Site Name,Site No.,Date,Unit No.,Level,Beginning depth,End depth,Supervisor,Excavators,Munsell Color,Soil Texture,Inclusions,Internal Variation,Artifact Density,Disturbances,Level Type,Under,Over,Same As,Fills,Cuts,Cut By,Other,Description of Relationship with Other Levels,Description of Level,Interpretation of Level,Photos,Scale,NW,NE,SW,SE,Center,Corner Measured From,Drawings Grunas stone circle,IAS-S005,14/July/2007,001,001,0,10,AG,"AG, ZT",7.5 YR 5/6 strong brown,loam,rocks,,,,Fill,,002,,,,,,,Humus mixed with largely small-sized rocks and grass roots. No soil change and no artifacts.,,"S00507142007001 S00507142007002 S00507142007003",1 : 1,10,12,13,18,14,NW, Grunas stone circle,IAS-S005,14/July/2007,001,002,10,20,AG,"AG, ZT",7.5 YR 5/6 strong brown,loamy,rocks,,low,,Fill,001,003,,,,,,,Humus mixed with small and some large rocks. Big rocks at the bottom of the level. A modern iron nail at 20 cm and another iron piece at 15 cm were found.,"On the basis of the iron artifacts there are two possibilities: 1) the terrace used to be ploughed in modern times, 2) the upper part of the fill of the terrace is modern. If 1, this is the bottom of the plow zone.","S00507142007004 S00507142007005",1 : 1,21,25,25,28,25,NW, Grunas stone circle,IAS-S005,14/July/2007,001,003,20,30,AG,"AG, ZT",10 YR 6/6 dark yellowish brown,loamy,rocks,,,,Fill,002,004,,,,,,,"Loamy soil mixed with large pieces and middle-sized rocks, very loose. A carbon sample was taken at the depth of 30 cm in the middle of the terrace.",Looks pretty sterile.,"S00507142007006 S00507142007007",1 : 1,32,36,38,39,36,NW, Grunas stone circle,IAS-S005,14/July/2007,001,004,30,40,AG,"AG, ZT",10 YR 6/6 dark yellowish brown,loamy,rocks,,,,Fill,003,,,,,,,,"Loamy, loose soil mixed with large rocks",Looks sterile.,"S00507142007008 S00507142007009",1 : 1,42,45,48,49,46,NW,