Sample no.,Period,"Sketch,comments etc",Additional Information QI82/29,1250AD LC,pit cut along NE wall. High soghum chaff,1984: part of 15/16 on site lost to mice - some saved QI82/1,Bosnian,Sketch given. fire pit in section close to S corner of room. Will appear in section,"Ashy soil, pit well established apparently repeatedly used" QI82/2,Bosnian,"20-30cm NW of sample 1, outside firepit. Sample is on line of section (see 1) & is the material into which fire pit is dug. Very large amounts of straw & dung - litter?", QI82/3,Bosnian,Sketch given. Fire pit in open in B55. Sample is from black lower level of fireplace not ashy white layer. Fire pit cut by section - to be drawn?, QI82/5,Bosnian,usual small sample + date pit sample from floor area. Sample from approx. centre of floor. Deposit had straw fragments less/shorter pieces than sometimes the case, QI82/6,Bosnian,towards SE wall of house,86: no indication of quantity sorted - ? 1/8 to match fine QI82/7,Bosnian,"floor deposit, towards west corner of house.",No indication of quantity sorted 1/8 to match fine? QI82/8,Bosnian,"large pit with basketry lining - sample swept up from top surface of basket bottom of pit. Pit dug in Bosnain, most sherds are LC - fill is a typical mix - seeds etc?", QI82/9,Bosnian,"same pit as sample 8. 9 comes from between & below many basket segments laid on gebel (pit floor). Pit dug in Bosnain through LC deposits. Fill = mix, primary basketry = Bosnian",Sorghum apparently insect infested - sample of insects taken QI82/11,Bosnian,"filled with ? Litter - heavily broken straw in great quantities (photographed) v. large pit, mixed Bosnian?LC",priority L QI82/12,Bosnian,"immediately below basketry lining of pit (photographed) fill = mix of LC & Bosnian. Basketry = Bosnian, seeds also. Wheat content high - not very. Not enough to be storage", QI82/13,Bosnian,in and under basketry lining - high organic content, QI82/14,Bosnian,"sample from centre of house floor, above well trodden earth floor part plastered", QI82/15,Bosnian,, QI82/16,Bosnian,pit fill in middle of pit,priority L QI82/17,Bosnian,contents of small basket - looks poor,piority L QI82/18,Bosnian,"pit with basket lining. Surrounded on 3 sides by wall. Sample found in spaces between stones, not in pit fill (= former contents of pit?) - barley", QI82/19,Bosnian,towards SE wall of house,priority L QI82/20,Bosnian,"Sketch given of location of samples 20, 21 & 22", QI82/21,Bosnian,as 20 see sheet, QI82/22,Bosnian,inside stone foundation of courtyard 256 ? Not a regular room (see sheet 20), QI82/27,Bosnian,complete pot exposed in section. Pot no. 82.2.7./40,priority L QI82/28,Bosnian,contents of complete pot. Coprolite sample also kept. Pot no. 82.2.7/39, QI82/30,Bosnian,under and in basket lining - high termis. Pit in courtyard. 30cm deep deposit - world record termis sample! Over whole area beneath basket (photographed),"61.6 l. beans, c. 92,000 individual beans" QI82/31,Bosnian,, QI82/32,Bosnian,fill thrown in to raise floor, QI82/33,Bosnian,, QI82/34,Bosnian,, QI82/35,Bosnian,pit fill. No basketry/basal goodies. Small pit, QI82/38,Bosnian,, QI82/39,Bosnian,, QI82/41,Bosnian,"house divided across middle by wall. See sheet 48. 2,3 etc (NE end) correspond to 2b, 3b (SW end) respectively", QI82/42,Bosnian,part lost to mice. Estimate 1/4 left after mice. All sorted, QI82/43,Bosnian,1984 sample lost to mouse activity, QI82/44,Bosnian,, QI82/45,Bosnian,, QI82/46,Bosnian,, QI82/47,Bosnian,, QI82/48,Bosnian,"sketch given. Small pit 25-30cm across, dug down from level 4 (barley, wheat, lentils) sample is pit fill, not bottom - no basketry", QI82/49,Bosnian,close to pit sample 48 (q.v), QI82/50,Bosnian,lots of straw - stable deposit?, QI82/51,Bosnian,"sorghum between basketry sections. Cut through by larger pit. Sample 54 from same pit, lower level (has wheat). Sorghum is bicolor", QI82/52,Bosnian,"small pit in street outside B76 room 258, high charcoal, little else", QI82/54,Bosnian,"same pit as 51, sample from under lower lining not seen on first excavation. Wheat", QI82/56,Bosnian,same large pit as 55. 1 m SW in sorghum straw concentration, QI82/57,Bosnian,pocket of barley in rubble fill of Bosnian age. 1984: part lost to mice. Barley sorted from whole sample, QI82/58,Bosnian,, QI82/59,Bosnian,in 2 small dips (cup size) in plaster floor ?mesh containing whole and fragmented wheat and some barley, QI82/61,Bosnian,wheat between basketry pieces. Maggot sample taken. Same as 62, QI82/62,Bosnian,under pit bottom. Compacted threshing residue - same as 61. 1984: part lost to mice, QI82/63,Bosnian,sketch given. Small fire pit (on floor?) black, QI82/64,Bosnian,small firepit close to wall - see sample 63 sheet. Fine grey ash. 1984: some of the site 3/4 lost to mice, QI82/65,Bosnian,standard floor sample between fires 63/64 (see sheet 63), QI82/67,Bosnian,, QI82/68,Bosnian,"in room 259 but below wall level, i.e. not in a room. Loose - ?house sweepings?", QI82/69,Bosnian,"carbonised wheat and vigna (uncharred) collected by eye for measurement. Sieved down to 1mm, no carbonised rachii etc - food/storage, not waste", QI82/74,Bosnian,floor through which pot yielding 73 was dug. At waist level of pot. Barley residue?,date needed QI82/75,Bosnian,, QI82/76,Bosnian,, QI82/77,Bosnian,, QI82/79,Bosnian,durra no basket. Pit intersects 128 (sample 80). 1984: lost to mice, QI82/80,Bosnian,barley. Pit intersects 127 (sample 79). Barley and wheat sorted from 1/4 (and some internodes - not systematic - but I have most of them), QI82/82,Bosnian,"pitfill - termis beans eaten out. Shells only remaining. No birsch. All termis shells taken, nothing else. Remnant of meal time snack?", QI82/83,Bosnian,"pit in street with basketry. Sample under birsch as per usual. Maggots, durra", QI82/84,Bosnian,floor covered in chicken shit and feathers - chicken run, QI82/85,Bosnian,"small pot - burnt wood, also 1 seed of ""nabaga"" Z. spina-christi", QI82/89,Bosnian,, QI82/91,Bosnian,acacia seeds in/under birsch sections, QI82/93,Bosnian,regular long used hearth at one end. Fine floor and all around mastaba, QI82/94,Bosnian,pretty pure dung, QI82/95,Bosnian,compacted cow dung, QI82/96,Bosnian,water pot sunk into floor - chaff etc, QI82/97,Bosnian,durra pocket in fill apparently deliberately shovelled in under 95. ,1984: lost to mice QI82/100,Bosnian,sample of barley from between stones used as side of pit. Birsch in bottom nothing under it, QI82/101,Bosnian,, QI82/102,Bosnian,top part of fill of large pit, QI82/104,Bosnian,in a fill of a pit above birsch - not on birsch. Scattering of Sorghum. Nothing visible under birsch,"durra taken from whole sample, also one Vitis, nothing else" QI82/105,Bosnian,pit with high ash content, QI82/117,Bosnian,durra threshing residue from pit in large ?compound preceding house construction, QI82/118,Bosnian,"Sorghum heads - residue 1n deliberately levelled area, mainly Bosnian, some earlier admixture. Durra", QI82/119,Bosnian,, QI82/120,Bosnian,, QI82/124,Bosnian,, QI82/125,Bosnian,"area around grinding surface, west corner of building (photographed), durra and wheat. 1984: lost to mice", QI82/126,Bosnian,priority L, QI82/127,Bosnian,small pit 30cm across with high Vigna, QI82/128,Bosnian,barley concentration in fill ( - ? Pit bottom) No birsch under raised room. 1/16 sorted finely as for a floor, QI82/130,Bosnian,small sorghum sample - durra. 1984: part lost to mice, QI82/132,Bosnian,"sketch given. Fire place, partly under grinding surface area", QI82/133,Bosnian,in/near area of sorghum stem on dung floor. Close to 132 (q.v.), QI82/134,Bosnian,standard floor sample. Durra head from large pit in same floor, QI82/135,Bosnian,, QI82/137,Bosnian,barley sample near/ in wall ?tumble. 1984: lost to mice, QI82/145,Bosnian,, QI82/146,Bosnian,, QI82/147,Bosnian,1984: some of the site 7/8 lost to mice, QI82/152,Bosnian,1984: ? 1/2 lost to mice, QI82/153,Bosnian,1984: part lost to mice (perhaps 3/4), QI82/154,Bosnian,, QI82/156,Bosnian,1984: part lost to mice. Estimated 1/2 lost, QI82/158,Bosnian,lots of chaff and straw and wheat chaff - bedding?, QI82/159,Bosnian,, QI82/160,Bosnian,, QI82/161,Bosnian,from section, QI82/162,Bosnian,compacted dung and straw under looser level 1. Part lost to mice 1984, QI82/165,Bosnian,, QI82/166,Bosnian,high wheat. 1984: much lost to mice. Some saved from unknown proportion of sample. Wheat and internodes sorted from what is left, QI82/86,Bosnian - pre wall of B54,cotton pods and cotton collected by eye from pit, QI82/55,Bosnian (B1),"Sorghum in large pit spotted by Bill during excavation. No basketry with it. Close to, but not in large deposit of sorghum stem (sample 56). Durra. Photographed", QI82/53,Bosnian *,"end of H street at Stable St junction. Outside basket lining, barley. Pit wet, little preservation except around lip . (dug last year - room - basket remained) *only reliable date is that pit overlay Roman Wall. Bicolor/spelt. Part lost to the mice", QI82/157,Bosnian ?,high Vigna unguiculata. Some lost 1984 from mice - all lost, QI82/131,Bosnian B1,lots of small wild grass, QI82/72,E Bosnian?,"near X gp/EC wall, could be of that date. Most likely Bosnian, between 2 stones and early wall (used as foundation for Bosnian wall) - good place to trickle into. Barley. ",1984: some lost to mice - unknown percentage of original resieved and all sorted QI82/36,early Bosnian,"fire pit with acacia seeds ? Not regular burnt area, more like throw out with some charcoal seeds. Not uniformly burnt through and through. ",Sketch given showing location of samples 36 and 37 QI82/37,early Bosnian,store basin? Fragments reused as pit in N corner of room 101 (see sheey 36),priority L QI82/113,early Bosnian,v. fine deposit with cowshit, QI82/123,Late Bosnian,"v. large pit of late Bosnian date, part of bottom covered with reused X group birsch. Barley compacted layer under. 1984: lost to mice", QI82/66,EC,early Christian floor, QI82/10,LC,"above roof collapse - structure stood open. Lots of complete sorghum stems - litter/fodder store? Photographed. N.B. not crushed, no goat dung",priority M QI82/81,LC,alongside X gp wall - used as LC pit lining. High durra. Var durra it is and dating confirmed - LC1 dug into EC level. birsch so can't be completely certain of date, QI82/112,LC,compacted sorghum (bicolor?) threshing residue high up in house fill - after roof collapse, QI82/114,LC,"concentration of Setaria glumes. Same as 112, c, 1m South. Worst rubbish sorted out from whole sample - near pure", QI82/115,LC,"concentration of wheat threshing residue, adjacent to sample 114. all sorted", QI82/116,LC,sorghum threshing residue in compacted layer a few cms below 112.,"1984: part lost to mice. 1984: 1/3 of remnant sorted, 1/3 more packed" QI82/136,LC,"Sketch given showing location of samples 136, 149, 150 & 151. Large soma in N corner of cellar with burnt roof & many pots. High qarad pods", QI82/138,LC,"medium sized smashed pot in burnt cellar. Smattering of carbonised barley and date pits also larges lumps of ? Mudbrick. All sorted. Pots from same cellar, sampled, no goodies. Small: 13, 7, 1,17", QI82/139,LC,concentration of carbonised berries - said to be Ziziphus - nagard. In fact grapes!, QI82/141,LC,large smashed pot - v small bu dense concentration of durra chaff. 1/2 sorted - all packed for home, QI82/142,LC,small ?pulse cf vigna in bottom of large vessel. All sorted, QI82/143,LC,"scattering of carbonised barley in, under & around shattered sherds of 3 large pots. Thickest is pot 18 - but not enough to have been stored in it. High dates & rubbish.","18 is lower half only, others all shattered. -? Bag/basket nearby/hung up?" QI82/144,LC,high concentration of date pits under and in contact with pot 18. uncarbonised. 1984: lost to mice, QI82/148,LC,taken as LC sample. Termis collected from rather large amount and put in sieve, QI82/149,LC,kitchen residue - sorghum glumes. Soma next to acacia seed one (sample 136 q.v.) - sketch map. Uncarbonised, QI82/150,LC,"pot 24 (see sample 136 for map) looks very like 149 from soma - kitchen waste. Uncarbonised. 1/16 sorted finely, 1/16 packed. 7/8 left on site (seeded glumes sorted for this into fine sorted 1/16)", QI82/151,LC,"between 2 somas, on ? Floor level - heap of qarad seeds. See 136 for map", QI82/73,LC - but see 74??,large pot (not small one with leather) dug into floor. 74 from adjacent floor. Not sorted. Date needed for ?peach stone, QI82/23,LC?,basketry lining - sample from below,priority L QI82/122,LC1,wheat, QI82/78,LC2,, QI82/40,LC2 (13-1400),barley below basketry lining as usual, QI82/24,New Kingdom,"scraped from step immediately behind stones opposite boat, S of podium.",2 extra sieves taken 27/2/82 & brought H unsorted. No fine. NB contains pot of later date. Could be impure QI82/106,Pharaonic -Late,figs from ghost of pot which contained carbonised grain sample (so far unlocated), QI82/107,Pharaonic -Late,spelt and Sorghum, QI82/108,Pharaonic -Late,near sherds of large pot in section - 50cm further S from 107, QI82/109,Pharaonic -Late,in section cut by large Bosnian pit 7-8m east of point of samples 106-8. Sample from east side of pit, QI82/110,Pharaonic -Late,"same pit as 109, from bottom, in/under mudbrick wall of Pharaonic date", QI82/98,Pre Bosnian,barley in/under birsch - could be any date - not sorted, QI82/88,probably Bosnian,heads of sorghum seen during excavation. Threshing residue, QI82/92,probably Bosnian,leather and birsch lined pit under courtyard wall. Predates construction of courtyard. Clean sorghum (durra) threshing locus. ,1 sieve as usual and sample of major pieces picked out. Photographed. Context - probably large compound QI82/26,Ptolemaic,"from exposed section near S bastion. Soil damp, little organic preservation",No preservation QI82/25,Roman,taken from exposed section near S bastion (lots of straw & dung - stabling) Lots of Paniceae a couple of ? Sorghum virgatum, Qi82/99,Roman,next to large pot exposed in situ on Stable Street. Sample 111 is from the pot - barley palea/lemmas in 99 are much more broken up than in 111, QI82/111,Roman,large Roman pitcher in situ in floor (sample 99 is from immediately adjacent to it). Stable St. Could this be a monk's rest, QI82/90,"uncertain, prob LC",barley ?LC pit, QI82/87,X gp,1 sieve taken from section to check presence of sorghum, QI82/70,X gp (dug not filled),crypt using partly natural fissure c. 2 metres deep under house floor,priority L QI82/121,X group,"from inside folded birsch in pit bottom. Same pit as 129. 86: discarded -nothing worth having, is it pit or surrounding deposit?", QI82/129,X group,under bottom birsch. Barley. Same pit as sample 121, QI82/163,X group,from section, QI82/164,X group,, QI82/71,Xgp or EC,"Ricinus communis - ""mined"" from side of EC house dug into X group fill - not possible to date more accurately. ","Peas & Ricinus taken from whole of sample sieve - rest 1/8 only. + 47 date pits, 21 dates, 9 date bases" QI82/4,,"dust and seeds from inside basket pit liner from 1981 section put through coarse sieve. Barley, lentils, sorghum. Seeds adhering to inside of basket. ","25 internodes, 826 barley" QI82/60,,pot near E wall. Large no of date pits. 1984 -part lost to mice, QI82/103,,pure lentils from pot found in 1978. 78.2.18/6 (excavators number),"1984: this bagged in 2 bags, one lost to mice (alas = big sample H). Other bag: site pending date" QI82/140,,large vessel, QI82/155,,, QI82/167,?,"from crypt dug out in 1982. 1750 ml of pure barley, hulled 6-row as ever",