"ProducerID","Classmark","Scribe","Artist","Binder","Bookseller","Notes" 2,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 369/591",1,0,0,0,"Contains the note 'Expl. questiones moralis philosophie dedaci scripte Cantabrigie in hospicio S. Edmundi Regis viz. harlyston place in tempore autumpni per M. J. Howysson de Wygenhale in Com. Norff. a.d. m. cccc. lxvij'." 3,"Cambridge St John's College A.12 (I)",1,0,0,0,"Written by John Lutton, scribe and brewer, working in Oxford. Contains the note on f. 218r: 'Et hic finis. Qui scripsit librum Ion Lutton est sibi nomen Qui scripsit scriptum sit benedictus in euum'. Other MSS by Lutton are: BL Arundel 86; BL Royal 4.C.VI; Chetham's 11379; Winchester Cathedral 16; Oxford Bodleian Library 716 ff. 76-133." 3,"London British Library Royal 4.C.VI",1,0,0,0,"Colophon, f.215: 'Qui scripsit scriptum Ion Lutton est sibi nomen: Dignus est operarius mercede sua'." 4,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603",1,0,0,0,"Possibly the scribe - for his own use?" 5,"Cambridge Trinity College B.11.11",0,1,0,0,"Based on style of decoration." 7,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.2",0,0,0,0,"He wrote only the first two leaves and the first column of the third leaf of quire 11 (fol. 84r). Scribe A commenced on the verso of this leaf and completed the quire." 7,"Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9",1,0,0,0,"Actual autograph manuscript; f. 95r, lower right, 'Humble seruant to your gracious noblesse T. Hoccleue'." 7,"London British Library Additional 24062",1,0,0,0,"Compiled by Thomas Hoccleve and almost entirely in his writing. f. 101v: ""Hie finitur calendera istius libri secundum composi- cionem Thome Hoclyf, facta per manum suam ad finem libri;"" and in the margin of f. 124, against a document in a different hand, is written ""secundum copiam Hocclief.""" 7,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 111",1,0,0,0,"Autograph manuscript." 7,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 744",1,0,0,0,"ff. 25-68v, copied by Hoccleve; see H. C. Schulz, ?Thomas Hoccleve, Scribe,? Speculum 12 (1937) 71-81 with a plate of HM 744, f. 46v (1 stanza)." 8,"Cambridge University Library Ee.1.14",0,1,0,0,"Scott attributes the initials on fols. 9, 41v, 44 and 47, 53 to Herman Scheere." 8,"London British Library Additional 16998",0,1,0,0,"The inscription 'hermannus scheerre me fecit' appears on the background of a miniature on f. 37. Scott argues that not all the miniatures are the work of Scheere however and attributes those on fols. 8, 9v, 10v, 15, 17, 19v, 37, 38v, 40, 44, 52, 65, 67, 73v, 77, 78, 79, 87, 87v, 88 to him." 8,"London British Library Additional 36683",0,1,0,0,"Decoration probably from the second half of the career of Hermann Scheere, the artist based in London, from probably c.1400-1419." 8,"London British Library Lansdowne 851",0,1,0,0,"Scott attributes the portrait on fol. 2r to Herman Scheere." 9,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.3",1,0,0,0, 9,"London British Library Additional 21410",1,0,0,0, 9,"London British Library Harley 7184",1,0,0,0, 9,"London Lambeth Palace Library 256",1,0,0,0, 9,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 2",1,0,0,0,"Writes fols 24-24v, 34-41v, 66-73v (quires 5 and 9 and the 5th of 6 in quire 3 (LRM)" 10,"London British Library Additional 48031A",1,0,0,0,"'per me JV' occurs twice in the margin on ff. 94, 119v and 'by me JV' occurs at the end of two letters on f. 187v." 11,"London British Library Additional 62523",0,1,0,0,"The border artist for this manuscript." 12,"London British Library Arundel 327",1,0,0,0,"At the end is this note, ""Translatyd into Englys be a doctor of dyuynite clepyd Osbern Bokenam, frere Austyn, of the convent of Stokclare;"" there is added in another hand; ""and was doon wrytyn in Cane bryge by his sone Frere Thomas Burgh, the yere of our lord a thousand foure hundryth seuyn and fourty, whose expence dreu thretty schyligyns, and yafe yt on to this holy place of nunnys that şei shuldo have mynd on hym and of hys systyr dame Betrice Burgh; of şe wych soulys Jhesu have mercy. Amen.""" 13,"Cambridge University Library Add. 7318",1,0,0,0,"This compiler, possibly the William Broun mentioned in item 1, seems to have been a local practitioner dealing with relatively minor business. Many of the wills have not been found in the probate registers. Since there are no notes of litigation, it is supposed that the compiler was a local scrivener rather than an attorney." 14,"Harvard Countway 19",1,0,0,0,"A. I. Doyle suggests that this is the ?litill boke of phisyke? copied by William Ebesham for John Paston II. Ebesham charged twenty pence for the book, but evidently had difficulty receiving payment, as he had to ask for it on at least two occasions (Davis 1971 II: nos. 751; 755)." 14,"London British Library Lansdowne 285",1,0,0,0,"The ?Grete Boke? is referred to in two bills from William Ebesham to Sir John Paston dating from after June/July 1468. Close comparison of the contents of this manuscript and Ebesham?s descriptions prove that BL, MS Lansdowne 285 is indeed the ?Grete Boke?." 15,"Glasgow University Library Hunter V.8.12",1,0,0,0,"We are told that he was the scribe by the will one of the owners of the manuscript, John Sperhawke, who was a fellow at Pembroke at the same time as Westhaugh. The language is distinctly East Anglian, indicating that this is likely to have been Westhaugh?s native dialect." 16,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336",1,0,0,0,"A single hand for all items except 4, identified on f. 36r as that of Symon Wysbech, student of canon law at Cambridge. Wysbech wrote the volume for Robert Taylour of Boxford in Suffolk. f. 36r: ?Explicit good gouernanse quod symen. Nunc scripsitotum pro christo da michi potum. Iste liber constat Roberto Taylour de Boxforde. Omnibus omnia non mea sompnia dicere possum. Quod Symon Wysbech scolaris cantabrig . inceptor canonum et legens sive studens in iure canonica. Symon Wysbech studens in iure canonico . Hec predicta scripsit benedictur deus.?" 17,"Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006",1,0,1,0,"pp. 377-378: The page constituting the verso if p. 377 has been pasted to that forming the recto of p. 378. The former appears to be blank, but the latter has at the head 'Johannes kiriel:' in ornamental script, preceded by a red capitulum mark, the inking of which shows through clearly on p. 378. Below, about a quarter of the way down the page, is 'LIBER T' in large black letters, the hand larger than that of the first inscription. It should be noted that the scribe's procedure in beginning item 18, the Complaint of Mars, on a verso (p. 378) would be somewhat unusual if the preceding recto were blank. It is therefore possible that John Kiriel's name was already on the recto when the scribe of item 18 came to write, a possibility reinforced by the presence of the red capitulum mark preceding the name, which appears similar to the rubrication in the surrounding pages. It may well be that John Kiriel was connected with the production of this manuscript." 18,"London British Library Harley 3742",1,1,0,0,"f. 240v ?et sic perfectus est iste tractatus breuissimus in collegio animarum Oxon? Anno domini Millesimo quadringentesimo quinto quod Norfolk scriptor ac compilator huius tractatus. Explicit?." 21,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447",1,0,0,0,"ff. 3r - 11v; 59r-65r, 82r-98v. Small well-formed anglicana bookhand, with some secretary influence." 22,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447",1,0,0,0,"ff. 12r - v, 16v-47r, 50v-53v, 58r-v, 65r-81v, 99r-145v. Anglicana hand with secretary influence." 23,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447",1,0,0,0,"ff. 13r - 16v, 47r - 49r. S.xv med, an anglicana hand with secretary influence." 24,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447",1,0,0,0,"ff. 49v - 50r, 54r - 57v. S.xv med, an anglicana hand with secretary influence." 25,"Cambridge St John's College F.26",1,0,0,0,"Sections C and D (ff. 35-49), c. 1438-9: A fairly neat mixed bookhand, with various display scripts, occasional attempts at secretary (f. 25r top, f. 43v bottom) and a larger less formal hand." 26,"Cambridge St John's College F.26",1,0,0,0,"Sections A nd G (1-12; 110-121): s.xv med, a small and fairly neat anglicana hand with some secretary forms." 27,"Cambridge St John's College F.26",1,0,0,1,"Section B ((13-24): s.xv med, a small and very neat secretary hand" 28,"Cambridge St John's College F.26",1,0,0,0,"Sections E and F (ff. 50-66). S.xv med - 3/4, a small plain consistent anglicana hand with secretary influence." 29,"Cambridge St John's College F.26",1,0,0,0,"Section H (122-157). S.xv 3/4: an untidy anglicana hand." 30,"Cambridge St John's College F.26",1,0,0,0,"Section J (158-61, 168-171, 166-7, 176-7, 172-5, 162-5). S.xv 3/4: a scrawled anglicana hand." 31,"Cambridge St John's College F.26",1,0,0,0,"Section K (178-189), s.xv: a large loose anglicana hand with little secretary influence." 32,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 210",0,1,0,0,"p. 129. Harvey (1969: xiii) 'It seems probable that the careful drawing as well as the names of the mouldings came from 'Benet le Fremason' (Benedict Crosse).'" 33,"Cambridge Corpus Christi College 210",1,0,0,0, 33,"Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674",1,0,0,0,"A volume made of 2 quires written by William Worcester in Oxford in 1437 and seven quires written by him in Bristol in 1438. There are also notes probably written in Norwich in the book." 33,"Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)",1,0,0,0,"Supplemented in Bristol by William Worcester in 1438.f. 1: 'Explicit Kalendarium secundum laborem fratris Iohannis Somour scriptum Bristoll' per manusm Willelmi Wercestre ad instanciam Ricardi Roper annon domini 1438 incompleto, Et anno regni Regis Henrici 6ti post conquestum 16o 14o die mensis Augusti in Meridie Deo Gracias'." 34,"Oxford All Souls College 78",0,0,1,0, 35,"Oxford All Souls College 78",1,0,0,0,"Written by John Racour, d. 1487. On fol. 1r 'Liber Collegij omnium animarum fidelium defunctorum de Oxon' and on f. 2r is 'Liber Collegij animarum omnium fidelium defunctorum in Ox' Ex dono M. Johannis Racour doctoris in medicinis nuper socij eiusdem. Cuius anime propicietur deus Amen'. On back pastedown 'Liber Collegij animarum in Oxon'." 36,"Oxford Magdalen College Lat. 4",0,0,0,1,"f. 284r: 'Liber Thome Wyche emptus per eum Oxonie de Johanne More in quaternis non illuminatis nec ligatis .12. die aprilis Anno domini Mo . CCCC. quinquagesimo quinto pro .xiij.s. iiij.d.?. A similar inscription, where More is described as stacionarius is on 284v, but is dated 1454. Watson: ?Presumably the latter was written first, and when the book was bound it was lost by being glued inside the pastedown; the inscription was then rewritten on fol. 284 with the date changed.?" 37,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 785",0,0,0,1,"The mark of Thomas Hunt, the Oxford stationer (s.xv ? later) occurs, f. 280r." 38,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 140",1,0,0,0,"f. 54r:' Et scriptus a Willelmo de Glen Magna'." 40,"Oxford Bodleian Library Wood empt. 15",1,0,0,0,"'Explicit tractatus quidam phisice scriptus Exon? per manus J. Bobych . Iam summus in fine laus autori medicine' [f. v verso]." 41,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52",1,0,0,0,"Scribe and owner: John Maynesforth; originally from Durham, graduate and fellow of Merton College, Oxford: ?Iste liber legatur communi librarie Collegij de Merton in Oxonia per Johannem Maynesforth quondam socium euiisdem & subdecanum ecclesie cathedralis Cicestrensis?. Maynsforth was elected fellow of Merton in 1425, and wrote this volume at about that date. ?10 de sorte Hyll?? no doubt a reference to Robert Hill, elected fellow of Merton in 1492, and the borrowing of books by fellows of Merton, late s.xv." 42,"Cambridge University Library Ii.6.1",1,0,0,0," Fol. 150v: 'Explicit hoc opus per hermannum .z. alias de Gripeswaldis Anno domini M cccc xlix . xxvj mensis augusti'. Signs and dates on fol. 110v also." 42,"London Lambeth Palace Library 444 [II]",1,0,0,0,"Hermann Zurke gives his name and date (1451) in colophons on fols. 37, 46v; fol. 37: ?Deo laus et matri eius gloriose. A. d. m. cccc. li. vicesimo quinto die mensis oct. in Catstrette in opido oxon. per hermannum de Gripesswaldis alias Zureke? fol. 46v: ?Expl. lib. Microt. Gal. de 12 portis a.d. 1451. 3o die mens. Nouemb. in vico muriligorum in parrochia s. marie feria 4a hora quasi 5a post prandium. Per hermannum zureken alias de Gripessualdis?." 42,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361",1,0,0,0,"Colophons on pp. 111 (1459, May 31), 203 (1455, Oct. 15, at Sarum), 330, 334 (1456, Oct. 16 and 20), 393, 424, 458 (1453, Nov. 6 and 28, Dec. 14), show that Hermannus Zurke of Griefswald wrote the volume in four pieces, partly or wholly at Salisbury, between 1453 and 1459." 42,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 362",1,0,0,0,"Lengthy colophons by scribe Hermann Zurke of Griffeswalde, ?scriptor Oxoniensis & seruitor...venerabilis magistri Gilberti Kymer? Oxford and Salisbury - copied by Hermann Zurke of Griefswald for Gilbert Kymer Colophons: 1. f. 184r; 1448 2. f. 185r 3. f. 237v 4. f. 246v [1449/50, Jan 30]. 5. f. 272r [1453, Sept 1]. 6. f. 334v [1454/55] These show that the writer of the whole volume was Hermanneus Zurke, alias de Gripesuualdis (or Griffeswaldis) ?scriptor Oxoniensis & seruitor ? venerabilis magistri Gilberti [Kymer]?, and that the work was undertaken from 1448 ? to Jan 1454/55. Kymer was chancellor of the University 1449 ? 53. He was connected with the household of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and was dean of Salisbury from 1449 until his death in 1463. The actual place of writing was probably Oxford, perhaps until Kymer resigned the Chancellorship on May 11, 1453 and after that Salisbury (arts 2 ? 3 probably written there) f. 272r ?In Sarum? Sept 1, 1453. The colophon at f. 246v states that Gadesden?s ?Opus? was ?comparartum per egregium virum magistrium Gilbertum [Kymer] cancellarium Oxoniensem & scriptum per (etc)'." 43,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300",1,0,0,0,"Partly written by the owner, John Holbroke, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge (fellow from 1393, master from 1421, d. 1437)." 44,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648",0,0,1,0,"(Similar to MSS 233 and 3413, and to Douce bindings 112 and 124)." 45,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. A. 359",1,0,0,0,"f. 145v: 'Ut vulgus fatur T. Stanlegh scriba vocatur/ Et si quaeretur apud Excetre inveniatur'." 46,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42",0,1,0,0,"Or at least in the school of this artist." 47,"Oxford Bodleian Library Add 370",1,0,0,0,"f. 190v: ?... Walterum de burley Anglicum scriptus per manus fratris Johannis de gelria Alamani in prouincia anglie in villa london?." 48,"Oxford Bodleian Library Selden sup. 40",1,0,0,0,"Colophon on f. 133v: ?by me, Rychards Lostman, preyst? (very rubbed)." 49,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 131",1,0,0,0,"Written towards the middle of the fifteenth century by John Morton of York. 'quod John Morton' on f. 121v (the end of Nicholas Love's Mirroure of the Blissid Lyf of Jesu Criste). Some Latin documents are bound with it, one of which is a recommendation on behalf of John Morton and his wife, Juliana, to the spiritual aid of the Austin Friars, which is dated at York in 1438." 50,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 283",0,1,0,0, 51,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543",1,0,0,0,"Copied parts of this MS." 52,"London British Library Royal 8.D.X",0,0,0,1,"f. 206 ?istum librum emi London. a Pye stacyonario . prec xx.s? The catalogue states that this is an s.xvi hand, but I see no reason to date it later than 1500, and Pye himself was working in the mid to late s.xv." 52,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110",0,0,0,1,"f. 1r (bottom): ?Hunc librum emit W. C[leue] de J. Pye stacionario Londo? xo die Augusti anno regni regis Edwardi iiijti tertio coram Roberto Paling? . f. 1r (top) ?precium xx s?" 53,"Lincoln Cathedral 60 (A.6.11)",1,1,0,0,"Written and most probably decorated by Cederwalt. 'Tractatus uirtutum explicit. Benedictus Dominius uirtutum qui incepit et perfecit. Amen. Scriptus per manus Petri Cederwalt nacione Almanie dis [a tear in the parchment] uentem Londonie in Anglia anno Domini mcccc quintagesimo tercio. Ipsa die mensis Ianuarii uicesima septima Deo gratias'." 54,"Oxford All Souls College 182",0,0,0,0,"Possibly compiler: f. 194r (190r): 'Liber Willelmi Elyot Rectoris Ecclesie de Blackauton quem emit de executoribus M. Johannis Stevenes nuper Canonici Exon' et Rectoris ecclesie de Blackauton'; fol. 205v (201v): 'liber Willelmi Elyot Clerici quem emit de executoribus M. Johannis Stevenes nuper Canonici Exon' manu mea propria'. Stevenes not only owned part B, which before the loss of eight quires was originally larger, but had a part in the making of it; letter 320 (fol. 306r) (300r) is addressed to a Master J. Steuenys and so is probably letter 321 on the same page , which is from the same writer to an unnamed addressee. Richardson 224, considers that everything about A is consistent with its having been compiled by or on behalf of Stevenes." 55,"Glasgow University Library Hunter U.1.1",1,0,0,0,"Copied by the father and son team, Geoffrey and Thomas Spirleng, of Norwich. The two hands are quite similar, but have recently been distinguished by Richard Beadle: ?Thomas?s hand, which appears only briefly in Gl, alternates in several places with Geoffrey?s, between fols 91 and 99v, but his stints include rubrication and some insertions and corrections by his father? (Beadle 1997, p. 133)." 56,"Glasgow University Library Hunter U.1.1",1,0,0,0,"Copied by the father and son team, Geoffrey and Thomas Spirleng, of Norwich. The two hands are quite similar, but have recently been distinguished by Richard Beadle: ?Thomas?s hand, which appears only briefly in Gl, alternates in several places with Geoffrey?s, between fols 91 and 99v, but his stints include rubrication and some insertions and corrections by his father? (Beadle 1997, p. 133)." 57,"London British Library Lansdowne 851",1,0,0,0,"Possible connection: On fol. 98r, written vertically at the fore-edge is ?Symond.? The name ?Medoltun? is written in drypoint at the top of fol. 187r and possibly in drypoint in the margin of fol. 17r. Manly-Rickert suggest this is possibly the name of the scribe or limner, (John Melton or Gilbert Melton; see also Christianson 1990, pp. 133-134), and they note that a ?Simon Pavye [?Symond??] was also a London scrivener in 1392? (1:308)." 58,"London British Library Lansdowne 851",1,1,0,0,"Christianson 1990, pp. 133-134 Manly-Rickert suggest this is possibly the name of the scribe or limner." 59,"London British Library Lansdowne 851",1,1,0,0,"Manly-Rickert suggest this is possibly the name of the scribe or limner, (John Melton or Gilbert Melton; see also Christianson 1990, pp. 133-134), (1:308)." 60,"London British Library Harley 7333",1,0,0,0,"Manly-Rickert... believe the Doctor Peni reference at the foot of fol. 150r (?doctor peni writ this booke?) refers to John Penny (1:214-215)." 61,"Aberystwyth National Library of Wales Peniarth 392 (Hg)",1,0,0,0,"Principal scribe" 61,"Cambridge Trinity College B.15.17",1,0,0,0, 61,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.2",1,0,0,0,"Copied ff. 9-32v." 61,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.C.9",1,0,0,0,"Main scribe" 62,"London British Library Additional 19046",1,0,0,0,"ff. 1r-16v, 20r-63r, 65r-73r, 74r, 75r-81r, 81v S.xv med, an untidy mixed hand, using various display scripts." 64,"London British Library Additional 19046",1,0,0,0,"fols. 84r-133v. s.xv2, a mixed hand." 65,"London British Library Additional 19046",1,0,0,0,"Wrote ff. 63v, 64r, 83v in a s.xvi, scrawled secretary hand." 66,"London British Library Additional 19046",1,0,0,0,"f. 73v: s.xvi in, a large square secretary hand." 67,"London British Library Additional 37075",1,0,0,0,"ff. 199r-204v. s.xv med anglicana hand." 68,"London British Library Additional 37075",1,0,0,0,"ff. 235r-243v. s.xv med, a mixed hand." 69,"London British Library Additional 37075",1,0,0,0,"ff. i verso, iir-v, 7r-25v, 31r-36v, 41r-198v, 203v-204v (added notes), 205r-234v, 243v (scribbles), 244r top, 245r-275r, 276r-330v, 354v-360v, ?361r-381r, 381r-v, 382r-410v. s.xv2, a mixed hand." 81,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)",1,0,0,0,"ff. 3r-33v, 35v-36r, ?43v passim (names of bearers of arms), f. 37r-v. c. 1489-1511, writing in secretary and bastard secretary hands." 82,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)",1,0,0,0,"f. 1r and foliation." 83,"Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)",1,0,0,0,"ff. 1r, 2r-v and passim." 84,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26",1,0,0,0,"ff. 3r, 5r-v, 6v, 62v, 63r-v, 64v. s.xiv/xv English, an anglicana hand with some secretary influence." 85,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26",1,0,0,0,"ff. 3r, 4v, ?137r-v, 138r-v, 139r-v, 140r-v. s.xv1 English, a large ill-formed anglicana hand, and a smaller version with secretary influence." 86,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26",1,0,0,0,"ff. 3r, 64v, 138r s.xv1 English, a scrawled secretary hand." 87,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26",1,0,0,0,"ff. 6v, 1237v s.xv1 English, a neat secretary hand." 88,"Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26",1,0,0,0,"ff. 4r, ?84v, 85r, 137r, 138r-, 139v, 140r-v s.xv med English, a rapid personal mixed hand." 89,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58",1,0,0,0,"ff. 23r-?25br, 54r-v. s.xv ex, a mixed hand." 90,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58",1,0,0,0,"ff. 34r-39v, ?46r-53v s.xv ex, a mixed hand, with the section ff. 46r-53v (if by him) in a squarer and less cursive mixed hand." 91,"Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328",1,0,0,0,"s.xv2. The majority of the manuscript, excluding the passages specified as being by the other hands, is in a group of hands including a rapid mixed bookhand (e.g. ff. 140r-150r), a version of this with more sharply angled strokes (e.g. ff. 121v, 122r), a spindly mixed document hand (e.g. ff. 125v, 126r) and a version of this with the ascender and descender coinciding (e.g. 137r-139r, 174v-175r). These hands possibly all represent the work of Walter Pollard and show his handwriting developing over a period of perhaps 40 years. On f. 162r is the note: 'Qui librum scripcit Walterus Pollard benedixit'." 92,"Eton College 34",1,0,0,0,"Wrote arts 2-4 in 1443. At the end of item 2, he writes 'scriptus per Willelmum Gybbe capellanum parochie de Wysebech'." 93,"York Minster Add. 30",1,0,0,0,"The note on f. 132 'Thomas Lemyng dwellyng in Yorke' may record the name of the scribe responsible for that part of the manuscript." 94,"Gloucester Cathedral 21",1,0,0,0,"Mainly written by Argentine and contains notes in his hand, for example, at the foot of f. 162 which ends 'Hanc lineam horarum et minutorum addidit Ioh' Argenten ad tabulas Willelmi Norwhich' et hunc canonem edidit anno domini 1477 imperfecto'.Mostly written by John Argentine (provost of King's College, Cambridge, d. 1508), except 1-4/8, 5v-6, 10rv, 12rv, 115v/15-134v, 203v/18-219, 229v-232. For John Argentine see also, C.H. Talbot & E.A. Hammond, The Medical Practitioners in medieval England (1965) 112." 95,"Eton College 117",0,0,0,1, 96,"Eton College 117",0,0,0,1, 97,"Winchester Cathedral 15",1,0,0,0,"Colophons to Item 1 and 4 'Quod M.W. Grene'." 98,"London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus",1,0,0,0,"Mostly written in London by Arnald Thedmar and a scribe employed by him." 98,"London Guildhall 3313",1,0,0,0,"Wrote ff. 145-156, 165-369." 99,"Cambridge St John's College H. 5",1,0,0,0, 99,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 932",1,0,0,0,"f. 13v 'Ricardus Franciscus Scripsit Anno domini 1447'. see Scott 1968 and Jefferson 1995 for a list of further manuscripts copied by this scribe." 100,"London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.44",1,0,0,0, 100,"San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13",1,0,0,0,"He copied a couplet of verse and 5 stanzas on ff. iiv iii." 101,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.19",1,0,0,0,"On f. 291r 'Hic liber quo ad scripturam finitus est per gratiam patris & filii & spiritus sancti per Joh. Weston de linc' scriptorem X die maij Anno dni millo CCCC XXV & A h Reg' vj tercio'." 102,"Oxford Balliol College 28",1,0,0,0,"f. 258r 'Finitus per manus Tielmanni/filij Reyneri almani oriundi in Hollandia Anno domini M cccc xlij in profesto sancte gertrudis'." 103,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851",1,0,0,0,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 25-26: 'A scribe called Dodsthorp wrote most of the entries of fols 2r and 3r, the Miles Gloriosus on fol. 5r-v (2 columns, 54 lines), No. 5 on fols 75va-76rb (using the original layout, 45-47 lines per column), and No. 20 on fols 120vb-123ra (at first re-ruling for 43 lines, then increasing to as many as 58). He has two scripts, one somewhat more formal than the other with some Secretary features'." 104,"Chicago Newberry Library +33.3",0,1,0,0, 105,"Bristol All Saints Church 1",1,0,0,0,"Wrote f. 1v-2, 3-25." 106,"York Minster XVI.I.5",1,0,0,0,"Ker suggests that it may have been written by Ryppley; MMBL IV: 712" 107,"Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 2",1,0,0,0,"Main scribe: writes fols 1-23v, 25-33v, 42-65v, 74-169." 108,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71",1,0,0,0,"P. 251 (in red): 'Finitur scriptum anno domini millesimo ccccmo xxxviij in vigilia Assumpcionis uirginis . Explicit liber nonus beati Ambrosii mediolanensis Episcopi de fide Ad Gracianum Imperatorem romanum semper Aug? per Crome'. The date 1438 is also given in the colophon on p. 340 ?Scriptus london? anno mimo ccccmo xxxviij? The scribe, Walter Crome (BRUC 168) also copied pp. 1-80 and pp. 341-422. Pp. 423-41 are by another scribe, and pp. 442 ? 47 blank. Crome provided a list of contents for the volume on p. ii. However, the contents of pp. 1- 80 are not given in the list of Crome?s donations to the college." 109,"London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII",1,0,0,0,"Signed by scribe, ff. 161ra, 183ra, etc.: f. 161ra: rubric ?Explicit tractatus de amicicia xpiana / Quod Willelmus Bedmyster?; f. 183ra: rubric ?Explicit tractatus Petri Blesensis perfidiam iudeorum / Quod Willëlmüs Bedmester?." 109,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 795",1,0,0,0,"On f. 244v 'Hunc librum scripsit Willelmus Bedmistre oxonie Anno domini. 1435. Orate specialiter per eo in spicientes prefatum librum'." 110,"Cambridge University Library Dd.7.10",1,0,0,0, 110,"Cambridge University Library Dd.7.7",1,0,0,0, 110,"Cambridge University Library Dd.7.8",1,0,0,0, 110,"Cambridge University Library Dd.7.9",1,0,0,0, 110,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C",1,0,0,0, 111,"Cambridge St John's College I.19",1,0,0,0,"f. 28v: ?Iste libellus scriptus fuit in Oxonia. tempore Ricardi regis IIdo et anne regine. quod Glyn?." 112,"Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 669*/646",1,0,0,0,"Written and signed by Cok. His signature appears on ff. ivr, 209r and 210r." 113,"Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11",1,0,0,0, 113,"Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52",1,0,0,0, 113,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21",1,0,0,0,"He wrote ff. 34r-49v." 113,"London British Library Additional 29901",1,0,0,0,"See Mooney (2000)" 113,"London British Library Additional 34360",1,0,0,0, 113,"London British Library Arundel 59",1,0,0,0, 114,"Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14",1,0,0,0, 115,"Cambridge St John's College H. 5",1,0,0,0,"He was responsible for the frontispiece miniature in this manuscript." 115,"Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16",0,1,0,0,"See Alexander 1972" 115,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 932",0,1,0,0,"see J. J. G. Alexander, ?William Abell ?lymnour? and 15th Century English Illumination,? Kunsthistorische Forschungen Otto Pächt zu seinem 70. Geburtstag, ed. A. Rosenauer and G. Weber (Salzburg 1972) 1660-72, especially 167, n. 8." 116,"London British Library Arundel 99",1,0,0,0, 116,"London British Library Harley 4826",1,0,0,0, 117,"Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12",1,0,0,0, 117,"Oxford All Souls College 17",0,0,0,0,"It contains various textual revisions and annotations in his hand and was one of the books produced under his direction." 117,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 55",1,0,0,0,"Written in a secretary script by John Capgrave." 119,"Cambridge University Library Dd. 14.2",1,0,0,0,"Fol. 312: 'Memorandum quod In vigilia Sancti Martini in yeme Anno domini M CCCC xxxij . Annoque regni regis henrici vjti xjto Istud librum fuit finitum per Nicholaum Bysshopp de Oxon' filium et heredem Bartholomei Bysshop'. A register of deeds and rentals relating to Oxford, arranged by parishes. Bishop also copied the Short English Metrical Chronicle which extends down to 1431." 120,"London Guildhall 208",1,0,0,0,"Fol. 11v: 'Iste liber constat Thome Segden principali de Furnyvale Inne In holborn' Scriptus per J. Lake Anno domini Millesimo CCCC lvij Et anno regni regis henrici vj post conquestum /xxxiiij et/ xxxv/ quem idem [...] cond[...] et finitur scriptura eius per eundem Johannem Lake de Furnyvale Inne in festo sancti Martini in yeme eodem anno /xxxv/ et kalendar' est ex manu et ex abstraccione mei dicti Th. Segden etc'." 121,"London Guildhall 208",0,0,1,0,"Binding by the 'Scales Binder' inscribed with the name 'T. Segden' in cuir ciselé on the lower case (s. xv)." 122,"Cambridge University Library Ff.6.11",1,0,0,0,"F. 32: ?Actor huius opusculi erat ffrater Thomas Bradley Monachus et Anachorita de Civitate Norwyci in conventu Carmelitarum?." 123,"Oxford Exeter College 58",1,0,0,0,"On fol. 190v, with the last line partly trimmed away, is 'Liber Magistri Rogeri Keys scriptus Anno domini Willelmi [Salamonis]'." 124,"Oxford Exeter College 52",0,1,0,0,"Illuminated by John Bray between 1480-84 in Oxford." 126,"Oxford All Souls College 91",1,0,0,0,"'R. Marchall' in explicit on f. 221v." 127,"Cambridge University Library Mm.5.14",1,0,0,0, 128,"Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6",1,0,0,0,"On f. 1 is written, among other entries ?Thus endith the contentes of this Booke: Quod Richard Fox?." 129,"London British Library Additional 59855",1,0,0,0,"Colophon at f. 280v: 'nomen scriptoris est Iohannis plenus amoris'." 131,"Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129",1,0,0,0,"Written by Thomas Schort in Bristol. f. 18 (covering ff. 7-18) states: 'Expliciunt tractatus de regiminibus scriptus bristolie super nouam portam. per manus Thome Schort octauo die mensis maij Anno domini M CCCC xx vij' and f. 24 (covering ff. 18v-24) states: 'Explicit tractatus.. die generibus nominum secundum vsum oxonie quen edidit Magister Johannes laylond Scriptus Bristollie per manus Thome Schort . xxo die mensis may secundum computacionem ecclesie Anglicane . anno m CCCCmo xxviij ... Quod Schort'. On f. 30v, covering ff. 25v-30v: 'Quod Schort'." 133,"London British Library Harley 2887",0,1,0,0, 133,"Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 283",0,1,0,0, 134,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19",1,0,0,0,"Wrote booklets I-IV, VII-X." 134,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21",1,0,0,0,"The main hand in this manuscript." 135,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.2",1,0,0,0,"Writing in anglicana formata, copied 6 quires (9, 15-19) and completed quire 14 begun by scribe A." 135,"Oxford Corpus Christi College 67",1,0,0,0, 136,"London British Library Additional 24361",1,0,0,0,"f. 89v contains the colophon: 'Explicit Biblia versificata per libros et capitula quod Walterus Hotham Monachus'." 137,"London Lambeth Palace Library 491",1,0,0,0, 137,"San Marino Huntington Library HM 114",1,0,0,0, 138,"Manchester Chethams Library 8009",1,0,0,0, 138,"New York Pierpont Morgan Library MS Bühler 5",1,0,0,0, 139,"Oxford Exeter College 52",1,0,0,0,"Possibly written by William Osborne, who entered into an agreement with Roger Keys in 1466 to copy for him and no one else." 140,"Oxford St John's College 57",1,0,0,0,"See Matheson and Mooney 2003" 141,"Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19",1,0,0,0,"Wrote booklets XI and XIII." 141,"Oxford St John's College 266",1,0,0,0, 142,"Oxford Brasenose College 14",0,0,0,1,"A loose strip of parchment found in the MS (now bound in with the front flyleaves), has written on it, in a late s.xv/xvi hand: ?Liber magistri Attewater emptus Londonijs per M. Willelmo Menyman . Colleg. Whityngton soc.?"