ID,PID,CONTEXT,TYPE,FILL_OF,EXMETHOD,DESCRIP,COMPSN,NOTES 4,C4,2035,D,0,Trowel,Deposit overlying gravel surface outside the diagonal building.,"Dark yellow brown, sandy clay, friable, containing 15-35% sub-angular to sub-round gravel of 6-20mm and ceramic tile. Extent: 1.45m x 2.5m Thickness: 12cm",Probably a levelling spread. Fully excavated in August 2001 Plan number 14.13 5,C5,2036,D,0,,Clay make-up on SE side of Room 1 of House 1.,"Mid yellowish brown, friable silty clay. Visible in section and post-holes.",Same layer as (1961) on NW side. relationship between two contexts destroyed by [1095] Victorian trench. Has not been removed. 11,C11,2042,D,0,,Gravel spread - possible levelling medium.,"Greyish yellow, friablem, clay/gritty containing 35-70% gravel, sub-angular to sunb-rounded and 2-6cm in size. 2-10cm thick x 4m x 2m. Excavated by mattock and trowel in clear, sunny and windy conditions. variable edge definition.","Multiple inclusions. Undefined extent in places, possibly cut by three Victorian trenches. Stratigrahpic relationships uneasy, especially with orange clay (2001). Context has been completely removed. Plan numbers 14A and B from 1998." 12,C12,2043,D,0,Trowel,Unknown. Possibly the result of poor excavation,, 20,C20,2051,D,0,,Fill of pit [2052].,No card,No card 21,C21,2052,C,0,Trowel,Pit cut filled by (2051),No card,No card 25,C25,2056,F,0,,Fill of shallow scoop [1781],"Dark greyish brownm friable sandy silt containing 15-35% gravel pebbles, angular and 6-20mm. 60cm diameter. Trowelled in dry and sunny conditions.",Comes down onto the tesselated floor. Context has been completely removed. Plan number 15.31 26,C26,2057,D,0,Trowel,Gravel surface similar to those in Rooms 5 and 6.,"dark to mid grey, friable, sandy clay containing 5-15% flint gravel sub-round and 2-6cm and 5-15% sub-round flint gravel of 6-20mm. Excavated in dry hot and sunny conditions.",Possibly contemporary with late phase of building 1 and floor slump 1498. Context has been completely removed. 31,C31,2062,C,0,Trowel,Cut for (2059),No card,No card 33,C33,2064,D,0,,Dark grey clay spread.,"Dark grey, friable, gritty clayey spread. 2-6cm x 1.5m x 0.3m. South western edge cut by Victorian trench. Poor edge definition. Excavated by trowell and mattock in warm sunny conditions.",Possibly a levelling medium. Located to south of diagonal building in 14A and C. Visible only after excavation of context 2042. Context has been completely removed. Plan number 14.15 and 14.16 37,C37,2068,S,3627,Trowel,Lower course of wall 1152,,"Part of earlier phase of diagonal building, superceded by later wall (1151). In 1999 this wall was just visible in plan, overlain by floor make-up of room 5. In 2003, this wall was equalled to 1152 as a lower course of the wall. As such, it sits within the same construction cut [3627]. Contemporary with all of the walls of the SW House. Wall 2068 is part of the NW exterior, load-bearing wall of the SW House. Completely removed in 2003." 38,C38,2069,F,0,,Fill of post-pipe [2128] in post-hole [2005],"Dark brown, friable, sandy clay containing 35-70% angular to sub-angular stones of 2mm-20cm. 30cm x 35cm deep. Trowelled in sunny and dry conditions. Clear edge definition.",Context has been fully excavated. Plan number 16.57 42,C42,2073,D,0,,Gravel surface (unexcavated in 1999),"Mid brown, friable, silt containing 70% pebbles of 6mm-6cm and 20% CBM fragments. Not excavated so extent unknown.",Is overlied by most of the spreads taken off this area. Relationship with gravel surface on the other side of [1084] needs to be defined in 2000. Context has not been removed. Plan number 14.20 43,C43,2074,D,0,Trowel,Clay surface exposed under several other spreads in this area.,"Orange/ brown, friable, sandy clay containing 35-70% pea gravel of 2-6mm and 15-35% gravel pebbles of 6-20mm. Extent: Patchy - in Area 14 spreading over c. 4-5m but not continuous Thickness: c. 3cm",Relation ship with (2073) unknown until further excavation in 2000. Plan number 14.19 and 14.20. Context has not been removed. 45,C45,2076,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread in area 14.,Contains 80-90% sub-angular to sub-rounded gravel pebbles of 6mm-6cm.,"Gravel spread of part of a possible gravel surface. Not completely exposed so extent unknown. It appears to overlie (2074) but is itself overlain by deposits further to the south. Partially removed in Zones 14A, 14C, 14D - remains unexcavated in 14B, east of Victorian trench [1084] Plan number 14.20" 50,C50,2081,C,0,Trowel,Linear cut containing (2043),Feature has not been fully examined and therefore not described.,Has been partially excavated. Plan numbers 14.14 and 14.18. Needs more work in 2000. May be the result of poor excavation. 51,C51,2082,C,0,,Post-hole cut filled by (2188) and post-pipe(2094).,"Irregular shaped but truncated by pit. 40cm x 37cm x 20cm deep. Sharp breaks of slope, smooth and vertical sides.", 52,C52,2083,S,4125,Trowel,Wall,"Wall comprised of limestone (roughly squared / worked), flint, chalk and CBM
Limestone: 0.6m x 0.3m x 0.25m;   Flint: 30mm x 20mm x 20mm;   Chalk: 30mm x 20mm x 10mm;   CBM 30mm x 30mm x 30mm
Direction of faces: NW-SE
Bonded by impure clay
Dimensions: 0.8m x 0.5m (NE section);  2.2m x 0.45m (SW section)
The limestone is from Bath and is re-used in 2083

","Wall structure comprised mainly of impure clay running NE-SW. Also contained two large limestone blocks with flat surfaces  - possibly used as supports for vertical posts. Strat above (5461). Cut by wall construction cut [4363]. Contemporary with walls 3297 and 3284. In 2002, a section through pit [1019] revealed that wall 2083 is overlain by later wall 1583. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.48, 10.49, 10.55
Section no: 407
Accuracy rating - 4

{}" 63,C63,2094,F,0,,Fill of post-pipe [2082].,"Dark greyish brown, loam and grainy containing 10% angular 6-20mm gravel. 6cm deep x 12cm diameter. Trowelled in wet conditions.",Context has been completely removed. Plan numbers include 15.38 (pre-ex). 64,C64,2095,D,0,,Brick tesselated floor in 2056 and 2082,Visible only in section and at base of possible post-hole.,Crudely constucted or much disturbed tesselated floor surface. Context has not been removed and remains for 2000 65,C65,2096,C,0,Trowel,Cut for small post containing (2189).,"Oval shaped, 8cm x 6cm x 16cm deep. Sharp breaks of slope with vertical sides and flat base. Clear edge definition.",Context has been completely excavated. Plan number 15.40 89,C89,1015,S,0,Trowel,"The flint foundation to the north-west wall of Rooms 2 and 3, House 1.",Single course of wall comprised of flints measuring 0.11m x 0.24m (dressed facing stones) and 0.05m x 0.18m (rough hewn core flints). Bonded by a degraded mortar that has turned into a sandy loam mixed with the rubble Extent: 9.28m x 0.54m Thickness: 0.2m Clear edge definition,"Knapped flint wall with facing stones and a flint rubble core. Wall robbed out at NW end but any evidence for robber trench destroyed by Victorians. Possible repair to SW corner of wall, where clay make-up for building has been cut through and possibly deeper for foundations inserted. Possible NE extent of 1015 is 4076, discovered in the 2002 season. 4076 is a fragment containing a cornerstone and a few other flints on the same alignment as 1015 and 3201 but separated from 1015 by robber trench [1535] and Victorian trenches [1124] and [1017]. The section was cut back and re-drawn in 2003. Plan no: Included within the House 1 wall plans collection Section no: 328, 467 [ 01/01/2004]" 90,C90,1016,D,0,Trowel,"Uneven flint surface to Room 3, house 1, cobbled floor","90% flint nodules (between 0.1-0.17m in size), 1-2% CBM
Extent: 4.8m x 5.6m {}","Flint surface to Room 3, possibly mortared originally.
The flints are large and irregular, presenting an uneven surface to this room. It had been cut through by at least 3 later pits. There was a suggestion of mortar adhering to the surface of some of these flints; perhaps the original surface was roughly mortared. Butts up against the flint walls that enclose it - 1018, 1015, 1533 and 1168. It is cut by wall repair [1615] {}" 92,C92,1018,S,0,Trowel,"Single coursed flint wall foundation dividing Rooms 2 and 3, House 1. [ 01/01/2004]",Single course of knapped flint with a flint rubble core (flints measuring 0.14m-0.24m; rubble measuring 0.1m-0.18m) Dimensions: 4.3m x 0.5m Clear edge definition by wavy in places,"Flint wall, cut in SE corner by pit F [1320] and butts up against (1015). 4595 is possible repair at the northern end of the wall. Top course of the internal wall of the NE house. 2 courses below. Both sides, flints dressed to make a straight edge. Strat below (1016), (1729), [1095]. Strat above (1542). Butts 4595. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: Amongst the House 1 wall plans Section no: 423 Accuracy rating - 3" 95,C95,1021,C,0,,"Cut for clay lined pit containing 1251,1299,1332,1339,1382.....",Oval shape without corners. At least 1.5m deep but not fully excavated in 1998.,"Also contains 1378, 1395,1396 and 1688, 2029. Excavated by Victorians but classed by them as a single pit with one other. Relationship with 1386 unknown. Clay lining of pit extends under floor 1016 which suggests that the two were contemporaneous." 98,C98,1024,C,0,Trowel,"Linear cut, Victorian, and containing (1008).","Rectilinear in plan, straight sided, width 0.62m and depth 0.50m to 0.53m. Sharp top edges, near vertical sides, sharp bottom edges, flat base and orientation NE/SW. See also 1008.","Almost lines up with longer trench [1574], (1009). See plan of fill (1008) for plan. Cut not planned." 118,C118,1044,C,0,Trowel,"Cut for well or pit containing (1045, 1521, 1534, 1585, 1610, 2383, 2384).","Circular pit, 2.26m in width. Lined with flint and clay. Depth: 2.72m Clear edge definition.","Well or rubbish pit. Some fills (1521 and 1610) contained lots of building material. Work in 2000 revealed a square opening narrowing to a roughly circular opening. Plan 21.13 Section 84, 135, 209" 121,C121,1047,F,0,,Unknown deposit.,"Friable 2.5Y 4/2 dark greyish-brown silty sandy clay with 5 to 15% sub-angular and sub-rounded flint (2mm to 6cm in diameter), 2% CBM, 1% chalk, 1% pottery and 1% charcoal.",Triangular-shaped area; possible pit fill. 141,C141,1067,D,0,,A gravel spread which may relate to the use of house 1.,Gravel spread.,Gravel surface? 142,C142,1068,D,0,,A gravel spread which may relate to the use of House 1.,Gravel spread., 198,C198,1125,D,0,Trowel,Tesselated floor surface located in the east corner of Room 2.,"13-55cm wide, 178cm long,",Only a very small area survives 199,C199,1126,D,0,,Gravel make-up for tesselated floor surface in room 2.,6.4m long x 3.3m wide., 202,C202,1129,D,0,Trowel,"Gravel make up layer, NE of tesselated floor though card missing.","Dark grey brown, friable, sandy silt containing >70% gravel pebbles, sub-angular to sub-rounded and 2-6cm. Occasional chalk chunks and CBM chunks. 6cm deep x 475cm x 230cm. Excavated by mattock and shovel in overcast conditions. Clear edge definition.",(1129) has been truncated by [1095] which also cuts through (1527). Both these contexts overlie (1951) and therefore are the same make-up layer. May be the same context as (1527). Context has been completely removed. Plan from 98 (16). 211,C211,1138,D,0,,Was a wall number for house 1 but has been replaced with 1664 (RLS),, 213,C213,1140,S,0,Trowel,Remains of robbed out interior wall of House 1.,Wall made uo of CBM of 12-20cm in size. Broken floor and roof tiles. 1 course of CBM (foundations). Faces are NE-SW. Binding material is a yellow clay. Wall measures 565cm x 80cm x 15cm., 214,C214,1141,S,0,Trowel,"Broken tile foundation for robbed out wall 1797 forming a continuation of 1140/1188, House 1.",One course of broken roof and floor tiles measuring c15-25cm as a foundation raft with the face running SE-NW. 2.36m x 0.6m,"Broken tile foundation sitting within shallow broken up construction cut (hence 2 numbers [3667] & [3668], latter being the SE segment - more irregular but obviously the same construction phase. Completely removed in 2002 Plan numbers 11.06" 215,C215,1142,D,0,Trowel,UNUSED MAYBE,, 223,C223,1150,S,3638,Trowel,Outer wall along south-western end of House 1.,Flints of 10-15cm in size and unworked. 5 courses of large stones with 0.3m of smaller stones bonded by mortar Dimensions: 7.1m x 0.7m x 0.9m (height) Directions of faces: NE/SW,"Robbed out exterior wall to House 1. This wall is the widest and most substantial foundation related to House 1 so far. It is unsure whether this is purely because it is an end wall with enormous bearing potential. New plans were made of this wall in 2002 - 2.47, 2.48 - these have not been digitised and have been filed away for information. In 2003, 1150 was completely removed. It is the most substantial wall related the SW House and is part of a single build with all the other walls of the SW House. Deepest of constructions because of the underpinning of the wall in order to prevent slumping which eventually did occur. Foundations get deeper as the wall moves NW. The wall is deepest at the junction with wall 1157. Section no: 369, 374, 489, 498 [ 01/01/2004]" 224,C224,1151,S,0,Trowel,Outer wall along northern edge in south western corner of House 1,"Wall made up of 10-15cm sized unworked flints. 2 courses so far, faces face SE/NW. 11.2m long x 50cm wide x 12-15cm high.",This wall has been robbed out. This context has not been excavated. 225,C225,1152,S,3627,Trowel,Wall of House 1,"Flint, 10-15cm in size and unworked. 2/3 courses as excavated. wall facings are SE-NW. 3.35m long x 55cm wide x 25cm high.","Possible exterior wall to House 1, Room 4b. Part of an earlier phase of building as it lies inside wall 1151. This wall has been robbed out. Butts/butted by 1153 and maybe 1189. Adjoining part of 1152-1153 has been excavated. In 2003, wall 1152 was fully removed. Found to be constructed in a single building phase with all other walls of SW House. Plan no: 2.32, 2.33 (these are the plan numbers for the south eastern extent of wall 1152 that was dealt with and planned in 2002) Section no: 373, 380, 514" 227,C227,1154,D,0,Trowel,Section of outer wall of House 1 parallel to 1153,Flint and CBM - flints of 10-15cm (some up to 60) and CBM= 40cm. Unworked flints of 1-2 courses - NW-SE faces. 154cm long x 12cm high x 53cm wide.,Robbed out wall. Walls 1154 and 1184 are part of 1151. 228,C228,1157,S,4361,Trowel,Interior flint wall,Flints of 10-15cm and unworked. 3-4 courses of stone and faces are NW-SE Sporadic facing on both sides - chipping of flint common Dimensions: 6.08m x 0.45m x 0.7m (height) Lower courses are bonded by mortar - patchy on the upper levels and mixed with silty gravel fill,"Interior flint wall. Butted by clays (1818) and (2023). Sits within construction cut [4361]. Wall 1157 was removed in 2003. Found to be an interior wall of the SW House, built in a single phase with walls 1150 and 1163 and all other walls of the SW House earliest flint phase. This wall appears narrower than the exterior wall, possibly because it is an interior feature for division rather than a load-bearing wall. Section no: 374, 489, 509" 229,C229,1158,S,4373,Trowel,Interior wall of House 1/SW House,"Flints of 10-15cm, unworked and 3-4 courses as excavated. Flints in the lower course measure 3-10cm Wall faces SW and NE. 420cm long x 40cm wide x 17cm high.","Robbed out wall in the interior of House 1, possibly part of (2004) which has created a corridor in Room 4. May be part of an earlier building. A further 1.8m of the lower course of wall was found after excavation of the fill (3294) of robber trench [3708]. It was shown that it meets wall 2022 to the east. The flints were much small than the upper courses making a very stable foundation for the wall. Wall 1158 was completely removed in 2003. More narrow than the exterior walls of the SW House and not load-bearing. Built in a single phase of the SW House with walls 1160, 1152 and all other walls of the SW House. Strat below (4354) and (4218). Strat above [4373]. Butted by (4354) and (4218). Plan no: 11.110 Section no: 512" 230,C230,1160,S,4360,Trowel,Exterior wall of SW House,5 courses of wall foundation constructed from a mixture of knapped and faced flints - the largest measuring 0.18mx 0.17m and the smallest measuring 0.06m x 0.04m. The uppermost course is fragmented. Direction of faces: NW and SE Bonded with fine gravel and degraded mortar Dimensions: 0.44m x 0.57m,"In 2003, section 505 was put through wall 1160 towards the NE corner of the SW House. It is evident that wall 1160 is the same as wall 1746 with construction cut [4360] being the same as [4356]. It was noted that the cut of the wall followed the flints closely. Wall 1160/1746 runs from the SW corner of the house as footings being robbed by robber cut [4017]. Towards the NE corner it was robbed, but the robber cut is removed by Victorian trench [1558]. The wall forms the exterior wall of the SW House and is larger possibly to bear more load. Same phase as walls 1150 and 1162 as well as all of the other walls to the SW House. Strat below (3680). Removed completely in 2003. Section no: 505, 525, 496" 231,C231,1161,S,3378,Trowel,Interior wall of SW House,"Flints of 10-15cm, unworked. 5 courses but not well sorted. Bonded by fine gravel and silt aggregate mix - no surviving mortar Wall faces NE-SW and is 193cm long x 62cm wide x 50cm high.","Wall truncated by cut of Ogham pit [1170]. There is no sign of it continuing on the opposite side of [1170] so most likely originally extending as far as the alignment of SW-NE walls 1743 & 1745 which belong to the same phase as 1161. Completely removed in 2003. Found to be an interior wall of the SW House as more narrow that the exterior walls and therefore not load-bearing. Built in a single phase with all the other walls of the SW House including 1160. Strat below (1832). Strat above [3378]. Plan number 11.15 Section no: 337, 525" 232,C232,1162,S,4364,Trowel,Interior wall of SW House,1 course of a wall constructed from unworked flints measuring on average 0.1-0.15m Direction of faces: NE-SW Dimensions: 220cm long x 46cm widew x 13cm high.,"Robbed out interior wall of SW House. Part of a single phase of SW House along with walls 1163, 2125, 2124 and all other wall of the SW House. 1162 is equalled with 2125 and 2124 as part of 1163. Probably a load-bearing wall as it is closer in width to the exterior walls those on the interior. Strat below (2023) and (3678). Butts 1187, 1743, 1163, 2125. Completely removed in 2003. Section no: 514, 508, 496" 233,C233,1163,S,4364,Trowel,"Section of wall adjoining (1162), in south-western end of House 1.",2-3 courses of wall constructed from unworked flints measuring on average 0.1-0.15m Direction of faces: NE-SW Dimensions: 4.04m x 0.2m height x 0.5m wide,"Robbed out interior wall. 1163 runs through rooms 5, 6 and 7. It is partially robbed in room 5. Same build as walls 2124, 2125 and 1162. Same phase as all the other walls in the SW House. Wider than the other partition walls suggesting that this may have been a load bearing wall. Strat below (2023) and (3678). Butts 1162, 1188, 1157. Completely removed in 2003. Section no: 514, 508, 596, 533" 234,C234,1164,S,0,Trowel,"Partition wall between rooms 1 and 2 aligned SW-NE, House 1.",Single course of rough hewn knapped flint with rubble core Bonded by degraded mortar that has turned into a sandy loam 50cm wide x 5.55cm long,Flint wall butting against wall 1015 at northern end and cut by Victorian cut 1091 at southern end. Partition wall between rooms 1 and 2 running on the southeast/northwest alignment. Completely removed in 2003 Plan is in with the wall plans for house 1 Section no: 321 235,C235,1165,S,0,Trowel,"Main section of long outer wall of House 1, on northern edge","Made up of flint nodules, occasional CBM and river cobbles. Flints measure 30cm, 10-20cm, CBM measures 9cm and river cobbles 10cm. 2 courses of roughly dressed flints nodules, 17cm high. Knapped faces do not form the face of the wall - they point in all directions suggesting the flints are re-used Bonded by a yellow brown clay (similar in character to (3048) and (3049))",Cruder construction than the earlier internal walls of House 1. wall terminates at SW end with no evidence of it's abutting wall. Is truncated in NW corner by pit [1438]. No evidence for the original foundation cut as it has been truncated by the Victorian trench. A 1m section was cut through 1165 in 2001 (section 338) Section no: 338 & 343 237,C237,1168,S,0,Trowel,"SW wall of Room 3, House 1.","Single course of knapped flint, 50% CBM inclusions.",Unusual because contains reused broken brick and tile. CBM used for core of wall. 241,C241,1173,S,3993,Trowel,Outer wall of House 1 on southern edge.,"Made up of flint nodules CBM; River cobbles; 1 unrounded yellow translucent quartz. Large flints of 20cm x 25cm, 10cm-15cm - the lowest 2 courses of freshly quarried(?) irregular flints (chalk still adhering) were intricately laid. Flints with very little clay packing 0.1-0.5m; CBM measuring 10cm. Flints are roughly faced and 2 courses deep up to 25cm. 640cm long x 40cm wide. Within the packing there were a few small fragments of charcoal, a mussel shell, a burnt flint (1cm) Clear edge definition.",Butts against 1700 which indicates an entrance or opening in the SE wall. Context has not been removed. 242,C242,1174,S,0,Trowel,Section of SE aisle wall of House 1,"Made of flint nodules and CBM. There are large flint nodules of 25-30cm, regular flint nodules of 15-20cm and CBM of less than 10cm. The flint nodules are roughly faced. There are two regular courses which face SE (external) and NW (internal). The wall is 26cm high x 40cm wide x 780cm long","Butts against NE wall 1553. This wall was called 1552 in 1998 so some references to 1552 may still exist. Cut by 1295. Similar to 1744, 1173, 1553, 1165. Fill of/part of 3991. Completely removed in 2002" 251,C251,1183,D,0,Trowel,Was a wall number for house 1 but has been replaced by 1664 (RLS),, 252,C252,1184,S,0,Trowel,"Exterior wall of House 1, possible later phase.","Flints of 10-15cm and unworked, 2-3 courses as excavated. wall faces NW and SE and is approximately 400cm long x 27cm high c 38cm wide.",Context has not been excavated. 255,C255,1187,S,0,Trowel,"Possible exterior wall to later building, House 1.",Flint nodules of 10-15cm in size. Unworked and 3 courses. orientated S/E-N/W and 683cm long x 39cm wide x 15cm high. Bonded by gravelly clay,This cuts wall 1162 and is cut by pit 1384. Floor surface 1768 is contemporary with wall 1188/1187. Partition between rooms 6 and 7 set within shallow construction cut [3625]. 3 courses of poorly sorted flints with a wider top course. Nature of wall suggests that it was a foundation for a timber structure not a flint structure. Completely removed in 2002. Section no: 366 256,C256,1188,S,0,Trowel,"Remains of robbed out interior wall to later building, House 1.",Flint nodules of 15-20cm size and unworked. 1 course and orientated SE-NW and bonded by a grey clay. 175cm long x 80cm wide x 10cm high.,Possibly re-used as a post-pad. Contemporary with 1868/1797. 291,C291,1223,D,0,,Cleaning surface of floor in Room 5.,,No other context notes. Samian 2nd/3rd C. CC Coarse latest roulette dec. Oxfordshire feature post-used glass. Oxfordshire early mortarium. Oxfordshire Drag 45 250-400. CC 250-400. 305,C305,1237,D,0,,Cleaning layer for Room 7 but blank card.,No notes, 308,C308,1240,D,0,,Cleaning layer for Room 6 but blank card.,, 309,C309,1241,C,0,Trowel,Robber trench associated with wall 1188 in Room 6 and containing (1243),Linear with irregular edges and slopes due to nature of robbing base taken down to tile foundations of wall., 310,C310,1242,C,0,,"Cut for pit E, but no card.",No card,No card 311,C311,1243,F,0,Trowel,Backfilling of robber trench 1241 around wall 1188.,"Ginger flecked dark grey, very firm and friable silty sand with clay lenses 70% flints and gravels, sub rounded, 2-6mm 360cm x 90cm x up to 20cm thick",Deposit mainly gravels and small flints similar to surrounding floor surface 322,C322,1254,D,0,,Re-deposited gravel natural forming a yard surface.,"creamy/beige/light yellowish, consolidated/firm, 80% gravel, 20% silty sandy loam, >70% pea gravel of all roundedness, 2mm-6cm approx 20 x 30 metres known extent. Very good edge definition.","Probably butts up to the main diagonal building. Very even consolidated gravel cobbled surface.
Still to be excavated in 2000.
Has been planned but unfortunately, plans are not consistent between grid squares and there are lots of areas where it is unclear what happens to the layer (RLS). The boundaries between 1247 and 1254 are not clearoly enough planned and some arbitrary lines have been included. [19/01/2001 RSHAFFREY]" 325,C325,1257,C,0,,Victorian trench containing (1305) possibly extension of [1069](1053).,, 326,C326,1258,D,0,,Dark plough soil overlying corridor of Room 8,"Very dark grey, moderately firm, coarse sandy silt. 35-70% gravels and flints, sub rounded, 2-6cm 1100 x 190cm x 2-4cm thick","TPQ=100. Grey ware, BB1 & Samian all 2nd - 4th C." 332,C332,1264,D,0,,Possible small post hole / pipe cut through clay floor.,"Dark grey, friable, slightly gritty sandy silt, 15-35% gravel, sub angular, 6-20mm. 60cm diameter. 6 flints around circumferneces up to 20 x 10 x 10cm.",Needs attention in 1999 and now possible 2000 as no new notes in 1999. 345,C345,1277,D,0,Trowel,Layer under (1247) and over (1254).,No details,No details and BF could not find this in 1999. 356,C356,1288,F,0,,Layer fill of votive pit 1359 - now 1576,"Very dark grey, friable, loamy sand. 35-70% pebbles and gravel, sub rounded, 2-6cm 190cm x 140cm x 90cm thick",Truncated by Victorians chasing walls. 364,C364,1296,F,1295,Trowel,Fill of pit 1295.,"Very dark grey, friable, sandy clay. 5-15% gravel, sub angular, 2-6cm.",Victorian trench 1014 identified a pit and partially excavated it. 370,C370,1302,D,0,,A spread of silty sand.,"2.5Y 4/4, firm, slightly silty coarse sand and containing 35-70% small sub-round flint nodules. 195cm x 185cm, 5cm thick.","Spread of dark earth, cut on 3 sides by Victorian trenches." 417,C417,1351,F,1295,Trowel,Layer of fill in pit [1295].,"Very dark brown, 7.5 YR 2.5/3, friable, sandy Clay containing <1% gravel, sub-angular, 6-20mm.",see 1296 424,C424,1358,D,0,Trowel,Sub rectangular feature in south west corner of diagonal building,,"Truncated by Victorian trenches, filled by dirty yellow brown clay. notes not clear but see context card for diagram" 428,C428,1362,F,1295,Trowel,Layer of fill of pit [1295].,"Very dark greyish brown 10YR 3/2, friable, sandy clay and containing 1-5% sub angular gravel 6-20mm.", 458,C458,1393,D,0,,Gravel deposit on North end of wall (1188),"Light grey/brown, moderately loose, slightly sandy silt and containing gravel. 5. Approx. 60cm 0/6cm thick.",Siimilar to wall disturbance 1336. Possibly related to floor make up in Room 6. Floor make-up? 460,C460,1395,F,0,,Clay lining of pit [1021].,"yellow with occasional pale blue patches, firm and hard at towards base firm but damp and sticky, sandy clay and containing 1-5% flint pebbles and cobbles, angular to sub rounded and 2mm-20cm in size. Some groupings / lines of flint cobbles between 5 and 30cm thick (at base).","Survives almost completely and becomes noticeably damper and stickier below depth of 1.2 m. Not fully excavated in 1998, not known what work done in 1999. Extends under flint floor 1016 becoming the make-up layer where flints are set." 461,C461,1396,F,0,,Layer between cut for pit [1021] and lining (1395),"Dark brown, firm and sticky, sandy clay containing 15-35% very small pebbles, infrequent very medium sized pebbles, angular to sub angular and 2-20mm 5. 10cm max",Material making up 1396 probably dumped before feature was lined. Section 57. 462,C462,1397,D,0,,Fill of depression or shallow cut.,"Very dark grey, 10YR 3/1, mixed, yellow and black clay with some silty inclusions, sandy clay and containing 35-70% inclusions, sub angular to sub rounded, 2mm-6cm",Fill partially encased by 1466 a possible Victorian backfill May be associated with robber cut for back of room 1. 475,C475,1410,D,0,,Spread of clay partially covering 1397,"yellow clay, compacted and containing 30% inclusions, sub angular to sub rounded and 6mm-6cm 5. 4m x 2.5 m extent, variable edge definition", 498,C498,1433,S,0,Trowel,Hearth below Vict. backfill [1297],No notes,No other notes except 'group no.' 512,C512,1447,D,0,Trowel,Heat altered fill which may be top layer of a furnace.,"Pinkish white loose, silt. 61cm wide by 2mm deep. Contains 1-5% large sub-rounded pebbles. Trowelled in sunny dry conditions.",Context has been completely removed. Op. Sig. Plan number still 1447/16D and section number 113. 513,C513,1448,D,0,,Burnt layer below 1447 - possibly second fill of furnace,"Red, friable, clayey silt. 61cm wide x 7cm deep. Contains 1-5% pebbles, 2-6cm in size and sub-rounded. trowelled in sunny dry conditions.",Context completely excavated. Plan number still 1447 16D and section 113. 522,C522,1457,D,0,Trowel,Thin layer of silty gravelly soil under clay layer /over burnt surface.,"1. very dark greyish brown 2. silty 3. 4. 15-35% gravel inclusions, sub angular and 2-20mm. Also flint, nails, charcoal and pottery.",Some tesselated flooring showing through area 21C in NE corner of diagonal building. 526,C526,1461,D,0,,Clay surface,No card,No card 530,C530,1465,F,1295,Trowel,Mixed clay fill of 1295.,No card.,No card. 531,C531,1466,D,0,,Area to north of robber cut 1535 and next to 1488.,"1. Sandy clay 2. yellow 3. 15cm deep, 2m x 4m. 4. 15-35% flint and gravel, of angular to sub rounded and 2mm-20cm.",Similar to 1410. 537,C537,1472,D,0,Trowel,"Large yellowish clay spread in 04, 09","Mid greyish yellow, friably silty clay Inclusions: CBM flecks 5%, gravel pebbles 5-15% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Thickness: 10cm max Vague edge definition","Clay spread overlying dark spread (1277), similar to adjacent (3634). Cut through by post hole [3325]. It appears to have be removed partially in earlier seasons (1998) without up dating records. Hence, original extent not fully known. Completely removed in 2001 Partially planned (see plan window) but not fully - appears on plans of other contexts only and not frequently enough to digitise extent [22/01/2001 RSHAFFREY]" 539,C539,1474,D,0,Trowel,Part of supposed floor make up in Room 5.,"1. grey 2. sandy silt 4. >70% gravel and flint, sub rounded, 2-6cm. less than 6cm thick",Fill of irregular hollow in NW corner of building. 541,C541,1476,F,0,,Mixed fill of pit.,"Yellow sandy clay with a red burnt area and very dark greyish brown, 5-15% charcoal and nails, sub angular to sub rounded, 2mm-6cm",No other notes 542,C542,1477,D,0,Trowel,"Stiff trowell of room 4 to further define features, 1498 and 1499.","1. very dark grey 2. moderately firm 3. coarse sandy silt 4. 35-70% gravel and flint, sub rounded, 2-6cm 940cm x 680cm x 2cm thick",No notes 547,C547,1482,C,0,Trowel,Cut for slumping feature containing 1456.,1. Irregular 3. 180cm x 90cm x 10cm thick 4-7. Gradual slopes with irregular sides and base No vertical edges o defined shape,Possibly infilled slumping feature under clay floor surface to NW of diagonal building (outside). 551,C551,1486,D,0,,Dark layer below (1476).,"Black, clay, gritty",No notes. 553,C553,1488,F,0,,Secondary fill of robber trench 1535.,"1. dark grey 2. silty clay 35-70% gravel and CBM, of all roundedness, 2mm - 6cm 4.3m NS x 1.1m EW Contains 5-15% gravel pebbles, subangular to sub rounded and 2-6cm and charcoal.",Cut by Victorian trench 1124. Context has now been completely removed. Plan numbers 16.01 and 16.03 and section 112. 563,C563,1498,D,0,,Possible floor levelling in sub square pit 1626.,"1. Dark grey brown 2. Friable / loose 3. Gritty silty sand 4. >70% gravels and small flints, sub rounded, 6-20mm. 5. 370cm x 270cm x 15cm thick",No other notes 582,C582,1517,D,1524,Trowel,Fill of post hole / pit [1524],"Friable, dark grey / brown silty clay loam
Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (2-6mm);  1% charcoal;   1% CBM
Extent: 0.41m x 0.46m;    Thickness: 0.15m
Clear edge definition



{}",Fill of post hole / pit [1524]. Strat below (1461). Strat above [1524].
Plan no: 1517
Sample no: 72

{} 583,C583,1518,F,0,,Post / stake hole filling 1526,"1. Mid brown but darkening gradually downwards 2. Friable 3. Silty clay loam 4. 5% stones, 1% charcoal, sub angular, 2- 6cm 5. 46cm x 54cm x 2/13cm deep with clear edge definition",Packing of similar dimensions to posthole 1517. 589,C589,1524,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (1517),"Circular in plan, measuring 0.48m x 0.48m with a depth of 0.19m
Break of slope (top & base): sharp
U-shaped profile with straight sides and a flat base
Contains (1517)

{}",Post hole cut containing (1517). Very uniform in shape with a packed gravel base and two large flints embedded in the wall of the cut on the north side. A smaller post hole is in very close proximity and had a very similar fill. See [1526] / (1518) and [1584] / (1580).
Plan no: 1524
Section no: 73

{} 590,C590,1525,D,0,Trowel,Shallow dump of dark earth in the corridor of building one.,"1. Dark brown 2. Friable 3. Sandy clay loam 4. 2% gravel, 1% sub angular pebbles, 15% CBM, 2-6mm 5. 2.33m x 1.15m x 4cm deep diffuse edge definition","Not a cut feature, possibly floor make up, irregularly shaped with few pottery finds." 591,C591,1526,C,0,Trowel,Cut for a small post hole containing 1518,"Irregular 2. Some sharp corners, but those to the east are not perceptible 55cm x 14cm deep with a pointed base",Cut extends on south east side before petering out. The fill extended from the post hole in an amporphous spread. 592,C592,1527,D,0,,Gravel make up for a floor surface in Room 1.,"35-70% gravel and frequent stones, 2-6cm, sub angular. 4.75m x 6.50m","Enclosed by Victorian trenches 1095, 1091, 1017, 1124 and 1038, cut through the middle of 1090." 593,C593,1528,D,0,,Spread of crushed brick enclosed by gravel make up 1527.,"1. Mid orange pink 4. crushed CBM (70%) and 5-15% pebbles, sub angular, 2-6cm 90cm x 65cm",Possible remains of floor surface in Room 1 overlying the gravel 1527. May be the same context as 1529. 594,C594,1529,D,0,,Spread of crushed brick enclosed by gravel make up 1527,"1. Mid orange pink 4. 50% or more crushed CBM, moe intense in patches, 5-15% pebbles, gravel and chalk, sub angular and 2-6cm 30 x 80cm",Possible remains of floor surface in Room 1. 595,C595,1530,D,0,,Yellow clay spread overlying gravel make up 1527 in room 1.,"1. Yellow clay 3. sandy clay 5-15% dark charcoal, gravel and pebbles. 170cm x 90cm",Northern side has been cut by possible robber trench 1535 and on the north west side by 1090. Possible levelling of floor surauface in Room 1. 596,C596,1531,F,0,,"Fill with high charcoal content, similar to (1792.",35-70% gravel and pebbles and 1% CBM. 45cm x 70cm.,Likely to be part of [1784]. Cut by Victorian trench 1090 Plan number 16.30 and section 176. 598,C598,1533,S,0,Trowel,"SE wall of room 3, House 1.","Linear, single course of knapped flint wall with 40% CBM inclusions. Some flints are rough and some are dressed. Bonded by a sandy loam with some clay and degraded mortar. SW part: 4m x 0.5m NE part: 2m x 0.5m Clear but wavy edge definition","Wall at the south of rooms 2 and 3 in the NE house. See 1998 context card for the section at Room 3. Section at the south end of Room 2 consists of 3 courses with a homogenous bond and there is less CBM used in construction (this is a significant element, particularly of the top course of the more SW section of this wall). The most SE section is an extension 3271, added when southerly room of NE house was extended. 1533 is the top course only for the southern section, all flints for northern section (separate number for make-up). Plan no: Part of wall plans for house 1 Section no: 317, 321, 345 Accuracy rating - 3 Use of reused broken brick and tile, as rubble infill of wall. Truncated at junction with 1168." 600,C600,1535,C,0,Trowel,Cut for robber trench containing (1488) & (1771),"Linear in plan measuring 0.5-0.8m x 4.5m x 0.3m Break of slope (top & base): Gradual Slightly convex sides (50 degrees) with a flat base Contains (1488), (1771) Clear edge definition","Robber trench associated with the robbing out of wall 3201 and possibly also wall 1015. At the NE corner, the trench turns from it\'s SE/NW alignment towards the SW and continues for c.0.5m until it is truncated by Victorian trench [1124]. On the other side of [1124], cut [1017] continues on the same alignment as [1535] and is probably a continuation of the robbing disrupted by Victorian trenches. A remnant of the robbed out wall remains at the NE corner has been numbered 4076. Plan no: 16.20" 605,C605,1540,C,0,,Posthole containing (1541),"1. Circular, 2. No 3. 400mm wide, x 350mm x 250mm deep. 4. W/A 5. vertical 6. slightly concave clear edge definition", 606,C606,1541,F,0,,Fill of post hole 1540,"1. Dark grey brown 2. Friable 3. Sarndy clay 4. 35-70% pea gravel with 2% CBM fragments, sub angular to rounded, 2mm-20cm 250mm thick x 365mm with clear edge definition",No other notes 607,C607,1542,D,0,,Make up / levelling deposit under diagonal building.,"Yellow brown, sandy clay, friable soft containing 5-15% stones, sub rounded, 6-20mm Variable extent, probably under "diagonal" building. 20cm thick Good edge definition 72cm x 20cm deep.",Seen in section 100 where cut by 1320. Under flint floor 1016 it becomes clay lining of pit [1021] ie. (1395). 608,C608,1543,S,0,,"Possibly earlier wall below falling line of 1533, House 1.","1. Yellowish grey 2. Silt 3. Compact 4. >70% flints, , sub angular to sub rounded, 2mm-20cm. 52cm deep, 41cm wide, length unknown fairly good edge definition",roughly SE/NW orientation 609,C609,1544,D,0,Trowel,Large ' hearth' area or destruction level.,"1. Reddish yellow 2. gritty / silty 1-5% charcoal / burnt nails / chalk / plaster material, some tesselated areas, sub angular to sub rounded Good edge definition. 7m x 3.5m x 5cm deep",Many nails in area. Some magnetic response from burnt soil in places. Cut by Victorian trenches 1124 and 1123. 610,C610,1545,F,0,,Fill of robber trench 1700 along wall 1187.,"Ginger flecked grey , friable, coarse pea gravel / silty sand with frequent clay lenses. 4. >70% small flints and gravels, sub rounded, 6-20mm. 5. 740cm x 110cm x 20cm thick",Cuts through wall 1163. Deposit similar to make-up of floors in Rooms 6 and 7. 611,C611,1546,F,0,Trowel,Small circular depression cutting into yellow clay floor surface.,"Dark grey / brown, friable, andy clay loam-?
<5% gravel inclusions, sub angular, 2-6mm-?
32cm x 20cm x 2.5cm thick-?
Clear edge definition.",Not found to be a post hole on excavation 617,C617,1552,S,0,Trowel,"SE outside wall of diagonal building, house 1. Replaced with 1174",No card,No card 618,C618,1553,S,0,Trowel,"NE outside wall of diagonal building, house 1.",Made up of flint nodules (25-30cm and 15-20cm) and CBM (<10cm). these are roughly faced and 1 course deep. NE facing external side and SW internal. 0.10m high x 0.36m wide x 12.1m long. Clear edge definition.,"NE wall of aisle along edge of Room 1, House 1. Section 342 showed a similar dirty clay bond between the flints as represented in Section 343 of wall 1165 therefore 1165 and 1553 are similar in construction. Section no: 342 N.B. 2002 change in stratigraphy (1153 being at the top) 1553 ---(3979) clay bond----[3980]" 626,C626,1561,C,0,Trowel,Feature cut into yellow clay and filled with (1546).,"Oval/extended circle but irregular with shallow break from edge to bottom at east end, but clear angular corners at west end. E-W 32cm, N-S 20cm. Gently undulating base and clear edge definition.","Could be a truncated post hole but unclear, may be a natural depression." 628,C628,1563,D,0,,Gravel layer seen throughout sections in diagonal building.,"Light grey brown,silt/gravel, compact containing >70% stones, sub rounded, 2mm-6cm 170cm wide, 60cm deep Good edge definition S","Similar to 1606 and butts against 1238. Could be a deliberate dump to raise floor level, or natural." 629,C629,1564,D,0,,Gravel foundation layer below 1015.,No card,No card 630,C630,1565,S,0,,"Earlier phase of wall below 1564, presumably house 1.",No card,No card and no plan 645,C645,1580,F,0,,Possible post pit with similar fill to 1518 and 1517.,"1. Greyish brown 2. Friable 3. Silty clay loam 4. 5-15% gravel, pottery, charcoal and red tile, sub angular, 6-20mm 56cm x 31cm x 12cm Diffuse edge definition",Cut by foundation trench to north wall of Building 1. 647,C647,1582,D,0,,Posthole / pit cut by Victorian Trench 1577 and foundation trench.,"1. Dark brown 2. Soft / friable 3. Silty sand 4. 5-15% gravel and CBM, sub angular, 6-20mm 55cm x 60cm x 20cm deep", 648,C648,1583,S,0,Trowel,Flint wall,"3 courses of a wall of roughly faced large flints, most of which measure over 200mm in width Bonded by gravelly soil (5Y 5/1 grey) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Quite clear edge definition.","Flint wall - three courses in places with foundations more extensive than rest of the wall. Initially thought to be a repair to wall 1015, but was re-interpreted in 2001. It was found that part of wall 1583 was actually part 1015. This leaves part of 1583 as a section of wall (same as 1168 but truncated by feature west of Room 3). Plans have been altered accordingly. In 2003, the flints were removed leaving large limestone. It is now seen as southern extension of flint foundation into link room. It is mirrored on the southern side of the link room by a single course of flints overlying earlier link room floor surface. Western wall of flint phase room truncated by late Roman activity (CB 2003). Section no: 86" 649,C649,1584,C,0,,Cut for post hole/pit containing (1580).,"1. Circular but cut in half by wall trench 2.3. 33cm x 54cm x 12cm Sharp break of slope at top, variable edges gradual break os slope at base, undulating base.", 654,C654,1589,C,0,,Cut for possible post pit with fill (1582).,1. truncated by Victorian trenches 3. 58cm x 65cm x 27cm Variable breaks of slope and sides with an undulating / rounded base.,Quarter of feature remaining.cut by wall/Victorian trenches. 670,C670,1605,D,0,,"White gravel deposit, not excavated just shown as section in pit 1019.","1. White 2. Friable 3. Slightly clayey sand 4. 15-35% gravel, sub angular to sub rounded, 2mm-6cm thickness 33-14cm Reasonably clear", 671,C671,1606,D,0,,"Gravel deposit, not excavated but seen in pit 1019","1. Black 2. Quite compact and hard 3. Sandy clay. 4. 15-35% gravel, sub angular to sub rounded, 2mm-6cm",May extend througout diagonal building. 12-20cm 672,C672,1607,D,0,,"Clay lense fill of wall repair 1615, house 1, around wall 1583.","Yellow, friable, silty clay containing 5-15%, sub angular and 2-20mm 5. 72cm long x 10cm Clear edge definition",No plan 673,C673,1608,C,0,Trowel,Possible floor cut,"Shape unknown. 30cm at deepest, 110cm wide at top. Reasonably sharp break of slope at top, rounded sides, gentle break of slope and curved base. Clear edge definition on rounded side and reasonably clear on other side.",May extend throughout diagonal building and cuts gravel 1617. seen in pit (1019). 674,C674,1609,D,0,,"Gravel underlying wall, backfilling from foundation cut. Not excavated","1. Very dark grey 2. Soft and flexible when wet 3. Clayey silty sand 4. 5-15% gravel, sub angular and 6mm-6cm 25cm thick, extent unknown as just an observation in pit cut 1019", 680,C680,1615,C,0,,"Cut for wall repair, house 1, containing wall 1583","1 and 2 unknown 3. 28-55cm deep, extent unknown break of slopes are variable and sides also variable base is uneven Edge definition, ranging from clear to quite fuzzy. l",Not fully excavated. Observations from what is visible in pit. Cut out NW corner of Room 3 repairing walls 1015 and 1168. 681,C681,1616,F,0,,Yellow make up fill below flint floor of room in Diagonal building. Not excavated.,"1. Pale yellow 2. Hard but pliable 3. Slightly silty clay 4. 1-5%, sub angular to rounded, 2mm-6cm 5. extent uncertain as observations made from pit. 110-130 wide at least at top", 682,C682,1617,D,0,,Gravel dump not excavated but shown in section of pit 1019,"1. Dark olive grey 2. Friable 3. Gravelly sandy silt 4. 35-70% gravel, all roundedness and 2mm - 6cm 20cm-38cm thick Reasonably clear edge defintion", 687,C687,1622,D,0,Trowel,Fill of possible fire pit [1629].,"1. Mid greyish brown 2. Sandy silt 3. Loose 4. 15-35% sub angular to sub rounded, 6mm -6cm with flecks of charcoal and CBM 4-5cm thick, x 110 x 90cm","Possible fill of a fire pit, found within burnt clay floor in corridor at NE of diagonal building." 691,C691,1626,C,0,Trowel,Cut for wide shallow scoop in east end of Room 4.,". Sub sqarare 2. Rounded 3. 370cm x 270cm wide x 15cm deep 4. Sharp in NW, gradual in south 7. Flat base",Possibly associated with feature cut at lower level. 694,C694,1629,C,0,Trowel,Possible cut or scoop containing (1622).,Sub circular 9.5cm deep x 110 x 90cm Gradual slopes with concave base,Filled by burnt material / gravel. Found within clay floor of corridor in NE area of diagonal building. 701,C701,1636,C,0,Trowel,"Victorian trench cut on boundary of rooms 4/5, filled with (1766).",Linear in plan measuring 4.70m long x 0.55m wide x >0.40m deep.,"Cut representing the robbing of wall foundations 2124=2125, interpreted in 1998 as a Victorian trench as it cuts from quite high up in the sequence. However, it reached to the top of the bottom course (footings) of wall 2124. Most of the top courses have been robbed out. Much later episode of robbing of the walls of the square house than the robbing represented by trenches [3708] and [4017] unless the Victorians tried to expose the wall, but didn't make it all the way to the footings. No sign of the two cuts (i.e. Victorian on top of robber), but this could have been removed as one in 1998. Strat below 1766; Strat above 1757, 2124=2125 Plan no: 2.01" 705,C705,1640,D,0,Trowel,Hearth feature consisting of vitrified CBM and dark earth spread.,160cm x 120cm diameter. No inclusions Clear edge definition.,Left in situ appears to be incorporated with gravel yard surface. 718,C718,1654,D,0,,Thick charcoal deposit over burnt clay in corridor.,"Very dark grey, sandy silt, loose/soft and containing 5-15% gravel and 90% charcoal, sub rounded to rounded, 2-6mm 4cm thick x 80cm x 70cm",NE end of diagonal building. Section 89. 720,C720,1656,D,0,,Layer of dark earth in areas 16A/B.,"Dark greyish brown, friable / hard, clayey sand containing 3% CBM, 1% charcoal, 20% gravel, sub angular, 2-6cm Thickness varies from 0.5cm-20cm",Begins at edge of 1580 and stretches northeastwards up the baulk 728,C728,1664,S,0,Trowel,"Crudely constructed wall - NW frontage of diagonal building, house 1. Renumbered from 1183/1138",Flint and CBM bonded with clay but no evidence of mortar Flints measure c. 19 x 13 x 10cm and are not modified or dressed Direction of face(s): NE - SW Crudely constructed,Crudely constructed wall consisting of mainly CBM and badly laid flint 'tacked' onto building. Makes up part of the outer aisle of House 1. There is no evidence that it extends any further in either direction and does not seem to continue along house wall SW (possibly because it was robbed out). 1664 is cut through by later pit [1634]. Section no: 383 735,C735,1671,D,0,,Crushed tile floor surface along South frontage of House 1.,"Brown, Compact, sandy clay containing 15-35% gravel, sub rounded, 6-20mm.",Fully removed. Planned as 14.04 743,C743,1679,F,0,,Possible Roman fill of [1699].,"Dark, friable silty loam 5-15% inclusions, sub angular and 2mm-6cm 30cm thick x 45cm diameter, clear edge definition","Contains large amounts of plant remains, charcoal and tiny bone fragments." 745,C745,1681,F,0,,Yellow edge of pit [1680].,Yellow sandy clay Deposit of varying thickness. Very high % of clay., 751,C751,1687,D,0,,Possible floor of Room 4.,,May have been caused by worm and plough action. 752,C752,1688,D,0,,"Charcoal layer, extending from NE edge of pit [1021].",1. Black 2. Charcoal 40cm x 50cm x 45mm thick,Seen on N edge of cut [1021] underlying clay lining the pit. 763,C763,1699,C,0,Trowel,Small pit containing first century pottery and (1679).,Roughly circular with no corners 45cm diameter x 95cm deep although fill not seen all the way up. Sides nearly vertical and base concave.,Truncated by pit 1438 cutting NW corner of diagonal building partially excavated. 764,C764,1700,C,0,,Linear trench with a ragged and irregular cut. 740cm long by 110cm wide by 20cm deep. Runs along line of wall 1187.,,"Robber trench. Removed down to one course of flint wall, and backfilled with material similar to floor make up in rooms 6 and 7." 767,C767,1703,C,0,Trowel,"Unexcavated post hole/pipe, S frontage of diagonal building",Beneath clay floor. 50cm diameter,"Recorded as will probably be lost in 1999 site clearance. Only post pads/pipe visible filled with 9 flints, 15cm approximately." 770,C770,1706,S,0,Trowel,"Flint wall with many clay inclusions and cut by pit 1707, house 1?",45cm wide x 25-33cm long,Set into yellow clay layer Wall return heading NW from wall 1552 at 90 degrees. Porch entrance wall possibly. 776,C776,1712,D,0,,Deposit revealed when base of pit 1666 overcut. Not fully removed.,"1.Mid greyish brown 2. Firm 3. Fine sandy silt 4. 5-15% flints, sub angular to sub rounded, 2-6mm 76cm wide x 11cm deep Unclear edge definition",No stratigraphic relationships? 778,C778,1714,D,0,,Make up layer of yellow clay and brick earth.,"1. Light yellow grey 2. Friable 3. Sandy clay 4. 15-35% sub angular to sub rounded, bands of small gravel, 6-10cm.",Uppermost surviving make-up level within the diagonal building. 779,C779,1715,D,0,,Layer (and fill of 1722) seen elsewhere within diagonal building.,"1. Yellow grey sandy clay and mid brownish grey silty sand with 40% gravel inclusions, sub angular to sub rounded, 6mm-6cm. 10-55cm thick.","Sloping down in section towards east. Seen insection of pit cut [1295]. General dumping layer and mixture of clay, brick earth and gravel." 780,C780,1716,D,0,,Layer seen in [1295] in S entrance porch area of diagonal building.,1. Mid brownish grey 2. Friable 3. Silty sand 4. 50% sub angular to sub rounded gravel 2mm-60mm in size 10cm-20cm thick.,Seen elsewhere within building and in other pit cuts. 781,C781,1717,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Soft-fraible, light grey / yellow sandy clay Inclusions: 15% stones (S-R) (R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 1% CBM 10cm thick for 3m",Also observed a similar or same deposit in other cuts of pits within diagonal building. Patchy rather than a continuous layer. 18/07/02 Update: Clay layer (1717) under (3683)=(1716) which was a dirty clay spread and is probably an occupational deposit but contained barely any finds. Strat above (1718). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 15.95 782,C782,1718,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Soft, mid-brown / grey silty sand

North eastern part of 1757 has not been planned although edge may be shown on plan 2.07 and is digitised as this. If 1757 is still present then this edge should be checked in 2001. Noted on card as extending as far as 1818 so edge of 1818 followed[19/01/2001 RSHAFFREY] 825,C825,1761,D,0,Trowel,Dark spread overlying gravel spread,"Grey brown, friable silt and containing large fragments and chipping, very soft bone, pottery, charcoal and a nail. Sub-rounded and 6-20mm in size. 5cm maximum thickness but variable. also patchy carbonisation. Trowelled in sunny conditions.",Occupation layer seen in section of Victorian trench 1009 and overlying clay 1806 and gravel 1734/1735. Context has been completely removed. 826,C826,1762,C,0,,Post-hole cut filled by (1763).,"Ovoid shaped 20cm x 24cm and 24cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base with uneven, irregular sides and flattish base.", 827,C827,1763,F,0,,Fill of post-hole [1762]. [ 01/01/2004],"Dark greyish brown, friable, sandy silt containing 5-15% gravel pebbles, sub-angular to sub-rounded, 2mm-20mm. 23cm diameter. Trowelled in dry conditions.",Context has been completely removed. Plan number 16.02 828,C828,1764,D,0,,Standing baulk of clay and gravel cut by Vict. trenches.,"Light brown sand and gravel, firm with frequent gravel and pebbles. Occasional fragments of charcoal and CBM. 35-70% sub-rounded gravel of 2-6cm. Clear edge definition.",May be remaining part of later floor surface. Contemporary with 1768. Context now completely removed. Plan numbers 11.02 and 11.04 831,C831,1767,F,0,,"Lower fill of post-pipe, component of [1762]. [ 01/01/2004]","10YR 2/1 Black, sandy silt, friable. Contained 35-70% stones and very small amounts of CBM. 14cm diameter x 5cm thick. Excavated by trowelling in dry conditions.",Context has been completely removed. 832,C832,1768,D,0,Trowel,"Thick gravel floor surface in Room 6, house 1, laid at the same time as 1188.","dark grey brown, coarse silty sand with >70% small flints and pebbles and pea gravel, sub-rounded, 6mm-6cm in size. 600cm x 405cm and up to 30cm thick.",Plan numbers 11.06 and 2.05 and 11.03(maybe) 835,C835,1771,D,0,,Primary fill of robber trench [1535],"Dark yellowish brown, friable sandy clay. 17cm thick and containing clumps of moist orange clay, 15-35% sub angular to sub rounded pebbles. Trowelled in sunny dry conditions",Context has been completely removed. Section 112. 836,C836,1772,D,0,,Primary fill of [1535].,,Identified when [1535] was overcut. Has been partially removed. 839,C839,1775,D,0,Trowel,Fill of shallow pit [1777].,"2.5Y 3/1, compacted, silty clay. Contained 35-70% flint gravel, sub-angular to sub-rounded, 2mm-6cm. 6cm thick x 3.7m extent. Large spread containing some soft bone. Removed by trowel and mattock in hot dry conditions. Diffuse edge definition.",Boundary between this fill and spread [1915] is very poor. Context has been completely removed. Plan number 21.02 841,C841,1777,C,0,Trowel,Pit cut filled by (1775).,"Circular depression, 1.6m x 0.9m. Very slight break of slope at top and indiscernable at base. Very shallow sides and flat/irregular base.",Plan number 21.02 844,C844,1781,C,0,Trowel,Cut for shallow scoop coming down onto tesselated floor [2095].,"Circular - 60cm diameter x 8cm deep. Sharp breaks of slope, vertical sides and flat base. Clear edge definition.",Context has been completely removed. Plan number 15.31 (of 2056) and 15.43 (of 2095). Section 156. 847,C847,1784,C,0,,"Cut containing (1790) and (1792), possibly a hearth.","Circular, 108cm x 7cm deep. Gradual break of slope at top and bottom, gentle slope and a flat base. Clear edge definition.","High charcoal content of (1792) and evidence of heat reddened clay suggest this was a hearth, probably the same as 1820. Plan number 16.07 (of fill 1790) and section 114. Fills have been removed." 851,C851,1788,D,0,Trowel,Slumped floor make-up above a sunken earlier room in Room 4.,,"Was laid above walls (2004), (2022) and (2057). Previously supposed pits have shown themselves to be floor slumps. Context has been completely removed." 854,C854,1790,D,0,Trowel,Sub-circular feature cut by trench [1095].,"Dark greyish brown 10YR 4.2, friable sandy silt copntaining 15% small stones, nails and some CBM. 0.90m x 0.46m in extent. Clear edge definition.",Possible Victorian disturbance. Plan number 16.07 and section 114. 856,C856,1792,F,0,,Layer of fill with high charcoal content below (1790).,"Black, friable silty sand, Occasional burnt clay and charcoal and 5-15% gravel pebbles, sub-angulat to sub-rounded. 6cm deep x 96cm x 23 cm. Excavated by trowel in sunny / dry conditions.",Context has been completely removed. Section 114. Plan numbers 16.09 and 16.11 860,C860,1796,D,0,Trowel,Slump in floor make-up.,"Dark grey, friable, sandy clay with no inclusions. Excavated in hot dry and sunny conditions.",Produced evidence for possible metalworking. Context has been completely removed. 861,C861,1797,D,0,Trowel,"Remains of partially robbed wall 1188, House 1.","Flint nodules on average about 29cm in size and unworked. 1 course of stones and probably an inner wall. Orientated SE-NW. Wall is 1.60m long, .70m wide and 10cm high.","Similarity to wall 1188, may mean that this section of wall was also retained as a post-pad for a timber structure. This context has not been excavated. Plan numbers 11.06 and 11.08. Section no: 350" 862,C862,1798,C,0,Trowel,Robber cut along wall 1141 and 1797 - continuation of 1241 and filled with 1753.,"Linear shaped, 5.45 m long by 80cm wide and 15cm deep. roughly sloping sides with irregular break of slope at top and bottom. Roughly shallow and U-shaped.",Context has been partially removed. Plan numbers 11.01 and 11.07 864,C864,1800,D,0,,Primary fill of possible furnace [1802].,"Yellowish red, friable clayey silt. 1-5% pebbles of 2-6cm in size 61cm wide x 7cm deep. Excavated by trowelling in sunny dry conditions.",Context comletely excavated Section 113. Plan of cut [1802] - 16.15 866,C866,1802,C,0,,"Cut for possible fire pit / furnace containing (1447, 1448 and 1800).","61cm wide x 13cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base, nearvertical sides and flat base",Context completely excavated. Section 113 and plan 16.15 872,C872,1808,D,0,,Hard clay floor surface with roof and floor tiles laid upon it.,"Light yellow brown, fine clay sand, firm. Contains 1-5% sub rounded gravel, 6-20mm. 190cm x 110cm x 10cm thick. Excavated by trowelling in dry conditions.",Cut through by possible construction cuts for earlier walls. Plan numbers 11.09 and 11.10. Context has not been excavated (99). 873,C873,1809,D,0,Trowel,"Gravel floor in room 5, laid up against 1188.","Mid brown sand, fine and friable. Includes >70% gravel/small flints and pebbles, sub-rounded and 6mm-6cm in size. 540cm long x 40cm wide and 10cm thick.",Context has been completely removed. Plan numbers 2.06 and no section relating to this. 874,C874,1810,D,0,,Fill of post-hole [1811] connected to the west side of [1802].,"2.5Y 2.5I Black, friable, clayey silt with 1-5% pebbles, and red pottery. 16 x 20 wide but inner black fill 6.5cm x 8cm and 19cm deep so far. Excavated so far in sunny and dry conditions.",Context is partially removed (23/07/99). Plan number of cut [1811] 16.16 875,C875,1811,C,0,,"Cut of west fill of hole, part of 1802.",16 x 20 wide and 19cm deep so far. sharp break of slope at top and vertical sides.,Context is partially removed. Plan number 16.16 876,C876,1812,D,0,,"Fill of east part of hole, part of [1802].","2.5Y 2.5/1 Black, friable, clayey silt. 1-5% pebbles of varying sizes and red pottery. 26cm wide x 12.5cm and inner fill 6 x 8cm and 8cm deep. Trowelled in sunny dry conditions and with clear edge definition.",Context has been completely removed. Plan number 16.17 877,C877,1813,C,0,Trowel,"Cut of east fill of hole, part of [1802] containing (1812).","Sharp break of slope at top but gradual at base, near vertical sides and flat base.",Context has been completely removed. Plan number 16.17 882,C882,1818,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor surface within room 5.,"Brownish yellow, clay sand, gritty with frequent small gravels. 580 x 470cm x 8cm deep.",This is the construction horizon for later buidlings and will not be excavated until other areas are contemporary. plan numbers 2.07 and 2.08 Butts up against the walls of the earlier building and is cut through by construction trenches of later building. 884,C884,1820,C,0,,Cut for possible hearth containing (1531).,"Cicrular cut, 112cm x 8cm deep. Gradual break of slope at top and base, gradual sides 45 degrees, and slightly concave base. Clear edge definition.",Context has been completely removed. For plan see cut [1531] and plan number 16.30 896,C896,1832,D,0,,Backfill to buried wall (1161).,"Light grey, sandy silt, coarse and gritty and containing 15-35% pebbles and small flints. 170cm x 50cm x 20cm thick. Excavated by mattock and trowel.",Partially exacavated in 1997. May be part of the demolition of an earler building. Context has been completely removed. plan number 11.11 908,C908,1844,D,0,Trowel,Dark garden soil,"Coarse and gritty, dark grey / brown silty sand
Inclusions: 45% gravel and pebbles; 15-70% stones (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm (peagravel) to 6cm
Extent: 10.3m x 7.2m;    Thickness: 0.13m, reducing to 0.04m and then to 0.01m at the edge of the spread towards depression.
Edge definition: Clear onto (1845), otherwise quite diffuse {}","Dark garden soils in the south west corner of site. Context was partially removed within a box section in 1999. Partially removed in 2001 between Victorian trenches [1011] amd [1204]. Completely removed in 2003 after removing the remaining part of the context in between Victorian trenches [1204] and [1013] and between the western baulk and House 1 at the gable end of 1150. Strat below (1275) and (3365). Strat above (1845). Cut by [1011] and [4352]. It has been established that (3392) is the same deposit as (1844), but located to the north west of Victorian trench [1013]. It probably has an equivalent deposit south east of Victorian trench [1204], as yet unexcavated.
Plan no: 1.02
Section no: 126
Sample no: 422
Spot Date: 50-100AD/125AD {}" 909,C909,1845,D,0,Trowel,Layer of fine gravels below dark earth spread,Light grey gravel containing >70% angualr 2-6mm gravel. 5cm thick maximum.,Context has been partially removed from within a box section. 910,C910,1846,D,0,Trowel,Gravel infill to shallow ditch 1847.,"Mid grey, slightly silty sand, very gritty and coarse with >70% frequent gravels. 13cm thick box section.",Finds from this context included on 1844. Context has been partially removed from within a box section. Plan number 1.02 and section 126. 911,C911,1847,D,0,Trowel,Wide shallow ditch seen in Box section.,"possibly linear, greater than 140cm wide and 20cm deep. Gradual break of slope at top and base, gently sloping sides and flat base. Roughly orientated E-W with a wide shallow shape in profile.","Context is partially removed, from within box section. Plan number 1.02 and section 126." 912,C912,1848,D,0,Trowel,Spread of gravel overlying natural and cut by ditch [1847].,"Dark brown, silty sand, coarse and gritty containing 5-15% gravel, sub-angulatr and 6mm-6cm in size.",This context has been partially removed from within a box section. Plan number 1.02 and section 126. 913,C913,1849,D,0,Trowel,Layer of naturally deposited glacial sand and pebbles/gravel.,"light grey, sandy, coarse, containing 5-15% gravels and flints, sub-rounded and 6mm-6cm. 13cm maximum thickness.",Context has been partially removed from within a box section. Plan number 1.02 and section number 126. 914,C914,1850,D,0,Trowel,Naturally deposited layer of fine clay/sand.,"reddish ornage, silty sandy clay. Very few rounded gravel of 6-20mm. 17cm maximum thickness. Box section.",Context has been partially removed from within box section. Plan number 1.02 and section 126. 915,C915,1851,D,0,Trowel,Naturally deposited layer of clay and gravel.,"Reddish brown, sandy clay, very coarse with 35-70% sub-rounded, 6-20mm gravel. Box section.",Plan number 1.02 and section 126. Context has only been excavated where the box section was put through. 921,C921,1857,C,0,Trowel,Robber trench for wall 1161.,"Sharp corners with sharp break of slopes, vertical sides and flat though irregular base.",Context has been completely removed. Plan numbers 11.12 927,C927,1863,F,0,,Fill of pit [1864].,"Very dark greyish brown, 10YR 3/2, friable and silty with 5-15% small gravel and some clay and darker patches. Heat reddened silt/clay and gravel at edges. 10% gravel, 1% clay. Trowelled in hot dry and sunny conditions.",May be the same feature as 1874 and 1878 but no relationship can be established because of Victorian intrusion. Context has been completely removed. Plan number 16.19 928,C928,1864,C,0,,Fragment of pit cut containing (1863).,"Circular, 18-20cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top, almost vertical slightly concave sides. base truncated by [1095]. Clear edge definition.",Possibly forming a single feature composed of [1875] and [1879]. Truncation by trench [1095] has destroyed any relationship. Context has been removed. Plan number 16.27 933,C933,1869,D,0,,Gravel floor make up in Room 6.,Fine gravel make up,Context has not been excavated but given a number for planning. Needs attention and further description in 2000. 938,C938,1874,F,0,,Fill of pit [1875].,"10YR 3/2, very dark greyish brownn, friable, sandy silt. Contained 1-5% gravel pebbles 6-20mm, 2-6cm and yellow clay. 24cm thick. Trowelled in dry sunny conditions.",May be the same fill as (1863) and (1878) but these have all been truncated by [1095] and the relationships therefore lost. The form of the cuts seem to correspond. Context has not been excavated. Plan number 16.22 939,C939,1875,C,0,,Fragment of pit cut filled by (1874).,"Circular, 24cm deep x 41cm. Sharp break of slope at top, almost vertical, slightly concave sides. Base truncated by [1095]. Clear edge definition.",Possibly forming a single feature composed of [1864] and [1879]. Truncation by trench [1095] has destroyed any relationship. Context has been removed. Plan number 16.28 942,C942,1878,F,0,Trowel,Possible layer of fill below (1863) and (1874).,"10YR 3/2, very dark greyish brown, friable, sandy silt containing 35-70% gravel pebbles and yellow clay of 2%. 8cm thick x 34cm diameter. Trowelled in dry and sunny conditions. Clear edge definition.",Relationship between fills lost to Victorian intrusion but possibly forms part of pit consisting of [1864] and [1875]. Context has been completely excavated. Plan number 16.23 943,C943,1879,C,0,,Cut for pit containing (1878).,"Circular, 36cm diameter x 8cm depth. gradual break of slope at base and a slightly concave base. Clear edge definition.",Possibly the base of pit formed by [1864] and [1875]. Truncation by trench [1095] has destroyed any relationships between the three cut numbers. Plan number 16.29. 944,C944,1880,S,0,,North east wall of room 1 in House 1,"Flint nodules (faced, 12-15cm) and CBM (14cm). Facing NE (external) and SW (internal), 44cm wide x 230cm long. Clear edge definition.","Appears to be overlain by clay makeup same as the rest of Room 1, suggesting the demolition of this wall to produce a larger unit with wall (1553) now acting as an external wall. It has also been partly robbed out by robber trench [1535]. It has not been removed and will need planning in 2000" 947,C947,1883,F,0,,Fill of post-hole [1930],"Dark grey 2.5Y 4/1, friable, sandy clay. 1-5% gravel and occasional charcoal. 15cm deep. Trowelled in damp conditions.","Context has been completely excavated. Plan numbers 16.35,16.37 and 16.39. Section 138." 948,C948,1884,F,0,,Fill of stake-hole [1891].,"Dark brown, loose, sandy silt containing 1-5% gravel stones, sub-angular and 2mm-20mm. 6cm diameter x 16cm deep. Trowelled in dry and sunny conditions. Clear edge definition.",Truncated by cut for shallow pit [1917]. Context has been completely removed. Plan number 16.33 954,C954,1890,C,0,Trowel,"Post-hole cut filled by (1889),with post-pipe.","Circular and 50cm x 36cm x 13cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top but gradual at base with steep sides, and irregular slightly concave base. Clear edge definition",Plan number 17.03 955,C955,1891,C,0,,Cut for stake hole filled by (1884).,Circular and approximately 6cm diamater and currently 19cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top with vertical sides and clear edge definition.,Context has been partially removed. Truncated by shallow pit [1917]. Plan number 16.34 956,C956,1892,D,0,Trowel,Area of fire hardened clay in centre of floor surface.,"5YR 6/8, reddish yellow, friable, sandy clay containing 1-5% gravel pebbles, sub-rounded and 2-6mm. 52cm x 49cm Unclear edge definition.",Context has not been excavated. Plan number 16.24 957,C957,1893,F,0,Trowel,"Gravel fill in SE corner of Room 2, House 1.","A dark grey, 2.5Y 4/1, compact, sandy clay containing 35-70% sub round gravel of 6-20mm. c. 0.08m thick. Irregular but clear edge defintion. Trowelled and mattocked in dry sunny conditions.",Partly overlying wall (1533). Possibly represents repair. Has been completely removed. Plan 15.06 958,C958,1894,D,0,Trowel,Area of fire hardened clay on floor surface.,"5YR 4/6 yellowish red, friable, sandy clay containing 1-5% gravel pebbles, sub-rounded and 2-6mm. 94 x 46cm Uncleard edge defintion.",Context has not been excavated. Plan number 16.26 964,C964,1900,D,0,Trowel,Clay make-up layer in NW and NE aisles of House 1.,"Mid yellowish brown, friable silty clay containing sub round gravel of 6mm-6cm and occasional CBM. 2cm thick. Clear edge definition.",Has not been removed nor planned and will need planning in 2000 969,C969,1905,F,0,Trowel,Clay make-up layer below flint cobbled surface in Room 3.,"Light yellowish brown, compact and clayey. Contained 1-5% stones and occasional flint nodules. Of variable depth - 5-30cm. Excavated by mattock/trowel in dry conditions.","Context has been partially excavated. Plan numbers 15.14, 15.15, 10.02 and 10.03" 971,C971,1907,F,0,Trowel,Fill of robber trench [1911].,"Dark brown, friable, clayey silt with 35%, sub-angular to sub-rounded gravel. 4cm thick x 2.04 cm extent. Trowelled in warm and showery conditions.",Context has been completely removed. Section 134 975,C975,1911,C,0,Trowel,"Cut running NE-SW on same alignment as wall (1533), house 1.","16cm deep x 204cm long x 58cm wide. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base and roughly 45 degree sides. Flat base where there is charcoal, irregular where there is clay. SW-NE.",Cut does not appear to continue along the back wall (NW wall) of Room 1. Plan number 15.08 976,C976,1912,D,0,Trowel,"Clay make-up layer in Room 2, House 1.","Mid yellowish brown, friable, silty clay containing sub round to rounded gravel of 6mm-6cm. 17cm thick x 620cm extent. Clear edge definition.",Has not been removed. Plan numbers 15.47 and 16.63 977,C977,1913,C,0,,Cut in NE corner of Room 2 filled by (1893).,"Amorphous/irregular - 8cm deep x 170cm extent (max). Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base with gently sloping sides and irregular base. Clear edge definition.","Possible floor repair. See plan of fill (1893), 15.06" 978,C978,1914,D,0,Trowel,Dark spread/surface N-E of (1170).,"Dark grey, friable, sandy clay containing 5-15% sub rounded flint gravel of 6-20mm. Excavated by mattock and trowel in hot, dry and sunny conditions.","Possible aisle /corridor to House 1 Plan numbers 10.01, 11.13 and 15.10, 15.21 and 15.48" 979,C979,1915,D,0,Trowel,Spread of mixed material in NE corner of Room 1.,"Very dark greyish brown, friable, clayey silt. 15-35% gravel and pebbles, sub-angular to rounded and 2mm-6cm. 8cm thick x 204cm extent. Trowelled in warm and showery conditions.",Also lies within the top of the robber cut [1911]. Context has been completely removed. Section 134 but not planned 981,C981,1917,C,0,Trowel,Cut for shallow pit containing (1531).,"Semi-circular, 111cm long x 34cm wide. Gradual break of slope at top and base, shallow sides (20 degree angle) and base truncated by [1095].",Possibly associated with [1784] but relationships destroyed by trench [1095]. Context has been completely excavated. Plan number 16.32 984,C984,1920,D,0,,Metalled surface spread,,No card but must be at least partly removed as it has produced finds. No plan 986,C986,1922,D,0,,Gravel and brick fragmented floor surface.,"Yellowy brown, sandy, gritty and friable, containing >70% flints and gravels, sub-rounded","South-east of wall 1142. Cut by ogham pit and overlying a clay floor surface, part of the aisle frontage of later building. Context has been completely excavated. Plan numbers 11.14 and 11.16" 987,C987,1923,D,0,,Fill of post-pipe [1930]. [ 01/01/2004],"Olive grey, 5Y 4/2, friable, sandy clay containing 15-35% gravel pebbles, sub-angular and 6-20mm. 10cm thick x 28cm extent. Trowelled in dry and windy conditions.","Context has been completely removed. Plan numbers 16.35, 16.37 and 16.39 and section 138." 990,C990,1926,D,0,,Spread of homogenous material.,"10YR 3/3, dark brown, friable, clay silt. 15-35% pea gravel and pebbles. 8cm thick x 320cm extent. Excavated by mattock and trowel in windy and sunny conditions.",Cut by [1091] and [1038] but the same as (2018). Context has been completely removed. Plan number 21.09 994,C994,1930,C,0,,Post-hole cut filled by (1883).,"Circular, 54cm diameter x 14.2cm deep. Sharp breaks of slope, almost vertical sides and a flat base. Clear edge definition.","Fill has been completely removed. Plan numbers 16.35, 16.37 and 16.39 Section 138." 998,C998,1934,D,0,Trowel,Mixed fill of shallow pit [1991].,"Very dark grey, compact, silty clay. Contained 15-35% stones, gravel and pebbles, sub-angular to sub-rounded and 2-6cm. 22cm thick x 2.25m extent. Trowelled in sunny dry conditions.",Context has been completely excavated. Plan number 21.07. 1010,C1010,1946,F,0,,Fill of small post-hole [1947].,"Dark grey, silty sand, fine with occasional small angular stones and CB< 78cm extent x 24cm thick",Must have been excavated because cut has been. See plan of 1947 10.04 1011,C1011,1947,C,0,,Possible post-hole in aisle of later building (H1).,"Sub-round, 78cm diameter x 24cm depth. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base with steep slopes and a flat base.",Contained CBM in base as possible post pad. Context has been completely excavated. Plan numbers 10.04 1012,C1012,1948,D,0,,Fill of very truncated pit [1949].,"Dark grey, silty sand, fine with occasional small angular stones. 70cm diameter x 10cm thick.", 1013,C1013,1949,D,0,Trowel,Possible post-hole cut filled by (1948).,"Sub-round, 70cm diamete x 10cm depth. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base with irregular sides and base.","Shallow indentation in clay floor in aisle of House 1, later phase. Could be severly truncated post-hole but more olikely to be discrepancy in excavation of floor, i.e.overcut. Has not been removed." 1016,C1016,1952,D,0,,Roughly linear band of light brownish yellow clay.,"Light brown to yellow, hard, sandy clay containing 35-70% gravel pebbles. 3-6cm thick x 212cm x 20-46cm wide. Trowelled in good conditions with clear edge definition.",Sitting on top of gravel surface in 14A. Context has been completely removed. 1018,C1018,1954,D,0,,Greyish brown sandy silt spread on top of gravel and clay surface.,"Greyish brown, friable, sandy silt, 50-60% gravel pebbles, sub-rounded to sub-angular and 6-20mm. 2-3cm thick x 170cm x 170cm. Clear edge definition.",Context has been completely removed. 1024,C1024,1960,D,0,,Band of clay at edge of Vict. trench (1003).,"Light brown, yellow, hard, silty clay. Contained 15-35% stones and gravel pebbles. 5-10cm thick x 50cm x 30cm. Excavated by trowel in good conditions. clear edge definition.",Sits on top of gravel in immediate exterior of diagonal building. Context has been completely removed. 1025,C1025,1961,D,0,,Clay make-up on NW side of Room 1.,"Mid yellowish brown, friable, silty clay containing 5-15% sub angular to sub rounded gravel pebbles of 6-20mm. 11cm thick x 5.4m extent and with clear edge definition.",Probably the same layer as (2036) but relationship between the two contexts has been destroyed by trench [1095]. Has not been removed. 1031,C1031,1967,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (1975),"Linear in plan, measuring 0.24m x 2.17m with a depth of 0.17-0.2m
Break of slope (top): sharp;   (base): gradual
U-shaped profile with vertical though slightly concave sides and a flattish, irregular base
Orientation: NW-SE
Contains (1975)

{}","Beam slot cut, probably the same as [1973]. Strat below (1975), (1095). Cuts (1527). Truncated by [1095]. Part of group 5473.
Plan no: 16.42


{}" 1034,C1034,1970,D,0,,"Gravel foundation below wall (1168) on the SW edge of Room 3, House 1.","Mid yellowish brown, friable, silty clay containing 35-70% sub angular to sub rounded gravel pebbles of 6mm-6cm. 70cm x 50cm box section with clear edge definition.",Not removed except for box section taken removing part of wall (1168). 1037,C1037,1973,C,0,,"Beam slot cut filled by (1976), part of house 1.",Linear 24cm x 18.5cm deep x 78cm long. Sharp break of slope at top but gradual at base. Slightly concave 70 degree sides and slightly concave base. Orientated NW-SE. Clear edge definition.,Probably associated with or the same as [1967]. Relationship between 2 features truncated by [1095]. Context has been completely excavated. Section 158 and plan number 16.43 1039,C1039,1975,F,0,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [1967].,"Dark brown 10YR 3/3, friable, sandy clay. Contained 35-70% stones and gravel pebbles, sub-rounded and 2mm 20mm.",Truncated by [1090] but probably the same as fill (1976). Context has been completely removed. For plan see 1967 (16.42). Section 152. 1040,C1040,1976,F,0,,Fill of beam slot [1973].,"Dark brown, 7.5YR 3/2, friable, sandy clay containing 35-70% stones and gravel pebbles. Angular to sub-angular, 2mm-6cm and occasional chalk. 24xmx wide x 18.5cm deep x 65cm long. Excavated by trowelling in windy and dry conditions. Clear edge definition.",Truncated by [1095] but probably the same as (1975). Context has been completely removed. For plan see 1973 (16.43). Section 158. 1050,C1050,1986,D,0,,"Context in southern exterior of house 1,","Mid-yellow to grey friable, sandy clay containing 35-70% gravel pebbles and some flints, sub-angular to sub-rounded and 2-6cm. 3-10cm thick. Trowelled in fine sunny conditions. Undefined edge definition.",Uneven topography - possible levelling medium. 1052,C1052,1988,D,0,,"Heat altered clay, part of 2036.","very dark greyish brown, compact, silty clay. Contained 5-15% gravel pebbles, sub-angular and 2mm-20mm. 3cm thick x 46cm extent. excavated by trowel in overcast, windy, mild conditions. Mainly clear edge definition.",Context has been completely excavated. 1053,C1053,1989,D,0,Trowel,Light brown silt spread,"Light brown, very friable, sandy silt containing 15-25% pea gravel, sub round and 2-6mm. 5cm thick x 110cm x 130cm extent. Excavated by mattock and trowel in good conditions.",Covers possible pits and appears to a rich accumuulation deposit. Context has been completely removed. 1055,C1055,1991,C,0,Trowel,Shallow rectangular cut filled by (1934).,2.25m x 22cm depth. Sharp break of slope at top and gradual at base. Vertical sides and irregular though flat base. Orientated NE-SW.,Full shape is not defined as it has been truncated by 2 Victorian trenches [1091] and [1038].. Possibly connected to [1777] as poart of pit. Context has been competeley removed. Plan number 21.07. 1059,C1059,1995,S,0,,Collapsed tile spread,No card,No card 1065,C1065,1156,D,0,Trowel,Small scattered section of wall along south-western end of House 1,, 1075,C1075,2001,D,0,Trowel,Bright orange clay deposit,"bright orange to brown, friable silty clay containing 5-15% sub angular to sub round gravel. 15cm thick x 390cm x 90cm in extent. Clear edge definition.",Spread of bright orange silty clay. Plan numbers 14.06 and 14.20 1078,C1078,2014,F,0,,Fill of post-hole [2027].,"Very dark greyish brown, friable, sandy clay contained 35-70% flint gravel - 2-6cm, sub angular. 8cm diameter x 2cm deep. Trowelled in dry sunny conditions, poor edge definition.",Context has been completely removed. Plan numbers 16.48 (pre-ex) and 16.50 (post-ex). 1082,C1082,2018,D,0,Trowel,Spread of homogenous material.,"Dark brown, friable, clayey silt. 15-35%, sub-angular to sub-rounded 2mm-20mm. 12cm thick x 210cm extent. Excavated by mattock and trowel in dry and windy conditions.",Spread cut by [1091] and [1038] but the same as (1926). Context has been fully excavated. 1086,C1086,2022,D,4124,Trowel,"Wall dividing Room 4 into A and B, house 1 / exterior wall of SW House",3 courses of a wall constructed from unworked flints measuring on average 0.1m x 0.15 (lower course flints are 3-10cm) and unworked No visible mortar / fine gravel and grit material between the flints Direction of faces: NE-SW Dimensions: 4.30m x 0.53m; Height: 0.17-0.34m Full profile only visible in section 469. Dug in 2003,"Upon excavation of robber trench [3708], it was shown that wall 2022 continued, meeting up with wall 1158 and eventually joining wall 1160. The wall was mostly robbed out, although parts of the lower course did remain, including enough to show a partial relationship with 1158. In 2003, 2022 was excavated and the construction cut was found to cut through ceramic tile construction 3284 suggesting that 3284 is earlier than 2022. Wall 2022 is an exterior wall of the SW House in the same building phase as 1158, 1160, 1153 and all of the other walls of the SW House. Strat below (1796) and (3382). Strat above [4124]. Similar to 1153. Plan no: 10.05, 10.71, 11.111 Section no: 469" 1087,C1087,2023,D,0,Trowel,Levelling floor make-up,"Compact, mid-yellow sandy silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% sub-rounded 6-20mm stones and 1-5% sub-rounded 2-6cm stones. Extent: 6m x 3.9m; Thickness: 0.02-0.25m Clear edge definition Excavated in hot and sunny conditions.","Levelling floor make-up in Room 6 of House 1. Equivalent to clays (3375) and (1818) in Rooms 5 & 7. It represents a levelling horizon between two phases of construction. Cut by construction cut [3625] for wall 1187, but abutting earlier walls 1150, 1157 and 1163. Finds mostly deriving from the interface with underlying deposits. Strat below gravel floor surface (1768). Cut by [1384] and [3625]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 2.09, 2.10, 11.19, 11.20 Section no: 451 Sampled for ET with the rest of the house in 2002 Spot Date: Later 1st century AD" 1089,C1089,2025,D,0,Trowel,Floor make-up in Room 7 of diagonal building,"Mixed gravels, crushed CBM and clay lenses",Needs excavating in 2000. Not excavated and given context number for planning. 1091,C1091,2027,C,0,Trowel,Small post-hole cut containing (2014).,Circular/oval in shape. 8cm diameter x 2cm deep. Gradual then vertical break of slope with flat base and vertical sides.,Contains very shallow post pipe. Context has been fully excavated. Plan numbers 16.48 (pre-ex) and 16.50 (post-ex). 1093,C1093,2029,F,0,,Layer within possible well pre-dating re-cut clay lined pit [1021].,Not recorded because of flooding of feature during heavy rain.,Context has been partially removed. 1097,C1097,2004,S,4355,Trowel,Robbed out flint wall in Room 4 of house 1.,4 courses of a wall made up of unworked flints measuring on average 10-15cm - occasionally knapped to fit Bonded by a sandy loam/degraded mortar Direction of faces: N-E and S-W Dimensions: 4.4m x 0.44m; Height: 0.08m,"The wall is of a uniform nature with 4 courses as seen throughout House 1 in walls such as 1152 and 2124. In 2003, wall 2004 was revealed to be the partition wall between the NE room of the SW square house (formerly known as 4B) and the corridor to the SW of it. Same build as 1152 and 1158 and in fact, all the other walls of the square flint phase. The build is more narrow than the external walls and main interior load-bearing 1163, but shares the same depth and principles with small nodule footings for the bottom course. Not much mortar surviving, having degraded into sandy loam and gravel ballast. Not enough mortar to be sampled. Strat below (1788), (3678) and (4354). Strat above [4355]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan number 11.17 Section no: 500" 1098,C1098,2005,D,0,,Possible post-hole fill of [2127].,No card,No card. Must have been partially removed as has produced finds and cut is described as removed. See plans of cut 16.56 and section 154 1099,C1099,2006,F,0,,Shallow pit containing animal bone.,"Light brown with black flecks, friable, sandy silt. Contained 1-05% animal bone. 20cm x 30cm x 10cm deep. Trowelled in dry conditions and with unclear edge definition.",Context has been completely removed. Plan numbers are 15.19 (pre-ex). 1102,C1102,2009,D,0,,Gravel and CBM fragmented floor in Room 7 of diagonal building.,"Yellowish brown, friable and loose, clayey sand. Contained 35-70% stones with gravel and CBM fragments, sub-rounded and 2-6cm in size. 500cm x 360cm x 5cm maximum thickness.",Context has been completely excavated. 1123,C1123,2124,D,4364,Trowel,"Sunk foundation of wall (1163), house 1. It is the sunk foundation of 1152 NOT 1163. [08/03/2001 ACLARKE]",5-6 courses of wall foundation constructed from unworked flints measuring 0.1-0.15m Direction of faces: NE-SW Dimensions: 0.7 long x 0.4m wide x 0.4m high.,"Foundations to wall 1163 - an Interior partition wall of the SW House. Associated with wall 2125. The main structure of 1163 has been robbed out, but the lowest course (footings) survive for the most of it's length below the impact of robber cut [1636]. Same build as associated square house phase walls - 2125, 1163 1152. The footings are constructed of notably smaller flint nodules as observed in other walls of the square house. Wider than other interior walls suggesting it may have been load bearing. Cut by [1636]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan numbers: 2.51, 3.02 Section no: 514, 508, 496" 1124,C1124,2125,D,4364,Trowel,"Sunk foundation of wall (1163), house 1.",2-3 courses of wall foundation constructed from unworked flints measuring 0.1-0.15m Direction of faces: NE-SW Dimensions: 0.5 long x 0.4m wide x 0.3m high.,"Foundations to wall 1163 and possibly extending under wall 1152. Associated with wall 2124. The main structure of 1163 has been robbed out, but the lowest course (footings) survive for the most of it's length below the impact of robber cut [1636]. Same as walls 2124 and 1163. Same build as SW-NE orientated 1152. 2125 has been equalled as part of 1163 and is the same phase as all other walls of the SW House. Cut by [1636]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan 11.22 Section no: 514, 508, 496 Possibly extending under wall 1152. Associated with 2124." 1126,C1126,2127,C,0,,Post-hole cut filled by (2005),Circular - 55cm x 15cm deep. Vertical sides with level base.,Context has been fully excavated. Plan number 16.56 and section 154 1127,C1127,2128,C,0,,Cut for post-pipe filled by (2069) in post-hole [2127],Circular - 30cm x 35cm deep. Sharp breaks of slope with vertical sides and slightly concave base.,Context has been fully excavated. Plan number 16.57 1137,C1137,2138,F,0,,Fill of post-hole [2140] [ 01/01/2004],"2.5 Y 3/2, very dark greyish brown, loose, clayey silt containing 15-35% sub angular to sub round small gravel of 2-20mm. 26cm extent x 15.5cm thick.",Context has been completely removed. Plan 16.58 1139,C1139,2140,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole filled by (2138).,"No corners - 15cm deep x 26cm extent. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base with shallow base rising from central point.",Plan number 16.60 1142,C1142,2143,F,0,,Fill of shallow pit [2146],"10YR 2/1, black friable black loam containing 15-35% sub round gravel of 6-20mm. 27cm x 5cm Clear edge definition.",Context has not been removed. Plan number 16.59 1143,C1143,2144,D,0,,"NE wall of Room 1, house 1.",No card,No card and no plan 1144,C1144,2145,D,0,,Crushed brick fill of rectangular feature,"Greyish brown, friable, silty clay containining 5-15% sub round gravel pebbles of 6-20mm. 86cm maximum dimensions. Clear edge definition.",Context has not been removed. 1145,C1145,2146,C,0,Trowel,Cut of shallow pit filled by (2143),"No corners with gradual break of slope at base, vertical sides and slight curve at bottom. Poor edge definition.",Undefined edges largely due to Victorian trench [1095] cutting through the feature. Has been completely removed. Plan 16.65 1146,C1146,2147,D,0,,Possible fill of post-hole [2148].,"10YR 3/3 dark brown, friable silty clay containing 150-35% angular gravel pebbles of 2-6cm. 14cm wide x 22.5cm deep. Trowelled in sunny and cool conditions. Clear edge definition.",Context has been fully removed. Plan 16.60 1147,C1147,2148,C,0,,Cut for possible post-hole filled by (2147).,"Circular 14cm wide x 22cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base with vertical sides and gravelly base. Clear edge definition.","Context has probably been removed, fill certainly has. Plan number 16.60" 1182,C1182,2165,F,0,Trowel,Fill of pit [2179].,"2.5Y 4/4, olive brown, loose clayey silt. 195cm x 16cm deep. Contains 5-15% sub angular to sub round stones of 2-20mm and 10% gravel pebbles, charcoal and yellow clay deposits.",Has been completely removed. 1191,C1191,2174,D,0,,Metalled surface NE of House 1,No card,No card 1196,C1196,2179,C,0,Trowel,Cut of pit - filled by (2165).,16cm deep x 195cm long x 45cm wide. Gradual breaks of slope with irregular sides and flat though irregular base.,May have been for the removal of a stuctural feature. Plan 21.10 Fill has been removed although cut removal is not known. 1204,C1204,2215,F,0,,"Fill of post-hole [2218], possibly in linw tih [2184 and 2148]. [ 01/01/2004]","very dark grey, 7.5YR 3/1, compact, sandy loam containing 1-5% sub round gravel pebbles of 2-6mm. 7cm thick x 6.5cm diameter. Clear edge definition. Trowelled in damp and sunny conditions.",Context has not been excavated. Plan number 16.68 1207,C1207,2218,D,0,,Cut for post-hole filled by (2215).,"Circular x 6.5cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base with gradual sides and concave base.",Context has probably not been removed although fill has. Plan number 16.69 1222,C1222,2183,D,0,,Fill of post-hole [2184]. [ 01/01/2004],"10YR 3/1, very dark grey, compact silty/sandy clay. 15-35% angular to sub-angular stones of 2-6cm. 15cm x 11.5cm deep. Trowelled in overcast damp conditions.",Context has been completely removed. Plan number 16.64 1223,C1223,2184,C,0,,Cut for post-hole filled with (2183).,"Circular - 15cm x 11.5cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base, with almost vertical sides, concave gravelly base and clear edge definition.",Fill has been removed. Plan number 16.64 1227,C1227,2188,F,0,,Fill of post-hole cut [2082].,"Dark grey brown, friable, silty clay containing 5-15% gravel pebbles, sub-rounded, 6-20mm. 17cm thick x 40cm extent. Trowelled in sunny dry conditions. Clear edge defintion.", 1228,C1228,2189,F,0,Trowel,Fill of small post-hole [2096].,"Dark grey brown, friable, sandy silt containing 15-35% gravel pebbles, sub-rounded and 6-20mm. 18cm diameter x 16cm thickness. Trowelled in sunny and dry conditions. Clear edge definition.",Context has been completely removed. 1229,C1229,2190,D,0,,Clay spread along SE aisle.,"Light yellowish brown, friable, sandy clay containing 15-35%, sub round gravel pebbles of 6mm-6cm. 10cm thick and confined within the SE aisle of House 1.",Has probably been removed. 1231,C1231,2192,D,0,Trowel,Burnt clay spread (possible hearth).,"Dark red, 10R 3/6, friable, sandy clay containing 15-35% sub angular gravel of 2-6mm. 16cm x 19cm. Trowelled in sunny, moist conditions.",Context has not been excavated 1241,C1241,2232,D,0,Trowel,Mixed clay spread in SE aisle of House 1/diagonal building.,"2.5Y 4/4, olive brown, compact clay comtaining 5-15% sub-angular to rounded gravel of 2-20mm in size. 16cm thick x 640cm extent. Mattocked and trowelled in dry conditions. Clear edge definition.","Context has been completely removed. Plan number 15.49, 22.24, 21.11" 1242,C1242,2233,D,0,Trowel,Dark spread overlying clay deposit in SE aisle of House 1.,"Dark reddish grey, compact, grainy containing 15-35% sub round gravel pebbles of 6-20mm. 267cm x 152cm. Trowelled in damp conditions.",Context has been completely removed. Plan numbers 15.44 and 15.45 1254,C1254,2245,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,Yellow friable clay Inclusions: Stones 1-5% of all shapes (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Approx extent: 2.67m x 1.52m Clear edge definition,"Clay levelling layer in southern aisle of House 1. Context removed before card completed except for thin layer of clay between gravels. Plan no: 15.55, 15.58" 1262,C1262,2287,D,0,,Mixed clay/gravel spread in SE aisle of House 1 alongside Room 3.,"Mid greyish brown, friable, silty clay cintaining 15-35% sub round to rounded gravel pebbles of 6mm-6cm. 2cm thick x 6m extent.",Context has not been removed. 1273,C1273,2298,D,0,Trowel,General cleaning in front of diagonal building,Mixed,"At end of 1999 for photography. Contains part of clay surface and Victorian trenches, so very mixed." 1274,C1274,2299,S,0,Trowel,Wall within House 1 under clay floor make-up of Room 3.,"Sandstone (worked, 25cm) and CBM (12-18cm), one course as excavated, orientated NE-SW and 22cm wide x 150cm long. Clear edge definition.","Top course of wall composed of CBM and a single sandstone block. 1905 clay floor make-up in Room 3, House 1 overlies this earlier feature. Part of (3297) See plans: 10.41, 10.44 and 10.11" 1278,C1278,2252,F,0,,Fill of post hole [2253]. [ 01/01/2004],"Dark grey brown, friable, sandy silt containing 15-35%, sub-angular gravel pebbles of 6mm-6cm. 8cm thick x 46cm diameter. Trowelled in overcast conditions.",Context has been completely excavated 1279,C1279,2253,C,0,,Cut for post-hole filled by (2252).,"Circular 46cm diameter x 8cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at bottom, steep sides and slightly concave base. Clear edge definition.",Possibly forms part of the north/south alignment of post-holes running through Room 1 of House 1. Plan number 15.51 1292,C1292,2266,F,0,,Fill of possible pit [2268].,"2.5YR 3/4, dark reddish brown, friable, clay and fine sandy mix containing 50% charcoal on the surface, 70% clay and 15-35% sub round stones of 6-20mm. Trowelled in fine, dry conditions. Unclear edge definition.",Context may have been completely removed. 1295,C1295,2268,C,0,,Cut for shallow pit containing (2266).,Circular cut 34cm diameter x 7cm deep. Cut in half by trench (1014) with vertical sides and a flat base. Clear edge definition,deeper than other post-holes cutting into 2245 but could be a post-hole. Context may have been removed and fills certainly have. Plan 15.53 1311,C1311,2284,D,0,Trowel,Tile and CBM spread over clay in SE aisle of House 1.,"2.5Y 3/2, very dark greyish brown, friable, silty clay containiong 5-15% sub-angulat to sub-round gravel pebbles of 2-6mm. 101cm extent with clear edge definition.",Has not been removed. Plan 22.26 but has no levels and needs checking in 2000 anyway. 1314,C1314,1167,D,0,,"This may have been a wall number for house 1, replaced by 1533",, 1315,C1315,1159,D,0,,"Wall in House 1, in GS 14 but re-numbered in seperate parts as 1743, 1744 and 1745 because numbers could not be located when needed.",, 1347,C1347,2340,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit along the length of House 1.,"Dark orange/yellow Silty clay Medium compact, smooth, malleable 18.5cm thick x 20.75m E-W and 5.5m north from House 1.",Clay layer stretching length of House 1 (north side) - same as 3313. Has not been excavated or planned and should be planned in 2001. Plan no: 9.67 & 10.39 1460,C1460,2453,F,0,,Top layer of fill of post-hole [2454] with packing stones,"10YR 3/1 Silty sand Friable 40% stones of pea gravel, large stones and flint packing Central lareg flint packing on surface",Plan number 12.04 Edges clear pre-ex but was overcut. Context has been completely removed. Sample 250 1461,C1461,2454,C,0,Trowel,Cut of post hole (2453),"18cm x 52-82cm Sharp break of slope at top and gradual at base, irregular sides and a concave base.",Plan number 12.06 1462,C1462,2455,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Mid grey brown, moderately loose clayey silt Inclusions: CBM 6% Stones 35-70% all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 11.51m (NE-SW) x 10.03m (NW-SE) Thickness: 24cm","Area of gravel overlying a clay spread. Possibly an area of hard standing/outside area south of House 1. Plan no: 11.38, 11.39 - notes on these plans say that (2455) is the same as (3230) which appears on plan 14.50" 1463,C1463,2456,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread not excavated in 2000.,"Friable, light yellowish brown clayey sand Extent: 5.07m x 1.8m Thickness: 0.04m (min) - 0.14m (max)","Plan number 11.23, 11.24, 11.27, 11.28 To be looked at in 2001 Number allocated to clarify already existing numbers dealt with in 1999" 1464,C1464,2457,D,0,,"Tile spread, probable collapse not excavated in 2000.",,Possibly contemporary with (2235) in 22A but no direct relationship at present identifiable.In 11B and 14A To be looked at in 2001 Number allocated due to to retrieval of finds during cleaning. 1467,C1467,2460,F,0,,Lower fill of post-hole [2454],2.5yr Sandy clay Friable High quantity of gravel 7cm thick x 19.7cm extent.,Plan number 12.05 Contains much higher levels of gravel than overlying fill. Sample 251 1469,C1469,2462,F,0,,Fill of post-pipe [2463].,"10YR 3/3, Sandy clay Friable <30% inclusions of sub angular stones 11cm x 12cm x 50cm deep",In post-hole [2454]. Context has been completely removed. Plan of cut on 12.06. Apparently no plan of fill. Sample 253 1470,C1470,2463,D,0,,Post Pipe cut fb (2462).,Rounded corners 11cm x 50cm deep varied slopes Concave base and gradual breaks of slope,In post-hole [2454]. Plan number 12.06 1477,C1477,2470,D,0,,Fill of either repair or shallow foundation for structure / fitting [2666].,Olive brown Friable Sandy silt 4.5cm thick x 168cm extent,Plan 11.25 Context has been completely removed. 1478,C1478,2471,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit on floor in House 1,"Friable, red (2.5YR 4.6) sandy loam
Includes charcoal and 5-15% stones
1m extent
Unclear edge definition {}",Plan number 10.12 Reddish burnt area with charcoal and small stones. In the central to north-east corner of diamond shaped room. Possibly used as a cooking area or workshop. 1479,C1479,2472,D,0,,Layer in truncated area (1498),Dark grey,In diagonal building in 10 B/D but not excavated as context appears to run under surrounding walls. 1480,C1480,2473,F,0,Trowel,Fill of post-pipe [2474] in base of ph [2464],Dark greyish brown Friable Sandy silt occasional pea gravel 15cm diameter x 3.5cm thick Clear edge definition,Context has been completely removed Plan number 24.27 Sample 268 (whole context) 1481,C1481,2474,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-pipe in [2464] and fb (2473),"Circular 15cm diameter x 3.5cm deep Sharp break of slope at top and gradual at base, gradual sides and flat base.",Plan number 24.27 Sample 268 1487,C1487,2480,D,0,,Clay spread external to diagonal building - levelling deposit,Compact Clay,Number allocated as features cut into this layer. Not excavated in 2000 and will need to be looked at in 2001 1503,C1503,2496,D,0,,Tesselated floor in aisle of House 1,Red tile 2.5cm x 3.5cm size tiles Rough finish of stones Clay and gravel bond Irregular form Orientated SE Clay / gravel make-up 40cm wide x 125cm deep,Plan numbers 15.63 & 15.64 Not excavated. 1659,C1659,2652,D,0,Trowel,Mixed clay/gravel spread in SE aisle of House 1,Mid greyish brown Friable Silty clay Contains 15-35% sub rounded stones of 6mm-6cm and occasional CBM Clear edge definition,Same as (2287) Completely removed Not sure if planned 1664,C1664,2657,F,0,,Fill of trench? Accumulation deposit,Friable Gravelly clay 8cm x 98cm extent,Plan number 15.65 and 10.17 Context has been completely removed 1671,C1671,2664,F,0,Trowel,Possible fill of linear feature,Dark grey brown-?
Sandy silt-? Contains 5% sub angular to sub rounded stones of 6mm - 6cm
80cm long x 42cm wide-?
Unclear edge definition,Completely removed Interpretation unclear from card Plan number 12.17 1673,C1673,2666,C,0,,Rectalinear cut for either a repair or shallow foundation for fitting / structure,"Rounded corners 168cm long x 4.5cm deep. Sharp breaks of slope, vertical sides and flat base",Plan number 11.25 1674,C1674,2667,D,0,,Cleaning layer,Dark grey black Friable Clayey loam 3cm cleaning Clear but arbitrary edge definition,Against section created by VT (1005). Clearly digging into archaeology and not backfill so finds needed context number. Does not relate to other contexts 1675,C1675,2668,D,0,Trowel,Clay make-up layer for SE aisle of House 1,Yellowish brown Friable Clay silt Clear edge definition,Not excavated and needs to be investigated further in 2001. Plan number 11.26 1676,C1676,2669,F,0,,Flint cluster - possible packing for post-hole or post pad base.,5 large flints and 1 piece of chalk. 20cm x 12cm x 10cm but not all stones fully exposed at this time. Roughly circular without any bonding.,Plan number 13.21 1680,C1680,2673,F,0,Trowel,Tile /brick packing repair of shallow foundation in House 1,Tile brick mix 1-5% assorted flint gravel 2m long x 82cm wide Clear edge definition,"Completely removed Plan 10.18, 15.66" 1682,C1682,2675,D,0,Trowel,Repair to floor make-up layer (2682),Yellow clay on outer edge with darker fine sand Sandy silt Contains 15-35% sub rounded stones of 6-20mm and large fragments of CBM 5cm thick x 90cm x 45cm Clear edge definition,"Appears to be a later repair, possibly when this part of the building was in disuse. It is not clear whether this area is contemporary with surrounding context (2673). Yellow clay at edge corresponds to that found in tesselated floor (2673) Completely removed Plan number 10.18 and 15.67" 1688,C1688,2681,C,0,Trowel,Cut for repair or shallow foundation (2673),"Rectilinear 90cm x 45cm Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base with vertical sides and flat base. Orientated NE-SW Clear edge definition",Has been completely removed 1689,C1689,2682,C,0,,Cut for surface repair containing (2675),Sub rectangular with straight edges 110cm x 40cm Sloping sides and gradual breaks of slope and flat base,Context has been partially removed. Plan 15.67 1690,C1690,2683,F,0,Trowel,Fill of post-hole [2693],Brownish grey Friable Silty clay 10cm thick x 30m extent Clear edge definition,Context has been completely removed. Plan number 15.68 and 14.32 1694,C1694,2687,F,0,,Lower fill below 2683 (post-hole),Brownish grey Friable Gravelly clay Containing 5-15% sub angular stones of 6mm-6cm Clear edge definition,Plan number 14.34 1697,C1697,2690,D,0,,Accumulation spread,Very dark brown Friable Silt with clay inclusions Containing 35-70% sub round stones,Not excavated in 2000 so needs looking at in 2001 Not planned individually but on a multi context plan 1700,C1700,2693,C,0,,Cut for post-hole containing (2687) and (2683),Round 54cm diameter x 50cm deep Sharp breaks of slope with vertical sides and flat base Clear edge definition,Plan number 14.33 1914,C1914,2907,F,0,,Fill of post-hole [2910],Dark brown Silty Friable Contains 5-15% sub angular stones of 6-20mm Clear edge definition,Plan number 12.22 Context has been completely removed 1917,C1917,2910,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (2907),Oval 35cm E-W x 62cm N-S x 28cm deepSharp break of slope at top but very gradual at bottom with concave sides and base. Clear edge definition,Plan number 12.24 Sample 384 1929,C1929,2922,D,5027,Trowel,Flint packing for post-hole [5027],4 flints,"Plan number 12.26.
Context has not been excavated.
Needs excavating in 2001 {} In 2004, post hole [5027] was cleaned up in order to re-define and record the cut. The remnant fill / cleaning layer within the cut was assigned context number (5030).

{19/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 1930,C1930,2923,D,0,Trowel,Flint packing for post-hole.,8 packing flints Clear edge definition,Plan number 12.25 Has not been excavated in 2000 and will need investigating and further description in 2001. Planned in 2002. 1932,C1932,2925,S,0,Trowel,Make-up for gravel road running NS to H1,,To be looked at in 2001-?
Not planned or excavated (but on 1:50 multi context plan). Path 2035,C2035,3028,D,0,Trowel,Repair layer at north east end of House 1,Medium brownish yellow fine clayey silt. Contains 1-5% angular to rounded flints of 2mm - 6cm. mesaures 8cm thickness x 25cmcm x 411cm.,Surface patching area. May be the same as (3220) 2040,C2040,3033,S,0,Trowel,Road / lane?,"Soft, yellow sandy silt Inclusions: >70% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 29m x 3m; Thickness: 0.01-0.04m Diffuse edge definition","Yellow gravel possibly used for a road/lane surface. Compacted down into ruts of an underlying darker context at the north west end of the area. Originally excavated within a 1m slot during the 2001 season where it was seen extending under wall (1165). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 9.84, 9.87, 9.88, 9.91, 16.156, 16.157, 16.158, 10.109, 10.110 (2004 plans); 3.116, 3.118, 3.119, 3.120 (additional 2005 plans) Section no: 338" 2044,C2044,3037,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread below (3033),"Yellow brown clay Thick, sticky and cohesive Very thin layer Patchy spread covering excavated slot","Thin layer of patchy clay under possible floor surface (3033). However, it may be a floor itself and silty layer (3067) may be an occupation on this surface. Section no: 338" 2049,C2049,3042,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Light grey/yellow, moderate (sun baked) silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) 2-6cm 10cm thick at southern extent (max) 4.30m x 2.30m","Clay layer - possible relation to occupation or construction of House 1 Plan no: 21.37, 21.38. 21.39, 21.40" 2055,C2055,3048,D,0,Trowel,Clay in the north aisle of House 1,"Dry, crumbly and gritty, mid-yellow brown wet plastic silty clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) 2-6cm; Fine sand to large particles; 5% sand; Occasional charcoal and CBM flecks; Occasional CBM on surface 0.24m thick, 1.7m wide N-S and extending for the majority of the length of north aisle of House 1 Same as bond in 1165 amd (3049)","Consolidation/dump/preparation in north aisle of House 1. Possibly the same interpretation as (3049) i.e. layer to raise ground level in preparation for flint wall (1165) and probably same deposit. (3048) is thought to abutt the knapped flint face on the upper course of wall (1015). Same as (3282) - extent shown on plans for 3282. This context abutts wall 1015. Section no: 338, 340" 2056,C2056,3049,D,0,Trowel,Clay outside House 1,"Dry, crumbly and gritty mid-yellow brown wet, plastic silty clay. Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) 2-6cm; Fine sand to large particles; 5% sand; Occasional charcoal and CBM flecks; Occasional CBM on surface. 0.25m thick North of section 338: Compact, browny yellow silty clay; Extent: 2m x 10m x 0.2m; 1-5% bone (concentrated in certain areas with substantial burning); 5-10% grave (patchy)l; 1-5% CBM (patchy). 1% charcoal - concentrated in discreet areas. 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) One side is clear, the other side is harder to define.","Consolidation/dump/preparation, extending on the outside/to the north of wall 1165, along the majority of its length and 1.5m to the north. Originally investigated in 1m wide slot. Possible preparation layer to raise the ground level for flint wall (1165). Very similar, if not equal to (3048) and the bond in wall (1165). North of section 338 - Large clay levelling deposit with patchy inclusions. One area in particular had large amounts of bone and charcoal together. Wall 1165 was sitting directly on top of (3049) in parts. Strat above (4565) & (4566). Same as (4111), (3048), (3282), (4152). Plan no: 9.71, 16.139, 17.90, 17.91 Section no: 338 Accuracy rating - 4" 2074,C2074,3067,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,Dark brown silt Silty Fine and gritty Inclusions: Large gravel with a higher proportion of gravel and stone the SE end of the section which becomes (3088) Stones: 15-35% (A) 6-20mm,"Possible occupation layer derived from organic material Section 338, 340" 2078,C2078,3071,D,0,Trowel,Layer,"Mid-dark brown soil with compacted pebbles and stones Mildy gritty silt Thickness: 4-5cm Width (N-S) : 0.5m Length: Unknown Inclusions: 2-6mm pea shingle: 5% Stones: 35-70% (S-R) 2-6cm with a mix of pebbles and stones, both angular and rounded. The majority of pebbles are nearer 2cm Occasional flint nodules with evidence of knapping Iron nail and sherds of pottery","Originally revealed in a 1m wide slot, this deposit is similar in extent N-S to (3082) and (3088). Possibly relates to/abutts earlier timber structured wall/boundary which was replaced by wall 1015. No obvious interpretation. Section no: 313" 2089,C2089,3082,D,0,Trowel,Loose gravel,Milk chocolate brown Silty and slightly gritty Loose fill - very different from the overlying metalled surface Inclusions: Stones of mainly 2-3cm with larger stones up to 6cm and patches of pea shingle 70% (S-A) 2-6cm Depth: 2-3cm No clear defined edge,"Initially excavated in 1m wide slot. Stoney layer possibly associated with floor (3033). Within the slot, this layer had a similar extent to (3071) and (3088) i.e. running parallel to the alignment of the later wall 1015. This suggests a relationship to a feature pre-dating the wall on a similar alignment to which these deposits may have abutted. Section no: 338" 2095,C2095,3088,D,0,Trowel,Compacted stone layer,Dark brown silt and grit matrix consisting of large amounts of compacted gravel Stones: 70% (S-A) 2-6cm Depth: c. 1.5, 2096,C2096,3089,D,0,Trowel,Silt and gravel layer,"Dark, chocolate brown gritty silt with stones of varying size and angularity (50mm-6cm). Noticeable flecks of charcoal and disintegrated bone Stones: 35-70% (S-A) 2-6cm","Initially excavated in 1m wide slot. Possible occupation layer due to levels of bone and burnt debris mixed with pottery sherds. Equivalent to (3098) and this possibility should be explored using the soil micromorphology samples. Extent unknown. Section no: 338, 340" 2101,C2101,3094,D,0,Trowel,Loose gravel layer. Possible occupation layer,"Dark brown gritty silt Inclusions: Stones: 35-70% (S-R) (2-6cm); Bone, charcoal and stones Thickness: 10cm Depth: Unknown",Initially excavated within a 1m wide slot. Possible occupation layer. A sample was taken for the charred plants remains <494>. Equals (3515) and possibly (3099). Micromorph sample <503> should show if (3094) is equal to (3099). If they are different then this suggests an early timber boundary. Section no: 313 2102,C2102,3095,D,0,Trowel,Layer. Possible floor surface,Yellowy compacted clay Fine and gritty Inclusions: Stone and gravel of varying sizes Stones: 35-70% (S-R) (2-6mm) (2-6cm) Thickness c.5cm Extent: Unknown,"Initially excavated within a 1m wide slot. Possible gravel/pebble floor. Equal to (3299) as excavated in Room 2 by Jamie's team. Section no: 338, 339, 340" 2103,C2103,3096,D,0,Trowel,Layer. Possible clay floor make-up,"Yellowy compacted fine clay Inclusions: A few stones, charcoal and CBM Stones: 5-15% (S-A) (2-6cm) Thickness: c.10cm Extent: Unknown","Initially excavated within a 1m wide slot. Possible consolidation/clay floor make-up for a ground raising construction episode. Section no: 338, 339, 340" 2105,C2105,3098,D,0,Trowel,Possible occupation layer,"Dark brown silty clay mix Compact with pea shingle Gritty Inclusions: Gravel and stones, pea shingle and lots of charcoal Stones: 5-15% (S-A) (2-6mm) (2-6cm) Thickness: c.5cm Depth: Unknown",Initially excavated in a 1m wide slot. Very similar to (3099) and (3515). Equivalent to (3089). Stony loam with evidence of occupation - probably a spread. Section no: 313 2106,C2106,3099,D,0,Trowel,Layer,"Gritty, dark brown silt Inclusions: stones, gravel and pea shingle Stones: 35-70% (S-A) (2-6mm) (2-6cm) Extent: Unknown","Initially excavated in 1m wide slot. A stony, well sorted loam with evidence of occupation. Possibly equal to (3094) and (3515) - micromorph samples will hopefully confirm or negate this. Section no: 338, 339, 340" 2115,C2115,3301,F,1326,Trowel,Fill of pit [1326],"Dark greyish brown, friable clay loam containing 15% angular to sub angular gravel pebbles of 6-20mm. 50cm x 80cm x 40cm deep.",Partially excavated in 1998. Is cut by Victorian trench 1257. Excavation continued in 2001. 2140,C2140,3302,C,0,Trowel,Cut of hearth containing 1640 and 3310,Roughly circular cut measuring 109cm x 127cm x 15cm. Has gently sloping sides and an uneven base. Clear edge definition,"Charcoal staining to the north west of the cut. Also charcoal staining (3310) dipping into the cut [3302], underlying main fill (1640)" 2141,C2141,3303,D,0,Trowel,Dark spread containing CBM,"Dark greyish brown, friable, clay silt. 3cm x 130cm x 57cm Contains CBM flecks and charcoal flecks. Reasonable edge definition",North west of Victorian trench 1257 Overlies 3222 and [3332] 2142,C2142,3304,D,3306,Trowel,Fill of shallow circular feature [3306],"Dark greyish brown, friable clayey loam containing 5% angular to sub angular flint pebbles and some charcoal and CBM. 55cm x 52cm x 8-13cm deep",Thought to be a post-hole at first but not. Animal burrowing or other disturbance in north eastern half. Section 302 2143,C2143,3305,D,3331,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [3331],"Dark greyish brown, friable clay silt containing flecks of CBM. 10cm x 18cm x 100cm. Good edge definition",Adjacent to and north west of post-hole [3332] and Victorian trench 1257 Possibly related to post-hole [3332] 2144,C2144,3306,C,3306,Trowel,Cut for shallow circular feature containing (3304),Circular feature measuring 55cm x 52cm x 8-13cm deep. Gradual breaks of slope with shallow and irregular sides and flattish base.,Cuts into the yellow clay on the north-west of the north wall of House 1. Originally thought to be possible post-hole but this not the case. There is some distrurbance in the north eastern half which may be animal burrowing.Section 302 2145,C2145,3307,D,0,Trowel,Localised gravel spread.,"Dark brownish grey, friable sandy silt. Contains 35-70% gravel pebbles, angular to rounded and 2mm - 6cm 210cm x 140cm. Diffuse edge definition Trowelled in dry conditions","Situated in immediate proximity of northern wall, House 1. Overlying yellow clay." 2146,C2146,3308,F,3321,Trowel,Fill of post-hole or pit [3321],"Dark greyish brown, friable loamy clay containing 15-35% sub angular to sub rounded gravel pebbles of 6mm-6cm. 88cm x 62cm x 26cm. Clear edge definition",Situated in very north west corner of House 1. Overlying deliberate pot deposit 3320 / SF 2039 and surrounding it. Sampled 100% Contained bone and other pottery sherds unrelated to SF2039 2147,C2147,3309,D,0,Trowel,Burning deposit,"Dark reddish brown, friable burnt clay. Contains 15% charcoal. Measures 5cm x 60cm x 30cm. Clear edge definition","Set into the yellow clay within House 1, situated just north east of wall 2004. Does not have a cut as such, just simply stained the clay surface. Probably as the result of a single short burning episode. Localised." 2148,C2148,3310,D,3302,Trowel,Charcoal stain of hearth pit [3302],"Black grey charcoal, friable charcoal. Contains 35-70% angular to sub rounded stones of 6mm-6cm. 127cm x 96cm. Vague edge definition",Charcoal stain is very significant stratigraphically as it reveals that gravel spread (1254) overlies the hearth pit and another gravel surface that 3310 staining has formed on. Hence hearth pit was in use between the two gravel depositions. 2149,C2149,3311,D,0,Trowel,Yellow clay spread,Yellow brown tenacious clay containing 10% sub angular gravel of 2-6cm. 4cm x 100cm x 150cm Trowelled in dry conditions Clear edge definition,"Overlies demolition layer (3312). In the immediate vicinity of north wall of House 1. One of the upper yellow clay spreads north west of House 1, maybe to level the ground or cover up the demolition layer." 2150,C2150,3312,D,0,Trowel,Demolition spread,"Dark brown friable silty clay. Contains 5% flint nodules, 35% sub rounded stones of 2-6cm, and 10% CBM flecks. 2cm x 200cm x 150cm.",Underlies clay spread 3311. In the immediate proximity of north wall of House 1 (1154) and lies to south of wall 1664 2151,C2151,3313,D,0,Trowel,Probable levelling deposit,Yellow pliable silty clay which turns into mid yellowish grey when wet. Extent: up to 7m from House 1 wall 1151 northwards Measures between 5 and 25cm thick,"Probably dumped in this area as a levelling deposit for the construction of the buildings in particular, House 1. Probably the same as other yellow clays within House 1 and (3374) or (3375) to the south of House 1. (3313) is the same as (3049), (3048) and (4111) further to the NE.
Plan no: 2.21, 3.36, 3.37, 3.39, 3.45, 3.49, 3.97, 4.10, 4.43  {}" 2154,C2154,3316,F,3325,Trowel,Fill of post-hole [3325].,"Dark brown, friable clay, loose containing 20% sub angular gravel pebbles of 6mm-6cm and 5% CBM flecks. Clear edge definition",Set into clay (1472). 2155,C2155,3317,D,0,Trowel,Dark spread,"Mid/dark greyish brown, weakly cemented silty clay. Inclusions: 15% with charcoal flecks and CBM flakes Stones: 15-35% (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) (6-20cm) Depth: c. 10cm",(3317) is the context number given to a dark spread before it was revealed that it was overlain by (3634) and it did not have full extent. It was re-numbered later as (3633) when the deposit's full extent was reveal and it was able to be excavated. For full extent of this deposit see plans for (3633). 2156,C2156,3318,D,0,Trowel,Very localised CBM spread,Dark brown deposit containing 70% sub rounded CBM of 2-6cm. 4cm thick x 80cm x 70cm.,Sits on top of yellow clay (2340) NW of House 1. A single episode of CBM dump. 2158,C2158,3320,F,3321,Trowel,Complete pot and contents in pit [3321],,Deliberate pot deposit covered with fill (3308). Silchester Ware vessel. Some bone visible inside the pot as well as in the surrounding fill. 2159,C2159,3321,C,0,Trowel,"Cut of pit containing (3320) and (3308), room 5, house 1.",Roughly round without corners. 88cm x 62cm x 26cm deep. Fairly steep sides with medium break of slope and circular base.,"Cut into the corner of room 5, House 1. Cuts into (1818) yellow clay surface. Slightly elongated in shape with pot sitting in the deepest end towards the corner of the building. Shown on section 307" 2160,C2160,3322,F,3332,Trowel,Fill of post-hole [3332],"Dark greyish brown, friable, clay silt containing 5-15% angular to sub angular flint nodules of 2-6cm. 25cm x 51cm x 40cm Vague edge definition",Overlain by shallow spread (3303). identified whilst excavating 3303. Dug in plan not in section. Contained flint nodules which could have been the remains of packing. 2162,C2162,3324,F,3602,Trowel,Possible post-hole,"Yellowish grey, friable clayey silt Clear-vague edge definition Inclusions: Gravel pebbles 15-35% (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Width: 68cm Depth: 45cm","Fill of posthole [3602] above fill (3607). As all flints were found in this context (3324), it is feasible that this deposit represents packing material for the posthole. Plan no: 1.07 Section no: 356" 2163,C2163,3325,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (3316),Circular without corners and measuring 22cm x 33cm deep. Sharp breaks of slope with vertical sides and slightly concave base.,Has only one fill (3316). Cuts into upper clay spread (1472) 2164,C2164,3326,D,0,Trowel,Thin layer of gravel underlying (2340) and (1165),"Dark greyish brown, friable clayey silt with pea gravel. Contains 15-35% angular to sub rounded stones. Measurs 5cm thick and visible only within the exploratory trench. Trench measureed 100cm x 65cm.",Under the wall and discovered when an exploratory trench was put in through wall 1165. Section 309 2165,C2165,3327,D,0,Trowel,Thin layer of silt underlying (3326),Brown friable clayey silt. Contains occasional sub rounded gravel pebbles of 2-6mm. Measures 3 cm thick and seen in extent of trench,Observed in exploratory trench through wall 1165 2166,C2166,3328,D,0,Trowel,Gravel in trench across wall 1165,"Brown, hard poorly sorted gravel. Measures 4cm thick and visible in exploratory trench.",Located beneath wall 1165 in exploratory trench. Section 309 2167,C2167,3329,D,0,Trowel,Dark silty clay in trench across wall 1165,"Light greyish brown, friable loamy silt. Contains 15% sub angular to sub rounded gravel of 2mm - 20mm. Measues 100cm x 63cm x 7cm thick Clear edge definition",Stretches across whole length and width of the slot. Overlain by yellow clay lense (3334) 2168,C2168,3330,D,0,Trowel,Dark silt in trench across wall 1165,Dark brown friable silt containing no inclusions. Measures 3cm thick x 45cm x 50cm with clear edge definition,Situated in south east corner of the slot underlying gravel (3329) and overlying gravel (3335). Not planned but shown on sketch plan 2169,C2169,3331,C,0,Trowel,Cut of beam slot containing (3305),Linear feature with rounded corners. Measures 18cm x 100cm x 10cm. Sharp breaks of slope mainly with steep sides mainly and slightly concave base. Good edge definition, 2170,C2170,3332,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (3322),"Oval, slightly irregular measuring 51cm x 40cm x 25cm. Sharp breaks of slope with steep almost vertical sides and slightly concave base. Good edge definition",Underlying dark spread (3303). North west of Victorian trench and south east of beam slot [3331] to which it might be related. 2173,C2173,3201,S,0,Trowel,"Wall on the eastern side of room 1, house 1","Wall comprising flint and ceramic tile (mostly flint). Average flint size is 0.17m x 0.17m. 3 courses in total and both faces of the wall are made up of knapped flint. The flints are bonded by gravel containing stones of all shapes and varying in size from pea gravel to 6cm within a soft, silty dark grey matrix It is a straight section of wall orientated NE to SW and measuring 2.5m x 0.46m. Clear edge definition","Wall discovered during 2000 and recorded during 2001. Possible NW extent of wall discovered during the 2002 season. Wall fragment 4076 contains cornerstone and a few other flints, on the same alignment as 3201 and 1015 but separated by robber cut 1535 and Victorian trench [1124]. Plan no: 21.19 - this plan is superceded by 21.36" 2174,C2174,3202,D,0,Trowel,Possible repair to clay floor,"Greyish brown, friable sandy clay Inclusions: Gravel stones 35-70% of all shapes, ranging in size from 2mm -6cm & Charcoal <1% Thickness: 10-20cm Clear edge definition","Possible repair to clay floor consisting largely of gravel. Adjacent to south eastern corner of the southern aisle of House 1. Probably s/a (3664) Plan no: 21.20, 22.49 Sample no: 570" 2175,C2175,3203,D,0,Trowel,"Burnt clay / hearth Room 1, house 1","Grey black, friable charcoal. Contains <1% sub angular to sub rounded gravel pf 2-6mm and ash. Clear edge definition.",Open industrial hearth 2176,C2176,3204,D,3218,Trowel,Fill of post-hole [3218],"10YR 3/2 friable, sandy clay. Contains small pieces of CBM and pottery 44cm x 49cm x 30cm deep. Trowelled in sunny conditions Clear edge definition", 2178,C2178,3206,F,3212,Trowel,Fill of post-hole [3212],"10YR 3/2, friable sandy clay
Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (2-6cm);   2 flints (S-A) (6-20cm);  1 tessera and 4 small fragments of CBM
Extent: 0.32m in diameter;   Thickness: 0.12m
Clear edge definition {}","Fill of post hole [3212] with two flint nodules as packing. During the 2004 season, this fill became the uppermost fill of a much larger cut than orginally thought in 2001 when this feature was first investigated. Part of a line of late post holes running in an E-W direction in the SW corner. Strat above (4544).  
Plan no: 13.45 {}" 2182,C2182,3210,D,0,Trowel,VOID,,Originally thought to be a post-hole but turned out to not be anything. 2183,C2183,3211,F,3216,Trowel,Fill of post-hole [3216],"2.5Y 3/2 Sandy clay texture Contains 15-35% angular stones of 2-6cm and also CBM, bone and pottery", 2184,C2184,3212,C,0,Trowel,"Cut for post-hole containing (3206), (4524), (4544), (4545) and (4546)","Sub circular in plan, measuring 0.79m in diameter with a depth of 0.36m
Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp
Convex sides and a flat base
Contains (3206), (4524), (4544), (4545) and (4546)



{}","Post hole cut that was first investigated in 2001 with the removal of fill (3206). In 2004, the post hole was reinvestigated and a number of further fills were excavated out until the true cut was revealed. The east side of the cut has a stepped appearance - possibly in order to ease the erection of the post. Part of a line of late post holes running in an E-W direction in the SW corner.
Plan no: 13.46 (original plan); 13.128 (2004 plan showing the true size and extent - this version has been digitised)
Section no: 612

{}" 2185,C2185,3213,D,0,Trowel,Clay dump below (2284),Yellow brown friable sandy clay. Contains 1-5% sub angular stones of 2mm-2mm. Mostly clear edge definition, 2186,C2186,3214,D,0,Trowel,Open industrial hearth,Grey black with red inclusions. Friable sandy silt. Contains <1% sub angular to sub rounded stones of 2-6mm. Measures 51cm x 30cm x 3cm deep. Clear edge definition,West of 3203. Whole sample taken for metallurgy. 2188,C2188,3216,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (3211),"Round post hole without corners. 52cm x 11cm deep. Sharp break of slope at top, gradual at base with almost vertical sides at bottom and concave base.", 2190,C2190,3218,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (3204).,Circular to oval shaped post-hole measuring 44cm x 49cm x 30cm deep. Straight sides with sharp breaks of slope and level base., 2191,C2191,3219,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Compact, dark greyish brown silty sand. Inclusions: >70% stone of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 20cm; CBM 11m (N-S) x 9.2m (E-W) x 0.03-0.1m (variable depth) Edges defined by Victorian intrusions","Gravel spread between NW side of Building 1 and SE corner of House 1. Edge defined by truncations to the north, east, west and less clearly to the south. Variable gravel within the surface and coloured by underlying contexts (clay, silt and different gravel). Probably large area of hardstanding to the south of House 1 - this part surviving at the south east side. Completely removed in 2002. Plan Nos: 14.51, 14.52, 15.72, 15.73, 22.50, 22.51, 22.55, 23.47, 27.48" 2193,C2193,3221,D,0,Trowel,Gravel occupation layer in south east aisle of House 1,5YR/ 4.1 friable sandy silt. Contains >70% angular to sub angular stones of 6-20mm. Edges are defined by he Victorian trenches.,Below sandy silt and above clay. 2194,C2194,3222,C,0,Trowel,Cut of hearth (3214),Semi circular cut measuring 50cm x 54cm x 4cm thick. Variable slopes with irregular base. Clear edge definition,Open hearth filled with ash and burned CBM arranged randomly. Fill extent uncertain because of intrusion by Victorian trench 2202,C2202,3230,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread north of 2925,, 2203,C2203,3231,D,0,Trowel,Burnt area in western aisle of House 1,Dark brown/black friable silty material. Contains 1-5% charcoal. Measuring 16-20mm. Clear edge definition.,Ash deposit in possible fire pit. Context completely removed. Plan no: 21.25. Sample no: 442 Small find 2080. 2204,C2204,3232,D,0,Trowel,"Possible floor at southern end of room, House 1","10yr 4.1. Loose sandy silt containing crushed tile, very small flint and gravel. Measuring 133cm long x 29cm wide. Section number 334.",continuation of floor at southern end of room. 2212,C2212,3334,D,0,Trowel,Yellow clay lense visible in arbitrary trench,Light orangy brown friable clay. Has no visible inclusions. measues 25cm x 16cm x 5cm thick. Clear edge definition,"Trench to examine wall 1165. Sits below house clay (3048) in north aisel of House 1. Separeted from (3048) and underlying (3326), (3327) and (3328). Shown on section 309" 2213,C2213,3335,D,0,Trowel,Gravelly deposit,"Mid greyish briwb, friable silty gravel containing 35-70% angular to sub rounded pebbles of 2mm - 6cm. Measues 64cm x 63cm x unknown thickness","Visible in south east half of arbitrary trench through wall 1165. represents level to which arbirtrary slot was dug. Continues into the section towards the NE, SE and SW. Towards NW it edges onto dark charcoal rich deposit (3336)" 2215,C2215,3336,D,0,Trowel,"Dark layer, unknown",Dark greyish brown friable silty loam. Contains 5-15% sub angular to sub rounded stones of 2mm-20mm. Measures 63cm x 48cm.,At the base of the abritrary slot through wall 1165. Situated in the north-west half of the slot edging onto gravel (3335) and continuing onto the section towards the SW and NE. It is possibly a fill of an underlying feature cutting through gravel (3335). Not excavated or investigated as is out of phase and only visible within the slot. 2222,C2222,3343,F,0,Trowel,Fill of post-hole [3344],"mid greyish brown friable loamy silt measuring 0.10mm thick x 1.05m x 0.75m containing gravel pebbles, cbm flecks and 15-35% sub-angular and sub-rounded stones measuring 6mm-6cm. Section number 325.",Fill of shallow scoop (3344) situated within NW exterior of House 1. Cut through the middle by post hole (3325) 2223,C2223,3344,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (3343),Oval but irregular cut measuring 1.05 x 0.75m x 0.10m thick with shallow irregular sides leading to irregular flattish base. Section number 325.,"Shallow scoop at the immediate NW exterior of House 1, cutting through dark spread (1277) and yellow clay (2340). Truncated through the middle by later posthole (3325)." 2224,C2224,3345,C,0,Trowel,Possible construction cut containing (3389),"Rectangular corners 6m x 2m Depth: c.20cm Breaks of slope, sides and base not fully exposed in 2001 Base has a SW - NE orientation",Rectangular cut filled by gravel spread (3389) south of Room 7 in House 1. Shallow trench cut into clay (3375) aligning with SE face of wall 1160 and extending up to SW-NE beam slot/drip gully [3348] providing either a limit or more likey a sort of extension to Room 7 towards the SE. To be planned in 2002 2225,C2225,3346,F,3348,Trowel,Fill of possible drip gully [3348],"Dark yellow brown, compact, smooth clayey silt containing 1-5% sub angular stones of 2mm - 6cm and also CBM, pot, nails, bone, charcoal and tesserae. 22cm wide x 10cm deep Extends about 4m along E-W and curves southwards at it's east end Clear edge definition but poor on the west side","This feature may constitute a decayed beam or a drip gully silting. It overlies a layer of gravel (3652) which is primary fill. The curve of this feature casts doubt on it being a beam slot. In the 2002 season, it was confirmed that (3674) is part of (3346) and therefore [3987] is now part of [3348]. Plan no: 12.35, 12.36 Section no: 319" 2226,C2226,3347,F,0,Trowel,Fill of possible pit / post-hole,"Brown, friable silt containing 35-70% sub angular stones of 6mm - 6cm plus CBM, pottery and bone. 10cm thick x 80cm x 70cm. Clear edge definition",South east of House 1 and south of beam slot [3348]. Very shallow so probably not structural. 2227,C2227,3348,C,0,Trowel,"Cut for beam slot containing (3346), (3674), (3652), (3675), (3669), (4015)","Linear in plan running NE-SW in line/parallel with walls 1746 and 1160
0.35m wide and 0.15m deep
Both sides are roughly at 45 degrees
Slightly concave - flat base orientated NE-SW
Contains (3346), (3674), (3652), (3675), (3669), (4015)
Difficult but reasonable edge definition {}","Cut for beam slot or drip gully (although the former is now thought to be more likely since it's complete excavation). Runs parallel with wall 1746 and 1160 and thought to be a southern extent for the 'veranda' of House 1. Also is 5cm south of [3345] veranda cut and thought also to be contemporary with it. In 2002, it was found that [3987] is part of this cut and was re-planned encompassing [3987]. Plan no: 12.38, 12.39 (pre-full excavation). Re-planned and re-digitised in 2002 Plan no: 11.112, 12.84, 12.87, 14.75 Section no: 319" 2228,C2228,3349,C,0,Trowel,Cut for shallow scoop containing (3347),Sub circular / oval cut. 80cm x 70cm x 10cm deep Steep sides and more gradual at eastern edge. Very gradual breaks of slope and flat base.,Originally thought to be a post-hole but the shallowness suggests it is not structural. 2229,C2229,3350,D,0,Trowel,Localised gravel spread,"Dark greyish brown, friable sandy silt containing 35-70% angular to rounded stones of 2mm - 6cm. Measures 5cm thick. Vague edge definition","Located south east of Room7, House 1. Overlies mixed clay (3351). Single dump of material or localised levelling deposit." 2266,C2266,3351,D,0,Trowel,"Possible late make up layer of Room 7, House 1.",yellowish brown friable clayey silt measuring 0.05m thick x 6m x 2.25m containing gravel and flecks of cbm (20%) and 15-35% sub angular to sub-rounded stones measuring 6mm - 6cm.,"Mixed clay deposit with significant amount of gravel and cbm inclusions, sitting on top of yellow clay surface (3375) within room 7, House 1, and also spreading towards SE exterior of the house. Represents late make up layer or a rough exterior surface once this part of Hse 1goes out of use, as pits [1463] and [1571] have already been cut through." 2268,C2268,3353,D,3355,Trowel,Fill of shallow scoop [3355],"Brown, friable silt containing 35-70% sub angular to sub rounded stones of 6-20mm. Measures 70cm x 50cm x 8cm thick. Clear edge definition",No structural potential. Very shallow. Located north west of another shallow cut [3349] 2270,C2270,3355,C,0,Trowel,Cut for shallow scoop containing (3353),"Regular oval shaped cut. Measures 70cm x 50cm x 8cm max depth. Sharp break of slope at the top and gradual at the bottom, vertical sides on the SE and gradually sloping elsewhere.",Initially thought to be a post-hole but then found to be too shallow. Shown on section 329 2287,C2287,3178,D,0,Trowel,Dark silt below (3177),"Soft dark grey silt Inclusions: Flints, CBM and gravel Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.03cm Clear edge definition Truncated on the west by a Victorian trench","Silty deposit overlying wall and tile spread. Strat below (3177); Strat above (3847). Excavation began in 2001 and is ongoing in 2003. Partially removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.96, 28.97, 28.98, 28.99, 29.97, 29.98 Section no: 438, 439, 442" 2301,C2301,3360,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Light grey brown, hard friable silty clay. Contains 15-35% sub angular to sub rounded stones of 6mm - 6cm. 10cm thick and with clear edge definition",Located in north eastern corner of Room 4. Above the clay layer above a dip which is underlying the clay.
Plan no: 10.26

{} 2306,C2306,3365,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Yellowish grey tenacious clay measuring approximately 30cm thick x 9m x 12m containing 15-35% flint and other sub-angular stones, measuring 6mm - 6cm, and also containing some CBM.","Clay levelling spread to the SW of diagonal house (House 1) likely to be contemporary with the phase of clay levelling in the house. Cut by Victorian trenches [1013], [1171], [1014], [1011]. There is some slumping of clay perhaps into an earlier feature-subsistence. Maybe more likely levelling of the subsistence of thE layers below into series of earlier features or a single large feature." 2307,C2307,3366,D,0,Trowel,Yellow clay spread,Mid orangey brown friable silty clay containing 15-35% sub angular to sub rounded stones of 2mm - 20mm. Measures 130cm x 110cm x 7cm thick. Clear edge definition,Underlying (1844) in south west corner of the site and overlying gravel surface (1845). Cut through by shallow pit [3357] 2308,C2308,3367,D,0,Trowel,"Dark spread in south east corner of room 4, House 1.",Mid greyish brown friable sandy silt containing 15-35% sub angular to sub rounded stones of 2mm-20mm. Measures 5cm thick x 172cm x 128cm.,Between partition walls 2022 and 1158. (3367) extended over yellow clay horizxon in room 4 93382) but (3382) has ben truncated at this point as well. No sign of deeper feature cutting through (3382). Context has been completely removed in 2001. 2309,C2309,3368,D,0,Trowel,Possible levelling deposit,Mid greyish brown compact silty clay containing 5-15% angular gravel of 2-6cm and CBM Measures 15cm x 4cm thick.,CBM filled hollow in clay 2310,C2310,3369,F,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit - fill in depression in clay (3313),Grey brown compact silty clay containing 60% sub angular to sub rounded gravel of 2-6cm. Measures 21cm diameter x 4cm thick,Context has been partially removed in 2001 2311,C2311,3370,D,0,Trowel,Layer of clay,"Mid yellowish brown, friable, clay. Measures 48cm x 10cm thick.",Observed in arbitrary slot through wall 1165. This is probably the same clay as outside wall 1165 - 2340 and also inside the north aisle (3048) seperated by Victorian cut [1069] which followed wall 1165. It joins outside and inside clay in other abitrary slot further. Section 309 2323,C2323,3236,D,0,Trowel,Slumped floor layer.,White with beige hue compact gravel. Contains 5-15% sub rounded stones of 2-6cm. Measures 1.5cm -5cm thick x 48cm extent. Clear edge definition,Located within pit. Shown on sections 331 and 136. Completely excavated in 2002 to reveal clearer view of section 399. No evidence of floor structure continuing. Compacted gravel matrix with mortar adhering. 2324,C2324,3238,F,0,Trowel,Fill of pit,Olive brown compact clayey silt without inclusions.,Not excavated but shown on section 331 2325,C2325,3239,F,0,Trowel,Fill of pit,Brown friable. Diffuse edge definition,Completely removed during section cleaning in 2002. May be similar to gravel layer (3676) in Section 399. Section no: 331 2326,C2326,3240,F,0,Trowel,Fill of pit,Light yellow brown friable sandy clay. Sparse distribution of very small fine grit.,"Context has not been excavated in 2002 but is shown on section 331 Section no: 331, 399" 2327,C2327,3241,F,0,Trowel,Fill of pit,Very dark greyish brown friable sandy clay.,Removed during section cleaning in 2002. May be similar to brown gravelly context (3941) in section 399 as interpretation of pit edge difficult at this point. Section no: 399 & 331 2328,C2328,3242,S,0,Trowel,"Wall, House 1",Made up of large flints and gravel. Flints range in size from 15cm -8cm x 11cm-5cm. They are coarse or roughly faced. They are not bonded and this is the second of three layers of flint for the wall. Clear edge definition,Part of wall exposed in sondage measuring 60cm x 94xm x 47cm. The wall has been partially removed 2329,C2329,3243,F,0,Trowel,Fill of pit,Very dark brown compact sandy silt. Diffuse edge definition,Not excavated in 2001 but shown on section 331. Occupational pit fill completely removed in 2002 during section cleaning. Section no: 331 2330,C2330,3245,C,0,Trowel,Cut for gravel foundation to wall 1168.,,3248 unexcavated in 2001 and 2002 2331,C2331,3246,D,0,Trowel,Wall section,Wall made up of flint and gravel with the flints ranging in size from 120-90mm x 60-90mm. There is one course which is roughly faced. The flints are not bonded. This is the third of 3 layers of flint for the wall. Orientated NW/SE,Within exploratory trench. Context partially removed. 2332,C2332,3244,F,0,Trowel,Clay bonding material for walls.,Medium olive brown soft clay. Has no inclusions.,Clay bonding material for wall which has slumped into pit (3937). Only partially excavated in 2001 and finally weathered away in 2001. Section no: 331 2434,C2434,3372,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,Grey brown compact cilty loam. Contains >70% angular to rounded stones of 2mm - 6cm. Measures 200cm x 200cm.,Possible building construction deposit. Context has been completely removed 2435,C2435,3373,D,0,Trowel,Orange grey natural,, 2436,C2436,3374,D,0,Trowel,Yellow clay levelling deposit,"Mid-yellowish grey, moderately compact silty clay. Inclusions: <1% CBM up to c. 15cm in size Stones: 1-5% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: patchy to the south of Room 7 appearing to top over the edges of gravel (3385) and covering some of gully (3346) masking the extents of these other features. Depth: 15cm max","Upper clay deposit, very similar to the clay it overlies (3375) but with more silt. Seals most of the features cutting through (3375). Plan no: 11.45, 12.46, 12.48, 14.65" 2437,C2437,3375,D,0,Trowel,Clay levelling deposit,"Fairly compact, mid yellowish grey silty clay Inclusions: 5% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm) (6-20cm) Good edge definition","Clay levelling deposit within and extending south of Room 7. Cut by robber trench [4017] along south eastern extent. Replanned in 2002. N.B. The part of this context in Area 01 was accidentally planned under the plan number 2.23 - the plan is filed in the Area 02 folder. Plan no: 2.23, 11.37, 11.44 & 12.47 Section no: 453" 2438,C2438,3376,F,3381,Trowel,Fill of post-hole,"Dark brown/black, fairly soft-friable silty sandy loam. Inclusions of gravel and stones: 15-35% (S-A) (6-20mm) 27cm x 40cm","Fill of post-hole cutting through gravel spread [1845], south of Victorian trench (1204) in the SW corner of the site. Section no: 341" 2439,C2439,3377,F,3636,Trowel,Fill of robber trench [3636},"Dark yellowish brown, friable-compact clayey silt Inclusions: Gravel 20-30% & clay Stones: 15-35% (S-A) (6-20mm) 0.6m x 4.15m x 0.17m Clear edge definition","Fill of robber trench in alignment with wall 1150 and passing underneath and past wall 1187. Possible deliberate clay and gravel mixture. Same as robber fill along SW-NE wall (3377)=(4016) Plan no: 1.23, 2.39, 11.116, 12.75 (note that plans 11.116 and 12.75 are for (4016) because (4016) is equal to (3377)) See context (4016) for digitised plan. Section no: 366, 451, 450" 2440,C2440,3378,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut for wall 1161,"Linear in plan with sharp corners, measuring 1.3m x 0.5 with a depth of 0.4m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Vertical sides NE-SW orientation Contains 1161","Construction cut for wall 1161, cutting through yellow clay (3379) and it's equivalent on NE side of 1161. Containing only structure 1161 and no additional side fill as in the case of nearby wall 1745. The complete excavation of 1161 in 2003 exposed the full extent of [3378] as the construction cut for an interior, partition wall of the SW house (more narrow than construction cuts for the exterior load-bearing walls). Although truncated by the Ogham pit [1170], it is possible that this cut linked with [4359] to create a little room in the SE corner of the SW House. Plan no: 11.152 Section no: 337" 2441,C2441,3379,D,0,Trowel,Yellow clay surface in House 1,"Mid yellowish brown, friable silty clay Inclusions: Gravel 5-15% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 2.55m x 1.62m; Thickness: 0.17m Clear edge definition Not excavated in 2001 - excavated in 2003","Yellow clay surface within little room at the SW side of House 1 situated between four walls - 1161, 1743, 1162 and 1160. 1162 and 1160 are the same build on different alignments. (3379) has been cut by the construction trench for wall 1743 as seen in the section exposed by the cut of the Ogham Pit [1170]. Equivalent to clay make-ups (3678), (3680), (3375), (2023), (1818) in little room 1, representing levelling horizon between two phases of construction as abutting walls 1160, 1162, 1161, but cut by construction cut [3990] for wall 1743. Plan no: 11.54, 11.55 Section no: 337 To be sampled for XRF Accuracy rating - 5 Spot Date: later 1st - mid 2nd century AD?" 2443,C2443,3381,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (3376),Circular cut with a diameter of 40cm Sharp break of slope at both the top and base with steep sides. Flat - slightly concave base and U-shaped profile Containing (3376) Clear edge definition,"Cut of post-hole containing (3376) in gravel spread (1845), south of Victorian trench [1204] in the SW corner. Plan no: 1.19 Section no: 341" 2444,C2444,3382,D,0,Trowel,Clay in room 4 in House 1. Levelling deposit,"2.5y 5/6 - Light olive - mid yellow brown, friable silty sand/clay Inclusions: <1% rounded pebbles (S-R) (2-6mm) 4.5m (N-S) x 3.5m (E-W) Depth: c. 14-18cm Good edge definition","A fairly thick clay levelling deposit within Room 4 of House 1. Plan no: 3.51, 10.56, 11.63 Section no: 373" 2445,C2445,3383,D,0,Trowel,Possible dump of gravel,"Mid-yellowish brown moderately compact sandy loam, measuring 18cm maximum and containing large pieces of chalk and two pieces of pottery.","South East of House 1, dumped gravel which created hard standing, overlying clay deposit (2001)" 2446,C2446,3384,D,0,Trowel,Scorched clay layer. Hearth,"Mid red brown, moderately compact clayey silt. Inclusions: CBM 1-5% up to 15cm in size. Charcoal fragments 1-5% up to 10mm in size. Fragments of burnt flint and CBM Stones: 5-15% (A) (S-A) ranging from 2mm - 20cm Diameter: 1.79m Max thickness: 10cm",Area of scorched clay and charcoal within Room 6 in House 1. Part of the clay (2023) Plan no: 2.24 Section no: 360 2447,C2447,3385,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Loose, grey / brown sandy silt
Inclusions: 35-70% gravel (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm;  <5% charcoal;  <10% CBM and pottery
Extent: 9.5m x 2.5m (max);    Thickness: 0.02-0.03m

{}","Silty accumulation deposit overlying gravel and clay spreads. It represents the first layer of gravel spreads between the NW wall of the square house and Victorian trench [1257]. This deposit was initially seen in sections 373 and 380, however, in removing deposits in plan (3385) was seen to be less substantial / thinner than previously believed, therefore the context card from 2001 has been superseded. Strat below (3313). Cut by [1257], [1171], [1634]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 3.81, 3.82, 10.106
Accuracy rating - 3


{}" 2448,C2448,3386,D,3635,Trowel,Possible post hole,"Medium, yellowish grey, fine textured, compacted clayey silt Inclusions: Flint gravel 1-5% (A) (S-R) (6-20mm). One pebble 40mm long and one sherd of thin reddish pottery at the base",Fill of possible stake hole/post hole cut into yellow clay layer (3313). The shallow nature of this feature raises questions about it's integrity. Plan no: 3.42 Section no: 370 2450,C2450,3388,F,3615,Trowel,Fill of depression. Possible post hole,"Yellow brown, soft clay silt Inclusions: CBM & Gravel 35-70% (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) 40cm x 60cm Depth: 10cm",Fill of shallow depression within (3374) to the south of wall 1160. Plan no: 11.43 2451,C2451,3389,D,3345,Trowel,Gravel deposit,"Dark yellow brown, fairly loose clayey silt Stone: >70% (S-R) Ranging from 2mm up to 20cm Extent: 6m x 2m Depth: c. 20cm","Shallow spread of gravel within a rectangular cut situated between clay (3375) in Room 7, House 1 and the beam slot/drip gully [3348]. Possible function: a hard standing floor area Plan no: 12.58 & 12.60" 2452,C2452,3390,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut of wall (1743),"Dimensions 0.40m x 0.30m with a sharp break of slope at the top, fairly steep sides and a gradual rounded break leading to the base. No inclusions. Section number 345.", 2453,C2453,3391,F,3393,Trowel,Fill of possible post-hole [3393].,mid dark grey/brown moderately compact silty loam measuring 12cm x 60cm N-S x c.75cm E-W and containing 5-10% charcoal and less than 1% cbm flecks. Section number 347.,"Fill of shallow feature, possibly remains of post-hole. Upon further removal of (3374) clay it was clear that this deposit continued southwards and it was overlain by (3374). This deposit covers post-hole fill (3609). It also contained a few large pieces of tile, orientated in line with building 1, just south of gravel (3383)." 2454,C2454,3392,D,0,Trowel,Dark layer,"Dark grey brown, moderately compact/friable silty loam Inclusions: Gravel pebbles 5-15% (A) (S-A) (S-R) (R) ranging from 2mm up to 20cm; 25% flint Max depth: 30cm (within exploratory slot) but feature extends beyond arbitrary slot and probably equals (1844) which measures c. 14m x 8m","This context represents the first layer beneath levelling deposit (3365). It is a possible garden soil deposit and also seems to be the top layer of large subsidence towards the SW corner of the site. In 2003, it was established that this deposit is the same as (1844). Overlying clayey deposit (3601) and gravel (1845). The relationship with wall 1150 is uncertain due to Victorian truncation. Completely removed in 2003 Plan no: 1.25, 2.49, 2.50 Section no: 369 & 374 Accuracy rating - 5 Spot Date: 2nd century AD" 2455,C2455,3393,D,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (3391),"Roughly circular with no corners, with dimensions of 12cm deep x 75cm extent. The break of slope at the top and sides is approximately 30 degrees, with a gently concave base measuring 14cm. Section number 347.",Cut of shallow depression within clay (3375). After fully excavating this deposit it is more likely that there is NO cut and this is just a deposit sandwiched between clay layers (3374) and (3375) and overlaying (3609). 2457,C2457,3395,F,3397,Trowel,Fill of possible post-hole [3397].,Dark grey/brown soft silty clay containing less than 1% flecks of charcoal and small amounts of pottery and cbm and 35-70% sub-angular and sub-rounded stones measuring between 2mm x 20cm. Feature measures 19.5cm diameter x 37cm deep. Section number 353.,Context completely removed. 2458,C2458,3396,D,0,Trowel,Clay levelling deposit,"Friable, mid yellowish grey silty clay
Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm-20cm; <1% CBM and charcoal fragments
Extent: 19.5m (N-S) x 17.5m (E-W) Thickness: 0.01-0.15m
Clear edge definition where over gravel, but diffuse over silt {}","Clay levelling deposit extending southwards from House 1 and down to the southern baulk, also encroached into the SE area of the site. The result of a series of dumps of material and therefore variable slightly i.e. greenish yellow - greenish orange, but all on the same stratigraphic horizon and therefore considered as one layer. This is the upper clay levelling deposit (there is another thicker one below). Strat below (2925), (3858), (3603). Strat above (4461) and (4469). Same as (3374) but separated from it by Victorian trench [1024]. Completely removed in 2003.
Plan no: 12.51, 12.52, 12.54, 13.50, 13.51, 13.73, 14.62, 14.82, 14.85, 23.71, 23.72, 24.127
Accuracy rating - 4 {}" 2459,C2459,3397,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (3395).,"smooth circular cut with dimensions of 19cm diameter x 36cm deep. Sharp break of slope at the top, with vertical sides, a sharp break of slope and the bottom and a concave and tapered round point at the base. Section number 353.",Context is now completely removed. 2460,C2460,3398,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Soft, brown / yellow silty sand
Inclusions: 35-70% gravel (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm);  <1% chalk
Extent: 3.8m x 1.6m (at its widest points);    Thickness: 0.04m max, gradually tapering away
Diffuse edge definition

{}","Small gravel spread overlying the circular structure (clay floor (4420)). (3398) exists on the same stratigraphic horizon as gravels (4409) and (4415) which also overlie the clay floor to the south east. Cut by SW house construction cuts [4355], [4373] and slot 26. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 3.55, 10.63, 11.89 (2001 plans);  3.85, 10.102, 11.160 (2004 plans). The digitised plan is the 2001 plan and the 2004 plans are filed away for reference.


{}" 2462,C2462,3247,D,0,Trowel,Lower band of clay,"Compact orangey yellow clay with some gravel inclusions (1-5%, sub-angular, 6-20mm) in lenses. The depth of the clay was variable (2-4cms)","Lower band of clay levelling in Room 3, House 1. Butts wall 3297. Plan no: 9.57, 10.28, 10.29, 15.74, 15.75" 2463,C2463,3248,D,0,Trowel,Probable foundation for wall 1168.,10 yr 4.1. Loose sandy silt containing tile/building material and bone. Measuring 242cm long x 48-52cm wide.,Gravel below wall 1168 2467,C2467,3252,F,0,Trowel,Fill of post-hole [3253],Dark brown friable silt containing 1-15% sub angular to sub rounded stones of 2-6mm. Clear edge definition.,Plan no: 16.92 2468,C2468,3253,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (3252),"Squarish post-hole with sharp breaks of slope, vertical sides and concave base. Clear edge definition.", 2469,C2469,3254,D,0,Trowel,Floor below (3248),10 yr 4.1 loose sandy soil including 70% crushed building material measuring 13.2m long x 47-35cm wide.,C.P. floor fragment. Full extent not known at 8.8.01. Possibly S/A (3232) Plan no: 10.32 2470,C2470,3255,D,0,Trowel,Make-up for wall 1533,"yellow friable sandy clay measuring 30cm x 110cm x 40cm x 80cm, containing CBM, a small amount of pottery, flint and stones.",Structure make up. clay used to level up for added - on piece of wall (1533) (added on section now known as (3271). 2471,C2471,3256,D,0,Trowel,Brick fragment layer,"Dark greyish brown, friable silty sand. Inclusions: CBM Stones: 70% (S-A_ (2-6mm) Length: 72cm Width: 6-13cm (variable)",Brick fragment layer crossing from 10D into 15C 2472,C2472,3257,D,0,Trowel,,, 2473,C2473,3258,D,0,Trowel,Patches of CBM,Reddish brown broken ceramic material ranging in size from 3cm squared to fine gravel size <5mm Extent of patch 1: 47x40cm Extent of patch 2: 46x 61cm,Plan no: 21.33 2474,C2474,3259,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit in aisle in House 1,"Yellow 10YR 7/8, compact clay. Inclusions: 5-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2mm-6cm). 3.05m (max) x 3.76m; Thickness: 0.07m Clear edges as defined on 3 sides by Victorian trenches","Clay spread used to level floor surface in the NE corner of aisle, House 1. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 16.94 - originally planned in 2001 - re-planned in 2002. Sample no: 517" 2475,C2475,3260,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, mid-orange / brown clayey silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (R) (2-6mm) (2-6cm); 1-5% CBM; 1-5% bone; 1-5% charcoal; 1-5% pottery Extent: 2.75m x 3.10m; Thickness: 0.01-0.05m Clear edge definition","Levelling deposit in the south east corner of Room 4 in the timber house. Considered to be the same as (3263) to the north and (6474) to the west, but separated by the stone wall trenches and/or Victorian trenches. Strat below a black possible floor layer (5797). Cut by [1459], [2044], [1090], [4619]. Part of Group 6469. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.196 Sample no: 1269, 1270 Accuracy rating - 3" 2476,C2476,3261,D,0,Trowel,"Opus signinum below (3260), room 1, House 1",,Plan no: 10.50 2477,C2477,3262,D,0,Trowel,Yellow clay,,Clay levelling layer below gravel. Not uncovered or excavated in 2001. Number allocated for finds 2478,C2478,3263,D,0,Trowel,Floor / levelling deposit,"Friable, mid-orange / brown silty clay Inclusions: 60% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R) of all sizes; 2% charcoal; 1% bone; 1% CBM; 1% pottery Extent: 2.7m x 2m; Thickness: 0.02-0.05m Clear edge definition","Gravel internal floor / levelling layer in the north east corner of Room 4 of timber House 1. Believed to be the same levelling deposit as (3260) to the south and (6474) to the west in Room 4. Strat below (5799). Strat above (6520). Butts (4645), (4635). Cut by [1090], [3263], [1095]. Part of Group 6469. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.95, 16.98 Sample no: 1271, 1272 Accuracy rating - 4" 2479,C2479,3264,F,0,Trowel,Fill of post-hole 3265,Dark grey friable silt measuring 25cm deep containing 15-35% rounded stones 6mm - 6cm.,Plan no: 16.97 2480,C2480,3265,C,0,Trowel,Cut for post-hole containing (3264),rounded cut measuring 13cm long x 13cm wide x 0.25cm deep with sharp slope at the top and bottom and verticle sides with a slightly rounded base.,Post hole in NE room of diagonal room. Unclear use. Plan no: 16.99 2481,C2481,3266,D,0,Trowel,"Mixed clay spread in room 3, House 1.","Yellow friable clay measuring 1cm - 14cm, 130cm x 280cm x 170cm x 300cm, containing cbm.",Levelling deposit of yellow clay. Clay overlaying flint and tile wall. Deposit excavated to wall - see plan. Plan no: 10.34 2482,C2482,3267,D,0,Trowel,"Gravel mid way in north side of Room 1, House 1.","dark brown loose silt with orange friable clay, both sandy measuring 1-3cm and containing 5-15% sub-angular stones, measuring 2-6cm.","Silty occupation deposit, overlying truncated layer of thin clay. Plan no: 16.101" 2483,C2483,3268,D,0,Trowel,"Charcoal spread in robber trench, room 1, House 1 containing [3283]","Black brown friable silt measuring 3cm deep x 107cm long x 37cm wide, containing >50% charcoal and <1% sub-angular stones measuring 6-20mm.","Charcoal fill of robber trench. Plan no: 15.76, 16.102" 2484,C2484,3269,D,0,Trowel,"Silt and gravel in room 2, House 1 below (1912)","Friable dark grey silt accumulation with <1% 2-6mm charcoal flecks. This was a variable silty accumulation which was not widespread across the room, <1cm in depth.","Accumulation, especially in slumps, in Rm 2, House 1. Deposit truncated and lost during excavation." 2485,C2485,3270,D,0,Trowel,"Beam slot fill Room 1, House 1","Dark brown friable clayey sand, measuring 135cm x 20cm containing <5% sub-angular stones, 2-6cm.","Small find SF2348 - gaming counter. Fill of probable beam slot, room 1, House 1. Plan no: 16.105" 2486,C2486,3271,S,0,Trowel,SW section of wall 1533,Flint and CBM with medium to large materials (c 10-20cm long) with no finish. Material on top of clay 'plug' of bonding material. Dimensions are NW/SE 'internal' with house 1.,Extension to wall (1533) in SW direction. Constructed over C-P floor (3254) For plan see (1533) 2487,C2487,3272,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5760),"Wavily linear in plan, measuring 2.69m long with variable width (0.25m at narrowest). Depth varies from 0.02m to 0.08m
Break of slope (top & base): 45 degrees or less
Sloping sides with an undulating base
Contains (5760) {}","Originally thought to be a robber trench running NW-SE, but decided in 2003 that this feature is more likely to be a beam slot, probably associated with the timber phase building. Intruded into at NW end by possible beam slot. SE edge is arbitrary and may continue to join robber trench running E-W. SE edge extended through to probable line of E-W trench.
Plan no: 16.104 {}" 2488,C2488,3273,D,0,Trowel,Ceramic tile spread adjacent to wall (3201). Floor.,"Loose red ceramic tiles, no bonding material remaining. Clear truncated inner edge","Probable remaining lense of floor make-up, truncated by later activity in Room1, House 1. Clearly associated with the room boundary wall 3201. Plan no: 21.31" 2489,C2489,3274,D,0,Trowel,Foundation fill below second course,, 2490,C2490,3275,D,3283,Trowel,Building debris fill below (3268),"Friable browny black silty clay containing inclusions of mortar, CBM and wall plaster. The deposit is c.5cms deep, 29 cms wide and 97 cms long.",The fill of a robber trench consisting of building rubble. 2491,C2491,3276,D,0,Trowel,Crushed CBM floor below (3259),"Crushed red brick surface and hard, dense compacted gravel Inclusions: CBM 70%, Gravel 1-5% (A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) c.1-2cms in depth with a range of 0-6cm Edge definition clear but variably truncated and wo rn",The possible remains of a crushed brick floor. No sign of any bonding material - the floor is very fragile. Variation of thickness. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 16.109 2492,C2492,3277,D,3279,Trowel,"Fill of beam slot in Room 1, House 1.",Friable yellow clayey sand with 15-35% inclusions of CBM. The deposit is c.5cms in depth.,Fill of a beam slot. Plan no: 16.103 2493,C2493,3278,D,3283,Trowel,Clay plug below (3275) in robber trench,"Sticky and cohesive yellow clay with silt and CBM inclusions. The deposit was 75cms long, 33cms wide and 6cms in depth.",The fill of a robber trench. 2494,C2494,3279,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (3277),Rectangular in plan with angular corners and dimensions of 0.78m by 0.26m by 0.11m in depth. The sides were vertical and the base was flat but uneven. Contains (3277),"Cut for beam slot containing (3277). In 2003, this beam slot was associated with beam slots [1967], [3280], [4555], [4087], [4096] and [4001] which denote a timber structure spanning and predating the NE wall of House 1. Plan no: 16.111" 2495,C2495,3280,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (3270),Linear in plan with ill-defined corners and measuring 1.22m x 0.3 with a depth of 0.14m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): fairly uneven/concave Flat uneven base Contains (3270),"Beam slot cut containing (3270). In 2003, this beam slot was associated with beam slots [1967], [3279], [4555], [4087], [4096] and [4001] which denote a timber structure spanning and predating the NE wall of House 1. Plan no: 16.110" 2496,C2496,3281,C,0,Trowel,Possible occupation layer in north aisle of House 1,10 yr 3/1 very dark grey friable silt measuring 46 x 67cm with a variable depth of 1-9cm. Contains 1-15% of angular and sub-angular stones.,"NE part of North Aisle, House 1" 2497,C2497,3282,D,0,Trowel,Clay in north aisle House 1,,Same as (3048). Strat above: (4565). 2498,C2498,3283,D,0,Trowel,"Cut for robber trench containing (3268), (3275), and (3278)","Cut with unclear corners measuring 80cm long x 30cm wide x 10-12cm deep with a sharp slope at top and base, with gradually sloping sides and an irregular base.","Cut for robber trench southern side of room 1, house 1" 2499,C2499,3284,S,0,Trowel,Wall adjacent (2022),"Tile interspersed with one or two large flints and some chalk blocks. Tile = largest 13.5cm x 16.5cm, Flint = 13cm x 7cm. Clay/gravel matrix beneath tiles, faces are North East with a clay and gravel bonding.",Wall (3284) lies adjacent to and parallel with wall(2022). 2022 is later than 3284 but it has not been excavated and may or may not be the next event. Clay layer overlay both 2022 and 3284. 2500,C2500,3285,D,0,Trowel,Wall adjacent (2022),, 2501,C2501,3286,D,0,Trowel,Possible occupation layer in south aisle of House 1,"10 yr 3/2 Very dark greyish brown firm silty clay measuring 4cm thick x 2-3m containing CBM, pottery and bone and 15-35% sub-rounded stones measuring 6-20mm.","Plan no: 1580, 1579" 2502,C2502,3287,D,0,Trowel,Clay in south aisle,"Yellow, compacted clay Inclusions: CBM, charcoal, animal tooth, pottery sherds, glass, chalk Gravel/stones: 15-35% (S-A) (2-6cm)",Levelling deposit of clay in the south aisle of House 1 Plan no: 15.81 2503,C2503,3288,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"2.5 4/5 Olive brown, compacted but friable sandy clay. Inclusions: 5-10% at the north end and 80% at the south end Stones: Unsorted, rounded & sub angular flint gravel (10mm-50mm) with small fragments of CBM (<1%) Extent: 380cm x 670cm Depth: 3cm","Clay levelling layer in Room 2, House 1. Variable depth due to attempts to level off two deep slumps in the floor. Plan no: 15.92, 15.93 - The 2001 plans were amended in 2002, however this amendment is under question and has not yet been digitised." 2504,C2504,3289,S,0,Trowel,Wall foundation,"Loose friable yellow brown clay, c.2.3m long and 0.75m wide.",A wall foundation mainly made up of CBM. Lower than 1141 but probably part of the same building phase. This part of the wall appears to be a separate entity from 1797. Not excavated in 2001. 2505,C2505,3290,D,0,Trowel,Possible post hole cap,10yr 6/8 brownish yellow friable sandy clay measuring 1cm x 30cm x 20cm containing charcoal and small stones.,Possible cap of post-hole pre-ex. 2506,C2506,3291,D,0,Trowel,Possible occupation layer below (3286),10 yr 6/8 brownish yellow firm silty clay measuring 65cm x 2m x 2cm thick containing 5-15% sub-rounded stones measuring 2-6cm. Section number 349.,A clay layer overlaying a gravel floor. The gravel floor is made up of coarser gravel than that mapped to the east. 2507,C2507,3292,D,0,Trowel,Clay below (3281),, 2508,C2508,3293,D,0,Trowel,Cleaning layer,"Very mixed, friable sandy silt measuring 1cm-3cm, containing CBM, bone and flint", 2509,C2509,3294,D,3708,Trowel,Tile and clay foundation,Friable mixed silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 20cm; 1-5% flint; 5% CBM; Bone and pottery particularly present in the lower levels. 10-15cm thick,"Fill of robber trench [3708]. This feature was partly excavated in 2001 and it was shown to be far more extensive in 2002. The fill was very mixed and, at the time looked layered - however it was not. There was also a high concentration of CBM and some mortar was also recovered. N.B. (3294)=(3696) (3921) (3922) Plan no: 10.67, 10.68, 11.48, 11.99 Sample no: 641 (mortar sample)" 2510,C2510,3295,D,0,Trowel,,Firm black silty clay with 1-5% inclusions of large pieces of charcoal and fragmented CBM. It was c.2cm thick with an extent of 0.3m by 0.2m.,What was previously thought to be a fill was actually a thick layer of compacted silt and clay. The heavy inclusions of charcoal contributed to its dark colour. 2511,C2511,3296,D,0,Trowel,"Metalled surface in NE part of southern section, south aisle, House 1.","10 yr 3/2 Very dark greyish brown; 10yr 5/4 yellowish brown stoney/gravel with CBM measuring 2-3m x 6cm thick, containing 35-70% of sub-angular to rounded stones measuring 2-20cm.","Metalled gravel surface below clay. 2003: No remains of metalled surface visible on cleaning, but there was a remnant of a compact mortar base at the northern part of the baulk suggesting a make-up layer for (3296). No record or removal , but no extant evidence either. Plan no: 15.84, 15.85 Section no: 349?" 2512,C2512,3297,S,0,Trowel,Wall,"A wall of flint, chalk, limestone and CBM. The flint was roughly shaped, the tile was broken and the limestone was squared and possibly reused. The wall had a silty clay bonding. The wall was c.4m in length and 0.15m wide.","A mixture of flint, chalk, limestone and CBM making up a wall which was cut into context 3700. Plan no: 10.44 and 10.42. (2299) is part of this wall" 2513,C2513,3298,D,0,Trowel,Metalled surface,Dark greyish brown friable sandy clay 3cm-5cm in depth. Inclusions: CBM Stones: 35-70% (S-A) (2-6cm),Metalled surface within the south aisle of House 1 Plan no: 15.86 2514,C2514,3299,D,0,Trowel,Gravel layer,Friable grey sandy silt with inclusions of CBM. The deposit varied in depth: 10-70mm and had a length of 2.3m and a width of 3.95m.,"A gravel layer sandwiched between two clay layers, probabaly forming a surface. The edge was truncated half way across the room, making the context confined to the southern half. Completely removed in 2002 Plan no: 15.87, 15.88, 16.118" 2526,C2526,3511,D,0,Trowel,Layer,"Yellow brown clay Inclusions: Gravel 1-5% (S-A) (2-6cm) in places, possibly from layers above and below. Charcoal flecks, bone and CBM 5cm thick but extent unknown","Initially excavated within a 1m wide slot. This equals (3288). Clay make-up for possible floor (3095) Section no: 338, 339, 340" 2527,C2527,3512,D,0,Trowel,Layer. Possible floor,Stoney layer with a matrix of dark brown silt Inclusions: Gravel >70% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm) 3-4cm thick but extent unknown,"Initially excavated within 1m wide slot. Possible gravel floor level. Section no: 338, 339, 340" 2530,C2530,3515,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation/occupation layer,"Dark chocolate brown, semi-gritty silt Inclusions: CBM and charcoal flecks, clay 'blips', disintegrated bone and gravel 35-70% - a form of pea shingle (>1cm) above larger stones (S-A) (2-6cm) 1cm thick Extent unknown",(3515) is equivalent to (3094) Seciton no: 338 2536,C2536,3521,D,0,Trowel,Silty layer,"Mid-brownish grey sandy silt - quite loose but compacted by wet conditions Inclusions: CBM, pottery, charcoal, iron nails, chalk and mixed flint 5-35% (S-A) (6-20mm)","Silty layer with gritty areas covering the NE corner of the site, possibly associated with an abandonment phase. Plan no: 21.32, 28.71, 29.68" 2547,C2547,3532,D,0,Trowel,Dark layer,"Weakly cemented, fine (sticky when wet), dark grey silt Inclusions: 15-35% flint stones (S-R) (2-6cm); 5% charcoal; 15% CBM; 10% nails 11m x 14m x 0.15-0.2m Clear edge definition","Thick silt layer containing very large amounts of pottery and CBM, as well as charcoal, probably relating to a hearth. Nails also common - again possibly relating to a hearth. Plan no: 20.72, 20.73, 20.83, 21.64, 28.86, 29.91, 29.92" 2548,C2548,3533,D,0,Trowel,Gritty spread,"Mid-greyish brown, loose gritty silty sand Inclusions: CBM, pottery, nails and stones 15-35% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) 7m x 11m 2.5cm thick Poor edge definition with a diffuse boundary","This spread lies 10m from the N-S road and 5m from the E-W road. It covers the early pits to the west and slopes into the trench to the north. It is overlain by (3500) and (3077) and is cut by Victorian trenches. Possibly an abandonment phase build up and succeeds a dark silty layer, possibly indicating a change from a soil or garden area to a courtyard. This layer is more recent than the possible post holes which the trench to the north of the layer show. Plan no: 20.53, 20.54, 29.70 & 29.71 Section no: 363" 2609,C2609,3594,C,0,Trowel,Pit construction cut,"Oval cut, 29cm at the deepest, 1.4m x 1.23m Break of slope (top): sharp Break of slope (base): Fairly rounded. Sides are near vertical leading to a flattish base. Contains 3588. Edge is hard to define. Inclusions: occasional pottery and CBM. Stones: 15-35% (S-R) 0.6-6cm","Cut of pit. There is a relationship with features 3590 and 3586. The cut also contained largely domestic refuse. plan no: 29.82, 29.83 Section no: 386" 2610,C2610,3595,D,0,Trowel,Layer,"Moderate (sun-baked) light grey silt. 10cm at the thickest (North) and uneven. Extent is 4.3m x 2.3m Inclusions: 30% Stones (S-A) 0.2-6cm, 5% CBM, 1%Bone. Frequent charcoal and charcoal staining","Possible relation to occupation or construction of House 1. Dark silty accumulation deposit, possible midden although not a lot of domestic waste. plan no: 21.46, 21.47, 21.48, 21.49" 2612,C2612,3597,D,0,Trowel,Sterile layer,"Loose, medium yellowish grey gritty silt Inclusions: 10-15% flint pebbles (6-20mm) & 30% grit 10cm max thickness at the northern extent and petering out to the south Irregular/broken edge definition","Sterile layer close to the road junction. No signs of occupation or cultivation. Plan no: 20.60, 20.61, 29.78, 29.79, 29.80" 2616,C2616,3601,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Dark yellowy brown, very compact-soft silty clay
Inclusions: 1-5% gravel of all shapes (6-20mm) (2-6cm)
Extent: 8.3m x 2m;   Thickness: 0.3m (max)
{}","Levelling layer, most likely deposited to prevent wall 1150 from subsiding into earlier features at both the NW and SE extent. (3601) has itself slumped into these features. Strat below (4414)=(4416). Strat above (3619). Butts wall 1150. This context was initially seen in the SW side of slot 34 through wall 1150 and was partially excavated within that slot in 2001. It was completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 1.47, 2.82, 2.83, 2.84, 2.85 
Section no: 369, 374, 594 

{}" 2617,C2617,3602,C,0,Trowel,Cut of posthole,"Circular cut with a diameter of 68cm and depth of 45cm Very steep sides. The slope is stepped on the SE side and changes sharply to a horizontal base. On the NW side, the slope is more gradual. U-shaped profile Contains (3324) & (3607) Clear edge definition","Posthole containing two fills. This the first in a line of possible flint-packed postholes SE of wall 1187, parallel and extending past the foundations of wall 1162. Truncated by Victorian trench [1171]. Cuts through (3377) - the top fill of possible earlier construction trench [3636] on line of wall 1150. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 1.07 Section no: 356" 2618,C2618,3603,D,0,Trowel,Slump deposit,"Fairly soft, dark grey / brown clayey silt
Inclusions: 1-5% stones of all shapes (2-6mm) (6-20mm) (2-6cm);  <1% charcoal flecks;   1-5% CBM up to c. 12cm in size  
Extent: 2.05m (E-W) x 0.54m (N-S) (continuing under southern baulk);   Thickness: 0.2m max
Good edge definition {}",Originally thought to be the upper fill of a pit when first exposed in 2001. Further investigation in 2004 has revealed it to be a deposit slumping into an earlier feature. Strat below (3300). Strat above (4522).
Plan no: 13.52 {} 2619,C2619,3604,D,0,Trowel,Soil between inner/outer wall,"10YR 2/2 Very dark brown, moist firm, silty clay Inclusions: Small rocks and pebbles 1-5% (S-R) (6-20mm) 4-6cm in depth between the inner 1152 and outer 1151 walls",Small context of naturally occurring silt deposit between the inner 1152 and outer 1151 walls. Possibly a result of natural weathering. This context seems to be cut however by construction trench [3629] and possibly [3627] as well. 2620,C2620,3605,D,0,Trowel,Backfill deposit,"Moist-friable, red / black silty sand Inclusions: 5-15% large rocks (S-A) 6-8cm thick between the inner and outer walls","Small context in between the inner [1152] and outer wall [1151] below the initial top layer of accumulated deposit (3604). Similar to (3385) to the NW of the slot, separated by cuts [3629] and [3656]. Equal to silt (6100). Completely removed in 2001." 2622,C2622,3607,F,3602,Trowel,Fill of post hole,"Dark grey-brown yellow, soft-friable silty loam with a little clay Inclusions: gravel pebbles 15-35% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Diameter: 40cm Depth: 20cm Edge Definition: Clear to vague","Fill of posthole [3602] below fill (3324). From the section, it would appear that this context is the result of a silting up from the SE Plan no: 1.07 Section no: 356" 2623,C2623,3608,D,0,Trowel,Layer below fill of wall,"2.5Y 2.5/1 Reddish black, moist-friable silt Inclusions: An excessive amount/high percentage of pebbles c. 70% of total excavated material (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Thickness: Variable, from 5-10cm","This context is below context (3385) and (3611). Noticeably different to (3385) both in colour, texture and the size of the inclusions which are larger and less angular than the gravel in (3385). It appears to be a very large context. In profile, it could dominate the balance of the trench to natural. Also overlain by thin silt layer (3646) which also underlies (3385)" 2624,C2624,3609,F,3610,Trowel,Fill of posthole,"Dark grey brown, fairly compact silt Inclusions: Stones 5-15% (S-A) (S-R) (R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Diameter: 56cm Depth: 18cm Edge definition: Clear",Fill of posthole [3610]. Could be part of the wall of the southern extent of Room 7. There is another posthole of similar dimensions 2m the the west and another 3.5m to the east. The alignment is E-W however rather than in line with the building. Section no: 359 2625,C2625,3610,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (3609),Circular cut 54cm x 57xm x 22cm Break of slope (top & base): Sharp/right angled Sides: Almost vertical Round base Shallow U-Shaped profile Contains (3609),Probable post hole. Possible part of southern wall of Room 7. There are postholes of similar dimensions 2m to the west and 3.5m to the east. This feature (3610) is cut by a gully. Plan no: 12.56 Section no: 359 2626,C2626,3611,D,6751,Trowel,Fill of robber cut [6751],"Friable, dark grey / brown sandy silt
Inclusions: <20% gravel (S-A) (2-6cm);  15-20% CBM and pottery;  <5% charcoal
Extent: 2m x 0.35m;  Thickness: 0.15m
","Charcoal-rich backfill of CBM within robber cut [6751]. On top of structural clay (3693) within linear cut [3656] which was though to be a beam slot before it became a curvilinear drain. In total, 8 iron nails were excavated from this context - some blanks and some complete. Large CBM tegula removed with groove and pattern. Strat above (6698). Cut by possible post hole [6694]. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 3.160, 10.188, 10.189
Section no: 373
Accuracy rating - 4" 2627,C2627,3612,D,0,Trowel,Possible floor layer,"Dark grey brown, medium/compact/soft gravelly silt Inclusions: Gravel 15-35% (A) (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Depth: 25cm max seen in 1m section but extends into Room 5 to area 3m x 5m","This context underlies an area of burning in the corner of Room 5. Probably extends over most of Room 5 and although it is unlikely to be an actual floor surface, it may be some sort of floor make up layer. Cut by [3638], the construction trench for wall 1150 Section no: 369 & 374" 2628,C2628,3613,D,3656,Trowel,Fill of possible drain [3656],"2.5YR 5/6 Light olive-mid yellow brown, soft but fairly compact and pliable clay silt Inclusions: Flecks of various minerals, some charcoal smears and a few small pebbles <1% (A) (2-6mm)
Extent: 9.6m x 0.4m;  Thickness: 0.05-0.14m","Partially excavated in 2001, this context was seen to lie below (3611). It emerged as a linear feature running NE-SW parallel with the wall cuts but was actually probably truncated by other cuts. In 2006, after further investigation (3613) was confirmed to be the fill of possible drain [3656]. Truncated by robber cut [6758] at it\'s SW extent and by [6751] at it\'s NE extent (after Slot 26). However, at it\'s NE extent, SW of Slot 26 the clay has not been robbed out but it\'s beneath (6689) which is a clayey, silty fill containing a large amount of CBM. Strat below (3611). Strat above [3656]. Partially removed in 2001. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 2.177, 3.171, 10.199
Section no: 745, 756, 768, 769
Accuracy rating - 4" 2629,C2629,3614,D,0,Trowel,Gravel layer under (3612),"Mid grey brown, loose soft sandy gravel Inclusions: Gravel pebbles 35-70% (A) (S-A) (S-R) sizes ranging from 2mm-20cm Thickness: 25cm max seen in the section (1m x 30cm) but extends beyond Contains dip c. 20cm x 30cm at the SE corner of the section - possibly truncated post hole",Gravel layer encountered at the most NE extent of slot through wall 1150. Very little of this context was excavated and so not enough is known about it to make any major interpretations. The nature of the deposit however was very similar to the natural gravels but slightly darker in colour. Section no: 369 & 374 2630,C2630,3615,C,0,Trowel,Possible cut for post hole,"Shallow, circular cut containing (3388) 47cm x 40cm x 7cm Yellow clay at the base",Possible post hole cut but it is shallow and insubstantial and therefore it's integrity is questionable. Possible mere shallow depression with deposit Plan no: 11.49 2634,C2634,3619,D,0,Trowel,Silty levelling deposit,"Compact, medium-dark grey / brown clayey silt
Inclusions: 5-15% stones of all shapes ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm;  15% charcoal;  CBM and bone
Extent: 10.15m x 2.76m;   Thickness: 0.01-0.15m
{}","Levelling layer which slumps into an early well(?) at the SW end of House 1. The silty clay mix possibly indicates that this was a natural accumulation deposit between clay levelling layers (3631) and (3601) rather than a levelling layer itself. Strat below (3601). Butts wall 1150. Cut by Victorian trenches [1011] and [1014]. Intially seen and excavated within slot 34 in 2001. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 1.50, 1.52, 2.87, 2.88, 2.89
Section no: 369, 374, 594



{}" 2637,C2637,3622,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Very dark, greyish brown, moderately solid clayey silt Inclusions: Gravel 15% of all shapes (2-6mm) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Thickness: 1m",Accumulation of dirt through use on top of gravel/clay floor surfaces. Sometimes this deposit was directly on top of the clay but mostly it was separated by a layer of pea gravel Plan no: 11.50 & 14.64 2638,C2638,3623,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"10YR 23 Very dark greyish brown, compact silty clay Inclusions: CBM 20% Flint gravel 70% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Thickness: 7.5cm Extent: 4m N-E 2m S-W",Gravel spread containing flint and CBM inclusions. Fairly uniform thickness and on a similar stratigraphic level to (2455). Separates clays (3374) and (3375) Plan no: 12.57 & 12.59 2639,C2639,3624,D,0,Trowel,Charcoal rich deposit,"Browny grey, loose silty clay Inclusions: Small fragments of bone and rich in charcoal Stones 15-35% (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) Thickness: 3cm Extent: 47.5cm x 39.5cm",Localised charcoal deposit overlying context (3313) Plan no: 3.46 Sample no: 545 2640,C2640,3625,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut for 1187. To be completed in 2002,"Linear in plan 39cm x 13cm x 66cm Break of slope (top): Shallow 30 degrees (base): Shallow 25 degrees Sides: Concave/shallow 15 degrees Base: Fairly flat, slight slope N-S Orientation: SW-NE Contains (1187)","Construction cut for wall 1187 running SW to NE along Rooms 6 and 7. Border cut description based only on section profile as feature is yet to be excavated Plan no: 1.22, 2.35 (pre-2002 plans) 11.85 (2002 plan) Section no: 366" 2642,C2642,3627,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut for wall 1152,"Linear in plan, measuring 0.5m wide with a depth of 0.56m Break of slope (top & base) : Sharp, 90 degrees Vertical sides with a flat base Contains (3628) & 1152","Deep, well edged construction cut for wall 1152. Wall 1152 was fully excavated in 2003, exposing the full extent of [3627] which is the cut for the NE exterior wall of the SW House. All construction cuts appear to have been dug in a single phase with those for the exterior walls being wider (for load-bearing purposes) than those for interior partition walls. Plan no: 2.60, 3.78, 10.95, 11.139; 2.65, 2.67, 3.79, 10.99" 2643,C2643,3628,D,3627,Trowel,Packing fill for 1152,"2.5Y 6/4 Light yellowish brown - 2.5Y 7/1 Light grey, friable clayey sand - sand (fine) Inclusions: Stones & pebbles 35-70% (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) 50cm wide & 50cm deep","The fill appears to reflect knowledge of the complete wall construction process, from the construction phases of walls to the cut necessary to support the wall and the ancillary value of the fill material to stailise the wall and adjacent soils Plan no: 36.30" 2644,C2644,3629,C,0,Trowel,Foundation cut for 1151,"Elongate trench with rounded corners 8.3m x 0.6m x 0.14m Break of slope (top): Mostly clear (base): Variable - some curved Sides: flat, level - 90 degrees with a flat base orientated NE-SW U-shaped profile Clear-diffuse edge definition Contains 1151","Foundation cut of wall 1151. Wall 1151 is now including former walls 1154 and 1184 Plan no: 2.37, 2.38, 3.58, 10.65, 10.66 Section no: 40" 2645,C2645,3630,D,0,Trowel,Packing deposit/fill for 1151,"2.5Y 6/4 Light yellow brown, friable clayey sand Inclusions: Stones/pebbles 35-70% (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) Appears to be a thick deposit","(3630) appears to be the content of a solid, well-built wall with support from adjacent soil. There appears to be a larger understanding of the relationship between the wall itself, the materials that go into it's construction and adjacent soils for stability and load-bearing" 2646,C2646,3631,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Light to medium yellow / brown, compact-soft silty clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 1.5m x 9m; Thickness: 0.5m (max)","Clay layer, originally seen and excavated within a slot through wall 1150 during the 2001 season. This deposit of clay appears to have been used as a reinforcement or damp proofing for the gable end of House 1, prior to the movement of the upper part of the wall [3638]. While the top of the deposit is moderately level against the wall, it has washed / subsided in a south westerly direction into the various gullies/pits adjacent to the wall. I suspect that it was deposited quite soon after the construction of the wall as there were very few finds in the interface of (3631)/(3642). The exception to this was a deposit of silt and CBM (6088) and a small dump of sweepings? (6085) in a gully by the west corner. This may pre-date [3838]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 1.60, 2.119, 2.120, 2.121 Section no: 364 & 374" 2647,C2647,3632,D,0,Trowel,Occupational layer.,Firm dark greyish brown (10YR 3/2) sandy silt. Gravel: 15-35% (S-A) 6-20mm Stones: 5-15% (R) 20-60mm Extent is 10-12cm.,"Context is seen in profile outside of room 4B. REUSE OF CONTEXT NUMBER FROM LAST YEAR (2001) VOID CONTEXT SHEET FROM 2001 IF FOUND (and remove this line) Section no: 373, 380 Context is not excavated." 2648,C2648,3633,D,0,Trowel,Dark spread,"Mid/dark greyish brown, weakly cemented silty clay. Inclusions: 15% with charcoal flecks and CBM flakes Stones: 15-35% (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) (6-20cm) Extent: 2m x 1m Depth: c. 10cm","Possible demolition deposit containing much roof tile, broken pottery and also a large piece of iron slag. This context is the same as (3317) which was a number given to this feature before it was fully exposed and able to be excavated. For full extent of this feature, refer to sheet and plans for (3633). Plan no: 3.48, 4.11" 2649,C2649,3634,D,0,Trowel,Dirty clay deposit,"Pale, yellow grey, baked sandy clay Inclusions: Stones 1-5% (S-A) (R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) 1m x 1m Thickness: 1cm","Yellow clay spread to the NW of House 1, south of well [1586]. One of the upper yellow clays overlying spread/demolition layer (3633) Plan no: 3.44 & 4.09" 2650,C2650,3635,C,0,Trowel,Post pipe cut,Sub circular in plan 14cm x 17cm x 7cm Sharp break of slope at both top and base Roughly vertical sides U-shaped profile with a flat base Clear edge definition Contains (3386),Very small post-pipe void. Would appear to have been caused by an irregularly shaped post (semi circular?) driven into yellow clay (3313). See also post hole nearby (3387). Plan no: 3.47 Section no: 370 2651,C2651,3636,C,0,Trowel,Cut for robber trench,"36cm x 40cm x 36cm Break of slope (top): Sharp - 80-90 degrees Steep sides - 60-70 degrees Concave, shallow base, orientated NW-SE Contains (3377) & (3640)","Cut made for the construction or foundation for wall OR cut for robber trench when wall was robbed out. Cut only seen in section. Equal to [4017] Plan no: 1.24, 2.44 (should be looked at with plans for [4017] to form the full feature) Section no: 451" 2652,C2652,3637,D,3699,Trowel,Fill of construction cut [3699],"Light yellow brown, friable-compact silty clay Inclusions: Clay, CBM 1-2% Stones: 1-5% (S-R) (6-20mm) 65cm x 175cm x 18cm Medium clear edge definition",Construction fill/bonding material for repair wall 3639 built above wall 1150 and continuing along the same alignment. Similar to clay on floor on Room 6 (2023) and (3648) which is a similar deposit visible in box section through wall 1150. May have been where a post hole was added. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 2.30 Section no: 366 2653,C2653,3638,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut for 1150,"Linear in plan, measuring 0.6m wide at base with a depth of 1m Break of slope (base): Gently concave Sides: West side convex - East side concave Gently undulating base Contains 1150","Wall 1150 was fully removed in 2003, exposing the full extent of construction cut [3638]. The cut was constructed in the same phases as all of the other cuts for the SW House. However, due to slumping in the area to the SW of the house, [3638] is considerably deeper as the wall was underpinned in an effort to avoid slumping. [3638] is deepest at the NW end where the slumping is greatest than at the SE presumably indicating evidence of the knowledge of wheere a slump was most likely to occur. As [3638] is the cut for an exterior, load-bearing wall, it is also wider than the cuts for the interior partition walls. Plan no: 2.28, 2.29 (2001 plans); 2.71, 2.72, 2.75 (2003 plans) Section no: 369, 374, 498 Section no: 369 & 374" 2654,C2654,3639,S,0,Trowel,Wall repair,Unworked flint - size of nodules (max): 25cm x 14cm (min) 11cm x 8cm One course (so far) bonded with a form of silty clay Faces of wall: NE & SW Dimensions: 55cm x 45cm x 20cm,"Small portion of wall repair above wall 1150 as it disappears below (3637). It appears to be a later phase of 1150, separated from 1150 by addition of (3637) as a base for additional course of flint. Completely removed in 2002. Section no: 366" 2655,C2655,3640,D,0,Trowel,Gravel layer. To be completed in 2002,"Mid-light grey brown, fairly loose friable silt Inclusions: Gritty gravel 20-30% Stones: 15-35% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Fairly clear edge definition",Part of the fill of [3636] - construction or robber cut Section no: 366 2656,C2656,3641,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer. To be completed in 2002,"Mid-yellowish brown, compact-friable clayey silt Inclusions: Clay, Stones <1% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) 147cm x 12cm Clear edge definition",Clay underlying wall 1150 but disappearing with wall only seen in section 366 below wall 1150. Awaiting further investigation Section no: 366 2657,C2657,3642,D,0,Trowel,Gravel layer.,"Dark grey brown, fairly loose-soft sandy silt Inclusions: Gravel pebbles 35-70% (A) (S-A) (S-R) measuring from 2mm-20cm c. 15cm deep in the part that has been excavated so far",Gravel layer underlying (3631) situated in the SW side of slot through wall 1150. Seems to be cut by pit located in the SW corner of the slot. Excavation stopped because of this as pit extends outside the limits of the slot. Plan no: 2.28 Section no: 369 2658,C2658,3643,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut,"Circular cut, 42cm in diameter at the top and 16cm at the base Break of slope (top): 30 degrees Sides: 75 degrees Contains (3644)",Post hole cut that appeared as the 3m x 1m trench through walls 1151 and 1152 was being levelled at natural (grey white sand). This cut was seen in the base of the trial trench and possibly provides evidence for a pre-flint timber structure. Underlies wall 1151 and (3608). 2659,C2659,3644,F,3644,Trowel,Post hole fill,"5YR 6/8 Reddish yellow, moist sandy clay Inclusions: Small stones and sub-angular pea gravel >70% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) These stones dominated the composition of the fill with an added element of coarse sand Diameter: 46cm Depth:26cm Clear edge definition",Fill of possible post hole which appeared in the NE facing section of the slot through walls 1152 and 1151. The fill is extremely gravelly with very little soil/silt keeping the fill together. 2661,C2661,3646,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation layer,"Soft, dark grey clayey silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: c.20m in length; Thickness: 0.01-0.05 (variable) Very compacted in large areas of the north west section Clear edge definition but more diffuse in the south eastern sections","This context was originally observed in profile during the excavation of a trial trench in 2001 and was interpreted as a naturally occurring silt/accumulation deposit. Further investigation in 2005 revealed that there were a number of \'ruts\' of varying widths and lengths within the context. In the north west area, there was a break in the silt which was also apparent in yellow gravel (3033). Strat below (6557), (6072). Strat above (6632), (6644). Partially removed in 2001 and 2005. To be completed in 2006? Plan no: 3.142, 3.143, 3.144, 3.145, 9.111, 9.112, 9.113, 9.117, 10.161, 10.162, 16.197, 16.198, 16.201" 2662,C2662,3647,D,0,Trowel,Charcoal spread,"Dark brownish black, soft crumbly clayey silt Inclusions: Charcoal 80% 30cm in diameter and 5cm thick",Small patch of burning mainly composed of charcoal Plan no: 4.12 Sample no: 563 2663,C2663,3648,D,4072,Trowel,Possible clay repair to wall 1150,"Mid browny yellow, compact-soft silty clay Inclusions: Gravel 1-5% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) (6-20cm) 0.9m x 0.35m x 0.2m - seen in side of section but extends beyond Sharp edge definition","Repair to wall 1150. Damage may have occurred due to subsidence in the SW corner of the site causing outer flints of the wall to move apart from the rest of the wall. Similar to contexts (3637) and (2023). (3637) is potentially the same phase of repair to wall 1150 further to the SE. A clay deposit (3648) also exists further NW where there is a robber trench in wall 1150. (4072) cuts 1150 and is filled by (4071). The clay deposit (3648) is possibly a levelling deposit or packing deposit above (4071) which is possibly a clay bedding for a beam slot placed in the robber trench wall 1150. Partially removed in 2002. Plan no: 2.42 Section no: 369, 374, 456" 2664,C2664,3649,F,3650,Trowel,Stake hole fill,"Dark greyish black, soft very fragile crumbly burnt wood Inclusions: CBM and stones 35-70% (S-A) (6-20mm) 15cm x 10cm x 13cm","Small stake hole fill consisting mainly of charcoal, cutting through gravel (3389) in the vicinity of post hole [3397] approximately 20cm to the east. Plan no: 12.61 Sample no: 564" 2665,C2665,3650,C,0,Trowel,Stake hole cut,Slightly oval in plan measuring 15cm x 10cm with a depth of 13cm Break of slope (top & base): Moderate Steep sides with a concave base U-shaped profile Contains (3649),Small stake hole cutting through gravel fill (3389) of linear trench [3345] Section no: 375 2667,C2667,3652,D,0,Trowel,Gravel drainage deposit,"Mid-dark greyish brown, fairly compact clayey silt Inclusions: Stones >70% of all shapes (2-6mm) (6-20mm) 2cm wide on the north side and up to 12cm wide on the south side Good edge definition",This is the primary fill of beam slot/drip gully. It is more likely to be the latter as it looks deliberately deposited within this linear cut to facilitate drainage whilst overlain by silty material which could be the run-off from a sloping roof. The deposit shallows and peters out on it's east end after it turns southward c. 120 degrees. Beam slot theory is also arguable as this gravel could be the packing around the beam as drainage to prevent rotting which is also necessary. See plan of cut [3348] for it's extent - Plan no: 12.30 & 12.35 Section no: 319 2668,C2668,3653,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Soft-friable, very dark grey clayey silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (A) (2-6mm); Lots of charcoal at the western end and nails in the charcoal patches; CBM 2.95m x ~0.83m - thins towards the western end Clear edge definition",Dark fill of feature cutting clay layer (3313). Investigated in 2002 and decided that it was an accumulation which may be filling a hollow or drain. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 3.50 Section no: 424 2669,C2669,3654,F,0,Trowel,Pit fill. To be completed in 2002,,Fill of medium sized pit cut by Victorian trench [1024] and seen in section only on the last day of the season. Seemingly containing lots of bone. Plan no: 12.64 2670,C2670,3655,F,0,Trowel,Post hole fill,"Black-mid/dark grey brown, fairly loose-friable clayey silt Inclusions: Grit and clay >20% CBM 15-35% (S-A)/(S-R) ranging in size from 6mm-6cm Stones: 1-5% of all shapes (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 50 x 35 x 20cm Clear edge definition",Fill of post hole in a series of 4 others and possibly more believed to extend to the road. This series of post holes runs parallel to another series of post holes E-W pit alignment and is believed to demarcate a property boundary between two ranges of Building 1. Plan no: 12.63 Section no: 382 2671,C2671,3656,C,0,Trowel,Possible drain cut containing (3613),Curvilinear in plan measuring 8.8m x 0.6m with a depth of 0.3m
Break of slope (top): Quite sharp;   (base): Sharp
U-shaped profile with 80 degree sides and a flat base
Orientation: NE-SW
Contains (3613),"Linear cut initially seen in the box section through walls 1151 and 1152. Contains CBM and charcoal rich fill on top of yellow clay fill (3613). Truncated along it\'s SE side by construction trench [3629] for wall 1151. In 2001, it was presumed to possibly  be something to do with an earlier phase of building. After further investigation in 2006, it was interpreted to be the cut of a possible drain which runs alongside SW wall 1152 of the SW square masonry house (Group no 5577). Contains clay fill (3613) which is truncated by robber cut [6758] at the SW extent and by [6751] at the NE extent (NE of Slot 26).
Plan no: 2.190, 3.192, 10.217
Section no: 745, 756, 759, 764, 768, 778
Accuracy rating - 4" 2674,C2674,3659,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose, mid grey sandy silt
Inclusions: 45% stones (S-R) (R) (6-20cm)
Extent: 5m x 1.25m;+?-?+?-?+?-? Thickness: 0.02m
Diffuse+?-?edge definition","Clay and gravel make-up layer levelling deposit. Western and northern parts of Room 2, House 1 appears to overlie slot (for beam?) which runs N-S across room. Strat below (3288). Strat above (5401). Not excavated in 2002-3. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 9.70, 15.104, 16.123" 2676,C2676,3661,D,0,Trowel,Floor make-up layer,"Plastic, mid-brown / grey clayey silt Inclusions: 50% stones (S-A) (S-R); 15-35% CBM Extent: 1.5m x 3.5m; Thickness: 0.1m Clear edge definition","Fine gravel in eastern side of Room 2, House 1. Probably the same as (5799) and (5797) in Room 1 (?). Butted by \'cob\' wall (5411). Strat below (3288). Strat above (6474). Cut by Victorian trench [1095] and wall trench [4619] in Room 4 of the timber house. Part of Group 5493. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 15.166, 15.167, 16.214 Section no: 669 Sample no: 1027, 1028" 2679,C2679,3664,D,0,Trowel,Gravel levelling,"Friable light brown/grey sandy silt gravel. Thickness is 1-5cm variable. Edge definition is clear on three sides, truncated by victorian trenches. Inclusions: >70% gravel (S-A)(S-R) 0.6 - 6cm, 1-5% CBM, <1% Bone",Gravel floor make-up similar to 3989 and 3202 Context is completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 21.34 2680,C2680,3665,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Firm, dark grey / brown sandy silt. Inclusions: 15-35% gravel (S-A) (6-20mm); Flecks of charcoal and CBM Thickness: 0.07-0.08m","This context was originally seen in section between walls 1151 and 1152 during the 2002 season. Further investigation in 2005 showed it to be a gravel spread on a ridge between the walls of the stone house and the parallel house. Stratigraphically the same as (3033) and probably is equal to (3033). Strat below (3605)=(6100). Strat above (3608). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.126, 3.123, 3.126, 10.169 Section no: 373, 380" 2682,C2682,3667,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut,"Linear, regular shape, with no corners. Dimensions: 230 x 66(N end) x 50(S end)cm, depth 8cm Break of slope (top): Sharp except at SW end where it is more gradual. Break of slope (base): Clear except for SW end, NE end and SE corner where it is not so well defined. Sides are vertical except at the SW end and NE end where it is more gradual and the base is flat. Orientation is NE to SW. Profile is shallow 'u' shape. Contains walls (1141) and (1797)","Construction cut, foundation trench for walls 1141 and 1797 which are reused CBM 1141 and flint 1797. Situated in the SW corner of corridor between Room 4 and Ogham pit 1170 continues from [3668] which is NE. More regular shape than [3668] almost rectangular on a NW-SE alignment. After further investigation this context and [3668] joined up after removal of primary fill (4104). Plan no: 11.56" 2683,C2683,3668,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut,Linear in plan measuring 2.3m x 0.8m x 0.06-0.13m Break of slope (top): Sharp (base): Clear Vertical sides with a flat base and a U-shaped profile Contains walls 1141 and 1797,Construction cut of walls 1141 and 1797. Originally thought that cut continued into [3667] to the SW but it was discovered in 2002 that [3668] and [3667] are equal. Base fully excavated shows clay to the NE and SW extents of the feature with gravel in the middle. Plan no: Plans 11.118 & 11.119 supersede 11.56 & 11.60 2684,C2684,3669,D,0,Trowel,Levelling / demolition deposit,"Soft, dark brown and yellow silty sand Inclusions: >70% stones (A) (S-A) (6-20cm); 80% flint; 10% CBM; <1% charcoal flecks Clear edge definition","The amount of flint and CBM inclusions suggests that this is a demolition deposit. However, (3669) was overlain by a gravel deposit and could therefore have been for levelling purposes. This context is similar stratigraphically to (4015) and may be the same but is differentiated by a larger concentration of flint. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 11.98, 12.77" 2688,C2688,3673,C,0,Trowel,Cut of construction trench,"Plan shape is an L shaped SW NE, cut turns 90 degrees to the SE Extent is 1.17m wide, 0.22m deep. Sides are shallow with gradual breaks top and base. Base is concave. Contains: wall 1664 Cut truncated by pit 1634 Edge definition is clear",Construction cut for 1664. Shallow affemeral truncated by pit 1634. No sign of continuation to the SW Plan no: 10.59 section no: 383 2689,C2689,3674,F,3675,Trowel,Fill of 3675 Possible drip gully or beam slot,"Brown-grey (2.5y, 5/d) compact clayey silt. Average depth 6cm irregular shape with extent 205cm x 47cm x 32cm x 46cm x 160cm x 50cm Inclusions: 15-35% stones ranging (A) to (R), 2mm - 20cm. Edge definition is clear.","Possible drip gully or beam slot, similar to (3346) completely removed 2002. Plan no: 11.58" 2690,C2690,3675,D,3987,Trowel,Fill of [3987],"Hard grey/green silt Inclusions: CBM, Flint, Glass, Nails, Pottery and Bone 4-6cm depth, 205 x 47cm, 43 x 46cm, 160 x 50cm Edge definition is clear. Stones: <1","Silty deposit underlying (3674). SW-NE aligned parallel with House 1, possible drip gully forming possible continuation of 3348 on the same alignment futher SW in front of Room 7. Together forming extent of official SE frontage to House 1 at its SW half. Also both running parallel and as a front to hard standing surfaces 3389 and 3698 plan no: 11.62" 2693,C2693,3678,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,Friable yellowish brown (10YR 7/6) clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-R) (2-6cm); Clay includes gravel and shows signs of worm activity; <1% charcoal 8-14cm thick Clear edge definition,"Levelling deposit in the 'corridor' between rooms 4B and 5 in House 1. This layer overlies wall 2004 and is similar to (3382) in Room 4b, as well as (1818) in Room 5 and (2023) in Room 6. Represents levelling between two phases of construction, butting walls 1158 and 1163 and cut by construction trench [3390] for wall 1743. Truncated by the Ogham pit [1170] to the east. Begun in 2002 and completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 2.31, 3.53, 11.72, 11.76, 11.77 (not completely planned in 2002 as there is still overlying stratigraphy) Accuracy rating - 5 Spot Date: 25-70AD" 2694,C2694,3679,F,3692,Trowel,Possible levelling deposit and fill of [3692],"Compact dark grey / brown clayey silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A)(S-R)(R) ranging in size from 2mm - 20cm; small bits of CBM, flint and pebbles throughout and some chalk in sizeable (6-10cm) pieces Extent: 2m x 4m; Thickness: 0.02-0.1m Edge definition mainly clear, vague overlying gravel (3692)","Gravel levelling deposit butting against clay feature on east side. Overlies (4453), clay (3680) at the west end. Hard standing fill of trench [3692]. Strat below (3670). Same as (3698) on the other side of Victorian trench [1558]. Completely removed in 2002 Plan no: 11.64, 11.65, 14.66" 2695,C2695,3680,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, yellow clay Inclusions: 15-35% gravel pebbles (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) 3.6m x 2.4m; Thickness: 0.05m-0.15m Clear edge definition","Levelling deposit in 'little room 2' in House 1. Part of the same levelling episode as (3379) on the other side of wall 1161 and clay (3678) in the corridor. Cut by robber trenches [3708] and [3695] but abutting walls 1160 and 1161. Stratigraphy in between construction of south west House and its robbing. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.100, 11.101 Sampled for ET with the rest of House 1 in 2002. Accuracy rating - 5 Spot Date: ?mid 1st century AD" 2696,C2696,3681,C,0,Trowel,Cut for hearth,Sub-circular in plan measuring 0.94m x 0.9m x 0.02-0.05m Flat base orientated N-E Contains (3701) (3707) (3709) (3970) Clear edge definition,Cut number of hearth given for recording purposes in order to associate all the relevant fill numbers. Cut is actually created by the removal of burnt gravel layer (3970) which is part of (1544) floor level. Plan no: 16.132 Section no: 377 2698,C2698,3683,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Loose yellow-brown clayey silt. Extent of 3.5m thickness of 4-7cm. Inclusions: 40% stones: 15-70% (S-A) and (S-R), mainly 3-4mm in size. Clear edge definition","A clayey silt layer which butts up to wall [1533] and is probably an occupation deposit in southern aisle, House 1. Same as [1716] , number given in 1998 and subsequently found in section 102. Plan no: 15.94 and 22.61 Context was completely removed in 2002." 2699,C2699,3684,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose, mid-grey brown clayey silt Inclusions: >70% white gravel (S-A) Extent: 1m x 0.5m Clear edge definition","Island of gravel in north east area of Room 3 of the timber house, surrounded by beam slots at right angles. By 2005, there has been some subsidence at the right angles. Strat below (1961). Strat above (5771). Cut by beam slots [5474] and [5473]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.182, 16.183 Sample no: 886, 887" 2700,C2700,3685,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Friable dark brown / grey sandy silt. Extent is 0.24m wide and 0.15m deep with clear edge definition. Inclusions: 10%> mortar, 35-70% stones (S-A)(S-R) 2-6mm",Remenants of an occupation deposit within a shaped channel in the clay. Limited amount of feature remaining so interpretation difficult. Plan no: 22.62 context is completely removed in 2002 2701,C2701,3686,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Friable, yellowish brown clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-R) (2-6cm); 1-5% CBM; <1% bone; <1% charcoal Diffuse edge definition","Clay layer truncated by pits etc. In eastern part of southern aisle, House 1. Includes small slump into gully/slot of which a tiny part remains - fill of this is (3685). Completely removed 2003. Plan no: 21.82, 22.70 Spot Date: late 1st century AD" 2703,C2703,3688,F,3920,Trowel,Fill of robber trench 3920,"Friable yellow, brown sandy silt. Extent is 15-22cm thick, 4.4m in length and 45 - 52 cm wide. Robber trench comes onto a flint wall. Edge definition is clear in places, mainly diffuse. Inclusions: 5% clay lumps, 1% chalk, 1-5% 10cm flint Stones: 35-70% all types 0.2 - 20cm","Fill of robber trench 3920. Southern side of Room 1 of House 1. Parts of wall 3948 still exist below this fill and robber trench. Context is completely removed in 2002 Plan no: 16.124, 21.41, 15.96 Section no: 393" 2707,C2707,3692,C,0,Trowel,Cut of possible room boundary - eastern veranda associated with aisled hall phase,"Linear in plan measuring 2m long with a depth 0.02-0.15m. The ends are truncated by victorian trenches [1014] and [1558] Sides are vertical with 90 degree cuts to the top and base. The base is a horizontal gravel deposit. Orientation is SE-NW Contains (3679), (3698), (4453)","(3692) cuts into clay (3396) as part of the eastern veranda associated with aisled hall phase. Relationship to wall 1742 is uncertain due to truncation by Victorian trench [1014]. Similar clay also exists on the other side of the Victorian trench [1558], possibly cut in a similar fashion. The clay overlies a gravel deposit with no context as yet, which is where the cut stops, together with continuation 3987 creates full extent of hard standing forming SE frontage to House 1. Strat below (4453). Plan no: 11.70, 11.71, 14.67 N.B. Original context card got whisked away by a tornado on site in the 2003 season" 2710,C2710,3695,C,0,Trowel,Cut of possible robber trench,"Rectangular, trench like cut. Corners are right-angled, well defined. 0.45m x 0.5m x 0.47m Slope at the top and sides is nearly vertical. The SW side has a gentle break into a horizontal base. The NE side continues vertically. Orientation is SW to NE Profile shape is a V-shaped trench. Edge definition is clear. Contains 3696, 3921 and 3922",Cut of possible robber trench cutting through clay spread (3680) of little Room 2 and is truncated by V.T.[1557]. [3695] appears to continue under later wall 1742 although as yet they do not connect. The definite robber trench is numbered 3708. [3695] does not appear to continue in the middle of little Room 2 as clay spread 3680 is present. In which case we may have a doorway of an earlier house wall. 17/08/02: It was shown that [3695] continued and that there was no doorway between [3695] and [3708]. Clay spread was part of robber fill. NB: [3695]=[3708] Plan no: 11.73 (pre-ex) and 11.78 (post-ex) section no: 390 2711,C2711,3696,D,3695,Trowel,Fill of possible robber trench [3695],Friable yellow/grey silty clay. Inclusions: small flints and gravel throughout; 15-35% stones (A) (S-A) and (S-R) sizes 2mm - 20mm. 17cm x 40cm at the thickest. Edge definition is clear.,"It was shown that instead of there being 3 fills to cut [3695] - (3696), (3921) and (3922), they were actually one fill and continued into fill (4012). (3696), (3921) and (3922) = (3294) Plan no: 11.78 (pre-ex) Section no: 390" 2713,C2713,3698,D,3692,Trowel,Levelling deposit filling [3692],"Compact, browny black (10YR 3/2)/ Olive yellow (6/8) clayey gravel Inclusions: CBM and 35-70% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm-6cm. Extent: 2.6m x 1.8m; Thickness: 0.02-0.06m Clear edge definition","Hard standing gravel surface. Dense compact spread. Fills [3692] on the south side of Victorian trench [1558]. Overlies (4453) which is another gravel fill within cut [3692]. Strat below (3947), (3383) and (1500). Same as (3679). Completely removed Plan no: 14.68 & 14.69" 2714,C2714,3699,C,0,Trowel,construction repair cut,"Dimensions: 148cm x 67cm, depth <10cm Break of slope (top): gradual Break of slope (base): sharp smooth gradual sides (50 degrees) with a slightly concave base. Orientation is SW Contains [3637] and 3639","This cut was assigned this year and represents a repair to wall 1150 Located in House 1 Room 6 on SW wall, it is probably same phase of repair as clay (3648) further along 1150, towards the NW, in sections 369 and 374. Plan no: 2.30 and 1.21 section no:366" 2715,C2715,3700,D,0,Trowel,Mortar floor,Well-cemented pale yellow silty mortar floor
Inclusions: 98% flint (S-R) (2-6cm; <1% CBM;  <1% bone;  1% chalk.
Extent: 1.2m x 4m (max);   Thickness: 0.03m
{},"A well-cemented mortar floor. Strat below (3232), (4581). Strat above (5415). Cut by [1626], [1019].
Update 2002: (3700) flint gravel and mortar foundation deposit for wall is butted by wall 3297 which was formerly a wall but may possibly be remnants of a floor layer.
Update 2003: Mortar is base to gravel surface in the \'link room\'
Update 2004: Uneven mortar of varying depth and thickness. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.46, 10.47, 10.107
Section no: 401
Sample no: 790;  a micromorphological sample was also taken in 2004. {}" 2716,C2716,3701,D,3681,Trowel,Hearth,A hard burnt clay layer measuring roughly 1.28m N-S and 1.28m NW-SE. Clear edge definition,Industrial hearth possibly used for nail production. Plan no: 16.121 (See paperwork plan for key of clay colours) Section no: 377 Sample no: 565 (micromorphological testing) 2717,C2717,3702,D,0,Trowel,Fill?,"Friable dark greyish-brown silty clay with 35-70% inclusions of CBM, sub-angular and 2-6mm in size. The deposit had a length of 0.94m, a variable width of 0.16m-0.23m and a depth of 0.07m.",The fill of a small beam slot? Plan no: 10.45 2718,C2718,3703,D,0,Trowel,,"Friable yellowish sticky silty clay with 1-5% inclusions of CBM, sub-angular and 2-6mm in size. It had a length of 0.6m, a variable width 0f 0.19m - 0.24m and a depth of 0.15m.", 2719,C2719,3704,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Compact-friable dark grey sandy silt Inclusions: 5-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm);-? Charcoal, chalk, mortar and burnt patches Extent: 5.6m x 3.9m ;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.07-0.1m Clear edge definition","Dark gravelly layer below make-up 3247. Strat below (3247). Strat above (5479), (4642). Not excavated in 2001, 2002, 2003 or 2004? Plan no: 10.53, 10.54, 15.89, 15.90 (original plans);-? 10.116, 10.119, 15.140, 15.141 (2004 plans); The digitised version is the original plan - the 2004 plans (which show the context after four seasons of exposure) has been filed for reference." 2720,C2720,3705,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,Friable dark yellow-brown very sandy clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (6-20mm); 5% CBM; 1% flint 0.07m thick,Mixed clay areas on a gravel base. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 11.51 2721,C2721,3706,D,0,Trowel,Mixed gravel layer.,Friable greyish-brown sandy silt/gravel.,A mixed gravel layer overlying clay make-up and extending into the NW aisle. Plan no: 15.91 2722,C2722,3707,D,3681,Trowel,Hearth,Soft black charcoal layer measuring roughly 1.28m N-S and 1.28m NE-SW.,Industrial hearth - possibly used for nail production. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 16.121 Section no: 377 Sample no: 566 (Dry sieving) 569 (flotation) 2723,C2723,3708,C,0,Trowel,Robber trench,Rectangular in plan measuring 1.8m x 0.5m Break of slope (top): Sharp Vertical sides with a flat base Clear edge definition Base orientation NW-SE Contains (3294),"This robber trench was partly excavated in 2001. It was shown in 2002 to be far more extensive.The robber trench robbed part of walls 1158, 2022, 4099 however it left parts of the lowest courses. 1160 was probably robbed at the same time but the relationship is lost due to Victorian activity. The start of the robbing activity of 1158, 4099 and also 1160 seems to occur at the same point - ~2m out from wall 2022. There is also evidence for a possible well/pit which is evident by subsidence seen in area of robbing for 2022. Part of wall still remains. N.B. 3708 = 3695 Old Plan no: 11.52 New Plan no: 10.69, 10.70, 11.102, 11.103" 2724,C2724,3709,D,3681,Trowel,Ash layer of hearth [3681],Soft brownish-white ash measuring 0.80m E-W and 0.70m N-S.,Ash layer of hearth [3681] used for possible production of nails. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 16.121 Section no: 377 Sample no: 568 (dry sieving) 2725,C2725,3710,D,0,Trowel,Fill.,Compacted brownish-black clay with 35-70% inclusions of a poorly-sorted mix of pea-gravel and stones (3-6cms) and CBM (several 2-5cm).,A fill deposit adjoining a flint wall in House 1 - fill of a possible robber trench. Adjoined by a yellow clay deposit (possible spread from adjoining raised surface 3705). 2747,C2747,3732,D,0,Trowel,Layer,"Loose, mid grey silty sand with yellow patches Inclusions: 15-35% small gravels (S-R) (2-6mm) & some grit 5.30m x 5.30m with a max thickness of 7cm but thin and patchy in places Edge definition: Very hard to define","Spread/layer. Uncertain of any real interpretation Plan no: 20.62, 20.63, 21.43, 21.44" 2766,C2766,3751,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Loose and soft, light/dark grey coarse sand Inclusions: 20-35% CBM, 1-5% bone, 35-70% stones (S-R) (6-20mm) 12.3m x 6.8m x 0.23m (0.07m at it's thinnest) Clear edge definition","Coarse, sandy layer with dispersed gravel, truncated by two Victorian trenches with further truncations by pits. A very similar layer was found in the NE side of House 1. Plan no: 20.69, 20.70, 21.60, 21.61, 21.62, 21.63" 2821,C2821,3922,D,3695,Trowel,Possible fill of robber trench 3695,"Friable, light grey (a little yellow) clayey silt. Inclusions: Large number of flints and gravel throughout; 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) sizes 6mm - 6cm Edge Definition: Clear","It was shown that instead of there being 3 fills to cut [3695] - (3696), (3921) and (3922), they were actually one fill and continued to into fill (4012). (3696), (3921) and (3922) = (3294). Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 11.75 (pre ex) Section no: 390" 2822,C2822,3921,D,3695,Trowel,Possible fill of robber trench [3695],Friable dark grey clayey silt. Inclusions: large number of gravel and flints of varying sizes; 35-70% stones (S-A) (S-R) sizes of 2mm - 6cm 20cm x 50cm at its thickest. Edge definition is clear.,"It was shown that instead of there being 3 fills to cut [3695] - (3696), (3921) and (3922), they were actually one fill and continued to into fill (4012). (3696), (3921) and (3922) = (3294) Plan no: 11.73 (pre ex) Section no: 390 Context completely removed in 2002." 2825,C2825,3828,D,0,Trowel,Yellow gravel layer in Slot 1. Excavation stops at this level. No card,Null,"Plan no: 28.78, 33.63" 2826,C2826,3933,C,0,Trowel,Cut of circular pit,"Cut is circular, 35cm Diameter and 40cm deep. Break of slope (top): 45 degrees Break of slope (base): 85 degrees Sides are vertical and the base is flat. Contains 3697 and 3930","Pit cut into corner of walls 2004 and 1152, containing Alice Holt jar (SF2549) Pot deposition possibly related to the offerings linked to the construction of walls at that phase, 2004 and 1152 plan no: 3.52, 3.54 section no: 397" 2829,C2829,3924,C,0,Trowel,Cut of wall construction 1533,"Trench like cut truncated by pits at both ends. Extent is 0.47m x 1.6m x 0.42m Break of slope (top): sharp Break of slope (base): sharp, flat bottom, abrupt right angle Sides are vertical with a flat base. Orientation is SW-NE profile is square shaped. contains 1533",Cut of wall 1533 Plan no: 15.97 2836,C2836,3973,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Firm, brownish yellow mixed clay with some sand Inclusions: 15-35% stones of all shapes (6-20mm) (2-6cm); Gravel; 15-20% charcoal and bone 2m x 2m; thickness - up to 0.1m Truncated on NE and SE sides by Victorian trenches Clear edge definition but some elements are diffuse",Probable levelling deposit with evidence of occupation or trample as clay appears dirty and mixed. Not excavated in 2002. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 16.137 Sample no: 654 Spot Date: late 1st - mid 2nd century AD 2847,C2847,3965,F,3975,Trowel,Fill of [3975],"Friable dark grey/brown sandy silt Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A)(S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); lumps of clay, pieces of flint, larger gravel which gets shallower towards the NE end and a number of very fragile bones and pieces of thin CBM Extent: 0.4m; Thickness: 0-0.09m, getting more shallow at the NE end of the cut Mainly clear edge definition","Possible drain fill lined with CBM tile in part. Containing dark silty soil which is consistent with a drain, although could be a shallow robber trench. Strat below (3693). Strat above (3975) and (4559). Completely removed in 2002. Not planned" 2848,C2848,3975,C,0,Trowel,Linear cut containing (3965),"Linear plan shape with no corners, measuring 0.4m x 0.42-0.52m with a depth of 0-0.09m Break of slope (top & base) mainly sharp although less sharp at the NW end Sides are mainly vertical with a flat gravelly base Contains (3965)","Possible drain or shallow robber cut. Cut at SW by robber trench. Between Room 4A and the aisle. Plan no: 11.84, 10.62" 2850,C2850,3920,C,0,Trowel,Cut of robber trench,Rectangular plan shape with 2 corners remaining Length 4.4m x Width 0.45-0.5m x Depth 0.15-0.22m Break of slope (top): sharp Break of slope (base): comes onto a flint wall Sides are vertical. Orientation is N-S and profile shape is clear. Contains 3688,"Cut of a robber trench containing the remains of southern wall of Room 1 of House 1 3948. Plan no: 21.50, 16.128, 15.98 section no: 393" 2851,C2851,3987,C,0,Trowel,Cut of gully,"Linear in plan with mainly angular corners with a rounded end Depth 8-10cm, Extent is 2.05 x 0.47 x 0.43 x 0.46 x 1.60 x 0.5m Break of slope (top): Variable, Abrupt to gentle at the end; (base): mainly sloping Sides are almost vertical and the base is undulating Orientation is SW - NE Edge definition is clear Contains 3674, 3675","Cut of gully. SW-NE aligned, parallel to House 1. Possible continuation of [3348] adjacent to hard standing surfaces (3389) and (3698) Plan no: 11.86" 2857,C2857,3847,D,0,Trowel,Gravel layer,Mid grey-brown gravel in soft silt. Inclusions: 70% gravel (R) (2-6cm) Extent is 15-20cm deep within 4m EW slot,"Loose gravel layer only seen in section, possible resurfacing of (3828). Excavated only from within Slot 1 through desert. Plan no: 28.79 Section no: 402, 403, 408, 438" 2870,C2870,4001,D,4562,Trowel,Fill of possible beam slot [4562],"Friable, very dark greyish brown clayey sand Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm); 5-15% clay patches Extent: 0.3m x 2.17m; Thickness: 0.03m Truncated by later flint wall (NE corner of House 1)","Very shallow fill of possible beam slot in Room 1, cut by wall trench, for wall 3201. Runs SW-NE inside Roman trench for truncated wall. Fill has possible associations with beam slots [1967], [3279], [3280], [4555], [4087] and [4096] which denote a timber structure predating the flint house at the north end of House 1. Strat below (2036). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.57" 2875,C2875,3977,D,0,Trowel,Crushed tile spread. Possible floor,"Compact, reddened burnt area with yellow mortar and pale yellow gravel Very few inclusions, only a little CBM and flint","Remnant of crushed tile floor with yellow gravel. The gravel, appears to be slumping with burnt gravel on the slope and evidence of burnt clay and CBM in central hollow. Possibly, a house floor slumping into a pit or a well in south east corner of Room 2, House 1. Overlain by thin layer of burnt clay. Appears to respect narrow linear feature filled with clay running N-S across the room. Overlying fine gravel make-up. Not excavated in 2002. To be completed in 2003 (?) Plan no: 15.102, 15.103, - but replanned as 15.106, 15.107" 2901,C2901,4009,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut for 1744,Sub-rectangular in plan 1.8m x 0.46m x 0.05m Break of slope (top): Little ridge (base): Rounded and flat Shallow and curved sides with a flat base orientated NE-SW Contains 1744 Clear edge definition,Construction cut for wall 1744. Part of the southern aisle of House 1. Cut [4009] is less substantial than construction cut [4008] for wall 1742. There is a gap of 30cm between these 2 walls. [4009] is also slightly out of alignment with [4008]. Plan no: 14.73 2902,C2902,4008,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut for 1742,Rectangular in plan 4.8m x 0.4-0.6m x 0.08-0.13m Break of slope (top): Sharp (base): Clear - rounded Vertical sides with a flat base orientated NE-SW Contains 1742 Clear edge definition,Construction cut for wall 1742. Cut is more substantial than associated wall cut [4009] for wall 1744 - outer wall of southern aisle of House 1. Plan no: 11.91 2903,C2903,3994,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Soft, mid yellowish grey silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 5% CBM ranging in size from 2-20cm; 2% small patches of charcoal. 5m x 3.6m x 0.08m Poor edge definition due to trampling","Spread overlying cleaner clay (3313) and gravel/tile rich deposit (4101). (3994) is next to the walkway onto site and has experienced a lot of trampling making the edge definition very poor. When removed, the layer beneath is a crushed tile fill running NE-SW. This may be the upper fills of a drain/drip gully. Completely removed in 2002. To be completed in 2003 Plan no: 3.56, 3.57, 4.13, 9.74 Sample no: 622, 623 (GBA)" 2906,C2906,3901,D,0,Trowel,Levelling / construction deposit,"Relatively loose - friable, brownish yellow silty sand Inclusions: 35-70% stones of all shapes (6-20mm) (2-6cm); ~50% small gravels. c. 3-5cm thick - very spotty in extent - possibly continuing into section wall. Clear edge definition",Probably deposited as gravel fill for a surface associated with a wall feature. It was overlain by a loose gravel layer that covered the wall but survives so poorly that it did not abutt the wall directly. (3901) does not survive well and is likely to be missed without careful excavation. Completely removed within Slot 1 in 2002. Plan no: 28.80 Section no: 438 2917,C2917,4007,C,0,Trowel,"Post hole cut containing (3999), (4006)","Sub-circular in plan measuring 0.63m x 0.54m x 0.34m Break of slope (top): Sharp; (base): Gently curved South sides slope at a 60 degree angle and the north side is broken by sloping ledge approximately halfway down Gently rounded and curved base orientated N-S with a reasonable edge definition. Contains: (3999), (4006)",Post hole cut that is part of the western end of the work hall phase. It is in alignment with other post holes making up this wall running NW-SE. Plan no: 12.76 Section no: 432 2926,C2926,3858,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation layer,"Soft, mid greeny brown silt Inclusions: Occasional CBM observed; 5-15% charcoal; 5-15% grit 10cm thick in section Fair edge definition Truncated on all sides","Gradual accumulation deposit of silt initially excavated within slot 5 in 2002 and then fully excavated in 2003. Part of a widespread silt horizon and possibly part of an abandonment layer. This context is the same as (3912). Strat below (3103); Strat above (4253) and (4254); Cut by 2208, 3408, 3485, 3102, 2434, 2204, 2801, 2090, 1070, 3480 Plan no: 13.65, 13.66, 14.79, 24.110, 24.111, 24.112, 24.113, 25.111, 25.112, 25.114 Section no: 404, 407, 412, 413, 414 Accuracy rating - 4" 2929,C2929,3980,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut for 3979,"Rectangular in plan measuring 11.45m x 0.44m x 0.18m Break of slope (top& base): Sharp Vertical sides with a generally flat base orientated NW-SE and a U-shaped profile Contains (3979), 1553","Wall construction cut for wall at north east end of House 1 forming part of the aisle construction, truncated at both extents. At the southern end, this context butts the construction cut [3991] for adjacent wall 1744 that was probably constructed at the same time. Shallowness of the trench could be a result of the Victorian trench cutting out the top layer(s) of the cut. Plan no: 16.134, 17.85, 21.52, 21.55, 21.56 Section no: 342" 2957,C2957,4015,D,0,Trowel,Levelling / demolition deposit,"Olive yellow 2.5Y 6/8, soft clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (6-20mm) of all shapes. Also Clay, CBM & chalk Thickness: 0.03-0.08m Sharp edge defintion","Consolidated clay and CBM layer outside the veranda area. Victorian trench [1558] to the north and cut [3345] to the west. This is possibly a levelling or demolition deposit. Although different in make-up to (3990), both appear to be serving the same function. Strat below (3990). Strat above (4452) and (4086). Completely removed. Plan no: 11.96, 12.80, 12.81, 14.74" 2993,C2993,3908,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose, dark brown sandy silt matrix Inclusions: >70% stones (2-6cm); ~50% gravel; ~2% grit; ~5% CBM; <1% chalk c. 5cm thick","Possibly a levelling layer of gravel (along with others overlying it) associated with wall foundation (3902). Comprised of gravel and building debris with especially strong concentration in southern portion of Slot 1's northern extension. Only removed in Slot 1 in 2002. Plan no: 28.83 Section no: 438, 439, 442" 2994,C2994,3948,S,0,Trowel,Southern wall of Room 1,Wall composed of unworked flints measuring 10-25cm. 1course visible; Direction of faces: NE-SW 3.1m x 0.24m Clear edge definition,"Southern wall of Room 1, House 1. Truncated by robber trench [3920]. Meets with wall 3201 to form south east corner of Room 1. Plan no: 16.129, 21.51" 2997,C2997,3979,D,3980,Trowel,Fill of construction trench [3980],"Loose, yellow/brown clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (6-20mm); <1% charcoal; <1% mortar; 1-5% bone 11.45m x 0.44m x 0.18m Sharp/clear edge definition",Building construction deposit underlying wall 1553 within construction cut [3980]. No plan. Completely removed in 2002. 3005,C3005,4017,C,0,Trowel,Robber cut,"Linear in plan, measuring 6m x 0.6 x 0.45m Break of slope (top): Sharp (base): Sharp (wall still at base) Vertical sides Wall remains covering the base but is orientated NE-SW Contains (4016)","Cut of robbing event, removing flints from wall 1746. Initially very difficult to see as upper fills (4092) & (4094) consisted of re-deposited clay very similar to clay layer (3375) in the SW room. Equal to [3636] Plan no: 11.117, 12.94 (should be looked at with plans for [3636] to form the full feature) Section no: 458, 459, 454, 451, 453" 3006,C3006,4086,F,3348,Trowel,Primary fill of beam slot [3348],"Compact, but fairly soft mid-greyish yellow clayey sand Inclusions: 1-5% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) 0.2m wide 0.12m thick Poor edge definition","Primary fill of gully [3348], discovered when excavating the area where [3348] and [3987] were found to join (and therefore equated). Stratigraphically, it lies below layers which slump into the beam slot from the north and south. Plan no: 12.38, 12.39" 3018,C3018,4117,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Compact, mottled orange and brown / yellow clay
Inclusions: <10% stones
Extent: 1.78m x 1.71m;   Thickness: 0.3m
Good edge definition",Floor surface in a sequence of floor deposits situated above a poorly preserved crushed tile floor (part of the lobby sequence). This deposit was allocated a context number ahead of sequence because a small find was recovered from it in 2002 when a student was cleaning the northern side of the Ogham pit [1170]. The plaster found was thought to be part of this context but has now been found to be part of (6692) which is fill of cut [6707]. Strat above (6726). Cut by pit [6707] and stake holes [6587] and [6588]. Partially removed in 2002. Completely removed in 2006?
Plan no: 11.271
Section no: 463 (showing descriptions of the contexts in the section of [1170])
Accuracy rating - 3 3019,C3019,3989,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Hard, yellowish silty sand Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 6mm-20cm; 1-5% flint sherds; 1-5% CBM; 1-5% clay 9.5m x 1.9m - Thickness: 0.05m-0.2m Clear edge definition","Levelling deposit below (1544) which has variable thickness. This could be due to slumping into underlying features yet to be discovered. Completely removed in 2002 Plan no: 16.136, 21.53, 21.54" 3022,C3022,4012,F,3708,Trowel,Fill of robber trench [3708],Friable mixed silty clay and gravel with flint and CBM inclusions.,"Fill of robber trench [3708] truncated by wall construction cut [4008]. Same as (3294). (3696), (3921), (3922) are also one fill and are the same as (4012). Plan no: 11.93" 3023,C3023,4099,S,4359,Trowel,Flint wall,2 courses of unworked flints facing SW-NE measuring 2-15cm with the lower course comprising of the smaller flints Wall measuring 1.20m x 0.4m x 0.05-0.2m,"Flint wall - mostly robbed out but based on the direction of the robber trench (3294), the wall would have met 2022. 4099 was robbed out at the same time as 2022, 1158 and, most likely 1160. What remains of 4099 is mostly the lowest course which is made up of small flints creating a stable foundation for the wall with larger flints creating the second course. These small flints surviving the robbing of the wall were subsequently removed in 2003 leaving construction cut [4359] empty. Plan no: 11.104 Section no: 332" 3025,C3025,3905,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Compact-friable, dark brown sandy silt
Inclusions: <1% flint grit (A) (2-6mm); <1% charcoal; 1% bone
Extent unknown outside of Slot 1
Fair edge definition {}","Accumulation deposit cut by wall cut [3903]. Viewed within Slot 1 only. Partially removed in 2002. Plan no: 28.85 Section no: 438, 439, 442" 3027,C3027,3904,D,0,Trowel,Possible clay floor,"Soft, but relatively compact, slightly yellowish brown silty clay with no inclusions. 10cm x 15cm x 2cm Fair edge definition",Found directly on top of silt associated with wall cut [3903]. Probably remnant of clay floor associated with wall foundation (3902) and overlying silt (3905) into which construction cut [3903] was dug. Plan no: 28.81 3028,C3028,3903,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut,Potentially linear in plan (only viewed within Slot 1) 0.65m (N-S) x 1m (E-W) Contains (3902) Clear edge definition,"Wall construction cut observed, but not excavated within Slot 1. Only part of wall uncovered and therefore full extent remains unknown in 2002. Most dimensions of cut could not be classified as wall remains in place at the end of the 2002 season. Assumed diagonal orientation similar to the early phases of House 1. Needs further investigation in 2003. Unplanned in 2002" 3029,C3029,3902,S,0,Trowel,Dump deposit,"Compact, grey / brown fine silt with very mixed inclusions Inclusions: 60% flints (A) (2-6cm) (6-20cm); 5% chalk blocks (apparently worked); 5% opus signinum; 10% CBM Extent: 1.03m x 0.82m","Mixed dump deposit of building materials, originally thought to be a wall foundation. The chalk blocks appeared to have been worked and there were two blocks of worked \'Painswick\' stone - possibly once part of a tombstone. Strat below (3908). Completely removed in 2005. Plan np: 28.237 Accuracy rating - 4" 3036,C3036,4076,S,4590,Trowel,Wall,Truncated wall corner formed by flints of average size 200mm x 150mm (Corner stone 200mm x 200mm x 50mm). Bonded by dark grey medium gravel (probably decayed mortar). One wall face faces NE and another faces NW Length: 20cm Width: 40cm Height: 40cm Diffuse edge definition,"Last remaining section of a robbed out wall cut by robber trench [1535]. Probably the corner where wall 1015 and wall 3201 meet and thus N-E corner of Room 1, House 1. Strat below (3973). Strat above [4590]. Completely removed in 2003, although it was mistakenly removed before it was planned." 3049,C3049,4101,D,0,Trowel,Clay dump,"Firm, light yellowish brown clayey silt Inclusions: 15-70% stones (S-A) (2-6cm) (6-20cm); 10% CBM - mainly small fragments of tile. 1m x c.2m; Thickness: 0.2m Clear edge definition","A tip of dirty yellow/orange clay with crushed and broken tile within it. c.1m wide running NE-SW of the north western edge of (3313). Clear horizon with clay (3313) however (4101) also physically covered the layer below (3313) and this boundary was more difficult to ascertain and some finds from this earlier layer may have been allocated to (4101) -including possible small find SF2949. Probably not a fill of a drain but a secondary dumping of construction material on top of (3313) where (3313) is sinking into [4667], an underlying linear hollow - possible ditch. Strat below (3994) and strat above (3313). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 3.66, 4.15, 9.75 Sample no: 647 Accuracy rating: 4.5 Spot Date: late 1st - mid 2nd century AD" 3064,C3064,3800,D,0,Trowel,Spread,"Friable, mid-yellowish brown sandy silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-R) (6-20mm) 2.2m (N-S) x 2m (E-W) x 0.2m","Small spread of sandy, gritty silt just overlying large silt layer extending further to the east. On it's eastern extent it is cut by a Victorian trench and is likely to be falling into a slump. Probably the same as (3533). Completely removed in 2002 Plan no: 20.74, 20.75" 3066,C3066,3802,D,0,Trowel,Tile path / spread,Composed of a range of CBM (all tegulae apart from 3 imbrices) Longest: 350mm Widest: 140mm Thinnest: 50mm Thickness varied from 5mm-40mm Clear edge definition,"Dense CBM / tile spread which appears to have been laid in too much of an orderly fashion to simply be a dump. Possibly a path way of some sort. It has been deliberately laid and could possibly have an extension to the north of the well that cuts (3802). The path also almost runs parallel with the N-E wall of House 1. Most probably the same as (3804). Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 21.65, 21.67" 3067,C3067,3804,D,0,Trowel,Tile path / spread,"Composed of CBM (all tegulae) <10cm thick. Tiles are all fractured, probably through weathering as well as use wear. They are not as coherent a spread as (3802) i.e. more spread out. 2.2m (N-S) x 1m (E-W) Clear edge definition","Tile pathway 5m beyond the northwestern limit of House 1. Almost certainly the same as (3802) to the south east. At it's northern extent the tiles dip down into a likely slump. The southern extent, being higher, has been truncated by a Victorian trench. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 20.78, 21.78" 3073,C3073,3812,D,0,Trowel,Layer,"Compact, very dark greyish brown sandy silt with some clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm- very mixed gravels; 1-2% bone; 2-5% CBM; 2m x 2.5m x 0.03m (thickness is pre-ex estimate)",Mixed layer beneath gravel surface (3751). This may have been a small levelling layer preparing the way for (3751). Not excavated in 2002. Plan no: 20.82 3075,C3075,3925,D,0,Trowel,Gravel make-up layer,"Compact, dark grey silt Inclusions: 20% gravel (A) (2-6cm);-? 5% large gravel (A) (6-20cm);-? 25% pea gravel (S-A) (6-20mm)","Gravel make-up layer for clay floor surface (4420) within circular structure [4408]. It was initially assigned a context number in 2002 for sampling purposes only - it was not excavated or planned that season. In 2004, the NE section of this context was removed. It contained only various gravels and no finds except for one piece of pottery. Strat below (4420). Strat above (5556). Part of Group 5570. Partially removed in 2004. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.106, 2.107, 3.104, 10.134, 11.190, 11.197 Section no: 575, 573, 589,-?650-? Accuracy rating - 5" 3076,C3076,3926,D,0,Trowel,"Burnt clay in Room 5, House 1","Friable, orange / red clay
Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (2-6cm);  CBM
Extent: 1.6m x 1m;    Thickness: 0.04m
Diffuse edge definition {21/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Scorched, burnt clay in south east corner of Room 5, House 1 representing the upper most layer of clay within hearth [4407]. Originally exposed and assigned a context number in 2002 for sampling purposes only - it was not excavated or planned that season. In 2004, (3926) was found to extend only in the SW area of the hearth and was sampled for trace element analysis within the extensive sampling program for circular feature [4408]. Strat below (4364), (4355). Strat above (5520). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 2.78
Section no: 573, 575
Sample no: 824 (suspected hammerscale);  573 (parent no) - 418, 430, 431, 433;  783 (XRF)


{}" 3077,C3077,3927,D,0,Trowel,Burnt part of floor surface (4420),"(3927) is a burnt version of the below context description. It had higher levels of burning and a few pieces of CBM which disappeared through cleaning
Compact - friable, yellow / brown clay
Inclusions: 30% gravel (S-A) (2-6cm);  5% pea gravel (A) ( 6-20mm);  2% pottery


{21/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Differentially burnt part of clay floor (4420) within circular structure [4408], Group 5570, extending across most of the structure extent. A context number was initially assigned to this context in 2002 for sampling purposes only following the removal of levelling clay (1818) and before the realisation that (3927) was a part of (4420). Strat below (4407). Strat above (3925). Same as (4420). Partially removed in 2004. To be completed in 2005?
Plan no: 2.27 (multi-context)
Sample no: 573.95-96 (XRF)



{}" 3080,C3080,3930,D,0,Trowel,Alice Holt jar SF2549,,Alice Holt jar deposited in small pit in the north east corner of corridor between rooms 4B and 5 of House 1. Given the small find number 2549. No further details as card not completed until almost 4 weeks after excavation and not by the excavator. 3082,C3082,3946,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread / levelling deposit,"Compact, mid brown silty gravel with varied patches
Inclusions: >70% gravel (S-R) (R) (2-6cm) (6-20cm) - large gravel pieces and flint nodules
Extent: 0.6m x 0.4m (patch 1)   2m x 1.2m (patch 2);    Thickness: 0.06m

{11/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Gravel spread in the northern part of Room 1, House 1. Underlies clay (1961) and overlies beam slot fill (4646) and floor (3263), therefore (3946) post-dates the timber structure.  Not excavated or planned in 2002-3. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 16.163, 16.164, 16.165  {}" 3083,C3083,3961,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Loose, mid-black / brown sandy silt Inclusions: >70% stones (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 1.8m x 2.3m; Thickness: 0.05m Clear edge definition","Levelling layer, cut by construction for wall 3201. Butts timber beam slots [1967] and [4562] in Room 3 of the timber house. Part of the context is discoloured from a later hearth. Part of gravel Group 5498. Strat below (5472). Cut by [1090], (4617]. Contemporary with (5465), (3684). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.180, 21.192 Accuracy rating - 3" 3085,C3085,4111,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Compact, greyish yellow silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% gravel (S-R) (R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 1-5% bone c.7m x 3m; Thickness: c.0.02m-0.2m Edge definition clear in some places and diffuse in others","Levelling deposit in the NE aisle of House 1 - strat below (4552), (3989). This context is infill of beam slot but also extends over a much wider area. Contains several large pieces of CBM and some articulated bone. Same as (4112), (4568), (4567) and (4561). Truncated by Victorian trenches [1034], [1069], [1124], robber trench [1535] and post hole [3253]. Plan no: 16.141, 21.76, 21.81 Sample no: 656 for charcoal Accurate rating: 4" 3087,C3087,3972,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Friable, yellow clay Inclusions: 1-5% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) 3.2m x 0.5m x 0.1m Clear-diffuse edge definition","This clay is one element filling a gully running along the northern side of Room 3, House 1. The clay was originally dug as part of (3247) which covered it. Gravel (3704) beneath also slumps into this feature which may continue under wall 1018. Partially excavated in 2002." 3088,C3088,3990,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Hard, grey black silty gravel. Inclusions: 35-70% of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 6m x 2m; Thickness: 0.02-0.06m Clear edge definition","Gravel, clay & CBM spread outside the veranda area. Possibly a levelling or accumulation deposit as is (4015) and likewise serving the same function. Strat below (3692). Strat above (4015). Partially removed in 2002 and completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.92, 14.72" 3089,C3089,3991,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut containing (1174),"Linear in plan measuring 7m x 0.45m x 0.08-0.18, truncated at the eastern end and butts wall cut Break of slope (top & base): Sharp with vertical sides and a flat base Contains (1174) Clear edge definition","Trench for wall foundations for the eastern part of south aisle external wall, House 1. Plan no: 21.58, 21.59, 22.66" 3090,C3090,3993,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut containing (1173),"Linear in plan measuring 5m x 0.4-0.5m x 0.12-0.2m, truncated at either end by pits Break of slope (top): Sharp (base): Curved Mostly vertical sides (although V.T's have truncated sides badly) with a curved base orientated SE-NW Contains (1173) Clear edge definition","Cut for construction of wall 1173, part of southern aisle wall of House 1. Truncated at either end by late pits forming probable post-House 1 boundary features. Plan no: 15.108, 15.109, 15.110" 3092,C3092,3999,F,4007,Trowel,Fill of post pipe [4007],"Loose, grey sandy silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 4% CBM; 2% charcoal; <1% bone; <1% pottery 0.43m x 0.48m x 0.3m Diffuse edge definition",Fill of post pipe element of posthole at south west of veranda area to the south of House 1. Comprises small flints and soil filling area within packing (4006). Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 12.72 Section no: 432 3097,C3097,4006,F,4007,Trowel,Post packing for [4007],"Friable, mid-grey silty clay with yellow mottling Inclusions: 5-15% (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20cm) (20-60cm); Flint (packing) ranging in size from 0.33m in length to 0.06m in length 0.17m (N-S) and 0.15m thick",Post packing comprising large flints and clay. Completely removed in 2002. Plan no: 12.72 Section no: 432 3098,C3098,4010,D,0,Trowel,Floor make up,"70% flints (S-A) (^-20mm) within a friable, light brown/grey sandy silt matrix Clear edge definition","Surface/make-up of finely sorted gravels possibly ephemeral across underlying clay make-up but truncated by cuts. Uneven depth - 10-70mm. Distinct, lower, darker division - possibly decayed mortar? Completely removed in 2002 Plan no: 11.94, 11.95 Sample no: 640" 3102,C3102,4071,S,4072,Trowel,Wall,4-5 courses of flint collapsing towards the south west creating a looser bond and structure of wall 1150 towards its top courses Bond the same as 1150,"Originally thought to be the backfill of robber cut [4072] in wall 1150, but reconsideration in 2003 of the sections and excavation of the top course of 1150 has revealed that [4072] doesn't appear to be a separate build. The change in packing deposit in this cut is more likely due to slumping of the wall. Therefore this context does not technically exist. Definite courses of 1150 structure seen collapsing into subsidence to the south west of the square house, creating a cavity and looser bond but keeping the coursed profile even though it's not upright but at an angle. Plan no: 2.40, 2.41 Section no: 456" 3106,C3106,4079,D,0,Trowel,Make-up layer,"Friable, dark grey brown clayey silt Inclusions: >70% stones (A) (S-A) (R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Clear edge definition with some broken areas","Gravel make-up layer for probable crushed tile floor (4078) in remnant of later stratigraphy still remaining in Room 4a, House 1. Number given for sampling purposes. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 10.77, 11.121" 3107,C3107,4080,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,,"Probable occupation layer at the base of large truncation in Room 4a, House1. [4080] does not continue under wall 2083. Strat below (5427). Full extent not known-?in 2004. Not planned or excavated in 2004-5.-?To be completed in 2006 and future seasons. Accuracy rating - 2-?" 3108,C3108,4081,D,0,Trowel,Demolition dump,"Friable, dark grey silty clay with some orange / yellow clay
Inclusions: 35-70% gravel (S-A) (S-R) (2mm-6cm);  5% flint nodules;  Occasional charcoal and CBM flecks
Extent: 4.66m x 2.17m;    Thickness: 0.01-0.1m
Diffuse edge definition {21/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Possible demolition dump consisting of mixed silty gravels and clays. Situated in Rm 4b of the SW House. This deposit divides two construction phases as it seals a beam slot structure and is cut by circular structure [4408]. Strat above (4417). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.104, 11.161
Accuracy rating - 3

{}" 3110,C3110,4085,F,4087,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4087],"Friable, dark brown silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 4.2m x 0.15-0.2m; Thickness: 0.05m Clear edge definition","Fill of possible beam slot in north aisle of House 1. Could be associated with other beam slots -(4001), [1967], [3279] and [3280]. May possibly be the remains of an earlier timber structure dating prior to stone foundations of House 1. Other beam slot [4095] is probably associated with this one. Completely removed in 2002, but in 2003 it was discovered that (4085) was the second fill of [4087], the first being (4111) - re-numbered as (4567). Plan no: 21.68, 21.69 Sample no: 642" 3111,C3111,4087,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut,Linear in plan with rounded corners measuring 5.7m x 0.16-0.28m (variable) Depth: 0.06-0.11m Break of slope (top): Rounded; (base): Sharp Flat sides with a flat-convex base orientated NW-SE Contains (4567) Clear edge definition,"Beam slot cut, likely to be part of an earlier phase timber building and therefore probably related to neighbouring contexts - [4555], [4096], [3280], [3279], [1967], [4562] which appear to be other possibly associated beam slots. Plan no: 21.71, 21.72 (2002); 21.105, 21.106 (2003) Accuracy rating - 4" 3117,C3117,4094,F,4017,Trowel,Fill of robber trench [4017],"Compact, mid-greyish yellow silty clay Inclusions: 5% very small gravel pieces; 2% flint nodules; pea gravel c.0.1m thick Clear edge definition","Backfill of robber cut [4017], shallow in depth at west end gaining depth to the east. Very similar to clay floor/floor make-up (3375) to the north. Possibly acting as an extension of the floor into the veranda area to the south or providing a base for timber beam as Room 7 extended into the veranda area. Similar to clays above (3377) in robber cut [3636] Plan no: 11.114, 12.90 Section no: 453, 458, 459, 461" 3118,C3118,4095,F,4096,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4096],"Friable, dark brown silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 1.10m x 0.2-0.3m (length includes truncation) Clear edge definition","Fill of beam slot in same alignment as (4001). It can also be seen in the side of excavated beam slot [4087], joining it at a right angle. Possible associations therefore with [1967], [3279], [3280]. There also may be an association with an as yet unnumbered feature to the north east. This could be the remains of an earlier timber structure preceding the stone phase of House 1. Completely removed in 2002, but in 2003 it was discovered that (4095) was the second fill of [4096], the first being (4111). Plan no: 21.73 Sample no: 646" 3119,C3119,4096,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5761),Linear in plan measuring 1m x 0.15-0.3m x 0.2m
Break of slope (top): variable 60-90 degrees; (base): Variable - sharp to shallow
Convex-straight sides with a flat to concave base orientated SW-NE
Contains (5761) {},"Cut of beam slot on the same alignment as [4562]. Can be seen in the side of excavated beam slot [4087] which it joins at a right angle. Although the sequence of truncation is not clear, there are possible associations also with [1967], [3279] and [3280]. This could be the remains of an earlier timber structure preceding the stone phase of House 1.
Plan no: 21.74 {}" 3126,C3126,4112,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Friable, browny yellow silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones of all shapes and measuring from 2mm-6cm in size 3m x 1.5m; Thickness 5-6cm (max), 0.5cm (min) Edge definition: Clear/diffuse","Clay deposit in the north east aisle of House 1, possibly part of a levelling deposit, probably related to clays (4111) and (3686). Strat below (3664). Cut by [1034], [1014] and [1038]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.75 Accuracy rating - 4" 3130,C3130,4072,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut,n/a,"After reinterpretation of this cut in wall 1150, it has been agreed that cut [4072] does not exist and is actually just caused by slumping of the wall 1150. Wall 1150 running in a north westerly direction has already had (4071) removed, but as above it was actually part of 1150 wall slump. Wall subsiding towards the south west creating a cavity and looser bond material (4071). See context card for sketch plan/ Plan no: 2.45, 2.46 (void) Accuracy rating - 4" 3131,C3131,4121,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, yellow sandy clay Inclusions: 5-15% (S-R) (6-20mm); CBM and gravel Extent: 1.57m x 1.66m Thickness: 0.28m Clear edge definition Slopes towards the south west",Clay levelling deposit slumping gently to the west into an earlier feature. Contemporary to both (3678) and (3680) - the episode of levelling for the whole house in it's south west square phase. Strat below (4010). Cut by [3708] and [1170]. Plan no: 11.125 Accuracy rating - 4 3147,C3147,4124,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut,Linear in plan with sharp corners measuring 0.77m (NE-SW) and 0.26m in depth Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): moderate-sharp Concave sides with a flat base orientated NW-SE U-shaped profile Contains (4126) and wall 2022,"Wall construction cut containing wall 2022 and (4126). Cuts (4129) - part of 3284 seen through arbitrary slot (Slot 27) section 469. The slot was cut to establish relationship between flint wall 2022 and ceramic tile construction 3284. Suggests that 2022 is later that 3284. Wall 2022 was fully excavated in 2003, revealing the full extent of [4124] - the construction cut for NE exterior wall of the SW House (wider than interior walls cuts for load-bearing purposes). [4124] was constructed in a single building phase along with [3627] and [4360] and all the cuts for all other walls of the SW House. Plan no: Arbitrary slot represented by plan 10.74; 10.99 Section no: 469 Accuracy rating - 4" 3148,C3148,4125,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut containing (5461) and wall 2083,Linear in plan with sharp corners measuring 0.26m (NE-SW) with a depth of 0.09m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): rounded Concave sides with a flat base orientated NW-SE Contains (5461) and wall 2083,"Wall construction cut originally seen and partially excavated through arbitrary-?slot 27, section 469 in 2003. The slot was cut to establish the relationship between ceramic tile construction 3284 and wall 2022. In 2003, [4125] was said to contain 3284 and (4129). Further excavation in 2004 revealed-?bonding material (5461) to be-?sitting within [4125] with wall 2083 on top.-?Strat below (5461). Strat above (4080). Plan no: 10.144, 10.146, 10.148;-? Arbitrary slot represented by plan 10.74 Section no: 469, 471 Accuracy rating --?3" 3149,C3149,4126,D,0,Trowel,Building construction deposit. Fill of [4124],"Soft, grey brown sandy silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (6-20cm) 0.2m (NE-SW) Thickness: 0.13m","Sandy silt building construction deposit slumped to the south west part of wall 2022. Possible mortar of wall slumped to south west. Part of bond material for wall 2022, similar to other bond deposits in House 1. It is slightly isolated from the actual flint wall, possibly as a consequence of cutting the construction cut [4124] at the corner where it meets the return wall 1158. Strat below (3382); Strat above [4124]. Partially removed in 2003. Plan no: Arbitrary slot represented by plan 10.74 Section: 469 Accuracy rating - 4" 3154,C3154,4167,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Compact, dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2) silty clay Inclusions: <5% bone; <5% pottery Extent: 1.2m x 0.7m Thickness: 0.02m Edge definition: Vague","Accumulation deposit. Maybe part of previous context. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 20.90, 20.91 Spot date: late 1st - mid 2nd century AD" 3155,C3155,4169,D,4177,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4177],"Loose, dark greyish brown clay/silt Inclusions: 40% flints (S-A) (R) (2-6cm); 1% flints (S-A) (6-20cm); 1% large flints (S-A) (20-60cm) Extent: 0.37m x 0.45m Thickness: 0.33cm",Fill of post hole [4177] with flint packing found amongst CBM set into house floor. Strat above (3817). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.84 Spot date: Neronian-Flavian 3160,C3160,4551,D,0,Trowel,Possible levelling deposit,"Friable, orangey brown clay Inclusions: 1-5% (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm); <1% CBM Extent: 1m x 0.3m Thickness: 0.05-0.2m Clear edge definition","Possible part of a larger area of clay in the aisle at the north side of House 1. May be contemporary with (3281) as the material is similar but further association isn't possible due to Victorian trench truncation. Strat below (3259); Strat above (3973); Cut by [1069], [1124] and [3216]. Completely removed in 2003 Plan no: 16.138 Accuracy rating - 4 Spot date: early-mid 2nd century AD" 3161,C3161,4552,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Compact, dark greyish brown silty gravel with some sand Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 1.25m x 1.25m Thickness: up to 0.05m Diffuse definition",Possible small gravel levelling deposit containing some rubbish and bone etc. Strat below (3973); Strat above (4111); Cut by [1553]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 16.140 Sample no: 655 Accuracy rating - 3 Spot date: mid 1st - 2nd century AD 3165,C3165,4184,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread,"Hard, yellow orange clay Extent: 1.65m x 0.6m Thickness: 0.06-0.02m","Thin and patchy clay spread overlying gravel. Possibly associated with the clay from the north west area of House 1. Cut by [1287}. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.90, 28.107, 28.108 Accuracy rating - 5 Spot date: pre-Flavian" 3166,C3166,4189,D,0,Trowel,Layer of burning on top of hearth 4216,"Loose, dark black medium particle silt Inclusions: 40% charcoal (6-20mm); 1% Burnt CBM (6-20mm) Extent: 0.63m (N-S) x 0.71m (E-W) Thickness: 0.03m Moist in areas, sticking firmly to the underlying chalk",Layer of burning on top of hearth (4216). Set in the house clay (4152) along with tiles (4187). Strat above (4199); Strat below (3817); Cut by [1044]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.93 Section no: 482 Sample no: 666 - micromorphology & 667 - bulk Spot date: Late 1st - 2nd century AD 3167,C3167,4197,D,0,Trowel,Discarded tile layer,"Firm, light grey silty clay (matrix around the tiles) Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (2-6cm) Tiles: 1) 0.14m x 0.1m x 0.1m; 2) 0.17 x 0.05m x 0.05m Extent: 1.2m x 0.7m x 0.05m","Discarded tile layer in fill of pit. Part of fill (4179), on top of clay (4152). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 20.100 Accuracy rating - 4 Spot Date: ?2nd century AD" 3169,C3169,4556,D,4573,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4573],"Loose, dark grey/brown 7.5YR 4/2, coarse grained silty clay Inclusions: 35-70% stones of all sizes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; 1-5% bone; 10% CBM Extent: 1.88m x 0.22m Thickness: c.0.04m Smooth edge definition",Fill of a beam slot cut into a layer of clay (4152) and gravel and truncated by a Victorian trench. Thickness increases towards the western extent from c. 0.01m to 0.07m. Strat above (4573). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.85 Spot date: Neronian-Flavian 3170,C3170,4562,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4001),Rectangular in plan with moderately rounded corners measuring 0.3m x 2.17m with a depth of 0.03m Break of slope (top north side): sharp; (top south side): rounded Break of slope (base north side): moderately sharp; (base south side): rounded Irregular sides with an irregular base orientated SW-NE Contains (4001),"Cut for beam slot truncated by later flint wall 3201. South facing edge of beam slot is irregular and unclear and appears to curve westerly at the southwest end. Very shallow and its course is difficult to discern. Cuts (3961) and (3945); Cut by: 3201 Plan no: 16.143, 21.87" 3171,C3171,4563,D,4570,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4570],"Friable, black/brown silty clay with yellow flecks Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; 1-5% charcoal; 1-5% CBM; <1% bone Diameter: c. 0.4m Thickness: 0.25m Mostly unclear edge definition",Query post hole in the area outside the north east corner of House 1. Revealed at the edge of clay levelling layer (3049) north of and into House 1 (late phase). Strat below (3049); Strat above (4570). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 17.94 Accuracy rating - 4 Spot date: Late 1st - mid 2nd century AD 3172,C3172,4564,D,4571,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4571],Soft-firm very dark greyish brown clayey silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (R) (6-20mm) Extent: 0.45m x 0.45m Thickness: 0.35m Clear edge definition,"Westernmost of two post holes located close together. Revealed when the edge of levelling clay (3049) was removed at the north of House 1. Packing consisted of large flints and CBM, seemingly still stacked closely together and fitted around the central space for post. Strat below (3049); Strat above (4571). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 17.93 Accuracy rating: 4 Spot date: Late 1st - mid 2nd century AD" 3173,C3173,4570,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4563),Circular in plan measuring 0.4m in diameter with a depth of 0.25m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): moderately sharp Straight sides with a flat base Contains (4563) Clear edge definition,Post hole cut in the area outside the north east corner of House 1. Easternmost of two post holes located close together. Revealed underneath the northern edge of the clay levelling deposit (3049) at the north and into House 1 (later phase). Cuts (4566). Plan no: 17.99 Accuracy rating - 4 3174,C3174,4571,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4564),Circular in plan measuring 0.5m in diameter with a depth of 0.35m Break of slope (top): moderately sharp; (base): moderately rounded Concave sides with a flat/rounded base Contains (4564) Diffuse edge definition,Westernmost post hole of two post holes located close together. Revealed when levelling clay (3049) was removed north of House 1. Cuts (4566). Plan no: 17.98 Accuracy rating - 4 3175,C3175,4574,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut,Sub-rectangular in plan measuring 1.2m x 0.3m max (north wall) / 1.3m x 0.3m max (west wall) with a depth of 0.25m Break of slope (top): sharp (base): moderately sharp Irregular sides with an irregular base Containing wall 1583 Base is unclear as it is cut by pit,"Construction cut for wall 1583. Thought to be an extension of Room 3 in House 1. Cut by later pits [1576] and [1019]. Strat below (1583). Position of later wall joining/butting earlier wall 1015 is not clear, although there is minimal change in the bonding material. Plan no: 10.83, 10.84 Accuracy rating - 4" 3177,C3177,4177,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4169),Circular in plan measuring 0.43m x 0.45m with a depth of 0.33m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): moderately rounded Straight/slightly sloped sides with a flat base U-shaped profile Contains (4169),Post hole cut into House 1 clay (4152) with a CBM and small flint packing (4169). Plan no: 21.88 Accuracy rating - 4 3182,C3182,4188,D,0,Trowel,Silty accumulation deposit,Friable dark grey clayey silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (2-6cm); 1-5% CBM (A) (2-6cm); 1-5% bone (2-6cm) Max extent: 4m x 4m Thickness: 6-20mm Clear edge definition,"Possible, grey silt accumulation deposit covering yellow and dark clay. Appears to be on the interior line of wall. Tile deposit under silt deposit. Strat below (3718). Cut by: [1035]. Plan no: 28.111, 28.112, 29.104 Accuracy rating - 5 Spot date: Pre-Flavian - mid 2nd century AD" 3183,C3183,4196,D,0,Trowel,Burnt occupation deposit,"Plastic, red clay Inclusions: <1% stones (S-A) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.3m x 0.27m; Thickness: 0.03m",Patch of burnt clay resulting from repeated burning in a small area. Part of the green clay floor (4215) inside House 1. Strat above (4215); Strat below (3817). Completely removed in 2003 Plan no: 21.98 Accuracy rating - 4 3184,C3184,4199,D,0,Trowel,Chalk deposit within hearth 4216,"Hard, white/light grey chalky silt with no inclusions Extent: 0.36m (N-S) x 0.62m (E-W); Thickness: 0.04-0.05m",Chalk deposit from burning within hearth 4216 under layer of charcoal/silt (4189). Strat above (4200). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.107 Section no: 482 Accuracy rating - 4 3185,C3185,4200,S,0,Trowel,Burnt CBM tile - part of hearth 4216,Roughly squared CBM tile measuring 0.41m x 0.4m orientated NW-SE,Burnt CBM tile - part of hearth 4216. Probably forms the burning surface for the hearth. Stratified below chalk layer (4199). Strat above (4201). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.108 Section no: 482 Accuracy rating - 4 3186,C3186,4215,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Plastic, greeny yellow clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (2-6cm); <1% charcoal; 1-5% CBM; <1% pottery Extent: 2m (N-S) x 2.6m (E-W) Unclear edge definition","Green clay is assumed to be patching at a later date of the orange clay (4152) which was a floor surface of a building. Strat below (3817). Completely removed in 2003 Plan no: 21.109, 21.110 Accuracy rating - 4 Spot Date: late 1st - 2nd century AD" 3187,C3187,4224,D,0,Trowel,Black silt,"Soft, black silt Inclusions: Charcoal Extent: 0.3m x 0.27m; Thickness: 0.01m",Black silt with charcoal inclusions underneath a patch of burnt clay. Part of green clay floor inside of house. Strat below (4196). Completely removed in 2003 Plan no: 21.112 Accuracy rating - 4 3193,C3193,4557,D,0,Trowel,Pebbled surface,Very dark greyish brown/brownish yellow pebbles set within a silty matrix (4577) (S-R) sub-surface stones - (2-6cm); surface stones - (6-20cm) Extent: 3m x 0.58m; Thickness 0.03-0.06m Clear edge definition,"Pebbled surface, truncated by Victorian trenches on two sides. The pebbles are embedded in a light mortar of silty texture (4577). There is some slumping of sub-surface material in the centre of the context increasing the thickness to 0.06m. Context consisted of good, level metalled surface. Possible path? Strat below (3686). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.71, 21.86 Section no: 484, 487 Spot date: Trajanic, early 2nd century AD" 3194,C3194,4568,D,0,Trowel,Fill of beam slot,"Friable, yellow brown silt Inclusions: <1% stones Extent: 1.5m x 0.2m (not full extent) Diffuse edge definition",Fill of beam slot in the south aisle at the NE end of NE House. Possibly contemporary (4567) and (4561). Same as (4111). Strat below (3989). Cut by [1034]. Edge definition less clear at the north eastern extent due to deeper excavation. Part of the remains of an earlier timber structure on the same alignment of House 1. Not excavated in 2003 and therefore full extent not known. Plan no: 21.91 3195,C3195,4567,D,0,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4087],"Fine, yellow/yellowy brown sticky clay (silty in places) Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; <1% charcoal Extent: 5.5m x 0.2m Clear edge definition","Fill of a long beam slot along the north eastern end of the north east house. Part of the remains of an earlier timber structure on the same alignment as House 1. Strat below (4085). Contemporary with (4568) and (4561). N.B. (4567) is the primary fill of beam slot [4087], although (4567) is the same as (4111) which overlay and filled beam slots [4087], [4555] and [4096]. It was assigned a new number for ease of planning and interpretation. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.89, 21.94 Spot date: Late 1st - mid 2nd century AD" 3197,C3197,4201,D,0,Trowel,Fill of hearth 4216,"Soft, reddy brown / dark grey clayey silt Inclusions: 5% Burnt CBM (S-A) (6-20mm); 15% charcoal (2-6mm); 60% flints (S-A) (2-6cm); 10% pebbles (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 1.04m x 0.44m Thickness: 0.02m",Burnt clay on top of yellow clay (4202) and underneath CBM tile 4200. Originally part of the yellow clay into which the hearth was constructed and burnt during its use to form a separate context around the hearth. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.111 Section no: 482 3199,C3199,4127,D,0,Trowel,Make-up layer,"Compact, pale brown fine silt and coarse clay with red tints Inclusions: 15% flint (S-A) (2-6cm); 5% gravel (S-R) (6-20mm); 5% CBM fragments (A) (6-20cm) Extent: 0.58m (N-S) x 0.28m (E-W) Thickness: 0.08m Clear edge definition Very dry deposit with burning incorporated","Partially burnt spread of flint, clay and CBM probably representing dumping as a make-up for a floor layer. Overlies corridor side of hearth (3926) and the burning may be associated with this. Strat below (4354). Strat above (3926). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.135" 3203,C3203,4186,D,0,Trowel,Gravel floor,"Loose, dark grey medium sand Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (2-6cm) Extent: 2.1m (N-S) x 1.2m (E-W) Diffuse edge definition","Gravel floor overlaying clay (4170). Truncated by Victorian trench and probably continues on the other side of the trench to the west. Seems to abutt (4170), gravel/clay boundary running diagonally, possibly following orientation of the early walls. Strat below (3532). Plan no: 20.99 Accuracy rating - 4" 3204,C3204,4191,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor,"Firm, yellow orange clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-R) (2-6mm) Extent: 0.33m x 0.51m Thickness: 0.04m Clear edge definition",Clay spread truncated by two Victorian trenches overlying possible wall. Strat below (3532). Strat above (4198). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.109 Accuracy rating - 5 3206,C3206,4193,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor,"Firm, yellow green clay Extent: 0.4m x 0.17m Thickness: 0.03m Clear edge definition",Very thin and patchy clay spread cut by Victorian trenches. Possibly associated with clay from the north west areas of House 1. Overlies an orange yellow clay. Strat below (3532). Strat above (4198). Contemporary with (4215). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.95 Accuracy rating - 5 3207,C3207,4198,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor,"Firm, yellow orange clay Extent: 0.3m x 0.33m Thickness: 0.04m Clear edge definition",Orange yellow clay underlying yellow green clay. Similar to clays associated with the north west house area but the connection is obscured by Victorian trenches. Slumps into beam slot that runs parallel to the wall. Strat below (4193) and (4191). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.100 Accuracy rating - 5 Spot Date: late 1st - 2nd century AD 3208,C3208,4210,D,4216,Trowel,Burnt clay around hearth 4216,"Soft, dark reddy brown silty clay Extent: 0.26m x 0.24m","Red burning of clay (4209) around hearth 4216. After excavation, it was evident that (4210) is the same red clay as (4201). Strat below (3817). Strat above (4209). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.116 Section no: 482 Sample no: Bulk sample - parent series 667 Accuracy rating - 5" 3209,C3209,4211,D,0,Trowel,Quenching pot,Dark grey pot with a red interior measuring 0.44m x 0.3m x 0.02m,Possible quenching pot associated with a small hearth directly north. Found in fragments . Exact relationships not yet determined. Strat below (3532). Strat above (4214). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.113 Accuracy rating - 5 Spot Date: 1st - 2nd century AD 3210,C3210,4212,D,0,Trowel,Hearth,"Hard, red clay with no inclusions Extent: 0.15m x 0.15m Thickness: 0.03m Diffuse edge definition",Partially destroyed hearth overlying charcoal (4213) probably associated with larger hearth to the north and possible quenching pot to the south. Strat below (3532). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.114 Accuracy rating - 5 3211,C3211,4213,D,0,Trowel,Hearth deposit,"Hard, black charcoal Extent: 0.19m x 0.17m Thickness: 0.02m Clear edge definition","Partially destroyed hearth, probably associated with larger hearth and possible quenching pot. Strat below (4212). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.115 Accuracy rating - 5 [ 01/01/2004]" 3212,C3212,4214,D,0,Trowel,Burnt clay floor,"Firm, red-purple burnt clay Extent: 0.55m x 0.3m Thickness: 0.06m Diffuse edge definition",Burnt clay underlying quenching pot. Strat below (4211). Strat above (4222). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.116 Accuracy rating - 5 3216,C3216,4222,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread,"Firm, yellow green clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (6-20mm); 5% pottery; 5% charcoal Extent: 1.7m x 1.14m Thickness: 0.02-0.07m Diffuse edge definition",Clay spread probably associated with yellow green clay (4160) inside the walls of probable building. Strat below (4214). Partially removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.117 Accuracy rating - 5 Spot Date: mid 1st - 2nd century AD 3226,C3226,4354,D,0,Trowel,Gravel make-up layer,"Compact, light brown silty clay Inclusions: >70% gravel (S-R) (2-6cm); 1-5% CBM (A) (6-20cm) Extent: 6m (N-S) x 1.23m (E-W) Thickness: c. 0.03-0.04m","Gravel make-up layer/floor surface laid down to level and cover earlier hearth. Possible preparation for the deposition of clay (3678) which overlies it. Strictly confined to the corridor and does not continue to rooms 4 and 5 indicating that it is later than the walls. Seals north east half of hearth relating to earlier circular structure extending up the corridor to the western side of the Ogham pit [1170]. Possibly the same as (4128) which subsides into the pit under the lobby but separated by wall construction cut [3668]. Strat above wall 2004 and make-up layer (4127). Cut by [1636]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 2.54, 3.73, 11.131 Accuracy rating - 5" 3230,C3230,4558,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, brown-dark grey (2.5Y 4/2) clayey sand Inclusions: >70% stone (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) Extent of this context is variable, it took the form of scattered clumps measuring up to 0.3m x 0.1m and varying in thickness from 0.03m-0.06m Broken edge definition","Assumed levelling deposit (due to part infill of gravel slump) located just inside the southern edge of the link room. Very gritty make-up. However, the context consisted of raised clumps on an already level surface. Strat below (4079). Strat above (4569). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 10.78, 11.122 Accuracy rating - 3" 3231,C3231,4560,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Hard, compact, plastic silty charcoal/clay ranging in colour from dark to very dark greyish brown to black Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (2-6cm); 1-5% CBM; 1-5% bone; 1-5% pottery; <1% glass; <1% nails Extent: 2m x 3.5m","This deposit would appear to have been a rubbish dump as it contained high quantities of broken domestic material. There is some evidence of burning. (4560) underlies the levelling clay which extended across the north east aisle into the north aisle and north of the aisled building. Strat below (4111). Strat above (4588). Cut by Victorian trench [1034]. Completely removed in 2003.
Plan no: 16.144, 20.135, 21.159
Sample no: 666 (burnt material)
Accuracy rating - 3 {}" 3233,C3233,4569,D,0,Trowel,Crushed tile and gravel floor,"Friable, grey borwn clayey silt Inclusions: >70% stones (A) (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); Tiny gritty inclusions mixed with larger smashed ceramics and stone Extent: 2m x 1m Thickness: 0.12m Clear edge definition with some broken edges","Crushed tile and gravel floor surface preserved under clay (4558). Strat above (4589), (4581). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 10.82 Accuracy rating - 2" 3234,C3234,4573,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4556),Linear in plan measuring 0.17m x 4.4m with a depth of 0.06m with moderately rounded corners Break of slope (top & base): moderately rounded Irregular sides with an irregular base orientated SW-NE Mostly clear edge definition,"Linear feature, possible beam slot cut into clay (4152). Possible association with the aisled hall. Strat below (4556). Cut by Victorian trench [1034]. Plan no: 21.103 Accuracy rating - 4" 3235,C3235,4577,D,0,Trowel,Building construction deposit,"Friable, very dark greyish brown silty sand Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (2-6cm); <1% CBM; <5% charcoal. Variable inclusions over the context e.g. in the SW area there was 35% stone inclusions but none in the central area Extent: 5.55m x 1.3m Thickness: 0.01m-0.03m Diffuse edge definition","Sandy, silty mortar into which pebbles of (4557) and (3664) were set. Colour, depth and inclusions are variable over the context. The underlying context (4584) seemed to mirror the variation (see sketch plan on context card for a fuller explanation). Strat below (4557) and (3664). Cut by [1014], [1038] and [1034]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.115, 22.77 Accuracy rating - 4 Spot Date: late 1st - 2nd century AD" 3236,C3236,4578,D,4587,Trowel,Fill of possible post hole [4587],"Fine grained, soft, dark brown silty clay Inclusions: 5-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R), ranging in size from 6mm to 20cm; 10% CBM; 20% charcoal Extent: 0.48m x 0.58m Thickness: 0.25m Clear edge definition",Fill of possible post hole [4587]. The supposition that this is a post hole is supported by two other post holes in alignment with this fill. Strat below (3049). Completely removed in 2003 Plan no: 17.111 Spot Date: late 1st - 2nd century AD 3237,C3237,4581,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Firm, grey / brown silt
Inclusions: >70% stones of all shapes (2-6cm); >5% CBM;  >5% charcoal
Extent: 4m x 1.5m;   Thickness: 0.11m {}","Silty flint gravel layer used as levelling for occupation. Butted by 4597 - formally a wall with a threshold. Also butted to the west by wall 3284. Possible crushed floor layer above. Partially cut by base of Victorian trench [1172], slot 27 and a robber cut. Mortar from underlying (3700) breaking through in places. Strat below (4589). Strat above (3700). Not excavated in 2003. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.85, 11.129
Accuracy rating - 4 {}" 3238,C3238,4584,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Friable, yellow brownish sandy clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm); <2% charcoal Thickness: 0.005-0.02m Clear-diffuse edge definition","Clay levelling layer contemporary with a number of contexts withing the south aisle, NE section outside NE house. Strat below (4577). Same as (4111), (3049), (3048), (3282), (3281), (4152). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.117, 22.78 Accuracy rating - 3 Spot Date: late 1st/ 2nd century AD" 3239,C3239,4587,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4578),"Ovoid in plan measuring 0.48m x 0.58m with a depth of 0.25m Break of slope (top): sharp (base): rounded Vertical sides with a flat, slightly sloping and concave base U-shaped profile Contains (4578)",Post hole cut containing (4578). In alignment with other postholes. Cuts (4580). Plan no: 17.113 Accuracy rating - 4 3240,C3240,4589,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose, dark brown/grey clayey sand Inclusions: >70% stones (A) (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.3m x 0.7m Thickness: 0.02m Diffuse edge definition",Fairly large clump of very loose 'mystery' gravel. Appeared to overlay flints and also gravel (4581). Thin layer of clay with charcoal at the base of this context. Strat below (4569). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.130 Accuracy rating - 3 3241,C3241,4590,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut,Linear in plan measuring 0.6m (SW-NE) x 0.2m (NW-SE) with a depth of 0.2m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Straight sides with a flat base orientated SW-NE Contains wall 4076 Clear edge definition,"Construction cut for wall 4076. Only a small part of this cut remains as it was truncated by robber trench [1535]. Where it does remain, it can be seen to be in alignment with the cuts for walls [1015] and [3201]. Plan no: 16.149 Accuracy rating - 3" 3242,C3242,4593,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,"Soft, grey brown clayey silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm); Occasional charcoal Extent: 3m x 0.4m Thickness: 0.015m Sharp edge definition","Thin and patchy occupation layer between two layers of clay in the south aisle, south of link room (Room 4a). Strat below (4582). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 10.88, 11.132 Accuracy rating - 3" 3243,C3243,4594,D,0,Trowel,Use deposit,"Soft, fine grained, dark olive brown clayey sand Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm); C2% charcoal Extent: Spread about an area measuring 4.49m x 4.1m; Thickness: 0.032m Clear edge definition","Burnt material spread in patches across gravel (south of room 1 and spreading further north along aisle). Strat below (4584). Possibly related to hearth deposits. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.126, 22.84 Sample no: 752 Accuracy rating - 3" 3246,C3246,4656,D,4658,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4658],"Plastic, blackish brown silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm); 30-35% CBM; 1-3% charcoal; 1-3% bone Extent: 0.6m (N-S) x 0.5m (E-W) Thickness: 0.3m Mostly clear edge definition","Fill of probable post hole [4658] associated with ditch [4667]. Contained large pieces of CBM and pottery fragments of the same vessel. Strat below (3313). Contemporary with (4657). Completely removed in 2003. The fill was not planned - see Plan no 3.68 for plan of the cut. Section was drawn after the removal of the fill, although the context card does not specify what the section number is. Accuracy rating - 4 Spot Date: late 1st - mid 2nd century AD" 3247,C3247,4657,D,4659,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4659],"Plastic, blackish brown silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (6-20mm); 35-40% CBM; 1-2% charcoal Extent: 0.5m x 0.55m Thickness: 0.3m Clear edge definition",Fill of probable post hole [4659] associated with ditch [4677]. Contained large pieces of CBM - this was surrounded by compacted clay as if the clay was used to fill in the 'gaps' left by the CBM. Strat below (3313). Contemporary with (4656). Completely removed in 2003. Fill was not planned - see 3.69 for the plan of the cut Accuracy rating - 4 3248,C3248,4658,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4656),Oval in plan measuring 0.9m x 0.9m with a depth of 0.25m
Break of slope (top & base): moderately rounded
Bowl-shaped profile with concave sides and a concave base
Contains (4656) {},Post hole cut containing (4656) within ditch [4667]. In alignment and contemporary with post hole [4659]. Part of group number 4683 - seven post holes on a SW-NE alignment. It is believed that the post line forms part of a boundary cut into an earlier ditch. First partially excavated and planned in 2003. Further investigation in 2004 revealed that this feature had been \'under-dug\' and thus was re-excavated and recorded.
Plan no: 3.68 (2003 plan);  3.90 (2004 plan)
Section no: 517
Accuracy rating - 4 {} 3249,C3249,4659,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4657),Oval in plan measuring 0.5m x 0.55m with a depth of 0.3m Break of slope (top): moderately rounded (base): gently rounded Vertical (5 degree) sides with a flat base U-shaped profile Contains (4657),Post hole cut containing (4657) within ditch [4667]. In alignment and contemporary with post hole [4658]. Part of group number 4683 - seven post holes on a SW-NE alignment. It is believed that the post line forms part of a boundary cut into an earlier ditch. First partially excavated and planned in 2003. Further investigation in 2004 revealed that this feature had been \'under-dug\' and thus was re-excavated and recorded.
Plan no: 3.69 (2003 plan);  3.89 (2004 plan)
Section no: 504
Accuracy rating - 4



{} 3251,C3251,4672,D,4677,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4677],"Fine, dark yellowish brown clayey silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones; 1-5% CBM; 1-5% bone Extent: 0.56m x 0.4m Thickness: 0.29m",Fill of post hole [4677]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 4.22 Section no: 502 Accuracy rating - 4 Spot Date: mid-late 1st century AD 3252,C3252,4673,D,4678,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4678],"Firm-soft, dark brown silty clay with yellowy patches Inclusions: 30% stones (S-R) (6-30mm); 5% CBM (2-10cm); <1% charcoal (2-6mm) Extent: 0.35m x 0.4-0.62m Thickness: 0.32m Clear, but irregular edge definition",Fill of post hole [4678]. Perhaps subsided. Completely removed in 2003. Accuracy rating - 4 3254,C3254,4675,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4679),Ovoid in plan measuring 0.66m x 0.61m with a depth of 0.43m
Break of slope (top): sharp (base): rounded
Vertical sides with a concave base
Contains (4679) {},Post hole cut containing (4679) within ditch [4667]. Part of group number 4683 - seven post holes on a SW-NE alignment. It is believed that the post line forms part of a boundary cut into an earlier ditch. First partially excavated and planned in 2003. Further investigation in 2004 revealed that this feature had been \'under-dug\' and thus was re-excavated and recorded.
Plan no: 9.78 (2003 plan);  9.92 (2004 plan)
Section no: 503
Accuracy rating - 4 {} 3255,C3255,4677,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4672),"Oval in plan measuring 0.64m x 0.58m with a depth of 0.38m
Break of slope (top & base): sharp
U-shaped profile with vertical sides and a flat, slightly sloped base
Contains (4672) {}",Post hole cut containing (4677) within ditch [4667]. Part of group number 4683 - seven post holes on a SW-NE alignment. It is believed that the post line forms part of a boundary cut into an earlier ditch. First partially excavated and planned in 2003. Further investigation in 2004 revealed that this feature had been \'under-dug\' and thus was re-excavated and recorded.
Plan no: 4.22 (2003 plan);  4.36 (2004 plan)
Section no: 502
Accuracy rating - 4 {} 3256,C3256,4678,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4673),Ovoid in plan measuring 0.64m x 0.88m with a depth of 0.34m
Break of slope (top): sharp (base): moderately rounded
Straight sides with a flat base orientated NE-SW
Contains (4673)
Sharp edge definition {},"Post hole cut containing (4673) within ditch [4667]. Part of group number 4683 - seven post holes on a SW-NE alignment. It is believed that the post line forms part of a boundary cut into an earlier ditch. First partially excavated and planned in 2003. Further investigation in 2004 revealed that this feature had been \'under-dug\' and thus was re-excavated and recorded.
Plan no: 3.71 (2003 plan);  3.87, 3.88 (2004 plans)
Section no: 497 (drawn after the removal of the fill)
Accuracy rating - 4
{}" 3257,C3257,4679,D,4675,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4675],"Slightly compact, grey brown clayey silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (6-20cm); 50% CBM (tegulae) Extent: 0.52m x 0.42m Thickness: 0.25m","Fill of post hole [4675]. Part of an alignment of post holes running from south west to north east. Other post holes in this sequence : [4677], [4678], [4658], [4659]. CBM was randomly distributed throughout the fill suggesting that the post was deliberately removed rather than decaying in situ. Completely removed in 2003. Fill was not planned. Accuracy rating - 4 Spot Date: late 1st - 2nd century AD" 3258,C3258,4681,D,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4682) and (4715),Ovoid in plan measuring 0.66m x 0.76m with a depth of 0.36m
Break of slope (top): sharp;     (base): moderately sharp
U-shaped profile with straight sides and a flat base
Orientation: SW-NE
Contains (4682) and (4715) {},Post hole cut containing (4682) and (4715). Part of group number 4683 - seven post holes on a SW-NE alignment. It is believed that the post line forms part of a boundary cut into an earlier ditch. First partially excavated and planned in 2003. Further investigation in 2004 revealed that this feature had been \'under-dug\' and thus was re-excavated and recorded.
Plan no: 4.23 (2003 plan);  4.35 (2004 plan)
Section no: 507
Accuracy rating - 4
{} 3259,C3259,4682,D,4681,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4681],"Top: Loose, grey silty sand Rest of context: Soft, browny yellow silty clay Inclusions: 35-70% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm); 5-15% CBM Extent: 0.7m x 0.45m Thickness: 0.18m Clear edge definition",Upper fill of post hole [4681]. Strat below: (3313). Strat above (4715). Completely removed in 2003. Section no: 507 Accuracy rating - 4 Spot Date: late 1st - mid 2nd century AD 3262,C3262,4715,D,4681,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4681],"Soft, brown/yellow silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.7m x 0.45m Thickness: 0.15m Clear edge definition",Primary fill of post hole [4681]. Strat below (4682). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 4.23 Section no: 507 Accuracy rating - 4 3265,C3265,4123,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread,"Friable, light yellowish brown sandy clay silt Inclusions: 5-15% gravel pebbles (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 1.7m x 0.5m; Thickness: 0.03m Clear edge definition","Ephemeral clay spread situated in the 'lobby', just to the south east of partition wall 1158. Probably part of the busy stratigraphic sequence which is subsiding into an earlier pit. Dug first under the impression that it was the top fill of a robber trench but turned out that the trench doesn't exist. Cut by later construction cut [3668] across its NW extent and by ogham well [1170] to the SW. Strat below (4010). Strat above (4128). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.120 Accuracy rating: 5" 3266,C3266,4152,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Hard, plastic bright orange clay
Inclusions: <1% stones (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm)
Extent: 14m x 6m; Thickness: 0.01-0.15m
Possibly several layers of clay distinguishable only by burn patches within the clay
Clear edge definition {}","Extensive layer of orange clay, presumed to be a floor of a building. Alignment is diagonal rather than square to the road, although most of the edges have been lost due to truncations and wear. It is also slumping and sealing earlier beam slots. Strat below: (3817). Cut by [1044] and [1032]. Not excavated in 2003.
Plan no: 17.109, 17.110, 20.102, 20.103, 20.104, 20.105, 21.104, 21.113, 21.118, 21.119, 21.138
Accuracy rating: 3
Spot Date: 50-125AD {}" 3267,C3267,4179,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Firm, light grey silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (2-6cm); <2% CBM (5cm x 3xm); <1% bone; <5% pottery; <1% Fe nails Thickness: 0.01-0.02m Poor edge definition","Part of slump layer, probably the same as (3812). Has been over-dug in some areas. Strat below (3737). Strat above (4152). Same as (4167). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 20.96, 20.97" 3268,C3268,4225,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Soft, dark brown/grey medium silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; 1-5% CBM Extent: 3m x 3m; Thickness: 0.06m",Deposit of gravelly dense black silt that overlies the green amd orange/yellow house floors. Probably the same as (3817) although significantly stonier. Strat below (3802)=(3804). Strat above (4215). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.114 Accuracy rating: 4 Spot Date: early 2nd century AD 3270,C3270,4231,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Dark, greyish brown clayey silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) (2-6mm); 15% charcoal Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.07m Clear edge definition",Occupation deposit excavated within the hearth slot. Underlies yellow green clay (4160). Strat above (4232). Partially removed within slot in 2003 and excavated as (7102) in 2006.
Not planned
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating: 4 3271,C3271,4232,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread,"Firm, mid orange-yellow clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (A) (6-20mm) Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.01m Clear edge definition",Clay spread seen in section of hearth slot. Possibly associated with clay (4245) to the east of Victorian trench in the section. Strat below (4231). Strat above (4235). Partially removed within slot in 2003. Not planned Section no: 492 Accuracy rating: 4-5 3272,C3272,4235,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Friable, dark brownish grey clayey silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-R) (2-6mm); CBM and charcoal Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.02m Clear edge definition",Silty accumulation deposit in section of hearth. Possibly associated with silt (4246) to the east of Victorian trench within the section. Strat below (4232). Strat above (4236). Partially removed within slot in 2003 and excavated as (7108) in 2006.
Not planned
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating: 4 3273,C3273,4236,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread,"Firm, light yellowish green silty clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-R) (6-20mm); Sparse charcoal Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.03m",Clay spread in section of hearth slot. Possibly associated with the yellowish green clay (4247) to the east of Victorian trench within the section. Strat below (4235). Strat above (4237). Partially removed within slot in 2003. Not planned. Section no: 492 Accuracy rating: 5 3274,C3274,4237,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Friable, mid-yellowish brown sandy silt Inclusions: >70% (S-A) (2-6cm) Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.06m Clear edge definition",Gravel spread. Strat below (4236) and (4247). Strat above (4766). Partially removed within slot in 2003 and excavated as (7113) in 2006.
Not planned
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating: 3-4 3275,C3275,4243,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Loose, dark greeny brown silt Inclusions: 15% stones (A) (6-20mm); 5% CBM (6-20cm); All inclusions poorly sorted Extent: 3m x 1.8m Clear edge definition","Silt overlying clay floor (4170) suggesting a brief period of abandonment. Area was exposed for a year. Strat below (3597). Strat above (4170). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 20.106, 29.108 Accuracy rating: 4 Spot Date: 2nd century AD?" 3276,C3276,4244,D,0,Trowel,Burnt clay,"Hard, light reddish orange burnt clay No inclusions Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.07m Diffuse edge definition","Burnt clay associated with the 3rd phase of hearth (4234). Strat below (4248). Strat above (4245), (4752), (4753). Partially removed within slot in 2003 (south face and west face). Plan no: 29.239 Section no: 492 Sample no: 951 Accuracy rating: 5" 3277,C3277,4245,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor,"Hard, mid orange yellow clay Inclusions: Sparse charcoal Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.04m Diffuse edge definition","Yellow clay underlying burnt clay (4244), presumably same original material associated with the last phase of hearth 4232 south facing section. Probably extension of yellow clay (4232) on the west side of Victorian trench cut. Strat above (4246). Partially removed within hearth slot in 2003. Not planned Section no: 492 Accuracy rating: 5" 3278,C3278,4246,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Friable, dark purple/grey silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 15% charcoal Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.07m Diffuse edge definition",Thick silt deposit with much evidence of burning. In the south face of hearth 4234 section. Strat below (4245). Strat above (4247). Partially removed within hearth slot in 2003 and excavated as (7108) in 2006.
Not planned
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating: 4 3279,C3279,4247,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor,"Firm, light yellow green silty clay Inclusions: Sparse charcoal Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.03m Diffuse edge definition","Greeny, silty clay in the south face of hearth 4234 section. Probably associated with green silty clay (4236) on the west side of Victorian trench cut. Strat below (4246). Strat above (4237) and (4751). Partially removed within hearth slot in 2003. Not planned. Section no: 492 Accuracy rating: 5" 3280,C3280,4249,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Soft, mid greyish brown silt Inclusions: 20% charcoal Extent unknown; Thickness: 0.03m Sharp edge definition",Charcoal rich silt below gravel (4237) at the base of the south face of hearth 4234 section. Partially removed within hearth slot in 2003 and excavated as (7144) in 2006.
Not planned
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating: 5 3297,C3297,4384,C,0,Trowel,Possible post hole cut containing (4385),Semi-circular in plan (due to truncation) measuring 0.7m x 0.4m with a depth of 0.1m Break of slope (top): Sharp; (base): 45 degrees Steep sides with a flat base Angular U-shaped profile Contains (4385),Cut of possible shallow post hole. Upper profile may already have been truncated. Might be part of a structure associated with the 'link' room or might be a small pit. Located next to the junction of walls 1152 and 2022 but just outside of the square house. Impossible to say whether the feature was structural as so little remains. Cuts (2083). Cut by [4363]. Plan no: 10.93 Section no: 530 Accuracy rating - 5 3298,C3298,4385,D,4384,Trowel,Fill of possible post hole [4384],"Friable, mid brown silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (2-6cm); Small specks of CBM dust and charcoal patches Extent: 0.4m x 0.7m; Thickness: 0.1m",Fill of possible post hole. If this is a post hole then it is heavily truncated leaving only half of a shallow scoop. It is impossible to say for sure. Strat below/cut by (4363). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 10.94 Section no: 530 Accuracy rating - 4 3301,C3301,4452,D,4460,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, mid-brownish grey silty loam Inclusions: >70% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; 15-35% CBM fragments Extent: 3.8m (SW-NE) x 1.5m (NW-SE) Clear edge definition","CBM and gravelly deposit fill veranda cut [4460]. Deliberate dump for the hard standing floor layer of the veranda. Strat below (4015). Strat above (4494). Cut by [3345] and [3348]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.127, 12.98 Accuracy rating - 4" 3302,C3302,4453,D,3692,Trowel,Floor / fill of [3692] / levelling deposit,"Friable, mid-grey brown silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (2-6cm) Extent: 1.5m wide; Thickness: 0.05m","Levelling deposit that overlies chalky deposit (4451) and is contemporary with the aisled hall phase of House 1. Fills [3692] at the east end of the veranda. Strat below (3698). Cut by Victorian trench [1558] and Slot 28. Final elements completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 14.81, 14.83
Accuracy rating - 3
Spot Date: Claudio-Neronian - mid 1st century AD {}" 3318,C3318,4494,D,4460,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Weakly cemented, mid-yellow brown clayey silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 20cm; 1-5% CBM; <1% chalk Extent: 2.7m x 1m; Thickness: 0.075m Clear edge definition","Gravel, CBM layer possible laid down as a levelling deposit for the veranda. Strat below (4452). Strat above (4481). Plan no: 11.134, 11.140" 3320,C3320,4553,D,0,Trowel,Building construction deposit,"Loose, grey-white silty sand Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) Extent: 4.9m x 0.06m; Thickness: minimal Clear edge definition","Mortar strip, possible base of beam? Runs along western edge of Room 3 on top of clay (3257) which fills possible cut for further structural elements. The strip is adjacent to wall 3297, earlier west wall of Room 3 or east wall of link room. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 10.75, 10.76 Accuracy rating - 4" 3321,C3321,4554,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Compact, mid-grey / brown silty clay Inclusions: 50% stones (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; 30% flint (2cm-20cm); Extent: 5.9m x 1.09m; Thickness: 0.03-0.05m Clear edge definition","Levelling deposit, bordered/butted by beamslots [4600], [4087] and [5430] and cut by wall construction trench [3980]. (4554) contains large amounts of white gravel and in this respect is similar to (5447). Both (4554) and (5447) are part of Group 5495. Strat below (5471). Strat above (6467). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.195, 21.196 Sample no: 910, 911 Accuracy rating - 2" 3322,C3322,4555,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4561),Rectangular in plan with moderately sharp corners measuring 1.2m (max) x 0.2m with a depth of 0.075m Break of slope (top & base): north edge - moderately round; south edge - sharp Sides: convex on the north side and straight on the south side with an irregular base orientated NE-SW Contains: (4561) Diffuse edge definition,"Cut for beam slot, probably integral to the late wooden structure at the NE end of House 1. Butts up to beam slot [4087]. Plan no: 16.151 Accuracy rating - 3" 3323,C3323,4559,S,0,Trowel,Tile surface,Approximately 20 pieces of floor and roof tiles bonded by degraded clay Tiles form a linear group extending c.3m in length No faces,"Possible flat surface of floor and roof tiles bedded into (4572). The horizontal part of this structure sits above the possible 'doorstep' make-up of limestone, flint and rubble. The horizontal part of the structure sits along the line of the 'beam slot'. Possible step and packing? Strat below (3694). Strat above (4572) and (4598). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 10.79, 11.123" 3324,C3324,4561,D,0,Trowel,Clay slump,"Firm, greyish yellow clay Inclusions: 5-15% gravel Extent: 0.2m (N-S) x 0.83m (E-W [4600]) / 1.2m (E-W [4555]); Thickness: 0.06-0.07m","Slump of levelling clay deposit (4111) which was filling 2 beam slots - [4600] and [4555]. Strat below (3989). Same as (4111). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 16.151, 21.132 Accuracy rating - 3" 3325,C3325,4576,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Compact, dark greyish brown silty gravel with silty clay patches Inclusions: 60% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; Extent: 2m x 1.5m; Thickness: 0.02-0.05m Clear edge definition","Levelling deposit for slump in Room 2. Strat below (3288). Strat above (3659). Cut by [4618]. N.B. This context inserted into existing stratigraphic relationships having been identified in 2003. Also seems to have 2 context cards with slightly differing information. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 9.77, 15.112, 16.147 Sample no: 745 Accuracy rating - 3" 3327,C3327,4582,D,0,Trowel,Mortar deposit,"Compact, greenish-grey sandy clay Inclusions: 15-35% (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) Extent: 0.8m x 0.4m; Minimal depth Diffuse edge definition","Thin mortar-like deposit below clay, adjacent to robber cut [3708]. Strat below (4572) and (3708). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.128 Accuracy rating - 4" 3330,C3330,4588,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Friable, very dark grey coarse silt Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (2-6mm); <1% bone, pot, CBM and nails Extent: 5m (E-W) x 3.6m (N-S); Thickness: 0.02-0.06m","Gravel floor situated below a burnt organic layer (4560). Could be above a compacted yellow pea gravel layer which remains in islands. Cut by [1034], [4590], [1124], [1535], [4600], [4555]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 16.150, 17.112, 21.121 Accuracy rating - 3" 3331,C3331,4591,S,0,Trowel,Wall repair,Single course of rough hewn knapped flints measuring up to 0.3m in length with a flint/gravel core and bonded by loam with a degraded mortar Direction of faces: north,Wall repair butting up against wall 1015 and 4592. Was slightly out of alignment (5c) with wall 4592 which is the main course below this context. The fill contained more gravel than the second course of wall 1018 and contained bits of clay. Strat below 4595. Strat above 4592. Partially removed in 2003. Plan no: 9.79 3332,C3332,4592,S,0,Trowel,Second course of flint wall,"Rough hewn, knapped flints measuring up to 0.3m in length forming a linear wall orientated NE-SW Bonded by a sandy loam (degraded mortar) Extent: 8.4m x 0.5m","Second course of flint wall (top course =1018). 4951 represents a repair (?) at its northern end. One sandstone block was included amongst the flints approximately mid-way along the wall - it was kept as a find. Strat below 1018 and 4591. Strat above (4606). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 10.91, 15.127 Section no: 423 Mortar sample: 714 Accuracy rating - 4" 3333,C3333,4595,S,0,Trowel,Wall repair,Rough hewn flints measuring 0.1-0.3m in length. Some flints are dressed on the NE side. Flints form the top course of a linear wall orientated NE-SW and measuring 0.8m x 0.45m Bonded by a sandy loam (degraded mortar),"Possible wall repair at northern end of top course of wall 1018, internal wall between rooms 2 and 3 of NE house. This possible repair was seen from plans when the second course of wall showed a more obvious repair 4591 (below 4595). In examining the wall plan, this possible repair became clear. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 9.80 Accuracy rating - 4" 3334,C3334,4583,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Compact, orangey-brown silty clay Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; Occasional small lumps of CBM Extent: 3.5m x 0.25m; Thickness: 0.03m Diffuse edge definition","Gravelly layer seems to follow line of ?wall/beam slot, south of room 3, NE House. Strat below (4579). Strat above (4636). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 15.114 Accuracy rating - 4" 3336,C3336,4597,D,0,Trowel,Building demolition rubble,Flint rubble (flints - c.0.2m x 0.1m on average).  Small lumps of chalk no bigger than 10mm x 10mm x 5mm
Extent: 1.4m x 0.3m;   Thickness: 0.15m
Broken edge definition {},"This deposit could represent flint rubble from the demolition of the south wall of the link room OR it could be a consolidation layer on top of beam slot [5420]. It is possible that this deposit was laid down before clay levelling layer (4572) to prevent subsidence potentially affecting any later construction. However, little evidence for  a wall built on top of (4572) remains and it seems odd to speculate that a wall might have been built on top of a deposit instead of within a construction cut. Nevertheless, no cut for a southern wall to the link room appears to exist during this phase of rebuilding. It has been decided that this deposit is rubble rather than a structure due to the lack of any ordered structure or bonding material. Strat below (4572). Strat above (4636). Not excavated in 2003. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 11.133
Accuracy rating - 3

{}" 3337,C3337,4598,S,0,Trowel,Possible step / threshold feature,Eroded flint and ceramic tile measuring an average of 400mm forming a step or threshold feature Extent: 2m x 0.3m; Thickness: 0.1m,Possible step or threshold feature for beamslot construction at the SE corner of room 4A of House 1. Strat below 4559. Not excavated in 2003. Plan no: 10.92 Accuracy rating - 3 3338,C3338,4599,S,4619,Trowel,Second course of wall,Second course of wall composed of rough hewn flints measuring from 0.06-0.25m Bonded by sandy loam (degraded mortar) mixed with rubble Extent: 5.2m x 0.48m x 0.15m,Second course of wall below 1164. Appears to have been tied into wall 1015 at this level despite 1164 appearing to butt up to 1015. Suggests external and internal wall were all one build. Strat below 1164. Strat above 4612. No plan - only photograph of this context Section no: 321 Accuracy rating - 3 3416,C3416,4600,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4561),Rectangular in plan with moderately sharp corners measuring 0.2m (N-S) x 0.83m (E-W) with a depth of 0.06m Break of slope (top & base north edge): moderately rounded; (top & base south edge): sharp Convex side on the north edge and straight sides on the south edge with an irregular base orientated NE-SW Assymetrical U-shaped profile Contains (4561),Beam slot cut containing part of the levelling clay (4561). Butts [4087] - beam slot running NW-SE in the former NE corner of House 1 aisle. [4600] is at right angles northwards from northern end of [4087]. Plan no: 21.132 Accuracy rating - 4 3417,C3417,4601,S,0,Trowel,Insertion/repair in second course of wall of Room 3,"Linear wall composed of very large, closely packed flints measuring up to 300mm x 300mm with one piece of CBM. It is noticeable that the flints facing the NW are the largest. Direction of faces: south and north; Flints are faced on both sides of the wall Bonded by a loam matrix with clay inclusions - probably degraded mortar Dimensions: 1.5m x 0.35m x 0.25m; Clear edge definition","This course is in the second course on the wall of Room 3, below 1533. This context is approximately in the middle of the wall and appears to be made up of different flint. It is on a different alignment to the flints to the south west of it. It is possibly a later insertion between two other parts of this second course - 4602. N.B. There was approximately 5cm of bonding material between (4601) and the course below which is different to 4602 which initially rested on the course below. Strat above and butts 4602. Completely removed in 2003 Plan no: 15.125 Section no: 345 Accuracy rating - 3" 3418,C3418,4602,S,0,Trowel,"Second course of wall, Room 3",Linear wall running SW-NE composed of substantial flints measuring up to 200mm x 150mm The flints are closely packed with a dirty clay matrix. Both sections are unfaced. Direction of faces: NW and SE Dimensions: SW section - 0.5m x 0.4m x 0.15m; NE section - 1.7m x 0.55m x 0.15m,This context is part of the second course of wall on the eastern side of Room 3. It consists of the parts of the wall on either side of possible insertion 4601. It is closely packed to the east end of 4601. The SW end of the SW segment is not bonded to the NE wall of the link room. The NE end of the NE segment is truncated. Strat below 1533. Strat above 4613. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 15.124 (outline); 15.125 (actually the plan for 4601 but also shows 4602 in detail) Accuracy rating - 4 Spot date: c.40-60AD 3419,C3419,4604,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4596),"Linear in plan with sharp corners, measuring 6m x 0.24m with a depth of 0.15m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Straight sides with a flat base orientated NE-SW U-shaped profile Contains (4596)","Probable beam slot cut from a wooden structure pre-dating the later stone structure. Possibly relates to other beam slots located in the same area. The clay fill is part of levelling spread (4152). Plan no: 20.112, 20.113, 21.135 Accuracy rating - 2" 3420,C3420,4605,D,4608,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4608],"Soft, yellow-brown sandy clay Inclusions: 1-5% flint stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 2% pottery and CBM Extent: 1.95m x 0.25m Sharp-clear edge definition","Fill of beam slot [4608]. This fill is part of levelling clay (4152). Cut by [1044] and [4177]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 20.110, 21.139, 21.140 Accuracy rating - 2" 3421,C3421,4606,S,0,Trowel,Third course of wall,"Third course of a linear wall composed of rough hewn, irregular flints measuring from 0.09m-0.36m in length Bonded by sandy loam - degraded mortar and gravel Direction of faces: NE and SW Dimensions: 5.2m x 0.51m x 0.12m","Third and lowest course of internal wall between rooms 2 and 3 in the NE House. In the upper two courses, there is a possible later insertion/repair at the northern end butting wall 1015, however, 4606 is tied into 4621, the lowest course of flint of northern wall 1015. Strat above [4618]. Completely removed in 2003. No plans - photograph only Section no: 423 Accuracy rating - 4" 3422,C3422,4607,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Hard packed, dark gravel within a brown sandy matrix Inclusions: 20% stones (2-6mm) (S-A); 20% stones (6-20mm) (S-A) Extent: 0.8m x 0.1m; Thickness: 0.02m Diffuse edge definition",Probably the bottom of metalled gravel layer (3296). This is only a remnant. Plan no: 15.126 Accuracy rating - 2 3423,C3423,4608,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4605),Linear in plan measuring 1.95m x 0.25m with a depth of 0.06-0.1m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): moderately sharp Straight sides with a flat base U-shaped profile Contains (4605),"Beam slot from wooden structure pre-dating the later stone construction. Cut by [4177] and [1044]. Plan no: 20.115, 21.141, 21.142 Accuracy rating - 2" 3424,C3424,4609,S,4617,Trowel,Second course of wall,"Second course of linear wall composed of rough hewn flints measuring c.170mm x 200mm and a small amount of CBM measuring 60mm x 40mm; Direction of faces: SE and NW Bonding is the same as the bonding for wall 3201, but is more layered i.e. sandy silt on top of gravel with large stones on top of silt and small stones and pea gravel. Dimensions: 1.8m x 0.46m","Second course of wall of room 1, House 1. Strat below 3201. Strat above 4616. Completely removed in 2003. No plan Accuracy rating - 2" 3425,C3425,4612,S,4619,Trowel,"Third course of internal wall, NE house","Third course of wall composed by rough hewn, roughly faced various-sized flints measuring c.100mm x 250mm Bonded by loam and pebbles Dimensions: 5.2m x 0.48m x 0.15m","Third course of internal wall, NE house. Appears to have been tied to wall 1015, suggesting one build. Strat below 1164 and 4599. Completely removed in 2003. No plan - photograph only Section no: 321 Accuracy rating - 3" 3426,C3426,4613,S,4615,Trowel,Third course of wall of room 3,Third course of linear wall composed of unfaced flints measuring on average 150mm x 100mm x 100mm Flint are rammed together bonded by a sandy loam - probably degraded mortar.,Third and lowest course of wall to the SE of room 3. This level contains an area of white rounded flints in the shape of a sub-angular triangle - very different in character to most of the flints in the bases of the rest of the walls. These flints were below and approximately central to 4601 - a possible insertion/repair within the wall. Strat below 4601 and 4602. Strat above (4614). Completely removed in 2003. No plan - photograph only Spot date: c.40-60AD 3427,C3427,4614,D,4615,Trowel,Wall bonding material,"Very friable, reddish brown clayey silt Inclusions: 10% stones (6-20mm) (S-R) Extent: 0.4m x 0.4m; Thickness: 0.1m Clear edge definition","This context forms a bond between 4613 - the lowest course of flints on the SE wall to Room 3 and the NE wall of the link room. This context appears to raise the level of the lowest course of flints from the bottom of the construction cut [4615] to bond with the NE wall of the link room. N.B. After cleaning cut [4615], it became evident that at the SW end it cut a clay bonded structure to the east of the main link room wall. The clay of (4614) may come from the re-use of this clay bonding. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 15.115 Accuracy rating - 2" 3428,C3428,4616,S,4617,Trowel,Third course of wall,"Third course of linear wall composed of unworked flints measuring c.314mm x 200mm and one piece of CBM measuring 120mm x 100mm; Direction of faces: SE and NW Bonding is the same as the bonding for the second course 4609, i.e. sandy silt on top of gravel with large stones on top of silt and small stones and pea gravel. It is noticeably thinner however on the third course Dimensions: 0.3m x 0.46m",Third course of flint foundation wall. Very large flints at the junction to the SE corner end. Thin layer of bonding on the bottom of the construction cut in which the wall lies. NW end truncated by robber trench. Strat below 4609. Strat above [4617]. Completely removed in 2003. No plan - only photograph Accuracy rating - 3 3429,C3429,4617,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut,"Rectangular in plan measuring 3.3m x 0.46m with a depth of 0.28m Break of slope (top): (moderately) sharp; (base): sharp Slightly concave sides with a flat base orientated NW-SE and a U-shaped profile Contains 4616, 4609, 3201 Clear edge definition","Wall construction cut, truncated at the NE end by robber trench [1535]. SE end corner turning into wall construction cut [4603]. Plan no: 21.146 Accuracy rating - 3" 3430,C3430,4618,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut,"Rectangular in plan with sharp corners measuring 5.2m x 0.51m x 0.27m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): moderately sharp Straight sides with a flat base orientated NW-SE Contains 1018, 4595, 4591, 4592, 4606","Wall construction cut for wall dividing rooms 2 and 3 in the NE House. Same 'event' as [4622] for northern wall. Plan no: 9.81, 10.96, 15.118 Section no: 423 Accuracy rating - 4" 3431,C3431,4619,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut,Rectangular in plan with sharp corners measuring 5.96m x 4.3m with a depth of 0.1m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Straight sides with a flat base orientated NW-SE and a U-shaped profile Contains 4612 and 4599 Clear edge definition,"Wall construction cut for internal house wall. Strat below 1164, 4599 and 4612. Plan no: 15.119, 16.153, 16.154 Accuracy rating - 3" 3432,C3432,4620,S,4622,Trowel,Second course of wall foundation,Linear wall foundation composed of unworked flints measuring c. 130-310mm in length Bonded by yellowy sandy loam with some silt - probably degraded mortar Direction of faces: SW and NE Dimensions: 9.28m x 0.54m x 0.06m,Second course of wall foundations. Strat below 1015. Strat above 4621. Completely removed in 2003. No plan - only photograph Accuracy rating - 4 3433,C3433,4621,S,4622,Trowel,Third course of wall foundation,Third course of linear wall foundation composed of flints measuring 340mm x 200mm (max) - 60mm x 15mm (min) Bonded by sandy loam with degraded mortar and some sand Direction of faces - NW and SE Dimensions: 9.28m x 0.54m x 0.4m,Third and lowest course of flint foundations for the north wall of the NE House. Strat below 4620 and 1015. Strat above [4622]. No plan - only photograph Sample no: 756 Accuracy rating - 4 3434,C3434,4622,C,0,Trowel,Wall construction cut,"Rectangular in plan with sharp corners measuring 10.84m x 0.5m with a variable depth of 0.15-0.3m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Straight/vertical sides with a flat base and a U-shaped profile Contains 4621, 4620 and 1015 Clear edge definition","Foundation cut truncated by Victorian robber trench [1535] at the north east end, and by pit [1583] at the south west end. Bisected by slot 19. Strat below 4621. Plan no: 9.83 Accuracy rating - 2" 3438,C3438,4667,C,0,Trowel,Ditch cut containing (3313),Linear in plan measuring 7.7m (NE-SW) x 2m (NW-SE) with a depth of 0.1-0.2m Break of slope (top & base): rounded Irregular sides - shallow on the south side and stepped on the north side Concave - flat base orientated NE-SE Linked with post hole group 4683 Contains (3313),"Probable ditch, filled by silty clay levelling deposit (3313). Post holes [4658], [4659], [4678] and [4681] were discovered in its base. Quite a shallow cut with a definite north edge but with an ephemeral south edge. Deeper to the west and shallowing out to a indistinct end to the east. Strat above (4682), (4656), (4673) and (4657). Plan no: 3.70, 3.72, 4.24 Section no: 524 Accuracy rating - 4" 3469,C3469,4725,D,4737,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4737],"Firm, brown/grey clay silt with yellowy patches Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (1-5cm); 10% flint (S-A) (2-10cm); <1% charcoal; 5-15% CBM; 1-5% bone Diameter: 0.4m; Thickness: 0.35m This post hole was noticed in the section of slot 51 and therefore some of it is missing",Fill of end post hole in post hole group 4683 which runs along the north side of SE House. Probably associated with pot SF3235. This post hole may show the position of entry to the SE House property from the causeway across the ditch on the E-W road. Strat below (3049). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 9.82 Section no: 540 3475,C3475,4737,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4725),Oblong in plan with rounded corners measuring 0.6m x 0.7m with a depth of 0.4m
Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): moderately sharp
U-shaped profile with vertical to convex sides and an irregular base
Orientation: NW-SE
Contains (4725)
This feature was noticed in the section of slot 51 and therefore some of it is missing {},"Most easterly post hole in post hole group 4683, associated with pot SF3235. This post hole is directly south of the main causeway across the ditch on the E-W road and thus maybe marks an entrance to the SW House. This post hole is in alignment with the northern corner of the \'link room\' which could suggest that this room is more associated with the SW, rather than the NE House. Further investigation in 2004 revealed that this feature had been \'under-dug\' and thus was re-excavated and recorded.
Plan no: 9.82 (2003 plan);  9.90 (2004 plan)
Section no: 540
Accuracy rating - 3 {}" 3481,C3481,4750,D,0,Trowel,Last phase of hearth 4234,Tile measuring 0.6m x 0.9 x 0.06m,"Last phase of hearth 4234. Consists of four partially destroyed large tiles. The tiles have been cut for section drawing on the west side and have suffered serious frost damage resulting in fragmentation after beging exposed since 1997. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 29.138 Section no: 492 Sample no: 773, 735 (XRF)" 3482,C3482,4751,S,0,Trowel,Third phase of hearth 4234,Tile spread measuring 0.97m long (width unknown) with a thickness of 0.08m,"Third phase of hearth 4234 comprising large pieces of tegulae, imbrices and floor tiles. The tiles are in an irregular arrangement and at irregular heights implying a collapse at some stage. Contrasts with the fourth and latest phase of the hearth made up of four large tiles with silt and chalk between them. Strat below (4753) and (4752). Strat above (4754). Partially removed in within a slot in 2003 and further explored in 2005. Plan no: 29.249 Section no: 492 Sample no: 997 Accuracy rating - 4" 3483,C3483,4752,D,0,Trowel,Packing material within hearth 4234,"Compact, light greenish brown silt Thickness: 0.04m; Extent unknown Clear edge definition",Compact silty packing material in between the third tile layer of hearth 4234. Strat below 4244. Strat above 4751. Contemporary with (4753). Partially removed within slot in 2003 and excavated as (5926) in 2005.
Not planned in 2003
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating - 5 3484,C3484,4753,D,0,Trowel,Chalk layer within hearth 4234,Light pinkish-white chalk Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) (2-6mm); dark silt Thickness: 0.04m; Extent unknown Diffuse edge definition,Gritty chalk layer above and in between the third layer of hearth 4234. Possibly a packing or levelling material in the hearth construction. Strat below (4244). Strat above (4751). Partially removed within a slot in 2003. Not planned in 2003 Section no: 492 Accuracy rating - 4 3485,C3485,4754,D,0,Trowel,Silt layer within hearth 4234,"Friable, dark greyish brown silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (2-6mm) Thickness: 0.02m; Extent unknown Clear edge definition","Gritty silt in between the second and third phases of hearth 4234, perhaps as a levelling between phases. Strat below (4751). Strat above (4756) and (4757). Partially removed within a slot in 2003 and excavated as (5926) in 2005.
Not planned in 2003
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating - 4" 3486,C3486,4755,S,0,Trowel,Second phase of tiles in hearth 4234,Tile spread measuring 0.07m thick but extent unknown,Second phase of tiles in hearth 4234. Strat below (4756) and (4757). Strat above (4766). Partially removed within a slot in 2003 and excavated as (7062) in 2006.
Not planned in 2003
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating - 5 3487,C3487,4756,D,0,Trowel,Silt packing within hearth 4234,"Compact, mid greenish brown silt No inclusions Thickness: 0.06m; Extent unknown Clear edge definition","Brown-green silt in between the second tile phase of hearth 4234, possibly as a packing material for the tiles. Strat below (4754). Strat above (4755). Contemporary with (4751). Partially removed within a slot in 2003. Not planned in 2003 Section no: 492 Accuracy rating - 4" 3488,C3488,4757,D,0,Trowel,Packing material within hearth 4234,"Soft, mid greenish yellow silty clay No inclusions Thickness: 0.06m; Extent unknown Clear edge definition","Green clay in between the second phase tiles of hearth 4234, possibly as packing material. Strat below (4754). Strat above (4755). Contemporary with (4756). Partially removed within a slot in 2003. Not planned in 2003 Section no: 492 Accuracy rating - 5" 3489,C3489,4758,D,0,Trowel,Tile spread,"Tile spread with a thickness of 0.02-0.06m In between the tiles is a friable, grey clayey silt","Tile spread, probably representing a demolition deposit spanning both sides of the wall of the structure. 4758 comprises a combination of roof tile and other CBM. Strat below (4188). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.121, 28.122, 29.109 Accuracy rating - 4" 3490,C3490,4766,D,0,Trowel,Layer within hearth 4234,"Friable, dark greyish brown silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (2-6mm) (2-6cm); 20% chalk Thickness: 0.06m; Extent unknown Clear edge definition",Gritty silt in between the first and second tile layer of hearth 4234. Possibly an accumulation of hearth material or levelling phase. Strat below (4755) and (4237). Strat above (4768). Partially removed within a slot in 2003. Excavated as part of (7114) in 2006.
Not planned in 2003
Section no: 492
Sample no: 955
Accuracy rating - 5 3491,C3491,4767,D,0,Trowel,First tile phase / foundation of hearth 4234,Tile spread measuring 0.05m thick ,First tile phase / foundation of hearth 4234. Strat below (4768). Strat above (4249). Partially removed within a slot in 2003 and excavated as 7125 in 2006.
Not planned in 2003
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating - 5  3492,C3492,4768,D,0,Trowel,Clay within hearth 4234,"Soft, mid-orange/yellow clay No inclusions Thickness: 0.06m; Extent unknown Sharp edge definition",Yellow clay in between the tiles of the first phase within hearth 4234. Possibly a packing for the tiles. Strat below (4766). Strat above (4767). Partially removed within a slot in 2003 and excavated as (7114) in 2006.
Not planned in 2003
Section no: 492
Accuracy rating - 5 3493,C3493,4769,D,0,Trowel,Use deposit,"Firm, dark orangey red clay Inclusions: <1% stones (S-A) (2-6mm); 10% charcoal Extent: 0.13m x 0.09m; Thickness: 0.01m Sharp edge definition",Patch of red clay possibly created by the oxidisation of orange clay layer (4152) by a hearth although no structural evidence of a hearth is present. Strat below (4152). Strat above burn layer (4770). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.124 Sample no: 712 Accuracy rating - 3 3494,C3494,4770,D,0,Trowel,Burnt layer,"Soft, dark greyish black clayey sand Inclusions: <1% stones (S-A) (2-6mm); 20% charcoal Extent: 0.2m x 0.15m; Thickness: 0.03m Sharp edge definition","Burn layer surrounding red clay (4769) suggesting the presence of a hearth, although there is no structural evidence to corroborate this. May have been a small hearth or a temporary/accidental burn. Strat below (4769). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.125 Sample no: 713 Accuracy rating - 3" 3495,C3495,4771,D,4780,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4780],"Soft, dark brown silt Inclusions: <1% stones (A) (2-6cm); Occasional charcoal Extent: 1.52m x 0.17m; Thickness: 0.1m Diffuse edge definition",Fill of beam slot [4780]. Strat below (3532). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.127 Accuracy rating - 4 3497,C3497,4774,D,4790,Trowel,Packing of post hole [4790],Loose and sticky brown grit Inclusions: 20% flint (S-A); 15% CBM; 5% pottery Large pieces of flint and CBM at the top Relatively clear edge definition,"Packing of post hole [4790] containing flint, CBM and other materials. Strat below (3819). Strat above (4790). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 29.112 Section no: 520 Accuracy rating - 4" 3498,C3498,4778,D,0,Trowel,Floor of hearth 4794,"2 large broken tiles and firm, fine-grained browny grey silt","Floor of hearth 4794 consisting of two large broken tiles. Originally uncovered by Victorian trenches (and was incorrectly identified by the Victorians as a hypocaust) and is at the junction of trenches [1033], [1032], [1287] and [1037]. 4778 is surrounded on the SW and NW sides by yellow clay (4152). Strat above (4789). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.131 Accuracy rating - 4" 3499,C3499,4780,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4771),Linear in plan measuring 1.52m x 0.17m with a depth of 0.1m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): moderately sharp Straight sides with an irregular base Contains (4771),Beam slot cut running parallel to the outside of a wall (wall context number not specified on the paperwork). In alignment with beam slots [4785] to the NW and [4783] to the SE. Truncated by Victorian trenches. Plan no: 21.129 Accuracy rating - 4 3500,C3500,4781,D,0,Trowel,Clay,"Loose, pale greeny yellow silty clay No inclusions",Clay deposit overlying the tile/gravel demolition phase of the large square building and butting the external gravel surface on the line of the underlying wall. Possibly the same as (4170). This is the floor surface associated with the last layer of the hearth. Strat below (4188). Strat above (4758). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.125 3501,C3501,4783,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4198),Linear in plan measuring 0.42m x 0.14m with a depth of 0.03-0.05m Break of slope (top): moderately sharp; (base): moderately sharp-rounded Straight sides (N. side: 85 degrees; S. side: 65 degrees) Flat base Contains (4198),"Beam slot cut running parallel, and directly adjacent to the outside of a wall (context number of the wall not specified on paperwork). In alignment with and probably associated with beam slot [4780] to the NW. Also in alignment with [4785] further to the NW. Plan no: 28.126 Accuracy rating - 4" 3502,C3502,4785,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5762),Linear in plan measuring 1.12m x 0.2m
Break of slope (top & base): sharp - moderately sharp
Straight - concave sides with an irregular base
Contains (5762) {},Beam slot cut running parallel to wall (context number of the wall not specified on paperwork). In alignment with and probably associated with beam slots [4783] and [4780] Plan no: 20.111 Accuracy rating - 4 3503,C3503,4789,D,0,Trowel,Burnt clay beneath hearth floor,"Plastic, red/brown clay No inclusions Extent: 0.5m x 0.5m; Thickness: 0.01-0.03m Clear edge definition",Red-brown burnt clay beneath hearth floor (4778). Strat above (4152). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.133 Accuracy rating - 4 3505,C3505,4790,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4774),Square in plan with rounded corners measuring 0.75m x 0.73m with a depth of 0.52m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Vertical sides with a flat base Contains (4774),"Steep sided, shallow bottomed post hole cut. Plan no: 29.124 Section no: 520 Accuracy rating - 4" 3509,C3509,4806,D,0,Trowel,Silt spread,"Compact, mid browny grey clayey silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm); <1% charcoal Extent: 2m x 1.5m; Thickness: 0.02-0.03m Irregular edge definition",Silt spread overlying a layer of stones and gravel. Possible occupation layer. Strat below (4153). Cut by [3741]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 29.126 Accuracy rating - 4 3510,C3510,4809,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Hard, light brownish grey silty sand Inclusions: 95% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm) (6-20cm) Extent: 2.4m x 3m; Thickness: 0.04m Clear edge definition","Small gravel spread cut by slot 1. Overlies yellow gravel and silt. Strat above (4758). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.128, 29.127, 29.128 Accuracy rating - 4" 3512,C3512,4610,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Hard, dark brown silty gravel with browny yellow patches Inclusions: 75% gravel of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 0.8m x 0.3m; Thickness: 0.01-0.1m Clear edge definition",Small patch of gravel to the NW of beam slot (4568). Possibly a deposit associated with the occupation of the timber structure prior to the stone phase of the NE House. Strat below (4611). Cut by [3920]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 21.143 Accuracy rating - 3 3513,C3513,4611,D,0,Trowel,Burnt accumulation deposit,"Loose, dark blacky brown sandy clayey silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 20% charcoal Extent: 0.7m x 0.3m; Thickness: 0.01-0.03m Clear edge definition","Small patch of burning to the NW side of beam slot (4568). Possible deposit associated with the occupation of the timber structure previous to the stone phase of the NE House. Strat below (4584). Strat above (4610). Cut by [3920]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 16.152, 21.144 Sample no: 729 Accuracy rating - 3" 3515,C3515,4818,D,4820,Trowel,Fill of post pipe within [4820],"Soft, dark brownish grey clayey silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (20-60cm) - poorly sorted Extent: 0.96m x 0.8m; Thickness: 0.45m Clear edge definition","Fill of post pipe within large post hole [4820] along the N-S road in line with other post holes. Strat below (4170). Strat above flint packing (4819). Partially removed (half-sectioned) in 2003 and the remainder of the post pipe and flint packing was completely removed in 2005. N.B. This context has 3 context cards. I assume that one is pre-ex and the second one is after some fill was partially removed and the third one is just an error. There are also 2 sets of plans (see beneath) Plan no: 28.129, 33.74 (pre-ex); 33.75 Section no: 562 Accuracy rating - 5" 3516,C3516,4821,D,4823,Trowel,Fill of post hole [4823],"Friable, dark greyish brown clayey silt Inclusions: >70% poorly sorted stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.5m x 0.57m; Thickness: 0.25m Clear edge definition",Fill of large post hole [4823] by the N-S road. In alignment with other post holes [4798] and [4842]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.131 Section no: 538 Spot Date: 125-150AD 3517,C3517,4823,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (4821),"Circular in plan measuring 0.5m x 0.57m with a depth of 0.25m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Vertical sides with a flat, slightly irregular base and U-shaped profile Contains (4821)",Post hole cut running parallel to the N-S road and in alignment with other post holes [4798] and [4842]. Plan no: 28.135 Section no: 538 Accuracy rating - 4 3522,C3522,4454,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Soft, mid brown / yellow clayey silt
Inclusions: 15-35% gravel (S-A) (2-6mm); Occasional small fragments of CBM
Extent: 5.49m x 2.3m; Thickness: 0.25m
Clear edge definition
","Thick yellow clay levelling deposit south of House 1, covering a substantial part of the area. Partially removed in 2003 to reveal underlying contemporary flint and CBM spread (4459) which lay under the western extent of the spread. (4459) was assumed to be roughly contemporary being either consolidation for the levelling layer or a demolition spread. Clay (4454) masked/sealed the post pad stones that appear to relate to the stone phase of House 1. At the edges of the deposit it becomes quite diffuse, tailing off into a thin band over the underlying gravels and silts. However, the northern and western edges of the deposit appear quite linear/delineated. The northern part of the deposit also contained a fairly high percentage of CBM. Strat below (5087), (5072), (5230), (6177). Strat above (4459). Cut by (4460). Completely removed in 2005.
Plan no: 11.237, 12.126, 12.127, 12.128, 12.129, 12.143, 13.158, 13.159, 14.136" 3523,C3523,4459,D,0,Trowel,Demolition deposit,"Hard, mid-yellow/grey silty clay
Inclusions: 5-15% stones (A); 15-35% stones (S-R); 60% flint nodules; 20% CBM
Thickness: 0.15-0.2m
Fair edge definition","Flint nodules and CBM - possibly demolition rubble within clay (4454) or part of the levelling process that clay (4454) represents. The excavation of this context was begun in 2003 thinking that the flints may be a post hole. Much of a small glass vessel and some brown-coated fine ware was retrieved from between the flints and tiles. In 2005, (4459) was considered to be a contemporary spread to overlying clay (4454). Partially excavated in 2003/4. Completely removed in 2005.
Plan no: 12.97
Accuracy rating - 5
Spot Date: 1st century AD" 3529,C3529,4504,D,4510,Trowel,Backfill of beam slot [4510],"Soft, mid brown-grey clayey sand Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (6-20mm); grit Extent: 3m x 0.24m; Thickness: 0.1-0.12m Thickness varies with the slope","Backfill of beam slot [4510]. Dark colouration of the material could be decomposition of the beam in-situ. 8 nails were situated at the base of the deposit, confirming the presence of a beam slot and its subsequent decomposition. (4504) is completely different to (6569) which appears to be mixed backfill of the same beam slot further towards the south west where the beam has been taken out and then backfilled. Strat below (4495), (6569). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.146, 14.99 (2003 plans); 11.229, 14.135 (2005 plans) Section no: 552, 553, 700, 702 Accuracy rating - 4" 3531,C3531,4510,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4504) and (6569),"Linear in plan measuring 7m x 0.1-0.24m with a depth of 0.1m Break of slope (top & base): sharp U-shaped profile with vertical (15 degrees) sides-?and a flat base Orientation: NE-SW Contains (4504), (6569)","Beam slot cut containing (4504) as fill and (6569) as a later backfill to the south west. On the same orientation as the house walls and another beam slot 2.6m away to the north. During the 2005 season, [4510] was re-examined and it was found to extend further towards the south west where it was fully excavated up to the point where it is truncated by [1170]. The south west, part of it contained (6569) which is backfill, therefore indicating that this part of the beam was removed as opposed to (4504) which represents the decomposition of the beam in-situ. Strat below (4504). Cuts (6585). Plan no: 11.158, 14.101 Section no: 552, 553, 700, 702 Accuracy rating - 4" 3534,C3534,4637,D,5428,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5428],"Soft, fine-grained light olive brown clayey sand
Inclusions: 5-15% stones of all shapes (2-6mm) (6-20mm); Occasional charcoal and CBM
Extent: 4.43m x 0.18-0.25m; Thickness: 0.07-0.13m
Clear edge definition {}","Fill (clay slumped in) of beam slot [5428] south of room 1, NE House. Part of the timber structure predating the stone house at the NE end of House 1. Strat below (4594). Strat above [5428]. Partially removed in 2003 and completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 21.150, 22.90
Section no: 560, 561
Accuracy rating - 3 {}" 3544,C3544,4772,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,Soft/loose dark brown clayey silt gravel
Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (6-20mm)
Extent: 5.4m x 5.5m; Thickness: 0.04m
Semi-clear edge definition {},"Dark, silty gravel layer that abutts clay floor (4170). Possibly an accumulation layer associated with the same phase of the floor. Strat below gravel spread (4186). Truncated by Victorian trench [1221]. Partially removed in 2003.
Plan no: 20.107 {}" 3550,C3550,4128,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Compact, yellow-grey silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 1.63m (N-S) x 2.06m (E-W)","Layer of clay and mortar of variable depth. Strat below (4386). Strat above (4398) and (4394). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.142, 11.143 Accuracy rating - 5" 3551,C3551,4150,D,0,Trowel,Gravel slump,">70% gravel (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Matrix: Friable, mid-grey brown sandy silt Thickness: 0.05m at the base Slumps into the north side and west corner of (4152=4154) and extends beyond this into area 20B Good edge definition","Gravel slump overlying and slumped into house floor (4152=4154). It also slumps to the west into another early feature near the cut of a late well. Some of the feature still remains at the bottom of the slump on the west side. Strat below (4174). Strat above (4151). Partially removed in 2003. Plan no: 17.100, 20.86 Accuracy rating - 3" 3552,C3552,4151,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,"Compacted-concreted, mid-grey silty clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-R) (2-6mm); 1-5% CBM; <1% bone; 1-5% pottery; <1% glass; <1% nails Extent: 0.25m on sides; 0.05m on base Clear edge definition",Occupation layer over clay floor/working area (4152=4154) which has slumped into earlier feature [4158] (a cut found in slot 13 but not exposed in plan in 2003). Strat below (4150). Same as (4158). Plan no: 20.89 Accuracy rating - 4 3554,C3554,4170,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor,"Compact, mid-greyish green clay
Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 1-5% CBM (6-60mm) - more frequent in the northern extent
Extent: 9m (E-W) x 10m (N-S)
Colour and inclusions variable across the extent of the floor
Clear edge definition {}","Large clay floor associated with large hearth. Original plan was to remove all the green clay as one, despite multiple layers being visible in the hearth section. Revised plan as of 17/08/03 was to take it down to the silt, gravel and tile demolition layer which seems to form a boundary between the upper and lower clays. N.B: floor seems to overlie and thus post date walls of similar alignment. Strat below (4799). Same as (4836) and (4222). Partially removed in 2003. Plan no: 20.117, 20.166, 21.148, 28.139, 28.140, 29.143, 29.144, 29.145, 29.146" 3555,C3555,4174,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation layer,"Firm, mid-grey-brown silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) (2-6mm); 15% grit (2-6mm) Extent: 3m x 1m; Thickness: 0.02m Clear edge definition [ 01/01/2004]","Accumulation of possible road wash material overlying gravel slump (4150), but physically similar and physically over (4172). There is missing stratigraphy due to slumping and it is slightly dubious as to where (4174) and (4172) meet, thus as to what level gully [4221] is cut from. Strat below (4220) and (4223). Partially removed in 2003 - to be completed in 2004. Plan no: 20.92 Accuracy rating - 4 [ 01/01/2004]" 3556,C3556,4208,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4808),"Rectangular in plan with sharp corners, measuring 2.8m x 0.3m with a depth of 0.3m Break of slope (top & base): sharp - 90 degrees Straight sides with a flat, slightly concave base",Beam slot cut containing (4808). Truncated by a Victorian trench at either end. Contemporary with and same as [4568]. Plan no: 21.145 Accuracy rating - 4 3560,C3560,4355,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut containing wall 2004,"Linear in plan, measuring 5.14m x 0.46m (top)/0.33m (base) with a depth of 0.28m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Steep sides with a flat base and a U-shaped profile Contains 2004","Construction cut containing partition wall 2004 (and therefore more narrow than cuts for exterior load-bearing walls). Wall 2004 completely fills [4355]. Cuts circular gravel deposit (3398). [4355] was cut at the same time as all of the other cuts associated with the construction of the SW House. Plan no: 2.62, 3.78, 10.95, 11.131 Section no: 500 Accuracy rating - 5" 3561,C3561,4356,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut containing wall 1746=1160,"Linear in plan, measuring 3.97m x 0.55m with a depth of 0.58m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Straight sides with a flat base Contains 1746","Construction cut containing exterior wall 1746 as seen in section 496. [4356] is only visible on the southern exterior wall due to the continuation of wall 1162 to the NW. Same as construction cut [4360] assigned to wall 1160 and as 1160=1746, the construction cuts are equalled too. Same construction phase as all cuts for the SW House. Plan no: see plan 11.147, 11.150, 12.105 for [4360] Section no: 496 Accuracy rating - 5" 3562,C3562,4359,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut containing wall 4099,"Linear in plan, measuring 1.26m x 0.52m with a depth of 0.32m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Straight sides with a flat base and a U-shaped profile Truncated by Ogham pit [1170] and robber cut [3708] Contains 4099",Construction cut containing partition wall 4099. Adjoins construction cut/ exterior wall [4124]/2022. Contemporary with all cuts associated to the construction of the SW House. [4359] was completely exposed in 2003 with the removal of wall 4099. Cuts (4381). Plan no: 11.141 Accuracy rating - 5 3563,C3563,4360,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut containing wall 1160,"Linear in plan, measuring 0.57m in width, with a depth of 0.41-0.44m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Fairly straight sides with a flat base and a U-shaped profile Contains 1160 Cut closely follows the line of the wall","Construction cut containing exterior, load-bearing wall 1160. Same as construction cut [4356] containing wall 1746 because 1746=1160. Wall 1160 was completely removed in 2003 revealing the full extent of [4360], incorporating [4356]. [4360] is wider than construction cuts for the interior partition walls for load-bearing purposes. Plan no: 11.147, 11.150, 12.105 Section no: 505 Accuracy rating - 5" 3565,C3565,4361,D,0,Trowel,Construction cut containing wall 1157,"Linear in plan, measuring 0.45m in width with a depth of 0.28m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Straight sides with a flat base Contains 1157","Construction cut containing partition wall 1157. 1157 is the same build as wall 1150, but the levels for the respective construction cuts are different - [4361] is cut from 0.2m higher than [3638]. [4361] is also more shallow than [3638], but this is because wall 1150 needed underpinning against a slumps. [4361] was fully exposed in 2003, proving to be of the same build as all other cuts for the walls of the SW House. Plan no: 2.69, 2.70, 11.153 Section no: 509 Accuracy rating - 5" 3566,C3566,4364,C,0,Trowel,"Construction cut containing walls 2124, 2125, 1162 and 1163","Linear in plan with sharp corners, measuring 12m x 0.8m with a depth of 0.32m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Vertical sides with a flat base Contains 2124, 2125, 1162, 1163","Construction cut containing walls 2124, 2125, 1162 and 1163. Runs the full length of SW House. Width of the construction cut suggests that it contained load-bearing walls even though they were interior. Same building phase as all other cuts associated with the construction of the SW House. Plan no: 2.73, 11.154, 11.155 Accuracy rating - 5" 3567,C3567,4373,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut containing wall 1158,"Linear in plan, measuring 3.9m x 0.55m with a depth of 0.25m. Width narrows to 0.37m at one particular place midway. Break of slope (top & base): sharp Steep, vertical sides with a flat base and an angular U-shaped profile Contains 1158","Construction cut containing interior wall 1158 (and therefore more narrow than the construction cuts for the exterior load-bearing walls). Wall completely fills the cut and there is no evidence for side packing. Wall 1158 was completely removed in 2003, revealing the full extent of [4373]. It is part of a single construction phase for all walls and construction cuts for the SW House. Cuts (3398). Plan no: 11.144, 11.145 Section no: 512 Accuracy rating - 5" 3568,C3568,4375,D,0,Trowel,Spread,"Friable, dark grey brown sandy silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 40% pea gravel Extent: 0.38m x 0.32m",Ephemeral spread of gritty sandy silt / possible occupation layer located close to the junction of walls 2022 and 4099. Heavy truncation makes interpretation difficult. May be part of a series of depositional layers which appear to slump into an earlier feature (probably a large pit) which can be seen in plan in the base of construction cut [4124]. Strat below (4121). Strat above (4382). Cut by [3708]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.136 Accuracy rating - 5 3569,C3569,4382,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread,"Compact, greyish yellow silty clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (2-6cm) Extent: 1.27m x 0.7m",Small clay spread in the lobby part of the slumped sequence. Possibly represents a patching up surface. Strat below (4375) and (4121). Strat above (4386). Cut by [1700] and [3708]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.137 Accuracy rating - 5 3570,C3570,4386,D,0,Trowel,Mortar / clay layer,"Compact, grey yellow fine silt and coarse clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); Charcoal flecks and occasional red clay Extent: 2.13m (N-S) x 1.82m (E-W)",Mortar and clay layer. Potentially a make-up layer for a clay floor surface situated in the subsiding 'lobby' of the SW House. Strat below (4382). Strat above (4128). Cut by [3708] and [1170]. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.138 Accuracy rating - 5 Spot Date: Claudio-neronian c.40-60AD 3575,C3575,4394,D,0,Trowel,Mortar spread,"Compact, grey-yellow coarse silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (2-6mm) Extent: 0.28m (N-S) x 0.24m (E-W)",Mortar spread located at the junction of walls 2022 and 4094. Strat below (4128). Strat above (4400). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.148 Accuracy rating - 5 3576,C3576,4398,D,0,Trowel,Patchy clay spread,"Compact, yellow clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.9m (N-S) x 0.45m (E-W)",Patchy clay spread. Strat below (4128). Strat above (4400). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 11.149 Accuracy rating - 4 3577,C3577,4400,D,0,Trowel,Clay/gravel spread,"Compact, dark grey / yellow clayey silt
Inclusions: 5-15% gravel and pea gravel (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm)
Extent: 1.6m (N-S) x 1.4m (E-W)
Large area of clay within this context {}",Clay/gravel spread visible beneath (4394) and (4398). Strat above thin occupation layer (4421).  Not excavated in 2003.  Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 11.156
Accuracy rating - 4 {} 3579,C3579,4636,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Compact, yellow clay
Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm);  Occasional traces of charcoal
Thickness: 0.01-0.03m
Truncated in most parts
Clear edge definition ",""Lower clay" - part of probable levelling for south aisle, House 1. Samples of (4636) and (5483) were wet sieved to confirm that they were different types of clay. Strat below (4593). Strat above (5483), (5422), (4583). Cut by [1729], [1537], [5417], [1014], [3708] and slot 24. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.101, 11.157, 15.122, 15.123
Accuracy rating - 3

" 3599,C3599,4248,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, dark brownish grey silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) - moderately well-sorted; Occasional chalk Extent: 0.65m x 0.89m; Thickness: 0.03m Clear edge definition","Silt beneath the last tile phase of 4234, acting as a possible levelling surface given that it overlies uneven burnt clay deposit (4244). Strat below (4750). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 29.151 Section no: 492 Accuracy rating - 5 [ 01/01/2004]" 3617,C3617,4579,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Hard, packed yellowish gravelly clay (darker/blacker material internally) Inclusions: 5% gravel (S-R) (2-6mm); 10% gravel (S-R) (6-20mm); 5% gravel (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 4m x 2m Diffuse edge definition",Gravel deposit overlying lower clay. Very patchy and mixed. Strat below (3694). Strat above (4572) and (4583). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 15.113 Accuracy rating - 2 Spot Date: 40-60AD 3618,C3618,4615,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut containing wall 1533,"Linear in plan with rounded corners, measuring 3.7m x 0.4m with a depth of 0.3m Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp Moderately concave sides with a fairly flat base and angular U-shaped profile Contains (4613), (4614), (4601), (4602), 1533","Wall construction cut for wall 1533 and all of its courses (numbered above). It contained clay bonding material (4614) at the SW end. On excavation of the wall, there was a slightly raised area in the centre of the cut. Plan no: 15.117 Accuracy rating - 2" 3619,C3619,4623,D,0,Trowel,Unknown deposit,"Friable, powdery bluish grey (bluer when fresh) very fine sandy gritty clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm); Very few inclusions - virtually none Extent: 5m x 0.2m; Thickness: 0.02m Diffuse edge definition","This dark strip emerged suddenly after cleaning. The southern edge is cut by Victorian activity whilst the northern edge is very straight and lines up quite closely with the Victorian trench in area 11B. (4623) probably represents the leaching of small clay particles down the profile through the base of a Victorian trench. Strat above (4636). Plan no: 15.120, 15.121 Accuracy rating - 2" 3620,C3620,4624,D,0,Trowel,Group number for wall construction cuts for the NE House,,"Group number for wall construction cuts [4618], [4615], [4622], [4619], [4603], [3924], [4590] and [4617]. All wall constructions of the same build for the NE House." 3631,C3631,4635,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5759),"Linear in plan with rounded corners, measuring 1.5m x 0.4m with a depth of 0.1m
Break of slope (top & base): rounded
Irregular sides and base
Truncated by [1090]
Contains (5759) {}","Beam slot cut - possibly from the timber structure previous to the stone building at the NE end of House 1. [3272] is probably a continuation of [4635], and there is also possibly another as yet unnumbered continuation existing cutting though the yellow gravel to the north of House 1. Due to it\'s ephemeral nature, [4635] was only recognised as a beam slot because of it\'s location. In 2004, it was assumed that it was the same as the other beam slots with a clay fill dating from the same phase.
Plan no: 16.159
Accuracy rating - 4 {}" 3643,C3643,4811,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Compact, dark green / grey clayey silt
Inclusions: Occasional pottery and whole oyster shells
Extent: 2.78m x 4m {}","Silty accumulation layer overlying the gravel that extends to the south eastern limits of the NE building. Possibly related to (4800) - a silt deposit located directly to the south. Strat below (4166). Cut by [1868]. Completely removed in 2003.
Plan no: 29.134, 32.108 {}" 3656,C3656,4858,D,0,Trowel,Quenching pot,"Pot, measuring 0.18m x 0.29m x 0.02",Probable quenching pot beneath clay (4222) and another quenching pot (4211) made from the same material. Most likely associated with large hearth 4234 and smaller hearth 4212. Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 28.144 Accuracy rating - 4 3657,C3657,4870,D,0,Trowel,Post pipe fill of [4820],"Loose, light greeny yellow sandy silt No inclusions Extent: 0.2m in diameter; Thickness: 0.3m",Post pipe fill within a large palisade-style structure. Strat below (4811). Strat above (4818). Contemporary with [4823]. Partially removed in 2003. Section no: 562 Accuracy rating - 5 3686,C3686,4130,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor / levelling deposit,"Compact, dark brown / yellow clay No inclusions Extent: 2.3m (N-S) x 1.83m (E-W); Thickness: c.0.1m Clear edge definition","Thick clay floor deposit, subsiding in the lobby. Part of sequence relating to (4421), (5518), (4449) and (5506). Its thickness probably indicates that it is a levelling clay, perhaps equivalent to the rest of the major house clays such as (1818) and (2023) etc, though its hard to say for certain. It is certainly substantial enough and still with the flint phase of the SW House. Strat below (4432). Strat above (6117), (6122). Cut by [4124], [4359], [1170]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.188 Accuracy rating - 4" 3687,C3687,4153,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,NO CARD,"Gravel spread extending west from the N-S road side ditch. Strat below (3819) and (4166). Plan no: 29.105, 29.106, 32.101" 3688,C3688,4158,C,0,Trowel,Cut,NO CARD,Cut for earlier feature presumably causing the slumping into which the house platform/working area are slumping. Found in slot 13. 3689,C3689,4159,D,0,Trowel,Yellow gravel,NO CARD,Yellow gravel layer into which (4158) is cut. Found in slot 13. 3690,C3690,4160,D,0,Trowel,Green-yellow clay,NO CARD,Green-yellow clay containing a small hearth and a quenching pot. Same as (4222). Number (4160) was used for XRF sampling. Planned and recorded as (4222). 3693,C3693,4171,D,0,Trowel,Yellowy gravel slump,NO CARD,Yellowy gravel slump into platform area under (4152) in slot 13. 3694,C3694,4172,D,0,Trowel,Grey silty clay,NO CARD,Grey silty clay slumping into platform area under (4171) in slot 13. 3695,C3695,4173,D,0,Trowel,Mixed gravel,NO CARD,Mixed gravel slumping into platform area under (4172) in slot 13. 3697,C3697,4187,S,0,Trowel,Tiles on top of hearth,NO CARD,"Tiles on top of hearth, set into house clay (4152) and contemporary with burning (4189). Cut by well [1044]. Plan no: 21.92" 3701,C3701,4202,D,0,Trowel,Clay under burning within hearth 4216,NO CARD,Clay under burning within hearth 4216. Found in hearth section only and therefore not excavated in 2003. Section no: 482 3702,C3702,4203,D,0,Trowel,Gravel under (4201) and (4202),NO CARD,Gravel under (4201) and (4202). Under hearth 4216. Found in hearth section only and therefore not excavated in 2003. Section no: 482 3703,C3703,4204,D,0,Trowel,Clay within hearth 4216,NO CARD,Clay between gravel layers within hearth 4216. Found in hearth section only and therefore not excavated in 2003. Section no: 482 3704,C3704,4205,D,0,Trowel,Gravel layer,NO CARD,"Gravel layer under clay (4204), underneath hearth 4216. Found in hearth section only and therefore not excavated in 2003. Section no: 482" 3705,C3705,4206,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer under gravel (4203),NO CARD,Clay layer under gravel (4203). Section no: 482 3706,C3706,4207,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,NO CARD,Greyish clay under yellow clay (4204). Found in hearth section only and therefore not excavated in 2003. Section no: 482 3707,C3707,4209,D,0,Trowel,Yellow clay within hearth 4216,NO CARD,Yellow clay within hearth 4216. Found in hearth section only and therefore not excavated in 2003. Section no: 482 3708,C3708,4216,D,0,Trowel,Group number for hearth,NO CARD,Group number for hearth. Samples taken. 3709,C3709,4234,D,0,Trowel,Group number for hearth,NO CARD,Group number for hearth. Excavated within a hearth slot but not in plan in 2003. 3724,C3724,4460,C,0,Trowel,"Cut for gravel veranda containing (4452), (4494), (4481)","Linear in plan with a variable depth of 0.1-0.15m (deepest in the middle section)
Break of slope (top): moderately rounded-moderately sharp;    (base): moderately rounded-rounded
Straight sides (although damaged by erosion since exposure) with a flat base
Contains (4452), (4494), (4481)
{20/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Cut for gravel veranda containing (4452), (4494), (4481). Cuts through clay layer (4454). Strat below (4481). Contemporary with [3692].
Plan no: 11.164, 12.111, 12.112
Accuracy rating - 4

{}" 3726,C3726,4481,D,0,Trowel,Silt,NO CARD,"Brownish silt, underlying (4494). Possible accumulation layer. Plan no: 11.134, 12.108" 3730,C3730,4603,D,0,Trowel,Construction cut for wall 3948,NO CARD,Construction cut for wall 3948. Plan no: 21.136 3755,C3755,4794,D,0,Trowel,Group number for hearth,NO CARD,"Group number for hearth. Floor (4778), burning (4789)." 3763,C3763,4819,D,4820,Trowel,Flint packing of post hole [4820],100% flints measuring on average 7cm x 12cm Extent: 1.03m x 0.82m; Thickness: 0.44m,Large flint packing of substantial post hole [4820] along the N-S road. Strat below (5838). Strat above [4820]. Contemporary with (4823). Partially removed (half-sectioned) in 2003 and completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 33.75 - This plan is actually for (4819) - for which there are numerous plans. The flint packing is shown on this particular one and has therefore been digitised as there doesn\'t appear to be a separate one for the packing in it\'s own right; 33.98 Section no: 562 Accuracy rating - 4 3764,C3764,4820,C,0,Trowel,"Post hole cut containing (4870), (4818) and (4819)","Circular in plan, measuring 1.03m (N-S) x 0.82m (E-W) with a depth of 0.44m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Almost vertical sides with a flat base Angular U-shaped in profile Contains (4870), (4818) and (4819)","Cut for large, palisade-style post hole, possibly part of a large structure/fence from the 1st century, contemporary with the house associated with clay floor (4170). Strat below (4819). Cuts (5858). Contemporary with [4823]. Plan no: 33.102 Section no: 562 Accuracy rating - 5" 3770,C3770,4836,D,0,Trowel,Interior floor surface,NO CARD,"Green, yellow clay interior floor surface of the diagonal building. Truncated by Victorian trench [1032]. Same as (4170) and (4160). Plan no: 20.118, 20.119" 3773,C3773,4847,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Loose, light brown sandy silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 20cm - the gravel was more concentrated on the western side of the context (approx >70% stones as opposed to 60% in the east). Scattered larger flint inclusions and a mixture of rounded and broken flints-? Extent: 2.5m (E-W) x 2m (N-S)","Floor fill at the north east corner of the timber structure. Part of probable yellow gravel levelling at the northern side in Rooms 1 and 2 with a small amount in Room 3. In 2005, a sandy silty deposit was found to be underlying the yellow gravel in the north east and north west corners. It was considered to be part of the levelling deposit and taken off. Strat below (5476). Strat above (4848), (5496). Cut by [4604], [4785]. [1032]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 20.170, 20.171 Sample no: 888 Accuracy rating - 3" 3774,C3774,4848,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Relatively compact, mid-grey / brown clayey silt Inclusions: 80% stones (S-R) (2-6cm); 20% clay Extent: 2.45m x 3.1m; Thickness: 0.05m Clear-diffuse edge definition","Levelling surface for Room 1 of timber building, presumably over white clay floor and slopes severely at the northern most edge. Strat below (4847). Cut by [1036]. Butts beam slots [4608] and [4604]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 20.232, 20.234, 21.223 Sample no: 1127, 1128 Accuracy rating - 4" 3775,C3775,4854,D,0,Trowel,Green clay,NO CARD,"Green clay associated with interior clay (?). Plan no: 28.145, 28.146" 3776,C3776,4860,D,0,Trowel,Black layer,NO CARD,Hearth 4234 - black layer unseen in section. 3778,C3778,4868,D,0,Trowel,Ash deposit,"Friable, light whitish grey silt with patches of mid greyish black silt Inclusions: Occasional CBM Extent: 0.62m x 1.2m Diffuse edge definition",Ash deposit associated with the fourth phase of hearth 4234. Strat above (4248) and (4750). Completely removed in 2003. Plan no: 29.150 Accuracy rating - 5 3788,C3788,4154,,,,,, 4055,C4055,4409,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Soft, dark brown sandy silt with yellow mottling
Inclusions: 15-35% (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm);  >20% clay lenses;  75% charcoal
Extent: 5m x 1m;    Thickness: 0.05m
{04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}","Gravel spread along the NE edge of Room 6. Later than circular feature but earlier than House 1. Cut by construction trenches [4364], [4356] and [4361]. Contained fairly large and compact flint cobbles, clay lenses and occasional lenses of burnt clay. On the same horzon as deposits (4415) and (3398). Strat below (4361), (4364) (4356). Strat above (4438). Completely in 2004.
Plan no: 11.163, 11.168
Accuracy rating - 3 {04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4061,C4061,4415,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,Friable dark brown / grey medium sandy silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R) (2-6cm);-? 5-15% gravel (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 0.8m x 1.1m;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.05m Diffuse-?edge definition,"Dark gravel spread overlying yellow clay. On the same stratigraphic level as (4409) and (4424). Strat below (3379). Strat above (6093). Cut by [1170]. Completely removed in 2004. Plan no: 11.166, 11.167 Accuracy rating - 4" 4063,C4063,4417,D,0,Trowel,Isolated gravel dump,"Compact, yellow clay and gravel / fine grit
Inclusions: 35-70% gravel (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm)
Extent: 0.23m x 0.16;    Thickness: 0.02m
{04/02/2005 GUEST}","Small, compacted patch of fine grit in clay. Brave interpretation would be that it\'s a small part of a surviving floor surface, but situated stratigraphically between the construction phases of the beam slot structure in old Room 4B and the circular structure. Strat below (4081). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.108
Accuracy rating - 3 {04/02/2005 GUEST}" 4065,C4065,4420,D,0,Trowel,Latest clay floor surface of round house,"Compact - friable, yellow / brown clay Inclusions: 30% gravel (S-A) (2-6cm);-? 5% pea gravel (A) ( 6-20mm);-? 2% pottery","Clay floor layer, surviving sporadically on top of make-up layer (3925) but it presumably once formed a floor surface across the interior of round house 5570. It is the latest surviving floor surface within 5570 and it was in use at the same time as hearth [4407], which had two phases but both appear to be functioning in conjunction with (4420), i.e there is no surviving hearth to go with the lower floors like (5556) and (5585) even though part of (5585) in the south east had burning (6135) on top of it. After partial excavation in 2004 when the north east section was removed, this context was fully excavated in 2005 and extensively sampled for element trace analysis. Strat below [4407]. Strat above (3925). Same as (3927). Contemporary with (5519) - use of (5519) represented by (5520) which spread over (4420) partly. Cut by [4364], [3627], [4373]. Plan no: 2.91, 2.92, 3.95, 10.112, 11.173, 11.177 Section no: 575, 650 XRF samples were taken Accuracy rating - 5 Spot date: Post-conquest / 1st century" 4066,C4066,4421,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,"Fine, dark brown dry silt
Inclusions: <1% stones of all shapes (2-6mm) - the only inclusions were a very small percentage of stones. There were no finds of any sort
Thickness: 2-10mm
{04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}","Very ephemeral, thin occupation layer overlying yellow clay floor surface. These layers / deposits are the last remaining examples of the floor levels from the \'lobby\' area of the square plan masonry phase. Strat below (4400). Strat above (4432). Cut by [4373], [4124], [3668], [4359], [1170]. Completely removed in 2004. 
Plan no: 11.170
Accuracy rating - 4  {04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4068,C4068,4423,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation layer,"Soft, dark grey medium sandy silt
Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (6-20mm);  >5% charcoal
Thickness: 0.03m
Diffuse edge definition {04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}",Silty accumulation layer. Probably represents occupational build up over the underlying gravels. This deposit is on the same horizon as (4409) and (4415). The full extent of this deposit may have been truncated by Victorian trenches. Strat below (3680). Strat above (4424). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 11.169
Accuracy rating - 4 {04/02/2005 KTOOTELL} 4069,C4069,4424,D,0,Trowel,Silty spread,"Soft, silty sand which is grey / yellow on the west side and grey / black on the east side
Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (6-20mm)
Extent: 1.8m (E-W) x 1.2m (N-S);+?-?+?-?+?-? Thickness: 0.03m
","Silty spread. Probably accumulation layer over underlying gravels. Concentration of charcoal is higher on the eastern side of the feature and although this may represent a separate context, the deposits cannot be separated. The charcoal may equally+?-?represent an underlying feature poking through. Strat below (4423). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 11.171
Accuracy rating - 3" 4075,C4075,4430,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Friable, dark grey silty sand
Inclusions: 40% coarse gravel (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm)
Extent: 2m x 1m;    Thickness: 0.05m

{04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}","Silty gravel spread (probably an accumulation deposit) overlying burning layers in Room 6. Concentrated in the eastern corner. Part of the sequence masking the SE extent of circular feature [4408]. Strat below (4409). Strat above (4438), (4445). Cut by [3625], [4364], [1348]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 11.174
Accuracy rating - 4

{04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4077,C4077,4432,D,0,Trowel,Floor / make up layer,"Quite dry, yellow sand
Inclusions: <1% stones of all shapes (2-6mm) (6-20mm)
Extent: 0.13m x 0.14m;    Thickness: 0.01m
{04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}","Remains of a floor / make up layer. Only found on the \'corners\' of clay layers containing floor and occupation layers. Associated with (4421) and (4130). Strat below (4421). Strat above (4130). Cut by [1170] , [4124]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 11.175
Accuracy rating - 3 {04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4083,C4083,4438,D,0,Trowel,Silty spread,Dark grey silt with some sand
Inclusions: 5-15% fine gravel (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm)
Extent: 2m x 1m;    Thickness: 5mm
{04/02/2005 KTOOTELL},"Fine spread of silt overlying deposits slumping into the northern corner of Room 6. Probably a gradual accumulation. Part of the sequence masking the SE side of circular feature [4408]. Strat below (4430), (4409). Strat above (4444). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 11.176
Accuracy rating - 3 {04/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4088,C4088,4444,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Weakly cemented, pale grey silty sand
Inclusions: 30% pea gravel (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm)
Extent: 0.5m x 0.5m;    Thickness: 0.02m
Clear edge definition {05/02/2005 KTOOTELL}","Discrete silty gravel spread across the NE edge of Room 6. Overlies the interface of the yellow clay and burnt clay, which are possibly contemporary with circular feature [4408]. Conversely, (4444) may be part of the seqence masking the SE extent of circular structure [4408]. Strat below (4438). Strat above (5530). Cut by [4364]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 11.79
Accuracy rating - 4 {05/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4089,C4089,4445,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Compact, dark grey silt
Inclusions: 40% gravel (S-A) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm;  5% charcoal;  5% yellow clay mottling;  5% burnt red clay mottling
Extent: 1m x 1m;    Thickness: 0.01-0.08m
Variable edge definition {05/02/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fairly localised gravel spread in the eastern corner of Room 6, overlying the burnt clay to the SE of circular feature [4408] . Possibly a make-up layer for a floor or used to cover up the burnt clay level. (4445) is part of the sequence of deposits at the SE exterior of circular structure [4408], possibly relating to the post-construction use phase of the structure exterior. Strat below (4430). Strat above (5530). Cut by [4364], [1348], [3625]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 11.180
Accuracy rating - 4 {05/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4093,C4093,4449,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,"Dry, almost black silt
Inclusions: 1-5% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm
Extent: 0.45m x 0.8m;    Thickness: 0.002-0.01m
{05/02/2005 KTOOTELL}","Quite ephemeral occupation layer from sequence of floor layers. Strat below (4421). Strat above (5506).
Plan no: 11.183
Sample no: 821 (metallurgy), 573 - chemical sample parent no, sub-samples 462, 463  {05/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4099,C4099,5506,D,0,Trowel,Floor layer,Yellow / brown clay
Inclusions: 1-5% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm;  Occasional charcoal flecks
Extent: 0.45m x 0.8m;    Thickness: 0.01-0.04m
Clear edge definition

{05/02/2005 KTOOTELL},"Floor layer. Part of a sequence of floors and occupation layers (stone phase of building). Strat below occupation layer (4449).
Plan no: 11.185
Sample no: 823, 824 (metallurgy), 573 - chemical analysis, sub-samples 464, 465
Accuracy rating - 4 {05/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4109,C4109,5516,D,0,Trowel,Silty spread,"Compact, dark brown clayey silt with grit at the bottom
Inclusions: 5-15% large flint pebbles (S-A) (2-6cm);  1-5% river pebbles (R) (6-20mm);  5-15% small flint pebbles (S-A) (6-20mm);  15-35% grit (chalk, CBM fragments) (A) (2-6mm);  1-5% charcoal (6-20mm);  1-5% bone (very friable) (2-6cm);  1-5% pottery
Extent: 1m x 0.77m;    Thickness: 0.01m
Clear edge definition {11/02/2005 KTOOTELL}","Small silty accumulation deposit underlying gravel (3385), built up in a slight depression of underlying gravel. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 3.99, 3.100
Accuracy rating - 4 {11/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4111,C4111,5518,D,0,Trowel,Clay lense,"Compacted, yellow / brown clay
Inclusions: 1-5% stones of all shapes (2-6mm) (6-20mm);  Occasional charcoal flecks
Extent: 0.6m x 0.15-0.23m;    Thickness: 0.005-0.04m
{11/02/2005 KTOOTELL}",Clay lense located within a sequence of floors and occupation deposits within the \'lobby\' area of SW house. Truncated to the NE and SW by slots 38 and 29 respectively. Strat below (4421).
Plan no: 11.186
Accuracy - 4 {11/02/2005 KTOOTELL} 4112,C4112,5519,D,4407,Trowel,Clay deposit within hearth / fill of [4407],Friable yellow clay
Inclusions: 1-5% flint gravel (A) (2-6cm)
Extent: 2m x 2.2m;    Thickness: 0.06m
Diffuse edge definition {11/02/2005 KTOOTELL},"Thick layer of yellow clay filling cut [4407]. In certain places, the clay is reddened due to burning and seems to overlie a CBM structure in the centre of this hearth feature which is to be excavated in 2005. Strat below (5520). Heavily truncated by construction trench [4364] for the SW house, which cuts right through the middle of (5519).
Plan no: 2.102, 11.192
Sample no: Parent series 573;  Samples for trace element analysis 468-473
Accuracy rating - 3 {11/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4113,C4113,5520,D,4407,Trowel,Layer of burnt silt within hearth / fill of [4407],"Friable, black clayey silt
Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (2-6cm);  CBM
Extent: 2.8m x 1.6m;    Thickness: 0.01m
Diffuse edge definition {11/02/2005 KTOOTELL}","Thin layer of burnt clayey silt at the SW end of the hearth only. Strat below (3926). Strat above (5519). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 2.96
Sample no: 838;  Parent series no: 573, 466, 467
Accuracy rating - 4 {11/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4118,C4118,5525,D,0,Trowel,Gravel / clay spread,"Hard, yellow clay Inclusions: >70% stones (S-R) (2-6cm) (6-20cm) Extent: 3m x 2m;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.1m","Gravel spread with a clay matrix. Strat below large gravel spread (3385). Strat above small silty deposit (5563). Completely removed in 2004. Plan no: 10.131, 10.132 Accuracy rating - 4" 4123,C4123,5530,D,0,Trowel,Silty clay spread,"Friable, light brown / ochre silty clay Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm to 20cm;-? Occasional charcoal flecks;-? One large flint visible Extent: 2m x 1m;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.02-0.1m Context was damaged by the freak weather of 03/08/04","Silty clay spread. (5530) overlies burnt layer (5551) which could be the result of hearth sweepings from the neighbouring hearth in the centre of the circular feature. On removal of (5530), the cut of the circular feature became visible hence all deposits below it are probably related to activity with the feature itself. Strat below (4444), (4445). Strat above (5551). Completely removed in 2004. Plan no: 11.187 Accuracy rating - 3" 4137,C4137,5544,D,0,Trowel,Floor,,"Yellow clay floor. Part of the sequence belonging to the lobby - (5506), (4449), (4432), (4421), (5518). Strat below (4421). To be completed in 2005. Plan no: 11.172" 4143,C4143,5551,D,0,Trowel,Charcoal-rich spread,"Compact, black / dark brown sandy silt Inclusions: 70% charcoal Extent:-?1m x 0.65m;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.05m","Small, extremely charcoal-rich spread on the edge of a pit or slump. Situated on top of yellow clay that is possibly a continuation of the circular feature to the south east where it was previously indistinct. (5551) possibly represents a dump of burnt material from the hearth at the centre of the circular feature. Strat below (5530). Completely removed in 2004. Plan no: 11.189 Sample no: 843 (100% sample) Accuracy rating - 4" 4148,C4148,5556,D,0,Trowel,Clay surface of round house 5570,"Friable, light yellow / brown clay Inclusions: 25% large gravel (S-A) (6-20cm);-? 25% medium gravel (A) (2-6cm);-? 10% small gravel (S-R) (6-20mm) -the larger gravel tended to be at the base of the deposit Extent: 7-8m in diameter","Clay surface of round house 5570 - much better preserved than (4420). It is similar in appearance to (4420) but it doesn\'t have a surviving hearth structure to go with it, although this could simply be due to truncation by later hearth [4407] and construction cut [4364] for the SW square house. (5556) does not survive notably in the south west part of the round house. During the 2005 season, it was completely revealed underneath and around hearth [4407] and it was sampled spatially across the entire extent for XRF analysis. (5556) generally overlies make-up layer (5585) or even possibly earlier floor (6135). It also seals a whole series of features/events that happened between the (5585) phase and (5556) being laid down. These include a series of features along the south east side of the round house, notably two placed pots - SF3967 and SF3729, and small pits filled with charred material. (5556) also seals two centrally placed stake holes -[6138] and [6136], and two post holes [6551] and [6606] on the north west side of the structure. Strat below (3925). Partially removed in 2004. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.115, 3.106, 10.137, 11.193, 11.200 Section no: 650 Accuracy rating - 4" 4155,C4155,5563,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Compact, grey / black silt Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (S-R) ( R) ranging in size from 2mm to 20cm Extent: 3m x 3.5m Diffuse-?edge definition","Small gravel spread cut by construction trench [3629] for the timber hall phase of the diagonal house. It lies within an area of many small gravel deposits beween the house and possible boundary post hole alignment (group no 4683). Strat below (5525). Cut by [1634], [3629]. Completely removed in 2004. Plan no: 3.107, 10.141, 10.143 Accuracy rating - 4" 4162,C4162,5570,S,0,Trowel,Group number for structure,"Group number containing: (4408), (4419), (5556), (3925), (4420), (4407), (5519), (5520) (3926).","A circular, purpose-made platform to accommodate a central hearth. The central hearth has a number of phases and it is possible the platform was also re-surfaced. Any superstructure (walls...) are not yet understood but the edge to the cut in which the platform is lain is lined with clay (possibly a daub). Surfaces have been sampled to try and find a function for the hearth. Probably constructed at the same time as Group 5754-? - the architectural stone in the link room.-? To be further investigated in 2005. Section no: 375, 500" 4172,C4172,5582,D,4407,Trowel,CBM fill of [4407],"Solid / compact, orange / red clayey silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (A) (2-6mm);-? 95% CBM Extent: 0.7m x 0.4m;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.15m Clear edge definition","CBM fill of [4407] as a foundation for the hearth-?in the middle of circular structure [4408].-?This CBM, hard core packing may have helped to retain / save heat from the hearth. (5582) appears to belong entirely to the latest floor in the building (4420). Strat below clay fill of hearth (5519). Strat above [4407]. Completely excavated in 2005. Plan no: 2.104 Accuracy rating - 4" 4174,C4174,4407,C,0,Trowel,"Cut of hearth containing (5582), (5519) and (5520).","Circular in plan, measuring 1.31m x 1.32m with a depth of 0.1m Break of slope (top): gradual on one side with some sharp areas; (base): unknown due to heavy truncation Gradually sloping sides with a rounded base Contains (5582)","Cut of hearth containing (5582), (5519) and (5520). Cuts through layer (3925) and floor make-up and overlying floor surface (4420), hence the hearth goes stratigraphically with the latest occupation of structure 5570. Plan no: 2.105 Section no: 575 Accuracy rating - 5" 4175,C4175,4408,D,0,Trowel,Cut of circular structure,,"Cut of circular structure F.B. (3925). Cuts (4081). No context card or plan completed for this feature in 2004. To be completed in 2005.
Section no: 573, 575, 589 {21/02/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4176,C4176,4419,S,0,Trowel,Clay 'lining' of circular structure,Yellow clay with some grey blobs
Inclusions: <5% stones (S-R) (R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm);  1% bone;  1% charcoal;  1% pottery
Extent: Ranges from negligable to 0.07m wide;   Thickness: 0.08m,"Clay lining of circular structure [4408]. Preservation was differential:
  • Excellent in grid squares 10C and 11A (NE side)
  • Poor in grid squares 2B, 2D, 11C - it appeared to be heavily worn as well as cut by votive deposits.
  • Missing altogether where cut by later wall trenches and pits.
Believed to be an inner damp-proof course for a hurdle or wattle and daub wall enclosing structure 5570. Cut by 12 plank slots for upright timbers in opposite pairs across the central hearth. Strat below (3925). Strat above (6839). Cut by [6842], [6843], [6747], [6748], [6749], [6691]. Butts (6839). Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 2.167, 2.168, 10.200, 11.294, 11.295
Section no: 589, 800
Accuracy rating - 4
" 4177,C4177,4441,D,6124,Trowel,Clay fill of beam slot [6124],"Soft, yellow clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) Extent: 2m x 0.1-0.15m; Thickness: only a few centimetres Mostly clear edge definition","Very ephemeral clay fill of beam slot [6124]. Mostly removed by repeated cleaning, but certainly confimed by the presence of a line of nails. Strat below (4081). Strat above [6124]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 10.166 Accuracy rating - 4" 4181,C4181,5755,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut for wall 3284,This cut doesn\'t really exist except for a slight depression so it doesn\'t have a description as such (see below). Orientation: NW-SE Contains: Wall 3284,"Context number given for depression caused by wall 3284 - the western wall of the link room. The excavator doesn\'t believe that either wall 3284 or the eastern wall 3297 were constructed in cuts as such, although there is a narrow, shallow channel-?remaining where wall 3297 was excavated. Certainly the only trace of [5755] is a very shallow depression, perhaps 0.01m deep, at the southern end of where 3284 was excavated. It is possible that the walls were pushed up against the sides of cut [5462] and then the massive floor (5419), (3700) and (4581) was laid down and kept the walls in place. Cut numbers have nevertheless been allocated as it will enable the matrix to be clear and easily alterable if the interpretation changes. Strat below wall 3284. Strat above [5462]. Contemporary with [4125], [5453]. Sketch plan to be made in 2005. Plan no: 10.145, 10.147" 4182,C4182,5757,D,0,Trowel,Group context for the walls of the 3-roomed stone house,"Group number comprising (4626), (4627), (4628), (4629), (4632), (4630) and wall 4076","Group number for the walls of the 3-roomed house (northern part of House 1 comprising rooms 1, 2 and 3). All included contexts are completely excavated by 2004.-? Sketch plan to be made in 2005.See individual contexts for plans." 4186,C4186,5462,C,0,Trowel,Construction cut for floor,"Square in plan measuring 5m x 6m but it is heavily-?truncated on both the SW and NE sides. Depth unknown Break of slope (top & base): Unknown Flat sides Contains link room floors (5415), (3700), (4587) and link room walls (group no-?5754)","During excavation of the link room wall and floors in 2004 --?in an attempt to explain the very odd stratigraphy --?an idea was proposed-?that the link room could have been a part of the timber building before it was \'monumentalised\'. There are beam slots along the southern and probably the eastern edges. It is suggested that during the renovation of the room, when it seems to retreat away from the site where round structure 5570 was constructed, the old floor surfaces were cut away so that a new very substantial floor could be laid without raising the ground level too much. There appear to be remnants of old floors between the excavated beam slot [5420] and the space from which (5415) was removed. Strat below [4125], [5755], [5453].-?Cuts (3257). Due to time constraints in 2004, the archaeology was protected and investigated further in 2005. Plan no: 10.126, 10.129, 10.147, 10.151, 11.194, 15.148 Accuracy rating - 4" 4192,C4192,5464,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose yellow, poorly sorted silty gravel Inclusions: >70% gravel;-? 1-5% flints (A) (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) Extent:-?0.3m x 0.4m Clear edge definition","Levelling deposit for a floor surface placed after the original surface had-?subsided or was worn away. The deposit is located in the the northern corner of Room 3, House 1. To the north east there are other more substantial deposits of the same material along the same NE-SW beam slot. The lower level of this context appears to be a yellow / green clay that was probably used to hold a gravel layer more securely in place. Strat below (5474). Strat above (5485). Contemporary with (5494), (4847). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.189 Sample no: 890, 891 Accuracy rating - 3" 4193,C4193,5465,D,0,Trowel,Gravel floor / levelling deposit,"Loose, mid-yellow / brown clayey silt Inclusions: 40% gravel (S-R) (R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 4m x 0.5m (min) - 1.2m (max) Clear edge definition","White gravel floor / levelling deposit in Room 3 of the timber building. Strat below-?(5464). Butts beam slots [4555], [4087] and [4096]. Contemporary with (3961), (3684). Part of group 5498.-?Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.185, 21.198, 21.199 Sample no: 907, 908 Accuracy rating --?3" 4195,C4195,5492,D,0,Trowel,Building construction deposit,"Soft, dark brown mortar, silt and clay
Inclusions: 15% pea gravel (A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm)
Extent: 0.35m (N-S) x 0.2m (E-W);    Thickness: 0.02m
Clear edge definition
{25/02/2005 KTOOTELL}",Discrete blob of mortar used to stabilise a limestone block which may have been used as a post pad. Located in the western end of the north wall in the link room of House 1. Strat below (2083). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.138
Sample no: 846 (mortar sample)

{25/02/2005 KTOOTELL} 4199,C4199,5481,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5442),"Sub-rectangular in plan with moderately rounded corners, measuring 0.58m x 0.55m with a depth of 0.4m Break of slope (base): moderately sharp Straight sides with a flat base Contains (5442) This card was completed in 2005 after some erosion had occurred","Beam slot cut containing (5442) at the north end of the timber house. [5481] forms a right angle with beam slot [5752] to form the south east corner of timber house 1. Contemporary with [4783], [4780], [4785]. Cut by [1287]. Part of beam slot Group 5476 Plan no: 28.222 Accuracy rating - 2" 4200,C4200,5752,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5441),"Sub-rectangular in plan with moderately rounded-?/ sharp corners, measuring 14m x 2m with a depth of 0.22m Break of slope (top): moderately sharp; (base): moderately rounded U-shaped profile with irregular sides and a flat base (sloping in areas) Contains (5441)","Beam slot cut containing (5441) at the north end of the timber house. [5752] forms a right angle with [5481] forming the south east corner of timber house 1. Plan no: 21.185 (blank plan), 21.191, 28.223, 28.224" 4201,C4201,5497,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Compact-friable, yellow / brown silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; Occasional charcoal flecks Thickness: 0.1m Clear edge definition","Thick, gravel layer with some clayey deposits towards the base - probable gravel base for a floor. Strat below (4152). Butts beam slots [5752], [5481]. Contemporary with (5443), (5444), (4848). Cut by [1287], [1033]. In 2005, the relationship between (5497) and the Room 1 gravels was still unclear. Plan no: 21.190, 28.220, 28.221 Sample no: 969, 970 Accuracy rating - 2" 4202,C4202,5761,D,4096,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4096],Extent: 1m x 0.15-0.3m;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.2m,"Fill of beam slot which is part of the timber structure preceding the stone phase of House 1 (Group no 5472). This context number was allocated long after the context itself had been excavated.-?The reason for-?this is-?because most of the beam slot fills seemed very similar the the levelling clays that overlay them so they were given the same context numbers at the time of excavation. For the sake of the matrix and because the beam slot fills probably were different to the levelling clays, they have now been separated. Strat below (4111). Strat above [4096]. Plan no: Refer to plan for [4096] - 21.74-? Accuracy rating - 5" 4203,C4203,5760,D,3272,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [3272],Extent: 2.69m x 0.25m-?(min width);-?-?-? Thickness:-?0.02-0.08m,"Fill of beam slot which is part of the timber structure preceding the stone phase of House 1 (Group no 5478). This context number was allocated long after the context itself had been excavated.-?The reason for-?this is-?because most of the beam slot fills seemed very similar the the levelling clays that overlay them so they were given the same context numbers at the time of excavation. For the sake of the matrix and because the beam slot fills probably were different to the levelling clays, they have now been separated. Strat below (2036). Strat above [3272]. Contemporary with (5759), (4639). Plan no: Refer to the plan of [3272] - 16.104 Accuracy rating - 5" 4204,C4204,5461,D,0,Trowel,Gravel foundation fill of [4125],"Compact, mid-dark brown clayey, silty gravel
Inclusions: 15-35% stones (A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm)
Extent: 0.62m (N-S) x 0.75m (E-W);    Thickness: 0.06m
Some of the deposit was washed away by rain
Clear edge definition {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Gravel foundation fill of wall construction cut [4125] running NE-SW on the west side of the link room in House 1. Strat below wall 2083.
Plan no: 10.139, 10.140, 10.142
Accuracy rating - 4
{04/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4210,C4210,5479,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, dark grey sandy silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); Charcoal flecks Extent: 5.5m x 4m; Thickness: 0.01-0.07m Clear edge definition","Gravel spread in the northern part of Room 3 (stone house), revealed when clay / gravel mix (3704) was removed. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 10.133, 15.149 Accuracy rating - 4" 4215,C4215,5762,D,4785,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4785],Extent: 1.12m x 0.2m,"Fill of beam slot which is part of the timber structure preceding the stone phase of House 1 (Group no 5476). This context number was allocated long after the context itself had been excavated.-?The reason for-?this is-?because most of the beam slot fills seemed very similar the the levelling clays that overlay them so they were given the same context numbers at the time of excavation. For the sake of the matrix and because the beam slot fills probably were different to the levelling clays, they have now been separated. Strat below (4152). Strat above [4785]. Plan no: Refer to the plan of [4785] - 20.111 Accuracy rating --?4" 4216,C4216,5759,D,4635,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4635],Extent: 1.5m x 0.4m;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.1m,"Fill of beam slot which is part of the timber structure preceding the stone phase of House 1 (Group no 5478). This context number was allocated long after the context itself had been excavated.-?The reason for-?this is-?because most of the beam slot fills seemed very similar the the levelling clays that overlay them so they were given the same context numbers at the time of excavation. For the sake of the matrix and because the beam slot fills probably were different to the levelling clays, they have now been separated. Contemporary with (4646), (5760). Cut by [1535], [1090]. Plan no: Refer to the plan of [4635] - 16.159 Accuracy rating - 5" 4217,C4217,5441,D,5752,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5752],"Compact, mid yellow / brown silty clay
Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm)
Extent: 0.8m x 0.26m;    Thickness: 0.2m
Clear edge definition {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fill of beam slot [5752]. (5441) and (5442) join to make the south eastern corner of the timber structure preceding the stone phase of House 1. Strat below (4152). Strat above [5752]. Contemporary with (5442). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 21.174, 28.192, 28.195 {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4218,C4218,5442,D,5481,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5481],"Compact, grey / brown silty clay
Inclusions: 1-5% gravel (S-R) (6-20mm)
Extent: 0.52m x 0.24m;    Thickness: 0.15m
Clear edge definition {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL}",Fill of beam slot [5481]. (5442) and (5441) join to make the south eastern corner of the timber structure preceding the stone phase of House 1. Strat below (4152). Strat above [5481]. Contemporary with (5441). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 28.188 {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4219,C4219,5499,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Firm, brown silty clay Inclusions: >70% stones (S-R) ranging in size from 6mm to 20cm; Patches of sandy clay Extent: 2.5m (SW-NE) x 1.4m (NW-SE); Thickness: 0.05m at the western end but variable in thickness and more shallow at the eastern end Slight ridge along central line of deposit and heat affected at the eastern end Diffuse - clear edge definition","Levelling deposit, probably-?deposited to-?build up the floor level in a room. There is a hearth at-?the end of the neighbouring context to the north east. During the 2005 season, this context was extended to include the hearth. Strat below (4584). Cut by [3991], [5478], [1459]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.184, 22.110 Sample no: 916, 917 Accuracy rating - 3" 4220,C4220,5498,F,0,Trowel,Group number for floor surface,White gravel {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL},"Group number for floor surfaces (3684), (3961) and (5465) in Room 3 of the timber house.
See individual contexts for plans {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4221,C4221,5493,F,0,Trowel,Group number for floor surfaces,,"Group number for floor surfaces (3661), (5797) and (5799) in Room 4 of the timber building. See individual contexts for plans" 4222,C4222,5494,F,0,Trowel,Group number for floor surfaces,Yellow gravel {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL},Group number for floor surfaces (5446) and (5471) in Room 2 of the timber house.
See individual contexts for plans {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4223,C4223,5495,F,0,Trowel,Group number for floor surfaces,White gravel {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL},Group number for floor surfaces (4554) and (5447) in Room 2 of the timber house.
See individual contexts for plans {04/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4224,C4224,5496,F,0,Trowel,Group number for floor surfaces,White gravel,"Group number for floor surfaces (4848), (5444) and (5443) in Room 1 of the timber house. See individual contexts for plans" 4225,C4225,5486,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, orange sandy clay
Inclusions: 2-5% stones of all shapes (6-20mm) (2-6cm)
Extent: 11m x 2m;  Thickness: 0.05m
Difficult to distinguish this context from the very similar overlying deposit
Clear edge definition","Clay / sand mix below the \'lower clay\' in the south aisle, south of the link room and Room 3 of House 1. Probably a levelling deposit to create a floor of the stone or timber building. Strat below (4636). Strat above (6862), (6550). Unexcavated and partially planned in 2005. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 10.184, 11.266, 14.139, 15.173, 15.176
Accuracy rating - 2" 4228,C4228,5432,D,0,Trowel,Gravel layer,,"Gravel layer seen in the section of slot 22. Context number allocated for finds only. Not excavated in 2004 as it is still lower down in the stratigraphy. Strat below (5427), (4080). To be completed in 2005 and future seasons.
Accuracy rating - 3  {09/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4229,C4229,5444,D,0,Trowel,Gravel make-up for floor,"Loose, brown silty sand
Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R) (6-20mm)(2-6cm)
Extent: 1.9m x 0.5m;    Thickness: 0.05m
Clear edge definition {09/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Gravel make-up layer which is probably the same as (5443) with Victorian trench [1287] cutting the two contexts in half. Associated with the last phase of the timber framed structure. Probable make-up layer for floor within that structure. Strat below (4170). Cut by [1052], [1287]. Not excavated in 2004. To be completed in 2005?
Plan no: 21.170 {09/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4231,C4231,5472,F,0,Trowel,Group number for beam slot cuts,,Group number for beam slot cuts [4096] and [4562].
See individual contexts for plans {09/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4232,C4232,5473,F,0,Trowel,Group number for beam slots,,Group number for beam slot cuts [1967] and [3279].
See individual contexts for plans. {09/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4235,C4235,5476,F,0,Trowel,Group number for beam slots,,"Group number for beam slot cuts [4785], [4780], [4783] and [5481].
See individual contexts for plans. {09/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4237,C4237,5478,F,0,Trowel,Group number for beam slots,,"Group number for beam slot cuts [4635], [3272] and [4640].
See individual contexts for plans. {09/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4240,C4240,5427,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,"Compact, patchily coloured silty clay/gravel (red/orange in places and dark grey in others)
Inclusions: 50% gravel (S-A) ranging in size from+?-?2mm to 6cm;+?-? Occasional bone, pottery, charcoal and pea gravel
Extent: 4m x 4m (but truncated);+?-?+?-?+?-?+?-?Thickness: 0.01-0.1m
Clear edge definition","Dark, silty clay occupation layer in the link room. Strat below (5415). Strat above (5432), (4080). Cut by [1626]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.135, 11.191, 15.150
Sample no: 848
Accuracy rating - 4" 4241,C4241,5422,D,0,Trowel,Fill of a wall construction / beam slot,"Soft, light orange / brown clay with greyish patches Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) Extent: 5.65m x 0.09-0.12m; Thickness: 0.02m Clear edge definition on the south side and indistinct on the north side","Clay \'fill\' of a wall construction (probable \'cob\' wall) which runs along the south aisle south of Room 3 and the link room. On the southern outside edge are possible traces of finish on wall surfaces / dark mortar-like material. Strat below (5407). Strat above (5486). Cut by [1729], Slot 24 and 67. Part of Group 6513. Partially removed in 2005. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 10.113, 15.138; 15.160 (multi-context)
Section no: 706
Accuracy rating - 3" 4245,C4245,5407,D,0,Trowel,Floor make-up,"Compact, dark brown / yellow silty clay
Inclusions: 5-15% stones of all shapes (6-20mm) (2-6cm);  Occasional charcoal
Extent: 0.3m x 4m;    Thickness: 0.05m
Much of the silt element was washed away by the heavy rainstorms of 2004 revealing three patches of orange clay and one patch of yellow clay. Clay patch 1: 0.15m x 0.15m x 0.02-0.03m;  Clay patch 2: 0.3m x 0.12m x 0.01-0.03m;  Clay patch 3: 0.5m x 0.1m x 0.02-0.05m 
Diffuse edge definition {10/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Silty clay layer below the \'lower clay\' in the southern aisle south of Room 3. Possibly part of an internal floor surface for the timber structure. After the loss of the silty part of this context, it looked more like a separate fill beside beam slot fill (5422) but the top silty layer did extend over the beam slot. Strat below (4636). Strat above (5422). Cut by [1729], [4615]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 15.151 (drawn after top silty layer had washed away) {10/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4249,C4249,5446,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit / floor,"Compact, mid beige / yellow clayey silt Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 2.23m x 0.83m Broken edge definition","Yellow gravel levelling deposit / floor. Possibly associated with the final phase of the timber building. Strat above (5495). Cut by [1034], [4604]. Contemporary with (5471). Part of group 5494. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.179 Sample no: 894, 895 Accuracy rating - 4" 4250,C4250,5447,D,0,Trowel,Floor surface,"White gravel within a compact, grey silt matrix Inclusions: 70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm); Occasional charcoal Extent: 6.5m (N-S) x 5m (E-W) Clear edge definition","Whiter gravel - floor surface below yellow levelling deposit. In many places, the white gravel came down onto a gritty, yellow gravel that was taken off with the white surface. Strat below (5446). Strat above (6454). Butts timber beam slots [4604],[4608] and [4208] and is part of Room 2 of the timber house. Cut by Victorian trench [1034] and [1044]. Contemporary with (4554). Part of Group 5495. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 20.26, 21.201, 21.202, 21.203, 21.204 Section no: 611 Sample no: 920, 921 Accuracy rating - 3" 4253,C4253,5453,C,0,Trowel,Cut / impression caused by structure,Linear in plan
Dimensions: 3.8m x 0.24m x 0.08m (northern section);   0.95m x 0.25m x 0.15m (southern section)
Break of slope (top): moderately sharp;   (base): moderately rounded
Mostly straight sides with a concave base
Orientation: NW-NE
Contains wall 3297 {10/03/2005 KTOOTELL},"Cut / impression containing wall 3297. It is believed that [5453] was caused by the weight of wall 3297 sinking into the lower stratigraphy - possibly associated with timber building(?). Strat below 3297. Strat above (3257), (4080).
Plan no: 10.124, 10.125, 15.146
Accuracy rating - 4 {10/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4257,C4257,5467,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Friable, fine-grained sandy silt which is yellow / brown at the western extent and burnt red at the eastern Inclusions: 60% gravel (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.56m x 0.22m;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.04m Clear edge definition","Occupation layer which has accumulated through its relationship to a hearth - hence the reddish burnt clay at the eastern extent. Probable part of floor levelling. Severely truncated. Strat below (5477). Strat above (5779). Cut by [4208], [1032]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.180 Sample no: 901" 4258,C4258,5468,D,0,Trowel,Gravel deposit,"Stiff, mid-orange / brown fine sandy silt Inclusions: 70% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 2.2m (N-S) x 1m (E-W); Thickness: 0.01-0.02m Clear-?edge definition",Yellow gravel deposit which has-?been truncated on two sides by beam slots [3272] and [1967] and also cut by Victorian trench [1090]. Probably levelling deposit for floor. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.175 Accuracy rating - 2 4259,C4259,5469,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose, pale green / yellow silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) Extent: 0.87m x 0.45m; Thickness: 0.02-0.03m Clear edge definition","Probable levelling deposit for a floor in the corridor of the timber house. (5469) was exposed during the 2004 season and was originally thought to overlie gravel layer (5768) to the east. However, it was decided in 2005 that (5768) was actually above (5469). Below (5469) was a thin layer of dark silt and possibly burnning, only extending as far as the overlying clay and this was taken off at the same time. Strat below (5768). Butts beam slot [5428]. Cut by [4603]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.177" 4260,C4260,5470,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, mid yellow / white gravel
Inclusions: 80% gravel (S-A) (2-6cm)
Extent: 2.8m x 0.5m;    Thickness: 0.1m
Clear edge definition {10/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Possible path outside the northern extent of the timber building or may be a levelling deposit. Strat below (3694). Cut by [4622], [4619], [4645], [1535]. Unexcavated in 2004. To be completed in 2005?
Plan no: 16.176, 16.177
Accuracy rating - 3 {10/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4261,C4261,5471,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Hard, yellow / orange sandy silt Inclusions: 35% gravel of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 20cm Extent: 0.8m x 0.6m Smooth-?edge definition","Yellow gravel levelling deposit or floor surface possibly from the last phase of the timber building. Same as yellow gravel (5446) which is separated from (5471) by a later construction trench. Strat above (5495). Cut by [4600], [1034], [4087]. Part of Group 5494. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.178 Sample no: 892, 893 Accuracy rating - 4" 4262,C4262,5485,D,0,Trowel,Context number allocated for finds only,,Context allocated for finds only in 2004. Strat below (3263). Unexcavated in 2004. To be completed in 2005 and future seasons. {10/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4263,C4263,4639,D,4640,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4640],"Firm, fine-grained mid yellow / brown silty clay
Inclusions: 15% fine gravel (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm)
Extent: 0.3m x 0.3m;    Thickness: 0.1m
Clear edge definition {11/03/2005 KTOOTELL}",Fill of beam slot [4640] - part of the beam slot structure which pre-dates the stone wall phase of building. Below the clay levelling event at the northern end of the southern aisle of House 1. Strat below (4584). Strat above [4640]. Cut by pit [1459] and trench [4603]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 15.128
Section no: 570 {11/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4264,C4264,4640,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4639),"Triangular in plan (due to truncation), measuring 0.3m x 0.3m with a depth of 0.1m
Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp
Convex / straight sides with a flat, sloping base
Contains (4639)
","Beam slot cut containing (4639) - part of a beam slot structure which pre-dates the stone wall phase of building. Part of beam slot group 4634. Strat below (4639). Cut by [4603], [1459]. Contemporary with [3272].
Plan no: 15.133
Section no: 570" 4269,C4269,4645,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4646),"Fairly linear in plan, measuring 0.2m wide with a depth of 0.15m
Break of slope (top): sharp;  (base): moderately sharp
Concave sides with a flat base
Contains (4646) {11/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Beam slot cut containing (4646). Part of the beam slot structure pre-dating the stone phase of the building. Strat below (4646). Cut by [4619]. Part of group 4634.
Plan no: 16.173, 16.174
Section no: 571
{11/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4270,C4270,4646,D,4645,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [4645],"Firm, mid brown / yellow silty clay
Inclusions: 15-35% gravel (S-A) (S-R) (R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm)
Extent: 0.2m wide;    Thickness: 0.15m
Clear edge definition {11/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fill of beam slot [4645] - part of the beam slot structure pre-dating the stone phase of the building. Strat below (3946). Strat above [4645]. Cut by [4619]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 16.161, 16.168
Section no: 571 {11/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4273,C4273,4649,S,0,Trowel,Base step for threshold of link room,"Foundation step or threshold comprising unworked CBM, flint, sandstone, chalk, and iron slag
Size of materials: CBM  - 188mm x 188mm x 55mm (average), 225mm x 497mm x 60mm (max);  Flint - Irregular and variable 40mm x 40mm (min), 102mm x 102mm (max);  Sandstone - Irregular, angular 40mm x 90mm (min), 255mm x 160mm (max);  Chalk - Irregular, angular 70mm x 70mm (min), 102mm x 76mm (max);  Iron slag - one piece only 60mm x 60mm
Top course of threshold was bonded by a black, coarse, hard material. The middle course was bonded by a yellow / brown coarse, granular soft material. The lower course was bonded by a black / brown coarse granular soft material
Direction of faces: SE - NW

{11/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","This feature is probably the base for a step / threshold, associated with the link room structure. It comprised materials similar to the link room walls and was located in the middle of the south wall of the link room. At a certain point in course two (see plan), the construction material abruptly changes from CBM to randomly distributed flint, sandstone and chalk. At this same point, excavation became straight and well-defined. These changes may reflect an extension of the foundation either during or after initial construction. Strat below (4598). Strat above (4649), [5417]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.103 {11/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4274,C4274,5401,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Loose, grey clayey silt with yellow and white patches
Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R) (R) (2-6cm);  25-35% clay patches
Clear - broken edge definition {15/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Footing for gravel floor (3659). It appears to have smeared over a beam slot fill. This is probably due to later spread and consolidation as (5401) is most likely associated with the wall which was supported by the beam, due to the fact it largely respects the beam\'s boundaries. Strat below (3659). Strat above (5412). Cut by [4618] and [1729]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 15.129, 16.162
Accuracy rating - 4 {15/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4281,C4281,5411,D,0,Trowel,Fill of beam slot,"Hard, yellow clay
Inclusions: 1-5% gravel (2-6mm);  5-15% mortar strips (2-6cm)","Yellow clay fill of a beam slot, seemingly broken at intervals and bordered on the NE and SW sides by thin, grey mortar strips. Butted by (6452), (6458). Not excavated in 2004. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 15.131, 16.169; 15.163, 16.202 (multi-context)
Section no: 588
Accuracy rating - 4" 4282,C4282,5412,D,5429,Trowel,Fill of gully [5429],Yellow / grey clay
Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm);  35% flint;  >1% charcoal
Thickness: 0.13m
Diffuse edge definition {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL},"Fill of gully [5429], associated with iron nail groups SF3418.1-10. Strat below (3659). Strat above (5423), [5429]. Cut by [4618], [4622] and slot 19.
Plan no: 9.89, 16.167
Accuracy rating - 3 {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4283,C4283,5415,D,0,Trowel,Floor make-up layer,"Dark, grey / black silty gravel
Inclusions: 60% gravel (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 6mm to 20cm
Extent: 4m x 4m;    Thickness: 0.05-0.15m
{18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Make-up layer for a very substantial mortar-based floor in the link room. It is possible that the original floors contemporary with the timber-framed phase of this structure were cut away at the time it was renovated in order to lower the ground level enough so that the new floor (gravel (5415), mortar (3700) and surface (4581)) could be built. This context was the base for this new floor which in total was roughly 0.1-0.25m. Strat below (3700). Strat above (5432), (5427). Butts wall 3297. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.114, 10.115, 11.178 {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4284,C4284,5417,C,0,Trowel,Cut for step / threshold base,"Rectilinear in plan, measuring 1.565m x 0.23m with a depth of 0.32m
Northern corners: right angles;   Southern corners: rounded
Break of slope (top & base): sharp
U-shaped profile with vertical sides and a flat base
Orientation: E-W
Contains 4649 {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Foundation cut for a base step / threshold located in the middle of the southern wall of the link room and associated with the link room structure. The depth of this cut indicates that the step / threshold was a fairly substantial structure, possibly extended at the south western end where the cut is slightly more narrow and the fill was noticeably different (for details, see 4649). Strat below 4649. Cuts (5421).
Plan no: 10.111   {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4287,C4287,5420,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5421),"Linear in plan with sharp corners, measuring 4m x 0.2m with a depth of 0.25m
Break of slope (top & base): sharp - 90 degrees
Vertical, straight sides with a flat base
Orientation: NE-SW
Contains (5421)

{18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Beam slot cut on the southern edge of the link room containing (5421). This cut is truncated by [5417] - the cut for a step / threshold associated with the link room. [5420] is therefore probably a part of the timber structure previous to the stone construction phase of House 1 and has been put in the group number all the beam slot cuts (4634).
Plan no: 10.117, 11.181
{18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4288,C4288,5421,D,5420,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5420],"Friable, dark yellow / brown silty clay
Inclusions: 10% gravel (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm)
Extent: 3m x 0.25m;    Thickness: 0.2m
Context was very similar to (4572) and was partially removed as belonging to (4572). It was also removed before being planned.  {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fill of beam slot [5420] running along the southern edge of the link room. This context was probably laid down to pack the beam slot when the timber / wall construction was removed as part of the rebuilding of the link room. (5421) is truncated by [5417], the foundation cut for a threshold or step. It is also overlain by (4636), clay spread to the south. At the south western end of (5421) there was a deposit of flint nodules (4597), which largely respected the line of the beam slot and was possibly a consolidation layer designed to combat future subsidence of the soft beam slot fill so that another wall could be built over the top (although convincing evidence for this wall is so far lacking - 28/07/04). Strat below (4636). Strat above [5420]. Same as (5422). Cut by [5417]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 10.118, 11.182 {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4289,C4289,5423,D,0,Trowel,Building construction deposit,"Loose, grey / brown silty sand
Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (2-6cm);  10% charcoal;  20% mortar
Extent: 0.27m x 0.3m
Diffuse edge definition {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}",Small patch of mortar-like material within clay gully fill (5412) north of Room 2. Possible trample. Strat below (5412). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 16.170
Accuracy rating - 4  {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4291,C4291,5425,D,5430,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5430],"Hard-firm, yellow / brown silty clay with traces of orange
Inclusions: 50% gravel (A) (S-A) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm
Extent: 0.72m x 0.33m;    Thickness: 0.1m
Sharp edge definition {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}",Fill of beam slot [5430]. Part of the timber phase of the building. Strat below (4112). Strat above [5430]. Cut by [1034]. Contemporary with [4637] and [4808]. Same as (4568). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 21.160
Accuracy rating - 4

{18/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4292,C4292,5428,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4637),"Linear in plan with moderately sharp corners, measuring 4.6m x 0.39m with a depth of 0.12m
Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp
Straight sides witha concave base
Orientation: NE-SW
Contains (4637) {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Beam slot cut containing (4637). Part of the timber structure of House 1 which pre-dates the stone wall foundations. It is butted by, and contemporary with beam slots [5430] and [4087].
Plan no: 21.166, 22.102
Section no: 560, 561 {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4293,C4293,5429,C,0,Trowel,Gully cut containing (5412),Linear in plan bi-sected by slot 19 Dimensions: 0.85m x 0.39m x 0.12m (eastern section);-?-? 1.22m x 0.67m x 0.07m (western section) Break of slope (top): sharp;-? (base): moderately sharp Straight sides with an irregular base Orientation: E-W Contains (5412),"Gully cut containing (5412), bi-sected by slot 19. This \'gully\'-? is later than the construction of the timber phase and extends through Room 3 and possibly just north of the link room (less than 0.5m). It\'s relationship with the beam slot clay is unclear. The gully clay definitely overlies the junction of the beam construction at the north of Room 2. Strat below (5412), (5423). Cuts (5445). Plan no: 9.93, 16.171 Accuracy rating - 4" 4294,C4294,5430,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5425),"Rectilinear in plan, measuring 0.75m x 0.2m with a depth of 0.1-0.15m
Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp
Straight sides with a concave base
Orientation: NE-SW
Contains (5425)

{18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}",Small beam slot cut containing (5425). It is butted by contemporary beam slot [5428]. Part of the timber structure of House 1 which pre-dates that of the stone wall foundations. Contemporary with [5428] and [4087].
Plan no: 21.165
{18/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4301,C4301,5443,D,0,Trowel,Gravel make-up layer for floor,"Loose, brown silty sand
Inclusions: 35-70% gravel (S-R) (6-20mm)
Extent: 0.9m x 0.3m;   Thickness: 0.07m
Clear edge definition {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Heavily truncated gravel make-up layer for floor associated with the last phase of the timber framed structure. Looks to be the same as (5444) with Victorian trench [1287] cutting the two contexts in half. Strat below (4222). Cut by [1287], [4783]. Not excavated in 2004. To be completed in 2005.
Plan no: 21.168 {18/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4302,C4302,5445,D,6516,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [6516],"Hard, orange / brown clay
Extent: 2.63m x 0.21m
Diffuse edge definition","Clay fill of beam slot [6516]. Relationship with gully cut [5429] is unclear, although the gully appears to be later than the beam slot as gully fill (5412) covered parts of the beam slot fill. Strat below (5429). Strat above [6516]. Cut by [5429]. Same as (4646). Completely removed in 2005.
Plan no: 16.218
Accuracy rating - 4" 4311,C4311,5275,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer / demolition silting,"Friable, brown / grey silty gravel Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 3.5m x 1.15m;-?-?-? Thickness: 0.01m","Lense of relatively immaterial silty gravel covering floor / occupation surface (5340). Also overlies (5804) and beam slot [5805] filled by (5383). Completely removed in 2004. May need re-planning in 2005 but unsure. Plan no: 29.165, 29.166, 29.169 Accuracy rating - 3" 4312,C4312,5339,D,5393,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5393],"Friable, mid green / brown sandy clay
Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (2-6mm);  Occasional CBM, charcoal and pottery
Extent: 0.62m x 6m;    Thickness: 0.2m
{31/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fill of robbed out beam slot [5393] at the SE limit of the timber building. (5339) meets with beam slot fill (5376) to form a right angled corner - the division of these two contexts was arbitrary. Strat below (5299). Strat above another, more clayey fill (5378). Cut by slot 1. Contemporary with (5395), (5376). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 28.202, 28.201
Accuracy rating - 4
{31/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4314,C4314,5378,D,0,Trowel,Backfill of beam slot,"Plastic, light orange / yellow sandy clay
Inclusions: 10% stones (S-A) (2-6mm);  Frequent CBM fragments (15%) and small charcoal inclusions
Extent: 1.83m x 0.62m
Clear edge definition

{31/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Possible backfill to a robbed out beam slot. Several iron nails were removed from the overlying context (5339) which could be associated with this fill. This beam slot forms the south wall of the building in the NE corner, associated with other beam slot fills (5376), (5295), (5321), (5352). Unexcavated in 2004. To be completed in 2005?
Plan no: 28.213
{31/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4315,C4315,5804,D,5850,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5850],"Firm, mid-grey / black silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% gravel (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 1% CBM (6-20mm) Extent: 3.1m x 0.2m","Fill of beam slot [5850] - part of the NE wall extension of the timber building. Runs SE-NW and is situated between two post holes - [4790] and [5818]. (5804) is contemporary with post hole [5818] but earlier than [4790] which intersects it. Strat below (4153). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 29.220, 29.221 Accuracy rating - 4" 4316,C4316,5313,D,0,Trowel,Hearth sweepings,"Loose, mid grey / black clayey silt
Inclusions: 1-5% pea gravel (S-R) (2-6mm) well sorted and evenly spread;   Charred bones and small pieces of charcoal 
Extent: 0.97m x 0.42m
Context was weather after being exposed during seasons

{31/03/2005 KTOOTELL}","Hearth sweepings. Strat below (5360). Strat above (5358). Butts clay layer (5359). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 28.191, 29.182
Sample no: 820

{31/03/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4319,C4319,5360,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor,"Fine, compact mid yellow / brown silty clay
Thickness: 0.045m
{31/03/2005 KTOOTELL}",Thick clay floor incorporating possible debris from nearby hearth such as ground-in charcoal and some animal bones. Overlying dark layer of hearth debris (5313).
Plan no: 28.208

{31/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4322,C4322,5359,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,,Context card blank - to be completed in 2005? {31/03/2005 KTOOTELL} 4323,C4323,5805,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5383),"Linear in plan, measuring 2.8m x 0.16-0.25m-? with a depth of 0.14-0.22m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Straight sides with a flat base Orientation: NE-SW Contains (5383)","Beam slot cut at the north eastern extent of the NE structure. The northern end of the beam slot lines up with beam slot fill (5804). The connection between these seems to be truncated by post hole [4790]. [5805] is much narrower than other beam slots in the south west of the structure. Strat below (5383). Cut by [3594], [4790]. Plan no: 29.212" 4362,C4362,5265,D,0,Trowel,Tile surface,Tile surface measuring 0.8m x 0.8m with a depth of 0.05m Very clear edge definition,"Interior tile surface comprising a number of broken tiles laid purposefully within a square shape. It is almost certain that these tiles constitute a separate context to the underlying-?tiles because of their stratigraphic relationships. However, oddness is a common occurrence deep into this demolition material. Strat below (4799). Strat above (5340). Completely removed in 2004. N.B. This context card was superceded by the information for (5861) in 2005 Plan no: 29.163 Accuracy rating - 3" 4369,C4369,5277,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread,"Hard-plastic, mid brown grey silty clay with patches of yellow
Inclusions: 10-20% gravel (S-A) (2-6mm);   2-5% CBM (2-6mm)
Extent: 1.20 (E-W) x 0.7m (N-S);    Thickness: 0.13m
Unclear edge definition {08/04/2005 KTOOTELL}",This context might be a spread of levelling clay in line with other spreads in the surrounding area. It may also be a remnant of (4152) that was missed because it sits within a slump. Strat above (5296). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 20.140 {08/04/2005 KTOOTELL} 4384,C4384,5295,D,5304,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5304],"Hard, mid yellow / brown clay
Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) (6-20mm);  CBM at base of fill
Extent: 0.7m x 0.2m;    Thickness: 0.2m
{08/04/2005 KTOOTELL}",Fill of beam slot [5304] truncated at both ends by Victorian trenches - by [1287] at the SE end and by [1037] at the NW end. It was excavated as (5321) north of the [1037] truncation and as (5352) even further north. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 28.187
Accuracy rating - 4
Spot date: mid 1st century AD? 

{08/04/2005 KTOOTELL} 4385,C4385,5296,D,0,Trowel,Mixed clay spread,"Compacted - plastic, grey / yellow mixed clay
Inclusions:  10% stones - stone frequency varies spatially across the context with small patches of grit (<5mm) at the top of the slope and larger flints (up to 5cm) nearer the bottom;   Occasional small chips of CBM and charcoal although the charcoal is only in significant quantities towards the base of the deposit
Extent: 3m x 3m
Variable edge definition {08/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Very mixed clay layer lying in a slump. Probably re-deposited material from several different sources. It is thickest in the centre of the deposit where the slumpage is most pronounced. The edges peter out to nothing suggesting a possible function as a levelling deposit. Strat below (5277). Strat above (5338). Cut by [1032]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 20.148, 20.149
{08/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4386,C4386,5298,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Compact, dark grey / brown sandy silt Inclusions: 90% gravel (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 1.55m x 0.97m Clear edge definition",Gravel spread overlying beam slot (5320) and a re-deposited clay surface. Possible levelling deposit. Strat below (5305). Completely removed in 2004. Plan no: 29.178 Accuracy rating - 5 4387,C4387,5299,D,0,Trowel,Yellow clay spread,"Firm, pale yellow clayey silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (2-6mm);-? 1-5% CBM;-? <1% pottery",Yellow clay deposit underlying silty clay spread (5293). This context was removed in an attempt to clarify the edge of a nearby beam slot. Strat above (5395). Partially removed in 2004. To be completed in 2005? Plan no: 28.184 Accuracy rating - 4 Spot date: 1st - 2nd century AD 4441,C4441,5304,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5295),"Rectangular in plan with right-angled corners, measuring 0.4m in length with a depth of 0.1-0.2m
Break of slope (top & base): sharp
U-shaped profile with vertical sides and a flat base
Orientation: NW-SE
Contains (5295)

{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}",Beam slot cut forming part of the SW wall of the NE building. Truncated by Victorian trenches [1287] and [1037] -excavated north west of the latter truncation as [5323]. Strat below (5295). Cuts gravel (5359).
Plan no: 28.226

{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL} 4442,C4442,5305,D,0,Trowel,Clay levelling layer,"Plastic, light yellow / brown sandy clay
Inclusions: 20% gravel (S-R) (1-8cm);  5% charcoal;  5% pottery
Extent: 4.69m x 3.46m
Clear edge definition {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Re-deposited clay layer used for levelling over gravel. Partially truncated by a Victorian trench. Strat below tile layer (5268). Strat above gravel spread (5298). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 20.150, 29.179
Accuracy rating - 4 {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4444,C4444,5307,D,0,Trowel,Re-deposited clay floor surface,"Compact, medium green / grey silty clay
Inclusions: 20% stones (S-A) (2-6cm);  1% CBM (6-20cm)
Extent: 2.1m x 1.3m
Clear edge definition {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Re-deposited clay floor surface, truncated at both the NW and SE extents by Victorian trenches [1032] and [1037] respectively. Strat below (4152). Strat above beam slot fill (5321). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 20.151, 21.171
Accuracy rating - 4
Spot date: late 1st century AD

{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4452,C4452,5320,D,5346,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5346],"Compact, dark grey / brown silty clay
Inclusions: 10-15% pea grit (A) (2-6mm);  5% pottery / CBM;  5% charcoal
Extent: 5.7m x 0.3m
Clear edge definition {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fill of beam slot [5346] running SW-NE at a 45 degree angle to the road. Forms a right angle with beam slot fill (5332). Consists largely of re-deposited clay, similar in content to other re-deposited materials associated with building destruction. (5320) is truncated at it\'s south western extent by Victorian trench [1032]. It\'s continuation south of this truncation has been recorded as (5351).  Strat below (5284). Strat above [5346]. Cut by Victorian trench [1032]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 20.160, 29.194
Accuracy rating - 4

{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4453,C4453,5321,D,5323,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5323],"Compact, medium black / brown clayey silt
Inclusions: 15% stones (S-A) (2-6cm)
Extent: 2.1m x 1.35
Clear edge definition

{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fill of beam slot [5323]. Truncated at both ends by Victorian trenches - at the NW end by [1032] and at the SE end by [1037]. Excavated as (5295) south of the [1037] truncation and as (5352) north of the [1032] truncation. Strat below (5307). Not excavated in 2004. To be completed in 2005.
Plan no: 20.155, 21.173
Accuracy rating - 4
Spot date: Second half of 1st century AD {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4455,C4455,5323,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5321),"Linear in plan with right angled corners, measuring 2.8m x 0.45m with a depth of 0.1m
Break of slope (top & base): sharp
U-shaped profile with irregular / vertical sides and an uneven base
Orientation: NW-SE
Contains (5321) {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Beam slot cut containing (5321) and forming part of the SW wall of the NE building. Truncated at both ends by Victorian trenches - at the NW end by [1032] and at the SE end by [1037]. Excavated as [5304] south of the [1037] truncation and as [5357] north of the [1032] truncation.
Plan no: 20.184, 21.186
Accuracy rating - 4
{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4458,C4458,5332,D,5371,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5371],"Plastic, medium green / grey sandy clay Inclusions: 40% gravel (S-R) (0.5-4.5cm);-? 5% CBM (0.5-2cm) Extent:-?3.03m x 0.36m Clear edge definition",Fill of beam slot [5371] composed of re-deposited clay and-?forming the NE side of the timber building.-?(5332) meets with contemporary beam slot fill (5320) to form a right angle and the division of these two contexts is arbitrary. Strat below (5305). Strat above [5371]. Completely removed in 2004. Plan no: 29.205 Accuracy rating - 4 4461,C4461,5335,D,0,Trowel,Occupation spread / rubbish deposit,"Compact, grey / brown silty clay Inclusions: 35% stones (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm);-? 1-5% CBM Extent:-?5m (N-S) x 3m (E-W) Clear edge definition","Occupation-?spread / rubbish deposit. Strat below (5285). Strat above beam slot fill (5376). Not excavated in 2004. To be completed in 2005. Plan no: 28.203, 29.188, 29.189 Accuracy rating - 4" 4464,C4464,5340,D,0,Trowel,Re-deposited clay spread,"Compact-coarse, light yellow / grey sandy clay Extent:-?3m x 3.5m Clear edge definition","Re-deposited sandy clay spread. Originally thought to be a floor surface but now found to overlie a possible beam slot which could indicate that (5340) is a-?re-deposited occupational layer instead. Strat below (5265), (5275).-?Only partially excavated in 2004 due to the underlying opus signinum floor. To be completed in 2005. Plan no: 29.190, 29.191, 29.192, 29.193" 4466,C4466,5346,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5320),"Linear in plan with right angled corners, measuring 5m x 0.4m with a depth of 0.15m
Break of slope (top): sharp;    (base): gradual - sharp
U-shaped profile with irregular sides (mostly vertical but concave in places) and an uneven base
Orientation: NE-SW
Contains (5320) {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Beam slot cut containing (5320) forming the NW outer wall of a timber structure. [5346] is truncated at it\'s south western extent by Victorian trench [1032]. It\'s continuation south of this truncation has been recorded as [5356]. At the north eastern extent, [5346] forms a right angle with beam slot [5371] - the division of these two contexts at the corner is arbitrary. The edges of [5346] are quite wide and irregular, possibly due to over-digging or erosion during excavation.
Plan no: 20.179, 29.204
Accuracy rating - 4 {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4469,C4469,5351,D,5356,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5356],"Friable, mixed grey sandy silt
Inclusions: 15-35% gravel (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm);  c. 5 fragments of CBM;  Patches of yellow clay
Extent: 1.4m x 0.35m;    Thickness: 0.05-0.15m
Clear edge definition {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fill of beam slot [5356] running SW-NE at a 45 degree angle to the road. Forms a right angle with beam slot fill (5352). Consists largely of very mixed, re-deposited clay, similar in content to other re-deposited materials associated with building destruction. (5351) is truncated at it\'s north eastern extent by Victorian trench [1032]. It\'s continuation north of this truncation has been recorded as (5320). Strat below (5296).  Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 20.166

{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4470,C4470,5352,D,5357,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5357],"Hard, dark-light grey gritty silty clay with patches of yellow
Inclusions: 15-35% gravel (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm)
Extent: 1.9m x 0.3m;    Thickness: 0.06m
Good edge definition {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fill of beam slot [5357] forming the SW wall of a timber structure. The fill is very mixed, suggesting that it is re-deposited material from more than one source. Strat below (5296). Strat above [5357]. Contemporary with and butting (5351) forming a right angle corner. Cut by Victorian trench [1032]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 20.167
Accuracy rating - 4 {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4471,C4471,5356,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5351),Rectangular in plan with right angled corners at the south western end but truncated by Victorian trench [1032] at the north eastern end
Measures 1.1m x 0.35m with a depth of 0.05-0.15m
Break of slope (top & base): sharp
U-shaped profile with stepped sides (especially where it butts [5357]) with a flat base
Orientation: SW-NE
Contains (5351) {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL},"Beam slot cut containing (5351). Together with [5357], this cut forms the corner of a timber building. [5356] is truncated at it\'s north eastern extent by Victorian trench [1032]. It\'s continuation north of this truncation has been recorded as [5346].
Plan no: 20.175 


{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4472,C4472,5357,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5352),Rectangular in plan with right angled corners at the-?north western end but truncated by Victorian trench [1032] at the-?south eastern end Measures 1.9m x 0.35m with a depth of 0.05-0.1m Break of slope (top & base): sharp U-shaped profile with vertical sides and-?a flat base Orientation: NW-SE Contains (5352),"Beam slot cut containing (5352). Together with [5356], this cut forms the corner of a timber building.-?Truncated at it\'s-?south eastern-?extent by Victorian trench [1032]. Plan no: 20.176" 4475,C4475,5371,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5332),"Rectangular in plan with moderately rounded corners, measuring 2.97m x 0.32m with a depth of 0.11m
Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp
U-shaped profile with straight sides (15 degrees) and a flat base
Orientation: NW-SE
Contains (5332) {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Beam slot cut containing (5332), forming the outer NE wall of a timber building. At the north western extent, [5371] forms a right angle with beam slot [5346] - the division of these two contexts at the corner is arbitrary.
Plan no: 29.207
Accuracy rating - 4


{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4476,C4476,5375,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5376),"Linear in plan with moderately sharp corners, measuring 3.96m x 0.56m with a depth of 0.28m
Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp
U-shaped profile with moderately sharp sides and a flat base
Orientation: NW-SE
Contains (5376) {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}",Beam slot cut containing (5376). Joins with beam slot [5393] and has similar dimensions. Contains a ridge which bisects the slot. Truncated by smaller beam slot [5805]?. 
Plan no: 29.211
Accuracy rating - 4  {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL} 4477,C4477,5376,D,5375,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5375],"Firm, dark grey / brown silty clay
Inclusions: 5-15% gravel (S-R) (R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm)
Extent: 3.96m x 0.56m;    Thickness: 0.28m
Clear edge definition {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}",Fill of beam slot [5375] at the NE limit of the timber building. The dimensions of the beam slot were relatively wide and no nails were found within the fill suggesting that the beam was robbed. (5376) meets with beam slot fill (5339) to form a right angled corner - the division of these two contexts was arbitrary. Strat below (5535). Strat above [5375]. Cut by [3594]. Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 29.206
Accuracy rating - 4

{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL} 4479,C4479,5383,D,5805,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5805],"Compact, dark brown / grey silty sand Inclusions: 2% CBM Extent: 2.53m x 0.19m Clear edge definition","Fill of beam slot [5805], forming possible small extension to the NE building. It is more narrow that the other major beam slots and encloses a floor surface composed mainly of crushed tile. Strat below (5340). Butts (5375). Not excavated in 2004. To be completed in 2005. Plan no: 29.208 Accuracy rating - 5-?" 4484,C4484,5393,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5339),"Linear in plan, measuring 6m in length x 0.22m wide at the SW end and 0.62m at the NE end with a variable depth of 0.14-0.24m
Break of slope (top & base): sharp on the southern edge / gradual on the northern edge
Stepped sides with a flat, slightly convex base
Orientation: SW-NE
Contains (5339) {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Beam slot cut at the SE limit of the timber building containing (5339). [5393] meets with beam slot [5375] to form a right angled corner - the division of these two contexts was arbitrary. Also linked to beam slot [5396].
Plan no: 28.216, 28.219
Accuracy rating - 4



{18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4485,C4485,5395,D,5396,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5396],"Firm, dark grey / brown silty clay
Inclusions: 1-5% gravel;  CBM (up to 15cm long)
Extent: 2.3m x 0.5m;   Thickness: 0.15m
Fairly clear edge definition {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Fill of beam slot [5396]. (5395) meets with, and is the same as beam slot fill (5339) - the division of these two contexts was arbitrary. This beam slot is also in line with beam slot fill (5295) but separated by Victorian trench [1287]. Also truncated by post hole [5386]. Strat below (5386). Completely removed in 2004.
Plan no: 28.218
Accuracy rating - 4 {18/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4505,C4505,5027,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (2922)=(5030),"Oval in plan, measuring 0.88m x 0.76m with a variable depth of 0.38-0.58m
Break of slope (top): moderately rounded;    (base): rounded
U-shaped profile (higher on the NE side) with straight sides (35 degrees) and a flat base
Orientation: SW-NE
Contains (2922)=(5030) {19/04/2005 KTOOTELL}","Cut of a post hole originally excavated during the 2000 season but only the fill (2922) was recorded. During the 2004 season, [5027] was cleaned up (hence remnant fill context (5030)) in order to re-define and record the cut. It has probably enlarged slightly since 2000 but on the basis of a pre-ex plan, not substantially. Cuts (2664).
Plan no: 12.130
Accuracy rating - 4

{19/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4609,C4609,5338,D,0,Trowel,Burnt patch,70% charcoal within a silty matrix Inclusions: 5% CBM; 5-15% stones (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 1m x 1m,Patch of burning in the base of a slump. Possibly from a fire burning in an exterior yard. Strat below (5972). Strat above (6002). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 20.215 Accuracy rating - 5 4616,C4616,5365,D,0,Trowel,CBM spread,NO CARD {22/04/2005 KTOOTELL},"CBM spread.
Plan no: 28.211, 29.202 {22/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4619,C4619,5392,D,0,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5899],"Compact, pale brown / yellow silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (2-6cm); 5% CBM; 10% charcoal Extent: 2.8m x 0.18m; Thickness: 0.12m","Fill of beam slot [5899] which joins with beam slot [5850] to the west. Strat below (5305). Strat above (5899). Completely removed in 2005.
Plan no: 29.224 - In 2006, the plan was amended to include the location of beam slot nails. These have not been digitised but are on the plan for reference." 4620,C4620,5396,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5395),NO CARD {22/04/2005 KTOOTELL},"Beam slot cut containing (5395), forming part of the southern most corner of the timber building.
Plan no: 28.225

{22/04/2005 KTOOTELL}" 4723,C4723,5585,D,0,Trowel,Floor within round house 5570,"Compact, mid yellow / orange clay with brown patches Inclusions: >70% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; 5% CBM flecks; 10% charcoal flecks Extent: 7.6m x 7.2m; Thickness: 0.2m Clear edge definition","Very good floor surface made of beaten clay, well sorted gravel and crushed CBM within round house 5570. Cut by several pits containing votive offerings - [6606], [6551], [6620], [6136], [6138], [6065] - all of which were sealed by subsequent clay floor surface (5556). Strat below (6149), (6574), (6580). Strat above (6618), (6081). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.132, 2.133, 3.110, 10.152, 11.258, 11.268 Accuracy rating - 5" 4724,C4724,5586,D,0,Trowel,Silty gravel occupation spread,"Compact, grey / brown silty sand Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (2-6cm) (6-20cm); 10% clay; 1% bone Extent: 2m (N-S) x 1m (E-W); Thickness: 0.02-0.08m (variable)","Dark, gravelly occupation spread, probably the equivalent to (3385) but physically separated. Strat below (3313). Strat above (3033). Cut by [2727], [1702], [1408], [1520]. Partially removed in 2005. Plan no: 3.111, 3.112" 4727,C4727,5589,D,6064,Trowel,"Burnt, charcoal-rich fill of pit [6064]","Soft, black fine silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 50-60% charcoal; 10% clay; 5% burnt bone Extent: 0.45m in diameter; Thickness: 0.12m","Burnt, charcoal-rich fill of pit [6064]. Not a burnt vessel, but one of a series of charred, placed deposits along the south eastern side of round house 5570. Large lumps of charcoal were recovered from the side and base of the deposit whilst the middle comprised of burnt silt, including burnt bone and clay lumps. Possibly indicative of a wooden vessel burnt in situ. Beneath the charcoal lining the side and base were large stones set in the burnt silt (6071). Strat below (6056)=(4420). Strat above (6065). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.201 Sample no: 905 (GBA) Accuracy rating - 5" 4731,C4731,5593,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Compact, dark brown / black fine grit Inclusions: 5-15% grit Extent: 0.9m x 0.38m x 0.15m; Thickness: 0.003-0.005m","Occupation deposit. Part of lobby sequence (5506), (5518), (5544). Strat below (5506), (5518). Strat above (6052). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.196 Accuracy rating - 4" 4739,C4739,6051,D,0,Trowel,Clay levelling deposit,"Hard, yellow / brown clay No inclusions Extent: 0.46m x 0.39m; Thickness: 0.05m",Clay levelling deposit overlying a gravel layer. May have acted as a post pad or to fill a dip within the gravel layer. Strat below (3385). Strat above (3033). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 10.154 Accuracy rating - 3 4740,C4740,6052,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Compact, yellow clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (2-6mm); Occasional charcoal flecks Extent: 0.4m x 0.23m x 0.43m; Thickness: 0.08m",Floor surface. Part of the stone phase sequence. Strat below (5593). Strat above (6057). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.198 Accuracy rating - 4 4744,C4744,6056,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Hard, baked red / yellow / orange clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (A) (S-A) (2-6mm) Extent: 0.35m in diameter; Thickness: 0.04m",Equivalent of clay floor surface (5556) that has been laid over cut [6064] within round house 5570 and then dropped into the inside of the pot. Strat below (3925). Strat above (5589). Same as (5556). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.195 Sample no: 909 (GBA) Accuracy rating - 4 4745,C4745,6057,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,"Compact, dark brown / black silty clay Inclusions: stones and charcoal flecks Extent: 0.6m x 0.25m x 0.7m x 0.45m; Thickness: 0.003-0.005m Diffuse edge definition","Possible occupation layer. Part of the sequence of the stone phase building. Strat below (6052). Strat above (6070), (6076). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.199 Accuracy rating - 4" 4748,C4748,6060,D,0,Trowel,Isolated spread,"Firm, light grey silt with pale yellow clay patches Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.8m x 1m; Thickness: 0.015m Vague edge definition",Isolated spread on top of the \'lane\' gravel (3033). Strat below (3385). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 3.117 Accuracy rating - 3 4749,C4749,6061,D,0,Trowel,Clay spread,"Compact, orange / brown clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 1% charcoal Extent: 0.7-0.8m in diameter; Thickness: 0.005-0.03m",Clay spread with evidence of burning. Situated near to suspected beam slots next to round house 5570. Strat below (4417). Strat above (6074). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 10.156 Accuracy rating - 4 4750,C4750,6062,D,6065,Trowel,Fill of fire pit [6065],"Friable, black clayey silt but predominantly charcoal Inclusions: 1% stones (S-R); Occasional burnt bone Extent: 0.4m x 0.3m; Thickness: 0.095m Clear edge definition","Fill of fire pit [6065] on the southern periphery of round house 5570. It may have a parallel in another charcoal-filled pit [6064] also on the southern edge of the round house. (6062) was found to contain mostly charcoal with some burnt bone. It may represent a fire pit but it is more likely that the burning was not in-situ. Strat below (5556). Strat above [6065]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.117 Sample no: 928 (GBA), 929 (XRF) 100% sampled Accuracy rating - 5" 4751,C4751,6063,D,0,Trowel,Silty spread,"Loose, light brown loamy silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 0.8m x 0.6m; Thickness: 0.01-0.06m Clear edge definition",Small spread of loamy silt on top of a yellow clay. Possibly an accumulation of silt washed down from higher deposits. Strat below (4081). Strat above (6075). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 10.157 Accuracy rating - 4 4752,C4752,6064,C,0,Trowel,"Pit cut containing burnt deposits (6056), (5589) and (6071)","Circular in plan, measuring 0.5m in diameter with a depth of 0.2m Break of slope (top): sharp - 70-90 degrees; (base): rounded U-shaped profile with concave sides and base Contains (6056), (5589), (6071)","Pit cut containing placed deposits of burnt material. Lined with silt and stone (6071) and contained charcoal fill (5589). Capped with (6056) which is part of clay floor (5556), possibly deposited whilst the embers were still hot due to the hard baked and burnt colouring of the clay. Strat below (6071). Cuts (6135). Plan no: 11.206 Accuracy rating - 5" 4753,C4753,6065,C,0,Trowel,Cut of fire pit containing (6062),"Sub-circular in plan, measuring 0.38m x 0.29m with a depth of 0.13m Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp U-shaped profile with concave-straight sides and a slightly concave base Orientation: NW-SE Contains (6062)",Small pit containing (6062) on the southern periphery of round house 5570 and cut into the sequence of clay and gravel floors. Filled by a silty clay containing much charcoal and some burnt bone - possibly burnt in-situ. [6065] may have been dug specifically for the burning of this material. It is matched by another pit containing burnt material - [6064] which is also situated on the southern edge of the round house. Possible votive use. Strat below (6062). Strat above (5585). Plan no: 2.118 Accuracy rating - 5 4758,C4758,6070,D,0,Trowel,Repair to clay floor,"Compact, pale yellow / green clay No inclusions Extent: 0.31m x 0.32m Clear edge definition",Repair to clay floor. Strat below (6057). Strat above (6082). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.202 Accuracy rating - 4 4759,C4759,6071,D,6064,Trowel,Lining of pit [6064],"Soft, brown fine silt Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 0.5m in diameter; Thickness: 0.05m",Lining of charcoal-filled pit [6064]. Stone lining set in silt. Strat below (5589). Strat above [6064]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.209 Accuracy rating - 5 4762,C4762,6074,D,0,Trowel,Spread,,To be completed in 2006. 4763,C4763,6076,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,"Soft-powdery, dark brown / black fine silt No inclusions Extent: 0.42m (E-W) x 0.23m (N-S); Thickness: 0.005m Moderately sharp edge definition","Fine, silty layer - possibly part of an occupation deposit relating to a floor context. Strat below (6057). Strat above (6082). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.203" 4764,C4764,6077,D,0,Trowel,Silty gravel spread,"Hard-compact, light brown silty gravel Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 20cm Extent: 1.5m x 1m (main part); 0.3m x 0.2m (isolated patch); Thickness: 0.005-0.03m",Silty gravel spread - possible remnant of (4081). Strat below (4081). Strat above (6074). Plan no: 10.160 4768,C4768,6081,D,6572,Trowel,Charcoal-rich fill of pit [6572],"Soft, dark black / brown clayey silt Inclusions: 75% charcoal; 25% burnt bone; 1% stones (S-A) (2-6mm) Extent: 0.5m x 0.55m; Thickness: 0.05m","Charcoal-rich fill of pit [6572] cut through the large, gravel make-up layer of round house 5570. Fill contains much burnt bone but the burning does not appear to have occurred in-situ. Cut by later charcoal-filled pits [6064] and [6602]. Strat below (5585). Strat above [6572]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.262 Sample no: 952 (GBA) 100% sample Accuracy rating - 5" 4769,C4769,6083,D,0,Trowel,Charcoal spread,"Friable, dark grey silt Inclusions: 50% charcoal; 15-35% stones Thickness: 0.03m Clear edge definition",Isolated charcoal spread. Strat below (4424). Strat above (6093). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.205 Accuracy rating - 4 4770,C4770,6082,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Hard, mid orange / red clay No inclusions Extent: 1.4m x 1.6m Clear edge definition",Thin clay layer in the lobby floor sequence. Clay scorched by burning. Strat below (6076). Strat above (6087). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.204 4771,C4771,6084,D,6132,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [6132],"Compact, brown / yellow silty clay Inclusions: 30% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 1% charcoal Extent: 5m x 0.3m; Thickness: 0.06-0.08m","Fill of beam slot [6132] at right angles to beam slot [6124], north east of round house 5570. Nine iron nails accompanied the fill and all were recorded in 3D as 3848.1-9. Strat below (4081). Strat above [6132]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 10.163, 11.267 Section no: 692A, 692B, 692C" 4772,C4772,6085,D,0,Trowel,Discrete dump,"Compact, brown / grey silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (R) (2-6mm) (2-6cm); 10% CBM flecks (c.1cm); 1% pot sherds; 1% bone; 5% charcoal Extent: 0.36m x 0.26m; Thickness: 0.075m Sharp edge definition",Discrete dump of silty clay with CBM flecks and charcoal. Possibly floor sweepings. Strat below (3631). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.123 Accuracy rating - 3 4774,C4774,6087,D,0,Trowel,Silty layer,"Compact, dark brown / black fine silt No inclusions Extent: 1.23m x 0.59m","Thin, silty layer associated with occupation within the \'lobby\' area. Strat below (6082). Strat above (6092). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.207" 4778,C4778,6091,D,0,Trowel,Layer,"Friable, light brown gritty sandy silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) Extent: 1.1m x 0.4m; Thickness: 0.005m",Thin clay layer overlying the clay lining (4419) of round house 5570. Possibly a remnant of overlying yellow construction clay (1818). Plan no: 2.128 4779,C4779,6092,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Compact, dark orange / yellow clay No inclusions Extent: 1.27m x 1.8m Clear edge definition","Clay layer. Part of a sequence of floors. Strat below (6087). Strat above (6117). Cut by [4124]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.210, 11.211 Accuracy rating - 4" 4780,C4780,6093,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Friable, grey / brown gravelly silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 1.67m x 1.84m; Thickness: 0.05m","Gravel spread in the south east corner of the SW House. Bi-sected by construction cut [3378]. Spreads over corridor beam slot [4510]. Strat below (6083). Strat above (6569), (6607). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.212, 11.213, 11.218 Accuracy rating - 4" 4784,C4784,6098,D,0,Trowel,Burnt clay spread,"Friable, brown / orange clay mixed with a loose loam Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 2% charcoal Extent: 0.2m x 0.3m; Thickness: 0.02m",Burnt clay spread with a mixed consistency. Possible small rubbish deposit or hearth waste. Strat below (4081). Strat above (4441). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 10.167 Accuracy rating - 3 4786,C4786,6100,D,0,Trowel,Silt spread,"Fine, dark brown silty sand Inclusions: 10% stones (S-R) (6-20mm) Extent: 1.15m x 0.1-0.18m; Thickness: 0.01m Quite clear edge definition","Silt spread overlying gravel on ridge. Strat above gravel (3665)=(3033). Cut by [3627]. Same as (3605). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 3.124, 10.168 Accuracy rating - 4" 4789,C4789,6103,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Compact, dark orange / yellow clay No inclusions Extent: 0.55m x 0.72m Clear edge definition",Clay layer - one of a sequence of floors and make-ups. (6103) is only present in one corner of a possible structure and therefore may be a repair to a floor. Strat below (5544). Strat above (6560). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.214 4793,C4793,6109,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Compact, yellow silty gravel Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R) (2-6cm) Thickness: 0.005m Vague edge definition","Gravel spread - very similar to make-up (5585) inside round house 5570, but situated on the outside at the south side. If it is a \'spill-over\' from (5585), it raises the question of walls again. Strat below (4361). Strat above round house clay lining (4419). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.127 Accuracy rating - 4" 4798,C4798,6117,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,"Loose, dark brown / black silt No inclusions Extent: 1.81m (N-S) x 1.83m (E-W); Thickness: 0.005m",Occupation layer. (6117) is the very last context in the \'lobby\' sequence to go with the stone phase of the SW House as it overlies beam slot [6142]/(6141) whilst underlying contexts are all cut by [6142]. Strat below (4130). Strat above (6141). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.217 Accuracy rating - 4 4803,C4803,6122,D,0,Trowel,Floor / patching repair,"Compact, mid orange / brown slightly gritty silt Extent: 1.3m (N-S) x 1.36m (E-W) Clear edge definition","Very patchy remnant of either a floor surface or a patching repair to an underlying surface relating to the sequence of floors in the \'lobby\' area. Strat below (6092). Strat above (6131). Cut by [1170], [4124]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.219 Accuracy rating - 3" 4805,C4805,6124,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (4441),"Two sub-rectangular sections in plan, measuring (0.6m x 0.1m x 0.02m) and (0.4m x 0.1m x 0.02) respectively Break of slope (top): moderately sharp; (base): rounded Concave sides and a flat base Orientation: SW-NE Contains (4441) The SW extent of [6124] may have been lost due to cleaning hence the reason why the fill appears to extend further than the cut.",Beam slot cut containing (4441) - the SW-NE return of beam slot [6132]. 12 nails were excavated from the base of the fill of this beam slot. Strat below (4441). Cuts (6074). Truncated away by [4124] which completely obliterates where it was supposed to continue through the \'link room\'. Plan no: 10.173 Accuracy rating - 4 4808,C4808,6127,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, grey / yellow clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 1% CBM flecks; 1% charcoal; 5% purple burnt clay; 1% silty sand; 1% bone Extent: 2.5m x 0.8m; Thickness: 0.01m Diffuse edge definition","Levelling deposit containing burnt clay inclusions as possible trample associated with the hearth south east of round house 5570. Very similar and adjacent to spread (5530) excavated in 2004. It seems to be contemporary activity with the later floors of round house 5570. Strat below (6607). Strat above (6568), (6637). Cut by [1170], [4364]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.220 Accuracy rating - 3" 4811,C4811,6130,D,0,Trowel,Discrete gravel patches,"Compact, dark grey / brown sandy silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) of all sizes Extent: 0.3m x 0.4m (patch 1); 0.6m x 0.6m (patch 2); 1m x 1m (patch 3) Reasonably clear edge definition","Raised gravel patches. Possibly repairs to the underlying silt surface. Present around late Roman pits in old Room 7 of the SW House (Group 5577). Strat below (4364). Cut by [1571], [4364], [1463]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.221, 12.142 Accuracy rating - 4" 4812,C4812,6131,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Compact, dark brown / yellow clay with three orange sandy patches (c. 0.15-0.2m in size each) Inclusions: 35% stones (concentrated in the centre of the deposit); 3 fragments of wall plaster c.0.01-0.3m in size Thickness: 0.005-0.07m (thicker as the SW edge) Clear edge definition",Latest floor in the \'lobby\' sequence to go with the beam slot timber phase as it\'s cut by beam slot [6142]. Strat above (6558). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.222 Accuracy rating - 5 4813,C4813,6132,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (6084),"Rectangular in plan with moderately sharp corners, measuring 4m x 0.3m with a depth of 0.06m Break of slope (top & base): rounded Shallow U-shaped in profile with concave sides and an irregular base Contains (6084)","Beam slot cut containing (6084) - the SE-NW return of beam slot [6124]. Strat below (6084). Strat above (6074). Plan no: 10.175, 11.236 Section no: 692A-C Accuracy rating - 4" 4815,C4815,6135,D,0,Trowel,Burnt clay floor,"Hard, black clay Inclusions: 50% charcoal Extent: 1.1m x 2m (patch 1); 0.3m x 0.5m (patch 2); 2.1m x 0.9m (patch 3); Thickness: 0.02m (max) Clear edge definition","Burnt clay floor. Either localised burning on top of (5585) or the remains of a larger surface that used to exist on top of (5585). Strat above (6571). Cut by [6064], [6602], [6583]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.223, 11.227" 4816,C4816,6136,C,0,Trowel,Stake hole cut containing (6137),"Circular in plan, measuring 0.05m in diameter with a depth of 0.11m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): rounded U-shaped profile with vertical sides and a concave base Contains (6137)",Stake hole cut containing (6137). Near stake hole [6138] by hearth 4407 but earlier in the sequence within round house 5570. Both are sealed by clay floor (5556) and cut floor/make-up layer (5585). Plan no: 11.225 Accuracy rating - 5 4817,C4817,6137,D,6136,Trowel,Fill of stake hole [6136],"Firm, grey / black silty clay Extent: 0.05m in diameter; Thickness: 0.11m Good edge definition",Fill of stake hole [6136] which is completely different than the yellow clay fill of adjacent stake hole [6138]. Strat below (5556). Strat above [6136]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.224 Accuracy rating - 5 4818,C4818,6138,C,0,Trowel,Stake hole cut containing (6139),"Circular in plan, measuring 0.09m in diameter with a depth of 0.13m Break of slope (top & base): sharp U-shaped profile with vertical sides and a flat base Contains (6139)",Stake hole cut containing (6139) near hearth 4407 and stake hole [6136]. Both [6138] and [6136] are earlier than hearth 4407 and are sealed by clay floor (5556) and cut floor/make-up layer (5585). Plan no: 11.225 Accuracy rating - 5 4819,C4819,6139,D,6138,Trowel,Fill of stake hole [6138],"Firm, yellow clay Extent: 0.09m in diameter; Thickness: 0.13m Clay is clean from the previous context Clear edge definition",Fill of stake hole [6138) which is completely different than the dark silt fill of adjacent stake hole [6136]. Strat below (5556). Strat above [6138]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.224 Accuracy rating - 5 4821,C4821,6141,D,6142,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [6142],"Soft-friable, light brown clayey silt Inclusions: 1% bone; 1% charcoal Extent: 0.2m x 0.15m; Thickness: 0.2m",Fill of beam slot [6142] - a continuation south westwards of beam slot [5420]. Originally seen in Slots 37 and 38 and previously interpreted as a \'rodent intrusion\'. Strat below (6117). Strat above [6142]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.226 Section no: 693 Accuracy rating - 4 4822,C4822,6142,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (6141),"Oblong in plan, measuring 0.2m x 0.15m with a depth of 0.2m Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp Convex SE side and a straight NW with a flat base Contains (6141)","Beam slot cut containing (6141) which is a continuation south westwards of beam slot [5420]. Originally seen in Slots 37 and 38 and previously interpreted as a \'rodent intrusion\'. Strat below (6141). Strat above (6558), (4117). Plan no: 11.228 Section no: 693 Accuracy rating - 4" 4826,C4826,6146,D,6551,Trowel,Fill of possible post hole / pit (6551),"Friable, yellow / grey / brown clayey silt Inclusions: 40% stones (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 0.7m x 0.35m; Thickness: 0.11m Quite clear edge definition",Upper fill of possible post hole / pit [6551]. Strat below (5556). Strat above (6150). Cut by wall construction trench [3627]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 3.134 Section no: 697 Accuracy rating - 4 4828,C4828,6148,D,6586,Trowel,Charcoal fill of [6586],"Soft, yellow / brown silt Inclusions: 50% charcoal Extent: 0.4m in diameter; Thickness: 0.005m Sharp edge definition","Thin, localised charcoal deposit - circular in plan and clearly defined above and presumably within pot SF3967 inside cut [6586]. Strat below (5556). Strat above [6586]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.231 Sample no: 1144 (GBA) Accuracy rating - 4" 4829,C4829,6149,D,0,Trowel,Possible votive deposition,"Friable, dark brown clayey silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 30% charcoal; 2% bone Extent: 0.35m in diameter; Thickness: 0.05-0.07m Irregular edge definition","Possibly a votive deposition activity at the south east side of round house 5570, however not filling an obvious cut, just sitting on top. Originally thought to be a post hole fill. Strat below (5556). Strat above (5585). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.232 Sample no: 1146 (GBA)" 4830,C4830,6150,D,6551,Trowel,Primary fill of post hole / pit [6551],"Friable, brown / grey silt Inclusions: 70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.35m x 0.7m; Thickness: 0.13m Quite clear edge definition",Primary fill of post hole / pit [6551]. Strat below (6146). Strat above [6551]. Cut by wall construction trench for SW house [3627]. Completely removed in 2005. Section no: 697 Accuracy rating - 4 4831,C4831,6551,C,0,Trowel,Post hole / pit cut containing (6150) and (6146),"Circular in plan, measuring 0.7m x 0.35m with a depth of 0.26m Break of slope (top): steep; (base): gradual U-shaped profile with sloping sides and a flat base Contains (6150) and (6146)",Post hole / pit cut containing (6150) and (6146). Cuts through gravel make-up (5585) of round house 5570 at the north side of the structure and is in turn truncated by construction trench [3627] of the stone square house. Strat below (6150). Plan no: 3.135 Section no: 697 Accuracy rating - 4 4838,C4838,6558,D,0,Trowel,Dark occupation layer,"Friable, dark brown gritty silt Inclusions: 5% bone; wall plaster (white and red); 1% blue mineral flecks Extent: 2m x 2m; Thickness: 0.01-0.05m","Dark occupation layer within the \'lobby\' subsidence. The presence of blue mineral flecks may represent cobalt used in glass working. Strat below (6131). Strat above (6576), (6575). Cut by [6142]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.233 Accuracy rating - 5" 4840,C4840,6560,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Compact, dark grey silty gravel Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 1.4m x 0.8m Mainly clear edge definition","Silty gravel levelling deposit. Possibly a make-up layer associated with the floor sequences (6052) and (6057). Strat below (6103). Strat above (6075). Cut by [3708], [4373]. Plan no: 11.234, 11.235" 4848,C4848,6568,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation spread,"Friable, brown / grey silty sand Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (S-R) Extent: 1m x 0.5m; Thickness: 0.05m Diffuse edge definition","Localised, sandy gritty silt at the south east side of round house 5570, slumping with floor surface (5556) into earlier pit [6583]. Possibly a repair or an accumulation above the subsidence into the floor. Strat below (5556). Strat above (6594). Cut by [4364], [1170]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.239, 11.257 Accuracy rating - 4" 4849,C4849,6569,D,4510,Trowel,Backfill of beam slot [4510],"Friable, dark grey silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R); Occasional charcoal flecks Extent: 1.7m x 1.7m; Thickness: 0.08m Good to vague edge definition",Backfill of beam slot [4510] in the south west part of the beam slot where the beam has been taken out. Small amounts of the primary fill (grey silt 4504) are still present but almost all of it has been replaced by backfill (6569). Strat below (6093). Strat above and butts (4504). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.238 Accuracy rating - 4 4851,C4851,6571,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Compact-loose, black / brown silty clay Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 6mm to 20cm Extent: 0.75m x 0.5m; Thickness: 0.05m Good edge definition","Levelling layer over (6580), another levelling deposit within the slumped part of (5585). Strat below (6135). Butts (5585). Cut by [6064], [6602]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.240 Accuracy rating - 5" 4852,C4852,6572,C,0,Trowel,Pit cut containing charcoal-rich fill (6081),"Sub-circular in plan, measuring 0.55m x 0.6m with a depth of 0.2m Break of slope (top): moderately sharp; (base): rounded U-shaped profile with rounded sides and a concave base Contains (6081)",Pit cut containing charcoal-rich fill (6081). Truncated by later charcoal pit [6064] and adjacent to pot deposit [6602]. Strat below (6081). Strat above (6628). Plan no: 11.265 Accuracy rating - 5 4853,C4853,6573,D,6606,Trowel,Fill of post hole [6606],"Friable, light brown silty sand Inclusions: 80% stones (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 0.23m x 0.64m; Thickness: 0.35m Clear edge definition",Fill of post hole [6606] at the edge of round house 5570. Strat below (6604). Strat above [6606]. Cut by construction trench [3627] of the SW square house. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.134 Section no: 705 Accuracy rating - 4 4854,C4854,6574,D,0,Trowel,Burnt spread,"Compact, brown / purple clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 5% charcoal Thickness: 0.01m Sharp edge definition",Small spread of burnt clay on the south east side of round house 5570. Possibly a patch of burnt floor surface adjacent to placed pot SF3967 within pit [6586]. It has been sampled for XRF. Strat above (5585). Cut by [6586]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.153 Sample no: 1217 Accuracy rating - 4 4855,C4855,6575,D,0,Trowel,Burnt silt patch,"Friable, dark red / brown coarse silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm); 1% bone; 15% charcoal Extent: 0.3m x 0.2m; Thickness: 0.01m","Small patch of burnt material within a depression of clay floor (4117) within the lobby subsidence. Either intentionally deposited to level the depression or naturally accumulated. Strat below (6558). Strat above (4117), (6597). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.244 Accuracy rating - 4" 4856,C4856,6576,D,6587,Trowel,Fill of stake hole [6587],"Friable, dark brown / yellow silty clay Extent: 0.06m in diameter; Thickness: 0.09m",Fill of stake hole [6587] which cuts through clay floor (4117). A second stake hole [6588]/(6597) lies c.1m to the south west and the two appear to be on roughly the same alignment as the beam slots. Strat below (6558). Strat above [6587]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.248 Accuracy rating - 5 4860,C4860,6580,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,,"Levelling deposit above charcoal pit [6572]. Not the same as floor surface (5585), but deposited to level out the slump within the floor. Strat below (6571). Strat above (5585). Cut by [6064], [1170], [6602]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.243 Accuracy rating - 5" 4861,C4861,6585,D,0,Trowel,Clay levelling layer,"Firm, dirty yellow clay Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.8m x 0.55m; Thickness: 0.06m Good edge definition",Clay levelling layer. Cut by [4510]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.251 Accuracy rating - 4 4862,C4862,6586,C,0,Trowel,Pit cut containing (6148),"Sub-circular in plan with one moderately rounded corner, measuring 0.32m x 0.3m with a depth of 0.09m Break of slope (top): moderately sharp; (base): rounded U-shaped in profile with concave sides except for one vertical side and a concave base Contains (6148)","Pit cut containing (6148). This pit is believed to have been cut for the sole purpose of containing pot SF3967. It\'s edges have been defined by the size of the pot it contained and it may have been smaller than it has been excavated. Sealed by floor (5556). Cuts (6574), (5585). Plan no: 11.246 Accuracy rating - 3" 4863,C4863,6587,C,0,Trowel,Stake hole cut containing (6576),"Circular in plan, measuring 0.06m in diameter with a depth of 0.09m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): tapered to the point of the stake V-shaped profile with straight sides and a pointed base Contains (6576)",Stake hole cut containing (6576). A second stake hole [6588]/(6597) lies c.1m to the south west and the two appear to be on roughly the same alignment as the beam slots. Strat below (6576). Cuts clay floor (4117). Sealed by (6558). Plan no: 11.253 Accuracy rating - 5 4864,C4864,6588,C,0,Trowel,Stake hole cut containing (6597),"Circular in plan, measuring 0.06m in diameter with a depth of 0.1m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): tapered to the point of the stake V-shaped profile with straight sides and a pointed base Contains (6597)",Stake hole cut containing (6597). A second stake hole [6587]/(6576) lies c.1m to the north east and the two appear to be on roughly the same alignment as the beam slots. Strat below (6597). Cuts clay floor (4117). Sealed by (6575). Plan no: 11.253 Accuracy rating - 5 4865,C4865,6581,D,6582,Trowel,Primary fill of pit [6582],"Plastic, yellow clay Extent: 0.35m in diameter; Thickness: 0.05m Clear edge definition",Primary fill of pit [6582]. Strat below (6593). Strat above [6582]. Completely removed in 2005. Section no: 704 Accuracy rating - 4 4866,C4866,6582,C,0,Trowel,Small pit cut containing (6581) and (6593),"Circular in plan, measuring 0.35m in diameter with a depth of 0.12m Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp U-shaped profile with one vertical side, one concave side and a concave base Orientation: NE-SW Contains (6581) and (6593)","Small pit cut containing (6581) and (6593), cut into larger pit [6583]. [6582] also cuts two floor make-up layers of round house 5570 - (3925) and (5556) which covered and subsided into larger pit [6583]. Plan no: 11.254 Section no: 704" 4867,C4867,6583,C,0,Trowel,"Pit cut containing (6584), (6594), (6595) and (6596)","Circular in plan, measuring 0.6m in diameter with a depth of 0.35m Break of slope (top): moderately sharp; (base): moderately rounded U-shaped profile with straight sides and a flat base Orientation: NE-SW Contains (6584), (6594), (6595) and (6596)","Pit cut containing (6584), (6594), (6595) and (6596) at the south east end of round house 5570, cutting through floor layer (6135). There is still some doubt about it being a real cut as it could all still be slumping into a feature below the round house. Strat below (6584). Section no: 704 Accuracy rating - 4" 4868,C4868,6584,D,6583,Trowel,Primary fill of pit [6583],"Compact, yellow / brown clay Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 0.45m in diameter; Thickness: 0.12m",Primary fill of pit [6583]. Similar to floor layer (5585) and may be part of a slumped floor. To be confirmed in 2006 when (6628) will be excavated. Strat below (6596). Strat above [6583]. Completely removed in 2005. Section no: 704 4870,C4870,6590,D,6602,Trowel,Contents of placed pot SF3729 within pit [6602],"Hard, orange clay sealing a friable, black / brown sandy silt Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R) (R); 1% CBM; 1-5% bone; 35-70% charcoal Thickness of clay seal: 0.04m","Contents of placed pot SF3729 within pit [6602]. Excavated in the finds cabin by Sandie Williams. At the top, there was a very compact, yellow clay - probably part of floor surface (5556) that was sealing the pot and covering the charcoal-rich contents. Strat below (5556). Strat above (6601). Completely removed in 2005. Sample no: 1226 Accuracy rating - 5" 4873,C4873,6593,D,6582,Trowel,Fill of small pit [6582],Yellow / black clay Inclusions: 5% stones (6-20mm) Extent: 0.31m in diameter; Thickness: 0.08m (max),Upper fill of small pit [6582] which cuts through (3925) and (5556) - the floor and make-up layer of round house 5570 where they slump into earlier pit [6583]. (6593) is similar to earlier charcoal deposits within small pits along the south east side of the round house. Strat below (4420). Strat above (6581). Plan no: 11.250 Section no: 704 Accuracy rating - 5 4874,C4874,6594,D,6583,Trowel,Gravel fill of pit [6583],"Compact, grey / black silty clay Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; 1% charcoal Extent: 0.1m x 0.4m; Thickness: 0.08m Good edge definition",Gravel fill of pit [6583]. Could be backfill of the pit prior to floor (5556) being laid in round house 5570. Strat below (6568). Strat above (6595). Completely removed in 2005. Section no: 704 Accuracy rating - 5 4875,C4875,6595,D,6583,Trowel,Clay fill of pit [6583],"Friable, yellow / brown clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.4m in diameter; Thickness: 0.1m Good edge definition",Clay fill of pit [6583] on the south east side of round house 5570. Probably capping for the charcoal deposit (6596) below it. Strat below (6594). Strat above (6596). Completely removed in 2005. Section no: 704 Accuracy rating - 5 4876,C4876,6596,D,6583,Trowel,Charcoal-rich fill of pit [6583],"Friable, black / purple / brown silty clay Extent: 0.4m x 0.6m; Thickness: 0.025m Good edge definition",Dump or deliberate deposit of charcoal within pit [6583]. Strat below (6595). Strat above (6584). Completely removed in 2005. Section no: 704 Sample no: 1252 (100% sample for GBA) Accuracy rating - 5 4877,C4877,6597,D,6588,Trowel,Fill of stake hole [6588],"Friable, light brown / grey fine silt Extent: 0.06m in diameter; Thickness: 0.1m",Fill of stake hole [6588] which cuts clay floor (4117). A second stake hole [6587]/(6576) lies c.1m to the north east and the two appear to be on roughly the same alignment as the beam slots. Strat below (6575). Strat above [6588]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.248 Accuracy rating - 5 4878,C4878,6598,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Compact, grey / brown silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R); 5% charcoal Extent: 0.4m x 0.3m; Thickness: 0.05m Diffuse edge definition",Small patch of silt on the south east side of round house 5570. Planned but not excavated in 2005. Possibly the fill of a small cut but not sure. Strat below (6568). Strat above (6628). To be completed in 2006. Plan no: 11.247 4880,C4880,6601,D,6602,Trowel,Packing fill between pit cut [6602] and pot SF3729,"Friable, dark grey silt Inclusions: 1% stones (S-R) (2-6mm) Thickness: 0.0-0.03m lining the sides and base of the cut",Packing fill between pit cut [6602] and pot SF3729. Not planned as it mostly came out during excavation and the lifting of the pot. Strat below (6590). Strat above [6602]. Completely removed in 2005. Accuracy rating - 5 4881,C4881,6602,C,0,Trowel,"Pit cut containing (6601), (6590) and placed pot SF3729","Circular in plan, measuring 0.18-0.24m in diameter with a depth of 0.15m Break of slope (top): undetermined; (base): sharp Straight sides with a slight slope and a flat base Contains (6601), (6590) and placed pot SF3729","Pit cut containing (6601), (6590) and placed Silchester ware pot SF3729. [6602] is one of two cuts containing a placed pot deposit on the south east side of round house 5570. Cuts blackened/charred floor surface (6135) on top of more extensive floor (5585). Strat below (6601). Plan no: 11.252 Accuracy rating - 5" 4883,C4883,6604,D,6606,Trowel,Fill of post pipe within post hole [6606],"Friable, yellow / brown clayey silt Inclusions: 20% stones (S-A) (6-20mm); 5% charcoal Extent: 0.1m x 0.36m Clear edge definition",Fill of post pipe within post hole [6606]. Strat above (6573). Cut by construction trench [3627] for SW House. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.134 Section no: 705 Accuracy rating - 4 4885,C4885,6606,C,0,Trowel,Post hole cut containing (6573) and (6604),"Circular in plan, measuring 0.64m x 0.31m with a depth of 0.35m Break of slope (top & base): sharp Steep sides and a flat base Contains (6573) and (6604)",Post hole cut containing (6573) and (6604) on the north western edge of round house 5570. [6606] cuts the make-up/floor layer (5585) of the round house and is in turn truncated by construction trench [3627] of the stone square house. It is on the same side as post hole/pit cut [6551] and both presumably go with the round house phase. Plan no: 2.135 Section no: 705 Accuracy rating - 4 4886,C4886,6607,D,0,Trowel,Occupation layer,"Firm, dark grey silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 1.2m x 1m; Thickness: 0.01-0.05m Vague edge definition","Occupation layer in the form of an isolated spread on the south east side of round house 5570, but not related. Strat below (6093). Cut by Ogham pit [1170] and [3378]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.255, 11.256 Accuracy rating - 4" 4895,C4895,6616,D,6620,Trowel,Fill of gully / beam slot [6620],Yellow clay Inclusions: 80% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); three pieces of CBM Extent: 1.4m x 0.3m; Thickness: 0.06m Clear edge definition,Fill of gully / beam slot [6620]. (6616) contained three pieces of tile laid flat and probably functioned as post pads for a partition or similar internal division within round house 5570. Strat below (5556). Strat above (6617). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.138 Accuracy rating - 5 4896,C4896,6617,D,6620,Trowel,Clay fill of beam slot / gully [6620],"Compact, yellow clay with white / grey mottling Inclusions: 5% stones (R) (2-6mm); 3% charcoal Extent: 1.26m x 0.18m; Thickness: 0.08m Clear edge definition",Clay fill of beam slot / gully [6620] which probably functioned as an internal partition within round house 5570. Strat below (6616). Strat above [6620]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.139 Section no: 710 Accuracy rating - 5 4897,C4897,6618,D,6647,Trowel,Fill / capping of grave cut [6647],"Slightly sticky, dark grey gritty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) Extent: 0.4m x 0.45m; Thickness: 0.01-0.04m Clear edge definition",Deposit of slightly gritty grey clay that appeared to cap the top of the grave cut [6647] containing infant skeletal remains (6623). Situated on the south west inside edge of round house 5570. Strat below (5585). Strat above (6623). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 2.140 Sample no: 1278 (GBA) Accuracy rating - 5 4899,C4899,6620,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot / gully cut containing (6617) and (6616),"Linear in plan, measuring 1.26m x 0.18m with a maximum depth of 0.08m Break of slope (top): sharp; (base): quite sharp U-shaped profile with steep sides and an irregular base Orientation: NE-SW Contains (6617) and (6616)",Beam slot / gully cut containing (6617) and (6616). Probably functioned as an internal partition within round house 5570. Strat below (6617). Strat above (5585). Plan no: 2.143 Section no: 710 Accuracy rating - 5 4901,C4901,6623,D,6647,Trowel,Neo-natal infant remains within cut [6647],"Friable, dark grey gravelly clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 0.3m x 0.2m; Thickness: 0.02-0.06m Mainly well-defined edge definition",Neo-natal infant remains within shallow scoop [6647] located on the south west inside edge of round house 5570. The remains were in a very decayed state and were recorded using rectified photography rather than planning. Strat below (6618). Strat above [6647]. Completely removed in 2005. Sample no: 1332 Accuracy rating - 4 4906,C4906,6628,D,4408,Trowel,Floor make-up layer,"Loose, mid-brown silt Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm) Clear edge definition","Gravelly silt layer - part of the floor make-up for round house 5570 within cut [4408]. Strat above (4419). Cut by [6647], [6572]. Part of group 5570. Not excavated in 2005. To be completed in 2006. Plan no: 2.142, 2.144, 3.150, 10.180, 11.264, 11.259" 4914,C4914,6637,D,0,Trowel,Hearth,"Compact, yellow / brown clayey silt with red burnt patches Inclusions: 5% charcoal Extent: 3.05m x 1.7m; Thickness: 0.1m Clear edge definition","Burnt clay platform or part of floor surface around a hearth. Situated just to the south east of round house 5570 and apparently contemporary with at least the later phases of round house occupation. Sampled for XRF analysis and metalworking residues. Hammerscale was postively identified within the sample. Strat below (6127). Strat above (6645). Cut by [4364] and [1571]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 11.260 Sample no: 1298, 1299, 1300, 1301 (XRF) Accuracy rating - 5" 4916,C4916,6640,D,0,Trowel,Deposit of mixed animal bone,Crushed animal bone,Small deposit of mixed animal bone located in the south of round house 5570. Could possibly compliment the other deliberate deposits and infant remains. The animal bone deposit was first located in the clay lining of the round house (4419). Strat below (5585). Strat above (6628). No plan - recorded using rectified photography 4920,C4920,6645,D,0,Trowel,Burnt clay and silt from hearth,"Compact, dark brown / red silty clay Inclusions: 40% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) Extent: 1m x 1m",Burnt layer of clay and silt relating to overlying hearth (6637). Located close to round house 5570 on the south east exterior. Strat below burnt clay hearth (6637) which contained hammerscale. Cut by [4364]. Not excavated in 2005. To be completed in 2006? Plan no: 11.263 Sample no: 1331 (XRF) Accuracy rating - 5 4922,C4922,6647,C,0,Trowel,Grave cut containing infant remains (6623) and (6618),"Ovoid in plan, measuring 0.25m x 0.34m with a depth of 0.08m Break of slope (top): gentle; (base): gently rounded Sloping sides and a slightly concave base Contains (6623) and (6618)","Small, shallow scoop forming a grave cut for neo-natal infant bones (6623). Cut into make up layer (6628) on the south west interior of round house 5570. Plan no: 2.149 Accuracy rating - 5" 4926,C4926,5768,D,0,Trowel,Gravel levelling surface,"Compact, dark brown silty sand Inclusions: 70% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent:2.5m x 1.5m Borken edge definition","Standard gravel levelling surface. Probably part of a corridor in the timber structure, intersected by beam slots and stone wall trenches. A discrete red discolouration in an area of this context indicates the probable presence of a hearth above it. Strat above (5469). Butts beam slots [4096], [4087], [5428]. Cut by [4617], [4603]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 15.164, 16.203, 21.193 Accuracy rating - 3" 4927,C4927,5769,D,0,Trowel,Possible fill of beam slot,"Friable, mid green / yellow silty clay Extent: 0.25m (N-S) x 0.18m (E-W); Thickness: 0.015m Clear edge definition","Possible beam slot fill running NW-SE on the southern side of the \'link room\', perpendicular to (5422) which is also a possible beam slot fill. Strat below (5407). Cut by [4615], [5453]. Unexcavated in 2005. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 15.152
Accuracy rating - 4" 4928,C4928,5770,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, pale orange / green fine clay Inclusions: 2% stones (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 2.5m (N-S) x 2m (E-W) Clear edge definition","Probable clay levelling deposit filling a slump in Room 5 of the timber building, south of \'cob wall\' (5411). (5770) was probably two similar clay deposits - one over (5411) and the other under. Due to this possibility, we over-dug until we realised that the clay was indeed two different contexts. Strat below (3659). Strat above (5411). Cut by [4618]. Completely removed in 2004. Plan no: 15.153, 16.181 Accuracy rating - 4" 4929,C4929,5771,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose, coarse-grained mid-brown / grey clayey silt Inclusions: less than 50% stones (S-A) Clear edge definition","Levelling deposit, limited to the north west corner of Room 3. Strat below (3684). Strat above (5768). Butts [3279], [3282]. Cut by [1090], [1124]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.184, 16.189 Sample no: 918, 919 Accuracy rating - 2" 4932,C4932,6075,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor,"Firm, light brown / yellow clay
No inclusions
Extent: 3m x 1.8m;   Thickness: 0.025m
","Clay floor surface. Strat above (6074). Cut by post hole [6771] and beam slots [6772] and [6699]. Partially removed in 2006. To be completed in 2007.
Plan no: 10.214, 11.215
Accuracy rating - 5" 4942,C4942,5777,D,0,Trowel,Floor / occupation deposit,"Compact-weakly cemented, dark yellow / grey clayey sand Inclusions: 90% gravel (S-R) (2-6cm) (6-20cm); 1-5% pottery; 1-5% bone; 1-5% charcoal Sharp edge definition","Compact, extremely solid gravel area with an undulating surface near to a well. Possibly a floor or walkway. Strat below (5479). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 10.155, 15.156 Accuracy rating - 4" 4944,C4944,5778,D,0,Trowel,Gravel layer,"Soft, mid-yellow / brown clayey silt Inclusions: >70% stones of all shapes and sizes Extent: 0.42m x 2.64m; Thickness: 0.05m Clear edge definition","Gravel layer, situated to the north of Room 4. Presumably part of the outside area after the decay of the wall in beam slot [4645]. The area may have been a pathway or a garden area. Strat below (3694). Butts [4645]. Cuts [1535], [4622], [4619], [4635]. Possibly the same as (5755). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.188, 16.190" 4945,C4945,5779,D,0,Trowel,Mortar spread,"Friable, white silty sand Inclusions: 1% stones (S-A) (2-6mm) Extent: 0.62m x 0.14m (extent of all patches together); Thickness: 0.01-0.02m Diffuse edge definition",Isolated patches of mortar spread which include a possible fragment of floor from Room 2 in the first century timber building. On very small triangles in the south of the room. Severely truncated by later intrusions - mostly Victorian. Strat below (5467). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.205 Accuracy rating - 4 4950,C4950,5784,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Friable, mid-brown / grey sandy silt Inclusions: 20% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.6m x 2.15m Clear edge definition","Occupation deposit situated within the corridor area around Room 3. Partially overlying a yellow gravel and a silty, gritty surface. Strat below (5468). Butts [3272]. Cut by [1090]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.191 Accuracy rating - 3" 4951,C4951,5785,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Soft, grey / brown silt Inclusions: 70% stones of all shapes and ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; poorly preserved bone Extent: 2.24m x 0.8m (NE section); 3.6m x 0.8m (SW section); Thickness: 0.01-0.03m Diffuse edge definition","Stony silt levelling layer covering part of a presumed yellow gravel road surface. Strat below (4565). Strat above (3033). Cut by [4622). Possibly the same as (5778). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 9.110, 10.158, 16.192 Section no: 338 Accuracy rating - 4" 4952,C4952,5786,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose, mid-brown / grey clayey silt Inclusions: 40% stones (S-A) Thickness: 0.05-0.1m Clear edge definition","Levelling deposit. Part of Room 3 with clear edges, bordered on two sides by beam slots on the other two sides by later intrusions. One of a series of floor levels for Room 3, House 1. Strat below (5771). Butts [3282], [3279]. Cut by [1124], [1090]. Partially removed in 2005. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 16.193, 16.194
Sample no: 939, 940 (XRF)
Accuracy rating - 3" 4957,C4957,5791,C,0,Trowel,"Well cut containing (2029), (5792), (6465), (6466), (6482), (6504), (6484), (6485), (6486), (6487), (6893), (6897), (6905), (6916), (6917), (6921), (6923)","Oval in plan, measuring 1.36m in diameter at the top of the cut, 1.1m in diameter at the bottom of the cut and with a depth of 2.01m. The depth would have been slightly deeper because due to bad weather and truncation the depth had to be measured from halfway through fill (5792) rather than the true top fill (2029).
Break of slope (top & base): moderately sharp
U-shaped profile with straight-concave sides and a concave base
Contains (2029), (5792), (6465), (6466), (6482), (6504), (6484), (6485), (6486), (6487), (6893), (6897), (6905), (6916), (6917), (6921), (6923)","Cut of well, the base of which comes down onto aqua blue clay natural. Strat below (6923). Not fully excavated in 2005. Bottomed in 2006.
Plan no: 15.180 (showing the shoring cut), 15.211 (shows the well cut)
Section no: 787
Accuracy rating - 5" 4959,C4959,5793,D,6886,Trowel,Clay fill of beam slot [6886],"Soft, grey / yellow clay Extent: 0.4m long; Thickness: 0.02-0.06m Diffuse edge definition","Clay fill of beam slot [6886] forming a wall in Room 5 of the timber house. The section has been heavily disrupted and only a small amount of the clay survives with the mortar on the northern side of Room 5. The construction method for this wall is, as yet unclear although it is likely to be a cob wall. Strat below (3659). Strat above (5794). Contemporary with (5411). Part of Group number 6514. Unexcavated in 2005. To be completed in 2006 and future seasons.
Plan no: 16.195 (multi-context)" 4960,C4960,5794,D,6886,Trowel,Mortar structure of beam slot [6886],"Hard, mid-brown / grey silty sand / mortar Extent: 0.6m x 0.06-0.15m Diffuse edge definition","Mortar structure of beam slot [6886] for a wall in Room 5 of the timber house. Partially destroyed context present on only one side of the beam slot. This section contains an iron nail from SF Group 3825. Strat below (3659), (5793). Contemporary with (5411). Part of Group number 6514. Unexcavated in 2005. To be completed in 2006 and future seasons.
Plan no: 16.195 (multi-context)" 4961,C4961,5795,D,0,Trowel,Hearth,"Friable, red / black / yellow clay with burnt silt and gravel Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.5m x 0.5m (burning) 1m x 1m (yellow clay); Thickness: 0.055m Clear-diffuse edge definition","Roughly square hearth area in the aisle of the house. Comprises obvious pieces of CBM, burnt silt and gravel and surrounded by a reddened area of heat-affected material with localised patches of intense blackening. Appears to be on patch of yellow clay of larger dimension but similar in shape. Strat below (5499). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.209, 21.210 Accuracy rating - 4" 4963,C4963,5797,D,0,Trowel,Gravel floor,"Soft, dark brown / grey clayey sand Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm); Fine white grit / mortar wall; Wall plaster Extent and thickness unknown due to considerable erosion since 2001 Clear edge definition","Fine, gravel floor surface uncovered in the south west corner of Room 1, House 1 during the 2001 season. In 2005, after years of exposure, (5797) survives only in thin patches above a brown gravel. It was originally given the context number (3260) but was changed to (5797). Strat below (2036). Strat above (3262). Cut by [1459], [2044]. Contemporary with (3661), (5799). Part of Group 5493. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.122 Accuracy rating - 2" 4965,C4965,5799,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Friable, dark grey / brown sandy silt Inclusions: >70% white gravel (S-R) (6-20mm) Extent: 1.5m x 1.5m; Thickness: 0.03m Sharp edge definition","Area of fine gravel surrounded by the silt of Room 4 in the timber house. Initially revealed during the 2001 season and therefore much eroded by the time of excavation in 2005. Strat below (1961). Strat above (3263). Contemporary with (5797). Part of Group 5493. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.199, 16.200 Accuracy rating - 2" 4969,C4969,6453,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Compact, mid-brown / yellow clayey silt

Plan no: 21.219
Accuracy rating - 2" 4978,C4978,6462,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose-compact, yellow / orange / brown sandy gravel with a central red patch Inclusions: >70% stones (S-R) (2-6cm); charcoal and bone Extent: 2.2m x 1.8m; Thickness: 0.3m Sharp edge definition","Very thick levelling deposit containing a fair amount of bone and charcoal. (6462) appears to be the first deposit of the later timber phase in Room 3 as the context below appears to continue underneath beam slot [1917] whereas (6462) clearly butts against the beam. Strat below (3961). Butts [1917], [4562]. Cut by [1090], [4617]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.210, 21.218 Sample no: 1116, 1117 (XRF) Accuracy rating - 3" 4979,C4979,6463,D,0,Trowel,Possible floor surface,"Loose, yellow / brown clayey silt Inclusions: 90% stones (A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 1% pottery (on the surface) Extent: 1.4m x 0.5m Clear edge definition but broken occasionally","Possible island of floor surface within the boundary wall trenches. Cut by Victorian trenches [1124], [1535]. Unexcavated in 2005. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 16.206
Accuracy rating - 3" 4983,C4983,6467,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Weakly cemented, brown / grey / yellow sandy clay Inclusions: 50% stones (S-A) (2-6cm); 20-30% charcoal Extent: 6.5m x 1-15m; Thickness: 0.05m (max) Clear edge definition","Levelling deposit - part of the latest phase of Room 2 of the timber building. There was a charcoal layer beneath the surface and evidence of burnt clay. Strat below (4554). Cut by [1034], [5430]. Butts [4555], [4087]. Partially removed in 2005. To be completed in 2006? Plan no: 21.221, 21.224" 4989,C4989,6473,D,0,Trowel,Floor make-up layer,"Friable, mid-brown / grey clayey silt Inclusions: 70% stones (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 1m x 3.5m; Thickness: 0.1m","Possible outdoor floor surface butted by \'cob\' wall (5411) in Room 5 of the timber house. Strat below (6519). Cut by [4618], [1729]. Unexcavated in 2005. To be completed in 2006. Plan no: 15.178, 16.221" 4990,C4990,6474,D,0,Trowel,Floor make-up layer,"Plastic, orange / brown sandy clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 1.5m x 3.5m Clear edge definition","Possible floor surface butting up against cob wall (5411) in Room 4 of the timber building. Considered to be the same as clay surfaces (3260) and (3263) in room 4 but cut by Victorian trenches and stone wall trenches. Strat below (3661). Cut by [1095], [3924]. Part of Group 6469. Unexcavated in 2005. To be completed in 2006. Plan no: 15.168, 15.169, 16.215 Section no: 669 Sample no: 1027 (micromorphology), 1094 (GBA) Accuracy rating - 3" 4992,C4992,6476,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Soft, dark brown / grey clayey silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6cm); 10% charcoal; 1% bone Extent: 2.1m (N-S) x 1.5m (E-W); Thickness: 0.005-0.02m Diffuse edge definition","Area of clay revealed below silt, north of the timber house on the House 1 alignment. Clay also was also seen on the other side of Slot 19 but appears different in the form of (6475) - so unable to be certain they are equal. Strat below (3646). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 9.114, 9.115, 16.211, 16.212 Accuracy rating - 4" 4996,C4996,6480,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Friable, dark brown / grey sandy clay Inclusions: 35% stones (S-A) (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Thickness: 0.1m Clear edge definition","Sandy clay deposit, truncated by Slot 67. Possibly part of a gravel levelling deposit in Room 5 but a later wall trench has made direct association difficult to establish. Strat above (6494). Same as (6491). Partially removed in 2005. Completely removed in 2006. Section no: 706
Accuracy rating - 3" 4999,C4999,6483,D,0,Trowel,VOID,"Soft, dark clayey silt Inclusions: 35% stones (S-R) (2-6cm); 1-5% charcoal",VOID - Levelling deposit. Revealed in part in Slot 67. Unexcavated in 2005. Voided in 2006.
Plan no: 15.160
Accuracy rating - 3 5004,C5004,6488,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Soft, mid brown / yellow sandy clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 2.1m (N-S) x 0.86m (E-W); Thickness: 0.02-0.06m Diffuse edge definition","Levelling of floor due to a slump in the south western corridor. Strat below (5784). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.213 Sample no: 1231, 1232 (XRF) Accuracy rating - 3" 5011,C5011,6495,D,0,Trowel,Clay levelling deposit,"Soft, orange / yellow sandy clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) (R) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.4-0.8m wide; Thickness: 0.01-0.05m Diffuse edge definition","Clay levelling deposit covering both Room 1 and 2 of House 1, so is probably associated with an earlier phase. (6495) consists of three discrete clay patches. Due to overdigging, the original physical relationship between the two northern patches was lost and the assumption was made that they were same context based on their characteristics and stratigraphy. The third clay patch to the south (separated by pit [1044]) was also equated to (6495) as it overlay the same context. Strat below (4848). Strat above (6498). Butts [4208]. Cut by [1044]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 20.262, 21.232 Sample no: 1286, 1287 Accuracy rating - 3" 5012,C5012,6496,D,0,Trowel,Levelling layer,"Loosely compacted, mid-dark orange / brown silty sand Inclusions: 35-70% stones (A) (6-20cm) Extent: 1m x 2m; Thickness: 0.02m Clear edge definiton","Levelling layer within the corridor of the timber building. Strat below (5768). Butts [4087], [4096]. Contemporary with (6497). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.228 Sample no: 1289, 1290 Accuracy rating - 3" 5013,C5013,6497,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Coarse-grained, loose yellow / brown silty sand Inclusions:35-70% stones (S-R) (2-6cm); Occasional bone Extent: 0.7m wide; Thickness: 0.02-0.04m Diffuse edge definition","Thin levelling deposit in Room 3, at the end of the earlier phase of the timber house. Strat below (5495). Cut by [4096]. Contemporary with (6496). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 21.229 Sample no: 1259, 1260 Accuracy rating - 3" 5014,C5014,6498,D,0,Trowel,Floor surface,"Very soft, yellow clay
Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-R)
Extent: 7m x 6m
Clear edge definition","Yellow clay floor surface. This is the earliest floor surface associated with the structure comprising of beam slots [4087], [5430], [4208], [4600], [4604] and central hearth (7143). This context slumps into cess / rubbish pit [7142] to the north. and is truncated by well [1044] and various Victorian trenches to the north east. Strat below (7157), (7143). Unexcavated in 2005. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 21.230 (2005 plan that wasn\'t completed); 20.319, 20.320, , 21.266, 21.270, 21.272, 21.273 (2006 plans)" 5016,C5016,6501,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Soft, dark orange / brown clayey silt Inclusions: 35-70% sandy grit (S-A) (0.5-1mm) Extent: 3m (N-S) x 2.5m (E-W) Clear edge definition on the north side","Occupation deposit in the aisle of the timber house and extending into the corridor. There are four oyster shells embedded in the south side of this context. Strat below (5499). Cut by [5428], [1459], [1295], [3991]. Possibly the same as (6535) and (5773). Unexcavated in 2005. Completely removed in 2006.
Plan no: 21.233, 22.128
Sample no: 1359, 1360
Accuracy rating - 4" 5020,C5020,6507,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Loose, mid-orange / brown silty sand Inclusions: 40% stones (S-A) (2-6cm) (6-20cm) Extent: 2m x 3m Sharp edge definition","Levelling layer in the south west corner of Room 4 in the timber house. Situated between the overlying opus signinum floor (3977) and the underlying lower quality layer (3661). Butts 6512. Cut by [4619], [2044], [3924]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 15,171, 15.172 Accuracy rating - 4" 5021,C5021,6508,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Firm-loose, dark grey / brown silty clay

Plan no: 15.163, 16.202
Section no: 669
Accuracy rating - 4" 5026,C5026,6513,S,0,Trowel,Group number for the 'cob' wall / beam slot (5422),"Contains (5796), (5422), (6489), (6490), (6481)","Group number for the structural elements of the \'cob\' wall / beam slot (5422) running NE-SW along the northern extent of the aisle, south of Room 5 of timber house 1. Strat below (5407). Strat above (6491). Cut by [5462]. Butts [5769]. Partially removed in section in 2005. Plan no: 15.160 Section no: 706" 5027,C5027,6514,S,0,Trowel,Group number for the 'cob' wall / beam slot,Contains (5793) and (5794),Group number for the structural elements of the \'cob\' wall / beam slot running NE-SW to the north of Room 5 of the timber building. May be the return of cob wall / beam slot (6512). Strat below (3659). Unexcavated in 2005. Plan no: 16.195 5028,C5028,6515,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Compact, light yellow / grey silty clay Inclusions: 35% stones (S-A) (S-R) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm Extent: 2.8m x 0.29m; Thickness: 0.05m Clear edge definition",Floor surface. Strat below (6488). Unexcavated in 2005. To be completed in 2006. Plan no: 16.217 5029,C5029,6516,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5445),"Rectangular in plan, measuring 0.2m (N-S) x 2m (E-W) with a depth of 0.15m Break of slope (top & base): sharp U-shaped profile with straight sides and a flat base Orientation: NE-SW Contains (5445)",Beam slot cut containing (5445) in Room 6 of timber House 1. Runs NE-SW and is partially truncated by Slot 19 at the southern extent. Strat below (5445). Cut by (5429). Plan no: 16.222 Accuracy rating - 4 5032,C5032,6519,D,0,Trowel,Levelling deposit,"Soft-friable, pale white / yellow clayey silt Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 0.5m x 0.025m Fairly clear edge definition","Possible remnant of clay levelling deposit (5770) surviving in a slump. Apparent in Room 4 of House 1 to the west of beam slot Group 6512. Strat below (5770). Strat above (6473). Butts beam slot Group 6512. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 15.177, 16.219 Sample no: 1327 Accuracy rating - 4" 5033,C5033,6520,D,0,Trowel,Occupation deposit,"Compact, dark grey / brown silty clay with yellow flecks Inclusions: 60% stones (A) (R) (2-6cm); 15% charcoal; bone Extent: 0.2m x 0.3m Clear edge definition","Oval patch of charcoal/burning in the north east corner of Room 4 of the timber house. Contained a significant amount of disarticulated bone including pigs teeth. Strat below (3263). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 16.220 Sample no: 1331, 1336, 1337 Accuracy rating - 3" 5046,C5046,5818,D,0,Trowel,CBM dump,4 CBM fragments (between 2-4cm in width) within a soft mid-brown / grey silty clay matrix Extent: 0.3m in diameter,Originally thought to be a post hole fill but found to be a tile dump within a gravel floor. Strat above (5880). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 29.218 Accuracy rating - 3 5047,C5047,5819,D,0,Trowel,Layer,"Friable, mid-brown / grey fine silt Inclusions: 30% charcoal; 5% CBM Extent: 1.53m x 1.26m Clear edge definition","Dark layer, possibly hearth sweepings from a hearth to the north west. Overlies a gravel floor layer and some sections of this are visible due to the variable depth and extent of (5819). This could suggest that (5819) was not an individual floor layer, but an occupation deposit related to the gravel floor. Strat below (5313). Strat above (5842). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.229, 29.219 Sample no: 897 Accuracy rating - 4" 5051,C5051,5823,D,0,Trowel,Clay patch,"Compact, light grey / yellow clayey sand Extent: 0.42m x 0.27m Clear edge definition","Patch of yellow clay, possibly part of an interior floor layer. Strat above (5896). Truncated by Victorian trench [1037]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.231 Accuracy rating - 3" 5052,C5052,5824,D,0,Trowel,Clay patch,"Compact, light grey / yellow sandy clay Inclusions: 5% charcoal Extent: 0.22m x 0.17m; Thickness: 0.01-0.08m Clear edge definition","Small patch of yellow clay, possibly part of an interior floor surface. Strat above (5918). Truncated by beam slot [5393]. Once excavated, this context came down onto tile, possibly related to tile spread (4758). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.232 Accuracy rating - 3" 5053,C5053,5825,D,0,Trowel,Clay patch,"Compact, light yellow / grey sandy clay Inclusions: 5% charcoal Extent: 0.2m x 0.2m; Thickness: 0.06-0.1m Clear edge definition","Small clay patch, possibly part of an interior floor surface. Strat above (5918). Truncated by beam slot [5393]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.233 Accuracy rating - 3" 5054,C5054,5826,D,0,Trowel,Slump into pit [5859],"Compact, mid-brown / grey clayey silt Inclusions: 15-35% stones (S-A) (6-20mm); large flints (c. 5-25cm); 2-3% CBM; 1% pottery Extent: 1.25m (N-S) x 1.2m (E-W) Sharp edge definition","Slump into pit [5859], severely truncated by well [2554] to the west. (5826) contains a dump of large flints but does not appear to be a post hole. Strat above (5828). Cut by [5251]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 17.149 Section no: 655" 5056,C5056,5829,D,0,Trowel,Dump deposit,"Loose, dark grey silty sand Inclusions: 35-70% stones (S-A) (S-R) (R) ranging in size from 6mm to 20cm; 5-10% charcoal; 10% CBM Extent: 0.8m x 0.5m; Thickness: 0.035m","Dump deposit containing charcoal and CBM associated with the penultimate phase of hearth 4234. Strat above (5848), (5863). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 29.227 Sample no: 902, 903 Accuracy rating - 3" 5058,C5058,5831,D,0,Trowel,Patches of opus signinum floor,"Loose-friable, light red / white opus signinum Inclusions: 5-15% stones (2-6mm) inc blue / grey stones with granite-like appearance; 5-15% CBM (2-6mm) Extent: 0.22m x 0.19m (Patch 1), 0.1m x 0.08m (Patch 2), 0.09m x 0.08m (Patch 3) Clear edge definition","Small, isolated patches of opus signinum floor. Patch 1 (the largest and most easterly) is likely to have been part of an interior surface in the north east house. It appears on the 2004 plan for context (5361) as a small patch immediately to the east of (5361). When excavated, (5831) was found to extend beneath a patch of grey yellow clay (5837). The excavation of (5837) revealed a slight extension of the opus signinum and also two further isolated patches of opus signinum (Patches 2 and 3). Strat below (5837). Strat above (5918). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.234 Accuracy rating - 4" 5069,C5069,5837,D,0,Trowel,Floor layer,"Compact, light grey / brown fine sandy clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 5% CBM Extent: 0.3m x 0.34m Clear edge definition The northern edges are defined by CBM and flint",Small patch of clay overlying opus signinum (5831). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.236 Accuracy rating - 4 5072,C5072,5842,D,0,Trowel,Tile spread,Mixture of roof and floor tiles measuring c. 0.03m-0.28m Extent: 0.6m x 0.55m,"Tile spread / demolition deposit within the north east house, surrounded by dark silt dump deposit (5829) south east of hearth 4234. Possibly related to, or the same as tile spread (4758). Strat below (5819). Strat above (5918). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.238 Accuracy rating - 4" 5073,C5073,5843,S,0,Trowel,Tile beam foundation,Mixture of CBM Orientation: SE-NW,"Tiles and debris forming a path or a beam foundation for an internal partition within the north east house and associated with the last phase of its use. Strat below (5846), (5335) and possibly (5365). Strat above (5870). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.242, 28.243, 29.229 Accuracy rating - 4" 5076,C5076,5846,D,0,Trowel,Silt layer,"Friable, light grey / brown fine silt Inclusions: 50% CBM (relates to underlying CBM deposit peeking through) Extent: 2.18m x 1.22m Clear edge definition","Extensive silt layer within the north east house. Possible occupation layer. Partially overlies CBM deposit (5843). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.239, 28.241, 29.231 Accuracy rating - 4" 5078,C5078,5849,D,0,Trowel,Floor layer,"Compact-friable, dark yellow / grey coarse silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (6-20mm); 15-20% charcoal Extent: 0.2m x 0.15m; Thickness: 0.01-0.03m Clear edge definition",Small patch of clay revealed beneath initial cleaning layer (5809) at the start of the 2005 season. It may be a remnant patch of floor from previous seasons. Strat above (5918). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.240 5079,C5079,5850,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5804),"Linear in plan with moderately sharp-rounded corners, measuring 3.2m x 0.25m with a depth of 0.1-0.2m Break of slope (top & base): sharp U-shaped profile with vertical sides and a flat base Orientation: SE-NW Contains (5804)","Beam slot cut containing (5804). Butts up against beam slot [5899] running on an E-W orientation. Truncated at the south eastern extent by post hole [4790]. Another post hole [5818] lies adjacent to [5850] at the north west extent. Strat below (5804). Plan no: 29.245, 29.246 Accuracy rating - 5" 5087,C5087,5858,D,0,Trowel,White gravel spread,"Compact, mid-white / grey clayey silt Inclusions: >70% stones (S-R) (R) (2-6cm); 1-5% CBM; 1% bone Extent: 15m x 7m; Thickness: 0.03m","Extensive, white gravel spread cut through by many features in the north east corner of the trench including a well and post holes adjacent to both the E-W and the N-S roads. (5858) seems to have functioned as an exterior surface between what is thought to be a possible kitchen and the road. Contemporary with (5840). Same as (5864). Not excavated in 2005. To be completed in 2006 and future seasons. Plan no: 27.204, 28.245, 28.249, 29.234, 29.235, 29.294, 32.126, 32.127, 33.107 Accuracy rating - 3" 5090,C5090,5861,S,0,Trowel,Tile spread / possible small hearth,Ceramic floor tiles measuring between 0.005m-0.5m; The largest tile is 0.5m x 0.3m x 0.03m The tiles were laid flat and bonded by silty clay Extent: 1m x 1m; Thickness: 0.03m,"Tile spread / possible small hearth. The tiles are partially discoloured, indicating some level of burning. The oxidation of the tiles occurs mainly in the front tiles on the north west side. The general assumption therefore could be that these tiles are the remains of a secondary hearth within the building annexe of the north east house. This is a small and subsiding hearth in the corner of the annexe and is possibly there as a heating tool, because the large hearth 4234 is the primary functional utilitarian structure. There is limited evidence of these tiles being a floor surface as they do not extend out of the corner and there is no evidence of appropriate wear. Strat below (3178). Strat above (5889). Fill / part of [6048]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 29.254, 29.256 Accuracy rating - 4" 5091,C5091,5863,D,0,Trowel,Accumulation deposit,"Hard, light orange / yellow clayey sand Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) ranging in size from 2mm to 6cm; 1-5% CBM; 1-5% charcoal Extent: 0.4m x 0.4m; Thickness: 0.06m Clear edge definition","Clayey sand accumulation deposit, probably formed during occupation. Strat below (5829), (5869). Strat above (5996), (5956), (5921), (5968). Same as (5848). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 20.219, 20.220, 29.243, 29.244 Accuracy rating - 3" 5095,C5095,5869,D,0,Trowel,Silty layer,"Loose, dark brown / grey fine silty sand Inclusions: 1-5% stones (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 15-35% CBM (floor and roof tiles); 1-5% pottery Extent: 2.6m x 2.4m; Thickness: 0.005-0.06m Clear edge definition","Silty layer which was revealed following the removal of cleaning layer (5809) at the start of the 2005 season. (5869) contains a reasonable amount of CBM and pottery which seems concentrated towards the northern edge. This may indicate an association with the house and/or demolition and possibly the nearby hearth to the east. Strat above (5863). Cut by beam slot [5323]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 20.213, 21.211, 28.248, 29.247 Sample no: 977, 979, 980, 981" 5096,C5096,5870,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Compact, mid-orange / yellow fine silty clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-R) (6-20mm); 5-15% charcoal Extent: 1.7m x 1.3m","Clay layer - probable floor layer - surrounding CBM beam foundation (5843). Strat below (5843). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.246, 29.240 Sample no: 953 Accuracy rating - 4" 5098,C5098,5872,D,0,Trowel,Re-deposited clay spread / floor surface,"Compact, light yellow / grey coarse sandy clay Inclusions: 2% CBM (6-20cm) Extent: 3.2m x 4.6m Clear edge definition","Re-deposited sandy clay spread. Probable interior floor surface extending from the north east main building into the extension. Latest phase of flooring associated with the hearth construction. Strat below (5265), (5275). Strat above (5923), (6027), (6028), (5899). Same as (5340). Partially excavated in 2004. To be completed in 2006 and future seasons. Plan no: 29.232, 29.233, 29.236, 29.238 Accuracy rating - 5" 5106,C5106,5880,D,0,Trowel,Opus signinum floor surface,"Compact, mid-grey / pink opus signinum
Inclusions: 60-70% stones (A) (S-R) (6-20mm) (2-6cm);  1% charcoal;  30% CBM
Extent: 5m x 2m
Mostly clear edge definition","High status, opus signinum floor surface within the extension to the main north east house. Possibly a shop front or a private room attached to the house. Strat below (5955), (5818). Cut by [6048]. Completely removd in 2006.
Plan no: 29.298, 29.299, 29.300, 29.301
Accuracy rating - 4
Spot date: Early 2nd century" 5115,C5115,5889,D,0,Trowel,Floor surface,"Firm, bright grey / green silty clay (with an almost blue / grey tint) Inclusions: 10% stones (S-R) (2-6cm) Extent: 2m x 2.5m; Thickness: 0.02m Clear edge definition","High status floor surface within the small addition to the north east timber house. (5889) also spreads slightly into the main house, largely along beam slot [5371] but arguably further. It can be seen in Section 660 sitting on top of another quality opus signinum floor surface (5880). Strat below (5872), (5861). Strat above (5880). Not excavated in 2005. To be completed in 2006 and future seasons. Plan no: 29.286, 29.287, 29.288. 29.289 Section no: 660 Accuracy rating - 5" 5122,C5122,5896,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Dry, mid-brown / grey clayey silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (6-20mm); 1-5% pottery Extent: 0.4m x 0.35m","Small, clay layer. Strat below (5823). Strat above (5909). Plan no: 28.251 Accuracy rating - 4" 5127,C5127,5848,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,NO CARD,"Clay layer comprising the house floor associated with hearth 4254. In 2005, this context was superceded by context (5863)." 5133,C5133,5899,C,0,Trowel,Beam slot cut containing (5392),"Recti-linear in plan with moderately sharp corners, measuring 2.8m x 0.18m with a depth of 0.12m Break of slope (top): moderately sharp; (base): moderately rounded U-shaped profile with straight sides and an irregular base Orientation: E-W Contains (5392)","Beam slot cut containing (5392). Runs in an east-west orientation parallel with the road and was possibly constructed at around the same time as the road. [5899] is later than beam slots [5850] and [5371]. The edges weren\'t properly found in 2005, but they were found in 2006 and the plans were amended.
Plan no: 29.253" 5143,C5143,5909,D,0,Trowel,Floor layer,"Hard, pale grey / orange fine silt Inclusions: 5-15% stones (S-A) (6-20mm); 5-15% CBM Extent: 1.2m x 0.9m",Plaster floor layer. Strat below (5896). Strat above (5918). Plan no: 28.253 5150,C5150,5916,D,0,Trowel,Clay patch,"Compact, light orange / yellow medium sandy clay Inclusions: 5-15% stones (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 1% pottery Extent: 0.45m x 0.45m; Thickness: 0.01-0.04m Clear edge definition","Small patch of clay on the interior of the north east building on a strip between Victorian trenches [1287] and [1036] in the vicinity of the hearth. Adjacent to another clay spread which overlay beam slot [5304]. (5916) could be associated with, or part of this context and may be related to a floor layer from a later phase of the north east house. It is most likely to be a remnant of (4222) which overlay (5916) and was excavated across the strip in 2003. Strat above (5918). Plan no: 28.254 Accuracy rating - 5" 5152,C5152,5918,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread / levelling deposit,"Compact, light yellow / grey silty gravel Inclusions: >70% stones (2-6cm) (6-20cm); 5-10% CBM; 5-10% pottery Extent: 5m x 5m; Thickness: 0.02-0.1m Clear edge definition","Extensive gravel spread / levelling deposit in the southern half of the north east building, south of hearth 4234. First revealed during the 2003-4 seasons but the full extent was only revealed during the 2005 season after the removal of various patches of clays, plaster deposits and burning layers. Strat below (5824), (5825), (5831), (5909), (5929). Cut by Victorian trench [1287] and bordered on two sides by beam slots [5393] and [5304]. Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 28.260, 29.270 Accuracy rating - 5" 5153,C5153,5919,D,0,Trowel,Charcoal-rich layer,"Compact, dark brown / black fine silty sand Inclusions: 65% charcoal Extent: 1.34m (N-S) x 2.18m (E-W)","Dark, charcoal-rich layer within the north east building, adjacent to the northern and eastern sides of hearth 4234. Probably associated hearth debris from use phase (4751). Strat above (5926), (6008). Same as (4244).
Plan no: 29.257
Sample no: 1047" 5155,C5155,5921,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Hard, mid-red / brown sandy clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-R) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 1-5% charcoal; 1-5% CBM Extent: 1.5m x 1.7m","Floor surface within the north east building located near to hearth 4234. Strat below (5848). Plan no: 20.230, 20.231, 29.261" 5160,C5160,5926,D,0,Trowel,Clay layer,"Compact, dark yellow / orange fine clay Inclusions: 5% chalk Extent: 1.6m (N-S) x 1.42 (E-W); Thickness: 0.06m","Clay layer extending over hearth 4234 and onto the area directly north of it. The clay within the hearth area is of a darker orange colour than the northern part of the deposit, probably due to oxidisation during burning. (5926) sits directly above the second tile layer of the hearth. Strat below (5919). Same as (4752) and (4754).
Plan no: 29.263
Sample no: 1101
Accuracy rating - 5" 5162,C5162,5928,D,0,Trowel,Clay patch,"Compact, light yellow / green fine silty clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 0.62m x 0.7m Clear edge definition","Patch of clay immediately south of hearth 4234. May be part of a floor layer within the north east building. Strat below (5871). Strat above (5929), (5930). Plan no: 29.262 Accuracy rating - 5" 5163,C5163,5929,D,0,Trowel,Burnt patch / occupation deposit,"Friable, dark orange / brown fine silty clay Inclusions: 15-35% stones (2-6mm) (6-20mm) Extent: 1.1m x 0.9m; Thickness: 0.005-0.05m Clear edge definition","Burnt patch, south of hearth 4234 and likely to be associated with the second or third phase of use. Strat below (5928). Strat above (5918). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 29.266 Accuracy rating - 4" 5164,C5164,5930,D,0,Trowel,Yellow gravel,NO CARD,Yellow gravel to the south of hearth 4234 and extending across the southern half of the north east house. Same as (5918). No context card or plan completed in 2005 - context register says 'see (5918)'. 5167,C5167,5933,D,0,Trowel,Gravel surface,"Compact, yellow / grey clayey gravel Inclusions: 20% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm); 30% CBM (mostly crushed) Extent: 2m x 4m; Thickness: 0.02m","Gravel surface, possibly a demolition layer considering the large amounts of crushed CBM. Situated above opus signinum floor (5880) within the house. Strat below (5872). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 29.267, 29.268 Accuracy rating - 5" 5187,C5187,5955,D,0,Trowel,Clay floor,"Compact, green / grey clay Inclusions: 10% stones (S-A) (2-6cm) Extent: 0.56m x 0.33m; Thickness: 0.07m",Small patch of isolated clay within the north east house - part of accumulation rubble / re-flooring phase. Strat below (5933). Strat above opus signinum floor (5880). Completely removed in 2005. Plan no: 29.271 Accuracy rating - 4 5188,C5188,5956,D,0,Trowel,Floor,"Compact, light brown / yellow sandy clay Inclusions: 1-5% stones (S-A) (2-6mm) (6-20mm); 1-5% CBM; 1-5% charcoal Extent: 0.7m x 0.5m; Thickness: 0.03m",Sandy clay floor layer. Strat below (5848). Plan no: 29.272 Accuracy rating - 3 5200,C5200,5968,D,5997,Trowel,Fill of beam slot [5997],"Soft, yellow / orange sandy clay Inclusions: 15% stones (S-R) (2-6cm); 15% CBM Extent: 1.5m long (SE side) and 0.7m (SW side); Thickness: 0.1m Clear edge definition","Clay fill of beam slot [5997] which forms three sides of a rectangle. Possibly represents a storage facility near to the hearth. It is at least a functional, structural element contributing to the use of space and utilitarian aspect of the north east house. Strat below (5863). Strat above (5997). Plan no: 20.238 Sample no: 1093 Accuracy rating - 4" 5205,C5205,5973,D,0,Trowel,Gravel floor layer,"Compact, mid-brown / grey gravel Inclusions: Occasional CBM Extent: 5m x 1.5m; Thickness: 0.05m Vague edge definition","Linear spread of gravel located within the north east house, near the addition. Appears to follow the alignment of nearby beam slot [5371] running NW-SE. Strat below (5335). Strat above (7092).
Completely removed in 2005.
Plan no: 29.273, 29.274" 5207,C5207,5975,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread / levelling deposit,"Friable, light white / grey coarse sandy silt Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (2-6cm) Extent: 1m x 0.8m; Thickness: 0.05m","Small gravel spread, possible levelling deposit. Possibly related to gravel spread (5980) but separated by clayey silt. Southern edge is defined by beam slot [5393]. Strat below (5335). Plan no: 28.261 Accuracy rating - 4" 5212,C5212,5980,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Friable, mid-dark brown / grey silty clay Inclusions: >70% stones (S-A) (6-20mm) (6-20cm) Extent: 1.9m x 2.7m Clear edge definition","Gravel spread, possibly to level the floor within the north east house. Clearly defined to the east and west. The relationship with gravel spread (5975) is still uncertain. Strat below (5335). Strat above (5990). Plan no: 29.292" 5221,C5221,6546,D,0,Trowel,Gravel spread,"Compact, light orange / grey sandy silt

,"Context originally created into order to digitise a multi-context plan of the limestone post pads etc on the tablet pc on site July 2006. However, as this didn\'t work out I am re-using this number to create a multi-context plan of the limestone post-pads using desk-based digitising tablet in the office.

As the post pads have not yet been individually planned, I digitised them from the following plan numbers which included them within the plans of other contexts: 11.279, 12.155, 12.156, 14.148, 14.170 [KTOOTELL - 25 September 2006 16:13:19]
