Site Number,Site Name,Date Identified,Method of Discovery,Periods Represented,Tract Number,Chronology Notes,Location of Site,Preservation,Geological Observations,Estimated Size,Average Visibility,Features,Possible Function,Directions to Site,Representative Artifacts,Date Collected,Collection Strategy Used,Team Leader,Photos,Northing,Easting,Elevation,Site Excavated? IAS-S008,Gimaj,10/July/2006,Intensive Survey,"Prehistoric? Modern",2006-546,"The large terraces and walls suggest prehistoric occupation simialr to Grunas, but excavation turned up no artifactual support.","Possibly Prehistoric site composed of large terraces and massive walls. Walls are built of very large unshaped stones. Excavations produced no evidence, though, for prehistoric occupation.","Seemingly well preserved, but very over grown with vegetation.",Terraces above a deep river channel and gully.,.25 ha?,30%,"Large terraces and walls, irrigation canals (probably Modern)",Settlement?,Site is located in the Gimaj neighborhood just off the road/trail to Dakaj as it crosses a deep river gully.,"P251 P252 P253 P254 P255 P256 P257 P258 P259 P260 P261 P262 P263 P264 P265 P266 P267",,,,"IAS07102006 027 IAS07102006 028 IAS07102006 029 IAS07102006 030 IAS07102006 031 Gimaj07112007 001 Gimaj07112007 002 Gimaj07112007 003 Gimaj07112007 004 Gimaj07112007 005 Gimaj07112007 006 Gimaj07112007 007 Gimaj07112007 008 Gimaj07112007 009 Gimaj07112007 010 Gimaj07112007 011",4685543,0398307,,YES IAS-S009,Okol ST159,30/June/2005,Intensive Survey,"Early Modern Modern",2005-242,"AMS radiocarbon date of lowest stratum, just below a hand forged nail, returned a date of AD 140, but all pottery found from site was Early Modern.",Very large old house located in Okol (ST159). Associated tract (2005-242) produced much Early Modern and Modern pottery. A 1x1 meter unit was excavated just to the east of the house in order to try to determine length of occupation.,House is well preserved and at least 100 years old.,Flood plain soils along first river terrace to west of Shala River.,.5 ha,90%,,Early Modern-Modern house,"Located in Theth Okol (west), across road from large Modern house with red roof tiles.","P094 P095 P096 P171 P172 P173 P174 P175 P176 P177 P178 P179 P180 P181 P182 P183 P184 P185 P186 P187 P188 P189",19/June/2006,Grab,MG,IAS063005 030,4696678,0397804,,YES IAS-S010,Thores stane,04/July/2005,Extensive Survey,Modern,,All artifacts found indicate Modern use only.,Summer stane at Qafa e Thores. Excavated in 2007 in order to determine length of use. ST203.,Good,At pass from Shkrel into Shala.,.1 ha,5%,"Several wood and brush huts, with round stone foundations, animal pens.",Shepherd's camp,"Below road to south, just past Q. Thores.",,,,,"EHS070405 001 EHS070405 002 EHS070405 003 EHS070405 004 EHS070405 005 EHS070405 006 EHS070405 007 EHS070405 008 EHS070405 009 EHS070405 010 EHS070405 011 EHS070405 012 EHS070405 013 EHS070405 014 EHS070405 015 EHS070405 016 EHS070405 017 Thores07102007 001 Thores07102007 002 Thores07102007 003 Thores07102007 004 Thores07102007 005 Thores07102007 006 Thores07102007 007 Thores07102007 008 Thores07102007 009 Thores07102007 010",4693635,0395187,,YES IAS-S001,,15/July/2004,Accidental,Middle Paleolithic,,Confirmed by Parkinson in 2008.,"At spring along road on the east bank of the Shala river near where it meets the tributary coming from Kaproj. Spring marked by large recent marble grave marker. First two tools found in the road in 2004. The rest are associated with a large rock slide to the north of the spring, found in 2005.","Poor. Artifacts may be indicative of a site once located further upslope, destroyed by a rockslide or by road construction.",Karstic. Grey limestone.,,100%,"Spring, near river. Modern road.",Small hunting camp?,At spring along road on the east bank of the Shala river near where it meets the tributary coming from Kaproj. Spring marked by large recent marble grave marker.,"L001 L002 L003 L004 L005 L006",19/June/2005,Extensive search,MG,"IAS070905 029 IAS070905 030",4687744,0399102,,NO IAS-S002,Okol Caves,30/June/2005,Extensive Survey,Prehistoric?,"2005-236 2005-237 2005-238","One piece of possibly Prehistoric pottery found in the caves, and one piece (P077) found near them in the course of intensive survey (Tract 2005-204), may indicate their use in prehistory.",Rockshelters above Theth Okol.,"Collapsed, so poorly preserved.","Small rockshelters in karstic bluffs, mostly collapsed.",,100%,,"Small habitation site, animal pens?","Caves near road from Okol to Gjecaj, visible from neighborhood of Okol below them and to the east.",P076,30/June/2005,Grab,MG,IAS063005 022,4696759,0397488,,NO IAS-S003,Lek Simoni house,24/June/2005,Intensive Survey,"Early Modern Modern","2005-142 2005-144",Analysis of pottery by Vroom indicates late Early Modern-Modern date for house.,Fully destroyed Early Modern-Modern house (ST086) in Theth Gjelaj (upper).,House fully destoyed.,Located on constructed terrace along relatively steep slopes in Upper Gjelaj.,.1 ha,90%,"On terrace, near additional modern houses. Below deep shteg.",House,Located just to the southeast of the termination of the road to Upper Gjelaj. Equivalent to ST086.,"P068 P069 P070 P071 P072 P073 P108 P109 P110 P111 P169",10/July/2005,Grab,CW,"IAS062405 019 IAS062405 020",4695052,0399411,,NO IAS-S004,"Theth Gjelaj, lower",22/June/2005,Intensive Survey,"Late Roman Late Medieval? Early Modern Modern","2005-094 2005-097 2005-098 2005-100","Late Roman material is mixed with broken and eroded tile fragments from re-roofing of old school, primarily from Tract 2005-094 and 097 (and 100). Later material is from Tract 2005-098 (and 100). Return to the site in 2006 produced very few additional artifacts.","Possibly Late Roman (and later) pottery scatter located in Theth Gjelaj (lower) near ST062, the former school now a private home. Pottery of different periods located in different tracts. The Late Roman occupation is questionable. The later materials (which are mostly Early Modern-Modern) appear to be associated with the existing (and other, previous) houses.",Very poor. Modern buildings and field clearance have largely disrupted and obscured site.,Flood plain soils along east edge of Shala River.,Unknown,90%,Associated tracts are located within a large house compund.,Habitation?,ST062 in Lower Gjelaj east of bridge.,"P042 P049 P128 P062",18/June/2006,Grab,CW,"IAS062205 024 IAS062305 003",4694465,0399207,,NO IAS-S005,Grunas stone circle,07/July/2005,Intensive Survey,Modern,2005-315,"Originally thought to be associated with IAS-S006, but excavation produced no evidence for prehistoric activity. A few Modern artifacts were found, including glass and a nail.","A circle of stones near S006, thought to be a boundary marker or ritual installation of some kind. Excavation produced no prehistoric material and the stone excavated appears to be bedrock, making it unlikely that the arrangement is anything but natural and a coincidence.",,"Karstic bedrock, man-made terrace.",10 sq m,5%,Located near center of a large terrace.,Natural?,Located on terrace to the north of S006 and just south of ST270.,,,,,"IAS070705 019 IAS070705 020 IAS070705 021",4692684,0400239,,YES IAS-S006,Theth Grunas,07/July/2005,Intensive Survey,"Iron Age Early Modern Modern","2005-324 2005-325 2005-326 2005-327","Radiocarbon dates indicate construction of terraces at 800 BC, with occupation through 500 BC or sometime shortly thereafter. Artifacts confirm these dates. Three of the structures are Early Modern, as confirmed by excavation.","Prehistoric site composed of large terraces and possible fortification wall. Five structures, at least three of which are Early Modern and two are Modern (a water ""tank"" associated with a raised irrigation canal and what may be the remains of a mill or electrical substation). Site was excavated in 2006, 2007, and 2008.","Good preservation of terraces and prehistoric strata, as well as of Early Modern and Modern structures. The fortifications walls have been robbed to build the Modern structures and features, the canal in particular.",Terraces block a tributary gorge of the river produced by the water fall.,2 ha,5%,"Very large terraces, five structures, modern irrigation canal.",Settlement,"Site occupies the very last bit of terraced land in Theth, in the Grunas neighborhood.","P195 P452 P454 P479 P498 P504 P524 P578 P580",,,,"IAS070705 034 IAS070705 035 IAS070705 036 IAS070705 037 IAS070705 038 IAS070705 039",4692072,0400391,,YES IAS-S007,Dakaj,04/July/2006,Via Informant,"Prehistoric? Late Roman? Late Medieval Early Modern Modern",,"Possibly Prehistoric and Late Roman, followed by very heavy Late Medieval and Early Modern occupations.","Large, multi-period fortified site, atop a limestone crag in the Dakaj neighborhood. Site was mapped and non-systematically collected in 2006. In 2007 a grid system was used to collect pottery from the area of artifact concentration.",Very poorly preserved. Site was reportedly robbed for building stones.,Situated on top of a limstone crag.,1.5 ha,40%,"A series of natural and modified terraces, a fortification wall around edges of site, portions of which is built of mortared stones, remains of at least one large and several smaller structures.",Fortified settlement,Located in the Dakaj neighborhood in south Shala.,"P202 P221 P222 P223 P224 P225 P226 P227 P228 P229 P281 P382 P383 P403",09/Jul/2007,Gridded,OL,"IAS06242006 039 IAS07042006 010 IAS07042006 011 IAS07042006 012 IAS07042006 013 IAS07042006 014 IAS07042006 015 IAS07042006 016 IAS07042006 017 IAS07052006 022 IAS07062006 047 IAS07072006 049 IAS07082006 026 IAS07112006 061 IAS07052007 001",4684766,0398942,,NO