"Code","Type" "dcs","decrease in size" "flg","A few large individuals" "flh","A few long-horned individuals" "hh","hands information in notes field" "ins","increase in size" "insinvmlh","increase in size/increasing variation/mainly long-horned individuals" "inv","increasing variation" "lin","mostly large individuals" "mlh","Mainly long-horned individuals" "mlhmmh","Mainly long-horned individuals, a few medium horn" "mmh","Mainly medium-horned individuals" "msh","mainly short-horned individuals" "mshflg","mainly short-horned, a few large individuals" "mshflh","Mainly short-horned but a few long-horns" "mshmh","mainly short-horned and medium-horned" "n","notes only" "nflg","notes/a few large individuals" "nlo","normal distribution with large outliers" "nso","normal distribution with small outliers" "sin","mostly small individuals" "sinf","a few small individuals" "sinmsh","Mainly small individuals, short-horned individuals" "sinsml","Small beasts, but short med and long-horns" "spp","same as previous period" "sppwhe","same as previous period/mainly whethers" "tsc","two size classes" "whe","mainly whethers?" "wvar","Wide variation"