Household Number,Interview Date,Interviewer(s),Income?,Land?,Boundaries?,Land use?,Terraces?,When built?,Maintenance?,How much time?,Equipment?,Irrigation?,Form?,Crops?,How used?,Intercropping?,"How long, why?",Tractor?,Buy?,Sell?,How transport?,Change?,Process/store?,"Mill, price?",Animals?,Pasture?,Shared?,Land use change?,How?,Food shortage?,Wild plants?,Kinds?,Hunt/fish?,Species?,Water?,Heat?,Electricity?,When electricity?,Vehicle?,"Kind, when?",Road?,Constructed?,Old road?,City?,How often?,Other valleys?,Why?,Other help?,Land reform?,Restrictions of movement? HH127,07/09/2007,"MM, AT, CW",,Three dylym as well as about 12 dylym of patureland in Lokthi,,Agriculture and pastoralism.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"12 sheep, one horse, some pigs, three dogs.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HH314,06/25/2007,MM,"Agriculture, pastoralism, and pensions.",Four dylym,"Marked by fences, shrubs, and walls.","Sixty percent of the land is planted with beans and maize; forty percent planted with potatoes, onions and other vegetables. There are also grapes, plums, mulberries, melons. They also have seven beehives.",NO,,,,,YES,Water canals,,"For personal use, i.e. flour, to make raki, and to make wine.",YES,As long as they can remember. They do it to make the best use of the land. Beans without maize have no shade and they grow healthier with some shade.,NO. They plow with the help of a horse. Prior to 1945 they used oxen.,Shkodra,"To relatives, some small exchanges in the area; but there is a lack of a collection/ distribution center. Prior to 1945 they bought sugar and coffee in Shkodra. They bought maize in Gusi, which they accessed through Vuthaj and over there they sold goats and cows. In Gjakov they bought maize and purchased other clothing and food supplies. Gjakova was known to have had a better marketplace.",,1934-1935: They were no longer allowed to go to Gusi and Gjakove but people still went once in a while.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,From 1945-1960 a passport was needed to go to Thethi. HH315,06/26/2007,MM,Road maintenance. The father's income is the only source of wages for the family.,Four dylym,"Markers are traditional signs of stone, as well as walls and fences.","Potatoes, beans, maize, grapes, plums",NO,,,,NO. They use horse-pulled plows and work by hand.,YES,Water canals,,For food and animal feed,YES. Maize and beans together.,For as long as they remember; they have a small amount of land and they like to exploit it to the maximum.,NO,Breg Lumi and Shkodra,"Shkodra, potatoes mostly; Gjkova was accessed through Theth Rrogam, Valbone, Barjam Curri and on to Gjokova. They went there to buy maize.","In the winter through Mal Shosh to Kir, to Shkoder; in the summer from Qaf Terthore.",,On the roof and on the kotec.,At the mill which is communally used and maintained.,,"The pasture of Nderlyse; the upper pastures are used communally, and the lower ones are individually owned. Some pastures: Strugaci, Zelen, Shpati, Shkoza, Bjesheza, Zorgji, Lugu e Gjekajve.",The forests and the pasture lands are used communally.,,,NO. The last help they got was during the winter of 2004 when they received flour.,YES,"Caj Mali, Trumze, Gjiroke, Rrenje Zemre; They were collected by the state.",NO,,Water comes from Perroi Strugacit.,"Wood, fireplace, stove",YES,,NO,,YES,35 years ago,,YES,Whenever there is a need to go.,YES,"To visit relatives once a year, if that.",Not important,"1945 four brothers owned eight dylym of land. 1966 collectivization left the family with three dylym; 1971, they were left with one dylym and 1991 they got all of their land back.",1941 onward there were restrictions. HH317,07/02/2007,MM,"Farming, pensions, shepharding.",They own three dylym.,Stone walls and stone markers.,One dylym is alfafa and the other two are used for maize and other vegetables.,YES,Built in the 1950s,YES,"When the terraces collapse they spend about 50 hours of communal labor to reinforce them, which happens every five years or so.",NO,YES,Water canals,"Maize, beans, potatoes and other vegetables.",Used for family use (personal use) as well as for the animals.,YES,As long as they remember.,NO. They work the land using a mule driven plow.,Shkodra,,They accessed Shkodra from Pulti but sometimes they go through Theth using the Qaf Terthore.,"In Shkodra they purchased sugar, coffee and rice. But in Guci and Gjakove they purchased maize and carried it on their backs and with mules whenever possible.",At home; in the village using electrical mill.,,"A few pigs, a few cows.",,The upper pastures are used communally although there are privately owned pasture areas in the lower regions of the mountain.,"During the pre-communist era, goats, sheep and cows were taken to Shkodra to be sold.",,Since the early 1990s they report no governmental relief.,NO,,NO,,Drinking water comes from Kroni i Mark Vates.,They use wood along with a fireplace to heat their home.,YES,1967,NO,,YES,1985,,YES,2-3 times a year for the father and his son more often.,NO,,It is not important. The sons who are married and abroad have their own household economies. Once they move out of the family they are no longer obligated with the exception of small gifts which they sometimes offer.,"1967, land was collectivized, living on one dylym per family which would be split whenever the family split; in 1990 everybody got their land back.",In 1948 it was no longer possible to travel internationally to Guci and Gjakove. HH318,07/03/2007,"MM, CAW",,They own three dylym.,,One is used as a pasture and the other two are used for maize and other vegetables.,YES,Built by the grandfather of the interviewee and they have gone throught a series of maintenance efforts.,YES,"It depends on when they collapse; a major collapse may take up to 50 days of work; the last repair (see picture) costs a hundred thousand lek for the workmen. They are dry walls with stones, dirt and without any cement.",,,,,,YES. Maize and beans.,Because the family gets more yield this way.,,,,,,,They take it to the mill which is run by electricity and they pay 250 lek (or about 3 dollars) for a hundred kilograms of maize.,,,,,,They get pension and last winter they received about 50 dollars,NO,,NO,,It comes from the fountain known as Kroni Mark Vates.,,YES,,,,,,,They live in Tirana.,,,,Some symbollic gifts from their family members in America but they are married and are not therefore obligated to contribute to the economy of their parents. They are both considered independent households.,, HH320,07/04/2007,"MM, AY",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YES,Used to hunt wild goat.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Somewhat important; the respondee has visited England for two months where his son lives and is married to an English woman. The respondee also has two sons in America, in New York City. He receives medication from his sons abroad.",, HH321,07/10/2007,MM,,Thirteen dylym of pasture-land is shared by 13 families of Musha.,There are no markers.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Three cows; two calves; one horse; one dog; two puppies. In the house in Musha they also have a kid (goat).,Fusha e Tthores,It is owned and used communally by 13 households.,,,,YES,"""Trumez"", ""rrenje sznzet"", ""rrenje zemret""; the latter is found at a mountain peak some five hours away from the stan.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"NO, the respondee used to go to visit his cousins who lived in Barjam Curri until 1997; he used to visit Merturi, the house of the bajraktar, who was a friend of the family. But today he reports no movements from Musha other than moving his animals to the stan in the summers.",,,, HH322,07/11/2007,"MM, CAW","Pastoralism, agriculture",Four dylym of land and pasture.,Unmovable stones.,25% is alfalfa; about 500 square meters is used for vegetables; the rest is used for corn and beans.,NO,,,,NO,YES,Canals. The main water line is shared by five families in order which was decided upon a hundred years ago; each family gets to use it about two out of every ten days.,"Tomatoes, lettuce, onion, garlic, cucumbers, and other vegetables.",Family consumption,YES,Tradition,NO,"Breg Lumi and Shkodra to buy salt, sugar, coffee, corn flower, oil and other kitchen supplies that they cannot make themselves.",,,"Plav, Gusi and Peje were about five hours away and were more often used than Shkodra which was almost eight hours away.",On site,"To the mill of Meshaj of Abat and it is used by Abat, it is communally maintained by the ten families that stay in the village year round and any other party from neighboring villages (Nicaj, Pecaj) if they do not have their own; the village had about 60 families.","Two cows, 15 goats, two pigs which are kept in the winter.",The pastures are communally used.,,YES,In pre-communist times they planted mostly corn and pastures were located in the upper mountains. During the communist time it was decided by the cooperative what to do with the land. Now the family decides what to plant and what percentage to keep for pasture but in general in pre-communist times it was a mixture of agriculture and pastoralism.,YES. In 1994 they received six months of bread for free; in 1997 they got help with food supplies and that was the last of the government help reported,NO,,NO,,Water comes from Gurra e Abatit.,"By firewood, fire place and stove.",YES,1968,NO,,,The road was built around 1977.,,YES,They go to Tirana every 2 months and to Shkodra once or twice a month.,NO,,They do not receive any help from abroad.,"in 1967 with the collectivization, each family was left with 1 dylym of land; in 1990 the land was given back and the families now have 3 dylym of land", HH323,07/17/2007,MM,"Pension, agriculture, smallholding. Informant believes that the traditional occupation in this part of the valley was pastoralism because arable land is so scanty.","Three dylym arable, three dylym pastoral.",,Less than one quarter dynym is potatoes. Most is corn.,YES,,,,NO. He uses a horsedrawn plow.,YES,Canals,,,YES,,,,"Gusinje, Plav. They brought flour (buke) on their backs. His ancestors may also have gone to Gjakova, but this seemed to interviewee to be unlikely.",,,,The village had its own mill but this is now in ruins. They now use "the electric mill" or buy flour from Breg Lumi.,"Sheep, goat, a mule, pigs.",Located above the village on the mountain. It is communally owned by the people of Bob.,,,,"Other than pension no government help, but people in this village do sometimes receive emergency supplies in winter.",Yes,"Caj, Trumze (winter savory) for personal use. Trumze is good for the heart and is sold at 500 lek per kilo.",NO,,Comes from a fountain above the house called Kroni i Nores about 10 minutes walk away (no running water).,Wood,YES,,NO,,YES,Communist regime,,,,YES,To meet relatives and "in-laws",Interviewee was reluctant to say but interviewer suspects that these are important.,,