IDcontext,Context number,Site,Trench,Original Context,Area,TableArea,Equivalent to,Description,Card Index,overlies,underlies,cut by,fill of,cuts,Topsoil etc,Contaminated 1,7,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 2,11,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,400,"stone spread (southern area) over west bank sealing earlier brown loams, gravelly deposits and linear features on that side. Associated with re-cut of ditch. Also covering berm. Contaminated",,"19, 55, 60, 61, 73, 710, 713, 14","10, 24, 12",,,,no,no 3,12,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,403,brown loam filling of re-cut in southern area recorded as one context. Contaminated,,"13, 11, 44, 57",15,,,,no,no 4,14,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"52, 19",Major gravelly deposit overlying yellow silt on west bank,,,"13, 12, 19, 11",,,,no,no 5,15,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"100, 300",topmost context on matrix. Contaminated,,"10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 27, 28, 29, 31, 38, 39",,,,,no,no 6,19,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,14,Major gravelly deposit overlying yellow silt on west bank,,"33, 70, 71, 72, 14","30, 57, 471",,,,no,no 7,30,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 8,33,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 9,37,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,,,,,,,no,no 10,40,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of ditch. (1st ditch - the south end) contaminated,,,,,,,no,no 11,41,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"406, 904",,,,,,,,no,no 12,406,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"41, 904",stoney deposit. On matrix described as line of stones above 417,line of stones. In general 40 (also 90 given in pencil) cms wide at north end of trench/ burning of 402 occurs amongst these stones,"414, 415, 417, 421, 424","402, 403",,,,yes,no 13,904,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"41, 406",,"Heavy concentration of stone on top of pit. Fill - stone & brown loam. AFP = ""this may be the concentration of stones in the centre of the ditch adjacent to the south section. A large proportion of the stones appear to have been burnt. On excavation this apparently did not appear to be a pit'","919, 925, 927, 928",900,,,,no,no 14,42,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of ditch. (1st ditch - the south end). Also noted elsewhere as contaminated,,,,,,,no,no 15,43,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of ditch. (1st ditch - the south end). Sand and clay near bottom. Elsewhere noted as contaminated.,,,,,,,no,no 16,44,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,(on matrix line of stones 411 is compared to this) contaminated,,,,,,,no,no 17,46,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,82?,matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of ditch. (1st ditch - the south end),,,,,,,no,no 18,49,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 19,400,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,11,"stone spread (southern area) over west bank sealing earlier brown loams, gravelly deposits and linear features on that side. Associated with re-cut of ditch. Over berm too",Spread of stones and boulders occurring on the west side of the berm,"423, 430, 431","401, 403, 404 {?}, 408, 413, 414, 415, 416, 520,",415,,,no,no 20,403,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,12,uppermost fill of ditch - brown loam. Contaminated,dark brown loam. Ditch fill to be compared with 12 in the last 10metres of the ditch,"406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412,413, 414, 416, 422, 424, {464?}","401, 402",,,,yes,no 21,100,Housing Scheme,,,Topsoil,HS misc,"15, 300",Topsoil (from main list),,,,,,,no,no 22,300,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"15, 100",contaminated,Topsoil,"301, 303, 304, 305, 306, 311-5, 319-21, 333, 345, 347, 350, 357, 362, 372, 374, 375, 376, 942, 944, 948, 946, 947, 949,952, 953, 959, 964, 965, 970, 975, 976, 1201, 1223, 124","302, 344, 1221",,,,yes,no 23,54,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 24,55,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 25,57,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,southern end deposit,,,,,,,no,no 26,58,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,deposit over beam slots across anklebreaker of 1st ditch. Elsewhere noted as contaminated.,,,,,,,no,no 27,59,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 28,60,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 29,61,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,yellow silt on west bank,,,,,,,no,no 30,62,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 31,63,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 32,64,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 33,66,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,,,,,,,no,no 34,67,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,beam slot associated with 69 (matrix notes that supervisors matrix had 67 / 69 underlying 14/19 and overly 33. (This would be the beams across the anklebreaker in the south end of the 1st ditch),,,,,,,no,no 35,68,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 36,69,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,beam slot associated with 67 (matrix notes that supervisors matrix had 67 / 69 underlying 14/19 and overly 33. (This would be the beams across the anklebreaker in the south end of the 1st ditch),,,,,,,no,no 37,70,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,deposit possibly underlying 1403/4/7 suggested to be intervalum road. Contaminated,,,,,,,no,no 38,71,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 39,73,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 40,76,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 41,80,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of ditch (1st ditch - the south end),,,,,,,no,no 43,82,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,46 ?,matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of ditch. (1st ditch - the south end),,,,,,,no,no 45,85,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"47, 81, 84",matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of 1st ditch the south end,,,,,,,no,no 47,52,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,14,,,,,,,,no,no 48,47,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"81, 84, 85",matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of ditch. (1st ditch - the south end). Notes elsewhere as contaminated.,,,,,,,no,no 49,81,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"47, 84, 85",matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of ditch. (1st ditch - the south end),,,,,,,no,no 50,84,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"47, 81, 85",matrix - fill of 'anklebreaker' bottom of ditch. (1st ditch the south end),,,,,,,no,no 55,407,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,natural cut or overlain by 427,General term for clay east bank comprising clay loam and yellow dense clay,,"403, 418, 422, 424, 427, 428, 466",,,,no,no 56,408,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam - upper fill of re-cut,dark brown laom,"400, 413 and possibly 424",403,,,,no,no 57,409,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,"brown loam, central area, sealing features cut into east bank, interleaved 414, 411, 412, 417 (terminal of inset box in matrix)",Brown loam similar to 403 but very slightly higher clay content,"426, 467, 469, 474, 478, 477, 480, 483 - it looks as if AFP has questioned these in pencil",403,,,,no,no 58,410,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,stones overlays 413 therefore high in fill,"line of stones sloping towards the east, minor dump in ditch fill.",413,"403, 402",,,,no,no 59,411,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,"stoney layer, central area, sealing features cut into east bank, interleaved 409, 414, 412, 417 matrix compares it to 44",single line of stones,423,403,,,,no,no 60,412,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,"stoney layer, central area, sealing features cut into east bank, interleaved 409, 414, 411, 417 (described as stone dump on matrix)","stone dump in 409 - mainly angular unworked sandstone, some dolomite and river cobble. Average size 25-15cm long 10-18cm wide","425, 426",403,,,,no,no 61,413,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam - upper fill of recut,dark brown loam,"400, 416, 424","403, 408, 410",,,,no,no 62,414,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,"brown loam, central area, sealing features cut into east bank, interleaved 409, 411, 412, 417","Brown loam, slightly darker than 403","400, 420, 421, 424, 426","403, 406, 416, 417,",,,,no,no 63,415,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,"pit cut from 408 and 413 (upper fill of re-cut) into 418, 417, 400","black loam, 15-25% stone","418, 424",406,,,"400, 417",no,no 64,416,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,stoney black loam - upper fill of re-cut ditch - central area.,"Black loam containing 25-45%. Loam is similar to 403 and the distinction between the two may be arbitrary. Characterised by heavier concentration of stones. Originally intrpreted as tumble from 400, but AFP notes it overlies 400","400, 414, 424","403, 413",,,,no,no 65,417,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,"yellow sand layer, central area, sealing features cut into east bank, interleaved 409, 414, 411, 412, - this relationship not very obvious on matrix",Yellow brown coarse sand and patch as of fine gravel occurring in lenses,"414, 421, 424","406, 415, (407 - AFP has queried this)",415,,,no,no 66,418,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,421,On matrix shown as east bank deposit of brown loam possibly equivalent of 421,Light brown loam containing some clay. Layer in ditch. Slightly sandy texture.,"407, 424",415,415,,,no,no 67,419,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam layer annotated on matrix as 'cockup' overlying 428/9 and should thus be a fill of re-cut ditch,Brown loam containing charcoal flecks & small sand patches containing small stones and pebbles.,"428, 429","414, 417",,,,no,no 68,420,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,pit dug into brown loam 414 on east bank - matrix shows it above 420,"Circular intrusion containing dark brown loam with flecks of charcoal, & including burnt stones in the bottom, though not in the fill. Sides and bottom comprise stone dumps 400 nad 421",424,414,,,"400, 421, 424, (414 also in archive)",no,no 69,421,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,423,stony deposit on east bank slumping into re-cut ditch. Equivalent of 11 / 400 on east bank. On matrix shown as being above 428.,Spread of stones on E side of ditch sloping westward towards the bottom of the recut ditch,"424, 428, 429","406, 414, 417",,,,no,no 70,422,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,466,Feature cut into E bank - shown on matrix as above 451 and equivalent to 466 ? As fill? - 466 not otherwise described,"Cut into east bank of ditch. (Fill = 412, 411, 409, 425, 426, 427 - AFP doubts this.)","400, 407, 451",403,,,,no,no 71,423,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"14, 19","gravel deposit on west bank (on p. 2 of draft report this given as 432 but this a misprint see 432 entry), this slumps into base of re-cut ditch.",Gravel containing 'layers' of brown loam up to 70mm thick with small ? Of gravel,"449, 450, 454, 455, 460, 461","400, 431, 424 (453 - this doubted by AFP)",,,,no,no 72,424,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,Described as cut for re-cut ditch on matrix,"Last phase of main defensive ditch. Filled with 402, 403, 406, 408, 410, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 421, 428, 429","441, 462 (might be 460)","402, 403, 406, 408, 410, 413-9, 421, 428, 429",,,"407, 423, 440",no,no 73,425,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,On matrix a loam deposit above 427 - high in fill sequence,Dark brown clay loam 422,427,412,,,,no,no 74,426,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam matrix gets problematical here but below 411 and probably related to 414,"Dark brown clay loam in 422, later than 427",,"409, 411, 412, 414,",,,,no,no 75,427,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,On matrix a loam deposit below 425 overlying a natural deposit 407,Dark brown clay loam in 422 including 25% mottle of yellow clay. Earlier than 428,407,425,,,,no,no 76,428,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,gravel layer overlying stakehole row 434 etc - in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central are,Patches of gravel and small stones occurring on E bankside amongst brown loam and brown clay loam in a lyer sloping from EW. Fill of 424,"407, 429",421,,,,no,no 77,429,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam layer overlying stakehole row 434 etc - in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central are,Brown sandy loam containing occasional lenses of sand and gravel with dark loam. Silting up of the bottom of 424,"432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438, 439","421, 428",,,,no,no 78,430,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,On matrix cobbles underlying 400,Cobbles and small stones amongst brown sandy loam,"431, 443, 444, 447, 449",400,,,,no,no 79,431,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,Matrix describes it as brown loam with cobbles with ? Equivalent to 14/19. Overlain by 400?,Loose brown sandy loam containing up to 60% stones and cobbles,123,"430, 447",,,,no,no 80,432,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,"14, 19","On matrix shown as one of the 8 stake-holes in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central area - (the draft report gives this number as being a gravel deposit equivalent of 14, 19 but this seems to be a muddling of the numbers as the matrix and the coins referred to as coming from the layer clearly relate to 423.",Possible stake-hole with dark brown sandy loam fill,440,429,,,,no,no 81,433,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,One of 8 stake-holes in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central area.,"possible stake hole with fill of dark brown sand, probably not.",440,429,,,,no,no 82,434,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,One of 8 stake-holes in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central area.,stakehole with fill of dark brown sandy loam,,429,,,,no,no 83,435,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,One of 8 stake-holes in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central area.,stakehole with fill of grey sandy loam,,429,,,441,no,no 84,436,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,One of 8 stake-holes in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central area.,stakehole with fill of grey sandy loam,,429,,,"440, 441",no,no 85,437,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,One of 8 stake-holes in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central area.,stakehole with fill of grey brown sandy loam,,429,,,,no,no 86,438,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,One of 8 stake-holes in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central area.,stakehole with fill of grey brown sandy loam,,429,,,,no,no 87,439,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,One of 8 stake-holes in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central area.,possible stake hole. Probably the bottom of 429,,429,,,,no,no 88,440,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,on matrix shown as natural into which the 8 stake-holes in bottom of 'anklebreaker' of re-cut ditch in central area are cut.,Yellow sand,,"436, 452, 454, 456, 459","424, 432, 433",,,no,no 89,441,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,572,Described on matrix as grey clay from early ditch cutting through spine (pre-fort??) . Below stkehole row 434 etc.,dense grey clay,,,"434, 435, 436",,,no,no 90,572,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,441,not in,"Brown clay forming spine 571, fill of 573","571, 573",570,,,,no,no 91,442,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,small irregular feature filled with stone 'just' to west of 445 on edge of berm. On matrix overlays (or cut into 447) contaminated,linear feature aligned NS at w. edge of trench. Fill large stones and brown sandy loam. Part of 430,447,,,,443,no,yes 92,443,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,possible natural into which linear feature 445 cut,yellow clay = bankside,,"430, 442, 445",442,,,no,no 93,444,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown clay loam on matrix overlying 444,"Light brown clay loam, faint yellow mottle of sand & clay. Part of fill of 445","443, 446",430,,445,,no,no 94,445,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,920,Major linear feature along upper edge of west bank,Linear feature occurring in west bankside & ditch fill. Fill of 444 446,,,465?,"444, 446",443,no,no 95,446,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam - from matrix may be fill of 445,Dark brown loam occurring in 445 containing small bones and charcoal.,,453,,445,,no,no 96,447,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,on matrix - gravel with cobbles overlain or cut by 442,Small gravel & cobbles containing pockets of dark sandy loan amongst the clear yellow gravel Possible westward extension of 423.,431,"442, 430",,,,yes,no 97,449,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,"Brown loam, probably west bank sequence, below 430 / 444 ?",Dark brown clay loam,,"430, 423",,,,no,no 98,450,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,Brown loam overlaying 451 brown clay,dark brown clay loam,"451, 453, 462","423, 455 (422, 471 ?)",,,,no,no 99,451,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,one of southern fills - possibly rubbish dump containing earlier material. But also half pottery = crambeck and coin of 388-402. on matrix overlays 457 and below 450,Grey brown clay containing lenses of yellow sand derived from W. bank & lenses derived from E. bank of clay.,,"450, 422",422,,,no,no 100,452,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,irregular feature cut into west bank. Part of group - linear and parallel to line of ditch. This containing stakeholes. Probably overlain by 423.,"Linear feature of irregular plan containing a small complex of post holes and small stake holes. Fill = 423 comprises two arms, the southernmost aligned roughly NS. The northernmost aligned SW-NE, terminating in a post-hole 454",,423,,,"440, 457, 463",no,no 101,453,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,Brown loam above 446 below 450,Dark brown loam,423 (?) 446,450,,,,no,no 102,454,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,Post hole Part of group of linear features parallel to line of ditch cut into west bank. Probably overlain by 423,post-hole in feature aligned NE-SW fill = 423,,423,,,"440, 455",no,no 103,455,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,Brown loam overlaying 450 on matrix,Brown loam containing large cobbles,450,"423, 460, 461, 454",,,,no,no 104,456,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,post hole Part of group of linear features parallel to line of ditch cut into west bank. Probably overlain by 423,Post hole in 452 filled with 423. Circular cross-section with a flat bottom.,,,,,440,no,no 105,457,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,on matrix marked as 'yellow clay' above re-cut 'anklebreaker',Yellow sand. Merges into 451. Part of fill of re-cut ankle-breaker. 462.,462,,,,,no,no 106,458,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,573,"context within 'anklebreaker', possibly related to or derived from 573 large pre-fort ditch which cut diagonally across whole site.",Yellow clays and silt. Containing some lenses of yellow sand etc = fill of ankle breaker. In pencil - Last remnant of 3rd century defensive feature? Potsherd - late C1/C2,natural gravel,"451, 462",462,,,no,no 107,459,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,stake hole Part of group of linear features parallel to line of ditch cut into west bank. Probably overlain by 423,"Stake hole filled with 423, part of 452, occurring to the west of 456",,423,,,440,no,no 108,460,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,stake hole Part of group of linear features parallel to line of ditch cut into west bank. Probably overlain by 423,Small stake-hole filled with 423. Occurs in 452 to the north of 456. circular with tapering bottom.,435,423,,,,no,no 109,461,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,stake hole Part of group of linear features parallel to line of ditch cut into west bank. Probably overlain by 423,Small stake hole filled with 423. Northernmost feature of 452 complex. Circular pointed bottom.,,423,,,435,no,no 110,462,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,on matrix marked as 're-cut anklebreaker' probably original,"Recut ankle breaker. Appears to be of limited NS extent, contains 457, 471",,"450, 457",424,,458,no,no 111,463,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,West bank natural,Sand forming west bank of main ditch,,,,,,no,no 112,464,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,East bank natural,Sand forming east bank of main ditch,,,,,,no,no 113,465,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Clay loam with what appears to be burnt sandstone (in pencil AFP - on west bank/berm - may cut natural and be overlain by 430. I wouldn't bet on it though!. Coins C2 and pot late C4) incompatible.,,,,,445?,no,no 114,466,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,On matrix marked as equivalent (or ? Fill of) 422 - a feature cut into the east bank which is shown as being above 451,unexcavated portion of 422. Dark brown clay loam. Charcoal flecks and pebbles.,,403,,,407,no,no 115,467,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,Gravel (high in sequence),spread of stone and gravel on the south (corrected to east) bank of ditch,469,409,,469,,no,no 116,468,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,dark loam - high in sequence on matrix,"Black / Dark brown loam with patches of yellow clay and sand, charcoal flecks, pebbles and stones. Fill of 469","469, 477, 478",474,,469,,no,no 117,469,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,56,linear feature - high in sequence marked on matrix as being equivalent to 56,"linear feature on top of east bankside. Fill is 467, 468",477,"409, 467, 468, 474",,,471,no,no 118,470,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam above 471 (marked as intrusion) high in sequence,"Dark brown clay loam containing high percentage of gravel, stones and charcoal. Fill of 471",471,472,,471,,no,no 119,471,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,On matrix described as an intrusion between 470 and 450,large sub-rectangular intrusionfill = 470,,"470, 469, 472",,,"450, 19",no,no 120,472,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam deposit - high in sequence,"dark brown/black loam and very large stones. Part of fill of 470, 471","470, 471",,,,,no,no 121,473,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,loose sequence on matrix with no description above 476. Might be connected in some way to 451 - either above or equivalent,"dark brown-grey clay, loose in texture",479,476 - this doubted by AFP,,,,no,no 122,474,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,description illegible on matrix - high in sequence,"pit cutting 469, fill = 475","468, 469","409, 475",,,,no,no 123,475,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,yellow clay -high in sequence on matrix but possition not very clear,mix of yellow clay and dark brown loam with a small percentage of stones. Fill of 474,474,,,474,,no,no 124,476,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,loose sequence on matrix with no description above 479,Mixture of grey clay (similar to 473) and lenses of sand. Very compact. Possible fill of ankle-breaker,,473,,,,no,no 125,477,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,linear feature - high in sequence,linear feature. Fill = 478,,"409, 478, 468, 469","469, 468",,,no,no 126,478,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,yellow clay (high in matrix sequence),Yellow clay with a few traces of sand containing patches of brown loam and charcoal flecks.,477,"409, 468",,,,no,no 128,479,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,loose sequence on matrix with no description below 479 with note on matrix that it might equivalent to the 'anklebreaker deposit 458,Mixture of silts and clays with patches of loans and silts from the ditch sides,,476,,,,no,no 129,480,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,pit (on matrix in inset box),"Pit. Fill = 481, 482",,"409, 481, 482",,,,no,no 130,481,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam,Dark brown loam with slight clay content fill of 408,"482, 480",,,,,no,no 131,483,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,mixed clay (on matrix in inset box),Mixtures of different clays,484,409,,,,no,no 132,484,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,yellow clay/sand (on matrix in inset box),yellow sandy clay,485,483,,,,no,no 133,485,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,Ash ( (on matrix in inset box),layer of ash,486,484,,,,no,no 134,486,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,yellow sand and clay (on matrix in inset box),"lenses of yellow sand, yellow clay, brown clay & ash",,485,,,,no,no 135,710,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,grey clay,Grey clay with patches of yellow silty clay - on West bank of ditch previously treated as part of (76),716,11,,,,no,no 136,716,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Yellow silty clay - v. heavy mottle of grey clay in the ditch. Layer in 743,723,710,,,,no,no 137,900,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,Subsoil. AFP notes that particularly in the central part of the ditch this may have incorporated undisturbed post-Roman deposits.,"901, 902, 903, 906, 907, 908, 909, 911, 913, 917, 926, 929, 930, 931",,,,,yes,no 138,901,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,Stone spread of rough stones appearing first in the west side of the trench. AFP notes 'This is the massive stone rubble facing on the upper edge of the west bank of the inner ditch which was recorded in all the sections excavated as 11 or 400.,"902, 911, 912, 913, 922, 925, 926, 927, 931, 932, 935, 933","900, 903, 917",,,,yes,no 139,902,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,yellow pea gravel and stone spread. AFP notes smaller gravel/cobbles underlying 901 & first exposed in patches where 901 may have been robbed out. Presumably most of this deposit sealed by 901 (1 sherd medieval),"923, 926, 932, 933, 934, 935, 929","901, 900, 931",,,,no,no 140,903,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,"Stone covered pit. Fill - medium sized angular stones & loosely packed black loam. AFP notes 'not distinction seems to have been made between the capping of this feature, the underlying fill and the cut. In particular no attention appears to have been paid to the deposit, 900, sealing the capping fill of this pit@",,900,,,901,no,yes 142,905,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,"Loose capped stone filled pit with brown. 'AFP = on east bank of inner ditch. The capping of this pit appears to have been larger random rubble. The underlying fill, not given a separate number!, seems to have been very loose dark brown loam. The lowest fill was gravel & large cobbles. Cut into 906 - natural of east bank, possible/probably cess pit'",,900,,,907?,yes,no 143,906,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,"yellow brown light loam, AFP = probably natural subsoil of east bank",,"900, 908, 907, 909, 914, 919, 936, 937",,,,no,no 144,907,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Stone spread containing river-washed cobbles. AFP 'Perhaps deliberate cobbling on northern end of east bankside',"906, 914","900, 905",,,,no,no 145,908,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,"Red-brown silty clay loam. AFP - 'Fill of gully 910 on east bank of ditch, E bank of ditch'","906, 910",900,,,,no,no 146,909,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,"Round post hole, fill dark brown loam 'AFP - purported to be post hole , probably belongs to tribe of amorphous pit like features seen in other areas on spine between ditches'",,900,,,906,no,no 147,910,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Gulley running EW fill red brown silty clay. Fill = 908.,,908,,,,no,no 148,911,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Medium & large cobbles with very loose sandy loam fill. AFP = 'This appears to be the cobble stone spread in the centre of the ditch underlying the last remnant of 900. Appears to have been kept discrete from 901 on west bank and 907 on east bank',"913, 914","900, 901, 939",,,,no,no 149,912,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Coarse gravel with intense concentraion of iron.,913,901,,,,no,yes 150,913,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Hard packed sandy silt and grits with charcoal & iron flecks,"916, 915, 918, 920, 921, 926, 923, 934, 935, 938","900, 901, 912, 911, 922, 924, 931, 932, 939, 921",,,,no,no 152,915,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,iron pan crust,"916, 921","913, 924, 932, 934",,,,no,no 153,916,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,"Yellow clay with high content of limestone and charcoal, flecks. Make-up for the top of the west bank",,"915, 913, 918, 924, 932, 933, 934",,,,no,no 154,917,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,dark loam and cobbles,Dark loam and small pebbles running EW in a thin band to the side of 904,"919, 901",900,,,,no,no 155,918,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,"Dark loam and clay with patches of iron and coarse sand, small cobbles inlaid","916, 920",913,,,,no,no 156,919,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,"very light brown sandy clay loam, very loosely packed. Small band running down side of bank",,,,,,no,yes 157,920,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,445,major linear feature along upper edge west bank,Gulley running on the top dipping with fill 918 - shallow towards the south. AFP = ' Fairly substantial linear NS feature (small ditch or gully) running along upper edge of west bank. Equated with 445 by KJF junior',,"913, 918",,,,no,no 158,921,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,very thin patch of hard packed sand and iron flecks. Similar to 916,915,913,,,,no,no 159,922,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Heavy burning enclosing few stones and a root. Original extent uncertain - over cut?,913,901,,,,no,no 160,923,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Clay silty loam with flecks of charcoal with very intensive burning. Some stems. Seems to be fill of a dip in the ditch side. Similar to 920,924,902,,,,no,yes 161,924,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Sandy clay loam with few patches of charoal iron and sand flecks. Some stones similar to 923,"913, 915, 916, 928",923,,,,no,no 162,925,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Small stones set in dark brown loam. Similar shape to 904,"927, 928","901, 904",,,,no,no 163,926,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,small patches of coarse yellow sand in light brown sand with silt mix.,"933, 936","900, 901, 902, 913",,,,no,no 164,927,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Circle of small stones set in dark brown silty loose loam,926,"901, 904, 925",,,,no,no 165,928,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,medium sized cobbles and sandstone in brown silty loan,933,"904, 924, 927, 925",,,,no,no 166,929,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Red brown silty clay - fill of possible ditch 930 gulley? Running EW,930,900,,,,no,no 167,930,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,gulley running EW filled with 929,,"900, 929",,,,no,no 168,931,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Pea gravel and large stones forming fill of shallow depression in the side of the ditch,913,"900, 901",,,902,no,no 169,932,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Small stones in very loose brown loam. Forming fill of pit showing in west section,,"901, 902",,,"915, 916, 913",no,no 170,933,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Cobbles and sandstone with dark silty clay loam.,"911, 934, 935","901, 902, 913",,,,no,no 171,934,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Coarse orange sand - some cobbles,"915, 916, 935","902, 913, 933",,,,no,no 172,935,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Iron and pan gravel ? Natural,940,"901, 902, 913, 933, 934",,,,no,no 173,936,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,Dark brown loam and small gravel on east bank. Fill of 937,"906, 937",,,,,yes,no 174,937,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Gulley running N/S on E side of ditch ? Re-cut of ankle breaker,,936,,,906,no,no 175,938,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Depression on W. side of ditch. Fill = 913,,913,,,,no,no 176,939,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,"Layer of coarse sand, 10% pebbles. Only seen in section",902,"913, 911",,,,no,no 177,940,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,"Ankle breaker. Fill - yellow clay and sand taken out with 457, 458",,935,,,,no,no 178,1026,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Sand and gravel lense in main ditch,"1031, 1064",1001,,,,no,no 179,1027,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Stone tumble in fill of main ditch,"1028, 1071, 1072, 1041, 1042, 1064, 1075, 1092","1031, 1001, 1038, 1039",,,,yes,no 180,1031,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,brown soil and pebble layer within main ditch,"1027, 1064, 1084",1026,,,,no,no 181,1038,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Rubble infill of main ditch recut. In fill of 1039,"1039, 1079, 1522, 1550",1001,,,"1043, 1027",yes,no 182,1039,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,main ditch recut?,"1099, 1550","1001, 1038",,,"1043, 1027",no,no 183,1054,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark brown loam mixed with occupation debris - infill of main ditch on W bank. AFP corrected main to secondary ? - {seems more likely given the relationships),"1065, 1096, 1545","1053, 1036, 1050, 1051","1036, 1050",,,no,no 184,1064,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,main defensive ditch,"1514, 1517, 1518, 1541","1027, 1026, 1031, 1072, 1072, 1081, 1083",,,,no,no 185,1071,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Yellow sand lens - basin shaped - within main ditch,1072,1027,,,,no,no 186,1072,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Black/brown charcoal with soil layer - infill of main ditch,"1095, 1073, 1074, 1064, 1083, 1081, 1082, 1095","1027, 1071",,,,no,no 187,1073,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Re-cut small ditch on west bank of main ditch,1064,1072,,,,no,no 188,1074,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Small shallow recut E of 1073 cut into west bank of main ditch 1064,,1072,,,,no,no 189,1080,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,natural yellow sand,natural gravel,"1542, 1526, 1524, 1523, 1519, 1514, 1512, 1518, 1086, 1098, 1099",,,,no,no 190,1082,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,sandy loam & cobble infill of 1081,1081,"1072, 1002",,,,no,no 191,1083,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,"pre-Roman gulley, cut into west bank of main ditch 1064",1064,1072,,,west bank,no,no 192,72,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,contaminated,,,,,,,no,no 193,1093,Housing Scheme,,,Small building,Small building,,,grey/brown sandy loam. Layer associated with primary vicus buildings. Confined to area E of secondary ditch,"1076, 1523, 1547, 1548, 1561-68, 1572, 1579-98, 1600-1642","1067, 1060, 1084, 1561, 1065, 1547, 1554, 1555, 1559, 1560",1065,,,no,no 194,127,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"172, 175, 505","primary fill, elsewhere says contaminated",,,,,,,no,no 195,172,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"127, 175, 505",,patch of 127 set into silt 166 at bottom of ditch,166,,,,,no,no 196,175,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"127, 172, 505",contaminated,Loose gritty black/dark brown soil under 168 and 123,"176, 177, 189, 190, 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 214, 214, 215, 216, 217, 223[?], 240, 218","123, 168, 180, 181, 194",,,,yes,no 197,505,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"127, 172, 175",massive deposit spreading over most of ditch. Dark homogenous loam up to 1.65m thick levelling ditch off. Described as having middle levels with Theodosian coins. Clearly a deposit accumulating over time rather than a single episode. Coins possibly 3D recorded - check. Upper 70cm recorded as virtually sterile of coins.,Dark homogenous loan similar to topsoil,"523, 531, 533, 535-40, 548, 551, 549, 555","504, 500",,,,yes,no 198,147,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,160,,black pit within quadrant 127 cut into the yellow bankside 160,,,,,160,no,no 199,160,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,147,,Yellow sand forming w bank of 127,,"127, 159, 167, 182, 183",,,,no,no 200,155,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,"Depression on east bank of 127. Loose brown sand with charcoal and sandstone flecks. Series of small modern intrusions, probably the result of root disturbance.",,127,,,,yes,no 202,157,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Brown soil on east bank of 127, dries yellowish orange.","179, 183","127, 174, 187, 188",,,,no,no 203,158,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Black feature in sand on w bank of 127; squarish feature loose balck soil - charcola,,127,,,,no,no 204,159,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,204,wall in southern part of excavation cut into natural (dicussed p. 4) - though discussion in next sentence suggests cut into 505,"Wall core appearing on W. bank of 127, cur into sand and ash 160","160, 293","127, 186",,,,no,no 206,161,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Dog skeleton, east side of 127",,127,,,,no,no 207,162,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Black clay on E. side of 127 amongst 157 [or possibly 137] possibly associated with 161. Very patch. Possible packing to support banks of 127,,127,,,,no,no 208,164,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,sand spur on west side of 127 ? Redeposited from 158,166,,,,,no,no 209,165,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,tumble lying on bottom of 127,166,127,,,,no,no 210,166,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"yellow sand, primary fill",yellow/grey gravelly sand. Primary fill of 127. silt,185,"127, 164, 165, 172",,,,no,yes 211,167,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,241,contaminated.,Orange brown clayey loam overlying E bank of 127 - overlies yellow sand and harder orange clay ? Bank,160,127,,,,no,yes 212,241,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,167,,= 167. Layer into which 238 is set,,,,,,no,no 214,174,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Black mortary patches on E bank 157 and to the south - possibly running towards 144,157,,,,,no,no 216,176,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,darkish orange sand,,175,,,,no,no 217,177,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,medium brown clay with orange patches to west of 176,,173,,,,yes,no 218,178,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Dark brown clayey loam, very llose and patchy - occurred in section through the east bank 157",179,,,,,no,no 219,179,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Very hard, wet orange-bown loamy clay bwlow 157 in section cut through E bank of ditch. Appears to be natural, no finds",,"157, 178",,,,no,no 220,180,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,hard yellow clay,175,,,,,yes,no 221,181,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,scatter of stones - faced or otherwise. ? Tumble Appear to be related to 44 - similar stone in main ditch,175,,,,175,no,no 222,182,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Ridge of hard yellow clay,160,,,,,no,no 223,183,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,layer of brown loamy clay. Found in Cut through e. side of ditch W of 82 or 182,160,157,,,,no,no 224,184,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,264,,band of yellow clay. Seen in section of 127 on grid line 130,,127,,,,no,no 225,264,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,184,,Patches of orange clay lying immediately over the stone tumble,252,195,,,,no,yes 226,185,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Sandy gravel on btm of 127,,"127, 166",,,,no,no 227,186,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark sandy loam overlying wall core 159,159,1,,,,no,no 228,187,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Two patches of ? Ash on E bank of 127. quite shallow. Grey charcoal flecks overlying 157. Part of modern intrusion 188,157,127,,,,no,yes 229,188,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Patches of dark yellow, gritty sand, mortar, pebbles, charcoal flecks and lumps set into shallow orange-brown clayey loam. Modern - connected with 116",157,,,,,yes,no 230,189,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,yellow clay and sand,yellow clay and sand. Much slag and metal waste found,"195, 196, 197, 199, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213","175, 198",,,,no,no 231,190,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Burning area with charcoal, associated with 189. circular depression, fill black soil, slag and charocal. Great quantity of slag and metal waste found.",195,175,,,,no,no 232,191,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,yellow sand area. Found during excavation to define E bank of 127,,,,,,no,no 233,195,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"219, 257",contaminated,"Dark brown loam, very similar to 175","219-21, 227-35, 237, 243, 244, 247, 251, 255, 256 258-63, 264-6, 268, 269, 270-74, 289, 604,","189, 194, 196, 197, 202-5, 208, 214, 217, 222, 226, 239, 242, 245, 246, 248, 250, 251",,,,yes,no 234,219,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"195, 257",contaminated,"Dark loam, sandier than 195 = 195?",,"195, 218, 231",,,,no,yes 235,257,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"195, 219",,195,,,,,,no,no 236,196,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Tip line of stones in section. Later seen as scatter of angular stones,195,189,,,,no,no 237,197,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Second yellow-orange clayey loam spread very similar and immediately underlying 189,195,"189, 198, 201, 206, 207, 209, 210, 213",198,,,no,no 238,198,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Gully feature cutting 189 & 197. Stone and soil fill - soil very similar to 175. Fairly shallow. Runs EW. Produced much slag and metal waste.,,,,,"189, 197",no,no 239,199,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Kidney-shaped feature. Cobble and stone fill with some gravel.,"197, 200, 201, 206",189,,,197,no,no 240,200,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill dark clayey loam,,199,,,197,no,no 241,201,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill dark clayey loam,197,199,,,,no,no 242,202,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill dark loam,,175,,,195,no,no 243,203,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill dark loam,195,175,,,,no,no 244,204,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,159,wall in southern part of excavation cut into natural (dicussed p. 4) - though discussion in next sentence suggests cut into 505. contaminated,Wall = 159,"195, 220, 228",175,,,230,no,yes 245,205,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill dark loam,195,175,,,,no,no 246,206,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill dark clayey loam with sand,,199,,,197,no,no 247,207,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill soft dark loam,,189,,,197,no,no 248,208,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,layer of stones set in loam,195,175,,,,no,no 249,209,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill sandy loam,,189,,,197,no,no 250,210,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill sandy loam,,189,,,197,no,no 251,211,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill sandy loam,,189,,,197,no,no 252,212,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill sandy loam,197,189,,,,no,no 253,213,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Post-hole. Fill sandy loam,197,189,,,,no,no 254,214,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Oblong shaped feature between 208 and larger stones 217 at E edge of trench. Sandy clay fill.,,175,,,195,no,no 255,215,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Yellow sand and clay on E side of trench. May be layer perhaps forming with 216 the E bank of the ditch at this boint.,,"175, 221, 227, 235, 240, 242, 244",,,,no,no 256,216,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Yellow sand and clay with patches of grey clay on E side of trench - may be layer forming with 215 the E bank of the ditch at this point.,,"175, 221",,,,no,no 257,217,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Large magnesium limestone blocks - seem to run up to 208.,243,175,,,195,no,no 258,218,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,East cur for 204. Fill darker blacker loam than 219,"219, 601, 602, 608",175,,,,no,no 260,220,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Sandy loam with clay on west bank side,,"195, 204, 228",204,,,no,yes 261,221,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,orngle brown loam,"215, 216, 227",195,,,,no,no 262,222,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Circular feature - bottoms onto stone in sand. Sandy loam fill on E bankside. Similar to 194,"195, 234",175,,,,no,no 263,223,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Stake hole. Fill - very fine, soft dark brown loam",,,,,195,no,no 264,224,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Stake hole. Slightly harder edge round hole but no colour change only just discernable. Fill - very fine medium, brown loam",,,,,195,no,no 265,225,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Stake hole. . Fill - fine loam darker brown than surrounding edge.,,,,,195,no,no 266,226,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Stake hole. Fill dark brown fine loam,199,,,,195,no,no 267,227,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,Orange brown clayey loam layer with silver grey clay patches.,215,195,,,,no,yes 268,228,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Brown clayey loam on W. bankside,,"195, 204, 229",204,,220,no,no 269,229,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Feature of brown clayey loam with sand,,195,,,228,no,no 270,230,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Tumble of stone lying on similar but sandier earth 195,,195,204,,,no,no 271,231,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Tumble of stones lying in 219 E of 204,219,195,,,,no,no 272,232,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Stone tumble - magnesium limetable,"284, 286, 287, 288, 290","195, 251, 364, 270",,,,yes,no 273,233,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Clean yellow sand layer sealing stones of 217,217,"194, 195",,,,no,no 274,234,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Clean yellow sand layer sealing stones of 217,,"195, 222",,,,no,no 275,235,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Layer similar to 195 but clyier. Fill of cut into bankside 215,215,,,,"215, 236",no,no 276,236,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Stake hole - sand fill. Patch of yellow sand.,,"195, 235",,,237,no,no 277,237,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Soft grey loam with sand and charcoal flecks. Treepit?,,"195, 236",,,251,no,no 278,238,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Rough stone tumble. East of section edge 498.,,,,,,no,no 279,239,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Tumble of stones perhaps representing tumble from the wall 217.,195,,,,,no,no 280,240,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Orange brown clay and loam,"215, 291, 295",175,,,,no,no 282,242,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Tree pit .Fill, v. loose soft dark loam",,195,,,"195, 215",no,no 283,243,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Orange brown sandy loam,249,"195, 217",,,217,no,no 284,244,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Dark brown loam, east of the 1st phase of 217",215,"195, 604",,,,no,no 285,245,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,? Rabbit warren. Fill loose dark loam,195,,,,,no,no 286,246,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,? Rabbit warren. Fill loose dark loam,195,,,,,no,no 287,247,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Layer of sandstone chippings and crushed sandstone on E. side of ditch,,"195, 218",,,,no,no 288,248,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,? Rabbit warren. Fill loose dark brown loam,"195, 253, 254",,,,247,no,no 289,249,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark homogeneous loam similar to 195,,243,,,,no,no 290,250,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,grey sandy loam around a cluster of stones,195,195,,,,no,no 291,251,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,orange and yellow clayey loam,"266, 268, 270, 275, 276, 277","195, 269, 272",,,,no,no 292,252,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,burnt area,,195,,,,no,no 293,253,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,layer of dirty yellow sand,,248,,,,no,no 294,254,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,layer of orangey grey gravel ?natural,,248,,,,no,no 295,255,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,Bank. Contaminated,Orange and yellow clay loam mix with some sand. ?Seconday dithc bankside,"267, 278, 279, 603","195, 256, 271, 273, 274, 289",,,,yes,no 296,256,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Patches of clean coarse yellow sand,255,195,,,,no,no 298,258,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,,,"clear yellow sand, patches",,"195, 275, 277",,,,no,no 299,259,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Yellow loam and clay mix - predominantly clay W of 217,,195,,,,no,no 300,260,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark brown clay and loam mix - patches,,"195, 277",,,,no,no 301,261,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Yellow clay and loam mix, predominantly loam. Patches",,195,,,,no,no 302,262,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark sandy loam mix with heavy charcoal fleck,,195,,,,no,no 303,263,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark homogenous loam with patches of bright yellow sand and clay,,195,,,,no,no 305,265,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,area of burning,,195,,,,no,no 306,266,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,soft dark loam,276,"195, 251",,,,no,no 307,267,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,layer of burning,268,255,,,,no,no 308,268,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Homogeneous dark brown loam, an arbitrary distinction from 195 since this layer runs beneath 251","274, 280, 283, 284, 286","195, 251, 267",,,,no,no 309,269,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Area of burning,251,195,,,,no,no 310,270,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,layer of grey and orange clay,232,"195, 251",,,,no,no 311,271,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Area of dark greyish homogeneous loam more compact than 195,"255, 274",195,,,,no,no 312,272,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,samll oblong feature with soft dark loam fill,251,195,,,,no,no 313,273,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"patches of orange clay, assoc eith 256",255,195,,,,no,no 314,274,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Tumble of large pebbles and magnesium limestone blocks,255,"195, 268, 271",,,,no,no 315,275,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,orange and yellow clay and loam with large patches of sand,"258, 610, 612","251, 276, 289",,,,no,yes 316,276,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,compact grey clay and dark brown loam mix with charcoal fleck,,266,,,275,no,no 317,277,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Animal intrusion. Soft dark brown loam fill,"258, 260,",251,,,,no,no 319,279,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,medium brown sandy loam,medium brown homogeneous sandy loam,"289, 292, 609, 610, 611, 616, 620","255, 278, 287, 601",,601,,no,no 320,280,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,clean clay patch,278,268,,,,no,no 321,281,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Area of small river wash cobbles on east side of secondary ditch,275,251,,,,no,no 322,282,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark grey clayey silt with charcoal fleck,"297, 298, 603",278,,,,no,no 323,283,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,yellow orange sandy clay,,"268, 284, 286, 296",,,,no,no 324,284,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,small river-wash cobbles sat on thin grey clay and sand mix,"283, 286, 287, 293","232, 268",,,,yes,no 325,285,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,yellow sand,,278,,,,no,no 326,286,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Thin band of grey clay and sand mix, very hard, dry and compact",283,"232, 268, 284, 606",,,,no,no 327,287,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Dark grey brown loam with charcoal flecks, iron pan and some large stones and pebbles","279, 609","232, 284, 288",,,,no,no 328,288,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Clean ruddy brown clay,287,323,,,,no,no 329,289,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"compact orange brown clay and black loam mix with charcoal fleck and large natural stone, mainly sandstone","255, 275, 276, 296",195,,,,no,no 330,290,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,area of burnt loam,,232,,,,no,no 331,291,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,gully feature. Fill is the same as 240,,240,,,295,no,no 332,292,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,299,,dark clay and brown silty loam,609,279,,,,no,no 333,299,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,292,,dark grey clay and brown loam mix. Contemp with 292,,,,,,no,no 334,293,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,medium brown sandy loam,294,159,,,,no,no 335,294,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,yellow sand with flecks of medium brown loam,natural sand,293,,,,no,no 336,295,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,yellow clay clean and compact,,240,,,,no,no 337,296,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,layer of small cobbles,283,"289, 284",,,,no,no 338,297,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,large cut,"609, 620","282, 298, 600",,,,no,no 339,298,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,pit fill,"Fill of pit 297. brown loam, compact yellow/green clay patches and burn lenses","297, 600",282,,297,,no,no 341,500,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,100,contaminated,Topsoil - dark brown loan & stones,"501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506-18, 520, 521, 522, 556, 561, 562, 565, 565",,,,,yes,no 342,502,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,"layer of clean yellow sand, may be from the fill of cut of medieval wall 503 (Pencil AFP - if 502 = 574 it cannot overlie 504)",504,"500, 501, 510, 513",,,,yes,no 343,503,Housing Scheme,,,Medieval wall,HS misc,,,"wall lying in 502. ? Medieval, (pencil note fill of 532?)",514? In pencil,"500, 501",,,,no,no 344,504,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,Layer of orange & yellow clay and sand (mid brown loam in site book),505,"500, 502, 506-9, 511, 516",,,,yes,no 347,506,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"small rectangular feature, dark brown loam fill",,500,,,504,no,no 348,507,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"small rectangular feature, dark brown loam fill",,,,,,no,no 349,508,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"small rectangular feature, dark brown loam fill",514,500,,,,no,no 350,509,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"small rectangular feature, dark brown loam fill",,500,,,504,no,no 351,510,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,coarse dark greyish sandy loan fill of rectangular feature.,,"500, 512",,,502,yes,no 352,511,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"small rectangular feature, dark loam fill - said to be medieval",504 (505?),500,,,,yes,no 353,512,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Patch of yellow sand,,500,,,510,no,no 354,278,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark brown homogeneous sandy loam,"252, 279, 285, 603, 606","255, 280",,601,,no,no 355,513,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,compact brown & orange clay & loam,,500 (514 questioned by AFP),,,502 ( questioned by AFP),no,no 356,514,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"Primary silt, natural wash. Contaminated",yellow-brown sand layer. AFP questions whether this is natural,"513, 516???","500, 517-20, 522, 525, 531, 540, 546, 556, 560, 561",,,,yes,no 357,516,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,811,line of cobbles running down centre ditch (within 505? - certainly at high level). Suggested might = temporary fence or wall).,layer of cobbles,505?,500,,,,no,no 358,517,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Small feature with dark brown loam fill, west of 518",,500,,,514?,no,no 359,518,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Small feature with dark brown loam fill, east of 517",,500,,,514?,no,no 360,519,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,561,patch of river cobbles embedded in natural subsoil behind 531. Suggested may have been anvil base.,Small rectangular feature of water-washed stones.,514,500,,,,no,no 361,520,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"pit, south of wall 802 of Vicus building 2, 40cm below wall foundation, surrounded by bank surmounted by stones (556), not sealed by 505. Suggested may have been water tank for suggested hearth 531. contaminated",River washed stones and sandstone set in a dark loam similar to 505. In pencil - fill probably more than one fill in fact - of a roughly circular pit like hole adjacent to 531. Possibly originally eg quenching pit later filled with cobbles and rubbish cf 527,,"500, 556, 809",,,514,yes,no 362,521,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,Very dark brown loan with small percentage of river washed stones,522,500,,,,yes,no 363,522,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark red-brown clay loam with small patches of sand - relatively stone free.,514,521,,,,no,no 364,523,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Similar to 505 in colour & texture but with dresed stone in the fill,,"505, 524, 525",,,,no,no 365,524,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Red-brown clay,523,505,,,,no,no 366,525,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Medium brown compact loam, small percentage of gravel. Also contains a mixture of sand and clay flecks",,505,,,"514, 523",no,no 367,526,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"Primary silt, natural wash.","Clay ridge, medium brown, & sand forming W. bank. West bank of secondary ditch",,"505, 548, 535",,,,no,no 368,527,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,820 ? (in another hand),"rubble spread, central area of ditch, postulated as excess waste from paved area over the filled-in ditch adjacent to Vicus Building 2",Stone spread consisting of dolomite and small percentage of river-washed stones. Appears to be a tip line (AFP - more a discrete dump of rubble),538,505,,,,no,no 369,528,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"536, 537, 539","light brown loam containing fuel ash, smithing slag, hearth linings (? Associated with vicus building 2).",Small angular stones with high bone content (AFP - random scatter of stone),539,505,,,,no,no 370,529,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,846,linear feature of stone within 505,Stones set in compact mid-brown loam. ? Continuationof wall core 151 in southern trench,,505,,,,yes,no 371,530,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"rubble spread, central area of ditch, postulated as excess waste from paved area over the filled-in ditch adjacent to Vicus Building 2",Dressed stones giving appearance of being laid. Interpretation suggests may be crude wall. Saxon pot recorded in it,,,,,,no,no 372,531,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"Roughly circular stone-built feature c. 1.5m wide and 0.5m deep set into upper edge of eastern bankside but at a lower level than wall 802., adjacent and to south of 520. Suggested may have been hearth (though no burning).","Large dolomite stones, seem to form tip line on 514. Oven or smithing hearth?",514,505,,,,no,no 373,533,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Irregular area of burning,557 corrected to 526,505,,,,no,no 374,535,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Rectangular feature - dark fill mainly loam with high carbon content,559,"505, 537, 550, 557",,,,no,no 375,536,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"528, 537, 539","light brown loam containing fuel ash, smithing slag, hearth linings (? Associated with vicus building 2). Contaminated",sandy light brown loan small percentage of stones,538,505,,,,yes,no 376,537,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"528, 536, 539","light brown loam containing fuel ash, smithing slag, hearth linings (? Associated with vicus building 2).",Light brown loam with patches of pale yellow sand flecks,"535, 538",505,,,,no,no 377,538,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,uppermost ash layer of lower (?) fill of ditch. Possibly part of levelling deposit (see draft report p. 3) prior to construction of Vicus building 2,Brown loam with high carbon content,"550, 551, 540, 548, 549, 550, 551","503, (589, 586 - these 2 are not really legible), 537, 538",,,,no,no 378,539,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,"528, 536, 537","light brown loam containing fuel ash, smithing slag, hearth linings (? Associated with vicus building 2).",Light brown sandy loam with small percentage of gravel,538,505,,,,no,no 379,540,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,yellow sandy clay with large stones = slip of cladding material (associated in some way with 531),Possible floor & build up of stone circle. Yellow sandy clay with large stone fragment,514,"505, 538",,,,no,no 380,541,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Roughly circular pit with very loose brown loan fill, interpreted as badger sett (AFP questions this interpretation)",,,,,"505?, 538, 551",no,no 381,546,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Area of burning - firm in texture. Also contains a large amount of grey ash,514,538,,,,no,no 382,548,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Elongated ? Into 526 (AFP corrects this 557) fill is 549,526,"505, 588",,,,no,no 383,549,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Fill of 548 - dark loam stone free,548,"505, 538",,,,no,no 384,550,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,light brown sandy loam,"535, 558",538,,,,yes,no 385,551,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,sand layer - originally thought to be part of 514 (E bank),552,"505, 538",,,,no,no 386,552,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Black ash layer,"553, 554",551,,,,no,no 387,553,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Sand lens, bright yellow",554,552,,,,no,no 388,554,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"short slightly curved wall standing on upper northern edge of deposits 559 and 560, one course high",River washed and dolomite stone? Laid,560,"553, 559, 552",,,,no,no 389,555,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Area of burning - south of the trench. Pink & black in colour.,551,505,,,,no,no 390,556,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Number gives to stones showing in the north section & trench (800s),"514, 520, 542",500,,,,no,no 391,557,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Sand layer. SW corner of the trench,535,533,,,,no,no 392,558,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Area of burning in the NW corner of the trench,535,550,,,,no,no 393,559,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"grey clayey deposit partially overlaying 560, central part only","grey clay, loose in texture, with flecks of iron-pan","554, 560",535,,,,no,no 394,515,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Yellow sand layer with yellow sand & loam mix,,500,,,,no,no 395,560,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,stony deposit overlying natural in central part only,"Large stone layer consisting of rivver-wash, dolomite and gray clay",514? Natural,"554, 559",,,,no,no 396,561,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,519,patch of river cobbles embedded in natural subsoil behind 531. Suggested may have been anvil base.,River-washed stones lying in 514,514,500,,,,no,no 397,562,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Yellow pure clay with patches of brown clay,"565, 566, 567","500, 564",,,,no,no 398,563,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,tumble 1-4 layer thick,,,,,,no,no 399,566,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Mixed clay-brown with orange and yellow patches more sandy than 562,567,"500, 562, 564","500, 562, 564",,,no,no 400,567,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Sitting in base of cut. Mixed clay and sand and silt,565,566,"562, 564, 500",,,no,no 401,570,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,"Black loam, over spine between ditches. Mainly tread.",572,,,,,no,yes 402,600,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Orange clay & gravel with black loan lenses, fill of 297",297,298,,,,no,no 403,601,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Round feature. Fill = 278, 279",,279,218,,,no,no 404,602,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,605,,An oval feature beneath the fill of 218. Black sandy loam fill cutting into natural gravel,,218,,,,no,no 405,605,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,602,,no card,,,,,,no,no 406,603,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Sand lip, yellow coarse with charcoal fleck","607, 609","255, 278, 282, 606",606,,,no,no 407,604,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"small depression east of wall 217A, fill of brown clay loam",244,195,,,,no,no 408,606,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Cut on west bank of secondary ditch. Fiill - yellow sand and medium brown loam,"603, 607, 286",278,,,603,no,no 409,607,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"gravel with coarse grey, sandy loam mix",,"606, 603",,,,no,no 410,608,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Cobbles set in medium brown sandy loam - on west bank. West cut for 204. River washed stones were concentrated in an area of brown sandy loam,114,218,,,,no,no 411,609,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Yellow/orange hard packed clayey silt with gravel and coarse sand,,"603, 279, 292, 297",,,,no,no 412,610,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Light brown sandy loam, charcoal flecks, large stones and iron panning",611,"275, 279",,,,no,no 413,611,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"cobbles, large stones & gravel making loosely formed layer in brown loam",,"279, 610",,,,no,no 414,612,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"patches of brown and blue clay, sandstone and pockets of brown loam, ineasstern area of the trench, next to the east section.",grainy yellow sand,275,,,,no,no 415,613,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,small area of burning on the east bank,,618,,,,,no,no 416,614,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Area of yellow sand and stones on the west bank - included river-washed cobbles.,619,,,,,no,no 417,615,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,614?,,Area of river washed cobbles in yellow sand and gravel with small area of brown loam,,,,,,no,no 418,616,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,brown sand and stones,,279,,,,no,no 419,617,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Light yellow sand on west bank,618,,,,,no,no 420,618,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Orangey gravel on east and west bank, probably natural {though has finds}",619,"617, 613",,,,no,no 421,619,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Brown/yellow clay on west bank,,"618, 614",,,,no,no 422,620,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Medium brown silt and some sand, few small pebbles, charcoal flecks and very slightly gravelly.",,279,297,,,no,no 423,621,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Sand with small stones and gravel in places,,,,,,no,no 424,800,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,Top soil and drott disturbance,"801, 808, 846",,,,,yes,no 425,811,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,516,line of cobbles running down centre ditch (within 505 - certainly at high level). Suggested might = temporary fence or wall). Another entry has rubbish from vicus building.,"Area of tumble 10cm-35cm angular river washed. Includes tile and burnt stone, to west of west wall of building","803, 825","801, 825",,,,yes,no 426,816,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,819,upper layer of lower (?) fill of ditch. Possibly part of levelling deposit (see draft report p. 3) prior to construction of Vicus building 2. Also this number used to describe black layer used as additional levelling between the two paving episodes over the infilled ditch. Also the number given to black deposit over upper paving. (Coins have 3D recording and all the coins from above the upper paving are 4th century). Contaminated. Elsewhere described as rubbish from vicus building.,"Black loam with occasional stones, probably decayed rubbish judging by tilt of stones. There is a note that 816 was divided into 816/1, /2, /3 - and these sealed below 827/1 /2 /3 & overlies 827/ 2 /3 - But AFP notes none of the finds kept separate!","817, 829, 847, 848, 866","801, 820, 825, 846",,,,yes,no 427,819,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,816,,small broken stones in earthy clay = 816,,,,,,no,no 428,817,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,w. clay bank,western bank clay,,,,,,no,no 429,820,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated,"pit, soft brown loam with skeleton of ?ox",,,,,"816, 811",no,no 430,821,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,,,layer of medium cobbling below 806 with burnt tabular sandstone and bones,"839, 840, 841, 845",806,,,,no,no 431,825,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,,,"Pit filled with soft dark loam, Tree hole",,,,,"811, 816",no,no 433,829,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,eastern clay bank,,"811, 816, 827, 836",,,,no,no 434,830,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,mineralisation deriving from organic material deposited in this rubbish dump 816 mixed with some burnt material,,,,,,no,no 436,841,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,,,yellow ochre clay with sandstone chips and flakes,850,821,,,,no,no 437,801,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,contaminated,light brown loam with small stones,"816, 811, 906, 807, 812, 811, 813, 815","800, 815",,,,yes,no 438,845,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,stone cobbles and burnt tabular sandstone material,,821,,,,no,no 439,846,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,529,linear feature of stone with 505 - the part recorded in the northern section.,stone spread lying N/S,"827, 816, 847",800,,,,no,no 440,847,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,"Grey clay mixed with ash and rotten wall plaster. In AFP notes 'this seems to spread right across the ditch, part of 827 is set inot it. It would also appear to overlie the 816 beneath the paving",,"816, 846, 827",,,,no,no 441,848,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,,,Area of stone and black loam,,816,,,,no,no 442,856,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,decomposed plaster,857,855,,,,no,no 443,857,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large building,Vicus B2,,,"Rubble, tile burtn flecks etc",856,858,,,,no,no 444,858,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"Charcoal flecks. AFP despairs of this. ""Charcoal flecks that at the moment appears to be a substantial layer sharing very ???? In the west bank of the ditch"" ""It is productive in that it contains coins and pot etc"" - he goes on to say that the finds were recorded under 816 so it is not possible to reconstruct the finds assemblage from this deposit.",,,,,,no,no 445,859,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Light clay ash,860,858,,,,no,no 446,860,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Light broen clay layer,861,859,,,,no,no 447,861,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,grey clay layer on E bankside,,860,,,,no,no 449,867,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"fill of pit 866, charcoal flecks",Fill of 866 dark loam with charcoal,866,,,866,,no,no 450,868,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,mixed sand and clay,,,,,,no,no 451,869,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Light yellow sand - E. bank,,871. 866,,,,no,no 452,870,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Black loam with evidence of destruction,871,,,,,no,no 453,871,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,"Primary silt, natural wash.","Loose dark sand and cobbles, overlying yellow sand of the east bank",869,"870, 876",,,,no,no 454,875,Housing Scheme,,,South of large building,HS misc,,,"Trial cut into E bank, immediately west of the SW corner of the building.",,,,,,no,no 455,876,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Pit ct into N section. Fill, black loam",,,,,871,no,no 456,879,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,tread on west bank,Dark loam on west bank,,,,,,no,no 457,1025,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Stone tummble on east side of secondary ditch,"1053, 1055",1001,,,,no,no 458,1029,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Strip of tumbled cobbles and ashlar blocks mixed with 1007, infill of 1036",1036,"1001, 1050",,,,yes,no 459,1036,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,re-cut small ditch within secondary ditch on W. bank. Fill = 1029,,1029,,,"1053, 1054",no,no 460,1053,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Thin tumble ? mixed with brown loam within secondary ditch,"1054, 1055, 1065","1025, 1001","1036, 1050",,,no,no 461,1055,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"sandy loam charcoal layer,E bank of secondary ditch","1065, 1096, 1545","1025, 1011, 1053",,,,no,yes 462,1065,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,secondary ditch,"1084, 1093, 1513, 1540, 1541","1055, 1054, 1053, 1543",,,,no,no 463,1096,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Primary silting of secondary ditch. Black loamy silt,,"1054, 1055","1050, 1049",,,no,no 464,1545,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Area of slump at end of secondary ditch,1065,"1055, 1054",,,,no,no 465,9,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,,,,no,no 466,401,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam - (?? Topsoil etc). Contaminated,Brown loam containing about 10% small pebbles below dumper disturbance Largely removed as (15),"400, 402, 403, 404, 405",15,,,,yes,no 467,402,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam - patches of blackened and red/brown burnt material forming a shallow U-shaped linear feature with rounded ends above 406 on matrix - upper part of sequence. Contaminated,"Brown loam with heavy black burning, containing patches of reddened loose loam. On removal this formed a linear feature of shallow U-shaped cross section with aprroximately semi-circular N & S ends","406, 410, 424",401,,,403,yes,no 468,404,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,brown loam - uppermost conntext on western sequence,"brown loam, similar to 401 occurring in a gap in 400",,401,,,400,no,no 469,405,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,trample - upper end of matrix sequence. Contaminated,soils disturbed during winter months prior to definition and identification of true contexts,,,,,,yes,no 470,482,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,yellow clay (on matrix in inset box),Yellow clay with patches of dark brown loam & small percentage of stones,"sandy clay on spine of ditches 571, 571, 482",481,,,,no,no 471,487,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,small cobbles & angular stones in 488. Part of fill of 489,489,,,,,no,no 472,489,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,linear feature,,"487, 488",,,571,no,no 473,713,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,grey brown loamy clay,Grey brown loamy clay. Top layer of 744,728,11,,,,no,no 474,1095,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Kharki clayey loan primary silt of main ditch,,1072,,,,no,no 477,163,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,gully beside 143 dark soil fill,,,,,,no,no 479,173,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,modern pits by E section - cut into 123 - fill loose black soil,123,,,,,yes,no 480,194,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,depression E of trench. Sand and gritty fill with large stones. Tree pit,233,,,,"175, 195",no,no 481,501,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,modern pit of excavation. 74-5 rubbish,,500,,,"502, 503",no,no 482,532,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,possible ditch to east of secondary ditch,possible ditch to east of secondary ditch,,"500, 542",,,,no,no 483,534,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"pPart of 547 - badger sett - incorporates 541, 543, 544, 545",,,,,,no,no 484,543,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,Badger set,Badger set,,,,,"551, 538",no,no 485,1032,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,pipe cut infill through secondary ditch,pipe trench infill 1050 - yellow sand and black soil patches,"1050, 1028, 1075, 1086","1028, 1001",,,"1028, 1001",yes,no 486,1049,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,pit infill seen in EW section through secondary ditch,"1050, 1096",,,,,yes,no 487,1050,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Pipe cut through secondary ditch,"1086, 1096, 1501","1049, 1000, 1558",,,"1047, 1048, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1001, 1029, 1030",no,no 488,544,Housing Scheme,,,Badger sett,HS misc,,,Badger sett - part of 547,,,,,"551, 538",no,no 489,545,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,part of 547,,,,,,no,no 490,547,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Badger sett,,,,,"505, 514, 551",no,no 491,542,Housing Scheme,,,Poss ditch E of S ditch,HS misc,,,"Possible cut for the small ditch (117) to east of 'Secondary ditch', grey sand, loose in texture. Fill of 532",532 (503?),556,,,,no,no 493,564,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"no details, additional card","562, 566",,,,,no,no 494,565,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"no details, additional card",,"500, 562, 567",,,,no,no 495,573,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,large pre-fort ditch which cut diagonally across the whole site.,linear feature running SSW-NNE - across spine gulley,,572,,,571,no,no 497,571,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,spine between ditches,,"572, 573",,,,no,no 498,836,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,"Primary silt, natural wash.",brown clay mixed with dark earth,829,803/5,,,,no,no 499,866,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,pit cut into eastern bank in northern area.,pit under 816 cur into E bankside,869,"816, 867",0,,,no,no 500,886,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,"noted as a possible part of 531 complex in ditches discussion (but in pencil addition). Not mentioned when this complex is being discussed first, or in any of the main lists for this area. (p. 3 of",no card,,,0,0,,no,no 501,368,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,small pre-fort linear feature to west of fort wall (p. 1 of inner ditch).,"Rectangular feature, red brown clay fill similar to 307",,"332, 366",0,0,343c,no,no 505,5,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 506,10,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,berm ditch slope of clayey sand,,,,0,0,0,no,no 507,16,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated. Topsoil,,17,18,0,0,0,no,no 508,21,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 509,24,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,"contaminated, metalling (samian coding sheets noted it as modern intrusion.",,,,0,0,0,no,no 510,27,Housing Scheme,,,Medieval wall,HS misc,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 511,29,Housing Scheme,,,North of Medieval wall,HS misc,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 512,31,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 513,32,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 514,34,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 515,35,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 517,38,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,"contaminated, gravel overlying tumble from fort wall",,,,0,0,0,no,no 519,45,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 520,48,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 521,50,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 522,51,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 523,53,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 524,56,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 525,65,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,loam and cobbles - berm sloping down west bank of main ditch,,,,0,0,0,no,no 526,74,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 527,75,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 528,77,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 529,78,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 530,79,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 531,83,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 532,86,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 533,87,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 534,88,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 535,89,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 536,90,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 537,91,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 538,92,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 539,93,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 540,94,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 541,97,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 542,102,Housing Scheme,,,Temple,Temple,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 543,104,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"cobbling west of wall 102, temple",,,,0,0,0,no,no 544,110,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,contaminated - subsoil to east of main ditch,,,,0,0,0,no,no 546,112,Housing Scheme,,,Modern field drain,HS misc,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 547,113,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"contaminated, modern tree pit",,,,0,0,0,no,no 548,114,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"contaminated. Light brown sandy soil, west of temple and south of secondary ditch",,,,0,0,0,no,no 549,115,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,"contaminated, circular pit west of temple",,,,0,0,0,no,no 550,116,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"contaminated, modern pit",,,,0,0,0,no,no 551,117,Housing Scheme,,,Temple,Temple,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 552,118,Housing Scheme,,,modern soakaway,HS misc,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 553,119,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,contaminated. Heap of stones west of temple,,,,0,0,0,no,no 554,121,Housing Scheme,,,Medieval wall,HS misc,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 555,122,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 556,123,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 557,124,Housing Scheme,,,Medieval wall,HS misc,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 558,125,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 559,126,Housing Scheme,,,Modern,HS misc,,contaminated,,,,0,0,0,no,no 560,128,Housing Scheme,,,Medieval,HS misc,,contaminated,. Small cobbles north of wall 121 set in light-medium brown sandy loam,,"100, 120, 137",0,0,0,yes,no 561,130,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,,"Burnt patch, circular",123,"110, 116",0,0,123,no,no 562,131,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"septic tank; another description has this as spread of angular stones, west of temple and south of secondary ditch,",spread of angular stones set in darkish sand,142,100,0,0,0,yes,no 563,132,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,,area of closely packed stones set in 114,"114, 138, 139, 142",100,0,0,0,no,no 564,133,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,"contaminated, spread of cobbles cut by septic tank","spread of road cobbles cut by septic tank, laps up to main ditch",145,100,0,0,0,no,no 565,134,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"contaminated. Large area of cobbles, west of temple and south of secondary ditch","Large area of small cobbles, overlay a layer of small cobbles - ? Metalling - and a large cobbles set in a line with appearance of reveting.","143, 144, 145, 146",100,112,0,0,no,yes 566,135,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,small purple patch in 114 - ?hearth,small purple patch in 114 - packed with stones and with a burnt area underneath. ? Hearth or covering for heath.,"114, 136",100,0,0,0,no,no 567,136,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,contaminated. Modern pit cutting 128. Harper's old excavation . NB this description seems to fit 137 according to the card index.,Stone setting with grey soil filling. Patches of burning within stones.,,135,0,0,0,yes,no 569,138,Housing Scheme,,,modern pit,HS misc,,contaminated,"Modern black intrusion under cobbles 132, set into yellow sandy clay. Septic tank",114,132,0,0,0,yes,no 570,141,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,,"Black trench bounded by brown clay running under the cobbles 141, norht of 117",,142,0,0,0,no,no 571,142,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,cobbling,Rectangular setting of small cobbles in black silt,"114, 141","131, 133",0,0,0,no,no 572,143,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,,"Feature of large watter-washed cobbles laid in yellow sandy clay 114, ? Revetting on South side. Cobbles may be associated with small cobbles 144 to the west",114,134,0,0,0,no,no 573,144,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"contaminated, small cobbles south of secondary ditch",surface of small cobbles set in black soil. Also contains larger cobbles. Disturbed by 125 [this number obscured] which appears to have subsided - possibly due to action when 116 was cut. ?Metalling,,"116, 125, 134",0,0,0,yes,no 574,146,Housing Scheme,,,Temple,Temple,,"contaminated, intrusion cutting N. temple wall",Long black intrusion cutting through the northern temple walls 103 and running to the east of the road 143. Brown soil with small stones and patches of brown orange clay.,,,0,0,0,no,no 575,148,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"contaminated, Redeposited yellow sand out of septic tank",Redeposited clayey yellow sand S of septic tank. May heve been deposited when the septic tank was dug.,,,0,0,0,no,no 576,149,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"Round feature, underlies 114","Round feature, - grey soil with large stones set on eastern side.",,114,0,0,0,no,no 577,150,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,contaminated,"Black and yellow clay feature set into 114, north of 149. Square feature",114,,0,0,0,no,no 578,151,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,narrow feature running E/W cuts 114,Long narrow feature running E-W south of trench cut into 114. Set with stones-soil fill. N or 150,,,0,0,114,no,no 579,152,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,"Post hole, cuts 114",post hole,,,0,0,114,no,no 580,169,Housing Scheme,,,Modern pit,HS misc,,contaminated,modern pit,,,0,0,,yes,no 581,170,Housing Scheme,,,Modern pit,HS misc,,contaminated,,,,0,0,175,yes,no 582,171,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,large angular stones overlying ditch,scatter of large angular stones set in 123,123,110,0,0,0,no,no 583,301,Housing Scheme,,,Modern,HS misc,,contaminated,"Garden path - modern, possibly associated with orchard",,300,0,0,0,yes,no 584,303,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,"contaminated, light brown loam possibly equivalent to 36","layer of light brown loam, hard patched with gravel and small stones","304, 305, 308, 309, 310, 312, 322","300, 329",0,0,0,yes,no 586,306,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,"contaminated, very stoney",very stoney area. Mixed darkish brown loam with mortar fleck and quantity of small stones,,"300, 321",,0,0,yes,no 587,307,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated,"Yellow loamy sand ridge on west end of trench. Clay above caused by drott but feature refers to small metalling stones set into hard yellow clayey loam. ?? Metalling on intervallum road. Probably foundations, build-up and lower courses. Layer contained many elements later given separate numbers, 325, 326, 320. 307 - retained for layer of reddish brown clay which was immediately above the Roman turf layer 343A","343, 325, 360, 366, 369, 377, 397","324, 328, 341, 342, 357, 362, 364, 365, 372, 374, 375",0,0,0,yes,no 588,309,Housing Scheme,,,modern,HS misc,,contaminated,Square posthole. Fill dark brown loam. Deeper than 308. Contained mortar and blue clay. Bottomed onto stones associated with fort wall. Modern,,303,0,0,313,yes,no 589,310,Housing Scheme,,,modern,HS misc,,,Square posthole. Fill dark brown loam. with mortar and blue clay. Traces of timber and iron pan found in feature. Modern,,303,0,0,313,yes,no 590,311,Housing Scheme,,,Post-Roman,HS misc,,contaminated,"Stone spread sitting on 313. Rubble & cobbles. Small angular stones, don't appear to be tumble from the fort wall or wall core because of their size and nature. Medieval wall core.",313,"300, 312, 317",0,0,0,yes,no 591,312,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"Intrusion - rectangular - caused by robbing of 304, 305","304, 305, 311","300, 303",0,0,"304, 305, 311",yes,no 592,313,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,"contaminated, debris from","mixed light brown loam with large amounts of mortar flecks, blue clay and stone from fort wall. Similar to 306","Fort wall, 325, 330",300,0,0,0,yes,no 593,314,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,contaminated. Yellow sand loam. Intervallum road area,Hard packed yellow sandy loam. North edge fades into 306,"304, 305, 323",300,0,0,0,yes,no 594,316,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,"Stone spread - angular stones, small metalling",,306,0,0,0,yes,no 595,317,Housing Scheme,,,Post roman,HS misc,,lens 311,"dark loose loam, lens in 311",311,,0,0,0,no,no 596,318,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,contaminated 'fictitious feature',possible intrusion. Fictitious,,,0,0,0,yes,no 597,319,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated. Small angular stones. Intervallum road area,,,300,0,0,0,yes,no 598,320,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated. Metalled surface,metalled surface on the intervallum road,"332, 373, 378, 380, 384, 941, 943, 975, 976, 982","300, 331, 333, 345, 374, 375, 376, 964",0,0,0,yes,no 599,321,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,contaminated,"Dark soil feature, roughly circular. Black soil fill surrounded by light brown soil. Dark soil had smaller mortar flecks in it. Robbing of footring of fort wall. Tree root disturbance.",,300,0,0,306,yes,no 601,325,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated,mortar and soil mix,326,"313, 307",0,0,0,yes,no 602,326,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated,Brown soil - slightly lighter than 306. Soil among the metalling on the intervallum road & lapping up to the footing courses of the fort wall,327,325,0,0,0,yes,no 603,329,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,"contaminated, dark brown loam and burning. - Intervallum road area",small dark brown soil patch with burning approx. 12cms square,,,0,0,303,no,no 604,330,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,contaminated. Stone from wall,Stones of fort wall,"983, 993, 1228","313, 327",0,0,0,no,no 605,331,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,contaminated. Robber trench over culvery,Robber trench over the culvert. Loose dark loan & small stones,,,0,0,320,yes,no 606,332,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,layer of light brown/yellow sand,"334, 364, 368, 371, 372, 1207","320, 943, 958, 965, 967, 980, 981, 982, 991, 992, 1205",0,0,0,yes,no 607,333,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,contaminated,intrusion through 320. modern rubbish pit.,,,0,0,320,yes,no 608,334,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,Yellow sand layer. Approx. 2cms thick. Red brown clay 368,"335, 385",332,0,0,0,no,no 609,343,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,Trial trench through intervallum road incorporated a number of different layers & geological build-ups. Top layer = 307,,"363, 367, 368, 370, 385, 397, 625",0,0,0,no,no 610,344,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,"contaminated, machine disturbance",Yellow clay. Deposited by the drotting off of the intervallum road,300,,0,0,0,yes,no 611,348,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,contaminated,thin lense of hard-packed clay,,,0,0,0,yes,no 612,349,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,contaminated. Fill of culvert,"Dark loam, not as hard packed as 348 and with a higher stone count","351, 353",348,0,0,0,yes,no 613,351,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,contaminated. Fill of culvert,fine dark brown soil,"352, 359","349, 353",0,0,0,yes,no 614,352,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,contaminated. Context in culvert,layer of dark brown loam with high pebble contexnt in the culvert,353,"351, 354",0,0,0,yes,no 615,353,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,contaminated. Fill of culvert.,"sand and mortar mix in the culvert, approx. 10cm thick",351,"349, 352, 966",0,0,0,yes,no 616,355,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,fill of culvert,black clay layer in culvert,"354, 356",,0,0,0,no,no 617,357,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,chipping behind fort wall.,,,,0,0,0,no,no 618,363,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,machine disturbed. Contaminated,red brown clay lens,343,drott disturbance,0,0,0,yes,no 619,364,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,light brown sand deposit,,"332, 365",0,0,307,no,no 621,366,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,cobbles near west side of fort wall. Contaminated,River washed stones close to west side of fort wall,368,"307, 371",0,0,0,yes,no 622,371,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,red brown clay,Patch of red brown clay similar to 307 but very localised,,,0,0,364,no,no 623,373,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,"yellow orange mortar - small amount of white mortar, possible signs of robbing.","379, 967","300, 320, 942",0,0,0,no,no 624,374,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated,post-hole ovaloid circle. Fill - black earth - possibly 300,,,0,0,0,yes,no 625,377,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,foundation cut for footing stones. Contaminated,brown sandy area with water-washed stones. Yellow flecks of mortar and sandstone chippings. ? Foundation cut for footings for fort wall {C4 pot + 1 medieval pin),,,0,0,0,no,no 626,386,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,No card,,,0,0,0,no,no 627,387,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,No card,,,0,0,0,no,no 628,388,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,No card,,,0,0,0,no,no 629,389,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,No card,,,0,0,0,no,no 630,390,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,No card,,,0,0,0,no,no 631,391,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,No card,,,0,0,0,no,no 632,392,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,No card,,,0,0,0,no,no 633,393,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall/Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,Large hole running under N& e sections. Fill top surface of rubble with brown loam beneath a footing of stones from the fort wall,,,0,0,0,yes,no 634,394,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,General layer number for berm north of ground line 139. Brown loam and small laid pebbles,395,"626, 628, 630, 632",0,0,0,yes,no 636,345,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated,Intrusion through 320 into the build-up for the intervallum road. Squarish feature - possibly post-hole.,,,0,0,0,yes,no 637,488,Housing Scheme,,,Spine between ditches,HS misc,,,Dark brown loan. Part of fill of 489,489,,0,489,0,no,no 638,623,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 640,627,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,yellow mottled clay in patches,1232,"395, 1207, 1215-7, 1229, 1233, 1235, 1237, 998 (not very legible), 963",0,0,0,yes,no 641,628,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 642,630,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 643,631,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Narrow trench running NS under the berm,,,0,0,0,no,no 644,632,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 645,633,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"Possible post hole, fill reddy-brown clay",,,0,0,395,no,no 646,634,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,possible fill of trench,,,0,0,0,no,no 647,638,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 648,694,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,removal of baulk,,,0,0,0,no,no 649,700,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Small area of burning. Dark grey loam and charcoal flecks. Later than cobbles and contemporary with bottom layer of tumble.,701,91,0,0,0,no,no 650,701,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 651,702,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,,Large cobbles and foundation of fort wall. River worn cobbles. Brown silt above and among cobbles. In foundation trench for fort wall underlying robber trench. {Smithing evidence in fill],94,"712, 715",0,0,0,no,no 652,703,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,,Large cobbles in foundation trench of wall. Brown silt among cobbles,,94,0,0,0,no,no 653,704,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 654,705,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,Pit on berm - fills - a) brown oam and stones; b) mixture of clay and dirty sand.,,34,0,0,24,no,no 655,706,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 656,707,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 657,708,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 658,709,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Unexplained ovaloid feature on berm. Fill - light brown silty clay,,24,0,0,89,no,no 660,711,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Undifferentiated soils (loams grits etc) removed in cleaning below cobbles and around the E edge of the robbed-out fort wall in this area.,,,0,0,0,no,no 661,712,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,,Brown loam occuring near the fort wall. Distinct from 711 - robbing disturbance of the fort wall,,,90,0,702,no,no 662,714,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,Pit on berm. Dark brown loam fill - sandier at the bottom - only traces found,,,0,0,"24, 725",no,no 663,715,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,contaminated,Modern disturbance. Fill - black loam with flecks of mortar. Old digger cut,,,0,0,702,yes,no 664,717,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Dense grey sandy loam on the berm,718,24,0,0,0,no,no 665,718,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 666,719,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Black gritty loam on the berm,720,24,0,0,0,no,no 667,720,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 668,721,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 670,724,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 671,725,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Area of mottled silt/clay/sand on the berm,,,0,0,0,no,no 672,727,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Brown silt and sandy clay - gulley NE/SW on berm,,,0,0,0,no,no 673,728,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 674,729,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 675,730,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 676,734,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,U-shaped cut below silt. All finds from bottom layer - grey brown sandy silt - includes sand and gravel and mortar,,,0,0,0,no,no 677,735,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,pencil - fill of trough 743?,743?,723?,0,0,0,no,no 678,736,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,brown silty clay,,,0,0,0,no,no 679,742,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,brown silty clay,,,0,0,0,no,no 680,746,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 681,747,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 682,748,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 683,802,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated,,829,"803, 815, 824",0,0,0,yes,no 684,803,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated,Blackish clay with stones,"802, 805, 807, 814, 815, 822, 823, 824, 838, 843, 826, 831, 832, 833, 834-836",,0,0,0,yes,no 685,804,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated,Tumble in south corner of 802,,,0,0,803,yes,no 686,626,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 687,723,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no details,,716? (in pencil),0,0,0,no,no 688,733,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 689,805,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated,"Flooring, paving stones and brown clay. Probably not a real layer because paving stones did not cover whole area and clay appears to be an interface between 803 & 823 Enclosed by building walls",822,"823, 831, 832, 833, 834, 836, 838, 843, 852, 858, 854, 855, 803",0,0,0,yes,no 690,806,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated,Cobbling to north of 807. mixture of heavy cobbling & light metalling,821,801,0,0,0,yes,no 691,807,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,East west wall running through 803 60cm wide,,"801, 818",0,0,803,no,no 692,809,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,Dark brown / black silt,820,803,0,0,806,no,no 693,810,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"dark brown loam - possibly a post-hole, relates to the garden",,801,0,0,803,no,no 694,813,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,Robber trench to north of 802 and west of 806. rubble fill & building debris in black loam,,801,0,0,0,no,no 695,822,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,seems to be some confusion as to whether this is building or collapse into ditch.,"coal, clinker and iron slag within 823",823,"805, 803",0,0,0,no,no 696,823,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated. seems to be some confusion as to whether this is building or collapse into ditch.,"brown clay fairly heavily but patchily burnt on top surface, may be floor level",,"804, 803, 822, 824, 826, 828, 831-4, 852-5, 837, 838, 862, 864, 865",0,0,0,yes,no 697,824,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated,"Gully cut in 823 and through 802, filled with 803 including some fragments of med pot","823, 802",803,0,0,0,yes,no 698,826,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated. seems to be some confusion as to whether this is building or collapse into ditch.,"Trench or ditch dug into 823, filled with 803 and 828",823,"803, 828",0,0,0,no,yes 700,831,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,"post-hole fill blue clay, brown clay, sand and stone packing, cf 837, 838",,"805, 803",0,0,823,no,no 701,833,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated,depression in 823. filled with brokentbular stone set in dark earth. Conentration of stone at south end,823,"803, 805",0,0,0,no,yes 702,834,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,"pit/depression in 823, filled with brown clay of 803",823,803/805,0,0,0,no,no 703,837,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,"Post hole cut into 823, fill brown & blue clay and packing stones",,,0,0,0,no,no 704,839,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated. Elsewhere described as north of large building.,"depression/gully Fill 821. Sides composed of sandy loam, dark fleck and stones",830,821,0,0,0,no,no 705,843,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,"Heavily burnt area with 823, bright red. Cf 815",823,803/5,0,0,0,no,no 706,844,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,"Pit cur into or cut by 826. fill stones and brown clay cf. 803, indistinguishable from 823, possibly part of it",,,0,0,0,no,no 707,849,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,Cur into east section down to level of wall 807,,,0,0,0,no,no 708,850,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,contaminated,Red clay area on which building is built,,,0,0,0,yes,no 709,855,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,Area of burnt material very similar to 811,856,816,0,0,0,no,no 710,862,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,Fill of 863,863,851,0,0,0,no,no 711,872,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,"Brown clay, forming fill of 873 & 874. This layer covered the whole of the building area used as a levelling layer. As this layer varied in thickness it is hard to ascertain the overall depth of this material","873, 874, 877",,0,0,0,no,no 712,877,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,"Small linear gulley, very shallow. Running NNE / SSW fill 872",,872,0,0,0,no,no 713,942,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated,Medieval stone wall?,373,300,0,0,0,yes,no 714,943,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated,Rubble fill of 332A & 1207,"382, 332n, 332s, 332c, 1207, 991, 992",320a,0,0,0,yes,no 715,946,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,Slip of road surfaces,22,300,0,0,0,no,no 716,957,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,brown hard packed clay and loam,627,"955, 956, 954",0,0,0,yes,no 717,958,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,contaminated,medieval pit,627,"960, 959",0,0,"986, 332",yes,no 718,963,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated,very loose stone and rubble,"627, 968, 985, 995","962, 961, 960",0,0,0,yes,no 719,964,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,contaminated,light brown loam and rubble from road surface,320,300,0,0,0,yes,no 720,968,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,mortar slip falls into 958A,"996, 997, 998",963,0,0,0,no,yes 721,969,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,contaminated,Rubble and lense of loam at the bottom of 958n,"970, 958n",960,0,0,0,yes,no 722,973,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,,dark brown loam and rubble,"971, 972, 970",974,0,0,0,no,no 723,974,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,compacted dark grey brown humic clay,986,972,0,0,0,no,no 724,980,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,cobbled surface east of road and west of fort wall. On intervallum road,332 1205,965,0,0,0,no,no 725,981,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,Packed stone. On intervallum road,"332, 1205",965,0,0,0,no,no 726,982,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,Light brown speckled loam with small stones,332,320,0,0,0,no,no 727,991,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,small post hole,332,"949, 943",0,0,332,no,no 728,992,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,slit trench through corduroy,986,943,0,0,"332, 1207",no,no 729,1000,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,contaminated,Topsoil,", 1000, 1002, 1006, 1046, 1050",,0,0,0,yes,no 730,1001,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,contaminated,Brown loamy soil - subsoil,"1001-1004, 1006, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1013 -20, 1022, 1023, 1025-30, 1050, 1033-35, 1038-40, 1043, 1044, 1047, 1052, 4056, 1057, 1061, 1066, 1081, 1082, 1552","1000, 1002, 1006, 1046, 1050",1002,0,0,yes,no 731,1003,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,contaminated,modern rubble - fill of spetic tank 1002,1002,100,0,0,0,yes,no 732,1005,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,contaminated,"EW road = 1044, 1045",,,0,0,0,yes,no 733,1006,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,contaminated,Rectangular pit - infill - 1007 - modern intrusion,"1060, 1061, 1502","1000, 1007",0,0,"1005, 1001, 1014, 1015",yes,no 734,1008,Housing Scheme,,,Small Building,Small building,,,"Rough EW ashlar wall, 78c,",1009,"1000, 1001",0,0,0,no,no 735,1009,Housing Scheme,,,Small Building,Small building,,,Area of crushed sandstone flags including edging flags running NE-SW,1546,1008,0,0,0,no,no 736,1011,Housing Scheme,,,Small Building,Small building,,,Crude EW ashlar wall,"1055, 1084, 1573, 1574, 1575","1000, 1001",0,0,0,no,no 737,1013,Housing Scheme,,,Small Building,Small building,,,Area of cobbling S of 1011 extends southwards into previous area,,"1001, 1022",0,0,0,no,no 738,1015,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Black/brown soil infill of 1014,1014,"1001, 1016",0,0,0,no,yes 739,1020,Housing Scheme,,,Small Building,Small building,,,Stone rubble - infill of E half of vicus building,1040,1001,0,0,0,no,no 740,1023,Housing Scheme,,,Small Building,Small building,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 741,1028,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Fine to medium cobbled area between two ditches,"1540, 1541, 1542, 1075, 1084, 1087, 1504, 1514, 1515, 1517, 1518, 1539","1001, 1027, 1032",0,0,0,no,no 742,1030,Housing Scheme,,,Small Building,Small building,,,small area of medium sized cobbled S of vicus building,,"1001, 1050",0,0,0,no,no 743,1035,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,,rubble infill of 1034,"1034, 1062, 1063, 1093",1001,0,0,0,yes,no 744,1037,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Layer of sandstone fragments,1099,1033,0,0,0,yes,no 745,1041,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,,large post-Roman pit,"1075, 1522","1027, 1042, 1002",0,0,natural,yes,no 746,1043,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Rough cobbled surface - EW rd material east of main gate,"1070, 1051, 1078, 1569","1001, 1002, 1039, 1092","1002, 1039",0,0,no,no 747,1045,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Cobbled road surface,"1067, 1060, 1500",1044,0,0,0,no,no 748,1046,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,,"fragment of wall, medieval?",,1001,0,0,0,yes,no 749,1048,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,Loose stone and rubble infill of 1047. Post-roman,,1047,"1001, 1050",0,0,0,no,no 750,1052,Housing Scheme,,,Small Building,Small building,,,metalled surface - possibly pathway N of middle vicus building,1076,"1001, 1065",0,0,0,no,no 751,1056,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area of disturbance N or north end of secondary ditch,1076,1001,0,0,0,no,no 752,1058,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,,"Area of medium to large cobbles EW road surface? Partially suvsided into 1057, 1059","1057, 1059, 1097, 1509",1001,0,0,0,yes,no 753,1060,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,,"very fine metalled surface, possibly EW road surface. Patch","1083, 1093, 1097, 1098, 1057","1001, 1044, 1045, 1006, 1502",1006,0,0,no,no 754,1067,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,,EW road cobbled surface - consists of medium sized cobbles with smaller sized metalling,"1084, 1090, 1091, 1093, 1502, 1504, 1505, 1511, 1515, 1551","1045, 1500",0,0,0,no,no 755,1069,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,black/brown loam pebbles etc. Fill of 1068,,"1068, 1508, 1526",,0,0,0,no,no 756,1070,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Good metalled surface E of main gate,"1079, 1075","1043, 1092",0,0,0,no,no 757,1075,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Metalled surface, fragmentary. East of main gate.","1076, 1517, 1518","1027, 1070, 1028, 1002, 1041, 1047, 1068, 1034, 1032",0,0,0,no,no 758,1076,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,redeposited natural,Brown clayey sandy loam,"1080, 1319, 1524","1027, 1070, 1028, 1002, 1041, 1047, 1068, 1034, 1032, 1075, 1551, 1561, 1563, 1567, 1578, 1099, 1546, 1084, 1085, 1093, 1579-1598, 1600-1642, 1662",0,0,0,no,no 759,1077,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Cobbled berm,,1569,1078,0,0,no,no 760,1078,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,,Large cobble/silt infill of diagonal drain 1569,"1077, 1569, 1570","1043, 1098",0,0,0,no,no 761,1079,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,,Flaggy sandstone layer - filling material - East of gate.,"1522, 1510, 1527, 1543, 1544-49","1070, 1038, 1002",0,0,0,no,no 762,1084,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,grey-yellow brown clayey sandy earth. Platform for vicus building,"1076, 1093, 1578","1031, 1023, 1011, 1040, 1067, 1552, 1573, 1575, 1576",1065,0,0,no,no 763,1097,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,"Grey brown loam, infill for small ditch (1098)","1098, 1506, 1507","1060, 1058",0,0,0,no,no 764,1100,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,contaminated,Topsoil. Drott disturbance and remains of spoil-heap,,,0,0,0,yes,no 765,1102,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,contaminated,"infill between cobbles, soil = 1100",1107,110,0,0,0,yes,no 766,1105,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Brown layer between walls. Loam & small amount of sand,1189,"1100, 1111",0,0,0,yes,no 767,1106,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,contaminated,Tumble consisting of small angular stone spread.,"1121, 1117, 1104","1100, 1109",0,0,0,no,yes 768,1107,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,round cobbles and mixed sandstone,"1195, 1197, 1302, 1310","1102, 1100, 1196, 1300",0,0,0,no,no 769,1110,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Scatter of assorted small stones,,,0,0,0,no,yes 770,1112,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,contaminated,Area of dark brown loam to w of 1110,"1165, 1164, 1163, 1166, 1303, 1312, 1315",1100,0,0,0,yes,no 771,1113,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,"spread of large stones, tumble","1104, 1121, 1129",1100,0,0,0,no,no 772,1116,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,wall,,1100,0,0,abuts and possibly cuts 1105,no,no 773,1117,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Brown crumbly loam layer with high proportion of sand,"1122, 1108","1104, 1121",0,0,0,no,no 774,1118,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,"cobble type layer forming possible road surface W of 1104, North of 111","1191, 1198","1110, 1100",0,0,0,yes,no 775,1119,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Area of mortar and stone inside Rm 2 CN,"1120, 1152, 1157","1110, 1155",0,0,0,no,no 776,1122,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,cobble layer,,1117,0,0,0,no,no 777,1123,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Yellow clay and stone fragments inside Rm 2,,"1115, 1103, 1100",0,0,0,yes,no 778,1125,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Stone structure consisting of flat stones inside building,1129,1100,0,0,0,yes,no 779,1127,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Stone structure inside building (previously 1113),"1129, 1136, 1188",,0,0,0,no,no 780,1129,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,"Inside building, decayed and crumbling rusty coloured sandstone",1131,"1125, 1127, 1113",0,0,0,no,no 781,1130,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Inside building. Red/brown layer; organic with flecks of charcoal,,1132,0,0,0,no,no 782,1132,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Red decayed and crushed sandstone - 25% stones,1130,,0,0,0,no,no 783,1133,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Arbitrary layer underlying (1100),,1100,0,0,0,no,yes 784,1134,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Red decayed sandstone,,"1131, 1135",0,0,0,no,no 785,1135,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,light grey clayey sand,1134,,0,0,0,no,no 786,1136,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,loan and ash mix,,1127,0,0,0,no,no 787,1137,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,kharki sand & clay,1138,,0,0,0,no,no 788,1138,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Light grey clay similar to 1135 but sandier,,1137,0,0,0,no,no 789,1141,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,loose grey loan,,,0,0,0,no,yes 790,1143,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,light reddy / brown clay,,,0,0,0,no,no 791,1147,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 792,1148,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,burnt charcoal,,,0,0,0,no,no 793,1124,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Scatter of stone and tile to E of 1119,"1150, 1151",1110,0,0,0,no,no 794,1154,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Middle to dark brown loan fill of 1155,1155,1151,0,0,0,no,no 795,1156,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,laid stone in NW corner of room 2,"1158, 1157",1153,0,0,0,no,no 796,1160,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,yellow grey sand layer,"1159, 1162, 1169, 1168, 1176",1150,0,0,0,no,no 797,1162,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Medium brown gritty loan & patches of burning,1174,1160,0,0,0,no,no 798,1164,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,medium brown clay,,"1112, 1163",0,0,0,no,no 799,1166,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,cobbles and dolomite - may form foundations,,1112,0,0,0,no,no 800,1168,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Assortment of stones forming the fill of a possible pit.,,1160,0,0,0,no,no 801,1176,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Red brown clay loam,"1180, 1181","1160, 1161, 1169, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1177, 1305",0,0,0,no,no 802,1180,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Sand and clay forming fill of foundation cobbles 1178,1178,"1181, 1176",0,0,0,no,no 803,1182,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,"Layer formed by a mixture of loam, decayed sandstone and a small percentage of ash","1186, 1115, 1187","1183, 1184, 1185",0,0,0,no,no 804,1183,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Stones forming a base is the NW corner of Room 1,"1182, 1306","1103, 1100",0,0,0,no,no 805,1186,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,roofing stone and small percentage of loam,"1190, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309",1182,0,0,0,no,no 806,1187,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,layer of ash,1190,1182,0,0,0,no,no 807,1189,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,"sandstone chips and cobbles between walls, 104 & 1114",1303,1105,0,0,0,no,no 808,1191,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Area of cobbling and stone fragmentd,1198,1118,0,0,0,no,no 809,1194,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,rammed limestone and gravel,1192,,0,0,0,no,no 810,1197,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,large angular stones in loam,,"1107, 1197",0,0,0,no,no 811,1199,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,section cut,,,0,0,0,no,no 812,1201,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,,dark grey loam and rubble,"1219, 1218, 1209, 1208, 1221",300. 1223,0,0,0,yes,no 813,1202,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,dark brown loam,"1216, 1217, 986","1215, 1214, 1213, 1203",0,0,0,no,no 814,1203,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,no clight brown clay. Fill of gully 1237 & 1234,"986, 1214, 1202",1206,0,0,0,no,no 815,1204,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch/Berm,Inner D,,,"loose rubble, fill of 1232",,"1211, 1232",0,0,"1206, 1209",yes,no 816,1205,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,layer of white mortar lime S of 332a,332,"980, 981",0,0,0,no,no 817,1206,Housing Scheme,,,IV road/Berm,OtherD,,,cobbles across berm,"1203, 1213, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1237","1211, 1213, 1225, 1218, 1204, 1222, 1228, 1230",0,0,0,no,no 818,1209,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,mixed very dark brown/grey loam cobbles and mortar,"1210, 1211, 1222, 1213, 1218, 1212, 1225, 1230","1220, 1205, 1221, 1224, 1201, 1232",0,0,0,no,no 819,1213,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"light brown loam, heavy charcoal","1206, 1215, 1214, 1202","1222, 1209, 1210, 1225, 1211",0,0,0,no,no 820,1215,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"light clay loam, pit on berm. Fill of 1231","1214, 1213","1214, 1213",0,0,0,no,no 821,1216,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"gritty sand, pit on berm, fill of 1231",627,1202,0,0,0,no,no 822,1217,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"dark loam, some charcoal, large cobbles. Pit on berm, fill 1231",627,1202,0,0,0,no,no 823,1218,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,clay and loam,1206,"1209, 1201",0,0,0,no,no 824,1219,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,grey/brown loam and rubble. Similar to 1201,1208,"1201, 1221,",0,0,0,no,no 825,1228,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,,"mortar and rubble, large stones from fort wall","1206, 1229",330,0,0,0,no,yes 826,1229,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 827,1231,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"'pit' - middle of berm cut into berm through 1206. fill = 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217",natural,1206 - {but the description says cut through!} - if so later than cobbledd surface,0,0,0,no,no 828,1233,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 829,1234,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"gully? To E of pit, darb brown loam fill",natural,1206,0,0,0,no,no 830,1235,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"gully to east of pit, S/W of 1232",627,1206,0,0,0,no,no 831,1236,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,possible pit (stone and laom) The word gulley possibly added at another time,,,0,0,0,no,no 832,1241,Housing Scheme,,,Pits on Berm,OtherD,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 833,1242,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,gulley on berm,,,0,0,0,no,no 834,1301,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,modern pit,,,0,0,0,yes,no 839,1308,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,small area of stone in room 1 unfinished,,1186,0,0,0,no,no 840,1309,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 841,1311,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Brown sand layer,1304,1310,0,0,0,no,no 842,1312,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,"Section cut through road surface to foundation clay. (a) gravel in dar grey loam overlies b. (b) chippings in sandy orange loam, overlies c.( c) gravel in orange sand, abuts d, overlies f. (d) gravel in grey brown loam overlies f, abuts e. (e) patch of gravel in orange sandy loam (illegible). (f) foundation cobbles overlies g. (g) Orange brown clay.",,1112,0,0,0,no,yes 843,1313,Housing Scheme,,,Offset ditch,Vicus B2,,,"Section cut N end thru' ditch by church and wall. (a) stone tumble underlies (1112) cuts ? B. (b) stone spread underlies (1112) cut by a. (c ) grey black loam under a, over (d). (d) orange grey clay loam - under a & C, over e & h. ( e ) orange clay, under a & d, over f. (f) orange gravel under e over g. (G) orange clay under F over h. (H) orange clay and gravel . Under d, g, over natural. (K) stone and gravel in a orange sand under l, over natural. (I) dk grey loam under (b) over j.k.",,1112,0,0,0,no,no 844,1314,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,"Section cut through road in north of area. (a) ochre clay underlies 1303. (b) yellow/orange clay underlies a, fill of foundation trench. ( c)orange/brown clay loam, underlies 1191. (d) grey clay loam, possible turf line under this.",,"1303, 1191",0,0,0,no,no 845,1315,Housing Scheme,,,Offset ditch,Vicus B2,,,"Section through ditch S. (a) yellow fine gravel under (1112) over C, (b) sandy loam abuts a, under 1112 over ( c). (C )orange /brown clay loam and sand, under a, b,, 1112 a & e. ( D) grey brown loam and clay cuts c? and f. ( E ) grey clay loam under c, over f. (F) orange silty clay. Under e, over g. ( G ) grey sandy loam, under f over h. (H) orange grey sandy loam under g.",,1112,0,0,0,no,no 846,1316,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,section through foundation cobbles S. of 1104,,,0,0,0,no,no 847,1317,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,"Section from ditch to fort wall (w) across berm area. (a) grey loam and stones over f. (b) band/stones in grey loam under a. (c ) black-brown loam, under b. (d) gravel in grey loam, under b, over e. (e ) Brown clay under c,d,e. (f) blue clay foundation cuts e, under a. (g) grey brown loam",,,0,0,0,no,yes 848,1318,Housing Scheme,,,Offset ditch,Vicus B2,,,Cut to trace end of ditch,,,0,0,0,no,no 849,1319,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,section from ditch to building wall 1104,,,0,0,0,no,no 850,1320,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,Area removed by machine / infill of ditch,,,0,0,0,yes,no 851,1321,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Berm area removed by machine to stone layer between fort wall and ditch,,,0,0,0,yes,no 852,1322,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 853,1323,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,,rubble immediately above and amongst core of NS fort wall. Tumble &/or demolition,1324,1321,0,0,0,yes,no 854,1326,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 855,1327,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Area of good quality metalling using small stones having a smooth overall surface. Either ran up to or cut by N/S ditch to E of robber trench to west.,,"1326, 1328",0,0,0,no,no 856,1328,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Coarse metalling filling gulley running NE-SW appears to be deliberate infill to level as fill on opposite side of ditches is purley loam,,,0,0,0,no,no 857,1330,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,,Black loam & stones unsealed above culvert & associated deposits. Contains modern matrial and thus disturbed,,,0,0,0,yes,no 858,1336,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,Deposit of crushed sandstone W of N guardroom,1335,1321,0,0,0,no,no 859,1337,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,,black loam - fill of EW drain (high level) contains med pot? Post roman,,,0,0,0,yes,no 860,1338,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,stone lined drain running EW no regular bottom. Soil patching between roughly laid stones,"1348, 1342, 1450",1330,0,0,0,no,no 861,1339,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Top road surface - very large stones with evidence of wear filled in with smaller cobbles,"1340, 1344, 1345",1346,0,0,0,no,no 862,1342,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,circular oven under IV Rd.,Area of flat stones set in the clay of 1340 in a roughly circular shape. Cut by drain 1335 on an EW line. On intervallum road. Interpretation - circular oven with a paved floor. Stakehole on E side area of heavily contaminated carbon & black earth (1361) spreading out on a slope to the E. Evidence of clay covering for the area 1362 on the S. side.,1340,,0,0,0,no,no 863,1343,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Area of large stones set in a semi-crcle. Built directly on road surface 1344,1344,,0,0,0,no,no 864,1344,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Lower road surface of fine cobbling under 1339 & 1345. Fine road metalling,"1352, 1357, 1358, 1369, 1372, 1377","1339, 1345, 1354, 1356, 1343, 1346, 1367, 1368","1354, 1356",0,0,no,no 865,1345,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,cobbled road surface over 1344,cobbled road surface,1344,1339,0,0,0,no,no 866,1346,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,"area of cobbled stone and occasional large cobbles with many voids in the fill. Pit c. 1m deep. Large cobbles at bottom, probably foundations of E wall of main culvert. Interpretation ? Soakaway for drain 1338","1358, 1363",1338,0,0,"1339, 1344",yes,no 867,1348,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,"Area of fine dark greyish soil, the earth being burnt surrounding 1341, drops in level towards the NW corner of area and into 1349. Interpretation: seem to be post Roman",,,"1349, 1338, 1341",0,0,0,yes,no 868,1352,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,Sandstone etc below 1344,Irregular angular stones bounded on south side by fine cobbling 1373,1393,1344,0,0,0,no,no 869,1354,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,,Area of dark soil beginning on the north side of drain 1338 & ending on s. side of feature 1355 when removed it formed a hollow or pit down as far as the cap stones of the culvert.,,,0,0,0,yes,no 870,1355,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,Original material put back over culvert when completed,"mixture of small cobbles, brown clay, chopped stone and cement aggregate. Seems to be original fill of culvert & displaced when culvert constructed. When drain was capped with poor fit at sandstones (thin and badly fitting), a double layer of large cobbles were laid over the capstones & the mixture was put on top",1332,1331,0,0,0,no,no 871,1356,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,,Fine dark earth area N of 1355 with 1351 on it. Extended down to capstones of culvert,1344,1351,0,0,0,yes,no 872,1357,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,foundations,Brown clay foundations of the intervallum road south of electricity pole.,"1404, 1405, 1407","1344, 1359",0,0,0,no,no 873,1361,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,Area of heavily carbon contaminated earth - ? Rake out from the oven 1342 sloping down from W-E to the line of the W. wall of the N Guard chamber,,,0,0,0,no,no 874,1363,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,Cobble wall foundations,Large cobble wall foundations running N-S 2 layers deep. See 1379,,1379,0,0,0,no,no 876,1370,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,,rough drain cut through wall 1353 into main culver,,,0,0,0,no,no 877,1372,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,clay and {illegible} under 1344,brown clay with carbon,"1390, 1391",1344,0,0,0,no,no 878,1377,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,Foundations under 1344,Chopped stone layer. This foundation of the IV road only occurred on the section of road to the north of drain 1338. to the south the cobled road surface was laid directly on the clay level 1357,"1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1396","1344, 1376",0,0,0,no,no 879,1379,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,robbed out foundation trench of wall of building,"Clay fill of the foundation cobble trench 1363. comprises brown clay, broken stone, samian and coarse pot.",1363,,0,0,0,no,no 880,1380,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Cement floor, uneven layers of a mixture of brown clay and chopped stone. Looks to be foundation put down so that cement floor 1358 would key onto it",1381,"1358, 1381",0,0,0,no,no 881,1381,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,floor of brown clay with carbon in the surface,,"1380, 1389",0,0,0,no,no 882,1383,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,stone filled area with remains of a cobbled surface,,1377,0,0,0,no,no 883,1384,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,cjannel or drain between 1383 and the large stone edging of 1385 with dark earth or silt on it,1377,,0,0,0,no,no 884,1387,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Brown clay surface under 1377. tipped here to make up the IV rd foundation - varying types of clay.,"1410, 1411, 1412","1377, 1386, 1409",0,0,0,no,no 885,1390,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,sloping level from S-N from the edge of 1381 to the gully slot 1391. Sandy brown clay,"1397, 1398, 1399, 1400",1372,0,0,0,no,no 886,1393,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,,broken clay surface,"1401, 1402",1352,0,0,0,no,no 887,1400,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"rough semicircle of uneven stones, bounding the carbon burnt area of 1397",,1390,0,0,0,yes,no 888,1403,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,layer of dark soil,"69, 1471",1336,0,0,0,yes,no 890,1366,Housing Scheme,,,Culvert,OtherD,,This is 1366a - top contents of main culver. 1366b - lower contents of main culvery,"Contents of main culvert in NW corner. (a) Rpts top 00.53m of the fill - v. dark loose soil except where capstones have collapsed in, bringing the large cobbles stones & some of 1355 - all directly on the capstones in with them. (b) lower 00.48m of soil and clay mixture with a lighter colour. Set with hard composition. Drain 1333 leads the main culvert on W. side",22,,0,0,0,yes,no 891,1410,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,in trench 1409 - a level of brown clay with an iron pan surface. E end - number of large cobbles & stones appeared. The cobbles and clay extended down to the small ditch 1411,1411,"1387, 1412",0,0,0,no,no 892,1430,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Unstratified topsoil over room S in NW corner,,,0,0,0,yes,no 893,1432,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Nearly circular feature of brightlypacked angular stones but hardly a floor. The one layer of stones set in dark soil with one sherd of med pottery in the dark soil to ??????? (illegible). Appears to have destroyed the W. half of wall 1431,"1431, 1446",,0,0,0,no,no 894,1433,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Rough cirular fireplace or oven, most of the circular wall being destroyed but leaving the stokehole channel intact and leading off into the W baulk. The feature held together by yellow clay had been installed by cutting through the cobbled surface 1459 probably not long after the fort was abandoned.",1459,,0,0,1459,no,no 895,1435,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area of irregular stones that gave the appearance of a rough floor probably medieval set in dark soil with burning evident in the soil but no in the stones,,1436,0,0,0,no,no 896,1437,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area devoid of large stones - dark soil with evidence of burning in it.,1467,,0,0,0,no,yes 897,1438,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Small area of brown clay and stones with the remains of fine cobbling on the surface. Feature has a Roman look about it and is typical of many floor build up in the fort. Proved that the cobbled surface 1459 ran under it. Purpose could have been to level up the ?? Surface of 1459 at this point,1459,,0,0,0,no,no 898,1443,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"An uneven area of dark soil with the odd large stone in it, probably medieval",,,0,0,0,no,no 899,1444,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Oven or fireplace comprising 2 lines of stonework with a paired channel between them, built up at the back of the stonework with large stones set in yellow clay. Built in the style of oven 1433 but different shape. Let into the surface of 1459 at the W end but with the general crushing of surface (1459) built on the lower levelin the main. Sealed off at the E. end with stonework but an open end at the W. S of the channel at almost the E end a further small channel leads off to the S at right angles to main channel. Small channel blocked off from joining in with the large channel, when the stone was removed the paving was continuous. Stonework and small channel subject to settlement or sinking. Intense burning in evidence throughout on the N side of the ? At the E end it was apparent that at least 3 flat stones in set in yellow clay had been laid in a rough step down path to provide link with 1467. No way ovens 1433 & 1444 joined",,1459,0,0,0,no,no 900,1446,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Open area devoid of large stones except for what appeared to be a scatter of roof tiles at the E. side against wall (1353). Very dark soil with signs of burning in it.,1468,,0,0,0,no,yes 901,1447,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Area of S. wall 1431, no large stones but here a change of floor covering, not the unusual dark soil encountered. N of wall 1431 at this level but a mixture of dark and light brown stiff clay with a fair amount of small stones mixed in. This of course being the same S of drain 1338.",1468,,0,0,0,no,no 902,1450,Housing Scheme,,,Post Roman,HS misc,,,"Pit, medieval intrusion judging by sherd. Fill dark soil and stones. Nearly taking the shape of an oblong. The remaining part being in the W baulk. Have the drain 1338 going across the centre of it as is pit 1346 E of the main culvery drain built on the rubble in the pit.",1338,1338,0,0,0,yes,no 903,1453,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Brown/black stiff clay under the modern level of the main road into the site having had a layer of large cobbles on the clay. Foundation cobbles 1454 being located is the E edge of the clay. At extreme E end level falls away and appears to spread over the foundation trench of the west side wall of main culvert (22). Considerable pottery found in the clay between the foundation cobbles of the earlier building 1455 - would appear that these belong to the period of the earlier building.,,"1700a, 1700b",0,0,0,no,no 904,1459,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Floor of cement and small cobbles with the cement almost washed out in places - cement having a green-yellow tinge missing in some places to show brown clay 1460 beneath. Level in west half of room but slopes towards the west E side 3-6cm deep. First signs of settlement in E half of room due to early ditch 1484 runs entire length of // on NS line being backfilled and not consolidated. Settlement more acute for two-thirds of ? From S-N less pronounced at N. Because N end was backfilled with dark solid brown clay 1498. Rest filled with loose mixture of small cobbles, cement, stone and general clay (soli mixture - 1499)","1460, 1473","1498, 1499, 1444",0,0,0,no,no 905,1460,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Brown clay surface exposed in various parts of the cement cobble floor 1459 & to the S. of oven (1433). Later found to run under all the surface of 1459 thickness of the clay varyingbetween 5-10c,",1473,1459,0,0,0,no,no 906,1461,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area of large stones in shape of a rough square. Angular & not a floor surface. Seemingly joined to fireplace (1444) with some flat stones. Also joins with drain 1370 that goes through wall 1353,,,0,0,0,no,no 907,1462,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area of cobbled floor with traces of brown cement in between on the south side of wall 1431 and also the south side of drain 1338 but finishing abruptly at 1463 not the same as 1459 on the N side of wall 1431 - not the same coloured mortar & a little ??,1471,,0,0,0,no,no 908,1474,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Brown clay surface. Falling away on E. side of the room - surface had a scattering of chopped stone and some small cobbles in part. The previous features 1444 & 1461 seemed to have spoiled the surface to a large degree.,"1489, 1490, 1492, 1493, 1495, 1498, 1499, 1705",1473,0,0,0,no,no 909,1477,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Material under the cobbled surface 1471 S of wall 1477. Mixture of brown clay and stones small cobbles in cement. Material never altered or formed a layer or surface & in fact was fill in ditch 1484 at this point. (illegible) with trench 1m wide 1478 put across ditch,"1484, 1482",1471,0,0,0,no,no 910,1487,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Section of wall irregular stones, small cobbles & mortar 4cms deep integrated into W side of wall 1353 gave support to wall on W. side - no facing stones on W. Supported on E to stop collapse into main culvert 22 that runs alongside . Both sides of wall are stone faced above level of foundation course.",,,0,0,0,no,no 911,1488,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,In the NW corner of the large room on area of large pieces of chopped stone,"1707, 1708, 1709",1474,0,0,0,no,no 912,1489,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Hard brown clay flat surface S. of 1488,,"1474, 1707, 1709, 1710",0,0,0,no,no 913,1492,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area of fine cobbling running over for the most part of the chopped stone 1490. Cobbles contained a fair amount of cement.,1705,1474,0,0,0,no,no 914,1493,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,patch of thick cement with a small cobble surface. Largest part of the fill of 1481 on N side of cobble foundations 1476. impossible to divide 1493 from cobbles and cement 1492,,"1409, 1474, 1473",0,0,0,no,no 915,1494,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Limited spread of fire cobbles with traces of cement - seems to be continuation of 1492 - runs down the slope W-E which is over 1484 ditch area. Interpretation: probably pushed off the top of 1492 after ditch was filled,,,0,0,0,no,no 916,1498,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area of stiff brown clay with odd stone in it. At N. end of 1484. This material is the fill of the ditch at this point.,1459,1474,0,0,0,no,no 917,1499,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Mixed brown days angular stones small cobbles with a trace of cement in them. Fill of ditch 1484,1459,1474,0,0,0,no,no 918,1503,Housing Scheme,,,Kiln,Kiln,,,"Dark brown sandy soil - top fill of pit 1051, probably sealing for pit 1051 & kiln 1525","1516, 1051, 1534","1510, 1529",0,0,0,no,no 919,1504,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,NW/SW drain,1502,"1067, 1028, 1505",0,0,1502,no,no 920,1506,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,"yellow sandy silt and charcoal, with patches of clay.","1098, 1507",1097,0,0,0,no,no 921,1509,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,large cobble foundation of 1058,,1058,0,0,0,no,no 922,1510,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Area of large/medium sized cobbles overlying pit 1051,"1051, 1503, 1529, 1531, 1532, 1533","1079, 1522, 1527, 1549, 1557",1002,0,0,no,no 923,1516,Housing Scheme,,,Kiln,Kiln,,Fill of rake-out pit,"Dark brown sandy soil, mixed extensively with ash, charcola, burnt daub etc. Kiln raking.","1520, 1051",1503,0,0,0,no,no 924,1520,Housing Scheme,,,Kiln,Kiln,,Fill of rake-out pit,layer of sandy brown clay,"1521, 1051",1516,0,0,0,no,no 925,1521,Housing Scheme,,,Kiln,Kiln,,Fill of rake-out pit,"Thick layer of burning, sandy soil, charcoal, red ash pot etc",1051,1520,0,0,0,no,no 926,1533,Housing Scheme,,,Kiln,Kiln,,,"Sandy clay layer embedded with cobbles, surrounding kiln",,1510,"1531, 1532, 1525",0,0,no,no 927,1534,Housing Scheme,,,Kiln,Kiln,,,Yellow/brown sandy clay within kiln. Tumbled cobbles,"1525, 1535",1503,0,0,0,no,no 928,1535,Housing Scheme,,,Kiln,Kiln,,,Thin layer of burning with kiln,"1525, 1536",1534,0,0,0,no,no 929,1536,Housing Scheme,,,Kiln,Kiln,,,Layer of sandy clay containing charcoal within kiln,"1525, 1537",1535,0,0,0,no,no 930,1549,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Thin layer of brown clay,"1510, 1553, 1556","1079, 1522",0,0,0,no,no 931,1550,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,Sandy soil with sandstone chips,1527,1522,"1543, 1544, 1038, 1039",0,0,no,no 932,1558,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,,dark brown laom and pebbles,"1050, 1576, 1577",1012,0,0,0,no,no 933,1700,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,1700A - stone-lined post hole set in brown clay. Rough square 21cms x 30cm deep. 1700B PH 20cm across 22cms deep,1453,,0,0,0,no,no 934,1702,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Dark carbon contaminated layer on bank of 1701. Approx 4.5cms thick,1480,1471,0,0,0,no,no 935,1703,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Dark brown clay layer under the modern fill of pit (1450),1704,1480,0,0,0,no,no 936,1715,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Layer of stiff brown clay surrounding & running under 1705 - layer of large irregular stones,1716,"1705, 1711",0,0,0,no,no 937,1719,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Top soil, large cobbles and layers of road making material","1720, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1725, 1726, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1734",,0,0,0,yes,no 938,1721,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area of chopped sandstone with some evidence of a cobbled surface in parts. With the chopped stones being quite sharp it was obvious that this surface had not been subject to wear and was really the foundation for the top cobblestones that were missing for the most part. Extended from the baulk on the west ot the fireplace 1722 to the east,1739,1719,0,0,0,no,no 939,1725,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,S. end of fireplace. 81cm X 1.32m long 29cms deep. Burnt material filling the pit yielding pottery etc. Pit is edged with stones to some extent. Rake out pit for 1722.,,1719,0,0,0,no,no 940,1727,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,An uneven area of scattered cobbles set in brown clay. Surface locks to have been disturbed when a thick layer of dolomite was laid down on it at this point. Dolomite - fairly modern addition because of the blue glaze pottery,"1735, 1736",1719,0,0,0,yes,no 941,1734,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area of scattered stones and black soil between 1721 and 1726 on the north side & the rough area of stones 1729 on the south side,1738,1719,0,0,0,yes,no 942,1735,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Close packed surface of small and large cobbles. Fading out on the north side to 1736, limited on the S. side by 1738. Stepping at fireplace & pit 1722 & 1725 on the w. side also giving way to the chopped stone 1739 at the S. end of the rake-out pit 1725","1736, 1746","1726, 1727, 1744",0,0,0,no,no 943,1736,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"N of 1735 cobble surface fades out leaving a surface of mixed clays, dark and light brown sandy clays. Extended 1735","1750, 1751, 1752, 1753","1727, 1735, 1743, 1746",0,0,0,no,no 944,1737,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Substantial cobbled surface - extreme N. side of the east road via the east gate,1747,"1728, 1729",0,0,0,no,no 945,1739,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Arbitrary level. 19cms deep. Fill - sandstone rubble. Very little soil or clay. Stepped to E side to give way to clay level 1736 and on the N. side of the cobble foundation 1455,"1743, 1745, 1748",1721,0,0,0,no,no 946,1741,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Cobble stone foundations of wall 1723. V. small cobbles with cobbles of wall 1353. appears to be a divide where the two foundations meet in the SE corner.,,1733,0,0,0,no,no 947,1744,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Narrow slot on E side of rakeout pit of 1725. 10cms wide & 12 on deep. Is at the back of the stones forming the E side of the pit. Locks to be the construction cut to fit the rough wall of the pit. Fill of ash soil,1735,,0,0,0,no,no 948,1747,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,,second layer of cobbles - part of E road into fort. Drain 53 begins to show. Crosses E road and terminates against the side of the guard chamber,1754,1737,0,0,0,no,no 949,1749,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"N of wall 1723. Brown clay surface for the most part with scattering of chopped stone in the clay 34cms wide at W, 6km at E",1484,1724,0,0,0,no,no 950,1751,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Stone lined post hole. 34cms, 17cms",,1736,0,0,0,no,no 951,1752,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"Post hole of small pit. Fill - pure river sand, 60cms NS, 68 cm EW, 30cm deep",1750,1736,0,0,0,no,no 952,1755,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,,12cm deep layer of sandy light and dark brown clays directly on the cobbled area 1756. covering extended area of S of drain 53. Layer matches the layer 1736 that runs over the top of the cobbled surface 1750 on the north side of the cobble foundations 1455,,"1754, 1757",0,0,0,no,no 953,1760,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Dark brown clay layer approx. 12cms taken off to reach sandy light brown clay (natural),1761,1750,0,0,0,no,no 954,1770,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no details,,,0,0,0,no,no 955,1801,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,Area to S and W of 1800. Dark soil and clay mixture,1805,,0,0,0,no,no 956,1850,Housing Scheme,,,NE corner,OtherD,,,Area cleared of weed growth etc and top feature removed 1850 - a covering of chopped stone,"1866, 1869, 1871, 1851-1865",,0,0,0,yes,no 957,1867,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,area of dark brownclay at lower level than 1871. situated onedge of main ditch.,,0,0,0,no,no 958,1868,Housing Scheme,,,NE corner/Main Ditch,OtherD,,,on edge of main ditch a strip of cobbling at its south end a much lower level of brown clay. Looks to be a part of a road or path on the very edge of the main ditch. 3-13cms in thickness,,,0,0,0,no,no 959,1869,Housing Scheme,,,NE corner,OtherD,,,E of line of NS post holes. Brown subsoil medium seems to be inside room or rooms as defined by the post holes. Series of shallow depression in the surface - running for the most part on an EW line - could be sleeper trenches,"1873, 1874, 1876",1850-1865,0,0,0,no,no 960,1870,Housing Scheme,,,NE corner/Main Ditch,OtherD,,,"One edge of main fort ditch, a minor ditch running NS its N end stepping in a cut made by earlier exec. Appears to out through edging stores & n side of early E road and goes under road foundations. 1.59m wide and 65cms deep. Fill - cobblestones irregular stones and dark soil",,,0,0,0,no,no 961,1871,Housing Scheme,,,NE corner,OtherD,,,Area to W of NS line of postholes. Subsoil being darker than 1869 and the amount of sherds recovered not so prolific as 1869. no sign of sleeper trenches,1873,1850,0,0,0,no,no 962,1872,Housing Scheme,,,NE corner,OtherD,,,Ditch & sleeper trench complex revealed under the dark brown clay. At this point the layout of these ditches does not make much sense there being no set.,1875,1873,0,0,0,no,no 970,111,Housing Scheme,,,Septic tank,HS misc,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 974,156,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,"Intrusion in east bank of 127, loose brown soil fill, very shallow.",,127,0,0,0,no,no 978,0,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,Location unknown,,,,0,0,0,no,no 983,168,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,yellow clay north of grid line 132,"yellow clay spread under 123, overlying black gritty soil 175",175,123,0,0,0,yes,no 985,39,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,"contaminated, area of disturbance over fort wall. One record has this noted as 'Harper's' excavation",,,,0,0,0,no,no 996,36,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,metalling,,,,0,0,0,no,no 1002,137,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,Harpers Excavation contaminated,Has this as modern pit cutting 128 appears to run complete EW distance of trench. Has it as Harpers old excavation.,,,0,0,0,yes,no 1025,322,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,contaminated,Dark loose soil relatively stone free.,304,303,0,0,0,yes,no 1028,304,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,"contaminated, stone spread. Intervallum road area",stone spread at southern end of trench. Set into 303,,"300, 303, 312, 314, 315, 322",0,0,0,yes,no 1043,722,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,,no card,,,0,0,0,no,no 1058,395,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,"396, 627, 631, 633","381 {?}, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394",0,0,0,no,no 1067,812,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch,Outer D,,,pit containing pig skeleton. Fill black loam,,,0,0,801,no,no 1069,827,Housing Scheme,,,Secondary ditch/Large Building,Vicus B2,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 1086,840,Housing Scheme,,,North of Large building,HS misc,,,"black loam with sand, burnt clay and tile fragments",850,821,0,0,0,no,no 1088,2000,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 1090,914,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,light brown silty loam with small pebbles and large cobbles,906,"907, 911",0,0,0,yes,no 1105,2005,Housing Scheme,,,EW Road,OtherD,,u/s - no details of context,,,,0,0,0,no,no 1113,2001,Housing Scheme,,,Temple,Temple,,,,,,0,0,0,no,no 1114,13,Housing Scheme,,,Berm,OtherD,,,,,"11, 20",0,0,0,no,no 1115,17,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,,16,,,0,0,no,no 1116,18,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,,16,,,0,0,no,no 1117,2002,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,,,,,0,0,no,no 1118,2003,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,,,,,0,0,no,no 1119,2004,Housing Scheme,,,E Road,OtherD,,,,,,,0,0,no,no 1120,25,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,"Samian report has entries under this, as coming from area south of secondary ditch - but there is no entry for this context number in the context listings",,,,,0,0,no,no 1121,20,Housing Scheme,,,?,HS misc,,Samian recorded from this context not mentioned in records. Samian report notes that it was East of main ditch. Treat as unstratified.,,,,,0,0,no,no 1122,28,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,Samian report has this as a post Roman layer but there was no record in the concordances. Treat as unstratified.,,,,,0,0,no,no 1124,129,Housing Scheme,,,South of Secondary ditch,HS misc,,"E-W wall in 2 sections (a) westernmost wassl - wider, (b) easternmost wall , single line of stone",,,110,,0,0,no,no 1126,139,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,,Square post hole - black soil fill,,132,,,114,no,no 1127,145,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,cluster of large angular stones set in black silt,,"133, 134",,,,no,no 1128,153,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"Narrow linear feature. Brown clay with iron pan. Probably not a feature except for a small, shallow pit in the east end.",,,,,114,no,no 1129,154,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Circular pit formerly 112. Possibly a tree pit certainly modern,,,,,,no,no 1130,192,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,,"stake hole cut into 123, soil fill.",,,,,123,no,no 1131,193,Housing Scheme,,,South of South ditch,HS misc,,,"stake hole cut into 123, soil fill.",,,,,123,no,no 1132,302,Housing Scheme,,,Main ditch,Inner D,,,"Cluster of stones, irregularly positioned in the dark loam 300",,,,,,yes,no 1133,305,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"stone spread made up of cobble-like stones, possibly the same as 304, one or two large dressed stones",,"300, 303, 312, 314, 315, 322",312,,,yes,no 1134,308,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"Square posthole. Fill - dark brown loam, comparatively stone free. ? Modern",,303,,,313,yes,no 1135,315,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,intrusion into stone spread 304,304,300,,,,yes,no 1136,323,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"mortar layer with small angular stones, very gravelly",,314,,,,no,no 1137,324,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Thin band of metalling. On plan: yellow/brown sand containing small number of water-washed stones fill of 368. Probably part of the cobble foundations and metalling for the intervallum road.,307,,,,307,no,no 1138,327,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Light brown soil and mortar mix with pea gravel,"Fort wall, 330",326,,,,no,no 1139,328,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"Roughly circular intrusions cut into 300 (?)on intervallum road. Fill light brown sandy loam, Below road build-up not visible on road surface.",307,,,,,no,no 1140,832,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,area of dark brown clayey earth with flat stones cut into 823. post pad?,823,803/5,,,,no,no 1141,1014,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,Disturbance ? Alongside EW road consits of cobbles and magnesium limestone blocks,,,"1001, 1016, 1015, 1018",,,1016,no,no 1142,1047,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,large roughly circular pit. Post roman,"1075, 1526","1048, 1001","1002, 1050",,,no,no 1143,1068,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Road,OtherD,,Ditch/large pit? Filled with black/brown loam and bebbles etc. N of N turn of main ditch,,1075,"1069, 1034, 1047, 1508",,,,no,no 1144,1081,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"small pit, north of 1078, cut into W bank of main ditch",1064,"1082, 1072",1002,,,no,no 1145,1098,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,small ditch - runs in NW-SE direction. Joins secondary ditch? & offset ditch to N,1524,"1097, 1060, 1099, 1506",1507,,"1078, 1080",no,no 1146,1116,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"remains of floor in building 1111, flat, river washed stone",1195,1100,,,,no,no 1147,1155,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,small pit,,"1151, 1154",,,"1119, 1150, 1157",no,no 1148,1163,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,Dark brown loam and large amount of river washed stone,1164,1112,,,,no,no 1149,1223,Housing Scheme,,,Fort wall,OtherD,,,Rubble and loam from fort wall ? Topsoil,,,,,,no,no 1150,1754,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner/EW Rd,OtherD,,,"Foundation of east Rd., 80% chopped stone, heavy irregular stones, cobbles & disturbed wall stones of drain 53","1755, 1757",1747,,,,no,no 1151,815,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Area of burning,802,803/801,,,,no,no 1153,828,Housing Scheme,,,Large building,Vicus B2,,,"Rubble within 826, surrounded by clay fill 803. Appears to be some later medieval feature. Parts of a disarticulated human skeleton lies above this ? Civil war","826, 823",,,,,yes,no 1154,873,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,linear gulley running NE/SW. Fill = 872,,872,,,,no,no 1155,959,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,Mid orange sand with mixture of grey brown sandy soil and charcoal,,,,,,,no,no 1156,1018,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,shallow pit - modern,"1514, 1515","1019, 1000",,,1014,yes,no 1157,1034,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Circular enclosure. In fill 1035. Localised burning in bottom. Medieval corn drier,"1068, 1075, 1099","1001, 1035, 1062, 1092",,,,yes,no 1158,1040,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Fine metalled surface. E half of vicus building,1084,"1001, 1020, 1576",,,,no,no 1159,1085,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,large cobbled foundation for road 1060,1076,1060,,,,no,no 1160,1099,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,robber-trench/pit NW of 1034,1098,"1037, 1033","1034, 1039",,"1076, 1080",no,no 1161,1111,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Remains of building to W of 1104. building is at an angle of c. 15 degrees to 1104,1198,1100,,,,no,no 1162,1117,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Brown crumbly loam layer with high proportion of sand,"1122, 1108","1104, 1121",,,,no,no 1164,1157,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"Mixed layer of clay, mortar burnt sandston",1159,"1119, 1156, 1155",,,,no,no 1165,1167,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Pit?,,,,,,no,no 1166,1170,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Yellow sand fill of cut 1171,1171,1158,,,,no,no 1167,1245,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,,,,,,,no,no 1170,1389,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Small area of burning on the surface of 1381 but in 1380,"1381, 1380",1358,,,,no,no 1172,1302,Housing Scheme,,,Strip Building,Vicus B1,,,stone spread W of 1104,"1310, 1304, 1310",1107,,,,no,no 1173,1303,Housing Scheme,,,Strip Building,Vicus B1,,,fill of drain 1198,1195,"1112, 1300, 1189",,,,no,no 1174,1304,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,sandstone chippings W of 1104,,"1302, 1195, 1311",,,,no,no 1175,1306,Housing Scheme,,,Strip building,Vicus B1,,,"stone lying in 1305, 42 cm down Rm 1 Unfinished",1305,"1183, 1186",,,,no,no 1192,1448,Housing Scheme,,,NW corner,OtherD,,,"Same as 1447 but at a slightly lower level, the form it takes being the result of a trial excavation 2-3 yrs ago",1465,,,,,no,no 1193,1527,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Fine metalled road to east of site. Possible continuation of 1522 ? Connection with kiln therefre early road,"1510, 1530","1079, 1550, 1553, 1557","1543, 1544",,,no,no 1194,1551,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Grey loamy sand - extending S from S side of 1040,"1076, 1554","1067, 1502",,,,no,no 1195,1716,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Level of very sparse small cobbling and chopped stone set in brown clay (1718) & 1717 set in surface - appears that the fireplace 1707 belongs to this period,,"1715, 1718, 1717",,,,no,no 1196,1800,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,"Area S of E road and north of building, E of fort ditch. Surface area left from previous excavations SM cobbles, sandstone and dark soil","1803, 1806",,,,,yes,no 1197,1873,Housing Scheme,,,,HS misc,,,Dark brown clay. Surface of this clay was on a level with the offset of the W. wall of the building,1872,"1869, 1871, 1874",,,,no,no 1198,3000,Tofts Field 1973,P/Q.11,1,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1199,3001,Tofts Field 1973,P/Q.11,2,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1200,3002,Tofts Field 1973,P/Q.11,3,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1201,3003,Tofts Field 1973,P/Q.11,5,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1202,3004,Tofts Field 1973,P.12,2,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1203,3005,Tofts Field 1973,P.12,3,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1204,3006,Tofts Field 1973,P.12,4,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1205,3007,Tofts Field 1973,P.12,6,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1206,3008,Tofts Field 1973,P.12,7,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1207,3009,Tofts Field 1973,P.12,9,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1208,3010,Tofts Field 1973,P.12,12,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1209,3011,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,2,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1210,3012,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,3,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1211,3013,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,4,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1212,3014,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,5,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1213,3015,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,6,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II (or) IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1214,3016,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,7,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1215,3017,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,8,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase (II) or IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1216,3018,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,9,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1217,3019,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,10,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1218,3020,Tofts Field 1973,P.13,11,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase (I-) II,,,,,,,no,no 1219,3021,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,1,,TF73,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1220,3022,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,2,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1221,3023,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,3,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1222,3024,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,4,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1223,3025,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,5,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1224,3026,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,6,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1225,3027,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,7,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1226,3028,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,7A,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1227,3029,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,7B,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1228,3030,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,10,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1229,3031,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,11,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1230,3032,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,12,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1231,3033,Tofts Field 1973,Q.12,13,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II,,,,,,,no,no 1232,3034,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,1,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1233,3035,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,2,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1234,3036,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,3,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1235,3037,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,4,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1236,3038,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,5,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1237,3039,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,6,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1238,3040,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,8,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II (or III),,,,,,,no,no 1239,3041,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,10,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1240,3042,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,11,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1241,3043,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,12,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1242,3044,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,13,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1243,3045,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,14,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1244,3046,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,15,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1245,3047,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,16,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1246,3048,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,17,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II,,,,,,,no,no 1247,3049,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,18,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1248,3050,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,20,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase (I or) II?,,,,,,,no,no 1249,3051,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,21,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II?,,,,,,,no,no 1250,3052,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,22,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1251,3053,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,23,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1252,3054,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,24,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase I,,,,,,,no,no 1253,3055,Tofts Field 1973,Q.13,25,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1254,3056,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,1,,TF73,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1255,3057,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,2,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1256,3058,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,4,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1257,3059,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,5,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1258,3060,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,6,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1259,3061,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,7,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1260,3062,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,8,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1261,3063,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,9,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1262,3064,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,10,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1263,3065,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,12,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Saxon,,,,,,,no,no 1264,3066,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,16A,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1265,3067,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,16B,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1266,3068,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,17,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1267,3069,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,1,,TF73,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1268,3070,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,2,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1269,3071,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,3,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1270,3072,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,4,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1271,3073,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,5,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1272,3074,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,6,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1273,3075,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,7,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1274,3076,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,8,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1275,3077,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,9,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1276,3078,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,10,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II,,,,,,,no,no 1277,3079,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,11,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1278,3080,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,13,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II,,,,,,,no,no 1279,3081,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,14,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1280,3082,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,16,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1281,3083,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,17,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II,,,,,,,no,no 1282,3084,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,19,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II,,,,,,,no,no 1283,3085,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,21,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase I,,,,,,,no,no 1284,3086,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,23,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase,,,,,,,no,no 1285,3087,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,24,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase,,,,,,,no,no 1286,3088,Tofts Field 1973,R.13,25,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase,,,,,,,no,no 1287,3089,Tofts Field 1973,R.14,1,,TF73,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1288,3090,Tofts Field 1973,R.14,2,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1289,3091,Tofts Field 1973,R.14,3,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1290,3092,Tofts Field 1973,R.14,4,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1291,3093,Tofts Field 1973,R.14,5,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1292,3094,Tofts Field 1973,R.14,6,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1293,3095,Tofts Field 1973,R.14,7,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1294,3096,Tofts Field 1973,R.14,9,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1295,3097,Tofts Field 1973,R.14,12,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1296,3098,Tofts Field 1973,S.12,2,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1297,3099,Tofts Field 1973,S.12,3,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1298,3100,Tofts Field 1973,S.12,5,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1299,3101,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,1,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1300,3102,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,2,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1301,3103,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,3,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1302,3104,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,4,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1303,3105,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,5,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIb,,,,,,,no,no 1304,3106,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,6,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1305,3107,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,7,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1306,3108,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,8,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1307,3109,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,9,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1308,3110,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,10,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase I?,,,,,,,no,no 1309,3111,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,11,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase II?,,,,,,,no,no 1310,3112,Tofts Field 1973,S.13,14,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1311,3113,Tofts Field 1973,S.14,1,,TF73,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1312,3114,Tofts Field 1973,S.14,3,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1313,3115,Tofts Field 1973,S.14,4,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1314,3116,Tofts Field 1973,S.14,5,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1315,3117,Tofts Field 1973,S.14,6,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1316,3118,Tofts Field 1973,S.14,7,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1317,3119,Tofts Field 1973,S.14,8,,TF73,,Samian catalogue records this as Phase IIIa,,,,,,,no,no 1318,3120,Tofts Field 1973,S.14,9,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1319,3121,Tofts Field 1973,P.12,1,,TF73,,topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1320,3122,Tofts Field 1973,R.15,1,,TF73,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1321,3123,Tofts Field 1973,R.16,1,,TF73,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1322,3124,Tofts Field 1973,N.12 cut,1,,TF73,,topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1323,3125,Tofts Field 1973,N.12 cut,2,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1324,3126,Tofts Field 1973,N.12 cut,?,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1325,3127,Tofts Field 1973,U/S,,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 1326,3201,Tofts Field 1974,,1,,TF74,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1327,3202,Tofts Field 1974,,2,,TF74,,Latest levels of site,,,,,,,no,no 1328,3203,Tofts Field 1974,,3,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1329,3204,Tofts Field 1974,,4,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1330,3205,Tofts Field 1974,,5,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context associated with Oven 3,,,,,,,no,no 1331,3206,Tofts Field 1974,,6,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1332,3207,Tofts Field 1974,,7,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1333,3208,Tofts Field 1974,,8,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1334,3209,Tofts Field 1974,,9,,TF74,,surface of track associated with Phase 3 Kiln 1 Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1335,3210,Tofts Field 1974,,10,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1336,3211,Tofts Field 1974,,11,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1337,3212,Tofts Field 1974,,12,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1338,3213,Tofts Field 1974,,13,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1339,3214,Tofts Field 1974,,14,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1340,3215,Tofts Field 1974,,15,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1341,3216,Tofts Field 1974,,16,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1342,3217,Tofts Field 1974,,17,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1343,3218,Tofts Field 1974,,18,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1344,3219,Tofts Field 1974,,19,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1345,3220,Tofts Field 1974,,20,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1346,3221,Tofts Field 1974,,21,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1347,3222,Tofts Field 1974,,22,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1348,3223,Tofts Field 1974,,23,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1349,3224,Tofts Field 1974,,24,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1350,3225,Tofts Field 1974,,25,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1351,3226,Tofts Field 1974,,26,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context and describes it as a burnt layer associated with Oven 3,,,,,,,no,no 1352,3227,Tofts Field 1974,,27,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1353,3228,Tofts Field 1974,,28,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1354,3229,Tofts Field 1974,,29,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1355,3230,Tofts Field 1974,,30,,TF74,,Phase 4 road surface. Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1356,3231,Tofts Field 1974,,31,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1357,3232,Tofts Field 1974,,32,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1358,3233,Tofts Field 1974,,33,,TF74,,Associated with the first phase of the Phase 2 Middle building building. Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1359,3234,Tofts Field 1974,,34,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1360,3235,Tofts Field 1974,,35,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1361,3236,Tofts Field 1974,,36,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1362,3237,Tofts Field 1974,,37,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1363,3238,Tofts Field 1974,,38,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1364,3239,Tofts Field 1974,,39,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1365,3240,Tofts Field 1974,,40,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 1 context,,,,,,,no,no 1366,3241,Tofts Field 1974,,41,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1367,3242,Tofts Field 1974,,42,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1368,3243,Tofts Field 1974,,43,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1369,3244,Tofts Field 1974,,44,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1370,3245,Tofts Field 1974,,45,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1371,3246,Tofts Field 1974,,46,,TF74,,Surface of Phase 2 Road,,,,,,,no,no 1372,3247,Tofts Field 1974,,47,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1373,3248,Tofts Field 1974,,48,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1374,3249,Tofts Field 1974,,49,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1375,3250,Tofts Field 1974,,50,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1376,3251,Tofts Field 1974,,51,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1377,3252,Tofts Field 1974,,52,,TF74,,Phase 2 occupation layer within southern building but Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1378,3253,Tofts Field 1974,,53,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1379,3254,Tofts Field 1974,,54,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1380,3255,Tofts Field 1974,,55,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1381,3256,Tofts Field 1974,,56,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1382,3257,Tofts Field 1974,,57,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1383,3258,Tofts Field 1974,,58,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1384,3259,Tofts Field 1974,,59,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1385,3260,Tofts Field 1974,,60,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1386,3261,Tofts Field 1974,,61,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1387,3262,Tofts Field 1974,,62,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1388,3263,Tofts Field 1974,,63,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1389,3264,Tofts Field 1974,,64,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1390,3265,Tofts Field 1974,,65,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1391,3266,Tofts Field 1974,,66,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1392,3267,Tofts Field 1974,,67,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1393,3268,Tofts Field 1974,,68,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1394,3269,Tofts Field 1974,,69,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1395,3270,Tofts Field 1974,,70,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1396,3271,Tofts Field 1974,,71,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1397,3272,Tofts Field 1974,,72,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1398,3273,Tofts Field 1974,,73,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1399,3274,Tofts Field 1974,,74,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1400,3275,Tofts Field 1974,,75,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1401,3276,Tofts Field 1974,,76,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1402,3277,Tofts Field 1974,,77,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1403,3278,Tofts Field 1974,,78,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1404,3279,Tofts Field 1974,,79,,TF74,,Phase 3 road surface but Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1405,3280,Tofts Field 1974,,80,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 4 context,,,,,,,no,no 1406,3281,Tofts Field 1974,,81,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1407,3282,Tofts Field 1974,,82,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1408,3283,Tofts Field 1974,,83,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1409,3284,Tofts Field 1974,,84,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1410,3285,Tofts Field 1974,,85,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1411,3286,Tofts Field 1974,,86,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1412,3287,Tofts Field 1974,,87,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1413,3288,Tofts Field 1974,,88,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1414,3289,Tofts Field 1974,,89,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1415,3290,Tofts Field 1974,,90,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1416,3291,Tofts Field 1974,,91,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1417,3292,Tofts Field 1974,,92,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1418,3293,Tofts Field 1974,,93,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1419,3294,Tofts Field 1974,,94,,TF74,,possibly Part of the debris of the Phase 3 Kilns. Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1420,3295,Tofts Field 1974,,95,,TF74,,Associated with Phase 2 North building but Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1421,3296,Tofts Field 1974,,96,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 3 context,,,,,,,no,no 1422,3297,Tofts Field 1974,,97,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1423,3298,Tofts Field 1974,,98,,TF74,,Associated with Phase 2 North building. Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1424,3299,Tofts Field 1974,,99,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1425,3300,Tofts Field 1974,,100,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1426,3301,Tofts Field 1974,,101,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1427,3302,Tofts Field 1974,,102,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 1 context,,,,,,,no,no 1428,3303,Tofts Field 1974,,103,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1429,3304,Tofts Field 1974,,104,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1430,3305,Tofts Field 1974,,105,,TF74,,associated with the area surrounding Phase 3 Kiln 2. Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1431,3306,Tofts Field 1974,,106,,TF74,,Part of the debris of the Phase 3 Kilns but Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1432,3200,Tofts Field 1974,,0,,TF74,,U/S,,,,,,,no,no 1433,3307,Tofts Field 1974,,107,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1434,3308,Tofts Field 1974,,108,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 1 context,,,,,,,no,no 1435,3309,Tofts Field 1974,,109,,TF74,,,,,,,,,no,no 1436,3310,Tofts Field 1974,,110,,TF74,,Samian lists this as a Phase 2 context,,,,,,,no,no 1437,3400,Tofts Field 1975,,0,,TF75,,U/S,,,,,,,no,no 1438,3401,Tofts Field 1975,,1,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1439,3402,Tofts Field 1975,,2,,TF75,,Samian report describes this as Room 1,,,,,,,no,no 1440,3403,Tofts Field 1975,,3,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1441,3404,Tofts Field 1975,,4,,TF75,,Samian report describes this as 'Room 1' and 'Stairway',,,,,,,no,no 1442,3405,Tofts Field 1975,,5,,TF75,,Samian report describes this as 'Topsoil south of Room 1',,,,,,,no,no 1443,3406,Tofts Field 1975,,6,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1444,3407,Tofts Field 1975,,7,,TF75,,Samian report describes this as 'Room 1 outside W' and 'area SW of Room 1',,,,,,,no,no 1445,3408,Tofts Field 1975,,8,,TF75,,Samian report describes this as 'outside Room 1 - west',,,,,,,no,no 1446,3409,Tofts Field 1975,,9,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1447,3410,Tofts Field 1975,,10,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1448,3411,Tofts Field 1975,,11,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1449,3412,Tofts Field 1975,,12,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1450,3413,Tofts Field 1975,,13,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1451,3414,Tofts Field 1975,,14,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1452,3415,Tofts Field 1975,,15,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1453,3416,Tofts Field 1975,,16,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1454,3417,Tofts Field 1975,,17,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1455,3418,Tofts Field 1975,,18,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1456,3419,Tofts Field 1975,,19,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1457,3420,Tofts Field 1975,,20,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1458,3421,Tofts Field 1975,,21,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1459,3422,Tofts Field 1975,,22,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1460,3423,Tofts Field 1975,,23,,TF75,,,,,,,,,no,no 1461,3500,Carlbury Vale West,,0,,CVW,,,,,,,,,no,no 1462,3501,Carlbury Vale West,,1,,CVW,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1463,3502,Carlbury Vale West,,2,,CVW,,"Samian report describes this as ""cobbles +mid C4 pottery""",,,,,,,no,no 1464,3503,Carlbury Vale West,,3,,CVW,,"Samian report describes this as ""brown soil with traces of occupation""",,,,,,,no,no 1465,3504,Carlbury Vale West,,4,,CVW,,"Samian report describes this as ""Brown soil with slight traces of occupation + later C3 - C4 pottery""",,,,,,,no,no 1466,3505,Carlbury Vale West,,5,,CVW,,"Samian report describes this as ""River deposition + mainly ?rd century pot (but late C1-early C2 + c4 pottery)""",,,,,,,no,no 1467,3506,Carlbury Vale West,,6,,CVW,,,,,,,,,no,no 1468,3507,Carlbury Vale West,,7,,CVW,,"Samian report describes this as ""cobbles""",,,,,,,no,no 1469,3508,Carlbury Vale West,,8,,CVW,,"Samian report describes this as ""light brown earth with traces of occupation beneath cobbles""",,,,,,,no,no 1470,3509,Carlbury Vale West,,9,,CVW,,"Samian report describes this as ""sand""",,,,,,,no,no 1471,3510,Carlbury Vale West,,10,,CVW,,"Samian report describes this as ""building debris C3 ?""",,,,,,,no,no 1472,3600,Kilngarth Field 1974,,0,,KF,,unstratified,,,,,,,no,no 1473,3601,Kilngarth Field 1974,,1,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1474,3602,Kilngarth Field 1974,,2,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1475,3603,Kilngarth Field 1974,,3,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1476,3604,Kilngarth Field 1974,,4,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1477,3605,Kilngarth Field 1974,,5,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1478,3606,Kilngarth Field 1974,,6,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1479,3607,Kilngarth Field 1974,,7,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1480,3608,Kilngarth Field 1974,,8,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1481,3609,Kilngarth Field 1974,,9,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1482,3610,Kilngarth Field 1974,,10,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1483,3611,Kilngarth Field 1974,,11,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1484,3612,Kilngarth Field 1974,,12,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1485,3613,Kilngarth Field 1974,,13,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1486,3614,Kilngarth Field 1974,,14,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1487,3615,Kilngarth Field 1974,,15,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1488,3616,Kilngarth Field 1974,,16,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1489,3617,Kilngarth Field 1974,,17,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1490,3618,Kilngarth Field 1974,,18,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1491,3619,Kilngarth Field 1974,,19,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1492,3620,Kilngarth Field 1974,,20,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1493,3621,Kilngarth Field 1974,,21,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1494,3622,Kilngarth Field 1974,,22,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1495,3623,Kilngarth Field 1974,,23,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1496,3624,Kilngarth Field 1974,,24,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1497,3625,Kilngarth Field 1974,,25,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1498,3626,Kilngarth Field 1974,,26,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1499,3627,Kilngarth Field 1974,,27,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1500,3628,Kilngarth Field 1974,,28,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1501,3629,Kilngarth Field 1974,,29,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1502,3630,Kilngarth Field 1974,,30,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1503,3631,Kilngarth Field 1974,,31,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1504,3632,Kilngarth Field 1974,,32,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1505,3633,Kilngarth Field 1974,,33,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1506,3634,Kilngarth Field 1974,,34,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1507,3635,Kilngarth Field 1974,,35,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1508,3636,Kilngarth Field 1974,,36,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1509,3637,Kilngarth Field 1974,,37,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1510,3638,Kilngarth Field 1974,,38,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1511,3639,Kilngarth Field 1974,,39,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1512,3640,Kilngarth Field 1974,,40,,KF,,,,,,,,,no,no 1513,3699,Kilngarth Field 1974,,99,,KF,,material given the letter code DC. There is no concordance for this site so this has to be treated as unstratified,,,,,,,no,no 1514,3700,Northern Nursery A,,0,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1515,3701,Northern Nursery A,,1,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1516,3702,Northern Nursery A,,2,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1517,3703,Northern Nursery A,,3,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1518,3704,Northern Nursery A,,4,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1519,3705,Northern Nursery A,,5,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1520,3706,Northern Nursery A,,6,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1521,3707,Northern Nursery A,,7,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1522,3708,Northern Nursery A,,8,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1523,3709,Northern Nursery A,,9,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1524,3710,Northern Nursery A,,10,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1525,3711,Northern Nursery A,,11,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1526,3712,Northern Nursery A,,12,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1527,3713,Northern Nursery A,,13,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1528,3714,Northern Nursery A,,14,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1529,3715,Northern Nursery A,,15,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1530,3716,Northern Nursery A,,16,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1531,3717,Northern Nursery A,,17,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1532,3718,Northern Nursery A,,18,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1533,3719,Northern Nursery A,,19,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1534,3720,Northern Nursery A,,20,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1535,3721,Northern Nursery A,,21,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1536,3722,Northern Nursery A,,22,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1537,3723,Northern Nursery A,,23,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1538,3724,Northern Nursery A,,24,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1539,3725,Northern Nursery A,,25,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1540,3726,Northern Nursery A,,26,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1541,3727,Northern Nursery A,,27,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1542,3728,Northern Nursery A,,28,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1543,3729,Northern Nursery A,,29,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1544,3730,Northern Nursery A,,30,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1545,3731,Northern Nursery A,,31,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1546,3732,Northern Nursery A,,32,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1547,3733,Northern Nursery A,,33,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1548,3734,Northern Nursery A,,34,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1549,3735,Northern Nursery A,,35,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1550,3736,Northern Nursery A,,36,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1551,3733,Northern Nursery A,,37,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1552,3738,Northern Nursery A,,38,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1553,3739,Northern Nursery A,,39,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1554,3740,Northern Nursery A,,40,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1555,3741,Northern Nursery A,,41,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1556,3742,Northern Nursery A,,42,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1557,3743,Northern Nursery A,,43,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1558,3744,Northern Nursery A,,44,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1559,3745,Northern Nursery A,,45,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1560,3746,Northern Nursery A,,46,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1561,3747,Northern Nursery A,,47,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1562,3748,Northern Nursery A,,48,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1563,3749,Northern Nursery A,,49,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1564,3750,Northern Nursery A,,50,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1565,3751,Northern Nursery A,,51,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1566,3752,Northern Nursery A,,52,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1567,3800,Northern Nursery B,,0,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1568,3801,Northern Nursery B,,1,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1569,3802,Northern Nursery B,,2,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1570,3803,Northern Nursery B,,3,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1571,3804,Northern Nursery B,,4,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1572,3805,Northern Nursery B,,5,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1573,3806,Northern Nursery B,,6,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1574,3807,Northern Nursery B,,7,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1575,3808,Northern Nursery B,,8,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1576,3809,Northern Nursery B,,9,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1577,3810,Northern Nursery B,,10,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1578,3811,Northern Nursery B,,11,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1579,3812,Northern Nursery B,,12,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1580,3813,Northern Nursery B,,13,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1581,3814,Northern Nursery B,,14,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1582,3815,Northern Nursery B,,15,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1583,3816,Northern Nursery B,,16,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1584,3900,Northern Nursery C,,0,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1585,3901,Northern Nursery C,,1,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1586,3902,Northern Nursery C,,2,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1587,3903,Northern Nursery C,,3,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1588,3904,Northern Nursery C,,4,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1589,3905,Northern Nursery C,,5,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1590,3906,Northern Nursery C,,6,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1591,3907,Northern Nursery C,,7,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1592,3908,Northern Nursery C,,8,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1593,3909,Northern Nursery C,,9,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1594,3910,Northern Nursery C,,10,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1595,3911,Northern Nursery C,,11,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1596,3912,Northern Nursery C,,12,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1597,3913,Northern Nursery C,,13,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1598,3914,Northern Nursery C,,14,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1599,3915,Northern Nursery C,,15,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1600,3916,Northern Nursery C,,16,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1601,3917,Northern Nursery C,,17,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1602,3918,Northern Nursery C,,18,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1603,3919,Northern Nursery C,,19,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1604,3920,Northern Nursery C,,20,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1605,3921,Northern Nursery C,,21,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1606,3922,Northern Nursery C,,22,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1607,3923,Northern Nursery C,,23,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1608,3924,Northern Nursery C,,24,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1609,3925,Northern Nursery C,,25,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1610,4000,Holme House 71-2,,0,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1611,4001,Holme House 71-2,A41,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1612,4002,Holme House 71-2,A41,2,,S Vicus,,Cobbles,,,,,,,no,no 1613,4003,Holme House 71-2,A42,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1614,4004,Holme House 71-2,A42,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1615,4005,Holme House 71-2,A43,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1616,4006,Holme House 71-2,A43,5,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1617,4007,Holme House 71-2,A44,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1618,4008,Holme House 71-2,A45,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1619,4009,Holme House 71-2,A46,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1620,4010,Holme House 71-2,A46,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1621,4011,Holme House 71-2,A47,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1622,4012,Holme House 71-2,B42,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1623,4013,Holme House 71-2,B44,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1624,4014,Holme House 71-2,B45,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1625,4015,Holme House 71-2,H46,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1626,4016,Holme House 71-2,H46,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1627,4017,Holme House 71-2,L47,2,,S Vicus,,Cobbles,,,,,,,no,no 1628,4018,Holme House 71-2,N46,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1629,4019,Holme House 71-2,N47,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1630,4020,Holme House 71-2,N52,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1631,4021,Holme House 71-2,P41,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil?,,,,,,,no,no 1632,4022,Holme House 71-2,P42,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1633,4023,Holme House 71-2,P42,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1634,4024,Holme House 71-2,P42,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1635,4025,Holme House 71-2,P46,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1636,4026,Holme House 71-2,Q41,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1637,4027,Holme House 71-2,Q42,3,,S Vicus,,Occupational clay,,,,,,,no,no 1638,4028,Holme House 71-2,Q43,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1639,4029,Holme House 71-2,Q46,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1640,4030,Holme House 71-2,Q46,2,,S Vicus,,Cobbles,,,,,,,no,no 1641,4031,Holme House 71-2,Q46,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1642,4032,Holme House 71-2,Q50,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1643,4033,Holme House 71-2,Q51,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1644,4034,Holme House 71-2,Q51,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1645,4035,Holme House 71-2,Q52,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1646,4036,Holme House 71-2,Q53,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1647,4037,Holme House 71-2,QE,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1648,4038,Holme House 71-2,R53,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1649,4039,Holme House 71-2,R54,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1650,4040,Holme House 71-2,S53,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1651,4041,Holme House 71-2,S53,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1652,4042,Holme House 71-2,S54,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1653,4043,Holme House 71-2,S54,2,,S Vicus,,Cobbles,,,,,,,no,no 1654,4044,Holme House 71-2,S54,3,,S Vicus,,Wall,,,,,,,no,no 1655,4045,Holme House 71-2,S55,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1656,4046,Holme House 71-2,S56,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1657,4047,Holme House 71-2,T53,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1658,4048,Holme House 71-2,T55,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1659,4049,Holme House 71-2,U53,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1660,4050,Holme House 71-2,U53,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1661,4051,Holme House 71-2,U54,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1662,4052,Holme House 71-2,U54/5,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1663,4053,Holme House 71-2,V36,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1664,4054,Holme House 71-2,V36,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1665,4055,Holme House 71-2,V37,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1666,4056,Holme House 71-2,V38,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1667,4057,Holme House 71-2,V52,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1668,4058,Holme House 71-2,W53,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1669,4059,Holme House 71-2,ZZ41,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1670,4060,Holme House 71-2,ZZ41,2,,S Vicus,,Occupation,,,,,,,no,no 1671,4061,Holme House 71-2,ZZ43,2,,S Vicus,,Cobbles,,,,,,,no,no 1672,4062,Holme House 71-2,RAA,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1673,4063,Holme House 71-2,RAA,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1674,4064,Holme House 71-2,RAA,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1675,4065,Holme House 71-2,RAA,5,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1676,4066,Holme House 71-2,RAC,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1677,4067,Holme House 71-2,RAH,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1678,4068,Holme House 71-2,Road Sec,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1679,4069,Holme House 71-2,Rubbish pi,,,S Vicus,,Rubbish pit,,,,,,,no,no 1680,4070,Holme House 71-2,A21,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1681,4071,Holme House 71-2,A44,5,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1682,4072,Holme House 71-2,Bridge Abu,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1683,4073,Holme House 71-2,B21,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1684,4074,Holme House 71-2,B42,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1685,4075,Holme House 71-2,B43,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1686,4076,Holme House 71-2,B43,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1687,4077,Holme House 71-2,B45,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1688,4078,Holme House 71-2,B46,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1689,4079,Holme House 71-2,B47,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1690,4080,Holme House 71-2,B48,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1691,4081,Holme House 71-2,EF,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1692,4082,Holme House 71-2,H48,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1693,4083,Holme House 71-2,H48,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1694,4084,Holme House 71-2,H49,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1695,4085,Holme House 71-2,H49,5,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1696,4086,Holme House 71-2,H49,6,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1697,4087,Holme House 71-2,H49,10,,S Vicus,,Under west plinth,,,,,,,no,no 1698,4088,Holme House 71-2,J46,3,,S Vicus,,Cobbled wall foundation,,,,,,,no,no 1699,4089,Holme House 71-2,J46,7,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1700,4090,Holme House 71-2,J47,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1701,4091,Holme House 71-2,J49,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1702,4092,Holme House 71-2,J53,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1703,4093,Holme House 71-2,K46,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1704,4094,Holme House 71-2,K47,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1705,4095,Holme House 71-2,L46,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1706,4096,Holme House 71-2,L46,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1707,4097,Holme House 71-2,L46,5,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1708,4098,Holme House 71-2,L47,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1709,4099,Holme House 71-2,L48,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1710,4100,Holme House 71-2,M47,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1711,4101,Holme House 71-2,M47,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1712,4102,Holme House 71-2,M53,1,,S Vicus,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1713,4103,Holme House 71-2,M54,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1714,4104,Holme House 71-2,N47,2,,S Vicus,,Cobbles,,,,,,,no,no 1715,4105,Holme House 71-2,R47,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1716,4106,Holme House 71-2,R47,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1717,4107,Holme House 71-2,R56,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1718,4108,Holme House 71-2,R57,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1719,4109,Holme House 71-2,U48,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1720,4110,Holme House 71-2,U48,3,,S Vicus,,Pit,,,,,,,no,no 1721,4111,Holme House 71-2,U48,7,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1722,4112,Holme House 71-2,U49,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1723,4113,Holme House 71-2,XX45,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1724,4114,Holme House 71-2,XX45,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1725,4115,Holme House 71-2,XX46,1,,S Vicus,,Pit 1,,,,,,,no,no 1726,4116,Holme House 71-2,XX46,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1727,4117,Holme House 71-2,YY43,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1728,4118,Holme House 71-2,YY45,3,,S Vicus,,Pit 2,,,,,,,no,no 1729,4119,Holme House 71-2,ZZ43,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1730,4120,Holme House 71-2,ZZ48,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1731,4121,Holme House 71-2,ZZ50,2,,S Vicus,,pit,,,,,,,no,no 1732,4122,Holme House 71-2,Quarry,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1733,4123,Holme House 71-2,Quarry40,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1734,4124,Holme House 71-2,Quarry41,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1735,4125,Holme House 71-2,Quarry42,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1736,4126,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,0,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1737,4127,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1738,4128,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1739,4129,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1740,4130,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,5,,S Vicus,,section E surface above revetting,,,,,,,no,no 1741,4131,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,6,,S Vicus,,section Z,,,,,,,no,no 1742,4132,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,7,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1743,4133,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,10,,S Vicus,,Section A between limestone revetting,,,,,,,no,no 1744,4134,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,17,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1745,4135,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,Section C,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1746,4136,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,7,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1747,4137,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,Section A,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1748,4138,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,A21,,S Vicus,,1,,,,,,,no,no 1749,4139,Holme House 71-2,V38,2,,S Vicus,,Cobbles,,,,,,,no,no 1750,4140,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,20,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1751,4141,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,21,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1752,4300,Holme House 75,,0,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1753,4301,Holme House 75,,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1754,4302,Holme House 75,,2C,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1755,4303,Holme House 75,,2C/D,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1756,4304,Holme House 75,,2D,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1757,4305,Holme House 75,,3C,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1758,4306,Holme House 75,,4D,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1759,4307,Holme House 75,,5C/D,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1760,4308,Holme House 75,,6D,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1761,4309,Holme House 75,,7D/E,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1762,4310,Holme House 75,,8D,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 1763,4400,Holme House Villa 69-70,0,0,,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1764,4401,Holme House Villa 69-70,A15,A 15 (2),S-E,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1765,4402,Holme House Villa 69-70,C15,C 15 (2),S-E,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1766,4403,Holme House Villa 69-70,H6,H 6 (2),West site,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1767,4404,Holme House Villa 69-70,H8,H 8 (2),West site,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1768,4405,Holme House Villa 69-70,J11,J-N 11 (1),Circular structure,Villa,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1769,4406,Holme House Villa 69-70,J6,J-K B,West site,Villa,,Thin line of limestone forming an arc,,,,,,,no,no 1770,4407,Holme House Villa 69-70,K10,K 10 (1),Circular structure,Villa,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1771,4408,Holme House Villa 69-70,K10,K 10 (4),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1772,4409,Holme House Villa 69-70,L8,L 8 (1),Circular structure,Villa,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1773,4410,Holme House Villa 69-70,L8,L 8 (2),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1774,4412,Holme House Villa 69-70,L8,L 8/M8 (1),Circular structure,Villa,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1775,4413,Holme House Villa 69-70,L9,L 9 (11),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1776,4414,Holme House Villa 69-70,L10,L 10 (1),Circular structure,Villa,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1777,4415,Holme House Villa 69-70,L10,L 10 (2),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1778,4416,Holme House Villa 69-70,L11,L 11 (2),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1779,4417,Holme House Villa 69-70,M9,M 9 (2A),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1780,4418,Holme House Villa 69-70,P10,P 10 (3),Apsidal Suite,Villa,,Rubble area,,,,,,,no,no 1781,4419,Holme House Villa 69-70,P11,P 11 (2),Apsidal Suite,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1782,4420,Holme House Villa 69-70,P11,P 11 (10),Apsidal Suite,Villa,,Complex intrusion dark brown soil with mixed cobble and stone,,,,,,,no,no 1783,4421,Holme House Villa 69-70,Q9,Q 9 (K6),Apsidal Suite,Villa,,in stone circular feature,,,,,,,no,no 1784,4422,Holme House Villa 69-70,Q10,Q 10 (3),Apsidal Suite,Villa,,Rubble area in circular feature,,,,,,,no,no 1785,4423,Holme House Villa 69-70,Q11,Q 11 (2),Apsidal Suite,Villa,,In circular feature?,,,,,,,no,no 1786,4424,Holme House Villa 69-70,Q11,Q 11 (3),Apsidal Suite,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1787,4425,Holme House Villa 69-70,V10,V 10 (1),Bath house,Villa,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1788,4426,Holme House Villa 69-70,V10,V 10 (2),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1789,4427,Holme House Villa 69-70,V10,V 10 (5),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1790,4428,Holme House Villa 69-70,V11,V 11 (2),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1791,4429,Holme House Villa 69-70,V11,V 11 (3),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1792,4430,Holme House Villa 69-70,V11,V 11 (8),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1793,4431,Holme House Villa 69-70,V12,V 12 (3),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1794,4432,Holme House Villa 69-70,V13,V 13 (3),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1795,4433,Holme House Villa 69-70,V13,V 13 (30),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1796,4434,Holme House Villa 69-70,W11,W 11 (2),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1797,4435,Holme House Villa 69-70,W12,W 12 (1),Bath house,Villa,,Topsoil,,,,,,,no,no 1798,4436,Holme House Villa 69-70,W13,W 13 (3),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1799,4437,Holme House Villa 69-70,X9,X 9 (2),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1800,4438,Holme House Villa 69-70,X9,X 9 (3),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1801,4439,Holme House Villa 69-70,X10,X 10 (2),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1802,4440,Holme House Villa 69-70,X12,X 12 (4),Enclosure ditch,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1803,4441,Holme House Villa 69-70,Y10,Y 10 (2),Enclosure ditch,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1804,4442,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS NW/Q,(AP),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1805,4443,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS NE/Q,-1,Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1806,4444,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS SE/Q,(K10 K),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1807,4445,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS SE/Q,(AH),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1808,4446,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS,(AC2),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1809,4447,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS,(AK),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1810,4448,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS,(BU),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1811,4449,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS,(WW),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1812,4450,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS,(CSE),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1813,4451,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS SE,(U/S),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1814,4452,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS SW/NW,(AX),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 1815,4500,Holme House Villa 80 well,,,,Villa,,'First 0300m down',,,,,,,no,no 1816,4600,Glen View 76-77,,0,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1817,4601,Glen View 76-77,,1,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1818,4602,Glen View 76-77,,2,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1819,4603,Glen View 76-77,,3,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1820,4604,Glen View 76-77,,4,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1821,4605,Glen View 76-77,,5,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1822,4606,Glen View 76-77,,6,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1823,4607,Glen View 76-77,,7,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1824,4608,Glen View 76-77,,8,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1825,4609,Glen View 76-77,,9,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1826,4610,Glen View 76-77,,10,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1827,4611,Glen View 76-77,,11,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1828,4612,Glen View 76-77,,12,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1829,4613,Glen View 76-77,,13,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1830,4614,Glen View 76-77,,14,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1831,4615,Glen View 76-77,,15,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1832,4616,Glen View 76-77,,16,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1833,4617,Glen View 76-77,,17,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1834,4618,Glen View 76-77,,18,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1835,4619,Glen View 76-77,,19,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1836,4620,Glen View 76-77,,20,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1837,4621,Glen View 76-77,,21,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1838,4622,Glen View 76-77,,22,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1839,4623,Glen View 76-77,,23,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1840,4624,Glen View 76-77,,24,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1841,4625,Glen View 76-77,,25,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1842,4626,Glen View 76-77,,26,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1843,4627,Glen View 76-77,,27,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1844,4628,Glen View 76-77,,28,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1845,4629,Glen View 76-77,,29,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1846,4630,Glen View 76-77,,30,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1847,4631,Glen View 76-77,,31,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1848,4632,Glen View 76-77,,32,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1849,4633,Glen View 76-77,,33,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1850,4634,Glen View 76-77,,34,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1851,4635,Glen View 76-77,,35,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1852,4636,Glen View 76-77,,36,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1853,4637,Glen View 76-77,,37,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1854,4638,Glen View 76-77,,38,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1855,4639,Glen View 76-77,,39,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1856,4640,Glen View 76-77,,40,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1857,4641,Glen View 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78-79,,19,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1903,4820,Tees View 78-79,,20,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1904,4821,Tees View 78-79,,21,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1905,4822,Tees View 78-79,,22,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1906,4823,Tees View 78-79,,23,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1907,4824,Tees View 78-79,,24,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1908,4825,Tees View 78-79,,25,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1909,4826,Tees View 78-79,,26,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1910,4827,Tees View 78-79,,27,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1911,4828,Tees View 78-79,,28,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1912,4829,Tees View 78-79,,29,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1913,4830,Tees View 78-79,,30,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1914,4831,Tees View 78-79,,31,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1915,4832,Tees View 78-79,,32,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1916,4833,Tees View 78-79,,33,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 1917,4834,Tees View 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78-79,,124,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2008,4925,Tees View 78-79,,125,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2009,4926,Tees View 78-79,,126,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2010,4927,Tees View 78-79,,127,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2011,4928,Tees View 78-79,,128,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2012,4929,Tees View 78-79,,129,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2013,4930,Tees View 78-79,,130,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2014,4931,Tees View 78-79,,131,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2015,4932,Tees View 78-79,,132,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2016,4933,Tees View 78-79,,133,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2017,4934,Tees View 78-79,,134,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2018,4935,Tees View 78-79,,135,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2019,4936,Tees View 78-79,,136,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2020,4937,Tees View 78-79,,137,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2021,4938,Tees View 78-79,,138,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2022,4939,Tees View 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78-79,,154,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2038,4955,Tees View 78-79,,155,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2039,4956,Tees View 78-79,,156,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2040,4957,Tees View 78-79,,157,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2041,4958,Tees View 78-79,,158,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2042,4959,Tees View 78-79,,159,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2043,4960,Tees View 78-79,,160,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2044,4961,Tees View 78-79,,161,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2045,4962,Tees View 78-79,,162,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2046,4963,Tees View 78-79,,163,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2047,4964,Tees View 78-79,,164,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2048,4965,Tees View 78-79,,165,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2049,4966,Tees View 78-79,,166,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2050,4967,Tees View 78-79,,167,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2051,4968,Tees View 78-79,,168,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2052,4969,Tees View 78-79,,169,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2053,4970,Tees View 78-79,,170,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2054,4971,Tees View 78-79,,171,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2055,4972,Tees View 78-79,,172,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2056,4973,Tees View 78-79,,173,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2057,4974,Tees View 78-79,,174,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2058,4975,Tees View 78-79,,175,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2059,4976,Tees View 78-79,,176,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2060,4977,Tees View 78-79,,177,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2061,4978,Tees View 78-79,,178,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2062,4979,Tees View 78-79,,179,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2063,4980,Tees View 78-79,,180,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2064,5100,Bridge End 79,,0,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2065,5101,Bridge End 79,,103,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2066,5102,Bridge End 79,,120,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2067,5103,Bridge End 79,,189,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2068,5104,Bridge End 79,,217,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2069,1,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2078,23,Housing Scheme,,,IV road,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2079,5200,PB73-74,,0,Fort wall,OtherD,,Items placed here had only a finds reference number and lacked context number,,,,,,,no,no 2080,5201,PB73-74,,7,Fort wall,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2081,5202,PB73-74,,24,Fort wall,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2082,5203,PB73-74,,0,Culvert,OtherD,,Items placed here had only a finds reference number and lacked context number,,,,,,,no,no 2083,5204,PB73-74,,0,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Iems placed here are eith topsoil contexts or had finds references only,,,,,,,no,no 2084,5205,PB73-74,,7,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2085,5206,PB73-74,,5,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2086,5207,PB73-74,,12,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Shallow depression in Room 2,,,,,,,no,no 2087,5208,PB73-74,,2,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2088,5209,PB73-74,,19,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Stone wall,,,,,,,no,no 2089,5211,PB73-74,,15,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 4E Hypocaust,,,,,,,no,no 2090,5218,PB73-74,,20,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,part of hypocaust,,,,,,,no,no 2091,5212,PB73-74,,44,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 4e,,,,,,,no,no 2092,5210,PB73-74,,50,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 6 dark brown layer,,,,,,,no,no 2093,5214,PB73-74,,54,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Tumble from robbed wall,,,,,,,no,no 2094,5215,PB73-74,,79,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2095,5216,PB73-74,,69,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2096,5219,PB73-74,,51,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 5,,,,,,,no,no 2097,5224,PB73-74,,76,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 8NW,,,,,,,no,no 2098,5223,PB73-74,,82,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2099,5222,PB73-74,,92,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2100,5221,PB73-74,,97,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 9W,,,,,,,no,no 2101,5220,PB73-74,,95,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 9W,,,,,,,no,no 2102,5217,PB73-74,,99,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 9W,,,,,,,no,no 2103,5213,PB73-74,,100,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 9E,,,,,,,no,no 2104,5225,PB73-74,,67,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 4NW,,,,,,,no,no 2105,5226,PB73-74,,1,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Room 6 - darl brown layer,,,,,,,no,no 2106,5227,PB73-74,,4,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Topsoil finds from Room 7W,,,,,,,no,no 2107,5228,PB73-74,,11,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Samian report assigned this finds reference to context 50 (5210 here) but archive cross-reference had the finds reference associated with Room 5 instead,,,,,,,no,no 2108,5300,BB 77-9,,0,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,Unstratified and finds references without context numbers,,,,,,,no,no 2109,5301,BB 77-9,,1,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2110,5302,BB 77-9,,4,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2111,5303,BB 77-9,,10,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2112,5304,BB 77-9,,16,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2113,5305,BB 77-9,,102,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2114,5306,BB 77-9,,111,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2115,5307,BB 77-9,,120,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2116,5308,BB 77-9,,122,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2117,5309,BB 77-9,,126,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2118,5310,BB 77-9,,127,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2119,5311,BB 77-9,,128,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2120,5312,BB 77-9,,130,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2121,5400,HS 76-8 Rooms,,R1,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2122,5401,HS 76-8 Rooms,,R5,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2123,5402,HS 76-8 Rooms,,R6,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2124,5403,HS 76-8 Rooms,,R8,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2125,5404,HS 76-8 Rooms,,R8W,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2126,5405,HS 76-8 Rooms,,R8/9,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2127,5406,HS 76-8 Rooms,,R10,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2128,5502,BG 76,,2,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2129,5503,BG 76,,3,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2130,5507,BG 76,,7,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2131,5510,BG 76,,10,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2132,5601,TT 77,,C3,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2133,5602,TT 77,,D2,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2134,5603,TT 77,,D3,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2135,5313,BB 77-9,,2,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2136,5314,BB 77-9,,6,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2137,5315,BB 77-9,,11,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2138,5316,BB 77-9,,129,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2139,8000,PB73,,1,,Uncertain,,The PB73 context can be either those relating to the Courtyard building etc or the TF 73 excavations. Context markings that have not been pinned down are put here,,,,,,,no,no 2188,5700,ER 77,,U/S,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2189,4453,Holme House Villa 69-70,X11,X 11 (3),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2190,4454,Holme House Villa 69-70,L9,L 9 (12),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2191,4455,Holme House Villa 69-70,K9,K9 Feat Q Pit 12,Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2192,4456,Holme House Villa 69-70,CS,CSGW/G feature Q,Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2193,4457,Holme House Villa 69-70,,Feature Q Pit K,Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2194,4458,Holme House Villa 69-70,Y14,Y 14 (3),"External, drain",Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2195,4459,Holme House Villa 69-70,U12,U 12 (1),External,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2196,4460,Holme House Villa 69-70,M10,M 10 (1),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2197,4461,Holme House Villa 69-70,M10,M 10 (2),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2198,4462,Holme House Villa 69-70,U10,U 10 (1),Primary/Bath,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2199,4463,Holme House Villa 69-70,X10,X 10 -,Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2200,4464,Holme House Villa 69-70,X12,X 12 (2),Enclosure ditch,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2201,4465,Holme House Villa 69-70,L9,L9 K (SW/Q),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2202,4466,Holme House Villa 69-70,X10,X 10 (5),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2203,4467,Holme House Villa 69-70,V11,V 11 (1),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2204,4468,Holme House Villa 69-70,M6,M 6 (2),West site,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2205,4469,Holme House Villa 69-70,X10,X 10 (7),Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2206,4470,Holme House Villa 69-70,Y14,Y 14 (6),"External, drain",Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2207,4142,Holme House 71-2,K46,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2208,4143,Holme House 71-2,YY46,3a,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2209,4144,Holme House 71-2,L48,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2210,4145,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,7,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2211,4146,Holme House 71-2,N51,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2212,4147,Holme House 71-2,H48,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2213,4148,Holme House 71-2,L46,26,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2214,5500,BG 76,,0,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2215,5317,BB 77-9,,107,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2216,5604,TT 77,,C6,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2217,5105,Bridge End 79,,200/217,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2218,5106,Bridge End 79,,323,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2219,5107,Bridge End 79,,197,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2220,5108,Bridge End 79,,200,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2221,5107,Bridge End 79,,102,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2222,5108,Bridge End 79,,165,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2223,5109,Bridge End 79,,161,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2224,5110,Bridge End 79,,331,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2225,3817,Northern Nursery B,,17,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2226,3818,Northern Nursery B,,18,,NN vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2227,5318,BB 77-9,,18,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2228,5319,BB 77-9,,110,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2229,5229,PB73-74,,17,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2230,5230,PB73-74,,21,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2231,5320,BB 77-9,,9,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2232,5111,Bridge End 79,,181,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2233,4149,Holme House 71-2,H49,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2234,4150,Holme House 71-2,J49,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2235,4151,Holme House 71-2,R56,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2236,4152,Holme House 71-2,ZZ42,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2237,4153,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,plinth,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2238,4154,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2239,4155,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,21,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2240,4156,Holme House 71-2,S B abut,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2241,4157,Holme House 71-2,Bridge,section Y2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2242,4158,Holme House 71-2,Quarry42,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2243,4159,Holme House 71-2,RAK,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2244,5701,ER 77,,2,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2245,5702,ER 77,,3,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2246,5703,ER 77,,4,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2247,5704,ER 77,,5,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2248,5705,ER 77,,6,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2249,5706,ER 77,,7,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2250,5707,ER 77,,8,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2251,5708,ER 77,,9,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2252,5709,ER 77,,10,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2253,5710,ER 77,,11,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2254,5711,ER 77,,12,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2255,5712,ER 77,,13,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2256,5713,ER 77,,14,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2257,5714,ER 77,,15,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2258,5715,ER 77,,16,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2259,5716,ER 77,,17,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2260,5718,ER 77,,18,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2261,5719,ER 77,,19,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2262,5720,ER 77,,20,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2263,5721,ER 77,,21,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2264,5722,ER 77,,22,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2265,5723,ER 77,,23,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2266,5724,ER 77,,24,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2267,5725,ER 77,,25,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2268,5758,ER 77,,58,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2269,4471,Holme House Villa 69-70,,J 6,West site,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2270,4472,Holme House Villa 69-70,,L 10 (11),Circular structure,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2271,4473,Holme House Villa 69-70,,P 10,Apsidal Suite,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2272,4474,Holme House Villa 69-70,,R 11 (2),Primary/External,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2273,4475,Holme House Villa 69-70,,V 12,Bath house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2274,4476,Holme House Villa 69-70,,S 11 (4),Primary,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2275,3128,Tofts Field 1973,R.12,11,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 2276,4160,Holme House 71-2,YY45,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2277,4161,Holme House 71-2,V54,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2278,4162,Holme House 71-2,P50,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2279,4163,Holme House 71-2,L50,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2280,4164,Holme House 71-2,B43,,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2281,4165,Holme House 71-2,M44,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2282,4166,Holme House 71-2,RAJ,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2283,4167,Holme House 71-2,XX43,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2284,4168,Holme House 71-2,P11,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2285,4169,Holme House 71-2,N46,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2286,4170,Holme House 71-2,YY45,3,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2287,5734,ER 77,,34,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2288,3129,Tofts Field 1973,P.12,10,,TF73,,,,,,,,,no,no 2289,5321,BB 77-9,,14,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2290,5322,BB 77-9,,21,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2291,5323,BB 77-9,,5,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2292,5231,PB73-74,,26,"Location unknown, possibly Courtyard",Uncertain,,,,,,,,,no,no 2293,5232,PB73-74,,28,"Location unknown, possibly courtyard",Uncertain,,,,,,,,,no,no 2294,4171,Holme House 71-2,H49,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2296,4172,Holme House 71-2,H50,2,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2297,4173,Holme House 71-2,R57,1,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2298,4174,Holme House 71-2,H47,4,,S Vicus,,,,,,,,,no,no 2299,5112,Bridge End 79,,322,Bath-house,Bathhouse,,,,,,,,,no,no 2300,5748,ER 77,,48,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2301,4477,Holme House Villa 69-70,V12/W12,7,,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2302,5600,TT 77,,0,Courtyard Building,Courtyard,,,,,,,,,no,no 2303,10000,Unknown,,,,Unknown,,Thought to be from the Scott excavations but site unknown,,,,,,,no,no 2304,4478,Holme House Villa 69-70,X13,X 13 3c,Bath-house,Villa,,,,,,,,,no,no 2305,5770,ER 78,,70,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no 2306,5700,ER 77,,0,,OtherD,,,,,,,,,no,no