Sample no.,Period,"Sketch,comments etc",Additional Information 84/107,(LC/B?) Boyce,figs! In definite bedding straw layer (sample 84/109) (cf 84/105), 84/109,(LC/B?) Boyce,"Bedding straw - see 84/107. Photo taken - cf 84/105. 2 photos, 1 in pit, 1 just after 84/105", 84/44,*,*dug earlier years - pot stops at CC2. So this floor may be CC/EC? - may be dug out later in 84 season,"1986: contains much hard mud & goat shit & v little plant material, Probably floor itself" 84/159,? CC-LC,pure date/date seed sample from same provenance as 84/158, 84/160,? CC-LC,pure castor oil bean sample from same provenance as 84/158. 84/158 all left at S, 84/56,?Bosnian - see 84/55,1 large pod? Same location as 84/55, 84/161,?EC,floor and obvious deposit ?lentils, 84/163,?EC,, 84/142,?LC - too few pot sherds,pit in level 7 - base of pit given level 8. containing a bouquet of durra - sample from the base of the pit after the durra excavated i.e. fragments from the bouquet. No basketry. Approx 200 heads of durra. 1 Corylus fragment found within the bouquet - H,* + 3 heads removed carefully to retain sterile florets 84/37,?LC,pit either originating from or (more likely) dug through floor at top. No birsch. Bicolor, 84/91,?LC (or Bosnian?),Cucumis seeds adhering to potsherd (undiagnostic), 84/48,?LC (Pam says ?X gp),"wheat threshing residue? Lay between lowest birsch sections, below 84/49", 84/49,?LC (Pam says ?X gp),"barley in birsch, above 4/48", 84/101,?Meroitic* (Pam),date sample from ashy fill in pit (not with birsch at bottom) *high up (Boyce) - later than Meroitic, 84/61,?Roman/Meroitic,"carab, cotton, halfa & leaves - by eye", 84/67,Bosnian,top level of pit - some durra (see 84/66) 84/83,Bosnian,durra under birsch and matting as usual 84/113,Bosnian,"compacted date material from bottom of large soma. Photographed - sampled, rest discarded" 84/65,Bosnian - ?early -see 84/55,c. 1/2 litre pea pods 84/09,Bosnian (f. cloth),twist of cloth QI82.2.22./32 - small seeds - Compositae 84/10,Bosnian (f. cloth),cloth QI78.2.21/33 - onion seeds - Allium cepa 84/11,Bosnian (f. cloth),cloth QI82.2.7./1 - herbaceous + seeds 84/30,Bosnian (Pam),barley - in birsch under level of Bosnian street wall. Could be better dated - pit 82/113 84/32,Bosnian (Pam),loose durra heads 84/94,Bosnian (Pam),durra heads 84/55,Bosnian ?*,"below (& not associated with) backfilled Plumley basketry *X gp + Bosnian/LC - could be either, more likely Bosnian/LC because concentrated?" 84/64,Bosnian or LC (Pam),durra and termis infill - no birsch 84/147,CC, 84/166,CC/LC,"termis bean concentration, partly carbonised below burning horizon ?roof fall." 84/167,CC/LC,obvious barley pocket - sampled from burnt horizon 84/20,CC? see below,"overlying X gp/EC wall, under LC wall. Within body of wall - mouse nest - yes! Gnawed dates, melon seed, cotton seed etc, Vigna frags (that's where they go), no barley or sorghum grains but large/complete chaff fragments - not trodden on. - if so any date" 84/08,CC1 (850-1000),cotton, 84/169,CC-LC,, 84/171,CC-LC,, 84/173,CC-LC,, 84/175,CC-LC,sketch showing position of sample between burnt layer and floor - containing seeds and grain, 84/177,CC-LC,sample taken from SE corner of room continuing small depression with obvious concentration of termis bean, 84/178,CC-LC,"see 84/181 & 84/158, 84/159, 84/160. Grinding area on floor under burnt roof fall deep deposit - 10-20cm very rich in seeds, castor oil, lentils, wheat & barley & dates. Samples taken in haste (being cleared too quickly). 1 litre each. X1 = conc ?lentils. x2 = random sample no special concentration xx1 = 3 litres barley & wheat. ",other samples position xx but 10cm higher 84/158/159/160 all below roof. Sketch given of location of samples 84/181,CC-LC,see diagram with 84/178. below burnt roof on floor. Some 15ft from (S) grinding area, 84/185,CC-LC,out of sequence because I lost it (& label), 84/05,"Christian ?Early, later part",carbonised barley, 84/146,Classic/Late Christian - contaminated,, 84/23,early X group,"lump of caked barley glumes. Seeds ?gone, animal dung?", 84/116,"Early X group (200 sherds, no contamination)",brush fragments from stabling waste (see 84/117) (called durra by guftis but isn't), 84/120,Early X group (Pam),grape pips in pot type R25. Sorgum and Vitis from whole sample, 84/117,Early X group (see 84/116),cotton seeds from layer of stable waste - v. little pods - spinning waste? - cf 84/114 & 115, 84/43,EC,standard floor sample, 84/45,EC,?honey - scraped from inside of large pot - probably early U12 type, 84/182,EC (1 late sherd),"contents of complete pot, white mineral subsatnce.", 84/01,EC (or LC?),"1 head durra, could be LC intrusion, unlikely to be Bosnian", 84/54,EC (Pam),head of ? Halfa grass from fill between floors. Lots of dung - fodder/beddings?, 84/57,EC (Pam),"cotton waste with seeds inside. Pot = EC, but textiles very LC or Bosnian", 84/13,Islamic,"barley, under large potsherd in pit between 2 birsch sections - barley & internodes sorted from 1/2", 84/41,Islamic (Pam),durra under birsch, 84/80,Islamic*,barley in pit side - no birsch. Southern part of large pit complex.,*pit contained 4 letters dated 1630's - giving terminus post quem for seeds - must also be early Bosnian (same applies to 84/81). 3 letters photographed dates: 1035 A.H. (1626); 1037 A.H. (1628); 1038 A.H. (1629) 84/81,Islamic*,durra under birsch ?same pit or complex as 84/80 *see 84/80, 84/06,later EC,"standard floor sample - centre, between pits", 84/14,LC,barley under birsch, 84/66,LC,Sketch given. Barley on floor between pit and wall - ? Spillage from pit - no, 84/68,LC,"barley milling area, next to barley heap, 84/66 (q.v.)", 84/69,LC,sketch given. Extra sample of S. bicolor from rest (3/4) of sample, 84/70,LC,see 84/69, 84/71,LC,area below 84/69 (q.v.) with which it partly corresponds ? More whole bicolor. Below slipway edge. Also random sorghum sample, 84/72,LC,interior of mudbrick moulding (see 84/69) bicolor chaff. (what was on quern when it was removed?), 84/73,LC,sketch map given.,"84/73, 74 & 75 may be a bit older than 76? On slightly lower surface. 84/73 - bicolor" 84/74,LC,area below 84/69 (q.v.) with which it partly corresponds ? More whole bicolor. Below slipway edge. Also random sorghum sample, 84/75,LC,see 84/73 bicolor/barley mix, 84/76,LC,see 84/73. bicolor chaff, 84/77,LC,small grass seeds in fragment of hem - more likely accidental than collected, 84/79,LC,"date stones around fireplace on top of wall of earlier date crossing room 4. Same level as floor 2,? With which associated", 84/84,LC,"straw (? Barley) in bottom of pit with birsch (not under birsch). V. pure, seems remnant of fodder storage", 84/131,LC,in search of pre LC floors, 84/137,LC,Ricinus in small depression hard against N wall, 84/138,LC,sketch given of the 3 pits. Complex of 3 pits cutting each other all having the same unit number as impossible to separate. No basketry. Pocket pure barley in NE corner of 1st pit, 84/140,LC,"taken by J.A. ""rather good sealed pit"" MP in Abu Simbel", 84/141,LC,"taken by J.A. ""last of a series of floors"" MP in Abu Simbel", 84/144,LC,durra. Bottle neck basket completely full of durra. ?120lb weight (Tony's guess) in a shallow pit. Sketch of basket given and it's dimensions,"0.1 l = 1713 seeds; 1 l = 17130 seeds; 60 l = 1,027,800 seeds" 84/149,LC,obvious barley pocket - sampled, 84/155,LC,large pit lined with basketry with bicolor at the bottom, 84/162,LC,"no basketry, sample from pit bottom, durra", 84/170,LC,, 84/172,LC,"pit, originally from level 1 of room, part in wall of pit ?related to floor at lower level rather than pit. Sketch given", 84/176,LC,"leather bag containing dates (bag no. 84.2.5/22) part of dates from whole sample, remainder kept with the bag", 84/04,LC (1100-1300?,pot type U10 - small flask full of Panicum/Setaria, 84/31,LC (Pam),"Soma - bottomless - cylindrical section, reused as ""pit"" for bicolor ( 1 seed of durra in sample - from near top of soma - intrusive? - not very likely). ",In very disturbed area - Bosnian pit dug into LC pit etc. can't be dated more precisely 84/85,LC (Pam),"sketch given. Floor sample - underlies later crossing wall. 84/85 to 84/89 taken from unexcavated section, except 84/86", 84/86,LC (Pam),barley chaff on floor (see 84/85, 84/87,LC (Pam),, 84/88,LC (Pam),floor 3 = series of clean trodden floors at top. 84/88 = between these and intermediate (unnumbered) floor between 3 & 4. Photographed after cleaning, 84/90,LC (Pam),standard floor sample. S end of floor (see 84/92), 84/92,LC (Pam),cotton pods - from N. end of floor (see 84/90). This end has stable deposit (see 84/93). Cotton pods = waste in the stabling, 84/93,LC (Pam),"straw nodes & halfa grass from stabling (see 84/92 & 84/90). 2 photos of stabling in section & broken up winnowing area from here. And section + soma base from other end of the same room, same level", 84/97,LC (Pam),"cut down into burial, barley under birsch", 84/100,LC (Pam),whole head of sorghum ?type. 3 more added when rest dug out 30/1/84, 84/118,LC (Pam),barley under birsch, 84/119,LC (Pam),"no birsch, carbonised and uncarbonised barley, all together" 84/122,LC (Pam),wheat - between intersecting pits? - this on wall stump marking across 84/125,LC (Pam), 84/126,LC (Pam),"rubbish in large broken pot - concentrated floor sample, includes cotton etc - see earlier samples from floor 5. Ware type U10" 84/132,LC (Pam),bicolor; no birsch 84/133,LC (Pam),inside of section immediately above 84/128 - must derive from later pit? Durra 84/134,LC (Pam),"bicolor from pit section and stones limiting pit. No birsch. NB some durra in another part of this pit's side, same level (+/-) as bicolor 84/134 - some durra in gelatin capsule" 84/135,LC (Pam),dates 84/136,LC (Pam),"same pit as 84/134, higher in the pit section. Wheat" 84/22,LC or Bosnian,"durra conc. In birsch - also some durra x bicolor. Date: more likely LC, area dug by Roger 1978, could be in his notes. 3/4 sorted - 2 bags; 1/4 unsorted, bagged with sorted" 84/102,LC or Bosnian (Pam),"bag contains wheat! Original contents 1.8 litres, some went through fine sieve. Cloth - LC or Bosnian" 84/104,LC or Bosnian (Pam),durra - no birsch 84/03,LC or EC?,"pit dug by Roger 1978, re-excav. Can't be certain barley doesn't derive from surrounding deposit - but dense concentration suggests stored material. Pit dug LC into EC deposits" 84/40,LC/Bosnian,bicolor head 84/78,LC/Bosnian,"blue & grey cloth - photographed (last on film 2), cotton, Z. spina-christi, LC or Bosnian (on cloth) - not seeds - herbaceous" 84/145,LC/Bosnian,small pit in SE wall. Durra and no basketry. Sorghum chaff and pea pericarps - rubbish. No whole seeds at all. 84/110,LC/Bosnian (/LC - Pam),durra - not in birsch 84/123,LC/Bosnian (+lots of Meroitic etc),barley in retaining wall making pit smaller 84/105,LC/Bosnian into Meroitic/Roman,"barley and lots of chaff. Plastered crypt (84/107 below). Photo of 1/2 unsorted (cf 84/109, ?bedding from same pit)" 84/139,LC/CC,"Lubia bean. Large quantity of leaf and stem, few pods full - mostly empty ?animal fodder. No basketry" 84/07,LC2,"threshing floor, dates etc - (why not numbered in 1982?)" 84/28,Meroitic,"above stone dump layer. V. rich, has barley/bicolor/cotton. Cultivated bicolor. Small sample pulled out during excavation - in this was Meroitic fine sherd, family M, ware W26 - definite Meroitic" 84/33,Meroitic,"concentration of cotton seeds under flat stone. See also 84/35. 1986 deposit very coarse, little else except cotton seeds" 84/34,Meroitic,about 3m E of sample 84/28 84/36,Meroitic,nuts etc collected in trench 84/46,Meroitic,Sketch given. Barley sample + sorghum/emmer/Paniceae - removed systematically 86/47,Meroitic,see 84/46 84/52,Meroitic,"barley, straw & sesame in pit - no birsch" 84/99,Meroitic,figs & date - found by Jim 84/124,Meroitic,bicolor/lentils in street fill. Also smaller sample taken by eye to boost measurable sample 84/24,Meroitic 1,3 nuts 84/38,Meroitic*,coproloites/dung with lots of barley in big concentration near fireplace. *6 is trenched by Meroitic temple and overbuilt by Meroitic/X group houses - early Meroitic? Has a little Roman too. 84/42,Meroitic/early X group,standard floor sample 84/29,Meroitic/Roman,"Immediately beneath layer of stone rubble, & immediately under sample 84/28. Has more Roman than Meroitic pottery" 84/58,Meroitic/Roman,bundle of leaves + carob 84/59,Meroitic/Roman,barley chaff in small pit - no birsch 84/89,Meroitic/Roman,"in Plaza 357. E. Section, top dug earlier. Should be datable (X gp/Christian). Barley" 84/174,Meroitic/X gp transition (LC - Pam),very consistent all Meroitic/X group fill in this pit therefore sampled. Several heads of barley complete in lower fill (bagged separately but same sample no) 84/121,Meroitic? (Pam),"weakly defined pit producing X gp/Meroitic pot - probably not a pit in fact, good X gp/Meroitic stuff. Castor oil beans and pods. Some Ricinus in one of 2 large pots - contained junk, but final filling of pot A dates dumping of Ricinus" 84/95,Meroitic>Roman,carob + other 'nuts' - small pit 30cm across 84/50,mixed Meroitic/Roman,bicolor head + 2 seeds adhering 84/62,Napatan, 84/63,Napatan, 84/82,Napatan,from brick lined storage pit directly underlying Taharka temple rear wall. Emmer & barley. Napatan but pre-Taharka on pot. Cloth - New Kingdom to Roman 84/96,Napatan,heap of barley (and coriander & emmer) on narrow strip of floor inside rear wall of Taharka temple 84/98,Napatan,scaled onto floor by inverted broken pot base. Barley/emmer/coriander 84/106,Napatan,nuts/stones? - approx. 1/4 litre taken - many more in pit 84/108,Napatan,"2 ? Nut shells, large and thin" 84/150,Napatan,good sealed floor, 84/151,Napatan,good sealed floor, 84/152,Napatan,sample taken from walls adjacent to pit but given context - not for pit. Acacia seeds in profusion. No birsch. Probably the same deposit as 84/156 a/b - sampled, 84/156,Napatan,"small area of floor exposed. Containing obvious concentration of garlic (sampled separately) 4cm deposit of mixed ?coriander seed, Acacia seed & garlic","84/156a: 1/16H, 1/8D, 13/16 S. 84/156b: all S" 84/157,Napatan,garlic sample, 84/164,Napatan,sample immediately above ? Stable floor, 84/165,Napatan,sketch given of location of samples a and b. Mudbrick lined bin. Possibly already sampled as pretemple material exterior to or cut into by pit 941. seeds = emmer glumes after seeds threshed out. 2nd sample 84/165b - taken in same bin from particularly rich grain deposit - 1 litre - coarse kept only, 84/148,Napatan - some late contamination,capped by floor 4, 84/130,Napatan (Pam),"from pit fill - pit in W wall, overlies wall preceding Taharka, i.e. is later than 84/129. 84/129 <->pre Taharka wall <-> 84/130 <-> Temple wall. See 84/129 for positioning", 84/60,Pam says LC,Sketch given. Termis and unid seed pulled from section. ?Associated with durra in wall - durra could be from later pit & termis from fill through which pit is cut,Excavation 25/1/84 reveals termis is fairly dense scatter on floor - not in pit - no is in pit along W wall. 84/51,pre Meroitic/Early X gp,"unthreshed wheat within wall, too far to be later trickle - probably not, must be contemporary with wall building. Wall predates house 202, room 4, level 1 (from which 84/42 was taken)", 84/168,pretemple Napatan,mostly chaff some barley but quite unlike the area around therefore ? Deliberate deposition ?windblown. 1 cow terminal phalanx also in pit. See 84/165 for location, 84/158,probably CC,under basketry liner of pit 835 but actually deposit on floor below ?floor 9 below burnt roof horizon. 6cm deposit mixed mainly castor oil bean and dates. No traces of pods - threshed & winnowed elsewhere, 84/154,probably X gp later*,mostly barley. Small deep pit with sticks stuck up in it (in plaza 939+) mostly sterile fill but pocket of barley at base. Sketch of 6-row barley rachis given. ,* barley has traces of emmer and Linum - ? Earlier than X group 84/114,Roman > Meroitic - but mixed,"cotton, also sorghum etc. Some cotton pods (herbaceum??). Date list gives Napatan for layer 10 (doesn't say which trench) - Nettie has definite Meroitic/X gp textiles from trench 2 level 10", 84/115,Roman > Meroitic - but mixed,"same as 84/114, cotton seeds (& nuts) only. Cotton spinning waste? Some thread. Photgraphed (cf 84/117)", 84/02,superficial,fragment of ? Pomegranate 84/53,unknown,"under birsch. Bicolor in quantity. Pit is Meroitic, fine basketry in bottom. This under birsch piece high up on side ? Not Meroitic. Other side of pit cut (just) by Bosnian pit. This is unlikely to be Bosnian. Could be any date" 84/27,v. late X group,heap of Acacia seeds within stones forming door blockage 84/26,X gp/Meroitic boundary,"Immediately N of Meroitic temple, probably capped by dung layer ( not observed cut through dung when dung removed). V primitive cultivated bicolor!" 84/15,X group,"sketch given. Small pot - contains ash and some fresh, apparently rubbish. 1? Vitis, seen, carbonised" 84/16,X group,X group? Floor rubbish (see 84/15 for drawing) 84/17,X group,seedless head of bicolor 84/18,X group,fragment of ? Cake or badly digested fecal matter. Biclor solids 84/19,X group,olive stone & threshed bicolor heads by eye from pot 84/25,X group,household waste 84/21,X group (550-650AD),"bicolor chaff in small pot. Complete head from same context, next to pot (not in it)" 84/12,,QI78.1.30./69 - bunch of leaves 84/35,,unsystematic enlargement of cotton seed sampled in 84/33 84/39,,Maize cob - no seeds 84/103,,"by eye, sample of wheat threshing residue in longish pit. Barley collected by Reis Ahmed - not proportional to original contents - more barley in sample than in pit" 84/111,,durra next to birsch 84/112,,durra (bicolor) heads and seeds, 84/127,,"starts at or above Meroitic floor. Mainly barley, also sorghum/Phoenix/Paniceae + unsystematic sorghum (from rest of sample except D)", 84/128,,"heap of barley. Next to LC (?) ?lock, larger crater?, LC floor appearing to SW of it. Peter French says lock is LC ","1986 - lots of wheat, also 3 types of smaller seeds in profusion" 84/129,,"taken from wall of pit in Temple Street, lies approx 30cms below base of mudbrick wall which is below and at slight angle to Taharka temple - i.e. predates Taharka. Sketch given", 84/143,,fairly uniform deposit in S/W corner of pit. No basketry - Panicum/Setaria, 84/153,,carob nuts, 84/179,,cotton seed pods in the lower fill of pit, 84/180,,2 samples taken. One containing pocket of durra - 84/180a. 1 containing a concentration of barley - 84/180b, 84/183,,seeds strung as beads. Pam would like identified. - P R-C reply - can't, 84/184,,obvious deposit of barley. 1986 - emmer - unthreshed, 84/186,,sample rescued from rat gnawed bag ?1982. Whole sample - Acacia seeds. P R-C in 1986 - other charred plant remains also kept & some of the uncharred,