"ProducerID","StandardName","VarName1","VarName2","Comments" 2,"John Howysson",,,"At St Edmund's Hostel (Harlyston Place) in 1467. Died by Oct. 1479." 3,"John Lutton",,,"Scribe and brewer." 4,"William London",,,"Student at Magdalen College, Oxford." 5,"School of Johannes","Follower of Johannes","Style of Johannes", 7,"Thomas Hoccleve","Hoccleve",,"Born in 1367 and entered government service as clerk in the office of the Privy Seal in 1387, an office that he held until his death in 1426." 8,"Hermann Scheerre","Hermann Scheere",,"Artist. Scheerre could certainly have been in London in 1407." 9,"Hooked-g scribe",,,"Active in London in the third quarter of the fifteenth century." 10,"John Vale",,,"A scribe employed by Sir Thomas Cook. The Cooks were a wealthy family of London merchants who held a central position in London politics from at least 1420." 11,"Caesar master",,,"For a discussion of the Caesar Master's work see K. Scott, The Mirroure of the Worlde, Roxburghe Club (1980). His borders combine Italian and northern features. His origins are obscure, but he is thought to have arrived in England during the 1440s. Other examples of his work include Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, 42-1950, and one border in Eton College, MS. 102. Came to England from abroad by 1448. 'It seems therefore likely that the Master worked primarily between London and Oxford, apparently mainly for patrons with humanists interests', Scott (1996), II, p. 279, No. 100." 12,"Thomas Burgh",,, 13,"William Broun",,,"Evidently a local practitioner dealing with relatively minor business." 14,"William Ebesham",,,"Westminster scribe who also came to Norwich in order to undertake work for the Pastons." 15,"Thomas Westhaugh","Thomas Westaw",,"Fellow of Pembroke Hall, later Pembroke College, Cambridge, and received his doctorate in theology sometime after 1448 (BRUC). He does not appear to have trained in medicine at any time." 16,"Symon Wysbech",,,"Student of canon law at Cambridge." 17,"John Kiriel","Johannes Kiriel",,"The Kiriel family of Kent were variously connected with Edmund Beaufort, Earl of Somerset, and the Stourton, Cobham and Chicheley families: see E. Seaton, Sir Richard Roos (London, 1961), pp. 106-108." 18,"John Norfolk",,,"Fellow of All Souls, Oxford." 21,"Edwardus",,,"s.xv med." 22,"William Berdon",,,"The Register of Edmund Lacy, Bishop of Exeter 1420-1455 (ed. Dunstan 1963-72) records a William Berdon tonsured in 1446-7 (ibid. vol. Iv, pp. 211v and 248). Thomson suggests that this is most probably hand 2 of Caius 417/447." 23,"Caius 417 scribe 3",,, 24,"Caius 417 scribe 4",,, 25,"Thomas Marchall",,,"c. 1438-9." 26,"SJC F26 Scribe 1",,, 27,"SJC F26 Scribe 2",,, 28,"Robert Wulrey",,, 29,"SJC F26 Scribe 5",,, 30,"SJC F26 Scribe 6",,, 31,"SJC F26 Scribe 2",,, 32,"Benedict Crosse","Benet le Fremason",, 33,"William Worcester","William Worcestre","William Botoner","Born in Bristol 1415; at Oxford in 1432; had entered the service of Sir John Fastolf by 1438. As Fastolf's secretary until 1459 Worcester travelled widely in England and Normandy. In 1470 he moved from London to Cambridge for economic reasons. In later years he lived in Pockthorp immediately outside the Bargate of Norwich. Died by 1485 at the latest." 34,"Rood and Hunt Binder",,,"s.xv2" 35,"John Racour",,,"d. 1487." 36,"John More",,,"Of Catte St. Active as a university stationer between 1439 and 1472." 37,"Thomas Hunt",,,"s.xv." 38,"William of Glen Magna","Willelmo de Glen Magna",, 40,"J. Bobych",,," (fl. 1444)." 41,"John Maynesforth",,,"Fellow of Merton, c. 1425." 42,"Hermann Zurke","Hermann Zurke of Griefswald"," de Gripesuualdis (or Griffeswaldis)","Hermann Zurke of Griefswald. Worked in Oxford and Salisbury." 43,"John Holbroke",,,"Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge (fellow from 1393, master from 1421, d. 1437)." 44,"John Kemsyn",,,"Active in Canterbury between 1485-1496." 45,"T. Stanelagh",,, 46,"Yates Thompson border artist",,, 47,"Johannis de gelria",,, 48,"Richard Lostman",,, 49,"John Morton",,,"It is possible that this John Morton was related to the armigerous book-owner John Morton, whose will of 1431 survives, although this latter man gives no details of his immediate family." 50,"Caxton Master",,,"(active c.1470-c.1490)" 51,"William Ludham",,,"Working c. 1440." 52,"John Pye",,,"Stationer. Tenant of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, who rented property in Watling St, near to St. Paul's." 53,"Peter Cederwalt",,,"c. 1453." 54,"John Stevens","Johannis Steuenes",,"Canon of Exeter. (ob. 1459) graduate of Oxford, in the service of Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury." 55,"Thomas Spirleng","Thomas Spirling",,"Son of Geoffrey Spirleng (q.v.)" 56,"Geoffrey Spirleng","Geoffrey Spirling",,"Father of Thomas Spirleng. Geoffrey Spirleng, who was employed 'by Sir John Fastolf at and around Caister in north-east Norfolk' and, subsequent to Fastolf?s death (1459), became 'a civic and guild official in Norwich' (Beadle 1997, p. 120), and his sixteen-year-old son, Thomas, in 1476. Beadle 'can find no grounds to endorse the suggestion that [Geoffrey Spirleng] was engaged in a trade involving the regular copying of literary or other manuscripts resembling Gl' (1997, p. 120, n. 8). Geoffrey?s will is dated June 11, 1494 (Norwich, Enrolled Deeds, Roll 20, m.65d)." 57,"Simon Pavye","Symond?",,"C. 1392." 58,"John Melton","Medoltun",, 59,"Gilbert Melton","Medoltun",, 60,"John Penny","Doctor Peni",,"Manly-Rickert: , 'LL.D of Oxford, who was a canon at Leicester at least by 1480, was elected prior in 1493 and abbot in 1496; he became bishop of Bangor in 1504, and in 1508, Bishop of Carlisle; he died in 1519/20' (1:214-215)." 61,"Adam Pinkhurst","Hengwrt-Ellesmere Scribe",,"Chaucer's Scribe. Adam Pinkhurst also worked for the Mercers' Company of London in some capacity from the mid-1380s perhaps until 1427." 62,"John Jonys",,,"Thomson 1979: ''Iohanni Ione' and 'Petro Carter' appear together as custores of Exeter Cathedral in 1441/2 (Dunstan, 1963-72, vol. iv, p. 40), the former appearing a number of other times in the same register as an executor to a canon of Exeter in 1438 (vol. iv, p.33) and to the subdean in 1441 (vol. iv, p. 36), as beneficiary of the will of Robert Lingham, rector of St Mary Major, Exeter in 1427/8 (vol. iv, p. 14) and as rector of Roche in Exeter diocese in 1440 (although this may not be the same man (vol. ii, p. 210)). A 'John Myryfyld' was tonsured and became an acolite in Exeter diocese in 1435 (ibid, vol. iv, p. 156). Despite the confusion over 'John Jones' which, as its connection with two distinct hands in the present manuscript suggests, was a common enough name, it seems very likely that the writer of most of the manuscript was a secondary or custor of Exeter Cathedral at the time when mag. John Boryngton was schoolmaster and rector of St Mary Major (from 1437 on) and either studied at the school himself or helped with the teaching. The similarity between item (11) and Caius [Caius 417] (6) which is John Bonyngton's De regimine casuum reinforces the connection. On the connection between the custores and the school and this group of Exeter manuscripts, whisch includes [Oxford Rawlinson D.328], see Orme 1976, pp. 44-5, 51'." 64,"William",,, 65,"Bonyngton",,, 66,"Thomas Stanlye",,, 67,"Warrewyke",,, 68,"John Chaloner",,, 69,"John Claveryng",,,"Rector of Twickenham (1491-4), Staines (1492-1513) and St Christopher-le-Stock (1494-c. 1514), all in the London area." 81,"Sir Thomas Wriothesley","Thomas Wriothesley",, 82,"Thomas Martin",,,"s.xviii." 83,"John Fenn",,,"c. 1779." 84,"Wymundestonewell",,, 85,"Thomas Wodehowse",,, 86,"Richard Conesborugh",,, 87,"Davyd Brekenoke",,, 88,"Thomas Jolyffe",,,"Incepted at Oxford before 1453. Jolyffe's parents founded the grammar school at Stratford-upon-Avon. Jolyffe himself co-rented Glasen Hall with mag. John Bekelys in 1455 and mag. Thomas Bekels in 1458 (Salter, 1929-36, vol. iii, p. 251)." 89,"William Slyngysby",,,"Elected scholar of Winchester in 1476." 90,"John Rede",,,"Scholar of Winchester College 1467-71, at New College 1472-84, headmaster of Winchester 1484-90, tutor to Prince Arthur 1491-?6, warden of Winchester College 1501-20 and Warden of New College Oxford 1520-1 (BRUO s.n.)" 91,"Walter Pollard",,,"On f. 7v 'Iste liber constat Valterus Pollarde off Plymouth'. Thomson 1979, p. 314: '...the Pollards were considerable landowners in the Exeter and Plymouth area, and this is confirmed by mention of them (and other names found in the manuscript) in Exeter Tax Assessments (Rowe, 1977) and the presence of a Walter Pollard (probably not the writer of this manuscript, but a relative of his) in the list of magnates in the King's writ to the constables of Devon for swearing to keep the peace of 1434 (Alexander, 1940; John Crokker of Lyneham'." 92,"William Gybbe",,,"Of Wisbech?" 93,"Thomas Lemyng",,, 94,"John Argentine","John Argentyn","Zoan Argentem","See Owners for more information on Argentine." 95,"John Doll",,,"Oxford stationer; appears in in the university records from the 1440s onwards." 96,"John Godsond",,,"Oxford stationer; in 1438 he wrote a memorandum in a pledge deposited in the Warwick chest; see Parkes 1992." 97,"W. Grene","Magister W. Grene",, 98,"Arnald Thedmar",,,"Writing in 1268. Alderman of the City of London d. 1274? Cf. DNB Fitzthedmar." 99,"Ricardus Franciscus","Richard Fraunceys",, 100,"John Shirley",,,"Scribe. By the early 1430s, and probably by the late 1420s, he seems to have settled in London. From 1438, he rented hospital property in St Vedast's Lane in the parish of St John Zachary [Foster Lane in Aldergate]." 101,"John Weston",,,"Lincoln." 102,"Tielman Reyner","Tielmann Reynerzoon",,"A Dutch scribe probably working in Oxford." 103,"Dodsthorp",,,"See Brewer and Rigg 1994: 25-31 for more information on Dodsthorp." 104,"Newberry +33.3 artist",,,"Active 1455-75, and decorated books written by the scribe Ricardus Franciscus." 105,"Trament",,, 106,"Richard Ryppley",,,"Richard Ryppley was admitted to St Peter-le.Bailey, Oxford on 11 Oct 1394; see BRUO, p. 1618." 107,"Devonshire Scribe",,, 108,"Walter Crome",,,"See BRUC 168. Fellow of Gonville Hall in 1420, vac. 1427. Rector of St Benet's Sherehog, London, adm. 10 July 1442; til death in 1453. Requested burial in the chancel of St Benet's Sherehog." 109,"William Bedmistre",,,"a fellow of New College, Oxford, admitted in 1423; fellow 1425; vac. 1444. Died by June 1462." 110,"Stephen Dodesham",,,"A Carthusian monk. He was at Witham Priory in Somerset in 1469 and he then joined Sheen Abbey, to the West of London, where he died in 1481-2. He may have been a professional scribe before joining a monastery. 20 books are now thought to have been written by him." 111,"Glyn",,, 112,"John Cok","Johannes Cok",,"He was associated with St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London by 1418, became a brother in 1420.21. He also acted as an executor of John Shirley's will." 113,"Hammond Scribe",,,"Active in London during the reign of Edward IV." 114,"Robert Wasselyn",,,"Chaplain of York" 115,"William Abell",,,"The name was first found in payment for the Confirmation Charter of Eton College of March 1446. Alexander then found two documentary references, placing the artist in London; and Christianson discovered rental records which showed that William Abell had between one and three shops in Paternoster Row between 1469 and 1474. He is named in various contemporary documents, which show that he was resident in London from before 1448, when he was already a member of the Stationers' Company, until his death in 1474." 116,"Edmund-Fremund scribe",,,"Working in Bury St. Edmunds." 117,"John Capgrave",,,"1393-1464, prior of the Augustinian friary of King's Lynn, theologian, and historian. Studied in London and Cambridge." 119,"Nicholas Bishop","Nicholas Bysshopp",,"Burgess of Oxford." 120,"John Lake",,,"May have been he who was clerk of the crown at Lancaster, 1468-80." 121,"Scales Binder",,,"Worked in London from the 1450s to c. 1481: see further N. Barker, 'A Register of Writs and the Scales Binder', The Book Collector, 21 (1972), 365-67." 122,"Thomas Bradley","Thomas Scrope",,"Carmelite of Norwich. (d. 1492)" 123,"William Salamon",,,"of León. He is recorded as living in St. Mary's parish, the centre of the Oxford book trade, in 1461 and 1463, and Oriel College accounts record him as owing rent at Michaelmas 1465." 124,"John Bray",,,"Appears in 1475 in a charter relating to a tenement in Catte St and is also recorded as binding books for Magdalen College." 126,"Roger Marchall",,,"Cambridge Doctor of Medicine (d. 1477), who practised in London and Cambridge. See BRUC 392 and app. 679 and Voigts 1995." 127,"Richard Frampton",,,"Employed by John Leventhorp to copy the Duchy of Lancaster Register, which now survive in two Cowcher Books. Also copied Glasgow, University Library, Hunterian MS T.4.1, which contains Latin accounts of the Troy, Alexander, Charlemagne and Oriental travels." 128,"Richard Fox",,,"Lay worker at St Alban?s Abbey." 129,"Iohannis plenus amoris",,,"Gothic textualis semi-quadrata." 131,"Thomas Schort",,,"Fl. 1427-65. A chantry priest in Salisbury Cathedral in 1436, rector of Bremliham, Wiltshire, 1445-65." 133,"Owl Illuminator",,,"Foreign-influenced artist." 134,"Trinity R.3.19 Scribe A",,,"Worked alongside the Hammond Scribe on Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R.3.21. He also wrote Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 322, made for William Baron, Esquire, for donation to the Dominican nunnery at Dartford." 135,"Trinity Gower Scribe D",,,"Active c. 1390 to c. 1426." 136,"Walter Hotham",,,"Monk of St Mary's Abbey, York" 137,"HM 114 Scribe",,,"The hand has been identified as that of BL Harley 3943 (Troilus) and LPL 491, working in London (Hanna and Lawton 2003)." 138,"Chetham Scribe",,, 139,"William Osborne",,, 140,"Beryn Scribe",,,"See Matheson and Mooney 2003." 141,"Trinity College R.3.19 Scribe C",,, 142,"William Menyman",,,"Fellow of Whittington College. May have sold the book in a personal transaction rather than a commercial one."