Sample no.,House/feature,Room,Level,Subfeature 84/01,211,1,4,pit 2 below level 4 84/02,Plaza 352 (cathedral section),,above level 1, 84/03,Cathedral Street,,,pit 78/84 84/04,,,, 84/05,196 (west of),1, +, 84/06,211,1,below floor 4, 84/07,211,overlying room 3,2, 84/08,211,3 SW corner,pit below floor 1, 84/09,,,, 84/10,,,, 84/11,,,, 84/12,,,, 84/13,"Plaza 375, cathedral section, NE",,, 84/14,,,,pit 903 84/15,205,2,pot scatter above 1, 84/16,205,2,pot scatter above 1, 84/17,205,2,pot scatter above 1, 84/18,205,2,below X gp pot scatter, 84/19,909,2,1, 84/20,210,,underlying later E. wall, 84/21,210,10B,lower stair crypt fill, 84/22,"dug into X gp house, area 357",,,pit 908 84/23,210,10B,stair crypt fill, 84/24,"Plaza 357, E section",,4, 84/25,909,2,1,amphora U4 type 84/26,"Plaza 357, E section",,5,pit 84/27,210,10A,, 84/28,"Plaza 357, E section",,5, 84/29,"Plaza 357, E section",,, 84/30,791,,1,pit - under road 355 (NW Bastion St) 84/31,210,8,,soma in NE corner 84/32,792,,1, 84/33,"Plaza 357, E section",,5, 84/34,"Plaza 357, E section",,5, 84/35,See 84/33,,, 84/36,"Plaza 357, E section",,4, 84/37,194,1,top floor, 84/38,"Plaza 357, E section",,lower 6,near N. wall 84/39,785,6, + (= unstratified/superficial), 84/40,204 - 913,, +, 84/41,,,1,pit 791 84/42,202,4,1, 84/43,210,7,1, 84/44,202,1,top floor exposed 1984, 84/45,210,7,2, 84/46,"357, E. section",,5 - capping temple trench, 86/47,"357, E. section",,5 - (not on trench), 84/48,,,,pit 916 84/49,,,,pit 916 84/50,"Plaza 357, E section",,7, 84/51,202,4,,W wall 84/52,"Plaza 357, E section",,6 or 7,pit 84/53,pit 924,,,pit 84/54,194,,between 2 & 3, 84/55,pit 932,,, 84/56,pit 932,,, 84/57,210,5,floor 1, 84/58,"Plaza 357, E section",,8,pit 928 84/59,"Plaza 357, E section",,, 84/60,House 785/pit 955,4,pit dug down from floor 2,layer below floor 1 84/61,"Plaza 357, E section",,,pit 928 (bottom of) 84/62,House 929,,Napatan #3 (upper), 84/63,House 929,,Napatan #3 (lower), 84/64,House 934,,2,pit 84/65,pit 932,,2, 84/66,House 785,8,near pit cut through floor 1, 84/67,House 785,8,pit cut through floor 1, 84/68,House 785,8,on floor 1, 84/69,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area 84/70,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area 84/71,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area 84/72,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area 84/73,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area 84/74,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area 84/75,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area 84/76,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area 84/77,pit 937,,1, 84/78,Plaza 939,, +, 84/79,House 785,4,3 (floor 2),on wall 84/80,House 931,1,3 (of pit) 1-1.5m,pit 932 84/81,House 931,1,3 (of pit) 1-1.5m,pit 932 84/82,House 290 - subfloor,between 9 (W) & 930 (E),for Napatan temple date (room below will have new numbers), 84/83,pit 953,,cut through 938 storage crypt, 84/84,House 785,4,,pit 955 84/85,House 785,6,floor 1 (in & under), 84/86,House 785,6,on level 4, 84/87,House 785,6,floor 3 (on & under), 84/88,House 785,6, 3-4, 84/89,pit 944,,, 84/90,House 785,6,5 (on top of), 84/91,Plaza 939,, +, 84/92,House 785,6,5 (on top of), 84/93,house 785,6,5 (on top of), 84/94,pit 918,,, 84/95,"Plaza 357, E section",,floors at bottom of 5,small pit 84/96,"House 226, temple 3",9,floor on top of level 3, 84/97,pit 966,,, 84/98,"House 226, temple 3",9,floor at top of level 3, 84/99,"Plaza 357, E section",,5&6, 84/100,House 785,6,3, 84/101,pit 967,,, 84/102,pit 970,,, 84/103,pit 962,,, 84/104,pit 970,,, 84/105,crypt 975,,1, 84/106,pit underlying S. wall of Taharka temple,,, 84/107,crypt 975,,2, 84/108,"House 226, temple 3",9,3 - floor 3 to 10cm below, 84/109,crypt 975,,2, 84/110,pit 954,,1, 84/111,House 961,1B,,later pit 84/112,Plaza 939,, +, 84/113,soma 982,,, 84/114,"Plaza 357, E section",,10 (bottom of),trench 2 84/115,"Plaza 357, E section",,10 (bottom of),trench 2 84/116,pit 986,,1, 84/117,pit 986,,1, 84/118,pit 987,,1, 84/119,pit 954,,1, 84/120,Plaza 939,, +, 84/121,960 room,,986 pit, 84/122,pit 954,,, 84/123,pit 968,,,retaining wall 84/124,"House 331, Temple Street",,3,street fill 84/125,pit 954,,2, 84/126,House 785,6,5 (on), 84/127,,,,"pit in upper 963 street, next to wall, above stains" 84/128,House 785,10,1 = floor 1,floor = below 956 pit 84/129,331 Temple street,,see sketch map etc, 84/130,331 Temple street,,, 84/131,House 785,6,6, 84/132,House 785,6,7,small pit 84/133,House 785,7,,pit 954 84/134,House 785,7,,pit 952 84/135,House 785,4,,pit 952 84/136,House 785,4,,pit 952 84/137,House 785,5,3, 84/138,House 1022/3 pits,west pit,1,pocket NE corner of pit 84/139,House 785,8,sealed by floor 5,pit 1028 84/140,House 785,8,cut through floor 4 in room 8,pit 1016 84/141,House 785,6,floor 6/level 6, 84/142,House 785,4,8,in floor 7 84/143,House 785 - ,8,1,pit 1031 sealed below floor 7 84/144,pit 1034,,1, 84/145,House 785,11,1,pit 1038 84/146,House 785,8,8,below floor 7 84/147,House 785,8,floor 7, 84/148,226 Temple 3,9,prelevel 5,"pit A cutting levels 5, 6 & 7" 84/149,House 958,,1,pit 84/150,House 226,9,7,subtemple 84/151,House 226,9,8,subtemple 84/152,pit 942,,1, 84/153,pit 1014,,1, 84/154,pit 1055,,1, 84/155,pit 1039,,1, 84/156,House 226,9,9,pretemple Napatan 84/157,House 226,9,9,pretemple Napatan 84/158,House 785,8xx (Boyce Room x),above floor 10 (John's level 5), 84/159,House 785,8xx (Boyce Room x),above floor 10 (John's level 5), 84/160,House 785,8xx (Boyce Room x),above floor 10 (John's level 5), 84/161,House 1050,1,floor 3, 84/162,pit 954,,1, 84/163,House 1050,2,1 floor 1, 84/164,House 930,north room,3,pretemple Napatan 84/165,House 930,centre room,3,pretemple Napatan 84/166,House 785,13,1 upper fill, 84/167,House 785,13,2,burnt horizon 84/168,House 930,centre room,3,pot (pharonic) in binfill 84/169,House 785,10,floor 1, 84/170,House 785,11,floor 1, 84/171,House 785,11,floor 2, 84/172,House 785,12,1 (of pit),pit 1065 84/173,House 785,12,floor 2, 84/174,House 1000,3,1,pit 1065 84/175,House 785,13,level 2 on floor,below burning roof 84/176,House 785,5,6, 84/177,House 785,12,floor 2, 84/178,House 785,"8(x), Boyce 8, John 8xx",floor 10, 84/179,pit 1070,,1, 84/180,House 785,12,(floor 2) actually below floor 2 between it and gebel, 84/181,House 785,8,10 (floor), 84/182,House 210,8,floor 2, 84/183,QI/84.2.20/20,,, 84/184,House 221,1,1, 84/185,House 785,12,floor 1, 84/186,House 849,5,below floor 1,soma 3