Borland, J., Fraser, I. and Sherriff, J. R. (2007). Eight socket stones from eastern Scotland. Tayside Fife Archaeol J 13. Vol 13, pp. 100-111.

Title: Eight socket stones from eastern Scotland
Issue: Tayside Fife Archaeol J 13
Series: Tayside & Fife Archaeological Journal
Volume: 13
Page Start/End: 100 - 111
Biblio Note Please note that this is a bibliographic record only, as originally entered into the BIAB database. The ADS have no files for download, and unfortunately cannot advise further on where to access hard copy or digital versions.
Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: The paper describes and illustrates eight socket stones from eastern Scotland, ranging in date from the early medieval to post-medieval periods.
Author: John Borland
Iain Fraser
John R Sherriff
Year of Publication: 2007
Subjects / Periods:
Medieval To Postmedieval Periods (Auto Detected Temporal)
Source icon
BIAB (The British & Irish Archaeological Bibliography (BIAB))
Created Date: 16 Jan 2008