Mace, T., Vyner, B., Keefe, K., Walker, A., Elseworth, D. W., Fitzpatrick, A. and Holst, M. (2019). A Bronze Age cremation cemetery at Jack Hill, Allithwaite. Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society 19 (series 3). Vol 19, pp. 1-22.  Cite this via datacite

Title: A Bronze Age cremation cemetery at Jack Hill, Allithwaite
Issue: Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society 19 (series 3)
Series: Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society
Volume: 19
Page Start/End: 1 - 22
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Publication Type: Journal
Abstract: Archaeological work at Jack Hill, Allithwaite, revealed a cluster of Bronze Age cremation related features and burials containing the cremated human remains of 12 individuals. The site is exceptional for Cumbria because of the number of collared urns found; rarely has the full extent of a Bronze Age cremation cemetery been excavated. None of the burials contained multiple individuals and radiocarbon dates indicate the cemetery's use fell within the period 1944 to 1532 cal BC. None of the features intercut and each burial, as well as the site as a whole, may have been marked in some way. There was no evidence for a covering cairn, ditch or ringwork and the focus of the burials is not evident. The burials show considerable variation in form: some were deposited in upright urns, one urn was inverted, and some burials were unurned. The completeness of cremation and the amount of bone recovered also varied, as did associated pyre goods.
Author: Thomas Mace
Blaise Vyner
Katie Keefe
Angela Walker
Daniel W Elseworth
Aisling Fitzpatrick
Malin Holst ORCID icon
Year of Publication: 2019
Site: Jack Hill
County: Cumbria
Place: Allithwaite
Country: England
Grid Reference: 338864, 476163 (Easting, Northing)
Subjects / Periods:
BRONZE AGE (Historic England Periods)
CEMETERY (Monument Type England)
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ADS Archive (ADS Archive)
Created Date: 09 Mar 2021