Fabric series,Fabric Code,Comments,main inclusion,Description,Ware Type,Colour,Core Colour,Ext margin,Int Margin,Int Surface,Ext Surface,Hardness,Feel,Fracture,Primary Forming,Secondary Forming,Slip,Extent,provenance,date,glaze extent,glaze colour,Common Name "Hayton","A01","Some marked as M021 in archive","Quartz","This is Dressel 20 amphora fabric. This fabric has a reddish yellow surface (7.5YR5/1) with brown (7.5YR7/4) core. It is very hard, with a sandy feel and a fine fracture. It has inclusions of moderate amounts of sub angular moderately sorted quartz at c.0.5mm and moderate amounts of angular moderately sorted limestone at 0.6mm, some flecks of fine gold and silver mica.","Amphora","Reddish yellow surface with brown core","7.5YR5/1",,,,"7.5YR7/4","Very Hard","Sandy","Fine","Wheel made",,,,"Baetica, Spain","C1-C3",,,"Baetican Amphora" "Hayton","B01",,"Quartz","This is BB1 SE Dorset fabric.","Black Burnished",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Fine","Hand made","Burnished",,,"Dorset","LIA to C5",,,"BB1" "Hayton","B10",,"Quartz","This is Black Burnished ware 2.","Black Burnished",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Wheel made","Burnished",,,"Essex, Kent","EC2-MC3",,,"BB2" "Hayton","F10",,"None","This is Eastern Gaulish 'Rhenish' ware.","Fine",,,,,,,"Very Hard","Smooth","Fine","Wheel made",,,,"Eastern Gaul","C3-MC3",,,"Eastern Gaulish 'Rhenish Ware'" "Hayton","F102",,"None","This is Central Gaulish 'Rhenish' ware.","Fine",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Rhenish central Gaul","MC2-C2",,,"Central Gaulish 'Rhenish Ware'" "Hayton","F11",,"None","This is Nene Valley Colour Coat.","Fine",,,,,,,"Hard","Smooth","Fine","Wheel made",,,,"Nene Valley","LC2-C4",,,"Nene Valley Colour Coat" "Hayton","F14","Some marked as F12 in archive",,"This is an oxidised Nene Valley Colour Coat ware.","Fine",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Nene valley","LC2-C4",,,"Nene Valley Colour Coat" "Hayton","F15",,,"Nene Valley Parchment Ware","Fine",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Nene valley","LC2-C4",,,"Nene Valley Colour Coat" "Hayton","F16",,,"A fine ware with a slate grey firing.","Fine",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"MC1-C3",,, "Hayton","F20","MM may be Haddam","Silver Mica","This is Oxford Red Colour Coat ware.","Fine",,,,,,,,"Smooth",,"Wheel made",,,,"Oxford","MC3-C4",,,"Oxford Colour coat" "Hayton","F22",,,"A sandy oxidised fabric. C.f. Catterick/ Crambeck copy.","Fine",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"MC3-C4",,,"Catterick/ Crambeck copy?" "Hayton","F30",,,"A Parisian? Type fine ware, with a reddish black core (2.5YR2.5/1) and light reddish brown (2.5YR7/3) margins and very dusky red (2.5TR2.5/1) surfaces. It has an irregular fracture and sparse fine surrounded quartz up to 0.2mm across.","Fine",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"C1-C3",,,"Parisian" "Hayton","F32",,,"Terra Nigra. A thin soft fabric with a black core and black surfaces and pale grey margins (2.5Yr 5/1) with moderate very fine gold mica (0.1mm). It has a very highly burnished surface.","Fine",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"LC1",,,"Terra Nigra copy?" "Hayton","F70",,,"This is Crambeck Parchment ware.","Fine",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Crambeck","MC3-C4",,,"Crambeck Parchment Ware" "Hayton","G01","East Yorkshire Calcite Gritted ware","Calcite","This is calcite gritted fabric. It has a black core and black to reddish brown (5YR4/4) surface. It has a hackly fracture with moderately well sorted abundant inclusions of angular calcite at c. 0.5-5mm and moderate angular brown ironstone up to 5mm. This mainly comprises later Romano British calcite gritted ware but overlaps with the iron age handmade calcite gritted tradition.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Soft","Granular","Hackly","Hand made",,,,"East Yorkshire","C1-C4",,,"Yorkshire Calcite Gritted Ware" "Hayton","G011","in archive as R021 for material catalogued before 18/11/03",,"This fabric has sub rounded quartz and occasional calcareous material. It is a variant of G01 with finer and better sorted calcite inclusions.","Reduced",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,"East Yorkshire","IA",,,"Yorkshire Calcite Gritted Ware" "Hayton","G012",,"Calcite","This is a variant of G01 with finer calcite inclusions","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,"East Yorkshire","mc2-c4",,,"Yorkshire Calcite Gritted Ware" "Hayton","G02",,"Calcite","This is a black handmade fabric with a fine to irregular fracture and having abundant moderately sorted quartz at 0.3mm,occasional calcite inclusions at 0.3 - 2mm.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Hand made",,,,"Vale of Pickering?, East Yorkshire","C4",,,"Yorkshire Calcite Gritted Ware" "Hayton","G03","The Iron age tradition of calcite gritted ware.","Calcite","This is a brown low fired soft fabric. It has abundant poorly sorted angular calcite inclusions at 0.2-2mm, with moderate inclusions of surrounded quartz at 0.5mm and sparse rock inclusions at 0.5mm.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Soft","Granular","Hackly","Hand made",,,,"East Yorks","IA",,,"Early Yorkshire Calcite Gritted Ware" "Hayton","G032",,"Calcite","A variant of G03 with sparse angular shell at c. 0.5mm size","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,"East Yorks?","IA",,,"Early Yorkshire Calcite Gritted Ware" "Hayton","G04",,"Calcite","This is an oxidised, probably burnt, variant of G01, having a light reddish brown surface (5YR6/4) and a red core (2.5YR4/6) with abundant coarse (0.5mm) calcite and moderate quartz at 0.5mm.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Soft","Granular","Hackly","Hand made",,,,"East Yorks?","IA",,,"Early Yorkshire Calcite Gritted Ware" "Hayton","G05",,"Chalk","This is a handmade fabric with reddish brown surface and hackly fracture. It has moderate poorly sorted surrounded chalk inclusions c.8 mm in size with sparse sub angular sandstone at 1-5mm and common poorly sorted rounded quartz at 0.2-0.8mm.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Soft","Very Sandy","Hackly","Hand made",,,,,"IA",,,"Chalk Tempered ware" "Hayton","G06",,"Calcite","A hard handmade fabric with a hackly break. It has a dark grey (5YR4/1) core with reddish brown surfaces (5YR4/3). It has inclusions of abundant well sorted black iron ore .4nn in diameter, with common ill sorted sub angular calcite 2mm across, and some rounded calcareous inclusions 0.5mm across.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"IA-C2",,, "Hayton","G07","Sandstone suggests variant of Ship G26","Calcite","This is a handmade fabric. It has a black internal surface and core with light reddish brown (5YR6/4) external margin and surface. It has an irregular fracture and inclusions of abundant poorly sorted angular rock (sandstone?) 0.5-10mm across with some angular calcite c. 0.5mm across","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Granular","Hackly","Hand made",,,,,"LIA-C2",,,"Sandstone tempered ware." "Hayton","G071",,"Quartz","A variety of G07 with common sub angular quartz to c.0.5mm","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"LIA-C1",,,"Sandstone tempered ware." "Hayton","G072",,"Sandstone","A variation of G07 with common well sorted sandstone to c.0.8mm and common surrounded ill sorted quartz to 0.3mm.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"IA-C4",,,"Sandstone tempered ware." "Hayton","G08","Some examples catalogue may be a grog tempered ware.","Calcite","A handmade fabric with black core and external surface and yellowish red internal surface. It has a harsh feel and irregular feature. It has inclusions of moderate amounts of ill sorted angular calcite up to 3mm across and some angular shell c. 5mm in length.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"IA",,,"Calcite tempered ware" "Hayton","G09",,"Calcite","This is a hard hand made fabric, with common rounded well sorted quartz to 0.2mm, common well sorted rounded black iron stone 0.1-0.2mm and occasional moderately sorted angular calcite to 5mm across","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"IA-C4",,, "Hayton","G101","some may be in archive as g105","Quartz","This is a wheel made hard grey fabric with common quartz c. 0.5mm-1mm and some black iron stone 12mm, with moderate angular calcareous inclusions to c.0.5-3mm.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Granular","Irregular","wheel",,,,"Holme on Spalding moor + other","Romano-British",,,"Wheel thrown HOSM gritted grey ware" "Hayton","G104",,"Shell","This is a variant of G101 with some surrounded shell c 0.3mm across.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"wheel made",,,,,"LC3-C4",,,"Wheel thrown HOSM gritted grey ware" "Hayton","G11",,"Shell","This is a hard reduced handmade fabric with a sandy feel and a fine to irregular fracture. It has a grey core with a brown (5YR5/2) surfaces. It has inclusions of moderate to common shell up to 3mm across and occasional surrounded calcareous inclusions 0.7mm across.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Granular","Irregular","Hand made",,,,,"IA-C2",,,"Shell tempered ware" "Hayton","G12","This is a continuum stretching to G13 some marked as G15","Shell","A black hard handmade fabric. It has a sandy feel and an irregular fracture. It has abundant rounded well sorted quartz 0.7mm across, common angular shell 0.5mm across and moderate rounded calcareous (oolites) at c.0.5mm across.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Harsh","Hackly","Hand made",,,,,"LC3-MC4",,,"Dales type ware" "Hayton","G13","base pt = lc3 - 3c4; some marked as G131","Shell","A hard handmade fabric. It tends to be black but occasionally has a red (10R5/4) surface. It has an irregular fracture and sandy feel, It has inclusions of common angular shell c 5mm long, common calcareous material c. 3mm across and occasional calcite c. 0.5mm across.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Harsh","Irregular","Hand made",,,,"Brough to ShiptonThorpe, East Yorks","LC3-MC4",,,"Dales type ware" "Hayton","G132",,"Shell","A variant of G13 with more common limestone and shell.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"IA",,,"Early shell tempered ware" "Hayton","G14",,"Shell","This is a variant of G12 with slightly sparser shell.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Harsh","Irregular","Hand made",,,,,"LC3-C4",,,"Dales type ware" "Hayton","G141",,"Shell","This is a hard handmade fabric with a dark reddish grey (10R3/1) core and weak red surfaces (10R4/3). It has an irregular fracture and slightly sandy feel. It has inclusions of abundant rounded well sorted quartz at 0.5mm across and occasional sub angular calcareous material at c 0.8mm across.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"LC3-C4",,,"Dales type ware" "Hayton","G16","Dales ware; Dales ware: coarse grey, black or brown fabric; tempered with abundant (fossil) shell (sometimes leached out leaving a pitted surface). Irregular finger indentations around the lower body, but generally smoothed towards shoulder and over rim and lip. Hand-formed. In addition to the classic jar form, some larger diameter 'storage jars', dishes, flanged-bowls and lids have been recorded in this ware (Rigby in Stead 1976, 189).some G161","shell","This is Dales ware fabric. It is a handmade dark grey ware, with a weak red (10R4/4) core and surface, with a sandy feel and irregular fracture. It has abundant shell fragments c. 1-10mm.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,"N Lincs., south Humber side","MC3-MC4",,,"Dales ware" "Hayton","G17",,"Shell","This is a hard hand made fabric with some shell to 5mm, common quartz to 0.3mm and moderate calcareous materials to 0.3mm","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,,"Shell tempered ware" "Hayton","G18",,"Shell","This is a variant of G13 with more abundant shell and oolites.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,,"Shell tempered ware" "Hayton","G19",,"shell","A handmade ware with moderate shell and moderate rock with occasional quartz","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,,"Shell tempered ware" "Hayton","G21","some marked as G24 in archive","Flint","A hand made hard fabric with a grey core and red (2.5YR 4/6) surface. It has an irregular fracture and harsh feel. It has inclusions of common well sorted angular quartz at 0.5mm across and common poorly sorted angular flint at 0.8mm-3mm across and some poorly sorted surrounded calcareous material at c 0.5-2mm","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,,"Flint tempered ware" "Hayton","G22",,"Flint","This is a variant of G21 with more abundant flint.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,,"Flint tempered ware" "Hayton","G23",,"Quartz","A hard hand made fabric. It has a dark reddish grey (2.5YR4/1) core and reddish brown (2.5YR4/4) Surfaces. It has a fairly irregular to fine fracture and a sandy feel. It has common rounded well sorted quartz at c 0.5mm and moderate angular flint to c 3mm with occasional rounded brown ironstone.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","G32",,"Quartz","A hard handmade fabric with black surfaces and reddish brown (2.5YR4/4) core. It has an irregular fracture and sandy feel. It has inclusions of common poorly sorted rounded quartz at 0.8mm and occasional sub angular calcareous material at c. 1mm, and moderate ironstone at c 0.3mm.","Gritted",,,,,,,"Soft","Sandy","Hackly","Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","G33",,"Lime","A very hard handmade fabric that is grey in colour. It has an irregular fracture and sandy feel. It has common well sorted rounded quartz 0.8mm and moderate poorly sorted black iron stone at 0.1-2mm and sparse sub angular calcareous material","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","G34",,"Quartz","A hard handmade fabric with a black core and pale red external surface (2.5YR 4/2). It has an irregular fracture and harsh sandy feel. It has abundant inclusions of sub angular quartz c1mm across and occasional sub angular quartzite at c0.5mm across and sparse sub angular calcareous material at c0.5mm across","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","G35",,"Quartz","This is a hard handmade fabric with a black core and reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4) surface. It has inclusions of abundant rounded quartz at c 1mm and occasional rock fragments up to 2mm. This is probably a variant of G33.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","G42","hand made grey grog , sand calc Belgic tradition? C1","Grog","This is a hard handmade fabric. It has a black core and reddish brown (2.5YR4/4) margins and surfaces. It has an irregular fracture and harsh sandy feel. It has inclusions of common well sorted angular grey grog 1.5-2mm, common rounded quartz at 0.3mm and occasional sub angular quartzite at 0.1mm and sparse angular flint","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,"Lincolnshire?","C1",,, "Hayton","G51",,"Grog","A hard hand made fabric. It has an irregular fracture and harsh feel. It has a red core (2.5YR4/6) and grey internal margin and surface and a dusky red (2.5YR3/2) external margin and surface. It has inclusions of abundant well sorted sub rounded quartz at 0.2mm with occasional sub angular quartz at 1mm and moderate sub angular brown grog at 3mm.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","G54",,"Ironstone","This is a soft handmade fabric. It has an irregular fracture and sandy feel. It has a grey to reddish grey (2.5YR6/1) core and light red surfaces( 2.5YR6.6). It has inclusions of common poorly sorted sub angular iron ages c. 1- 3mm, common rounded well sorted quartz at 0.3mm and sparse inclusions of calcareous material and flint.","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","G68","No obvious parallel","Lime","This is a soft handmade fabric. It has a black core and dark reddish brown surfaces. It has an irregular to hackly fracture and sandy feel. It has inclusions of abundant well sorted rounded oolites ( 0.5mm) and occasional sub angular calcareous material","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,"local to Hayton?","Romano-British",,, "Hayton","G71",,"Grass","This is a soft hand made fabric. It has a dark reddish brown core (2.5YR3/3) and light red surfaces (2.5YR6/6). It has an irregular fracture and harsh feel. It has inclusions of common chaff voids up to c. 5mm and occasional sub angular calcareous inclusions 0.3mm and sparse angular flint at c. 0.5mm","Gritted",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Early Roman",,, "Hayton","M01","Mancetter-Hartshill","Grog","Mancetter Hartshill mortaria fabric. A hard white mortarium fabric. Occasional fine red sub angular grog inclusions with some rounded quartz (0.1mm). Tituration grits of orange grey and brown grog 1 - 4mm.","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Mancetter-Hartshill","MC2-C4",,, "Hayton","M02","Crambeck earlier titration. Some marked as mo5 in archive","Quartz","Crambeck parchment ware. It has a white core margin and surfaces. It has a fine fracture and sandy feel. It has inclusions of sub angular black iron stone c.1mm moderate surrounded well sorted grog (0.3mm) and moderate surrounded well sorted quartz (0.2mm). Titration grits of black angular iron slag 2-5mm.","Mortaria",,,,,,,"Very Hard","Smooth","Fine","Wheel made",,,,"Crambeck","LC3-MC4",,, "Hayton","M04",,"Grog","A Verulamium white ware mortaria. Titration grits of fine angular black iron slag.","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Verulamium","LC1-EC2",,, "Hayton","M06",,,"A white mortaria fabric. It has an irregular fracture and a sandy feel. It has a white surface and margins, with a pink core (7.5YR8/4). It has inclusions of abundant rounded quartz 0.3mm, and red clay pellets (0.5mm) and moderate calcareous sub angular inclusions c0.8mm.","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"SOLLER","MC2-EC3",,, "Hayton","M07","early mid 4th cram fabric","Quartz","Crambeck parchment ware. As M02 but with slightly finer trituration grits and slightly pinker hue.","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Crambeck","EC4-MC4",,, "Hayton","M071",,,"Crambeck parchment ware. As M02 and M07 but with a much finer fracture, scares inclusions, and much finer iron slag trituration grits ( c.1mm).","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Crambeck","LC3-C4",,, "Hayton","M072",,"Black ironstone","A white mortarium fabric, possibly from Catterick/ Co. Durham. It has a white core and pink (7.5YR7/3) margins and surfaces. It has inclusions of abundant black iron stone and red grog/clay. It has a fine fracture and sandy feel.","Mortaria",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Wheel made",,,,"Catterick?","C4",,, "Hayton","M11",,"Quartz","An oxidised mortarium fabric. It has inclusions of moderate quartz. Possibly local to the Hayton area?","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"ShiptonThorpe?","Romano-British",,, "Hayton","M111",,"Quartz","This is probably from the same source as M11. It is a coarser variant of M11.","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","M13",,"Quartz","This is a hard oxidised mortarium fabric. It has a grey corner and light red surfaces (2.5YR6/8). It has a fine fracture and sandy feel. It has inclusions of well sorted rounded quartz at c. 0.2mm, sub angular red ironstone at 0.4mm and angular white grog at 0.5mm. trituration grits of brown ironstone and rounded quartzite c 1mm","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Malton?","C2",,, "Hayton","M14","unknown 34","Quartz","An oxidised mortaria with common quartz at 0.3mm. It has titration grits of black iron slag.","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"C3-EC4",,, "Hayton","M15","c.f. m13","Quartzite","This is possibly a Malton fabric. This is a variant of M13.","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","M16",,"Quartz","This is possibly local to Hayton. This is an oxidised hard mortaria fabric. It has a reddish yellow (5YR7/8) core and pink surfaces (7.5YR8/4). It has a fine fracture and sandy feel. It has abundant inclusions of moderate rounded well sorted quartz (0.5mm), common sub angular black ironstone (0.7mm) and occasional surrounded grog and occasional calcareous material. Titration grits of poorly sorted pink and white quartz c. 1-2mm and black iron stone 3mm","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Hayton?","Romano-British",,, "Hayton","M17",,,"A possible Crambeck / cold cram source. Possible red slip on surface and coarse iron slag triturations. It has common fine (0.2mm) quartz and moderate black ironstone (0.5mm) and occasional calcareous material.","Mortaria",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Crambeck?","LC3-C4",,, "Hayton","O11",,"Quartz","A hard oxidised fabric with common rounded quartz at c.0.5mm.","Oxidised",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Fine","Wheel made",,,,,"Early Roman",,, "Hayton","O12",,"Grog","This is a hard oxidised fabric. It has abundant sub rounded quartz at 0.2-0.7mm with moderate red ironstone at 0.3mm and occasional calcareous material at 0.3mm","Oxidised",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Early Roman",,, "Hayton","O13",,"Quartz","A hard orange fabric with a fine fracture. It has common inclusions of surrounded quartz at 0.3mm and occasional black ironstone at 0.7mm","Oxidised",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","O14",,"Quartz","A hard oxidised fabric. It has a fine fracture with common surrounded quartz at 0.5mm.","Oxidised",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","O15",,,"A hard oxidised fabric with a fine to irregular fracture and common surrounded well sorted quartz at0.3mm and some black ironstone at 0.2mm. Very sparse gold mica.","Oxidised",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","O18",,,"An oxidised fabric with common quartz inclusions.","Oxidised",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","O19",,"Quartz","An oxidised fabric with common quartz inclusions.","Oxidised",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","O21",,"Quartz","This is an oxidised fabric with a fine to irregular fracture. It has common well sorted surrounded quartz inclusions at 0.2-0.3 mm and moderate red sub angular ironstone at 0.5mm and occasional angular grey rock at 0.5mm. Possibly the same as 015.","Oxidised",,,,,,,"Hard","Harsh","Irregular","Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","O22",,"Calcite","An oxidised fabric with a grey core and common inclusions of 0.2mm white and clear quartz at 0.5mm.","Oxidised",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","O23",,,"An oxidised fabric with common inclusions of sub rounded quartz and common sub angular limestone.","Oxidised",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","O31",,"Calcareous","A hard oxidised fabric with an irregular fracture. It has common surrounded quartz at 0.3mm and moderate surrounded calcareous material at 0.2mm.","Oxidised",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Crambeck","LC3-C4",,, "Hayton","P01",,,"Corded ware pottery. This is a soft handmade ware . It is brown with a hackly fracture and moderate surrounded limestone inclusions c.2mm.","Prehistoric",,,,,,,,,,"Hand made",,,,,"Prehistoric",,, "Hayton","Q01",,"Quartz","This is a hard oxidised fabric with a white slip. It has an irregular fracture and harsh feel. It has common sub angular quartz at 0.2mm and occasional red iron stone and 0.3mm and sparse calcareous material at 0.3mm.","Whiteware",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","Q02",,"Quartz","A hard oxidised fabric with a white slip. It has abundant ill sorted sub angular quartz at 0.8mm and moderate brown iron stone at 3mm.","White slip",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Early Roman",,, "Hayton","R01","Probably Holme on Spalding moor","Quartz","A very hard reduced, grey, fabric. It has a fine fracture and sandy feel. It has moderate inclusions of rounded quartz c. 0.2mm and occasional larger grains of quartz.","Reduced",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Fine","Wheel made",,,,,"C3-C4",,, "Hayton","R02",,"Quartz","This is a hard reduced grey ware fabric. It has an irregular fracture with a sandy feel. It has a black core with light grey margins and grey to black surfaces. It has inclusions of abundant poorly sorted sub angular quartz to c. 0.5mm and moderate brown ironstone to c. 0.3mm.","Reduced","reddish black margins",,"10R2.5/1","10R2.5/1",,,"Hard","Sandy","Fine","Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R03",,"Quartz","This is Holme on Spalding Moor ware. It is a very hard reduced grey ware fabric. It has a fine fracture and fine sandy feel. It has inclusions of abundant moderately well sorted surrounded quartz at c0.3mm and moderate amounts of black iron stone at 0.3mm. Vessels recovered from the well deposits suggest that this ware could have a black micaceous surface","Reduced",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Fine","Wheel made",,,,"Holme on Spalding Moor","LC3-C4",,, "Hayton","R04","Crambeck grey ware - some in archive as R041","Quartz","This is reduced Crambeck grey ware fabric.","Reduced",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Wheel made",,,,"Crambeck","LC3-MC4",,, "Hayton","R05","marked as g61 and as G102 in parts of archive and r09","Quartz","This is a very hard reduced fabric with grey core margins and surface. It is probably in a continuum with R01 and has larger and more abundant inclusions of quartz and ironstone. It has abundant well sorted inclusions of sub angular quartz at 0.6mm and moderate inclusions of black iron stone at 0.2-0.3mm.","Reduced",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Late Roman",,, "Hayton","R06",,"Quartz","A hard reduced fabric with reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) core reddish black margins (2.5YR2.5/1) and black surfaces. It has an irregular splintered fracture and sandy feel. It has inclusions of abundant poorly sorted sub angular quartz from 0.2 to 0.8mm.","Reduced",,,,,,,"Hard","Granular","Irregular","Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R07",,,"A very hard reduced grey ware fabric. It has a fine fracture and soapy feel. It has no visible inclusions.","Reduced",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R08",,,"A hard reduced fabric with grey core margins and surfaces. It has a fine to irregular fracture and soapy feel. It has common surrounded well sorted quartz to c 0.3mm and abundant well sorted rounded black ironstone to c0.3mm. Probably a variant of R03.","Reduced",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R103","archive will be marked g103 to 26.11.03",,"As R05 with more and larger inclusions. Less gritty than G101. This is a hard reduced fabric with grey surfaces and a reddish brown (2.5 YR 5/4) core. It has an irregular fracture and harsh sandy feel. It has abundant poorly sorted inclusions of sub angular quartz to c0.7mm and common ironstone to 0.4mm and occasional grog to 0.7mm.","Reduced",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R20","some in archive as G64 o R21","Calcareous","This is a hard reduced ware with grey surfaces and a pale grey core. It has an irregular fracture and sandy feel. It has inclusions of common sub angular moderately well sorted quartz to 0.mm and moderate limestone surrounded to 0.7mm.","Reduced",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R23",,,"This is a hard reduced fabric with reddish black core and black surfaces. It has an irregular fracture with a sandy feel. It has inclusions of moderate sub angular quartz at o.5mm, moderate subangular lime at 0.5mm and occasional ill sorted iron stone at 0.2-1mm.","Reduced",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R24",,,"A grey ware with common coarse and occasional rounded lime","Reduced",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R30",,"Grog","This is a reduced wheel made fabric with moderate sub angular quartz at 0.3mm and occasional sub angular grog at 1mm.","Reduced",,,,,,,"Soft","Sandy","Fine","Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R51",,"flint","A reduced ware. It has a grey surface and reddish brown (2.5YR 5/4) core. It has an irregular fracture and harsh feel. It has inclusions of common angular poorly sorted quartz at 0.3mm and moderate to sparse angular flint up to 3mm.","Reduced",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R61",,"Quartz","A reduced ware with a fine to irregular fracture and sandy feel. It is possibly handmade/ manufactured using a slow turning wheel. It has abundant poorly sorted quartzt0 0.5mm. It has abundant very fine sand or mica at less than 0.1mm.","Reduced",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","R62",,"Quartz","This is a reduced fabric that is either handmade or produced on a slow turning wheel. It has a black core and surfaces with light reddish brown (2.5YR) surfaces. It has a sandy feel with an irregular fracture. It has abundant ill sorted surrounded quartz inclusions 0.3-1mm with occasional sub angular ironstone at c. 3mm.","Reduced",,,,,,,,,,"Slow wheel?",,,,,"Romano-British",,, "Hayton","S21",,,"Central Gaulish La Graufesenque samian.","Samian",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"CG",,,, "Hayton","S22",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"phil",,, "Hayton","S31",,,"Central Gaulish Lezoux samian.","Samian",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"CG",,,, "Hayton","S32",,,"Central Gaulish Les Martres de Veyre samian.","Samian",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel Made",,,,,,,, "Hayton","S41",,,"East Gaulish Rheinzabern Samian.","Samian",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"EG",,,, "Hayton","S43",,,"East Gaulish Trier samian.","Samian",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"EG",,,, "Hayton","S45",,,"East Gaulish Argonne samian.","Samian",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel Made",,,,"EG",,,, "Hayton","S47",,,"East Gaulish Sinzig samian.","Samian",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"EG",,,, "Hayton","S48",,,"East Gaulish Heiligenberg samian.","Samian",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"EG",,,, "Hayton","W01",,,"A hard white ware fabric. It has pink (2.5YR 8/4) surfaces and pink to grey core. It has moderate inclusions of quartz to 0.3mm.","Whiteware",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Early Roman",,, "Hayton","W02",,,"A white ware with red grog and black ironstone","Whiteware",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Early Roman",,, "Hayton","W13",,,"Crambeck?","Whiteware",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"LC3-C4",,, "Hayton","W14",,,"This is Crambeck parchment ware with coarse inclusions.","Whiteware",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"Crambeck","LC3-C4",,,"Crambeck" "Hayton","Z01",,"Quartz","This is green glaze Humber ware.","Post-Medieval",,,,,,,"Hard","Sandy","Irregular","wheel made",,,,"Humber","Medieval","all over","green", "Hayton","Z02",,,"This is a hard oxidised drain fabric.","Post-Medieval",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,"post med","Medieval",,, "Hayton","Z101",,,"A gritty quartz tempered ware","Post-Medieval",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Medieval",,, "Hayton","Z11",,,"This is a pale fabric with a green glaze. Probably same as Z01.","Post-Medieval",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Medieval",,,"Humber ware" "Hayton","Z21",,,"This is a white ware with blue glaze.","Post-Medieval",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Medieval",,, "Hayton","Z22",,,"This is black glazed ware fabric.","Post-Medieval",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Medieval",,,"Black glaze ware" "Hayton","Z23",,,"This is stone glaze ware fabric","Post-Medieval",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Medieval",,, "Hayton","Z25",,,"this is a white fabric.","Post-Medieval",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Medieval",,, "Hayton","Z26",,,"A GRITTY FABRIC","Post-Medieval",,,,,,,,,,"Wheel made",,,,,"Medieval",,,