"OBJECT","TITLE","NOTES" 156,"Stone house to the SW", 157,"Floors associated with SW stone house", 50010,"Round house", 50014,"House 1 - stone phase 1", 50017,"Timber phase - middle range", 50018,"NE Stone building - Stone phase 1", 50019,"SW stone building - House 1 stone phase 1", 50029,"Timber Building 1 Room 1", 50030,"Timber Phase 1 Building 1 Room 2","A small annexe to the north-east of Timber Building 1 Room 1. It consisted of 4 beamslots (5899,5850,5805,5371) filled with clay (as with Room 1) defining an area c.6m by 2.5m. Within this room are two well-constructed floors; opus signinum flooring 5880 which covered the entire interior, overlain by a compact greenish clay 5889. Small tiled hearth 6048/5861 was cut into the opus signinum floor and was set against the south-east wall." 50033,"Timber building pre-dating circular structure", 50034,"The 'Link' Room", 50035,"All contexts from House 1 Aisled building", 50036,"Timber Phase 1B", 50037,"North-east building 2", 50043,"Early Roman Timber Building 1, Room 1","A series of gravel spreads were laid down, as levelling and a base for subsequent floors (5980,5990,5973,5975,5930,5918,5359). Linear beam slots (5393,5304,5375,5357,5356,5346,5396,5371,5323) originally containing wooden beams were cut into these gravels, forming a building measuring c.10m by 7m. Overlying the gravels, floor surfaces of clay (5909,5826,5823,5825,5824,5837,5926,6014,6024,5921,5956,5996) and opus signinum (5831) were lain. These only survived as patches. Charcoal-rich soils (6038,5919) also accumulated internally. There were three internal features of note; firstly a substantial tile-built hearth (1433) exhibiting three phases of use each associated with a re-laying/re-patching of the floor, secondly a shallow oblong pit (6032) measuring 0.98m by 0.45m with a depth of 0.15m, dug against the north-east wall and containing a near-complete sheep skeleton in amongst the clay infill, and finally a rectangular feature defined on three sides by a beam slot (5997) measuring c.2m by 1m, and containing a hard red-brown sandy clay (5921)." 50044,"House 1 - aisled hall", 50046,"Aisled hall Object for finds only",