichenated. his appears to be a more recent repair. Parts of the path have been levelled out with lichenated angular basalt blocks above the basalt sill to create a gradual slope down to the river.Northern gap: Height -- 3.20 metres Width at top -- 3.00 metres Width at bottom -- 30 centimetresSouthern gap: Height -- 1.85 metres Width at top -- 70 centimetres Width at bottom -- 50 centimetre"|503249.00|370.00|"RSB"|13/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|0|0|0|3877358.00|0||"TP087"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|13/7/2002 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path; lower construction of TP086"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Basalt on tread above river"|"Olives, centurian thistle, vines, spiny burnet, barley grass, rock rows, capers"|0|"Xyliatos"|10.00 "Newly cut ford from 'The Rock of Ayios Kyriakos'"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good"|"At the river bank at the base of a sill which has been downcut by the river."|"Adit: Depth to exterior perimeter -- 2.20 metres Depth to interior perimeter -- 1.85 metres Length across bottom -- 2.00 metres Ground to top of cut -- 1.40 metresAdit at the base of a vein in the sill. The vein has been ""chased"" into the rock. The vein is green in colour (copper sulphates?)"|503181.00|322.00|"RSB"|13/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Ayios Kyriakos"|1|0|0|3877328.00|0||"TP088"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|13/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS02"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Adit beside path TP086"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"First riser in alluvial flood plains"|"Brambles, spiny burnet, thistles, wild grass, figs, capers, hawthorns, river cane"|0|"Xyliatos"|10.00 "West of skouriotissa and the Karkotis river. It is also east of the mining camp"|"48007"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Naturally eroding out of the terrace riser"|"West of Skouriotissa mine, on the western side of the river. This terrace riser is located approximately 70 m to the west to the current river channel (its is above the youngest alluvial terrace on this side) terraces in this area have been anthropogenically modified by means of leveling, creating bounderies and retaining etc?In this part of the river (near the mine) there has been a lot of modern (i.e. after 1963 aerials) buldozing, creation of orchards, cultivation fields and roads etc?"|"Offers good geomorphology information on GU1016, the general area is of interest to historical architects. The section exposed is 2.4 m deep and 12.5 m wide (extent of architecture). The entire terrace rise is 3.2 m high 300+ long The top layer is probably imported soil (hill) which contains abundant pottery and slag. Is has been ploughed and contains chunks of the architecture below. The second layer is a concrete platform with crushed slag, this is underlaid by river pebbles set in a lime cement. This is some type of architecture; possibly foundations and there are also for possible walls. Probably related to the miner's village close by. Beneath the contrete layes is alluvial soils, which contain some potter, slag, and jasper to at least 0.5m down. There are a number of layers within the alluvial sediment. The first layer has less pottery and no carbonate (less consolidated). Beneath is alluvial sediment with a light carbonate powder (JSN says takes approx. 2000 years to form) also containing pottery. In between the 2 layers is a very thin sandy layer. A paleosoil containing pottery is also evident."|489115.00|179.00|"CLT"|3/8/2002 00:00:00|0|1|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Psevtadhes"|0|0|0|3883470.00|0||"TP089"|"Some"|0|0|"AMG"|14/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXVIII"|||1|"Some"|0|"Aerial"|"An exposed stratigraphic section in the terrace riser of GU1016."|"ATB"|0|"Unclear"|0|"On the flat alluvial terrace of the Karkotis river valley"|"The immediate area is used for cultivation, there are also orchards in the vicinity"|0|"Skouriotissa"| "near creek and old road"|"AP48007"|"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Relatively good. Has not been excavated"|"Agricultural landscape. POSI near river and surrounded by olive groves"|"Set at bottom of field boundary. Possible tomb, entrance 3m in width.Slag cakes may have been transported to cover mouth of tomb. Slag cakes appear to be Roman tap, 3 are readily visible.Tomb 2m south west of modern well which produced pottery sherds. Well dug about a year ago. Finds were not kept by field owner.Little pottery visible does not seem to be diagnostic."|489605.00|233.00|"CLT"|17/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Kataliontis"|0|0|0|3882925.00|0||"TP090"|"Some"|0|0|"CLT"|14/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XII"|||1|"Abundant"|0|"Aerial"|"Possible tomb sealed by slag cake in earthen terrace rising"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"set in an earthen terrace rising"|"olive trees"|0|"Skouriotissa"|80.00 "In UN San Martin Camp"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Fragments."|"Located in the SE part of San Martin Camp under large pine trees"|"Area contains four eroded fragmentary columns ranging from 50 and 75 cm tall. Out of context. One moulded capital, recently painted white. Diameter 70 cm, height 80 cm. Three coarse and eroded limestone column fragments with square sockets at top. Damaged probably by ploughing. Possibly of Roman - Byzantine date; probably LR. 1. Diameter 40 cm, height 76 cm. 2. Diameter 40 cm, height 48 cm3. Diameter 40 cm, height 60 m."|489405.00|216.00|"MJG"|11/6/2004 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Monastery"|0|0|0|3883177.00|0||"TP091"|"None"|0|0|"ESG"|9/8/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Four column fragments at Camp San Martin"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"River valley; anthropogenic and natural terraces"|"Pine trees, olive trees"|0|"Skouriotissa"|25.00 "Road along W side of Karkotis Valley"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|||"Modern metal shrine with icons of St Panteleimon, Prophet Elijah, Ayia Irini, Galakotrophousa. Various apparent shrines in area. One large square hole c. 3 m across, 2 m deep, apparently built on 4 sides. Very little pottery. One piece Kornos. Told by man who met Team West on 14/7/02 that there are tombs round shrine"|488918.00|247.00|"MJG"|6/12/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Pikrosykia"|0|0|1|3882242.00|0||"TP092"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|15/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|1|||"TS15"|0|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Modern shrine, surrounded by possible tombs"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Hillslope"|"Scattered pine, hawthorn, genista, spiny burnet"|0|"Katydhata"|10.00 "There is a road near by that starts from the mine"|"AP48007"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Stable although being covered by surrounding vegetation"|"There are a lot of plants grown and it?s just near the mine area. Adjacent to a bulldozed bank. In an olive grove which has not been mantained regularly although there is evidence of human activity e.g. trash dumped."|"Deep rectangular tomb covered by lots of branches. There is an olive tree just beside with overhanging branches. 5m south east from the tomb there is a rock may have been used to seal entrance.Cut into soil. If cut into bedrock it is not to detect as it has been filled with branches2m long, 1.35 m wide and had maximum visible depth of 1.30m"|489895.00|245.00|"CLT"|17/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Mutallou"|0|0|0|3882870.00|0||"TP093"|"None"|0|0|"MEA"|15/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XII"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"A rectangular tomb"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"In an anthropogenic terrace at base of slope near mines"|"Olive trees and mixed batha with garigue"|0|"Katydhata"|30.00 "Near a road that goes round the mine area"|"AP48007"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Fairly stable but is definitely getting filled in"|"In a field, south of the olive grove that has been planted/ploughed and where wheat is growing. It is higher up the slope next to the mine and fairly recent mine road. Also a near bulldozed bank"|"Cut into bedrock and has four chambers. In the center there is vegetation growing, hindering visibility. Bottom is also covered by rubble from surrounding area, so that originally it must have been much deeper.In immediate surroundings around tomb there is not vegetation so opening is clearly visible.POSI apparently been previously robbed. View of pottery sherds appear to be red polished3.30 m long and 1.35m wide. Maximum visibility of 1.15m"|490033.00|247.00|"CLT"|17/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Mutallou"|0|0|0|3882739.00|0||"TP094"|"Some"|0|1|"MEA"|15/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XII"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Tomb with four chambers"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"Cut into a highly weathered bedrock, anthropogenic terraces created between 1970-1974"|"Batha and garigue"|0|"Katydhata"|50.00 "On main Vyzakia road"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Abundant"||"Olive grove is on hillslope sloping east into gully. Field to west of road is flat (other than the gentle slope to the N)"|"Ploughed field with unusual concentration of groundstone (PU01): querns, rubbers, grinders, mortar. Chipped stone (jasper) scattered fairly evenly across field; probably late antiquity, ad hoc flake industry. A few bits of slag. Olive grove (PU03) has very little cultural material; few bits of chipped stone and slag.Revisited by MJG and LHS on 15/11/2003 to take GIS readings and complete form."|501335.00|273.00|"MJG"|16/9/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Abundant"|0|0|"Koutraphas"|0|1|"Kambos tou Lemonari"|0|0|0|3884215.00|0||"TP095"|"Some"|0|1|"CJM"|||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ground stone concentration with chipped stone scatter"|"CJM"|0|"None"|0|"Pediment of old red soil, sloping gently to N"|"Plough, stubble, olives, water melon"|0|"Potami"| "Close to Ayia Marina to Vyzakia road."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Abundant"||"Cadastral Plot numbers 381, 411, 412, 416, 404SU1608, SU1607, GU1607Hillslope with jasper outcrop at the top and tilled fields below, running to a small gully that runs approximately east west at the base of the hill."|"Jasper quarry - Use of jasper erodes down field from outcrop. Huge ammount of jasper, generaly good quality, moved by plowing and water. Heaviest concentration in lower (larger) field adjacent to the field wall, incorporating a few jasper blocks. The stone collected probably from two to five percent of whole, impossible to say how much of that remaining is cultural as opposed to outcrop material. Plot 404, outcrop appears in SU1608 with both raw material lumps and fragmets outcropping (secondarily) in smaller field SU1607 (plot 416) a larger amount of material, both cultural and raw material in lower larger field to the west (plots 411, 412, &381)"|503950.00||"MRC"|22/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|1|"Vrysi"|0|0|0|3878770.00|0||"TP096"|"Some"|0|0|"CJM"|18/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"|||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Jasper quarry site."|"CJM"|0|"None"|0|"North facing hillside."|"Fallow fields, wild thyme, thorny burnet, pinus brutia"|0|"Ayia Marina"| "300m Northwest of the main Asinou road."||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"Fair"|"A finger like protrusion, where a side channel joins the main river channel. Agricultural fields are found near by to the South/East. Alternative locality: kipos"|"A winding Path/Track between 1/3 and 2/3 of a meter in width. In places the Path/Track has been dug into the basal group. Rock surfaces are highly lichenated (Grey and Reddish Brown.) The path continues along a roughly North/South route and seems to connect the Church with a possible structure to the North/West of the Church and then continues on in a North/Easterly direction away from the church."|497532.00|451.00|"MRC"|18/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Gnaphion"|0|0|0|3878349.00|0||"TP097"|"Unclear"|0|0|"MRC"|18/7/2002 00:00:00||1|0|0|0||||1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Path/track, located North of Phorviotissa."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Ridge within an incised river channel, contained within a larger river valley."|"Sistus, Pine, Wild Garlic, Thistle, Wild Grasses."|0|"Nikitari"|50.00 "200m west of Asinou road, 200m north of Asinou church."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"Ruinous/uncertain due to plant growth. Mapping required to find full extent of stone scatter."|"Bounded by fallow field alluvial terrace to the east, steep banks leading to stream to the west. Fallen pine to south and hawthorns to the north obstruct further investigation."|"Cleared pile of stones with tumbled stones or possible walls/terrace walls radiating to the NNE and ENE, partly masked by hawthorns/grasses. Gradual erosion of stream banks causing fall of pine tree to south of POSI. Name of locality means 'tanning' in Greek.All recorded as BU0054"|497437.00|452.00|"JOS"|18/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0||0|0|"Gnaphion"|0|0|0|3878311.00|1||"TP098"|"Unclear"|0|0|"JOS"|18/7/2002 00:00:00||0|1|0|0||||1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Possible structure indicated by a pile of stones."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Western edge of alluvial terrace."|"Fallow field to East, hawthorns and collapsed pine"|0|"Nikitari"|30.00 "Just off road between Alestos and Xyliatos"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Very poor state of repair. Only 10m extant. Collapsing risers."|"To the north east of path there are dry-stacked terraces. To the south east of the path the terraces are increasingly bulldozed. A track has been bulldozed through the path at the northern end, this is probably the cause of destruction. Concrete irrigation channel below the path. The path cannot be traced beyond the bulldozed track."|"Possible path running between two dry-stacked risers. Path is c. 120cm wide. Riser to the west is 68cm high, the lower riser (east) is 76cm high. Path surface is partially eroded and covered with colluvim and wild oats. Bigger stones are used in the bottom of the risers and smaller stones are used at the top. The path is directly below the track into agricultural area off the main road between Alestos and Xyliatos. Path may disappear beneath track construction debris."|503180.00|392.00|"AJG"|22/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Louvas"|0|0|0|3877175.00|0||"TP099"|"None"|0|0|"AJG"|22/7/2002 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS10"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Possible path"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"On border between dry-stacked terraces and bulldozed terraces"|"Almond trees, spiney burnet, capers, wild oats, olive trees"|0|"Xyliatos"|5.00 "Off Asinou to Spilia, signposted forest walk"|"63-35-039"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Fair throughout (also abandoned section) except for road cut section where it has been obliterated. Well maintained and used. Path disappeared as we moved further South to Ayios Theodhoros - due to forestry road."|"Path runs East-West from river valley, through pine forest. Path follows mostly contours of mountain side though it goes through certain features (eg saddlepoint). It crosses from Asinou to another valley (?)"|"Abandoned section (drawn on sketch): Width: 120cm Depth: 40cmAbandoned section of path due to forestry road cut.Covered by pine needles.Whole section: Variable width and depth, due to forestry use. Increased width for possible vehicles.Overall well maintained and used, except abandoned section (thus best preserved?)"|495108.00|640.00|"RJM"|22/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Khalkokolymbos"|0|1|1|3877702.00|0||"TP100"|"Some"|0|0|"MLL"|22/7/2002 00:00:00||1|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path from Asinou to Theodhoros (abandoned segment)"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Mountain flank"|"Pine, cistus, wild grasses, lichen"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|80.00 "Near road leading to UN between Katydhata and Skouriotissa (east of road)."|"38038"|"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Poorly maintained."|"Cultivated land and olive grove south of Skouriotissa village.3 uprooted olive stumps, of which 2 are very large. 8 August 2002.West of Cadastral Plot 512"|"In the field north of the POSI (SU1049), several chipped stones were found.Located on N side of ridge, using natural and manmade risers made from built up slag cakes.Good evidence for 4 threshing floors, some still in situ.Evidence of cut grass- still in use? Maybe more as donkey pasture- manure used for fuel?"|490045.00|254.00|"JOS"|27/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Pamboulia"|0|1|1|3882475.00|0||"TP102"|"Some"|0|0|"JJP"|22/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXVIII"|||1|"Abundant"|0|"Aerial"|"Series of terraces with threshing floors, possible winnowing areas."|"ATB"|1|"None"|0|"Northside of ridge"|"Low shrubs and grass, Batha, olive trees in grove, 1 pine tree."|0|"Katydhata"|40.00 "Above a track from Memi to Xyliatos"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Very good"|"Adit is 320 cm above cut of a bulldozed terrace. Cut into basalt. Terrace is covered with rubble (large and smaller rocks). Visibility on terrace is 80%. Bulldozing has cut 130 cm below probable older ground surface, leaving some of the original rockface exposed below the adit."|"A probable adit c. 90cm wide at the east facing entrance and 105cm high. The adit curves to the south after a distance of 280cm. From the curve to the second exit/entrance the distance is 210 cm. There is ground stone inside adit alonside other hand sized river rocks. The curve within the adit is very regular. The southfacing exit/entrance is 48cm high and 69cm wide. The terrace below the adit fallow."|503475.00|436.00|"AJG"|23/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"Some"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Elaea tou Kaloyirou"|1|0|0|3876775.00|0||"TP103"|"Some"|0|0|"AJG"|23/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Probable adit"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"On riser directly above a bulldozed terrace"|"Wild oats, rock rose, spiney burnet, almond trees, hawthorn"|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 ||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|||"Trine and I posied SU0622 (TP104) to get more information on the range of forms appearing at the settlement of Mavrovouni. A square of 27 x 27 m was laid out using the north east corner of the grid of the geophysical survey as starting point. The field was surveyed in grid circles (36) and a representative sample was collected. The centres of the corner circles were placed one meter from the corners of the grid. The areas between the circles were divided into 25 units (PU01-25) and a grab was made by the principles of selecting forms that had not appeared in the circles. Two extraordinary finds were collected outside the 27x27 grid, but the coordinates were simply extended to include this area (PU31 and ) in the grab. The collection produced an impressive range of heavy and light utility forms to be analysed later in an article by Angus, Alexis and myself, but there is little doubt that the area was used for living and working. The selection of tile types is limited compared toSkouriotissa, which is not inconsistent with a settlement as tiles would have been used for more important buildings primarily. The results of the entire area based on last seasons work led to a preliminary estimation of the chronology of the site as dating from the 1st c. BC to the early 7th c. AD with a hiatus in the 2nd to 3rd c. AD, a chronological horizon typical for all of Cyprus. This year?s work at TP104 has produced almost exclusively Late Roman finds and possibly the finds form the earlier periods belong to the general back ground noise found all over the area this season and the last. Concerning the chalcolithic finds see Mara. (KWJ, Aug 2002)See POSI file for various reports, grid plans, etc."|503241.00|385.00|"MJG"|12/12/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mavrovouni"|0|0|0|3877777.00|0||"TP104"|"Abundant"|1|0|"MJG"|12/12/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS02"|1|"Abundant"|0|"GPS"|"36 gridded circles in SU0622"|"KWJ"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Fields in spur between Lagoudhera river and tributary"|"Plough"|0|"Ayia Marina"| "Forest trail from Ayios Theodhoros to Asinou"|"63-35-039"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Fairly good - though some walls have been eroded"|"2 rock structures on either side of dip in gully. Gully filled with pine trees on both banks (small, steep). North larger structure on flattened plain. 15m straight across gully to South - 2nd rock structure - smaller - on gentle sloping hillslope.Easting/Northing/Elevation = Larger feature"|"Larger rock structure to North:- width from outer rock edge: 350cm- length from outer: 240cm- inside: circular 180cm diameter- thickness of South wall: 60cm- rectangular outer with circular innerSmaller rock structure to South:- width and length: 2m diameter- back wall: 60cm thickUnsure of what they both were used for - well? Kiln? Animal pen?About 12m off road"|496199.00|532.00|"RJM"|24/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|1|0|"Paloeomandroes"|0|1|0|3877490.00|0||"TP105"|"Some"|0|0|"RJM"|24/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"2 rock structures N-S of gully - circular inside each. Pitch kilns?"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"On backslope on side of draw / drainage"|"Pine, cistus, wild grass"|0|"Nikitari"|90.00 "Off agricultural track between Alestos and Xyliatos"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Scoop area in good condition but remainder is collapsed."|"Positioned on an almost vertical outcrop of basalt. Bulldozed terraces to immediate west. Tread directly below adit is fallow. Looks like it has never been used for agricultural purposes. Lots of wild thyme above the adit. Plenty of copper ore in the vicinity of the adit."|"Mouth of entrance to adit:Across -- 85cmHeight -- 80cmDepth is 100cm on the left side (interior) which looks to be the scoop. Across at back is 32cm before it curves.To the right (interior) there are signs of quite recent collapse.Floor of interior covered in collapsed rock. On the left side of the adit there is a scoop which is likely to be the original construction. To the right there is general collapse."|503560.00|433.00|"RSB"|24/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Elaea tou Kaloyirou"|1|0|0|3876940.00|0||"TP106"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|24/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Possible adit"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"On a steep slope"|"Olive, hawthorn, spiny burnet, rock rose, wild grains, wild thyme, centurion thistle, capers"|0|"Xyliatos"|0.00 "Road from Skouriotissa mine and Sam Martin UN Camp"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"Mostly intact"|"Village surrounded by agricultural land on alluvial terraces, with olives, figs, crops. Mine is located to the east of the village."|"Abandoned village with 39 standing houses and one larger ""public"" building in the south of the posi. Houses arranged in 3 groups, sharing separate pit toilets in groups 2 and 3 ( see marked up image print). Three roads meet at the village, each has been constructed of a slag road base, with cobbling and later bitumen. Road features are described in report. A local man informed us, at the site, that this area had been known as the ""60 spitia"" 60 houses."|488980.00||"TJI"|29/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Psevtadhes"|0|0|1|3883361.00|0||"TP107"|"Some"|0|0|"MLL"|24/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XII"|||0|"Abundant"|0|"GPS"|"Abandoned miners' village at Skouriotissa"|"TJI"|0|"Abundant"|0|"West side of small gully. Part of the valley bottom (Karkotis River) with foothills rising to the north, south west, alluvial terraces and the mine to the east."|"Pine,cypress, eucalyptus, tree of heaven, palms, figs, olives."|0|"Skouriotissa"| "Potami is up a dirt road to the North East about one mile away."||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"The Cairn is mostly tumbled. The Quern/Mortars are in excellent condition. The tombs are blocked and in unknown condition. The path is in good condition but rather overgrown."|"A hill/spur jutting from western ridge of a bowl shaped valley. A dry river has cut a channel into the rock between the Eastern ridge and the hill. The spur is uncultivated and covered with wild oats but no barley even though barley is in cultivation all round about. There is a great deal of terracing along the southern end of the bowl where the two ridges join and the the Western rises up into a large hill."|" The cairn is almost perfectly circular, roughly 4.70 meters in diameter and a little over half a meter high. The stones are of local origin and heavily litchenated. There is a single pot drop within the area of the cairn to the South West and a few scattered sherds outwith its area. The cairn was found by SED. Two stones, either two mortars placed atop each other or the two halves of a type of a rotery quern were found by MJG to the East by North East of the cairn. The upper stone has a fist sized cup shaped depression in its centerm while the bottom one has a shallower cup shaped depression within a larger shallow depression covering most of it's surface. The stones were found with their working surfaces facing inward. Where the spur drops towards the river cut to the East there are the aparent remains of 3 to 4 chamber tombs. All are filled in with the exception of one which appears to have a narrow cavity beneath the lintel. A path apparently skirts the hill and is upheld with a course of stones where necessary. It is cut off on both ends where it enters areas of buldozing and modern cultivation but passes right by the tombs.Revisit, 1 Aug 2002: Carole and Michael. Lots more ground stone in the area. Should do SUs in block round main plateau, and collect the ground stone."|502975.00|265.00|"MRC"|28/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|0|0||0|1|"Kollajes"|0|0|0|3883039.00|0||"TP108"|"Some"|0|1|"MRC"|28/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Cairn, querns, tombs and groundstones."|"MJG"|0|"Some"|1|"A hill situated in a bowl shaped valley, Potami is situated to the North East."|"Wild oats, thyme, vipers bane, centurian thistle, hawthorn, spiny burnet, plant with star shaped flowers and capers."|0|"Potami"|50.00 "Just of road running beside Green Line."|"48007"|"None"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"Collapsing fairly rapidly, filling in."|"Cut into basalt outcrop, cave has steeply sloping roof. Filled in. Appears quite deep. Cave is cut into outcrop at the foot of a ridge as it flattens out and changes into agricultural areas, before it meets the river. On a small rise between road (modern, dirt) and irrigation channel above agricultural field."|"GRAB OF 34 SHERDS COLLECTED.Roof of cave is not parallel to the ground. The roof slopes towards ground at roughly 45 degrees. Cave is cut into eastern facing side of outcrop. Shallow depression (possible channel) running NW to SE. Opening is facing roughly SE. Cave looks possibly 2.5m deep. Cave opening was roughly 2m. To ESE of cave, roughly 25m, there is a roughly circular depression, radius roughly 0.5m Walls of depression have been plastered. Beside depression there are 3 large pieces of a possible stone press, about 45cm radius (possibly an olive oil press or millstone). TJI reckons that the plaster has a high lime content and is thus of high quality. The small pebbles in the plaster suggest that resistance and/or friction was desired on the inner surfaces of the mill/press. This is inconsistent with a mill fuelled by water power. (ATB).ATB, 6/7/04, Re-visit with Lina and KWJ.Small basalt boulders surrouding entrance of adit could be debris from clearing the adit. There are many large cobbles of diabase that were brought up from the river - could be for crushing ore.ATB, 8/7/04: Re-visit with MJG and KWJGrab PUs: (see sketch)PU02: N of irrigation channel (more likely to be in situ)PU03: S of irrigation channel, including olive mill (also likely to be fairly well in situ)PU04: Irrigation channel itself and spoil heap created by excavation of irrigation channelRock-cut channel seems to be for the purpose of modern irrigation. Nevertheless, there is a shallower depression, partially filled in with soil and rocks, that runs directly out of the adit (southeasterly).MJG, 8/7/04, on Olive Mill (with sketch):Plastered sunken vat and fragment of millstone above. Plaster: Surface pinkish (from crushed pottery) -- white behind -- but probably because of exposure. Pebble basalt inclusions up to c. 8 mm. Top 20 cm is built. 50-60 cm in height is exposed (of which 35 cm is plaster). Estimated diameter of vat is 2.0 m. Dimensions of millstone: 59 x 56 cm, with 11 cm square socket."|489034.00|190.00|"JOS"|27/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|1|"Psevtadhes"|1|0|0|3884034.00|1||"TP109"|"Abundant"|1|0|"AJG"|27/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XII"||"TS13"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Cave, possible adit."|"ATB"|0|"Abundant"|0|"At foot of ridge as it flattens out."|"Spiny burnet, wild oats, thistles, hawthorns, fennel."|0|"Katydhata"|70.00 "On south facing side of Alestos (Back road between Alestos and Ayios Yioryios)"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good"|"The entrance of the adit is covered by capers and spinet burnet. The adit is to the East of a gully on the south facing side of Alestos. The adit is cut into a basalt outcrop. There is a lot of bare bedrock in the close vicinity."|"Visibility 90% for spoil and inside. 0% outsideProper adit with clearly cut shaft. 18.5m known depth from the entrance down the shaft. From the movement of rocks it sounds much deeper. Shaft slopes gently for 8.3m before steeply sloping for at least 10.3m. Shaft width varies from 1.10m to 0.67m. Height of shaft is 1.25m. Height is 1.20m at the start. Water at the bottom of the shaft, known from dropping rocks down. Inside the first 2m the area is bigger, 2.8m wide and up to 1.55m high. The entrance is 1.3m wide and 1m high. However, the entrance may be taller, as spoil is covering a lot of the floor. There is a cut in front of the entrance on the hillside to allow horizontal access. 10-15m to the East of the entrance there is a bay of bedrock. The adit is below a very steep knoll of bedrock which is immediately West of the modern mining spoil at the top of Alestos. There are several tons of spoil, forming a horizontal platform in front of the entrance. The spoil extends down the hillside. Adit entrance on the outside is 1.9m wide. The first 8.3m of the shaft slopes at an angle of 16 degrees."|502029.00|572.00|"ASM"|28/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kokkinoploura tou Alestou"|1|0|0|3876466.00|0||"TP112"|"None"|0|0|"AJG"|28/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Proper adit with clearly cut shaft"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Hilly topography, steep hillslope"|"Spiny burnet, hawthorn, pine, capers"|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Back road from Alestos/Ayios Georgios"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Poor"|"In a fallow field full of wild grasses with some ploughed fields to the N and S.From IP0249 502060E 3876250N"|"N side running ESE-WNW is 13.85m. E wall running almost NS is 19.50mFrom E wall it provides a flat platform for about 3m and then the ground begins to rise to the W on a low gradient.N wall seems to be constructed of a mixture of bedrock and angular basalt blocks and is about 25cm high. The East wall is about 1m high. Fairly loose dry-stack construction with angular basalt blocks - quite loose and crude. There are two more piles of rubble to the N of the E wall. One looks like it connects to another N-S wall. The pile to the far North (about 4m to north of last one) is about 3x2m. Both piles may be due to field clearance.In the tilled field to the N of the wall there is about 80% visibility, pottery is abundant, some tile, some chipped stone."|501886.00|514.00|"ASM"|28/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkies"|0|0|0|3876098.00|1||"TP113"|"Some"|0|0|"ASM"|28/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"L-Shaped wall"|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"Low gradient hillslope at the bottom of S facing slope of Alestos"|"Almonds, hawthorn, spiny burnet, centurion thistle, wild grains"|0|"Xyliatos"|5.00 "Back road from Alestos to Ayios Yioryios"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Poor"|"In fallow field full of wild oats c. 30m ESE of the E wall of TP113 and slightly downslope from TP113.Bulldozed fields to south of POSI. Next to the field shelter is Zysiphus spina-christi. 502090E 3876250N from IP0249"|"Possible collapsed field shelter filled with rubble from its construction. Long line of rubble piles about 15m SE of shelter along the edge of a bulldozed field.S facing edge 4m longE facing edge 3.8m long.The north and south sides are clearly visible and cut into the bank. The east wall has collapsed in and the west wallis obscured by large angular basalt blocks."|501916.00|513.00|"ASM"|28/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkies"|0|0|0|3876100.00|1||"TP114"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|28/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Possible collapsed field shelter"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Low gradient hillslope at the bottom of S facing slope of Alestos"|"Wild oats, spiny burnet, hawthorn, almonds, centurion thistle, Zyziphus spina-christi"|0|"Xyliatos"|5.00 "Back road from Alestos to Ayios Yioryios"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Collapsed basalt on the west facing side of the hole has filled in the hole to some extent"|"Just on the break of the saddle with the spoil running down the deeper bank.501660E 3876640N from IP0250"|"Height of hole is 3m; Width of hole is 3mCut at ground level and sloped down to a depth of c. 150cm to a straight back. There was collapse at the sides. It may have gone deeper but this is not clear due to collapse"|501794.00|562.00|"ASM"|28/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|1|0|0|3876460.00|0||"TP115"|"None"|0|0|"ASM"|28/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Possible prospecting hole"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"On the side of a saddle"|"Young pine, spiney burnet, hawthorn, wild grasses"|0|"Ayios Yeoryios"|50.00 "E of Katydata/Skouriotissa road; park 200 m before camp"|"48007"|"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Stable but increasingly overgrown"|"W-facing batha hillslope; denser vegetation in and around tomb. GU1078"|"Tomb opening, mostly filled in. Spoil heap on west (downhill), with sherds scattering in fan downhill."|490101.00|255.00|"MJG"|28/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Mutallou"|0|0|0|3882732.00|0||"TP116"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|15/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XII"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Tomb opening"|"MJG"|0|"None"|1|"Cut into bedrock at base of hillslope with very thin colluvial layer on top"|"Thyme, wild oats, asphodel"|0|"Katydhata"|50.00 "Opposite Asinou church of Panayia"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|1|"Unclear"|"Structure is stable if slightly overgrown"|"Mostly abandoned orchard with almonds and olives, thickly overgrown with wild cereals. Some large hawthorns. Once terraced, though now collapsed and overgrown.200 m from church."|"Reported by Panayiotis Loppas (to MJG, 25/7/02) as site of monastery buildings and animal pens; 'spitakia'. Nothing to see on ground at 2 olive trees he pointedout,there there may be a bit more rubble than elsewhere. Zero visibility, but grasses can be easily cleared with rake. 2 ancient olives: completely hollowed,circumference split into separate stems, lots (20+) of suckers, though none very thick. 30 m to SE is collapsed square stone structure c. 6 m across. Wallline survives on its N side.Surveyed by team central (ESG, CRR, SMJ, JPR and CLT) on 11 July 2003. Stone structure possibly monastery. The physicalboundaries unclear due to overgrown vegetation. Original boundaries/walls may have been moved deliberately or through erosion. Approximately 15.5 mnortheast from readings is a square pit full of stones 6m by 10m (diagram). Adjacent to north wall of pit is another possible square structure. Two structures maycontinue eastwared towards road, as a stone similar to those in the walls was found under the road. 2m south east from center is a collapsed wall and 15 msouth is a series of cropmarks below a manmade terrace. Posi continues west from centre as indidicated by micellaneous stones. Pithari sherd found in shurbsNW of centre (diagram). Several photocraps have been taken. Sherd is 3.2 cm thickFurther studied and mapped by LHS, JMC, AJG, JPR on 13 & 14/vii/03.See Settlement notebook 2003 and TP117 POSI report for detailsResistivity survey carried out by IAB on ?/vii/03 in area below/north of olive trees, whereTeam Central carried out block survey (SU2301-SU2305) in 2003. A rectangular anomaly, approximately 15m long was identified.Edit, LHS, 27/viii/03"|497596.00|493.00|"MJG"|28/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Kapsalia"|0|1|0|3878030.00|0||"TP117"|"Some"|1|0|"MJG"|25/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XXXI"||"TS08"|1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Reported site of Asinou monastery buildings or ruined churches; 2 ancient olives"|"MJG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Hillslope/spur with terracing"|"Olives, almonds, thick wild oats and barley; hawthorn"|0|"Nikitari"|10.00 "Adjacent to tarmac road on W side of valley"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"See description on TS15 form"|"Field with young olives in grid. Dense pottery scatter. Intact surface below dry stack terrace on E side of SU1082 (just outside the SU). Soil in most of SU1082 has varying levels of melted mud brick mixed into it. Woman collecting almonds in grove to NE: there were tombs found in this field. There used to be a village here, in the time of her grandfathers/ancestors, but there was a great flood, and everyone had to move to Katydhata.SU1082, GU1066"|488900.00|250.00|"MJG"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|1|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Pano Limna"|0|0|0|3882020.00|0||"TP118"|"Abundant"|1|0|"MJG"|30/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XII"||"TS15"|0|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"In situ pottery scatter and melted mud brick"|"MJG"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Pediment (slope) cut on pillow basalt with thin (< 25 cm) Hcf"|"Olives"|0|"Katydhata"|70.00 "Adjacent to tarmac road on W side of valley"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"See description on SIA TS15"|"Large grid across Pano Liman terraces and sanctuary"|488800.00||"MJG"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|1|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Pano Limna"|0|0|0|3882020.00|1||"TP119"|"Abundant"|1|0|"MJG"|30/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|1|"28-XII"||"TS15"|0|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Archaic sanctuary and Roman settlement: collection grid"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"Pediment (slope) cut by Hht"|"Batha"|0|"Katydhata"|90.00 "Road from Katydhata once it crosses the river"|"38038"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"fair, partiallly overgrown"|"A modified terrace abutting the road. 3m by 1m of which is metalled with a dry stone (slag) riser. GU1879"|"A slag cake dry riser 3m wide and 1 m hight . The cakes vary from 1/3 m to 3/5m and are roughly 7 cm in height. The riser does not appear to extend back into the earthern slope and rather lies against it . There are also river stones visible within the riser"|489390.00|228.00|"CLT"|3/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Livadhia"|0|0|0|3882115.00|0||"TP120"|"None"|0|0|"MRC"|30/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XII"|||1|"Abundant"|0|"Aerial"|"Slag cake, dry stack riser"|"ATB"|0|"None"|0|"A riser, otherwise unmetalled"|"wild barley, fennel, olive grove"|0|"Katydhata"|80.00 "Tarmac road between Alestos and Xyliatos"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Overgrown, covered in colluvium, incised by water pipes and concrete channel, some collapse, robbing of path support wall evident."|"Olive and fruit orchards ( well watered) on terraces with pines on opposite slope of river. River canes abundant and al arge variety of vegetation growing. In foothills of Troodos."|"Terrace path (1.7m wide) running north/south above river incision on the east bank of the river. Earthen irrigation channel used as path, then concrete water channel, followed by piped water from the Xyliatos dam (1980's). At some points dry stack support for terrace path is visible. To the south there is a cut in the basalt outcrop. To the north it runs to a pined area, but may lead to the paths at the cliffs of Ayios Kyriakos.Cadastral plots include - 743, 595, 717, 720, 723, 598, 719, 718, 721, 722.GPS coordinates 503204E 3876728N Alt. 406m503208E 3876773N 404m503206E 3876806N 401m503215E 3876822N 402m503222E 3876837N 403m503220E 3876843N 405m Dry stack and chink"|503202.00|410.00|"SED"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Saramalin"|0|0|1|3876820.00|0||"TP121"|"Some"|0|0|"SED"|30/7/2002 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"||"TS10"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Hillslope path, running north/south above Lagoudhera river, with water channels concrete and piping."|"AGR"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Anthropogenic terraces above river."|"Olives, spiny burnet, cactus, grapevine, barley grass, oat grass, citrus fruits, hawthorn and pine"|0|"Xyliatos"|20.00 "Road from the main road to Nicosia"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"Abundant"|"Some floors are in pristine condition, sich as No 1, while others have been partly destroyed by ploughing and new roads."|"Village with a view down to the coast at Morphou and a prevailing sea breeze. Surrounded by rolling fields for grain, olives grown in the gullies."|"This POSI incorporates all the extant threshing floors of Mandres. Note that TFs 9 and 10, were surveyed in 2001 as PU1 and PU2 of TP021. 20 threshing floors have been identified. More can be seen on the aerial but these have now been destroyed due to machine tilling anf ploughing. Many threshing floors have a eucalyptus tree associated with them, ie planted close by."|495750.00|280.00|"TJI"|31/7/2002 00:00:00|1|0|"Abundant"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|1|1|3881540.00|0||"TP122"|"Abundant"|0|0|"TJI"|25/7/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS07"|1|"None"|0|"1:50,000"|"Threshing floors at Mandres"|"TJI"|1|"Some"|0|"Undulating agricultural land with deep gullies."|"Cereals, eucalypts, olives, zizyphus"|0|"Kato Koutraphas"| "Dirt track to Mavrovouni from Vyzakia"||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"Poor - collapsing."|"Agricultural terraces above river bed. POSI follows line between two terraces. Soil to N is burnt hay pile. Surface to East of line of stones is eroded."|"Line of stones 8.3 m in length following field boundary between two terraces, and may be part of a possible older field boundary. Lines of stones is abutted at N end by a large stone 60x80 cm with irregular sub-circular depression occasionally smooth but undisturbed sediment obscures analysis. Possible cover tiles to N of hay pile."|503043.00|353.00|"ASM"|2/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Psilliteri"|0|0|0|3878262.00|1||"TP123"|"Some"|0|0|"JOS"|1/8/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVII"|||1|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Large rock with depression and line of associated stones (river boulder with possible door socket)"|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"On terraced hillside just below dirt track"|"Spiny burnet, hawthorn, almond, pine, christ's thorn, centurion thistle, wild oats and barley grass"|0|"Xyliatos"|60.00 "Cross Potamos Rotson below Mandres tous Jerenides (TP038). SE up gently sloping path."||"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|0|"None"|"Ruinous"|"Spur parallel with Potamos Rotson - precipitous face down to river."|"Church walls (12m x 5m) standing up to 4 or 5 courses (1m). Remains of dividing wall only. Cistus and a pine tree established within walls. A tea towel hanging on the tree and a plastic icon at its foot. Seems to have been a hole dug in floor of apse, although this is as overgrown as the rest of the interior. Sub-rectangular hole (1.5m x 3m) hole dug to south of church as overgrown as the rest. Structure - very ruinous, poss. L-shaped to E marks start of associated settlement (TP125)."|495299.00|606.00|"LHS"|4/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Mutallia"|0|1|0|3876353.00|0||"TP124"|"None"|0|0|"LHS"|29/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ruined church of Ayios Yeorgios"|"LHS"|0|"Some"|0|"Spur"|"Pine, cistus, caper, Quercus alnifolia, dead grass."|0|"Nikitari"|40.00 "Cross Potamos Rotson below Mandres tous Jerenides (TP038). SE up gently sloping path."||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"Very ruinous."|"Spur parallel with Potamos Rotson. River terraces and old river channel visible below spur."|"Possible settlement close to ruined church of Ag. Yeorgios. Structures in very poor state of repair. It is possible to identify a number of rooms but difficult to ascertain their precise shapes and relationships. There is a possible oven (sub-circular stone structure) close to the main group of structures.Pater Kyriakos of Nikitari said that this, and Mandres tous Jerenides (TP038), was the winter settlement for the shepherds of Spilia."|495287.00|606.00|"LHS"|4/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Mutallia"|0|1|0|3876375.00|0||"TP125"|"None"|0|0|"MDM"|30/7/2002 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ruined settlement close to ruined church of Ag. Yeorgios"|"LHS"|0|"None"|0|"Spur"|"Pine, Cistus, Caper, Quercus alnifolia, dead grass, domesticated olive."|0|"Nikitari"|0.00 "Behind Mayor's house; take a right at the InterAmerican sign off the main road"|"38038"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Deteriorating"|"Facing WNW, toward Kartotis valley. On fairly steep slope, with fairly thin layer of colluvium over bedrock, into which tomb is cut. Uphill from TPs 127 and 128"|"Rock cut chamber, roughly rectangular, sides vertical except back wall which slopes inward a bit. The roof has collapsed and the bottom of the chamber is filled in with soil and chunks of bedrock. Dromos is completely overgrown by wild vegetation."|489845.00|276.00|"CLT"|3/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3882115.00|0||"TP126"|"None"|0|0|"ATB"|3/8/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXVIII"||"TS09"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Collapsed chamber of tomb"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"Near top of main ridge in Katydhata"|"Batha: spiny burnet, thistles, hawthorn"|0|"Katydhata"|40.00 "Behind Mayor's house; take a right at the InterAmerican sign off the main road"|"38038"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"stable"|"Slope is less steep than that ot TP126. Just above (east of) ridge cut where housing development has begun. See TP126.South west to TP126 and level with it and West of TP 126 and downhill from it."|"Dromos whose roof has collapsed. Two stepes down it are visible from the entrance, rest have been filled in. Walls of dromos were slighly domed. Most of chamber has been filled in with soil and bedrock. Chamber contains modern rubbish as well as possible remains of excavation (including a trowel). Chamber apperars to be ovular. Roof of chamber, as well as walls, appear to be intact. Worked limestone slab next to dromos entrance. Sherds of undecorated light utility vessels, including a lamp , on the higher slope to the east; also rim fragments of light blue open glass vessel.23/6/04, ATB: Dromos faces west, but chamber is on a slightly different axis: NW-SE. Chamber was previously described as ovoid; but we found that its walls are now more clearly defined, and additional chambers have been excavated by looters. The first chamber (as you enter) contained loose soil and cobbles, sherds, and a bone (possible human tibia). A limestone slab (50 x 42 x 10 m) sits along the south side of this chamber. The northern corner between the first and second chambers forms a very nice right angle. The second chamber contained very loose soil, which seems to be the spoil from the excavation of the third chamber. The second chamber's roof is currently only ca. one meter above the floor level. The third chamber contained a fragmentary cover tile, fragments of several glass vessels, trowels, sifters, and buckets."|489805.00|268.00|"CLT"|3/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3882110.00|0||"TP127"|"Some"|0|0|"ATB"|3/8/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXVIII"||"TS09"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Roman chamber tomb with dromos"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"midway down main ridge in town"|"Batha"|0|"Katydhata"|70.00 "Behind Mayor's house; take a right at the InterAmerican sign off the main road"|"38038"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"unstable. Lots of modern rubbish in the area"|"On moderately steep slope, toward foot of outcrop as it descends into a gully. Above modern barns and houses to the west.Facing Northwest"|"Chamber appears to be more rectangular, and longer than that of TP???. A side chamber or shelf branches off to the NE. Cut into a bedrock with negligible soil above. Chamber is partially filled in with soil, bedrock and modern rubbish. Dromos roof has collapsed and its floor is partially filled in and overgrown. Walls of dromos appear to be vertical. Wooden supports are in the entrance to the chamber. 3 fragments of worked stone slabs near dromos entrance. Heavyily lichenated.23/6/04, ATB: There is a wooden door in the entrance to the chamber - to keep out animals or children? Axis of chamber turns slightly, so it is oriented NNW-SSE. All niches in chamber are approximately .5 m above the current dirt floor. Inside we found two buckets, very little pottery."|489810.00|264.00|"CLT"|3/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3882125.00|0||"TP128"|"None"|0|0|"ATB"|3/8/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXVIII"||"TS09"|1|"None"|0|"Aerial"|"Chamber tomb with dromos"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"midway down main ridge in town"|"batha"|0|"Katydhata"|50.00 "west of road to miners camp"|"38038"|"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"stable"|"Tombs cut into bedrock with thin colluvial layer on tope. Just west of dirt road, about 25 m west of paved road.Grid reference taken at PU05. Alternative unexplained grid ref: 489966/3882863. (MJG, 11/6/04)"|"PU01: Southern most tomb. Collapsed depression. Totally over grownPU02: Ovular depression, half of it very over grown surrounded by many cobbles and small bouldersPU03: Collapsed, sloped derpression, totally over grown but not all filled inPU04: collapsed ovular depression, totally overgrown and surrounded by small bouldersPU05: opened dromos and collapsed chamber. GPS reading. Mostly filled inPU06: shallow depression, totally overgrown, only a couple small boulders nearbyPU07: collapsed dromos, open chamber. Southern cut of dromos nicely visible.PU08: collapsed dromos, chamber not visible. Heavily overygrown but not too filled in: no spoil heap visiblePU09: shallow but long depression totally covered by pine needles.PU10: shallow depression filled in with cobbles. Semi-circular line of small rectilinear boulders on west sidePU11: One shallow depression covered in pine needles, south of collapsed dromos with chamber; chamber's roof has collapsed at western end onlly. All covered in pine needles. Chamber appears to be mostly filled in with bedrock chunksPU12: Collapsed dromes and intact chamber, may be going under dirt road. Boulders and cobbles nearby"|488793.00|251.00|"CLT"|3/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Pano Limna"|0|0|0|3882071.00|0||"TP129"|"Abundant"|0|0|"ATB"|3/8/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"||"TS15"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Set of collapsed and/or robbed tombs"|"ATB"|0|"Some"|1|"Anthropogenic terraces between ridge and road"|"Batha, wild grasses, spiny burnet, asphodel"|0|"Katydhata"|50.00 "Along track leading S from Kykko road junction (don't forget Petra)"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|||"Very nice piece of ground stone; collected as POSI unit as not in Team X transect. Pointed, 20 x 8 x 6 cm, with polished surface 6.0 x 4.9 cm. Another rounded and highly polished piece 50 m to SE."|493239.00|288.00|"MJG"|3/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|1|"Kountouros"|0|0|0|3881269.00|0||"TP130"|"Some"|0|1|"MJG"|2/8/2002 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Ground stone"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"Alluvial terrace"|"stubble"|0|"Evrykhou"|20.00 "East of track leading south from Kykko intersection (don't forget Petra)"||"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"Some"||"Located on bedrock hill with view up Atsas and tributary: view northward to sea"|"Many large rounded and smoothed stones at top of hill. Anthropogenic terraces/platforms encircle the hill, though discontinuous (so less likely to be for agriculture - bad plough access etc). Little soil on top, so unsure if terraces for agriculture. Bedrock outcrop to S/SE of hilltop has been cut. Blade found to N of hill top. Lichen on bedrock cut (not as well developed as those to the north) where it is not anthropogenic."|493284.00|301.00|"MJG"|3/8/2002 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|0|"Pano Atsas"|0|0|0|3881133.00|0||"TP131"|"Some"|0|0|"ESG"|2/8/2002 00:00:00||0|1|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small hill with platforms"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|"Bedrock hill"|"Pine, hawthorn, wild grasses"|0|"Evrykhou"|20.00 "Track from east-west corner"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Threshing floors not visible- ploughed out."|"Agricultural terraced field, 150m north of Phlasou school. Bordered with olive trees."|"On the IP circular features were identified which may be a grouping of threshing floors.In the 2 SU's we walked (SU 2016/2017) 8 chipped stones were counted and collected and some jasper, which was not collected."|490020.00|306.00|"TNF"|12/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Strongilo"|0|1|1|3880420.00|0||"TP132"|"Abundant"|0|0|"MAP"|6/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XLIV"||"TS04"|0|"Some"|0|"Image Print"|"Field with threshing floors recognised on the IP; ploughed."|"SED"|1|"Some"|0|"Terraced field with slope east-west"|"Olive trees, a big fig tree, pumpkins"|0|"Phlasou"|90.00 "Tarmac street in Phlasou"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Decaying. Some repairs have been carried out."|"The large field has a lot of different vegetables, e.g. watermelons, pepper, squash, tomatoes and pumpkins. The 1963 aerial photograph shows the field was split into two and is now one large unit. All the trees previously lining the road north of the cistern are no longer there. Internally we have wild grasses and it is overgrown, also lots of modern rubbish."|"Water cistern with plaster inside. In the wall there are river boulders, angular pebbles bound together with mortar. Some of the pebbles are basalt. The internal plaster line, which is now mostly gone, has been repaired in some places with concrete. Internally we have some tumbled down wall, that is, boulders. The outer wall is made of dressed limestone blocks [?], dimensions 25/30 x 35/40cm, height c. 25cm. External height of wall is 1.4m. Depth of cistern from inside wall is 1.05m and from the external wall 1.25m. Internal measurement: 6.20m square. Total thickness of wall: 75cm."|489813.00|307.00|"ESP"|13/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Village"|0|0|1|3879966.00|1|"378"|"TP133"|"Some"|0|0|"CWA"|6/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XIX"|"Kato Phlasou No. 11"|"TS04"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Disused water cistern"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"On the edge of a large flat tread next to the road."|"On the line of olive trees following the road"|0|"Phlasou"|10.00 "Across open fields to N."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Abandoned and delapidated."|"Overlooking dry river bed, with limestone outcrops. Hawthorn, thyme, centurion thistles and grasses."|"Terraces roughly 8m apart. Terrace walls collapsed and covered in lichen. Situated below open field which is still used for cultivation."|496980.00|242.00|"JOS"|30/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Konizos"|0|0|0|3883110.00|0||"TP134"|"Some"|0|0|"TNF"|7/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"3 lines of ruinous terrace walls."|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"Above a steep river valley, meander bend."|"Scrub"|0|"Kato Koutraphas"|60.00 "Main road just south of Pano Phlasou, east on a dirt tract just past animal pens on the hill at game reserve sign"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"fairly stable but eroding."|"Human activity above (animal pens). Very old olive trees to the north east. On side of the dirt track (to the north) off of road (to the east). Has been exposed by bulldozing. The drainage ditch has been cut out on the northern side of the trench to the east of the section."|"A section which has been exposed by bulldozing in the side of a slope. The bulldozer probably pushed the dirt from the section to the east to create the road. Lots of red polished ware pottery (all thicknesses), some in situ but most of it can be seen as eroding out of the slope. The various pottery thicknesses indicate a settlement. At the east end of the section there is a more stable section with a concentration of stones covered in carbonate (Jay's method the amount and type of carbonate can indicate the age of the artifact). Half a mortar was found at the other side of the road mid way along the section, this has carbonate on it. Also a very possible quern stone was found 20m east of the section on the other side of the road ( to be looked at later by carol). The section is roughly 35m long and 3m high at its highest point. The section is facing south. Section was drawn, photographed, and collectedABK (20 Oct 2004). Georghos Georghiou had gone back himself on 9/9/04 to have a look and make another collection. he actually did make a collection for the CS. there's plenty of Chalco or Late Chalco pottery (i can't really tell) AND what appear to be some Philia sherds as well. more importantly, there were two pieces of picrolite (one is a blank, one MAY be part of a pendant), about ten NICE groundstone pieces (hammerstones, mortars) and a couple of what looked to me to be axes, one of which was made of some stone like flint..... anyway, Carole MUST see this material, and so must Mara, BUT we will have to apply to the director to see it, and until it has a CS number we can't even do that: giorgios was just being kind to me today. So, for the record, there are three trays (two pottery, one groundstone) from Phlasou KOUTROULIS collected on 9/9/04 which soon will have a CS number, and which both Mara and Carole should certainly see asap?4 Nov 04. CS 2957. Application to see material."|489915.00|344.00|"AKR"|8/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|1|"Koutroullis"|0|0|0|3879545.00|0||"TP135"|"Abundant"|1|1|"AJG"|8/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|||"TS06"|1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"A section cut into a slope with Bronze Age pottery (red polished) eroding out of the section (CS 2957)"|"ATB"|0|"None"|0|"On the side of a gentle slope that leads down into an anthroprogenic terrace"|"Wild vegetation (grasses)"|0|"Phlasou"|80.00 "Via the dirt track to the south side of Alestos"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Poor - several sections of wall have collapsed and the channel is silting up and overgrown. Pruned olive branches have been piled on some sections."|"Below an almond grove giving onto vegetable terraces with olive and almond trees bordering the terrace edges. Terraces facing north east. Almond grove above is on a natural slope [not terraced at all]. Wild grasses on the risers, prunings from olive trees either placed beside, or inside the irrigation channel. Channel is no longer in use."|"Stone terrace riser with stone irrigation channel in front. Base of water race is indeterminate but probably indeterminate. Channel extends along the southeast/northwest side of SU2609 and is fed from upper terrace at northwest end, in turn feeding the lower terrace at southeast end."|501985.00|516.00|"ESP"|13/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Dhyopevkous"|0|0|1|3875925.00|1||"TP136"|"None"|0|0|"ESP"|9/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Disused stone irrigation channel in conjunction with a terrace wall"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Gentle slope with non-mechanised terraces below"|"Almonds, olives and wild grasses"|0|"Xyliatos"|20.00 "400 m south of Nikitari-Asinou road"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"Stable: Rhizocarpon tinei"|"Located on forested hill slope over looking river valley"|"Clusters of rock with Rhizocarpon tinei. Unnatural/anthropogenic. 6 x 6 m. Rubble possibly from structure"|497886.00|488.00|"CLT"|14/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Stavros"|0|0|0|3878293.00|0||"TP137"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|8/7/2003 00:00:00||0|1|0|0||||1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Rock cluster"|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Mountainous/hillslope"|"Pine, lichen, moss."|0|"Nikitari"|40.00 "East of Phlasou-Evrychou road approx. 200 meters"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Stable"|"Located to the north and east of an outcrop of bedrock on a ridge above and to the south of cultivated fields"|"Possible tomb 1: the furthest west of the tombs. Comprises a roughly circular depression measuring 2.5 meters WSW-ENE and 2.1 meters NNE-SSE. Uniformly shallow depth approximately 20 cm.Possible tomb 2: sub-rectangular/oval depression, orientated NNE by SSE along its long axis. Possible mound of upcast to east of depression or surviving element of tomb? Pine located on north end of this mound. Bedrock visible in cut. 2.3 meters long, 2.16 meters wide, 0.7 meters deep.NB these records, which may or may not refer to these tombs (Georghis Georghiou, CAARI workshop 2002): Phlasou T4 (CC; transport amphora, bronze mirror with silver rivets, gold amphora-shaped pendant). Phlasou T5 (SE of Tomb 4; iron knives; 3 CA imports: Chios amphora, East Aegean late 6th-century bowl, faience aryballos perhaps from Rhodes or Naukratis; CCI-II pottery in upper burial; Attic red-figure lekythos like those from Marios)"|490600.00|370.00|"ATB"|14/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Akhneradhoes"|0|0|0|3879475.00|0||"TP138"|"None"|0|0|"JMC"|9/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"2 possible tombs"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"On one of the a series of small ridges at east end of transect"|"Wild grasses, spiny burnet, pine"|0|"Phlasou"|70.00 "Dirt tracks from road west of Phlasou"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|0|"None"||"The church is located on a flat area on a prominent spur. The slopes to the E,N and W are steep, almost sheer in places and characterised by pine, wild grass and bushes. A steep dirt track crosses the slope from NNE to WSW. To the S there is a quarried face of bedrock - this marks a step up to a wide flattish area, covered in gravel, presumably used for parking. Some 30m to the S of this is the true summit; a small outcrop with distinctive reddish stone (?Gossan). To the S the ground slopes away more gently. Good view over valley."|"The church is stone and tile/brick built with a timber and tile roof and brick pillars surrounding the main building. One main door at west end, 2 in N and S walls. A later extension appears visible on the W end. Inside the floor is stone paved, wooden beams run N-S across the eaves of the roof. The central one has some carving. Some painted plaster survives near the frame of the door in the S wall. An iconostasis with numerous panels screens off the sanctuary. It has one central doorway and one on the N side. On the inside S-facing wall is a later mural of St. George within an arched setting. A wax ex-voto and other small offerings are placed in front of this mural.Surveyed by TJI, AJG, et al. as BU00889 July 2005: collection of Archaic or Classical White Painted sherds from amphora downslope 20 m East of church (found and photographed by YHD). Quite fresh; hollow and scraping nearby. Quite likely to be similar tombs elsewhere on the slope. Another tomb reported W of church, but not found (after a very quick look)."|489278.00|420.00|"JMC"|19/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|1|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Paleomylos"|0|1|1|3879357.00|0||"TP139"|"Abundant"|1|0|"JMC"|9/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Church of Ayios Yeoryios on summit of spur in Karkotis valley; Iron Age tomb"|"ATB"|0|"Abundant"|1|"On spur: flat wide area on summit, steep slopes to E, N, S"|"Pines, cleared on summit"|0|"Phlasou"|100.00 "On main road running between Kato Koutraphas and Nikitari. Low roads on both sides."||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0||"Village demolished, but mud brick latrine and watermill still intact."|"Views north. In between two rivers, water available with wells as well as the rivers. Eucalyptus trees possibly indicate high water table. Extensive views of fields around. Pieces of jasper."|"Demolished village on either side of road from Kato Koutraphas to Nikitari. Numerous demolished structures and piles of stone rubble. Stone foundations showing on the surface and some paving. Fountain from 1950 and stone-lined wells (499336/3883427).On eastern slope above river there is a mud-brick structure- latrine.Stone-built watermill (499491/3886337). North east ridge is terraced."|499279.00|229.00|"JOS"|12/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0||0|0||0|0|"Village"|0|1|1|3883441.00|0||"TP140"|"Abundant"|0|0|"TNF"|9/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XXXII"|"Pano Koutraphas"||1||0|"GPS"|"Demolished village, including abandoned watermill corresponding to village plot 71."|"SED"|0|"Some"|0|"Spur between two river channels, the Lagoudhera and Asinou Potamos"|"Capers, centurion thistles, eucalyptus, wheat and barley grasses."|0|"Pano Koutraphas"|50.00 "Mountainside"||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Stable."|"Located on mountainside, slope overlooks narrow road.No mass of stones, several have tumbled down hill."|"Clusters of rock, looks unnatural, appars to be on two levels. Top level looks circular, appears to be formed like steps."|497819.00|591.00|"TNF"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Pykroathasoudhi"|0|0|0|3877632.00|0||"TP141"|"None"|0|0|"JPR"|12/7/2003 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Clusters of rock"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Top of hill, on a flattened surface."|"Wild grasses, pine trees and cistus."|0|"Nikitari"|70.00 "From dirt track running on the lower slope of the south side of Alestos."||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Collapsed and poor if a structure, excellent if it is a pile of stones."|"Located in a setting of disused terraces with low angular basalt built retaining walls, which are with a few small almond trees on the terraces below. On a contour line of the POSI to the east it is natural hill slope with wild grasses."|"Pile of angular basalt: cobble and boulder size stones. It has two straight edges, one across the contour, the other going up in an acute angle. On the aerial photograph there seems to be a half circle shape with material on the up slope but is no longer present on the ground. First thought that this might be a collapsed structure or a platform but now the team believes it might be a short section of terrace walls with field clearance dumped around it."|501970.00|560.00|"RAB"|14/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Mutallin tis Trimithias"|0|0|0|3875590.00|0||"TP142"|"None"|0|0|"CWA"|13/7/2003 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Pile of stones with right angle."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"On gentle slope close to the top of a hill with north aspect."|"Wild grasses, Spiny Burnet and Hawthorn."|0|"Xyliatos"|10.00 ||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Unstable and under current erosion."|"Gully with olive trees down the centre slope. To the west covered in moss and more olives. Generally well watered. Side of gully slope heavily eroded."|"Area shows indications of at least two possible check dams and possibly more along the slope. Undergrowth suggests area has been heavily watered."|497800.00|596.00|"SMJ"|22/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Khalospita"|0|0|0|3877420.00|0||"TP143"|"None"|0|0|"CLT"|13/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXX"||"TS19"|1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Possible check dams."|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Rocky hillslope/eroding gully."|"Olive trees, moss, pine trees, wild grasses."|0|"Ayios Yeoryios Kaphkalo"|70.00 "Forestry road located to west."||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Covered and stable"|"Near top of hill on northeast facing slope, directly under a pine tree leaning south west. Located just north of ridge."|"Seems to be built upon a natural formation. Had to remove pine needles to get better view. Exposed rock 104 cm across. Rock has lichen and moss looks semi circular similar to TP141."|497775.00|584.00|"JPR"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Khandakia"|0|0|0|3877340.00|0||"TP144"|"None"|0|0|"SMJ"|13/7/2003 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"A mixture of natural and unnatural rocks."|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Hillslope south west facing"|"grasses, pine, cistus."|0|"Nikitari"|10.00 "From dirt track, from Agios Yeoryios to the south of Alestos"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Poor and collapsed, heavily overgrown."|"Found in a series of gullies and low ridges in a west-east direction. It is in a flat gully approximately 10m broad at lower slopes of the south side of Alestos. The gully basically used as an almond grove, but the trees are at least half dead. Overgrown with wild grasses, spiny burnet and pine, hawthorn and thyme on the edges, thyme only on the south facing slope to the north."|"Upper check dam: 10m across the dam.Middle check dam: 8m across the dam, 16m between the middle dam and upper dam.Lower check dam: 10m across the dam, 14m between lower dam and middle dam.Height of middle dam: 50cm, lower dam: 50cm, upper dam: 100cm.Walls made of angular basalt, cobble and boulder sized stones. The check dams are quite subtle and produce broad flat treads."|502000.00|500.00|"RAB"|14/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkioes"|0|1|1|3876185.00|0||"TP145"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CWA"|14/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"Unclear"|0|"Image Print"|"Series of three check dams"|"AGR"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Flattened out gently sloping gully from west to east"|"Spiny Burnet, Thyme, Almond, Hawthorn, Wild grasses"|0|"Xyliatos"|10.00 "Dirt track from Ayios Yeoryios to south side of Alestos"||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Overgrown depression and erroded ridge slope."|"Low ridge approximately 2m high on lower south side of Alestos. Thin and stony soil with thyme, wild grasses, pine and old, mostly dead almonds. Because it is on the top of a slope some pot sherds have been washed down."|"Scatter of pottery, e.g. lighter utility wares. The area of scattered is approximately 2m wide and 4m down slope. 1m above the scatter on the top of the ridge there is a depression approximately 3m square and 0.5m deep. If a tomb it provides a prominent view of the valley south of Alestos with 180 degrees visibility."|502005.00|513.00|"RAB"|14/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkioes"|0|0|0|3876238.00|0||"TP146"|"Abundant"|1|0|"CWA"|14/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small but dense scatter of pottery below a depression on the ridge (tomb?)"|"AGR"|0|"None"|1|"The top of and downslope of south-facing ridge"|"Wild grasses, thyme, pine, almond"|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Dirt track from Agios Yeoryios on south side of Alestos."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Poor - walls are deteriorating due to erosion and the lack of maintenance resulting in overgrowing."|"Steep E-SE slope with prominent bedrock and possible remains of a dyke. Beginning of pine forest. Gully running E-SE within a series of ridges and gullies that run across the lower slopes of Alestos."|"A series of 6 check dams. The top dam is the largest being 3m along the dam. Below this are 5 smaller check dams each forming areas of approximately 2m square (enough to hold a single tree).Walls of check dams vary in construction, the top dam is bedrock and dry stone walling. The lower dams construction is not certain due to erosion and overgrowing but pbobably are either earthen or dry stone walling."|502015.00|511.00|"RAB"|14/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kokkinoplevra tou Alestou"|0|1|0|3876280.00|0||"TP147"|"None"|0|0|"CWA"|14/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Series of 6 check dams."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Steep E-SE slope on south side of Alestos"|"Pine, wild grasses, thyme, spiny burnet, almond"|0|"Xyliatos"|50.00 "Dirt track from Agios Yeoryios to the south side of Alestos"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Heavily overgrown over spoil heap below adit. Some collapse and fill in the adit but generally quite good condition."|"Steep stony slope on the south side of Alestos above the pine line. Overgrown with vegetation. Uncultivated land due to slope. Just below rocky outcrops of summit. Located in a gully at about 15 degrees slope and formed in basaltic rock."|"Adit about 20m SW of TP112 (adit). From entrance heading north: 170cm deep. From entrance heading east: 400cm deep. Largest (eastern) part: 90cm high. Northern area: 50cm high. External platform E of adit entrance, stone wall south side, N side seems to be cut into the bedrock. Length: 2.6m, Depth: 2.5m. Stone wall of south side between 1 and 4 courses high. Visibility on platform: 30%, around platform: 10%, within adit: 80%."|502017.00|574.00|"ESP"|15/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kokkinoplevra tou Alestou"|1|0|0|3876454.00|0||"TP148"|"None"|0|0|"RAB"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Adit with external stone built platform"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Steep stony slope on south side of Alestos"|"Hawthorn, Spiny Burnet, Wild Grasses, buckthorn, Urtica, Capers and Genista"|0|"Xyliatos"|30.00 "Dirt track from Ayios Yeoryios to the south side of Alestos and then walk."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Located on a north-south facing slope at 22 degrees. Formed in pillow basalt with all the topsoil eroded. Current landuse is forestry and almond groves. The texture of the soil is cobbles."|"The quarry seems to have cut away the first 10 metres of a gallery of which the base is visible under rubble. The mouth of the adit completely overgrown with hawthorn and Paliurus spino christi. The bulldozed track suggests it is modern. Also the material from the quarry has been removed. The actual rock is gossan. 30m east of TP112."|502057.00|572.00|"ESP"|15/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kokkinoplevra tou Alestou"|1|0|0|3876452.00|0||"TP149"|"None"|0|0|"KWJ"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Modern quarry and possible adit, south side of Alestos."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Just below the modern spoil heap to the west."|"Hawthorn, Paliurus Spino-Christi, Wild Grasses and Spiny Burnet"|0|"Xyliatos"|10.00 "Up slope from dirt track from Ayios Yeoryios on south slope of Alestos"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good but one top stone collapsed out."|"Steep bedrock outcrops. Vegetation growing sparsely up slope (N). Mixed vegetation but spiny burnet prominent to the north."|"Crudely made dry stack of angular material. Platform: 260cm E-W, 250cm N-S, N side bedrock. S side stone wall: 70cm high, curving slightly at west end. Very poor visibility in surrounding area, less than 10%."|501976.00|606.00|"ESP"|15/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kokkinoplevra tou Alestou"|0|0|0|3876508.00|1||"TP150"|"None"|0|0|"RAB"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Stone wall of angular basalt boulders with small platform."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Steep rocky slope"|"Hawthorn, Spiny Burnet, Wild Grasses, Capers"|0|"Xyliatos"|0.00 "Dirt track from Ayios Yeoryios to south side of Alestos and then walk."||"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"||"Located in a gully that is on a noth-south facing slope at an altitude of 636 m and a slope of 25 degrees. It is formed in pillow basalt that has significant concentration of manganese."|"Check dam high up a gully with a young almond tree and wild garlic. Rock walls on each side. Little pockets of soil among lots of rubble. There is a carob tree 5m away on the western rock wall."|501985.00|636.00|"ESP"|15/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kokkinoplevra tou Alestou"|0|0|0|3876542.00|0||"TP151"|"None"|0|0|"KWJ"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Possible check dam high up south side of Alestos."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Narrow steep gully above adits."|"Almond, Wild Garlic, Carob, Wild Grasses and Spiny Burnet"|0|"Xyliatos"|10.00 "Top of Alestos (via dirt track from Ayios Yeoryios to south of Alestos)"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good - wall in good condition not much impact on it aside from environmental due to its isolated location."|"Steep pillow lava slope below summit of Alestos. Extremely thin stony soil supporting spiny burnet and grasses with one or two very stunted hawthorns."|"Small platform (170 cm by 260 cm) cut into the bedrock just below the summit of Alestos. Curved wall created of dry stone walling closely packed ands levelled with pebble and cobble-sized stones."|501946.00|652.00|"AGR"|16/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kokkinoplevra tou Alestou"|0|0|0|3876579.00|1||"TP152"|"None"|0|0|"ESP"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small platform with dry stone wall on south face of Alestos"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Bedrock towards top of Alestos, steep pillow lava formations"|"Spiny Burnet, Wild Grasses, Hawthorn"|0|"Xyliatos"|100.00 "Immediately next to the Alestos mine access road [not usable]."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"South adit: Good. East adit: not as good, lots of infill. Both are heavily lichenated"|"Two collapsed adits on the west facing slope of Alestos. Close to the ridge and immediately below the Alestos mine access road. Soil is very thin and stony and is supporting grass, thistles and stunted hawthorn."|"Two adits cut into the bedrock below the Alestos mine access road. One adit is heading south and the other is heading east. There is a short flat area between the mouths which may have been a junction?! South adit dimensions: 180cm deep, 160cm wide inside adit, 70cm high at mouth, 70cm wide at mouth. There is a cut 45cm wide x 180cm long through the bedrock to the mouth.East adit dimensions: 70cm high at mouth, 70cm wide at mouth, 90cm deep. Lots of tumble infill in this adit."|501981.00|664.00|"ESP"|16/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|1|0|0|3876674.00|0||"TP153"|"None"|0|0|"ESP"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Two adits below the road on the top of Alestos."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Steep rocky ground/slope immediately below the ridge"|"Thistle, Spiny Burnet, Cistus, Hawthorn and grasses"|0|"Xyliatos"|30.00 "Via Alestos mine access road near Agios Yeoryios [not in use]"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Very good, no damage to wall. Lots of lichenation."|"Set high up on west facing slope of Alestos below ridge and last stretch of the mine access road (actually situated in the area formed by the road switching back on itself). Soil is thin and stony able to support only spiny burnet, grasses and stunted hawthorn."|"Small platform with dry stone retaining wall packed behind with cobble and pebble sized stones. Wall is approximately 4 courses high (45cm high). Courses fine upwards (biggest boulders on bottom up to cobbles on top). Platform is cut into bedrock at rear. Dimensions: 280cm N-S across the slope and 220cm E-W down the slope. This construction has produced a very flat area. This is very similar to TP152 found on the south facing slope. Possibly a shooting platform but no cartridges. Potentially related to the mine as it is situated immediately below the two adits TP153."|501970.00|667.00|"ESP"|16/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|0|0|3876678.00|1||"TP154"|"None"|0|0|"ESP"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small platform with dry stone retaining wall and cut into bedrock."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Steep rocky slope on west facing side of Alestos below ridge."|"Spiny Burnet, Systus, Grasses, Hawthorn"|0|"Xyliatos"|70.00 "Road to Stavros - 100m NW."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Unstable."|"Open forest. Some vegetation but no heavy undergrowth."|"Forked gully heading NE. Two tributary gullies on the N and NW. Six clear structures. Gully shows less erosion than other series 50m N (TP157). Structures appear loose and less stable than those recorded in TP157 [or TP156, as form? MJG]. Averaging 2.3m in width and 0.35m in height. Resevoirs of upper check dams are fuller than lower ones. 5m from gully is a path."|497925.00|522.00|"SMJ"|22/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Stavros"|0|1|0|3877900.00|0||"TP155"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"Unclear"|0|"Image Print"|"Series of check dams."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Gully/steep slope."|"Cistus, pine trees and mosses."|0|"Nikitari"|70.00 "Stavros Road."||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Relatively stable."|"Open forest, steep slopes."|"1.5m across for individual check dams. Boulders used instead of cobbles. Walls made of alluvium as opposed to gravel or bedrock. Channel is stream like and self-contained. Walls are up to 0.5m tall at bottom of slope. 4 identifiable check dams. Boulders are heavily packed. 0.6m of sediment on which lies 0.4m stone structures although this appears less pronounced up slope. There are also natural outcrops which could be mistaken for dams. Dams spaced out."|497925.00|499.00|"SMJ"|22/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Stavros"|0|1|0|3877925.00|0||"TP156"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"Unclear"|0|"Image Print"|"Series of check dams."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Steep gully."|"Wild grasses, pine trees and cistus."|0|"Nikitari"|80.00 "Road to Stavros - 100m NNW."||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Gully appears to be heavily eroded."|"Mountainous terrain. Open forest. Active erosion - no soil in gully and sparse vegetation."|"Series of check dams in gully, 8-10m apart. At least 7 check dams, averaging 2.9m wide and 0.45m tall. Running NNE to SSW. Possible dam under myrtle and olive trees on SSE part of gully but is currently inaccessible. Stones firmly placed but not mortared. Have been in place long enough for the resevoirs to fill with sediment."|497925.00|499.00|"SMJ"|22/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Stavros"|0|1|0|3877950.00|0||"TP157"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"Unclear"|0|"Image Print"|"Series of check dams."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Highly eroded, steep gully slope."|"Pine trees, cistus plants."|0|"Nikitari"|90.00 "Stavros road."||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Unknown - vegetation very overgrown."|"Open forest."|"There is a group of very green plants that my be due to a spring or a check dam with a huge accumulation of sediment."|497900.00|521.00|"SMJ"|22/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Stavros"|0|1|0|3877830.00|0||"TP158"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"Unclear"|0|"Image Print"|"Possible check dam."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Small alluvial/colluvial fan downhill."|"myrtle, cistus."|0|"Nikitari"|10.00 "road beside field"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Fairly visible and presence of mosses"|"Uncultivated field. GU2331"|"Two stone check dams on a gentle north-facing slope 10m apart and 3m wide, and 50cm high. Check dams are fairly visible unlike surroundings which have overgrown wild cereal."|497380.00|494.00|"CRR"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paloeolinos"|0|1|0|3877990.00|0||"TP159"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|15/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS17"|1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Two stone check dams"|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Field - up gentle slope (north-facing)"|"Wild grasses, pines"|0|"Nikitari"|60.00 "Stavros Road."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Stable."|"Open forest. GU2311"|"Single wooden check dam in gully. 1.35m wide and 20cm high. Log still has dry bark adhering to the underside stones to the left holding it in place.Alluvium exposed under log, build up of sediment behind it."|497875.00|527.00|"SMJ"|22/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Stavros"|0|1|0|3877853.00|0||"TP160"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"Unclear"|0|"Image Print"|"Possible check dam (wooden)."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Shallow gully."|"Wild grasses."|0|"Nikitari"|60.00 "Dirt track from Ayios Yioryios."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Stable surface."|"It is the highest of a series of mini-summits on the hill. It has an east facing aspect and bounded by a small section of stone piles to the east. The middle section has a number of rock outcrops. The west side leads into a very steep gully. There is another flat area to the NW and has stought North and west facing sides with bed rock exposed."|"It is a summit of a hill and often a commanding view westwards. The steep gully immediately west prevents safe access to the site. To the south of of TS05 (just south of dirt track down to bottom of N - S gully) is another gully running E-W which would provide access onto the saddle that the dirt track runs through. The middle section of the platform has a number of rock outcrops. There are also some bedrock visible on the slopes. It is raised about 1.4 m to the north, a meter to the east, 95 cm to the south and 90 cm to the west side."|501877.00|521.00|"TNF"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkies"|0|0|0|3876083.00|0||"TP212"|"Some"|0|0|"ABL"|31/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Raised flat area of summit of a small hill."|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"1-degree slope in the NS and E-W directions."|"Grass, thistle, hawthorn, spiny burnet"|1|"Xyliatos"|40.00 "Dirt road uphill to S of Sina Oros followed by a very steep climb."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Collapsed."|"Scrub hillslope, cistus, hawthorn, terebinth, spiny burnet, olive."|"6m diameter sub-circular rock pile of irregular basalt (local). Terebinth growth obscures centre. Possible double skin wall with core. Associated with abandoned terraces below. Also olive approx. 100 to 200 years old to SSW.Access very difficult due to bulldozed road.Extensive views across North to Morphou bay.Pot located downslope.No cadastral record and data available."|491015.00|680.00|"TNF"|6/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Mouti tou Stavrou"|0|0|0|3873962.00|0||"TP214"|"Some"|0|0|"JOS"|31/7/2003 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"37-V"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Sub-circular pile of rocks, with collapsed wall to N."|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"Knoll of hill overlooking Sina Oros."|"Scrub"|0|"Sina Oros"|0.00 "Ford east of Lemonas"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Line of walls clear. Interior may survive under ploughing."|"Slight rise above a bend in the Atsas river, on rolling agricultural land. Views all round. Soil is residuum from bedrock, rather than alluvial. At the well on the N side, the topsoil is 20-30 cm deep, then bedrock. Relatively poor agricultural land (better up hill to NW)."|"Substantial rectangular structure, with 4 walls expressed as linear rubble piles. Centre ploughed out. Lots of figurines, terracotta sculpture, Iron Age pottery, and some Roman pottery and tile. More figurines at the N end (and perhaps E). Some ground stone. The enclosure is too big to be a roofed structure, and is clearly a temenos. Most stone is imported: eroded coral heads originally from Koroni, picked up from Koutraphas river. Microgabbro, limestone, diabase. Some stones show red colouring from red soils on hill to NW (ancient pediment of Potami age). Rubble lines and walls continue for 100 m to NW, N & NE, though no tile in them and no other clear structures. PU01. Sanctuary temenos. PU02. Field boundary 50 m from temenos at 493062/3882681. Foot; tile rim; some terracotta sculpture. PU03. Possible rock-cut pit with sherds of Hellenistic cooking pot 2 m outside it. 493041/3882649. 2 fragments of Roman rimmed tile c. 5 m W of it.(Revisit by KWJ, NJU, SMJ, MJG on 30/6/04)"|493099.00|261.00|"MJG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Abundant"|0|1|"Atsas"|0|0|"Khalospitia"|0|0|0|3882636.00|0||"TP215"|"Abundant"|1|0|"MJG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|1||||1|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Archaic sanctuary"|"JSN"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Knoll"|"Stubble, zizyphus spino-christi"|0|"Evrykhou"|20.00 "Cross Atsas east of Lemonas"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Rubble piles. Very overgrown"|"Bedrock knoll in valley (so not occupying valuable agricultural land)Cadastral plots 151 to 160"|"Extensive area of rubble piles, c. 200 m in diameter. Very overgrown. Also a broad arched tunnel entrance (at GPS grid reference). Fair amount of rimmed tile and Roman pottery. Some areas cultivated within last century, but long abandoned. Difficult job to map: GPS an rock piles? Corner of ashlar block near 'tunnel entrance' (which is excavated into old lava tube). Revisit by KWJ, MJG, SMJ, NJU on 30/6/04. Pottery and other objects identified by walking northwest in three lines. Functions: TW, CW, LU, HU, Tr, Ar. State of preservation: the fragments were very small at the southern end and became noticeably larger as we moved north. TW. One ESA and one BS-ER, but mainly ARS, PhW (one: PhW03-LR), and even more CRS (one CRS09-LR). CW. Very thin-walled and often corrugated, indicating a date ER and onwards. One rim+handle fragment of Dhiorios pot collected. LU & HU. Mainly SS, but some F. Identifiable chronotypes: HUR01-ROM, MOR-LR, HUR22-LR. Tr. One LR1-LR handle and at least 2 AmSk01-ROM fragments. A few unidentifiable ones: one large toe and 1 rim collected. Ar. Both SS and F. Slag. 3 pieces.Base of stemmed drinking vessel collected. Certainly a LR settlement, but probably preceded by an earlier occupation at least from ER. Identified as settlement because of character of assemblage, in spite of absence of ground stone. No specialised production vessels identified."|492296.00|236.00|"MJG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Atsas"|0|0|"Lithosourka"|0|0|0|3883039.00|0||"TP216"|"Abundant"|1|0|"MJG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00||0|1|1|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Extensive area of rubble piles, tile and pottery"|"JSN"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Low broad hill in valley"|"Grasses, hawthorn, thistle"|0|"Petra"|10.00 "Track from upper Katydata road, opposite Laonarka; past water mill"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Abundant"|"Cut by bulldozer"|"Cemented colluvium, with jasper occuring naturally in it. Facet between slopes, with bulldozed track down the middle of it. Surface very stable (section in gully very close on the south has two buried soils)"|"Red, brown and red-brown jasper; very nice material. Quite a dense scatter, but only c. 10 m across. Tools (blades), cores, flakes, debitage. Another example with possible complete reduction sequence at 491416/3883229. General scatter of worked and unworked jasper across entire gully"|491315.00||"MJG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|1|"Meras"|0|0|0|3883233.00|0||"TP217"|"Some"|0|1|"MJG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Scatter of worked red and brown jasper"|"JSN"|0|"None"|0|"Gully"||0|"Petra"|20.00 "From mining company road along east edge of leachfields."||"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"Some"|"Bulldozing has obscurred or destroyed much of this area."|"East slope of Skouriotissa mining edifice. Incised alluvial deposits of fans at base of Tria Vounarka (3 hills). Recently excavated dam and collection basin for capture of mine runoff and sediment."|"Three to four buried organic-rich (10YR 4/3d) soil A horizons with artifacts and buried check dam(s) witihin a sequence that overlies crushed gossan deposit. Soil in alluvium over gossan-rich sediments has calcic horizon that is likely Roman in age."|491324.00|103.00|"JSN"|4/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0||0|0|"Meras"|1|0|0|3883217.00|0||"TP218"|"Some"|0|0|"JSN"|3/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Buried check dam and mining spoil"|"JSN"|0|"None"|0|"Gullied slope in pillow basalts at base of Tria Vounarka"|"Batha with spiny burnet"|0|"Petra"|70.00 "To the northwest of forestry road from Asinou to Spilia."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Checkdam is overgrown with moss and possibly eroded on the northeast side."|"Forested hillslope with gully. Incising two colluvial hillslopes. Many pines in the vicinity. Golden oak is located in southwest corner of dam."|"Heavily lichenated checkdam in gully. Rocks are moss covered. Dimensions 4.5 long x 20 cm tall. Sediment accumulation is between 20 and 30 cm behind dam. Check dam is wide with flat surface above (sediment accumulation). Golden oak is located just to the downslope side of the checkdam wall. The oak postdates the checkdam construction. Gully runs southeast / northwest. Two large boulders are located on the top of the sediment in the checkdam. These boulders did not accumulate due to erosion. Boulders moved intentionally - not by erosional processes. Possible stepping stones?"|495338.00|695.00|"ESG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Trimitheri"|0|0|0|3875102.00|0||"TP219"|"None"|0|0|"ESG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Check dam in gully to the southeast of transect"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Shallow gully base between two colluvial hillslopes"|"Golden oak, cistus, milk vetch, moss, pine"|0|"Nikitari"|60.00 "Forestry road from Asinou Church to Kasos Panamos."||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Top structures are less stable and heavily eroded due to road bulldozing and consequential rockfall. Stability on middle check dams increases and decreases again further down the slope. This may be due to the larger boulders leading to less tight packing."|"Open forest, floor heavily covered with moss and pine needles."|"Series of 13 check dams set in alluvial gully sloping NE. Between check dams 9 & 10 there is a path (see map). Top check dams are unstable due to bulldozing and on steeper part of gully. Unidentifiable rock pile between fifth and sixth check dam. At this point there is also a slight directional change. Bottom most check dams contain pottery sherds within the structure as well as in the vicinity. 2.5m below the 11th check dam there is a large pithoi rim. Green lichen is found on some of the stones (Rhyzocarpon tinea) eg 11th check dam - which may be used for dating. Structures follow natural curvature of slope. On the steeper aspects check dams distances will be more pronounced and vice versa. Bottom resevoirs are fuller. Refer to sketches for individual descriptions."|497875.00|532.00|"SMJ"|22/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Stavros"|0|1|0|3877800.00|0||"TP161"|"Some"|0|0|"CLT"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Series of 13 check dams."|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Gully with changing steepness."|"Mosses, pines, cistus, wild grasses."|0|"Nikitari"|70.00 "Stavros road west."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Fairly stable."|"Open forest - sparse vegetation in the actual gully. GU2333"|"Series of five basalt stone check dams running SSW into a second order gully. Each is aprox. two metres wide and no more than 0.4m tall. All are spaced within 6m of each other with the exception of the fifth check dam which is approx. 9.5m below the fourth.This may be due to an decrease in slope gradation. It appears particularily in the first check dam that natural rock outcrops have been exploited as part of the dam structures."|497840.00|528.00|"TNF"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paloeolinos"|0|1|0|3877924.00|0||"TP162"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Series of five check dams running SSW."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Rocky gully."|"Pine, cistus, and wild cereal."|0|"Nikitari"|90.00 "Road to Stavros west."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Fairly unstable, rocks quite loose."|"Sparse vegetation, open spaces, and rocky. GU2334"|"Series of thirteen check dams running towards a larger central gully, average 2.5 m wide. Spacing varies from 1.5 m to 7.5 m, depending on the steepness of the slope. Check dams 1 and 2 appear to be different from the rest, and heavily eroded. Number 3 consists of larger boulders and more systematic arrangement of stones."|497825.00|496.00|"CRR"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paloeolinos"|0|1|0|3877945.00|0||"TP163"|"None"|0|0|"CLT"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Thirteen check dams"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Rocky gully in bedrock."|"Cistus, pine trees and cereals."|0|"Nikitari"|90.00 "West of road to Stavros."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Slightly unstable."|"Partially rocky open forest gully."|"Seven check dams, on average first dams are approximately 2.3 m wide, sixth and seventh however are only 1.5 m long. The first two are only 2.5 m apart, but this increases on the third check dam to 17m, then again on the fourth to 11 m, only to decrease between dams five and six to 5m spacing. The stones were loosely packed, making dam six highly unstable. The stones which remain show patches of a bright green lichen. Number seven contained a boulder larger than found in the others."|497800.00|510.00|"CRR"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paloeolinos"|0|1|0|3877945.00|0||"TP164"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Series of seven check dams on gully heading nnw."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"rocky gully in bedrock."|"cistus, pines and cereal."|0|"Nikitari"|70.00 "Road off Asinou church, and Stavros Church road."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Appears to be stable."|"Open forest, gully not as long as others. GU2336"|"Single stone check dam in small gully, approximately 1.87 cm long. 23 cm high. Heading east. Unusual in that, unlike the other gullies which generally possessed 10 or more check dams, only one check dam was present here."|497760.00|507.00|"CRR"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paloeolinos"|0|1|0|3877950.00|0||"TP165"|"None"|0|0|"JPR"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28 -XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Check dam (stone)."|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Shallow, short gully."|"Wild grass, pine needles, cistus plants."|0|"Nikitari"|70.00 "Road of Asinou Church, and Stavros Church Road."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Number two collapsed; stability of the other four was questionable."|"Open Forest with two first order gullies joining a secondary check dam at the bottom"|"Five check dams heading NNW on average ten meters apart with the exception of the third and fourth being 14.5 meters apart."|497740.00|469.00|"CRR"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paloeolinos"|0|1|1|3877870.00|0||"TP167"|"None"|0|0|"CLT"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"First order gully with five check dams below Stavros road."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Gully running northwest, slighty steep."|"Pines, cistus, wild grains."|0|"Nikitari"|80.00 "Just below Stavros road."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"|"Top dams tend to be in better condition than those further down the gully."|"Wide gully, quite dry with lots of shade. Gully narrows NNW. Mostly covered with wild grasses, making dams difficult to distinguish. GU2337"|"Possible check dams, each 4 m wide. Sixth possible dam towards end of slope where gully narrows. This consists of three large cobblestones in a line atop some sediment. Spacing between most dams is between 7m and 9 m. Except for the sixth check dam which is approximately 20 meters below the fifth. Other check dams may not be seen due to overflowing resevoirs, all resevoirs appear quite full. The structures themselve consist of tightly packed stones. The road just above the POSI may be the cause of this."|497725.00|507.00|"CRR"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paloeolinos"|0|1|0|3877875.00|0||"TP168"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Series of six check dams in wide gully."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Wide gully - rocky."|"Pine, wild grasses, cistus."|0|"Nikitari"|60.00 "Road of Asinou Church (100m) NW, and Stavros Church."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Unstable and overgrown."|"Open forest gully. GU2337"|"Narrow gully channel running nnw from two tributary gully channels above. Five check dams with at least three natural bedrock drops along the gully. Overgrown and fairly destroyed. Rocks loose and scattered. Joins major gully at bottom, running towards Asinou church road. Check dams average 1.5 m wide and 0.5 m high. Spaced out between 3.0 and 15.0 meters apart, spacing between each dam highly variable and partly influenced by presence of natural outcrops in channel acting as dams."|497725.00|469.00|"CRR"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Paloeolinos"|0|1|0|3877925.00|0||"TP169"|"None"|0|0|"SMJ"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXII"||"TS19"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Gully with five check dams."|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Fairly steep-sided gully running SE to NW."|"Pine, cistus, grasses, moss, and branches."|0|"Nikitari"|80.00 "Dirt track from TS10"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Rocky outcrop - basalt on south east facing slope of Alestos. Vegetation occurs in small pockets between the rocks."|"Basalt outcrop with no cultural material but an excellent view of TS05 (potential Roman settlement site) to the south west and the Lagoudhera Valley to the east as well as the valley floor itself, linking the smelting site to the east with TS05. No sketch but photos of both the rock and views from it."|502276.00|580.00|"ESP"|16/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|0|0|3876584.00|0||"TP170"|"None"|0|0|"ESP"|16/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Rocky outcrop on the south east slope of Alestos"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Rocky outcrop below spoil heap (to the north west)"|"Hawthorn, Cistus, Spiny Burnet, Wild grasses"|1|"Xyliatos"|100.00 "Dirt road through the modern mine, past office."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Very concreted."|"The pile was moved with a front end loader from where it was found near the Roman gallery further up in the mine."|"The pile is not homogeneous. The south side seems to contain a lot more soil (sample taken). The larger fragments appear to be located towards the base/bottom."|490700.00|280.00|"TNF"|2/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0||0|0|"Phoukasa"|0|0|0|3882580.00|0||"TP171"|"Abundant"|1|0|"KWJ"|17/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS01"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Amphora pile in Skouriotissa."|"KWJ"|0|"Some"|0|"Out of context/not in situ."|"Caper bush, wild grasses."|0|"Skouriotissa"|100.00 "Dirt track running along the south side of Alestos."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Well hidden in a riser and covered by soil, it is difficult to say, but the surface is not smooth, so possibly some of the wall has tumbled down."|"The wall is visible in a riser between two terraced fields next to the dirt track that runs along the south side of Alestos. The lower field, from which the wall is visible, is covered with weeds and some capers. On the riser are visible oats and other wild grasses."|"Straight line of stones in a riser. Between the stones are pieces of pottery and tile in situ. This is possibly a wall. About 10.5m are visible in the section. The riser is east facing and has been cut by bulldozing. It is on the boundry of GU2662 and GU2659, and survey units SU2635 and SU2637 were carried out in these GU's repectively."|501918.00|516.00|"TNF"|8/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkies"|0|0|0|3876041.00|1||"TP238"|"Some"|1|0|"CWA"|7/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Cut with wall visible and in situ pottery"|"RAB"|0|"Some"|0|"Terraced fields next to dirt track running along south side of Alestos."|"Weeds, capers, wild oats, olive, hawthorns."|0|"Xyliatos"|50.00 "Dirt track from TS10 to SE side of Alestos."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good condition."|"24 degrees SE facing slope with scattered pine. Quite a lot of domesticated olive gone feral. Gossan bedrock and retaining wall."|"Small oval shaped platform cut into the gossan bedrock at the back with a gossan retaining wall of about 5 courses. Platform 2m across face, 2.9m at widest, 2.4m deep, wall height 0.50-0.55 m. Slightly squared platform (see illustration). Seems to be some build up of soil within platform. Retaining wall made of cobble sized angular blocks with some pebble infill behind it. Seems to be a recent construction: lichen on retaining wall seems to be from the stones previous position. Lichen barely visible on cut bedrock."|502460.00|509.00|"RAB"|20/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|0|0|3876602.00|1||"TP173"|"None"|0|0|"RAB"|19/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small oval shaped platform. SE facing slope."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Steep rocky slope in sparse pine forest."|"Pine, spiny burnet, heath? Hawthorn, domesticated/wild olive, asphodel, cistus, some wild oats"|0|"Xyliatos"|20.00 "Dirt track from TS10 to SE side of Alestos."||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"N/A"|"Bedrock outcrop next to bulldozed track. Dry stone terraces up slope. Pine down slope. Steep gullies to E and W. W facing slope 29 degrees."|"Bedrock outcrop on the SE side of Alestos. Good view of surounding area. There is an angular cut on NW area of top of outcrop (illustration) W of partridge run. Lime green lichen with black edging in angular cut indicates it is over 200 years old. View: to W - rocky outcrop TP170. Moving from W to E TS05, valley bottom (obscured by pine), see through TT503000E, Lagoudhera valley, TS10, Memi mine and its spoil heaps visible. Not quite into the area of TS02."|502500.00|559.00|"RAB"|20/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|0|0|3876625.00|0||"TP174"|"None"|0|0|"RAB"|19/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Bedrock outcrop with viewshed from TS10 to TS05"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Bedrock outcrop"|"Pine, Feral Olive, Heath? Cistus, Wild Oats, Spiny Burnet, Asphodel, Wild Grasses, Mixed Lichen, unidentified"|1|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Dirt track from TS10 to south east slope of Alestos"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Good"|"Steep east facing rock gully. Fairly flattish bottom, but steep sided bedrock outcrop. Spiny burnet predominant on gully base. No thyme is present.[Or IP0462?]"|"A series of dry stone walls, crudely stacked, boulder-sized stones. There is also a series of six basalt dry stone wall terraces in a very shallow start of gully above the road."|502500.00|530.00|"AGR"|21/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|1|1|3876625.00|0||"TP175"|"None"|0|0|"RAB"|19/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Series of seven check dams"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Steep east facing rocky gully surrounded by bedrock outcrops"|"Spiny burnet, wild grass, feral olive, moss, hawthorn, almond, pine, heath?, asphodel, cistus"|0|"Xyliatos"|30.00 "Main road just south of Pano Phlasou, east on a dirt tract just past animal pens on the hill at game reserve sign"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"stable"|"On small elevation with fields to southern side (olive grove, potato field, almond grove, fallow). A road and houses to northern side. Animal pen on elevation to SE of threshing floor. Line of eucalyptus trees on SE side of threshing floor (behind animal pen)."|"Threshing floor is composed mostly of river cobbles and is rectangular. Is built on NW side to follow terrace line. To NE stones are less visible due to greater soil depth. Eucalyptus trees to SE, planted in a line, probably to provide shade. Threshing floor is 17.6 meters and 8.9 meters wide on WSW side. Another flattened area to NW (lower down on next terrace), bordered by a rough 'L' shape of rubble, with goat tracks leading onto it from the slope. A path crosses the ridge (E-W), leading from the farm buildings (to W of threshing floor at bottom of slope), which leads to sheep pen area. A woman aged 44 years old, whose house is nearby the threshing floor on the base of the hill, said that she remembers this threshing floor in use when she was a child."|489920.00|354.00|"AJG"|20/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Some"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Koutroullis"|0|0|1|3879620.00|0||"TP176"|"Unclear"|0|0|"AJG"|19/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS06"|1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Very large rectangular threshing floor"|"ATB"|1|"Unclear"|0|"On an elevation which is an outcrop of bedrock"|"Wild grasses, hawthorn, eucalyptus, thistles, asphodel"|0|"Phlasou"|30.00 "Main road just south of Pano Phlasou, east on a dirt tract just past animal pens on the hill at game reserve sign"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"stable"|"Group 1 (PU01): on a summit of an elevation to the northeast of threshing floor (TP176), on a path which runs north-south coming of a larger path which runs east-west on the southern side of the animal pen. (GU2077)Group 2 (PU02): on southeast side of east-west track directly southeast of southwestern-most eucalyptus tree (GU2077)Group 3 (PU03): on northwestern shoulder of the elevation just northwest of the threshing floor (TP176) (GU2082)"|"PU01: ground stone querns, miscellaneous ground stone, handheld rubbing stone, chipped jasper, red shiny pottery, possibly Chalcolithic or Early Bronze Age. Found together in a 2 m radius. There are other stones in the area which may or may not be ground stones.PU02: large quern stone, with rubbing stone found roughly 1 m to the east-south-east. A couple of possible ground stones within a 2 m radius.PU03: possible rubbing stone, and pestle found roughly 8 m to the NNE of the possible rubbing stone"|489920.00|354.00|"ATB"|20/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Abundant"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|1|"Koutroullis"|0|0|0|3879620.00|0||"TP177"|"Some"|0|1|"TWI"|19/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS06"|0|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"3 groups of ground stone on summit of ridge"|"ATB"|0|"None"|0|"On a summit of an elevation"|"Grasses, thistles, eucalyptus, hawthorn"|0|"Phlasou"|90.00 "E of main Phlasou and Evrykhou road, near a nursery. Take Odos Ayiou Andromikou"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"stable"|"On the slope of a ridge, almost at the bottom."|"Horizontal band of outcrop of bedrock which runs E-W for roughly 15 meters. 2 adjacent visible sections with circular depressions in front of them. You can seen underneath the ooutcrop and it has been iinfilled with soil. In the eastern most depression there is a berry bush growing. The eastern most outcrop is more rounded in shape, whilst the western outcrop is straighter. The eastern outcrop has a much deeper depression in front of it. The 2 depressions are 2.45 meters apart.8/7/04: Re-visit: ATB with KWJThe westernmost cut seems to have a flat roof, curving downward. Both cuts open to the south. KWJ thinks they are definitely tombs. GPS 490806E, 3878447N."|490825.00|405.00|"AJG"|20/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Ammos"|0|0|0|3878435.00|0||"TP178"|"None"|0|0|"TWI"|19/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"2 infilled cuts into the bedrock, probable tombs"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"On S facing slope of a ridge"|"Spiny burnet, berry bush, pine tree, thistle, thyme, wild grasses"|0|"Evrykhou"|20.00 "From NE from a village street called ""Matsa Dromos"""||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0||"Well is in good condition but not used. Olive mills have been demolished"|"Small plot of land in the town, surrounded by houses.Citrus orchard, growing lemons and limes and orangesArea around the trees is not cultivated but is very overgrown with grasses and decaying plants.Obscured by rubbish, waste land and cars parking.Very large old olive stump."|"Well. 6m to water line and 8.30 m to the bottom. The well dimensions are 95 x 95 cmStone-lined well in a citrus orchard near the centre of the town. The orchard is in a plot of land surrounded by houses. Well was used for drinking water for visitors and people using the oil press so not part of the industrial process. Was a grinding stones which has been removed recently.Donkey shoe found next to mill. Citrus tree slump grown near to well."|491028.00|446.00|"BLB"|19/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Some"|0|0||0|0|"Village"|0|1|1|3877554.00|1|"1107"|"TP179"|"Abundant"|0|0|"TNF"|19/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-"|"Evrykhou"||0|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"2 olive oil mills and water well for workers"|"SED"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Terraced, leveled ground. Possibly overlooking gully to south"|"Overgrown grasses, citrus trees"|0|"Evrykhou"|20.00 "Dirt track leading from the road between Ayios Yeoryios road and TS10"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Waterlogged but in good condition."|"The adit is located on the SE facing slope of Alestos on a slope of 22 degrees. It is almost completely made up of bare rock with cobble-sized rocks on the slope. The lichens have weathered the rock providing nutrients for the support of wild grasses, cistus, heath etc."|"The modern spoil heap has covered a large area below the adit and may cover any artefacts from any earlier exploration. The dimensions of the spoil heap: from the entrance is 4 m and is 2.9 m across at this point and is sub-circular in shape. The mass of spoil extends 8 m horizontally down the slope which is at 32 degrees. The bottom of the spoil heap is 6 m wide. The spoil heap is of a similar order of size to that of TP112, the adit of which is more than 22 m deep. The entrance passage is 1 m wide at the front and there is 90 cm before the 1st step. Height of steps are 20 cm and 24 cm. The adit is filled with water and further steps continue below the water line. The chamber is 1.4 m wide and there are no obvious tool marks."|502370.00|577.00|"RAB"|21/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|1|0|0|3876793.00|0||"TP180"|"None"|0|0|"AGR"|20/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Large adit with steps and large modern spoil heap."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"SE facing slope of bare bedrock at 22 degrees."|"Spiny Burnet, Heath. Young pine, Cistus, Wild grasses, Hawthorn."|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Dirt track leading from the road between Ayios Yeoryios road and TS10"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Partly filled with wash and covered with algae. Small pool of water, slightly collapsed but otherwise good."|"The adit is located on the SE facing slope of Alestos on a slope of 22 degrees. It is almost completely made up of bare rock with cobble-sized rocks on the slope. The lichens have weathered the rock providing nutrients for the support of wild grasses, cistus, heath etc."|"Adit is at least 3m deep, the back 70 cm is only a tiny whole as fill and some collapse have obscured precisely how far the adit is cut into the hill side. There is no clear spoil heap but a thin scattering of cobble- and pebble-sized bedrock downslope, much of which has probably been moved by colluvial processes. The width of opening is about 1m, the height inside the entrance is about 80 cm down to the fill. The entrance is 10 m above the entrance of TP180 in a NW direction."|502359.00|584.00|"RAB"|21/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|1|0|0|3876792.00|0||"TP181"|"None"|0|0|"AGR"|20/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Adit without spoil heap."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"SE facing slope at 22 degrees, bare rock."|"Spiny Burnet, heath. young pine, cistus, Wild grasses, Hawthorn."|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Dirt track leading from the road between Ayios Yeoryios road and TS10"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"No obvious collapse"|"The small exploratory cut is located on the SE facing slope of Alestos on a slope of 22 degrees. It is almost completely made up of bare rock with cobble-sized rocks on the slope. The lichens have weathered the rock providing nutrients for the support of wild grasses, cistus, heath etc."|"Rectangular cut, 90 cm x 110 cm, clearly abandoned very early on. Some boulder- and cobble-sized rocks below represent a small amount of soil from this cut. Some fill covers the floor of the cut. The floor of the cut is 9.5 m upslope and NW of TP181"|502357.00|594.00|"RAB"|21/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|0|0|3876808.00|0||"TP182"|"None"|0|0|"CWA"|20/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small exploratory cut into the bedrock on E side of Alestos."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"SE facing slope at 22 degrees, bare rock."|"Spiny Burnet, Heath. Young pine, Cistus, Wild grasses, Hawthorn, Asphodel."|0|"Xyliatos"|80.00 "Dirt track leading from the road between Ayios Yeoryios road and TS10"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Fairly good, but overgrown on top and some of the wall has collapsed."|"On E facing slope of Alestos, mainly bedrock. The vegetation is growing in pockets between the rocks."|"Sub-circular platform cut into bedrock with retaining wall at the front made up of boulder- and cobble-sized stones. There are pebble-sized stones as fill behind the wall. Dimensions: 2.8 m wide and 2.2 m deep. The wall is 72 cm high."|502368.00|581.00|"RAB"|21/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|0|0|3876829.00|1||"TP183"|"None"|0|0|"CWA"|20/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Semi circular platform"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Rocky steep slope on E side of Alestos."|"Spiny Burnet, Heath. pine, Cistus, Wild grasses, Hawthorn, Asphodel, lichen"|0|"Xyliatos"|60.00 "Dirt track leading from the road between Ayios Yeoryios road and TS10"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good, but some collapsed boulders on the bottom which have fallen from the roof."|"The adit is located on the SSE facing slope of Alestos on a slope of 32 degrees. It is almost completely made up of bare rock. The lichens have weathered the rock providing nutrients for the support of vegetation."|"2 entrances to an adit, but with no spoil heap. The distance between the upper and lower entrances is 2.55 m. Dimensions of upper entrance: 80 cm E-W, 1 m N-S, 1.8 m deep. Dimensions of lower entrance: 1 m N-S, 90 cm E-W, 2.8 m deep. The adit is Y-shaped and as there is no spoil heap it may be connected to the adit entrance with spoil heap further down the slope, TP180. The line of the cavity seems to direct itself towards TP180."|502356.00|592.00|"RAB"|21/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|1|0|0|3876796.00|0||"TP184"|"None"|0|0|"CWA"|20/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Adit with two entrances possibly connected to TP180"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"SSE facing slope at 22 degrees, bare rock."|"Spiny Burnet, Heath. pine, Cistus, Wild grasses, Hawthorn, Asphodel."|0|"Xyliatos"|100.00 "Dirt track from road between Ayios Yeoryios road and TS10"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"good"|"ESE-facing 20 degree bedrock slope. Sparse mixed vegetation. Good view of surrounding area including Lagoudhera valley (TS10, TS02). Slightly above level of road leading to open cast mine. Edge of mine c. 100 m SW."|"Small platform 270 cm X 280 cm (downslope). Angular basalt retaining wall (downslope side) built onto bedrock crudely made 2 courses of cobble-boulder sized stones. Top of wall not flat. Pebble sized fill behind wall. Very flat platform surface. Cut into bedrock at back."|502319.00|614.00|"ABL"|21/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|0|0|3876788.00|1||"TP185"|"None"|0|0|"RAB"|20/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small platform on slope (east-southeastfacing slope)"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Southeast facing bedrock slope"|"Heath, wild grasses, Spiny burnet, unidentified spiny plant and pine"|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Dirt track from road between Ayios Yeoryios road and TS10"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good, but very unclear in places."|"The path runs along a natural break in the rocky slope. The vegetation is growing in pockets between the rocks."|"A small path running along the SE facing rocky slope of Alestos from NE and slightly uphill in a W direction. The path is on a natural break in the rocky slope. The path goes in the direction of the adit with 2 entrances, TP184. In the W it runs towards the modern spoil heap from the Alestos open cast mining."|502342.00|596.00|"RAB"|21/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|0|0|3876777.00|0||"TP186"|"None"|0|0|"CWA"|20/7/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path on slope of 28 degrees on SE side of Alestos."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"SSE facing slope of 28 degrees. Bare bedrock."|"Heath, wild grasses, Spiny burnet, pine, feral olive"|0|"Xyliatos"|70.00 "Main road just south of Pano Phlasou, east on a dirt tract just past animal pens on the hill at game reserve sign; follow terraces around spur"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Eastern part has begun to erode away. Supporting sediment at bottom is also eroding away."|"Part of a slope that has been made into broad terraces. Only riser on spur supported by anthropogenic retaining wall - others consist of sediment or bedrock. North of TP135, TP177, TP176, and on the other side of the ridge from them. The platform that it supports is semi-circular."|"Part of a semi-circular retaining wall composed of large and small chunks of bedrock as well as some ground stone tools made of river cobbles. There is white, rust, mustard, and black lichen and moss on the stones and mortar. The farmer who works this ridge says the semi-circular platform used to be a threshing floor, but they moved the stones out of it, presumably to cultivate the land. A 45 year old woman cannot remember this threshing floor in use, but she can remember the use of the bigger one (TP176) which is on the top of the hill."|489970.00|356.00|"ATB"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Some"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Koutroullis"|0|1|1|3879680.00|0||"TP187"|"None"|0|0|"ATB"|20/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"||"TS06"|1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Stone-built retaining wall and threshing floor"|"ATB"|1|"None"|0|"On north side of spur, midway down slope"|"Thistle, wild grasses, asphodel, hawthorn, olive terraces to north"|0|"Kato Phlasou"|90.00 "Road."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"Very good - stable."|"Open forest. Located in gully at the base of mountain slope to the north."|"Stone masonry only intact on western side. Eastern side may have eroded away or been destroyed. 15 m long and width is unknown. Six rectangular openings 45 x 15 cm. Possibly for drainage. Appears to have been filled up so it is not possible to determine exact junction. Lichen and moss growing on it. Possibly part of road from 1920's - 1930's."|496230.00|550.00|"TNF"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Moutti tou Dhia"|0|0|1|3877248.00|1||"TP188"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|17/7/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"Unclear"|0|"Image Print"|"Road supporting structure in gully."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Gully"|"Pine, wild grasses, cistus and wild garlic."|0|"Nikitari"|90.00 "Road"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"Stable."|"Open forest spur."|"Rubble located in saddle of spur. These are orientated NS through concentrations of stone arrangement. Aprox. 23 m in length and 10 m width NS. Evidence of forestry practice in area, possible bulldozing."|496179.00|580.00|"TNF"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Khandakia"|0|0|0|3877174.00|0||"TP189"|"Unclear"|0|0|"CLT"|17/7/2003 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||0|"Unclear"|0|"Image Print"|"Stone arrangement; possible remains of structure."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Spur"|"Cistus, pine and wild grasses"|0|"Nikitari"|70.00 "Via dirt track from Ayios Yeoryios to south side of Alestos."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"Poor - damaged by bulldozer but some of the plasterwork is quite good in the lower sections."|"Bulldozed terrace below south facing slope on south side of Alestos. Terrace riser faces S and the well is situated in this riser. The terrace has no vegetation around the well."|"Internal wall lining of well, exposed in a bulldozed terrace riser. Stone external wall has been broken away (presumably by the bulldozing?). The lining of the well has a diameter of 135 cm approx. and is visible to a height of 160 cm. Against this and also in section various other parts of the well construction are visible. Boulder size chunks of concrete are on the riser above the well. This section of the bedrock is visible where its been cut to make the well. The fill inside the well is a mixture og soil, pebbles and pottery."|501874.00|512.00|"RAB"|22/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkies"|0|0|0|3876036.00|1||"TP191"|"Some"|0|0|"ESP"|22/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Internal cement lining of well, visible in bulldozed section."|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"On a terrace below a south facing slope."|"Almond above well and wild grasses."|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "Asinou forestry road heading west to Spilia."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Excellent view, highly recommended for the fit."|"Top of mountain, excellent view all around on a ridge surrounded by pine trees. Trees appear young and likely planted by forestry workers. Cleared area on top with only cistus bushes."|"To the northeast is a view of mountains thickly covered in trees, also a small cleared area where Asinou village is, Beyond this open fields, the mesaoria plain, Kyrenia range. To the northwest, two mountains less wooded, you can see Morphou bay, also the coastline of Turkey. To the south you can see the Troodos. 360 degree view."|495797.00|743.00|"JPR"|23/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Pykroathasoudhia"|0|0|0|3876466.00|0||"TP192"|"None"|0|0|"JPR"|23/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"View from mountain on all sides, including both Bay of Morphou and Asinou Valley"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"On mountain ridge"|"Cistus, pine trees, wild grasses"|1|"Nikitari"|100.00 "Foresty road/firebreak to east of road to Ayios Theodhoros"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Disused, starting to become overgrown. Cut by firebreak on ridgetop."|"Path has been terraced into slope. It is cut by the firebreak at the southern end. It runs above a series of gullies and crosses a saddle between ridge slopes. There is a good view from the path to the east over the Mesaoria."|"A path, approx 1m wide, runs NW- SE along the contour of the hill sloping gently."|493481.00|517.00|"JOS"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Kankellia"|0|1|1|3878999.00|0||"TP193"|"None"|0|0|"JMC"|27/7/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"28-XXXVI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path"|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"Steep hillslope below ridge top. East facing slope"|"grasses, cistus, pine, spiny burnet, curry plant, hawthorn."|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|20.00 "Difficult, from east of the river - clearing in reeds"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Eearth works, no standing structure"|"Dense vegetation in river, steep river banks [especially to the south], young pine, hawthborne, and grasses. Hillslope above river terrace, covered in basalt scree and some gaussian observed. Spiny burnet and lichen on rocks, wild olive."|"Alluvial terrace at base of hillslope, river to the east. Modified terracing, dropping towards river. Road to river in the NW. Possible ford replaced by colonial bridge. New road on east of river. Path down to the river at SE end of POSI. Also, hawthorn lined road in the same area. Lines of hawthorn on hillslope. SE of road and path end abruptly at river bank."|492700.00|360.00|"BLB"|28/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Tholos"|0|1|0|3878830.00|1||"TP194"|"None"|0|0|"SED"|28/7/2003 00:00:00||1|0|1|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Terraces, possible structures, road and paths [abandoned village?]"|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"Alluvial terrace, base of hillslope, and to the west of the river Kourdali"|"Pine, hawthorn, cistus, myrtle, river reeds, grasses [wheat and wild oats], thistles, asphodel"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|10.00 "Road to the south"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good condition"|"The slag heap lies east of the Karkotis. It is below the road that leads to the top of Phoukasa. There is a lot of modern waste, spoil etc above it. It has been cut by bulldozer and it forms a terrace above the old cementation plant."|"This is a Roman slag heap, the top of which has been sectioned to form a platform. Layers of slag are clearly visible. The lower part of the slag heap is obscured by scrap metal and other rubbish and we cannot have a clear indication of the hillside. It has also been cut to the North by a road track . Just to the west is the Karkotis river and the cementation plant.(Reentered after server failure etc, MJG 20 June 2004."|489316.00|194.00|"LIK"|22/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Kitromilia"|0|0|0|3883585.00|0||"TP172"|"Some"|0|0|"LIK"|19/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-"||"TS01"|1|"Abundant"|1|"GPS"|"Slag heap"|"LIK"|0|"Some"|0|"Side of hill above Karkotis"|"Brambles, caper, thorn, scarce cistus"|0|"Skouriotissa"|100.00 "Via dirt road on the other side of the gully from Asinou church"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Wall in reasonable repair (what is left of it). Uncertain of full original extent so uncertain now how much has been damaged"|"Steep rocky slope with scattered pine trees, wild grasses, asphodel, cistus. Basaltic bedrock and boulders in scatters across slope. Slope is south-facing."|"Protruding bedrock, posisbly cut, topped by 4-5 courses of coarse stack dry stone walling, c. 1.2 m wide. Possibly a terrace wall (or remains thereof) but definitely not a check dam. No lichen. Also possibly a seat due to the cuts in the bedrock. Reentered after server failure, MJG 20 June 2004"|495725.00|633.00|"TNF"|27/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Moutti tou Dhia"|0|0|0|3877780.00|1||"TP190"|"None"|0|0|"ESP"|21/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Small drystone feature, possibly walling of some sort"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Steep rocky slope on south-facing side of mountin in TT495750E"|"Asphodel, cistus, grasses, pine, wild olive further away"|0|"Nikitari"|100.00 "Dirt track from road between Agios Georgios and TS10"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Fine - stone lining intact"|"Located in a southeast corner of terraced field with olives next to shallow gully on valley floor."|"Round to oval shaped well, stone lined. About 2.5 m down to water level. Currently capped with concrete and a square metal lid making assessment of well difficult. Diameter: about 85 cm SE - NW, and approx 1 m from NE-SW."|502086.00|487.00|"ESP"|30/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkies"|0|0|0|3876185.00|1||"TP195"|"None"|0|0|"CWA"|27/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Stone lined well"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Terraced field on valley floor"|"Olives, weeds, wild grasses, hawthorn"|0|"Xyliatos"|50.00 "Dirt track from road between Agios Georgios and TS10"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good, still being used"|"Located in the NE corner of a large field with apple trees and olives, surrounded by vines and smaller terraced fields."|"Lower part of well cut into bedrock, where the well is round. Upper part is square, partly in concrete, partly stonelined.The well is covered by metal lids. Measurements of the well: 2.45 x 1.8 m. 2.6 m down to the water level. A modern pump is leading into the well.Stone lining is made of diabase river boulders. The owner of the well estimated the well to be about 60 years ."|501996.00|498.00|"ESP"|30/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkies"|0|0|0|3876097.00|1||"TP196"|"None"|0|0|"CWA"|28/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Well, stone lined and cut into bedrock."|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Terraced fields in valley floor"|"Vine, olive, fig"|0|"Xyliatos"|80.00 "From the main road north-south from Katydhata to Skouriotissa"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Filled with refuse"|"At the bottom of a ridge northeast of Archaic sanctuary. A very thin layer of soil on top, cut into the bedrock. On a gentle slope which continues on the other side of the road"|"Circular hole roughly 1 m deep. But as it is filled with rubbish, it is hard to determine its exact depth. It is roughly 1.15 m in diameter. It is roughly aligned with the other tombs in the area which we POSI'd last season (TP129). There is a spoil heap on its north side, some of which has probably been washed away by water movement."|488878.00|248.00|"ATB"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Pano Limna"|0|0|0|3882269.00|0||"TP197"|"Some"|0|0|"AJG"|27/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XX"||"TS15"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Possible tomb with spoil heap"|"ATB"|0|"None"|1|"At bottom of ridge"|"Pine trees, wild grasses, thyme, asphodel"|0|"Katydhata"|50.00 "Dirt track to east accessible from Nikitari- Vyzakia road."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Some"|"Some tumble."|"Lightly forested hillslope with vegetation listed above."|"A series of terraces up north east facing hillslope. 5 in a series. Lichenated, different sizes of rock (some probably rolled from bedrock outcrops). Adapting natural features to the making of terraces. Sketch on reverse of POSI form."|500602.00|440.00|"JOS"|30/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Moni"|0|0|0|3878926.00|0||"TP198"|"None"|0|0|"JOS"|29/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Terrace system"|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"Hillslope."|"Pinus brutia (various ages), asphodel, wild oats, cistus, low grasses."|0|"Ayios Yeoryios"|30.00 "Dirt roads to W from Nikitari- Vyzakia road."||"None"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Overgrown, not currently used."|"Hillslope, below ridge and above gully. Slightly flattened shoulders of slope, lightly forested."|"U-shaped indented path (probably from treading), running NW to SE. Sloping gently into small valley, following contours possibly linking Vyzakia and Ayios Yeoryios, estimating from visible path direction. Cartridges and modern rubbish. Possibly still being used by hunters. Direction/route indicated on GPS:500783E, 3878957N, 407 m500818E, 3878944N, 396 m.500727E, 3879000N, 418 m. 500716E, 3879028N, 422 m."|500755.00|422.00|"JOS"|30/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Moni"|0|1|1|3879000.00|0||"TP199"|"Some"|0|0|"JOS"|29/7/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path (foot/donkey). Traces of old terraces."|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"Hillslope just below ridge."|"Spiny burnet, cistus, hawthorn, asfodel"|0|"Ayios Yeoryios"|20.00 "Forestry road between Asinou and Spilia."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"||"Succession of terraces on a hill slope (E.W)GU2388"|"Two terraces walls to the W of one definite structure. Main structure 5 x 11 m, and possibly another. Walls collapsed. Western most wall rounded with associated pithos fragments. Dug into sidehall up to 1m on western side. Overall area visibility and has been affected by forestry terraces (rubble pushed from east). Forestry terrace dug into lower stone terrace. Stone terraces likely to support the structure The main structure is composed by two defined walls. The western wall seems to be curved and to be connected with a third (?) wall on its south side. This space defined by those walls shows a floor level lower than the terrace. We can note the presence of pithos sherds on the western part of the structure. They are lying on the ground and on the northern wall. West of this main structure, two other terraces with unclear wall (?) structures can be identified. These walls maybe support the terraces, or are secondary structures. This hill slope was clearly modified in order to make forestry terraces which disturbed our structures."|495217.00|714.00|"CSA"|30/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Laxia tou Laona"|0|0|0|3874664.00|1||"TP200"|"Some"|1|0|"CSA"|29/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"37-VI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Stone structure with unclear walls and related pottery."|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"North and west facing open slope in forest. Structures are facing west."|"Pine trees, cistus bush and wild grasses."|0|"Nikitari"|40.00 "On the border of the buffer zone"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"The soil of the sides is eroding"|"Vegetation (MJG). Dominated by Arundo donax, Inula viscosa and Rubus sanctus. Also fluffy grass, bladed grass-sedge, tall blue thistle, wild oats, and wild garlic. Zizyphus spina-christi and Myrtus communis on bank above.Spring running through a gully which is bedrock sided. The gully is part of a stream which is called Avlakia tou Haji Christofi."|"Seepage spring on the bottom of a gully. The soil is moist and there are water plants. There are goat tracks on the side of the gully, suggesting that they come here and drink."|492145.00|243.00|"ATB"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|0|"Vrysi tou Haji Christophi"|0|0|0|3882279.00|0||"TP201"|"Some"|0|0|"GAP"|30/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XIII"||"TS18"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Spring"|"ATB"|0|"Some"|0|"In a gully incised between two bedrock outcrops"|"Rushes, myrtle, wild grass, thistles, zizyphus"|0|"Linou"|50.00 "On the border of the Buffer Zone; walk down from main road"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Stable"|"It is on a small rise to the west of the spring (TP201). Surrounded by stubble fields."|"Structural remains constructed from river boulders. There is a mill stone in the rubble, which is covered in lichen. This shows that it has been in place for a substantial period of time. There is an abundance of Roman self-slip pan tiles. The diameter of the in situ stone structure is 10 meters. There is a scatter of pottery, stones, slag, tile and chipped stone on the NW slope.Collection from POSI Units - On the first visit (30/7/03) two PUs were defined: PU01a was a 1m wide strip at the edge of the harvested field below, and the same width as the rectangular structure; PU02a comprised the interior of the rectangular walls and its tumbled walls. Not knowing about these PUs we defined 6 PUs (PU01-PU06) on the second visit, when the POSI was mapped (4/8/03), these are described in the Settlement notebook and were drawn on the map.PU01a didn't overlap any of the subsequent PUs and was renumbered PU07.PU02a coincided with PU01 and, as the collection methods were the same, results from the two units were combined.LHS 6/8/03(See also map & write up by settlement mapping team)"|492104.00|247.00|"AJG"|4/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Some"|1|0|"Atsas"|0|0|"Vrysi tou Haji Christofi"|0|0|0|3882300.00|0||"TP202"|"Some"|1|0|"GAP"|30/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XIII"||"TS18"|1|"Some"|0|"Image Print"|"Roman farmstead with two rooms, tile fragments and millstone"|"ATB"|0|"Abundant"|0|"On a rise to the NW of the spring"|"Wild grasses, thorns, thistles, zizifus"|0|"Linou"|50.00 "Road from/to Vyzakia from main Nicosia/Troodos road, located 400m to the S/W of the road."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"The eastern side of it had been eroded away a bit, but on the whole it was in fairly good condition."|"In a gully between two flat fields which are all part of the ancient pediment surface. The gully is surrounded by agricultural fields made on this pediment."|"7 m across and about a half a metre tall, made of mostly rounded large stones approximately 3-4 courses high. Retaining sediment behind it that is about a metre high. Its function is to collect the sediment washed down the river, it ensures that will not lose the sediment for the fields surrounding it. Some cultivation that is in the surrounding fields has been able to move into the gully because of the presence of the check dam."|501249.00|255.00|"AKR"|31/7/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Koutraphas"|0|0|"Strata Oritissas"|0|1|1|3884563.00|0||"TP204"|"None"|0|0|"AKR"|31/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-IX"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"A wide check dam in gully consisting of large boulders"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Incised gully in flat pediment surface"|"Asphodel and wild grasses"|0|"Potami"|70.00 "East bank of Atsas NNW of Lemonas"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"One-meter alluvial terrace on bottom of Atsas River valley. Box-shaped lower channel valley c. 15 m wide, about 3.5 m below a broad 50 m + late Quaternary (= Early Holocene) alluvial terraces. Multiple incised channels 5 x 1 m with fennel, sedge, tamarisk, broom grasses, unknown cannabis-looking shrub, rubus, along channel and banks. Tread has broom grass, thistle, sedge/rush, sage, wild asparagus, asphodel, etc. Another terrace about 0.5 to 1 m higher is present along the river, especially 20 m N of this location. This terrace is less extensive.[Database had locality as Lithosourka - MJG 14/6/04]"|"1 sherd collected as part of SU01. Phocean Form C: 2nd half of 6th century AD."|492096.00|209.00|"MJG"|31/7/2003 00:00:00|0|1|"None"|1|0|"Atsas"|0|0|"Potima"|0|0|0|3882921.00|0||"TP205"|"Some"|0|0|"JSN"|30/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Sherd in alluvial deposit"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Terrace tread of alluvial deposit"|"See below"|0|"Petra"|40.00 "From Lemonas"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"||"West-facing bank of Argaki Peristeria. Surface is unstable, with sparse black crustose lichens on thick soil crust of reprecipitated carbonate issuing from subjacent petrocalcic soil layer. Bulldozed track, of a ford, is cut about 10-20 cm deep across this surface."|"Jasper core, heavily carbonated. Collected as grab in PU01. Also a few ambiguous flakes and/or nodules"|492470.00|235.00|"MJG"|31/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|1|"Vrysi tou Haji Christophi"|0|0|0|3882448.00|0||"TP206"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|31/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Jasper cores and flakes with carbonate coating"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Steep river bank"|"Batha, mainly thyme. Stubble in field above"|0|"Linou"|70.00 "Walk down Argaki tou Haji Christophi"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"||"Bank of gully. Provenience of artefacts probably from the field just above to the west. Lying on loose stony surface; not far from original position."|"Core 1. 30 x 25 cm. Flakes off 3 sides and one corner. Carbonate has formed on some chipped surfacesCore 2. 30 x 20 cm. Flakes off all sides. Only small spots of carbonateCore 3. 12 x 9 cm. Very similar material to Core 2. Carbonate on some chipped surfaces. Collected as PU01Flake from core 1, with no carbonate; clearly late in reduction sequence. Another 6 pieces in field to West: 1 flake, c. 10 cm. Other cobbles with some cortex removed."|492264.00|236.00|"MJG"|31/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|1|"Atsadhes"|0|0|0|3882580.00|0||"TP207"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|31/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Jasper core and flakes"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Riser above lowest river terrace"|"Batha: mainly thyme, some spiny burnet"|0|"Linou"|80.00 "From Lemonas village"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"||"Small gully incised into pillow lava, running west into Arodaphnis. Ploughed field with stubble immediately above, on river terrace. NB batha on other gullies (e.g. Arodaphnis) is almost entirely thyme."|"One piece of Phorades-type slag, in plough soil spilling over from field into top of gully. Sherds scattered further down the bank. Nothing visible in field, though very bad visibility."|492646.00|261.00|"MJG"|2/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|0|"Tanayies"|0|0|0|3882048.00|0||"TP208"|"Some"|1|0|"MJG"|2/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"Some"|1|"GPS"|"Phorades-type slag and pottery"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Bank of gully"|"Batha, mostly spiny burnet"|0|"Evrykhou"|50.00 "Sharp left turn off the main road, down past National Guard post"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Declining"|"It is between two streams, surrounded by straw fields, a fruit orchard and a cultivated cucumber field. It is on the higher part of the rise between the two streams."|"Structural remains constructed from river boulders. On the top of one of the walls, there is part of a wall made of mudbrick. The walls have been taken down and gathered into piles. There has been a large amount of clearing in order to extend the cultivation area. There are many pottery sherds in the walls in the form of chinking."|492800.00|266.00|"AJG"|4/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|0|"Tanayies"|0|1|1|3882166.00|0||"TP209"|"Abundant"|0|0|"GAP"|2/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Village of Lemonas"|"ATB"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Alluvial terrace above Atsas river"|"wild grasses, thorns, thistles, ziziphus"|0|"Evrykhou"|60.00 "Via dirt track from Ayios Yeoryios read to south side of Alestos."||"Unclear"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Some of them have been distributed by a laying of water pipes."|"On the west side of a former river and stretch from the valley up to the summit of a east facing slope. The lower part of the slope is terraced with mainly dry stack walls and some earthen walls and is under an orchard cultivation. The upper part is in a fallow state with wild grasses growing. Although small sections have been ploughed."|"PU21 - 30, 33 = one continous rock pile. There are no PU01, 07, 12.Forty-one rock piles have been recorded in the SIA and give PU numbers for collection purposes. They vary in size considerably from large piles several of which are over 7 m in length to much smaller piles of only 1.5 m in diameter. The rock piles most likely represent field clearence. Many of the stones in the area of high pottery density are believed to have been from structured remains of Roman times as the evidence of tile suggests."|501950.00|505.00|"TNF"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Litharkies"|0|0|0|3876100.00|0||"TP210"|"Some"|0|0|"AGR"|3/8/2003 00:00:00||0|1|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Series of rock piles throughout the block survey"|"AGR"|0|"Some"|0|"Gentle east facing slope with treads towards bottom near stream bed."|"Wild grasses, hawthorn, spiny burnet, olives, almonds, fruit trees."|0|"Xyliatos"|100.00 "Dirt track from Ayios Yeoryios."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Stable surface so the pottery collection remained in-situ."|"Located at a sharp and abrupt break in an east facing slope that was recently bulldozed to expand area available for cropping. The area to the immediate North has been abandoned foir a long time."|"Small concentration of pottery, tile and ground stone. About 4 meters west of rock pile TP210 and PU18 and east of TP191, the well lining. It appears that the pottery and tile have been collected and piled at the edge of the field."|501905.00|517.00|"TNF"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|1|0|"Xyliatos"|0|1|"Litharkies"|0|0|0|3876041.00|0||"TP211"|"Abundant"|1|0|"ABL"|31/7/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Small concentration of pottery, tile and grindstone."|"AGR"|0|"Abundant"|0|"6 degree slope"|"Mixture of grasses, herbs and almond trees (grass is dominant)"|0|"Xyliatos"|10.00 "Dirt track from road between Ayios Yeoryios and TS10 to the top of Alestos"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Eroded by alluvial action. Sides being 'eaten away'. Fifth from top already collapsed"|"Narrow gully running down slope in E side of Alestos. Mixed trees: between almond orchards, most almonds now dead. Visible soil has loose covering of pebble/gravel. Below road"|"Series of eight check dams running down to bottom of slope in narrow gully. Angular basalt: cobble & boulder. No lichen. Support one tree each, olive or almond.Second from top 740 cm wide x 85 cm tall. Third from top 440 cm wide, 90 cm tall. Fifth from top 430 cm wide x 130 cm tall.Reentered after server failure, MJG 19 June 2004."|502492.00|518.00|"TNF"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Alestos"|0|0|0|3876927.00|0||"TP213"|"None"|0|0|"RAB"|2/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Eight check dams"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Gully on east-facing slope of Alestos"|"Wild grass, olive, spiny burnet, almond, pine, cistus, thistle, heath?"|0|"Xyliatos"| "Forestry road branching southwest off of Asinou / Spilia forestry road."||"Some"|0|0|1|0|1|"Unclear"|"Stable and partially bulldozed / cut by road."|"Structures are located on pediment surface sloping southwest above river channel. Overall the structures are located in a river valley on a stable surface."|"Three or four structures with stone foundation. Structure 1 - North, east, south walls of structure are preserved. North wall appears to be preserved and extendsnorthwest 9 metres. There is 1 to 1.5 metres of the structure still standing. The structure is 7 x 5 (where the west wall is 5 metres long)currently visible. Structure 2 - approximately 5 x 5 metres. Walls preserved to 80 cm tall. Three pine trees within structure. Structure 3 - ovoid structures 5 x 3 metres. Pit like depression approximately 1 metre in diametre to the east this may be a possible structure or store. Terrace or wall is located to the southeast and only a small amount is visible. Note - Downslope to the north is a terrace wall 4.5 - 5 metres long. Overall the area has been disturbed by road construction and logging activity.See plane table map."|495235.00|649.00|"ESG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|1|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Trimitheri"|0|1|0|3875328.00|0||"TP220"|"Some"|1|0|"ESG"|3/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Three (possibily four) structures located on western sloping slope."|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"Pediment surface near river."|"Pine forest with golden oak, cistus, wild grasses and terebinth."|0|"Nikitari"|70.00 "Dead road past the Skouriotissa water mills"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Abundant"|"stable"|"E of Skouriotissa mine. Out cropping of bedrock with sediment sloping down to the river and the slopes are cultivated with grain. The ridge top seems to have been terraced a long time ago."|"A circular vertical shaft with stone built walls with lagre pieces of bedrock inside it and around it. Two circular depressions completley filled in with chunks of bedrock. Large chunks of red jasper all over the place. Pottery and pan tile scatter on the top and bottom of the ridge. There is cement paving on the ground. There are also a few larger river boulders.Collected as SU2187; GU2147Pottery from SU2187: 2 LHER, 1 ER, 8 LR, 28 ROM, 61 HA, 3 HIS."|491480.00|233.00|"AJG"|4/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|1|0|"Atsas"|0|0|"Phoukasa"|0|0|0|3882990.00|0||"TP221"|"Abundant"|1|0|"GAP"|3/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XIII"||"TS20"|1|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Probably Roman farmstead (circular hole, pottery and tile)"|"ATB"|0|"Abundant"|0|"On a ridge top between two gully/river systems on the highest point"|"Wild grasses, asphodel, zizyphus"|0|"Petra"|70.00 "Via dirt track to nurseries from road between Ayios Yeoryios and TS10"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Good path is still very visible as a worn path."|"25 degree W facing slope looking onto E facing slope of Alestos. Above stream bed."|"45 cm wide path along hill slope, drops down to a prominent piece of bedrock with a large amount of cartridges. It is uncertain where this path goes after this but it turns back on itself at the rock and may join up with TP223. It also continues (having split higher up) S where it joins/ runs into bedrock. Path is indicated by leveling of the slope, it may be a hunters track."|502749.00|460.00|"RAB"|4/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Dhoxamenes"|0|0|0|3876743.00|0||"TP222"|"None"|0|0|"RAB"|4/8/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"25 degrees W facing slope"|"Olive, pine, cistus, hawhtorn, heath?, wild grasses"|0|"Xyliatos"|40.00 "From dirt track leading to nurseries from road between Ayios Yeoryios and TS10"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Good, most of the stones are in situ and the feature is immediately recognisable as a path."|"Located at the bottom of a gully, immediately above the river bed on a steep slope with large bedrock outcrops. W facing slope above a bulldozed tread with old olive and almond trees. Tread appears to have narrowed the stream bed as part of the bulldozing."|"Path with small sections leveled by use of random dry stone rubble retaining walls. Dimensions: 720 cm long x 70-110 cm wide x 75 cm tall (max). The path appears wide enough to allow donkey traffic. Dimensions are for the most extant and extensive section of walling not the entire path as walling occurs on at least 3 separate areas - some with as few as 2 stones being propped between bedrock outcrops to level and stabilise the path. Lots of lichen present (but not lime green!). The path continues at least another 30 m S along the gully ( where it becomes too overgrown to follow it further) and at this point the path itself is 3 m above the stream bed. The stream bed is currently 70 cm deep x 110 cm wide. At the 7.2 m section the path begins to rise up the hill to a second section of dry stack walling approximately 110 cm long x 30 cm heigh. This walling is basically bridging a gap between two bedrock outcrops. Potentially related to TP222."|502708.00|236.00|"RAB"|4/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Dhoxamenes"|0|0|0|3876720.00|0||"TP223"|"None"|0|0|"ESP"|4/8/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path with small retaining walls"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Steep slope with bedrock outcrops immediately above river bed"|"Cistus, spiny burnet, pine, wild grasses, hawthorn"|0|"Xyliatos"|80.00 "Firebreak"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Disused"|"Hillslope with gully developments - head of gully system just below ridge."|"Shotgun cartridges down slope. 0.7m wide. Path running SE to NW along contour of hill. Disappears under firebreak to NW. Visible in cadastral."|491360.00|602.00|"JMC"|7/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Esso Ambelika"|0|0|0|3876012.00|0||"TP224"|"None"|0|0|"JOS"|4/8/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path running SE to NW"|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"SW facing slope of hill."|"Broom grass, spiny burnet, wild olive, thistle, asphodel, hawthorn."|0|"Tembria"|20.00 "Main road Kakopetria to Nicosia, ridge-top, firebreak"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Disused"|"Pine, terebinth, curry plants, cistus, spiny burnet, thyme, lichen and moss (covering soil). Stream with reeds at bottom of slope. 24 degree slope."|"Path running round contour of slope, cut by firebreak on ridge. 0.8m wide. Some slump on path into gully."|491053.00|536.00|"JMC"|7/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Esso Ambelika"|0|0|0|3875984.00|0||"TP225"|"None"|0|0|"JOS"|4/8/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path"|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"Hillslope below ridge skirting gully"|"Light forests"|0|"Tembria"|20.00 "Dirt road to N of Potami"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Collapsed."|"Brow of low hill. ""Badlands"". Bedrock and scrub, no cultivation, thyme, spiny burnet, wild grasses, asphodel, centurion thistle, hawthorn, broom grass.Extensive hillslope terracing to east."|"Collection of limestone rock with rubble walling, rock piles, cut depressions, possible structures, ground stone, 3 rock-hewn wells/cisterns scattered over area several hundred metres in diameter. Extends over several plots. Pottery of medieval to modern type. ( HU primarily )"|502827.00|308.00|"MAP"|6/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Abundant"|0|0||0|0|"Konnidhes"|0|1|0|3882813.00|0||"TP226"|"Abundant"|0|0|"JOS"|3/8/2003 00:00:00||0|1|1|0||||1|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Abandoned settlement"|"SED"|0|"Some"|0|"Brow of low hill with river channel to East"|"Scrub/grass"|0|"Vyzakia"|70.00 "Forestry road branching southwest off road from Asinou to Spilia"||"Some"|1|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Stable"|"Open forest"|"Possible stone structure with three walls. Tree to the west has a resin tapping scar. As it stands the structure is approximately 2.5 x 2.5 m. The west wall is the best preserved of the three, and has been built using a natural rock out crop that is 1.6 m in height. The northern and eastern walls are less defined and are partially collapsed. The masonary is heavily lichenated. GU2409"|495249.00|652.00|"JPR"|6/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Trimitheri"|0|0|0|3875629.00|1||"TP227"|"None"|0|0|"CLT"|4/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Possible stone structure"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"20 degree slope leading down to a steep river gully"|"Golden oak, pine, cistus"|0|"Nikitari"|80.00 "Forestry road branching southwest off road from Asinou to Spilia."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"Unclear"||"Hillslope above river. Older trees. Some natural outcrops around slope. Active erosional and depositional enviroment with high slope and very large boulders."|"Path running north to south. Connects up from river bottom (see TP231). First half of path has natural outcrops of rock along west slope. This changes to what seems to be the remains of some kind of wall-possiblt terraced. Three large boulders at the end of the section with cultural wall (see diagrams). Very clear and stable path covered with moss and pine needles. Path slopes south about 10 degrees (aspect is south). About 80 cm wide, cut into west upslope between 20-30 cm. Wall is quite disturbed, rubble and not very well defined. Appears it was about 12 m long. Eroded downslope and path now crosses through the north north west most point. Combination of 0.5 m diameter boulders and smaller rocks of about 10-15 cm. Follows the contour of the mountain to the west of the path. Most likely to be some kind of retaining wall."|495263.00|648.00|"JPR"|6/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Trimitheri"|0|0|0|3875643.00|0||"TP228"|"Unclear"|0|0|"SMJ"|4/8/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"Unclear"|0|"GPS"|"Path following contour of mountains above river"|"ESG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Old hillslope, 20 degree slope"|"Wild grasses, cistus, old pine trees, golden oaks nearby"|0|"Nikitari"|60.00 "Southwest turn off forestry road from Asinou to Spilia."||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Very stable"|"Open forest/riparian"|"Possible retaining wall 3 m in length and approximately 1.5 m high. Above it is a path approximately 3.5 m wide. On its southeastern side there is a smaller wall in a less stable state. On the southern end of the path there are more river boulders which may be associated with the two stone walls. The masonary is of relatively good quality. Boulders may have originally come from the river and are heavily lichenated. GU2408"|495283.00|652.00|"JPR"|6/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Trimitheri"|0|0|0|3875521.00|1||"TP229"|"None"|0|0|"CLT"|4/8/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Possible retaining wall"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Steep bedrock slope"|"Cistus, pine, golden oak, elm?"|0|"Nikitari"|80.00 "Southwest turn off forestry road from Asinou to Spilia"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Both wall and path stable"|"Forest located on steep slope. Covered in pine needles. Cistus bushes growing along top of the wall. Path present to the north, overgrown with cistus bushes. Terrace and path located to the south east of the river channel."|"A long stretch of wall approximately 10m long, 80cm tall and 50cm wide on a north west position. Composed of a base of large boulders possibly from the river or from outcrops located in the area. Wall is filled with small stones for chinking in middle section but then topped with larger rocks. Stones are covered with lichen (white, grey, green). Located to the south east of the river above the river channel.The path is 80cm wide. Terrace built and stone lined for support. Stable surface. Path goes in a SW/NE direction. Possible association with posi structures to the south east. Runs along the south east side of the river. Disturbed by forestry terracing. Path is associated with POSI'd wall to the north (see TP229). Tracked using GPS by CRR."|495273.00|643.00|"JPR"|4/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Trimitheri"|0|0|0|3875520.00|1||"TP230"|"None"|0|0|"ESG"|4/8/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Long stretch of wall and associated path."|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Colluvial hillslope above river channel."|"Pine trees, cistus, golden oak."|0|"Nikitari"|80.00 "Via stream channel approximately 100-150 m from forestry road."||"Some"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"Stable, with unstable margins buried with colluvial sediment."|"Open forest/garrigue near riparian zone. Slopes of 15-20 degrees; easterly aspect. GU2310"|"Drystack stone wall 2.3 m above river on forested hillslope."|495270.00|644.00|"JPR"|6/7/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Trimitheri"|0|0|0|3875606.00|0||"TP231"|"None"|0|0|"CRR"|4/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XXXI"|||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Stone terrace wall remnant"|"ESG"|0|"None"|0|"Steep hillslope eroded by stream channel"|"Cistus, young Pinus brutia saplings, sparce grass (short) and golden oak."|0|"Nikitari"|90.00 "Forestry road along W bank of river."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Partly filled in."|"Adjacent to forestry road on 37-40 degree slope. Cut into basalt sheeted dyke. Partially obscured by road bulldozed cut. Old paths and tracks (possibly forestry) below road cut."|"Width 1.6 m, Height 0.58 m (Exposed - probably twice that in truth). Length 3.3 m. Rock cut (cave) or adit. No clearly obvious resource to exploit in bulldozed section. Lime/carbonate patina on lower part (caused by evaporation of water). May have been truncated by bulldozed cut. Visibility not applicable due to bulldozing, unsafe to enter."|498570.00|607.00|"JMC"|7/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Leftolaonon"|1|0|0|3876427.00|0||"TP232"|"None"|0|0|"JOS"|6/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Rock cut (possible adit)"|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"Steep hillslope gully, tributary to the river Malla"|"Pine, cistus, broom grass, terebinth, caper, curry plant"|0|"Ayios Yeoryios Kaphkalo"|100.00 "Modern forestry road along river Malla"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Disused and overgrown."|"Hill slope along deeply incised river (Malla), western slope below modern forestry road. Forested with Pinus Brutia, Cistus, Hawthorn and Caper."|"Bulldozed road widening older path visible at north extent. Disused and adapted probably for forestry use from original communication route. Met by more recent but also disused forestry road running from tributary to north west. Two bulldozed pushes along path, with path appearing at north east extent, with evidence or armouring to retain. 4.3m wide at bulldozed part, 1.5-1.8m wide at non-bulldozed part(to north east)."|498558.00|585.00|"ESP"|7/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Plevra tis Mosphilias"|0|0|0|3876328.00|0||"TP233"|"None"|0|0|"JOS"|6/8/2003 00:00:00||1|0|0|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Path/Road"|"SED"|0|"None"|0|"Edge of hill slope above river Malla"|"Pine forest, mixed ages (old looking)"|0|"Ayios Yeoryios"| "Dirt track from Agios Georgios Road to south side of Alestos"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|1|"None"|"The condition of most of the check dams are mostly good and one looks as though it has been eroded by running water."|"2 first order gullies meet to run southwest. The E-W gully runs from the western edge of TS05. A scattering of pine in the E-W and other N-S gully. N-S gully is more incised with a lot of pine on the E side of the second gully. W side of second gully is dominated by bedrock and scree and lower part of the gully where they join has an almond orchard with pine."|"Southern gully which is W facing has 8 check dams, the two lower ones cover the gully and there are 4 on northern gully and 2 on the southern gully (Y shape). Northern gully has 7 (N-S running) substantial check dams. Angular basalt cobble boulder. Check dams aren't really used, no trees on them. Lowest one in Y shape is 7.5m across and 1.1m high, the one above 7.5mx 1.4m high. Evidence of paths that go up and down the gully and across the dams. The check dams decline in length as they go up both the gullies. A decline in height in the E-W gully."|501794.00|482.00|"ESP"|7/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kokkinoplevra tou Alestou"|0|0|0|3876195.00|0||"TP234"|"None"|0|0|"AKR"|6/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"A series of 15 check dams in two first order gullies"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Just before two separate gullies converge into one."|"Pine trees, Cistus, Almond trees, Olive trees, Thyme, Spiny Burnet, Wild grasses"|0|"Xyliatos"|40.00 "Dirt road along south side of Alestos"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"The platform is clear, especially due to the very round shape but wild grasses are growing on it. The retaining wall is partly tumbled down."|"The platform is located on upper part of steep south facing slope of western part of Alestos. The slope contains bedrock and vegetation of pine, hawthorn, cistus, wild grasses, spiny burnet and heath. The platform is located 8-10m south from TP115."|"A circular platform cut into bedrock at the back and with a retaining wall of 1-2 courses at the front. The retaining wall is approx 10-15cm high. The diameter is 2m. The platform is about 1m below the level of the ridge."|501808.00|572.00|"ESP"|7/8/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Xyliatos"|0|0|"Kokkinoplevra tou Alestou"|0|0|0|3876459.00|1||"TP235"|"None"|0|0|"CWA"|6/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"29-XXVI"||"TS05"|0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Circular platform"|"AGR"|0|"None"|0|"Steep southwest facing slope"|"Pine, Hawthorn, Cistus, Wild Grasses, Spiny Burnet, Heath"|0|"Xyliatos"|90.00 "east side of the road that runs to the east of TP221"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Abundant"|"Stable"|"it is on the slope to the west of the river that runs N-S. It is surrounded by a straw fields. The river is full of water plants"|"The slope between TP221 and the river that runs N-S. Slope eroding pillow lava with abundant high quality red jasper."|491525.00||"AJG"|7/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|1|"Phoukasa"|0|0|0|3882925.00|0||"TP236"|"Some"|0|1|"GAP"|7/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XIII"||"TS20"|0|"None"|0|"Image Print"|"Jasper outcrop: lithic workshop"|"CJM"|0|"None"|0|"A steep slope to the western side of the river"|"wild grass, asphodel, thistles, mosphilo, thyme"|0|"Petra"|40.00 "South base of Skouriotissa, NW of TP221"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Abundant"|"stable"|"A gully surrounded by straw fields on the base of Skouriotissa mine"|"The south side of the gully that lies between Skouriotissa mine and TP221. It is a jasper outcrop. Slope eroding pillow lava with jasper outcrop in this."|491400.00||"AJG"|7/8/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"None"|0|0|"Atsas"|0|1|"Phoukasa"|0|0|0|3883025.00|0||"TP237"|"Some"|0|0|"GAP"|7/8/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XIII"||"TS20"|0|"Some"|0|"Image Print"|"Outcrop of pillow lava"|"CJM"|0|"None"|0|"gully to the NW of TP221, on the south side of the gully"|"Wild grass, asphodel, thorns, zizyphus, thyme"|0|"Petra"|80.00 "Road to west"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Unclear"|"Deep-ploughed and disturbed"|"Recently ploughed terraced field, with north-heading gully to east of field. Fairly intact surface in gully, with gossan on far (east) side. Good view down to Morphou plain and bay. Surface of field is relatively stable."|"Southern boundary seemed evident where we stopped SU3005, on the edge of a terrace. The pottery and groundstone continues down two more terraces, petering out to the north. The area appeared to be about 20 m across. Pottery - large fragments of thick pithoi, Red Polished, White Slip, Black Slip; some possibly handmade.Groundstone - fragments of grinders, possible hammerstones. Needs to be gridded (done on 8 Nov. 2003)."|495030.00|324.00|"ABK"|8/11/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Abundant"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|1|"Mandroudhes"|0|0|0|3880660.00|0||"TP239"|"Abundant"|1|1|"SMJ"|5/11/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Scatter of Bronze Age pottery, groundstone."|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"North facing pediment"|"None - ploughed terraces"|0|"Kato Koutraphas"|90.00 "Dirt tracks intersect to south; N-S track passes pig farm."||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"JSN: Peripherally disturbed by recent ploughing and clearing for ped on hill top. Much of the chipped stone concentration is undisturbed for many decades - pre 1963 disturbance, if any."|"Hill of Lower Pillow Lavas with considerable outcrops of red jasper of varying quality. Hill is flanked all round by colluvial slopes (Pleistocene; with soil of Stage III + petrocalcic horizon) and gullies. Gully heads are 30+ m below summit. Colluvial slopes (facets) are richly covered by jasper lithics (worked and unworked). The surface of the main concentration has lichen and herbaceous soil cover over an angular-pebble stone surface/ pavement. This is a surface of long stability at decade-century timescales. Unlikely that the surface itself is fully preserved late Roman or earlier age."|"After finding some quantity of jasper on SW-facing hillslope in SU3027/GU3013, we closed that unit and walked all around it. On the far side of the same hill, on the NE-facing hillslope, JSN observed what seemed to be a working area for the red jasper. A full reduction sequence may well be found here, perhaps nearly in situ, since the hillslope seems largely undisturbed, and is mostly unploughed. To the E and NE, the ploughed fields at the bottom of the hill are full of jasper, including some very large blocks and at least one boulder. (MJG: up to 40 fragments of jasper per sq m). Pottery: 1 Roman Sigillata; some Medieval sherds.Groundstone: at least one hammerstone, and other pieces.Revisit by Carole and Hugh: all the jasper is natural."|497058.00|291.00|"ABK"|10/11/2003 00:00:00|1|0|"Some"|0|0|"Mandres"|0|1|"Khalospidhia"|0|0|0|3882098.00|0||"TP240"|"Some"|0|0|"ABK"|9/11/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"NE facing hillslope will outcrops of red jasper and many natural fragments"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Hilltop on divide between tributaries of Koronia-east drainage."|"Cleared on hilltop; flanks have garrigue and hawthorne."|0|"Nikitari"|90.00 "From Ayios Theodoros/Asinou road, or by track east of Eko filling station"||"Abundant"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Walls stand to between 1.0 and 1.5 m high. The mud brick superstructure is clearly melting away in the rain. The plan is more or less complete, and would be very easy to map."|"On spur coming S from the mountains, south of a substantial saddle. The structure sits high on the eastern side of the spur, just below the top, and faces SE across the valley towards the Asinou mountains and Moutti tou Dhia. This valley is cultivated, and outside the forest boundary. View from the top of the spur is panoramic:mountains beyond Phlasou, Vouni, Skouriotissa, Morphou Bay, Kyrenia Mountains, almost to Nicosia. The forest boundary runs along the spur (Forest Cairn 224 is immediately above the structure), so the structure is only just outside the forest. The structure and the area round it are heavily overgrown with grass etc. The spur has thin pine, with open areas of grass interspersed with jujube. There is lots of thyme in the surrounding area, but not immediately round the structure."|"The structure is made of mud brick on a stone socle. The socle is built of chunks of angular basalt, carefuly laid in approximate courses, neatly faced. There are large amounts of tile chinking (half-round village tile). The socle varies from 0.5 to 1.5 m high. Many of the tiles are overfired, and there was one clear deformed wasters. There are substantial numbers of fired solid brick 7.0 cm high built into the wall. Room 2 had a few large tile fragments on the ground, but these might have fallen from the walls. The main room (Room 1) has 2 doors, one facing downhill to the SE, the other leading into the next 'open' room (Room 2). The other 3 rooms are open to the SE. The surrounding area is disturbed by military trenches, but even so there is no sign of any enclosure. It is hard to see this as a purpose-built mandra: the enclosure is the most important part, and it is very different to the Makheras mandra complexes. It could have been used as a mandra relatively recently, hence its name. There are other rural structures which get called mandres, even though they are clearly not (e.g. Mandra tous Jerenides; Kato Koutraphas Mandres). However, the three open rooms are unlikely to be domestic. Stables? Storage? Perhaps the enclosure was built entirely of thorns and so leaves no traces. This structure was shown to ESG by Mr Christostomos of Ayios Theodhoros."|494050.00|410.00|"MJG"|15/11/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Pano Atsa"|0|1|1|3879710.00|1||"TP241"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|15/11/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Rural structure with 1 closed and 3 open rooms; 'Mandra tou Fatchitas'"|"MJG"|0|"Abundant"|0|"Side of spur ridge, just below top"|"Jujube, pine, grass, prickly thing, asphodel, thistle"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|10.00 ||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Stable surface but ploughed."|"Ploughed, stony cultivated field on an old river terrace. Flat, open field with a fairly stable surface in the river valley ?meters from the river. The other side river valley has much more of a slope. This side is a huge terrace which extends out in all directions."|"Area approximately 50m across east-west containing a scatter of ground stone, chipped stone and pottery. Ground stones include quern stones and rubbers, possible grinder and a large piece of probably unworked jasper. The pottery extends across the whole area, not necessarily associated with the scatter which is quite isolated with outlying pieces. A couple of pieces of small chipped stones. There are some white rocks- possibly chalky limestone- scattered around that don't look natural to the area. (SU3097, SU3100)"|499009.00|229.00|"JPR"|20/11/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Abundant"|0|0||0|1|"Petrera"|0|0|0|3883499.00|0||"TP242"|"Abundant"|1|1|"SMJ"|18/11/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Lithic and pottery scatter"|"MJG"|0|"Unclear"|0|"Old river terrace."|"Some burnt stubble.Some burnt stubble."|0|"Pano Koutraphas"|90.00 "Road to Katydhata"||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Deeply ploughed and disturbed"|"Agricultural field on gentle hillslope. Grasses and bushes to west on hillside. Road to east between the ploughed field and cultivated olive grove."|"(Using fixed Grid- see drawing). Gridding of pottery scatter, previously covered by cultivated field, now recently ploughed. Much BA pottery, particuarly red polished wares clearly visible. This site has seen much previous survey work including geophysics and a series of circular grids (iron cross). GPS reference refers to centre point of new grid."|489971.00|285.00|"JPR"|20/11/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Unclear"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Laonarka"|0|0|0|3882010.00|0||"TP243"|"Abundant"|1|1|"SMJ"|11/11/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|||"TS09"|1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Gridding of bronze age pottery scatter- November 2003"|"SMJ"|0|"None"|0||"None- ploughed field"|0|"Katydhata"|100.00 "In Kato Koutraphas village by road"||"Abundant"|0|0|1|1|0|"None"|"Church is thoroughly though not sympathetically renovated. First threshing floor is overgrown and disturbed; second threshing floor is exposed and kept clean, with a threshing machine on it."|"Spur between river Vyzakia to east and tributary to west"|"Church has ashlar sandstone blocks nicely cut but rather oddly laid with poor alignment, as if they have been reused. Marble lintel and doorway corbels on West and marble lintel on N door are clearly reused. Very worn cross with crosslets on block at E end. Ancient column and non-fitting capital by metal frame belltower. Iconostasis is 1927; no older features or frescoes apparent inside. There are a few sherds and round tile fragments to the north of the yard. There is one threshing floor with large river stones immediately north of the church along the spur; not in good condition. A second threshing floor is laid of smaller stones on a deep cut terrace on the east-facing slope of the spur."|497902.00|190.00|"MJG"|20/11/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0||0|0|"Village"|0|1|1|3884598.00|0||"TP244"|"Some"|0|0|"MJG"|20/11/2003 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Church of Panayia Chryseleousa and two threshing floors"|"MJG"|1|"Abundant"|0|"Spur above river"|"Grass, thistle"|0|"Kato Koutraphas"|10.00 ||"None"|0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|"Sherds in ploughed field"|"Good visual communication with Atsas farmsteads etc. Slopes down to West and ploughed downslope; how much movement of material has there been?"|"Major concentration of Roman pottery encountered in TT499500E, and surveyed as part of SU3036. Very fine ground stone loomweight. Is this bigger than (e.g.) Vrysitou Hadjichristophi? NB this is ploughed out, where Hadjichristophi mainly isn't."|499500.00|268.00|"MJG"|21/11/2003 00:00:00|0|0|"Some"|1|0|"Koutraphas"|0|0|"Sanidhia"|0|0|0|3884230.00|0||"TP245"|"Abundant"|1|0|"MJG"|21/11/2003 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Dense concentration of Roman pottery"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Pediment"|"Ploughsoil"|0|"Pano Koutraphas"|100.00 "Skouriotissa road, opposite church. Behind priest's house, S of orchard"||"Some"|0|0|0|0|0|"None"|"Mostly filled in, to stop animals and children falling in."|"Orchards on two sides. Old bulldozed terrace."|"Andreas the Katydhata post-office master showed us a square pit 2 x 2 m, and 1.5 m deep, surrounded by flattish river stones c. 20-30 cm across (there used to be ones up to 50 cm). This was revealed when it collapsed c. 6 years ago. He found a large circular space with a flat bottom, 4 or 5 m in diameter and 5 or 6 m deep, cut in the rock. No plaster. There was a similar but bigger on above his village of Pendayia. He thinks it was an underground grain store (there is an aloni just above and the south of it), to hide it from bandits and pirates. Alternatively, it might be a water cistern, though he definitely found no plaster. NB: Andreas says there are four dispersed alonia in this area, as well as the major complex at TP110 (cf. cadastral plan)"|489970.00|263.00|"MJG"|22/6/2004 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Alonia"|0|0|0|3882263.00|1||"TP110"|"None"|0|0|"MJG"|22/6/2004 00:00:00||0|0|0|0|"28-XII"|||0|"Some"|0|"GPS"|"Large covered pit, perhaps a cistern"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Terraced hillslope"|"Grass, thistles"|0|"Katydhata"|20.00 |||0|0|0|0|0||||"NB: publication says 'plot 604?', but cadastral has no Plot 604. I've put it in Plot 603, in the right locality. Cyprus Museum inventory 1983/XI-29 1(1-261)Rectangular chamber with rounded corners, 8.32 x 1.95 m; up to 1.90 m high. 2 niches on NW side (A, B); one on SE side (C). A and B are arcosolia type, though A has flattened arch. Limestone sarcophagus in chamber. Burial I (AD 50-150, and later). CS dishes & bowls, 3 cookpot lids, 16 unguentaria, 6 cookpots, 16 lamps. Glass: 8 beakers, 2 bowls, flask & unguentaria. 15 coins: mainly Cleopatra VII & AugustusBurial II (Late Hellenistic). 6 coins; most of Ptolemy (80-58 BC). PW jug, red glazed juglet, gold myrtle leavesBurial III. Pottery: jugs, bowls, fusiform unguentaria, 16 cookpots; pithoid amphora; 2 lamps. Coin of Antigonos I (316-311 BC). Ironnails & wood scraps: skeleton B was on wooden bier or coffin. Niche A. One burial (I) in 1st half 1c ADNiche B. Burials II and I. Niche C. 2nd half 1c BC to 1c AD. Chamber.Hellenistic I to end of Roman I. Late lamp and glass bottle from 4c and 3c/4c. (Nicolaou I. 1984)"|490085.00||"MJG"|6/1/2005 00:00:00|0|0||1|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Phinikos"|0|0|0|3878785.00|0|"604"|"TP247"||0|0|"MJG"|6/1/2005 00:00:00||0|0|0|0||"XXVIII-44-E2"||0||0|"Image Print"|"Excavated Hellenistic and Roman tomb: Evrykhou Tomb 4"|"MJG"|0||1|||0|"Evrykhou"| "Turnoff from road to Ayios Epiphanios"||"Some"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"Rather fragile, but in very unfrequented location"|"Steep terraced slope, with broader flat fields at base (to northeast); then another steep slope going down to the river. Terracing made by bulldozing, but a long time ago?"|"Wall appears in steep terrace riser. Modern irrigation ditch immediately behind it (upslope); then more of the riser. Lots of pottery appearing out of the wall, including 14th-16th century sgraffito, cooking pots (with big strap handles), other utility pieces. Some bone fragments (large animal). A little bit of pottery in the irrigation ditch, but it doesn't reach as low a level as the exposed wall. It may well be that the inner wall of this structure lies deeply buried by the terrace above, and so is well protected. Possible to do geophysics in terrace above, though some of it is obscured by a fairly large pine tree. Friable sediment above the wall; possibly melted mud brick?(See Description of TP002 for adjacent cadastral plots)"|489080.00|301.00|"MJG"|14/7/2005 00:00:00|0|1|"None"|0|0|"Karkotis"|0|0|"Arabajis"|0|1|0|3880595.00|0|"258"|"TP254"|"Abundant"|0|0|"MJG"|13/7/2005 00:00:00||0|0|1|0||||0|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Wall eroding out of terrace riser with Medieval pottery and bone"|"MJG"|0|"None"|0|"Riser of high anthropogenic terrace"|"Pine, grass, bushes"|0|"Ayios Epiphanios"|50.00 "Northwest of forest cairn 227. Located to the north of forestry road."||"Abundant"|0|0|1|0|0|"None"|"Fair. Overgrown and slowly being bulldozed away by forestry road and nearby farm."|"POSI is located between the Adelphi forest and plains. Overlooks the plains to the north- specifically Mandres. Open forest."|"Located by ESG during field survey. West of Ayios Theodoros Pano Atsa TP241 on sidehill. TP255 consists of 4 rooms with some attached and others not. Sructure is stone socle with only 3 feet at the most still standing. No mud brick is present. Possible stairs or collapse of mudbrick. In general the area is very overgrown. Area to the northwest is currently under olive cultivation and it appears that the structures will not be preserved for long. Likely that much of the structure has been disturbed by cultivation and road building. Possible enclosure - only 3 of 4 walls still preserved. Overall the complex is quite large. Believed by locals to be a mandra called Mandra tou Araklethi (Mr Christostomos). Complex is located on a path that links foothills to the forest. The remains of an oven are located to the south of these structures."|494601.00|416.00|"ESG"|10/2/2006 00:00:00|0|0|"None"|0|0|"Asinou"|0|0|"Palloura"|0|0|0|3879533.00|0|"49"|"TP255"|"Unclear"|0|0|"ESG"|11/6/2003 00:00:00||1|0|1|0||||1|"None"|0|"GPS"|"Structure complex of 4 or more rooms - stone built. Overgrown."|"ESG"|0|"Some"|0|"Foothills between forest and plains"|"Grassy - some cultivation of olives"|0|"Ayios Theodhoros"|60.00 |||0|0|0|0|0|"Some"|||"Concentration of pottery - especially Roman, Medieval and OttModI ? identified during later analysis.Location information taken from SU3074 ? the peak in pottery probably runs between SU3074 and SU3070."|499000.00|229.00|"MJG"|25/2/2006 00:00:00|0|0||1|0|"Koutraphas"|0|0|"Katalasharis"|0|1|0|3884640.00|0||"TP256"|"Abundant"|1|0|"LHS"|24/2/2006 00:00:00||0|0|1|0|"28-XVI"|||0||0|"GPS"|"Roman and Ottoman-Modern pottery concentration"|"MJG"|0|"Some"|0|||0|"Pano Koutraphas"|