"RefID","SecondaryRef1","SecondaryRef2","SecondaryRef3","StandardTitle","AltTitle1","AltTitle2","Language","DateCreated","Category","Notes" "Analecta Bollandiana xxi (1902), 241",,,,"Initia Miraculorum BVM",,,"Latin",,"Religion", "BDPSRP iv, 565-6 (1859)",,,,"Papal constitution of 1373",,,,"1373","Records and documents","Bullarum diplomatum et privilegiorum sanctorum Romanorum pontificum, iv (Turin, 1859), 565-6" "Beusing 1922: 32-42","Sharpe LW. 472",,,"Signa",,,,,"Medicine","H. E. Beusing, Das Leben und Werke des Ricardus Anglicus, diss. (Leipzig 1922), 32?42." "BHL 6303-6313",,,,"Itinerarium",,,,"betw. 1286 and 1331","Other texts", "BHL 8247",,,,"Vision of St Thomas of Canterbury","Visio de ampulla",,,,"Religion", "Bloomfield 1768",,,,"Compilation of quotations",,,"Latin",,"Religion","A compilation of quotations from the works of Anselm, Bernard, Gregory, etc. See Allen 1927: 400 BLOOMFIELD: Compilation from Bonaventure?s Vita Christi, Richard Rolle?s Incendium Amoris, Anselm, etc. Lists this MS only" "Bloomfield 2032","Sharpe 1997 #809",,,"Manuale sacerdotis",,,"Latin",,"Religion","See Oxford Bodleian Summary Cat. 4070, art. 9. Bloomfield lists this MS only for 2032, but several under 2787." "Bloomfield 2051","Glorieux Rép. 400q","GW 7217",,"De regimine principium",,,,,"History and Politics", "Bloomfield 2362","EETS os 182","Holmstedt 1933",,"Speculum Christiani",,,"Latin",,"Religion","The interspersions of English verses are given by Carleton Brown I, 179 (IMEV 1342; 1491; 2119; 2167; 4150. See also Supp. 1214.9)." "Bloomfield 2501",,,,"Council of Lambeth 1281 canon 9",,,,,"Religion", "Bloomfield 5532","Thomson, Grosseteste, 256-7","Newhauser 1991",,"Oculus moralis","De oculo morali",,,"Before 1306","Religion","Sharpe: pr.Venice 1497 &c. See also R. Newhauser in Exempel und Exempel-Sammlungen, ed. W. Haug & B. Wachinger (Tübingen 1991), 95-136." "Bloomfield 5905",,,,"Summa vitiorum","De vitiis et peccatis","De septem viciis principalibus","Latin",,"Religion","Other titles: 'Tractatus de septem criminalibus peccatis et effectibus eorum versibus interspersis' OR 'Parvulus tractatus de septem peccatis mortalibus' OR 'Scintillarium' OR 'Tractatus de septem principalibus viciis et primo de superbi' . Author Ps-Robertus Grossteste; Celestinus V (?); Fr Jordanus O.P. Printed Bibl. Patr. Lugd. 25, 788 This work apparently appears in various rescensions. See Qui biberit? (first part of above?)" "Brev. Ebor",,,,"Breviary (York)",,,,,"Religion", "Brev. Ebor I: 206-691",,,,"Temporale (Use of York)",,,,,"Religion", "Brev. Ebor II: 133-58",,,,"Commune Sanctorum",,,,,"Religion", "Brev. Ebor. i. (3)-(14)",,,,"Calendar",,,,,"Religion", "Brev. Ebor. II: 83-730",,,,"Sanctorale (Use of York)",,,,,"Religion", "Bühler 1961: 1988",,,,"Recipe for the tooth ache",,,,,"Medicine", "Carley 2001",,,,"De origine gigantum",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics", "Carmargo 1995:122-41","Sharpe, LW: 668-9",,,"Formula moderni et usitati dictaminis","Forms of Letters",,,,"Letters","M. Carmargo, ed. Medieval Rhetorics of Prose Composition (Binghampton, NY, 1995)." "Charles (1962): 60-61",,,,"Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "Charles (1967): 103-106",,,,"Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "Charles (1967): 107-120",,,,"Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "Charles (1967): 121",,,,"Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "Charles (1967): 1-5",,,,"Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "Charles (1967): 6-93",,,,"Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "Charles (1967): 94-97",,,,"Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "Charles (1967): 98-102",,,,"Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "CMLGM 44.15:1","Sharpe 1997 #1758",,,"Memoriale Iuniorem",,,"Latin",,"Education and Grammar", "CMLGM 44.15:10",,,,"De comparatione",,,"Latin",,"Education and Grammar", "CMLGM 44.15:11",,,,"De dubio accentu",,,,,"Education and Grammar"," Inc:" "CMLGM 44.15:2","Sharpe 1997 #777",,,"Tractatus generum","De cognitione generum",,"Latin",,"Education and Grammar", "CMLGM 44.15:3",,,,"Pratum florum",,,"Latin",,"Education and Grammar", "CMLGM 44.15:4","Sharpe 1997 #777",,,"De regimine casuum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "CMLGM 44.15:5",,,,"Libellus parvulorum",,,"Latin",,"Education and Grammar", "CMLGM 44.15:6","Sharpe 1997 #777",,,"De declinationibus nominum",,,"Latin",,"Education and Grammar", "CMLGM 44.15:7","Sharpe 1997 #777",,,"De preteritis et supinis",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "CMLGM 44.15:8",,,,"De difficultatibus quaestiones",,,"Latin",,"Education and Grammar", "CMLGM 44.15:9","Sharpe 1997 #777",,,"De concordantiis grammaticae",,,"Latin",,"Education and Grammar","Inc: 'Quot sunt concordantiae in grammatica? Dicendum quod sunt quinque. Quae??'" "CMLUC 1: 1-451","CMLUC 1:pp. 106-146",,,"Privy Seal documents",,,"Latin","Edw III-Ric II","Records and documents","Latin and French. Documents issued by the privy seal and signet offices temp. Edw. III - Ric. II. Details given in Baker and Ringrose 1996: 15: Nos 1-76, 104-113, 261-319 in that calendar are mostly warrants for patents, pardons and licences under the great seal; 104 is dated 1 Hen. IV. Nos 77-103, 114-139, 419-451 are pieces of royal correspondence, chiefly with foreign rulers. Nos. 140-260, 386-418 are miscellaneous writs, commissions and other instruments of privy seal. Nos. 141, 177-180, 205, 237 concern conciliar affairs; no. 178 mentions a Star Chamber case. Several writs are related to the equitable jurisdiction of the council: in nos. 198-200, 202, 219, 249, 257-258, 395, 398, 405-408, 411-412, 415, judges and sheriffs are ordered to do right in civil cases; no. 206 concerns two sales of the same property by two executors; no. 215r an action of trespass ?en nostre court?; no. 220, subornation of a jury; no. 250, the mayor and aldermen of London to do justice in a case of wardship; no. 260, Tresilian C.J. and others empowered to fine persons accused of treason and felony; no. 404, the bailiffs of a town to do justice to the common townsmen in their suits. No. 186 (on 48v) is a writ to the university of Cambridge for Nicholas Roos [d. 1375], D.C.L., warden of King?s Hall, ?que le dit Nichol en cas qil eit accompliez sa forme de liture en ley cyvyle come desus est dit ottroiezla licence de lire ley canon?, like other doctors of civil law. Nos. 320-385 mostly concern the Exchequer and financial affairs, no. 385 (81v) being a warrant to pay Plesyngton C.B. half his accustomed fee. A letter on 29r (no. 104) refers to the death of William Dalton, abbot of St Mary?s, York, which occurred in 1423. However, some of the letters are temp. Edw. III, in some cases with the name of the king altered to Ric [II]; see H.G. Richardson and G. O. Sayles, ?Parliamentary Documents and Formularies?, B.I.H.R. 11 (1934), 148-149. The licence on 66r for the bishop of Lincoln not to attend Parliament (no. 282) is printed ibid., 155. See also E. Perroy, The Diplomatic Correspondence of Richard II (1933), Camden Soc. 48 (3rd ser.), xix-xxi." "CMLUC 1: 452-495","CMLUC 1: pp. 146-150",,,"Forms of letters",,,"Latin",,"Letters","Many mention the city of London. Six concern formal vindications in cases of defamation: nos. 483 (alien status), 484 (poisoning), 488 (theft), 489 (homicide), 491-492 (bigamy)." "CPL 138",,,,"De Nabuthae Jezraelita",,,,,"Religion","Sermons" "CPL 151","Faller 1964: 5-222",,,"De Spiritu Sancto",,,,,"Religion","ed. O Faller, CSEL 79 (1964), 5-222" "CPR 1330-1334: 316",,,,"Letters patent of Edward III to Yarmouth",,,,"July 10 1333","Letters", "CPR, 35 Ed I: 542",,,,"Writ",,,,"35EdI","Records and documents", "DDC 5: 906-7",,,,"Inuentarium iuris",,,,,"Law","Unprinted." "Dolezalek, ii sub York, iii sub Bartolus",,,,"Lectura Codicis",,,,,"Law","Bartolus de Saxoferrato" "Domesday Vol 33",,,,"Norfolk section of the Domesday Book",,,,,"History and Politics","Domesday Book, vol. 33: Norfolk, edited by Philippa Brown (2 vols., Phillimore, 1984)" "Dronke 1978",,,,"Cosmographia",,,,,"Science and Information","P. Dronke, ed. (Leiden 1978)" "DSO 5: 44-725","DSO 6: 1-600","Lohr 364-5","Weijers 1.66","Quaestiones on Aristotle?s Metaphysica","Antonius super Metaphysica",,,"between 1280 & 1320","Philosophy", "EETS os 217",,,,"Commentary on the Ten Commandments",,,,,"Religion", "EETS os 231",,,,"A Tretis of Discrecyon of Spirites",,,,,"Religion","Phyllis Hodgson, ed., Deonise Hid Diuinite and other Treatises of Contemplative Prayer related to the Cloud of Unknowing, EETS os 231 (London: EETS, 1955)." "Fauser 33","Glorieux, Rep. 6bg","Borgnet 1890-99: vol 7",,"Commentary on Aristotle?s Ethica","Super Ethica",,,,"Philosophy", "Foerster 1893",,,,"Scriptores physiognomici",,,,,"Science and Information","3-145 in Foerster's ed." "Forshaw 1973",,,,"Speculum Ecclesie",,,,,"Religion","Ed. H. P. Forshaw, Auctores Britannici Medii Aeui 3 (1973), 29-111 (odd pages); Helena Philomena Forshaw, The 'speculum ecclesie' of St Edmund of Abingdon: a critical study of the text (University of London MA thesis, 1965)." "Glorieux Rep. 322a",,,,"Communiloquium","Summa collationum ad omne genus hominum",,,,"Religion", "Graesse 1890",,,,"Legenda Sanctorum",,,,,"Religion", "Greenway 1996","Arnold, R.S. (1879)",,,"Historia Anglorum","Chronicle",,,,"History and Politics","See Greenway 1996. T. Arnold (Rolls Ser., 1879)" "Griscom 1929: 383-97","Faral 1929, 3: 186-203",,,"Prophetia Merlini",,,,,"History and Politics", "Gundermann 1888",,,,"Stratagemata",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "Hakluyt Soc. ES 1","Beazley 1903","Sinica Franciscana 1","Van den Wyngaert 1929","Itinerarium ad partes orientales",,,,,"Other texts","C. R. Beazley, Carpini and Rubruquis, Hakluyt Society, 1903" "Horae Ebor: 111-113",,,,"commendaciones animarum",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 114-116",,,,"Psalms",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 116-22",,,,"Psalter of St. Jerome",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 127",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 140-2",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 141-2",,,,"Oracio uenerabilis Bede",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 176-177/14",,,,"Memoria of the Passion",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 179-80",,,,"O bone ihesu",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 181-2",,,,"Prayers - York Hours",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 25-7",,,,"Formulae communes",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 26",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 28-31",,,,"Benedictions - seasonal",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 35",,,,"Prayers","York Hours",,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 37-62",,,,"Hours of the B.V.M (Use of York)","York Hours",,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 62-3",,,,"Prayers","York Hours",,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 63-4",,,,"Gaude virgo mater","York Hours",,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 67-8",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 70-71/2",,,,"Prayers: York Hours",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 72",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 76-80",,,,"Fifteen Oes of St Bridget (York)",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 88-99",,,,"Psalms and Litany (York)",,,,,"Religion", "Horae Ebor: 99-111",,,,"Office of the Dead - York Use",,,,,"Religion", "Hughes 1982: 874","Ps.109",,,"Dixit dominus",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP III [42:1]",,,,"The oath of a sheriff",,,,,"Records and documents", "IMEP IV (36:95[2])",,,,"Ordinances and statutes from St Stephen's Church, London",,,,,"Records and documents", "IMEP IV (36:95[3])",,,,"Ordinances and statutes from St Stephen's Church, London","Statutes for bellringing and grave digging",,,,"Records and documents", "IMEP IV (92:372[2])","IMEP IV (92:372[3])",,,"Ember days",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP IV [7:25(1)]",,,,"Prayer on the Passion",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP IV [7:25(2)]",,,,"Prayer to Ihesu",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP IV [7:25(3)]",,,,"Prayer on the Passion",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP IV [7:25(4)]",,,,"Mirour of the Chirche","Speculum Ecclesie",,"Latin",,"Religion", "IMEP VI [36:XVI.D.2(2)]","Hudson 1988: 256-7",,,"Commentary on the Pater Noster",,,,,"Religion","Pater Noster commentary assembled from the relevant passages on Matthew and Luke in the Wycliffite Glossed Gospel" "IMEP VI [61:Add.2(2)]",,,,"Rubric to Latin prayer","Say şis kneland befor şe crucifix ilk day arise and şou sal se şe 3ates of heuen opyne",,,,"Religion", "IMEP VIII (129: 129[A15])",,,,"List of Latin words spelt with 's' and followed by 'c'","Per s tantum scribere",,,,"Education and Grammar", "IMEP VIII (129: 129[A16])",,,,"Yff şi russet hode oppose my rede hode",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Fragment followed by the same phrase in Latin." "IMEP VIII (207: 25[1])",,,,"Genealogical Chronicle of Kings of England","The 'long English pedigree'",,,,"History and Politics", "IMEP VIII (41:129[1])",,,,"Medicamenta pro quibusdam morbis",,,,,"Medicine","34 medical and veterinary recipes in different hands, the first three 'to brynge brosed blod a3ene in to his kynde to do awey the akynge', 'for şe flyx', 'for şe jaundyse', the last two 'for şe farsy off an horse'" "IMEP XI (109: 1)",,,,"Recipe for a plaster to treat headache",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (110: 2)",,,,"Recipe for a plaster to treat migraine headaches",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (110: 4)",,,,"Table of contents for the translation of De moneta",,,,,"Other texts", "IMEP XI (110: 6)","Johnson 1956",,,"De Moneta",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics","Apparently unique translation. In 26 chapters. Marginal notes give names of authorities cited in the text" "IMEP XI (110: 7)",,,,"Charter of the city of London as confirmed by Richard II",,,,,"Records and documents", "IMEP XI (110:3)","Johnson 1956 (pref)",,,"De Moneta",,,"Latin","betw. 1320 and 1382","History and Politics","Apparently unique translation." "IMEP XI (110:5)",,,,"Kalender of the charter of London",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEP XI (111: 11)",,,,"The Liberties and Franchises of the City of London",,,,,"Records and documents", "IMEP XI (111: 12)",,,,"Thexposiciouns of Vowels as wel of Britouns as of Saxons",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Alphabet of legal and everyday terms of Briton and Saxon tongues with English definitions." "IMEP XI (111: 13)",,,,"Note on the founding of London and Rome",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEP XI (111: 14)",,,,"Note on the origins of St. Peter's Church, Cornhill",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEP XI (111: 8)",,,,"Memorandum of law",,,"Latin","1484","Law","Of Robert Billesdon, Mayor, and the Aldermen of London, concerning translation from one craft to another." "IMEP XI (111: 9)",,,,"The condicioun of Recougnisaunce of free men et cetera",,,,,"Law", "IMEP XI (112: 15)",,,,"Note on a law of King Ine of the West Saxons",,,,,"Law", "IMEP XI (112: 16)",,,,"Ancient Customs",,,,,"Records and documents","A collection of customs, rights and privileges of portions and of various guilds of London. ME version of the Anglo-Norman text of Liber Albus." "IMEP XI (112: 17)",,,,"Laws governing the sheriffs' court in London",,,"Anglo-Norman",,"Law","ME version of text in Liber Albus I: 199-221." "IMEP XI (112: 18)",,,,"The Statute of Servants",,,,,"Records and documents", "IMEP XI (112: 19)",,,,"A deede of yift of goodis",,,,,"Records and documents", "IMEP XI (112: 20)",,,,"A playnt of trespas vpon cas",,,,,"Law","Case relates to events in Beverley, Yorkshire, 21 May 1449." "IMEP XI (112: 21)",,,,"Plee of dette or duete pursued bi executours",,,,,"Law","Case relates to events in Beverley, Yorkshire, 8 Henry VI (1429-30)." "IMEP XI (113: 22)",,,,"Definitions of legal terms",,,,,"Law", "IMEP XI (113: 23)",,,,"Legal casebook",,,,,"Law", "IMEP XI (113: 24)",,,,"The new book of the ancient customs and usages of the city of London",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEP XI (113: 25)",,,,"Notice of payments due to curates of London",,,,,"Records and documents", "IMEP XI (113: 26)",,,,"Deposition of John Forster",,,,"c. 1485","Records and documents","Concerning release by Dame Agnes Forster of her servant Thomas Holbeche so that he could return to his home to the manor of Mullesworth for Christmas." "IMEP XI (114: 27)",,,,"Heading for a medical recipe",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (23: 4)",,,,"The v wyttys gostly",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (23:2)",,,,"The Ten Commandments",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (23:3)",,,,"The v wyttys bodyly",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (23:5)",,,,"The vij blessyd vertues",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (24:10)",,,,"The vij werkes of mercy gostly",,,,,"Religion","Each with Latin scriptural passage." "IMEP XI (24:11)",,,,"The vij yeftys of the holy gost",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (24:7)",,,,"Seven Deadly Sins",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (24:8)",,,,"How many manerwyse syn ys foryeue",,,,,"Religion","Twelve ways named, with Latin scriptural quotations for each." "IMEP XI (24:9)",,,,"The vij werkes of mercy bodyly",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (25:12)",,,,"The xij artycles of the ffeythe",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (25:14)",,,,"Exposition of the Seven Sacraments",,,,,"Religion","From St. Edmund's Mirror (chapter 13)." "IMEP XI (25:15)",,,,"xij lettynges of prayer",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (26:21)",,,,"Seynt denyse in hys booke of goddys names in the chapiter of ryghtwysnes",,,,,"Religion","Aphorism, apparently unique, attributed to pseudo-Dionysius On the Divine Names." "IMEP XI (53: 1)",,,,"Urine diagnosis",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (53: 2)",,,,"şe perlowes daies",,,"Latin",,"Medicine","The Latin source is De minutione sanguinis, sive de Phlebotomia." "IMEP XI (53: 3)",,,,"Four medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (53: 4)",,,,"Note on longevity",,,,,"Science and Information","Of nine creatures." "IMEP XI (53: 5)",,,,"Table of contents",,,,,"Other texts", "IMEP XI (53: 6)","TK 893",,,"On the accidents of old age",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","Sixteen chapters of varying length." "IMEP XI (54: 10)",,,,"Instructions for protecting wood or cloth from fire",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (54: 11)",,,,"Liber fleobotomie",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (54: 12)",,,,"Recipes for treating skin disorders",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (54: 13)",,,,"Liber creatoris",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","Probably a translation of De coitu of Constantinus Africanus (TK 272-3). Formerly attributed to Arnold of Villanova." "IMEP XI (54: 7)",,,,"De spermate",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","Translation of pseudo-Galen De semine (TK 1521)." "IMEP XI (54: 8)",,,,"On the four elements",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (54: 9)",,,,"Liber Cerebri",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","Translation of Constantinus Africanus De natura humana (TK 201)." "IMEP XI (55: 14)",,,,"Thirteen medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (55: 15)",,,,"The vertue of arthamesia",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (55: 16)",,,,"Heading for treatise on the planets",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (55: 17)",,,,"Short sermon",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI (55: 18)",,,,"The vj booke of sentences",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (55: 19)","TK 1180",,,"Of sciences experimental",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","Excerpts from Roger Bacon Compendium studii theologiae, part six, on experimental science." "IMEP XI (56: 20)",,,,"Medical recipe for the flux",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (56: 21)",,,,"Vpon pronosticacions",,,,,"Science and Information","Possibly a translation of Bartholomeus de Brugis Prognostica (TK 1587). 41 chapters of varying length." "IMEP XI (56: 22)",,,,"Medical treatise",,,,,"Medicine","Including portions on dropsy, on sleep and on diagnosis by urine, vomit and spittal." "IMEP XI (56: 23)",,,,"Collection of 36 recipes",,,,,"Medicine","Mostly medical." "IMEP XI (56: 24)",,,,"Thonderynges",,,,,"Science and Information","Prognostications by thunder in each of the months. See IPMEP 334, 414, 475, 510 for similar tracts." "IMEP XI (57: 26)",,,,"The Sekenesse of Wymmen",,,,,"Medicine","Version 2. By Gilbertus Anglicus." "IMEP XI (57: 27)",,,,"Six medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (57: 28)",,,,"Twenty-four medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (57: 29)",,,,"Recipes for syrups",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (58: 30)",,,,"Waters Stylled",,,,,"Medicine","On the uses of seven distilled water preparations." "IMEP XI (58: 31)",,,,"The iiij Elementis",,,,,"Science and Information","On the four elements and four complexions of men." "IMEP XI (58: 32)",,,,"Note on the elements",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (58: 33)",,,,"On the three spirits of man",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (58: 34)",,,,"On the three stages of digestion",,,,,"Medicine","In stomach, liver and heart." "IMEP XI (58: 35)",,,,"On the causes of a long life",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (58: 36)",,,,"The dispocission of Planettes",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","Translation of the anonymous Tractatus de septem planetis et de duodecim signis (TK 587)." "IMEP XI (59: 37)",,,,"The qualitees or the complexiouns of the xij signes",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","Possibly a continuation or else a translation of the pseudo-Aristotle/pseudo-Ptolemy Liber iudicorum (TK 1504)." "IMEP XI (59: 39)",,,,"Note on the signs of the zodiac",,,,,"Science and Information","In relation to humors, planets and directions." "IMEP XI (59: 40)",,,,"Astrological treatise",,,,,"Science and Information","On the influences of the planets and signs of the zodiac upon man. In fifteen divisions of varying length of which the third through fifteen appear elsewhere as a separate Treatise on the Elections of Times." "IMEP XI (59: 41)",,,,"De pestilentia",,,,,"Science and Information","Incomplete? Or leading into item 42, another treatise on the plague?" "IMEP XI (60: 43)",,,,"On the eight types of medicine and their uses",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (60: 44)",,,,"Treatise on the diagnosis and treatment of disease",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (60: 45)",,,,"Medical recipe for sciatica",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (60: 46)",,,,"Treatise on the pestilence",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (60: 47)",,,,"Names and definitions of diseases",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (60: C2)",,,,"Names of herbs, trees and plants",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (61: 48)",,,,"On diagnosis and treatment of 'collico passio'",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (61: 49)",,,,"Eight medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (61: 50)",,,,"Treatise on making a quadrant",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (61: 51)",,,,"Note regarding the efficacy of medicines",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (61: 52)",,,,"Of the viij planetis",,,,,"Science and Information","On the dispositions of the planets, on those of men born in each of the months or under each of the signs of the zodiac; and of the influences of the planets upon man." "IMEP XI (62: 53)",,,,"On the seven liberal arts",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "IMEP XI (62: 54)",,,,"Three problems in geometry",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (62: 55)",,,,"Canons to accompany a perpetual kalendar or almanack",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (62: 56)",,,,"On the planetary and zodiacal influences on man's nativity",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","Apparently a unique translation of the anonymous Declarationes abbatis sancti Albani super kal. Regine (TK 1448)." "IMEP XI (62: 57)",,,,"Prognostications based on thunder occuring in each sign of the zodiac",,,,,"Science and Information","Similar to TK 315, 936." "IMEP XI (62: 58)",,,,"Short introductory treatise on astronomy",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (63: 59)",,,,"Table of aspects of the moon",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (63: 60)",,,,"Twenty-nine medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (63: 61)",,,,"Thirty-five medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (63: 62)",,,,"The virtues of oil of Mary Maudleyn",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI (63: 63)",,,,"Notes on dates of Dog Days",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XI (63: 64)",,,,"Waters and şer propertes",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XI: (27:27)",,,,"Thys ys the pardon grauntyd to the fest of corpus cristi",,,,,"Religion", "IMEP XI: (27:28)",,,,"Indulgence of Pope John xii (xxii?)",,,,,"Records and documents","For adding the name of Jesus to the Ave Maria and for saying Our Lady's Psalter." "IMEP XI: (27:29)",,,,"Prophecies concerning Edward IV",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEP XIII (18:306[1])","Gairdner 1880, p. 92",,,"Tournament between Lord Scales and the Bastard of Burgundy (shortened)",,,,"1467 or later","Military and heraldry","cf. MWME 8: 2941 [XXI: 95]" "IMEP XIII (19:306[10])","Furnivall, EETS os 15: 57-61",,,"The doctrynall princyplis and proverbys yconomie or howsolde kepyng sent from saynt bernarde vnto raymonde lorde of ambrose castell","Proverbys of Howsolde-kepyng","De Re Familiari",,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XIII (19:306[2])","Gairdner 1880: 92-3",,,"List of mayors of London",,,,"s.xvi","History and Politics","s.xv and xvi mayors, in some cases mayors of London, in some cases with memoranda relating to them, interspersed with notes about various London events." "IMEP XIII (19:306[3])",,,,"List of English monarchs",,,,,"History and Politics","Including dates, lengths of reign, etc., from William I to Stephen." "IMEP XIII (19:306[38])","Gairdner 1880: 91-92",,,"A decre and statute made by the honorable cownseyle of the cite of london for the gevyng of the benyfice of seynt peters in cornehull",,,,"1435","Records and documents", "IMEP XIII (19:306[6])","Gairdner 1880: 94-99",,,"A proclamation made be iacke cade captayn of şe rebelles in kent anno m iiijc l",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEP XIII (19:306[7])","Gairdner 1880: 104-105",,,"The cristenynge of prince arthure sonne to kynge henrie şe vij at sent swithins in winchestar",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEP XIII (19:306[8])","Gairdner 1880: 106-13",,,"The maner of makyng knyghtes aftar şe custome of england in tyme of peace and at the coronacion that is to say knyghtes of the bathe",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "IMEP XIII (19:306[9])",,,,"şe surnames of şe lynagis of şe olde and great gentyllmen şat came over the see out of normandye with william conquerowr when he conquiryd this reallme of englande",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEP XIII (20:306[11])",,,,"Two medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine","'A medycine to restore nature in a man', and 'For to dystroy a wrang nayle othewyse callyd a corne'" "IMEP XIII (20:306[12])",,,,"Medical recipes",,,,"s.xvi","Medicine","Four medical recipes, 'A medycyne for the worme in a man', 'For the flyx', 'Another medycyne for the same', and 'For to make a drynke for the pestylence'" "IMEP XIII (20:306[13])",,,,"Medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine","Ten recipes in two hands, seven being medical and three against rats. The first which is the longest is headed 'To make a powder peerles or withoute felowe'. The last has the heading: 'Doctor ielly an electurye ayenst the pestylence'." "IMEP XIII (20:306[14])",,,,"Medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine","'For the bytyng of a dogge' and 'For a wrangnayle or a corne'." "IMEP XIII (20:306[15])",,,,"Lunary fragment",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XIII (21:306[19])",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Medicine","Of c. 80 medical recipes in one main hand, but with some additions." "IMEP XIII (21:306[20])","MWME 2: 559-60 [V:6]",,,"Life of St Eustace",,,,,"Religion","From the Gilte Legende" "IMEP XIII (21:306[21])","EETS os 15: 5","Gairdner 1880: 85-86",,"The receyvyng of kyng edward the iiijth at brystowe",,,,"1461 or later","History and Politics","Includes IMEV 3880" "IMEP XIII (22:306[24])",,,,"Medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XIII (22:306[27])",,,,"Medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine","Three recipes, 'A medecyne for the pestylens', 'A good medycyne to provoke a man to haue an appetyte to hys mete', and 'A speciall good medycine for the gowte that mother sheparde dyd moche good wyth'. Notes on the prices of herbs follow." "IMEP XIII (23:306[30])",,,,"Terms of resting/mating",,,,,"Science and Information","In tabular form" "IMEP XIII (23:306[32])",,,,"Terms for carving or preparation",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEP XIII (23:306[35])",,,,"Medicine for a tooth ache",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XIII (23:306[36])",,,,"Medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XIII (491: 2)",,,,"Three Kings of Cologne",,,"Latin",,"Literary texts", "IMEP XIII (A6)",,,,"Names of herbs in Latin and English",,,,,"Science and Information","Alphabetical list of the Latin names of herbs, with English equivalents, in tabular form." "IMEP XIII (A7)",,,,"Names of herbs in Latin and English",,,,,"Science and Information","Alphabetical list of the Latin names of herbs, with English equivalents, in tabular form." "IMEP XVII (115: 3)",,,,"Emendatio vitae","Emendatio vitae version D",,"Latin",,"Religion","MWME 9:3424 [15]. Also in Edinburgh UL Laing 10." "IMEP XVII (115:1)",,,,"List of contents",,,,,"Other texts", "IMEP XVII (115:2)",,,,"A Meditation on Christ's Passion","Meditationes de Passione Christi","Meditationes Vitae Christi","Latin",,"Religion","MWME 9: 3456 [62]. Also in: Laud Misc 23 Bodley 789 CUL Ii.4.9 TCC B.14.38 Edinburgh UL Laing 6 (MSS containing this text incorporated into copies of Love's Mirror: Chetham's 6690 Beeleigh Abbey, Maldon, Foyle Takamiya 20) [MSS containing parts of this text incorporated with Thomas Hale's Life of Our Lady: Laud misc. 174 Windsor Chapel E.1.1" "IMEP XVII (16: 1)",,,,"Recipe for headache ointment","For ye hedake yat hat lastid longhe",,,,"Medicine", "IMEP XVII (16: 2)",,,,"Medical recipes","For scabbes",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (17: 3)",,,,"Latin and English recipes","For bolnyng of blodletyng",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (17: 4)",,,,"Recipe to stop vomiting","To sesen castyng",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (17: 5)",,,,"Two recipes against a disorder of the womb and 'hot malady'","For ye gowte erant in ye wombe",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (17: 6)",,,,"Medical recipes (5)","To helyn a wonde",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (17: 7)",,,,"Medical recipes (2)","For scabbe",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (18: 8)",,,,"Recipe for headache","For hedwerk",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (18: 9)",,,,"Recipes for plasters for infected sores (2)","For festre",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (18:10)",,,,"Recipe for a sore on the womb","For brosure on ye wombe",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (18:11)",,,,"Recipe for aqua vite against itching","Item for ye crek",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00." "IMEP XVII (18:12)",,,,"Recipe for a plaster for an infected or ulcerated sore","For ye canker to sleyn hym",,,,"Medicine","Part of a larger group of recipes indexed in VK. See VK 724.00" "IMEP XVII A2",,,,"Recipe",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEV 100",,,,"Legend of Good Women",,,"English",,"Literary texts","Further MSS noted in IMEV Supp." "IMEV 1014.5",,,,"Gret huntyng by ryuers and wode","The dangers of excessive sports",,,,"Science and Information","A couplet." "IMEV 1019",,,,"Letabundus","Ground take in vertu by patryarkes olde",,,,"Literary texts","39 8-line stanzas." "IMEV 1025",,,,"On the seven joys of the blessed virgin in heaven","Heyle be glad & Ioye wtoute ende",,,,"Religion","10 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, JEGP VIII. 260-2." "IMEV 1034.5",,,,"Ave maris stella","Ayl be şow stere of se",,,,"Religion","17 couplets. Rel. Lyr XIV C., pp. 55-6. Marian hymn" "IMEV 1037",,,,"Ave Iesse Virgula","Hayle blessyd lady the moder of cryst ihu",,,,"Religion","19 8-line stanzas. MacCracken EETS cvii. 299-304." "IMEV 1039",,,,"Salve Regina","Heyl comely creature curteys of kynde",,,,"Religion","8 quatrains, followed by concluding rubric couplet" "IMEV 1045",,,,"Salutacio Angelica","Hayle glorious lady & heuenly quene",,,,"Religion","9 8-line stanzas. MacCracken EETS cvii. 280-2 Added MS in IMEV Supp." "IMEV 1056",,,,"Ave regina celorum","Hayle luminary & benigne lanterne",,,,"Religion","6 8-line stanzas. MacCracken EETS cvii. 291-2" "IMEV 1071",,,,"Levation prayer","Heyl my lord in wom ich leue",,,,"Religion","8 lines, unique to Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV." "IMEV 1086",,,,"La Belle Dame Sans Mercy","Half in a dreme not fully awakid",,"French",,"Literary texts","856 lines in rime royal and 8-line stanzas. Utley 82 Furnivall EETS 15" "IMEV 1087",,,,"Ballad on the House of Vere","Halfe in dede sclepe not fully revyved",,,,"Literary texts","Introduction of 9 8-line stanzas and poem of 15 stanzas, one concluding 8-line stanza and Envoy in one stanza rime royal. Piper PQ v. 331-5 Todd, Illustrations of Gower and Chaucer, pp. 302-9" "IMEV 1101",,,,"Speculum Gy de Warewyke","Speculum Mundi","Speculum vtile istius mundi",,,"Literary texts","In couplets. Another MS added in IMEV Supp. Horstmann, Yorkshire Writers, II, 24-36 Morrill, EETS lxxv" "IMEV 1103",,,,"Otuel","Herkneş boşe 3inge and olde","Sir Otuel",,,"Literary texts","Nicholson, Abbotsford Club 1836 Herrtage, EETS xxxix. 65-116" "IMEV 1105",,,,"Anonymous short metrical chronicle of England","Herkeneş hiderward 3e lordlynges",,,,"History and Politics","A Text: Ritson, Anc. Eng. Metr. Rom, II, 270-313. C text: Carroll and Tuve, PMLA XLVI 117-48; Zettl, EETS 196.59-146. Another MS listed in IMEV Supp." "IMEV 1108",,,,"şe Kyng of Tars and şe Soudan of Dammas","Herkneş now boşe olde & 3yng",,,,"Literary texts","Krause, Eng. St. XI. 33-62. Ritson, Anc. Eng. Met. Rom., II. 156-203." "IMEV 1114",,,,"Havelok",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 113",,,,"A song on Money","Aboue all th[i]ng thow arte a kyng","Money money hay goode day",,,"Literary texts","Satirical carol; 20 quatrains and 4-line burden. Further bibl. refs in IMEV supp." "IMEV 1139",,,,"The Wise Man","He is wys şat kan be war or him be wo",,,,"Literary texts","quatrain." "IMEV 1152",,,,"A praise of St Anne","He that intendith in his hert to seke",,,,"Religion","2 stanzas rime royal. MacCracken EETS cvii. 130" "IMEV 1152.5",,,,"He şat is befor tyme warned","Proverbial couplet",,,,"Other texts", "IMEV 1156",,,,"Against extravagance","He that lovyth welle to fare",,,,"Literary texts","Rel Ant. II. 67 'Quod More' - cf. 4135.5." "IMEV 1159",,,,"Life of St Katherine","He şat made heuen and erşe & sonne & mone for to schine",,,,"Religion","In long mono-rhyming quatrains. For the revised text in 8-line stanzas see IMEV 1158." "IMEV 1162.9",,,,"English proverb","Who so in welth takyth non hede",,,,"Other texts","See also IMEV 4095" "IMEV 1168",,,,"Fall of Princes","He şat whilom did his diligence",,,,"Literary texts","36316 lines in the complete text, in rhyme royal and 8-line stanzas. More MSS listed in IMEV Supp." "IMEV 1172",,,,"The Stacions of Rome","He şat wyll hys sowle leche",,,,"Religion","Furnivall, EETS 15. 142-73" "IMEV 1172.5",,,,"Advice against extravagant living","He that wyll in Eschepe ete a goose so fat",,,,"History and Politics","'secundum Aristotilem' - one quatrain" "IMEV 1188",,,,"Novem virtutes","Here ere neghen poyntes of gret vertu",,,,"Religion","Prose and Latin versions noted in IMEV and IMEV Supp. See Allen 1927, 317ff." "IMEV 1214.99",,,,"hy forake ye werld and wende to ye fadir",,,,,"Literary texts","Didactic lyric; 1 introductory line and 6 monorhymed lines" "IMEV 1218",,,,"Praise of Contentment with Little",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1224",,,,"On the coronation of Henry VI","Holde up oure yong kyng Ave benigna",,,"1429 or after","History and Politics","Coronation: 1429. In couplets. Wright; Pol. Poems II. 146-8. Other refs in IMEV. Supp." "IMEV 1226",,,,"A carol on the holly and the ivy",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1236",,,,"Homo proponit, deus desponit",,,,,"Literary texts","Short quatrain. Further refs in IMEV Supp." "IMEV 1238",,,,"A letter to his heart's sovereign","Honour and Ioy helthe and prosperyte",,,,"Literary texts","5 stanzas rime royal. Robbins: Sec Lyrics pp. 184-5" "IMEV 124",,,,"Complaint","After that hervest Inned had his sheves",,,,"Literary texts","59 stanzas rime royal. Furnivall EETS lxi. 95-110. Another MS listed in IMEV Supp." "IMEV 1263",,,,"Song of Admonition","How schowld I bot I thoght on myn endyng day",,,,"Literary texts","5 6-line stanzas and burden. For a variant see IMEV 1268. Early Eng Carols p. 252." "IMEV 1280",,,,"A lover's sad plight","I am sory for her sake",,,,"Literary texts","Three quatrains and burden. For a similar burden see IMEV 210. Utley 93. Robbins, Sec. Lyrics p. 34-5; Greene, Sel. Eng. Carols, p. 167." "IMEV 1289",,,,"How Christ shall come","I come vram şe wedlok ad a suete spouse",,,"s.xiv","Religion","4 long lines in a Latin homily, with 'I come' anaphora (immediately following IMEV 1353). Rel Lyrics XIV C., p. 53" "IMEV 1294",,,,"Consulo quisque eris","I counsell what-so-euer thow be",,,,"Literary texts","15 8-line stanzas. Furnivall EETS 15. 46-55. MacCracken EETS 192. 750-4." "IMEV 1300",,,,"The Discryuyng of a fayre lady","I haue a lady where so she be",,,"after 1403?","Literary texts","A mock courtly panegyric of traditional charms (IMEV says 'on the marriage of Joan of Navarre to Henry IV in 1403). 7 stanzas rime royal. Utley 95" "IMEV 1306",,,,"Book of the Duchess",,,"English",,"Literary texts","1334 lines in couplets. More refs in IMEV Supp." "IMEV 1319",,,,"Alas that any kyndeman wantys gode",,,,,"Literary texts","Lyric with the refrain: 'Alas that any kyndeman wantys gode'; unique to this MS" "IMEV 1328.3",,,,"I loue and y dare nou3t",,,,,"Literary texts","8 monorhyming lines" "IMEV 1330",,,,"A Forsaken Maiden's Lament","Y louede a child of this cuntre",,,,"Literary texts","3 stanzas rime royal. Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, p. 158. Person, Camb. ME lyrics, p. 33." "IMEV 1338",,,,"Turne up hur halter and let hur go",,,,,"Literary texts","Unique to this manuscript." "IMEV 1353",,,,"How Christ shall come","I sayh hym wiş fless al bi-sprad",,,,"Religion","4 long lines with 'I sayh' anaphora (followed immediately by IMEV 1289)" "IMEV 1373",,,,"De Cupiditate","I şinge all day I şinge of nowth",,,"s.xiv","Literary texts","4 mono-rhyming lines. Rel. Lyr. XIV C., p. 54" "IMEV 1378.5",,,,"ABC","ABC alliterative poem on flowers","Y wandryng ful wery and walkynge şe ways",,,"Literary texts","An ABC alliterative poem on flowers, one stanza to each letter of the alphabet." "IMEV 1382",,,,"Sir Tristrem","I was a[t erşeldoun]",,,,"Literary texts","Refs in both IMEV and Supp." "IMEV 1388",,,,"An Amorous Complaint","Compleint Damours","I which that am the sorwefullest man",,,"Literary texts","13 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 1408",,,,"English Metrical Medical Treatise",,,,,"Medicine", "IMEV 1414",,,,"Life of St Anne","Iff I hadde cunnyng and eloquens",,,,"Religion","Prologue in 16-line stanzas; Life in rime royal (vv. 698). Serjeantson, EETS 206. 38-58" "IMEV 1422.1",,,,"Troilus and Criseyde",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1439",,,,"An exhortacion?to excyte euery crystyn creature to worshyp euery drop of blood that oure blessyd and merciful Lord Ihus shed","Yef thow wolt worshyp synglerly",,,,"Religion","56 couplets. Followed immediately by 3443." "IMEV 1447",,,,"Lament of the Blessed Virgin","In a chyrch as I gan knelle",,,,"Religion","12 8-line stanzas. See also 2619." "IMEV 145",,,,"Allas deceyte",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1459",,,,"Piers Plowman","Vision of Piers Plowman",,,,"Literary texts","See also IMEV 1458 and 745 Further MSS in IMEV supp." "IMEV 1460",,,,"Lament of the Blessed Virgin","In a tabernacle of a toure","Quia amore langueo",,,"Religion","12 8-line stanzas with the refrain 'Quia amore langueo'. More MSS and refs in IMEV. Supp." "IMEV 1481",,,,"Fabula Duorum Mercatorum",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1495",,,,"Exposition of Christian doctrine","In holy sauter me may rede",,,,"Religion","6-line stanzas. Konnrath EETS lxxxvi. 130-62" "IMEV 1501",,,,"Stans puer ad mensam","In maner whyche enlumynyth euery astate",,,,"Education and Grammar","Not Lydgate version. 19 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 1507",,,,"The Complaint of the Black Knight","In May when Flora the fressh lusty quene",,,,"Literary texts","665 lines in rime royal stanzas and Envoy of 2 8-line stanzas. See also IMEV Supp. 2579.5 and 3911.5 MacCracken EETS 192.382-410." "IMEV 1511",,,,"I wiyte my silf myn owne woo","In my 3owthe full wylde I was",,,,"Literary texts","18 stanzas with the title as refrain." "IMEV 1514",,,,"Boke of Kervyng and Nortur",,,,,"Education and Grammar","In mono-rhyming quatrains Furnivall EETS 32. 1-83 (rev ed) Cf. IMEV 2242" "IMEV 1528",,,,"Assemble de Damys","The Boke Called Assemble de Damys",,,,"Literary texts","755 lines in rime royal stanzas, including 11 introductory stanzas and 3 concluding stanzas. More MSS and refs in IMEV Supp." "IMEV 1540",,,,"Instructions","In the begynnyng of this litell werk",,,,"Education and Grammar","In rime royal. Divided into 2 books, the second of which is based on Robert of Brunne's Handlyng Synne. See also 1287; 3847. Utley 22a, 41a, 93a." "IMEV 1550",,,,"The Infancy of Christ","In şe honurance of swete Ihesu",,,,"Religion","1854 lines; couplets" "IMEV 1555",,,,"On the Death of the Duke of Suffolk",,,,"1450 or after","History and Politics","Macaronic lines in 8-line stanzas" "IMEV 1561",,,,"Tale of the Emperor Gerelaus",,,,,"Literary texts","Furnivall EETS lxi 140-74" "IMEV 1562",,,,"A ballad in praise of Margaret, the daisy",,,,,"Literary texts","Preceded by IMEV supp. 3252.5 and 4049.6" "IMEV 1566",,,,"The Awynturs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyne","In tyme of Arthur an aunter by tydde",,,,"Literary texts","715 lines in 13-line stanzas" "IMEV 1577",,,,"Satan's reply to Adam and Eve","In thys tre es alle hys myth",,,,"Religion","six lines" "IMEV 1583",,,,"Sege of Ierusalem","Alliterative Siege of Jerusalem","Siege of Jersusalem",,,"Literary texts","1334 lines (see IMEV 1881). Kolbing and Day, EETS 188." "IMEV 1591",,,,"Seven Penitential Psalms","In wynter whan the wedir was cold",,,,"Religion","124 8-line stanzas (see IMEV 355)." "IMEV 1592",,,,"A Balade declaring that wemens chastite Doeth moche excel all treasure worldly","In womanhede as auctors al write",,,,"Literary texts","9 stanzas rime royal. Made up of extracts from Lydgate's Fall of Princes from Book IV. 2374-87 and Book III 1373-1421. Utley 142" "IMEV 1597",,,,"Consolation of Philosophy",,,,,"Philosophy", "IMEV 1614",,,,"şe wenche şat [lov]ed [a k]ing","It bifel whilom ich vnderstond",,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1619",,,,"Speak no evil behind a friend's back","Hit fallith for every gentilman",,,,"Literary texts","4 lines Furnivall EETS 32 rev ed. 220" "IMEV 1620",,,,"şe battel of Otterburn","The Battle of Otterburn",,,,"History and Politics","Seventy quatrains. For later variants see IMEV Supp. 3445.5 and 960.1" "IMEV 1653",,,,"The Trental of St Gregory",,,,,"Religion","See IMEV 83 and 3184 Horstmann, EETS 98, 260-70" "IMEV 166",,,,"King Horn",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1675",,,,"Arthour and Merlin",,,,,"Literary texts","9938 lines in couplets. See IMEV 1162 and Supp. 611.5." "IMEV 168",,,,"The Court of Sapience",,,,,"Literary texts","Without prologue. See 3406." "IMEV 1682",,,,"A Prayer to Jesus",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 1690",,,,"Libeaus Desconus","Ihu cryst our savyour",,,,"Literary texts","Mainly in 12 line stanzas. Rel Ant. 65-7" "IMEV 1718",,,,"The Long Charter of Christ",,,,,"Religion","A version" "IMEV 1720",,,,"A morning prayer",,,,,"Religion","7 quatrains. Incorporates 2174." "IMEV 1721",,,,"Calendar",,,,,"Religion","51 stanzas rime royal and concluding 8-line stanza. MacCracken EETS cvii. 363-76 Clark EETS 129. 13-24" "IMEV 1734","Brown 1939: 181-3 (115)","MWME 7 [XX]: 204",,"Prayer to be said between the Agnus Dei and the Lavacion","Ihesu my lord welcome şu be",,,,"Religion","19 couplets with 4 introductory lines assuring pardon." "IMEV 1751",,,,"Ballad of the Tyrannical Husband",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1754",,,,"Reinbrun Gy Sone of Warwike",,,,,"Literary texts","127 12-line stanzas. Zupitza, EETS lix. 631-73" "IMEV 1760",,,,"On the deadly sins, 10 commandments, Pater Noster, Creed, Ave Maria, and the Hours of the Cross","Iesu şat for vs wolde die",,,,"Religion","308 lines in couplets." "IMEV 178",,,,"Misericordias Domini in eternum Cantabo",,,,,"Religion","MacCracken EETS cvii. 71-7." "IMEV 1789",,,,"A greeting on New Year's Morning","Iuellis pricious cane y non fynde to selle",,,,"Literary texts","4 stanzas rime royal and concluding couplet. Furnivall EETS 15 orig. ed. 38-9; rev. ed. 66-7." "IMEV 1805",,,,"The Life of St. Norbert",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 1812",,,,"Life of St Katherine",,,,,"Religion","Prologue in rime royal, Life in couplets. Serjeantson, EETS 206. 172-201" "IMEV 1826",,,,"A Compleynt by the Duke of Suffolk",,,,,"Literary texts","A testament bequeathing the lover's heart and will. 3 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 183",,,,"A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 1832",,,,"O gloriosa domina excelsa","Lefdy blisful of muchel mi3t",,,,"Religion","Paraphrase of the hymn 'O gloriosa domina excelsa'. 12 lines" "IMEV 1838",,,,"An epistle to his mistress","Lady of pite for şy sorowes şt şu haddest",,,,"Literary texts","Stanzas 3, 4, 5, 10 are stanzas 3, 7, 11, 15 of IMEV 3761. 10 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 1840",,,,"A miracle of the Blessed Virgin - how Our Lady's Psalter was found","Leuedi swete and milde","Hou our leuedi saute was ferst founde",,,"Religion","In 6-line stanzas. Furnivall EETS 117. 777-85." "IMEV 1841",,,,"Appeal of Christ to man","Quid ultra debui facere","Late as I wente one myne pleynge",,,"Religion","14 8-line stanzas with the refrain 'Quid ultra debui facere'." "IMEV 1849",,,,"Jack and the dancing maid","Ladd Y the daunce a Myssomur Day",,,,"Literary texts","Erotic carol. Nine 5-line stanzas and burden. Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 22-4." "IMEV 185",,,,"The Harrowing of Hell",,,,,"Religion","For an earlier text see IMEV 1258." "IMEV 1854",,,,"The Nine lessons of the Dirige","Pety Iob",,,,"Religion","57 12-line stanzas. Kail EETS 124.120-43." "IMEV 1857",,,,"The Abuses of the Age","On the King's Breaking the Magna Carta","The Sayings of the Four Philosophers",,,"History and Politics","English lines in varying stanzas, with alternate Anglo-Norman lines at the beginning. Herrtage, EETS xxxiii. 498-9; Holmstedt, EETS 182. clxxxv-clxxxvii Robbins, Hist. Poems. pp. 325-6." "IMEV 186",,,,"Verses against haste","All hast is odyus whereas dyscrecyoun",,,,"Literary texts","20 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS 192.759-64" "IMEV 1865",,,,"Midsomer Rose",,,,,"Literary texts","15 8-line stanzas. MacCracken EETS 192.780-5." "IMEV 1873.5",,,,"Vite Ade et Eve","The Life of Adam and Eve",,,,"Religion","A fragment in couplets." "IMEV 1874",,,,"A song of 'Galaunt'","Lyke as grete wateres encresyn into floods fele","Treatise of the galaunt",,,"Religion","An acrostic on the deadly sins. In rime royal stanzas. Cf. IMEV 4255" "IMEV 1875",,,,"Legend of St Austin at Compton","Like as the bybyll makyth mencyon",,,,"Religion","fifty-one 8 line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS cvii. 193-206" "IMEV 1877",,,,"How the Wise Man Taught his Son",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1881",,,,"Titus and Vespasian","Destruction of Jerusalem",,,,"Literary texts","5166 lines in couplets. For a version in alliterative lines see IMEV 1583." "IMEV 1892",,,,"Song in honour of St Thomas of Canterbury",,,,,"Religion","In quatrains and burden. Dyboski, EETS ci. 31." "IMEV 1895",,,,"Sir Degare",,,,,"Literary texts","In short couplets." "IMEV 1897",,,,"How a Merchant did his Wife Betray",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 1899",,,,"A Marian Lament",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 190",,,,"Sume men sayon şat y am blak",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 190.5",,,,"A lover's plea",,,,,"Literary texts","1 quatrain and 3 8-line stanzas." "IMEV 1907",,,,"Northern Passion",,,,,"Religion","For the 'expanded' version see IMEV 170. Foster, EETS 147. 172-6 Heuser and Foster EETS 183. 1-50" "IMEV 1916",,,,"The Weddynge of Sir Gawen and Dame Ragnell",,,,,"Literary texts","In 6-line stanzas. See IMEV 1819" "IMEV 1920",,,,"The Lytylle Childrenes Lytil Boke","A Lytell Treatyse for to Lerne Englysshe and Frensshe","The boke of curtesy",,,"Education and Grammar","54 couplets. For another version see IMEV 4127. Ringler 43" "IMEV 1929",,,,"The 'Sotelties' at the Coronation Banquet of Henry VI","Sotelties","Loo here two kynges righte perfit and right good",,"1432 or after","History and Politics","3 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS 192. 623-4" "IMEV 1944",,,,"Beware of deceitful women","Bewar therfor the blynde etith many a flye",,,,"Literary texts","6 stanzas rime royal with refrain: 'Bewar therfor the blynde etith many a flye'." "IMEV 1955.5",,,,"Prayer tag for England","Lord god preserve under şy mighty hande",,,,"History and Politics","One couplet, vv. 6-7 of IMEV 2218, occurring separately" "IMEV 1956",,,,"Fifty-first Psalm - paraphrase","Lord god to şe we calle",,,,"Religion","43 couplets." "IMEV 1979",,,,"Richard Coer de Lion",,,,,"Literary texts","Couplets." "IMEV 1981",,,,"Hours of the Cross - prefix (York)",,,,,"Religion","8 introductory couplets prefaced to the York Hours of the Cross (see IMEV 1963)." "IMEV 1982",,,,"Gode rule ys out of remembrauns",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 199",,,,"Rammeshorne","A resoun of the Rammeshorne",,,,"Literary texts","7 8-line stanzas with refrain. MacCracken EETS 192. 461-4" "IMEV 1993",,,,"Sir Beues of Hamtoun","Sir Beves",,"Anglo-Norman",,"Literary texts","4620 lines in 6-line stanzas (vv. 1-474) and couplets (vv. 475-4620). cf. IMEV Supp. 3405.3. Ringler 41. A Text: Kolbing, EETS xlvi, xlviii, lxv B Text: Kolbing, EETS xlvi, xlviii, lxv" "IMEV 2",,,,"Personal elegy on a young gentlewoman","Ha cruell deeth contrarious to creatures in kynde","Untimely Death of a Fair Lady",,,"Literary texts","7 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2019",,,,"Life of St Lucy","Lvcye of lyht aftyr Ianuencys purpose",,,,"Religion","Prologue 3 8-line stanzas, Life in couplets. Serjeantson EETS 206. 243-57" "IMEV 2029",,,,"Against Women Inconstant","Newfangelnesse",,,,"Literary texts","A balade, 3 stanzas rime royal Utley 175" "IMEV 203",,,,"Life of St Margaret",,,,,"Religion","In long line quatrains." "IMEV 2052",,,,"Story of the adulterous Falmouth Squire","Man from myschefe thou şe amende",,,,"Literary texts","In quatrains. For the prologue see IMEV 172. Furnivall EETS 15 orig. ed. 96-102; rev. ed. 126-32" "IMEV 206",,,,"şe pater noster vndo on englissh","Pater Noster","Lord's Prayer",,,"Religion","Couplets." "IMEV 2081",,,,"Complaint şat Crist maketh of his Passioun",,,,,"Religion","15 8-line stanzas. See also IMEV 2497." "IMEV 209",,,,"Gregorius","Gregorius Legend","The Legend of Pope Gregory",,,"Religion","8-line stanzas." "IMEV 2107",,,,"Hymn to the Blessed Virgin","Marye mayde mylde and fre",,,,"Religion","14 6-line stanzas. Davies, Med. Eng Lyrics, pp. 103-5." "IMEV 2109",,,,"A carol of the feasts following Christmas","Mari milde haş boren a chylde",,,,"Religion","In quatrains, and burden. Early Eng. Carols, pp. 320-1" "IMEV 2119",,,,"An orison to the Blessed Virgin","Speculum Christiani (Octava Tabula)","Mary moder well thou be",,,"Religion","27 couplets. For an expansion into long lines see IMEV 2110. From the Speculum Christiani" "IMEV 2128",,,,"Balade in praise of Chaucer","Master Geffray Chaucer that now lyth in grave",,,,"Literary texts","1 stanza rime royal." "IMEV 2145",,,,"On the degeneracy of the times","Heu plebs conqueritur","Men hem bimenin of litel trewthe",,,"History and Politics","2 couplets. See also IMEV 2146 and 3650. Rel. Lyr. XIV C., pp. 54, 259 Rel. Ant. II. 121" "IMEV 2148",,,,"Pilgrims' Song","Men may leue all gamys",,,,"Literary texts","9 8-line stanzas. Furnivall, EETS 25: 37-40 Rel. Ant., I. 2-3" "IMEV 2154",,,,"A prayer to the Blessed Virgin and Several Saints",,,,"s.xv","Religion","4 8-line and 5 7-line stanzas. Rel. Lyr. XV C. p.200-2" "IMEV 2156",,,,"A praise of peace",,,,,"Literary texts","24 8-line stanzas. MacCracken EETS 192: 785-91. Wright, Polit. poems, II. 209-15." "IMEV 2165",,,,"Assumption of Our Lady",,,,,"Religion","Earliest version" "IMEV 2178",,,,"A love song in reproof of Lydgate","Myn hert ys set and all myn hole entent",,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 2179",,,,"Myn hert is set uppon a lusty pynne","Love poem",,,,"Literary texts","With involved sestina-like stanza-linking. 6 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2182",,,,"A lettyr","Myn hertes Ioy and all myn hole plesaunce",,,,"Literary texts","See also IMEV 2247. 3 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2185",,,,"A Lover's plea","Myn owne dere ladi fair and fre",,,,"Literary texts","3 quatrains and burden. Early Eng. Carols p.300. Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 13-14." "IMEV 2218",,,,"A prayer for King Henry VI and his Queen and the people",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEV 2221",,,,"Ad beatam virginem, Modir of god",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 2222",,,,"Ad beatam virginem",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 2226",,,,"The Five Joys of the Blessed Virgin",,,,,"Religion","59 6-line stanzas. Konrath EETS lxxxvi. 115-26" "IMEV 2229",,,,"De Regimine Principium",,,,,"History and Politics","780 stanzas rime royal. Furnivall EETS lxxii. 30; 196-7 EETS lxi. 61 (Envoy only)." "IMEV 2230",,,,"A lettyr",,,,,"Literary texts","4 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2233",,,,"Stans Puer ad Mensam",,,,,"Education and Grammar","14 stanzas rime royal, with Envoy. See also IMEV 1694 - for a version wholly distinct from Lydgate's see IMEV 1501. MacCracken EETS 192. 739-44 Furnivall EETS 32. 275-82" "IMEV 2239",,,,"Caro mea vere cibus","My flesse şat wrote was in mari blode",,,,"Religion","Three 3-line stanzas" "IMEV 2247",,,,"To my heart's joy","My hertes Ioie all myn hole plesaunce",,,,"Literary texts","Furnivall, EETS orig. ed 40; rev. ed. 68" "IMEV 225",,,,"The Serving Maid's Holiday","All this day ic han sought",,,,"Literary texts","Early Eng. Carols. p. 19. Robbins Sec. Lyrics. pp. 24-5." "IMEV 2251",,,,"Ragmanys Rolle",,,,,"Literary texts","208 lines in 8-line stanzas Utley 201" "IMEV 2253",,,,"Horn Childe and Maiden Rimhild",,,,,"Literary texts","In 12-line stanzas." "IMEV 2262",,,,"L'Envoy de Chaucer a Bukton",,,,,"Literary texts","4 8-line stanzas including Envoy. Utley 208; Ringler 50" "IMEV 2288.8",,,,"Floris and Blauncheflur",,,,,"Literary texts","In couplets. Lumby, rev. McKnight, EETS 14. 51-74, 101-14." "IMEV 2290",,,,"Proverbs","Next şe derke nyght şe gray morewe",,,,"Other texts","13 couplets. Cf. IMEV Supp. 4166.5 Utley 213" "IMEV 2295",,,,"A Compleynt","Not far fro marche in the end of feueryere",,,,"Literary texts","5 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2311",,,,"A heartless mistress","Now fresshe floure to me that ys so bryght",,,,"Literary texts","13 quatrains." "IMEV 2323",,,,"On the Virtues of the Mass","Now herken euery man bothe more and lesse",,,,"Religion", "IMEV 2326",,,,"Ad spiritum sanctum","Now holy goost of the hy deitee",,,,"Religion", "IMEV 2333",,,,"An Epiphany Carol","Now ys Crystemas y-cum",,,,"Literary texts","12 5-line stanzas (lacks burden) For a closely related version see IMEV 2339 Early Eng. Carols pp. 85-6" "IMEV 2337",,,,"On the defilement of sin","Now is my Robe y-ssape for soşe al a-mys",,,,"Religion","4 mono-rhyming lines" "IMEV 2345",,,,"A deuout prayer toward thy bedde at nyght","Now Ihu lord welle of all goodnes",,,"s.xv","Religion","Rel Lyr XV C, pp. 194-5. Perry, EETS 167. cxxx." "IMEV 2347",,,,"A lament of the Blessed Virgin","Now late me thought I wolde begynne","Who can not wepe come lerne at me",,,"Religion","In 12 line stanzas with the refrain 'Who can not wepe come lerne at me'. Compare Holthausen, 'De Arte Lacrimandi', Anglia Beiblatt xxix. 157-60, 247-50." "IMEV 2349",,,,"A Compleynt","Now lyst fortune thus for me to purueye",,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 2350",,,,"A Compleynt","Now I must nede part out of your presence",,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 236",,,,"A Carol in praise of the Blessed Virgin","Alle 3e mouwen of ioye synge",,,"s.xv","Religion","6 quatrains with Latin caudae and burden. Early Eng. Carols p. 139. Rel. Lyr. XV C, pp. 33-4." "IMEV 2384.8",,,,"To his mistress","O beauteous braunche floure of formosyte",,,,"Literary texts","8 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2389",,,,"Ad filium Honor et Gloria"," blessid chyld Ihesu what haast thow do",,,,"Religion", "IMEV 239",,,,"ABC hymn to the Blessed Virgin",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 2392",,,,"Life of St Anne","O blessed Ihu that arte fulle of myght",,,,"Religion","Parker, EETS 174.90-109." "IMEV 2397",,,,"A salutation to the Blessed Virgin","O blessed mary the flowre of virgynitie",,,,"Religion","6 stanzas rime royal Furnivall EETS, 15. 112-3" "IMEV 2407",,,,"Compleynt","O cruell daunger all myn aduersarye",,,,"Literary texts","3 8-line stanzas" "IMEV 2412.5",,,,"O desirerabull dyamvnt distinit with diversificacion","An aureate invocation of his absent mistress",,,,"Literary texts","Lines each ending in -ion." "IMEV 2413",,,,"On Kissing","Verbum caro factum est","O deuot people which keep an obseruance",,,"Religion","4 8-line stanzas. For other MSS, see IMEV 4245. MacCracken, EETS cvii. 116-7." "IMEV 2428",,,,"The Lamentation of the grene tre of the losyng of hire appil","The Compleynte of the Virgin before the Cross",,,,"Religion","40 stanzas rime royal Ringler 54" "IMEV 2445",,,,"Prayer to St Edmund on behalf of Henry VI",,,,,"Religion","8 8-line stanzas." "IMEV 2464",,,,"Testament",,,,,"Literary texts","Sections 1, 3, and 5 in 8-line stanzas, sections 2 and 4 in rime royal. MacCracken EETS cvii. 329-62." "IMEV 2478.5",,,,"O lady myne to whom thys boke I sende","An epistle to his mistress",,,,"Literary texts","Including a dialogue between the Lover and Dame Nature. 32 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 2479",,,,"Balade with Envoy to Alison","Alison","O lewde book with thy foole rudenesse",,,"Literary texts","3 stanzas rime royal and 6-line envoy Follows the Cuckoo and the Nightingale (IMEV 3361)" "IMEV 2488",,,,"A Balade","O lord god what yt is gret plesaunce",,,,"Literary texts","3 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2493",,,,"Psalmi passionis domini","O lord omnipotent fadyr of oure creacyon",,,,"Religion", "IMEV 2510",,,,"O merciful and o mercyable",,,,,"Literary texts","A pseudo-Chaucerian lyric in 12 stanzas rime royal, but apparently made up of scraps of other poems." "IMEV 2515",,,,"A prophecy","O myghty mars that marrith many a wight",,,,"History and Politics","76 lines." "IMEV 2516",,,,"Troy Book",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 252",,,,"The Wright's Chaste Wife","Allemyghty god maker of alle",,,,"Literary texts","672 in 6-line stanzas Furnivall EETS 12" "IMEV 2523",,,,"Remember man thow art but wormes mete",,,,,"Literary texts","8 stanzas rime royal with refraid. Bergen EETS cxxiv. 65" "IMEV 2524",,,,"A scurrilous balade against his mistress","O Mossie Quince hangyng by your stalke",,,,"Literary texts","3 stanzas rime royal. Cf. IMEV 4230 Utley 226" "IMEV 253",,,,"A hymn to the Creator","Ihu Haue mercy on me","Almi3ti God maker of Heuene",,,"Religion","5 8-line stanzas with the refraid 'Ihu Haue mercy on me'. Rel. Lyr. XV C, pp. 214-5 Day, EETS 155. 67-9" "IMEV 2538",,,,"la male regle",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 2541",,,,"Bycorne and Chyvevache, şe deuise of a peynted clothe",,,,,"Literary texts","Utley 227" "IMEV 2556",,,,"An orison to the Blessed Virgin of the Five Joys","O sterre of Jacob, glory of Israell",,,,"Religion","7 stanzas rime royal. MacCracken, EETS cvii. 282-4." "IMEV 2567",,,,"A Compleynt","O thou Fortune which hast the gouvernaunce",,,,"Literary texts","Robbins, Sec. Lyrics pp. 185-6" "IMEV 2570",,,,"Regina celi letare","O thow ioyfull lyght eternall ye shyne",,,,"Religion","5 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS cvii. 293-4." "IMEV 2572",,,,"Benedic Anima Mea Domino",,,"Latin",,"Religion","Lydgate's translation of Psalm 102" "IMEV 2574",,,,"Life of Our Lady",,,,,"Religion","5936 lines in rime royal; The Magnificat in 8-line stanzas (II. 981-1060)." "IMEV 2579",,,,"Legend of Dan Joos","A miracle of the Blessed Virgin",,,,"Religion","20 stanzas rime royal. MacCracken EETS cvii. 311-15." "IMEV 2583",,,,"A compleynt","O wofull hert prisound in gret duresse",,,,"Literary texts","3 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2584",,,,"The Treachery of Fortune",,,,,"Literary texts","4 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2588.5",,,,"A plea to lovers for sympathy","O ye all that ben or haue byn in dyssease",,,,"Literary texts","5 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 2591",,,,"Dance of Macabre",,,"French",,"Literary texts","84 8-line stanzas (inc. prologue). cf. IMEV 2590. White EETS 181.2-76." "IMEV 2592",,,,"Legend of St George","The Lyfe of St George the Martyr",,,,"Religion","35 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 2595",,,,"The Parliament off Cupyde gode of love","O ye louers which in gret heuenes",,,,"Literary texts","16 stanzas rime royal and 4-line Envoy" "IMEV 2600",,,,"Liturgical text of the prophecies of the Advent","O ye pepill of ierusalem beholde & se",,,,"Religion","Rime royal. dramatic verses." "IMEV 2602.3",,,,"A Penni worth of witte",,,,,"Literary texts","vv. 400 in couplets (cf. IMEV 1897)." "IMEV 2615",,,,"The Turnament of Totenham",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 2619",,,,"A lamentation of Oure Lady","Of all women that euer were born",,,,"Religion", "IMEV 2621",,,,"Legend of the 11000 Virgins","Off elleuyn thousand uirgyns in feer",,,,"Religion","Rime royal Serjeantson EETS 206.86-98" "IMEV 2624","VK 3874","VK 3876",,"Of the Four Complexions",,,,,"Medicine","Beginning with Sanguineus. 4 stanzas rime royal. Robbins, Sec. Lyrics. pp. 72-3." "IMEV 2625",,,,"A dyte of womenhis hornys","Horns Away",,,,"Literary texts","10 8-line stanzas and Envoy. Furnivall EETS 15 orig ed 45-7, rev ed. 73-5" "IMEV 2627",,,,"A tretys of diverse herbis",,,,,"Science and Information","Short couplets." "IMEV 2635",,,,"Ipomadon",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 2651",,,,"Life of St Margaret","Of seynt Margarete the virgyne pure",,,,"Religion","Serjeantson EETS 206.7-38 8-line stanzas" "IMEV 266.3",,,,"Alone y lyue alone",,,,,"Literary texts","Fragment heading IMEV 3971." "IMEV 2661",,,,"A balade on hypocritical women",,,,,"Literary texts","4 stanzas rime royal. Utley 239" "IMEV 2662",,,,"Confessio Amantis",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 2668",,,,"On Removing Spots made by Wine, Water and Milk",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEV 267",,,,"The Lover's Lament",,,,,"Literary texts","A pseudo-Chaucerian virelai, 5 8-line tail-rhyme stanzas Davies, Med Eng Lyrics pp. 255-56." "IMEV 2684",,,,"Harrowing of Hell","Aurora lucis rutilat",,,"s.xiv","Religion","4 couplets" "IMEV 2688",,,,"Gloriosa dicta sunt de te",,,"Latin",,"Religion","Lydgate's translation of Psalm 86" "IMEV 2711",,,,"Pater Noster",,,,,"Religion","7 8-line stanzas. MacCracken EETS cvii. 18-20." "IMEV 2714",,,,"Complaint of God",,,,,"Religion","Furnivall, EETS orig. ed. 168-203, rev. ed. 198-232. 68 8-line stanzas." "IMEV 2719",,,,"On the redemption",,,,"s.xv","Religion","3 couplets with couplet heading. Rel. Lyr. XV C., p. 149" "IMEV 2737",,,,"Balade moral of gode counseyle",,,,,"History and Politics","5 stanzas rime royal Macaulay EETS lxxxi. clxxiii" "IMEV 2749",,,,"A Christemasse game","Petir prynce of aposteles alle",,,,"Literary texts","12 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2756",,,,"The Compleynt unto Pite",,,,,"Literary texts","17 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 2767",,,,"The ix ladyes worthy",,,,,"Literary texts","A pseudo-Chaucerian poem. 9 stanzas rime royal. See IMEV 1016. Utley 247." "IMEV 2784","MWME 6 (XVI): 21",,,"Churl and Bird","Chorle and Bird",,,,"Literary texts","54 stanzas rime royal and an Envoy of 8 lines. Ringler 61 MacCracken EETS 192. 468-85" "IMEV 2787",,,,"On the evils of the times","Quant homme deit parleir videat que verba loquatur",,,,"History and Politics","36 macaronic lines in Latin, French and English. See IMEV 1870." "IMEV 2789",,,,"Regina celi letare","Quene of hevyn make thou myrth",,,"s.xv","Religion","2 quatrains Rel. Lyr. XV C Furnivall EETS 117. 723-5" "IMEV 2791",,,,"To Mary Queen of Heaven","On the Five Joys",,,,"Religion","MaCracken EETS cvii. 284-7." "IMEV 2800",,,,"Regina celi and Lady letare","Hymn to the Blessed Virgin",,,"s.xv","Religion","Macaronic. 7 12-line stanzas Rel. Lyr. XV C, pp. 49-52" "IMEV 2802",,,,"Regina celi letare","Hymn to the Blessed Virgin",,,"s.xv","Religion","Macaronic. 4 8-line stanzas. Rel. Lyr XV C, pp. 52-3" "IMEV 2804",,,,"On the coronation of Henry VI",,,,,"History and Politics","Roundel - 10 lines. See IMEV 3808 MacCracken, EETS 192.622" "IMEV 2806.5",,,,"A remembrance on the Passion",,,,,"Religion","2 10-line stanzas." "IMEV 282.5",,,,"The clerk blinded by the glory of the Blessed Virgin","An angel sche sent to him anon","The clerk who would see the Virgin",,,"Religion", "IMEV 2820",,,,"Consolation of Philosophy",,,"Latin","Before 1410","Philosophy","Stanza 4 only" "IMEV 2823",,,,"Ryght goodly flour to whom I owe seruyse",,,,,"Literary texts","4 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 2825",,,,"Letter to Gloucester",,,,,"Letters", "IMEV 2829",,,,"On the Evils of the Times",,,,,"History and Politics","Robbins, Hist. Poems, p. 327 4 lines" "IMEV 2833",,,,"Vexilla regis prodeunt",,,,,"Religion","MacCracken EETS cvii. 25-7 9 8-line stanzas" "IMEV 2849",,,,"Life of St Agnes",,,,,"Religion","Serjeantson, EETS 206. 111-29 Prologue in 8-line stanzas; Life in rime royal" "IMEV 2854",,,,"Life of St Augustine of Canterbury",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 2866",,,,"The Life and Passion of St Blaise",,,,,"Religion","South English Legendary" "IMEV 2873",,,,"The Life and Passion of St Cecilia",,,,,"Religion","South English Legendary" "IMEV 2892","Sisam 1970: 402, no. 164",,,"A prayer to St Helena",,,,,"Religion","6 lines. Simmons, EETS 71. 350" "IMEV 2931.55",,,,"South English Ministry and Passion",,,,,"Religion","3048 lines, couplets" "IMEV 296",,,,"And as for yow that most ar in my mynde",,,,,"Literary texts","Balade - 4 rime royal stanzas" "IMEV 299",,,,"Dialogus cum Amico",,,,,"Literary texts","118 rime royal stanzas. Furnivall, EETS lxi. 110-39 Utley 28" "IMEV 303.6",,,,"Owayne Miles","Owain Miles","St Patrick's Purgatory",,,"Religion","Cf. IMEV 982 and 1767. In 6-line stanzas." "IMEV 304.5",,,,"Life of St Mary Magdalene",,,,,"Religion","In couplets." "IMEV 3079.8",,,,"Say well or be styll",,,,,"Literary texts","Three monorhymed lines advocating caution." "IMEV 3082",,,,"See heer my maister Carpenter I yow preye",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3089",,,,"The Vision of St. Paul",,,,,"Religion","6-line stanza" "IMEV 3102",,,,"Sişe and sorwe depeli",,,,,"Other texts","Precepts in -ly; 4/5 lines." "IMEV 3107",,,,"The Seven Deadly Sins",,,,,"Religion","106 quatrains. Konrath, EETS lxxxvi. 98-114" "IMEV 3113",,,,"The Evils of the Age",,,,,"History and Politics","236 lines in quatrains Macaronic: alternately English and Latin lines" "IMEV 3121",,,,"Ars sciendi mori",,,,,"Literary texts","134 stanzas rime royal. Furnivall, EETS, lxi. 178-212" "IMEV 3127",,,,"Edwardus dei gratia",,,,,"History and Politics","8 quatrains and burden Furnivall, EETS 15. 4-5. On Edward IV" "IMEV 3129",,,,"An exhortation against the deadly sins",,,,,"Religion","10 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 3145",,,,"Guy of Warwick",,,,,"Literary texts","1st version: 11095 lines in couplets - see also IMEV 3146. [2nd version IMEV 3146 - see also IMEV *76 and 946]. Zupitza, EETS xlii, xlix, lix." "IMEV 3150",,,,"Item de beata virgine","Syn thow modir of grace haast euere in mynde",,,,"Religion", "IMEV 3156",,,,"The Life and Passion of St Alexius",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 3164",,,,"Womanly Noblesse",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 317",,,,"Good counsel",,,,,"History and Politics","Including precepts in -ly For a similar series of precepts see IMEV 324, 799, 3087, 3102" "IMEV 3171",,,,"Carol on the different kinds of women","Sum be mery and sum be sade",,,,"Literary texts","6 7-line stanzas and burden Utley 264 and 265. Dyboski, EETS ci. 113, 188 Furnivall, EETS 12. 25-6" "IMEV 3184",,,,"Trentalle Sancti Gregorii","Some tyme in Rome a Pope şer was",,,,"Religion","For other MSS see IMEV 83 and 1653." "IMEV 3187",,,,"The Seven Sages of Rome",,,,,"Literary texts","In short couplets. 4 variants - A, B, C and D A and B: Brunner, EETS 191.193-210." "IMEV 3190",,,,"Lak of Stedfastnesse",,,,,"Literary texts","4 stanzas rime royal, including Envoy" "IMEV 3197",,,,"The Judgement of Paris",,,,,"Literary texts","4 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 3199",,,,"De Septem Sacramentis",,,,,"Religion","320 7-line stanzas. Konrath, EETS lxxxvi. 1-78" "IMEV 3203",,,,"Sir Landeval","Sir Launfal",,,,"Literary texts","535 lines in couplets. cf. IMEV 567 and 689" "IMEV 3206",,,,"Epitaph on the Duke of Gloucester",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEV 3212",,,,"Crux fidelis","Steddefast crosse inmong alle oşer",,,,"Religion","Paraphrase - 1 6-line stanza Brown, Rel. Lyr XIV C, p. 55 Davies, Med Eng. Lyrics, p. 115" "IMEV 3213",,,,"On the Battle of Agincourt",,,,,"History and Politics","8 8-line stanzas Wright, Polit. Poems II. 125-7" "IMEV 3216",,,,"Stanes beş harde & heuye & wyght",,,,,"Other texts","A couplet" "IMEV 3218",,,,"On the Terror of the Judgement",,,,,"Religion","6 couplets" "IMEV 322",,,,"The Prisoner's Prayer",,,,"s.xiii","Literary texts","44 lines in stanzas of varying length with their French equivalent, with music. Eng. Lyr. XIII C, pp. 10-3" "IMEV 3222",,,,"The Thrush and the Nightingale",,,,"s.xiii","Literary texts","Eng. Lyr. XIII C., pp. 101-7." "IMEV 3224",,,,"Somer şat rypest mannes sustenance",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3256.1",,,,"Make the most of time",,,,,"Literary texts","1 alliterative quatrain" "IMEV 3258",,,,"The Tale of Guiscardo and Ghismonda",,,,,"Literary texts","Rime royal Wright, EETS 205. 38-99" "IMEV 3273.55",,,,"şat ich haue ben longe aboute / al haf i lorn apon şis ni3t",,,,,"Literary texts","quatrain" "IMEV 3291",,,,"Unto his mistress, the flower of womanhood","A love epistle",,,,"Literary texts","6 stanzas rime royal including Envoy Furnivall, EETS 15 orig. ed. 43-4, rev. ed. 71-2 Robbins, Sec. lyrics, pp. 190-1" "IMEV 3310",,,,"Man's Three Foes","The Sayings of St Bernard",,,,"Religion","In 6-line stanzas. Includes 'Vbi sunt' verses - last 7 stanzas. Cf. IMEV 2865 Furnivall, EETS 117. 511-22 Early Eng. Lyrics, p. 163 (last 10 stanzas only) Eng. Lyr. XIII C., pp. 85-7 Davies, Med. Eng. Lyrics, pp. 56-9" "IMEV 3327",,,,"Troilus and Criseyde",,,"English","s.xiv","Literary texts", "IMEV 3342","VK 6734",,,"Storia Lune",,,,,"Science and Information","116 6-line stanzas. See also IMEV 4264 and 956." "IMEV 3348",,,,"Gentilesse",,,,,"Literary texts","3 stanzas rime royal. Inserted also in Scogan's 'Moral Balade' - see IMEV 2264" "IMEV 3355",,,,"Seven Hindrances to Love","şe fol uise kakalere",,,,"Literary texts","7 short lines" "IMEV 3361",,,,"The Book of Cupid","The Cuckoo and the Nightingale",,,,"Literary texts","58 5-line stanzas Utley 286" "IMEV 3402",,,,"The Kyng of kynges regnyng ouer al",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3403",,,,"Vexilla regis prodeunt",,,,,"Literary texts","4 rhyming lines" "IMEV 3407",,,,"Poem to Oldcastle",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEV 3412",,,,"Parlement of Foules",,,,,"Literary texts","98 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 3414",,,,"The Balade of Pite","A Compleint to his Lady",,,,"Literary texts","130 lines in various stanza forms." "IMEV 3417",,,,"De Decem Preceptis",,,,,"Religion","43 8-line stanzas. Konrath EETS lxxxvi. 86-97" "IMEV 3427",,,,"On the Virtues of the Mass",,,,,"Religion","1 stanza rime royal" "IMEV 3428",,,,"Prick of Conscience","Stimulus Conscientie","Key of Knowing",,,"Religion","See also IMEV 1193, 3429, 484, 672 and 3561." "IMEV 3429",,,,"The Prick of Conscience","East Midlands Recension",,,,"Religion","See also IMEV 1193, 3428, 484" "IMEV 3437",,,,"Tyed with a Line",,,,,"Literary texts","First stanza of IMEV 3436, standing alone or directly following IMEV 3504." "IMEV 3440",,,,"Life of St Edmund and Fremund",,,,,"Religion","Rime Royal" "IMEV 3443",,,,"The Number of the Wounds of Christ and the Number of Drops of Blood from these Wounds",,,,,"Religion","9 lines. See also IMEV 3444." "IMEV 3444",,,,"The Order of Fools",,,,,"Literary texts","twenty-two 8-line stanzas." "IMEV 3452",,,,"Long Life of Christ","South English Legendary","The Nativity and Early Life of Mary",,,"Religion","With Prologue of 6 or 10 lines. About 3900 lines." "IMEV 3462",,,,"The Four Foes of Mankind",,,,,"Religion","7 16-line stanzas." "IMEV 347",,,,"Life of St Agatha","As y fynd wrytyn in legend aurea",,,,"Religion","Serjeantson EETS 206. 225-43" "IMEV 3480",,,,"The Sonne with his bemes of brightnesse",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3488",,,,"The healing of the wounded lover","The tyme so long the payn ay more and more","Compleynt",,,"Literary texts","3 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 3493",,,,"The vnware woo that commenth on gladnesse",,,,,"Literary texts","2 7-line stanzas." "IMEV 3501",,,,"Proverbs of Old Philosophers",,,,,"Education and Grammar","In Latin, French and English - the English text in quatrains. Furnivall, EETS 117. 522-53" "IMEV 3502",,,,"Prouerbis of wysdom","The wiseman's advice to his son",,,,"Other texts","In couplets. All texts show some variation. Some of the couplets appearing separately in other MSS are listed in IMEV individually, e.g. 1151, 4034.6." "IMEV 3503",,,,"On the Mutability on Man's Nature due to the Seasons, the Elements, the Complexions and the Planets",,,,,"Literary texts","18 8-line stanzas. See also IMEV 3504, 3651" "IMEV 3504",,,,"Pageant of Knowledge","The world so wide th'aire so remuable",,,,"Literary texts","A single stanza rime royal, occurring separately and in combinations. It is the first stanza of IMEV 3503, and is followed by 3437. Rel. Lyr. XV C., pp. 262-3." "IMEV 3508",,,,"Life of St Mary Magdalene","The yer of grace pleynly to descryue",,,,"Religion","Prolocutory (282 lines) - couplets Prologue - 8-line stanzas. Life - rime royal Serjeantson, EETS 206. 136-72" "IMEV 3509",,,,"Life of St Elizabeth","The yere of grace who lyst attende",,,,"Religion","Prologue - couplets and rime royal Life - 8-line stanzas. Serjeantson, EETS 206.257" "IMEV 351",,,,"şe disputisoun between şe bodi and şe soule",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 3531",,,,"That is now hay şt sumtyme was grasse",,,,,"Literary texts","17 8-line stanzas with the refraid: 'That is now hay şt sumtyme was grasse'. MacCracken, EETS 192. 809-13" "IMEV 3538",,,,"Devoute and vertuos wordes",,,,,"Religion","4 long lines. Rel. Lyr. XV C., p. 285." "IMEV 3542",,,,"Complaint of Venus",,,"French",,"Literary texts","9 8-line stanzas (possibly 3 balades) and 10-line Envoy. Ringler 73." "IMEV 3543",,,,"Meditacio de Passione Domini nostri ihesu cristi",,,,"s.xv","Religion","Rel. Lyr. XV C., pp. 144-48." "IMEV 3546",,,,"A tale of ryght nought","There was a man that hadde nought",,,,"Literary texts","Furnivall, EETS 15. 63" "IMEV 3549",,,,"Tres mira","şer was kast a ston şat no man mi3te lefte",,,,"Literary texts","3 lines" "IMEV 3553",,,,"The Pistill of Susan","The Story of Susannah",,,,"Literary texts","28 13-line stanzas of alliterative verse Furnivall, EETS 117. 626-36" "IMEV 3561",,,,"Prick of Conscience (extract)",,,,,"Religion","Extract of 28 lines from Prick of Conscience (vv. 6071-6113), occurring separately." "IMEV 357",,,,"Birds' matins","As I me lenyd vnto a Ioyful place","The Bird's Hymns to the Deity",,,"Literary texts","10 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 3582",,,,"Tale of Johnathas","Prologue to Tale of Johnathas",,,,"Literary texts","12 stanzas rime royal Furnivall, EETS lxi. 215-8 See IMEV 4072" "IMEV 3612",,,,"The Complaint of God","Whi art şou to şi frende vnkinde",,,,"Religion","11 12-line stanzas with refraid: 'Whi art şou to şi frende vnkinde' See also IMEV 3611 Day EETS 155. 69-73 Furnivall, EETS 15 orig. ed. 160-9; rev. ed. 190-9" "IMEV 3625",,,,"Serpent of Division (Envoy)",,,,,"Literary texts","The Envoy to prose text: Serpent of Division. 3 8-line stanzas." "IMEV 3632",,,,"Kings of England",,,,,"History and Politics","To Henry VI. Generally 15 stanzas rime royal, but there are many variants." "IMEV 3651","VK 7501",,,"A Pageant of Knowledge","Septem Sunt Gradus Magnatum",,,,"Literary texts","39 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS 192. 724-34." "IMEV 3655",,,,"A sotel resoun of the Crabbe","Ri3t as the crabbe goth forward",,,,"Literary texts","7 8-line stanzas with the refrain 'Ri3t as the crabbe goth forward' (Envoy included). MacCracken, EETS 192. 465-67" "IMEV 3656",,,,"Doublenesse",,,,,"Literary texts","13 8-line stanzas with Envoy See also IMEV 2602 MacCracken, EETS 192. 438-42" "IMEV 3661",,,,"Balade of Fortune","Fortune",,,,"Literary texts","9 8-line stanzas and an Envoy. Ringler 75." "IMEV 367",,,,"Story of Joseph and Aseneth",,,"Latin",,"Religion","Rime royal with a prologue of 4 8-line stanzas." "IMEV 3670",,,,"Anelida and Arcite",,,,,"Literary texts","357 lines in 45 stanzas of various forms. Includes at vv. 211-350 Anelida's Complaint, (17 8-line stanzas - also IMEV 3670) which is also found separately. Ringler 76." "IMEV 3673",,,,"Stella celi extirpauit",,,,,"Religion","4 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS cvii. 294-5. Rel. Lyr. XV C., pp. 208-10." "IMEV 3681",,,,"On the Hours of the Cross",,,,,"Religion","With an Invocation of 10 lines. EETS lxxxvi. 79-85" "IMEV 3685",,,,"The Ten commandments",,,,,"Religion","12 couplets. These couplets are also interspersed through the prose Exposition of the Commandments which forms part of the Wycliffite expansion of the Lay Folk's Catechism (see IMEV 406B). Holmstedt EETS 182. lxxiv-lxxv" "IMEV 3699",,,,"Debate between the Heart and the Eye",,,,,"Literary texts","5 couplets CF Walther 17915" "IMEV 37.5",,,,"A gode begynnyng","Proverbial couplet",,,,"Literary texts","Cf. IMEV 2078; 4049.3, Tilley B 259" "IMEV 370",,,,"The complaynte ageyne Hope",,,,,"Literary texts","15 8-line stanzas" "IMEV 3712",,,,"Tre thinges şar ern şat done me sigh sore",,,,,"Literary texts","Six lines." "IMEV 3713",,,,"Three sorrowful things",,,,,"Literary texts","One quatrain For other versions see 695, 1615, 3711, 3712, 3696" "IMEV 3731.55",,,,"şi lust şat lasteş but a while",,,,,"Literary texts","A couplet" "IMEV 3734.5",,,,"Moralizing lines on women",,,,,"Literary texts","1 quatrain" "IMEV 3742",,,,"Willikin's Return","A political carol in support of Henry VI",,,,"History and Politics","4 3-line stanzas and burden Robbins, Hist. Poems, pp. 198-9" "IMEV 3746",,,,"Reson and Sensuallyte",,,,,"Literary texts","Sieper, EETS lxxxiv" "IMEV 3747",,,,"L'Envoy de Chaucer a Scogan",,,,,"Literary texts","Utley 326 Ringler 78" "IMEV 3752",,,,"To fle the sect of alle mysgouernaunce","A Balade",,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3755",,,,"Seven Penitential Psalms",,,,,"Religion","8-line stanzas See IMEV 1961; 2157" "IMEV 3761",,,,"The craft of lovers","Dialogue between Cupido and Diana",,,,"Literary texts","26 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 3777",,,,"Invocacio ad patrem","Thow god the fadir which vn to vs alle",,,,"Religion", "IMEV 3787",,,,"Complaynt to his Empty Purse",,,,,"Literary texts","3 stanzas rime royal and 5-line Envoy. Utley 325. Ringler 77." "IMEV 3788",,,,"To yow welle of honur and worthynesse",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3798",,,,"Look in thy merour and deeme noon othir with",,,,,"Literary texts","27 8-line stanzas with the refraid 'Look in thy merour and deeme noon othir with', including Envoy. MacCracken EETS 192. 765-72." "IMEV 3799",,,,"King Henry VI's Triumphal entry into London",,,,"1432 or after","History and Politics","76 stanzas rime royal and 8-line Envoy MacCracken EETS 192. 630-48 Prose paraphrases in Egerton 1995, etc." "IMEV 3803",,,,"On True Love",,,,,"Literary texts","3 lines" "IMEV 3807",,,,"Festum Natalis domini","A Christmas Pageant",,,,"Literary texts","12 stanzas rime royal Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 110-13" "IMEV 3808",,,,"On the English title of Henry VI to the Crown of France",,,,,"History and Politics","329 lines in couplets Wright, Polit. Poems, II. 131-40 MacCracken, EETS 192. 613-22" "IMEV 3817",,,,"Lives of Saints","Two thyngys owyth euery clerk",,,,"Religion","240 lines Serjeantson, EETS 206. 1-7" "IMEV 3831",,,,"Vn to the rial egles excellence",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3838",,,,"Somer Soneday","Summer Sunday: A Lament for Edward II",,,,"History and Politics","133 lines in 13 line stanzas" "IMEV 3844",,,,"An Evening Prayer",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 3845",,,,"Lament of Christ from the Cross","Why artow froward sith I am mercyable",,,,"Religion","5 8-line stanzas with the refraid: 'Why artow froward sith I am mercyable?' MacCracken, EETS cvii. 252-4 Furnivall, EETS 15 orig. ed. 141" "IMEV 3847",,,,"Vtter thy langage wyth gud avisement",,,,,"History and Politics","1 stanza rime royal, followed by 4 lines (vv. 64-67) from Peter Idle's Instructions (1540) and 4 distiches. Furnivall, EETS 32. 219-20" "IMEV 3848",,,,"On Phlebotomy","On Bloodletting",,,,"Science and Information","In couplets, often with an introduction of 6 lines. Rel. Ant. I. 189-91 Furnivall, EETS liii. 228-9 Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 77-80" "IMEV 3853",,,,"Balade to King Henry V",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3854",,,,"Virelai to Henry V for money",,,,,"Literary texts","Furnivall, EETS lxi. 62" "IMEV 3860",,,,"Walkyng allon of wyt full desolat","A Compleynt",,,,"Literary texts","4 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 3868",,,,"Sir Orfeo",,,,,"Literary texts","In couplets. Opening lines closely resemble Lai de Freine, IMEV 3869." "IMEV 3869",,,,"Lai de Freine",,,,,"Literary texts","Opening lines closely resemble Sir Orfeo, IMEV 3868." "IMEV 3883",,,,"Prayer at the Elevation of the Host",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 3889",,,,"Three Roundels",,,,,"Literary texts","Also IMEV 1221, 2640" "IMEV 3913",,,,"What shall I say to who shall I complayn","A Compleynt",,,,"Literary texts","3 8-line stanzas" "IMEV 3914",,,,"What shul şees cloşes şus many folde","Proverbial riddles",,,,"Other texts","2 riddles with questions and answers 4 couplets" "IMEV 3928","MWME VI: 1901-1904","MWME VI: 2155-2158","EETS 107, 108, es 125","Siege of Thebes",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3932",,,,"A Christmas Carol",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3936",,,,"Life of St Dorothy","Whan crystys feyth yung was & newe",,,,"Religion","In the Lives of the Saints Serjeantson, EETS 206. 130-6" "IMEV 3943",,,,"Whenne feithe fayles in prestys sawes","Prophecy",,,,"History and Politics","6 lines See also IMEV 3986 Ringler 83" "IMEV 3946",,,,"When Women Will Reform",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 3955",,,,"Parvus Cato","Cato Minor",,,,"Education and Grammar","6 stanzas rime royal and 1 8-line envoy. Ringler 84. For Burgh's Cato Major, see IMEV 854." "IMEV 3971",,,,"Fare far and have little",,,,,"Literary texts","5 quatrains and burden. Early Eng. Carols, p. 280. Cf. IMEV Supp. 266.3." "IMEV 3983",,,,"On Adam, Samson and Dido",,,,,"History and Politics","Composite text made up of portions of Lydgate's Fall of Princes (IMEV 1168) and Chaucer's Monk's Tale (IMEV 4019) - generally in 8-line stanzas Preceded by Prohemium, IMEV 4231. Utley 350" "IMEV 3985",,,,"Erthe upon Erthe",,,,,"Literary texts","B version In quatrains with an introductory couplet. See also IMEV 704 Murray EETS 141 Furnivall, EETS 24. 88-90" "IMEV 4005",,,,"The Assembly of Gods",,,,,"Literary texts","301 stanzas rime royal Triggs, EETS lxix Ringler 85" "IMEV 4008",,,,"The Second Scottish Prophecy",,,,,"History and Politics","In couplets. This entry incorporates IMEV 4007, 4009, 4010 and 4011. Some MSS include verses on the Abuses of the Age (IMEV 4006). Lumby, EETS 42. 32-4" "IMEV 401",,,,"Song of vertu",,,,,"Literary texts","13 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS 192. 835-8" "IMEV 4019",,,,"Canterbury Tales",,,"English",,"Literary texts", "IMEV 4020",,,,"Colyn Blowbols Testament",,,,,"Literary texts","405 lines generally in couplets. Mock testament literature." "IMEV 4025",,,,"Trust not the ontrustye for hys promisse ys not sure",,,,,"Literary texts","12 8-line stanzas with the refraid 'Trust not the ontrustye for hys promisse ys not sure'." "IMEV 404",,,,"Filius regis mortuus est","Lament of the Blessed Virgin",,,,"Religion","12 12-line stanzas. Rel. Lyr. XV C, pp. 8-13 Furnivall, EETS 15. 233-42" "IMEV 404.5",,,,"As righte to rule is reason",,,,,"Literary texts","1 couplet Cf. IMEV 952 Bergen, EETS cxxi. 75" "IMEV 4043",,,,"How a louer prayseth hys lady",,,,,"Literary texts","467 lines in rough doggerel couplets" "IMEV 4049.6",,,,"The inevitability of death",,,,,"Religion","2 macaronic couplets" "IMEV 4054",,,,"Wan we wor vnmyti he strent vs","Tag",,,,"Literary texts","1 quatrain. See also IMEV 4016" "IMEV 4064",,,,"Book of Hunting",,,,,"Science and Information","Attributed to Juliana Berners" "IMEV 4066",,,,"Where as şat this land wont was for to be",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 407",,,,"As şat I walkid in the monthe of May",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 4072",,,,"Tale of Jonathas",,,,,"Literary texts","96 stanzas rime royal. For the prologue see IMEV 3582 Furnivall, EETS lxi. 219-40" "IMEV 4073",,,,"Life of St Christina",,,,,"Religion","8-line stanzas." "IMEV 4074",,,,"A old man's counsel to beware","Evidens to be ware",,,,"Literary texts","7 stanzas rime royal of mortal introduction, followed by 'An Vocation til Oure Lady' of 14 stanzas rime royal, and a conclusion of 6 couplets wherein Squire Sellyng requests John Shirley 'to amende where it is amisse'." "IMEV 4082",,,,"Tale of Guiscardo and Ghismonda","Guyscard and Segismonde",,,,"Literary texts","Version A In rime royal See also IMEV 3258 Wright, EETS 205. 2-38" "IMEV 4086",,,,"Life of St Faith","Whylom whan fers Dyoclycian",,,,"Religion","Serjeantson, EETS 206. 98-110" "IMEV 4090",,,,"The fickleness of women","Pulle of her bellys and let her go flye",,,,"Literary texts","13 8-line stanzas with the refrain: 'Pulle of her bellys and let her go flye'. Utley 365" "IMEV 4102",,,,"Take what you can find or what you bring",,,,,"Literary texts","1 6-line stanza Furnivall, EETS 32. 35 (orig. ed)" "IMEV 4119.5",,,,"The Assumption of the Virgin",,,,,"Religion","6-line stanzas." "IMEV 4122",,,,"Miracle of the Blessed Virgin","How Our Lady's Psalter was found",,,,"Religion","18 stanzas rime royal. Gollancz, EETS lxxiii. 15-16." "IMEV 4130",,,,"Who so is stef a3ens is fo",,,,,"Literary texts","Couplet" "IMEV 4133",,,,"On Desire",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 4135.5",,,,"Whoso loueth wel to fare",,,,,"Other texts","Proverbial verses originally on the walls of Launceston Priory, Cornwall 4 stanzas, 20 lines in all, with 4 Latin lines. St 1 = IMEV 1156 St 2 = IMEV 4102 St 4 = IMEV 1619" "IMEV 4148",,,,"12 points for purchasers of land to look to",,,,,"Science and Information","10 or 12 couplets. Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 70-1; 249-50 Furnivall, EETS 15 orig. ed. 24; rev. ed. 44 Dyboski, EETS ci. 137-8" "IMEV 4154",,,,"Long charter or Christ (B text)",,,,,"Religion","414 lines in couplets. For A text see IMEV 1718 For C text see IMEV 1174 Furnivall, EETS 117. 637-57" "IMEV 4155",,,,"ABC of Aristotle",,,,,"Education and Grammar","with Prologue in unrhyming alliterative verse. See also IMEV 471 and 3793 Furnivall, EETS 32 orig. ed. 11-12, rev. ed 260-1 Furnivall, EETS viii. 65-7" "IMEV 4160",,,,"Cur mundus militat",,,,,"Religion","20 couplets See IMEV 3475 Rel. Lyr. XIV C Furnivall, EETS 24. 86-7 Davies, Med. Eng. Lyrics, pp. 173.5" "IMEV 4165",,,,"On the Evil times in the reign of Edward II","şe Simonie",,,,"History and Politics","In 6-line stanzas with wheel and bob. See also IMEV 1992" "IMEV 4178",,,,"Isopes fabules","Aesop's fables",,,,"Literary texts","7 fables in rime royal MacCracken, EETS 192. 566-99" "IMEV 4181",,,,"Sesus miratur que racio dicere nescit",,,,,"Literary texts","4 lines Ringler 95" "IMEV 4186",,,,"Love lyrics","Venus Mass",,,,"Literary texts","In varying forms for Introibo, Confiteor, Misereatur, Officium, Kyrie, Gloria and Oryson. vv. 145 in all Simmons, EETS 71. 390-3" "IMEV 42.5",,,,"A grehounde shulde be hede like a snake",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEV 4205",,,,"The Courte of Love",,,,,"Literary texts","1422 lines in rime royal stanzas." "IMEV 4209",,,,"A description of his mistress","With wooful hert and gret mornyng",,,,"Literary texts","vv. 78 in 6-line tail-rhyme stanzas (interlocking in stanzas 1-3) With farewell anaphora Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 120-2" "IMEV 4228",,,,"On the Uncertainty of Worldly Honour",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 4230",,,,"Four things that make a man fall from Reason",,,,,"Literary texts","1 stanza rime royal MacCracken, EETS 192.709 NB. This poem does not occur in BL Add. 16165 or 34360, pace MacCracken Utley 387" "IMEV 4233",,,,"Ad beatam virginem","Worsshipful maiden to the world Marie",,,,"Religion", "IMEV 4234",,,,"Worsshipful sire and our freend special",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 4243",,,,"To St Ursula and 11, 000 virgins",,,,,"Religion","MacCracken, EETS cvii. 144." "IMEV 4245",,,,"On Kissing","Verbum caro factum est",,,,"Literary texts","4 8-line stanzas See also IMEV 2413 and 4246" "IMEV 4246",,,,"Interpretacio Misse","Exposition of the Mass for lay people",,,,"Religion","8-line stanzas. cf. IMEV 4245." "IMEV 4249",,,,"An exortacion to Prestys",,,,,"Religion","6 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS cvii. 84-6." "IMEV 4251",,,,"Yee lordes eek shynynge in noble fame",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 4282",,,,"Merciles Beaute",,,,,"Literary texts","Utley 403. Early Eng. Lyrics., pp. 23-6." "IMEV 437",,,,"A prisoner's reflections",,,,,"History and Politics","50 stanzas rime royal. Bateson, EETS lxxvi. 1-12" "IMEV 444",,,,"On the kings of England",,,,,"History and Politics","From William the Conqueror to Henry VI. In couplets MacCracken, EETS 192. 717-22" "IMEV 447",,,,"Fifteen Joys and Sorrows of Our Lady",,,,,"Religion","Rime royal. See also IMEV 4089. MacCracken, EETS cvii. 268-79." "IMEV 463",,,,"A Christmas Carol",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 464",,,,"Gaude virgo mater christi","The Fifteen Joys of Our Lady",,,,"Religion","7 stanzas rime royal. MacCracken, EETS cvii. 288-9." "IMEV 477",,,,"Be şou nou3t to bolde to blame",,,,,"Religion","moral precepts, 4 couplets" "IMEV 496",,,,"attributes of the virgin and christ",,,,,"Religion","Four lines of verse." "IMEV 509",,,,"Besechyth mekly in ryght lowly wyse","A Supplicacion",,,,"Literary texts","3 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 512",,,,"Gospel of Nicodemus",,,,,"Religion","Stanzas of 12 short lines Hulme, EETS c. 22-136" "IMEV 513",,,,"Better is to suffre and fortune abyde",,,,,"Literary texts","Couplet. Also = vv. 9-10 of IMEV 4137; and concluding couplet of 3256.6. Cf. also 512.8 Furnivall, EETS lxi. 228" "IMEV 521.5",,,,"Love song","Bryd on brere y telle yt",,,,"Literary texts","Fragment, preserved as indication of tune of carol 1330. Early Eng. Carols p. 308. Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, p. 17." "IMEV 530",,,,"Banner of St Edmund",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 533",,,,"Fifteen Joys of Our Lady",,,,,"Religion","28 stanzas rime royal. MacCracken EETS cvii. 260-7." "IMEV 542",,,,"On the Host","Blodles & bonles blod has non bon",,,,"Religion","4 monorhyming lines." "IMEV 549",,,,"Bring us in good ale",,,,,"Literary texts","Long lines in couplets, and refrain 'And bryng vs in good ale' Furnivall, EETS 32. 284 Early Eng. Carols, pp. 285-7" "IMEV 55",,,,"None of all these I doo yow well assure","They that no while endure",,,,"Literary texts","8 stanzas exponding refrain: 'None of all these I doo yow well assure/ Off kyndely ryght may no while endure' See also IMEV 3647 MacCracken EETS 192. 820-2" "IMEV 552.8",,,,"Praise of women",,,"French",,"Literary texts","French original in Harley 2253. In 11-line stanzas with bob." "IMEV 557.3",,,,"A treatise onn schrift",,,,,"Religion","For variant text see IMEV 694" "IMEV 558.66",,,,"Bey şe best or be stylle",,,,,"Other texts","Three lines" "IMEV 561",,,,"A tretyse of Parce michi domini","Parce michi domini","The bird with four feathers",,,"Literary texts","Allegory of the bird with four feathers. 240 lines in 8- and 12-line stanzas, with refrain. See also IMEV 3714; 2736.6. Kail, EETS 124. 143-9." "IMEV 589",,,,"Life of St Cecilia",,,,,"Religion","Serjeantson, EETS 206. 201-25" "IMEV 590",,,,"The Ten Commandments of Love",,,,,"Literary texts","14 stanzas rime royal including Envoy Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 165-8" "IMEV 605",,,,"The Crowned King","On the art of governing",,,,"History and Politics","144 alliterative lines Robbins, Hist. Poems, p.227-32 Skeat, EETS 54. 524-9" "IMEV 611",,,,"A Lyric to Christ",,,,,"Religion", "IMEV 653",,,,"A Wikked Tong wol always deme Amis","A resoun de Fallacia mundi",,,,"Literary texts","19 stanzas rime royal with the refrain: 'A Wikked Tong wol always deme Amis' MacCracken, EETS 192. 839-44" "IMEV 658",,,,"Hors, Goose and Shepe",,,,,"Literary texts","77 rime royal stanzas and Envoy of 15 8-line stanzas. Ringler 10 Furnivall, EETS 15. 15-42; 1st ed. 15-22 MacCracken EETS 192. 539-66" "IMEV 666",,,,"Lespistre de Cupide",,,,,"Literary texts","68 stanzas rime royal. Utley 49 See IMEV 1609.5 and 4217.6 Furnivall, EETS lxi. 72-91 Gollancz EETS lxxiii. 20-34" "IMEV 671",,,,"How the Good Wife Taught her Daughter",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Stanzas of 5 long lines with internal rhyme, generally with concluding phrase, 'My leef child', sometimes with an introduction of a few short lines. See also IMEV 1882. Mustanoja 1948." "IMEV 674",,,,"Fall of Princes","Excerpt",,,,"Literary texts","Single stanza (Bk II, vv. 4432-8) See IMEV 1168 Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, p.100" "IMEV 683",,,,"Kyng Alisaunder",,,,,"Literary texts","8034 lines in couplets. Smithers, EETS 227." "IMEV 700",,,,"These Lettres XII shal save Mery Englond","On the Yorkist Lords",,,,"History and Politics","In quatrains. Furnivall, orig. ed. EETS 15. 1-3 Robbins, Hist. Poems, pp. 218-21" "IMEV 704",,,,"Erthe upon Erthe",,,,,"Literary texts","B version. Murray, EETS 141. Perry, EETS 26. 106. Davies, Med. Eng. Lyrics, p.180. See also IMEV 3985, 3939, 705, 703, 3940." "IMEV 71","VK 637.00",,,"Doctrine of Fishing and Fowling","Many praty conceytis in love vnder covert termes off fysshyng and ffowlyng",,,,"Science and Information", "IMEV 710",,,,"Hardyng's Chronicle",,,,,"History and Politics","Revised/2nd version" "IMEV 717",,,,"Number maxims","VIIJ ys my love 3if IX go before",,,,"Education and Grammar","7 lines Rel. Ant. II. 112" "IMEV 723",,,,"Parvus tractatus ? de magnifica ecclesie","Emperour of all emperours omnipotent",,,,"Religion","39 8-line stanzas." "IMEV 724",,,,"To his mistress","En Ihesu roy soueraign",,,,"Literary texts","In 8-line stanzas. Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 160-2" "IMEV 734.8",,,,"Euer is six the best chance of şe dyce","Political prophecy according to the throw of the dice",,,,"History and Politics","In couplets 10-14 lines. See also IMEV 4018 Furnivall, EETS 9. xlv Robbins, Hist. Poems, p. 120" "IMEV 752",,,,"A Lover's Farewell to his Mistress",,,,,"Literary texts","34 quatrains cf. IMEV 2421 Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 209-14" "IMEV 754",,,,"From a lover to his mistress",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 757",,,,"Political prophecy","Fals love when VI setteth ayenst VIIJ",,,,"History and Politics", "IMEV 760",,,,"De Falsitate",,,,,"Literary texts","2 couplets Rel. Lyr. XIV C, p.54" "IMEV 771","Hortsman, Yorkshire Writers,ii (1896), 274-9",,,"Dialogue between St Bernard and the Blessed Virgin",,,,,"Religion","In 8-line stanzas See also IMEV 1869 and 3208" "IMEV 783",,,,"Ballad to the Chancellor",,,,,"Literary texts", "IMEV 797",,,,"De Penis Inferni",,,,,"Literary texts","8 lines" "IMEV 803",,,,"On the chance of the dice","On the chaunce of the dyse",,,,"Literary texts","59 stanzas rime royal" "IMEV 809",,,,"Truth","Balade de bon conseyl",,,,"Literary texts","4 stanzas rime royal including Envoy. Ringler 14. Davies, Med. Eng. Lyrics, pp. 135-6." "IMEV 821",,,,"Amys and Amiloun",,,,,"Literary texts","In 12-line stanzas. Leach EETS 203 (vv. 2508)." "IMEV 823.3",,,,"Roland and Vernagu",,,,,"Literary texts","vv. 880 in 12-line stanzas. Herrtage EETS xxxix, 37-61" "IMEV 824",,,,"Dietary",,,,,"Science and Information","10 8-line stanzas. Ringler 15 See also IMEV 1418 and 4112 MacCracken, EETS 192. 703-7 Skeat EETS xxi. 537-40 Robbins, Sec. Lyrics, pp. 73-6" "IMEV 851",,,,"Temple of Glas",,,,,"Literary texts","1403 lines in couplets and rime royal stanzas. Schick, EETS lx. Cf. IMEV 2782 and Ringler 16." "IMEV 854",,,,"Cato Major",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Rime royal - 44 stanzas. See also IMEV 726, Ringler 17." "IMEV 860",,,,"Complaint of a prisoner against Fortune","Fortune alas alas what haue I gylt",,,,"Literary texts","21 stanzas rime royal." "IMEV 868",,,,"To my Lady dear","Frische flour of womanly nature",,,,"Literary texts","Furnivall, EETS 15 orig. ed. 41-2, rev. ed. 69-70" "IMEV 875",,,,"Guy of Warwick","Fro Cristis birthe complet nyne hundrid yeer",,,,"Literary texts","592 lines in 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS 192. 516-38." "IMEV 884",,,,"The byson ledys the blynde",,,,,"History and Politics", "IMEV 897",,,,"Gaude flore Virginali",,,,,"Religion","7 7-line stanzas Furnivall, EETS 15 orig. ed. 145-6, rev. ed. 174-5" "IMEV 899",,,,"The Battle of Barnet","Conuertimini ye comons and drede your kyng",,,,"History and Politics","Ballad in 8-line stanzas, with refrain: 'Conuertimini ye comons and drede your kyng/For now regneth ryghtwsly oure souerayn'. Robbins, Hist. Poems, pp. 226-7." "IMEV 904",,,,"On Precious Stones",,,,,"Science and Information", "IMEV 906",,,,"The Abuses of the Age","Munus fit iudex",,,,"History and Politics","16 short lines, translating 'Munus fit iudex' etc. This does not follow the Latin version, however, but the Gesta Romanorum. See ed. Herrtage 1967, p. 360 Robbins, Hist. Poems., pp. 143-4, 326-7. Herrtage, EETS xxxiii, 500, 360" "IMEV 913",,,,"Compleynt of Mars",,,,,"Literary texts","298 lines in rime royal and 9-line stanzas." "IMEV 915",,,,"Prayer to St Edmund",,,,,"Religion","12 8-line stanzas. MacCracken, EETS cvii. 124-7" "IMEV 928",,,,"Envoy to Henry VI",,,,,"History and Politics","6 stanzas rime royal at the end of the Life of St Edmund." "IMEV 928.5",,,,"A Lover's Envoy to his sovereign lady",,,,,"Literary texts","Following IMEV 2478.5" "IMEV 930",,,,"Go litil pamfilet and streight thee dresse",,,,,"Literary texts","Ballad to Edward, 2nd Duke of York" "IMEV 932.77",,,,"Envoy to the Countess of Westmorland",,,,,"Literary texts","Unique to this MS. 1 eight-line stanza." "IMEV 935","VK 7935",,,"Secrees of Old Philisoffres",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics","From the Secreta Secretorum Steele, EETS lxvi" "IMEV 946",,,,"The Romance of Guy of Warwick","Guy of Warwick",,,,"Literary texts","The story of Guy after marriage. 299 12-line stanzas. Zupitza, EETS xlix. 384-lix. 628" "IMEV 952",,,,"God's goodness",,,,,"Literary texts","1 stanza rime royal Bergen, EETS cxxi, 75 Rel. Lyr. XV C., p. 86" "IMEV 969",,,,"The Expedition of Henry V into France","Wot ye right wel that thus it was",,,,"History and Politics","69 8-line stanzas, in 3 passus, and a 2-line refrain: 'Wot ye right wel that thus it was/ Gloria tibi Trinitas'" "IMEV 977",,,,"The Frere and the Boy","The Cheylde and hes Stepdame","Jack and his stepdame",,,"Literary texts","In 6-line stanzas" "IMEV 979",,,,"The Siege of Rouen",,,,,"History and Politics","In couplets. Sometimes inserted into the Prose Brut. Brie, EETS 135. 404" "IMEV 983",,,,"Sir Torrent of Portyngale",,,,,"Literary texts","2668 lines in 12-line stanzas Adam, EETS li." "IMEV 987.5",,,,"A Tale of King Henry 2nd",,,,,"History and Politics","Unique to this MS." "IMEV 991",,,,"House of Fame",,,,,"Literary texts","2158 lines in couplets." "IMEV 995.4",,,,"On nurture and kind",,,,,"Literary texts","In 8-line stanzas." "IPM iii. 178",,,,"Conveyance",,,,,"Records and documents","Of the same manors to Johanna Payn as specified by UMP 4155." "IPMEP 102","IMEP XIII (22:306[25])","Gairdner, 1880: 86-87",,"Account of the capitulation of Granada (1492)",,,,"s.xv ex (after 1492)","History and Politics","Camden Soc. ns 28 (1880), pp. 86-87" "IPMEP 112","MWME 9: 3437 [XXIII:36]","IMEP XIII (38:472[7])",,"Benedictus","Commentary on the Benedictus",,,"s.xiv","Religion", "IPMEP 114",,,,"English Prose Psalter",,,,,"Religion","Includes a prose version of the Psalms, together with some Canticles an the Athanasian Creed, in Latin and English." "IPMEP 115.5","MWME 9: 3436 [XXIII:34]","IMEP XIII (38:472[3])",,"Bonum est Confiteri Domino","Commentary on Psalm 91",,,"s.xiv (2)","Religion","A commentary on Psalm 91." "IPMEP 120","MWME 7.2540:173","Joliffe H.3",,"A Tretyse of Gostly Batayle",,,,"s.xv","Religion","Devotional tract." "IPMEP 122","IMEP IV (37:103[2])",,,"The Gret Sentence","Magna Sentencia Excommunicationis","Formula of Condemnation","Latin",,"Religion", "IPMEP 142","IMEP VIII (26:220[2])","MWME XI:39","Joliffe J.3(b)","şe XII Prophetis and Avauntegis of Tribulacion","De XII Utilitatibus Tribulationis","The twelve profits of tribulation","Latin","s.xiv","Religion","For another translation of the Latin, see IPMEP 141 For a verse translation, see IMEV 257 For a translation from French, see IPMEP 143" "IPMEP 147","MWME 9: 3433-35 [XXIII:30]","IMEP XIII (37:372[3])",,"Medled Lyfe","Vita Mixta","Mixed Life",,"s.xiv (2)","Religion","Devotional treatise in epistle form" "IPMEP 150",,,,"şe Pater Noster of Richard Ermyte",,,,,"Religion","An exposition of the Lord's Prayer" "IPMEP 155","Jolliffe G. 26",,,"Tract on Love",,,,,"Religion","Religious text" "IPMEP 160",,,,"Ego Dormio",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 166","Jolliffe B",,,"şe chartir of heuene",,,,,"Religion","Extract from Pore Caitif" "IPMEP 17",,,,"From a preface to the Fifteen Oes of St Bridget",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 170",,,,"Three things destroy this world",,,,,"Religion","Religious content" "IPMEP 172",,,,"Gesta Romanorum",,,"Latin","s.xv (1)","Literary texts","Collection of exempla translated from the Latin." "IPMEP 18",,,,"Tale of Melibee",,,"English","s.xiv ex","Literary texts","From the Canterbury Tales" "IPMEP 195","IMEP XIII (24:306 [34])","VK 1722.00",,"Dyete for a Nyghtyngale","Diet for a Nightingale","Dieta pro Philomena",,"s.xv","Science and Information", "IPMEP 197",,,,"Maner and Forme of the Coronacion of Kyngis and Quenes in Engelonde",,,,"s.xv med","History and Politics", "IPMEP 203",,,,"A Short Rule of Life",,,,,"Religion","religious prose" "IPMEP 207",,,,"A tract on the ten plagues of Egypt",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 22",,,,"The Rule of the Life of our Lady",,,,,"Religion","A translated excerpt of Pseudo-Bonaventura, Meditationes Vitae Christi, ch. 3." "IPMEP 230",,,,"Remedies against temptations","De Remediis contra Temptaciones",,"Latin","s.xiv (med)","Religion","See Joliffe K.8.b and K.8.a" "IPMEP 233",,,,"Mandeville's travels",,,"French","s.xiv ex","Literary texts","'Defective version'. For other translations see IPMEP 232, 239 and 599. Verse translations are in IMEV 248.5 and 3117.6." "IPMEP 234","MWME 7: 2567; 216","Joliffe L.4(a).",,"Boke of the Crafte of Dyinge","De Arte Moriendi",,"Latin","s.xiv (2)","Religion","For another translation see 603. Cf. IPMEP 818 and 826." "IPMEP 240",,,,"A Tretis of Discrecyon of Spirites",,,,"s.xiv ex","Religion","Devotional treatise." "IPMEP 25",,,,"The Legend of Adam and Eve",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 250",,,,"A Pistle of Preier",,,,"s.xiv ex","Religion","Devotional treatise in epistle form." "IPMEP 252","Joliffe F. 2(a)","EETS os 231; J. P. W. M. Zutphen (1956)",,"A Pistle of Discrecioun of Stirings","Christ şat deyde vpon şe crosse for sauacion of mankynde",,,"s.xiv ex","Religion","Devotional treatise in epistle form." "IPMEP 255","MWME 9: 3430-33 [XXIII:29]","IMEP XIII (37:372[1])","IMEP XIII (37:372[2])","Scale of Perfection","Ladder of Perfeccion","Scala Perfectionis",,"s.xiv (2)","Religion", "IPMEP 276",,,,"Wycliffite tract on the Ave Maria",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 28",,,,"Life of St Katherine of Alexandria","şe Lyf and martirdom of Seynt Kateryne (of Alexandria)",,"Latin","1438","Religion","Saint's life from the Gilte Legende circulating separately." "IPMEP 287","IMEP VIII (25:220[1])","Joliffe J.2(c).",,"A Litil Schort Tretice","The Six Masters on Tribulation",,,"s.xiv","Religion","Devotional treatise; Often precedes IPMEP 142" "IPMEP 290","MWME 2: 631 [V: 277b]","IMEP XIII (44:491[2])","IMEP IX (3:59[6])","Lyfe of the Thre Kynges of Coleyn","Historia et Vita III Regum Indie","The Three Kings of Cologne","Latin","c. 1400","Literary texts","Abridged translation of the Latin legend Historia Trium Regum. Edited by Horstmann (EETS OS 85)." "IPMEP 293","IMEP XIII (22:306[23])","Gairdner 1880: 81-85",,"Account of the siege of Calais",,,,"s.xv","History and Politics","Camden Soc ns 28 (1880)" "IPMEP 308","IMEP V (45:12195[1])","Thomson 1984: 44; 56-58","IMEP IV (36:103[1])","Accedence","Liber Accidencium","Accidence","Latin",,"Education and Grammar","Grammatical treatise; 16 versions listed - only the earlier versions listed here. See also IMEP XV (60:F.123[1])." "IPMEP 338","IMEP IX (2:59[5])","MWME VII: 48","Jolliffe I.20 C","De Contemptu Mundi",,,"Latin",,"Religion", "IPMEP 351",,,,"Forme of Lyvyng","Form of Living","Prick of Love","English","1348-49","Religion","MWME 9: 3420 [11] IMEP 12 [Bod. Eng poet. a. 1] gives corrections to IPMEP. Epistle written to the recluse Margaret Kirkeby." "IPMEP 365D",,,,"Short English Chronicle of London",,,,,"History and Politics","Unique version beginning in 1189 and ending in c. 1465." "IPMEP 365E",,,,"London Chronicle",,,,,"History and Politics","One of many versions - see IPMEP 365. Ending in 1431/2." "IPMEP 374","IMEP XIII [1:6 [1]]","MWME 8: 2818-33 [XXI: 10]","IMEP XIII (43:491[1])","Brut","Chronicles of Englond","Cronycullys of Englonde","Anglo-Norman",,"History and Politics","Chronicle of England originally ending in 1333. 4 versions listed in IPMEP - many manuscripts also listed." "IPMEP 382","IMEP XIII (23:306[37])",,,"Lyf of the Holy and Blessid Vyrgyn Saynt Wenefryde",,,"Latin","c. 1485","Religion","Followed by Latin prayers to St Winifred" "IPMEP 4",,,,"Benjamin Minor",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 438","VK 7327.00",,,"Treatise on the Astrolabe","Tretyse on the Astrolabe","Tractatus de conclusionibus astrolabii","English","c. 1391","Science and Information","Astronomical treatise." "IPMEP 450",,,,"Solace of Pilgrimys",,,,"c. 1450","Other texts","Description of Rome" "IPMEP 460","Jolliffe L. 5b",,,"How men şat beş in heele schulde visite seke men",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 465",,,,"Horologium Sapientiae","The Treatise of the Seven Points of True Love and Everlasting Wisdom",,"Latin",,"Religion", "IPMEP 470","IMEP XIII (23:306[31])",,,"Terms of association",,,,,"Science and Information","Rachel Corner, ?More fifteenth-century ?Terms of Association??, Review of English Studies n. s. 13 (1962), 229-44" "IPMEP 48",,,,"Orthodox Commentary on the Decalogue",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 482",,,,"Retraction","Retraction to the Canterbury Tales",,"English","s.xiv ex","Literary texts", "IPMEP 521",,,,"A Treatise of Wedded Men",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 529",,,,"The Persouns Tale","The Parson's Tale",,"English","s.xiv ex","Literary texts","From the Canterbury Tales" "IPMEP 551","Jolliffe F. 22","Horstmann, Yorkshire Writers, i. 173-175",,"Proper Will","Propyr wille",,,"s.xiv","Religion","Treatise on self-will. This is a portion of the treatise ?De divinis mandatis?. See CUL Dd.v.55, f. 82v, and Ff.v.40, where it is complete Printed Horstmann, Yorkshire Writers, i. 173-175." "IPMEP 553","IMEP VIII (15:9[1])","MWME VI: 29",,"Mirroure of the Blissid Lyf of Jesu Criste","Speculum Vite Christi",,"Latin","s.xv in","Religion","Translation of Pseudo-Bonaventure's Meditationes Vite Christi, a series of meditations for each day of the week, followed by a short treatise and a prayer on the holy sacrament." "IPMEP 554","MWME 9: 3436 [XXIII:33]","IMEP XIII (472:38[5])",,"Qui habitat",,,,"s.xiv (2)","Religion","Commentary on Psalm 90." "IPMEP 572",,,,"The Sacrament of the Auter",,,"Latin","s.xv","Religion","Instructions for receiving the Eucharist." "IPMEP 593","IMEP VIII (129: 129[A17])",,,"Vulgaria",,,,"1427-65","Education and Grammar","Over 100 sayings and proverbs in English and Latin for use in school." "IPMEP 596",,,,"Wycliffite tract on the seven deadly sins",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 604",,,,"Pater Noster","şe Pater Noster",,,,"Religion","Wycliffite exposition of the Pater Noster. Shares material with IPMEP 601." "IPMEP 659",,,,"A Nobil Tretis for Medicina Agenst the Pestilence",,,"Latin","c. 1390;trans s.xv","Medicine","Plague tract translated from the shorter version of John of Burgundy's Latin (c. 1390)." "IPMEP 677","MWME 9: 3435-36 [XXIII:32]","IMEP XIII (37:472[4])",,"Eight Chapters on Perfection",,,"Latin","s.xiv ex","Religion","Devotional treatise translated from the Latin." "IPMEP 68",,,,"şe Fyndyng of the Glorios Confessour Antone","The Life of Saint Anthony",,"English","s.xv","Religion", "IPMEP 682","IMEP IV (91:372[1])",,,"Golden Legend","Gilte Legende","Legende Doree","French","c. 1438","Religion","NB None of the MSS are of this particular version; earlier versions had not been printed in full by the time of publication of IPMEP. The earlier ME prose translation, Gilte Legende, used by Caxton and made from Jean de Vignay's Legende Doree, exists in 12 MSS." "IPMEP 683",,,,"The Holi Prophete David Seith",,,,"s.xiv (2)","Religion","Unique Wycliffite tract A treatise on the reading of scripture, on the Sacrament (S. Matt. xxvi), and unfaithful priests (S. Matt. xxiii. 2) With copious extracts from Grosthead, SS. Jerome, Rabanus, Ambrose, etc." "IPMEP 696",,,,"Life of St Dorothy",,,,"s.xv","Religion","Saint's life" "IPMEP 71",,,,"Lay Folks' Catechism","Sermon",,"Latin","1357","Religion","EETS OS 26 (1867); Rev ed. (1914); os. 118 (1901); Blake MERP (1972), pp. 73-87. The ME translation is listed by IMEV as 406A, but it is more accurate to call it semi-alliterative prose (IPMEP). For a Wycliffite adaptation of Gaytryge's Sermon see IPMEP 70." "IPMEP 723",,,,"iij perelous mondayes",,,,,"Medicine", "IPMEP 741","VK 1772.00","IMEP XIII (22:306[28])",,"Booke of Haukynge",,,"French","s.xv","Science and Information", "IPMEP 789","Jolliffe F.2(a)",,,"On the Seven Deadly Sins",,,,,"Religion", "IPMEP 835",,,,"Serpent of Division","Cronycule of Julius Caesar",,"French","1422-23","Literary texts","Life of Julius Caesar translated from French, followed by a verse declaration (IMEV 3625). Cf. IPMEP 244; 787." "James 1914: 260-61 and 271",,,,"Fall of Carthage",,,,,"Literary texts", "James et al 1983",,,,"De nugis curialium",,,,,"History and Politics","Walter Map" "Jolliffe B",,,,"Pore Caitif",,,,,"Religion","Brady, Pore Caitif, etc. Spalding, Charters, pp. 100-102 See other refs in Joliffe" "Jolliffe C. 31","Bowers 1939",,,"A confessioun. Şe which is also a preyer. Şat seynt brandone made.","St Brendan's Confession","Form of Confession",,,"Religion", "Jolliffe C.30",,,,"Form of confession",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe D.1",,,,"On the five inward wits",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe E.23",,,,"Ayenst the excusacion of lechery and othir dedly synnes",,,,,"Religion","Unique to this manuscript." "Jolliffe G. 16b",,,,"Maydenhode",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe G.5",,,,"St. Gregory on Patience",,,,,"Religion","Translation of a portion of homily xxxv on Luke 21:9-19." "Jolliffe H.1",,,,"Doctrine of the Heart",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe H.13",,,,"Revelations of St Bridget",,,,,"Religion","Translation of Book 6, Chapter 65" "Jolliffe H.15",,,,"Fervor Amoris",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe H.24","MWME 7 [XX]: 129",,,"No man may serue to two lordis forsoşe eşer he schal hate şe toon",,,,,"Religion","Unique." "Jolliffe I. 1",,,,"How lordis and housbondemen schulden teche",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe I.14",,,,"Extract from Fervor Amoris",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe I.19",,,,"On Yielding a Reckoning of Three Goods Given by God",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe I.22",,,,"Consilia",,,"Latin",,"Religion", "Jolliffe I.32","Hortsmann II, 377-80",,,"Seint Austyn şe holy doctour techi3t şorw3 declaracioun of holy writt şat şe synful man for no synne shulde falle in dyspeyr",,,,,"Religion","Horstmann, Yorkshire Writers ii, 377-380" "Jolliffe I.9",,,,"Four things been needful",,,,,"Religion","religious poetry" "Jolliffe J. 8",,,,"How men schulden bepacient in tribulacioun",,,,,"Religion","An exposition of Psalm 26." "Jolliffe J.10",,,,"The mirour and mede of sorow and of tribulacion",,,,,"Religion","Unique to this manuscript." "Jolliffe J.13",,,,"Tract on tribulation",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe K.11",,,,"De pusillanimitate","Summen gessen for to litil comfort of herte",,"Latin",,"Religion","English translation of the Latin treatise De pusillanimitate (shorter version), spuriously attributed to Hugh or Richard of St. Victor." "Jolliffe K.2",,,,"Abbreviation of three chapters of the Fervor Amoris","Hov thou shalt be war and withstande temptacions bothe slepynge and wakynge",,,,"Religion","Unique to this manuscript." "Jolliffe K.7","IMEP IV (92:372[2])",,,"Fyve wilis of kinge pharao",,,,,"Religion", "Jolliffe L.4(a)",,,,"The crafte of dyeng","Ars Moriendi",,"Latin",,"Religion","English translation of the Ars Moriendi" "Jolliffe O.23",,,,"Revelations of St Bridget",,,,,"Religion","Translation of Book 6, Chapter 65" "Kaepelli 3987",,,,"Speculum historiale",,,,,"History and Politics","Kaeppeli, Th., [Panella, E.], Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi, vols. 1-4, Roma 1970-1993, vol. 4, 455-456." "Kuttner 1937 I: 105",,,,"Decretum gratiani",,,"Latin",,"Religion", "Lapidge/Sharpe 39","Sharpe 1997 #334","Faral 1929","Wright 1985","Historia Regum Britanniae","History of the Kings of Britain",,"Latin",,"History and Politics", "Lehmann 1955 vii",,,,"Tractatus de milicia christiana secundum Augustinum",,,,,"Religion","Printed by P. Lehmann in Sitz f. d. Bayer. Akad. d. Wiss., Phil. -hist. Kl., 1955 vii." "Leibnitz 1707-10; 1: 881-1004","Sharpe LW 141",,,"Otia imperialia","Liber de mirabilibus mundi",,,"betw. 1140 and 1220","Science and Information","G. W. Leibnitz, Scriptores rerum Brunswicensium" "Lib. Alb. 233-234",,,,"Custume de Smethefeld",,,,,"Records and documents", "Lib. Cust. 248",,,,"Richard I's first charter to London",,,,"23 April 1194","Records and documents", "Lib. Cust. 249",,,,"John's third charter to London",,,,"5 July 1199","Records and documents", "Lib. Cust. 256-266",,,,"Edward I's Inspeximus of Henry III's charters to London",,,,"17 April 1299","Records and documents", "Lib. Cust. 268",,,,"Concession of articles to the mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London by Edward II",,,,"8 June 1319","Records and documents", "Lib. Cust. 31",,,,"Henry II's charter to London",,,,,"Records and documents", "Lib. Cust. 435",,,,"Grant of the vill of Southwark",,,,"6 March 1327","Records and documents", "Lib. Cust. 443",,,,"The operative part of the Inspeximus charter of Edward III to London",,,,"26 May 1341","Records and documents", "Lib. Cust. 45",,,,"Charter of Henry III to London for the election of the Mayor",,,,"1227","Records and documents", "Lib. Cust. 634-637",,,,"De principio aldermannorum et qualiter receperunt nomina sua",,,,,"Records and documents","Extract from the 'Lecres Edwardi Confessoris'." "Lib. Cust. 98",,,,"Memorandum quid et quantum clerici et seruientes visecomitum Londonarium accipient per annum de dominis suis",,,,,"Records and documents", "Lib.Alb. 315",,,,"Le serement de ceux que serrount souz frank plege",,,,,"Records and documents", "Lib.Alb. 368-371",,,,"Les estatuiz pour vsurers et escheuisansours",,,,,"Records and documents", "Liebermann 1903",,,,"Laws of William I and Edward the Confessor: the two compilations","Tripartita",,,,"Records and documents","(see Liebermann, Gesetze der Angelsachsen, 1903, p. xli)." "Liebeschutz 1926: 65-114",,,,"Commentary on Fulgentius","Fulgentius Metaforalis",,,,"Religion", "Lindberg 1970: 60-239",,,,"Perspectiva",,,,,"Science and Information","D. C. Lindberg, John Pecham and the Science of Optics (Madison, WI: 1970)" "Meyer 1878","Mozeley 1928 (1929?)",,,"De vita Ade & Eue",,,,,"Religion", "MGH Scriptores 28: 529","Walther 18090",,,"Ad incorrupta Pontificum nomina conseruanda",,,,,"Religion", "Miss. Sarum",,,,"Sarum Missal","Missale ad usum insignis ecclesiae Sarum",,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor, ii, 196",,,,"Diebus dominicis benediccio panis",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. i. 163-5",,,,"Ista oracio est deuota sacerdoti",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. i. 181/1",,,,"Quando presbiter lauat",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. i. 213-53",,,,"Temporal, Trinity-Friday",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. i. 257-9",,,,"In dedicacione ecclesie",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. i. 3-162",,,,"Temporal, Advent",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 1-132",,,,"Sanctoral, vigil of Andrew-Linus",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 133-58",,,,"Common of saints",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 158-83",,,,"Commemoracio sancte trinitatis",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 183-9",,,,"Missa pro fidelibus defunctis",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 189-90",,,,"St Gregory's Trental",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 190-3",,,,"Mass",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 193-196/8",,,,"Benediccio salis et aque",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 216-20",,,,"Mass of Holy Name",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 230-1",,,,"Collect, secret and postcommunion in childbirth",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor. ii. 233",,,,"Missa pro euitanda mortalitate",,,,,"Religion", "Missale Ebor: i. xxx-xli",,,,"Calendar",,,,,"Religion", "Mommsen & Kruger 1870: (I?XXIV 2)",,,,"Digestum vetus","Digest",,,,"Law","See Mommsen et al 1870 [The ordinary gloss is that of Accursius.]" "MWME 10: 259","IPMEP 407","VK 3164","VK 3251","Governayle of helthe",,,,,"Science and Information", "MWME 2: 1067",,,,"The Seven Psalms","Prose exposition of the seven psalms",,"French",,"Religion","On Eleanor Hull?s works, see M. Deansley, The Lollard Bible (Cambridge, 1920), 341." "MWME 2:IV [38]","IMEP VI [35:XVI.D.2(1)]",,,"Glossed Gospels","Wycliffite Glossed Gospels",,,,"Religion","A form of series of commentaries on the gospel readings for 52 Sundays throughout the year, beginning with the first Sunday in Advent and ending with the 24th Sunday after Trinity. Unique version." "MWME 254",,,,"Compendium Medicinae",,,,,"Medicine","English translation of Gilbertus Anglicus." "MWME 301",,,,"Practica urinarum",,,,,"Science and Information","English uroscopy treatise." "MWME 305",,,,"Tractatus Johannis de Barba",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","English version of the John of Burgundy/Bordeaux plague tract." "MWME 46",,,,"De conditionibus septem planetarum",,,,,"Science and Information","English treatise on the physiognomical and behavioural traits conferred by planetary signs." "MWME 5: [XIII]: 279",,,,"Prophecy",,,,,"History and Politics", "MWME 7 [XVII]: 4",,,,"Vox Clamantis",,,"Latin",,"Literary texts", "MWME 7 [XVII]: 5",,,,"Cronica Tripertita",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics", "MWME 7 [XX]: 10","Joliffe A. 1",,,"Mirroure of the World","Miroir du monde",,"French","1279","Religion","EETS 217 (1942)" "MWME 7 [XX]: 102","Joliffe F.13",,,"foure errours","Four Errors",,,,"Religion","Fourth of the Four Cambridge Tracts." "MWME 7 [XX]: 122","Jolliffe F.18",,,"Pollucion",,,,,"Science and Information","See Zutphen 1956" "MWME 7 [XX]: 137","Jolliffe I.19",,,"Iff thou have godis of grace",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 151",,,,"Of widowhood",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 156",,,,"The Five Wits",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 187",,,,"The Charter of Christ","Carta Christi","Carta Dei",,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 192",,,,"Pilgrimage of the Lyfe of the Manhode","Pelerinage de la vie humane",,"French",,"Religion","Inc. IMEV 2271.4 (concluding couplet)" "MWME 7 [XX]: 193",,,,"Pilgrimage of the Soul","Pelerinage de l'ame","Grace dieu","French",,"Religion","See MWME 3, p. 907" "MWME 7 [XX]: 203","IMEV 519",,,"Bidding Prayers","The Bidding of the Bedes",,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 211","Jolliffe C.1-5, 7-45",,,"Form of confession",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 215","IPMEP 460",,,"De Visitacione Infirmorum",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 22",,,,"Sacerdos Parochialis",,,,,"Religion","Joliffe E.11; F.4; F. 20 (all unidentified portions)" "MWME 7 [XX]: 24",,,,"Misc materials of religious and philosophical instruction",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 40",,,,"How the Apostles made the Creed",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 43","IPMEP 49:B",,,"Standard orthodox exposition of the ten commandments",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 55","Joliffe G.2","Joliffe K.13",,"Faith","A short declaration of belief",,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 57","Jolliffe G.3",,,"Charity","Charity 1","Charity I",,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 58","Jolliffe G.4",,,"The sixtene condiciouns of charite",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 62","Jolliffe G. 25",,,"Charity","Charity 2","Charity II",,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 70","Jolliffe G. 6",,,"How men shulde be meke and pacient",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 7 [XX]: 86","Jolliffe E.18",,,"Tell thi Sins",,,,,"Religion", "MWME 8: [XXI]: 18a",,,,"Gregory's Chronicle","Chonicle of London","London Chronicle",,,"History and Politics", "MWME 8: [XXI]: 65",,,,"The Claim of the Duke of York, 1460",,,,,"History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 195-202" "MWME 8: [XXI]: 80",,,,"The Challenge of an Auncestre of therle of Warrewik","The Challenge of an Ancestor of the Earl of Warwick",,,,"Military and heraldry", "MWME 8: [XXI]: 90",,,,"Deposition of Richard II",,,,,"History and Politics", "MWME 8: [XXI]: 95",,,,"The Tournament between Lord Scales and the Bastard of Burgundy",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "MWME 8: [XXI]: 97","Guddat-Figge p. 238",,,"The meeting of Charles the Bold of Burgundy and Emperor Frederick III",,,,,"History and Politics", "Nichols 1865",,,,"Britton",,,,,"Law", "North 1976: I: 21-169",,,,"Quadripartitum","Quadripartium de sinibus demonstrativis",,,,"Science and Information","Ed. J. D. North (Oxford 1976), I., 21-169" "Oschinsky 1971: 388-98",,,,"Rules for Household and Estate Management","Rules",,,"c. 1240","Science and Information","Said to have been written for the Countess of Lincoln. See S. H. Thomson, The Writings of Robert Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln 1235-1253 (Cambridge, 1940) pp. 149, 158-9" "Owen (1979:16) 1",,,,"Rough accounts of William Broun",,,,,"Records and documents","According to Owen (1979:16), Broun describes himself as 'clerk' on f. 3v. 'Ff.1-6 contain his rough accounts, kept in Latin, which include entries for year from 1398/9 to 1434/5 and make frequent reference to his wife Mary'." "Owen (1979:16) 3","CELMCUL (Add 7318): 3","Redstone 1906",,"Notebook containing memoranda",,,"Latin","c. 1455-65","Records and documents","Contains memoranda of clients' affairs, with drafts or notes of contracts, conveyances and wills, many of them relating to Bury St Edmunds. Contains some Bury wills. See also: P. R. Robinson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c. 737-1600 in Cambridge Libraries, (Cambridge: Brewer, 1988), 2 vols, I: 46-47, no. 116. ff. 10v and 11r are illustrated in vol. II, pl. 27; they contain a copy of a charter of William Stowe, master of St Nicholas?s Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, the original of which (dated 1460) is in Bod. Lib. MS Ch. Suffolk 123." "PG 31: 1723-1781",,,,"Homilies",,,"Greek",,"Religion", "PG 35.407-36.736",,,,"Opusculum",,,,,"Religion","This collection is found in the same order in other 12th-cent. English MSS (e.g. BL Roy. 5. E. xxii), and is printed thus by J. Knoblauch (Strassbourg, 1508)." "PL 103. 683-700","CPL 1155a","Lehmann 1962",,"Admonitio ad filium spiritualem",,,,,"Religion", "PL 143: 381-90",,,,"On the astrolabe",,,,,"Science and Information", "PL 143: 385-88",,,,"Table giving the position of twenty-five stars",,,,,"Science and Information", "PL 143: 389-404",,,,"Opera mathematica",,,,,"Science and Information", "PL 143: 405-407/4",,,,"De composicione horologii doctrina",,,,,"Science and Information", "PL 150: 1577-90","Walther, Versanf: 374",,,"Opus synonomorum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "PL 157: 671-706","Diaz 892","Hilka and Söderhjelm 1911",,"De disciplina clericali",,,,,"Religion", "PL 158: 0431",,,,"Extracts from De conceptu uirginali",,,,,"Religion", "PL 158: 733-6",,,,"Meditation ascribed to Anselm",,,,,"Religion", "PL 16: 527","PL 16: 703","PL 16: 818",,"De fide","de Spirito sancti libri III","de incarnacione liber I",,,"Religion","In Cambridge Caius 131 the three texts are collectively called Ambr. De fide libri ix." "PL 16: 875",,,,"Letter of the Emperor Gratian to Ambrose",,,,,"Religion", "PL 161: 1041-1344",,,,"Panormia",,,,"c. 1094","Religion", "PL 162",,,,"Letters of Ivo Bishop of Chartres and his correspondents",,,,,"Letters", "PL 170.11-316A","CCSL 7 (1967)",,,"De Ecclesiasticis Officiis I-XI",,,,,"Religion", "PL 184: 340-1",,,,"Beatus bernardus ad monachos montis dei in libro..",,,,,"Religion","Commonly ascribed to St Bernard." "PL 191: 55-1296",,,,"Commentary on the Psalms",,,"Latin",,"Religion", "PL 195: 0113-",,,,"Stimulus Amoris","Prick of Love",,,,"Religion", "PL 210. 469-482","Häring 1978",,,"De planctu naturae",,,,,"Literary texts","Satire/on vices of humanity. N. M. Häring, Studi medievali 3rd ser. 19 (1978) 797?879." "PL 210. 487-594","RS 59 (1872) 2: 268-428","Bossuat 1955",,"Anticlaudianus",,,,"before 1203","Philosophy","R. Bossuat, Textes philosophiques du moyen âge 1 (Paris 1958)." "PL 23: 101",,,,"Didimus de Spirito Sancto",,,,,"Religion", "PL 40. 1147-58",,,,"Tractatus de visitacione infirmorum secundum Augustinum","de visitacione infirmorum",,,,"Religion", "PL 40. 983-992","Bloomfield 4918",,,"Speculum peccatoris","Speculum peccatorum","Speculum amatorum mundi",,,"Religion","Printed with the suppositious works of Augustine (PL XL, 983)." "PL 40: 1031-46",,,,"Liber beati Augustini de vita cristiana",,,,,"Religion", "PL 66. 785-1072",,,,"Homiliae in Ezekielem",,,"Latin",,"Religion", "Powicke and Cheney ii: 237-792",,,,"Canons of the Legatine Councils held in London, by Cardinal Otto (1237-41) and Cardinal Ottobuono (1268)",,,,,"Records and documents","On the Council of 1237-41 and for references see Powicke and Cheney, ii. 237-8 and for the text of the canons ibid 245-59; for the Council of 1268 see ibid. 738-43 and for the text of the canons 747-92. The glosses of John Acton or Athon, canon of Lincoln, on whom see BRUO ('Acton'), were made in 1334 and first printed in Paris in 1504 (STC 17108; later edns. 17109-13). For an alphabetical guide to Acton's text see Oxford All Souls 42, ff. 203v-211r." "Powicke and Cheney, i. 833 et seq","Wilkins, Consilia, ii. 33-6",,,"Canons of the provincial council of Archbishop John Pecham",,,,"1279","Records and documents","AS Cat: See Cheney, 'So-called Statutes', and 'Legislation', at 407-9" "Powicke and Cheney, ii. 106-25",,,,"Canons of the Council of Oxford",,,,"1222","Records and documents","On the text see also Cheney 'Legislation' (EHR 50, 1935), 329-98" "Powicke and Cheney, ii. 1382-5",,,,"So-called statute of Archbishop Robert Winchelsey, on stipendiary priests",,,,,"Records and documents","See Cheney, 'So-called Statutes', 23-5 (repr. in Cheney, The English Church, ch. IX)" "Powicke and Cheney, ii. 1385",,,,"A statute of Archbishop John Pecham, on church ornaments",,,,,"Records and documents","See Cheney, 'So-called Statutes', 18-19" "Powicke and Cheney, ii. 1387","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 280",,,"So-called statute of Archbishop Robert Winchelsey",,,,,"Records and documents","AS Cat: [Powicke and Cheney] remark that 'we may surmise that a decree of this kind probably originated from [Archbishop] Walter Reynolds'. See Cheney 'So-called Statutes', 27, no. 6." "Powicke and Cheney, ii. 572-85",,,,"Canons of the provincial council of Archbishop Boniface",,,,"1258","Records and documents","AS Cat: On the text see [Powicke and Cheney, ii], 568-71, also Cheney, 'Legislation', at 402-6" "Powicke and Cheney, ii. 598",,,,"Constitution concerning the abjuration of fornication",,,,,"Records and documents","AS Cat: Statutes of Wells, 1258? [Powicke and Cheney] remark that, slightly modified, this chapter appears separately in late manuscripts, sometimes unascribed and sometimes ascribed to Robert Winchelsey, as pr. by Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 283." "Powicke and Cheney, ii. 669-85",,,,"Canons of the provincial council of Archbishop Boniface",,,,"1261","Records and documents","On the text see [Powicke and Cheney, ii], 660-7, also Cheney, 'Legislation', at 402-6." "Powicke and Cheney, ii. 892-918",,,,"Canons of the provincial council of Archbishop John Pecham",,,,"1281","Records and documents", "Powicke and Cheney, ii. 934-6",,,,"Report by clerks of Godfrey Giffard, bp. of Worcester, on the terms of the council of the province of Canterbury held in London in April 1282",,,,"1282","Religion", "Previté-Orton 1928","Scholz 1932-3",,,"Defensor pacis",,,,"betw. 1275-1342","History and Politics","C.W.Previté-Orton, ed. (Cambridge 1928). R. Scholz, ed. (Hannover1932-3)." "Ps 118","Horae Ebor: 111-13",,,"Psalm 118","Commendationes animarum",,,,"Religion", "Ps. 116",,,,"Psalm 116",,,,,"Religion", "Ps. 53",,,,"Psalm 53",,,,,"Religion", "Pss. 1-150",,,,"Psalms",,,,,"Religion", "Pss. 21-30",,,,"Psalms of the Passion",,,,,"Religion", "Reg. Sudbury I","Canterbury and York Soc. 34. 188-9",,,"Provincial constitution: Ex scripturis of Archbishop Simon Islip for the proper observance of holy days",,,,"1362","Records and documents","Printed from reg, Sudbury i. On the versions of the text see C. R. Cheney, BIHR, 34 (1961), 117-42 at 132 (no. 13)" "RH 1090",,,,"Alia oracio",,,,,"Religion", "RH 13077",,,,"Memoria of William of York",,,,,"Religion", "RH 14081",,,,"Ad imaginem cruxifixi",,,,,"Religion", "RH 14850",,,,"antiphona",,,,,"Religion", "RH 1771",,,,"On Five Wounds",,,,,"Religion", "RH 18123",,,,"Prayers - York Hours",,,,,"Religion", "RH 18189","RH 18123","Horae Ebor 174-175/18, 175",,"In honore veronice conceduntur",,,,,"Religion", "RH 2070",,,,"Aue regina celorum",,,,,"Religion", "RH 21204",,,,"De sancto spiritu",,,,,"Religion", "RH 22341",,,,"Ad cor tuum reuertere",,,,,"Religion", "RH 27220",,,,"Memoria of Five Joys",,,,,"Religion", "RH 30216",,,,"Memoria of Anthony",,,,,"Religion", "RH 30733",,,,"O mira cristi pietas",,,,,"Religion", "RH 3694",,,,"O sancto uirgo uirginum",,,,,"Religion", "RH 6714",,,,"Prayer",,,,,"Religion", "RH 6773",,,,"Memoria of Anne",,,,,"Religion", "RH 7017/6810",,,,"Five Joys and Seven Joys of B.V.Mm",,,,,"Religion", "RH 7687/18318",,,,"Salve regina",,,,,"Religion", "RH 822",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "RH 9272","Hor. Ebor. I: 880",,,"Psalter (Use of York)",,,,,"Religion", "Richardson 1941: 278/15",,,,"Modus dictandi breuis et vtilis datus a Sampsone",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Rigg 1978: 111-83",,,,"Ave virgo",,,,,"Religion"," Ed. A.G. Rigg, The Poems of Walter of Wimborne, O.F.M. (Studies and Text 42, Toronto, 1978)" "RS 1889",,,,"Continuacio cronicarum regum Anglie",,,,"1343?","History and Politics", "RS 41","Babington and Lumby 1865-86",,,"Polychronicon",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics", "RS 51",,,,"Chronicle",,,,,"History and Politics","W. Stubbs, ed., Chronica Magistri Roger de Hovedene (Rolls Series, 1870) [BLA 38131 in vol iii, pp. 8-13]." "RS 84",,,,"Flores historiarum",,,,,"History and Politics","H. G. Hewlett, RS 84 (1886-89)." "RS 90","Winterbottom and Thomson, OMT (1998-9)",,,"Gesta regum Anglorum",,,,,"History and Politics", "RS 95",,,,"Flores Historiarum",,,,,"History and Politics","H. R. Luard, ed. Rolls Series 95 (1890) (See Gransden, Medieval Studies 36)" "Rymer 2: 873-75",,,,"Letter",,,,,"Letters", "Rymer i. 11",,,,"Henry I's charter to London",,,,,"Records and documents", "Schmidt V, 360-1",,,,"Ad Robertum eiusque moriales","Anselm Ep. 414",,"Latin",,"Religion","Cf. Allen, Richard Rolle p. 211." "Schulte II. 176-7",,,,"Super titulo de regulis iuris",,,,,"Law", "Schulte, 2: 148-52",,,,"Speculum iudiciale","Speculum iuris","Speculum judiciale",,,"Law", "Schulte, 2: 152-3",,,,"Breuiarium sive Repertorium","Reportorium Aureum",,,,"Law", "Selden Soc 7",,,,"Mirror of Justices","Speculum Justiciariorum",,,"betw. 1307 and 1327","Law","The Mirror of Justices, W.J. Whittaker and F.W. Maitland (eds.) (London 1893; Selden Society, 7)." "Sharpe LW. 692",,,,"Questions on the validity of the Mendicants",,,,,"Religion","Against the Friars" "Sharpe LW. 949","Galbraith 1927","Galbraith 1928",,"Historia Aurea",,,"Latin","s.xiv mid","History and Politics","The work borrows almost the whole of Higden's Polychronicon, but expands it greatly, using John's own Sanctilogium and other sources." "Slessarev 1959",,,,"Letter of Prester John",,,,,"Other texts","Slessarev, Vsevolod. Prester John: The Letter and the Legend. Minneapolis: 1959 Der Presbyter Johannes in Sage und Geschichte, Gustav Oppert ed. Berlin, 1870. (Second Edition) pp. 168-79." "SLH 4","Esposito 1960",,,"Itinerarium in terram sanctam",,,,,"Other texts","Scriptores Latini Hiberniae 4 Edited by Nasmith (Cambridge, 1778) along with the works of William Worcester." "SOPMA 1222","Camden Soc OS 25; 54; 89 (1845-65)","EETS es 102",,"Promptorium paruulorum",,,,"c.1440","Education and Grammar","English-Latin Dictionary." "SR 1: 242",,,,"Extenta manerii",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR 1:200n",,,,"Per discretionem regni Anglie fuit mensura domini regis composita videlicet quod denarius",,,,,"Records and documents","See the note in Baker and Ringrose to Dd.9.38, art. 57." "SR 1:235-36",,,,"New articles of the eyre",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR 1:251-54",,,,"Statute I",,,,"1 Edward III","Records and documents", "SR 1:255-56",,,,"Statute II",,,,"1 Edward III","Records and documents", "SR 1:257-61",,,,"Statute of Northampton",,,,"2 Edward III","Records and documents", "SR 1:261-65",,,,"Statute of Westminster",,,,"4 Edward III","Records and documents", "SR 1:269-72",,,,"Statute I",,,,"9 Edward III","Records and documents", "SR 1:27",,,,"Confirmation of part of the statute of Westminster I, chapter 1",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR 1:273-74",,,,"Statute II",,,,"9 Edward III","Records and documents", "SR 1:40-41",,,,"Office of the coroner",,,,"4 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i (Charters of Liberties), 22-5",,,,"Magna carta (9 Hen III)",,,,"1224-5","Records and documents", "SR i (Charters of Liberties), 26",,,,"Magna Carta",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i (Charters of Liberties), 33-36",,,,"Magna Carta",,,,"25 Edw I: 1297","Records and documents", "SR i 120-22",,,,"Carta de Foresta",,,,"25 Edw I","Records and documents", "SR i 1-4",,,,"Prouisiones de Merton",,,,"1235","Records and documents", "SR i 26-39",,,,"Statute of Westminster I",,,,"1275","Records and documents", "SR i, 26",,,,"Carta de Foresta (9 Hen. III)",,,,"1224-5","Records and documents", "SR i, Charters of Liberties, 42-3/36",,,,"Carta de Foresta of Edward I",,,,"1300","Records and documents", "SR i. 101","Powicke and Cheney, ii. 974-5",,,"Circumspecte agatis",,,,"1286","Records and documents","AS Cat: 14 Edw. I. For the date see E. B. Graves, 'Circumspecte Agatis', EHR 43 (1928), 1-20" "SR i. 101/1-23",,,,"Circumspecte agatis",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 101/24",,,,"Incipit statutum de prohibicione Regis impetranda",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 106",,,,"Statute of Westminster III",,,,"18 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 107",,,,"Quo Warranto II",,,,"18 Ed I","Records and documents", "SR i. 108",,,,"Of persons vouched to warranty who are present",,,,"20 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 109",,,,"Statute of waste",,,,"20 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 110",,,,"Statute of defending right",,,,"20 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 113",,,,"Statute of persons to be put in assizes and juries","De frangenti prisonam",,,"1295","Records and documents", "SR i. 12-16",,,,"Dictum of Kenilworth",,,,"51 and 52 Henry III","Records and documents", "SR i. 123",,,,"Confirmatio cartarum, 25 Edward I",,,,"25 Ed I","Records and documents", "SR i. 128/55",,,,"Statute of fines",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 131",,,,"Incipit statutum de libertatibus terris et huiusmodi perquirendis",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 136",,,,"Articles upon the charters",,,,"28 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 142",,,,"Statute of Lincoln",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 145",,,,"Statute of joint-tenants",,,,"34 Edward I;","Records and documents", "SR i. 147",,,,"Statute of the Forest",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 150",,,,"Incipit statutum de Religiosis aliegenis",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 154",,,,"Incipiunt articuli de prisis editi apud Staunford' et confirmati per Regem nunc 'Edwardum filium R. E.'",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 157",,,,"Ordinances of 5 Edward II",,,,"5 Edward II","Records and documents", "SR i. 171-4",,,,"Articuli cleri",,,,"1281","Records and documents", "SR I. 19-25","Stapleton 226-34",,,"Statutes of Marleburgh",,,,"52 Henry III","Records and documents", "SR i. 197",,,,"Statute of the exchequer",,,,"1301","Records and documents", "SR i. 197b",,,,"Statute of the Exchequer",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 199",,,,"Assize of bread",,,,"Latin","Records and documents", "SR i. 200 (a)",,,,"Lucrum pistoris",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 200 (b)",,,,"Assisa Ceruisie",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 202",,,,"Statute concerning bakers etc","De Pistoribus",,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 203",,,,"De carnficibus et kocis",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 203-4",,,,"De forestallariis",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 204",,,,"Assize of weights and measures",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 205",,,,"Statute of Pounds",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 206",,,,"Statute for the measuring of land",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 208 (a)",,,,"General days in banc",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 208 (b)",,,,"General days in dower",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 210",,,,"Statute of Exeter",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 213",,,,"Statute concerning the sheriff and his clerks",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 215",,,,"Statute concerning fines and attorneys",,,,"35 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 216",,,,"Statute concerning conspirators",,,,"1305","Records and documents", "SR i. 216a",,,,"Statute of Champerty",,,,"1292","Records and documents", "SR i. 217",,,,"Manner of challenging essoins",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 219",,,,"Statute concerning money",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 219a",,,,"Articles on the statute concerning money",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 220",,,,"Statutum de moneta parvum",,,,"20 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 222",,,,"Statute of gavelet in London",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 223",,,,"Incipit statutum de consuetudinibus Kancie",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 226",,,,"Prerogatiua regis",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 227",,,,"Manner of doing homage and fealty",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 228",,,,"Statute concerning wards and reliefs",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 229",,,,"Statute for respiting of knighthood",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 230",,,,"Statute of arms",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 232",,,,"Statute for oaths of the King?s officers in the eyre",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 242",,,,"Extenta Manerii",,,,,"Other texts", "SR i. 245-46",,,,"Articles of inquiry upon the statute of Winchester",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 246",,,,"View of frankpledge",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 26",,,,"First Statute of Westminster",,,,"3 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 263",,,,"Statute at Westminster",,,,"1330","Records and documents", "SR i. 264",,,,"Statute at Westminster",,,,"1330","Records and documents", "SR i. 270",,,,"Statute of York",,,,"1335","Records and documents", "SR i. 278",,,,"Statute of Nottingham",,,,"1336","Records and documents", "SR i. 307",,,,"Ordinance of servants",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 311",,,,"Statute of servants",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 311-316",,,,"Statute 'de operarirs'",,,,"1351","Records and documents", "SR i. 319-320",,,,"Statute at Westminster",,,,"1352","Records and documents", "SR i. 323-4",,,,"Statute at Westminster",,,,"1352","Records and documents", "SR i. 330",,,,"Statute at Westminster",,,,"1353","Records and documents", "SR i. 337",,,,"Statute of the Staple",,,,"1353","Records and documents", "SR i. 346-347",,,,"Statute at Westminster",,,,"1354","Records and documents", "SR i. 351",,,,"Statute at Westminster",,,,"1357","Records and documents", "SR i. 396",,,,"Statute at Westminster",,,,"1377","Records and documents", "SR i. 42",,,,"Statute of bigamy",,,,"4 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 44",,,,"Statute of ragman",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 45-50",,,,"Statutes of Gloucester",,,,"1278","Records and documents", "SR i. 50",,,,"Exposition of the statute of Gloucester",,,," 6 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 51",,,,"Statute for Religious Men","Statute 'de religiosis'",,,"1279","Records and documents", "SR i. 52",,,,"Article on the Statute of Gloucester",,,,"9 Edward I","Records and documents","Different from SR i. 45" "SR i. 53",,,,"Statute of Merchants (in French)",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 6",,,,"Incipit sentencia lata super transgressores predictarum libertatum",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i. 69",,,,"Provisions made in the exchequer",,,,"12 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 7",,,,"Provision for the day in leap year",,,,"40 Henry III","Records and documents", "SR i. 71-95",,,,"Second Statute of Westminster",,,,"13 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 96",,,,"Statute of Winchester",,,,"13 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. 98-100",,,,"Statute of merchants",,,,"13 Edward I","Records and documents", "SR i. I",,,,"Provisions of Merton",,,,"20 Henry III","Records and documents", "SR i.139 (28 Edw. I c.7)",,,,"Writ of Henry V, VI or VII to the constable of Dover Castle forbidding him to hold any plea of a foreign country within the castle unless it concerns the keeping of the council",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR i.393 para 3",,,,"On tithes of wood",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR ii. 125-8",,,,"Statute 'Contra Lollardos' of Henry IV, 1400-1",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in French in SR." "SR ii. 13",,,,"Statute of 3 Richard II",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR ii. 26-30",,,,"Statute at Westminster",,,,"1382","Records and documents", "SR ii. 55",,,,"Statute of 12 Richard II",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR ii. 76",,,,"Statute of 14 Richard II",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR ii. 78",,,,"Statute",,,,,"Records and documents", "SR ii. 92",,,,"Statute",,,,,"Records and documents", "Stallings 1965","Distelbrink 164",,,"Meditationes de Passione Christi",,,,,"Religion","Ed. M. Stallings (Washington DC, 1965)" "Stapleton 1-29/173",,,,"Annals of London from 1188-1274",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 172-3",,,,"Account of preparations for the coronation of Edward I in 1274",,,,,"Records and documents", "Stapleton 173-5",,,,"Table of regnal years from 1216 to 1272",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 175-7, 225-6/13",,,,"Mayors of London from 1189-1271",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 183-6",,,,"De quodam philosopho nomine secundo",,,,,"Philosophy", "Stapleton 189/90-191/8",,,,"Verses on Roman emperors and the kings of France and Germany to the election of Richard of Cornwall in 1271",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 197-200/29","Stapleton 200/30-205",,,"Notices of events in the reigns of Stephen, Henry II, Richard, and John",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 205-6",,,,"Visio quam beatus Eadwardus vidit in vltimus vite sue diebus in sompnis",,,,,"Religion", "Stapleton 206-11",,,,"Account of the assize of 1189",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 211-17, 218-21",,,,"Lists of bishops of English sees",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 217-8",,,,"Letters: Archbishop of Canterbury to Boniface (1241-70) and bishops of London to Henry of Sandwich (1265-73)",,,,,"Letters", "Stapleton 221-23",,,,"Verses on the archbishops of Canterbury from Augustine to Boniface of Savoy",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 222-5",,,,"Sheriffs of London 1188-1271",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 234-5",,,,"Note about the demands of the Jews in 1271 and a copy of a letter of Archbishop Reynolds, 7 July 1271",,,,"1271?","History and Politics", "Stapleton 238-9",,,,"Note about the parents and grandparents of Arnald Thedmar",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 239-42",,,,"Note about the fine levied on the City of London in 1265",,,,,"History and Politics","Particularly as it affected Arnald Thedmar" "Stapleton 243/18-21",,,,"Verse giving the year of King Henry III's death and the length of his reign",,,,,"History and Politics", "Stapleton 243-4",,,,"Carta libertatis Episcopi London'",,,,"20 May 1228","Records and documents", "Stapleton 247/5-24",,,,"Memoranda",,,,,"Other texts", "Stapleton 252/29-41",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Records and documents", "Stapleton 253",,,,"Verse on the deaths of SS. Peter and Paul",,,,,"Religion", "Stapleton 253/16-21",,,,"Inventory of the contents of the 'scrineum civeum' in 1270, when in the custody of Arnald Thedmar",,,,,"Records and documents", "Stapleton 253/22-35",,,,"On encroachments",,,,,"Records and documents", "Statutes of 1-20 Hen. VI",,,,"Statutes of 1-20 Hen. VI",,,,,"Records and documents", "Statutes of 23 Hen. VI",,,,"Statutes of 23 Hen. VI",,,,,"Records and documents", "STC 6458","Lohr 187","Sharpe LW: 234",,"Quaestiones on Aristotle?s Ethica",,,,,"Philosophy", "Steele 5: 1-175","PAL 54-75 (no. 81)",,,"Secretum secretorum",,,"Arabic",,"History and Politics","R. Steele, Opera hactenus inedita Rogeri Baconi (Oxford 1909-40) 5: 1-175." "Stegmuller 7302",,,,"On the six Old Testament Canticles","Glosa super cantica",,"Latin",,"Religion","This manuscript not amongst the twenty listed in Allen, Writings, pp. 165-68" "Stegmüller Bibl. 3647",,,,"Comm. 1 Reg.",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 3651",,,,"Comm. 3 Reg",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 3653",,,,"Comm. 4 Reg",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 3656",,,,"Comm. 1 Paralip",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 3658",,,,"Comm. 2 Paralip",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 3663",,,,"Comm. 2 Esdras",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 3667",,,,"Comm. Tob.",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 3671",,,,"Comm. Esth.",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 3692",,,,"In Jeremiam prophetem et Threnos Jeremiae",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 5829-5923","Goff N131",,,"Postillae super Bibliam",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 7765",,,,"Comm. 2 Mach.",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 7778",,,,"Comm. 1 Mach.",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl. 7813",,,,"Comm. Ecclesiasticus",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmüller Bibl.3649",,,,"Comm. 2 Reg",,,,,"Religion", "Stegmuller, Bibl 7296","Allen, Rolle 130-44",,,"Expositio super novem lectiones mortuorum",,,,,"Religion","Malcolm Moyes, Rolle's Expositio super novem lectiones mortuorum (Salzburg 1988)." "Stegmuller, Bibl 7416","Kaepelli 3947",,,"Super Sapientie","In Sapientiam Salomonis","Commentary on Wisdom","Latin","before 1349","Religion", "Stegmuller, Bibl. 11786",,,,"Iosue gloss","Joshua gloss",,,,"Religion", "Stegmuller, Bibl. 11787",,,,"Iudicum gloss","Judges gloss",,,,"Religion", "Stegmuller, Bibl. 11788",,,,"Ruth gloss",,,,,"Religion", "STO 42: 195-205","Glorieux, Rép. 14cs",,,"Compendium theologiae","Compendium theologiae ad fratrem Reginaldum",,,,"Religion", "Stones 1970: 192-218",,,,"Reply of Edward I to the Bull Scimus fili",,,,,"Records and documents", "Surtees Soc. 63","Manuale Ebor.",,,"Manual (York)",,,,,"Religion", "Thompson Cat: 262 (1)",,,,"Collection of coats of arms of families whose surnames begin with 'A'",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "Thomson Cat 149 (2)",,,,"Glossary of Latin words with English equivalents",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 149 (3)",,,,"Treatise on vowels and quantity",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 149 (4)",,,,"Treatise on the length of vowels in final syllables",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 150 (5)",,,,"On Latin hexameters",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 150 (6)",,,,"Poem on cockfighting",,,,,"Education and Grammar","It may be a school exercise." "Thomson Cat 150 (7)",,,,"De accentu",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 151 (11)",,,,"Liber accentarij",,,,,"Education and Grammar","A treatise on the length of vowels in initial syllables." "Thomson Cat 151 (8)",,,,"Extracts from a grammatical treatise",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 151 (9)",,,,"God leue it so be",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Phrases and proverbs in English and Latin." "Thomson Cat 152 (12)",,,,"Rithmus",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Rhythmical verses on St Nicholas, perhaps for the baccalaureate exercises." "Thomson Cat 153 (14)",,,,"Treatise on preterites and supines",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 154 (18)",,,,"Verses on heteroclite nouns",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 155 (21)",,,,"Verses on the six metres of Latin verse",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 155 (22)",,,,"Treatise on orthography",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 156 (24)",,,,"Treatise on speech",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Part of a treatise of which chapter 2 illustrates the use of figures of speech in the Bible, and chapter 3 gives elucidations of passages from the church offices arranged alphabetically." "Thomson Cat 156 (25)",,,,"Figure parui doctrinalis",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Grammatical notes with verses." "Thomson Cat 270 (b)",,,,"Treatise on the parts of speech",,,,,"Education and Grammar","The treatise mentions Santerena, Tolleti and Alcobacia, the first two as places of study." "Thomson Cat 270 (B1)",,,,"Ars Minor",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 270 (B2)","Walther, Initia 14369c",,,"Verses on supines",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Beginning with Alexander de Villa Dei, Doctrinale, lines 1265-7." "Thomson Cat 270 (c)",,,,"Short note on the declension of viginti unus",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 270 (d)","Walther, Initia 14369",,,"Doctrinale",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 271 (e)",,,,"Notes on verbs",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat 272 (5)",,,,"Regimen nominatiuis",,,,,"Education and Grammar","A prose treatise on the use of cases, quoting verses and rules. The Doctrinale is the source of many of the verses. The treatise is probably of Spanish origin." "Thomson Cat 272 (6)",,,,"Rules for the instruction of children",,,,,"Education and Grammar","A treatise in Portuguese on Latin syntax." "Thomson Cat: 263 (2)",,,,"Collection of coats of arms of families whose surnames begin with 'B'",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "Thomson Cat: 263 (a)",,,,"List of names",,,,,"Other texts", "Thomson Cat: 263 (b)",,,,"Elementary Latin grammar",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Thomson Cat: 263 (c)",,,,"Note",,,,,"Other texts", "Thomson Cat: 264 (e)",,,,"Coats of arms",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "Thomson Cat: 264 (f)",,,,"Coats of arms",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "Thomson Cat: 264 (g)",,,,"Coats of arms",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "Thomson Cat: 264 (h)",,,,"Genealogical notes on the family of Sir John Bussy (speaker of the House of Commons, d. 1399)",,,,,"History and Politics", "Thomson Cat: 264 (j)",,,,"Coats of arms",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "Thomson Cat: 264 (k)",,,,"List of nobility",,,,,"History and Politics", "Thomson Cat: 264 (l)",,,,"Note of the wedding of Sir William Capell's children on 25th November 1501",,,,"1501 or later","History and Politics", "Thomson Cat: 264 (m)",,,,"Notes to do with the Dunstanville family",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "Thomson, Grossteste pp. 122",,,,"De cessacione legalium",,,,"c.1281","Religion", "Thomson, Grossteste pp. 215-32",,,,"Dicta",,,,,"Religion", "Thomson, Grossteste pp. 270",,,,"De venenis",,,,,"Science and Information", "Thomson, Grossteste, 238-9",,,,"Theorica planetarum",,,,,"Science and Information", "Thomson, Grossteste, 243",,,,"De astrolabii",,,,,"Science and Information", "Thomson, Wyclyf. 273-4 (E6)","Buddensieg 1883: 570-76",,,"De dissensione paparum siue De schismate","De dissensione paparum","De schismate",,,"Religion", "Thorndike, HMES vol. II, ch. 48",,,,"Secreta secretorum",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics", "Thorndike, HMES, iii: 201",,,,"Tractatus de saphea","Astrolabium",,,,"Science and Information","61 chapters." "Thorndike, HMES, iii: 217",,,,"De diebus criticis",,,,,"Science and Information", "Thorndike, HMES, iii: 678",,,,"Tractatus de libro perscrutatoris",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1011",,,,"De regimine sanitatis",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1022","Carmody 140-41",,,"De ascensionibus nubium","De crepusculis",,"Arabic",,"Science and Information","pr. with Petrus Nonius?s De crepusculis, Lisbon 1541" "TK 1027",,,,"Tractatus de effectibus farmacorum",,,,,"Medicine","A short treatise on drugs and their effect." "TK 1037",,,,"Capsula eburnea",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 1080",,,,"Practica medicine",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 11",,,,"Synonyma de herbis","Herbal synonyma",,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1124","Benjamin and Toomer 1971",,,"Theorica planetarum",,,,,"Science and Information","Ed. F. S. Benjamin and G. J. Toomer (Madison, WI, 1971)." "TK 1125",,,,"Sufficiencia musice organice",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1231",,,,"Canon pro minutionibus et purgationibus recipiendis",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1287","Fast 1994",,,"Musica","Liber de Musica","Musica speculativa",,,"Science and Information","Johannis de Muris, Musica , ed. Susan Fast, Musicological Studies, vol. 61 (Ottawa: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 1994)" "TK 129",,,,"Tables (astrological and astronomical)","Tabula de signis zodiaci et corpore humano",,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1290",,,,"De pestilencia",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1293",,,,"Liber aphorismorum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1325",,,,"Latin recipes for 'aqua mirabilis'",,,,,"Science and Information","Including Puluis diureticus & contra ventisotatem (or Puluis Walteri)." "TK 135",,,,"Tractatus nobilis de Regimine Sanitatis",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1366",,,,"Expositio super Nouo Almansoris",,,,,"Medicine","Printed Lyons 1504." "TK 1413",,,,"Dietarum",,,,,"Science and Information","Either the version by John of Toledo, Thadeus of Paris or Guido Paratus." "TK 1470",,,,"Libellus de arte mensurandi, sive de usu quadrantis",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1513",,,,"Note on the seven planets",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1521",,,,"De spermate",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 153",,,,"Breviarium de signis, causis, et curis morborum.","Practica",,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1546",,,,"Liber imbrium",,,"Arabic",,"Science and Information", "TK 1561",,,,"Canones tabularum Alphonsi Regis A.D. 1438",,,,"c. 1438","Science and Information", "TK 1575",,,,"Signa Mortis et Vite",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1585",,,,"Microtegni with commentary",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 1589",,,,"Triplici digestione",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 160",,,,"Liber super anona","Liber Saphar","De mercibus",,,"Science and Information", "TK 1603",,,,"Tractatulus de stellis fixis",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1610",,,,"De urina","Note on Urines",,,,"Science and Information", "TK 165",,,,"Antidotarium",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1704",,,,"Catoptrica",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1704.9",,,,"Aphorisms",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 1708",,,,"Canones tabularum Johannis Walteri, Wintoniensis",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 191",,,,"De complexione humana",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 194",,,,"Compendium","Practica sive medicamenta",,,,"Medicine", "TK 204",,,,"De crisi et creticis diebus",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 211",,,,"Circa instans","Liber simplici medicina","Secreta salernitana","Latin",,"Medicine", "TK 22",,,,"Recipe for spirits of wine",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 223","Carmody 1942: 167-68",,,"Theorica planetarum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 223.9",,,,"Theorica Planetarum",,,,,"Science and Information","Ascribed to Walter Brit and to Simon Bredon." "TK 235",,,,"Expositiones colorum urinarum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 247",,,,"De conferentibus et nocentibus",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 284","Green 2001",,,"De passionibus mulierum","Trotula","De curis mulierum",,,"Science and Information","Trotula minor" "TK 309",,,,"De reprobacione eccentricorum et epiciclorum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 317","Wickersheimer, 720",,,"Practica Rogeri minor","Practica minor",,,,"Medicine","Comprising cc. 1-3 ? of the fourth part of the Practica, circulating separately." "TK 321",,,,"Modus fleobotomie",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 325",,,,"Super Viaticum",,,,,"Science and Information","Traditionally attributed to Isaac Judeus, Gerard of Cremona, or Gerard of Berry, the Viaticum is a brief encyclopedia for the traveller, the Zad al-Musafir by Abu Jafar Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Ali Khalid, translated into Latin by Constantinus Africanus." "TK 329","TK 438","TK 230",,"Practica",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 334","Mathaes 1918",,,"Liber de effectibus qualitatum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 362",,,,"Practica",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 367",,,,"De dietis infirmorum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 37",,,,"Antidotarius",,,,,"Science and Information","Abbreviated version of part V of the Chirurgia." "TK 403.2",,,,"Saphea p. II","Liber operacionis tabule que nominatur saphea patris Ysaac Azarchelis",,,,"Science and Information","On Astronomy." "TK 412",,,,"Names of herbs and spices",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 422","Walther, Initia 4432","Choulant 1826",,"De Urinis",,,,,"Science and Information","Giles of Corbeil with the commentary of Gentile de Fulgineo." "TK 428","TK 429","TK 571",,"Dietarium",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 431",,,,"Exhortatio bona contra morbum pestilenciam",,,,,"Science and Information","Latin version of the John of Burgundy/Bordeaux plague tract." "TK 440","Sharpe, LW, 591",,,"Theorica planetarum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 455",,,,"De nativitatibus","Liber natiuitatum",,,,"Science and Information", "TK 471",,,,"De splene et [h]epate et eorum passionibus",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 488",,,,"Tractatus Magistri Johannis de Burgundia de epidemia",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 490",,,,"Antidotarium Nicholai",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 5",,,,"Distances from the earth to the planets","Movement of the Planets",,,,"Science and Information", "TK 52",,,,"Speculum astrorum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 543",,,,"Experimenta Minerve",,,,,"Science and Information","50 in total" "TK 552","TK 557","Sharpe, LW: 252-3",,"Rosa medicinae","Rosa anglica",,,"before 1361","Medicine", "TK 57",,,,"De impressionibus aeris",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 606",,,,"On the virtues of spirits distilled from wine","De aqua vitae",,,,"Science and Information", "TK 640","Sharpe, LW 590",,,"De ortu et occasu signorum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 670",,,,"Recepte super Nono Almansoris",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 682",,,,"De sensibus",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 685",,,,"Tabula planetarum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 686",,,,"Liber metheororum",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 7",,,,"Tractatus de mirabilibus aque",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 71",,,,"Agnus Castus","Herbal",,,,"Science and Information", "TK 724","TK 1479","Wickersheimer, 720-21",,"Practica","Practica major","Practica maior",,"before c. 1280","Medicine", "TK 741","TK 1219","TK 602","TK 1566","Commentary on Four Books of Avicenna's Canon",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 742",,,,"De medendi methodo",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 75",,,,"De urinis","Tractatus de urinis",,,,"Medicine", "TK 764","Hain 1869",,,"Liber de pulsibus",,,,,"Science and Information","Pr. Articella, Venice 1483" "TK 80",,,,"De signis sumptis per lunam in quo signo zodiaci sit",,,,,"Science and Information","Discussions of astrological signs." "TK 800",,,,"De aqua vitae",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 803","TK 1208","Carmody 139-40","Risner 1572: 1-282","De aspectibus","Perspectiua",,"Arabic",,"Science and Information","ed. F. Risner, Opticae thesaurus Alhazeni (Basel 1572), 1-282" "TK 820","GW 269",,,"Commentary on Giles of Corbeil's Prologue seu commentarius de urinis",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information", "TK 856",,,,"Introductio ad artem parvam Galeni",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 858",,,,"Microtegni - chapter one",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 867",,,,"Modus fleobotomie secundum antiquos",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 875",,,,"Tabula pro fleobotomia",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 9",,,,"De simplicibus medicinis",,,,"1415","Science and Information", "TK 947",,,,"Astrological treatise",,,,,"Science and Information", "TK 953",,,,"Declaratio motus octavae spherea secundum magistrum Walterun Evesham, qui fecit consideraciones suas Oxon. Circa annum Christi 1316",,,,"c. 1316","Science and Information", "TK 96",,,,"Schola Salernita","Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum","Flos medicinae Scholae Salerni",,,"Medicine", "TK 968",,,,"Medical tract",,,,,"Medicine", "TK 982",,,,"Manipulus medicinae",,,,,"Medicine","On digestive and laxative medicines." "Trethewey 1939",,,,"La petite philosophie",,,,"c. 1225","Science and Information","Anglo-Norman Texts series No 1 (for 1939). cf." "UMP 0001",,,,"Calendar","Kalendar",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0002","RS 12","RS 1859-62",,"De Londoniis fama",,,,,"History and Politics","Considerable portions of the account of London in Fitzstephen's Vita Sancti Thomas (J. C. Robertson, Mat. for the Hist. of Thomas Becket, Rolls Series 12, 1877, iii, p. 2, etc.), but arbitrarily arranged. The text agrees more nearly with that contained in the Liber Custumarum (H. T. Riley, Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis, Rolls Series, 1859-1862, vol. ii, pt. i, p. 2), than with that given by Robertson, but it contains some noticeable variations from both and, apparently, from all published texts." "UMP 0004",,,,"Memorandum of an obituary for the vicar of All Saints, Bristol",,,"Latin","s.xv","Records and documents", "UMP 0005",,,,"Geomancy","Geomancia",,,"before 1441","Science and Information","Ker observes that Bollyngbroke's Geomancy and Opus tripartium are not known." "UMP 0006",,,,"Opus Tripartium",,,,,"Science and Information","Ker observes that Bollyngbroke's Geomancy and Opus tripartium are not known." "UMP 0007",,,,"On vision",,,,,"Science and Information","Similar in the beginning to Euclid, Optica." "UMP 0009",,,,"On the making of an astrolabe and volvelle",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0010",,,,"Instructions for using an astrolabe",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0011",,,,"Directions for taking measurements",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0016",,,,"Saturnalia",,,,,"Science and Information","Cf. Lawn 1963, p. 15." "UMP 0017",,,,"Computus Manual",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0018",,,,"De crisi",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0020",,,,"Summa of theology",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0021",,,,"Tables relating to Grossteste's Dicta","Tabula super dicta Lincolniensis",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0022",,,,"Prayers - York Hours","Prayer to be said before the seven penitential psalms",,,,"Religion","See York Minster MS Add 2." "UMP 0023",,,,"Prayers - York Hours",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0024",,,,"Gradual psalms",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0025",,,,"Memoriae of the Holy Spirit",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0026",,,,"Commendatory psalms",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0027",,,,"Prayer given to St Bridget by B.V.M",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0028",,,,"Prayers to the apostles",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0029",,,,"Prayers to God the Son",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0030",,,,"Prayer to the Trinity",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0031",,,,"Letania de sancta maria",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0032",,,,"Memoria",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0033",,,,"Inquisicio sancti Augustini",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0034",,,,"Memoriae",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0035",,,,"Prayer to God the Son",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0036",,,,"Legitur in vita sancti Bernardi",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0037",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0038",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0039",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0040",,,,"Table of eclipses",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0041",,,,"Hours of the B.V.M (Sarum)","Sarum Hours",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0042",,,,"Psalms and Litany (Sarum)",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0043",,,,"In uigilia mortuorum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0044",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0045",,,,"Psalter of St Jerome",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0046",,,,"Passion",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0047",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0048",,,,"Missus est angelus",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0049",,,,"Psalms and memoria",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0050",,,,"Prayers, memoria etc.",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0051",,,,"Eight Verses of St Bernard",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0052",,,,"Prayer",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0053",,,,"Prayer",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0054",,,,"Memoriae",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0055",,,,"Hours of the Holy Spirit",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0056",,,,"Prayers and memoria",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0057",,,,"On John of Bridlington",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0067",,,,"How thu schuldest not adde ne abrigge ou3t change not ne comitre not şe biddingis of god","Short Compilation of Biblical Quotations",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0068",,,,"Treatise on Rosemary",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0077",,,,"Exhortacio bona de Caritate facta per beatum Ieronium fratribus suis ante suum decessum ex hoc mundo",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0078",,,,"Bonaventura sic ad beatam virginem Mariam nos alloqui docet",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0079",,,,"Contra temptaciones et tribulaciones cordis",,,,,"Religion","Another compilation, in 5 chapters, of extracts from Isidore, Pope Leo, Bernard, Augustine, Bonaventura etc., followed (135) by further extracts from Ambrose, Gregory and Augustine." "UMP 0080",,,,"Tabula quedam devota et maxime necessaria pro oracione facienda",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0082",,,,"On negligence in Psalmody",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0083",,,,"Meditacyons vpon the vii dayes of the woke (with prologue)",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0084",,,,"On the xxi Passions of our Lord (prose)",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0085",,,,"Extracts from Orosius and Hegesippus",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0086",,,,"Nota cronicas notabiles sequentes",,,,,"History and Politics","On the foundations of York, Winchester, Bath, Leicester, Babylon, with notes on Troy, Rome and Belinus and Brennius." "UMP 0087",,,,"Note: Anno xii. Henrici VII",,,,"1496/7?","Records and documents","Possibly written in about 1496/7, the date of the document." "UMP 0088",,,,"Extract from Josephus",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0089",,,,"Soldanus Babilonie",,,,,"Literary texts","Not noted in Crick or in CUL cat." "UMP 0090",,,,"Notes: Sciendum quod postquam saxones",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0091",,,,"Nomina diversorum regum et reginarum ordinis sancti Francisci et sancte Clare pront de pinguntur in conventu Maguncie","Diverse names of kings and queens",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0092",,,,"Verses",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0093",,,,"Anno cephas mille canis catulus cocadrille",,,,,"History and Politics","Prophecy" "UMP 0094",,,,"Description of discovery of verses in a church in Anjou",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0095",,,,"Duo sunt genera principatuum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0096",,,,"Prophesia (sic) abbatis Joachim Anno domini Millesimo Co xxiiijo",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0097",,,,"Kings of England",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0098",,,,"The Abbreviated Psalter of S. Jerome",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0099",,,,"Letania Sancti Bernardi",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0100","Wilkins, Concilia, II, p. 280",,,"Constitucio prouincialis domini roberti de wynchilse cantuar archiepi edita apud sanctum paulum london",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0101",,,,"Liturgical notes, prayers etc.",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0102",,,,"Ordo ad visitandi infirmum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0103",,,,"Devout prayers before saying Mass",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0104",,,,"Psalterium cum Canticus et Litania",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0105",,,,"Qualiter hore canonice debent dici",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0106",,,,"Of the most corrupt prelate of the divine office and his correction and emendment through miracles",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0107",,,,"De periculi in missa",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0108",,,,"Prayers to be said after Mass",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0109",,,,"Antiphon for the dead",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0110",,,,"The seven joys of our Lady, with prayer",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0111",,,,"Officium sancte margarete virginis et martyris",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0112",,,,"In dedicacione ecclesie . Ad missam officium",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0113",,,,"On allusions to Christ in the psalms",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0114",,,,"Tabula perpetua ad sciendum in promptu quo mense et quo die mensis festum Pasche debet celebrari",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0115",,,,"Regula cognoscendi conjunctionem lune",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0116",,,,"Letter to John Moore from Petrus Burmannus, dated Utrecht, 15 January 1707",,,,"1707","Letters", "UMP 0117",,,,"The Greek alphabet with the names of the letters. Memorial grammatical verses",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0118",,,,"Alphabetical index to the statutes from Edward III to 23 Henry VI, from Accusations to Wursted",,,,,"Records and documents","c. 23 Hen. VI" "UMP 0119",,,,"Statutes of Ric. II translated into English",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0120",,,,"Statutes of Hen. IV translated into English",,,"Latin",,"Records and documents", "UMP 0121",,,,"Part of the statutes of Hen. V",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0122",,,,"Fragment: End of the statutes of Hen. V",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0123",,,,"Prayers (in Sarum hours)",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0124",,,,"Treatise on Urines",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0126",,,,"St. Patrick?s Treatise on Purgatory",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0141",,,,"On the planets, the four seasons, the four humours",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0142",,,,"Practica medicinalis",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 0144",,,,"Ad purgandum humores (recipes)",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0146",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 0147",,,,"Antidotarius",,,,,"Science and Information","Abbreviated version of part V of the Chirurgia." "UMP 0148",,,,"De fistula in ano (recipes)",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0151",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 0153",,,,"Carmelite Formalitates",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0154",,,,"Tractatus xi",,,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 0155",,,,"Notule super Lucam",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0156",,,,"Prohemium Alberti in Marchum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0157",,,,"Pupilla Oculi",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0170",,,,"De patentia infirmitatis",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0172",,,,"Contra haereses et haereticos",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0173",,,,"Index materiarum alphabeticus",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0174",,,,"Collirium contra haereses",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0175",,,,"Raciones & motiua ac reprobaciones xlv . Articulorum infrascriptorum Wyclyff et sequacis sui Johannis Huss",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0176",,,,"Aduersaria de regimine principium, etc, ex Augustino, A. Gellio, Wynkelay [an Jo. Winchelsea] aliisque collecta ?Tractatus primus vocatur & habui a fratre Willelmo Hotoft predicatore?",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0177",,,,"Locorum tabula communiom sive sententiarum de diversis",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0178",,,,"Quomodo abbas vel prior S. Augustini debet se genere",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0179",,,,"Tabula fabularum Romulearum",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0180",,,,"Tabula super flores moralium antiquorum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0181",,,,"Ex fabulis Aesopi sapientis viri moralis quas transtulit Romulus quidam in Latinum",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 0182",,,,"Flores moralium antiquorum ex dictis Pythagorae, Empedoclis, Socratis, Aristotelis, etc.",,,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 0183",,,,"Semonum abbreviationes vel formulae",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0184",,,,"Aduersaria, siue anecdota de diversis",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0185",,,,"de remediis fortuitorum",,,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 0186",,,,"Sermones breves vel notata ex scriptoribus diversis collecti rhythmis Anglicis hic illic interspersis",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0187",,,,"Auctoritates ex SS Scriptures",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0189",,,,"Sermo de pace, auctore, secundum catal. Vet. Ricardo de Uskaley",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0190",,,,"Sermones alii de diversis",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0191",,,,"Loci communes theologici ex scriptis S. Augustini",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0192",,,,"De sacris locis, temporibus, rebus et personis tractatus in quo de intoitu missae de diebus festis, etc.",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0195",,,,"Anonymi expositio summaria juris civilis",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0196",,,,"Compendium Morale de virtutibus",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0202",,,,"Ordinal of York use",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0203",,,,"Calendar ? Sarum use",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0204",,,,"Martyrology",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0205",,,,"Scala Caeli",,,,,"Religion","Scala Caeli of 31 or 30 steps, a theological treatise." "UMP 0206",,,,"Monita de Soliloquiis Isidori excerpta de consideracione tui ipsius distincta per gradus triginta unum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0207",,,,"Latin lections for the full office of the Virgin",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0208",,,,"Latin lections for St Thomas of Canterbury",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0209",,,,"Penitential Psalms","Psalmi Penitentiales",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0210",,,,"Litany",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0211",,,,"Burial service (Sarum)",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0212",,,,"Commendatio animarum (Sarum)",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0213",,,,"Fifteen Oes (Sarum)",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0215",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0216",,,,"Psalms of the Passion",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0217",,,,"Alfragani Compendium astronomiae",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0219",,,,"Liber pulsuum, secundum Galterum",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0222",,,,"Tractatus de fleobotomia vel incisione venarum",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0223",,,,"Commentarius per Jabobum in Serbona in Isagogen Joanitii",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0225",,,,"Compendium Medicinae",,,,,"Medicine","Printed in Lugd in 1510, according to the catalogue." "UMP 0226",,,,"Uroscopy",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0227",,,,"Tractatulus brevissimus de tempore fleobotomandi et pociones dandi",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0228",,,,"Sentencia medicinarum simplicium et compositarum",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0229",,,,"Tractatus de anathomia membrorum",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0231",,,,"Tractatus de regimine sanitatis anime","Summa de modo confitendi peccata et inquirendi eadem",,,,"Science and Information","Commentary on the poem entitled ?Summa de modo confitendi peccata et inquirendi eadem?, which begins ?Poenitas cito, peccator?." "UMP 0232",,,,"expositionis cuiusdam de caliditate et siccitate epatis",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0233",,,,"Sentences from Bonaventure, St Bernard and R. Rolle on the meditation of the Passion of Christ",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0234",,,,"Be what takynes you sal knaw if you luf yin ennemy and what ensampyl yu sal tak of Crist for to luf hym",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0235",,,,"What thyng helpes mast a mans knawyng and gettis hym yat hym wantes and mast distroys syne in hym",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0236",,,,"Meditation on the Passion and on God?s three arrows against the wicked at the day of Judgement",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0237",,,,"On pride, covetousness, hypocrisy and other vices",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0238",,,,"Sayings of Saints",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0239",,,,"Sentences",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0242",,,,"Evangelium apocryphum Nicodemi","Gospel of Nicodemus",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0243",,,,"Festial",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0244",,,,"Speculum sacerdotum secundum beatum Edwardum regem & confessorum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0245",,,,"Hic introducuntur persone duorum deflentis inis et amonentis Racionis","tractatus deflentis hominis & amonentis racionis",,,,"Philosophy","A moral dialogue or disputation" "UMP 0247",,,,"Disputacio inter Corpus & Animam",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0248",,,,"Sermon",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0249",,,,"Cronica mirabilia",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0252",,,,"Ye tytell of Fraunse",,,,,"History and Politics","Short paragraph." "UMP 0253",,,,"The duties of a monk","Hec tibi vox celle proclamitat incola celle",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0254",,,,"Tractatus de Antichristo",,,,"1326","Religion", "UMP 0255",,,,"Contra impugnantes religionem","An apology for the religious orders",,,,"Religion","Written in response to William of St Amour's ""De periculis novissimorum temporum"" (The Perils of the Last Times)." "UMP 0256",,,,"Sentencia",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0259",,,,"Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle",,,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 0260",,,,"Astrological treatise",,,,,"Science and Information","Author apparently a pupil of Johannis de Liveris." "UMP 0261",,,,"Composicio consonanciarum in simbalis secundum Boicium",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0262",,,,"Ars ad fistulas organorum menciendas",,,,,"Science and Information","Music treatise" "UMP 0263",,,,"De proporcionibus fistularum ordinandis",,,,,"Science and Information","On Music." "UMP 0265","TK 1265",,,"Prologue to astronomical tables",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0268",,,,"Kata in numeris",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0269",,,,"De Oculo Morali",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0270",,,,"Methalogicon",,,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 0271",,,,"Sermones dominicales",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0272",,,,"Commentary on the Psalter",,,,,"Religion","H. E. Allen, ed., English Writings of Richard Rolle, Hermit of Hampole (Oxford 1931) 4-7 for the English prologue." "UMP 0273",,,,"Versus eiusdem quos composuit in fine eiusdem tractatus",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0274","Prideaux",,,"Tractatus de scaccario",,,,,"Religion","Printed from this MS in Prideaux?s Hypomnemata Logica (Oxon, n.d.), p. 376." "UMP 0275",,,,"An anonymous legal treatise on buying and selling, especially lending on usury",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0276",,,,"Treatise on the method of dividing themes for material of sermons",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0277",,,,"Regula & vita minorum fratrem",,,,,"Religion","As confirmed by pope Honorius III, Nov. 29, 1223." "UMP 0278",,,,"Constitucio pape Benedicti super quibusdam articulis concernentibus fratres mendicantes",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0279",,,,"On the duties of a pastor",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0280",,,,"Letter from Pope Innocent IV providing a canonry at Lincoln for Fredericus ?de Lauare? (i.e. Lavania), A. D. 1253, with the reply of Robert Grossteste, bp. of Lincoln, and a narrative of events",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 0281",,,,"On the validity of the Mendicants",,,,,"Religion","Cf. Sharpe, LW. 692" "UMP 0282",,,,"Altercacio diaboli contra Christum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0283",,,,"De Confessionibus",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0284",,,,"Tractatus versus Fratres",,,,"1328","Religion","About the Mendicant friars" "UMP 0285",,,,"Littera Michaelis [Caesenatis] ? heretici ? [et aliorum] and Responsiones ad obiecta fratris Michaelis",,,,"1322","Religion", "UMP 0286",,,,"Verses about the Minorites",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0287",,,,"Speculum sacerdotum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0288",,,,"Life of St Alban",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0289",,,,"On Offa and St Alban",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0290",,,,"Granarium",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0324",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0325",,,,"Moral stories",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 0328",,,,"Historical notes on Britain",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0329",,,,"Descriptio orbis terrarum cum Regnis & populis & nacionibus diuersis",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0330",,,,"Doctrina de dicendo et tacendo ab Albertino causidico Brixien[si]","A moral treatise",,,"1245?","Religion", "UMP 0331",,,,"Exempla vel narrationes","Moral stories and legends of saints and sinners",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0332",,,,"Short accounts of the Popes from St Peter to AD 1342",,,,"After 1342","History and Politics", "UMP 0333",,,,"De Rege Henrico secundo",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0334",,,,"Extracts from the works of Augustine of Hippo",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0335",,,,"Catholica confutatio","Responsiones Prosperi Aquitani pro Augustino",,,,"Religion", "UMP 0336",,,,"Pastorale of St Gregory",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0337",,,,"Tractatus de fide spe & caritate",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0338",,,,"Compendium veritatis theologie",,,,,"Religion","Variously ascribed to Albertus Magnus, St Bonaventura, Thomas Aquinas and others." "UMP 0339",,,,"Description of Rome",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0340",,,,"Description of England",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0341",,,,"Short description of an inexpugnable castle in Armenia and an account of the seven marvels of the world",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0342",,,,"De mirabilius Anglie",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0343","W. Stubbs, RS 68 (1876)",,,"De viris illustribus quo tempore scripserunt",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0344",,,,"De denario sancti Petri que Romescot dicitur",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0345",,,,"Explanation of weights and measures, followed by interpretations of Old English legal terms",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0346",,,,"De modus coronacionis Regis Ricardi",,,,,"History and Politics","As in Hoveden (Rolls Series iii. 9)." "UMP 0347",,,,"Letter of Hugh bishop of Coventry concerning the election of William bishop of Ely",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 0348",,,,"De primo adventu in Yberniam",,,,,"History and Politics","A narrative of the successive immigrations into, or invasions of, Ireland, with descriptions of certain individuals, and an account of the death of the young king Henry, son of Henry II." "UMP 0349",,,,"List of the priors of Norwich to 1344",,,,"c. 1344","History and Politics", "UMP 0350",,,,"Index of persons and things",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0351",,,,"Passage on early English history ?Cur tanto furore dei iusticia in Anglos exarsit?",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0352",,,,"Historical prophecies in rhyming Latin verse",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0364",,,,"De magnitudine solis et stellarum fixarum notitis",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0365",,,,"Ordo mathematicorum celebriorum chronologicus","De utilitate mathematice",,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0366",,,,"De correctione kalendarii nota",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0367",,,,"Note of the wars and battles between 1340 and 1493",,,,"after 1493","Science and Information", "UMP 0370",,,,"Exemplum domificandi per tabulas Walteri",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0371",,,,"Regule ad sciendum nati vitam secundum Joh. Somer Ord. Min.",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0372",,,,"Experimentum pro lapide",,,,"before 1463","Medicine", "UMP 0373",,,,"Tabulae Alphonsi, Regis Castellae",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0374",,,,"Tabula medii motus solis in singulis 24 horis, secundum calculationem Johannis Somour",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0375",,,,"Tabulae medium motum et aequationem Solis et Planetarum exhibentes ex Arzaele forsan",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0376",,,,"Tabula Johannis Walteri ad domificandum pro singulis dominis",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0377",,,,"Tabulae aliae ejusdem generis, scilicet, Sinuum, Chordarum, etc. manu ejusdem Will. Botoner forsan exarate",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0378",,,,"Tabula Longitudinem et latitudinum terrarum citra equinoctialem circulum habitabilium",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0379",,,,"Longitudo et latitudo locorum praecipue in Anglia",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0382",,,,"Stellae fixae verificate per W. Wycestre pro anno Christi 1440 per radices Alfonsi Regis Castellae ad iustanciam Johannis Fastolf",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0383",,,,"Tabula ostendens cum quo signo et quo gradu signi oriuntur stelle iste famose et cum gradu mediant celum et cum quo gradou occident et quantus gradus est eorum altitudo meridiana repectu Universitatis Oxon., ubi altitudo poli est gradus 51min. 50",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0384",,,,"Tabulae una et altera ejusdem generis per eundem Willelmum verificate",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0392",,,,"Practica Petrucelli",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 0393",,,,"Flores Crisostomi",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0394",,,,"De corpore et sanguine domini",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0395",,,,"Tracts on the Eucharist",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0398",,,,"De triplici gratia & iustificacione peccatoris",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0399",,,,"St Gregory of Nyssa's letter to his brothers, Basil of Cæsarea and Peter of Sebaste",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0401",,,,"Chirurgia",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0402",,,,"Epistulae",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 0403",,,,"Life of St Katherine (prose)",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0405",,,,"Liber de terre partibus et diuersis prouinciis",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0407",,,,"Isaias glosatus",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0408",,,,"Jeremias glosatus",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0409",,,,"Polychronicon ? table",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0410",,,,"Articles concerning London",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0411",,,,"Forma componendi cartas",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0412",,,,"Missale",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0413",,,,"Masses",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0414",,,,"Precedents of seven letters of attorney and an acquittance",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0415",,,,"Conditions of Bonds",,,,,"Law","Apparently drawn by a lawyer in Cambridge, temp. Hen. VI to Hen. VII." "UMP 0416",,,,"Copy of an indenture between the master (Thomas Cosyn) and fellows of Corpus Christi College Cambridge, and John Blaksalt of Cambridge, concerning a tenement near the market.",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0417",,,,"Miscellaneous precedents, mostly of Cambs. provenance, but with a section from Oxford",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0419",,,,"Orders and rules about the choice of a mayor, and other matters relating to the city of Norwich; made about the time of Henry V",,,,"14 February (?)1416","Records and documents","See Hudson and Tingey, The Records of the City of Norwich, I, pp. lxviii-lxxiv." "UMP 0424",,,,"Names of London officials from the time of Richard I to Henry II",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0425",,,,"Chronological memoranda in several series",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0426",,,,"Confirmation-charters of Richard II. to London, 1 and 7 Rich. II.",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0427",,,,"Statutes and ordinances relating to the London Fishmongers and their market at the Stocks",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0428",,,,"De Tamisea pertinenti ciuitati London",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0429",,,,"La ordinaunce des Reis et de lor seson de pecher en Tamise",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0430",,,,"Presentment of Billingsgate ward against Goscelinus le Sergeaunt, bailiff of Queenhithe, for illegal seizure of lampreys",,,,"14 Edw.II. ?","Records and documents", "UMP 0431",,,,"Les costumes qe appendent a Belinesgate",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0432",,,,"Summary of the franchises granted in Confirmation-charters of Richard II. to London, 1 and 7 Rich. II.",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0433",,,,"Theological text",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0434",,,,"List of obituaries",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0435",,,,"Prayer ?O maker of heuen and earthe?",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0436",,,,"Orationes de S. Trinitate",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0437",,,,"Oratio beati Henrici Rex Anglie",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0438",,,,"Hymni de Sancta Trinitate",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0439",,,,"Oratio de beato Henrici",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0440",,,,"Oratio ad proprium angelum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0444",,,,"Oratio de Sancto Thoma",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0445",,,,"Prayer",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0446",,,,"Invocatio ad reges Jasper, Melchior & Balthasar","Invocation to the Three Kings","Invocation to the Three Magi",,,"Religion", "UMP 0447",,,,"Prayer ?O gloryus iesu?",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0448",,,,"Duodecim abusiones huius seculi . Sanctum augustinum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0449",,,,"Exposiciones quorundam Saxonicorum vocabulorum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0450",,,,"Leges Regis Anglorum",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0451",,,,"Leges Aluredi regis",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0452",,,,"Decretum Aelstani",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0453",,,,"Judicium ordalii",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0454",,,,"Leges Knutonis",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0455",,,,"Leges domini Regis Willelmi Bastardi & emendaciones quas posuit in Anglia que olim vocabatur Britannia",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0456",,,,"Leges boni Regis Edwardi quas Willelmus Bastard postea confirmauit",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0457",,,,"Leges (Henrici)",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0458",,,,"De Stepheno Rege",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0459",,,,"Leges Henrici II",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0460",,,,"De nobili Rego Ricardo Anglorum",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0461",,,,"Carta Iohannis regis et Carta de Ronnemede dicta aurea bulla",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0462",,,,"De Henrici filio praedictis Regis Johannis",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0463",,,,"Edwardi primogeniti Rex Anglorum",,,,,"Records and documents","Lists of statutes" "UMP 0464",,,,"Leges quas rex Aelfredus de veteri testamento scripsit et scribere fecit",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0465",,,,"Cartulary",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0466",,,,"De summa trinitate et fide catholica",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0467",,,,"Breviloquium in S. Scripturam",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0468",,,,"De 4 novissimis",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0471",,,,"Livre des faits d?armes",,,"French",,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0473",,,,"Acts of parliament, statutes and oaths, some relating to Devon",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0474",,,,"Statutes of Edward III",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0475",,,,"Statutes of Richard II",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0476",,,,"Statutes of Henry IV",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0477",,,,"Statutes of Henry V",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0478",,,,"Statutes of Henry VI",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0479",,,,"Breviary",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0480",,,,"Copia Bulle Ad audiendes Confessiones peregrinorum",,,,"1432","Records and documents", "UMP 0481",,,,"Liber Dyalogorum Gerarchie Sub-celestis; inter Orthodoxum Catholicum et Cathecuminum Pantastium inquirentem de reformatione Ecclesie militantis: recollectus Senis, per quemdam de Ordine Praedicatorum.",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0482",,,,"De Regia, et papali Potestate, tractatus a Mag. Johanne Parisino (Parisius?) de Ordine Predicatorum, in Theologia Doctore, editus.",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0484",,,,"Epistola Concordie, scripta ad Karolum Regem Francorum gloriosissimum; a Conrado de Gertenhusen, nominato Praeposito Ecclesie Wormaciensis",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0485",,,,"Tractatus Domini Perti de Ancarano juris utriusque; Doctoris, pro sedando Schismate: compilatus A.D. 1405.",,,,"1405","Religion", "UMP 0486",,,,"Tabula de Regimine principum",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0487",,,,"Brief chronicle of French and English history, from the Frankish king Priam to 15 Hen. 111 [1230-1231]",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0488",,,,"Chronology from Alfred to Henry IV",,,,,"History and Politics","Chronology, in 104 hexameters, from Alfred to Henry IV." "UMP 0489",,,,"Genealogy from Rollo duke of Normandy to Henry IV",,,,,"History and Politics","Genealogy from Rollo 'primus dux Normannie' to Henry IV, i. e. III." "UMP 0490",,,,"Tripartita appendix",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0491",,,,"Turpin's chronicle","Karolellus",,"Latin",,"History and Politics","The metrical version of Turpin's chronicle. Printed as Gesta Karoli Magni Francorum Regis (Paris, circ. 1500), reprinted Oldenburg, 1855." "UMP 0492",,,,"Genealogy of the kings of England",,,,,"History and Politics","Genealogy, with French explanations, of the kings of England from the heptarchy (represented by a diagram) and 'Ethelbert le fiz Aylmund' (i.e. Egbert) to Henry III, who 'regna xlvii aunz' [perhaps an inaccurate computation reckoned from his majority]." "UMP 0493",,,,"Route-book from London to Avignon via Amiens and Clermont-Ferrand, returning via Lyon, Orléans, and Beauvais",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0494",,,,"Figure of a backgammon-board and description of several different 'ludi ad tabulas'",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0495",,,,"Fifty five chess-problems",,,,,"Science and Information","Fifty five chess-problems explained in 1842 French verses, with 58 diagrams. The problems are mostly derived ultimately from the Lombard writer Nicolaus de Nicolai, and the work is an enlargement of that contained in Cotton MS. Cleop. B. IX (cf. also Add. MS. 9351); see van der Linde, Quellenstudien zur Gesch. des Schachspiels (Berlin, 1881), p. 205." "UMP 0496",,,,"Verses on Edward III's victories over Scots and French",,,,"1346?","History and Politics","Verses (26 leonine hexameters) on Edward III's victories over Scots and French [1346]." "UMP 0498",,,,"Liber excerptionum abbatis Ioachim",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0499",,,,"Protocol of the commission of three cardinals held at Anagni, 8 July, 1255",,,,,"Records and documents","Protocol of the commission of three cardinals held at Anagni, 8 July, 1255, resulting in the condemnation for heresy of the 'Introductorius in Evangelium Aeternum', a work of Gerard de Burgo S. Donnini, who was subsequently sentenced to perpetual imprisonment. First printed by Denifie in Archiv fur Litt. und Kirchengesch. des Mittelatters (Berlin, 1885), i, p. 99." "UMP 0501",,,,"Herbal synonyma",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0502",,,,"Medical recipes and charms",,,,,"Medicine","Includes TK 1457." "UMP 0503",,,,"De septem herbis e libro Kyranidarum",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0504",,,,"Medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 0505",,,,"De urinis",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0508",,,,"De Virtutis Herbarum",,,,,"Science and Information","cf. IMEV 2627" "UMP 0509",,,,"Table of contents",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0510",,,,"Compendium Medicinae",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 0511",,,,"Notes of historical events",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0513",,,,"List of kings of England from William I to Henry VI",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0514",,,,"Miscellaneous information (on English parishes, etc)",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0515",,,,"Endorsement",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 0516",,,,"Preface to table and details of contents",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0517",,,,"Tables",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0519",,,,"Table of eclipses",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0521",,,,"Vein man diagram",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 0522",,,,"Urines (diagrams)",,,,,"Science and Information","Adaptation of the treatise by John of Arderne." "UMP 0523",,,,"Summa de virtutibus",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0524",,,,"Subject index to the canons of Otto and Ottobuono",,,,,"Other texts","AS Cat: An alphabetical subject-index, with references by chapter and subsection to the canons of Otto and Ottobuono." "UMP 0525",,,,"Works by Wycliffe condemned by the University of Oxford in 1410",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0526",,,,"Description of the legal procedures in the Court of Arches",,,,,"Law","Found as the first part of the text in Cambridge, St John's College, MS 106 (E.3), fols. 41v-56v, which ends 'Explicit statuta de arcubus London'." "UMP 0527",,,,"Description of procedures for pleas in an ecclesiastical court",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0528",,,,"Alphabetical guide to Acton's gloss to the Canons of the Legatine Council, 1237-41 and 1268",,,,,"Law", "UMP 0529",,,,"On the legal powers of archdeacons",,,,,"Law","Citing relevant English legatine and provincial councils" "UMP 0530",,,,"Tractatus de advocacione ymaginum",,,,,"Religion","AS Cat: Also found in Oxford, Merton College MS 175, fols. 277r-278v, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 317, fols 125r-126v and Longleat House, MS 17, fols 83r-84v. A fuller form is in Oxford, Worcester College, MS 233 (olim Merton College 318), fols. 118v-127v, and extracts are in Eton College, MS 47, fols 115r-116r. Unprinted." "UMP 0531",,,,"Twenty six forms of consultation",,,,,"Records and documents","On the consultatio, a writ returning a case from the royal court to an ecclesiastical court, see I. Churchill, Canterbury Administration, 2 vols. (London, 1933), i. 531-4." "UMP 0532",,,,"Excerpts from statutes",,,,,"Records and documents","AS Cat: (a) Praemunire (16 Ric. II c.5), pr. ii. 85*/23 'Ercheueques'?86b/6'Roy' (b) Against annullers of judgements in the king's court (27 Edw.III c.I), pr. SR i. 329*/9-28 (c) Punishment of malicious indictors (1 Ric II c.13) pr. SR ii 5*/1-24 (d) Provisors (2 Hen.IV c. 3), pr. SR ii. 121*/34-43 (e) Praemunire (16 Ric. II c. 5), pr. SR ii.84b/8 - 85a/24, repeating the first ten words of (a), which it precedes (f) Suppression of heresy (2 Hen. V c.7), pr. SR ii. 181a/29 - 184b/3" "UMP 0533",,,,"Writ of prohibition by King Henry VI, 1445, forbidding Thomas (Shorham), abbot of Bayham and commissary of the abbot or Premontre, to disturb John Dunwich in the possession of the benefice of Theberton, Suffolk.",,,,,"Records and documents","On this case see H. M. Colvin, The White Canons in England (Oxford, 1951), 286-7, and cf. 224" "UMP 0534",,,,"Writ of praemunire addressed to the sheriff of Norfolk, relating to a dispute, c. 1438, between Alice Wesenhem, prioress of the priory of St George, of Benedictine nuns, Thetford and Robert Popy, rector of Ling",,,,,"Records and documents","Thetford here referred to as St Gregory's. See VCH Norfolk, ii. 355" "UMP 0538",,,,"Compendium medicinae",,,,,"Medicine","Gilbertus Anglicus" "UMP 0561",,,,"Liber Parabolarum","Doctrinale minus","Parvum Doctrinale",,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0562",,,,"Liber Cartule",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0563",,,,"Disticha Catonis",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0575",,,,"Epistola ad Thomas Arundel, archiepiscopum Cantuariensem",,,,,"Letters"," Macauley, G.C. 1899-1902. The Complete Works of John Gower. Oxford" "UMP 0578",,,,"Rex celi deus",,,,,"Literary texts","Macauley, G.C. 1899-1902. The Complete Works of John Gower" "UMP 0579",,,,"Epistola breuis",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0580",,,,"Carmina",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 0597",,,,"Accedence",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0601",,,,"Informacio",,,,,"Education and Grammar","John Leylond" "UMP 0607",,,,"H aquile pullus quo nunquam gracior vllus",,,,,"Literary texts","Macauley, G.C. 1899-1902. The Complete Works of John Gower. Oxford" "UMP 0608",,,,"Nota consequenter super multiplici viciorum pestilencia vnde tempore Ricardi secundi'",,,,,"Literary texts","John Gower. Macauley, G.C. 1899-1902. The Complete Works of John Gower. Oxford" "UMP 0610",,,,"Traitiés pour assumpter les amantz marielz, iii-xviii",,,,,"Literary texts","John Gower. Macauley, G.C. 1899-1902. The Complete Works of John Gower" "UMP 0611",,,,"Carmen de variis in amore passionibus","Est amor",,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 0612",,,,"Quia unusquisque",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 0613",,,,"Eneidos Bucolis",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 0614",,,,"O deus immense",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0615",,,,"Quicquid homo scribat",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 0638",,,,"Isagoge",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 0640",,,,"Aphorismi",,,,,"Medicine","Attributed to Hippocrates" "UMP 0641",,,,"Prognostica",,,,,"Medicine","Attributed to Hippocrates." "UMP 0680",,,,"Table of a 532 year cycle",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0681",,,,"Douce dame ieo vus pri e humblement vus cri merci",,,,,"Religion","Fourteen stanzas, varying in length, each beginning 'Douce Dame'." "UMP 0682",,,,"Salve Regina",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0683",,,,"Ihesu nostra redempcio amor et desiderium",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0684",,,,"Ferial Canticles",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0685",,,,"Office of the dead and commendation of souls",,,,,"Religion","cues of psalms only." "UMP 0735",,,,"La Manière de langage",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0736",,,,"A treatise on French-language instruction for children",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0737",,,,"A Latin-French vocabulary of adverbs, prepositions etc",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0738",,,,"A collection of prose proverbs",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 0739",,,,"Le Chastel de leal amour","Demandes amoureuses",,,,"Literary texts","A dialogue in twenty-two questions and answers defining love in terms of a castle." "UMP 0740",,,,"A collection of proverbs in octosyllabic couplets",,,,,"Other texts","J. Morawski, Les Diz et proverbes des sages (Paris, 1924)" "UMP 0741",,,,"Le Tretiz pur aprise de langage",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Ed. W. Rothwell. Walter of Bibbesworth Le Tretiz, Anglo-Norman Text Society." "UMP 0742",,,,"A treatise on the conjugation of French verbs",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 0743",,,,"Letters patent of Jean de Montaigu, bishop of Chartres",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 0773",,,,"Lucifer",,,"Latin",,"Religion","A translation of Peter of Ceffrons, Epistola Luciferi ad Cleros." "UMP 0792",,,,"A treatise on the seven deadly sins, 10 commandments etc",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 0793",,,,"A treatise on orthography",,,,,"Education and Grammar","with verses" "UMP 0813",,,,"Proclamation of jousts at Smithfield",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0814",,,,"Order of service for the coronation in England",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0817",,,,"Ceremony for creating the Knights of the Bath",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0818",,,,"Arms and Armour needed for foot combat",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0819",,,,"How to organise 'jousts of the peace'",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0820",,,,"Regulations for trial by battle",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0821",,,,"Challenge of Philippe de Boyle to John Astley",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0822",,,,"Challenge of Piers de Masse to John Astley",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0824",,,,"Challenge of Lord Scales to the Bastard of Burgundy",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0825",,,,"Challenge of Louis de Brutallis to Jehan de Chassa",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0826",,,,"Challenge of Philippe de Bouton",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0827",,,,"Challenge to the Pas a l'Arbre d'Or",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0829",,,,"Statute of Arms",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0830",,,,"Challenge of Guillaume de Bourset",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0831",,,,"Proclamation of a tourney in Bruges",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0832",,,,"Ordinance regulating the fees of heralds",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0833",,,,"Jousts between John Chalons and Louis de Bueil",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0834",,,,"Fictional background to a pas d'armes in Burgundy",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0836",,,,"Sailing instructions",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 0837",,,,"Ordinances of war of Henry V",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0838",,,,"Ordinances of war of Thomas Montague, Earl of Salisbury",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0839",,,,"Summons for the surrender of Le Mans",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0875",,,,"The Battle Abbey Roll",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 0891",,,,"De re militari",,,"Latin",,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 0906",,,,"The Namys of Wardeyns and Balyffys of London",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1001",,,,"Tractatus de sermonibus faciendis","Sermons",,,,"Religion", "UMP 1006",,,,"Postilla super evangelia dominicalia",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1007",,,,"Super Deuteronomium",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1010",,,,"Names of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1011",,,,"Names of Parish churches within the franchise of London",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1012",,,,"The Gates of şe Cytee of London",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1013",,,,"şe hallis şt longe to şe cytee of London","List of London guildhalls",,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1014",,,,"All şe Bysshoppis of England",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1019",,,,"Calendar",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1021",,,,"Litany",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1022",,,,"Douce sire ihesu crist ke par vostre pleysir de femme",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1023",,,,"Douce sire ihesu crist eyer merci de moy",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1024",,,,"Names of relationship",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 1025",,,,"De nominatiuo casu","Treatise on accidence and syntax",,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 1026",,,,"Definitions of Donum, Feoffamentum, Cottagium etc",,,,,"Law", "UMP 1027",,,,"Demand for the citation of I.P. Salisbury",,,,"13 Dec 1435","Records and documents", "UMP 1028",,,,"Genera secundum doctrinale et precianum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 1029",,,,"On Numbers",,,,,"Science and Information","Up to 'Mille milia millesies'" "UMP 1030",,,,"Exordia Senece",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1031",,,,"Notes on logic",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1033",,,,"Practice for Latin conversation",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Sentences in question and answer form, for practice in Latin conversation." "UMP 1034",,,,"Address",,,,,"Other texts","The subject of the address is 'spoliacio' which the author reaches on f. 43v, line 8." "UMP 1035",,,,"Primitus ambigina vadeas polisillaba lector",,,,,"Education and Grammar","130 lines of verse, with interlined glosses in Latin and English." "UMP 1036",,,,"Axioms",,,,,"Education and Grammar","For example, 'Bonum est omnia scire non tamen omnibus vti', an example of ambiguity, explanations of biblical sentences etc" "UMP 1037",,,,"Descent of St Osmund from Robert, duke of Normandy",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1038",,,,"Memoria of St Osmund",,,,,"Religion","the antiphon is in six lines of verse" "UMP 1039",,,,"Si tu sis pulcher magnus fortisque quid inde",,,,,"Education and Grammar","4 lines" "UMP 1040",,,,"Formulary documents",,,,,"Records and documents","One of the few dated pieces is a form of assignation of proctors by John Arundell, M.A., attested by William Munteyn, notary public, diocese of Bath and Wells, at Durham College, Oxford, 1 May 1467." "UMP 1041",,,,"Indentures",,,,,"Records and documents","22 added pieces. Seven of them bear dates between 1467-1479." "UMP 1042",,,,"Table of contents",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 1043",,,,"Forms of citation etc",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 1044",,,,"Memoranda of purchases",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 1050",,,,"Legitur in miraculo beate marie","Tale",,,,"Religion", "UMP 1051",,,,"Diues mortuus est","Sermon",,,,"Religion", "UMP 1052",,,,"Speculum Laicorum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1053",,,,"Meditational piece",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1054",,,,"Commentary on Pss. 9, 10",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1055",,,,"Que est differencia inter hic vesperus i.o. hec vespera e",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 1056",,,,"Fifteen Signs before the Day of Judgement",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1057",,,,"Grammatical text",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 1058",,,,"Questions on Grammar",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 1059",,,,"Differentiae verborum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 1060",,,,"Differentiae verborum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 1061",,,,"Sixteen noises of men and beasts",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1063",,,,"Nascitur in carne veruca veru datur igni",,,,,"Education and Grammar","636 lines, nearly all verses, usually either grammatical or proverbial." "UMP 1064",,,,"A Sarum cisojanus",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 1065",,,,"Nine names",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 1066",,,,"Letter from Thomas, abbot of Keynsham and his convent",,,,"15 Jan 1429/30","Letters","To Thomas (Polton), bishop of Worcester." "UMP 1070",,,,"Miscellaneous notes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1072",,,,"Notes and Tables",,,,,"Science and Information","Including a description on a 'nocturnale' and a list of towns with their latitudes and longitudes." "UMP 1073",,,,"Introductorius",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1074",,,,"Liber sapientie Alii",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1076",,,,"Canones tabularum sequentium",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1077",,,,"Astronomical Tables",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1078",,,,"Canon referring to tables",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1079",,,,"Tables",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1080",,,,"Tables 'alfonsi'",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1081",,,,"Tables",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1082",,,,"Tables of equations of planets",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1083",,,,"Tables",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1084",,,,"Rules for calculating conjunctions",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1085",,,,"Rules 'Pro locis planetarum'",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1086",,,,"Tables 'minutorum proporcionabilium secundum arzachelem'",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1087",,,,"Canon tabule precedentis",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1093",,,,"Astronomical notes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 1100",,,,"Mandeville's Travels",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 1101",,,,"Part of a sermon for an unknown occasion",,,,,"Religion","Noted by O?Mara 1994, p. 4." "UMP 1112",,,,"Meekness",,,,,"Religion","Meekness, the first of Four Cambridge Tracts, Wells Rev. 2:530 [66]." "UMP 1113",,,,"Here Sueth the Sayings of Divers Doctors [on Matthew 26:26]",,,,,"Religion","The second of Four Cambridge Tracts, Wells Rev. 2:530 [66]." "UMP 1114",,,,"Chrisostum and Some Other Doctors",,,,,"Religion","The third of Four Cambridge Tracts, Wells Rev. 2:530 [66]. Another quotation from the Glossed Gospels (long commentary on Matthew 21:43-44), Wells Rev. 2:545 [38]." "UMP 1115",,,,"Crisostum here",,,,,"Religion","Another quotation from the Glossed Gospels (long commentary on Matthew 21: 45-46), Wells Rev. 2:545 [38]." "UMP 1116",,,,"Short treatise on spiritual guidance",,,,,"Religion","Latin prose" "UMP 1117",,,,"Declaration concerning John Lybyth, gentleman, of London",,,,"1519-20","Records and documents","Latin prose" "UMP 1118",,,,"Debate between Dives and Lazarus",,,,,"Religion","Latin verse, not indexed by Walther." "UMP 1119",,,,"Names of London Churches",,,,,"History and Politics","Latin prose" "UMP 1120",,,,"Note on the dimensions of St. Paul's",,,,,"Science and Information","Latin prose" "UMP 1121",,,,"Towns in England, with a note on Taxes",,,,,"History and Politics","Latin prose" "UMP 1122",,,,"Statistics",,,,,"Science and Information","Distances from the earth to moon, from moon to sun etc in Latin prose" "UMP 1123",,,,"Notes on the Cinque Ports",,,,,"History and Politics","Latin prose" "UMP 1124",,,,"Alphabetical List of Saints, Bishops, Abbots",,,,,"Religion","Latin prose" "UMP 1125",,,,"Prognostications",,,,,"Science and Information","Latin prose" "UMP 1126",,,,"Order of Coronation for a King",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1127",,,,"Letter from a son to his parents",,,,,"Letters","Not listed in IMEP IV." "UMP 1128",,,,"Notes on the History of the World",,,,,"History and Politics","Latin prose." "UMP 1129",,,,"French proverbs",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 1130",,,,"Medical Recipe",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 1131",,,,"Latin couplet with English translation",,,,,"Other texts","Not listed in Walther." "UMP 1136",,,,"The Pedigree of England",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1137",,,,"Memoriae of SS John the Baptist, Christopher and Katherine",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1233",,,,"My freend aftir I trowe a wike or two",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 1234",,,,"Prose moralisation of Jereslaus's wife",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1235",,,,"Lesson and reflection on All Saint's Day",,,,,"Religion","Includes prologue in verse" "UMP 1236",,,,"Prose moralisation of Jonathas",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1237",,,,"How mony case has yow?",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Collection of elementary notes on Latin grammar." "UMP 1238",,,,"Meditation ascribed to Anselm",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1239",,,,"Liturgical note",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 1240",,,,"A collection of sermones et sententiae",,,,,"Religion","Beginning with a reference to John Chrysostom and ending incomplete in a section on 'de motis memoria'." "UMP 1311",,,,"Rondel","Lealement a tous iours mais",,,,"Literary texts","Verse" "UMP 1312",,,,"Rondel","Face vo cuer tout ce qis ly plerra",,,,"Literary texts","In verse." "UMP 1313",,,,"Rondel","Puis qualer verse vous nepuise",,,,"Literary texts","In verse." "UMP 1314",,,,"Rondel","Je vous salue ma maystresse",,,,"Literary texts","In verse." "UMP 1315",,,,"List of knighthoods conferred 29th June 1483",,,,,"History and Politics","English prose" "UMP 1316",,,,"Two Latin Proverbs",,,,,"Other texts","Walther, Sprichworter 4861 and 30668" "UMP 1317",,,,"An Indulgence",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 1413",,,,"De Causa Dei contra Pelagium",,,,"1344","Religion", "UMP 1414",,,,"Table running Annus to Ydea",,,,,"Religion","Index to Bradwardine's De causa dei." "UMP 1415",,,,"Confutacio Lollardorum",,,,,"Religion","AS Cat: In two parts, (a) a foreword dedicated to King Henry V followed by a creed in fifteen paragraphs, in Latin and English (b) the main text, a commentary on the preceding creed, divided into chapters of which 'De manucheiis et Lolloardis' is the first? Of the above parts (a), the foreword addressed to King Henry, is known only from Oxford All Souls MS 42, but the creed that follows is found in a longer form in Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek MS C 17. On the complicated relationship and chronology of these texts an edition, in progress, by Dr M. Hedlund, Uppsala. For a description of the Uppsala manuscript see M. Andersson and M. Hedlund, Mitteralterliche Handschriften der Universitatsbibliotek Uppsala: Katalog uber die C-Sammlung, i (Stockholm, 1988), 187-96. Barton texts in Bodl. MSS Bodley 117 (SC 1979) and 549 (SC 2298) are a Symbolum contra hereticos, which is a different work. Dr Hedlund's researches reveal that Barton is to be identified as both magister (but not in BRUO or BRUC) and medicus. He was a former Lollard, or at least was accused of being one, who stood trial before the abp. of Canterbury in 1416 (The Register of Henry Chichele, 4 vols. (Oxford, 1938-47), iii. 15-16) but received a royal testimonial of purgation in 1417 (ibid. iv. 168-9)." "UMP 1707",,,,"Descendents of the Kings of France",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1708",,,,"Descendents of the Dukes of Normandy from Rollo to Henry III of England",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1709",,,,"Descendents of the Counts of Anjou up to Edward I of England",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1710",,,,"Descendents of the Kings of Spain up to Edward IV of England",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1711",,,,"Chronicle of England from the Incarnation to 1468",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1712",,,,"Merlin prophecy",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1713",,,,"List of Mayors and Sheriffs of London in Latin up to 1468",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 1714",,,,"Verses on St Anne and her husbands",,,,,"Religion","7 lines." "UMP 2000",,,,"Lectura Trium librorum",,,,,"Law", "UMP 2002",,,,"Herbal glossary",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2003",,,,"List of names",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2004",,,,"Noted office",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2050",,,,"Shorter Genealogical Chronicle",,,,"1473-5","History and Politics", "UMP 2051",,,,"Paschal Table for 1460-1519",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2052",,,,"Instructions for dividing a circle for astronomical purposes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2053",,,,"Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2054",,,,"Treatise on music",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2055",,,,"Fixing the date of Easter",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2056",,,,"On a Crucifix",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2060",,,,"Sentences ascribed to Anselm",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2061",,,,"Notes on pestilences of 1348, 1361 etc",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2062",,,,"Notes",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2063",,,,"Notes",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2070",,,,"Calendar",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2071",,,,"Second book of Christian doctrine",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2072",,,,"New Testament",,,,,"Religion","Later Wycliffite version." "UMP 2073",,,,"Prayer",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2074",,,,"De Institutione Fratrum Carmelitarum Ordinis",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2075",,,,"De disciplina scolarium",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Attributed here to Boethius." "UMP 2076",,,,"De impersonalibus",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2077",,,,"De pronominibus sibbilicatis auctore W. Forster",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Consists of a series of pronouns, beginning with egomet." "UMP 2078",,,,"Apparation of Guido de Corvo",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2079",,,,"De Ignorancia Sacerdotum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2080",,,,"Gesta Romanorum",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 2081",,,,"Miracle of the Blessed Virgin",,,,,"Religion","Latin" "UMP 2082",,,,"Pater Noster",,,,,"Religion","Latin" "UMP 2090",,,,"Verses on grammar",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2091",,,,"Latin-English vocabulary",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2092",,,,"Qui plus expendit",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2093",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Three lines" "UMP 2094",,,,"Note on schoolchildren",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2095",,,,"Vitelli vel vitella",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Short paragraphs in Latin, usually about scholars, perhaps exercises in translation." "UMP 2096",,,,"Os facies mentum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2097",,,,"Alphabetical verse Bible epitome",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2098",,,,"De ciuilitate morum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2099",,,,"Bursa Latini","Liber Caballus",,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2100",,,,"Disticha Catonis",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2101",,,,"Liber Communis",,,,,"Education and Grammar","In verse. On the eight parts of speech." "UMP 2102",,,,"Synonyma",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2103",,,,"Equivoca",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2104",,,,"Notes on grammar",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Note on various differences established by grammar." "UMP 2105",,,,"Grammatical note",,,,,"Education and Grammar","A four- line grammatical note." "UMP 2106",,,,"Grammatical notes",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2107",,,,"Dominus, que pars?",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Elementary treatise on the parts of speech." "UMP 2108",,,,"Grammatical notes and vocabulary",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2109",,,,"Miscellaneous verse",,,,,"Education and Grammar","9 lines." "UMP 2110",,,,"Gutta cauat lapidem non vi sed sepe cadendo",,,,,"Literary texts","26 lines of verse of a 'goliardic' flavour." "UMP 2111",,,,"Grammatical verse on the formation of preterites",,,,,"Education and Grammar","28 lines." "UMP 2112",,,,"Grammatical verse on verbs",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2113",,,,"Verse on preterites and supines",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2114",,,,"Harys and voxys myys and rattys",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2115",,,,"Commentary",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2116",,,,"Note on pater",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Three lines." "UMP 2119",,,,"Bill to the king",,,,"1468","Records and documents","Concerning merchants in Cologne" "UMP 2220",,,,"Bill to the king",,,,"Ed IV","Records and documents","Concerning merchants" "UMP 2221",,,,"Bill to the king",,,,"1470","Records and documents","Concerning John Stafford, earl of Wiltshire." "UMP 2222",,,,"Petition",,,,"1470","Records and documents","Concerning lawful merchandise." "UMP 2223",,,,"Petition to the king",,,,"1470","Records and documents","From Edward IV's chaplain, John Davyson, for the living of Old Romney." "UMP 2224",,,,"Petition to the king",,,,"1469","Records and documents","From Sir John Willoughby and Agnes his wife." "UMP 2225",,,,"Letters patent of denisation",,,,"1470","Letters","To Laurence Hello of the province of 'Luke' in Almain." "UMP 2226",,,,"Letter from the duke of Suffolk",,,,"30 October 1466","Letters", "UMP 2227",,,,"Letters patent of pardon",,,,"26 July 1468","Letters","For Sir Thomas Cook." "UMP 2228",,,,"Exemption from office",,,,"Edward IV","Records and documents", "UMP 2229",,,,"Letters patent issued after Barnet",,,,"1471","Letters", "UMP 2230",,,,"Pardons",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2231",,,,"Letters patent of denisation",,,,"1 April 1475","Letters","To Cyprian de Furnariis." "UMP 2232",,,,"Writ",,,,"28 February 1477","Records and documents","From Edward IV to the prior of the convent of Coventry to admit William Cook." "UMP 2233",,,,"Letter for a benevolence",,,,"13 March 1462","Letters","To Thomas Cook. Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 135-8" "UMP 2234",,,,"Letter",,,,"11 April 1481","Letters","From Edward IV licensing John the 'hermit' to ask for alms." "UMP 2235",,,,"Letter",,,,,"Letters","From Edward IV to the University of Cambridge." "UMP 2236",,,,"Letter",,,,"1422","Letters","From John, duke of Bedford to the City of London, claiming government of the realm" "UMP 2237",,,,"Demands of Charles VII to Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy",,,,"1451 [?]","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 139-40" "UMP 2238",,,,"The answer of Henry VI",,,,"1451","History and Politics","To the ambassadors of Philip, duke of Burgundy. Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 140-142." "UMP 2239",,,,"Letter from Queen Margaret to the City of London",,,,"1461","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 142." "UMP 2240",,,,"Letter from Prince Edward to the City of London",,,,"1460","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 142-3" "UMP 2241",,,,"Letter from Edward IV to James III of Scotland",,,,"Oct 1462","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 144-145" "UMP 2242",,,,"Letter from Edward IV concerning benevolences",,,,,"Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 145-147" "UMP 2243",,,,"Letter from Edward IV to the City of London requesting support for the French war",,,,"1475","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 147-148" "UMP 2244",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,,"Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 148-9" "UMP 2245",,,,"Letter from Edward IV to the mayor etc",,,,"28 Dec 1462","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 149-151" "UMP 2246",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,"1462","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 151" "UMP 2247",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,"January 1463","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 151-152" "UMP 2248",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,"Edward IV","Letters","Concerning denisation of a merchant of Genoa." "UMP 2249",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2250",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2251",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,"c. 1465-70","Letters", "UMP 2252",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2253",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2254",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,"1461-4","Letters", "UMP 2255",,,,"Orders for the attachment of Sir Thomas Cook's property to cease",,,,"1468","Records and documents","From Earl Rivers. Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 154." "UMP 2256",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,,"Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 154-55" "UMP 2257",,,,"Order to cease processes against Sir Thomas Cook",,,,"1468","Records and documents", "UMP 2258",,,,"Safe conducts",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2260",,,,"Writ",,,,"Edward IV","Records and documents", "UMP 2261",,,,"Writ",,,,"1 January 1481","Records and documents","From Anne, Lady Bourchier" "UMP 2262",,,,"The bishop of Ely to the governor of the Merchant Adventurers",,,,"1478-83","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 155-156" "UMP 2263",,,,"Letters",,,,"Edward IV","Letters","A hundred letters" "UMP 2264",,,,"Complaints of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester against Cardinal Henry Beaufort","Protest against the liberation of the duke of Orleans",,,"1440","History and Politics","22 articles. Printed in Douce, The Customs, pp. 279-86" "UMP 2265",,,,"Letter from the Chancellor to the mayor of London",,,,"November 1462","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 170-171" "UMP 2266",,,,"List of spiritual and temporal peers who swore allegiance a the parliament of Leicester, 4 March 1426",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2267",,,,"Letter from Richard Neville to Edward IV",,,,"October 1463[?]","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 171-172" "UMP 2268",,,,"Letter from Edward IV to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2269",,,,"Letters concerning the Queen [Elizabeth Woodville]",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2270",,,,"Letter from Henry VI to Sir John Wenlock",,,,"1453[?]","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 173" "UMP 2271",,,,"Letters",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2272",,,,"Proclamation of Isabel, Queen of Edward II and Edward, prince of Wales",,,,"Baldock, 6 Oct. 1326","History and Politics", "UMP 2273",,,,"The treaty of Amiens",,,,"17 April 1423","Records and documents", "UMP 2274",,,,"Speech to the throne by Speaker of the Commons",,,,"17 Nov, 1423","History and Politics", "UMP 2275",,,,"Petition of the Commons",,,,"January 1424","History and Politics", "UMP 2276",,,,"Grant of subsidy",,,,"1425","Records and documents", "UMP 2277",,,,"Grant of subsidy",,,,"1427","Records and documents", "UMP 2278",,,,"Letter from Philip the Good to Henry VI informing him of the capture of Joan of Arc",,,,"23 May, 1430","Letters", "UMP 2279",,,,"Letter from Henry Beaufort to the duke of Bedford",,,,"31 October 1425","Letters", "UMP 2280",,,,"Account of the dispute between Humphrey, duke of Gloucester and Henry Beaufort at Leicester parliament, March 1426",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2281",,,,"Documents on the surrender of Falaise",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2282",,,,"Documents on the surrender of Le Mans, 1425",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in GC, pp. 133-5" "UMP 2283",,,,"Documents on the surrender of Pont Meulan, 1 March 1423",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in GC, pp. 124-6" "UMP 2284",,,,"Documents on the surrender of Meaux, 1422",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in GC, pp. 120-2." "UMP 2286",,,,"Documents on the surrender of Rouen, 1418/1419",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in GC, pp. 104-8" "UMP 2287",,,,"Documents of the Treaty of Troyes, 1420",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in GC, pp. 108-15" "UMP 2288",,,,"Memorandum of the arrival of Henry V and Queen Katherine","Description of the feast of the coronation",,,,"Records and documents","Printed in GC, pp. 115-19" "UMP 2289",,,,"Memoranda of the birth of Henry VI and the deaths of Henry V and Charles VI of France, 1422",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in GC, pp. 119, 122-123" "UMP 2291",,,,"Short Chronicle of events, 1431-71",,,,,"History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 178-80." "UMP 2292",,,,"Articles by the duke of York refuting allegations made by Bishop Moleyns, together with the Bishop's replies",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 180-82" "UMP 2293",,,,"The duke of Somerset's answer to the king of Scotland's credence, together with the comments of the lords of the king's council",,,,"1453-4[?]","Records and documents","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 183-4" "UMP 2294",,,,"Articles of the duke of York concerning the stopping of his landing at his return from Ireland",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 185." "UMP 2295",,,,"The king's answer to the duke of York concerning the stopping of his landing",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 186-7." "UMP 2296",,,,"Articles of the duke of York to the king and council, calling for justice upon those accused of treason",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 187-188" "UMP 2297",,,,"Bill from the duke of York, calling for justice upon the traitors",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 189" "UMP 2298",,,,"The king's answer to the duke of York concerning the punishment of traitors",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 190" "UMP 2299",,,,"Account of the Battle of St. Albans, 1455",,,,"After 1455","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 190-93" "UMP 2300",,,,"Oath of obedience sworn by the duke of York in 1452 and on other occasions",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp.193-195" "UMP 2301",,,,"Manifesto of the duke of York at Ludlow, declaring his loyalty",,,,"1452","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 195" "UMP 2302",,,,"Replication against the claim of the house of York",,,,"1461-3","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 202-203" "UMP 2303",,,,"Complaints of the commons of Kent and causes of their assembly at Blackheath",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 204-205" "UMP 2304",,,,"Articles of the Captain of Kent",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 205-206" "UMP 2305",,,,"Safe-conduct issued by the Captain of Kent to Sir Thomas Cook",,,,"1450","Records and documents","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 206-207" "UMP 2306",,,,"Orders from the Captain to Thomas Cook",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 207" "UMP 2307",,,,"Proclamation of Henry VI for the taking of John Cade",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 207-208" "UMP 2308",,,,"Articles of the earl of Warwick, on his way from Calais to Ludlow",,,,"1459","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 208-210" "UMP 2309",,,,"Articles of the commons of Kent at the coming of the Yorkist lords from Calais",,,,"1450","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 210-212" "UMP 2310",,,,"The articles and causes for the assembling of Robin of Redesdale and the commons of Yorkshire",,,,"1469","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 212-215" "UMP 2311",,,,"The reconciliation of Queen Margaret and her son with Warwick and Clarence, Angers, 1470",,,,,"History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 215-218" "UMP 2312",,,,"Edward IV's reply to Warwick and Clarence",,,,,"History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 220" "UMP 2313",,,,"Proclamation by Warwick and Clarence upon the landing in England",,,,"1470","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 220-222" "UMP 2314",,,,"The form of the safeguards granted by Warwick and Clarence to sanctuaries and people, 1470",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 222" "UMP 2315",,,,"Articles sent by Edward, prince of Wales, to the earl of Warwick concerning the government of England",,,,"1470-1","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 222-225" "UMP 2316",,,,"Example of what good counseill helpith",,,,"1470-1","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 225-226" "UMP 2317",,,,"The Governance of England",,,,"1471-5","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 226-250" "UMP 2318",,,,"The xxij rightwisenesses belonging to a kyng",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 251-52. A translation of one section of the Latin tract De xii abusivis saeculi, composed by an Irish monk in the seventh century." "UMP 2319",,,,"The promise of matrimony by Louis XI of France for the dauphin to Edward IV of England",,,,"1475","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 253-56" "UMP 2320",,,,"Articles of the agreement between the French king and the duke of Austria",,,,"1482","History and Politics","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 256-58" "UMP 2321",,,,"Petition of Jane Kydde",,,,,"Records and documents","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 258." "UMP 2322",,,,"Petition concerning alms",,,,"1480-1","Records and documents", "UMP 2323",,,,"Letter from Edward IV",,,,"1467-7","Letters","Concerning the posiiton of aliens." "UMP 2324",,,,"Grant of arms",,,,"1480","Military and heraldry","From Norroy herald. Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 259." "UMP 2325",,,,"Memoranda of transactions in parliament",,,,"1369, 1371, 1373","Records and documents", "UMP 2326",,,,"Statute concerning war against France",,,,"10 June 1369","Records and documents", "UMP 2327",,,,"Memorandum that at the parliament of 1371 the 'great charter and the charter of the forest' were confirmed",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2328",,,,"Memorandum concering parliamentary grant for war in France, 1471",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2329",,,,"Five memoranda of statutes at the parliaments of Jan/Feb 1371 and Nov/Dec 1373",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2330",,,,"Letter from Henry Holland",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2331",,,,"Letter from John Kemp, cardinal and archbishop of Canterbury",,,,"1452-4","Letters", "UMP 2332",,,,"Letter from John Kemp, cardinal and archbishop of Canterbury",,,,"1452-54","Letters", "UMP 2333",,,,"Letter from John Kemp, cardinal and archbishop of Canterbury",,,,"1452-54","Letters", "UMP 2334",,,,"Letter from John Kemp, cardinal and archbishop of Canterbury",,,,"1452-54","Letters", "UMP 2335",,,,"Challenges exchanged by Lord Bonville and the earl of Devon",,,,"1455","Military and heraldry","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 262-63" "UMP 2336",,,,"Letters between Richard, duke of York and the prior of Lewes, Sussex",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2337",,,,"Letter from Sir Thomas Cook to Sir Thomas Montgomery",,,,"After May 1465","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 265" "UMP 2338",,,,"Letter",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2339",,,,"Letter of Edward IV to Louis XI of France",,,,"1474","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 266" "UMP 2340",,,,"Letters concerning debt",,,,,"Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 267" "UMP 2341",,,,"Letter from Margaret of York",,,,"26 May 1462","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 267" "UMP 2342",,,,"The names of the tenentes in Portersfee in Essex",,,,"s. xvi","Records and documents","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, p. 267" "UMP 2343",,,,"Summary list of revenues from the temporalities and spiritualities of the dioceses of England",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2400",,,,"Liber urinarum theophili",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 2402",,,,"Notes on Galen",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 2403",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2405",,,,"De re militari",,,"Latin",,"Military and heraldry","Jean de Meun's translation" "UMP 2406",,,,"Epitaph on King Arthur",,,,,"History and Politics","In verse. See Brown and Carley 1993." "UMP 2421",,,,"Prologue to Hardyng's Chronicle",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2422",,,,"Verse epilogue addressed to Edward IV from Hardyng",,,,,"History and Politics","advising him to think upon the kindness of Henry IV and Henry V towards Richard II?s heir, the earl of March, and asking him to show the same benevolence to Henry VI and his family by bringing them home from Scotland." "UMP 2423",,,,"Itinerary of Scotland",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2424",,,,"Latin prose regarding Edward III",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2425",,,,"Latin prose regarding Henry V and his campaign in France",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 2426",,,,"English prose regarding Henry IV?s usurpation of the English crown",,,,,"History and Politics","English prose regarding Henry IV?s usurpation of the English crown and a spurious chronicle circulated by John of Gaunt, which described Edmund Crouchback as the eldest son and heir of Henry III." "UMP 2427",,,,"Verse address to Edward IV detailing his sovereignty over various continental kingdoms.",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2428",,,,"The quarell of Sir Henry Percy with Henry IV and the battle of Shrewsbury",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2429",,,,"Latin prose detailing the Percies? quarrel with Henry IV",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2430",,,,"Latin prose letter from Edward I, king of England, to Pope Boniface VIII",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2431",,,,"Verse epilogue addressed to Edward IV and his queen",,,,,"History and Politics","recommending Hardyng?s ?boke? to them and expressing the author?s hopes that they will be pleased with the Chronicle." "UMP 2433",,,,"French list of the dead at Agincourt",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2434",,,,"Registrum Cartarum tenementorum et reddituum","De diversis querelis",,,,"Records and documents","A register of deeds and rentals relating to Oxford." "UMP 2435",,,,"De cronicis Anglie",,,,,"History and Politics","Up to 1432 - in Latin." "UMP 2437",,,,"Abbreviation of Duns Scotus' Quodlibeta",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2438",,,,"In Sententias Libri IV",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2439",,,,"Account of the Pas de Perron Fee",,,,,"Military and heraldry","Held in Bruges by Philippe de Lalaing from 28 April to 17 May 1463." "UMP 2444",,,,"Account of Trading Transactions",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2445",,,,"Drafts of letters",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 2446",,,,"Account",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 2577",,,,"England's claim to the throne of France",,,,,"History and Politics","English prose." "UMP 2701",,,,"Recipe for laxative",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 2702",,,,"On the houses of the planets",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2703",,,,"The letting of the moon",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2704",,,,"Seven Planets",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2705",,,,"Tract of the government of planets",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2706",,,,"The Moon of Ptolome",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2707",,,,"Treatise on urines",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2708",,,,"To Know Evils",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 2709",,,,"Conscientia",,,,,"Religion","52 lines of Latin prose." "UMP 2731",,,,"Canticles",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2732",,,,"Charm for bloodletting",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 2733",,,,"Meditations",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2756",,,,"Medical Recipe",,,,,"Medicine","English prose" "UMP 2757",,,,"Two Medical Recipes",,,,,"Medicine","English prose" "UMP 2758",,,,"Three Medical Recipes",,,,,"Medicine","English prose" "UMP 2759",,,,"Two Medical Recipes",,,,,"Medicine","English prose" "UMP 2760",,,,"Two Latin Couplets",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2761",,,,"Medical Recipe",,,,,"Medicine","English prose" "UMP 2762",,,,"Medical Recipe",,,,,"Medicine","English prose" "UMP 2763",,,,"Miscellaneous Information about England",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 2764",,,,"Medical Recipe",,,,,"Medicine","English prose" "UMP 2765",,,,"Medical Recipe",,,,,"Religion","English prose" "UMP 2766",,,,"On the Death of Edward IV","Carmina qui letus cecini cano tristia mestus",,,,"History and Politics","Latin verse" "UMP 2800",,,,"On proverbial wisdom",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 2801",,,,"Treatise on preterites and supines",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2802",,,,"Treatise on heteroclite nouns",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2803",,,,"Treatise on Latin syntax",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2804",,,,"List of verbs parsed",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2805",,,,"Treatise on constructions",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2806",,,,"Liber Ricardini",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2807",,,,"Hymnale",,,,,"Religion","About 100 hymns written as prose." "UMP 2808",,,,"Sequentiale",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2809",,,,"Formula Vitae Honestae","De Quatuor Virtutibus",,,,"Religion", "UMP 2810",,,,"Prayer to Christ",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 2811",,,,"Imaginary letters",,,,,"Letters","Possibly for use as translation exercises." "UMP 2812",,,,"Letters in Latin",,,,,"Letters","A collection of letters in Latin in which Oxford and Magdalen College figure repeatedly." "UMP 2813",,,,"Verses on vocabulary",,,,,"Education and Grammar","with English glosses" "UMP 2814",,,,"Latin-English vocabulary",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2815",,,,"Verses by Stephanus Surigonus",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 2816",,,,"Treatise on compounds",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2820",,,,"Pellit et affatur",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2821",,,,"Auget et agmentat",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2822",,,,"Three Notes",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2823",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2824",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2825",,,,"Note",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2826",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2827",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2830",,,,"Vulgaria",,,,,"Education and Grammar","With both English and Latin versions." "UMP 2831",,,,"Vulgaria",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Short sentences and phrases in Latin and English." "UMP 2833",,,,"Notes and verses",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2834",,,,"Miscellaneous moral verses",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2835",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 2900",,,,"A letter from Warwick and Clarence to the commons of England",,,,"1470","Letters","Printed in Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995, pp. 218-219" "UMP 2901",,,,"Grammatical verses",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 2902",,,,"De regimine casuum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3000",,,,"A tretice of şe highest and moste worşy sacrament of Crists blessid body and şe merveillis şerof","Treatise on the Sacrament",,,,"Religion", "UMP 3001",,,,"Life of St Nicholas, Bishop of Myrre",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3002",,,,"Life of St Margaret",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3003",,,,"Fasciculus Morum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3004",,,,"Letter",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 3005",,,,"Forms or copies of letters and deeds",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 3006",,,,"Grammatical and memorial verses, with notes",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3007",,,,"Copies of letters",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 3008",,,,"Grammatical notes",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3009",,,,"Notes, including grammatical verses",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3010",,,,"Gloss on some liturgical offices",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3011",,,,"Forms of letters",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 3012",,,,"Statute quia emptores terrarum; Modus faciendi cartas etc.",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3013",,,,"Grammatical notes; De Regimine casuum etc.",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3014",,,,"Accounts",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3015",,,,"Abbreuiationes chronicorum",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3016",,,,"The weye vnto Rome",,,,,"Other texts","Itinerary of 65 locations from Calais to Jerusalem" "UMP 3017",,,,"Letter patent of Henry VIII",,,,,"Letters","Regarding the monastery of Faversham, Kent." "UMP 3018",,,,"Capitula to Vox Clamantis",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 3019",,,,"De lucis scrutino",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 3021",,,,"Le Donoit francois",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3023",,,,"Accounts",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3025",,,,"Collationes quadragesimales",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3029",,,,"Mnemonic verses",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 3033",,,,"On the sacraments",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3034",,,,"On confessing the deadly sins",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3035",,,,"Magna Carta (HIII confirmation)",,,,"6 Nov 1217","Records and documents", "UMP 3040",,,,"Writ on the Statute of Proclamation",,,,"1294","Records and documents", "UMP 3041",,,,"Incipit statutum de noua custuma",,,,"1305",, "UMP 3042",,,,"Statute of Priests and Clerks",,,,"1297","Records and documents", "UMP 3043",,,,"Incipiunt exposiciones vocabulorum contentorum in cart' libertatum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3045",,,,"Incipit Ordo excepcionem",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3047",,,,"On husbondrie",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3048",,,,"On the duties of the seneschal",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3049",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 3050",,,,"Writ",,,,,"Records and documents","Relating to SR i. 107" "UMP 3053",,,,"Translated extracts from Higden's Polychronicon",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics","Translations appear to be unique to Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86." "UMP 3056",,,,"London documents",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3057",,,,"Notes on Weights and Measures",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3058",,,,"Note on William the Conqueror",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3060",,,,"Notes on Measures",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3061",,,,"Settings of Ite missa est and Benedicamus domino",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3062",,,,"69 sequences, without music",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3063",,,,"Collect, secret and postcommunion, each naming Ralph",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3064",,,,"Blessings of Bread",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3073",,,,"Decem promouentia ad ascendendum in scala virtutum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3074",,,,"On the Host",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3075",,,,"Clamat dominus per os ysaie prophete cuntis cristi...",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3076",,,,"Sermons on the Sunday Epistles",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3077",,,,"Recipe","ad faciendum cementum",,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3080",,,,"Item oracio de sancta maria",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3081",,,,"Oratio",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3082",,,,"79 'sancta' invocations",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3083",,,,"Hours of the Compassion of B.V.M",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3084",,,,"Five salutations to the Cross",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3085",,,,"Oracio",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3086",,,,"End of prayer 'Domine Jesu Christe qui hanc sacratissimam carnem'",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3087",,,,"Oracio",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3088",,,,"Five aves",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3089",,,,"Oracio Sancti Augustini",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3090",,,,"Octo uersus sancti Barnardi",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3091",,,,"vigilie mortuorum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3092",,,,"Penitential Psalms",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3093",,,,"Against enemies",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3102",,,,"Table for determining Easter day, 1387-1527",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3169",,,,"Eight Ghostly Dwelling Places",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3170",,,,"The Seven Works of Mercy Bodily",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3171",,,,"Form of absolution by a confessor to a penitent",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3173",,,,"Household Inventory",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3174",,,,"Tabula ad inveniendum planetam",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3175",,,,"Two meditations",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3176",,,,"De Institutione Inclusarum",,,"Latin",,"Religion","See EETS OS 287" "UMP 3177",,,,"The boke of Tribulacyon",,,"French",,"Religion","A translation of the Old French prose text Li douze services de tribulacion" "UMP 3178",,,,"Extract from Chapter Four of Rolle's Form of Living.",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3179",,,,"Formulary",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 3180",,,,"Forty-one Petitions",,,,,"Records and documents","See M. Dominica Legge, Anglo-Norman Letters and Petitions. Anglo-Norman Texts 3. Oxford 1941." "UMP 3181",,,,"Tractatus orthographiae",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3182",,,,"Seventy-one letters",,,,,"Letters","See M. Dominica Legge, Anglo-Norman Letters and Petitions. Anglo-Norman Texts 3. Oxford 1941." "UMP 3183",,,,"340 letters",,,,,"Letters","See M. Dominica Legge, Anglo-Norman Letters and Petitions. Anglo-Norman Texts 3. Oxford 1941." "UMP 3200",,,,"De modo capiendi custumam in scardeburgh",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3201",,,,"Summa Fet asaver",,,,,"Law","G. E. Woodbine, ed., Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts (Yale University Press 1910) 53-115, followed straight on by a writ to arrest Roger Glere de Linne in execution of a recognizance made at Shrewsbury before Thomas Callou and Robert de Bockesers, clerk of the recognizances, to pay a debt to Richard, son of Richard de Bergh on 24 August 1299." "UMP 3202",,,,"Summa Magnum Heyngham",,,,,"Law","W. H. Dunham, ed., Radulphi de Hengham Summae (Cambridge 1932) 1-50." "UMP 3203",,,,"Summa Bastardye",,,,,"Law","Woodbine, Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts, p. 1 and n. 3." "UMP 3204",,,,"Summa Parvum Heyngham",,,,,"Law","Dunham, Radulphi de Hengham Summae, 51-71" "UMP 3205",,,,"Summa Cum Sit Necessarium",,,,,"Law","Woodbine, Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts, under the title ?Modus componendi brevia,? pp. 143-59" "UMP 3206",,,,"tractatus Corone",,,,,"Law", "UMP 3207",,,,"Articuli Corone",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3208",,,,"Statuta de antiquo dominico Corone",,,,,"Records and documents","A. J. Horwood, ed., Year Books of the Reign of King Edward the first, years XX and XXI. RS 39 pt. 16 (London 1866) xviii-xix" "UMP 3209",,,,"Summa cadit assisa",,,,,"Law","See Woodbine, Four Thirteenth Century Law Tracts, p. 1 and n. 4 giving references to Bracton; the text is preceded by an assize of mort d?ancestor by William of Kyrkby in the time of Edward I." "UMP 3210",,,,"dies nefasti",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3211",,,,"De quo waranto",,,,,"Records and documents","Sutherland, Quo Warranto Proceedings, p. 123 and n. 4 for the Scarborough claim (1279-81?)." "UMP 3212",,,,"On ancient liberties",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3213",,,,"Index of articles, largely against abuses by royal and franchisal officers",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3214",,,,"Cronice Anglie",,,,,"History and Politics","Computistic material, 5 verses to determine the number of years between Adam and Christ, and a brief chronology from the birth of Christ to the coronation of Edward II in 1308." "UMP 3215",,,,"Bone medicyne pur le Stomake",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3216",,,,"Writ",,,,,"Records and documents","Writ in French to the sheriff of Yorkshire, containing a mandate concerning the staple, and dated at Kenilworth 1 May 19 [Edward II], 1326; listed in the Calendar of the Patent Rolls 1324-1327, p. 269, with the text in the Calendar of the Patent Rolls 1327-1330, pp. 98-99." "UMP 3217",,,,"Register of writs",,,,,"Records and documents","beginning with a writ of right brought by William of Scarborough against H. de Rostoun; text ends defectively in a writ to the justices of the forest beyond the Trent concerning the lawing of dogs." "UMP 3218",,,,"Chronology, 1311-33",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3219",,,,"Inquisition held in Scarborough",,,,,"Records and documents","Concerning profits claimed by the burgesses from houses, watermills and windmills in and near Scarborough." "UMP 3220",,,,"List of contents",,,,,"Other texts","List of contents of the volume, arts. 1-37, 39-53, followed by chapter lists of the Magna Carta, of the provisions of Merton, of the statutes of Marlborough, Westminster I, Gloucester and Westminster II; in the lower margin of f. 209, added in a different hand, ?Sire loqui decus est decus est se sire tacere/ Hec duo si poteris sire peritus eris,? and a list of 8 names under the heading ?Donekyrk.?" "UMP 3221",,,,"Complaints of wrongdoing apparently in the borough court of Scarborough",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3222",,,,"Petition",,,,,"Records and documents","See the Rotuli parliamentorum 1:423, n. 24 for similar material in the first part of the petition (18 Edward II, 1324-25), here followed by the sheriff?s return dated at York, 5 March 1308, appointing John de Esthorp, his clerk, as his attorney to execute the writ." "UMP 3223",,,,"Tract on urines",,,,,"Science and Information","in twelve chapters." "UMP 3225",,,,"Here ben şe vertues of Rosemarye",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3226",,,,"Recipe for headaches",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3227",,,,"Two notes in Latin",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 3228",,,,"Miscellaneous recipes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3229",,,,"Brief notes on simples",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3231",,,,"Lac puelle",,,,,"Science and Information","used as a dye and as a medicine." "UMP 3232",,,,"Nominale",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3233",,,,"Medical notes and recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3234",,,,"Astrological notes and tables",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3235",,,,"The Boke of Astronomie",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3239",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3240",,,,"tretys of astronomye for lewide men",,,"Latin",,"Science and Information","prose translation of part of the tract known as Lunationes et somnia or Somnia Daniel" "UMP 3241",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3242",,,,"Charter of the London Weavers' Company",,,"Latin",,"Records and documents","Translation into English of an exemplification, 15 Oct. 39 Edw. III [1365], of a plea of Quo Warranto before Harry [Harvey] of Staunton and others at the Tower, Hilary, 14 Edw. II, against the Weavers' Gild of London. The proceedings, in the course of which they produced a charter of 31 Edw. I, confirming one of Henry II, and another charter of 14 Edw. II, are printed in Latin in Liber Custumarum (Munimenta Gildhallae, Rolls Series), ii, p. 416." "UMP 3243",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3244",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3281",,,,"Remedy for migraine",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3282",,,,"Added notes",,,,,"Other texts","such as 'Ego sum bonus puer cum deus'." "UMP 3283",,,,"Mixed recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3300",,,,"South English Legendary",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3333",,,,"Writ relating to franchises",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3334",,,,"Note",,,,,"Records and documents","Sutton and Stretford, as auditors of an account in a suit between Thomas Tenche and his bailiff Richard Warwike, have found Warwike £10 in arrears and by virtue of the relevant statute, unspecified, have arrested him and sent him to you, to be held until Tenche is satisfied. Coventry, Tuesday after St. James, 6 Henry VI." "UMP 3335",,,,"Notes by Stow",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 3336",,,,"Historical notes",,,,,"History and Politics","On 1561, 1564, 1565-67, 'Royal expenses at Boulogne'. English prose" "UMP 3337",,,,"List of books banned in 1531",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 3338",,,,"Historical notes",,,,,"History and Politics","On 1561 and 1562, including Richard Allington's confession of 1561." "UMP 3339",,,,"Historical note on 1563",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3340",,,,"Historical note on 1563",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3341",,,,"Historical note on 1563",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3342",,,,"Medical recipe",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3343",,,,"Three medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3344",,,,"Medical recipe",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3345",,,,"Three medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3346",,,,"Two medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3347",,,,"Two medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3348",,,,"Medical recipe",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3349",,,,"Notes on the terms of vacations",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 3350",,,,"Latin verses",,,,,"Other texts","Not recorded in Walther" "UMP 3351",,,,"On the Battle of Flodden, 1513",,,,,"History and Politics","Gairdner, Camden Soc, n.s. 28, pp. 87-89" "UMP 3353",,,,"On foreknowledge and predestination","De presciencia et predestinacione",,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 3354",,,,"Legenda aurea",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3355",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3356",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3375",,,,"Group terms",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3376",,,,"List of the Guilds of London",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3377",,,,"Mon cuer chaunte Ioyeuxsement",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 3378",,,,"şe answer of deşe agayne vn to man",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 3379",,,,"Versus Memoriales",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 3380",,,,"Da tua dum",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 3381",,,,"Sermones Parisiensis",,,,,"Religion","Homilies on the gospels throughout the year, printed as part ii of the sermons of Guillaume d'Auvergne, Bishop of Par's 1228-1249." "UMP 3382",,,,"Text on St Alban and the monastery","Offa rex Merceorum potentissimus",,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3450",,,,"Instructions for behaviour at table",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3451",,,,"Informacio",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3452",,,,"Treatise on the conjugation of irregular verbs","Queritur quot sunt verba anormalia?",,,,"Education and Grammar","with verses" "UMP 3453",,,,"Grammatical paragraphs",,,,,"Education and Grammar","with verses, on a variety of topics, including the formation of adverbs, the declension of nouns, with some English glosses and parallel English and Latin illustrative sentences." "UMP 3454",,,,"Treatise on heteroclite nouns",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3455",,,,"Treatise on construction",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Distinct version" "UMP 3456",,,,"Summa Penitencie",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3457",,,,"Latin-English vocabulary",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3458",,,,"Latin-English vocabulary",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3459",,,,"14 verses listing Latin verbs in semantic groupings",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3460",,,,"Treatise on the figures of construction",,,,,"Education and Grammar","with verses" "UMP 3461",,,,"Versus differenciales",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3462",,,,"Collection of quotations from Scripture",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Collection of quotations from Scripture which break grammatical rules beginning with Ps. 18.4 and ending with Ps. 47.7-8" "UMP 3463",,,,"Partes gramatice",,,,,"Education and Grammar","A treatise with verses, giving an account of grammar's place among the seven liberal arts and its main subdivisions, and then treating the forms of the verb in detail." "UMP 3464",,,,"Treatise, with verses, on the figures of speech",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3465",,,,"Terms of association",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 3466",,,,"Medical receipts",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3467",,,,"Emendatio vitae",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3505",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3666",,,,"Dedication to Edward IV",,,,,"History and Politics","Capgrave" "UMP 3667",,,,"Abbreuiacion of Cronicles",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3711",,,,"şe ten commaundementis of god",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3712",,,,"şe myrour of seynt Edmound",,,"Latin",,"Religion","One of the translations of St. Edmund Rich, Speculum Ecclesie; c.f. IPMEP 706, 799, 800." "UMP 3803",,,,"Lord's Prayer",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3804",,,,"Ave Maria",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3811",,,,"Prophesy",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 3814",,,,"Latin verses",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 3833",,,,"De prognosticis",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 3850",,,,"De fidei symbolis",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 3912",,,,"De ornamentis mulierum",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3913",,,,"Tractatus de pestilencia",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 3920",,,,"De remediis utriusque fortunae",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 3921",,,,"De legibus et consuetudinibus regni Angliae",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4000",,,,"Chronica Martini Poloni",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 4001",,,,"Sermon",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4002",,,,"Seventeenth-Century Accounts",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4003",,,,"Quod grammatica",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4004",,,,"A Sophisma",,,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 4005",,,,"Distinctions",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 4006",,,,"De proportionibus Sophismata",,,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 4007",,,,"De motu","On motion",,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4008",,,,"De quantitate","On quantity",,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4010",,,,"Sophismata",,,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 4011",,,,"Anima Juuenis",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4012",,,,"Notes",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 4013",,,,"Unum pater noster est melius duobus Aue Maria",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4014",,,,"Tract on Music",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4015",,,,"Notes on logic",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4016",,,,"De Ente et Essentia","On Being and Essence",,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 4017",,,,"Table of contents",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 4018",,,,"Letters addressed to the Chancellor",,,,,"Letters","under the following headings: ""Pur la sommonicion du parlement,"" ""Licence,"" ""Grauntz,"" ""Pardons,"" ""Collacions,"" ""Nominacions,"" ""Restitucions,"" ""Presentacions,"" ""Ratificacions,"" ""Sauf conduytz,"" and ""de diuerses natures""" "UMP 4019",,,,"Warrants to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4020",,,,"Au Tresorer dengleterre par soy et au Tresorer de lostel",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4021",,,,"Au Tresorers des guerres",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4022",,,,"Au Tresorer de Caleys",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4023",,,,"To the Justiciar and Chamberlain of Chester",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4024",,,,"To the Chamberlain and other officers of North and South Wales",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4025",,,,"Pur la guerre",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4026",,,,"To the Keeper of the Great Wardrobe",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4027",,,,"A diuerses Coillours; collectors of customs and subsidies",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4028",,,,"As Maires et autres officers ioyntement",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4029",,,,"To Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Justices, ""Gardeins diuerses,"" Escheators, Clerk of Arraigns, Constables and Captains of castles, Seneschals, Receivers, Farmers and Auditors,",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4030",,,,"Letter of Charles V. of France to the town of Abbeville; Melun sur Seine, 19 Mar. 1368.",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 4031",,,,"Lettres Patentes",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4032",,,,"Lettres; adresses a diuerses estatz en Guyene",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4033",,,,"""Omnegadrium;"" letters addressed to various persons for different. purposes",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4034",,,,"Pur venir au consail",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4035",,,,"Pur apprester monoie, chiualx et chariottes,""",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4036",,,,"Missiues",,,,,"Records and documents","Under this heading are copies of letters from the King of England to various foreign princes; with a few letters addressed to the King." "UMP 4037",,,,"Papal bulls",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4038",,,,"Exordies et extraitz des lettres",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 4050",,,,"Ovidium moralizatum",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 4051",,,,"De vita solitaria",,,,,"Philosophy", "UMP 4052",,,,"Biblia versificata et quotata",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4053",,,,"Treatise on neuter and abnormal verbs",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4054",,,,"Sum es fui",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Giving the conjugations of sum, possum, volo, nolo, fero, feror, malo, edo, and fio." "UMP 4055",,,,"Formula",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4056",,,,"Facetus",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4057",,,,"Proverbs in English and Latin",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 4058",,,,"Grammatical notes",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4059",,,,"Notes in English on Latin syntax",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4060",,,,"Treatise on syntax",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Beginning with neutro-passive verbs." "UMP 4061",,,,"Treatise on constructions",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4062",,,,"Treatise on defective verbs",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4063",,,,"Treatise on the declension of Greek nouns in Latin",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4064",,,,"Notes on etymology",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4065",,,,"A Cisiojanus",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4066",,,,"Collection of verses",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4067",,,,"Treatise on deponent verbs",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Treated alphabetically." "UMP 4068",,,,"Collection of latinitates",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4069",,,,"Treatise on orthography",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4070",,,,"Treatise on verbs",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4071",,,,"Treatise on orthography",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Distinct from UMP 4069." "UMP 4072",,,,"Treatise on prosody",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4074",,,,"Nominale",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4075",,,,"Nominale",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Apparently distinct from UMP 4074" "UMP 4076",,,,"List of numerals and their derived forms",,,,,"Education and Grammar","1-100" "UMP 4077",,,,"Verbale",,,,,"Education and Grammar","Covering first declension verbs and deponents." "UMP 4105",,,,"Traitie pour essampler les amantz marietz",,,"French",,"Literary texts", "UMP 4151",,,,"Statute of Lincoln","'de vicecomitibus'",,,"1316","Records and documents", "UMP 4152",,,,"Articuli super cartas",,,,"1300","Records and documents", "UMP 4153",,,,"Collection of legal definitions",,,,,"Law", "UMP 4154",,,,"Carta perdonacionis Edwardi tertii",,,,"1377","Records and documents","Inspeximus of chapters i-iv of SR. i. 396." "UMP 4155",,,,"Feoffment",,,,"4 Aug 1375","Records and documents","By John Payn, citizen and armourer of London to Thomas de Carleton, citizen of London, Alban, parson of the church of Hadham (co. Hertf), and four others of the manors of South Hall in Rainham and Wennington, and Great Warley, and lands in Rainham, Wennington, Warley and Bridge House (Upminster), co. Essex; the feofees to re-convey the premises in fee tail to Johanna, wife of the said John Payn, and her heirs by John Payn." "UMP 4156",,,,"Form of writ of summons to the Court of Chancery",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4157",,,,"Moral verses",,,,,"Other texts","Six lines." "UMP 4159",,,,"De libertatibus Londoniarum de tempore sancti Edwardi Regis",,,,,"Records and documents","An extract from the article 'De heretochiis' in the later version of the so-called 'Leges Edwardi Confessoris'." "UMP 4160",,,,"William the Conqueror's first charter to London",,,,,"Records and documents","The charter, with the same translations, occurs in Lib. Cust. p. 246." "UMP 4161",,,,"Documents connected with the eyre at the Tower of London",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4162",,,,"Charter of pardon",,,,"29 Feb. 1327","Records and documents","From Edward III, with the consent of Parliament, to the citizens of London for all offences committed in connection with the feud against the Despensers between 24 Sept. last past and the following 1 Feb." "UMP 4163",,,,"General pardon",,,,"4 March 1327","Records and documents","From Edward III, with the consent of Parliament, to the citizens of London for all obligations incurred by them to Edward II and his predecessors." "UMP 4164",,,,"Charter of liberties",,,,"6 March 1327","Records and documents","From Edward III, with the consent of Parliament, to the citizens of London." "UMP 4165",,,,"Writ to the sheriffs of London",,,,"1 March 1328","Records and documents","To release on bail Michael Bret, imprisoned in Newgate for the death of Thomas Apert." "UMP 4166",,,,"Ordinances of the Fishmongers of London",,,,,"Records and documents","Lib. Alb. pp. 379-385 with variants from Lib. Cust." "UMP 4167",,,,"Capitula dicenda pistoribus in halimoto suo",,,,,"Records and documents","Lib. Alb. pp. 356-358 and (continuation) Lib. Cust. pp. 104-5." "UMP 4168",,,,"Capitula dicenda piscenariis in halimoto suo",,,,,"Records and documents","Lib. Alb. pp. 373-77 with variants from Lib. Cust." "UMP 4169",,,,"Tariff",,,,,"Records and documents","The tariff contained in Lib. Alb, pp. 230-33, with variants from Liber Horn." "UMP 4170",,,,"Customs of Bridge Street",,,,,"Records and documents","Lib. Alb. pp. 234-237, 245-247 (with variants from Lib. Cust. and Lib. Horn)" "UMP 4171",,,,"La prise des vinis",,,,,"Records and documents","Lib. Alb. pp. 247-248 with variants from Lib. Horn." "UMP 4172",,,,"Assaium albi panis",,,,"6 Nov 1342","Records and documents","Taken before Simon Fraunceis, Mayor, and the aldermen, by John de Enefeld, John atte Barnett, John de Keslingbury, and Nicholas Blosme." "UMP 4177",,,,"Carta cissorum Londoniarum",,,,"6 Feb 1341","Records and documents","Inspeximus by Edward III of his own charter[10 March 1327] to the Tailors and Linen Armourers." "UMP 4178",,,,"Proclamacio confecta secundum tenorem statutorum et consuetudinem ciuitatis Londoniarum",,,,,"Records and documents","Lib. Alb. pp. 280-2 with variants from Lib. Cust. and Lib. Horn." "UMP 4179",,,,"Carta pistoribus et molendinarlis",,,,"26 May 1341","Records and documents","Inspeximus by Edward III of his confirmation [20 March 1327] of regulations by Edward II as to the punishment of fraudulent bakers and millers." "UMP 4180",,,,"Carta de amocione aldermannorum",,,,"22 Nov. 1376","Records and documents","Charter of Edward III concerning an ambiguity in the articles granted by Edward II (above, item 56) as to the removal of aldermen after their year of office." "UMP 4181",,,,"Carta quod alienigene non tenebunt hospicia in Londoniis",,,,"4 Dec. 1376","Records and documents","Letters patent of Edward III in response to a petition of the mayor, aldermen and commons." "UMP 4182",,,,"Adhuc de eisdem",,,,"1376","Records and documents","Letters patent of Edward III forbidding foreigners to sell to other foreigners in the city of London for the purpose of resale." "UMP 4183",,,,"Carta pro clauis seruientium ciuitatis Londoniarum",,,,"10 June 1354","Records and documents","Notification to the mayor and sheriffs of London that the serjeants deputed to bear maces are to bear them of gold or silver." "UMP 4184",,,,"Extract from an inspeximus by Richard II of his charter of confirmation to London of 4 Dec 1377",,,,"1 Feb 1378","Records and documents","At the request of the citizens of Norwich." "UMP 4185",,,,"Petition from the Merchant Taylors in London to the Bishop of London",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4186",,,,"Les articlis (sic) de Wardemoot tenue en Loundres",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4187",,,,"Letters patent of Richard II notifying his answer to the petition of the mayor, aldermen and commons of London against usurers",,,,"25 Oct 1382","Records and documents", "UMP 4188",,,,"Regulations as to oblations from householders to parish churches in London",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4189",,,,"Writ of false judgement",,,,"1382-1394","Records and documents","To the sheriff of Essex in a suit for landed property between John Organe of London and John Lancastre of Hatfield Brodok [Hatfield Broadoak, Essex] in the court of queen Anne at Hauerynge atte Boure." "UMP 4190",,,,"Regula",,,,,"Other texts","In verse" "UMP 4191",,,,"Sentence of Hervy de Staunton, Chief Justice",,,,"1321","Records and documents","At the London eyre, taking the mayoralty into the King's hand owing to the illegal proceedings of John Gisors, a former mayor." "UMP 4195",,,,"Office of the Dead (Sarum)",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4196",,,,"Memorials to the Saints",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4197",,,,"Documents relating to London and some statutes, writs etc",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4200",,,,"The propertys that longy the to a yonge gentylleman",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4201",,,,"Prognostications from the weather",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4202",,,,"Namys of the byscheppe richys of alle Yngelonde",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 4203",,,,"The termys of venery",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4205",,,,"Notes on indulgences, together with two prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4206",,,,"Psalter",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4207",,,,"Hours of the Virgin",,,,,"Religion","French verse" "UMP 4208",,,,"Hours of the Dead",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4209",,,,"Bestiaire d?amour",,,,,"Science and Information","bestiary" "UMP 4210",,,,"Rules for ensuring love and friendship","La Diffinission de Amurs",,,,"Other texts","see T. Hunt, 'Anglo-Norman Rules of Friendship', French Studies Bulletin, 30 (1989), pp. 9-11." "UMP 4211",,,,"Charm for a sore or wound",,,,,"Science and Information","Printed in T. Hunt, Popular Medicine in Thirteenth-century England. Introduction and Texts (Cambridge, 1990), p. 88." "UMP 4212",,,,"Sermon on penance",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4213",,,,"Notes on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4214",,,,"Charms",,,,,"Science and Information","Printed in Hunt 1990, pp. 88-89." "UMP 4215",,,,"Manuel des Péchés",,,,,"Religion","handbook of sins. See F. J. Furnival, Roberd of Brunne's Handlyng Synne (written A. D. 1303) with the French treatise on which it is founded, Le Manuel des Pechiez (London, 1862; Roxburghe Club, 81)." "UMP 4216",,,,"St Patrick?s Purgatory",,,,,"Religion","French. A metrical version, with prologue and epilogue added by the translator. In 859 octosyllabic lines altogether For further details of the text, see Ward, Catalogue of Romances, II, 471 ? 74. See also J. Vising, Le Purgatoire de S. Patrice des manuscrits Harley 273 et fonds français 2198 (Göteborg, 1916)" "UMP 4217",,,,"La Pleinte d'Amour",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 4218",,,,"Prayers",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4219",,,,"Rules for grinding and mixing colours",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4220",,,,"Charms, in Latin, with directions for using them in French",,,,,"Science and Information","Printed in T. Hunt, Popular Medicine in Thirteenth-century England. Introduction and Texts (Cambridge, 1990), p. 89-90." "UMP 4224",,,,"Sentencia super cartas lata",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4300",,,,"De confessione & prima narraciones siue exempla",,,,,"Religion","Sermon type literature." "UMP 4301",,,,"The Chastising of God's Children",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4302",,,,"Part of an item on the feast of the Holy Name",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4303",,,,"Festial",,,,,"Religion","John Mirk." "UMP 4304",,,,"Contes Moralises",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4305",,,,"Epistle of Othea",,,"French",,"Military and heraldry","Translation of Christine de Pizan." "UMP 4335",,,,"Statuta Civitatis Londoniarum",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4336",,,,"Statuta feliciter",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4337",,,,"Presbiteri stipendiari",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4338",,,,"Constitucionis memorate",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4339",,,,"Constitucio Iohannis Peccham",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4340",,,,"Excommunication",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4341",,,,"Hec sunt festa que observare debemus",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4342",,,,"Conquestio Petri Blesensis Bathoniensis archi- diaconus (sic) super nimia dilacione Ierosolimitani itincris",,,,,"Religion","op. iv of Goussainville (Migne, Patr. Lat. ccvii. 1057)." "UMP 4343",,,,"On the life of Reginald of Chatillon",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4344",,,,"Exortatio ad eos qui nec accipiunt nec predicant crucem",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4345",,,,"epistole Petri Blesensis Bathoniensis archidiaconi",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 4346",,,,"Compendium in Job",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4347",,,,"Liber Petri Blesensis archidiaconi London. de amicicia Christiana et dilexione dei et proximi",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4348",,,,"Opusculum Petri Blesensis archidiaconi London. contra perfidiam Iudeorum",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4349",,,,"Chronicle of Britain from the Creation",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 4356",,,,"Some proverbs of Solomon",,,,,"Religion","Biblical excerpts" "UMP 4357",,,,"Tract on the Decalogue",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4358",,,,"Biblical excerpts",,,,,"Religion","Ending with a citation of Levit. 26" "UMP 4359",,,,"On the outer wits, seven deadly sins and remedies",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4360",,,,"A sacrament tract",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4361",,,,"Commentary on the Athanasian creed",,,,,"Religion", "UMP 4400",,,,"Turpin's Chronicle",,,"Latin","1206","History and Politics","French translation made in 1206 for Renaud, Count of Bologne. In 39 chapters, with introduction. For more details of the contents, see Ward, Catalogue of Romances, I, pp. 588-89. See R. N. Walpole, The Old French Johannes Translation of the 'Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle'. A Critical Edition' (Berkeley, 1976)." "UMP 4451",,,,"Terms of Carving",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 4452",,,,"Seruicia dominorum ad coronacionem regis Anglie",,,,,"History and Politics","On the coronation of Richard II." "UMP 4453",,,,"Solempnitas coronacionis",,,,,"History and Politics","The order of service at the coronation of a king, in this case, Richard II." "UMP 4454",,,,"Exequie regales quum ex hoc seculo reges migrare contigerint","Funeral services of kings",,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 4455",,,,"Modus tenendi parliamentum",,,,,"History and Politics", "UMP 4456",,,,"Officium marescalli et constabularii Anglie",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 4457",,,,"Ordinances of war",,,,"1385","Military and heraldry", "UMP 4458",,,,"Account of the campaign of Edward I in Scotland in 1296",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 4459",,,,"On the creation of heralds",,,,,"Military and heraldry","Attributed to Julius Caesar." "UMP 4460",,,,"The foundation of the Order of the Garter",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 4461",,,,"The foundation of the Knights of the Bath",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 4462",,,,"Tractatus magistri Johannis de Bado Aureo",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 4463",,,,"Tractatus de insigniis et armis",,,,,"Military and heraldry", "UMP 4500",,,,"Speculum Doctrinale",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4570",,,,"Historia destructione Troie",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 4571",,,,"Historia de preliis Alexandri Magni",,,,,"Literary texts", "UMP 4572",,,,"Greek alphabet without names",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4573",,,,"De quibusdam propriis nominibus",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4574",,,,"De preposicionibus grecis",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4575",,,,"Miscellaneous verses in Latin",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 4576",,,,"Ad habendam rithmicam scienciam",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4577",,,,"De declinationibus nominum secundum L",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4578",,,,"De preteritis et supinis verborum secundum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 4579",,,,"John Bale's Latin account of Chaucer and his works",,,,,"Other texts", "UMP 5000",,,,"Obit",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 5001",,,,"Grammatical verses",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "UMP 5005",,,,"Vita Sancti Thomae Cantuariensis",,,,,"Religion","William Fitzstephen." "UMP 7001",,,,"Forms of grants and notes on tenures and other legal matters, chiefly relating to London",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7002",,,,"Forms of obligations and bonds relating to London",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7004",,,,"Rule for using the prime and Sunday letter",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 7005",,,,"Model state letters",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 7006",,,,"Forms of letters for a poor scholar",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 7007",,,,"Computation of proceeds of a fifteenth and tenth from laymen throughout England and a tenth from clergy of each province",,,,,"Science and Information", "UMP 7008",,,,"Note on the legal terms Assise de point assise, Assise large, Assise de droit dez damages, and Assise hors de point assise",,,,,"Law", "UMP 7009",,,,"Forms of presentation, certificate of banns, testimonials",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7010",,,,"Forms of fiat for great and privy seals",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7011",,,,"Indentures and acquittances relating to London",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7012",,,,"Powers of attorney",,,,,"Law", "UMP 7013",,,,"Licences to debtors to go abroad free from arrest for specified terms",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7014",,,,"Assignments of apprenticeship",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7015",,,,"Manumissions",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7016",,,,"Wills and codicils",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7017",,,,"Littere testimoniales",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 7018",,,,"Miscellaneous deeds",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7019",,,,"Conditional feoffments and other deeds",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7020",,,,"Medical recipes, mainly for the eyes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 7021",,,,"Medical recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "UMP 7022",,,,"'Magna Carta' (Edward I's confirmation): the Latin text with a legal commentary in English",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7023",,,,"Form of deed",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7024",,,,"Forms of entry upon court-roll of the manor of Iseldon Berners [in Islington, co. Midd.]",,,,,"Records and documents", "UMP 7025",,,,"Letters in English",,,,,"Letters", "UMP 7026",,,,"Wills",,,,,"Records and documents", "VK 1350.00","IMEP XIII (24:306[33])",,,"By certain tokens ye may know in larks the cock from the hen first the hen is a more greater feeder",,,,"s.xvi","Science and Information", "VK 260.00",,,,"Medical recipes",,,"English",,"Medicine", "VK 2611.00",,,,"Thundering in Divers Times of the Year",,,,,"Science and Information","Similar text in M. Forster, ""Beitrage zur mittelalterlichen Volkskunde,"" Archiv fur das Studium der Neuren Sprachen 128 (1912) 287-88" "VK 2626.00",,,,"How Divers Years Often Fall Through Changing of Days",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 2720.00",,,,"If thou will know in what sign and in what degree and of what sign evermore the moon is in",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 2798.00","IMEP XIII (19:306[26])",,,"Perilous Days of the Months of the Year",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 2992.00",,,,"How Thou Shall Be Governed Every Month of the Year, Good Governance",,,,,"Science and Information","Similar text in Dawson, pp. 58-62" "VK 3047.00",,,,"Perilous days",,,,,"Science and Information","Kurvinen 1953. Similar text of the dies nefastae or egyptiacae in W. R. Dawson, ed. A Leechbook or Collection of Medical Recipes of the Fifteenth Century (London 1934), 328." "VK 3206.00","IMEP XIII (19:306[17])",,,"It is to understand that a man is made of four elements and every man hath four","Treatise on the elements and humours",,,,"Science and Information", "VK 3380.00","VK 7327.00","IPMEP 438",,"Treatise on the astrolabe (Prologue)",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 3613.00","IMEP XIII (19:306[39])","Gairdner 1880: xxvii","Furnivall, EETs os 15: 61","The Longitude of Men","Heights of the famous",,,,"Science and Information", "VK 3651.00",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Medicine", "VK 4253.00",,,,"Recipes",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 4942.00",,,,"Take an egg and put him nine nights in strong vinegar and then take it out and thou",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 5593.00","IMEP XIII (19:306[16])",,,"Medicines of Leechcraft",,,,"s.xvi","Medicine","Collection of 35 recipes, mainly medical, though one recipe is against flies and others are for catching birds, fish and rabbits." "VK 565.00",,,,"A an hot winter a summer with tempests where shall yield good bushels abundance of garden",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 6043.00",,,,"Virtues of the Adder's Skin","De Corio Serpentis",,,,"Science and Information", "VK 6629.00","IMEP XIII (19:306[18])",,,"The bones in a man been in number two hundred seventeen the veins been three hundred sixty-five",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 6853.00","IMEP XIII (23:306[29])",,,"The hare the hart the wolf and the wild boar / Of venery there been no more",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 6891.00",,,,"Conditions that be in Man",,,,,"Science and Information", "VK 7484.00","VK 2801",,,"In January drink white wine forbear bloodletting for any thing for there been seven",,,,,"Science and Information","dietary" "VK 7611.00",,,,"To know if a man shall live or die look when his brows fall adown or his eyes sink into his head",,,,,"Science and Information"," cf. IMEV/S 3998, 4033, IMEV 4047; Robbins 1970 Signs." "VK 8014.00","IMEP V (51:12195[13])",,,"Book of Ipocras","Book of Ypocras",,,,"Science and Information","Astrological medicine." "VK 8160.00",,,,"Good Days To Be Let Blood",,,,,"Science and Information", "Von Schulte II, p. 115 [15.1]",,,,"Decretales Gregorii IX",,,,,"Religion","Includes the gloss of Bernard de Botone of Parma." "Von Schulte II, p. 119 [16.3]",,,,"Novellae Innocentii IV",,,,,"Religion", "Walther 10821","Fulgheri 1980",,,"Babio","De Babione",,,,"Literary texts","12th century Latin comedy. 484 lines of elegiac distichs." "Walther 12337","Wright, Mapes: 180-82",,,"Convocacio sacerdotum",,,,,"Religion", "Walther 12817",,,,"O niger intrusor",,,,,"Religion", "Walther 13013",,,,"Fortune",,,,,"Literary texts", "Walther 13985","Walther 20582","Hilka-Schumann, Carmina Burana No. 101",,"Fall of Troy",,,,,"History and Politics","Attributed to Peter of Saintes" "Walther 1432","Hilka 1926",,,"Debate between Michael of Cornwall and Henry of Avranches","Versus contra Henricum Abrincensem",,,"1254-5","Literary texts","Forming part of the poetry contest between Michael and Henry of Avranches. Hilka 1926. 1276 lines of leonine verse" "Walther 15015",,,,"Que noua praua nimis peiora nouissima primis",,,,,"Other texts","Riddle." "Walther 15736",,,,"De modo curandi",,,,,"Science and Information","Twenty lines of verse." "Walther 16078","Wright, Political Poems 2: 114-18",,,"Execution of Archbishop Scrope",,,,,"History and Politics", "Walther 17537",,,,"Septem sunt cara",,,,,"Science and Information","Ten lines of verse." "Walther 17915","Wright, Mapes: 93-95",,,"Debate between the Heart and the Eye",,,,,"Religion","CF IMEV 3699" "Walther 18075",,,,"Latin Couplet",,,,,"Other texts", "Walther 18302","Rigg 1986",,,"De coniuge non ducenda","Why one shouldn't take a wife",,,,"Literary texts", "Walther 18944","Mozely and Raymo 1980",,,"Speculum stultorum",,,,,"Literary texts","Attributed to Nigel Whiteacre. Satirical." "Walther 19420",,,,"Verses on the Popes",,,,,"History and Politics", "Walther 20216","Pareto 1983: 11-93",,,"Miles Gloriosis","The Braggart Warrior",,,,"Literary texts","Ed. Silvano Pareto in Commedie latine del XII e XIII secolo IV (Genoa, 1983) , pp. 11-93" "Walther 20582",,,,"Fall of Troy",,,,,"History and Politics", "Walther 2826",,,,"Prognostication","Clara dies Pauli bona tempora denotat anni",,,,"Science and Information","Latin verse" "Walther 5041","Wright, Political Poems 1: 41-51",,,"Battle of Neville's Cross 1346",,,,,"History and Politics", "Walther 6296",,"Wright 1859-61","Sharpe 1997 #619","Prophecy of John of Bridlington",,,,"1400?","History and Politics", "Walther 6833","Wright, Political Poems 1: 26-40",,,"Battle of Crécy 1346",,,,,"History and Politics", "Walther 7272","Bertini 1980",,,"Geta",,,,,"Literary texts","Vitalis of Blois. Drama." "Walther 7883",,,,"Versified List of Archbishops of Canterbury",,,,,"History and Politics", "Walther 91","Strecker 1928",,,"Apocalypsis Goliae",,,,,"Religion", "Walther Initia 14555",,,,"Prima dies celum format, creat altera lucem",,,,,"Religion","4 lines of verse" "Walther Initia 17029",,,,"De Lupo",,,,,"Literary texts", "Walther Initia 18159",,,,"Vita beate Marie Egyptiace",,,,,"Religion", "Walther Initia 19326",,,,"Tot video gentes",,,,,"Other texts","36 lines" "Walther Initia 19812",,,,"Novus Aesopus",,,,,"Literary texts", "Walther, Initia 11220","Morel-Fatio 1886",,,"Facetus",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Walther, Initia 2676",,,,"Exoticon","Guide to Strange Words",,,,"Education and Grammar","Twenty couplets, with interlinear Latin glosses and an explanation, 'Sentencia istorum est...'." "Walther, Initia 5975",,,,"Thobias",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Walther, Initia I.116, no. 2307",,,,"Prophecy of St Thomas",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics", "Walther, Initia I.330, No. 6576",,,,"De Henrico 6",,,,,"History and Politics", "Walther, Initia I.353, no. 7015",,,,"Prophecy",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics", "Walther, Initia I.58, no. 1128"," Ward, Cat. of Romances I, 323",,,"Prophecia William de Stapulton",,,"Latin","1379?","History and Politics", "Walther, Initia I.864, no. 16457",,,,"Prophecy",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics", "Walther, Initia, I:1035, no. 19738",,,,"Urbs Uerolamia tua",,,"Latin",,"Literary texts","Two line poem." "Walther, Sprichworter 11871",,,,"Latin proverb",,,,,"Other texts", "Walther, Sprichworter 3250","Walther, Sprichworter 21633",,,"Notes",,,,,"Other texts", "Walther, Sprichworter: 2456",,,,"Caspar fert",,,,,"Other texts", "Walther, Versanf 12214",,,,"Versus grammaticales",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Walther, Versanf, 1165",,,,"Verses on major fourteenth century events",,,,,"History and Politics", "Walther, Versanf: 16951",,,,"Avianus",,,,,"Literary texts", "Walther, Versanf: 1767",,,,"Liber equiuocorum",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Walther, Versanf: 664",,,,"Theodolus",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Walther, Versanf: 9955",,,,"Materia parui doctrinalis",,,,,"Education and Grammar", "Walther: 4582",,,,"Disparibus meritis pendent tria corpora ramis",,,,,"Religion","5 lines" "Ward, Cat. of Romances I, 314",,,,"Hermenis dominus sapientum",,,,,"History and Politics", "Ward, Cat. of Romances I, 317",,,,"Prophecy",,,"Latin",,"History and Politics", "Ward, Cat. of Romances I, 322, no. 30",,,,"Versus de Britannia editi de Magistro Donakamme",,,,,"History and Politics", "Wattenbach 1892",,,,"Epistola Sathanae",,,,,"Religion", "Webb 1909",,,,"Policraticus","Entheticus ad Policratum",,,,"History and Politics","ed. C. C. J. Webb (Oxford, 1909) ed. K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, CCCM 118 (1193)" "West 1889",,,,"Philobiblon de Laude Librorum",,,,"1345","Other texts", "Wilkins, Concilia, i. 477-9",,,,"Statutes of Archbishop Richard of Dover",,,,"1175","Records and documents","AS Cat: On the text of the canons, see Cheney, 'Legislation', at 385-8" "Wilkins, Concilia, i. 530-1",,,,"So-called statutes of Archbishop Stephen Langton",,,,"1210","Records and documents","Cheney 'Legislation' (EHR 50, 1935), 398-400, rejects a connection between with Archbishop Langton" "Wilkins, Concilia, i. 597",,,,"Constitutions of Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury",,,,,"Records and documents","C. R. Cheney, 'Legislation of the Medieval English Church', HER 50 (1935), 193-224, 385-417 at 400 (repr. in C. R. Cheney, The English Church and its Laws in the 12th-14th Centuries (London, 1982), ch. 1), rejects any connection with Abp. Stephen Langton." "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 274-5",,,,"Commission of Robert Winchelsey, archbishop of Canterbury, to Walter Thorpe, dean of the Arches, concerning the fixing of beginnings in cases where tuition has been granted",,,,"1303","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 278-80",,,,"So-called statutes of Archbishop Robert Winchelsey",,,,,"Records and documents","AS Cat: See Powicke and Cheney, ii. 1389-93, also Cheney 'So-called Statutes', 31, 28, 29-30, and 'Legislation', at 409-13" "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 278-83",,,,"So-called Statutes of Archbishop Robert Winchelsey",,,,,"Records and documents","Title from AS Cat:. See C. R. Cheney, 'The So-Called Statutes of John Pecham and Robert Winchelsey for the Province of Canterbury', JEH 12 (1961), 14-34 (repr. in Cheney, The English Church, ch. IX)." "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 303-4",,,,"Statute of Archbishop Robert Winchelsey for the administration of the Court of Canterbury",,,,"1309","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 423",,,,"Commission of Henry Eastry, prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, to Richard Clyve, as commissary general of Canterbury during the vacancy",,,,"1313","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 497",,,,"Letter of Edward II, quoting the writ Circumspecte agatis",,,,"1320","Letters", "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 497-8",,,,"Commission issued by Archbishop Walter Reynolds to the officials of the church of Canterbury and the Dean of the Court of Arches concerning the sequestration of fruits of benefices",,,,"1320","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 513a-514b; 512-13","Spelman, Concilia, ii (1664), 497-8; 499-500",,,"Canons of the provincial council held by Archbishop Simon Mepham",,,,"1322","Records and documents","AS Cat: Wilkins ascribes them to Archbishop Walter Reynolds [Spelman ascribes them to Mepham]." "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 552-4",,,,"Canons of the provincial council of Archbishop Simon Mepham",,,,"1328","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 560-1",,,,"Statutes of Archbishop Simon Mepham",,,,"1332","Records and documents","AS Cat: The so-called statutes of Mepham." "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 560-1 (Ex Scripturis)",,,,"Provincial Constitution Ex Scripturis of Archbishop Simon Islip",,,,"1362","Records and documents","AS Cat: [Printed in Wilkins] from an inferior text derived from Spelman's Consilia, dated 1332 and attributed to Archbishop Simon Mepham" "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 571-4",,,,"Statutes of Henry Burghersh, bishop of Lincoln",,,,"1334","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 681 95*/15",,,,"Statutes of Archbishop John Stratford",,,,"1342","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 694-5",,,,"Statutes of Archbishop John Stratford",,,,"1342","Records and documents","Final section." "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 695",,,,"Forms of oaths to be taken by examiners, advocates, proctors, and clerks of the Court of Canterbury",,,,,"Records and documents","AS Cat: [Printed by Wilkins] as the last four chapters of statutes of Archbishop John Stratford for the Court of Canterbury" "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 696-702",,,,"Canons of the provincial councils of Archbishop John Stratford",,,,"1342","Records and documents","AS Cat: These form the second series of Stratford's canons, as described by Cheney, 'Legislation', at 415-17. For ?copies with 'secundum aliquos libros' see Cheney, loc. cit. 416, n.4. For Lyndwood's uncertainty on the date see Cheney, 'Lyndwood'." "Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 702-9","Wilkins, Concilia, ii. 147","Powicke and Cheney ii. 1009","Powicke and Cheney ii. 1389-91","Canons of the provincial council of Archbishop John Stratford, 1342, issued May 1343",,,,"1343","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 135-6",,,,"Constitutions of Archbishop Simon Sudbury",,,,,"Records and documents","Wilkins edition is from Lambeth Palace Library, Reg. Sudbury." "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 15-16",,,,"Mandate of Archbishop Simon Sudbury",,,,"1378","Records and documents","AS Cat: repeating that of Archbishop Simon Islip, 1352 and distinguishing between the rights attaching to the office of principal registrar and those of the scribes of the Court of Canterbury." "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 178-9",,,,"Constitution of Pope Urban VI concerning the celebration of the feast of St Anne",,,,"1383","Records and documents","From a mandate of Archbishop William Courtenay (Lambeth Palace Library, Reg. Courtenay)" "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 212",,,,"A ruling of Archbishop William Courtenay, concerning the oaths to be sworn by officials of the Court of Canterbury",,,,"1390","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 213-14",,,,"Constitution of Archbishop Robert Winchelsey, concerning stipendiary priests",,,,,"Records and documents","C. R. Cheney, 'William Lyndwood's Provinciale', Jurist, 21 (1961), 405-34 at 417n. 45, repr. id., Medieval Texts and Studies (Oxford, 1973), 158-84, at 168-9, n. 7, comments that these constitutions may be a genuine pronouncement of the archbishop and that they were in any case re-issued as an official decree for the province by Archbishops Courtenay and Chichele." "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 217-18",,,,"A ruling of Archbishop William Courtenay, concerning an increase in the fees of registrars of the Court of Canterbury",,,,"1391/2","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 234b-235a/49",,,,"Constitution of Archbishop Roger Walden concerning the celebration of the feasts of Sts David, Chad, Winifred, and Thomas of Canterbury",,,,"1398","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 263-4",,,,"A ruling of Archbishop Thomas Arundel concerning proctors",,,,,"Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 273-4",,,,"A ruling of Archbishop Thomas Arundel concerning proctors",,,,"1403","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 314-19",,,,"Statutes of Archbishop Thomas Arundel",,,,"1408","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 370a/48-370b/42",,,,"Statute of Archbishop Henry Chichele, concerning bigamous laity and married clergy",,,,"1414","Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 427-8",,,,"A ruling of Archbishop Henry Chichele, concerning the administration of the Court of Arches",,,,,"Records and documents", "Wilkins, Concilia, iii. 50-1","Reg. Sudbury I","Canterbury and York Soc. 34, 193-5",,"Provincial constitution Effrenata of Archbishop Simon Islip, fixing the salaries of unbeneficed clergy",,,,"1362","Records and documents","Reg. Sudbury i, dated 9th Nov 1362" "Wilkins, Consilia, i. 635-40","Powicke and Cheney, i. 57-96",,,"So-called canons of the provincial council of Archbishop Edmund Rich",,,,"c. 1236","Records and documents","AS Cat: Cheney, 'Legislation', at 400-2, rejects a connection with Abp. Rich: chs. 1-38 (those in All Souls MS 42) are a word-for-word repetition of clauses in the Salisbury constitutions of Bp. Richard Poore, 1217-22, pr. Powicke and Cheney, i. 57-96" "Wilkins, Consilia, ii. 27",,,,"Precept of Archbishop Robert Kilwardby, concerning the swearing of oaths by advocates and proctors in the Court of Arches",,,,"1275","Records and documents", "Willis 1983",,,,"De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii",,,,,"Science and Information","De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii: ed. J. Willis, Teubner (1983)." "Wright 1842",,,,"Affra and Flavio",,,"Latin",,"Literary texts","Thomas Wright, ed., A Selection of Latin Stories (London: Percy Society, 1842)." "Wright, RS 14/1 (1859), 1. 123?215","Sharpe LW, 242",,,"Commentary on John of Bridlington?s Prophetia",,,,,"History and Politics", "YB, 14 Henry IV",,,,"Year Book, 14 Henry IV",,,,,"Law",