Household Number,Structure Number,Interview Date,Interviewer(s),GPS Location,Toponym,Reside Full Time,"If no, where?",Respondee,Surname,Patronymic,Fis Affiliation,Family Size,Full Name,Sex,Age,Relationship,Education,Born elsewhere?,Place,Live elsewhere?,Current Residence,Not Family?,How many?,Fis preference?,Fis/village,Religious affiliation?,Services?,"Service, where and how often?",Length at residence?,Always lived?,"If no, how long?",House age?,Renovated?,What purpose?,Concrete or cinder block?,Kulla use?,Ruins?,Caves?,Artifacts?,Northing,Easting,School Theth?,Audio Recording,Audio File Name HH320,,07/04/2007,"MM, AY",,Lekaj,NO,Shkodra,,,,Kolcaj,2,,M,70,Self,NA,YES,Wife is from Pulti,,,,,,,Catholic,,,,,,,,,,,YES; three kullas built in the late 1800s (see additional notes),,,,,,NO, HH321,,07/10/2007,MM,,Fusha e Thores,NO,Mushaj,,,,Shale,7,,"M F F F F M M","43 33 15 13 11 9 5","Self Wife Daughter Daughter Daughter Son Son",,YES,Wife was born in Vuksanaj,,,,,YES,"The only preference is not to marry abroad, and preferrably within Shala. Pec Nika, Gimaj and Lotaj are preferred fis because they are the people of the oath (besa) and are known to be reputable fis. In general they are known as good fis to strike marriage alliance but that is not to say that there are no weak patrilineages within them ""ska pyll pa derra."" Or as the proverb goes ""there's no forest without pigs.""",Catholic; Since the time Skanderbeg when they used to live in Shiroka of Shkodra where it is believed that they originated from.,YES,"About ten times per year, whenever there is service. They go to sacred places such as the place where Shen Now has once rested in Breg Lumi. At this place on the 12th of July, a pilgrimage happens where people sleep overnight in hopes of being cured. The family also practices the Catholic crossing ritual in the privacy of their home.",Five,NO,They came from Lekaj to Musha and they spend the summer months in Fusha e Thores.,,,,"Yes, he has used limestone ovens as traditional building materials and concrete has been used since 1944.","Yes, small windows are built for protection and ngujim.",YES. Tuc Dukaj is known to have sheltered many Turks during a past battle and the respondee believes that there are ruins and settlement refuse,NO,"NO. Jalla, Pecaj and Gimaj are believed to be older settlements with potential for archaeological finds.",,,Attend school in Breg Lumi,NO, HH322,,07/11/2007,"MM, CAW",,Abat Metushaj,YES,,,,,Metushaj,8,,"M M F F F F M M","68 47 45 22 19 17 16 11","Father Self Wife Daughter Daughter Daughter Son Son","4 8 8 12 8 8 9 5",YES,Wife was born in Tropoje,,,,,YES,"Mertur of Tropoje, Gimaj, Nikaj",Catholic,YES,"They have gone to church three times (in Abat) in the last twelve months, mostly for the major holidays such as Saint Prena, Christmas. They have gone several times to Breg Lumi. The children go to Breg Lumi.",Six; Metushaj split with Pec Nikaj about six generations ago and relocated in the present location.,NO,The old house is now abandoned and used by animals; it is located uphill.,"Built in 1992, making it 15 years old",,,They believed that concrete was used for the first time in 1975 when the road came to Abat.,NO,YES. Old house is about 120 years old; kulla in Abat is 150; church in Abat is about 400 years old.,"YES. Guri Pllum, it was used as emergency shelter during the time of communism and may have also been used in prior years during times of war, although it was mentioned that in times of war people prefer the upper pastures rather than this cave.",,,,Breg Lumi; Abat has schooling up to the eigth grade but Breg Lumi is considered a better school and goes up to the twelfth grade.,NO, HH323,,07/17/2007,MM,,Shala Bob,NO,Lezhe since 3 years ago,,,,Shale,2,,"M F","83 70","Self Wife","None 4",YES,"Wife was born in Lekaj, 3 wives of the sons came from Lekaj, Theth, and Nikaj.",YES,Two sons live in Greece and one in England,,,YES,Lotaj and Dakaj,Catholic,YES,"In Breg Lumi, 4-5 times every summer; when in Lezhe in their winter residence every other week. They also go to regional Catholic holy days of various saints e.g., St. Nikajt e Mertur in January. These pilgrimages can last for up to 3 days.",200 years maybe,YES,,1946,YES,"Even in 1946 the house was built with ""frengji"" windows because of blood feuds, so these had to be enlarged.","Yes, probably in the 1980s.",YES,,,,,,,YES,HH323 07172007 HH127,ST221,07/09/2007,"MM, AT, CW",,Theth Ulaj,YES,,,,,Cuni (Ulaj),7,,"M F M F F F F","67 65 37 26 4 2 2 mo","Father Mother Self Wife Daughter Daughter Daughter","4 4 12 12 NA NA NA",YES,Wife is from Kiri; duaghter-in-law is from Beltoje,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4693613,399987,,NO, HH314,ST311,06/25/2007,MM,,Theth Nderlysaj,YES,,,,,Alicaj,7,,"M F M F M F F M M M F F","67 64 38 34 11 8 4 36 26 28 34 42","Self Wife Son Daugher in law Nephew Niece Niece Son Son Son Daughter in law Daughter in law","4 0 12 12 5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12",YES,"Wife born in Shosh and duaghter-in-law born in Bajze, Malesi e Madhe. Nephew and nieces born in Shkodra. The son of the family moved to Shkodra with his wife in 1991. Daughter-in-laws are from Kiri, Lotaj, Pjoga, Breg Lumi.",YES,"Son along with wife and kids lives in Shkodra as his full time residence. Son and his family live in Shkodra. Two sons live in Italy. Two daughters live in Bardhaj, Shkodra and Lezhe.",,,YES,"Shosh, Kiri, Pulti, Nikaj (now in Bajram Curi District but used to be under Shosh/Shale), Merturi, Shlaku. Nikaj Merturi was part of Shale in pre-Zog era.",Catholic,YES,Once a year in Thethi and Breg Lumi wherever service is held,"300-400 yrs, many centuries",NO,39 years. Used to live in the next house to the west of the current residence; the old house is now owned by Ded Gjergji.,Built in 1968 by the owner and respondee,YES,New roof was installed last year and the old wooden roof was replaced with a new roof (not wood). The windows were also replaced last year with new ones since they had gotten too old.,No. Only a protective layers was applied with concrete (suva); the house is built with stones and limestone with the exception of the foundation and the window frames that have been reinforced with concrete.,NO,"YES, Ded Gjergji's house is one of the biggest houses and old. It experienced the cholera epidemic sometime in the pre-Zog era sometime between 1912 and 1917",NO,NO,4689823,0399012,,NO, HH315,ST307,06/26/2007,MM,,Theth Nderlysaj,YES,,,,,Theth,8,,"M F F F F M F F","57 46 22 21 18 16 12 8","Self Wife Daughter Daughter Daughter Son Daugher Daughter","4 4 8 8 8 12 3 3",YES,Wife was born in Lotaj,YES,Daughter is married to someone from Gimaj and lives in Shkodra; daughter is married to someone from Abat and lives in Greece; children go to school in Shkodra with their father's sister.,NO,,NO,"Wives come from Shale, Shosh, Nikaj, Mertur",Catholic,YES,4-5 times a year whenever the priest comes and sometimes every week in the summer if a service is held.,50 years,NO,"The family came from Grunas, a neighborhood of Thethi, to Nderlysaj; Nderlysaj split from theth administratively in the 1960s and was recognized as having its own ""kshill"" or council; it is otherwise deemed a neighborhood of Theth like Okol, Gjecaj, Nik Gjonaj, Stakaj, Ulaj, Ndreaj, Grunas - add to these NDERLYSAJ.",About 50 years old; built in the post-1945 era,NO,,Stone and limestone with cement added after 1960s and onward,NO. After the liberation there was not much concern with protection as the situation was expected to normalize.,YES. The house of Pal Kola located on the other side of the river is the first house to be built; there were other people in the area with him but he was in better economic shape and erected his first.,"YES. There are many caves of various sizes to the west side of the river accross Nderlysaj and other caves are on the mountains around the Nderlysaj settlement, i.e. Shpella Lugulove was used by ""kacak"" or runaway rebels for shelter; and Shpella Mqarrosave was used for retreat during times of war. At the Podi i Foces, hearsay has it that there was a tragedy-- a struggle of the sort: ""perpjekje"".",,4689872,0398891,,NO, HH316,"ST298 ST305",06/26/2007,MM,,Theth Nderlysaj,NO,They left in 2004 and now reside in Shkoder,,,,Ded Nikaj,6,,"M F M M M M","67 57 26 21 18 14","Self Wife Son Son Son Son","4 8 8 12 12 8",,,YES,Two sons live in Greece,,,,,Catholic,YES,Shkodra twice a month and they belong to the Church of Thethi. They also visit the Zoja (the statue of the Virgin Mary) where they cross themselves.,5-6,NO,"They moved here in 1980 after their old house collapsed, which was about 100 years old.","The house was built in 1980, 27 years ago.",YES,They added two small rooms in 1985 after the brothers got married.,Concrete for the window framing.,The old house had smaller windows; the old house was burned and over its ruins the new house was built.,,YES. Shpella e Zorgjit which is north of the present location; Shpella Ndout which is on the south side of the valley.,,4690043,0399012,,NO, HH317,ST338,07/02/2007,MM,,Gimaj Koderlimaj,YES,,,,,Gimaj,3,,"M F M","83 73 54","Self Wife Son","Army training R/W None 8th",NO,,NO,,NO,,YES,"Shosh. Not within Gimaj and preferably beyond ten generations of affinity; as well, the marriage is based on household preference but there is no fis preference.",Catholic,YES,"Kish e Gimaj; 2-3 times a year, whenever the priest comes; sometimes they also go to Breg Lumi. They also perform private prayers in their home.",About ten generations,,,Built in 1959,Minor repairs and interior enhancements,Improvements,"Yes, concrete since it was available",,There is a 200 year old tree (Blini) westward from the house.,Yes; Pjeshulle cave which is north of the present location. In times of war when the houses were burned people turned this cave into a living quarters; Shpella e Dede (Pjesholle) and Mali Broshtullina are small caves.,,4685590,0397986,,NO, HH318,ST333,07/03/2007,"MM, CAW",,Gimaj Koderlimaj,NO,Tirana (three years ago they moved here),,,,Stanicaj,3,,"M F M","79 64 33","Self Wife Son","0 8 12",YES,Breg Lumi,NO,,,,YES,Shosh,Catholic,,,Ten,,,150 years,YES,"It was burned three times, once in 1915 it was burned by the Serbian army; in 1959 it was burned accidently and an earlier time that the family does not remember.",,,,,,4685687,0398264,,NO, HH319,ST335,07/03/2007,"MM, CAW",,Gimaj Koderlimaj,YES,,,,,Dostanicaj,7,,"M F M F M M M","65 50 28 22 2 2 18","Self Wife Son Daughter in law Grandson Grandson Son","8 8 8 8 none none 11",,,,,,,YES,Shosh and Pult; they prefer families that have preserved traditions; they also prefer villages that are known to have kept their traditions. They are mostly concerned with male members of the fis and their reputation as men of honor (burrni). But they are not too conderned with the wealth or profession of the family that they consider to make a marriage alignment with.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4685559,0398097,,NO,