Title: |
An Anglo-Saxon copper-alloy disc
Issue: |
Antiq J 66 |
Series: |
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of London
Volume: |
Page Start/End: |
384 - 386 |
Biblio Note |
Please note that this is a bibliographic record only, as originally entered into the BIAB database.
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Publication Type: |
Abstract: |
Dredged from the Thames, the disc has roundels in a cross-pattern and 7th century ribbon-style animal decoration. Results of X-ray fluorescence analysis are reported, and SEM examination indicated the use of fire-gilding. |
Year of Publication: |
Subjects / Periods: |
Firegilding (Auto Detected Subject) |
7th Century (Auto Detected Temporal) |
Source: |
(British Archaeological Abstracts (BAA))
Created Date: |
05 Dec 2008 |