"Brickstamp ID","Master site code","Year","Map grid sq/site no","Grid Square ref.","Vicus zone / Building","Room Number ","Trench","Context Number","Photo nos (brickstamp series)","Signum visible","Letters","Shape","Brick Thickness (mm)","Diameter of stamp (mm)","Diameter of orb (mm)","Full Height of rect. stamps (mm)","Length of rect. stamps (mm)","Height of letter rows","Stamp text","Full text","Figlinae ","CIL XV no. / XIV (start with 53..)","Concordances","References","Date","Similar examples in this catalogue ","Comment","Crate Number" "001","CPS",2002,"G3",,,,,"cubiculum'B'","00001-00002",,"litt. bonis ","Semi-circular","30-32","70-76*",,,,"11-12","1: [[SI]]•PRIM",,,"unidentified",,,,,,16 "002","CPS",2002,"G3",,,,,"west wing","00003-00004","Branch","litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","35-38","100-104*","42",,,"10","1: O DO EX FAV[[S]]….. [[A?]]NAS 2: RVTI[[L]]..SI ","1: O(pus) DO(liare) EX FAVST(inae?) AVG(ustae) FIG(linas) KANIANAS 2: RVTILI S?CESSI","Figl. Caninianae","134","LSO 173","Steinby 34-35, and 49 for the approximate date of the death of Domitia Lucilla","c. AD 155-161 to 176",,"The reading of ANAS on the first line is uncertain; CIL XV, 134 is the closest possible match.",16 "003","CPS",2002,"G3",,,,,"U/S","00005",,,,"44-45",,,,,,"None (animal footprint)",,,"N/A",,,,,"Animal footprint, most likely of a young pig. (I am thankful to Rachel Hesse and Mark Elbroch for their suggestion).",16 "004","CPS",2002,"C2",,,,,"U/S","00006",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","28","84-90*",,,,,"EX [[FIC?]]",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Too few distinctive letters and features to identify further.",16 "005","CPS",2002,"C2",,,,,"U/S","00007-00008-00009","Pine cone","litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","28-30","102-105*","42-44*",,,"1: 12 2: 10 3: 08","1: EX•FIG ASINIAE QVADRATI 2: NIDI FORT 3: QVADR ","1: EX•FIG(linis) ASINIAE QVADRATILLAE O(pus) D(oliare) C. NVN 2: NIDI FORTVNAT(I) LVCIO 3: QVADRATO CO(n)S(ule)","Figl. Med (?) Med(ullinae?) or Med (ullianae?)","861","CIL VIII, 22632.11; CIL X, 8043.97; MNR I. 21; LSO 711; Agg. 39 ","cf Steinby 66, n.11. Cozzo plate XLVI, fig. 151. cf also Filippi-Stanco 2005,169 for the stamps of Asinia Quadratilla","AD 142",,,16 "006","CPS",1990,"E4",,,,,"U/S","00010-00011-00012","Hercules facing right, club on right shoulder, ?lion skin on right arm, object (?cup) in left hand","litt. bonis ","Lunate","37-39","112-116","41",,,"1: 13 2: 11","1: [[PV??]]….[[S?AVR]]... [[CAES]] 2: O[[F?]]…[[RO]] ","1: OPVS (doliare) EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES(ari) 2: OFICI(na)• IERONYMI",,"715","LSO 615",,"c. AD139-161","7, 8,180, 199, 245, 261","Tentative reconstruction, based on similarity with no. 008.",16 "007","CPS",1990,"E4",,,,,"U/S","00013-00014",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","40-42","104-107*",,,,"13","1: AVR [[C]]","1: OPVS (doliare) EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES(ari) 2: OFICI(na)• IERONYMI",,"?715","LSO 615",,"c. AD139-161","6, 8, 180, 199, 245, 261","Very tentative reconstruction, based on similarity with no. 008.",16 "008","CPS",1990,"E4/5",,,,,"U/S","00015-00016","Hercules facing right, club on right shoulder, lion skin on right arm, object (?cup) in left hand","litt. bonis ","Lunate","38-42","105-110*","32-37*",,,"13","1: [[S]] AVRELI C[[A]] 2: [[E]]RONY[[M]]I ","1: OPVS (doliare) EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES(ari) 2: OFICI(na)• IERONYMI",,"715","LSO 615",,"c. AD139-161","6, 7, 180, 199, 245, 261",,16 "009","CPS",2002,"B3",,,,,"U/S","00017-00018","Wreath","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","33-34",,,"25",,"18","1: CASTI","CASTI ",,"N. 5308.15/16","MNR II, 2",,,"009, 077, 108, 121, 122, 160, 163, 188","Cat. nos 009 and 108 complete the missing part of MNR II, 2 (broken before CASTI).",12 "010","CPS",2002,"B3","965/205",,,,"U/S","00019-00020",,,,"37-40",,,,,,"None (animal footprint)",,,"N/A",,,,,"Animal footprint, canine.",12 "011","CPS",2002,"B3","975/205",,,,"U/S","00021-00022",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","29-33",,,,,"12","1: EL ","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",12 "012","CPS",2002,"B3","975/210",,,,"U/S","00023",,,,"32-37",,,,,,"None (finger impressions)",,,"N/A",,,,,"2 imprints, 3 fingertips each. ",12 "013","CPS",2002,"B3",,,,,"U/S","00024-00025",,"litt. cavis ","Rectangular","28-32",,,,,"11","1: [[T]] PA[[E]] 2: MP VIT EX 3: [[A]]NNI [[V]]ERI QVI[[N]]","1: APRON(iano) ET PAET(ino) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: POMP (oni?) VIT(alis) EX PR(aedis) 3: ANNI VERI QVINT(anense sc. opus)","Pr. Quintanensia","454b","CIL XI, 6672; LSO 417","Steinby 78-79","AD 123","14, 51 (?)",,12 "014","CPS",2002,"B3",,,,,"U/S","00026-00027",,"litt. cavis ","Rectangular","34-37",,,"45",,"12-13","1: APRON ET PAET C[[O]] 2: POMP VIT EX PR 3: [[NI V]]ERI QVINT","1: APRON(iano) ET PAET(ino) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: POMP (oni?) VIT(alis) EX PR(aedis) 3: ANNI VERI QVINT(anense sc. opus)","Pr. Quintanensia","454b","CIL XI, 6672; LSO 417","Steinby 78-79","AD 123","13, 51 (?)",,12 "015","CPS",2002,"B3","960/205",,,,"U/S","00028-00029-00030",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","28-31","95","37",,,"10","1: [[RPI DOLI?]]","1: CN DOMITI•CARPI DOLIARE 2: DOMITIAE• LVCILL(ae?)","De Licini","?268","AAFP 82; S. 59; MNR I, 13","Steinby 47, 56 has late Trajanic to early Hadrianic date, Bodel 2005, 84 suggests AD ?120-121. Example found in situ on walls of Baths of Buticosus at Ostia rather suggests late Trajanic date (cf. Bloch ScO I, 218). ","late Trajanic",,"The identification of this stamp is VERY tentative due to its heavy abrasion.",12 "016","CPS",2002,"B3",,,,,"U/S","00031-00032",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","45-47","90-95*","47",,,"1: 12 2: 10","1: [[A]]LB OF COMMV 2: PAE COS","1: EX P(raedis)•IULIAE•ALB(anae) OF(ficina)• COMMV(nis) 2: APR(oniano)•ET•PAE(tino) CO(n)S(ulibus)",,"1214",,"Steinby 61 n. 1","AD 123","75",,12 "017","CPS",2002,"B3","985/210 (a)",,,,"U/S","00033-00034",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","23-24",,,,,"13","DE","DECVMI•CORN(eliani?)",,"?975","CIL I, 2311 ",,,,"The only rectangular stamp with one row in Indicibeginning with the letters DE is CIL XV, 975.",12 "018","CPS",2002,"B3","985/210 (b)",,,,"U/S","00035-00036",,"litt.bonis","Hexagonal","29-31","43 mm per side",,,,"15","[[O]]RNELI","L CORNELIUS NIGR",,"S. 257",,,"1st cent AD",,,12 "019","CPS",2002,"B3","970/215",,,,"U/S","00037-00038","Wreath","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","32-34",,,"27",,"17","C","CASTI•CAESARIS",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,12 "020","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1",,,,,"U/S","00039-00040","Branch at the end of text","litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","30-35","102-106*","51",,,"20","[[O]]CVL[[V]]S","1: L LVRIVS PROCVLVS 2: FEC ","?Gens Domitia or Figl. Marcianae","1253a ",,"Steinby 51 n. 5. and see Gliozzo 2005, 211-212 for the refined chronology and figlinae hypotheses","Late Domitianic to Trajanic?","21, 67/68, 70, 79",,11 "021","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1085/215",,,,"U/S","00041-00042","Branch above and below FEC","litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","37-40","104","48",,,"1: 19 2: 15","1: L LVRIVS PRO 2: FEC ","1: L LVRIVS PROCVLVS 2: FEC ","?Gens Domitia or Figl. Marcianae","1253a ",,"Steinby 51 n. 5. and see Gliozzo 2005, 211-212 for the refined chronology and figlinae hypotheses","Late Domitianic to Trajanic?","20, 67/68, 70, 79","2 visible finger streaks left of the stamp.",11 "022","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1085/205",,,,"U/S","00043",,"litt.cavis","Rectangular","39",,,,,"20","1: PR ET 2: .R [[O]]",,,"unidentified",,,"AD 123 (prob.)",,"Most probably an APRO(niano) ET PAET(ino) stamp (hence AD 123). The closest possible equivalent is CIL XV,486, on the basis that the R on the second line matches only this exemplar. This reading remains tentative: the second letter is appears to be an O?",11 "023","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1035/200",,,,"U/S","00044",,"litt. bonis","Circular or lunate","19-21",,,,,,"illegible",,,"unidentified",,,,,,11 "024","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1085/215",,,,"U/S","00045-00046","Palm tree (or branch)","litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","37-40","96-98*","42",,,"1: 12-13 2: 11","1:E[[X]]..I ….[[M]]IT VETERI 2: OPV[[S]] DOL AVXIM","1: EX•FIGIL(inis)•DOMIT(i?)•VETERI 2: OPVS•DOL (iare)•AUXIM","Figl. Domitianae Veteres","187",,"Steinby 39","Commodus",,,11 "025","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1090/220",,,,"U/S","00047-00048-00049",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","39-50","111","43",,,"12","1: IDIBV NIANIS 2: APRO [[PAE]]TINO 3: COS ","1: IDIBVS MART(iis) EX FIGL(inis) MYRINIANIS 2: APRONIANO ET PAE-TINO 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 87","LSO 327","Steinby 67","AD 123","101, 145, 148, 198, 298",,11 "026","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","stray",,,,"U/S","00050",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","32-34","90-95*","47",,,"12","NOT","CN DOMIT(i) ARICNOT(i) ","Gens Domitia","1094","LSO 847, 848","Steinby 47, 56","Domitianic","?37, 47",,11 "027","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1080/205",,,,"U/S","00051-00052",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","41-43","105-110*","52",,,"1: 12 2: 10","1: IDI[[BVS MAR]]TE….. [[R]]INIANIS 2: [[PAETIN]]O ET APRONIANo 3: C[[O]] ","1: IDIBVS MART(iis)• EX FIG(linis) MYRINIANIS 2: PAETINO ET• APRONIAN(o) 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 88","LSO 328","Steinby 67","AD 123","66, 97, 117, 146, 197","This example seems to have a final small o on the second line. ",11 "028","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1085/210",,,,"U/S","00053",,"litt.bonis","Semi-circular","28",,,,,,"1: VIC[[C]] 2: [[T]]","1: VICCI... (linea recta) 2: TONNEIANA EX FIGLINS","Figl. Viccianae","656?",,,,,"Some uncertainty on this identification, given the scarcity of text remaining. It is however likely to be a Tonnei de Figilinis Viccianis stamp based on similar examples.",11 "029","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1025/200",,,,"U/S","00054",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","35",,,,,"15","1: [[ERI E]] 2: ARIS","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",11 "030","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1095/195",,,,"U/S","00055",,"litt.bonis","Lunate",,"90-95?*","45-47*",,,"1: 11-12","1:C 2: [[P?]]",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Flake. Too fragmentary.",11 "031","CPV",2002,"B3/B4 SS1","1045/200",,,,"U/S","00056-00057",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","39-40","98-102*","45*",,,"13","1: ABG","1: EX FIG(linis) TEMPESINIS ABVR(ni) CAE(diciani) AB(urni) G 2: PAETI(no) ET APROAN(iano) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus) a), or b) 2: PAE-TIN(o) ET APRON(iano) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus)","Figl. Tempesinae","608 a or b","LSO 515: S. 170 ","Steinby 92-93","AD 123","608a:107,116 608b: 78, 96,143, 186",,11 "032","not used",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11 "033","CPS",,"B3B","6",,,,"U/S","00060-00061",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","30-32",,,"38",,"12-15","VTHERI ET SIN[[D][ 2: [[C][AESARIS","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",13 "034","CPS",,"B3B","3",,,,"U/S","00062-00063",,"litt.cavis","Rectangular","36-37",,,,,"11-12","1: ETIN COS 2: EX PR 3: [[IQ]]VINT","1: APRON(iano) ET PAETIN(o) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: POMP(oni?) VIT(alis) EX PR(aedis) 3: ANNI VERI QVINT(anense sc. opus)","Pr. Quintanensia","454a","LSO 416; CIL X 8043.26; AAFP, 84 (possible variant); CIL XI, 6672 ","Steinby 78-79","AD 123","44, possibly 41 and 51",,13 "035","CPS",,"B3B","3",,,,"001","00064",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","27-29","107-112*",,,,"13","1: EX [[P?]]RAE 2: CI ",,,"unidentified",,,,,,13 "036","CPS",2003,"B3B","6",,,,"001","00065-00066","Pine cone","litt.bonis","Lunate","40-45","90-100*","41-43*",,,"12","1: M VAL 2: P[[L]] ","1: M• VALERI• PRISC(i)• EX• PREDI(s) (branch) 2: PLOTINAE •AVG (ustae vel augusti)",,"702","CIL X, 8043.4",,"c. AD 105-123",,,13 "037","CPS",,"B3B","1",,,,"U/S","00067",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","34-38","76*",,,,"1: 13 2: 12","N DO ","CN DOMIT(i) ??? ","Gens Domitia","uncertain",,"Steinby 56","Domitianic","?47","Very uncertain interpretation as many stamps start with CN DO; this could be CIL 1094b or c (CN DOMITI ARICNOT1), 1096 (CN DOMITI EVARISTI), 1097c (CN DOMITI AMANDI) etc; CIL XV 1103b.",13 "038","CPS",,"B3B","3",,,,"U/S","00068-00069",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","38-45","100-104*","37*",,,"1: 12-13 2: 11","1: ONT 2: COS","1: EX P(raedis) IVLIAE ALB(anae) OF(ficina) MONT(ani) 2: APR(oniano) ET PAET(ino) CO(n)S(ulibus)",,"1216",,"Steinby 61 n. 1","AD 123",,,13 "039","CPS",,"B3B","6",,,,"U/S","00070",,"litt.cavis","Rectangular","37",,,"30",,"13","1: [[A]]PRO [[N]] 2: [[S]]O","1: APRON(iano) ET PAE(tino) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: SOPOS","Pr. Quintanensia","1450",,"Steinby 78","AD 123","42, 49 ",,13 "040","CPS",,"B3B",,,,,"U/S","00071",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","39-42","78-82*","35*",,,"08","APRON E[[T]]",,,"unidentified",,,"AD 123",,"Too many possibilities to allow any further identification.",13 "041","CPS",,"B3B","6",,,,"U/S","00072-00073",,"litt.cavis","Rectangular","32-36",,,"45",,"11-12","1: COS 2: [[P]]R 3: [[N]]T","1: APRON(iano) ET PAETIN(o) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: POMP(oni?) VIT(alis) EX PR(aedis) 3: ANNI VERI QVINT(anense sc. opus)","Pr. Quintanensia","454a or b","LSO 416 or 417; CIL XI, 6672","Steinby 78-79","AD 123","454a: 34, 44; 454b: 13, 14, 51; a or b: 41,51 ",,13 "042","CPS",,"B3B","2",,,,"U/S","00074-00075",,"litt. cavis ","Rectangular","31-35",,,"30",,"15","1: T PAE COS 2: S","1: APRON(iano) ET PAE(tino) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: SOPOS","Pr. Quintanensia","1450",,"Steinby 78","AD 123","39, 49",,13 "043","CPS",,"B3B","2",,,,"001","00076-00077",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","38","80*","42*",,,"12","[[M?V]]",,,"unidentified",,,,,,13 "044","CPS",,"B3B","6",,,,"001","00078-00079",,"litt.cavis","Rectangular","35-39",,,,,"11","1: [[O]]S 2: X PR 3: VINT","1: APRON(iano) ET PAETIN(o) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: POMP(oni?) VIT(alis) EX PR(aedis) 3: ANNI VERI QVINT(anense sc. opus)","Pr. Quintanensia","454a ","LSO 416, CIL X 8043.26, AAFP 84 (poss. variant); CIL XI, 6672","Steinby 78-79","AD 123","34, possibly 41 and 51",,13 "045","CPS",,"B3B","6",,,,"U/S","00080-00081",,"litt.cavis","Rectangular","35-38",,,"28",,"13","1: PAE COS 2: TI ","1: APRON(iano) ET PAE(tino) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: CALLISTI","Pr. Quintanensia","898",,"Steinby 78","AD 123",,"Most probably CIL XV, 898, but could also be CIL XV,1160 compl= AAFP 93.",13 "046","CPS",,"B3B",,,,,"U/S","00082-00083",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","38-41","96-98*",,,,"1: 09 2: 09 3: 11","1: VGVSTALIS O[[P]] 2: [[FI]]G OCEA• MI 3:E•N (line above N)","1: L BRVTTIDI•AVGVSTALIS•OPVS 2: DOL(iare)• EX•FIG(linis)•OCEA(nis)• MIN(oribus) 3: CAE(saris)• N(ostri) (line above N) ","Figl. Oceanae Minores","374","LSO 354",,"AD 123",,,13 "047","CPS",,"B3B/B3C",,,,,"U/S","00084","Star","litt.bonis","Lunate","32","82-86*","42*",,,"13","CN DO","CN DOMIT(i) ARICNOT(i) or EVARI[STI]","Gens Domitia","1094c or 1096c","LSO 847","Steinby 56","Domitianic","?37, ?26","Uncertain interpretation; CIL 1094c or 1096c are the closest matches based on the signum and letters.",13 "048","CPS",,"B3B/B3C",,,,,"U/S","00085-00086-00087",,"litt.bonis","Circular","28-30","72",,,,"11","C•LICINI•DONACIS•","C•LICINI•DONACIS•",,"1244d","LSO 951","Bodel 2005, 82-83 for early 2nd c date.","Early 2nd cent. AD",,,13 "049","CPS",,"B3B","3",,,,"002","00088",,"litt.cavis","Rectangular","40",,,"26-27",,"12","1: APR[[O]] 2: SO","1: APRON(iano) ET PAE(tino) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: SOPOS","Pr. Quintanensia","1450",,"Steinby 78","AD 123","39, 42",,14 "050","CPS",2003,"B3B","6",,,,"002","00089-00090",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","43-47","94-98*","40*",,,"1: 15 2: 12/10","1: PAET ET APR COS EX PR 2: DOMI[[TI]]-AE DOMIT ","1: PAET(ino)•ET• APR(oniano) CO(n)S(ulibus)• EX• PR(aedis)• 2: DOMITI-AE DOMIT(?) ","Figl. Sulpicianae","553",,"Steinby 90","AD 123",,,14 "051","CPS",2003,"B3C","9",,,,"U/S South of B3C","00091-00092",,"litt.cavis","Rectangular","32-36",,"42*",,,"13","1: APRON ET 2: POM[[P]] 3: AN[[NI]] ","1: APRON(iano) ET PAETIN(o) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: POMP(oni?) VIT(alis) EX PR(aedis) 3: ANNI VERI QVINT(anense sc. opus)","Pr. Quintanensia","454a or b","LSO 416 or 417; CIL XI, 6672","Steinby 78-79","AD 123","454a: 34, 44; 454b: 13, 14, 51; a or b: 41,51 ",,14 "052","CPS",2003,"B3C","8",,,,"U/S","00093",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","43",,,,,"12","1: [[IBV]]S MA[[R]]","1: IDIBVS MART(iis) EX FIGL(inis) MYRINIANIS 2: APRONIANO ET PAE- TINO 3: COS, or 2: PAETINO ET• APRONIAN 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 87 or S. 88 ","LSO 327 or 328","Steinby 67","AD 123","S. 87: 25,101, 145, 148, 198; S. 88: 27, 066, 097,117, 146, 197 ",,14 "053","CPS",2003,"B3C","8",,,,"U/S","00094-00095",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","27-29",,,"38*",,,"1: EL 2: C","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","The brick has been cut in order to serve as a column brick.",15 "054","CPS",2003,"B2/SS2","11",,,,"U/S","00096-00097-00098","Bird facing left","litt.bonis","Circular","35","82-86*",,,,"12","1: R L COR[[N]]","L CORNELIVS NIG folium ER ",,"S. 256","LSO 1267, MNR II, 64 ","Cozzo, plate XL, fig. 130","1st cent AD","184",,14 "055","CPS",2003,"B2/SS2","13",,,,"U/S","00099-00100",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","28",,,"38*",,"15","1: EVTHERI [[E]] 2: ESAR","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","Two Eleutheri are known on brickstamps: CIL XV 1104 Cn Domitius Eleutherus, whose stamp is dated to the end of the 1st century AD, and found in the ager Tusculanus, in Borghetto, 3 miles from Frascati; the other known person is CIL XV 1233 M. Laberius Ele",14 "056","CPS",2004,"B2/SS3","1",,,,"U/S","00101-00102",,,"Circular","28-32","58",,,,,"sine textu ",,,"anepigraphic",,"cf LSO 1295",,,"Single ring of raised dots ",17 "057","CPS",2004,"B1",,,,,"U/S 5 m from W end of SS3","00103",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","30","84-86*","35*",,,"12","1: DE PR CAE 2: APR ET [[P]]…..S ","1: DE PR(aedis) CAES(aris) SVB HOR(ta) •FL(avi)• HALOTI 2: APR(oniano)• ET PAET(ino)• CO(n)S(ulibus)","Pr. Sub Hortensia","543","LSO 475","Steinby 89","AD 123",,,17 "058","CPS",2004,"B2/SS3","22",,,,"U/S","00104",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","30",,,,,"13","1: ELEV 2: CA","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",17 "059","CPS",2004,"B1",,,,,"10 m from W end of SS3","00105-00106",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","30-33",,,,,"15","1: THERI ET SIND 2: CAESARIS","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",17 "060","CPS",2004,"B2/SS3","2",,,,"1","00107-00108-00109",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","32-37",,,,,"17","1: [[ET SINDA]] 2: CAESARIS","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","Chamfered moulding. cf. also note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",17 "061","CPS",2004,"B2/SS3","23",,,,"U/S","00110-00111",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, Medium orbiculus","35","100-104*",,,,"1: 12 2: 10","1: [[L?ARE E]]X [[P]]RAEDIS 2:[[L]] ICIO [[C]]ON[[S]]","1: OPUS DOLIARE EX PRAEDIS AVG(usti) N(ostri) 2: A PUBLICIO CONSORTE","Figl. Bucconianae","46",,"Steinby 29","Commodus","215",,17 "062","CPS",2004,"B2/SS2","31",,,,"U/S","00112","Crescent moon, palm branch, star","litt.bonis","Rectangular","23-28",,,"38*",,"13","1: CONIS 2: EI ??",,,"?new stamp",,,,"any relationship to cat. no. 277?","Possibly a new stamp type; the signum (palmae ramus, stella, luna crescens) appears on a rectangular stamp of the 1st cent CIL XV, 820 (1: L. ANTONI 2: PROTI) but this is clearly not an example of this type.",17 "063","CPS",2004,"B2/SS2","16",,,,"9","00113",,"litt. cavis ","Rectangular","35",,,,,"11-12","1: RON ET PAET C[[O]] 2: [[P B]] SALA[[R]]","1: APRON(iano) ET PAET(ino) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: P P B SALAR(ese sc. Opus) 3: EX FIGL(inis) ANN(i) VER(i)","Salarese","479","LSO 437-438",,"AD 123",,,17 "064","CPS",2004,"B2/SS2","1",,,,"U/S","00114-00115",,"litt.cavis","Rectangular","35-38",,,,,"13","1: RO ET PAE C 2: [[P]]RIMI","1: APRON ET PAE COS 2: D PRIMITIVI Q","Pr. Quintanensia","450 corr.","LSO 411","Steinby 78","AD 123",," ",17 "065","CPV",2004,"Vicus",,"SS1",,,"U/S","00116",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","32",,,,,"14-15","[[E]]NTI•N[[E]]",,,"new stamp",,,,,,17 "066","CPV",2005,"Vicus",,"Z",,"Z","1","00117","2 branches","litt.bonis","Lunate",,"96-106*",,,,"12","1: EX FIG M[[Y]] 2: T•APR[[O]] 3: O","1: IDIBVS MART(iis)• EX FIG(linis) MYRINIANIS 2: PAETINO ET• APRONIAN(o) 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 88","LSO 328","Steinby 67","AD 123","27, 97, 117, 146, 197","See note, this cat. no. 117.",17 "067","CPV",2005,"Vicus",,"Z",,"Z","1","00118",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","30-33",,,,,"18","L L","1: L LVRIVS PROCVLVS 2: FEC ","?Gens Domitia","1253a ",,"Steinby 51 n. 5. and see Gliozzo 2005, 211-212 for the refined chronology and figlinae hypotheses","Late Domitianic to Trajanic?","20, 21, 68, 70","Joins cat. no. 068",17 "068","CPV",2005,"Vicus",,"Z",,"Z","1","00119","Two branches above and underneath FEC","litt.bonis","Lunate","30-35","98-102*","42-45*",,,"17-18","VRIVS[[PR]]OC 2: FEC","1: L LVRIVS PROCVLVS 2: FEC ","?Gens Domitia","1253a ",,"Steinby 51 n. 5. and see Gliozzo 2005, 211-212 for the refined chronology and figlinae hypotheses","Late Domitianic to Trajanic?","20, 21, 67, 070","Joins cat. no. 067",17 "069","CPV",2005,"Vicus",,"Z",,"Z Grid Square 1","3 (wall)","00120-00121, Photo ID: 00005255-00005256, 00005260",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","40-42","88-92*","42",,,"12-13","1: EX P[[RAE]] [[A]]NIS","EX PRAEDIS ASTIVIANIS","Pr. Astivianis","14",,"Steinby 26 - undated. CIL XV 13 dates to AD 123","c. AD 123","85, 99, 176",,17 "070","CPV",2005,"Vicus",,"Z",,"Z","1","00122-00123","Branch visible at the end of line 1","litt.bonis","Lunate","35-37","102-106*","48*",,,"16-17","L LV","1: L LVRIVS PROCVLVS 2: FEC ","?Gens Domitia","1253a ",,"Steinby 51 n. 5. and see Gliozzo 2005, 211-212 for the refined chronology and figlinae hypotheses","Late Domitianic to Trajanic?","20, 21, 67/68, 79",,17 "071","CPV",2005,"Vicus",,"Y",,"YH","7","00124-00125",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","36-38","82-85*",,,,"11","1: S AB-VR-NI CAE 2: ET A ","1: EX FIG(linis) TEMPESINIS AB-VR-NI CAEDICIAN P S F 2: PAETIN ET APRONI-AN 3: CO(n)S(ulibus) [inverted]","Figl. Tempesinae","604c","LSO 498 = S. 171","Steinby 92-93","AD 123","165","In two fragments.",17 "072","CPV",2005,"Vicus",,"Y",,"Y","102 (wall)","00126-00127",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","35-40","98-102*","42*",,,"12-13","1: [[V]]R CAE A B G 2: P…...APRON 3: COS ","1: EX FIG(linis) TE-MPESI-NIS ABVR(ni) CAE(diciani) A B G 2: PAE-TIN(o) ET APRON(iano) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus) ","Figl. Tempesinae","608b","S.170","Steinby 92-93","AD 123",,,17 "073","CPV",2005,"Vicus",,"Via del Telefono West of YZ ",,,"Total Station pt. W19","00128",,"litt.bonis","Circular","28-30","58-62*",,,,"08-09","RIS","CASTI CAESARIS",,"5308.13a",,"cf. NSc 1906, 408-409",,"86, 231(b)",,17 "074","CPS",2005,"B1","near road to sea",,,,"U/S","00129-00130","Pine cone surrounded by foliage","litt.bonis","Lunate","30-33","94-98*","34",,,"09-10"," 1: [[EX]]… ARI 2: [[FIG]] …. L P ","1: EX•OFIC(ina)•L•TVT(ili)•IANVARI 2: FIG(linis) SCAVR(ianis?) L•T(utili)•L(uperci)• P(ontiani)","Figl. Scaur(ianae)","2158","CIL XIV 5308.3, S. 410, LSO 1132 ","Steinby 86, 104","late Hadrianic/ Antoninus Pius","227, 264, 267","Rooftile",17 "075","CPV",2001,"Vicus",,"F/H",,,"U/S brick pile N of F7","00131-00132",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, Medium orbiculus","36-50","90-94*",,,,"1: 12 2: 10","1: MM[[V]] 2: [[P]]A[[E]]COS","1: EX P(raedis)•IULIAE•ALB(anae) OF(ficina)• COMMV(nis) 2: APR(oniano)•ET•PAE(tino) CO(n)S(ulibus)",,"1214",,"Steinby 61 n. 1","AD 123","16","Reading tentative as stamp very faint. Cf. cat.no. 16. for a better example ",9 "076","CPV",2002,"Vicus",,"H3 (north of)",,,"U/S","00133-00134","Naked bearded male figure (probably Hercules) facing left, right arm extended, ?club over left shoulder.","litt.bonis","Lunate","38-40","104-108*","22-25*",,,"1:12 2:11","1:OPV[[S D]]OL [[EX]] PRA… G NN ..G 2: [[RC]]…[[N]] FIGL A CAL [[M]] ","1: OPVS DOL(iare) EX PRAED(is) AVGG(ustorum) NN(ostrorum) FIGL(inis?) 2: MARCIAN(is?) FIGL(inis?) A CAL(ventia) MAX(i)M(a)","Figl. Marcianae","325",,"Steinby 66","AD 198-200",,"A line seems to be running through the signum and letters.",9 "077","CPV",2003,"Vicus",,"Y",,"YG","27","00135-00136","Wreath","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","28-34",,,,,"17-18","CAS ","CASTI",,"N 5308.15/16","MNR II,2",,,"009, 077, 108, 121, 122, 160, 163, 188",,9 "078","CPV",2003,"Vicus",,"Y",,"YG","23","00137",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","33-35","95-100*","48",,,"11-12","EX … ABG","1: EX FIG(linis) TEMPESINIS ABVR(ni) CAE(diciani) AB(urni) G 2: PAETI(no) ET APROAN(iano) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus) a), or b) 2: PAE-TIN(o) ET APRON(iano) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus)","Figl. Tempesinae","608 a or b","LSO 515: S. 170 ","Steinby 92-93","AD 123","608a:107,116 608b: 78, 96,143, 186",,9 "079","CPV",2003,"Vicus",,"Y",,"YG","21","00138",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","35","90-98*",,,,,"[[R?IVS]","1: L LVRIVS PROCVLVS 2: FEC ","?Gens Domitia","1253a ",,"Steinby 51 n. 5. and see Gliozzo 2005, 211-212 for the refined chronology and figlinae hypotheses","Late Domitianic to Trajanic?","20, 21, 67/68, 70","Very fragmentary but very close match with cat. no. 068",9 "080","CPV",2003,"Vicus",,"H",,,"U/S","00139-00140","Trident","litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","40","104","44",,,"1: 12 2: 11 3: 09","1: OPVS•DOL•EX•PR•AVR... [[CA]]ES•[[ET]] FAV[[S]] 2: TINAE•A[[VG VL]]PI•ANE 3: CE[[T]]IANI","1: OPVS•DOL(iare)•EX•PR(aedis)•AVRELI•CAES(aris)•ET FAVS 2: TINAE•AVG(ustae)•VLPI•ANE 3: CETIANI","Figl. Terentianae ","719","LSO 618"," Steinby 93-94","c. AD 155-161 to 176",,,9 "081","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,,,"X","13","00141","Wreath","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","34-37",,,,,"16","CASTI CA]] ","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,8 "082","CPV",1996,"Vicus",,"S",,"S","U/S","00142",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","34-36",,,,,"12","NDAE","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",8 "083","CPV",1997,"Vicus",,,,"XL","24","00143-00144",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","35-38","80-90??*",,,,"11","1: [[E]]X OP 2: I[[G?]]",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Quarter round moulded edge.Too few distinctive letters and features to identify further.",8 "084","CPV",1998,"Vicus",,,,"XL","U/S","00145",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","30-32",,,,,"1: 12-13 2: 10","1: [[PR D]] 2: MINO 3: X A","1: EX•PR(aedis)•DOMITIAE LVCILLAE EX• FIG(linis)• DOMIT(ianis) 2: MINORIB(us)OP(us)•DOL(iare)•AELI• ALE 3: XANDRI","Figl. Domitianae Minores","171","LSO 201","Gasperoni 2005, 117, n. 47. Steinby, 38 and 44 for start date.","post AD 138-155/161","168, 228, 229",,8 "085","CPV",1998,"Vicus",,"B",,"XL","8","00146",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","37-40","92-96*","31-32*",,,"13","[[A]]STIVIANIS","EX PRAEDIS ASTIVIANIS","Pr. Astivianis","14",,"Steinby 26 - undated. CIL XV 13 dates to AD 123","c. AD 123","69, 99, 176",,8 "086","CPV",1998,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","U/S","00147",,"litt.bonis","Circular","32-34","56-58*",,,,"10-11","CASTI","CASTI or CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.13a ",,,,"73, 231(b)",,8 "087","CPV",1998,"Vicus",,"A",,,"U/S","00149-00150","Wreath","litt.bonis","Rectangular","34-36",,,,,"17-18","CAST","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,8 "088","CPV",1999,"Vicus",,"F","F73",,"U/S","00151",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","29-33",,,"35*",,"13","1: ERI ET SINDAE 2: ARIS","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 139, 140, 175, 181, 196","Rooftile. cf. also note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",8 "089","CPV",1998,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","U/S","00148","Wreath","litt.bonis","Rectangular","27-30",,,"25*",,"18","CASTI","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290","Column brick. ",8 "090","CPV",2001,"Vicus",,"C","C19/C20",,"U/S","00152-00153",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","23-27",,,"28",,"09","1: [[V]]RM 2: AP-PVL",,,"unidentified, ?new stamp",,,,,"This may be a new stamp type. May relate to cat. no. 257 (APPULEI), and hence possibly to cat. no. 62.",8 "091","CPV",2001,"Vicus",,"F","F4/F10",,"U/S","00154-00155","Wreath","litt.bonis","Rectangular","30-32",,,"23",,"16-17","CA","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,8 "092","CPV",,"Vicus",,,,,"U/S","00156","Wreath","litt.bonis","Rectangular","29-30",,,"23",,"18","CAS","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,8 "093","CPV",1994,"Vicus",,"G","G2",,"U/S","00157","Wreath","litt.bonis","Rectangular","35-40",,,"23",,"18","ASTI•CAESAR (branch)","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290","Rooftile.",8 "094","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,,,"X","2","00158","Wreath","litt.bonis","Rectangular","33-38",,,,,"19","CAST","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,7 "095","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,,,"X","2","00159",,"litt.bonis","Semi-circular","22-27",,,,,"12","1: [[TA]]TI • M•AN 2 (l. recta): [[I]]GL 3 (l. recta): AN","1: STATI•M(arci)•ANTIO[CHI] 2: DE•FIGL(inis) 3: VICCIAN(is) ","Figl. Viccianae","672","S. 203.2, MNR II, 57","Filippi-Stanco 2005, 131-133, 146. Steinby 95-96","AD 30-60",,,7 "096","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","28","00160",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","30-34","96-100","48",,,"13","1: [[E]]……CAE AB [[G]] 2: [[RO]] 3: [[COS]]","1: EX FIG(linis) TEMPESINIS ABVR(ni) CAE(diciani) AB(vrni) G 2: PAETI ET APROAN 3: COS (linea recta)","Figl. Tempesinae","608","S. 170, LSO 515 (a)","Steinby 92-93","AD 123","186","Very worn, reading uncertain.",7 "097","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","2","00161",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","51-54","100",,,,"13","1: INIANIS 2: ONANIo","1: IDIBVS MART(iis)• EX FIG(linis) MYRINIANIS 2: PAETINO ET• APRONIAN(o) 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 88","LSO 328","Steinby 67","AD 123","27, 66, 117, 146, 197","Column brick. cf. also comment, cat. no.117. This example also seems to have a final small o on the second line (cf cat. no. 27 for a clearer example).",7 "098","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","2","00162",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","28-35",,"23",,,"17","CASTI•CA","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,7 "099","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","2","00163",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","40","92-94",,,,"12-13","1: [[P?A.D]]IS ASTI[[VI]]","EX PRAEDIS ASTIVIANIS","Pr. Astivianis","14",,"Steinby 26 - undated. CIL XV 13 dates to AD 123","c. AD 123","69, 85, 176",,7 "100","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","2","00164",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","32-35",,,,,"17","CASTI•CAES[[AR]]","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15 ","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,7 "101","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","15","00165",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","45","102-106*","38-42*",,,"13","1: L MYRINIANIS 2: [[ET]] PAE-TINO","1: IDIBVS MART(iis) EX FIGL(inis) MYRINIANIS 2: APRONIANO ET PAE-TINO 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 87","LSO 327","Steinby 67","AD 123","25, 145, 148, 198, 298",,7 "102","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","U/S","00166",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","28-31",,,,,"12-13","RAEDIS ",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Too few distinctive letters and features to identify further.",7 "103","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"B",,"XD","12 pit","00167",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","43-45","90","37-38",,,"13","[[O]]TIS CAES","ANTEROTIS CAES",,"812","LSO685","Cf. CILXV, 811 and Hetland 2007","Late Trajanic","127",,7 "104","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","42","00168-00169","?Standing figure, details unclear","litt.bonis","Lunate, small orbiculus","25-31","86-88",,,,,"1: R?E[[M]] 2: DO… NOSTRI","1: OPVS DOLIAREM EX PRAEDIS 2: DOMINI NOSTRI","Figl. Genianae?","759","AAFP 87","Steinby 43-44 - occurs on bipedalis later stamped with 760a of AD 212-217, so DDNN must be Septimius Severus and Caracalla or Caracalla and Geta","AD 211/212",,"Very abraded stamp.",7 "105","CPV",1996,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","U/S","00170",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","38-44",,,"20","60","13","M·SER Second stamp: M SE",,,"new stamp",,,,,"Two stamps are visible, and a clearly the same type, which may be new. It is unclear if there is any possible relation to M.Fulvius and his workers. Cf Bloch Suppl., p 67- 69 and the FVLVI M SER stamps.",7 "106","CPV",1996,"Vicus",,"Y","NW corner",,"U/S","00171-00172",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","26-32","88-92","38-42",,,"11","1: [[X P]]..FLAVI AP[[RI O]] 2: [[O]] …. [[A..C..O]]","1: EX•PR[aedis]•FLAVI•APRI•OPUS 2: DOLIA[re]• LARCIO[nis","Figl. Publilianae","1146a","LSO 899","Steinby 77 n. 3 Bloch ScO I, 227","c.150",,,7 "107","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,"F","F50",,"U/S","00173-00174",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","34-39","94-98*",,,,"14","1: G TEMP[[ES]]INIS ABV[[R]] 2: PAETI ET APRO[[A]] 3: COS ","1: EX FIG(linis) TEMPESINIS ABVR(ni) CAE(diciani) A(burni?) B G 2:PAETI(no) ET APROAN 3: CO(n)S(ulibus)","Figl. Tempesinae","608a","LSO 515: S. 170","Steinby 92-93","AD 123","116",,7 "108","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,,,,"U/S","00175","Wreath and branch","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","29-33","92-94*",,,,"18-19","1: CASTI","CASTI",,"N. 5308.15/16","MNR II, 2",,,"009, 077, 108, 121, 122, 160, 163, 188","Cat. nos 009 and 108 complete the missing part of MNR II, 2 (wreath before CASTI) MNR II,2 lists the end sign as a branch but the faint trace at the end of cat. no. 108 could be interpreted more as a wreath than a branch. The example is too faint to det",7 "109","CPV",1995,"Via del Telefono ",,,,,"U/S","00176",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate",,,"42-43*",,,".","1: O[[DOL]] 2: NI[[G?]] 3: C[[O?]] ","1: O(pus) DOL(iare) EX PR(aedis) D(omitiae) P F LVC(illae) P A(eli) ALEX(andri) 2: NIGRO ET CAMER(ino) 3: COS (linea recta)","Gens Domitia","172?","LSO 202",,"AD 138",,"Flake. Uncertain reading. CIL XV, 172 = LSO 202 is the closest stamp for 2nd line starting with NI.",7 "110","CPV",1995,"Vicus",,,,,"U/S","00177",,"litt.bonis","Semi-circular","25",,,,,"12","1: TO 2: NS","1: TONNEI•DE•FIGLIN 2: VICCIANIS (inverted)?","Figl. Viccianae","659b","LSO 564; CIL VIII 22632.30","Steinby 96","c. AD 30-60","128",,7 "111","CPV",1994,"Vicus",,"G","G1",,"west wall","00178",,"litt. bonis ","Circular/lunate","29",,,,,,"[[H?]]ALL","AVR(eli) THALL(i) EX FIGL(inis) MARCIAN(is)","Figl. Marcianae","326?","S. 575, LSO 318","Steinby 61-66, Cozzo Tav. XL, fig. 129.","Antoninus Pius","223, 224","Fragmentary, CIL 143 corr. (EX.PR.ALLIENI.PROCLI/A CRETA), and CIL XIV 5308, 30 corr. (MARIAE PYRALLIDIS) are also just possible.",7 "112","CPV",1994,"Vicus",,"F","F30",,"U/S","00179-00180-00181",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","35-37",,"42",,,"1: 13 2: 09 3: 09","1: [[G]] ..MP 2: PAE-TINO [[APRON]]IANO 3: COS (inverted, linea recta)","1: EX FIG(linis) TE-MPESINIS AB-VRNI CAE- DI-CIANI P S(ervili) F(irmi) 2: PAETINO ET APRONIANO 3: COS (reverse)","Figl. Tempesinae","604b","S. 171, LSO 497","Steinby 92-3","AD 123","124",,7 "113","CPV",1994,"Vicus",,"F","F35/ F37",,"U/S spoil heap","00182-00183",,"litt. bonis ","Semi-circular","19-28","96",,"67","85","1: 16 2: 09","1: TONNEI•DE FIGILINIS Centre: V///[[A]]N[[IS]]","TONNEI•DE•FIGILINIS Centre: V///IANIS","Figl. Viccianae","658b corr.","LSO 562","Steinby 96. Filippi-Stanco 2005, esp. 131-33, 170-172","c. AD 30-60",,"The flaw in the stamp between the L and I of FIGILINIS demonstrates that this is from the same matrix as LSO 562",6 "114","CPV",1994,,,"F","F18",,"U/S probably from F30","0084-00185","Winged head of Mercury? to right; caduceus to left","litt.bonis","Circular","30-33","82-86",,,,"12","L•M•C•C[[H]] ","CHRESIMI L•M(unati)•C(rescentis)•","Figl.Caninianae","122 b","LSO 163, CIL XII 5678.9","Steinby 34","Early Hadrianic (before AD123)",,,6 "115","CPV",1990,"Vicus",,"F","F65",,"U/S","00186",,"litt. cavis ","Rectangular","33-35",,,,,"26","[[A G]]AB SVC SAL","A. GAB(ini) SVC(cessi) SAL(arese sc. opus)","Salarese","496","LSO 449 V","Steinby 84, cf. DeLaine 2002, 95","late Trajanic/early Hadrianic",,,6 "116","CPV",1990,"Vicus",,"F","F3/F1",,"door jamb","00187-00188",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","35-38","99","42*",,,"1: 13 2: 11","1: [[T]]EMPESINIS ABVR C[[AE]] 2: PAETI ET APR 3: COS","1: EX FIG(linis) TEMPESINIS ABVR(ni) CAE(diciani) A(burni?) B G 2:PAETI(no) ET APROAN 3: CO(n)S(ulibus)","Figl. Tempesinae","608a","LSO 515: S. 170","Steinby 92-93","AD 123","107",,6 "117","CPV",1991,"Vicus",,"E",,,"U/S","00189-00190",,"litt. bonis","Lunate","40-43","107","50",,,"1: 13 2: 12","1: S MART• EX FIG MYRINIANIS 2: PAETINO ET•APRONIANo 3: COS","1: IDIBVS MART(iis)• EX FIG(linis) MYRINIANIS 2: PAETINO ET• APRONIAN(o) 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 88","LSO 328","Steinby 67","AD 123","27, 66, 97, 146, 197","Slight variant - S. 88 does not have the final small o at the end of APRONIAN - cf this cat. no. 27 for better example; also Bloch does not give any punctuation when there are clear signs of at least two dots on this example. Cat. no. 66 confirms the dot ",6 "118","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"A","A36",,"U/S","00191",,,"Circular","34-36","41",,,,,"sine textu ",,,"anepigraphic",,,,,"3 hollowed out parts visible in half of the circle, though too rough to be able to determine the exact shape",6 "119","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"A","A33/B",,"U/S","00192","Wreath","litt. bonis","Lunate, Medium orbiculus","48","26-30*",,,,"09","1: [[OP]]VS D (retrograde) 2: TI… ERVI ","1: OPVS DOL(iare) EX PR(aedis) AVRELI CAES(ari) ET FAVS(retrograde) 2: TINAE AVG(ustae?) MAI SERVI",,"622"," S. 189; CIL XIV 756 ","Steinby 93-94. NSc 1916, 419. ","c. AD 147-161",,,6 "120","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"A/H",,"Q","between A13 doorway and base 39","00193-00194","?Mercury facing left, ?caduceus in left hand, ?money bag in right","litt. bonis ","Lunate","25-32","102-106*",,,,"12","1: PR•AVGG NN ..G SV 2: [[P]] …..[[LA]]NI [[RV]]FINI ","1: OP(us)•DOL(iare)•EX•PR(aedis)•AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum)•FIG(linis)•SV 2: PERIOR(ibvs)• LANI•RVFINI• ","Figl. Superiores","602",,"Gasperoni 2005, 118 n. 58; Steinby, Cron. 92","AD 198-211"," 151, 152, 154, 155",,6 "121","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"dune",,"L","U/S","00195","Wreath","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","28-28",,,"25",,"17","CASTI","CASTI",,"N 5308.15/16","MNR II,2",,,"009, 077, 108, 121, 122, 160, 163, 188",,6 "122","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"B",,"P","U/S","00196","Wreath","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","30-37",,,"25",,"17","CAST","CASTI",,"N 5308.15/16","MNR II,2",,,"009, 077, 108, 121, 122, 160, 163, 188",,6 "123","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"H/D",,"H3S","U/S","00197",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","30-35",,,"27",,"17","[[A]]STI•CAES[[AR]]","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,6 "124","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,,,,"U/S","00198",,"litt. bonis","Lunate, Medium orbiculus","38-39","100","41",,,"12","1: [[E]]MP[[ES]]INIS … [[C]]AED[[I]] 2: ONIANO","1: EX FIG(linis) TE-MPESINIS AB-VRNI CAE- DI-CIANI P S(ervili) F(irmi) 2: PAETINO ET APRONIANO 3: COS","Figl. Tempesinae","604b","S. 171, LSO 497","Steinby 92-3","AD 123","112",,6 "125","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"A",,"M1","U/S","00199",,"litt. bonis","Rectangular","33-38",,,"28",,"12-17","[N?]IAE•OR",,,"?unedited",,,,,"This stamp could not be identified, and may be a new type.",5 "126","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"A",,"M1","U/S","00200",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","28",,,,,,"E",,,"unidentified",,,,,,5 "127","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"B",,"P","U/S","00201",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","37-39","93","36-38",,,"12","[[E]]ROTIS CAES","ANTEROTIS CAES",,"812","LSO685","Cf. CIL XV, 811 and Hetland 2007","Late Trajanic","103",,5 "128","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"B",,,"U/S","00202",,"litt. bonis ","Semi-circular","23-27",,,,,"12","1: ANIS 2: ONN","1: TONNEI(ana sc. Tegula) DE FIGLIN(is) 2: VICCIANIS (inverted)","Figl. Viccianae","659b","LSO 564; CIL VIII 22632.30","Steinby 96","c AD30 - 60","110",,5 "129","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"G",,,"U/S","00203-00204",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","25-28","90-94*",,,,"1: 15 2: 12","1: ROSCIANI C[[N]] 2: AGATH","1: ROSCIANI CN DOMITI 2: AGATHOBVLI","Gens Domitia","275","LSO 282","Steinby 55, for start date, Hetland 2007 for end date as this stamp is also attested in the Pantheon.","c. AD 115-118",,,5 "130","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"A","A33",,"U/S","00205-00206",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","29-32",,,"27",,"21","C•IVLI•GO","C•IVLI•GORG",,"S. 318","N.1204/1205"," Bloch 221","2nd quarter 1st cent AD??","235, 291-297",,5 "131","CPV",1988,"Vicus",,"C","C45/C47",,"U/S","00207",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","28-33","96-102*",,,,"12","1: CAVL 2: STATI•CA","1: EX•OFI(cina)•P•CAVLI•VALENTIS 2: C•STATI• CAPITONIS",,"2197","CIL XI 6689.232; CIL XIV 4089.9; LSO 1200",,"Hadrianic",,,5 "132","CPV",1988,"Vicus",,"C","C49",,"U/S","00208",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","31-32",,,"27",,"18","CASTI CAESAR","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,5 "133","CPV",1988,"Vicus",,"C","C60/C46",,"U/S","00209-00210",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","38-40","95","38",,,"09-10","1: OPVS TI C 2: SECUND..I ","1: OPVS TI CLAVDI 2: SECVNDINI","Gens Domitia","1084b","LSO 841 ","Steinby 54","AD 123-124","191",,5 "134","CPV",1987,"Vicus",,"C","C25",,"U/S","00211-00212","Wreath","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","32-33",,,"27",,"16-17","CASTI CAESAR (branch)","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,5 "135","CPV",1987,"Vicus",,"C","C41/C46 step",,"part of step","00213-00214","Goat facing right","litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","43-46","98-102*","38",,,"1: 09 2: 07","1: OP[[VS]] D[[O]] L[[VE.I AB…]]VIN 2: MOD [[ATER]]ANO [[C]]OS","1: OPVS DOL(iare) EX PR(raedis) LVCIL(ae) VERI AB CL(audio) QVIN(quatrale) 2: COMMOD(o) ET LATERANO COS","Gens Domitia","1072"," LSO 832","Steinby 47, 53","AD 154",,"Text largely eroded. The signum in LSO is not as defined as our example.",5 "136","CPV",1987,"Vicus",,"C","C39",,"U/S","00215","Pine cone ","litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","36","92-96*","32",,,"10","1: OPUS DOLIARE EX [[PRAE]]DIS….N 2: C COMINI S... NI.NI ","1: OPVS DOLIARE EX PRAEDIS AVG(usti) N(ostri) 2: C COMINI SABINIANI","Figl. Fulvianiae?","754 a","CIL VIII 10475.23; CIL VIII 22632.9; CIL X 8043.17","Steinby 42-43","c. AD 161-168?",,,5 "137","CPV",1987,"Vicus",,"C","C10 drain",,"drain","00216",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","30","98-102*",,"26",,"17","CASTI•C[[A]]","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"81, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,5 "138","CPV",1985,"Vicus",,,,"S","U/S","00217-00218",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","31-34",,"36",,,"12","1: R AVREL CAE 2: IN PVBLIC 3: SOR","1: OP(us) DOL(iare) EX E PR(aedis) AVREL(i) CAE(saris) 2: ET FAVSTIN(ae) PVBLIC(i) CONSOR(tis)•","Figl. Ponticulanae ","45","LSO 77","Gliozzo-Filippi 2005, 241, 243. For date cf. Steinby 72, and for figlinae Steinby 29, n.1","c. AD 145-161",,,2 "139","CPV",1986,"Vicus",,,,"S","8","00219",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","33-34",,,"32",,"13","1: I ET SINDAE 2: ARIS","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 140, 175, 181, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",2 "140","CPV",1986,"Vicus",,,,"S","2","00220-00221",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","28-30",,,"28",,"12-13","2: CAESA","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 175, 181, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",2 "141","CPV",1986,"Vicus",,,,"S","9","00222-00223-00224","Radiate pine cone (or surrounded by leaves)","litt. bonis ","Lunate","25-32","104","19",,,"1: 12 2: 11","1: O[[P DOL]] EX PR … G DOMIT 2: IAN MAIOR LA.. .[[I]]SENTIN ","1: OP(us) DOL(iare) EX PR(aedis) AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum) FIG(linis) DOMIT 2: IAN(is) MAIOR(es?) LANI PISENTIN(i?)","Figl. Domitianae Maiores","166","CIL X 8043.11","Steinby 37-38","AD 198-211","153","In two fragments.",2 "142","CPV",1986,"Vicus",,,,"S","75","00225-00226-00227","Lizard","litt. bonis ","Lunate","38-40","103","22",,,"1: 12 2: 10","1: OP .O. .. PR DOM NN AVGG 2: TI….S RVFINAES ","1: OP(us)• DOL(iare) EX PR(aedis) (duorum) DOM(inorum) N(ostrorum) AVG(ustorum) 2: TITIAES RVFINAES",,"774",,,"c. AD 198-211","149, 156, 202","In two fragments.",2 "143","CPV",1984,"Vicus",,"A","A35/A36",,"U/S","00228",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","35","88-92*","46",,,"11","1: EX FI…. ABG 2: P","1: EX FIG(linis) TEMPESINIS ABVR(ni) CAE(diciani) AB(urni) G 2: PAETI(no) ET APROAN(iano) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus) a), or b) 2: PAE-TIN(o) ET APRON(iano) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus)","Figl. Tempesinae","608 a or b","LSO 515: S. 170 ","Steinby 92-93","AD 123","608a:107,116 608b: 78, 96,143, 186",,1 "144","CPV",1984,"Vicus",,,,,"U/S","00229",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","32",,,"24",,"17","[[C]]AESAR (branch)","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,1 "145","CPV",1984,"Vicus",,,,,"U/S","00230",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","39-41","100-105*",,,,"12-13","1: DIBVS M[[A]] 2: [[A]]PRO[[N]] ","1: IDIBVS MART(iis) EX FIGL(inis) MYRINIANIS 2: APRONIANO ET PAE-TINO 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 87","LSO 327","Steinby 67","AD 123","25, 101, 148, 198, 298",,1 "146","CPV",1984,"Vicus",,,,,"U/S","00231",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","46-48","102-106*",,,,"11-12","1: [[ID]]IBVS MART• E[[X]] 2: PAE[[TI]]NO ET 3: CO[S] Second faint stamp: EX FI [[G]]","1: IDIBVS MART(iis)• EX FIG(linis) MYRINIANIS 2: PAETINO ET• APRONIAN(o) 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 88","LSO 328","Steinby 67","AD 123","27, 66, 97, 117, 197","For punctuation, see this cat. no. 117. Overstamped.",1 "147","CPS",1984,"E6",,,,,"U/S","00232","Male head (Vulcan?) facing right, behind ?forceps","litt. bonis ","Lunate","37-43","96-100*",,,,"11-12","1: [[O]]P•EX PR S[[A]]BIN 2: FIG NEGAR ","1: OP• EX PR SABINAE•SABINILLAE•DE 2: FIG• NEGARIANIS ","Figl. Negarianae","354","KM 30","Steinby 68, date uncertain","? Mid 2nd c AD",,,1 "148","CPV",1991,"Vicus",,"F","F34",,"in wall beside N step","00233",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","56","108-112*",,,,"12-13","1: FIGL MYRINIANIS 2: O ET PAE-TINO ","1: IDIBVS MART(iis) EX FIGL(inis) MYRINIANIS 2: APRONIANO ET PAE-TINO 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 87","LSO 327","Steinby 67","AD 123","25, 101, 145, 198, 298","In two fragments.",1 "149","CPV",1984,"Vicus",,"D",,"T","drain F","00234","Lizard","litt. bonis ","Lunate, small orbiculus",,"102","22",,,"1: 12 2: 11","1: OP DO[[L]] .. PR DOM NN AVGG 2: TITIAES RVFINA[[E]]S","1: OP(us)• DOL(iare) EX PR(aedis) (duorum) DOM(inorum) N(ostrorum) AVG(ustorum) 2: TITIAES RVFINAES",,"774",,,"c. AD 198-211","142, 156, 202",,1 "150","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"D",,"T","drain E","00235-00236",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, small orbiculus",,"101",,,,"18","[[F]]EST","L LANI FESTI",,"239",,"Steinby 44","possibly last third 2nd c AD","158, 173",,1 "151","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"D",,"T","drain A","00237","Male nude? standing figure, barely visible","litt. bonis ","Lunate",,"102","19",,,"1: 13 2: 11","1: OP DOL•EX•PR•AVGG N[[N...]] SV 2: P[[E]].IOR LANI [[R]]V...I ","1: OP(us)•DOL(iare)•EX•PR(aedis)•AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum)•FIG(linis)•SV 2: PERIOR(ibvs)• LANI•RVFINI• ","Figl. Superiores","602",,"Gasperoni 2005, 118 n. 58; Steinby 92","AD 198-211","120, 152, 154, 155, 207",,1 "152","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"D",,"T","drain A","00238","Mercury facing left, caduceus in left hand, money bag in right","litt. bonis ","Lunate, small orbiculus",,"103","20",,,"1: 13 2: 11","1: OP DOL EX PR AVGG NN FIG SV 2: PERIOR LANI RVFINI ","1: OP(us)•DOL(iare)•EX•PR(aedis)•AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum)•FIG(linis)•SV 2: PERIOR(ibvs)• LANI•RVFINI• ","Figl. Superiores","602",,"Gasperoni 2005, 118 n. 58; Steinby 92","AD 198-211","120, 151, 154, 155, 207",,1 "153","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"D",,"T","drain A","00239","Radiate pine cone (or surrounded by leaves)","litt. bonis ","Lunate, small orbiculus",,"103","22",,,"1: 13 2: 10","1: OP DOL [[EX]] .. [[G]]G NN FIG DOMIT 2: IAN MIO…[[NI]]SEN[[T]]IN","1: OP(us) DOL(iare) EX PR(aedis) AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum) FIG(linis) DOMIT 2: IAN(is) MAIOR(es?) LANI PISENTIN(i?)","Figl. Domitianae Maiores","166","CIL X 8043.11","Steinby 37-38","AD 198-211","141",,1 "154","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"D",,"T","drain A","00240",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, small orbiculus",,"104","19",,,"1: 13 2: 12","1: FIG SV","1: OP(us)•DOL(iare)•EX•PR(aedis)•AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum)•FIG(linis)•SV 2: PERIOR(ibvs)• LANI•RVFINI• ","Figl. Superiores","602",,"Gasperoni 2005, 118 n. 58; Steinby 92","AD 198-211","120, 151, 152, 155, 207",,1 "155","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"D",,"T","drain B","00241",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, small orbiculus",,"100","17",,,"1: 13 2: 10","1: [[OP DOL EX PR A]]VGG NN [[FIG]] 2: [[.RIO. LANI RV.I]]","1: OP(us)•DOL(iare)•EX•PR(aedis)•AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum)•FIG(linis)•SV 2: PERIOR(ibvs)• LANI•RVFINI• ","Figl. Superiores","602",,"Gasperoni 2005, 118 n. 58; Steinby 92","AD 198-211","120, 151, 152, 154, 207",,1 "156","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"B",,"P","drain ","00242","Lizard","litt. bonis ","Lunate",,"100","22",,,"1: 13 2: 11","1: OP DOL EX PR DOM NN AVGG 2: TITIAES RV.[[I]]NAES","1: OP(us)• DOL(iare) EX PR(aedis) (duorum) DOM(inorum) N(ostrorum) AVG(ustorum) 2: TITIAES RVFINAES",,"774",,,"c. AD 198-211","142, 149, 202",,1 "157","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"D",,"T","drain E","00243",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate",,,,,,,"2: IA",,,"unidentified",,,,,,1 "158","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"D",,"T","drain C","00244","Standing female figure (?Victory), facing right","litt. bonis ","Lunate",,"103","21",,,"17-18","[[L]]LAN[[I]] FESTI","L LANI FESTI",,"239",,"Steinby 44","possibly last third 2nd c AD","150, 173",,1 "159","CPS",2007,"D4",,,,,"U/S","00245, 00301-00302","Text inside a laurel wreath","litt. bonis ","Circular","33","94-98*",,,,"05-07","1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)","1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)",,"919, 5308.12",,,,"179, 205, 234, 299",,20 "160","CPS",2007,"D4",,,,,"U/S","00246",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","30-36",,,"25","92","16-17","CASTI","CASTI",,"N. 5308.15/16","MNR II, 2",,,"009, 077, 108, 121, 122, 160, 163, 188","Cat. nos 009 and 108 complete the missing part of MNR II, 2 (wreath before CASTI) MNR II,2 lists the end sign as a branch but the faint trace at the end of cat. no. 108 could be interpreted more as a wreath than a branch. The example is too faint to det",20 "161","CPS",2007,"D5",,,,,"U/S north slope","00247-00248",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","26-28",,,"33",,"25-26","DA","D A M",,"5308, 5?",,"Cf. NSc 1912, 208","?Claudian",,"CIL XV 1268= S. 333 DAMA MARCI C S(ervus) is a less likely possibility, as the variant S. 333 is not like this stamp",20 "162","CPS",2007,"B3D",,,,,"U/S north side","00249",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","45","95-98*",,,,"17","1: RON•ET•[[P]] 2: OS[[C?]]","1: APRON(iano)•ET•PAET(ino)•CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: COSC(oni) HERM(etis)",,"956?",,,"AD 123?",,"CIL XV, 956 potential match. Uncertainty about the reading of the 3rd letter in the second line as a C rather than an O. ",20 "163","CPV",2007,"Vicus",,"H5",,"8/9","U/S","00250",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","37-38",,,"25",,"17-18","[[A]]STI","CASTI",,"N. 5308.15/16","MNR II, 2",,,"009, 077, 108, 121, 122, 160, 163, 188","Cat. nos 009 and 108 complete the missing part of MNR II, 2 (wreath before CASTI) MNR II,2 lists the end sign as a branch but the faint trace at the end of cat. no. 108 could be interpreted more as a wreath than a branch. The example is too faint to det",20 "164","CPV",2007,"Vicus",,"H5",,"8/10","U/S","00251","Wreath","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","35-38",,,"28",,"16-17","CAST ","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",,20 "165","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"east side",,,"DEM survey","00252",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","42-44","96-98*",,,,"11"," 1: NI? CAEDICIAN P [[S F]] 2: ON","1: EX FIG(linis) TE-MPESI-NIS AB-VR-NI CAEDICIAN P S F 2: PAETIN(o) ET APRONI-AN(o) 3: COS (REVERSE)","Figl. Tempesinae","604c","LSO 498 = S. 171","Steinby 92-93","AD 123","71",,20 "166","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"east side",,,"DEM survey","00253",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","28","98-102*","34",,,"09","1: O•M S(retrograde) O 2: O ",,,"unidentified",,,,,"This stamp could not be identified. It may be a new stamp type.",20 "167","CPS",2006,"B3B/B3C",,,,,"gully","00254-00255",,"litt.bonis","Rectangular","29-32",,,,,"12-13","1: GIA 2: TEN","1: [-] L COR(retrograde)NE-LI NIGR(retrograde)I GORGIA 2: [--] ENE-MA-CHI LADRAMY-TE-NI",,"N.S. 257/951","MNR II, 18",,"1st half 1st cent. AD","187","Rooftile",20 "168","CPS",2007,"F4 (near)",,,,,"U/S","00256, 00303","palm branch","litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","34","104-110*","32*",,,"11","1: [[D]]OMITIAE LVCILLAE E[[X]]•FIG DOMIT 2: MINORIB OP•D[[OL AEL]]I ALE 3: XANDRI","1: EX•PR(aedis)•DOMITIAE LVCILLAE EX• FIG(linis)• DOMIT(ianis) 2: MINORIB(us)OP(us)•DOL(iare)•AELI• ALE 3: XANDRI","Figl. Domitianae Minores","171","LSO 201","Gasperoni 2005, 117, n. 47. Steinby, 38 and 44 for start date.","post AD 138-155/161","84, 228, 229",,20 "169","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"A/K",,,"U/S","00257-00258",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","37-39",,,"40",,"09-10","1: [[T]] AVG L Q 2: TINO 3: ANO CoS","1: EX PR(aedis) Aga]T(hyrsi) AVG(usti) L(iberti) 2: Q.[pomp) p(oni) IAN(uari) (pae)TINO 3: (ET aproni)ANO COS","Pr. Quintanensia","S. 578",,"Steinby 78, 80. Filippi-Stanco 2005, 145","AD 123",,"This is a variant of CIL XV, 465b. The O in the third line (COS) is smaller than the other letters in our example. ",18 "170","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"C","C46",,"brick pile NW corner","00259-00260",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, or circular?","34-40","96",,,,"1: 12 2: 08","1: OP DOL 2: OPP[[I]] ",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Too few distinctive letters and features to identify further.",18 "171","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"east side",,,"DEM survey","00261-00262",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","38-39",,"38",,,"1: 09 2: 08 3: 07-08","1: L•V•VAL EX P 2: PAETIN … ONIA 3: COS ","1: L•V•VAL EX PRAE SALARE(se?) 2: PAETIN(o) APRONIA(no) / CO(n)S(ulibus) (upside down)","Salarese","S. 148",,"Steinby 83, 85, 86","AD 123","172",,18 "172","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"east side",,,"DEM survey","00263",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","42-44","88-90*",,,,"09","1: OL SALARESE 2: N APRONIA 3: COS ",,,"unidentified, ?new variant",,"Steinby 83, 85, 86","AD 123","171","The closest example is S. 148 : L V VAL EX PRAE SALARE…. / PAETIN APRONIA / COS (reverse), however this reads AE and not OL before SALARESE. This may be a variant of S.148.",18 "173","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"east side",,,"DEM survey","00264",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","32",,,,,,"[[l]] [[F]] [[E]]","L LANI FESTI",,"239",,"Steinby 44","possibly last third 2nd c AD","150, 158",,18 "174","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"B",,"X","brick pile ","00265-00266","In ring of ??ivy leaves","litt.bonis","Circular","34-35","60-64*",,,,,"1: [[S]]T 2: V[[G?]]",,,"unidentified",,,,,,18 "175","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"Z/Y",,,"U/S","00267-00268",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","35-38",,,,,"13","1: VTHER 2: S","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 181, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",18 "176","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"dune",,"south of F","U/S","00269-00270",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate","33-35","95",,,,"11-12","PRAEDIS AS ….ANI","EX PRAEDIS ASTIVIANIS","Pr. Astivianis","14",,"Steinby 26 - undated. CIL XV 13 dates to AD 123","c. AD 123","69, 85, 99",,18 "177","CPV",2006,"Vicus",,"H",,,"U/S","00271-00272","Open half circle at start of stamp","litt. bonis ","Rectangular","29-31",,,"25",,"13","CES","CES•TI",,"?N. 923/4.1",,,,,"This assumes the first element is a symbol, not a letter, as it has a different form to the letter C",18 "178","CPS",2006,"B1",,,,,"U/S","00273-00274",,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, medium orbiculus","37-40","84-86*","42",,,"1: 13 2: 11","1: EX•PR L AE 2: DO AB","1: EX•PR(aedis)•L•AEL(i)•CAES(aris)• COM(modi)•F(ili)•OP(us) 2: DO(liare)•AB• AR(istio)•AVG( ) ",,"734",,"Steinby 66 n. 3","c. AD 138-169",,,19 "179","CPS",2006,"B1",,,,,"beside 63 m peg","00275",,"litt. bonis ","Circular","30-33","78",,,,"06-08","1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)","1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)",,"919, 5308.12",,,,"159, 205, 234, 299",,19 "180","CPS",2006,"B1/B2",,,,,"U/S","00276-00277","Standing nude male figure (?Hercules) facing right, ?lion skin on right arm","litt. bonis ","Lunate","23-25","110",,,,"12-13","1: S EX PR[[A]]…. AVR 2: [[OF]]ICI IERON ","1: OPVS (doliare) EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES(ari) 2: OFICI(na)• IERONYMI",,"715","LSO 615",,"c. AD 139-161","6, 7, 8, 199, 245, 261",,19 "181","CPS",2006,"B3D",,,,,"U/S","00278-00279",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","27-28",,,"36",,"12-13","1: I ET SINDAE 2: RIS ","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 196","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.",19 "182","CPS",2006,"B3D",,,,,"U/S","00280-00281",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","27-30",,,,,"09","CAE",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Too few distinctive letters and features to identify further.",19 "183","CPS",2006,"B3D",,,,,"U/S","00282",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","37-39","84-88*",,,,"11","1: PR D L EX [[O?]] ..O 2: VADR E 3: COS","1: O(pus)•D(oliare)•EX•PR(aedis)•D(omitiae)•L(vcillae)• EX•OF(ficina)•Q•F(lavi?)•A(prilis) 2: L•ST(atio)•QVADR (ato) ET CC(uspio) RVF(ino) 3: CO(n)sulibus","Gens Domitia","1065","CIL VIII 22632.14","Steinby 47, 54","AD 142","220, 221, 222",,19 "184","CPS",2006,"B3D",,,,,"U/S","00283-00284","?Bird facing left","litt.bonis","Circular","29-31","87",,,,"12","[[C]]ORNELIV[[S?]]","L•CORNELIVS•NIG foliumER ",,"S. 256","LSO 1267, MNR II, 64 ","Cozzo, plate XL, fig. 130","1st cent AD","54",,19 "185","CPS",2006,"B3D",,,,"1","3 (wall blocking)","00285",,"litt. cavis ","Rectangular","34-36",,,"33",,"17","1: PAE COS 2: RCVL[[A?]]","1: APRO(niano) ET PAE(tino) CO(n)S(ulibus) 2: M VIN(ici) HERCVLAN(i) or VINICI HERCVL or HERCVL","Pr. Quintanensia","1529,1530",,"Steinby 78","AD 123",,"This stamp could be either CIL 1529 a (Herculan) or b (2: vinici Hercul) or 1530 (Hercul). 1529a seems more likely as a faint trace of a letter can be discerned after the L. ",19 "186","CPV",2006,"B3/B4 SS1",,,,,"U/S","00286",,"litt.bonis","Lunate","35-38","94-100*","28*",,,"12","1: EX FIG T","1: EX FIG(linis) TEMPESINIS ABVR(ni) CAE(diciani) AB(urni) G 2: PAETI(no) ET APROAN(iano) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus) a), or b) 2: PAE-TIN(o) ET APRON(iano) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus)","Figl. Tempesinae","608?","S. 170","Steinby 92-93","AD 123","96","CIL XV 603=S169, and 604=S171 are also possible",19 "187","CPS",2006,"B2/SS2",,,,,"U/S","00287-00288",,"litt. bonis ","Rectangular","29-36",,,,,"10-13","1: R(retrograde)I GORGIA 2: ADRAMY-TE-NI","1: [-] L COR(retrograde)NE-LI NIGR(retrograde)I GORGIA 2: [--] ENE-MA-CHI LADRAMY-TE-NI",,"N.S. 257/951","MNR II, 18",,"1st half 1st cent AD","167",,19 "188","CPS",2006,"D5",,,,,"NW corner","00289-00290","Wreath","litt.bonis","Rectangular","30-35",,,"23",,"10-13","CAST","CASTI",,"N 5308.15/16","MNR II,2",,,"009, 077, 108, 121, 122, 160, 163, 188",,19 "189","CPS",2009,"B3B",,,,,"U/S","00291-00292",,,,,,,,,"16-17","none",,,"anepigraphic",,,,,"animal footprint - canine.",20 "190","CPS",2009,"F2/F3",,,,,"U/S","00293-00296",,"litt.bonis","Lunate",,"94-110*",,,,"13","1: ELI CA",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Possibly an [AVRELI CAES] stamp (cf CIL 715 and 716 ones)",20 "191","CPV",2009,"Vicus",,"H","H1",,"U/S","00297-00298",,"litt.bonis","Lunate",,,,,,"09-10","1: V","1: OPVS TI CLAVDI 2: SECVNDINI","Gens Domitia","1084b","LSO 841 ","Steinby 54","AD 123-124","133",,20 "192","CPV",2009,"Vicus",,"A",,,"U/S","00299-00300","Branch at the end ","litt.bonis","Circular",,"72-76*",,,,"10","FIG•CV","EX•FIG•CVRTIANIS","Figl. Curtianae","147","CIL XIV 4089.13","Steinby 36","early 2nd cent AD",,,20 "193","CPV",2005,"Vicus",,"Z",,"Z Grid Square 1","14 (walling)","Photo ID: 00002621, 00005257-00005259",,"litt. cavis ","Rectangular",,,,,,,"1: APR E[[T P?]] 2: E[[X P?]]",,,"unidentified",,,,,, "194","CPV",2008,"Vicus",,"F","F51/F52",,"wall (north face)","00317-00318, drawing ID: 00000192",,"litt.bonis","Lunate",,,,,,,"1: [[AR?IAER?I?]]",,,"unidentified",,,,,, "195","CPV",1991,"Vicus",,"F","F50","41","in vault","00307-00311",,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus",,"93","37",,,,"illegible",,,"unidentified",,,,,, "196","CPV",1989,"Vicus",,"H",,"Q","U/S between A13 doorway and base 39","No Photo - site notebook",,"litt. bonis","Rectangular","27",,,"37",">100",,"1: ELEVTHERI ET 2: CAESARIS","1: ELEVTHERI ET SINDAE 2: CAESARIS",,"1128",,,,"11, 29, 33, 53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 82, 88, 139, 140, 175, 181","cf. note on the Eleutheri, cat. no. 55.", "197","CPV",1991,"Vicus",,"E","E6",,"N wall in situ","No Photo - site notebook",,"litt. bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus","45",,,,,,"1: IDIBVS MART•EX 2: PA..INO•ET 3: CO","1: IDIBVS MART(iis)• EX FIG(linis) MYRINIANIS 2: PAETINO ET• APRONIAN(o) 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 88","LSO 328","Steinby 67","AD 123","27, 66, 97, 117, 146",, "198","CPV",1991,"Vicus",,"E","E6",,"N wall in situ","No Photo - site notebook",,"litt. bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: IBVS MA 2: PRON","1: IDIBVS MART(iis) EX FIGL(inis) MYRINIANIS 2: APRONIANO ET PAE-TINO 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 87","LSO 327","Steinby 67","AD 123","25, 101, 145, 148, 298",, "199","CPV",1985,"Vicus",,"S",,"S","U/S","00316","Hercules facing right, club on right shoulder, lion skin on right arm, ?cup in left","litt. bonis","Lunate","32-36",,,"27",,,"1: [[S]] EX PRAEDIS AVRELI C[[AES]] 2: OFICI•IERONYMI","1: OPVS (doliare) EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES(ari) 2: OFICI(na)• IERONYMI",,"715","LSO 615",,"c. AD 139-161","6, 7, 8,180, 245, 261","Appears to be from same matrix as 008", "200","CPV",2008,"Vicus",,"F","F50",,"U/S brick pile NW corner","00304",,,"Lunate",,,,,,,"1: ANI… 2: [[L?]]","1: ANICETI DOMIT P F 2: LVCILLAE","Gens Domitia","1026b","LSO 792","Steinby 47, 52","c. 123?",,"Most likely 1026b, given letter forms and spacing, cf. example in LSO 792.", "201","CPV",2008,"Vicus",,"F","F39",,"U/S","00305-00306","Branch at end of line","litt. bonis","Lunate",,,,,,,"1: [[N]] DOMIT sistrum AMANDI 2: [[L]]EAT• QV.•FEC","1: CN DOMIT(i) sistrum AMANDI 2: VALEAT•QVI•FEC(it)","Gens Domitia","1097f","LSO 860","Steinby 47, 56","70-80",,"Rooftile.", "202","CPV",1985,"Vicus",,"A","A31",,"Drain",,,"litt. bonis ","Lunate",,,,,,,,"1: OP(us)• DOL(iare) EX PR(aedis) (duorum) DOM(inorum) N(ostrorum) AVG(ustorum) 2: TITIAES RVFINAES",,"774",,,"c. AD 198-211","142, 149, 156","Text as identified from cast, now lost", "203","CPV",1985,"Vicus",,"A","A31",,"Drain",,,"litt.bonis","Lunate, small orbiculus",,,,,,,,"1: OPVS DOL(iare) DE PRAED(is) AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum) EX 2: FIGL(inis) VET(eres) CAECIL(ia?) AMANDA","Figl. Domitianae Veteres","195","CIL V 8110.170","Steinby 37, 39","AD 198-211","208, 211","Text as identified from cast, now lost", "204","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C",,,,,,,"Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: D VETVRI CERDON EX P AN 2: VER APR ET PAET 3: COS ","1: D•VETURI•CERDON(is) EX P(raedis) AN(ni) 2: VER(i) APR(oniano) ET PAET(ino) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus)","Pr. Quintanensia","802","LSO 665","Steinby 78-79","AD 123","212, 218","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.5 [no.1]", "205","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,"litt. bonis ","Circular",,,,,,,"1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)","1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)",,"919, 5308.12",,,,"159, 179, 234, 299","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.5 [no.2]", "206","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,"Pine cone surrounded by leaves",,"Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: EX OFIC OP DO•EX PR•CAES N 2: Q•OPPI•PROCVLI","1: EX•OFIC(ina?)•OP(us)•DOL(iare)•EX•PR(aedis)•CAES (ari)•N(ostri) 2: Q•OPPI•PROCVLI","Figl. Oceanae","364","LSO 345; CIL IX 6078.8","Steinby 69, 72",,,"Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.5[no.3]", "207","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,"litt. bonis ","Lunate, small orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: OP NN FIG SV 2: PER RVFINI","1: OP(us)•DOL(iare)•EX•PR(aedis)•AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum)•FIG(linis)•SV 2: PERIOR(ibvs)• LANI•RVFINI• ","Figl. Superiores","602","LSO 496","Gasperoni 2005, 118 n. 58; Steinby 92","AD 198-211","120, 151, 152, 154, 155","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.5[no.4]", "208","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,"Woman facing left, cornucopia in left hand, palm branch on right (Hilaritas?)","litt.bonis","Lunate, small orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: OPVS DOL DE PRAED AVGG NN EX 2: FIGL VET CAECIL AMANDA","1: OPVS DOL(iare) DE PRAED(is) AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum) EX 2: FIGL(inis) VET(eres) CAECIL(ia?) AMANDA","Figl. Domitianae Veteres","195","CIL V 8110.170","Steinby 37, 39","AD 198-211","203, 211","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.6 [no.5]", "209","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,,"Rectangular",,,,,,,"1: M. CAP VRNI 2: C.LVCILI. HELIO 3: C [on side] DE.SEX.APP",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.6 [no.6]", "210","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,,"Rectangular",,,,,,,"PHIL SVL","PHIL SVL","Figl. Sulpicianae","597",,"Steinby 89","early 2nd c AD","217","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.6 [no.7]", "211","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,"Woman facing left, cornucopia in left hand, palm branch on right (Hilaritas?)",,"Lunate, small orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: OPVS DOL DE PRAED AVGG NN EX 2: FIGL VET CAECIL AMANDA","1: OPVS DOL(iare) DE PRAED(is) AVGG(ustorum duorum) NN(ostrorum) EX 2: FIGL(inis) VET(eres) CAECIL(ia?) AMANDA","Figl. Domitianae Veteres","195","CIL V 8110.170","Steinby 37, 39","AD 198-211","203, 208","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.9 [no.1]", "212","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,,"Lunate, small orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: D VETVRI CERDON EX 2: VER APR ET PAE 3: COS","1: D•VETURI•CERDON(is) EX P(raedis) AN(ni) 2: VER(i) APR(oniano) ET PAET(ino) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus)","Pr. Quintanensia","802","LSO 665","Steinby 78-79","AD 123","204, 218","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.9 [no.2]", "213","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,,"Circular",,,,,,,"illegible",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.9 [no.3]", "214","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,"Small palm tree in centre",,"not stated",,,,,,,"1: D OS V R(retrograde) O A OO DIA EX I 2: (retrograde) I O D I V P O C I V A M V A ",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.10 [no.4]", "215","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,"litt.bonis","Lunate, Medium orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: OPVS ……. EX PRAEDIS AVG N 2: A PVB.. ICI. CONSORTE","1: OPUS DOLIARE EX PRAEDIS AVG(usti) N(ostri) 2: A PUBLICIO CONSORTE","Figl. Bucconianae","46",,"Steinby 29","Commodus","61","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.10 [no.5]", "216","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,"CASTI CAESAR","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11",,,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.10[no.6]", "217","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,,"Rectangular",,,,,,,"PHIL SVL","PHIL SVL","Figl. Sulpicianae","597",,"Steinby 89","early 2nd c AD","210","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.10 [no.7]", "218","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,,"Lunate, small orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: D VETVR CERDON EX P AN 2:………R ET PAE","1: D•VETURI•CERDON(is) EX P(raedis) AN(ni) 2: VER(i) APR(oniano) ET PAET(ino) 3: CO(n)S(ulibus)","Pr. Quintanensia","802","LSO 665","Steinby 78-79","AD 123","204, 212","Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.10 [no.8]", "219","CPV",1909,"Vicus",,"A/C/H",,,,,,,"Circular",,,,,,,"1:OP……BLIEIANCCA 2:……NFECSINIV",,,"unidentified",,,,,"Donated to MNR 1910-MS list p.10 [no.9]", "220","CPS",1906,"G3",,,,,,,,,"Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"1: O(pus)•D(oliare)•EX•PR(aedis)•D(omitiae)•L(vcillae)• EX•OF(ficina)•Q•F(lavi?)•A(prilis) 2: L•ST(atio)•QVADR (ato) ET CC(uspio) RVF(ino) 3: CO(n)sulibus","Gens Domitia","1065","CIL VIII 22632.14","MonAL XVI 1906, 260; NSc 1906, 407; Steinby 47, 54","AD 142","183, 221, 222",, "221","CPS",1906,"G3",,,,,,,,,"Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"1: O(pus)•D(oliare)•EX•PR(aedis)•D(omitiae)•L(vcillae)• EX•OF(ficina)•Q•F(lavi?)•A(prilis) 2: L•ST(atio)•QVADR (ato) ET CC(uspio) RVF(ino) 3: CO(n)sulibus","Gens Domitia","1065","CIL VIII 22632.14","MonAL XVI 1906, 260; NSc 1906, 407; Steinby 47, 54","AD 142","183, 220, 222",, "222","CPS",1906,"G3",,,,,,,,,"Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"1: O(pus)•D(oliare)•EX•PR(aedis)•D(omitiae)•L(vcillae)• EX•OF(ficina)•Q•F(lavi?)•A(prilis) 2: L•ST(atio)•QVADR (ato) ET CC(uspio) RVF(ino) 3: CO(n)sulibus","Gens Domitia","1065","CIL VIII 22632.14","MonAL XVI 1906, 260; NSc 1906, 407; Steinby 47, 54","AD 142","183, 220, 221",, "223","CPS",1906,"G3?",,,,,,,,,"Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"AVR THALL EX FIGL(inis) MARCIAN(is)","Figl. Marcianae","326","S. 575, LSO 318","NSc 1906, 407; Steinby 61-66","Antoninus Pius","111?, 224",, "224","CPS",1906,"G3?",,,,,,,,,"Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"AVR THALL EX FIGL(inis) MARCIAN(is)","Figl. Marcianae","326","S. 575, LSO 318","NSc 1906, 407; Steinby 61-66","Antoninus Pius","111?, 223",, "225","CPS",1906,"G3?",,,,,,,,,"Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"1: OPVS DOL(iare) EX PRED(is) STATON(iensibus) COMM(odi) AVG(vsti) 2: DOMIN(i) NN(ostri) EX FIG(linis) MA() DISP(ensatoris or M. ADI SPE(rati?)) ",,"541a","CIL VIII 22632.6, CIL XI, 1402","NSc 1906, 408; Steinby 88","Commodus",,, "226","CPS",1906,"G3",,,,,,,,,"Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"1:L•BRVTTIDI•AVCVSTALIS 2: OPVS•DOLIARE","Figl. Oceanae Minores","377a","LSO 357","MonAL XVI, 1906, 260 ff.; NSc 1906, 408; Steinby 69, 70","Late Trajanic",,, "227","CPS",1906,"G3",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Lunate",,,,,,,"1: EX OFIC.L TVT.IANVARI 2: FIG.SCAVR LTL.P","1: EX•OFIC(ina)•L•TVT(ili)•IANVARI 2: FIG(linis) SCAVR(ianis?) L•T(utili)•L(uperci)• P(ontiani)","Figl. Scaur(ianae)","2158","CIL XIV 5308.3, S. 410, LSO 1132 ","MonAL XVI, 1906, 261ff.; NSc 1906, 408; Steinby 86, 104","late Hadrianic/ Antoninus Pius","74, 264, 267",, "228","CPS",1906,"G3",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"1: EX•PR(aedis)•DOMITIAE LVCILLAE EX• FIG(linis)• DOMIT(ianis) 2: MINORIB(us)OP(us)•DOL(iare)•AELI• ALE 3: XANDRI","Figl. Domitianae Minores","171","LSO 201","MonAL XVI,1906, 260; NSc 1906, 408; Gasperoni 2005, 117, n. 47. Steinby, 38 and 44 for start date","post AD 138-155/161","84, 168, 229",, "229","CPS",1906,"G3",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"1: EX•PR(aedis)•DOMITIAE LVCILLAE EX• FIG(linis)• DOMIT(ianis) 2: MINORIB(us)OP(us)•DOL(iare)•AELI• ALE 3: XANDRI","Figl. Domitianae Minores","171","LSO 201","MonAL XVI,1906, 260; NSc 1906, 408; Gasperoni 2005, 117, n. 47. Steinby, 38 and 44 for start date","post AD 138-155/161","84, 168, 228",, "230","CPS",1906,"G3",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1: O(pvs) DO(liare) EX PR(aedis) IMP COMO(di) AVC(usti) F(iglinis) CAN(inianis) (retrograde) 2: RVTILI SVCCESS (retrograde)","Figl. Caninianae","135 or var. of 135","S.43; KM 24","NSc 1906, 408; Steinby 34-35","Commodus"," cf. cat. no. 002 for similar stamp (CIL XV, 134)",, "231","CPS",1906,"G3",,,,,,"ibid p.409 fig.1",,,"Circular",,,,,,,"1: CASTI 2: CAESARIs (lineis rectis)","1: CASTI 2: CAESARIs (lineis rectis)",,"5308.13b",,"NSc 1906, 408ff",,,, "232","CPS",,,,,,,,"ibid p.409 fig.2",,,"Circular",,,,,,,"1: AVGVSTI 2: CASTVS (lineis rectis)","1: AVGVSTI 2: CASTVS (lineis rectis)",,"5308.14","LSO 10","NSc 1906, 409 ",,"233","Identified as CIL 919 in NSc 1906, this is actually a variant, CIL XIV 5308.14", "233","CPS",,,,,,,,,,,"Circular",,,,,,,"1: AVGVSTI 2: CASTVS (lineis rectis)","1: AVGVSTI 2: CASTVS (lineis rectis)",,"5308.14","LSO 10","NSc 1906, 409",,"232","Identified as CIL 919 in NSc 1906, this is actually a variant, CIL XIV 5308.14", "234","CPS",,,,,,,,,,"litt. bonis ","Circular",,,,,,,"1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)","1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)",,"919, 5308.12",,"NSc 1906, 409",,"159, 179, 205, 299",, "235","CPS",,"A2",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,"C•IVLI•GORG","C•IVLI•GORG",,"S. 318","N.1204/1205"," Bloch 221","2nd quarter 1st cent AD??","130, 291-297",, "236","CPS",1984,"C2","baths 5b",,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,," 1: AVDI MAXIMI 2: AB ISIS","1:EX PR(aedis)•CLAVDI•MAXIMI 2: AB ISIS","Ab Isis","252","LSO 256","Castelporziano I, 59 n.18; Steinby 46. Cozzo, pl. L, fig. 166","Trajanic, before AD 112","237, 238",, "237","CPS",1984,"C2","baths 5b",,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,," 1: EX PR 2: AB I ","1:EX PR(aedis)•CLAVDI•MAXIMI 2: AB ISIS","Ab Isis","252","LSO 256","Castelporziano I, 59 n.18; Steinby 46. Cozzo, pl. L, fig. 166","Trajanic, before AD 112","236, 238",, "238","CPS",1984,"C2","baths 5b",,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,," 1: EX PR 2: AB I ","1:EX PR(aedis)•CLAVDI•MAXIMI 2: AB ISIS","Ab Isis","252","LSO 256","Castelporziano I, 59 n.18; Steinby 46. Cozzo, pl. L, fig. 166","Trajanic, before AD 112","236, 237",, "239","CPS ",1984,"C2","baths 5b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"CN D….CL ","CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS","Gens Domitia","1102b",,"Castelporziano I, 59 n.18; Steinby 47, 56","early Trajanic",,, "240","CPS",1984,"C2","zone 1",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1: PVB…….. 2: OFICI E OM",,,"unidentified",,"Castelporziano I, 64",,,, "241","CPS",1984,"C2","zone 1",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"CN. DOMIT",,"Gens Domitia","unidentified ",,"Castelporziano I, 64; Steinby 47-58",,,, "242","CPS ",1983,"C2","zone 1",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"EX FIGL. CLAVDI SECVNDI",,"Gens Domitia","unidentified ",,"Castelporziano I, 64; cf. cat.nos 133, 191 and 266 for other Ti. Claudius Secundinus stamps (CIL 1084b and 718) ","Hadrian-Marcus Aurelius",,"The known stamps of Claudius Secondinus all use a version of opus doliare, suggesting that either this is a new stamp, or that the transcription is incorrect.", "243","CPS",1984,"C2","zone 8 p",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1: EX F. OCEAN O D ","1: EX•F(iglinis)•OCEAN(is)•OP(us)•DOLIAR(e)•CAES(aris)• N(ostri)•QVAS CV(rant) 2: OP(pius) PROCUL(us) ET OP(pius) IVST(us) PV(?)","Figl. Oceanae","363?","LSO 344","Castelporziano I, 64; Steinby 69,70; Cozzo Pl. LIV, fig. 180","Hadrianic",,"According to the letters, the most likely stamp type is CIL XV, 363.", "244","CPS",1984,"C2","east of",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"OPVS..",,,"unidentified",,"Castelporziano I, 64",,,, "245","CPS",1984,"C2","east of",,,,,,,"litt. bonis ","Lunate",,,,,,,"1: ...EDIS AVRELI CAES 2: ONYMI..","1: OPVS (doliare) EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES(ari) 2: OFICI(na)• IERONYMI",,"715","LSO 615","Castelporziano I, 64","c. AD 139-161","6, 7, 8,180, 199, 261",, "246","CPS",1984,"C2","east of",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"..AEVIVS…",,,"unidentified",,"Castelporziano I, 64",,,, "247","CPS ",1984,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"...ESA…",,,"unidentified",,"Castelporziano I, 64",,,, "248","CPS",1984,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1: ...PTH 2: AB…",,,"unidentified",,"Castelporziano I, 65",,,, "249","CPS",1984,"C2","U/S",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1: M•PVBLIC… 2: OFFI DO… 3: MA","1: M•PVBLICI•IANVARI 2: EX OFFI(cina)•DOLEARIA 3: MAIORIS",,"1390","LSO 1026; CIL VIII 22632.34","Castelporziano I, 65",,,, "250","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 1",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "251","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 2",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "252","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 3",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "253","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 4",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "254","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 5",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "255","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 6",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "256","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 7",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "257","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 8",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "258","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 9",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "259","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 10",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "260","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 11",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "261","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 12",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "262","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 13","00314-00315",,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"1: CNDOMI[TI] 2: CLEMENT[IS]","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "263","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 14",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "264","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 15",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "265","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 16",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "266","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 17",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "267","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 18",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "268","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,"relieving arch 19",,,,"Lunate ",,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Clemens, text not given","probably CN DOMITI CLEMENTIS ","Gens Domitia","probably 1102",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","end 1st-early 2nd c AD","250-268","Cat. nos 250-268 are all from the same relieving arch", "269","CPS",1985,"C2","baths 5b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Stamp of Cn. Domitius Arignotus, text not given","CN DOMIT(i) ARICNOT(i) ","Gens Domitia","1094","cf. LSO 852 for CIL XV 1094i = 1099 = S.284","Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 56","Domitianic",,"This stamp must be one of the CIL XV, 1094 types.", "270","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,"Lunate",,,,,,,"Stamp of the figlinae Isiacae, text not given",,"Ab Isis","unidentified",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47","Trajanic",,, "271","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,"Lunate",,,,,,,"Stamp of the figlinae Isiacae, text not given",,"Ab Isis","unidentified",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 46","Trajanic",,, "272","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,"Lunate",,,,,,,"Stamp of the figlinae Isiacae",,"Ab Isis","unidentified",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 46","Trajanic",,, "273","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Stamp of M. Flavius Aper, text not given",,,"unidentified",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 77 and n. 3","c. AD 140-160",,, "274","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Stamp of Rutilius Lupus, text not given",,"Figl. Brutianae","unidentified",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 27-29","late Trajanic",,, "275","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Stamp of Faustina, text not given",,,"unidentified",,"Castelporziano II, 47","c. AD 145-176",,, "276","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"EX PR. M.AVRELI ANTONINI AVG","1: OP(us) DOL(iare) EX PR(aedis). M AVRELI ANTO 2: NINI AVG(usti) N(ostri) PORT(us) LIC(ini)","de Portu Licini","408",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 73-74","AD 211-217",,, "277","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"CONIS APPVLEI",,,"unidentified",,"Castelporziano II, 47",,"any relationship to cat. no. 62?",, "278","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Stamp of Successus, text not given",,,"unidentified, ?new stamp",,"Castelporziano II, 47; cf. Bloch 1937 66, 160, 176",,,, "279","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Stamp of Earinus, officinator of Domitia Lucilla, text not given ",,"Gens Domitia","unidentified",,"Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 52","Hadrianic-early Antonine",,"Known Earinus stamps: CIL XV, 1022, 1047-1050, and S. 497", "280","CPS",1985,"C2","zone 5",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Stamp of Earinus, officinator of Domitia Lucilla, text not given ",,"Gens Domitia","unidentified","cf. e.g. CIL XV 1047-1050","Castelporziano II, 47; Steinby 47, 52","Hadrianic-early Antonine",,"Known Earinus stamps: CIL XV, 1022, 1047-1050, and S. 497", "281","CPS",1901,"C2","U/S",,,,,,,"lit. bonis","lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,,"1: C NINIDI FELICIS OP(vs) FIG(linum) DOLIA(re) 2: (ex praedis) L AURELI{O} COMMOD(i) vel L AURELI{O} COMMOD(o sc. consule)",,"738","LSO 634","Ashby BSR TA1, fol. 32; Steinby 66 n. 3","c. AD 138-169",,, "282","CPS",1903,"F4 ","U/S",,,,,,,"litt. bonis ","Lunate",,,,,,,"1:OPVS……..IS AVRELI CAES 2: O I…..MI","1: OPVS (doliare) EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES(ari) 2: OFICI(na)• IERONYMI",,"715","LSO 615","Ashby BSR TA1, fol. 36","c. AD 139-161","7, 8,180, 199, 245",, "283","CPS",1903,"F17","U/S",,,,,,,"litt. bonis ","Lunate",,,,,,,"1: ELI CAES 2: RI","1: OPVS (doliare)EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES(aris) 2: OFICI(na) MERCVRI vel MERCVRI(alis) ","Figl. Fulvianae","716","LSO 616, CIL XIV 4089.5","Ashby BSR TA1, fol. 58a; Steinby 42","c. AD 139-161","266",, "284","CPS",1903,"G2","U/S",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1: OPVS DOLIARE EX•PRAED(is) FAVS(tinae) 2: AVG(vstae) N(ostrae) vel AVG(vsti) N(ostri) CALVI CRESCEN(tis)","Figl. (Domitianae) Novae","726",,"Ashby BSR TA1, fol 58a; Steinby 37, 40","c. AD 147-175",,, "285","CPS",1903,"G2","U/S",,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Lunate",,,,,,,,"1: EX•OFIC(ina)•L•TVT(ili)•IANVARI 2: FIG(linis) SCAVR(ianis?) L•T(utili)•L(uperci)• P(ontiani)","Figl. Scaur(ianae)","2158","CIL XIV 5308.3, S. 410, LSO 1132 ","Ashby BSR TA1, fol.58a; Steinby 86, 104","late Hadrianic/ Antoninus Pius","74, 227, 267",, "286","CPS",1903,"G3-4","U/S",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"CCA V",,,"unidentified",,"Ashby BSR TA1, fol.58a",,,, "287","CPS ",1906,"G3",,,,,"room G in situ",,,"litt. bonis ","Lunate",,,,,,,"1: OPVS EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES 2: OFICI MERCVRI","1: OPVS (doliare)EX PRAEDIS AVRELI CAES(aris) 2: OFICI(na) MERCVRI vel MERCVRI(alis) ","Figl. Fulvianae","716","LSO 616, CIL XIV 4089.5","MonAL XVI, 1906, 260; Steinby 42","c. AD 139-161","262",, "288","CPS",1990,"A2",,,,,"surface find",,,,"lunate, medium orbiculus",,,,,,,"1: OP DOL [EX] PR CAES NN 2: CL SECVNDINI","1: OP(us) DOL(iare) [EX] PR(aedis) CAES(arorum duorum?) NN(ostrorum) 2: CL(audi) SECVNDINI","Gens Domitia?","718",,"Ramieri 1995, 412; Steinby 43, 54","c. AD 139-161",,"The date is given in Castelporziano I. Cf. cat.nos. 133, 191 and 242 for other Ti. Claudi Secundini stamp (CIL 1084b and 718) ", "289","CPS",,"A2",,,,,"trench next to wall 13",,,"litt.bonis","Lunate",,,,,,,,"1: EX•OFIC(ina)•L•TVT(ili)•IANVARI 2: FIG(linis) SCAVR(ianis?) L•T(utili)•L(uperci)• P(ontiani)","Figl. Scaur(ianae)","2158","CIL XIV 5308.3, S. 410, LSO 1132 ","Ramieri 1995, 414; Steinby 86, 104 ","late Hadrianic/ Antoninus Pius","74, 227, 264",, "290","CPS",,"A2",,,,,"24",,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,"CASTI•CAESAR","CASTI•CAESAR",,"5308.15","LSO 11","Ramieri 1995, 414 ",,"19, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 100, 123, 132, 134, 137, 144, 164, 216, 290",, "291","CPS",,"A2",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,,"C•IVLI•GORG",,"S. 318","N.1204/1205"," Bloch 221","(2nd quarter 1st cent AD??)","130, 235, 292-297","One of 7 examples from the so-called Villa of Pliny at Castel Fusano.", "292","CPS",,"A2",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,,"C•IVLI•GORG",,"S. 318","N.1204/1205"," Bloch 221","(2nd quarter 1st cent AD??)","130, 235, 291, 293-297","One of 7 examples from the so-called Villa of Pliny at Castel Fusano", "293","CPS",,"A2",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,,"C•IVLI•GORG",,"S. 318","N.1204/1205"," Bloch 221","(2nd quarter 1st cent AD??)","130, 235, 291, 292, 294-297","One of 7 examples from the so-called Villa of Pliny at Castel Fusano", "294","CPS",,"A2",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,,"C•IVLI•GORG",,"S. 318","N.1204/1205"," Bloch 221","(2nd quarter 1st cent AD??)","130, 235, 291-293, 295-297","One of 7 examples from the so-called Villa of Pliny at Castel Fusano", "295","CPS",,"A2",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,,"C•IVLI•GORG",,"S. 318","N.1204/1205"," Bloch 221","(2nd quarter 1st cent AD??)","130, 235, 291-294, 296, 297","One of 7 examples from the so-called Villa of Pliny at Castel Fusano", "296","CPS",,"A2",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,,"C•IVLI•GORG",,"S. 318","N.1204/1205"," Bloch 221","(2nd quarter 1st cent AD??)","130, 235, 291-295, 297","One of 7 examples from the so-called Villa of Pliny at Castel Fusano", "297","CPS",,"A2",,,,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,,"C•IVLI•GORG",,"S. 318","N.1204/1205"," Bloch 221","(2nd quarter 1st cent AD??)","130, 235, 291-296","One of 7 examples from the so-called Villa of Pliny at Castel Fusano", "298","CPV",1991,,,"F","F34",,"1st step N end pool",,,,,,,,,,,"1: EXFIGMYRIN 2:AEINETAPRONA 3: COS","1: IDIBVS MART(iis) EX FIGL(inis) MYRINIANIS 2: APRONIANO ET PAE-TINO 3: COS","Figl. Myrinianae","S. 87","LSO 327","Steinby 67","AD 123","25, 101, 145, 148, 198",, "299","CPS",,,,"F",,,,,,"litt.bonis","Rectangular",,,,,,,"1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)","1: CASTI 2: CAES•ARIS 3: AVGV (lineis rectis)",,"919, 5308.12",,"Anderson Cat.no. 140, fig. 35",,"159, 179, 205, 234",, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Abbreviations and Bibliography",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "AAFP = Steinby, M. (1974) “I bolli laterizi degli Antiquari del Foro e del Palatino” MemAccLinc 17.3: 6-109.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Agg. = “Aggiunte, completamenti e correzioni a CIL XV, 1” in Steinby, M. (1987) Indici complementari ai bolli doliari urbani (CIL XV, 1). Rome: 31-50.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Anderson = Anderson, J.C. (1991) ""The Thomas Ashby Collection of Roman Brick Stamps in the American Academy in Rome"" London. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Ashby BSR TA1 = British School at Rome, Ashby Archive, box TA1",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Bloch = Bloch, H. I bolli laterizi e la storia edilizia romana. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Bloch, ScO I = H. Bloch, 'I bolli laterizi nella storia edilizia di Ostia', in G. Calza (ed.), Scavi di Ostia I. Topografia generale, Roma 1953, 215-227",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Castelporziano I = AA.VV. (1985) Castelporziano I : campagna di scavo e restauro 1984. Rome.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Castelporziano II = AA.VV. (1988) Castelporziano II : campagna di scavo e restauro 1985-1986. Rome.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Cozzo = Cozzo, G. (1936) Una industria nella Roma imperiale : la corporazione dei figuli ed i bolli doliari. Rome.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "DeLaine 2002 = J. DeLaine, “Building activity in Ostia in the second century AD,” in C. Bruun - A.G. Zevi (eds) Ostia e Portus nelle loro relazioni con Roma, ActaInstRomFin 27. Roma: 41-101.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Filippi-Stanco 2005 = Filippi, G. and Stanco, E.A. (2005) “Epigrafia e toponomastica della produzione laterizia nella Valle del Tevere: l’Umbria e la Sabina tra Tuder e Crustumerium; l’Etruria tra Volsinii e Lucus Feroniae” in Bruun, C. (ed.) Interpretare",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Gasperoni 2005 = Gasperoni, T. (2005) “Nuove acquisizioni dai praedia dei Domitii nella valle del Fosso del Rio” in Bruun, C. (ed.) Interpretare i bolli laterizi di Roma e della valle del Tevere: Produzione, storia economica e topografica. Rome: 103-199. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Gliozzo 2005 = Gliozzo, E. (2005) “La diffusione dell’opus doliare “urbano” nell’Etruria romana: rapport tra produzione ‘urbana’e ‘municipale’” in Bruun, C. (ed.) Interpretare i bolli laterizi di Roma e della valle del Tevere: Produzione, storia economica",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Hetland 2007 = Hetland, L. M. (2007), ""Dating the Pantheon"", Journal of Roman Archaeology 20.1: 95-112.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Indici = Steinby, M. (1987) Indici complementari ai bolli doliari urbani (CIL XV, 1). Rome.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "KM = Bodel, J.P. (1983) Roman Brick Stamps in the Kelsey Museum. Ann Arbor.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "LSO = Steinby, M. (1977) Lateres Signati Ostienses. Rome. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "NSc = Notizie degli scavi di antichità",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "BullCom = Bullettino della commissione archeologica communale di Roma.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "MonAL = Monumenti Antichi, pubblicati dall’Accademia dei Lincei.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "MNR I = Alfonsi Mattei, G., Camilli, L., Pavolini, C., Taglietti, F. and Zara, G. (1973) “Contributo allo studio dei bolli laterizi del Museo Nazionale Romano” RendLinc 28: 295-348.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "MNR II = Camilli, L. and Taglietti, F. (1979) “Nuovo contributo allo studio dei bolli laterizi del Museo Nazionale Romano” RendLinc 34: 187-222.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Ramieri 1995 = Ramieri, A.M. (1995), ""La villa di Plinio a Castel Fusano"", Archeologia Laziale 12, 407-416.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "S. = Bloch, H. (1948) Supplement to Volume XV,1 of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum including Complete Indices to the Roman Brick-Stamps. Cambridge, Mass.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Steinby = Steinby, M. (1977) “La cronologia dalle “figlinae” doliari urbane dalla fine dell’età repubblicana fino all’inizio del III secolo” BullCom 84: 7-132.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "U/S = Unstratified find (i.e. surface/loose find)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Notes :",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Conventional epigraphic notation has been used to record the inscriptions. However, due to the typographical limitations of EXCEL, the ligatures between letters have been represented by a line under the letters, e.g.: ELEUTHERI. In cases where two or more",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,