Sample no.,House/feature,Room,Level,Subfeature,Context,Period,"Sketch,comments etc",Additional Information 84/01,211,1,4,pit 2 below level 4,pit/ditch,EC (or LC?),"1 head durra, could be LC intrusion, unlikely to be Bosnian", 84/02,Plaza 352 (cathedral section),,above level 1,,courtyard/open;fill,superficial,fragment of ? Pomegranate, 84/03,Cathedral Street,,,pit 78/84,pit/ditch,LC or EC?,"pit dug by Roger 1978, re-excav. Can't be certain barley doesn't derive from surrounding deposit - but dense concentration suggests stored material. Pit dug LC into EC deposits", 84/04,,,,,vessel contents,LC (1100-1300?,pot type U10 - small flask full of Panicum/Setaria, 84/05,196 (west of),1, +,,fill,"Christian ?Early, later part",carbonised barley, 84/06,211,1,below floor 4,,house floor,later EC,"standard floor sample - centre, between pits", 84/07,211,overlying room 3,2,,,LC2,"threshing floor, dates etc - (why not numbered in 1982?)", 84/08,211,3 SW corner,pit below floor 1,,pit/ditch,CC1 (850-1000),cotton, 84/09,,,,,vessel contents,Bosnian (f. cloth),twist of cloth QI82.2.22./32 - small seeds - Compositae, 84/10,,,,,vessel contents,Bosnian (f. cloth),cloth QI78.2.21/33 - onion seeds - Allium cepa, 84/11,,,,,vessel contents,Bosnian (f. cloth),cloth QI82.2.7./1 - herbaceous + seeds, 84/12,,,,,,,QI78.1.30./69 - bunch of leaves, 84/13,"Plaza 375, cathedral section, NE",,,,pit/ditch,Islamic,"barley, under large potsherd in pit between 2 birsch sections - barley & internodes sorted from 1/2", 84/14,,,,pit 903,pit/ditch,LC,barley under birsch, 84/15,205,2,pot scatter above 1,,vessel contents,X group,"sketch given. Small pot - contains ash and some fresh, apparently rubbish. 1? Vitis, seen, carbonised", 84/16,205,2,pot scatter above 1,,vessel contents,X group,X group? Floor rubbish (see 84/15 for drawing), 84/17,205,2,pot scatter above 1,,vessel contents,X group,seedless head of bicolor, 84/18,205,2,below X gp pot scatter,,fill,X group,fragment of ? Cake or badly digested fecal matter. Biclor solids, 84/19,909,2,1,,vessel contents,X group,olive stone & threshed bicolor heads by eye from pot, 84/20,210,,underlying later E. wall,,wall,CC? see below,"overlying X gp/EC wall, under LC wall. Within body of wall - mouse nest - yes! Gnawed dates, melon seed, cotton seed etc, Vigna frags (that's where they go), no barley or sorghum grains but large/complete chaff fragments - not trodden on. - if so any date", 84/21,210,10B,lower stair crypt fill,,vessel contents,X group (550-650AD),"bicolor chaff in small pot. Complete head from same context, next to pot (not in it)", 84/22,"dug into X gp house, area 357",,,pit 908,pit/ditch,LC or Bosnian,"durra conc. In birsch - also some durra x bicolor. Date: more likely LC, area dug by Roger 1978, could be in his notes. 3/4 sorted - 2 bags; 1/4 unsorted, bagged with sorted", 84/23,210,10B,stair crypt fill,,fill,early X group,"lump of caked barley glumes. Seeds ?gone, animal dung?", 84/24,"Plaza 357, E section",,4,,fill,Meroitic 1,3 nuts, 84/25,909,2,1,amphora U4 type,vessel contents,X group,household waste, 84/26,"Plaza 357, E section",,5,pit,pit/ditch,X gp/Meroitic boundary,"Immediately N of Meroitic temple, probably capped by dung layer ( not observed cut through dung when dung removed). V primitive cultivated bicolor!", 84/27,210,10A,,,fill,v. late X group,heap of Acacia seeds within stones forming door blockage, 84/28,"Plaza 357, E section",,5,,courtyard/open;fill,Meroitic,"above stone dump layer. V. rich, has barley/bicolor/cotton. Cultivated bicolor. Small sample pulled out during excavation - in this was Meroitic fine sherd, family M, ware W26 - definite Meroitic", 84/29,"Plaza 357, E section",,,,courtyard/open;fill,Meroitic/Roman,"Immediately beneath layer of stone rubble, & immediately under sample 84/28. Has more Roman than Meroitic pottery", 84/30,791,,1,pit - under road 355 (NW Bastion St),pit/ditch,Bosnian (Pam),barley - in birsch under level of Bosnian street wall. Could be better dated - pit 82/113, 84/31,210,8,,soma in NE corner,vessel contents,LC (Pam),"Soma - bottomless - cylindrical section, reused as ""pit"" for bicolor ( 1 seed of durra in sample - from near top of soma - intrusive? - not very likely). ",In very disturbed area - Bosnian pit dug into LC pit etc. can't be dated more precisely 84/32,792,,1,,pit/ditch,Bosnian (Pam),loose durra heads, 84/33,"Plaza 357, E section",,5,,fill,Meroitic,"concentration of cotton seeds under flat stone. See also 84/35. 1986 deposit very coarse, little else except cotton seeds", 84/34,"Plaza 357, E section",,5,,fill,Meroitic,about 3m E of sample 84/28, 84/35,See 84/33,,,,fill,,unsystematic enlargement of cotton seed sampled in 84/33, 84/36,"Plaza 357, E section",,4,,fill,Meroitic,nuts etc collected in trench, 84/37,194,1,top floor,,pit/ditch,?LC,pit either originating from or (more likely) dug through floor at top. No birsch. Bicolor, 84/38,"Plaza 357, E section",,lower 6,near N. wall,fill,Meroitic*,coproloites/dung with lots of barley in big concentration near fireplace. *6 is trenched by Meroitic temple and overbuilt by Meroitic/X group houses - early Meroitic? Has a little Roman too., 84/39,785,6, + (= unstratified/superficial),,fill,,Maize cob - no seeds, 84/40,204 - 913,, +,,fill,LC/Bosnian,bicolor head, 84/41,,,1,pit 791,pit/ditch,Islamic (Pam),durra under birsch, 84/42,202,4,1,,house floor,Meroitic/early X group,standard floor sample, 84/43,210,7,1,,house floor,EC,standard floor sample, 84/44,202,1,top floor exposed 1984,,house floor,*,*dug earlier years - pot stops at CC2. So this floor may be CC/EC? - may be dug out later in 84 season,"1986: contains much hard mud & goat shit & v little plant material, Probably floor itself" 84/45,210,7,2,,vessel contents,EC,?honey - scraped from inside of large pot - probably early U12 type, 84/46,"357, E. section",,5 - capping temple trench,,fill,Meroitic,Sketch given. Barley sample + sorghum/emmer/Paniceae - removed systematically, 86/47,"357, E. section",,5 - (not on trench),,fill,Meroitic,see 84/46, 84/48,,,,pit 916,pit/ditch,?LC (Pam says ?X gp),"wheat threshing residue? Lay between lowest birsch sections, below 84/49", 84/49,,,,pit 916,pit/ditch,?LC (Pam says ?X gp),"barley in birsch, above 4/48", 84/50,"Plaza 357, E section",,7,,fill,mixed Meroitic/Roman,bicolor head + 2 seeds adhering, 84/51,202,4,,W wall,in wall,pre Meroitic/Early X gp,"unthreshed wheat within wall, too far to be later trickle - probably not, must be contemporary with wall building. Wall predates house 202, room 4, level 1 (from which 84/42 was taken)", 84/52,"Plaza 357, E section",,6 or 7,pit,pit/ditch,Meroitic,"barley, straw & sesame in pit - no birsch", 84/53,pit 924,,,pit,pit/ditch,unknown,"under birsch. Bicolor in quantity. Pit is Meroitic, fine basketry in bottom. This under birsch piece high up on side ? Not Meroitic. Other side of pit cut (just) by Bosnian pit. This is unlikely to be Bosnian. Could be any date", 84/54,194,,between 2 & 3,,fill,EC (Pam),head of ? Halfa grass from fill between floors. Lots of dung - fodder/beddings?, 84/55,pit 932,,,,fill,Bosnian ?*,"below (& not associated with) backfilled Plumley basketry *X gp + Bosnian/LC - could be either, more likely Bosnian/LC because concentrated?", 84/56,pit 932,,,,fill,?Bosnian - see 84/55,1 large pod? Same location as 84/55, 84/57,210,5,floor 1,,house floor,EC (Pam),"cotton waste with seeds inside. Pot = EC, but textiles very LC or Bosnian", 84/58,"Plaza 357, E section",,8,pit 928,pit/ditch,Meroitic/Roman,bundle of leaves + carob, 84/59,"Plaza 357, E section",,,,pit/ditch,Meroitic/Roman,barley chaff in small pit - no birsch, 84/60,House 785/pit 955,4,pit dug down from floor 2,layer below floor 1,pit/ditch,Pam says LC,Sketch given. Termis and unid seed pulled from section. ?Associated with durra in wall - durra could be from later pit & termis from fill through which pit is cut,Excavation 25/1/84 reveals termis is fairly dense scatter on floor - not in pit - no is in pit along W wall. 84/61,"Plaza 357, E section",,,pit 928 (bottom of),pit/ditch,?Roman/Meroitic,"carab, cotton, halfa & leaves - by eye", 84/62,House 929,,Napatan #3 (upper),,house floor,Napatan,, 84/63,House 929,,Napatan #3 (lower),,house floor,Napatan,, 84/64,House 934,,2,pit,pit/ditch,Bosnian or LC (Pam),durra and termis infill - no birsch, 84/65,pit 932,,2,,pit/ditch,Bosnian - ?early -see 84/55,c. 1/2 litre pea pods, 84/66,House 785,8,near pit cut through floor 1,,threshing area,LC,Sketch given. Barley on floor between pit and wall - ? Spillage from pit - no, 84/67,House 785,8,pit cut through floor 1,,pit/ditch,Bosnian,top level of pit - some durra (see 84/66), 84/68,House 785,8,on floor 1,,milling area,LC,"barley milling area, next to barley heap, 84/66 (q.v.)", 84/69,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area,area around grinding surface,LC,sketch given. Extra sample of S. bicolor from rest (3/4) of sample, 84/70,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area,area around grinding surface,LC,see 84/69, 84/71,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area,milling area,LC,area below 84/69 (q.v.) with which it partly corresponds ? More whole bicolor. Below slipway edge. Also random sorghum sample, 84/72,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area,milling area,LC,interior of mudbrick moulding (see 84/69) bicolor chaff. (what was on quern when it was removed?), 84/73,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area,milling area,LC,sketch map given.,"84/73, 74 & 75 may be a bit older than 76? On slightly lower surface. 84/73 - bicolor" 84/74,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area,milling area,LC,area below 84/69 (q.v.) with which it partly corresponds ? More whole bicolor. Below slipway edge. Also random sorghum sample, 84/75,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area,milling area,LC,see 84/73 bicolor/barley mix, 84/76,House 785,8,floor 1,milling area,milling area,LC,see 84/73. bicolor chaff, 84/77,pit 937,,1,,twist of cloth,LC,small grass seeds in fragment of hem - more likely accidental than collected, 84/78,Plaza 939,, +,,twist of cloth,LC/Bosnian,"blue & grey cloth - photographed (last on film 2), cotton, Z. spina-christi, LC or Bosnian (on cloth) - not seeds - herbaceous", 84/79,House 785,4,3 (floor 2),on wall,wall fill,LC,"date stones around fireplace on top of wall of earlier date crossing room 4. Same level as floor 2,? With which associated", 84/80,House 931,1,3 (of pit) 1-1.5m,pit 932,pit/ditch,Islamic*,barley in pit side - no birsch. Southern part of large pit complex.,*pit contained 4 letters dated 1630's - giving terminus post quem for seeds - must also be early Bosnian (same applies to 84/81). 3 letters photographed dates: 1035 A.H. (1626); 1037 A.H. (1628); 1038 A.H. (1629) 84/81,House 931,1,3 (of pit) 1-1.5m,pit 932,pit/ditch,Islamic*,durra under birsch ?same pit or complex as 84/80 *see 84/80, 84/82,House 290 - subfloor,between 9 (W) & 930 (E),for Napatan temple date (room below will have new numbers),,pit/ditch,Napatan,from brick lined storage pit directly underlying Taharka temple rear wall. Emmer & barley. Napatan but pre-Taharka on pot. Cloth - New Kingdom to Roman, 84/83,pit 953,,cut through 938 storage crypt,,pit/ditch,Bosnian,durra under birsch and matting as usual, 84/84,House 785,4,,pit 955,pit/ditch,LC,"straw (? Barley) in bottom of pit with birsch (not under birsch). V. pure, seems remnant of fodder storage", 84/85,House 785,6,floor 1 (in & under),,house floor,LC (Pam),"sketch given. Floor sample - underlies later crossing wall. 84/85 to 84/89 taken from unexcavated section, except 84/86", 84/86,House 785,6,on level 4,,house floor,LC (Pam),barley chaff on floor (see 84/85, 84/87,House 785,6,floor 3 (on & under),,house floor,LC (Pam),, 84/88,House 785,6, 3-4,,house floor,LC (Pam),floor 3 = series of clean trodden floors at top. 84/88 = between these and intermediate (unnumbered) floor between 3 & 4. Photographed after cleaning, 84/89,pit 944,,,,pit/ditch,Meroitic/Roman,"in Plaza 357. E. Section, top dug earlier. Should be datable (X gp/Christian). Barley", 84/90,House 785,6,5 (on top of),,house floor,LC (Pam),standard floor sample. S end of floor (see 84/92), 84/91,Plaza 939,, +,,fill,?LC (or Bosnian?),Cucumis seeds adhering to potsherd (undiagnostic), 84/92,House 785,6,5 (on top of),,house floor,LC (Pam),cotton pods - from N. end of floor (see 84/90). This end has stable deposit (see 84/93). Cotton pods = waste in the stabling, 84/93,house 785,6,5 (on top of),,house floor,LC (Pam),"straw nodes & halfa grass from stabling (see 84/92 & 84/90). 2 photos of stabling in section & broken up winnowing area from here. And section + soma base from other end of the same room, same level", 84/94,pit 918,,,,pit/ditch,Bosnian (Pam),durra heads, 84/95,"Plaza 357, E section",,floors at bottom of 5,small pit,pit/ditch,Meroitic>Roman,carob + other 'nuts' - small pit 30cm across, 84/96,"House 226, temple 3",9,floor on top of level 3,,house floor,Napatan,heap of barley (and coriander & emmer) on narrow strip of floor inside rear wall of Taharka temple 84/97,pit 966,,,,pit/ditch,LC (Pam),"cut down into burial, barley under birsch" 84/98,"House 226, temple 3",9,floor at top of level 3,,house floor,Napatan,scaled onto floor by inverted broken pot base. Barley/emmer/coriander 84/99,"Plaza 357, E section",,5&6,,fill,Meroitic,figs & date - found by Jim 84/100,House 785,6,3,,house floor,LC (Pam),whole head of sorghum ?type. 3 more added when rest dug out 30/1/84 84/101,pit 967,,,,pit/ditch,?Meroitic* (Pam),date sample from ashy fill in pit (not with birsch at bottom) *high up (Boyce) - later than Meroitic 84/102,pit 970,,,,bag contents,LC or Bosnian (Pam),"bag contains wheat! Original contents 1.8 litres, some went through fine sieve. Cloth - LC or Bosnian" 84/103,pit 962,,,,pit/ditch,,"by eye, sample of wheat threshing residue in longish pit. Barley collected by Reis Ahmed - not proportional to original contents - more barley in sample than in pit" 84/104,pit 970,,,,pit/ditch,LC or Bosnian (Pam),durra - no birsch 84/105,crypt 975,,1,,pit/ditch,LC/Bosnian into Meroitic/Roman,"barley and lots of chaff. Plastered crypt (84/107 below). Photo of 1/2 unsorted (cf 84/109, ?bedding from same pit)" 84/106,pit underlying S. wall of Taharka temple,,,,pit/ditch,Napatan,nuts/stones? - approx. 1/4 litre taken - many more in pit 84/107,crypt 975,,2,,pit/ditch,(LC/B?) Boyce,figs! In definite bedding straw layer (sample 84/109) (cf 84/105) 84/108,"House 226, temple 3",9,3 - floor 3 to 10cm below,,house floor,Napatan,"2 ? Nut shells, large and thin" 84/109,crypt 975,,2,,pit/ditch,(LC/B?) Boyce,"Bedding straw - see 84/107. Photo taken - cf 84/105. 2 photos, 1 in pit, 1 just after 84/105" 84/110,pit 954,,1,,pit/ditch,LC/Bosnian (/LC - Pam),durra - not in birsch 84/111,House 961,1B,,later pit,pit/ditch,,durra next to birsch 84/112,Plaza 939,, +,,courtyard/open,,durra (bicolor) heads and seeds 84/113,soma 982,,,,vessel contents,Bosnian,"compacted date material from bottom of large soma. Photographed - sampled, rest discarded" 84/114,"Plaza 357, E section",,10 (bottom of),trench 2,fill,Roman > Meroitic - but mixed,"cotton, also sorghum etc. Some cotton pods (herbaceum??). Date list gives Napatan for layer 10 (doesn't say which trench) - Nettie has definite Meroitic/X gp textiles from trench 2 level 10" 84/115,"Plaza 357, E section",,10 (bottom of),trench 2,fill,Roman > Meroitic - but mixed,"same as 84/114, cotton seeds (& nuts) only. Cotton spinning waste? Some thread. Photgraphed (cf 84/117)" 84/116,pit 986,,1,,pit/ditch,"Early X group (200 sherds, no contamination)",brush fragments from stabling waste (see 84/117) (called durra by guftis but isn't) 84/117,pit 986,,1,,pit/ditch,Early X group (see 84/116),cotton seeds from layer of stable waste - v. little pods - spinning waste? - cf 84/114 & 115 84/118,pit 987,,1,,pit/ditch,LC (Pam),barley under birsch 84/119,pit 954,,1,,pit/ditch,LC (Pam),"no birsch, carbonised and uncarbonised barley, all together" 84/120,Plaza 939,, +,,vessel contents,Early X group (Pam),grape pips in pot type R25. Sorgum and Vitis from whole sample 84/121,960 room,,986 pit,,pit/ditch,Meroitic? (Pam),"weakly defined pit producing X gp/Meroitic pot - probably not a pit in fact, good X gp/Meroitic stuff. Castor oil beans and pods. Some Ricinus in one of 2 large pots - contained junk, but final filling of pot A dates dumping of Ricinus" 84/122,pit 954,,,,pit/ditch,LC (Pam),wheat - between intersecting pits? - this on wall stump marking across 84/123,pit 968,,,retaining wall,pit/ditch,LC/Bosnian (+lots of Meroitic etc),barley in retaining wall making pit smaller 84/124,"House 331, Temple Street",,3,street fill,street fill,Meroitic,bicolor/lentils in street fill. Also smaller sample taken by eye to boost measurable sample 84/125,pit 954,,2,,twist of cloth,LC (Pam), 84/126,House 785,6,5 (on),,vessel contents,LC (Pam),"rubbish in large broken pot - concentrated floor sample, includes cotton etc - see earlier samples from floor 5. Ware type U10" 84/127,,,,"pit in upper 963 street, next to wall, above stains",pit/ditch,,"starts at or above Meroitic floor. Mainly barley, also sorghum/Phoenix/Paniceae + unsystematic sorghum (from rest of sample except D)" 84/128,House 785,10,1 = floor 1,floor = below 956 pit,house floor,,"heap of barley. Next to LC (?) ?lock, larger crater?, LC floor appearing to SW of it. Peter French says lock is LC ","1986 - lots of wheat, also 3 types of smaller seeds in profusion" 84/129,331 Temple street,,see sketch map etc,,fill,,"taken from wall of pit in Temple Street, lies approx 30cms below base of mudbrick wall which is below and at slight angle to Taharka temple - i.e. predates Taharka. Sketch given", 84/130,331 Temple street,,,,pit/ditch,Napatan (Pam),"from pit fill - pit in W wall, overlies wall preceding Taharka, i.e. is later than 84/129. 84/129 <->pre Taharka wall <-> 84/130 <-> Temple wall. See 84/129 for positioning", 84/131,House 785,6,6,,house floor,LC,in search of pre LC floors, 84/132,House 785,6,7,small pit,pit/ditch,LC (Pam),bicolor; no birsch, 84/133,House 785,7,,pit 954,?pit/ditch,LC (Pam),inside of section immediately above 84/128 - must derive from later pit? Durra, 84/134,House 785,7,,pit 952,pit/ditch,LC (Pam),"bicolor from pit section and stones limiting pit. No birsch. NB some durra in another part of this pit's side, same level (+/-) as bicolor 84/134 - some durra in gelatin capsule", 84/135,House 785,4,,pit 952,pit/ditch,LC (Pam),dates, 84/136,House 785,4,,pit 952,pit/ditch,LC (Pam),"same pit as 84/134, higher in the pit section. Wheat", 84/137,House 785,5,3,,pit/ditch,LC,Ricinus in small depression hard against N wall, 84/138,House 1022/3 pits,west pit,1,pocket NE corner of pit,pit/ditch,LC,sketch given of the 3 pits. Complex of 3 pits cutting each other all having the same unit number as impossible to separate. No basketry. Pocket pure barley in NE corner of 1st pit, 84/139,House 785,8,sealed by floor 5,pit 1028,pit/ditch,LC/CC,"Lubia bean. Large quantity of leaf and stem, few pods full - mostly empty ?animal fodder. No basketry", 84/140,House 785,8,cut through floor 4 in room 8,pit 1016,pit/ditch,LC,"taken by J.A. ""rather good sealed pit"" MP in Abu Simbel", 84/141,House 785,6,floor 6/level 6,,house floor,LC,"taken by J.A. ""last of a series of floors"" MP in Abu Simbel", 84/142,House 785,4,8,in floor 7,pit/ditch,?LC - too few pot sherds,pit in level 7 - base of pit given level 8. containing a bouquet of durra - sample from the base of the pit after the durra excavated i.e. fragments from the bouquet. No basketry. Approx 200 heads of durra. 1 Corylus fragment found within the bouquet - H,* + 3 heads removed carefully to retain sterile florets 84/143,House 785 - ,8,1,pit 1031 sealed below floor 7,pit/ditch,,fairly uniform deposit in S/W corner of pit. No basketry - Panicum/Setaria, 84/144,pit 1034,,1,,pit/ditch,LC,durra. Bottle neck basket completely full of durra. ?120lb weight (Tony's guess) in a shallow pit. Sketch of basket given and it's dimensions,"0.1 l = 1713 seeds; 1 l = 17130 seeds; 60 l = 1,027,800 seeds" 84/145,House 785,11,1,pit 1038,pit/ditch,LC/Bosnian,small pit in SE wall. Durra and no basketry. Sorghum chaff and pea pericarps - rubbish. No whole seeds at all., 84/146,House 785,8,8,below floor 7,house floor,Classic/Late Christian - contaminated,, 84/147,House 785,8,floor 7,,house floor,CC,, 84/148,226 Temple 3,9,prelevel 5,"pit A cutting levels 5, 6 & 7",pit/ditch,Napatan - some late contamination,capped by floor 4, 84/149,House 958,,1,pit,pit/ditch,LC,obvious barley pocket - sampled, 84/150,House 226,9,7,subtemple,house floor,Napatan,good sealed floor, 84/151,House 226,9,8,subtemple,house floor,Napatan,good sealed floor, 84/152,pit 942,,1,,pit/ditch,Napatan,sample taken from walls adjacent to pit but given context - not for pit. Acacia seeds in profusion. No birsch. Probably the same deposit as 84/156 a/b - sampled, 84/153,pit 1014,,1,,pit/ditch,,carob nuts, 84/154,pit 1055,,1,,pit/ditch,probably X gp later*,mostly barley. Small deep pit with sticks stuck up in it (in plaza 939+) mostly sterile fill but pocket of barley at base. Sketch of 6-row barley rachis given. ,* barley has traces of emmer and Linum - ? Earlier than X group 84/155,pit 1039,,1,,pit/ditch,LC,large pit lined with basketry with bicolor at the bottom, 84/156,House 226,9,9,pretemple Napatan,house floor,Napatan,"small area of floor exposed. Containing obvious concentration of garlic (sampled separately) 4cm deposit of mixed ?coriander seed, Acacia seed & garlic","84/156a: 1/16H, 1/8D, 13/16 S. 84/156b: all S" 84/157,House 226,9,9,pretemple Napatan,house floor,Napatan,garlic sample, 84/158,House 785,8xx (Boyce Room x),above floor 10 (John's level 5),,house floor,probably CC,under basketry liner of pit 835 but actually deposit on floor below ?floor 9 below burnt roof horizon. 6cm deposit mixed mainly castor oil bean and dates. No traces of pods - threshed & winnowed elsewhere, 84/159,House 785,8xx (Boyce Room x),above floor 10 (John's level 5),,house floor,? CC-LC,pure date/date seed sample from same provenance as 84/158, 84/160,House 785,8xx (Boyce Room x),above floor 10 (John's level 5),,house floor,? CC-LC,pure castor oil bean sample from same provenance as 84/158. 84/158 all left at S 84/161,House 1050,1,floor 3,,house floor,?EC,floor and obvious deposit ?lentils 84/162,pit 954,,1,,pit/ditch,LC,"no basketry, sample from pit bottom, durra" 84/163,House 1050,2,1 floor 1,,house floor,?EC, 84/164,House 930,north room,3,pretemple Napatan,house floor,Napatan,sample immediately above ? Stable floor 84/165,House 930,centre room,3,pretemple Napatan,pit/ditch,Napatan,sketch given of location of samples a and b. Mudbrick lined bin. Possibly already sampled as pretemple material exterior to or cut into by pit 941. seeds = emmer glumes after seeds threshed out. 2nd sample 84/165b - taken in same bin from particularly rich grain deposit - 1 litre - coarse kept only 84/166,House 785,13,1 upper fill,,house floor,CC/LC,"termis bean concentration, partly carbonised below burning horizon ?roof fall." 84/167,House 785,13,2,burnt horizon,fill above floor,CC/LC,obvious barley pocket - sampled from burnt horizon 84/168,House 930,centre room,3,pot (pharonic) in binfill,fill,pretemple Napatan,mostly chaff some barley but quite unlike the area around therefore ? Deliberate deposition ?windblown. 1 cow terminal phalanx also in pit. See 84/165 for location 84/169,House 785,10,floor 1,,house floor,CC-LC, 84/170,House 785,11,floor 1,,house floor,LC, 84/171,House 785,11,floor 2,,house floor,CC-LC, 84/172,House 785,12,1 (of pit),pit 1065,pit/ditch,LC,"pit, originally from level 1 of room, part in wall of pit ?related to floor at lower level rather than pit. Sketch given" 84/173,House 785,12,floor 2,,house floor,CC-LC, 84/174,House 1000,3,1,pit 1065,pit/ditch,Meroitic/X gp transition (LC - Pam),very consistent all Meroitic/X group fill in this pit therefore sampled. Several heads of barley complete in lower fill (bagged separately but same sample no) 84/175,House 785,13,level 2 on floor,below burning roof,house floor,CC-LC,sketch showing position of sample between burnt layer and floor - containing seeds and grain 84/176,House 785,5,6,,vessel contents,LC,"leather bag containing dates (bag no. 84.2.5/22) part of dates from whole sample, remainder kept with the bag", 84/177,House 785,12,floor 2,,house floor,CC-LC,sample taken from SE corner of room continuing small depression with obvious concentration of termis bean, 84/178,House 785,"8(x), Boyce 8, John 8xx",floor 10,,house floor,CC-LC,"see 84/181 & 84/158, 84/159, 84/160. Grinding area on floor under burnt roof fall deep deposit - 10-20cm very rich in seeds, castor oil, lentils, wheat & barley & dates. Samples taken in haste (being cleared too quickly). 1 litre each. X1 = conc ?lentils. x2 = random sample no special concentration xx1 = 3 litres barley & wheat. ",other samples position xx but 10cm higher 84/158/159/160 all below roof. Sketch given of location of samples 84/179,pit 1070,,1,,pit/ditch,,cotton seed pods in the lower fill of pit, 84/180,House 785,12,(floor 2) actually below floor 2 between it and gebel,,house floor,,2 samples taken. One containing pocket of durra - 84/180a. 1 containing a concentration of barley - 84/180b, 84/181,House 785,8,10 (floor),,house floor,CC-LC,see diagram with 84/178. below burnt roof on floor. Some 15ft from (S) grinding area, 84/182,House 210,8,floor 2,,vessel contents,EC (1 late sherd),"contents of complete pot, white mineral subsatnce.", 84/183,QI/84.2.20/20,,,,,,seeds strung as beads. Pam would like identified. - P R-C reply - can't, 84/184,House 221,1,1,,house floor,,obvious deposit of barley. 1986 - emmer - unthreshed, 84/185,House 785,12,floor 1,,house floor,CC-LC,out of sequence because I lost it (& label), 84/186,House 849,5,below floor 1,soma 3,vessel contents,,sample rescued from rat gnawed bag ?1982. Whole sample - Acacia seeds. P R-C in 1986 - other charred plant remains also kept & some of the uncharred,