"ID","Classmark","RefID","Place in MS","TitleMS","Folpagenos","Incipit","Explicit","Main Language","Other Lang 1","Other Lang 2","Other comments","Scribes and script","InfoFrom" 1,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","IPMEP 120","7",,"111r ? 121r","Brothir or sustre žt desirist to come to že eendles blisse žat mankynde was ordeyned to in his first creaciuon","And if žou do žus žan schalte žow come to eendles blisse whiche man was ordeyned to in his fyrst creacioun . A M E N. Deo gracias","English",,"","","Neat, well written secretary. Very few hairline strokes; not very cursive. Uses double-lobed anglicana .","CJ" 2,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","IPMEP 122","8","generales articuli majoris excommunicationis","121r ? 126r","Isti sunt generales articuli majoris excommunicationis in lingua materna sic . Goode men and wommen it is ordeyned by the counseil of al holy chirche","for to dwelle in the peynes of helle for ever without eende . ffiat . fiat . Amen","English",,"","IPMEP version D.","Neat, well written secretary. Very few hairline strokes; not very cursive. Uses double-lobed anglicana .","CJ" 3,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","IPMEP 28","4","že right excellent & most glorious life of seynt Kateryn","96v ? 106r","Here begynnež že right excellent & most glorious life of seynt Kateryn whiche by dissent of lyne was of že noble kynredis of že Emperours of Rome"," as it is conteyned in že Invencioun of že crosse how Maxence was ponysshid for žis felony and for ožere","English",,"","Version (b) in IPMEP.","Neat, well written secretary. Very few hairline strokes; not very cursive. Uses double-lobed anglicana .","CJ" 4,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","IPMEP 553","1","že booke žt is clepid the myrrour of že blessid lijf of ihesu","1r ? 85v","At že begynnyng že proheme of že booke žt is clepid the myrrour of že blessid lijf of ihesu (Prohemium, f. 2v): These ben že wordis of že grete doctour. (Main text; f. 4v) A devout meditacioun of že grete counseile in hevene for že restorynge of man and","to confusion of alle fals lollardis and eretikis . A M E N Blessid be že name of oure lord Ihesu and his moder marie now and ever wižouten eende . Amen. Thus eendiž že book žt is clepid že myrrour of že blessid liif of oure lord Ihesu criste. Expl. spec","English","Latin","","Some Latin.","Neat, well written secretary. Very few hairline strokes; not very cursive. Uses double-lobed anglicana .","CJ" 5,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","Jolliffe C.30","6","Confessioun","107v ? 110v","Benedicte . I knowleche to our lord Almy3ty God Ihesu","and also žat ye wolde vouchesafe to prey for me . A M E N. [Rubric]: And žus eendiž žis Confessioun","English",,"","No other MSS mentioned in Jolliffe.","Neat, well written secretary. Very few hairline strokes; not very cursive. Uses double-lobed anglicana .","CJ" 7,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","UMP 3000","2","A tretice of že highest and moste woržy sacrament of Crists blessid body and že merveillis žerof","85v ? 92v","Memorandum fecit mirabilum suorum misericore et iniserator dum estam dedit timen tibus se Žese wordis of Dauid in že sauter seid in prohecie","by vertu & grace of žy liif blissid wiž owten endynge . A M E N. [Rubric]: Ihesu lord žy blessid liif Help and coumfort our wrecchid liif . Amen. Explicit speculum vite Christi","English","Latin","","2nd col. of 92v blank.","Neat, well written secretary. Very few hairline strokes; not very cursive. Uses double-lobed anglicana .","CJ" 8,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","UMP 3001","3","","93r ? 96v","Seynt Nicholas was bore in the citee of patras","and thonkynge to owre lord god. and to the merite of že holy seynt Nicolas","English",,"","c.f. Richard Hamer Three Lives from the Gilte Legende (Heidelburg 1978).","","CJ" 9,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","UMP 3002","5","","106r ? 107v","Seynt Margarete was of že cite of Antioche doughter of Theodosyen a paynym patriarche","She was hatefull to her fadir and frende and love to owre Lord Ihesu Crist","English",,"","","Neat, well written secretary. Very few hairline strokes; not very cursive. Uses double-lobed anglicana .","CJ" 10,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 258","Nichols 1865","2","Breton","53r ? 182r","Edward par la grace de dieu","sanz jour iusques al retorn de celui . Explicit liber qui dicitur [Breton?] (title erased).","French",,"","Followed by a table of chapters for ?Breton? on ff. 182r ? 183r.","Cursive anglicana ? neater and more upright than ff.1r ? 51v ? slight left slant to uprights. Less cursive than ff.1r ? 51v; slightly closer to formata.","CJ" 11,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 258","Selden Soc 7","1","mireour des iustices","1r ? 51v","Hanc legum summam si quis [vu]lt iura tueri plegat & sapiens si vult orator haberi","ele ne se tient en argent . Ici finist le mireour des iustices des droites leis . De persones soslom (?) les aunciens usages dengleterre","French",,"","f. 52r blank. The first few lines, which have been badly rubbed in places, are copied out in the lower margin in a later hand (s.xvi/xvii?).","Quite well written cursive anglicana, tapered descenders, looped d and sigma final ?s in some places. Brown ink.","CJ" 14,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 407","BHL 6303-6313","3","Itineriarum fratris Odorici ordinis fratrum minorum de mirabilius orientialium tartarorum","69r ? 91r","Incipit Itineriarum fratris Odorici ordinis fratrum minorum de mirabilius orientialium tartarorum . Licet multa et varia de ritibus et condicionibus huius mundi","sed non de omnibusquia sunt innumerabilia & michi difficilia ad scribendum","Latin",,"","This is the Itinerarium of Friar Odoric of Pordenone, an account of the Friar?s travels in the East 1316 ? 30, ending (ff. 90v-91r) with a note of his death on 14 January 1331.","Cursive anglicana, reasonably well-written, but more practical than elegant.","CJ" 15,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 407","Hakluyt Soc. ES 1","2","","37r ? 66r","Excellentissimo domino & christianissimo Lodowyco dei gratia Regi ffrancorum illustri frater (?) .W. de Rubruc in ordine fratrum minorum minimus salutem. Et semper triumphare In christo . Scriptum est in ecclesiastico de sapiente","In ista terra sunt multe prouincie quarum plures ad huc non obediunt moallis et inter.","Latin",,"","Ends imperfectly. 67v ? 68v blank. A note in the margin of 67r adds: 'hic deficit multum . vide apud S. Edmundum residuum'.","Cursive anglicana, reasonably well-written, but more practical than elegant.","CJ" 16,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 407","SLH 4","1","","1r ? 33v","Cvlmine honoris spreto ac alijs noxijs morarum","ad quam nullum christianum permittunt accedere","Latin",,"","ff. 34 ? 36 blank.","Cursive anglicana, reasonably well-written, but more practical than elegant.","CJ" 17,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 407","Steele 5: 1-175","5","liber secreti secretorum ad instanciam Alexandri magni ab aristotile editus OR liber aristotilis qui intitulatur de secretis secretorum siue de regimine principium & dominorum","129r ? 176v","Incipit liber secreti secretorum ad instanciam Alexandri magni ab aristotile editus. Domino suo excellentissimo & in cultu christiane religionis Wydoni vno de Valencia ciuitatis","ad regem magnificum Alexandrum directus qui dominatus fuit toti orbi terrarum dictus monarcha in septemtrione . Explicit liber aristotilis qui intitulatur de secretis secretorum siue de regimine principium & dominorum","Latin",,"",,"Anglicana ? cursive, but neat and well written.","CJ" 18,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 407","UMP 0405","4","","93r ? 128v","De terre autem partibus & diuersis prouinciis per quas orbis generaliter est diuisus pauca huic operi sunt adiuuante domino breuiter inserenda","& fistulis penetrabilis uentis et sulphure plena","Latin",,"","The places described are in alphabetical order beginning with Asya. They continue to Sicilia (the rubric wrongly says de Surtes), in which the text ends imperfectly.","Closely written cursive anglicana, broad strokes, very compact appearance.","CJ" 19,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 407","TK 191","6","","176v ? 178v","Caput nostrum comissuras habet .v.","Colera rubea . estate ab viii Idus Maii vsque ad viii . idus augusti & sunt dies nonaginta","Latin",,"","","Two: f.176v: Anglicana ? cursive, but neat and well written; ff. 177r ? 178v: Small, less cursive anglicana. Neat and well written. Upright ductus.","CJ" 20,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 61","IMEV 2218","1","","flyleaf","Lord god preserve under žy mighty hande že lynge že qwene že people and žis lande","","English",,"","One couplet, vv. 6-7.","","" 21,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 61","IMEV 3327","2","","2r-150r","The double sorwe of Trolius to tellen","ffor loue of mayde and moder thyn benigne","English",,"","Described by James as ?one of the best manuscripts of the poem. It is extensively used in Professor Skeat?s edition?.","Script: Very elegant, and quite ornate bastard anglicana ? lots of feathery hairline strokes at the foot of descenders and elsewhere. At the end of the text 'Explicit liber Troily' is written in red in a large textura/bastard hand. Incipits to individual books are also written in this script, rather smaller. The style changes slightly between ff. 17r-32r, it is smaller and rather more cursive, but still a very elegant bastard hand, with lots of feathery decorative strokes.","CJ" 22,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0449","1","","pp. 1-2","Auerpany . Hoc est quietus esse de denare dandis pro Aueragio Regis","Vtlop [sic?] i . quietus esse de nuncia de personibus de persona vestra fugantibus . Yrfe . i . Pecunia","Latin",,"",,"Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 23,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0450","2","","pp. 3-10",,"ad septentrionalem regum britannie illustre","Latin","Latin","",,"Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 24,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0451","3","","pp. 10 ? 19","Ego Aelfredus Rex hoc collegii",,"Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 25,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0452","4","Leges aelstani Regis","pp. 19 - 30",,,"Latin",,"","Running header changes from Aelstan to Aethelstan on f. 12r (p. 23).","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 26,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0453","5","","pp. 31-36","Benedicte domine dens omnipotens",,"Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 27,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0454","6","","pp. 37-53","Hec sunt instituta knutonis Regis Anglorum",,"Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 28,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0455","7","","pp. 53-55","Hic & intimatur quid Willelmus Rex Anglorem",,"Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 29,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0456","8","","pp. 55-75",,,"Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 30,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0457","9","","pp. 75 ? 107","Post Willelmus Ruffum successit henri frater eius",,"Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 31,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0458","10","","p. 107","Cui succesum Stephenus nepos eius miles optimus & regnauit annis xix.",,"Latin",,"",,"Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 32,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0459","11","","pp. 109 - 170","",,"Latin",,"",,"Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 33,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0460","12","","p. 170",,,"Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 34,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0461","13","","pp. 171 - 180","Johannis dei gracia Rex Anglorum etc. salutem","Qui mortuus vt perduxi sepulcrus fuit in cathedrali ecclesia sancte (sic) Maria apud Wygorn","Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 35,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0462","14","","pp. 180 ? 184","Cuius succesit in Regno praedicto Henricus filius dicti Rex Johannis",,"Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 36,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0463","15","","pp. 184 ? 191","Edwardus illustris Regis Anglorum",,"Latin",,"","f. 93r, bottom margin, in red: ?Hic debuisset scribi dictus de kenelworth?; f. 96r (p. 191) ?De Rege Edwardi filio Henrici Regis? ? list of statutes in 2 columns.","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 37,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","UMP 0464","16","","pp. 192 - 195","Locutus est dominus moiysen dicens",,"Latin",,"","After the end of the main text another section has been added. Possibly by the main scribe at a later date, or by another hand.","Neat cursive anglicana . Distinctive and almost horizontal looped ascenders on .","CJ" 38,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 74","DDC 5: 906-7","1","","1r ? 244r","Patri suo ac domino Reuerendo domino .G. dei prouidencia ebredunensi archiepiscopo Berengarius miseratione diuina episcopus Bitterensis","Zizania mali zizanie comparantur s. c. ti. de malo. Sit nomen domini Benedictum amen.","Latin",,"","In alphabetical order. Followed by a list of the articles, laid out in four columns to a page, ending: 'Expl. tabula inuentarii domini R. dei gracia Tusculani Ep. Cardinalis . Deo Gracias' (ff. 244r ? 246v).","Good clear Italian hand.","CJ; Corpus Cam Cat" 40,"Cambridge Fitzwilliam Museum McLean 181","IMEV 4019","1","the Talys of Caunterbiry","2r-304r","Here bigynneth the Talys of Caunterbiry Compiled by Geffrei Chaucers Whan that Aprile with his schoures soote","schall be saued . Qui cum patre. Here endeth the Boke of the Talys of Caunterbiry Compiled bi Geffrey Chaucers on whose soule Ihus haue mercy A M E N","English",,"","Final verso blank. Includes the Tale of Gamelyn (IMEV 1913) on ff. 65-77.","A secretary hand for the text, with headings in textura.","CJ" 41,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 113/182","Bloomfield 2051","1","","1r - 148r","[Prologue: Ex regali ac sanctissima prosapia oriundo Exp. prol: nobilitas requisuit] Oportet ut latitudo sermonis","ipse suis promisit fidelibus qui est benedictus in secula seculorum . Amen . Explicit summa fratris Egidii de regimine principium et incipit tabula super eundem","Latin",,"","ff. 148r ? 151v: Table of chapters, ending: 'Explicit tabula super librum egidii de regimine principium'. F. 152 blank.","Slightly odd secretary, with some anglicana features (such as 8-shaped ). Quite cursive.","CJ" 44,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","Beusing 1922: 32-42","5","signa ricardi","pp. 201 - 218","Finis medicine iam dum taxat laudabilis existit","signum est mortale. Expliciunt signa ricardi","Latin",,"","After the explicit are a few lines in the same hand: Inc: 'Hic signis certis moriens cognoscitur eger'. Ending: 'Sponte sua plorans mortis denuntiat horam'.","James describes this as ?a rather later hand?. Similar to other hands in this MS. Slightly later; the has more secretary features, and there are some instances of secretary .","CJ" 45,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 284","11","","pp. 239 ? 50","Cvm auctor vniuersitatis deus","& dolori imponimus","Latin",,"",,"Neat large secretary.","CJ" 46,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 317","4","practica rogeri maior et minor","pp. 190 - 199","Cvm artis medicine due sint partes","oportune educit materiam all?a . Explicit practica rogeri maior et minor","Latin",,"","After the explicit, in a different hand: ?In hoc libro continentur isti libri Gerardus super viaticam Rogeri maior Rogeri minor' [Erasure].","Similar to pp. 1-2, but slightly larger. Neat.","CJ" 47,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 329","13","","pp. 272 ? 78","Cogitanti mihi uotum vestrum","(ends imperfectly, very faded)","Latin",,"","","Very small - single-lobed , 8-shaped . Lighter brown ink than the preceding text.","CJ" 48,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 724","3","practica rogeri maior et minor","pp. 136 - 190","Sicut ab antiquis auctoribus habemus","et hec sufficient dictis de sinthomatibus","Latin",,"","","Similar to pp. 1-2, but slightly larger. Neat.","CJ" 49,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 968","1","","pp. 1-2","Nuper inter lapidas... Et mecum quid nescio meditans nugarum / Audiui litigium uocesque minarum","Improbat sententiam factam meliorati","Latin",,"","First line partially cut off, and the poem ends unfinished. It describes a conflict between Morbus and Natura, and names all the principal physicians as enlisted on the side of the latter. On the rest of p. 2 is a table of contents and signature by Roger Marshall.",,"CJ" 50,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 325","2","","pp. 2-135","Cum omnia ex iiii elementis generata","consolidare habent et mundificare . Explicit","Latin",,"","","Similar to pp. 1-2, but slightly larger. Neat.","CJ" 51,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 1037","6","","pp. 219 - 220","Peruenit ad nos quia cum ypocrates morti approprinquaret","dulcium desiderio uehementi. Expletus est liber ipocratis intitulatus de ueritate ab eodem a magistro cremonensi de arabico in latinum translatus . Deo Gracias .","Latin",,"","","James describes this as ?a rather later hand?. Similar to other hands in this MS. Slightly later; the has more secretary features, and there are some instances of secretary .","CJ" 52,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 75","7","","pp. 221 ? 223v","Albus ut aqua . lacteus lac","tercia indifferens . Et hec de urinis iuxta magistrum Henricum sufficient","Latin",,"","","James describes this as ?a rather later hand?. Similar to other hands in the manuscript, but slightly later, ? the has more secretary features, and there are some instances of secretary .","CJ" 53,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 1589","8","","pp. 232v-33","Triplex est digestio . prima .secunda . Tercia","Hic tercia digestio perficitur","Latin",,"","","James describes this as ?a rather later hand?. Similar to other hands in the manuscript, but slightly later, ? the has more secretary features, and there are some instances of secretary .","CJ" 54,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 685","9","","pp. 233 ? 235","In ista tabula sequente docetur qualiter omnis planeta","& huiusmodi tempestates","Latin",,"","Notes include: Table of planets with notes (p. 233); Two chiromantic diagrams (p. 234); 'Alius ordo planetarum' (pp. 234-35).","Small anglicana.","CJ" 55,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","TK 686","10","","pp. 235-238","De primis igitur causis etc. In isto libro qui liber metheororum intitulatur Aristoteles dat","& cadunt in illis & sic dixerunt","Latin",,"","Finishes imperfectly on p. 237: ?Wheel? composed of two red circles, one inside the other, linked by lines across the circles, also red. Writing (brown ink) inside wheel. P. 238 - Similar wheel with three concentric circles.","Small anglicana.","CJ" 56,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","UMP 0392","12","","pp. 251 ? 72","(very faint) Cum corpus","quam omnem dol? articulorum et neruorum . Explicit","Latin",,"","","Very tiny (early?) hand - single-lobed , 8-shaped .","CJ" 58,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","PL 16: 527","6","Ambr. De fide libri ix.","81 ? 251","Regina Austri venit audire [p. 233]: Debitum imo soluendum","spirituum intelligibilium . Finitur scriptum a.d. millmo ccccmo xxxviij et vigilia assumpcionis marie. Expl. liber nonus b. Ambr. mediol. Ep. de fide ad Gracianum Imp. Rom. semper Aug. per Crome","Latin",,"","Preceded by 'Epistola Graciani Augusti ad Ambrosium', p. 81 (PL xvi 875). In this MS the three texts are collectively called Ambr. De fide libri ix.","Crome. Neat, well written anglicana ? more sec. features and more cursive as text progresses.","CJ" 59,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","PL 16: 875","5","","p. 81","","","Latin",,"","","Crome. Neat, well written anglicana ? more sec. features and more cursive as text progresses","CJ" 60,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","PL 23: 101","7","","pp. 251 ? 286","Prol: meretricis colonus (ends: simplicitate uerborum. Expl. prol.) Main text (p. 252): Inc. liber Didimi de Spiritu Sancto . Omnibus quidem wue diuina sunt","patriam desiderio consequatur","Latin",,"","","Crome. Neat, well written anglicana ? more secretary. features and more cursive as text progresses.","CJ" 61,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","UMP 0393","1","","pp. 1 - 72","Incipit excepciones super primam omeliam S. Joh. Crisostomi super psalmum Im Quia ps. Ius et quasi imago","alii in proruptis","Latin",,"",,"Walter Crome. Script: Cursive anglicana ? single lobed .","CJ" 62,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","UMP 0394","2","","p. 73","Corpus Christi & veritas est",,"Latin",,"","","Walter Crome. Script: Cursive anglicana ? single lobed .","CJ" 63,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","UMP 0395","3","","pp. 74 ? 75","Ecclesie volunt dominus corpus","Ambr? de sacramentis co 98","Latin",,"","Another text, inc: 'deus noster manifeste ueniet', is on p. 76. p.77 blank. p. 78: short text beginning ?Sicut medicus bonus non ligat?.","Walter Crome. Script: Cursive anglicana ? single lobed .","CJ" 64,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","UMP 0398","4","","pp. 79 ? 80","Gracia est bona voluntas dei","per confiscacionem . Explicit","Latin",,"","","Walter Crome. Script: Cursive anglicana ? single lobed .","CJ" 65,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","UMP 0399","8","","pp. 286 ? 340","Prol: Si pecuniarum preciis (ends: peracta monstrantur) Main text: Hic liber ait scriptura","Expl. S. Greg. nisesni Ep. de imagine subsequencia eorum que a fratre eius b. Basilio in exameron sunt relicta. Script. london ao . mimo ccccmo. xxxviii.","Latin",,"","Some blanks occur.",,"CJ" 66,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","TK 490","1","","1r - 30v","Ego nicho[laus]","","Latin",,""," f. 1 is almost lost, and only the opening words: ?Ego nicho[laus]? remain. The whole section is quite dirty and battered. The edges are damaged on many leaves. On ff. 7 and 21 the outer half of the page is missing, and a supplement sheet has been stitched.","Anglicana hand, quite well written.","CJ" 67,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","UMP 0401","2","","31r - 86v","","","Latin",,"","Throughout the manuscript there are a number of marginal notes, including one Latin verse, on weights and measures. There are a large number of marginal notes in the manuscript, which tell more of the life of the manuscript following Elveden?s death.","Elegantly written, in single column Bastard Anglicana.","CJ" 69,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 183/216","UMP 0402","1","Lucii annei Senece Epistolarum ad Lucillium liber primus incipit . De collegenda & sistenda fuga temporis . et non esse pauperum cui etiam modicum satis est . et quia sera parsimonia & pessmo (sic) est","1r ? 151r","Ita fac mi lucilli Vendra te tibi","perlucet si diligenter inspexeris . Vale . Explicit liber xii epistolarum senece","Latin",,"","","Possibly an Italian hand.","CJ" 104,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 369/591","DSO 5: 44-725","1","questiones super 12 libros methaphisice compilate a fratre Anthonio ordinis minorum prouincie Arrogonie","3r ? 134v","Girum celi circuiui sola ecclesiastici 24","vniuersam creaturam a seculo usque in seculum . Quod howysson . Expliciunt questiones super 12 libros methaphisice compilate a fratre Anthonio ordinis minorum prouincie Arrogonie scripte a. d. moccccolxvto quod howysson de wygenhale Bachall. In Artibus","Latin",,"","f. 2r: Notes in Howysson?s hand; ?De cognicio? ; f. 135r ? 136v: 'Tabule questionum 12 librorum methaphisice'; ff. 137r ? 142v blank.","John Howysson. Script: Cursive secretary (some instances of anglicana ). Reasonably written, but quite cramped, especially as lines are not ruled.","CJ" 105,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 369/591","STC 6458","2","questiones moralis philosophie dedaci","143r ? 229r","","ex virtute operantibus . Quod premium nobilis concedat qui sine fine uiuit et regnat . A M E N . Explicit questiones moralis philosophie dedaci scripte Cantabrigie in hospicio S. Edmundi Regis viz harlyston de Wygenhale in Comitatu Norff. anno domini mo","Latin",,"","ff. 229v ? 233r: 'Tabula super librum istum'. Ends with ?Explicit per M. J. Howysson?. There are 4 notes on f. 233v, also in Howysson?s hand.","John Howysson: Script: Cursive secretary (some instances of anglicana ). Reasonably written, but quite cramped, especially as lines are not ruled.","CJ" 106,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 1280","3f","","p. 68","I am sory for her sake","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 107,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 1330","9a","","p. 210","Y louede a child of this cuntre","","English",,"","","Possibly the same as the 1st hand; neater, better spaced anglicana, with finer strokes and a generally more elegant aspect.","NIMEV" 108,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 1849","3b","","p. 41","Ladd Y the daunce a Myssomur Day","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 109,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 1892","3e","","pp. 68-9","Herkenud lordinges grate & smale/ yt wol 3ee telle a wonder tale/ How holy church was brout in bale","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 110,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 2109","9b","","p. 210","Mari milde haž boren a chylde/ crist lyž in cradul bonde","","English",,"","Fragmentary.","Possibly the same as the 1st hand; neater, better spaced anglicana, with finer strokes and a generally more elegant aspect.","NIMEV" 111,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 2185","9c","","p. 210","Myn owne dere ladi fair and fre/ Y pray yow in herte","","English",,"","","Possibly the same as the 1st hand; neater, better spaced anglicana, with finer strokes and a generally more elegant aspect.","NIMEV" 112,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 225","3d","","p.41","All this day ic han sought /Spyndul ne werne ne wond Y nought","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 113,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 236","3g","Virgo rosa uirginum . tuum precare filium","p.68","Alle 3e mouwen of ioye synge/Fro heuene ys come god tyžyng/ Mary mylde žt gode žyng/ Iam concepit filium","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 114,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 266.3","3a","Alone y lyue alone?","p. 41","Alone y lyue alone","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 115,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 190","8a","","p. 190","Sume men sayon žat y am blak","","English",,"",,"","NIMEV" 116,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 3971","3c","","p. 41","Wan ic wente byyonde the see / Riche man for te bee","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 117,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","IMEV 521.5","9d","","p. 210","Bryd on brere y telle yt to non o žer y ne dare","","English",,"","","Possibly the same as the 1st hand; neater, better spaced anglicana, with finer strokes and a generally more elegant aspect.","NIMEV" 118,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3004","1","","p. 1","(very faded: the following sentences occur: monvoya par Will Parker ? ieo estoy si longement en spayne que ieo oblia moun latyn)","See incipit. English phrases about ¾ of the way down the page ?Iuge že ryt betwene ? so trewe loue haž me lered ??","French","English","","","","CJ" 119,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3005","2","","pp. 2-5","?on touz man?er filials obeisaunc3 vre?","Trop aligu pum aligu multum","French",,"","Includes an obligation dated 41 Edw. III, between 'Thomas de Hatton marchand de couentr?' and Robert de Burton etc. mercers. P. 4: ?certeyn parole a Tadmerton a la ostel de Joh. Fayel?; p. 5: 'A tres reuerent piere en dieu et treshonorable Seigneur Chaunceler'.","","CJ" 120,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3006","3","","pp. 6-45,etc, 162 ? 189","Pro quet? aue mati que liberat a dolor? ? Dextra sex sentos exactos colige testes/ Cum turpe facis aliquo spectante rubescis/ Cur spectante deo magis inde rubes","","Latin",,"","Grammatical notes throughout the book, inc. 'De Regimine Casuum' etc.","","CJ" 121,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3007","4","","pp. 45- 54","Treso ueram a c?ffiable amy","","French","Latin","","In the first letter it is said that ?le porteur de cestes est seneschal de nostre hostiel et est apellee sire Walter trimenel luy quel monsieur ad done dedeynz ses XII simaignes lesglise de Lyd3erd Trego3 qui vaut xi. li. par an?.","","CJ" 122,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3008","5","","pp. 55 ? 68","P vnu sit vulnus set se nascita",,"Latin",,"","","","CJ" 123,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3009","7","","pp. 71 ? 100","","","Latin",,"","Very scribbled notes; mostly upside-down; illegible in many places. Seems to have been a separate notebook.","Different hand from the rest of this MS.","CJ" 124,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3010","8","","pp. 101 ? 120","In medio duum animalium . duum ponitur pro duorum",,"Latin",,"","p. 119: 'Nomen scriptoris Johannes plenus amoris' and other tags.","Possibly the same as the 1st hand; neater, better spaced anglicana, with finer strokes and a generally more elegant aspect.","CJ" 125,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3011","9","","pp. 121-125, 193 - 211","Salus & bon amoa Tresch","vous gard corps & alme etc.","French",,"","Various jottings on the bottom of 125 and on p. 126; p. 207: Grammatical verses; p. 210 English songs.","Possibly the same as the 1st hand; neater, better spaced anglicana, with finer strokes and a generally more elegant aspect.","CJ" 126,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3012","10","modus faciendi cartas obligaciones aquietancias secundum usum modernum","pp. 127 ? 161","Qvia emptores terrarum & tenemenciarum","apposui hijs test? Dat apud Oxon? vo die marcij . Explicit modus faciendi cartas obligaciones aquietancias secundum usum modernum etc. Amen","Latin",,"","p. 149 (top) 'Wymundus London dominus Bondon exemit gladium suum'.","Possibly the same as the 1st hand; neater, better spaced anglicana, with finer strokes and a generally more elegant aspect.","CJ" 127,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3013","11","","pp. 162 ? 189","","","Latin","English","","p. 190: Poems in English ?Sume men sayoun? and ?Wynd & water?; p. 191: Letters and instruments in French.","Possibly the same as the 1st hand; neater, better spaced anglicana, with finer strokes and a generally more elegant aspect.","CJ" 128,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","UMP 3014","12","","pp. 212 ? 216","","","French",,"",,"Possibly the same as the 1st hand; neater, better spaced anglicana, with finer strokes and a generally more elegant aspect.","CJ" 129,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 390/610","IPMEP 465","1","Tretis of the vij poyntes of trew loue and euerlastyng wisdome drawyn oute of the boke that ys writtyn in latyn and callyd Orologium sapiencie","1r ? 56v","My moste worschipfull [??.] žone hys [??] worthyness[?.] (leaf badly damaged at the bottom and outer edge].","Thus endeth the tretees of the vij poyntes of trew loue and euerlastyng wisdome drawen oute of the boke that is called Orologium sapiencie . Eterna sapiencia benedicat & custodiat corda & corpora nostra amen","English",,"","Bottom of first leaf lost. Preceded by a table of contents: 'Thies bene the chapiters of this tretis of the vij poyntes of trew loue and euerlestyng wy[ ]dome drawyn oute of the boke that ys writtyn in latyn and callyd orologium sapiencie'.","Secretary, quite well written. Anglicana features in the rubrics.","IMEP 17" 130,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 390/610","IPMEP 28","2","the lyfe and martirdom of seynt kateryne virgyn & martir","56v ? 82v","Here bygynneth the prologe made vpon the lyfe and martirdom of seynt kateryne virgyn & martir sent bi a discrete maister vnto the kyng henry the vte made vnto the honoure and worship of the saide virgine an preysyng of hir :","and the maiden folowed hym long (imperfect ? catchword: wt the biholdyng)","English",,"","Ends imperfectly at chapter 24.","Secretary, quite well written. Anglicana features in the rubrics.","IMEP 17" 132,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 510/388","Fauser 33","1","","1r ? 156v","[P]tolomeus in almagesto Disciplina hominis sui intellectus socius est","f. 156 is badly damaged. Part of the colophon remains: [Magist]ri Alberti super ethica liber decimus","Latin",,"","Book 1. ff. 1r ? 17r; 2. ff. 17r ? 28r; 3. ff. 28r ? 43v; 4. ff. 43v ? 62v; 5. ff. 62v ? 81r; 6. ff. 81r ? 103r; 7. ff. 103r ? 117r; 8. ff. 118r ? 130r; 9. ff. 130r ? 140v; 10. ff. 140v ? 156v.","Two scribes: A. ff. 1r ? 110v; 118r ? 156v; B. ff. 111r ? 117r A. Very small neat early hand. Distinctive paraph marks (no descender, long horizontal stroke at the top). B. Smaller (shorter) hand than A. slightly more cursive; uses red/brown ink.","CJ" 133,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 669*/646","IMEP XVII (115:1)","1","","p.2","In this litylle boke conteyned žes bokys folwynges","","English",,"","","John Cok: bastard anglicana, reasonably well written ? a little untidy and slightly variable.","IMEP 17" 134,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 669*/646","IMEP XVII (115:2)","2","A good tretys žt Cardinale Bonauenture made of crystes passyone","pp. 3 ? 75","The tyme ney?3ing & comyng of že myseracions and mercyes of že lord","for he haž visited & made redempcion for his peple. žat reignež wiž že fader & že holi gost. bi alle wordle of wordlis . Amen","English",,"","Preceded by a Pater Noster on flyleaf, signed by John Cok, and a table of contents in the same hand.","John Cok: bastard anglicana, reasonably well written ? a little untidy and slightly variable.","IMEP 17" 138,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 669*/646","IPMEP 351","4","here endež že tretys of richarde hermyte of hampole žat is clepid amore langueo","pp. 148-209","Now her bigynnež anožer good tretys of richarde hampole","here endež že tretys of richarde hermyte of hampole žat is clepid amore langueo quod ix and iij","English",,"","Includes IMEV 2017.5 on fol. 183r and IMEV 4056 on fol. 189r.","John Cok: bastard anglicana, reasonably well written ? a little untidy and slightly variable.","IMEP 17" 139,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","IMEV 1501","19","Stans puer ad mensam","ff. 110v-114v","Stans puer ad mensam domini bona dogmata discas","he taught me this/ Grostede was is name","English","Latin","","","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 140,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","IMEV 2600","22","","f. 127v","O ye pepill of ierusalem beholde & se Ieremias","Lyft vp your heddis to your souerayne","English",,"","Only 3 stanzas preserved.","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 141,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","IMEV 2800","15","","98v-100r","Regina celi and Lady letare Lemyng lely & in place of lyght","to se thy trone and thy tresour","English","Latin","","","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 142,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","IMEV 3342","20","The first day of že mone","ff. 114v-120v","The first day of že mone","this sayd an astronemer","English",,"","","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 147,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","IMEV 717","24","","f. 128r","In .8. is all my loue","than .3. is good therefore","English",,"","","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 148,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","MWME 7 [XX]: 187","Added","Magna Carta de libertatibus mundi","7v-8r","Christ hath cancelled the writeinge of all mans dett","this was yeu at Caluerie the first day of great merrit","English","Latin","","Version B: Short Charter.","Added in c17th.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 149,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0516","1","","leaf ii","Ad noticiam tabularum kalendarii sequencium","quarum canones cum ipsis reperies suis locis et cetera. Explicit","Latin",,"",,"English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 150,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","VK 2720.00","11","","ff. 93v-94r","If thou will know in what sign and in what degree and of what sign evermore the moon is in","","English",,"","","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 152,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","VK 4942.00","7","For to make an egg.","89v-90v","For to make an egg. may be drawe thorgh a golde ryng","žou may wryte fayre syluer/ and pulshyd with a toth drye","English",,"","(ca. 16 recipes).","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 153,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","VK 565.00","5","","88v","A. An hoot wynter. A somer with tempestes","habundaunce of hony, cheryte shall be lyght","English",,"","","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 154,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","VK 6043.00","6","here folowith the vertues of the Edder skyn","f. 89-89v","here folowith the vertues of the Edder skyn","adder byte hym nother do to hym noo harme","English",,"","","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 155,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","VK 6891.00","9","The condycyons that be in man","91r","The lyuer maketh a man to loue","Loue cometh fro the splene","English",,"","","One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 156,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","VK 7484.00","4","","87v","This teacheth Galen the good leech to all manner of men",".2. dayes ther ben of peryll. that is the . 16. and the .17.","Latin",,"",,"One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 157,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0001","7","","leaves iii-vi","","","Latin",,"","Leaf iii: January, February, March; leaf iv: April, May, June; leaf v: July, August, September; leaf vi: October, November, December. Each leaf is endorsed with the names of three of the months. On each the first month occupies half the recto and the two others the verso. Each month has the feasts etc. in central columns containing tables of conjunctions, cycles, position of the sun and of the planets. Northern and particularly Durham saints appear to be prominent.","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 158,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0511","1","","leaf ia","Bellum de Oterborn commissum fuit die mercurii in festo S. Oswaldi anno domini 1338","Coronacio henrici 5ti Anno 1413","Latin",,"","","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 159,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","TK 5","2","","leaf ib","A terra usque ad lunam sunt triginta tria","Sunt itaque a terra usque as celum mill' c. mill' ix milia et 3. c.75 miliaria","Latin",,"","","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 160,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0513","3","","leaf ib","","","Latin",,"","","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 161,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0514","4","","leaf ib","In Anglia sunt ecclesie paroch. 45m1","de quibus in manu religiosorum sunt 25m 1. 15","Latin",,"","","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 162,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0515","5","","leaf ii","Canon cum tabula festorum mobilium","quarum canones cum ipsis reperies suis locis et cetera. Explicit.","Latin",,"","","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 163,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0517","6","(a) Tabula docens legere algorisimum per numerum latinum (b) Tabula docens pro .140. annis ab anno domini 1367","leaf ii","","","Latin",,"","","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 164,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","TK 129","8","Tabula planetarum cum canone. Tabula lune. Imago signorum","leaf vii","Aries cave ab inscisione in capite","Pisces. Cave ne inscindaris in pedibus","Latin",,"","The outside of the leaf bears a text: 'quod libet immediate sequuntur? a terreis discernuntur'. The inside of the leaf bears a wide male human form within an arrow-shaped frame, illustrating the influence of the zodiacal signs upon various parts of the human body.","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 165,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0519","9","","leaf viii","","","Latin",,"","Includes diagram for the years 1429-1462 on half outside leaf and whole of inside of leaf. The captions underneath the diagrams on the inside leaf read: 'Prima pars dicit quantum eclipsabitur de diametro corporis. Secunda enarrat tempus casus. Tercia dicit dimidium more. Quarta duracionem totalem eclipsis in tempore'.","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 166,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","TK 875","10","Tabula pro fleobotomia","leaf ix","Minucio fit alia per methatesim alia per antipasim","digito postea subtracto subito cum impetu exit sanguis. Amen. Explicit","Latin",,"",,"English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 167,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0521","11","","leaf ix (inner)","","","Latin",,"","Diagram on the lower half of inner side. A naked man with red lines proceeding from veins in his body to 20 medallions arranged around him, each of which bears a legend.","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 168,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","UMP 0522","12","","leaf x","","","Latin",,"","Outer side blank. Inside, circular table illustrating urine, with 20 flasks, each filled with a different coloured urine and accompanied by an explanatory text headed in a central roundel.","English gothic textura bookhand, semi-quadrata. All numerals arabic.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" 169,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 100","3","","pp. 53-88","A Thowsand tymes have herd telle","And thow wer not fals to oon bot žow wer fals to twoo","English",,"","lacks vv. 706-76; ends v. 1377.","Scribe B: conventional secretary, with thorn written in a form distinct from 'y' and no yogh. For the common mark of abbreviation Scribe B uses a crescent over a dot.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 171,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 1507","1","","pp. 1-17","[I]n may quhen flora the fresche lusty quene","Recure to fynd of my aduersite. Explicit.","English",,"","","Scribe A wrote a small mixed hand, predominantly secretary, but with some anglicana forms, such as the reverse 'e', eight-shaped 'g', and long 'r'. The letter 'y' is used to represent both 'y' and yogh. This scribe writes 'quh' in words now spelt 'wh'.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 172,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 239","4","Pryer A nostre Dame ----- par Chaucer","p.88-90","Almyghty and almerciable quene","Of mercy put that in his remembraunce","English",,"","The text breaks off after line 59; the additional line (see. Expl) is spurious.","Scribe B: conventional secretary, with thorn written in a form distinct from 'y' and no yogh.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 173,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 3412","9","The parlament of foules","pp. 127-142","[T]he lif so short the craft so long to lurne - [Inc]","To euery fowle nature yaf his make","English",,"","Ends at st. 96. This copy breaks off after line 667, at the foot of the page; the full text runs to 699 lines.","Scribe B: conventional secretary, with thorn written in a form distinct from 'y' and no yogh.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 174,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 3542","7","Complyent of Venus","pp. 122-124","there nys so hye confort to my plesaunce","Of Graunson floure of hem that make in fraunce. Explicit","English",,"","Item 7 was copied as if it were continous with the preceding item. The hand of pp. 392-394 has added 'Complyent of Venus' to the left of the first line.","Scribe B: conventional secretary, with thorn written in a form distinct from 'y' and no yogh wrote.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 175,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 3625","12","Lenvoie","p. 209","Lenvoie [Heading] This litill prose declareth in figure [Inc]","Of Pompeie and Sesar Julius","English",,"","","Scribe B: conventional secretary, with thorn written in a form distinct from 'y' and no yogh.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 176,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 3661","8","Pleyntyf encountre fortune, etc.","pp. 124-126","This wreched worldes transmutacion","That to some beter astat he may atteyn. Explicit","English",,"","Printed from this MS by Furnivall 1880, pp. 168-70.","Scribe B: conventional secretary, with thorn written in a form distinct from 'y' and no yogh. For the common mark of abbreviation Scribe B uses a crescent over a dot.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 177,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 3670","21","The Compleint of Anelida quene of Hermenye vpon false Arcite of Thebes","pp. 382-384","So thirleth wyth the Point of Remenbraunce","All myghthi god of trouth soueryen","English",,"","Complaint only - 17 8-line stanzas.","Scribe E: anglicana, with bastard anglicana headings, including a distinctive elaborate 'w'; thorn appears in the form distinct from 'y', but yogh is not used.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 178,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 3747","23","Lenuoie de Chaucer --- A Scogan","pp. 385-386","To Broken ben the Statutz hye in heuen","Fare well and loke žou neuer eft loue defye","English",,"","","Scribe E: anglicana, with bastard anglicana headings, including a distinctive elaborate 'w'; thorn appears in the form distinct from 'y', but yogh is not used.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 179,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 3787","25","La Compleint de chaucer A sa Bourse Voide","pp. 388-389","To yow my purs and to non ožer wight","Haue mynde on my Supplicacyon","English",,"","","Scribe E: anglicana, with bastard anglicana headings, including a distinctive elaborate 'w'; thorn appears in the form distinct from 'y', but yogh is not used.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 180,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 3955","13","","pp. 211-212","[W]han I aduertyse my remembraunce","Doth as he seith wylle alle your hole entente. Explicit","English",,"","Latin lemmata in a column to the right of the English text. 'Incipit Cato' has been added by another hand above line 1.","Scribe B: conventional secretary, with thorn written in a form distinct from 'y' and no yogh. For the common mark of abbreviation Scribe B uses a crescent over a dot.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 181,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 4019","16","the Prologe of the Persones tale","pp. 276-278","Here bygynneth the Prologe of the Persones tale (Heading) By that the Maunciple hadde his tale alle ended (Inc.)","And to do welle god sende yow his grace. Explicit prohemium","English",,"","Only the Prologue to the Parson's Tale.","Scribe D: practised bastard secretary of legal aspect, with distinct separation of the minims, and few ligatures; yogh appears not to be used, and thorn is employed only very infrequently.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 182,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 4282","27","","pp. 390-391","Yowr' two yen wolll sle me sodenly","Syn I fro loue etc. Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe E - a large, well formed bastard hand combining elements of anglicana and secretary. Certain graphs are written consistently in anglicana forms: e.g. 'a' 'g' and the very elaborate 'w'; both long anglicana 'r' and the short secretary graph appear. ","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 183,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 809","26","Le bon' Counsell - de Chaucer","pp. 389-390","Fle fro the pres and dwelle with sothfastnesse","And trouth the shall delyuer it is no drede. Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe E - a large, well formed bastard hand combining elements of anglicana and secretary. Certain graphs are written consistently in anglicana forms: e.g. 'a' 'g' and the very elaborate 'w'; both long anglicana 'r' and the short secretary graph appear. ","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 184,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 851","2","","pp. 17-52","[F]or thought constrent and grewous heuynes","Now goo thy wey and put the in hir grace Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe A until p. 44 and then scribe B. See other items for descriptions of hands.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 185,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 854","14","","p. 213-224","[S]I deus est animus nobis vt carmina dicunt","Wheche tellyth alle men in her propre qualite","English",,"","Ends imperfectly at line 360.","Scribe B - a small, well formed secretary hand. There are few calligraphic features, the most notable being the addition of a hairline descender to the stem of '2' shaped 'r' and to the final stroke of 'h'.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 186,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 913","6","The Compleynt of Mars","pp. 115-122,","[g]ladeth the fowlis of this morow grey","Kytheth žer fore on hir som kyndenesse","English",,"","Imperfect.","Scribe B - a small, well formed secretary hand. There are few calligraphic features, the most notable being the addition of a hairline descender to the stem of '2' shaped 'r' and to the final stroke of 'h'.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 187,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 991","5","","pp. 91-114","[G]od turne vs euery drem to gode","I am that ilk shrew I wys","English",,"","Ends v. 1843.","Scribe B: conventional secretary, with thorn written in a form distinct from 'y' and no yogh. For the common mark of abbreviation Scribe B uses a crescent over a dot.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 188,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IPMEP 18","15","Chaucers tale of melibee/Chauceres owne tale of Thopas and of Melibee and Prudence his wyfe","pp. 225-275","Here begynneth Chaucers tale of melibee. [Inc]: A yong man called Melibeus myghty and ryche","and bryng vs to the blesse žat neuer hath ende. Here endeth Chauceres owne tale of Thopas and of Melibee and Prudence his wyfe","English",,"","This MS is the only know MS where the prose material in the Canterbury Tales has all been excerpted together. The explicit here is the only evidence that the manuscript might have included Sir Thopas.","Scribe D: practised bastard secretary of legal aspect, with distinct separation of the minims, and few ligatures; yogh appears not to be used, and thorn is employed only very infrequently.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 189,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IPMEP 290","10","vite et Translacionum Trium regum","pp. 143-189","[S]yth of these thre worschypfull kynges alle že world","seintes sitten and regnen Crist Ihesus bryng vs alle","English",,"","Prose. The scribe erroneously inserted 'Explicit vite et Translacionum Trium regum' at a break in the text on p. 183, giving the impression that the 'Letter of Prester John' (usually found as part of the main text) is a separate piece.","Scribe B: conventional secretary, with thorn written in a form distinct from 'y' and no yogh. For the common mark of abbreviation Scribe B uses a crescent over a dot.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 190,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IPMEP 482","18","","p. 337","Now pray I to žem all that herkenen this litell","of hem at the day of Dome that shulbe saued. Deo Gracias","English",,"","","pp. 279-346: Scribe D: practised bastard secretary of legal aspect, with distinct separation of the minims, and few ligatures; yogh appears not to be used, and thorn is employed only very infrequently; pp. 346-376: Scribe E: anglicana, with bastard anglicana headings.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 191,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IPMEP 529","17","Jer. 6. State super vias et videte? animabus vestris etc.","pp. 279-376","Owre swete Lorde god of heuen that noo man","expl. the lyffe by deth and mortificacion of synne. Explicit de Satisfactione Here taketh the maker his lyeue Omne promissum est Debitum","English","Latin","","","Scribe D: practised bastard secretary of legal aspect, with distinct separation of the minims, and few ligatures; yogh appears not to be used, and thorn is employed only very infrequently.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 192,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IPMEP 835","11","","pp. 191-209","[W]Hilom as olde bokes maken mencion","after my lytill konnyng to put in remebraunce. Explicit quod J. de. B.","English",,"","","Scribe B - a small, well formed secretary hand. There are few calligraphic features, the most notable being the addition of a hairline descender to the stem of '2' shaped 'r' and to the final stroke of 'h'.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 193,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2030","IMEV 1540","3","","ff. 19r-132v","Late not thy tonge clak as a mylle","and thou touche pyche it clevyth stylle","English",,"","Stanzas 1-7 wanting, not quite complete at the end.","One scribe, using a secretary hand with marked tapering shafts and a slight forward slope.","Pepys Cat: 46-48" 194,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2030","IMEV 1591","1","","ff. 1r-17v","My synfull wekys bothe more and lesse","And devoutely cry and crave/ Ne reminiscaris domine","English","Latin","","Begins at v. 7 of stanza 7; lacks stanzas 121-4.","One scribe, using a secretary hand with marked tapering shafts and a slight forward slope.","Pepys Cat: 46-48" 195,"Cambridge Pembroke College 146","UMP 0407","1","","1r-98r","Nemo cum prophetas u?sibus uiderit","ineffabili pena","Latin",,"","f. 98v blank. Interlinear and marginal glosses have also been added, perhaps in another hand?","Main text in large formal gothic hand, quite curved. Gloss in smaller cursive script. Well written.","CJ" 196,"Cambridge Pembroke College 146","UMP 0408","2","","99r ? 221v","Ieremias propheta cui hic prologus scribitur . sermone quidem","nec penitencie nec uenie locus erit . Explicit Jeremias propheta","Latin",,"","","Main text in large formal gothic hand, quite curved. Gloss in smaller cursive script. Well written.","CJ" 197,"Cambridge Peterhouse College 209","TK 1022","2","liber de ascensionibus Nubium","112r ? 114","[O]stendere quid sit crepusculum & que causa nature faciens eius apparicionem","& perueniunt vapores ascendentes ex terra & illud est quia volimus (sic) . Explicit liber de ascensionibus Nubium","Latin",,"","","Cursive anglicana, narrower nib than other stints in this MS.","CJ" 198,"Cambridge Peterhouse College 209","TK 803","1","","1r ? 111v","Inuenimus uisum quando inspexerit luces ualde fortes fortiter dolebit ex eis","hunc tractatum qui est finis libri deo gracias","Latin",,"","In 7 books.",,"CJ" 199,"Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (I)","Glorieux Rep. 322a","1","Tractatus Commune Eloquium quem composuit frater Joh. Waleys Wallicus ordinis minorum","1r ? 79r",,,"Latin",,"","In 7 parts. 79v blank.","Very cursive anglicana. Upper lobe of above the line of other letters, ascender very looped.","CJ" 200,"Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (II)","PL 157: 671-706","1","","1r (?79r?) ? 13v (?91v?)","Dixit Petrus alfunsus seruus Christi Ihesu compositor huius libri gratias ago deo","In aula celesti . p?stante eodem domino nostro ihesu christo cui honor & gloria . cum patre & spiritu sancto .p in finita seculorum secula Amen.","Latin",,"","f. 14 is blank; on the verso is 'Petri Amphursi de prudentia mulierum'. End of main text followed by a short note beg. ?Lucifer exorit? de stella?.","Quire I: Neat gothic hand. unlooped, some forked ascenders. Degenerates as text progresses. Quire II: Slightly more cursive gothic hand, slightly looped, occasional 8-shaped .","CJ" 201,"Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (III)","Gundermann 1888","1","","1r (?109r?) ? 25r (?132r?)","Capitula: Species eorum que instruunt ducem [Text:] M. Porcius Cato deuictas a se hispanie ciuitates","ad petendam amictiam romanorum compelleret pirrum","Latin",,"","Lacks prohemium. In three books. The verso of the last leaf is attached to the cover.","","CJ" 203,"Cambridge St John's College A.12 (I)","RS 41","1","","1r ? 220r (?218?r)","In historico namaque contextu","scocia concordiam ecclesia libertatem. Et hic finis","Latin",,"","This copy was used for the Rolls Series edition by Babington.","John Lutton. Script: Thick anglicana formata ? broad nibbed pen, short ascenders and descenders.","St. John's Cat" 204,"Cambridge St John's College A.12 (I)","UMP 0409","2","","220r (?218?r) ? 232r","Aaron to Uxor","Dignus est operarius mercede sua. Amen dico tibi quia benefecisti bene habebis. Amice non faciam tibi iniuriam. tolle quod tuum est et uade.","Latin",,"","f. 220r. Note added in s.xiv/xv? hand at the bottom of the page on ?Affrica?. F. 232v blank.","John Lutton. Script: Thick anglicana formata ? broad nibbed pen, short ascenders and descenders.","St. John's Cat" 206,"Cambridge St John's College B.21","Kaepelli 3987","1","speculum hystorie fratris uincenti","1r ? 271v","Incipit speculum hystorie fratris uincenti . apologia tocius operis / I. De causa susceptiopis eius macria . Quoniam multido librorum","opifices diffigiunt. Expl. Primum volumen.","Latin",,"",,"Very clear; black ink ? continental, probably French.","CJ; St. John's Cat" 207,"Cambridge St John's College D.5","IMEV 3428","1","ye tretice yat es cald ye key of knowyng","1r ? 118v","[The] myghte of [?..] / [The] wysdom of [?..] / And ye godnes of ye b[..]","To whilke place he vs bryng / yat for vs vouched saue on rode to hyng. / Explicit tractatus qui dicitur consciencie stimulus /hereendes ye tretice yat es cald ye key of knowyng","English",,"","First few leaves very damaged and hard to read. Northern version of the text.","Script: Starts in rather an odd jerky anglicana formata, but turns into a cursive anglicana with some secretary influence - still has anglicana and .","CJ" 208,"Cambridge St John's College D.5","UMP 0410","2","","118v ? 120v","These articules byth off Enquest ffor the kyng & the cite shall be charged for to enquier in the wardmože","as good trew men ye shalt bere yow so gold help yow and holydom.","English",,"","Include: 118v: 'Articulus touchyng the good rule kepyng and honeste of the Citie of london'; f. 119r: 'Articulus touchyng že ry3th and comen profite of že Citie'; f. 119v: 'Articulus touchyng oppressorys and ožer deffaunters'; f. 120r: 'Articulus ayenst pepyll ffor fier'; f. 120v: 'The oth for them that shall be put under franke plegge'.","Secretary influenced anglicana ? very variable.","CJ" 211,"Cambridge St John's College I.11","Trethewey 1939","3","Ici comence la petite philosophie","152 (127) ? 169 (144)","Li sages ki iadis esteient/ De moult grant sen sentremetteient","U li beneiz serront sanz nul degrez/ Treis en persones et un en maiestez","Anglo-Norman",,"",,"Double columns of 39 lines","St. John's Cat" 212,"Cambridge St John's College I.19","UMP 0411","1","","1r ? 28v","Carta est quoddam scriptum sigillatum de re inmobili cum condicione uel sine condicione","sic non curatur an uocetur tenementum uel mesuagium . Explicit.","Latin",,"","On Sampson, the author, see BRUO 1636. Consists of regulae or formulae mainly. Most of the charters are made out in the name or with the initials of 'Thomas Sampson dominus de Wynton'. The monastic formulae refer to the monastery of O (Oseney?), the episcopal to the Bishop of Worcester.","?Glyn? (f. 28v) Script: Secretary, but retains a number of anglicana features, such as . Has secretary and . Neat small hand, clearly written. Brown ink. Anglicana formata/bastard used for section headings.","CJ" 213,"Cambridge Trinity College B.11.11","UMP 0001","1","","1r ? 6v","KL Prima dies mensis","Nox habet horas xviii dies uero .vi.","Latin",,"","Some additions to the calendar by the scribe in lighter ink. Some erasures. Added saints: SS David and Chad; S. Richard; S. John of Beverley; Transl. S. Edmund (Archbp); Transl. S. Richard; S. Sampson; S. Wenefred; S. Hugh.","Very neat anglicana formata ? quite ornate; lots of broken strokes.","CJ" 214,"Cambridge Trinity College B.11.11","UMP 0412","2","","7r ? 349r",,,"Latin",,"","f. 7r: 'Benedictio aque et salis'; f. 8v: 'Proprium de tempore'; f. 233r: 'Proprium sanctorum'; f. 301v: 'Commune sanctorum'; f. 320v: 'Ordinacio Misse cotidiane' etc. A rubric is erased on f. 348v.","Very neat anglicana formata ? quite ornate; lots of broken strokes - slightly larger than the calendar.","CJ" 215,"Cambridge Trinity College B.11.11","UMP 0413","3","","359r ? 363r","In die visitationis beate Marie . Gaudeamus omnis in dominis","intentione pro moneant","Latin",,"","Contains: 'In die visitationes B. Marie';' Transfiguratio domini'; 'Missa de nomine Ihesu'.","Anglicana formata ? attempts to be formal, but very variable in size and skill of execution. Different from the main hand in this MS.","CJ" 216,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.10","Horae Ebor: 176-177/14","2","","ff. 7-14v","Hic incipit matutine de passione domini","","Latin",,"",,"","Trinity Cam. Cat." 217,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.10","Missale Ebor: i. xxx-xli","1","","ff. 1-6v","dominica",,"Latin",,"","","Anglicana","Trinity Cam. Cat." 218,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.10","RH 9272","3","","ff. 15-136","Incipit liber ympnorum uel soliloquiorum dauid regis et prophete de Christo. psalmus dauid","","Latin",,"","","","Trinity Cam. Cat." 219,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (110:5)","5","","2r ? 6r","Capitulo primo . The shereffhod of london and middilsex leten to ferme to the cite3eyns of london for ccc pounds","that the maire from that tyme to come be nat compelled to make any other oth than in tyme of the kyng Edward the . iii . was wont to be don","English",,"","The charter itself begins on f. 26r. The headings of 106 chapters are given, with bottom half of 6r, all of 6v, 6ar and 6av left for additional chapter headings or additional contents of the volume.","Principal or main hand that of a London scribe of the reign of Edw. IV, who is also the principal hand of TCC R.14.52 and second hand of R.3.21. Cursive secretary hand.","IMEP 11" 220,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (110: 6)","6","tretice of chaunge of money","7r ? 25r","Whan the highest god divided folkes whan he departed the sones of adam","he be nat seen freely and voluntarily to condempne that may nat lightly be impugned etc. Here endith the tretice of chaunge of money","Latin",,"","Apparently unique translation. In 26 chapters. Marginal notes give names of authorities cited in the text.","Principal or main hand that of a London scribe of the reign of Edw. IV, who is also the principal hand of TCC R.14.52 and second hand of R.3.21. Cursive secretary hand.","IMEP 11" 221,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (110:3)","3","","1v","To sum it semyth that any king or prince of his owne auctorite may of right or privelage chaunge freely the money rennyng in his realme","aboute to finde that to princis and their subgettis žat in al thyng most rathest to the publique and comune weele may profite in tyme comyng","English",,"","Preface only.","Principal or main hand that of a London scribe of the reign of Edw. IV, who is also the principal hand of TCC R.14.52 and second hand of R.3.21. Cursive secretary hand.","IMEP 11" 222,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","IMEV 1263","5","","21r","Thynk we on our endyng I rede I rede I rede . thynk we on our endyng I rede or we / how schold I bot I thogth on myn endyng day","Swylk on fynd I non . Thynk we etc.","English",,"","","","CJ" 223,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 100","22","here begynneth the Boke called the legend of ladyes","114r-150v","A thousand tymes haue I herd men tell.","Thys tale ys sayde for thys conclusyoun . Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 224,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 1086","19","La bell dame saunce mercy","98r-108v","Halfe in a dreme not fully well awakyd","I pray god sende hem bettyr auenture. Expl. labelle dame saunce mercy.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 226,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 1172.5","41","","208v","He that wyll in Eschepe ete a goose so fat","Be the nyght neuer so long","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 227,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 1238","28","","159v","Honour and Ioy helthe and prosperyte","Wtout your comfort but mercylese to dy . Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 228,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 1300","31","Explicit the dyscryuyng of a fayre lady.","205r-v","I haue a lady where so she be","ffor were she wele of me I dyd no cure. Explicit the dyscryuyng of a fayre lady.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 229,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 1528","16","Here begynneth the Boke called Assemble de Damys","55r-65v","In Septembre at the fallyng of the leef","Rede well my dreme for now my tale ys doon. Here endeth the book of the Assemble de Damys","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 230,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 1562","30","","160r","In the season of Feuerere when hit was full colde","Graunt euery trew louere to haue ioy of his . Explicit.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 231,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 1592","3","","2v-3r","(I)n womanhede as auctours all wryte","Byn euer redy to helpe hem and releue . Explicit","English",,"","With one added stanza.","Scribe A","CN" 232,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 1838","31","","160v","Lady of pite for žy sorowes žt žu haddest","yet wold I submyt me in your remembraunce . Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 233,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 190.5","5","","3v-4r","All lust and lykyng I begyn to lede [leue]","and lete pyte comfort your daungerernesse","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 234,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 1944","39","","207r-v","Loke well about ye that louers be","Beware therfore the blynde eteth many a fly. Explicit.","English",,"",,"Scribe A","CN" 235,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2128","11","","25r","Master Geffray Chausers that now lyth in graue","In to englyssh tong thorow hys excellence . Explicit.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 236,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2148","40","","208r-v","Men may leue all gamys","aman were as good to be dede","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 238,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2311","26","","157r-v","Now fresshe floure to me that ys so bryght","my soule to god standeth in dyspeyre . Lothe to offende.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 239,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2384.8","2","","2r-v","O beauteous braunche floure of formosyte","me in youre presence hastyly he bryng . amen.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 240,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2464","34","","162r-169r","The yeres past of my tendyr youthe","Thys lytyll dyte thys compilacioun","English",,"","Parts 2, 3 and 4.","Scribe A","CN" 241,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2478.5","6","","4r-6v","O lady myne to whom thys boke I sende","But yef your womanhede rewarde my trew seruice . Explicit.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 242,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2510","32","","161r-v","O merciful and o mercyable","God graunte hys blysse in heuen to haue a place . Amen","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 243,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2524","37","","205v-206r","O Mosy Quince hangyng by youre stalke","Of all wemen I loue yow best a thowsand tymes fy . Explicit.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 244,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2541","27","Bicorn and Chichevache, by Lydgate","157v-159r","O prudent folkes takež heed","lynked in a double chayne. Explicuit Balades of Bycorn and Chicheuache [compylyd by John ludgate monke of berye at the request of a worthye syttesyne of london to be paynted in a perler","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 245,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2588.5","4","","3v","O ye all that ben or haue byn in dyssease","Euery trew louer to sle and to deuoure","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 246,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2624","15","Of the iiij complexions","52v-53r","Sanguineus. Natura pingues isti sunt atque jocantes.","Thou shalt hym knowe bi visage pale &d wan. Explicit iiij complexions.","English",,"","","Scribe B","CN" 247,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2625","38","","206r-207r","Of god and kynde procedeth all Beawte","By example of hyr your hornys to cast away . Explicit.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 248,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2661","25","","156v","Of theyre nature they gretly theym delyte","Wretyn in the lusty season of may . Explicit.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 249,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 267","29","","160r","Alone walking / In thought pleynyng","doth me auaunce","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 250,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2756","23","Here endeth the exclamacioun of the Deth of Pyte","151r-152v","Pyte that I haue sought so yore ago","Wt hert sore and full of besy payn. Here endeth the exclamacioun of the Deth of Pyte","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 251,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2767","21","The ix ladyes worthy","110v-111r","Prefulgent in precyousness o Synope the quene","Ouercame and venquysshed theym in batayle. Explicit the baladys of the ix worthyes of ladyes","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 252,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 2784","8","The tale of že byrde and the chorle of thre notable & gret wysdoms groundyd vppon these ij verses followyng that ys to wete","9r-11v","Problems of olde lykenes & figures / whyche are prouyd fructuos of sentence","Wt supportacion of your benygnyte . Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 253,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 3197","33","","161v","Son of Priamus Gentyll paris of Troy","yeue hit me I am to haue hit able . Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 254,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 3258","12","","26r-40v","[T]ancret that was prynce of Salern","Graunt these louers wy, and thus endeth my tale. Explicit","English",,"","vv. 1050.","Scribe A","CN" 255,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 3412","10","Here foloweth the parlement of Byrdes reducyd to loue","17r-25r","[S]o short že lyfe že craft so longe to lerne","The bet and thus to rede I wyll nat spare","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 256,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 3493","17","","67r","The vnware woo that commenth on gladnesse","Better ys to dy then lyue in suche penaunce","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 257,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 3502","43","","209v-211r","The wyseman sayd vnto hys sonne","To day a man to morow noone. Explicit","English",,"",,"Scribe A","CN" 258,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 3761","24","the Craft of louers","154v-156r","Moralyse a similitude who lyst theyr balades few","and graunt hem thy Region and blysse celestiall. Explicit the Craft of louers","English",,"",,"Scribe A","CN" 259,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 3807","1","Festum Natalis Domini","1r-v","Tronos celorum Continens / Whos byrthe thys day reiterate","yef to your hyghnes hit myght be pleynyng . Explicit.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 260,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 3983","35","","170v-202r","Worshipfull and dyscrete that here present be","When humble requeste your yre may nat aswage","English",,"","Includes a prohemium (IMEV 4231).","Scribe A","CN" 261,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 4005","18","","68r-97v","Whan Phebus in the Crabbe had nere hys cours ronne","Graunt eternall ioy aftyr thy last sentence. Amen","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 262,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 4178","9","","12r-16r","Wisdom ys more in prise žen gold in cofers","Constreynyd byforce to apere afore a iuge","English",,"","Lines 1-546. Six fables only. Continued on ff. 236r-239v.","Scribe A","CN" 263,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 4205","45","","217r-234r","With tymeros hert and tremblyng hand of drede","And Venus yet I thanke I am alive","English",,"","","Scribe C","CN" 266,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 437","13","","41r-45v","At the ende of Somer when wynter began","lackyng volunte for theyr dew penaunce","English",,"",,"Scribe A","CN" 267,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 55","42","","209r-v","A knyght that ys as hardy as a lyon","of kyndly ryght may long endure. Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 268,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 590","20","The x Commaundments of loue","109r-110r","Certes fer extendeth yet my Reason","And call hym in to your Remembraunce. Explicit the x commandmentes of loue.","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 269,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 671","44","","211r-213r","The good wyfe taught hyr dowghtere","Her blessyng mot žu haue & well mot žu thryue. My leef Chylde. Amen. Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 270,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 71","46","Loo worshipfulle Sirs here after ffolleweth a gentylmanly Tretyse full convenyent for contemplatiff lovers to rede and vnderstond made by a noble clerke Peirs of ffulham sum tyme vssher of venus scole whiche hath brieflye compyled many praty conceytis in love vnder covert termes off ffysshyng and fowlyng","240r-245v","[A] man that lovith ffisshyng and fowlyng bothe.","In oure tonge callede Culrage. Explicit Peirs off ffulham.","English",,"","","Scribe D","CN" 271,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 928.5","7","","7r-8v","Go lytyl boke for dredefull ys thy message","Wtout your comfort I must nedys spyll","English",,"","","Scribe A","CN" 272,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","IMEV 935","14","the book of the secretes to alysaunder from aristotyll","49r-52r","A tretis of the iiij seasons of the yere that is to say ver, estas, authumnus, and yemps (copieyd by Iohn Lydgate as aperyth in the book of the secretes to alysaunder from aristotyll. What tyme the season of the yere","Dethe all consumythe whiche may not be denyed . Explicit","English",,"","Lines 1296-1491 only, On the Seasons.","Scribe B","CN" 274,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.2","IMEV 2662","1","","1r-147v","To whom the lordes doon homage / And after that of mariage","Wher restež loue and alle pes / Oure ioye may ben endelees. Explicit iste liber qui tanseat obseco liber Vt fine liuore vigeat litteris in ore Qui sedet in scannis celi det vt ista Johannis","English",,"","Begins imperfectly, at line 2686. B version.","","Trinity Cam. Cat" 275,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1019","II: 23","Letabundus","197v-201r","Ground take in vertu by patryarke olde","Thys new yere doth thereon remembraunce.Expl. Letabundus","English",,"","ff. 201v-204v blank.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 276,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1037","II: 34","","233r-v","Hayle blessyd lady the moder of cryst ihu","","English",,"","Repeated at f. 163.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 277,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1045","II: 52","Hic sequitur salutacio angelica per dictum dompnum Johannem Lydegate translata","274r-v","Hayle glorious lady & heuenly quene","And aftyr our endyng god send vs heuyn. Amen","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 278,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1056","II: 7","","162r-v","Hayle luminary & benigne lanterne","Where more ioy ys then tung may telle.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 279,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1152","II: 14","","169v","He that intendith in his hert to seke","","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 280,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1236","II: 43","","244v","Homo proponit. Oftymes in veyne","","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 281,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1294","II: 68","","296v-298","I counseyle the what so euer thow be","To hys plesaunce and other hys langage","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 282,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1439","II: 58","An exortacion deuoutly founde and groundyd of Auctoryte to excyte euery crystyn creature to worshyp euery drope of blood that our blessyd and mercyfull lord Jhesus shed for us and for all mankynde in hys bytter passioun.","277v-278","Yef thow wolt worshyp synglerly","Here is že nombre of hem all","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 283,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 168","II: 4","Here begynneth a breue compilyd tretyse callyd by the Auctor therof Curia sapiencie","51r-83r","All besy swymmyng in the stormy flodd","ffor verray ground to Boece I hym remyt.Explicit processus de Musica.Expl. hic tract, qui vocatur Curia Sapiencie","English",,"","ff. 83v-84v blank.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 284,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1720","II: 56","","276v","A deuout prayer at thy vprysyng","And in my desease be my socour. Amen.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 285,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 178","II: 21","","193v-196","All gostly songys and hympnes žt be song","Eternally thy mercyes they do syng. Amen.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 286,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1854","II: 3","Here bigynneth the nyne lessons of the Dirige","38r-50v","Lef lord my soule thou spare The soth I sey now sikerle.","so that I may euer wt the dwellThorough Parce michi Domine, Here enden the .ix. lessons of Dirige whyche Job made in hys tribulacion.","English",,"","","Hammond scribe to f. 49v. After four lines on this folio, the main scribe's hand picks up the work and finishes the quire.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 287,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1865","II: 68","","300r-301v","Lat no man bost of Connyng nor vertu","Of whos v. woundes prynte in your hert a Rose.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 288,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1874","II: 48","","r-248v","Lyke as grete wateres encresyn into floods fele","T. for toylous pryde these myscheuen our land here.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 289,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2081","II: 20","","189v-191","Man to reform thyne exyle and thy losse Then oft thynke on crystes passyon","","English",,"","ff. 191v-193r blank.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 290,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2156","II: 64","","290r","Mercy and Trowthe met on an hygh mounteyne","For vs to come to euerlastyng Pese.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 291,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2218","II: 71","","318","","","English",,"",,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 292,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2323","II: 26","Wordys of Seynt Augustyne in fasciculo morum of the medys of the masse","214v","That day a man deuoutly hereth masse","The to reforme where as they se nede","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 293,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2345","II: 55","A deuout prayer toward thy bedde at nyght","276r-v","Now Jhesu lorde welle of all goodnes","In nomine patris et filii.Et spiritus sancti. Amen","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 294,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2392","II: 31","Inc. Vita beate Anne matris b. marie virginis","221r-230","O blessed Ihu that arte fulle of myght","O blessyd Anne aboue predestinate ...And when we dy to haue eternall blys.Expl. vita S. Anne matris b. Marie V.","English",,"","ff. 230v-232v are blank.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 295,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2413","II: 27","A lytyll compilacioun declaryng when men kysse in Churche stoone or erthe tymber or iron what they shuld remembre therby","215r","0 deuout pepyll whyche kepe an obseruaunce","Whyche for your sake weryd a crowne of thorne","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 296,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2493","II: 18","Inc. psalmi passionis domini","174v-177v","O lord omnipotent fadyr of oure creacyon","Wt lastyng feyth vnto my dedly houre. Amen","English",,"","ff. 178-181 are blank.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 298,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2570","II: 8","","162v-163v","O thow ioyfull lyght eternall ye shyne","Banysshyd ys oure sorow and aduersite","English",,"",,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 300,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2579","II: 10","","165v-167","O welle of swetnesse replete in euery veyne","As was Dan Joos so quyte hem for theyre mede. Amen.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 301,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2591","II: 60","Here foloweth the Prologe of the Daunce of Machabre","278v","Ye folkes harde hertyd as of stone","Holde me excusyd my name ys John Lydgate. Of Bury (in red).","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 302,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2592","II: 70","The Lyfe of St George the Martyr","314v-317v","Ye folke all whyche here in presence be","As he repayryd hem to hys mansioun/ Expl. vita S. Georgii Martins.","English",,"","Note by Stowe: 'The lyfe of seynt gorge complyled by John Ludgate monke of bery at ye request of ye armerers of London to peynt about their haulle'.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 303,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2711","II: 51","Hic sequituroracio dominica per dominium Johannem lydgate translata","274r","Oure gloryous ffadyr žt art in heuen","","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 304,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2714","II: 19","","182r-189r","Oure gracious god prince of pyte","And aftyr thys lyfe bryng yow and me / Vnto euerlasting ioy. Amen.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 305,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2791","II: 11","","167v-168v","Quene of heuyn of hell eke emperesse","To make yow strong beware foryete hem nought.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 306,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 3129","II: 54","An exortacicion to auoyde and to put awey the seuyn dedely synnes","275v","Syth in thys world žer can no žyng be secvre","","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 307,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 3443","II: 59","","278v","","","English",,"","Follows immediately IMEV 1439.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 308,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 3543","II: 57","Sequitur Meditacio de Passione domini nostri Jhesu Cristi","276v-277v","There stood besyde the crosse of Ihu","","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 309,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 357","II: 22","","196v-197","As I me lenyd vnto a Ioyful place","And thus they sang both more and lase/ The melodyouse ympne wž gret solase. O lux beata trinitas","English","Latin","","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 310,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 3632","II: 39","","242r-243v","Willelmus Conquestor. Thys myghty Wyllyam Duke of Normandy","","English",,"","To Edward IV.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 311,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 3651","II: 63","Septem sunt gradus magnatum","287v-289","Thys world is born vp by astates seuyn","Rychemen we delyn our Almes wt our hond","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 312,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 3673","II: 12","","168v-169","Thow heuynly quene of grace oure loode sterre","Safe all thy seruauntes from stroke of pestylence","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 313,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 3798","II: 65","","293r-296","Towards the end of frosty January","Looke well your myrrours and deme noon other wyght","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 315,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 4122","II: 53","Hic sequitur quando Psalterium beate Marie primo erat inuentum per quendam monachum monasterii S. Egidii in regno Francie miraculose.","274v-275v","Whoso desyreth to gete and conquere","Her sawter to sey lat vs fonde","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 316,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 4243","II: 13","","169r-v","Ye brytoun martyrs famous in parfytenesse","Vs to socoure lorde when we to the call","English",,"",,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 317,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 4246","II: 25","","205v-214","Prol: ye folkys all whyche haue deuocioun Text (f. 206v): The holy man pope Celestyne/ lyke as I fynde wrytyn in hys lyfe.","Wž poore folk in heuyn shalbe theyre mede.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 318,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 4249","II: 24","An exortacion to Prestys when they shall say theyr masse","205r-v","Ye holy prestes remembreth in yor herte / Toward masse when ye do yow dresse","Repast of aungelles in the heuynly mansyon","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 319,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 447","II: 6","here is ye begynnynge of ye xv Ioyes and the xv sorows that our blissyd lady had whil she was here on earthe (added later)","157r-161v","Prologue: Betwene mydnyght and že morow fresshe gray/ Nat yore ago in hert full pensyfe Text (f. 157v): Blessyd braunche that sprang out of Jesse","","English",,"",,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 320,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 464","II: 16","quinque gaudia b. Marie virginis","f. 173v-174v","Inc. quinque gaudia b. Marie virginis. Be glad o mayde moder of cryst Jhesu","Only of mercy and stynt and stynt oure heuynesse. Expl. quinque gaudia b.m.v.","English",,"",,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 321,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 533","II: 15","","170r-172v","O blessed lady O pryncesse of mercy.","O queue of heuene of hell eke emperesse.and ioy euerlastyng when I shall hens wende. Amen","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 322,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 561","II: 2","Here bigynneth a treatise of Parce michi domine","34r-37v","By a forest side walkyng as I went.","","English","Latin","","","Hammond scribe.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 323,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 704","II: 1","","33v","Erthe vppon erthe so wondyrly wrought","","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 324,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 723","II: 62","","285r-287r","Emperour of all emperours omnipotent","And I wyll pray whyle ye rede eftsones in lyke wyse","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 325,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 875","II: 69","A tale of Guy and Colbrond","305r-314r","Fro Crystes byrthe nyne hundryd yere","Nat to dysdeyne these clauses who ye rede","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 326,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 899","II: 42","","244v","Gaudete iusti in domino","","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 327,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IPMEP 234","I: 25","Here foloweth the craft to dy well and to lyue euer.","18v-32v","Forasmoche as the passage out of the wrechydnes of the exyle of thys world for vnkonnyng of dying","Jhesu cryste that ys mediatour betywxt God and man. Amen. Here endeth the craft of dying.","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 328,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","MWME 7 [XX]: 102","I: 21","iiij. errors","17r","The furst errour ys worldly maner wherof seynt poule seyth wyll ye nat be confermyd to thys world","and ouer thys whoeuer lyueth nat here a sharpe lyfe in withstandyng the meuynges of his iij enemyes hyt ys impossibyll hym to be sauyd","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 331,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","MWME 7 [XX]: 40","I: 3","Here begynneth the crede ground of crystyn feythe made by the xij apoteles","f. 1r-v","Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem creatorum celi et terre i beleue in god fadyr almyghty","the ayene rysyng of flessh et vitam eternam amen and euerlastyng lyfe amen. Rubric: Here endeth the pater noster aue maria and the crede","English",,"Latin","Apostles listed in margin.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 332,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","MWME 7 [XX]: 43","I: 9","A Prologue on the x commaundements","2v-6r","All maner men shuldyn holde goddys commaundmentes","and all other holy folke men and wemen haue taught vs trewly to go to heuen","English","French","","Mixed orthodox and Wycliffite elements. Latin rubric notation in the margins.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 333,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","MWME 7 [XX]: 55","I: 16","A short declaracion of beleue in generall","9v-10r","Also touchyng the crede we shall vndyrstond ij maneres of beleue oone ys to beleue into god","and also he seyth that fendes beleuyn and tremblyn and thus thow must passe fendes beleue yef thow purpose to be sauyd and come to blysse","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 334,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","MWME 7 [XX]: 57","I: 20","Here sueth somwhat of charyte","12v-16v","Charyte is alone that we shuld haue to god ffor as moche as he ys almyghty also charyte ys alone to our neyghbour","hym that ys lorde of vertues wyth hym to reste aftyr trauayle in ioy and blysse without ende","English",,"","Scribe distinguishes 'u' and 'n' and writes 'alone' not 'love' as in other versions.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 336,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","MWME 7 [XX]: 70","I: 22","","17v-18r","Cryst seyth in the viij chapter of john to the iewes trewly trewly i sey to yow","drede he the pacyence of god lest aftyrward he mow nat ascape hys wrethe whom now pessybyll he dyspyseth","English",,"","","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 337,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.3","IMEV 4019","1","","1r-130r","Whan that Aprille with his his shoures soote","","English",,"","(mutilated: ends I880).","The scribe has come to be known as the ?Hooked-g? scribe (Edwards and Pearsall 1989, p. 265-6).","CJ" 338,"Cambridge University Library Add. 3110","Brev. Ebor I: 206-691","1","","17r-136v","Beginning imperfect: >[In eternum domine Ver-]bum tuum (Respond at Sext for Epiphany I).","Ending imperfect in the rubric De commemorationibus sancti Willelmi et apostolorum Petri et Pauli) in feriis predictis ob causam","Latin",,"","The text follows Brev. Ebor. I cols 206-691 in the main, but the lessons are shorter and often differ.","Very neat anglicana formata/bastard?; short ascenders and descenders, with no loops. Upper lobe of slightly above the line.","CJ" 339,"Cambridge University Library Add. 3110","Brev. Ebor II: 133-58","4","","333r-356v","Commune sanctorum / Sequitur communi sanctorum","Quam in aeternum nuncia eius (f. 356v)","Latin",,"",,"Very neat anglicana formata/bastard?; short ascenders and descenders, with no loops. Upper lobe of slightly above the line.","CJ" 340,"Cambridge University Library Add. 3110","Brev. Ebor. II: 83-730","3","","217r-332v","De festo","","Latin",,"","Contents follow Brev. Ebor. II cols 83-730, but the lessons often differ and the arrangement varies.","Very neat anglicana formata/bastard?; short ascenders and descenders, with no loops. Upper lobe of slightly above the line.","CJ" 341,"Cambridge University Library Add. 3110","RH 9272","2","","153r-160v","Nocte surgentes vigilemus omnes sem/per in psalmis","Ending imperfect in the hymn Iam lucis orto sydere at Prime","Latin",,"","Only the first quire survives, the rest (estimated as ff. 161-216) missing.","Very neat anglicana formata/bastard?; short ascenders and descenders, with no loops. Upper lobe of slightly above the line.","CJ" 342,"Cambridge University Library Add. 7318","Owen (1979:16) 1","1",,"1r - 6r","Memorandum quod vii die",,"Latin",,"","","Rough current anglicana, heavily abbreviated. Hand of William Broun?","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ; Owen 1979" 343,"Cambridge University Library Add. 7318","Owen (1979:16) 3","3",,"8v-82v",,"","Latin",,"","Details of text can be found in Owen 1979: 16-22.","Not hand of William Broun. Rough anglicana.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ; Owen 1979" 344,"Cambridge University Library Add. 7318","Thorndike, HMES vol. II, ch. 48","2","","7r-8r","Entre toutes les autres choses de monde","Qui a la voix grosse il se couronce hastiment","French",,"","Ends abruptly.","Neat secretary hand.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ; Owen 1979" 345,"Cambridge University Library Add. 8938","YB, 14 Henry IV","1","","1r-11v","De termino Michaelis anno regni Regis Henrici iiiiti xiiiimo. Un bref daccompt fuit port vers un auter","Vide residuum postea Termino Hillarii Henrici quinti primo etc. Explicit annus xiiiius Henrici quarti Quod C. Heigham","French","Latin","","12r-v blank.","Current anglicana.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 346,"Cambridge University Library Add. 8941","UMP 0414","1","","1r-v","","","Latin",,"","Section 1.","One hand. Small, very cursive anglicana with occasional secretary . Headings written in a slightly more formal hand.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 347,"Cambridge University Library Add. 8941","UMP 0415","2","","1r-v","De quod R aliquod.?","","Latin",,"","Section 2. Apparently drawn by a lawyer in Cambridge, temp. Hen. VI to Hen. VII.","Untidy cursive anglicana with occasional secretary , reversed . Writing slants up the page to the right.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 348,"Cambridge University Library Add. 8941","UMP 0416","2b","","2v","","","Latin",,"","Section 2. 2r is blank.","Untidy cursive anglicana with occasional secretary , reversed . Writing slants up the page to the right.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 349,"Cambridge University Library Add. 8941","UMP 0417","3","","1r-14v","","","Latin",,"","Section III.","Very cursive anglicana, with frequent use of secretary . Headings in a more formal script.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 351,"Cambridge University Library Dd.1.13","Schulte, 2: 148-52","1","","ff. 1r-232v","Quoniam parum esset nosse jura prodita nisi personae quarum causa sunt prodita note essent","Favorem profecto non quaerens humanum sed solum braviam sempiternum ad quod nos perducat qui sine fine vivat et regnat. Amen","Latin",,"","Preceded by a short 5 line list of contents.","Typical Oxford hand - university bookhand. Anglicana with some secretary forms.","CN" 352,"Cambridge University Library Dd.1.13","Schulte, 2: 152-3","2","","ff. 245r-286r","Ad comparendum cum actis et munimentis an dabitur vel denegabitur","Ipse enim huic rei decens ponens unicuique laudabileque medium finem feliciter consumavit ut de con. di. i. nullus episcopus","Latin",,"","Begins imperfectly due to the loss of one quire.","Typical Oxford hand - university bookhand. Anglicana with some secretary forms.","CN" 353,"Cambridge University Library Dd.10.22","Sharpe LW. 949","1","Secunda pars historia aurea","1r ? 159v","Britannia insula a quodam troiano nomine Bruto dicta. Britones vero de tractu Armoricano","[rubbed and almost impossible to read.]","Latin",,"","End rubbed and hard to read.","Anglicana; begins using only anglicana forms and remaining quite neat and tight - later introduces secretary and the writing spreads out more. Distinctive abbreviation signs indicate that it is the same scribe throughout.","CJ" 354,"Cambridge University Library Dd.3.53","CMLUC 1: 1-451","1",,"5r-94r","Edwardus dei gracia Rex Anglie & Francie & Dominus hibernie","en sa seinte garde per sa grace. Don sou3 &...","Latin","Anglo-Norman",,"ff. 15r-59r are in a different hand and apparently of later date than the remainder.","5r-14v: small neat secretary. Lots of broken strokes, slightly right slanting strokes;15r-35v: small neat anglicana. Very upright, and a pointed quality to the minims which gives this hand quite a distinctive appearance; (20-22; 36-38 blank); 39r-59r; 63r-94r: small secretary, thick ascenders and lots of broken strokes.","CJ; Baker and Ringrose 1996" 355,"Cambridge University Library Dd.3.53","CMLUC 1: 452-495","2",,"95r-110r","Reuerendissie pater & domine quia vestrum est vestrorum",,"Latin",,"","106r-v, 110v blank.","Small secretary - perhaps slight continental influence? Long flowing ascenders and descenders.","CJ; Baker and Ringrose 1996" 356,"Cambridge University Library Dd.3.53","IPMEP 438","4","Tractatus de conclusionibus astrolabii","II: 2r-27r","Thyn astrelabie hath a ring to putten on the towmbe of thy ryht hand in takyng the heyhte of thynges [Prol]","by thy tables howre after howre. Explicit tractatus de conclusionibus astrolabii compilatus per Galfridum Chauciers ad fillium suum Lodowicum scolarem tunc temporis Oxonie ac sub tutela illius nobilissimi philosophi magistri N. Strode etc.","English",,"","","One hand. Neat cursive anglicana. Final explicit in a spiky secretary.","CJ; Baker and Ringrose 1996L" 357,"Cambridge University Library Dd.3.53","UMP 0114","5","Tabula perpetua ad sciendum in promptu quo mense et quo die mensis festum Pasche debet celebrari","28v","Et est notandum quod semper festum Pasche",,"Latin",,"","Two diagrammatic tables, one in circular form with a tree drawn in the centre. ff. 29r-32v blank except for scribbles.","Very small, very neat secretary (with anglicana ).","CJ" 358,"Cambridge University Library Dd.3.53","UMP 0115","6","Regula cognoscendi conjunctionem lune","33r (formerly p. 274)","Quando prima luna super cadit",,"Latin",,"","Four lines only.","Very small, quite cursive, heavily abbreviated secretary.","CJ" 359,"Cambridge University Library Dd.3.53","UMP 0116","Added","","Section 1, bound between 1 and 3",,,"Latin",,"","The letter is expressing gratitude for favours received and readiness to help, and mentioning a copy of the writer?s ?oration? to be conveyed to the bishop.","s.xviii.","CJ; Baker and Ringrose 1996L" 360,"Cambridge University Library Dd.3.53","VK 3380.00","3","None","II: 1r-2r","Litell Lowys my sone I haue perceived well by certayne euidences thine abilite to lerne sciences","I nam but a lwed compilatour of the labour of old astrologeirs and haue hit translatet in myn englissh only for thi doctrine & with this swerd shal I slen envie","English",,"","","One hand. Neat cursive anglicana.","CJ" 361,"Cambridge University Library Dd.6.7","Carley 2001","1","De origine gigantum in insula Albion olim habitantium et de nomine eiusdem Insulae que nunc Anglia dicitur","1r-6v","Hic incipit qualiter primo ista terra fuerat inhabitaba . Euolutis a mundi constitutione tribus milibus nogentis . sexaginta & decem annorum curriculis . regnavit in grecia rex quidam potentissimus","Tunc brutus insulam iussit britanniam et socios suos britones appellari . Sicque cessavit nomen prius impositum huic terrae . Explicit","Latin",,"",,"Anglicana ? upper lobe of not complete. with simple curved descender ? not 8-shaped. Anglicana .","CJ; Crick 1989" 362,"Cambridge University Library Dd.6.7","Lapidge/Sharpe 39","2","Historia britonum","6v - 152v","Incipit prologus gaufridi monemutensis ad robertum comitem glaudiocestrie in historia britonum . Cum mecum multa & de multos? (7r) Commendacio insule. Britannia insularum optima","in latinum sermone transferre curavi . Explicit historia britonum a galfrido monemutensi de britannico in latinum translata","Latin",,"","Dedicated to Robert of Gloucester. Contains chapters 1-3, 5-208. Ff. 8r ? 16r: table of contents, between chapters 3 and 5.","Main hand of MS: Hybrid bastard hand. Upper lobe of not complete. with simple curved descender ? not 8-shaped. Anglicana . ' Thick strokes, rather crude, apparently in a single hand. Simple forms of (not two compartment), round , and . Few descenders - usually tall with round or high form in final position' (Crick 1989, p. 73).","CJ; Crick 1989" 363,"Cambridge University Library Dd.6.7","Walther, Initia, I:1035, no. 19738","3",,"152v","Vrbs verolamia tua quem impia manus strauit","Pausat in ecclesia sibi quam rex offa parauit","Latin",,"",,"Main hand of MS: Bastard secretary.","CJ; Crick 1989" 364,"Cambridge University Library Dd.7.10","Stegmüller Bibl. 5829-5923","1","","1r ? 330v","Quatuor facies vni ezech. po secundum quod describit","hoc dicit iohannes conformando de spiritu sancto & ecclesie et subdit? eius oracio pro omnibus fidelibus cum dicit? gracia domini nostri ihesu christi cum omnibus vobis . Amen . Explicit postilla super apocalypsim . ffinito libro reddatur gloria christo .","Latin",,"","","Stephen Dodesham. Script: Very neat elegant anglicana formata.","CJ" 365,"Cambridge University Library Dd.7.20","Kuttner 1937 I: 105","1",,"1r-389v","H[UM]ANUM GENUS duobus modis regitur naturali uidelicet","nisi quod viderit partem facientem. Explicit textus Decretorum (Gloss): Quoniam [novis supervenientibus causis] ? et magistro discipulus . vicesima quarta . questione prima cum venissimus . Jo . Explicit apparatus decretorum","Latin",,"",,"Same scribe for text and gloss. Anglicana formata ? black ink for text, brown for gloss.","CJ" 366,"Cambridge University Library Dd.7.7","Stegmüller Bibl. 5829-5923","1","","1r (?2?) ? 319v","","","Latin","English","",,"Stephen Dodesham. Script: Very neat elegant anglicana formata.","CJ" 367,"Cambridge University Library Dd.7.8","Stegmüller Bibl. 5829-5923","1","","1r-286v","In diebus assueri Postquam descriptus est progressus populi de captiuitate babilonica reducci sub esdra et neemia","Cuius nomine est benedictum in secula seculorum . Amen . Deo gratias . Explicit super Ecclesiasticum ad persens postilla a ffratre Nicholao de lira edita","Latin",,"",,"Stephen Dodesham. Script: Very neat elegant anglicana formata.","CJ" 368,"Cambridge University Library Dd.7.9","Stegmüller Bibl. 5829-5923","1","","2r ? 268v",,,"Latin",,"","","Stephen Dodesham. Script: Very neat elegant anglicana formata.","CJ" 369,"Cambridge University Library Ee.1.14","Horae Ebor: 179-80","1","","2r-v","O bone ihesu O dulcissime ihesu O ihesu fili marie uirginis","angelos tuos te laudare sine fine Amen","Latin","English","","","Possibly just one scribe, who changes script after the recto, and continues the text on the verso in the more formal script typical of the rest of the book. Script(s): 2r: small neat anglicana; 2v: bastard anglicana/textura. Much larger.","CJ" 370,"Cambridge University Library Ee.1.14","UMP 0001","2","","3r-8v","KL Januarius","Nox habet horas . xviii . dies . vi .","Latin",,"","March 3: 'St Wynwaloy' added in red. May 9: 'Translacio sancti Nicholay episcopi' added in red. St Erkenwald in list of saints for April. A dedication for the church of St Mary at Bury St Edmunds is in the October section. Oct. 17 Translacio st ethelredi.","One hand. Script(s): Neat anglicana (formata).","CJ" 371,"Cambridge University Library Ee.1.14","UMP 0041","3","","9r ? 118r","Incipiunt matutine de sancta maria. Domine labia mea apies","tu venia misericordissime pietatis absterge . Per Christum dominium nostrum . Amen","Latin",,"","ff. 53r-72v: Penitential psalms and Litany; ff. 72v-102v: Officium Defunctorum, headed Placebo; ff. 103r-118r: Commendatio animarum.","Two main hands; A: 9r-50v; 53r-102v; B: 51r-52v; 103r-118v. A: Bastard Anglicana/textura; good, but slightly variable lengths of minims, descenders etc. Very slight right slant to the ductus. B: Bastard Anglicana/textura; a better hand than A.","CJ" 372,"Cambridge University Library Ee.1.14","UMP 0123",,"","flyleaf verso + f. 1r-v","Quicumque istam orem dixerit","Et periculis libera me domine Qui cum patre & etc (added in different hand): Vix venit ad veniam qui nescit amare Mariam","Latin",,"","Very faded. According to James? notes, it was previously obscured by a bookplate. The text from the flyleaf to f. 2v is repeated on (or copied from?) f. 119r-126r, as part of the main text, as a modern note on f. 1r observes.","Cursive secretary ? maybe some anglicana influence.","CJ" 374,"Cambridge University Library Ee.4.19","IPMEP 122","2","Sententiae maioris excommunicacionis","85v-89r","At že bygynnyg god and haly kyrk curses all žais žat že brawnches of haly kyrk brekes or destrubes","and žis haly kyrk uses thurgh cristendome","English",,"",,"","CJ" 375,"Cambridge University Library Ee.4.19","MWME 7 [XX]: 203","3","","89r-91v","English incipit: We sal mak a special / prayer vn to god almyghty and to ye / glorius virgyne","English explicit: ilk man and woman helps hert / ly : with a pater noster and an Aue","English",,"","","","CJ" 406,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","Horae Ebor: 76-80","12","","128v-","Quindecim [sic] pater noster. O ihesu?","cum omnibus sanctis tuis ineternum. Amen. Pater Noster . Aue Maria","Latin",,"",,"Smaller ? may be same scribe, writing in smaller lines. Slightly untidy textura/bastard hand.","CJ" 407,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","Hughes 1982: 874","11","","127v-128r","dixit dominus domino meo","Magnificatur anima mea dominum","Latin",,"","Arranged for several voices, with musical notation.","Smaller ? may be same scribe, writing in smaller lines. Slightly untidy textura/bastard hand.","CJ" 409,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0098","1","","3r-8r","Beatus vero ieronius in hoc modo disposuit breviatum hoc psalterium","vitam eternam cum electis suis. Amen","Latin",,"","","Good textura.","CJ" 410,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0099","2","letania sancti bernardi","8r-10r","Hic incipit letania sancti bernardi qui hanc cotidie cantauit beata maria ante mortem ei apparebit","domino nostro ihesu cristo. Amen","Latin",,"","Most of 10r blank; 10v blank.","Good textura.","CJ" 411,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0100","3","","11r","Ut sciant parochiani defectus",,"Latin",,"","Quae debent parochiani invenire et que rector. See Wilkins, Concilia, II, p. 280. Robert of Wynchilsea was archbishop in 1292. This Constitucio was promulgated at the Concilium Mertonense, 1305.","Good textura.","CJ" 412,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0101","4","","11r-12v",,,"Latin",,"","Contains: 11r: 'Precepturus; Hec ei uera frater'; 'Benedicciones de Sancta Maria'; 11v: 'Aue digna' (Hymns to the BVM); 'Que rerum'; 12r: 'Passio domini nostri Ihesu secundum Iohannem'; 12v: 'Decretum domini symonis mep[ham] cantuariensis archiep'.","Good textura.","CJ" 413,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0102","5","","13r-20r",,,"Latin","English","","Contains on f. 15v, IMEV 4200, The Wounds of Christ; the Verba Alcelmi Archiepiscopi, in English [i.e. his Admonitio morienti: see the Paris ed. of St Anselm]; ff. 17v-18v ? Litany; f. 19r ? Commendacio anime in articulo moris. Includes some music notation.","","CN" 414,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0103","6","","20v","O sacramentum salutiferum",,"Latin","English","","2 pages cut out, according to James. ff. 21r-26v: Kalendar in red and black. Contains IMEV 4200.","Good textura.","CN" 415,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0104","7","","75r-122v",,"regni dominis per infinita seculorum secula amen","Latin",,"","Imperfect. Everything up to Ps. 98 has been torn out, f. 83 is missing. The text contains: ff. 108v-110v: Litany; ff. 110v-113r: The Maundy Thursday address: Summe sacerdos; ff. 113v-121v: Office of the dead; ff.122r-v: Memorial of John the Baptist and various prayers.","Possibly same as first section (before f. 75), but starts off with a much neater hand. Degenerates slightly as the text progresses. Still a textura hand.","CJ" 416,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0105","8","","123r-124v","Hore enim canonice propter laudem humanam","quam nobis concedat pater et filius et spiritus sanctus . Amen","Latin",,"","","Smaller ? may be same scribe, writing in smaller lines. Slightly untidy textura/bastard hand.","CJ" 417,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0106","9","","124v-125r","Legitur in libro de miraculis","Repremissio nequissima multos perdidit","Latin",,"","","Smaller ? may be same scribe, writing in smaller lines. Slightly untidy textura/bastard hand.","CJ" 418,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0107","10","De periculi in missa","125r-127r","Legitur quod ubi maius uertitur periculum","in dencium insteriticiis uel alibi remanere","Latin",,"","","Smaller ? may be same scribe, writing in smaller lines. Slightly untidy textura/bastard hand.","CJ" 419,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0108","13","","130r-131v","Mecum cristo domine deus sabaoth","et purificetur.","Latin",,"","","Smaller ? may be same scribe, writing in smaller lines. Slightly untidy textura/bastard hand.","CJ" 420,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0109","14","","131v-132r","Post missam per corpore presenti defuncto dicatur sequens","pleb sue . kyrie","Latin",,"","","Smaller ? may be same scribe, writing in smaller lines. Slightly untidy textura/bastard hand.","CJ" 421,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0110","15","","132v","Gaude flore virginali","regie superlectilis Tum rebecka","Latin",,"","","Not main scribe. Later hand. Script: Small cursive anglicana","CN" 422,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0111","16","","133r-134v","Me et pectauerunt peccato",,"Latin",,"","","Not main scribe. Later. Script: Late text hand ? bastard anglicana, very neat and formal. S.xv.","CJ" 423,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0112","17","","134v-138v","Terribilis est locus iste hic","ora pro nobis deum alleluya","Latin",,"","f. 139r ? a different hand has added music roughly, with a few words on some staves.","Late text hand ? bastard anglicana, very neat and formal. S.xv.","CJ" 424,"Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","UMP 0113","18","","139v","Quoniam inter [o]mnes prophetas","non fais tuis","Latin",,"","f. 140 blank (flyleaf).","Not a main hand ? added by a later hand, though not the same as 132v. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 425,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","Analecta Bollandiana xxi (1902), 241","18","Hic tractatus habetur de miraculis beate Marie et diversorum sanctorum dei","190r-213v","Narracio. De sancto Bonifacio. Eo tempore quo cum matre sua Puer Bonifacius habitabat","(f. 213r) Item he that after mete say this prayer . Deus det vivis graciam . defunctis misericordiam . ecclesie pacem . nobis quoque vitam eternam amen hath XL days of pardon","Latin","English","","On f. 213r 'Nota de Peccatis' (Bloomfield 1622).","","CJ" 427,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","Bloomfield 1768","9","Bonaventura de libro de vita Christi capitulo xvij","109r-125r","Ad destruendam superbiam & elacionem mentis... (Main text:) Dominus Ihesus Christus ipsemet deus noster","inflammet & usat . quod ipse perficere dignetur . qui saluator seculi vivit & regnat ineternum. Amen. Explicit Banaventura de superbia & elacione mentis . & de multis alius notabilibus . ut patet in principio huius tractatus","Latin",,"",,"","CJ" 428,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","Bloomfield 2032","13","Manuale sacerdotis","166-178v","Evangelium est regula sacerdotum . Summus sacerdotis et verus Pontifex Dominus noster Jhesus Christus","te videre peropto. Ad Laudem et gloriam domini nostri Ihesu Christi cui est honor & gloria per infinita seculorum secula . Amen. Quod Robertus Wasselyn capellanus Laus Christo. Explicit Manuale sacerdotis breviter compilatum","Latin",,"",,"","CJ" 429,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","Bloomfield 2362","4","Speculum Christiani","22r-70v","Jeromius . In pricipio cuius libet oporis premitte dominicam oracionem?","f. 69r. Explicit Speculum Christiani","Latin","English","","Includes IMEV 1342 (riming exhortation) ; 1491 (Ten Commandments); 2119 (Orison to the Blessed Virgin); 2167 (Sentences of the Four Philosophers); 4150 (Seven Deadly Sins).","","CJ" 430,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","Bloomfield 5905","2","De superbia","7r-10r","Superbia est mentus elacio viciosa","9v - Hic deficit accidia. Expliciunt prescripta. 9v notes on Fides, Spes, Anima, Elemosina, Purgacio peccatorum, Ignis dei iudicii, Iudicium. 10v. In isto continentur libri subscripta","Latin",,"",,"","CJ" 432,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","IMEV 1188","1","novem virtutes","5r-7r","Her er ix poyntes of gret vertu","solus tibi fidem seruabit. Expliciunt novem virtutes","English","Latin","","","","CJ" 439,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","Lehmann 1955 vii","7","liber Augustini de milicia spirituali","90v-101v","Audi fili mi ammonicionem","hijs qui diligunt eum. Amen. Explicit liber Augustini de milicia spirituali","Latin",,"","Followed (f. 101v) by: i) A note of 'Augustinus super Iohannem. Donare res suas histrionibus vicium est inane'; ii) The verses 'Illa reviviscunt (scilicet merita ins. above line) que mortificata fuerunt (scilicet mortali peccato ins. above line) / Vivae non possunt . que mortua nata fuerunt (scilicet facta in mortali peccato ins. above line)'.","","CJ" 440,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","Meyer 1878","3","Explicit vita Ade & Eue alia plura","11r-21r","De plasmacione Ade & nominis imposicione. Sciendum est quod deus fecit & plasmauit Adam in eo loco in quo natris est Ihesus","Et sic creditur hoc lignum fuisse crucis Domenice . Laud Ihesu Christo. Explicit vita Ade & Eue alia plura . Wasselyn.","Latin",,"",,"Robert Wasselyn. Script: Good neat anglicana.","CJ" 442,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","PL 195: 0113-","12","Explicit meditaciones Fratris Bonaventura quondam Albanensis Episcopi Cardinalis","139r-165r","Transfige dilectissime Ihesu medullas anime mee","(164v) volueris suffragia postulare. Explicit meditaciones Fratris Bonaventura quondam Albanensis Episcopi Cardinalis . Wasselyn","Latin",,"","Selections from the Stimulus Amoris followed (164r) by a list of 15 chapters; (165r) Notes: 'Quatuor consilia Christ'i, 'Septem etates hominis', 'Septem etates mundi'. 165v blank.","Robert Wasselyn. Script: Good neat anglicana.","CJ" 443,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","PL 40. 1147-58","6","liber de Visitacione infirmorum secundum Augustinum","80r-90r","Visitacionis gracia Nepoti","Explicit liber de Visitacione infirmorum secundum Augustinum (Bk II, 84)","Latin",,"","Followed (f. 90) by notes including the verses: 'Oportunum nunc habetus tempus aptum penitendi' (Walther, Carm. 13382), the proverbial saying: 'Quomodo multarum sit homo custos animarum' (Walther, Prov. 26147), and quotations from I Timothy 3: v, viii, ix.","","CJ" 444,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","PL 40. 983-992","8","Tractatus beati Bernardi qui dicitur Speculum peccatoris","102r-108v","Quoniam frater karissime in huius vite via fugentes sumus","feliciter pervenias . quod ipse prestare dignetur qui vivit & regnat per infinita secula deus. Amen","Latin",,"","Followed on f. 108v by: 'Nota exposicionem'. Inc: 'Bernardus super jiis verbis psalmi. Utinam saperent.' Exp: 'que mundi sunt contempuent . Hec Bernardus. Explicit speculum peccatoris per beatum Bernardum compositum'.","","CJ" 445,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","Schmidt V, 360-1","17","Epistola sancti Ancelmi Amico","188r-189v","Ancelmus archiepiscopus . Amico et filio karissimus R . sororibus et filiabus suis dilectissimus . ff . T . et benedicorem dei et salutem sempiternam karissime. Omnis accio laudabilis","(f. 188v) intra mentem admittimus . Explicit etc..","Latin",,"","f. 189r is a waste leaf of art. 16 (f. 187).f. 189v: An added note on penance: 'Sic point hunc casum dicit Ambrosius'.","","CJ" 446,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","UMP 0077","5","Exhortacio bona de Caritate facta per beatum Ieronium fratribus suis ante suum decessum ex hoc mundo","70v-79v","De caritate antem loquens dicebat","Aliqualis enim in mulieribus viget verecundia licet parva. Hec omnia predicta exempla fratribus narravit Ieronimus","Latin",,"","A form of the spurious letter of Cyril, etc. on the death of Jerome including: f. 73v: 'De visione Cyrilli'; f. 74: 'De miraculis sancti Jeronimi'; f. 75v: 'De morte Iusebii'; f. 76: 'De sepultura sancti Jeronimi al? ccccxij'; f. 76v: 'Documenta sancti Jeronimi panea de plurimus subnectuntur'; f. 79v: 'Jeronimus de luxuria'.","Robert Wasselyn. Script: Good neat anglicana.","CJ" 447,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","UMP 0078","10","","125v-127r","Dic o anima cum Magna mentis fiducia","quod postulavit . quod nobis concedat qui est benedictus in secula seculorum. Amen","Latin",,"","A similar anthology to 109r-125r with quotations from the works of Anselm, Bernard, Gregory, etc.","Robert Wasselyn. Script: Good neat anglicana.","CJ" 448,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","UMP 0079","11","Explicit tractatus de temptacione","127v-138v","Capitulum primum. Quia vt ait apostolus sine fide impossibile est placere deo","ne saluti sue intendat. Explicit tractatus de temptacione (f. 134v)","Latin",,"","Another compilation, in 5 chapters, of extracts from Isidore, Pope Leo, Bernard, Augustine, Bonaventura etc., followed (135) by further extracts from Ambrose, Gregory and Augustine.","Robert Wasselyn. Script: Good neat anglicana.","CJ" 449,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","UMP 0080","14","Explicit tractatus de oracione","179r-180r","De duplici oracione publica videlicet et privata et qualiter etc. Duplex est oracio","vel odium manet in pectore. Hec Ysidorus libro 4o . Explicit tractatus de oracione","Latin","English","","On f. 179v there are four macaronic lines on Tutivillus (IMEV 1214.9).","Robert Wasselyn. Script: Good neat anglicana.","CJ" 450,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","UMP 0105","15","","180v- 185v","Hora enim canonice propter laudem humanam","A quibus tormentis Ihesu Christus nos eripere dignetur. Amen","Latin",,"","Cf. CUL Ee.5.13, f. 123.","Robert Wasselyn. Script: Good neat anglicana.","CJ" 451,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","UMP 0082","16","","185v-187v","Dolenter refero quod plures sacerdotes et alii","quam nobis concedat idem deus qui cum patre et spirito sancto vivit et regnat. Amen . Deo gracias. Explicit tabula . Laus Christo . R. Wasselyn","Latin",,"","","Robert Wasselyn. Script: Good neat anglicana.","CJ" 454,"Cambridge University Library Ff.3.1","Statutes of 1-20 Hen. VI","6","","128v-198v","Hic incipiunt statuta Henrici sexti anno primo","","Latin",,"","","","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 455,"Cambridge University Library Ff.3.1","Statutes of 23 Hen. VI","6","","198v-207r","","","French",,"","","Small quite neat anglicana. Quite a lot of broken strokes. No reversed . frequently has an exaggerated upper lobe which goes above the line.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 456,"Cambridge University Library Ff.3.1","UMP 0118","1","","1r-26v","Rulle sort attache person corps",,"French",,"","","Small cursive anglicana, with distinctive long suspension and other abbreviation marks.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 457,"Cambridge University Library Ff.3.1","UMP 0119","2","","27r-75v (76r-v blank)","Hic incipiunt statuta Regis Ricardi Secundi anno primo?","alwey ayens hem all že pointes conteigned in the seyde statute","English","Latin","","Together with 77r-106v and 115r-128v, this represents the first known attempts to translate the statutes into English. The first printed translation was not produced until the 1530s.",,"Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 458,"Cambridge University Library Ff.3.1","UMP 0120","3","","77r-106v","Hic incipiunt statuta H. iiiiti anno primo apud Westm. edita (miniature of the king enthroned in the initial)","Expliciunt statuta Henrici iiiiti","English","Latin","","Together with [UMP 119] and [122], this represents the first known attempts to translate the statutes into English. The first printed translation was not produced until the 1530s.","Small Anglicana - very cursive, lots of hairline strokes - slightly spidery. Suspension marks often linked to the final letter of a word, and then looped back. Running heads, marginal titles and headings in the text all in bastard anglicana.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 459,"Cambridge University Library Ff.3.1","UMP 0121","4","","107r-114v","Incipiunt statuta Regis Henrici quinti apud Westm. edita","Ends imperfectly: ...ensy faitz et ent oierent et terminent solonc la ley de la terre Et (catchwords ?si la verite de la terre)","French",,"","This quire (a) has been inserted from a different text and does not run on continuously into [UMP 122] (115r-128v - see [UMP 122]). The change of text occurs part of the way through 2 Hen. V, c. 8.","Secretary, with some anglicana features such as 8-shaped . Neat small rounded hand, with broad strokes and few hairlines. Running and marginal headers, and headings in the text are written in a bastard secretary hand.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 460,"Cambridge University Library Ff.3.1","UMP 0122","5","","115r-128v","[...] and yf it befell that suche mysdoeres?","Expliciunt statuta Henrici quinti. Hic incipiunt statuta Henrici sexti anno primo","English","Latin","","Together with [UMP 119] and [UMP 120], this represents the first known attempts to translate the statutes into English. The first printed translation was not produced until the 1530s.","Similar but probably not the same hand as ff.77r-106v (suspension marks clearly differ). Cursive Anglicana, a little untidy.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" 466,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","IPMEP 789","3","","I: 11r - 60v","Two žingis i haue purposid žourgh godis grace to do in žis litil tretis first to schewe schortli the comune condicions of že seuene dedly synnes as bi figure and ensaumple in general and afterward to reherce bi proces what braunches and bowes growen out of hem in special as touching že first","žerof to no creatur but to him self fro thise synnes and alle ožir crist kepe us žour3 his holi grace and take oure soulis after oure deth to his blisful place amen.","English",,"","Of first half of the manuscript - Begins imperfectly. It is divided up into the following sections, indicated by running headers in the top margins: ff. 10r-20v: Pride ff. 20v-30v: Couetise ff. 30v-37r: Wratže (sic) ff. 37r-42r: Envie ff. 42r-4; Slouže ff. 42r-49r; Glotonie ff. 49r-54v; Leccherie ff. 54v-60v. Preceded by a brief invocation found elsewhere as three mono-rhyming lines (NIMEV 621.5) ?Crist that deide upon že cros for the saluacioun of mankynde / graunte us grace so to eschape že sleigh assailing of the fende / žat we be not for synne lost in oure laste ende amen?. Includes brief instances of verse (see NIMEV 879.5 and 4110.5). Ends with a quatrain, as in the explicit above (beginning ?fro this synnes?), NIMEV 881.55 where this MS is not noted.","Anglicana, very cursive with a number of secretary features, esp. .","MC (PC); CJ" 467,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","IPMEP 551","1","Propur will","I: 1v-9v","Propur will when hyt ys forsakyn and made comune žan hyt ys accordant wiž goddes will and all gode mennes wyll to whomme we ar subiectis made ry3t as to god as reule of religioune askys žis commen will ys sožefastli clepyd že moste preciouse","žu haste žen lytell cause [to] be proude or joyfull of žys worlde etc","English",,"",,"Small cursive anglicana. <ž> and distinct. Descenders of hook round sharply to the right.","MC (PC); CJ" 468,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","IPMEP 683","5","","II: 1r-16r","The holi prophete dauid seiž in že persone of a iust man lord how swete ben ži spechis to my chekis žat is to myn undirstondyng and loue and že prophete answeriž and seiž žo ben swettere žan hony to my mowž eft že same prophet seiž in že persone of a iust man","if a man knowlechiž me befor men žanne i schal knowleche him bifor my fader and hise angelis and eft if a man schame me and myne wordis i schal schame him bifore že angelis of god.","English",,"",,"Neat small bastard anglicana - very similar to Textura in some aspects. Broad strokes, short ascenders and descenders.","MC (PC); CJ" 469,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","Jolliffe K.11","14","A tretys of hugh of seynt victor... teching hou a man owiž to haue him in alle temptacions","II: 92r-98r","Sum men gessen for to litil comfort of herte žat žei ben in dispeire when žei ben not in dispeire for žei felen stiringis of dispeire bi litil comfort","and že traueling eižer diseese of žees žou3tes purgen more a man sumtyme žen defoulen any man for žei turmenten a man and deliten not.","English",,"","","Cursive anglicana.","MC (PC); CJ" 470,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","Jolliffe H.24","13","žis matere suyng techiž vertuous besinesse and to eschewe foly besinesse [Rubric heading; f. 80r]","II: 80r-92r","No man may serue to two lordis forsože ežer he schal hate že toon and loue že tožer eižer he schal sustene že toon and dispise že tožer 3e mown not serue to god and richees an auerous man here žis he žat is clepid by cristen name here žis žat a man may not togider serue richees and crist ...","že malice of day crist clepiž že ilke tormenting of present bisynes and traueiles not as mann cheys or certeyn eretikis seien že ilke creature of god to be yuel crisostom here.","English",,"",,"Cursive upright anglicana - perhaps some slight continental influence, esp. in the later fols.","MC (PC); CJ" 471,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","MWME 7 [XX]: 102","15","Marke wel žees foure errours whiche letten že verrey knowyng of holy writt","II: 98v-99v","If any man semež any part of goddis lawe hard or heuy to him to vndurstond purge he him of foure errours žat suen and no doute it schal be ful esy and li3t to conseyne and undurstond že firste errour is wordly maner že secound errour is fleschly lust že žridde errour is fals couetise and že fourže","and hou strett is že 3ate and narow že wey žat lediž to lif and žer ben fewe žat fynden it.","English",,"","IMEV 2531 ?O my good brother?.","Cursive anglicana.","MC (PC); CJ" 473,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","UMP 0067","3","How thu schuldest not adde ne abrigge ou3t change not ne comitre not že biddingis of god","I: 61r-63r","3e schul not adde to že word žat i speke to 3ou ne do awei fro it kepe the hest of že lord 3oure god žat y bidde 3ow","so že feeste of hem drinkyng togidre schal ben endid as stobille ful of drynes beth awakid 3e drunken and wepith.","English",,"","ff. 63v-65v blank.","Anglicana, very cursive with a number of secretary features, esp. .","MC (PC); CJ" 474,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","IPMEP 240","10","A tretys of iii dyuers žou3ts žt comen ofte to men ask to know to wižstond hem [Rubric heading; f. 43r]","II: 43r-53r","Forži žat žer ben diuerse kyndis of spiritis žerfore it is spedeful to us discrete knowing of hem siž it so is žat we ben lernyd of že apostle seynt john not to bileue to alle spiritis for it my3t seme to some žat ben but litil in kunnyng and namely of gostly žinges žat eche žou3t","but že consent to že žou3t whatsoeuer it be žat is euermore oure iesu graunte us grace to consente to že good and a3enstonde že yuel amen.","English",,"",,"Cursive upright anglicana - perhaps some slight continental influence, esp. in the later fols?","MC (PC); CJ" 475,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","UMP 3666","1","","1v-2v","To my souereyn lord Edward be že grace of god","blys of heuene amen . 3oure seruaunt Capgraue","English",,"",,"","CN" 478,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.12","Jolliffe B","1","","4r-8v; 13r-52r; 59v-80v; 119r-120v","žt ye loue togider as I have loued yow . In že foure askynges","","English",,"","Twelve tracts.","","" 479,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.12","Jolliffe C. 31","3","here begynneže a confessioun whiche is also a prayere žat seynt Brandoun made and it is ri3t nedeful to a cristen man to sey and to werche žeraftir in his lyuynge","52r-59v","I knowleche to že žu hi3e increate and euerlastynge trinite. Žat is to sey . almy3ti god že fadir","and žu lorde to whome stretchiže alle že trespasse mercy lorde god mercy A. M. E. N. amen","English",,"",,"","" 480,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.12","Jolliffe I.32","4","meditacio sancti augustini","114v-119r","Seint austyn že hooly doctour techiž žoru3h declaracioun of hooly writte žat že synfull man for no synne falle in dyspeyre","","English",,"",,"Good anglicana formata","" 482,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:1","6","Explicit memoriale Juniorum","9r-95r","In quaelibet arte diffusio fastidium procreat","Explicit memoriale Juniorum","Latin",,"","","","CJ" 483,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:10","20","De comparatione","188-189v","Quid sit comparatio et quot modis dicitur vide inter accidentia nominum in ethimologia? Hic etiam de formatione graduum","Explicit tractatus comparacione","Latin",,"","(followed by table on 189v, col. 2).","","CJ" 484,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:11","21","Libellus de dubio accentu","190r-191r","Sapientis est desidie marcescenti non succumbere, sed potius otioso","Explicit libellus qui intitulatur de dubio Accentu editus ab vgocione","Latin",,"","","","CJ" 485,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:2","7","Tractatus generum [colophon]","95-97v","Omnia nomina terminantia in -a nominativo singulari sunt feminini generis ut musa","Explicit tractatus generum","Latin",,"","","","CJ" 486,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:3","9","Pratum fflorum (colophon)","98-127v","Grammatice flores presens liber insinuabit","Explicit Pratum fflorum","Latin",,"","Followed by a table of contents (ff. 128r-129r).","","CJ" 487,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:4","11","","131r-137r","Secundum Catholicon in quinta parte capitulo de regimine nominativi triplex est nominativus","Expliciunt Regimina secundum Leylond","Latin",,"","","","CJ" 488,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:5","12","libellus Paruulorum","137v-147v","Ut artis metrice cognitio iuvenibus elucescat presentem tractatum ex diversis compilavi libellis Primo dicendum quid sit pes","dixi remedium peto de commissis. Explicit libellus Paruulorum","Latin",,"","An appendix follows, beginning 'Ad habendum rithimicam scientiam'.","","CJ" 489,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:6","14","","149-156v","De declinationibus queritur quot terminationes habet prima declinatio in nominativo singulari","","Latin",,"","","","CJ" 490,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:7","15","","157-160r","Prima coniugatio quatuor vias terminationes habet in preteritis","","Latin",,"","","","CJ" 491,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:8","16","","160v-170v","Ego Ricardus Hambury, deo dante, difficultates Prisciani in primo constructionum cum auctoritatibus suis alligatis propono patenter componere",,"Latin",,"","Followed by a table of contents on fol. 171r.","","CJ" 492,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:9","18","Explicit tractatus de concordanijs grammatica","186r-v","Quot sunt concordantiae in grammatica? Dicendum quod sunt quinque. Quae??","Explicit tractatus de concordanijs grammatica Secundum Magistrum Joh. Leylond","Latin",,"","","","CJ" 493,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 0117","1","","3r","Quot sunt litterae interponi les enim enphonie","Dant ratus in primum dant in ratus que secundum","Greek","Latin","","Alphabet written across the top of both leaves.","Anglicana with some secretary forms, inc. .","CJ" 495,"Cambridge University Library Ii.2.24","RS 41","1","","13r - 161r","Post preclaros artium scriptores quibus","Mense marcii eiusdem anni dominus thomas hatfeld episcopus Dunelmensis moritur senex multorum dierum","Latin",,"","Preceded by a table of contents on ff. 5-11v.","One hand throughout. Script: Neat, if slightly variable anglicana formata.","CJ" 496,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 1025","9","A preyere to our lady","200v-201v","Heyle be glad & joye wt out ende","Os gyde & lyde že ryght redy ways . Here endith a preyere to our lady","English",,"","","Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script: Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect.","CJ" 499,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 186","13","The dite on žis worde, He hasteth weel žt wysely can a byde","205v-208v","Alle haste is odious where as discressioun","Embrace žt Baner & do žer by a byde. Explicit . quod lydgate","English",,"","","Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script: Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect.","CJ" 500,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 2081","4","An holy meditacioun to oure Lord criste Jhesu hangyng on the Croose","194r-196r","Man to reforme žyn exile & žy loose","Than ofte tymes thyng on Cristus passian Here endith this holy preyere to the Lord Criste Jhesu hangyng on the Crosse . Veni domine Jhesu","English",,"","In the initial rubric, the authorship is noted as follows: 'compiled & made by John Lidgate late a monk of the house of Seynt Edmund of Bery on whose sowle God haue mercy . Amen'.","Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect.","CJ" 501,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 253","6","preyere to our lord Jhesu","197r-197v","Almy3ti god maker of Heuene Erthe & Eyre, Watur & Wynde","Wher Jhesu žu haue mercy on me Amen Here endith žis preyere to our lord Jhesu","English",,"","","Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script: Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect.","CJ" 502,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 2784","14","","208v-214v","Problems lykenessus & ffygurys","Thus euery thyng as clerkes spesyfye","English",,"","Incomplete. No title; wants 5 stanzas at the end.","Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script: Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect.","CJ" 503,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 2791","8","An holy preyere to oure moste blesset lady seynt mari of here . v . joyes","199r - 200v","Qvene of heuene of helle eeke Emperesse Lady of this worlde O verrey loode sterre","To make 3ow stronge be war for get hem nought . Quod dan Johun Lydgate","English",,"","","Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script: Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect.","CJ" 504,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 2802","10","Regina celi letare","201v-202r","In whome fyrste žis worlde began","As 3e to geder were bounden in fere. Regina celi letare. Here endith Regina celi","English",,"","","Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script: Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect.","CJ" 505,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 2833","7","Vexilla regis prodeunt","197r-199r","(Rubric - 197v) And be gynneth the ymne Vexilla regis prodeunte . Royal Banerys vnrolled of the kyng","On his ffyue woundes & his passion. Here endith the ymne Vexilla regis prodeunt","English",,"",,"Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script: Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect. Some use of secretary features - possibly influenced by humanist scripts.","CJ" 506,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 3184","16","","242v-245v","Sum tyme in Rome a pope žer was /That hadde a moder fayre of face","fowre aungellys he sey her goo. In to blysse there god bryng ows to. Amen. Explicit quod Richard ffox","English","Latin","","ff. 246r-247v sacred music.","Richard Fox. Very untidy cursive secretary with anglicana letter forms. Right slanting, broad strokes, very cursive. Attempts at a more formal style for Latin text.","CJ" 507,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 3845","5","Anožer preyere to our lord hangyng on že Croose","196v-197r","Uppon the croosse nayuled y was for the","At her requeste be to vs merciable Here endith this preyere to oure lord","English",,"",,,"CJ" 508,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 401","12","A songe of vertu","203v-205v","Of hony men gaderen out swetnesse","Wyth hym to dwell aboue že sterres cleere. Here endith the song on žis worde who sueth vertu, vertu schgalt be leere","English",,"","Authorship note in heading ?of že sayde John lydgatis makyng?.","Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script: Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect.","CJ" 509,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IMEV 915","11","An holy preyer to Seynt Edmund kyng . martyr . & mayden","202r-203v","Glorious Edmunde kyng of Estyngelonde","Callynge to the for helpe In žer moste neede. Here endith žis holy preyere of Seynt Edmunde","English",,"","","Scribe(s): Richard Fox. Script: Same hand as the contents list and colophon on f. 1r, which notes ?Quod Richard Fox?. Idiosyncratic attempt at Anglicana - very sparse, with strokes tending not to be joined up, giving a rather bare effect.","CJ" 510,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","IPMEP 172","15"," the Tales of Gesta Romanorum","216r-242v","Inclides in the cite of Rome regnyd a full wyse man","& že pore man dwellyd žere all his lyf after. Here endith a ffewe of the Tales of Gesta Romanorum","English",,"","The stories are somewhat abbreviated in this MS, and the Moralities are omitted. See Warton, II. 235 sq. ed. 1840.","Secretary, quite neat and close. Expands slightly as the text progresses ? thicker pen.","CJ" 511,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","MWME 2: 1067","1","the vii . Psalms the wheche dame Alyanore Hull Transelated out of ffrensche in to Englesche","2r-147r","Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me etc. This tytle is seyd in the end of the psalms of david for the viii","That he schal sey to his chosyn in že day of streyte Iugement. Venite benedicti patris...etc. Here endeth the vii . Psalms the wheche dame Alyanore Hull Transelated out of ffrensche in to Englesche","English","Latin","","On Eleanor Hull?s works, see M. Deansley, The Lollard Bible (Cambridge, 1920), 341. On f. 1 is written, among other entries ?Thus endith the contentes of this Booke: Quod Richard Fox?. The final entry of this contents list seems to have been: 'how seynt Gregory saued his moderes sowle by his prayer'. The remainder of the leaf is taken up by a list of portents in a s. xvi hand; inc 'In the yere of ower lord a thousand vc lij & ouer schall theys be doyng & done'. Exp: 'Marie Repene Anglie primi primo xix daye julii'. On f. 2r is the three-line poem in English 'Iesu crist most merciful' (IMEV 1683.3) and on ff. 30v-32r is 'Ihesu king of hie heuen above' (IMEV Supp 1719).","Secretary, with some anglicana features, such as (varying in quality). Latin headings in much more formal script ? Bastard Anglicana.","CJ" 512,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","UMP 0083","2","Here ende the meditacyons opon the vii dayes of the woke .","148r-179v","This orysone & thes meditacions žt folowenhere ben in party takyn of Seynt Austyn . party of Seynt Ancelm . party of seynt Barnard . & party of ožer wrytynges for to enflawme the hert & the corage of hem žt redyn it in the love of god?","yn to that most perfyt joy he bryng vs all Amen So be it Amen. Explicit deo gracias. Here ende the meditacyons opon the vii dayes of the woke . Veni domine Jhesu . Nomen scriptoris Walteris plenus Amoris . (Rubric: Alyanore Hull drawe out of ffrenche all this before wreten in this lytyll booke","English",,"",,"Walterus Plenus Amoris. Script: Secretary bookhand, with both anglicana and secretary features. Rubric by Fox.","CJ" 513,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","UMP 0084","3","","180r-192r","(Rubric) The lord aperyd to anholy man & seyd hym ho žt louyth me record & haue ofte mynd of my passyon & he žt sokyth me on že crosse","to že most gloryous lady y yecomand my soule my body my lyfe . And my dethe & my resureccyon now blessyd be 3e wt your sone that ys & schall be wt god the fader & the holy gost o parfyt god per omnia secula seculorum Amen Deo gracias","English",,"","f.192v blank. On f. 193r there are a few s.xv and s.xvi medical recipes in English. f. 193v blank.","Small secretary, with anglicana features, such as and , and variations on anglicana . Writing degenerates and becomes more untidy as the text progresses - instances of secretary decreases as writing gets faster and less careful","CJ" 514,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","BHL 8247","9","","154r (ll.1-36)","Quando ego thomas Cantuarensis archyepiscopus","inclusa cum hac cedula in uase plumbeo","Latin",,"","Next text follows without a break.","Very tiny neat cursive anglicana. Light brown ink; very little space between lines.","CJ" 515,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","IMEV 2515","3","None","8v-10r","O myghty mars that marrith many a wight","By the sonne and the mone euery dele","English",,"","","Cursive secretary","NIMEV" 516,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","IMEV 757","8","","153v","Fals love when VI setteth ayenst VIIJ","","English",,"",,"","NIMEV" 517,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Lapidge/Sharpe 39","6",,"12r-146r","Contra quos Brutus etiam","transferre curaui. Explicit historia Bruti Scripta Wigorn .m.ccc.uicesimo septimo. Amen","Latin",,"",,"Clear anglicana, brown ink.","CJ" 519,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0085","1","","1v-7r","Orosius de Orniesta mundi contra paganos scripsit beato Augustino septem libros. In quorum primo post principium describens Britanniam sic ait. Britannia oceani insula","circum uallatas elementi . Substratur est nobis ille prereptus aque mons . Hec ab Egesippo colliguntur","Latin",,"","ff. 7r-10v. Various notes in fifteenth-century hands (Crick 1989: 82 says sixteenth, but may be earlier) - English 8v-10v.","Clear anglicana, brown ink.","CJ" 520,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0086","2","","7r-8r","Nota cronicas notabiles sequentes","ultra Sabrinam in Wallias","Latin",,"","","Black ink, switches to brown part way down 7v. Quick, heavily abbreviated secretary hand.","CJ" 521,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0087","4","","10r-v, 11v","Memorandum that John Wright, prophesur examined before my lord Cardinal, my lord Treasurer, my Lords of Bathe","and after hym he said shuld regne no moo Kinges of England","English",,"","","Very small compressed secretary, very cursive, light brown ink.","CJ" 522,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0088","5","","11r","Secundum Iosephum libro . viii . antiquitatum","anni . mmmm .d.xiii menses .vi. dies .x. hec Iosephus","Latin",,"","Note beneath on early Britons, which may date from the late s.xv.","Anglicana.","CJ" 523,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0089","10","","154r (l. 36)-154v","Soldanus Babilonie primo completam super christianos habitam victoriam terre sancte","cum ceteris cunctis Invenit Anno regni sui primo . Cum quo oleo Henricus quintus primus unctus est.","Latin",,"","Not noted in Crick or in CUL cat.","","CJ" 524,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0090","16","","157r-158r","Sciendum quod postquam saxones et anglicic venissent de Alemannis ad hanc terram et frigassent butones etc. Rex Alfredus regnavit 28 annis . iacet apud Hide","Rex Henricus 5mo regnavit .x. annis . Westmonasterii monasterio iacet. Rex Henricus 6mo regnavit etc. Explicit","Latin",,"","","Heavily abbreviated. Crick suggests that the hand is post-reformation. Possibly late s.xv? Secretary and .","CJ" 525,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0091","17","","158r","Frater Exerces imperator grecorum","Et multi alii duces et ducisse comites et comitisse milites et militisse","Latin",,"","","Late, secretary, heavily abbreviated. Crick suggests post-reformation.","CJ" 526,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0092","18","","158v","Mors [c]apit vna duos mors altera set male patrem","anglorum gens perfecta (?) fiand[ ] suorum (?)","Latin",,"","Largely obscured - use of galls?","Late s.xv? Cursive anglicana.","CJ" 527,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0093","19","","159r","Anno cephas mille canis catulus cocadrille/ Post finos quartos vuluera quinque sanus","Istud futurum merulus mirabile mirum . Si velis scire Ricardus quando redire debuit ad regnum dat Aprilis nobile signum . Explicit.","Latin",,"",,"Small cursive secretary. Ascenders slant to the left.","CJ" 528,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0094","23","","161r-161v","Hii versus sequentes inveniebantur in tarde scripti aureis litteris in valvis ecclesie de Andegavia quorum scripta nequiban[t] evelli alio instrumento et ideo insani fregerunt valvas ecclesie eiusdem et misse fuerunt londonias de normania circa Pascha","Quam rex anglorum faciet rigore suorum . Considerate exposicionem istorum versuum dum scisma in ecclesia dei sit iam finita etc... populares vulgares regni Francie fuerun[t] Ita oppressi per guerram inter ducem Auriolensem Et ducem Burgundie ... et alii","Latin",,"","","Small cursive secretary. Ascenders slant to the left.","CJ" 529,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0095","24","","162r","Duo sunt genera principatuum","secundum convenietum proporcionem. Hec nota secundum intencionem Aristotelis","Latin",,"","","Heavily abbreviated secretary","CJ" 530,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0096","25","Prophesia (sic) abbatis Joachim Anno domini Millesimo Co xxiiijo","162v","Carolus Philippi filius ex nacione illustris Julii habens frontem longam","Et erit primus coronatus Imperator post fredericum tercium","Latin",,"","","Small very cursive secretary. Upright ductus.","CJ" 531,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","UMP 0097","26","","163r","Reges diuersi [Anglie] deponuntur. Arthgallo","Hen. 6","Latin",,"","","Small abbreviated secretary.","CJ" 532,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Walther 6296","7",,"146r-153v","[F]ebris infectus requies fuerat mihi lectus","Ad mortem tendo morti mea carmina pendo. Istos versus dixit unus Canonicus de Bridlyngton qui fuit quasi fatuus reputatus qui Iacuit in lecto mortali Circa Annum domini M.ccccmum","Latin",,"","Most of 153v illegible.","Very tiny neat cursive anglicana. Light brown ink; very little space between lines.","CJ" 533,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Walther, Initia I.116, no. 2307","14","Prophecia sancti Thome Martiris","156v","Cesaris imperium per tempora longa latebit","In studij muros leopardi ui ructoros. Explicit prophecia sancti Thome Martiris","Latin",,"","","Very tiny neat cursive anglicana. Light brown ink; very little space between lines.","CJ" 534,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Walther, Initia I.330, No. 6576","11",,"155r","Flamine romano crescit britannicus honor","ac vnitur omne","Latin",,"","","Late s.xv hand? Secretary, untidy, heavily abbreviated and very cursive.","CJ" 535,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Walther, Initia I.353, no. 7015","13","Prophecia quam composuit Holpes philosophorus","155v-156r","Hic incipit prophecia quam composuit Holpes philosophorus. Gallorum nouitas Germanos iustificabit","Rex erit anglorum regum de stirpe priorum. Explicit hic prophecia quam composuit Holpes quam ego Jacobus Joco3i inveni in ecclesia beati Thome Rome anno primo domini Bonfiaciin qui nunc est nous","Latin",,"","","Very tiny neat cursive anglicana. Light brown ink; very little space between lines.","CJ" 536,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Walther, Initia I.58, no. 1128","20","Prophecia William de Stapulton","159v","Incipit prophecia Willelmi de Stapulton quondam forestarii in foresta de Inglewode Anno domini Millesimo CCC LXXIX . Anno cephas mille canis catubas cocadrille /Lux erux cum Christo sex vixit carmina cisto","Quos creasti domine peccatonibus misere. Explicit","Latin",,"","","Small cursive secretary. Ascenders slant to the left.","CJ" 537,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Walther, Initia I.864, no. 16457","15","Prophecia quam Gyldas abbas de Glastynberi composuit","156v-157r","Regnum Scotorum fiet inter cetera regna","h[..] retulit paruo carmine plura uocans","Latin",,"","","Very tiny neat cursive anglicana. Light brown ink; very little space between lines.","CJ" 538,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Ward, Cat. of Romances I, 314","21","","160r","Hermenis dominus sapientum dixit post annum a criacione mundi 6376 .","","Latin",,"",,"Small cursive secretary. Ascenders slant to the left.","CJ" 539,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Ward, Cat. of Romances I, 317","12",,"155r","Ter tria iustra tenet","clerumque reducet","Latin",,"","","Late s.xv hand? Secretary, untidy, heavily abbreviated and very cursive.","CJ" 540,"Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Ward, Cat. of Romances I, 322, no. 30","22","Versus de Britannia editi de Magistro Donakamme","160v-161r","Intrans cum sole canis catulusque leone","Si fiat metrum falsum tibi discute tertrum. Explicit","Latin",,"","","Small cursive secretary. Ascenders slant to the left.","CJ" 565,"Cambridge University Library Mm.2.21","IMEV 2662","1","","1r ? 183v","Torpor hebes sensus scola proua labor minimisque","Wher restež loue and alle pees/ Oure joye may been endelees Amen","English",,"","","Scribe 1: ff. 1-32, 41-64, 73-88, 97-136, 145-52. 161-176 Scribe 2: ff. 33-40, 89-96, 137-144 Scribe 3: ff. 65-72 Scribe 4: ff. 153-160 Scribe 5: ff. 177-183 Another hand adds marginal notes on ff. 4, 32v, 65, 72v.","CJ" 567,"Cambridge University Library Mm.2.5","IMEV 4019","1","ye boke of ye tales of Caunturbury","2r-252v","Syngynge he was or floytynge alle že daye","Here endeth ye boke of ye tales of Caunturbury compilede by Geffray Chaucer of whoos soule Ih[es]u criste haue m[er]cy amen.","English",,"","Begins imperfectly at General Prologue line 91. Also contains Gamelyn (treated as the Cook's Tale) IMEV 1913 on ff. 48v-58v.","One anglicana hand.","CJ" 568,"Chicago Newberry Library +33.1","RS 41","5","","15r-142r","Prologus, capitulum primum (sic in red). Post preclaros artium scriptores","Johannis regis frater de capcione (ends imperfectly at the end of an imperfect quire)","Latin",,"","Index notes in outer margins with reference to historical personae.","Bastard anglicana media.","Saenger 1989: 60" 569,"Chicago Newberry Library +33.1","Rymer 2: 873-75","4","","13v-14r","Littera comitum et baronum Anglie eidem domino pape directa responcioni regis concordantis (in red). Sanctissimo in Christo patri domino Bonifacio","Sui devoti filii ? Datum Lincolnum duodecimo die ffebruarium anno domini millesimo tricentesimo","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana media.","Saenger 1989: 60" 570,"Chicago Newberry Library +33.1","Stones 1970: 192-218","3","","11v-13v","Ista littera sequen extracta fuit ab omnibus cronicalis omnium catheraliium ecclesiarum Anglie et composita per cancellarium et magistros Oxonii in parliamento apud Lincolnum anno domini moccc ad respondenum pape pro quadam bulla missa regi et falsa sugge","Infrascripta non in forma nec in figura iudicii? si placet paternis affectibus commendata","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana media.","Saenger 1989: 59" 571,"Chicago Newberry Library +33.1","UMP 0409","1","","1r-7r","","","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana media.","Saenger 1989: 59" 572,"Chicago Newberry Library +33.1","UMP 3015","2","","8r-11v","Incipit cronica bona et compendiosa de regibus Anglie tantum a Noe post diluuium usque in hunc diem. Noe fuerunt tres filii","in regnum successit Anglorum anno etatis sue undecimo","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana media.","Saenger 1989: 59" 573,"Chicago Newberry Library +33.3","IMEV 1168","1","","1r-201r","He [illegible] -did somtyme his best diligence","who wil encrese by uertu [illegible] must ascende. Explicit liber Bochacii","English",,"","201v blank.","Secretary cursiva formata incorporating anglicana traits.","Saenger 1989: 60" 576,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1101","10","","ff. 39r-48r","Herknež alle to my speche","And 3eue us .....","English",,"","Ends imperfect.","Scribe 2 - a formal bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., pp. xx" 577,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1103","32","Otuel a kni3t","268r-277v","Herknež bože 3inge and olde","And for his lond rente 3iue, Wiž že noue he mote liue.?","English",,"","vv. 1739, ending incomplete.","Scribe 6 - Similar in general appearance to that of scribe 1.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiii" 578,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1105","40",,"ff. 304r-317r","Here may men rede who so can","Žurth his hates žat be ten. Say we now alle amen.","English",,"","vv. 2370.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand. One foliate initial, six lines high with marginal extension in blue on a gold and red background with brown and green leaves (f. 304).","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiv" 579,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1108","2","že King of Tars","ff. 7r-13v","Herknež to me bothe eld and 3ing","Striken of her heuedes al bidene...","English",,"","Ends imperfect.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand. Blue figures on a diapered blue gold background.","Auchinleck facs., p. xix" 581,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1159","5","Seynt Katerine","ff. 21r-24v","He žat made heuen and erže & sonne & mone for to schine","For al žat žou canst bižinke, y wil suffre al in hast.","English",,"","Ends imperfectly - one folio lost.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xix" 582,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1382","37","","281v-299v","I was a[t erželdoun] wiž tomas spake y žare","Ac an aruwe oway he bare In his eld wounde.","English",,"","vv. 3344; ends imperfectly.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs." 583,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1614","27","že wenche žat [lou]ed [a k]ing","256v","It bifel whilom ich vnderstond","","English",,"","Short couplets. Ends imperfect with only 24 lines (barely legible) remaining. Single letters remaining on the stub f.256ra suggest at least 29 lines lost. Apparently an attempt was made to erase the text.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand. Blue figures on diapered gold background, defaced.","Auchinleck facs., p. xv" 584,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1675","26","Of arthour & of merlin","201r-256v","Ihesu Crist heuen king","Žai maden gret blis & fest & after 3eden hem to rest.","English",,"","9938 lines in couplets.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxii" 585,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1754","24",,"ff. 167v-175v","Iesu žat ert of mi3te most","Žai toke leue an hi3e. Inte Ingelonde žai gonne saile.","English",,"","Ends imperfect with about 40 lines lacking by comparison with the French source.","Scribe 5 - a disjointed, irregular hand. Miniature of a grey tower with brown door, white horse, blue and grey and red and grey figures on diapered gold background.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxii" 586,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1760","14",,"ff. 70r-72r","Iesu žat for vs wolde die","To žat blisse bringe vs he Žat is and was and euer sschal be. Amen.","English",,"","","Scribe 3 - a cursive bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xv" 587,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1840","29","Hou our leuedi saute was ferst founde","ff. 259r-260v","Leuedi swete and milde","He mot ous alle bring To blis swiže sone. Amen","English",,"","vv. 245.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs." 588,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 185","8","","ff. 35r-37v","Vntil crist loked žaim vnto","?Lord žou 3aue me al wiž skil/ Že lay Sinay on že hil.?","English",,"","vv. 1-28 wanting.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xx" 589,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1857","20","Un sarmoun of iiij wise men","f. 105r","Len puet fere & defere ceo fait il trop souent","Sen him žat us bouhte dere, In ioye widoute ende. Amen.","English","Anglo-Norman",,"vv. 58.","Scribe 2 - a formal bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxi" 590,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1873.5","3","","14r-16r","Li3tbern žat angel bri3t","","English",,"","Begins and ends imperfectly.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xix" 591,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1895","17","","ff. 78r-84r","Kni3tes ž[at were some tyme in londe] / Ferli fele wolde fonde","For 3he is in gret mourning.? ?Bleželich? quaž he ?bi heuene-kyng.?","English",,"","Ends imperfect.","Scribe 3 - a cursive bookhand.","Auchinleck facs." 592,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1956","36"," David že king","f. 280r-v","Lord god to že we calle","Fram že first bigininge, Žat neuer no schal haue endinge.Amen","English",,"","96 lines including a lacuna on f.280va, but excluding Latin headings.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs." 593,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1979","43","King Richard","f. 327","Lord Iesu king of glorie","For better he sped žat day ar none Žan že ožer in seuen 3er hadde done.","English",,"","Ends imperfect.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand. Red standards, brown boat, red and grey figure, grey tower, green and brown sea on dotted gold background.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiv" 594,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 1993","25","Beues of hamtoun","ff. 176r-201r","Lordinges herknež to me tale","Žus endež Beues of Hamtoun God 3eue vs alle is benesoun. amen","English",,"","1 leaf missing.","Scribe 5 - a disjointed, irregular hand. An historiated initial, six lines high with marginal extensions, in blue and red, with a blue, grey and red figure on a diapered gold background and red and green leaves.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxii" 595,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 203","4","Seynte Mergrete","ff. 16v-21r","Al žat ben in dedli sinne","& grant ous že miche ioie žer seynt Mergrete is inne. Amen. Explicit seynt Katerine","English",,"","","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xix" 596,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 206","15",,"f. 72r","Alle žat euer gon and riden","Žan Ihesu Crist žat more is werthe","English",,"","v. 135; ends imperfectly.","Scribe 3 - a cursive bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxi" 597,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 209","1","","1r-6v","Žerl him graunted his wille, ywis,","& že keye wiž mi ri3t hond Into že se y cast oway...","English",,"","vv. 1-268 wanting.","","Auchinleck facs." 599,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 2253","41","Horn childe & maiden rimnild","ff. 317v-323v","Mi leue frende dere","When Žorbrond herd žis, Žat Horn to lond ycomen is ...","English",,"","Ends imperfect. A leaf lost after f.321 and another after f.323 (with about 176 and 150 lines).","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiv" 600,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 2288.8","19","","ff. 100r-104v","I ne kan telle 3ou nowt","Amen sigge3 also, And ich schal helpe ?ou žerto. EXPLICIT","English",,"",,"Scribe 3 - a cursive bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxi" 601,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 2602.3","28","[A penni}worž [of wi]tte","257r-259r","Of a chaunce ichil 3ou telle","Žai ferd miri, & so mot we. Amen, amen par charite.","English",,"","Short couplets. 400 lines. Begins imperfect.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxii" 602,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 282.5","9","","ff. 37v-38v","[An a]ngel sche sent to him anon","Bring ous, for žine ioies fiue, Into že swete blis of heuen. Amen. Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand","Auchinleck facs., p. xx" 603,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 303.6","6","","ff. 25r-31v","& liued in dedeli sinne","Graunt ous heuen-blis aboue / Bifor his swete face. Amen Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xx" 604,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 304.5","12","","ff. 62r-65v","& martha keped swiže wel","Amen, amen, sigge al we, God it ous graunt [par charite.] Amen","English",,"","Begins imperfect, with fragmentary line-ends.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs." 605,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 3145","22","","ff. 108r-146v","His lord he serued treweliche","At Warwik žai henge že heued anon, Mani man wondred žerapon.","English",,"","Short couplets. Begins imperfect with the probable loss of a full leaf, equivalent to 176 lines. 6923 lines including a stub after f.118. One leaf missing after f.120.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxii" 606,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 3187","18","","ff. 84r-99v","For že mede of mi seruise","A viser 3it he made more / Two faces bihinde & two bifore","English",,"","Extract only: The Tell Tale Bird.","Scribe 3 - a cursive bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxi" 607,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 3222","34","","f. 279v","L[enten is comen] wiž loue [to toun]","Ichaue leue to ali3t here In orchard & in erbere ...","English",,"","First line defective. Ends imperfect through the loss of five succeeding leaves.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs." 609,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 3452","13","","65v-69v","Al žat že prophetes schewed whilom","& bad him bileuen al žat diol žat he to him nam.","English",,"","vv. 1-309.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs." 610,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 3462","39","","f. 303r-v","že siker sože who so seys","Now haue y founden ži fas, Finde tow ži frendes.","English",,"","","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiv" 611,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 351","7","že disputisoun bitvenn že bodi & že soule","ff. 31v-35r","As y lay in a winters ni3t","Ži pass ..... ..... Žerto ...... ..... Explicit","English",,"","","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xx" 613,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 3868","38","","f. 300r-303r","Orfeo was a king","God graunt ous alle wele to fare. amen Explicit","English",,"","vv. 604.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiii" 614,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 3869","30","Lay le freine","ff. 261r-262r","We redež oft and findež ywrite","Že bischop of že lond wižouten fail Com to do že spusseayl. . . .","English",,"","Short couplets. 340 lines in this text and in Wattie's edition, which includes a lacuna (approximately 13 lines) at f.261vb. Ends imperfect with fragments of a full column on the stub f.262ra.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxii" 616,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 4119.5","16","","f.72r-78r","Whoso ber3ž palm že tokne is žis","3iue ous grace for to wone In ioie žat neuere schal ende.","English",,"","","Scribe 3 - a cursive bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxi" 618,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 4165","44","že Simonie","ff. 328r-334v","Whij were and wrake in londe and manslauht is icome","Že pilory and že cucking-stol bež imad for noht.","English",,"","Ends imperfect with last leaf missing from the gathering.","Scribe 2 - a formal bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiv" 619,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 552.8","42","","ff. 324r-325v","Bot fals men make her fingres feld","Graunt hem heuen to mede. Amen. Explicit","English",,"","Begins imperfect, having lost the first 17 lines.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiv" 620,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 683","33","","ff. 278r-279v","Begins imperfect","God ous graunt his blisseing. amen Explicit","English",,"","Short couplets. Auchinleck contains only 259 lines plus fragments now in London University Library and St Andrews University Library.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiii" 621,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 821","11","","ff. 48v-61v","žat riche douke his fest gan hold","3if it ware at min hert rote For to bring ži brožer bote,","English",,"","Beginning and ending incomplete; vv. 2288.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xx" 622,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 823.3","31","","ff. 263r-267v","For he it sei3e wiž si3t","Žat was a Sarra3in stern,/ Ful sone žis word sprong.","English",,"","Imperfect at beginning and end.","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxiii" 623,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 946","23","","ff. 146v-167r","God graunt hem heuen blis to mede","Now God leue ous to liue so / Žat we may žat ioie com to. Amen par charite.","English",,"","","Scribe 1 - a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxii" 625,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","UMP 0875","21","","ff. 105v-107r","Aumarle Bertram","Rypers Perrers","Latin",,"",,"Scribe 4 - a square, formal bookhand.","Auchinleck facs., p. xxi" 626,"Eton College 117","Liebeschutz 1926: 65-114","6","","183r-201v, 212rv, 202r-211r","In two parts: (a) 183r: Intencio venerabilis viri fulgentii in sua methelogia est sub tegmine fabularum (b) Sequitur 7a mithologia ful de apolline. Dei iouis prole fingunt namque poete apollinem primum filium et principium? (f. 204) plus valet quam","(a) 193ra/54: ut augustinius et anselmus et alii. sic igitur finita est 6 mithologia ful de virtute prouidencie (b) ex tali glorificacione sequitur finalis dampnacio. sic ergo finiuntur mithologie primi libri et secundi, etc.","Latin",,,"The text 'enim notandum? incidentem' (edn., pp. 108/11-111/17) was left out at 191 rb/56, and supplied on the recto of an inserted leaf, f. 192: 192v is blank. (b) appears to continue (a).","Anglicana; s.xiv/xv.","MMBL II: 726-28" 627,"Eton College 117","Thomson, Grossteste pp. 122","3","Lincoln' de Cessacione legalium","113r-155r","Fuerunt plurimi in primitiua ecclesia","et infirmitatis medicinam. 'Explicit Lincoln' de Cessacione legalium.'","Latin",,"","155v blank.","","MMBL II: 726-28" 628,"Eton College 117","Thomson, Grossteste pp. 215-32","1","Dict' Lincoln'","1r-104v","Amor multipliciter","(f. 103r) iusticie et misericordie etc. Explicit","Latin",,"","147 dicta. Dictum 127 is omitted in its place, f.86v, and added by another hand on ff. 103-4, together with a second copy of Dictum 134. f. 92r was left blank.","Anglicana (s.xiv).","MMBL II: 726-28" 629,"Eton College 117","Thomson, Grossteste pp. 270","4","Lincoln' de venenis","156r-165v","Racio veneni potissime","et merces qui cum ? deus. Explicit tractatus qui dicitur 'de venenis secundum Lincoln' (the addition over erasure). 'Explicit Lincoln' de venenis'.","Latin",,"","","","MMBL II: 726-28" 630,"Eton College 117","UMP 0020","5","","166r-182v","Cam 24 Ulterius restat iuxta promissa discutere differenciam inter peccatum venale et mortale","non sit necesse procuratorie sic orare amen","Latin",,"","Chapters 24-6 of a summa of theology.","Anglicana - s.xiv/xv.","MMBL II: 727" 631,"Eton College 117","UMP 0021","2","Tabula super dicta Lyncolniensis","105r-112v","In two parts: (a) 105r: Abstinencia. require in dicto 36 (b) 111v: In hoc libello sunt capitula","(a) 111v: ysopus calidus est (b) 112v: ad populum feci. Explicit tabula super dicta Lyncolniensis","Latin",,"","An earlier copy of b is on f. v r-v. Added in s.xv","Anglicana (s.xv).","MMBL II: 726-28" 632,"Eton College 18","Stegmuller, Bibl 7416","1","Liber holcot super sapiens","9r-222r","Dominus petra mea et robur meum Re 22. Artes et sciencie","f. 221: de omni augustia. quod nobis concedat qui ? amen. Explicit liber holcot super sapiens etc. 'Os iusti meditabitur sapienciam p'36. Omnis sciencia siue humanitus adinuenta ? perducat qui sine fine viuit et regnat. Quamuis ista sapiencia ? informantu","Latin",,"","212 numbered chapters. A final chapter '213' and note 'Quamuis?informantur' has been added by another hand at the end. Preceded in the first quire, and followed on ff. 223r - 240v by six lists and indexes related to it.","Textura of two sizes, the larger for the text of Wisdom. Anglicana on ff. 221-222 only. Nicholas Kempston's hand (ff. 8v-36r) is mainly secretary.","MMBL II: 644-645" 633,"Eton College 18","UMP 0004","3","","End pastedown","Memorandum quod xii die mensis Augusti decretum est per Cancellar' Episcopi Wygorn' in ecclesia parochialis sancto Augustini","Et hoc factum est in presencia M' Roberti Peuesy vic' sancti Leonardi M W Parkar vic' sancti Nicholai (last three words repeated twice) et Iohannis famuli eiusdem. Ac Willemi famuli Magistri Roberti Peuesy M' Iohannis Harnham et Iohannis Whytsyde'.","Latin",,"","","","MMBL II: 644-645" 634,"Eton College 18","Walther, Sprichworter 3250","2","","End pastedown","(a) Consulo quisquis eris qui pacis federa queris (2 lines); (b) Plurima cum soleant hominum corrumpere mores (2 lines)","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL II: 644-645" 635,"Eton College 34","PL 66. 785-1072","1","Omelie beati gregorii pape in ezechielem prophetam numero xxii.","ff. 1-103","Incipiunt omelie beati gregorii pape in ezechielem prophetam numero xxii. dicte in patriarcho lateranensi in basilica","Dei omnipotentis aspiracione?erudit. Sit itaque gloria ?amen","Latin",,"",,"Changes from fere-textura to (mainly) secretary on f. 27.","MMBL II: 662-64" 637,"Glasgow University Library Hunter U.1.1","IMEV 4019","1","","1r-115r","his table dormant in his halle alweye","And there a poynte for ended is my tale | God sende every true man bote of hise bale | Now is the tale of the Chanons yoman ended. [last line rubric]","English",,"","","Geoffrey and Thomas Spirleng.", 638,"Glasgow University Library Hunter U.1.1","UMP 0126","2","","116r-120v","Hic incipit mirabilis tractatus de purgatorio sancti patricii hibernicorum archipre sulis et apostoli sibi in uita sua per dominum ihesum [christum] ostenso ad expellendam hereti cam prauitatem dicti populi","","Latin",,"","","Geoffrey and Thomas Spirleng.", 639,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 0005","7","Tractatus de 12 domibus secundum m. R. B.","100r-104v","Incipiunt capitula de naturis 12cim domorum secumdum Magistrum Rogerum Bultynbroke in sua geomancia. Si questio fiat de vita","In peiore ponetur. Finit tractatus de 12 domibus secundum m. R. B.","Latin",,"","","Secretary hand.","MMBL II: 952-55" 640,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 0006","8","","104v-105v","Incipit secundum eundem. Aries est signum masculinum mobile calide","et de similibus. Explicit capitulum de qualitatibis signorum secundum magistrum Rogerum Bultyngbroke in opera tripartito","Latin",,"","Figura ptholemei filled in blank space after 105v. Incipit: 'Figura ptholemei' Explicit: 'pro scienda quabdo et qualiter morbi habere debeant suas determinaciones'.","Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 641,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","Foerster 1893","11","Physionomia","23v-27r","Incipit physionomia. Ex tribus auctoribus quos pre manus habeo loro scilicet medico aristotele philosopho et palemone declamatore","prope modum secuti sumus","Latin",,"","","","MMBL II: 959" 642,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","PL 143: 381-90","4","Heremannus de astrolabio componendo","6r-7r","Incipit Heremannus de astrolabio componendo. Heremannus cristi pauperum peripsima et philosophie tyronum asello","debet notificari","Latin",,"","10 chapters.","","MMBL II: 959" 643,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","PL 143: 385-88","9","","10r-v","","","Latin",,"","","Very small neat textura.","MMBL II: 959" 644,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","PL 143: 389-404","5","De vtilitatibus astrolabii","7r-9v","De vtilitatibus astrolabii. Quicumque astronomice discipline periciam","fabricare horologia","Latin",,"","The seventeen chapters are listed in front of the text.","Neat small textura.","MMBL II: 959" 645,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","PL 143: 405-407/4","6","De composicione horologii doctrina","9v","De composicione horologii doctrina. (In two parts) (a) Vt scioas an horologium congruat illi prouincie in qua es. Vt scias de quolibet orologio in astrolapsu (b) De composicione horologii uiatorum. Componitur quiddam simplex et paruulum","(a) latitudo ipsius climatis in quo es (b) corausto usque (ends imperfectly)","Latin",,"","","Small neat textura.","MMBL II: 959" 646,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","TK 329","20","","45r-46r","Cogitanti michi uotum uestrum uotum bonum","si fieri potest. petita licencia. uade in pace. Amen","Latin",,"","Two leaves missing after f. 45, with half the text. f. 46v is blank. MMBL II: 960: 'According to the table of contents on f. iii, written in the same skilled semi-humanistic hand as the ex-libris of Thomas More [see Owners], art. 20 [ff. 45-6] was followed by 'Tractatus alicantari caldeorum philosophi', possibly the missing text is now New York, Columbia University, Plimpton 161'.","Very small neat textura.","MMBL II: 960" 647,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","UMP 0007","1","","1r","(begins imperfectly) quantitaten existentem. aliquociens","uidentur equalia","Latin",,"","1v blank.","Propositions are larger and proofs in a much smaller script. Neat textura.","MMBL II: 959" 648,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","TK 1704","2","","2r-4v","Uisum rectum esse. cuius media","phylosophorum. forte non uacat","Latin",,"","Not the same translation as that in Corpus Christi Oxford 251 and other manuscripts.","Propositions are larger and proofs in a much smaller script. Neat textura.","MMBL II: 959" 649,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","UMP 0009","3","","5r-6r","(begins imperfectly) excessus a.b ad f.g tantus ad d.e","est maior d.c ita de aliis","Latin",,"","Part of a treatise in apparently nine chapters on the making of an astrolabe and volvel. The six remaining chapters are lettered D-I. A space for the diagram was left at the end of each chapter, but only some of the spaces have been filled.","Very small neat textura.","MMBL II: 959" 650,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","UMP 0010","7","","10r","(begins imperfectly) solis. Sic ubi eum tangat","et inuenies te esse in xvo die aprilis","Latin",,"","The last ten lines of, apparently, instructions for using an astrolabe.","Very small neat textura.","MMBL II: 959" 651,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","UMP 0011","8","","10r","In two parts: (a) Ad sciendam maria uel fluui profunditatem. Vt scias profunditatem. (b) Si uis scire latitudinem campi uel fluuii.","(a) septimi xliii (b) triplum. et sic deinceps","English",,"","","","MMBL II: 959" 652,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","TK 1293","10","Afforismi ursonis de effectibus qualitatum","11r-23v","Incipiunt afforismi ursonis de effectibus qualitatum. Quoniam phisicalis sciencie inuentores aut negligencia thediosi","substanciam eius. Explicit","Latin",,"","Edited in 1924 and 1936. f. 22 should precede f. 21.","Very small neat textura.","MMBL II: 959" 653,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","TK 1521","12","Tractatus de spermate","27r-31r","Incipit tractatus de spermate intitulatus et primo quomodo sperma in sanguine conuertitur. Sperma hominis descendit ex omni humore corporis","secundum naturam sui corporis","Latin",,"","","","MMBL II: 960" 654,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","TK 334","13","Libellus ursonis de effectibus qualitatum","31r-33r","Incipit libellus ursonis de effectibus qualitatum. Cum questionum fere omnium soluciones","efficitur. Et hec de effectibus qualitatum dicta sufficient. Explicit urso de ef. qualitat","English",,"","","","MMBL II: 960" 655,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","TK 742","14","","f. 33r-v","Incipit epistola Galieni as glauconem nepo. s. Indigestionem abstinencia et concupiscenciam uirtus sapiencie amputat. Si diligenter animaduertis","atque feruor minuet","Latin",,"","","","MMBL II: 960" 656,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","UMP 0016","15","Tractatus de naturalibus quorundam phylosophorum questionibus inuicem coniocantibus","34r-39r","Tractatus de naturalibus quorundam phylosophorum questionibus inuicem coniocantibus. Epulis sobrietatis philosophia","lunari repugnat humor","Latin",,"","Book 3 of the Saturnalia, sections iv-xvi.","Very small neat textura.","MMBL II: 960" 657,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","UMP 0018","19","Tractatus de crisi","40r-45r","Incipit tractatus de crisi. Galienus in libro de crisi. Sexiniquit sunt alteraciones","in eadem dispositione. malum est","Latin",,"","","","MMBL II: 960" 658,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","TK 858","17","","39r-v","Medicina est sciencia sanorum. egrorum et neutrorum","esse quod est","Latin",,"","","","MMBL II: 960" 659,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","Walther 15736","16","De modo curandi","39r","Qui uocem claram uult frater semper habere","Hac de materia nunc expedit ergo tacere","Latin",,"","De modo curandi, according to a title in the margin.","Very small neat textura.","MMBL II: 960" 660,"Gloucester Cathedral 25","Walther 17537","18","","39v","Septem sunt cara. quia sunt bona uel quia rara","","Latin",,"","","Very small neat textura.","MMBL II: 960" 661,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","Graesse 1890","2","Uitas sanctorum/legende sanctorum","1r-197r","Prologus ad uitas sanctorum R. Diuersum tempus presentis uite? (178) ut tandem in eo habitare dignetur per gloriam. Quod nobis prestare dignetur","Expliciunt legende sanctorum. Deo gracias. Laudes Xpo. / Finito libro fit laus et gloria Xpo. /Nomen scriptoris Willelmis seruus amoris","Latin",,"","Booklet I. On f. 3r, two couplets of ME verse, beginning 'žus ia al že herte of man'. Compared with the edition of T. Graesse (1890), this copy omits Sophia, Timothy, Fabian, Apollonia, Boniface as in Hereford O.V.13, puts Septem Fratres after Theodora, Giles after Felix & Adauctus, Cornelius after John Chrysostom and Lambert after Euphemia.","Neat English rotunda bookhand.","Mynors and Thomson 1993: 30-31" 662,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","Walther Initia 14555","1","","f.ii v","Prima dies celum format, creat altera lucem","","Latin",,"","","","Mynors and Thomson 1993: 30-31" 663,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.IV.3","Schulte II. 176-7","1","","I: iii-x verso","[P]remissis casibus singularibus et eorum determinatione","(ends imperf. in reg. 21) in priori prolata. Catchwords 'preualet prima sunt'","Latin",,"","","Debased rotunda bookhand.","Mynors and Thomson 1993: 26" 664,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.IV.3","Stegmuller, Bibl. 11786","2","","II: 1r-49v","(Beg imperf. in prol. PG 12.830 A) autem gens sancta regale sacerdotum?; [E]t factum est post mortem Moysi?; Adamancius. Moyses famulus meus defunctus est etc. Aduerte [quomodo] regnat Iesus","non quoniam posuerunt","Latin",,"","","Good English early Gothic bookhand, writing semi-quadrata for the text, glossularis for the gloss.","Mynors and Thomson 1993: 26" 665,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.IV.3","Stegmuller, Bibl. 11787","3","","II: 49v-93r","[P]ost mortem Iosue ?; Allergorice. In fine libri Iesu naue","(f.91): omnibus sit submissa","Latin",,"","","Good English early Gothic bookhand, writing semi-quadrata for the text, glossularis for the gloss.","Mynors and Thomson 1993: 26" 666,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.IV.3","Stegmuller, Bibl. 11788","4","","93r-98v","[I]n diebus unius iudicis?; Propter paucitatem spiritualium doctorum","(ends imperf in 4: 15) de nuru enim tua natus. Catchwords 'est qui te'.","Latin",,"","f. 99rv blank but for pencil notes on 99r.","Good English early Gothic bookhand, writing semi-quadrata for the text, glossularis for the gloss. Annotated in the hand which may be John Castyll's (see Hereford P.IX.4).","Mynors and Thomson 1993: 26" 667,"Lincoln Cathedral 3 (A.1.15)","Von Schulte II, p. 115 [15.1]","1","Explicit apparatus Decretalium","4v-192v","Gregorius [illegible] ? (Gloss) In huius libri principio","Text: ut pro spiritualibus pactione quas homagium compellatur. (Gloss) uel de facto inducit scilicet de pactis pactiones. Explicit apparatus Decretalium","Latin",,"","Preceded on f. 2 by table of contents to the Decretales in 4 cols, in a fifteenth-century anglicana hand. ff. 2v-4 blank; f. 4 filled with 2 cols of gloss omitted from f. 5.","Text in hand which may be French; gloss in English hand.","Thomson 1989: 4-5" 668,"Lincoln Cathedral 3 (A.1.15)","Von Schulte II, p. 119 [16.3]","2","","ff. 193r-204v","(Text) Innocentius episcopus? dilectis fliiis uel uniuersitati magistrorum et scolarium Parisiensi salutem. (Gloss) [C]um in multis etc. Infinitas. Nota quod infinitas in multis articulis reprobatur","(Text) Cum nuper in concilio Lugdunensi?seu uiribus pecunii derogari. (Gloss) quare non deberet. Valete b'.","Latin",,"","Passages of nonsense in English serve as line fillers at the foot of a column or in the lower margins.","Text in Italian hand; gloss in English hand. Added notes to the text in a cursive hand, probably English. Others, including some verses, in an 15th-cent. anglicana hand.","Thomson 1989: 4-5" 669,"Lincoln Cathedral 60 (A.6.11)","UMP 0523","1","Tractatus uirtutum","1r-480v","(Chapter-Table, ff. 1-4) Presens opus habet v. partes?; (I. 4v) Incipit tractatus moralis de uirtutibus. Cum circa utlia studere debeamus?;","parentes nostri celestem hereditatem. Tractatus uirtutum explicit.","Latin",,"","Chapters: I, 4v; II, f. 18; III, f.156v; IV, f. 387v; V. f. 424.","Peter Cederwalt. Thomson 1989 describes the hand as an 'elegant hybrida influenced by humanist script'. [Cederwalt] rubricates as far as f. 197.","Thomson 1989: 42-43" 670,"Lincoln Cathedral 77 (A.3.4)","PG 31: 1723-1781","1","","ff. 1r-46v","Incipit prologus Rufini presbiteri in homilias octo beati Basilii quas de Greco transtulit in Latinum.","portum diuine uoluntatis in Christo Iesu cui gloria in s. s. amen","Latin",,"","With the prologue of their translator Rufinus.","Large skilled English hand.","Thomson 1989: 55-56" 671,"Lincoln Cathedral 77 (A.3.4)","PG 35.407-36.736","3","","57r-140v","[I]n hoc uolumine continentur libri viii Gregorii Nazianzi episcopi (followed by a numbered list of the eight pieces). Incipit prefacio Rufini ad Promanum. [P]roficiscenti mihi ex urbe","quem fructificault primo in Christo Iesu Domino nostro cui est gloria et potestas in s. s. amen. Explicit","Latin",,"","This collection is found in the same order in other 12th-cent. English MSS (e.g. BL Roy. 5. E. xxii), and is printed thus by J. Knoblauch (Strassbourg, 1508).","Large skilled English hand.","Thomson 1989: 55-56" 672,"Lincoln Cathedral 77 (A.3.4)","PL 103. 683-700","2","","47r-56v","[A]udi fili mi admonitionem. Cupio enim te instruere","que preparauit Deus diligentibus se","Latin",,"","","Large skilled English hand.","Thomson 1989: 55-56" 673,"Lincoln Cathedral 77 (A.3.4)","PL 170.11-316A","4","","141r-255r","[E]a que per anni circulum ordine constituto","et inuitare populos ad ilud mare baptismi","Latin",,"","At the head of f. 141, in an early 14th-cent. anglicana hand, 'Tractatus ignotus de ecclesiasticis officiis in xv. peciis'.","English hand. Later than the first section of this MS.","Thomson 1989" 674,"London British Library Additional 16998","Miss. Sarum","1","","2r ? 95v","K omnia dies mensis & septima truncatus","nobis prodesse senciamus auxilio .Per.","Latin",,"",,"2r ? 88r; possibly 92r ? 95v?: neat regular bastard anglicana, at least in the first section. The second section, which might be A, or may be another scribe is much less regular. Black ink, upright ductus. B: 88r ?92 r: More cramped bastard anglicana.","CJ" 675,"London British Library Additional 17376","IMEV 1495","8","","206r-220v","In holy sauter me may rede / Hou god žourwe že prophetes sede","Wanne he may engendure 3elde / And tyme abyde","English",,"","vv. 894 (ends imperfectly).","","CJ" 676,"London British Library Additional 17376","IMEV 2107","7","","204v-205v","Marye mayde mylde and fre / Chambre of že trynyte","žou graunte me amendynge. Oretis pro anima domini Roberti Grosseteyte quondam Episcopi Lincolniae","English",,"","","","CJ" 677,"London British Library Additional 17376","IMEV 2226","6","","198v-204r","Meche hys žat me syngež and redež / Of hyre žat al mankende gledež","At oure mest[e] nede. Amen. Oretis pro anima Willelmi de Schorham quondam vicarii de chart iuxta Ledes","English",,"","","","CJ" 678,"London British Library Additional 17376","IMEV 3107","5","De septem mortalibus peccatis","191r-198v","Senne makež many žral / žat scholde be wel fry","And make hyt žy myrour.","English",,"","Colophon: 'Oretis pro anima domini Willelmi de Schorham, quondam vicarii de chart iuxta ledes qui composuit istam compilacionem de septem mortalibus peccatis . Et omnibus dicentibus oracionem dominicam cum salutacione angelica xl die uenie a domino Symone Archiepiscopo cantuarie conceduntur'.","","CJ" 679,"London British Library Additional 17376","IMEV 3199","2","De Septem Sacramentis","150r-182r","Sonderliche his man astoned / In his owene mende","Lat ouse žy dole fonge. Amen. Oretis pro anima domini Willelmi de Schorham, quondam vicarii de chart, iuxta Ledes. Qui composuit istam compilationem de septem sacramentis.","English",,"","","","CJ" 680,"London British Library Additional 17376","IMEV 3417","4","","185v-191r","že man žat godes hestes halt / And žat myd gode wylle","žat fleuž into že fendes mouže / And so seiže iop že gode. Amen","English",,"","","","CJ" 681,"London British Library Additional 17376","IMEV 3681","3","","182r-185v","žou opene myne lyppen Lord / Let felže of senne out-wende","So accordaunt to žy trauayl / Lord graunte me žy coroune. Amen","English",,"","","","CJ" 683,"London British Library Additional 19046","IMEV 3742","Added","","74r","Tyll home sull wylekyn this joky gentyl schepe","","English",,"","","John Jonys - s.xvmed, an unitdy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 216" 691,"London British Library Additional 21410","IMEV 1168","1","","1r-168r","[B]e discending of a sodeme leuene / wherthrou3 hete place was into asshes brent","who list euere by vertu must ascende . Explicit.","English",,"","Begins imperfectly at Bk. I, ch. Viii, stanza 63.","Hooked-G Scribe","CJ" 692,"London British Library Additional 21410","IMEV 2523","2","","168r","O mortall man","remember man thou art but wormes mete","English",,"","Fragment; st. 1 only.","In a later hand.","CJ" 693,"London British Library Additional 24361","Carmargo 1995:122-41","4","","ff. 44v-51v","","","Latin",,"",,"","CJ" 694,"London British Library Additional 24361","West 1889","2","Philobiblon de laude librorum","4v ? 21r",,"Explicit philibiblon domini Ricardi de Aunguyle cognominati de Bury quondam episcopi Dunelmensis completur anno domini 1344to etatis nostre 58 pontificatus ximo","Latin",,"",,"","CJ" 695,"London British Library Additional 24361","Wright 1842","1","Tragedia de fflauio et Affra","2r ? 4v","Begins imperfectly ? [.] a cubice denu ter C sit idem quod retoru","Morte mei nati sum pia morte mea . Explicit tragedia de fflauio et Affra","Latin",,"","","","CJ" 698,"London British Library Additional 37075","IMEV 37.5","10","","70r-71v","A gode begynny[n]g makyth a gode endyng","","English",,"","Beginning a series of irregularly riming proverbs, including on f. 70v the couplet 'Thow the gold be neuer so rede/ 3yt yt ys bevyn for brede'. Includes IMEV 465.5 and 3706.2.","","Thomson 1979: 222" 701,"London British Library Additional 37075","MWME 7 [XX]: 211","Added","","39v-40v","I knolege me to god and to owre lady","and to yow my gostly fadyr precor sempiternum(?) in gracia","English",,"","Version U","","Thomson 1979: 224" 704,"London British Library Additional 38131","RS 51","38","","f. 81","Mortuo Rege Henrico","","Latin",,"","Account of the coronation of Richard I, prefaced by a short passage (9 lines), not from Hoveden, summarising events between Henry II's death and Richard's arrival in England.","","BL Add MSS Cat" 706,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 0002","40","De Londoniis fama","83r ? 84v","Inter nobiles vrbes orbis","simulacrum & adulacionem quartae particulae ciuitatis","Latin",,"","Considerable portions of the account of London in Fitzstephen's Vita Sancti Thomas (J. C. Robertson, Mat. for the Hist. of Thomas Becket, Rolls Series 12, 1877, iii, p. 2, etc.), but arbitrarily arranged.","","BL Add MSS Cat" 708,"London British Library Additional 48031A","MWME 8: [XXI]: 65","187","The title and clayme of the crouwne by Richard duc of York in the xxxix yere of king Henry vjte","ff.130v-134","Blessid be Ihesu in whos hande and bountie restith and is the peax and unite betwix princes...","...it shalbe thoughte expediente to the seid Richard, duc of Yorke, with thadvice of the lordys of the kinges counsaile","English",,"","","Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 709,"London British Library Additional 48031A","MWME 8: [XXI]: 90","165","","ff. 81v-100","","","English",,"","Marginal notes and additions are transcribed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 176.","Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 710,"London British Library Additional 59855","Miss. Sarum","1","","1-280v","","","Latin",,"","","Script and rubrication are in a Gothic textualis semi-quadrata by one principal scribe who gives a colophon at f. 280v: 'nomen scriptoris est Iohannis plenus amoris'.","CJ" 714,"London British Library Arundel 249","IMEV 2154","3","","ff. 6v-7v","Mercyful quene as ye best kan and may","To prayer for youre and myn joyfull metyng","English",,"","","Hand 2 - S.xv2 - English or Flemish, a small gothic hand.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 715,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 1414","3","","ff. 27-39","Iff I hadde cunnyng and eloquens","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 716,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 1812","10","","ff. 115v-134v","Kateryne of Cata wych is Al to seyne","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 717,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 2019","13","","163r-72r","Lvcye of lyht aftyr Ianuencys purpose","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 718,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 2621","5","","58-65v","Off elleuyn thousand uirgyns in feer","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 719,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 2651","2","","5-26","Of seynt Margarete the virgyne pure","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 720,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 2849","7","","74-86v","Seynt Anneys lyf I me purpose","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 721,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 347","12","","ff. 151-162v","As y fynd wrytyn in legend aurea","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 722,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 3508","9","","91v-115r","The yer of grace pleynly to descryue","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 723,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 3509","14","","ff. 172-193","The yere of grace who lyst attende","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 724,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 3817","1","","1r-5","Two thyngys owyth euery clerk","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 725,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 3936","8","","87-91","Whan crystys feyth yung was & newe","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 726,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 4073","4","","39v-58","Whilom be-seyde the lake Vulsyne","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 727,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 4086","6","","66-74","Whylom whan fers Dyoclycian","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 728,"London British Library Arundel 327","IMEV 589","11","","134v-150v","Cycile ys as myche to seye / As lylye of heuene or to že blynd wete","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 732,"London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","IMEV 1620","3","","ff. 64-68v","Yt fell abowght the Lamasse tyde","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 733,"London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","IMEV 3213","1","","24r","Stedes ther stumbelyd in that stownde","","English",,"","Part of an English history of Henry V, from the battle of Agincourt 1417 to the end of that reign 1422.","","NIMEV" 735,"London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","IMEV 3799","2","","38r-48r","Toward the ende off wyndy Februarie","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 736,"London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","IMEV 4008","5","","86v","","","English",,"","vv. 14.","","NIMEV" 737,"London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","IMEV 4025","4","","69r","Whan that phebus beemes schynyng as golde","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 738,"London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","IMEV 734.8","7","","123v","Euer is six the best chance of že dyce","","English",,"","vv. 12.","","NIMEV" 739,"London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","MWME 5: [XIII]: 279","6","","97r-109v","","","",,"","","","CN" 744,"London British Library Cotton Cleo. C.X","UMP 0419","1","","57r-66v","in že name of že Trinite fader & soun & holi goste thre persones & one god in iii, hoste principal and special avowe of Norwich cite and of all ye commonalite","made at Norwich on seynt Valentyns day že 3 <...> of ye regne of King Henry afornseid","English",,"","","Bastard anglicana","CJ" 750,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 1014.5","13","","64v","Gret huntyng by ryuers and wode","makythe a man ys here to growe thorowe hys hoode","English","Latin","","","","CN" 752,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 1152.5","Added","","112v","He žat is befor tyme warnyd","","English",,"","","","CN" 754,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 1920","7","here endythe the boke of curtesy","58v-60r","Litylle chyldrynne here may ye lere","Say ye alle Amen for charyde in euery syde Amen . here endythe the boke of Curtesy that ys fulle necessary vnto yonge chyldryn that muste nedys lerne the maner of curtesy . Explicit Amen","English",,"","","","CN" 757,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 317","16","","78v","In mesure ete slepe and drynke","So ye loke to speke and thynke","English",,"","vv.6.","","CN" 758,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 3187","1","This Boke ys callyd the vij sages of Rome","3r-54v","Herkenythe lordynges curteys and hende","Jhesu for hys modyr loue Amen. Expliciunt septem sapientes","English",,"","vv. 3588.","Bastard secretary hand","CN" 759,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 3546","8","A tale of ryght nought","60r","There was a man that hadde nought","here ys a tale of ryght noughte","English",,"","","","CN" 760,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 3632","21","Cronycles of alle Kyngys of Englonde aftyr the Conqueste as of hyr namys ande where that they bene ibyryede","110r","","","English",,"","","","CN" 761,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 3848","17","for bloode latynge","79r-80r","The maysters that vsyn bloode latynge","Amen Amen for charyte Explicit","English",,"","","","CN" 762,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 3985","2","","55r-v","Wheune lyfe ys moste louyde and dethe ys moste hatyde","That erthe owte of the erthe to blys may be brought","English",,"","","","CN" 763,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 824","15","Sapiencia phisicorum","77v-78v","Fyrste for helthe of boody couyr for colde thyne hedde","To alle indyfference rychyste ys in hys dyatary . Explicit diatare","English",,"","","","CN" 764,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 979","20","Explicit že sege of Rone","87r-109v","God that dyde a pon a tre","say amen for charyte. Amen. Explicit že sege of Rone","English",,"","","","CN" 765,"London British Library Egerton 1995","MWME 8: [XXI]: 18a","22","","113r-222v","henricus Cornyll","Chartyrhouse made a grete dyner to the docters","English",,"","Beginning in 1189 and ending imperfectly in 1469 due to loss of leaves. Includes IMEV 1929, 1147.9 and 1240.5","","CN" 767,"London British Library Egerton 2885","UMP 0432","9","","50r ? 51r","Žis is že Ratifiacion of olde chartres and eke of newe of newe graunt igraunted and imade by our lorde že kyng Richard že secunde in že firste zere of his regne","Other poyntes ben conteyned in že forseide charter of oure lorde že kynge bote žei touchen nogth foreynes","English",,"","","Good, but not elegant Anglicana formata.","CJ" 768,"London British Library Egerton 2885","UMP 0424","1","Nomina Vic? in Londoun in tempore Regis Ricardi primi post conquestam anno primo pice (abbr unexpanded ? looped p) sequitur .","1r ? 7v","Nomina Vic? in Londoun in tempore Regis Ricardi primi post conquestam","Rogerus Elys","Latin",,"","","Good, but not elegant Anglicana formata.","CJ" 769,"London British Library Egerton 2885","UMP 0425","2","","8r ? 14r","In principio creauit deus celum","papam urbanum sextum in curia Romana","Latin",,"","(a) Notes on the seven ages, etc., beg. ""In principio creauit."" f.8; (b) Brief annals of England from Brutus to 1388. f.8v; (c) Very brief London annals (l¼ pages), 1087-1382. f.13; (d) A few miscellaneous dates, 680-1378. f.13v; f.14v blank.","Good, but not elegant Anglicana formata.","CJ" 770,"London British Library Egerton 2885","UMP 0426","3","","15r ? 31v","Ricardus dei gracia Rex Anglie","vicesimo sexto die Nouembus Anno Regni ii septimo . Explicit","Latin",,"","f. 32r blank.","Good, but not elegant Anglicana formata.","CJ" 771,"London British Library Egerton 2885","UMP 0427","4","statuta antiqua pissenariorum Londoun","32v ? 43r","Hic incipiunt statuta antiqua pissenariorum Londoun","xxvii die Nouembris (?) Anno per septimo . Ffretoun","Latin","French","English","(a)""Statuta antiqua pissenariorum London.,"" as in Liber Albus, pp. 373-377, Cotton MS. Nero A vi. f. 71, Add. MS. 37791, f. 30. Latin. f. 32b; (b) ""Concessio domini regis [Edw. ad edificoandum quasdam plateas [including the site of the Stocks market] ad sustentacionem pontis London.,"" 24 May, 10 Edw. I. [1282], as in Liber Custumarum, p. 274. f. 34r (c) Ordinance against selling fish elsewhere than in the Stocks, Old Fish Street and Bridge Street, 11 Edw. I. [1281-1282]. Latin. f. 34. (d) ""Cestez ordinaunces qe ensewent furunt fetes en le temps qe Gregori de Rokesle fu meire en lan du Roi E. fuiz au roi Henri xviii"" (should be viii, 1279-1280), in French (Liber Albus, pp. 379- 385, cf Nero A vi., f. 120 b, Add. 37791, f. 32). f. 34v. (e) ""Cest la serment de pessoners."" French and English. f.36v. (f) ""Ceo sunt lea ordinaunces le Seneschal nostre seignur le Roi fetes sur le mester des pessoners en lan du Roi E. fiz a Roi Henri xviii"" [1289-1290], in French (Liber Albus, pp. 377-379, cf. Nero A vi., f.125, Add.37791, f.31b). f.36v (g) ""Quedam ordinacio antiqua del Stokkes renouata per maiorem et communitatem London. et noua carta domini regis Edwardi filii regis Edwardi anno regni sui xvii. [16 June, 1324] composita,"" in Latin (Liber Custumarum, pp. 275-278, Calendar of Letter-Book E, ed. Sharpe, 1903, p. 189). f. 38r. (h) ""Istud scriptum conuencionis irrotulatur in hustengo London. die lune in crastino sancte Trinitatis anno regis Edwardi filii regis Renrici vndecimo"" [14 June, 1283], for farming the Stocks market. Latin. f. 39r. (i) Records of the cases of Benedict de Shorne and others, punished for selling fish outside the Stocks, 17 Edw. II. [1323-1324], taken from ""Albus Liber Memorandorum,"" i.e. Letter-Book E (Calendar, ed. Sharpe, pp. 185, 189- 190, 200). f. 40r (j) ""Judicium datum in Gildaula,"" etc., 4 March, 35 Edw. III. [1361]: ordinance for the butchers and fishmongers in the Stocks market, from Letter-Book G (Calendar, pp. 127-128). f. 41 b;-(l) Statute of 7 Rich. II., revoking the statute passed 6 Rich. II. concerning the fishmongers, 27 Nov. [1383], as in Letter-Book H (Calendar, p. 226). f. 43. f. 37v blank; 2 blank leaves in between 42 and 43.","Good, but not elegant Anglicana formata.","CJ; BL Add MSS Cat" 772,"London British Library Egerton 2885","UMP 0428","5","","44r ? v","Memorandi quod Tanisia tota pertinet",,"Latin",,"","Memoranda from 42 and 21 Hen. III. and extracts from Magna Carta and Statute of Westminster, as in Nero A vi., ff. 152-153v, but in a different order.","Good, but not elegant Anglicana formata.","CJ" 773,"London British Library Egerton 2885","UMP 0429","6","","44v ? 45r","Ci comence la ordinaunce des Reis et de lor seson de pecher en Tamise . Ces est le ordemement","sunt defenduz ceo est assanorum shotnet shofnet [sic?] kydeles","French",,"","Order concerning nets, as in Liber Custumarum, pp. 116-117.","Good, but not elegant Anglicana formata.","CJ" 774,"London British Library Egerton 2885","UMP 0430","7","","45r ? v","Iurati presentant quod Goscelinus le sergeaunt",,"Latin",,"","As in Liber Custumarum, p. 384. Followed by a similar case of Rad. de Gildesburgh, 7 Edw. III.","Good, but not elegant Anglicana formata.","CJ" 775,"London British Library Egerton 2885","UMP 0431","8","","45v ? 49v","Ci comencent les costumes qe appendent a Belinesgate . Chestune guunt nef qe seit a terre","Sil ne face fui oue le bailiff pur vi d ou pur xii","French",,"","Followed by those of Queenhithe, seavage, tronage, pesage, Woolchurchhaw, ""le menuz mester,"" and Smithfield, agreeing generally with Liber Albus, pp. 237-241, 230-231, 245-246, 247, 246, 231-234.","Good, but not elegant Anglicana formata.","CJ" 795,"London British Library Harley 1288","IPMEP 789","3","","64r-75r","the seuene dedely synnes be tham self as god wyl gyfe","maner thynk","English",,"","Imperfect - missing one folio. Also contains IMEV 4110.5, 879.5, 621.5.","","CN" 796,"London British Library Harley 1288","MWME 7 [XX]: 122","6","Pro natura polluciouns valde salubris","86v-87v","Pollucioun generally is qwhen aman seid passes for hym","comytt ther to be lewe of the prelatte","English",,"","","","CN" 797,"London British Library Harley 1288","MWME 7 [XX]: 211","4","","76r-81v","I am akawe to god and to our lady saynt mary","and euer to encrese in vertuouse lewyng . Amen","English",,"","Version L.","","CN" 798,"London British Library Harley 1739","UMP 1100","1","Explicit tractatus de Maundeuill","ff. 1r ? 75r","","Explicit tractatus de Maundeuill","French",,"",,"","CJ" 801,"London British Library Harley 2336","Jolliffe B","1","This tretis compiled of a pore caitif","1r ? 137r","This tretis compiled of a pore caitif & nedi of goostli help of al cristen peple","in parfit loue & lastynge chastite žat we moun regne with žee . in eendeles blis . Amen . Amen","English",,"","","","CJ" 802,"London British Library Harley 2344","UMP 0433","1","","2r ? 143v",,,"Latin",,"","Preceded on 1v by a note, which is described in the catalogue as: 'Adnotatio temporum quibus pristinus Codicis possessor, ut videtur, verbum dei propalavit ad Crucem tunc in caemiterio Ecclesiae Paulinae stantem, ab AD 1493 vsque ad AD 1505'. Followed by a long table of contents, with numbered section references, f. 144r ? 156v. f. 157r ? v contains notes of ownership by John Chapman.","Cursive secretary with anglicana in places. Competently, but not elegantly written.","CJ" 803,"London British Library Harley 2387","IPMEP 255","1","","1r ? 129v","Here bygynyth že boke žat is I clepyd scala perfeccionis it haž twey partyes . Gostly brožer in Jhesu cristi I praye že žat in že callynge whiche oure lorde haž callid že to his seruyse","žt schulde wisly perceyuen žese swete gostly rownyngges . žis is že voyce of ihesu . Deo gracias . Explicit secunda pars huis operis","English",,"","","","CJ" 804,"London British Library Harley 273","Oschinsky 1971: 388-98","8","Le reules qu Robert Grosteste euesque de Nichole","ff. 81r ? 85r","Ici cumencent les reules qui Robert Grosteste euesque de Nichole","e uos Robes achatez a seint yue","Anglo-Norman",,"","Incomplete.","","CN" 805,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 0001","1","","ff. 1r ? 7v","Prima dies mensis","Seint Siluestre pape","Latin",,"","Dedication on f.1v of the parish church of St Laurence at Ludlow.","","CN" 806,"London British Library Harley 2887","Horae Ebor: 179-80","8","","12v ? 15v","O Bone ihesu .","deus homo trimus & vnus . Amen","Latin",,"",,"Starts as beautifully executed textura for both main text and rubrics, but deteriorates a little, and becomes bastard anglicana by f. 15r.","CJ" 807,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0001","15","","21r ? 26v","m . A . KL . Januarius . Circumcisio domini","Sancti siluestri pape . et confessoris","Latin",,"","","Very neat regular bastard anglicana. Not the same as on f.20r; much less curved; more broken strokes.","CJ" 808,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0041","16","","29r ? 129v","Ad uias de sancta maria . Domine labia mea apies","tua venia misericordissime pietatis absterge . Per christum","Latin",,"","with the Office of the Dead and the Psalter of St Hieronimus.","Varies between textura and bastard anglicana (mostly the latter). Well executed and neat.","CJ" 809,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0434","1","","2r","Obitus Jacobi Comitis Wilts?","Obitus Lore Comitisse Ormond communi obijt vltimo die Octobris","Latin",,"","","Neat anglicana formata (decorated with blue or red initials alternately, with red or black penwork).","CJ" 810,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0435","2","","4r ? 6r","Oh maker of heuen and earthe kinge of kings ande lorde of lordis wyche of nothing didest make me to thi y mag (sic) and likenes","most humbli beseche the that thou bringe me to blisse that neuar shall ce cease (sic) So be it . finis","English",,"","","Looks like a later scribe?s attempt to execute bastard anglicana. Large, unattractive ornamented hand. Hard to tell date because of the attempt to copy an earlier style.","CJ" 811,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0436","3","","7r ? 10r","Pater de celis deus miserere nobis. Domine sancte pater omnipotens eterne deus","Qui in trinitate perfecta viuis & regnas deus . Per omnia secula seculorum . Amen","Latin",,"","","Beautifully executed textura for both main text and rubrics.","CJ" 812,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0437","4","","10r ? v","Domine ihesu christe qui me creasti . redemisti . & prodestinasti","Deus qui corda fidel? .s.s. & c.","Latin",,"","","Beautifully executed textura for both main text and rubrics.","" 813,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0438","5","","11r ? v","Adesto sancta trinitas par splendor vna deitas","Omnipotens sempiterne deus & ceu?","Latin",,"","","Beautifully executed textura for both main text and rubrics.","CJ" 814,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0439","6","","11v ? 12r","Rex henricus pauperum & ecclesie defensor","Qui viuis in gloria regnans cum potencia moderans secula cuncta Amen","Latin",,"","","Beautifully executed textura for both main text and rubrics.","CJ" 815,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0440","7","","12r?v","Angele qui meus es . custos pietate superna","inter lui gregis pecora numerari . Per christum dominum . n . Amen","Latin",,"","","Beautifully executed textura for both main text and rubrics.","CJ" 816,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0051","9","","15v ? 16v","Illumina oculos meos ne vnquam obdormiam in mortem","& omnium peccatorem meorum plenam remissionem . Amen","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana.","CJ" 817,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0110","10","","16v ? 17v","Gaude flore virginali . Honore q3 speciali transcendens splendiferum","Qui viuis & regnas in vnitate spiritus scide? . P. omnia secula seculorum . Amen","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana.","CJ" 818,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0444","11","","17v ? 18v","Salue thoma virga iusticie mundi iubar","saluos ubique col? uare digneris .P. christum dominum uestrorum . Amen","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana.","CJ" 819,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0445","12","Istam oracionem sequentem composuit sanctus Barnardus quam cotidie solebat dicere ante (?) omnes oraciones suas","18v ? 19v","Oracio . Loquor ad cor tuum ."," Per eterna secula . Amen","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana.","CJ" 820,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0446","13","","20r","rex Jasper . rex Melchior . rex balthasar . Rogo vos per singula nomina","& vero lumine cium omni prosperitate pace & gaudio factis & peractis ux et redux valcaunnis . Per christum dominum nostrum . Amen","Latin",,"","","Neat bastard Anglicana (non-looped ascender on d, textura g, etc). Strokes quite curved.","CJ" 821,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0447","14","","20v","O Gloryus iesu o mekest iesu o most swetest iesu","bringe my soule and body unto the euerlasting blisse","English",,"","Following leaf is ruled but blank and not foliated.","Begins as a large formal hand, possibly an attempt to reproduce textura, and then becomes an idiosyncratic bastard anglicana, ending up as a more cursive anglicana formata.","CJ" 822,"London British Library Harley 2887","UMP 0448","17","","130r","Sapiens . siue operibus","Populus siue lege (added: et Sacerdos siue religione)","Latin",,"","Added on flyleaf, which was originally blank.","bastard/ formata anglicana; reasonably good.","CJ" 823,"London British Library Harley 316","UMP 0001","1","","1r ? 5v",,,"Latin",,"","Added to the text in a different hand are notes on the Cheddar family of Bristol: f. 4r (4th Sept): 'Ricardus Cheddre filius Robarti Cheddre natus fuit apud Bristolliam die dominica quarto die septembris littera dominicali .b. Anno domini millesimo .CCCmo. . lxxixmo'. f. 4v (27th ? 29th Oct): Robartus Cheddre filius Robarti Cheddre natus fuit apud Bristoll xxviiimo die Octobris littera dominical .g. Ao domini millesimo . CCCmo lxxxmo'. f. 5v (14th ? 15th Dec.): 'Willelmus filius Robarti Cheddre natus fuit apud Bristolliam xiiiio die Decembris Anno domini millesimo CCCmo lxxximo' Followed on f. 6r by a list of the manors mentioned in the cartulary.","Textura/bastard anglicana, quite well written. Additions in anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but quite well formed letters).","CJ" 824,"London British Library Harley 316","UMP 0465","2","","6v ? 86v","Nortoun Beauchamp. Ceste endenture faite perentre",,"French",,"","2 leaves blank after f. 81.","Competent cursive anglicana.","CJ" 825,"London British Library Harley 3239","STO 42: 195-205","1","tractatus theoloyce veritatus","1r ? 102v","Ueritatis theoloyce (sic) sublimitas","sine fine . Explicit tractatus theoloyce (sic) veritatus","Latin",,"","","Neat, well written secretary, with some forked ascenders. Some headings within the texts written in bastard anglicana.","CJ" 826,"London British Library Harley 3239","UMP 0466","2","","103r ? 175v","Firmiter credimus et simpliciter confitemur quod unus solus et verus deus eternus immensus","trinitas indiuidua in secula seculorum benedicta Amen","Latin",,"","","Neat, well written secretary, with some forked ascenders. Some headings within the texts written in bastard anglicana.","CJ" 827,"London British Library Harley 3239","UMP 0467","3","","176r - 216v","Flecto genua mea ad patrem","benedictus in secula amen . Et sic est finis . istius tractatus","Latin",,"","","Neat, well written secretary, with some forked ascenders. Some headings within the texts written in bastard anglicana.","CJ" 828,"London British Library Harley 3239","UMP 0468","4","","217r ? 236v","Memorare novissima tua r m eternum","hec prouiderent . Et sic finis istorum quatuor nouissimorum","Latin",,"","Missing 2 fols in the middle.","Neat, well written secretary, with some forked ascenders. Some headings within the texts written in bastard anglicana.","CJ" 833,"London British Library Harley 4605","UMP 0471","1","le liure de fays darmes et de cheualerie","1r ? 115r","Cy commence la table des rubriches du liure des fais darmes et de cheualerie le quel dit liure est parti en quatre parties. La premiere partie denise lamaniere","par haultesse des le temps tres ancien . Explicit","French",,"","Table des rubriches is on f. 1r ? v, this single leaf has a catchword, which leads to the text proper, beginning on f. 2r: Cy commence le liure de fays darmes et de cheualerie'.","Good well executed bastard anglicana throughout.","CJ" 834,"London British Library Harley 4733","IMEV 1881","4","","40v-127r","Listneth alle žat ben alyve / Bože cristen men & wyve","All to haer mede hevyn blysse / And God graunt vs all there to be / Amen Amen pur charite. Explicit hic sedes vt obsidium de civitate Jerusalem. Ihesus est amor meus.","English",,"","","","CJ" 835,"London British Library Harley 4733","IMEV 3501","3","","30r-40r","The wyse man in his boke hat thys seyng/ that the begynnyng of good lyvyng","And god that made all thynge /3eve vs all good endyng","English",,"","","","CJ" 836,"London British Library Harley 4733","IMEV 3955","1","","3r-4r","Whan I aduertyse in my remembrauce","","English",,"","","","CJ" 837,"London British Library Harley 4733","IMEV 854","2","","4r-30r","Cum anima aduerterem quam plurimos homines in via modorum . For why that God is inwardli the witte","Naught causeth but simpelnes of witt . [E]xplicit liber catonis compositus per magistrum Benedictum Burgh vicarium de Malden etc.","English",,"","","","CJ" 838,"London British Library Harley 4826","IMEV 1875","4","","46r-51v","Like as the bybyll makyth mencyon","","English",,"","","","CJ" 839,"London British Library Harley 4826","IMEV 2229","6","","ff. 84r ? 144v","Musyng of the restlees besynesse/ Which this troubly word ay hath in honde","That knowith he / whoom no thyng is hyd froo . Jhesus mercy (last two words in red).","English",,"","","","CJ" 840,"London British Library Harley 4826","IMEV 2445","2","","45r-v","O gloryous Martyr wiche of deuout humbles","","English",,"","","","CJ" 841,"London British Library Harley 4826","IMEV 2806.5","7","","146v","Remember man the payne and smart","","English",,"","","","CJ" 842,"London British Library Harley 4826","IMEV 3440","1","","ff. 4r ? 45r","The noble stoory to pictts in Remembraunce / Off seynt Edmond mayde martir & kyng","Be cause .I. am of wittys dul and old / Doth yowr deveer this processe to correcte (?Explicit? in red in the margin).","English",,"","","","CJ" 843,"London British Library Harley 4826","IMEV 928","3","","45v","","","English",,"","","","CJ" 844,"London British Library Harley 4826","IMEV 935","5","","52r ? 81r","God almyghty save and conferme our kyng","Where thow faylest that mon shal the correcte","English",,"","","","CJ" 845,"London British Library Harley 5233","UMP 0473","1","","1v ? 9v","H custodibus pacis sue ac Justic? suis","passeyyd before the iiiith day of ...","Latin","English","","f. 1r blank. Followed by a table of contents for the statutes of Henry VI (10r-v), and then by 19 blank unfoliated leaves.","Cursive anglicana ? begins more formally, with lots of broken strokes, but gradually degenerates.","CJ" 846,"London British Library Harley 5233","UMP 0474","2","Statuta vtillima Edwardi tercii post conquestum","11r ? 140v","Come hugh le despenser le piere & hugh le despenser le fitznadgers a la suite Thomas","faits des draps de Bay a de colour etc Expliciunt statuta vtillima Edwardi tercii post conquestum etc.","French",,"","","Competent cursive anglicana, quite variable. Looped used in less careful sections.","CJ" 847,"London British Library Harley 5233","UMP 0475","3","Statuta domini Ricardi uup Regis Anglie secundi post conquestum","141r ? 218r","Richard per la grace de dieu Roy dengl & du ffraunc?"," Expliciunt statuta domini Ricardi uup Regis Anglie secundi post conquestum","French",,"","218v blank.","Competent cursive anglicana, quite variable. Looped used in less careful sections.","CJ" 848,"London British Library Harley 5233","UMP 0476","4","","219r ? 265v","Henry per la grace de dieu Roy dengletere & de ffraunce","en defaute del execucioun de monetae lestat t","French",,"","","Competent cursive anglicana, quite variable. Looped used in less careful sections.","CJ" 849,"London British Library Harley 5233","UMP 0477","5","","265v ? 289v",,,"French",,"","","Competent cursive anglicana, quite variable. Looped used in less careful sections.","CJ" 850,"London British Library Harley 5233","UMP 0478","6","","289v ? 338v","Anno primo henrici sexti . Au parlement tenu3 a Westm? la lundy",,"French",,"","Followed on 339r (originally blank) by a petition to King Henry concerning the mayor of Exeter. The remainder of the book is made up of blank leaves.","Competent cursive anglicana, quite variable. Looped used in less careful sections.","CJ" 851,"London British Library Harley 5334","UMP 0479","1","","1r ? 94r","(Imperfect) nec est in spiritu eius dolus","sempiterna P eundem dominum . Liber monasterii Sancti Edmundi regis & martiris de Bury de dona dompni Johannis Fenyngham eiusdem loci monachi cuius anime propricietur Deus Amen","Latin",,"","Followed on 94v-98r by a list of abbots etc, mostly in the hand of the main scribe, but some additions in a late s.xv hand. There are some gaps in the text, apparently; f. 97r is blank, and some names appear to have been erased (f. 96r). f. 98v is blank. On f. 98r-v there is a prayer in an idiosyncratic bastard anglicana beginning 'In aduentum domini tam ad vsque' and ending 'in vtero filium de alta'.","Very neat, consistent anglicana formata. Upright ductus, very compact and lacking in ornament. No looping of ascenders.","CJ" 852,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 1920","1",,"210r-v","Lytyll children here ye may lere","žat comys oute of a cote","English",,"","Imperfect at end due to torn leaf.","","CJ" 853,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 2333","8","","214r-v","Now ys crystemas y-cum","In hevyn to have a place A (sic)","English",,"","","","CJ" 854,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 2412.5","3","","208r","O desirerabull dyamunt distinct wž diuersificacioun","absence & joyng of youre presence","English",,"","","","CJ" 855,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 4155","7","","213r-v","Who so wyll be wyse and worshyp to wynne, leern he on latin","A mesurabull meane way is best for vs all . Explicit","English",,"","","","CJ" 856,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 4181","2","","207v","Wytte hath wonder how reson telle can","There feith is lord Reson goth vndre","English",,"","5 lines.","","CJ" 857,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 4209","4","","208v-209r","With wofull hert & gret mornyng"," žt may onys be j dyd","English",,"","","","CJ" 858,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 549","9","","214v","Brynge vs home good ale","ffor and žu do thow shalt have crystes cufe curse and mynde","English",,"","6 stanzas.","","CJ" 859,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 824","5","","209v-211r","[F]or helthe of body from cold kepe thyne hed","Of gredy honds the stomach hath gret peyns","English",,"","Lacks the final stanza.","","CJ" 860,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 995.4","6","","212r","Goddis grace is redy bothe erly & late","Be closed yn on kynd and nurture","English",,"","vv. 68. Begins imperfectly.","","CJ" 862,"London British Library Harley 5442","UMP 0157","2","Pupilla oculi","3r ? 201v","Humane condicione nature senescente mundo (5r)"," Explicit tractatus qui vocatur pupilla oculi","Latin",,"","ff. 3r?4r Table of contents; f. 4v blank. Text proper starts on f.5r.","Richard Dellyng, f. 4v (NB may be name copied from the exemplar). Neat hybrid hand ? single-lobed , but 8-shaped and looped . Cursive but well written.","CJ" 863,"London British Library Harley 5442","UMP 0480","1","","1r - v","Gregorius Episcopus",,"Latin",,"","","Cursive anglicana; looped , upper lobes of above the line.","CJ" 864,"London British Library Harley 631","Previté-Orton 1928","2","","41r ? 170v","Omni quippe regno desiderabilis","Et sic finitus huiusmodi libellus Valde optimus Anno domini Mmo iiiimo octauo . Die quarta mensis octobris . Deo gratias Amen . Defensor pacis . C iiiii liber est factus . s? finis sit modo tactus . Ciii sit complet","Latin",,"","","Slightly variable secretary, with a blunt, squarish aspect, and looped ascenders.","CJ" 865,"London British Library Harley 631","UMP 0481","1","","1r ? 39r","Que actoris est intencio quodlibet","Explicit quartus liber gerarchie subcelestis recollectus Semis per quemdam","Latin",,"","","Neat regular secretary, with some anglicana features, such as looped .","CJ" 866,"London British Library Harley 631","UMP 0482","3","","172r ? 200r","Interdum contingit quod volens",,"Latin",,"","5 blank leaves follow.","Slightly variable secretary, with a blunt, squarish aspect, and looped ascenders.","CJ" 867,"London British Library Harley 631","UMP 0484","4","epistola concordie","201r ? 215v","Sevenissimo principi domino Karolo regi francorum gloriosissimum","actio per in secula seculorum amen. Explicit epistola concordie","Latin",,"","","Cursive secretary. Quite regular.","CJ" 868,"London British Library Harley 631","UMP 0485","5","","215r ? 230v",,,"Latin",,"","","Slightly variable secretary.","CJ" 869,"London British Library Harley 7184","IMEV 2662","1","","1r ? 134v","Torpor, ebes sensus scola parua labor minimusque","hath do whereof his kni3thiede / As yit comende ouer all (Bk. 7, ll. 3592 ? 3)","English",,"","C Text. Over 50 leaves lost.","","CJ" 870,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 1388","24","","fol. 135v (rubric)-136r","","","English",,"",,"","NIMEV" 871,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2081","26","","147r-v","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 872,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2128","20",,"132v","","","English",,"","At the end of the Parliament of Fowls.","","NIMEV" 873,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2229","39","","204r -211v","begins without incipit or title and ends at line 2023 [Furnivall 1897]","vn to my lorde the prince thus I wrote","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 875,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2290","12","","121v-122r","Next že derke nyght že gray morewe","","English","Latin","","","","NIMEV" 876,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2662","11","","120r-121v","A tale of Ouide what of Reueshing Ther was a Riall noble kynge","As it be fille of Thereus","English",,"",,"","NIMEV" 877,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2749","38","A Christmasse game made by Maister Benet Howe","149v-150r","Petir prynce of aposteles alle","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 878,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2804","6","","32v","Rejoice ye reames of Englond and of Fraunce","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 879,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3190","27","","147v","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 881,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3348","28","","147v","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 882,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3412","19","","129v-132v","","","English",,"","Ends at line 679.","","NIMEV" 883,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3437","32","","148r","","","English",,"","Follows IMEV 3504.","","NIMEV" 884,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3440","25","","136r-146v","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 885,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3504","31",,"148r","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 886,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3632","37","","149r -149v","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 887,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3670","22","","134r-135r","","","English",,"","ends line 353.","","NIMEV" 888,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 370","23","","135r-135v","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 890,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3787","30","","148r","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 891,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3808","5","Here begynneth a remembraunce of a peedeugre how that the kyng of Englond, Henry the sext, is truly borne heir vnto the corone of Fraunce","31rb-32vb","Here begynneth a remembraunce of a peedeugre how that the kyng of Englond, Henry the sext, is truly borne heir vnto the corone of Fraunce by lynyall successioun also wele on hys ffader side [Text begins] Trouble hertis to sette in quyete","Here endith the genologie of Kyng Henry the Sext and folowith a roundell of hym ayens his coronacioun made by Lydegate daun Iohn","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 892,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 3955","3","","25r-30v","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 893,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 4019","10","","37r-118r","","","English",,"","Imperfect.","","NIMEV" 894,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 4074","8","","36r-v","Whilist I hade youže I wist nou3t what it was","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 895,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 809","29","","147v","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 896,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 854","2","","25r-30v","","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 897,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 860","4","","30v-31r","Fortune alas alas what haue I gylt","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 898,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 875","7","","33r-35v","Fro Cristis birthe complet nyne hundrid yeer","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 899,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 913","21","","132v-133v","","","English",,"","Ends at line 178. Col. b of f. 133v is blank and the following two folios are missing, with stubs remaining.","","CJ" 900,"London British Library Harley 7333","MWME 7 [XX]: 193","34","","148r","I haue long tyme abiden ­ee here qd ffoule Sathanas","wight skylfull may lette me","English",,"","Extracts only.","","CJ" 901,"London British Library Harley 993","EETS os 231","2","","24r ? 37v","(Imperfect) seiž že profete dauid . not what I speke my silf ; but what žat my lord god spekiž in me","Ihesu graunte us to consente to že goode and a3enstonde že yuel . Amen","English",,"","Begins imperfectly. Followed by a colophon in a different hand.","Neat regular bastard anglicana.","CJ" 902,"London British Library Harley 993","IPMEP 255","1","","1r-23v","Here bigynnež a tretis of viii chapitres necessarie for men žat 3iuen hem to perfeccioun which was founden in a book of maister lowes de fontibus at Cantebrigge . and turned in to englisch bi maister watere [sic] hilton of thurgartoun","že armours of discrecion geten bi že woundes of crist in the maner bifore seid : saue us and al cristen men . Amen Explicit","English",,"","After the rubric is a table of contents, and the text proper begins on 1v: 'Of tokenes & wirkinges of loue . The firste tokene of loue is žat že louer submitte fulli his wille'. There are running headers throughout ? on verso pages.","Neat regular bastard anglicana.","CJ" 903,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","IMEV 1224","2","A balade made of the same kynge","ff. 5v-6v","Holde up oure yong kyng Ave benigna","That was woon with woorship late nevir be loost","English",,"","vv. 59.","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, p. 74" 904,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","IMEV 1929","3","","ff. 6v-7r","Le premier cours pur la ioure del coronacion: ffurment with venysoon / Viande riall","Borne by discent and title of right / Justely to reigne in Englonde and ffraunce","English",,"","","","Lester 1984, pp. 76-77" 905,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","IMEV 935","31","This is the Book of Governaunce of Kynges and Prynces","155r-199v","God almyghty saue and conferme oure kyng","where thou failist that men shall the correct. Explicit","English",,"","","","Lester 1984, p. 177" 906,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","MWME 8: [XXI]: 80","10","The challenge of an auncestre of therle of Warrewik","16r-17v","ffirst the seide lorde departid oute of Caleis","of the towne with all the garnyson","English",,"","","","Lester 1984, pp. 98-102" 907,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","MWME 8: [XXI]: 95","15","The actes of the full honorable & knyghtly armes doon betwene the right noble lordes Sir Antony Wodevile, Lord Scales & of Newselles, brothir to the moost high & excellent princesse the Qweene of Englonde & of ffraunce and Lady of Irlonde, chalenger.."," 29v-43r","The Wennesday nexte aftir the solempne & devoute ffeste","And there departid iche man to his loggyng. Finis &c","English",,"","","","Lester 1984, pp. 123-133" 908,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0813","19","Le crie dez joustes","ff. 46v-47r","Oez, seigneurs, cheualiers, et escuiers, nous vous faisons sauoir","le vondra du roy notre souuerain seigneur. Explicit.","French","English","","","","Lester 1984, p. 142" 909,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0814","1","The maner and fourme of the kyngis and quenes coronacion in Englonde","ff. 2r-5v","ffirst the prince that is newe to bee crowned","till the seruyce of the coronacion bee endid and fulfilled. Et ibi finis","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, p. 71" 910,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0817","4","How knyghtis of the bath shulde be made","ff. 7v-9r","ffirst the kyng our soueraigne lord","for all is doon & endid. & ibi finis","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 80-83" 911,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0818","5","Hou a man shalbe armede at his ease whan he shall fight on foote","f. 9r-v","Hhe shall haue noon sherte vpon hym but a doublet of ffustian","Also a pensel to bere in his hande of his avowrye","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 84-5" 912,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0819","6","","ff. 9v-10v","Abilmentis for the justus of pees","spice wine and drynke and than avoide","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 86-7" 913,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0820","7","The ordenaunce and fourme of fightynge within listes","ff.11r-15r","To his right excellent and right myghty liege lord Richard","The fee of the Marshall is the listes, the barrers and the postes of them. & ibi finis","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 88-9" 914,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0821","8","Challanges of deedis of armys of Philipp Boyle","f. 15r-v","Be it knowen that I, Philipp Boyle","prynce le roy daragon & de cecile","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 92-95" 915,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0822","9","The challenge of Piers de Masse","ff. 15v-16r","In the woorship and in the name of god","reigne of kynge henry vjth","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 96-7" 916,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0824","11","","ff. 18r-22v","Ryght noble woorthy and famous knyght","Your behold Bourgoyne","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 103-110" 917,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0825","12","Le challenge Loys de Brutallis (22v)Le repons Sir Jehan de Chassa (24r","ff. 22v-24v","A treshonnoure cheuallier messire Jehan de Chassa","Plus que vostre, J. de Chassa","French",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 111-115" 918,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0826","13","Le challenge Phillip de Bouton","ff. 25r-25v","En lonneur et en la reuerence de mon creature","lan mil cccc soixante sept. Philipe Bouton","French",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 116-117" 919,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0827","14","Commencement de la declaration du Pas a Larbre Dor","ff. 26r-29r","En lonneur de dieu tout puissant et comme soubz","Jci ffinit la Pase a la Arbre Dor","French",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 118-122" 920,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0829","16","Le statut de armez de turney per la parlament dengleterre","f. 43r","Purueu est et conferme par estatut en la requeste","quod Sir Jhon Paston","French",,"","An early addition on a blank space left in manuscript.","Added later. Scribe D - a laterally compressed bastard hand with extensive use of hairstrokes.","Lester 1984, p. 134" 921,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0830","17","Coppie dez chappitrez de certein fait darmez tant a pie comme a chiuall qui par deux gentils hommez dalmaigne touchant certein emprinse comme il sensuit","ff. 43v-44r","En nom de dieu le tout puissant et de sa mere et de monseigneur Seint George","en la presence du juge denomme en jceulx","French",,"","","Scribe C - a document hand, but large and showy, especially in the headings.","Lester 1984, pp. 137-8" 922,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0831","18","Le tournoy entre le Sire de Jonuelle et le Sire de Commines","ff. 44r-46r","Or oeiz, or oez, cheualiers et escuiers, dames et damoisellez","Cest la fyn dudit tournoy","French",,"","","Scribe C - a document hand, but large and showy, especially in the headings.","Lester 1984, pp. 139-141" 923,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0832","20","","f. 47v","Nous Thomas de Lancastre, fitz & freere au tresnobles Roys dengleterre et de ffrance","en lan M cccc e viij","French",,"","","Scribe C - a document hand, but large and showy, especially in the headings.","Lester 1984, pp. 145-146" 924,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0833","21","Chalons","ff. 48r-52r","Lan du grace m cccc quarante six en la noble ville de Tours","sez armes et quatre es iiij corners du corps. Explicit","French",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 147-149" 925,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0834","22","","ff. 52r-56v","Le Jeudy iiie jour de ffeurier lan mil quatre cens soixante & deux","Ainsi signe: A. de Bourgoigne, Phillippe de Creuecuer & Pietre Vasps","French",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 150-153" 926,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0836","25","","ff. 138r-142r","Berwik lieth south and north of Golden Stonys","Than go est northest alonge the see &c","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 164-166." 927,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0837","26","Theiz ben statutes and ordinancez made by the right noble prince Kyng Henry the Fifte at the trety and counseill of Mawnt","ff. 144r-150r","Obeissance. Ffyrst that alle maner of men of what soeuer nacion, estate or condicion","and more over his body to stond at the kynges will","English",,"","","Scribe C - a document hand, but large and showy, especially in the headings.","Lester 1984, pp. 167-169" 928,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0838","27","Other ordinancez made by the Erle of Salesbury and of Perche and Lord of Monthernier at his sieges in Mayne & in other places","ff. 150r-152r","ffor the cuntre appatised","& dryve her owte of the oste & breke her arme","English","Latin","","","Scribe C - a document hand, but large and showy, especially in the headings.","Lester 1984, pp. 170-172" 929,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0839","28","The copie of a lettre made by the Erle of Salesbury & Perche, Lord of Mounthernier, Captayne Generall of the werres of ffraunce, to the worshipfull Bisshop and clergie & noble burgois of the cite of Maunce","ff. 152v-153v","Nous, Thomas de Montagu, Conte de Salisbury & du Perche et Seigneur de Mounthernier","Escripte subz nostre seale &c","French",,"","","Scribe C - a document hand, but large and showy, especially in the headings.","Lester 1984, pp. 173-174." 930,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","Lapidge/Sharpe 39","29","Epistola Lucii ad Arthurum","ff. 153v-154r","Lucius rei publice Procurator Arthuro Regi Britannie que meruit","Explicit Epistola Lucii ad Arthurum","Latin",,"","Extract only. A copy of the letter from Lucius Hiberus to King Arthur summoning him to appear in Rome [Book IX, chapter 15).","Scribe E - bastard hand.","Lester 1984, p. 175" 931,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","RS 41","30","Presidencia de verbis exhortatorijs belli libri septimi Polocronici capitulo 18","f. 154r-154v","Venientes igitur mense Iulij Robertus Comes Glouernie & Matild Imperatrix Anno Regis Stephani","Rex capitur ad imperatricem ducitur & a festo Purificacionis vsque ad Exaltacionem Sancte Crucis apud Bristolliam vinculatur &c","Latin",,"","Extracts only. Passage from Book VII, chapter 18 containing two speeches of exhortation in war.","Scribe F - shows strong secretary influence.","Lester 1984, p. 176" 932,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 0891","31","","ff. 84r-138r","Here begynneth a shorte tretise the which Vegicyus","amendynge and his face to see at oure endynge. Amen. Quod W. Ebesham.","English",,"","","William Ebesham - bastard secretary including anglicana forms.","Lester 1984, pp. 159-163" 933,"London British Library Lansdowne 285","UMP 2439","23","","ff. 60r-82v","[M]onseigneur Philipe de la Laing, filz et heritier de Seigneur de la Laing en la Counte de Henan","Et fut publiet au premier Dimence aprez le Natiuite Saint Jehan Baptiste, lan mil iiijc lxiij. Et au faisoit gaignier. Cy ffynit la pase de Missire Phylip Dalayn","French",,"","","Scribe B - secretary.","Lester 1984, pp. 154-158" 935,"London British Library Lansdowne 851","IMEV 4019","2","","2r-255r","Incipit prologus fabularum Cantuar","","English",,"","Includes The Cook's Tale of Gamelyn (IMEV 1913)","An early secretary hand.","CJ" 936,"London British Library Royal 11.D.iii","Mommsen & Kruger 1870: (I?XXIV 2)","1","","4r ? 243r","OMNEM Nostre rei publice sanctionem",,"Latin",,"","Preceded by Table of contents. The fly-leaves comprise duplicates of ff. 70, 71 in the same hand (ff. 245, 246) and two fragments of ecclesiastical instruments, viz.:-(a) Notarial document, 31 May, 1335, relating to a disputed election of an abbess of Altinensis ecclesia [Elterenberg or Elden], dioc. Utrecht. f. 1;-(b) Letters executory of a papal provision [at the instance of Roger Mortimer, Baron Mortimer, see Bliss, Cal. of Papal Petitions, i, p. 229] of John de Bisshopeston to such right to the treasurership of Chichester as Walter Gest died possessed of (the office was claimed also by Stephen de Kettleburgh), dat. 23 June, 1351. f. 248. In the margins and fly-leaves are also added many notes and quaestiones including (f. 247b) a lecture (?) beg 'In nomine,&c. Lex domini immaculata, &c. [Ps. xviii. 8]: Scriptum est quod competenter', at the end of which is the name 'Ioh. de Wottone extraordinarius' (cf. also f. 2).At the end (f. 243) are thirteen mnemonic verses in the hand of the rubricator, beg. 'Com[m]oda qui sentis iungashonus emonumentis' (sic); the last six go together and begin IAnnua si debes, tunc decipies caput annl'.","Main text: neat well written book hand. Gloss hand: tiny well written version of same script.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 938,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","Greenway 1996","2","","77r ? 104v","Britannia igitur beatissima insularum","faciem eius iocundicate spiraculi (sic)","Latin",,"","'T. Arnold in his edition (Rolls Ser., 1879) refers to this MS. as merely an abridgement, but this is true only of the first part. From lib. v onwards it is a full text, except for a lacuna, lib. vi. 40-lib. viii. 11, which would appear from the quire signatures to have been vacant in the archetype, which must have been a MS. of the 1148 recension, probably akin to Lambeth MS. 118. The miswritten last word 'spiraculi' for 'spirituali' is common to this MS. and 13 C. 11, but the Laws of Cnut, interpolated in the Lambeth MS., are not given here' [Royal and King's Cat].","Cursive anglicana, s.xiv. Upper lobe of above the line, forked or looped descenders.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 939,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","Liebermann 1903","6","","109r ? 114v","Nos Willelmus dei gratia Rex Anglie & Dux Normanum ad honorem omnipotentis dei [Prologue] [Main text (after a table of capitula)]: Post adquisicionem Anglie Willelmus rex]","cum testibus & cognicione Vendencium etc.","Latin",,"",,"Cursive anglicana, s.xiv. Upper lobe of above the line, forked or looped descenders.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 940,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","PL 162","1","","2r ? 76r","Capitulum primum de consecracione & suscepcione episcopi a clero & populo Urbanus episcopus seruus seruorum di","cui parti aurem inclinare securius audeatis . Dat. Explicit expliceat scriptor sua premia querat","Latin",,"","171 letters.","Neat regular anglicana formata, with a slightly curved appearance to the letters.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 941,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","PL 210. 469-482","14","","174r ? 211r","In lacrimas risus in luctus gaudia uerto","apparicionis dere liquid aspectus Explicit. f[rater] R. Hethfeld","Latin",,"","","f[rater] R. Hethfeld. Script: Thick heavy anglicana, written in black ink with a very broad nibbed pen.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 942,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","RS 1889","8","","117r ? 135v","Quia, vt scribitur per antiquos","de quele chose a cestes tres ouertes nolus auones no3 seals . Done en plein parlemont a Westmonst? le xviii de may . Lan du grete M . CCC . xliii","Latin",,"","Described and collated in Sir E. M. Thompson's edition (Rolls Ser., 1889). Extends from 1303 to (in this copy) 1343.","Small s.xiv cursive anglicana.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 943,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0487","3","","104v ? 107r","Anno primo Graciani et Valentiniani","similiter rotam fortune expertus est","Latin",,"","","cursive anglicana, s.xiv. Upper lobe of above the line, forked or looped descenders.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 944,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0488","4","","107r ? 108r","Aluuredus rex Anglorum primusque monarcha","Versibus hiis centum lector tibi do documentum","Latin",,"","Followed by two blank, unfoliated leaves.","cursive anglicana, s.xiv. Upper lobe of above the line, forked or looped descenders.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 945,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0489","5","","108v","Rollo primus dux Normannie genuit Willelmum Lungespeye","Edwardus tercius a conquestu","Latin",,"","The length of reigns is given, William I - Henry III, and completed in another hand for Edward I and II. The texts on 109r-116v appear from the quire signature (c) to have originally preceded 77r-108v, and the text doubtless comes from the same source as item 2.","cursive anglicana, s.xiv. Upper lobe of above the line, forked or looped descenders.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 946,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0490","7","","116r - v","Pur remembrer des auncessurs","annis xix. Compleui totum scripsi librumque peregi . Et solus totum sit summo gratia regi. Amen.","French",,"","In three parts :-(a) Extract (44 lines) from Wace's Roman de Rou, part iii, ll. 1-44 (cd. H. Andresen, Heilbronn, 1879). Inc:. 'Pur remembrer des auncessurs'. f. 115;-(b) Brief provinciale, including tables of the kingdoms of England before the Conquest and of the dioceses. f. 115;-(c) Genealogy of the Norman dukes from Rollo to the end of Stephen's reign. Inc: 'Primus Normannie dux Rollo qui et Robertus'; ends 'annis xix. Compleui totum scripsi librumque peregi Et solus totum; sit summo gratia regi. Amen'. The same colophon is in the Lambeth MS. f. 116.","cursive anglicana, s.xiv. Upper lobe of above the line, forked or looped descenders.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 947,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0491","9","","136r ? 149v","Versibus exametris insignia gesta uirorum",,"Latin",,"","Followed by two blank, unfoliated leaves.",,"CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 948,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0492","10","","150r ? 156v","Par ceste figure desus len put sauoyr","Il regna xlvii annz & fut enterre a Westmonster","French",,"","For an earlier copy see London, British Library, Royal 14 B. v (roll).","Small compact anglicana.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 949,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0493","11","","157r - v","Londoun . Dorteforde . Shingilwelle . Rouchestre","Nimese . ffournens . Auinoun","French",,"","Note at the end 'In Monte Pessulano morantur scolares in vico qui vocatur Currade et eorum campana est in ecclesia aulari'.","Anglicana formata? Variable","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 950,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0494","12","","157v ? 160r","Multi sunt ludi ad tabulas","ludere quod ipse de non capiunt","Latin",,"","'Ludus Anglicorum' (including 'limpoldyng' and 'lurchyng'), 'Paume carie', 'Ludus Lumbardorum', 'Imperial', 'Prouincial', 'Baralie', 'Faylys' and others unnamed.","Anglicana (formata?). Variable and not terribly well executed.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 951,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0495","13","Icy comencent les iupartiez des eschez","161r ? 173r","Seignours un poy entendes",,"French",,"","","Small anglicana, black ink.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 952,"London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","UMP 0496","15","","211r","Si ualeas paleas Valoyes dimitte timorem",,"Latin",,"","","Anglicana formata; lots of broken strokes, slightly variable.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 958,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","IMEV 4148","9","","59","Who wille be warre in purchasyng Considre the poyntes here folowyng'","","English",,"","Prefixed is the couplet:- 'Ihesu, as thou art heuen kyng, | Sende vs grace to haue knowyng'.","","Royal and King's Cat" 959,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","IMEV 824","1","","2r-3r","For helth of body keuere from cold thy hede / Ete no raw mete, take gode heede therto","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 961,"London British Library Royal 18.A.v","IMEV 3429","1","","2r-126v","The might of the fader of heuene","that for mannes loue made alle thinge","English",,"","","","CJ" 965,"London British Library Royal 8.F.xvi","UMP 0498","1","","1r ? 45v","Excepciones librorum viri eruditissimi","","Latin",,"","An abridgement of five works by Joachim, Abbot of Fiore in Calabria (c. 1190-1202) viz.:-(a) Concordia Novi et Veteris Testamenti, printed at Venice, 1519. f. 1;-(b) Prologue and 'Introduccio in Exposicionem Apocalipsis', printed ib. 1527 (cf. Harley MS. 3049). f. 24;-(c) De Oneribus, unprinted (MS. at Paris, Fonds Lat. 13428). f. 38;-(d) Exposicio Iezechielis Prophete unprinted. f. 44. The first three works are those known later by the name of Evangelium Aeternum.","Reasonably neat cursive anglicana. Top lobe of above the mid line.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 966,"London British Library Royal 8.F.xvi","UMP 0499","2","","45v ? 54v","Et [aL Haec] notauimus et extraximus","principia enim speciale ciora sicut insio genere . Explicit liber [rest obliterated or erased]","Latin",,"","This document consists chiefly of extracts from the books of Abbot Joachim. Below the explicit on f. 55v has been written in a later hand (probably a copy of the obliterated text): 'Explicit liber excerpcionum Abbatis Joachim'.","Reasonably neat cursive anglicana. Top lobe of above the mid line.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 967,"London British Library Sloane 2948","TK 71","1","","1r-19v","[A]gnus castus est herba rubea aliqualiter habens folia",,"Latin",,"","","Small, compact, very cursive anglicana. Heavily abbreviated.","CN" 968,"London British Library Sloane 2948","UMP 0501","2","","23r ? 33v","Agnus castus andra","storax est genus arborum","Latin",,"",,"Small, compact, very cursive anglicana. Heavily abbreviated.","CN" 969,"London British Library Sloane 2948","UMP 0502","3","","34v ? 51r","[S]I purus peccet in multitudine sanguis","et appositum strophul delet eas","Latin",,"","f. 51v originally blank. The beginning of a recipe has been added (s.xv). f. 52 is an inserted leaf, with a text added in a late hand (s.xvi?).","Small, compact secretary hand. Some headings in bastard secretary.","CN" 970,"London British Library Sloane 2948","UMP 0503","4","","53r ? 56v","mynde . Item yf thou yeve Z . Ł. with the blood of a cok","The precepte of the grete clerke ypocras was that this kunnyingge sholde be kept priuee and cloos and no3t taughte nor shewed to noo manere of man","English",,"","Followed by a list of names of herbs, a list of letters and numbers, and numbers of dies lune, etc.","Compact, neat cursive secretary.","CN" 971,"London British Library Sloane 2948","UMP 0504","5","","57r ? 85r","Aqua perfectissima & optima ad bona memoria","& stamp hem to geder & bynd to ži stomake","Latin",,"","Several different recipe collections, each done by a different scribe ? probably bound up later, rather than all written for the same book. Followed by added notes in contemporary and later hands, ff. 86r ? 89r.","ff. 57r ? v; 59r ? v: Small, slightly spidery and quite variable secretary; ff.60r ? 71v: Neat, regular cursive secretary with some occasional anglicana features such as and ; ff. 72r ? 79r: Anglicana formata, quite blocky in appearance and a little irregular; ff. 80v-85r: Anglicana formata; slightly cursive, generally well written; several stints, various inks.","CN" 972,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 0505","1","","3r-v","Urina hominis si y[.]oscasim habeat asperam[?]n","moracelsa uel campestria bibat cum","Latin",,"","","Large distinctive anglicana ? quite early. (s.xiv).","CJ" 974,"London British Library Sloane 5","TK 11","2","'Hic incipiunt synonyma de herbis latin gallice & anglice'","4r-12v","Absintheum amarum, deu maners; Gallice Aloyne, Anglice Weremod","vepium (?) folia angl? bumblelef","Latin","English","French","","Distinctive neat anglicana formata.","CJ" 975,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 0508","3","","13r-57r","Ache is hote and and [sic] drye the juis of ache and croes of brede","y stampid y leyde žere to . Also he amendith breth . Explicit macer . God gracious of grauntis havyth y yeue and y grauntid vertuys in woodys, stonys and herbis, of the which erbis macer the philizofure made a book in Latyne . The whiche boke Johannes Le","Latin",,"","Followed by Recipe for ?a powdre laskatyffe? f. 55r.","Neat secretary hand; several anglicana features occur in some places, such as 8-shaped , with looped ascender, some occurrences of double-lobed .","CJ" 976,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 0509","5","","57va-60vb","Age A feuer tercyan",,"English",,"","Table of contents for items 3, 6, and 8.","Secretary; variable size.","CJ" 977,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 0510","7","","63v-156v","Scotomye is suche a sekenesse of the brayne","Eižer with oyle of whete Eižer wiž že white of an eye . Explicit","English",,"","NB. Getz uses pencil foliation when discussing the texts in this MS. Another MS with the same incipit is Trinity College O.9.37 ? same texts and also same hand.","Secretary; variable size.","CJ" 978,"London British Library Sloane 5","VK 260.00","8",,"157r-v",,"","English",,"","Incomplete.","Secretary script.","CJ" 979,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","IMEV 322","25","","160r-161v","Eyns ne soy ke pleynte fu","Ar ne kuthe ich sorge non","English","French","","NB: not in MMBL I","","NIMEV" 980,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","MGH Scriptores 28: 529","5","uersus Nicholai Mamacucii ad incorrupta Pontificum nomina conseruanda","9r-10r","Incipiunt uersus Nicholai Mamacucii ad incorrupta Pontificum nomina conseruanda ? Si uis pontifices romane discere sedis","","Latin",,"","The main hand ended with Honorius (Stapleton ed. p. 186/9) and after a space of 21 lines added the couplet 'In numero cleri ? medietur is istis' (ed. p. 189/18, 19) at the foot of the page. Later the same hand(?) added six more lines (ed. p. 189/7-12). ","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 23" 981,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","RS 90","3","Particule tractatus Willelmi qui scripsit de gestis Regum Anglorum","3r-7r, 11r-30v, 31r-34v, 156v","","","Latin",,"","ff. 3r-7r: Misc extracts: books 1, 2, 4; ff. 11r-30v: Books 1-5, sometimes abridged; ff. 31r-34v: Books 4, 5 (from 2 William II), ending with a notice of the death of Henry I;f. 156v: extract from bk 2 (ed. RS I. 259).","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL 1: 23" 982,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","SR I. 19-25","21","","147r-153r","Capitula prouisionum factarum anno domini Mo cco sexagesimo septimo quarum maior pars ordinata fuit tempore Comitis Leycestrie anoon domini Mo cco lxo iiij ? (table of 44 chapters) ? Incipiuynt noue prouisionis","","Latin",,"",,"","MMBL I: 22-27" 983,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 1-29/173","17","","63v-71v, 71v-144r","","","Latin",,"","63v-71v: 1188-1257; 71v-144r: continuation to 1274. Thedmar wrote at intervals while Clement IV was still pope (ed. p. 83/27), but f. 113 not before 1271 (ed. p. 110/21).","63v-71v: Probably in the same hand as art. 7 to 'apud Lond'' (ed. p. 26/12); 71v-144r: Arnald Thedmar. There is a marked change in the appearance of the writing on f. 99v after 'predictum est' (ed. p. 88/15) and another near the end of f. 112.","MMBL I: 23" 984,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 172-3","18","De nobilitate attornata contra Coronationem domini Eadwardi Regis filii regis Henrici filii Regis Iohannis","144r-v","De nobilitate attornata contra Coronationem domini Eadwardi Regis filii regis Henrici filii Regis Iohannis","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL I: 22-27" 985,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 173-5","20","","146v","","","Latin",,"","Ending with the obit of Henry III.","","MMBL I: 22-27" 986,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 175-7, 225-6/13","16","","63r, 56v-57r","","","Latin",,"","Thedmar filled first the blank recto of the first leaf of quire 10 - on which Stapleton 1-29/2 is written - and then the space remaining blank in quire 8 and the first leaf of quire 9. To 'vsque ad' (AD 1269: ed. p. 226/6) he wrote probably all at one time.","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 24-25" 987,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 183-6","4","","7v-9r","De quodam philosopho nomine secundo","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL I: 22-27" 988,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 189/90-191/8","6","","10v","Post Grecos","sede locatus","Latin",,"","","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 22-27" 989,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 197-200/29","7","","35r-40r","","","Latin",,"","35r-36v: to 1199; 36v-40r: 1199-1224; 40v and 40r originally blank.","36v-40r: Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 23-24" 990,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 205-6","8","","41r","Visio quam beatus Eadwardus vidit in vltimus vite sue diebus in sompnis","","Latin",,"","ends imperfectly","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 24" 991,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 206-11","11","","45r-48r","","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL I: 22-27" 992,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 211-17, 218-21","12","","48r-51r, 53r-54v","","","Latin",,"","Some of the lists were based on older lists: thus Exeter ended with Henry (Marshall, d. 1206) and the names of the four bishops after him were added by Thedmar later.","","MMBL I: 24" 993,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 217-8","13","","52r-v","","","Latin",,"","Note added recording the consecration of John de Chishell as bishop of London at the end of Apr. 1274 and annotations to this article which had consisted hitherto of a bare list of Christian names. Continuation of the main text added.","","MMBL I 23-25" 994,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 221-23","14","","55v","Si vis pontificum doroben' discere sedis","","Latin",,"","'Robertus de Kylewareby post hos cathedratur' added in continuation. Side note on same page recording the death of St. Edmund Rich. In later hand: continuation by notices of Peckham and Winchelsea.","","MMBL I: 22-27" 995,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 222-5","15","","58r-60r","","","Latin",,"","Addtions of the names of the sheriffs for 1272 and 1273 and of those elected on 30 Nov. 1273. In later hand: continuation to 1306. Other historical memoranda, 1299-1316 and 1327 interspersed in later hand.","","MMBL I: 23-25" 996,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 234-5","22","","154r-155r","Memorandum quod cum temporibus retroactis Iudeis concessum fuerit","","Latin",,"","Additions: 155r-156v: copies of two royal letters about the Jews.","","MMBL I: 24-26" 997,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 238-9","23","","157r-158r","Fuit vir quidam manens in Ciuitate Coloniensi Arnaldus nomine","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL I: 22-27" 998,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 239-42","30","","163r-v, 1r-2r","Memorandum quod post turbacionem regni Anglie","","Latin",,"","Begun on a leaf at the end of the book and continued on the two fly-leaves at the beginning.","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 25" 999,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 243/18-21","9","","42r","","","Latin",,"","Evidently the end of a longer piece - see table of contents on the flyleaves, ff.i v-ii v.","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 22-27" 1000,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 243-4","10","","42v-43r","","","Latin",,"","This is an addition in a later (s.xiii ex) hand.","","MMBL I: 22-27" 1001,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 247/5-24","2","","2r; 55v-56r","","","French",,"","(a) On the price of bread (2r) (b) On weights (55v-56r)","Later hand: s.xiii ex - xiv in. Large clumsy hand, in light brown ink, difficult to read.","MMBL I: 22-27" 1002,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 252/29-41","19","","146 (attached)","(a) (a) Front, Por ce que contenz sunt ennueuz en cest Restume Dengleterre ? (dorse) Por ce ke sire simon de Montfort (b) Le An del incarnaciun nostre seygnur M' ccc iii © Nous vous comandoms de par nostre Seygnur le Roy","(a) en tutes choses","Anglo-Norman",,"","Three single sheet documents attached to f. 146: (a) An agreement between the barons and the City to aid one another, dated at London, Monday after [?] 1264 and on the dorse a notice to aldermen to obtain from all citizens 'ke sunt de xi aunz et de plus'.","","MMBL I: 22-27" 1003,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 253","27","","162r","Vna Nero die","","Latin",,"","Entered on an otherwise blank page.","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 22-27" 1004,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 253/16-21","24","","159r","In hoc folio continetur que Carte fuerunt in scrineo Ciuium anno domini mo. Cco. Septuagesimo","","Latin","Latin","","Beginning only. Only 3 charters are listed.","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 22-27" 1005,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Stapleton 253/22-35","26","","161v","Cum de Edifices","","Latin",,"","","Later hand: s.xiv in","MMBL I: 22-27" 1006,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","UMP 2003","1","","Front pastedown","Willelmus filius Ricardi","Henricus le Waleys","Latin",,"","12 names, Arnald Thedmar's the sixth.","Arnald Thedmar","MMBL I: 22-27" 1007,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","UMP 2004","28","","162v","In translatione beati thome martiris. ad uesperas","Thomam armat in martem nascio. Hinc principium aduersa sessio","Latin",,"","Perhaps fragment of a service book preserved by Thedmar. A noted office crossed through and 'quia alibi' written in the lower margin, s. xiii, presumably to explainthe cancellation. The antiphon Thomas armat? is in BL MS Add 28598 and Stowe 12.","","MMBL I: 22-27" 1018,"London Lambeth Palace Library 256","IMEV 1168","1","","2v ? 180r","Yit of his mercy and beneuolence/Withoute vengeaunce rigour or disdein","ffor wich Prince Edward ffau3t lik a manli kni3t . ffinis libri Bochasii","English",,"","Imperfect. Wants 1 leaf at the beginning.","Hooked-g scribe. Neat, ornate anglicana, with secretary , and right slanting ductus.","CJ" 1019,"London Lambeth Palace Library 491","IMEV 1566","4","","ff. 275r-286v","In tyme of Arthur an aunter by tydde","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 1020,"London Lambeth Palace Library 491","IMEV 1583","2","","ff. 206r-27v","In tyberies tyme the trewe Emperour","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 1025,"London Lambeth Palace Library 491","IPMEP 374","1","Explicit quidam tractatus anglicus de gestis anglorum brute vulgarite nuncupatus","ff. 1-205v","...the qwene anone toke gold and sylvir grete plente and toke hit to že sqwier in counseil","infortunate thinges and vnprofitable harmes with meny evelis bygan for to spring and že more harme is contynuyd longe tyme aftir","English",,"","Begins imperfectly in the middle of chapter three and ending with the death of Edward III in 1377.",,"IMEP 13" 1029,"London Lambeth Palace Library 491","IMEV 4064","5","","ff. 297-90v","Where so euer ye fare by fryth or by fell","","English",,"","","","NIMEV" 1034,"London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.25","IMEV 512","2","","13r-38v","Of že Passion' of crist Als wittenes Nichodeme. Bitid ye tyme yat Tiberius","","English",,"","Printed from this copy by W. H. Hulme, The Middle-English Harrowing of Hell and Gospel of Nicodemus (EETS, Extra Series, 100, 1907), pp. 23-134. F. 31 is a small fragment only (ff. ed., p. 101).","","MMBL I: 289" 1035,"London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.25","IMEV 557.3","1","","1r-12v","Bot yheue of yam oft with yam to mete/ for all seme yai bitter yai ar swete","Bot ye loue of god yat es clene/ Of werdly luf yat here es sene (end imperfectly)","English",,"","Latin tags and title are interspersed.","","MMBL I: 289" 1036,"London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.25","IMEV 771","3","","39r-47v","Fadir and son and haly gaste/Alle myghty god in Trinite/Thurgh bysekyng of mary chaste","hider I come with ye rede of ye (ends imperfectly)","English",,"","Ends imperfectly.","","NIMEV" 1037,"London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.25","Miss. Sarum","5","","134r","","","Latin",,"","Part of the office for Friday in the third week of Advent on the upper half of a leaf of a noted missal in an English hand, s.xv, formerly used as a paste-down.","","MMBL I: 289" 1038,"London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.25","IMEV 3428","4","","48r-133v","že myght of že fader almyghty","Ends imperfectly: Als wele žai žat sall be farer","English",,"","Version A. Ends imperfectly at v. 9220.","","MMBL I: 289; Lewis & McIntosh: 83" 1041,"London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.44","MWME 7 [XX]: 192","1","","1r-93v","(Begins imperfectly) any yssing","žowe shalt have of me/if žu (ends imperfectly)","English",,"","First 2 leaves and last leaf missing. As in other copies, the prayer to B.V.M is in verse in Chaucer's rendering 'Almightly and almercyable qweene?' this copy collated by Skeat, Works of Chaucer, i. 261-71 (IMEV 239).","Small hand, secretary, except for the 'reversed' e, the chapter headings larger and without linked minims. As in Trinity College Cambridge R.3.20 one ascender in the first line on each page and one descender in the last line is prolonged into the margin.","MMBL I: 290-91" 1043,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","TK 284","9","","221r ? 228r","Incipit liber trotule de secretis mulierum vel de curis mulierum compendiosa a nobis fiet tradicio","& ita dicipitur sponsus propter sanguinis effusionem","Latin",,"","Abbreviated version.","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1044,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","UMP 0141","1","","1r-2v","Sol . Notandum quando et quo tem[pore] (rest of line wanting) Qui medicinarum d[iscere?] (rest of line wanting)","Et si haec facta fuerint ad pristinam sanitatem perducet egrotum etc.","Latin",,"","","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1045,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","UMP 0142","2","","3r ? 108r","Deuiciis Capitis [sic] (rubric:) Et quia caput hominis denominatur principale membrum totius.. Main text: Pro dolore capitis per infirmitatem vel per studium accepto","a uulnerato bis vel ter in die dabis bibere omni die donec sanetur etc","Latin",,"","Recipes arranged in de capite ad pedem order.","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary ","CJ" 1046,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","TK 1290","3","liber de febre epidemiali/compendii de morbo pestilenciali","108r ? 115r","Incipit liber de febre epidemiali . compendium magistri Johannis de Burgundia de cura morbi pestliencialis . Quoniam omnia inferiora tam elementa","Sed precibus hoc opus egi ut qui conualuerit pro me erit [sic] . Amen // Explicit compendium magistri Johannis de Burgundia de preseruatione et cura morbi pestilencialis amen. Hic finis compendii de morbo pestilenciali etc.","Latin",,"","","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1047,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","UMP 0144","4","","115r ? 119r","Sirupus laxatiuus ad purgandum",,"Latin",,"","","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1048,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","TK 1413","5","De regimine sanitatis","119r ? 132v","De regimine sanitatis . Scribitur ab ysaak in libro viatici","in balneo & ibi moretur sicut dictum est superius . Explicit liber de conseruatione sanitatis","Latin","English","","","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1049,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","UMP 0146","6","","132v ? 133v","Item nota quod (?) ista bona faciunt balneum calorem naturalem",,"Latin",,"","","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1050,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","UMP 0147","7","Antidotarius","133r ? 186v","Hic incipit Antidotarius Henrici de Armandauilla . Capitulum erit de quibusdam communibus introductoriis ad tractatum presentem","& per consequens ex contraria [sic] contrariis [sic] vero curantur [sic] . Residuum istius antroductorii [sic] sequitur [In margin:] in fine istius immediate post capitulum de secretis mulierum et est de expositione nominum synonomorum obscuroroum istius ","Latin",,"","Abbreviated version of part V of the Chirurgia.","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1051,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","UMP 0148","8","","186v ? 221r","Iuxta fundamentum quandoque nascitur fistula","Contra Crampam + thebal + guttanay + et quam diu has literas super te portaueris Crampa non nocebit tibi etc.","Latin",,"","","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1052,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","TK 37","10","","228r ? 242v","Capitulum nonum de exposicione noninum synonomorum obscurum predicti Antroductorii [sic]","de synonomis ignotorum [sic] aut obscurarum medicinarum huius antidotarii suffissiunt [sic] hec nunc dicta etc.","Latin",,"","Continuation of text in 133r-186v; Abbreviated version of part V of the Chirurgia.","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1053,"London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","UMP 0151","11","","242r ? 244v","Trocissi alomantes ptu / Rx asafedite [sic","Si quis om?it [omerit?] cum illo bu opera etc","Latin",,"","The following seven pages are an alphabetical index of the book?s contents.","Compact, and quite cramped, but reasonably good cursive anglicana ? some use of secretary .","CJ" 1054,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 1514","11","A Good Boke of Kervyng and Nortur","ff. 337r-355r","A good boke of kervyng and Nortur. In nomine patris","Explicit the boke of nvrture and of kervynge quod Ego","English",,"","","Scribe 8 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1055,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 1993","9","Here begynneth a good tale of Bevys of Hamton","ff. 122r-190v","Lystenythe lordinges","Here endyth a good tale of Beuis of hamton that good verriour","English",,"","","Scribe 5 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1056,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 2392","3","Lyff of Seynt Anne","ff. 18r-29v","O blessed Ihesu that arte full of myght","Here endyth the lyff of Seynt Anne","English",,"","","Scribe 4 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1057,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 2165","2","Assvmpcio Sancte Marie","ff. 4r-17b","A merye tale I may","Explicit Assumpcio Sancte Marie Amen","English",,"","","Scribe 2 - secretary Scribe 3 - anglicana","MMBL III: 361-364" 1058,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 854","5","Liber Catonis","ff. 48r-75v","Cum anima aduerterem","Explicit liber Catonis.. Quod non p ire ad I nisi S me","English",,"","The English lines are in black ink and the Latin lines are in red ink. Including Cato Minor on f. 49r.","secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1059,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 983","6","Here begynneth a good tale of Torrence and Portyngale","76r-119r","God that ys worthy and bold","Explicit Torent of Portyngale","English",,"","","Scribe 7 - secretary Scribe 5 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1060,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IPMEP 696","1","","ff. 1r-2v","The right glorious virgyn seint Dorothea","by all že worlde of worldes Amen","English",,"","Incomplete","Scribe 1 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1061,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","MWME 8: [XXI]: 97","12","","ff. 357r-366v","The Lady of Comynes the best and the derrest of my spirituelle Doughters","Writen at že sayd Saint Maximien beside Tresues the xxviith day Octobr","English",,"","","Scribe 5 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1062,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","UMP 0403","4","Lyf of Seynt Katerin","ff. 30r-29v","Here begynnyth the lyf of Seynt Katerin and how she was maried to oure lord","Here endyth the lyf of Seynt Katerin And the maryage to oure lorde","English",,"","","Scribe 5 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1063,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 2619","7","","ff. 119v-121r","Of all women that euer were born","Wnto the blis where is my son dere","English","Latin","",,"Scribe 5 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1064,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 2119","8","A Prayar of Oure Lady","f. 121r-v","Mary moder well thou be","To heuen blis that I may wend Amen","English",,"","","Scribe 5 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1065,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 2635","10","Here begynnyth a good tale of Ipomadon","ff. 191r-335v","Off love were lykynge","To brynge vs to the blysse that lestis aye Amen ffor Charyte","English",,"","","Scribe 5 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1066,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","UMP 0906","13","The Namys of Wardeyns and Balyffys","ff. 367v-368v","","","Latin",,"","","Scribe 8 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1067,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009","IMEV 1751","14","","ff. 370r-372r","Ihesu that arte Ientyll ffor Ioye of they dam","Here begennethe anoder fytte ye sothe for to sey","English",,"",,"Scribe 9 - secretary","MMBL III: 361-364" 1074,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 51","IMEV 3755","2","Explicit comentum super 7 ps' penitenciales in anglicis","ff. 117-123v, 127-134v","To goddes worschipe žat der' vs bou3t","graunte oon god and persones žre. Amen amen amen. Explicit comentum super 7 ps' penitenciales in anglicis","English",,"","A defective text. Lacks introductory stanza.","Untidy anglicana formata, with lapses into current anglicana.","MMBL III: 402" 1075,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 51","IMEV 3428","1","Her endež že pricke of conscience.","5r-116v","and 3af hym sylle witt and mynde","žat for vs made heuen erže and al žinge. Her endež že pricke of conscience.","English",,"","Version A. vv. 1-422 wanting.","Untidy anglicana formata, with lapses into current anglicana.","MMBL III: 402" 1077,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 90","IPMEP 604","2","Explicit pater noster","ff. 63-65v","Sith the pater noster ys the beste preyer žat is","blisse and ioye with him with outen ende Amen","English",,"",,"Second scribe","MMBL III: 413" 1078,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 90","IMEV 3428","1","","2r-62r","The my3t off že fadur almi3ti","žt for ous fouched saff to henge","English",,"","Version A.","Current anglicana - n. m, and u are usually made of straight, backward-sloping strokes.","MMBL III: 413" 1079,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 90","UMP 3023","3","","1, 66v","","","Anglo-Norman",,"","Accounts belonging to an English receiver during Edward III's wars in Brittany.","","MMBL III: 414" 1080,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","Bühler 1961: 1988","2","ffor the tothe ache","15r","Take smythis synder & make yt rede hote in the ffyre","& vse this for it is as gode as ony ys probatum est","English",,"","","","Buhler 1961: 288" 1081,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","IMEV 1408","6","","45v-49r","","","English",,"","","","Buhler 1961: 286" 1082,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","IMEV 2627","5","","26r-45v","","","English",,"","","","Buhler 1961" 1083,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","UMP 0001","1","","1r-14r","","","Latin",,"","Use of Norwich Cathedral; table for finding Easter; tables for finding Lunar (1429-1479) and Solar (1429-1462) eclipses.","","Buhler 1961: 286" 1084,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","UMP 0017","4","compotus manualis","17r-25r","Incipit compotus manualis. In primis sciendum est quod pro littere dominicalis","ffilius esto dei celum bonus accipe grates?","Latin",,"","26r blank.","","Buhler 1961: 286" 1085,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","UMP 0068","7","","50r-52r","Of že vertu of rose mary. Že god erbe Rose mary is bože tre","žus thow schalt haue Rose mary in plente & gret help & comfort žerby","English",,"","","","Buhler 1961" 1086,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","UMP 0124","3","","16","","","English",,"","Prose","","Buhler 1961: 286" 1088,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thompson Cat: 262 (1)","1","","3r-14r","'A. (1) Therll of Arundell: (painted coat of arms - Gules, a lion rampant or. Crest: out of a ducal coronet rouge an eagle's head beaked of the last)","13r: (84) Arnold (pencilled coat of arms - (Gules), a chevron ermine between three pheons 9or)).","English",,"","84 coats, four to a page. 1-8 and 57-60 have painted crests. 64, 66-83 have the family name but no arms painted on the shield, and 84 is pencilled in only, the rest being painted in full colour. The outline shields on ff. 13v-14r were left unnamed and unpainted, originally.","Added by Thomas Wriothesley c. 1489-1511 in secretary and bastard hands.","Thomson Cat: 262-3" 1089,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Thomson Cat 270 (b)","1","","7r-v","Quot sunt coniugationes uerborum? IIIIor?Interiectio affectum mentis significat. Deo gratias. (Line ruled across page. Short paragraphs begin) Quid est grmatica? Gramatica est ars siue sciencia nata [sic] recte scribendi","aut captiuitas dominum","Latin",,"","Part of a treatise on the parts of speech followed by short paragraphs on grammatical points. Preceded by miscellaneous notes (ff. 3r-6v) by hands 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.","Hand 2.","Thomson 1979: 270" 1090,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Thomson Cat 270 (B1)","2","","8r-16v","Partes orationis quot sunt","ab hiis felicibus felicioribus -ssimis","Latin",,"","Adapted and abridged for elementary instruction, with many specimen declensions, etc.","Hand 1.","Thomson 1979: 270" 1091,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Thomson Cat 270 (B2)","3","","17r-19r","Postulo, posco, peto, moneo, doceo","Appellatiuum nomen cum participale","Latin",,"","","Hand 1.","Thomson 1979: 270" 1092,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Thomson Cat 270 (c)","4","","16v","Et pluraliter nominatiuo viginti unus","viginti uno","Latin",,"","","Hand 4","Thomson 1979: 270" 1093,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","5","","19v","Largior, experior, veneror","dixere sociari","Latin",,"","Lines 980-2, with an extra line. Supplementary to ff. 17r-19r.","Hand 1","Thomson 1979: 270" 1094,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Thomson Cat 271 (e)","6","","19v","Quot sunt participia? Quatutiror [sic]","preterium","Latin",,"","","Hand 3","Thomson 1979: 271" 1095,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 263 (2)","2","","17r-27r","B. (88) Beauchamp: (painted coat of arms - Gules, a fess between six crosses crosslet or. Crest: out of a ducal coronet a swan, wings elevated)","(171) (painted coat of arms - Argent, a bear statant sable within a bordure engrailed gules","Latin",,"","Several coats have (?) later pencil or ink crests, and 93 has a painted crest. 163-171 seem not to have had a family name written by them originally.","Added by Thomas Wriothesley c. 1489-1511 in secretary and bastard hands.","Thomson Cat: 263" 1096,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 263 (a)","3","","1r","Arundell -1","Beaumond -34","Latin",,"","List of names occurring in the heraldic section of the MS, written on strips of paper by Thomas Martin and pasted onto this leaf. The list is corrected by Fenn. '(180)' is written at the top of the leaf.","Thomas Martin: s. xviii John Fenn: c. 1779.","Thomson Cat: 263 (a)" 1097,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 263 (b)","4","","f. 1v","(Begins imperfect) the plurale numbre in Latyn allso. A word yn Englysch ys synglar numbre whan he speketh but of one thyng","How knowne ye a nowne adiectyue? By hys Englych and by hys Latyn (ends incomplete).","English",,"","One page of an elementary Latin grammar in English, beginning and ending abruptly.","s. xv/xvi: a secretary hand.","Thomson Cat: 263" 1098,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 263 (c)","5","","2r","A Book of Arms Blazoned?from the manner of drawing? done about the reign of Henry VI or Edward IV - the Paper Mark, being the Bull's head and Star, is that used in these reigns?","It contains a curious specimen of ancient Heraldic Drawings and Bearings'.","English",,"","A note by Fenn, followed on f. 2v by a tracing of the watermark by Fenn (item 6)","John Fenn","Thomson Cat: 263" 1099,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 264 (e)","7","","13v","(85) Andrews (coat of arms in ink - (Argent) , on a bend between cotises (sable) three mullets (of the first))","(87) Gilis Alington (painted coat of arms - Quarterly, 1 and 4 Sable, a bend engrailed between eight billets argent, 2 and 3 Gules, 3 covered cups argent","English",,"","Added by a second artist","","Thomson Cat: 264 (e)" 1100,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 264 (f)","8","","27v-32v","(172) Burbey (Painted coat of arms - Barry of six sable and or, on a chief of the last two pallets of the first, an inescutcheon barry of six gules and ermine. Crest: a conical cap or charged with a fess indented sable between two wings elevated, the dexter or and the sinister sable","(212) Barton: (painted coat of arms - Paly of six or and gules, on a bend sable three bougets argent","English",,"","Additional coats of arms to the group on 17r-27r by another artist (?) 172, 173, 175-9, 181, 183-4 and 196 have painted crests, 206 a crest in ink only. Shields 208-211 are blank.","","Thomson Cat: 264" 1101,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 264 (g)","9","","32v-33r, 35v-36r","(213) iohn Burghesh (painted coat of arms - Or, a lion rampant tail forked gules)","(227) Lowys Beaumond: (painted coat of arms - Azure, flory a lion rampant or, overall a bend compony argent and gules","Latin",,"","Twelve additional coats of arms to ff. 17r-27r = nos 213-219, 223-227, by a third artist, mostly from the 'lion' section of Jenyn's Ordinary. 216 has a painted crest, 219 is in ink and tricked only, 224 has only a faint pencil outline.","","Thomson Cat: 264" 1102,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 264 (h)","10","","33v-35r","33v (i) Discensus Bussy per Neuyll videlicet a Neuyll domino de Grymesthorp vsque ad heredes Iohannis Bussy militis 34r: (ii) De antecessoribus et dominis de Stotton 34v-35r: (iii) Obitus domine Agnetis Bussy vxoris Iohannis Bussy militis xxj die Ianuarij anno domini m1 ccc xxxv","(iii) Obitus Thome Nevyll filii Roberti Nevyll militis xviij die Nouembris anno domini m1 ccc xxxjoijo","Latin",,"","","s. xv/xvi: an 'official' Anglicana hand.","Thomson Cat: 264" 1103,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 264 (j)","11","","35v","(220) Thomas Bromwiche of Castelfrome in comitatu Heref' : (painted coat of arms - Quarterly. 1 and 4 Or, a lion rampant sable guttee d'or, charged with a crescent azure for difference; 2 and 3 Quarterly, 1 and 4 Sable, a bend argent between two dexter arms couped at the elbow azure, 2 Gules, a fess argent, in chief three martlets of the second. Crest: a unicorn's head sable guttee d'or charged with a crescent azure for difference","(222) William Browne Maior off London: (painted coat of arms - Per fess indented argent and or, a chevron between three escallops gules. Crest : a demi stork(?) sable, wings elevated gules, charged with escallops or.","Latin",,"","Three coats of arms added to the item on ff. 17r-27r, possibly by the second artist, but probably by a fourth. 221 is for William Browne Alderman and is the same as 202 which is for his father John Browne. f. 36v blank","","Thomson Cat: 264" 1104,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 264 (k)","12","","37r","The king. The pr( )?","Therll of Essex","English",,"","f. 36v is blank. List of nobility, perhaps recording their presence on some occasion or serving as an order of precedence. '44' is written at the head of the leaf.","Added by Thomas Wriothesley c. 1489-1511 in secretary and bastard hands.","Thomson Cat: 265" 1105,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 264 (l)","13","","37v","Memorandum that in the yere of our lord m1 d j on Saint Katherine daye wiche was on a Thursdaye Sir William Capell, knyght, did his ij children to be maried","and Walyngford poursuivant to my lord prince wiche that day bare my lord prince cot off( ) and the sayd Sir William Capell honnorably compowned wt the said officier ( a)rmes for their mariage clothyng etc.","English",,"","With a trick of the appropriately impaled arms (Zouche-Capell, Capell-Newton), a list of those present, and the note ? as the explicit which refers to Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Wallingford Poursuivant at that time (he held the office 1489-1504) who wrote the item. Fenn adds a note of the date.","Added by Thomas Wriothesley c. 1489-1511 in secretary and bastard hands.","Thomson Cat: 264 (l)" 1106,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","Thomson Cat: 264 (m)","14","","43v",,"","French",,"","ff. 38r-43v are blank. (i) Two tricked coats of arms - (a) Argent, a lion passant guardant between two acorns all in bend azure cotised ermines (for Rhodes) impaling Argent, a fret gules, on a canton of the second a lion passant or, in the centre a cross flory sable for difference (for Dunstanville Baron of Castlecomb); b) Dunstanville of Castlecomb impaling Gules fretty argent, on a canton barry of eight argent and gules ten martlets in orle sable (for Badthorpe or Balthorpe). ii) 'Walden abbey. Icy sist messire Iohn de Rodes Chiualer master de lostell a le tresnoble Prince Edward Prince de Gales et Duc d'Aquutayne et Beatric' sa femme file a messire Iohn' de Dunstanvile et dame Prudenc' sa femme anno quarto Ricardi secundi' (1380/1 Fenn adds a note of the date).","Added by Thomas Wriothesley c. 1489-1511 in secretary and bastard hands.","Thomson Cat: 265-6" 1107,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Walther, Initia 11220","7","","20r-28v","Moribus et uita quisquis uuit esse facetus","Namigena doctus uate facetus erit. Explicit Facetus. Deo gratias","Latin",,"","The following was added in Portuguese on f. 28v 'Queres sacar os participios ... & assy non os erraras'.","Hand 1","Thomson 1979: 271" 1108,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0735","4","Ci commence la maniere de language","ff. 311r-316r","Notre commencement nous dirons ainsi En noun du pere filz et saint esperit Amen. Ci commence la maniere de language qui tenseignera bien a droit parler et escrire doulz franceoys","Vous qui navez point dargent / Pour dieu traitez vous la . La fouc de mes oialles... Et sur mon chemyn iencontroy vne erluse que se moqua de moy","Anglo-Norman",,"","The final six lines are repeated at the beginning of item 15.","One scribe - anglicana formata","AS Cat, p. 211" 1109,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0736","6","","ff. 327v-326v","Cy commence vn petit liure pour enseigner les enfantz de leur entreparler comun francois. Pour ce scachez primierement que le an est diuise en deux","Par ma foy oy. Cest vne grande vniuersite","French",,"","","Secretary","AS Cat, p. 211" 1110,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0737","7","","ff. 332v-333r","Omnimode en tout manier","Quomodo coment","Latin","French","","","Secretary","AS Cat, p. 211" 1111,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0738","8","Prouerbia","f. 333v","A dieu te beisse et a tom eisne. Ayme tez parentz et honneure te cousins","A bousoigne et non pas a bieneurete tu cognoisteras ton amy","Anglo-Norman",,"","","Secretary","AS Cat, p. 211" 1112,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0739","9","Du chastel de amour","ff. 335r-335v","Du chastel de amour vous demande nommes. le primier fondement aymer loialment. Or me nommez le primier mur. que fort ce fait fierme et seure","regarder deuoutement mais aymer seurement","French",,"","","Secretary","AS Cat, p. 211" 1113,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0740","10","","ff. 335v-337r","Nest pas sire de son pais / Que de ses hommes est hais","Amour de femme et du chien / Nest pas perdue pour dire tien / Amour de femme et vent du cul / Et feu des etoupes est tour vn","French",,"","","Secretary","AS Cat, p. 212" 1114,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0741","11","","ff. 337r-346r","Femme que aproche son temps [glossed a woman žt neghes hire tyme]","A jhesu crist toutz vous comande","Anglo-Norman","English","","","Secretary","AS Cat, p. 212" 1115,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0742","14","","ff. 367r-377r","Cy maintenant. Nous vous baillerons vn exemple coment vous fourmeres touz les verbes francois du monde","I spille J espende come ie ayme","French","English","","","Secretary","AS Cat, p. 212" 1116,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0743","16","","ff. 379r-379v","Nous Jehan par la permission diuine Evesque de Chartres","Donne a Boulongne le derreiner Jour de feurier lan mil ccciiij et dixnef ben soit dieux Amen","French",,"","","Secretary","AS Cat, p. 212" 1117,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 3021","5","","ff. 322r-327v","Pour ceo que les bones gens du Roiaume dengleterre sont enbrasez","si come es ces mots enurent furent","Anglo-Norman",,"","","Secretary","AS Cat, p. 211" 1118,"Oxford All Souls College 42","BDPSRP iv, 565-6 (1859)","B: 2","","8r","Constitucio Gregorij .xj. de cappellanis honoris. Gregorius etc. ad perpetuam rei memoriam. Ad romani pontificis prouidentiam","Dat' avinion' .vo. Idus Nouembris Pontificatus nostri Anno Tercio","Latin",,"","Written on the recto of the final leaf of the quire.","Bastard anglicana","AS Cat: 80-92" 1119,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 1415","G: 1","Confutacio Lollardorum","308r-314r","(a) Henrice quinte rex Anglie qui digne portat gladium domini sit fratribus tuis et tibi pax? Sic nocte dieque precibus deum pulsat. Vtinam et non in vanum. dei omniumque suorum seruus. utinam bonus et fidelis simplex Johannis Barton medicus.","(a) 309v: to determine bynde and lose. Amen. (b) 314v: Tenemini enim ad vtrumque. Qui enim obturat aurem","Latin","English","",,"Secretary, punctuated by low point and virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1120,"Oxford All Souls College 42","IMEP III [42:1]","F: 50","Copia Juramentum Vicecomitis","307r","Ye shall swere that ye shall serue the king wele and trewely in tho [sic] office of the shirrif of [blank]?These thyngys all ye shall trewely kepe as god help yowe and his seintz","","English",,"","","Secretary, punctuated by low point and virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1121,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney ii: 237-792","C: 1","","9r-174r","[Gloss]: Incipit glosa Johannis Aton' super constitucionibus Otton' et Octob' sedis apostolice legatorum. Ad succidendos palmites pestiferos [f. 9v, text] De reformacione status ecclesiarum et earum consecracione. Quoniam domum domini decet sanctitudo","[f. 173v, text] celebrant observari [f. 174r, gloss] ab exordio in mercedem exspecto ecclesiastici .xj. c. [and added in a different hand] Explicit Johannes Aton qui glosauit constituciones Octoboni apostolice sedis legati","Latin",,"","","Secretary, punctuated by medial and high point.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1122,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, i. 833 et seq","F: 8","Constituciones fratris Johannis Pecham archiepiscopi Cantuariensis apud Redyng","235v-238v","Incipiunt constituciones fratris Johannis Pecham archiepiscopi Cantuariensis apud Redyng. Audistis presens conscripti istius constitucionis tenorem","Explicit constituciones ? edite apud Redyng. Anno domini millesimo CCo lxxixo","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1123,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 106-25","F: 1","Stephanus Langton Oxon'.","212r-217v","Incipiunt Constituciones domini Stephani de Langton \ Oxon' edite/ Ex quibus causis infligitur excommunicacione","Explicit constituciones? anno domini mo cco xxijo [sic]","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1124,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 1382-5","F: 31","","279v-280v","De iuramento sacerdotum et obedientia rectoribus et vicarijs prestandis et est constitucio domini Roberti Wynchelsey Cantuariensis archiepiscopi facta in visitacione sua anno domini Mo CCC vto","et habebunt copiam in ecclesijs de premissis","Latin","French","","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1125,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 1385","F: 11","","247v-248r","Decretum [f. 248r] Reuerendi patris domini Roberti dei gracia Cantuariensis archiepiscopi in sua Visitacione in diocesi Wigorn' factum inter Rectores ecclesiarum et eorum parochianos de ornamentis ecclesie. Ad doctrinam presenciam et memoriam futurorum","per diuersas ordinaciones et consuetudines approbatas habent a locorum rectoribus et vicarijs reparari.","Latin",,"","AS Cat: described [by Powicke and Cheney] as 'one of the more reliable versions of the various revised forms of John Pecham's statute'.","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1126,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 1387","F: 26","","275v-276r","Incipiunt constituciones dominorum Roberti de Winchelsey et secundum quosdam Simonis Islep archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. quid parochiani invenire debeant in ecclesia et quid Rectores. etc.","umtibus eorum","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1127,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 572-85","F: 5","Constituciones domini bonefacij archiepiscopi consilio prouinciali de Westm'","222v-226v","Constituciones domini bonefacij archiepiscopi consilio prouinciali de Westm'. Uniuersis christe fidelibus ad quos presens pagina peruenerit B. permissione diuina Cantuariensis archiepiscopus","Dat' apud Westm'?Sexto idus junij Anno domini millesimo CC lviij","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1128,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 598","F: 19","Constitucio domini Roberti Wynchelsey Cantuarensis archiepiscopi de abiuracione concubinarum","264v-265r","Constitucio domini Roberti Wynchelsey Cantuarensis archiepiscopi de abiuracione concubinarum. Abiuraciones autem fornicariarum","precipimus obseruari?Adde ad istam constitucionem? per b' et alios doct'","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1129,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 669-85","F: 6","","226v-232v","Incipiunt constituciones bonifacij archiepiscopi Cantuariensis apud lambehith' edite. Uniuersis sancte matris Ecclesie filijs per Cant' prouinciam constitutis B. miseracione diuina Cantuariensis archiepiscopus","Acta sunt hec in consilio apud lambehyth' celebrato?iij idus maij ? anno domini Mo CCo sexagesimo primo?","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1130,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 892-918","F: 9","constituciones ... [Johannis Pecham] apud Lambyth'","238v-247r","Et incipiunt alie constituciones eiusdem [Johannis Pecham] apud Lambyth'. Ab exordio nascentis ecclesie christiane?","Dicta sunt hec in consilio apud lambyth' celebrato. die veneris vjo Idus Nouembris. anno domini Mo Ccmo lxxxo primo","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1131,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 934-6","F: 10","","247r-247v","Incipiunt eciam et alie constituciones domini Johannis Pecham archiepiscopi Cantuariensis. Quod archiepiscopus non rescribat pro querelis subditorum cuiuscumque suffraganei. Anno domini Millesimo Cco lxxxijo vij idus Mai","vt huius [rectis huiusmodi] prolixitas euitetur. Acta sunt hec anno mense die et loco supradicto","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1132,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Reg. Sudbury I","F: 18","","264r-264v","Constitucio facta pro festis celebrandis. Ex scriptura sacri [sic] didicimus [sic] vicia sepe se ingerere et virtutes esse mentiri","Dat' apud lameth''. .xviij. kal' decembr' anno domini anno mo. CCCmo. lxij. Et nostre consecracionis Anno terciodecimo etc.","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1133,"Oxford All Souls College 42","SR i (Charters of Liberties), 22-5","E: 1","Magna carta de libertatibus anglie","201r-202v","Hic incipit magna carta de libertatibus anglie. Henricus dei gratia Rex anglie etc.","Explicit magna carta de libertatibus anglie","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana, punctuated by low point and double virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1134,"Oxford All Souls College 42","SR i. 101","F: 28","","276v-278v","Per cartam regiam casus in quibus iudex ecclesiasticus potest congnoscere regia prohibicione non obstant concessi. etc. Edwardus dei gracia Rex Anglie","Teste me ipso apud Ebor' xxiiij die mensis Nouembris. Anno regni nostri .xxiiijo","Latin",,"",,"Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1135,"Oxford All Souls College 42","SR i, 26","E: 1","Carta de foresta","202v-203r","Incipit carta de foresta. Henricus dei gratia, etc. Sciatis quod nos intuiti dei","contra tenorem carte predicte. Explicit carta de foresta","Latin",,"","","Bastard anglicana, punctuated by low point and double virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1136,"Oxford All Souls College 42","SR i, Charters of Liberties, 42-3/36","F:21","","265v-266v","Libertates. magne carte. edwardus dei gracia Rex anglie?Inspeximus magnam cartam domini Henrici quondam regis Anglie","Nos autem istas consuetudines donaciones et concessiones predictos et omnia vt supra","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1137,"Oxford All Souls College 42","SR i. 171-4","E: 5","","196r-198r; 302v-303v","196r: Edwardus dei gracia rex Anglie Dominus hibernie. 302v: Articuli Cleri. Edwardus Dei gracia Rex Anglie","198r: Teste me ipso apud ebor' vicesimo quarto die nouembris. Anno regni nostri decimo. Istis modis prescriptus cessat regis prohibencia 303v: ad beneficium ecclesiasticum pertinet examinacio","Latin",,"","The quire ends at f. 303. Ff. 304r-306r blank.","196r-198r: Secretary, punctuated by low point; 302v-303v: (different hand: Secretary, punctuated by low point and single virgula).","AS Cat: 80-92" 1138,"Oxford All Souls College 42","SR i.139 (28 Edw. I c.7)","F: 46","","302r","Henricus dei gracia etc. Cum inter ceteros articulos quos dominus Edwardus quondam rex anglie? ad emendiacionem statutis populi Regni sui concessit","Teste me ipso apud Westm' etc.","Latin",,"","","Secretary, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1139,"Oxford All Souls College 42","SR i.393 para 3","F: 49","","306v","Statutum contra decimas arborum editum anno xlv Edwardi iij apud [blank] et anno xvj Ricardi ijdi","","Latin",,"","","Secretary, punctuated by low point and virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1140,"Oxford All Souls College 42","SR ii. 125-8","F: 22","","266v-268r","Cum domino nostro Regi","et eorum commissarijs siue intendentes et fauentes etc.","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1141,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0524","B: 1","Tractatus constitucionum Othonis et Octoboni secundum ordinem alphabeti","1r-7v","Ad citeriorem inuencionem materiarum in constitucionibus Othonis et Octoboni legatorum","Explicit tractatus constitucionum Othonis et Octoboni secundum ordinem alphabeti","Latin",,"","An alphabetical subject-index, with references by chapter and subsection to the canons of Otto and Ottobuono. Judging by the offset of the coloured and illuminated border on f. v [(verso)], presumably from f.9v, fols 1-8 are an addition to the volume.","Bastard anglicana","AS Cat: 80-92" 1142,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0525","B: 3","","8r","Duodecim sunt Procuratores Diaboli et discipuli antechristi papa patriarche cardinales archiepiscopi Episcopi Archidiaconi Officiales Decani Bifurcati Canonici Monachi et pseudo fratres nouissime iterducti","Iste conclusiones cum alijs ducentis similibus dampnati fuerunt tanquam erronie erretice in plena congregacione magistrorum regentorum Oxon' celebrato in festo sanctorum Johannis et Pauli anno domini millesimo ccccmo decimo et dampnatur omnes conclusiones","Latin",,"","Followed by a list of eight works of John Wycliffe condemned by the University of Oxford in 1410.","Bastard anglicana","AS Cat: 80-92" 1143,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0526","C: 4","","176v","Calumpniantur processus Curie Cant' propter subscripta. In primis calumpnatur quod absque cause congnicione in tuitoriis Offic' inhibet exeunt' in Romana Curia","Item quod non licet appellare a beneficio tuicionis concesse","Latin",,"","Added on a blank final verso of the quire.","Secretary","AS Cat: 80-92" 1144,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0527","D: 7","","198v","Nota sequens' pro materia querelarum.","ut superbius est expressum","Latin",,"","(a) In primis est sciendum quid est dare querelam simpliciter. et illa habet locum dumtaxat in materia extraiudiciali. (b) Item est dare querelam aliam in materia iudiciali dumtaxat propter neglentientam iudicis inferioris. c) Item est dare querelam duplicem non duplicem respectu querele simplicis in materia extraiudiciali... ut superius est expressum.","Secretary, punctuated by low point","AS Cat: 80-92" 1145,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0528","E: 2","","203v-211r","Questiones et notabilia Johannis Athonis supra dictas constituciones ut supra in principio etc. per alphabetum. Abbas est nomen oneris non honoris","Zelus est isto nota constitutio octobonis iustus. est. et verus","Latin",,"","Between fols. 210 and 211 are two stubs, but there is no break in the alphabetical sequence and comparison with the index to the canons at [ff. 1r-7v] suggests that there is no loss.","Bastard anglicana, punctuated by low point and double virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1146,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0529","E: 3","","211v","Seqitur de iuribus que pertinent ad archidiaconos. Et primo per constituciones Legatinas deinde per prouinciales. Archidiaconi vero in singulis decanatuum suorum conuentibus","suspensionis pena innodentur donec dimidiam marcham argenti pro sua inobediencia archidiacono soluerint","Latin",,"","Added on a blank final page of the quire.","Different hand from the other in this quire","AS Cat: 80-92" 1147,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0530","f 23","de veneracione ymaginum","268r-269v","Dicendum est quod adoracio ymaginum est licita","debemus adorare ymaginem christi quam hominem quemcunque","Latin",,"","Fols. 270r-271v blank. End of quire 33. (Text identification in MS cat is from Professor Anne Hudson).","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1148,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0531","F: 44","","296v","","","Latin",,"","Ends fol. 298v.","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1149,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0532","F: 45","","299r-302r","","","Latin",,"","","Secretary, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1150,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0533","F: 48","","306v","Prohibicio Thome Abbati de Begham [Bayham, Sussex] vni generalium visitatorum ordinis premonstratensium in Anglia seu eius locumtenenti ibidem. Henricus dei gracia Rex anglie?Thome abbati de Begham?salutem. Monstrauit Johannes doonwych persona ecclesie ","teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium anno etc. xxiijo. Kyrkby","Latin",,"","","Secretary, punctuated by low point and virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1151,"Oxford All Souls College 42","UMP 0534","F: 51","","307v","Breue de premunire. R. vic Norff. salutem. Cum in statutis in Parliamento R. nuper Regis anglie secundi","et aperte tunc certificans etc. Breue de Statuto","Latin",,"","","Secretary, punctuated by low point and virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1152,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, i. 477-9","F: 4","","221v-222v","Incipit constituciones domini Ricardi archiepiscopi Cantuariensis edite apud Westm'. De clericis contrahentibus matrimonium","Explicit consilium? Anno domini lxo vo [sic]","Latin",,"","This text has chs. 1-7, 9, 12, 13, 17 and 19 of those printed by D. Whitelock, M. Brett and C. N. L. Brooke, Councils and Synods, i: A.D. 871-1204, part II 1066-1204 (Oxford, 1981), 983-92.","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1153,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, i. 530-1","F: 2","Incipiunt constituciones eiusdem [Langton] edite apud lambehyth","217v-218v","Incipiunt constituciones eiusdem [Langton] edite apud lambehyth'. Statutum felicis recordacionis","oleo sane accipiend' etc credimus intellectum etc.","Latin",,"","[Text follows Wilkins] as far as 'necessitate absente' (MS fol. 218r/40, after which our text continues for a further eighteen lines).","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1154,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, i. 597","C: 3","","174v; 265r","174v: Constitucio Stephani Cantuarensis archiepiscopi super plures casus in quibus simplex sacerdos non potest absoluere. Sacerdos non potest absoluerre nisi in asticulo mortis 265r: : Constitucio Stephani Cantuarensis archiepiscopi Super casibus de qui","","Latin",,"","Also item F: 20. Printed from this MS in Wilkins, but omitting the form of absolution at the end. Repeated at 265r. Added on a blank verso and ending on f. 175r. ff. 175v-176r are blank.","Secretary","AS Cat: 80-92" 1155,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 274-5","F: 34","","f. 286rv","Quod pendent' anno tempore tuicionis concesse numerand' execuciones non fiant contra appellacionem'. Memorandum quod Nos W. de Thorpe decanus ecclesie beate Marie de Arcubus","Dat' apud Stybynhith octauo kalend' Augusti Anno domini millesimo CCCmo tercio. Consecracionis nostre nono","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1156,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 278-80","F: 3","","218v-219v","Incipit constitucio domini Roberti [Winchelsey] apud Merton' de modo decumandi 1305. Quoniam propter diuersas consuetudines","cesnsuras ecclesiastica volumus coartari. Expliciunt constituciones?anno domnini mo cco ijo [sic]","Latin",,"","Our text to fol. 219r/33 agrees with the Concilia as far as 279b/62 except that the manuscript lacks 278v/47-279b/50. The manuscript then contains nine lines not in Concilia and fol. 219v/5-31 has Concilia 279a/18-279b/13. After the explicit there are further sections on tithes and church ornaments.","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1157,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 278-83","D:1","","177r-183v","Statuta curie cantuariensis. Robertus permissione diuina Cantuarensis archiepiscopus as viam nostri regiminis planius ordinandam","beato Thoma martyre. Amen","Latin",,"",,"Secretary, punctuated by low point","AS Cat: 80-92" 1158,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 303-4","D: 3","","195r-v","Robertus permissione diuina Cantuariensis archiepiscopus","Dat' apud Wrotham xvj kln' Julii Anno domini millesimo CCCmo ix. Consecracionis nostre quinto decimo","Latin",,"","","Secretary, punctuated by low point","AS Cat: 80-92" 1159,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 423","F: 33","Commissio per priorem Cant' et eiusdem loci Capitulum sede vacante","286r","Commissio per priorem Cant' et eiusdem loci Capitulum sede vacante. Henricus permissione diuina prior ecclesie Cantuar'","Dat' in capitulo nostro pridie idus Maij Anno Domini M.CCC xvjo [sic]","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1160,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 497","F: 29","","278v","Littera domini regis directa iusticiarijs pro moderanda prohibitione regia. Rex iusticiarijs suis salutem. Circumspecte agatis de negotio tangente dominum episcopum Norwicensem et eius clerum","habeat regiam consultacionem. Teste me ipso apud Ebor. xxiiij die mensis Nouembris anno regni nostri .xiiijo.","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1161,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 497-8","D: 4","","195v-196r","Walterus permissione diuina Cantuariensis archiepiscopus","Dat' apud Lambhethe tercio Kln' Augusti. Anno domini millesimo CCCmo xxmo","Latin",,"","","Secretary, punctuated by low point","AS Cat: 80-92" 1162,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 513a-514b; 512-13","F: 25","","272r-275v","Incipiunt constituciones prouinciales domini Stephani [sic] Mepham Cantuariensis archiepiscopi edite apud lambeth' de ornamentis altaris et clericis circa illud ministrantibus","vel auctoritate sua condignam penitenciam suscepturi","Latin",,"",,"Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1163,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 552-4","F: 24","","272r-274r","Incipiunt Constitiuciones. domini Simonis Mepham Cantuariensis archiepiscopi in consilio prouinciali apud Sanctum Paulum london' celebrato. Anno domini. Millesimo CCCmo . xxviijo?","ipsius arbitrio moderandum","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1164,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 560-1","C: 2","","174r","Simon permissione diuina Cantuarensis archiepiscopus","Et consecracionis xiijo","Latin",,"","Added on a blank half-page and originally running to Wilkins, 561*/8 only: completed in the margin in another hand.","Anglicana, sometimes using single-compartment a: punctuated by medial and high point.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1165,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 560-1 (Ex Scripturis)","F: 30","","278v-279v","Constitucio domini Simonis yslepp de festis per annum obseruandis. Simon permissione diuina Cantuarensis archiepiscopus? Ex scripturis sactis [sic] didicimus","Dat. apud Magehfelde xvj Kal. Augusti Anno domini Mo CCCo lxij et nostre consecracionis anno xviijo.","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1166,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 571-4","D: 8","Statuta Constitorij Episcopalis Lincoln'","199r-200v","Henricus permissione diuina lincolniensis episcopus","Dat' apud Notyngham' iij. Jdus Julij. Anno domini millesimo Trescensimo [sic] .iiijo. et consecracionis nostre .xiiijo. Expliciunt statuta Constitorij episcopalis Lincoln'","Latin",,"","Added on two blank leaves at the end of quire 26.","Secretary, punctuated by low point","AS Cat: 80-92" 1167,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 681 95*/15","D: 2","Statuta Curie Cantuarensis edita per venerabilem patrem dominum J. de stratford Cantuariensem Archiepiscopium","183v-195r","Incipiunt statuta Curie Cantuarensis edita per venerabilem patrem dominum J. de stratford Cantuariensem Archiepiscopium","Expliciunt statuta Johannis Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis","Latin",,"","Four chapters omitted at the end are at 286v.","Secretary, punctuated by low point","AS Cat: 80-92" 1168,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 694-5","D: 6","","198r","Hec igitur","nostre translacionis nono","Latin",,"","Followed by a further paragraph, not in Wilkins, listing those present at promulgation.","Secretary, punctuated by low point","AS Cat: 80-92" 1169,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 695","F: 35","","286v","Forma Iuramenti Examinatorum. Ego N. in officio examinatoris huius Curie? Forma Iuramenti Aduocatorum? Forma Iuramenti Procuratorum? Forma iuramenti clericorum Registri scribencium responciones parcium dicta testium et alias copias","sic ne deus adiuuet et hec sancta dei Euangelia","Latin",,"","See 183v-195r above.","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1170,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 696-702","F: 32","","280v-285v","Hee [sic?] constituciones sequentes secundum aliquos libros sunt constituciones prouinciales. Johannis Stratford Cantuariensis archiepiscopi edite London' in concilio prouinciali .xo. die mensis Octobris. anno domini Mo CCCo xlijo. Ne in priuatis materi","uirtute breuium","Latin",,"","For the third series of Stratford's canons, see 248r-256r.","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1171,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 702-9","F: 12","Constituciones domini Johannis Stratford.","248r-256r","Incipiunt constituciones domini Johannis Stratford. Sponsam christi sacrosanctam ecclesiam priuilegio libertatis","et interdicti ad presentacionem decimarum predictarum compellatis","Latin",,"",,"Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1172,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 135-6","F: 15","Constitiucio domini Simonis yslepp [sic] Cantuariensis Archiepsicopi","262r-263r","Constitiucio domini Simonis yslepp [sic] Cantuariensis Archiepsicopi. de stipendiis presbiterorum parochialium et annualium. Effrenata generi humani cupiditas","temporis predictis usitam uolumus coartari","Latin",,"",,"Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1173,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 15-16","F: 36","Symon.","287r-v","Simon permissione diuina Cantuariensis archiepiscopus tocius Anglie primas ? dilecto filio Officiali Curie nostre Cant' Salutem graciam et benediccionem. litteras felicis memorie domini Simonis de Isslepe dudum Cantuariensis archiepiscopi predece","Dat' Octoford iiijto Kalend' Septembris Anno domini Millesimo trecontesimo lxviijo. Et nostre translacionis Anno quarto","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1174,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 178-9","F: 17","Constitutio domini pape Vrbani pro festo sancte anne matris marie celebrande etc","263v-264r","Constitutio domini pape Vrbani pro festo sancte anne matris marie celebrande etc.","faciatis per uestros subditos celebrari. Dat' Rome apud [fol. 264r] sanctum Petrum, etc.","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1175,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 212","F: 38","","288r","Willelmus ? Cantuariensis archiepiscopus dilectis?fliiis Officiali curie nostre Cant' et decani nostre ecclesie beate marie de arcubus London salutem? Cum non liceat a capite membra","Dat' in manerio nostro de Croidon' xxiijo die Junij. Anno Domini Millesimo CCCmo nonagesimo Et nostre translacionis nono","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1176,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 213-14","F: 13","Constitucio domini Roberti Wynchelsey","256r-257r","Constitucio domini Roberti Wynchelsey ? de stipendiarijs presbyteris postea innouata per dominum W. Cortenay Cantuariensem archiepiscopum. Statuimus decreuimus et ordinamus quod nullus secularis aut regularis ad predicandum","semel uolumus publicari","Latin",,"","Followed in the manuscript by 'Littera directa ad exequendum dictam constitucionem'.","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1177,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 217-18","F: 39","","288v-289r","Willelmus ? Cantuariensis archiepiscopus dilectis?fliiis Officiali curie nostre Cant' et decani nostre ecclesie beate marie de arcubus London salutem? Quia sepe in futurorum euentibus adeo humani decipitur","Dat' in manerio nostro de Shyndon duodecimo die mensis marcij Anno domini millesimo CCCmo nonagesimo primo Et nostre translacionis undecimo","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1178,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 234b-235a/49","F: 16","Constitucio domini Rogeri Walden Cantuariensis archiepiscopi","263r-263v","Constitucio domini Rogeri Walden Cantuariensis archiepiscopi super indiccione festorum Sanctorum. Dauid. Cedde et Wenefride ac commendacione Sancti Thome. Splendor paterne glorie","honorem et gloriam laudabiliter obseruari","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1179,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 263-4","F: 41","","292r-v","Thomas ? Cantuariensis archiepiscopus? dilectis filijs officiali Curie nostre Cant' et decanato ecclesie beate marie de arcubus london","Dat' in manerio nostro de lambhyth sub sigillo nostro iiijto kln' Julij. Anno domini millesimo CCCCmo primo Et nostre translacionis Anno quinto","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1180,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 273-4","F: 40","","f. 289rv","Thomas ? Cantuariensis archiepiscopus? dilecto Magistro Johanni Barnet officiali nostre curie Cantuarien' salutem","seu eciam agitandis in curia sine alicuius","Latin",,"","Ends abruptly fol. 289v, although fols. 290r-291v, blank leaves in the middle of the quire, are ruled for use.","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1181,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 314-19","F: 14","","257v-262r","Constituciones prouinciales per Reuerendum in christo patrem et dominum dominum Thomam dei gracia archiepiscopum in concilio oxon' edite Anno domini millesimo CCCCmo . vijo. etc. Thomas permissione diuina Cantuariensis archiepiscopus","Dat' apud fordo xix die mensis Januarij.anno domini mo CCCC xo et nostre translacionis anno xvo","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1182,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 370a/48-370b/42","F: 43","","296r","Constitutio Henrici Chicheley Cantuariensis archiepiscopi. Ne bigami laici vel clerici (?) coniugati exerceantg iurisdiccionem spiritualem. Cum ex eo quod laici et cleri conjugati","sentencias maioris excommunicacionis incurrant ipso facto","Latin","English","","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1183,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 427-8","F: 42","","292v-293v","Henricus ? Cantuariensis archiepiscopus? dilectis? filijs officiali Curie nostre Cantuarien' et decano ecclesie beate marie de arcubus london","Dat' in manerio nostro de Mortlake xvj die mensis Octobris Anno domini Millesimo CCCCo xxiijo Et nostre translacionis anno decimo","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula","AS Cat: 80-92" 1184,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 50-1","F: 27","Constituciones domini Simonis de Islepp quondam Cantuariensis archiepiscopi de presbiteris annualia celebrantis et alijs non curatis vt curis deseruiant desolatis et ad seruiend' curis compellendis.","276r-276v","Incipiunt constituciones domini Simonis de Islepp quondam Cantuariensis archiepiscopi de presbiteris annualia celebrantis et alijs non curatis vt curis deseruiant desolatis et ad seruiend' curis compellendis. Simon permissione diuina Cant. archiepiscopus","Dat' apud Lambeth' xvj kal' decembr'. Anno domini millesimo CCCmo lvijo et consecracionis anno terciodecimo","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1185,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Consilia, i. 635-40","F: 7","","232v-235v","Incipiunt constituciones sancto Edmundi Cantuariensis archiepiscopi. Que sunt irregulares et suspensi. In primis igitur in uirtute spiritus sanctio districte precipimus","et hoc volumus sepius in ecclesia denunciari","Latin",,"","chs. 1-38.","Secretary, with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1186,"Oxford All Souls College 42","Wilkins, Consilia, ii. 27","F: 37","","288r","Frater [blank] miseracione diuina Cantuariensis archiepiscopus?decano de arcubus beati marie London' salutem graciam et benediccionem. Antiquarum legum obseruancia non sine racione ardua et equitate? Precipimus eciam et volumus ? ne quis aduocatus vel pr","","Latin",,"","","Secretary with anglicana d, punctuated by low point and single virgula.","AS Cat: 80-92" 1187,"Oxford All Souls College 78","TK 1366","4","Noua pars almasoris rasis cum exposicione Gerardi de solo/totalis exposicio Gerardi de solo super nouum almansoris rasis","55r-301r","[Capitula to ff. 56-301r] \Noua pars almasoris rasis cum exposicione Gerardi de solo./ Rubrica generalis istius libri est talis. Incipit oars nona de egritudinibuus que accidunt a capite usque ad pedes","[f. 300r, text] erit inungendus donec sanetur [f. 301r, com.] Et ita sufficiat pro presenti capitulo. Et per quos pro toto isto nouo libro almansoris cum dei gloria et laude qui ad hunc finem perduxit sitnomen benedictus et exaltatus? Amen Amen. Explicit","Latin",,"","In this manuscript the commentary in the last chapter is longer than in the 1504 edn.","John Racour. Section B: written more carelessly than section A. The difference between text and commentary is more a matter of size than of letter-forms, but the text script is a little less cursive. Punctuation by occasional use of double virgula.","AS Cat: 159-60" 1188,"Oxford All Souls College 78","TK 422","1","exposicionis verssum egidij de vrinis","1r-36v","[Text] Dicitur Vrina quoniam sit renibus vna? [Comm.] Istud opusculum prima sua diuisione diuiditur in duas partes","[comm.] terminante sentencia(?) versuum egidij? Fimbria monstretur quam non est tangere dignus. Finito libro reddatur gracia cristo quod Racour. \et finis exposicionis verssum egidij de vrinis./","Latin",,"","In verse, without prose preface.","John Racour. Text in bastard Anglicana, commentary in anglicana.","AS Cat: 159-60" 1189,"Oxford All Souls College 78","TK 764","2","liber philareti de pulsibus","37r-38v","Intencionem habemus in presenti conscriptione de pulsuum negocio","et mortem significat. Et hec de pulsibus sufficient ad presentiam. Explicit liber philareti de pulsibus etc.","Latin",,"","","John Racour. Anglicana","AS Cat: 159-60" 1190,"Oxford All Souls College 78","TK 820","3","","39r-54v","Dicitur Vrina, etc. Liber iste est noue institucionis","cum sit calidus et rubeus","Latin",,"",,"John Racour: Anglicana","AS Cat: 159-60" 1195,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 4105","10","","ff. 132r-135r","Et cist en dieu voet estre bons maritz","Illo deo gratus splendet ad omne latus","French","Latin","","Here accompanied by the Latin verses beginning 'Quis sit vel qualis'. Because of the loss of a leaf between ff. 131 and 132, the last three lines of Traitie iii are missing, and also, presumably, Traities I-ii.","Second scribe - bastard anglicana.","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1196,"Oxford All Souls College 98","MWME 7 [XVII]: 4","3","","ff. 6r-116r","Que melius poterant ornant redolencia currum","Est tamen hoc clamor, omnia vincit amor","Latin",,"","","The main scribe - anglicana formata bordering on bastard anglicana","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1197,"Oxford All Souls College 98","MWME 7 [XVII]: 5","4","Explicit Cronica","116r-126v","Tolle caput mundi .C. ter et sex lustra fer illa","Qualis erat vita cronica stabit ita. Explicit Cronica presentibus que futuris vigili corde Regibus commemoranda","Latin",,"","","The main scribe - anglicana formata bordering on bastard anglicana","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1198,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0575","1","","f. 1v","Hanc epistolam subscriptam corde deuoto misit senex et cecus Iohannes Gower Reuerendissimo in christo Patri ac domino suo precipuo","Hec Gower querit qui tuus est et erit","Latin",,"","","Third scribe","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1199,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0578","5","","ff. 126-127r","Sequitur carmen vnde magnificus Rex noster Henricus prenotatus apud deum et homines cum omni benediccione glorificetur","Fine tui regni sint tibi regna poli","Latin",,"","","Second scribe - bastard anglicana","AS Cat: 200-203" 1200,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0579","7","Epistola breuis","f. 127r","Epistola breuis vnde virtutes regie morales ad sanum regimen ampliori memoria dirigantur","Rex immortalis te regat absque malis","Latin",,"","","Second scribe - bastard anglicana","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1201,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0580","8","","ff. 127v-131r","Nota consequentur carmen super multiplici viciorum pestilencia vnde tempore Ricardi secundi partes nostre specialis inficiebantur","Pacificet primo iura tenenda deo","Latin",,"","","Second scribe - bastard anglicana","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1202,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0607","6","","f. 127r","H. aquile pullus quo nunquam gracior vllus","Sic veteri iuncta stipiti noua stirps redit vncta","Latin",,"","","Second scribe - bastard anglicana","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1203,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0611","11","","f. 135v","Carmen quod Johannes Gower super amoris multiplici varietate sub compendio metrice composuit","Ordine sponsorum tutus adhibo thorum","Latin",,"","Here followed by the verse beginning 'Lex docet auctorum'.","Second scribe - bastard anglicana","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1204,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0612","12","Quia vnusquisque","f. 135v","Quia vnusquisque prout a deo accepit","Confessio amantis. specialiter sortitus est.","Latin",,"","","Second scribe - bastard anglicana","AS Cat, pp. 201-203" 1205,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0613","13","","f. 136r","Carmen quod quidam philosophus in memoriam Johannis Gower super consummacione suorum trium librorum forma subsequenti composuit et eidem gratanter transmisit","Quo tibi celicolis laus sit habenda locis","Latin",,"","","Second scribe - bastard anglicana","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1206,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0614","14","","ff. 136r-137r","Carmen quod Johannes Gower adhuc viuens super principum regime ultimo composuit","namque sue legi res nequit vlla tegi","Latin",,"","","Second scribe - bastard anglicana","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1207,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 0615","15","","f. 137r","Hic in fine notandum est qualiter ab illa cronica que Vox Clamantis dicitur","Daque michi sanctum lumen habere tuum. Amen.","Latin",,"","","Third scribe","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1208,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 3018","2","","ff. 2r-5v","In huius opusculi principio intendit compositor describere? apparebit","Hic loquitur de dupplici morte peccatoris vna ex qua corpus hic","Latin",,"","There is a gap in the text between ff. 2 and 3, from 'accusat' , the last word of chapter ii, book I, to 'presbiterorum', chapter iii, book 22, caused by the loss of a leaf. The text finally breaks off, because of the loss of two further leaves.","Main scribe - anglicana formata bordering on bastard secretary","AS Cat, pp. 200-203" 1209,"Oxford All Souls College 98","UMP 3019","9","Incipit tractatus de lucis Scrutino","ff. 131r-v","Incipit tractatus de lucis Scrutino quam a diuviciorum tenebre prothdolor suffocarunt, secundum illud in euangelio Qui ambulat in tenebris nescit quo vadat","Cecos deplango. mea propria viscera tango","Latin",,"","With the excision of the leaf after f. 131, eleven lines of the text are missing at the end.","Second scribe - bastard anglicana","AS Cat: 200-203" 1210,"Oxford Balliol College 187","UMP 0155","1","","2r ? 241r","Ubi aparent plurime segetes ibi manifesta est fortitudo","spiritum bonum petentibus se. Expliciunt notule super Lucam secundum fratrem Albertum de ordine predicatorum episcopum quondam Ratisponensem","Latin",,"","f. 241v blank.","Two (?) small, much contracted hands. 1r ? 145v: A: Anglicana ? becomes smaller and slightly more cursive as the text progresses. 146r ? 241r: B: More idiosyncratic hand; left slanting ductus; hairlines faint or nonexistent, leading to a rather sparse appearance, Single lobed , long in all positions. Becomes much more cramped as it progresses.","CJ" 1211,"Oxford Balliol College 187","UMP 0156","2","Prohemium Alberti in Marchum (title in s.xv hand)","242r ? 313v","Ecce vicit Leo de tribu iuda radix dauid apire librum et soluere vij signacula cuius . Tria notantur hic de Christo fortitudo nobilitas et illuminatio","seculorum Amen . Expliciunt notule super Marchum [crossed out: fratris Alberti ord fr pred quondam ep. Ratisp anima cuius reqiescat in pace]","Latin",,"","","Probably all in one hand, though the several changes on ink (and pen?) make it difficult to say for sure. Small neat anglicana ? single lobed , 8-shaped . Becomes more cramped and less fluent as the text progresses.","CJ" 1212,"Oxford Balliol College 28","UMP 1007","1","","ff. 5- 258","Legitur Exo. 26 quod dominus iussit firei in introitu tabernaculi 5 columpnas","hiidem Samaritanorum et Hebreorum caracteres fuerint. Explicit","Latin",,"","","'Ugly, loose hand' according to Balliol cat. Tielman Reyner, Dutch scribe.","Balliol Cat: 20" 1218,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","Forshaw 1973","3","","36r ? 57v","In nomine dilectissimi domini nostri Ihesu christi hic incipiunt Materie que tanguta in sermone sequente [Preface] Main text (36v): Videte uocacionem uestram ista verba","Ab origine mundi dicat omnes Amen","Latin",,"","With list of chapters at the beginning. Authorship not noted in this MS.","Good anglicana; tapered descenders, quite tall upper lobe of . made up of quite sharp broken strokes. Final often looped.","CJ" 1220,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","IPMEP 351","9","","134v ? 154v","[I]n euery man or womman žat ys bounden yn dedly synne beth žre wrecchednesses","& to pray for frendes & als for enemys Amen","English",,"",,"Good anglicana; tapered descenders, quite tall upper lobe of . made up of quite sharp broken strokes. Final often looped. More cursive and increased use of single-lobed than in earlier stints by this scribe.","CJ" 1223,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","MWME 7 [XX]: 22","10","","155r-167v","[S]acerdos parochialis tenetur per Canones docere & predicare in ligua materna quarter in anno septem peticiones in Oracione Dominica?. [Rubric] Main text: In že Pater Noster buth seuene byddyngus žat god hym self ordeynede","& elecces tuos resuscitati respirat per christum Requiescant in pace Amen","English","Latin","","","","CJ" 1226,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","Stallings 1965","2","Meditaciones quas scripsit bonaventura de passione domini nostri Ihesu Christi","17r ? 35v","Adueniente igitur et iminente tempore","& dicentes benedictus dominus deus 9slr quia visitant etc. Qui cum patre & spiritu sancto viuit & regnat ds per omnia secula seculorum Amen Amen Amen . Expliciunt Meditaciones quas scripsit bonaventura de passione domini nostri Ihesu Christi","Latin",,"","Capp. 74 ? 85 only.","Good anglicana; tapered descenders, quite tall upper lobe of . made up of quite sharp broken strokes. Final often looped.","CJ" 1227,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","UMP 0242","1","","1r ? 16r","[F]actum est in anno nondecimo imperii Tiberii Cesaris","13v: & regi Claudio salutaris nu ciauit in hec verba f. 16r: tyberina ciuitate missus in exilium pre augustia se gladio interfecit etc. Mane techel phares vigili si mente notares . Rapta restaures & dares","Latin",,"","f. 13v: Epistola Pilati ad Claudium; f. 14r: Apocryphal piece on the death of Pilate, beg., ?[H]anc epistolam Pilatus Claudio direxit?; f. iv: Calendrical poem ?Cisio janus?, s.xv. F. 16v blank.","Good anglicana; long descenders from bottom line.","CJ" 1228,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","UMP 0243","4","","58r ? 98v","In illa die habetis festum sancti Stephani prothomartiris christi","conuertit deinde Regionem indie ad fidem christi conuertit","Latin",,"","Short lives of the saints in the order of the Calendar. Ends with the life of St Thomas the apostle.","Good anglicana; tapered descenders, quite tall upper lobe of . made up of quite sharp broken strokes. Final often looped.","CJ" 1229,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","UMP 0244","5","Speculum sacerdotum secundum beatum Edwardum regem & confessorum","99r ? 106v","Sanctus Edwardus rex & confessor in extremitate vite sue positus","et de bono in melius accrescat vita tua Amen . Explicit Speculum sacerdotum secundum beatum Edwardum regem & confessorum","Latin",,"","","Good anglicana; tapered descenders, quite tall upper lobe of . made up of quite sharp broken strokes. Final often looped. More cursive and increased use of single-lobed than in earlier stints by this scribe.","CJ" 1230,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","UMP 0245","6","tractatus deflentis hominis & amonentis racionis","106v ? 111r","O homo anima mea in augustiis est & cor meum in doloribus","comendo quod audisti mltis modis monedo . Explicit tractatus deflentis hominis & amonentis racionis","Latin",,"","","Good anglicana; tapered descenders, quite tall upper lobe of . made up of quite sharp broken strokes. Final often looped. More cursive and increased use of single-lobed than in earlier stints by this scribe.","CJ" 1231,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","PL 40. 983-992","7","Speculum peccatorum beati Augustini","111r ? 127v","Fratres karissimi quam tremenda est dies illa","domino nostro Ihesu christo qui cum patre & etc etc. Explicit Speculum peccatorum beati Augustini","Latin",,"","At f. 128 follows a Latin theological note. F. 128v originally blank.","Good anglicana; tapered descenders, quite tall upper lobe of . made up of quite sharp broken strokes. Final often looped. More cursive and increased use of single-lobed than in earlier stints by this scribe.","CJ" 1232,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","UMP 0247","8","","129r ? 134v","Noctis sub silencio tempore brumali","Ubi semper cantica laudibus sunt plena","Latin",,"","","Good anglicana; tapered descenders, quite tall upper lobe of . made up of quite sharp broken strokes. Final often looped. More cursive and increased use of single-lobed than in earlier stints by this scribe.","CJ" 1233,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","UMP 0248","11","","168r ? 171r","[I]n ciuitate sanctificata ? Good men & good women oure Lord Ihesu crist techyngge his disciplus","wt god endelysly we in blisse seynge wt že wyse man žaty by fore sayde In ciuitate etc . quod nobis concedat qui tu9 & vu9 viuit & regnat Amen","English",,"","","Very cursive anglicana with secretary influence.","CJ" 1234,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","UMP 0249","12","Cronica mirabilia (added later)","172r ? 181v","Defuncto Willelmo Rollonis filio duce Normanorum","(imperfect): rapuit a quadam paupere femina","Latin",,"","Contains legends such as the Holy Blood preserved at Fécamp abbey. Imperfect at the end. According to an s.xv list of contents, this was once followed by ?Memoriale W. Wykeham episcopi notabilis Wintonie qui plura opera fecit?, but this was lost as early as 1655.","Anglicana with secretary influence; curved descenders. Perhaps later than other hands in this MS.","CJ" 1235,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 131","IMEV 444","4","","140v-144r","This mighty William; duke of Northmandy","long to reioyse & reigne in his ryght","English",,"","vv. 194. Verses from William I to Henry VI.","","CJ" 1236,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 131","IPMEP 230","2","","122r ? 140r","For als mekyll as the apostell says yt with outen fayth & trew bileue it es impossibill to plese god","nomor? yan yu wold a fremed (?) child if all he mys did","English",,"","Texts include: f. 131r: 'A sely saule askid of god? (Joliffe I. 7. c); f. 131r ? v: 'Yere are twelf poyntes' (Joliffe I. 13. c); f. 131v: ?In libro qui dicitur Legenda Aurea? de horis canonicis, in Latin; f. 132v: 'Meditaciones Passionis Christi' for the canonical hours; f. 136v: 'I knaw me to God' (Jolliffe C. 33); f.139r-v: 'Blyssyd & cely es ye man'(Jolliffe J. 1).","John Morton. Script: Cursive anglicana (hybrid?): double and some single -lobed , looped . Reasonably well written.","CJ" 1237,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 131","IPMEP 553","1","ye mirror of ye blyssed lyfe of Jhesu Crist/speculum vite Christi","1r ? 121v","Here begyunne ye proheme of ye boke yat es cald ye mirror of ye blyssed lyfe of Jhesu Crist . Quecunque scripta sunt ad nostram doctrina ? Thise be the wordes of the gret doctour and haly apostil? Main text (3v): ?Amang other vertus spek","& his modir mare now & euer with owtyn end Amen . Explicit speculum vite Christi quod John Morton","English",,"","Main text preceded by a list of chapters (f. 1r ? 2v) and a proheme (2v ? 3v).","John Morton. Script: Cursive anglicana (hybrid?): double and some single -lobed , looped . Reasonably well written.","CJ" 1242,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 131","MWME 7 [XX]: 86","3","","140r","Tell yi sins with yi mouth & be sore also","","English",,"","An addition in different ink.","","CJ" 1245,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 131","UMP 0252","5","","144r","Phelyp ye kyng of ffraunse","sayd Edward rightful syre of Ingland & ffraunce","English",,"","","","CJ" 1246,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 131","UMP 0253","6","","144v ? 146v","Ad regnum celi suspires mente fideli/Non exalteris","hec tibi voxcelle proclamauitat nicola celle Amen","Latin",,"","Refrain: 'Hec tibi vox celle proclamitat incola celle'. Followed by three short Latin theological pieces in different hands.","John Morton. Script: Cursive anglicana (hybrid?): double and some single -lobed , looped . Reasonably well written.","CJ" 1247,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 140","STO 42: 195-205","1","Tractatus de exposicione fidei catholice","1r ? 54r","Eternum patris uerbum sua immensitate","Et hoc . de fide dca sufficiant . Explicit tractatus de exposicione fidei catholice compositus a beato Thoma de Aquino de ordine fratrum predicatorum . Et scriptus a Willelmo de Glen Magna","Latin",,"","Part I. Followed on f. 54r - v by two versions of the Creed, and then a table of contents to 59r. f. 59v and the following 4 unfoliated leaves blank.","William of Glen Magna. Chunky anglicana ? squarish ? not looped.","CJ" 1248,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 140","UMP 0254","2","Opus nouum de aduentu ? Ihesu Christi & aduentu Antichristi & fine mundi salutacio OR (as colophon) Tractatus de Antichristo","60r ? 95v","Reuerendo in christo patri ac domino . domino Baldewino dei gracia? Exordium rogitanti [Pref] Text (60v): Primum propterea sciendum","forte aliquibus viatoribus possunt credi hec reuelata . Et hec de hus ad p? sens sufficiant . Explicit tractatus de Antichristo.","Latin",,"","","William of Glen Magna. Chunky anglicana ? squarish ? not looped.","CJ" 1249,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 140","UMP 0255","3","tractatus responsalis quem composuit frater Thomas de Aquino contra libellum Willemi de Sancto Amore quem libellum papa Alexander proprio ore condempnauit","96r ? 168r","Ecce inimici tui sonuerunt? Omnipotens Deus amator hominum suo amore","cui st honor & gratiarum accio in secula seculorum Amen . amen . amen . Explicit tractatus responsalis quem composuit frater Thomas de Aquino contra libellum Willemi de Sancto Amore quem libellum papa Alexander proprio ore condempnauit","Latin",,"","","Similar to William of Glen Magna, but more finely executed ? more broken strokes and hairlines.","CJ" 1250,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 200","UMP 0256","1","iiijus Sentenciarum [Petri Lombardi] secundum fratrem Thomam de Aquino ordinis predicatorum . iiijus","1r ? 353r","Misit uerbum suum & sanauit eos & eripuit eos de intericionibus eorum . Ex peccato primis hominis","principium aqo omnia & finis ad qui omnia ordinaca cui & honor & gloria in secula seculorum Amen . Explicit . iiijus sentenciarum secundum fratrem Thomam de Aquino ordinis predicatorum . iiijus","Latin",,"","s.xiv title on f. iv calls the author ?Thomas de Alquino?. ff. 353v ? 356r: table of contents in triple cols. Rest of MS originally blank. Faint notes in an idiosyncratic later hand on 358v.","Neat bookhand ? early anglicana? Small and well written.","CJ" 1251,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 251","Stegmüller Bibl. 5829-5923","1","Prima pars postille super Bibliam compilate per fratrem Nicolaum de Lyra sacre theologie professorem ordinis fratrum Minorum","1r ? 397r","[Imperfect]: teria possit distingui ab illa","fortit? et disponit omnia suauiter . Cuius nomen est benedictum in secula seculorum Amen . Prima pars postille super Bibliam compilate per fratrem Nicolaum de lyra sacre theologie professorem ordinis fratrum minorum . Explicit feliciter . Explicit lxx to","Latin",,"","First two leaves have been torn out. Text runs from Genesis to Ecclesiasticus inclusive.","Good anglicana formata ? very well written and consistent.","CJ" 1252,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 279","Stegmuller, Bibl 7416","1","Hulcot Sapiencia","4r ? 245r","Dominus petra mea et robur meum","f. 243v: nobis concedat qui su fu viuit & regnat f. 245r: Original index ends ?Explicit hic Hulcot Sapiencia dragmata dans tot?.","Latin",,"","The Latin commentary of Robert Holcote (d. 1349) on Wisdom (Sapientia Salomonis), in 212 chapters, with some marginal notes and two indexes, one a s.xv addition. On ff. 1 ? 2 are three long passages, the second an omitted part of chapter 69 (f. 85), the first and third perhaps also omissions in the text.","Catalogue says that the hand changes after f. 205, but it seems rather to be a very variable hand throughout, and I don?t see any more significant change after 205. Script: Anglicana ? well written.","CJ" 1253,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 283","MWME 7 [XX]: 10","1","mirroure of the worlde and that some calleth vice and vertu","1r-180v","Here begynneth the Chapitres of the Booke that is called the mirroure of the worlde and that some calleth vice and vertu [ir] Main text (?1r?): Si vis ad vitam ingredi serua mandata Mathei xixo . Men seye comounly who so seeth wel and lerneth eville","Amen seye euery man . A ffrere off the ordre of prechoures made & compiled this booke opon the gospell & opon holy scripture & auctoriteis of seintes . Atte že Requeste of kyng phelp of ffraunce . In the 3ere of oure lorde M1 iic iiiixx & ix . Deo gracias","English",,"","In 187 chapters, listed on f. iir. At the end is a statement that ?a frere off the ordre of prechoures? i.e. a Dominican, made the book at the request of Phillip III of France in ?1289?, which should be 1279: this was Frere Lorens (Laurentius Gallus), and his book was Le Livre des vices et de vertus, commonly known as the Somme le Roi. The present book is rather a translation from the Mireour du Monde, whose author is unknown.","Good bastard secretary hand.","CJ" 1254,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 287","Kaepelli 3987","1","Speculum historiale","1r ? 305v","Incipit Speculum historiale fratris Vincentij .I. de ca suscepti opis & eius ma . Quoniam multitudo librorum","sic & cogitaciones clause . Finito libro sit laus & gloria cristo","Latin",,"","Only the first fifteen books are here, numbered as if sixteen, since the long introduction is counted as book i. At the end of book ix is ?Explicit prima pars Speculi hystorialis fratris Vincentis de Beluaco?. There are lists of chapters, and some notes.","Very well written anglicana. Broad strokes, quite curved.","CJ" 1255,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","Lindberg 1970: 60-239","16","Perspectiua J. Pysani","120v ? 132v","Inter philosophie consideracionis studie","Explicit Perspectiua J. Pysani","Latin",,"","In three parts.","Cursive secretary; quite well written.","CJ" 1256,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","North 1976: I: 21-169","6","","64v ? 81v","Quia canones non perfecte","& solercia in catis . Amen","Latin",,"","","Very well written secretary ? lots of broken strokes, looped .","CJ" 1257,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","Thomson, Grossteste, 238-9","3","Theorica planetarum secundum Lincolniensem","40v ? 44r","Circulus eccentricus uel egresse quisque uel dicitiur egrediens","ipsa planete & non corporaliter . Explicit Theorica planetarum secundum Lincolniensem","Latin",,"","f. 44v blank.","Secretary, with some anglicana features.","CJ" 1258,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","Thomson, Grossteste, 243","7","","81v ? 84r","Astrolabii circulos & membra","puter ad totem eius profunditatem","Latin",,"","","Very well written secretary ? lots of broken strokes, looped .","CJ" 1259,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","TK 1124","2","theorica Campani","19v ? 40r","Sol habet vnum circulum","Explicit theorica Campani . quod xx . xviij","Latin",,"","Imperfect ? gaps left ? possibly for diagrams?","Secretary, with some anglicana features.","CJ" 1260,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","TK 1125","12","Sufficiencia musice organice","115r ? 118v","Princeps philosophorum Aristoteles","de cognomine fiinu . Explicit sufficiencia musice organice edita a magistro Johanne de Muris de musico sapientissimo ac tocius orbis subtilissimo experto Amen","Latin",,"","Contains diagrams.","Cursive secretary; quite well written.","CJ" 1261,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","TK 1287","11","musica magistri Johannis de muris","110r ? 115r","Quoniam musica est de sono","figure sunt in hoc ordine consequentes . Explicit musica magistri Johannis de muris","Latin",,"","Titles at each end added in different hands. The first is added in a late s.xv hand, the second more contemporary with the text.","Very well written secretary ? lots of broken strokes, looped .","CJ" 1262,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","TK 223","4","theorica planetarum","45r ? 53r","Circulus ecentricus uel egresse quisque uel dicitur egrediens","luna non retrograditur vide figuram . Explicit theorica planetarum","Latin",,"","","Very well written secretary ? lots of broken strokes, looped .","CJ" 1263,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","TK 440","1","theorica magistri Rogeri Herefordiensis","1r ? 19v","Uniuersi astrologi secundum diuersos annos","Explicit theorica magistri Rogeri Herefordiensis . Qui scripsit carmen . sic benedictus . Amen","Latin",,"","","Secretary, with some anglicana features.","CJ" 1264,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","TK 640","8","","84r ? 90r","Orizon rectus est circulus magnus","eius maiora erunt vt poterit aparere","Latin",,"","","Very well written secretary ? lots of broken strokes, looped ","CJ" 1265,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","TK 309","5","","53r ? 64v","Cum inferiorum cognitio ad celestium conducat","sunt iti ymaginacione quare abiciantur etc","Latin",,"","","Very well written secretary ? lots of broken strokes, looped .","CJ" 1266,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","UMP 0259","9","","90r ? 98v","Postquam cum non modico labore","[Imperfect] inducet nomina alterius scilicet poete ideoque deride","Latin",,"","Unfinished. At this point some of the MS has been lost. The table of contents indicates that the missing leaves contained the following: 1. Canones J. de Liverys; 2. Canones magistri Redde; 3. Canon super tabulas equacionis domorum magistri Johannis Walter; 4. Canones Alfonci; 5. Canon de orti etc. qui pris.","Very well written secretary ? lots of broken strokes, looped .","CJ" 1267,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","UMP 0260","10","","99r ? 110r","[Imperfect] predictum sunt tot 4um 3um","radiorum eciam proiecciones et attazir ex consequenti","Latin",,"","Author: A pupil of Johannes de Liveriis (f. 108r, col. 2) Several, perhaps 3, leaves missing at the beginning.","Very well written secretary ? lots of broken strokes, looped .","CJ" 1268,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","UMP 0261","13","Composicio consonanciarum in simbalis secundum Boicium","118v ? 119r","Omne instrumentum musice",,"Latin",,"","","Cursive secretary; quite well written.","CJ" 1269,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","UMP 0262","14","","119r","Cognita consonancia in cordis & cimbalis","Explicit guido","Latin",,"","","Cursive secretary; quite well written.","CJ" 1270,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","UMP 0263","15","","119r ? 119v","De hiis instrumentis",,"Latin",,"","Followed on ff. 119v ? 120r by some musical notanda.","Cursive secretary; quite well written.","CJ" 1271,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","UMP 0265","17","","132v","Quoniam celestium motuum calculus annorum supputatione","[Imperfect] partibus horarum duplicatis","Latin",,"","Imperfect. Followed by the beginning of the tables, most of which are lost.","Secretary, with some anglicana features.","CJ" 1272,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","Thorndike, HMES, iii: 201","18","","133r - v","Siderei motus & effectus","astrolabii vmerut dicta sunt . Explicit composicio","Latin",,"","Followed by incomplete diagrams.","Very neat secretary, smaller than other hands in this MS.","CN" 1273,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","TK 403.2","19","","134r ? 139v","Descripcionum que sunt in facie tabule","horarum si deus voluerunt . Explicit tractatus saphee","Latin",,"","","Very neat secretary, smaller than other hands in this MS.","CN" 1274,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","UMP 0268","20","","139v ? 140r","Quod catha coniuncta posset haberi per numerum",,"Latin",,"","Inc. diagrams.","Very neat secretary, smaller than other hands in this MS.","CJ" 1275,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","IMEV 1156","5","","268r","He that lovyth welle to fare","","English",,"","","","CJ" 1276,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","IMEV 1619","6","","268r","","","English",,"","","","CJ" 1277,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","IMEV 4102","7","","268r","","","English",,"","","","CJ" 1278,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","IMEV 4135.5","8","","268r","Whoso loueth wel to fare","","English",,"","","","CJ" 1279,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","Stegmuller, Bibl 7296","1","Tractatus Ricardi heremite de Hampool super Job","1r ? 28r","Parce michi domini nichil enim sunt dies mei . Exprimitur autem in hiis uerbis humane","Explicit tractatus Ricardi heremite de Hampool super Job","Latin",,"","At the end, before the colophon, are four ?Versus Ricardi heremite quos composuit in fine tractatus sui;, beginning ?Talentum traditum?. Following the colophon are seven lines on behaviour, beginning ?Stans puer ad mensam?, and ending ?in pace quiescent . Hec qui me docuit grossum caput est sibi nomen ' - the latter being a reference to Bishop Robert Grosseteste.","Very well written anglicana formata.","CJ" 1280,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","UMP 0269","2","","28r ? 59v","Si diligenter voluerimus in lege domini","qui sine fine viuit & regnat . Explicit tractatus moralis de Oculo secundum magistrum de Lunochia","Latin",,"","?Lunochia? may be a variant of ?Lincolnia?. The title is given in the s.xv list on f. iiiv as ?xv Proprietates de Oculo extracte per magistrum de Limochia (or ?Lunochia?. The following three folios are blank ? the first is foliated as f.60, but the following two are not. Foliation restarts at f. 61.","Very well written anglicana formata.","CJ" 1281,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","UMP 0270","4","Methalogicon","224r ? 268r","Incipit prologus Johannis in Methalogicon [Prol] Main text: Incipit Methalogicon Johannis liber primus . Aduersus insigne domini nature","inquisitorem et amatorem pariter & cultorem . Methalogicon Johannis de saresbury liber quartus explicit","Latin",,"","Main text preceded by a prologue: in four books, each with a list of chapters. Immediately following the colophon, on f. 268r, are, not in the hand of the main scribe, s.xv copies of five inscriptions, four in English verse and one in Latin verse, which were 'over the four tables and at the end of the room 'in aula Lanceston', i.e. the Austin Canon's Priory of St Stephen there, which belonged to Exeter'. In another hand on the same page are four Latin verses, beginning 'Ites pares pariter', ascribed to Julius Caesar. On f. 269v are four Latin elegiac stanzas on the dangers of a free populace, beginning 'Presbiteri serui', in a late s.xv hand.","Very well written anglicana formata.","CJ" 1282,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","Webb 1909","3","Policraticus","61r ? 223v","Incipit entheticus Johannis Saresburiensis IN [sic] policraticum [ Pref] Prol: ff. 62v ? 63r: Incipit prologus policratici de curialium nugis et uestigijs philosophorm Main text (f. 63r): Incipit liber primus pollicratici . Inter omnia que iuris","& dirigat in eo gressus nostros . Explicit Policraticus Johannis de Saresburis liber . viij","Latin",,"","Main text is preceded by a preface entitled ?Entheticus Johannis Saresburiensis in Policraticum'. The treatise itself is in eight books, each with a list of chapters.","Very well written anglicana formata.","CJ" 1283,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 320","UMP 0271","1","","4r ? 183r","Humane labilis vite decursus salubri erudicione nos monet rebus","Ad illum benedictu,m finem perducat nos ille qui estu principium & finis qui sine fie viuit & regnat per infinita secula seculorum . Amen etc.","Latin",,"","Followed on 183r ? 191r by alphabetical index of subjects. With preface, and marginal notes. ff. 2 ? 3, 191v blank. On ff. iiv, 1r ? v and 191r are some s.xv Latin theological extracts.","Secretary hand ? influenced by anglicana, but with secretary graphs such as single-lobed , sec. . Neat, consistent hand.","CJ" 1284,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 362","TK 552","1","","1r ? 246v","Galienus princeps medicorum Primo de Ingenio sanitatis dicit"," Et . est finis Deo gracias . Amen . Explicit opus nobilissimum . scilicet quod vocatur medicine rosa . quod compilauit magister Johannes de gadesden . Cuius animam requiescat in pace domini. Anno domini M CCCC xl ix die xxx mensis Januarij . Comparatum per egregium virum magistrum Gilberti [Kymer - added in another hand] cancellarium Oxoniensem & scriptum per hermannum de Gripessualdis . scriptorem oxoniensem & seruitorem eiusdem venerabilis magistri . Gilberti prefati . laus et graciarum accio vnitati intrinitate et beate virgini Marie et omnibus sanctis sine fine Amen","Latin",,"","A long rubric at the beginning has been erased. In 5 books: 1. f. 1v; 2. f. 36v; 3. f. 184v; 4. f. 238r; 5. f. 243v. With marginal notes. Both title and author occur in the preface and last colophon. Followed on 246v ? 47r by two notes about an 'emplastrum gratia dei appellatum' and an artificial balsam, and on f. 247v by a note beginning 'Prima virtus eius est'; all in Zurke's hand.","Hermann Zurke. Script: Neat compact secretary, with regular, formal appearance.","" 1290,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423","IMEV 3428","1","Explicit Stimulus consciencie quod Johannes Appilton","244r-351v","Quia ad tempus credit et in tempore temptacionis recedunt","That for oure love made alle thynge Amen quod A","English","Latin","","Version B. Begins imperfectly at ll. 311-12. There are probably four leaves missing before f. 244 containing text corresponding to ll. 1-310 and also one leaf between ff. 350 and 351 containing text corresponding to ll. 9465-6-8. English titles in text to all books except III; running titles irregularly; frequent English subtitles in text.","Written in anglicana, with Latin quotations and titles in a highly calligraphic anglicana formata.","McIntosh & Lewis: 142" 1292,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 467","UMP 0272","1","","1r ? 171r","[G]rete habundaunce of gostly comforte and joye","prayse že lord . Explicit Psalterium Dauid","English","French","","The only contemporary rubric is the one at the end (see Explicit).On the inner from cover are some s.xvi Latin verses, beg. ?Cun[c]tis adde modum virtutes qui regit omnes?.","A: 1r-92v - starting off with a neat anglicana, heavily influenced by secretary, and with the Latin in bastard anglicana. B: 93r-120r - a smaller, squarer script using Anglicana forms. C: 120r-171r - Anglicana script with some secretary features.", 1293,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","CPL 138","15","Opusculum beati Ambrosij de vinea Nabuth","161r ? 176v","Nabuth histoa tempere vetus est vsu cotidiana","Explicit opusculum beati Ambrosij de vinea Nabuth","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1294,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","CPL 151","16","Opus beati Ambrosij","177r (1) ? 178v",,"possimus ? calcare vestigio per Ihesum christum dominum nostrum c? e honor & gloria in secula seculorum Amen . Explicit opus beati Ambrosij","Latin",,"","The greater part of the prologue of bk. 1 of Ambrose's treatise de Spiritu Sancto.","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1295,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","Sharpe LW. 692","8","notabilia tractatus de quantitate elemosine & quibus licet dare & quibus non & etiam de predicatoribus an put petere & multa alia notabilia","115r ? 121v","Qveritur de quantitate elemosine viz",,"Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1296,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","Stegmuller, Bibl 7296","1","tractatus Ricardi heremite de hampole super lecciones exequiarum","1r ? 59r","Parce mihi domine nichil enim sunt dies mei . Exprimitur autem in hijs verbis","ignis hitans ineternum . Et deo gracias quod Maynsforth . Explicit tractatus Ricardi heremite de hampole super lecciones exequiarum","Latin",,"","On f. 59r is ?Et deo gracias quod Maynsforth?.","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1297,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","Thomson, Wyclyf. 273-4 (E6)","5","tractatus magistri Johannis .W. de cismate deo gracias","100v ? 102r",,"mendancia tanquia fidem . Explicit tractatus magistri Johannis .W. de cismate deo gracias","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1298,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0273","2","","59r","Talentum traditum",,"Latin",,"","4 lines.","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1299,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0274","3","Tractatus de scaccario","59v ? 60r","Mundus iste totus quoddam scacarium est","oculorum at superbia est . Explicit tractatus de scaccario","Latin",,"","Printed from this MS in Prideaux?s Hypomnemata Logica (Oxon, n.d.), p. 376. f. 60v blank.","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1300,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0275","4","","61r ? 100v","Circa vendicionem & empciones contractus queruntur","Hoc de vsuris & restitucionibus sufficient quo ad presens . & deo gracias?","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1301,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0276","6","tractatus de modo diuidendi themata pro materia sermonis dilatanda quem composuit venerabilis doctor in theologia magister Symon Alcok","102v ? 108v","Notandum est quod nullum potest excogitari thema","bona & saluacione sua etc de filibus dd e & deo gracias . Explicit quidam tractatus de modo diuidendi themata pro materia sermonis dilatanda quem composuit venerabilis doctor in theologia magister Symon Alcok","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1302,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0277","7","regula fratrum minorum","109r ? 111v","Regula & vita minorum fratrem h e .s. doi domini nostri","Explicit regula fratrum minorum","Latin",,"","As confirmed by pope Honorius III, Nov. 29, 1223. ff. 112r ? 114v blank.","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1303,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0278","9","Constitucio benedicti pape super quibusdam articulis concernentibus fratres mendicantes","122r ? 126v","Ad perpetua rei","Explicit constitucio benedicti pape super quibusdam articulis concernentibus fratres mendicantes & deo gracias","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1304,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0279","10","","126r (labelled 127) ? 136r","Dominus noster Ihesus Christus eterni Patris filius","a me peccatore extremio est attemptatum","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1305,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0280","11","","136v ? 140r","Intelleximus vos litteras domini pape in haec vestra recipisse",,"Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1306,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0281","12","Questio notabilis bene disputata pro & contra de validis mendicantibus","140v ? 145v","Qvestio vtrum viri ad corporales labores validi & potentes","Explicit questio notabilis bene disputata pro & contra de validis mendicantibus . Numquid scripsit in statu profecionis per magistrum Thomam de Wylton nuper cancellarium Sancti Pauli [Londonii] & magistrum in theologia","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1307,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0282","13","Altercacio diaboli contra Christum","146r ? 150v","Antiqui hostilis calliditate callide superata","& a tua peticione vices rei agentem absolus . Explicit altercacio diaboli contra Christum deo gracias","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1308,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0283","14","Libellus Lincolniensis de confessionibus","151r ? 160v","Quoniam cogitacio hominis confitebia tibi . Confitendum est","& potenciam confitendi . Explicit libellus Lincolniensis de confessionibus","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1309,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0284","17","Breuis tractatus ad honorem domini & ecclesie compilatus Auinonie a magistro Johanne de Annosis sacre theologie doctore anno Domini millesimo tricentesimo vicesimo viijo septima die Decembris cuius anime propicietur Deus","179r ? ?202?r (201?)",,"Explicit breuis tractatus ad honorem domini & ecclesie compilatus Auinonie a magistro Johanne de Annosis sacre theologie doctore anno Domini millesimo tricentesimo vicesimo viijo septima die Decembris cuius anime propicietur Deus . Amen.","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1310,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0285","18","Responsiones ad obiecta fratris Michaelis heretici de ordine Minorum per papam Johannem .xxii. super proprio uel communi uel speciali in facto minorum","202v (really 201?) ? 238r","Uniuersis christi fidelibus possentes","Explicit Responsiones ad obiecta fratris Michaelis heretici de ordine Minorum per papam Johannem .xxii. super proprio uel communi uel speciali in facto minorum","Latin",,"","","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1311,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0286","19","","238v ? 239v","Rector circuli rotundi respice de celo","Explicit & deo gracias","Latin",,"","Followed on f. 239v by a few theological notes and a memorandum of the recantation of Petrus de Corbaria in 1330, all in Maynesforth?s hand.","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1312,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","UMP 0287","20","","240r ? 257v","Sanctus Eduuardus rex & confessor in extremitate vite",,"Latin",,"","This copy attaches the story of Odo, bp. of Winchester, ending with some erased words and an erased title.","John Maynesforth. Script: Cursive secretary.","CJ" 1313,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 585 A","UMP 0288","1","","1r ? 9v","Iulius Cesar primus Romanorum imparator","reddita ecclesie sancte dei","Latin",,"","","Clear, coarse bastard anglicana.","CJ" 1314,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 585 A","UMP 0289","2","","9v ? 17r","Inclitus occidentalium saxonium rex Warmundus","historiarum non habentibus copias ignoscendum est","Latin",,"","Followed by short notes and verses about St Albans. The scribe?s attempted writing over erased ff. 17v and 18r has blurred. These folios formerly contained the prologue and first few sentences of Geoffrey of Monmouth?s HRB.","Clear, coarse bastard anglicana.","CJ" 1315,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 585 A","UMP 0290","3","","18v ? 47r","Anglia que secundum Solinum demirabilibus","Sanguine sitisti sanguinem bibe","Latin",,"","Articles extracted from the Granarium: ff. 18v-41v: Anglia; ff. 41v-44v: Animal; ff. 45r-47r: Cirus. The last ends mid-sentence on the fifth line of f. 47r. ff. 47v-48v are blank.","Clear, coarse bastard anglicana.","CJ" 1361,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","IMEV 3444","6","","19-21","The order of fooles fele yere agoo begunne","","English",,"",,"","CJ" 1362,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","Slessarev 1959","5","","13v ? 18v","Presbiter Johannes potencia & virtute dei et domini? Nunciabatur apud maiestatem","saturati acsi de omni genere ciborum essemus repleti . Explicit epistola presbiteri Johannis Regis yndo cum ad Emanuelem Regem romanorum","Latin",,"","Followed on f. 18v by notes in s.xv hands: ?Joseph stelle theos . presepe parens almus bos?; 2 recipes for the stone; 1 English, 1 Latin; Numbers from 1 ? 29; Note on the jubilee of ?magistris Thome gloriosi? in 1460. Followed, on ff. 19r ? 21v by 3 short poems, including Lydgate's Order of Fools.","Neat cursive anglicana. Looped , ascender of unlooped. Occasional use of single compartment .","CJ" 1363,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","UMP 0324","1","","1r ? v","A gode bame for al man[er] of brosurs and hurtys","and strayne them thorwh a clene cloth And that is bame ryall","English",,"","Parchment leaves. 2 recipes cf. ff. 18v, 41v.","Anglicana, well written . Tall upper compartment of , with unlooped ascender.","CJ" 1364,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","UMP 0325","2","","1v ? 4v","Narratur qui iste patricius primus intercetera signorum","sine vi cur folle fugaris","Latin",,"","Chiefly fables, of which one is ?De lupo & ouibus?, beg. ?Quidam paterfamilias?. They belonged to William Molasche, prior of Christ Church Canterbury, 1428 ? 37.","Squarish script ? probably continental minuscule.","CJ" 1365,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","TK 1610","3","","5r ? 7r","Urina rufa significant salutem et bona disposicionem","matiere venenose signum est mortis","Latin",,"","Also in SC 4068 and Ashmole 1444. Followed by short text, beg: ?Sciendum est quod duplex est cursus folis?, and ending ?naturali rapitur ita3 cum firmamento?.","Neat cursive anglicana. Looped , ascender of unlooped. Occasional use of single compartment .","CN" 1366,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","TK 947","4","","7r ? 13r","Notandum est quod annus","& dixit Adam . Et dixit dominus . Sic vocetur nomen eius q.","Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana. Looped , ascender of unlooped. Occasional use of single compartment .","CJ" 1367,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","UMP 0328","7","","22r ? 46r","Comitatus Anglie . Kantia","Willelmus Cowrteney Cedit Annus","Latin",,"","i. f. 22r: Lists of counties of England, Scotland and Wales, with the bishoprics, monasteries, castles etc. in each; ii. f. 37v: A short chronicle of England from 516 ? 1416 AD; iii.f. 42r: A list of churches founded before the conquest; iv.f. 43r: Short accounts of the archbishops of Canterbury to 1381.","Neat cursive anglicana. Looped , ascender of unlooped. Occasional use of single compartment .","CJ" 1368,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","UMP 0329","8","","47r ? 49v","Iste sunt tres partes mundi . videlicet . Asia Affrica et Europa","filii Alanii de genere Japhet britannie vt putater primo nomen dedit","Latin",,"","","Neat cursive anglicana. Looped , ascender of unlooped. Occasional use of single compartment ","CJ" 1369,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","UMP 0330","9","","50r ? 60r","Initio . & medio at fini mei traditus assit gracia sancti spiriti","Dicta tibi narrare ad eterna gaudia nos faciat peruenire . Explicit doctrina de dicendo et tacendo ab Albertino causidico brixien[si] endeora sancte agathe compositus & compilatus sub annis domini Mo . CC . xlv. de mense decembris","Latin",,"","","Neat secretary, with increasing numbers of anglicana features as the text progresses. Becomes more cursive and fluid as the text goes on.","CJ" 1370,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","UMP 0331","10","","60v-86r","De quodam qui fecerat enorme peccatum quod noluit confiteri usque in diem mortis sue . Erat quondam in lumbardia quidam homo bone opinionis .","iussit omnibus ut discederunt . recedentibus vniuersis . Non","Latin",,"","Followed at f. 86v by notes in various hands, mostly relating to Christ Church, Canterbury (cf. f. 18v [1470], 41), but also including some astrological notes on 87r?v, and another story in the main hand about Thomas the martyr on f. 89v.","Anglicana formata","CJ" 1371,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","UMP 0332","11","","90r ? 124v","Post passionem domini Anno sequenti Beatus Petrus apostolus","Benedictus . xii . sedt annis . vii . mensibus . iiiior . diebus . [?]","Latin",,"","","Anglicana, aiming at formata.","CJ" 1372,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","UMP 0333","12","","124v ? 125v","Henricus filius imperatricis",,"Latin",,"","ff. i, 126 ? 29 are fragments from an early s.xv Latin MS of civil Law, which bear an s.xv name ?Thomas Borne?, and a copy of a grant of land.","Anglicana, aiming at formata.","CJ" 1373,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 785","PL 158: 0431","2","","12r ? 13r",,,"Latin",,"","With marginal notes.","Cursive anglicana. Forked ascenders, both single- and double-lobed , tapered descenders.","CJ" 1374,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 785","UMP 0334","1","","1r ? 12r","Iactus radiorum ex oculis nostris cuiusdam","& ebrietates & morbi multi","Latin",,"","With marginal notes. On the margin of 1r in a contemporary hand is ?Omnia scripta in hac pen[n]a & scriptura extrahuntur de libro magistri R. Grossteste & scribuntur ibi de manu sua?.","Cursive anglicana. Forked ascenders, both single- and double-lobed , tapered descenders.","CJ" 1375,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 785","UMP 0335","3","","13r ? 16v","dominus nostri ihesu cristi non pro omnium hominum redempcione sit fallus",,"Latin",,"","With marginal notes.","Cursive anglicana. Forked ascenders, both single- and double-lobed , tapered descenders.","CJ" 1376,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 785","UMP 0336","4","","17r ? 88r","[P]astoralis cure me pondera fugere delitecendo uoluisse benigna",,"Latin",,"","Without title or author?s name. At ff. 88v ? 89v are some theological notes written with a metal stylus.","Very good gothic hand/anglicana, broad strokes, well written.","CJ" 1377,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 785","UMP 0337","5","","90r - 195v",,,"Latin",,"","","Very good gothic hand/anglicana, broad strokes, well written.","CJ" 1378,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 785","UMP 0338","6","","196r ? 283v","[V]eritatis theologice sublimitas","admonicionibus non adquiescere . Explicit .3^. liber .15. capitulorum","Latin",,"","Books 1 ? 3 only. At f. 273v ? ?281?r are some theological notes written with a metal stylus.","Very good gothic hand/anglicana, broad strokes, well written.","CJ" 1380,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","IMEV 1459","21","","124r-208r","In a somer sesoun wen softe was the sonne","And seže he gradde after grace tyl y gan awake. Explicit passus secundus de Dobest","English",,"","124r-139r: Z-version, ed. Rigg-Brewer. 139r-140v: Q1 continuation, ed. Rigg-Brewer. 141r-208r: C text.","Hand Q","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1382,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","James 1914: 260-61 and 271","2","","73v","Causa excidii Cartaginencium. Narrat flaccensius in hystoriis","vt patet superius per ordinem","Latin",,"","Another text, with only slight differences, is in BL Cotton Vespasian E.xii","Scribe A: anglicana formata.","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1383,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","James et al 1983","1","De Nugis Curialium","7r-73v","In libro magistri Gauteri Mahap De Nugis Curialium. Distinctio prima. Assimulacio curie regsi ad infernum. Capitulum primum. In tempore sum et de tempore loquor (followed on 72v by list of contents by chapter)","Explicit distinctio quinat libri Magistri Gauteri Mahap De Nugis Curialium","Latin",,"","This is the sole manuscript, except for the antimatrimonial section, Epistola Valerii as Ruffinum philosophum, which was very popular and the subject of many learned commentaries. Near-contemporary annotations, especially in Dist. 4, show knowledge of another manuscript.","Scribe A: anglicana formata.","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1385,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Rigg 1978: 111-83","6","","78r-80r","Venus urit lubrica","Dapibus ambrosiis","Latin",,"","Part of the A-text, beginning at 88/6; the complete text is in Corpus Christi College, Oxford MS 232 (c. 1300) where it is preceded by the De mundi vanitate.","Scribe B: anglicana formata.","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1386,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 10821","13","","94v-97v","DE BABIONE ET CROCEO DOMINO BABIONIS ET VIOLA FILIASTRA BABIONIS QUAM CROCEUS DUXIT INVITO BABIONE ET PETULA VXORE BABIONIS ET FODIO SERVO EIUS. INCIPIT PREFACIO IN LIBRO BABIONIS. Me dolor infestat foris intus iugiter omnis","Sunt incredibiles vxor alumpna cliens","Latin",,"","The author's final line is omitted: a space of four lines at the top of 97v may have been intended for the conclusion (or for a heading to no. 14).",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1387,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 12337","5","","75r-76r","Examinacio sacerdotum propter concubinas/ Nouus rumor anglie partes pergirauit","Et qui prius fuerant artibus inbuti","Latin",,"","Deficient - ends with the third line of a quatrain at the foot of the page. Evidently scribe Y entered the previous text before Dodsthorp (this scribe) had finished. Remainder of 76v and all of ff. 77r-v blank. 77v very rubbed.",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1388,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 12817","17","","118r","O niger intrusor et sancte sedis abusor, Virginibus cede, presumpta sede recede","Sufficiunt fures bini, non addito plures","Latin",,"","",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1389,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 13985","10","EXCIDIUM TROIE.","89r-90r","Pergama flere volo fato donais (sic) data solo.",,"Latin",,"",,,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1390,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 1432","9","VERSUS MAGISTRI MICHAELIS CORNUBIENSIS CONTRA MAGISTRUM HENRICUM ABRINCENSEM CORAM DOMINO HUGONE ABBATE WESTMONASTERII ET ALIIS","81v-89r","VERSUS MAGISTRI MICHAELIS CORNUBIENSIS CONTRA MAGISTRUM HENRICUM ABRINCENSEM CORAM DOMINO HUGONE ABBATE WESTMONASTERII ET ALIIS. Archipoeta vide quod non sit cura tibi de [81v] 83v: CORAM MAGISTRO H. DE MORTUO MARI OFFICIALI CANTUARIENSIS ARCHIEPISCOPI","An sis conductus ductus fur ad fora luctus","Latin",,"","","Scribe C began the text to f. 83v and it was completed by Scribe A.","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1391,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 15015","19","","120v","Que noua praua nimis peiora nouissima primis/ Rex venit et sua gens nil probitatis agens/ Litera bina mei conprehendit nomen amici / Montibus vna salit, maxillas altera tegit","","Latin",,"","Unique. Complete text.",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1392,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 16078","4","","74v-76v","Quis meo capit dabit effundere","Vt spretis infimis letemur superis. Explicit processus martiti Ricardi Scroup Eboracensis archiepiscopi","Latin",,"","Contains two extra stanzas on the archbishop's companion (after stanza 3 on p. 116 of the editions) and six extra stanzas (after the first stanza on p. 118 of the edition) showing extreme bitterness towards the king and the state of the kingdom. A later addition.","Hand Y: 'a sloppy anglicana hand' (Brewer and Rigg 1994: 25).","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1393,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 17915","8","","81v","Si quis cordis et oculi non sentit in se iurgia","Nam cordi causam imputat occasionem oculo","Latin",,"","Long-line format, producing seven quatrains; the variants correspond fairly closely to those of Cambridge University Library Dd.11.78 and the Camden text.","Scribe X: small, neat anglicana script with some broken strokes.","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1394,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 18302","7","","80v-81v","Sit deo gloria laus benediccio","Nec dolor coniugis habet remedium. Explicit","Latin",,"","","Scribe B: anglicana formata.","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1395,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 18944","14","SPECULUM BURNELLI MERITO LIBER ISTE VOCATUR CUIUS SUB SPECIE STULTORUM VITA NOTATUR","97v-115v","SPECULUM BURNELLI MERITO LIBER ISTE VOCATUR CUIUS SUB SPECIE STULTORUM VITA NOTATUR [97v] Suscipe pauca tui veteris Willelme Nigelli. 114r ?Quam cum virtutum munera spreta iacent. BURNELLI DICTA MULTO MODERAMINE FICTA SPERNERE QUI QUERIT SEMPER ASELLUS ERIT","catuerium admittant. EXPLICIT. AMEN","Latin",,"","",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1396,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 20216","flyleaves","","5r-v (flyleaves)","Vernat eques iam prima genis lanugo susurrat","ends incomplete at line 204","Latin",,"","Line 1-2 omitted. The inner bifolium has been cut out: the remaining 162 lines would have occupied just over three columns.",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1397,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 5041","15","","116r-v","Corda superborum Scotorum destrue Christe","Spes tua conamen victoria lux releuamen","Latin",,"","Lacks first 26 lines and has many omissions, but has 20 extra lines at the end.",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1398,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 6296","12","","90r-94v","(a) PROPHECIA CUIUSDAM DE DOMINO EDWARDO REGE ANGLIE TERCIO POST CONQUESTUM (later hand (s.xv): secundum Io. de bridlington) Febribus infectus requiesfuerat michi lectus. (b) VERSUS DE IIIIxx IIII. Cabri carnaruan anglis natum dabit agnum (18 lines)","(a) Ad mortem tendo morti mea carmina pendo.(b) Hinc terrena spuens sanctus super ethera scandit","Latin",,"","Verse text only, without the Ergom commentary; it lacks four lines of the text printed by wright, but also has 29 extra lines.",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1399,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 6833","16","","116v - 118r","Francia feminea pharisea vigoris ydea","Gloria sloamen sit Christus in omnibus Amen. Explicit","Latin",,"","",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1400,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 7272","20","COMEDIA DE GETA","120v - 123r","INCIPIT COMEDIA DE GETA . PROLOGUS. (C)armina composuit voluitque placere poeta","Birria geta hominem se fore queque placent","Latin",,"","",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1401,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 91","18","","118v - 120v","APOCALIPSIS MAGISTRI GALTERI MAHAP SUPER VITA ET MORIBUS PERSONARUM ECCLESIASTICARUM. A tauro torridalampade cinthii","Mentis vestigia fecisset lubrica. Explicit","Latin",,"","",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1402,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Wattenbach 1892","3","","74r-v","Porro sobrios viros","vmbra preterunt non attendant","Latin",,"","Short extract, dealing satirically with the Franciscans.","Scribe X: small, neat anglicana script with some broken strokes.","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" 1403,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","Jolliffe B","9","","39v ? 209r","Here begynež že Crede žat is že begynnynge of že pore caytyf & be cause žat že materes of že forseyd book pore caytyf stondyn not here in order [continues down right margin:] y haue markyd že materes be numbrary . oon . ii . iii . and so forž .","žat we moun regne with žee in endeles blisse merciful lord ihesu . Amen [Margin: here endiž že mater of že pore caytyf which is a book so clepid]","English",,"","The initial tract, on the creed.","Anglicana: looped .","CJ" 1404,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","MWME 7 [XX]: 151","23","","267vr-267v","","","English",,"","","","CJ" 1405,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","Jolliffe D.1","19","","243v-246r","Alle že my3tis [sic] of a mannes soule be nombred in fiue","haue compassioun of ži nei3boris disese . Prey hertely for frend & for foo","English",,"",,"","CJ" 1406,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","MWME 7 [XX]: 215","18","","236v-243v","","","English",,"","Version E","","CJ" 1407,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","MWME 7 [XX]: 24","1","A short exposition of the Creed, Ten Commandents , Seven sins, seven works of mercy, seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, etc.","1r-10v","1r: Thees ben the wordis of God in the olde lawe . Almyghty god in trinite. 243v: Alle že my3tis [sic] of a mannes soule be nombred in fiue","10v: & ende of al good werk že whiche werk graunte vs he of his vyal mercy . Amen. 248r: haue compassioun of ži nei3boris disese . Prey hertely for frend & for foo","English",,"","1r-10v: Creed, 10 Commandments, 7 Deadly Sins, 7 Virtues opposed to the 7 Vices, 7 Works of Bodily and Spiritual Mercy, 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost, 7 Principal Virtues, 5 Inner and Outer Wits, Pater Noster, Ave Maria, 7 Deadly Sins.","Anglicana: looped .","CJ" 1408,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","MWME 7 [XX]: 58","11","","56r-58r","","","English",,"","Version E","","CJ" 1409,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","MWME 7 [XX]: 62","12","","58r-59v","","","English",,"","","","CJ" 1410,"Oxford Bodleian Library Canon misc. 110","Dronke 1978","4","","150r ? 182r","Terrico veris scientarum titulis doctori famosissimo [Pref] Main text: Congeries informis adhuc cum silua teneret","Ductores que pedes omnificas que manus Amen","Latin",,"","Also found in Laud 515 and Digby 157.","Very neat and compact secretary script.","CJ" 1411,"Oxford Bodleian Library Canon misc. 110","PL 210. 469-482","2","","80r ? 122r","Spiritus exiretad basia deditus ori [Verse] Main text: (Rubric): Descripcio undi corporis ure de superna celi regia ad terram clemencius descendent? psa pa (Body text): Cum hec elegiaca lamentabili","apparicionis dereliquit aspectus . Natura vero ad supernum stellantis mundi palacium himeneus & genius ad secreta suarum pentralia mansionum cetereque virtutues nature familiariter assistentes ad sue regionis incolatum gressus maturaverant gloriosum","Latin",,"",,"Very neat and compact secretary script.","CJ" 1412,"Oxford Bodleian Library Canon misc. 110","PL 210. 487-594","1","Anticlaudianus magistri Allani de homine diuino","6r ? 79v","Cum fulminis impetus vires suas [Preface] Prologue: Quia in hoc opere agitur de quatuor artificibus Main text: (f. 9r): Auctoris mendico stilum"," Explicit Anticlaudianus magistri Allani de homine diuino . Amen et c?","Latin",,"","Modern pencil foliation followed. In the margin of f. 9r, next to the beginning of the main text, is drawn a green parrot, holding a scarlet scroll in its beak, which is inscribed in silver: ?Qi ne done qe ayme ne prent que delire?.","Very neat and compact secretary script.","CJ" 1413,"Oxford Bodleian Library Canon misc. 110","Willis 1983","3","Liber de Nuptii? Mercurii et Philologie","122v ? 148r","Incipit liber de Nuptii? Mercurii et Philologie Inter deum Eloquenciae Et Deam sapiencie Main text: Tv quem psallentem tallanus que matre","ffinito libro sit laus & gloria christo. [E]xplicit . Marcianus . Felix . Mineus . Capella . de nuptiis Mercurii et philologie","Latin",,"","Incipit stands alone on f. 122v. Main text follows miniature on f. 123r. ff. 148v, 149r ? v blank, although at the bottom a man?s head, with a scroll extending from his mouth, has been drawn.","Very neat and compact secretary script.","CJ" 1415,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 77","Bloomfield 5532","1","","109r ? 148r","Si diligenter volumus in lege dei meditari","","Latin",,"","Text ascribed wrongly to Grossteste in Bodleian catalogue.","","CJ" 1438,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 89","Wright, RS 14/1 (1859), 1. 123?215","1","expo .super versus prophetales cuius auctoris nomen in prologo occultatur","1r ? 55r","Venerabili domino et mira magnitudine extolendo temporali predito potestate [Prol] Proph: Febribus infectus requies fuerat mihi lectus","Explicit expo .super versus prophetales cuius auctoris nomen in prologo occultatur","Latin",,"",,"Small cursive anglicana, well spaced.","CJ" 1442,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 25","IMEP IV [7:25(1)]","1","Perpetuus intercessor thes wordes be take of seynt austyn in his boke of holy virgynyte .","iiir - iiiv","Beholde the woundes of Criste Ihesu hangynge on the crosse . Beholde his blode that dyed for youe . Attende the pruyfe wherby he redemyd you consyder his markys at his resurreccyoun","that in your brest he may be lyke wyse fyguryd as he was for youre sake on že crosse naylyd","English",,"",,"Added later than main text ? s.xv ex or s.xvi in.","IMEP 4: 7-11" 1443,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 25","IMEP IV [7:25(2)]","2","a prayer of seynt bernard to ihesu","iii v ? v v","O incomparable . o ineffable . o. excellent gode Ihesu two thynges I do know in my selue . that is to say . naturishith thou hast made","which thou haste made lest that shulde perish . whiche uppoun the crosse thoue haste redemyd with thy preciose blode","English",,"","f. iv blank.","Added in a later s.xvex hand.","IMEP 4: 7-11" 1444,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 25","IMEP IV [7:25(3)]","3","a devoute remembrance of že passioun","v v ? vii r","Moste meke and hombly ihesu criste which for the redemption of alle mankynde offeryd thy selue in the gybett of the crosse","most benygne Ihesu for thy fyue woundes haue mercy and pety on me with sorow in alle tribulatioun and angwysh . Summe benigne deus tu meus esto Jhesu . Per signum sancte crucis de inimicis nostris libera nos deus noster . In nomine Jhesu . signo me .","English",,"","ff. vi, viii blank.","Added in a later s.xvex hand.","IMEP 4: 7-11" 1445,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 25","IMEP IV [7:25(4)]","4","speculum ecclesie žat is mirour of že chirche","1r ? 71r","Here begynne a tretis of seynt Edmond of Pounteneie & it is called speculum ecclesie žat is mirour of že chirche . In že name of our lord ihesu crist swetest of alle žyngis Main text (3v): Videte vocacionem vestram . in . corinthiis oaulo Brežeren see 3ee","and be enhaunsed for oure mekenesse to že ioie of heuene which was maad redi for us at že bigynnynge of že world . Amen","English",,"",,"Two scribes, writing in a Bastard Anglicana hand, with secretary influence.","IMEP 4: 7-11" 1447,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 100","11","The prologe of ix goode women","83r-119v","A thousande tymes I haue herd telle","","English",,"","B Text","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiv" 1448,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 1086","9","Balade de la bele Dame sanz mercy","50v-62v","Haffe in a dreme not fully wel awakyd","Explicit la bele dame sanz mercy","English",,"",,"secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiv" 1449,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 1306","13","The booke of the Duchesse","130r-147v","I haue grete wonder be this lyghte","Explicit the boke of the Duchesse","English",,"","Missing lines 31-96.","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxv" 1450,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 1388","33","The complaynt of a lover","197r-198v","I whiche that am the sorwfullest man","Explicit","English",,"",,"secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxviii" 1451,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 1507","3","Complaynte of a louers Lyfe","20v-30r","In may when fflora the fressh lusty quene","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiii" 1452,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 1826","44","Compleynt","319v","Knelyng allon ryght thus I make my wylle","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand.","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1453,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2029","26","Balade","194v-195r","Madame that throgh your newfangelnesse","Explicit","English",,"",,"secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvii" 1454,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2178","37","","325v","Myn hert ys set and all myn hole entent","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1455,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2182","52","Lettyr","323v","Myn hertes Ioy and all myn hole plesaunce","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1456,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2218","36","","199v-200v","Most souerayn lord O blysfull cryste Ihu","Explicit","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxviii" 1457,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2230","55","Lettyr","324v","My best belouyd lady and mistresse","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1458,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2251","8","Here begynnyth Ragman roell","47r-50r","My ladyes and my maistresses echone","Explicit Ragman roell","English",,"",,"secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiv" 1459,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2262","23","Lenvoy de Chaucer a Bukton","193r-194v","My maister Bukton whan of Criste our kyng","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvi" 1460,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2295","56","Compleynt","325r","Not far fro marche in the end of feueryere","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1461,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2349","43","","319r","Now lyst fortune thus for me to purueye","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1462,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2350","49","Compleynt","322r","Now I must nede part out of your presence","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1463,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 239","19","","188v-191r","Almyghty and alle mercyable quene","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvi" 1464,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2407","48","Compleynt","321v","O cruell daunger all myn aduersarye","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1465,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2479","14","","147v-148r","O lewde book with thy foole rudenesse","","English",,"",,"secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxv" 1466,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2488","42"," Balade","318v","O lord god what yt is gret plesaunce","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1467,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2567","47","Compleynt","321r","O thou Fortune which hast the gouvernaunce","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1468,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2583","46","Compleynt","320v","O wofull hert prisound in gret duresse","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1469,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2595","36","","327r","O ye louers which in gret heuenes","","English",,"","","A later 15th century hand","Fairfax 16" 1470,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2756","18","Balade","187r-188v","Pite that I haue sought so yore agoo","Explicit","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvi" 1471,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 2823","45","","320r","Ryght goodly flour to whom I owe seruyse","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1472,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 296","41","","318r","And as for yow that most ar in my mynde","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1473,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3190","25","Balade","194r-v","Some tyme this world was so stedfast and stable","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvii" 1474,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3361","5","The Boke of Cupide gode of Loue","35v-39v","The god of love a benedicite","Explicit liber Cupidinis","English",,"","Adds a balade","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiii" 1475,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3412","12","The parlement of Briddes","120r-129v","The lyf so short the crafte so longe to lerne","Explicit tractatus de congregacione Volucrum die Sancti Valentini","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxv" 1476,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3437","27","","195r","The more I goo the ferther I am behinde","","English",,"","Combined with IMEV 674, 3504 and 4230.","","Fairfax 16" 1477,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3488","54","Compleynt","324r","The tyme so long the payn ay more and more","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1478,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3504","28","","195r","The world so wide th'aire so remuable","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16" 1479,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3542","2","The compleynt of venus","19r-20v","Ther nys so high comfort to my plesaunce","Here endith the compleynt of venus and Mars","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiii" 1480,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3632","56","","ff. 330v-332v","","","English",,"",,"secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16" 1481,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3656","35","","199r-199v","The world is ful of variaunce","Explicit","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxviii" 1482,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3661","20","Balade de vilage saunz peynture, Par Chaucer","191r-192v","This wrechehed worldes transmutacion","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvi" 1483,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3670","4","The compleynt of Analida the qwene vpon fals Arcite","30r-35r","So thirled with the poynt of remembraunce","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiii" 1484,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 370","32","Complaynt ageyne Hope","195v-197r","As I stode in studyenge alone","Explicit","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvii" 1485,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3746","37","","202r-300r","To alle folkys vertuouse","","English",,"","Incomplete","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxviii" 1486,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3747","21","","192r-193r","To-broken been the statuts hye in hevene","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvi" 1487,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3752","40","","318r","To fle the sect of alle mysgouernaunce","","English","English","","","","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1488,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3787","22","The complaynt of Chaucer to his Purse","193r-193v","To yow my purs and to non other wight","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvi" 1489,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3854","34","Balade","198r-199r","Victorious Kyng our lord ful gracious","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxviii" 1490,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3860","50","","322v","Walkyng allon of wyt full desolat","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1491,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3913","53","","324r","What shall I say to who shall I complayn","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1492,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 3914","31","Proverbe of Chaucer","195v","What shul žees cložes žus many folde","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16" 1493,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 4043","38","How a louer prayseth hys lady","306r-312v","When the son the laumpe of heuen ful lyght","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16: xxviii" 1494,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 4186","39","","314r","Wyth al myn Hool Herte entere","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxviii-xxix" 1495,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 4230","30","Quatuor infatuant honor etas femina vinum","195r-195v","Worship wymmen wyne and vnweldy age","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvii" 1496,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 509","51","","323r","Besechyth mekly in ryght lowly wyse","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16: xxix" 1497,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 513","24","","194r","Better is to sufre and fortune abyde","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16: xxvi" 1498,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 590","17","","184r","Certes fer extendeth my Reason","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16" 1499,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 666","7","ettera Cupidinis dei amatoris directa suis subditis suis amatoribus","40r-47r","Cupido vn-to whos comaundement","Explicit lettera Cupidinis dei amatoris directa suis subditis","English",,"","","Secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiv" 1500,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 674","29","","195r","Deceyt deceyuyth and shal be disceyued","","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxvii" 1501,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 803","15","Balade vpon the Chaunces of the Dyse","148r-154r","First myn vnkunnynge and my rudenesse","Explicit the Chaunce of thee Dyse","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxv" 1502,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 809","6","","40r and 201r","fflee fro the pres and duelle with sothfastnesse","Explicit le bon counseill de G. Chaucer","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiv" 1503,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 851","10","The temple of Bras","63r-82v","For thoght constreynt and grevous hevynesse","Explicit the temple of Bras","English",,"","","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxiv" 1504,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 913","1","Complaynt of Mars and Venus","15r-19r","Gladeth ye lovers on the morowe gray","","English",,"","","","Fairfax 16: xxiii" 1505,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","IMEV 991","16","The house of ffame","154v-183v","God turne vs euery dreme to goode","","English",,"","Incomplete.","secretary hand. The proportions of the script are cursive, the overall impression textura. Mid-fifteenth century.","Fairfax 16: xxv" 1506,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","CPR 1330-1334: 316","12","","71r ? v","[E]dward dei gratia [etc]","Apud Wode stode decimo die Iulii Anno regni nostri sexto","Latin",,"","Note added in another s.xv hand after the text.","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1507,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","Domesday Vol 33","13","","72r ? v","Memorandum quod uilla magne Iernem non modico tempore ante conquestum","in partibus eidem ville magne Iernem cicuiacentibus","Latin",,"","Followed in the same hand by notes on the liberties of the town to the time of Edward III.","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1509,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","RS 84","14","","73r","Regis francie decibus potest ei monere","de Rege Johanne . au regni fui vlt?","Latin",,"","There are added notes, possibly by the same hand at another time.","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1510,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","RS 95","11","librum qui flores hystoriarum intitulatur","13r ? 70v","Incipit prologus in librum qui flores hystoriarum intitulatur . temporum summam lineam Main text: De opere primordiali . Sex diebus deus rex creatam formauit","(Imperfect) ad faciend bede e[?. ?..] (very rubbed and faded)","Latin",,"","Formerly attributed to Matthew of Westminster (and this has been added in an s.xv hand on f. 13r) From the Creation to 635, based on the Chetham original (Rolls Series, Flor. Hist. I, p. xxix). Imperfect ? possibly a quire lost at the end?","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1511,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0339","1","","1r ? 2v","Habet autem urbs Rome","Main text (f. 2r): aplicu he in custoda f. 2v: Diaconus sancte Agathes","Latin",,"","f. 2v is a list of churches, etc. in three columns. Other notes have been added to this page after the main text.","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1512,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0340","2","","3r ? 4r","Anglia habet in longitudine",,"Latin",,"","","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1513,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0341","3","","4r ? v","Primum miraculum fuit Rome sic","finem faciunt ipsius edificii","Latin",,"","","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1514,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0342","4","","4v ? 5v","Ventus egreditur de cauernis","uisi nuum flumen qui uocatur leum","Latin",,"","Derived from Ralph de Diceto","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1515,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0343","5","","5v ? 6v","Trogus Pompeius a tempore uiui Regis Assiriorum usque ad annum",,"Latin",,"","Derived from Ralph de Diceto. An addition has been made to this list in the lower margin (the insertion point marked with a cross) by another hand, who added ?Willelmus Malmisb[uriensis?]? and ?henricus archid huntedoun?.","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1516,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0344","6","","6v ? 7r","Gregorius episcopus seruus seruorum dei venerabilibus",,"Latin",,"","","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1517,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0345","7","","7r ? v","Quid sit mancusa . Mancusa idem est q . Xxxta","faciant hundredis vel in wapentacto vel in schiris","Latin",,"","","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1518,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0346","8","","7v ? 8r","In primis venerunt episcopi & albes & clerici multi",,"Latin",,"","As in Hoveden (Rolls Series iii. 9).","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1519,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0347","9","","8v ? 10r","Que litterarum apicibus annotantur","& propter merito debeant gliari","Latin",,"","","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1520,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0348","10","","10r ? 12v","Iuxta antiquissimas gi ybierniensium historias","non numquam prauorum persecuciones psequitur","Latin",,"","A composite narrative from Giraldus Cambrensis and Hoveden, as in Royal 14.C.VI. A table of contents by Charles Fairfax is on f. 12v.","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1521,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0349","15","","73v","Iugulphus prior primus obiit . xvii . kl . ffebr . anno regis sui","1344 Willelmus de Claxton? Prior ob. xvii . kl . Septembr. ao regis sui.","Latin",,"","Notes added in other s.xv hands.","Neat anglicana. Different ink from texts preceding this in the MS.","CJ" 1522,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0350","16","","74r ? 80v","Epistola Roberti Grossteste",,"Latin",,"","Beginning at the letter E, with the years under which they are to be found. Other notes added, including another list of the priors of Norwich, by hand A.","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1523,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0351","17","","81r",,,"Latin",,"","Several notes added in contemporary and later hands.","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1524,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","UMP 0352","18","","81v",,,"Latin","English","","Very faded and hard to read.","Neat anglicana (formata? Quite cursive, but well written).","CJ" 1525,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 2","IMEV 1168","1","","1-166r","","","English",,"","","","CN" 1526,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 2","IMEV 3734.5","4","","169v","Thy wyffe my frend is allwayes nowght","","English",,"","","","CN" 1527,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 2","IMEV 404.5","2","","168v","As righte to rule is reason","","English",,"","","","CN" 1528,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 2","IMEV 952","3","","168v","God is a substaunce foreuer dureable","","English",,"","","","CN" 1529,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","CMLGM 44.15:1","3","","ff. 22r-25v","non in alio poscit non poni","hoc exemplum exosus","Latin",,"","Imperfect","William Slyngysby - s. xvex, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 286" 1530,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","Thomson Cat 270 (b)","2","","ff. 10r-21v","A certis gramatice partibus","meus noster et nostras hec sola vocantur","Latin",,"","Ends incomplete","Scribe B - S.xiv1, an anglicana hand.","Thomson 1979: 286" 1531,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","Thomson Cat 270 (B1)","1","","ff. 2r-9v","Partes oracionis quot sunt?","Futuri vt audiendus","Latin",,"","","Scribe 1 - S.xiv, a small gothic bookhand.","Thomson 1979: 286" 1532,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","UMP 0561","3","","ff. 24r-25r","A phebo phebe lumen capit a sapiente","sta","Latin",,"","Incomplete","William Slyngysby - s. xvex, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 286" 1533,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","UMP 0562","5","","ff. 34v-39v","Cartula nostra tibi portat","iter sacra leccio menti","Latin",,"","Ends incomplete","John Rede - a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 287" 1534,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","UMP 2100","6","","ff. 40r-45v","Si deus est animus vt carmina dicunt","Sed gaude pocius si te contingat haberi","Latin","English","","Ends incomplete. Wanting last 29 lines - the text has interlined ME glosses.","Scribe C - s. xvin, an anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 287" 1535,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","UMP 0601","7","","ff. 46r-54v","What schalt thow doo whan","Explicit regule latisandi quod Slyngysby, teste Westam'","Latin",,"","","John Rede - in a squarer and less cursive mixed hand than parts written elsewhere in manuscript.","Thomson 1979: 288" 1536,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","Walther, Initia 11220","4","","f. 34r","A quocumque viro missus quicumque tibi sit","explicit quomodo est fynis","Latin",,"","","John Rede - a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 287" 1537,"Oxford Bodleian Library Lat. Misc. d.74","PL 161: 1041-1344","1","","1r ? 96v","Incipit prologus panormiae iuonis carnotensis episcopi . De multimoda distincione scripturarum sub una elequiorum facie contemtarvm (sic) Exceptiones ecclesiasticarum regularum Main text (begins imperf. on f. 6r?):[poss]umus sine qualitate bonum","irreuocabili exilio puniri vel ultimis supplici feriri . FINITO LIBRO REBBATUR (sic). CENA MAGISTRO","Latin",,"","Text ends at VIII . 136. The missing leaf after f. 5 contained the end of the prologue and the beginning of Book I (PL 161 col. 1046A ?volunt seperari? ? 1048D ?sine qualitate bonum?).","","CJ" 1551,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 557","IMEV 3928","1","","1r ? 66r","Whan Phebus passid was the Ram Main text (3v): Sires quod I sith of yowre cowrtassy","Of my tale žus I make an ende. Here endith now the fynall destruction / Of myghty Thebes the roiall toun . O bona fortuna . cur non es omnibus una . Es bona divitibus . es mala pauperibus","English",,"","f. iiir Title in scroll ?The calender of Thebes? - leaf blank otherwise.","Good secretary hand ? occasional anglicana feature, but rare.","CJ" 1552,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","TK 1470","1","","2r ? 6r","Si vis ergo scire altitudinem alicujus rei accessibilis","& superficies spc crt 194","Latin",,"","Preceded on f. 1r by a note on the deaths of Edward IV and Richard III. f. 1r originally blank.","Very small, cursive but quite well-written secretary.","CJ" 1553,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0364","2","","6v","magnitudo ar coporis sol est",,"Latin",,"","","Very small, cursive but quite well-written secretary. Lighter ink than ff. 2-6","CJ" 1554,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0365","3","","7r","Ypocras medicus erat ante christum 300 annos",,"Latin",,"","The text contains the name of ?Walterus Evesham? and, attached to this name ?fecit considerations an. 1316?.","Very cursive anglicana, small but sprawling.","CJ" 1555,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0366","4","","7v",,,"Latin",,"","","Very cursive anglicana, small but sprawling.","CJ" 1556,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0367","5","","8r ? 11v","anno xi 1340 Edwardus tercius",,"Latin",,"","","Very cursive anglicana, small but sprawling.","CJ" 1557,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","TK 1561","6","Hic incipient canones tabularum Alfonsi Regis 1438 .","12r ? 19r","Tempus est mensura motus ut vult Aristoteles quarto Phisicorum","est latido lue & ecliptica","Latin",,"","19v, 20a ? d [20 ? 23] blank.","Very small, cursive but quite well-written secretary.","CJ" 1558,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0370","8","","24r ? v","In figura presenti cujus ascensiones",,"Latin",,"","","William Worcester: Very small, cursive but quite well-written secretary.","CJ" 1559,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0371","9","","24v",,,"Latin",,"","In the margin has been written ?Hoc receptum inveni scriptum de propria manu Johannis Somour de ordine minorum?. ff. 25r ? 26r are very rubbed, and the text has almost completely gone.","William Worcester: Very cursive anglicana, small but sprawling.","CJ" 1560,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0372","10","","29v ? 31v","Memorandum quod Comarche (?) Regis quidam philosophus","Explicit hec medicine scripta per W. Wycestre dictus Botoner de quadam valde antiqua manu veluti per centum annons preteritos acriptos & plus hic intitlata die Martis die Junii anno Christi 1463 in via de Pokethorp Norwico civitate prope scita est.","Latin",,"","f. 30v blank. Followed by notes, including ?Nota pro luna?, by ? Will. Wygorniensem de Borstell on 31r ? v.","William Worcester","CJ" 1561,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0373","11","","32r ? 42a r","Tabula ad extrahendum omnes eras bisextiles et ad extrahendum unam eram cognitam ab altera incognita","Scriptum per manis W. Worcestre anno Christi 1438 10 die mensis Novembris","Latin",,"","","William Worcester","CJ" 1562,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0374","12","","42a v","No text","No text","Latin",,"","42b blank. f. 43r has a few notes jotted on it in Worcester?s hand.","William Worcester","CJ" 1563,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0375","13","","43v ? 60v","Medius motus augium","Scriptum Oxonie anno gratie 1437 in aula Cervina 3 die mensis Octobris hora i. min. 30.","Latin",,"","In margin of f. 52r, ?Anno domini 1437 Primo die Octobris?.","William Worcester","CJ" 1564,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0376","14","","61r ? 66v","Capricornius","[Finishes at Sagittarius]","Latin",,"","In margin, in the hand of W. Wigorn. (Worcester?) ?Jhessu 1437 10 die Julii incepi istud scriptum?.","William Worcester","CJ" 1565,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0377","15","Tabula augmenti longissimi diei supra diem equinoctii pro omni terra habitabili","67r ? 72v","Tabula augmenti longissimi diei supra diem equinoctii pro omni terra habitabilli","Ends on ?Ascenciones oxonie?","Latin",,"","In the top margin of f. 69r: ?Tabule Mawdith facte in Oxon 1310?. On f. 72r: ?Maudith . Tabule ascensionis signorum in circulo oblique Oxon. Cujus latitudo est 51 grad et 50 min . verificata Oxon. A. D. 1310?.","William Worcester","CJ" 1566,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0378","16","","73r ? 74a r","Tabula Longitudinem et latitudinum terrarum citra equinoctialem circulum habitabilium","No text","Latin",,"","",,"CJ" 1567,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0379","17","","74a r ? v","Oxonia","(74a r)Wyntonia","Latin",,"","f. 74av seems to include locations of stars, etc. f. 74b and c marked out for table, but otherwise blank.","Scribe Dustapel: ""secundum aliam antiquam scripturam de manu Dustaple"".","CJ" 1568,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","TK 953","18","walterum Evesham compilata per Willelmum Wycestre die Maryis 21 Junii anno Christi 1463 in Norwici civitate in vico de Pokethorp","75r ? 76a v","Memorandum quod stelle fixe alium habent motum","Explicit abbreviacio declarata de motu octave spere per walterum Evesham compilata per Willelmum Wycestre die Maryis 21 Junii anno Christi 1463 in Norwici civitate in vico de Pokethorp","Latin",,"","Following the end of the text: 'Addicio equacionum motus stellarum fixarum a tempore Ptolomei videlicet usque annum Christi 1415 quo anno W. Wygorniensis natus fuit viz 18. 50. 32. 34. 27'; f.76b and c blank.","William Worcester","CJ" 1569,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","TK 1603","19","","77r ? 80a r","Universe ergo stelle que sunt in parte meridiana",,"Latin",,"","ff. 80a v, 80b and 80c blank.","Very small neat anglicana formata","CJ" 1570,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0382","20","1022 stelle fixe ad presens veruficate per William Worcestre","81r ? 99r","Stellacio Vrse minoris","Expliciunt 1022 stelle fixe ad presens verificate per Willelmum Worcestre, alias dict. Botoner, de villa Bristollie, Wigorniensis dioceseos, et pro anno gratie 1440 secundum tabulas Alfonsi et erudicionem fratris Radulphi Hoby, professoris theologie, et disciplinam librorum fratris Johannis Somour, ord. Minorum videlicet utrique eorum","Latin",,"",,"William Worcester","CJ" 1571,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0383","21","","99v ? 100r","Stellarum v?o","[Table]","Latin",,"","Glosses etc (79v) ""Verificata anno gratie 1438, 22 die mensis Marcii et in illo die stelle erant omnes verificate pro anno 1440, quod Willelmus Wircet."". (100) ""1438, 25. d. 8. bis. stellas extraxi de libro ac manu Johannis Somour"".","Wiliam Worcester","CJ" 1572,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","UMP 0384","22","","100v ? 102v","Loca stellarum ffixarum in longitudine latitudine","[table]","Latin",,"","All pages have been drawn out as if for a table, but 100v ? 101r are continuous text, with the table proper starting on 101v.","William Worcester","CJ" 1573,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 84","Brev. Ebor","1","","1r ? 386v","Aduentus domini nec au","prudens & uigilans","Latin",,"","1r ? 159v: Temporale; 160r blank; 160v ? 169v: Kalendar; 170r ? 241v: Psalter; 242r ? 386v: Sanctorale and Common of Saints. On f. 386v is an added section, in red and black, on the feast of St George.","Neat, well written bastard anglicana.","CJ" 1574,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. A. 359","UMP 0157","1","","1r ? 145v","Humane condicio nature iam senescente mundo","Et sic tractatus iste sub denario numero pcium terminatur . Amen . Explicit . Cum libri scripsi longam vitam deus ipsi/Omnipotens tribue matris amore Tuae Ut vulgus fatur T. Stanlegh scriba vocatur/ Et si quaeretur apud Excetre inveniatur","Latin",,"","Main text followed by a table of contents in the same hand, f. 146r-v.","T. Stanelagh. Script: Anglicana formata. Well written, generally.","CJ" 1576,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","IMEV 3561","2","","39r","Žai that withoutene lawe doo syne . Withoutene lawe sal perys yar in","Passio domini nostri ihesu cristi etc . Humilitas . Caritas . obediencia .","English",,"","","Smallish well spaced anglicana (cursive), with tall upper lobe on and looped .","CJ" 1579,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","IPMEP 255","1","","1v ? 39r","Gastly syster in Jhu Crist I pray ye that in ye callynge qwylke our Lord has cald ye to his seruys"," it is neueryeles full fare withoutene be swylle vayne ymaginynge (End of venial sin section) f. 39r: Bot yis syne may some be forgyfene of god who so cryse hertly efter gods mercy","English",,"","Book 1. Part of the table of contents, to chapter xlix, is wanting at the beginning, and in the book itself, from chapter lxxxii, to the end, xciii. A fragment on venial sin follows on f. 39r which does not appear to be contained in Julian Notary?s edition of the book, printed in 1507.","Book 1, 1v ? 39r:Smallish well spaced anglicana (cursive), with tall upper lobe on and looped .","CJ" 1580,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","IPMEP 351","4","","40r ? 57v","In ilke synful man and woman yat es bunden in dedly synne","Lo Cecil I haf schortly sayd ye fourme of lufyng ? ye grace of Jhesu Cryst be with ye and kepe ye . Amen","English",,"","Addressed to a man named Cecil.","Possibly by same scribe as ff. 1v-39r, but a more formal script ? anglicana formata, with occasional secretary influence.","CJ" 1581,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","IPMEP 71","9","","61v-63v","A nedefull thynge to knaw God allmyghty er ye tene comandmentis","","English",,"","Ten commandments only. Includes IMEV 406.","","CJ" 1582,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","MWME 7 [XX]: 137","8","","61r-v","","","English",,"","","","CJ" 1583,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","MWME 7 [XX]: 211","7","","60v-61r","","","English",,"","Version WW","","CJ" 1585,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","UMP 0233","3","","39v","Continuel meditacioun of ye passiouns of cryste","thorow yi soun woundys","English",,"","","Smallish well spaced anglicana (cursive), with tall upper lobe on and looped .","CJ" 1586,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","UMP 0234","5","Be what takynes you sal knaw if you luf yin ennemy and what ensampyl yu sal tak of Crist for to luf hym","57v ? 58v","And if you be noght styrd agaynes ye persone be angre or felle cheer outward","can luf his euen cristene & nan bot he","English",,"","","Possibly by same scribe as ff. 1v-39r, but a more formal script ? anglicana formata, with occasional secretary influence.","CJ" 1587,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","UMP 0235","6","What thyng helpes mast a mans knawyng and gettis hym yat hym wantes and mast distroys syne in hym","58v ? 59r","And žat žou may do že better and že mare redely","žat žai sal nogth mykel dere? že","English",,"","","Possibly by same scribe as ff. 1v-39r, but a more formal script ? anglicana formata, with occasional secretary influence. Becomes less formal as the text progresses.","CJ" 1588,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","UMP 0236","10","","64r ? 68v","Now open yi hert wyde to thynke on yase paynes yat cryst for ye thoolede","to ye whilk joy he brynge us that bogth vs . Amen Amen Amen","English",,"","The author quotes St Bernard, St Anselm and St Austin.","anglicana formata, with occasional secretary influence.","CJ" 1589,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","UMP 0237","11","","68v ? 71r","Greuous es ye vice of bostyng and pride","and layd hym yat saued me fra scorne of the spyrite . Deo gracias . Amen","English",,"","Followed by a paragraph on general rules of behaviour, beg: 'Pray god yat he wil gif to ye'. Ends: 'in pees of quiete conuersacione'.","anglicana formata, with occasional secretary influence.","CJ" 1590,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","UMP 0238","12","","71r ? 73r","Saynt Agathon said yat withoutene kepyng a man sal nogth come to vertoue","Sothly he gifs his life and his saule for his brother . Amen Jesus Amen","English",,"","SS. Agathon, Sincletica, Arseyne, Machary, John, Pastor [Hermas?], Atton, and many holy fathers.","anglicana formata, with occasional secretary influence.","CJ" 1591,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","UMP 0239","13","","73v","Ora vigilant s. boce",,"Latin",,"","","Same hand as f. 63v - may be a different hand, or added at a later time.","CJ" 1592,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0217","1","","1r ? 14v","[In Differentia secunda] Et iterum si esset coelum planum vel extensum","[In Differentia vicesima] Estque ymago eius ymago oris aperti","Latin",,"","","Anglicana (s.xiv). Quite closely written. not looped.","" 1593,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","TK 1575","2","signa Ricardi","f. 15r-v","Tophimoto polimitanius ego peripateticus","a quocumque morbo . Expliciunt signa Ricardi","Latin",,"","Cropped to fit this or an earlier binding.","Scribe: William Ludham. Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","" 1594,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0219","4","liber pulsuum secundum Galterum","16r ? v","pulsus longus dicitur qui excedt quatuor","defectam et ita mortem . Explicit liber pulsuum secundum Galterum","Latin",,"","","Scribe: William Ludham. Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","" 1595,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","TK 1704.9","5","","17r ? 18v","Uita breuis ars longa tempus acutum",,"Latin",,"","Fragment. From Aphorisms, 20 lib. I Glossed (by Ludham) on 17r, but not on the following pages. Spaces left for capitals on 18v.","William Ludham? Main text anglicana formata, well written. Gloss cursive anglicana.","" 1596,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","TK 856","6","Johannicij theorica & practica","19r ? 31v","Medicina diuiditur in duas partes","boni mali ne discrecione & cetera . Explicit Johannicij theorica & practica","Latin","Anglo-Norman","","Marginal gloss until 24v.","Anglicana, well written, with secretary influence.","" 1597,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0222","7","tractatulus de fleobotomia vel incisione venarum","32r ? v","De conservacione sanitatis et de incisione venarum haec est sententia. Vene .ii. sunt a quibus omne tempore educuntur humores","& hoc multum nocet . & c . Explicit tractatulus de fleobotomia vel incisione venarum","Latin",,"","Note on f. 31v: ?In sequenti latere vel folio scribendum est tractatus de incisione venarum in libro medicinali Mercer.?","Scribe: William Ludham. Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","" 1598,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0223","8","tractatus & tabula . Jacobi in Serbona, etc.","33r ? 120v","Medicina diuiditur etc . Ad euidenciam huius leccionis tria sunt declaranda","(Main text; f. 119r) fortius habent interius operari quam extrinsecus quando interius exhibetur sed sic non intellexit G . Amen etc quod M . W . Ludham de collegio C . Christi consocius f. 120v: cathaplai & empla? etc. Expliciunt tractatus & tabula . J","Latin",,"","Main text followed by a table of contents.","Scribe: William Ludham. Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","CJ" 1599,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","TK 1231","9","","120v ? 121r","Quia secundum sentenciam Tholomei in suo centilogio et sui commentatorum Haly","obiit na aa ca concurente etc","Latin",,"","","small, neat, slightly spiky hybrid ? very mixed anglicana and secretary features.","" 1600,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0225","10","sentencia Gilberti Anglici in Compendio Medicine libro 3ode gradibus","121r ? 123r","Quia a? tanta de gradibus locuti sumus","quibus inducat suam sola3 etc. Explicit sentencia Gilberti Anglici in Compendio Medicine libro 3ode gradibus","Latin",,"","'Capitula de gradibus et de sensu tactus, ex libro tertio Compendii Medicinae Gilberti Anglici abbreviata' ff. 123v, 124 blank. Short note in same hand and ink added at the end of the text.","William Ludham? Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","" 1601,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0226","11","tractatulus de inspeccione vrinarum utilis & breuis","125r ? 126v","Iste est modus judicandi urinas et qui dictus est in vno colore intelligendus est in omnibus aliis coloribus","dissoluco3 tocius corporis etc. Explicit tractatulus de inspeccione vrinarum utilis & breuis","Latin",,"","","William Ludham? Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","" 1602,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0227","12","tractatulus de tempore fleobotomandi et pociones dandi etc.","126v ? 127r","Si necessarium sit omni die fleobotomia adhibenda est","sanguinem numquam febrem habebit . Explicit tractatulus de tempore fleobotomandi et pociones dandi etc.","Latin",,"","","William Ludham? Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","CJ" 1603,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0228","13","","127r ? 130v","Quia de melioribus quidem amicis quos habere videor me rogaverunt ut in scriptis redigerem breviter medicinas digestivas et evacuativas simplices et compositas","que superadicta finit etc etc etc etc etc . Explicit sentencia medicinarum simplicium & compositarum etc.","Latin",,"","Followed on 130v by a table, in columns, of signs of indigestion and digestion.","William Ludham? Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","CJ" 1604,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0229","14","tractatus de anathomia membrorum","131r ? 138r","[G]alienus in Tegni dicit quod quicumque membrorum interiorum cognitor esse desiderat","unde talis tantum masculos vel tantum feminas generat . Deo gracias . Amen . Explicit tractatus de anathomia membrorum","Latin",,"","","Very cursive secretary","CJ" 1605,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","TK 1011","15","de regimine sanitatis/tractatus de regimine sanitatis corporis","138r ? 142v","Pref: In tractatus isto qui intitulatur de regimine sanitatis Main text: Oportet ipsum qui vult esse longevus","vere de talibus potest dici si non desistant quod percussionem non evadent . Deo gracias . Amen . Explicit . Explicit tractatus de regimine sanitatis corporis","Latin",,"","","William Ludham? Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","CJ" 1606,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0231","16","tractatus de regimine sanitatis anime","142v ? 147v","Peniteas cito etc [Commentary: dicit uero ysaias propheta lauamini et mundi estote etc] . Asserit vero Scriptura quod duplex est ablucio","Amen . Explicit tractatus de regimine sanitatis anime","Latin",,"","","William Ludham? Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","CJ" 1607,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","UMP 0232","17","","148r ? v","[C]alidi et sicci epatis etc. Postquam galienus in tegni determinavit de signis compleccionis","de ydronielle go Sc . erit In ipso g/9r etc.","Latin",,"","'Fragmentum expositionis cuiusdam de caliditate et siccitate epatis'. ff. 149r ? 151v blank.","William Ludham? Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","CJ" 1608,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","VK 7611.00","3","To know if a man schall lyve or dye","15v","To know if a man schall lyve or dye loke qwen his browes fallen a downe or his eghen synkyn in to his hede","vndirstand that he shall notte lyffe iii dayes","English",,"","Note added in Latin at the bottom of the page.","Scribe: William Ludham Very small, cramped, cursive anglicana with some secretary influence.","CJ" 1610,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42","UMP 0203","1","","4r ? 9v","KL Januarius","Sancti Siluestri [?.] & confess.","Latin",,"","Mar 8: ?Sancti Felicis ? non Sarum sed Senodale?; Sept 24: ?Dedicacio ecclesie Norwicensis Senodale; Oct 16: ?Dedicacio sancti Michaeli in Monte Tumba? a chapel near Norwich.","Good anglicana formata/bastard","CJ" 1611,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42","UMP 0204","2","","10r ? 80v","Nota q? quicumque festa sanctorum que in martilogio recitantur [Pref] Main text: Circumcilis domini nostri ihesu cristi . Rome . natalis sancti almachij martiris","& sic semper secundum computacionem lune legantur gradus semper equali","Latin",,"",,"Textura ? quite well executed.","CJ" 1612,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42","UMP 0205","3","","81r ? 85v","Primus gradus huius sacratissime scale et fides recta","ad omnipotentem deum ad suum regnum feliciter ascendere ualeatis . Tu autem domine . miserere nostri","Latin",,"","Scala Caeli of 31 or 30 steps, a theological treatise.","Textura. Odd words which were either not filled in or erased have been added (possibly by the same scribe) in darker ink.","CJ" 1613,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42","UMP 0206","4","","85v ? 89v","Incipiunt monita de Soliloquiis Isidori extracta de consideracione tui ipsius distincta per gradus triginta unum Main text, f. 86r: Primus gradus est de consideracione tui ipsius","conferendo difficilia aperiuntur . Tu autem domine . miserere nostri","Latin",,"","","Textura ? quite well executed","CJ" 1614,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42","UMP 0207","5","","90r ? 96v","Iste lecciones dicantur per aduentum sit plenum seruicium de scancta [sic] maria . leccione prima . Missus est angelus gabriel","sed officia que propria dispensacione exequenda curabat","Latin",,"","","Textura","CJ" 1615,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42","UMP 0208","6","","96v ? 97r","[Rubric rubbed away]: leccione prima . [D]ormiente (?) cum patribus suis in senectute bona felicis","ut cleri uel ecclesie iura nullatemis permitteret mutilari","Latin",,"","Most of 97r and all of 97v blank.","Textura","CJ" 1616,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.9","UMP 0024","3","","47r ? 49r","Ad dominum cum trib? Ps.","tuam in perdicionem propter nomen sanctum tuum","Latin",,"","","Textura ? generally well written, occasionally variable","CJ" 1617,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.9","UMP 0041","1","","1r ? 39v","Domine labia mea aperies . Et os meum annunciabit laudem tuam","eius meritis & intercessione valeamus pervenire . Per eundem cristum dominum nostrum . Amen","Latin",,"","The Hours of the Cross are worked in with the Hours of the Virgin, at f. 23v, etc.","Textura ? generally well written, occasionally variable.","CJ" 1618,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.9","UMP 0209","2","","40r ? 47r","Domine ne in furore arguas me","qui tribulant animam meam quondam seruus tuus sum","Latin",,"","","","CJ" 1619,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.9","UMP 0210","4","","49r ? 55r","Kyrie eleyson . Criste eleyson . Criste audi nos . Pater de celis","& intercedeum meos a lacrimis pedes meos a lapsu","Latin",,"","","Textura ? generally well written, occasionally variable.","CJ" 1620,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.9","UMP 0211","5","","55r ? 81v","Placebo domino in regione vinorum","Requiescat in pace amen","Latin",,"","","Textura ? generally well written, occasionally variable.","CJ" 1621,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.9","UMP 0212","6","","81v ? 84v","Beat immaculati in uia qui ambulant in lege dominum","(Imperfect): & custodiencium mandata tue . Misericordia (Mia) tu?","Latin",,"","","Textura ? generally well written, occasionally variable","CJ" 1622,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0041","2","","9r ? 50r","(Begins imperfectly): te deum ploremus coram domino qui fecit","eundem cristum dominum nostrum . Amen .","Latin",,"","The Hours of the Cross are worked into the Hours of the Virgin at f. 30v, etc.","Textura ? competent, but slightly variable in size and execution.","CJ" 1623,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0051","5","Octo versus beati Bernardi abbatis clareualensis","68v ? 69v","o bone ihesu . Illumina oculos meos","misericordiam consequi inerrar . Per ihesum cristum dominum nostrum AMEN","Latin",,"","","Textura ? competent, but slightly variable in size and execution.","CJ" 1624,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0203","1","","1r ? 6v","KL Januarius","Sancti siluestri epi & conf?.","Latin",,"","Followed on ff. 7r ? 8v by a paschal calendar from 1448 ? 1537. The Calendar contains several notices of public events from 1066 to 1483, the later ones added, cf. f. 8v.","Neat anglicana formata.","CJ" 1625,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0209","3","","50r ? 61v","Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me","denusti prericolo sanguine tuo ne in eternum irascaris nobis","Latin",,"","","Textura ? competent, but slightly variable in size and execution.","CJ" 1626,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0210","4","","61v ? 68v","Letania . Kyrie eleyson . Criste eleyson . Criste audi nos","et requiem eternam concede . Per eundem cristum dominum nostrum . AMEN","Latin",,"","Includes prayers.","Textura ? competent, but slightly variable in size and execution.","CJ" 1627,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0211","6","","70r ? 93v",,"uiuis et regnas deus . Per omnia secula seculorum Amen . Requiescat in pace . Amen","Latin",,"","","Textura ? competent, but slightly variable in size and execution.","CJ" 1628,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0212","7","","94r ? 110v","Beati immaculati in uia . qui ambulant in lege domini","misericordissime pietatis absterge . Per dominum nostrum . Requiescat in pace . Amen .","Latin",,"","","Textura ? competent, but slightly variable in size and execution.","CJ" 1629,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0213","9","","120v ? 127r","O Jhesu criste eterna dulcedo","laudare cum omnibus sanctis tuis in eternum . Amen","Latin",,"","","Textura ? competent, but slightly variable in size and execution.","CJ" 1630,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0215","10","","128r ? 133r","O glorious iesu . O mekest iesu . O moste swetest iesu"," my soule . my feith . my lyfe . & my deth . Amen . Credo etc.","English",,"","","Textura ? competent, but slightly variable in size and execution.","CJ" 1631,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 0216","11","","133v ? 149v","Deus deus meus respice in me","Et perdes omnies qui tribulant animam meam . quondam ego seruus tuus sum . Oremus.","Latin",,"","","Textura ? competent, but slightly variable in size and execution.","CJ" 1632,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. poet. 151","IMEV 1597","1","","1r-108v","","","English",,"","Begins imperfectly with the last 4 lines on Translator's Preface.","","NIMEV" 1634,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.14","IMEV 4019","2","talis of Caunturbury","4r-","Here bigynneth the prolog of this book the which is namede the talis of Caunturbury in the whiche prolog thauthour openly declarith the names of alle the pilgremes there condiciou[n]s & there array.","","English",,"","(mutilated: ends I1086) Spaces are left for omitted words.","One anglicana hand.","" 1635,"Oxford Bodleian Library Selden sup. 40","UMP 0202","1","","2r ? 125r","A primum . Festum Pasche vijo Kalendas Aprilis littera dominicalis A . Feria ija ? iija ? iiija Festa duplicia Feria quinta ?Sexta Sabbato Quasi ix lections . Dominica in octavis Pasche . Feria ija de feria Responsorium locutus est etc",,"Latin",,"","?Synodus Ebor? occurs often in the margin. At the end (ff. 125v ? 128v) are some special rules: Inc: 'Versus . Quinque bis iude dies bis septem'.","One - Rychards Lostman? Script: Cursive secretary, (hybrid?) reasonably well written. Looped and , 8-shaped in places. Single-lobed . Headings in anglicana formata.","CJ" 1636,"Oxford Bodleian Library Wood empt. 15","TK 284","2","","18r ? 31r","Cum auctor vniuersitatis deus in prima mundi origine","et illud panno superinducto pone desuper etc. Explicit Trotta","Latin",,"","?Proto-ensemble? ? see Green, 1996. Followed on 31r by recipes for eye ailments, in the same hand.","J. Bobych (fl. 1444) . Good anglicana ? almost formata. characteristics: smallish anglicana book hand, rounded appearance, uses anglicana letters including long ?r? (almost always, but sometimes ?z?-shaped ?r?), looped ?d?; diamond-lobed ?g?; often uses pigtail ?e? in medial and final positions; anglicana ?a? still stands well above other lower case letters; long lead-in stroke for ?v?, starting under letter and curving up and to left, also for ?n?, tironian note; sometimes in prose uses period for pause, also sometimes has dot under standard abbreviation mark.","CJ" 1637,"Oxford Bodleian Library Wood empt. 15","TK 96","1","","1r (labelled vi) ? 17v","Anglorum regi mittit tota scola Salerne . Si vias incolumem si vis te reddere sanum","Explicit per manus J . Bobych","Latin",,"","","J. Bobych (fl. 1444) . Good anglicana ? almost formata. characteristics: smallish anglicana book hand, rounded appearance, uses anglicana letters including long ?r? (almost always, but sometimes ?z?-shaped ?r?), looped ?d?; diamond-lobed ?g?; often uses pigtail ?e? in medial and final positions; anglicana ?a? still stands well above other lower case letters; long lead-in stroke for ?v?, starting under letter and curving up and to left, also for ?n?, tironian note; sometimes in prose uses period for pause, also sometimes has dot under standard abbreviation mark.","CJ" 1638,"Oxford Bodleian Library Wood empt. 15","TK 211","3","","31v ? 116v","Circa instans negocium in simplicibus medicinis nostrum versatur propositum [Prol.] Main text (32r): Aloe calidum est et siccum","humectat & dilatat se per menbra s3 tu? generat fleua . Explicit tractatus quidam phisice scriptus Exon? per manus J. Bobych . Iam summus in fine laus autori medicine","Latin",,"","","J. Bobych (fl. 1444) . Good anglicana ? almost formata. characteristics: smallish anglicana book hand, rounded appearance, uses anglicana letters including long ?r? (almost always, but sometimes ?z?-shaped ?r?), looped ?d?; diamond-lobed ?g?; often uses pigtail ?e? in medial and final positions; anglicana ?a? still stands well above other lower case letters; long lead-in stroke for ?v?, starting under letter and curving up and to left, also for ?n?, tironian note; sometimes in prose uses period for pause, also sometimes has dot under standard abbreviation mark.","CJ" 1664,"Oxford Corpus Christi College 220","IPMEP 120","5","","42r ? 59v","Brother or sustre that desiriste to com to th endles blysse that mankynd was ordeyned to","which man was ordeyned to in his furste creacion . amen. Deo gracias","English",,"","","Reasonably good anglicana ? verging on formata, but not terribly elegant.","IMEP 8" 1665,"Oxford Corpus Christi College 220","IPMEP 142","3","The xij prophetis & euangelistes of tribulacion","5v ? 24r","Da nobis domine auxilium de tribulacione . lorde god graunte vs help Main text: Of the furste prophete of tribulation . The furste prophete of tribulacioun is vndirstonde","to the which kyngedom brynge he alle vs that suffred deth oure lorde ihesus Amen","English",,"","","Reasonably good anglicana ? verging on formata, but not terribly elegant","IMEP 8" 1666,"Oxford Corpus Christi College 220","IPMEP 234","4","the boke of the crafte of deynge","24v ? 41v","For als moch as the passage of deth oute of the wrechednes of the exile of this worlde [Prol] Main text: Though bodely deth be moste dredefull","of oure lorde ihesu criste that is moste hiest mediatour bitwen god and man . AMEN","English",,"","","Reasonably good anglicana ? verging on formata, but not terribly elegant.","IMEP 8" 1667,"Oxford Corpus Christi College 220","IPMEP 287","1","Here begynnith a litill shorte tretis that tellith how there were [six] maistris assemblid to gedir and echon asked othir what thynge myght thai best spek of that myght please god and were moste prophitable to the people and alle thei were [acco]dit to spek of tribulacion","4r - v","The first maister seid žat if eny thynge had be bettir to eny man liffynge in this worlde than tribulacion god woll haue yeue it to his son","oure lorde sufferid for vs in redempcion of oure soules and to brynge vs to his blisse that nevir shall ende Amen","English",,"","","Reasonably good anglicana ? verging on formata, but not terribly elegant.","IMEP 8" 1668,"Oxford Corpus Christi College 220","UMP 0170","2","","4v ? 5r","Si sciret homo quantum ei infirmitas","& scilicet ut postmodium eus coronet & glorificat qui est super omnia deus benedictus is secula Amen","Latin",,"","","Reasonably good anglicana ? verging on formata, but not terribly elegant.","CJ" 1669,"Oxford Magdalen College Lat. 4","UMP 0172","1","Liber contra haereses et haereticos ?quem composuit reverendus in christo pater et dominus dominus Guido dei gratia Eluensis episcopus et ordinis fratrem beate dei genitricis marie de monte carmeli quem presentavit Reverendissimo patri et domino domino petro presbitero cardinali qui postea fuit papa clemens sextus","1r ? 205v","Aduersarius noster diabolus circuit querens quos a veritate in errorem abducta [Prol] [Main text; 2r] Sanctus quippe apostolus paulus primo ad cor. xj. Ait. Oportet hareses esse","dicunt spritum sanctum creaturam de hoc supra in erroribus macedonianorum","Latin",,"","Followed on 205v ? 206r (col. 1) by ?nomina errorum supradictorum?, exp: 'Explicit liber haeresum'.","Good regular anglicana formata, secretary and .","CJ" 1670,"Oxford Magdalen College Lat. 4","UMP 0173","2","","206r ? 209v","Adam licet non peccaret","pagina professorem ordinis fratrum heremitarum sancti Augustini . Amen","Latin",,"","f. 206r in 2 columns. End at X.","Good regular anglicana formata, secretary and ","CJ" 1671,"Oxford Magdalen College Lat. 4","UMP 0174","3","Opus contra haereses dictum Collirium","209v ? 267v","In nomine domini nostri ihesu christi in quo viuimus mouemur & sumus [Prol.] Main text (210v): Dicunt aliqui heretici pseudo christi fermentati in fide","principium habuisse .xi. di quis nesciat","Latin",,"","In 6 distinct parts, with prologue. Followed on 267v ? 270r by a table of contents, beginning: ' tabula . Presens opus compositum a fratre alvaro de ordine minorum episcopo Siluensii vocatur Collirium quia sicut collirium est quedam unctio et fectio ad [sic] feces oculorum tergendas & visum illuminandum . sic presens liber vtilis & necessarius est ad errores extirpandos & hereses purgandas & ad fidem illuminandam . Et istud collirium diuiditur in sex partes principales quarum prima pars continet lxv hereses siue errores que nouiter pullularunt . quorum primus error est illorum qui dicunt'. Most of f. 270r and all of f. 270v blank.","Good regular anglicana formata, secretary and ","CJ" 1672,"Oxford Magdalen College Lat. 4","UMP 0175","4","","271r ? 282r","Substancia panis materialis & similiter vini manent","propter illum terminum indifferenter positum etc . Explicit","Latin",,"","","Good regular anglicana formata, secretary and ","CJ" 1674,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 1034.5","39","","167r","Hayl be žow ster of se / godis moder blessed žow be","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1677,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 1289","23","","139v","I come vram že wedlok ad a suete spouse","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1678,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 1353","22","","139v","I sayh hym wiž fless al bi-sprad","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1679,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 1373","34","","166v","I žinge all day I žinge of nowth","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1680,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 1577","29","","166r","In thys tre es alle hys myth","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1682,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 1832","26","","148v","Lefdy blisful of muchel mi3t / heyere žanne že sterres li3t","","English",,"","A separate item.","","CJ" 1683,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 2145","35","","166v","Men hem bimenin of litel trewthe","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1684,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 2239","37","","167r","My flesse žat wrote was in mari blode","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1686,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 2337","28","","149v","Now is my Robe y-ssape for sože al a-mys","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1687,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 2684","24","","141v","An ernemorwe de dayli3t spryngež","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1688,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 2787","36","","166v","","","English",,"","vv. 13-14 only. A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1689,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 2829","25","","146v","Ri3tful dom is ouer cast","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1690,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3212","38","","167r","Steddefast crosse inmong alle ožer","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1691,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3216","16","","78v","Stanes bež harde & heuye & wyght","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1692,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3218","12","","66r","Streit shul be že waies on him žat bež senful","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1694,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3355","19","","132v","že fol uise kakalere","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1695,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3403","15","","74r","že kinges baner bigan to sprede","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1696,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3549","14","","74r","žer was kast a ston žat no man mi3te lefte","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1697,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3699","18","","132r","","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1698,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3713","41","","167r","Thre woys mosthe wyt thowth","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1699,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3803","31","","166r","Trewe loue is a lawe žat semež he had not ri3t","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1700,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 4054","30","","f. 166","Wan we wor vnmyti he strent vs","","English","French","","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1701,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 4130","21","","134v","Who so is stef a3ens is fo","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1704,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 760","32","","166v","Falsenes I vnderstande / haues dreuen trw vte of lande","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1705,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 797","33","","166v","Fire colde and tereshatyng /drede worme and wepyng","","English",,"","A separate item.","","NIMEV" 1706,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 906","17","","120r","","","English",,"","A separate item. Begins imperfectly.","","NIMEV" 1707,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0176","1","Tractatus primus vocatur et habui a fratre Willelmo Hotoft predicatore","1r ? 16r","Cum doctor predicator euangelicus sapientibus & insipientibus",,"Latin",,"","f. 16v blank.","small cursive anglicana.","CJ" 1708,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0177","2","","17r ? 19r","Creuit etc. Amauit virorum puer",,"Latin",,"","","cursive anglicana.","CJ" 1709,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0178","3","","19r ? v","Abbas uel prior S. Augustini desiderans se in conuentum",,"Latin",,"","","","CJ" 1710,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0179","4","","20r","Adulator (?) . i . g . h . 4 . e . 6 . a . b . c .","vanitas mundi 12 .a . b . c . d . e","Latin",,"","","Anglicana","CJ" 1711,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0180","5","","20r ? 25r","Abstinere 49 . e",,"Latin",,"","","Anglicana","CJ" 1712,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0181","6","","25v ? 29v","Contra calumpniosos cam nocendi","facere alienos . Explicit tractatus fabularum Esopi","Latin",,"","","large anglicana","CJ" 1713,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0182","7","","30r ? 42v","Has siquidem & comsimiles fabellulas licet aliquando in sermonibus publicis proponere ad audiencium",,"Latin",,"","Followed by: f.39r ? v: 'Responsiones secundi philosophi ad interogata Adrian'; ff. 39v ? 42r: 'Ex dictis Galieni, Boethii, etc' .","Anglicana","CJ" 1714,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0183","8","","43r ? 56r","Thema . In ira molestia erant","sit honor & gloria per infinita seculorum secula Amen","Latin","English","","","","CJ" 1715,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0184","9","","57r ? 62r","Contra iudicantes secundum faciem & contra eos",,"Latin",,"","","Anglicana","CJ" 1716,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0185","10","","62v ? 63v","Morieris hac condicione itani vt exirem morieris",,"Latin",,"","","Anglicana","CJ" 1717,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0186","11","","64r ? 165r","In nomine patris & Filii & Spiritus sancti . Mat 28 . Ubi est accio difficilis et agens est debilis","pcutit delicatos sc morte collc hoes hi natos","Latin","English","French","Includes IMEV 103.5 'On True Love'; IMEV 1143 on f. 139r 'Vision of the Four Horsemen' (16 lines); IMEV 1145 on f. 166r-v (7 lines); IMEV 1749 on f. 66v (prayer) and IMEV 2284.8 on f. 146v (couplet).","","CJ" 1718,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0187","27","","149r - v","Alle anselleres ardemen auende & auerose almestes . O quam multos sederet cupiditas",,"Latin","English","","In table form ? first sections in English, larger sections in Latin.","","CJ" 1719,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0189","42","","168r ? 169v","[V]eniat pax . Si quis fiat ad me","qui fruicione nobis concedat qui sine fine viuit & Regnat AMEN","Latin",,"","","Small neat anglicana","CJ; CN" 1720,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0190","43","","170r ? 180v","Domine salua nos primus . Mat. 8o . In Marco autem dicitur magister","vigor operac[?] (Rubbed and some lost at the end)","Latin",,"","Followed on 180r ? 181v by table of contents. NB f. 175 has half a sheet (equivalent to 1 column stitched at the bottom, with what is, I think, a continuation of the same text on it).","very cursive, heavily abbreviated anglicana.","CJ" 1721,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0191","44","","182r ? 193v",,,"Latin",,"","","Idiosyncratic cursive anglicana; large, quite untidy.","CJ" 1722,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0192","45","","194r ? 206v","In primitiua ecclesia prohibitum erat ne quis variis linguis loqueretur",,"Latin",,"","The text finishes on a quire which has been bound upside down, so that it runs from 201v ? 209v, 209r, 208v, 208r, 207v, 207r ? to 206v.","Neat gothic hand.","CJ" 1723,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 4346","46","","206v ? 202r","[H]enrico dei gratia illustribissimo anglorum regi duci normanne & aquitaniae","quantum ad concupiscentiam oculorum .","Latin",,"","The text is on a quire which has been bound upside down, hence the reverse order of fol. nos.","Small neat gothic hand.","CJ" 1724,"Oxford Merton College 248","UMP 0195","47","","210r ? 225v","Exponere summatim iuris nostri precepta iustiniani codicis ordine seruato proposui","Directa ei competit qui mandauit","Latin",,"","Followed in col. 2 by a fragment of a homily on Advent. A note (in another hand) has been added on ?Aug9 de visitacione infirmorum?.","Spiky gothic hand, which gets very cramped towards the end of the text.","CJ" 1725,"Oxford Merton College 265","UMP 0196","1","","1r ? 110v","Prologus in compendium morale de virtutibus dictis et factis exemplaribus antiquorum magistri Rogeri de Waltham canonici Londoniarum . Sapienciam antiquorum exquiret sapiens & narraciones virorum nominatorum considerabit ? Petrus etiam diaconus in principio primi libri dialogorum petens a B. Gregorio","imbecillimis forcior mestissimis lecior [effrenatissimis]","Latin",,"","In fourteen distinct books, with prologue. Ends imperfectly at the beginning of book 8, entitled ?De 12 abusiones et qualiter princeps fidem hosti servare perfidiam hostis spenere et victis parcere debeat? Preceded on the flyleaves by a table of contents.","Writing on or above top line. Neat cursive secretary.","CJ" 1729,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 1422.1","5","Troyles","f. iii","If no love is o lord what fele I so","For ay thrist I že more žat I it drynke","English",,"","","John Shirley","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1730,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 1955.5","1","","flyleaf","Lord God preserue vnder žy mighty hande","","English",,"","lines 6-7 only","In the hand of John Shirley - secretary script.","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1731,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 199","8","A resoun of the Rammeshorne","13r-v","Al right wisnesse dothe now procede/ Sitte crowned liche an Emperesse","Thus eche astate is gouerned yn sothenesse/ Conueied be lyne right as a rammeshorne","English","French","","","Secretary","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1732,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 2","14","","ff. 126v-127","Ha cruell deeth contrarious to creatures in kynde","Vernant in alle vertu plesaunt and demure","English",,"","","Textura script","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1733,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 2229","11","","ff. 18-115","Musyng vp on the restles besynes/ wiche that trowbli world hathe ay on honde","Do be thi reed his welthes shal witnesse","English",,"","Includes marginal notes in Latin.","Secretary","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1734,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 2591","7","","ff. 1-12v","O see folkes harde herted as a stone","Her corious metris In Inglissh to translate. Amen.","English",,"","","Secretary","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1735,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 2820","6","Boece","f. iii","As žat pouert causeže soburnesse","žane hye estate graunted vn to shrewes. To yow Chaucier","English",,"","","John Shirley","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1736,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 3327","4","","ff iiverso-iii","A whetstone is no karving instrument","By his contrarye is every thing declared","English",,"","Book 1, lines 631-637.","Secretary","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1737,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 3427","1","","iii","","","English",,"","","","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1738,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 3437","3","","f. ii verso","že more I go že firžer I am behinde","žaughe I go loose I tyed am with youre lune","English",,"","","John Shirley","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1739,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 3504","2","","iiverso","že worlde so wyde žayre so remuable","May stidfast beo as here in his living","English",,"","","Secretary","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1740,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 3655","9","A sotel resoun of the Crabbe","ff. 14r-v","This worlde is ful of stablenesse/ Ther is they ynne no veriaunce","The heuenli signe maketh demonstraunce/ Right as the Crabbe gothe forewarde","English",,"","","Secretary","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1741,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 367","13","","ff. 116-126v","As I on hilly halkes logged me late","My rude translacion I pray you tak hit with plesance","English",,"","","Textura","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1742,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","IMEV 653","10","A resoun de Fallacia mundi","ff. 15-17","Considre welle with eueri circumstaunce","Voideth 3owre heryng from al that sey a mys","English",,"","","","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1744,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","UMP 3016","12","","f. 115v","The weye vnto Rome and soo too Venyse and to Ierusalem","","English",,"","Added in a current hand.","","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1745,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","UMP 3017","15","","f. 127v","[H]enricus octavus dei gracia Anglie et Francie Rex","Cum nuper monasterium de feversham in comitatu nosttro kant. Iam","Latin",,"","Left unfinished.","Added in textura script.","Dutschke 1989: 35-9" 1746,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.C.9","IMEV 1087","2","","ii verso -iv","Halfe in a dede sclepe not fully revyued/ Rudely my sylfe as I lay alone","Thy makere standyng in dyssete and greuaunce/ Which cawsed hym the so symply to avaunce, et cetera","English",,"","Added. Also added on f. iv verso: 'From Ioue aboue a spendyng breath/ ys Lent to vs to Leade oure Lyfe?My ynward mane to heauenly thyngs wold trade me/ And styll thys fleash doth euermore dysswade me. [signed:] R. North'; [6 verses; added, s. XVI] 'Retaine, refuse, no frend, no foe/ Condeme, alowe, no chance, no choise?So helpe so hate, mistrvst your frend/ as blisfull daies your Life may end. [signed:] R. N.'.","Added in the second half of the fifteenth century.","Dutschke 1989: 41-50" 1747,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.C.9","IMEV 3256.1","1","","iir","","","English",,"","","Added in s.xvi hand.","Dutschke 1989: 41-50" 1748,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.C.9","IMEV 4019","3",,"1r-232v","Whan that Aprill with hise shoures soote/ The droghte of March hath perced to the roote","so žat I may been oon of hem at the day of doome that shulle be saued. Qui cum patre et cetera. Heere is ended the book of the tales of Caunterbury compiled by Geffrey Chaucer of whos soule Ihesu crist haue mercy Amen.","English",,,,"Adam Pinkhurst: Anglicana Formata","Dutschke 1989: 41-50" 1749,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.C.9","IMEV 809","4","","viiir","","","English",,"","On the back flyleaf, f. v [6 verses; added, s. XVI] 'thes worldly ioies, that faier in sight apeares/ arr Lvring baits whereto oure minds we cast?My inward mane, to hevenly things wold trade me/ But aye this flesh, doth still and still disswade me. [signed:] R.N.'; back flyleaf, f. v [6 verses; added, s. XVI] 'In triflieng tales, by poets told/ whoe spends their time, and beats their braine?Svtch folke build vpp, their howses in the sand/ and leves godds trewth, by which we owght to stand. [signed:] R.N.'; back flyleaf, f. vii verso: [Table of contents to the Canterbury Tales; added, s. XVmed] 'The knyght, Of Arcite and Palamoun; The Myller, Of Alison & Absolon & hende Nicholas?The Person, Of the iii parties of penitence et cetera'.","","Dutschke 1989: 41-50" 1750,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 114","IMEV 1459","1","Piers Ploghman","1r-130v","In somer sesoun whan softe was že sonne","And sethyn y cryed after grace tyl y began to awake. Explicit Pers Ploghman.","English",,"","B text","One hand - anglicana formata: neat, even, well-spaced, some flourishing on 'e' and 'w', but no distinctive features.","Dutschke 1989: 150-152" 1751,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 114","IMEV 3327","5","Explicit Troylus","193r-318v","The dowble sorowe of Troyllus to tellyn","For love of žat maydyn modir thyn benigne. Amen. Explicit Troylus.","English","Latin","","Added leaves, ff. 278-79, and 317 containing Troilus' song of love, his soliloquy on predestination and the account of his flight to heaven.","One hand - anglicana formata: neat, even, well-spaced, some flourishing on 'e' and 'w', but no distinctive features.","Dutschke 1989: 150-152" 1752,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 114","IMEV 3553","3","Here endith že storye of Susanne and Danyell","ff. 184v-190v","Ther was in babyloyn a biern in žat burgh riche"," že pistil witnessiž it well/ Of že prophete. Here endith že storye of Susanne and Danyell","English",,"","","One hand - anglicana formata: neat, even, well-spaced, some flourishing on 'e' and 'w', but no distinctive features.","Dutschke 1989: 150-152" 1753,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 114","IPMEP 233","2","Here endith že book of maundevile","ff. 131r-184r","For as myche as men coueyte to here of diuers longis & of diuers nacions žat ben be3ende že grekyssh see","holy goost žat lyvith & regnith lord god withouten ende. Amen. Here endith že book of maundevile","English",,"","Defective version, subgroup B; leaves missing after ff. 136, 138.","One hand - anglicana formata: neat, even, well-spaced, some flourishing on 'e' and 'w', but no distinctive features.","Dutschke 1989: 150-152" 1754,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 114","UMP 0773","6","","ff. 319r-325v","Lvcifer lord & prince of že depe donioun of derkenes.","že forlost childryn of že modern cherche","English",,"","","One hand - anglicana formata: neat, even, well-spaced, some flourishing on 'e' and 'w', but no distinctive features.","Dutschke 1989: 150-152" 1755,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","UMP 2002","2","ye namys of herbis in latyn & also in englis","1r-2v","Here begynnyn ye namys of herbis in latyn & also in englis Artamesia Matertera Materherbarum [bracketed to] Moderworte","","English","Latin","","Approx 130 entries","","Dutschke 1989: II, 562-564" 1758,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","VK 2611.00","5","Of thundrynge in diuerse tymis of ye yere","34v-35r","If it thundire in ye monthe Ianeuere it betoknyth gret wyndis & habundance of fruet and gret batelle","If it thundere in ye monthe of decembre it toknith finalle pace & good reste & pese amonge cristen men","English",,"","","Simon Wysbech - anglicana","Dutschke 1989: II, 562-564" 1759,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","VK 2626.00","6","Howe diuerse 3eres oftyn fallyn thorw chonging of dais","35r","If sunday falle on ye kalendes of Ianereuer [sic] yat signifieth hot somer","If kalendes of Ianeuer falle on saterday copiouse wyndis drie somere dere qwhet diuerese seknesse","English",,"","","Simon Wysbech - anglicana","Dutschke 1989: II, 562-564" 1760,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","VK 2992.00","9","How ye xalle be gouernd euery month in ye yere","35v-36r","In ye monthe of Ianeuere qwhit wyn is good to drynke & blodletynge forebere for the vii perlouse dais, in ye monthe of feuerere potages of hokkes to etyn is goode","and hoso gouerne his yat monthe welle it xalle be gret hele to hym all ye next 3ere folwyng on warentise. Explicit good gouernanse quod symon. Numc scripsi totum pro christo da michi potum. Iste liber constat Roberto Taylour de Boxforde. Omnibus omnia","English",,"","f. 36v blank.","Simon Wysbech - anglicana","Dutschke 1989: II, 562-564" 1761,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","VK 3047.00","8","","35r-35v","In the year arn xxxii perlouse dais In qwich if a man falle seke he xalle not liue...In ye monthe of Ianeuere ius, ii, iiii, v, xv, x, xviii day","In ye monthe of Decembre vi, vii, xv day","English",,"","","Simon Wysbech - anglicana.","Dutschke 1989: II, 562-564" 1762,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","VK 3651.00","4","","19r-28v","//tak sowpernewode & hony eysel & powne yt togeder","For alle manere brosynge, nyme persely rote & al & sowrebred//","English",,"","A quire from another manuscript, beginning and ending defectively, and lacking its centre bifolium, now containing [VK: ca. 175 recipes].","","Dutschke 1989: II, 562-564" 1763,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","VK 4253.00","1","","ff. 1, 2v-18v, 29v-34v","[From VK - modernised] {Recipe} porret fel terre mullein the seed of ivy pellitory herb ivy milfoil bray","","English",,"","Items 1 and 3 in the manuscript. c. 246 recipes.","Simon Wysbech - anglicana","Dutschke 1989: II, 562-564" 1765,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","VK 8160.00","7","Good dais to be lat blode","f. 35","Hosoeuer blede on ye rith hande ye xvii day of marche","also hoso blede on sent lamberte day he xalle not haue ye fallynge euyll god scheld vs yerfro","English",,"","","Simon Wysbech - anglicana","Dutschke 1989: II, 562-564" 1766,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","UMP 0001","2","","2r-7v","","","Latin",,"","Calendar in red and black. Columns added on each page in the hand of f1r-v flank the text and are headed 'Numerus dierum', 'Ciclus', 'Hore', 'Minuta', 'Ciclus', 'Hore', 'Minuta', 'Aureus numerus' (on the left), ' Ciclus', 'Hore', 'Minuta', 'Medietas noctis', 'locus Solis', etc","William Worcester","MMBL IV: 494-95" 1767,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","UMP 0040","1","","1r-v","","Explicit Kalendarium secundum laborem fratris Iohannis Somour scriptum Bristoll' per manusm Willelmi Wercestre ad instanciam Ricardi Roper annon domini 1438 incompleto, Et anno regni Regis Henrici 6ti post conquestum 16o 14o die mensis Augusti in Meridi","Latin",,"","Table of eclipses of the sun, 1433-60, and of the moon, 1440-62. Ker, MMBL IV: 494: 'The same hand made additions to art 2 [2r-8r], and is that of the table of fixed stars verified by William Worcester in 1440.","William Worcester","MMBL IV: 494-95" 1768,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","UMP 0041","3","","9r-40r","Begins imperfectly","Ends imperfectly through the loss of six (?) leaves after f. 24 (end of Lauds-end of Sext gone).","Latin",,"","The memoriae following Lauds are Holy Spirit, Trinity, Cross, Michael, John Baptist, John ev., Peter and Paul, Andrew, James, apostles and evangelists, Innocents, Stephen, Laurence, Blaise, Thomas of Canterbury (crossed out), martyrs, Nicholas, Martin.","","MMBL IV: 494-95" 1769,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","UMP 0042","4","","42r-51v","Begins imperfectly","","Latin",,"","Penitential psalms, Gradual psalms (cues only of first twelve), and (f. 48) Litany, beginning imperfectly.","","MMBL IV: 494-95" 1770,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","UMP 0043","5","","51v-71v","","Ends imperfectly","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 494-95" 1771,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","UMP 0044","6","","72r-79v","In seven parts: (a)72r: O dulcis ihesu uulnera cor meum (b) 72r: Gracias tibi ago domine ihesu christe quod passionem tuam inchoasti (c) 73v: Si quis habet tribulacionem uel paupertatem aut iram - Clementissime ihesu christe uerus deus qui a summi pat","(g) orbis terrarum. De te enim. Ends imperfectly","Latin",,"","Masculine forms.","","MMBL IV: 494-95" 1772,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","UMP 0045","7","Psalteri beati Ieronimi","80r-89r","Incipit rubrica psalterii beati Ieronimi prebiteri Beatus Ieronimus in hoc mundo (sic) disposuit ? Oratio . Suscipere (sic) digneris ? Incipit psalterium abreuiatum beati Ieronimi presbiteri Uerba mea auribus ? Domine ihesu christe fili dei uiui qui regna","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 494-95" 1773,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","UMP 0046","8","","89r-v","Passio domini nostri christi secundum Iohannem In illo tempore Apprehendit ihesum pilatus","testimonium eius Oracio Deus qui manus tuas et pedes?","Latin",,"",,"","MMBL IV: 494-95" 1774,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","UMP 0047","Added","","40v-41v","In two parts: (a) 40v-41r: Virgo mater ecclesie eterna porta glorie esto nobis refugium? [followed by five Joys, and prayer Deus qui de vtero beatissime marie verbum tuum angelo nunciante](b) 41v: Aue facies preclara pro nobis quasi crucis?Salue sancta","","Latin",,"","Added, s.xvi, on blank space at the end of quire 6.","","MMBL IV: 494-95" 1775,"Winchester Cathedral 15","PL 150: 1577-90","2","liber sinonomorum","14r-36r","Frequenti dominorum uicinorum supplicationem - glosulas super echeridon Magistri galfridi - compilaui - (text) Ad amre ne videar - (commentary) Cum diuisio libri sit vtilis ad faciliorem acceptacionem","(text) Ex vtero dicti germani sunt vterini - (commentary) ad abluo is deriuatur etc. Explicit liber sinonomorum. Quod","Latin",,"","In the prose commentary the lemmata are at first distinguished by larger writing, or, from f. 17, by red underlining.","Mr W. Grene (?). Well written, the larger script anglicana with textura and secretary forms (two compartment rarely), and the smaller a mixture of current anglicana and secretary.","MMBL IV: 592-594" 1776,"Winchester Cathedral 15","UMP 0561","5","Liber de parabolis philosophie","67r-76r; 76r-78v","In two parts: (a) ff. 67r-76r: Doctrinam teneris tradere mentibus Fert ardens animus - quod manus impotens [A] Phebo phebe lumen (b) 76r-78v: Sufficit exemplis preludia - ex pentametris iambico. iubiter et iuno neptunus pluto creanti/Bis duo","(a) Quid plus sunt vanitas omnia queque nichil (b) Inseruit stolidis qui sibi vita fuit. Ihesus cristus dominus noster qui cum patre - Amen. Explicit liber de parabolis philosophie","Latin",,"","Each chapter preceded by an introductory paragraph.","Mr W. Grene (?). Well written, the larger script anglicana with textura and secretary forms (two compartment rarely), and the smaller a mixture of current anglicana and secretary.","MMBL IV: 592-594" 1777,"Winchester Cathedral 15","SOPMA 1222","8","Promptorium paruulorum","114r-227v","Isti sunt autores ex quorum libris collecta sunt vocabula huius libelli per fratrem predicatorem reclusum lenn' anno domini Mo CCCCo xlo . Catholicon Campus florum . Vgucio Versificatus . Alexander necham . Commentarius Kylwarbi . Brito . Diccionarius Dis","30k bestis Iugo as pri conu' cath Iniugo as aui are pri coniugacionis u' k' . Explicit promptorium paruulorum","English",,"","","Mainly one hand; mixture of current anglicana and secretary.","MMBL IV: 592-594" 1778,"Winchester Cathedral 15","Walther, Versanf 12214","1","liber Catonis cum geminatione versuum et cum Glosa peroptima","1r-13v","Moralis philosofie. Vir nobilis cato dudum (?) experiencia operum eruditis. Aduertens quod - votis vestris. Non uane cultus intrinseca pectoris icunt Si deus est animus nobis ut carmina dicunt Est quia cunctorum","coniungere binos - Amen. Qui dedit expleri laudetur mente fideli Tu sibi parce deus . et miserere mei. Explicit liber Catonis cum geminatione versuum et cum Glosa peroptima Quod M. W. (?: erased) Grene.","Latin",,"","146 sets of verses, nearly all 4-line, interspersed with a prose commentary in smaller script, 'appetitus humani generis?compulit infecundum'.","Mr W. Grene (?). Well written, the larger script anglicana with textura and secretary forms (two compartment rarely), and the smaller a mixture of current anglicana and secretary.","MMBL IV: 592-594" 1779,"Winchester Cathedral 15","Walther, Versanf: 16951","7","Liber Auiani","100r-113r","Rustica deflenti etc. Sermonum: alius naturalis - noue persone dicit ergo sic. Rustica deflenti paruo iurauerat olim","Expedit insignem promeruisse necem - Explicit liber Auiani Quod M. (W.) Grene. Qui eum alienauerit anathema sit.","Latin",,"","The first piece of the interspersed commentary in smaller script follows line 16, and begins 'Intentio huius Apologi est ne verbis mulierum'; f. 113v blank.","Mr W. Grene (?). Well written, the larger script anglicana with textura and secretary forms (two compartment rarely), and the smaller a mixture of current anglicana and secretary.","MMBL IV: 592-594" 1780,"Winchester Cathedral 15","Walther, Versanf: 1767","3","Liber equiuocorum","36v-65r","(text) [A]ugustus ti to- (commentary) In superiori libro tractauit autor de sinonomis","(text) Est libet illa legi pueris quibus ipsa peregi - (commentary) ipsa equiuoca etc. Explicit liber equiuocorum Q","Latin",,"","This text is here treated as the second book of the Opus synonomorum (PL 150: 1577-90). In the prose commentary the lemmata are distinguished as on ff. 17-36.","Mr W. Grene (?). Well written, the larger script anglicana with textura and secretary forms (two compartment rarely), and the smaller a mixture of current anglicana and secretary.","MMBL IV: 592-594" 1781,"Winchester Cathedral 15","Walther, Versanf: 664","6","Liber theodoli","79r-100r","[Q]uoniam in hoc opere Iter magnum sumus aggressuri - patet autoris intentio etc. (f. 79v) Ethiopum terras iam feruida torruit estas","ne desperacio ledat. Explicit liber theodoli. Quod magister W (over erasure) Grene","Latin",,"","The interspersed commentary in smaller script begins 'Ethiopes sunt populi habitantes in extremitate mundi'","Mr W. Grene (?). Well written, the larger script anglicana with textura and secretary forms (two compartment rarely), and the smaller a mixture of current anglicana and secretary.","MMBL IV: 592-594" 1782,"Winchester Cathedral 15","Walther, Versanf: 9955","4","","65v-66r","Materia parui doctrinalis. Cum iste auctor plures homines","evitandum. Iubiter et iuno. In precedenti determinauit autor prouerbialia documenta?permiserit viuere Explicit","Latin",,"","","Mr W. Grene (?). Well written, the larger script anglicana with textura and secretary forms (two compartment rarely), and the smaller a mixture of current anglicana and secretary.","MMBL IV: 592-594" 1784,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0440","9c","","122v","Angelie (sic) qui meus es custos pietate superna. Me tibi commissum salua defende guberna","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1785,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 127","12a","","166v-167r","Si quis dicat hanc oracionem cotidie flexis genibus numquam in peccatis mortalibus morietur. Oracio deuota ad sacramentum. Anima ihesu christi sanctifa me","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1786,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 140-2","12c","","167r-169v","Oracio uenerabilis Bede presbiteri de vii verbis - Domine ihesu christe qui septem uerba","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1787,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 176-177/14","18a","","181r","Crucem coronam spineam","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1788,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 179-80","1a","","4v-6v","Benedictum sit nomen domini nostri (f. 5) Aue maria. O bone ihesu. o dulcissime ihesu","quod est ihesus amen. Pater noster. Aue maria gracia","Latin",,"","Here preceded by a 12-line picture of a rose, in the centre 'Ihc' below a crown, in the inner circle of petals 'Maria', and in the outer circle 'Iesus'.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1789,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 25-7","2","","13r-16v","A.a.b.c - est. amen. Pater noster?Aue maria?Credo in deum?In nomine patris?In manus tuas?Misereatur tui omnipotens deus?Confiteor deo et eate marie - quia ego peccator","Requiescunt in pace amen","Latin",,"","Beginning with a 2-line picture of the Crucifixion.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1790,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 26","20a","","194r-195v","In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. amen. Marcus. Matheus - et signo tau. T Hoc signum crucis - uenerit. Per crucis hoc signum","","Latin",,"","Longer than Horae Ebor: 26, and ending with three prayers: 'Domine miserere nostri', 'Sancta maria materdomini' and 'Domine ihesu christe fili dei uiui'.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1791,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 28-31","3","","17r-26v","Benedicciones et gracie a festo sancti trinitatis usque ad cenam domini diebus in quibus non est ieiunium - hoc modo dicantur ante prandium. Benedicte. Dominus. Oculi omnium?post prandium? (f. 19) Deinde pro defunctis - De profundis","persoluere possim. Amen.","Latin",,"","Fuller seasonal provison to that printed in Horae Ebor: 28-31.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1792,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 35","6c","","77v","Deus qui tres reges ad presepe","ipso adiuuante. per.","Latin",,"","Filling space","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1793,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 37-62","5","","41r-75v","","","Latin",,"","Hours of the Cross worked in.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1794,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 62-3","6a","","75v-76v","Ant'. Salue regina ?Uirgo mater ecclesie?Or' Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui gloriose uirginis","","Latin",,"","5 stanzas, here omitting 'Dele culpas'.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1795,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 63-4","6b","","77rv","Gaude virgo mater christi que per aurem ? Oremus . Deus qui beatam uirginem","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1796,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 67-8","12d","","169v-171v","De beata maria et sancto Iohanne euuangelista. Oracio. O beata intemerata?orbis terrarum. Inclina?","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1797,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 70-71/2","15","","176r-177r","Fuit quidam clericus in partibus Burgundie qui cotidie - hec uerba salutacionis. Aue ihesu christe uerbum patris","uita perhennis. Aue ma.","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1798,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 88-99","7","","78r-96v","","","Latin",,"","f. 88 Litany. Peter and Leonard doubled. 'Ursula cum socii' was added early to the list of virgins at the foot of f.91v.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1799,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 99-111","10","","129r-65r","","","Latin",,"","Here with prayers 'Omnipotens sempiterne', 'Inclina', 'Pro famula', 'Quesumus domine pro tua pietate', 'Animabus', 'Deus qui nos patrem', and' Deus cuius miseracione' (cues only for the first three).","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1800,"York Minster Add. 2","IMEP VI [61:Add.2(2)]","16","","177r","Say žis kneland befor že crucifix ilk day arise and žou sal se že 3ates of heuen opyne in ye owre of yi dyinge. Domine ihesu christe adoro te in cruce uulneratum?Domine ihesu christe adoro te in sepulchro positum","Crux bona crix digna lignum super omnia ligna","English",,"","","","IMEP 6" 1802,"York Minster Add. 2","IMEV 1734","21a","","206r-207r","Als ofte as men says yis orison Between agnus dei and ye leuacion Twa thousand wynter of pardon' Mon yai haue to yer cron'. [IMEV text starts here] Ihesu my lord welcome žu be? Aue et gaude maria","","English",,"","38 lines","","NIMEV" 1803,"York Minster Add. 2","Missale Ebor: i. xxx-xli","4","","27r-32v","","","Latin",,"","Calendar in red and black, graded up ti ix lc'. Very similar to Missale Ebor: i. xxx-xli. Additions are: 'Sancta sitha' (27 Apr), s.xv/xvi; 'Obitus Iohannis Bolton qui obiit Millesimo iiiic xlo quinto' (11 Aug); 'Obitus alicie boltone vxoris Iohannis bolton anno domini M cccc lxxiio' (18 Sept); 'Obetis agnetis lond' Anno domini lxxii' (22 Oct); 'Obitus Tho[me] Scauceby Anno domini M cccc lxxiito (30 Nov).","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1805,"York Minster Add. 2","MWME 7 [XX]: 211","1","","1r-4r; 209r-210v","Benedicte. Dominus. I knawe me gilty to god almyghty","žt dos žham wondyr","English",,"","Added in space at the beginning of quire 1 and at the end of quire 30, s.xv med.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1806,"York Minster Add. 2","Horae Ebor: 72","12b","","167r-v","Iohannes papa xxii cocessit - iija milia annorum indulgencie ad supplicacionem philippi Regis Franc' Domine ihesu christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem","","Latin",,"",,"","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1807,"York Minster Add. 2","Ps 118","9a","","109r-122r","Beati in maculati?Ana Requiem? Absolue","","Latin",,"","Ps 118 with only one prayer, cf. Horae Ebor pp. 111-13 (Commendationes animarum).","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1808,"York Minster Add. 2","RH 13077","18b-d","","[[181r-184v]","O willelme pastor bone cleri pater et patrone","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1809,"York Minster Add. 2","RH 1771","8d","","101v-102r","Aue dextera manus christi. Perforata plaga tristi","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1810,"York Minster Add. 2","RH 18189","14","","174r-75; 175v-176","In two parts: (a) 174r-75r: In honore veronice conceduntur xxius (sic) anni indulgencie et papa Bonifacius concessit iii annos. Salue sancta facies?Deus qui nobis signatis (b) 175v-176r: Salue plaga lateris nostri redemptoris","","Latin",,"","Pictures precede (a, b): 5-line to (a), 6-line, a heart with five wounds, to (b).","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1811,"York Minster Add. 2","RH 27220","13","","173v-174r","Gaude virgo que de celis per os dulce? Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui diuina gabrielis salutacione","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1812,"York Minster Add. 2","RH 30216","18c","","181r-184v","O antoni summi boni contemplator sedule","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1813,"York Minster Add. 2","RH 6773","18b","","181r-184v","Gaude felix anna que concepisti prolem. Que erat paritura","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1814,"York Minster Add. 2","RH 822","20k","","200r-201v","Alma chorus domini nunc pangat nomina summi Messyas Sother?Domine deus omnipotens qui consubstancialem? Or' Benedictio dei patris","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1815,"York Minster Add. 2","Surtees Soc. 63","1","","4r-9v","","","Latin",,"","Brev. Ebor. i (3)-(14), but here Anne is in black and not red (26 July) and Barbara (4 Dec) omitted. 'Eu-' consistently rendered as 'Ew-' e.g. Ewsebii. 'pape' and feasts of Thomas of Canterbury untouched.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1816,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0048","1b","","6v-12v","Missus est angelus angelus gabriel ad mariam uirginem desponsatam ioseph nuncians ei uerbum. Aue maria gracia etc. et sic dicitur quinquies (preceding four words in red). Dominus tecum. Imperatrix reginarum?noli me famulum tuum","et perduc me ad gaudium paradisi. Amen","Latin",,"","Eight paragraphs: (2-4) Dominus tecum? (5) Te ergo deprecor mitissima? (6) Sancta maria mater misericordie? (7) Sancta maria regina celorum? (8) Rogo te domina dulcissima?","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1817,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0049","8","","97r-104v",,,"Latin",,"","In five parts: (a) 97r-99r: Hic incipiunt septem psalmi et quindecim psalmi (b) ff. 99v-100: Ymnus. Christe qui lux es? Illumina quesumus domine deus tenebras (nostras) (c) 100v-101v: O gemma lucis et uirtutis ? Deus qui beatum ricardum presulem (d) ff. 101v-102 Aue dextera manus christi. Perforata plaga tristi (e) ff.102-103v Ista oracio est dicenda ant[e] septem psalmos penitenciales in honore dei et omnium sanctorum pro magna dei indulgencia. Oracio. Suscipe sancte pater hos septem psalmos - Quos ego indignus peccator f) f. 104rv In principio erat uerbum.. et ueritatis. V'. Verbum caro - Concede quesumus omnipotens: ut nos unigeniti tui noua per carnem natiuitas liberet' (a) Cues only of all penitential and first 12 gradual psalms (b) memoria (c) memoria of Archbishop Richard Scrope, printed in Notes and Queries, 2nd series 1 (1856), 489, and partly in Horae Ebor, p. 182, beginning with an 11-line picture of an archbishop and a kneeling woman with a scroll 'Sancte ricarde scrope ora pro nobis'; d) on Five Wounds, RH, no. 1771; f) memoria of the Nativity.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1818,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0050","9","","122rv, 122v","In three parts: (a) 122rv: Mentem sanctam. spontaneum?Deus qui inter cetera potencie (b) 122v: Barbara nocte tua pane qui cibatur et unda Hic numquam poterit baratri sentire profunda (c) 122v: Qui scripsit scribat semper cum domino iuuat.","","Latin",,"","Added space fillers - (a) is a memoria of a virgin martyr.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1819,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0051","11","","165r-166v","Legitur in uita sancti Bernardi abbatis quod diabolus dixit se scire octo uersus psalterii - Illumina? Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui ezechie regi","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1820,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0052","12e","","171v-172v","Bonifacius papa concessit omnibus deuote dicentibus hanc oracionem sequentem septem annos indulgencie. Stabat mater","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1821,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0053","12f","","172v-173v","Clemens papain consilio laterensi concessit omnibus deuote dicentibus hanc oracionem cc dies et lxa indulgencie. Deprecor te sancte maria mater dei pietate plenissima","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1822,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0054","17","","177v-181r","","","Latin",,"","Memoriae of the Holy Spirit, Trinity, Cross, Michael, John Baptist, Peter and Paul, John ev., Laurence, Nicholas, Katherine, Margaret, Mary Magdalene, and peace.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1823,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0055","19","Matutinas de spirito sancto/ Seruicium de spiritu sancto","186r-193v","Hic incipit (sic) matutinas de spirito sancto. Spiritus sancti assit nobis gracia","Explicit seruicium de spiritu sancto","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1824,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0056","20","","196r-199v; 201v","In ten parts: (a-f) 196r-199v: [ Memoria of Thomas of Canterbury] Gaude thoma martir christi. die martis qui fuisti [Memoria of Andrew, Stephen, Blaise, Cuthbert, Apollonia and John of Beverley (h) 199v: Oracio ad proprium angelum. Sancte angele","","Latin",,"","(c-f) start with 4-line pictures.","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1825,"York Minster Add. 2","UMP 0057","21b","","207r-v","De sancto Iohanne de Brydlington. O Iohannes speculum uite christo care?(10 lines) Oracio Deus qui piissimum famulum","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 786-91" 1826,"York Minster Add. 30","Brev. Ebor. i. (3)-(14)","1","","ff. 4-9v","","","Latin",,"","See MMBL IV: 800-802 for breakdown of texts.","","MMBL IV: 800-802" 1827,"York Minster XVI.I.5","PL 191: 55-1296","1","Psalterium cum communi glosa. et glosatum per petrum lombardum","1r-193r","Cum omnes prophetas spiritus sancti reuelatione","omnis spiritus laudet dominum. Finito christus rex libro sit benedictus. (pereat scriptor)","Latin",,"","The commentary on Ps. 1:6 'Ideo non resurgunt' ends on f. 2v 'consilium est' as edn., col. 67B, and is continued, 'Ideo iob ait. Non saluat inpios ? potestatis ostenditur', on an added leaf, f. 3, in a contemporary hand responsible for other additions. Pss. 38 and 80 begin new quires, 7 and 13, with a change of hand, ff. 59 and 117. Many marginalia, some in a s. xv English hand, including sentences ascribed to Grosseteste.","","MMBL IV: 712" 1828,"York Minster XVI.I.5","Stegmuller 7302","2","Glosa super cantica secundum (in explicit)","193r-196r","Confitebor tibi domine id est laudabo te nunc","que constat ex populo suo. Explicit glosa super cantica secundum Ricardum Hampole","English","Latin","","Added s.xv","","MMBL IV: 712" 1830,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Horae Ebor: 181-2","5c","","27v","[S]alue presul inclite speculum fulgoris","Oratio. [d]eus qui inter capitalis sentencie","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1831,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Horae Ebor: 37-62","3","","2v-24v","","","Latin",,"","Hours of the Cross worked in.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1832,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Horae Ebor: 62-3","4a","","24v-25v","In three parts: (a) Salue regina ? V'. Virgo mater ecclesie (b) f. 25r (round a drawing of a rose) Hic fotens ortorum: puteus et aqua uiuorum. Hic iubilis morum: hic lotrix criminorum'.","(a) Oratio, Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui gloriose et uirginis","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1833,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Horae Ebor: 70-71/2","5b","","26v-27v","[F]uit quidam clericus in partibus Burgundie","Aue ihesu christe uerbum partis filius virginis","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1834,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Horae Ebor: 76-80","23b","","100v-105v","Aue benignissime domine ihesu christe. O ihesu christe eterna dulcedo","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1835,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Horae Ebor: 88-99","6","Septem psalmi","31r-43r","Hic incipiunt septem psalmi","","Latin",,"","Psalms followed on f. 37r by the Litany. Here George, Edward, and Barbara were omitted, Peter is doubled, William precedes Wilfred. Seven names inserted, s.xv: George after Christopher, Kenelm after Oswald, Dunstan after Basil, Francis after Leonard, Martha after Mary Magdalene, Barbara after Hilda, and Bridget after Everildis.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1836,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Horae Ebor: 99-111","11","","52v-66v","","","Latin",,"",,"","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1838,"York Minster XVI.K.6","IMEV 1981","2","","1r-2v","Lord un-do my lyppis iesu heuen kyng","","English",,"",,"","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1839,"York Minster XVI.K.6","IMEV 2892","21","","98v-99r","In two parts: (a) [Memoria of Helen] (b) Seint Elene I ye pray To helpe me at my last day","And bryng my soule to requied","English",,"","separate text.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1840,"York Minster XVI.K.6","IMEV 4049.6","5a","","26v","Wen tho lest wenis veniet mors te superare Thus yi graue grenis ergo mortis memorare","","English",,"","separate text.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1842,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Ps. 116","8","","44v-45r","Laudate dominum omnes gentes","manet in eternum","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1843,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Ps. 53","28","","112r-v","[D]eus in nomine tuo saluum me fac. et in uirtute tua","oculus meus. [Followed by the opening words of Ps. 66.] Ps. [D]eus misereatur nostri et benedicat nobis","Latin",,"","Added in s.xv. f. 113r-v blank","s.xv","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1844,"York Minster XVI.K.6","Pss. 21-30","9","","45r-52r","","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1845,"York Minster XVI.K.6","RH 18123","4d","","25v-26v","Salue plaga lateris nostri redemptoris","Oratio. Domini ihesu christe saluator mundi","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1846,"York Minster XVI.K.6","RH 2070","18","","90r-91r","Aue regina celorum aue domina angelorum","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1847,"York Minster XVI.K.6","RH 6714","13a","","75rv","[G]aude barbara regina. summa pollens","","Latin",,"","","Added, s.xv","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1848,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0022","5d","","28rv","[S]uscipe domine sancte pater hos septem salmos a sancto dauid propheta?quos ego indignus peccator","in celi gaudio Amen","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1849,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0023","5e","","29r-30r","[D]eus misericordie et ueritatis suppliciter deprecor clemenciam tuam","ueniam peccatorum et uitam sempiternam Qui uiuis","Latin",,"","f. 30v blank.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1850,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0024","7","","43r-44v","","","Latin",,"","Fifteen psalms, cues only of the first twelve.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1851,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0025","10","","52rv","","","Latin",,"","'Antiphons per signum crucis', and 'Non autem gloria'.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1852,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0026","12","","66v-75r","Beati immaculati","","Latin",,"","Follwed by 'Tibi domine commendamus' and 'Partem beate resurreccionis'.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1853,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0027","13b","","75v-76v","Cum quadam die","[B]enedictus sis tu deus creator omnium","Latin",,"","The heading relates that this prayer was given by B.V.M to St Bridget and refers to her revelations, bk. I, cap. 8.","Added, s.xv","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1854,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0028","14","","77r-80v","Ad dominum cum tribularer. Sancte petre princeps apostolorum","","Latin",,"","Twelve prayers, one to each apostle, introduced in red by the opening words of Pss. 119-30 respectively.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1855,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0029","15","","81r-86r, 105v-106v, 106v-107v","In five parts: (a) ff. 81r-82r: Domine ihesu christe qui de celo descendisti (b) ff. 82-3: Domine ihesu christe fili dei viui qui pro nobis miseris peccatoribus (c) ff. 83-4: Cuilibet dicenti hanc oracionem conceditur quod si esset in statu eterne","(e) et regnans deus. Amen","Latin",,"","(d) Memoria of the holy name (c) repeated 105v-106v (d) repeated 106v-107v.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1856,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0030","16","","86r-87v","Summe trinitati simplici deo","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1857,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0031","17","Letania de sancta maria","87v-90r","Incipit letania de sancta maria","","Latin",,"","Ends with the prayer 'Domina dulcissima ornamentum? me (N over erasure) famulum suum die ac nocte omnibusque horis defendat amen'.","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1858,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0032","19","","91r-94r","In four parts: (a) [Mary Magdalene] (b) [Margaret] Gaude virgo margareta casta manusueta (c) [Denis] (d) [Katherine, Margaret and Mary Magdalene] Katerina margarita virgines sanctissime","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1859,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0033","20","Inquisicio sancti Augustini","94r-98v","Incipit inquisicio sancti Augustini de ista oracione in quacumque die quis cantauerit hanc non nocebit ei diabolus vel homo et quod iuste pecierit dabit ei deus. Domine ihesu christe qui in hunc mundum propter nos.","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1860,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0034","22","","99r-100r","In two parts: (a) [John Baptist] Salue sacratissime mulieris nate; (b) [Holy Name]","","Latin",,"","(a) 20 lines","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1861,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0035","23a","","100rv","Domine ihesu christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1862,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0036","24","Legitur in vita sancti Bernardi","107v-108v","Legitur in vita sancti Bernardi. Illumina oculos meos","Oratio. Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui ezechie regi","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1863,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0037","25","","108v-109r","In three parts: (a) f. 108v: Oracio in aurora dicenda. Gracias tibi ago domine domine ihesu christe qui me indignum famulum tuum; (b) ff. 108v-109r: In manus tuas domine; (c) f. 109r: Oracio. Aue et gaude dulcissime spiritus angelice qui es custos anime","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1864,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0038","26","","109v-110v","Oracio venerabilis bede? preparatam. Oracio. Domine ihesu qui septem verba","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1865,"York Minster XVI.K.6","UMP 0039","27","","110v-112r","Oracio. Domine deus pater omnipotens filius et spiritus sanctus da michi .N. famulo tuo victoriam? Libera me domine ihesu christe","","Latin",,"","","","MMBL IV: 727-30" 1866,"York Minster XVI.P.5","Dolezalek, ii sub York, iii sub Bartolus","1","lectura domini Bartoli Super Codice","1r-316r","[R]vbrica ista habetur diuersimode vera Rubrica est illa quam dicam uobis legendo - (f. 2v) Cvnctos. populos. diuide I. istam in tres partes","I. prout quisque Bartolus legum doc'. Explicit lectura domini Bartoli Super Codice.","Latin",,"","Bk 6 starts a new quire (19). Ff. 180v, 316v-319v blank.","Written in Italy. Hybrida - 3 hands: A: 1r-20v; 53r-112v; B: 21r-52v; 181r-316v;C: 113r-180v.","MMBL IV: 768-9" 1867,"York Minster XVI.P.5","UMP 2000","2","","320r-329v","In nomine ihesu christi eiusque matris marie virginis gloriose necnon beatorum anthonii nicolai tociusque curie celestis amen. Qui ubi christus non est - sequitur Rubrica de Iure fisci. Bartolous legum doctor. Glo. Continuat etc. Duobus modis","coguntur facere exactionem ad?","Latin",,"","(Codex 10-12) Ends imperfectly at bk. 10. x.19.6. This copy not listed by Dolezalek.","Hybrida - fourth hand in the manuscript","MMBL" 1868,"York Minster XVI.K.16","UMP 3025","1","Collaciones quadragesimales dominica","ff. 1-91v","Collaciones quadragesimales dominica","Expliciunt collaciones quadragesimales secundum vsum ecclesie Ebor'","Latin",,,,"Anglicana formata - one hand","MMBL IV: 733-34" 1869,"York Minster XVI.K.16","PL 40. 983-992","2","Incipit Speculum peccatoris","ff. 92-103v","Incipit Speculum peccatoris. Quoniam frater karissime in huius via vite","prouideas, vt viuas cum eo - amen. Explict","Latin",,,,"Anglicana formata - one hand.","MMBL IV: 733-34" 1870,"York Minster XVI.K.16","Forshaw 1973","3","Incipit liber sancti Edmundi","ff. 103v-146v","Incipit liber sancti Edmundi qui nuncupatur speculum ecclesie. In nomine domini altissimi dulcissimi nostri ihesu christi","Explicit tractatus Sancti Edmundi de pontiniaco qui appellatur speculum ecclesie. Et bene potest cum in tota sacra scriptura non poterit aliquid specialius inueniri","Latin",,,,"Anglicana formata - one hand","MMBL IV: 733-34" 1871,"York Minster XVI.K.16","Bloomfield 2501","4",,"ff. 147-152v","Instruccio simplicium sacerdotum per fratrem Iohannem Pecheham . Ignorancia sacerdotum populum precipitat in foueam erroris","animo contrahatur. Et cetera. Explicit preicta constitucio simplicium sacerdotum","Latin",,,,"Anglicana formata - one hand","MMBL IV: 733-34" 1877,"York Minster XVI.K.16","UMP 3029","6","Virtutes cardi","ff. 153-154v","Mandata dei versificata patent.",,"Latin",,,"Includes 12 different Latin verses.","Anglicana formata - one hand","MMBL IV: 733-34" 1883,"York Minster XVI.K.16","UMP 3033","5",,"ff. 152v-153","In omni sacramento est inuenire aliquid quod sit sacramentum","mutuus consensus","Latin",,,,"Anglicana formata - one hand","MMBL IV: 733-34" 1884,"York Minster XVI.K.16","UMP 3034","7",,"ff. 154v-158v","Qui vere voluerit ad salutem anime sue","ab eis descendencia. Explicit",,,,,"Anglicana formata - one hand","MMBL IV: 733-34" 1885,"York Minster XVI.K.16","UMP 3467","8","Hic est libellus de emendacione vite","ff. 159-196v","Hic est libellus de emendacione vite siue de regula viuendi-prosequemer . De conuersione. Capitulum primum. Ne tardas conuerti ad dominum.","Expliciunt xii Capitula de emendacione vite secundum venerabilem Ricardum de hanpule heremitam qui in festo sancti Michaelis Archangeli Anno domini Millesimo CCC xlix migrauit ad dominum","Latin",,,,"Anglicana formata - one hand","MMBL IV: 733-34" 1886,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 12-16","1","Incipit dictum de Kelyngworthe","ff. 16-19v","Incipit dictum de Kelyngworthe",,"Latin",,,"Followed by SR i. 18. f. 20r blank. f. 20v originally blank, c.f. item 16.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1888,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3035","2","Magna carta libertatis tocius Anglie","ff. 21-24",,,"Latin",,,"Altered to inspeximus of Edward I.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1889,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i, Charters of Liberties, 42-3/36","3",,"ff. 24-25v",,,"Latin",,,"Altered to inspeximus of Edward I, 28 March 1300.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1890,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR I. 19-25","5","Sequuntur Statuta de Marleberg'","ff. 27v-31v",,,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1891,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. I","4","Prouisiones de Merthon'","ff. 26-27v",,,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1892,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 45-50","6","Secuntur statuta Gloucest'","ff. 31v-35","Secuntur statuta Gloucest'",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1893,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 50","7","Incipiunt explanaciones eiusdem","f. 35","Incipiunt explanaciones eiusdem",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1894,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 71-95","11","Incipit statutum Westm' secundi","ff. 49-68v","Incipit statutum Westm' secundi",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1896,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 26","8","Secuntur Statuta Westmon' Prima","ff. 35-46","Secuntur Statuta Westmon' Prima",,"Latin",,,"Marked 'Istud statutum examinatur per ceram Gildaule' and 'Istud statutum est vere examinatum per statutum sigillatum in cera in Gildaula Lond' '. Many alterations in the margins.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1897,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 45-50","9","Incipit statutum Gloucestrie","ff. 46-48v","Incipit statutum Gloucestrie",,"Latin",,,"A fuller version that item 6, as is noted in the margin. Against chapter 12 are the words 'Iste articulus est correctus per Regem et inuenies post per numeram .7. post mensur' terre per ysidorum 'videlicet folio cci' - see item 77.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1898,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 50","10","Incipiunt explanaciones eiusdem","ff. 48v-49","Incipiunt explanaciones eiusdem",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1899,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 51","12","Incipit statutum Religiosorum","ff. 68v-69","Incipit statutum Religiosorum",,"Latin",,,"A note at the end states that this statute was of 1285 and not to be observed in London.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1900,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 98-100","13","Incipit statutum de Mercatoribus","ff. 69v-71v","Incipit statutum de Mercatoribus",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1901,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 69","14","Incipit statutum de scaccario nouum","ff. 71v-72v","Incipit statutum de scaccario nouum",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1902,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 197b","15","Incipiunt distrucciones eiusdem","ff. 72v-73","Incipiunt distrucciones eiusdem",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1903,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 96","16","Incipiunt statuta Wyntonie","ff. 73v-75","Incipiunt statuta Wyntonie",,"Latin",,,"The writ on the statute, addressed to the sheriffs of London, is added in a blank space on f. 20v.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1904,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 42","17","Incipit statutum de Bigamis","ff. 75-76","Incipit statutum de Bigamis",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1905,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 229","18","Incipit statutum de respectu Milit' habendo","f. 76rv","Incipit statutum de respectu Milit' habendo",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1906,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 106","19","Incipit statutum de emptoribus terrarum","f.77rv","Incipit statutum de emptoribus terrarum",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1907,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 223","20","Incipit statutum de consuetudinibus Kancie","ff. 77v-79v","Incipit statutum de consuetudinibus Kancie",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1908,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 232","21","Incipit statutum de sacromento Ministrorum Regis 'in itinere'","ff. 79v-80","Incipit statutum de sacromento Ministrorum Regis 'in itinere'",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1909,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 210","22","Incipit statutum Exonie super coronatores","ff. 80-83v","Incipit statutum Exonie super coronatores",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1910,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 44","23","Incipit statutum de Iusticiariis assignatis","ff. 83v-84","Incipit statutum de Iusticiariis assignatis",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1911,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 197","24","Incipit aliud statutum scaccarii","ff. 84-86v","Incipit aliud statutum scaccarii",,,,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1912,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 216","25","Incipit statutum de conspiratoribus","ff. 86v-87","Incipit statutum de conspiratoribus. Cum il seit apertement defendu","Done a Berwyk' sur Twede etc lan Regne le Roy Edward vyntyme","Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1913,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 107","26","Incipit statutum de quo Waranto","f. 87rv","Incipit statutum de quo Waranto. Quia breuia",,"Latin",,,"A reference in the margin to item 76.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1914,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 108","27","Incipit statutum de vocatis ad warantum","ff. 87v-88","Incipit statutum de vocatis ad warantum",,"Latin",,,"A second copy, beginning 'Incipit Westmonasterium quartum' has been added to ff. 249v-50.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1915,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 109","28","Incipit statutum de vasto facto in custodia","f. 88rv","Incipit statutum de vasto facto in custodia",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1916,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 213","29","Incipit statutum super vicecomites et clericos suous etc","f. 89rv","Incipit statutum super vicecomites et clericos suous etc",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1917,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 131","30","Incipit statutum de libertatibus terris et huiusmodi perquirendis","ff. 89rv-90","Incipit statutum de libertatibus terris et huiusmodi perquirendis",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1918,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 128/55","31","Incipit statutum de finibus","ff. 90-91v","Incipit statutum de finibus. Quia fines",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1919,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 222","32","Incipit statutum de Gauleto in London'","ff. 91v-92","Incipit statutum de Gauleto in London'",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1920,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 219","33","Incipit statutum de moneta","ff. 92v-93","Incipit statutum de moneta",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1921,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 219a","34","Incipiunt articuli eiusdem","f. 93rv","Incipiunt articuli eiusdem",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1922,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 220","35","Breue formatum, super statutum de moneta","f. 94",,,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1923,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 101/24","36","Incipit statutum de prohibicione Regis impetranda","ff. 94v-95","Incipit statutum de prohibicione Regis impetranda. Sub qua forma",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1924,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 101/1-23","37","Incipiunt articuli contra R. prohibicionem","f. 95","Incipiunt articuli contra R. prohibicionem",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1925,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 113","38","Incipit statutum de Iuratis et Assisis","f. 95v","Incipit statutum de Iuratis et Assisis",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1926,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3040","39","Breue super Statutum de Proclamacione","f. 96",,,"Latin",,,"The writ relating to item 38.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1927,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 123","40","Incipit confirmacio Reg. E. cartarum","ff. 96-97","Incipit confirmacio Reg. E. cartarum",,"French",,,"Three chapters","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1928,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 136","41","Incipiunt noui articuli super cartis","ff. 97-101v","Incipiunt noui articuli super cartis",,"French",,,"In the margin of f. 97v 'Isti articuli sunt confirmati. sigillati et pro lege acceptati'.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1929,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 230","42","Incipit statutum armorum in Torneamentis","ff. 101v-2","Incipit statutum armorum in Torneamentis",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1930,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 142","43","Incipit statutum lincolnie","ff. 102v-103","Incipit statutum lincolnie",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1931,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 110","44","Incipit statutum de defensione iuris admiss'","ff. 103v-104","Incipit statutum de defensione iuris admiss'",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1932,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3041","45","Incipit statutum de noua custuma","ff. 104-6v","Incipit statutum de noua custuma. Edwardus dei gracia.. salutem. Circa bonum statutum omnium Mercatorum","apud Wyndesore primo die Februarii anno regni nostri Tricesimo primo","Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1933,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 217","46","Incipit statutum de proteccionibus non allocandis","ff. 106v-7v","Incipit statutum de proteccionibus non allocandis",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1934,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 147","47","Incipit statutum de Foresta","ff. 107v-9","Incipit statutum de Foresta",,"Latin",,,"Marked 'Examinatur per ceram' and corrected.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1935,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 145","48","Incipit statutum de coniuncto feoffamento","ff. 109-10v","Incipit statutum de coniuncto feoffamento",,"Latin",,,"Marked 'Examinatur per ceram Gyldaule' and corrected. Three writs on the statute dated respectively 27 May and 27 July 34 Edward I, and 21 Jan Edward II are added in the margins of ff. 109v-11.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1936,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3042","49","Incipit statutum de presbiteris et clericis","ff. 110v-11v","Incipit statutum de presbiteris et clericis. Edwardus dei gracia etc. Vicecomititbus Londoniarum salutem","Carlisle, 18 Mar. anno 25","Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1937,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 215","50","Incipit statutum de Finibus et attornatis","ff. 111v-12","Incipit statutum de Finibus et attornatis",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1938,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 150","51","Incipit statutum de Religiosis aliegenis","ff. 112-114","Incipit statutum de Religiosis aliegenis",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1939,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 154","52","Incipiunt articuli de prisis editi apud Staunford' et confirmati per Regem nunc 'Edwardum filium R. E.'","ff. 114-15v","Incipiunt articuli de prisis editi apud Staunford' et confirmati per Regem nunc 'Edwardum filium R. E.'",,"French",,,"Marked 'Isti articuli sunt in Gyldaula Lond' sigillata cum sigillo magno domini R' and 'Examinatur per ceram' and corrected.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1940,"London CRO Liber Horn","CPR, 35 Ed I: 542","53",,"ff. 116-18v","Commissio Iustic' ad transgressiones et felonias audiendas et terminandas in com' subscript' et per totam regnum","Articuli inde. Inquirendum est de malefactoribus... per quos qualiter et quomodo","Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1941,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3043","54","Incipiunt exposiciones vocabulorum contentorum in cart' libertatum","ff. 118v-19v","Incipiunt exposiciones vocabulorum contentorum in cart' libertatum. Soka hoc est secta","pro aueragio domini Regis","Latin","French",,"Further explanations added in French in the margins.","Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1942,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 246","55","Incipit visus franciplegii","f. 120v","Incipit visus franciplegii",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1943,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 227","56","Incipit modus faciendi homagium et fidelitatem","f. 120v","Incipit modus faciendi homagium et fidelitatem",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1944,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 199","57","Incipit assisa panis","ff. 120v-1","Incipit assisa panis",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1945,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 200 (a)","58","Lucrum pistoris","f. 121rv",,,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1946,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 200 (b)","59","Incipit assisa Ceruisie","f. 121v","Incipit assisa Ceruisie",,"French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1947,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 202","60","Incipit composicio ad puniendum infringentes assisam panis et ceruisie Forestallarios cocos etc","ff. 121v-2v","Incipit composicio ad puniendum infringentes assisam panis et ceruisie Forestallarios cocos etc",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1948,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 204","61","Incipit Assisa de ponderibus et mensuris","f. 123rv","Incipit Assisa de ponderibus et mensuris",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1949,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 206","62","Incipit modus amensurandi terram","ff. 123v-4v","Incipit modus amensurandi terram","et huiusmodi","Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1950,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3204","63","Incipit parua Hengham.","ff. 124v-34v","Incipit parua Hengham. Notandum quod","fuisset tenens","Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1951,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3045","64","Incipit Ordo excepcionem.","ff. 135-40v","Incipit Ordo excepcionem. Cest lordre de excepcion","le bref abatable","French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1952,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3201","65","Incipit summa que vocatur fet a sauer","ff. 140v-55v","Incipit summa que vocatur fet a sauer. Fet a sauer","il ne ad pas fet venir","French",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1953,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 242","66","Incipit extenta Manerii","ff. 155v-6v","Incipit extenta Manerii",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1954,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 217","67","Incipit statutum de proteccionibus non allocandis","ff. 156v-7","Incipit statutum de proteccionibus non allocandis",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1955,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 208 (a)","68","Incipiunt dies communes de banco","f. 157v","Incipiunt dies communes de banco",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1956,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 208 (b)","69","Incipiunt dies communes de Dote","f. 157v","Incipiunt dies communes de Dote",,"Latin",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1957,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3047","70","Incipit Housebondria","ff. 158-68","Incipit Housebondria. Li peres sist en sa veillesce","rien ny perde","Anglo-Norman",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1958,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3048","71","Deinde incipit senechaucia","ff. 168-76","Deinde incipit senechaucia. Li Seneschal des terres","mester de autri aprise","Anglo-Norman",,,,"Business hand","MMBL I: 27-34" 1959,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 7","72","Incipit prouisio de anno et die bisextili","f. 176v","Incipit prouisio de anno et die bisextili",,"Latin",,,,"Early additions.","MMBL I: 27-34" 1960,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 157","73","Ces sont les chapitres des ordinances","ff. 177-89","Ces sont les chapitres des ordinances",,"French",,,"Marked 'Iste ordinaciones cum breui cum eisdem in Gyldaula adiunct' examinatur' and corrected. Writs of 5 Oct., 5 Ed II and 13 Feb., 8 Ed II are added in the blank space on f. 189 and in the margins of ff. 188v-9.","Early additions","MMBL I: 27-34" 1961,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3049","74",,"ff. 179v-99v","Ces sont bones notabilites prises de Bretoun ceo est de la comune lei Dengleterre",,"French",,,,"Early additions","MMBL I: 27-34" 1962,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3050","76","Adhuc de quo waranto","ff. 200v-1","Adhuc de quo waranto",,"Latin",,,,"Early additions","MMBL I: 27-34" 1963,"London CRO Liber Horn","SR i. 52","77",,"f. 201rv",,,"Latin",,,"Marked 'Hec in minori libro Gildaule cum litera 7'.","Early additions","MMBL I: 27-34" 1976,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3058","81",,"f. 375rv","Post adquisicionem Anglie per Willelmum ducem Normandie","ceperunt minui","Latin",,,,,"MMBL I: 27-34" 1977,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3057","79",,"ff. 360v-1",,,,,,,,"MMBL I: 27-34" 1978,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3056","80",,"ff. 362v-74v",,,,,,,,"MMBL I: 27-34" 1979,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 3060","75",,"ff. 199v-200",,,"Latin",,,"Copied partly from the text 'in rubeo libro camere Gildaule Lond' '.",,"MMBL I: 27-34" 1980,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 130","IMEV 3429","1",,"ff. 1-120v","Euer to knowe bož gode and ille/ And žerto 3af him witt and wille","Vnto žat same ioye he vs bringe/ žat for oure loue makede al žinge. Amen par charite.","English",,,"Beginning defectively in the prologue, v. 77.","Written in an anglicana formata script, with corrections in another hand.","Dutschke 1989" 1981,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. i. 3-162","2",,"11-113",,,"Latin",,,,"Hand 1 Marginal corrections in crayon in current anglicana, repeated in ink in textura in the margin, between lines and over erasure.","MMBL IV: 800-802" 1982,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. i. 163-5","3a",,"113-14","Ista oracio est deuota sacerdoti ad dicendum ante missam quam sanctus Augustinus composuit. Summe sacerdos","sciciam in eternum","Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1983,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. i. 181/1","3b",,"114-119v, 121-123v","Quando presbiter lauat",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1984,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. i. 213-53","4",,"ff. 123v-156",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1985,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. i. 257-9","5","In dedicacione ecclesie","f. 156rv",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1986,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 1-132","6",,"ff. 156v-190v",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1987,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 133-58","7",,"ff. 190v-207",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1988,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 158-83","8","Commemoracio sancte trinitatis","ff. 207-218v",,,,,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1989,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 183-9","9","Missa pro fidelibus defunctis","ff. 218v-221v",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1990,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 189-90","10",,"ff. 221v-222","Quedam mulier in omnibus deuotissima",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1991,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 190-3","11",,"ff. 222-224v","In celebracione nupciarum. Sacerdos prius inquirat- nos separauerit. Benediccio anuli","Tunc secundum morem antiquam: thurificentur chorus et thalamus","Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1992,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 193-196/8","12",,"ff. 224v-225","Benediccio salis et aque",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1993,"York Minster Add. 30","UMP 3061","12",,"f. 225rv",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1994,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 216-20","15",,"ff. 226-7","Officium. In nomine ihesu omne genu flectatur","promoueant per eundem- christum","Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1995,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor, ii, 196","14","Diebus dominicis benediccio panis","f. 225v",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1996,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 233","16",,"f. 227rv","Missa pro euitanda mortalitate quam dominus papa clemens fecit et constituit in collegio - Recordare domini",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1997,"York Minster Add. 30","UMP 3062","17",,"ff. 228-242v",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1998,"York Minster Add. 30","Missale Ebor. ii. 230-1","18",,"ff. 242v-243",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 1999,"York Minster Add. 30","UMP 3064","19",,"f. 243","Domine sancte pater omnipotens eterne deus qui fecisti","Domine deus celi et terre","Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 2000,"York Minster Add. 30","UMP 3063","20",,"f. 243v","Rege quesumus domine famulum tuum Radulphum","Adesto domine supplicationibus","Latin",,,,,"MMBL IV: 800-802" 2001,"Bristol All Saints Church 1","UMP 3073","1","Expliciunt decem promouentia ad ascendendum in scala virtutu","ff. 1v-2v","Decem promouentia ad ascendendum in scala virtutum. [V]t homo possit amplius proficere","Expliciunt decem promouentia ad ascendendum in scala virtutum","Latin",,,,"Scribe named Trament.","MMBL II: 183-185" 2002,"Bristol All Saints Church 1","PL 40. 1147-58","2","Explicit 'iius' tractatus beati Augustini doctoris vocatus de visitacione infirmorum","ff. 3-14","Hic incipit tractatus beati Augustini de visitacio[ne infirmorum]. [V]isitacionis gracia nepoti meo","Explicit 'iius' tractatus beati Augustini doctoris vocatus de visitacione infirmorum quod TRAMENT","Latin",,,,"Scribe named Trament.","MMBL II: 183-185" 2003,"Bristol All Saints Church 1","PL 40: 1031-46","3","Liber beati Augustini de vita cristiana","ff. 14-24v","Liber beati Augustini de vita cristiana. [V]t ego peccator","Explicit liber de doctrina cristiana","Latin",,,,"Scribe named Trament.","MMBL II: 183-185" 2004,"Bristol All Saints Church 1","UMP 3074","4",,"ff. 24-28","Notandum est quod quamuis cristus apostoli ecciam et doctores aliqui autenti nominauerunt hoc sacramentum nomine panis","eciam si tante rei sacramentum ad iudicium sibi manducat et bibit. hec a' isti","Latin",,,,"Scribe named Trament","MMBL II: 183-185" 2005,"Bristol All Saints Church 1","PL 184: 340-1","5",,"f. 28rv","Beatus bernardus ad monachos montis dei in libro ii sic dicit de anima. Anima est res incorporea","et promouemur per spem. et figimur per amorem","Latin",,,,"Current anglicana hand","MMBL II: 183-185" 2006,"Bristol All Saints Church 1","UMP 3075","6",,"ff. 28v-30","[C]lamat dominus per os ysaie prophete cuntis cristi sacerdotibus sed precipue aliorum curam gerentibus dicens ys. lviii Clama ne cesses","Et qui taliter 'salubriter' vult agere in sequenti opusculo per assiduitatem legendi possit adiscere","Latin",,,,"Current anglicana hand.","MMBL II: 183-185" 2007,"Bristol All Saints Church 1","UMP 3076","7","Epistule dominicales secundum doctorem parisien[sem]","ff. 30-188v","Epistule dominicales secundum doctorem parisien[sem]. [H]ora est iam nos de sompno surgere roman' tercio decimo. Hoc tempus tempus dicitur aduentus","Apoc' 21 Non intrabit in eam inquinatum etc. 3m (ends abruptly).","Latin",,,,"Current anglicana hand.","MMBL II: 183-185" 2008,"Bristol All Saints Church 1","UMP 3077","8","ad faciendum cementum","f.190",,,"Latin",,,,"Current anglicana hand.","MMBL II: 183-185" 2009,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 0041","1",,"ff. 1-46",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2010,"Bristol Public Library 11","Horae Ebor: 62-3","2",,"ff. 46-47v","Ant'. Salve Regina",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2011,"Bristol Public Library 11","Horae Ebor: 179-80","11",,"ff.94-95v","Oracio beati ricardi. O bone ihesu O piissime ihesu O dulcissime ihesu","dulce quod est ihesus amen","Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2012,"Bristol Public Library 11","Horae Ebor: 76-80","12",,"ff. 95v-106","Summa indulgencie",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2014,"Bristol Public Library 11","RH 7017/6810","3","Antiphona","ff. 47v-51","Antiphona. Gaude uirgo mater cristi",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2015,"Bristol Public Library 11","RH 7687/18318","4",,"ff. 51-6","Has uidere (sic) laudes",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2016,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3080","5","Item oracio de sancta maria","ff. 56-9","Item oracio de sancta maria. O intemerata",,"Latin",,,"For male use",,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2017,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3081","6","Oratio","ff. 59-62","Oratio. Obsecro te",,"Latin",,,"For male use.",,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2018,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3082","7",,"ff. 62-66v","Incipiunt letanie gloriossime uirginis marie",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2019,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3083","8a",,"ff. 67-85","Sancta dei genitrix dulcis et decora. Regem morti traditur pro nobis exora",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2020,"Bristol Public Library 11","RH 14850","8b",,"ff. 85-86v","Hec antiphona cum or' dicetur in loco Salue regina. Planctus ante nescia planctu lassor anxia",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2021,"Bristol Public Library 11","RH 14081","9",,"ff. 87-91","Ad imaginum crucifixi. Omnibus consideratis",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2022,"Bristol Public Library 11","Horae Ebor: 141-2","10","Oracio uenerabilis Bede","ff. 91-4","Oracio uenerabilis Bede.. Domine ihesu criste qui septem uerba",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2023,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3084","13a",,"ff. 106v-109v","In nomine domini nostri ihesu cristi et in ueneracione quinque plagarum eius",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2024,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3085","13b",,"f. 109v","Oracio. Domine ihesu criste qui sepultus es.",,"Latin",,,"Ends imperfectly",,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2025,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3086","14a",,"ff. 110-111v","(begins imperfectly) in eadem carne libera me","pretertitis et futuris","Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2026,"Bristol Public Library 11","RH 1090","14c",,"ff. 110-111v","Alia oracio. Anima cristi sanctifica me",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2027,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3087","14b","Oracio","ff. 110-111v","Oracio. Aue uerum corpus domini nostri ihesu cristi natum de maria uirgine",,,,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2028,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3088","14d",,"ff. 110-111v","Oracio. Aue domini ihesu criste uerbum incarnatum",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2029,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3089","15","Oracio Sancti Augustini","ff. 111v-113","Oracio Sancti Augustini. Deus procicius esto michi peccatori",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2033,"Bristol Public Library 11","RH 21204","17",,"f. 117rv","De sancto spiritu. Ympnus. Veni creator spiritus mentes tuorum visita",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2034,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3090","18","Octo uersus sancti Barnardi","f. 118rv","Octo uersus sancti Barnardi. Et quicumque hos uersus dixerint (sic) quotidie, numquam dampnabitur",,,,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2035,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3091","19",,"ff. 119-150v","Hic incipiunt vigilie mortuorum",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2036,"Bristol Public Library 11","Horae Ebor: 111-113","20",,"ff. 151-68","Hic incipiunt commendaciones animarum. Ps Beati immaculati",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2037,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3092","21",,"ff. 168v-189",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2038,"Bristol Public Library 11","Horae Ebor: 114-116","22","Hic incipiunt psalmi passionis","ff. 189v-196v","Hic incipiunt psalmi passionis. Deus deus meus",,,,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2039,"Bristol Public Library 11","Horae Ebor: 116-22","23",,"ff. 196v-207v","Beatus ieronimus papa hoc per spiritum sanctum abreuiauit psalterium","Amen","Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 204-207" 2040,"Bristol Public Library 11","Walther: 4582","24a",,"f. 208","Disparibus meritis pendent tria corpora ramis",,"Latin",,,,"Added.","MMBL II: 204-207" 2041,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 3093","24c",,"f. 208","Oremus. Hostium nostrorum quesumus",,"Latin",,,,"Added.","MMBL II: 204-207" 2042,"Bristol Public Library 11","Walther, Sprichworter: 2456","24b",,"f. 208","Iasper fert mirram. this melchior. baltazar aurum.",,"Latin",,,,"Added.","MMBL II: 204-207" 2043,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 1019","1",,"f. 1-6v",,,"Latin",,,"Calendar in blue, red and black. St Edmund, king and martyr, in blue at 20 Nov. 'Ob Isabelle filie I. de lindherst (or bundherst) vxoris henrici de harnhulle' added early at 9 Aug. 'pape' and feasts of St. Thomas of Canterbury erased.",,"MMBL II: 433-34" 2044,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 0680","2",,"f. 7",,,,,,,,"MMBL II: 433-34" 2045,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 0681","3",,"ff. 7v-8","Douce dame ieo vus pri e humblement vus cri merci",,"Latin",,,,"Added s.xiv.","MMBL II: 433-34" 2046,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 0041","4",,"ff. 9-24",,,"Latin",,,"Begins imperfectly at matins.",,"MMBL II: 433-34" 2047,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 0682","5",,"f. 24rv",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 433-34" 2048,"Downside Abbey 26533","Pss. 1-150","6",,"ff. 25-226",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 433-34" 2049,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 0683","7",,"f. 182","Ihesu nostra redempcio amor et desiderium",,"Latin",,,"Added in a blank space before Ps. 109 (s.xiv).",,"MMBL II: 433-34" 2050,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 0684","8",,"ff. 226-44",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 433-34" 2051,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 1021","9",,"ff. 244-52",,,"Latin",,,"32 martyrs.",,"MMBL II: 433-34" 2052,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 0685","10",,"ff. 255-266v",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 433-34" 2053,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 1022","11d",,"f. 268v","Douce sire ihesu crist ke par vostre pleysir de femme",,"French",,,,"Added, s. xiv.","MMBL II: 433-34" 2054,"Downside Abbey 26533","UMP 1023","11e",,"f. 270v","Douce sire ihesu crist eyer merci de moy",,"French",,,,"Added, s. xiv.","MMBL II: 433-34" 2055,"Downside Abbey 26533","RH 3694","11a",,"f. 267","O sancto uirgo uirginum",,"Latin",,,,"Added, s. xiv","MMBL II: 433-34" 2056,"Downside Abbey 26533","RH 22341","11b",,"f. 267v","Ad cor tuum reuertere",,"Latin",,,,"Added, s. xiv.","MMBL II: 433-34" 2057,"Downside Abbey 26533","RH 30733","11c",,"f. 268","O mira cristi pietas",,"Latin",,,,"Added, s. xiv.","MMBL II: 433-34" 2058,"Barnstaple, North Devon Athenaeum 1618","UMP 1030","1","Incipiunt exordia Senece","ff. 1-14v","Incipiunt exordia Senece cum conclusionibus sequentibus que multum exornant epistolare dictamen et primo inter socios et amicos. Ordo retionis expostulat vt amicorum precibus","in talem disciplinam semat disciplina","Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 53" 2059,"Barnstaple, North Devon Athenaeum 3960","UMP 1031","1",,"ff.1-36","Vtrum tantum 5 sint vniversalia",,"Latin",,,"Headings are: f. 3v, De Specie; ff. 5-6, De differencia; f. 8, De propria; f. 8v, De accidente; ff. 14v-16, De quantitate; f. 17v, De relatius; ff. 19v-23, De substantia; ff. 27-8, De ente et substantia; f. 29, De qualitate; f. 35, De quantitate.","Neat anglicana","MMBL II: 53" 2060,"Ely EDR F/5/32 (Cambridge University Library)","UMP 1040","1",,"ff. 1-88",,,"Latin",,,,"Written in a small clear secretary hand, becoming looser towards the end.","MMBL II: 626" 2061,"Ely EDR F/5/32 (Cambridge University Library)","UMP 1041","2",,"ff. 89v-96v",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II: 626" 2062,"Ely EDR F/5/33 (Cambridge University Library)","UMP 1042","1",,"ff. 1-3v",,,,,,"A table of contents of item 2.","Written in current anglicana.","MMBL II: 626-7" 2063,"Ely EDR F/5/33 (Cambridge University Library)","UMP 1043","2",,"ff. 4-25",,,"Latin",,,"Four leaves are missing from the first quire and 15 from the second. Begins with a 'Littera citacionis'. 'in dies' is glossed as 'ilkaday' on f. 12. Later additions are in the name of Henry, bishop of Worcester (H. Wakefield, 1375-95).","Written in current anglicana.","MMBL II: 626-7" 2064,"Ely EDR F/5/33 (Cambridge University Library)","UMP 1044","3",,"ff. 13v, 14, 18v, 19v-20, 22v, 24, 25v",,,,,,,"Written in current anglicana.","MMBL II: 626-7" 2065,"Eton College 34","UMP 3003","2","Hic explicit liber qui vocatur Fasciculus morum","ff. 104-91","Abstincia quid sit. particule 6 capitulo 3. A. A quibus","Hic explicit liber qui vocatur Fasciculus morum...","Latin",,,,"William Gybbe - an untidy current anglicana, with some secretary forms.","MMBL II: 662-64" 2066,"Eton College 34","UMP 1050","3a",,"f. 191rv","Legitur in miraculo beate marie quod erat quondam parisius quidam Ribaldus qui vocabatur Gobardeys",,"Latin","English",,,"William Gybbe - an untidy current anglicana, with some secretary forms.","MMBL II: 662-64" 2067,"Eton College 34","UMP 1051","3b","Diues mortuus est","ff. 191v-92","Diues mortuus est. Marcus. In hiis verbis 2o video. Primo hominem consolacionis magne",,"Latin","English",,,"William Gybbe - an untidy current anglicana, with some secretary forms.","MMBL II: 662-64" 2068,"Eton College 34","UMP 1052","4",,"ff. 192-199v","Abstinencie 3x est species Prima ciborum et potuum moderacio","sicut granum sinapis. dicite. Huic (ends imperfectly)","Latin",,,"Extracts.","William Gybbe - an untidy current anglicana, with some secretary forms.","MMBL II: 662-64" 2069,"Eton College 34","UMP 1053","5a",,"ff. i, 200",,,"Latin",,,,"Mainly secretary, added in s. xv2.","MMBL II: 662-64" 2070,"Eton College 34","UMP 1054","5b",,"ff. i, 200",,,"Latin",,,,"Mainly secretary, added in s.xv.","MMBL II: 662-64" 2071,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1070","1",,"ff. 1-12v",,,"Latin",,,"Indudes a piece beginning 'Considera signum ascensus' (ff. 1-4) and one headed 'Geomantria', a note on 'Arturus rex obiit christi 540 12 calen' Iunii (f.9), a note of the longitudes of Cambridge, Norwich, Oxford, and London (f.9) and horoscopes of Ed V. 2 Nov. ""anno domini 1470 imperfecto"" and of Edward IV, 27 Apr. 1442, ""secundum calculacionem M. Ioh' Arg' set calculabat secundum tabulas Norwici"" (9v) (cf. 136-82v). ""quod Argentem"" (11v).","Written by John Argentine and another secretary hand.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2072,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","TK 223.9","3","Finit theorica planetarum","ff. 17-33","Circulus eccentricus circulus egresse cuspidis et circulus egredientis","et non retrog(r)aditur. Finit theorica planetarum etc","Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2073,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","Thomson, Grossteste, 243","2",,"ff. 13-16","Astrolabii circulos et membra nominatim","profunditatem. Explicit Tractatus optimus conclusionum Astrolabii","Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine. The scribe wrote ""Argentem pimpe"" in Greek capitals (cf. 17-33, 196v-201).","MMBL II: 952-55" 2074,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1072","4",,"ff. 33v-37",,,"Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2075,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1073","5",,"ff. 37v-68","Sex sunt signa","in libro fructus finit. Hunc librum edidit Habraam Amenesire quod interpretatur magister adiutorii","Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2076,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1074","6","liber iste intitulatur liber sapiente Alii dicunt quod est liber zael'[ in margin]","ff. 69-99v","Mundus iste duodecim signis regitur","reuerti ei deterius et e conuerso. Finit tractatus optimus et certissimus. 'Argentyn'","Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2077,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","Thorndike, HMES, iii: 217","9",,"ff. 107-109v","Sicut dicit commentator super 60 verbo centiloquii","in vno signo tantum Finit feliciter de diebus creticis etc","Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2078,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","TK 455","10",,"ff. 110v-134v","Dixit Messahallah quod inter omnes libros astronomie","non habere inimicos. Explicit liber natiuitatem etc","Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine and another secretary hand.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2079,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1076","11",,"ff. 136-138v","Canones tabularum sequentium. et sunt tabule Willelmi Norwich et eciam canones sui. Horas et minuta de die transacta in ascensiones reducere. Cum numero horarum","in proposito","Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2080,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1077","12",,"ff. 140-161v",,,"Latin",,,"One of them (156-60v) headed ""Tabula reperiendi principia domorum calculata ad latitudinem ciuitatis norwici. que latitudo est 52 gra et 42 minuta et est tabula Willelmi Norwiche monachi sancte fidis"".","Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2081,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1078","13",,"f. 162",,,"Latin",,,"Refers to tables on ff. 156-160v. Argentine added a note at the foot of f. 162 which ends 'Hanc lineam horarum et minutorum addidit Ioh' Argenten ad tabulas Willelmi Norwhich' et hunc canonem edidit anno domini 1477 imperfecto'.","Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2082,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1079","14","Tabule Magistri Iohannis Holbroke fundate super verissimam anni quantitatem et facte erant graui diligencia canterbrig' Anno domini 1433","ff. 163-70","Tabule Magistri Iohannis Holbroke fundate super verissimam anni quantitatem et facte erant graui diligencia canterbrig' Anno domini 1433",,"Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2083,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1080","15",,"f. 170rv",,,"Latin",,,,"Secretary hand.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2084,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1081","16",,"f. 171rv",,,,,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2085,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1082","17",,"ff. 172-81",,,,,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2086,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1083","18",,"ff. 181v-182v",,,,,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2087,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1084","19",,"f. 183rv",,,"Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2088,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1085","20","Pro locis planetarum querendis per tabulas Holbroke siue Alfonsi","ff. 184-7",,,"Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2089,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1086","21",,"ff. 188v-195",,,"Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2090,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1087","22","Canon tabule precedentis","ff. 195-196v","Volumus istam tabulam exponere que est de parte proporcionali habenda","quod extrahitur. Finit canon","Latin",,,"Canon is referring to item 13a.","Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2091,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","TK 52","23","Incipit composicio astrorum speculi generalis.","ff. 196v-201","Incipit composicio astrorum speculi generalis. Ad laudem et honorem summi dei nostri et ad preces quorundam sociorum meorum ac nostrorum opus incepi astrorum speculi generalis secundum principia et questiones ptholomei et composui nouariensis","situacio perpendiculi a C datur. Finit feliciter","Latin",,,"'Argentem pimpe' in Greek capitals, f. 197v. Diagrams on ff. 199v, 200 have not been filled in. On ff. 26v-28 'Composicio huius instrumenti est in libro spisso in libraria aule gunuyle' in red ink.","Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2092,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","Thorndike, HMES, iii: 201","24","Incipit tractatus de saphea.","ff. 201v-219","Incipit tractatus de saphea. Siderei motus et effectus motuum","Explicit liber tabule que nominatur Saphea et vocatur Astrolabium arzachelis. Argentum.","Latin",,,"A red-ink note on f. 202v refers to a copy at Gonville Hall, Cambridge: 'Composicio instrumenti in libro quodam pendente in libraria aule gunuyle'. The diagrams on ff. 202v-203 are unfinished.","Secretary hand.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2093,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","Thorndike, HMES, iii: 678","25",,"ff. 220-4","Incipit tractatus de libro perscrutatoris de pluuia et gelu et tonitruo et ceteris huiusmodo. Nota secundum perscrutatorem","et hec sunt pro maiori parte secundum perscrutatorem eboracensem","Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2094,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","TK 57","26",,"ff. 224v-227","Flores alkabucii. Ad pronosticandum diuersam aeris disposicionem futuram propter diuersitatem motuum superiorum","aspexerunt se in signis aquosis","Latin",,,"(227-8) Astrological notes, ""et in signis sunt gradus qui dicuntur putei ... et caudam eius in 7ŗ signo ab eo etc.""","Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2096,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","TK 1546","27","Incipit liber Saphar de mutacione temporis qui dicitur deazar babilonensis.","ff. 228v-232","Incipit liber Saphar de mutacione temporis qui dicitur deazar babilonensis. Superioris discipline inconcussam veritatem","ascribitur efficacie","Latin",,,,"Secretary hand.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2097,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","TK 160","28","Incipit liber Messahalach","ff. 232v-235","Incipit liber Messahalach quem edidit propter vnum de amicis qui erat mercator cum quo fecit societatem et lucrati sunt in paruo tempore magnam pecuniam. Attendendum 'est' ergo ad hoc quod dicam","vtile venditori. Finit","Latin",,,,"Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2098,"Gloucester Cathedral 21","UMP 1093","29",,"ff. 236-239v",,,,,,"Including: Lists headed ""Fortuna planetarum"", ""Infortuna planetarum"", ""Fortitudines planetarum"", ""Debilitates planetarum"", with the additions of Eschendon and Zael. Notes and tables mainly in Argentine's hand, with calculations also by Simon Bredon and William Worcester. Astronomical notes made ""ad meridiem Cantebrigie"" in 1480.","Written by John Argentine.","MMBL II: 952-55" 2099,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2030","IPMEP 17","2",,"f. 18rv","and XVe ryghtwyse men of hys kyn shull be kepte in good lyfe","ryght as alle that was in wood had ben revyn vppe by the","English",,,,"One scribe, using a secretary hand with marked tapering shafts and a slight forward slope.","Pepys Cat: 46-48" 2100,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2244","UMP 2050","1",,,"Consyderyng the grete desyre of many men [Prologue] Adam was made in damascene ffelde and put into Paradise [Text]","to Edward the Fouthe after the conquest [Prologue] [Edward IV] was crownyd kyng of Engelonde at Westmynster the eight and twenti day of junii in the yere off oure lorde a thousand ffoure hundred sexti one [Text]","English",,,,"Neat secretary, except for the letter 'g', which is of the two-compartment anglicana type. Thorn and yogh are not used.","Pepys Cat: 61-62" 2101,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","IMEV 3943","8",,"f. 91r","When feyth fayleth in prestys sawys","Senym shall sytt in youre asyse","English",,,,"One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2102,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","Charles (1967): 1-5","1",,"ff. 1v-7r",,,,,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2103,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","UMP 2051","2",,"f. 10r-10v",,,,,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2104,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","Charles (1967): 6-93","3",,"ff. 11r-87r",,,,,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2105,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","Charles (1967): 94-97","10",,"ff. 91v-92v",,,,,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2106,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","UMP 2052","12",,"f. 94v",,,"English","Latin",,"Brief instructions in English and Latin.",,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2107,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","UMP 2053","13",,"f. 95r",,,"Latin",,,"Includes two staves of music; a Latin distich on the symbols of the Evangelists.",,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2108,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","Charles (1967): 98-102","14",,"ff. 95v-98v",,,,,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2109,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","Charles (1962): 60-61","17","De Epitrito. et Epogdon","ff. 104r-108v","Epitritus est figura et pertinet ad accentum","[ends in score]","Latin",,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2110,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","Charles (1967): 103-106","16",,"ff. 100r-103v",,,,,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2111,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","UMP 2054","18",,"ff. 109r-110r","Musica docet de numero sonoro","semithonos volueris","Latin",,,,"One hand, the script based on anglicana and anglicana formata models, varying considerably in size and spacing from place to place in the manuscript. The letter thorn is used freely, but yogh does not occur.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2112,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","Charles (1967): 107-120","21",,"ff. 120v-127r",,,,,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2113,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","Charles (1967): 121","23",,"ff. 127v-128r",,,,,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2114,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","UMP 2055","Added",,"f. 95r",,,,,,,"Added in a c16 hand.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2115,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","UMP 2056","Added",,"f. 127v","why not the picture of our dying Lord","Shalt euen as well forbeare to make as bow","English",,,,,"Pepys Cat: 12-14" 2116,"York Minster XVI.I.5","UMP 2060","3",,"ff. 196v-197","Anxelmus. Quad queris a me supra me est et iccirco altiora me tractare timeo ne forte","presumo. Idem. Ira dei non est aliud quam uoluntas puniendi. Idem sicut in bono angelo...","Latin",,,"Added s.xiii in",,"MMBL IV: 712" 2117,"York Minster XVI.I.5","UMP 2061","4",,"f. 197","Anno mo ccco xlviiio",,"Latin",,,"Added s. xiv ex. Notes on pestilences, the deaths of Henry, duke of Lancaster in the second pestilence, and of Blanche duchess of Lancaster in the third, and the great earthquake of 21 May 1382.",,"MMBL IV: 712" 2118,"York Minster XVI.I.5","Walther, Versanf, 1165","5a,b",,"f. v","1387 Ecce caret; 1387 Non poterit nunc",,,,,"On Disturbances - one line and 2 lines.","Added s. xiv/xv in a clear anglicana formata.","MMBL IV: 712" 2119,"York Minster XVI.I.5","Walther, Versanf, 1165","5e, f",,"f. v","1349 Anno milleno C ter; 1349 vel sic Mors communis in M",,"Latin",,,"On pestilence - 2 lines each","Added s. xiv/xv in a clear anglicana formata.","MMBL IV: 712" 2120,"York Minster XVI.I.5","Walther, Versanf, 1165","5g",,"f. v","1361 Luce tui Maure",,,,,"On wind - 4 lines","Added s. xiv/xv in a clear anglicana formata.","MMBL IV: 712" 2121,"York Minster XVI.I.5","Walther, Versanf, 1165","5h",,"f. v","1315 Morsque fames fit in M",,"Latin",,,"On famine - one line","Added s. xiv/xv in a clear anglicana formata.","MMBL IV: 712" 2122,"York Minster XVI.I.5","Walther, Versanf, 1165","5i",,"f. v","1321 M semel et ter C",,"Latin",,,"Execution of Thomas earl of Lancaster - one line","Added s. xiv/xv in a clear anglicana formata.","MMBL IV: 712" 2123,"York Minster XVI.I.5","Walther, Versanf, 1165","5j",,"f. v","1397 dux (Glouc') comes (Arundell') ecce perit. Rex (scilicet Anglie) gaudet Presul (cantuar') et exit",,"Latin",,,"On the arrest and deaths of Thomas duke of Gloucester and Richard earl of Arundel, and exile of Thomas Arundel archbishop of Canterbury, with interlined identifications.","Added s. xiv/xv in a clear anglicana formata.","MMBL IV: 712" 2124,"York Minster XVI.I.5","UMP 2062","5c",,"f. v","1373 M semel et ter C l x.x. tres sibi iunge/ Ryppley Ricardus fuerat tunc presbiteratus",,"Latin",,,,"Added s. xiv/xv in a clear anglicana formata.","MMBL IV: 712" 2125,"York Minster XVI.I.5","UMP 2063","5d",,"f. v","Anno milleno centeno septuageno Anglorum primas","subire beatum","Latin",,,"4 lines","Added s. xiv/xv in a clear anglicana formata.","MMBL IV: 712" 2126,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 77","UMP 2070","1","Here bigynnež že calendar of pistilis and gosp [els] žat ben red bi al že 3er in že chirche aftir že vse of Salisbery","ff. 4-12","Here bigynnež že calendar of pistilis and gosp [els] žat ben red bi al že 3er in že chirche aftir že vse of Salisbery",,"English",,,,,"MMBL III: 404-5" 2127,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 77","UMP 2071","2",,"ff. 13-15","Seynt austyn seiž in že secunde book of cristen doctryne","be more holpen","English",,,,,"MMBL III: 404-5" 2128,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 77","UMP 2073","3",,"ff. 15-16","Oure lord ihesu crist verri god and verri man seiž in že gospel","for ži lawe","English",,,,,"MMBL III: 404-5" 2129,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 77","UMP 2072","4",,"ff. 16-266v",,,"English",,,,,"MMBL III: 404-5" 2130,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2119","1",,"f. 16",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2131,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2220","2",,"f. 16v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2132,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2221","3",,"ff. 16v-17",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2133,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2222","4",,"f. 17",,,,,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2134,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2223","5",,"f. 17",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2135,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2224","6",,"f. 17v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2136,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2225","7",,"f. 18rv",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2137,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2226","8",,"f. 18v",,,"Latin",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2138,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2227","9",,"f. 19rv",,,"Latin","English",,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2139,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2228","10",,"f. 19v",,,"Latin","English",,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2140,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2229","12","Lettres patentes of pardon graunted to the knightes of Cales aftir the dethe of therle of Warwik slayn at Barnet","ff. 20-21",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2141,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2230","13","Lettres patentes of pardon specially graunted","f.21rv",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2142,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2231","13",,"ff. 21v-22",,,"Latin",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2143,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2232","14","Copie of the writte for the corrodie of William Cook in the pryorie of Coventrie sone of Sir Thomas Cook of London knighte and oones maire etc","f. 22v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2144,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2233","15","A lettre of prive seale direct to Thomas Cook aldirman of London speciali studied and devised in maner folowing","ff. 23-25","Edward bi the grace of God king of Englande, of Fraunce and lorde of Irelande","be delyvered unto oure counsaile aforereherced","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2145,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2234","16",,"f. 26",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2146,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2235","17",,"f. 27",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2147,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2236","18",,"f. 28",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2148,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2237","19","Thambassiate sente bi the Frenshe king to Philip, duc of Burgoigne","f. 28v","The king wol that the duc of Burgoigne shalbreke the teuxe that he hatthe made with king Henry vite of Inglond and that he make werre with all thoo that he werrith with all","and in suche wise that the king shal holde hym pleased yif he woll","English",,,"Includes the brief reply given by Burgundy.","Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2149,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2238","20","Thanswer of king Henry vjte to thenbassiators of Philip duc of Burgioge, gevun at Cauntebrey","ff. 29-30","The king hathe herde with good will and right notabli and seriosly reported to his highnesse on thebehalve of the highe and mighti prince his cousin duc of Burgoigne","And to the declaracion and reduccion of Cristen enheritaunce, as wele in that that is callid the Holy Lande, as in other places to the Cristen menys dominacion and handis","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2150,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2239","21",,"f. 30v","By the quene: Right trusty and welbeloved wee grete you hertile wele","And so doing weshalbe unto you suche lady as of reason ye shalbe largely content. Geven undir our signet et. cet","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2151,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2240","22",,"f. 31r","By the prince: Trusti and welbeloved we grete you wele and halde for undoubted that ye kepe right wele in yor remembraunces under what false colourable receiptes and circumvencions..","Leting you wete that we shall in suche wise remembre you therfore, that ye shall with reason halde you largely content. Gevun under our signet et. cet.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2152,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2241","23",,"ff. 32-33","By the king. Edward bi the grace of God, king of England and of Fraunce and lord of Ireland, to our dere cousin James","by verray writing undir your said seale ensealid, etc","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2153,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2242","24",,"ff. 33v-34v","By the king Right trusti and welbeloved we grete you well.","Geven undir our signet at our palois of Westmynster. et. cet.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2154,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2243","25",,"f. 35rv","Edward, by the grace of God, king of England and of Fraunce and lord of Irland.","Geven under our prive seall at our cite of Caunterbury the xvij daye of Juyn, the xvth yer of our reigne et. cet.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2155,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2244","26",,"f. 36rv","By the king Right trusty and welbeloved, we grete you wele and thanke you of the greate trouthe, love and kindenesse shewed unto us at all tymes herebefor and specially in thies dayes...","Geven undre our signet etc.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2156,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2245","27",,"f. 37rv","By the king. Right trusti and welbeloved. We grete you wele, and have receyved by youre servaunt....","Geven undre our signet at our monestary of Duresme","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2157,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2246","28",,"f. 38","Right trusti and welbeloved, we grete you wele and undrestande by your lettres, sent unto divers servauntes","which by Goddes grace and your herty devoires in this shal growe to theffect of your said desire. Geven undre our signet etc.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2158,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2247","29",,"f. 38","By the king. Right trusty and welbeloved, we grete you wele, and of the greate treue and faithfull love and kindenesse that oftymes ye have shewed you of unto us to our greate ease...","...with Goddes grace. Geven undre oure signet at our castell of Fodrinhey etc","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2159,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2248","30",,"f. 39",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2160,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2249","31",,"f. 39",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2161,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2250","32",,"f. 40",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2162,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2251","33",,"ff. 40v-41",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2163,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2252","34",,"f. 41",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2164,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2253","35",,"f. 41v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2165,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2254","36",,"f. 42",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2166,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2256","37",,"f. 42v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2167,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2255","38",,"f. 42v","Rightt trusty frendes, I commande me to you, and for asmoche as ti is the kinges pleasure and commaundement that...","From Westminster the iiij day of August","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2168,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2257","38",,"f. 42v","Edward by the grace of God, etc. To our trusty and wel beloved Sir. N. knight chief justice of our bench...","...upon any of the premisses from this tyme forthe as ye entend to do us right singuler pleasure. Geven under our signet, etc","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2169,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2258","39, 40",,"f. 43",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2170,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2303","189","The compleintes of the commones of Kente and causes of thassemble on the Blakhethe of Jak Kade their capitayne anno M iiijClti","f. 135rv","In primis, it is openly noised that Kente shulde be destroied with a roial power...","..in releving of the grevaunce and intollerable laboures and vexacyons of the seide peopull","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2171,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2260","41",,"f. 43v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2172,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2261","42",,"f. 43v",,,"English",,,,"One of Vale's later additions.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2173,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2262","43",,"f. 43v","Brother Pikering, I recommande me unto you, and forasmoche as it hathe pleased God to calle unto his mercy...","...parties as hastely as ye may goodly. By John bisshop of Elee","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2174,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2263","44-144",,"ff. 44-63v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2176,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2264","145",,"ff. 64-67",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2177,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2266","146",,"f. 67v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2178,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2265","147",,"f. 68","By the chaunceller. Right worshipful, my right trusty and entierly welbeloved, I recoomaunde me unto you...","To the right worshipful and right entierly beloved maire of the citie of London. G. Exon","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2179,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2267","225",,"f. 68v","My most dread soveraigne lord, aftre humble recommendacion to your good grace","Writen with my simple hand at your town of Newcastell, your trewe and humble subgiet and liegeman Richard Warrewic","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2180,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2268","149",,"f. 69rv",,,"English",,,"The first few lines of this item are repeated on f. 70.","Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2181,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2269","150-151",,"f. 69rv",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2182,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2270","152",,"f.70","Welbeloved we grete you wele. And for asmuche as afore this tyme ye have letyn us wete that ye were disposed with our licence...","Given under our signet at our manoir of Claryndon et cet.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2183,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2271","153-155",,"f.70",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2184,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2272","156","Bi quene Isabell wif to Edward of Carnarvon","f. 71",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2185,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2273","157","The aliaunce made betwene the dukes of Bedford, Burgiogne and Bretaigne","ff. 71v-72v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2186,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2274","158","Anno ijo Henrici vjti. The rehersaill and wordes spoken to king Henry in his first parliament holden by the comune speker","ff. 72v-73v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2187,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2275","159","Anno ijto Henrici vjti. The seconde parliament holden by king Henry the vjte","f. 73v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2188,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2276","160","Anno iijo Henricic vjti. The iijde parliament holden bi king Henry vjte","f. 74",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2189,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2277","161","Anno Henricic vjti vjto. The iiijte parliament holden bi king Henry vjte","f. 74rv",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2190,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2278","162","To our most doubted lord the king. The letter of the duc of Burgoigne unto king Henry the vjth anno viijo","f. 74v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2191,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2279","163","To the right high and mighti prince and my right noble lorde the regent of Fraunce and duc of Bedforde. Anno iiijto Henrici vjti. The letter of the cardinale Henry Beauforde, bisshop of Winchester to the duc of Bedforde, regent of Fraunce","f. 74v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2192,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2280","164",,"ff. 75-81v",,,"English",,,"Marginal notes by the scribe transcribed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 175.","Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2193,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2281","166",,"ff. 100v-104",,,"French",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2194,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2282","167",,"ff. 104v-105v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2195,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2283","168",,"ff. 106-107",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2196,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2284","169",,"ff. 107v-108v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2197,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 0837","170","The statutes to be kepte in the hoste of king Henry the vthe going into Fraunce","ff. 109-110v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2198,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2286","171","Thappointementes of yelding up of the citye and castle of Roan. 1418 [and] Thassurance of thappointements beforeseid with dyvers grauntes to be performed and observed","ff. 114-117v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2199,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2287","172","Tharticles and appointements of the peax betwene the reaumes of England and Fraunce","ff. 114-117",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2200,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2288","173",,"ff. 117v-118",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2201,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2289","174",,"f. 119",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2202,"London British Library Additional 48031A","IMEV 1929","175",,"f. 119-119v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2203,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2291","176","The coronacion of king Henry the vjte in Fraunce at Paris notid entrid and croniculed per me J.V. as folowith","ff. 119v-121","The yere of our lord God MCCCCxxxj, the xxiij day of Aprill, king Henry the sixte passed over the see to Cales..","Upon whos soule God take it into his moste mercy. Amen. per me J.V.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2204,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2292","177",,"ff. 122-123v","To the king our soveraigne lord","... most reverend fader in God, my lord of Canterbury, his ordinare, woll suffre hym to do and as ye luste tassigne hym at resonable tyme and place","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2205,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2293","178","Thaunswer of the duc of Somersett to his credence to hym sente bi the king of Scottys","f. 124rv","As to the credence sente bi the king of Scottis to me the duc of Somerset whiche is open...","...it mowe appere of recorde suche as it is of trouthe","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2206,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2294","179","Tharticles by the duc of Yorke shewed unto the king for the lying in awayte and stopping his landing at his coming oute of Irelande","f. 125","Please it unto your excellence for to knowe that, aswele afore my departing out of this your reaulme for to go into youre lande of Irelande...","For myn intente is fully to persue to your highnese for the conclusion of these matieres","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2207,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2295","180","Thanswer bi the king to the duc of Yorke towching for the debarring his landing aforeseid","f. 125v","Cousin we have sene the bille that ye toke us late and also undirstonde thumble obeisaunce that in your selfe ye sewed...","We declare, repute and admitte you as our trewe and faithefull subgiet and as oure welbelovyd cousyn","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2208,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2296","181","Tharticles of the duc of Yorke to the king and lordis of his counsele in stering theim to reforme the threasons extorcions and opressions used amonge the grete astatis","f. 126rv","Hit is to be remembred and advertised to your highe and noble discrecion, and the trewe lordes of the kinges counsele that where the grete injuries...","... throughe thelpe of God from whom comyth all grace and he is punnissher of all wronges","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2209,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2297","182","By the duc of Yorke to the king to setting up of justice for punisshion of traitors","f. 126v","Please it unto your highenesse tendirly to consider the grete gruggeing and universall rumour in this reaume...","...unto tyme thei be therof utterly tried and declared after the cours of your lawe","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2210,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2298","183","Thanswer by the king to the duc of Yorke upon the same punisshion","f. 127","Cousin we under stande wele that ye of goode herte counsaile and advertise us to setting up of justice...","...to the wele of us and oure lande, aswele in thise matieres as in other","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2211,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2299","184","The remembrance of the firste batell at Seint Albanis","ff. 127v-129","Be it remebred that the xxi day of May the yere of oure lorde God MCCCClv and the xxxiijti yere of king Henry...","...with joye and solempnite concluding to holde parliamente at London the ixte day of Jully nexte after comyng","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2212,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2300","185","Thoothe by the duc of Yorke in Paulis and in semblable wisee sworen oones at Westminster and another tyme at Coventrie at several tymes in sundre yeres","f. 129rv","I, Richard duc of Yorke, confesse and knowe that I am and owghte to be humble subgiet and trewe liegeman...","..sworne to Henry and to his heires, under the seale of the seid duc","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2213,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2301","186","For the duc of Yorke a bill declaring his treuthe and perfite liegeman to king henry the vjte","f. 130","For asmoche as I Richarde, duc of Yorke, am enformed that the king my souveraigne lorde ys myn hevy lorde","..of the reigne of my souveraigne lorde king Henry the sixthe","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2214,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2302","188","The replicacion ageinste the clayme and title of the duc of Yorke for the crownes of England and France","f. 134rv","Here folowith the replicacion made agenste the title and clayme by the duc of Yorke...","...remembred Edward that now occupith the crowne hathe no righte therto","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2215,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2304","190","The desires by the capitayne of the grete assemble in Kente","f. 136","In primis, desireth the capitaigne of the seid commones the welfare of our soveraigne lorde the king","...the whiche ys to saye the fals traytoures Slegge, Crowmere, Isle and Robert Este","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2216,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2305","191","The savegarde and signe manuell of the capiteigne called Jak Kade of Kente, sent to Thomas Cook of London, draper","f. 136v","By the capitaigne of the grete asemble in Kente. By this owre wrighting ensealed we graunte and woll promytte treuly that Thomas Cook of London...","..at his denomynacion with hym comyng in like wyse","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2217,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2306","192","The comandemente by Jak Kade capitayn of Kente sent unto Thomas Cook aboveseid","f. 136v","For youre instruccion, firste ye shall charge all Lumbardis and strangoures being merchauntes...","...have the hedes of as many as wee canne gete of theime","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2218,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2307","193","The copies of the writte and proclamation bi the king for the taking of the seid Cade and his felawship","ff. 136v-137","Henricus dei gratia rex Anglie et Francie et dominus Hibernie universis et singulis custodibus...","...Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium xmo die July anno regni vicesimo octavo etc","English","Latin",,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2219,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2308","194","Thentente desire and articles of therle of Warrewic coming fro Caleis before the felde of Ludlowe M1 iiijto lix","ff. 137v-138","Forasmoche as the commone wele and the good politik lawes hereaforne notably and vertuously used...","But oonly entending with Goddes mercy to the perfourmyng and accomplisshing the causes beforeseid et. cet.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2220,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2309","195","Tharticles of the commones of Kente at the coming of therls of Marche Warrewic and Salisbury with the lordes Faconbrigge and Wenlok from Cales to the batell at Northampton anno 1460","ff. 138v-139v","These bene the pointes, mischeves and causes of the gadering and assembling of us the kinges trewe liegemen of Kente...","..throuthe for his talis spillith/ Amen.","English",,,"Followed on f. 139v by six lines of ME verse on Cade's rebellion, beginning 'God be oure gyde / and then schull we spede' (IMEV 941).","Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2221,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2310","196","Tharticles and causis of thassembling of Robyn of Ridisdale and the commones of Yorkeshire anno M1 iiijC lxix. Which articles folowing were divised made and desired by the duc of Clarence, therle of Warrewik, the lorde Willowby and lorde Wellis before..","ff. 140-141v","In the iije the nexte articles under wretyn arre specified thoccasions and verray causes of the grete...","...of us your true commones and subgiettes in peax and the comone weele of this youre lande","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2222,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2311","197","The maner and guyding bitwene the quene Margarete and of here soone and therle of Warrewi[c] tyme of his beying in France with the duc of Clarence","ff. 142-143v","Here foloweth the guydyng of therle of Warrewik at Aungiers fro the xv day of Jully to the iijte day of Augus...",".. beside that hathe holpen in vitayle for his shipps and lxvj M scutis contente of ij M franke archieres et. cet.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2223,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2312","199","Copie of the letres by the kyng sentto the duc of Clarence and erle of Warrewic","f. 144v","Brother, we beene enformed how ye have laboured contrarye to naturell kyndenesse...","To oure brother of Clarence/ A like letre to therle of Warrewic","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2224,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2900","198","The tenor of the letre sente bi the duc of Clarence and erle of Warrewik oute of France to the commones of Englande anno M CCCClxx","ff. 143v-144","George, duc of Clarence and lorde of Richemonde and Richard, erle of Warrewic and Salisbury...","..and wolde not suffre theime to be openly knowen ner seen to the commones","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2225,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2313","200","Tharticles of the proclamacion of the duc of Clarence and erle of Warrewic at their londong, coming oute of France to thenlarging of king Henry oute of prison from the Toure of London anno M CCCClxx","f. 145rv","1. Forasmoche as the mooste noble and christen prince our moost dradde souveraigne lord king Henry...","...that is assigned unto hym by the herbigeoures, uppon payne of enprysonemente","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2226,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2314","201","The forme of the savegardes granted and gevun bi the duc of Clarence and erle of Warrewik to all seintwaries and other personel pepull","f. 146","George, duc of Clarence and erle of Richemonde and Rycharde, erle of Warrewik and Salisbury...","..lordes lawes and his peax, uppon peyne of detthe. Geven under our signes et. cet.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2227,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2315","202","Tharticles sente fro the prince to therle of Warrewic his fader in lawe as folowith, anno M CCCClxx","ff. 146-148","Here folowen in articles certeyne advertismentes sente by my lorde prince to therle of Warrewic his fadir in lawe","..and to all thoo that shalbe abowte hym for that yere","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2228,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2316","203","Example of what good counseill helpith and avantageth and of the contrare what foloweth. Secundum Sir John Fortescu knighte","f. 148v","O what good welthe and prosperite shulde growe to the reaume of Englande yif suche acounsell...","..and be mightieste and moste welthe reaume of the worlde. et. cet.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2229,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2317","204",,"ff. 149-164","There beene twoo kyndes of kyngdomes of the whiche that oon ys callid in latyn DOMINUM REGALE...","And yit he may leve this order whan hym liste. etc. SIR JOHN FORTESCUE UPON THE GOVERNAUNCE OF ENGLAND","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2230,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2318","205","The xxij rightwisnesses belonging to a kyng","ff. 164v-165","Thize bene the xxij rightwisnesses that every king must have, use and hold in hym silfe...","For the citie of a king is hidde in the rightwusnes of hym and the gouvernayles of his peoples bene made sadde in his trewthe","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2231,"London British Library Additional 48031A","IPMEP 835","206",,"ff. 165v-175v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2232,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2319","207","The promesse of matrimony by Loyes, king of Fraunce, for the dolphen, his sone, unto Edward, king of Inglonde","ff. 176-178","Loyes, by the grace of God, king of Fraunce, unto all theyme that thise present letres shall see...","...in prove and witnesse of the treuthe of all and everyche of thise premysses","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2233,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2320","208","Tharticles of the convencion bitwene the Frenshe kyng and the duc of Austriche late called the duc of Burgoigne","ff. 178v-179","In the name of God and the gloryous virgine Mary and of all the courte celestiall, peax, fynall unyon, alyaunce..","...unto my saide lorde the duc and to the estates of his countrees et. cet.","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2234,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2321","209",,"f. 179v","To the kyng our liege lord. Humebly besecheth your excellent highenesse and noble grace youre especiall oratrice...","your oratrice shall evur praye to God for your prosperous astate","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2235,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2322","210",,"f. 180",,,"English",,,"Relating to the item on f. 26.","Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2236,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2323","211",,"f. 180v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2237,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2324","212",,"f. 180v","Tall gentilmen and wymmen this present lettre hering or seying humble recommendacioun...","in the 20 yer of the reigne of oure soveraigne lord king E the iiijte","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2238,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2325","212",,"ff. 181v-183",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2239,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2326","214",,"f. 181v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2240,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2327","215",,"f. 182",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2241,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2328","216",,"f. 182rv",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2242,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2329","217",,"f. 183",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2243,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2330","217",,"f. 183v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2244,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2331","219",,"f. 183v",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2245,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2332","220",,"f. 184",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2246,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2333","221",,"f. 184rv",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2247,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2334","222",,"f. 185rv",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2248,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2335","223",,"f. 185rv","All due salutacions of frendlihod laide aparte forasmuche that it is openly knowen...","Wretin under my signet at the citie of Excestre. Thomas erle of Devonshire","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2249,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2336","224",,"ff. 185v-186",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2250,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2337","225",,"f. 186v","Right worshipful Sir. I recommaunde me to you. It is so that now of late the kinges highenesse hathe adressed...","To the right worshipful and reverend Sir T. Montogmery knight","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2251,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2338","227",,"ff. 186v-187",,,"English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2252,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2339","228","Copie of the letter sento the Frenshe king by king Edward iiijte befo his going into France anno","f. 187","Cousin of France, I grete you and thank you of your giftes that ye sent to me..","..lete it be amendid by the lordis of youre counsaile","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2253,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2340","229",,"f. 187v","In full frendly wise and loving maner sending thus unto you for a goodly remembraunce...","In haste from London, by me J.V.","English",,,"Almost the same letter is repeated after this item.","Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2254,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2341","230",,"f. 187v","I, Margarete of Yorke, Duches of Burgoigne, etc, geve talmen knowlege that I have graunted...","the yere of our lord God athowsandfoure hundred threscore and twelve. Margarete","English",,,,"Written by John Vale in a small, regular cursive hand.","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2255,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2342","231",,"f. 188v","The names of the tenetes in Portersfee in Essex","item of Thomas Clement by the yere, ij s","English",,,,"Added in an early sixteenth-century hand","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2256,"London British Library Additional 48031A","UMP 2343","232",,"ff. 189-191v",,,"English",,,,"Added in a mid-sixteenth-century hand","Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-268" 2257,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","Thomson Cat 270 (B1)","1",,"ff. 3-9","Partes orationis quot sunt",,"Latin",,,,"Edwardus - a mid fifteenth century hand - small well-formed anglicana bookhand, with some secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2258,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2107","2",,"ff. 9v-11v","Dominus, que pars?","et significat actum per quem non fit transicio in rem racionalem in [...]","Latin",,,"First 11 lines are repeated on f. 2.","Edwardus - a mid fifteenth century hand - small well-formed anglicana bookhand, with some secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2259,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2090","3",,"f. 12rv","[V]erbum cum recto fac concordare duobus","Datur dedit atque datum prine de do tibi natum","Latin",,,,"William Berdon - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2260,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2092","Added",,"f. 2v","Qui plus expendit žan hys plow may ere yn a xij monthe non admiretur thof he borv a love of his ne3gbore [complete]",,"Latin","English",,,"John Smy3th - s. xv2, an anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2261,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2091","Added",,"f. 2v","Hic et hec scicaphantis is anglice pekefege [complete]",,"Latin","English",,,"John Smy3th - s. xv2, an anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2262,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2093","Added",,"f. 16v","Nocte in crepuscolo domum gressus dirigens","insedentes","Latin",,,,"John Smy3th - s. xv2, an anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2263,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2094","Added",,"f. 16v","Scolaribus a quibus venitur ad scolas","proficere potunt","Latin",,,,"John Smy3th - s. xv2, an anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2264,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2095","5",,"ff. 17r-24v","Vitelli vel vitella ouorum sorbilium non veterum",,"Latin","English",,"with occasional English glosses.","William Berdon - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2265,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2096","7",,"ff. 49v-52v","Os facies mentum","cruor extum. Explict liber nominalis","Latin","English",,"Two English glosses 'bakbon' and 'ryb'.","William Berdon - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2266,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2097","8",,"f. 53rv","Adam primus homo plasmatur et inde fit Eua","Amen saluandis bonis est regnans sine fine. Explicit","Latin",,,,"William Berdon - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2267,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2100","11",,"ff. 59r-65r","Si deus animus","coniungere binos. Explicit hic Cato dans castigamina nato. Qui scripsit recte Edwardus vocatur aperte; qui legit emendet, scriptorem non reprehendat","Latin",,,,"Edwardus - a mid fifteenth century hand - small well-formed anglicana bookhand, with some secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2268,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2104","14",,"ff. 99r-130r","Que est differencia inter nomen gentile et nomen patrium?","hanc litteram M vt bonum est","Latin","English",,"Four lines of English verse (IMEV 1089.55), beginning 'Harys and voxys myys and rattys / rayyd reremys flyys and gnattis' are written on f. 128v. Occasional English glosses (mainly around f. 122v).","William Berdon - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2269,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2105","Added",,"f. 24v","[Q]ue est differencia inter verbum","cui nichil","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2270,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2106","Added",,"f. 47r",,,"Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2271,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2107","Added",,"ff. 47v-49r","Dominus, que pars?","copulatiuas vt que et que","Latin",,,"An extended version.","Scribe C - mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand, with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2272,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2108","Added",,"f. 52","Hic villus, - is: anglice, a locke of wul","hec ferina for vensyyyn","Latin","English",,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2273,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2109","Added",,"f. 53v","Que dant splendorum vel signant verba timorem","graua d[a]i dicta","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2274,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2110","Added",,"f. 58r","Gutta cauat lapidem non vi sed sepe cadendo","Cum bene siuj potus tunc verbis efluo totus","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2275,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2111","Added",,"f. 58v","-Vi vel -vi vel -di -si -pli -xi datque secunda","Et curro cum pre geminabit pungoque cum re","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2276,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2112","Added",,"f. 65","Flecti steti statum periti peritum sibi uatum","Actiuum presto sit cum signat tibi dono","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2277,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2113","Added",,"f. 81rv","Vocalis longa vel ar ante deo geminansque","preterito meritus sum vel merui variabit","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2278,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2114","Added",,"f. 128v","Harys and voxys myys and rattys","Ad fugandum de villa canes et pulices","Latin","English",,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2279,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2115","Added",,"f. 130r","Hic ponit autor libri Equiuocrum equiuocacionem","augeo, -es","Latin",,,"Commentary on item 15 (Equivoca).",,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2280,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2116","Added",,"f. 130","Est pater hic cura, pater est alius","patrem","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2281,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2901","4",,"ff. 13r-16v","Verbum cum recto fac concordare duobus","Dicit ocis Grecus parat ocior inde Latinus","Latin","English",,"For the first 25vv as item 3 but continuing differently. Includes IPMEP 822, a note on the use of cases with place names, beginning: 'Whan I haue žis Englysch at comyng byfore a proper name of a towne vylage ožer syte noght componyd'.","Scribe C - mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand, with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2282,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2902","6","Expliciunt Regimina","ff. 24v-46v","Qveritur quid est regere in gramatica","vt heu me. Expliciunt Regimina secundum vsum magistri Iohannis Boryngton, scripta per manum Willelmi Berdon","Latin",,,,"William Berdon - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2283,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2098","9","Explicit liber facicie","f. 54rv","Stans puer ad mensam domini bona dogmata discas","det deus omen. Explicit liber facicie","Latin",,,,"Scribe D - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2284,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2099","10",,"ff. 55-57v","Equus caballus pullus dextrarius equa","Villicus et proceres natiuus et [est] generosus. Nunc finem feci, da mihi quod merui","Latin","English",,"English glosses.","Scribe D - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2285,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2101","12",,"ff. 65v-81r","A tribus ad centum numeralia per documentum","Vt docuit sani sentencia nos Preciani. Explicit liber communis versus secundum vsum magistri Iohannis Boryngton","Latin",,,,"William Berdon - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2286,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2102","13","Explicit liber Sinonomorum","ff. 82-98v","Ad mare ne videatur latices deferre camino","germani sunt vterini. 'Quod legitur textus, depellit frigora textum.' Explicit liber Sinonomorum","Latin",,,,"Edwardus - a mid fifteenth century hand - small well-formed anglicana bookhand, with some secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2287,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","UMP 2103","15",,"ff. 130v-145v","Avgustus, -ti, -to","Zelus suspicio zelus et inuidia. Finito libro sit laus et gloria Christo. Nomen scriptoris dicitur plenus Willelmus amoris. Nunc finem feci da mihi quod merui. Hic pennam fixi (?) penitet me si male scripsi. Quod","Latin","English",,"Occasional English glosses (mainly around f. 131).","William Berdon - a mid-fifteenth century anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979: 141-147" 2288,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 4056","1","Morosi faceci liber finit","ff. 1-5v","(Begins imperfect) Cum tibi seruierit aliquis sua premia tecum..","Quos cetus teneas cum quibus et vidias. Morosi faceci liber finit","Latin",,,"wants lines 1-42.","At end of item 'Explicit quod Ihoanni Ionys, teste Cartar. Qui scripsit scripta sua dextra sit benedicta/Qui scriptsit scrape awey non possum scribere al day/ Qui scripsit certe Iohannes vocatur aperte/ Qui legit emendat scriptorem reprehendat'.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2289,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2800","2","Explicit liber parui doctrinalis de parabilis philosophie metrice compositus","ff. 6r-13v","[Begins imperfect] sic duo sunt qui non possunt intrare cor vnum","dum tenet alter eam. Explicit liber parui doctrinalis de parabilis philosophie metrice compositus, autor Godards, quod Ihoanni Ionys","Latin",,,,"John Jonys - s.xvmed, an unitdy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2290,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2102","3",,"ff. 14r-16v","Ad mare ne videar latices deferre","Pellit et affatur predictis associatur [ends incomplete]","Latin",,,,"John Jonys - s.xvmed, an unitdy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2291,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2801","4","Expliciunt preterita et supina","ff. 20-37v","Prima conivgacio iiijor habet terminaciones scilicet preterito in -vi...","Sed liui triui siui sunt simpla per iui. Expliciunt preterita et supina, quod Ihoanni Ionys","Latin",,,,"John Jonys - s.xvmed, an unitdy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2292,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2802","5","Expliciunt defectiua","ff. 38-41r","Qvot modus habent nomina ethroglita? Dicendum est quod quatuor modis","Et simil alcimna sunt hec vndena metalla. Expliciunt defectiua quod Iohannes Ionys. Ihesus mercy","Latin",,,,"John Jonys - s.xvmed, an unitdy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2293,"London British Library Additional 19046","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","6",,"ff. 41v-48v","Rectus -as -es -a dat declinacio prima","Si componantur obliqui non variantur. Expliciunt termanaciones quod Ionys, teste Meryffyld","Latin",,,,"John Jonys - s.xvmed, an unitdy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2294,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2803","7",,"ff. 49r-63r","Ego sum creatura dei creatoris mei. What noumbre and person is the verbe sum","hyt schal be put in a participull of the futur tens in -dus as in thys Latyn byfore apperith. Say thys in latyn [ends abruptly]","English","Latin",,,"John Jonys - s.xvmed, an unitdy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2295,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2804","9",,"ff. 69-73","Amo, amas, -avi... (f. 69v change of writer and new start) Amo, amas...","(last item added in original hand) expeditor, -ris, -tus sum, -ri, to be sped. (second hand) Finis quod Ionys","Latin","English",,,"John Jonys - s.xvmed, an unitdy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2296,"London British Library Additional 19046","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","8",,"ff. 65-69","In quantum potero de nomine quolibet in quo","Victrices turbe victricia tela tulere. Explicit genera quod Ihoannes Ionys.","Latin",,,"Lines 499-693 only.","John Jonys - s.xvmed, an untidy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2297,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2107","10",,"ff. 74v-75","Dominus, que pars? Nomen..","quia leticiam mentis significat etc. Explicit","Latin",,,"A fuller version is added on f. 83rv.","Scribe C - S.xvmed, a small neat secretary hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2298,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2805","11",,"ff. 75v-81","Cvm de regimen vocum presens restat negocium triplex sequitur questio. Prima est quid est regere","vt magistro docente pueri proficiunt et sic de similibus","Latin",,,,"John Jonys - s.xvmed, an untidy mixed hand, using various display scripts.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2299,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2096","12",,"ff. 84-85","[Begins imperfect] Vaugo ligo tribula sic fumus furca vel herba","vngula cauda pilus cor tucetum crruor exta. Explicit Os facies mentum","Latin",,,,"William - s.xv2 - a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2301,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2098","13",,"ff. 85-86","Stans puer ad mensam domini bona dogmata discas","Presul et ille fuit cui felix det deus omen","Latin",,,,"William - s.xv2 - a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2302,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2099","14","Explicit Bursa Latini","ff. 86-88","Equus caballus pullus destrarius equa","Villicus et proceres natius et ienerosus. Explicit Bursa Latini","Latin",,,,"William - s.xv2 - a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2303,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2806","15","Explicit Liber Ricardini","ff. 88v-94","Deus nichil fecerat frustra dum creauit","Sed est summus pontifex eius.. confirmator (ends incomplete) Explicit Liber Ricardini","Latin",,,,"William - s.xv2 - a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2304,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2807","16",,"ff. 95-118","Conditor alme syderum eterna lux credencium","corrupcionis vulnera. Amen. Nunc finem feci da mihi quod merui. Nomen scriptoris Willelmus plenus amoris. Amen.","Latin",,,,"William - s.xv2 - a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2305,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2808","17",,"ff. 119v-132v","Salus eterna indificiens mundi vita lux sempiterna","Saluificet nos sit cui secula per omnia doxa. Amen. Laudes deo","Latin",,,,"William - s.xv2 - a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2306,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2820","Added",,"f. 16v","Pellit et affatur","associatur. Ihon Ihons","Latin",,,"The last lines of item 3 repeated twice.","Jhon Jhons - S.xv/xvi - a scrawled mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2307,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2821","Added",,"ff. 16v-19v","Auget et agmentat exaggerat et coaceruat","Quemlibet insanum bachari dicimus inde","Latin","English",,"A continuation of item 3, not in alphabetical order, with some English equivalents in the margin.","Jhon Jhons - S.xv/xvi - a scrawled mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2308,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2822","Added",,"f.63v",,,"Latin",,,,"Two notes in hand 5 - a sixteenth century scrawled hand and one note in hand 6, Bonyngton, a scrawled secretary hand also dating from the s.xvi.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2309,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2823","Added",,"f. 64r",,,"English",,,,"Hand 6, Bonyngton, a scrawled secretary hand dating from the s.xvi.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2310,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2824","Added",,"f. 64v",,,"Latin","English",,,"Hand 5 - a sixteenth century scrawled hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2311,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2825","Added",,"f. 74","Conditor alme siderum eterna lux",,"Latin",,,,"John Jonys.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2312,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2826","Added",,"f. 81v",,,"Latin",,,,"Hand 7 - a s.xvi, rapid secretary hand.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2313,"London British Library Additional 19046","UMP 2827","Added",,"f. 94v",,,,,,,"Jhon Jonys.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" 2314,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2809","1","Incipit tractatus libri honeste vite editus a Martino episcopo, qui a multis intitulatur De quatuor virtutibus et attribuitur Senece","ff. 1-5v","Incipit tractatus libri honeste vite editus a Martino episcopo, qui a multis intitulatur De quatuor virtutibus et attribuitur Senece","Aut deficientem sentencijs ignauiam. Amen. Explicit Tractatus de quatuor virtutibus Annei Senece Cordubensis. Deo gracia.","Latin",,,,"Hand 1 - English or Flemish, a bastard secretary hand.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2315,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2810","2",,"f. 6r","[D]omine Ihesu Christe fili dei viui redemptor mundi qui de gloriosa uirgine Maria dignatus es..","Per te dominum nostrum Ihesum Christum qui cum patre","Latin",,,,"Hand 2 - English or Flemish, a small gothic hand.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2316,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2830","4",,"ff. 9-61","Donet principum deus omnipotens michi gratum/Et melius medium finem super omne beatum","et tibi prospere succedet","Latin","English",,,"S. xvi in (c. 1501)- English, a small neat mixed hand, predominantly secretary.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2317,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2831","5",,"ff. 62-72v","Agere vitam: to lyve","I secourd hym as moch as I could: pro mea parte adiuui","Latin","English",,,"S. xvi in (c. 1501)- English, a small neat mixed hand, predominantly secretary.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2318,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2811","6",,"ff. 73-80v","It is not vnknowne to no man how moche their children be beholdynge to the father","O quantum te virum sine opibus sine disciplina adultum temporis amissi penitebit quod est numquam reuocabile","Latin","English",,,"S. xvi in (c. 1501)- English, a small neat mixed hand, predominantly secretary.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2319,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2812","7",,"ff. 81r-84v","'Laurenc' Hampton Henrico suo antiquo salutem plu","Tum pro paciencia nostra exorabimus","Latin",,,,"S. xvi in (c. 1501)- English, a small neat mixed hand, predominantly secretary.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2320,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2812","8",,"ff. 85v-87","Domino prestantissimo magistro R. M. sacrarum litterarum interpreti E. G. s[alutem] d[at]","Nullum erit tunc mehercle tempus quo possim quapiam amoris parte prosequi. Tu valens","Latin",,,,"S. xvi in (c. 1501)- English, a small neat mixed hand, predominantly secretary.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2321,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2813","9",,"ff. 88-90v","Dic indumentum vestis vestitus amictus","Equus pullus vel niger, equus muscilinus equus ferriginius","Latin","English",,,"S. xvi in (c. 1501)- English, a small neat mixed hand, predominantly secretary.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2322,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2814","10",,"ff. 92-93v","De mensuris. Hic chorus, -vs, vi: a quarter","Concutio, -tis: to shake","Latin","English",,,"S. xvi in (c. 1501)- English, a small neat mixed hand, predominantly secretary.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2323,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2815","11",,"ff. 94-117v","Versus laureati poete Stephani Surigoni ad varios transmissi","Cuilibet et precio das tua iura thori","Latin",,,,"Hand 4 - S.xv/xvi - N. European, a poor humanist hand.","Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2324,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2816","12",,"ff. 118r-120r","Howe many compoundis hath this verbe sum, es, fui","with an accusatiue and a datyue case. Finis.","English","Latin",,"On sum and fero, with English translations of the Latin examples written in the margins, and one passage of Latin verse.",,"Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2325,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2833","Added",,"f. 8v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2326,"London British Library Arundel 249","TK 1513","Added",,"f. 85","De constellacionibus 7 planetarum. Sol est mundi occulis","Sol et Mercurius cum luna mediocres","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2327,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2834","Added",,"f. 91v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2328,"London British Library Arundel 249","UMP 2835","Added",,"f. 120v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979: pp. 233-38" 2330,"Cambridge St John's College I.11","Leibnitz 1707-10; 1: 881-1004","1","Mappa mundi","4r-93v","De mundi creacione disposicione et ornacione Inc. liber. Cum uniuscuiusque rei principium eius pars sit.","qui auctor est humilitatis et pietatis per infinita seculorum secula. Expl. mappa mundi.","Latin",,,,,"St. John's Cat" 2331,"Cambridge Trinity College B.15.17","IMEV 1459","1","Explicit hic Dialogus Petri Plowman","ff. 1-130v","In a somer seson . Whan softe was že sonne","And sižže he gradde after grace . til I gan awake. Explicit hic Dialogus Petri Plowman","English",,,"B version.","One scribe, also the rubricator - writes anglicana formata: rounded feet minims, no particular distinction of letter forms except an occasionally more angular 'h' etc. Distinctive top-line flourished ascenders on 'b', 'h', 'k', 'l', and capital 'A'.","Benson and Blanchfield 1997" 2332,"Cambridge Trinity College B.15.17","IPMEP 351","2",,"ff. 131r-147r","In euery synful man or womman žt is bounden in dedly synne","a pray for me . že grace of Ihesu crist be wiž žee and kepe žee. Amen","English",,,,"One scribe, also the rubricator - writes anglicana formata: rounded feet minims, no particular distinction of letter forms except an occasionally more angular 'h' etc. Distinctive top-line flourished ascenders on 'b', 'h', 'k', 'l', and capital 'A'.","Benson and Blanchfield 1997" 2333,"Cambridge Trinity College B.15.17","IMEV 611","3",,"f. 147rv","Crist made to man a fair present / his blody body wiž loue ybrent","Thanne shal my loue be trewe and fyn, And loue in loue shal make syn. Amen","English",,,,"One scribe, also the rubricator - writes anglicana formata: rounded feet minims, no particular distinction of letter forms except an occasionally more angular 'h' etc. Distinctive top-line flourished ascenders on 'b', 'h', 'k', 'l', and capital 'A'.","Benson and Blanchfield 1997" 2335,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.19","UMP 1006","1","Explicit secunda pars postille super euangelica Dominicalia a festo resurrectionis domini vsque ad dominicam xxiiiiam post pentecostem inclusiue, edita a ffratre Philippo de Monte Calerio ordinis ffratrum minorum tunc lectore conventus sancti loci padue Anno domini 1330","1-290v","Dominica resurrectionis domini euangelium xxviiiam Maria Magdalena et Maria","ipsi gloria in ecclesia et in christo ihesu in omnes generationes seculi seculorum Amen","Latin",,,,"Anglicana with some secretary forms.","CUL Cat: III, pp. 164-5." 2336,"London British Library Arundel 38","IMEV 2229","1",,"ff. 1-98v","Musynge vpon the restlees bysynesse","That knowyth he whom no žyng is hyd froo. Explicit","English",,,,"Anglicana hand with some secretary forms.","CN" 2337,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","UMP 0638","1","Incipit ysagoge","f. 1","Incipit ysagoge Iohannicii ad Tegni Galieni. Medicina diuiditur in duas partes","Boni maliue discretione. Expl. ysag. Ioh ad T.G.","Latin",,,,,"Corpus Cam Cat: 196" 2338,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","UMP 0640","2","Inc liber afforismorum ypocratis","f. 13v","Inc liber afforismorum ypocratis. Uita breuis ars longa","desiccat corpora. Expl. liber afforismorum","Latin",,,,,"Corpus Cam Cat: 196" 2339,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","UMP 0641","3","Inc. liber pronosticorum ypocratis.","f. 28","Inc. liber pronosticorum ypocratis. Omnis qui medicine artis studio","exposite ordine preceptorum. Expl. lib. pronost.","Latin",,,,,"Corpus Cam Cat: 196" 2340,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","UMP 2400","4","Inc. liber urinarum theophili.","f. 38v","Inc. liber urinarum theophili. De urinarum differentia negotium","conuenienter exposuimus","Latin",,,,,"Corpus Cam Cat: 196" 2341,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","TK 764","5",,"50r","Intentionem habemus in presenti conscriptione","et hec nobis suifficiunt ad presentia","Latin",,,,,"Corpus Cam Cat: 196" 2342,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","TK 1585","6",,"f. 55","Tres sunt omnes doctrine","terminabo in eis orationem","Latin",,,,,"Corpus Cam Cat: 196" 2343,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","UMP 2402","7",,"ff. 84-85","[R]esutiua uero et enutriens in conualescentibus","De omnibus futuros dicere alias immo fortasse uel duobus libris inscriptionem habituris. Galieni de pro...is conscriptionibus. Expl. liber tengni Galieni Iatri(?)","Latin",,,,,"Corpus Cam Cat: 196" 2344,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","UMP 2403","8",,"f. 85r","Signa mortis. frons rubet","senes uero dormiunt","Latin",,,,,"Corpus Cam Cat: 196" 2345,"London British Library Royal 20.B.XV","IMEV 2820","1","Boicius de consolacione","f. 1v","ffor as žat pouert causeže soburnesse","žane hye estate given vn to shrewys","English",,,"Added. Stanza 4 only","John Shirley.","CN" 2346,"London British Library Royal 20.B.XV","UMP 2405","2","cy commence le liure de flauve vegece","ff. 2-108","cy commence le liure de flauve vegece","cy fine le liure de vegece","French",,,,"Good French hand","CN" 2347,"London British Library Royal 20.B.XV","UMP 2406","3",,"f. 109",,,"Latin",,,"Added.",,"CN" 2348,"Cambridge St John's College I.11","UMP 4000","2","Chronica Martini Poloni","94r-146v","Incipit cronica fratris Martini de pontificibus","in domo fratrum ordinis b. marie de monte carmeli est defunctus","Latin",,,,,"St. John's Cat" 2349,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 669*/646","IMEP XVII (115: 3)","3",,"pp. 75-147","Here bygynnež že twelue chapyters of richard hampole tunryd into englysch","into the wordlis of worldys amen amen ndež že xii chapitres of richard hampole","English",,,,"John Cok: bastard anglicana, reasonably well written ? a little untidy and slightly variable.","IMEP 17" 2350,"Yale University, Beinecke MS 494","IPMEP 374","2",,"ff. 37-103r","Here may a man hure hou Engelonde was forst callede Albyon and after wham hit hadde that name. In the noble lande of Syrrie ther was a noble king a stronge an and a migty of body and of gret name","in that bataile and euery man toke al that he migte withoute eny chalange","English",,,"Brut Chronicle to 1333.","Written by at least two scribes in neat Anglicana formata.","Beinecke Cat" 2351,"Yale University, Beinecke MS 494","UMP 5000","1",,"f. 1r-v",,,"Latin",,,"A bifolium of what was evidently intended to be an obituary calendar of a Dominican convent (probably in Suffolk or Chelmsford as has been suggested by J. Baker) but the work was abandoned after the entry for January 13. The following entries are visible under ultra-violet light: Jan. 2 Obitus Margerie de Benestede; Jan. 4 Obiit Domina Mabella [?] de Burnauyle qui [sic] iacet ante gradus presbeteri; Jan. 5 Obiit Frater Willelmus de Crauene; Jan. 6 Obiit Frater Reymundus De pennafforti Magister ordinis Tercius [Raymund of Penafort, O. P., d. 6 Jan. 1275]; Jan. 7 Obierunt Willelmus ffilius Roberti de Rokyswelle Et dominus Iohannes Bacon rector; Jan. 8 Obiit Alexander Tylere Et Idyu[a] vxor eius; Jan. 10 Obierunt frater Alanus de Bagburham. Et Isabella de badewe; Jan. 13 Obiit Domina Iohanna de Barw specialis Benefactrix huius domus Et Dominus Iohannes Heuenyngham Miles.",,"Beinecke Cat" 2352,"Barnstaple, North Devon Athenaeum 1618","UMP 5001","2",,"ff. 15-16v",,,"Latin",,,"Miscellaneous additions including grammatical verses, 'Vertex pars capitis vertigo girus habetur' and a couplet 'Me male rodentes coram me blandi loquentes Sunt detractores sunt demone deteriores'.",,"MMBL II: 53" 2353,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (16: 1)","Added",,"p. 19","For ye hedake yat lastid longhe accipe j (handful) rue aloyne bayes leues & temper wid water or wyn & anoyte ye hed ofty[inkstain]",,"English",,,"Recipe in lower margin for an ointment for headache.",,"IMEP 17" 2354,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (16: 2)","Added",,"pp. 23-5","For scabbes stamp ye rede dokke rote ye rote of seledonye wrmod spurge leues welle hem alle in botere","for bolnyng of legges or oyer lemes accipe ye rede cressen & drestes of ale & wete bren & shepes talw & boyle hem togedre & mak a playstre","English",,,"Twenty-six medical recipes. The majority are for ointments and plasters for a wide range of conditions; a few are for syrups.",,"IMEP 17" 2355,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (17: 3)","Added",,"pp. 35-6","For bolnyng of blodletyng dryng cheruele & it shal fare wel","& stamp hem togedere wihit gres or botere & fac vngumentum super ignem.","English",,"Latin","A group of one Latin and seventeen English medical recipes. The majority are for plasters and ointments for various kinds of sores.",,"IMEP 17" 2356,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (17: 4)","Added",,"p. 38","To sesen castyng recipe piliol & horoune & peper & seht in water and drynk it & be hool.",,"English",,,,,"IMEP 17" 2357,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (17: 5)","Added",,"p. 42","For ye gowte erant in ye wombe recipe ij hanfull of herbe iohne & j of mushere & shec in good ale & drink iij dayes",,"English",,,"Two recipes against a disorder of the womb and 'hot malady'.",,"IMEP 17" 2358,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (17: 6)","Added",,"pp. 43, 44","To helyn a wonde tac hauence betonie tanse hemp crop madir & stamp hem togedre & tempere hem",,"English",,,"Five medical recipes for various complaints.",,"IMEP 17" 2359,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (17: 7)","Added",,"pp. 46, 7","For scabbe recipe j hanful and (half a) hanful of matfelon & (half a) de auence & shec in water & licoriz & drynk yt",,"English",,,"Two medical recipes, against scurvy and an unspecified uterus condition. The first line of the second recipe is largely illegible (damp stain).",,"IMEP 17" 2360,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (18: 8)","Added",,"p. 54","For hedwerk tak pelyole ryal rue camamylle betoyne lorer leues welle hem in hony or heysel & ley it to yi tempeles",,"English",,,"Recipe for headache.",,"IMEP 17" 2361,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (18: 9)","Added",,"p. 78","For festre recipe iuce of consolida minor & mele & hony & mak a playstre",,"English",,,"Two recipes for plasters for infected sores.",,"IMEP 17" 2362,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (18:10)","Added",,"p. 80","For brosure on ye wombe recipe otemele lyneseed & shec in melk & pouder of comyn & talw of a wedyr",,"English",,,"Recipe for a sore on the womb.",,"IMEP 17" 2363,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (18:11)","Added",,"p. 97","Item for ye crek recipe ye filet of gres of an hog & cut it smal & pot et in drestes of good alle & still stond",,"English",,,"Recipe for aqua vitae against itching.",,"IMEP 17" 2364,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII (18:12)","Added",,"p. 132","For ye canker to slen hym & bryng it howt fro man or woman qwer it be tak rose alger in pouder & medel et wid cold gres newe",,"English",,,"Recipe for a plaster for an infected or ulcerated sore. Bottom line rubbed.",,"IMEP 17" 2365,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","IMEP XVII A2","Added",,"p. 96","To kepyn a man his syth recipe betonie calament salgia siluestris & feces vini albi & distill aqua sicut aqua vite & in vnge tympera & manus",,"English","Latin",,"Recipe for aqua vitae, for retaining good eyesight.",,"IMEP 17" 2366,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4001","1",,"12",,,"Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2367,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4002","2",,"14v",,,,,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2368,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4003","3",,"16v","Quod grammatica non sit sciencia",,"Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2369,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4004","4",,"20",,,"Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2370,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4005","6",,"21v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2371,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4006","7","De proportionibus Sophismata","21r-v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2372,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4007","8","De motu","23v",,,"Latin",,,"Paragraphs headed 'De motu'.",,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2373,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4008","9","De quantitate","31v",,,"Latin",,,"Paragraphs headed 'De quantitate'.",,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2374,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","TK 682","10","tractatus de sensibus","33r-37r","In homine sunt 5 sensus interiores","Expl. tractatus de sensibus","Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2375,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4010","11",,"39","Sophismata. Scitum est non scitum",,"Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2376,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4011","12",,"53","Anima Juuenis rationalis cuiuslibet sciencie musicalis",,"Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2377,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4012","13",,"55v","quentur circa librum predicamentorum utrum sit de x vocibus x rerum genera significantibus",,"Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2378,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4013","14","Unum pater noster est melius duobus Aue Maria","58","Quod sermo sit congruus manifeste significantibus",,"Latin",,,"Sermons on logic rather than Biblical texts.",,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2379,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4014","15",,"107-121","Princeps philosophorum aristoteles ait in principio metaphysice sue omnino scientis signum est posse docere.",,"Latin",,,"A tract on music, with diagrams and examples.",,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2380,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4015","16",,"121v",,,,,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2381,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","UMP 4016","17",,"135r-150","Quoniam paruus error in principio magnus est in fine.",,"Latin",,,"Ends imperfectly.",,"Trinity Cam. Cat." 2382,"Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","IMEV 3310","35",,"280r","Where ben men biforn ous were","Že soule mot to heuen wende. Amen","English",,,"Begins imperfect. The Auchinleck text contains lines 121-32 and 157-80 of the text in Bodley Laud Misc. 108.","Scribe 1- a clear, legible bookhand.","Auchinleck facs." 2383,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","UMP 5005","3","Hic incipit uita sancti Thome archiepiscopi martiris Cantuariensis","199-223v","Hic incipit uita sancti Thome archiepiscopi martiris Cantuariensis. Igitur beatus Thomas martir natus est ex legitimo matrimonio","alii amentes et effeti miserabiliter interirent","Latin",,,"Booklet II. On this copy see M. Cheney in Church and Government in the Middle Ages, ed. C.N.L. Brooke, D. Luscombe, G. Martin and D. Owen (Cambridge, 1976), pp. 147-52. On f. 199r also is the Grace in English (IMEV 620), beginning 'Crist žat breed brak / at že soper žer he sat' and on f. 213v, the couplet 'ffadur & sone & holy gost al one / Saue me & kepe me from alle fone' (IMEV 770). On f. 223 some lines of ME verse 'On Death' (IMEV 4129).","Neat English rotunda bookhand.","Mynors and Thomson 1993: 30-31" 2384,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4017","1",,"2-4v, 198-201v",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2385,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4018","2",,"5",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2386,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4019","3",,"44",,,,,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2387,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4020","4",,"53",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2388,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4021","5",,"54",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2389,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4022","6",,"55v",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2390,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4023","7",,"59v",,,,,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2391,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4024","8",,"69v",,,,,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2392,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4025","8",,"73v",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2393,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4026","10",,"75",,,,,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2394,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4027","11",,"76v",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2395,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4028","12",,"79",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2396,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4029","13",,"83",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2397,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4030","14",,"102v",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2398,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4031","15",,"103",,,,,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2399,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4032","16",,"115",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2400,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4033","17",,"120v",,,,,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2401,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4034","18",,"136",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2402,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4035","19",,"135",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2403,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4036","20",,"139v-163v, 168, 169, 185v-197",,,,,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2404,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4037","21",,"164-167v, 170-178",,,,,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2405,"London British Library Additional 24062","UMP 4038","22",,"178-185v",,,"French",,,,"Thomas Hoccleve", 2406,"Oxford St John's College 137","UMP 4050","1","Explicit Ouidius Methomorphosyos siue intransformatis","1-84","Incipit tryvet super ouidium Methamorphosios primo de dijs et eorum picturis atque figuris. A veritate quid auditum auertent ad fabulas /ante [later]/ conuertentur ad thymotheum 4to dicit apostolus paulus","pro ipso mortem subire nullatenus dubitarunt dicentes propter te mortificamur tota die Explicit Ouidius Methomorphosyos siue intransformatis","Latin",,,"Actually Pierre Bersuire (Berchorius) 'Ovidium moralizatum'.","Written in anglicana, by three scribes: scribe 1 - fols. 1-38v; scribe 2- fols. 39-49, although parts (eg. fol. 45) could be by next; scribe 3 - fols. 50-84. Scribes 2 and 3 both use secretary . Scribe 1 punctuates by occasional medial point; scribe 2 by occasional double virgula and medial point; scribe 3 by occasional medial point and infrequent virgula.","Hanna 2002: 200" 2407,"Oxford St Johns College 142","UMP 4051","1",,"1-69v","Paucos homines noui quibus opusculorum meorum tanta dignacio tantusque amor quantum tibi fidentissime non videtur esse",,"Latin",,,,"Written in secretary, perhaps by more than one hand.","Hanna 2002: 205" 2408,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (53: 1)","1",,"flyleaf - f. i","Vryn lyk whey and thyn with a cercell purpull do the verr lyk blod in the bothem","heryson probatum est","English",,,"Added s. xvex or xvi.",,"IMEP 11" 2409,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (53: 2)","2",,"flyleaf - f.i","Saynt beed tellethe že perlowes daies of hall is the last day of aprill the fyrst day vogust and že last day decanber","that is the last monday of january the fyrst and last monday of ffebruare","English",,,"Added s. xvex or xvi.",,"IMEP 11" 2410,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (53: 3)","3",,"flyleaf - f.ir-v","Apetyt to anel take pounds ij ferfoye wormwod and rose leues and brown bred and boyle them all togedere","take pelletory of spayn wormwod and comyn and ffrye them togedder in venegere and ley hit to the sore sid probatum est","English",,,"Added s. xvex or xvi.",,"IMEP 11" 2411,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (53: 4)","4",,"flyleaf - f. iv","Here tellith howe long ix maner of thynges shuld leue as clarkes sayeth","a whale durith iij egelles žat is vj mille v centum lxj yeres","English",,,"Added s. xvex or xvi.",,"IMEP 11" 2412,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (53: 5)","5",,"f. i","The contentis withynne this volume bien thiese as in this table and kalender folowyng plainly is expressed",,"English",,,,"Written by the Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2413,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (53: 6)","6","The treatice of ffreere Roger Bacon of thorder of menours tarieng and withdrawyng the accidentis of age and of eldermen","ff. 1-28","Lord of the world whiche of the most noblest stokk hast take the spryng and the bigynnyng","swymmyth in the see and whiche growith in the aare and thyng whiche goeth out myners of noble beestis temperate and equal of complexiounn in al the body. Here endithe the treatice of ffrere Roger Bacon of the Rule of Helthe and Accidentis of Age","English",,,,"Written by the Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2414,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (54: 7)","7","Sperme of man (added later)","ff. 28-37","Sperme of man descendith of al the humours of the body that it be made more subtile in nature of the iiij humours of amnnes body","and in the contrary forwhi many thynges we bien to say but we mown nay seyn hem now as of the subtilite","English",,,,"Written by Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2415,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (54: 8)","8","iiij Elementes (Added later)","f. 37-40v","Ther bien iiij elementis and iiij tymes and iiij mutaciouns or chaunges whiche mutaciouns bien made after the composicioun and reasoun of the signes and planetis","it bihovith that the leche knowe the tyme of the infirmyte day and hour what planete it was and in what signe whan the sike bigan to sikel if the infirmyte be after the propirte of the signe","English",,,,"Written by Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2416,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (54: 9)","9","Liber Cerebri","ff. 40v-44","The brayn naturaly is cold and moist to suscepcioun or takyng and therfor as of dyuers lightly it turnyth","of any other membre wont to dispose nature moche without reasoun in so moche Explicit liber cerebri","English",,,,"Written by Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2417,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (54: 10)","10","Not burne (Added later)","f. 44","If thow wilt that tree or cloth brenne nat take argent vif or quik siluer","and touche cloth or tree and after that from fuyre it lepith","English",,,,"Written by Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2418,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (54: 11)","11","Liber fleobotomie","ff. 44v-46","Ueray fleobotomye or letyng of bloode is right inscicioun or cuttyng of veynes with reasoun of mynusioun and lassyng of bloode moderatly","dulnes sorowe and hevynes away takith lust and likyng coartith propre norisshith and straunge outcastith length of lif and hele mynistreth","English",,,,"Written by Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2419,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (54: 12)","12","Oyntmentes ffor highe coloure (added later)","f. 46r-v","To the variole whiche is made of bloode if it be in yowth to be fleobotomyed vnto spetemy and it is yeve hem cold and moiste diete pustules","and cast it in the nosethirls and hold open the mowth that the humour may renne out","English",,,,"Written by Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2420,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (54: 13)","13","Liber creatoris","ff. 46v-50","The creator and maker of al thyng willyng that kynd stidefastly and stably abide bi that drift and bi generacioun hath disposed to revoke as revoked of al no losse to be had therfor whan he fulfillith beestis with natural membris","whiche forsoth mown nat appetite and expowne we what departith hem from appetite (Ends imperfectly)","English",,,,"Written by Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2421,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (55: 14)","14",,"ff. 50-51v","A medesen for že gret pokkes take ounces viij quyk seluer and sublyme hit with ffastyng spytell or with veneger","ley hit žerto and drynk že iuse of bettony vj dayes and hit shall cast out the bone and hele hit","English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.",,"IMEP 11" 2422,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (55: 15)","15",,"ff. 51v-52","The vertue of arthamesia id est matere herbarum modour worte and the modere of yerbes gave her že name","iuse of the said yerbe with wyn and be hole also yf ye dryng že iuce of this yerbe ofte žer shall no weked best greue the","English",,"Latin","Added s. xv ex or xvi.","Written in same hand as item 14.","IMEP 11" 2423,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (55: 16)","16",,"f. 52","Tretes of že exposcyen of že vij celestiall bodyes or planetes and of žer affectes and influence as fyrst of saturne iupiter and marse 23us",,"English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.","Written by the same hand as wrote items 14 and 15.","IMEP 11" 2424,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (55: 17)","17","Bacon is burthened to fayne of mani godes but there is but one true god which do leue euer and allwayes","f. 52r-v","We hovlde yt out of controversie žat there ys in minde of man euen bi naturall instintion and certayne felinge of godhed for to the ende žat no man shovld flee to the presence of ignoravnce god himsheelf hath plantid in all men a certeine vnderstanding","to hide themselves in from že prisence of že lord finis bi me william haekins vicar of brvdge solars","English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.","Added to a blank leaf by a later hand, identified by his own colophon as William Haekins, Vicar of Bridge Solars (Herefs).","IMEP 11" 2425,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (55: 18)","18",,"ff. 53-56v","Frere rogier bacon in the vj booke of sentences in the iij degre of sapience wher he spekith of goodis of the body and goodis of fortune","of al vertuous sterris as bien made high operaciouns and most profitable in this world et cetera","English",,,"No heading by scribe, except marginal note in Latin 'Bacon libro vj sententiarum in iij gradu sapiencie'.","Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2426,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (55: 19)","19",,"ff. 56v-61","Forsoth the bodies of adam and of eve after their synne thei withdriew moche further of from equalite","and in the booke of passiouns of age and in the treatice of age and rule of eldermen and in the bookis of plinius and elliswher in many maners. Explicit tractatus extractus de predicto libro ffratris Rogeri Bacon","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2427,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (56: 20)","20",,"f. 61v","Take cynamun carpobalsaum ligni cassie cost dulce or swete cost safron mastic cububis evene an vnce","and the flux shal cease if he faile cassia ligna double he his weight of cynamun","English",,"Latin","Latin marginal heading by the scribe 'Contra arteticam'.","Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2428,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (56: 21)","21","Pronosticaciones (added later)","ff. 62-81v","It is to be noted after bartilmew vpon pronosticaciouns that of signes other bien rememoratief or remembrid of tyme past","as saith galien in his coment and so of the other accidentis ther is contrarie","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2429,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (56: 22)","22",,"ff. 82-104","Al dropesie in sharp sikenes is evil and hastith forsoth že fever and hevynes of membris and ache and even arisith forsoth of the lyndis","and without labour thiese therfor bien evil forwhi thei signifien grete matier","English",,,"Marginal notes marking chapters and authorities (eg. 'Galienus'; 'Avicen') by the main scribe.","Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2430,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (56: 23)","23",,"ff. 104-106v","To mak a sered clothe take iiij pounds swynes grece clene molten when it is hot do therto iij quartes of clen rosen and when hit is molten set hit fro the ffyre","and strewe hit wher byrdes were wonnt to com as sone as they haue eten žerof ye may tak them withe youre handes","English",,,"Marginal notes indicate the malady or portion of the body. Interrupted by items 24 and 25. s. xv ex or xvi.","By the second hand of the manuscript, who also wrote items 14-16.","IMEP 11" 2431,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (56: 24)","24","Thonderynges","f. 105r-v","Off thunderyng žat fallythe in dyuerse monethes of yere and what they synyfyethe","descember synyfiethe plente of corne pece and loue in erthe","English",,,"The names of the months 'August' to 'Descember' written in the margin on f. 105v. s. xv ex or xvi.","By the second hand of the manuscript, who also wrote items 14-16, 23.","IMEP 11" 2432,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IPMEP 723","25","iij perelous mondayes","f. 105v","Also there ys iij perelous mondayes in the yf a child be gotten or borne in any of the iij mondayes they shall dy a shamus dethe","the last monday of may ant the last monday of september","English",,,"s. xv ex or xvi.","By the second hand of the manuscript, who also wrote items 14-16, 23, 24.","IMEP 11" 2433,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (57: 26)","26",,"ff. 107-134v","For as moche as ther bien many wymmen than han many diuers maladies and sikenessis nygh to the deth and they also bien shameful to shewen and to tellen their grevaunces to any wight","whan she goeth to bedde to hir make and she shal conceive witnesse trotula","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2434,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (57: 27)","27",,"f. 135r-v","A goode medicyne for the stone proeved triewe take the seedis of gromel careway percely saxfrage fenel loveache smalache stanmarche and cheristones","dynke first and last at even hote and at morow cold til he be hole of žat malady","English",,,"Collection of six medical recipes, with notes of the malady or medicine (e.g. 'stone', 'palasie', 'aqua vite') added to the margins by a later hand. Marginal headings of the ailments or medicine involved in each recipe added by a later hand.",,"IMEP 11" 2435,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (57: 28)","28",,"ff. 136-138v","To make a woman haue her fflowres take the rote of gladden and sethe hit in venegere or in in whit wyn and when it is well sodden set hit opon the ground","and sethe them well in oyle olyve and then let it cold and this is called ollyu lawryun","English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.","By various hands.","IMEP 11" 2436,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (57: 29)","29",,"ff. 137v-138","Here ffoluythe xij syrupes žat bythe comyn syrupes at the pottycares","for all old flixe as in the stomak in the bowelles and siche othere","English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.","By the second hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2437,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (58: 30)","30","Waters Stylled","f. 138v","Aqua wormod ys good for že lyuer ffellen stomak wormes in že wombe ffor že iawndice dronkennes","aqua nept yf hit be dronken ofte hit makethe a man lusty and yonge","English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.","By the second hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2438,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (58: 31)","31","The iiij Elementis","f. 139r-v","It is to vndirstonde that ther bien iiij elementis ffuyr eire water and erth whos qualites and prevy worchynges bien žese","fleame hath dominacioun vryne white thynne and cliere bitokenyth that malencoly haž domynacioun. [Colophon]: 'here endith the iiij elementis and their qualitees'","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2439,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (58: 32)","32",,"f. 139v","An element is a simple body vnder the domynacioun of the mone whos partes in kynde","varien nat a commyxtioun of elementis is cald a knyttyng toguyder in bodies","English",,,"Suffixed to Item 31","Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2440,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (58: 33)","33",,"ff. 139v-140","Ther bien in every man iij spirites ffirst the natural spirit the secunde the vital spirit and the thridde the animal spirit","he hath his recours from oon to another but his chief abidyng is in the middil celle that is cald the celle of reason","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2441,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (58: 34)","34",,"f. 140","Al the mete and drynk that man receivith haž iij digestions the first in the stomac the secunde in the liver wher ther is a subtil evaporacioun made and sent bi the veynes","both their natures comen from singulier membris but nat from the substaunce of singulier membris but from žat membre is next in myght","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2442,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (58: 35)","35",,"f. 140","The philosophre puttith ij causes of long lif the first whan that ther is in any thyng beyng that the ij actief vertues han power vpon the passief","the erth and aier and al suche bien of long substaunce that is to say of long lif","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2443,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (58: 36)","36","The dispocission of Planettes (added later)","ff. 140-141v","O glorious god and high creator of al thynges made in the begynnyng of the world vij planetis the names of whom bien thiese","for they bien goode with goode and evil with evil to theym that bien of žer complexioun they don moche moche goode et cetera","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2444,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (59: 37)","37","The qualitees or the complexiouns of the xij signes (colophon)","ff. 141v-142v","Off signes sum bien masculyne and sum bien femynyne aries is masculyne and taurus is femynyne","and to treate of pees and concorde beware thow mete with non enemyes ne touche nat thyn anclees ne thi feete with non egge toole","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2445,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","VK 8014.00","38","The booke of Ipocras of Lif and Deth (colophon)","ff. 143-145","This is the booke of ipocras in this booke he techith to knowe the planete sikenes lif and deth and the tymes therof","bien cancer scorpio and pisces his planetis bien venus and luna this rule is general of al maner surgery of postemes outward","English",,,"Titled by a later hand in the upper margin of f. 143 'Sekenesses lif and deth'.","Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2446,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (59: 39)","39",,"f. 145-145v","Attractief colre aries leo sagittarius bien signes hote and dry and bien of the nature sol","cancer scorpio pissis bien signe cold and moiste and bien of the nature of the mone meanely mercury septemtrional or borial north water","English",,,"Set forth in tabular form. Marginal headings or notes ('Digestyve signes', 'iiij complecions') by a later hand.","Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2447,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (59: 40)","40",,"ff. 145v-153","Be the ordynaunce of god that al thyng hath made after his wil hath yeuen to aungels his spirites vndirstondyng and konnyng","the vij is whan she is enclipsed the viij is whan she is in an evil house the whiche bien thiese the iiij the vj the vij the viij and the xij","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2448,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (59: 41)","41",,"ff. 153v-156v","Bi cause that al thynges here in erth as wel že elementis as thynges spryngen and compowned of the elementis bien graunted and ladde bi the bodies that bien in the spieris","and draw oute forwhi if that infect and empoisonned bloode be sent or brought to the arm holis it is wele wist therby that the herte peyned or grevid wherfor","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2449,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (60: 43)","43",,"ff. 158-159","Ther bien viij maners of medicynes mynistred to the parties of the body withoutfurth whiche bien cald in this maner","or taken in ij maners forwhi it is entremeted in dure substaunce and so it is suppositorye or in lignite and so it is clisterie","English",,,"No title or heading by the main scribe, but marginal title added by later hands, 'Medicyns', 'ffor pestlence' (f. 158).","Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2450,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IPMEP 659","42","Here endith the treatice of John of Barba and John of Burdeux made agenst the sikenes pestilencial whiche is že sikenes epedymal anno domini millessimo cccmo nonogesimo (colophon)","ff. 156v-158","Here bigynneth a noble treatice made of a goode phisicien john a burdews for medicyne agenst the pestilence evil","other chapitre tellith and rule hym after the techyng of this treatice and thurgh the grace of god he shal escape and be delivered from this sikenes","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2451,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (60: 44)","44",,"ff. 159-173v","As salamon saith in his first booke of proverbis the first chapitre that saith thus inicium sapiencie est timor domini","and boyle hem in a galon water to the half and vse it","English",,,"Rubric heading reads: 'Prologus istius tractatus secundum linguam maternam' (f. 159).","Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2452,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (60: 45)","45",,"f. 172v","ffor že sciatica pastio take a gallown of your vren of viij or ix dayes old and sethe hit and scom hit well to be soden to a pottell","yourself ij or iij tymes a day to yeve hele ffor this is a true proved medecyn vpon dyuerse persones","English",,,"Added s. xvex or s. xvi.","By the second hand of the MS., who wrote items 14-16, 23-35 etc.","IMEP 11" 2453,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (60: 46)","46","And folowyng here next bigynneth an approbate treatise for the pestilence studied bi the grettest doctours of phisik amonges the vniuersites of cristendom and amonges al cristen naciouns in the tyme of seynt thomas of caunterbury","ff. 174-175v","For the vniuersal goode of al cristen people to lierne the most soverayne medicyne of diete bloode leetyng and of herbis and moche other counsails of solempne doctours","writyng and doctryne of seynt beede and thiese creatures of man that letith hym bloode vpon any of thiese iij daies he shal (ends incomplete)","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2454,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (60: C2)","47","Here bigynnen the synonymes and even voices of syuers spices herbis gummes and of trees literaly bi lettres of the ABC","ff. 175v-201","Arthemesia mater herbarum moder of herbes matricaria vel martha in inglissh mugwort hote","in medio eiusdem gradus in inglissh sugre zipule id est crispelle. Here enden the synonymes and even voices of dyuers spices herbis gummes and trees litteraly bi the lettres of the ABC","Latin","French","English",,"Main hand.","IMEP 11" 2455,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","TK 412","48","Here bigynneth the first table of maiste valerne of whos first piller or first table is of emagogis and so he bigynneth","ff. 202v-212","Diantos manna cassia fistula pruna tamarandi cerasa iuiube borax peopanus borago capillus","vituli vrsini ceruini asinim(?) siccati quitbibici oliua castoreum","Latin",,"English",,,"IMEP 11" 2456,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (60: 47)","49",,"ff. 212-213v","Asma is an evil in the brest as it were a maner cowgh apolexie that is the relentyng of the brayne and it is a particuler maladie","that is the blac jawnys and it cometh of a malencoly and in sum bookes of phisique it is cleped melanchiron","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2457,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (61: 48)","50","colica passio (added later)","f. 213v","Here it techith for to knowe the colica passio thiese bien the signes prikynges gnawynges and akynges and sorow","and the grete trific and diatesseron and diaspermaton and the grete triacle and lete hem be ventused withoute fuyre","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2458,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (61: 49)","51",,"f. 214r-v","Vna medicena bona et optima pro scietica passio take j galloun of your vren of viij or ix dayes olde and sithe hit and scom it well","and than bynd the sered clothe aboue vppon hit","English",,,"Added s. xvex or xvi.","By the second hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2459,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (61: 50)","52",,"ff. 215-238v","Whan ye wil compowne or make this instrument bi the grace of god without whos help may nothyng be fynaly triewe and parfite","therfor to the first invencioun oxght to be multiplied bi xiiij and the product therof divide bi x and it shal shewe","English",,,"Treatise on making a quadrant (ff. 215-222) and instructions for its use (ff. 222-238v), with instructions for making and using a 'yerd visory or gawgyng yerd' and a 'staff of Jacob' (ff. 235v-238v) to use with the quadrant. Incipit similar to a number of Latin works on the quadrant e.g. TK 352.","The instructions for making the quadrant in nine chapters signed 'Quod Multon' in several places (ff. 215, 217, 219, 222) and one dated 1458 (f. 215). Probably John Multon, the stationer. Written by the Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2460,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (61: 51)","53",,"f. 234","This boke of medycynes is provid and tryed to be true you may be well assuryde that euery kynd of medycyne","ys wounderfull good for the desease hit speaketh of as any be in all the woerlde","English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.",,"IMEP 11" 2461,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (61: 52)","54","Of the viij planetis","ff. 239-244v","As ther bien vij planetis saturnus of al is hier in his cercle and he is the signifier and tokener of auncient riche men and riches and religions and erthtiliers or ploughmen","everlastyng and drawe he in to a goode chaunge that if he so do worthy rewardes of goode god he shal take that is to say everlastyng lif","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2462,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (62: 53)","55",,"ff. 244v-254","Glorious and mervailaus god in al his werkis the verray craft of wisdam of the fader of hevene whiche in the bigynnyng beyng bifore al creatures as witnessith scripture","as it was saide in the bigynnyng of this writyng thurgh the wisdam of the fader of hevene who be blessid withouten end amen","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2463,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (62: 54)","56",,"f. 254r-v","A rewle to make a square of a rounde cercle as thus ffirst make youre cercle and drawe a square from side to side","and on that day shal the hed of the tree rest on the on the grounde and thus an example","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2464,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (62: 55)","57","Here endith Almanak from Arabik into latyn translated the yeere of our lord god m cccxlvij","ff. 257-259","Almanak translated in perpetuite out of arabike into latin the yeere of our lord m cccvij whiche parfitely withdrawen m cccvj vnder the yeeris of our lord","it is meridional ascendyng and than with that ther be ccclx grees bitwene hem and no lasse the moone hath no latitude","English",,,"Canons to accompany a perpetual kalendar or almanack (which is lacking), translated from Arabic into Latin in either 1307 or 1347: the introduction gives the date 1307 three times, but the rubric colophon reads 'Here endith Almanak from Arabik into latyn translated the yeere of our lord god m cccxlvij'.","Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2465,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (62: 56)","58",,"ff. 259-260v","If questioun be made of the nativite of man and the planetis bien in grees males this shal be to hem strong and if the questioun be of the nativite of womman and the planetis bien in grees femynyne","and bi grete of name ffo soth in grees masculyne signes and quartis planetis beyng in their natiuitees maken hem abhomynable in their deedis and sayenges","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2466,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (62: 57)","59",,"ff. 260v-261","In whatsumever signe it thundrith outher in the day or in the nyght that bitokenyth the same yeere forsož shal be but another thunder","men shuln be sike but nat only die therfor in thiese chapitres canoni3ed tymes and temperal mutaciouns or chaunges most to be considrd","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2467,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (62: 58)","60",,"ff. 261-262","Raby moyses the philophre saith in suche a booke that al the body of že erth is rounde as a tenys ball and evene and everywhere","is a part of the hevenly spiere divide in v equal parties axis is the right lyne from the lasse mount vnto the more probably vnderstanden et cetera","English",,,,"Hammond scribe.","IMEP 11" 2468,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (63: 59)","61","Aspectus lune cum ceteris planetis","f. 262v",,,"English","Latin",,,"Hammond scribe","IMEP 11" 2469,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (63: 60)","62",,"ff. 264-266v","... hym that is greved bi straitnes in the brest ... An oynement for to help an ache or stiche gnawyng or fervently gripyng the side the lunges and the splene","..or in whey cliere soden and wele purified and also he may receive it bi hymsilf symple as it compowned","English",,,"First recipe begins incomplete due to the loss of f. 263.",,"IMEP 11" 2470,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (63: 61)","63",,"ff. 266v-272","Plaster or ffor fleme and swellyng at že stomak in drynk per bagshaw take handful j parcellys rotes clen pikyd j handful senkyll or že rotes","befor the purpeles doo aryes the syke body shall amend by the grace of god thomas sandy","English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.","Many of the recipes are written by the second hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2471,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (63: 62)","64",,"f. 267r-v","Thes ben že vertuse žerof withine hit preserueth a man from pestelence for yf a man anoynt his handys ožer smelle žerto","hym with žis oyle žer že payne ys and he shall be hole item where žis oyll pe set it wol distroy mowthis","English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.",,"IMEP 11" 2472,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (63: 63)","65",,"f. 269","Canyclere dayes begynythe že xxiiij day of jull and endethe že vth day of september next after",,"English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.",,"IMEP 11" 2473,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","IMEP XI (63: 64)","66","Waters and žer propertes","f. 270","Water of egremond is good for sore woundes and hit dothe away yewkyng water of avens and meddell hit with hony and stille hit dothe away","water of violetes is god to lele a man žat is thyrsty ffor že raynes for že lyuer že jawndyse and vnkynd het in že stomak","English",,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.",,"IMEP 11" 2474,"Oxford All Souls College 88","STC 6458","1",,"ff. 1-115v","Utrum ad felicitatem sub racione finis ultimi appetitus racionalis debeat habitualiter dirigi.","et uirtute operantibus quod premium nobis concedat qui sine fine [viuat et regnat]","Latin",,,"f. 116rv is blank.","Anglicana by one scribe. No punctuation.","AS Cat: 185-6" 2475,"Oxford All Souls College 92","Bloomfield 2051","1","Incipit liber de regimine principum compilatus a fratre Egidio romano ordinis fratrum heremitarum","ff. 1-159","Incipit liber de regimine principum compilatus a fratre Egidio romano ordinis fratrum heremitarum. Ex Regia ac Sanctissima prosapia oriundo suo domino","quam deus ipse suis promisit fidelibus in secula seculorum etc. Explicit liber de Regimine principum editus a fratre Egidio ordinis fratrum heremitarum augustini","Latin",,,,"Anglicana by one scribe. Very sparse punctuation is by low and medial points and double virgula.","AS Cat: 191" 2476,"Oxford All Souls College 92","UMP 0486","2","Explicit tabula de Regimine principum secundum Egidium edita a fratre thoma abyndon","ff. 159v-166r","Tabula. Abhominacio","Explicit tabula de Regimine principum secundum Egidium edita a fratre thoma abyndon","Latin",,,,,"AS Cat: 191" 2478,"London British Library Additional 24361","UMP 1001","5","Tractatus de sermonibus faciendis","ff. 52-63","Qvamuis de sermonibus faciendis",,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2479,"London British Library Additional 24361","UMP 4052","6","Biblia versificata et quotata","ff. 63v-89v","Sex prohibit peccant abel ennok archa fit intrat","Explicit Biblia versificata per libros et capitula quod Walterus Hotham Monachus","Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2480,"London British Library Additional 24361","PL 210. 469-482","3","Alanus de planctu nature","ff. 21v-44",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2481,"London British Library Additional 37075","IPMEP 308","1",,"ff. 1r-6v","H [...]","accorde wiž že genityff žat folowyth in on. Whiche on? In gendir only. Explicit","English",,,,"Hand 4 - S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 220" 2482,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2096","2","Explicit Of (sic) facies mentum","ff. 7r-21v","[Os facies mentum dens guttur] lingua palatam. Hec os, -ris, -i: for a mouth","Hoc extum, -ti, -to: a gutte. Explicit Of (sic) facies mentum","Latin",,,"With the Latin words parsed and glossed after each line.","John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 220-1" 2483,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2098","3","Explicit Liber Vrbanitatis","f. 22r-v","S[tans puer ad mensam domini]","Presul et ille fuit cui felix det deus omen. Explicit Liber Vrbanitatis","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 221" 2484,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4053","4","Explicit verba neutra et anormala","ff. 23v-25v","Quot sunt illa verba [que capiunt(?)] consimiles casus? Dicendum quod","Declinans pocior semper dicendo potiri. Explicit verba neutra et anormala quod Claveryng","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 221" 2485,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4054","5",,"ff. 26r-30v","Sum es fui esse vel fore essendi -do -dum","Extremum terne presens dabit imperiales. Explicit S","Latin",,,,"Hand 4 - S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 221" 2486,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4055","6",,"ff. 30v-36v, 41r","Formela grammaticis hec compilata nouellis","- Ram, -rim, -ro, mutant I, -sem, -sem, -se retinent I. Explicit","Latin","English",,"The ending was written out twice, originally on fol. 41r, and then on fol. 37 when the extra leaves (fols. 37-40) were added and came between fols. 36v and 41r.","Hand 4 - S. xv2, a mixed hand to fol. 31r; John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand from fol. 31r to end.","Thomson 1979: 221" 2487,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2806","7",,"ff. 41v-52r","Deus nichil fecerat frustra dum creauit","Que contingunt paruulis hijs noli abire. Explicit liber. Iohn Claueryng.","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 221" 2488,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4056","8","Explicit liber facetie.","ff. 52v-58r","Est nichil vtilius humane credo saluti","Preuideat quando taceat et quando loquatur. Explicit liber facetie.","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 221" 2489,"London British Library Additional 37075","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","9",,"ff. 58v-69v","Hic ponit autor libri doctrinales (sic) de genere nominum. Primo ponendo de regulas generales deinde speciales","Victrices turbe victricia tela tulere. Explicit Genera.","Latin","English",,"The text here has a commentary which introduces English equivalents.","John Claveryng: s. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 222" 2490,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4058","11",,"ff. 71v-72r",,,"Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 222" 2491,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4059","12",,"f. 72r","For of aftyr a nown substantyve","shall be že genityve and the ablatyve","English",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 222" 2492,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4060","13",,"ff. 73v-81v","Pro congruitate seruanda horum verborum que dicuntur verba neutra passiva vt exulo vapulo etcetera","Verbi gracia vestri gracia sicque locantur. Explicit.","Latin","English",,"Here with a few English glosses.","John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 222" 2493,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2802","14","Explicit ethroglita","ff. 82r-84r","Quot modis sunt ethroglita? Disendum (sic) secundum autorem Catholicon quod iiijor modis","Nausi iungatur horum nullum variatur. Explicit ethroglita","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 222" 2494,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4061","15","Explicit Regimina","ff. 85r-93v","Rectus ordo construendi impeditur quinque modis. Primo per infinitacionem","Rus quoque milicia domus ac humus ista secuntur. Explicit Regimina, quod Clauring (ciphered signature)","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 223" 2495,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4062","16",,"ff. 94r-95v","Que sunt verba defectiua in modis?","Dat venum venu veniens venurus ab illo. Explicit.","Latin",,,"F. 96r is blank.","John Claveryng: s. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 223" 2496,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4063","17",,"ff. 96v-97r","Que est agnicio prime declinacionis grecorum?","Dat Moyses Moysy, Moysen simul cetera terno. Explicit.","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 223" 2497,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2102","18",,"ff. 97v-112v","Ad mare ne videar latices [de]ferre camino","Ex vtero dicti germani sunt vterini. Explicit.","Latin","English",,"Here with some English headings and Latin-English vocabulary in the margins.","John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 223" 2498,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4064","19",,"f. 113r-v","Vnde dicitur simplex? De sine et hec plica","Sunt presagia vatum sed sunt oracula diuini","Latin","English",,"With English glosses, and ending with a single versus differencialis. f. 114r and 115v are blank.","John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 223" 2499,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4065","20",,"f. 116r","A B C sunt extra G supra D E H sunt infra","in Thomas ali","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 223" 2500,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4066","21",,"ff. 118r-126r","Hic incipiunt versus deferenciales. Claua ferit clauis aperit clauus duo iungit","Sed pro diuicijs generis communis habetur","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 223" 2501,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2801","22",,"ff. 127r-143v","Coniugacio est sequens verborum","Sed liui triui siui sunt simpla per iui. Explicit.","Latin","English",,"English equivalents to the Latin verbs are given in the text.","John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 225" 2502,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4067","23","Explicit liber doponentum.","ff. 144r-146v","Sic deponentum verborum do documentum","Regula Papie sic Petri wit et Helie. Explicit liber doponentum.","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 225" 2503,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2103","24",,"ff. 149r-188r","Augustus -ti -to cesar vel mensis habeto","et id est quod suspicio suspecion et id est quod inuidia envy. Amen. Explicit.","Latin","English",,"With a commentary giving English equivalents.","John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 226" 2504,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4068","25",,"ff. 188v-198v","Assato cibario cum quo seruiebatur mihi ad cenam in die martis","quam clarissime meus iam sapit intellectus","Latin",,,"Without English equivalents. Two Latin versions are given for most of the passages, the second of which improves on the first and is probably the master's version. A passage on f. 191r refers to the practice of making rose garlands for St. Anthony's day.","John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 226" 2505,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2100","26","Explicit liber Catonis a Warrewyke","ff. 199r-204r","Si deus est animus","Hec breuitas sensus fecit coniungere binos. Explicit liber Catonis a Warrewyke","Latin",,,,"Warrewyke: S. xvmed, an anglicana hand.","Thomson 1979: 227" 2506,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4069","27"," Explicit liber regularum versificalium","ff. 205r-212v","A[pud latinos viginti sunt littere]","Trocheus in fine semper sua iura tenebit. Explicit liber etcetera. Explicit liber regularum versificalium","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 227" 2507,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4070","28"," Explicit liber de formis verborum","ff. 213r-216r","Decem sunt forme verborum sicut ex Preciano et Catholicon possimus colligere","Impersonale numquam de iure creatur. Expliciunt forme verborum. Explicit liber de formis verborum.","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 227" 2508,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4071","29",,"ff. 216v-225r","Qvatuor sunt partes grammatice, scilicet ortographia","De supero iungas et prosoc' atque resersit","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 227" 2509,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4072","30",,"ff. 235r-243v","Prosodia est secunda pars","Vt docuit sani quod Iohannes Chaloner","Latin",,,"This is part 2 of item 29.","John Chaloner: S. xvmed, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 228" 2510,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 0561","32",,"ff. 245r-255r","A Phebo Phebe lumen capit a sapiente","vanitas omnia queque nichill. Explicit","Latin",,,"N.B. Thomson 1979 misses item 31.","John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 228" 2511,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4068","33",,"ff. 256r-267r","Iacencium diu lecto matres nostre que sunt plene","et si ad duplicem valorem precium(?) a venundante denominet","Latin",,,"See item 25.","John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 228" 2512,"London British Library Additional 37075","Walther, Versanf: 664","34",,"ff. 267v-272r","Ethiopium terras iam feruida torruit estas","Spiritus heredi geminatur amore magister (ends incomplete)","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 229" 2513,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4074","35",,"ff. 276r-303v","Ad honorem dei patris omnipotentis et filii et spiritus","hec ferula, hoc percussorium: a palmer","Latin","English",,,"John Claveryng: S. xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 229" 2514,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4075","36","Hic incipit nominale sub compendio compilatum tam de fixis quam de mobilibus.","ff. 309r-324r","Hic incipit nominale sub compendio compilatum tam de fixis quam de mobilibus. Primo de vocabulis ad singula membra corperis (sic) humani spectantibus. Hoc caput, -tis: a hede","hec solitudo","Latin","English",,,"John Claveryng: S xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 230" 2515,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4076","37",,"ff. 327v-328v","Vnus, primus, singulus, semel, primarius. Duo","Mille, millesimus, millesies, millenus, millenarius","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 230" 2516,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 4077","38",,"ff. 331r-354r","Uerba prime coniugacionis habencia B ante O compendiose ad vtilitatem iuuenum collecta","Sciscitor inquirens qua noua scire volo","Latin",,,,"Hand 5: S. xvex, a secretary hand.","Thomson 1979: 230" 2517,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2807","39",,"ff. 362r-381r","Conditor alme siderum eterna lux credencium","per eterna secula. Amen.","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 231" 2518,"London British Library Additional 37075","UMP 2808","40",,"ff. 382r-410v","Dalus eterna indeficiens mundi vita","filie matris summi regis sacrosancte Marie quam sibi (ends incomplete)","Latin",,,,"John Claveryng: S xv2, a mixed hand.","Thomson 1979: 231" 2519,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i (Charters of Liberties), 33-36","1","Carta de libertatibus Anglie","f. 11",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2520,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i 120-22","2","Carta de Foresta","f. 14",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2521,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i 1-4","3","'Prouisiones de Merton'","f. 15v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2522,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR I. 19-25","4",,"f. 17",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2523,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i 26-39","5",,"f. 21v",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2524,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 45-50","6",,"f. 30v",,,"French",,"Latin","After a short preface 'Pour les grants meschefs', differing from SR i. 45-50, the statute begins at chapter i 'Come auant ces heures' and there are some differences in the order of chapters. The Latin text of the explanations differs considerably.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2525,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 71-95","7",,"f. 33v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2526,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 51","8",,"f. 50v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2527,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 106","9",,"f. 51",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2528,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 98-100","10",,"f. 51v",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2529,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 96","11",,"f. 53v",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2530,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4151","12",,"f. 55",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2531,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 197","13",,"f. 55v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2532,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 216","14",,"f. 56v",,,"French","Latin",,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2533,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 227","15","Modus faciendi homagium et fidelitatem","f. 56v",,,"French","Latin",,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2534,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 226","16","Prerogatiua regis","f. 57",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2535,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 216a","17",,"f. 59",,,"French",,,"The first part of the statute printed in SR i. 216.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2536,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 216","18",,"f. 59",,,"Latin",,,"The second part of that in SR i. 216.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2537,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 246","19",,"f. 59v",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2538,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4152","20",,"f. 60",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2539,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR 1:200n","21","Composicio moncte et mensurarem","f. 63v","Per discrecionem","pars quarterii","Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2540,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 264","22",,"f. 63v",,,"French",,,"capp. xii and xiv.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2541,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 270","23",,"f. 64",,,"French",,,"cap. i, with a differently worded commencement.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2542,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 311-316","24",,"f. 65",,,"French",,,"The two statutes, here given as one.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2543,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 319-320","25",,"f. 69",,,"French",,,"cap. ii.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2544,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 323-4","26",,"f. 69v",,,"French",,,"capp. xx-xxiii.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2545,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 337","27",,"f. 70v",,,"French",,,"capp. x-xi, xiii, xix, xx.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2546,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 346-347","28",,"f. 71v",,,"French",,,"cap. x.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2547,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 263","29",,"f. 72v",,,"French",,,"cap. viii.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2548,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 278","30",,"f. 72v",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2549,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 351","31",,"f. 73",,,"French",,,"cap. x.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2550,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4153","32",,"f. 73v","Fee ferme est arendre",,"Latin","French",,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2551,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 330","33",,"f. 74v",,,"French",,,"capp. iv-viii.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2552,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 396","34",,"f. 76",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2553,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4154","35",,"f. 78",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2554,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4155","36a",,"f. 79v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2555,"London British Library Additional 38131","IPM iii. 178","36b",,"f. 79v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2556,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4156","37",,"f. 80v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2557,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4157","39",,"f. 82v","Vir vidias (sic) quid iubeas dum magnus haberis/ Respicias ne despicias quem ledere queris",,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2558,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 45","41",,"f. 85",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2559,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4159","42",,"f. 85","Sicut continet (sic) in lege",,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2560,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4160","43",,"f. 85v",,,"Latin","English",,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2561,"London British Library Additional 38131","Rymer i. 11","44",,"f. 86",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2562,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 31","45",,"f. 86v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2563,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 248","46",,"f. 87",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2564,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 249","47",,"f. 87v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2565,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 443","48",,"f. 88","Nos autem donaciones",,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2566,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 634-637","49","De principio aldermannorum et qualiter receperunt nomina sua","f. 88v","Greiue quoque nomen",,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2567,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4161","50",,"ff. 90-92v",,,"Latin","French",,"The documents are: a) writ of the king to sheriffs, to make proclamation ordering attendance at the eyre, 20 Nov 1320 (Lib. Cust., p. 285); b) Return by the sheriffs to the preceding writ (Lib. Cust., p. 290); c) Proclamation by the sheriffs in accordance with the writ, Nov 30 1320; d) List of mayors, sheriffs, aldermen etc ; e) 'Modus et ordo qualiter barones et vniuersitas ciuium Londoniarum se debent habere et gerere erga dominum regem et iusticiarios suos tempore quo domino rege placuerit tenere placita corone sue apud Turrim London. de attachiamentis et infortunis in eadem ciuitate emersis'.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2568,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 256-266","51",,"f. 96",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2569,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4162","52",,"f. 99v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2570,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4163","53",,"f. 100",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2571,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4164","54",,"f. 100v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2572,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 435","55",,"f. 102v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2573,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 268","56",,"f. 103",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2574,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Cust. 98","57","Memorandum quid et quantum clerici et seruientes visecomitum Londonarium accipient per annum de dominis suis","f. 105v",,,"Latin",,,"With some differences from Lib. Cust. 98.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2575,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4165","58",,"f. 106",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2576,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4166","59","Les estatutz des pissoneres","f. 106",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2577,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4167","60","Capitula dicenda pistoribus in halimoto suo","f. 109",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2578,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4168","61","Capitula dicenda piscenariis in halimoto suo","f. 110v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2579,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4169","62",,"f. 111v",,,"French",,,"Following immediately on from item 61, without heading.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2580,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib. Alb. 233-234","63","Custume de Smethefeld","f. 113",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2581,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4170","64","Custuma vici pontis de nauibus","f. 113",,,"French",,"Latin","Followed without heading by those of Billingsgate, tronage, Woolchurchhaw, Graschurch, and pesage.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2582,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4171","65","La prise des vinis al oeps nostre seigneur le Roy","f. 115",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2583,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4172","66","Assaium albi panis","f. 115v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2584,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 200 (b)","68","Assisa seruieic per vniuersam regionem predictam","f. 116v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2585,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 202","69","Iudicium pillorie et tumberelli","f. 116v",,,"Latin",,,"Sections 2 and 3 of the statute only.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2586,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 203-4","70","De forestallariis","f. 117",,,"Latin",,,"Section 12 of the statute only - but with different wording.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2587,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 203","71","De carnficibus et kocis","f. 117",,,"Latin",,,"Section 8 of the statute only.",,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2588,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR i. 113","72","De frangenti prisonam","f. 117",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2589,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4177","74","Carta cissorum Londoniarum","f. 119",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2590,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib.Alb. 368-371","73","Les estatuiz pour vsurers et escheuisansours","f. 117v",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2591,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4178","75","Proclamacio confecta secundum tenorem statutorum et consuetudinem ciuitatis Londoniarum","f. 120",,,"French","Latin",,,,"CJ" 2592,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4179","76","Carta pistoribus et molendinarlis","f. 126",,,"French","Latin",,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2593,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4180","77","Carta de amocione aldermannorum","f. 127",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2594,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4181","78","Carta quod alienigene non tenebunt hospicia in Londoniis","f. 127v",,,"French","Latin",,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2595,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4182","79","Adhuc de eisdem","f. 128v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2596,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4183","80","Carta pro clauis seruientium ciuitatis Londoniarum","f. 129",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2597,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4184","81",,"f. 129v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2598,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4185","82",,"f. 131",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2599,"London British Library Additional 38131","Lib.Alb. 315","83","Le serement de ceux que serrount souz frank plege","f. 131",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2600,"London British Library Additional 38131","SR ii. 26-30","85",,"f. 132v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2601,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4186","84","Les articlis (sic) de Wardemoot tenue en Loundres","f. 131v",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2602,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4187","86",,"f. 135",,,"French","Latin",,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2603,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4188","87",,"f. 135","Cum secundum consuetudinem antiquam",,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2604,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4189","88",,"f. 135v",,,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2605,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4190","89",,"f. 135v","A septem sursum numerando perfiee cursum/ In septem stabis minus yma petens breuiabis/ Postque nouem tractus numerabis quos petit actus",,"Latin",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2606,"London British Library Additional 38131","UMP 4191","90",,"f. 136",,,"French",,,,,"BL Add MSS Cat" 2607,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0203","1",,"ff. 1-6v",,,"Latin",,,"Includes the Sarum Feast of the Relics, on the first Sunday after 7 July, and astronomical information.",,"CJ" 2608,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0041","2",,"ff. 7-37v",,,"Latin",,,"Incorporating Memorials to the Saints into Matins.",,"CJ" 2609,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0209","3",,"ff. 38-42v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2610,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0024","4",,"ff. 42v-44",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2611,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0210","5",,"ff. 44-48v",,,"Latin",,,"This includes SS. Swithin, Birinus and Edith.",,"CJ" 2612,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0045","7",,"ff. 69-77v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2613,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0212","8",,"ff. 78-87v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2614,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0216","9",,"ff. 88-95v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2615,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0213","10",,"ff. 96-101",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2616,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0030","11",,"ff. 101v-105v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2617,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 0123","12","O Intemerata","ff. 105v-107",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2619,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 4195","6",,"ff. 49-68v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2620,"London British Library Additional 62523","UMP 4196","13",,"ff. 107-114v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2621,"London British Library Egerton 1995","UMP 4200","3",,"f. 55v","Note ye the properteys/ that longythe to a yonge gentylle man","folowe here ynne wrytynge","English",,,,,"CN" 2622,"London British Library Egerton 1995","UMP 4201","5",,"f. 60","Cronica si pences si certant oxonienses","ermit niter gentes. Explicit","Latin",,,,,"CN" 2623,"London British Library Egerton 1995","UMP 4202","10","Namys of the byschoppe richys of alle Yngelonde","f. 62v",,,"English",,,,"'Deo gracias q Hylle'","CN" 2624,"London British Library Egerton 1995","UMP 4203","11","For a yong gentylle man to knowe the termys of venery","63r-64r","the iiij bestys of venery","ffesaunt stalkythe. Explicit","English",,,,,"CN" 2625,"London British Library Egerton 1995","MWME 10: 259","14","A nobyll tretys of medysyns for mannys body","f. 65r-77r","In the begynnynge take goode kepe","hathe ben j prouyde etc","English",,,,,"CN" 2626,"London British Library Egerton 1995","SR i. 199","18","The assyse of brede and of alle","f. 80v","whanne a quarter of whete that ys viij buschellis","Thys syse ys welle a prouyd thorough owte Engelonde by wytty men etc","English",,,,,"CN" 2627,"London British Library Egerton 1995","UMP 1011","19","The namys of Chyrchys that ben whythe yn the Cyte of London","f. 82-86v",,,"English",,,,,"CN" 2628,"London British Library Harley 1288","Bloomfield 2362","1","Explicit Speculum Christiani","ff. 1r-33r","te petit da ille . Glosa . Non quod petit sed quod melius est","Gregorius . Nullam sacrificium ita placet deo sicut zelus animarum . Explicit Speculum Christiani","Latin","English",,"Also contains IMEV 4150, 2119, 2167, 1342.",,"CN" 2629,"London British Library Harley 1288","UMP 4300","2","De confessione & prima narraciones siue exempla","ff. 34r ? 60r","Quedam mulier confessa fuit sacerdoti","suscepit deus poenitentialis eius","Latin",,,,,"CN" 2630,"London British Library Harley 1288","UMP 4301","5",,"ff. 81v ? 86v","How žat paciens is a general remedy agayn all traweylys and temptaciouns","are spedeful agayn sweche meditacioun of lecheri","English",,,,,"CN" 2631,"London British Library Harley 1288","UMP 4303","8","Narracio bona de indice uirante","ff. 88r ? 90r","I rede in gestis romanorum","that neuer man hard more of hym","English",,,,,"CN" 2632,"London British Library Harley 1288","UMP 4302","7","De solempnitate sancti nominis Jhesu","ff. 87v ? 88r","Thys holy name Jhesus when itt is called to oure help itt is to vs aglorius lyth","yow and me and yt be hys wyll","English",,,,,"CN" 2633,"London British Library Harley 1288","UMP 4304","9",,"ff. 91r ? 105v","In isto paruo libello suie opusculo potest quis inuenire multiplex exemplum","Corda inferiorum profunditas inferni","Latin","English",,"Also contains IMEV 635.5, 853.4, 3894.3, 3860.6, 1426.4, 1186.5, 3799.6.",,"CN" 2634,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4205","2",,"f. 7r","Urbanus [papa ? scratched out]","potencia semper auxilienrt per dominum","Latin",,,,"Cursive anglicana.","CN" 2635,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4206","3",,"ff. 8r ? 53v","BEnoyt le home qe ne aloyt en le counsail","baptisme reneez de repos user perdurable","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"CN" 2636,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4207","5",,"ff. 59v ? 67v","[C]I comencent le matins nostre dame in fraunceis . Domine labia . SIre mes leures ouerez","Gloire seit au piere","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"CN" 2637,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4208","6","Ci comence placebo en romance","ff. 68r ? 69v","Jeo plerrai au seignur en reaume des vifs",,"French",,,,,"CN" 2638,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4209","7","Bestiaire damours","ff. 70r ? 81r","Tote gent desirent par nature a saver","nule ren furmera . Issuit fine Bestiaire damours","French",,,,,"CN" 2639,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4210","9",,"ff. 85r ? v","Ky veut verrei amur aver il deit","le amur de touz bons auera . Explicit","Anglo-Norman",,,"Incomplete with only the second and third parts of the text.",,"CN" 2640,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4211","10",,"f. 85v","Charme pur feistre . felun . & playe . Pervez une piece de plum et la fetes batre","tuz jurs le be netquiez","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"CN" 2641,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4400","12","Ci comence lestoire qe turpin le erceuesque de reins fist del bon roy charlemayne","ff. 86r ? 102v","Ci comence lestoire qui turpin le erceuesque de reins fist del bon roy charlemayne (Main text) Ueyrs est qe le gloriouse apostle seint Jame","de ceste siecle apres charle par la uolunte de deu qe uit & regne & (sic) secula seculorum Amen","French",,,,,"CN" 2642,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4212","13",,"ff. 103-110","Ceo sunt les auctoritees Seint Gregoyre le pape",,"Anglo-Norman",,,,,"CN" 2643,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4213","15","Ces sunt les . vii . duns del seint espirit","f. 112v","Ces sunt les . vii . duns del seint espirit","eternum quod cruciat","French","Latin",,,,"CN" 2644,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4214","16",,"f. 112v","Pvr sang estauncher In nomine patris et cetera. Longes že knyht him understod","pater . aue . etc","French","English","Latin",,,"CN" 2645,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4215","17","manuel des pechiez","ff. 113r-190v, 190v-191","La uertue del seint espirit","En Pere e Fiz e seint espirit . Ensi finist le Manuel de Pecchies","French",,,,,"CN" 2646,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4216","18","Ici comence purgatorie seint patric","ff. 191v ? 197v","Ici comence purgatorie seint patric [P]ur la bone gent conforter","E puis morust molt seintement Epilogue (197v) Par verroi confessioun . Amen . Amen touz diom","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"CN" 2647,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4217","19","Ici comence la pleynte de amour .","ff. 199r-203r","Ici comence la pleynte de amour . Amur Amur ou estes veus","a mon departir AMEN . Ici finist le romanz que st appelle la pleynte de amour","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"CN" 2648,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4218","20",,"ff. 204r-209r","Dona michi queso omnipotens deus","a ce numquam seperari permittas . Qui unus","Latin",,,,,"CN" 2649,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4219","21",,"ff. 209r-213","De uiridi terresti . uiride terrestre molendum est","ke tute lapudre seit ers fi recouera colur","Latin","Anglo-Norman",,,,"CN" 2650,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 4220","22","Charme pur festre e pur can/cre e pur gute. Dunc de primes die lamalade a celui ki deit garir","ff. 213-213v, 213v-215v","Pur tuz felunz tuer In nomine Patris et Filii, Spiritus Sancti amen Jo vus cunjur mau felun","demones omne","Latin","Anglo-Norman",,,,"CN" 2651,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 2428","1",,"ff. 3-7v","O womman žat among the peple speek/ How žat the wombe blessid was žat beer","And hath his blood despent in greet foysoun/ And al it was for your Redempcioun. Cest tout. Ceste conpleynte paramont feust translatee commandement de ma dame de Hereford que dieu pardoynt","English",,,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2652,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 3407","2","Ceste feust faite au temps que le Roy Henri le Vt que dieu pardoint feust a hampton sur son primer passage vers harflete","ff. 1-2v, 8-16v","The laddre of heuene I meene charitee/ Comandith vs if our brothir be falle","Thee hie as faste as žat thow canst dyuyse/ And humble eek thee to him for any thyng. Cest tout.","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2653,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 3402","4","Ceste balade ensuante feust faite au tresnoble Roy Henri le Vt que dieu pardoint le iour que les seigneurs de son Roialme lui firent lour homages a Kenyngton,","ff. 26-27","The Kyng of kynges regnyng ouer al/ Which stablisshid hath in eternitee","Byseechyng vn to god žat to his pay/ Yee may gouerne your hy dignitee. Amen.","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve.","Dutschke 1989" 2654,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 3788","5","Cestes balades ensuyantes feurent faites au tresnoble Roy Henri le quint que dieu pardoint & au treshonorable conpaignie du Iarter","f. 27r-v","To yow welle of honur and worthynesse/ Our right cristen kyng heir & successour","Obserue it wel ther to been yee dettour/ Dooth so and god in glorie shal yow stalle","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2655,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 2538","3","Cy ensuyt la male regle de T. Hoccleue","ff. 16v-26","O precious tresor inconparable/ O ground & route of prosperitee","As may myn hurtes all žat me greeue/ Exyle cleene & voide me of pyne","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2656,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 4251","6",,"f. 28r-v","Yee lordes eek shynynge in noble fame/ To whiche appropred is the maintenance","Of whos vertu the mighty habundaunce/ Yow herte & strengthe in feithful vnitee. Amen. Cest tout","English",,,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2657,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 2222","7","Ad beatam virginem","ff. 28v-31"," Modir of lyf o cause of al our welthe/ Fyndere of grace and of our medecyne","And fully stande in youre affeccion/ Or my body be clothid in his graue. Cest tout.","English","Latin",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2658,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 4066","8","Ceste balade ensuyante feust faite tost apres que les osses du Roy Richard feurent apportez a Westmouster","ff. 31-32","Where as žat this land wont was for to be/ Of sad byleeue & constant vnion","Enspire hem žat no longer they foleie/ To feithes path him lede thy pitee. Amen","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2659,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 930","9",,"ff. 32v-34","Go litil pamfilet and streight thee dresse/ Vn to the noble rootid gentillesse","To his prowesse & hir benignitee/ My lyues ioie it were and sustenance. Cest tout.","English",,,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2660,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 2221","10","Ad beatam virginem","ff. 34-37","Modir of god and virgyne vndeffouled/ O blisful queene of queenes Emperice","Be in myn herte now and euermore/ And of my soule wasshe away the sore. Amen.","English",,,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2661,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 3831","11","Ce feust mys en le liure de monseigneur Johan lors nommez ore Regent de France & Duc de Bedford,","ff. 37v-38","Vn to the rial egles excellence/ I humble Clerc with al hertes humblesse","Of his tresor nat deyneth hir nobleye/ Dele with noon so ignorant as me. Cest tout.","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2662,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 783","12",,"f. 38r-v","Fadir in god benigne and reuerent/ My lord the Chanceller with al humblesse","Let me be no stepchyld been for I am he/ That hope haue in yow confort & gladnesse. Cest tout.","English",,,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2663,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 3480","13","Cestes Balade & chanceon ensuyantz feurent faites a mon Meistre H. Somer quant il estoit Souztresorer","ff. 38v-39","The Sonne with his bemes of brightnesse/ To man so kyndly is & norisshynge","and žit this rowndel shul we synge & seye/ In trust of yow & honour of your name.","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2664,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 3224","14",,"f. 39v","Somer žat rypest mannes sustenance/ With holsum hete of the Sonnes warmnesse","Is salue & oynement to hir seelnesse/ For why we this shul synge in Cristemesse. Somer et cetera.","English",,,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2665,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 2229","15","Ceste balade ensuyante feust mise en le fin du liure del Regiment des Princes","ff. 39v-40","O litil book who yaf thee hardynesse/ Thy wordes to pronounce in the presence","To thee žat al seist of loues feruence/ žat knowith god whom nothyng is hid fro. Cest tout","English","French",,"envoy only","Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2666,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 3854","16","Item au Roy que dieu pardoint","f. 40r-v","Victorious kyng our lord ful gracious/ We humble lige men to your hynesse","Lat nat the strook of indigence vs mate/ O worthy Prince mirour of prowesse. Cest tout.","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2667,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 3082","17",,"f. 41r-v","See heer my maister Carpenter I yow preye/ How many chalenges ageyn me be","How wel žat yee doon & how soone also/ I suffre may in qwenchynge of my wo. Cest tout.","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2668,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 4234","18","Ceste balade ensuyante feust par la Court de bone conpaignie enuoiee a lonure sire Henri Sommer Chaunceller de leschequer & vn de la dicte Court","ff. 41v-43","Worsshipful sire and our freend special/ And felawe in this cas we call yow","But keepith wel your tourne how so befall/ On thorsday next on which we awayte all. Cest tout.","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2669,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","IMEV 407","19","Ceste balade ensuyante feust translatee au commandement de mon Meistre Robert Chichele","ff. 43v-47","As žat I walkid in the monthe of May/ Besyde a groue in an heuy musynge","Be tendre of vs o thow blissid virgyne/ For if thee list we shuln to blisse atteyne. Cest tout.","English","French",,,"Written in an anglicana script by Thomas Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2670,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 932","UMP 4335","1","Statuta Civitatis Londoniarum","f. 2r-v","Statuta Civitatis Londoniarum, Titulus Rogeri Nigri Episcopi london","De fructibus in Cimiteriis crescentibus non amovendis","Latin",,,,"Written in a bastard secretary script by Ricardus Franciscus","Dutschke 1989" 2671,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 932","UMP 4336","2","Statuta feliciter","ff. 2v-10v","Statuta feliciter Recordacionis domini Rogeri Nigri Episcopi Londoniensis de consensu domini Petri Archidiaconi london. edita et directa universis Rectoribus vicariis Capellanis parochialibus in Archiediaconatu [sic] london","sub pena excommunicacionis maioris contra omnes et singulos contravenientes perturbantes infringentes et pervertentes statuta predicta ipso facta incurrant irrefragabiliter observari. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum meum est appensum.","Latin",,,,"Written in a bastard secretary script by Ricardus Franciscus","Dutschke 1989" 2672,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 932","UMP 4337","3",,"ff. 10v-11v","Willelmus permissione divina Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis tocius anglie primas et apostolice sedis legatus dilecto filio nostro magistro Thome Baketon legum doctori Archidiacono london. in ecclesia london.","Datum in Manerio nostro apud lamhithe [sic] undecimo kalendas decembris Anno domini Mo CCCmo octogesimo spetimo Et nostre translacionis septimo.","Latin",,,,"Written in a bastard secretary script by Ricardus Franciscus","Dutschke 1989" 2673,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 932","UMP 4338","4","constitucionis memorate","ff. 11v-12v","Sequitur tenor constitucionis memorate, Presbiteri stipendiarii nec non alii sacerdotes propriis sumptibus","de premissis in ecclesiis suis. Finit. Et sciant parochiani defectus ecclesiarum ad eos contingentes?Hec in constitucionibus provincialibus Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis Roberti de Wynchelsee.","Latin",,,,"Written in a bastard secretary script by Ricardus Franciscus","Dutschke 1989" 2674,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 932","UMP 4339","5","Constitucio Iohannis Peccham","ff. 12v-13","Constitucio Iohannis Peccham, Constitucio Iohannis Peccham Archiepiscopi Edita super ornamentum ecclesiarum","habent a Rectoribus locorum et vicariis reparari","Latin",,,,"Written in a bastard secretary script by Ricardus Franciscus","Dutschke 1989" 2675,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 932","UMP 4340","6",,"f. 13","Excommunicacio fit tripliciter a deo ab homine et a Iure","ex .c. cum desideres per .b.","Latin",,,,"Written in a bastard secretary script by Ricardus Franciscus","Dutschke 1989" 2676,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 932","UMP 4341","7",,"f. 13v","Hec sunt festa que observare debemus, In primis sacrum diem dominicum","Dedicacionis ecclesie et sanctorum in quorum honore ecclesie parochiales dedicantur. Ricardus Franciscus Scripsit Anno domini 1447","Latin",,,,"Written in a bastard secretary script by Ricardus Franciscus.","Dutschke 1989" 2677,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 26959","UMP 4500","1","Incipit quartum speculum Vincentii doctrinalis","ff. 1-97","Incipit quartum speculum Vincentii doctrinalis compositum per alphabetum et ad materias distinctum et primo de A. Actor. Abstinencia est virtus qua gule voluptates in nobis restringimus aut resecamus. Valerius libro 2.","Deo gracias. Amen. Explicit speculum fratris vincencii belvacensis ordinis predicatorum per distinctiones ad materias distinctum Sub anno domini 1430 in london.","Latin",,,"Abbreviation of materials mainly in Bks. 4 and 5 of the Speculum doctrinale of Vincent of Beauvais, arranged alphabetically by topic.","Written by 2 scribes: 1, ff. 1-8v in an anglicana formata hand probably by an Englishman; 2, ff. 9-97 in an anglicana formata hand possibly by a foreign scribe working in London.","Dutschke 1989" 2682,"Cambridge St John's College H. 5","UMP 4305","1","pistell Othea","ff. 1-61","Prolouge of the pistell Othea. Praisyng be to god at this begynnyng in alle my wordes and soo folowyng","but how myche he can not. To [th]is purpos [th]e wise man seith. Auris bona audiet cum omni concupiscencia sapienciam ecclesiastici vio cao.","English",,,"Includes dedicatory prologue in couplets on ff. 1-3v (IMEV 2766).","Ricardus Franciscus","St. John's Cat" 2683,"London Lambeth Palace Library 444 [II]","TK 204","1","aggregaciones de crisi et creticis diebus","ff. 25-37","Incipit aggregaciones de crisi et creticis diebus et de pronosticis secundum magister Bernardum Pictauensem. Circa artem pronosticaciones . 4. sunt notanda","et delectabilem amicorum copiam. Ad quod nos perducat qui sine fine viuit et regnat. amen. Deo laus et matri eius gloriose. A. d. m. cccc. li. vicesimo quinto die mensis oct. in Catstrette in opido oxon. per hermannum de Gripesswaldis alias Zureke","Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","Lambeth Cat. II: 617" 2684,"London Lambeth Palace Library 444 [II]","TK 1521","2","Mycrotegni","ff. 37-46v","Ihesus Maria. Incipit Mycrotegni Galieni de XII portis. Sperma hominis descendit","curari per naturam corporis et ius(?) laus deo. ?Expl. lib. Microt. Gal. de 12 portis a.d. 1451. 3o die mens. Nouemb. in vico muriligorum in parrochia s. marie feria 4a hora quasi 5a post prandium. Per hermannum zureken alias de Gripessualdis","Latin",,,,,"Lambeth Cat. II: 618" 2685,"London Lambeth Palace Library 444 [II]","TK 362","3",,"f. 47","Incipit practica magister Petri de S. Egidio","Ends imperfectly","Latin",,,,,"Lambeth Cat II: 618" 2686,"London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII","UMP 4342","1","Conquestio Petri Blesensis Bathoniensis archidiaconus (sic) super nimia dilacione Ierosolimitani itincris","f. 1.","Quis dabil capiti, &c.. Vtinam in fietum",,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2687,"London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII","UMP 4343","2","Passio Reginaldi principis olim Antiochini","f. 6","Antequam comedam suspiro",,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2688,"London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII","UMP 4344","3","Exortatio ad eos qui nec accipiunt nec predicant crucem","f. 14v","Dicite pusillanimes",,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2689,"London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII","UMP 4345","4",,"f. 17","lncipiunt epistole Petri Blesensis Bathoniensis archidiaconi",,"Latin",,,"containing originally 138 (see rubrics at end, f.183v), but the last eighteen are lost. Two of the remaining and one of the lost letters are really opuscula, viz.:-(a) De institutione episcopi, ep. cxxix of the 1519 edition, opusc. viii of Goussainville (ib. 1097). f.122v; -(b) Invectiva, ep. 136, opusc. ix of Gouss. (ib. 1113); f. i85v;-(c) Instructio fidei, a letter of Alexander III, opusc. v of Gouss. (ib. 1069). Lost.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 2690,"London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII","UMP 4346","5","Super Iob","f. 145","Imperfect",,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2691,"London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII","UMP 4347","6","Liber Petri Blesensis archidiaconi London. de amicicia Christiana et dilexione dei et proximi","f. 151","Quoniam diminute sunt [Prologue] Subsannabit aliquis [Text]",,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2692,"London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII","UMP 4348","7","Opusculum Petri Blesensis archidiaconi London contra perfidiam Iudeorum contra perfidiam Iudeorum'","f. 161","Querelam in litteris tuis",,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2693,"Oxford Exeter College 58","Stegmüller Bibl. 3692","1","Expliciunt lamentaciones Jeremie.","ff. 1-190v","[Prol.] luc. xj. Sint lumbi vestri... [Text] Verba Jeremie etc. Iste liber principaliter diuiditur in tres partes","quando non revocat peccantem. Vnde ysa. lxiiij ne irascaris domine satis. Deo gracias. Expliciunt lamentaciones Jeremie.","Latin",,,"Because of the loss of the first leaf, the text begins in Hugo's prologue.","Written by William Salamon in a gothic hybrida formata with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell- like flourishing.","Exeter College Cat" 2694,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 3647","1","liber primus Regum.","ff. 1-20","Hic incipit prologus super primum librum Regum. Iudex sapiens iudicabit populum suum","et impij omnes dies uite illorum. Explicit liber primus Regum.","Latin",,,,"Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2695,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl.3649","2","Explicit liber secundus Regum.","ff. 20-37","Incipit liber secundus Regum. Factum est autem postquam mortuus est Saul","id est ab habitatoribus terre. Explicit liber secundus Regum.","Latin",,,,"Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2696,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 3651","3","Incipit liber tercius Regum","ff. 37-54","Incipit liber tercius Regum. Et rex Dauid etc","defuncto fratre regnauit attenditur. Explicit liber tercius Regum.","Latin",,,,"Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2697,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 3653","4","Incipit liber quartus Regum.","ff. 54-71v","Incipit liber quartus Regum. Preuaricatus est autem Moab","Item Osee .x. ante finem. Seminate uobis in ueritate","Latin",,,"Ends abruptly in chapter xxxv.24 with the excision of one quire of 8 leaves.","Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2698,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 3656","5",,"ff. 72r-83v","glosa a quo hebrei secundum Jeronimum","Vt dicit magna glosa. sed dicimus quod hoc","Latin",,,"Beginning in Paralipom. i. 1 and breaking off in i. 28.","Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2699,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 3658","6","Explicit liber secundus paralipom.","ff. 84r-91v","que ibi interes appellantur","alia gloria sempiterna sit gloria domini in seculum cui et humana creatura et angelica famalantur amen. Explicit liber secundus paralipom.","Latin",,,,"Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2700,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 3663","7"," Explicit liber secundus Esdre et Neemie.","ff. 92r-95r","mense nisan glosa Bede qui est primus mensis anni","omnium bonorum commendat. Explicit liber secundus Esdre et Neemie.","Latin",,,"Beginning in 2 Esdras ch. ii.","Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2701,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 3667","8","Incipit liber Thobie","ff. 95-100v","Incipit prologus super librum Thobie. Sagitte potentis.","et regnum quod non seruierit tibi.","Latin",,,"Through the loss of the last leaf of quire 14, it ends abruptly in chapter xiii. Followed by four stubs. Judith is lacking.","Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2702,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 3671","9","Explicit liber Hester secundum exposicionem famosi doctoris sacre theologie Hugonis de Vienna.","ff. 101-103v","ipse communicant eisdem","a pessimo. Scilicet Aman. inter ceteros dies scilicet festos. Explicit liber Hester secundum exposicionem famosi doctoris sacre theologie Hugonis de Vienna.","Latin",,,"Beginning in Esther i. Preceded by five stubs, to the last of which the original seventh leaf of quire 15 seems to be stuck.","Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2703,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 7813","10","Hic incipit opus Stephani Cantuariensis super ecclesiasticum.","ff. 103v-128","Hic incipit opus Stephani Cantuariensis super ecclesiasticum. Omnis sapiencia a domino deo est. Nota quod iste liber dicitur liber sapiencie vt patet in titulus epistolarum que leguntur in ecclesia de hoc libro.","tempore suo metemus non deficientes. Explicit opus Stephani Lancton' quondam Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis super Ecclesiasticum.","Latin",,,,"Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2704,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 7778","11","Machabeorum libri","ff. 128v-150v","Incipit prologus super primum librum Machabeorum. In Johele legitur. residuum eruce comedit locusta","et sic circumspecta est illorum solitudo eis ad perniciem. Explicit primus liber machabeorum.","Latin",,,,"Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2705,"Oxford Exeter College 52","Stegmüller Bibl. 7765","12","Incipit liber secundus Machabeorum.","ff. 150v-155v","Incipit liber secundus Machabeorum. Fratribus qui sunt per egyptum iudeis etc. Mortaliter egyptus mundum significat. fratres in Egypto significant beneviuentes in seculo. fratres in Ierusalem significant claustrales.","qui dictomodo se domino consecrauit et opera humiliate informant in chanori id est mundo et ipsi diabolo ex se accusabiles reddunt. Explicit liber Machabeorum secundum exposicionem famosi doctoris theologie Hugonis de Vienna super bybliam.","Latin",,,,"Written by William Osborne(?) in a gothic hybrida formata script, with high ascenders and low descenders in some top and bottom lines, the former with cadell-like flourishing. Large book forms of letters are used for major headings. Punctuated by low point.","Exeter College Cat" 2706,"Cambridge Trinity College B.14.15","Jolliffe H.1","1","the doctrine of the hert","ff. 1-75v","Intelligite insipientes in populo and stulti aliquando sapite as seynt austyn seith žes wordes ben vndirstonde in žis wyse","bryng vs he that bought vs on the rode tre amen here endith a tretice made to religious wommen which is clepid the doctrine of the hert","English","Latin",,,"Written by three hands of s.xv - A: ff.1-1v; B: ff. 2-48v; C: ff. 49-75v.","IMEP11: 10" 2707,"Oxford Queen's College 307","UMP 0409","1",,"ff. 2v-9r",,,,,,"Alphabetical index from 'Abraham 2.10' to 'Zorobabell .3. 10' each with Book and chapter numbers in Arabic numerals.","Written in anglicana script","kiddcat" 2708,"Oxford Queen's College 307","RS 41","2",,"ff. 10r-136r","Post preclaros artium scriptores","nimis adversa propetior","Latin",,,"In the Intermediate or AB version, with continuations to 1381, in eight books.",,"kiddcat" 2713,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 55","IMEV 1805","1",,"ff. 1-59v","Ioye grace & pees loue feith & charite/ Euyr rest up on 3our goodly religious breest?[Prologue] [f. 2, Text:] There was a man sumtyme dwelling here/ As our book seith in žat ilk same tyde","But now conclude I as 3e 3oue comaundment/ Be 3oure messagere žat 3e to me sent.","English",,,,"Written in a secretary script by John Capgrave.","Dutschke 1989" 2714,"London Lambeth Palace Library 491","IMEP XIII (491: 2)","3","A tretys of že thre kynges of coloyne","ff. 228-274v","Whan al the world was discrevid of cesar august as is seyd in že gospell exiit edictum a cesare augusto et cetera","a bright shynyng sterre and a faire in the coppe and heithe of which sterre was an ymage of a litil child bering wiž him","English",,,"Ends imperfectly owing to the loss of leaves.",,"IMEP 13" 2715,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 114","IMEP XIII (491: 2)","4",,"ff. 190v-192v","Aftir tyme že Ioseph was warnyd of že aungell in Bedlem in his slepe žat he sholde take Ihesu his sone","and cause žat our lady dwellid žere vii žeer with her childe. Amen.","English",,,,"One hand - anglicana formata: neat, even, well-spaced, some flourishing on 'e' and 'w', but no distinctive features.","Dutschke 1989: 150-152" 2716,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","UMP 3102","1",,"ff. 1-3v","This table was made že xxvi day of march the 3ere of our lorde Ml ccclxxxvi and žanne 3ede že prime by xix","Sigh and sorowe depli/ Moorn and wepe Inwardli/ Pray and thenk devowtli/ loue and long contenewelli","English",,,,"Hand 1","Dutschke 1989" 2717,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","Jolliffe I.22","2",,"ff. 4-10v","and humylyte/ Clennes and chastyte/ love and charyte/ Mercy and Pyte. Iste virtutes suprascripte ducunt tractari viam ad regnum celorum. O man knowe žysilf, knowe what žow art knowe žy bigynnynge why žou were boren","do nožing for prisynge nožing for worly openioun but only for liif euerlastinge amen.","English","Latin",,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2718,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IPMEP 338","3",,"ff. 10v-11","If žou seie to me žis is an hard word y may not Forsake že world and hate my fleisch","of že erže žou art and of že erže žou leuest and in to že erže žou schalt turne amen.","English",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2719,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 4160","4",,"f. 11r-v","Whi is žis world belouid žat fals is and veyn sežen žat hise weldis ben vncertein","But for as myche as a man muste deye at že laste že last [sic] it is no worschip but a charge lordship to taste","English",,,"Here written as prose.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2720,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 3985","5",,"ff. 11v-12v","What liif is most loued and deež most hatid/ [ž]anne deež drawid his draužt and makiž man ful nakid. Erde out of erže is wondirly wroužt Erže of erde haže gete a dignite of nou3t","but žat žis erže in žis erže be euer worchinge ži wille so žat erže fro žis erže may sti3e up to žin hi3 hille amen.","English",,,"Here written as prose.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2721,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","UMP 3169","6",,"ff. 12v-13","Thow schalt vndirstonde žat eueri religius soule haž viii goostly dwellinge placis. The Ferste is a temple of deuout preier","and al žis gaderinge togežer bodily in housis bitokenež on acoorde in soulis amen [added in a textura script:] maria ihesu mercy.","English",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2722,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","EETS os 217","7",,"ff. 13v-23v","[A]ll Cristen men shuld holde goddis byddynges for withouten holdyng of them may none be savyd","and žat shall evyr be wyth god and his Aungelis wythouten endyng to žat yoie god vs bring Amen.","English",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2723,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","UMP 3170","8",,"ff. 23v-24","[3]ef a manne were sure žat he shuld tomorowe kome befoor a Iuge and othir lese or wynne alle že goodes žat he hath","For as he hurteth a man žat hurteth his membris so he dooth for a man žat dooth for his lemys.","English",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2724,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","UMP 3171","9",,"f. 24","A veritate dei et beatorum Apostolorum petri et pauli et potestate michi tradita ego te absolvo ab omnibus peccatis de quibus confessus es","ad remissionem peccatorum tuorum et ad vitam eternam amen.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2725,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","MWME 7 [XX]: 43","10",,"f. 24v","[C]ommaundementes of god shulde alle men kepe as an hie wey to hevyn for as že wyse manne seyth proverb. 19o he žat kepyth že commaundement of god keypth his owne soule","goo downe and warne že peple to make hem redy ayenste žis day iii days forto","English",,,"Unidentified text on the Ten Commandments breaking defectively.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2726,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 3777","11",,"ff. 25-28","Invocacio ad patrem, To thee we make oure inuocacioun/ Thow god the fadir which vn to vs alle","And stifly graunte vs in thy cause stonde/ And flitte nat whan we take it on honde.","English",,,,"Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2727,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 2389","12","Ad filium Honor et Gloria","ff. 28-30","O blessid chyld Ihesu what haast thow do/ žat for vs shuldist souffre swich Iewyse","And graunte vs grace thee to loue & drede/ And yeue vs heuene whan žat we be dede.","English","Latin",,,"Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2728,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 2326","13","Ad spiritum sanctum,","ff. 30-31v","Now holy goost of the hy deitee/ Loue and holy communicacioun","Our soules hem to haue in gouernance/ O Trinitee haue vs in remembrance.","English","Latin",,,"Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2729,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 4233","14","Ad beatam virginem","ff. 31v-32v","Worsshipful maiden to the world Marie/ Modir moost louynge vn to al man kynde","For whom thow preyest god nat list denye/ Thyn axynge blessid maiden Marie.","English","Latin",,,"Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2730,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 3150","15","Item de beata virgine","ff. 33-36","Syn thow modir of grace haast euere in mynde/ Alle tho žat vp on thee han memorie","passion witnesse bere may/ Remembre on žat and preye for vs ay.","English","Latin",,,"Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2731,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 4122","16","Item de beata virgine","ff. 36-39","Who so desirith to gete and conquere/ The blisse of heuene needful is a guyde","in hir grace cheerly for to stonde/ Hir psalter for to seye let vs fonde. Explicit.","English","Latin",,"Added in the margin in the hand of the scribe: ?Ce feust faite a l?instance de T. Marleburgh?. Thomas Marleburgh was a London stationer, master of the guild of Limners and Textwriters in 1423, whose will was made in 1427 and proved in 1429.","Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2732,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 666","17","L?epistre de Cupide","ff. 39v-50v","Cupido vn to whos commandement/ The gentil kynrede of goddes on hy","The yeer of grace ioieful & iocounde/ Ml CCCC and secounde. Explicit epistola Cupidinis.","English",,,,"Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2733,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 3853","18","Ceste balade ensuante feust faite pur la bien venue du tresnoble Roy H. le vt que dieu pardoint hors du Roialme de France cestassavoir sa dareine venue","ff. 50v-51v","cristen Prince our lord souereyn/ Our lige lord ful dred and douted we","To vs ful greet for why to vs echone/ Welcome be your peereles persone. Cest tout.","English","French",,,"Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2734,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 3889","19","Cy ensuent trois chaunceons l?une conpleynante a la dame monoie et l?autre la response d?ele a cellui qui se conpleynt et la tierce la commendacion de ma dame","ff. 51v-52v","Wel may I pleyne on yow lady moneye/ žat in the prison of your sharp scantnesse","Cest tout. Aftir our song our mirthe & our gladnesse/ Heer folwith a lessoun of heuynesse.","English","French",,,"Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2735,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","IMEV 3121","20","Hic incipit ars utilissima sciendi mori","ff. 53-68v","Cum omnes homines et cetera, Syn alle men naturelly desyre/ To konne o eterne sapience","Horrible freendes [sic] and innumerable/ Awayten on my soule miserable. [catchword:] The blake faced//","English","Latin",,"Ending defectively with stanza 96.","Hoccleve","Dutschke 1989" 2736,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","UMP 3173","Added",,"f. i",,,"English",,,"'Thes parelles her after wretyn ben In my place in litill Ba[ddo]w [that] is for to sey in the halle and in že parlour and in the chambre above and beneže In the Botry and in the lardirhous and In the kechyn, wretyn with [mine] own hand the xv day of may Anno domini Ml iiiic lxiii. En primez, in the halle: A standyng sper; An angying of steyned werk; A mappa mundi of parchment?[on the verso dated 1444].",,"Dutschke 1989" 2737,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","UMP 3803","I: 1","Here begynneth the holyest and most speciall prayer aboue all other whyche god hymsylf made knelyng in the gardyne to hys fadyr whyche prayer all mankynde ys bounde to vndyrstand and knowe as hit foloweth here bothe in laten and englyssh","f. 1","Pater noster qui es in celis sanctificetur nomen tuum ffadyr oure that in heuen halowyd be thy name","and lede vs nat into temptacion sed libera nos a malo amen but delyuer vs from all euyll amen","English","Latin",,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 2738,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","UMP 3804","I: 2","Here foloweth the salutacion of oure blessyd lady","f. 1","Aue maria gracia plena dominus tecum hayle mary full of grace","and blessyd be the fruite of thy wombe ihesus amen","English",,"Latin",,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 2739,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","MWME 7 [XX]: 156","I: 4","v wyttes","f. 1v","These byn the v wyttes yeuyn to man by the holy gost to dyscerne good and euell towchyng heryng seyng smellyng and tastyng",,"English",,,"Complete.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2740,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (23:2)","I: 5","Here folowyng begynnyn the x commaundementys","f. 1v","God hymself spake these wordys i am thy lord god that led the oute of the lond of egypt","i do mercy into a thousand kynredys of men that louyn me and kepyn my commaundementes","English",,,"Only the first given here.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2741,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (23:3)","I: 6","The v wyttys bodyly","f. 2","The furst bodyly wyt ys sight of ey the secund ys heryng of eare","qui tangit picem inquinabitur ab ea and qui communicauerit superbo induet superbiam ecclesiasticus xiiio","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2742,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (23: 4)","I: 7","The v wyttys gostly","f. 2r-v","The v wyttys gostly ar these wylle reason mynde ymaginacion and thought","at thy nede beatus homo quem tu erudieris domine and de lege tua docueris eum in psalmo","English",,"Latin",,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2743,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (23:5)","I: 8","Here begyn the vij blessyd vertues that crystes spouse mannes soule shuld be honouryd with","f. 2v","Temperaunce of mesure prudence of warmnesse ryghtwysnes streyngthe ffeythe hope and charyte","charyte ys to loue god ouer all thyng and thy neyghbor as thysylf ffides spes caritas tria hec maior horum est caritas prima corinthios xiijo","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2744,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","Jolliffe G.5","I: 23","Greogry in the xviij (sic) omely","f. 18","Cryst seyth in luke xxj chapter in youre pacience ye shull welde your soules","in so moche yche man ys shewyd lesse lernyd or wyse in how moche he ys prouyd lasse pacyent","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 2745,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (24:7)","I: 10","Here suen the seuyn dedely synnes from the whyche euery man shuld kepe hym","ff. 6-7v","Pryde enuy wrethe byn synnes of the fende couetyse and auaryce byn synnes of the world","for that ys the most loue and worshyp that thow myght do to ihesu cryst","English","Latin",,"Text on each sin begins with quoted passage from the Bible in Latin and there are some rubric English names of the sins in the margins.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2746,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (24:8)","I: 11","How many manerwyse syn ys foryeue","ff. 7v-8","The first manerys in the holy font when that chylde ys crystenyd vnde in euangelo nisi quis renatus","the xij maner by almysdede doyng and other werkes of mercy fulfyllyng vnde in euangelo date elemosinam et omnia munda sint vobis","English","Latin",,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2747,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (24:9)","I: 12","The vij werkes of mercy bodyly","f. 8r-v","God hymsylf shall sey these wordes to all tho that shall be sauyd at the day of dome","and without thys loue may no man be sauyd ffor all crystyn men that woll come to blysse behoue to kepe the law of god","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2748,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (24:10)","I:13","The vij werkes of mercy gostly","f. 8v","Teche counseyll chastyce comfort fforyeue suffre and pray a man techeth another by the lawe of charyte","and of seynt stephene orate prosequentibus vos matthew v","English","Latin",,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2749,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (24:11)","I: 14","The vij yeftys of the holy gost","ff. 8v-9","Wysdome vndirstandyng counseyll streyngth connyng pyte and drede of god wysdome that ys be thow gostly wyse","prudencia qui autem impaciens est exaltat superbiam prouerbes xv","English","Latin",,"Each with Latin scriptural passage.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2750,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (25:12)","I: 15","The xij artycles of the ffeythe","f. 9r-v","The furst artycle of the feythe ys that god ys oon in substaunce and iij persones in hymsylf without begynnyng","in the myrrour of seynt edmond of pountney and thys ys euery crystyn mannys beleue","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2751,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (25:14)","I: 14","Here suen the vij sacramentes of holy churche","f. 10","Baptym ys the furst sacrament that maketh man clene of the furst synne that he hathe of hys kyn","seke men byn anoyntyd in peryll of dethe for alegeaunce in peyne of body and sowle","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2752,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (25:15)","I: 18","xij lettynges of prayer","ff. 10-12","The furst lettyng of prayer ys the synne of hym that prayeth in the furst chapytle of isay","to haue the effecte of thy prayer and aftyr to come to blysse without ende amen","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2753,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","Jolliffe I.19","I: 19","Howe a man shall yelde a streyte reconyng of thre goodys","f. 12r-v","Yef thow haue goodys of grace as vertues or goodys of kynde as myght and streyngth or goodys of fortune as goodys of the worlde","therfore pray fast to god that thow folow trewly hys commaundmentes and to put awey stynkyng syn that priuyly bryngeth in dethe to mannys soule","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2754,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI (26:21)","I: 24","Seynt denyse in hys booke of goddys names in the chapiter of ryghtwysnes","f. 18","He that thynketh diligently the medys of lyfe to come bereth pacyently all euelles of thys present lyfe by swetnes of the lyfe that ys to come (complete)",,"English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2755,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IPMEP 572","II: 28",,"f. 215v","Furst when ye receue oure lord in forme of brede ye receue v. parties","may fyll the hert but that that hyt louyth deo gracias","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2756,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI: (27:27)","II: 29","Thys ys the pardon grauntyd to the fest of corpus cristi","ff. 215v-216","Furst to all tho that byn repentaunt and confessyd of theyre synnes that heryn matyns in the churche on corpus cristi day","the holy feste of corpus cristi ys xij thowsand dayes that ys xxxti yere ccl dayes že yeres fully acomptyd and nombryd","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2757,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI: (27:28)","II: 30",,"f. 216v","Oure holy ffadyr pope john the xij wyllyng the tylthe of god to be alargyd and more made excytyng all trew crystyn men to deuocion","in the weke clxxij yere summa by the hoole yere complete ys ix thowsand ccc yeres","English",,,"ff. 217-220 blank.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2758,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEP XI: (27:29)","II: 41","These ben the names of seyntes and prophetys that prophesy of a kyng that shuld be callyd edward","f. 244r-v","Seynt thomas of caunterbury calleth hym the vrgent kyng of bewte rychard scrope the hooly bysshop of yorke","by the power of almyghty god and also he shal be callyd edward of roone","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2759,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IPMEP 25","II: 49","The lyfe of Adam","ff. 249-256v","Adam was made of oure lord god in the same place that ihesu was born in that ys to sey in the cyte of bethleem","and of all the spekyng of hem with synners wyckyd men and grogers he seketh for to speke aftyr theyr owne couetyng they entred and spake prowdly","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2760,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IPMEP 68","II: 50","the lyfe of seynt antony","ff. 257-273","Antony forsoth of noble and relygyous fadyr and modyr ygotyn in the parties of egypt with so gret besynes","that with the ffadyr and the holy gost lyueth and regneth god in the world of worldes amen","English",,,"Written as three consecutive texts, the first with the rubric heading, 'Here begynneth the lyfe of seynt antony lectio prima' (f. 257); the second with the rubric heading, 'Here begynneth the fyndyng of the gloryous confessour Antony and gret heremyte of seynt Jerom from grew in to latyn...' (f. 261); the third with the rubric heading, 'Here begynneth the translacion of the gloryous confessour and heremyte seynt antony of vienensis' (f. 271v).","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","IMEP 11" 2761,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1037","II: 9"," O aue Jesse virgula","f. 163-164v","Hayle blessyd lady the moder of cryst Ihesu","That syng of hoole hert O aue Jesse virgula","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 2762,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2556","II: 17",,"f. 173v-174v","O sterre of Jacob, glory of Israell","Agayn gostly enemyes to stond in assuraunce","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 2766,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","UMP 3811","II: 40","Prophesie Hermerici ab origine mundi vm vc lxxxvj annis","f. 243v","Lilium regnans in nobile parte mundi","Expositio eiusdem prophesie. Lilium .v. rex ffrancie","Latin",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 2767,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2218","II: 45",,"f. 245r-v","Most souerayn lord O blysfull cryste Jhesu","And dryue thy folke agayn to stedfastnes. Expl. qd Rogerus Thorney","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 2769,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","UMP 3814","II: 61",,"f. 284",,,"Latin",,,"f. 284v is blank.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 2774,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 401","II: 67",,"f. 298-299v","Of hony men gadyr out swetnesse","Wž hym to dwelle aboue the sterres clere","English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 2775,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 428","1","Dietarium Stephani Arnaldi continens tres tractatus principales","pp. 1-111","Dieta prout hic sumitur est debita",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2776,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 1080","2","Bartholomei Practica medicine","pp. 113-203","Practica diuiditur in duo in scienciam conservativam sanitas",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2777,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 153","3","Breviarium","pp. 203-330","Assiduis peticionibus me karissimi socii",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2778,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 1027","4","Tractatus de effectibus farmacorum","p. 331","Partium in humano coprore multiplicitas",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2779,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 362","5","Practica magistri Petri de Sancto Egidio","p. 335","Cure omnium egritudinum que possunt accidere",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2780,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 543","6","Experimenta Minerve","p. 394","Experimentum contra vertiginosos. Ille due vene",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2781,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 329","7","Practica Archimathei","p. 400","Cum opus quodlibet suo habeat artifici",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2782,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 471","8","De splene et [h]epate et eorum passionibus","p. 424-432","Due vene putense sunt",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2783,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 329","9","Introductorium in Practicam medicine","p. 432","Cogitanti michi uotum uestrum",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2784,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 367","10","De dietis infirmorum","pp. 444-458","De cibis et potibus infirmorum preparandis",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2785,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 284","11","Trotula major. de passionibus mulierum [et] de causis et curis earundem","p. 458","Cum auctor vniuersitatis Deus",,"Latin",,,"In two parts, the second of which (p. 469) is called 'Trotula minor' (begins: 'Ut de curis mulierum').","Hermann Zurke","CN" 2786,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","UMP 3912","12","De ornamentis mulierum","p. 480","Ut mulier suauissima appareat",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2787,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","UMP 3913","13",,"p. 493",,"salubriter conualescet","Latin",,,"Last few sentences only.","Hermann Zurke","CN" 2788,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","TK 194","14","Compendium magistri Richardi","p. 493-6, 489-92, 481-8","Caritatis studio et breuitatis causa et amore pauperum",,"Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2789,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 362","TK 741","2","Tractatus magistri Bernardi Gordoniensis super primam Fen. quarti [libri] Canonis Avicenne","ff. 248-272","Multorum vocibus inclinatur medicorum","et tum colatura vngatur. Deo laus. Expliciunt introductoria iuuenem . in practica prouectorum in theorica supra primum fen . 4ti . [libri] canonis Auicenne . Editum per magistrum Bernardum Alberti decanum venerabilis collegii Montispessulani magistrum in medicina et in artibus . Anno domini M. CCCC. liiij . Primo die mensis septembris . In Sarum . hermannus zurk' alias de Gripeswaldis","Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2790,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 362","TK 670","3","Spiritus medicinarum","ff. 272v-334v","In descripcione receptarum conuencium . congrue. ixo. Almansorus talis ordo seruetur","postquam pistate fuerint . quam aquam reserua . et cum ea scabium lanar","Latin",,,,"Hermann Zurke","CN" 2791,"Oxford All Souls College 91","UMP 3920","A: 1","Franciscus petrarcha poeta laureatus de remedijs vtriusque fortune incipit","ff. 1-221v","Prologus in primum librum qui est de [remedijs prospere fo]rtune. [C]um res fortunasque hominum cogito","curam hanc linque [sic] viuentibus. Explicit liber Francisci Petrarche poete laureati de remedijs fortune","Latin",,,"Immediately after the text, there is a table of chapters (ff. 221v-223r).","Script: Item A is in a mixed script, with anglicana and secretary forms, probably entirely in Roger Marchall's hand. Punctuation of A is by low point, punctus elevatus, and virgula.","AS Cat: 91" 2792,"Oxford All Souls College 91","UMP 3921","B:1",,"ff. 224r-229v","que quidam sub se plures continet species","Pro anglico uero de quo constare","Latin",,,"Fragment only.","Written in an upright anglicana. Punctuation of B is by double virgula.","AS Cat: 91" 2793,"London Lambeth Palace Library 472","IPMEP 255","1","Here begynnež že book žat is cleped scala perfeccionis and it haž twey parties wherof hir suež že table of že first partie","ff. 4-83","Goostli suster in jhesu crist y praye žee žat in že callynge whiche oure lord haž callyd žee to his seruyse žu holde žee paied","but to žee or to anožur whiche haž že staat of liyf comtemplatif že grace of oure lord ihesu crist be wiž the amen","English",,,"Book I, preceded by a table of contents on ff. 1-4.",,"IMEP 13" 2794,"London Lambeth Palace Library 472","IPMEP 255","2","Here endež že first partye and aftir suež že table of že secund party (f. 83)","ff. 86-192v","For as moche as žou coueitest greteli and askest it pur charite for to heare more of an image že whiche y haue biforetymes in partie discried to žee","of žis wirkynge mai seen more in a hour of siche goosteli matier žan my3t be writen in a grete book","English",,,"Book II, preceded by a table of contents (ff. 83-86).",,"IMEP 13" 2795,"London Lambeth Palace Library 472","IPMEP 147","3","Here bigynnež že book žat is cleped medeled liyf whiche is drawen oute bitwene actif liyf and liyf contemplatif whereof here suež že table (f. 193)","ff. 194-213","Brožir and suster bodili and goosteli two maner states žere ben in holi chirche bi že whiche cristen soules plesen god and geten hem že blis of heuene","and bi processe wexež vntil he come to že moste and so graunt us to do že fadir and sone and že holi goost amen","English",,,"The longer version; preceded by a table of contents (f. 193r-v).",,"IMEP 13" 2796,"London Lambeth Palace Library 472","IPMEP 677","4","Here bigynnen viij chapiteres necessarie for men žat 3euen hem to perfeccioun whiche weren founden in maister lowis de fontibus book at cantebrigge and turned into engelisch bi maister watier (sic) hiltoun de turbaton (f. 213v)","ff. 213v-223v","The first tokene of loue is žat že louere submitte fulli his wil to že wil of him žat he louež and žis special loue haž žree wirkynges","že armours of discrecioun geten bi že woundes of crist in že manere bifore seid saue vs and all cristen men amen","English",,,"Preceded by a table of contents (f. 213v).",,"IMEP 13" 2797,"London Lambeth Palace Library 472","IPMEP 554","5","Here bigynnež qui habitat","ff. 223v-239v","Qui habitat in aduitorio altissimi in proteccione dei celi commorabitur alle men žat wole lyve in žis world cristenli schal suffre persecucioun","apertli to him not in prouerbis for whoso louež me I schal loue him and I schal schewe me to hym","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 2798,"London Lambeth Palace Library 472","IPMEP 115.5","6","Here bigynnež bonum est","ff. 239v-252","Bonum est confiteri domino et psallere nomini tuo altissime it is good to schryue to oure lord and synge to ži name","part of anožir žynge and žerefore žer is in hym no wikkidnesse but he is good in al good and souereyne goodnesse","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 2799,"London Lambeth Palace Library 472","IPMEP 112","7",,"ff. 252v-259v","Benedictus dominus deus israel quia visitauit et fecit redempcionem plebis sue blissid bee lord god of israel for he haž visited and made že biynge of his folk","wižoute willynge and he is žat blissid lif and steede of pees in že whiche we schal drede reste wižoute endynge amen","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 2800,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (109: 1)","1","A medesyn for an ache in the hede","f. iiiv","A medesyn for an ache in the hede ffirst take a hanfull of howse leke a hanfull of wyld tasell leves","when it is kold take the same and warme it agayn and ley it on likewise iij or iiij tymes","English",,,,"Added in s. xv.","IMEP 11" 2801,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (110: 2)","2","A medesyn for the megreine","f. iiiv","A medesyn for the megreine take a hanfull of daysey levis and rotis and stamp them small and putt therto iiij sponesull womans milke","but beware the juys ryn not into your eye and ley a lenyn clothe bytwix your forhed and the plaster","English",,,,"Added by the same hand as wrote item 1.","IMEP 11" 2802,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (110: 4)","4","Here bigynnen the chapitres folowyng a treatise of the begynnyng of natures lawe and right and chaunges of money","ff. 1v-2","The first chapitre wherfor and whi money owght to be f vij",,"English",,,"The headings of 26 chapters are given.","Written by main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2803,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (110: 7)","7",,"ff. 26-45","Richard with the grace of god kyng of inglond and of ffraunce and lord of irlond to archebisshoppis","and at the sute of the pleintief therof be convict from that office be he amoeved and taken awey and after his demerites be he punysshed","English",,,"No numbering of chapters, and the order does not appear to follow that of the table of contents as given on ff. 2-6 (item 5). Headings in Latin in outer margins of pages. The last section headed 'Ergo in london' (f. 45).",,"IMEP 11" 2804,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (111: 8)","8",,"f. 45v","Memorandum that the xxvij day of august the ijde yere of the reign of kyng richard the iijde it is aggreed bi robert billesdon mair and thaldremen of the cittee of london","withoute the consent of the mair and the aldremen of the said cittee for the tyme being et cetera","English",,,,"Added to a previously blank page between original items.","IMEP 11" 2805,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (111: 9)","9","The condicioun of Recougnisaunce of free men et cetera","f. 45v","The condicioun of this recougnisaunce is suche that if the said a b as long as he shall joy or clayme to joy the liberte","he will occupie or it shall happen hym to occupie than this recougnysaunce be had for nought or elles stond in full strength and vertue","English",,,,"Added by the same hand as wrote item 8.","IMEP 11" 2806,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IPMEP 197","10","The maner and forme of the Coronacioun of Kynges and Qweenes of Inglond","ff. 46-50v","First the prince that is newe to be corowned the day bifore his coronacioun shal be apparailed and clothed with most noble and fairest clothyng","the whiche shal be taken to the abbot of westmynster also he shal be nygh and bi the kynges side til the service of the coronacioun be fully endid and fulfilled","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2807,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (111: 11)","11","Off the libertees and ffraunchices in the Citee of london in the tyme of Seynt Edward kyng of Inglond","ff. 61-65","Has it conteyneth in the lawe of seynt edward capitulo xlvi that it owith in london whiche is the hede of the realme and of lawe and alwey the court of our lord the kyng","than thei to forfete iiij shillinges iiij pence to thuse of the chamber of the proper goodis of the saide maisters to be levied et cetera","English",,,"Chapters are: 'Of the libertees made bi William Conquerouor' (f. 61); 'The charter of kyng henry sone of Kyng John?' (f. 61); 'Thiese bien the taxes of the xvme of our lord the kyng of al the wardis in london?' (f. 61v); a list of the 75 craft guilds of London. Memoranda of laws and customs from the time of Edward IV included on ff. 63-65.","By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2808,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (111: 12)","12","Thexposiciouns of Vowels as wel of Britouns as of Saxons","ff. 65-7","Thexposicions of vowels as wel of bretons as of saxons in divers parties of inglond vsed aldermanni that is to say eldermen nat for their age but for their wisdam","nota that grene in briton tunge is cald glas in inglissh shield is cald tarcan","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2809,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (111: 13)","13",,"f. 67","London was made in the last yere of Brute and Rome že first yeere of Cunedage so Rome after the foundacioun ccc vj yeere","was founded as in the cronicles of rome lightly may be shewed","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2810,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (111: 14)","14",,"f. 67","Nota that the temple of accorde now is a chirche founded in the worship of the prince of apostels bi kyng lune the whiche now is cald seynt petir vpon cornhill [Complete]",,"English",,,,,"IMEP 11" 2811,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (112: 15)","15",,"f. 67","In the lawe of ine kyng of westsaxouns a chield of x yeere old ought to knowe that he dide no theft [Complete]",,"English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2812,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (112: 16)","16","Ancient Customs that the Kyng ought to take of marchaundices in London","ff. 67-86","The baale greyn that peiseth ccc pounds owith to scavage iij shillinges iiij pence the bale peper that peiseth ccc pounds half owith viij pence","and do triewly and wele to že poore as to the riche to thi power so help the god and holydom","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2813,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (112: 17)","17",,"ff. 87-96","ffirst it is to wite that the shereves of london shuln hold the courtis of our lord the kyng bifore hem in the guildhall of london","shal be served of his ferme behynde bi ij yeere as is biforesaide of goodis founden withyn the same house","English",,,"Note on actions of account added in purple ink to margin of f. 95 by a near-contemporary hand, not the main scribe's.","By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2814,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (112: 18)","18","The statute of seruauntis made the xxiiij yeere of Kyng Edward iij","f. 100r-v","It is ordeyned that every man or womman of whatsumever state or condicioun that he be free seruile or bonde","that no man vnder colour of pitee presume to favour hem in their subsidie or help vnder and vpon the peyne of enprisonement","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2815,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (112: 19)","19","A deede of yift of goodis","f. 100v","To al trew cristen people to whom thiese present lettres comen bi j n gretyng al yowr vniuersite knowith me the forsaide j hath yeven","of the foresaide goodis i haue delivered to the forsaide t g a parcel in ful and pesible possessioun of the same in witnesse of whiche thyng et cetera","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2816,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (112: 20)","20","A playnt of trespas vpon cas","ff. 100v-101","Richard Thorp playneth vpon john vlceby of plee of trespas and wherof the saide pleintief bi his attorney","pleated no lawe puttith hym to aunswere therfor for defaute of aunswer he askith iugement et cetera","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2817,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (112: 21)","21","Plee of dette or duete pursued bi executours","f. 101v","Nicholas brampton sone of john brampton of beverley marchaunt william spencer john steton executours of the testament of the forsaide john brampton","the forsaide defendaunt often tymes lawfully required of the saide lxij pounds to the saide john brampton nat paied after whos deth et cetera","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2818,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (113: 22)","22",,"ff. 101v-103","Sute seruice svte seruice is at the court from iij wikes into iij wikes bi že yeere and for this a man shal be distressed in the grace of the lord","wardepeny this is to be quite of customis to make warde fflemenfrith fflemenfrith this is that ye have the catels of your men tenamentis sugitiefs and dampned et cetera","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2819,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (113: 23)","23",,"ff. 103-122","A man holdith of a lord bi certeyne seruice and rent and ceasith bi ij yeere his issue entrith and puttith out the fader and attournyth to the lord","the saide tenaunt his wif and so seised of suche estate died seised after whos deth the said pleintief supposith that his fader at tyme of his?","English",,,"With rubric notes 'Casus', 'Breve', 'Narracio' etc in the margins beside the cases. Many of the briefs refer to people and places in Dale and Aldermaston in Devonshire; others involve Kent, Berkshire and Middlesex. The last is incomplete.","By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2820,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (113: 24)","24","La proheme del The proheme in the newe booke of thauncient customs and vsages in the Citee of London compiled and affermed bi the maire aldermen and comunes of the same Citee the yeere of kyng Richard the secunde the first yeere","ff. 133-157","The perfeccioun of al policie and the grounde of goode gouernaunce dwellen and abiden vpon ij thynges the whiche ne mown nat be disseuered","articles in the same charter content for vs and our heires of certein causis at the instaunce of the saide citezenis vttirly we adnulle","English",,,,"By the main hand of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2821,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (113: 25)","25",,"f. 177v","In the bull of pope nicholas purcheced by the curates of london for the oblacions among other it is contayned thus","and the said curates be bounde by vertue of obedience to declare the said bull iiij tymes in the yere to there parisschens et cetera","English",,,,"Added s. xv ex or xvi.","IMEP 11" 2822,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (113: 26)","26",,"f. 178","John fforster of the pariche of alhalowyn in the wall in london draper of thage of l yere sworon and examyned the day and yere abveseid","seith that he was not priuy to noo delyuere of the seid relese otherwyse than he hathe aboue deposed and more he cannot sey in this mater et cetera","English",,,,"Added to a blank leaf at the end of the MS.","IMEP 11" 2823,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","IMEP XI (114: 27)","27","A provysyon maed for all manner brouces","f. 178",,,"English",,,"Incomplete.","Added s. xvex or xvi.","IMEP 11" 2824,"Oxford All Souls College 17","IPMEP 450","1",,"ff. i, 112v","And onže weste side to že mercate side","on že este side of že capitole","English",,,"And Item 3 in this manuscript.","Script: secretary script. Punctuation is by low-point.","AS Cat: 34-36" 2825,"Oxford All Souls College 17","UMP 3850","2",,"ff. 1-109v","Domino suo singulari et super ceteros magis sibi propicio","non habere meritum cui humana racio prebet experimentum. Feliciter per capgraue","Latin",,,,"Bastard anglicana with some secretary influence. Punctuation is by low-point.","AS Cat: 34-36" 2826,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i (Charters of Liberties), 33-36","1",,"ff. 1-4",,,"Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2827,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i 120-22","2",,"ff. 4-6v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2828,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 123","3",,"ff. 6v-7v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2829,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 123","4",,"ff. 7v-8","A touz ceus qe cestes presentes lettres verront ou orrunt Edward filz a noble Roi D?engleterre","promettons e grantons qe nous les garderoms des damages devers nostre pere avaundist de totes les choses avaundites. En testemoignaunce et cetera.","French",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2830,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 4224","5","Incipit sentencia super cartas lata","f. 8r-v","En le noun del pere e del fiz e seynt espirit. Cum nostre seignur le Roi al honur de dieu e del seynt eglise e a commun profit de tut le Reaume est grante pur luy","de touz les sacrementz de seynt Eglise desceveroms. Fiat fiat amen.","Anglo-Norman","Latin",,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2831,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i 1-4","6",,"ff. 8v-10v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2832,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR I. 19-25","7",,"ff. 10v-15",,,"Latin",,,"Ending with the writ, ?Et quia volumus quod aliquis super observacione premissorum non possit se per ignoranciam excusare?set omnia predicta opere compleantur,?",,"Dutschke 1989" 2833,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i 26-39","8",,"ff. 15-25",,,"Anglo-Norman",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2834,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 45-50","9",,"ff. 25-27v",,,,,,"Beginning in the chapter on damages in novel disseisin",,"Dutschke 1989" 2835,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 50","10",,"ff. 27v-28",,,"Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2836,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 197b","11","Incipiunt districtiones scaccarii","f. 28r-v","Pur ceo qe la communaute du Reaume ad eu graunt damage","ceo qi viscount avera reconue sei aver resceu de les dettours le Roi","French",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2837,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 197","12",,"ff. 28v-30v",,,"French",,,"giving the section on distraints (already copied) by cue only.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2838,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 98-100","13",,"ff. 30v-32v",,,"French",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2839,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 96","14",,"ff. 32v-34v",,,"French",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2840,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 245-46","15",,"f. 34v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2841,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 210","16",,"ff. 34v-37v",,,"French",,,"Statute of Exeter in 2 parts, the second beginning, ?Primes fet a enquere de chescon vile demyvyle hamelette??;",,"Dutschke 1989" 2842,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 44","17",,"ff. 37v-38",,,"French",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2843,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3200","38","De modo capiendi custumam in scardeburgh","ff. 51v-52","De qualibet navi infra scherial et nothland applicante cum mercimoniis quibuscumque sint empta vel vendita iiii d., de mensura domini Regis si ex ea in aliqua parte mensuratum fuerit i d.",,"Latin",,,"Customs and tolls on various products (beans, peas, salt, coal, herrings, wool, wine, etc.) and on various services (of leatherworkers, bakers, butchers, et al.), ending with a list of those immune from toll duties in Scarborough.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2844,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1:235-36","18",,"ff. 38-40",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2845,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 106","19",,"f. 40r-v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2846,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 113","20",,"ff. 40v-41",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2847,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 51","21",,"f. 41r-v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2848,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 229","22",,"ff. 41v-42",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2849,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 42","23",,"ff. 42-43",,,,,,"with variant list of councillors including I. de Kyrkeby and I. de Colebye.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2850,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 222","24",,"f. 43r-v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2851,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 45-50","25",,"ff. 43v-44v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2852,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 107","26",,"f. 44v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2853,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 108","27",,"ff. 44v-45v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2854,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 107","28",,"f. 45v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2855,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 216","29",,"ff. 45v-46","Dominus Rex mandavit per Gilbertum de R?.",,"Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2856,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 7","30",,"f. 46",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2857,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 101","31",,"ff. 46v-57",,,"Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2858,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 219","32",,"ff. 47-48v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2859,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 204","33",,"f. 48v","Pur discrecion de tut le Reaume D?engleterre fust la mesure nostre seignur le Roi ordeyne","e xii lyvrez e demy fount une pere de Londres","Anglo-Norman",,,"The first paragraph only.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2860,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 227","34",,"ff. 48v-49",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2861,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 208 (a)","35a",,"ff. 49-50",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2862,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 208 (b)","35b",,"ff. 49-50",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2863,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 199","36",,"f. 50r-v",,,"Latin",,,"with headings for ?Assisa cervisie? and ?Lucrum pistoris"".",,"Dutschke 1989" 2864,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 204","37",,"ff. 50v-51v","Notandum quod carrata plumbi constabit ex xxx fotmell",,"Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2865,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 71-95","39",,"ff. 53-72v",,"ausi bien celuy qe le purchacera come celuy qi le fera","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2866,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3201","40","Explicit summa Fet asaver.","ff. 73-84","Fet asaver a comencement de chesqun ple q est plede en la court le Roy","oportebit de corpore suo vel de predicto debito respondere. Et habeas ibi hoc breve. Explicit summa Fet asaver.","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2867,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3202","41","Incipit Magnum Heyngham","ff. 84-104","Incipit Magnum Heyngham, Licet ordo placitandi in curia domini Regis per leges et consuetudines Regni","si docatur quod is de cuius seisina petit actor non fuisse in seysina rei petite tempore Ricardi Regis Avunculi Regis Henrici patris regis Edwardi sic peremptorie deciditur actio actoris. Explicit Summa Magnum Heyngham.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2868,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3203","42","Incipit summa Bastardye","ff. 104-109v","Incipit summa Bastardye, Nota quod si Bastardus se clamando legitimum heredem","Nota si un home cleyme par meme le descent en bref de possession e l?autre met encountre Ly q?il est bastard qe unkes son pere esposa sa mere deit estre deit estre [sic] pris en la Curt le Roy. Explicit summa Bastardye.","Anglo-Norman","Latin",,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2869,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3204","43","Incipit Parvum Heyngham","ff. 109v-118v","Incipit Parvum Heyngham, Quinque sunt essonia primum de ultra mare secundum de terra sancta","et si uterque consenserit potest homagium dissolvi quia nichil tam naturaliter et cetera. Explicit Summa Parvum Heyngham.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2870,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3205","44","Incipit Summa Cum Sit Necessarium","ff. 118v-123v","Incipit Summa Cum Sit Necessarium, Cum sit necessarium conquerentibus in Curia domini Regis ut in suis casibus congruum exhibeatur remedium","licet antecessor conquerentibus de pastura illa fuerit disseisitus. Explicit summa cum sit Necessarium","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2871,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3206","45","Incipit tractatus de Corona","ff. 123v-126","Incipit tractatus de Corona, Eodem modo quo quis feloniam facere potest interficiendo alium idem feloniam facere potest interficiendo se ipsum","nec sunt per plegios dimittendi nisi sit ex speciali precepto domini Regis et tunc fiat de hiis quod seritis fit de aliis et cetera. Explicit tractatus Corone.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2872,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3207","46","Incipiunt Articuli Corone","ff. 126v-128","Incipiunt Articuli Corone, Dictum est ut supra quod nemo potest habere Curiam suam de probatore et latrone cognoscente videamus ergo que placita pertinent ad Curiam et que ad Comitatum","quod femine imponunt viro alicui de quo se dicit violenter oppressam et contra pacem domini Regis. Explicit Officium Corone","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2873,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1:40-41","47",,"ff. 128-129",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2874,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3208","48","Incipiunt statuta de antiquo dominico Corone","ff. 129-130","Licet in antiquo dominico Corone non currat aliquod breve nisi parvum breve de Recto clausum","propter quod si ego fuissem assignatus Iusticiarius ego secure procedere ad assisam sicut conueti [sic for ?consuevi?] quid alii faciunt ignoro et cetera.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2875,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1: 242","49",,"ff. 130-131",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2876,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 246","50",,"f. 131r-v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2877,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 217","51",,"ff. 131v-132",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2878,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR i. 228","52",,"ff. 132v-133",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2879,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3209","53","Incipit quedam summa cadit assisa","ff. 133-140v","Edwardus dei gratia Rex Anglie Dominus Hibernie et dux Aquitanie vicecomitibus London. salutem. Si Willelmus de Kyrkeby","Cadit assisa si petatur tenementum vel servicium per assisam?sic inde [cancelled] probatur recte ut de Itinere W[illelmi] de R[alegha] in Comitatu [catchword:] Cantie","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2880,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1:257-61","54",,"ff. 142-143v",,"en case de somons en plee de tere","Anglo-Norman",,,"Added in a later hand.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2881,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3210","55",,"ff. 143v-144",,,"Latin",,,"Mens Ianuarius vinum ieiunus bibe?[hygienic prescriptions on foods, bloodletting and taking medicine for each month]; Magister philosophorum computavit omnes malos dies tocius anni periculosos et sunt xxxta duos dies?[list of the dies nefasti or aegyptiaci in each month for beginning a new project, bloodletting or taking medicine]; Si quis in septimo die mensis marcii de dextro brachio sanguine minuerit?[bloodletting on special days to avoid loss of eyesight and fevers; special days in which to be born so as to never fall ill].",,"Dutschke 1989" 2882,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3211","56","De quo waranto","ff. 144v-145","Communitas ville de Scardeburgh summonita fuit ad respondendum domino Regi de placito quo waranto clamat habere wreccum maris assisa panis et cervisie liberam warennam in terris suis et terras suas quietas et serta sine licencia.","Communitas venit et dicit?pertinent sine licencia et voluntate nostra et progenitorum nostrorum de anglis et habeas ibi summonitores et cetera.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2883,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3212","57",,"f. 145","Iste libertates clamant habere ab antiquo. Burgenses clamant rendere dare et legare terras suas in lecto mortali","Item habent placita que pertinent ad portum maris","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2884,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3213","58",,"ff. 145v-146","De Articulis qui domini Regis scutagium contingunt. De magnatibus et aliis venientibus hospitaturis ad domos Religiosorum per gubernatorem earundem","secundum quod in eisdem statutis continetur","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2885,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3214","59","Incipiunt Cronice Anglie","ff. 146v-148","Incipiunt Cronice Anglie, Scire cupiens quis subscriptas interrogaciones de cronicis ponat prius annum dominicum in presenciarum ultimum","Qui vus die februarii in Angliam rediens xx die mensis eiusdem apud Westmonasterium est coronatus.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2886,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3215","60",,"f. 148","Bone medicyne pur le Stomake, Take wormwood",,"French","English",,,"added in a different hand","Dutschke 1989" 2887,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3216","61",,"f. 148r-v and lower margin of f. 149",,,"French",,,,"added in a different hand","Dutschke 1989" 2888,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3217","62",,"ff. 149-200v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2889,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3218","63",,"ff. 201-202","Anno domini Mo CCCo xi quinto kalendas Octobris ordinaciones cum exilio petri de gaveston cui Rex Edwardus filius Regis Edwardi contulit comitatum cornubie","interfecti sunt scotti xxx Milia per Regem Edwardum tercium post conquestum.","Latin",,,"apparently intended as a continuation of art. 59.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2890,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1:261-65","64",,"ff. 202v-204",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2891,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1:273-74","65",,"ff. 204v-205",,,,,,"with writ addressed to William de Clynton, constable of Dover and warden of the Cinque Ports.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2892,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1:269-72","66",,"ff. 205-207v",,,,,,"without the accompanying writ. f. 208, blank.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2893,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3219","67",,"f. 208v",,,,,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2894,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3220","68",,"ff. 209-210v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2895,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1:27","69",,"f. 211","Edwardus dei gratia et cetera. Cum in quodam statuto tempore domini Edwardi quondam Regis Anglie patris nostri Anno regni sui tercio apud Westmonasterium","seu clericis aut laicis cuiuscumque status vel condicionis sint inferre presumat. Teste me apud Westmonasterium xus die Aprilis Anno regni nostri nono.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2896,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3221","70",,"ff. 211v-212","In primis dicit Robertus Wawayn pro Rege quod homines de scardeburgh videlicet Rogero ugdtred, Adam de helperch et filius eius, henricus de Rostoun","Alia diversa gravamina excessus et transgressiones domino Rege multipliciter intulerunt in domini Regis contemptum et dampnum xx milia libras et contra pacem.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2897,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","UMP 3222","71",,"f. 212","Edwardus et cetera vicecomiti Ebor. et cetera. Monstraverunt nobis burgenses ville nostre de scardeburgh per peticionem suam coram nobis et consilio nostro in parliamento nostro","Et nos de exitibus ville et manerii predictorum ad scaccarium nostrum ex nunc exonerare faciemus. Teste Waltero de Norwyco apud Westmonasterium xvi die februarii anno regni nostri primo.","Latin",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2898,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1:251-54","72",,"ff. 212v-214",,"pur ceo qe iustices ne deyvent ils estre ne record avoir forsqu en Eire","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"Dutschke 1989" 2899,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","SR 1:255-56","73",,"f. 214r-v",,"eiect sour ceo prohibicion en la chauncelerye fourme en soun cas. Pur ceo qu","Anglo-Norman",,,"Ends imperfectly. ff. 215-217v, blank.",,"Dutschke 1989" 2900,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3223","1",,"f. 1","-entem ut non deficiat in bello","ventum in ventre et in lateribus","Latin",,,"Imperfect by loss of one leaf at beginning. It seems to be the Latin original of an English tract contained in Sloane MSS. 706, ff. 4v-20, 2527, ff. 295-306v. A Latin form which differs only slightly is in Sloane MS. 282, f. 47.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 2901,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","TK 321","2","Modus fleobotomie","f. 11v-13","Cum necessitas cogit fleobotomare aliquando pro super- fluitate","in sinistra parte corporis minue","Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2902,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3225","3","Here ben že vertues of Rosemarye","f. 13","Rosemaryne is bože tre and herbe hoot and drie","wasche him žerwiž and he schal be hool","English",,,"Purporting to be taken from 'že litil book žat že scole of Sallerne wroat to že cuntasse of Henowd and sche sente že copie to hir douzter Philip že quene of Yngelond'. Other copies are in Sloane MS. 3215, f. 24 b, and Add. MS. 29301, f. 94.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 2903,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3226","4","Pillule magistri Bartholomei, quas ipse habuit a quodam Sarraceno Hispanie quodam Sarraceno Hispanie'","f. 17",,,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2904,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3227","5",,"f. 17v",,,"Latin",,,"on (a) the hours of the day assigned to each of the humours;-(b) 'Ierapigra Galieni'.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 2905,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3228","6",,"f. 18","For a man žat pissiž blood",,"English",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2906,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3229","7",,"f. 24v","Oyle of rede ros is a principale thynge",,"English",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2907,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","TK 165","8","Hic incipit antidotarius Nicholai","f. 24v-30r","Hic incipit antidotarius Nicholai. Aurea Alexandrina ab Alexandro peritissimo.","libidinem potenter excitat","Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2908,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3231","9","Lac puelle","f. 30v","Tak litarge of gold",,"English",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2909,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3232","10",,"f. 31v","Hoc pressorium a pressi[n]gbord","hec hurrea hogguslous","Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2910,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3233","11",,"f. 32v",,,"English","Latin",,"Among them are.-(a) 'To go invisible', with two other magical recipes. f. 44;-(b) Latin verses on the temperaments, beg. 'Inuidus ac tristis'. f. 47v;-(c) 'že virtues of watris'. f. 67v ;-(d) Table of Arabic numerals, 100- 441. f. 72 b. Beg. 'For ache in wristis take mugwort'.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 2911,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3234","12",,"f. 73",,,"English","Latin",,"(a) Table of the regnant planets on each day of the week. f. 73; (b) Note in English on masculine and feminine planets. f. 73; (c) Qualities of the planets' hours. Beg. 'Hora solis dura et grauis'. f. 73v; (d) Rules for nativities (cf. Sloane MS. 965, ff. 3-6). Beg. 'If žere be maad a questyoun of že natiuite of a man'; ends 'že effectus of hem in erže ben discryued'. f. 74; (e) Qualities of the planets. Beg. 'Sol calidus et siccus aurei coloris'. f. 76; (f) Note on 'The greet lordschip'. f. 76v.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 2912,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3235","13","Here bigynnež že book of astronomye and of philosofie contryued and mad of že wisist philosofris and astronomyers žat euere weren sižin žis world first bigan, žat is to seie of lond of Greek'","f. 76v","First žis book telliž how manye heuenes","on že moneday on že same hour and so forž of ožere, &c.","English",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2913,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","TK 606","14","Hec sunt verba que retulit quidam senex et verba inuenta fuerunt in libris philosophorum que fuerunt ex- tracta de libris Hermetis, et sunt verba aqua vite'","f. 80v","Hec sunt verba que retulit quidam senex et verba inuenta fuerunt in libris philosophorum que fuerunt ex- tracta de libris Hermetis, et sunt verba aqua vite. Cum a primo tanquam ab optimo inuidiam constet esse rele- gatam","laborem uel dolorem","Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2914,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","TK 800","15","Rescripta de simplici aqua vite et de composita et de perfectissima ad exemplar originalis extracta ex diuersorum dictis philosophorum medicine artis quod primo scripsit frater Thezericus ordinum predicatorum episcopus seruiens in Romaniolam iuxta Bononiam","f. 81v-89","Item scias quod triplex est aqua vite","tres offas tinctas in aqua qualibet die","Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2915,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","TK 22","16","Ad faciendam aquam ardentem","f. 87r-88v","Accipe ollam semiplenam vini vel seruisie",,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2916,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3239","17",,"f. 89","Cino- glossa commesta cardiacos sanat",,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2917,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3240","18","A greet astronomyer drowe out žis tretys of astronomye for lewide men schulden knowe hereby whanne it were good tyme to leten blood","f. 91","že first day of že mone god made Adam. Whoso Pat day ony ping doož bigynne","and al his likyng. Thus it cendiž, blessid be god","English",,,,,"CJ" 2918,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3241","19",,"f. 99v",,,"English","Latin",,"Among the Latin recipes are (f. 120) two charms against bleeding. Among the English recipes are:-(a) 'Aqua vite žat is to seie water of lyf'. Beg. 'Fille ži viol ful of lyes of strong wiyn'. f. 99v;-(b) 'Blak sope'. f. 106;-(c) 'Oyle of Excestre'. f. 111;-(d) 'Ad faciendum Brhkptt '. f. 123; -(e) To make mede'. f. 123v;-(f) 'Ad faciendum sbppnfm' [saponem]. f. 124v. Beg. 'Ad vocem clarificandam recipe succi liquoris dragaganti'. f. 95v. At the end are added (f. 125v) in another hand a note on three fatal days in the year and two other recipes.",,"CJ; Royal and King's Cat" 2919,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3242","20",,"f. 126",,,"English",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2920,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3243","21",,"f. 133v","For to make Borace",,"English","Latin",,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2921,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","UMP 3244","22","De virtutibus Balsami artificialis ut hic","f. 180v","Balsamum curat tinnitum aurium","aliqua alia medicina","Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2922,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","TK 247","23","Tractatum istum collegi de multis libris phisicalibus, viz. Aristotolis, Galieni, Ypocratis, &c.","f. 183v-185","Confortant cerebro odorifera","vomere post prandium","Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2923,"London British Library Royal 17.A.III","TK 867","24","Modus fleobotomie secundum antiquos","f. 185r-186v","Mense lanuarii bonum est abstinere",,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 2925,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 1550","2",,"f. 11-22","In že honurance of swete Ihesu / žat is louerd ful of vertu",,"English",,,,"A careful textura, c. 1300.","NIMEV" 2926,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","UMP 3300","3",,"ff. 1-198",,,"English",,,"Seven legends are lost at the beginning. Contains: The Long Life of Christ (IMEV 3452); The Apocryphal History of the Infancy of Jesus (IMEV 1550); Sancta crux (IMEV 3387); Life of St. Dunstan (IMEV 2884); Life of St. Augustine (IMEV 2854); Life of St. Barnabus (IMEV 2856); Life of St. John the Baptist (IMEV 2945); Life of St. James the Great (IMEV 2918); Life of St. Oswald the King (IMEV 3036); Life of St. Edward the Elder (IMEV 2890); Life of St. Francis (IMEV 2899); Life of St. Alban (IMEV 2842); Life of St. Wulstan (IMEV 3068); Life of St. Matthew (IMEV 3017); Life of St. Liger (IMEV 2958); Life of St. Faith (IMEV 2897); The Eleven Thousand Virgins (IMEV 721); Life of St. Katherine of Alexandria (IMEV 2954); Life of St. Lucy (IMEV 2961); Life of St. Thomas of Canterbury (IMEV 4171); Lives of Saints Fabian and Sebastian (IMEV 2896); Life of St. Agnes (IMEV 2850); Life of St. Vincent (IMEV 3067); Life of St. Paul (IMEV 3041); Life of St. Bridget (IMEV 2871); Life of St. Agatha (IMEV 2839); Life of St. Scholastica (IMEV 3052); St. Patrick's Purgatory (IMEV 3039); Life of St. Brendan (IMEV 2868); Life of St. Nicholas (IMEV 3033); Life of St. Julian the Confessor (IMEV 2949); Life of St. Julian Hosteler (IMEV 2950); Life of St. Mary of Egypt (IMEV 2990); Life of St. Christopher (IMEV 2878); Life of St. Dominic (IMEV 2883); Life of St. Theophilus (IMEV 3266); Life of St. George (IMEV 2905); Life of St. Edmund the King (IMEV 2887); Legend of St. Michael (IMEV 3029); Life of St. Clement (IMEV 2875); Life of St. Lawrence (IMEV 2957); Life of St. Kenelm (IMEV 2956); Life of St. Gregory (IMEV 2910); Life of St. Cuthbert (IMEV 2880); Life of St. Mark (IMEV 3004); Lives of Saints Philip and James (IMEV 3048); Life of St. Jacob (not listed in IMEV); Life of St. Bartholomew (IMEV 2858); Life of St. Thomas the Apostle (IMEV 3063); Life of St. Matthias (IMEV 3026); Life of St. Silvester (IMEV 3053); Life of St. Eustace (IMEV 2894); Life of St. John the Evangelist (IMEV 2932); All Saints' Day (IMEV 184); All Souls' Day (IMEV 201); Saint Edmund the Bishop (IMEV 2886); Life of St. Martin (IMEV 3005); Life of St. Leonard (IMEV 2959); Life of St. Mary Magdalene (IMEV 3159); Life of St. Hippolytus (IMEV 2915)","A careful textura, c. 1300.","Gorlach 1974" 2927,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 3310","4",,"198r-v","Herkniez me a luytel žrowe ?e žat wollez ou self iknowe","Žat we moten ži sone iseon in ioye withouten ende. Amen","English",,,"Begins imperfectly.","A careful textura, c. 1300.","NIMEV" 2928,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 3089","5",,"ff. 199-200v","Seue dawes aren žat men calle3",,"English",,,,"A careful textura, c. 1300.","NIMEV" 2929,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 351","6","'Že disputisoun betwen že bodi and že soule'","ff. 200v-203v","Als i lay in a winteris nyt in a droukening bifore the day","'Žat cristes merci ne is wel more'","English",,,,"A careful textura, c. 1300.","NIMEV" 2930,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 1114","7",,"ff. 204-219v","Herknet to me, gode men","Biforn his Fader at his endinge","English",,,"Part 2.","Written in a compact textura hand of the early fourteenth century.","NIMEV" 2931,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 166","8",,"ff. 219v-228r","Alle ben he bliže Žat to me wilen liže","'Nou hem to heuene lede God hem to heuene lede'","English",,,"Part 2.","Written in a compact textura hand of the early fourteenth century.","NIMEV" 2932,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 2866","9",,"ff. 228v-230v","Seynt blase wel clene lyfe ladde wižoute any hore In že lond of capadoce žis godeman was ibore","God leue žat we parti mote of že heye blisse Žere žat seint blase is inne ibrout žat we žer offe ne mysse","English",,,"Part 2.","Written in a late fourteenth-century anglicana hand.","NIMEV" 2933,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 2873","10",,"ff. 230v-233v","Seinte cecilie of noble kynde ibore 3e was at rome Oure louerd crist ?e louede wel are ?e fram cradel come","Nou bidde we oure swete louerd for hire martirdom To bringge vs to žat ioye žat hire soule to com","English",,,"Part 2.","Written in a late fourteenth-century anglicana hand.","NIMEV" 2934,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 3156","11",,"ff. 233v-237","Sittež stille wižouten strif And i wol tellen ou of a lyf",,"English",,,"Part 2.","Written in a late fourteenth-century anglicana hand.","NIMEV" 2935,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 3838","12",,"f. 237r-v","Opon a somer soneday se i že sonne","A duk drawe to že dež wiž drouping & dare","English",,,"Part 2","Written in a late fourteenth-century anglicana hand.","NIMEV" 2936,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 496","13",,"f. 238","Byholde meruelylis: a mayden is moder","Most hi3 was lowe; he sty3e agayne","English",,,"Part 2. A later addition.","Fifteenth-century hand.","NIMEV" 2937,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 145","14",,"f. 238v","[A]llas deceyte, žat in truste ys nowe",,"English",,,"Part 2. A later addition.","Fifteenth-century hand.","NIMEV" 2938,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 477","15",,"f. 238v","Be žou nou3t to bolde to blame",,"English",,,"Part II","Fifteenth-century hand.","NIMEV" 2939,"Oxford St John's College 57","IMEV 3428","1","Explicit stimulus consciencie","ff. 1-135","The my3te of the Fadir almy3ty/ The witt of the son","That vouche saff for vs on rode to hyng Amen Explicit stimulus consciencie","English",,,,"Written by a single scribe in anglicana, with some secretary, sporadic use of secreaty 'g' and simplified 'w'. Punctuation by medial point and double virgula (the verse unpunctuated).","Hanna 2002: 78" 2940,"Oxford St John's College 57","IPMEP 365E","2","[N]omina custodum et Balliuorum tempore Regis Ricardi primi qui coronatus est tercio die septembris Anno domini Millesimo Centes(i)mo iiij ix","ff. 138-223","[I]n die coronacionis Regis facta est strages magna omnium Iudeorum","and quartrid the tewisday in witsonweke Iohan Welles maior Iohan Atherley Stephyn Broun vicecomites Anno xmo","English",,"Latin",,,"Hanna 2002: 78" 2941,"Oxford St John's College 57","IMEV 3412","3",,"ff. 224-36","[T]he lyff so short the crafft so long to lern / Thassay so sharpp","The bett and thus to rede I woll nat spare Explicit","English",,,,,"Hanna 2002: 78" 2942,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 1010","10","the namys of the maires & the sheriffs of london","215r-219v","herbegynnithe the namys of the maires & the sheriffes of london sen kynge Richardis dayes . henricus de Cornhill","(f. 217v) John Broune","English",,,"The text in the main hand finishes on f. 217v, but the list has been added to by a variety of hands over the following leaves, ending with ?Thomas Wyndont Sheryff?.",,"CJ" 2943,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 1011","11",,"ff. 220v-224v","here begynnythe the namys of alle parishe churgchis (sic) wž yn the fraunchise of london . Seynt Anne by Aldrisshe gate","A chapell of seynt spirit wt out temple Barre","English",,,,"Scribe B - cursive anglicana.","CJ" 2944,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 1012","12","The Gates of že cytee of london","f. 224v","ffirst, Algate in seint Bo[tt]ulfs paryssh wž že posterd","Bysshoppisgate in že paryssh of seint Ethebrage","English",,,"Another gate added at the end in a slightly later hand.","Scribe B - cursive anglicana.","CJ" 2945,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 3375","13",,"f. 225r","A heerde of hertis","A caste of haukys of the toure","English",,,"Other terms have been added to the list in a contemporary hand.","Scribe B - cursive anglicana.","CJ" 2946,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 1013","14","These bene že hallis žt longe to že cytee of london","ff. 225v-226v","Westynyster (sic) hall . These bene že hallis žt longe to že cytee of london ./ Westmynster hall . ffyrst the yelde hall","The Armerers hall in Collman strete","English",,,"The main text finishes at the top of f. 226v. Other halls are added at the beginning and ends of the text in contemporary hands. f. 227r blank.","Cursive secretary.","CJ" 2947,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 1014","16","All že Bysshoppis of England","f. 227v","The Byssh All že Bysshoppis of England Canuterbury York","Landave (end of text includes Welsh bishops)","English",,,,,"CJ" 2948,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 4155","17",,"f. 228r","A to Amerous to Auentours & angre že not to moch","Summa sapiencia est cotidie de morte cogitate","English","Latin",,"Copied a second time. Last two lines only in Latin. On f. 228v have been added prayers, the swans mark of Thomas Frowyk, along with his name, and The Pardon of Syon-Bedez.","Neat secretary hand.","CJ" 2949,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 3376","22",,"f. 229r-v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 2950,"London British Library Harley 7333","IPMEP 374","1",,"1r-24v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 2951,"London British Library Harley 7333","UMP 3377","9",,"36v",,,"French",,,,,"CJ" 2952,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2662","13",,"122r-126r","The Tale of Constaunce what ffelle / of enuye and of Bakbytinge",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 2953,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2662","14","A tale A gein Pride","126ra-127va",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 2954,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2662","15","A tale that fill be twix Covetous & Enuy","127v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 2955,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2662","16","A tale of A Emp[er]oure that was distroied for coveting of golde","127v-128v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 2956,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2662","17","A tale of the fortune of že world","128v-129r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 2957,"London British Library Harley 7333","IMEV 2662","18","A tale of two Beggers | of ffortune and covetise","129r-v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 2958,"London British Library Harley 7333","UMP 3378","33","že answer of deže agayne vn to man","148r -148v","Quis es tu quem video hic stare in figura",,"English","Latin",,,,"CJ" 2959,"London British Library Harley 7333","UMP 3379","35",,"148v","Versus Memoriales Sunt tria que vere faciunt me sepe dolore",,"Latin",,,,,"NIMEV" 2960,"London British Library Harley 7333","UMP 3380","36",,"148v","Da tua dum sunt Post mortem tunc tua no[n] sunt",,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2961,"London British Library Royal 8.D.X","UMP 3381","1",,"4-196",,,"Latin","English",,"The sermons are here numbered 1-225 (30 is omitted).At the end (f. 196) is an alphabetical index of subjects (beg. 'Abscondit se Iesus lapidandus'), with colophon 'Explicit tabula libri sermonum secundum egregium doctorem Parisiensem, &c. quod H.W. A.' The fly-leaves (ff. 1-3, 203-205) contain theological commonplaces, including two sermons, viz.:-(a) On 1 Cor. v. 8, beg. 'Epulemur in azimis sinceritatis et veritatis: Reuerendi mei, prout colligere possumus'. The text is translated (f. 1v) into English,' Make we oure plentevous feste or gystnyng / in ciere clennesse and trewe lyuyng'. (IMEV 2039.8), f. 1;-(b) On Joh. iv. 28, 'Reliquit Mulierydriam suam et abiit in ciuitatem: Reuerendi mei, verba ista euangelistc iohannis verba sunt narrantis'. The text is translated (f. 204) 'Thys woman hath leued her vesseil of clay / and in to že cyte ys wend hur way' (IMEV 3647.3), f. 203v. At f. 203 is a moralization on chess, probably taken from the Communiloquium of John of Wales, beg. 'Nota quod mundus iste totus quoddam scaccarium est'.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 2962,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2421","1",,"5r-9r","The moost substaunce of power and of might","And bigged it, where alle afore was playne","English",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2963,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","IMEV 710","2",,"9r-177v","The while žat Troy was reignyng in his might","That Frenshe men made to thaire owne dampnacion","English",,,,"Peverley 2004, p. 72: 'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader The second hand, also a bastard secretary but noticeably more compact and formal, copied the text only at ff. 104r-111v (the marginal glosses are written by hand one). The collation of the manuscript reveals that an additional three folios were inserted at the end of quire 13, suggesting that two scribes where working simultaneously on the production of the manuscript, and that the first scribe having exceeded the limit of the twelfth quire was ?forced to insert three folios to accommodate the remaining twelve stanzas? (Harker 1996: 27-8). Given that hand one completed the final line of f. 100v and 101r-103r in a noticeably different shade of ink, as well as inserting the final and marginal stanzas on f. 135v, it seems reasonable to assume that the main scribe completed ff. 101r-103r at the same time that he added the missing stanzas on f. 135v, probably later, or at a correctional stage, in the manuscript?s production'.","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2964,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2422","3",,"178r-180v","O gracious lorde Kynge Edwarde fourt accompte","To comfort with youre noble high corage","English",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2965,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2423","4",,"180v-183r","Ye may entre Scotland at Yareforde","as King Edward with že longe shankes did","English",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2966,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2424","5",,"185v-187r","Edwardus tercius, rex Anglie et Francie","rex habuerat villam et castrum de Caleys","Latin",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2967,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2425","6",,"187r-189v","Serenissimus princeps, Henricus rex Anglie et Francie quintus post conquestum Anglie","cum maxima deuocione litera F tunc dies Dominica Anno Domini MLCCCCXV","Latin",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2968,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2426","7",,"189v-190v","For as moche as many haue bene merred","but that title the erle Percy put by","English",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2969,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2427","8",,"191v-192v","To Englond haue ye right as ye may see","To othir londes ye nede none othir trist","English",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2970,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2428","9","The quarell of Sir Henry Percy with Henry IV and the battle of Shrewsbury","192r-192v","For as moche as many men mervail","whiche quarell now folowit next after","English",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2971,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2429","10",,"192v-193v","Nos Henricus Percy comes Northumbrie constabilarius Anglie","hac die omnipotente Deo nobis auxiliante","Latin",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2972,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2430","11",,"193v-197r","Sanctissimo in Christo patri domino Bonifacio","septimo die Maii Anno Domini MLCCCI et regni nostri vicesimo nono","Latin",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2973,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2431","12",,"197v-198v","Of all maters I haue saide myn entent","That we had goot in ten as doth apere","English",,,,"'The first hand, a bastard secretary, is the main hand, and copied the majority of the text and marginal glosses (in red), ff. 5r-103v, and 112r-198v. This hand is very fine and often decorates the ascenders and descenders of letters on the first and last lines of text; many of these calligraphic decorations are similar in style to the decorations made by the scribe known as Ricardus Franciscus, but less extravagant.The flourishes descending from the final lines of text on a folio usually extend from the letter ?g? and an intelligible version of the letter has been placed within the decoration for the benefit of the reader' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2974,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","IMEV 1168","13",,"200r-209v","The prouerbes of Lydgate","Here endethe the prouerbes of Lydgate vpon the fall of prynces. Enpryntede at London in Flete Stret at the sygne of the sonne by Wynkyn Worde","English",,,,"'A third hand (c. 1520), again a bastard secretary, copied the final section of the manuscript (ff. 200-209) containing ?The Prouerbes of Lydgate vpon the fall of prynces. Empryntede at London in Fletestret at the sygne of the Sonne by Wynkyn Worde? (1519). Malcolm Parkes believes that this hand belongs to a scribe that copied another manuscript belonging to the Percy family, British Library MS 18 D. ii, which contains amongst other works, John Lydgate?s Troy Book and Siege of Thebes (see Parkes 1979: plate 15 ii)' [Peverley 2004].","Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2975,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","UMP 2433","18",,"211r-211v","Cy sen syeut lez noms des sieurs qui mourreront en la bataill a Aigincourt lan mile cccc xv le vendredy le xxv iour doctobre?",,"French",,,,,"Peverley 2004: 71-77" 2976,"Oxford Bodleian Library Ashmole 34","UMP 2421","1",,"2r-5r","The most substaunce of power and of myght","And bigged it where all afore was playne","English",,,,"Peverley 2004, p. 82: 'One main hand in the manuscript, which writes the text and main marginal glosses (in red) in a single bastard secretary hand. This scribe is also the scribe of Douce 345, further highlighting the likelihood that Arch. Selden B. 10, Ashmole 34, Douce 345 and Harvard 1054 were produced at the same shop and from common exemplars'.","Peverley 2004: 81-84" 2977,"Oxford Bodleian Library Ashmole 34","IMEV 710","2",,"5r-177v","The while žat Troy was regnynge in his myght","That Frenshe men made to žayre owne dampnacon","English",,,,"Peverley 2004, p. 82: 'One main hand in the manuscript, which writes the text and main marginal glosses (in red) in a single bastard secretary hand. This scribe is also the scribe of Douce 345, further highlighting the likelihood that Arch. Selden B. 10, Ashmole 34, Douce 345 and Harvard 1054 were produced at the same shop and from common exemplars'.","Peverley 2004: 81-84" 2978,"Oxford Bodleian Library Ashmole 34","UMP 2422","3",,"175r-177v","O gracious lord Kynge Edward fourt account","Trest never truthe in hem ne perfeccyone","English",,,"ff. 178r-80v: blank.","Peverley 2004, p. 82: 'One main hand in the manuscript, which writes the text and main marginal glosses (in red) in a single bastard secretary hand. This scribe is also the scribe of Douce 345, further highlighting the likelihood that Arch. Selden B. 10, Ashmole 34, Douce 345 and Harvard 1054 were produced at the same shop and from common exemplars'.","Peverley 2004: 81-84" 2979,"New York Pierpont Morgan Library MS Bühler 5","IMEV 710","1",,"1r-115v","[That other beam] to Irelonde extendynge","The kynge of Fraunce with baner hool desplayed","English",,,"The incomplete Chronicle begins in the reign of Aurelius Ambrose and ends in the reign of Henry V at the siege of Melayne (1417). Another stanza follows this but is very faded and difficult to read; it corresponds with ll. 2437-43 of the edition of the second version. On ff. 95v-6 is an extract of an antifeminist lyric in Middle English (IMEV 1944).","'The text is written by approximately eight bastard secretary hands. The first (ff. 1-20, 45, 56, 74) has quite a large number of anglicana features, and writes the marginal glosses throughout the manuscript, with occasional elaborated ascenders; the most distinguishing features of this hand are the scribe?s preference for secretary w and v, his abbreviation for 'and', and his rare use of punctuation (both the punctus and the vigula suspensiva). This hand has been identified by Carole Meale as that of the ?Chetham Scribe?, the principal scribe of Manchester, Chetham Library MS Mun. A. 6. 31 (8009). The second hand present in Bühler 5 (ff. 21-44, 46-50) is similar to the first, a bastard secretary with anglicana features, but this scribe appears to prefer the thorn (ž), and anglicana v and w; punctuation marks (in this case virgula suspensiva) are also used by this scribe. The third hand (ff. 51-55v) is noticeably different from the previous two hands, with more pronounced strokes and less cursive features; this hand frequently uses the punctus. The fourth hand (ff. 57-73, 75-82r) is similar to hand three, and may be the same scribe employing variations to his script; this, however, is very difficult to determine. Discernible differences between the two hands, if they are not by the same scribe, include slight differences between their w, v, final s, r, and e; hand three uses the punctus more frequently than hand four, and hand three has a slight duct towards the right. The fifth hand (ff. 82-84) is more compact and neater than the previous hands, and has very few anglicana or cursive features; the text written by this hand is not punctuated. What appears to be a sixth hand writes the text on f. 84v. This hand may belong to the same scribe as hand three or four; however, the hand responsible for this script uses the virgula suspensiva instead of the punctus used by hands three and four, and although the script is quite spikey, like hand three, the duct is not as pronounced. Likewise, it is difficult to reconcile some of the letter forms with those present in hands three and four (which themselves could be by the same scribe). The text written by the seventh hand (ff. 85-89r) is not punctuated; this hand is similar to hand one, with distinguishing features including flourishes on final n and g, secretary v and w and narrow anglicana d. Hand eight (ff. 89v-115) is similar to hand five, and the two may be written by the same scribe; notable features include flourishes on final d, compact secretary a, v and w. This hand does not punctuate the text. All eight hands share similar traits, and generally it is difficult to distinguish between them. Each is responsible for much correction, cancellation, deletion and erasure throughout the manuscript and many of the incomplete six-line stanzas have had a seventh line added in the margins (for example, ff. 5r and 67r). On f. 17r two stanzas accidentally omitted by the scribe from the reign of Gurmonde, have been added by another scribe; a similar insertion occurs on f. 57r. Marginal glosses are written in the same brown colour ink as the text. Paraph marks occur at the beginning of each stanza in red, and the names of monarchs begin with a red ink initial. It is possible that more, or fewer, hands are present than defined here; however, only a comprehensive study of all letter forms and notable features throughout the manuscript would help to shed further light on the complex relationship between the various hands' (Peverley 2004).","Peverley 2004" 2980,"London British Library Egerton 1995","IMEV 42.5","4","The Condyscyons of a grehounde ande of hys propyrteys","f. 55v","Thy grehounde moste be heddyd lyke a snake","Thenne ys the grehounde welle I schapte","English",,,,,"CN" 2981,"London British Library Egerton 1995","UMP 4203","5","Termys of venery","f. 55v","A herde of hertys","A lyynge of pardynersse",,,,,,"CN" 2982,"London British Library Egerton 1995","UMP 4451","6","Here begynnythe the Termys of keruynge of ffoulys and ffyschysse","57v-58r","A byste a dere ys brokynne","Cranys ys vnmaylyde Explicit","English",,,,,"CN" 2983,"London British Library Arundel 59","IMEV 2229","1",,"1-89v","[M]vsyng vpon the Resteles busynes / whiche that this troubly world hath on honde","To the that al seyst of loves feruence / that knowith he that nothyng is hid froo. Explicit.","English",,,,"Hammond Scribe","CN" 2984,"London British Library Arundel 59","IMEV 935","2","Explicit Regimine Principum","90-130v","God almyghti save and conferme oure kyng / In al vertu to his encres and glory","ffor were shuld be last of thy werkis. Explicit Regimine Principum","English",,,,"Hammond Scribe","CN" 2985,"Cambridge University Library Mm.5.14","UMP 4570","1",,"2-139v",,,"Latin",,,"Booklet I",,"Hanna and Lawton 2003" 2986,"Cambridge University Library Mm.5.14","UMP 4571","2",,"140r-185r",,,"Latin",,,"Booklet II. Fols. 185v-86v are ruled but blank.",,"Hanna and Lawton 2003" 2987,"Cambridge University Library Mm.5.14","IMEV 1583","3",,"186r-205v",,,"English",,,"Booklet III. Fol. 207 is blank.",,"Hanna and Lawton 2003" 2988,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.2","UMP 0610","2",,"148",,,"French","Latin",,"With the short Latin pieces 'Quis sit vel qualis',' Est amor in glosa',' Lex docet auctorum'.",,"Trinity Cam. Cat" 2989,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.2","UMP 0612","3",,"152","Quia vnusquisque prout a deo accepit aliis impertiri tenetur","Confessio Amantis specilaiter sortitus est","Latin",,,,,"Trinity Cam. Cat" 2990,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.2","UMP 0608","4","Nota consequentes carmen super mulitiplici viciorum pestilencia vnde tempore Ricardi secundi","152v-154r",,,"Latin",,,"F. 154v is blank.",,"Trinity Cam. Cat" 2991,"Aberystwyth National Library of Wales Peniarth 392 (Hg)","IMEV 4019","1",,"2r-250v","WHan that Auerylle with his shoures soote",,"English",,,,"""The text hand is of the anglicana formata type representative of the latter half of the fourteenth century, with double-compartment a, looped ascenders on b and d, 8-shaped g and word-final s, ?tilted? y. The text headings are written in either a larger anglicana script, or in a hybrid anglicana. On the five ?supplementary? hands, see Doyle & Parkes (1979), pp. xliii-xlvii. Of special interest are hands C and F. Hand C adds the ?Adam? stanza (MkT B23197-3204) in the gutter of fol. 89v, and could be the same scribe as that of British Library MS Arundel 38, Henry V?s copy of Hoccleve?s Regiment of Princes. Hand F is very like Thomas Hoccleve?s hand in his own poetical anthologies, Huntington Library HM 144 [sic: HM 111?] and 744 and Durham University Library (England), Cosin V.III.9...?","Stubbs 2000" 2992,"Cambridge University Library Dd. 14.2","UMP 2434","1","Registrum cartarum tenementorum et redditum","ff.3r-251; 297-315",,,"Latin",,,"Includes IMEV 3306 on f. 312 (a couplet on the year 1391).",,"CN" 2993,"Cambridge University Library Dd. 14.2","UMP 2435","2","De cronicis Anglie","ff. 251-258r","Haec sunt nomina regum Anglorum Christianorum",,"Latin",,,"On fol. 259v there is a prophecy relating to the year 1432 in English prose.",,"CN" 2994,"Cambridge University Library Dd. 14.2","IMEV 1105","3","De cronicis Regum","ff. 260r-290","Herkenith hederward lordynges / he žat wollen here of kynges","lollardes bokes weren brend as many as a man my3t bere","English",,,,,"CN" 2995,"Cambridge University Library Dd. 14.2","Griscom 1929: 383-97","4","De prophetia Merlini","ff. 291-297r","Sedente itaque Vortigerno super ripam","inter sydera conficient. Explicit","Latin",,,,,"CN" 2996,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","UMP 3667","2",,"3-104v","Anno mundi 1 The first man adam was mad on a Friday","and haue voys in že same eleccion","English",,,,"Capgrave's hand.","CN" 2997,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.11","UMP 2074","1","libellus de institucione fratrum carmelitorum ordinis","1-32r","Frater Thomas Bradley monachus et anchorita","ad eternam gloriam et triumphum te perducat amen","Latin",,,,,"CN" 2998,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 2802","10","Expliciunt Etheroclita","ff. 130r-130v","Quot modis fit etheroglisis","Expliciunt Etheroclita","Latin",,,,,"CJ" 2999,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 2075","17",,"171v-185v","Uestra nouit intentio de scolarium disciplina","Explicit liber Boetij de disciplina scolarium, liber qui a commentarius speculum scolarium nuncupatur","Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3000,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 2076","19","De impersonalibus","f. 187rv","(imperfect) fortis ad belli","nomina aduerbia Explicit henbyry","Latin",,,"Misbound between ff. 170 and 171.",,"CJ" 3001,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 2077","22","De pronominibus","f. 191v",,,"Latin",,,"Consists of a series of pronouns, beginning with egomet.",,"CJ" 3002,"Cambridge University Library Ii.6.1","UMP 2078","1",,"ff. 1-5r","Cum ergo tales pontifices uel doctores","in celis cum aliis sanctis ad quod nos secum perducat qui sine fine viuit et regnat amen","Latin",,,"A fragment of the legend.","Herman Zurke","CN" 3003,"Cambridge University Library Ii.6.1","UMP 2079","2","Tractatus de ignorancia sacerdotum","5r-8r","Ignorancia Sacerdotum populam precipitat in foueam erroris","si sincero animo conturbatur . Amen . Christus laudetur huius quia finis habetur","Latin",,,,"Herman Zurke","CN" 3004,"Cambridge University Library Ii.6.1","UMP 2080","3","gesta Romanorum","ff. 8v-110v","Anselmus in ciuitate Romana regnauit prudens valde","pro quibus malis nos conseruat qui sine fine etc","Latin",,,,"Herman Zurke","CN" 3005,"Cambridge University Library Ii.6.1","UMP 2081","4","Incipiunt miracula de beata virgine maria","ff. 111-148r","Quidam miles habens vxorem . que vergens versus",,"Latin",,,,"Herman Zurke","CN" 3006,"Cambridge University Library Ii.6.1","UMP 2082","5",,"ff. 148r-","Unusquisque homo qui patrem clamat incelis","viuit et regnat deus in secula seculorum Amen","Latin",,,,"Herman Zurke","CN" 3007,"Cambridge University Library Ee.4.19","Surtees Soc. 63","1",,"ff. 1-85v","Benedicto salis et aque","In nomine patris & filii & spiritus sancti. amen.","Latin","English",,"Contains English sentences in the Rite of Baptism and English sentences in the Rite of Marriage. Includes IMEV 4204, The Marriage Pledge, beginning 'With this rynge I wedde the / and with this golde' on ff. 21-4.",,"CJ" 3008,"Cambridge University Library Ff. 3.27","UMP 2437","1",,"ff. 1-45","Utrum in diuinis","benedictus amen","Latin",,,,,"CN" 3009,"Cambridge University Library Ff. 3.27","UMP 2438","2",,"ff. 53-348v","et quandum ad primas","sed nunquam erunt actu infinite etc","Latin",,,"Contents list, alphabetically arranged (fols. 45v-51v) followed by an index.",,"CN" 3010,"London British Library Royal 18 A. XII","UMP 0891","1",,"1r-123r","Here begynneth a short tretise","This boke was translate into English in the vigill of All Hallowes the yere of oure lord god mlcccc and viijthe yere","English",,,,,"CN" 3011,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","Jolliffe I.9","2",,"f. 10rv",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3012,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","IPMEP 203","3",,"ff. 10v-13",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3013,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","UMP 4356","4",,"ff. 13-16",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3014,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","UMP 4357","5",,"ff. 16-17v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3015,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","UMP 4358","6",,"ff. 17v-23",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3016,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","IPMEP 604","7",,"ff. 24-35v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3017,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","IPMEP 276","8",,"ff. 35v-39v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3018,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","IPMEP 170","10",,"ff. 50-56",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3019,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","IPMEP 207","13",,"ff. 60-62",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3020,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","IPMEP 521","14",,"ff. 62-73v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3021,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","IPMEP 596","15",,"ff. 73v-117",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3022,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","Jolliffe B","16",,"ff. 117v-209",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3023,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","IPMEP 351","17",,"ff. 209-236v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3024,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","UMP 4359","20",,"ff. 246v-248",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3025,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","Jolliffe J.13","21",,"ff. 248-262",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3026,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","IPMEP 22","22",,"ff. 262-265",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3027,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","UMP 4360","24",,"ff. 267v-270v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3028,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","UMP 4361","25",,"ff. 270v-278v",,,"English",,,"Following the explicit is a four-line quotation from 2 Tim. 3.",,"CJ" 3029,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4452","1","Seruicia dominorum ad coronacionem regis Anglie","ff. 1r-12r",,,"Latin",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3030,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4453","2","Solempnitas coronacionis regis Anglie","ff. 13r-16v","die vero sancti Swithini magnates milites ac maior vicecomites solempnitas","Explicit Coronacionis Regis Ricardi Secundi Anglie","Latin",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3031,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4454","3","Exequie regales quum ex hoc seculo reges migrare contigerint","ff. 16v-17r",,,"Latin",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3032,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4455","4","Modus tenendi parliamentum","ff. 17r-25v","hic distribitur modus cognomodo parliamentum","Explicit modus tenendi parliamentum","Latin",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3033,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4456","5","Officium marescalli et constabularii Anglie tam tempore pacis quam guerre","ff. 26r-36r","Ricardus dei gracia Rex Anglie et ffrancie et dominus hibernie",,"Latin","French",,"Latin from ff. 26r-29v; French from ff. 29v-36r.","Hammond scribe","CN" 3034,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4457","6","Les ordonnaunces de les troyz batailles et les deux eles du bataille du Roy a son primer voiage en Escoce, lan de son reigne ixme","ff. 36r-37r",,,"French",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3035,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4458","7",,"ff. 37v-39v","En an du Reigne le Roy Edward xxiiijte dengleterre","vers Engleterre le dymensche apres la seynt Croiz","French",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3036,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4459","8",,"ff. 40r-47v","Selong les ditz des philosophers tous les hommez naturelment","cause par pourete defaulte de leurs seremens ne leurs offices. Explicit.","French",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3037,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4460","9","Cy ensuit la foundacioun de lordre du Jartier","ff. 47v-55r","a lonneur de dieu et sainte marie la glorieuse vierge","a fin quil puisse estre corrige se besoinge en estoit","French",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3038,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4461","10",,"ff. 55v-59v","quant escuier vient a court pour receuoir l'ordre du cheuallier du Bain","du Roy compaignons aux bachelers et aux autres seignurs","French",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3039,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4462","11","Tractatus magistri Johannis de Bado Aureo cum Francisco de Foneis in distinctionibus armorum","ff. 60r-79r",,,"Latin",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3040,"London British Library Additional 29901","UMP 4463","12","Tractatus de insigniis et armis","ff. 79r-86v",,"Colophon: hunc tractatum de insignijs et armis a dominus Bartholo de Saxoferato excellentissimo legum professore quem non credo compleuisse compositum publicauit post mortem dicti domini Batholi Alexander suus genus solempnissus...","Latin",,,,"Hammond scribe","CN" 3041,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","TK 1708","7",,"20r ? 23v","Volenti igitur operari per tabulam completam domorum","Expliciunt canones tabularum Walteri socii Collegii Wyncestrie quondam Oxon . scripti Bristollia per manus Willelmis Worcestre anno Christi 1438 22 die mensis Aprilis","Latin",,,,"William Worcester","CJ" 3042,"Glasgow University Library Hunter V.8.12","MWME 254","1",,"ff. 1r-172v",,,"English",,,"f. 173r blank. Includes: ff. 1r-5v; treatise on the four humours, elements, qualities, directions and ages of man; ff. 5v-16r; Uroscopy; further discussion of complexions; preparations to be made by the doctor before visiting a patient; ff. 16v-172v; sections devoted to illnesses, their signs, causes and cures. Followed by: ff. 173v-174r, remedy for migraine (added in a different hand); f. 176r, added notes such as 'Ego sum bonus puer cum deus'; f. 176v, mixed recipes in various hands.","Thomas Westhaugh - Secretary, with some distinctive Anglicana features.","CJ" 3043,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 2701","4","'a powdre laskatyffe'","f. 57r","Take iij peny wheyght","poteagre & dropesy in mau[illegible]nd woundus","English",,,,"Secretary script.","CJ" 3044,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 0538","8","'Greuance of wemen'","158ra-172vb","Sires we shulle vnderstonde that womene haue lesse hete","and bynde hit faste žat hit fall not away","English",,,"This text is the excerpted gynaecological chapters from Gilbertus Anglicus's Compendium medicine.","Secretary script.","CJ" 3045,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 2702","10",,"173r-179ra","Here begynnethe the merueylous and sothefaste conynge of astrologye","and barly litell and shorte žat yere","English",,,,"Secretary script.","CJ" 3046,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 2703","11","The lettynge of the mone","179ra-b","Nowe že man žat desireth to haue","libra scorpionis & sagittaris. Explicit","English",,,,"Secretary script.","CJ" 3047,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 2706","12","The mone of ptolome","179rb-vb","Here begynnyth že mone","a yere soyrow","English",,,,"Secretary script.","CJ" 3048,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 2704","13",,"179v-181ra","Nowe ye moste vnderstonde that there ben 7 planetis","2 yere and a halfe","English",,,,"Secretary script.","CJ" 3049,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 2705","14",,"181ra-187rb","Evermore after other regnethe the 7 planetis","Schall be pale of hewe","English",,,,"Secretary script.","CJ" 3050,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 2707","15",,"187va-190ra","Carapos signifiethe the dropcye","a lytoll hony","English",,,"With diagrams. F. 190v blank.","Secretary script.","CJ" 3051,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 2708","16",,"191ra-193rb","Hou knowe euelles that comen of postoumes","venyn & le poysoun","English",,,,"Secretary script.","CJ" 3052,"Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 90","UMP 2709","2",,"62va-b",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 413" 3053,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 513","16",,"238v","Better is to suffre and fortune abyde",,"English",,,"Part II",,"NIMEV" 3054,"Oxford Wadham College 13","IMEV 2662","1",,"1r-442 c version","Of hem that writen ous The bokes duelle","un amie soulain","English",,,,"Scribe 1 (beginning to f. 169v, ff. 272r-287v): Scribe 2 (ff. 170r-271v, 288r to end). Macaulay describes the first scribe's hand as 'cramped and ugly' whilst the second is 'neat and uniform'.","Macaulay 1899" 3055,"London British Library Royal 4.C.VI","Stegmuller, Bibl 7416","1",,"ff. 1-215","Dominus petra mea et robur meum",,"Latin",,,"At the end there are two indices, one with references to the pages of the text, the other without them.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3056,"Cambridge University Library Add. 2775","IPMEP 374","1",,"1r-248v",,,"English",,,,"Written in a predominantly anglicana hand with secretary forms of 'g' and 'a'.", 3057,"London British Library Egerton 650","IPMEP 374","1",,"2-111r","[th]at Mordered had begotten",,"English",,,"Begins imperfectly, corresponding to Brie, 91:10.",,"ImaginingHistoryProject" 3058,"London British Library Egerton 650","IPMEP 365E","2",,"111v-114r",,,"English",,,"This version ends in 1430/1 London civic chronicle entries recording mayors and alderman, including a description of the feast held in honour of Queen Katherine's coronation, including a list of notable guests and the menu.",,"ImaginingHistoryProject" 3059,"Harvard Countway 19","TK 982","1",,"1r-13v",,,"Latin",,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3060,"Harvard Countway 19","MWME 301","2",,"14r-19v",,,"English",,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3061,"Harvard Countway 19","TK 235","3",,"19v-20r",,,"Latin",,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3062,"Harvard Countway 19","TK 1325","4",,"20v-22r",,,"Latin",,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3063,"Harvard Countway 19","TK 135","5",,"22r-31v",,,"Latin",,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3064,"Harvard Countway 19","TK 7","6",,"32r-33r",,,"Latin",,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3065,"Harvard Countway 19","TK 488","7",,"33v-43r",,,"Latin",,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3066,"Harvard Countway 19","MWME 305","8",,"43r-49r",,,"English",,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3067,"Harvard Countway 19","TK 431","9",,"49r-54r",,,"Latin",,,,,"Voigts 1985" 3068,"Harvard Countway 19","MWME 46","10",,"54v-55v",,,"English",,,"f. 56r blank.","secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3069,"Harvard Countway 19","TK 80","11",,"56v-59r",,,"Latin",,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3070,"Harvard Countway 19","UMP 3174","12",,"59v-63v",,,,,,,"secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" 3071,"London British Library Additional 17376","IPMEP 114","1",,"1-149","Blesced be že man žat 3ede nou3t in že counseil of wicked ne stode nou3t in že waie of sin3eres","žis ys že bileue catholik že which bot if ich man haue bileued trewlich & fastelich he ne may nou3t be sauf","English","Latin",,,,"CJ" 3072,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 150","1",,"1-67v","Here begynnež že pater noster of Richard Ermyte. To his dere sistir in god","in euerlastyng blysse. Amen.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3073,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 276","2",,"68-72","Heyl be žow Marie ful of grace","in parfyt charite. Amen. Amen. Amen","English",,,"f. 72v is blank",,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3074,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 48","3",,"73-88","Alle maner of men schulde holde goddis biddyngis","in blisse wiž holy men. Amen.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3075,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 4","4","Explicit. žus endiž Beniamyn","88v-103v","A greet clerk žt men calliž Richard of Seynt Victore","in rauischynge of mynde. Explicit. žus endiž Beniamyn","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3076,"Westminster School 3","Jolliffe J. 8","5",,"103v-4v","How men schulden be pacient in tribulacion and euer triste in goddis helpe. and neuerforsake truže noižer for liif ne for deež. že lord is my li3t","suffre persecucion. Explicit.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3077,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 460","6",,"105-12","How men žat bež in heele schulde visite sekemen. My dere sone or dou3ter in god","for in ži mercyful hondys I put it. Amen. Amen. Amen.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3078,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 166","7","že chartir of heuene.","112-115","že chartir of heuene. Eueryche wysman žat cleymež his heritage","to žin heritage lastynge wižouten eende. Amen.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3079,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 22","8",,"115-117v","Abowte že glorious mayden","of hir Natiuite. Salue regina. Deo gracias.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3080,"Westminster School 3","Jolliffe I. 1","9",,"117v-19v","How lordis and housbondemen schulden teche goddis comaundementis and že gospel to her suggettis and answere for hem to god on domesday. Almy3ti god in trinite comaundiž generaly","Al žis is text of holy writ and autoritees of seynt austyn že gloriouse doctour of holy chirche.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3081,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 155","10",,"119v-21","Diliges dominum... žou schalt loue ži lord god of al žin herte","vpon oure power and my3t 3if we wil plese god.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3082,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 521","11","Here bigynnež a tretis of weddid men and wymmen and of her children also.","121-32v","Here bigynnež a tretis of weddid men and wymmen and of her children also. Oure lord god almy3ty spekiž in his lawe","in blisse of heuene wižouten eende. Amen.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3083,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 203","12",,"132v-5v","A schort reule of lyf for eche man in general and for preestis in special hou eche schal be saued in his degre. First when žou risest or fully wakest","alle naciouns. And sectis žat now dispisen hym and his lawe. for že fals lyuyng of worldly cristenmen eižer sone be conuertid and amendid or ellis worže to nou3t for defaute of trewe ground.","English",,,"f. 136rv is blank.",,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3084,"Westminster School 3","Jolliffe G. 16b","13","Here bigynnež a noble tretys of maydenhode","137-53","Here bigynnež a noble tretys of maydenhode. Ecce virgo concipiet et pariet filium. žese wordis weren seide by oure lady goddis modir","he kepe žee in clene maydenhod Ihesu maydens spouse amen.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3085,"Westminster School 3","Jolliffe B","14",,"153-62v","I write to žee žis tretys in žese schort chapitres in token of že fyue most scharpe stones","regne wiž žee in že eendeles blisse amen. AMEN.","English",,,"The concluding tract.",,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3086,"Westminster School 3","UMP 3711","15","že ten commaundementis of god","163-80","že ten commaundementis of god. It is writen in že gospel of mathew. že xix chapitre. žat a man axid oure lord","lest 3ou falle worse. Explicit.","English",,,"f. 180v is blank.",,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3087,"Westminster School 3","UMP 3712","16","Here bigynnež že sermon of seynt Edmound of pounteneye žat is clepid že myrour of seynt edmound","181-204v","Here bigynnež že sermon of seynt Edmound of pounteneye žat is clepid že myrour of seynt edmound... In že name of oure swete lord ihesu crist here bigynnen že materes","žat is ordeyned for vs. Amen. for his greet pite","English",,,"Lists of the 'sevene gostly werkis of mercy' and the 'fyue goostly wittis' are added in a later hand to f. 204v.",,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3088,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 351","17",,"205-25","In ilk a synfulman and womman žat is boundon","žank god. and pray for me.","English",,,,,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3089,"Westminster School 3","IPMEP 160","18",,"225-31","žow žat lyst loue. helde ži eeren","in heuene wžowten endynge. Amen. so be it. good ihesu.","English",,,"Added to f. 231v is a relationship problem in seven lines of verse in the hand which wrote the inscription on f. 231. IMEV 754.5.",,"Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" 3090,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 372","IPMEP 682","1","Here endith the lives of seintis that is callid in latynne legenda aurea and in englissh the gilte legend the which is drawen out of frensshe into englishe the yere of oure lord m. cccc and xxxviij bi a synfulle wrecche (colophon)","ff. 1-160v","... knowliched žat he was ouercome bi hym and žen he besoght god žat he myghte se že spirit of fornycacioun aspiyng že yong peple and whan he sauh hym in že forseid fourme he saied žou hast apperid to me in horribul fourme","and alle the time that adam livid here in erthe was markid and imade and it commeth to ixc and xxx yere and alle the sones of adam were in noumbre xxxiiij and the doughtris of hym were in noumbre xxxij.","English",,,"Begins imperfect, with St Anthony and ends with The Life of Adam and Eve. Douce has provided an index, f. 165.",,"IMEP 4: 91-3" 3091,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 372","Jolliffe K.7","2","Fyve wilis of kinge pharao","160v-163v","The frist wile was that kinge pharao grauntid žat goddis puple schulde goo to doo sacrifice to her god so žat thei wolde dwelle stille in the londe of egipte so the deville wille that men doo outward penaunce of schrift of mouthe","by the passioune of oure lorde ijesu criste that ledeth vs to the lounde of biheeste that is že blisse of heuenn through his grace and goodnes amen","English",,,,,"IMEP 4: 91-3" 3092,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 372","IMEP IV (92:372[2])","Added",,"f. 16","Septuagesime we fast because vere is hote and moyst somer is hote and drye autumpne cold and drye wyntur cold and moyst we fast in vere for that we sholde attemper že noying humour of undern.",,"English",,,"Added in a blank space by a later hand.",,"IMEP 4: 91-3" 3093,"London British Library Arundel 99","IMEV 2516","1",,"ff. 1-159v","O myghty mars žt wž thy sterne lyght","Wolde fully turne to confusyone","English",,,"Imperfect, ending in book V.",,"CN" 3094,"Oxford St John's College 266","IMEV 3928","1","[H]ere Begynnyth the prolog off the Story of Thebes","1-61v","[W]han bright Phebus passed was the Ram","Of my tale thus I make an ende Amen. [H]ere now Endeth as ye may se / The destruccion of Thebes že Cite","English",,,,,"Hanna 2002: 330" 3095,"Cambridge University Library Dd.6.7","UMP 3382","4",,"ff. 152v-154v","Offa rex Merceorum potentissimus","semper in speculum summe religionis euasit","Latin",,,,,"Crick 1989" 3096,"Glasgow University Library Hunter V.8.12","UMP 3281","2",,"ff. 173v-174r",,,,,,"f. 173r blank.","In a different hand to the main text.","CJ" 3097,"Glasgow University Library Hunter V.8.12","UMP 3282","3",,"f. 176r",,,"Latin",,,"ff. 174v-175v blank.",,"CJ" 3098,"Glasgow University Library Hunter V.8.12","UMP 3283","4",,"f. 176v",,,,,,,"In various hands.","CJ" 3099,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","CMLGM 44.15:1","2","memoriale Juniorem","1v","Tractatus qui vocatur memoriale Juniorem",,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3100,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 4572","3",,"2r",,,"Latin",,,"A series of paragraphs.",,"CJ" 3101,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 4573","4",,"2v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3102,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 4574","5",,"4r-8v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3103,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 4575","8",,"97v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3104,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 4576","13",,"ff. 148r-v","Ad habendam rithmicam scienciam","exultacio. Explicit.","Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3105,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 4577","14",,"149r-156v","De declinationibus queritur quod","istius deis carent vsualiter plurali numero. Cy finyst les declenysons solonc lusage doxenford Sutton","Latin","French",,,,"CJ" 3106,"Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","UMP 4578","15","De preteritis et supinis verborum secundum","ff. 157r-160r","prima coniugatio quatuor varias","faciunt bor etc. Explicit.","Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3107,"London British Library Lansdowne 851","UMP 4579","1",,"1r-v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3108,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","IMEV 854","2",,"3v","Enforce thy witte somwhat for to lese,/ Aquaynte the with konnyng for žat is ay sure",,"English",,,"Extract of 7 lines only. A later hand adds recipes in Latin, beginning 'Vinum lacte laua, oleum licore faborum' and English prose for taking out stains and a quatrain in English (IMEV 3893) beginning 'Wele were him žat wiste / To whom he might trust', followed by a corresponding Latin distich, beginning 'Felix qui sciret in quo confidere quiret'.",,"CJ" 3109,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7001","3",,"ff. 4-19",,,"Latin","French",,"Includes material such as (a) Definition of a 'daywerk' of land. f. 5;-(b) Rules relating to apprenticeship in London. f. 6 ;-(c) Extracts from Letter- book K and another London record called Albus Liber (not that edited by Riley). ff. 6 b, 7 ;-(d) Rule about sealing wills. f. 7 ;- (e) Form of prohibition in a suit by Rich. Halle, Doctor of Canon Law, rector of S. Michael, Cornhill, and Tho. Russell and Walter Hersy, church wardens, against John Brown, of the parish of S. Botolph without Aldersgate; 27 Jan. ao 28 Hen. VI (?). No such rector occurs in the lists, but Richard Halle, Doctor of Canon Law, is mentioned in Cal. Pat. Rolls, 28 Hen. VI, p. 309. f. 11;-(f) Extracts from the provincial canon law of Canterbury concerning wills (cf. Wilkins, Concilia, ii, pp. 59, 553, 698, 705). f. 11v;-(g) 'En tantz des maners homme ne fra sa ley': rules relating to purgation, with Lat. mnemonic verses. f. 15v;-(h) Rules for computing scutage, beg. 'Sciendum est quod magnum feoduni militare constat ex quatuor hidis'. Followed by measures of length. f. 15v.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3110,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7002","4",,"20-41v",,,"Latin","French","English","Among them are:- (a) Customs bond of Rob. Ouerton and Will. Pykeryng, citizens and mercers, to John Powtrell and Will. Beaufitz, collectors 30 Apr., s.a. f. 20 ;-(b) Bill for 200 l. by John [Sutton al. Dudley], Baron Dudley, Treasurer of the Household, and John Wode, Under treasurer, to Rich. Bird, Serjeant of the Catery; 18 Apr. 32 Hen. VI [1454]. Engl. f. 21;-(c) Three bonds relating to brewhouses called 'le goze on že hoop', 'le corbet', and 'le pecok on the hoop' in the parish of S. Botolph without Aldersgate ; n.d. ff. 23v, 24;-(d) Bond of Rob. Halle, Reginald and Arnold to serve Thomas Crafford for 3 months as archers, with jack, sallet, bow, 4 arrows, sufficient strings, a dagger and a bill, poleaxe or leaden mallet, in a voyage proposed by Rich. Seintbarbe to Calais, and to pay the said Thomas one third of the profits of prisoners, &c.; n. d. The time of the muster is to be fixed by the said Richard in concert with Rob. White, mayor of the staple of Calais, Rob. Horn, and Will. Cantelowe, merchants of the said staple. f. 24;-(e) Bonds relating to ships called 'le Mary. Knyght' and 'le Mighell de Fobbyng' ; n.d. ff. 26,26v;-(f) Bond of a parish-clerk. f. 28v; (g) Bond of a renter-warden of the Mercers' Company. f. 29;- (h) Bond of Tho. Payn and Hen. Crisp, executors of Rob.Cotton. clothworker, concerning a debt due by Rich. Leylond, esq. ; n. d. f. 32;-(i) Bond for arbitration by Will. Norman and Tho. Lee. Rob. Hale and Nich. Westloker., between A. and B. and Rich' Witles about repair 'unius plumbi vocati le Waterlede in fornace positi' in a brewhouse called 'le Sterre and le Cheker' in the parish of S. Martin, Outwich; n. d. f. 33 ;-(k) Bond for conveyance of the manors of Woughton, co. Bucks, and Ashdon-hall, co. Essex, from John Nowers and Johanna his wife to Rich. Nowers; n.d. f. 35 ;-(l) Bond (to be left with John Chichelaye, chamberlain of London) for arbitration by Nich. Wifolde and John Derby, aldermen, nominated by John Olney, mayor, and the other aldermen, between John Sewale, broderer, of the one part, and John Balle and John Lambe, wardens, John Mounselle, John Curson and others of the Broderers' Company; 10 Sept. 26 Hen. VI [1447]. Noted as entered in the journal, 10 Sept. 32 Hen. VI [1453]. f. 37;-(m) Bond for arbitration by Rich. Caudray, clerk, Will. Venour, Warden of the Fleet Prison, and John Wodehous, with [Humphrey Stafford] Duke of Buckingham as umpire ('impar'), between the Prioress and convent of - and John Shirley; n. d.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3111,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","Richardson 1941: 278/15","5","Modus dictandi breuis et vtilis datus a Sampsone","ff. 42-48","Domini et amici precarissimi, quia meum salutare","et illud perficere recusarem, &c.[Colophon], 'Hic finem feci, commoda plura ieci","Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 3112,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7004","6","This is a rewle to knowe without laboure Whan the mone chaungeth and in what houre","f. 48r","Whan že prime is on A",,"English",,,"Includes IMEV 3609.6. Followed by Lat. mnemonic verses, showing the 'dies communes de returnis breuium'.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3113,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7005","7",,"f.48v-55v",,,"Latin","English",,"(a) Henry VI to the magistrates of Lübeck about a robbery of salt belonging to Henry Spicer, an English merchant, stolen by the crew of a Lübeck ship (John Fasmar, master) from a ship of Scluys (John Lambertson, master) at ' Old Selhowe' [Selo?] in Norway; n. d. f. 48v;-(b) The Mayor and aldermen of London to Pope Nicholas V, that Roger Niger, Bishop of London (1228-1241), fixed a rate for the citizens to contribute to the support of the parish churches, in proportion to the value of their houses ; that under Archbishop Thomas Arundel and Pope Innocent VII an attempt was made to upset this arrangement and the dispute was committed at the request of John [Stafford or Kempe?], late Archbishop of Canterbury, and Thomas [Kempe], Bishop of London, to eight arbitrators who settled it; that nevertheless certain incumbents have since produced alleged papal letters imposing new burdens; that the city's emissaries sent to protest to the Pope have been imprisoned by [Dietrich von Moers,] Archbishop of Cologne, and that they now accredit [Tho. Wynchecombe] the queen's nuncio to speak for them; 11 May, 1454. f. 49v;-(c) The same to the same, on the same subject, that, although the above-mentioned envoys, John Aleyn, D.C.L., and Roger Tonge, their Common Clerk, have been released from prison, Tonge is dangerously ill from his sufferings, and they therefore accredit Aleyn 'alone; 3 Sept. 1454. f. 51v;-(d) Grant of Henry [VI] to A. B. de Basyngstoke of exemption from the offices of bailiff, escheator, constable, chamberlain, burgess in parliament, &c.; n. d. f. 52v;-(e) Grant by the same of the like and other privileges to John Carpenter, junior, late Secretary [or Common Clerk] of the city of London [founder of the City of London School, compiler of the Liber Albus; see Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI, 1436-1441, p. 356, cf. T. Brewer, Life and Times of John Carpenter, 1856, p. 39]; [3 Dec. 1439]. f. 53;-(f) Part of a letter sent from the King by the hands of Ludovicus Johannes (probably Louis Johan, Master of the Mint under Henry V, Warden of the Stannaries till 1442) with a Garter for a foreign sovereign; n.d. f. 54;-(g) Alice, Lady Lovell of wife of William Lovell, 7th Baron], to Giles Colebronde, collector of her rents at King's Sutton, co. Northt., to pay money to Robert B. of London, goldsmith; Westminster, 13 Apr. 32 [Hen. VI, 1454]. Engl. f. 55;-(h) The same to the same, in favour of [the same?] Robert Botiller; n. d. Engl. f. 55 ;-(i) Henry VI to the Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lancaster for patents to be sealed to Will. Bradford, Tho. Beaumont, and Will. Ambros to adjourn the sessions at Lancaster from Wedn. aft. S. Laurence to a day in Lent following; Westminster, 5 Aug. 33 Hen. VI [1455]. Engl. f. 55v;-(k) Petition to the King from T., 'appeched of treson bicause of reklees wordes'; n. d. f. 55v.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3114,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7006","8",,"f.56",,,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 3115,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7007","10",,"f. 59v",,,"Latin",,,"Followed by a corrupt form of the usual mythical statistics of the numbers of parishes in England.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3116,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7008","11",,"f. 59v",,,"French",,,"also on the distinction of Housbote and Haibote.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3118,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7009","12",,"ff. 60-62v",,,"Latin",,,"Among them are:- (a) Presentation by Alianora, late wife of Sir Henry de S. Amando, of Thomas Legh, capellanus, to the rectory of Lodyngton [Loddington, co. Leic. or co. Northt. ?], dioc. Lincoln, vacant by death or resignation of John Clerk; 20 Oct. 1451. f. 60;-(b) Presentation by Will. Tailboys, esq., of Simon Flegard, capellanus, to the rectory, of F., dioc. Lincoln [? Faldingworth, co. Linc.]; n. d. [1450-1451]. f. 60;-(c) Grant by Tho. Huggreford, Nich. Rody and Will. Berkeswell, feoffees of Richard [Neville], Earl of Warwick, to Ralph Molans, esq., of the first presentation to B., co. Rutland; n. d. f. 60v;-(d) Grant by Edmund [Kirton], Abbot of Westminster, to A. B. of the first presentation to S. Matthew's, Friday Street, London, with reservation of a pension of 20s.; [1440-1462]. f. 60v; -(e) Presentation by Rich. Granger, rector of S. Pancras [Soper Lane], London, John Boston and three others, parishioners, to Thomas Bekington, Dean of Arches, of J. C. to the chantry in the church founded by John de Causton and vacant by the death of Thomas P.; [1430-1440]. f. 61;-(f) Testimonial from A., Prior of the Austin Priory of 'Bosgris' (sic), dioc. Canterbury, to B., a canon of the same order, to receive a cure of souls; 10 Mar. s. a. f. 61v;-(g) Presentation by Henry [Chicheley], Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas [Langley], Bishop of Durham, Sir Walter Hungerford, knt., and John Leventhorpe, esq., feoffees of the Duchy of Lancaster, of T., capellanus, to the wardenship of a chantry in the church of Kirkeby iuxta Bolyngbroke [East Kirby, co. Linc.], dioc. Lincoln, vacant by resignation of Will. Trey; [1414-1438]. f. 62;- (h) 'Titulum (sic) domus religiosorum ad ordines recipiendum': testimonial from William, prior, and the convent of Botley [Butley], dioc. Norwich, to Thomas Grace, clerk; 14 July, 1456.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3119,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7010","13",,"f. 62v-63",,,"Latin",,,"In amongst item 12. (a) By John Stafford, clerk of the Treasury afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury], for grant to John Cornewaill, knt., of the custody of the manor of Eyno [Aynho], co. Northt., during the minority of John, son and heir of John [FitzAlan, al.] Arundel, late Lord Arundel and Maltravers (d. 1421); n. d. f. 62v; -(b) By John M., knt., Richard [Neville], Earl of Warwick, and Will. Oldehall, a follower of Thomas [Beaufort], Duke of Exeter, respectively, for protections (under privy seal) for persons accompanying them abroad; n. d.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3120,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7011","14",,"ff. 64-75",,,"Latin",,,"(a) Lease by the rector and churchwardens of S. Alphage within Cripplegate, with consent of the Bishop of London and of the Dean of. S. Martin's le Grand, to John Reede of a small piece of land adjoining the church-tower to build a house with projecting upper stories ('ex duabus storiis gettatis') with a flying staircase over the churchyard; 14 Aug. 28 [Hen. VI, 1450]. f. 64;-(b) Lease by Roger Merssh, rector, Robert Chirch, and Thomas Roughey, churchwardens, of S. Mary Magdalene, Milk St., to Will. Cantelowe of three new houses in Milk St. till a debt of 301. 3s. 4d. is paid from the proceeds; [1441-1459]. f. 65;-(c) Lease by Henry [Holland] , Duke of Exeter, Earl of Huntingdon, Count of 'Ivory' (Ivry) and lord of La Sparre, Admiral of England, Ireland and Aquitaine, to John Chancey of the manor of Ardington, co. Berks; [1446-1461]. f. 68 ;-(d) Acquittance by John Wilkes, rector, and Rob. Graft and Will. Stilez, churchwardens, of S. Mildred, Bread St., to A. and B. for rent of a house in Sevehode lane, par. of S. Laurence, Jewry; morrow of Easter, 32 Hen. VI [22 Apr. 1454]. f. 71 ;-(e) Acquittance by John Petresfeld and Thomas Lion, wardens of the fraternity of Corpus Christi in the chapel of S. Mary in Conynghope lane [Conyhope Lane in S. Mildred, Poultry], to the Prioress and convent of S. Helen within Bishopsgate for 6l. 13s. 4d by the hand, of Will. Fitz-Wauter, her steward; n.d. f. 71v;-(f) General quitclaim by Peter Lee, of Halton, co. Southt., by Thomas Lee, his attorney, to Peter Cowdray ; 1 Oct. 30 Hen. VI [1451]. f. 72;- (g) Acquittance by John Arundell, clerk, to Sir Roger Chambreeyne, knt., for 20s. paid at the church of S. Thomas Acon, London ; n.d. f. 72;-(h) Acquittance by John Welle, Prior of Hertford, to W. L., farmer of the manor and rectory of Peryngtone [Pirton], co. Hertf.; morrow of Annunciation, 29 [Hen. VI, 26 Mar. 1451]. f. 72;-(i) Acquittance by Henry Trencherd, esq., janitor of the castle of D. (sic, for Carisbrooke), I. of Wight, to Richard, Duke of York, for 6l. s. 8d. ; n. d. f. 72v;-(k) Acquittance by Sir John Astley, knt., to John [Mowbray], Duke of Norfolk, for 20s. ; n. d. f. 73;-(I) Acquittance by Elizabeth, Prioress of Sopwell [co. Hertf.], to the wardens of the Grocers' Company for an annuity of 13s. 4d. due [under the will of Thomas Knolles, proved 24 Feb. 1435/6 , see Sharpe, Cal. of Wills in the Court of Husting, ii, p. 474 to Johanna Welles, a nun of the house; [1436-1480]. f. 73; m) Acquittance by William Hallum, esq., to Johanna, late wife of John Olyver, of Charing, co. Midd., daughter and heir of Will. Brokherst, for 46s. 8d. of the dower of Margery his wife, late wife of the said W. Brokherst; morrow of Pentecost, 30 [Hen. VI, 29 May, 1452]. f. 73v;-(n) Acquittance by R[obert Nyk] to the Prior and convent of N., Thomas Portealeyn, esq., and Robert Bale, scrivener, of London, executors of Johanna, widow of Richard Person, for annuities of 40s. and 21s. to the said Robert and Alicia [his wife] from lands in the parishes of S. P[eter de Woodstreet] and S. M[ildred, Poultry], and for deeds relating to lands of the said Richard and Johanna; [ after 1451, see Sharpe, op. cit. pp. 515, 518]. f. 73v;-(o) Acquittance by R. Hallum and R. Middelmore, mercers, to Alice de la Pole], Duchess of Suffolk [Chaucer's granddaughter], and W. Rassh de C. for 251. by the hand Of J. P., bailiff of her manor of Cossey, co. Norf. n.d. f. 74;-(p) Quitclaim by the Prior and convent of S. Mary within Cripplegate to John Warender, merchant, of a rent for 300 years in the parish of All Hallows, Grasschurch; Christmas day, 1452. f. 75;-(g) Quitclaim by Robert Quynaton, executor of Sir John Drayton, knt., to Will. Alnewyk [Alnwick], Bishop of Lincoln(1436- 1449), John Ingram and master John Trotter, parson of Ochecote [Edgeott], co. Northt., and other co-feoffees, of the manor of Edgcott; n.d. f. 75.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3121,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7012","15",,"ff.76-89r",,,"English","Latin",,"At the end of this section are a few medical recipes in a late 15th cent.hand in English.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3122,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7013","16",,"f. 89v",,,"Latin","French","English",,,"Royal and King's Cat" 3123,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7014","17",,"f. 92",,,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 3124,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7015","18",,"ff. 93v-94",,,"Latin",,,,,"Royal and King's Cat" 3125,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7016","19",,"ff. 95v-97v",,,,,,"including (a) Nuncupative will of Robert Lathum, of Astbury, co. Chester; 5 June, 1452. f. 95v;-(b) Codicil to the will of Elias Davy, mercer, of London; 21. Nov. 1455.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3126,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7017","20",,"ff. 98-100v",,,"Latin","French",,"At the end of this section (f. 100v) are added in a later hand two forms of grant of first presentation, one in the name of Edward [IV] to John [Sutton], Lord Dudley, of the provostship of Kyrkby [Kirkby Overblow, co. York]; 6 Jan. 10 [Edw. IV, 1471].",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3127,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7018","21",,"ff. 101-120v",,,"Latin","English",,"On f. 113 there are 2 cross-rimed quatrains beginning ?O Lorde of hevyn and kyng of might? (?The dilemma of an unfortunate lover? IMEV 2490). Deeds include: (a) Beneficial lease by Nich. Wyfold, alderman, Rich. Lee, and Will. Taillour to Will. Bowes, servant of the said Nicholas and of Margaret his wife, of a tenement in the par. of S. Bennet, Sherehog; n. d. f. 101;-(b) Pledge by John Shefeld, of London, to Will. Cardmaker of a silver cup ; 16 May, 25 Hen.VI [1447]. f. 101v; -(c) Grant by Reginald West, Lord [de] La Warr, Tho. Bailly, and Will Fereby to Tho. Keys, servant of Lord de la Warr, of an annuity of 13s. 4d. from the manor of Luteys [Easton Lucies in Berwick St. John], co. Wilts. ; n.d. f. 102 ;-(d) Grant by Richard, Duke of York, &c., to Tho. Dinkan, clerk, of an annuity of 10 l. out of the annuity granted by Rich. II to Edmund, Duke of York, and his heirs male from the ancient customs of wool, hides, &c., in the port of London ; n. d. f. l02 ;-(e) Appointment by John Codeworth, master or warden of the hospital of Holy Trinity, Pontefract, co. York, of Sir Tho. Tudenham, knt., as steward of the hospital's manors in co. Norf. ; [1419-1447]. f. 102v;-(f) Livery of ower by Tho. atte Welle, bailiff of the Duchy of Lancaster in the Honour of the Eagle in the Rape of Pevensey [co. Sussex], to John Threpand and Johanna his wife, late wife of Rog. Honyngton, esq., viz. 1/3 of the manor of Worth in Little Horsted, recovered by them against Tho. Walsyngham, Tho. Ballard, esq., and Joh. Martyn; 30 May, 25 Hen. VI [1447]. The particular lands assigned are described. f. 104;-(g) Lease by John Rotham, gent. (cf. Sharpe, op. cit. p. 578), and Mary his wife, and others to Will. Groonde, mercer, of London, of a tenement in the churchyard of S. Mary le Bow, and other tenements, for 113 years ; n. d. f. 104v;-(h) Assignment by A. and F. his wife to G. of a lease of a tenement in the par. of S. Peter, Westcheap, from B. [? Sir Will. Estfeld, see Sharpe, op. cit. p. 509], knt., mercer, refounder of Bokerell's chantry in S. Mary, Aldermanbury; n. d. f. 106v ;-(i) Lease by Elena Halle, late wife of John Halle, mercer, of London, to Will. Denton, mercer, of a tenement in the par. of S. Mary, Aldermanbury, in occupation of John Olyver, surgeon; n. d. f. 107v;-(k) Agreement concerning the construction and maintenance of a gutter for rainwater on a tenement of John Grove in the Barbican, in the par. of S. Giles without Cripplegate, consequent on new buildings by Will. Forster, tailor, on his tenement adjoining, held of the prior of S. Bartholomew, Smithfield; n. d. f. 109;-(l) Appointment by John [Tiptoft], Earl of Worcester, of Humphrey Smart as steward of his manors in cos. Glouc. and Heref.; [1443-1470]. f. 110;-(m) Grant by Will. de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk,to Sir Robert Corbet, knt., of an annuity of 20 marks from the manors of Stratford near Bergholt [Stratford St. Mary], co. Suff., and Langham, co. Essex ; Westhorp, 13 Apr. 28 Hen. VI [1450]. French. f. 111v;-(n) Grant by John [Mowbray], Duke of Norfolk, &c., to his uncle Edw. Neville, Lord Bergavenny, of the custody, &c., of the park of Haylee [? Highley in Balcombe], co. Suss.; 20 Mar. 31 Hen.VI [1453]. f. 113v;-(o) Assignment by Matthew Danson, of Westminster, and Agnes his wife, executrix of her late husband Walter Clerk, carpenter, of London, to Will. Mayhewe, fishmonger, of a 40 years' lease of a tenement and stone quay near Brokenwharf in the par. of S. Mary Somerset, London, dated 22 Mar. 20 Hen. VI [1442], from Henry [Warkworth], Prior, and the convent of S. Mary, Southwark; n. d. f. 115v;-(p) Confirmations by the Bishop of London and by two Deans of St. Paul's of leases by prebendaries. The names and dates given are inconsistent. f. 117v;-(q) Sale by Will. Pykeryng and others, executors of the will of Will. Millereth [al. Melreth, see Sharpe, op. cit. p. 506], of reversions in Milkstreet and Ladlane, lands in the par. of S. Mary, Alderrnary, and a shop in Westcheap; [after 1446]. f. 118v;-(q) Grant by Sir Tho. Findern, knt., to John Cornyssh of a rent of 5 1. from the manor of East Mersey, co. Essex, to pay off a debt of 50 l.; n.d. f. 120. On f.113 are scribbled in a late 15th cent. hand two quatrains of Engl. verse, beg. (a) 'O Lorde of hevyn and kyng of might' (IMEV 2490);-(b) 'Shall I go to her agayn onys to proue'.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3128,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7019","22",,"ff. 121-139",,,,,,"Among them are:- (a) Grant in remainder by John Smyth, of Hendon [co. Midd.], to John Crowton and others of certain rooms in a tenement called Jakelyns in Hendon, held for life by Ralph Vernoun, during the life of Agnes, wife of the said Ralph; n. d. f. 121 b ;-(b) Grant by William le Zouche, 'dominus le Zouche et Saymour ' [5th Baron La Zouche and iure uxoris Baron Saint Maur], to Tho. Bernard of lands, &c., in Oundle, co. Northt., conveyed to him by Rich. Knyght, for whose debt to the said Thomas Lord Zouche had pledged himself before the mayor of the Staple at Calais; n. d. f. 122 b;-(c) Grant by Margaret de Bello Monte, Prioress, and the convent of Dartford, co. Kent, to John Benet and Agnes, his wife, of lands in the manor of Norton Bavent, co. Wilts., at certain specified customary services, with remainder successively to -, their son, and Margaret, their daughter; 9 Aug. 30 Hen. VI [1452]. f. 123; -(l) Covenant by John Marton, Master, and the scholars, or the senior fellow and fellows, of the 'Magna Aula Uniuersitatis' in Oxford [University College], to observe in perpetuity an agreement with Alice Belasys for two masses weekly for the said Alice, her father and mother, and Alice her grandmother, under penalty of two gallons of good wine for the table of Gilbert Keymer, Chancellor of the University, and his successors, payable at Christmas; dat. Oxford, 'in dicto collegio sancti Cutberti nostrum prefatorum magistri et scolarium'; 11 Feb. 31 Hen. VI [1453]. f. 125 b;-(e) Feoffment by Rich. Collyng, clerk, and John Fray to Alice, late the wife of John Coventre, mercer, of London, of lands, &c., in the par. of S. Mary le Bow, settled upon her so long as she remain single, with remainder to Henry, son of the said John Coventre; n. d. f. 126 ;-(f) Grant by William Wymbull, Abbot of [Stratford Langthorne], to Will. Possemore, of a room and a weekly allowance for life of seven loaves called 'lyuerey myche ', seven loaves called 'prikked brede', four gallons of best beer and three of seconds and a roonde of beef', also a dish of pottage daily and a dish of cooked fish or raw eggs on each fish day as served to the monks, also food at the servants' table twice daily, also 21 yards of broad linen cloth, when the servants have their livery, and two loads of fuel a year; n. d. f. 126 b ;-(g) Exchange by the Abbot and convent of Stratford Langthorne, co. Essex, with Thomas Bernewell and Will. Hulyn, under licence from the King dated 6 Nov. 24 Hen. VI [1445], of a messuage called Erles and lands in Havering, co. Essex, held of the King for 2s. or a sparrow-hawk, for a messuage and lands, &c., in West Ham, co. Essex, enfeoffed to the said Thomas and William by Rob. Monter, clerk; [circ. 1445]. f. 128 ;-(h) Feoffment by John Norman, Rob. Cristendome John Stonton and others to Nich. Bolthorpe and Elizabeth his wife of lands in Bengeo [co. Hertf.] and elsewhere enfeoffed to them by the said Nicholas and John Godstone, on condition that the said Nicholas and Elizabeth make no claim to a tenement called 'le Gote of the hope' in the par. of All Hallows, Holilane [al. Honeylane], in Westcheap, London; n. d. f. 129 ;-(i) Grant by Richard C. to J. W., son of his daughter Johanna, of a rent of 26s. 8d. from a tenement or inn called 'le Cardinales hat' in Grasschurch street, held of 'A. prior domus ordinis fratrum (sic) b. Marie de Graciis iuxta Turrim London' [apparently the Abbey of S. Mary of the Graces] ; n. d. f.131 b ;-(k) Contract for delivery of several gross of purses for wommen called respectively 'xviii peny ware', 'xxx peny ware', and 'thre shelyng ware', and two dozen others 'broudered, cailedfyve schelyng ware'; n.d. Engl. f. 132b ;-(l) Transference by Harry -, 'fosistour' [al. ' foystour' or fuster, saddle-tree-maker], of London, to John Cornysshe, saddler, of Martin Symond, his apprentice, until Easter 1456, Cornysshe covenanting to make him a freeman of the craft of foysters at the end of the term ; n. d. Engl. f. 133 ;-(m) Sale by Rich. Crulle, bowyer, of London, to Elis Davy (see above, art. 18 b), mercer, of lands called Delles in Croydon, co. Surrey, at fifteen years purchase; n.d. Engl. f. 133b;-n) Covenant between John Stokton and Will. Geffrey, of Holloway, and Johane his wife 'vppon a surende after custume of maner'; n. d. Engl. f. 134 b;-(o) Covenant for payment of a debt by Aylisaundre Orable, mercer, of London, to Isabell, executrix of her late husband John Yonge, of Chipping Norton, co. Oxon.; n.d. Engl. f. 135 ;-(p) Bill of sale by Beatrice Burghbroke to Will. Taylour, grocer, of London, of two parcel-gilt silver basons with arms in the bottoms, weighing 6 lb. 3 oz. Troy, for 9l. 7s. 6d.; n. d. Engl. f. 135 b;- (q) Contract for delivery by John Heydon, dyer, of London, to Will. Elmet, dyer, at his house called 'Že Herteshorne', of 30 stone weekly of 'goode and sufficient rede corke for dyers to make crymseins'; n.d. f. 136;-(r) Contract for delivery by Will. White, of Coventry, mercer, to John Chacomer, mercer, of London, of sheep's leather, goat's leather, lamb's leather, called 'passelarge ',and kid's leather, all well and sufficiently 'madertawed and erved', &c.; n. d. f. 136 b ;-(s) Agreement between maister Edmond B[urgh], parson of Tendring, co. Essex, and Sir Geffrey Highfeld, of London, priest, concerning the benefice ; n. d. Edmund covenants to endeavour to procure the presentation, &c., of Geoffrey, in return for a pension of 8 marks for life; in case of failure he is to let the church and parsonage to him and John Highfeld, mercer, for 20 years at 8 marks.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3129,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7020","23",,"ff. 140v-142v",,,"English","Latin",,"Interspersed are a few more letter-forms, including (f. 141) an undated petition to the King from William Hull, of Gloucester, yeoman, a prisoner in Newgate, for pardon.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3130,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7021","24",,"f. 143",,,"Latin","English",,"Followed by an unfinished list in English of 'Rotes commestable', which beg. 'Carretrotes growyng in gardyns arne rede'.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3131,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7022","25",,"f. 147","[English commentary begins] Bifore že makyng of this statuet, žat is to seic že greet chartour","'sine assensu domini sui si de illo tenuerit'","Latin","English",,"Ends imperfectly with cap. viii.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3132,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7023","26",,"f. 158",,,"Latin",,,"Covenant by John B., master, and C. and T., wardens, and the gild or fraternity of Holy Trinity in the church of S. Botolph [without Aldersgate?], with John Joye and Will. M., executors of J. L., to keep for 20 years the said J. L.'s anniversary on 12 Aug. Contains later additions: 'Money, money' (IMEV 113): song in a 15th cent. hand, in twenty four-line stanzas, each with four-line refrain. f. 160v. Begins:- 'Aboue all thing thow arte a kyng/ And rulyst the world ouer all'. Refrain:- 'Money, money, now hay goode day, Money, where haste thow be? / Money, money, thow goste away / And wylt not byde wyth me'.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3133,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7024","28",,"ff. 163v-164r",,,,,,"(a) Admission of Will. Clouer and John Hudgrey, upon surrender out of court by Johanna, daughter of the late Will. Brokhurst; Mond. aft. Inv. of Holy Cross, 30 Hen, VI [8 May, 1452]. f. 163v;-(b) Admission of Margery, widow of the said William Brokhurst, with remainder to the said Johanna ; Thursd. bef. Pentecost, 22 Hen. VI [6 June, 1443]. f. 163v;-(c) Surrender by the said Will. Clouer and John Hudgrey and readmission subject to an annuity to Will. Halum and the said Margery, now his wife; date as in (a). f. 164.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3134,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7025","29",,"ff. 165v-166r",,,"English",,,"Including: (a) Richard, Duke of York, to Dame Elizabeth Wodehille[?widow of Thomas Wodhull, of Odell, co. Bedf., styled Baron of Wodhull or Wahull, who d. 1421] in favour of the suit of Sir Hugh John; n. d. It does not appear that the intervention was successful. She married William Ludsthorp and d. 1475 (see Baker's Northants, i, p. 712). f. 165v;-(b) Richard [Neville], Earl of Warwick, to John Nanfan, 'occupiour of že issues and profites' of his islands of Jersey and Guernsey, for payments to John Cornyssh; 11-, 28 Hen. VI [1449-50]. f. 165v;-(c) The same to Dame Elizabeth Wodehille, to the same effect as (a), Sir Hugh John being described as having been made knight at Jerusalem, afterwards knight marshal of France and of England (see also Cal. Pat. Rolls, 1452, p. 562).",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3135,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","UMP 7026","30",,"f. 168-172",,,,,,"(a) Copy of part of the will (dealing with movables only) of John Carpenter, junior (see above, art. 6 c). A translation is printed by Brewer, op. cit. p. 131. The first leaf is torn. f. 168;-(b) Will (dealing with lands and tenements) of T. Pernell, girdler, of London, providing for augmentation of the chantry of Holy Trinity and S. Katharine in the church of S. Mary le Bow, &c., and bequeathing lands, &c., to that use to Will. Gerveis, rector, John Nortborn and P., churchwardens; 10 Dec. 1429. f. 169v;-(c) Notarial copy of will (dealing with lands and tenements) of Sir R[obert] K[nolles], knight and citizen; 31 Oct. 1389 (see Sharpe, op. cit. p. 377). f. 170v;-(d) Probate in the consistory court at St. Paul's of a codicil, dated - Dec. 1451, of John Osyne, leatherseller, bequeathing lands and tenements in Colman Street to the Leathersellers' Company; 2 Jan. 1454/5.",,"Royal and King's Cat" 3136,"Oxford Brasenose College 9","IPMEP 553","1","že mirrour of že blessed lyf of ihesu criste","ff. 3r-150v","At že bygynnynge že proheme of že book žat is cleped že mirrour of že blessed lyf of ihesu criste","Jhesu Lord by vertu and grace of thy lyf blessid with owte endyng . Amen . Amen . Amen . Explicit speculum vite Christi Jhesu Lord thy blessid lyf / Helpe and conforte oure wrecchid lyf.","English",,,"Ends with: 'Iste liber translatus fuit de Latino in Anglicum per dominum Nicholaum Love, priorem monasterii de Mountegrace ordinis Cartusiensis'. Table of contents on ff. 1r-2v.","One well-written anglicana formata hand.","IMEP 8" 3137,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","UMP 1101","2",,"ff. 10r-v","... but be one žat haž proued it the žing is prouid heigh for it surmountiž euery žou3t","... for žei arn good and že schrewis for žei mowen be good in žis manere louestow not but goodnesse siž žou ne louest but goodnes ...","English",,,"Begins and ends imperfectly.",,"MC (PC)" 3138,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","UMP 1112","6",,"II: 16v-27r","Crist seiž tak 3e my 3ook on 3ow and lernež of me for i am mylde and meke of herte and 3e schul fynde reste to 3oure soulis","žat žing žat he lowiž žan he is in tribulacioun but hooli men ben not in tribulacioun in lesyng of temperal žynges whiche žei louen not.","English",,,,,"MC (PC)" 3139,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","UMP 1113","7","Here suež že seiyngis of dyuers doctoris upe že xxvj capetil of matthu žise ben že doctoris 3erom rabanus ambrose austyn hillari eu3ebie beryngarius crisostum and gregor wiž tretis of že newe lawe seid bože že forseid mt mark luc and seint poul","II: 27v-35v","Forsože hem soupynge iesu tok breed and blisside and brak and 3af to his disciplis and seiž take 3e and ete 3e žis is my bodi tok breed aftir žat že feguratif paske was fillid and he hadde eten fleisch of že lomb","be he cursid as y before seide and now y seie eft yf eny man schal preche to 3ou outakyn žat žat 3e haan reseyued cursiid be he.","English",,,,,"MC (PC)" 3140,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","UMP 1114","8",,"II: 36r-38r","Crisostum and some ožere doctoris hope on an tixt of mt xxi c žerfore y seye to 3ou for že kyndom of god schal be take fro 3ou and schal be 3ouen to a folk doynge že fruyctis of it","neižir of wei3te of greuousere synne on crist sumtyme is no3t hurt and žou3 he is hurt he is no3t moche hurt.","English",,,,,"MC (PC)" 3141,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","UMP 1115","9","Crisostum here","II: 38r-42v","Also mathu seiž in že same schapitle and whanne že prynces of prestys and pharysees hadden herd his parablis žei knewen žat he seid of hem","and ži enemye for god whoeuere haž not žis charite lesiž al že good žat he haž greg in že ix omelie.","English",,,,,"MC (PC)" 3142,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","IPMEP 252","11",,"II: 53r-68r","Gostly frend in god žat same grace and ioy žat i wil to mysilf wil i to žee at goddis wille žou askist me counseil of silence and of speking of comon dieting and of singuler fasting of duelling in cumpany","and žis sufficiž for answere for al ži lettre že grace of god be euermore wiž žee in že name of iesu amen.","English",,,,,"MC (PC)" 3143,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","IPMEP 250","12","žis matere suyng techiž how žou schalt dispose žee to preie?","II: 68r-80r","Gostly frend in god as touching žin asking of me hou žou schalt reule žin herte in že tyme of ži preier i answere unto žee as febely as i can and i sey žat me žink žat it schulde be ful spedeful unto žee at že first bigynnyng of ži preier what preier [f. 68v] so euere it be long preier or schort","rede ofte for3ete it not sette žee scharply to že proue and fle al letting and occasion of lettyng in že name of iesu amen.","English",,,,,"MC (PC)" 3144,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 447","II: 36",,"f.238","Betwene mydnyght",,"English",,,"Repeated from f. 157.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3145,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 357","II: 47",,"246v",,,"English",,,"Repeated on f. 196v.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3146,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 3632","II: 72",,"ff. 319-321v",,,"English",,,"Ends on Edward IV.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3147,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2570","II: 33",,"233v",,,"English",,,"Repeated at f. 162v.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3148,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 1056","II: 32",,"233r",,,"English",,,"Repeated at f. 162.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3149,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2579","II: 35",,"236",,,"English",,,"Repeated on f. 165v.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3150,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 2574","II: 5","How Merci & Pees Ryghtwisnes & Trouthe disputyd for the Redempciun of Mankynde","85-156v",,,"English",,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3151,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 447","II: 37",,"159","As ye haue herde",,"English",,,"Part only.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3152,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 447","II: 38",,"f. 159v","O glorious mayde",,"English",,,"Part only.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3153,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","IMEV 809","II: 46",,"f. 245v",,,"English",,,"Final stanza only.","Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3154,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","UMP 3505","II: 44",,"f. 245",,,,,,,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe: alternating between secretary script for text and Bastard Anglicana or Fere Textura script for headings.","Trinity Cam. Cat" 3155,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 1907","1",,"2r-30v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3156,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 3847","2",,"f. 31r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3157,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","Walther 18075","3",,"f. 31r",,,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3158,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 3053","4",,"ff. 31r-50v","Josephus of jewes žat nobyl was že firste auctour of že booke",,"English",,,"Unfinished. The extracts come from the first two books. The first and most substantial extract (ff. 31v-49v) contains the geographical description of the world from book I. The following two very short fragments (f. 49v and f. 50r-v) appear to condense some of the material on the history of the world from book II. Translations appear to be unique to this MS.",,"Boffey 1983" 3159,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 2719","5",,"f. 51r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3160,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 977","6",,"ff. 52r-59r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3161,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 1162.9","7",,"f. 59r","Who so in welth takyth non hede",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3162,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 3113","8",,"59r",,,"English","Latin",,,,"Boffey 1983" 3163,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 4090","9",,"ff. 59v-60v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3164,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2756","10",,"f. 60v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3165,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 824","11",,"ff. 61r-62r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3166,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 2464","12",,"ff. 62v-64v",,,"English",,,"Section V.",,"Boffey 1983" 3167,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 1841","13",,"ff. 67r-69r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3168,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 3612","14",,"ff. 67r-69r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3169,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 1460","15",,"ff. 69v-71r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3170,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 1511","16",,"ff. 71r-72v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3171,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 1447","17",,"ff. 72v-74r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3172,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 404","18",,"ff. 74v-76v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3173,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 3503","19",,"ff. 77r-79r",,,"English",,,"Extra lines added in this manuscript, in a later hand.",,"Boffey 1983" 3174,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2757","20",,"f. 79r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3175,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 401","21",,"ff. 79v-81r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3176,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2758","22",,"f. 81r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3177,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 3798","23",,"ff. 81v-83v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3178,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 186","24",,"ff. 84r-86r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3179,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 2233","25",,"ff. 86v-88r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3180,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2759","26",,"f. 88r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3181,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 2625","27",,"ff. 88v-89r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3182,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 2737","28",,"f. 89v",,,"English",,,"Lines 1-28 only",,"Boffey 1983" 3183,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 658","29",,"ff. 91r-100r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3184,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 71","30",,"ff. 100r-106v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3185,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 4020","31",,"ff. 106v-113r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3186,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 100","32",,"ff. 113r-119v",,,"English",,,"Lines 924-1367 only (Dido).",,"Boffey 1983" 3187,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 3203","33",,"ff. 119v-128r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3188,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 1916","34",,"ff. 128v-140r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3189,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 3531","35",,"ff. 141r-142r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3190,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2760","36",,"f. 142r",,,"Latin",,,"'Dum vivis et bene stas et sursum cornua gestas' (not in Walther). The second couplet is Walther's 33583: 'Uir videas quid tu iubeas dum magnus haberis'.",,"Boffey 1983" 3191,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 2584","37",,"f. 142v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3192,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 4082","38",,"f. 143r",,,"English",,,"Fragmentary. Prologue only. Two missing leaves between ff. 142 and 143.",,"Boffey 1983" 3193,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2761","39",,"f. 143r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3194,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 4082","40",,"ff. 143v-155r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3195,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2762","41",,"f. 155r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3196,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 2179","42",,"ff. 155v-156r","Myne hert is set uppon a lusty pynne","FINIS QUOD QUENE ELYZABETH","English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3197,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2763","43",,"f. 156r","Ther ben in Englond xxxvi shyres",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3198,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 4019","44",,"ff. 156v-173v",,,"English",,,"The Clerk's Tale only. The fragments correspond to lines 57-82, 212-265, 317, 366 and 485-1200. The gaps can be explained by missing leaves. An attempt has been made by an owner of the MS to bridge the gap between lines 367 and 483 (after f. 158) by inserting one leaf from another, unknown copy of the Clerk's Tale, which supplies lines 418-481.",,"Boffey 1983" 3199,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","Walther 2826","45",,"f. 173v","Clara dies Pauli bona tempora denotat anni",,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3200,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2764","46",,"f. 173v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3201,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","Walther 13013","47",,"f. 173v","FORTUNA. O tu fortuna cur non es omnibus una",,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3202,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2765","48",,"f. 173v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3203,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2766","49",,"f. 174r","Carmina qui letus cecini cano tristia mestus",,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3204,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 4019","50",,"ff. 174v-177v",,,"English",,,"The Prioress's Prologue and Tale, lines 1-632. The text breaks off because of a missing leaf after f. 177.",,"Boffey 1983" 3205,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 969","51",,"ff. 178r-186r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3206,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","IMEV 3632","52",,"ff. 187r-189r",,,"English",,,"Accompanied by a diagrammatic family tree.",,"Boffey 1983" 3207,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","UMP 2577","53",,"f. 189r","THE TYTLE OF FRAUNCE. Phillype kyng of ffraunce had issue iij sonnys",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3209,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","IMEV 752","1",,"ff. 1r-3r","Excellent soueraine semely to see","Explicit amor per ducem Eboracensem nuper factus","English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3210,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","IMEV 754","2",,"f. 3v","Fair fresshest eržly creature",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3211,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","IMEV 605","3",,"ff. 4r-6r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3212,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","IMEV 724","4",,"f. 6r","En jhesu Roy soueraign / you lady fair and fre",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3213,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1116","5",,"f. 6v","Materia cognacionis spiritualis hic per optime declaratur",,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3214,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1117","6",,"f. 6v","henricus dei gracias Rex Anglie et Francie",,"Latin",,,"Added later.",,"Boffey 1983" 3215,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1118","7",,"ff. 7r-8v","Audi sancte senior audi me loquentem",,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3216,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1119","8",,"ff. 9r-12r",,,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3217,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1120","9",,"f. 12r-v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3218,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1121","10",,"f. 12v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3219,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1122","11",,"f. 12v",,,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3220,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1123","12",,"f. 13r",,,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3221,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1124","13",,"ff. 13v-20r",,,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3222,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","Walther 7883","14",,"ff. 20r-23r",,,"Latin",,,"Includes other details in Latin prose.",,"Boffey 1983" 3223,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","IMEV 906","15",,"f. 23v",,,"English","Latin",,"With Latin introduction and parallel version.",,"Boffey 1983" 3224,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1125","16",,"f. 24v","Si nativitas domini in die dominica",,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3225,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1126","17",,"ff. 25r-28v","Edwardi que regalia singulatim sicut auferentur",,"Latin","English","French","Begins imperfectly. Includes an English oath for swearing homage, entitled 'iuramentum cum homagio in anglice'.",,"Boffey 1983" 3226,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","Steele 5: 1-175","18",,"ff. 29r-37r","Domino suo excellentissimo & in cultu christiane",,"Latin",,,"Chapters 1-20.",,"Boffey 1983" 3227,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","IMEP IV (36:95[2])","19","The ordynaunce for chesyng of chirche wardeyns in s stephens chirche in colman strete","ff. 37v-38r",,,"English","Latin",,,"Added in s. xvimed secretary hand.","Boffey 1983" 3228,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","IMEP IV (36:95[3])","20",,"f. 38r-v",,,"English","Latin",,,,"Boffey 1983" 3229,"Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","UMP 1127","21",,"f. 38v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3230,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","Walther 19420","3",,"f. 105r",,,"Latin",,,"Later addition.",,"CN" 3231,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","UMP 1128","4",,"f. 105v",,,"Latin",,,"Later addition.",,"CN" 3232,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","UMP 1130","5",,"f. 106r",,,"English",,,"Later addition.",,"CN" 3233,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","UMP 1129","6",,"f. 106r","Nulle pleasure saunce payne",,"French",,,"Later addition.",,"CN" 3234,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","UMP 1131","7",,"f. 106r","Michill habes in bursa mea numquam aurum",,"Latin","English",,"Later addition.",,"CN" 3235,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","IMEV 1422.1","8",,"f. 106v",,,"English",,,"Extract only: i. 400-406, the 'canticus Troili'. Later addition.",,"NIMEV" 3236,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","IMEV 3946","9",,"f. 106v",,,"English",,,"Later addition.",,"NIMEV" 3237,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","IMEV 1218","10",,"f. 106v",,,"English",,,"Later addition.",,"NIMEV" 3238,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","IMEV 4133","11",,"f. 106v",,,"English",,,"Later addition",,"NIMEV" 3239,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 1481","1",,"ff. 4r-18v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3240,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3787","2",,"f. 19r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3241,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 860","3",,"ff. 19r-21v","Allas fortune allas what haue I gilt",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3242,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3164","4","Balade that chauncier made","ff. 21v-22r","So hath myn hert caught in remembraunce",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3243,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3504","5",,"f. 22r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3244,"London British Library Additional 34360","UMP 1311","6",,"f. 22v","Lealement a tous iours mais",,"French",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3245,"London British Library Additional 34360","UMP 1312","7",,"ff. 22v-23r","Face vo cuer tout ce qis ly plerra",,"French",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3246,"London British Library Additional 34360","UMP 1313","8",,"f. 23r","Puis qualer verse vous nepuise",,"French",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3247,"London British Library Additional 34360","UMP 1314","9",,"f. 23r-v","Je vous salue ma maystresse",,"French",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3248,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3444","10",,"ff. 24r-26v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3249,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 658","11",,"ff. 27r-37r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3250,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 1528","12",,"ff. 37r-49r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3251,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 2756","13",,"ff. 49r-51r","[P]ite which that I haue sought so yoer",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3252,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3414","14",,"ff. 51r-53r","The longe nyghtis whan euery creature",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3253,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 2572","15",,"ff. 53v-57r",,,"English",,,"lines 1-113 are on ff. 53v-55r and lines 114-152 are on ff. 56v-57r, unfinished.",,"Boffey 1983" 3254,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 2688","16",,"ff. 57r-v",,,"English",,,"Lines 1-40 only (lines 1-57 were copied onto ff. 55v and 56r and then crossed out).",,"Boffey 1983" 3255,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 904","17",,"ff. 58r-59r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3256,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 1682","18",,"ff. 59r-v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3257,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 183","19",,"ff. 60r-v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3258,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3632","20",,"ff. 60v-62v",,,"English",,,"Up to Edward IV.",,"Boffey 1983" 3259,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 824","21",,"ff. 63r-64r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3260,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 2825","22",,"ff. 64v-65v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3261,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3206","23",,"ff. 65v-67v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3262,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 4245","24",,"ff. 68r-v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3263,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3673","25",,"ff. 69r-70v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3264,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 1294","27",,"ff. 70v-72v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3265,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 2625","28",,"f. 73r-v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3266,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3761","29",,"ff. 73v-77r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3267,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 4228","30",,"f. 77r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3268,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 2668","31",,"f. 77v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3269,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 3538","32",,"f. 77v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3270,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 935","33",,"ff. 78-116r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3271,"London British Library Additional 34360","IMEV 2218","26",,"ff. 69r-70v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3272,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 1315","15",,"f. 226v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3273,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 1316","18",,"f. 228r",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3274,"London British Library Harley 541","IMEV 3844","19",,"f. 228v",,,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3275,"London British Library Harley 541","UMP 1317","20",,"f. 228v","For euery pater noster cccc daye3",,"English",,,,,"CJ" 3276,"London British Library Harley 541","Walther, Sprichworter 11871","21",,"f. 228v",,,"Latin","English",,"With an English translation.",,"CJ" 3277,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","UMP 1136","47","The Pedegrew of Englond","ff. 247r-251r","In the firste it is to be considered that in the yere of oure lorde god viiith lxxvj","ordeyned for thaym that occupie suche maner of open wronges","English",,,,"Scribe C","CN" 3279,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","UMP 0203","1",,"ff. ix-xivb",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3280,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i (Charters of Liberties), 26","2",,"ff. 1-5","Magna carta. Henricus dei gracia.. Pro hac autem",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3281,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 6","3",,"ff. 5-6","Incipit sentencia lata super transgressores predictarum libertatum",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3282,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i 1-4","4","Prouisiones de Mertoun","ff. 6-8",,"Expliciunt Prouisiones de Mertoun","Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3283,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR I. 19-25","5",,"ff. 8v-14v","Incipit statutum de Marleberg'",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3284,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 26","6",,"ff. 15-28",,,"French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3285,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 197b","7",,"ff. 28-9","Et incipiunt districciones scaccarii pro debitis domini regis. Purceo ke la commune du realme ad grant damages","conu ke il eit receu","Latin","Anglo-Norman",,,,"MMBL II" 3286,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 197","8",,"ff. 29-32","Incipiunt statuta de scaccario",,"French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3287,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 219","9",,"ff. 32-34","Incipiunt articuli monete",,"French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3288,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 45-50","10",,"ff. 34-37v","Incipiunt statuta Gloucestr' . Pur les granz meschefs",,"French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3289,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 50","11",,"f. 37v","Incipiunt explanaciones earundem",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3290,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","UMP 3333","12",,"ff. 38-9","Incipiunt statuta de quo waranto. Rex vic' salutem. Cum in vltimo parliamento nostro apud Westm' per nos et consilium nostrum prouisum fuit et proclamatum quod archiepiscopi","inquisiciones inde factas","Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3291,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 44","13",,"ff. 39-40",,"Expliciunt statuta de Rageman","French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3292,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 210","14",,"ff. 40-4",,"Expliciunt statuta Exon'","French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3293,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 51","15",,"f. 44r-v","Incipiunt statuta religiosorum",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3294,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 53","16",,"ff. 44v-47","Incipiunt statuta Mercatorum",,"French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3295,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 71-95","17",,"ff. 47-71v","Incipiunt statuta apud Westm' edita.",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3296,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 96","18",,"ff. 71v-74","Incipiunt statuta Wyntonie",,"French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3297,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 107","19",,"f. 74r-v","Incipiunt statuta de quo waranto",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3298,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 106","20",,"ff. 74v-75","Incipiunt statuta Westm' tercii de ingressu feodorum. Quia emptores",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3299,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 205","21",,"ff. 75-6","Incipiunt statuta de ponderibus. Notandum quod carrata de plumbo","et quolibet conspicamen continet xxv","Latin",,,"With many variants.",,"MMBL II" 3300,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 246","22",,"ff. 76-7","Incipiunt capitula visus franciplegii",,"French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3301,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 227","23",,"f. 77r-v","Incipit modus faciendi homagia et fidelitates",,"French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3302,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 199","24",,"ff. 77v-78v",,"et bene possunt. Explicit assisa panis et ceruisie","Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3303,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 208 (a)","25",,"f. 78v","Incipiunt communes dies in banco",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3304,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 307","26",,"ff. 79-80v","Incipit ordinacio de seruientibus facta apud Westm' anno regni regis E tercii vicesimo tercio",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3305,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 311","27",,"ff. 80v-84v","Incipit statutum de seruientibus . anno vicesimo quinto . quod dependet super ordinacionem proximam precedentem",,"French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3306,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 216a","28",,"f. 84v","Incipit statutum de Chaumpatoribus",,"French",,,"Early addition.",,"MMBL II" 3307,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR i. 216","29",,"ff. 84v-85","Incipit statutum de conspiratoribus",,"Latin",,,"Early addition. ff. 85v-88v are blank and without ruling.",,"MMBL II" 3308,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR ii. 13","30",,"ff. 89-90","Richard par la grace de dieu... Sachetz que a nostre darrein parlement","lan de nostre regne secunde","French",,,,,"MMBL II" 3309,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR ii. 55","31",,"ff. 90-5","Pur commune profit",,"French",,,"Running title 'Cantebrigge'.",,"MMBL II" 3310,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR ii. 76","32",,"ff. 95v-97v","Pur releuacion et encresse",,"French",,,"Running title 'Westm' '.",,"MMBL II" 3311,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR ii. 92","33",,"ff. 97v-99v","Le Roi en son parlement",,"French",,,"Running title 'Westm' Anno R. xxmo'.",,"MMBL II" 3312,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","SR ii. 78","34",,"ff. 99v-104","Au parlement tenuz a Westm'",,"French",,,"Running title 'Westm' Anno R. xvmo'. ff. 104v-110v ruled, but blank.",,"MMBL II" 3313,"Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","UMP 3334","35",,"f. 111v","Iohanni de allnsley Maiori Iohanni Botener et Iohanni Parker Balliuis libertatis ville de Couentre Iohannes Sutton et Thomas Stretford de eadem villa salutem",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL II" 3314,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (18:306[1])","1",,"Front pastedown","The listes that anthony lorde scales and anthonye the bastar [text torn away] in smythfelde the tymbre and workemanshippe therof cost ij [text torn away] and was of syx of the thryftiest carpenters of london bought and made","and in the vijth yere of kyng edwarde the iiijth thomas howlegraue skynner then beyng mayre of london","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3315,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (19:306[2])","2",,"Front pastedown",,,"English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3316,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (19:306[3])","3",,"Flyleaf, recto","William conquerour crownyd the 25 day of of decembre the yere of oure lord 1066",,"English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3317,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IPMEP 374","4","Cronycullus of englonde","ff. 1r-17v","In the noble londe of surrye was some tyme a grete kynge and a myghty that was named dioclesyan and he was the moste worthiest kynge than levinge on erthe","and these lordes wiste / wele that they were bewryed and fled awaye and after they were taken and put to dethe","English",,,"To 1399.",,"IMEP 13" 3318,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 3632","5",,"ff. 17v-18v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3319,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IPMEP 365D","6",,"ff. 18v-46r","The names of the kepers and baylyffes of the cite of london in the tyme of kynge richarde the fyrst the whiche was crowned iij daye of septembre henry cornhill richard remer baylyves","a pece of gold valued at vjs viijd that is to sey an angell and ožer smaller peces of golde of les valure et cetera","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3320,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3335","7",,"ff. 46v-48r","Turnar of cullyn prechinge at powells crosse",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3321,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (19:306[6])","8","A proclamation made by iacke cade captayn of že rebelles in kent anno m iiijc l","ff. 49r-51","Thes be the poyntys causes and myscheves of gaderynge and assemblinge of vs the kynges lege men of kent","with owr owne goods and to go withe owr sovereyne lorde where he wyll commaunde vs as his trew legemen","English",,,,"In the hand of John Stowe.","IMEP 13" 3322,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 1555","9",,"ff. 51r-52v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3323,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (19:306[7])","10","The cristenynge of prince arthure sonne to kynge henrie že vij at sent swithins in winchestar","f. 53r","Fyrst my lady cecily bare my lord prince to churche my lorde marques and my lorde of lyncoln ledde my lady cecily my lady marques and afftar cheyne as chamberlyn bare the trayne","my lord sarum my lord of excestre my lord of worcestre že abot of hyde and že pryour of seynt swythynes","English",,,,"In the hand of John Stowe.","IMEP 13" 3324,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (19:306[8])","11","The maner of makyng knyghtes aftar že custome of england in tyme of peace and at the coronacion that is to say knyghtes of the bathe","ff. 53v-55v","When an esquier commythe into courte for to receyve že order of knyghthode in tyme of peace after že custome of england he shal be worshipfully receyvyd","and fees to the terme of owr lyffe couenable to že kyngs esquiers felowes to že knyghtes of othar lands et cetera","English",,,,"In the hand of John Stowe.","IMEP 13" 3325,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (19:306[9])","12","že surnames of že lynagis of že olde and great gentyllmen žat came over the see out of normandye with william conquerowr when he conquiryd this reallme of englande","f. 55v",,,"English",,,,"In the hand of John Stowe.","IMEP 13" 3326,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3336","13",,"ff. 56r-63v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3327,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (19:306[10])","14","The doctrynall princyplis and proverbys yconomie or howsolde kepyng sent from saynt bernarde vnto raymonde lorde of ambrose castell","ff. 64r-65r","Attende that if thy charges of thy houce and thi rentes be egall a soden chavnce may sone distroye the of yt a ruynoys houce is the state of a negligent man","shulde sone caste her away and consume her goodes and so oone cuppe of sorowe shulde be comvne to them bothe","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3328,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3337","15",,"f. 65r-v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3329,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (20:306[11])","16",,"f. 65v","Take iij chekyns or iiij as ye lyke and put them in a coope to feede as i shall teche you","Take wylde tansey and grynde yt and make yt neshe and ley it therto and it wyl bryng yt owght","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3330,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (20:306[12])","18",,"f. 68","Take iuy leuys and sethe them yn a potte and wesshe the soore","and saue the man or the woman othyr chylde with goddys grace amen","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3331,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3338","17",,"ff. 65v-67v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3332,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (A6)","20","Nomina herbarum","ff. 68v-69r","Acedula sorell althea holyhok abrotinum sotherneworte artemesia mvgworte","zedauare for setwale zucorarie r cornu cerui","Latin","English",,,,"IMEP 13" 3333,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3339","19",,"f. 68r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3334,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3340","21",,"ff. 69v-70r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3335,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (20:306[13])","22",,"ff. 70v-71v","Take auripigmenti z ij viridi eris ana of vitrioli combusti as moche as of bothe","hit muste be made lyquytt as a may drynk hit with a fastyng stomake","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3336,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (A7)","24","Nomina herbarum secundum ordinem alphabeti","f. 72r-v","Artemesia mugworte absinthium wermemode apium ayche","viole violettes wyldemalwe holyhok titimallus","Latin","English",,,,"IMEP 13" 3337,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3341","23",,"f. 71v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3338,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 1690","25",,"ff. 73r-107r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3339,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 2052","26",,"ff. 107r-110r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3340,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 1653","27",,"ff. 110r-113v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3341,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (20:306[14])","28",,"f. 114","Take growndeswell and stampe it in a morter and ley it to the sore","Take syngrene and brese hym and ley hym to the sore when thow goyst to thy bedde (in full)","English",,,"Written in the upper margin.",,"IMEP 13" 3342,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (20:306[15])","29",,"f. 114","... day is gode to blede and whate worke thou doste that day is gode","hit is evill to lett blode and that day is gode to begynn anf maner of iornay","English",,,"Imperfect owing to the loss of the preceding leaf, and crossed through.",,"IMEP 13" 3343,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","VK 5593.00","30","Medycynes of lechecrafte","ff. 114-117","Take lynsed and wyne and brokelepe and chekynmete and sethe hem togeder","and stampe hem all togedyr sotile and drinke it with stale ale iij halpeny ale warmed","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3344,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","VK 3206.00","31",,"ff. 117v-121","Hit is to vnderstond that a man is made of iiij elementes and eueri man hathe iiij humores accordynge with the iiij elementes and theis ben the iiij elementes fyre eyre water erthe","the juse of sauge dronken will staunche the coughe of olde engendrynge","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3345,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","VK 6629.00","32",,"f. 118","The bones in a man ben in nombre ij c xvij the veynes ben iij c lxv the tethe in parfyte age","and when it recordyth it is sayde mynde memoria","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3346,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (21:306[19])","33",,"ff. 121v-126v","For sikenes of the hert sethe bayes of the lorell tre in wyne and hony","after iiij or v dayes one sponefull and he or she shall be hole for euer et cetera","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3347,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (21:306[20])","34","the lyfe of eustas","ff. 127-131v","Ewstas that was callyd placidas was mayster of the chevalrye of broian [sic] the emperour and he was ryght besy in werkes of mercy","vndyr adryan the emperour that bygan to regne aboute the yeer of oure lord an c and xxti on the kalendis of nouembre","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3348,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3342","35","A medecyne for the megryme","f. 131v","Take a peny worth of sanguis draconis",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3349,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (21:306[21])","36","The receyvyng of kyng edward the iiijth at brystowe","f. 132","Frest atte the comyng ynne atte temple gate there stode wylliam conquerour with iij lordis and these were his wordis","and atte the sleyng of the dragoun ther was a greet melody of aungellys","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3350,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3343","37","A medycyne for the pestylence","f. 132r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3351,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 2789","38",,"f. 132v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3352,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3344","39",,"f. 132v","Take an handefull of a herbe caulyd townehow",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3353,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 897","40",,"f. 133r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3354,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3345","41","For the stone and stranguylyoun","f. 133v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3355,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 700","42",,"ff. 134r-135r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3356,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3346","43","A special medycyne for a man/ or a woman that is dysesyd and / payned in the reynes of ther / bakke and in ther bely","f. 134r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3357,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 3171","44",,"f. 135r-v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3358,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3347","45","A medycyne for the splene and for the lungs","f. 135r",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3359,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 3127","46",,"f. 136r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3360,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3348","47",,"f. 136r","For brekyng owte of scabbes & bleynes",,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3361,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 1789","48",,"f. 136v","Iuellis pricious cane y non fynde to sell",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3362,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 2247","49",,"f. 137r","My hertes joie all myn hole plesaunce",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3363,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 3291","50",,"ff. 137v-138r","That pasaunt goodnes the rote of all vertve",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3364,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 868","51",,"f. 138r-v","Frische flour of womanly nature",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3365,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IPMEP 293","52",,"ff. 139r-141r","Her begyneth the retenewe of the dowty kynge kynge edward the thirde and how he went to the sege of callis with his oste and to the partes of fraunche and of normandye and howe he layde sege to the towne and castall of callys be water","že grace of our lorde god the saide towne and castill were delliuerd vnto the saide good kynge edward at his owne will","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3366,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (22:306[24])","53",,"ff. 140v-141","Drynke the iuce of detonye and ley the draffe vppon the wounde and bynde it therto","chafe yn the oyle doctur lynacre the kynges fecisyan tawght it me","English",,,"Written in the margins of other items.",,"IMEP 13" 3367,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IPMEP 102","54",,"f. 141","Be hyt in mynde that the cite of garnartho the whiche som tyme was crysten and after were renegates and so contynued the space of vijc yere vnto the tyme hit plesed god the crysten kyng of spayne leyde sege to the sayde cite","or thei wold yeld vp the citee for lak of vytalles thei ete hors dogges and cattes ijc crysten men ther beyng prisoners","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3368,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","VK 2798.00","55","Here hit tylith the parlis dayes of the monthis of the yere for to labure in to bye or to sel or to iorny in","f. 141v","In ienyuere beth vij daies the furst day and the seconde the iiij and the v že x že xv and xviith","in novembre beth ij days xv and xix in descembr beth iij days že vj and the vij and xv","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3369,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 658","56",,"ff. 142r-145r",,,"English",,,"Stanzas 1-45 missing.",,"NIMEV" 3370,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 3612","57",,"ff. 145r-147r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3371,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 2714","58",,"ff. 147r-152r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3372,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 1172","59",,"ff. 152v-165r",,,"English",,,"Lines 554-914.",,"NIMEV" 3373,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (22:306[27])","60",,"f. 165r-v","Take herbe grace othirwyse cawlyd rue beten of the woode scabyous pympernell that berith the red flowre","thorowgh a streyner and put therto and wesshe youre lymmes well therwith","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3374,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IPMEP 741","61",,"ff. 167-175v","This is the maner to kepe haukis first to speke of the haukis ther ben eggis and afteward thei ben dissolusid haukis","that may endure with myche sorowe and commenly thei ben the hardest","English",,,"Preceded on ff. 166r-v by an introductory summary beginning 'This is the maner to kepe haukes and to rewle them in all poyntis and howe ye shall mewe an hauke and howe she shall be fed in mewe...' and then by a contents list of the 74 chapters.",,"IMEP 13" 3375,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","VK 6853.00","62",,"f. 176","Ther ben iiij bestis of venery the hare the hartt the wolfe and the wilde bore of venery","the matroun the squyrell the white racche the otter and the polcatte","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3376,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (23:306[30])","63",,"f. 176","An hartt is herbrowed a knyght is herbrowed a buck is logid a squier is logid","a feysand stalketh a crane stalketh a heyron stalkethe","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3377,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IPMEP 470","64",,"f. 176r","A herd of hertis a herde of harys a herd of buckis a herde of cranes a herde of curlewes","a cluster of grapis a cluster of nottis a cluster of carles a clouder of cattes","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3378,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (23:306[32])","65",,"f. 176v","A dere brokyn brawne is lechyde a paste borderd a capon sawced a goose arered a swanne lyfte","a playce a tenche savced a hadok syded a breem splat a cheven fynde a barbel tusked a lomster barbed","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3379,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","VK 1350.00","66",,"f. 176v","By certen tokyns ye may knowyn larkes the cok from the henne","and if the ey stond yn holow then take hede for withought ther be fownd remydy the byrde wylle not longe","English",,,"Imperfect at end owing to cropping of page.",,"IMEP 13" 3380,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IPMEP 195","67","Dieta pro philomena dyete for a nyghtyngale","f. 177r-v","Fyrst take and geue hym yelow antes otherwyse called pysmerys as nere as ye may and the white ante or pysmers egges be best","as it were by a longe smawle threde vpon plum trees pere trees appill trees and specially on these weche trees","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3381,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 2397","68",,"f. 177v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3382,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (23:306[35])","69","A medycyne for the tothe ache","f. 178r","Take pepyr and broose it in a morter and then put a lytell quantyte in a lynen clothe to the quantyte as wyll suffyce to fyll the hoole of the holowe tothe","and it wyll take away the payne shortly by the grace of ihesu","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3383,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 252","70",,"ff. 178r-187r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3384,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (23:306[36])","71",,"ff. 186v-187v","Take borage malowce mercury butter and put them in thy potage","but first whethir it be man or woman provide you of a trusse for ellys it helpith not","English",,,"Ten medical recipes in a single hand, the first six written in the lower margin of item 70.",,"IMEP 13" 3385,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IPMEP 382","72",,"ff. 188-201","In the weste ende of grete britayn whiche is callyd englond is a prouynce whiche is namyd walys",,"English",,,"A printed text bound into the manuscript.",,"IMEP 13" 3386,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEP XIII (19:306[38])","73","A decre and statute made by the honorable cownseyle of the cite of london for the gevyng of the benyfice of seynt peters in cornehull","f. 202v","Where some tyme there was greate contraversy and stryfe betwixt the mayre of london the aldermen and the commen counsayle of the same cite of london for the gyfte and presentacyoun of the saide benifyce and parissh church of seint peters in cornehull","promysing to them to kepe residence there in the same cure and so canonically there to be institute and inducte","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3387,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","IMEV 4148","74",,"f. 203r",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3388,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","VK 3613.00","75","The longitude of men folowyng","f. 203r","Moyses xiij fote and viij ynches and dimidium cyste vj fote and iij ynches our lady vj fote and viij ynches","kyng edward the iiijth vj fote and x ynches and dimidium","English",,,,,"IMEP 13" 3389,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3349","76",,"f. 203v","Pas[c]he Quindena pasche",,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3390,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3350","77",,"f. 203v","In nvcem dentes vane dux Karolus armat",,"Latin",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3391,"London Lambeth Palace Library 306","UMP 3351","78",,"f. 204r-v",,,"English",,,,,"Boffey 1983" 3392,"London College of Arms 45","IMEV 2662","1",,"ff. 1-167v",,,"English",,,"Imperfect: one leaf lost after f. 7 (corresponds to Book I, ll. 63-216), two leaves after f. 116 (Book V, ll. 5229-5594), and all after Book VIII, lines 1102 (about 12 leaves missing at the end).",, 3393,"Oxford Bodleian Library e. Musaeo 42","IMEP VIII (207: 25[1])","1",,"roll-codex","Consideryng the lengt and the hardnesse of holy scripture",,"English",,,,,"IMEP 7" 3394,"Oxford Bodleian Library Add 370","UMP 0153","1","Expliciunt formalitates","ff. 128r-141v","Queritur primo vtrum illa que sunt distincta","Deo gracia. Expliciunt formalitates Reverendi magistri Johannes Scharpp ordinis charmelitarum","Latin",,,"Part C only","Johannes de Gelria. Vey cursive, secretary hand.","CJ" 3395,"Oxford Bodleian Library Add 370","UMP 0154","2",,"ff. 143r-216v","Notandum est quando exclusiua","Explicit diuersorum diuerse opiniones de vniversalibus Edite & compilate per magistrum Walteris de burley Scripte anno domini 1427","Latin",,,"ff. 204-6, 217, 218 blank.","Johannes de Gelria. Vey cursive, secretary hand.","CJ" 3396,"Oxford Bodleian Library Add 370","UMP 3353","3",,"ff. 219r-221r","Ab inicio vero nascentis ecclesie",,"Latin",,,"ff. 221v-226r blank. Table of contents on f. 226v.","Johannes de Gelria. Vey cursive, secretary hand.","CJ" 3397,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 403","UMP 3354","1",,"ff. 1r-231v","Incipit prologus super legendas Sanctorum quas compilavit frater Jacobus nacione Januensis de ordine fratrum Predicatorum Prol: Uniuersum tempus presentis uite in quatuor distinguitur Main text (2r): De aduentu domini","itare dignetur qui uiuit & regnat dominus per omnia secula seculorum . Amen . Amen . Amen . Amen . Amen","Latin",,,"Table of contents on ff. 1r-2r.","One scribe, writing in a neat, regular hand.","CJ" 3398,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","IPMEP 255","14",,"ff. 74r-118v","That a man is seyd ymiage [sic] of god aftir his soule and nouht aftir ye body Ciii liii . For as mekil as thou coueytist gretly & askit for charite","gostly mater than mi3t be writen in a greet book. Explicit hic finis","English",,,,,"CJ" 3399,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 3355","8",,"ff. 110v-120v","i. Deus qui nos patres & matres honorare ii. Rex Jasper. Rex Melchior rex Baltasar rogo vos iii. Dona michi queso omnipotens deus","i. facias qui est benedictus per secula. AMEN ii. ardorem sine discrecione. Amen. Credo in deum iii. salus & proteccio in eternum Amen","Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3400,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","UMP 3356","12",,"ff. 149v-155v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3401,"York Minster XVI.D.2","MWME 2:IV [38]","1","Dominica prima aduentus domini mathei xxj","ff. 1-219v","And whanne ihesus cam ny3 to ierusalem and cam to betphage at že mount of olyuete","who touchide his hem žat is bileuyde že mysteries of his incarnacioun til in louynge parfitli he come to take grettere žingis bede on luyk","English",,,"At the end of this text on f. 219v, there is an index of seventeen topics.",,"MMBL IV: 695-96" 3402,"York Minster XVI.D.2","IMEP VI [36:XVI.D.2(2)]","2","Oure fadir žat art in heuene halewid bi ži name","ff. 219v-223v","Two maneris of preiynge ben oon of preisyng with mekenesse an ožere slackere of axing žerfor as ofte as žou preiest","austin in encheridion amen žis is že seel of že lordis preier and is to seie feižfuli or verili ierom here","English",,,"Imperfect owing to a loss of a leaf after f. 220.",,"IMEP 6" 3403,"Cambridge Trinity College B.14.15","IMEV 3102","2",,"f. 75v","Siže and sorwe depeli / moorne and wepe inwardli",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3404,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","IMEV 542","Added",,"f. 225","Blodles & bonles blod has non bon",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3405,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","IMEV 1071","Added",,"Inside back cover","Heyl my lord in wom ich leue / sothfastliche god & man",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3406,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","IMEV 1139","Added",,"Pastedown","He is wys žat kan be war or him be wo",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3407,"Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","IMEV 3712","Added",,"Inside back cover",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3408,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","IMEV 558.66","Added",,"f.iii","Bey že best or be stylle / Wyth thy tonge noman thou qwelle / Suffyr and haue thy wylle",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3409,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","IMEV 1328.3","Added",,"f. iii","I loue and y dare nou3t",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3410,"New York Pierpont Bühler 21","IMEV 3079.8","Added",,"f. iii",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3411,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","IMEV 809","15",,"ff. 201v-202",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3412,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","IMEV 1294","16",,"ff. 205-6v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3413,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","IMEV 3661","14",,"ff. 200-1v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3414,"Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","IMEV 3798","17",,"f.206v",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3415,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","IMEV 2931.55","1",,"ff. 1-10v","Seynt Iohn že Baptist in wildernesse allone hadde be",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3416,"Oxford Corpus Christi College 67","IMEV 2662","1",,"ff.1-209",,,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3417,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 1214.99","40",,"f. 167","hy forake ye werld and wende to ye fadir / hy forsake ye werld in wilke es pride yat makis man heuy",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3418,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3273.55","13",,"f. 66","žat ich haue ben longe aboute / al haf i lorn apon žis ni3t",,"English",,,"A separate item.",,"NIMEV" 3419,"Oxford Merton College 248","IMEV 3731.55","20",,"f. 133","ži lust žat lastež but a while, žou it breme and like / it deže for to sike sore and lite loue and sore to sike",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3420,"London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","IMEV 113","27",,"ff. 160v-162","Aboue all th[i]ng thow arte a kyng",,"English",,,,,"NIMEV" 3425,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 2100","1",,"1r-6v","Cum animaduerterem quam plurimos homines (Prologue) Si deus est animus (Text)",,"Latin",,,,"S. xiv/xv, a neat small gothic bookhand","Thomson 1979" 3426,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3450","2",,"f. 7r","Dum manducatis, Christo grates reser[atis]","Istos mores teneatis","Latin",,,"Pollard added notes to f. 7v including: 'Ihesus est amor meus', which he repeated at the top of many folios throughout the MS; 'Si mea penna valet melior mea lettera fiet'; 'Iste liber constat Valterus Pollarde off Plymouth (added: 'Bonus puer quem deus amat') 'Qui librum furet per collum pendere debet. Qui culpat manum scriptoris bosit anum'.","Hand 2 - s. xvmed, a small anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979" 3427,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3451","3",,"ff. 8r-15v","[T]he church is a place which cristen men ben much holdun to luff","Impersonale iuuat est dilectat vbique","English","Latin",,"f. 15v contains a short paragraph on the derivation of conditor; f. 16r contains further notes; ff. 16v-17r contains words of family relationship in Latin and English, beginning 'Nota quod he sunt nomina congnocionis (sic} vulgariter dicta'; f. 17r includes further notes, including a short Latin-English dictionary; f. 17v is blank.","Hand 2 - s. xvmed, a small anglicana hand with secretary influence.","Thomson 1979" 3428,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 4054","4","Sum es fui","ff. 18r-21v","Sum, es, fui, esse","futuri vt maliturus. Explicit Sum es fui.","Latin",,,"f. 22r-v contains verses on the calls and cries of birds and animals, with each line followed by a list giving the principal parts of the verbs cited and their English equivalents.","Hand 3 - s. xv3, a small anglicana hand with secretary influence and document-hand characteristics.","Thomson 1979" 3429,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3452","5",,"ff. 25r-29r","Queritur quot sunt verba anormalia? Sum, volo","Assum namque tibi quando tu proderis vrbi","Latin",,,"On ff. 23r-24v, 'Hic incipiunt enigmata', verses and riddles in Latin, with English glosses; miscellaneous verses were also added to f. 29v and there are three Latin hymns written as prose added to f. 30r. f. 30v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3430,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 2107","6",,"ff. 31r-34v","Dominus, que pras (sic)? Nomen","vt O, for what, raca, euge. Ita fietur","Latin",,,"Grammatical notes in Latin were added to f. 34v.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3431,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3453","7",,"ff. 36r-47r","Si positiuus uel superlatiuus gradus fuerit prime declinacionis et secunde aduerbium formabitur a genitiuo casu singularis numeri","Ensis acus beta dictis quoque iungito malua. Explicit totum.","Latin","English",,"F. 35r contains two paragraphs of grammatical notes; f. 35v is blank. On f. 47v are two further grammatical notes, beginning 'Nota quod sex nomna verbalia que possunt formari ab vltimo suppino'.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3432,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 4063","8",,"ff. 48r-49v","Hic incipiunt declinaciones Grecorum. Que est agnicio prime declinacionis Grecorum? Cum tenet E Grecus recto tenet -es geniti[u]us","Sextus in -e tantum, tercia dat reliquum","Latin",,,,"Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3433,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 0792","9",,"ff. 50r-51r","Desem sunt precepta dei. Primum est non adhorabis deum alienum (First verses) Vnum crede deum, ne iures vana per ipsum","castitas contra luxuriam. Explicit totum.","Latin",,,"f. 51 includes three verses on the 12 articles of faith, beginning 'Duodecim sunt articuli fidei. Hii sunt articuli quod fit trinus deus'; f. 51v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3434,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3456","10",,"ff. 52r-53r","Peniteas sito peccator cum sit miseratur","Sibilet et cantet stimuilet(?) cum cogit oportet","Latin","English",,"lines 1-62 with some English glosses. f. 53v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3435,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3457","11",,"ff. 54r-56r","Gloteno, -nas: for to glow","hoc haustorium, -i, -o, hoc hausorium, -i, -o: for a ladyll","Latin","English",,"In the margin of f. 56r are additional notes on Latin and English words. f. 56v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3436,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","12",,"ff. 57r-67r","Hic agit autor libri doctrinalis [de] genere nominum. Primo ponit generales (Text) In quantum potero de nomine quolibet in quo","Explicit totum. Bonus puer quem deus amat. Walterus Pollard.","English","Latin",,"Lines 499-693, with a commentary that also gives English equivalents. At the bottom of f. 67r 'Hec indentura facta inter Iohannem Dabenye et Willelmum Pentenye vnius iustiarus vnius j' was added. f. 67v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3437,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 2100","13",,"ff. 68r-71r","Si deus est animus nobis vt carmina dicunt","Quod nosci factum non rectum noli silere","Latin",,,"lines 1-183. Ends imperfectly. f. 71v is blank. A poem on cockfighting in various metres is added to f. 72r; miscellaneous notes are added to ff. 72v and 73r; on f. 73v are paragraphs on grammar in Latin and English.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3438,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 4055","14",,"ff. 76r-89","Formula gramaticis hec compulata nouellis principium facile congruitatis habet. Ego sum creatura dei. Thys verbe sum is že singuler number","Si sis exterius in campum sit tibi cursus. Explicit totum.","Latin","English",,"An additional paragraph to item 14 was added to f. 89r and on f. 89v are seven verses on the meaning of verbs. Verses and a legal note were added to f. 74v and on f. 75r are two tables of the Latin and English names for varieties of bread and meat, beginning 'Hic sunt partes de panis. Panis frumentis: whet'.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3439,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3458","15",,"f. 90r","Creso, -cis, -vi, -re: for to grow","mino, -nas, -vi: for to dresse bestys. Anno regni regis Edwardi iiijto","Latin","English",,"f. 90v is blank","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3440,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3459","16",,"f. 91r","Ossito, sternuto, singulto, nauseo, sterto","Canet, sordescit, seneo moriorque, secutit. Hec a natura contingunt omina nobis","Latin","English",,"f. 91v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3441,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3454","17",,"ff. 92r-97v","Ethroclitum dicitur ab etheros vel etheron (First verses) Declinare genus ambo casusque notentur","Omnia nomina interrogatiua distributiua relatiua negatiua infinitiua carent vocativis casibus (probably ends incomplete)","Latin",,,,"Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3442,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 2103","18",,"ff. 98r-104v","Augustus, -ti, -to sesar vel mensis habeto","Est asportatus lata quoque dicitur amplus (ends abruptly)","Latin",,,"A-L only. A writ for John Crokker, knight of Lyneam and others to appear before the duke of Clarence has been added to f. 105r. f. 105v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3443,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 0793","19",,"ff. 107r-117v","Ortografia est prima pars gramatice que docet recte scribere et dicitur ab orthos","Nota quod quoniam (sic) S ponitur in duas vocales habebit sonum Z in omnibus latinis diccionibus vt (ends abruptly)","Latin",,,"Miscelleneous notes have been added to f. 106v and f. 118v. f. 118r is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3444,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","IPMEP 308","20",,"ff. 119r-126r","How many partes of spech be ther?","How many be ther of this declenson?","English",,,"On f. 119r-v are notes and miscellaneous items, including the beginning of Burgh's Cato. On ff. 120r, 121r-122r are a collection of latinitates for 14 days of the Michaelmas term. Exeter is referred to twice on ff.120r and 121r, the first time in the phrase 'ad discentum (sic) gramaticam Exonie'. On f. 120v there are notes, including parts of hymns. f. 122v is blank. f. 123r contains an extract on divination and augury from a passage dealing with the New Year of 'Egyptian Days'. f. 123v is blank. On f. 124r is 'Hec palus, -tis, -ti: Anglice, a myre. Guttatus, -a, -um: for kendayll'. On f. 124v there are three short dialogues between a master and his pupil followed by notes and proverbs in Latin and English. f. 125r: notes and verses ff. 125v-126r contains Edward Courteney's letter conveying a writ seizing to the Crown land in Plymouth contra John Bayly, and ordering Bayly to appear before the king at Westminster and explain why he did not attend after a previous summons. f. 126r: notes f. 126v: blank","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3445,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3455","21",,"ff. 127r-129r","Qvid est construccio? Construccio est congrua diccionum ordinacio congruam sentenciamque perfectum demonstrans (First verses) Quatuor ecce modis construccio recta tenebit","historia ab historii grece quod est quod est (sic) videre vel cognoscere. Explicit totum.","Latin",,,"Notes and verses are written on f. 129r. f. 129v is blank. f. 130r contains part of a confession in English, beginning 'I knowlych to almighty god and to owre lady seynte Mare and to all the company off heuene and to yow my gostly fader here yn goddys stede that I synfull wreche haue synned wrecchydly' and other verses in English. f. 130v and 131r are blank. Various notes are added to ff. 131v-132r. f. 132v is blank. The conjugations of amo, amor and doceo are written in lists on f. 133r. f. 133v contains notes and verses, including 'Iste liber constat Walterus Pollard, testante Iohannys Caluerte'. Further grammatical notes are added to f. 134r. f. 134v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3446,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3460","22",,"ff. 135r-137r","Notandum est quod nouem sunt figure construccionis in gramatica (First verses) In casu simili poteritque genus variari","Super istis queritur num quid congrue dicetur: frater meus et ego (ends abruptly)","Latin",,,"The following were added: f. 137r, a warning to Alexander, perhaps from Aristotle, against killing, beginning 'O Alexande monui te frequenter et adhc monio vos quod tu meam custodias doctrinam quam si seruaueris tuum propositum consequeris'. On ff. 137v-138v is the rental of John Pollard, covering Exeter, Plymouth, Exmouth and 'Berenton'. and on f. 139r is the following note: 'Deus creatur (sic) omnium exaudi. Be yt yn remembrans and see that I, Wa(l)ter Pollard of Plymmouth, hath ipaid onto Iohn Thomas off Exceter the Fryday ofter Synt Nycolasys day for iij packys off cloth prise euery packe viij li'. f. 139v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3447,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 4057","23","Hic incipiunt prouerbia.","ff. 140r-144r","Hic incipiunt prouerbia. Bonum principium facit bonum finem. A good begynnyng makyth a god ende","iij heddelyse men playd at ball / j heddelyse man seruit them all","Latin","English",,"Includes many items of ME verse, including: IMEV 34.8 ; IMEV 37.5; IMEV 464.5; IMEV 644.5; IMEV 1137.5; IMEV1142.5; IMEV 1162.7; IMEV 1173; IMEV 1354; IMEV 1634.5; IMEV 1793.9; IMEV 3087; IMEV 3292.5; IMEV 3318.8; IMEV 3372.5; IMEV 3892.5; IMEV 3922; IMEV 4034.6; IMEV 4049.2; IMEV 4079.3; IMEV 4079.6 and IMEV 4176.5.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3448,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3461","24",,"ff. 145r-150r","Hic incipiunt versus deferenciales. Magister dicitur a magis et sterion grece, quod est stacio latine: mager in stacione","Cuias de gente cuium de re petit apte","Latin",,,"Notes and verses were added to ff. 150v, 151r, 151v-152r and 152v.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3449,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 4056","25",,"ff. 153r-154r","Est nichil vtilius humane credo saluti","Si tibi sit contix (sic) lingua manuque repellis (ends incomplete)","Latin",,,"ff. 154v and 155r are blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3450,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3462","26",,"ff. 155v-157r","Que in sacra scriptura inveniuntur. Non sunt loquele neque sermones quorum non audiantur voces eorum","Ibi dolores vt parturientis. In spiritu vehementi conteres naues Tharcis.","Latin",,,"Notes and verses were added to f. 157r. f. 157v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3451,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 2098","27","Explicit totum Latinum de Stans.","f. 158r-v","Stans puer ad mensam domini bona dogmata discas","dat deus omen. Nec cum cultello mappam maculare caueto. Pone manum pelui dominus dum lauit ad escas. Explicit totum Latinum de Stans.","Latin",,,"Various notes have been added to f. 158v.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3452,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","IMEV 2233","28",,"ff. 159r-160v","My chyld fryste thysylfe abyll / And dyspose the to vertuse dysciplyne","And al them that wyll do after thys techyng / God bryng hym to that blys that ys euerlestyng. Explicit totum Anclicum.","English",,,"A warning against killing is added to f. 160v.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3453,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","IMEV 3955","29",,"ff. 161r-162r","Cum animaduerterem quamplurimos homines (English begins) When y aduerte yn my remembrans","Doyth as he sayyth wž al your hole entente. Explicit totum.","English","Latin",,"The prologue only in Latin followed by the first 7 stanzas of Burgh's Cato. Notes are added to f. 162r. f. 162v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3454,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3463","30",,"ff. 163r-166r","Partes gramatice. Quo sunt partes gramatice? Quatuor. Que? Orthogrophia, Prosodia, Ethimologia et Diasintestica. Orthogrophia dicitur ab orthos, quod est rectum, et graphos, scriptura","vt doceo doctor cum similibus etcetera. Finis","Latin",,,"ff. 166v-are blank. A collection of riddles and proverbs occupy ff. 167r-168r, and f. 168v including IMEV 271.5 and IMEV 1297.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3455,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3465","31",,"ff. 171r-172r","A litel boke of doctrine for ionge gentilmen. A herd of all maner of dere. A herd of sannes","a troyte gobonyd, a soyle yloyned","English",,,"An explanatory paragraph on Latin numerals followed by a list of the cardinals and ordinals is added to f. 169r-v. ff. 169r-v and 170r are blank. Hymns and verses were added to f. 170v.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3456,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3464","32",,"ff. 176r-179r","Hic incipiunt figure locucionis. Figure locucionis sunt quasi numerabiles et cum ne videantur omnes abesse aliquas publicabo","dicitur ab anti quod est contra positio littere pro littera vt orse v","Latin",,,"On ff. 172r-173r are various notes on animals in English, beginning 'Ther ben iiij bestys off wenery'. ff. 173v and 174r are blank. IMEV 4169, the Dialogue between the devil and the Virgin, is added to ff. 174v-175r. Various grammatical notes have been added to f. 175v. On f. 179r is a note in Latin recording Walter Pollard's possession of the book in 1444/5 (23 Henry VI). f. 179v is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3457,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3463","33",,"f. 180r","Quot sunt forme verborum? Octo. Que? Perfecta, inchoatiua","ante eum que mutant A (breaks off abruptly)","Latin",,,"A repeat of item 30. ff. 180v is blank. On f. 181r is a latinitas beginning 'In die lune . A magistro laudor ego, qui sum doccior aliquo sociorum meorum in respondendo' There are various other notes on f. 181v including the beginning of Burgh's Cato. f. 182r is blank. Parts of letters and other notes are written on f. 182v.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3458,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 2103","34",,"ff. 184r-189r","Augustus, -ti, -to, sesar vel mensis habeto","Forfur auis furfur sit quoque purgacio missis (ends incomplete)","Latin",,,"On f. 183r, directions for sailing to Berwick were added, beginning 'Berwyke lyth sowthe and northe of Folse and the elande and Berwyke haven'. On f. 183r also is a bond involving William Dawye, merchant of Plymouth and the beginning, again, of Burgh's Cato. f. 189v the beginning again of Burgh's Cato and a note reading: 'Memorandum that y payd onto Colswyll, messere of Exceter, a quarter off a ard of evellet(?), prise the quarter iij s'. Another record of a bond occurs on f. 189v involving Walter Pollard. f. 190r is blank. Various notes relating to Walter Pollard and Exeter occur on ff. 190v-191r. f. 191v is blank","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3459,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","UMP 3466","35",,"f. 192r-v","(Begins imperfect) Famula dei N nullam facias rest[ic]ionem adiuro te vermem","žat že sydys tuche no3t and sey žis (breaks off incomplete)","Latin","English",,"The following folios, ff. 193-4, were originally blank flyleaves, to which various items were added including memoranda concerning the cloth trade (f. 194r); legal notes on f. 194v. f. 193r is blank.","Walter Pollard- a s.xv2 hand.","Thomson 1979" 3460,"Bristol Public Library 11","UMP 1137","16",,"not in Ker","Gaude iohannes baptista qui in maternali cista",,"Latin",,,,, 3461,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","IMEV 124","1",,"ff. 3r-8v","After that hervest Inned had his sheves / And that the brome season of myhelmasse",,"English",,,,"In the hand of John Stow (1525?-1605).","EETS SS 19" 3462,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","IMEV 299","2",,"ff. 9r-26v","And endyd my complaynt / in this manere One knocked / at my chambre dore sore","my gilt as cleene as keuerchiefe dooth sope","English",,,"A couplet on f. 17v 'At my begynnyng Crist me spede / In vertv and lernyng for to spede' (IMEV 430.5).","In the hand of John Stow up to line 252 and then in the hand of Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3463,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","IMEV 1561","3","Fabula de quadam Imperatrice Romana","ff. 26v-49r","In the Romain actes writen is thus / Whilom an Emperour in the Citee","And whan god list, also dye shul we . Explicit fabula de quadam Imperatrice Romana","English",,,,"Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3464,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","UMP 1233","4",,"f. 49r-v","My freend aftir I trowe a wike or two / That this tale endid was ; hoom to me cam",,"English",,,,"Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3465,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","UMP 1234","5","Hic incipit moralizacio","ff. 50r-52v","This Emperour žat y spak of aboue is our lord Iesu Cryst his wyf is the soule","the ioie of paradys to which he vs brynge žt starf for our redempcioun . Explicit moralizacio","English",,,,"Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3466,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","IMEV 3121","6","incipit ars vtillissima sciendi mori","ff. 52v-74r","Syn alle men naturelly desyre / To konne o eterne sapience","žt it may han the lyf žt haath noon ende Amen . Explicit illa pars per quam sciendum est mori","English",,,,"Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3467,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","UMP 1235","7",,"ff. 74v-77r","The other iii partes which in this book / Of the tretice of deeth expressed be","which part god of his infynyt goodnesse graunte vs alle to choose . Amen","English",,,,"Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3468,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","IMEV 3582","8","Hic additur alia fabula ad instanciam amici mei predilecti assiduam","ff. 77r-79r","This book thus to han endid had y thought / But my freend made me change my cast","And thus y wroot as yee may heer see . Explicit prologus","English",,,,"Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3469,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","IMEV 4072","9","Incipit fabula de quadam muliere mala","ff. 79r-93r","Whilom an Emperour prudent & wys / Regned in Rome / and hadde sones three","And so god vs graunte žt we do may . Amen","English",,,,"Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3470,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","UMP 1236","10",,"ff. 93v-95r","Themperou žat y spak of aboue / is oure lord god žat hath iii. sones","to whiche god of his grace brynge vs all Amen","English",,,,"Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3471,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","IMEV 932.77","11",,"f. 95r","Go smal book to the noble excellence / Of my lady of Westmerland and seye","To plese hir wommanhede do thy might . humble seruant to your gracious noblesse T. hoccleve","English",,,"Includes only the Envoy to the Countess of Westmorland.","Hoccleve, writing a Secretary script.","EETS SS 19" 3472,"Durham Cathedral Library B.IV.19","UMP 1237","1",,"ff. 1r-v","How mony case has yow? Sex","id est ego sum fortissimus homo","English","Latin",,,"ff. 1-4: s.xiv/xv, an anglicana hand.","Thomson 1979" 3473,"Durham Cathedral Library B.IV.19","UMP 1238","2","Incipit meditacio venerabilis Anselmi de consideracione miseriarum vite presentis","ff. 2r-3v","Incipit meditacio venerabilis Anselmi de consideracione miseriarum vite presentis. Inter hec autem miserias vite","per omnia secula seculorum. Amen.","Latin",,,,"ff. 1-4: s.xiv/xv, an anglicana hand.","Thomson 1979" 3474,"Durham Cathedral Library B.IV.19","PL 158: 733-6","3",,"ff. 3v-4v","Item meditacio venerabilis Anselmi: vnde viuat anima et vnde viuat corpus, et de felicitate bone anime et sancte et infelicitate male anime post separacionem eiusdem a corpore. Quando anima manet in corpore","qui vos creavit. Amen.","Latin",,,,"ff. 1-4: s.xiv/xv, an anglicana hand.","Thomson 1979" 3475,"Durham Cathedral Library B.IV.19","PL 195: 0113-","4",,"ff. 5r-19v","Meditaciones quedam a quodam fratre minore edite. Transfige dulcissime domine Ihesu medullas anime mea","uolueris suffragia postulare","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979" 3476,"Durham Cathedral Library B.IV.19","UMP 1239","5",,"f. 20v","Dominus qui eripuit me","cum alleluia","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979" 3477,"Durham Cathedral Library B.IV.19","UMP 1240","6",,"ff. 21-103","Iohannes Crisostom super Matheum de stella Christi in oriente visa refert in hunc modum","sex dies et in septimo (ends incomplete)","Latin",,,,,"Thomson 1979" 3478,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 913","19",,"pp. 378-380","Gladeth ye foules at the Morowen gray","And he praid her to hast her for his sake","English",,,"The text in item 19 is in a disordered state, and consists of the following: p. 378, lines 1-28; p. 379, lines 57-84; and p. 380, lines 29-59. See pp. 115-122 in this MS (item 6).",,"Pepys Cat: 39-44" 3479,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 3542","20",,"pp. 381-82","Thus be euer in Drede in suffrynge","Of Grawnson flour of hem žat make in Fraunce","English",,,"Imperfect: begins at line 45.","Scribe E wrote item 20, see item 21 for description.","Pepys Cat: 39-44" 3480,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","IMEV 239","24","Pryer A nostre Dame ----- par Chaucer","pp. 386-88","Almighty and all mercyable quene","Of mercy put žat in his remenbrance","English",,,"Imperfect. The text breaks off after line 59.",,"Pepys Cat: 39-44" 3481,"London Lambeth Palace Library 32","UMP 1413","1","de causa dei contra pelagium","ff. 4v-257r","In primis firmissime supponatur quod deus est (James has 'eterne', I have 'summe') perfectus & bonus","et electos gaudium sempiternum Amen.","Latin",,,"Two blank flyleaves precede the text, followed by a table of contents on ff. 1-4v. The text ends with the following note: 'Explicit istud opus de causa dei contra pelagium et de virtute causarum dei Thome de Bradwardyna Cancellarii london perscriptum Cantebrigge . Anno domini millesimo ccc octogesimo quinto editum ab eodem Thoma london anno domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo quarto' (f. 257r).","A small, well-formed anglicana hand copied ff. 1-60 (the first five quires), while hand 2 copied the rest of the text, ff. 61-257 from quire 6 onwards, as well as the following table on ff. 257-71.","CN" 3482,"London Lambeth Palace Library 32","UMP 1414","2",,"ff. 257r-271",,,"Latin",,,,"Scribe 2.","CN" 3483,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","UMP 4349","1",,"pp. 1-78","In principio creavit deus celum et terram mare et omnia que in eis sunt","Cui iam succedit Edwardus dei gracia rex anglie et francie immo castelle et legionum qui de linea recta discendit dictarum trium regionum deo gracias","Latin",,,"First page has been rewritten. Pp. 79, 80 blank. The names of kings are written in red.",,"CN" 3484,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","UMP 1707","2","distencio linee Regum francie","pp. 81-84","Ex genere Priami fuit Moreneus qui genuit Childericum","karolus frater dicte katerine genuit [blank] qui nunc regnat sed non iuste","Latin",,,,,"CN" 3485,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","UMP 1708","3","Discencio linee de ducibus Normanie ad regem henricum post conquestum Anglie tercium","pp. 85-86","Anno ab incarnacione domini Octo centeno septuageno sexto . Rollo dux cum suis normaniam penetrant et regnant","henricum regem anglie post conquestum tercium","Latin",,,"pp. 87, 88 blank.",,"CN" 3486,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","UMP 1709","4","distencio linee Comitis Andegauie vsque ad regem Edwardum post conquestum Anglie primum","pp. 89","ffulco bonus Comes Andegauie cui successit Galfridus","Edwardum plantagenet regem anglie post conquestum primum","Latin",,,"p. 90 blank.",,"CN" 3487,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","UMP 1710","5","Discencio linee petri ueri Regis hispanie usque ad regem nostrum Edwardum post conquestum anglie quartum qui nunc regnat","p. 91","Petrus verus et indubitatus Rex Castelle et Legionum","Edwardum regem anglie etcetera qui nunc regnat . anno domini 1465","Latin",,,"p. 92 blank.",,"CN" 3488,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","UMP 1711","6","Anno Incarnacionis domini primo","pp. 93-117","Dominus nostri Jhesu Christi filius dei conceptus est viij kalend Aprilis","Capcio castri de hardlaugh in wallia per dominum herberdi et dominus Ricardus dunstall in eodem castro captus et ductus london cum sociis suis","Latin",,,,,"CN" 3489,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","UMP 1712","7","Sicut merlini in historia Britonum ita hermericus in historia almanorum anno ab origine mundi 5586 annis prophetizat in hec verba","pp. 118-119","Lilium regnans in nobili parte mundi","tunc omnia impleta permanebunt","Latin",,,"Then followed on p. 120 with a guide to understanding the prophecy, which specifies what, for example, the lily means, entitled 'Exposicio prophecie'.",,"CN" 3490,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","UMP 1713","8","Anno decimo Regni Regis Iohannis fuit primus maior london quod ante tempus illud erant balliui","pp. 121-151","Anno decimo Iohannis regis anglie",,"Latin",,,"The first writing continues until 1468; this hand then makes additions (in different ink and clearly at different points) until 1476. Other hands then continue with the list of mayors and sheriffs until 1530. The last is Thomas Pargeter in that year on p. 157.",,"CN" 3491,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","UMP 1714","9",,"p. 158","Est tuus anna pater ysakar Nazaphat tua mater","Tercia maiorem Iacobum volucrem quod iohannem . amen.","Latin",,,,,"CN" 3492,"London Lambeth Palace Library 878","IMEV 1721","10","KL","pp. 159-182","Januar . Ihesu for thi holi Circumcision / In the begynnynge of the new yere","now kepe vs Ihesu fro že fende / with sent siluester att our last ende . Amen .","English",,,"On p. 183, a Rota Pasche, neatly drawn. On pp. 185, 186 are English notes of measures and weights, one dated 1553. On the last three pages are three geometrical figures very neatly drawn, cinqfoils enclosing pentagons etc.",,"CN" 3493,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 3450","1",,"f.1","Dum manducatis cristo grates refer",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3494,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1024","2",,"f. 1v",,,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3495,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 2107","3",,"ff. 2-5","q[uare] quia a diccione composita diriuatur","dolorem mentis significat. Explicit.","Latin",,,"Begins imperfectly; only the top inner corner of f. 2 remains. Followed by a diagram showing the different kinds of pronoun on f. 5v and the Five articles of faith and seven sacraments on f. 5v; both of these were added to originally blank pages. f. 6r remains blank.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3496,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1025","4","Expliciunt tractatus de regiminibus","ff. 7-18","Deus est noster saluator . deus regitur","addito quale. Expliciunt tractatus de regiminibus scriptus bristolie super nouam portam. per manus Thome Schort octauo die mensis maij Anno domini M CCCC xx vij. In cuius rei testimonium etc","Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3497,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","CMLGM 44.15:2","5",,"ff. 18v-24","Omnia nomina terminancia in A","dat genus omne scola. Explicit tractatus compendiosus nec non perutilis de generibus nominum secundum vsum oxonie quem edidit Magister Iohannes Laylond.","Latin",,,"Ends with 'Scriptus Bristollie per manus Thome Schort xx die mensis may 2m computacionem ecclesie anglicane. Anno M CCCCmo XXVIIIo Et anno regni regis henrici sexti post conquestum anglie sexto. Quod Schort'.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3498,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1026","6",,"f. 24v","Differencia inter donum et feoffamentum hec est",,"Latin",,,"Added.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3499,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1027","7",,"f. 25","Offic' Sar' discretis viris decano decanatus albi monasterii ac vicarii perpetui de B",,"Latin",,,"At the foot of the page a note that I.P. is to be cited in the town of Wareham.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3500,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1028","8",,"ff. 25v-30v","Hic intendit autor docere de quolibet diccione nominali","victricia tela tulere. Expliciunt genera secundum doctrinale et precianum . quod W. beuyce (or benyce). Nunc finem fixi penitet me si male scripci. quod Schort.","Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3501,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1029","9",,"ff. 31-3","Sciendum est quod quelibet figura in primo loco posita significat se ipsam tantum",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3502,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 2802","10",,"ff. 33v-36","Quot modis fit ethroclisis dicendum est quod secundum autorem Catholicon","et liber postea vades. Expliciunt ethroclita secundum vsum lond'","Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3503,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1033","11",,"ff. 36v-42v","Auete reuerende pater . Carissime in cristo saluteris (sic). Domine si placeat frubamini sanitate votiua ex quo recessi a presencia vestra","Domine qualiter placet vobis de ista seruisia . bene domine vester gracia. Nunc finem feci Secundum copiam quod Schort.","Latin",,,"On f. 37r, a scholar is asked about his hall at Oxford: he says that it is opposite the church of St Mary and holds twenty-two scholars and that they did not have enough to eat in the past year.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3504,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1034","12",,"ff. 42v-43v","Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini. Iohannis xiio . Prehonorabiles magistri et viri scienciarum eximii","(ends imperfectly)","Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3505,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","IMEV 1378.5","13",,"ff. 44r-45r","Ywandryng ful wery and walkyng že wayes . In somer whan že schene sonne saylyd on hy3e","And send vs here sožely žy swete helpe at nede. Amen","English",,,"f. 45v blank.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3506,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","IMEP VIII (129: 129[A15])","14",,"ff. 46r-48r","Per s tantum scribere vult lex sapientum of wysemen seco to kut secas pro scindere to kut securis an axe sementum a morter or sement sedo to swage semper alwey seddo to sitte sella a sadell sedementum resideus of vren","transponuntur per viciam scriptoris","Latin","English",,"f. 48v blank.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3507,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 4067","15",,"ff. 49r-51r","Hic incipiunt verba deponencia per modum alfabeti. Hic deponentum verborum dic documentum","perfectus 'pafyte' habetur . Explicit tractatus","Latin","English",,"Interlined glosses in English.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3508,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1035","16",,"ff. 51-55v","Primitus ambigina vadeas polisillaba lector","herrones vagus erro","Latin","English",,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3509,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","IMEP VIII (41:129[1])","17","Medicamenta pro quibusdam morbis","ff. 56r-58r","Take broke lempe and suet of dere vel ellys shepys talowe","and sawge and bowle it togedyr and wasche hem with that and he chal be hole","English",,,"ff. 58v-59v blank.","Added in s. xv","MMBL III: 630-7" 3510,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1036","18",,"ff. 60-1",,,"Latin","English",,"Some interlined English glosses. f. 61v blank.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3511,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1037","19",,"f.62r","Memorandum quod Robertus qui fuit primus dux Normannorum",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3512,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1038","20",,"f. 62","Pastor pius ad gregis gaudium",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3513,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","IMEV 3632","21",,"ff. 62v-64v","Willelmus conquestor. This my3ty Duke of Normandye","here in his ry3t","English",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3514,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1039","22",,"f. 65","Si tu sis pulcher magnus fortisque quid inde","tunc nichil inde","Latin",,,"f. 65 has been cut out, except for the top four lines on each side.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3515,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","IMEP VIII (129: 129[A16])","23",,"f. 65v","Yff ži russet hode oppose my rede hode my rede hode schal answere thy russet hoode",,"English","Latin",,"Rest of leaf cut away.",,"IMEP 8" 3516,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1055","24",,"ff. 66-79","Que est differencia inter hic vesperus i.o. hec vespera e",,"Latin","English",,"Some English glosses.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3517,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1056","25","15 signa ante diem Iudicii","ff. 71v-72","15 signa ante diem Iudicii. Ieronimus autem in annalibus ebreorum","et resurgent omnes","Latin",,,"This item interrupts item 24.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3518,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1057","26",,"ff. 79v-87v","Chyppnam. Quot modis incipitur rectus ordo construendi. Dico quod quinque modis Primo modo","Iste est liber vester id est vestrum et non tui","Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3519,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","Walther, Initia 2676","27",,"ff. 88-90","Chere theoron quem gignos crucis","misticat apotoy","Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3520,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1058","28",,"ff. 90v-91","Cuius facultatis est vos. Facultatis grammatice. Quid est grammatica",,"Latin",,,"f. 91v blank.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3521,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","IPMEP 593","29",,"ff. 92-99r","Schort hors sone y whyped lytell mete sone y flypyd curtus equus sito strigillatur et modicus sibus illico liguritur","alle my felowys yposyd y že wyche grete desyre haue to lerne god forbede to be spared omnibus socijs meis opposito mihi cui magnum desiderium est addyscere absit parci","English","Latin",,"f. 99 is partly cut off: the verso is blank.",,"IMEP 8" 3522,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1059","30",,"ff. 100r-103r","Chyppnam. Dum tua bursa sonat populus te laude coronat",,"Latin",,,"Added to f. 103v are examples of 'fraus' and 'laus' and verses, including 'Clauditur in tumulo sanctus Sophista Iohannes... (4 lines) . hec Willelmus Malmesbur' in cronicorum libro de regibus anglie'.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3523,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1060","31",,"ff. 104-5","Hostilis pater est nisi virgam sentiat heres. Si parcas pueris hiis inimicus eris",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3524,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1061","32",,"f. 105r","Homo loquitur Infans vagit",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3525,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","Walther Initia 19326","33",,"ff. 105v-106","Tot video gentes","vilificabunt","Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3526,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1063","34",,"ff. 106-19","Nascitur in carne veruca veru datur igni",,"Latin",,,"Grammatical pieces are sometimes marked in the margin as 'd[ifferencia]', 'dubiam', 'e[quivoca]', 'regula', and proverbial pieces sometimes as 'prouerbium' or by the word 'nota'.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3527,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1064","35",,"ff. 119v-120","Cisio ia ed epi lucianus et hil fe mau mar sulp",,"Latin",,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3528,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1065","36",,"f. 120v","Galfridus Strut Smyth Scherman Lauerans Deueros Russell Cosham Sowdear",,,,,,,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3529,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","UMP 1066","37",,"120v",,,"Latin",,,"Asks that Thomas S. should be promoted. S. presumably stands for Schort who wrote the piece.",,"MMBL III: 630-7" 3530,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. poet. 151","UMP 0203","1",,"ff. 1-3v",,,"Latin",,,,,"CJ" 3531,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Walther, Initia 5975","8",,"ff. 29r-62r","Ex agro ueteri uirtutum semina morum","Thobiam merito religione sequi. Finito libro sit laus et gloria Christo. Deo gracias.","Latin",,,"Notes have been added to ff. 62v-63v, 64v. F. 64r is blank.","Hand 2.","Thomson 1979: 271" 3532,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Thomson Cat 272 (5)","9","Regimen nominatiuis","ff. 65r-75r","Hic iubet ordo libri uocum regimen reserari... Regula. Omne uerbum personale finiti modj regit nominatiuum casum","nec in quo casu","Latin",,,"Brief notes on verbs were added to f. 75v by hand 3.","Hand 2.","Thomson 1979: 272" 3533,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Thomson Cat 272 (6)","10",,"ff. 76r-82v","Reglas para enformarmos os menyos en latin . Quem faz e quem diz e (sic) nominatiuo","amans, -cius, -ssimum","Portuguese","Latin",,,"Hand 1.","Thomson 1979: 272" 3534,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","UMP 2100","11",,"ff. 83r-89r","Cum animaduerterem quam plurimos homines","coniungere binos. Explicit Cato sapiens","Latin",,,"With prologue.","Hand 1","Thomson 1979: 272" 3535,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","UMP 0562","12",,"ff. 89v-96v","Kartula nostra tibi portat","qui regnat trinus et unus","Latin",,,,"Hand 1.","Thomson 1979: 272" 3536,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Walther Initia 17029","13","Ouidius de lupo","ff. 96v-98av","Sepe lupus quidam per pascua lata uagantes","se uidet opilio. Explicit Ouidius de lupo","Latin",,,,"Hand 1.","Thomson 1979: 273" 3537,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Walther Initia 19812","14","Esopus","ff. 98av-118v","Incipit liber qui uocatur Esopus. Ut iuuet et prosit conatur pagina presens","fabula declarat datque quid intus habet. Laus tibi sit Christe quoniam liber explicit iste. Explicit liber fabularum qui dicitur Esopus.","Latin",,,,"Hand 1.","Thomson 1979: 273" 3538,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Walther Initia 18159","15",,"ff. 119r-136v","Sicut hiemps laurum nec urit nec rogus aurum","uiginti lustra quieuit. Spes premij solacium fit laboris","Latin",,,"ff. 137-140, the original flyleaves of the volume have miscellaneous notes added by English scribes, including alphabets and list of contents.","Hand 1 with corrections by hand 2.","Thomson 1979: 273" 3539,"London CRO Liber Horn","UMP 4197","78",,"ff. 202v-360",,,"Latin",,,"Includes: statute concerning wards and reliefs (SR i. 228). Beginning: ?Incipit de wardis et Releuiis?(f. 250rv); ?Circumspecte agatis? (SR i. 101/1-23) Beginning: ?Incipit circumspecte agatis? (f. 251v); SR i. 131: ?Incipit statutum de libertatibus terris et huiusmodi perquirendis? (f. 251); Statute concerning fines and attorneys (SR i. 215). Beginning: ?Incipit statutum karleolens'? (ff. 251v-252);?Incipiunt distincciones Sok' Socage poet estre distincte en iii maneres? (f. 252rv); Statute of York (SR i. 177). Beginning: ?Nouum statutum Ebor' anno R.E. xij? (ff. 344-6); Confirmation of part of the statute of Westminster I (SR i. 175). Beginning: ?Breue domini R' de prisis quod confirmat Statutum primum Westm' et ordinaciones de prisis cessandis? (ff. 346-7). Marked 'Istud breue est in Gildaula Lond' in secunda cista in tega cum Littera T. sigillata cum magno sigillo domini R' ' and 'examinatur per ceram'; A Writ to sheriffs. Beginning: ?Ordinacio de seruicio in domibus prelatorum et aliorum magnatum et de ystrioninus? (ff. 348-9); ?Lex Oleroun? Beginning: ?Ceo est la copie de la Chatre Doliroun des iugemenz de la Meer. Primerement lem fet vn homme... Et cest le iugement en ceo cas? (ff. 355v-60).",, 3540,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","UMP 0597","1",,"ff. 1r-12r","How many partes ben žere of reson","Sic in gramatica dicas concordia quina","Latin","English",,"With verses and with the declensions of pronouns and conjugations of verbs added into the text. f. 12v is blank.","Hand 1.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3541,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 149 (2)","2",,"ff. 13r-24v","[Begins incomplete] Appoonis, a puttyng","Cicatricula, id est parua vel modica cicatrix. Cicedula, id est quoddam genus [ends incomplete]","Latin","English",,,"Hand 2","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3542,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 149 (3)","3",,"ff. 25v-27r","Apud latinos viginti sunt littere.","Regula vt manifesta apparebit in diccionibus subsequentibus [ends incomplete]","Latin",,,"f. 25r contains 6 admonitary verses and a form of obligation and a specimen form of quitclaim written by Thomas Marchall 'Nouerint vniuersi per presentes me Thomam Marchall de Todyngton in comitatu Bedfordensis clericum teneri et firmiter obligari Iohannem Marchall de eadem in xx libris bone et legalis monete... Dat' decimo die mensis maij anno regni regis Henrici sexti post conquestum septimodecimo. Nouerint vniuersi per presentes me A de N in comitatu N... quietum clamasse... Dat' quarto die octobris anno regni regis'.","Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3543,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 149 (4)","4",,"ff. 27r-28r","Dicciones terminantes in A producuntur","vt pantus egipciusque producuntur","Latin",,,,"Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3544,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 150 (5)","5",,"f. 28r","Tres sunt pedes versificandi in versubus exametris","Trocheus in fine semper sua iura tenebit","Latin",,,,"Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3545,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 150 (6)","6",,"ff. 28v-29r","Quare patent metris gallorum prelia multis","Gallorum prorsus pugnamque metrice laudant","Latin",,,"Lines 7-8 refer to Ely: 'Vnde patet pueris, quod erit Chelyng Elyencis / Victor pre ceteris, cuius superauerat omnes'.","Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3546,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 150 (7)","7",,"ff. 29v-34r","De accentu. Tres sunt species accentus, scilicet grauis accentus","Tetra si detur penultima dissilabetur. Explicit Accentus ex vsu magistri Thome Syltone","Latin",,,"f. 34v contains a baccalaureate exercise, treating a stated theme in prose, 'rhythmus' and verse.","Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3547,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 151 (8)","8",,"ff. 35r-43v","Qvoniam de construccione instat intentio principalis, quid sit construccio","Concepcio numerorum est diccionum in numero diuersarum sub verbo plurali concepcio","Latin",,,,"Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3548,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 151 (9)","9",,"f. 44r-v","God leue it so be. Omnipotens dominus semper annuat omnia nobis","Si tibi deturequus dentes non inrenebis(?)","English","Latin",,"f. 45r is blank.","Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3549,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","UMP 0563","10",,"f. 45v","Cvm animaaduerterem quamplurimos homines","Explicit liber parui Catonis, quod Marchall","Latin",,,,"Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3550,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 151 (11)","11","liber accentarij","ff. 46r-49r","Que non ponuntur hic omnia corripiuntur","cetera curtam . Explicit liber accentarij quod Marchall","Latin",,,,"Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3551,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 152 (12)","12","Explicit Rithmus Sancti Nicholai","f. 49v","Rithmus . Presulis ob festum congaude turma scolarum","Cantica cum rithmis Nicholao pangite gentes. Amen. Explicit Rithmus Sancti Nicholai","Latin",,,,"Thomas Marchall - hand 3.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3552,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","13",,"ff. 51r-59v","In isto capitulo autor intendit determinare de generibus omnium nominum declinabilium [Text] In quantum potero de nomine quolibet in quo","Victrices turbe victriciam tela tulere. Finis Amen. Explicit liber omnium generum declinabilium nominum, et constat Roberto Vlrey","Latin",,,"f. 50r-v is blank. lines 499-693, with prose commentary.","Robert Wulrey: hand 4.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3553,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 153 (14)","14",,"ff. 60r-70r","[I]n precedentibus autor determinauit de generibus nominum; ideo consequenter determinabit de preteritis et supinis","simplicia per iui. Expliciunt preterita et supina, quod Wulrey de Plecy","Latin",,,,"Robert Wulrey: hand 4.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3554,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","15",,"ff. 70r-82v","Magister Alexander de Villa Dei dicit se compositurum quemdam librum qui vocatus Doctrinale ad introduccionem et vtilitatem puerorum in arte gramatica","Tercius et sextus semper formantur in -ebus. Expliciunt declinaciones nominum, quod Robertus Wulrey de Plecy. Nunc finem feci; penitet me si male scripsi. Nunc scripsi totum pro Christo da mihi potum","Latin",,,"Lines 1-313, with prose commentary.","Robert Wulrey: hand 4.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3555,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","16",,"ff. 83r-85v","Autor in presenti capitulo intendit determinare de tribus gradibus comparacionis","Congrua non est hec: fortissimus [est] leo lincum. Explicit liber trium graduum comparacionis",,,,"Lines 458-498, with prose commentary.","Robert Wulrey: hand 4.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3556,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","17",,"ff. 85v-86v","Autor in hoc presenti capitulo docet de preteritis et supinis","Explicit formacio preteritorum et supinorum verborum deponencium","Latin",,,"Lines 932-944, with prose commentary.","Robert Wulrey: hand 4.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3557,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 154 (18)","18",,"ff. 87r-91v","In quantum poterio pueris ethroclita pono","Cetera dant omnes pluralia nomina casus","Latin",,,"With prose commentary.","Robert Wulrey: hand 4.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3558,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","19",,"ff. 91v-105r","Autor in presenti opusculo proposse suo determinabit de producione et corepcione","Explicit V ante singulas consonantes in mediis sillabis","Latin",,,"Lines 1550-2190, with prose commentary.","Robert Wulrey: hand 4.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3559,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 270 (d)","19",,"ff. 105r-107v","Superius autor deter[min]auit de correpcione et produccione omnium sillabarum primarum et mediarum","Inuenies aliqua grecorum nomine longa","Latin",,,"Lines 2191-2281, with prose commentary.","Robert Wulrey: hand 4.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3560,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 155 (21)","21",,"ff. 107v-108r","Vltimo ista ponit autor ipsos sex pedes versificandi","Terna breuis tribraco iambo breuis vsita (sic) longe . Expliciunt regule versificandi","Latin",,,"For the verses cf. Doctrinale, lines 1565-1569. ff. 108v-109r are blank apart from scribbles on f. 109r.","Robert Wulrey: hand 4.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3561,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 155 (22)","22","explicit Artogrophia","ff. 110r-121r","Omnipotens dominus qui linguas fecit disertas in pluribus mundi partibus","graphos quod est scriptura quasi recta scripta . Et isto modo explicit Artogrophia","Latin",,,,"Hand 1.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3562,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","SOPMA 1222","23",,"ff. 122r-157v","[C]onseruentibus solicite clericorum condiciones nunc statuum et graduum diuersorum numerose videntur","Elme tre: vlmus feminini generis, secunde declinacionis (Catchword) Elmesse. [ends imperfect].","English","Latin",,,"Hand 5","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3563,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 156 (24)","24",,"ff. 158r-165v","[Begins incomplete] nes faciunt affirmationem impares negaciones","Ego volo (catchword) tecum (ends imperfectly)","Latin",,,,"Hand 6.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" 3564,"Cambridge St John's College F.26","Thomson Cat 156 (25)","25",,"ff. 178r-188v","A s. non corripitur sed recipitur in composicione","Estque puer purus est sine pube puer. Willelmus [Kreke] . Expliciunt figure parui doctrinalis . Qui scripcit carmen sit benedictus . Amen .","Latin",,,,"Hand 7.", 3565,"Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","UMP 4303","1",,"ff. 1-16v","disese . For whan his fader and his moder were deed bothe they left hym wordly (sic) good ynough","Thus toolde the patriarch of Ierusalem sone after his deth that cam into Englond","English",,,"Begins on St Nicholas, Dec 6th and breaks off on St Thomas of Canterbury, Dec 29th.",,"CUL Cat: II, p. 31" 3566,"Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","IMEV 4019","2","Dame Constavns","ff. 17r-29v","In surrey wylom dwelled a company / Of chapmen ryche and ther to sad and trewe / that wide where sent her spicery / Clothes of golde and satens ryche of hewe","Joye of thys worlde for tyme wolle nat abyde / Fro day to nyght hit chaungethe as the tyde","English",,,"Man of Law's Tale only.","Written by a professional scribe in a secretary hand of the late s. xv.","CUL Cat: II, p. 31" 3567,"Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","IMEV 2662","3","Three Questions [running title]","ff. 30r-32v","The more he stonde ther of in dought / tho knewe he wele the kyngys herte / that for dethe he shulde not sterte","Thus have I seyde that I woll saye","English",,,"A fragment of The Three Questions only (I 3124-3315 with 3163 replaced).","Written by a professional scribe in a secretary hand of the late s. xv.","CUL Cat: II, p. 32" 3568,"Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","IMEV 2662","4","Kynge of HUNGRI [running title]","ff. 33-35v","And fellyn in to talys newe / Howe that the fresche flourys grewe / And howe that the grene leuys spronge / And howe that loue amonge the yonge","The kyng hathe wyth hys wordys wyse / Hys brother thought and alle for yeve / And god geve vs grace welle to leve . Amen.","English",,,"The Trump of Death (I 2083-2251 omitting 2132 with a spurious line added at the end) only.","Written by a professional scribe in a secretary hand of the late s. xv.","CUL Cat: II, p. 32" 3569,"Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","IMEV 3440","5","S. EDMUNDE [running title]","ff. 36-78v","O precyous charbonlce of martyrs alle / O hevynly geme saffer of stabylnes / thyn hevenly dewh of grace lat dovn falle",,"English",,,,"Written by a professional scribe in a secretary hand of the late s. xv.","CUL Cat: II, p. 32" 3570,"Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","IMEV 530","6",,"ff. 78v-89v",,,"English",,,,"Written by a professional scribe in a secretary hand of the late s. xv.","CUL Cat: II, p. 32" 3571,"Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","IMEV 4154","7","The chartur [running title]","ff. 90r-94r","Now derworthy sowle herkyn to me / And a newe joye I shall tell the / Go make a chartur of fesment / Hevyn and erthe shall be present","To that blysse I may the brynge / that of nought made alle thynge . Amen","English",,,,"Written by a professional scribe in a secretary hand of the late s. xv.","CUL Cat: II, p. 33" 3572,"Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","IMEV 2854","8",,"ff. 94v-95v","Seynt Austyn žt brought Crystyndom in to ynglond","that we may come to that ioye žt oure lord vs to bought . Amen.","English",,,,"Written by a professional scribe in a secretary hand of the late s. xv.","CUL Cat: II, p. 33" 3573,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 2731","4",,"ff. 53v-59","Jeu regeierai a toi sire car corou/cie estes a moi",,"Anglo-Norman",,,,,"CN" 3574,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 2732","11",,"f. 85v","Pur restreindre sang fetez poudre de sang dragoun","on lyez a la playe","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"CN" 3575,"London British Library Harley 273","UMP 2733","14",,"ff. 110v-112v","En le nun Jhesu crist. Ci comence une meditacion","iceste main deistre le demustre (111v)","Anglo-Norman",,,"Followed by diagram on 112r.",,"CN" 3576,"London British Library Harley 5396","UMP 2444","1",,"f. 272r-v",,,"English",,,"mention goods such as ?venegar?, knives, wool, wine, various kinds of cloths and skins and a 'penar & ynkhorn' (priced at 3d) in connection with individuals in Coventry, Northampton, London and towns in Gloucestershire.",,"Meale 2001" 3577,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 3883","2",,"ff. 273r-v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3578,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 3932","3",,"f. 273v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3579,"London British Library Harley 5396","UMP 2445","4",,"f. 274r",,,"English",,,"In the hand of the scribe. Two letters, one addressed to his parents, in which he states that he is 'latyng 3ou wyt žat I haue ben at že wrytyng scole and žis letty[r]/ys of myne owne wrytyng', and that he 'tryst to god to do ryght w[el] in schort whyle' and another to an unnamed 'Dere & welbelouyd frende', asking for settlement of a debt, to be brought to him by the bearer of the letter.",,"Meale 2001" 3580,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 2119","5",,"ff. 274v-275r",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3581,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 1226","6",,"f. 275v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3582,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 2052","7",,"ff. 276r-280v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3583,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 463","8",,"f. 280v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3584,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 1899","9",,"ff. 283r-285r",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3585,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 3685","10",,"f. 285v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3586,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 1897","11",,"ff. 286r-289v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3587,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 1982","12",,"ff. 290r-291v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3588,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 1338","13",,"ff. 292r-293v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3589,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 3845","14",,"f. 294r-v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3590,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 884","15",,"ff. 295r-296v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3591,"London British Library Harley 5396","UMP 2446","16",,"f. 296v",,,"English",,,"Added as a filler.",,"Meale 2001" 3592,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 1877","17",,"ff. 297r-300v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3593,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 1718","18",,"ff. 301r-305v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3594,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 2615","19",,"ff. 306r-310r",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3595,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 1319","20",,"ff. 310v-311v",,,"English",,,,,"Meale 2001" 3596,"London British Library Harley 5396","IMEV 987.5","21",,"f. 311v",,,"English",,,"Incomplete.",,"Meale 2001" 3597,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe H.15","1",,"ff. 128-50","and ladies and husbonde men and her wyues","these fewe wordes in helpynge of thy soule. Here endith že tretyse that we clepen fferuor amoris","English",,,"No title and imperfect at the beginning.",,"EETS OS 287" 3598,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe H.13","2","These wordes and this matere whiche is folewynge is an Informacion of Contemplatif lyf and Actif, as it is drawe oute of the Reuelacion of seint Bride","ff. 150-55","I fynde as I rede by doctours","that he folewith mary in contemplatif liuynge","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3599,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe O.23","3","A short Informacyon of actif lyf likned to že liuyng of Martha","ff. 155-56v","Actif lyf is ful meritory","god graunte vs alle grace for his gret mercy Amen amen. Thus endith žis short tretys of actif lif and contemplatif","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3600,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","UMP 3175","4",,"ff. 156v-64","a) Relique cogitacionis diem festum agent tibi . Mi good lord and merciful fader almighty b) Da nobis domine auxilium de tribulacione . Lord graunte vs helpe","a) že grace of the holy goost Amen. Amen b) and say with herte and mouthe Te deum Laudamus . Amen","English","Latin",,,,"EETS OS 287" 3601,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","IMEV 1039","5",,"f. 164r-v","Salue Heyl comely creature","haue mynde on our preiere","English",,,"Followed by a prayer beginning 'Almighty euerlastyng god that hast ordeyned' and ending 'to euerlastyng ioye and blisse . Amen.'",,"EETS OS 287" 3602,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe J.10","6","The mirour and mede of sorow and of tribulacion","ff. 164v-66","Oure lord ihu spekynge of sorow","whiche for hem suffred here right gret and greuous turmentes","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3603,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe E.23","7","Ayenst the excusacion of lechery and othir dedly synnes","ff. 166-7","Seynt Austyn seith that ther may nooman be taken of the deuel","thai that wiln mekely lyuen here saith seint Poule must nede suffre persecucion and sorwe","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3604,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe K.2","8","Hov thou shalt be war and withstande temptacions bothe slepynge and wakynge","ff. 167-8v","By the ordinaunce of god ther ben good aungels","že helthe of man is veyn and right nought","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3605,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe B","9","The counsaill of crist","ff. 168v-70","Crist not compellynge","and vnclennes of this werlde","English",,,"'The counsaill of crist' a treatise forming part of the Pore Caitif.",,"EETS OS 287" 3606,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe B","10","Of Pacience","ff. 170-1","But hoo that is verraily fedde","Al this sentence seith a seynt in his boke","English",,,"Of Pacience only - actually a translation of Chapter 6 of the Emendatio Vitae of Richard Rolle.",,"EETS OS 287" 3607,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe B","11","Of Temptacyon","f. 171r-v","Whan thou art tempted or troubled","by odour of swetnes in the presence of god","English",,,"A part of the Pore Caitif only.",,"EETS OS 287" 3608,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe B","12","Chartre of Heuene","ff. 171v-74v","Euery wise man that claymeth his heritage","Al this sentence saith seint Austyn in his boke to the erle","English",,,"A part of the Pore Caitif only.",,"EETS OS 287" 3609,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe B","13","Hors either armure of heuen","ff. 174v-78","Almighty god seith by holy Iob","hopynge to dwelle ther, worlde withouten ende","English",,,"A part of the Pore Caitif only.",,"EETS OS 287" 3610,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","UMP 3176","14","A tretys that is a rule and a forme of lyuynge perteynyng to a Recluse","ff. 178-92","Suster thou hast ofte axed","Here endith the Reule of a Recluse that seynt Alrede wrote to his suster. And here folewen the Chapiters of že same","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3611,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","IMEV 2347","15","A tretys to lerne to wepe","ff. 192v-205","Now at my thought I wil begynne","and withouten ende welcome to me. Thus endith an exhortacyon of oure lady to meue alle ožer to compassion of wepyng for cristes peyne and passyon","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3612,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","UMP 3177","16","The boke of Tribulacyon","ff. 205-26","Here begynneth the boke of Tribulacyon, sayeng thus","wiž good hert say to him. Da nobis domine auxilium de tribulacione","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3613,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe L.4(a)","17","Here beginneth the boke of the crafte of dyeng","ff. 228-41v","For asmuche as the passage of deeth","mediatour bitwene god and man Amen . Explicit tractatus Vtilissimus de Arte moriendi","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3614,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","Jolliffe I.14","18",,"f. 241v","Haue in mynde that thou hast oo god","suffrynge gret passyon and deeth to saue the","English",,,,,"EETS OS 287" 3615,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","UMP 3178","19",,"ff. 241v-242v","Here folewen foure prophitable thynges to haue in mynde whiche ben had oute of the thridde Chapitre of a deuote tretyse and a fourme of lyuynge that Rycharde Hampole wrote","with hyse seruauntes that is euermore","English",,,"Extract only from Chapter Four.",,"EETS OS 287" 3616,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 3179","1",,"ff. 1r-194r","Excellentissime domine M[argarete] dei gracia illustri regine francie frater J[ohannes] permissione diuina Cantuariensis ecclesie... salutem... Nouit ille qui nichil ignorat","diu conseruet in prosperis clemencia saluatoris . Script Exon' in conuersione apostoli pauli","Latin",,,,,"AS Cat, p. 211" 3617,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 3180","2",,"ff. 195r-205v","Plese a nostre tresexcellent seignur le Roy grantier a vostre pouere humble seruant Jehan Heth","et detenuz del dit suppliant certeins personnes","Anglo-Norman",,,"The last petition is incomplete although space remains for the rest.",,"AS Cat, p. 211" 3618,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 3181","12",,"ff. 346r-350r","Cuiuslibet creature auxilio indigentis intererit","semper excusare moribus et sciencia deuote cum affectu Amen . Explicit tractatus ortographie gallicane per M. T. Coyfurelly. canonicum Aurilianum doctorem Vtriusque iuris de nouo editus secundum modum et formam parisius","Latin",,,,,"AS Cat, p. 212" 3619,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 3182","13",,"ff. 350r-365v","Salus. Vous mandons que vieuez cestes facez batre . Vint quarters de fourment","Escripte a H. depar leuesque de duresme a lerceuesque de Cantirbirs.","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"AS Cat, p. 212" 3620,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 0735","15",,"ff. 378r-379r","Le fouc des mes oralles qui furent en leur clos hier soir","Tanquelle est toumbee les pies contrement","French",,,,,"AS Cat, p. 212" 3621,"Oxford All Souls College 182","UMP 3183","3",,"ff. 209r-310v","Reuerent pere en dieu. Nous auons grande cause de nous merueiller","A tresnoble seigneur le Cont de Westmerland","Anglo-Norman",,,,,"AS Cat, p. 211" 3622,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 795","TK 9","1","de simplicibus medicinis","ff. 1-244","Abominatio . Castanee abominationem constringunt","Explicit tractatus optimus de simplicibus medicinis ad singulas corporis egritudines per fratrem Will?m Holme medicum ordinis ffratrum minorum annum domini 1415 excerptus a 12 medicine doctoribus","Latin",,,"Index provided on ff. v-vi in hand of the scribe.",, 3623,"London British Library Sloane 5","UMP 3833","6",,"61-63",,,"Latin",,,,, 3624,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Walther 20582","11",,"f. 89v-90r","Viribus arte minis danaum data Troia ruinis","Vicio pugnatur fit machina Troia crematur. EXPLICIT EXCIDIUM TROIE","Latin",,,"Follows immediately on from item 10.",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42"