Branch, N. P., Hamilton, J., Mays, S. and Thomas, K. D. (2010). Book Reviews. Early agriculture in uncertain climates. Vol 15(2), pp. 199-206.

Title: Book Reviews
Issue: Early agriculture in uncertain climates
Series: Circaea
Volume: 15 (2)
Number of Pages: 97
Page Start/End: 199 - 206
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Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: Includes reviews of: Buteux, S. and Chapman, H. 2009. Where River Meet: the Archaeology of Catholme and the Trent Tame Confluence (CBA Research Report 161). York Council for British Archaeology. 92 pp. ISBN: 978-1902771- 78-6. £15.00 (paperback) by Nicholas Branch; Serjeantson, D. and Rees, H. (eds). 2009. Food, Craft, and Status in Medieval Winchester, The plant and animal remains from the suburbs and city defences. Winchester: Winchester Museums. 296pp. ISBN: 978-0- 86135-018-6. £17.00 (paperback) by Julie Hamilton; Schutkowski, H. (ed). 2008. Between Biology and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 314pp. ISBN: 9780 521859363. £64.99 (paperback) by Simon Mays; Allen, M.J., Sharples, N. and O'Connor, T. (eds). 2009. Land and People: Papers in memory of John G. Evans . Prehistoric Society Research Paper 2. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 240pp. ISBN: 978-1-84217-373-2. £35.00 (hardback) by Ken Thomas. SH
Author: Nicholas P Branch
Julie Hamilton
Simon Mays
Kenneth D Thomas
Year of Publication: 2010
Subjects / Periods:
MEDIEVAL (Historic England Periods)
1500 (Auto Detected Temporal)
Source icon
BIAB (biab_online)
Created Date: 21 Aug 2012