"Inhumation number","Sex","Age","Stature","Position","Alignment","Depth","Xcoord 1","Ycoord 1","Pathology","Notes","Stones","Date","Number of Finds","Number of Find Types","Inhum_images","Stone_images" 1,"Male","OA",,"Flexed",101,250,33.40,31.00,"Flexed inhumation, lying on left side, right arm across pelvis, knees higher than rest of body. Edges of grave could not be determined. Some plough damage. Grave cut 250 mm into sub-soil. Old adult.","Date ? Brooch found under jaw.","No stones in fill",,2,2,"GRAVE01A", 2,"Undetermined",,0,,,,27.00,33.00,"Mixed burnt and unburnt bones representing the remains of a ploughed out grave. Other than the existence of the grave no other details survive.","Date? Remains of disturbed cremations present.","No stones in fill",,1,1,, 3,"Undetermined","Adult",0,,111,,25.00,33.10,"Ploughed out grave, only the in situ remains of an arm survive although the scattered fragments of other bones were present. Adult.","Date?","No stones in fill",,,,"GRAVE03A", 4,"Male","MA",0,"Flexed",98,360,30.20,32.40,"Mature adult.","Iron knife found on chest , point towards feet. Fragments of urn in grave fill.","No stones in fill","6-6",5,3,"GRAVE04A", 5,"Male","YA",0,"Extended",151,450,32.50,33.00,"Young adult.","Iron spearhead and butt found aligned, 1900 mm apart, just beneath the top of the sub-soil prior to the excavation of the grave. It was aligned with the grave and must have been associated. Dressed stones in fill of grave. Grave cut could not be defined.","Stones in fill","5-6",3,3,"GRAVE05A", 6,"Male?","MA",0,,121,320,26.60,36.50,"Mature adult.","Skeleton lying on left side. Severe plough damage. No grave goods. Intrusive modern find in 'fill' of grave.","No stones in fill",,1,1,"GRAVE06A", 7,"Undetermined","C/adol",0,"Extended",126,340,32.90,35.20,"Adolescent, Poorly preserved remains. Child/ adolescent.","Large quantity of dressed stone in fill of grave.","Stones in fill",,4,2,"GRAVE07A","GRAVE07B" 8,"Undetermined","Adult",0,"Flexed",113,20,36.30,34.70,"Poorly preserved remains, plough damaged. Adult.","No grave goods. Some large Anglo-Saxon sherds found in fill of grave.",,,1,1,"GRAVE08A", 9,"Male?","OA",0,"Flexed",271,0,28.20,105.00,"Old adult."," Sherds found in fill of grave.","No stones in fill","5-0",42,9,"GRAVE09A", 10,"Male","MA",179,"Flexed",133,0,26.70,99.50,"Body lying on left side. Mature adult.","7th C. Anglo-Saxon pottery in fill of grave. Sherd of Roman pottery found in fill.","No stones in fill","7-7",6,4,"GRAVE10A", 11,"Female","YA",0,"Prone",131,0,27.80,89.60,"Young adult.","Prone. Skull missing, assumed to the skull found standing up-right on mandible next to Urn 115, 2.200m to south west. Left arm folded under body. Fragmentary bird bones, 3171, found at right hip. Urn 115 is Phase 2 and therefore Fifth century.","No stones in fill","5-0",1,1,"GRAVE11A", 12,"Male","YA",187,"Flexed",291,0,26.00,90.20,"Young adult.","Skeleton found lying on right side. Knife under left forearm. Iron spearhead found, pointing down wards from right knee. Urn 125 damaged by the insertion of this Grave.",,"6-7",3,3,"GRAVE12A", 13,"Female","Adol",163,"Extended",231,400,30.20,107.00,"Adolscent.","Cut into fill of ditch.","No stones in fill","6-7",14,10,"GRAVE13A", 14,"Male","YA",177,"Extended",141,450,31.80,103.20,"Young adult.","Grave 450 mm deep at head but only 300 mm deep at head. Right forearm beneath pelvis.",,"6-7",5,2,"GRAVE14A", 15,"Undetermined","Adult",0,"Crouched",117,0,30.60,100.70,"Adult.",,"No stones in fill","7-7",9,4,"GRAVE15A", 16,"Undetermined","Child",0,,0,20,31.10,93.10,"Skull and arm fragment from an infant, plough damaged. Bones missing.","Cate ? No grave goods.",,,,,"GRAVE16A", 17,"Male","Adult",0,"Flexed",135,0,31.00,86.30,"Adult.","7th C. Skeleton found lying on left side. Many sherds in fill of grave. Urn 238 found as an accessory vessel.","No stones in fill","7-7",8,6,"GRAVE17A", 18,"Male","YA",187,"Extended",111,0,33.00,97.00,"Young adult.","7th C. Iron knife found under left forearm.","Stones in fill","7-7",5,4,"GRAVE18A", 19,"Female","Adult",0,"Flexed",134,0,32.00,92.00,"Adult.","Later 6th C. Skeleton found lying on left side.","No stones in fill","6-7",9,4,"GRAVE19A", 20,"Female","Adol",0,"Extended",86,0,36.30,100.70,"Adolescent.","7th C. Bronze bowl found, inverted, 700 mm to north of skeleton.","Stones in fill","7-7",7,4,"GRAVE20A", 21,"Undetermined","Adult",0,"Flexed",155,380,24.00,113.00,"Poorly preserved, skull probably disintegrated. Adult.","Date ? No grave goods. Roman sherd found in fill of grave.","No stones in fill",,2,2,"GRAVE21A", 22,"Female?","MA",0,"Flexed",268,830,35.80,90.80,"Mature adult.","No grave goods.","No stones in fill",,3,1,"GRAVE22A", 23,"Male","YA",177,"Flexed",133,750,37.20,93.00,"Young adult.","Left arm extended, right sharply bent at elbow.","Stones in fill","7-7",8,3,"GRAVE23A","GRAVE23B" 24,"Female","Adult",0,"Flexed",151,0,41.70,101.00,"Adult.","Lying on right side.","No stones in fill","6-7",20,8,"GRAVE24A", 25,"Male","YA",180,"Extended",119,630,8.30,105.00,"Young adult.","Spearhead at side not at shoulder.","Stones in fill","5-6",2,2,"GRAVE25A","GRAVE25B" 26,"Female","YA",0,"Extended",111,600,21.70,85.80,"Young adult."," Grave 500 mm deep at head, 600 mm at foot. No grave goods.","No stones in fill",,2,1,"GRAVE26A", 27,"Male","Adol",174,"Extended",111,620,0.00,88.10,"Adolescent.","Animal scapula against left elbow.","Stones in fill","5-6",4,4,"GRAVE27A","GRAVE27B" 28,"Male","Adol",0,"Extended",117,440,40.00,34.30,"Adolescent.","No grave goods.","No stones in fill",,,,"GRAVE28A", 29,"Male","OA",0,"Extended",127,630,21.30,84.40,"Old adult.","5th- 6th century. Broken pot (Urn 1159) used as an accessory vessel.","Stones in fill","5-6",5,4,"GRAVE29A", 30,"Female","MA",0,"Extended",139,570,43.70,35.20,"Mature adult.",,"Stones in fill","6-6",120,10,"GRAVE30A", 31,"Male","Adult",185,"Prone",291,610,13.80,84.70,"Adult.","Skeleton found on its face. Sheep's jawbone found in fill of grave.","Stones in fill","5-6",8,6,"GRAVE31A","GRAVE31B" 32,"Undetermined","MA",0,"Crouched",146,660,39.30,83.70,"Mature adult.","Group of four miniature pottery vessels found in front of body, knife lying at side. Small copper alloy buckle and lace tag also found in grave.","No stones in fill","7-7",13,7,"GRAVE32A", 33,"Undetermined","Adult",0,"Flexed",111,350,19.00,85.70,"Plough damaged, only the legs survive. Adult.","No grave goods.","No stones in fill",,,,"GRAVE33A", 34,"Undetermined","MA",0,"Flexed",111,950,8.00,95.70,"Grave cut partly into the limestone and partly into a fissure. The upper part of the body, cut into the fissure failed to survive while the legs were relatively well preserved. Mature adult.",,"No stones in fill","6-6",144,12,"GRAVE34A","GRAVE34B" 35,"Undetermined","Child",0,"Crouched",101,840,6.40,95.50,"Child.",,"No stones in fill","5-6",25,4,"GRAVE35A", 36,"Female?","MA",0,"Flexed",284,520,33.00,40.20,"Mature adult.",,"Stones in fill","5-6",36,7,"GRAVE36A","GRAVE36B" 37,"Male","YA",0,"Flexed",121,680,31.00,81.70,"Young adult.","Skeleton lying on left side. Knife found under body but on top of left arm. Grave edge could not be determined. Large quantity of Anglo-Saxon sherds in fill of grave. Lead plug from an urn found near to shoulder.","Stones in fill","7-7",2,1,"GRAVE37A","GRAVE37B" 38,"Female","YA",0,"Extended",131,390,37.60,60.90,"Young adult.",,"No stones in fill","7-7",4,4,"GRAVE38A", 39,"Undetermined",,0,,111,530,39.60,63.00,"No skeletal material survives, although the skull was represented by an area of silt.","Accessory vessel (Urn 753) found by right shoulder.","No stones in fill","6-6",13,2,"GRAVE39A", 40,"Male","YA",0,"Extended",97,600,44.70,90.00,"Young adult.","Covering of field stones over body. Knife and buckle appear to have been deposited beneath the body.","Stones in fill","5-0",4,4,"GRAVE40A", 41,"Undetermined","Adult",0,"Extended",116,630,39.20,37.00,"Remains poorly preserved. Adult.","Stones down northern side of grave appear to have formed a wall which was apparent at the top of the grave fill.","Stones in fill","5-6",7,4,"GRAVE41A","GRAVE41B" 42,"Undetermined","YA",0,"Flexed",101,380,33.00,29.00,"Remains very poorly preserved. Young adult.",,"No stones in fill","6-6",5,4,"GRAVE42A", 43,"Male","OA",0,"Extended",106,40,32.60,3.80,"Few remains survive, some plough damage. Old adult.",,"No stones in fill","5-6",3,3,"GRAVE43A", 44,"Female","MA",0,"Extended",134,600,40.40,39.00,"Mature adult.","Sheep's tooth found in fill of grave.","No stones in fill","6-6",10,8,"GRAVE44A", 45,"Male","YA",0,"Extended",115,600,31.00,16.50,"Young adult.","Iron knife found beneath ribs.","No stones in fill","5-6",6,5,"GRAVE45A", 46,"Female","Adol",0,"Extended",147,600,43.20,31.10,"Adolescent."," Strapend may have been an offering. Large pottery vessel, Urn 1227, Find 3046 found by left shoulder. Vessel now missing.","Stones in fill","5-6",23,7,"GRAVE46A","GRAVE46B" 47,"Undetermined","YA",0,"Extended",104,370,35.00,28.60,"Young adult.","Single sleeve clasp appears to have been an offering.","Stones in fill","5-6",2,2,"GRAVE47A","GRAVE47B" 48,"Female","YA",0,"Extended",111,520,8.00,16.00,"Young adult.","Only three stones found in fill. Fragments of a large broken vessel (Urn 1219) found at left shoulder. This lay over left arm.","Stones in fill","6-6",21,10,"GRAVE48A","GRAVE48B" 49,"Male","YA",0,"Extended",129,460,7.00,13.20,"Young adult.","Edges of grave uncertain.","No stones in fill",,,,"GRAVE49A", 50,"Female","YA",0,"Flexed",121,600,36.70,80.60,"Young adult.",,"Stones in fill","7-7",8,5,"GRAVE50A", 51,"Male","MA",0,"Flexed",199,150,42.90,79.40,"Mature adult.","One large stone only on chest. Grave cut Urn 897 and 911. Buckle found on top of stone and not on body, therefore it was an offering.","Stones in fill","7-7",2,2,"GRAVE51A", 52,"Undetermined","Child",0,"Crouched",203,240,35.30,76.80,"Child.","Stones in fill of grave and much pottery. Urn 915 found in fill. Infant grave. No grave goods.","Stones in fill",,,,"GRAVE52A","GRAVE52B" 53,"Male?","YA",0,"Extended",115,290,38.00,77.50,"Young adult.","Pottery vessel (Urn 937) placed by left shoulder.","No stones in fill","5-6",6,6,"GRAVE53A", 54,"Female","YA",0,"Extended",113,240,43.80,76.30,"Young adult.","Some stones in top of fill.","Stones in fill","6-7",9,4,"GRAVE54A","GRAVE54B" 55,"Female?","YA",0,"Prone",148,170,36.50,75.30,"Young adult.","No stones but much pottery in fill of grave. Bead, annular brooch fragment, burnt bone and comb fragment in fill of grave, probably residual. Arms probably beneath body but evidence uncertain.","No stones in fill","5-6",10,5,"GRAVE55A", 56,"Male","YA",178,"Extended",111,500,35.00,69.00,"Young adult."," Stones in fill of grave. Grave had vertical sides. Right arm appeared to be beneath body.","Stones in fill",,,,"GRAVE56A","GRAVE56B" 57,"Female","YA",0,"Extended",91,460,35.20,73.50,"Young adult.","Single bead and sleeve clasp in fill of grave, offering?","Stones in fill","6-6",10,7,"GRAVE57A", 58,"Undetermined","C/adol",0,"Flexed",136,720,11.00,89.60,"Child/adolescent.","Skeleton lying on left side. No grave goods.","Stones in fill",,2,2,"GRAVE58A", 59,"Male","YA",0,"Extended",104,410,37.50,68.50,"Young adult.","No grave goods. Stones in fill of grave, two stones covered skull. Grave had vertical sides.","Wall in fill",,,,"GRAVE59A","GRAVE59B" 60,"Undetermined","Adult",0,,111,120,40.50,26.40,"Bones in very poor condition. Adult.","No grave goods.","No stones in fill",,,,"GRAVE60A", 61,"Female","Adol",0,"Extended",126,610,2.00,76.00,"Adolescent.","Metal plate probably an offering. Layer of masonry over top of grave fill, rest of grave filled with field stone. Edges of grave well defined.","Stones in fill",,2,2,"GRAVE61A","GRAVE61B" 62,"Undetermined","Adult",0,,143,250,39.90,29.50,"Adult.",,"No stones in fill","6-6",19,5,"GRAVE62A",