"OwnerID","Name","Gender","Occupation1","Occupation2","Comments" 1,"William Bodley","M","Merchant","Grocer","Married to Elizabeth; member of a well-established family of London grocers." 2,"John Shirley","M","Professional","Scribe","Scribe. By the early 1430s, and probably by the late 1420s, he seems to have settled in London. From 1438, he rented hospital property in St Vedast's Lane in the parish of St John Zachary [Foster Lane in Aldergate]." 5,"Simon Bozoun","M","Prior of Norwich Cathedral Priory",,"Prior of Norwich Cathedral Priory from 1344-1352 (d. 1352). A list of his books with their prices is recorded in BL Royal MS 14.C.xiii. This MS is item 26 ?Liber itinerariorum prec? xls?. (facsim. NPS, 1st ser., pl. 143). Also owned BodL Fairfax 20." 6,"William de Elmham","M","Religious",,"De Elham was a monk at St Augustine?s Abbey, Canterbury, until 1300, when he was excommunicated for exercising certain disputed privileges of the Abbey." 7,"Nicholas Bildeston","M","Dean of Salisbury",,"Bildeston was dean of Salisbury from 1435. He died May 1441." 9,"John Somerset","M","Professional",,"Somerset was physician to Henry VI, and gave books to Peterhouse." 10,"Andrew Horn","M","Fishmonger","Lawyer","(c.1275?1328). Horn was an 'administrator and chronicler, probably belonged to a long-established London family, but his relationship to any of the earlier and numerous Horns of London and Southwark is unknown. He is otherwise first mentioned as warden of the fishmongers' guild in 1307, and as a ?fishmonger of Bridge Street?, liable for a modest contribution of 5s. to the subsidy of 1319, and as witness to a number of Bridge House deeds from 1321 to 1327. At his death he owned two tenements, one in the parish of St Magnus in Bridge Street, probably his principal residence, and the other in Lucas Lane, in the parish of St Leonard at Eastcheap. That he practised as a fishmonger is evident from the suits brought against him in 1307 and 1315 for giving short weight in his fish baskets; but his compilations show that, from 1311 at latest, his interests, and probably his career, were increasingly formed by the practice of law and the defence of city privileges in the London courts. His access to city muniments implies that he had some position in the legal world of the Guildhall before he was elected chamberlain on 16 January 1320, a position he held until his death, which occurred between 9 and 23 October 1328'. [Catto 2004]." 11,"Adam Easton","M","Religious",,"Owned by Adam Easton, Monk of Norwich Cathedral Priory, who studied at Gloucester College in 1356-57 and 1362-63. He died in Rome in 1397. Also owned: Bodley 151; St John?s Cambridge 218; Corpus Christi Cambridge 347, 180." 12,"Edmund Shenley","M","Religious",,"Benedictine monk at St Albans." 13,"Richard Holme","M","Warden of King's Hall, Cambridge and King's Clerk",,"Died 1424. Was also Canon of York." 14,"Nicholas","M",,,"Possibly living in parish of St Mary?s, Bury St Edmunds." 17,"Willelmus Wade de Norton","M","Rector",,"In Cambridge Pembroke 146, f. 221v: 'Willelmus Wade de Norton Rector ecclesie Sancti Johannis Brist'." 19,"W. P.","U",,, 20,"John Warkeworth","M","Master of Peterhouse College","Scholar","Fellow of Merton college in 1447. An auditor of the university's accounts in 1449; keeper of the Turville chest in 1455. Master of Peterhouse College 5 Nov 1473 till death in 1500. Requested burial in the chantry chapel which he had built and endowed in 1487 on South Side of the nave of St Mary the Less, Cambridge." 21,"Thomas Fyndon","M","Religious",,"Abbot of St Augustine?s Abbey, Canterbury." 22,"William London","M","Clerk",,"Student of Magdalen College Oxford." 23,"Thomas Bourgchier","M","Aristocrat",,"c. 1412-1486. Chancellor of Oxford (1434-37) and Archbishop of Canterbury (in 1454)." 24,"Good Wife Sanderson","F",,, 25,"Anon1","M","Secular",,"London Rector and master of Whittington College (s.xv)." 26,"Walter Hotham","M","Religious",,"Monk of St Mary's Abbey, York." 27,"John Gower","M","Poet",,"Member of the Gower family, considerable landowners in Kent and Sussex. Gower appears in land transactions involving land in Kent in the late 1370s and 1380s." 28,"William Broun","M","Professional","Scribe","According to Owen (1979:16), Broun describes himself as 'clerk'. Evidently a local practitioner dealing with relatively minor business. Since there are no notes of litigation, in his notebook, it is supposed that the compiler was a local scrivener rather than an attorney. Married to Mary." 29,"Thomas Arnold","M","Religious",,"Monk at St Augustine?s, fl. 1370." 30,"Thomas Pooche","M",,, 31,"Nicholas Ferrar","M",,,"(d. 1637) Of Clare Hall, the Virginia Company, and founder of the community at Little Godding, Hants." 32,"Richard Fox","M","Lay worker at St Alban?s Abbey",,"d. 1454." 33,"Eleanor Hull","F","Aristocrat",,"Eleanor Hull, the translator of the psalms in CUL Kk.1.6, was a benefactress of St Albans abbey, who gave Dd.7.7-10 to the abbey. She was the daughter of Sir John Malet, retainer of Henry Bolingbroke. She was in the service of Joan of Navarre, second wife of Henry IV and was a member of the confraternity of St Albans by 1417." 34,"James Hobart","M","Lawyer",,"Possibly Sir James Hobart. d. 1517, adm. Lincoln?s Inn 1458 (and subsequently a bencher), attorney-general 1486-1507. Hobart may be the same as mentioned in the Paston letters." 39,"William Roke","M","Scholar",,"Roke was admitted as Fellow of King Hall, Cambridge on 31 July 1389. See BRUC, p. 486" 40,"Henry Barnard","M","Gentry",,"Probably the Henry Barnard of London, gent., and Cambs. who acted as a pledge in Chancery in the 1470s (J.L.H. 4: 58)." 41,"Clement Heigham","M",,,"Probably Clement Heigham of Lavenham, Suffolk, who acted as a feoffee for Henry Strange of Lincoln?s Inn temp. Edw. IV (CIPM Hen VII 1: 23, no. 52) and is perhaps the ?Higham? adm. Lincoln?s Inn 1457." 42,"John Colop","M",,,"Colop was a founding member of the Chapel and Guild of the Nine Orders of Holy Angels, near Syon. Together with the Bishops of St Asaph and Llandaff, Master John Somerset, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and four others, he was appointed to assist in the distribution of bequests for the estate of Richard Whittington, Mayor of London, who died in 1423. Colop was granted accommodation in a messuage owned by Whittington in the parish of St Michael Paternoster." 43,"William Worcester","M","Secretary",,"Born in Bristol 1415; at Oxford in 1432; had entered the service of Sir John Fastolf by 1438. As Fastolf's secretary until 1459 Worcester travelled widely in England and Normandy. In 1470 he moved from London to Cambridge for economic reasons. In later years he lived in Pockthorp immediately outside the Bargate of Norwich. Died by 1485 at the latest." 44,"John Paston II","M","Gentry",,"d.1479. M.P. for Norfolk in 1467-8 and J.P. in 1469-70. Spent some time in London (Richmond 2000)." 45,"Thomas Westhaugh","M","Scholar/cleric/canon lawyer",,"Fellow of Pembroke Hall, later Pembroke College, Cambridge, and received his doctorate in theology sometime after 1448 (BRUC). He does not appear to have trained in medicine at any time." 46,"John Sperhawke","M","Canon lawyer/scholar",,"John Sperhawke was an expert in Canon Law, assisting the Bishop of Bath and Wells on a number of occasions (Minnis 1949: 10). Ordained priest in 1425, Sperhawke went on to receive a number of ecclesiastical benefices, and, like Westhaugh, was reasonably wealthy when he died." 48,"William Fetypace","M","Merchant",,"Speculatively identified as the son of John Fetypace, a London draper, who died 1464 (see Manly and Rickert 1940); his will in PRO Prob. 11/5 is further commented upon by Edwards (see Pepys 2006/Edwards). William came of age in 1473, and later married the widow of a Robert Horne, possibly the man of this name whose signature appears in BL Harley 4912, a copy of Troilus and Criseyde." 49,"Anon2","U","Merchant",,"Identified only by a mark." 50,"John Bagford","M","Bookseller and antiquary",,"d. 1716." 52,"Anon2","U","Fishmonger",, 53,"John Gamalin","M","Merchant?",,"Colop and Gamalin had been responsible for helping to settle the property of London grocer John Sudbury, early in 1439." 54,"John Chapman","M","Rector",,"Owned by John Chapman, S.T.P., Rector [of All Hallows] in ?honylane? London, 1479-1494." 55,"Margery Pensax","F","Nun (anchorite)",,"Margery Pensax is recorded as being an anchoress at St Botolph?s, Bishopsgate, in 1399 and 1413." 56,"John Clerk","M","Grocer and apothecary",,"Johannes Clerk, grocer and apothecary of King Edward IV, warden of the Grocers Company 1467, 1475; appointed 17 Feb. 1462 Apothecary for life to the King receiving 8d. daily for his fee and a robe yearly at Christmas, see Cal. Patent Rolls under 1462 (p. 22). See also Grocers Company List and Grocers Company Records." 57,"Edward Gower","M","Stockfishmonger",, 58,"John Joseph","M","Religious",,"OFM of Worcester." 59,"John Norfolk","M","Scholar",,"Fellow of All Souls, Oxford." 60,"John Penyngton","M","Schoolmaster",,"Schoolmaster in Worcestershire." 61,"Richard Clerke","M","Mayor",,"Clerke was Steward of Exeter 1470-1477, Mayor of Exeter 1472 - 1473, 1488-89." 62,"John Fenyngham","M","Religious",,"Monk of Bury St Edmunds in s.xiv." 63,"Thomas Frowyk","M","Mercer",,"gentleman mercer." 64,"John Pynswale","M","College fellow; priest",,"Or Pynswall. Fellow of Corpus Christi College, adm. 1440; vac. 1458. Junior proctor of the University in 1444-5; senior proctor 1447-8. Became priest/rector of Little Bardfield, Essex; adm. 16 Dec 1458, vac. July 1463 and rector of Redgrave, Suffolk, adm. 29 June 1463 til death [BRUC]." 65,"William Bolton","M","Canon",,"Canon at St. Batholomew's, Smithfield." 66,"Walter Knytley","M","Chancellor",,"Chancellor of St. Paul's." 67,"Hugh Obthorp","M",,, 68,"Robert Hollond","M","Shearman",,"According to Jones (1929), p. xxxiii, ?A Robert Holond, sherman, died intestate in 1441 and... the administration of his goods was granted to one John Collopp of the parish of St Michael in the Royal?. A Robert Holand, sherman, occurs in Hustings Rolls, 1419 -1434." 69,"James Palmer","M",,,"Also known as James Palmer junior. May be the James Palmer who was a Church of England clergyman and benefactor,bap. 1581, d. 1660). See DNB entry, Knighton 2004." 70,"Anne Colvyle","F","Religious",,"Nun at Syon Abbey. Also owned Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Misc 416." 71,"Reginald de Bugwell","M","Dean of Exeter",,"Dean of Exeter, 1353 until his death in 1363." 72,"Robert Yuori","M","Religious",,"Carmelite friar. NB: BRUO 'Ivory'" 73,"Magister Leye","M",,,"s.xv." 74,"William Challner","M",,,"s.xvi." 75,"Thomas Cheke","M",,,"s.xvi." 76,"Thomas Elyot","M","Goldsmith?s apprentice?",,"Son of William Elyot, of Theddingworth, co. Leic; apprenticed to Christopher Elyot, goldsmith, of London." 77,"Richard Kilvington","M","Dean of St Paul?s Cathedral",,"Dean of St Paul?s Cathedral, 1353 ? 1361. He was the son of a priest from the diocese of York. He studied at Oxford, where he became Master of Arts (1324/1325) and then Doctor of Theology (ca. 1335). He was in the of service of Edward III and took part in diplomatic missions, culminating in his service as Dean of St. Paul?s Cathedral in London." 78,"W. Bathon","U",,,"perhaps William Laud. Bishop of Bath 1626-1628." 79,"John Theyer","M","Antiquary",,"(bap. 1598, d. 1673), antiquary. He entered Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1613, but did not graduate." 80,"Richard Dod","M","Barber Surgeon",, 87,"John Smyth","M","Scholar",,"'in domo Sancti Iohannis'. Thomson suggests that 'This reference is probably to the hospital of St John at Exeter, which Bishop Stapledon had arranged to be endowed as a hostels for scholars taught at the city grammar school, the endowment being completed by his successor Bishop Grandisson (Orme 1973, pp. 182-3; 1976, pp. 48-9). Bishop Stapledon also founded Exeter College Oxford'. Thomson suggests that this John Smith may be the same as the one from Exeter diocese and Exeter College, recorded as taking his BA in 1476." 88,"John Bracebridge","M","Schoolmaster",,"By 1390 described as being 'of Lincoln' a magister. Appointed head of the grammar school at Boston in 1390, where he stayed until at least 1406. He was then brought back to head the school at Lincoln, being nominated for the post by the cathedral chancellor John Huntman. Left Lincoln in 1420 and entered Syon. More details in Garton 1980." 89,"John Arundell","M","Scholar/Teacher",,"Principal of a hall, possibly St Mildred's Hall, Oxford. Fellow of Exeter College Oxford c. 1420; d. 1477." 90,"Anon Oxford lawyer","U","Lawyer",, 91,"Thomas Bishop","M","Chaplain",,"Great White Hall principal in Dec 1448; res. 16 July 1450. Practised in Chancellor's Court and in consistory court of Lincoln." 92,"Richard Gaunt","M","Scholar",,"All Souls College; fellow by 1475; still in 1495. Died by Sept 1519." 93,"Thomas Gascoigne","M","Chancellor of the University of Oxford",,"(1404?1458), theologian and university administrator. Elected chancellor of the university of Oxford on 14 March 1444 [von Nolcken 2004]." 94,"Robert Pewsey","M","Cleric/scholar?",,"Perhaps the Pewsey who was fellow of New College 1448-59 (BRUO 1473)." 96,"John Manygham","M",,,"Married to Isobel Manyngham." 97,"Isobel Manygham","F",,,"Married to John Manyngham." 98,"John of Sheppey","M","Religious",,"Doctor of theology, monk and later bishop of Rochester. Died by 19 Oct. 1360." 99,"Thomas Bloxham","M","Canon of Beverley",,"Canon of Beverley. d. 1478." 103,"Thomas Wyche","M","Scholar",,"Fellow of Oriel College in June 1435; vac. 1461; chapl. 1450-2, 1457-8; dean 1453-4, 1455-6, 1459-60; senior treasurer 1455-6, 1458-9. He bought several books from the Oxford stationer, John More." 104,"Elizabeth Bodley","F","Grocer?",,"Married to William - member of a well-established family of London grocers." 105,"Roger Thorney","M","Merchant",,"London merchant, born before 1450 and died in 1515. He was a member of the Mercers' Company." 106,"John Stow","M","Historian",,"(1524/5?1605), historian, was born in the parish of St Michael Cornhill, London. He was 'admitted to the freedom of the Merchant Taylors' Company in 1547 but remained for nearly thirty years a member of the subordinate Bachelors' or Yeoman Company, and was never admitted to the livery or to any important office... Stow was a prolific manuscript collector whose interests included chronicles, charters, ecclesiastical and municipal records, wills, literary works, and learned treatises' [Beer 2004]." 107,"J. de Par","M","Religious",,"J. de Par (or Per)." 108,"Thomas Lychfylde","M",,,"of Middlesex." 110,"William Cleve","M","Rector",, 111,"Roger Conwey","M","Religious",,"A Franciscan friar of Worcester custody, probably of Chester convent. In 1355 he became a member of the London convent ?at which the nobles of the realm are wont to meet?. He is best known for having re-examined the Franciscan ideals of poverty and mendicancy (see BRUO). He was 22nd Minister of the Franciscan Province of England (see A. G. Little, Grey Friars in Oxford, p. 239)." 112,"William Courtenay","M","Archbishop",,"Archbishop of Canterbury from 1381 until his death in 1396." 113,"John Stnetesham (Stuetesham? Snetesham?)","M","Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral",,"(d. 1448). In Le Neve?s Fasti, the date of his death is given as 1448-9." 114,"William de Box","M","Religious",,"Monk at Reading." 115,"Henry Webber","M","Dean of Exeter Cathedral",,"Webber studied at Exeter College, Oxford, became dean of Exeter in 1459 until his death in 1477. Requested burial in the north aisle of Exeter cathedral where he placed his books of canon and civil law 'per modum parvae librariae' and gave books to Exeter cathedral." 117,"John Maynesforth","M","Scholar",,"Fellow of Merton College Oxford c. 1425." 118,"Hugh Eyton","M","Religious",,"Subprior of St Albans abbey." 119,"Gilbert Kymer","M","Chancellor of Oxford University; Dean of Salisbury",,"Kymer was chancellor of the University 1449 ? 53. He was connected with the household of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, and was dean of Salisbury from 1449 until his death in 1463." 120,"John Stanshawe","M",,, 121,"Edward Brerewood","M","Antiquary",,"Probably the Edward Brerewood (c.1565?1613), who was an antiquary and mathematician." 122,"John Holbroke","M","Master of Peterhouse","Scholar","Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge (fellow from 1393, master from 1421, d. 1437)." 123,"W. Boolde","M","Religious",,"Monk at Canterbury." 124,"Joanna Buklonde","F","Fishmonger's wife",,"Wife of the London citizen and fishmonger Richard Buklonde." 125,"John Bolle","M","Grocer",, 126,"Nicholas Tycheborne","M",,,"Father of William Tycheborne." 127,"William Tycheborne","M",,,"Son of Nicholas Tycheborne." 128,"Richard Fuller","M","Chaplain",, 129,"Richard Aleyne","M","Sculptor/Wood carver",, 130,"John Wakering","M","Bishop",,"Bishop of Norwich, 1416 -25." 131,"William Wiflete","M","Secular","Scholar","William Wiflete, master of Clare Hall, Cambridge (1445-1455). (See BRUC)." 132,"Robert Jernemuth","M","Religious",,"s.xvin" 135,"John Morton","M",,,"It is possible that he was or was related to the armigerous book-owner John Morton, whose will of 1431 survives, although this latter man gives no details of his immediate family." 136,"John Stevens","M","Canon",,"Canon of Exeter. (ob. 1459) graduate of Oxford, in the service of Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury." 137,"Roger Keys","M","Scholar?",,"(d. 1477), college head, was admitted to All Souls College, Oxford, as a legist in 1438 from Exeter diocese. McConica 2004: 'On 6 March 1454 Keyes was appointed rector of St Dunstan-in-the-East, London, and afterwards became also a canon of St Paul's, a canon of Salisbury, archdeacon of Barnstaple, and, by 1456, a canon and prebendary of Exeter. He was also appointed precentor of Exeter, a post he held until his death, and from September 1455 until April 1456... Keyes died on 11 November 1477 at Exeter and was buried there. He gave books both to All Souls College and to Exeter College (of which he had been appointed visitor in November 1442), and to All Souls vestments and vessels for use at the principal altar in the chapel'." 138,"Robert Hereward","M","Canon and prebendary of Exeter",,"(d. 1363)." 139,"Martin Lerchedekene","M","Fellow of Oriel College, canon of Exeter Cathedral","Scholar","Born c.1361, fellow at Oriel by 1372 and still there in 1374. From 1384 until his death c. 1433 he was a canon of Exeter Cathedral." 140,"John Raw","M","Subdean of Exeter cathedral",,"Possibly Row. Row or Raw, subdean of Exeter cathedral, died in 1463." 141,"Thomas Kippyng","M","Draper",,"d. 1485. Probably lived in Langborne ward. He is mentioned as a debtor to the Draper's Company in the accounts of 1481-2." 142,"Thomas Lyseux","M","Dean of St Paul?s, London",,"Dean of St Pauls from 1442-1456." 143,"Thomas Carleton","M","Embroiderer and Alderman",,"d. 1388-9. See Kleineke (2001) for more on Carleton." 144,"Richard Drax","M","Lawyer",,"A Surrey J. P. and lawyer of Lincoln?s Inn." 145,"Richard Lee","M","Warden of the Grocers Company; Alderman",,"Lee was Warden of the Grocers Company in 1443, Alderman 1452-54, 1459, 1468. May have been the Richard Lee who died 26th Sept 1498 (See Abstracts of Inquisitions post mortem relating to the city of London, London and Mddx Arch. Soc. pt. i, 1485-1561, ed. G. S. Fry. See also Grocers Company Records." 146,"Robert Ri...son","M",,, 147,"Cheddar family","B","Gentry",, 148,"Walter Carleton","M","Gentry",,"Son of Thomas Carleton, of Lincoln, gentleman." 151,"William Forster","M","Schoolmaster",,"Died in Oxford. (BRUO 710) Cavanaugh p. 353: ""William died at Oxford shortly after he had been accepted for admission as an Augustinian canon to Worksop Priory, Notts.""." 152,"J. Warsop","M","Canon",,"Warsop was canon of Lincoln 1361-86." 153,"Edward Lupton","M","Rector and Master of Whittington College",,"Rented Hampton Hall (on the East side of Turl St) in Oxford between 1463-5; collector of university rents between 1472-5. Borrowed a copy of Seneca, de Ira, perhaps from an Oxford stationer. Rector of All Hallows, Honey Lane, London (1476-9), rector of St Michael Royal and master of Whittington College from 1479 to his death in 1482. Requested burial in the chancel of St. Michael Royal, London. Bequeathed a range of books to Magdalen College, Oxford and Whittington College, London. Bought BL MS Royal 2.D.XXV from an Oxford stationer, John More [BRUO]." 154,"William Dalton","M","Canon",,"Canon of Lincoln 1343-1367 (Fasti II, pp. 44, 65, 70), donor of three books to Oriel College, an important Royal official and notable pluralist. (BRUO 538-539)." 155,"Thomas Salisbury","M","Canon",,"Canon of Lincoln from 1447 until his death in 1460 (Fasti Ii, pp. 17, 34, 73)." 157,"William Elyot","M","Canon and scholar",,"d. by October 1494. See Legge , and also BRUO, but note that BRUO ascribes ownership of Oxford All Souls 182 to the wrong William Elyot." 158,"William Stoughton","M","Religious",,"He was cellarer of the abbey of St. Mary de Pratis (Pré), a house of Austin Canons at Leicester, in the late fifteenth century." 159,"Thomas Kent","M","Professional",,"Civil Servant. Thomas Kent was appointed in 1444 as Secondary in the Privy Seal Office and Clerk of the Council, and did have a wife named Joan, widow of Thomas Dounton. From this, Manly-Rickert suggest possible associations with Hoccleve." 160,"Bonyngton","U",,, 161,"Thomas Stanlye","M",,, 162,"John Clavering","M","Rector",,"Rector of Twickenham (1491-4), Staines (1492-1513) and St Christopher-le-Stock (1494-c. 1514), all in the London area." 163,"Edmund Frowcester","M","Scholar",,"(BRUO s.n); admitted fellow of Magdalen College Oxford in 1482, died 1529." 164,"Jone Smyth","M",,, 167,"Thomas Wriothesley","M","Garter King of Arms",,"(d. 1534, Garter King of Arms from 1505). See Wagner, 1952, pp. 9-10; Wagner, 1956, passim)." 168,"Peter Le Neve","M","Professional",,"Son of a London draper. 1661-1729." 169,"'Honest' Tom Martin","M",,,"1697-1771" 170,"Sir John Fenn","M","Antiquary",,"1739-1794." 171,"Thomas Worth","M","Antiquary",,"Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries." 172,"John Frere","M","Gentry",,"1740-1807. Library sold by his descendants in 1896. Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and of the Royal Society." 173,"General William Bulwer","M",,,"DNB vol. xxxiii, p. 31, col. 2" 174,"Jeremiah James Colman","M",,,"1830-1898" 175,"Timothy Colman","M",,,"c. 1954." 176,"Thomas Jolyffe","M","Scholar",,"Incepted at Oxford before 1453. Jolyffe's parents founded the grammar school at Stratford-upon-Avon. Jolyffe himself co-rented Glasen Hall with mag. John Bekelys in 1455 and mag. Thomas Bekels in 1458 (Salter, 1929-36, vol. iii, p. 251)." 177,"Thomas Wodehowse","M","Friar?",,"May be one of the two friars of c. 1450 mentioned in BRUO under that name." 178,"Thomas Chapelyn","M","Scholar",, 179,"Thomas Allen","M","Antiquary",,"(1540??1632), mathematician and antiquary." 180,"Kenelm Digby (Sir)","M","Gentry",,"1603-1665" 181,"John Rede","M","Scholar",,"Scholar of Winchester College 1467-71, at New College 1472-84, headmaster of Winchester 1484-90, tutor to Prince Arthur 1491-6, warden of Winchester College 1501-20 and Warden of New College Oxford 1520-1 (BRUO s.n.)" 182,"William Slyngysby","M","Scholar",,"Of London, was elected scholar of Winchester in 1476." 183,"Christopher, first Lord Hatton","M","Aristocrat",,"Christopher, first Lord Hatton (d. 1670)." 184,"Robert Scot","M","Bookseller",,"(born c. 1632, d. 1709/10), bookseller." 185,"Walter Pollard","M","Merchant",,"Thomson 1979, p. 314: '...the Pollards were considerable landowners in the Exeter and Plymouth area, and this is confirmed by mention of them (and other names found in the manuscript) in Exeter Tax Assessments (Rowe, 1977) and the presence of a Walter Pollard (probably not the writer of this manuscript, but a relative of his) in the list of magnates in the King's writ to the constables of Devon for swearing to keep the peace of 1434 (Alexander, 1940; John Crokker of Lyneham'." 186,"Thomas Ismay","M","Chaplain",,"May be the man of that name who was chaplain at Kingston chapel in 1449-50 (Dunstan, 1963-77, vol. iii, p.62)." 187,"Richard Dyer","M","Scholar",,"Oriel College, b. 1651, of a Devon family." 188,"Thomas Hearne","M","Antiquary",,"1678-1735." 189,"William Bedford","M",,,"Friend of Thomas Hearne. (d. 1747)." 190,"Richard Rawlinson","M",,,"1689/90-1756 (DNB s.n. Thomas Hearne) Rawlinson and his manuscripts are discussed in Macray, 1890, pp. 231-251. The manuscript was formerly known as Rawl. misc. 328. The manuscript is described in Macray, 1893, cols. 165-7." 191,"John Singleton","M",,,"John Syngyltun" 192,"Willelmus Bury (?)","M",,, 193,"Nicholas Kempston","M","Scholar",,"Died 1477 BA by 1451 at Oxford. BRUO, p. 1034." 195,"Walsingham family","B","Gentry",,"Probably the Walsinghams of Scadbury in Kent, who held the manor of Bobbingworth, the next parish to High Ongar." 196,"William and Juliana Estfeld","B","William: citizen, mercer, alderman",,"There is a surviving will of Sir William Estfeld, citizen, mercer and alderman of London, dated 15 Mar 1445/6, see Sharpe CWCH, ii. 510, and his first wife was Juliana." 197,"Richard Andrew","M","Deacon of York",,"Deacon of York, 1452-77." 198,"John Kynthust","M","Master of St Bartholomew's Hospital",,"Master 1422-66 of St Bartholomew's Hospital, Smithfield." 199,"John Wakeryng","M","Master of St Bartholomew's hospital",,"Master of St Bartholomew's hospital, London, kinsman of John Wakering, Bishop of Norwich, 1416 -25." 200,"Oliver Godfrey","M","Scholar",,"'sacre theologie bacularii'. BA determined in 1503, MA 1507-13, died in 1550. See BRUO, p. 778." 201,"William Warham","M","Archbishop of Canterbury",,"Archbishop 1504-32." 202,"Marmaduke Fothergill","M","Antiquary",,"d. 1731." 205,"Richard Rypley","M","Cleric",,"Admitted as rector of St Peter-le-Bailey Oxford on 11 Oct. 1394. See Emden, BRUO, p. 1618." 206,"John Bolton","M","Merchant, alderman and mercer",,"Died 1445. For his will see Yorkshire Archaeological Soc., Record Series vi (1889)." 207,"Thomas Scauceby","M","Mercer",,"Will proved on 14th Dec 1471 (Yorkshire Arch. Soc. Record Ser vi (1889), 146)." 208,"John Argentine","M","Provost of King's College Cambridge and Physician",," (c.1443?1508), physician. See Talbot and Hammond (1965), p.112." 209,"Henry Fowler","M",,,"fl. 1627" 210,"Thomas More","M","Religious",,"Monk at Worcester Cathedral Priory." 212,"Hugh Nash","M","Religious",,"Died 1675. Prebendary." 213,"Thomas Silkstead","M","Religious",,"Silkstead was ordained subdeacon as a (young?) monk of Winchester in 1468 [Compotus Rolls of the Obedientaries of St Swithun's Priory, Winchester, ed. G. W. Kitchin, Hampshire Record Society (1892), 477] and became subprior between 1484 and 1492 [The Register of the Common Seal of the Priory of St Swithun, Winchester, ed. J. Greatrex, Hampshire Record Society, series ii (1978), nos. 434 and 502], holding that office when elected prior in 1498." 216,"Gregory","M",,, 218,"William Danyell","M","Lawyer",,"A William Danyell was an attorney of the Exchequer and member of ThaviesInn (sued for dues in 1491-2, 1496-97, 1503, 1510 and 1520)." 219,"William Yaxley","M","Lawyer",,"A William Yaxley was sued for dues by Gray's Inn in 1539." 220,"Richard Mulcaster","M","Schoolmaster",,"d. 1611." 221,"Thomas Kinge","M","Alderman",, 223,"William Gray","M","Bishop",,"Bishop of Ely and chancellor of the University of Oxford in 1442." 226,"Johannes B[. . . ]","M","Religious",,"Canon of the Augustinian Priory of St Mary Overy, Southwark." 227,"John Wells","M","Religious",,"Brewer and Rigg 1994: 29-30; ' ""rather famous"" anti-Wycliffite. He was a scholar at Gloucester College, Oxford, before 1376, and prior studentium (1381); he was a prominent figure at the Council at Black Friars in 1382, and was appointed proctor on behalf of the provincial chapter of English Black Monks to go to Rome to plead for the release of Cardinal Adam Easton; he died in Perugia in 1388'." 228,"Robert Bothe","M","Warden of St Mary's Hospital",,"Probably studying at Cambridge in 1473. D.C.L. by 1478. Rector of St Matthew's, Ipswich, 1473-6; canon of Beverley in 1476; warden of St Mary's Hospital, Bootham, York from 1487 until his death in 1488. Requested burial in York Minster under a marble slab by the grave of dean Richard Andrew [BRUC: 79-80]." 229,"Edward Ayscough","M",,,"Possibly the same as DNB I:770." 231,"Avery Cornburgh","M","Aristocrat",,"Yeoman of the Chamber to Edward IV." 232,"Robert Taylor","M",,,"From Boxford, Suffolk." 233,"Thomas Eborall","M","Master of Whittington College",,"Thomas Eborall, master of Whittington College, London, 1444-64 (d. 1471)." 235,"Bremschet family","B","Gentry",, 236,"William Ive","M","Master of Whittington College",,"William Ive, master of Whittington College, London, (d. 1486)." 237,"Thomas Day","M",,, 238,"Hugh Chattok","M","Tailor",, 239,"John de Vere","M","Aristocrat",,"John de Vere (1408-61/62), 12th earl of Oxford, who after his father's death in 1417 became ward of the Duke of Exeter and in 1426 of the Duke of Bedford." 240,"Thomas Wencelagh","M","Religious",,"Rector of Middleton-on-the-Wolds." 241,"Robert Garthom","M","Chaplain",,"Chaplain of the chapel of Corpus Christi in Beverley. His will his dated to 26 Aug. 1504 (York, Borthwick Inst., Prob. Reg. 6. F. 204)." 242,"John Appilton","M","Religious",,"Sub-treasurer of York Minster, d. 1453." 243,"John Newton","M","Treasurer of York",,"John Newton, treasurer of York, d. 1414." 244,"John Holonde","M","Religious",,"John Holonde, monk of Westminster (first mass in 1472; sub-prior in 1500)." 245,"William Smart","M","Grocer",,"William Smart became a freeman of the Company of Grocers of London in 1495 and warden of the Company in 1509." 246,"Robert Wyer","M","Printer",,"(fl. 1524?1556), printer and bookseller. Blake 2004: 'He may have started mainly as a bookseller, for he probably sold books printed by Richard Faques, Richard Pynson, and Lawrence Andrew about 1528; but the lay subsidy rolls for 1524 have Wyer enrolled as a printer with goods valued at £4. On 7 September 1527 he was summoned to appear before the vicar-general of the bishop of London for printing Symbolum apostolicum (of which no copy now survives) ... The earliest extant dated book attributable to Wyer is The Golden Pystle of 1531, printed by ?Robert Wyre? at the sign of St John the Evangelist in St Martin's parish, by Charing Cross, in the bishop of Norwich's rents... At least 145 books are attributed to Wyer, excluding extant fragments; but the total number of his publications probably far exceeds this figure'." 247,"Philip Ringeston","M","Merchant",, 248,"John Newsam","M",,, 249,"Thomas Cobham","M","Bishop of Worcester",,"Thomas Cobham, bishop of Worcester 1317-27." 250,"Ludowyci de Cherletone","M","Religious",,"Cherletone was canon of Hereford from 1336, bishop 1361-9 (BRUO 391-1)." 252,"John Vale","M","Professional",,"Worked for Thomas Cook, mayor of London (1462-3) as a clerk, advisor and scribe." 253,"Thomas Heed","M",,, 254,"Alexander Mather","M","Alderman",,"'Alexander Mather aldermannus Norwici possessor est huius libri'" 255,"William Mingeius","M","Alderman",, 257,"Walter Elveden","M","Scholar",,"Walter Elveden was a graduate of Gonville Hall and Doctor of Canon Law. see BRUC 210" 258,"William Pelka","M",,, 259,"Robert Elyot","M","Scholar",,"Died as provost of Eton in January 1499. Admitted as Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, in 1450." 260,"Beatrice Beuerley","F","Unknown",, 261,"Master John","M",,, 262,"Edmund Puttyngs","M",,, 263,"Alicia Lego","F","Religious",,"Alice Lego was recorded as being a nun in the convent of Ankerwyke, Bucks. in 1519." 264,"William Irby","M","Scholar",,"Fellow of Peterhouse, probably by 1371, probably vacant in 1386, bursar in 1374-5, 1379-80, nominee for mastership in 1381-2, 1397, 1400. See BRUC, p. 327." 265,"Anne Bourchier","F","Aristocrat",,"Countess of Eu (d. 1438)." 266,"William Naseby","M","Skinner",,"P. Christianson has suggested that William Naseby may be related to Master John Naseby, a notary and stationer in London in the second half of the 15th century." 267,"Richard Caudray","M","Rector",,"Rector of St Vedast in Foster Lane and of St Dunstan from the early 1420s. He was prebendary of St. Paul's and in 1434, Dean of St. Martin-le-Grand. Friend and executor of the scribe John Shirley." 268,"Thomas Wysottr","M",,, 269,"John Whethamstede","M","Religious",,"Abbot of St Albans 1452-65." 270,"Roger Huswyff","M","Religious",,"'He had been a scholar of both Winchester school (1400) and New College, Oxford (1402). He qualified as a lawyer and then changed careers to become a priest' [Binski and Panayotova 2005: 108-9]." 271,"Chudleigh family","B","Aristocrat",,"Devonshire family." 272,"Richard III","M","Aristocrat",,"(1452?1485), king of England 1483-5." 273,"Robert Naseby","M",,,"P. Christianson has suggested that William and Robert Naseby may be related to Master John Naseby, a notary and stationer in London in the second half of the 15th century." 274,"Richard Roos","M","Aristocrat",,"(c.1410?1482), courtier and poet." 275,"Johannis Bampton","M",,, 276,"Robert Talbot","M","Religious",,"(c. 1505-58), prebendary of Norwich cathedral from 1547 and treasurer there until his death." 277,"Henry Aldrich","M","Scholar",,"Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge in 1569-79 and licensed to teach grammar in Norwich in May 1583." 278,"William Middleton","M",,,"Middleton married Roger Thorney's widow" 280,"John Bayly","M","Religious",,"Canon and Precentor of Hereford, 1460-1479, scholar and Fellow of New College, Oxford, 1425-35." 281,"John Kermerdyn","M","Rector of St. Martin's Ludgate",,"Rector of St. Martin's Ludgate, London adm. 1446 til death [BRUO 1040]." 282,"Walter Hopton","M","Scholar",,"Admitted as a foundation fellow to All Souls in 1437; arts bursar in 1454-5; principal of Salisbury Hall in Dec 1448; principal of St Edmund Hall in 1453." 283,"Thomas Lay","M","Scholar",,"Laye was admitted a foundation fellow of All Souls in 1437. Was Arts bursar in 1447-8. (BRUO)" 284,"Dominus Walter","M","Religious",,"A canon of the Augustinian abbey of Osney, near Oxford." 285,"Nicholas Bishop","M","Burgess",,"Burgess of Oxford." 286,"Thomas Segden","M","Lawyer",,"See his inscription." 287,"Cristyne St Nicholas","F","Nun",,"d. 1455/6. Daughter of Nicholas St. Nicholas, squire." 288,"Thomas Hunden","M","Religious",,"Made abbot of St Augustine's, Canterbury in 1405. D. 1419/20." 289,"John Wygenhale","M","Religious",,"Abbot of the Premonstratensian house of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in West Dereham, Norfolk from 1429 to 1455; see P. J. Lucas, ?On the Date of John Capgrave?s Life of St. Norbert,? The Library ser. 6, vol. 3 (1981) 328-30." 290,"Stanley family","B","Gentry",,"Prominent gentry family." 291,"Filer family","B","Merchant",,"A Thomas Fyler appears in lists dated 1461 (twice) and 1474 in L. Lyell and F. D. Watney, eds., Acts of Court of the Mercers? Company 1453-1527 (Cambridge 1936) 52, 55, 78. Various members of a Filer or Fyler family listed, 1479-82, in M. Fitch, ed., Index to Testamentary Records in the Commissary Court of London, 1374-1488 (London 1969) 70." 292,"Roger Marchall","M","Medical Practitioner",,"Cambridge Doctor of Medicine (d. 1477), who practised in London and Cambridge. See BRUC 392 and app. 679 and Voigts, Linda Ehrsam. ?A Doctor and His Books: The Manuscripts of Roger Marchall (d. 1477)? in Beadle, Richard and Piper, A. J. New Science Out of Old Books: Studies in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books in Honour of A. I. Doyle, Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1995. Pp. 249-314." 293,"John Killum","M","Grocer",,"d. 1416." 294,"Richard Colop","M","Stationer",,"f. 261v 'Memorandum ŝat ŝis boke be deliuered to richard colop parchemanere of london after my discesse...'" 295,"Henry Perveys","M","Draper",,"See S.L. Thrupp, The Merchant Class of Medieval London (Chicago, 1948), p. 360 for information on Henry and other members of the Perveys family. Henry was the son of John, a fishmonger and alderman of London from 1416-1434. Henry was apprenticed to Simon Eyre, draper, by 1437." 296,"Thomas Crisp","M","Merchant",,"He held lands in Byfield and Helmdon in Northamptonshire and at Goldhanger in Essex, as well as an orchard at Croyden in Kent and in the City of London, houses and land at St. Martin Pomery in Ironmonger Lane in Cheap. Crispe was warden of the Mercer's Company in 1523-4 [Harris 1993]." 297,"Percy Family","B","Aristocrat",, 298,"Mylner family","B","Merchant",,"The references to the quarters [?vico?] of ?Wodstret? and ?Mylke Stret? that occur with the ?Mylner? names refer to areas of London known to, and inhabited by, many wealthy merchants and important persons in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, suggesting that the manuscript was owned by a fairly wealthy merchant family in this area." 299,"Humphrey, duke of Gloucester","M","Aristocrat",,"(1390?1447), prince, soldier, and literary patron." 300,"John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester","M","Aristocrat",,"(1427?1470), administrator and humanist. His books included classical texts such as Lucretius, 'De rerum natura', Tacitus, 'De oratoribus claris', Suetonius, 'De claris grammaticis rhetoribusque', and Sallust, 'Bellum Catilinarium' and ' Bellum Jurgurthinium'; see his entry in the DNB [" 301,"John Dedwood","M","Mayor",,"John Dedwood is listed as Sheriff of Chester in 1481 and Mayor in 1483 in the list on the front flyleaves. He was also Mayor in 1468." 302,"Thomas Besforde","M","Religious",,"Monk of Reading Abbey." 303,"Johannis Cranwys","M","Religious",,"Cranwys was a sacrist of the abbey of Bury St Edmunds in the fifteenth century." 304,"Richard Cloos","M","Merchant",,"Richard Cloos was a churchwarden in the London parish of St Mary-at-Hill from 1491-93. The parish accounts show an entry in 1494-95 for the payment of 3s. 4d. to ?Richard Close for j bokskynne?, which suggests that Cloos may have been involved in the book trade. Probably the Richard Cloos, who was a draper and merchant adventurer." 305,"Richard Millie","M","Grocer",, 306,"John Smyth","M","Scholar",,"See BRUO 1716." 307,"Geoffrey Clere","M","Scholar",,"See BRUO 434." 308,"Thomas Rotherham","M","Professional",,"Rotherham served as chaplain to John Vere, 12th earl of Oxford, who was later executed for treason in February 1462, became Keeper of the Privy Seal from 1467-1474 and royal chancellor from 27 May 1474-1483. In 1480 he became archbishop of York and master of Pembroke College." 309,"Johannis Briltur","M",,, 310,"William Melreth","M","Merchant",,"Alderman, textile merchant of Broad Street, member of Parliament, and sheriff of London." 311,"John Mowbray","M","Aristocrat",,"b. 1392, d. 1432, Lord Mowbray and Segrave, 2nd duke of Norfolk, magnate." 312,"John Burton","M","Merchant",,"Mercer and citizen of London. Died 20th November 1460. Married to Joanne, father to Dame Katherine Burton." 313,"Kateryne Burton","F","Nun",, 314,"John Warner","M","Religious",,"Chaplain of Sutton, Lincs." 316,"John Lopham","M","Master of St Edmund's Hospital, Ipswich",, 317,"William Wyot","M","Scholar",,"Handed to Dr John Clint 17 July 1450 a copy of Albertus Magnus, Super Ethica, for delivery to Gonville Hall, as a gift from magister John Loppham made at the Council of Constance, 1417, subject to Wyot's use of it for his lifetime." 318,"John Bartholomew","M","Girdler and merchant",,"Belonged to the Company of Girdlers. His will requests burial at St Thomas Acon in Westcheap and also refers to his parish church, St Mary Bothaw in Candlewick Street (Harris 1993, p. 205)." 319,"Thomas Goodonston","M","Girdler",, 320,"Thomas Urswick","M","MP",,"Sir Thomas Urswick (d. 19 March 1479) who was Common Searjeant of London (1453-1454), Recorder of London (1454-1471) and Chief Baron of the Exchequer (1471-1479); he was MP for Midhurst (1449) and for the City (1461-1462, 1463-1465, 1467-1468, 1470-1) and was frequently on London commissions. He was knighted on 14 June 1471 for his opposition to Fauconberg's attack on London (Harris, 1993, p. 179)." 321,"James Goldwell","M","Religious",,"Studied at All Soul's Oxford where he was a fellow from 1441 to 1452, doctor of civil law by 1452 and of canon law by 1461. He was principal of St George's Hall, Oxford (1450?52). He held benefices in Hertfordshire, London, Essex, and Gloucestershire as well as several rectories in Kent, including Great Chart, and canonries in St Paul's, Hereford, Salisbury, and Chichester cathedrals and in St George's Chapel, Windsor, where he served as registrar of the Order of the Garter. In August 1461 he became archdeacon of Essex, and on 21 October 1463 dean of Salisbury, holding both offices until becoming Bishop of Norwich in 1472 [Hayes 2004]." 322,"Thomas Wryghet","M","Unknown",, 323,"Nicholas Holdaornss","M","Unknown",, 324,"Thomas Wall","M","Windsor Herald",,"Thomas Wall, Windsor Herald 1524-1529." 325,"John Starkey","M",,,"d. 1613. Close associate of Sir Robert Cotton." 326,"Mordon","M",,, 327,"John Graunt","M",,, 328,"John Castleford","M","Chaplain",, 329,"William Bramelay","M","Chaplain",, 330,"Iohannis de Rauerton","M","Canon",, 331,"Willelmi de Rediswelle","M",,,"NOT IN BRUO/C" 332,"Thome de Mandevile","M","Scholar",,"Was granted a licence to study at Oxford until Michaelmas 1343. Deposited London British Library Royal 11.D.iii as a caution for the loan of two civil law texts from St. Michael Hall, on the south side of Beef Hall Lane." 333,"Michael Man","M","Merchant",, 334,"W. Gylls","M","Scholar",, 335,"William Dyngley","M","Scholar",,"Probationary fellow of Peterhouse in 1392, admitted fellow 1 August 1393, senoir fellow 1433, bursar 1402-3, 1414-16, 1417-8, 1430-1; charged for a room in college by 1441-2; co-feoffee of property in Cambridge in 1389 which passed to Pembroke Hall. Chaplain of St Mary's the less in Cambridge in June 1406. Donated many books to Peterhouse." 337,"Peter Borowgh","M","Scholar",,"BRUO: Peter Burgh. Neville Inn, principal in September 1446." 338,"Robert Palmer","M",,, 339,"Richard Hildersham","M",,, 340,"Henry Dotyn","M","Scholar",,"He was a fellow of Exeter 1554-60 and 1558 and also owned Bod. MS Auct D.4.9." 341,"William Fyssher","M","Butcher and citizen",,"For his will of 1466 see 98, 99 Cobald in Index to Wills proved in the Consistory Court of Norwich and now preserved in the District Probate Registry at Norwich, 1370-1550, and Wills among the Norwich Enrolled Deeds, 1286-1508, ed. M.A. Farrow, British Record Society, Index Library, 69, 1945." 342,"William Northe","M",,, 343,"Richard Taylour","M",,, 344,"John Aps[...]","M",,, 345,"William Attewater","M","Scholar",,"Fellow of Magdalen College in 1476-7; rented a school from Exeter College in 1473 and again in 1477. Ordained to title of subdeacon at St. Frideswide's Priory, Oxford, 13 Dec 1474. Fellow of Eton from 4 July 1482 to 1489; rector and vicar of various benefices in Somerset and Dorset; became bishop of Lincoln in 1514; died in 1521 and requested burial in the nave of Lincoln cathedral under a tombstone bearing a memorial brass consisting of his effigy, coat of arms, and an inscription, since destroyed [BRUO 73]." 346,"William Menyman","M","Scholar",,"Fellow of Whittington College." 347,"Walter Crome","M","Scholar",,"See BRUC 168. Fellow of Gonville Hall in 1420, vac. 1427. Rector of St Benet's Sherehog, London, adm. 10 July 1442; til death in 1453. Requested burial in the chancel of St Benet's Sherehog." 348,"Alin Keyes","M","Pewterer",,"Appears in the Pewterer's Guild's records, first as an apprentice in 1503-4 and then as a member in 1520-1 and 1529-30." 349,"John Lychfyld","M",,, 350,"Thomas Arderne","M",,, 351,"Thomas Clare","M","Religious",,"Monk of Bury St Edmunds."