Structure Number,Date,Form Completed By,Household Number,Owner,Toponym,Date of Structure,Visible on IKONOS?,Photo Reference(s),Building Type,Function,Surroundings,Construction Technique and Materials,Interior Floorplan,Northing,Easting,Log Book Pages,Area in Square Meters,Associated Tract(s),Sketch ST290c,6/25/2007,WL,,Ded Çarduku,Theth Nderlysaj,10 years old,YES,,barn or other field building/hangar apo ndertese tjeter ne terren,,,"Rough rubble, fine cut stones, half-hipped wood plank roof.",,4690080,398728,,1.5 : 82.5,2006-049, ST291,6/25/2007,WL,,Ded Çarduku,Theth Nderlysaj,"~1920 (Built by grandfather of informant's husband. ""Three generations"")",YES,EHS062507 018,"house, unoccupied or in ruins/shtepi, a pabanuar ose e rrenuar",In ruins.,,Large block rough rubble masonry. Had 1 frengji w/ arch lintel. Ojak on upper floor on W wall. Was 2.5 stories.,"Originally only 1 big room w/ 2 small windows (informant). Over/under, animals kept under.",4690092,398679,,01:50,2006-046,291 ST281,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,post-concrete,YES,EHS062507 001,mill/mulli,"Was grain mill, now in ruins.","Beside river (""Lumi i Zi""). First building S of foot bridge over river.",Rubble masonry with cut corners. Lintel for water outlet chute is 100% cement (w/ rebar?). Roof now gone; mill race clearly defined.,,4689953,398386,,01:21,,281 ST282,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,,YES,EHS062507 002,"house, unoccupied or in ruins/shtepi, a pabanuar ose e rrenuar","Formerly a house, probable reuse as barn. Now abandoned.",,"In ruins, roof gone. Rough rubble masonry w/ rough cut corner stones. Rear door closed up. Some wooden lintels and some concrete. Very large windows, modern style door. 1.5 stories.",In ruins. See sketch.,4689904,398393,,0.085416667,2006-068,282 ST283,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,,YES,"EHS062507 003 EHS062507 004","house, unoccupied or in ruins/shtepi, a pabanuar ose e rrenuar",,,"2.5 story, full-hipped wood shake roof. Good rubble masonry, well cut cornerstones w/ some stippling and 2 small incised crosses. All windows and doors cement framed (hard to tell much here regarding age).",,4689829,398433,,2.5 : 178.75,2006-067,283 ABC ST283b,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,,YES,,corn crib/kocek,,,Wood plank.,,4689833,398434,,,2006-067,283 ABC ST283a,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,,YES,,barn or other field building/hangar apo ndertese tjeter ne terren,,,"In ruins, but roof partially intact. All rubble masonry w/ 2 walls of solid rock. Modern tile roof. Has a steel-bar-linteled niche. Wooden door lintel",,4689816,398404,,01:10.5,2006-067,283 ABC ST284,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,"elevated floor suggests post 1950, or even 1980",YES,EHS062507 005,"house, unoccupied or in ruins/shtepi, a pabanuar ose e rrenuar",,,"Rough rubble masonry, well cut corners, some stippling. Modern tile roof, cement framed windows. Cement steps up to front door. Stone block framed door. Outdoor oven attached. 1.5 stories. Windows in loft and heavy beams framing the floor of loft (see photo).",Standard 2 room w/ central entryway plan.,4689797,398449,,1.5 : 42,2006-066,284 ST284a,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,,YES,,corn crib/kocek,,,Plank.,,4689800,398453,,01:58.5,2006-066,284 A ST285,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,"older style, pre 1920? (frengji and other defensive techniques)",YES,"EHS062507 006 EHS062507 007 EHS062507 008 EHS062507 009","house, unoccupied or in ruins/shtepi, a pabanuar ose e rrenuar",,,"Good large stone rubble masonry w/ well cut corners. Stone framed windows and doors, incl. 3 frengjis and one window into ground floor (added later w/ wood frame?). Tiled modern roof. Addition to E now ruined. Also, on S face is a balcony w/ 2nd story door and frengji with carvings above it. Balcony now used to hold up lean-to covering S. face. On W wall is perfect example of frengji replacement (see photo EHS062507 008).","Over/under animal stalls and living space. Living space has one room (plus the ruined additions). Second floor has an ""ojak"" on W wall, but it seems to have been added because it covers up a closed frengji (therefore perhaps originally an open hearth).",4689774,398457,,"2 : 96, 1 : 42",2006-066,"285 285 front" ST285a,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,,YES,,barn or other field building/hangar apo ndertese tjeter ne terren,Stalla and storage (not in use).,Immediately beside ST285 and probably functionally associated with it.,Rough rubble masonry w/ rough cut corners. Modern cement framing on doors and windows. Wood plank intact roof but crumbling.,,4689761,398442,,1.5 : 82.5,2006-067, ST286-1,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,"Confusing. Old-fashioned masonry, but w/ new windows and an offset foundation.",YES,"EHS062507 010 EHS062507 012","house, unoccupied or in ruins/shtepi, a pabanuar ose e rrenuar",Partially in use (limited seasonal?),See drawing.,Very fine cut corners w/ good rubble masonry. Offset foundation w/ basement windows! 2.5 stories. Full- hipped tile roof. House has been split. North half (ST286-2) has second story door. Original central door closed up. All windows recent framing in cement. Both ground floor doors framed in very fine stone. ST286-1 has modern cement stoop.,,4689747,398494,,01:49.5,2006-066,286 1 2 ST286-2,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,"Confusing. Old-fashioned masonry, but w/ new windows and an offset foundation.",YES,"EHS062507 010 EHS062507 011 EHS062507 012 EHS062507 013","house, unoccupied or in ruins/shtepi, a pabanuar ose e rrenuar",Not in use.,See drawing.,Very fine cut corners w/ good rubble masonry. Offset foundation w/ basement windows! 2.5 stories. Full-hipped tile roof. House has been split. North half (ST286-2) has 2nd story door. Original central door closed up. All windows recent framing in cement. Both ground floor doors framed in very fine stone. ST286-1 has modern cement stoop.,,4689747,398484,,01:49.5,2006-065,286 1 2 ST286-1a,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,,YES,,barn or other field building/hangar apo ndertese tjeter ne terren,In use for animals and storage.,,Well-built rubble masonry w/ cut corners. 1.5 stories.,,4689705,398510,,1.5 : 40.5,2006-065,286 1 2 ST286-2a,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,,YES,,corn crib/kocek,,,Plank and twig.,,4689785,398495,,,2006-065,286 1 2 ST287,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,post WWII? (Offset and windows),YES,EHS062507 014,"house, unoccupied or in ruins/shtepi, a pabanuar ose e rrenuar",In ruins.,,"Clearly a house (has ""ojak""). Offset foundation (older style). Fine cut corners and rubble masonry. Large wood lintel windows. Seems pretty recent. Roof gone",,4689792,398493,,01:58.5,2006-066,287 ST288,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,Communist era.,YES,EHS062507 015,administrative or commercial/administrative apo tregtare,In ruins.,,"Cement and rubble, large windows and doors.",,4689986,398473,,0.09375,2006-001,288 ST289,6/25/2007,WL,,,Theth Nderlysaj,Communist era.,YES,EHS062507 016,administrative or commercial/administrative apo tregtare,In ruins. School.,,Brick and cement.,,4689939,398501,,0.308333333,2006-001,289 ST290,6/25/2007,WL,,Ded Çarduku,Theth Nderlysaj,"~1967 ""40 years old"" (built by informant's husband, old house in ruins nearby)",YES,EHS062507 017,"house, occupied/shtepi, e banuar",,,"Fine cut multicolor granite corners. Rough rubble masonry. Ground floor door and window above it have arched lintels. All other windows cement framed. 2.5 stories, half-hipped roof, corrugated.",,4690064,398694,,"1 : 5, 2.5 : 178.75, 2 : 10, 1 : 13.5",2006-049,290 ST290a,6/25/2007,WL,,Ded Çarduku,Theth Nderlysaj,built ca. 1991,YES,,barn or other field building/hangar apo ndertese tjeter ne terren,Bake oven shed.,,"Small shed, virtually attached to ST290. Plank construction.",,4690074,398715,,"1.5 : 90, 1 : 50, 1 : 55",2006-049, ST290b,6/25/2007,WL,,Ded Çarduku,Theth Nderlysaj,,YES,,corn crib/kocek,,,Twig and plank.,,4690072,398720,,"1.5 : 101.64, 1.5 : 23.4",2006-049,