"Classmark","DateCreated","Period","SecundoFolio","Contents","Ornament","Measurements","NoCols","LinesPerCol","RulingComments","Material","NoLeaves","NoQuires","Collation","Watermarks","Binding","OtherComments","SourceOfMSInfo" "Aberystwyth National Library of Wales Peniarth 392 (Hg)","1400-1404","1400 - 1450",,"Canterbury Tales","Blue initials (2-line, extending above the first line of text for several more lines) with red penwork marking the openings of tales, prologues, and links. Blue paraphs mark lesser textual divisions and glosses. The opening page of the Canterbury Tales (fol. 2r) begins with a 7-line initial W in blue, gold, and an orange-red. The text is surrounded by a full border?bars of the same colours, decorated with knots and trefoils?although the heading (Here bygynnyth the Book of the tales of Caunterbury), in a goldish-brown ink, is above, and in places overlapped by, the top bar.","290 x 205 mm (trimmed irregularly). Approximately 290 x 205 mm (trimmed irregularly).","1","39-44","Written space variable from 210-230 x 115-130 mm.","Parchment","250","31","I-V8, VI2, VII6, VIII-XI8, XII6, XIII-XX8, XXI8+1, XXII8, XXIII-XXVIII8, XXIX10, XXX-XXXI8.","N/A","Post medieval: Rebound at the National Library of Wales in 1956 in red morocco, blind stamped diamond and rectangular geometrical patterns, with metal ring and hook clasps and braided leather hinges. Sewn on five double bands. This binding replaces dark, tanned goat(?) on older (medieval?) oak boards, removed and stored in 1930 (see Doyle & Parkes 1979, pp. xxxix-xlii [includes photographs of the old boards]; Manly-Rickert 1:267).","Parchment: ?more probably sheep than calf...of middling thickness and quality, with a good mat (velvety) finish? (Doyle & Parkes 1979, pp. xxi), trimmed and very stained. Portions eroded (gnawed by rats?) have been replaced with blank parchment (1956). The earliest evidence of ownership, [c. 1550], is that of a signature on fol. 87r: 'ffouke Dutton Huius ly(bri) est possesoer'. The name is erased but still visible under UV light. (Mosser, 2000). Acquisition: 'The Hengwrt Chaucer is included in a 1658 catalogue of manuscripts belonging to Colonel Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt, Meirionethshire. In 1859, a descendent, Sir Robert Williames Vaughan left the MS to W. W. E. Wynne, of Peniarth. Sir John Williams acquired the MS from the estate of Wynne's son, W. R. M. Wynne and subsequently donated it to the National Library of Wales in 1909 (Manly and Rickert 1:282-3)' (Mosser, 2000).","Stubbs 2000" "Barnstaple, North Devon Athenaeum 1618","s.xiv/xv",,,"Guido Faba, 'Exordia Senece'","None","220 x 145mm","1","35","Written space 168 x 100mm","Paper","16","1","I16","Not mentioned in Ker","None",,"MMBL II" "Barnstaple, North Devon Athenaeum 3960","s.xv1","1400 - 1450",,"Logica, etc.","None","150 x 115mm","1","varies","Written space c. 135 x 87mm. Frame ruling open at the foot.","Paper","i + 40 + i, together with a slip, ff. 4, 7","5","I-IV8 (ff. 1-3, 5, 6, 8-42: 4 + 7 is a slip) V4, f. 30, is a small fragment only.","Not noted in Ker","Limp parchment cover, the quires attached to it by string at four points or (quire 1) by a narrow strip of rolled up parchment at two points.","Many pages not full. Flyleaves parchment.","MMBL II" "Bristol All Saints Church 1","s.xv1","1400 - 1450",,"W. Peraldus, Sermones, etc.","2-line spaces left for initials have not been filled. Capital letters in the ink of the text touched with red on ff. 18v-32r.","220 x 142mm","1","25-35","Written space c. 170 x 115. No ruling; sometimes a vertical bounder was made by folding the edge of the paper.","Paper","iii + 190 + iii","12","I16 (wants 3, perhaps blank, after 2) II-III16 IV12 (+ 2 ins. after 12 (ff. 59, 60)) V24 VI16 VII22 VIII-IX16 X-XI12 XII12 (wants 11, probably blank, after f. 189)","Not mentioned in Ker","Post medieval: s.xx. The old wrappers have been preserved, now ff. iii and 191.","Foliated (i-iii), 1-19, 19*, 20-110, 112-191, (192-3) The names Johannes Bysseth and Margareta Thomas are in one hand on f. 2. Written in two current hands mainly of anglicana type, changing at f. 68. Ff. 1v-2, 3-25 and perhaps other leaves by a scribe named Trament.","MMBL II" "Bristol Public Library 11","1479","1450 - 1500","aridam","Horae","Initials: 1) red and blue, with ornament of both colours; 2) 2-line, blue with red ornament; 3) 1-line, plain blue or red. Capital letters in the ink of the text filled with yellow-brown. Important pages have narrow continuous borders in red and blue.","175x128mm","1","16 long lines","Ruled in red ink. Written space: 118x61mm.","Parchment","v+208+v","26","I-XIII8, XIV5, XV8, (+ 1 leaf after 8), XVI-XXV8, XXVI10. Catchwords inside well-drawn scrolls: the head and shoulders of a man wearing a hat with a feather in it beside the scroll on f. 24v.","N/A","Post medieval. English binding, s. xix","Well-written.","MMBL II: 204-207" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 142","s.xv",,,"Religious works","At the beginning of item 1 are 3-4 line gold initials on blue and pink backgrounds, with green and gold foliage extending to form a partial border. Those on ff. 2r ? v and 4v are quite ornate ? on 2v the initial forms part of a border which completely surrounds col. 1 and covers all but the right margin of col. 2. In all but f. 1r the borders contain blue and pink flowers, as well as gold decoration and green leaves. Elsewhere, smaller blue initials with red penwork, blue and red paraph marks, red underlining and rubrication.","325 x 225 mm approx","2","40",,"Parchment","1+126 + 2","17","i1 + I8 ? XI8, XII4, XIII8 ? XVI8, XVII2 + ii1 (2 modern flyleaves at beginning and at end).","N/A","Post medieval","Good condition, though it looks well thumbed.","CJ" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 210","1478, 1479, 1480","1450 - 1500",,"William Worcester, Itineraries","p. 129 drawing of a series of mouldings on the doorway of St Stephen's Church, Bristol.","Usually c. 297 x 110mm","1","7-47 approx","The dimensions of the written space are very irregular, ranging from 45 x 55mm to 265 x 80mm.","Paper","166 (332 pages)",,"Difficult to collate, as the order in which the contents are now arranged is clearly not the order in which they were written. Harvey 1969: xix: 'In its bound form the manuscript is simply a collection of notes kept on folded sheets or quires of paper, some of which have been refolded inside out. To some extent their order is arbitrary, though sixteen gatherings near the start have an old numeration running from 'ij' to 'xvij'? The last third of the manuscript has been bound out of order in two groups of gatherings'.","None noted in Harvey","Post medieval","The manuscript is made up of a series of loose sheets and gatherings, containing ?first hand jottings on antiquities and topography made in the three years 1478, 1479 and 1480, ... hastily put together and bound, without due regard to order, at some date after his [Worcestre?s] death? (Harvey 1969: xix). Numbered in red chalk - there are also a pair of unnumbered blanks after page 29 and a fragmentary final page, written by Worcester on the recto but blank on the verso. Of the numbered pages 36 are blank and there are several cut or torn edges of pages removed before numbering.The manuscript is edited by J. H. Harvey, William Worcestre: Itineraries, Oxford Medieval Texts (1969) and the contents of the manuscript are fully indexed there.","Harvey 1969" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 258","s.xivin","1300 - 1350",,"Speculum Justiciariorum","1: 3-4 line plain red initials at the beginning of the text ? initials of various sizes throughout the text. Red paraph marks, red underlining and colour touching. Some drawings of faces in initials and margins, possibly by the scribe. 2: 7-line initial E at the beginning of the text, blue and red. Filled with red cross-hatching, and a beast with hind limbs but no visible forelimbs, and what seems to be a woman?s head wearing a headscarf. Blue and red decoration forms a small partial border. Smaller blue and red initials with penwork of the alternate colour throughout the text. No other decoration.","272 x 192 mm approx","1","I:45; II: 35",,"Parchment","183 + 1 (1 +52 + 31)","15 (4 + 11)","1 + I12 ? IV12 V4 || I12 ? X12 XI12 (wants 12). 2 modern flyleaves at the beginning and at the end of the MS","N/A","Modern. Earlier binding has been kept with the MS. Not contemporary with the MS, but does have a note in a later hand on it (s.xvi/xvii?).","The medieval flyleaf is from a 12th century book (religious). On the recto in single lines is the following: 'De puella mortua fide constricta que coniurato sibi clerico postmortem ap[paruit] . Quoniam mi karrisime Radulfe de anime utilitate crebro mecum colloqui et ex multis que nesciebam me quondam? consueras . rem uere gestam quam (about 2/3 of the line erased) relatio ? didici etc'. In line 5: 'Clericus inquit sibi bene notus (erasure of three words; the 3rd is herefordie) ad se nuper aduenien?' The verso is headed X, and is in two columns, cropped on the left hand side. ??herodes explorare uoluit/? miracula uidere concupiuit? Ends: ?quatinus et lector tanto feruentior ad legendi studium redeat quanto ex lectionis quoque incisione respirat . Explicit liber decimus? Book slightly rubbed, some other notes, but little marginalia.","CJ" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 364","s.xiii",,,"Medical tracts","Diagrams in red and blue on f. 54r and v. f. 1r: Large (4-line) green initial with red penwork. Smaller red initials with blue penwork, and green initials with red penwork. f. 28v: 4-line initial O ? red, with green penwork filling, and blue penwork outside. Not very delicate work. Titles rubricated; explicits drawn through with red. Other rubrication. Diagrams neatly drawn on f. 54r and v, depicting a representation of the humours and blood system. On 54r there are 4 circles representing the humours, all of which are linked to a circle above, labelled E L?M. The diagram on the verso is more complex, and shows all aspects of medical learning and care, including physic, ethics, logic, theory, practice, etc.","240 x 160 mm approx","1","24",,"Parchment","85","11","i2 + I8 - X8, XI6 (-1; wants 6). 2 modern flyleaves at the beginning and end of the MS.","N/A","Post medieval","No non-scribal notae. In very good condition.","CJ" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 407","betw. 1331 and 1352","1300 - 1350",,"Itineraries","Similar patterns of decoration throughout the book, though the quality of decoration is better in the first three booklets than in the last one. 3-5 line blue initials with red penwork, or (fewer) red initials with blue penwork. Red paraph marks, rubrication and colour touching.","207 x 126mm approx","1","28 - 33",,"Parchment","178 (36 + 32 + 24 + 74)","17 (in 4 booklets: 3 + 4 + 2 + 8)","i2 (post medieval paper) + I12 ? III12 | IV8 ? VII8 | VIII12 ?IX12 | X12 ? XVI12 XVII2 + ii2 (post medieval paper).","N/A","Post medieval","Some added notes in contemporary or slightly later hands. In general, reasonably good condition, though the binding is broken, and some of the booklets are loose. The three texts must have been copied by 1352, since the MS belonged to Simon Bozoun, Prior of Norwich 1344 ? 52. Bozoun?s book is bound up with ff. 93 ? 128 and 129 ? 78, containing s.xiv copies of the Secreta Secretorum and a scientific text 'Aliud documentum de complexione humane'. There are small strips of vellum stuck to the outer edges of leaves to act as section markers.","CJ" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 61","c. 1415-c.1425","1400 - 1450",,"Troilus and Criseyde","f. 1v a full page painting. Solid border of conventional foliage (scarlet (orange-red) blue and pink) on gold ground, which is itself pricked with patterns. Outside this are tendrils, gold besants and coloured leaves. The ground of the picture is also gold, again patterned. In the foreground the poet, dressed rather less ornately than his audience, is standing at a wooden pulpit, covered in a red cloth at the front. In front of him are a group of well dressed ladies and gentlemen, some seated, some standing, including a prince in a gold robe and a lady in a diadem. In the background the ground, covered in trees, slopes up steeply. Behind the poet, to the left of the picture, is a ridge of pink rock, sloping upwards to the right, leading up to a bright pink turreted castle in the top right hand corner. In front of this there is another group of well dressed people, including a crowned queen in blue over white, and a noble in scarlet. A prince kneels to the left of them, dressed in brown/bronze, and holding a gold crown/cap/cushion. In the left of the picture is another smaller ridge of rock, leading to a darker castle in the distance, at the top left of the picture. Small, brightly clad figures can be seen on the path from this castle. The picture has been rubbed slightly, and is a little dirty, but is still a very elegant and beautiful production. The MS was evidently meant to have many large decorations. A full page is left at the beginning of each book, and other spaces, usually 4/5 page, within each book. Spaces left for pictures are as follows: Book 1: 23 Book 2: 36 Book 3: 13 Book 4: 8 or 9 Book 5: 14. An initial T on f. 2r has been sketched in with a face, but has not been completed.","308 x 218 mm","1","35","Written space: 215 x 122mm. 5 stanzas of 7 lines each per page. Ruled in plummet.","Parchment","151","19","i4 (modern) + ii2 (1 a raised pastedown + I-XI8 XII8 (wants 1) XIII-XIX8 + i1 (raised pastedown)","N/A","Post medieval. Modern red goatskin over wooden boards, by the Cambridge Colleges Conservation Consortium, 1994.","Parchment very good quality, but now rather dirty. There are many blank leaves and spaces left in the manuscript, evidently as the basis for an elaborate campaign of decoration, which was never completed (nor started, apart from the picture on f. 1v). See 'Ornament' for more detail. A recipe has been added on f. 151r.","CJ; Parkes and Salter 1978; Seymour 1995" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 70","s.xivin","1300 - 1350",,"English laws","Minimal ? some 2-4 line red initials, some rubrication and underlining.","294 x 197 mm","1","48 average",,"Parchment","98","10","I12 (+1), II4(+1), III8, IV10, V12-VIII12, IX10, X4","N/A","Newly rebound","Parchment variable quality, but none particularly good.","CJ; Corpus Cam Cat I: 149" "Cambridge Corpus Christi College 74","s.xivin","1300 - 1350",,"Berengarii Biterrensis Inventarium",,"435 x 295 mm approx.","2","73","f. 1r ? 243v double columns; f. 244r, 3 cols; 244v ? 246v, 4 columns per page.","Parchment","247","21","i1 + I-XX12 XXI12 (-5; 7 ? 11 canc).","N/A","Post medieval","Notes in s.xv hands.","CJ; Corpus Cam Cat" "Cambridge Fitzwilliam Museum McLean 181","s. xv3/4 (but before 1468/9)","1450 - 1500",,"Canterbury Tales","Spaces for initials of 3-4 lines with guide letters; a 5-line space on fol. 1r. (On fol. 93r, the guide letter ?o? for Squire's Prologue is in rubric). Red capital-strokes on fol. 2r (then infrequent), rubricated running heads through fol. 11v; rubricated incipits and explicits (but sometimes just red capital strokes). Part divisions are marked with marginal notations. Glosses within the writing space in a rubricated textura display script. Running heads added in lighter brown ink at the upper right, probably by the scribe, though with variant letter forms, e.g., g. Beneath the rubricated tale-headings, instructions for rubrication are often still visible.","Approximately 240 x 165 mm.","1","31-32, 35-37","Single columns, approximately 31-32 lines per page early, increasing to 35-37, unruled. Margins ruled in crayon and plummet, with a written space of 155-160 x 95-105 mm","Parchment","305","39","Catchwords (usually of three words) visible on the final versos of gatherings beginning on fol. 32v, centered and sometimes trimmed. A number of original signatures remain, but most have been trimmed. Some quires may not have been signed, as the series skips from ?q? (quire XVI) to ?r? (quire XIX) and then to ?s? (quire XXI) and ?S? (quire XXII), ?t? (quire XXXIII), ?T? (quire XXIV). I8 (-1: cancelled, no loss of text) fols. 2-8 II-XVI8 fols. 9-128 XVII6+1 (c1+1: glued to the verso of fol. 135) fols. 129-135 XVIII-XXVI8 fols. 136-207 (Fol. 159, the final leaf of quire XX, is blank, with a catchword [?The clerk of oxenford?] on the verso). XXVII6+1 (5+c1 : glued to the recto of fol. 209) fols. 208-214 XXVIII6 fols. 215-220 XXIX-XXX8 fols. 221-236 XXXI6+1 (5+c1: glued to the recto of fol. 238) fols. 237-243 (fol. 242v blank) XXXII-XXXVIII8 fols. 244-299 XXXIX6 fols. 300-305","N/A","Post medieval: Modern, dark brown morocco with gilt design on the edges and turn-in. Sewn on five bands. On the spine, in gilt: ?THE TALYS OF CAUNTERBIRY COMPILED BY GEFFREI CHAUCERS. M. S. ON VELLUM.? On the pastedown at the front are the bookplates of Frank McLean and the Earl of Ashburnham (?Appendix No CXXVII . May 1897?). Two modern paper fly leaves at the front and back, followed by what appear to be the old pastedowns, now reversed and showing the impression of the thongs on the verso at the front and recto at the back. This might suggest that the text block in a previous binding was sewn on four bands that entered the boards in four tunnels, emerged into four channels, and then converged, approximately 3 cm from the spine-edge, into two tunnels. Since the ownership signature of Thomas Kent (d. c. 1468) appears on what is now the recto of the parchment fly at the back (what would have been the pasted-down side), this may have been salvaged from another MS and used as a fly leaf in the original binding. Or, since there are no traces of paste, it may have been that the earlier binding had exposed thongs, that this was simply the fly leaf, and that the ownership signatures were actually once on the recto of the front fly leaf.","(olim Ashburnham Appendix CXXVII). Two foliations in pencil, the first missing fol. 109, which has had the margin cut away. s. XV3/4 (but before 1468/9, the date Kent?s will was proved). On the back flyleaf are the names of ?Thomas Kent? and ?Dounton . Mastres the wyf of TKent.? Between the two, in the same hand, is ?Thomas liber est iste.? ?Max. Dallisson? appears on the blank fol. 159r , and, in a different hand (?Max. Dalyson?), on fol. 1r . In the margin of fol. 99r is ?Peter Sands.? In 1853, the MS appears in the Ashburnham catalogue (as Ashburnham Appendix 127), and at the Ashburnham sale of 1897 (no. 113) was acquired by Henry Yates Thompson. The MS was sold again in 1899, through an intermediary, to Frank McLean, who gave it to the Fitzwilliam in 1904 (Manly-Rickert 1:169; 1:644).","CJ" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 113/182","s.xv",,,"Giles of Rome","Blue initials (2 to 3 line) with red penwork, often forming partial borders. Section headings rubricated.","260 x 180 mm","1",,"Ruled in crayon.","Parchment","152","19","i4 (4 cancelled, 1 raised pastedown) I-XIX8. Catchwords, leaf and quire signatures.",,"Medieval? White skin over bevelled boards, clasps gone. Inner flyleaf was a pastedown, shows evidence that binding was in VIV style (2 thongs into one hole) ? mid s.xv?",,"CJ" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 117/186","s.xiii/xiv",,,"Medical tracts","Section I - (pp. 1 - 200): Red initials, some rubrication, some red underlining. Not consistent throughout. Section II - (pp. 201 - 38): Red initials, some rubrication and red underlining and colour touching. Red capitals, underlining and colour touching. Two rough chiromantic diagrams in pen and ink. p. 237: ?Wheel? composed of two red circles, one inside the other, linked by lines across the circles, also red. Section III (pp. 239 - 78): a) Red initials, titles rubricated; b) Alternate blue and red initials, decorated with penwork of the other colour. The first initial was coloured, probably also blue, with red penwork, but the main colour has worn badly. Rubrication; c) One blue initial C, with red penwork, small red initials, some red colour touching on paraph marks. Writing (brown ink) inside wheel. p. 238 Surrounded by red box, with red decoration. Quite crude, probably executed by the scribe.","253 x 170-142 mm","2",,"Double frame ruled in crayon or ink.","Parchment","140 (+ 10 medieval flyleaves)","16","i1 (mod) ii4 (vellum leaves from a s.xv theological treatise) + I-V8 VI-X12 | XI8 (or possibly XI10 (wants 1, 10); but tabs before 1 and after 8 may just be guards) XII8 XIII8 | XIV8 (wants 7, 8) |XV8 XVI8 (wants 1, 8) + iii6 (mutilated leaves of an s.xiii MS of canon law) iv1 (modern paper)","N/A","Post medieval","Size and condition of leaves very variable. Some damage to leaves.","CJ" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 131/71","1438","1400 - 1450","Omnium maliam","Ambrose etc","Coloured initials, rubrics.","233 x 156 mm","1","38 - 43","Single columns of 176-80 x 117-20 mm.","Parchment"," iv + 224 + iv","28","i1 (post med paper) ii4 + I8 ? XXVIII8 + iii4 + iv1 (post med paper)","N/A","Post medieval","Paginated.","CJ" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 147/197","s. xivmed",,"spleneticis","Medical texts","Booklet 1: Minimal, with small blue & red initials and some green colour touching. Booklet 2: There are blue and red initials, and spaces have been left for larger decorated initials (e.g. f. 37r). There are also a number of decorated initials in this section. The most distinctive is at the beginning of the section, on f. 31r. This is an initial P on a gold ground. It depicts a man in a red doctor?s gown applying a trephine to the skull of a patient in blue, who kneels with hands bound behind him, and a serene expression. The trephine has a curved crossbar to turn it. The lobe of the

is 9 lines long, and the initial descends the entire length of the writing space, with a small green dragon-like animal at the base.","240 x 160mm",,,,"Parchment","86",,"Composite manuscript. It seems likely that the two booklets were originally bound separately. A quire is lost after Quire 10, and the text ends imperfectly in the chapter' De uulneribus in posteriori'.","N/A","Post medieval","Booklet 1: f. 1 is almost lost, and only the opening words: ?Ego nicho[laus]? remain. The whole section is quite dirty and battered. The edges are damaged on many leaves. On ff. 7 and 21 the outer half of the page missing, and a supplement sheet has been stitched on with blue thread. Marginalia on the lower half of f. 7 was added after the addition of this supplement. On f. 11 there are a number of recipes and marginal notes, before the 'Antidotarium Nicholai' continues on 12v; this section of the text is much cleaner and has far fewer annotations. f. 11 appears to be palimpsest; on the recto there are the words 'Item pro domino abbate de sento dionisio'. This is evidently earlier than the other items on this page which have been written over it. Booklet 2: Much more elegantly written and generally a more luxurious manuscript. Despite its elegance, f. 31r has suffered from wear and tear. The rubric at the top of the page is almost lost and the whole page is very dirty, as are the outer leaves of the manuscript. There are a large number of marginal notes in the manuscript, which tell more of the life of the manuscript following Elveden?s death. One hand has written a number of legal notes. This hand is a small cramped secretary, distinctive as the ink has become orange over time. Included in the writings of this hand are part of the court records of 5 Henry IV (1404) (f.. 39r), and a number of notes of actions for debt (e.g. ff. 64r, 74r), some of which involve Johannes Cretynng and Willelmo Attegas (e.g. ff. 56v, 77r). The court records date from early in the fifteenth century, and show that, despite the fact that this book seems to have been the property of Gonville and Caius college since at least 1360, its borrowers were not averse to using as a notebook of sorts when necessary. The notes in the ?orange hand? are also of interest, as they list a number of names. One of these is 'Johannes heuenyngham vicecomes Suffolk' (f. 66r). The Heveningham family was influential in late-medieval East Anglia, and two John Heveninghams, father and son, were known to the Pastons (Richmond 1981: 235).","CJ" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 183/216","s.xv","1400 - 1450",,"Seneca","f. 1r 6-line initial , red ink, in a red box with foliage. Inside the box is also a drawing of a figure wearing a hat and holding a red book. The picture (apart from the book) is drawn in brown ink, lighter than that used for the main text. Other initials are also drawn in red and brown, some with faces, or simply foliated. The initials become less ornate as the book progresses. Section incipits rubricated, and some red colour touching.","210 x 145 mm approx","1",,,"Parchment","152","15","i2 (1 modern paper, 2 parchment) + I-XIV10 XV12 + ii1 (modern paper).","N/A","Post medieval; rebacked by J. P. Gray and Sons, 1911.","f. ii verso (visible under UV light) ?Cest livre est A moy humfrey duc de glou/cestre le quel Je achatay de executres / maistre Nichol bildeston jadis doyen de salis/bury?. On f. 48 a section has been cut out of the page. This may have been to remove an initial, though the quality of the others in the book does not support this to any great extent. The section removed is also much larger than any of the initials in the book. f. 151v is blank, apart from the later added inscription ?Qui facie ingressum studeas sic esse modestus / Ut post decessum de te sit rumor honestus?. f. 152 is blank. Several notes have been made by one hand, especially in the early pages of the book. First flyleaf (recto): 'Si mea penna valet melior mea libera fiet'. Repeated below, with pen trials. s.xv. Some light staining, holes and rust coloured marks on the first and last few leaves ? otherwise in good condition.","CJ" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 369/591","1465, 1467","1450 - 1500",,"Philosophical tracts","Both sections decorated in the same manner. Each text is introduced with a decorated initial: f. 3r: 8-line initial G; blue and red, with red, blue and black decoration forming a partial border in the top and left margins. f. 143r :5-line initial U; blue and red, with red, blue and violet decoration forming a partial border in the top and left margins. Smaller red initials in the text; red underlining, paraph marks and colour touching. Catchwords sometimes in elaborate scrolls, and in the case of f. 231v, in a red and black fish. Running headers in both sections, sometimes underlined in red.","151 x 91 mm average","1","39",,"Parchment","235 (+ 2 loose flyleaves)","24","i4 (1 a pastedown) + I10-XIII10 XIV10 (+1 after 5; f. 136 is an insert) | XV10-XXIII10 XIV4 + ii2 (2 a pastedown). Catchwords; leaf signatures in section II","N/A","White skin binding over boards, clasp gone; 4 thongs, each pegged into its own hole. Raised bands on spine. The binding was repaired in 1912 (H. Nicks), but not rebacked.","Leaf size varies, especially in section II. Average is 151 x 91 mm throughout. Material of quite good quality, but the shapes of the sheets are very variable, and there are several original holes. The book is in generally good condition, and does not seem to have any non-scribal annotations.","CJ" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 383/603","s.xv",,,"Student?s book; courtly love lyrics","One or two rough red initials. Some rubrication and red colour touching; some decoration with black ink (text written in brown)","230 x 150 mm approx, except for quire V (220 x 145mm); VI (210 x 140 mm)","1",,"Mostly in single cols; pp. 6 and 7 double cols. No ruling; writing tends to slant up the page to the right.","Paper","109 (+ 1 stub, p. 187a)","10","I6 II12 III6 IV14 (wants 11 12 13) | V16 (wants 4) | VI24 | VII16 (wants 16) VIII8 (7 a stub) IX4 (wants 4) X12 (wants 7, 8). Pagination is one page out, as after p. 171-2, the next page has been missed out by the original paginator, and has been labelled 171a by a later annotator, before the next page, labelled by the earlier hand 173. The number of fols suggests that there is a similar error elsewhere.","Not recorded","Note in back of MS from the Cockerell bindery, Feb. 1984: ?DC793. Condition when received: binding brown sheep over rope boards, broken on joints, damaged at the head and tail of the spine, the book sewn on five cords, two slips broken, the paper leaves very soft and badly damaged at the corners and on a number of gatherings the text is written very close to the back margin; the glueing up of the spine of the binding and the wide tipping of the end papers has caused the text to be obscured in places. A considerable amount of variation in the size of the leaves and in the thickness of the gatherings. The book taken down, the glued up gatherings separated and the soft leaves at the beginning and end resized and the damaged leaves guarded and repaired, meeting guards sewn to the gatherings and the book resewn on 4 tapes, handmade paper ends, linen joints, thread head bands, spine covered with brown morocco, marbled paper sides, vellum tips?. The earlier binding was evidently post-medieval, as it was described by James as ?modern?.","Paper ? quite rough and thick, and with lines from the wires clearly visible in all sheets.","CJ" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 390/610","s.xvmed/ex","1450 - 1500","that desyren this drawyth","Religious works","Rubrics, red initials, red underlining and colour touching.","210 x 155 mm approx","1","36",,"Paper","82","7","i1 (post medieval paper) I12 ? VI12 VII10 + ii1 (post medieval paper)","Not recorded","Note by binder: Condition when received: Binding: Parchment, very grimy, no tooling, laced in head bands. Sewing: 4 vellum strips. Paper: Very soft and dirty at beginning and badly damaged with parts missing, water stains and marked by damp through the book. Acidity of the paper checked, average reading pH 6.18. Text runs in water. Book taken down, resized with Klugel G in IMS, damaged leaves repaired, handmade paper ends, linen joints, resewn on 4 tapes, the old boards replaced, spine covered with vellum, old spine replaced. [Work done by the Cockerell Bindery, January 1986]","The early leaves have suffered from damp. Bottom of first leaf lost.","CJ; IMEP 17: 77-79" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 417/447","s.xv med/2","1450 - 1500",,"Grammatical texts","Rubrication and simple red capitals with a few crude marginal ink drawings. Punctuation by point alone.","210 x 145mm","1",,"Some frame ruling in drypoint and crayon.","Paper","i + 145 + i.","7","I16 (ff.1-16) | II12(17-28) III20 (29-47)(wants 17 canc. after f. 44) | IV28 (ff. 48-77) + 2 (ff. 51 and 74) before 5 and after 25, an added parchment slip V24 (78-100) wants 22 (before f. 99) VI24 (101-124) VII22 (125-145) wants 21 canc. before f. 145) No catchwords or leaf signatures. Quire signatures on ff. 48r and 101r","Not recorded","Not recorded","ff. 51 and 74 - inserted parchment slip. James 1907-8, no. 417. Other names in the manuscript, which may refer to owners, are 'Willelmus Syngyltun' (f. 3r), John Syngyltun (f. 13v) and Robertus Robin (f. 48r).","Thomson 1979" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 510/388","s.xiii",,,"Albertus Magnus","Very little. Some yellow colour touching.","287 x 210 mm approx.","2","56","Ruled in crayon","Parchment","156","13","i3 (1, 2 modern paper; 3 very stiff parchment, with remnants of a text on the other side) + I12-VII12 VIII14 IX12 |? (not sure there?s a booklet division here, as James suggests. There?s definitely a change in hand, ink, and ruling, but the text is continuous, the catchwords match and there are no gaps) X8 (wants 8) |? (There is a gap here, but it may be that book 8 had to be started on a new quire for some reason) XI12-XII12 XIII16 (wants 16; 15 almost gone) + ii1 (modern paper)","N/A","Post medieval","The beginning and end of the MS are quite damaged and rubbed ? the thick parchment leaf at the beginning may have served as an outer cover for a while.","CJ" "Cambridge Gonville and Caius College 669*/646","s.xv","1400 - 1450","whan it plesiž 3ow","Richard Rolle","p. 3: 6-line initial T, gold on blue ground, filled with red, decorated with blue, green, pink and gold foliage forming a partial border. Much rubbed. Blue initials with red penwork, rubrication, blue and red paraph marks.","120 x 78 mm approx","1","24",,"Parchment","v + 110","14","iv + I8 ? XIII8 XIV8 (-2; 1, 2 canc). Pagination misses out p. 118 ? 19, and then restarts on the next leaf erroneously at 119, which should be 121.","N/A","Rebacked 1970","On f. iv b is an old table of contents: 'In this litylle Boke conteyned žes bokys folwyng' etc. Added notes in various hands.","CJ" "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1236","c. 1460 - 1475 (?1474-5)","1450 - 1500",,"A commonplace book with handbook on music","Musical notation; of the non musical items, 5-10, 12, 18, 20 and 23 have some rubrication, with 2- or 3-line plain red initials, and some touching of capital letters with red. The dramatic fragment (item 23) has the speakers' names set off to the right, and the speeches ruled off from one another, in red, as is usual in play manuscripts of this period.","182 x 127mm","1","25","Ruled in black ink. Written space: 158 x 103 mm.","Mixed parchment and paper","ii + 130 + ii plus 3 unfoliated parchment slips","13","I8 (wants 2; + 1 (f. 6) ins after 5) 3 single leaves (ff. 9-11, f. 11 pasted on to the reverse stub of f. 10); II8 - V8 VI12 VII10 VIII8-IX8 X10 XI12-XII12 XIII12 (+1 (f.123) ins after 7). Pepys Cat: The formula is uncertain in places, because the binding is tight, and the sewing does not always go through the centre of the quire (e.g. in quire XII). The compiler incorporated single leaves into a number of quires, and inserted narrow vellum strips into the gutter as reinforcement. In some quires (e.g. XI) the leaves are in fact single units pasted on to these strips. No original quire or leaf marks and no catchwords visible. A modern hand (probably MRJ's) has pencilled in a series of quire marks in the botton right hand corners of some rectos... 3 unfoliated parchment slips tipped in between ff 56 and 57, 58+ and 59, and 62 and 63. These are said (vol. IV, p. 3 above) to contain 'necessary additions and amplifications' to the music'.","10 or 12 different watermarks.","Post medieval: ""Style G1, of s.xvii ex (Nixon, Vol. VI below, pp. xxi, 18). On the spine:'OLD MVSICK AND MONKISH RIMES'.""","2 modern foliations in pencil, the earlier centred at the feet of the rectos, and cropped away in many places. The later modern foliation (to right corner of the rectos) runs 1 - 128, with 58 and 96 appearing twice, the second instances marked '58+' and '96 bis' respectively. Most quires are made up predominantly of paper, with innermost and outermost bifolia of membrane. Some of the parchment leaves are palimpsest (e.g.ff. 109-110). The compiler's sources or writing material were obviously very informal. 100 folios of music, with seven or eight black 4-line staves per page.","Pepys Cat: 12-14" "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 1662","s.xv",,,"Calendar; medicine","On leaf ii, a large initial, nine lines in height, in gold on red and blue ground patterned in white with a decorative tail forming a marginal border. The KL at the top of each month on leaf ii is written in gold on a background of red and blue decorated with white lines. Leaf vii is a diagram of a naked man in an arrow-shaped frame; he has yellow hair. Leaf viii, another naked man, quite well drawn. On the outside of each leaf is a label of red textura formata with a gold initial, ornamented with purple calligraphic ornament. Leaf x is illustrated with flasks containing different coloured liquids representing urine.","2 sizes: 335 x 185 mm or 175 x 140mm. Folded to form 175 x 140mm oblong packet.","1-3",,"Ruled in purple, red or black ink. Pricking on both sides of the leaves.","Parchment","10","N/A","Ten leaves joined together at the middle of one end which has been cut to a point, and sewn.","N/A","Cuir cisele: a tapering brown cut leather slipcase lined with vellum (Nixon). 'Calf case with blind stamped tooling which tapers to a point at the top and ends in a loop of yellow silk.","Possibly originally a physician's pocket set of tables and urines as described in Talbot 1967.","Pepys Cat: 28-29" "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2006","s.xv med and s.xv 2","1450 - 1500",,"Chaucer","In the first earlier manuscript (pp. 1-224), blank spaces left for decorated initials in a number of places remain unfilled, and there is no use of colour: see p.1 (5-line), and pp. 17, 45, 53, 88, 91, 115, 127, 143, 183, 191, 211, 213. In the second (pp. 225-391), there are some large ornate headings and explicits in red, and some elongation, elaboration and colouring (yellow, or red and yellow) of ascenders in the top line. On p. 276 is a large floriated penwork initial touched with yellow and red, and in item 16 (The Parson's Tale) there are unfilled spaces for initials. Red litterae notabiliores mark the beginnings of texts and of some subsections from p. 347 onwards.","265 x 180 mm","1 (except 2 in pp. 91-114)","22-42","Frame ruled variously in dry point and plummet. Written space, ruling and number of lines to the page vary with the scribe and text concerned: pp. 1-224, 210 x 145mm, with pp. 91-114 in double columns; pp. 225-345, 210 x 120mm; pp. 346-377, 205 x 135mm; pp. 378-391, 230 x 110mm.","Paper","pp. i + 391 + ii","22 or 24","The fragments have been bound in such a way as to preclude certain collation. McKitterick suggests: I4 (pp. 1-8) II8 (pp. 9-24) III6 (pp. 25-36) IV8 (pp. 37-52) V16 (pp. 53-84) VI14 (pp. 85-112) VII16 (wants 16; the remaining stub is pasted to 15) (pp. 113-142) VIII24 (pp. 143-190), IX6 (pp.191-202), X6 (4 and 5 pasted together) (pp. 203 - 212) XI6 (pp. 213-224) XII8 (pp. 225-240) XIII16 (pp. 241-272) XIV4 (pp. 273-280) XV8 (pp. 281-296) XVI8 (pp. 297-312) XVII4 (pp. 313-320) XVIII8 (pp. 321-336) XIX4 (pp. 337-344) XX12 (pp. 345-358) XXI4 (pp. 369-376 [sic]) XXII8 (pp.377-92, but pp. 377-378 and 391-392 consist of two leaves pasted together). Edwards, pp. xxiii-xxiv, tentatively suggests: I8 (pp. 1-16) II14 (pp. 17-44) III8 (pp. 45-60) IV8 (wants two after 5, one of which, pp. 71-2, has been supplied by a later hand) (pp. 61-74) V8 (pp.75-90) VI12 (pp. 91-112) VII8 (pp. 113-122) VIII10 (pp. 123-142), IX8-XI8 (pp. 143-190) XII12 (pp. 191-210 + one additional leaf pasted to p.190) and another to p. 210) XIII8 (pp. 211-224) XIV8 (pp. 225-240) XV8 (pp. 241-256) XVI8 (pp. 257-272) XVII (pp. 273-288) XVIII8 (pp. 289-304) XIX8 (pp. 305-320) XX8 (pp. 321-336) XXI8 (pp. 337-352) XXII8 (pp.353-68) XXIII8 (5 and 6 pasted together as pp. 377-378, 8 wanting) (pp.369-380) XXIV8 (wants 3, 4) (pp.381-392). No quire or leaf signatures visible, and catchwords can be seen only on pp. 44 and 112.","Mostly in the gutters and therefore not fully visible. Include two tete de boeuf (approximately resembling Briquet nos 115043 and 15204), a croix (cf. Briquet nos 5590 and 5706), a five pronged ascender, a forked ascender and an arrow-headed ascender (for page refs see Pepys 2006/Edwards, p. xxiii).","Post medieval: style F (Nixon, vol. VI, pp. xviii-xix, 30). CHAVCER is stamped on the second panel down.","""It should be borne in mind that the late seventeenth-century compiler of the contents described what was before him as 'MSS fragments' (p. 392) and that a fully satisfactory account of the structure may not be possible whilst the fragments are in their present state. In particular, any attempt at collation (which James regarded as impracticable), should be taken to some extent as hypothetical"". ""The volume as now constituted consists of elements from (probably) two originally distinct manuscripts. Material drawn from the earlier first manuscript now occupies pp. 1-224 and from the second, pp. 225-391. In the first part, the paper is from stock of folio format, in the second part, from large quarto. Within these divisions there are changes of paper stock, handwriting and layout suggesting that the earlier manuscripts may themselves have consisted of 'booklets' forming discrete units (see Brusendorff, pp. 193 - 95, and, in general, Robinson (1980). The first part of the manuscript (pp. 1-224) bears no indication of earlier ownership. MRJ remarked that the later hand which supplies the titles is reminiscent of that of the antiquary and editor of Chaucer John Stowe (1525?-1605) and evidence has since come to light suggesting that Stowe may have used this part of 2006 to supply lines missing from Bodleian Fairfax 16, which was certainly in his possession (see item 1). For the suggestion that John Kiriel wwas involved in the production of at least a section of the latter part of the manuscript, see 377-378 [and producer]. In the absence of other evidence there are grounds for thinking that the two manuscripts may have been bound together after they came into Pepys' possession, at some time before 1607, when 2006 was noted in Bernard (no. 6786.67). Their textual relationship, however, may go back to their origins in the fifteenth century, since as Brusendorff (1925) points out,they appear to have derived a number of their shared texts from the sources used by Caxton in issuing the editiones principes of several of Chaucer's minor works (though note the qualifications of Edwards (1985), pp. xviii-xix)"".","Pepys Cat: 39-44" "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2030","s.xv/xvi","1450 - 1500",,"The Seven Psalms, Peter Idley's Instructions, etc.","Distributed throughout the book there are some 30 initials coloured yellow, red, brown and occasionally blue. Some of the coloured initials have zoomorphic finials and partial ornamental borders in a crude, idiosyncratic style, perhaps amateur imitation of good quality illumination. On ff. 131r and 132v there are plain red 5-line initials, and running titles and headings are sometimes inserted in red display script. There are 1-line plain red initials at the beginning of stanzas in the verse, and red dashes filling up blank lines. From f. 73v to f. 120v initials at the beginnings of lines are washed with yellow. Throughout the manuscript the ascenders of top lines and descenders of bottom lines are decorated with flourishes crossed by two small parallel red strokes at intervals. On f. 101v a merchant's mark (drawn in Pepys Cat: 47) displayed on a shield is incorporated into an initial, with marginal flourishes. The mark is also copied on ff. 99v, 105v and appears again, evidently in offset, at the foot of f. 43v. There are other rough marginal sketches in many places.","270 x 190mm (220 x 110mm)","1","4x7 inverse; 32-36 elsewhere","Ruled in dry point","Paper","i + 132 + i (f. 8 is a stub)","10?","""All of the texts are imperfect, and the physical evidence conflicts with the textual at various points. There are no catchwords or quire and leaf signatures visible. The present sewing suggests that there are perhaps, ten gatherings (I14 (wants 8) II10 (wants 1-5) III12 IV20 V6 VI21 VII8 IX4 [sic] X?20) but these seem unlikely to reflect the original contruction of the volume.""","ff. 1-18, couronne resembling Briquet 4645 (1459-69) ff. 19-132, anneau, as Briquet 689 (1457-74)","Post medieval: Red paper with a gold floral design over boards, of s.xvii; gold tooled leather spine with 5 cords, labelled 'DIVINE|POEM|OLD.M.S.'. Style Kl, the same as Pepys 2101 (Nixon, vol. VI, pp. xxi, 30)","Amongst numerous marginal notes, pen trials and scribbles are ""John Bagford 1682"" (ff. 1r, 62r""; '13 This Book was Henery ye 6 Kinge of England the Author was Bourn in Kent as he saith himselfe in the foloing work' (f. 1r, Bagford's hand); 'Mr Spragene and masteres Spragen' (f. 45v, s.xvi); 'Ryme of Kinge Henry the VIIIe bi me houmfri palder' (f. 78r, s.xvi); 'Ma. Booth anno aetat. 82. 1674'. (f. 99v); 'Robart Cllarke' (f. 126v). Pepys is likely to have bought the book from Bagford (see item 3 in contents and McGatch 1986), who had presumably acquired it from Mr Booth, though the possibility of intermediate owners cannot be ruled out.","Pepys Cat: 46-48" "Cambridge Magdalene College Pepys 2244","1473-5","1450 - 1500",,"Genealogical chronicle roll","The text is accompanied by genealogical medallions, the first containing Adam, and the last six the children of Edward IV, ending with Richard, b. August 1473. The medallions are picked out in red, and connected by red lines. There are some red decorative line-fillers.","5130 x 220mm",,,"Text written in neat sections either side of centrally-placed medallions.","Parchment","Strip made up of 10 pieces","N/A","Made up of 10 pieces, most of which are 770 x 220 mm.","N/A","Post medieval. Rebacked. Brown calf with blind-stamped tooling forming a border on the left.","Punctuation: double virgulae mark the main pauses, and a decorative flourish (3 points and a comma arranged to form a diamond) is inserted at the end of sections. Red litterae notabiliores are used at the beginning of sections.","Pepys Cat: 61-62" "Cambridge Pembroke College 146","s.xiii",,"tribubus","Isaias et Jeremias (glossed)","Decorated initials in red and blue; alternate red and blue paraph marks. Running headers in alternate red and blue letters. Red colour touching. Smaller plain red or blue capitals.","335 x 245 mm approx","2","23 main; 46 gloss",,"Parchment","ii + 221 + I","23","i2 (1 a pastedown)+ I10 ? IX10 X8 | XI10 ? XXII10 XXIII4 (-1; wants 4) + ii1 (raised pastedown). Medieval foliation faulty.","N/A","White skin over rounded boards, clasps gone. Medieval: Staplemark in middle of last cover. Sewn on 4 thongs, each drawn into a channel of its own.","Several notes added in hard point, eg. on f. 98v. Wade?s note, f. 221v: ?Willelmus Wade de Norton Rector ecclesie Sancti JohannisBrist?? (s. xv hand) Traces of an erasure at the bottom of f. 221v.","CJ" "Cambridge Peterhouse College 209","s.xiv (before 1376)",,"super ipsum","Alhacen","Some marginal diagrams. Spaces left for initials, but none filled in.","280 x 205 mm approx","2","54",,"Parchment","iii + 114 + ii (including pastedowns)","10","i3 (1, 2 pastedowns) + I12 ? IX12 X6 + ii3 (-1; 1 canc. 3 a pastedown)","N/A","Not recorded","Stuck to the cover are the leaves of a very roughly-written s.xiv book in 2 cols. on physics: ?Quoniam autem (?) compleuimus iam contra ea que natura distone locorum dicenda sunt in physicis?. Contents listed on verso of first (loose) flyleaf. Some leaves mutilated, e.g. f. 72","CJ" "Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (I)","s.xv",,"9s sic p3 in","Tractatus Commune Eloquium","Very little. Some red colour touching and paraph marks. Not consistent throughout.","215 x 135 mm","1","36",,"Parchment","79","10","I8 ? IX8 X8 (-1; 8 canc.)","N/A","Not recorded","2 leaves numbered 34. See also sections II and III of this manuscript.","CJ" "Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (II)","s.xiii",,"quisnam homicidium","De disciplina clericali","Not recorded","I: 200 x 120 mm; II: 205 x 125 mm","2","Q1: 43; Q2: 32","Not recorded","Parchment","14","2","I8 II6","N/A","Not recorded","Pagination has a gap between 92 and 109.","CJ" "Cambridge Peterhouse College 252 (III)","s.xii",,"mitterent aliquos","Julius Frontinus Strategemeton de bello",,"210 x 135 mm","1","39",,"Parchment","25","3","I8 II10 III6 (+1 ins after 6)","N/A","Not recorded","2 leaves numbered 121. Pagination has a gap between 92 and 109.","CJ" "Cambridge St John's College A.12 (I)","s.xv","1400 - 1450",,"Polychronicon","1. Sections introduced by blue initials with red penwork. Alternate red and blue paraph marks; scribal notae in the margins boxed in red. 2. As 1, but with red colour touching on the first letter of each entry.","330 x 210 mm approx","2",,"Double columns, double frame ruled in ink. Writing does not extend to the bottom of the ruled columns.","Parchment","232","20","I-VIII12 IX10 X-XIX12 XX8 (wants 8, 7 a stub)","N/A","Post medieval","f. 1r (top) ?Johannes Dee 1573 . Nouemb. 13?. Probably no. 122 in the Catalogue of Dr Dee?s MSS (Diary of Dr Dee, Camd. Soc. 1842, p. 79). Section 2 may be no. 118 in the same list. f. 1r (right margin) Serbrie (?) deo regnare est . W Cranshawe 1609 / Novemb. 17 On the recto of the fragmentary last leaf is ?Thomas Wysottr? (s.xv). On the verso is ?Iste liber pertinet ad [..] hidam? (s.xv), which may mean Hyde Abbey, Winchester. ?Thomas? is also written in a s.xv hand on 232v.","CJ; St. John's Cat" "Cambridge St John's College B.21","s.xiv","1300 - 1350","utilium","Speculum Historiale","Each book has an illuminated page following the table of contents. f. 1r: border of scarlet and blue, illuminated in gold. Decorated 7-line initial Q, pink on blue ground; lobe filled with flowers and crowned grotesques on gold ground. 2-line illuminated and decorated initial T at bottom of page. At the bottom of the border are two dogs chasing a stag. f. 36r: 10-line initial D, blue on scarlet ground. Lobe filled with blue and pink foliage on gold ground. Scarlet and blue partial border, with two dogs chasing a boar. f. 76v: 11-line initial E, blue on salmon-pink ground. Lobes filled with foliage, some on separate gold grounds, others on blue ground. Partial border, scarlet and blue, with a dog and rabbit facing each other. f. 112v: 11-line initial N, salmon-pink on blue ground, inner filled with blue stems, scarlet and pink foliage on gold ground. Partial border in blue and scarlet, with rabbit and dog (rabbit turned away from dog) f. 139r: 8-line initial A, pink on blue ground, inner filled with blue stems, scarlet and pink foliage on gold ground. Partial border in blue and scarlet, down centre margin, with two crowned grotesques. f. 157v: 8-line initial I, light pink on dark pink and gold ground, with blue border. Decorated with blue stems, scarlet and pink foliage on gold ground. Partial border in blue and scarlet, with dog chasing rabbit. f. 189r: 8-line initial B, blue on pink ground. Lobes filled with blue stems, scarlet and pink foliage on gold ground, and a crowned grotesque. Partial border in blue and scarlet, with rabbit. f. 226v: 8-line initial M, blue on pink ground. Inner blue ground, with blue stems, scarlet and pink foliage on gold ground. Partial border in blue and scarlet, with two cocks. Tables of contents: alternate blue and red initials, decorated with penwork of the other colour. Rubrication and some red colour touching.","362 x 250 mm","2",,"Mostly double columns, double frame ruled in ink, lines also ruled in ink. Tables of contents for each book ruled in four columns, ruled in crayon.","Parchment","276","13","i2 (1 pastedown) + a6 (outer bifolium 1 and 6 added; 6 cancelled) I-XXII12 XXIII8 (wants 8) + ii4 (4 pastedown). Catchwords. NB foliation used here is same as pencil quire signatures. in MS ? f. 1r = I1, not a1.","N/A","s.xvi? Old stamped leather binding over boards. Clasps gone.","Good quality. Very good condition, especially illuminations.","CJ; St. John's Cat" "Cambridge St John's College D.5","s.xiv/xv",,,"Prick of conscience; articles concerning London","None","266 x 160 mm approx","1","32-41; 35-44","Single column, frame-ruled, approx. 39 lines per page","Parchment","120","11","i2 (modern paper) I12 II12 (+1, 13 ins) III12 (5 cancelled) IV12 ? X12 XI3 + ii1(medieval) iii2 (modern paper). Catchwords irregularly. MS unfoliated.","N/A","Post medieval","Parchment ? variable poor to fair quality. First few leaves very damaged. May have been unbound, or in damaged binding for a while.","CJ; Lewis and McIntosh 1982" "Cambridge St John's College F.26","c. 1438","1400 - 1450",,"Grammatical texts","Rubrication in some sections (A, G, and K - 1, 7 and 10)","210 x 145mm","1, 2?",,"Some frame ruling in drypoint, with item 2 (ff. 13-24) frame ruled in crayon for double columns, and item 24 (158r - 165v) has the left margin folded in","Mixed parchment and paper","189","17","I14 (ff1-12. Wants 1 and 2 before f.1) | II12 (13-24) | III10 (25-24) | IV18 (ff. 35-49. Wants 10, 12 and 14, all canc. after ff. 43, 44, 45) | V10 (50-59) | VI8 (60 - 66. Wants 1 canc. before f. 60) VII12 (67-78) VIII8 (79-85. Wants 8 canc after f. 85) IX4 (86-89) X20 (90-109) | XI8 (110-117) XII8 (118-121, wants 5-8 after f. 121) | XIII (122-133) XIV12 (134-145) XV12 (146 - 157) | XVI20 (158-161, 168-171, 166-7, 176-7, 172-5, 162-5) | XVII12 (178-189). Section B has leaf signatures a-f in the second half of the quire; sectins G and H have quire catchwords; section H has leaf signatures I-vj; section J has page catchwords.","Not recorded in Thomson","Early tacketed binding with a double thickness of (?) sheepskin which is extended to wrap round the book and was secured with a thong. An inscription on the binding which is now rubbed away seems to have read 'liber grammatica incipiens ad accidencium'.","Thomson 1979, pp. 148-9 identifies the following hands in the manuscript: 1) Wrote section A and G (ff. 1-12, 110-121). s.xvmed, a small and fairly neat anglicana hand with some secretary forms 2) Section B (ff. 13-24). s.xvmed, a small and very neat secretary hand. 3) Thomas Marchall, sections C and D (ff. 25-34; 35-49). c. 1438/9, a fairly neat mixed bookhand, with various display scripts, occasional attempts at secretary and a larger less formal hand 4) Robert Wulrey, sections E and F (ff. 50-9; 60-109). s. xv3, a small plain consistent anglicana hand with secretary influence 5) Section H (ff. 122-157). s. xv3, an untidy anglicana hand. 6) Section J (ff. 158-161, 168-171, 166-7, 176-7, 172-5, 162-5). s. xv3, a scrawled anglicana hand. 7) Section K (ff. 178r-189). s. xv, a large loose anglicana hand with little secretary influence Paper except for quire 17 which is parchment. Thomson (1979: 156): 'The binding and make-up of the manuscript, which is a good example of a collection of 'booklets' from different sources in a robust cover, as well as its contents, suggest that it was put together in a school. The handwriting and date mentioned in the manuscript put the date of its compilation at c. 1438 in the first instance, probably at the hands of Thomas Marchall, and the manuscript probably continued to grow for some years and with a number of writers'.","Thomson 1979: 148-157" "Cambridge St John's College H. 5","After 1444 and before 1460",,"I that","Christine de Pizan","f. 1. Dedication. The translator, a beardless man in blue tunic and red hose and cloak, kneels and presents his book to the Duke of Buckingham, beardless, in red gown and blue hat, seated on a chair covered with a yellow-red cloth : attendants on right and on left. two others ; the scene is an enclosure with low pink parapet and pavement of green and black. This page is bordered partially. f. 2. Figures in grisaille. Othea, half-length, in pink cloud on right hands the sealed Epistle to Hector, a boy in long coat. Three tall bearded men in hats on left. On right a tree with a shield on it sable, two lions rampant or face to face. f. 5r. Othea in cloud on right as before touches the works of an elaborate clock in a pink framework on pink base, which stands in the centre. It has bell and hammer at top and 3 weights: the emblems of the Evangelists in the spandrels of the face. The works drawn with care. On the left kneel a beardless man, two women, another beardless man. Behind them a rock with trees. Figures in grisaille. f. 6r. On the left Hercules in plate and mail, with lion-skin over it, holds chain attached to neck of Cerberus (single-headed) breathing fire, and smites him with club. On the right two knights in plate and mail (Theseus and Pirithous) fight two devils in the mouth of a cave among flames. Somewhat defaced: the warriors in grisaille. f. 8. On left a bearded king (Minos) with sword on canopied throne: a gowned councillor on either side. Before him two men in linen drawers only, their hands bound with cords. Two men behind them, one with club. Figures in grisaille. f. 9. On left Percivalle (Perseus) in plate armour on Pegasus, who has red wings : Perseus has plain gold shield and a short scythe raised in his hand. Below him is the head of a great toothed fish emerging from the water. On right a rock in the sea, on which kneels Andromeda crowned. Figures in grisaille. Rubrication; blue and gold paraph signs with red and blue flourishing; two-line gold letters on rose/blue ground; f.1, coloured letter infilled with vine and leaf design on gold ground and three-sided bar border with branches of thin, multicoloured acanthus and pen-vines with gold trefoil balls, in French style.","283x200mm","1","28","Ruling in pink","Parchment","ii+61+ii","8","18 ? 78 (wants 8) 88 (wants 1, 2)","N/A","Post medieval","On the flyleaf at the beginning is a Latin prayer, very badly spelt, of Emelena Bremschet. At the end (f. 60v) are almost two pages of English on the Five Sorrows of the Virgin, beginning: ?I fynde and rede by holy mennes wrytyng that after owre ladyes assumpcyon seynt John the euangeleste desyred to see that blessyd lady-and worssupe her wž her dere sone Ihesu att eche of these v sorowis wt a pater noster and hyr deuotely wž an aue marya. Amen. Bremschet scripcit?. On a flyleaf at end is a scribe?s note: ?vi payentis (i.e. paintings) ii. c. champis. vi, iii. c. paragraffis v?.","St. John's Cat; Scott 1996: II, 263-266" "Cambridge St John's College I.11","s.xiii, s.xiv",,"duo fuerent","Gervase of Tilbury; Chronica of Martinus Polonus; La Petite Philosophie",,"283x 197mm","2",,,"Parchment","156+ii","17","2 flyleaves, I14 (wants 1, 2) | II8 (wants 8) III8 IV8 (+ 1) V10 (wants 1) VI2 VII8 VIII14 IX12 (11 canc.) X10 (+ 2 slips) XI10 XII10 (+ 2 slips) XIII10 (+ 1) XIV6 (wants 5) | XV8 XVI10 | XVII10","N/A","Rough white skin over wooden boards. On the back cover is a parchment slip, under a horn lamina, made by the Syon librarian showing Bracebridge as donor.",,"CJ" "Cambridge St John's College I.19","betw. 1382 & 1394","1350 - 1400",,"Thomas Sampson, Forma componendi cartas","None","227-32 x 145 mm approx","1","40","Frame ruled in crayon","Parchment","28","2","i2 (modern paper) + I16 (2 cancelled) II16 (13-15 cancelled) + ii10 (modern paper)","N/A","Post medieval (Wilson, Cambridge)","Slightly dirty, esp. on 1st and last fols. Maybe spent some time unbound? f. 28v, added by main scribe (though in more formal script and black ink) ?Iste libellus scriptus fuit in Oxonia. tempore Ricardi regis IIdo et anne regine. quod Glyn?. Richard II married Anne of Bohemia on 20 January 1382; she died 7 June 1394. Richardson (1940) assigns this manuscript to c. 1390.","CJ" "Cambridge Trinity College B.11.11","s.xv","1400 - 1450",,"Missal - Use of Sarum","20 historiated initials: f. 7, Blessing of salt and water; f. 8v, priest kneeling at altar before chalice and book, acolyte behind; f. 24, Adoration of the Magi; f. 151, Sacrifice of Isaac; f. 165, Resurrection; f. 182v, Ascension; f. 187, Pentecost; f. 195v, Crucifix-Trinity; f. 197, host in chalice supported by two angels; f. 229v, Dedication of a Church; f. 233, St. Andrew with book and cross; f. 244, Presentation in the Temple; f. 261, John the Baptist, pointing at Agnus dei; f. 277, Virgin in Glory, supported by angels; f. 284, Nativity of the Virgin; f. 296 (All Saints), Christ on throne surrounded by saints; f. 301v, apostle with book, f. 302v, apostle with book. Rubrication, ruling in light purple; Calendar: two-line KL one letter gold, the other blue, with flourishing half in blue, half in red; elsewhere: one-line capitals in blue and gold with red and blue flourishing; two-line gold and blue letters with blue and red flourishing (three-line at music staves); f. 320v, partial border with sprays between roundels in light airy style with brightly coloured motifs and gold balls with three pen circles. Two illustrators - Illustrator A also worked on Charles d'Orleans Prayerbook. The border hand in this MS is also identifiable as Border Artist B of the d'Orleans Prayerbook. Illustrator B was an accomplished follower of Johannes, perhaps trained directly under his guidance.","232x165mm","2","33","Writing: 152x96mm Ruled in purple.","Parchment","364 + 2 flyleaves + 10 printed leaves","45","i1 (post medieval) ii2 (medieval) iii1 (printed leaf) a (kalendar)6 | I8 ? XIX8 XX6 | XXI8 ? XLIII8 XLIV4 (-2, wants 3, 4) | 9 printed leaves | XLV6 iv1 (post medieval) Collation is not entirely in sync with foliation, as the leaf after 200 is 200A, and then foliation restarts properly","N/A","Post medieval. Blind stamped cald, arms of Nevile embossed in colour, 17th century rebacked.","High quality parchment. Before the Kalendar, the title page of the Sarum missal printed in Paris for Fr. Byrkman in 1515 is inserted. At the end are fragments of three other printed service books. Generally good condition. Very little by way of added notes or marginalia.","CJ; Scott 1996: II,189-190; Binski and Panayotova 2005: 126" "Cambridge Trinity College B.14.15","s. xvin","1400 - 1450",,"The Doctrine of the Heart",,"219 x146mm","1","30",,"Parchment","79","10","i+I8-IX8 X6","N/A","Post medieval","First flyleaf from an account roll (s. xv) including accounts for the deaneries of Clyston, Langacre, Lymby, Beere, and Craneford.","Trinity Cam. Cat." "Cambridge Trinity College B.15.17","s.xiv/xv",,,"Piers Plowman","Item 1 - First initial - Capital 'I' x 10 lines, in madder and white, decorated with blue and madder vinet foliage, with gold (much rubbed off). Ivy leaves in white, buds in madder highlighted in white. Border on left, top and bottom margins. Passus initials - Blue x 2-4 lines, boxed and flourished in red, foliate infill; neat, intricate marginal decoration. Item 2- as item 1; item 3 - initial capital 'C' x2 lines, in blue boxed in red pen flourishing. Stanza initials in alternate red and blue, other start of line initials in capitals highlighed in red, lines bracketed in main ink decorated with small red bars and the usual nota mark.","285-90x190",,"33-5","Double line frame ruled in very faint lead point, writing not usually up to the edge, lines ruled.","Parchment","ii+147+ii","19","I-XVI16, XVII2, XVIII8, XIX (9 leaves remain)","N/A","Post medieval. 17th century gold-tooled leather, with the arms of George Wilmer in gold front and back.","Catchwords boxed decoratively in red over main ink, capitals highlighted in red. The vellum is good quality but buckled and darkened especially the last leaves. Stiched tears, large holes.","Benson and Blanchfield 1997: 57" "Cambridge Trinity College O.3.10","s.xv","1400 - 1450",,"Psalter, Calendar, Prayers (York)","One half page miniature on f. 13 (Christ on the Cross with instruments of the Passion); one one-third page miniature on f. 11v (Vernicle Cloth, held by woman - probably St. Veronica; one one-quarter page miniature on f. 12v (Christ's wounds). 10 historiated initials (Matins of the Passion); f. 7, Holy Heart with wound; f. 15, King David seated, with harp, divine spirit as dove; f. 27v, Psalm 26, man at altar, pointing to eye, divine hand above; f. 35v, Psalm 38, pilgrim walking with staff, pointing; f. 43v, Psalm 51, two men fighting with swords; f. 44, Psalm 52, man stabbing himself, holding curved (?)stick, dog beside; f. 52, Psalm 68, man in waters; f. 62, Psalm 80, man playing two handbells; f. 71, Psalm 97, three priests at lectern; f. 81, Psalm 109, two seated kings, gesticulating. Text decoration: Calendar: 1 line gold letters; three line gold KL on maroon/blue ground with three maroon and blue balls on a penstroke. Catchwords in rough pen boxes. 1 line red and blue letters; 2 line blue letters with red flourishing.","195 x 285 mm approx","1","24",,"Parchment","i + 144 + i.","19","i1 + I6 II8 ? XVII8 XVIII8 (-2; 7-8 canc.) XIX6 (-2; 5-6 canc). + ii1","N/A","Post medieval, though not modern. Old leather with stamps: 1. Fleur de lys; 2. Square ? man with spear between trees; 3. Triangular ? dragon. Clasps gone.","f. 6v: late (s.xv) note of the date of the 4th Lateran council 1215.","CJ; Scott 1996: II, pp. 117-119" "Cambridge Trinity College O.3.11","s.xv (xvi additions)","1450 - 1500",,"Charter of London; misc. material on London","Some 2-line red initials with blue penwork. Smaller plain red initials, rubrication, underlining and paraph marks.","290 x 210 mm approx","1","35",,"Paper","180 + 4","14","i2 (post medieval) ii4 (-1; 1 canc.) + I26 II ? XIII12 XIV10 + iii2 (post medieval) Foliation is incorrect in quire 1, where leaves after 5 and 6 are labelled 5a and 6a respectively.","Not recorded","Post medieval","Added notes ? recipes on flyleaf.","CJ" "Cambridge Trinity College R.14.26","s.xv",,,"Logic; philosophy; music; political prophecy","Minimal. Some red initials, red paraph marks, red underlining and colour touching and one or two rubricated sections. In the rest of the MS there is very little, save for a few diagrams and occasional use of red colour touching etc.","145 x 107 mm approx","1","22 - 25","Frame ruled.","Mixed parchment and paper","147 + 3","13?","The structure of the MS is difficult to establish, as there are few catchwords, the MS is tightly bound and there appear to be several missing leaves. A suggested collation is: i2 (post medieval paper) ii3 (parchment) + I8 II6 (-1; 1 canc.) III20 (-2; 10 and 20 canc.) IV4 V20 VI16 (-1; 8 canc) VII: either 18 ? 1 or 16 + 1 ins. in the second half of the quire VIII20 (-2; 19-20 canc.) IX14 X8 (-1; 8 canc.) XI8 (-1; 7 canc??) XII8 XIII8 + iii2 (post medieval paper).","Very few visible.","Post medieval","The book appears to be a compilation over time ? there are many spaces left for text, some of the blank pages are frame ruled. It may be the work of one scribe, in several stints over time, though the consistent decoration and ink colour of the ?A? sections suggest that these were copied around the same time. On the verso of the first flyleaf, in a fifteenth-century hand: ?Thomas Pierson de houeden in com. Ebor. Clericus. Nouerint uniuersi per presentes me Thomam Pierson de houden in com. Ebor. Clericum teneri et firmiter obligari Johanni Palmer de houeden predict . in quadraginta libris legalis monete anglie soluendis eidem Johanni aut suo ? to Attorn ?? ?Alan Stele? on next page.On the vellum fly-leaves are notes and verses. M. simplex ? c ? ter L. duplex continet ? v ? ter Flan Flan consurget simul hispani viribus urget Scotti vastabunt Wallensi anna parabunt, Norwas expellet fortes britonesque repellet Dani consurgent albani lumina tingent. Prophesia hermerici ab origine mundi vi. m. v. c. xxxvj. etc. Isto anno destrueretur castra et in quad. part. leonis erit bellum etc. Then an explanation of the terms employed, e.g. Lilium interpretatur Rex ffrancie etc. On the next page scribbled music. Then some musical questions quanquam(?) in corporibus celi superioribus musica sit modula. Occupying four leaves: on the verso of the last are accounts of 1617.","CJ" "Cambridge Trinity College R.14.52","s.xv","1450 - 1500",,"Scientific and medical compendium","Some red initials with blue penwork, rubrication, red paraph marks, underlining. Some yellow colour touching within the text. 2 different red inks used with the same sections, and on the same leaves. f. 256av: diagrams of hands in black and red, with musical notation f. 254r ? v Geometrical diagrams added or pasted in later. ff. 172av ? 172dv: Drawings of urine flasks, variously coloured red, yellow, green, blue, brown, etc. NB. Diagrams are on inserted sheets only","275 x 205-7mm approx","1","40","ruled in red/purple ink","Paper","280","24","i4 (post medieval) ii1 (parchment) + I6 (-1; 2 lost) | II12 ? VII12 VIII10 IX12 ? XII12 XIII8 XIV8 XV16 XVI12 (+ 4 ins after 7) XVII12 ? XXII12 XXIII12 (+2 ins after 6) XXIV8 (-1; 1 lost, + small leaf sewn on to the verso of 4).","Not recorded","Post medieval","Book has many miscellaneous stains. Many pages have been torn and repaired at the bottom ? presumably early, as the paper used to repair has s.xv hands on it in some cases f. 135r ? bottom margin ?Thomas sandys? ? s.xv hand f.139r bottom margin ?God sau Elizabeth our Noble Queen May etc 23? In a different hand ?Ano domini 1587? and in another ink, ?MK? monogram The book appears to have been well used, over a long period, as the late additions attest. A modern note on the will of John Furthoe (dated and proved 1632) is kept with the manuscript.","CJ" "Cambridge Trinity College R.3.19","1460s, 70s, 80s","1450 - 1500","O beauteous","Lydgate and Chaucer","Decoration seems to have been planned, as guide letters remain for the intended capitals at the beginning of each text, but it was never completed. Some titles are written in red.","270 x 203","1, 2","28-42","Size of written space varies considerably.","Paper","ii+255+i",,"In Booklet format: I: fols. 1-8, 154-169; II: 69-97, 9-16; III: 17-25; IV: 26-48; V: 49-54; VI: 55-66; VII: 98-113; VIII: 114-153; IX: 170-204; X: 205-216; XI: 217-239; XII: 240-246; XIII; 247-254. An early hand has also foliated individually each separate booklet, with arabic numerals.","There are at least 12 distinct watermarks.","Post medieval","Scribe A wrote booklets I-IV, VII-X: small, well-controlled secretary script Scribe B wrote booklet V Scribe C wrote booklets XI and XIII. This scribe also wrote a copy of Lydgate's Siege of Thebes owned by Roger Thorney (Oxford, St John's College, MS 266). Scribe D wrote booklet XII","Fletcher 1987; Mooney 2001" "Cambridge Trinity College R.3.2","s.xv1","1400 - 1450",,"Gower poetry, Confessio Amantis","1 or 2 line initials, with a few 3 ? 4 line initials ? some gold with penwork, others red or blue with penwork of the alternate colour","370 x 250 approx","2","46",,"Parchment","154","19","5 quires lost at the beginning. i3 (post medieval) + I8 - III8 IV8 (+1 ins after 8) V8 ? XVIII8 XIX8 (+ 1 ins after 8) + ii3 (post medieval)","N/A","Post medieval","A few marginal notes and pen trials. ff. 52v ? 53r: names written in a large scrawly late hand in the lower margin ? John Prym (?), and what looks like ?In the name of the lorde? written with no spaces. Doyle and Parkes demonstrated that this manuscript was produced by five scribes working concurrently from a divided exemplar. Scribe A copied four quires (1, 7, 10, 13) and parts of two others (11 and 14) in an anglicana script. Scribe B (Adam Pinkhurst) copied quires 2-4, ff. 9-32v, using an anglicana formata script for the text and commentary and bastard anglicana for marginal headings, and for explicits, incipits and Latin verses within the text. Scribe C copied four quires (5-6, 8-12) and supplemented the work of scribe B on a leaf added to quire 4. He used an anglicana script, similar to that found in documents. Scribe D, writing in anglicana formata, copied 6 quires (9, 15-19) and completed quire 14 begun by scribe A. Scribe E (Thomas Hoccleve) wrote only the first two leaves and the first column of the third leaf of quire 11 (fol. 84r). Scribe A commenced on the verso of this leaf and completed the quire.","CJ; Doyle and Parkes 1978" "Cambridge Trinity College R.3.21","s. xv3","1450 - 1500",,"Poems in English","1. f.1. Pater noster. Initial in pen and ink. The Agony in the Garden. Three Apostles asleep. Christ kneels in centre. face R. Cup on rock. The Father in air, in a circle, half-length.2. Ave Maria. The Annunciation. Angel kneels on L. with blank scroll.3. Creed. Group of the Twelve Apostles seated. Peter in centre with key. Andrew with cross. James the Less with club. On L. James the Great with hat and staff on R.4. f.34. Parce michi. Man asleep in wood, birds on trees, one with a scroll in its mouth.5. f. 38. The nine lessons. Rudely done. Job nude, lying down: Christ half-length in air with orb.6. f.51. Curia sapientie. The Trinity as three human figures seated, with cross, orb, and church, respectively. Blank scrolls above.7. f.182. Poem by Will. Lichfield. Creation of Eve: Christ stands over her. Delicately drawn.8. f.238. xv Joys. Pieta and kneeling man on L. (There are two scrolls, one inscribed in red, O mater dei memento mei, the other in later capitals: Sit semper sine ve qui dicit michi (1. michi dicit} ave.)9. f.249. Lyf of Adam. Border. Larger drawing. The Conviction. Christ on L. Tree with human-headed serpent. Eve, and Adam on R.10. f.257 Lyfe of S. Antony. Antony with book and staff with T cross at top. Outside the initial on L. kneels a man with a scroll: 0 sancte pater Antoni ora pro nobis ad dominum Mooney 2001: Booklet I: Black-and-white pen-and-ink historiated initials, plain blue initials, blue and red paraphs, rubric headings and underlining; Booklet II: Black-and-white pen-and-ink miniature on f. 34r, Black-and-white pen-and-ink historiated initials, rubric headings and underlining (but no blue ink); Booklet III: Black-and-white pen-and-ink historiated initials, blue initials with red penwork decoration, alternating red and blue smaller initials, yellow highlighting, red underlining, headings in larger ?bold? black ink; Booklet IV: spaces left for initials, and the only rubric is an explicit on f. 115v; Booklet V: spaces left for initials, and some rubricated headings and colophons, rubricated keywords; Booklet VI: spaces left for initials, some rubricated headings and colophons, rubricated keywords; Booklet VII: single black-and-white pen-and-ink miniature with black decorated initial, spaces left for initials, simple rubric explicits, red underlining; Booklet VIII: spaces left for initials, rubric headings and colophons, red underlining; Booklet IX: spaces left for initials, rubric headings and colophons on ff. 221r ? 223r; spaces left for initials, red underlining on ff. 233r-7r; Black-and-white pen-and-ink miniature on f. 238r, plain blue initials alternating red and blue smaller initials, red underlining, rubric heading on ff. 238r-246r; spaces left for initials and rubric keywords on ff. 247r-248r; Booklet X: framed miniature, space for coat of arms unfilled, both on f. 249r, black-and-white foliated frame, blue initials with red penwork decoration, red and blue alternating paraphs, rubric headings and marginal sub-headings, red underlining Booklet XI: Spaces left for initials, rubric headings and colophons, some in larger script, rubric scrolls on f. 284r and 285r Booklet XIII: Spaces left for initials, rubric headings and colophons, red underlining.","276 x 200mm","2","35-36",,"Paper","320","45","Collation: I8-IV8 | V18 | VI8-VIII8 IX10 X8-XVIII8 | XIX8 XX8 | XXI8 (6-8 blank) | XXII8, XXIII8 (4, 5 blank), XXIV8 (8 blank) | XXV8 XXVI8 (5-8 blank) | XXVII8 XXVIII4 (3, 4 blank) | XXIX16 | XXX8-XXXII8 | XXXIII8 XXXIV8 | XXXV8 XXXVI8 (wants 8 blank: 5-7 blank) | XXXVII8 XXXVIII8 XXXIX8-XLV8? .","Papers vary from one booklet to another: there are at least 6 watermarks. The watermarks in this manuscript correspond to plates 1, 2, 5, 8, 9 and 11 reproduced in the introduction to Fletcher's facsimile of Trinity R.3.19 on pp. xxii-xxiv","Post medieval",,"Trinity Cam. Cat; Mooney 2001" "Cambridge Trinity College R.3.3","s. xv3/4","1450 - 1500",,"Canterbury Tales","Red capital strokes. The first lines of tales are written in a tall textura. Except for General Prologue, these are preceded by large, strapwork initials executed in the text ink with red highlights. The first page of CT (fol. 1r ) has a bar border on the left, with sprays extending along the top and bottom borders. The colours are a goldish brown, pink, blue, and green with white highlights and gold balls. There is a 3-line painted initial W to begin General Prologue.","350 x 240 mm","2","42-45","Ruled and margined in violet ink. Double ruled at the top and bottom all the way across. Columns approximately 240 x 75 mm each with c. 14 mm space between.","Parchment","130","17","Gatherings of eight, with catchwords centered on the final verso of each gathering. One stiff modern parchment fly leaf at the front and one at the back. I-VII8 (ff. 1-56), VIII8 (-7: stub, ff. 57-63), IX-XII8 (ff. 64-95), XIII8 (-8: stub, ff. 96-102), XIV-XVI8 (ff. 103-126), XVII8 (-5, -6, -7, -8: stubs, ff. 127-130).","N/A","Post medieval: Dark brown leather (seventeenth century?) over pasteboard, sewn on six bands. Rebacked.","Bequeathed by John Furtho, whose will is dated ?22 January 1632 (1632-3) and proved on 5 March the same year? (from a note at the front of Trinity College, Cambridge MS R.14.52). Manly-Rickert suggest that the shield inside the strapwork initial ?U? on fol. 70r could be the Stafford arms (1:526).","CJ" "Cambridge University Library Add. 2775","s.xv2","1400 - 1450",,"Brut","Opening 10-line red and blue initial on f.1, now damaged, seems to have a three-bar border, although difficult to judge due to the loss of leaf; 2-line red and still bright blue pen initials at chapter divisions, with sawtooth red pen flourishes into the margin. Chapter headings and numbers in red, names and placenames underlined in red. Some capitals touched in red.","296x210mm","1","32","Writing space: 200x110mm","Mixed parchment and paper","v(with one original parchment flyleaf)+248+vi (with one original parchment flyleaf)","21","I-XX12 XXI8 Catchword, sometimes in red boxes and some quire signatures remaining, for example, quire IV marked 'ci' through to 'cvj'.","Not recorded","Post medieval","Written in a predominantly anglicana hand with secretary forms of 'g' and 'a'.","CN" "Cambridge University Library Add. 3110","s.xv",,,"Breviary","2-line blue capitals decorated with red penwork throughout (except for capital I, which can be up to 6 lines deep, and runs along the edge of the written column). The capitals are joined by the red penwork along the left-hand side of each column. Several rubricated sections, with blue paraph marks. f.153r, column 2 has a 6 line initial B, blue on gold ground (gold almost entirely rubbed off) with pink, orange and blue flowers inside the lobes, and flourishes in blue, dark red, orange and gold extending across the top margin, down the entire length of the column and across the lower margin. f. 156r, column 2 has a 3-line initial S, gold on blue ground, with flourishes in the ink of the text. f. 217r, column 1 has a 4-line initial D, blue on gold ground, with dark red flowers within the lobe. The background extends down the left margin, with blue, dark red and gold sections, and penwork touched with gold extends into the upper and lower margins. f. 333r, column 1 has a 4-line initial A, blue and white on gold ground, with dark red flowers touched with white within the lobe. The background extends down the left margin, with parallel dark red and gold sections, and penwork touched with gold extends into the upper and lower margins.","217 x 182 mm","1",,"Written space: 122-7 x 82-4 mm","Parchment","245 remaining; probably 112 missing","32 remaining. Probably 14 missing.","i2 (vellum; 1 a pastedown) + (I-II, ff. 1-16 missing) (3 s.xix paper leaves) + III-XVII8 (XVIII, ff. 137-145 missing)| (XIX, ff. 146-52 missing) 2 s.xix paper leaves (blank) | XX8 (XXI-XXVII, ff. 161-216 missing) [2 s.xix paper leaves (blank)] XXVIII8 (XXIX, ff. 225-232 missing) [2 s.xix paper leaves (blank)| XXX8 XXXI8 XXXII8 (XXXIII, ff. 257-264 missing) [2 s.xix paper leaves (blank)] XXXIV-XXXVIII8 (XXXIX, ff. 305-312 missing) [2 modern paper leaves (blank)] XL8-XLI8 XLII4 XLIII-XLIV8 XLV6 XLVI6(4-6 missing, probably blank) (4 blank s.xix leaves inserted after 357, followed by 2 blank vellum leaves, 1 a pastedown).","N/A","Post medieval: Rebound in 1918 in purple morocco. Section of board and white leather showing at the front may be original. Spine lettered in gold ?Manuscript of the 14th Century? and ?ADD 3110'. Thongs in the front board - possibly original - 4 thongs, 2 outer long, 2 inner short, each pegged into its own hole.","Several leaves/sections missing. Quite dirty and well used.","CJ" "Cambridge University Library Add. 6190","1441","1400 - 1450",,"Johannes de Janduno. Quaestiones Super Aristotelem de anima","Space left for initials","386x272","2","64","Written space: 273x195mm","Mixed parchment and paper","110",,,"N/A","Bound in wooden boards",,"CDDMCL (Robinson 1988)" "Cambridge University Library Add. 7318","c. 1459-66","1450 - 1500","memorandum quod vii die april","A scrivener?s notebook","None","285 x 120 mm","1","32-49","Unruled - varying dimensions of paper and written space.","Paper","80 remaining","15","I20+ a quire of 4 leaves inserted after 16 (6 missing; a slip of vellum is attached to 13), II6 III-X4 XI4 (4 missing; f. 66) XII4 (ff. 67-70; 67 and 70 are really a single large leaf folded unevenly in two) XIII-XV4","For the most part a bull?s head and star; in quire 1 a fleur-de-lys, also a curved object not in Briquet; in quire 4 a tripod; in quire 12 none; in quires 13-15 a wheeled object and in quire 14 the front half of a bull.","Original limp parchment binding, now shrunk, with vellum tackets, repaired with modern thread. Owen notes that the manuscript has ?a decidedly ?home-made? look?, and adds ?It seems probable that the quires were first kept loose within the wrapper, and ultimately attached to it by what look very like the tags used for securing seals to documents'. (1979: 16)","Most of f. 1 torn out. Some staining, but generally in quite good condition for a book of this type and in this binding. Inside back cover Broun, followed by Brpxn - cypher which replaces vowels with next consonant in alphabet.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ; Owen 1979" "Cambridge University Library Add. 8938","s.xv",,,"Year Book, 14 Henry IV","None","314 x 224 mm; except outer vellum leaves, which are 278 x 215 mm","1","35-41","Frame-ruled with a hard point.","Mixed parchment and paper","12","1","i3 (modern) I12 i4( modern)","Not recorded","In temporary binding at time of examination.","Stained and slightly damaged throughout. There is a confusing modern pencil numbering of ff. 3-10 as 20-22, 19, 26, 23-25, the inside leaf having been misplaced. This numbering is in sequence with Add. 8937 and Add. 8939, and shows that the missing leaves were absent when this numbering was carried out.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" "Cambridge University Library Add. 8941","s.xv (last quarter)","1450 - 1500",,"Precedents of conveyancing","Item 3. has some initials decorated with penwork, e.g. ff. 3r-v, 4r, 6r-v. otherwise no ornament","315 x 228 mm",,,,"Paper","17 (prob. incomplete)","disbound - see Collation","1 single leaf + 1 bifolium + 1 quire of 14 leaves, probably incomplete.","Item 1: a bull?s head surmounted by a six-pointed star Items 2 and 3: a hand surmounted by a small crown on a stem, not in Briquet.","Not recorded.","MS is in poor condition. Item 1 is slightly stained, and damaged at the inner margin. ?Aue maria? written twice in the right margin of f. 1r, in the same hand as the note of Barnard?s ownership. Item 2, f. 1, is badly stained and is damaged in both lower corners. Item 3 is stained throughout, especially on ff. 1 and 12-14. The outer edges of all leaves have sustained some damage - possibly through water? Sections of the text have been crossed out (by the scribe?) on item 3, f. 7r. Very few marginal notes.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" "Cambridge University Library Dd. 14.2","1432","1400 - 1450",,"Deeds and rentals relating to Oxford","None","171-83xc.118","1","18-22","Frame ruled in red crayon - 2 verticals and 2 horizontals. No prickings visible.","Parchment","318, foliated 1-317","26","I14, II14, III14, IV10, V10, VI10, VII10, VIII10, IX10, X10, XI10, XII10, XIII10, XIV10, XV10, XVI10, XVII14, XVIII14, XIX16, XX16,, XXI16, XXII16, XXIII14, XXIV16, XXV16, XXVI6 (6 stuck to boards). Some catchwords, for example, f. 114v, 124v, and also quire signatures, roman numeral and letter; other times uses arabic numeral instead.","N/A","Post medieval","[from CUL Cat]: first three pages preceding item 1 contain a pedigree of the Bishop family[in Bishop's hand]. The foliation has been altered at different times by the writer as he increased his collection. Blank leaves are 14-26, 29, 30r, 36v, 37, 39-42, 276. On ff. 1-13 and ff. 27, 28 is a list of contents of the volume in a later hand. Main hand of the manuscript writes in anglicana - double compartment 'a'; reversed 'e'; anglicana 'r's etc.","CUL Cat; CDDMCL (Robinson 1988); CN" "Cambridge University Library Dd.1.13","1345","1300 - 1350","f.2r: De al[?]; f. 3r: ab inicio de legantur","Willelmus Durandus, Speculum iuris, Repertorium aureum","At the beginning of books 2 and 4 are large capitals. Book 2 begins (f. 67r) with a 11-line capital S, blue on salmon pink ground, with blue, pink and orange floreation on gold ground within the lobes. Decoration (partial border) extends down the centre margin. Book 4 has a 10-line letter D (f. 170r). Same decoration as before; partial border extends down left margin. It appears that there was originally an initial at the beginning of book 3 (161v) including a partial border, all of which has been completely removed, and the page later repaired. Blue initials with red penwork. Alternate blue and red paraph marks. Chapter numbers in alternate red and blue in top margin; some rubrication.","c. 412-16 x 260 mm","2","87","332 x 88 mm per col. 192 wide written space (inc. gutter).","Parchment","273 (out of 286; 1, 233-244 lost)","24","i3 (post-medieval paper) + I12 (wants 1) II - XIX12 XX4 | (1 quire of 12 missing) XXI12 XXII12 XXIII12 XXIV6 + ii3 (post-medieval paper). Catchwords in the first booklet, but not in the second.","N/A","Post medieval","Parchment; of slightly variable quality and shape in the first booklet, and has been mended prior to writing in some places, either by stitching or patches. Much more consistent in the second.","CN; CDDMCL (Robinson 1988)" "Cambridge University Library Dd.10.22","s.xiv","1350 - 1400","horsa. Deinde alii","Historia Aurea (Secunda pars)","f. 1r: 6-line initial B, pink on purple ground, decorated with orange foliage and aqua blue animal heads. Forms partial border in purple and aqua blue, with a lion's head at the bottom. Aqua blue 2-3-line initials with red penwork; 2-line red initials with purple penwork. f. 9v: 12-line initial R; orange and aqua blue on squared purple ground. Zoomorphic ascenders and descenders, green foliage, forming part of a partial border decorated with foliage and two legged dragon-like beasts. f. 85r: Zoo/anthropomorphic initial M - blue and orange on orange and purple ground (halved). Central line of the M is formed of a creature with a demon's head, man's torso and blue animal legs and tail. The sides of the M are two dragon-like beasts, one aqua blue with purple head, one orange with green head. Each is biting the demon/man/beast's shoulders, while he in turn grips one hind leg of each of them. The tails of the beasts also end in heads, one of which connects to a partial border of foliage. In the bottom right corner is a red -bodied centaur, wearing a hood, playing a pipe of some sort, and banging a drum or tabor with the leg of a cloven-hoofed animal. Decoration elaborate, but not brilliantly executed. Use of aqua blue, very bold colours and tile pattern all very distinctive.","230 x 154 mm","1","36","Ruled in grey. Prickings visible.","Parchment","159","20","i7 (modern paper) + I-XIX8 XX8 (-2) + ii7 (modern paper). Catchwords in hand of scribe; no quire signatures.","N/A","Post medieval: John R. Gray & son, 1926","Damaged in several places. Some sheets misshapen, such as f. 29. Bottom of quire 1 damaged. Quality of parchment varies. Running heads with the number of the current book throughout. Several annotations, including a number of pointing hands with a long curved index finger. Some later notes in red/orange crayon - s.xvi.","CJ; CN" "Cambridge University Library Dd.3.53","s.xvin","1400 - 1450","I: du patronage du dit Quesque; II: & in euery signe after thyn almenak","Privy Seal Formulary; Treatise on the astrolabe","I: Item 1: Mostly alternate red and blue initials and large red and blue paraph marks indicating marginal notes. Some more ornate decoration, as at the beginning (f. 5r) which has an 8-line decorated E, blue on gold ground with blue, orange-red and salmon-pink foliage, all touched with white. The foliage extends into the upper and left margins. Until f. 14v the initials which begin each section are more ornate, alternating red initials with violet penwork, and blue initials with red penwork. The first initial on f. 14v is a 4-line R, gold on a background quartered in red and blue with white foliage. From this point onwards the initials are simply alternating plain red or blue. Item 2: None save slightly more ornate features of initials of most sections, done by the scribe in the same ink. Item 3: Several diagrams with red explanations. Red paraph marks and colour touching. f. 1r an initial L in red penwork, with fine penwork filling and flourishing, with a little red flower inside the letter. II: Item 4: Two diagrammatic tables, one in circular form with a tree drawn in the centre. Item 5: Red colour touching. Title underlined in red.","283 x 208mm","1","I: 35-42; II: 34","Single-column, Part I has 35-42 lines to a page, Part II has 34 lines, ruled in pencil and crayon.","Parchment","iv + 141 + iv","17 (13 + 4)","Two distinct booklets, indicated by ||. Blank leaves at the end of many quires, indicated by |. Following modern pencil foliation: i5 (post-medieval paper leaves (the first 2 are s.xx)) iii4 (the first originally a pastedown; 4 inserted (1r-2r)- see comments) + I10 (ff. 5-14) II8 | III-IV8 | V-VII8| VIII-XI8 | XII8 XIII8 (-1; 3 canc., probably blank || XIV12 XV-XVI8 + iii4 (the last a pastedown) iv6 (post-medieval paper leaves (the third and fourth stuck together, the last two are s.xx) Catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval: s.xviii, brown leather, rebacked in brown goatskin. Raised front pastedown suggests that an earlier binding was sewn on six thongs, drawn through and pegged two to a hole into three holes.","Front flyleaves - inserted is an epistle headed 'Viro illustri et reverendo Joanni Episcopo Norvicensi, S. P.D Petrus Burmannus' and dated 'Trajecti Batavor' 15 Jan 1707. ?Wylliam Yaxlee Wylliam Danyell? (30r, s.xvi). A William Danyell was an attorney of the Exchequer and a member of Thavies Inn (sued for dues in 1491-92, 1496-97, 1503, 1510 and 1520). A William Yaxley was sued for dues by Gray?s Inn in 1539. ?Sum Mulcaster? (inside the old cover, s.xvi): i.e. Richard Mulcaster (d. 1611), schoolmaster. ?9' (2r): John Moore (CMA 9); Royal Library 1715 (R9, and Geo. I bookplate inside front cover).","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" "Cambridge University Library Dd.6.7","between 1440-1448","1400 - 1450","auditis ille confestim","Geoffrey of Monmouth","Plain red initials and paraph marks. Some rubrication.","195 x 140 mm","1","23","Single vertical boundary lines. Ruled in crayon. Prickings visible.","Parchment","ix + 154 (inc. 2 slips)","19","i1 (modern paper) ii10 (-1; 10 canc) + I8 II8 (+1; slip ins. after 3) III8 ? XVIII8 XIX8 (+1; slip ins after 8) + iii2 (2 mostly cut out) (s.xvi document) iv1 (modern paper)","N/A","Post medieval; rebound 1958. See inside of back cover for details","The date can be established because the manuscript includes parts of Whethamstede's Granarium (1440) and Shenley left St Albans on 12 Dec 1448. Fol. 1 'Liber monasterij sancti albani' (s. xv). Flyleaf contains a parchment fragment of a legal document, dated the 33rd year of Elizabeth. ir 'Stapulforde taney' (?hand of text), iir 'Suerder' (?s.xvi) and iiir early modern copy of ex libris on 1r.","CJ; Crick 1989" "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.10","c. 1425-1445, before 1457",,,"Nicholas de Lyra, Opera","No miniatures. Each book starts with an illuminated capital, with partial borders. Illuminated decorated initials and borders, gold and coloured initials, rubrics.","466x323","2","53","Ruled in ink.","Parchment","330 + I","41","i4 (modern paper) + I8 ? V8 VI10 ? VIII10 IX8 ? XL8 XLI4 + iii1 (raised pastedown) iv4 (modern paper, except for 3, which is a large parchment stub).","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.20","s.xiv (mid)","1350 - 1400","f. 2r: uis gencium","Decretum gratiani","Headings in red, running titles in red and blue, initial letters in blue with red flourishing followed by a smaller capital touched with yellow and frequently decorated with grotesques. The larger initials with partial borders have been consistently cut out. Smaller initials in blue or salmon pink on alternate grounds, diapered in white, filled with gold and conventional foliage in colour; they represent typical English work of the period.","450 x 297 mm","4 (2 text; 2 gloss)","37-40; 74-91 (gloss)",,"Parchment","389","35","i8 (modern paper) + I-XVIII12, XIX-XXV10, XXVI-XXXIII12, XXXIV2(+1), XXXV4 + ii8 (modern paper) Catchwords do not appear to match at ff. 96v, 179v, 191v and 357v. Foliation slightly faulty - 98 followed by 98a, then 99, so that the foliation ends at 388.","N/A","Post medieval: Modern (quarter olive green niger, cloth sides, vellum tips ? to 5 bands ? Gray, Cambridge)","Several initials cut out.","CJ" "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.7","c. 1425-c1445, before 1457",,,"Nicholas de Lyra, Opera","Each book starts with a beautiful illuminated capital, with partial borders. Several aspects of the text are also illustrated, such as the Tabernacle, in gold, f. 80v. Miniatures (vols I and III only), illuminated decorated initials and borders, gold and coloured initials, rubrics.","472x330","2",,"Writing: 308x208mm Ruled in purple ink.","Parchment","iv+319 + ii","40","I8- X8, XI8 (wants 1), XII8- XL8 Catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval. Modern brown goatskin preserving sides of early blind-tooled calf, probably 16th century. Repaired, Cockerell, 1972","Parchment ? high quality and velvety in feel. Very good condition, particularly the illuminations. Some worm holes on the last few leaves. All the volumes contain extensive corrections in the margins; many of them, having been incorporated by the scribe into the body of the text, have been erased and are now only visible under ultra-violet light. The hand of the corrector has been identified as that of Abbot Whethamstede. Script: anglicana formata.","CJ; Binski and Panayotova 2005: 108" "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.8","c. 1425-c. 1445, before 1457",,,"Nicholas de Lyra, Postillae","No miniatures. Each book starts with a beautiful illuminated capital, with partial borders. Illuminated decorated initials and borders, gold and coloured initials, rubrics.","467x330","2",,"Ruled in ink","Parchment","286 + flyleaves","37","i4 (3 raised pastedown) + I1 (end of quire from another vol? Catchword at the bottom of 1v) II-XXXVI8 XXXVII8 (wants 1, 7, 8) +ii4 (3 only half a leaf, 4 modern)","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "Cambridge University Library Dd.7.9",". 1425-c. 1445, before 1457","1450 - 1500",,"Nicholas de Lyra, Opera","No miniatures. Each book starts with a beautiful illuminated capital, with partial borders. Illuminated decorated initials and borders, gold and coloured initials, rubrics.","466x330","2",,"Ruled in ink","Parchment","i + 267 + i","33","i4 (modern paper; 3 a stub) ii1 + I10 II8 ? XIV8 XV8 (-1) XVI8 ? XXXII8 XXXIII10 + iii1 (raised pastedown) iv3 (modern paper; 2 a stub)","N/A","Post medieval; Pastedown shows that it was once sewn on to 9 thongs, each pegged into its own hole",,"CJ" "Cambridge University Library Ee.1.14","c. 1404 and c. 1440","1400 - 1450","f. 2 O bone ihesu; f. 3 KL Januarius","Calendar, Hours (Sarum)","9 historiated initials in London section (1-50, 53-102v): f. 9 . (Matins) Virgin and Child, with sprig f. 17v. (Lauds) Agony in the Garden f. 32r. (Prime) Betrayal f. 36v. (Terce) Christ before Pilate f. 39r. (Sext) Road to Calvary f. 41v. (None) Crucifixion, with Mary and John f. 44v. (Vespers) Descent from the Cross f. 47r. (Compline) Entombment f. 53r. (Penitential Psalms) Christ in Judgement, displaying wounds, with swords at his head 1 in Bury section (51r-52v; 103r-139v) f. 103r. Service for the dead, with priests, mourners, pall and candles Text decoration (not in all sections): Ruling in purple; line endings in blue and gold; capitals tinted yellow; one-line letters in blue and gold with red and blue flourishing; two-line letters in gold on rectangular rose/blue ground with groups of dots in white and with sprays of black pen-work and gold motifs; with historiated initials and on ff. 72v, 77r, bar-frame borders; f. 9r trellis-work border. Compositions and figural work of historiated initials are an amalgam of the work of Johannes and Hermann Scheere Scott: ? As many as three artists may have participated in the illustration'. Hand A (which she attributes to Scheere) made the historiations on ff. 9r, 41v, 44r, 47r and 53r. Possibly an assistant, B made those on ff. 17v, 32r, 39r). f. 36v seems to be an amalgam between the style of Scheere and ?possibly by an intrusive, Johannes-influenced hand?. The last border and historiated initial are additions of 35 to 40 years later. The border artist worked in the style of more traditional borders (Huntington HM 268, 12v), but palette is closest in rendering the 2 borders of the part (separated from HM 268) in Sloane 2542, and the Sloane borders are probably by the hand of f. 103r in the present MS. The last initial in this MS can probably be assigned to the artist of the frontispiece of Bodley 263, of the same East Anglian group.","210 x 145 mm","1","15-32","129 x 84?88mm: written space. Ruled in purple and black-brown ink.","Parchment","140","19","i4 (modern paper), ii1 (former pastedown), I8-V8, VI10 (4 canc.), VII8 (+2 leaves ins. after 1) | VIII8 - XII8, XIII4 (4 canc.) |XIV8, XV8 | XVI8, XVII-XVIII6 | XIX2 (2 former pastedown) + iii4 (modern paper). Catchwords with incomplete decoration.","N/A","Post medieval: Modern (W. H. Smith & Son, Ltd., London, Feb. 1963). Former pastedowns may suggest that an earlier binding had two thongs pegged into one hole, but there is not sufficient evidence to say for certain.","Catchword on f. 67v '[S]ce martine' does not agree with first words of f. 68r 'Sce Siluester', although St Martine does occur on the third line of this leaf.","CJ; Scott 1996" "Cambridge University Library Ee.2.15","s. xvex","1450 - 1500",,"Chaucer, Gower and Lydgate","Large coloured initial on f. 18r, roughly executed, and incorporating a rebus) a fish followed by the letters 'er' and a merchant's mark within a tilting shield, which appears again on f. 48r and is recorded as belonging to an unknown Norwich merchant. Uniform decoration.","280x205mm","1","35","Written space: 205x128mm","Paper","95",,"Not recorded","Not recorded","Post medieval","Written by a professional scribe in a secretary hand of the late s. xv. Later owned by one 'Francis heyly' according to an inscription written in the late sixteenth century. The book was later in the collection of John More, bishop of Norwich.","CUL Cat; Gorlach 1974; Harris 1993" "Cambridge University Library Ee.4.19","s.xiv",,"nominis","York manual","Several decorated initials; mostly 2-line, but some sections are introduced by 4-line initials. They are all decorated in the same way: blue initials with red penwork decoration within and without, extending to fill the left margin on most leaves. Within the body of the text there are often alternating plain red and blue 1-line initials.","280x 197 mm","1","27-28","Ruled in ink","Parchment","93 (was 96, 3 missing)","12","i1 (modern paper) + I-XI8 XII8 (wants 5-7) + ii1 (modern paper)","N/A","Post medieval: Rebound (CUL) in July 1979. The previous (s.xvi) binding stands separately in size C, according to a note inside the front cover of the new binding.","Some staining. The outer corners of the bottoms of ff. 52-78 are very dirty. The MS has been cropped since s.xv annotations were made in the margins, as the edges of some of these have been cropped. Colophon on f. 92v: 'Orate pro animabus domini Johanniis Castylfurth& domini Williami Bramelay . capellanorum . parentum suorum & fratrum suorum & omnium benefactorum suorum . qui dederunt istum librum . hunc ecclesie . Sancti leonardi [.........]h' (erased). On f. 96 in a good (different) textura hand: ?Oracio valde denota de nomine Jhesu. [O] Bone Jhesu . o dulcissime Jhesu etc?. The words ?papa? and ?pope? have been erased throughout.","CJ" "Cambridge University Library Ee.5.13","s.xiv",,"[insur]rexerunt in me","Psalter","Art 1 - 5: Blue initials with red penwork. Smaller red and blue initials, and red colour touching Art 6: Kalendar: 3 line gold initials on ff. 21r-v, 22v, 23v, 24v, 25v, 26v. Other large initials in blue with red penwork. Some small gold initials; others red and blue. Art 7: f. 75r: 5-line initial A: blue on dark red ground, with white highlighting. The lobe is filled with a gold background, and depicts a choir singing from a book on a lectern. The decoration extends in gold, dark red, orange and blue along the left margin and into the upper and lower margins, with foliage. f. 76r: 4-line initial D, dark red on blue ground with white and green highlighting. The lobe is filled with a gold background and depicts a man at prayer with a scroll, and behind him a devil who appears to be contemplating his next move! Foliage extends part way up and down the left margin. f. 113v: 8-line initial P (lobe 3-line); lobe blue on dark red ground, descender dark red/pink on blue ground. White highlighting. The lobe is filled with a gold background, and depicts a coffin with a white cross on top, surrounded by 3 candles in holders. More elaborate foliage extends part way into the top and left margins, in red, blue and gold. f. 115r: 3-line initial A, blue on dark red ground. White highlighting. The lobe has a gold background, and depicts a man?s face. Foliage extends into the margin between the two columns. Other capitals blue with red penwork. Smaller red and blue capitals throughout. Arts 8-10, 12 - 14: Blue initials with red penwork; red underlining, rubrics and colour touching Art 11: Red staves; rubrics Arts 16 and 17: Blue initials with red penwork. Red staves and rubrics.","330 x 220mm","2","25",,"Parchment","91 (out of 140; 27-74, 83 lost)","17","I12, II8,III6, IV-IX8 (all missing), X8, XI8 (wants 1), XII-XV8 | XVI8 | XVII8 (+ 2 leaves ins. after 6)","N/A","Post-medieval; Gray, Cambridge, October 1958. Evidence on front flyleaf for an earlier binding with at least 4 thongs, pegged 2 to a hole","NB Pencil foliation followed in this description. Quire 3 (ff. 21-26) was extracted by John Bonstell (the Elder), book-binder of Cambridge (1753-1813) and restored by the Master and Fellows of Downing College, 31/8/51.","CJ" "Cambridge University Library Ff. 3.27","1429","1400 - 1450","soli","Duns Scotus; Franciscus de Maronis","Red and blue paraphs. 4-line blue letters with red flourishing. One border, f. 1r. Three bar border in blue, red and green. Scott: 'in most respects the border harks back to the beginning of the century or even to the last decade of the fourteenth century. The rounded, trefoil leaves with a shaded circle in white are twenty to thirty years old, as are the small roundels of leaves on the bar-frame. Other old-fashioned elements are the spray at bottom whose main support is an extended, pointed leaf rather than feathering, the grouping of three leaves in the lower part of the initial (found in later 14th-century infillings and borderwork), and vines that begin inside the bar-frame. The lack of green tint on lobes of feathering is also old-fashioned for this date' (Scott 2002, p. 52) The initial leaf of each book of section two was illuminated, and has been cut out; after fols. 52, 202, 228, 284.","309x218","2","54","226x146mm: written space.","Parchment","351+i","31","Catchwords in scribe's hand, sometimes in boxes. Second scribe also has catchwords, but in more elaborate boxes. I12, II12, III12, IV12, V16 (-5), VI12, VII12, VIII12, IX12, X12, XI12, XII12, XIII12, XIV12, XV12, XVI12, XVII12, XVIII12 (-7), XIX, XX12, XXI12 (-10), XXII12, XXIII12, XXIV12, XXV6, XXVI12 (-1), XXVII12, XXVIII12, XXIX12, XXX12, XXXI10","N/A","Post medieval","2 sections written in different hands; the first written at Oxford in 1429. Parkes describes it as ' a typical Oxford hand of the period 1425-50. It is such a skilful blend of Anglicana and Secretary that the influence of the latter is not immediately obvious, except in the direction of the minim strokes, and in the presence of secretary graphs' (Parkes 1969, p. 17).","CN; CDDMCL (Robinson 1988); Scott 2002" "Cambridge University Library Ff.1.14","s.xv med","1400 - 1450","Als žam žat has že werldes gude","Theological writings","Red paraph marks, headings in red or underlined in red, capitals in red or blue, the capitals in the text touched with red, and an occasional blue initial with conventional foliage filling and flourishing in red.","203 x 140 mm","1","25-32","Frame ruled in ink.","Paper","217 (inc. vellum flyleaves)","18","i2 (modern paper) i4 (vellum) + I6, II12 (12 canc.), III-XVIII12 + i4 (vellum) i2 (modern paper) Catchwords. Quires 3-16 signed a-o; the old signatures mostly cropped by the binder","Not recorded","Post medieval: s.xvii calf, blind tooled, rebacked. Front flyleaf shows impressions of five thongs, each pegged into an individual hole, alternately higher and lower ? pre 1450?","The flyleaves at each end are of vellum. 1v and 4 (reversed) contain the particulars (s.xv) of a case about a will ?bonorum que fuerunt Robert Iustice fratris sui'.","CJ; Friedman 1995" "Cambridge University Library Ff.3.1","s.xv (mid)","1450 - 1500","armure","Statutes","Each statute has a three- or four-line initial in gold on ground of blue diapered with white; some fillings may be yellow, with penwork or shaded foliage in reddish brown; others are pink, diapered with white or else shaded pink foliage. Partial borders are of foliage of blue and yellow or else blue and reddish brown (occasionally true red) with the occasional bird or fish worked in; on 109v the filling of the initial includes a female head. On 77r is a five-line initial H of shaded foliage in blue and white on gold ground, showing King Henry IV seated with crown and sceptre, robed in ermine, pink and green; the initial extends into a bar border of gold and blue decorated with foliage in blue, green and gold, with flowers of pink and green. In the corner piece at the foot of the page is a female head wreathed in foliage, the latter extending along the lower border and ending with a grotesque bird. On 107r is a six-line initial H of shaded foliage in blue and white on gold ground, with filling of shaded foliage in blue and reddish brown, extending into a bar border of gold and blue with foliage branching across the upper and lower borders. Paraph marks in red and blue against the chapter numberings in the margins.","342 x 245 mm","1","32-40","Frame ruled in crayon","Parchment","207","27","ii2 (modern) + I-II8 III10 (= ff. 1-26) | IV-IX8 X10 (= ff. 27-76) | XI-XIII8 XIV6 (= ff. 77-106) | XV-XXVI8 XXVII8 (6-8 missing; prob. blank) (= ff. 107-207).] + 3 stubs (modern), i1 (modern). Catchwords in hand of scribe, quire signatures.","N/A","Post medieval: Modern (after 1996?) White/cream leather over boards.","Generally good condition - quite an elegant production, though the hands are quite cursive and not as formal as the decoration. f. 9 lower corner torn away. Added notes: ?vol 36' (1r). Baker and Ringrose recorded the following notes, which have been lost since the MS was rebound: ?13' (inside cover); ?3.1015' (inside cover); ?290' (ir); recorded by Goodall (Oo.7.54) as ?O[ld] L[ibrary] 290', and no. 290 in the list in Oo.7.59; old library bookplate (?Academiae Cantabrigiensis Liber?) inside front cover.","Baker and Ringrose 1996; CJ" "Cambridge University Library Ff.6.11","s.xiv","1350 - 1400","dulciter","De Institutione Fratrum Carmelitarum Ordinis","5-line red lombard initial on f. 1 with black penwork forming white-on-black foliage design inside letter and scallopped edge around it; thereafter rubric glosses, rubric underlining of sub-headings, rubric half-sleigh underlining under black RT and red glosses; red over-tracing of initials throughout volume; red over-tracing of title/heading on f. 1, over ?Amen? on f. 32.","170 x 117 mm","1","28","c. 128 x 88 mm frame: square with top line of text above frame, very fine grey lines. Not ruled.","Parchment","ii+32+i","4","4 quires of 8, complete. Quires counted by letters ?a? to ?d? written on first folio recto of each quire only, on lower left near gutter, in pen, and early, possibly original.","N/A","Post medieval","On 32v, added texts on passing of life after Psalm 103 and on ?Seneca de morte?.","CN; LRM" "Cambridge University Library Ff.6.31","s.xv","1400 - 1450","for why","Collection of theological tracts","Arts 1 and 2: Very little. 2-line red capitals on ff. 1v and 7v. Some red colour touching. Art 3: Begins with a 3-line blue initial with red penwork extending down the margin. Rubrication throughout. Art 4: Begins with a 2-line initial in blue with red penwork extending down the margin. Red underlining and some red notae throughout. Occasional blue paraph marks and some rubrication. f. 27v: 3-line blue initial with red penwork extending into the margin. Art 5: Begins with a 3-line initial in blue with red penwork extending down the margin. Red underlining and some red notae throughout. Occasional blue paraph marks and some rubrication. f. 53r: 2-line blue initial with red penwork extending into the margin. Several sections, e.g. ff. 49v-51v; 53v-55r undecorated. Art 6: Only f. 92r has any decoration. Title rubricated. Main text begins with a 2-line initial in blue with red penwork extending down the margin. Art 7: Title rubricated, but begins with a blue . Main text begins with a 6-line initial in blue with red penwork extending down the margin. Blue (and one red) paraph marks. Red underlining of marginal notes.","141 x 102 mm","1","13-21","Ruling in ink where ruled.","Parchment","163 (+ 1 vellum flyleaf)","22","Divided into 2 main sections (separately foliated) ii2(paper) + I10(9 canc.) | II8 (wants 2) III8 IV8 V8 VI8 VII8 VIII8 || IX8 X8 XI8 XII8 XIII8 XIV2 | XV8 XVI8 XVII8 XVIII8 XIX8 XX8 XXI8 XXII2 (2 canc.) + i1 (vellum) + i1 (paper)","N/A (paper flyleaves from later binding)","Post medieval. Loose.","Several original holes in the vellum, some stitched. Contemporary marginal annotations throughout. Some pen trials on ff. 1r and 5r. NB on the verso of the last flyleaf is a six line stanza ?quod ye devill to ye frier? in a s.xvi hand (IMEV 2531). On the pastedown, in a later hand: Daemon Languebat, Monachum fieri uolebat; Daemon conua Luit; mansit ut ante fuit, with an English translation underneath.","CJ; Scase 1992; James (unpub)" "Cambridge University Library Gg.4.12","between 1461 & 1464","1450 - 1500","o myn benigne lord receyue this","John Capgrave, Abbreuiacion of Chronicles, with dedicatory preface to Edward IV","Illuminated initials and border (f. 1v), rubrics. Fol. 1: 2 bar border with spray in blue, gold and green; 6-line illuminated initial 'T' rose and blue.","306 x 250 mm","2","42","230x145mm: written space. 5 verticals, 2 horizontals. Ruled within. No prickings visible.","Parchment","i+106+i","14","Catchwords - difficult to see; cramped at bottom of folio. I2, II- XIV8.","N/A","Post medieval","Marginal annotations and notes in a late fifteenth/early sixteenth century hand. Probably intended for presentation to Edward IV.","CN; CDDMCL (Robinson 1988)" "Cambridge University Library Gg.4.19","1425","1400 - 1450","rose quod probat","Phillipus de Monte Calerio, Sermones Dominicales, pars ii","Running titles; capitals with yellow tint. 2-and4-line blue letters with red flourishing. One border, f.2r. Text begins with a 6-line 'M' coloured in blue with white shading along the outside of the letter and with a row of white dots and a circle on the inside of the stems.","357 x 256mm","2","51","250 x 164 mm written area. Ruled in plummet. 7 verticals, 4 horizontals.","Parchment","i+291+2","25","I-XXIV12, XXV2 Catchwords in scrolls.","N/A","Post medieval","Anglicana hand with some secretary forms, for example, secretary 'a'.","CN; Scott 2002" "Cambridge University Library Hh.1.12","s.xv",,"the holy","Manual of private devotion","Chapter titles (running headers) rubricated. Red colour touching, underlining and paraph marks. Blue initials with red penwork. Blue paraph marks in the margin. Otiose strokes in the upper margin.","123 x 140mm","1","28","Ruled in grey. 2 verticals and 2 horizontals. Ruled within.","Parchment","ii + 127 + ii","17","i4 (1, 4 late paper; 2, 3 parchment stubs) + I4 (1 lost, 2 a stub) II8 ? XVI8 XVII8 (-4; 3, 5, 7, 8 canc.) ii4 (1, 2 late paper, 3, 4 parchment. 3 part of a document).","N/A","Post medieval","Several cuts on lower margins of first few leaves. Pen trials. One of the last flyleaves seems to be part of a document of some sort (s.xv)","CJ" "Cambridge University Library Hh.1.5","betw. 1382 & 1401","1350 - 1400","(orig) (now f. 2) Hac figura & de numero (current binding) a in e par (Main text): Jon (?) autem dic","Thomas of Hanney, Memoriale iuniorum; etc.","f. 44r 1 large (25-line) initial P, in black/green ink, with ink decoration in the lobe, touched with red. f. 65v: 12-line red P, with red and black ink decoration. Other similar but smaller capitals in this section. Otherwise, mainly red 1-, 2- and 3-line capitals, red underlining and colour touching.","217 x 145mm approx","1; 2; 3","40-50","2 cols, except 1 col. ff. 90r-v, 149r-156v; 3 cols ff. 4r-8v","Mixed parchment and paper","192","14","i2 (paper) + I4 (wants 4) II14 III-VII16 VIII14 IX18 X18 (wants 18) XI12 XII12 (f. 187 misbound) XIII16 XIV6 (wants 1; 187 misbound) + i2 (paper)","Not recorded.","Post medieval. Brown leather, rebacked. Repaired 1929, CUL.","Lots of marginal notes, mostly in the same hand. Some signed by Forster, which suggest it is his hand. Three leaves at the beginning of the MS are reversed and upside down; f. 3v, (originally f. 1r) reads: ?Orate deuote pro anima Willelmi Forster in grammatica magistri. Quondam recepti in canonicum et confratem monasterii prioratus de Wyrkesopp? Ebor? dioc? qui paulisper scolatizans Oxonii mortalitate preuentus habitum regularem se non induit qui legauit istum librum canonicis dicti prioratus deo seruientibus Anno domini Millesimo CCCC primo?. Notes throughout the MS, some signed by Forster.","CJ; CUL Cat" "Cambridge University Library Ii.2.24","s. xiv","1350 - 1400","de bristano","Polychronicon","Each letter heading in the first text is a 3-line blue initial with red penwork. f. 13r: 12-line initial P, dark red and blue on gold background. In the centre is a picture of a queen/saint (Katherine?), wearing red/orange dress and a blue and white cloak. In her left hand she holds a sword, and in her right a wheel. Kneeling to her right outside the letter is a figure of a kneeling monk in black habit, holding one end of a scroll which reads ?me Thomam mina precor Arnoldum Katherina?. The other end of the scroll touches the wheel. On this page there is also a border which surrounds both columns, with the central margin also decorated. Gold with blue and dark red, with white highlights. In the bottom margin are three shields. In the top right corner there is a dragon with what looks like a bear?s /cat?s head, apparently breathing out or inhaling the line of the border. Chapters are introduced by smaller decorated gold blue and red initials, which extend into the margin, and subsections by blue initials with red penwork. The number of the current chapter is given in blue and red at the top of every page. Blue and red paraph marks, some red underlining, rubrics.","342 x 242 mm","2","55","Frame ruled in crayon.","Parchment","162 including paste-downs","15","I4 (wants 1, 2 a pastedown), II8, III12-XIV12, XV10 (wants 8-10, 7 a pastedown)","N/A","Post medieval?; spine recovered; clasps originally.",,"CJ" "Cambridge University Library Ii.6.1","1449","1400 - 1450","pectore","Gesta Romanorum","First page of second text, f. 111, has 5-line red and blue incised initial with red and purple penwork decoration forming square around letter and foliage pattern inside it, 3/4 bar border in blue and red and foliage-like sawtooth extenders into left margin, and extending from all corners of bar border to form fourth side and run into margins in all directions, in red, blue and purple; circular bosses with foliage design in them at corners; bar border alternated blue and red in design like decorative top of an iron gate. Lettering for rest of line after initial is very large and bold black. Smaller 3-line blue lombard initials for divisions of texts, with red penwork forming postage-stamp design around letter but with scalloped edges, sawtooth extenders with scalloped edges on one side, tendrils ending in three petals or shoelace ties; small double-sided sawtooth extender into left margin as with the larger initial. Heading in rubric by scribe. Frequent alternating red and blue paraphs whose top bar extends over c. 6 letters of the first word(s); alternating blue and red paraphs before glosses in margins as well, e.g. f. 40v.","213 x 146 mm","1","30","Writing space: 142 x 84 mm. Two verticals, 3-4 horizontals enclosing top line and sometimes enclosing bottom line; ruled within, fine grey-brown lines pricking survives in bottom margin for two verticals only.","Parchment","iv (mod.paper) + 150 + i (original parchment) + iv","15","Four quires of ten leaves lost; I-XV10. Catchwords in hand of scribe in elaborate scrolls, quire signatures for first half of each quire in arabic numerals. Catchwords: in far lower right, running into gutter, approx. centered on the right vertical line of frame; simple fine-line box around, all by scribe and in same ink as text; sometimes box embellished with cross-hatches, = double slashes, sometimes corners have further embellishment as pinecone or shell style designs.","N/A","Post medieval","Written for a canon of the Augustinian abbey of Osney, near Oxford. Fol. 150v in Zurke's hand: 'Dominus wa[l]ter Canonicus de Osnye est possessor istius libri. Qui rapit hunc librum demon frangat sibi collum. Finiui librum scripsi sine manibus ipsum' [CDDMCL (Robinson 1988), p. 35].","LRM; CN" "Cambridge University Library Kk.1.6","1449 - 1454","1450 - 1500","[lerne] ner for to here of suche wysdom","Eleanor Hull, ?the vij Psalmes'; other prose and verse","Art 1: Begins with 7-line initial D in blue with red penwork. Very rubbed. Smaller 1-line capitals in red or blue throughout; red colour touching and red and blue paraph marks (a few blue paraph marks). f. 66v: 6-line initial D in blue with red penwork; f.82v: 6-line initial M in blue with red penwork - very rubbed; almost obliterated. f. 108r 5-line initial D; blue with red penwork; f. 131r 5-line initial D; blue with red penwork, quite rubbed. Art 2: Begins with 6-line initial T in blue with red penwork. Mostly obliterated. Smaller 2-3 line capitals in blue and red throughout; red colour touching and paraph marks (a few blue paraph marks). No large initials after 175v. Art 3: Decorated until f. 188r with 2-5 line blue capitals with red penwork extending down the margin. Latin sections written in red, as are certain English sections. From f. 188v there is no decoration of any sort, nor has any space been left for it. Arts 4-14: Initial rubric begins with 10-line initial H with red penwork. Main text begins with 2-line blue initial M with red penwork. Red colour touching. The heading, explicit and names of Judas, Jesus and Satan are also written in red. Similar to 4. On f. 205v the first initial, a 4-line blue A with red penwork, is very rubbed. Art 15: Each section is introduced with a 2-line blue initial with red penwork. Some red colour touching and underlining. On f. 286v the capital A has been rubbed away, and the outline drawn in again in black by a later hand. Art 16: Begins with a 4-line initial S with red penwork. NB throughout the MS these initials are consistent in style and execution. Red colour touching on the first letter of each line, and couplets are linked with red lines.","272 x 195 mm","1",,"Ruled in some places (e.g. the Lydgate section); others appear to be frame-ruled in drypoint.","Mixed parchment and paper","247","27","a2 (1 canc.) | I-XV10 (wants 7-10) | XVI10, XVII10, XVIII8, XIX6 (wants 5-6) | XX10, XXI-XXII10, XXIII10, XXIV2 | XXV10-XXVII10 2 flyleaves","N/A","Post medieval: Rebound in 1958. Part of earlier pastedown (post medieval?) stuck inside front cover of new binding (with CUL bookplate).","Parchment used for the inner- and outermost bifolia of each quire, paper for the rest.","CJ" "Cambridge University Library Kk.6.16","1327","1300 - 1350","cum Parthis iam porte clause sunt","Galfridus Monumetensis, etc.","Art 1: Capitals and paraph marks in blue; the first has red penwork. Art 6: Rubrics after f. 76r: ?Explicit prophecia Merlini?. Blue and some red paraph marks. Blue and red initials - some plain, others with penwork in the alternate colour. Some yellow colour touching on capitals.","144 x 96 mm","1","23","Fine brown ruling","Parchment","163 (out of 187)","16","i2 (paper), I10, II10, III2, IV10, V12, VI12, VII12, VIII12, IX12, X12, XI12, XII12, XIII12, XIV12, XV12, XVI8 + ii2 (paper, + 1 stub); catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval: xvii cent calf, blind-tooled, rebacked","Leaves: 163 (out of 187 numbered by a medieval hand using 172 twice). ff. 176v; 177; 181v stained through the use of galls. f. 163r ?Lyndwod? (s.xv) f. 163v ?nicholas ferrar ex dono magistri Danielis Birkett?, possibly in the hand of Nicholas Ferrar (d. 1637) of Clare Hall, the Virginia Company, and founder of the community at Little Godding, Hants. f. 163v ?W. Staunton? ?Mary?. (s.xvi).","CJ" "Cambridge University Library Mm.2.21","s.xv","1400 - 1450",,"Confessio Amantis","Half borders at the beginning of each book, except the third, fifth, and seventh, and two miniatures, one on f. 4v showing Nebuchadnezzar's dream (the king in bed, crowned), and on f. 8, the Confession in the margin, showing the priest laying his stole on the head of the penitent.","355 x 240 mm","2","46","Faint pencil ruling","Parchment","183 (184 lost)","23","i4 (modern paper) I-XXII8 XXIII8 (wants 8). Catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval: W. H. Smith and Son, London Dec. 1958",,"CJ" "Cambridge University Library Mm.2.5","s.xv mid",,,"Canterbury Tales","Red capital strokes and brackets to mark couplets. Rubricated running heads, incipits and explicits preceded by blue paraphs. The Man of Law's Tale and the Monk's Tale have a series of alternating red and blue paraphs to mark stanzas. Elsewhere, red and blue paraphs mark various kinds of lesser textual divisions. Throughout, roughly-executed paraphs in the ink of the text remain in the margins and gutters as directions for subsequent decoration. No glosses.","345 x 240mm","1","41-47","Ruled in drypoint; double ruled margins. Written space 245 x 135mm approx","Parchment","iii (1 parchment, 2 paper)+252+ii (1 paper, 1 parchment)","31","I8 (-1; ff. 2-8) II8- VII8 (9-56) VIII14 (+ 2 [3+c2]; ff. 57-72 - see below) IX4 (ff. 73-76 - sewing visible between ff.74-75) X8 (-1; canc. Stub, no loss of text) XI -XXXI8 (ff. 85-252). Catchwords on the final verso of the gathering, in red frames.","N/A","Post medieval: Seventeenth century. Brown spotted calf, blind-tooled borders, stamped with gilt. Weld coat-of-arms on both covers, sewn on six bands, rebacked (by Stoakley, Cambridge). Geometrical tooling at the borders.",,"CJ" "Cambridge University Library Mm.5.14","s. xv1/4","1400 - 1450",,"Latin prose histories, Siege of Jerusalem","Four-line champes initials, blue or violet on gold leaf, with full marginal extenders to form buds and knots; 2-line blue lombards on red flourishing at passus divisions of The Siege of Jerusalem; alternating blue on red and red on blue paraphs to mark 8-line divisions in Siege; paraphs in different colours and some capitals slashed in ochre in prose texts. No running titles.","250x175mm","1","32 long lines","Writing area: 162x110mm; about 100-105 in verse). Bounded and ruled in black and reddish-brown ink, no prickings visible.","Parchment","206 (f.1 a flyleaf)","28","Following Hanna and Lawton 2003: I-XVII8, IX4(-3, -4, both visible stubs) fol. 139 the end of booklet I; XX-XXIV8, XXV8(-8); fol 186 the end of booklet II; XXVI-XXVII8, XXVIII? Catchwords in decorative boxes, often cut away, no signatures.","N/A","Post medieval","Written in anglicana formata. The MS contains notes and signatures: 'sumpsimus domine dei gentricis'; 'Edwardus Savage capellanus, Johannes Redmayn, Richard Broyes' (s. xv or xv/xvi); 'Johannes Ryngston of Endben sends greeting to HVIII' (s. xvi).","Hanna and Lawton 2003" "Chicago Newberry Library +33.1","s.xv1","1400 - 1450","De Botulphi","Polychronicon","f. 15 historiated initial 6 lines high depicting Anthony, full acanthus borders decorated in blue, green, and gold. 6-line initials with floral decoration at the beginning of books II-VII. Minor gold dentelle initials with white patterning on grounds of magenta and blue throughout. Guides to rubricator present. f. 15, right margin badly cut; f. 16, large initial removed; f. 47, small initial removed. Decorations similar to Cambridge, St John's College H 1. Running headings and chapter headings in red in script of text.","380 x 260 mm","2","54","268 x 175mm. Ruled in pen, prickings visible. Table ruled with special columns.","Parchment","142","19","I8 (8 wanting) II8 (8 wanting) III-XVII8 XVIII4 XIX4 (imperfect, with loss of text). Catchwords present, written in scrolls in the inner lower margin except for f. 138 where catchword has no scroll and is in outer lower margin.","N/A","Post medieval: Bound in purple calf, s.xix.","Marginalia, s.xv-xvii. More information on the later provenance of the manuscript is in Saenger 1989, p. 60.","Saenger 1989, pp. 59-60" "Chicago Newberry Library +33.3","c. 1470","1450 - 1500","And as thett","Lydgate: Fall of Princes","Headings in red in script of text. Book numbers written in large roman numerals on rectos and versos, partially trimmed. 6-line blue, magenta and green initials on gold grounds at the beginning of each book; on f. 1 accompanied by full acanthus spray border in the same colours; at the beginning of books II-VIII, accompanied by single column borders. Small gold dentelle initials with white patterning on grounds of blue and magenta accompanied by sprigs of floral decoration.","289 x 195mm","2","42","230 x 150mm. Prickings visible.","Parchment","201","25?","Revised by DW: I8 (wants 4-5), II-XVIII8, XIX6 (in fact 2-7 of what is now quire XXIII), XX6 (wants 4-5), XXI6, XXII8, XXIII2 (in fact 1 and 8 of what is now quire XIX), XXIV6 (in fact 2-7 of what is now quire XXV), XXVI8, XXIX1 (with perhaps more loss?). Originally, before loss and misbinding, the quiring was I-XIX8, XX6, XXI-XXVI8, XVII1. Catchwords in scrolls.","N/A","Post medieval: red morocco, s.xix","Trimmed. Some shrinkage due to water damage; portions of text at the beginning and end rendered illegible; ink has eaten through the parchment at the end. Written in a small secretary hand. Explicit of each book in gothic textualis quadrata formata. f. 45r: ""Forget nott"" written in a hand of c. 1500 followed by a monogram of the letters F, E, N, R, G, E, T and closed S. More information and recent provenance in Saenger 1989, pp. 60-61.","Saenger 1989, pp. 60-61; DW" "Downside Abbey 26533","s.xiv med",,,"Horae, psalterium, etc.","Initials: (i) in colour, patterned in white, on grounds of punched gold and colour, the latter patterned in white, with prolongations into the margins in colours and gold ending in ivy leaves: fourteen are historiated, four in art 4 [Hours of BVM] (Kings at lauds, Innocents at prime, Presentation at vespers, Flight into Egypt at compline, matins missing), nine in art. 6, including Ps. 51 (smaller than the others), but not Ps. 101, and one in art. 10 (ii) 2-line, blue with red ornament and streamers in both colours the length of the page. (iii) 1-line, blue with red ornament or red with green-blue ornament. Line fillers in red and blue; litany only.","120 x 90mm","1","16","Written space 93 x 57mm. Ink ruling.","Parchment","ii + 271 + ii","25","I8 II12 (wants 8, 9 after f. 15) III6 (ff. 19-24) IV-VIII12 IX10 X-XVI12 XVII4 (ff. 179-82) XVIII-XXIV12 XXV6 (wants 6, blank).","N/A","Post medieval: Post medieval: s.xvi, rebacked: gilt centrepiece and cornerpieces.","Written in England, probably for use in Suffolk, with the emphasis on St Edmund, king and martyr, in arts 1, 9.","MMBL II: 433-34" "Durham Cathedral Library B.IV.19","s.xiv/xv",,,"Grammatical texts","Red titles, with four coloured initials in section C.","242 x 165mm","1","?","Written space 183-200 x 125-130mm. Ruled in drypoint and pencil. Pricked before folding except perhaps for some outer frame lines which have pricks surviving in the inner margins. Written under top line.","Parchment","i + 1 + 104 + ii","11","I1 (before f. 1) a raised medieval pastedown | II4 (ff. 1-4) | III8 (ff. 5-12) IV8 (ff. 13-20) | V-XI12 (ff. 21-103). Catchword on f. 55.","N/A","Post medieval: dates from s.xviii","ff. 5-20: s.xiv, a small anglicana formata hand. ff. 21-103: s.xiv, a large anglicana formata hand. ff. 1-4: s.xiv/xv, an anglicana hand. Section A punctuates with the punctus, punctus elevatus and virgula; section C with two varieties of the punctus elevatus.","Thomson 1979, pp. 182-4" "Durham University Library, Cosin V.iii.9","1421, 1426","1400 - 1450",,"Hoccleve's series","3-line illuminated gold initial on parti-coloured blue and rose ground with white highlights, sprays extending from this with black stems, green-washed leaves or grape-vine spirals, illuminated gold balls and trefoils; alternating illuminated gold and blue paraphs.","227 x 166mm",,"23-4","Square ruled within, c. 150 x 100 mm; 23-24 lines, top line of text above top line of frame, pricking on very edges of few folios.","Mixed parchment and paper","i+95+I","12","I10, II-XI8, XII4 (wants 4). Quires signatures and catchwords.","The paper leaves have watermarks close to Briquet no. 11365 (1557)","Post medieval","83 leaves of membrane preceded by 10 leaves of paper (ff. 3-12), trimmed to 220x165mm approx, written by John Stow, to supply the missing copies of Hoccleve's Complaint and the first 36 stanzas of his Dialogue. The membrane sheets are not of high quality and are of varying thickness, folded with the flesh side on the outside of the quires.","EETS SS 19" "Durham University Library, Mickleton and Spearman 27","s.xiv/xv",,"f. 2: quod illam","Statuta Angliae","Initials: (i) ff, 1, 89, gold on red and blue grouds, patterned in white: prolongations form continuous borders (ii) 4-line, blue with red ornament. Line fillers in blue and red.","260 x 180mm","1","26","Written space 175 x 115mm. On ff. 1-64v lines 5, 10, 15, 20 on each page are usually more heavily ruled than the other lines.","Parchment","ii+124+iii",,"Of f. i-xiv, 1-110: I8 II6 III-XV7 XVI6. The signatures of quires 3-15, A-L, T, X, suggests that six quires are missing after f. 88.","N/A","Post medieval: s.xviii/xix, like that on many Mickleton and Spearman manuscripts.","Foliated (two unnumbered leaves, i-xiv, 1-113).","MMBL II" "Edinburgh National Library of Scotland Advocates 19.2.1 (Auchinleck)","1331-40","1300 - 1350",,"English works","Originally the majority of items were preceded by miniatures. See 'contents' for decoration. With the exception of the text copied by Scribe 4 (The Battle Abbey Roll), texts are divided up with large blue initials with red ornamentation. Five miniatures remain, though one of these has been defaced. They appear at: f.7ra, at the head of The King of Tars, 31 x 62mm; f.72r, at the head of The Paternoster, 30 x 24mm; f.167rb, at the head of Reinbroun, 68 x66 mm; f.256vb, at the head of Že Wenche žat Loved a King, 52 x56 mm, now defaced; f.326ra, at the head of King Richard, 42 x 68 mm. The surviving miniatures are all of the same style and seem to be the work of a single artist.","250x190","2","24-45","Ruling in ink. No prickmarks have survived.","Parchment","386",,"I8 (missing first four), II-XXIV8, XXV8 (missing 8), XXVI-XXXV8, XXXVI8 (missing 1), XXXVII-XXXVIII8, XXXIX (missing), XL8 (missing 1,2), XLI-XLVI8, XLVII8 (missing 3,6), XLVIII8 (missing 3, 6), XLIX-LI (missing), LII8 (missing 8)","N/A","Post medieval - carried out by HMSO Bindery in Edinburgh in 1971"," 'The manuscript is now made up of 331 folios and 14 stubs. An additional 10 folios have been discovered detached from the manuscript. There are four folios in Edinburgh University Library (Edinburgh U.L. MS 218; ff.1-2 from quire 3, a fragment of The Life of Adam and Eve and ff.3-4 from quire 48, a fragment of King Richard). Four more folios are held in St Andrews University Library (St Andrews U.L. MS PR.2065 A.15 and R.4; a fragment from quire 40, Kyng Alisaunder, and one from quire 48, King Richard). And two folios are held at the University of London library (London U.L. MS 593; another fragment from quire 40, Kyng Alisaunder). Folios are of good quality vellum and are now of 250 x 190 mm, though they have been significantly trimmed and should be compared to the University of London Library fragment of King Richard which measures 264 x 203 mm and may represent their original size. Further losses to the manuscript are the result of miniature hunters. Frequently, the first leaf of a new text (where the miniature was positioned) has been cut out or, in some cases, just the miniature itself has been excised, rather than the whole leaf, resulting in a series of lacunae throughout the manuscript. These lacunae have now been patched as, for example, on f.21ra. Examples of stubs remaining where a leaf has been cut out appear at f.35r, f.37v and f.61r. Only five miniatures now remain but the manuscript would originally have been decorative and visually attractive. An indication of the number of texts lost from Auchinleck is provided by the item numbering. Že Simonie is now the final text in the codex and has the original item number lx (60). This, then, indicates the minimum number of items in the original manuscript (the minimum number because it is possible that there were more items after Že Simonie which have now been lost). With 43 texts surviving, this means that around 17 items have been lost (over one quarter of Auchinleck's texts). The original position of these lost items is indicated by the surviving item numbers: five items have been lost from the start of the manuscript as the first item bears the number vi (6); five more from between items xxxvii (37) and xliii (43); four are lost between xlvi (46) and li (51); and three from between lvi (56) and lx (60). These calculations are, however, only approximate as they rely upon the accuracy of the item numbering of the lost leaves and do not take account of the scribe's sometimes erratic numbering' (Burnley and Wiggins, 2003)","Auchinleck facs.; Burnley and Wiggins 2003" "Ely EDR F/5/32 (Cambridge University Library)","s.xv2","1400 - 1450",,"Formulary documents","None","305x220mm","1","c.41 long lines","Frame ruling with hard point.","Paper","96","6","I18, II16, III18, IV16, V12, VI16","No details given in Ker","Post medieval. Limp parchment cover, with paper over it, s. xviii (?)","Quires numbered at the beginning 1-6.","MMBL II: 626" "Ely EDR F/5/33 (Cambridge University Library)","s.xv in","1400 - 1450",,"Formularium Juris Canonici, etc.","None","210 x 140mm","1",,,"Paper","26 (formerly 45)","3","I4 II22 (wants 7, 9, 14. 1 ins after 22 (f. 22)) III18 (wants 1, 4-16, 18 (ff. 23-5)). A contemporary foliation of ff. 4-25 by quires 'Primus quaternus primo folio' etc. shows which leaves are missing.","No notes in Ker.","Contemporary limp parchment cover","Foliated 1-3, (3*), 4-25.","MMBL II: 626-627" "Eton College 117","s.xiv med - xiv/xv","1350 - 1400","et nobilis","R. Grossteste, etc.","Initials: (i) f. 1; 4-line, gold on blue and red ground patterned in white; short sprays into the margin. (ii) 4-line or 5-line, blue and red with red ornament and on f. 94 red and blue saw-pattern ornament. (iii) 2-line or 3-line, blue with red ornament.","330 x 230mm","2","57-60","Written space c. 250-230 x 155mm.","Parchment","v + 212 + iii","21","I-IV8 V12 (+1 ins before 1 (f. 33)) VI-VII12 VIII10 (ff. 70-9) IX12 (+1, now ins. after 12 as f. 92, but formerly before 1, as the page numbering shows) X12 (ff. 93-104) XI8 (ff. 105-12) XII12 XIII-XIV8 XV12 XVI14 (blank after f. 165) XVII12 (wants 10, 11, blanks, after f. 174) XVIII12 (wants 12, blank, after f. 182) XIX12 (+1 leaf ins. after 9 (f. 192)) XX6 (ff. 196-201) XXI12 (wants 12 (1 is misplaced after 11)). Quires 1-10 numbered a-k in red ink and quires 12-15 l-o in pencil: the rest of the manuscript seems to have been in confusion when signatures were put in, c (in red ink) on quire 16, p, q (in pencil) on quires 17, 18, b (in red ink) on quire 19, a (in red ink) on quire 20.","N/A","Slatter binding.","ff. 1-104 and 113-65 were paginated in s.xvi. ff. iii-v, 213 are medieval end-leaves. ff. iiir, 213v were once pasted down.","MMBL II: 726-28" "Eton College 18","s.xiv/xv",,"f.10: cognomen habio; f. 2: Cibus","R. Holcot, In Sapientiam Salomonis","Initials: (i): f. 9, red and blue, with red, blue and violet ornament. (ii) 3-line, blue with red ornament.","362 x 232mm","2","56","Writing space: 278 x 170mm.","Parchment","i + 240","21","I8 II-XVIII12 XIX12 (wants 11, 12, blank, after f. 222) XX8 XXI8 (+ two leaves after 8: ff. 239-240). f. 1 is a parchment leaf taken over from an earlier binding. Quires II-XIX lettered a-s.","N/A","Post medieval: by Williamson (see MMBL II 629-32) for Eton binders.","Pastedown at end: 'Memorandum quod xii o die mensis Augusti decretum est per Cancellar' Episcopi Wygorn' in ecclesia parochialis sancti Augustini quod vicarius ecclesie omnium sanctorum faceret solempniter celebrare exequias et missam cum aliis expensis ordinatis per phillipum Morgan Episcopum quondam Wygorn (1419-26) Crastino Epiphanie annuatim pro anima T Marchall quondam vicarium ecclesie omnium sanctorum supradict' et benefactorum eiusdem sub pena excommunicacionis. Et hoc factum est in presencia M' Roberti Peuesy vic' sancti Leonardi M W Parkar vic' sancti Nicholai [these words repeated twice] et Iohannis famuli eiusdem. Ac Willelmi famuli Magistri Roberti Peuesy M' Iohannis Harnham et Iohannis Whytsyde'.","MMBL II: 644-45" "Eton College 34","s.xv med; 1443","1400 - 1450","tus est","Gregorius, Homiliae in Ezekielem; Fasciculus Morum","Initials: In art 1 (Gregorius) 3-line or 2-line, blue with red ornament In arts 2-4 (rest of MS) 3-line, 2-line and 1-line metallic red. Capital letters in the ink of the text marked with red in arts 2-4.","270 x 227 mm","I: 2; II-IV: 1","33-53","Writing space: 210-25 x 140-55mm. 2 cols in art I, then long lines. Frame ruling from f. 27 where the hand changes.","Parchment","i+199+i","24","I-III8 IV6 (+1 after 2(f. 27)) V-X8 XI10 XII14 XIII-XXIV8 (ff. 104-99). Quires 1-4 signed a-d and quires 13-24 signed +, a-l. ff. 104-109 have a modern foliation of their own, 1-96. Flyleaves ff. i, 200.","N/A","Post medieval: by Lisley (see MMBL II: 629-32 for Eton binders).","Written in England. The scribe of art 1 wrote 'Per te gregori celeste intrar honori' at the head of f. 1. Robert Elyot wrote marginalia beginning 'Nota', glossed 'inhiant' with 'gape' and 'oriens' with 'est' on f. 100v and noted on f. 103 that 'hec pars 2a gregorii seuper ezechielium corrigitur secundum librum M T Wich'. For Thomas Wyche, fellow of Oriel, Oxford, 1435-6, dead by Sept 1475, see BRUO, p. 2102 Many pointing hands in the margins of art 2.","MMBL II: 662-664" "Glasgow University Library Hunter U.1.1","January 1476","1450 - 1500",,"Canterbury Tales; St. Patrick?s Treatise on Purgatory","Running heads, incipits/explicits, and paraphs in rubric, text in light brown ink. Two blue initials with red penwork on fols. 3v and 4r; elsewhere red initials only.","375 x 270 mm","2","44-59","Ruled in brown ink. After f. 34, the ruling is discontinued, and the pages are margined only. Written space approximately 270 x 205 mm (columns are 270 x 95 mm, with a 15 mm space between). Foliated in ink and pencil, upper right.","Paper",,,"I8 (-1, -2, -7; ff. 1-5), II8 (ff. 6-13), III8 (ff. 15-22), IV4 (ff. 23-26), V8 (ff. 27-34), VI8 (-2, -3; ff. 35-37, 14, 38-39), VII-XIII8 (ff. 40-95), XIV8+1 (- 8; 7+ [15].1; ff. 96-103), XV6 (ff. 104-109), XVI1+6+1 (-6: stub; c1 +1; 5+c1; ff. 110-116 (f. 110v bears a catchword; with f. 103 now bound with quire XIV, f. 110 became a singleton and is now joined with f. 116, formerly part of quire 17 ), XVI6 (lost), XVII4 (all singletons now; ff. 117-120 quire XVII used to be a gathering of two, quire XVIII a gathering of three. Signatures appear on ff. 15r (?c?), 17r (?c?), 27r (?e?), 40r (?g.i?), 41r (?g.ij?), 89 r (?n?), 90r (?niij?), 106r (?o4??).","Armoires Fleur-de-lis,? Briquet 1741 (1470-82): fols. 1-47 ·?Fleur en forme de tulipe,? closest to Briquet 6644 (1443-47), 6647 (1461), 6648 (1466-67), 6650 (1442-47); Piccard 2060-2061 (1449); bisected vertically by a chainline 3.2 cm from the next on the left and 3 cm from the next on the right: fol. 5 ·?Ancre,? near Briquet 358 (1468-79), also very near Piccard ?Anker? 270 (1449); between chainlines 42 cm apart, 6.6 x 2.8 cm: fols. 48-90, 93-95 ?Chien? (similar to Piccard ?Hund? 1218 [1467]), fols. 91+92, 97-102, 116-120 ?Fleur? or possibly ?Couronne? (a crown or blossom on a stem or staff, with no foliage but some line design around the stem, unidentified) fols. 96+103, 104-115","Post medieval: Rebound 1981 in ?dark brown Chieftan goatskin,? with a russia ?dice? pattern, replacing an eighteenth-century binding of ?half-calf of inferior quality, tan or natural in colour, over brown millboards with handmade paper sides, initially green in colour, over which had been pasted brown wove, machine made paper sides, cut away on front cover to show title in ink in Gothic script....Sewn flexibly on 6 cords, though only 4 laced into boards...and as far as can be detected the original sewing was on 5 cords? (Maver 1981). The gatherings have now been sewn onto ??W? guards of handmade paper,? which in turn were sewn onto ?5 double hemp cords. Laced on to laminated millboards. Plain head-bands sewn round vellum cores. Spine lined with scrim and goatskin sanded down? (Maver 1981). The original pastedowns and flies are now structured as gatherings; the old cover is pasted to a new paper fly and bound in at the back.","The two hands are quite similar, but have recently been distinguished by Richard Beadle: ?Thomas?s hand, which appears only briefly in Gl, alternates in several places with Geoffrey?s, between fols 91 and 99v, but his stints include rubrication and some insertions and corrections by his father? (Beadle 1997, p. 133). The display script (e.g., in the colophons) is a form of textura quadrata, with markedly ?clubbed? serifs (broken strokes). The text hands employ the ductus and other features of secretary (highly cursive, hairline connecting strokes, tapered descenders) but retain such features of anglicana as two-compartment a (alternating with a single-lobed, textura-influenced hybrid secretary form), 8-shaped g, long r, sigma s finally. Geoffrey Spirleng?s hand also appears in the ?Book of the Guild of St. George,? p. 269, and in a letter by him, now British Library Additional MS 27444, fol. 70 (Manly-Rickert 1:184; see Beadle 1997 for a detailed record of Geoffrey?s output).","CJ" "Glasgow University Library Hunter V.8.12","c. 1460","1450 - 1500",,"Medicine","Minimal decoration. Rubrication confined to ff. 63v?65v, and consists of underlined page headings, 2?line initial F on f. 64r, paragraph marks, and colour touching on some initial s in this section. There was evidently intended to be a similar pattern of rubrication in other sections of the book: there are spaces left for initials on ff. 12r, 55v, 57v, 58v, 62v, 98r, 99r and others, which indicate how the whole book was meant to look.","176 x 129 mm approx","1",,,"Parchment","176","22","i4 (paper); ii2 (marbled paper)|I?XXII8 | iii4 (paper); iv2 (marbled paper). Last 4 ff. originally blank","N/A","Post medieval","Parchment of quite good quality. Some original holes. Difficult to tell hair from flesh sides as the material is scraped very finely; however, on the evidence available, the pages seem to be arranged so that hair faces hair and flesh faces flesh. f. 1r is badly stained, and there are stains found throughout the book, but otherwise it is in reasonably good condition. There is evidence of cropping at the top of the pages, for example f. 113v. Fairly frequent marginalia, some by main scribe. Several pointing hands in various styles. Fifteenth century hands: f. 174r: 'Iteme I Robart beuerley haye wretten all yis book &c'. f. 176v: 'ffor ye stoon & strangurye or colyke per D. W. Watman' 'liber magistri Johannis Sperhawk' 'Sperhawk Semper secundum post obitum magistri thome westaw si superviuat' 'Per sepigeram id est ryngworme per fratrem [?] J. stamford' 'Amen quod Robart beuerley' The book is also annotated by one Robert Beverly thus: ?I Robart beuerley wrote al this boke etc.? This assertion was noted by Ian Doyle as being ?patently untrue? , however, it is of some interest. There is a surgeon named Robert Beverly, listed as working in London in the early sixteenth century (MPME: 292), and another who graduated from Cambridge (BRUC). The likelihood of one of these being the same Robert who wrote the note is impossible to establish without more information than is available at present. The early history of this manuscript is unusually well documented. It was written by Thomas Westhaugh, who was a Fellow of Pembroke Hall, later Pembroke College, Cambridge, and received his doctorate in theology sometime after 1448 (BRUC 1963). He does not appear to have trained in medicine at any time. We are told that he was the scribe by the will of one of the owners of the manuscript, John Sperhawke, who was a fellow at Pembroke at the same time as Westhaugh, and the two were presumably friends. In Sperhawke?s will he bequeathed the book back to Westhaugh, and also insists on this on a flyleaf note: ?Sperhawk semper secundum post obitum magistri thome westaw si superviuat?. Westhaugh did indeed survive his friend, and in turn bequeathed the book to Syon abbey, where he was confessor general by 1472 (Ker 1964: 185). He was probably dead by the turn of the century, as we are told that he vacated his position at Syon in 1497 (BRUC 1963). John Sperhawke was an expert in Canon Law, assisting the Bishop of Bath and Wells on a number of occasions (Minnis 1949: 10). Ordained priest in 1425, Sperhawke went on to receive a number of ecclesiastical benefices, and, like Westhaugh, was reasonably wealthy when he died. Both Westhaugh and Sperhawke left a large number of books, many to Pembroke and to the University Library at Cambridge. Westhaugh owned a Latin version of the Compendium, which survives in Pembroke College, Cambridge MS 228. Whether he translated his version for Sperhawke is unknown, but Westhaugh evidently had an interest in medicine and fluency in medical terminology which surpassed that of Sperhawke.","CJ" "Gloucester Cathedral 21","s.xv2","1450 - 1500","in eo toto","Astrologica, astronomica, meteorologica","Initials: Mainly red, plain, or with some green or pale brown ornament. f.13r: Gold initials ff. 49v, 69r and others: purple f. 17: green with purple ornament As far as f. 75 capital letters in the ink of the text are touched with red. Purple ink for some headings.","212 x 150 mm","1","29-36","Frame ruling. Written space c. 150 x 100mm","Parchment","i + 240 + i","31","i + I8 II4 III-XII8 XIII6 (+1 ins after 5(f. 98)) XIV-XXI8 XXII8 (+1 ins after 8(f. 171)) XXIII-XXX8 XXXI4 + i","N/A","Post medieval: s.xix","Blank spaces filled with miscellaneous pieces: a)16v; (b)68rv; (c)105v-106r ?Figura ptholemei? pro scienda quando et qualiter morbi habere debeant suas determinaciones? (d) 110r; (e) 135r-v Notes from 'Messahalla in libro de Receptione' and from Roger of Hereford. (f) 138v-139v ?Cum volueris scire vtrum aliqua res est cara vel vilis? (g) 188r Tables with 'quod Argentem' at the end (h) 224r (i) 235v.","MMBL II: 952-55" "Gloucester Cathedral 25","s.xiii",,,"Medica","Initials: (i) f. 45, red and blue (ii) 2-line, red and blue","c. 190 x 130mm","2 except for ff. 1-4v","60-61","Written space c. 137 x 90mm. The first line of writing above the top ruled line.","Parchment","iii + 46 + i","4","I12 (wants 1 after f. 9) II12 (+1 after 11, at present misbound after 10) III12 IV12 (wants 2 after f. 45) ff. ii, iii are medieval flyleaves, a bifolium.","N/A","Post medieval: 1859","MMBL II: 960: 'According to the table of contents on f. iii, written in the same skilled semi-humanistic hand as the ex-libris of Thomas More [see Owners], art. 20 [ff. 45-6] was followed by ""Tractatus alcantari caldeorum philosophi'. Possibly the missing text is now New York, Columbia University, Plimpton 161: cf. de Ricci and Wilson, Census, p. 1782, and Thorndike and Kibre. The table was used no doubt by the Worcester label writer, whose version of it is printed by Stevenson in his HMC account, p. 398.' The label with the table of contents is now pasted to f.ii.","MMBL II: 958-61" "Harvard Countway 19","c. 1468","1450 - 1500",,"Medical tracts","Blue initials, red letters, capitals and underlining. On ff. 16v?19r there are drawings of twenty uroscopy flasks. On f. 57v there is a full page illustration of a zodiac man.","140 x 95 mm","1",,"Written frame 90 x 60 mm","Paper","71","4","I20 II20 III16 IV18 (3 fols missing).","Watermark is a crown above a shield with two vertical bands, the ?Arms of Valencia?, similar to Briquet 2064 (Voigts 1985: 87).","A cover of stiffened parchment, which is folded (front and back) slightly over the right edge.","The manuscript is described by Linda Voigts as ?a small, handsomely written paper codex in pristine condition?. (1985:12). Paper thick but uniform. Fifteenth century secretary script with some anglicana features","Voigts 1985" "Hereford Cath. Lib. O.4.XIV","s.xiv1","1300 - 1350","De sancta","Legenda Sanctorum; Vita Thomae Becket","Foredge painted with red lines in a zigzag or chevronny pattern. I: (1) Italian (Milanese): On f. 1 the opening initial encloses a bust of the author as a Dominican friar; 3-sided border with birds and foliage; at the foot 3 medallions enclosing busts of a man and lady, between them the arms of Cobham: gules on a chevron or 3 fleurs-de-lys azure. On. ff. 2, 8v, initials with busts of Christ and the B.V.M. (2) English. Initials in colours and gold with ivy-leaf extensions ff. 13, 19v, 52, 67, 70v, 114v, 134, 148, 165v, 194v (3) Red or (mostly) blue initials, plain or flourished in the other colour; red touching, red or blue paraphs. On f. 72v a red initial flourished in the ink of the text, with a grotesque. Red running heads on specially ruled lines. II: Plain red initials and headings.","310 x 205mm","I:2; II: 2","I: 56; II: 49","I: Pencil ruled. Written space 210 x 135mm. II: Written space 230 x 150mm.","Parchment","ii + 227","23","ii (a bifolium) + I-XIX10 XX8 | XXI12 XXII10 XXIII6 + i In quire 10 a s.xv annotator signals that the order of the leaves should be 91, 93-4, 92, 95-6, 99, 97-8, 100. The quires of [section] I have catchwords, framed and often ornamented: those of II have leaf numbers","N/A","Post medieval: parchment over thin boards (British Museum 1868, according to Bannister) repaired and spine recovered Oxford 1942; original sewing on 6 spinebands; a new paper leaf at each end. Pasted inside both boards are sleeves of the original tawed skin overcover, the front one with marks of Hereford s.xvii clasps.","Two volumes, together early. Quires 1-2 are Italian (goatskin) parchment, the remainder English. f. irv blank.","Mynors and Thomson 1993: 30-31" "Hereford Cath. Lib. O.IV.3","s.xiv in, xiii in",,"erit terminus (text) ge fuisse (gloss) (f. 1) autem gens","Dino Da Mugello, Iosue-Ruth Glo.","Unfilled spaces for painted initials and rubrics. From f. 39 (quire 5) however, (1) red or blue initials, flourished (until f. 77v) in the other colour; (2) 2-colour running heads on ruled lines; (3) red or blue paraphs.","I: 370x 245mm; II 390 x 260mm","I: 2; II:3","I: 82; II: 49?","I: pencil ruled; II: pencil ruled; pricked for 3 cols 35, 40, 55 mm wide and, in both margins, for 49 lines of gloss not all written on. The text, on every second line, occupies at least the centre col., but spreads, across the ruling if necessary, to one or both of the other cols for all or part of a page. Written below top line.","Parchment","x + 99","8 + 20","a bifolium | A8 | I10 (lacks 1, 10) II-XX10, a singleton. The quires of II numbered at the end in roman figures, accompanied by catchword; red leaf-signatures.","N/A","Post medieval: Maltby s.xix; originally 5 spinebands; 2 paper leaves at each end. f.i blank, once pasted down.","At the foot of f. 98v a long inscription, thoroughly erased. At the head of f. 1 are titles in the early 17th-cent. Hereford hand. Bernard 1658. The Cathedral pressmark (s.xviii) on f. 1v. Modern chapter nos. added in the margin and as running heads.","Mynors and Thomson 1993: 26" "Lincoln Cathedral 3 (A.1.15)","s.xiv in","1300 - 1350","f. 6 fidei. Hoc dicit (gloss); omnino (text).","Gregorii Decretales et Innocentii Novellae Glo.","I: (1) Historiated initial Gs in Italian style, framed on square ground, in blue, orange, pink, burgundy and gold, with red and blue display script, open each book: ff. 5 (damaged by damp); 55v (?seated pope dictating to a secretary); 99v (group of tonsured clerks at altar); 143 (lady and husband on horseback); 156 (seated noble hearing ?slander from a supplicant). (2). The text has red or blue initials, flourished in the other colour (incipit) or plain (titulus). (3). Rubrics, red or blue paraphs, grotesques in ink of text. Unfilled spaces for initials to the lemmata in the gloss. F. 79 a block of gloss beneath the text framed, with an ink drawing of a seal attached. II: The text has blue offset initials flourished in red.","395 x 250 mm","2","42","Pencil ruled.","Parchment","204","23","A4(? - hard to collate), I-XII8, XIII10 XIV-XVII8 XVIII-XX10 XXI8 XXII12 | XXIII12. Catchwords (mostly trimmed off) refer to the text, not the gloss.","N/A","Post medieval: standard Lincoln early 20th-cent. Paper labels on the spine: MS GREGORII DECRETALE/3/A.1.15. Three paper leaves at each end. Lincoln Cathedral bookplate inside the front cover. F. 1 has marks of 3 clasps down the foredge, and two rust marks near the spine at head and foot (shaped like isoceles triangles, side on, with the apex cut off. Small holes in each of the base corners).","In two parts. Passges of nonsense in English serve as line-fillers at the foot of a column or in the lower margins: f. 66 lower margin 'Nota. Cat lep over dich. and hund lep after. bo bocca. shrewe. boxeneno'. f. 77 lower margin: 'blou mole in the hole. al so hot al so hu shyot al so werm. In thy berm. žar yu sith a doun žer wyxt že hoyngon?. f. 84: ?Cnaue wolt haue a wastel to žedmer. drinc žarto. so wel žou že? f. 92: ?Nou to že ringe. Wale we synge . cus myn hers gode felaghe? f. 160: ?Welcome gode felaghe syheame že aue. drith in ži te3'. Some notes to the text in a cursive hand, probably English, and others in a fifteenth-cent. anglicana hand (including verses, e.g. f. 135v 'Vix diuersorum poterit cautela cecorum tanta ministrare quod eos prosit sacrare?) f.204v: A note on canon law in Salysbury's hand (or similar).","Thomson 1989: 4-5" "Lincoln Cathedral 60 (A.6.11)","1453","1450 - 1500","Tractatus","Guilelmus Peraldus, De Virtutibus","Blue initials flourished in red. Yellow touching to smaller initials. Red paraphs and underlining, like the rubrication, extend only to f. 197.","195 x 125","1","35","135 x 80 mm written space. Pencil ruled.","Parchment","480","60","I-XXXV8 XXXVI10 (5, 9 canc) XXXVII-LX8. Catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval: Eddington bindery 1974, burgundy morocco. Two paper leaves at each end. On the spine 'WILLELMUNDE ALVERNIA DE VIRTUTIBUS' (gilt)/MS 60 (blind).","Very fine parchment, last leaf damaged by damp. In 1478 given by Edward Lupton to the Bridgettine convent of Syon.","Thomson 1989: 42-43" "Lincoln Cathedral 77 (A.3.4)","s.xii med., ex",,"tranquilitas","Basil, Greg., Nazianzen; Rupertus Tutiensis, De Eccles Officiis","Unfilled spaces for coloured initials; in II the rubrics were also omitted.","335 x 240 mm","2","28; 29","Written space: I: 230 x 160 II: 210 x 160 I: pricked in the outer margins only, pencil ruled. II: pricked in both margins, pencil ruled.","Parchment","256","33","I-XVII8 XVIII8 (5-8 canc.) | XIX-XXXII8 XXXIII6 (5, 6 canc.). The quires of 1 numbered, in roman numerals, at the foot of the last verso. Catchwords to I and II.","N/A","Post medieval: Standard Lincoln 19th cent. A paper leaf at each end. Lincoln Cathedral bookplate inside the front cover. Paper labels on the spine: M.S. HOM. OF ST. BASIL HOM. OF ST. GREGORY NAZ./77/A.3.4. At the foot of f.1 is a mark probably from a chain-staple.","Two originally independent volumes, brought together at an indeterminate date. Part I at least relevant to this survey. Near the head of f. 1 is glued a slip, inscribed, 'Liber Domini J. Warsop'. Adjacent are 'Omelie Bsilii prec' x.s', in an early 14th-cent. Anglicana hand, and 'E.13' in Garvey's hand. Part II: At the head of f. 141, in an early 14th-cent. Anglicana hand, 'Tractatus ignotus de ecclesiasticis officiis in xv. peciis' The price-mark on f. 1 suggests that at least part I of the MS was at Lincoln by the early 14th cent.","Thomson 1989: 55-56" "London British Library Additional 16998","s.xv","1400 - 1450",,"Book of Offices and Prayers, use of Sarum","11 astrological symbols in margins and 30 column miniatures showing: f.8, Blessing of Salt and Water, priest and acolyte at lectern; f. 9v, Gregory's vision of the Virgin; f. 10v, Nativity of Christ; f. 15, Presentation in Temple; f. 17, Annunciation; f. 19v, Resurrection; f. 22, Ascension; f. 26, Crucifix-Trinity; f. 29, Assumption; f. 34, Crucifixion, with Mary and John; f. 35v, Virgin and Child in glory; f. 37, John the Evangelist, gesturing at goblet; f. 38v, Gabriel, pointing at inscribed scroll; f. 40, Adoration of the Shepherds; f. 41v, Mary Magdalene, kneeling in cave; f. 44, God with souls in a sheet; f. 52, Sacrifice of Isaac; f. 65, Virgin and Child in Glory; f. 67, kneeling male with inscriptions on background; f. 68, St Jerome, seated with book-cupboard; f. 73v, Crucifixion, with thieves; f. 74v, God the Father blessing; f. 77, the devil showing Bernard the indulged verses of the Psalter; f. 78, Christ with crossed staff and Mary Magdalene; f. 79, Christ on the cross, with inscribed phylacteries; f. 80v, Agony in Garden; f. 87, John on Patmos; f. 87, St George and dragon; f. 87v, Mary Magdalene with jar and palm; f. 88, Vernicle Cloth, supported by angels. Rubrication, capitals tinted in yellow; Calendar: one-line blue letters with brief red flourishing; two-line gold KL on rose/blue ground; three-sided bar border with quatrefoils and short leaf sprays; elsewhere: tinted scrolls on catchwords; f. 39, profile face on calligraphic ascender; one-line blue paraph signs on letters on painted rose or blue ground; many partial bar borders, with brief sprays and motifs of daisy-buds and barbed quatrefoils on bars; full bar-frame borders on miniature style pages, in style of partial borders, with roundels containing monochrome leaves (f. 8).","225 x 155 mm","2","24","In pink.","Parchment","94 + 3 ? (depending on collation being accurate)","13?","Binding is very tight, and there are few catchwords. A possible collation is: i4 (modern) ii1 + I8 II6 (-1; 4 lost) III8 IV8(-1, 2 lost) V8 ? VI8 VII6 | VIII6 IX8 X8 XI8 (-1, 6 lost) XII8 (-1; 4 lost) XIII8 + iii2 iv1 (modern)","N/A","Rebound in 1951. No evidence of earlier binding.","Note added, probably in s.xvi, on f. 1r: 'Memorandum that Dame an malenere hath resavyd (??)of laurent Daffyll for wethe bole ixb iii [.o.](??) / [..s. ?] chyn e payd all saue [xx]xxiiii [.vD?]'.","CJ; Scott 1996, II: 86-7." "London British Library Additional 17376","s.xivmed",,,"Psalter, Hours etc.","A few large (5-line) initials in red and blue, filled with red, blue and purple penwork. Smaller blue initial with red penwork. Small plain red and blue initials in the text, red paraph marks and underlining. Some yellow colour touching at the first initial of a line of verse.","195 x 125 mm approx","1","30","lines ruled","Parchment","221","28","i3 (modern) + I6 (+1, ins. after 6) II8 ? XVIII8 XIX6 XX8 ? XXVIII8 + ii8 (2-5 leaves of a printed edition of the psalter).","N/A","Post medieval","The first nine leaves, in Latin, are now Bodleian Library, MS Lat. th. e. 32; see R. W. Hunt ?A Dismembered manuscript: Bodleian MS Lat. th. e. 32 and British Museum Add. MS 17376?, Bodleian Library Record 7 (1966), 271 ? 75.","CJ" "London British Library Additional 19046","s.xv2","1450 - 1500",,"Grammatical treatises","Decorated initial (blue and gold) f. 114v, rubrication and decorative penwork throughout.","219 x 153mm","1","?","Frame ruling in crayon, ink and drypoint variously, with drypoint lines on some folios.","Paper","ii + 131 + ii","13 remaining","Thomson 1979, p. 212: 'This suggested collation is largely based on the evidence of watermarks, since the manuscript has been rebound. [I16] see early foliation II6 (fols 1-5; wants 1, before fol. 1) | III12 (fols 6-17) | IV6 (fols 18-23) V20 (fols 24-43) VI24 (fols 44-64; wants 21-23 probably blank, before fol. 64) | VII10 (fols 65-73; wants 1, before fol. 65) | VIII6 (fols 74-79) | IX4 (fols 80-83; wants 3, before fol. 83) X12 (fols. 84-94; wants 1, before fol. 84) | XI20 (fols 95-114) XII4 (fols 115-118) XIII14 (fols 119-132). A quire may be lost before fol. 6 or leaves missing from quire III, cf. the text of item <2>. Catchword on fol. 114v. The 'S. for< >' in the bottom right-hand corner of fol. 6r is a stray gloss, not a signature, of which the manuscript has none'.","Not recorded in Thomson","Post medieval","Foliated: 2 blank, 1-81, 83-132, 2 blank. Fols 1-19 have traces of an earlier foliation ?xvii-xxxv in their bottom right-hand corners, and fols 95-118 are numbered ja-xxva, omitting xxiva, probably by accident, since the collation shows no disturbance here. The writers of hands (6) (Bonyngton) and (8) (Thomas Stanlye) are probably later owners of the book. The British Museum bought it from Messrs Boone on the 13th November 1852 (sale catalogue entry pasted inside the front cover of the manuscript). The manuscript is described in British Museum, 1868, p. 191.","Thomson 1979: 212-218" "London British Library Additional 21410","c. 1450-1475","1450 - 1500","žou Jason","Lydgate's Fall of Princes","Very little. The letters at the beginning of every line have yellow colour touching, and there are some larger pen initials which are also coloured with yellow. Some gaps have been left, presumably for initials of the same type.","550 x 390 mm approx","2","55","Ruled in purple.","Parchment","168","12","1st quire missing. Present collation: i4 (modern) I8(-3; 1, 2 and 5 lost), II8 - XII8 XIII8 (-1; 3 lost) XIV8 ? XVI8 XVII8 (-2; 1-2 lost) XVIII8 XIX8 (-4; 3-6 lost) XX8 ? XXI8 XXII12 (-1; 6, 12 lost) All the missing leaves, except those in the first section, have been replaced by blank paper leaves by the binder.","N/A","Post medieval","On the last leaf are some sentences written in Latin and English, with the signature ""E. Duddeley"" [Edward Sutton, sixth Baron Dudley, K.G., 1482-1530], to whom the volume probably belonged. On the reverse of the same leaf is a list of books, headed ""Bibliotheca Joannis Kulpeperi,"" in a hand of the XVIth cent.","CJ" "London British Library Additional 24062",,"1400 - 1450",,"Collection of forms / samples for letters, official documents","None",,,"varies greatly",,"Parchment","201+ii",,"12s (though difficult to tell since no catchwords or signatures, and strings hidden in tight gutter).","N/A","Post medieval",,"LRM" "London British Library Additional 24361","s.xv",,,"Miscellany","None","210 x 152 mm approx","1","31 - 42",,"Parchment","88 + 1 (medieval)","9","The MS has been rebound, and quires resewn onto guards. The collation given below is in accordance with this pattern, as the system of catchwords in this manuscript is unusual, and does not seem to correspond with the structure. i5 (post-medieval) ii1 (medieval ? f. 1) + I10 - V10 (catchword on the last verso of the quire which doesn?t correspond with the next text. A quire may be missing). | VI10 ? VII10 VIII8 IX10 + iii5 (post medieval). Pattern of catchwords: I ? last leaf of quire (11v) ? accurate II ? first recto (12r) ? no link; second verso (13v) ? links to next recto. III ? 9th verso (30v) ? accurate link to next recto IV ? 3rd verso (34v) ? accurate to next recto; 4th verso (35v) ? accurate; 9th (40v) ? accurate; 10th (41v) ? accurate to the beginning of next quire V10 - catchword on the last verso of the quire which doesn?t correspond with the next text VI - accurate catchword at end of quire VII ? no catchword, but uninterrupted numerical sequence links the quires VIII accurate catchword at end of quire IX ? end of book ? no catchword","N/A","Post medieval: Rebound in 1976","There is a contents list in the same hand as the note of ownership on f. 1v, indicating that the manuscript was in this form in the fifteenth century.","CJ" "London British Library Additional 29901","s.xv3/4","1450 - 1500","In primis","Heraldry","Red touching on capitals and red half-box underlining; some headings and words in the text are rubricated.","280x200","1","30","Writing space: 210x115mm. Frame ruled in red; 2 verticals and 2, sometimes 3, horizontals.","Paper","96","6","ii+I-V16, VI14 Catchwords in red half-box; no quire signatures.","Not recorded","Post medieval",,"CN" "London British Library Additional 34360","s. xv3","1450 - 1500",,"English poetry; Lydgate and Chaucer","Gaps were left for the decoration of major initials, but never completed. Proper names, the initial letters of every line, and paraph marks indicating stanza divisions have been flourished in red.","270x200","1","30","Written space: 195x110mm. Frame ruled in drypoint.","Paper","iv+114+iii","6","I20, II20, III20 (16-20 canc.), IV20, V20, VI20 (-20). Seem to be arranged in four booklets: 1 (quire I); 2 (quires II and III); 3 (quire IV); 4 (quires V and VI). Catchwords on f. 23v, 43v and 97v. Quire signatures in arabic numerals appear on the bottom right-hand corner of each recto in the first half of quire IV (ff. 58v-67v)","Not recorded","Post medieval",,"Boffey 1983" "London British Library Additional 36683","s.xv","1400 - 1450",,"Hours (Sarum) in English","Illuminated border initials.","190 x 135mm","1","23",,"Parchment","172 (+ 1 medieval flyleaf)","23","i4 (post-medieval) ii1 + I8 (-2; 1-2 canc.) II8 III6 IV8 (-1; 3 lost) V8 (-1, 1 lost) VI8 VII8 (-1, 1 lost) VIII8 - XXIII8 XXIV2 (+1 ins. between 1 and 2) + iii2 (post-medieval)","N/A","Vellum cover. Modern red morroco case.","Contains an English primer which includes the Hours of the Cross (IMEV 3499) On f. 4 is an owner's name, "" Mr Sainctpoll(?) booke "" ; it also belonged to members of the family of Ayscough, containing on f. 45v the dates (6 Jan. 1564, 22 Mar. 1564) of the births of William and Francis, sons of Edward, second son of Sir Francis Ayscough, and the names Ester Ayscoghe (f. 45v) and A. Ayscoghe (f. 4).","CJ" "London British Library Additional 37075","s.xv2","1450 - 1500",,"Grammatical treatises",,"210 x 130-140mm","1",,"Variable written space. Ink frame ruling, if any.","Mixed parchment and paper","ii + 413 + ii","36","I2 (ff. i and ii) | II10 (ff. 1-10) III12 (ff. 11-22) | IV14 (ff. 23-36) V20 (ff. 37-56) VI22 (57-78) VII24 (ff. 79-102) VIII24 (ff. 103-126) | IX20 (ff. 127-146) | X14 (ff. 147-160) XI24 (ff. 161-184) wants 8 (after f. 167) and 17 (after f. 176), + two (after ff. 167 and 176) (see below) XII14 (ff. 185-198) | XIII6 (ff. 199-204) XIV12 (ff. 205-216) XV18 (ff. 217-234) | XVI10 (ff. 235-243 wants 10) XVII12 (ff. 244-255) | XVIII20 (ff. 256-274) wants 18 (before f. 273) XIX26 (ff. 275-300) XX8 (ff. 301-308) | XXI16 (ff. 309-324) XXII24 (ff. 325-348) XXIII14 (ff. 349-360) wants 12 and 13 probably blank (before f. 360) | XXIV20 (ff. 361-379) wants 2 (after f. 361) XXV20 (ff. 397-(410a)) wants 9 (after f. 404) and 16-19 (after f. 410). Quire I is probably the original endleaves. The four outer bifolia of quire V (i.e. ff. 37-40, 53-56) must have been an afterthought [see items 6 and c]. In quire XI the original leaves 8 and 17 were replaced by the present fols. 168 and 177 which were not originally conjoint but singletons sewn to fols. 169 and 178 respectively, witness the change of ink, the reversed text on their versos, and the thread-holes at the foot of the leaves. Quires II-XII, XIV-XVIi and XVII-XXV have medieval quire signatures (ii-xxiij) on their first and occasionally their last leaves. Quire XIII is signed ci, cij, ciij and was presumably taken from another manuscript by the compiler of this book, and the same is probably true of quire XVII which is signed [see Thomson].","Not recorded","Post medieval","The book appears to be the compilation of John Clavering - see Owner and Producer for details. The parts of the book written by earlier hands (Warrewyke and John Chaloner) form self-contained quires and the later writers add their items around those entered by Clavering. A fifteenth-century note on f. 1v states 'Summa foliorum huius libri cccc424 xxiiij lefys', which would tally with the total number of medieval leaves including those now lost but not counting the two vellum leaves at the beginning. Outer and inner leaves of quires, together with the whole of section F are parchment Brian Brereton writes his name in the manuscript in a sixteenth-century hand, and John Boothe of Twemlow Hall (co. Chester) apparently owned the manuscript in 1682. It was acquired by the British Museum in 1900-05, and is described in British Museum, 1907, p. 344-9, which covers the additions to the manuscripts of that period.","Thomson 1979: 219-32" "London British Library Additional 38131","s.xivex","1350 - 1400",,"English charters, London Laws, William Fitzstephen's description of London; Royal charters of the city of London","Blue initials with red penwork. Other sections of the text have red and blue decoration, paraph marks and decoration. The rubrication is only found in certain sections, and Kleineke (2001: 118, n.9) suggests that: ?the distribution of the rubrication (fos. 3-9, 11-76, 90-126) gives an indication of the chronology of compilation of the MS?. Rather clumsy and inelegant decoration.","272 x 177 mm","1","35",,"Parchment","136","12","i1 (post-medieval) + I2 II8 III12 ? VII12 VIII10 (+8; quire of 8 ins. after 6) IX12 ? XII12 + ii2 (post-medieval) f. 136 has been a pastedown in a previous binding.","N/A","Rebound in 1911.","At the beginning (ff. 3-9) is a table of the chapters of many of the statutes included, and on the blank leaves before and after this a number of miscellaneous entries have been added, as follows: (a) Mnemonic verses on the ?great storm?, 15 Jan. 1361 and the Black Death, 1349, f. 1v; (b) Proverbs and moral maxims, in prose and verse. Lat. f. 1v; (c) Note of the qualities requisite to various classes of men and things; and on their absence. Beg. ""En prince loiaute; en prelat sapience."" f. 1v; (d) Notes on Thomas Carletone, Alderman and [1382] M.P., f.1v; (e) ""Vado mori"" verses; (f) Writ of error to Robert Bealknap and Roger de Fultborp to re-try the case in dispute between Robert Aleyn, knight, and Hugh de Ware, fishmonger, late Edw. III or early Rich. II. f. 2v; (g) Note of the number of vills and parochial churches in England, f. 2v; (h) ""Confirmacio siue declaracio per commune consilium Londoniarum facta super quadam consuetudine de legatis in testamentis"": regulations as to ambiguities in wills, Thursday before the feast of St. Michael [23 Sept.], 2 Rich. II [1378], f. 9v, continued at the foot of f. 10; (i) ""Modus inquirendi de Statuto Wyntoniensi."" Beg. ""Quando obseruatur in quibus partibus."" f. 10.","CJ; Kleineke 2001" "London British Library Additional 48031A","c. 1478","1450 - 1500",,"Memoranda book including Lydgate's Serpent of Division","Some initial capitals at the top of a page are decorated with simple pen-work, eg. the E of Edward on f. 35.","290 x 210mm",,,"Two horizontal and two vertical lines. Frame sometimes drawn in ink, sometimes drypoint.","Paper"," iv + 204 + (22*, 25*, 63*, 179*).","9","Composition of the original book: I-VIII20, IX21 (last numbered leaf inserted, formerly f. 160, now f. 179).","Watermark, arms of France on a crowned shield, near Briquet 1685.","Vellum binding with leather ties. 'K' written on the front cover, formerly concealed by a label, a fragment of which remains. Titled and numbered '35' on the spine.","ff. ii-iii, v-vi are fragments of a 14th-cent. theological treatise with red and blue decorated initials. 'K', f. iv. 17th-cent. foliation. A late 15th-cent. foliation (1-160, lacking 9) on ff. 18-63, 68-179, is continued in a 16th-cent. hand (161-184) on ff. 180-204.","CJ; Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1995: 127-8" "London British Library Additional 59855","c. 1400","1400 - 1450","KL primus mandentem","The Gower Missal; noted Missal of Sarum Use","The decoration consists of one decorated and eighteen small historiated initials with full or partial foliate bar borders, all in gold and colours, viz:- 1. f. 7. Exorcismus aquae. 'Omnibus dominicis'. Liturgical scene. 2. f. 9v. Temporale. 'Ad te levavi'. Kneeling figure before God. 3. f. 25. Temporale. 'Puer natus est'. Nativity. 4. f. 32. Temporale. 'Ecce advenit'. Adoration of the Magi. 5. f. 127. Ordinary of the Mass. 'Per omnia secula'. Decorated P. 6. f. 128. Canon of the Mass. 'Te igitur'. Sacrifice of Abraham. 7. f. 139v. Temporale. 'Resurrexi'. Resurrection. 8. f. 154. Temporale. 'Viri galilei'. Ascension. 9. f. 158. Temporale. 'Spiritus domini'. Pentecost. 10. f. 164. Temporale. 'Benedicta sit'. Crucifixion and God the Father. 11. f. 165v. Temporale. 'Cibavit eos'. Two kneeling angels supporting the Eucharist. 12. f. 189v. Temporale. 'Terribilis est locus'. Dedication of a church. 13. f. 191v. Sanctorale. 'Dominus secus'. Martyrdom of St Andrew. 14. f. 200. Sanctorale. 'Suscepimus deus'. Purification of the Virgin. 15. f. 212. Sanctorale. 'De ventre matris'. St John the Baptist. 16. f. 213v. Sanctorale. 'Nunc scio'. Sts Peter and Paul. 17. f. 224. Sanctorale. 'Gaudeamus omnes'. Assumption of the Virgin. 18. f. 229. Sanctorale. 'Gaudeamus omnes'. Nativity of the Virgin. 19. f. 238. Sanctorale. 'Gaudeamus omnes'. Coronation of the Virgin surrounded by All Saints. Pen flourished initials in blue and red mark other textual divisions throughout.","337 x 230mm","2","37","Ruled in ink. Written space: 209 x 180mm.","Parchment","iv+281","36","36 gatherings of 8 except I6, XVIII8 (lacks 2, cancelled) and XXXI4. Catchwords. Quire numeration on the last verso of the quire. Quire signatures.","N/A","Original binding of bevelled boards covered with white leather with kermes stained turn-ins. Sewn on seven split cords. Remains of two fore-edge clasps. Vellum tabs serve as fore-edge book-marks. Back board worm eaten.","There are a vellum flyleaf and stub and a vellum pastedown at the end of the volume. Guideletters for initials and litterae notabiliores. Contains square neumatic notation of red four-line staves. Script and rubrication are in a Gothic textualis semi-quadrata by one principal scribe who gives a colophon at f. 280v: 'nomen scriptoris est Iohannis plenus amoris'.","CJ" "London British Library Additional 62523","c. 1450 - 1460","1450 - 1500","Primus mandantem","Calendar; Hours (Sarum)","Ten half-page miniatures and initials occurring as follows: 1. f. 7. Matins. The Marriage of the Virgin, 2. f. 26v. Prime. Christ disputing with the doctors. 3. f. 29. Terce. Christ and the Samarian woman at the well. 4. f. 30v. Sext. The Marriage at Cana 5. f. 32v. None. The Transfiguration. 6. f. 34. Vespers. The Entry into Jerusalem. 7. f. 49. Office of the Dead. A Requiem Mass. 8. f. 69. Psalter of St Jerome. St Jerome and his lion. 9. f. 78. Commendation of Souls. The Last Judgement. 10. f. 88. Psalms of the Passion. The borders have been attributed to the 'Caesar Master' and contain naturalistic foliage and rabbits, owls, eagles and other animals. Nine 4-line red or blue initials and a further three 3-line initials in red, blue and white 2-line gold initials on red and blue.","186 x 125mm","1","21","Ruled in ink. Written space: 110 x 70mm.","Parchment","i+114","15","I6, II8 (- 6), III-IV8, V8 (-8), VI8 (-2), VII-XII8, XIII8 (-5), XIV-XV8. Catchwords.","N/A","Post-medieval","The Calendar contains the obit of John Alburgh, 27 Nov. 1475, on f. 6.","CJ; Scott 1996" "London British Library Arundel 109","1446","1400 - 1450",,"Missal, Use of Sarum ('The Missal of William Melreth') with Gregory's Trental prayers","One full-page miniature on f. 262v, showing the Trinity with the patron kneeling before and dressed in a red robe. 11 full, 3-sided, or partial borders on ff. 8, 23, 159v, 162, 170v, 174v, 184, 186, 197, 203, 207. 7-line initial ?D? on f. 162 (St Andrew); 7-line initial on f. 170v (Bishop); 6-line initial on f. 8v; f. 174v (Annunciation); f. 184 (John the Baptist); f. 186 (SS Peter and Paul); f. 197(Virgin); f. 203 (St. Anne) 5-line initials on f. 23r; 159v (showing a bishop next to a church); f. 207 (Michael slaying the dragon). Smaller gold initials on red and blue grounds throughout, for example, f. 27v, 44v. Blue and red pen initials throughout.","430 x 290mm","2","39","Writing space: 275 x 175mm.","Parchment","ff. 265 (+ unfoliated modern paper flyleaves)",,"Mostly gatherings of eight.","N/A","Post medieval","Large anglicana hand.","CN" "London British Library Arundel 220","s.xiv2","1300 - 1350",,"Collection of Latin Chronicles","f. 7r: 7-line historiated initial B, blue on red ground, with picture on gold ground inside the letter of a boat on a green sea, with two figures in it, one bending, one upright. The decoration of the letter extends in blue, red and gold, to form a full border, with some green foliage. Elsewhere; blue initials with red foliation, smaller blue and red initials, rubrics, red underlining and red and blue paraph marks.","229 x 154 mm","1","34","Mostly single column, c. 34 lines to a page. Prickings visible. Writing space: 165 x 110 or 160 x 135.","Parchment","329 (1 unfoliated leaf after 298)","30","i3 (paper) + I6 | II12 ? VIII12 IX4 (-1; 4 canc.) | X12 ? XXIV12 XXV4 | XXVI6 XXVII8 ? XXIX8 | XXX22 (The last booklet is probably made up of more than one quire, but the binding is very tight, and there are no catchwords or quire signatures in this section to help establish the structure of this section).","N/A","Modern; f. 1 is a raised pastedown from an earlier binding, and the pattern which remains on the leaf shows that it was bound with two thongs into one hole. This binding practice began in the mid-fifteenth century, according to Pollard 1937. The hand is from the fifteenth century, and was probably put in as binding material.","Fairly well used, with marginalia, some rubbing or staining. Reasonably good quality parchment, and a not bad production in general. The entries in the Easter table betray a considerable interest in the town of Norwich, and in particular the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, the history of which is recorded with increasing detail until the notes end abruptly in November 1329. This and other evidence invites the conclusion that the second part of our MS could have been copied by a monk attached to the Cathedral Priory of Norwich during the third decade of the fourteenth century. Script: Gothic and Gothic cursive.","CJ" "London British Library Arundel 249","s.xv2 + s.xvi in","1450 - 1500",,"Grammatical treatises","The first quire has illuminated initials, including on f. 1r a large Q with 'ihc' in ribbon-work enclosed within it, and at the foot of that work a heraldic achievement: Quarterly of four: 1 and 4 Azure, 3 escallops or; 2 and 3 Argent(?), a chevron sable (?) between 3 lions dormant coward (?) gules. Crest: out of a ducal coronet per pale or and azure, a bull's head azure horned or. As reconstructed these might be for Malet and Lyons, two Somerset families.","217 x 145-50mm","1","?","Written space: Section A: 130 x 95mm B-D, F: 150 x 110mm. ff. 1-8 ruled in red ink before folding, and written under the top line. Sections B-D, F have frames in dry-point and crayon; section E has no visible ruling.","Mixed parchment and paper","ii + 120 + iii","12","The manuscript is now guarded. Thomson offers the following reconstruction: I8 (ff.1-8) | II12 (9-20) III12 (21-32) IV12 (33-44) V12 (45-56) VI16 (57-72) | VII12 (73-84) VIII4 (85-87) wants 1 (before f. 85) | IX8 (88-93) wants 4 (before f.91) and 8 (after f.93) | X12 (94-105) XI12 (106-117) | XII4 (118-120) wants 1 (before f. 118).","Not recorded","Post medieval","ff. 1-8 parchment; rest paper. Thomson 1979, p. 237 states that ?Nelson (1956, pp. xvi-xvii) has shown that the evidence of the letters and of allusions in the vulgaria suggests that the manuscript was the property of a teacher associated with Magdalen College Grammar School c. 1501. The presence of what seem to be drafts or working copies of Stanbridgean material in the manuscript confirms this, but the precise connection of this book with John Stanbridge is open to question. Emden (BRUO s.n. Stanbridge) deduces from a conversation in the Vulgaria (Nelson, 1956, p.23 no. 94) that the manuscript 'is the work of Stanbridge, as he was the only master of the school to be a Wykehamist', but the dialogue is not specific enough to give his argument any force. The relationship of the English texts to work printed under Stanbridge's name is stronger evidence, but again there is not a sufficiently specific connection with Stanbridge alone to establish the book as his. The question will be best resolved by establishing whether or not Stanbridge is the writer of hand 3 by comparing it with known examples?. Section A of the manuscript may have been made in Flanders for an Englishman. Thomson points to the script and the mishandling of the beginning of item 3, which is written as prose and not as verse. Thomson 1979, p. 238: ?The arms [on f. 1r] must be those of an owner of the book before Smyth [see Owners], possibly but not necessarily the original recipient of the volume. The manuscript probably passed into the hands of Thomas, Earl of Arundel (1585-1646) in the early s.xvii, and a stamp on f. 1v records that it was given, along with much of the Earl's collection of manuscripts, to the Royal Society in 1681 by his grandson Henry Howard. The collection passed to the British Museum in 1831 (British Museum, 1834, p. ii)?.","Thomson 1979: 233-38" "London British Library Arundel 327","1447","1400 - 1450",,"Osbern Bokenam's Legends of Holy Women","Larger initials at the beginning of the first prologue, of the 2 parts of St Margaret and St Anne, are in gold. Other initials are in red, blue or green, sometimes with flourishing. Titles sometimes in red. Red colour touching.ff. 1-26: 4 large and small initials in gold with pen-flourishing in red, at the beginning of the lives of the Saints (ff. 1, 5, 7, 18). Small initials in red with green pen-flourishing or in blue with red pen-flourishing. Ff. 27-193: 2 large initials in gold on grounds in red and blue with foliate extensions (ff. 27, 28v). 21 large initials in blue with red pen-flourishing, mostly at the beginning of the lives of the Saints (ff. 39v, 49, 58, 66, 74, 75v, 87, 91v, 96v, 98v, 115v, 116v, 134v, 136, 151, 152, 163, 163v, 172, 173v, 193). Small initials in plain red or blue.","170 x 122 mm","1","28","Single column, c. 125 x 80mm.","Parchment","201",,"Not recorded.","N/A","Post medieval","At the end is this note, ""Translatyd into Englys be a doctor of dyuynite clepyd Osbern Bokenam, frere Austyn, of the convent of Stokclare;"" there is added in another hand; ""and was doon wrytyn in Cane bryge by his sone Frere Thomas Burgh, the yere of our lord a thousand foure hundryth seuyn and fourty, whose expence dreu thretty schyligyns, and yafe yt on to this holy place of nunnys that žei shuldo have mynd on hym and of hys systyr dame Betrice Burgh; of že wych soulys Jhesu have mercy. Amen.""","CJ" "London British Library Arundel 38","1410-13","1400 - 1450","alas","Hoccleve","One miniature, f. 37r (young man presenting book to prince); 1- line blue and gold paraphs with red and lavender flourishing. One 2 line gold letter on a rose/blue background with sprigs; one 3-to 4 line blue letter on a gold ground with sprays. Thirteen 3-sided borders; one pictorial text insertion, f. 65r (man pulling stanza into place by rope).","292x185mm","1","4 stanzas of 7 lines","Drypoint. 4 verticals and 2 horizontals. Ruled within frame. No prickings visible.","Parchment","99","13","I-XII8, XIII8 (3 remaining). Catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval.","The arms of John Mowbray, 2nd duke of Norfolk (1392-1432) are on f. 37. The MS was probably made as a gift for Prince Henry (future king Henry V).","CN; Scott 1996, II, p. 160; Scott 2002: 42" "London British Library Arundel 59","s.xv3","1450 - 1500",,"Hoccleve; Lydgate","Gap left for miniature on fol. 1; 3-line initial 'G' on fol. 90r in red and blue ink. Red touching of first letter of each line; some red underlining. The arms of T. Wall, formerly Windsor Herald are added to fol. 1.","285x205mm","1","c. 31",,"Paper","ii+130+ii","9","I-II20 III20 (11 canc.), IV20 V10 VI2 VII-VIII20 IX singleton. Quire signatures throughout the manuscript, in arabic numerals, in the hand of the scribe. Catchwords underboxed in red.","Watermark similar to Briquet, no. 9478 (dated 1467-1468 to Bruges).","Post medieval","Owned by Thomas Wall, Windsor Herald, 1525: his arms occur on f. 1; his name is written repeatedly on ff. 89v-92;and the following note occurs on f. 130v: 'This boke belongyth unto T. Wall alias Wyndesor herault at armes which he bought of Henry at the taverne within buschops gate at London the yere of our Lorde 1525. Wyttenesse Robert Lytylbouroug Sayewell etc, the viiith day of May'.","CN" "London British Library Arundel 99","s. xv","1450 - 1500",,"Troy Book","Full bar border around both columns and space between on f. 1 in gold, blue, rose, green and black with white highlights, acanthus leaves and a fawn with collar in the centre boss; 3/4 borders for beginnings of other books; 2-3-line gold initials on blue and rose solid grounds with white highlights, sprays with green leaves and gold balls and buds; paraphs, several per page, alternating gold with green penwork or blue with red penwork; same preceding running titles; red running titles ?liber' on left and 'primus'-'quintus' on right.","400 x 287 mm","2","46","270 x 190 mm. 4 verticals, four horizontals enclosing top and bottom lines, ruled within, fine grey lines, pricking survives on most folios.","Parchment","3 newer paper + 159 parchment + 3 newer paper","20","I7 (ff. 1-7), II-XX8 (ff. 8-159). Catchwords by scribe, to right of fourth vertical, so very close to gutter.","N/A","Post medieval","Anglicana.","LRM" "London British Library Cotton Cleo C.IV","Between 1444 and c. 1450","1400 - 1450",,"London chronicle, historical notes, prophecies","Very little. Some rubrication in some sections.","230x135mm","1","27","Drypoint. No prickings visible but has been trimmed.","Paper","229","17","i4 (modern paper) ii4 (parchment. 1 raised pastedown, all originally blank) + I4 | 2 fragments | III12 | IV12 (+ 1; 1 may be the last leaf of a previous, now missing, quire) V16 VI14 (12-14 missing) | VII2 | VIII8 |2 fragments (inserted slips, 1 paper, 1 parchment) |IX12 1 fragment (inserted paper leaf) X12 | 1 fragment (ins. parchment slip) |XI16 XII6 (+ 1, slip inserted after 5) | 1 fragment (paper inserted slip) | XIII24 ? XV24 XVI12 XVII22 + iii4 (modern paper).","N/A","Post medieval","Paper (ff. 15-16 parchment). NB: CONTENTS incomplete - only Middle English verse items have been entered.","CJ" "London British Library Cotton Cleo. C.X","s. xv1","1400 - 1450",,"Rules for the government of city of Norwich","3-line initial I in red (57r); red text-division signs and marginal boxes.","208-10 x 140-45mm","1","25 ? 29","Written space: 140-141 x 100-103mm.","Paper","10","1","I10 No quire signatures.","Not recorded","Post medieval","Originally separate booklets brought together in the seventeenth century. This booklet was probably given by Sir Simon D'Ewes (d. 1650) to Sir Robert Cotton (d. 1631) in 1626; see Watson 1962 and 1966.","CJ" "London British Library Cotton Nero A.IV","After 1338",,,"London chronicle to 1338; history of Britain from Roman Emperors to Coronation of Edward I, correspondence between the Pope and emperor Frederick II, formulary letters, measurements, prophecies","Section 1 ? none Section 2: Red underlining, colour touching, capitals and paraph marks. Rubricated headings. In the Prophecia Merlini are several images related to the text in the lower margins, such as a battle between red and white dragons (65r); King Cadwaller on horseback (67r), warriors in a ship (69r), and Merlin explaining his prophecy to Vortigern (76r). The drawings are not professional, and are coloured mostly in red and yellow, with some blue in places. They are labelled in many cases in red, as on f. 73r, where a ram/goat is labelled Edwardus. Section 3: Red colour touching and paraph marks. Occasional rubrication. There are similar drawings in this section to those of section 2, though not by the same artist. Again they illustrate the text, and are labelled in red, as in the drawing of one king beheading another, labelled ?Rex anglie interfetit malcolmum regem scocie? Section 4. 2-3 line blue initials with red penwork; rubricated headings. Red underlining of glosses in art 7.","168 x 114 mm","1","32-41","Little ruling ? frames ruled in some sections, lines in others, none elsewhere.","Parchment","157","22","i4 (modern paper) + I8 (+2; 1 bifolium ins. after 6) II4 III8 ? VIII8 | IX8 X6 | XI4 ? XII4 XIII8 XIV8 (-1; 8 canc.) XV4 XVI8 | XVII8 ? XXI8 XXII6","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "London British Library Egerton 1995","1470s","1450 - 1500","al that (4r)","London Chronicle 'Gregory's Chronicle'","Red 2-line initials, filled with red; underlining in red.","280x205mm","1","c. 31","Written space: 190x130mm. Frame ruled in drypoint. 2 verticals and 2 horizontals.","Paper","iv+223+4","20","I-VIII (12), IX12 (-12), X10, XI12, XII-XIX12, XX12 (-9, 10, 11, 12). Quire signatures begin at 'ai'. Catchwords underlined in black/brown ink of main text.","Five watermarks visible; four of these are similar to Briquet Couronne 4645, Raisins 12996, Anneau 689, and Main 11470 -all datable to c. 1445. The fifth watermark is a coat of arms incorporating lions and flowers and has no analogue in Briquet.","Burgundy leather with marbled endpapers.","Marked for printing - possibly a workshop display manuscript? Written in a secretary hand with some anglicana forms.","CN; Parker 1998" "London British Library Egerton 2885","c. 1395","1350 - 1400",,"Compilation of London customs","2-3 line initials in red and blue. Red and blue paraph marks. Rubrics, red underlining and colour touching.",,"1","32",,"Parchment","54 (3 leaves unnumbered)","8","The binding is very tight, and the manner in which the book was compiled makes it difficult to establish collation. A suggested collation is: i2 (modern paper) ii2 (parchment) + I8 II6 (+ 1 ins. after 6?) III8 IV8 (+1 ins after 8?) V6 VI4 VII8 VIII4","N/A","Post medieval","Very little marginalia. Reasonably good condition. On f. 1 is the name (end of 18th cent.) of D. Ord, of Clare Hall, Cambridge.","CJ; Kleineke 2001" "London British Library Egerton 650","s. xvmed",,"yat","Brut, London Chronicle","2 and 3-line capitals in blue. Chapter titles and numbers in red; red paraphs.","260mm x 200mm approx","1","32-34","215mm x 150mm approx. frames and lines ruled in ink.","Parchment","114",,"Not recorded","Not recorded","Post medieval","Possibly two scribes, both writing in a s. xv anglicana with some secretary features.","ImaginingHistoryProject" "London British Library Harley 1288","s.xv med",,"Gregorius","Religious treatises","Plain blue or red initials; rubrication, red underlining. Headings written in a good formal (bastard/textura) script. Booklet 2 ? red paraph marks, colour touching and underlining.","200 x 140 mm approx.","1","30","2 verticals and 2 horizontals. No prickings visible, not ruled within.","Mixed parchment and paper","105","15","i3 (modern) + I8 (-7, -8), II8 (-1), III8 (-4), IV8 (-7), V6, VI-VII8, VIII8 (-8), IX8, X8 (-1), XI8 (-1, -7), XII8, XIII6, XIII12, XV (only one remaining, missing folios). Missing first quire; quire signatures begin at 'b'. Catchwords.","Not recorded","Post medieval","1 ? 90: Parchment 91 ? 105: Paper and Parchment Lots of lost leaves, and scribbles in blank pages. Most marginalia later than the scribal hands.","CJ; CN" "London British Library Harley 1739","s.xv",,"plenerement","Mandeville?s Travels","Minimal. Rubrication of chapter headings, and a 3-line plain red initial C at the beginning of the text (f. 1r).","140x230mm","1","46","No visible ruling.","Mixed parchment and paper","81","8","i1 (mod) + I12 (-1; 12 canc. 1 acts as flyleaf) II10 ? VII10 (inner and outer bifolia parchment) VIII16 (-6; 10-12 canc.; 14-16 ins.) + ii1 (mod).","Not recorded","Post medieval","The last leaves contain many notes in s.xv and later hands. Heraldic drawings, and drawings of knights, and of buildings within an enclosure on ff. 77-78, as well as the names 'Alys Warewyk' and 'Alys Maynwaryng' on the same leaf as the notes of Richard Lee. ff. 78-79 are from another MS ? possibly statutes? S.xiv/xv. Almost no annotation in main section of MS.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 2336","late s.xiv/xv (1st half)",,,"The Pore Caitif","3-line blue initials with red penwork introduce each section, occasionally forming partial borders. Blue paraph marks in running titles. Dedication at the end underlined in red.","145 x 100 mm","1","20-23","Ruled in ink; prickings visible.","Parchment","137","18","i2 (modern paper) ii1 (parchment) + I8 ? VII8 VIII6 IX8 ? XVII8 XVIII2 (+1 ins. after 2) + iii2 (modern paper).","N/A","Post medieval: (1967?)","A ?common profit? book compiled at the expense of a London merchant; f. 137r ? v: 'This book was mad of ye goodis of iohn gamalin for acomyn profite . Žat že persoone žat haž žis book committid to him of že persoone žat haž power to committe it . haue že uss žerof že terme of his lijf . praiynge for že soule of že same io?n And žat he žat haž žis forseid uss of commissioun whanne he occupiež it not . leeue he it for a tyme to sum ožer persoone . Also žat žat persoone to whom it was committed for že terme of lijf . vndir že forseid condiciouns deliuere he it to anožer že teerme of his lijf . And so be it delyuerid & committid from persoone to persoone man or womman as longe as že book endurith'.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 2344","s.xv",,,"Theological tracts","Red colour touching and underlining. Section references in red.","165 x 115 mm","1","28","Frame ruled.","Parchment","155 + 2","19","(Suggested): i1 (modern) ii1 (medieval) + I8 (-4; 1-4 lost) II8 III6 (-1; 6 canc.) IV8 V10 VI6 VII10 VIII8 IX12 X8 XI12 XII10 XIII10 XIV6 XV10 XVI10 XVII10 (-5; 6-10 lost) XVIII8 XIX8 (-3; 4 lost?, 7 and 8 canc.) + iii1 (medieval) iv2 Modern paper).","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "London British Library Harley 2387","s.xiv ex-xv in?",,,"Hilton?s Scale of Perfection","Blue initials with red penwork, red and blue paraph marks, red underlining and some rubrication. At the beginning of each of the two sections is a large 8-line initial, blue and scarlet on gold ground, with blue, gold and scarlet decoration forming a partial border in the top, left and bottom margins.","210-213 x 149 mm","1","35","Frame ruled.","Parchment","133 (1 ? 3 not foliated)","12","Quires mounted on guards after rebinding. i2 (modern) + I12 (1-3 blank) II12 ? IV12 V12 (-2; 9-10 canc.) VI12 ? XI12 XII6 (-3; 1-3 canc.) + ii3 (modern). No catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval: Rebound in 1964. No evidence of earlier binding.","In good condition. No non-scribal marginalia except for the note on f. 130v.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 273","s.xiv","1300 - 1350","primus","Psalter, religious and other texts","ff. 1r ? 69v: plain blue or red initials with flourishing in the other colour (ff. 8, 15, 19v, 23v, 28, 33, 37v, 42v, 47v, 59v); paraph marks in red or blue, rubrication. ff. 70r ? 85v: Plain red initials, underlining and rubrication. In the bestiary, ff. 70r ? 81r, there are fine pen drawings accompanying the text, and some blue initials with red penwork. ff. 86r ? 112v: Plain initials, usually red, but some blue (towards the beginning of the section). Ff. 111r and 112r contain full size hand outlines in red. ff. 113r ? 198: 1-4 line initials and paraphs in alternate blue and red ff. 199r ? 203: red initials, red colour touching and rubrication ff. 203-215v: initials in red only, initials shaded red.","223 x 142mm","2; 3; 1","31-41; 40; 44","ff. 1r ? 69v: double columns of 33 - 36 lines; written space c. 170-172 x 99-104mm. pricked and ruled in ink, red for ff. 1-6v ff. 70-85v: double columns of 37 lines; written space c.172 x 100mm; pricked and ruled in metal point. ff. 86-112v: double columns of 36 lines; written space c 176 x 101mm; pricked and ruled in ink and/or metal point ff. 113-198: double columns of 38 lines; written space c 167-170 x 101-112mm; pricked and ruled in ink and/or metal point. ff. 199-203: triple columns of 40 lines; written space c 174 x 123mm; pricked and ruled in metal point. ff. 203-215v: single columns of 44 lines; written space c 178 x 100mm; pricked and ruled in metal point and ink.","Parchment","215 (+3 flyleaves)","21","I6, singleton, II-IV12, V14, VI2, VII- VIII8, IX-X10, XI8 (-8), XII- XVII12, XVIII8, XIX6, XX6 (6 canc), XXI2, two singles. Catchwords throughout.","N/A","Post medieval","Composite manuscript made up of six originally distinct manuscripts.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 2887","s.xv - various","1450 - 1500",,"Calendar, Hours of the Virgin (Sarum)","Seven historiated initials, f. 29: (Matins) Annunication; f. 59, (Fifteen Oes) Man of Sorrows, in tomb, hands crossed at waist; f. 68 (Seven Penitential Psalms) Christ in Judgement, on rainbow, with swords at head; f. 80 (Vigils of the Dead) Service, with priests, mourners, and draped bier; f. 97v (Commendation of Souls) two angels lifting a soul in cloth; f. 105v (Psalms of the Passion) empty tomb, with Instruments of the Passion; f. 113 (Psalter of St Jerome) Jerome, in cardinal's dress, standing, holding book; lion beside. Borders with representations: f. 29, peacock, roses; ape seated in a green basket, playing bagpipes and pointing; owl; f. 68, roses, violets, peacock, strawberries; f. 80, pinks; blues; nude man with leaf as dress, blowing horn; fox running with grey goose, f. 97v, daisies; f. 113, pinks; strawberries; peacock in splendour. Text decoration: ruling in lavender; rubrication; Calendar: one-line initials in blue and gold with red and dark blue flourishing; KL in gold, 2-3 lines, on rose/blue ground; elsewhere: blue and gold line endings; one-line blue and gold letters with red and dark blue flourishing; two- and three- line gold letters on rose/blue ground; four-line coloured letters infilled with leaves or flowers on gold ground, with three-sided bar borders in English style (e.g. ff. 43, 45v, 49, 51v, 66); with historiated initials, full bar-frame border either wholly English in style (e.g. ff. 59, 105v) or containing grotesques and realistic flora. The historiated initials in the original part of the MS are by one illustrator (Illustrator A). His work has also been identified in BL. Add 32097, London, College of Arms Arundel 3; Cambridge, Trinity College B.11.9; Nottingham University Library, Mi LM 10.","274 x 183 mm","1","21","Ruled in lavender. Catchwords in small shaded scroll.","Parchment","130 + 1","16","The first few quires are very difficult to collate; the binding is very tight and there are no catchwords. There are also a number of cancelled and inserted leaves. i2 (post-medieval paper) I8 (-1; 3 cancelled. +4; 3 ins. after 2, 1 ins. after 5. 1-2 flyleaves ? 1 stuck to paper leaf) II8 ? III8 IV8 (+3; 2 ins. before 1, 1 ins. before 5) V8 ? VI8 VII8 (+4; 4 ins. after 1) VIII2 IX8 (possibly one quire of 10?) X8 ? XV8 XVI6 + ii1 (parchment flyleaf; f. 130) iii3 (post-medieval paper)","N/A","Post medieval: 1983?","Dates: Calendar and Hours ? before 1467 Prayers, 1480-1505; before 1515. No marginalia. In quite good condition, including illuminations.","CJ; Scott 1996: 299?302" "London British Library Harley 316","s.xiv (late)","1350 - 1400",,"Cartulary, etc, mostly relating to manors in south-west England","Calendar rubricated. No other decoration.","360 x 250 mm approx","1","40",,"Parchment","88 (2 unfoliated between 81 and 82)","15","i3 (post medieval) + I4 II1 (fragment) III6 (-2; 1-2 canc) IV8 ? VII8 VIII8 (-4; 1, 3, 5, 7 canc.) IX6 (-1; 6 canc.) X6 XI8 (-2; 5-6 canc.) XII8 XIII8 (-2; 5 ? 6 canc.) XIV4 XV8 + ii4 (post medieval)","N/A","Rebound 1967","The MS has evidently been bound in a different order in the past. f. 10v, which is blank, has an imprint of the ink from the calendar f. 5v, and must have been next to it at some point.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 3239","s.xv","1450 - 1500",,"Theological treatises","f. 1r 10-line initial U, blue on gold ground, with image of Thomas Aquinas, presumably, at a writing desk. Full border in gold, blue and pink, decorated with flowers and foliage. Not very well executed. Other sections, such as the other books, or substantial sections within them, are introduced with large decorated letters, usually blue with red penwork, occasionally red and green. Other decoration consists of plain blue and red initials ? usually 2-line, occasionally larger. Blue and red paraph marks, red underlining, colour touching and some rubrication.","290 x 195 mm","1","45",,"Paper","236","22","Difficult to collate ? some catchwords, and some evidence of stitching, but not enough to be absolutely certain. A suggested collation is as follows: i1 (modern) I1 (single parchment leaf) II10 (2-11) III12 (12 ?23) IV12 (24 ? 35) V12 (-2; 3-4 lost. 36 ? 45) VI12 (46 ? 57) VII12 (58? 69) VIII12 (+1; f. 72 is an inserted slip. 70 ? 82) IX12 (83 ? 94) X8 (ff. 95 ? 102). XI12 (103 ? 114) XII12 (115 ? 126) XIII12 (127 ? 138) XIV12 (-1; 10 canc. 139 ? 149) XV12 (150 ? 161) XVI12 (162 ? 173) XVII12 (174 ? 185) XVIII10 (186 ? 195) XIX10 (196 ? 205) XX12 (-1, 1 lost. 206 ? 216) XXI10 (217-226) XXII10 (227 ? 236) + ii1 (parchment) iii1 (modern)","Not recorded","Post medieval",,"CJ" "London British Library Harley 3742","1445","1400 - 1450",,"John Norfolk, in Artem progressionis","Coloured initials and colophon.","c. 325 x 215mm","1","41","Written space: c. 215 x c. 130 mm.","Parchment","Not recorded","Not recorded","Not recorded","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "London British Library Harley 4605","1434","1400 - 1450","cy commence le liure","Christine de Pizan: Le livre des faits d?armes","4 large miniatures on ff. 3, 41, 71, 95 with large decorated initials and full foliate borders, in colours and gold. F.3 shows the author, Christine, dressed in blue writing; f. 41 shows a battle scene. Large initials in gold on red and/or blue grounds. Small initials in gold with blue pen-flourishing or in blue with red pen-flourishing. Capital letters highlighted in yellow.","310 x 213 mm","2","33","Prickings visible. Frame - 2 verticals and 2 horizontals.","Parchment","114 + 2 parchment flyleaves","16","Not recorded. Catchwords","N/A","Post medieval: (1966); quires mounted on guards","114 + 2 parchment flyleaves. First foliated as 1; last not foliated. In very good condition. High quality parchment. No marginalia, no staining or damage. Some rubbing or fading of the text on certain leaves. f. 115. ?Explicit. Digatz un pater noster et une aue maria per mosseu peyer delasita qui a escrit a quest present liure en lan de nostre senh?r mil. cccc xxxiiijo. Et fut feit a londres a. xv de may? f. 2 ?Monasterij Sancte crucis Burdegal. [Bordeaux] congregationis Sancti mauri catalogo inscriptus anno 1715?.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 4733","c. 1460","1450 - 1500",,"Cato?s Distichs","Latin sections and incipits and explicits in red. Red scribal notae and some red initials. F. 3r, 3-line initial C, blue with red penwork forming a small partial border.","210 x 130 mm","1","27-31","Prickings visible. Ruled in plummet within frame of 3 horizontals and 2 verticals. Ruled in plummet. Ruled within frame. Written space: 150 x 85-95 mm.","Mixed parchment and paper","125 (+ 3)","11","i2 (post medieval paper) ii3 (2 paper, 1 parchment) + I12 II12 (+1; 1 ins. after 10?) III12 ? IV12 V10 VI12 ? X12 XI6 + iii1 (Parchment) iv3 (post medieval paper). Catchwords in scrolls.","N/A","Post medieval: (1885). First parchment flyleaf is a raised paste-down, and shows that the book was bound between boards, and sewn with two thongs pegged into one hole. Fragment of a 13th century French Brut used as a pastedown, fol. 128r.","The outer and central bifolio of quires are vellum whilst the others are paper. Using pencil foliation from MS. Flyleaves heavily annotated in s.xv and later hands. Scribe 1: ff. 3r-40r, 52r-127r in a small and regular Anglicana with strong Secretary influence. Scribe 2: ff. 40v-51v in a small and regular Secretary hand with some Anglicana forms and elaborate pen-ink ascenders and descenders.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 4826","1450-1460","1450 - 1500","a palme of conquest","Lydgate, Lives of SS Edmund and Fremund; Secrees of Old Philiosoffres; Hoccleve, De regimine principium","One full page pen drawing [inserted] on f. 1 - presentation scene, a monk kneeling beside a pilgrim who is handing a book to a nobleman in armour; one 1/3 page miniature on fl. 4 of the martyrdom of St. Edmund; two marginal miniatures: one on f. 26v of a wolf guarding the head of St. Edmund, in thicket and another on f. 139 a large figure of standing man. Two historiated initials on f. 52 - standing man (?Lydgate) and f. 84 standing man (?Hoccleve) Scrolls on catchwords. Inside margins, titles and paraph signs in red, at each stanza, one-line red and blue letters with rose and blue flourishing; 2 line blue or gold letters with red or pale rose flourishing; 4 line coloured letters on gold ground with sprays. Three-sided bar borders.","180 x 127 mm","1","43","4 verticals and 4 horizontals. Prickings visible. Ruled in plummet.","Parchment","140 (+ 10 not from binding ? quires ii, a and b).","18","i4 (modern) ii6 (post medieval, inc. medieval drawing stuck on to a leaf - See Scott 1996: 305-7) + I8 ? V8 VI8 (-1; 8 canc.) |a2 (post-medieval paper) | VII8 VIII8 IX8 (-1; 1 lost) X8 (-1; 8 canc.) | b2 (post-medieval paper) | XI8 ? XVII8 XVIII8 (-1; 8 canc.) + iii5 (post medieval paper).","N/A","Post medieval",,"LRM, Scott 1996: 305-307" "London British Library Harley 5233","s.xv2","1450 - 1500",,"Statutes of Edward III, Richard II, HIV, V, VI","Each statute begins with an initial depicting the relevant king. f. 11r: 9-line initial C, depicting Edward III as an old man with white beard, crowned, dressed in blue robe with ermine and carrying a sceptre. Scarlet background, decorated with gold. The letter itself is blue and dark pink (upper half blue, lower half pink, with white highlighting). The whole letter is on gold ground, and forms part of a full border of dark pink, gold and blue, with green foliage. f. 141r: 8-line initial R, depicting Richard II, crowned, dressed in blue robe with ermine and carrying a sceptre. Scarlet background. The letter itself is blue and dark pink (upper half blue, lower half pink, with white highlighting). The whole letter is on gold ground, and forms part of a full border of dark pink, gold and blue, with green foliage. f. 219r: 4-line initial H, depicting the head of Henry IV, crowned. Scarlet background. The letter itself is blue and dark pink (mostly blue, part of lower half pink, with white highlighting). The whole letter is on gold ground, and forms part of a full border of dark pink, gold and blue, with green foliage. f. 265v: 4-line initial N, depicting the head of Henry V as a young man, crowned, dressed in blue robe with ermine - very similar to the picture of Richard on f. 141r. Scarlet background. The letter itself is blue and dark pink (upper half blue, lower half pink, with white highlighting). The whole letter is on a gold ground, and forms part of a full border of dark pink, gold and blue, with green foliage. f. 289v: 4-line initial A, depicting Henry VI, crowned, dressed in blue robe with ermine and seems to be carrying a sceptre (Similar to picture of HV above). Scarlet background, decorated in gold. The letter itself is blue and dark pink (upper half blue, lower half pink, with white highlighting). The whole letter is on a gold ground, and forms part of a full border of dark pink, gold and blue, with green foliage. On f. 286v a border has been sketched out in pencil, but not filled in ? this may have been an error on the part of the artist. Other decoration - smaller blue initials with red penwork, red and blue paraph marks.","220 ? 160 mm approx","1","28","Frame ruled.","Parchment","390","49","i2 (modern) ii1 (raised pastedown) + I6 II8 - IV8 | V8 - XXII8 XXIII8 (with parchment guards around 4) OR XXIII10 (-2; 4 and 6 canc.) XXIV8 ? XLIX8 + iii1 (raised pastedown) iv2 (modern paper)","N/A","Post medieval. Two of the flyleaves are raised pastedowns from medieval binding. The back leaf shows a V I V style of binding, where two thongs are pegged into one hole, but the front shows signs of 5 single thongs pegged into a hole each.","Generally in good condition.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 5334","s.xiv",,,"Breviary","One illuminated 3-line initial N on f. 66v, gold on red ground, with blue filling, below a plain blue 6-line initial I with red penwork. These two initials and some extra decoration in gold, blue and red, form a partial border. Other initials are blue with red penwork; there are small blue and red initials in the text, blue and red paraph marks and many rubricated sections of text.","120 x 177 mm","1","17",,"Parchment","101","13","Quires mounted on guards. i3 (mod) + I6 II10 (-1; 10 canc.) III8 IV8 V6 VI8 ? XIII8 + ii3 (modern)","N/A","Post medieval: Rebound 1964","At least one quire is missing at the beginning. First folio quite dirty and worn. Owned by Dom. Johannes Fenyngham monk of Bury St Edmunds in s.xiv. See f. 94r, inscription recording the gift of the MS by him to Bury St Edmunds, followed by obits of abbots, etc. ?Liber monasterii Sancti Edmundi regis et martyris de Bury de dono dompni Johannis Fenyngham eiusdem loci monachi cuius anime propricietur Deus Amen On f. 1r is the name Clement Heigham, in a late hand (s.xvi? s.xvii?). This is too late to be the Heigham who owned Harley 542 and CUL Add. 8938, but may be a descendant of his.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 5396","1455","1450 - 1500",,"Middle English Verse, Tournament of Tottenham","Initials and some lines of verses bracketed in the same pen and ink as the texts.","216x127mm",,,,"Paper","39","5","No signatures or catchwords survive, probably due to cropping. A suggested collation is: I6, II6-1, III6, IV8, V16","At least two different watermarks: a bull's head from f. 284r and what Meale identifies as a fool's cap prior to this.","Post medieval","Part 4 only. Now the fourth part of a composite volume, running from ff. 272r-311r. Meale suggests on the basis of the presence of letters written by the scribe and accounts that the manuscript was possibly produced ""by a scribe who was associated in some capacity with men engaged in trade, although it is not clear whether he himself was an apprentice, or whether he was training as a clerk or a scrivener whose potential employers were merchants."" She points to the inclusion in the accounts on ff. 272r-v of a number of goods, for example ?venegar?, knives, wool, wine, that are ?itemized in connection with individuals located in places as far apart as Coventry, Northampton, London and towns in Gloucestershire? (Meale 2001, p. 114).","CN; Meale 2001" "London British Library Harley 541","Mid to late s.xv","1450 - 1500","desirderabull","Poetry","None, except for a 2-line red cross in a box at the top left of f. 228r.","210 x 250mm approx","1","c. 28","No ruling or frame. Written space is variable.","Paper","23","N/A","The leaves were remounted for binding, so collation is difficult.","Two distinct watermarks are visible, the first like Briquet 14185 (ff. 207, 208, 211, 212) and the second like Briquet 10719 (ff. 215, 218, 221, 222, 224, 225, 228).","Post medieval","The final of several originally separate manuscripts gathered together by Sir Simonds d?Ewes (ff. 207-29) Heavily cropped. ff. 207-9, 210 and 211-2 are written in secretary, with some anglicana features. Scribe B, writing in an informal hand, wrote the two carols on f. 214 (items 8 and 9), perhaps filling a leaf which had originally been blank. Scribe C wrote ff. 215-7, 220-25r, 228-29 in an anglicana hand. Scribe D added the information on ff. 225v-226r, 227v, 228r.","CJ; Boffey 1983" "London British Library Harley 5442","s.xv (after 1432)","1400 - 1450",,"Pupilla oculi","Blue initials with red penwork forming partial borders. Titles etc. outlined in red, red paraph marks.","173 x 232-40 mm","2","38","Double columns except for f.1, which is single columned.","Parchment","202","19","i3 (post medieval) + I4 II8 III8 IV12 V8 VI12 - XVII12 XVIII10 XIX8 + ii4 (post medieval). Catchwords, quire and leaf signatures.","N/A","Post medieval: Rebound in 1965; quires now mounted on guards. ff. 1 and 202 were both originally pastedowns, and marks indicate that the MS was originally bound in boards, where 2 thongs were pegged into one hole ? this practice begins in the mid-fifteenth century.","In good condition. Lots of aids to the reader, such as quire signatures, table of contents, running headers. Several annotations in s.xv hands, some of which are dated (f. 201v). Annotations also on f. 1r, including a paper note now stuck to the leaf.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 631","1408","1400 - 1450",,"Marsilius de Padua, Defensor Pacis","Some blue and red initials with penwork; rubrics, red and blue paraph marks.","297 x 210 mm","1","42-56","Space for each column, c. 215-20 x 70 mm.","Parchment","238 (6 leaves not foliated by modern hand)","19","i1 (post-med. paper) ii2 (parchment (roll)) + I12 ? III12 | IV12 ? XIV12 | XV12 ? XVI12 XVII10 | XVIII14 XIX18","Not recorded","Post medieval","Section 2: 1408. f. 170v: ?Et sic finitus huiusmodi libellus valde optimus. Anno domini mmo ccccmo octauo. De quarta mensis octobris?. Small holes in last quire. A few added notes. The first parchment flyleaves are made up of a roll of some sort, in Latin, written in an English hand. Later owned by Sir Symonds D?Ewes: A 207 in catalogue.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 7184","s.xvmed","1450 - 1500","which eueri day","Gower, Confessio Amantis","Blue initials with red penwork, gold initials with penwork in light brown ink or dark red ink. F. 1r: 7-line initial O, half in red, half in blue, on gold ground, and decorated with blue, red and green foliage, forming a partial border in the left, top and bottom margins. Similar large initials and partial borders introduce each new book. Latin sections rubricated and integrated into main text.","360 x 540mm approx","2","49","Ruled in purple. 4 verticals and 2 horizontals, ruled within each column in purple. No prickings visible.","Parchment","133 (foliation faulty ? 5 omitted)","12","i4 (post-medieval) + I12 (-1; 2 cancelled) II12 III12 (-1; 2 lost) IV12 V12 (-1; 8 lost) VI12 (-1; 4 lost) VII12 (-1; 10 lost) VIII12 IX12 X12 (-1; 7 lost) XI12 (-1; 3 lost) [a quire is missing after XI] XII12 (-4; 5 ? 8 lost) + ii4 (post medieval). NB foliation missed out 5; f. 5 is foliated f.6, and so on.","N/A","Post medieval","Parchment ? good quality. First page very dirty and rubbed, the rest very clean. Appears to have been mutilated, and to have lost some illuminated initials: at the end of Book 1, 124 lines are missing, and 46 from the beginning of Book 2, which was written on an illuminated leaf. There are similar gaps at the end of Book 4, where part of the deficient leaf remains; the beginning and end of Book 6, and the beginning of Book 7. A large section of Book 7 is missing, as is the whole of Book 8.","CJ" "London British Library Harley 7333","1450 onwards","1450 - 1500",,"Prose Brut, Canterbury Tales, Confessio Amantis and others by Hoccleve, Chaucer, Gower, Lydgate etc.","2-line blue lombards with red penwork mark internal textual divisions in the Brut section, with red and blue paraphs marking lesser divisions. At the top of the page is a red paraph over the first column, and a blue paraph with a rubricated folio number in roman numerals over the second column. On the verso are red and blue paraphs only, one above each column (sometimes two red paraphs and no blue). In the Cato section, the scribe writes the Latin passages, within the text frame, in rubric, preceded by blue paraphs, but, although space is left and the paraphs are provided, the rubricated passages cease after the first two stanzas of column a on fol. 27v. There are also rubricated indexing glosses in the margins, preceded by blue paraphs. The rest of the formatting is as in the first section. Numerous scrawled nota markers, perhaps to have been rubricated, remain, with some trimmed at the fore-edge. In the first part of CT, the incipits and explicits are in the same ink as the text; with the return of Scribe 2 (fol. 73r), they are in rubric. 3- to 4-line blue lombards with red penwork mark main textual divisions. The first letter of each column is elaborately flourished, frequently with strapwork decoration, occasionally with grotesques. In the Monk's Tale each stanza begins with a 2-line blue initial with red penwork (cf. Man of Law's Tale which marks stanzas with red and blue paraphs). The Tale of Melibee also has numerous 2-line blue and red initials. In the final section of Scribe 1?s work (fols. 165v-196v), initials in the division titles of the Gesta Romanorum are also of the strapwork variety.","450 x 330 mm approx","2","43-58","Each column measures approximately 335 x 100 mm, with a space of approximately 17 mm between. Margined variously in drypoint, plummet, and ink on rectos.","Parchment",,,"Catchwords on the final verso of each gathering. Two stiff modern paper fly leaves. I-III8 (inferred; now lost); IV-VI8 (fols. 1-24, the first signed ?d?; the third signed ?f?; the first folio number in the roman numerals is ?xxv?); VII8 (inferred; now lost); VIII8 (fols. 25-32, no catchword on fol. 32v, where the text ends a third of the way down column b); IX-XIII8 (fols. 33-72); XIV8 (inferred; now lost); XV-XIX8 (fols. 73-112, the contemporary foliation on the last folio of Q XIV is ?C iiij?; fol. 73 has the contemporary foliation ?C xiij.? In these quires, the first four leaves of each gathering are signed ?1-4?); XX8 (?7: stub; fols. 113-119, also signed ?1-4?); XXI8 (fols. 120-127); XXII8 (?7, ?8: stubs; fols. 128-133); XXIII8 (fols. 134-141; signed ?+?); XXIV8 (?6: stub; fols. 142-148, signed ?a?); XXV-XXX8 (fols. 149-196, QXXV signed ?C?; QXXVI signed ?D?; QXXVII signed ?E?; QXXVIII signed ?1-4?); XXXI8 (?8: stub; fols. 197-203, 203r, col. b blank except for eight lines; verso is entirely blank, as, presumably, was the following leaf, now excised); XXXII8 (fols. 204-211, catchword on 211v).","N/A","Post medieval: Modern blue morocco, five sewing bands. Gilt Harley arms on front and back consisting of two angels on either side of a shield, surmounted by a crown with the motto beneath: ?Virtute et Fide.?","Four hands: A: A small cursive hybrid hand writing in dark brown ink ff. 1r-24v; 65v-72v; 74r-133va; 134v-148v; 165ra, line 3-196v; 205r (col. b, 19)-211v B: Similar to Scribe A, but uses a B-shaped final , writes ff. 25r-32v; 57r-v (col. a line 20); 73r-v; 134r; 157r-165ra, line 2; 204r-205r (col b, 20). C: similar to the previous two hands, writes ff. 33r-56v; 57v (col. a, line 21)-65r. D: similar to hand B, but differs in the form of tailed , writes ff. 149r-156v; 197r-203va. Begun c. 1450-1460 and continued, perhaps until late in the century. On fol. 41r is the name ?Stoughton? in red, in the lower margin opposite A769. A ?stock-in-a-tun? rebus, in red, is drawn beside the explicit to Item 5 (f. 32v), and recurs in the gutter of f. 45v, with a fish incorporated into the initial R at the top of col. a on the same page. The rebus is sketched in black ink on f. 189r (with three leaping fish), and faintly on 192r (twice). Also on ff. 189r and 190r are sketches of the Stockton arms (a saltire between four door staples). Manly-Rickert identify these features with the William Stoughton who ?in the late 15 C was cellarer of the abbey of St. Mary de Pratis (Pré), a house of Austin Canons at Leicester.? They believe the Doctor Peni reference at the foot of fol. 150r (?doctor peni writ this booke?) refers to John Penny, ?LL.D of Oxford, who was a canon at Leicester at least by 1480, was elected prior in 1493 and abbot in 1496; he became bishop of Bangor in 1504, and in 1508, Bishop of Carlisle; he died in 1519/20? (1:214-215).","CJ" "London British Library Harley 746","s.xiii (end)/xiv","1250 - 1300",,"Codex of statutes to Edward I, liberties of the city of London, Norman genealogy etc in Latin","Uniform throughout. Red capitals with blue/green penwork, alternating with blue capitals with red penwork. Smaller red and blue capitals in the text, rubrication, red and blue paraph marks.","255 x 157-62mm","2","42",,"Parchment","107","10","i3 (modern paper) ii2 (paper) I3 (1 bifolium, 1 singleton) II12 ? VI12 VII12 (wants 12, probably blank) VIII12 ? IX12 X14 (wants 1, 9-11, 13).","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "London British Library Harley 869","s.xv",,,"Legal texts; documents relating to tenements in Lincoln","f. 7r: 8-line initial H, salmon pink on blue ground. Lobe depicts the king, on gold ground, dressed in robes of green and pink, seated on a bench, holding a red sceptre. Blue and pink decoration with green foliage extends to form a partial border. f. 110r: 8-line initial E, blue on salmon pink ground. Lobe depicts the king, on gold ground, dressed in robes of red and grey, seated on a bench, holding a sword over his right shoulder. Blue and pink decoration with green foliage extends to form a partial border. f. 188r: 7-line initial E, blue on salmon pink and gold ground. Lobe depicts the king, on gold ground, dressed in robes of red and pink, seated on a bench, with hands raised. Blue and pink decoration with green foliage extends to form a partial border. Arts 1 and 2 are also decorated with large gold, pink and blue initials. Other decoration varies; red and blue paraph marks, red underlining. Smaller red and blue initials with alternate penwork.","280 x 185 mm","1","43","Single columns, 43 lines to a page in main section.","Parchment","291 + 1","39","Not recorded.","N/A","Post medieval","Heavily annotated. Lots of added notes and drawings, including a crucifixion scene on f. 3r","CJ" "London British Library Harley 993","s.xv1","1400 - 1450",,"Hilton, Scale of Perfection","Section 1; 2 line blue initials with red penwork, and one larger, more ornate blue, red and black initial at the start of the text. Blue paraph marks, rubrication and underlining of some marginal glosses. Section 2; very little, limited to some red underlining. Colophon is underlined in red.","160 x 115 mm","1","17","Prickings visible.","Parchment","39 + 4 flyleaves","5","i3 (mod paper) ii3 (parchment) + I8 ? II8 III8 (-1; 8 lost) IV8 ? V8 + iii1 (parchment) iv2 (modern paper).","N/A","Post medieval (1949)","Good condition; very little damage. Little marginalia. At the end of the book, in a later hand: ?James Palmer owneth this Booke, yet without the least intent to pray for the soule of Robert Holland, being a wicked & simple custome of sottishly ignorant Papists. J. Palmer Junoir?.","CJ" "London British Library Lansdowne 285","s.xv3","1450 - 1500",,"Chivalric and military texts","2r-199v - red and blue underlining, embellished capitals, filling loops, paraphs. There are several large, coloured initials (ff. 2r, 5v, 9r, 11r, 29v, 84r, 155r).","215x300mm","1","32-34","Writing: 140x195mm. Scribe A ruled in ink between the prickholes; Scribe B used drypoint and did not make prickholes; Scribe C used prickholes and drypoint.","Paper","223","19","I12,II12, III10, IV-V12, VI12, VII-XII12, XIII12(wants 1), XIV-XVII12, XVIII10, XIX12 (wants 8). Quires 1-17 are the ?Grete Boke?, 18 and 19 are additions made after Paston?s death in 1479.","A jewelled ring - similar to Briquet 689 (1457); a bull's head - comparable to Briquet 14323-5 (1460-5); a bull's head - comparable to Briquet 14331 (1468) and 14334 (1469); a lozenge paly beneath a diadem comparable to Briquet 2066 (1473) and more closely to Heawood's 8 (in use in England before 1459); a hand with a six pointed star or flower - similar to Briquet 11088 (1437) and 11089 (1456); a hand and star again - similar to Briquet 11155 (1477).","Post medieval",,"Lester 1984; CN" "London British Library Lansdowne 851","s. xv1/4.","1400 - 1450",,"Canterbury Tales","The first page of the Canterbury Tales (f. 2r) has a 10-line historiated W, containing a picture of Chaucer, standing on a salmon-coloured floor against a green and gold backdrop, holding a book. Scott attributes this portrait to Herman Scheere (1996, 2:87, 111). The full bar border is blue, plum, gold, salmon, and green with pinkish, orange, and blue flowers, gold balls, and green foliage. Scott (1996, 2:87) states that this border is ?probably by the border artist of Bodley 294? (Confessio Amantis). 3/4 borders and 5- to 7-line decorated initials on gold fields mark beginnings of tales. 2- to 3-line initials with sprays mark beginnings of links and prologues. Blue paraphs with red penwork mark the descriptions of the pilgrims, stanzas, and changes of speaker throughout. The Pardoner's Prologue, however, receives the border and initial usually reserved for tales, while the Pardoner's Tale is introduced by a 7-line ?I.? Scott suggests that this manuscript ?may be an immediate descendant of the Ellesmere limning shop, either through survival of one of the limners or through a trainee of one of the Ellesmere limners? (1995, p. 117, n. 44). Running heads, explicits, and incipits are rubricated.","350 x 205 mm.","1","42","Ruled with plummet. Written space approximately 245 x 135 mm.","Parchment","255","32","i-iii, paper fly leaves, iv (sixteenth-century parchment) [1-29]8 fols. 2-233 [30]8 (?7) fols. 234-240 [31]8 fols. 241-248 [32]8 (?8: stub visible; no text lost) fols. 249-255 Catchwords on final versos in scrolls.","N/A","Post medieval: Nineteenth-century gilt calf with blind stamping, sewn on five bands. Marbled pastedowns. Stiff modern paper fly leaves at the front and back.","Scott, on the basis of the decoration, suggests ?c. 1407-10? (1996, 2:87; 1995, p. 117, n. 44 [?ca. 1405-10?]). On fol. 255v is the name ?Anthony B[?rubbed],? which Manly-Rickert were able to restore with a ?temporary reagent? to read ?Brydges.? They believe this to be the son of the first baron Chandos and ?great-great-grandson of Sir Reynold Grey de Wilton (c.1421-1493/4), brother of Margaret who married William Burley? (1:307). On fol. 98r, written vertically at the fore-edge is ?Symond.? The name ?Medoltun? is written in drypoint at the top of fol. 187r and possibly in drypoint in the margin of fol. 17r. Manly-Rickert suggest this is possibly the name of the scribe or limner, (John Melton or Gilbert Melton; see also Christianson 1990, pp. 133-134), and they note that a ?Simon Pavye [?Symond??] was also a London scrivener in 1392? (1:308). In the eighteenth century, the manuscript was owned by Philip Carteret Webb; in the 1771 sale following his death, the MS was bought by William Petty, Marquess of Lansdowne (his MS 907), and purchased by the British Museum in 1807 (Manly-Rickert 1:308).","CJ" "London British Library Royal 10 A.XVIII","s. xv",,"tuo da","Peter of Blois, letters and opuscula","fol. 1: 6-line blue initial with white incised highlights, gold ground, blue and faded pink foliage, full bar frame/border alternating gold, pink, blue with foliage in same colours plus green and all with white highlights; 4-line blue lombard initials, red penwork forming squares around and foliage inside letter, sawtooth extenders up, down, and into margin, with spiral to left of letter and ground, tendrils end in shoelace ties; red headings, red touching to every upper case letter; red foliation; red explicits and chapter numbers in margins.","248 x 177 mm","2","40","177 x 57 each column 4 verticals, 2 horizontals, no ruling, brown crayon; top and bottom lines both written to cover frame, that is, frame lines in mid-minim.","Parchment","ii+185",,"12s Catchwords: by scribe, in black with red sleigh beneath.","N/A","Post medieval",,"LRM" "London British Library Royal 11.D.iii","s.xiiiex","1250 - 1300",,"Digestum vetus","f. 4r ? title written in gold ? same size as main text. First word of major sections written in large (10-11 line) capitals in blue, with red and blue decoration. Smaller blue initials with red decoration throughout; blue and red decoration in the gutter between the two main text columns. Smaller plain red initials, blue and red paraph marks, underlining, rubrication.","410 x 268 mm","4","50 (main)","4 columns ? 2 central for main text, and 2 outer for gloss.","Parchment","248 including flyleaves","?","Binding too tight ? no catchwords, no signatures.","N/A","Post medieval","Flyleaves covered in notes in small neat hands, including several inscriptions of ownership.","CJ" "London British Library Royal 13.A.xviii","s.xiv/xv(arts 1, 14, 15)",,"habere nos","Chronicles of English history and miscellaneous tracts","Art 1: initials in red and blue. Art. 13: . Initials and diagrams in red and yellow. Art. 14: initials in red and blue, and yellow colour touching. Elsewhere; red and blue initials in some places, rubrics, underlining and red colour touching.","250 x 170 mm","2","34-45","Double columns, except artt. 6-8 .","Parchment",,"24","Gatherings (incl. blank unnumbered leaves), art. 1, I-V12, VI, vii8; artt. 2-7, I, II12, III6, IV4, V8 (see above, art. 6); art. 8, I, II8, III4; art. 9,Ii, II8; art. 10, I7; artt. 11, 12, I4; art. 13, I8, II7; artt. 14, 15, I,II12, III14.","N/A","Post medieval","Made up of several MSS.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" "London British Library Royal 17.A.III","1400-1425","1400 - 1450","entem ut non","Medical, astrological","Initials in red. Paragraph marks in red.","138 x95 mm",,,"Ruling, pricking in the margin.","Parchment","186","11","I15, II14, III24, IV20, VI10, (two cut out), VII22, VIII20, IX, X, XI16","N/A","Post medieval","Carefully written in anglicana formata.","CJ" "London British Library Royal 17.B.xlvii","1452-1456","1450 - 1500","of alle","Dietary; Collections on Dictamen or the art of letter-writing, with legal and other commonplaces, for use in London.","f. 166v. 1 pen drawing of ?Jesus, with halo, holding an orb in his left hand. Poorly executed.","208 x 135 mm","1","24-39",,"Paper","ii+174",,"Collation uncertain","None visible","Post medieval: 1957?","Some damage from damp, leaves torn and heavily annotated by contemporary hands. On the vellum scraps at the beginning are the notes: 'Iste liber constat magister (sic) Leye' (s. xv), f. 1; 'William Challner est possessor huius libri', and 'Iste liber constat Thomam (sic) Cheke' (s. xvi).","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" "London British Library Royal 18 A. XII","1483-4","1450 - 1500","eldre that I am","Vegetius De re militari","Paragraph marks in red, blue or gold, with red or blue penwork. Each chapter begins with an initial letter of gold on a coloured ground ? dark rose and blue, over painted with white sprays of pinnate leaves ? with ornamental pen-sprays extending into margin and terminating in curls dotted with green, seed-heads or other shapes filled with gold. Sutton and Visser-Fuchs describe the illumination as follows: ?Book I (fol. 1r) has an ?H? enclosing the arms of England supported by the silver (now oxidised) boars of Richard III beneath an imperial crown; in the centre of the lower border, a gold griffin on a green mound for the earldom of Salisbury held by Richard?s son and derived from the family of Queen Anne Neville; naturalistic flowers in the borders are pink roses and columbines. Book II (fol. 26r) begins with an ?I? composed of entwined acanthus leaves; with naturalistic pink marshmallows and yellow acorns in bright green cups in the borders. Book III (fol. 49r) has an ?H? enclosing the arms of Queen Anne Neville; flowers in the border are thistles, daisies and violets. Book IV (fol. 98r) has an ?H? filled with formalised foliage; plants in the border are periwinkles, thistles, strawberries, pinks, acorns and a single mauve crocus?.","240x155mm","1","25","Writing space: 170 x 105mm. Prickings visible. Frame: 2 verticals and 2 horizontals.","Parchment","vi+123+iii","17","I-XVII8","N/A","Red leather stamped with the arms of George II, dated 1757.","Owned by Richard III.","CN; Sutton and Visser-Fuchs 1997" "London British Library Royal 18.A.v","s.xiv ? xv",,"whan that he","Prick of Conscience","Three line initial T drawn in pen on f. 1r. Red touches on the first letter of every line, rubrication.","Variable - 230-4 x 160 mm approx","1","33",,"Parchment","128 + 6","16","i2 (modern) ii3 (1 part of a missal, 2 & 3 half leaves) + I8 ? XVI8 + iii4 (medieval. ?1; 1 canc.) iv2 (modern)","N/A","Post medieval: 1st flyleaf is a raised pastedown, with a slightly unusual pattern - it appears that an earlier binding was sewn on seven cords, six of which were pegged two to a hole, and one was pegged into a hole by itself.",,"CJ" "London British Library Royal 20.B.XV","s. xvmed","1400 - 1450","doit les nouueaulx cheualiers","Vegetius","Flourished initials in blue, red and black. Miniature on fol. 2 representing the Emperor receiving the book from the author.","275x190","1","26","No prickings visible. Writing space: 150x100mm.","Parchment","iv+110+iv",,"in eights","N/A","Post medieval","Probably produced in France or perhaps in England in the French style.","CN" "London British Library Royal 4.C.VI","s.xvin","1400 - 1450","deuota","Commentary on wisdom","Initials flourished in red and blue. An illuminated border on f. i contains a representation of the donor and two coats of arms, one (az., three escallops or) that of Reading Abbey, the other (gu., a fesse between six pears or) that of the donor.","362x254","2",,,"Parchment","i+227",,"Gatherings of 12 leaves, with catchwords; the first six leaves of each are marked with plummet or (from f. 97) red ink.","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ; Royal and King's Cat" "London British Library Royal 8.D.X","s.xv",,,"Sermons","f. 4r: 6 line blue and red initial D, filled with red foliage, decorated with red penwork. Forms part of a partial border of blue and red in the left, top and lower margins. Elsewhere smaller blue initials with red penwork, red and blue paraph marks, red underlining and colour touching.","265 x 185 mm","2","47","Frame ruled.","Parchment","203 (+ 4; 1st unfoliated)","25 + 1","i2 (post medieval) ii4 + I8 - XXIV8 XXV12 (-1; 11 canc.) + iii5 (Post medieval)","N/A","Rebound in 1970. Quires mounted on guards.",,"CJ" "London British Library Royal 8.F.xvi","mid s.xiv",,"seculorum finibus","Liber excerptionum abbatis Ioachim'; Protocol of the commission of three cardinals held at Anagni, 8 July, 1255","Blue initials with red penwork. Red and blue paraph marks; red underlining.","Not recorded","2","50",,"Parchment","54","5","I12 ? IV12 V6. Catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval","Bound up with another MS at some time after the purchase of the Theyer library by Charles II.","CJ; Royal and King's Cat" "London British Library Sloane 2427","c. 1430-1450","1400 - 1450",,"Psalter","3 full-page miniatures: on. f. 9. showing King David, dressed in blue, playing a harp (this is an eighteenth-century replacement of the original); f. 35v showing King David in blue, pointing to his eyes; f. 105, King David again, sitting on a stool and playing three bells. 6-line initials in gold on red and blue grounds, on ff. 35v, 53v, 105; initials in gold and blue with blue and red penwork extensions on ff. 29v, 184v, 202. Line-fillers decorated in gold, red and blue.","215 x 140mm","1","c. 20","Writing space: 135 x 85mm","Parchment","214 (+ 3 paper flyleaves at the beginning, and 3 at the end)",,"Not recorded","N/A","Post-medieval",,"CJ" "London British Library Sloane 2948","1462 (part)","1450 - 1500",,"Medica","None. Directions for decorator in margin in scribe's hand.","225x153mm","1","30-4","Writing space: c. 138x75-92mm. Dated part of the manuscript is frame ruled - 2 verticals, 2 horizontals. No prickings visible.","Paper","89",,"In dated part of the manuscript, quire signatures in brown ink in right hand margin, arabic numerals.","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ; CN; Watson 1979" "London British Library Sloane 5","s. xivex and s. xv",,,"Medical treatises","Red capitals introduce sections; some with more red penwork. Red underlining, paraph marks and colour touching. Illustrations of urine flasks on ff. 104v ? 107r; 184v ? 187r: simple pen drawings with some red decoration.","270x205mm","2","37-42","Pricking not visible. Writing space: 190 x 135 mm; double columns, each column c. 190 x 65 mm.","Parchment","190 + 1","18","The MS has been repaired, and the quires mounted on guards. In some cases it is therefore difficult to tell whether a leaf has been lost from a quire, or one has been inserted. As a brief check showed no obvious gaps in the text, the following collation suggests that leaves have been inserted, rather than lost: i4 (modern paper) ii1 (earlier paper) iii4 (parchment) + I10 | II12 ? IX12 X10 (+1; paper leaf added in 2nd half of quire) XI12 XII12 XIII8 (+1 paper leaf added in 2nd half of quire) XIV12 ? XVIII12 + iv2 (parchment) v4 (modern paper)","Not terribly clear, but a lion rampant, possibly similar to Briquet 10542","Post medieval: 1971","Good condition; some added recipes.","CJ" "London College of Arms 45","s.xvmed",,,"Confessio Amantis","Latin text in red, no illumination but spaces left for initials.","285x202","2","46-51",,"Mixed parchment and paper","ii (parchment)+168",,"8s. With catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval","Small neat writing of the mid-fifteenth century. The first leaves of quires 1 and 2 are parchment. At the beginning of the volume is a heavy parchment bifolium. Leaves numbered 167, but one dropped in numbering after f. 42.","Macaulay 1899; Harris 1993" "London CRO Liber de antiquis legibus","Between 1268-1274","1250 - 1300",,"Legal texts","Coloured initials on ff. 3r-36v only: 2-line, red or blue with ornament of the other colour.","245 x 170mm","2*","37*","Written space and layout of ff. 3r-36v(*) c. 195x133mm. Pricks in both margins of quires 1-4.","Parchment","iv + 160 + iii","23","ff. 3-163: I-III8 IV4 V8 VI6 (3 bifolia 39-44) VII8 (45-52, all singletons, except 48-49) VIII4 IX4 (+2 leaves after 4 (61-62)) X-XI8 XII12 XIII-XV8 XVI6 XVII6 (122-7:124-7 are two bifolia) XVIII10 XIX8 XX 4 XXI 5(150-4: 152-3 a bifolium)XX4 XXIII5 (159-63). Quires II, III, V, X, XII-XV are numbered at the end respectively iij, iiij, ix, xiij, xv-xviij and quire IV is marked 'iiij folia' on f. 30v.","N/A","Medieval binding of wooden boards covered with white leather: four bands: two strap-and-pin fastenings now missing: 'de legibus an[?]' is stamped on the lower cover.","Thedmar seems to have been writing at intervals from at least as early as 1268; part of his continuation of the Annals of London (fols. 71v-144) was written before the death of pope Clement IV in that year. Thedmar's hand last appears 1274. A list of the sheriffs of London on fols. 58-60, originally ending in 1271, was updated to 1273 by another scribe who collaborated with Thedmar in the latter's continuation of the London annals (from f. 123) until 1274.","MMBL I: 22-27; CDDMLL: 32" "London CRO Liber Horn","Between 1311 and 1328","1300 - 1350",,"Statutes of the realm, legal treatises and documents relating to the City of London","Initials: (i) in colour on gold and coloured grounds, decorated or (ff. 21r, 35v, 206r) historiated, with prolongations in the margins in gold and colours, including vermilion and a little green, ending in ivy leaves and acorns: some grotesques, e.g. ff. 120v, 124r. (ii) ff. 177r-189v, 215v-27r only, blue or red with ornament of the other colour. (iii) 2-line or 1-line, blue or red. No coloured initials after f. 227.","220x142mm","1","32-39","Written space: 170 x c. 95mm","Parchment","ii + 376","25","ff. 1-202: I8, II8, III6, IV-V8, VI8 (+ one leaf inserted after 2, f. 40), VII-XXIII8, XXIV10, XXV8","N/A","Medieval bindings of wooden boards covered with white skin, repaired: two strap-and-pin fastenings now missing.",,"MMBL I: 27-34" "London Guildhall 208","1457","1450 - 1500","le conte (f. 13)","Abbreviationes placitorum","Red paraphs throughout.","285x210mm","1","34-37 long lines","'Ruling' apparently by folding the edges according to Ker. Written space: c. 200x130mm.","Paper","ii+439+ii","32","I10 + 1 leaf after 10, II16, III-VI14, VII15 (ff. 84-98), VIII14, IX13(ff. 113-25), X-XIV14, XV13 (ff. 196-208), XVI-XVII14, XVIII14 (ff. 237-50), XIX14 (ff. 251-64), XX-XXI14, XXII15 (ff. 292-306), XXIII16 (ff. 307-22), XXIV-XXVII14, XXVIII15 (ff. 379-93), XXIX-XXXI14, XXXII4 (ff. 436-9). Quires 2-18 signed a-r in black, quires 19-31 signed a-n in red. Quires 15-31 numbered at the beginning 'xiiii qua - 'xxxqua'.","N/A","Binding by the 'Scales Binder' inscribed with the name 'T. Segden' in cuir ciselé on the lower case (s. xv). Clasps gone.","Written in a legal hand. According to Robinson, this is the 'earliest dated example of an 'abridgement', or digest of case law, under alphabetical titles' (CDDMLL: 35).","MMBL I: 68-9; CDDMLL" "London Lambeth Palace Library 256","s.xv","1450 - 1500",,"Lydgate, Fall of Princes","Gold initials with purple flourishing at the beginning of each section. Some blank spaces, which may have been left for miniatures, between sections. f. 110v: mid way down the page, 7-line initial N, blue and pink on gold ground, decorated with blue, pink and red foliage. Forms part of large partial border in left, upper and lower margins, of blue, pink and red flowers, green and gold leaves. Similar decoration on f. 149r (border in central gutter, upper and lower margins. Initial 5-line B).","430 x 295 mm","2","49","Double columns, each containing seven stanzas of seven lines.","Parchment","180","23","(Revised ? not as James) i2 (modern) + I8 (wants 1; 1 lost) II8 ? XXII8 XXIII6 (-1; wants 6?) + ii2 (modern).","N/A","Post medieval","Good condition general. Some staining, little marginalia.","CJ" "London Lambeth Palace Library 306","s.xvex","1450 - 1500",,"Miscellaneous collection of English verse and prose","Capitals and some letters were written or flourished in red in booklets 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8. In booklet 7, initial capitals are large and decorated with green and yellow; some other letters are flourished in yellow in this booklet.","205x190mm","1","31-37","Frame ruled in ink on ff. 1-48 and 73-186; the average size of the frames is 195x125mm, but there is considerable variation. Pricking is occasionally visible, written space is also variable.","Paper","i+202+ii","25","Booklet 1: I8-VI8 2: VII8-IX8 3: X8-XIV8, XV1(f. 113) 4: XVI8 (1-3 wanting), XVII8 5: XVIII6 (6 wanting) 6: XIX10 7: XX16, XXI8 8: XXII12 9: XXIII10 10: XXIV8 (1 wanting, 8 misbound after 6), XXV8 Several of the booklets contain leaf signatures and catchwords, booklets 2 and 7 contain neither.","N/A","Tudor binding 'stamped leather over wooden boards: a roll-ornament with portcullis and dragon'. The two clasps are now missing and only traces remain.","The main items in booklets 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8 have been copied by the same hand, A, writing a clear, thick secretary script and occasionally using anglicana forms. The lyrics and some of the historical notes in booklet 6 are copied by scribe B, in a similar hand to A. Scribe C copied booklet 9, used more anglicana forms: long r and reverse e. Scribe D copied booklet 7 in a secretary hand.","Boffey 1983" "London Lambeth Palace Library 32","1385","1350 - 1400","cetus","Thomas Bradwardine, De Causa Dei contra Pelagium","2-line and sometimes 3-line initials throughout the text in blue with red penwork. Alternating red and blue paraphs. Number of book as a running title in red and blue at the top of each folio (all red on verso, red and blue on recto, in Roman numerals).","387x235","2","62-5","Writing space: 320x190mm. Frame ruled with 4 verticals and a minimum of 2 horizontals, sometimes more. No prickings visible.","Parchment","iv+271+iv","23","I12-XXII12, XXIII8 (-8). No quire signatures visible for the first quire, but only from quire 2, beginning with 'ai'. Catchwords in the hand and ink of the scribe, sometimes in red boxes or underlined in red. In some quires this system of quire signatures is replaced by another: in quire 6 for example when scribe 2 takes over, the signatures run from i-vi without any lettering, and written in red ink.","N/A","Post medieval","The flyleaves, 2 at the beginning and 4 at the end, are from a well written s. xiii Civil Law book in double columns of 48 lines.","CN; Lambeth Cat.; CDDMLL" "London Lambeth Palace Library 444 [II]","1451","1450 - 1500",,"Medical Treatises","Spaces left for 3-line initials, guide letters, but not filled; enlarged textura script for headings in black; no coloured ink.","205 x 140 mm","2","47","140 x 98 mm; 140 x 47mm per column. four verticals enclosing columns; four horizontals enclosing top and bottom lines, ladder within frame, not in space between columns; pricking visible on most fols.","Paper","43","4","112-2 (wanting 4, 12) 212 312-1 (wanting 11) 412-1 (wanting 12).",,"Post medieval","Is now foliated beginning at 25.","CN" "London Lambeth Palace Library 472","s. xvin","1400 - 1450","lustis as","Religious works","Rubrics and titles in red; alternating red and blue paraphs. Capitals infilled with yellow. 2-line initials in blue introduce each part of the Scale of Perfection, with red penwork. Running titles in red 'prima pars' for example on f. 4r. Latin text underlined in red.","195x140mm","1","26","147x100mm. Frame: 2 verticals and 4 horizontals, ruled internally; prickholes visible.","Parchment","i modern+ iii vellum+264+ ii vellum+ i paper","33","I8 - XXXII8, XXXIII6 Two systems of quire signatures throughout the manuscript. The first begins 'A1' in quire one, while the second in red in bottom right corner begins with '+1', and then in the second quire 'a1' and so on. Catchwords in the hand and ink of the text.","N/A","Post medieval","The second flyleaf at the end is paginated f. 261 and the folios between f. 260 and what is designated f. 261 are not paginated. Frequent nota marks. The scribe has corrected the text, crossing out repeated words in red. f. 260r: 'This booke was maad of že goodis of Ion killum for a comyne profit . That žat persoone žat haž žis booke committed to him of že persoone žat haž power to committe it haue že vse žerof že teerme of his lijf preiyng for že soule of že same ion . and žat he žat haž že forseid vse of commissioun whanne he occupiež it not leene it for a tyme to sum ožer persoone . also žat persoone to whom it was committid for že teerme of liif vndir že forseid condiciouns delyuere it to anožer persoone že teerme of his liif and so be it delyuerid and committid fro persoone to persoone man or womman as longe as že booke enduriž'. Contains the note on f. 261v (according to the pagination, which misses out 4 folios between f. 260 and what is now f. 261) 'Memorandum žat žis boke be deliuered to Richard Colop parchemanere of London after my discesse. And in caas he die or I žen I wol it be take to som deuowte persone to haue it vnder že forme and condicioun wretyn in že ende of žis book heere to fore. Mordon.' Followed by a note stating ?per me domini Johanne Graunt / In nomine domini nostri Jhesu Christi / God graunt grace omnibus nobis. 1493?. On the verso of the first flyleaf is the note in s.xv hand ?Soli deo honor et gloria / God graunte grace? in the same hand as wrote the 1493 note. One scribe, writing a clear, well-spaced anglicana hand.","CN" "London Lambeth Palace Library 491","s. xvin","1400 - 1450",,"Brut etc","Minimal","222x141",,"26-31 long lines","Written space: 175x80-85mm No prickings visible.","Mixed parchment and paper","291+iv","21","Each quire formed by wrapping a single vellum sheet around a series of paper leaves. Booklet I: ff. 1-126: [quire 1 lost] II16 (lacks 7, 10) III-V16 VI16 (lacks 5, 7, 10, 12) VII16 (lacks 2, 15) VIII16 (lacks 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13) IX16 (lacks 7, 10) X16 (lacks 7, 10, 14) XI16, XII16 (lacks 7) XIII16 (lacks 9) XIV-XVI16; Booklet II, ff. 217-74: I16, II16 (lacks 2, 15) III16 IV16 (lacks 3, 14, 15, 16); Booklet III, ff. 275-90: I16, with the remainder lost.Catchwords, often in frames. Two sets of leaf signatures: in first halves of quires 2-20, rectos signed at foot of page with letter plus arabic numeral, although many have been lost through cropping.","Three different paper stocks: (1) in quires 2-13, Monts like Briquet 11685 (Trevise 1405, with variants to 1414) 2) in quires 14-16, Lettre N not in Briquet, most closely resembling 8431, a type common in 1414-20, but here on the chainline and lacking cross 3) in quires 17-21, Ciseaux like Briquet 3656 (Perpignan 1397, with North Italian variants in 1413); (Hanna and Lawton 2003)","Post medieval","Ff. 295-329 form part II of the complete MS, which contains principally the Prick of Conscience and other Middle English religious verse. Written in splayed anglicana, in brownish ink. 'Belonged to an Essex family with London mercantile connections' according to Meale 1995 - see also Boffey and Meale 1991.","Hanna and Lawton 2003" "London Lambeth Palace Library 878","c. 1468","1450 - 1500","et quindecim","Chronicle of London, lists of mayors and sheriffs of London, Lydgate Kalendar","No initials or miniatures, but glosses, dates, names of kings etc all written in red. On p. 41 is a circular diagram of the kingdoms of Britain in the Saxon period, drawn in red and black.","105x75","1","18","Writing space: 63x45mm. frame: 4 verticals 4 horizontals, although there is some variation. Prickings visible.","Parchment","96, paginated 1-188","14","I8-III8, IV6, V4, VI8, VII8 (1 canc), VIII8,IX8 (6 canc), X8-XII8 (1 canc), XIII6 (wants 6), XIV6 (wants 5, 6). No catchwords. Signatures still visible in places, for example 'g' on p. 99 quire 8, most are no longer visible through cropping.","N/A","Post medieval. Rough leather binding dating from s. xvii.","One hand throughout, using a clear anglicana script. The manuscript is then augmented by other material dating from the late fifteenth and early sixteenth written in a variety of contemporary hands. On f. i is a late title: 'Chronicon paruum Londinense usque ad annum Xti 1469'. There is a half erased note on the verso of f.i in the original hand of the manuscript.","CN; Lambeth Cat.; CDDMLL" "London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.25","s.xiv/xv",,,"Prick of conscience etc","Red initials, usually unornamented.","c. 215 x 142mm","1","32-48","Written space c. 180 x 90mm. Frame ruling.","Paper","ii + 133 + ii","13","I14 (wants 1, 2) II12 III14 IV14 (wants 10-14 after f. 47) V12 VI12 (wants 1 before f. 60) VII-VIII12 IX12 (wants 1 after f. 94, 4 after f. 96, 6 and 7 after f.97, and 12 after f. 101) X12 XI12 (wants 1-3 before f. 114) XIII12 (wants 12 after f. 133).","N/A","Post medieval. S.xix","Written in anglicana, usually current, by three or four hands: (i) quires 1, 5, 6; (ii) quires 2-4; (iii) quires 7-9, by a scribe who tried not to link his minims and was at first fairly successful in not doing so; (iv) quires 10-13, perhaps the same as (ii).","MMBL I: 289; Lewis and McIntosh: 82-83" "London Sion Arc.L.40.2/E.44","s.xv med","1400 - 1450",,"Pilgrimage of Human Life","None - but cf scribes and script.","270 x 190 mm","1","33-36","Written space 212 x 125 mm. Frame ruling.","Paper","v + 93 + v","12","I8 (1, 2 wanting) II-XI8 XII8 (8 wanting). Quires I-IV numbered at the end below the catchwords i-iiii; thereafter the numbers have been cut off.","Three lobed mountain with long medial line coming out of it topped with a cross (similar to Briquet 11725 and 1726); bull's head with septfoil (similar to 14401-2 and 14750). Connolly 1998, pp. 96-97 briefly discusses the watermarks of Cambridge Trinity College R.3.20, which are the same as in this MS.","Post medieval",,"MMBL I: 290-91" "London Wellcome History of Medicine Library 550","s.xv (early)","1400 - 1450",,"Medical treatises","Rubricated throughout. Red paraph marks, headings and foliation. Some larger red initials ? f. 1r, 3-line red Q, with a man?s face in the centre and red penwork. f. 187r small drawing in red of a cautery. f. 193v small, poorly executed miniature of the administration of a clyster for the cure of anal fistula. The physician is standing, the patient kneeling naked. This has been pasted in over a drawing (which can be seen from the other side of the leaf) of a clyster being given to an animal (possibly a pig) of which only the rear half is visible.","200 x 132 mm approx","1","24 ? 42",,,"246 (239 + 7)","25","i1 + I12 II10 (-4; 16 ? 19 lost) III10 ? XVII10 XVIII10 (-1; 1 lost) XIX10 ? XXIII10 XXIV12 XXV8 (-1; 8 canc.)","N/A","Limp parchment and cloth, with several leaves in between, serving to thicken and strengthen the binding. Some of these leaves have been written on ? looks like some late s.xiv/s.xv religious text in Latin.","Lots of notae, mostly in scribal hand(s), which suggests that it was written for personal use. Lots of pointing hands. Defective leaves: 1 ? mostly torn away; 3, upper corner torn away; 9 ? small piece cut out; 13 ? lower corner damaged; 79 ? lower corner cut away; 80 ? small piece cut out; 104 ? small piece cut out; 114 ? upper corner torn away; 135 ? lower margin torn. 16-19, 173 lost.","Moorat 1962" "Manchester Chethams Library 8009","xvex","1450 - 1500","with thy wychecrafte","English works","A few red initials.","265x190","1","28-34","Frame ruling with pencil. Written space c. 190 mm high.","Paper","iii+372+iii","30","I2, II16 (wants 16, blank after f. 17), III-IV12, V6, VI8, VII11 (ff. 56-66), VIII9 (ff. 67-75), IX16, X14, XI16, XII14 (wants 4 after f. 124), XIII-XIX14, XX14 (wants 6 after f. 237), XXI12, XXIII12, XXIV-XXVI14, XXVII10, XXVIII20, XXIX13 (ff. 356-68), XXX4 (ff. 369-72)","1- long thin watermark, too obscured by the dense prose of the text to be any more identifiable. 2- sun with a face inside. 3- bull's head topped with star on a stalk: similar to Briquet no. 14908 (Genes 1475-84). 4- a variation of the French coat of arms crowned, with pendant 'I' or 'j', very similar to Briquet no. 1741 (Troyes 1470). 5 - leafy crown: similar to Briquet's nos. 4636-48 (various continental origins, 1423-91) and identical to Heawood's no. 986, occurring in an English heraldic manuscript of 1463. 6 - a fleur-de lys shield mounted with a cross: similar to Briquet's no. 1557 (Chartres 1476, with variations 1476-90). 7 - a short tailed unicorn not especially close to any of Briquet's. Closest to Piccard, nos 2168-72: nos 2169-72 from Koln 1484-6. 8- diamond shapted bunch of grapes with pendant crescent and 'E C II' written above it. 9 - tear-shaped ring with square cross above its jewel: similar to Briquet no. 694 (Palermo 1479). 10 - bull's head topped with St. Andrew's cross on a stalk: similar to Briquet nos. 14232-43 (various continental origins, 1440-93).","Post medieval. Done in 1921 - its half vellum."," In nine hands, all current. Quire signatures for quires 17-27. There is some water damage throughout to the top quarter of the pages, especially at the beginning.","MMBL III: 361-364" "Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 51","s. xvin","1400 - 1450","and 3af","Theological texts",,"175x120mm","1","39","Written space: 148mm high","Parchment","viii+119+iii+8+iv","16","I8 (wants 1 and 3), II8, III8 (wants 6, 7 after f. 23), IV-XIV8, XV10, XVI10 (wants 10, perhaps blank).","N/A","Post medieval Maurice Johnson of Ayscough Fee Hall, near Spalding noted on f. i that 'My learned Friend The reverend Mr John Hardy' had the manuscript 'bound up by a Bookbinder at Nottingham'. The Johnson armorial bookplate of sixteen quarterings is inside the cover.","In an early sixteenth century hand on f. 2 there is a list of contents: 1) the prycke of concyence, 2)vii salmes in Inglysche, 3) the name of Ihesu, 4) for fyschyng and fowlyng, 5) a ballett of lente, 6) Ayenst ye yoke of maryage wž mery ballett, 7) a blynd ballett, 8) A maryners boke, 9)A ballett of eduerd the iiith kyng, 10) byll' of bokes abbrogated, 11) of the passyon of oure lord Ihesu chryst, 12) A ballett of oure ladyes aulter, 15) the bond of norfolke men.","MMBL III: 402-403" "Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 77",,"1400 - 1450","aduersariis","New Testament","Good initials on gold grounds","190x130mm","2","36","Written space: 122x80mm",,"iv+266+ii","33","ff. 1, 2 are medieval parchment flyleaves. ff. 3-268: I10, II-XXXIII8","N/A","Post medieval",,"MMBL III: 404-5" "Manchester University, John Rylands Library Eng. 90","s. xiv/xv",,,"Religious works","f. 2r: first letter of each line in red; 5-line blue Lombard initial ?T? with red penwork extending into the margin. Brackets, Latin and some letters in red; two-line blue initials at beginning of text.","343x245mm","2","48-52","Written space: 280x95mm (item 1); 280x100mm (item 2). Frame ruled in drypoint with no prickings visible.","Parchment","v+64+v","9","I-VII8, VIII4, IX4. Catchwords: 3v; 9v; 17v; 33v; 41v; 57v.","N/A","Post medieval","Two scribes both writing in an anglicana hand.","MMBL III: 413-414" "New York Pierpont Bühler 21","s.xv",,,"Medicine","f. iiv: Coloured emblematical drawing (crown with spiral branches beneath, containing grotesques and mottoes).","150 mm x 190 mm approx.",,,,"Parchment","61 (folios I-IX; 1-52)","9","I6 (wants 1) II6 (wants 2, 3) III8 IV8 (wants 7, 8) V8 (wants 3) VI?VIII8 IX8 (wants 8)","N/A","Original binding of leather over oak boards, in a brown morocco case.","East Anglia, probably Norwich. Bühler (1961: 287) finds evidence in the calendar text: ?Pointing directly at Norwich is the entry for September 24 ?Dedicacio ecclesie Norwicensis?. Providing further evidence for the Norfolk origin of the calendar is the notation for the feast of Little St. William of Norwich. This entry (?Passio sancti williami norwicensis?) also confirms the fact that, in the fifteenth century anyway, the feast of St William was celebrated on March 24; the Acta Sanctorum and other authorities now cite the following day?. iiv:Three names in the same hand: Thomas Cotfold, Johannes Rothe, Robertus Halle; also signature of Johannes Landes. Bühler notes that ?none of these Norfolk individuals can be identified? (1961; 294, n3), but gives no explanation as to why he assumes they are from Norfolk. iiir:Signature of Johannes Wylton. Notes added on flyleaves.","Buhler 1961" "New York Pierpont Morgan Library MS Bühler 5","c. 1470","1450 - 1500",,"Hardyng's Chronicle","There is no illumination in the manuscript, but on f. 98v there is a poorly executed Pedigree of France coloured in red.","287 by 220 mm","1","35 (5 stanzas of 7 lines)","The manuscript has brown frame ruling, and four prick marks may be seen in the gutter, possibly from a previous binding.","Paper","ii + 115 + ii","6","There are two foliations in the manuscript; the hand responsible for the first foliation has marked both sides of the first 25 folios with an individual number (e.g. 1r is marked ?1?, 1v is marked ?2?) and the foliation ends with f. 26r marked as ?51?; the second modern foliation is present in the top right-hand corners, and it is this foliation which is used when referring to the manuscript here.Collation: flyleaves, I20 (ff. 1-20), II20 (ff. 21-40), III20 (ff. 41-60), IV16 (ff. 61-76), V24 (ff. 77-100), VI16 (ff. 101-115, lacks what would have been the ninth folio of the quire).There are no quire signatures in the manuscript, and only two visible catchwords, one written within a scroll on f. 40v and the other on f. 60v.","The paper of the main folios has a watermark of a diamond ring occurring in the centre, similar to Briquet 1923: number 689 (Cologne, c. 1457).","The manuscript is sewn on four cords into a very clean and neat limp-vellum wrapper, which according to the current library description belonged to an early fifteenth-century astronomical manuscript.","There are 10 stanzas of text missing from the text in quire 4 between ff. 63 and 64; this suggests that the quire lacks the fourth folio; however, given that sixteen folios are present without taking into account the probable missing folio, it may be that the scribe has accidentally turned over two folios from his exemplar, thus missing ten stanzas of text out of his copy without realising.","Peverley 2004" "Norwich, Norfolk Record Office MS Colman 111 (Part 1)","c. 1489-1511","1450 - 1500",,"Grammatical texts; heraldry, coats of arms","The bulk of the manuscript is taken up with fully coloured coats of arms, and there is some other marginal sketching. The English text on f. 1v is neither decorated nor punctuated.","290 x 200-210mm","1",,"Variable written space. The 210 mm width refers to the uncropped leaves ff. 34 and 35). Most of the heraldic pages are frame ruled and marked into quarters in ink, ruled space 220-225 x 150-155mm. ff. 34 and 35 were folded to guide their left-hand margins.","Paper","43 medieval leaves","2","Thomson: i22 (ff.1-22), with strips of another leaf pasted over f. 1r, ii22 (23-36, 38-43, 37) wants 1 possibly blank (before f. 23); for the position of f. 37 see item (c) and the coincidence of water stains between ff. 43 and 37, and note also Martin's '44' on f. 37r. f. 37 is now in two parts, its upper part is bound after f. 36 and its lower part pasted to f. 38r.","Similar to the group Briquet 14185-14214 (s.xv-xvi1)","Post medieval","ff. 3-36 were foliated by Martin, and the '44' in his hand on f. 37r may also have been a folio number. Thomson 1979, pp. 266-267: 'The presence of Sir Thomas Wriothesley's notes and headings as well as the similarity of the artists' style and the bastard secretary of the heading to the other books associated with Wriothesley shows clearly that the book was produced for and subsequently used by him? The book was begun after 1489 since items (1) and (2) are so dated by the presence of the arms of the Marquis of Berkeley (no. 90) who was created in that year. The additions were made between 1508 when William Brown (no.222) was Lord Mayor of London and 1513 when his namesake (no. 221) son of John Brown (no. 202) was Mayor. They probably date from before 1511 since Roger Acheley (no. 86) was Mayor then but is given no title in the manuscript, and were most likely added during the mayorality of William Brown I. The note of the wedding in 1501 was probably added in that year, but may have been copied later. The main collection of arms draws on families from a wide range of counties, but the additions are mainly London material. The English grammar enigmatically begins and ends incomplete on the verso of a leaf which was blank on its recto. The leaf may be a cancel from another book, rejected because its recto was accidentally left blank, which was then used as a wrapper for the present manuscript. The manuscript may have remained in heraldic circles and was probably acquired eventually by Peter Le Neve (1661-1729), Norroy King of Arms and like Wriothesley the son of a London draper, who owned and annotated the manuscript copy of Harvey's 1563 visitation of Norfolk which is the second part of this manuscript. Le Neve's manuscripts passed (with his second wife) to 'Honest' Tom Martin (1697-1771) and then in 1779 to Sir John Fenn (1739-1794), perhaps via Thomas Worth as the 'Paston Letters' manuscript did (DNB vol. xviii, p. 314 col. 1) The note by Wriothesley at item (1) records his attendance at a wedding and refers to compounding for the marriage clothing, to which the officer at arms appears to have a right. Activity of this kind by heralds, though unusual at weddings, was frequent at funerals at this time (cf. Nichols, 1848; Wagner, 1967, pp. 236-7, 116-8), and the heralds had a similar claim upon the robes worn by peers at the ceremony of their creation (Wagner, 1967, p. 75)'.","Thomson 1979: 262-267" "Oxford All Souls College 17","1460x1464","1450 - 1500","pungnandi","Capgrave","Blue lombards flourished red with marginal extensions, five/six-line on f. 1, four/five-line at beginnings of books. Headings and lemmata underlined red, small capitals in text stroked red. On f. i v there are a rubric and a blank space for a six-line initial.","267x180","1","30","Pricked for frame ruling in outer margins and for verticals. Frame-ruled in crayon. Writing space: 155x100mm","Parchment","112","15","I-XIII8 XIV6 XV2. There are remains of three series of quire signatures, one in red at the bottom of the right hand of first rectos of quire 2, +I, +ii, +iii continuing as Bi-B[iv] in quire 3, the B touched with red; very sparse remains of another series as far as n (quire 15) in ink, sometimes touched with red, in the same position. Catchwords are at the bottom right of final versos, in ink except on f. 104v, quire 14, where it is in red.","N/A","'Sewn on five double bands, which are brought over the edge of the board and pegged in. Slightly protruding oak boards with cushion bevel covered with pink alum-tawed sheepskin, now white outside. The pastedowns, now raised, have left partly legible offsets on the boards. On the outside of the back cover, in the centre 60-5 mm from top and bottom, are two holes, the front still containing part of a pin from a strap-and-pin fastening. Remnants of the straps remain on the front cover. The close connection with Balliol College, MS 190, especially the fact that both volumes contain consecutive leaves from another Capgrave work, make it certain that they were bound in the same place, surely at Capgrave's friary in King's Lynn'.","Script: the main text is in bastard anglicana with some secretary influence. Item 1 is in secretary script. Punctuation is by low-point.","AS Cat: 34-36" "Oxford All Souls College 182","c. 1413","1400 - 1450","A: pater pie; B: comander","Letter collections in Latin and French, etc.","A: spaces with guide letters were left open for initials B: scribes wrote the initials, even in B(xiii) where a space was left for an ornamental initial.","278 x 180","2","38-46","Pricking for verticals and at corners of columns. Each col. 195-205 x 50mm. Frame ruled in pencil.","Parchment","381 (last 2 stubs)","49","Folded FSOS. I-XV8 XVI6 (wants 4-5) XVII-XXIII8 XXIV6 XXV8 | XXVI6 XXVII8 XXVIII6 XXIX-XLVIII8 XLIX8 (wants 8; 6, 7 are stubs) Quire signatures kij in quire 11 (f. 82r) (80r) and a trace of k[I] (f. 81r (79r)) but quire 11 should be l); and in quire 27, where fold. 201r (197r) onwards are signed ki-ii with a trace of k[iii]. In A catchwords by the scribes on most quires but some are lost; in B catchwords, not by the scribes, on most quires, some lost.","N/A","Sewn on four double bands between projecting bevelled oak boards, probably from an earlier binding, covered with white alum-tawed sheepskin. On the spine is a black leather lozenge-shaped label with '7' on it. On the front cover are the remains of two leather straps each held by five of the usual nails. On the back cover are two metal catches for the missing clasps, each held by four nails. In the upper outer margin are two holes and a stain from a chain-plate (position 7). The leather of the spine is partly replaced (s.xx). Fols 1 and 2 have stains (and fol 1 has holes) at the bottom, evidently from a chain-plate on a previous binding. Endbands are blue and white, and edges are yellowed.","Originally two separate manuscripts. Leaves were first numbered in s.xviii(?) with errors and omissions (see texts); now renumbered in modern pencil. Fols 1-194 (1-190) had a previous existence as a self-contained unit. On fols 194r (190r) and 205v (209v) are inscriptions which show that William Elyot obtained both parts, A and B, from the executors of John Stevenes; f. 194r (190r): 'Liber Willelmi Elyot Rectoris Ecclesie de Blackauton quem emit de executoribus M. Johannis Stevenes nuper Canonici Exon' et Rectoris ecclesie de Blackauton'; fol. 205v (201v): liber Willelmi Elyot Clerici quem emit de executoribus M. Johannis Stevenes nuper Canonici Exon' manu mea propria'. Stevenes not only owned part B, which before the loss of eight quires was originally larger, but had a part in the making of it; letter 320 (fol. 306r) (300r) is addressed to a Master J. Steuenys and so is probably letter 321 on the same page, which is from the same writer to an unnamed addressee.","AS Cat: 210-214" "Oxford All Souls College 42","s.xv in (c. 1400)","1400 - 1450","f. 2: clerici; f. 10: sicut","Canons of legatine, provincial, and ecclesiastical councils; statutes, etc.","Section *A (ff. ii-v): good illuminated border and initial f. 9r and similar half-border and initial f. 84v. Section *B (ff. 1-8): two-line blue lombards flourished with red Section C (ff. 9-176): two-line blue lombards flourished with red, red and blue paraphs, lemmata underlined in red. Section D (ff. 177-200): two- and three-line blue lombards flourished with red. Red, and penwork, running titles, added. Section *E (ff. 201-211): two-, three-, and four-line blue lombards flourished with red. Rubrics. The coloured initials throughout seem to be by the same hand. Rubrics (but not running titles) seem to be by the same hand throughout: for their script see Script. Section F (ff. 212-230): two- and three-line blue lombards flourished with red, red and blue paraphs, rubrics, and red underlining. Section G (ff. 308-315): five-line and two-line blue lombards flourished with red, rubrics. Alexander and Temple, no. 383","280 x 198mm","1","36-52","Section *A (ff. ii-v): c. 195-205 x 130 mm , 36-50 lines. No prickings visible. Ruled in hardpoint and folded HSOS. Section *B (ff. 1-8): 190-5 x 130 mm, 39 lines. Pricked in outer margins and for verticals. Ruled in crayon and folded FSOS. Section C (i) (ff. 9-173): 220 x 145-50 mm, 45 lines. Frame-ruled in pencil and hardpoint. Section C (ii.ff) (ff. 174-176): 210 x 155 mm, 52 lines. No prickings visible. Frame-ruled in hardpoint. Folded HSOS. Section D (ff. 177-200): 230 x 190-5 mm, 40 lines. Prickings in outer margins and for verticals. Ruled in crayon and folded FSOS. Section *E (ff. 201-211): 190-5 x 120 mm, 35-9 lines. No prickings visible. Frame-ruled in crayon and folded FSOS. Section F (ff. 212-230): 190 x 130 mm, 39-40 lines. Pricked for verticals and ruled in crayon. Section G (ff. 308-315): 190-5 x 120 mm, 37-9 lines. Pricked for verticals and ruled in crayon.","Parchment","315","38","*A I4 (ii-v) | *B II8 (1-8) | C III-XXIII8 (9-176) | D XXIV-XXVI8 (177-200) | *E XVII4 XXVIII8 (wants 7,8; 1 ins. after *?)(201-11) | F XXIX12 XXX10 (10 + 1) XXXI-XXXIV12 XXXV2 XXXVI10 XXXVII12 (with earlier quire sigs a-f [g] h-j, j previously lettered 'f') (212-30 [sic] according to Watson) | G XXXVIII8 (with earlier quire signature k) (308-15).","N/A","Post medieval: Sewn on six bands between square-edged boards, probably mill board, covered with white alum-tawed sheepskin, s.xviii. On both the front and back flyleaves (ff. ii, II) are holes from clasps at the top and bottom of outer edges of an earlier binding (positions 4 and 5), and on f. II are a hole and marks from a chain-plate (position 7). At the top of the spine are the remains of a black leather lozenge-shaped label with 'I' on it. On the front pastedown is a detailed note of the foliation and number of blank leaves, made on 3 September 1894, by A. F. Etheridge, Sub-Librarian. Edges are yellowed.","Average to good-quality parchment. The many additions are written on leaves that had been left blank at the end of sections and, judging by the presence of avoidable blanks (especially in section F where, for example, quire 37 has two conjugate blank leaves at its centre), the book may have been constructed in this way so that additions could be made. Sections *E and G are self-contained sections which have been added between, and follow after, larger sections respectively, and the offset of a border on f. v verso evidently f.9r, shows that ff. 1-8 have been inserted between these leaves.","AS Cat: 80-92" "Oxford All Souls College 78","s.xv",,"A subpallidus B si autem","Medica","A: red paraphs, underlining and stroking, spaces left for initials B: none","202 x 132 mm","1","31-34 (varies)","150 x 82-90mm. Normally 31-34 lines to a page but in articles where there is text and commentary there is much variation. Pricked for frame ruling and ruled in pencil. Folded FSOS.","Parchment","iii + 301","37","I8 II-IV10 V-VI8 | VII-IX8 X8 (wants 1) XI-XXXVII8 After binding two or three quires were removed after quire 6 (f. 54) (see texts) and four leaves plus a flyleaf, of which stubs remain, after the last leaf. There are no quire numbers or signatures. Catchwords by the scribe are on nearly every final leaf of quires.","N/A","Sewn on four bands between slightly projecting and slightly cushion-bevelled wooden boards covered with blind-stamped and -ruled calf. This binding is Oxford work of s.xv2 by the Rood and Hunt Binder; the rolls are nos 44-7 and 51 in Gibson, EOB, pls. xxxv and xxxvi, in which see also p. 21. On the spine is a black leather lozenge-shaped label with '9'on it. On the front cover are the remains of two pink alum-tawed skin straps, each held by two nails, and on the back cover are two corresponding catches. On the front cover, at the bottom edge, is a hole from a chain-plate, and another, indicated by two holes, is at the top outer edge (position 6). On the back cover, bottom right, are two holes from another chain-plate (position 5). Edges are yellowed and there is a fore-edge title.",,"AS Cat: 159-60" "Oxford All Souls College 88","s. xv1","1400 - 1450","tristiciam","Johannes Dedecus","Illuminated initial and border on f. 1r, otherwise two-line blue lombards, some flourished in red; blue and red paragraph marks.","215x140mm","1","32-5","Writing: 145x90-5 mm Pricked for frame ruling and executed in crayon.","Parchment","116","10","I-IX12, X12 (wants 8-11). Quire signatures ai-ivj are in red, with some lost through trimming. Scribal catchwords, some lost.","N/A","Sewn on four bands between cushion-bevelled oak boards covered with white alum-tawed sheepskin. On the front cover are the remains of two straps each held by three of the usual nails. At the bottom and top of the outer edges are holes and stains from chain-plates. The back cover has catches for the missing clasps and at the bottom centre has four holes from a chain-plate. Edges are yellowed.","Anglicana by one scribe. No punctuation.","AS Cat: 185-6" "Oxford All Souls College 91","s.xv2; s. xivin","1450 - 1500","A: contra omnes; B: (lacking)","De remediis utriusque fortunae","In A illuminated initials on f. 1r and 105r have been excised. On both leaves illuminated penwork and coloured flourishing remain. Elsewhere there are two/three -line blue lombards flourished red, written over guide letters. Rubrics, red and blue paraphs, and red and blue initials of the protagonists in Petrarch's dialogues (Ratio, with Gaudio, Spes and Dolor), which also have guide letters inserted by the scribe. In B there is no decoration although spaces for initials were left and guide letters were provided.","285x205","2","c. 38-46","Writing space: each column 208x60 (A); 235-40x70 (B). In both parts only prickings for verticals are to be seen. A ruled in ink, usually faint; B ruled in crayon.","Parchment","229","23","I-XIX10 XX10 (wants 8) XXI10 XXII14 // XXXIII6. Quire signatures begin with Aij on f. 12 and in most quires begin on the second leaf, running to the fifth leaf. There are none in B. Catchwords are in the scribe's hand, in ornamental boxes. There are none in B.","N/A","Original sewing on five double bands between projecting square-edged oak boards covered with smooth white sheepskin, probably alum-tawed. The bands are taken in through tunnels in the wood and are pegged into their grooves. On the front board is an unused tunnel and groove between the second and third bands from the top, and the tunnel for the fourth band partly coincides with another tunnel.","Script: Item A is in a mixed script, with both anglicana and secretary forms.The whole of A is probably in Roger Marchall's hand. Item B is an upright anglicana. Punctuation of A is by low point, punctus elevatus, and virgula and of B by double virgula.","AS Cat: 189-190" "Oxford All Souls College 92","s. xv1","1400 - 1450","cum omnis","Giles of Rome","Eight/ten-line blue lombards flourished red and occasionally mauve are at the beginnings of books and five-line lombards are used for subsections, all with guide letters. There are rubrics and red and blue paraphs. Running book numbers are marked with red or green paraphs and underlines.","280x190mm","2","c. 45-51","Each column: 190x55-60mm","Parchment","ii (modern paper) + 166 + i (mod)","17","I-XVI10, XVII6. Scribal catchwords in penwork boxes. . Quire signatures are almost entirely lacking having been trimmed off, but enough remain to show that two series were used. One series, leaf numbers, consists of 1-5 vertical strokes in crayon; the other, almost entirely trimmed off, consists of small letters and roman numerals.","N/A","Post medieval. Sewn on three bands between millboards covered with smooth skin (s. xviii). Inside the front cover is 'Repaired by Maltby, May 1951', which involved supplying a new spine, on which the old spine was set. On it is stuck the small black and gold All Souls coat of arms from the earlier binding.","Anglicana by one scribe. Very sparse punctuation is by low and medial points and double virgula.","AS Cat: 191-2" "Oxford All Souls College 98","s. xivex; s.xvin",,"In huius","Gower","Three-line initials, gold, red or blue.","305x205mm","1","48","Pricked in outer margins and for verticals, ruled in hardpoint and folded FSOS. Written space: 240x150mm.","Parchment","iii + 137+ iii","19","I8 (wants 1-2 before fol. ii; 5, before f. 1; 7-8, after f. 1), II8 (wants 2, 6-7), III8 (wants 8), IV-XV8, XVI8 (wants 7), XVII8, XVIII8 (wants 8), XIX8(wants 7-8). Catchwords by scribe in boxes. Quire signatures ai-iiij etc from quire 2 as far as 16 then none.","N/A","Post medieval Originally sewn on three bands, but since thorough repair in 1988 on seven bands, between square edged oak boards covered with smooth skin.",,"AS Cat: 200-203" "Oxford Balliol College 187","s.xiii (late)","1250 - 1300","est separabilis","Albertus Magnus: ?Super Lucam et Marcum?","On f. 2r a small blue initial flourished in red, but elsewhere no rubrication.","330 x 240 mm approx","2","57",,"Parchment","i + 312 + i","26","i+ I12 ? XXVI12 + i. Catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval","ff. 1 and 314 are flyleaves. On 314v are two pen-trials in red ink. On f. 1v is a title in an unusual hand ?Albertus super Lucam et Marcum? and a s.xv inscription, repeated at the head of 2r ?Liber Collegii de Balliolo in Oxon?.","CJ; Balliol Cat: 188-189" "Oxford Balliol College 28","1442","1400 - 1450","que et","Theological treatises","Red and blue paraphs; a few decorated ascenders. 4-line blue letters with red flourishing. One border with historiated initial (coat of arms).","397x269","2","55","Yes.","Parchment","261",,"in 8's. Catchwords in scrolls and signatures","N/A","Post medieval",,"Balliol Cat.; Scott 2002" "Oxford Bodleian Library Add 370","1425 - 1427","1400 - 1450",,"John Sharp, Carmelite Formalitates; Walter Burley, Tractatus xi","Minimal. Titles in bastard anglicana. 9-line plain red initial Q at the beginning, with alternate red and blue paraph marks to 130r. Faint red initials and paraph marks from 135v ? 136r, again on 143r ? 144r. Spaces elsewhere left for initials.","210 x 150mm","1","30-40",,"Mixed parchment and paper","99 + 2 (1 a letter, the other a later (?) flyleaf)","8","I16 (-1; 16 lost) II12 III14 ? IV14 V12 ? VII12 VIII8 + i2 (post medieval.","3 different marks","White parchment over boards. Post medieval.","Part C only. Part C was once separate from the rest of the MSS (for which see Bodleian Cat.), as the table of contents at f. 226v shows. Part C was ?ex libris magistri Baptiste Panteij qui die 27 Marcij 1497 in senetucte [sic] bona obiit? (Italian hand). The whole MS was ?Tomo 232 di miscellanea MSS., Scansia 17 [altered to 26] scaffale 2 [altered to 3],? about 1700. A faint impression of an oval library stamp is on f. 2v of the whole MS, which was Lot 198 in the Libri MSS sale on March 29 1859, but it was apparently not then sold. Bought by the Bodleian for £9 9s from the advert of J. E. Cornish in Notes and Queries, Oct. 16. 1886. A letter from Cornish?s of Oct 22 at f. 227 states that he bought the MS from his uncle, Thomas Kerslake of Bristol, who purchased several MSS at the Libri sale. [NB This doesn?t seem to square with the earlier statement]. Paper and parchment. ff. 128, 135 and 136 parchment.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.10","c. 1470-80","1450 - 1500",,"Hardyng's Chronicle","on f. 5r a full vinet border with an initial of five lines in height marks the beginning of the prologue; the initial consists of a blue and white letter, in filled with burgundy, pink and blue curled leaves, on a gold ground; a gold, blue and pink bar frame borders the text on all sides but is broken on the top line to allow for extended stems on the first line of text (obviously written before the illumination was added); the frame is entwined with green, yellow, blue, pink, burgundy and brown curled leaves, incorporating feathered spray with green lobes, flowers (in the same colours as the leaves, with the addition of red), and gold and coloured ball motifs with squiggles tinted green; there is a single gold pine cone with ink spikes in the top left hand corner of the border.Similar initials of four and five lines in height, with spray work forming a partial border along the left-hand margin, occur on ff. 9r, 11v, and again on ff. 15r and 104r (where the spray work forms a partial border in the top and left-hand margins). In addition to this champ initials, of two to seven lines in height mark, occur throughout the Chronicle (ff. 5-198), marking the beginning of each chapter and a change of sovereign; these are worked in gold against a pink and blue ground with white filigree work and have two to three feathered sprays with green lobes, containing coloured ball motifs, and gold lobes or trefoil leaves with squiggles. Elaborately decorated initials also occur ff. 200-207, but these are later in date (belonging to the early sixteenth century) and consist of delicate pen work in red, yellow, green and brown. The same folios also have decorative red line fillers.Of particular note are the coats of arms that occur in the manuscript; on f. 11v the arms of Brutus occur (gules two lions crowned of gold rampant and combatant); f. 35r has a space left for the arms of St George. On f. 198v the arms of Henry Percy, fifth earl of Northumberland (quarterly of five: i Percy (or, a lion rampant azure) and Lucy quartered (gules, three lucies haurient argent) ii Percy ancient (azure, five fusils conjoined in fesse or), iii Poynings (barry of six or and vert, on a bend gules), iv Fitz Payne (gules, three lions passant argent, on a bend azure), v Bryan (or, three piles azure), supporters; dexter a boar, sinister a unicorn, motto ?Esperance in Diev? and monogram ?HP?, both in gold); the arms are surrounded by a blue garter and motifs particular to the Percy family, thus suggesting a date after 1495 when Percy became a knight of the Garter. On f. 200r a brown and yellow historiated initial occurs bearing the arms of Percy quartered with Lucy. Other illustrations in the text include a carefully executed Pedigree of France (f. 148v) with an angel, whose wings are tinted brown, yellow and green, holding a scrollwork title above the red roundels and boxes of the genealogy (see Figure 18 and Pächt and Alexander 1973: III, 96) and a ?Title of Jerusalem? on f. 191r. Both pedigrees are similar to their counterparts in Harvard 1054. On ff. 184r-185r there is a map of Scotland, detailing the low and high lands, with drawings of castles, towers, churches and place names, underlined in red; forests and rivers are tinted green and blue (see Figure 19). The large castle depicted on f. 185r is tinted grey and surrounded by a brown sea; it is comparable to similar drawings in Harvard 1054 and Harley 661. An identical copy of this map also occurs in MS Harvard 1054. In addition to this, flourished paraphs occur at the beginning of each stanza, alternately coloured red and blue. Doodles occur on the recto of the third flyleaf.","335x 245 mm","1","35 (5 stanzas of 7 lines)","Frame and marginal ruling (in red) and the stanzas are regularly spaced. Prick marks may be seen on many of the folios.","Parchment","iii + i + 211 + i + iii","26","Foliation occurs in pencil written in the top right-hand corner of each folio by a post-medieval hand, and includes the paper flyleaves. Collation: flyleaves 4 (ff. 1-4, f. 4 is an insert); I8 (ff. 5-12), II8 (ff. 13-20), III8 (ff. 21-28), IV8 (ff. 29-36), V8 (ff. 37-44), VI8 (ff. 45-52), VII8 (ff. 53-60), VIII8 (ff. 61-68), IX8 (ff. 69-76), X8 (ff. 77-84), XI8 (ff. 85-92), XII8 (ff. 93-100); XIII 2 + 1 (ff. 101-103); XIV8 (ff. 104-111), XV8 (ff. 112-119), XVI8 (ff. 120-127), XVII8 (ff. 128-135), XVIII8 (ff. 136-143), XIX8 (ff. 144-151), XX8 (ff. 152-159), XXI8 (ff. 160-167), XXII8 (ff. 168-175), XXIII8 (ff. 176-183), XXIV8 (ff. 184-191), XXV8 (ff. 192-199), XXVI12 + 1 (ff. 200-212, f. 211 is a parchment insert attached to the final leaf of the quire, f. 212); flyleaves 3 (the verso of f. 212 is attached to the first of the paper flyleaves). Regular quire signatures (alphabetical with roman numerals) were originally present on the first half of each quire; however, these have been cropped and only a handful in quires 2, 6, 8 and 9 (b, f, h, and i) survive. Catchwords, often written in calligraphic letters within a scroll shape, occur at the end of each quire, with the exception of quires XII, XIII, and XXIII-XXVII. There are additional catchwords on ff. 136v and 138v.","N/A","The manuscript is bound in nineteenth-century brown leather with simple blind tooling; it was rebacked in the twentieth century.","Dialectally The Linguistic Atlas qualifies Arch. Selden B. 10 and Ashmole 34 as containing mixed, but northern, Middle English, which suggests, given the similarities in layout and illumination, that they may be southern copies of an earlier northern exemplar (see McIntosh, Samuels and Benskin 1986: I, 145). Aside from the main scribal hands, there are a couple of post-medieval jottings present in the manuscript. On the recto of the fourth flyleaf there are several pen trails and jottings, including ?Ihon Hardings Chronicle?; on the verso of the fourth flyleaf a late sixteenth or early seventeenth-century hand writes nine lines of verse; ?som be defoued in hope/ som hath at thayr desier/ som through thar foules neclegence/ los that tha myght requere/ and som through thayr happe desienes/ [t]haye that thay neuer requer/ and other som indede [?doth sayne? erased]/ doth sayne in hope of gayne/ another comes in guyes which neur?. On f. 148v a fifteenth-century hand makes a note in the left-hand margin of the Pedigree of France regarding Charles V of France. On ff. 166r and 174r there are tiny sections of text at the edge of the right-hand margin, which look as though they were once marginal notes that have been cropped. On f. 210v the name ?Margaret Clyfforde Elsebeth? occurs in a late sixteenth, early seventeenth-century hand probably belonging to lady Margaret Clifford (b. 1540), daughter of Lady Elianor Grace. In February 1555 Margaret married Henry Stanley, fourth earl of Derby, lord Strange, and later had two sons, Ferdinando (who is known to have owned this manuscript; see Tuve 1940: 152-53) and William. On f. 212r the name ?henry strange? occurs in a late sixteenth/early seventeenth-century hand, possibly belonging to Henry Stanley, fourth earl of Derby, lord Strange, and husband to the aforementioned Margaret Clifford; on f. 212r the name ?Henry Northumbreland? appears in a sixteenth-century hand (perhaps belonging to Henry Percy, fifth earl of Northumberland, c. 1477-1527 whose arms appear on f. 200r); the word ?Romanus? also occurs on this folio; f. 211 bears a fifteenth-century list of names of the dead at Agincourt (beginning ?Cy sen syeut lez noms des sieurs qui mourreront en la bataill a Aigincourt lan mile cccc xv le vendredy le xxv iour doctobre?) and the words ?This leaf was found amongst loose papers formerly belonging to [Ralph] Thoresby of Leeds and placed here 1873 H. O. C[oxe]?; this is Ralph Thoresby the antiquarian (see DNB: XIX 762-64).","Peverley 2004: 71-77" "Oxford Bodleian Library Arch. Selden B.14","s. xv3/4","1450 - 1500",,"Canterbury Tales (mutilated: ends I1086)","The calendar has a program of decoration similar to the CT section: 1-line gold initials with purple penwork and blue initials with red penwork. A full bar border (blue, magenta, and gold, highlighted with white, green sprays with gold dots, twining leaves, a 5-line blue and purple initial W on gold) on fol. 4r. Elsewhere, 3/4 borders with 3-line initials like that on fol. 4r mark the beginnings of prologues and tales. Beginning with the Wife of Bath's Tale, orange is also used as part of the colour scheme in the borders and initials. Single-line blue initials with red penwork and gold initials with purple, blue, and/or brown penwork occur at the beginning of incipits and explicits. Running heads (recto and verso), glosses, incipits, and explicits are in rubric, introduced by blue paraphs with red penwork and gold paraphs with brown, purple, or blue penwork. This same system of paraphs marks internal text divisions.","330 x 200 mm","1","36","Ruled and margined in russet crayon and drypoint, with double rules at the top, bottom, and sides, for running heads, in the centre of the written space, and for catchwords, with a second double rule between the margin and fore-edge (thus five vertical and three horizontal double rules). Written space approximately 220 x 105 mm.","Parchment","311","39"," I-XXXVIII8 [fols. 4-308 : in quire XXII, the foliation misses 175 (fol. 174 is now foliated ?174-5.?)] XXXIX2? (?2?: stub of the music leaf visible before fol. 309 + a parchment bifolium (foliated 310-311). Catchwords in the centre of the final verso of gatherings of eight.","N/A","The binding is of 15th century English origin and consists of brown stamped leather over new wooden boards. The spine has been renovated, and the blind tooling consists of roses and lozenges.","Fol. 1-3v is part of a 15th century Sarum Calendar (the obit of William Heed on September 10th, 1510, is a late addition). Fol. i and 312 are 14th century musical flyleaves measuring 321 x 205 mm., though they originally measured 260 x 192 mm.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Ashmole 34","1470s","1450 - 1500",,"Hardyng's Chronicle","Illumination is present in the manuscript, but is limited. On f. 1v there is a sixteenth-century woodcut of George, duke of Anhalt, by Lucas Cranach the younger (Hollstein 1966: 137, no. 31), which has been coloured and labelled ?THE PORTRATVRE OF IOHN HARDING MAKER OF THESE CHRONICLES?. The woodcut, taken from Cranach?s Conciones et Scripta (Wittenberg, 1520), depicts an old man in a dark brown overcoat, trimmed with light brown fur, holding a red book and orange prayer beads; at his foot is a shield (per bend sinister argent and gules). Four other heraldic devices originally ornamented each corner of the woodcut; however, only partial sections of these may be seen, as they have been covered with fragments from an illuminated border (c. 1450). The fragments of the border depict gold, blue, pink, and red flowers and leaves, with green squiggles. On f. 2r a champ initial occurs of six lines in height; the initial is blue, pink and white, on a gold ground, with a vine containing four striped trefoil leaves (in blue, pink and green) at the centre; the feathered sprays are green, containing decorative foliate leaves (coloured blue, pink, white, yellow and red), with gold ball motifs and lobes. The sprays extend along the left-hand margin and fill the top margin to form a partial border around the text. On ff. 6r, 8v, 12r and 100r sprynget initials of between five and seven lines in height are present. They usually consist of a gold letter on a red and blue ground with white filigree work; three green feathered sprays extend from the initials into the margins, containing gold ball motifs and lobes. Smaller champ initials of between two and four lines in height are used to mark a change of monarch, and consist of a blue letter with a red pen-work background.On f. 9r a space has been left in the right-hand margin possibly for the arms of Brutus, and on ff. 34r and 38v the arms of St George and Constantyne (argent, a cross gules) have been added in the margin. Finally, half of f. 145v is blank; since this folio occurs immediately after the end of Edward III?s reign it may have been left blank with the intention of adding a Pedigree of France.","335x 250 mm","1","35 (5 stanzas of 7 lines)","Each folio has frame and marginal ruling in red (ff. 2-177), and prick marks may still be seen on many folios.","Parchment","ii + 180 + ii","23","There are two sets of foliation, the first in a post-medieval hand occurs in the top right-hand corner; the second appears to be in a later hand that has struck through the numbers of the first foliation; it occurs in the bottom right-hand corner of the manuscript. The later foliation occurs in pencil and includes an additional singleton at the beginning of the manuscript; it is this foliation system that is used here. I 1 + 8 (ff. 1r-9v, f. 1 is an insert), II8 (ff. 10-17), III8 (ff. 18-25), IV8 (ff. 26-33), V8 (ff. 34-41), VI8 (ff. 42-49), VII8 (ff. 50-57), VIII8 (ff. 58-65), IX8 (ff. 66-73), X8 (ff. 74-81), XI8 (ff. 82-89), XII8 (ff. 90-97), XIII8 (ff. 98-105), XIV8 (ff. 106-113), XV8 (ff. 114-121), XVI8 (ff. 122-129), XVII6 (ff. 130-135), XVIII10 (ff. 136-145), XIX8 (ff. 146-153), XX8 (ff. 154-161), XXI8 (ff. 162-169), XXII8 (ff. 170-177), XXIII3 (ff. 178-180; all three leaves are singletons stitched together along the guttering to form a quire). Originally each quire had quire signatures on the first four folios consisting of alphabetical letters and roman numerals (a-i, k-t, v, w, x and i-iv); however, marginal cropping has left only a few of the quire signatures visible. Catchwords are present at the end of each quire except quires XVIII, XXI and XXII.","N/A","The manuscript has a standard Ashmole binding of late seventeenth-century brown leather, with simple fillet decoration and the arms of Ashmole in gilt on the spine.",,"Peverley 2004: 81-84" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 110","s.xv",,"A: tenebant signa ; B: ita ait . desidero","Theological tracts","A. Space left for 4-line initial at the beginning ? not filled in. B. 17r ? 40v; 105r ? 124v, 137v: Red initials, paraph marks, colour touching and rubrics. 41v ? 99r; 129r: Blue initials with red penwork 155r ? 167v: Rubrics Elsewhere either none, or gaps for decoration not filled in.","230 x 155 mm approx","1","31; 25","A Single col., 31 lines to a page. B. Single col., 25 lines to a page.","Parchment","ii + 182","23","In two booklets: Slightly difficult ? the last few quires have no catchwords, no leaf signatures and are quite tightly bound, so the structure of the last 5 quires should be taken as a suggestion. i2 (post medieval paper) ii2 (1 raised pastedown) + I8 II8 | III8 ? XVIII8 XIX10 XX10 XXI8 XXII8 XXIII2 (part of an originally larger quire ? 2 now mostly cut out).","N/A","Post medieval. The first flyleaf is a raised pastedown, and indicates that the first half of the book, at least, was once in an earlier binding, which was sewn on to 4 thongs, pegged 2 to a hole: V V","In two booklets. Contents page and ownership notes indicate that the two sections were together by s.xv. f. 1r (top): ?W. Cleue? f. 1r (bottom): ?Hunc librum emit W. C[leue] de J. Pye stacionario Londo? xo die Augusti anno regni regis Edwardi iiijti tertio coram Roberto Paling? . f. 1r (top) ?precium xx s?. ii2v: ?Christus homo factus W. Cleue prosperet actus? ?Hunc librum libere contulit Willelmus Cleue nuper Rector ecclesie de Clyve Kancie domino Willelmo Camyl huius cantarie capellano de successoribus suis perpetuis hic deuocius Deo officiaturis . pro modo R. Kent [added]. On. f. 128v is a late s.xv note by Johannes Huntt. Presented by Sir Henry Saville in 1620.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 131","s.xv med",,,"Nicholas Love?s Mirror; William Flete?s De Remediis contra temptaciones; excerpt from the Revelations of St Bridget of Sweden","Rubrication, red underlining, red initials with brown penwork. Kings of England decorated with red crowns. Some small black initials and text markers added later. An image, presumably a red crown, has been cut out of the bottom of f. 143.","206x130?40 mm approx","1","30-33","Frame ruled.","Mixed parchment and paper","147 + 5","7","i2 + I24 II20 ? IV20 V22 (-1; 8 canc) VI28 VII18 (-4; 9, 10, 16, 17 canc.) + ii4 (-1; 1 canc. 4 raised pastedown?).","Two. Quires I ? VI (crown?) Quire VII different.","Contemporary. White leather on bevelled boards, clasp lost, English work. Sewn on to 3 thongs, each pegged in its own hole. Spine damaged, back board loose.","f. 25 damaged. The three Latin documents bound up with the manuscript are as follows: a. ff. 148v ? 149r: A formal recommendation of John and Juliana Morton to the spiritual help of the Austin friars, by Willelmus prior provincialis of the order in England, dated York, 1438. b. f. 150r: Part of a similar recommendation of Agnes Wyndhull, John her son, and Robert?to the convent of Carmelites ?S?diburgie?, by William the prior, Nov 9, 1396. The catalogue states that this can only refer to Scarborough ? the seal is lost. c. ff. ir ? iiv: 2 leaves of a s.xii English gradual, not York, marked xxix, xxx. Probably acquired by the Library between 1605 and 1611.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 140","s.xiv","1350 - 1400","& non esse est","Theological tracts","Blue initials with red penwork, some red initials with blue penwork ? most ornate initial on f.1r. Red and blue paraph marks, rubrication and red underlining.","Variable leaf size ? 265 x 167-75 mm approx.","1","37","Prickings clearly visible.","Parchment","iii + 174 + i (NB; 4 not foliated btween 59 and 60","16","i2 (post medieval paper) ii3 + I8 II12 III8 IV12 V12 VI12 (-1; 12 canc?? NB. 8-11 not foliated. Accurate catchword on 11v. No sign of a stub, as far as I can see ? may not be 12 that?s cancelled) | VII12 ? XV12 XVI4 (-1; 2 canc) + iii1 iv2 (post medieval paper). NB. Most quires are numbered in the lower margin in Roman numerals, but quire 13 (f. 132r) has been missed out, and quire 14 is labelled ?xiii? in error, and so on through the rest of the MS.","N/A","Post medieval","SC 1910. Parchment quite variable in size and shape. Acquired (by the Bodleian) about 1602","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 200","c. 1300","1300 - 1350",,"Peter Lombard, Sentencia","f. 1r 4-line initial M; blue and red with blue and red penwork . Forms part of full border in blue and red penwork. Elsewhere; alternate blue initials with red penwork and red initials with blue penwork. Red colour touching, occasional penwork decoration.","310-15 x 225 mm approx","2","42",,"Parchment","i + 358 + ii","30","i2 (1 pastedown) + I12 ? XXIX12 XXX12 (-2; 9, ?12 canc.) + ii2 (2 raised pastedown).","N/A","Post medieval: s.xvi, Reading. Red leather on millboard, worn.","SC 1921. F. 201 cut across ? no text lost. Some damp stains on the last leaves. Presented by William Burdet in 1608. Card in Duke Humphrey's adds: The name of the corrector ? J. Scroun or Stroun occurs on ff. 96v, 333r, 134v. Pointed out by A. G. Little.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 251","s. xiv2","1350 - 1400",,"Nicholas de Lyra, Postillae super Bibliam (part 1 - originally a 2 volume work)","Several decorated and illuminated initials: f. 239v: Initial P, lobe 12 lines deep, pink on blue ground with white highlighting; filled with blue, pink and orange foliage on gold ground. Forms part of full border which also extends down the centre gutter, of blue, gold and pink. Similar initials on ff. 58v, 70v, 85r, 101r, 147r, 162r, 208v, 213v, etc., with either full or partial borders. There are several smaller illuminated initials: e.g. f. 308v: 8-line initial D, blue on pink ground with white highlighting, filled with blue and orange foliage on gold ground. Forms part of partial border of blue, gold and pink. Illustrations: f. 50v: Tabernacle diagrams ? blue and red 51v: ?Altare holocausti? Latin & Hebrew versions 52r: Fine drawing of a priest (Hebrew?) 150r: Outline of a temple in red and yellow There are several other fine drawings, including temple accoutrements. Blue initials with red penwork, alternating with red initials with blue penwork, rubrication, red underlining, alternate red and blue paraph marks, blue and red running headers. Dot patterns in the margins may be a form of notae:","445 x 325 mm approx","2","69",,"Parchment","ii + 397 + I","34","i1 (post medieval paper) ii2 (1 raised pastedown) + I12 (-2; 1, 2 lost) II12 ? XXXI12 XXXII10 XXXIII8 XXXIV10 (-1; 10 canc) + iii1 (raised pastedown) iv1 (post medieval paper).","N/A","Post medieval: The medieval flyleaves indicate that the MS spent some time in an earlier binding, sewn on 8 (?) thongs, drawn through and pegged 2 per hole. V V V V","SC 2332. Large stain on f. 130v, other stains elsewhere, but generally good condition. Original holes in the parchment have been stitched.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 279","s.xiv 2","1350 - 1400",,"Robert Holcot super sapientie","Some large capitals in red and blue, with red penwork, smaller blue capitals with red penwork, alternate red and blue paraph marks.","380 x 260 approx","2","58",,"Parchment","247 + 3","27","i3 (post med. paper) ii3 + I8 ? VIII8 IX6 X8 ? XIII8 XIV12 XV8 XVI12 XVII10 XVIII12 XIX12 XX6 XXI8 XXII8 XXIII12 ? XXV12 XXVI8 XXVII14 (-1; 14 canc.) + iii2 (post med. paper).","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 283","Before 1485, prob. 1470 - 1480","1450 - 1500",,"The Mirroure of the World","Two painted borders one on the first table of contents page in an English style, the other on the title page in a mixed English and foreign style. The text is also illustrated by a series of 25 pen drawings by an artist working in a Netherlandish style. The drawings are not coloured or placed within the border. There are also large, red initials without flourishing at major textual divisions, as well as rubric catchwords, chapter titles, signatures, nota bene signs and references to authorities.","406 x 284mm","1","37","Wide margins, framed ruled.","Mixed parchment and paper","184 + 2","10","i1 +I20 ? IX20 X8 (-4; 1, 4,5, 8 canc.) + ii1","The watermark is a griffin, similar to Briquet 7645, dated 1464.","Red leather on boards, with remains of clasps, s.xv. English work, much worn. Spine rebound.","Cat no. 2338. Very beautiful book, with lots of margin space. Quite a luxurious production. Presented (to the Bodleian?) by Robert Barker, the King?s Printer, in 1604. English cursive hand.","CJ; Scott 1968" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 287","s.xiv",,,"Speculum historiale fratris Vincentij Bellovacensis","f. 1r: 14 line initial P, in red and blue with very intricate red penwork depicting foliage and grotesque beasts. A similar 13-line Q is on the same page. A few other large initials of similar type. Other decoration includes large blue or red initials, with penwork of the alternate colour. Rubrication, red colour touching, blue and red paraph marks.","395 x 265 mm approx","2","65",,"Parchment","306","26","i1 (post med. paper) ii4 + I12 ? XXV12 XXVI6 + iii1 (post med. paper).","N/A","Post medieval","Generally good condition. Presented (to the Bodleian?) by the dean and chapter of Exeter in 1602.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 300","s.xvin","1400 - 1450",,"Astrological, musical and other treatises","Blue initials with red penwork, rubrication, red paraph marks and pen diagrams. Scheme consistent throughout. Diagrams.","375 x 250 mm approx","2","44-55",,"Parchment","140","19","i1 (post medieval, but with part of a medieval leaf attached) + I8 ? V8 VI8 (-4; 5 ? 8 canc.) | VII10 VIII8 ? XII8 XIII8 (-4; 5 ? 8 canc.) | XIV6 XV8 ? XVII8 XVIII8 (-4; 5 ? 8 canc.) | XIX8 + ii1 (post medieval).","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 315","s.xv",,,"Expositio Super Novem Lectiones Mortuorum, Richard Rolle","f. 1r: 5-line initial P, pink on gold ground, with blue and pink foliage within, forming part of a full border in gold, pink and blue, with green foliage. At the beginning of other texts are large gold initials on quartered blue and pink grounds. Elsewhere there are blue initials with red penwork, red underlining, rubrication and paraph marks.","360 x 235 mm approx","2",,,"Parchment","270 + iii ?","34","i1 (post med. paper) ii2 + I8 ? VII8 VIII6 (5, 6 unfoliated) IX8 ? XXXIV8 + iii2 (2 a stub) iv1 (post med. paper).","N/A","Post medieval","Good quality parchment, good condition.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 320","s.xv1","1400 - 1450",,"Sermons","f. 4r: 12-line blue initial H, with red penwork, forming part of a partial border. Smaller blue initials with red penwork throughout the text. Rubricated titles within the text.","335 x 230 mm approx","2","50",,"Parchment","iv + 188","16","i4 + I12 ? XV12 XVI8 + ii4 (?? All canc.)","N/A","Post medieval: White sheepskin (Cat says c. 1602) over older sewing and boards. Older binding sewn on 6 thongs, pegged two to a hole: V V V Raised bands on spine","SC 2234. Some small holes in last leaves. Presented by the Dean and Chapter of Exeter in 1602.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 361","1453-1459","1450 - 1500",,"Latin medical treatises","fol. i: 6-line pink initial with white highlights on solid gold illuminated ground with foliage patterns inside letter and extending into foliage margins on three sides of page, foliage in pink, green, blue and gold. Blue initials with red penwork and rounded sawtooth extensions into margins with triple loop endings to tendrils; alternating red and blue paraphs, red underlining.","332 x 228","1","44-48","215x115 mm frame: two verticals, four horizontals enclosing top and bottom lines, running to edge of page; sometimes six horizontals enclosing middle line as well half way down page.","Parchment","viii + 506",,"8s. Catchwords by scribe.","N/A","Post medieval","This MS must have been put together from several done at different times: finished first part (pp. 1-111=ca. 55 fols) on 31 May 1459 finished second part (pp. 111-203 = 46 fols) on 15 Oct 1455 finished third part on Oct. 16 and 20, 1456 finished fourth part on Nov. 3 and 28, 1453. On pp. 499-501 there are some medical recipes in Latin and English dating from the late fifteenth century; pp. 503-4 are a leaf from a Latin philosophical work of the fourteenth century.","LRM; Scott 2002" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 362","1448-1455",,,"Medical treatises","Fine borders, initials. Cadels and interlace initials f. 1r: 17-line initial G, pink and blue on gold ground, filled with pink, blue, orange and green foliage, and forming part of a full border of the same colours. Smaller blue initials with red penwork, blue and red paraph marks, red underlining. Plain initials in pen, some with human faces. f. 248r: 5-line initial M, gold on quartered pink and blue ground, partial border. f. 272v: 10-line initial I, gold on quartered pink and blue ground, partial border.","335 x 225mm","1","50","two verticals (or four when double columns) and two horizontals running to edge of page, ladder within, in brown crayon; ladder very faint.","Parchment","iii + 336 + iii","42","i4 (-1; 4 canc. 1, 2 pasted down) + ii4 (-4; all canc) + I8 ? XLII8 + iii4 (-4; all canc) iv4 (-1; 1 canc. 3, 4 pasted down). Catchwords by scribe in fine-line box with loops at either end and double cross-strokes/slashes at regular intervals around the box; boxes sometimes highlighted with yellow.","N/A","Red whittawed leather on boards, damaged, contemporary, clasps and (horn covered?) title on side lost.","Good condition; high quality production. Presented [to the Bodleian?] by Thomas James in 1601.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423","s. xv","1400 - 1450",,"Prick of Conscience",,"272x 195 mm","1","31-32",,"Paper","i + 415 + i",,"Catchwords, signatures occasionally visible.","Not recorded","Post medieval","MS D. One of 5 MSS bound together by Sir Thomas Bodley, the fourth of which MS D occupies ff. 244-354v. The contents of this section only have been listed. See Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C for two of the other booklets bound with this volume.","McIntosh & Lewis: 141-2" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 423: Parts B and C","s.xv2","1400 - 1450",,"Religious works","Section B: ff. 128-132v decorated with red capitals, chapter headings and reference letters and blue initials for each chapter. Alternate red and blue paraphs; marginal glosses underlined in red. Section C (ff. 228-43v): similar decoration and on f. 228 there is a large marginal decoration outlined, partly infilled with red and blue, and prepared with a beige undercoat which may have been intended to be covered with gold-leaf. This gives the impression that the manuscript was not finished.","270x195mm","1","37","Written space: 214-224x107-123mm.","Parchment","115","15","Section B: I8 (lacks 1-3) II8 (lacks 2) III-XIII; Section C: I-II8.","N/A","Seventeenth-century binding","Sections B and C only, ff. 128-243v. Section B lacks the first three folios, but it was clearly the original first gathering as it has quire letters and numbers in the first halves of gathering 3, 6, 9, 11, 12 (b, e, h, k, l). Written by Stephen Dodesham.","EETS OS 287; Doyle 1997" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 467","s.xv","1400 - 1450","to ye flesch . ye deuyl","Richard Rolle, Commentary on the Psalter","None, save for otiose strokes in the top margin. Spaces left for initials, but not filled in.","310 x 205 mm approx","1","42",,"Parchment","172","23","i1 (post medieval) + I8 - IX8 X10 XI8 ? XV8 XVI6 XVII8 ? XX8 XXI4 XXII6 XXIII4 (-2; 2, 3 canc) NB. Quire XVII, f. 136v: accurate catchword crossed out and replaced with inaccurate one.","N/A","White parchment on boards, s.xv English work, clasps lost. Spine rebound? Sewn onto 6 thongs ? each pegged into its own hole.","SC 2487 f. 171v: ?WS [?] ex do. Fa: St. Nou. 1639? ?Liber Thomae Barlow č coll. Reg. Oxon ex dono amicissimi domini Wheate de Glimton in agro Oxoniensi armigeri III. Calend: Sept: M . DC . LVI?. Bought with part of £50 bequeathed by Alexander Ross in 1662.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 52","c. 1425","1400 - 1450","celestibus gaudiis","Expositio Super Novem Lectiones Mortuorum, Richard Rolle","Blue initials with red penwork; red paraph marks, colour touching and underlining.","197 x 130 mm approx","1","32",,"Parchment","ii + 258 + I","22","i2 + I12 ? V12 | VI12 ? IX12 X6 | XI12 ? XXII12 + ii2 (-1; 1 canc) NB Foliation is faulty in some sections. The medieval foliation repeats the numbering on some leaves, so that there are 2 ?119?, ?127?, ?177? etc. The modern foliation labels some leaves with two numbers at once, e.g. ?200-1?. While using existing foliation for convenience, I have tried to make it clear which leaf is meant, so that ?177 (1)? is the first leaf to be labelled 177, and used the modern foliation as well where available.","N/A","Contemporary. White leather over boards, sewn on 5 thongs, drawn through and pegged as follows: / | | | \","SC 1969. ?G. Flowre? 1504?. Presented by Dr William Cotton, bp. of Exeter in 1605.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 585 A","1440 ? 1448","1400 - 1450",,"Life of St Alban; the Granarium of John Whethamstede; other historical texts","Red capitals, some rubricated headings. A few red colour touches and underlines.","210 x 145 mm","1","24",,"Parchment","48","6","I8 ? VI8","N/A","Post medieval","This MS is bound up with another containing an English rule for the Poor Clares, but it seems probable that the two were not bound together until after 1604, as they came as gifts from separate donors to the Bodleian in 1604. Section A originally formed the second half of a manuscript, whose first half survives as CUL Dd.6.7.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 630","s.xv1","1400 - 1450","patris iusticia","Theological texts - mostly by Augustine, Latin","Blue capitals with red penwork, rubrication, red paraph marks.","220 x 145 mm approx","1","32",,"Parchment","iv + 280 + iv","35","i4 + I8 ? XXXV8 + ii4","N/A","Limp parchment binding ? probably original.","There are parchment tabs on the edge of leaves to assist in finding texts. Has the C15th purchase price of 4 marks and 2 shillings. f. 284v: ?Botely? s.xvi hand Presented by Sir Robert Cotton (with his ?votiva ara? on f. 1r) in 1603.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 648","c. 1465","1450 - 1500",,"Moral treatises; astrology & urines; historical notes, lists of archbishops and popes","Red capitals decorated with plain penwork, blue capitals with red penwork, rubrication, colour touching, red paraph marks and underlining. The scheme is not the same throughout the MS, and certain features are only found in certain sections","204 x 145 mm","1","20-32",,"Mixed parchment and paper","i + 125 + iv","14","i2 (-1; 2 canc. 1 raised pastedown) + I2 II2 (there may be leaves missing from this quire) III12 IV12 V8 ? VII8 VIII12 ? XII12 XIII12 (-1; 1 canc.) XIV2 + ii4 (4 raised pastedown)","Two: bull?s head and ring.","Contemporary; stamped leather, with circular ornament, on boards, clasp lost, with a green baize cover. Canterbury binding, by John Kemsyn. (Similar to MSS 233 and 3413, and to Douce bindings 112 and 124).","Paper, except for flyleaves, and quires I, II and XIV, which are parchment. Several marginal notes in various hands.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 785","s.xiv",,"mam viuentem","Theological treatises","A. None ? some space left for initials. B. Spaces left for initials. Some rubrication.","280-83 x 170-75 mm approx","1","57; 42","A: Single col., frame ruled, approx. 57 lines to a page. B: Single col., 42 ruled lines to a page.","Parchment","ii + 279 + ii","26","Made up of two MSS: A: ff. 1r ? 16v B: ff. 17r ? 283v i2 (post medieval paper) ii2 (-1; 1 canc.) + I8 II8 || III 12 IV8 V8 VI6 VII12 VIII12 IX8 X8 (-1; 8 canc?) | XI12 ? XVIII12 XIX10 XX12 ? XXVI12 + iii2 (2 half cut away) iv2 (post medieval paper) NB. The collation between ff. 186 and 231 is difficult to establish ? the structure above is a suggestion, based on slightly later marks in the MS.","N/A","Post medieval","SC 2624 Made up of two MSS: A: ff. 1r ? 16v B: ff. 17r ? 283v. Heavily annotated throughout, largely in drypoint. f. 280r: ?C[autio] m[agistri] Petri Borowgh exposita in cista de Nele anno Domini mo . cccco . xlo . vijo . xxiij die Augusti 2o folio mam viuentem & ja[cet] pro xiii s . iiij d . Procurator istius voluminis est magister Johannes Stokes?. This is preceded by another cautio, which is now illegible. The mark of Thomas Hunt, the Oxford stationer (s.xv ? later) occurs, and another which may be Stokes?s. Presented to the Bodleian by the dean and canon of Windsor in 1612 ? with library mark. The 2o folio indicates that it was the MS as it stands which was pledged, rather than just section B, and that the sections were brought together at an early date. Note in Bod L Card boxes: ?Mr Petrus Borowghe pledged MS Bodl. 785 (S. C. 2624) in the Nele chest 1447 23 Aug. Principal of Neville Inn in Sept 1446 [Reg. Concill. Oxon .i. 133]. Rector of (Dorchester?) Hants adm 31 Mar 1448; exch Feb. 49 [Reg. Waynflete Win .i. fo. 3v] V of E. Mern (??) Hants adm 12 Feb 1449 [Ibid i. f. 9r] R. of Swanton Novem (??), Norf. Adm 10 Apr. 1461, vac. By 1467 [Reg. Lyhert (??) Norw. Fo. 125v , 162] Note signed A.B.E ? presumably Emden.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 795","1435","1400 - 1450",,"Medical","In red: paraphs, underlining, strokes on capitals. One border on f. 1r a large initial 'I' in pink on an engrailed gold ground laid outside the text space. Initial ends in an elongated acanthus leaf whose tip is the starting point for spraywork without a bar frame. Sprays consist of regularly waving and curling feathering with circular lobes tinted in bright green, gold balls with one or three tinted squiggles, and small coloured curled leaves.","260 x 193 mm","2","48","190 x 70mm 2 vertical, with top line as top of minims, 4 vertical enclosing 2 columns, no ruling/ladder within frame; very fine plummet.","Parchment","ii (new paper) + iii-vii (parchment) + 311",,"12s catchwords: by scribe, usual place, initial touched with red, red sleigh under.","N/A","Post medieval","308 blank, 309 blank. signatures on verso sides of first 6 leaves each quire, using arabic numbers, e.g. ?1. fo. 1 quira? on f. 1v; continues same hand on ff. 245-307, last full one is f. 295v, ?6 fo. 25 quira?; then partly cropped on f. 296v: ?[ ]fo. 25 qa? ; foliation in ink, upper outer corners of rectos, medieval arabic numbers, with ?fo? preceding for ff. 1-16 only, then just arabic numbers 17-309.","Scott 2002: 54; LRM" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 851","1370s","1350 - 1400",,"De Nugis Curialium; Satirical poems; Piers Plowman","Parts I-II have inset display initials (2-3 lines) in blue, with red interiors and scrollwork; alternate blue and red paragraph marks (for which guide marks are still visible); red and blue initials for stanzas (No. 18); occasional red initials (Nos 9-14); red touching to initials (Nos 7 and 9); book and chapter headings, and running heads (No. 1) in red. Part III(a) has inset initials (blue with red work) for Passus I-VIII [of Piers Plowman]. Part III(b) is decorated in a different style, with red-touched initials and red underlining only, and a solitary deep blue initial on fol. 150r). In the upper part of fol. 6v is an elaborate book-plate; the name WELLIS is written in large scrolls; a bear on the left side pulls with his chain at the bow of the W; on the right side St Christopher carries the Christ-child, and his staff pierces the S. Extensions of the ascenders of the W contain the words 'Iste liber constat Fratri Johanne de' and those of the LL have 'Monacho Rameseye'.","235-245 x 175-180mm","I-II: 2; III: 1",,"Writing area (excluding flyleaves) Parts I-II 190 x 145mm; III(a) 190 x 125; III(b) 185 x 125mm. Parts I-II in two columns marked out in dry point or thin ink (prickmarks visible for verticals), horizontal lines in dry point (prickmarks visible only in quire ix, fols 82-89); Part III(a) long lines, frames and ruled in drypoint; Part III(b) long lines, framed only.","Parchment","209, including 2 end leaves","23","[Collation follows Brewer and Rigg 1994, pp. 24-25): Fly-leaves: fols 1-6: i4 ii2 (inner bifolium excised, with loss of text): fol. 6v numbered 'j' in the final quiring. Part I: fols 7-77: iii12 (fols 7-17, lacks leaf after fol. 7, with loss of text), iv12-viii12 (fols 18-77). Catchwords on fols 17v, 29v, 41v, 53v, 65v. Fols 74ra-77v originally blank; fol. 77v extremely worn. Part II: fols 78-123: *ix missing, with loss of text (lost after final quire numbering), ix12-xi12 (fols 78-113), xii10 (fols 114-123). Catchwords on fols 89v, 101v, 113v. Earlier quire number 'iii' on fol 90r (the beginning of the original third quire, before the loss of quire *ix). Fols 120vb-123v originally blank; fol. 123v worn. Part III(a): fols 124-139: xiii8-xiv8. Early quiring marks fols 132-135 'b', 'b ij', 'b iij' and 'b iiiij' on the recto side. The first scribe ended his writing on fol. 139r. Part III(b): fols 140-208: xv6-xvii6 (fols 140-157), xviii8 (fols 158-165), xix10 (fols 167-176: the paginator has skipped 166), xx8-xxiii8 (fols 177-208). An early quiring marks fol. 140r 'j', fol. 146r 'ij', and so on, up to quire xxiii; the first four leaves of each quire are lettered a-d, from which it can be seen that the outer bifolium of quire xvi was lost before writing (fol. 146r is 'ij b', etc.), and that fols 203-206 have been disordered since writing (correct order: 204, 203, 206, 205). As noted above, the decoration of Part III(b) differs from that of Parts I-III(a).","N/A","Probably late-medieval, consists of pasteboard with leather cover; the spine has been repaired in modern times; screwholes indicate the loss of two leather clasps.","More information on this manuscript can be found in Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42. Consists of three discrete parts. During the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more poems were added to the collection, and the three parts became a single volume. Foliation skips 166. Parchment of uneven quality (a few holes or repairs).","Brewer and Rigg 1994: 23-42" "Oxford Bodleian Library Bodley 938","s.xv 1/2","1400 - 1450",,"Religious treatises","f. 1r. 3-line initial A, blue with red penwork. Blue and red full border. Smaller blue initials with red penwork, small plain blue or red initials, blue or red paraph marks, rubrication, red underlining. Some yellow colour touching. Same scheme throughout.","177x123mm","1","26","Writing area: 137x77mm","Parchment","iv + 280 + iv","35","i3 (-1; 1 canc. Post medieval) ii4 + I8 ? III8 | IV8 ? XXXV8 + iii4 + iv3 (-1, 3 canc. Post medieval). Regular signatures in the first halves of quires; catchwords. 'The manuscript has three sets of partially overlapping signatures: (1) quires 4-35 (ff. 24-278) are signed +, 2-32 on the first leaf; (2) quires 1-3, 26-35 (ff. 1-23, 199-278) are signed a-n; (3) quires 12, 14-16, 18-25 are signed f, h-k, m-t' (Hanna 1988, p. 208).","N/A","Post medieval: Raised pastedown (iii4) indicates that the book was originally sewn on to 4 thongs, each pegged into its own hole.","Written in anglicana. Several added notes, in Latin and English. Presented (to the Bodleian?) by Dr William Cotton, bishop of Exeter, in 1605 .","CJ; Hanna 1988" "Oxford Bodleian Library Canon misc. 110","c. 1400","1400 - 1450",,"Alanus de Insulis, Martianus Capella, Bernardus Silvester","Fine miniature, borders, historiated and other initials. Marginal drawings (catchwords). Small red and blue initials, larger gold initials on blue and red backgrounds. f. 6r: 8-line initial C, Blue on gold background ? depicts a monk in rose coloured habit sitting at a desk in front of an open book. Forms part of full border in gold, blue and red, with two areas of green. In the lower section of the border a coat of arms has been erased. f. 7r: Full border in gold, blue and red, with holly leaves, containing 5-line initial Q, blue and pink on gold ground, depicting the head and shoulders of a figure dressed in green. In the lower margin a grotesque figure, in pink hood, green robes and orange and blue hose is perched on the border, with two tongues, one pink, one blue, protruding from his mouth, and forming part of the border. f. 9r: Full border in gold, blue and red, containing an 8-line initial A, quartered blue and red on gold ground, depicting a bald man in orange robes, with blue and pink foliage coming from his mouth. In the right margin is a green parrot (?) holding a scarlet scroll. f. 123r: Miniature depicting a marriage scene, between Mercury and Philology. The background is black, diapered with gold. The groom is in blue robes, with white symbols, and the bride, on whose finger he is placing a gold ring, is veiled in white, and wearing pink robes with red symbols. Above them a man holds a gold crown, and over each are scrolls, one pink (over Mercury) and one blue (over Philology), explaining the scene. Below is an 8-line initial T, pink on gold ground, decorated with blue and orange foliage, and forming part of a full border in blue, gold and pink, with a coat of arms erased in the lower section. f. 150r: Full border in gold, blue and red, containing an 8-line initial T, blue and red on gold ground, depicting a man in orange hose and pink robes, seemingly being attacked by a dog with orange head, whose blue and pink body forms the rest of the letter. After f. 150r, the colours of the smaller illuminated initials are much paler than those in the rest of the MS.","205 x 140mm approx","1","35",,"Parchment","185","17","Difficult to establish the first quire. A photograph of a leaf, labelled ?5a? on the back, has been inserted before 6. The first quire has a number of blank leaves , and may not have been complete when added to the others. A possible collation is: i2 (modern paper) + I8 (-2; 1 lost, 8 ins. photograph) II12 ? IV12 V10 VI12 ? VII12 VIII12 (-1; 5 lost) IX12 X12 (-1; 12 canc. No text lost, and catchword on 11) XI10 ? XII10 XIII12 XIV8 XV12- XVI12 XVII10 + ii2 (modern paper)","N/A","Post medieval","General good condition. In the margin of f. 9r, next to the beginning of the main text, is drawn a green parrot, holding a scarlet scroll in its beak, which is inscribed in silver: ?Qi ne done qe ayme ne prent que delire?. Preceded by what seem to be incomplete texts in the main hand. The first, on. f. 2r ? v, seems to be the beginning of (a commentary on?) Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae, inc: ?[C]ura opus boecii in de consolatione?. Space left for decorated C at the beginning. f. 3 is blank, and the next is on 4r ? v . It seems to be a copy of the preface to art. 1, with a space left for a decorated initial C at the beginning. A photograph of ?f.5a? has been inserted after f. 5, which is blank. f. 9r, motto: ?Qui ne donne que ayme ne prent que delire?. ff. 6r, 123r: Erased arms. f. 1r: Norwich ex libris erased. f. iii v: ?H. Langley. Laus mea dominus? erased (cf. Laud lat 4 ? Henricus Langleigh ? Glastonbury, c. 1456) No. 5373 in the Crevenna sale, Amsterdam, 1789.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 26","s.xiv + xv",,,"Grammatical treatises","Fleuronnee initials at the beginnings of pieces written in hands (1) and (2).","173 x 123mm","1","?","Pricked and rule. Written space: 120-130 x 90-100mm.","Parchment","ii + 139 + ii","13","i6 (ff. 3-7) wants 1 (before f. 3) | ii12 (8-19) | iii10 (20-28) wants 1 (before f. 20) | iv12 (29-40) v12 (41-52) vi12 (53-64) | vii12 (65-75) wants 1 (before f. 65) | viii12 (76-87) ix10 (88-97) x12 (98a-108) xi12 (109-120) xii14 (121-136) + two leaves added at the end (ff. 135, 136); the central bifolium is a later addition (ff. 127-8) | xiii4 (137-140). Quires i and xiii are the original flyleaves. ff. 127 and 128 probably replace cancels (see collation and the relationship between hands (1) and (2)). Quire signatures bottom centre a - o, including n for ff. 135-6. Some leaf signatures (i, ii etc.) survive on e.g. f. 102r. Catchwords at right angles to the text on ff. 40v, 52v.","N/A","Post medieval","The following hands appear in the manuscript: 1) Fols. 8r-19v, 19v top, 20r-28v, 76r-126v, 129r-136v. s. xiv Portuguese, a gothic minuscule. The vernacular text is of a less formal style. 2) Fols. 7r-v, 28v foot, 29r-62r, 65r-75r, 84v-98ar (overwriting hand 1), 126v foot, 127r-128v. s. xiv Portuguese, a careful Gothic minuscule in various sizes. 3) Marginal comments throughout. s. xiv Portuguese, showing some secretary influence. 4) Fols. 4r, 16v, 29r-62r margins, 62v, 64v. Probably s. xiv Portuguese, a large hand, similar to 3 5) Wymundestonewell(?), fols. 3r, 5r-v, 6v, 62v, 63r-v, 64v. s. xiv/xv English, an anglicana hand with some secretary influence. 6) Thomas Wodehowse, fols. 3r, 4v, 137r-v, 138r-v, 139r-v, 140r-v. s. xv1 English, a large ill formed anglicana hand, and a smaller version with secretary influence 7) Richard Conesborugh(?), fols. 3r, 64v, 138r. s. xv1 English, a scrawled secretary hand. 8) Davyd Breknoke(?), fols. 6v, 137v. s. xv1 English, a neat secretary hand. 9) Thomas Jolyffe, fols. 4r, ?84v, 85r, 137r, 138r-v, 139v, 140r-v. s. xvmed English, a rapid personal mixed hand. Parchment poorly prepared on the flesh side. Foliated 1-97, 98a, 98b, 99-142. Thomson p. 274: 'Sections B, C, and F, the work of a fourteenth-century Portuguese scribe (hand (1)) were compiled by a second scribe (hand (2)) with sections D and E of his own making, and the flyleaf quires into a book of elementary grammatical treatises and reading texts. The work of hands (3) and (4) shows that the book had considerable use in Portugal before it was brought to England, before 1452 at the latest (see below). The model salutations in hand (5) give little help in dating the earliest English entries. The mention of Richard as King of England suggests a date between 1377 and 1399, which would fit with the date of the handwriting, but Edward of Portugal should be Eduardo (reigned 1433-8) and Bishop William of Lincoln should be either Gray (1431-6) or Alnwick ( 1436-9). The mention of an Edmund as King of England shows, however, that accurate contemporary reference is not to be supposed. (I am grateful to P. Chaplais for help on this point.)'. ?The manuscript, like Digby 57, which was also owned by Jolyffe, was acquired by Thomas Allen (1452-1632) as his cod. 62 (this number is written on f. 7r), presumably in Oxford (see Parkes and Watson, 1978). It may have followed the same path as that book to John Phillip, rector of Exeter College, and then to mag. J. Selde(?) in 1468, although the note in MS 57 referring to a 'volvella solis et lune' clearly has no reference to our manuscript (see BRUO s.n. Phillipp). Allen bequeathed the book to Sir Kenelm Digby (1603-1665: his inventory number A206 is also on f. 7r), who subsequently gave it to the Bodleian with the rest of his collection. 'Digby B.N.3' is an obsolete Bodleian shelfmark of the manuscript, and Langbaine's description of the manuscript ('Poema Faceti' on f. 1r is in his hand) will be found At Bodl. Lib. MS Langbaine 19, pp. 97-100. the mansucript was subsequently catalogued by W. D. Macray (Macray, 1883, cols 21-22)?.","Thomson 1979: 268-76" "Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 77","s.xiv",,"omnibus","Libellus de oculo morali","4-line blue initial with red penwork at the start, thereafter alternate red and blue initials. Red paraph marks, almost all on first two leaves.","210 x 135mm approx","1","42",,"Parchment","41","3","I12 II16 III12 (+1 ins after 12).","N/A","Post medieval","Section C (ff. 109r ? 149v). SC 1678 Bound up with 4 other MSS from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Hunt and Watson (Quarto cat, pp. 40 ? 41) suggest that the book may be the Meaux Abbey MS recorded in the 1396 catalogue in BL MS Cotton Vitellius C. vi (CBMLC, Cistercians, Z. 14, 220v). f. 149r: ?Fenton?(s.xv/xvi). f. 109r: Allen?s number ?73? (i.e. in the 4o section of his catalogue) and the Digby inventory number ?A. 144?. f. 109r: ?To Mr allen? ? also found in Digby MSS 67, 104 and 191. See Watson ?Allen?, 292 ? 93.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Digby 89","Between 1371 and 1376","1350 - 1400",,"Commentarium in prophetias Johannis de Bridlington","None, but there are many lines underlined in the same ink as the text.","220 x 135mm","1","35-40",,"Parchment","58 + iv","4","i2 (post med. paper) ii2 + I12 II16 III14 IV16 + iii2","N/A","Post medieval","Stained in parts; eg. Circular stain on 43v which looks like the base of a bowl or cup, possibly? Date: Events up to 1361 are spoken of in the past tense, events from 1376 in the future. MS quarto 58 in the 1622 library of Thomas Allen.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 25","s.xvin","1400 - 1450",,"Religious - Common profit","Main section: Small blue capitals, rubrication, red underlining and colour touching. A couple of headings at the beginning are rubricated with alternate letters of deep scarlet and light red. Front flyleaves (arts 1 ? 3): gold initials on quartered red and blue backgrounds, with green foliage. Gold decoration. Rubrication and red colour touching. F. vii verso: Full page miniature of the passion, with some illuminated, and a man and a woman in monastic robes with stigmata (SS Francis and Clare?), kneeling opposite Mary and (presumably) one of the apostles.","120 x 80 mm approx","1","20",,"Parchment","72 + xiv","9","i8 + I8 [or possibly I10 (-2, 4, 6 canc. ? stubs remain)] II8 ? IX8 + ii6 (last 2 stuck together).","N/A","Post medieval","Page edges now gilded. Quite stained ? looks well used.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 372","s. xvmed",,,"Gilte Legende","Originally with many illuminated initials; their removal has resulted in multilation to and the actual loss of many leaves (at the beginning and after ff. 26, 31, 32, 33, 34, 73, 105, 125, 127, 134, 140, 145, 146, and 156)","163/4x121/8in",,,,"Parchment","iii+170",,,"N/A",,"Two scribes with similar Gothic bookhands (textura) write to f. 105, with a third beginning f. 106 and continuing to the end.","IMEP 4: 91-3" "Oxford Bodleian Library Douce 95","s.xv2","1400 - 1450",,"Miscellaneous items, relating to London","Decoration in red and blue, flourishing of capitals, brackets and paraphs.","225x155","1","25-40","Mostly one column, though item 4 is in double columns. Margins and lines have been ruled: the frame measures 165x95mm, but the writing space does not always correspond.","Paper","iii+39+ii","3","I12, II12, III20 (wants 1-5). No catchwords or leaf signatures visible.","N/A","Post medieval","One main scribe, writing a small, practised script with many secretary forms, copied items 1-5 and 7-18. A later hand added item 6 and two other later hands completed 19, 20 and 21.","Boffey 1983" "Oxford Bodleian Library e. Musaeo 42","1467-9","1450 - 1500",,"Chronicle","Lines of descent in red and green, wth main line in dark rose, gold and blue; roundels in square frames of rose and blue surmounted by a gold crown. 2-line gold and blue letters with blue and red flourishing; one 4-line gold letter on a rose/blue ground. One border, one historiated roundel (the Fall).","336x212","2","37",,"Parchment","ii+35",,,"N/A","Post medieval",,"Scott 2002, p. 88" "Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 16","c. 1450","1400 - 1450",,"Chaucer","Names are underlined in red, the initial letter of each stanza is overlaid in red. Ornamented initials in larger scale (three line or larger) are blue, flourished in red; rubrics, colophons and marginal notations are in red, paragraphed blue. A full page illustration depicting Mars, Venus and Jupiter - the border surrounding the illustration incorporates the Stanely of Hooton coat of arms.","230x165",,"39","Written space: 95x155mm. Catchwords, apart from in the last booklet.","Parchment","343","44","in 8s.","N/A","Post medieval. The present cover is modern light brown split calf which dates from the nineteenth century. The evidence of marks (discolouration, holes, tearing) on the first medieval leaf suggests that the binding was once furnished with one central fastening (possibly strap and pin). The existence of worm-holes in the original blank leaves confirms that the manuscript was once in wooden boards for a long time.","One scribe - secretary hand.","Fairfax 16" "Oxford Bodleian Library Fairfax 20","?1344 - 1352",,,"Descriptions of England & Rome; St Peter?s Pence; coronation of Richard; Domesday entry for Great Yarmouth?s liberties, received from Edward III, early hist. of Ireland; list of priors of Norwich","Rubrication, blue initials with red penwork. Smaller blue and red initials, paraph marks. Red underlining and colour touching.","Quires I ? VI: 255 x 160mm. Quires VII and VIII: 250 x 160mm","1","40",,"Parchment","81 (+ 2 modern)","8","i1 (modern) + I12 ? V12 VI12 (-2; 1 and 12 lost?) VII6? (-3; 1 ?3 lost?) VIII8 + ii1 (modern).","N/A","Post medieval","(Cat. No. 3900). Quite rubbed and faded in places. Several contemporary and slightly later annotations.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 2","s.xv3","1450 - 1500",,"Lydgate","Purple-grey ink decoration: 10-line initial on f. 4, particolored blue and pink with white highlights on a solid gold ground not square but scallopped, elaborate foliated 3/4 border, fine black tendrils with flowers and leaves in red, blue, green and little gold; rest of books begin with 5-line gold illum. initial on red and blue ground with white highlights again scalloped backwards, and smaller border not even taking up all of one side; smaller blue 3-line initials with red penwork decor into bare sawtooth on one side and tendrils having no ending; blue initials. alternating red and blue paraphs for each stanza headings.","470 x 340 mm","2","7 7-line stanzas 55 lines","375 x 228 mm. 4 verticals to edges of page around columns; 4 horizontals to edges of page enclosing top and bottom lines, ladders within columns.","Parchment","See Comments","22","I8 (4-11), II8 (12-19), III6 (20-25), IV8 (26-33), V8 (33-41), VI8 (42-49), VII8 (50-57), VIII8 (58-65), IX8 (66-73), X8 (74-81); XI8 (82-89), XII8 (90-97), XIII8 (98-105), XIV8 (106-113), XV8 (114-121), XVI8 (122-129), XVII8 (130-137), XVIII8 (138-145), XIX2 (146-147), XX8 (148-155), XXI8 (156-163), XXII6 (164-169). Catchwords in black ink by scribe. No signatures remain.","N/A","Post medieval","The fly-leaves of the volume are four leaves from a Sarum legendary in Latin, written in England in the fifteenth century. 1 paper flyleaf matches pastedown + 1 parchment from a Latin Bible+ 1 paper + parchment foliated 4-169 + 1 paper (fol. 170) + 1 parchment from a Latin Bible + 1 paper flyleaf.","LRM" "Oxford Bodleian Library Hatton 58","s.xiv+ xv",,,"Grammatical treatises","Rubrication in all sections, with coloured initials in sections A and B and crude marginal drawings (of heads etc.) in section B.","205-218 x 132-140mm","1","?","Section A: written space 160 x 105mm. Pricked and ruled in ink before folding. Section B: written space 178-182 x 115mm. Frame-ruled in dry-point. Section C: written space 160-175 x 125mm. Frame-ruled in crayon (hand (3)) or left edge folded in (hand (4)). Section D: written space 160-175mm verse. No discernible ruling. Section E: written space 145-55 x 100mm. Frame-ruled in dry-point except for added folio which has a crayon frame.","Mixed parchment and paper","i + 53 + i","7","i8 (ff. 2-9) | ii12 (10-21) | iii16 (22-26, 28, 27, 29,30, 31, 33, 25a-d (=stubs after f. 25)); see the texts for this order of leaves | [iv] see the texts of item (4) v8 (34-39) wants 1 (before f. 34) and 8 (after f. 39) | vi8 (40-45) wants 1 probably blank (before f.40) and 8 (after f.45) | vii10 (46-54) wants 1 (before f. 46) and 10 (after f. 53), + one (f. 54) after 9, replacing 10. No signature or catchwords.","Not recorded","Post medieval","Section A: parchment, 217 x 140mm. Section B: parchment, 212 x 132mm. Section C: paper, 218 x 136mm. Section D: paper, 205 x 140mm. Section E: material not recorded in Thomson , 217 x 140mm. Sections A and B have punctuation with point alone. Thomson 1979, p. 289: 'It is of interest to note that William Horman (elected 1467) and John Stanbridge (elected 1475) would have been at Winchester while these manuscripts were in use. The mansucript was acquired by Christopher, first Lord Hatton (d. 1670), and was subsequently purchased by Robert Scot and then by the Bodleian with the majority of the Hatton collection, and came into the Bodleian in September 1671 (SC vol. ii, part 2, pp. 801-2). The shelfmarks 'C' and 'Hatton 40' on f. 2r and the '40' on the spine of the binding refer to volume C of the 1680-83 Bodleian catalogue (SC vol. I. pp. xxix-xxxi), now shelved at Library Records 501/5, where this manuscript is listed on p.60 of the Hatton section as '40. Grammaticalia quaedam, una cum fragmento Catonis'.'","Thomson 1979: 289" "Oxford Bodleian Library Lat. Misc. d.74","s.xiimed (or later?)",,"-rentur supllicium","Ivo of Chartres, Panormia","Red, buff (?) black and green initials with flourishes, some of which are in the shape of human and animal faces. Rubrication, red colour touching.","230 x 150 (190 x 110) mm","1","44",,"Parchment","99","13","CAT: I8 (-1; 6 lost) II6 III10 IV6 V10 VI6 VII10 VIII6 IX10 X6 XI10 XII6 XIII10 (-4; 7 ? 10 canc.) CJ i1 (post medieval) + I8 (-1; 6 lost) II8 ? X8 XI6 XII10 XIII8 (-5; 1 lost, 5-8 canc.) + ii2 (post medieval).","N/A","Post medieval: C17th. Mottled calf.","Written in France. This MS is probably to be identified as no. 29 in the collection of Henry (rectius John) Langley (Cat. al codd. MSS Angliae et Hiberniae, 1697, II no. 6982). Lot 54 in the Somers-Jekyll Sale Catalogue, 26 Feb. 1738. The pressmark 29: 3 is on f. 1r. (For the connection between these collections cf. N.R. Ker in The Library, 4th ser., xxiii (1943), 2 ? 4). Later in the possession of Thomas Martin of Palgrave, John Ives (lot 409 in the sale of March, 1777) and John Borthwick of Crookston. Sotheby?s sale, 3 June 1946, lot. 209. Bought.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 108","c. 1300","1300 - 1350",,"South English Legendary, romances","ff. 1-200: Blue or red paragraph marks. Blue initials flourished in red at the beginnings of legends. Horn and Havelok contain line initials touched in with red on ff. 204-208v, 214v-215, 219v-220 and 226v-228v. Some lombard initials in blue, filled in and flourished in red.","280x180","1 (Horn and Havelok 2)","c. 45","ff. 1-200 written space 232x138mm. Horn and Havelok 230x130mm. Faint pencil ruling up to f. 198. Double vertical bounding lines on the left and the right of the main written area in Horn and Havelok booklet.","Parchment","iii+239+I","23","I14 (1, 3-4 lost, 5 mutilated) II12 III10 (9 mutilated) IV-IX12 X12 (2-3 lost after f. 104) XI12 (2 lost after f. 114) XII-XIV12 XV12 (8 mutilated) XVI12 (-12) XVII12 XVIII12 (8, 12 cancelled) // XIX12 (-8) XX12 XXI6 XXII6 (sewn on to the preceding quire) XXIII1. Some catchwords preserved. Full signatures a-c in quires 16-18.","N/A","Post medieval","Initially two separate manuscripts, but joined in the fifteenth century. Gorlach suggests that the possible history of the manuscript is as follows: in c. 1300 a South English Legendary text was copied to which was added an appendix in the hand of a different scribe on ff. 200-203v. In c. 1350-1400 an independent manuscript containing King Horn and Havelok was attached and the compiler started adding a South English Legendary appendix on the final blank leaves; another quire of six was sewn to the last quire to take up the remaining text. In c. 1450 item numbers, running titles and marginal headings in red crayon or brown ink were added. At some point after 1450, items 1-7 were lost.","Gorlach 1974: 88-89; Smithers 1987: xi-xiv." "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 403","s.xiv","1300 - 1350","de sanctis abdon","Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda Aurea","Miniature (drawing), quite crudely done, depicting Christ on the throne of judgement, with an angel at each side, with the saved and damned at his feet (to the right and left of him respectively). The picture appears to be unfinished. Only one of the saved has been coloured in any detail; a crowned woman dressed in red and green. The damned have been given a colour wash of red, and feature some grotesque demons. There are some explanatory labels on the image, which are in a later hand to the main text, suggesting that this image was a later addition to the MS. NB. The damned are generally smiling, even in hell, while the saved look very sombre! Large and smaller blue initials with red penwork, small plain blue or red initials, alternate blue and red paraph marks, rubrication, red colour touching and underlining. Red running headers.","245 x 165mm approx","2","47",,"Parchment","ii + 235 +ii","20","i1 (post med paper) ii4 (-2; 3, 4 canc.) + I12 - XVIII12 XIX12 (+1 ins after 3) XX6 + iii2 (1 half cut away; 2 raised pastedown) iv1 (post med paper).","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 557","s.xv","1450 - 1500",,"Lydgate, Siege of Thebes","Rubrics, red and blue paraph marks, red and yellow colour touching. Fine drawings of scrolls at catchwords, titles etc. Blue initials with red penwork.","280 x 200 mm approx","1","36","It appears to be ruled in drypoint, but the writing is along the lines, rather than between the gaps ? e.g. writing is struckthrough.","Paper","ii + 68 + ii","3","i2 (2 parchment) + I22 II20 III26 + ii2 (1 parchment)","Not recorded","Post medieval: Early s.xvi; pink leather over millboards (?). Originally 5 studs on the back ? 2 now missing.","Slightly dirty and stained. F. 68v ?Benedictus deus in domis suis . Reuerendus in?. Late hand.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 674","1437-1438 and 1463.",,,"Tabula astronomica, etc.","Rubrication, blue initials with red penwork, red paraph marks, some initials.","135 x 90 mm approx","1","31-40",,"Parchment","112 + 4 (+ 3)","11","Complicated by odd modern pagination system: i2 (later paper?) + ii1 (med. parch) + I10 II12 ? IV12 V14 (-2; 12, 14 lost) VI12 VII10 VIII4 IX6 X12 XI10 + iii3 (med. parch) + iv1 (later paper?).","N/A","s.xv mid. Pink leather over bevelled boards, sewn on 4 thongs which are pegged 2 to a hole. Clasp missing. Spine rebound.","NB. Following MS pagination system for ease of reference. Good condition, though it looks well used and some badly rubbed pages.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Laud Misc. 84","s.xivex","1350 - 1400",,"Breviary (Use of York)","f. 1r: 10-line initial A, quartered blue and pink on gold ground, with blue and pink foliage filling the centre. Forms part of a full border in gold, blue and pink. Similar initials and partial borders elsewhere in the MS. Blue initials with red penwork, rubrication, small blue and red initials in the body of the text.","260 x 175 mm approx","2","46",,"Parchment","386 (+3)","48","i1 (post medieval paper) + I8 ? XIX8 XX8 (+1, ins. after 8) XXI8 ? XLVII8 XLVIII10 (-1; 10 canc) + ii2 (post medieval paper).","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. A. 359","s.xv",,"crm non accedit","Pupilla oculi","Good borders, initials. Lombards with grotesque heads (See Scott 1996: I: p. 61). [Human faces used as fillers for large ascenders in top lines ? penwork, with yellow colour touching] f. 1r: 9-line initial H, blue and pink on gold ground, with blue and scarlet foliage. Forms part of partial (3/4) border of gold, blue and pink. Similar initials on 3r, 9v, 24v, 77v, 124v. Elsewhere blue initials with red penwork; alternate blue and red paraph marks; rubrication, red underlining.","270 x 195 mm approx","2","50",,"Parchment","146","19","i4 (post medieval) + I8 ? XVII8 XVIII6 XIX6 (-2; 3, 5 canc) + ii4 (post medieval).","N/A","Post medieval","On the flyleaves: ?Suum cuique Tho. Hearne, Sept. 23 CIC(last C reversed) DCC XXIII ex dono amicissimi doctissimique viri Richardi Graves de Mickleton in agro Gloucestriensi armigeri?. In the hand of Thomas Hearne: ?Since I recd this MS. Mr Graves hath inform?d me by letter, dated at Mickleton, Dec. 14, 1723, that on the inside of the old covers of it was this note, in a hand near as ancient as that the book itself was written in, viz. Hunc tractatum compilavit Johannes de Burgo, Rector ecclesie de Colyngham, cujus anime propicietur Deus?.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 285","s.xv",,"Quare ihesu is lost ad fundene OR forsaken ye world as it war a ded man","Religious and moral treatises","f.74 simple gold initial with red penwork. Elsewhere; red capitals, rubrication, red colour touching and paraph marks.","220 x 160mm approx","1","29-38",,"Parchment","118","12","i3 (-3; all canc) + I12 (-1; 1 canc) II12 III14 IV2 | V12 VI12 | VII10 | VIII10 ? XI10 XII6 (-1, 6 canc)","N/A","Medieval. White leather chemise over bevelled wooden boards. Gatherings sewn onto 6 thongs, each pegged into its own hole. Clasps missing. Raised bands on spine.","Half of f. 87 is wanting, and several leaves between ff. 116 ? 117. C15th MS made up of 4 booklets. Cat: ?Olim inter libros Fr. Pole, 1394?.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 543","s.xiv and xv",,"puntus super","Medical texts","Not consistent throughout ? Quires I ? II have none. Elsewhere; rubrication, red paraph marks and some red initials, red underlining and colour touching.","170x117 mm approx","1","21-46",,"Parchment","151","19","i2 (post medieval paper. ?1; 1 canc) I8 II6 | III4 | IV8 V6 [|?] VI8 ? XII8 XIII10 ? XV10 XVI12 XVII4 XVIII10 XIX8 (-1; 8 canc) + ii1 (Post medieval paper. -1; 1 canc.).","N/A","Post medieval","Good condition.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. C. 86","s. xvex","1450 - 1500",,"Chaucer and Lydgate and other works","Only the first booklet is decorated. On f.1v is a full-page miniature of the crucifixion, now badly rubbed. The large initial on f. 2r is illuminated, with the decoration continuing into a full border. Large initials in red ink and the ascenders and descenders of the writing in the top and bottom lines have frequently been lengthened into ornamental scrolls.","290x210mm","1","37","First booklet: ruled. The other booklets show no evidence of ruling, with variable written space and irregular page layout.","Mixed parchment and paper","iii+190+ii","13","I22 (wants 1; 14 and 19 are half sheets), II8 (+ one leaf after 8), III22 (wants 21), IV24 (+ one leaf after 24), V16 (wants 1, 15, 16), VI8, VII10, VIII16, IX14, X6 (wants 1, 6), XI26 (wants 1, 3, 5, 6, 21, 22, 24, 26), XII22 (wants 1, 16, 17, 22; one leaf inserted before 2), XIII12. Leaf signatures are visible in the bottom right-hand corners of the leaves of five gatherings: V('a'), IV ('b'), XI ('c'), XII ('d') and III ('e'). MS was four independent booklets: 1 (quires I, II); 2 (quires III-V, XI, XII); 3 (quires VI-X); 4 (quire XIII).","N/A","Post medieval","Paper, with parchment central and enclosing bifolia in the first two gatherings. At least five different hands are identifiable. Scribe A wrote the whole of the first booklet (ff. 1-30) in a formal anglicana hand. Scribe B, writing a secretary hand, was responsible for most of the second booklet (ff. 31-51, 53-74, 77-89, 141-177), although the outer leaves of the fourth quire (ff. 52r-v, 75r-76v) have been completed by another scribe, whose hand is informal and mixed. This hand may be the same as appears in the third booklet (ff. 125r-v, 128r-v, 129r-140r); but certainty is impossible given the irregularity of the hands. Another scribe writes in this booklet, though it may be the former scribe writing in a different style. Two more scribes, D and E, wrote the fourth booklet; D wrote ff. 178r-183v, 186r-189v) but E wrote ff. 184r-186r, who signed himself 'John Reve Free'.","Boffey 1983" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. D. 328","s.xiv/xv + xv med",,,"Grammatical treatises","None except in section A which has rubrication and small red initials.","185-220 x 115-150mm","1","?","ff. 1-6 written space 138 x 88mm. Pricked and ruled before folding. ff. 7-194: written space variable, occasionally frame-ruled in crayon and dry-point.","Mixed parchment and paper","ii + 207 + ii","30","Thomson 1979, p. 290: The manuscript is now stab-bound, and the following is a possible reconstruction of the quiring: i6 (1-6) | ii10 (7-16) | iii6 (17-22) | iv10 (23-32) v2 (33-34) | vi12 (35-46) vii4 (47-50) viii2 (51-52) ix2 (53-54) x2 (55-56) | xi10 (57-66) xii8 (67-73) | xiii4 (73a-75a) xiv12 (76-87) xv2 (88-89) | xvi2 (90-91) | xvii6 (92-97) xviii10 (98-105a) | xix14 (106-119) xx18 (120-134) wants 12 (after f. 130) and 14 (before f. 131) which are now stubs | xxi6 (135-139a) | xxii10 (140-148) wants 10 (after f. 148) xxiii4 (149-152) | xxiv10 (153-162) | xxv8 (163-168) | xxvi14 (169-179a) | xxvii4 (180-182) | xxviii14 (183-191) wants 7-10 (after f. 189) and 14 (after f. 191) | xxix1 (192) | xxx2 (193-194) probably the original flyleaves.","N/A","Post medieval","SC 15444. ff. 1-6: parchment; 185-195 x 115mm ff. 7-194mm: paper; 205-220 x 145-150mm Medieval leaves foliated 1-71, blank, 72-73, blank, 74-75, blank, 76-104, blank, 105, blank, 106-130, blank, 131-139, blank, 140-166, 2 blank, 167-169, blank, 170-173, blank, 174-179, blank, 180, blank, 181-194. Punctuation in section A; punctus and punctus elevatus.","CJ; Thomson 1979" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.42","s.xv",,,"Martyrology","f. 10r: 3-line gold C on blue and red ground, with green foliage forming partial border. Blue initials with red penwork. Rubrication and some blue lettering. Small red or blue capitals. Similar scheme throughout the MS. Some yellow and red colour touching in section 3.","220 x 155mm approx","1; 2","30-31; 34","Q I has no original text, but is ruled with alternately narrow and wide lines ? possibly for a glossed text, or music? Sections 1 and 2, single col., 30 ?31 lines to a page. Section 3, double cols., 34 lines to a column.","Parchment","98 + iv","12","i1 (post medieval paper) + I4 II6 | III8 ? XII8 | XIII8 + ii4 iii1 (post medieval paper).","N/A","s.xv. Red whittawed leather on boards. Clasps missing. Raised bands on spine.","f. ii v: Notes of 3 Bedfordshire marriages in the fifteenth century (Ampthill and Eyworth are mentioned). Names mentioned include: John Somisby (?); W. Harlewyn (?) filium Johannis; Alicia Legatt Parish of Yslworth? (Isleworth?).","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. e.9","c.1416-25.","1400 - 1450","et viderunt","Book of Hours. Use of Sarum","Almost every part is imperfect, one or more leaves perhaps bearing miniatures having been cut out after ff. 23, 25, 27, 54 and at the end. Only illuminated capitals, borders, etc. are left. Good borders, one historiated and other initials. Borders and larger illuminated initials on ff. 1r, 11v, 27r, 28r, 30v, 35v, 40r, 47r, 49r, 58r, 81v. f. 1r: 7-line initial D, pink and blue on gold ground. Contains an image of a seated Christ behind a crucified christ, with a cleric (John Wakering?) in the foreground, holding up a scroll which reads ?Tibi laus tibi gloria tibi graciar? amo?. Forms part of a broad full border, with interlaced patterns of blue and pink, with green foliage, on gold ground, with the arms of John Wakering (see below) in the four corners. f. 11v: 5-line initial D, containing the arms of John Wakering, Bishop of Norwich: ?Azure three mitres labelled or, impaling ? argent three hawk?s lures sable, a crescent for difference?. (Colour transparency available in Bod L. on Roll 196 S/7). Forms part of full border in gold, blue, pink and green. The other large initials and borders are all blue and pink on gold ground, with green foliage. Smaller gold initials on blue and red ground, with some decoration. Other small gold initials on coloured ground, and blue initials with red penwork. Rubrication.","170 x 115mm approx","1","18",,"Parchment","85 + i (61 used for 2 fols)","12","i1 (now stuck to modern flyleaf) + I8 II6 (probably originally 8 ? judging by the leaf signatures, a bifolium comprising leaves 2 and 7 is lost) III8 IV8 (-3; 2, 5 and 8 cut out) V8 (4, 5 lower sections cut) VI4 | VII8 VIII8 (-1; 8 cut out) IX8 ? XI8 XII8 (-1; 8 cut out) + ii2 (modern paper).","N/A","Post medieval","SC 15777 Almost every part is imperfect, one or more leaves perhaps bearing miniatures having been cut out after ff. 23, 25, 27, 54 and at the end. Only illuminated capitals, borders, etc. are left.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. liturg. f.3","c. 1448","1400 - 1450",,"Book of Hours. Use of Sarum","Leaves, presumably containing miniatures, cut out. Good borders, initials. Small gold initials on blue and red grounds. 16v: 5-line initial D, pink with white highlighting on gold ground, filled and decorated with blue, pink and orange foliage ? forming part of partial border in the same colours. f. 50r (almost identical to 16v). f. 94r ? similar initial, containing arms of crossed shepherd?s crooks on scarlet ground ? better executed initial and border.","160 x 115 mm","1","15-19",,"Parchment","157","20","I8 II8 (-1; 1 lost) III8 ? V8 VI8 (-1; 5 cut out) VII8 VIII8 (-1; 5 cut out) IX8 ? XII8 XIII10 XIV8 - XVII8 XVIII8 (-2; 3, 4 cut out) XIX8 XX8 (8 half cut out).","N/A","Pink leather on boards (see inside of back cover). Worn, English, contemporary. Single clasp, now missing. Three thongs, each pegged into its own hole. Raised bands on spine.","SC 15781 Catalogue says paper. After ff. 8, 43 and 138 leaves have been cut out. On ff. 7 ? 8 is a paschal calendar from 1448 - 1537 Notes and obits of the family of Shepherd with their arms. April 11: 'Nata est Johanna Scheparde anno Domini 1446'. Oct 22: 'Obitus Johannis Scheparde anno domini 1455' f. 50r: family arms, or two shepherd?s crooks in saltire azure. Some of the entries such as the one under 9 March, ?Combusti sunt 5 in vna domo extra Ludgat, 1454?, and the prominence of St Erkenwald point to London as the place of writing. f. 113r ?Obadiah Sherwin? (late s.xvii). No. 1355 in the Francis Pole sale, March 1751, when it was bought by Rawlinson.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Rawl. poet. 151","s.xv",,"And for his ese (but NB; 1 leaf lost)","Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae","f. 1r: 4-line initial T, gold on originally blue and red ground. Ground now very rubbed, but gold largely intact. Elsewhere small alternate blue and red capitals, red notes in the margin, some rubrication.","265 x 175 mm approx","1","34",,"Parchment","iii + 108 + iii","14","i3 (1 raised pastedown) + I8 (-2; 1, 2 lost) II8 ? IV8 V8 (-1; 7 lost) VI8 ? VIII8 IX8 (-1; 4 lost) X8 - XIV8 + ii3 (1 raised pastedown). NB Quire I is a little unusual. The leaf signatures seem to indicate that it was a gathering of six, but the stitching and catchword suggest 8 with two missing).","N/A","s.xv (mid). Originally pink leather over slightly bevelled wooden boards. Sewn on 7 thongs, drawn through and pegged. Raised bands on spine. Repaired in the corners with white leather.","Some mould staining, but generally good condition. The beginnings of other ownership marks are on ii 2r ?v: ?This??, ?This f [??.?]?, and possibly ?London?; in late hand ? s.xvi/xvii?","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Selden sup. 40","s. xv",,,"Ordinal of York use","One 4-line red capital at the beginning, red underlining, colour touching and paraph marks.","210 x 145 mm approx","1","33","Frame ruled (in drypoint?)","Paper","132 + 5","11","i1 (parchment) + I12 ? XI12 + ii4 (parchment).","2.","Red leather on oak boards, worn, clasp missing, s.xv (early?) English. 4 thongs, each pegged into its own hole.","ff. 1, 134 ? 7 are fragments from a Latin 13th century missal (with musical notes) which the catalogues notes that ?Dr H. M. Bannister pronounces to be of the use of York?.","CJ" "Oxford Bodleian Library Wood empt. 15","s.xv1 (before 1448)","1400 - 1450",,"Medical tracts","Blue initials with red penwork at the beginning of each of the three texts. One blue paraph mark.","220 x 150-5 mm approx","1","29","155 x 110 mm frame: square in fine grey lines, top line of text written covering the top line of frame.","Parchment","iii + 116","15","i2 (post medieval paper) ii3 (possibly originally 6, -3; 4 ? 6 canc.) + I8 II10 (-1; 1 canc) | III8 ? XIV8 XV6? (-3; 4 ? 6 canc.) + iii1 (post medieval paper).","N/A","Post medieval","Some damp stains in later leaves.","CJ" "Oxford Brasenose College 14",,,"(missing?): Que est c?","Pupilla Oculi; various other ecclesiastical texts in Latin","Blue initials with red penwork, rubrication, alternate blue and red paraph marks.","295 x 200mm approx","2","55",,"Parchment","ii + 195","17","i2 (post medieval - slip of parchment now bound between 1 and 2) ii2 + I12 ? XI12 XII4 (-1; 4 canc) | XIII12 ? XVII12.","N/A","Post medieval","On deposit in Bodleian. Bound up with an early printed book ?Oficii misse: totius qz canonis expositio? ff. 197r ? 291v. Probably bound together quite early, as the same hand is found on both 196v and the printed book, 197r. NB Following modern pencil foliation. One hand throughout, apart from the texts at the end.","CJ" "Oxford Brasenose College 9","s. xv1/4","1400 - 1450","Of že bryngynge","Nicholas Love","f. 5r: 5 line initial Q, pink on gold ground, filled with blue, and with the abbreviation 'ih'c' inside in gold. Forms part of a full border, in gold, blue and pink, with foliage. In the lower margin and interlinked initials N L in gold on blue and pink ground. f. 7v: 4-line initial A, pink on gold ground, decorated with blue and pink foliage, forming part of a partial border of gold, blue and pink with green foliage f. 43r: 4-line initial W, similar to the initial on f. 7v, but very rubbed and stained. Blue initials with red penwork, rubrication, alternate blue and red paraph marks, catchwords often in scrolls, red running headers. Borders on ff. 5r, 7v, 31r, 43r, 63r and 118v","260-5x190mm","1","32",,"Parchment","ii+148+i","19","i4 (-2; 1, 4 canc. 1 + 4 parch, 2 + 3 paper) + I8-XVIII8, XIX8 (-4; 5-8 canc.)","N/A","Post medieval",,"CJ" "Oxford Corpus Christi College 220","s.xv",,"Quod apostolus","Religious texts","Blue initials, red colour touching, red underlining. Titles in bastard anglicana, with otiose strokes in the top line.","215x153?5 mm","1","33",,"Parchment","iv + 56 + v (inc. unfoliated 1/2 sheet)","7","i4 (-2; 2, 6 canc) + I8 ? VII8 + ii5 (3 = half sheet)","N/A","Post medieval: modern parchment binding.","Flyleaves parts of documents ? s.xv? Outer leaves very dirty and stiff, suggesting that the MS was unbound for a while.","CJ" "Oxford Corpus Christi College 67","s. xv1","1400 - 1450",,"Confessio Amantis","Pages with complete borders at the beginning of books and two miniatures, f. 4v Nebuchadnezzar Image; f. 9v the Confession. Latin summaries in red in text. A blue shield with white merchant's mark was added later to f. 207v; the shield is shown suspended from the branch of a tree with green leaves and red blossoms. Scott 1996, p. 109: 'Very broad margins; capitals tinted yellow; running chapter numbers and lengthy titles in red; one-line blue and gold letters with red and lavender flourishing; two-line gold letters on pale rose/blue ground with sprays (no green) and a few painted motifs in dull colours; at marginal glosses, blue paraph signs flourished in red; at book divisions, full bar-frame borders, with motifs painted in dull colours of blue, rust, and tan and with barbed quatrefoils on frames (f. 70) or characteristic small roundels formed by five spoon leaves'.","403x273mm","2",,,"Parchment","209",,"8s. Catchwords","N/A","Post medieval",,"Macauley 1899; Harris 1993; Scott 1996: II, p. 109" "Oxford Exeter College 52","c. 1484","1450 - 1500","tum propter","Hugo de Sancto Caro","Illuminated borders on fols. 1, 20, 95, 96 by John Bray. Three-line initials at the beginning of chapters are plain blue and not illuminated.","400x270mm","2","60","Each column: 290x80mm. Ruled in crayon.","Parchment","i+155+i",,"I8 (wants 2) II-IX8 X4 XI8 XII8 (wants 1,2) XIII8 (wants 3-6) XIV8 (wants 8) XV (wants 1-6; 7 appears to be attached to a stub) XVI-XXI8 XXII (4+1), Catchwords in scribe's hand; no quire numbers or signatures.","N/A","Stamped leather binding over square-edged wooden boards. Sewn on five bands.","One of MSS 51-68, most of the texts in which are attributed to Hugo de Sancto Caro, were produced in Oxford for Roger Keys, d. 1477. 'So far as is known from the incomplete series of dated colophons and the ex dono inscription, the manuscripts were written between 1452 and the late 1460s' [Exeter College Cat].","Exeter College Cat" "Oxford Exeter College 58","1452","1450 - 1500","Luc. xvj. v. 7","Hugo de S. Caro","Border on f. 1r and spray initials throughout. Blue running titles in uncial, and marginal chapter numbers.","418x280mm","2","60","Ruled in crayon.","Parchment","i+190+i","24","I8, (wants 1, 6), II-XXIV8. Catchwords by scribe, no quire signatures or numbers.","N/A","Stamped leather binding ober square-edged wooden boards. Sewn on seven bands.","One of MSS 51-68, most of the texts in which are attributed to Hugo de Sancto Caro, were produced in Oxford for Roger Keys, d. 1477. 'So far as is known from the incomplete series of dated colophons and the ex dono inscription, the manuscripts were written between 1452 and the late 1460s'.[Exeter College Cat].","Exeter College Cat" "Oxford Lincoln College Lat 129","1427/8","1400 - 1450",,"Grammatical texts","2-line initials ff. 1-24. Capital letters in the ink of the text touched with red.","200x148mm","1","22-40","Written space: 140-75x100mm.","Mixed parchment and paper","ii+120+iii","5","I24 (wants 2 and one leaf after 14), II20 (wants 20 after f. 43), III22 (wants 1 before f. 44), IV26, V30.","See f.44, similar to Briquet Monts No. 11684, dated 1400.","Contemporary parchment cover, repaired.","Paper, and for the outside and middle sheets of each quire, parchment. Incorrect pagination dating from s.xvi runs to 243 on f. 120. Written in mixed secretary and anglicana mainly by Thomas Schort though some items written by other hands. The flyleaf, f. 121, has on the recto a) a drawing of a chalice with letters round the rim and 'Hic est calix noui testamenti', s. xv, and b) in the remaining space, a careful index of items 1-5 in the hand of John Smith who continued it on a space remaining blank on f. 120v.","MMBL III: 630-7" "Oxford Magdalen College Lat. 4","1454 or before",,"inueniam in","Guido ep. Elvensis, OFM, Contra haereses et haereticos","Coloured initials ? blue initials with red penwork forming partial borders. Blue and red paraph marks. Some red underlining.","242 x 165 mm","1","33",,"Parchment","284","36","i4 (1 pastedown, 2-4 canc) + I8 ? XXXIII8 XXXIV8 (-2; 7, 8 canc.) XXXV8 XXXVI8 (-2; 5, 6 canc. 8 raised pastedown).","N/A","White whittawed leather binding over boards (c. 1454/5). Sewn on 5 thongs drawn through and pegged V I V style. Clasp present, though perhaps not the original.","Good condition.","CJ" "Oxford Merton College 248","s.xiv","1350 - 1400",,"Sermons","Not consistent. ff. 1r ? 82r: Some red capitals, paraph marks, colour touching and underlining. ff. 194r ? 209v: Green or black capitals, or at least spaces left for them. 206r: red capitals; some rubrication. Elsewhere none, though spaces have clearly been left for initials to be added.","283-5 x 205 mm approx","2","51-62","Mostly double columns, 51 ? 62 lines per col. 182r ? 193v Single col., 56 lines to a page","Parchment","ii + 226 + ii","25","Complicated ? the following is a suggested reconstruction: i2 (1 half cut away) + I12 II4 | III4 (? ?1; hard to see any signs of cancellation, and no stitching evident) IV12 V12 (-1; 12 canc) VI12 VII2 VIII12 [seems that VII was added to make room for the text following VI, but stub(s) after VIII suggest that it was attached to that quire] IX12 X4 XI12 XII6 (-2; 5-6 canc) XIII12 XIV2 | XV12 XVI12 XVII12 (-1; 12 canc) XVIII12 (-1; 12 canc) XIX6 XX16 (-2; 15, 16 canc.) [this is really a quire of 4, with a quire of 12 inserted in the centre] XXI4 (-2; 3, 4 canc.) XXII12 | XXIII8 XXIV8 (bound in upside down) XXV12 XXVI4 + ii2 NB f. 175 has half a sheet (equivalent to 1 column stitched at the bottom, with what is, I think, a continuation of the same text on it).","N/A","Post medieval. brown velvet over pulp boards and must date from the 17th or 18th century.","Medieval foliation suggests that the first section, to f. 166 was originally part of a larger book. The manuscript was a gift of William Reed, bishop of Chichester, as a 14th century note relates.","CJ" "Oxford Merton College 265","s.xv",,"& in","Roger of Waltham Compendium Morale de virtutibus","f. 1r: 14-line initial S, in red and blue, with penwork in red and violet ? the violet may be unfinished guidelines for further decoration, or simply a more muted colour than the other two inks. Forms part of a full border in red and blue. Elsewhere; smaller blue initials with red penwork, red colour touching and underlining. Red running headers and marginal notes. Some catchwords in decorated scrolls, etc. At the end of quire VI, beside the catchword, is a device consisting of 2 interlocking loops, with ?Thome auge mayster? written in the loops. Edges of leaves red.","205 x 145 mm approx","1","35","Single column, frame ruled. Writing on or above top line.","Parchment","iv + 110","11","i1 (post medieval paper) ii4 + I10 ? XI10 + iii3 (post medieval paper).","N/A","Post medieval: 1st flyleaf is a raised pastedown from an earlier binding, and indicates that it was sewn on four thongs, which were pegged two per hole: V V V","This MS has not been foliated. For purposes of navigating the text, the catchwords at the end of each quire are given below: I 'mei et si' II 'compaciens' III 'diuis hec' IV 'manus suas' V 'dute fidera' VI 'fulta insticia' VII 'tenerunt' VIII no words visible, but the top of what is probably a scroll cropped at the bottom. IX 'securis contra' X 'decorem sed' XI 'effrenatissimis' At least one quire is missing at the end, and probably more, given that much of the text is lost.","CJ" "Oxford Queen's College 307","1381x1419",,"De Arnulpho rege ( fol. 3r)","Ranulf Higden","Eleven to thirteen-line parted initials in red and blue precede each book, with mauve and predominantly red penwork foliate infill and flourishing, and partial borders in red and blue; chapters each with a two-line initial in blue with red penwork flourishing; the index also has three-line initials in blue with red penwork flourishing, A-H only, most of the others with sketched initials, paraphs alternately plain red or blue.","c. 385xc.255m","2","64","Ruled in lead point; usually only the top ruled line extends the full width of the page, each column bounded by single vertical bounding lines; the ruled space c. 280xc. 170-5mm. Prickings usually visible in the upper and lower margins, and occasionally at the fore-edge.","Parchment","i(paper)+138+i(paper)","12","I9, II-XI12 XII10 (-10). Catchwords by scribe. There are at least three series of medieval leaf signatures: one consists just of a letter, without a number, in the centre of the lower margin, 'a' to 'h' in leadpoint, i/j trimmed away, 'k' and 'l' in red ink.","N/A","Post medieval","Later owned by John Dee.","Description taken, with permission, from a 'pre-published' description, available at http://www.queens.ox.ac.uk/library/ms/the-catalogue. The description is from a forthcoming printed catalogue of the Oxford Bibliographic Society. I am grateful to Amanda Saville and Dr Peter Kidd for permission to reproduce the text." "Oxford St John's College 137","s. xvin","1400 - 1450","virtutes","Ovidius moralizatus","Headings in red. Chapters headed by 2-line blue lombards with red flourishing. Red and blue paraphs.","228x165mm","1","34, 35-7","Prickings; bounded and ruled in lead (to fol. 48v) and black ink.","Parchment","iv+84+ii","7","I-VII12. Catchwords in first four quires, on fol. 72v a note in plummet 'vj. Quarteenus'. All leaves in the first half of each quire were originally signed with a letter and a roman (some arabic in quire 5) numeral, but many cut away.","N/A","Post medieval. Sewn on four thongs. At the front, four medieval vellum flyleaves (a four-leaf quire); at the rear, two medieval vellum flyleaves, apparently single (v-vi).","Written in anglicana, by three scribes: scribe 1: fols. 1-38v; scribe two: fols. 39-49, although parts (eg. fol. 45) could be by next; scribe three: fols. 50-84. Scribes 2 and 3 both use secretary a. Scribe one punctuates by occasional medial point; scribe two by occasional double virgula and medial point; scribe three by occasional medial point and infrequent virgula.","Hanna 2002: 200-201" "Oxford St Johns College 142","s.xv3/4","1450 - 1500","ipse metum","Petrarch","At text divisions, 2-line blue lombards on red flourishing and sprays. Headings and frequent marginal notations of subjects in text ink with red boxes. The text broken with red-slashed capitals.","220 X142mm","1","36","No prickings, ruled in lead and black ink. Writing space 147-52x98mm","Mixed parchment and paper","iii+69+iii","9","I-VIII8, IX8 ( - 6, a fragmentary stub; -7, -8). Catchwords in half-boxes near gutter. All leaves in the first half of each quire are signed, with a letter in red ink and a roman numeral in the text ink (in quires 1-2, double signatures, both red ink and roman numerals); quires I-IX = +, a-h","All the paper seems to be of a single stock.","Post medieval. Sewn on five thongs. At the front, a marbled paper leaf, one modern paper flyleaf and one medieval vellum one (probably a former pastedown); at the rear, one medieval vellum flyleaf, one modern paper flyleaf, and another marbled paper leaf.","From fol. 25, entirely vellum. Contains the note 'Iohn morysson williham denys gentylman of myddylsex' on fol. 65, s. xvi in and 'liber Henrici dotyn 1562', fol. iiiv. He was a fellow of Exeter 1554-60 and 1558 and owned Bod. MS Auct D.4.9.","Hanna 2002: 205-6" "Oxford St John's College 266","s. xvex","1450 - 1500","The same tyme","Lydgate, Siege of Thebes","Spaces left for capitals unfilled. Headings, running titles (giving book numbers), and marginal notations of contents in red.","266x190mm","1","39","Writing area: 193x121mm, to the frame, with a separate leading edge gloss column about 40 mm wide. No prickings; bounded and ruled in red ink, the gloss column usually with brown bounds.","Paper","67","9","I-VIII8 IX4 (-1, a stub). No catchwords or signatures.","A: Chien/Hund resembling Briquet 3623 (Dutch and Flemish, 1475x1478) and Piccard XV, 3, no. 1424 (Utrecht, 1480): the principal stock, in the first seven quires and part of the eighth, thirty full sheets and one half-sheet total B: Chien/Hund, probably Briquet, no. 3624 (Dutch and Flemish, 1476 x 1482): part of the eighth and the ninth quires, three full sheets and one half-sheet total.","Post medieval","Written in secretary. Punctuation by virgula, medial point, and a combination of both. Bound with printed book b.2.21.","Hanna 2002: 329-331" "Oxford St John's College 57","s. xvmed",,"And the ri3te","Prick of Conscience","Headings and names of sheriffs and their years in red, with red brackets in item 2; a heading in red for item 4. At the head of item 1, a 5-line lombard in text ink on marginal flourishing, unfilled blanks at the heads of items 2 and 3.","305x215mm","1","Long lines, 31","Written area: 208-15mmx 120-30mm. No prickings; bounded in stylus, no rules.","Paper","iv+241+iii","31","I8 (-2, -3) II-VII8 VIII-XIII8 XIV8 (-8) XV8 XVI8 (-2, 3, 6, 7) XVII-XVIII8 [fol. 137, a booklet boundary] / XIX-XXVIII8 XXIX(-8, probably blank) [fol. 223, a booklet boundary] / XXX8 XXXI8+1 (+5). Catchwords; all leaves in the first half of the quire signed with a roman numeral.","A: Waage/Balance: resembles Piccard V 5, nos 258-319, 382-4 in common use 1441x1499; and Briquet's no. 2446 (1443), but here on two chain-lines (Piccard's type II), not three (his type III) in all the examples illustrated; the sole stock of booklet I, sixty-seven full sheets and three half-sheets. B Drache/Basilic: most like, but not identical with, Briquet no. 2692 (1460), with the mark at right angles to the chain-line, two wings and a twisted (not looped) tail; the sole stock of booklets 2-3, fifty full sheets and two half-sheets.","A modern replacement. Sewn on six thongs. At the front, a modern paper flyleaf and three of medieval vellum; fol. i is glued to the stub of f. iv, replacing its conjoint, presumably the pastedown of the medieval binding; ff. ii and iii are a conjoint bifolium. At the rea, two medieval flyleaves and one of modern paper (v-vii), f. vii is glued to f. vi, and the latter leaf was a pastedown in an earlier binding.","Written by a single scribe in anglicana, with some secretary, sporadic use of secreaty 'g' and simplified 'w'. Punctuation by medial point and double virgula (the verse unpunctuated). Given by John Davenant, a taverner and mayor of Oxford at his death in 1621, to the College.","Hanna 2002: 75-7" "Oxford Wadham College 13","s. xv3","1450 - 1500",,"Confessio Amantis","A scroll reading 'dedwood Iohan' on f. 1 ends in elaborately drawn foliage sprays in red and black ink extending the length of the right hand margin of the page. There are red and black initials, paraphs, underlining (in the part written by the second scribe only) and running titles.","290 x 210 mm","1","30-48","Not ruled.","Paper","450",,"Quires of eights. Catchwords.","N/A","Post medieval","Scribe 1 (beginning to f. 169v, ff. 272r-287v): Scribe 2 (ff. 170r-271v, 288r to end).","Macaulay 1899; Harris 1993" "San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.A.13","s. xv med","1400 - 1450","I - Eschewe žou žat; II - For seven maidenes","Lydgate and Hoccleve","Booklet 1: Opening initials, ff. 1 and 18, 5-line parted red and blue infilled with void leaf designs, and with cascade in red, blue and ink of the text, ending in red flourishes; 3-line blue initials with void leaf infilling and red flourishes in the margins; unornamented 1-line initials alternating red and blue; paragraph marks and underlining in red. Booklet 2: 6-to-4 line initials in ink of text decorated with a man's profile and tinted yellow; versals touched in yellow. On back parchment flyleaf, ruled as part I with 3 bounding lines in ink, but no horizontal lines, a rough sketch of a man with a sword in the costume of the time of Henry VIII.","283x205mm",,"1: 28 lines of verse on 36 ruled. 2: 42","I - written space 165x100mm. Frame ruled in ink on three sides (omitting the bottom) with horizontal rules in crayon II - written space 200x 115mm. Ruled in ink.","Parchment","ii (modern paper)+ iv ( parchment) + I (paper)","16","Booklet 1: I8, II10 (-10 after f. 17), III-VIII8, IX-X8 (three centre bifolia in these 2 quires exchanged from one quire to the other), XI-XIII8, XIV8 (+ 9, 10). Booklet II- XV8, XVI4. Catchwords in ornamented brown ink frames. Quire and leaf signatures in 2 contemporary systems: the first seems to be 'ad hoc' symbols for the quires and roman numerals for the leaves, placed in the lower right corner; the second system uses a cross for the first quire, thereafter letters, with roman numerals for the leaves, placed in the centre of the lower margin.","N/A","Post medieval. Bound c1840, in purple morocco, gold tooled with the Bridgewater crest stamped on front and back covers; marbled endpapers; gilt edges.",,"Dutschke 1989: 35-39" "San Marino Huntington Library Ellesmere 26.C.9","s. xvin","1400 - 1450","So hoote","Chaucer, Canterbury Tales","23 miniatures (one of each of the pilgrims). 6-to-4-line white highlighted initials in blue, pink and red on a gold ground, infilled with leaf designs, with 3/4 bar and foliage border in the same colours, including daisy buds, interlace and the occasional grotesque. Paraph marks alternating in blue with red flourishing or in gold with grey-blue flourishing up to f. 48, thereafter in gold with purple.","394x284mm","1","48","Ruled in reddish brown ink; double bounding rules the full length and width of the page, enclosing the text space; a double rule across the upper margin for running headlines; a single vertical rule in the outer margin to frame gloss space. Round prick marks in the 3 outer margins, sometimes cropped, with a double set designating the second line from the bottom. Written space : 310-315x165-167mm.","Parchment","ii (m/p)+ iv (c/p) +232 + iv (c/p) + ii (m/p)","29","I-XXIX8 Catchwords trimmed, the only visible remainder at the end of quire 23, on f. 184v.","N/A","Bound probably in 1911 by Riviere and Son in dark green morocco, with the Egerton arms stamped in gold on the front cover.",,"Dutschke 1989: 41-50" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 111","s. xv1/4","1400 - 1450","O womman žat","Hoccleve, poems","2-line initials in blue with red pen flourishing.","210×155mm","1","20-25","Written space: 155-170 × 97 mm","Parchment","ff. i + 47 + i","6","I8 (lacks 1; 7 and 8 have been moved, now forming ff. 1 and 2) II-V8 VI10(-9, 10). Catchwords towards the centre of the lower margin; leaf signatures in roman numerals in upper right corner (e.g. ff. 9-11).","N/A","Post medieval. Bound, s. XVIIin, in brown calf with the arms of Henry, Prince of Wales.",,"Dutschke 1989" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 114","s. xvmed","1400 - 1450","lewed men","Piers Plowman","Standard 'I' x 5 lines, red flourishing extends in left and top margins; passus initials likewise. Red paraphs.","215x140mm","1","26-36","Frame ruling only in dry point or lead. Writing: 165x100","Paper","325+ii (parchment)","20","I-VI16, VII18, VIII16, IX16 (lacks 7, 10 with loss of text), X-XVI16 (+one leaf, f. 261, inserted between 5 and 6), XVIII16(+5 and 6 singletons, ff. 278, 279), XIX16, XX16 (+10 and 17, ff. 317, 324). Catchwords in all except quires 12 and 20; boxed in red or brown. Leaf signatures, mainly cropped, in arabic numerals.","Similar to Briquet 11895 (Florence 1434); 7514 (Genoa 1383); 3981 (Holland 1419).","Post medieval. 18C in 'English tan calf'.","Dialect - South Essex. Notes, s. XVI, include ?Richard,? whose name appears in the initials of the back flyleaves, and ?Thomas Browne,? who signed his name on f. 299v and on the back flyleaf ii verso.","Benson and Blanchfield 1997; Dutschke 1989: 150-152" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 130","s.xivex/xvin",,"Euer to knowe","Prick of Conscience","4- to 2-line initials in red, without ornamentation; rubrics and Latin quotations in red.","235×160mm","1","28-35","Written space: 160-185 × 90-98mm. Ruled in lead; pricking visible on inner and outer margins of many leaves.","Parchment","120","15","I8(-1), II2-IV8, V10, VI-XIV8, XV8(8 blank, now as pastedown). Catchwords, each with a red paragraph mark and many enclosed in a red or brown ink frame; quire and leaf signatures of letters and roman numerals through the first 5 quires.","N/A","Bound, s. xv, in leather over bevelled oak boards with the remains of a chemise of whittawed leather with flaps at top and fore edge; strap to missing pin on back cover.","On f. 120v: an erasure, ?explicit ,? in the original hand; ?Unto žat same ioye he//?; ?Memorandum God and houre lady that best may sawe al marchaunts by nyght and be day and be ther sped amen quod Willme Smart? ); ?Memorandum dum sumus in mondo [sic] vivamus corde Iocondum [sic]. Da bona cum tua sunt poste [sic] mortem Tunc tua non sunt, Smart.? Early sixteenth century compositor?s marks on ff. 1-52","Dutschke 1989" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 1336","s.xvmed",,"lentigo","Medicine","1-line initials (item 2) slashed in red, rubrics, paragraph marks and line fillers in red. On f. 13 there is a rough sketch of two faces.","216?19 x 145 (167?178 x 110) mm.","1","30-34","Frame ruled in ink.","Parchment"," i (mod. parchment) + i (medieval parchment) + 36 + i (mod. parchment) + i (medieval parchment)","4","I10 II8 III12 (wants 6, 7) IV8. Quire III is of separate origin to the rest of the manuscript. It has no leaf signatures, ruling or red decoration, and is written by a different hand.","N/A","Bound in the C19 in green parchment over pasteboards, gold tooled.","The flyleaves, which once formed the wrappers of the book, are from a late s.xiv or early s.xv English liturgical book, possibly a missal. Leaves signed in Roman numerals.","Dutschke 1989: II, 562-564" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 26959","1430","1400 - 1450","meus in seipsam","Vincent of Beauvais","Opening initial, 6-line, in a German or Dutch style in light blue with red flourishing and infilled with void leaf designs; secondary initials, 3- or 2-line, bulbous and plain in the same light blue, with guide letters visible; alternating red and light blue paragraph marks. In quire 1, 1-line initials tinted yellow. Sources cited underscored in red; rubrics throughout.","178 × 120mm","1","26 long lines","Written space: 115 × 67 mm, ruled in ink with the top and bottom 2 lines full across.","Parchment","ff. i (modern paper) + 97 + i (modern paper)","12","I-XI8 XII8(+9). Catchwords in lower right margin, most enclosed by scrolls; quire 1 with no visible signatures; quires 2-12, marked +, a-k and the leaves in roman numerals.","N/A","Post medieval. Bound, s. XVIII, in quarter calf; marbled paper boards; morocco label on the spine: ?Quartum Speculum Vincentii MS 1438.?","Written by 2 scribes: 1, ff. 1-8v in an anglicana formata hand probably by an Englishman; 2, ff. 9-97 in an anglicana formata hand possibly by a foreigner working in London.","Dutschke 1989" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 55","1440","1400 - 1450","Ther was","Life of St. Norbert","Opening historiated initial for the prologue, f. 1, 14-line, in pink outlined in gold, depicting Capgrave in black robes kneeling and offering his book to Wygenhale who wears the white habit of the Premonstratensians; gold and colour bar border the length of the text with sprays into the upper and lower margins of self shaded blue and pink leaves ending in small green leaves and gold dots. Opening initial for the text, f. 2, 4-line, in gold on white-patterned blue ground with pink infilling, with small marginal spray of green leaves, daisies and gold dots; in the upper margin a pen outline of the initial. 2-line blue initials with red flourishing; versals stroked in red; red verse brackets to the right of the text; red paragraph marks at the beginning of each stanza; stanzas numbered in red to the right of the text.","258 × 170mm","1","35","Written space: 160 × 97mm, ruled in lead; another rule across the upper margin 10 mm. above the text frame; pricking visible in upper and lower margins.","Parchment","59 + i","8","I-VII8 VIII4(-4); the inner bifolium of quire 6 has been reversed in binding, transposing ff. 44 and 45. Catchwords horizontally in the right corner on ff. 16v, 24v, 32v (underlined in red), 40v. Quire and leaf signatures in ink of the text in letters (beginning with ?a? in quire 2) and arabic numerals; in quire 5, f. 34 is signed ?d? in red ink (the number presumably cropped).","N/A","Bound, s. xv, in leather over oak boards; evidence of 2 fore edge clasps closing to pins on the back cover; joints repaired; evidently resewn.","On the back pastedown, now lifted and foliated as f. i recto and verso: '[disci-]//pulus. Numquid aliud iudex nunciat aliud preco clamat. An simul et odisse possumus et diligere?Nam et ihesus vester dum hec predicaret iudei illum crucis patibulo affixerunt. Andreas respondit O si//' Unfinished leaf of a breviary from the end of a homily of Gregory (PL 76:1275) in the common of a martyr, presumably for Saturninus through part of the 4th lesson for Andrew.","Dutschke 1989" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 744","s. xv1/4-med","1400 - 1450","[f. 26] Thus fro","Didactic pieces; Hoccleve","On f. 1, 3-line red opening initial; 2-line blue initials with red flourishing in arts. 2-6; 2-line spaces reserved for initials in arts. 7-10. 2-line blue initials with red flourishing, probably by the same person who decorated arts. 2-6 in the first section of the book.","233 × 160mm","1","29-32","Written space: 147-150 × 100-105 mm. In the first section, arts. 1-10 (quires 1-2), frame ruled in ink with horizontal rules in crayon. In the Hoccleve section (quires 3-8), 21 lines of verse (3 stanzas), ruled in crayon with top and bottom 2 lines full across; other horizontal lines generally not visible; pricking along outer margin of many leaves.","Parchment","ii (contemporary parchment) + 68 + ii (c.p.)","8","I-II12(to f. 24) III-V8 64(to f. 52) VII8(2 centre bifolia bound in exchanged order) VIII8. In the Hoccleve section (quires 3-8), catchwords towards centre lower margin; quire and leaf signatures in red ink as letters and roman numerals, with ?c? in this section?s third quire (now the fifth) and ?e? in its fifth (now the seventh); leaves of present quires 5-7 also signed with roman numerals in brown ink in upper right corner. 21 lines of verse (3 stanzas), ruled in crayon with top and bottom 2 lines full across; other horizontal lines generally not visible; pricking along outer margin of many leaves.","N/A","Bound, s. XVI-XVII, in old limp leather; much repaired.","On the front flyleaf, f. ii verso, 6 medical recipes, s. xv/xvi, for ?the pestelens,? ?sor ien,? ?sor iuyntis in his anclez or knes,? ?the sam dissese,? ?sor scholdre? and ?a manis nek pat is in pe synnews in pe nap of a manus neke or wounding.? On the first back flyleaf, numerous pen trials including the proverb, ?Sepe rogare, rogata tenere, retenta docere? (Walther, Proverbia 27263, first line only) and a sketch of a bagpipe. In the first section, arts. 1-10 (quires 1-2), 29-32 lines of prose or verse, frame ruled in ink with horizontal rules in crayon. Written in 4 hands in anglicana formata and in bastarda scripts: i, ff. 1-3v (art. 1); ii, ff. 3v (verses) -7 line 3 (by the same person as i); iii, ff. 7 line 4-13 (through art. 6) (possibly by the same person as i and ii); iv, ff. 13v-24v (arts. 7-10). Written in England, its various parts at different times: the date of 1386 in the Easter table is the date of composition rather than the date of this manuscript, whose first 2 quires were probably copied towards the middle of the fifteenth century; the Hoccleve section was copied by the poet himself during the first quarter of the century; the 2 parts of the inventory on the back flyleaf are dated 1444 on the verso and 1463 on the recto (in the same hand). Although the inventory is not signed, it probably lists the belongings of the Filer family: the name ?Thomas Fyler? occurs 3 times on the front flyleaf, f. ii; in the Easter table are birth (?) and death notices of members of the family: ?Thomas Filer Obitus pater meus Anno domino Ml iiiic xxiiii,? ?obitus Iohn Filer 1444,? ?Ioha[nnes],? ?Thomas,? ?Robertus,? ?Edwar[dus],? ?John,? ?Margeret,? ?William,? ?Obitus Iohn Filer 1471 en August,? ?Obitus Thomas Filer In november 1473? (the last 2 entries in a different hand); note the spelling ?en? for ?in? in the inventory and in the obit. A Thomas Fyler appears in lists dated 1461 (twice) and 1474 in L. Lyell and F. D. Watney, eds., Acts of Court of the Mercers? Company 1453-1527 (Cambridge 1936) 52, 55, 78. Various members of a Filer or Fyler family listed, 1479-82, in M. Fitch, ed., Index to Testamentary Records in the Commissary Court of London, 1374-1488 (London 1969) 70.","Dutschke 1989" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 923","s. xiv2/4","1300 - 1350","habeant terras","Statutes","6- to 4-line parted red and blue initials infilled with grotesques in void technique on ff. 1, 133, 149; the initial on f. 1 also with red and blue cascade border, the others with red and blue flourishing; 6- to 2-line parted red and blue initials with infilling of leaf designs; 4- to 2-line alternating red initials with blue flourishing or blue with red; 2- and 1-line plain red and blue initials, alternating; red and blue paragraph marks; on ff. 205-207v (art. 66), initials in red only; no decoration on ff. 142-148v, 201-204, 208v-214v. Some nota bene hands, rubrics and paragraph marks embellished with small profile heads (e.g., ff. 17, 25v, 44v, 191). Running headlines with red and blue paragraph marks through f. 85; thereafter undecorated. Finding notes in the hands of the scribes.","230 × 154mm","1","Usually 28-32 long lines","Written space: 163-176 × 93-97 mm, ruled in lead, with double vertical bounding lines for the written space, and with additional sets of double rules in the 3 outer margins; slash prick marks in the 3 outer margins.","Parchment","ii (modern paper) + i (parchment)+ 217 + ii (modern)","28","I-III8 IV4 V-IX8 X4(to f. 72) XI12 XII-XXII8 XXIII12 XXIV-XXV8 XXVI4(to f. 204) XXVII2 XXVIII10(-9; +2 leaves at the end). Catchwords in inner lower margin. Quires numbered, s. xv, in the inner lower margin of the first leaf recto in lead, using roman numerals.","N/A","Post medieval","Written in anglicana scripts by one main scribe, with portions of text added by possibly as many as 8 other scribes; the main scribe: ff. 1-51, 69-72v and probably ff. 73-140v, 149-200v, 209-210v; the other 8 scribes: i, ff. 51v-52 (art. 38); ii, ff. 53-68v (quires 8, 9); iii, ff. 142-148 (line 12), 201-204, 211-214v (arts. 54-59, 63-64, 69-73); iv, ff. 148 (lines 12-14; art. 60); v, ff. 148 (lines 15-31) -149 (lower margin; art. 61); vi, f. 204v (beginning of art. 65); vii, ff. 205-207v (art. 66); viii, f. 208v (art. 67).","Dutschke 1989" "San Marino Huntington Library HM 932","1447","1400 - 1450","et In cura","Statutes of London","Two historiated initials, ff. 2v (12-line) and 10v (7-line), depicting respectively Bishop Roger Niger and Archbishop William Courtenay, each with 2 monks, attributed to the artist William Abell; see Alexander1972. On f. 2v, initial in gold on blue and pink ground with extending acanthus leaves. On f. 11v, 8-line particolored initial with foliage spray. 2-line initials in gold on white-patterned blue/maroon grounds with sprays of green lobes and gold motifs, at the table of contents, the chapters of the first statute and the texts on f. 13r-v. Initials within the text tinted yellow. Paragraph marks alternating blue with red flourishing or gold with blue. Decorated ascenders with strapwork, feathering or scrolling often tinted yellow; flamboyant descenders. Chapters of the first statute numbered in red arabic numerals in the outer margin.","304 × 242mm","1","35 long lines","Written space: 222 × 138mm, ruled in red ink, top 2 lines full across.","Parchment","ff. iii (modern paper) + 14 + iii (modern paper)","2","I12(-2) II4(-3)","N/A","Post medieval. Bound, s. XVIII, in blue morocco, gold tooled, with the Rawlinson crest stamped in gold on the front and back covers.","Written in a bastard secretary script by Ricardus Franciscus; see Scott 1968.","Dutschke 1989" "Tiverton, Parish Church of St Peter (Hours)","s.xv in; 1438","1400 - 1450",,"Hours of the BVM (Sarum); Calendar; table of eclipses.","Initials: (i) 5-line, in pink and blue patterned with white on decorated (including green) gold grounds, extended to frame all four sides. (ii) 2-line, in gold, on grounds of pink and blue patterned with white, marginal sprays. (iii) 1-line, blue with red ornament, or gold with mauve ornament. Line fillers in Litany only in blue and gold. Capitals letters in the ink of the text filled with yellow.","258 x 180mm","1","20","Written space: 163 x 100mm.","Parchment","89 + i","13","I8 II8 (wants 1 before f. 9) III8 IV2 (outer bifolium of quire of (?) 8, wants 2-7 after f. 24) V-VI8 VII8 (wants 1 before f. 42; 8 after f. 47) VIII-XII8 XIII2.","N/A","Post medieval: s.xix 'Repaired by Clerk Sharland 1830', f. 89v.","Written in England. Supplemented by William Worcester in 1438. In the calendar: s.xv/xvi: 'Obiit Willelmus Ryngstune litera dominicalis A', 15 Dec; 'pape' and the feasts of Thomas of Canterbury erased. f. 90: 'John Hopar' s.xvi f.90: 'Isty Liber Partinet Anne [?] s.xvi. Said to be part of the library bequeathed by Revd John Newte, d. 1715. At Tiverton Church Library in 1861; see letter kept with MS. On the cover is the bookplate 'Thys boke is one and God's kors ys anoder' (IMEV 3580).","MMBL IV: 494-95" "Ushaw, St Cuthbert's College, 8","s.xvin","1400 - 1450","audiuit","Book of Hours (Sarum)","Calendar in gold, blue, red and black. Crucifixion picture missing before f. 103, 'Te igitur'. Initials: (i)7/5 line, eight in art. 2 and to arts 5b, 8-10, in pink or blue shaded with white, on decorated gold grounds, extended to form a continuous frame on most pages (ii) 2-line, gold on deep pink and blue grounds patterned with white (iii) 1-line, blue with red ornament, or gold with dark blue ornament. Line fillers in blue and deep pink. Capital letters in the ink of the text and the cadells in art. 11 filled with yellow.","357 x 242mm","2","24, or 8 lines + 4-line staves","Written space 253 x 170mm. Ruled in violet ink.","Parchment","iv + 184 + iv","24","I6 II-XIII8 XIV8 (wants 1 before f. 103) XV-XIX8 XX6 (+ 1 leaf, f. 153, after 4) XXI-XXIII8 XXIV6 wants 5, 6 (blank?). Quires 2-12, in an inferior hand, are signed a-m","N/A","Post medieval: s.xviii; gilt and goffered edges.","Foliated (i-iv) 1-106, 107A, 108-83, (184-7). Pape erased, but not the feasts of Thomas of Canterbury.","MMBL IV: 514-16" "Westminster School 3","s. xvin","1400 - 1450","sožfastli","Middle English Religious Prose","Blue initials with red ornament, 4-line (f.1), 3-line, and 2-line.","196x135mm","1","24-32","Writing space: c. 130x85mm, and from f. 181 to the end, c. 158x98mm.","Parchment","iii+232+i","30","I-IX8 / X-XIII8/ XIV-XVII8 / XVIII-XIX8 XX10/ XXI-XXII8 XXIII2 / XXIV-XXVI8/ XXVII-XXIX8 XXX4","N/A","A late fifteenth- or early sixteenth-century binding of brown leather. The binding stamp was first used in the 1480s by the Cambridge 'Unicorn Binder'. One or two metal clasps still remain.","Scribe A: booklets I-V in anglicana formata; scribe B: booklet VI in bastard anglicana; scribe C: booklet VII in textura.","Hanna 1988; MMBL I: 422-4" "Winchester Cathedral 15","s.xv med",,"Hec est","Versus grammaticales; Theodolus; Avianus; Promptorium parvulorum","Unfilled spaces for initials. Capital letters in the ink of the text lined with red ff. 34-8.","345 x 250mm","1 (114r-227v: 2 cols)","Varies: 35-45","Written space: 245-65 x 168-80mm. Long lines ff. 1r-113r; 114r-227v 2 cols, 33-45 lines.","Paper","i + 227 + ii","16","I20 (wants 1, 15-10 (blank) after f. 13) II-III20 IV18 (wants 13-17 (blank) after f.65) V12 VI16 VII22 (wants 20-2 (blank) after f. 113) VIII-IX16 X-XIV12 XV14 XVI8","Not noted in Ker, MMBL.","Contemporary: bevelled wooden boards covered with pink leather, now faded to dirty white; six bands, two clasps, now missing.","Parchment endleaves; parchment strips between and at centres of quires.","MMBL IV: 592-94" "Yale University, Beinecke MS 494"," s. xv1/4","1400 - 1450","fader","Brut","Plain initials, 9- to 2-line, in blue, throughout text. Headings and chapter numbers in red, with blue spiral line-fillers. Paragraph marks for headings in blue, for text in blue or red. Remains of guide-letters for rubricator.","282 x 196 mm","2","37","Written space:198 x 128 mm. Ruled in crayon, with double upper horizontal bounding lines and single vertical bounding lines, full across and full length. Prickings in all margins except inner.","Parchment","ii+102","14","I-II8, III8 (-6 through 8, after f. 24), IV8 (-3 through 6, after f. 26),V-VI8, VII8 (-8, after f. 51), VIII8 (-1, 2, before f. 52), IX-XIV8 (f. 104=stub only). Catchwords under inner column in lower margin, verso, often accompanied by paragraph mark, rectangular enclosures, etc., in red or blue; quire and leaf signatures (e. g., g j, g ij, g iij, etc.) in black or red, in right lower margin, recto.","N/A","Binding: s. xv. Original wound, caught up sewing on four tawed, slit straps. Boards made of bifolios of vellum with a piece of leather wrapped around them, but not covering the spine. Sewing breaking.","Written by at least two scribes in neat Anglicana formata. Parchment is stained and worn; some portions of text illegible. The early provenance of the codex is complex and cannot be arranged with certainty in chronological order; its association, s. xv, with a Dominican convent in Suffolk or Chelmsford is suggested by the obituary calendar on the front flyleaves.","Beinecke Cat" "York Minster Add. 2","s.xv1","1400 - 1450","O Amen [f. 5r]","Horae Eboracenses (The Bolton Hours)","47 rather crude full-page pictures, all except two (ff. 185, 208) now arranged on the rectos and versos of the leaves in four quires (6, 15, 18, 29), with two original bifolia (ff. 124/127 and 125/26). ff. 33-40v: Trinity (including four kneeling figures, each with a scroll: son 'O pater o nate tu spiritus alme uocate', father 'Quod petimus a te concede tua pietate', mother 'Celica magestas trinus deus vna potestas', daughter 'Premia qui prestas nos castas fac et honestas'. George (reproduced in Quaritch catalogue (1931, Item 36), Gethsemane/Betrayal Visitation/Annunciation Nativity/Resurrection Ascension/Pentecost Peter ('Pretre')/Thomas of Canterbury John Baptist/William of York Cuthbert/Sytha (including a suppliant woman in blue) ff. 105r-108v: Peter 'de Melane'/Mary Magdalene Nicholas/Lucy Martin/Giles Gregory/Bridget (In brown holding a pen and scroll 'Ecce sponsa christi') ff. 123r-128v: Michael (including a suppliant woman in blue)/Margaret Edmund k. and m./Paul Thomas ap./James the less James the great/John ev. Phillip/Matthew Simon/Thadeus f. 185rv: Dominic/B.V.M with Child and eagle ff. 202r-205v: Anthony/Richard (? Scrope: archbishop with a windmill in his right hand) Leonard/Katherine Laurence/Bartholomew Andrew/Christopher f. 208r: Christ on the rainbow flanked by angels blowing trumpets and below ten figures naked save two in crowns and one in a mitre flanked by Peter holding up key at a fortified gate on the left and bear-like hell's mouth on right (verso blank). Each apostle, martyr and confessor is named at the foot in red, in a contemporary hand except 'Lucia' (s.xv) and 'Dominicke' (s.xvi). Eleven smaller pictures to arts 1a, 2, 8c, 14a, b, 18a and 20d-h, q.v. A dove in the upper margin of f.186r Initials: (i) to each hour of 41r-75v and to 78r-96v (seated tonsured figure with a hand on the head of a kneeling woman), 109r-122r (God holding up a sheet containing 14 faces) and 129r-65r, 6- or 5-line, pink or blue shaded with white on gold grounds, historiated (in ff. 41r-75v, B.V.M. and Child at Matins, kneeling man at Lauds, and Passion series Prime-Compline, ff. 41r, 49r, 57v, 62r, 64v, 66v, 69r, 71v). (ii) 2-line, in gold, on deep pink and blue grounds patterned with white. (iii) 1-line gold with violet ornament, or blue with red ornament. Line fillers in Litany in blue and gold with red and violet ornament. Continuous borders on pages with type (i) initials.","150 x 104mm","1","16","Written space: 107 x 70mm.","Parchment","iv + 210 + iv","30","iv + I4 (ff. 1-4) II8 (ff.5-12) III4 (ff. 13-16) IV10 V6 VI8 (ff. 33-40) VII-XIV8 XV4 (ff. 105-8) XVI8 XVII6 XVIII6 (ff. 123-28) XIX-XXV8 XXVI1 (f. 185) XXVII-XXVIII8 XXIX4 (ff. 202-5) XXX5 (ff. 206-10) + iv","N/A","Post medieval: in a careful medieval style by John Henderson of York, c. 1970.","Lent by Mr Thomas Fairfax of London to Dr (George) Harbin, 21 July 1715. Sotheby Sale, 12 Apr. 1927, lot 527. Quaritch, Catalogue of Illuminated and other Manuscripts (1931), item 36 (£550). Bought by the Dean and Chapter of York in 1943, see Friends of York Minster, 16th Report (1944), 14-18 and 17th Report (1945), 27-8.","MMBL IV: 786-91" "York Minster Add. 30","s.xv med",,"f. 11: serotinum","Missal","Initials: (i) 4-7 line in blue, pink, or orange shaded to white, on decorated gold grounds. (ii) 2-line, in gold, on pink or pink and blue grounds patterned with white, a few with marginal sprays. (iii) 1-line, gold with brown ink ornament, or blue with red ornament (after f. 211r without ornament). Continuous or part borders on pages with type (i) initials.","418 x 292mm","2","35-6, 33, 28","Written space: c. 270 x 160 mm, or, from f. 132r, 170-200mm. ff. 129r-131v: 33 lines, 28 lines in the Canon of the Mass, ff. 121r-123r.","Parchment","v+235+iv","30","I6, II8 (wants 1 before f. 11), III8 (wants 2 after f. 18), IV-XIV8, XV8, XVI-XXVI8, XXVII8 (wants 6 after f. 217), XXIII-XXX8. Quires 2-30 signed a-z.","N/A","Contemporary binding of white boards covered with white skin, repaired, seven bands, two strap and pin fastenings, straps renewed and one pin missing, chemise.","Modern foliation, allowing for presumed gaps. At least 7 hands: ff. 1-114v, 116-25; 115rv; 127-128v; 125-126v, 129-147v; 148-204v; 205-235v; 236-243.","MMBL IV: 800-802" "York Minster XVI.D.2","s.xvin","1400 - 1450","if žei hadden","Commentaries on the Sunday Gospels (in English)","Gospel quotations at first written in a larger size of textura on alternate lines, but from f. 39v underlined in red. Initials: (i): f. 1 4-line, red and blue A, with saw-pattern ornament. (ii) to each Sunday, 3-line, blue with red ornament.","292 x 202mm","2","50","Written space: 204 x 133mm","Parchment","v + 225 + iii","30","i2 + I-IV8 V8 (wants 1 before f. 33 and 5 between ff. 36 (which belongs after f. 34) and 35) VI8 (wants 7 after f. 44) VII-IX8 X8 (wants 6 after f. 74) XI-XVIII8 XIX8 (wants 2 after f. 141) XX-XXIII8 XXIV (wants 1 before f. 180 and 3 after f. 180) XXV8 (wants 7 after f. 191) XXVI8 (wants 3 after f. 194) XXVII8 (wants 1 before f. 200) XXVIII8 XXIX8 (wants 7 after f. 220) XXX4. Quires signed in the normal late-medieval way, but with numbers (1-29) in place of letters.","N/A","Post medieval: Rust-mark from chaining, ff. iii-iv on side near foot. The last of eight manuscripts listed in the bindings book at 17 Nov. 1820: 'Calf neat' cost 11s. 9d. MS Add. 384 p. 68. Owned by Marmaduke Fothergill and annotated by him, f. v verso, inter alia with a reference to Richard Stradel, abbot of Dore d. 1346, as author of homilies on the gospels and the Pater Noster, misleading later cataloguers and the 1820 binder, who stamped on the spine 'Dr STRADEL ON THE GOSPELS AND THE PATER NOSTr'.","Written in England. f. 116v scribble, and cf. f. 117 scribble: 'Jasper Cyrher' (?), s.xv (?) Given by Marmaduke Fothergill's widow in 1737.","MMBL IV: 695-96" "York Minster XVI.I.5","s.xiii in",,"in uia","P. Lombardus, In Psalmos, etc.","Initials: (i): f. 1r and to Pss. 1 and 26: red and blue, with green and pale yellow ornament, on pink grounds. (ii): To Pss 38, 52, 68, 80, 97, 109: red and blue with ornament of both colours. (iii) To other psalms: 2-line (1-line, ff. 97v-115r) in red or blue, with ornament of the other colour. (iv): to verses, 1-line, red or blue.","287-220mm","2","47-54 comm; 23-27 text","Written space: 162 x 125mm. First line of commentary above top ruled line, except ff. 87r-116v. Pricks in both margins in some quires.","Parchment","v+196+iv","21","v+ I10 (+1 (f.3) ins. after 2) II-IV10 V8 VI9 (ff. 50-58, ff. 52-55 form a bifolium) VII8 VIII-XII10 XIII-XVI8 XVII-XX10 XXI8 + iv ff. iv-v, 197 are a medieval pastedown and flyleaves.","N/A","Post medieval: by O. Sumner for 19s. 6d","Medieval arabic foliation, ff. 1-193. Column numbering, a,b on rectos, c, d on versos, ff. 1-80r, 175v-193. Written in England 'psalterium cum communi glosa. et glosatum per petrum lombardum precii xiii s' iiii d'', s.xiv.","MMBL IV: 712-713" "York Minster XVI.K.16","s.xv in","1400 - 1450","ke cil","Collationes quadragesima, etc.","Initials: (i) to ff. 1r-91v and 159r-196v; 3- and 4-line, blue with red ornament. (ii) 2-line, as (i).","195 x 128mm","1","23","Written space: c. 128 x 78mm.","Parchment","v + 197 + iii","27","ff. iii-v, 198 are medieval pastedowns and flyleaves. I-IV8 V6 VI6 (+1 (f. 42) after 3) VII-VIII8 IX4 X6 (+1 (f. 69) after 3) XI-XIV8 XV4 (+4 single leaves (ff. 108-11) after 2) XVI-XX8 XXI7 (ff. 153-58) XXII6 (1 and 6 are single leaves) XXIII-XXV8 XXVI6 XXVII4 (wants 4 (?blank). Quires 1-15, 20-1 signed in red, a-o, t-v","N/A","Post medieval: Twenty-first in the list of books sent for rebinding or repair in Oct 1822, see York MS XVI.K.2; 6s.",,"MMBL IV: 733-734" "York Minster XVI.K.6","s. xvin","1400 - 1450","Hora prima","Horae","No pictures originally; eight cuttings from other books attached to ff. 26v (two: St Clare with gold monstrance; SS Anthony- with bell and pig, George- in armour with sword and reliquary, and Roche - as a pilgrim, with wounded thigh), 27 (IHC in a heart), 44v (tinted woodcut, inscribed), 45 (s. xiii, Christ before Pilate washing his hands), 94 (Holy Face), 106 (female saint and dog), and 108 (Christopher carrying Christ Child). Initials: 5-line mostly, in colours on gold grounds, historiated. Line-fillers in red and blue. Capital letters in the ink of the text lightly touched in yellow.","215x162mm","1","19 long lines","Written space: c. 150x108mm.","Parchment","iv+119+ii","17","I6, II-III8, IV10,V-VI2, VII-X8, XI6, XII-XVI8, XVII8 (wants 6-8). Quires 7-12 signed a-f in red; 13-16, a-d in black.","N/A","Post medieval",,"MMBL IV: 727-730" "York Minster XVI.P.5","s.xiv/xv",,"pecuniam","Bartolus de Saxoferrato, Lectuar Codicis","Initials (i): f. 1, 27-line space, and f. 181, c. 20-line space across both cols., unfilled; (ii) f. 320, 10-line I in pink, red and green, on blue ground patterned in white, extending into the margin; (iii, iv) 8/5- and 4/3- line, red or blue, ornamented with vertical strokes of the other colour, or, in the sections by the first two hands, ink for some red initials.","440 x 330mm","2","53-71","Frame ruling. Written space: 295-305x180x210mm.","Paper","iii + 329 + iii","33","I-III10 IV12 V-XII10 XIII10, (wants 2, 3 after f. 123 and 8 after f. 127) XIV-XVII10 XVIII10 (+ 1 leaf (f. 180) after 10) XIX-XXXI10, XXXII10 (wants 10 (blank)) XXXIII10. Quires I-XXXII marked in red at bottom right of first recto, a-z 9 rum a-f; quires I-II numbered at centre foot of first recto, 'Primus quinternus' and 'Secundus quinternus', and quires XX-XXI, 'secundus se. partis', 'iij-'; quires XV-XVII, at centre foot of last verso, 'quinternus xiiiij', 'xv-' and 'xvj-'. Leaves in the first half of every quire numbered 1-5. Long catchwords.","Very clear watermark on f. 319 of a basilisk, cf. Briquet nos. 2635, 2662.","Post medieval. MSS XVI.P.5-7 are fourth-sixth among eleven manuscripts listed on 2 Nov. 1820 in the Bindings Book, 'half bound in Russia' for £1 5s. each.",,"MMBL IV: 768-769"