"Peter Rowley-Conwy's samples - Box 4 - bones, pottery, C14 samples, oil samples",, Date,Sample No.,Comments QI82,,82.1.20/50 Burial - maggots QI84,84/81, 1/4 QI84,84/100A, QI84,84/100C, QI84,84/100D,loose bits in this bag may be from any 84/100 head - came off in transit QI84,84/112, QI84,,"785 House, 4, LC/bos? - vertebra" QI84,,"785 House, Room 5 + , LC/Islamic? - bone" QI84,,785 House + LC/Islamic? - bone QI84,,"785 House, Room 5, 3, LC/Islamic?" QI84,,975 - crypt 2 LC/Bos. - bone QI84,,980 pit - 2 - Bosnian or ? X group - bone QI84,,"357 Plaza E, trench 1 - 9, Roman or ? Meroitic - bone" QI86,,"1105, Chamber 2, level 7. 16/1/86 Gourd" QI86,,Oil encrustation on faience sherd 1095 - 2. 5 Jan QI86,,86.1.21/12 carbonised oil on exterior of Steatite Bowl 1006 shaft Level B QI86,,Oil sample from glass vessel 86.1.16/5a ,117, ,R55,1105 Tomb - 5 sieved inside chamber 11/1 - bone ,R70,"B40, Room 329, below floor 4 - Bosnian" ,,"785 House, Room 10, level 4" ,,"331 - Temple St, centre - level 2, Street fill - bone" ,,939+ bone ,,"331 - Temple St, centre - level 4 - bone" ,,"Plaza 357, sondage A, Cathedral Section, level 1" ,,"Layer 9, spit D bottom - by eye - Murex shell" ,,"226, Temple 3, room 9, level 1" ,,"1050 House, Room 5B, level 1 - bone" ,,"785 House, Room 6, level 3 - mussel shell" ,,"1037 House, Room 2, west part of fill 60-90cm - bone" ,,"Pit 985, level 1 - bone" ,,"1105, level 1, 28 Jan, shell" ,,"Plaza 357, East Section, level 4 - bone" ,,"Pit 925, level 1 - bone" ,,1037+ Cowrie ,,Unlabelled Cowrie ,,924 pit - bone ,,"House 1002a? (9?), Room 4d+ 22/Dec - shell" ,,"1037 House, Room 10, 120-160 top of North wall - G.C.C. 1/2/86 - wood" ,,"1037 House, Room 4, level 1 - bone" ,,"Pit 1101, level 1, bottom of pit - ostrich shell, 9/1/84" ,,"1100 Structure, Room 2, level 6, 15/Jan - ostrich shell" ,,980 pit - level 2 - shell ,,"1037 House, area s of room 5, 0-40cm - bone" ,,"1105, chamber level 5. 16/Jan - cowrie" ,,"House 1002, Room 4d + possibly top of Meroitic level - 1 - 22/Dec - bone" ,,1028 level 1 - mussel shells ,,"1037 House, Room 11W, upper fill. 4/2/86 - shell" ,,"1001 House, Room 2, west end, level 2, bone" ,,"785 House, Room 8 - level 9-10 - wood" ,,"1105 Tomb, X group pots - type Z17" ,,"Oil Samples from pottery, trays, glass vessels etc" ,,"Oil on rim of pottery tray - 22 Jan, 1100/3/2" ,,Piece of paper shows designation of oil samples and round system? from 9 holed offering table ,,"Samples, left centre, middle centre, right upper, left lower, right lower " ,,"Small offering table - 1100 Structure -Room 3, level 2 table A - oil sample - Left Upper" ,,"Large offering table - 1100 Structure - Room 3 Level 2 table B - oil samples - middle lower, middle upper, right centre" ,,"1100 Structure Room 3, Level 2 (N.E. corner) Bird bones for further study - 6 individuals of 5 species" ,,Sondage A - layer 10 - maggotty fill ,,"1037 House, area s of room 5 - cleaning surface below 40 cm - bone"