"Aerial"|"Archit"|"ChipSt"|"DescriptionMaterialCulture"|"DescriptionSIA"|"Easting"|"Elevation"|"EntBy"|"EntDate"|"Environment"|"GrdSt"|"Loc"|"Northing"|"Pott"|"RecBy"|"RecDate"|"SIANumber"|"SketchCh"|"Slag"|"Source"|"Summary"|"Tile"|"Topo"|"Vill" |"None"|"Unclear"|"Slag sampled by LIK in 2002 and 2003. Pottery sampled by KWJ in 2003 (brief write-up in text file). ARS dish with man holding pole: TIP315."|"Slag heap is c. 300 m long, 50 m wide at its widest, & rises to over 17 m. In 2000 we identified 7 separate exposed sections and drew sketch plans and sections (at the time named TP007.AU01-07). TP007 is now defined as the large section opposite the camp entrance, at the north end. Ernst and Mike took a TL sample from here. In the 2001 season the slag heap was photographed by Chris P. See section drawings by LIK done in 2002 and 2003, and topographic map done by LIK and Gary in 2002. Samples taken in both seasons. TP171 is the amphora pile; TP172 is the northern smaller slag heap. See also 20th century miners' housing at TP107. References for the church & monastery - see BU0093. References for monastery and modern mine: MJG's notes in text file."|489550.00|220.00|"MJG"|5/6/2001 00:00:00|"West side of Foukassa hill, just above the river terraces of the Karkotis valley. Now being encroached from the east by the modern spoil heap and bulldozed road. "|"Unclear"|"Vouppos"|3883500.00|"Some"|"MJG"|24/8/2000 00:00:00|"TS01"|1|"Abundant"|"1:50,000"|"Modern copper mine and Roman slag heap"|"Some"|"28-XII"|"Skouriotissa" "63-35-26"|"Some"|"Some"|"Pottery fields starting from 200m N of the slag heap to 400m S of it, on the alluvial plain. In addition, in this area (S) there is not really much tile. Pottery numbers seem to be going down towards the S end of the alluvial plain. In the centre on the other hand, tile is more abundant. Pottery collected, mainly Late Roman and Modern."|"TP006: Slag heap. Large square fields, dense material (especially between the outcrop of pillow lavas and slag heap). On the top of the pillow lava outcrop ('Rock of Ayios Kyriakos'; TP017), there is a small buried structure; wall with pithos remains on top of it; it seems that somebody has dug a hole at its S side. Intensive block survey across SIA in small SUs, and across river; recorded section of slag heap; mapped of terrace walls and field walls; gridded TP104; lots of photographs."|503400.00|400.00|"LHS"|17/5/2001 00:00:00|"Two types of geology: Pillow lavas on the hill slope and an alluvial plain at the bottom of the hillslope running from S to N. River terrace with a river at W site running at the bottom of the hill creating a fairly deep gully with lots of vegetation around it. The land is still used for olive groves but some of it is fallow. There is a good amount of irrigation (water channels). Most importantly it is clear that the river is quite wet still."|"None"|"Mavrovouni"|3877400.00|"Abundant"|"MIM"|11/7/2000 00:00:00|"TS02"|0|"Abundant"|"1:50,000"|"Roman slag heap and pottery, field walls, pre-modern church"|"Abundant"||"Ayia Marina" "63-35-38"|"Some"|"None"|"Asinou settlement: 8 abandoned dwellings, mostly 2 room, stone (some mud brick) with hearths and 2 goat folds, 1 with bramble fence. 1 building still used, newly painted and locked (dwelling). Paved threshing floor, rough with stones (TP016), and one unpaved threshing floor (a third turned out to be bulldozing). Architecture mapped and analysed by TJI."|"Colonial also included in Period on paper form (= Modern; mjg)"|497600.00|500.00|"LHS"|17/5/2001 00:00:00|"Topography: Top of hill within Asinou valley. Steep-sided on north, ridge to east and west. 550 m SW of church of Phorviotissa. Geology: Diabase, basalt. Modern Land Use: Forest, olive groves, some crops, Water: Potamos Asinou in valley (no water currently)"|"None"|"Asinou"|3878400.00|"Abundant"|"TJI"|6/7/2000 00:00:00|"TS03"|0|"None"|"1:50,000"|"Abandoned settlement of Asinou"|"Abundant"||"Nikitari" "63-48-131"|"Some"|"Unclear"|"Range of Med-Mod material; some interesting pieces (e.g. sherd coated with pitch on interior); useful as exploration of the immediate surroundings of a Med-Mod estate/village. It is conceivable that the Medieval estate was in the vicinity of the Ayios Dhimitrianos church (15c?)"|"Kato Phlasou village Plans I + II. includes training SUs for all 4 field teams. In the vicinity of TAESP 2003 headquarters at Ayios Dhimitrianos church."|489905.00|320.00|"CSA"||"Anthropogenic alluvials terraces east of Karkotis river, west of main N-S road. Consist largely of cultivated grain fields and olive orchards."|"Unclear"|"Koutroullis tou Agiou Georgiou"|3880305.00|"Abundant"|"ATB"||"TS04"|0|"Unclear"|"Image Print"|"Block survey for TAESP 2003 training days"|"Abundant"||"Phlasou" |"Some"|"Some"|"Abundant Roman material culture in the form of: Tiles, Sigillata A, Heavy and Light utility wares, and cooking wares. Several rubble piles - some potential structures as well as field clearing. Oral history from a Priest at Xyliatos suggests a Medieval or possibly Ottoman church and settlement in this area. One mining adit visible approximately 2/3 of the way up the south side of Alestos. Modern slag pile on Alestos."|"Evidence of Roman settlement which may be related to the copper mining source at Alestos. In addition to this, oral history suggests more recent occupation of this site. Rubble piles and house platforms mapped as TP113 and TP114, and drawn on IP. Block survey."|501950.00|515.00|"ESP"|14/7/2003 00:00:00|"Series of agricultural terraces stepping down in an easterly direction in a small valley. Pillow lava area witnessed as basalt stones on many terraces. Modern use as a mix of olive and almond, with lower terraces used for cultivating vegetables, upper most terraces are unused and derelict.There is a stone lined well at one end of the lower terraces which is full to 1-1.5m below ground level. Area at base of south side of Alestos."|"Some"|"Litharkies"|3876075.00|"Abundant"|"ESP"|8/7/2003 00:00:00|"TS05"|0|"Some"|"Image Print"|"Hellenistic-Roman settlement, with rubble piles, tiles, pottery, geophysics"|"Abundant"|"29"|"Xyliatos" "63-35-51"|"Abundant"|"Some"|"Late Chalcolthic/Early Bronze Age pottery and ground stone. Ottoman/modern (historical period) threshing floors (two on same ridge)."|"Ridge containing evidence of Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age activity (section TP135). Also groups of ground stone on ridge (TP177). Also Ottoman/modern activity in form of two threshing floors (TP176, TP187). Section drawn and sampled."|489920.00|354.00|"ATB"|29/7/2003 00:00:00|"On summit and sides of an elevation, bedrock is pillow basalt, with very thin soils overlying it. Close to an ancient possible river meander. Ridge has been modified by bulldozing (possibly created by draft animals, but certainly not made by heavy machinery). Water tank (modern) on summit. Almond grove on east side. Animal pen on summit."|"Abundant"|"Koutroullis"|3879620.00|"Abundant"|"AJG"|20/7/2003 00:00:00|"TS06"|0|"Some"|"Image Print"|"Chalcolithic/Early Bronze Age settlement: section, ground stone, pottery. Recent threshing floor."|"Some"|"28"|"Phlasou" "63-48-112"|"Abundant"|"Some"|"Includes all Bus from BU0005 to BU0043 Huge jasper core (collected by Carole), and some ground stone built into walls."|"Cluster of ruined seasonal houses in varying degrees of dilapidation with some outlying houses on adjacent slopes and flat areas; numerous threshing floors some in good condition. Topographic map by GT and STD; structural analysis of architecture by TJI; pottery and lithics collection in and around structures and on threshing floor. Analysis of soil from mud brick walls & roofs, and of phytoliths from threshing floor. See now measured plans and elevations, oral information, and reports by ESG & HFJ (13/8/01)"|495750.00|280.00|"LHS"|17/5/2001 00:00:00|"Undulating agricultural land with deep gullies adjacent to the village; settlement now used from time to time for military purposes e.g. training exercises."|"Some"|"Mandres"|3881300.00|"Abundant"|"IJE"||"TS07"|1|"Some"|"1:50,000"|"Abandoned settlement, now ruinous"|"Abundant"||"Kato Koutraphas" "63-35-36"|"Abundant"|"Some"|"Block Survey area - pottery and tile ranging from Roman? to modern, with clear focus of Medieval and 16th century in orchard NW of church. Panayia Phorviotissa (TP030): Middle Byzantine church with several (at least 2) construction phases - material re-used: tile, pottery, glass, architecture and benches"|"SIA consists of area of church and cultivated field below. Middle Byzantine Church seperated from surrounding agricultural fields by wall. Wall seems to have been reused/remade in previous periods. Phases of rebuilding present in wall. Rubble in are of church provides information about previous settlement (monastery?) Focus of local Sunday activity. Geophysical and topographic survey. Block survey in orchard below. Oral information from Panayiotis."|497575.00|440.00|"SED"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|"Topography - plateau on low spur overlooking Asinou valley, gullies on either side. Geology - bedrock (Panayia Phorviotissa), basal group. Colluvial and alluvial mix, also anthropogenic terraces (tilled). Modern land use - almond orchard/church. Water - well in church courtyard, river 100+ m west"|"None"|"Kapsalia"|3878280.00|"Abundant"|"ESG"|18/7/2001 00:00:00|"TS08"|0|"Some"|"Aerial"|"Church of Panayia Phorviotissa and enclosed terraced field"|"Abundant"||"Nikitari" "63-48-119"|"Some"|||"Density of red polished ware along with some bone, possibly human found along the bottom edge of the ridge and on the sloping ground towards the east. Major pottery scatter in fields south of ridge. Geophysical survey; block survey; topographic survey; collection in gridded circles."|489973.00|300.00|"HFJ"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|"The cultivated fields, olive grove and disturbed area to the east of the ridge east of the village of Katydata."||"Laonarka"|3882029.00|"Abundant"|"HFJ"|26/7/2001 00:00:00|"TS09"|0||"GPS"|"EBA and MBA settlement, associated with previously excavated tombs"|"None"|"28-XX"|"Katydhata" "63-35-26"|"Some"|"None"|"Drawings done in 2001 season. No artefacts"|"A group of ancient adits cut in the contact between the pillow lavas and the conglomerate, on either side of a deep gully. They are located just to the west of Memi open cast and are probably the only remains left of the ancient mine associated with TP006. To the west of the adits there are very well built terrace walls - some 2 m high - built of large diabase boulders as well as smaller ones, still used for cultivation of olive trees and other fruits. Photographs of adits and gully; drawings of adits. Very difficult to map overall."|503273.00|389.00|"ATB"|25/7/2001 00:00:00|"Pillow lavas covered by a layer of conglomerates - deep gully to the east - well preserved terrace walls to the west - some terraces even on the area of the adits - water channel runs along the east face of the gully - seasonal river at the bottom of the gully. The area is lush - pine trees and olive trees and almond trees and vines while at the bottom of the valley there are canes, oleander, cistus and hawthorn."|"None"|"Ayios Kyriakos"|3877219.00|"None"|"LIK"|25/7/2001 00:00:00|"TS10"|1|"None"|"GPS"|"River gully with ancient adits and shafts"|"None"|"29-XXVII"|"Xyliatos" "63-48-131"|"None"|"Some"|"Pottery & tile. Church of Panayia Kousouliotissa is nearby and may be related (BU0094)"|"Cultivated fields on the W side of the main road which have produced a significant amount of Roman pottery and some 13th century sherds. Used as training area for field teams at beginning of 2001 and 2002 seasons. NB Roman material is concentrated on valley edge because of Ottoman period alluviation."|490580.00|345.00|"HFJ"|31/7/2001 00:00:00|"Fairly level river terraces of the Karkotis valley. (East side of the river). At The boundary with the hills on the W side of the main road. Relatively stable."|"Unclear"|"Dodekaskala"|3880100.00|"Abundant"|"HFJ"|31/7/2001 00:00:00|"TS11"|0|"Some"|"Aerial"|"Roman & Medieval-Modern pottery scatter below Panayia Kousouliotissa"|"Abundant"|"28-XXI"|"Phlasou" "63-35-36"|"Abundant"|"None"|"Ayios Ioannis Church (TP039) - ashlar wall approximately 10m long and 4 courses high. Little pottery is present on ground surface although some found in walls with mortar. SU0365, SU0366 - block survey of this field. Abundant pithos and few tiles found. Pithos to hold wine? Interesting range of Ott-Mod forms and functions."|"SIA is the general interest area that incorporates the area of Ayios Ioannis Church and area of block survey to the south. This area was off transect but survey of field chosen for visibility. Walls in SU0365, SU0366 thought to be terraces but it seems more likely that they are the walls of a dwelling. Material is characteristic of a settlement - perhaps a predecessor of the Asinou settlement on the hill. Khalospitiaes means ruined houses."|497010.00|400.00|"JLH"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"River terraces with large river cobbles. Church is situated on or directly associated with the river. Terraces with wild oats, olive trees and grapes are abandoned."|"None"|"Khalospities"|3878020.00|"Abundant"|"ESG"|30/7/2001 00:00:00|"TS12"|1|"None"|"Aerial"|"Pottery scatter beside site of Ayios Ioannis Church"|"Some"||"Nikitari" |"None"|"Some"|"Hellenistic and Roman pottery"|"SUs 1006 and 1072-1075: dense concentration of Hellenistic and Roman pottery. The nature of the ceramic assemblage from these periods, which includes many tablewares and lamps, leads KWJ to believe that this pottery represents fill from tombs located nearby (at an as yet unknown location) rather than a settlement. No clear geomorphological evidence that this is the case (needs checking)."|489065.00|185.00|"ATB"|2/8/2002 00:00:00|"Flat anthropogenic terraces approximately 150 m west of the Karkotis river. Fallow (but some older evidence for cultivation of potatoes and watermelons) agricultural fields. Bounded on the east by the disused mining railroads, on the west by a dirt road, and to the south by a gully."|"Some"|"Psephtas"|3883800.00|"Abundant"|"ATB"|1/8/2002 00:00:00|"TS13"|0|"Abundant"|"Aerial"|"Hellenistic-Roman pottery scatter. Adit; ancient olive mill"|"Some"|"28-XII"|"Skouriotissa" |"Abundant"|"Unclear"|"Very little pottery evident. Lots of architecture: see relevant BU forms."|"Ruined stone and mud bricks, with central concentration and various outliers. Large terraces below houses, above gully. Path traversing round gully and crossing it. Threshing floors between gully and road. Masonry forestry cairns on ridges above settlement. Bridge for main road between Karterouni and the lower terraces: concrete plaque on west: 'FD 1943'."|493360.00|730.00|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00|"Steep-sided valley of river Kourdhali, with pine, hawthorn, grass, cistus, almonds, etc"|"Unclear"|"Karterouni"|3873340.00|"Some"|"MJG"|15/3/2002 00:00:00|"TS14"|0|"None"|"GPS"|"Karterouni abandoned village, threshing floors, paths, terraces, forestry cairns"|"Abundant"||"Ayios Theodhoros" |"Some"|"None"|"Dense pottery scatter in SU1082 & TP118. Tombs in TP129. Wall exposed in TP252. Pottery across TP119 (settlement). Pottery and figurine fragments in TP119 (sanctuary)."|"Stone walls, melted mud brick and pottery in section in TP252. Clear terraces and house platforms. Archaic sanctuary on artifical platform to N. Settlement of 'Limna' recorded in 1521-1565 village lists, but not 1825 census (Grivaud 1998: 202). Topographic and soil depth map. Geophysical survey. Collection on grid. Sampling of wall in section (section drawing lost?)."|488850.00|250.00|"MJG"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|"SIA overlies low-sloping (c. 6 degrees) E-facing Holocene (active) pediment apron along base of N-trending basalt hills/ridge of western valley wall. Sediment native to site is thing (< 25 cm) and composed of basalt and calcareous fragments of vein K3 + petrocalcic soil horizons in the pillow lavas. Local concentrations of 30-80 cm thick deposits of SCL to L textured soils (tilled) and deposits (section at TP119). In section, at TP119, there appear to be aligned stones and 'muddier' deposits below a 25-40 cm thick thin-bedded pebble to gravelly SL-LS deposit; and infilled channels (one is a rill, the other is a c. 0.8 x 3 m channel) with accretionery beds of pebbles and finer grained beds. Gully is located to S and is seasonally flowing. Water source is likely the Karkotis Valley c. 100 m away."|"None"|"Pano Limna"|3882020.00|"Abundant"|"MJG"|30/7/2002 00:00:00|"TS15"|0|"None"|"Aerial"|"Archaic sanctuary; Roman settlement"|"Abundant"|"28-XII"|"Katydhata" |"None"|"None"|"Numbered square pieces of bathroom tiles?"|"Seeding plots; see separate reports by ESGNB: the cadastral plots and the digitised SUs on the GIS need checking. IP0013. Cadastral Plot No. E1. Near Jean & Eleni's house"|489620.00|300.00|"MJG"|1/2/2002 00:00:00|"Fields, olives, plough."|"None"|"Strongilo"|3879875.00|"Some"|"MJG"|1/2/2002 00:00:00|"TS16"|1|"Abundant"|"Aerial"|"Seeding experiment fields"|"Some"|"28-XX"|"Phlasou" |"Some"|"None"|"Coarse ware, pithos rims and sherds from storage jars. Over seventy pieces found. In the fields containing SUs 2327-2329 remains of a check dam were POSIed."|"In the series of fields located South West of Asinou significant quantities of pottery were found. The North East side SU1360 especially. In all this SU produced 69 sherds. The fields' stable nature suggests that pottery is in situ. Area is associated with church of Panagia Phorviotissa (TS08)."|497323.00|418.00|"JPR"|23/7/2003 00:00:00|"Fields located South West of Asinou. Fields all mixed alluvium/colluvium anthropogenic terraces. Anthropogenic terraces relatively stable. SU2325-2329 in uncultivated fields with heavy wild cereal growth."|"None"|"Rotsos"|3877960.00|"Some"|"CLT"|20/7/2003 00:00:00|"TS17"|0|"None"|"Aerial"|"Block surveyed units in Asinou intensive survey zone."|"None"||"Nikitari" |"Some"|"None"|"Roman self slip pan tiles. Ground stone (mortar). Varying thicknesses of pottery. The material found is embedded in the soil and a lot of it is lichenated, suggesting stability for a long period of time."|"Small Roman farmstead with ruined structure(s) near a spring. Farmstead mapped and collected in PUs. A couple of unobtrusive photos. Topo map 28-XIII"|492120.00|245.00|"AJG"|4/8/2003 00:00:00|"The area has bedrock outcrops with broad fields between them used for growing grain. Ruined structure is on a bedrock outcrop. The spring is in the stream which is called Argaki tou Haji Christofi. Vegetation consists of wild grasses, zizyphus, wild asparagus, thistles and hawthorns. Right on edge of and slightly inside Buffer Zone."|"Some"|"Vrysi tou Haji Christofi"|3882290.00|"Abundant"|"GAP"|31/7/2003 00:00:00|"TS18"|0|"Abundant"|"GPS"|"Roman farmstead with spring, millstone and artefact scatter"|"Abundant"|"28"|"Linou" |"Abundant"|"None"|"71 check dams in 13 gullies. TP155-TP165 inclusive, TP167-TP169 inclusive."|"Series of check dam gullies varying in length and number of check dams in each (from 1 in TP165 and TP160 to 13 in TP161 and TP163). Check dams vary in style, date and rock size. Area covered - see attached diagram. TP161 has associated pottery in dams and a path. TP158 is an area of overgrown dense greenery, suspected to be check dam but inaccessible to see. Cadastral is XXVIII-56"|497740.00|469.00|"SMJ"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|"Topography consists of 20-30 degree hillslopes incised by small rocky gully with very thin soils. Bedrock consists of Basalt group rocks. Currently vegetation consists of pine trees, cistus bushes and other sparse vegetation. In the inner steep gullies myrtle and wild olives may be found. See sketch maps and descriptions under individual POSIs."|"None"|"Stavros"|3877870.00|"Some"|"SMJ"|3/8/2003 00:00:00|"TS19"|1|"None"|"Image Print"|"System of check dams near Stavros."|"None"|"28"|"Nikitari" "63-48-9"|"Abundant"|"Abundant"|"Stone-lined cistern of 2.45 x 2.50 m diameter. Greatest depth: 1.3 m to top of masonry, 1.8 to top of spoil.Red jasper (some brownish) cores and flakes on ridgetop, entire tool processing assemblage to SE of ridgetop. GPS of latter is 491553, 3882956, Elev. 224.Late Roman pottery, pan tiles, and cover tiles. Roman concrete"|"Small Late Roman farmstead near modern extent of Skouriotissa mine, NW of the Ayii Saranta stream. Topo is 28-XIII"|491480.00|233.00|"ATB"|6/8/2003 00:00:00|"On a bedrock outcrop thinly covered by sediment, between two streams, the highest point in the immediate area. Outcrop has been terraced but not plowed recently.Surrounding slope has been planted with grain. Red jasper outcrop on ridgetop and just to the southeast, just below dirt road."|"Some"|"Phoukasa"|3882990.00|"Abundant"|"ATB"|6/8/2003 00:00:00|"TS20"|0|"Some"|"GPS"|"Jasper working and Late Roman farmstead"|"Abundant"|"28"|"Petra" "63-48-131"|"None"|"Some"|"Chipped and ground stone located in TP095. Chipped stone mainly jasper and chalcedony. Minimal pottery - medieval / modern and historic."|"Series of agricultural fields located within a ploughed area near TP095. Area primarily aceramic. Fields block surveyed due to relatively good visibility."|501424.00|273.00|"ESG"|5/7/2004 00:00:00|"Ploughed agricultural fields composed of pediment alluvium. Some olive cultivation, watermelon and stubble."|"Some"|"Kambos tou Lemonari"|3883976.00|"Some"|"ESG"|5/7/2004 00:00:00|"TS21"|0|"Some"|"GPS"|"Ground stone and chipped stone concentration"|"Unclear"||"Potami"