"Classmark","TownName","Owner?","Producer?","Content?","Notes" "Aberystwyth National Library of Wales Peniarth 392 (Hg)","London",0,1,0,"Written by Adam Pinkhurst, working in London." "Barnstaple, North Devon Athenaeum 1618","Oxford",0,1,1,"The name of Oxford occurs in a phrase on f. 16 and one on f. 16v. Ker suggests the manuscript many have been written in Oxford (MMBL II: 53)." "Barnstaple, North Devon Athenaeum 3960","Oxford",1,0,1,"Some additions are memoranda about moneys received and paid out by Mr John Arundell (fellow of Exeter College Oxford), whose name occurs on ff.i, 10rv, 43v. Salter showed that the memoranda are mainly about money received by Arundell as principal of a hall, possibly St Mildred's Hall, Oxford, and spent by him on behalf of his pupils. Thus, for example, we have on f. 10 a memorandum of the money received from Thomas Russell 'pro filio suo Iohanne' in 1424." "Bristol All Saints Church 1","Bristol",1,0,0,"The inside of the old parchment cover, now f. iii v and f. 191r, and the recto of f. 1, originally blank, contain memoranda, partly legible by ordinary light, of the affairs of a Bristol merchant trading with Ireland, s.xv1, for example, f. 1, 'be hit in mynd şt Rechard olfe hath resseuid of my maister Water Pouer (?) at brystow'. Personal and place-names are 'Wylliam Lincoll' at Clonmell (?), John Slater at Lymryke', 'geffrey mayow at water[ford]' and 'Nycollas Serche'. A bond in Latin in which William More of Bristol acknowledges a debt owing to Edward Leycetre of Gloucester, f. 191, may be rather later. For persons named Walter Power, William Lincoln, and William More, s.xiv ex - xv in, see E. M. Carus-Wilson, The Overseas Trade of Bristol, Bristol Record Society, vii, 1937." "Bristol Public Library 11","Bristol",1,0,0,"Written for Philip Ringeston, merchant of Bristol: 'Quod Phllippus Ryngeston Mercator Ville Bristoll' Qui istum librum fecit fieri Anno domini Millesimo Septuagesimo Nono. littera dominicalis C' in red and blue, f. 207v; 'Quod Philippus Ringeston', above a rebus of two rings and a tun, f. 118v" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","London",1,0,0,"On the last flyleaf there is the note 'Thys Booke ys William bodleys & Elizabethe hys wyffe' (s. xv-xvi)." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 210","Bristol",0,0,1,"For contents see: Harvey, J.H. 1969. Itineraries [of] William Worcestre. Oxford: Clarendon Press." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 210","Exeter",0,0,1,"For contents see: Harvey, J.H. 1969. Itineraries [of] William Worcestre. Oxford: Clarendon Press." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 210","Great Yarmouth",0,0,1,"For contents see: Harvey, J.H. 1969. Itineraries [of] William Worcestre. Oxford: Clarendon Press." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 210","London",0,0,1,"For contents see: Harvey, J.H. 1969. Itineraries [of] William Worcestre. Oxford: Clarendon Press." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 210","Norwich",1,1,1,"For contents see: Harvey, J.H. 1969. Itineraries [of] William Worcestre. Oxford: Clarendon Press." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 210","Oxford",0,0,1,"For contents see: Harvey, J.H. 1969. Itineraries [of] William Worcestre. Oxford: Clarendon Press." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 258","London",1,0,1,"Bears Horn?s inscription on flyleaf ?Rol Horne?." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","Canterbury",1,0,0,"The inscription of f. i1v: 'Liber Willi de Elham qui intitulatur ysagoge ad tegni Galieni . De librario S. Aug. Cant. Dist. xiiija . Gra . IIIus'" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 407","Norwich",1,0,0,"f. 1 ?Liber fratris Symonis Prioris Norwic?. Later History: From Norwich Cathedral priory. Bequeathed to Corpus by Matthew Parker, 1575." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 61","London",1,1,0,"May have been produced in London or St Albans. Owned or read by John Shirley." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 61","St Albans",0,1,0,"May have been produced in London or St Albans." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","London",1,0,0,"On p. 101 in red in lower margin: 'Horn mihi cognomen Andreas est mihi nomen'." "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 74","Norwich",1,0,0,"Owned by Adam Easton, monk of Norwich, Dean of York and Cardinal of St. Cecilia, died in 1397." "Cambridge Fitzwilliam Museum McLean 181","London",1,0,0,"Owned by Thomas Kent who was appointed in 1444 as Secondary in the Privy Seal Office and Clerk of the Council." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 113/182","Bury St Edmunds",1,0,0,"On f. 152v: 'Liber mag. Johannis Cranwys'. Cranwys was a sacrist of the abbey in the fifteenth century." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","Cambridge",1,0,0,"Owned by Roger Marchall at Peterhouse, Cambridge, at this date: he was admitted in1437/8, owed Clare Hall 16s. 8d. by 1456, vacated by 1460, and died in 1477; he owned a considerable number of manuscripts (see Linda Ehrsam Voigts, ?A doctor and his books: the manuscripts of Roger Marchall (d. 1477)?, in Richard Beadle and A. J. Piper, eds., New science out of old books: studies in manuscripts and earlyprinted books in honour of A. I. Doyle, (Aldershot, 1995), pp. 249?314." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","London",1,0,0,"Owned by Roger Marshall, who studied at Cambridge and practised medicine in London; see Voigts 1995" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","Cambridge",1,0,0,"Given to the college in November 1444 together with other MSS, p. 448 ?Librum istum Ambrosii cum ceteris etiam tractatibus eius et etiam Exameron . Gregorij niseni vna cum libro . didimi greci de spiritu sancto . et exameron basilij et Cassiodorum de anima . dono collegij nostri librari ?communi? Annunciacionis virginis gloriose in Cantabrigg? magister Walterus Crome . sacre pagine . professor eiusdem collegij socius quondam ad augmentum studencium in eodem Nec liber iste quouismodo . trahatur ad particiones sociorum in eleccionibus librorum sed remaneat in libraria non solum ad sociorum sed aliorum fide dignorum ingressum et solamen . Anno domini millesimo ccccmo xliiiijo in festo sancti Hugonis episcopi scriptus manu propria ?london? sicut et reliquus quasi liber . nota libros contentos in principio libri et quoque idem seruetur in aliis libris tribus donatis eisdem scilicet . Cipani [sic] et ambrosij[nos. 236 ? 37] et alius libri ambrosii de officiis et sacramentis et misteriis vna cum ricardo de exterminio mali [Caius 129/67] et libri ambrosij super octonarium et exameron cum aliis [no. 235] concatenentur in libraria communi eiusdem collegii sub pena perdicionis omnium quatuor librorum communem uniuersitatis Cantabrig?." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","London",1,1,0,"The colophon on p. 340 ?Scriptus london? anno mimo ccccmo xxxviij?. The scribe, Walter Crome (BRUC 168) also copied pp. 1-80 and pp. 341-422. Pp. 423-41 are by another scribe, and pp. 442 ? 47 blank. Crome provided a list of contents for the volume on p. ii. However, the contents of pp. 1- 80 are not given in the list of Crome?s donations to the college." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","Cambridge",1,0,0,"The manuscript was left to Gonville Hall, now Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, by Walter Elveden, a graduate of Gonville Hall and Doctor of Canon Law whose name appears in the manuscript." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 183/216","Cambridge",1,0,0,"On the first flyleaf is: 'famosissimus arcium medicineque doctor Magister Johannes Somerseth dounauit hunc libellum epistolarum senece Aule Annunciacionis beate Marie in Canterb'r'." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 369/591","Cambridge",0,1,0,"Written by John Howyson in Cambridge." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","Oxford",1,1,0,"Owned or written by William London, of Magdalen College, Oxford. On the top of p. 149, for example, 'Wymundus London dominus Bondon exemit gladium suum'." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 390/610","London",1,0,0,"'This boke is Edmund puttyng s ..e man dwellyng in London' on f. 66v" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","Exeter",1,1,1,"One William Berdon, living in Exeter, may have written parts of the manuscript. It was also owned by 'John Smy3th' who also has Exeter connections." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 510/388","Cambridge",1,0,0,"John Lopham, Master of St Edmund's hospital, Ipswich bequeathed this book to Caius, with use for life to William Wyot (inscription on last page)" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 510/388","Ipswich",1,0,0,"John Lopham, Master of St Edmund's hospital, Ipswich bequeathed this book to Caius, with use for life to William Wyot (inscription on last page)." "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 669*/646","London",1,1,0,"Owned by John Shirley. On the flyleaf a fleur de lys, ma . ioye. aee (crowned) Shirley. Written by John Cok of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London." "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","Canterbury",1,1,1,"The compiler may have worked at the Chapel of the Almonry of Christ Church, Canterbury (Bowers 1982)." "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","Durham",0,0,1,"The feasts in the calendar and the content of some of the historical notes suggest a close connection with Durham Cathedral." "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","London",1,0,0,"p. 391: 'Iste liber constat Willelmo Fetypace mercerij londoniensis'." "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2030","Norwich",1,0,0,"The merchant's mark incorporated into the decoration on f. 101v and also inserted elsewhere in the MS gives some indication of the manuscript's original milieu. It appears to be identical with one found 'on a stone in the wall of an old house on the east side of the Duke's Palace Yard' in Norwich; see W. C. Ewing, 'Notices of the the Norwich Merchant Marks', Norfolk Archaeology 3 (1852), 177-228, p. 213 and plate IX, no. 7, and E. M. Elmhirst, Merchants' Marks, Publications of the Harleian Society, vol. 108 (London, 1859), p.6, no. 1216." "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2244","London",0,1,0,"A.C. de la Mare classifies and gives a partial list of chronicle rolls of this type, and suggests that they are likely to have come from a single source in London or Westminster." "Cambridge Pembroke College 146","Bristol",1,0,0,"Wade?s note, f. 221v: ?Willelmus Wade de Norton Rector ecclesie Sancti JohannisBrist?? (s. xv hand)." "Cambridge Peterhouse College 209","Cambridge",1,0,0,"On the last flyleaf: ?Iste liber est scolarium domus S. Petri Cantabir. de dono Magri Willelmi Irby quondam socii domus predicte. Anno dni Mo CCCo lxxvj et vocatur alecen perspectyue et de ascensione nubium?. Irby was fellow of Peterhouse and gave the volume to the college. Also: ?Supplementum Willi Melburd? (twice, once with a drawing on an eye)." "Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (I)","Cambridge",1,0,0,"On the flyleaf, in an s.xv hand: ?W. P. (?) Norwicen? and 'Liber Mag. Joh. Warkeworth emptus a.d. 1462'. At the bottom of I f.1r is 'Liber Collegii sancti Petri in Cantebr. ex dono Magistri Johannis Warkeworth Magistri dicti collegii sub interminacione anathematis nullatenus a libraria ibidem alienandus'." "Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (I)","Norwich",1,0,0,"On the flyleaf, in an s.xv hand: ?W. P. (?) Norwicen? and 'Liber Mag. Joh. Warkeworth emptus a.d. 1462'. At the bottom of I f.1r is 'Liber Collegii sancti Petri in Cantebr. ex dono Magistri Johannis Warkeworth Magistri dicti collegii sub interminacione anathematis nullatenus a libraria ibidem alienandus'" "Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (II)","Cambridge",1,0,0,"On the flyleaf, in an s.xv hand: ?W. P. (?) Norwicen? and 'Liber Mag. Joh. Warkeworth emptus a.d. 1462'. At the bottom of I f.1r is 'Liber Collegii sancti Petri in Cantebr. ex dono Magistri Johannis Warkeworth Magistri dicti collegii sub interminacione anathematis nullatenus a libraria ibidem alienandus'" "Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (II)","Norwich",1,0,0,"On the flyleaf, in an s.xv hand: ?W. P. (?) Norwicen? and 'Liber Mag. Joh. Warkeworth emptus a.d. 1462'. At the bottom of I f.1r is 'Liber Collegii sancti Petri in Cantebr. ex dono Magistri Johannis Warkeworth Magistri dicti collegii sub interminacione anathematis nullatenus a libraria ibidem alienandus'" "Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (III)","Cambridge",1,0,0,"On the flyleaf, in an s.xv hand: ?W. P. (?) Norwicen? and 'Liber Mag. Joh. Warkeworth emptus a.d. 1462'. At the bottom of I f.1r is 'Liber Collegii sancti Petri in Cantebr. ex dono Magistri Johannis Warkeworth Magistri dicti collegii sub interminacione anathematis nullatenus a libraria ibidem alienandus'" "Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (III)","Norwich",1,0,0,"On the flyleaf, in an s.xv hand: ?W. P. (?) Norwicen? and 'Liber Mag. Joh. Warkeworth emptus a.d. 1462'. At the bottom of I f.1r is 'Liber Collegii sancti Petri in Cantebr. ex dono Magistri Johannis Warkeworth Magistri dicti collegii sub interminacione anathematis nullatenus a libraria ibidem alienandus'" "Cambridge St John's College A.12 (I)","Oxford",0,1,0,"Written by John Lutton, working in Oxford. Contains the note on f. 218 'Et hic finis. Qui scripsit librum Ion Lutton est sibi nomen Qui scripsit scriptum sit benedictus in euum'." "Cambridge St John's College A.12 (I)","Winchester",1,0,0,"On the recto of the fragmentary last leaf is ?Thomas Wysottr? (s.xv). On the verso is ?Iste liber pertinet ad [..] hidam? (s.xv), which may mean Hyde Abbey, Winchester." "Cambridge St John's College B.21","Canterbury",1,0,0,"Donated by the abbot of St. Augustine's Canterbury (Thomas Fyndon) to the Abbey. On flyleaf, 'liber Thome abbatis' and 'Primum uolumen speculi historialis D. Thome abbatis'." "Cambridge St John's College D.5","London",0,0,1,"f. 118. Bond with the names ?Cetezein Coiffer of London? and ?R of Watford in the Counte of Herefordshire?: ?Knowe alle men by these presentes me & Cetezein Coiffer of london and stedfastly to be bound to R. of Watford in the Counte of hertford husbandeman in Cli of lawfull money of Englond vel sic in xli sterling'. Also contains 'Articulus touchyng the good rule kepyng and honeste of the Citie of london'." "Cambridge St John's College F.26","St Albans",0,1,1,"Thomson (1979: 156-57): 'Marchall [see Producers and Owners] and the other names associated with him in the legal formulae give themselves as of 'Todyngton' (attributed to both Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire) and Luton, and Robert Wulrey who took his BA at Cambridge by 1462 (BRUC, Wolrey) was of London diocese. Given that an origin in this part of the country it seems likely that the grammatical exercises which are associated in the manuscript with St Nicholas are examples of the requirements for the baccalaureate at St Alban's, for which the candidate 'proverbium accipiat, et de eodem versus, litteras, rithmum componant (sic), et pubplice in scholis conferat ? et sex denarios, aut plus, prout facultates eorum se (habeant), optulerint, ad Dominicam Sancti Nicholai' (Riley, 1872-3, vol. iii, p. 312; the oscillation between singular and plural is in his text). A John Marchall witnessed a deed connected with the abbey in 1455 (Riley, 1872-3, vol. I, p. 193) and this may be the man of that name mentioned in one of Thomas Marchall's legal notes. Interestingly, one John Marchall was also schoolmaster at St Alban's c. 1500 (VCH Herts., vol ii, p. 56). If the St Alban's hypothesis is accepted, 'Auncell' could be either the John (Riley, 1872-3, vol ii, p. 232, anno 1480) or the Thomas (ibid, vol ii, pp. 73, 143, 146, anno 1467, 1476) who became monks at St Alban's, since although the school was the town rather than monastery school, almonry boys were sent there and would frequently have gone on to profess as monks (Orme 1977, p.245)'." "Cambridge St John's College H. 5","London",1,1,0,"The artist has been identified as the London 'lymnour', William Abell. He was responsible for the frontispiece miniature in this manuscript. It was probably written by the London-based scribe, Ricardus Franciscus. Owned s.xvex by the Bremschet family who had associations with London." "Cambridge St John's College I.11","Lincoln",1,0,0,"Donated to Syon Abbey by one John Bracebridge, a Lincoln schoolmaster." "Cambridge St John's College I.19","Oxford",0,1,0,"f. 28v, added by main scribe (though in more formal script and black ink) ?Iste libellus scriptus fuit in Oxonia. tempore Ricardi regis IIdo et anne regine. quod Glyn?. Richard II married Anne of Bohemia on 20 January 1382; she died 7 June 1394." "Cambridge Trinity College B.11.11","Canterbury",1,0,0,"top of 2nd flyleaf recto: Thomas Bourgchier 'T B Cantuariensis' (s.xv hand)." "Cambridge Trinity College B.11.11","London",0,1,0,"Scott suggests a London location for the decoration." "Cambridge Trinity College B.14.15","London",1,0,0,"Given to the London Franciscan nuns by Cristyne St. Nicholas, daughter of Nicholas St. Nicholas, squire, in March 1455/6. On the last fly-leaf: 'Hit ys to witt şt dame Cristyne seint nicolas of of ye menoresse of london dowghtyr of nicolas Seint Nycolas squier 3eff şis boke aftyr hyr dysses to şe offyce of şe (erasure) [and to şe offys of ye abbessry (del.)] perpetually şe whyche passed to god out of şe worlde şe 3ere of owre lorde m?.cccc.l.v şe ix day of marche of whoys soule god haue merci'." "Cambridge Trinity College B.15.17","London",0,1,0,"Written by Adam Pinkhurst" "Cambridge Trinity College O.3.10","York",1,0,1,"Owned by York inhabitants later in C15th." "Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","London",0,1,1,"Written by the Hammond scribe, working in London. The deposition of John Forster, Draper, of the Parish of All Hallows, London, taken c. 1485, appears on f. 178. Includes many items relating to London. See also L. Mooney, 'John Shirley's Heirs: The Scribes of Manuscript Literary Miscellanies Produced in London in the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century', Yearbook of English Studies, Special Number 33 (2003): Medieval and Early Modern Literary Miscellanies, ed. Phillipa Hardman, pp. 182-98." "Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","Beverley",1,0,0,"f.11: 'This booke bylonges to the good wife Sanderson at Beuerlay dwellyng in Weddysday merket'." "Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","London",1,1,0,"Written by the Hammond Scribe, working in London. Owned by John Vale. - his monogram appears on f. 1." "Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","London",0,1,0,"Primarily written by a scribe who worked with the ""Hammond Scribe""on Trinity College MS R.3.21. This manuscript apparently provided the printer's copy for what Gavin Bone believes to have been the earliest printed edition of the Assembly of the Gods (1498), by Wynkyn de Worde." "Cambridge Trinity College R.3.2","London",1,1,0,"Copied by five scribes, including Adam Pinkhirst and Thomas Hoccleve, working in London. Contains the inscription 'Thoms Wrswyk' which may refer to Sir Thomas Urswick (d. 19 March 1479) who was Common Searjeant of London (1453-1454), Recorder of London (1454-1471) and Chief Baron of the Exchequer (1471-1479); he was MP for Midhurst (1449) and for the City (1461-1462, 1463-1465, 1467-1468, 1470-1) and was frequently on London commissions (Harris, 1993, p. 179)." "Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","London",1,1,0,"The Hammond scribe wrote fols. 34r-49v. The manuscript was owned by Roger Thorney, mercer of London." "Cambridge Trinity College R.3.3","London",0,1,0,"The scribe has come to be known as the ?Hooked-g? scribe, located in London (Edwards and Pearsall 1989, pp. 265-6)." "Cambridge University Library Add. 2775","London",1,0,0,"Owned by Richard Millie, grocer of London." "Cambridge University Library Add. 3110","York",0,0,1,"York saints in sanctorale." "Cambridge University Library Add. 6190","Bury St Edmunds",1,0,0,"Owned by Thomas Clare, monk at the monastery of Bury St. Edmunds (BRUO 425). Remained at Bury St. Edmunds and then may have passed from Clare, perhaps to another monk 'Iste liber pertinet dopmno Thome W[uly] pret (fol. 1)." "Cambridge University Library Add. 6190","Oxford",0,1,0,"Fol. 110v: 'Expliciunt questiones domini Johannis de Janduno super tres libros de anima aristotelis . perscripte Oxoniis [per dompnum] Thomam Clare Monachum Monasterij Sancti Edmundi de Bury. Anno domini M CCCC 41'." "Cambridge University Library Add. 7318","Bury St Edmunds",1,1,1,"This compiler, possibly the William Broun mentioned in item 1 seems to have been a local practitioner dealing with relatively minor business. Many of the wills have not been found in the probate registers. Since there are no notes of litigation, it is supposed that the compiler was a local scrivener rather than an attorney. ff. 10v and 11r contain a copy of a charter of William Stowe, master of St Nicholas?s Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, the original of which (dated 1460) is in Bod. Lib. MS Ch. Suffolk 123." "Cambridge University Library Add. 8938","Lavenham",1,0,0,"Probably owned by Clement Heigham of Lavenham, Suffolk, who acted as a feoffee for Henry Strange of Lincoln?s Inn temp. Edw. IV (CIPM Hen VII 1: 23, no. 52) and is perhaps the ?Higham? adm. Lincoln?s Inn 1457." "Cambridge University Library Add. 8938","London",1,0,0, "Cambridge University Library Add. 8941","Cambridge",1,0,1,"'Iste liber constat Henrico Bernard cum magno gaudio et honore amen? (foot of 1r, s.xv): probably the Henry Barnard of London, gent., and Cambs. who acted as a pledge in Chancery in the 1470s. ?Dewsbury good felo[...]? written in the top right-hand of f. 1r, s.xv. Later provenance same as CUL Add. 8935, but not mentioned in HMC, Ninth Report, App. II." "Cambridge University Library Add. 8941","London",1,0,0, "Cambridge University Library Add. 8941","Oxford",0,0,1, "Cambridge University Library Dd. 14.2","Oxford",1,1,1,"Fol. 312: 'Memorandum quod In vigilia Sancti Martini in yeme Anno domini M CCCC xxxij . Annoque regni regis henrici vjti xjto Istud librum fuit finitum per Nicholaum Bysshopp de Oxon' filium et heredem Bartholomei Bysshop'. A register of deeds and rentals relating to Oxford, arranged by parishes. Bishop also copied the Short English Metrical Chronicle which extends down to 1431." "Cambridge University Library Dd.1.13","Oxford",1,1,0,"f. 286r: 'Explicit cum reportorio Magistri scriptum xxviij die septembris anno domini Mo.ccco.xlvo'. Robinson, CDDMCL I:23 notes that ?The colophon is added by another scribe but suits the appearance of the script?. f. 286v:(traces of a cautio with the name of borrower and chest erased): < >neys exposita < > In festo sanctorum vite et modesti anno domini Mocccc xix et habet vnum suplementum .j. reportorium videlicet libri sexti clementinarum et quarti libri decretalium Item habet peciam argenteam pro< > marcis=. ?The book has the typical appearance of MSS produced in Oxford (see P. Robinson, ? ?The Booklet?: a self-contained unit in composite manuscripts?, Codicologica 3 (1980), 57)?; Robinson, CDDMCL I, 23." "Cambridge University Library Dd.10.22","Cambridge",1,0,0,"f. 1r, top margin, very faded ?William Roke? Roke was admitted as Fellow of King Hall, Cambridge on 31 July 1389. See BRUC, p. 486" "Cambridge University Library Dd.3.53","London",0,0,1, "Cambridge University Library Dd.6.7","St Albans",1,1,1,"Probably written for, if not by, Edmund Shenley. Fol. 152v 'Liber domini edmundi shenley'." "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.10","London",0,1,0,"Written by Stephen Dodesham and was probably illuminated in London." "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.10","St Albans",1,1,0,"All the volumes contain extensive corrections in the margins; many of them, having been incorporated by the scribe into the body of the text, have been erased and are now only visible under ultra-violet light. The hand of the corrector has been identified as that of Abbot Whethamstede. Copies of an indenture on the flyleaves of each of vols II and III (that in vol. I is a copy of s.xvi, flyleaf in vol. IV is wanting), by a scribe contemporary with Dodesham, records an agreement made on 17 May 1457 between John Whethamstede, abbot of St Albans 1452-65, on the one hand, and Dame Eleanor Hull and Roger Huswyff, priest, on the other, that they have presented all four volumes (?quatuor volumina in quibus continentur Postilla Nicholai?) to St Albans on condition Roger should have use of them during his lifetime: ?Hec indentura facta decimo die mensis Maij Anno regni Regis Henrici sexti tricesimo quinto Inter venerabilem patrem Johannem Whethamsted? ... et Dominam Alianoram Hulle et Rogerum Huswyff clericum ... Dat? in Monasterio de Sancto Albano predicto die et Anno supradictis?. This agreement must have been concluded after the set was completed (probably shortly after) and provides a terminus ante quem." "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.20","Cambridge",1,0,0,"Presented by Richard Holme, warden of King's Hall from 1417." "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.7","London",0,1,0,"Written by Stephen Dodesham and was probably illuminated in London." "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.7","St Albans",1,1,0,"Given to the abbey in 1457 as evidenced by a document copied on the flyleaf at the beginning. Corrected by Whethamstede." "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.8","London",0,1,0,"Written by Stephen Dodesham and was probably illuminated in London." "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.8","St Albans",1,0,0,"Given to the abbey in 1457 as evidenced by a document copied on the flyleaf at the beginning. Corrected by Whethamstede." "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.9","London",0,1,0,"Written by Stephen Dodesham and was probably illuminated in London." "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.9","St Albans",1,0,0,"Given to the abbey in 1457 as evidenced by a document copied on the flyleaf at the beginning': CUL Cat" "Cambridge University Library Ee.1.14","Bury St Edmunds",1,1,1,"Probably produced in London with further parts (ff. 51r-52v; ff. 103r-139v) added by a subsequent owner in East Anglia (probably Bury St Edmunds), based on a dedication for the parish church of St Mary?s in Bury St Edmund?s in the calendar. ff. 51-52v; 103-139v: made for ?Nicolas? as named in prayer on f. 120, possibly living in parish of St Mary?s, Bury St Edmunds." "Cambridge University Library Ee.1.14","London",0,1,0,"Decoration in the style of Johannes and Herman Scheere. Scott attributes the initials on fols. 9, 41v, 44 and 47, 53 to Herman Scheere." "Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","Norwich",1,0,0,"Contains a merchant mark, identified as belonging to an unknown Norwich merchant, on f. 18r and f. 48r. Ewing 1952 notes that the mark 'was on a stone in the wall of a old house on the East side of the Duke's Palace yard (p. 213). It seems likely that the manuscript was owned by one William Fyssher; on f. 18r an initial incorporates a rebus with a fish followed by the letters 'er' and the name 'Wylliam fessher' is written on f. 78r in the right margin. The will of Willam Fyssher, butcher and citizen of Norwich was proved in Norwich consistory court in 1466. A Wylliam Fyssher of 'berstrete' also appears listed in a Norwich muster of c. 1457." "Cambridge University Library Ee.4.19","York",1,0,1,"Owned by John Castleford and William Bramelay, chaplains of the hospital of St Leonard, York." "Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","Bury St Edmunds",0,1,1,"Originally contained a calendar which was probably written at Bury St Edmunds in the first half of the fifteenth century. In the first half of s.xv the dedication of the church at Norton, near Bury was added and obits of people in the area." "Cambridge University Library Ff. 3.27","Oxford",1,1,0,"F. 45r: 'Expliciunt quodlibeta [sic] doctoris subtilis aliqualiter per doctorem Sharpe abbreuiata et manu < > scripta. Laus omnipotenti qui dedit incipere et perficere. Scriptus fuit liber iste Anno domini M CCCC xx ix in Oxonia'. The name of the scribe has been erased and is not visible under uv light. On last flyleaf there is a note recording that the book was twice deposited in 1456 in the Turville chest at Oxford as a caution by John Smyth (BRUO 1716) and Geoffrey Clere (BRUO 434) - Given to the university by Thomas Rotherham d. 1500; no. 91 in the 1556-7 library catalogue." "Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","York",0,1,0,"Written by Robert Wasselyn, chaplain of York." "Cambridge University Library Ff.3.1","London",1,1,0,"Possibly produced in London? May have been owned by Sir James Hobart. D. 1517, adm. Lincoln?s Inn 1458 (and subsequently a bencher), attorney-general 1486-1507.?Jamys Hobart? f. 105r." "Cambridge University Library Ff.6.11","Norwich",0,1,0,"F. 32: ?Actor huius opusculi erat ffrater Thomas Bradley Monachus et Anachorita de Civitate Norwyci in conventu Carmelitarum?" "Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","London",1,1,0,"'This booke was made of şe goodis of John Collopp for a comyn profite That şt persoone şt hath şis booke committid to him off şe persoone şt haş power to committe it : haue şe vse şerof şe teerme of his lyf prayng for şe soule of şe seid John ; And şt he şt haş şe forseid vse of commyssioun whanne he occupieth it not : leene it for a tyme to sum oşer persoone ; Also şat persoone to whom it was committid teerme of lyf for şe terme of lyf . vnder şe forseid condiciouns delyuere it to anoşer persoone şe teerme of his lif & so be it delyuered & committid fro persoone to persoone man or womman as longe as şe booke endurith' (fol. 100v - second part of the manuscript)." "Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","Lynn",0,1,0,"Written by John Capgrave at the Augustinian friary at Lynn." "Cambridge University Library Gg.4.19","Lincoln",0,1,0,"On f. 291r 'Hic liber quo ad scripturam finitus est per gratiam patris & filii & spiritus sancti per Joh. Weston de linc' scriptorem X die maij Anno dni millo CCCC XXV & A h Reg' vj tercio'. Scott suggests a provincial, possibly Lincoln, site for the limning." "Cambridge University Library Hh.1.12","London",1,0,0,"Property of London rector and master of Whittington College (s.xv)." "Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","Oxford",1,0,0,"Written between 1382, the date of item 6, the Libellus parvulorum (cf. f. 147v: ?...et sic finitur iste tractatus qui vocatur libellus paruulorum Oxonie compilatis Anno domini Millesimo CCCmo Octogesimo secundo?) and 1401 when the volume was left to the Augustinian priory of Worksop by William Forster, master of grammar, who died in Oxford (BRUO 710). Possibly also production - frequently signed by William Forster (Oxford), though Forster's annotations aren't the same as the main hands. Also contains note on fol. 3v 'Orate deuote pro anima Willelmi Forster in grammatica magistri quondam recepti in canonicum et confratrem monasterii prioratus de Wyrkesopp' Ebor' dioc' qui paulisper scolatizaris Oxonii mortalitate preuentus habitum regularem se non induit qui legauit istum librum canonicis dicti prioratus deo seruientibus Anno domini Millesimo cccc primo'." "Cambridge University Library Ii.2.24","Canterbury",1,0,0,"Owned by Thomas Arnold, a monk at St Augustine?s, fl. 1370. On f. 19 there is an illuminated initial with a portrait of a monk and inscription on scroll which reads 'me Thomam mina precor Arnoldum Katherina'." "Cambridge University Library Ii.6.1","Oxford",0,1,0,"Written by Hermann Zurke. Fol. 150v: 'Explicit hoc opus per hermannum .z. alias de Gripeswaldis Anno domini M cccc xlix . xxvj mensis augusti'. Signs and dates on fol. 110v also." "Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","St Albans",1,1,0,"Owned and written by Richard Fox, a lay worker at St. Albans. On f. 1 is written, among other entries ?Thus endith the contentes of this Booke: Quod Richard Fox?. His ownership is also attested in his will, dated 10 May, proved 12 August 1454." "Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","Worcester",0,1,0,"Date and place of origin indicated in closing rubric of Historia Regum Britannie, f. 146r (?Explicit historia Bruti. Script. Wigorn . anno domini . m . ccc . uicesimo septimo?)." "Cambridge University Library Mm.2.21","London",1,0,0,"Used as an exemplar for the production of TCC R.3.2 in London." "Cambridge University Library Mm.2.5","Norwich",0,1,0,"The exemplar for Glasgow University Library Hunter U.1.1, so must have been in Norwich c. 1476 (Manly and Rickert, pp. 369ff)." "Cambridge University Library Mm.5.14","London",0,1,0,"Written by the London scribe, Richard Frampton." "Chicago Newberry Library +33.1","York",1,0,0,"f. 15: arms of the Bothe family of York." "Chicago Newberry Library +33.3","London",0,1,0,"Evidence from decoration and dialect." "Downside Abbey 26533","Colchester",1,0,0,"'Willelmus Bury (?) de Colchestr', f. 271v, s.xv" "Durham Cathedral Library B.IV.19","Durham",1,1,0,"According to Thomson: 'The dialect of the English treatise [f.1] suggests that it was written by a native of Durham or nearby, and there is no direct evidence to suggest that the manuscript was ever anywhere else. Kitchen (1907) suggested that the treatise may have been used in the early days of Durham College at Oxford, but while the text may have its origins in Oxford, the manuscript offers no evidence on this point. Section A seems to be an example of the loose quaternions which were used at Durham, and which survive in the Cathedral Library, and it was probably bound up with the earlier book because both had 'meditaciones' as their subject matter. The list of contents entered on the flyleaf in the usual fifteenth-century hands does not mention the grammatical treatise, and since the folio containing it is now only pasted in place it may have been separate at the time, although it seems to belong with the Anselm meditations by virtue of the identity of hand and its size. 'h15' is on the flyleaf, and 'h' on f. 5r. Thomas Rud who catalogued the collection (1825, this manuscript pp. 195-6) entered titles on fols 1r and 21r, and also the shelfmark (19 replacing deleted 18) on f. 1r.'" "Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","London",0,1,0,"Written by Thomas Hoccleve." "Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","Coventry",0,1,1,"The script and art 35 (see below) suggest Coventry or its neighbourhood. Art 35: f. 111v (added in s.xv): 'Iohanni de allnsey Maiori Iohanni Botener et Iohanni Parker Balliuis libertatis ville de Couentre Iohannes Sutton et Thomas Stretford de eadem villa salutem?'" "Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","London",0,1,0, "Ely EDR F/5/32 (Cambridge University Library)","York",1,0,1,"Ker says that it was probably at York, c. 1470-80. On ff. 89v-90, there is an indenture between Richard Andrew, dean of York, and the rector of Kilham, Yorkshire, 20 Apr. 1477; f. 91 a letter from Laurence Booth, archbishop of York (1467-80), on the election of Robert Bothe as dean of York, 14 Aug. 1477." "Ely EDR F/5/33 (Cambridge University Library)","Worcester",1,0,0,"In 1415 probably in the possession of a servant of Thomas Peverel, Bishop of Worcester." "Ely EDR F/5/33 (Cambridge University Library)","York",0,1,0,"Written in York or from a York exemplar." "Eton College 117","Oxford",1,1,0,"Ker: Written in England. 'Liber [?]', f.iv. M. R. James, helped by a reagent, read, 'Liber magistri Iohannis de Rauerton' Canonici', but the name is now illegible. 'Caucio magistri Richardi [?]ord Exposita in cista de Duncan [?]die mensis [?..] mcccccl[?] et habet supplementum 2o fo ingreditur et iacet pro[?]', f. 211v; also higher on the page, 'Caucio cum Supplemento 2o fo ingreditur', initials, and 'xxs Duncan': the initials are I inside a D or a G standing for either John Doll or John Godsond, the Oxford stationers. Belonged to Nicholas Kempston (cf. Eton MS 18), whose hand occurs in marginalia, for example on f. 48: 'Liber quondam Magistri Nicholai Kempston Anno domini 1477 numquam vendendus set libere occupandus a sacerdotibus instructis ad predicandum verbum dei successiue quamdiu durauerit secundum vltimam voluntatem defuncti. Orate igitur pro anima eius', f. iv v. At Eton by 1500: cf. f. 72 for a typical head by Robert Elyot." "Eton College 18","Bristol",0,0,1,"Pastedown at end: 'Memorandum quod xii o die mensis Augusti decretum est per Cancellar' Episcopi Wygorn' in ecclesia parochialis sancti Augustini quod vicarius ecclesie omnium sanctorum faceret solempniter celebrare exequias et missam cum aliis expensis ordinatis per phillipum Morgan Episcopum quondam Wygorn (1419-26) Crastino Epiphanie annuatim pro anima T Marchall quondam vicarium ecclesie omnium sanctorum supradict' et benefactorum eiusdem sub pena excommunicacionis. Et hoc factum est in presencia M' Roberti Peuesy vic' sancti Leonardi M W Parkar vic' sancti Nicholai [these words repeated twice] et Iohannis famuli eiusdem. Ac Willelmi famuli Magistri Roberti Peuesy M' Iohannis Harnham et Iohannis Whytsyde'. Ker MMBL II: 645, 'Pevesy became vicar of St Leonard's, Bristol in 1427 (BRUO, p. 1473). In the All Saints records Marchall is last mentioned as vicar in 1433; he was no longer vicar at Easter 1442'." "Eton College 34","Oxford",1,0,0,"Owned by Robert Elyot, probably during his time at Oxford. He wrote marginalia on f. 100v and noted on f. 103 that 'hec pars 2a gregorii super ezechielem corrigitur secundum librum M T Wich; for Thomas Wyche, fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, 1435-6 (d. by Sept 1475) and his books see Emden, BRUO, p. 2102" "Glasgow University Library Hunter U.1.1","Norwich",0,1,0,"Copied by the father and son, Geoffrey and Thomas Spirleng, of Norwich. Scribal colophon, also in rubric: ?Orate pro salute a[n]i[m]ar[um] Galfridi Spirleng / Ciuis Norwici Courtholder Cl[er]ici Maiora / tus & dicte Co[m]itatus ac Thome / Spirleng filij sui qui scribendo hunc libru[m] / compleueru[n]t mense Ianuariij anno d[omi]ni / Mill[es]imo CCCCmolxxvjto quo temp[or]e dictus / Galfr[id]us quasi quinquaginta et dictus / Thomas quasi Sexdecim etatis extiteru[n]t / annorum.?" "Glasgow University Library Hunter V.8.12","Cambridge",1,1,0,"Written by Thomas Westhaugh, Fellow of Pembroke Hall, later Pembroke College, Cambridge for John Sperhawke was a fellow at Pembroke at the same time as Westhaugh." "Gloucester Cathedral 21","Cambridge",1,1,1,"Written mostly by and partly, perhaps, for John Argentine, provost of King's College Cambridge." "Gloucester Cathedral 25","Worcester",1,0,0,"'Liber fratris Thome Mor' monachi monasterii Wygorn'' on f. iii, s.xv" "Harvard Countway 19","London",0,1,0,"A. I. Doyle suggests that this is the ?litill boke of phisyke? copied by William Ebesham for John Paston II. Ebesham charged twenty pence for the book, but evidently had difficulty receiving payment, as he had to ask for it on at least two occasions (Davis 1971 II: nos. 751; 755)." "Harvard Countway 19","Norwich",1,0,0,"A. I. Doyle suggests that this is the ?litill boke of phisyke? copied by William Ebesham for John Paston II. Ebesham charged twenty pence for the book, but evidently had difficulty receiving payment, as he had to ask for it on at least two occasions (Davis 1971 II: nos. 751; 755)." "Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","Hereford",1,0,0,"'The arms, liturgical Feasts and place-names suggest that [book] I was made for Thomas Cobham, bishop of Worcester 1317-27, II being added soon after. There is no evidence that the book belonged to the Cathedral Priory, but it may have been among Cobham's personal books , bequeathed by him to Oxford University'. At the foot of f. 226v (s. xv) 'Liber ecclesie cath. Hereford' and below in another hand 'Ex dono Magistri Iohannis Bayly' (Canon and Precentor of Hereford, 1460-1479), who could have found it at Oxford, where he was a scholar and Fellow of New College 1425-35 (BRUO 91)" "Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","Oxford",1,0,0, "Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","Worcester",1,0,0,"'The arms, liturgical Feasts and place-names suggest that [book] I was made for Thomas Cobham, bishop of Worcester 1317-27, II being added soon after. There is no evidence that the book belonged to the Cathedral Priory, but it may have been among Cobham's personal books , bequeathed by him to Oxford University'. At the foot of f. 226v (s. xv) 'Liber ecclesie cath. Hereford' and below in another hand 'Ex dono Magistri Iohannis Bayly' (Canon and Precentor of Hereford, 1460-1479), who could have found it at Oxford, where he was a scholar and Fellow of New College 1425035 (BRUO 91)" "Hereford Cath. Lib. O.IV.3","Hereford",1,0,0,"F. ii 'Liber magistri Ludowyci de Cherletone'. Cherletone was canon of Hereford from 1336, bishop 1361-9 (BRUO 391-1)." "Lincoln Cathedral 3 (A.1.15)","Lincoln",1,0,0,"At the foot of f. 36v, in a faint 14th-century cursive hand, legible under ultra-violet light: 'Willelmus Dalton. ipse est honus prius in Anglia' f. 204v: 'Iste liber constat Thome Salysbury' in a 15th-cent anglicana hand, on top of an identical note in plummet. Salisbury was canon of Lincoln from 1447 until his death in 1460." "Lincoln Cathedral 60 (A.6.11)","London",1,1,0,"Given to the Brigettine convent of Syon by Edward Lupton rector of All Hallows, Honey Lane, London (1476-9) and master of Whittington College from 1479 to his death in 1482. Written and decorated by Peter Cederwalt in London: 'Tractatus uirtutum explicit. Benedictus Dominius uirtutum qui incepit et perfecit. Amen. Scriptus per manus Petri Cederwalt nacione Almanie dis [a tear in the parchment] uentem Londonie in Anglia anno Domini mcccc quintagesimo tercio. Ipsa die mensis Ianuarii uicesima septima Deo gratias'. Beneath Cederwalt's colophon on f. 480v is another inscription 'Anno Domini 1478 octauo die mensis Augusti Magister Edwardus Lupton dedit hunc librum monasterio de Syon ad perpetuum usum predicatorum in eodem. Cuius folium secundum incipit sic. Tractatus de caritate habet viijto capitula et cetera'." "Lincoln Cathedral 60 (A.6.11)","Oxford",1,0,0,"Owned by Edward Lupton, possibly when he rented Hampton Hall (on the East side of Turl St) in Oxford between 1463-5 and was collector of university rents between 1472-5." "Lincoln Cathedral 77 (A.3.4)","Lincoln",1,0,0,"Near the head of f. 1 is glued a slip, inscribed, 'Liber Domini J. Warsop' (Canon of Lincoln) in a late fourteenth-century textura hand." "London British Library Additional 16998","London",0,1,0,"The artist is Hermann Scheerre and Scott also suggests London as the place of production for the manuscript's borders." "London British Library Additional 17376","London",1,0,0,"Belonged to William Pelka citizen of London. An inscription, no longer visible, read: 'William Pelka civis London'." "London British Library Additional 19046","Exeter",0,1,0,"Thomson 1979: 'The bulk of the manuscript is written by John Jones (hand 1) whose colophons are witnessed by 'Merryffyld' (f. 48v) and Cartar (f. 5v). 'Iohanni Ione' and 'Petro Carter' appear together as custores of Exeter Cathedral in 1441/2 (Dunstan, 1963-72, vol. iv, p. 40), the former appearing a number of other times in the same register as an executor to a canon of Exeter in 1438 (vol. iv, p.33) and to the subdean in 1441 (vol. iv, p. 36), as beneficiary of the will of Robert Lingham, rector of St Mary Major, Exeter in 1427/8 (vol. iv, p. 14) and as rector of Roche in Exeter diocese in 1440 (although this may not be the same man (vol. ii, p. 210)). A 'John Myryfyld' was tonsured and became an acolite in Exeter diocese in 1435 (ibid, vol. iv, p. 156). Despite the confusion over 'John Jones' which, as its connection with two distinct hands in the present manuscript suggests, was a common enough name, it seems very likely that the writer of most of the manuscript was a secondary or custor of Exeter Cathedral at the time when mag. John Boryngton was schoolmaster and rector of St Mary Major (from 1437 on) and either studied at the school himself or helped with the teaching. The similarity between item (11) and Caius [Caius 417] (6) which is John Bonyngton's De regimine casuum reinforces the connection. On the connection between the custores and the school and this group of Exeter manuscripts, whisch includes [Oxford Rawlinson D.328], see Orme 1976, pp. 44-5, 51'." "London British Library Additional 21410","London",0,1,0,"Hooked-G Scribe who was active in London in the third quarter of the fifteenth century." "London British Library Additional 24062","London",0,1,0,"Compiled by Thomas Hoccleve and almost entirely in his writing. f. 101v: ""Hie finitur calendera istius libri secundum composi- cionem Thome Hoclyf, facta per manum suam ad finem libri;"" and in the margin of f. 124, against a document in a different hand, is written ""secundum copiam Hocclief.""" "London British Library Additional 24361","York",1,0,0,"According to the ex libris it was owned by Walter Hotham, monk of St Mary's Abbey, York. ""Liber mon[asterii] beate Marie Eboraci attinens Fratri Willelmo (couyrdaill ex dono Fr[atr]is Walteri Hothome ambobus eiusdem Cenobij accolis ac concenobitis""." "London British Library Additional 29901","London",0,1,0,"Written by the Hammond scribe, working in London." "London British Library Additional 34360","London",0,1,0,"Written by the Hammond scribe, working in London between 1460s and 80s." "London British Library Additional 36683","London",0,1,0,"Decoration probably from the second half of the career of Hermann Scheerre, the artist based in London, from probably c.1400-1419." "London British Library Additional 37075","London",1,1,0,"The book appears to be the compilation of John Clavering, Rector of Twickenham (1491-4), Staines (1492-1513) and St Christopher-le-Stock (1494-c. 1514), all in the London area. The manuscript is clearly of school origin (see contents), and the reference at (25) to the making of rose-garlands for St Anthony's day suggests that the book reflects the teaching of St Anthony's school in London." "London British Library Additional 38131","London",1,0,1,"London: owned by embroiderer and alderman Thomas Carleton of London. Contains information relating to him. Owned in the fifteenth century by Richard Drax, a Surrey J. P. and lawyer of Lincoln?s Inn." "London British Library Additional 48031A","London",1,1,1,"Material relating to London, written and owned by John Vale." "London British Library Additional 59855","London",1,0,0,"Probably the 'one large new missal' bequeathed to the Augustinian Priory of St Mary Overy (now Southwark Cathedral) by John Gower in 1408." "London British Library Additional 62523","London",0,1,0,"London or Oxford; illuminated partly by the 'Caesar Master' who came to England from abroad by 1448: 'It seems therefore likely that the Master worked primarily between London and Oxford, apparently mainly for patrons with humanists interests' (Scott 1996: 279)." "London British Library Additional 62523","Oxford",0,1,0, "London British Library Arundel 109","London",1,0,0,"Given in 1446 by William Melreth, alderman, textile merchant of Broad Street, M.P., and sheriff of London to the church of St Lawrence in London (colophon, f. 262v)." "London British Library Arundel 220","Bury St Edmunds",0,0,1,"Annals (ff. 313-328v) are entered by one main hand as far as the year 1329 (f. 322); several entries relate to Norwich and Bury St Edmunds." "London British Library Arundel 220","Norwich",0,0,1,"The entries in the Easter table betray a considerable interest in the town of Norwich, and in particular the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, the history of which is recorded with increasing detail until the notes end abruptly in November 1329. This and other evidence invites the conclusion that the second part of our MS could have been copied by a monk attached to the Cathedral Priory of Norwich during the third decade of the fourteenth century. Annals (ff. 313-328v) are entered by one main hand as far as the year 1329 (f. 322); several entries relate to Norwich and Bury St Edmunds." "London British Library Arundel 249","Oxford",1,1,0,"Thomson 1979, p. 237 states 'Nelson (1956, pp. xvi-xvii) has shown that the evidence of the letters and of allusions in the vulgaria suggests that the manuscript was the property of a teacher associated with Magdalen College Grammar School c. 1501. The presence of what seem to be drafts or working copies of Stanbridgean material in the manuscript confirms this'." "London British Library Arundel 327","Cambridge",0,1,0,"At the end is this note, ""Translatyd into Englys be a doctor of dyuynite clepyd Osbern Bokenam, frere Austyn, of the convent of Stokclare;"" there is added in another hand; ""and was doon wrytyn in Cane bryge by his sone Frere Thomas Burgh, the yere of our lord a thousand foure hundryth seuyn and fourty, whose expence dreu thretty schyligyns, and yafe yt on to this holy place of nunnys that şei shuldo have mynd on hym and of hys systyr dame Betrice Burgh; of şe wych soulys Jhesu have mercy. Amen.""" "London British Library Arundel 38","London",0,1,0,"Scott assigns it a London or Westminster provenance on account of its decoration: 'Because of the decorative style, Arundel 38 can be assigned with assurance to London or Westminster' (Scott 1996, II, p. 160)." "London British Library Arundel 59","London",0,1,0,"Written by the Hammond Scribe, working in London. The manuscript was certainly in London by 1525." "London British Library Arundel 99","Bury St Edmunds",0,1,0,"Written by the Edmund-Fremund scribe working in Bury St Edmunds." "London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","London",0,0,1,"The volume is bound up with documents relating to the diocese of York, and with the letter-book of William Swann." "London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","York",0,0,1,"The volume is bound up with documents relating to the diocese of York, and with the letter-book of William Swann." "London British Library Cotton Cleo. C.X","Norwich",0,0,1,"Contains orders and rules about the choice of a mayor, and other matters relating to the city of Norwich." "London British Library Cotton Nero A.IV","London",0,0,1,"London chronicle to 1338." "London British Library Egerton 1995","London",1,1,1,"Contains London chronicle, regulations and list of parishes." "London British Library Egerton 2885","London",1,0,1,"Kleineke argues that the annotations in this manuscript reveal the reader's interest in the foundation of the city of London by Brutus and its legendary name 'New Troy'. He also suggests that 'the pre-eminence of ordinances and statutes of the London fishmongers' company among its contents suggests that it may have belonged to a member of that craft' (Kleineke 2001, p. 124)." "London British Library Egerton 650","London",0,0,1,"London civic chronicle entries recording mayors and alderman." "London British Library Harley 1288","Lincoln",1,1,0,"f. 61v: 'Robert Riceson of the toun of Lynkecoun'. (late s.xv or early s.xvi hand) Lincolnshire dialect." "London British Library Harley 1739","London",1,0,0,"Name of Richard Lee written on f. 77v. Lee was Warden of the Grocers Company in 1443, Alderman 1452-54, 1459, 1468. May have been the Richard Lee who died 26 Sept 1498 (See Abstracts of Inquisitions post mortem relating to the city of London, London and Mddx Arch. Soc. pt. i, 1485-1561, ed. G. S. Fry)" "London British Library Harley 2336","London",1,1,0,"A ?common profit? book compiled at the expense of a London merchant; f. 137r ? v: 'This book was mad of ye goodis of iohn gamalin for acomyn profite . Şat şe persoone şat haş şis book committid to him of şe persoone şat haş power to committe it . haue şe uss şerof şe terme of his lijf . praiynge for şe soule of şe same io?n And şat he şat haş şis forseid uss of commissioun whanne he occupieş it not . leeue he it for a tyme to sum oşer persoone . Also şat şat persooneto whom it was committed for şe terme of lijf . vndir şe forseid condiciouns deliuere he it to anoşer şe teerme of his lijf . And so be it delyuerid & committid from persoone to persoone man or womman as longe as şe book endurith'" "London British Library Harley 2344","London",1,0,0,"Owned by John Chapman, S.T.P., Rector [of All Hallows] in ?honylane?, London, 1479-1494 f. 157: 'Iste liber constat Magistro Johanni Chapman in sacra Theologia Professori, et Rectori in Honylane?." "London British Library Harley 2387","London",1,1,0,"f. 130v [s.xv] 'Istum librum legauit domina Margeria Pensax dudum inclusa apud Bysshoppisgate monasterio sancti Saluatoris de Syon iuxta Shene', perhaps between 1415-20. Written in London." "London British Library Harley 273","London",1,0,0,"Owned in s.xiv by John Clerk, grocer and apothecary of King Edward." "London British Library Harley 2887","London",1,1,0,"Probably owned by Edward Gower, stockfishmonger of London, before the later additions were made. Certainly then owned by the Gower family of London. Style of decoration suggests London provenance. ?Apart from the foreign inserts, the place of production of both the earlier and later parts of Harley 2887 is taken to be London? (Scott 1996: 301). f. 1 - further scribblings, including the times and dates of birth of members of the Gower family in the 1460s in the parish of St Michael ?in Crokedlayne in Temstret?'." "London British Library Harley 316","Bristol",1,0,1,"Owned in late s.xiv etc. by the Cheddar family of Bristol. See calendar." "London British Library Harley 3239","Worcester",1,0,0,"Owned by Johannes Joseph, OFM of Worcester. See f. 237r, and name ?Joseph? is written on f. 236v." "London British Library Harley 3742","Oxford",1,1,0,"f. 240v ?et sic perfectus est iste tractatus breuissimus in collegio animarum Oxon? Anno domini Millesimo quadringentesimo quinto quod Norfolk scriptor ac compilator huius tractatus. Explicit?. f. 241v: ?Explicit tabula exemplarum Summule ? secundum Norefolk?. The whole MS is in Norfolk?s hand, probably written at the same time. He was a fellow of All Souls ? see Emden, BRUO." "London British Library Harley 4605","London",0,1,0,"f. 115. ?Explicit. Digatz un pater noster et une aue maria per mosseu peyer delasita qui a escrit a quest present liure en lan de nostre senh?r mil. cccc xxxiiijo. Et fut feit a londres a. xv de may?." "London British Library Harley 4733","Worcester",1,0,0,"Owned by John Penyngton, a schoolmaster in Worcester." "London British Library Harley 4826","Bury St Edmunds",0,1,0,"Decorated in a workshop almost certainly located in Bury St Edmunds. Partly written by the Edmund-Fremund scribe, working in Bury." "London British Library Harley 5233","Exeter",1,0,0,"Owned by Richard Clerke, ?sumtyme maier of exeter? (written in minute hand over inscription, verso of first medieval flyleaf)." "London British Library Harley 5334","Bury St Edmunds",1,0,0,"Owned by John Fenyngham, a monk of Bury St Edmunds in s.xiv." "London British Library Harley 5396","York",1,0,0,"late 15th cent. inscription, 'Wylyam Northe of Yorke' on f. 280v." "London British Library Harley 541","London",1,0,1,"Probably owned by Thomas Frowyk, a mercer of London.Thomas? death in 1485 is recorded on f. 218r. On f. 228v is the swan's mark associated with the family. 'Henry Frowyk' is underlined twice in the manuscript, who appears twice in the list of mayors. Thomas's father was Henry Frowyk, mercer, alderman, and mayor of London. Contains lists of the mayors of London and other texts relating to the city." "London British Library Harley 5442","Cambridge",1,0,0,"Owned by John Pynswale 1445-52, at Cambridge (ff. 201v-202r). Later at Bury St Edmunds (ex dono Pynswale?). Robert Myldenhale, Prior, f. 3; John Eye, (Penitentiary?) f. 1v." "London British Library Harley 631","London",1,0,0,"Owned by Walter Knytley, chancellor of St. Paul's, who then gave the volume to William Bolton, a canon of St. Bartholomew's in West Smithfield, London." "London British Library Harley 7184","London",0,1,0,"Copied by the Hooked-G Scribe, working in London." "London British Library Harley 7333","Leicester",1,1,0,"On f. 41r is the name ?Stoughton? in red, in the lower margin opposite A769. A ?stock-in-a-tun? rebus, in red, is drawn beside the explicit to Item 5 (f. 32v), and recurs in the gutter of f. 45v, with a fish incorporated into the initial R at the top of col. a on the same page. The rebus is sketched in black ink on f. 189r (with three leaping fish), and faintly on 192r (twice). Also on ff. 189r and 190r are sketches of the Stockton arms (a saltire between four door staples). Manly-Rickert identify these features with the William Stoughton who ?in the late 15 C was cellarer of the abbey of St. Mary de Pratis (Pré), a house of Austin Canons at Leicester.? They believe the Doctor Peni reference at the foot of fol. 150r (?doctor peni writ this booke?) refers to John Penny, ?LL.D of Oxford, who was a canon at Leicester at least by 1480, was elected prior in 1493 and abbot in 1496; he became bishop of Bangor in 1504, and in 1508, Bishop of Carlisle; he died in 1519/20? (1:214-215)." "London British Library Harley 746","Boston",1,0,1,"At the end of the thirteenth century belonged to Hugh Obthorp, of Boston, then to John Warner, chaplain of Sutton, Lincs." "London British Library Harley 746","London",0,0,1, "London British Library Harley 869","Lincoln",1,0,1,"Walter Carleton, son of Thomas Carleton, of Lincoln, gentleman. (Owned MS in late s.xv)." "London British Library Harley 993","London",1,1,0,"On the last leaf is the following note: ?This Book was maad of the Goodis of Robert Holond for a comyn profite. That the persone that hath this Book committid to him of the Persone that hath Power to commite it, have the uss thereof the terme of his Lijf; praynge for the Soule of the same Robert. And that he that hath the forseid uss of Commissioun whanne he occupieth it not, leeve it for atyme to sum other persoone. Also that persoone to whom it was committid for the teerme of lijf under the forseid condiciouns, deliver it to another Persoone the teerme of his lijf. And so it be delivered & committid from Persoone to Persoone, Man or Woman, as long as the Book endurith'. A Robert Holand, sherman, occurs in Hustings Rolls, 1419 ? 1434 According to Jones (1929), p. xxxiii ?A Robert Holond, sherman, died intestate in 1441 and ? the administration of his goods was granted to one John Collopp of the parish of St Michael in the Royal?." "London British Library Lansdowne 285","London",0,1,0,"Written by William Ebesham" "London British Library Lansdowne 851","London",0,1,0,"On fol. 98r, written vertically at the fore-edge is ?Symond.? The name ?Medoltun? is written in drypoint at the top of fol. 187r and possibly in drypoint in the margin of fol. 17r. Manly-Rickert suggest this is possibly the name of the scribe or limner, (John Melton or Gilbert Melton; see also Christianson 1990, pp. 133-134), and they note that a ?Simon Pavye [?Symond??] was also a London scrivener in 1392? (1:308). Scott attributes the portrait on fol. 2r to Herman Scheere, who probably worked in London (1996, 2:87, 111)." "London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII","Oxford",0,1,0,"Written by William Bedmister, fellow of New College, Oxford." "London British Library Royal 11.D.iii","Exeter",1,0,0,"Owned by Reginald de Bugwell, Dean of Exeter, 1353 until his death in 1363." "London British Library Royal 11.D.iii","Oxford",1,0,0,"On. f. 247 is a 'caucio Thome de Mandevile pro paruo volumine et pro digesto nouo aule Michaelis' [St Michael's Hall, on south side of Beef Hall Lane]." "London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","London",1,0,0,"Belonged (art. 1-13 only ?) to the London Carmelites.'de dono reuerendi mag. fratris Roberti Yuori conuentus Lond.'" "London British Library Royal 17.A.III","London",0,0,1,"Contains an English translation of a charter of the London Weavers' Company from 1365 (ff. 126-133v)." "London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","London",0,0,1,"Collections on Dictamen or the art of letter-writing, with legal and other commonplaces, for use in London. Contains lots of material relating to London." "London British Library Royal 18 A. XII","London",0,1,0,"'It can be directly linked to other work produced in London, such as the Wax Chandlers Charter granted 16 February 1484, also decorated with the same repertoire of formal and naturalistic flowers' (Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1997, p. 283)." "London British Library Royal 18.A.v","London",1,0,1,"On otherwise blank leaves at the end (ff. 127 b-129 b) is a note, many times repeated, of the apprenticeship of Thomas Elyott, son of William Elyot, of Theddingworth, co. Leic., to Christopher Elyot, goldsmith, of London. E.g. ?Memorandum that thomas Elyoott the sonne Wylliam Elyott hat putt hym prentyse wyth my master Christofor Elyot.? Another one is in the first person from Thomas?s perspective (f. 127v). Christopher is described as ?cetyzun & goldsmyth of london? on ?129v? (130v) Perhaps belonged to the family of Elyot (see above)." "London British Library Royal 20.B.XV","London",1,0,0,"Owned by John Shirley and passed to Richard Caudrey." "London British Library Royal 4.C.VI","Oxford",0,1,0,"Written by John Lutton, colophon, f.215: 'Qui scripsit scriptum Ion Lutton est sibi nomen: Dignus est operarius mercede sua'." "London British Library Royal 4.C.VI","Reading",1,0,0,"Presented by Thomas Besforde, a monk of Reading Abbey, to the abbey: 'Hunc librum dedit frater Thomas Besforde Monachus Radingie fratribus claustralibus ad studentum; quem qui alienauerit uel fraudem de co fecerit uel uioliauerit, anathema sit. Precium lx s. Orate pro anima eius', f. i v" "London British Library Royal 8.D.X","London",0,1,0,"f. 206: ?istum librum emi London. a Pye stacyonario . prec xx.s?." "London British Library Royal 8.F.xvi","London",1,0,0,"Belonged to 'mag. Ricardus de Kyluyngton' [Dean of St. Paul's 1353-1361 ?] whose name is on most of the pages." "London British Library Sloane 2427","London",1,0,0,"'Liber Johannis Briltur alias ?(?) Londoniensis' written on f. 1v in a fifteenth-century hand." "London British Library Sloane 2948","London",0,1,0,"On fol. 51 'London perscripsi illud die Veneris nona die mensis Julij 1462 et regni regis Edwardi, 4ti anno secundo'." "London British Library Sloane 5","London",1,0,0,"f. 157 ?Iste liber constat Richardo Dod. de London Barbor Sorion?." "London College of Arms 45","London",1,0,1,"Inscription on the second page of the bifolium: 'This boke by longytt . vn To Master Ihon / Barthyllmewe Gerdyllarr and Marchantte/ of london'. A second note of ownership reads: 'Thys boke be longyth on to thomas / goodonston gerdeler of london'. A merchant's mark, including the owner's initials, accompanies the inscription. Also contains a list of the mayors of London holding office between 1508-1512." "London College of Arms 45","York",1,0,0,"The MS seems to have passed into the hands of York merchants at some point in the sixteenth century. In the right hand margin of f. 56r, is the note 'myghell man off yorke has Received off Tomas'; the same name appears in a memorandum on f. 117r and that of Thomas Man on f. 86r and 130v. These are all in the hand of Michael Man, who was a York merchant." "London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","London",1,1,1,"Mostly written in London by Arnald Thedmar, alderman of the City of London, and a scribe employed by him. To judge by the script of ff. 52-56 the MS was still in private ownership c. 1320. 'Iste liber intitulatur de aqua Tamisie' is repeated twice inside the cover, s.xv." "London CRO Liber Horn","London",1,1,1,"Fol. 206 in red 'Iste liber restat Andree Horn piscenario London' de Breggestrete in quo continentur Carta et alie consuetudines predicte Ciuitatis. Et carta libertatis Anglie et statuta per Henricum Regem et per Edwardum Regum filium predicti Regis Henrici edita Quem fieri fecit Anno domini M CCC xj Et Anno regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Edwardi vto'." "London Guildhall 208","London",1,1,0,"Fol. 11v: 'Iste liber constat Thome Segden principali de Furnyvale Inne In holborn' Scriptus per J. Lake Anno domini Millesimo CCCC lvij Et anno regni regis henrici vj post conquestum /xxxiiij et/ xxxv/ quem idem [...] cond[...] et finitur scriptura eius per eundem Johannem Lake de Furnyvale Inne in festo sancti Martini in yeme eodem anno /xxxv/ et kalendar' est ex manu et ex abstraccione mei dicti Th. Segden etc'. Bound by the 'Scales Binder' who worked in London from the 1450s to c. 1481: see further N. Barker, 'A Register of Writs and the Scales Binder', The Book Collector, 21 (1972), 365-67." "London Lambeth Palace Library 256","London",0,1,0,"Written by the Hooked-g scribe, active in London in the third quarter of the fifteenth century." "London Lambeth Palace Library 306","London",1,1,1,"Possibly compiled by or for a Londoner. Many of the manuscripts collected by Stow had a London connection. Includes material relating to London, including the Short London Chronicle." "London Lambeth Palace Library 32","Cambridge",1,1,0,"Contains the note on f. 257r: 'Explicit istud opus de causa dei contra pelagium et de virtute causarum dei Thome de Bradwardyna Cancellarii london perscriptum Cantebrigge . Anno domini millesimo ccc octogesimo quinto editum ab eodem Thoma london anno domini millesimo ccc quadragesimo quarto'. Two cautio notes on f. 271v. The first having been erased is now only visible under UV light and reads 'Caucio magistri W. Gylls exposita ciste anno domini m cccc xxxvj < >. The second reads: 'Caucio magistri Willemi Dyngley [BRUC 203 and Appendix] exposita ciste [Richardi] bylyngford [BRUC 61] anno domini m cccc xxxvj / vij die mensis maij / pro xl s'. Dyngley donated the volume to Peterhouse, for which see Peterhouse Cat, p. 8. This volume is is entered among his gifts in the Old Catalogue of1418." "London Lambeth Palace Library 444 [II]","Oxford",0,1,0,"Hermann Zurke gives his name and date (1451) in colophons on fols. 37, 46v; fol. 37: ?Deo laus et matri eius gloriose. A. d. m. cccc. li. vicesimo quinto die mensis oct. in Catstrette in opido oxon. per hermannum de Gripesswaldis alias Zureke? ; f. 46v: ?Expl. lib. Microt. Gal. de 12 portis a.d. 1451. 3o die mens. Nouemb. in vico muriligorum in parrochia s. marie feria 4a hora quasi 5a post prandium. Per hermannum zureken alias de Gripessualdis?." "London Lambeth Palace Library 472","London",1,1,0,"A London 'common profit' book. Contains the note on f. 261v (according to the pagination, which misses out 4 folios between f. 260 and what is now f. 261) 'Memorandum şat şis boke be deliuered to Richard Colop parchemanere of London after my discesse. And in caas he die or I şen I wol it be take to som deuowte persone to haue it vnder şe forme and condicioun wretyn in şe ende of şis book heere to fore. Mordon.' Followed by a note stating ?per me domini Johanne Graunt / In nomine domini nostri Jhesu Christi / God graunt grace omnibus nobis. 1493?. On the verso of the first flyleaf is the note in s.xv hand ?Soli deo honor et gloria / God graunte grace? in the same hand as wrote the 1493 note." "London Lambeth Palace Library 491","London",0,1,0,"Written by HM 114 scribe." "London Lambeth Palace Library 878","London",0,0,1,"Contains a list of the mayors and sheriffs of London, which has additions up to 1530." "London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.25","London",1,0,0,"Belonged to John Holonde, monk of Westminster (first mass in 1472; sub-prior in 1500); 'Iste liber pertinet fratri Iohanni holonde Monacho Westm' ', on f. 134. The name 'John Bumpsteade' is scribbled on f. 83, s. xvii." "London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.44","London",0,1,0,"Written by John Shirley." "London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","London",0,1,1,"?The anonymous parts of this MS (Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11) appear to be written by an English physician, possibly of London. There are references to patients in that city on ff. 47v [CJ: ?quidam ciues londoun?], 53v, 83v, 192v (Moorat 1962)." "Manchester Chethams Library 8009","London",1,0,1,"Possibly compiled for, and certainly later owned by, a London merchant." "Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 51","Bristol",1,0,0,"'Thomas Day of Brystow' is scribbled upside down on f. 125 in a late fifteenth-century hand" "Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 77","London",1,0,0,"Owned by Thomas Eborall, master of Whittington College, London, 1444-64 (d. 1471) and his successor, William Ive (d. 1486)" "Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 90","St Albans",1,0,0,"Note on f. 1v 'Iste sunt testes hugone Chattok Taylor of Sint Albans W Wyllyham scheddebolt Bayly araunt dwellyng in the same Tovne'." "New York Pierpont Bühler 21","Norwich",0,1,1,"East Anglia, probably Norwich. Bühler (1961: 287) finds evidence in the calendar text: ?Pointing directly at Norwich is the entry for September 24 ?Dedicacio ecclesie Norwicensis?. Providing further evidence for the Norfolk origin of the calendar is the notation for the feast of Little St. William of Norwich. This entry (?Passio sancti williami norwicensis?) also confirms the fact that, in the fifteenth century anyway, the feast of St William was celebrated on March 24; the Acta Sanctorum and other authorities now cite the following day?. iiv: Three names in the same hand: Thomas Cotfold, Johannes Rothe, Robertus Halle; also signature of Johannes Landes. Bühler notes that ?none of these Norfolk individuals can be identified? (1961; 294, n3), but gives no explanation as to why he assumes they are from Norfolk. iiir: Signature of Johannes Wylton." "New York Pierpont Morgan Library MS Bühler 5","London",1,1,0,"On f. 91v a sixteenth-century hand writes ?Robert de mylner vico de mylke stret Towne de London?. The same hand also appears to write the following: f. 45r ?Byrne gabrell?; f. 51r ?in dei nomine amen?; f. 52r ?John Bayre?; f. 54r ?henry Atkyne?; f. 61r ?john milner vico de Wodstret?, ?whyitynton [...]syn?, and ?Myl?; f. 73r an illegible jotting; f. 74r Molsey wylsey?; f. 74r ?Robert de milner vico de Wodstret?. On f. 98r there is a reference to a ?Willimo Stathame cyttezssyn de cownte [?]? in a late fifteenth or early sixteenth-century hand. The jottings noted above suggest that the manuscript was in the possession of a certain ?Robert Rolonde hobsunt? (ff. 26v, 98v) quite soon after its production and was probably with the Mylner family of London in the sixteenth century. The references to the quarters [?vico?] of ?Wodstret? and ?Mylke Stret? that occur with the ?Mylner? names refer to areas of London known to, and inhabited by, many wealthy merchants and important persons in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, suggesting that the manuscript was owned by a fairly wealthy merchant family in this area. A probable London provenance for the manuscript is plausible, first because of the presence of the Chetham scribe, known to be working in the capital in the 1470s when this manuscript was undoubtedly produced; secondly, because of the close textual affiliations between this copy of the text, Arch. Selden B. 10, Ashmole 34, Douce 345 and Harvard 1054, which were all decorated by artists known to be working in the metropolis at this time." "Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","London",1,1,1,"Includes material relating to London. Thomson, pp. 266-267: 'The presence of Sir Thomas Wriothesley's notes and headings as well as the similarity of the artists' style and the bastard secretary of the heading to the other books associated with Wriothesley shows clearly that the book was produced for and subsequently used by him'." "Oxford All Souls College 17","Lynn",0,1,0,"Written in the Augustinian friary at King's Lynn. The manuscript is annotated and revised by John Capgrave. It shares aspects of style and binding with Balliol College, MS 190, a presentation copy of Capgrave's works certainly produced at the friary." "Oxford All Souls College 182","Exeter",1,1,0,"f. 268r? ?Istum librum dedit Decano et Capitulo Eccelsie Cathedralis beati Petri Exoniensis magister Johannes Steuenys...'" "Oxford All Souls College 182","Portsmouth",1,0,0,"In the margin of fol. 3r, partly trimmed, is 'Hunc librum Willelmus Elyot Clericus Magister Domus dei de portmouth Wynton' di in Comitatu Suth. olim> Registrarius bone memorie Edmundi la Exon' Episcopi quarto de die mensis Julij a Regni Regis Ricardi t primo dedit legauit in Vita sua natura
  • disposuit Collegio Animarum in Oxon' ad magistrorum sociorum eiusdem Collegij Scorium quamdiu durauerit in libraria ibidem resurum Cathenandum Et quis seu qui hunc librum a dicto Colleg contra predicti dan et disponentis Volun alienare presumpse ve[l] presumpserint s nouerit seu nouerint indignacionem omniptentis dei ac eius maladiccionem incurr'." "Oxford All Souls College 42","Oxford",1,1,0,"Sections *B, C, F and G were probably written by professional scribes in Oxford. The first identifiable owner, although anonymous, can probably be identified as an Oxford lawyer. A note on the final leaf reads 'The hewse off thys boke Mr Thomas Beshype hath grant to mayster Ric. Gawnts duryng hijs lyffe and aftyr his dissese to be delivered on to the colege of allsolwe to be chanyd in the lybrary off the colege'." "Oxford All Souls College 78","Oxford",1,1,0,"Written by John Racour, d. 1487. On fol. 1r 'Liber Collegij omnium animarum fidelium defunctorum de Oxon' and on f. 2r is 'Liber Collegij animarum omnium fidelium defunctorum in Ox' Ex dono M. Johannis Racour doctoris in medicinis nuper socij eiusdem. Cuius anime propicietur deus Amen'. On back pastedown 'Liber Collegij animarum in Oxon'." "Oxford All Souls College 88","Oxford",1,0,0,"On fol. 1v 'Liber collegij Animarum omnium fidelium defunctorum in Oxonia ex dono Magistri Walteri Hopton' quondam socii huius collegij. Anime cuius miseriatur' (s. xv - textura)." "Oxford All Souls College 91","Cambridge",1,1,0,"Part A written in the hand of Roger Marchall, Cambridge Doctor of Medicine, who was also in London in the 1460s and perhaps even in the mid-1450s and practised medicine while there. See Voigts 1995." "Oxford All Souls College 91","London",1,1,0,"Part A written in the hand of Roger Marchall, Cambridge Doctor of Medicine, who was also in London in the 1460s and perhaps even in the mid-1450s and practised medicine while there. See Voigts 1995." "Oxford All Souls College 91","Norwich",1,0,0,"Owned by James Goldwell, bishop of Norwich and fellow of All Souls towards the end of the fifteenth century." "Oxford All Souls College 91","Oxford",1,0,0,"Owned by James Goldwell, bishop of Norwich and fellow of All Souls towards the end of the fifteenth century." "Oxford All Souls College 92","Oxford",1,1,0,"Very similar decoration, lacking only the occasional mauve flourishing, is in Oriel College MS 70, written in Oxford in 1429. On fol. 1 is 'Liber Collegij animarum omnium fidelium defunctorum ex dono .M. Thome lay. oretis pro bono statu eiusdem' (s. xv). Laye was admitted a foundation fellow of All Souls in 1437 (BRUO)." "Oxford All Souls College 98","London",0,1,0,"Probably a London production." "Oxford Balliol College 187","Oxford",1,0,0,"Contains Thomas Gascoigne's marginalia, so in Oxford before 1458." "Oxford Balliol College 28","Oxford",1,1,0,"Scott argues that the border may be an early dated instance of the large-scale use of aroids in Oxford limning shops. Owned by William Gray, bishop of Ely and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. Written by a Dutch scribe, Tielman Reynerszoon, probably in Oxford: 'Finitus per manus Tielmanni/filij Reyneri almani oriundi.. in Hollan/dia. Anno domini M cccc xlij in profesto sancte gertrudis' (fol. 258r)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Add 370","London",0,1,0,"f. 190v: ?... Walterum de burley Anglicum scriptus per manus fratris Johannis de gelria Alamani in prouincia anglie in villa london?" "Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","London",0,1,0,"Kathleen Scott has identified the border work in Arch. Selden B.10 with a large group of manuscripts produced between 1470-1480 in the London area (1996: II, 354)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.14","London",1,0,0,"Has the inscription 'Pertinet Thomam Heed ciuis Londoniarum'." "Oxford Bodleian Library Ashmole 34","London",0,1,0,"Kathleen Scott associates the border work in Ashmole 34 and Arch. Selden B. 10 with a large group of manuscripts produced between 1470-1480 in the London area (1996: II, 354). The illuminator of Ashmole 34, she believes, is the same English artist who is known to have worked with the ?Caxton Master? and another artist (referred to as the ?owl? illuminator due to the presence of owls in his border work) on the illumination of Bodleian MS Bodley 283. Scott 1968, 1996: II, 354." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","London",0,1,0,"f. 1r (bottom): ?Hunc librum emit W. C[leue] de J. Pye stacionario Londo? xo die Augusti anno regni regis Edwardi iiijti tertio coram Roberto Paling?." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 131","York",1,1,1,"Written towards the middle of the fifteenth century by John Morton of York. Some Latin documents are bound with it, one of which is a recommendation on behalf of John Morton and his wife, Juliana, to the spiritual aid of the Austin Friars, which is dated at York in 1438. It is possible that the scribe of Bodley 131 was related to the armigerous book-owner John Morton, whose will of 1431 survives, although this latter man gives no details of his immediate family." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 140","Leicester",1,0,0,"f. 95v, early s.xv: ?Iste liber est fratris J. de Par [or Per] ordinis predicatorum Leycestrie?." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 200","Reading",1,0,0,"Front flyleaf verso: ?Ex dono Willelmi de Box claustralibus Radingie cuius anime propicietur Deus . Amen?, late s.xv." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 251","Canterbury",1,0,0,"Owned by William Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1381 until his death in 1396 ?Prima pars Lyre Willelmi Cowrtenay Cantuarensis archiepiscopi? (late s.xiv). ??quam?dedit Ecclesie Christi Cantuariensi? (s.xv). The volume was left by the archbishop to his nephew Richard Courtenay with reversion to Canterbury on his death (1415). On f. 398r are four notes of the MS having been deposited in the Waugham chest of Oxford University. Two are almost illegible (dated 1401, 1403), but the third runs ?Caucio magistri Johannis Blew, Ricardi Courtenay, Roberti Newby, Wilemi Oldeni [?] Philippi Morgan, magistri Thome ? exposita in cista Waugham Hussy pro xviij marcis in festo Sancti Thome martiris anno Domini Mo CCCCo ijo? (See Bodleian Quarterly Record, Vol II, No. 17)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 251","Oxford",1,0,0,"Owned by William Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1381 until his death in 1396 ?Prima pars Lyre Willelmi Cowrtenay Cantuarensis archiepiscopi? (late s.xiv). ??quam?dedit Ecclesie Christi Cantuariensi? (s.xv). The volume was left by the archbishop to his nephew Richard Courtenay with reversion to Canterbury on his death (1415). On f. 398r are four notes of the MS having been deposited in the Waugham chest of Oxford University. Two are almost illegible (dated 1401, 1403), but the third runs ?Caucio magistri Johannis Blew, Ricardi Courtenay, Roberti Newby, Wilemi Oldeni [?] Philippi Morgan, magistri Thome ? exposita in cista Waugham Hussy pro xviij marcis in festo Sancti Thome martiris anno Domini Mo CCCCo ijo? (See Bodleian Quarterly Record, Vol II, No. 17)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 279","Exeter",1,0,0,"Owned by Martin Lerchedekene, born c.1361, fellow at Oriel by 1372 and still there in 1374. From 1384 until his death c. 1433 he was a canon of Exeter Cathedral ?Istum librum habuit magister Johannes Raw de bonis magistri Martini lerchedekene [Archdeacon] per manus Michaelis lerchedekene partim ex dono ad orandum pro anima Maartini prediciti & partim emit illum ? anno Domini mo cccco xxxixo?. ?Liber Holcote super sapiens ? Ex dono magistri Johannis Row huius Ecclesie quondamSubdecani?. Row or Raw, subdean of Exeter cathedral, died in 1463." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 279","Oxford",1,0,0,"Owned by Martin Lerchedekene, born c.1361, fellow at Oriel by 1372 and still there in 1374. From 1384 until his death c. 1433 he was a canon of Exeter Cathedral ?Istum librum habuit magister Johannes Raw de bonis magistri Martini lerchedekene [Archdeacon] per manus Michaelis lerchedekene partim ex dono ad orandum pro anima Maartini (check) prediciti & partim emit illum ? anno Domini mo cccco xxxixo?" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 283","London",1,1,0,"Illustrated by Caxton Master; insc. on rear pastedown: ?This book oweth Thomas Kippyng of London draper? - probably first owner." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 287","Exeter",1,0,0,"Owned by Robert Hereward, Canon and prebendary of Exeter (d. 1363). Contains the note: 'Ex legato magistri Roberti Hereward quondam canonici Exoniensis? in an s.xiv hand." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","Cambridge",1,1,0,"Partly written by the owner, John Holbroke, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge (fellow from 1393, master from 1421, d. 1437)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","Oxford",1,0,0,"First owner, Magister John Stevens (ob. 1459) graduate of Oxford, in the service of Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury. Bequeathed to Magister Roger Keys, All Souls College, Oxford f. 268r: ?Istum librum dedit Decano et Capitulo Eccelsie Cathedralis beati Petri Exoniensis magister Johannes Steuenys quondam eiusdem Ecclesie Canonicus cathenadum in eorum communi libraria post obitam Magistri Rogeri Keys . Et quicumque illum sine licencia predicti Capituli abstulerit . vel folium inde resciderit . anathematizetur eo facto . Qui quidem liber continet?? Keys died in 1477. Presented (to the Bodleian?) by the dean and chapter of Exeter in 1602." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 320","Exeter",1,0,0,"Owned by Henry Webber who studied at Exeter College, Oxford, and died in 1477. He became dean of Exeter cathedral in 1459." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 320","Oxford",1,0,0, "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","Salisbury",0,1,0,"Written by Hermann Zurke in Salisbury: 'in villa Sarum' (p. 203); 'Sarum ciuitate' (p. 424); 'in ciuitate Sarum' (p. 458)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 362","Oxford",1,1,0,"Oxford and Salisbury - copied by Hermann Zurke of Griefswald for Gilbert Kymer Colophons: 1.f. 184r - 1448 2.f. 185r 3.f. 237v 4.f. 246v: 1449/50, Jan 30. 5. f. 272r 1453, Sept 1. 6. f. 334v 1454/55 These show that the writer of the whole volume was Hermanneus Zurke, alias de Gripesuualdis (or Griffeswaldis) ?scriptor Oxoniensis & seruitor ? venerabilis magistri Gilberti [Kymer]?, and that the work was undertaken from 1448 ? to Jan 1454/55. Kymer was chancellor of the University 1449 ? 53. He was connected with the household of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and was dean of Salisbury from 1449 until his death in 1463. The actual place of writing was probably Oxford, perhaps until Kymer resigned the Chancellorship on May 11, 1453 and after that Salisbury (arts 2 ? 3 probably written there). f. 272r ?In Sarum? Sept 1, 1453. The colophon at f. 246v states that Gadesden?s ?Opus? was ?comparartum per egregium virum magistrium Gilbertum [Kymer] cancellarium Oxoniensem & scriptum per (etc)'." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 362","Salisbury",1,1,0,"Oxford and Salisbury - copied by Hermann Zurke of Griefswald for Gilbert Kymer Colophons: 1.f. 184r - 1448 2.f. 185r 3.f. 237v 4.f. 246v: 1449/50, Jan 30. 5. f. 272r 1453, Sept 1. 6. f. 334v 1454/55 These show that the writer of the whole volume was Hermanneus Zurke, alias de Gripesuualdis (or Griffeswaldis) ?scriptor Oxoniensis & seruitor ? venerabilis magistri Gilberti [Kymer]?, and that the work was undertaken from 1448 ? to Jan 1454/55. Kymer was chancellor of the University 1449 ? 53. He was connected with the household of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and was dean of Salisbury from 1449 until his death in 1463. The actual place of writing was probably Oxford, perhaps until Kymer resigned the Chancellorship on May 11, 1453 and after that Salisbury (arts 2 ? 3 probably written there). f. 272r ?In Sarum? Sept 1, 1453. The colophon at f. 246v states that Gadesden?s ?Opus? was ?comparartum per egregium virum magistrium Gilbertum [Kymer] cancellarium Oxoniensem & scriptum per (etc)'." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423","London",1,0,0,"Owned by a canon of the Augustinian Priory of St Mary Overy, Southwark. f. 351r: 'Iste liber Constat Domino Johanni B[. . .] Canonico beate marie de Suthewerke'." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","London",1,0,0,"Belonged to Alan Kyes, a London pewterer in the early c16." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 467","St Albans",1,0,0,"f. 171r: 'Iste est liber domini Hugonis Eyton supprioris monasterii Sancti Albani Anglorum prothomarthis'." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","Oxford",1,1,0,"Scribe and owner: John Maynesforth; originally from Durham, graduate and fellow of Merton College, Oxford: ?Iste liber legatur communi librarie Collegij de Merton in Oxonia per Johannem Maynesforth quondam socium eiusdem & subdecanum ecclesie cathedralis Cicestrensis?. Maynsforth was elected fellow of Merton in 1425, and wrote this volume at about that date. ?10 de sorte Hyll?? no doubt a reference to Robert Hill, elected fellow of Merton in 1492, and the borrowing of books by fellows of Merton, late s.xv." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 585 A","St Albans",1,0,1,"The Bodley MS consists of quires detached from CUL Dd.6.7. The original manuscript was probably written for, if not by, Edmund Shenley between 1440 and 1448, and was certainly the property of St Albans abbey in the third quarter of the fifteenth century. The Cambridge MS bears several signs of ownership." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 630","London",1,0,0,"Has the C15th purchase price of 4 marks and 2 shillings, and was given to Syon by the widow of a London fishmonger: ?Hunc librum librarie fratrum de Syon Jahanna Buklonde relicta Ricardi Buklonde civis & piscarii Londoniensis dedit fratri Rogero Twiforde & ceteris fratribus de Syon ad orandum pro ea & pro anima dicti Ricardi?." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","Canterbury",1,1,0,"At the end: ?Iste liber constat W. Boolde monacho Ecclesie Christi. Cantuarie. anno domini MoCCCColxviij?. Canterbury binding, by John Kemsyn." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 765","Oxford",0,1,0,"The mark of Thomas Hunt, the Oxford stationer (s.xv ? later) occurs" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 785","Oxford",1,1,0,"f. 280r: ?C[autio] m[agistri] Petri Borowgh exposita in cista de Nele anno Domini mo . cccco . xlo . vijo . xxiij die Augusti 2o folio mam viuentem & ja[cet] pro xiii s . iiij d . Procurator istius voluminis est magister Johannes Stokes?. This is preceded by another cautio, which is now illegible. The mark of Thomas Hunt, the Oxford stationer (s.xv ? later) occurs, and another which may be Stokes?s." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 795","Oxford",0,1,0,"On f. 244v 'Hunc librum scripsit Willelmus Bedmistre oxonie Anno domini. 1435. Orate specialiter per eo in spicientes prefatum librum'." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","Oxford",1,1,0,"Owned by John Wells, scholar of Gloucester College, Oxford. Brewer and Rigg 1994, pp. 29-30: 'there is evidence that the book itself was compiled at Oxford?. They point to the bookplate which implies that the book had not always been at Ramsey; the textual affiliations between this and other manuscripts which suggests that the manuscript formed part of ?an Oxford 'pool' of poetic anthologies?; and the presence of a copy of Map's De Nugis Curialium, which ?could derive from an original preserved in Oxford from the time when Map was archdeacon. The accounts on the flyeaves suggest that the manuscript returned to Ramsey, but it is also possible that Dodsthorp was in Oxford when the later additions were made?." "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","London",0,1,0,"Same hand as CUL Ff.6.31 (which is a London common-profit book). Front flyleaves: ?Per me Geo[r]ge Page filii de Rica[r]di Page? in what the catalogue describes as ?would-be cryptic writing?, s.xv" "Oxford Bodleian Library Canon misc. 110","Norwich",1,0,0,"Erased ex libris of Robert Jernemuth, monk of Norwich, s.xvin, f. 5v (inscription with fine initials)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","Oxford",1,0,0,"Thomson pp. 275-75: 'Hands 6, 7 and 8 record the use of a manuscript in a school, perhaps in Oxford, in the second quarter of the fifteenth century. None of the names mentioned by these hands are known to me in the Oxford records, however, unless the Thomas Wodehowse who owned the manuscript is one of the two friars of c. 1450 mentioned in BRUO under that name. The manuscript was next owned by mag. Thomas Jolyffe and passed into the circle of the regent M.A.s at Oxford. It seems to have been in the hands of mag. Thomas Jolyffe before Chapelyn's death and bequest of the book to Jolyffe in 1461, since Jolyffe's inception (before 1453), Chapelyn himself, and perhaps mag. Robert Cowper (d. 1452) are mentioned in Jolyffe's entries. Jolyffe mentions the following of his contemporaries who are found in BRUO (see also Emden, 1961) (BRUO form of names given): Thomas Chapelyn, Thomas Phyppes, John Bedon, Robert Careswell, William Wag, Robert Mayne, Richard Bulkeleye, John Thamys, John Bradway, ?Robert Cowper, Thomas Balsall, ?Peter Paris. Other names mentioned are: Alcaster, Richard Goret(?), Simon Dyer, Artur Oxpens, Saye, and W. Parchement maker. The members of the first list above are mostly regent M.A.s, typically ordained to titles such as Oseney Abbey, looking after university chests, renting schools and halls, and moving after their regency to a country parish. They have several links with the elementary teaching of grammar: Jolyffe's parents founded the grammar school at Stratford-upon-Avon, and Balsall was later warden of the college there (in 1466), having been one of the supervisors of the grammar schools for a year in Oxford (in 1442) and a fellow of Eton (in 1459). Jolyffe himself co-rented Glasen Hall with mag. John Bekelys in 1455 and mag. Thomas Bekels in 1458 (Salter, 1929-36, vol. iii, p. 251), who may be connected with john Drury, schoolmaster at Beccles at that time (see CUL). Richard Bulkeley is a well-known Oxford grammar teacher of the period, and John Thamys gave a caution on behalf of Hugh Fotte, another teacher of grammar. A further link is provided by William Wag's bequest of Magdalen College Oxford MS lat. 98 to William Ive who was headmaster of Winchester College from 1444 to 1453." "Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 77","Cambridge",1,0,0,"f. 147v: 'Wiflete vult quod iste liber tradatur abathie de Mews in Holdernes quia emit eum ab uno monacho ejusdem domus pro viiis et dubitat utrum monachus habuit potestam vendendi . Volo etiam quod habeant Thomam be virtutibus theologie quem emit [sic]ab eodem pro iiis . iiiid?. Probably William Wiflete, master of Clare Hall, Cambridge (1445-1455). (See Emden, BRUC). He wrote an inscription on f. 147v, stating that he wanted the book, which he had purchased from Meaux Abbey, to be returned to the house, as he doubted that the monk had permission to sell." "Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 89","London",1,0,0,"f. 1r: ?liber magistri Thome lyseux decani Sancti Pauli?." "Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 25","London",1,1,0,"f. 72r: 'This booke was maad of şe goodis of a certeyne persoone for a comyn profite . şat şat persoone şat haş şis book committid to him of şe persoone şat haş power to committe it . haue şe vss şerof terme of his lyf pr[a]yng for şe soule of şe same persoone of whos goodis şis booke was maad And şat he şat haş şe forseif vsse of comissioun whanne he occupieş it not leene it for a tyme to sum oşer persoone Also şat şat persoone to whom it was committid for şe teerme of lijf vndir şe forseid condiciouns delyuer it to anoşer persoone şe teerme of his lijf And be it delyuered and committid for persoone to persoone as longe as şe booke man or woman as longe as şe booke enduriş'." "Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 372","London",1,0,0,"f. 163v: 'John burton citizen and mercer of london past oute of this lyfe the xx day of nouember the yere mill cxxx lx and the yeir of kyng henry the sixte after the conquest xxxix and the said john burton bequethe to dame kateryne burton his dou3ter a boke callyd legenda sanctorum the seyde kateryne to haue hit and to occupye to hir owne use and at hir owne liberte durynge hur lyfe and after hur decesse to remayne to the prioresse and the couent of halywelle for euermore they to pray fo the saide john burton and johanne his wife and alle crystene soyles and who that lettithe the execusion of this bequest be the lawe standeth'. Refers to the priory of St. John the Baptist in Holywell, Shoreditch, see Ker 1964, p. 67." "Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","London",1,1,1,"London associations of some of the texts (8 and 9 for example - concerning London churches and St. Paul's), and later additions also relate to London which suggests that the volume remained in the capital. Boffey suggests a possible clerical background for this manuscript." "Oxford Bodleian Library e. Musaeo 42","London",0,1,0,"Scott argues that this artist's style and borderwork suggest that he was located in London and certainly trained in London. His work is known in at least 13 other manuscripts." "Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","London",0,1,0,"Has been attributed to the artist William Abell working in London (Alexander 1972)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","Great Yarmouth",0,0,1,"Domesday entry for Great Yarmouth?s liberties" "Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","Norwich",1,0,1,"f. 13r ?Liber Fratris Symonis Bozoun prioris Norwic?." "Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 2","London",1,1,0,"The names 'Johannes Mather et Johannes Pottes de London', written in a sixteenth century hand, appear on f. 168v. Partly written by the Hooked g scribe, working in London." "Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 2","Norwich",1,0,0,"The names 'Alexander Mather aldermannus Norwici possessor est huius libri' and 'Willelmus Mingeius ciuis et aldermannus civitatis Norwici hunc possidet librum' testified by Thomas Peade appear on ff. 168v-170v. Other notes are 'Robartus Myngeus', 'Quondam Matheri liber fui, nunc autem Chethami et amicorum eius sum'; 'Robert Palmer owe this boke'; 'Ricardus Hildersham hunc possidet librum' and 'Thomas Kinge of Norwich alderman'." "Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","London",1,1,0,"The manuscript as it stands is probably the compilation of William Slyngysby of London who was elected scholar of Winchester in 1476. His ownership is witnessed by Henry Wrotesley, son of Sir Walter Wrotesley (elected 1476), John Pynnok of Drayton (elected 1477) and probably Robert Wexham (elected 1475)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","Oxford",1,1,0,"Section D and probably section F are the work of John Rede, who had links with Winchester and Oxford. Rede's work antedates Slyngysby's and must therefore date from his time as a scholar rather than a headmaster." "Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","Winchester",1,1,0,"Section D and probably section F are the work of John Rede, who had links with Winchester and Oxford. Rede's work antedates Slyngysby's and must therefore date from his time as a scholar rather than a headmaster." "Oxford Bodleian Library Lat. Misc. d.74","Chester",1,0,0,"Owned by Roger Conway, a Franciscan friar of Worcester custody, probably of Chester convent. In 1355 he became a member of the London convent." "Oxford Bodleian Library Lat. Misc. d.74","London",1,0,0, "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","London",1,0,0,"The note 'Iste liber constat Henrico Perueys, testantibus Iohanni Rede presbitero, Willelmo Rotheley, et alias' occurs on f. 238v, 'in a hand of c. 1450-75 (as dated by Dr Doyle)'. The name Henrico Perueys has been written over an erasure; the underlying name is now illegible even under U.V. light. A Henry Perveys and a William Wrotheley are both attested in London documents of the middle and later fifteenth century. (See owners)" "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 403","York",0,0,1,"Erased note of the death of magister Roger Coryngham, archdeacon of York, 1412, fol.iii At the end of the MS is written ?Precium hujus libri est xxvi. s. viii. d. ?" "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 557","London",1,0,0,"f. 66r. ?a constat Rogers Thorny mercer? Later owned by John Stow: ?This is John Stowe?s book? on 66r. Laud?s ownership mark on f.1r." "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","Bristol",1,1,0,"A volume made of 2 quires written by William Worcester in Oxford in 1437 and seven quires written by him in Bristol in 1438. There are also probably notes written in Norwich in the book." "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","Norwich",1,1,1,"A volume made of 2 quires written by William Worcester in Oxford in 1437 and seven quires written by him in Bristol in 1438. There are also probably notes written in Norwich in the book." "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","Oxford",1,1,0,"A volume made of 2 quires written by William Worcester in Oxford in 1437 and seven quires written by him in Bristol in 1438. There are also probably notes written in Norwich in the book." "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 84","York",1,0,1,"In the middle of the volume is inserted : 'tabulae eclipsium paschalesque necnon Kalendarium ubi notantur dies obituales plurium e families de Wilkinson et Young? . The obits of the following are noted: Mergeriae Benson, 20 Feb 1556 Johannis Hambald, 6 Mart 1456 Will. Duffeld, archid. Cleveland, 7 Mart 1452 Johannis Kemp, Cardinal. 22 Mart 1453 There is also a note of a fire in ?ecl. Ebor? iv Dominic in Quadragesima 1463. Obits: Rogeri Fardinge, 6 Apr. 1566 Will. Felter decan. Ebor. 1451 J. Bernyngham, 23 Mar. 1457" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. A. 359","Exeter",0,1,0,"Scribe: T. Stanelagh, of Exeter, f. 145v. Many notes by Stanelagh, a few by others." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","York",0,0,1,"f. 1 records the obit of John Marshal, parson of York minster, who bequeathed a ?liber de moralibus? in 1466." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","Cambridge",0,1,0,"Parts of the MS copied in 1440 by William Ludham of Cambridge." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","London",1,0,0,"Booklet 2 contains several late fifteenth or early sixteenth century inscriptions, which can be linked to certain London merchant families. On f. 87v, for example, the inscription: 'Wylliam Warner the son of tomas warner'. A Warner family including a father Thomas and a son William makes sporadic appearances in London records of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries (Boffey 1983, pp. 413-5)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","Exeter",0,0,1,"Thomson p. 313-4: The frequent references to Exeter makes it probable that the manuscript, like [Caius 417] and [British Library Additional 12195] reflects the teaching at Exeter Grammar School." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","Plymouth",1,1,1,"Owned by Walter Pollard 'of Plymouth'. On f. 7v 'Iste liber constat Valterus Pollarde off Plymouth'. Thomson 1979, pp. 314-5: ?The manuscript? is not so much a school exercise book, although it was used for that, as Walter Pollard's personal notebook, and its entries reflect his experiences and interests over a substantial period of time. (Dates in the manuscript range from the 1444/5 to 1483). Letters seem to refer to a period when Walter was with a family outside Exeter, and in the later entries we see an increasing number of business and legal notes which suggest that his education after its initial stages was preparing him for the cloth trade and property management, and an understanding of the legal procedures they would involve. The rental of John Pollard, as well as showing the process of introducing Walter to his father's affairs, shows that the Pollards were considerable landowners in the Exeter and Plymouth area, and this is confirmed by mention of them (and other names found in the manuscript) in Exeter Tax Assessments (Rowe, 1977) and the presence of a Walter Pollard (probably not the writer of this manuscript, but a relative of his) in the list of magnates in the King's writ to the constables of Devon for swearing to keep the peace of 1434 (Alexander, 1940; John Crokker of Lyneham?." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42","Bury St Edmunds",1,0,0,"Given to St Mary?s Bury St Edmunds by Richard Fuller, capellanus, and Richard Aleyne ?Kerver?, 1472 (f. 9v)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42","Norwich",0,0,1,"Dedication of Norwich cathedral, 24th Sept." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.9","Norwich",1,0,0,"Contains the arms of John Wakering, bishop of Norwich (1416-25) on ff. 1r, 11v." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","London",0,1,1,"Some of the entries such as the one under 9 March, ?Combusti sunt 5 in vna domo extra Ludgat, 1454?, and the prominence of St Erkenwald point to London as the place of writing. f.1 ?This book ... belongeth to clement pepys?. s.xvi. Entries of events in London." "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. poet. 151","London",1,0,0,"f. 108v: ?Iste liber constat Nicolo Tycheborne ex done Johannis Bolle ciui & grocere London? s.xv. ?Iste liber constat Willelmo Tycheborne ex done Nicolo Tycheborne patris mei? s.xv/xvi? The beginnings of other ownership marks are on ii 2r ?v: ?This??, ?This f [??.?]?, and possibly ?London?; in late hand ? s.xvi/xvii?" "Oxford Bodleian Library Selden sup. 40","York",0,0,1,"Colophon on f. 133v: ?by me, Rychards Lostman, preyst? (very rubbed)." "Oxford Bodleian Library Wood empt. 15","Exeter",1,1,0,"f. v verso: ?Liber medicine assignatus comuni librarie ecclesie cathedralis Exon? per executores venerabilis viri magistri Johannis Stuetesham in sacra theologia doctoris et dicte ecclesie nuper canonici & cancellarii?. 'Explicit tractatus quidam phisice scriptus Exon? per manus J. Bobych . Iam summus in fine laus autori medicine'." "Oxford Brasenose College 14","Cambridge",1,0,0,"In Cambridge by 1481." "Oxford Brasenose College 14","Chester",0,0,1,"Coventry and Lichfield diocese (ante 1481?) (Mandate, f. 196r, annotator?s mention of Chester, f. 125r, local SS, f. 195v)." "Oxford Brasenose College 14","London",1,0,0,"Bought in London c. 1488? A loose strip of parchment found in the MS (now bound in with the front flyleaves), has written on it, in a late s.xv/xvi hand: ?Liber magistri Attewater emptus Londonijs per M. Willelmo Menyman . Colleg. Whityngton soc.?" "Oxford Brasenose College 9","London",0,1,0,"Written by a London scribe. Scott suggests a London provenance for the border decoration, which she dates to c. 1410 (Scott 1997)." "Oxford Corpus Christi College 220","London",1,0,0,"Inscribed with names of John and Isobel Manyngham, associated with London ?Manyngham Joh? and ?Dame Isobel Manyngham? on f. 61v, together with notes and verses in the same hand as writes Isobel?s name." "Oxford Corpus Christi College 67","London",1,1,0,"Copied by Scribe D. Its two miniatures have also been related to those of the Scheere group, which suggests a London location for the production of this manuscript. f. 209 in a sixteenth-century hand: 'Liber partinet Thomam Crispe Ciuem et Mercerium Londiniarum' and on the flyleaf at the beginning a device containing the same name, and also A. Crispe, F. Crispe, W. Rawson, Anne Rawson. A merchant's mark, drawn in black ink, appears on f. 1v and on f.2r, with the first initial to the English verse of the prologue." "Oxford Exeter College 52","Oxford",1,1,0,"Written by a scribe working in Oxford, possibly William Osborne, who entered into an agreement with Roger Keys in 1466 to copy for him and no one else. Illuminated by John Bray between 1480-84 in Oxford. Watson also suggests that the spray decoration is in the same style and possibly from the same Oxford shop as is found in Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R 14.15, Oxford, Oriel College, MS 6, and Bodl. Lib., MS Hatton 73." "Oxford Exeter College 58","Oxford",1,1,0,"Written by William Salamon working in Oxford. On fol. 190v, with the last line partly trimmed away, is 'Liber Magistri Rogeri Keys scriptus Anno domini Willelmi [Salamonis]'." "Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","Bristol",1,1,1,"Written by Thomas Schort in Bristol. f. 18 (covering ff. 7-18) states: 'Expliciunt tractatus de regiminibus scriptus bristolie super nouam portam. per manus Thome Schort octauo die mensis maij Anno domini M CCCC xx vij' and f. 24 (covering ff. 18v-24) states: 'Explicit tractatus.. die generibus nominum secundum vsum oxonie quen edidit Magister Johannes laylond Scriptus Bristollie per manus Thome Schort . xxo die mensis may secundum computacionem ecclesie Anglicane . anno m CCCCmo xxviij ... Quod Schort'. On f. 30v, covering ff. 25v-30v: 'Quod Schort'. Interest in Bristol and its neighbourhood is suggested by, for example, f. 97: 'I have dewllyd at bristow ys şre 3ere and as myche more as fro my3elmasse hedyr to' and 'y kan ryde to bathe in a day and als for be3ond for nede'." "Oxford Magdalen College Lat. 4","Oxford",1,1,0,"f. 284r: 'Liber Thome Wyche emptus per eum Oxonie de Johanne More in quaternis non illuminatis nec ligatis .12. die aprilis Anno domini Mo . CCCC. quinquagesimo quinto pro .xiij.s. iiij.d.?. A similar inscription, where More is described as 'stacionarius' is on 284v, but is dated 1454. Watson [CDDM Ox]: ?Presumably the latter was written first, and when the book was bound it was lost by being glued inside the pastedown; the inscription was then rewritten on fol. 284 with the date changed.?" "Oxford Merton College 248","Oxford",0,1,0,"Collected by Dom. John of Sheppey, doctor of theology, monk and later bishop of Rochester, during his stay in Oxford." "Oxford Merton College 248","Rochester",1,0,0,"Collected by Dom. John of Sheppey, doctor of theology, monk and later bishop of Rochester, during his stay in Oxford." "Oxford Merton College 265","Beverley",1,0,0,"Owned by Thomas Bloxham canon of Beverley (d. 1478). At the end of quire VI, beside the catchword, is a device consisting of 2 interlocking loops, with ?Thome auge mayster? written in the loops. ii1r: 'Liber Collij de Merton Ex dono Mri Thomae Bloxham' (in a late hand ? post medieval). ii1v : 'liber collegii ex dono magistri thome Bloxham' (s.xv/xvi hand) ii2r: (cropped) 'liber M Thomae Bloxhm' (s.xv hand)." "Oxford Queen's College 307","Canterbury",1,0,0,"Owned by Thomas Hunden, abbot of St. Augustine's, Canterbury. Given by Hunden with nine other books: inscribed 'Cronica Cestren' T. Hundenn Abbatis de librario sancti Augustini Cantuariensis' on fol. 2r. Identifiable in the late fifteenth-century Canterbury catalogue from the secundo folio." "Oxford St John's College 137","London",1,0,0,"On fol. iv 'Liber quondam Magistri Thome Eyburhale datus Magistro Roberto Elyot Anno domini 1471 Ad terminum vite sic quod non vendatur sed post eius mortem detur alteri volenti predicare Orate igitur pro anima eius'." "Oxford St John's College 137","Oxford",1,0,0, "Oxford St Johns College 142","London",1,0,0,"On fol. iv,s. xv 'Liber Magistri Iohanni Kermerdyn Rectoris generalis sancti Martini inf[...] Ludgate London' below it an erased cautio 'istum librum [ ] Kermerdyn [ ] posuit in [ ] libro [ ] anno CCCC [ ]. For Kermerdyn see BRUO 1040." "Oxford St John's College 266","London",1,1,0,"Owned by Roger Thorney mercer of London, who supplied the manuscript to Wynken de Worde for copy text (Bone 1931)." "Oxford St John's College 57","London",0,1,1,"Contains a London chronicle ending in 1431/2. Written by the 'Beryn scribe', probably working in London (Matheson and Mooney 2003)." "Oxford Wadham College 13","Chester",1,1,1,"Flyleaves at the beginning contain a list, written by four different hands, of sheriffs and mayors of Chester for the years 1469-1499. It was produced for John Dedwood of Chester c. 1470 (see Macaulay 1899-1902, p. clxiii). Dedwood's name and device, a piece of the trunk of a dead tree, appear on f. 1. John Dedwood is listed as Sheriff of Chester in 1481 and Mayor in 1483 in the list on the front flyleaves. He was also Mayor in 1468. Harris suggests that the evidence of dialects of the two scribes (Derbyshire and North-East Staffordshire/Derbyshire border might also imply that the book was produced in Chester [Harris 1993]." "San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","London",1,1,0,"Partially copied by and belonging to John Shirley." "San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.C.9","London",0,1,0,"Written by Scribe B (Adam Pinkhurst) who also wrote portions of Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R.3.2 and the 'Hengwrt MS'." "San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","London",0,1,0,"Written by Thomas Hoccleve." "San Marino Huntington Library HM 114","London",0,1,0,"The hand has been identified as that of BL Harley 3943 (Troilus) and LPL 491, working in London (Hanna and Lawton 2003)" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 130","London",1,0,0,"On f. 120v, ?Iste liber partinet [sic] Willelmo Smart. Smart groser,? with merchant?s mark; William Smart became a freeman of the Company of Grocers of London in 1495 and warden of the Company in 1509." "San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","Cambridge",0,1,0,"A single hand for all items except 4, identified on f. 36r as that of Symon Wysbech, student of canon law at Cambridge. f. 36: 'Iste liber constat Roberto Taylour de Boxforde. Omnibus omnia non mea sompnia dicere possum. Quod symon Wysbech scolaris cantabrig. inceptor canonum et legens sive studens in iure canonico. Symon Wysbech studens in iure canonico. Hec predicta scripsit benedicatur deus'." "San Marino Huntington Library HM 26959","London",0,1,0,"Contains the note on f. 97: ' Explicit speculum fratris vincencii belvacensis ordinis predicatorum per distinctiones ad materias distinctum Sub anno domini 1430 in london'." "San Marino Huntington Library HM 55","Lynn",0,1,0,"Written in England, possibly in the Augustinian house at Lynn, Norfolk in 1440, as the presentation copy made by John Capgrave for John Wygenhale, alias Saresson, abbot of the Premonstratensian house of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in West Dereham, Norfolk from 1429 to 1455; see P. J. Lucas, ?On the Date of John Capgrave?s Life of St. Norbert,? The Library ser. 6, vol. 3 (1981) 328-30." "San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","London",1,1,0,"ff. 25-68v, copied by Hoccleve. Probably owned by the Filer family in London." "San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","Scarborough",1,1,1,"Numerous references in the text to Scarborough point to early ownership in that town." "San Marino Huntington Library HM 932","London",0,1,1,"Two historiated initials, ff. 2v (12-line) and 10v (7-line), depicting respectively Bishop Roger Niger and Archbishop William Courtenay, each with 2 monks, attributed to the artist William Abell, working in London. Written in a bastard secretary script by Ricardus Franciscus." "Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","Bristol",0,1,0,"f. 1: 'Explicit Kalendarium secundum laborem fratris Iohannis Somour scriptum Bristoll' per manusm Willelmi Wercestre ad instanciam Ricardi Roper anno domini 1438 incompleto, Et anno regni Regis Henrici 6ti post conquestum 16o 14o die mensis Augusti in Meridie Deo Gracias'." "Ushaw, St Cuthbert's College, 8","London",1,0,1,"Added obits of Juliana and William Estfeld, 10 Mar. 1437, and 10 May 1446; births, deaths etc. of members of the Walsingham family, down to 1462; obit of John Grene, 15 oct 1485; printed by Stephens (1939), pp. 199-200, with some errors: For Estfeld, Stephens read Enfeld, and the Enfelds were owners of land near High Ongar, later held by the Walsinghams, but the manuscript plainly read Estfeld in both places, and there is a surviving will of Sir William Estfeld, citizen, mercer and alderman of London, dated 15 Mar 1445/6, see Sharpe CWCH, ii. 510, and his first wife was Juliana." "Westminster School 3","London",1,0,0,"The inscription and merchant?s mark at the end of the MS suggests that it was in the possession of the London merchant Richard Cloos in the year 1472 (f. 231)." "Winchester Cathedral 15","Winchester",1,0,0,"f.i v: 'Liber ('T Sylksted' over erasure) prec xiii s iiii d'. f. 228v; 'Constat Thome Sylksted (Suppriori)'. Silkstead was a monk at Winchester c. 1468 f. 229r: 'Anno domini Mto CCC iiij xx vto/Iste liber est domo Sancti Swythuni Wynton'/Ex prouidenc[..] Will[?] Qui eum alienaverit anathema sit', in a humanistic hand, perhaps that of Thomas Silkstead's inscription, f. 228v, the same ex libris and anathema in a secretary hand, f. 228v. Possibly 'Lexicon' (11) in Young's list: '55' on the fore-edge, and in 1634 Winchester College catalogue; added as (18) in Morley's list. Not in CMA." "Yale University, Beinecke MS 494","London",1,0,0,"Numerous signatures and ownership inscriptions of William and Robert Naseby, of London. P. Christianson has suggested that William and Robert Naseby may be related to Master John Naseby, a notary and stationer in London in the second half of the 15th century." "York Minster Add. 2","York",1,0,1,"Perhaps written for John Bolton, merchant, alderman and mercer of York, d. 1445. May have then been owned by Thomas Scauceby, mercer of York, or by someone associated with him: the MS contains the addition 'Obitus Tho[me] Scauceby Anno domini M cccc lxxiito'." "York Minster Add. 30","York",0,1,1,"Ker suggests that the note on f. 132 'Thomas Lemyng dwellyng in Yorke' may refer to the scribe who copied that part of the manuscript." "York Minster XVI.D.2","London",1,0,0,"f. iv verso, s.xv: 'Contstat (sic) Iohanni Kynt (?) presbitero et dedit fratri iohanni waker[yn]g'; f. 225, s.xv: 'Orate pro anima domini Iohannis Kynthust et pro anima magistri Iohannis Wakeryng' M. Hospitalis Sancti bartholomey' i.e. Smithfield, London." "York Minster XVI.I.5","Oxford",1,1,0,"Notes added and owned by Richard Ryppley who was admitted to St Peter-le.Bailey, Oxford on 11 Oct 1394; see BRUO, p. 1618." "York Minster XVI.K.16","York",1,0,1,"'Expliciunt collaciones quadragesimales secundum vsum ecclesie Ebor' at end of item 1. On f. iiiv below list of contents; 'Liber domini Iohannis Appilton', who was subtreasurer of York Minster, d. 1453." "York Minster XVI.K.6","York",0,1,1,"'Dedicacio ecclesie omnium sanctorum super Pauimentum Ebor' written in main hand and 'quod kauod',(Cawood between York and Selby) perhaps written in the main hand on f. 80v. Ker suggests that the manuscript was probably written by a parishioner of All Saints Church Pavement, York." "York Minster XVI.P.5","York",1,0,0,"Almost certainly the copy of Bartolus on the Code that John Newton, treasurer of York, d. 1414, assigned to a chest of law books to be kept in the vestry of York Minster in the codicil to his will, see Emden, BRUC, pp. 421-2."